Cell Division: Test Yourself 16.1 (Page 298)

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Biology Matters G.C.E.

'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Cell Division

Test Yourself 16.1 (page 298)

Growth involves a permanent increase in size as a result of cell division. When a puffer fish
inflates, the increase in size is temporary and is not a result of cell division. Hence growth
cannot be said to have taken place.

Test Yourself 16.2 (page 305)

1 – Anaphase
2 – Metapahse

Test Yourself 16.3 (page 312)

– Meiosis produces haploid gametes.

– Meiosis results in variations in the gametes produced. Random fertilisation results in
variations in the offspring. Variations increase the chances of survival of the species
during changes in the environment.

Get It Right (page 313)

(a) False
Even when an organism stops growing, mitosis still occurs.
(b) False
During interphase, the cell carries out activities like absorbing nutrients and building
up protoplasm.
(c) False
Just like in mitosis, chromatin threads replicate right before meiosis I. In order to
ensure four haploid daughter cells are produced, there is no replication in meiosis II.
(d) True

Let’s Review (page 314)

Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions

1. C
2. A

Section B: Structured Questions

1. (a) A – daughter chromosome

B – nuclear envelope
C – spindle fibre
D – centriole
(b) Cell 1 – anaphase
Cell 2 – interphase
Cell 3 – metaphase
Cell 4 – telophase

2. (a) H, G, C, B, A, E, D, F
(b) A - Separation of homologous chromosomes in anaphase I
G – Pairing up of homologous chromosomes at prophase I
(c) C

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited

Biology Matters G.C.E. 'O' Level (2nd Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 16

Section C: Free-Response Questions

1. – Mitosis is important for the growth of a multicellular organism.

– Mitosis is important for repair of worn-out parts of the body of an organism.
– In some organisms, mitosis is important for asexual reproduction.

2. – Meiosis is a reduction division in cells.

– It produces gametes that contain half the number of chromosomes (haploid
number) as that of the normal body call (diploid number).
– During sexual reproduction, when two gametes fuse, the normal diploid
number of chromosomes is restored in the zygote. This maintains the diploid
chromosome number in the species.

© 2013 Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited


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