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© Ministry of Education, Fiji 2015

The Curriculum Advisory Services (CAS) section of the Ministry of Education owns the
copyright to this text book, YEAR 11 MATHEMATICS. Schools may reproduce this in part or
full for classroom purposes only.

Acknowledgement of the CAS section of the Ministry of Education copyright must be

included on any reproductions.

Any other use of this book must be referred to the Permanent Secretary of Education
through Director CAS, Ministry of Education.

Published By

Ministry of Education

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This Year 11 Mathematics text book is the pioneering attempt by Curriculum Development
Unit for a mathematics text for upper secondary Mathematics.

This book has been compiled and developed by Shiek Mohammed Masud, Senior
Education Officer Mathematics at Curriculum Development Unit.

This is the first time a Mathematics textbook has been developed for upper secondary by
Curriculum Development Unit.

The following teachers are acknowledged for their contribution towards the development
of this textbook:

Mr Amitesh Chandra Exams and Assessment Unit

Mrs Nazmin Nisha Nasinu Muslim College

Mr Shaheem Ali Nayala High School.

Ms Abhu Keshni Lal Lelean Memorial School

Mr Nilesh Chand Nasinu Secondary School

Mrs Shaleshni Prasad Lelean Memorial School

Pierce, Rod. "Math is Fun - Maths Resources" Math Is Fun. Ed. Rod Pierce. 3 Nov
2014. 11 Jan 2015 <>



This textbook is the first mathematics textbook developed by CDU for Year 11. It is based

on the new syllabus of 2015 which has been revised after two decades.

This book tries to capture the depth of only Year 11 Mathematics content based on the

new syllabus.

This textbook is aimed at complimenting the implementation of the revised syllabus and

act as a resource for teachers in preparation of their lessons.

Year 11 Mathematics textbook is expected to act as a bridging resource from year10 and

establish a strong foundation for higher secondary mathematics in Year 12 and Year 13.

Students are encouraged to keep referring to the notes and illustrations in the book for

better understanding.

Teachers and students are advised to use other resources as well for enhancing of teaching

and learning.




BASIC MATHEMATICS........................ 1
1 Basic Number
Basic NumberTheory.........................................
Theory ………… 1
Operation ..........................................10
Manipulation …………
Measurement …………


2 Manipulation
Manipulation ofof Algebraic
Algebraic Expressions........31
Expressionsand Factorising..............................
…………… 36
Expanding andand In Factorising
- Equation ..........................
…………… 44
Equations ..........................................................
and In - Equation …………… 55
Matrices. .............................................................
Sequences …………… 64
Matrices ……………

STRAND FUNCTIONS...................................74
FUNCTIONS …………………………
3 Domain and Range............................................. 76
Domain and Range …………… 79
Inverse ……………

STRAND GRAPHS........................................83
GRAPHS …………………………
4 Linear Graph...................................................... 83
Linear Graph
Simultaneous …………… 84
Quadratic Equations …………… 93
Cubic Graph …………… 98
Graph ……………104
a Circle.............................................
Graph of aGraph..........................................
Circle ……………107
Exponential Graph ……………


STRAND COORDINATE GEOMETRY.................. 111

5 Writing coordinates........................................ 111
Distance Formula ............................................113
Writing coordinates ……………
Mid-point Formula...........................................114
Distance Formula ……………
Mid-point of a line.............................................115
Formula ……………
EquationLines ....................................................118
of a line. ……………
Parallel Lines Lines.........................................119
Perpendicular Lines ……………


TRIGONOMETRY............................ 121
6 Trigonometric Ratios......................................121
Pythagoras Theorem …………
Pythagoras Theorem...................................... 126
Trigonometric Ratios …………
Trigonometric Graphs.................................... 127
Angles in Radians …………
Angles in Radians............................................ 130
Trigonometric Graphs …………
Angles in Quadrants...................................... 138
Angles in Quadrants …………
Solving Trigonometric Equations................ 142
Solving Trigonometric Equations …………
Exact Values.................................................... 144
Exact Values …………


STATISTICS................................ 146
7 Data.................................................................... 147
Data …………
Measures of Central Tendency................... 154
Measures of Central Tendency …………
Measures of Spread....................................... 159
Measures of Spread …………
Histogram & Bar Graph................................. 160
Histogram & Bar Graph …………
Cumulative Frequency.................................... 162
Cumulative Frequency …………

STRAND PROBABILITY............................... 166
8 Equally Likely...................................................
Equally Likely ………… 167
Space ………… 168
Probability Tree ………… 169

STRAND CALCULUS................................... 175
9 Differentiation.
Differentiation ...............................................
………… 176
………… 187


- Manipulate Binary operations

- Identify Binary properties
- Determine Closure of a set
Sub Strand - Find identity and Inverse
- Know properties of zero
Basic Number Theory - Use order of operation
- Identify everyday measurements
like length, area , volume , mass ,
- Study and use properties of binary capacity, money and time
- Explain and work out closure, identity
and inverse element of a system
- Use calculator and to work with
properties of zero.


A binary operation on A is a rule that assigns to every pair of elements of a unique element
of A.
We are used to addition and multiplication of real numbers and these are examples of
binary operations.
Formally, a binary operation is a function. For example, addition on the integers could be
defined as the function+ (A + B →C) with our familiar way of producing the answer. Thus
+(2,3) = 5 and +(-4,11) = 7. This looks a little too weird and we are probably happier to see
2+3=5 and -4 + 11 =5. Likewise, if * is a binary operation on a set then we will write a*b
rather than *(a,b).

The idea of a binary operation is just a way to produce an element of a set from a given
pair of elements of the same set. In the case of a finite set we could list the rule in a table.

In studying binary operations on sets, we tend to be interested in those operations that

have certain properties


Identity Element

Let A be a set on which there is a binary operation . An element e of this set is called an

identity, e, if for all a Є A

e . a = a

For example 0 is an identity for the usual addition on the real numbers.

Given a binary operation on a set there might be no identity element. We tend to be

familiar with the situation in which there is a unique identity. Also note that an identity for
one operation does not have to be an identity for another operation. Think of addition and
multiplication on the reals where the identities are 0 and 1 respectively.

Being an identity is a global property in the sense that it must work for ALL elements of the

Associative Property

A binary operation * is said to be associative if for all elements a, b and c satisfy :

(a*b)*c = a* (b*c)

For convenience let's drop the symbol for the operation and just write (ab)c = a(bc). The

associative property then allows us to speak of abc without having to worry about whether

we should find the answer to ab first and then that answer "multiplied" by c rather than

evaluate bc first and then "multiply" a with that answer. Whichever way we process the

expression we end up with the same element of the set. Note though that it does not say

we can do the product in any order (i.e. ab and ba may not have the same value).


Commutative Properties

A binary operation * is commutative if


for ALL possible a and b in the set. Addition and multiplication in the reals are commutative

operations whereas multiplication of matrices generally is not.

Note that the definition requires ab = ba for all pairs of elements. That some element

commutes with all elements does not make the operation commutative.

For a finite set whose binary operation is given in a table, it is easy to observe whether the

operation is commutative. If we write the elements along the rows in the same order as

down the column then if the table is symmetric about the diagonal (i.e reflexive in the

leading diagonal) then it is commutative.

Distributive Properties

Suppose there are two binary operations * and # defined on a set A. We say that *

distributes over # if for all a, b and c in A,

a* (b # c) = a *b # a *c and (a # b) * c = a *b # a *c.

Addition over real numbers is associative.

Other examples of distributive operations are set union and intersection.



If identities exist for a certain binary operation then we can talk about inverses (should

they exist). If e is an identity then a is an inverse of b if


Also we need to point out that an element might have more than one inverse or for that

matter, no inverse. Certainly if identities do not exist then it does not make sense to talk

about inverses.

Even if there is an identity then elements may not have an inverse.

So binary operation simply means any operation between two objects.

It is simply a rule for combining two objects of a given type, to obtain another object of that

type. You first learned of binary operations in primary school. The objects you were using

were numbers and the binary operations you investigated were addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division. As you will discover in this text, binary operations need not be

applied only to numbers.



A set is closed (under an operation) if and only if the operation

on two elements of the set produces another element of the
same set. If an element outside the set is produced, then the
operation is not closed.

Example: If you multiply two real numbers, you will get another real number. Since this

process is always true, it is said that the real numbers are "closed under the operation

multiplication". There is simply no way to escape the set of real numbers when


Closure: When you combine any two elements of the set, the result is also
included in the set.

Example: If you add two even numbers (from the set of even numbers),

is the sum even?

10 + 14 = 24 Yes, 24 is even.

6 + 10 = 16 Yes, 16 is even.

8 + 200 = 208 Yes, 208 is even.

Since the sum (the answer) is always even, the set of even numbers is closed

under the operation of addition.

Let's check out this question. If you divide two even

numbers (from the set of even numbers), is the quotient

(the answer) even?


Checking: 20 ÷ 2 = 10 Yes, 10 is even.

24 ÷ 2 = 12 Yes, 12 is even.

30 ÷ 2 = 15 NO, 15 is not even!

When you find even ONE example that does not work, the set is not closed under that
operation. The even numbers are not closed under division.

The elements in a binary table are displayed horizontally and

vertically outside the table (in this table, the elements are 1, 2, 3, and 4).

If the elements inside the table are limited to the elements 1, 2, 3, and 4,

the table is closed under the indicated operation.

Reading the table:

Read the first value from the left hand column and the second value from the top row. The answer

is in the cell where the row and column intersect.

For example, a * b = b, b * b = c, c * d = b, d * b = a.

Example 2 What is the identity element

for the operation * ?
(What single element will
always return the original
The identity element is a.

a * a = a, b * a = b, c * a = c,



This table shows the operation *. The operation is working on the finite set A = { a, b, c,
d}. The table shows the 16 possible calculations using the elements of set A.

Checking for the Identity Element:

You will know the identity element when you see it, because all of the values in its row or

column are the same as the row or column headings.

What is the inverse element for b ?

(What element, when paired with b, will return the identity element a?)

The inverse element of b is d. b*d=a → b =d

Is the operation * commutative?

(Does the property ab = ba hold for

Testing for Commutativity
ALL possible arrangements of values?) Shortcut:
Start testing values: It is easy to check whether an
a * b = b * a is true since both sides equal b. operation defined by a table is
c * d = d * c is true since both sides equal b. commutative. Simply draw a
WOW! Having to test ALL possible arrangements diagonal line from upper left to

could take forever! There must be an easier way..... lower right, and see if the table is
symmetric about this line.

Since this table is symmetric about the diagonal

(from upper left to lower right), the operation is
commutative. It would only have taken one
instance of lack of commutativity for this answer to
have been "no".

The operation * is commutative.


True or False: This question deals with only one case of the

(a * b) * c = a * (b * c) ??? associative property for this

table. Unfortunately there is NO shortcut

for checking associativity as there is for

Perform the operations in the order indicated by the
checking commutativity when working with
a table.
(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
If asked the general question "Does this

operation possess the associative

property?", you would have to check ALL

possible arrangements. On the other hand,

if you find one instance where associativity

fails, you are done and the answer is "NO".


1. Which property is illustrated by the equation ma + mb = m(a + b)

A . Associative B. Commutative C. Distributive D. Identity

2. If A and X represent integers, A + X = X + A is an example of which property?

A . Associative B. Commutative C. Distributive D. Identity

3. Operation # is defined on the set {m, a, t, h } as shown in the table below:

a. Is this operation commutative?

b. Name the identity element, or explain why none
c. For each element having an inverse, name the
element and its inverse.
d. True or false:


4. Operation is defined on the set { a, b, c, d } shown in the table below:

a . Is this operation commutative?

b. Name the identity element, or explain why none exists.
c. For each element having an inverse, name the element
and its inverse.
d. True or false:
d (c b) = (d c) b

5. Operation is defined on the set { 1, 2, 3, 4 } as shown in the table below

a. Is this operation commutative?

b. Name the identity element, or explain why none exists.

c. For each element having an inverse, name the element

and its inverse.

d. True or false: (1 2) 3=1 (2 3)

6. Operation # is defined on the set { , , , } as shown

in the table below:

a. Is this operation commutative?

b. Name the identity element, or explain why none exists.

c. For each element having an inverse, name the element and its inverse.

d. True or false:

#( # )= ( # )#

7. Given: a ♦ b = 2a - 3b
What is the value of - 2 ♦ 5?

8. Given x y = ½ b – 3a , find the value of – 2 6.

9. An operation * is defined on a set of real numbers as a * b = 3 a2 – 5b .

Find the value of

[i] 2*3 [ii] 4 * -2 [iii] -5 * -3


Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following equations follow the concept of commutative property?

When there is more than one operation involved in a mathematical problem, it must be
solved by using the correct order of operations. Remember, calculators will perform
operations in the order which you enter them; therefore, you will need to enter the
operations in the correct order for the calculator to give you the right answer.

* In Mathematics, the order in which mathematical problems are solved is extremely


1. Calculations must be done from left to right.
2. Calculations in brackets (parenthesis) are done first. When you have more than one
set of brackets, do the inner brackets first.
3. Exponents (or radicals) must be done next.
4. Multiply and divide in the order the operations occur.
5. Add and subtract in the order the operations occur.


Remember to:

• Simplify inside groupings of parentheses, brackets and braces first. Work with the
innermost pair, moving outward.
• Simplify the exponents.
• Do the multiplication and division in order from left to right.
• Do the addition and subtraction in order from left to right.

Acronyms to Help you remember

How will you remember this order?

Try the following Acronyms:

* Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sera

(Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract)

(Brackets, Exponents, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract)


12 ÷ 4 + 32 Rule 3: Exponent first

12 ÷ 4 + 9 Rule 4: Multiply or Divide as they appear
3+9 Rule 5: Add or Subtract as they appear
(42 + 5) - 3 Rule 2: Everything in the brackets first
21 - 3 Rule 5: Add or Subtract as they appear
20 ÷ (12 - 2) X 32 - 2 Rule 2: Everything in the brackets first
20 ÷ 10 X 32 - 2 Rule 3: Exponents
20 ÷ 10 X 9 - 2 Rule 4: Multiply and Divide as they appear
18 - 2 Rule 5: Add or Subtract as they appear

Does It Make a Difference? What If I Don't Use the Order of Operations?

Mathematicians were very careful when they developed the order of operations.
Without the correct order, watch what happens:

15 + 5 X 10 -- Without following the correct order, I know that 15+5 =20 multiplied by 10
gives me the answer of 200.

15 + 5 X 10 -- Following the order of operations, I know that 5X10 = 50 plus 15 = 65. This is
the correct answer, the above is not!


You can see that it is absolutely critical to follow the order of operations. Some of the most

frequent errors students make occur when they do not follow the order of operations

when solving mathematical problems. Students can often be fluent in computational work

yet do not follow procedure. Use the handy acronyms to ensure that you never make this

mistake again!!

Addition property:

The addition property says that a number does not change when adding or subtracting zero
from that number

Examples: 2+0=2 x+0=x (a + b) + 0 = a + b

Additive inverse property

If you add two numbers and the sum is zero, we call the two numbers additive inverses of
each other

For example: 2 is the additive inverse of -2 because 2 + -2 = 0

-2 is also the additive inverse of 2 because -2 + 2 = 0

Multiplication property

The multiplication property says that zero times any number is equal to zero

Examples: 2×0=0 265893748945798882 × 0 = 0

x×0=0 (x + y + z + r ) × 0 = 0


Power of 0

When a number is raised to the power 0, we are not actually multiplying the particular

number by 0. For example, let us take 20. In this case we are not actually multiplying the

number 2 by 0.

We define 20 = 1, so that each power of 2 is one factor of 2 larger than the last, e.g., 1,

2,4,8,16,32... This involves the rules of exponents particularly division.

Thus, this result says that number raised to the power zero is equal to 1.

Dividing by 0

To see why we can’t divide by 0, let us look at what is meant by "division”: Division is
splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing".

Example: there are 12 apples, and 3 friends want to share them, how do they divide the

So they get 4 each: 12/3 = 4

Now, let us try dividing the 12 apples among zero people, how much does each person

Does that question even make sense? No, of course it doesn't.

You can't share among zero people, and you can't divide by 0.


Another way of seeing it:

After dividing, can you multiply to get back again?

But multiplying by 0 gives 0, so that won't work.

So what is 0 ÷ 0?

0 ÷ 0 is like asking "how many 0s in 0?"

Are there no zeros in zero at all? Or perhaps there is exactly one zero in zero?

Or many zeros?

So 0 ÷ 0 is indeterminate (it could be any value).

When you try to divide by zero, things stop making sense therefore dividing by 0 is undefined

I Wonder
Test Your Knowledge

I know a way by which I can get a total of 120 by using five zeros 0,0,0,0,0 and any
mathematical operator. Can you do this?


A formula links one quantity to one or more other quantities. For example, A = πr2
This formula can be used to determine A for any given value of r.

Changing the subject of a formula

Changing the subject of a formula is exactly the same as solving an equation. The key thing
to remember is that ‘whatever you do to on one side of the formula you must do to the
other side’.

To rearrange a formula you may

• add or subtract the same quantity to or from both sides
• multiply or divide both sides by the same quantity

We may know the area of a circle and need to find the radius. To do this, we rearrange the
formula to make the radius the subject.

The area of a circle (A) is πr2. So: A = πr2

We will now rearrange the formula to make 'r' the subject.

A = πr2 Start by dividing both sides by π.

Then take the square root of both sides.


1. If F = ma, what's the value of F when m = 5 and a = 3?

F = ma

= 5x3

= 15


2. The formula for the volume (V) of a sphere is: V = 4/3 π r3

Rearrange the formula to make 'r' the subject V = 4/3 π r 3

Multiply both sides by 3. 3V = 4πr3

Divide by 4π.

Take the cube root of both sides.

3. Make x the subject of the formula in y = mx + c

Subtract c from both sides y–c = mx + c − c

Simplify y−c = mx
Divide both sides by y−c = mx
m m
Simplify x = y–c

Formulae with brackets and fractions

If there are brackets included in the formula then it is easier if you expand them first. Look
out for implied brackets in fractions, (part (c) below), and include them where necessary.

Make the subject of the formula in each of the following cases.

a( x + b) = c

Expand the brackets ax + ab = c

Subtract ab from each side ax = c – ab

Divide both sides by a x = c – ab




1 Calculate:

(a) 6+7×2 (b) 8-3×2 (c) 19 - 4 × 3

(d) 3×6–9 (e) 15 - 4 + 7 × 2

2. Decide whether each of the statements below is true or false.

(a) 6 × 7 - 2 = 40 (b) 8 × (6 - 2) + 3 = 56 (c) 35 - 7 × 2 = 56

(d) 3 + 7 × 3 = 30 (e) 18 - (4 + 7) = 21

3. What is the value of this?

4. What is the value of (7 − √9) × (42 − 3 + 1)?

5. What is the value of (33 − 9 / 3) + (4 × 3 − 32)?

6. What is the value of (52 - 5) / (42 + 8 - 7 × -5)?

7. Make x the subject in the formulas

[i] y =axb

[ii] y = w(x +t)

[ii] y = a( x + b) c

[iii] ax – y + z + b

[iv] ax – y = 2y

8. In each case , make the letter at the end the subject of the formula

[i] 2s = 2ut + at2 , (a)

[ii] v2 = u2 + 2as , (s)

[iii] y = a2x + b2 , (a)


9. Make x the subject in the formulas

[i] x= y+z
a b

[ii] a (x + y ) = c

10. In each case, make the letter at the end the subject of the formula

[i] s = ut + 1 at2 , (u)

[ii] v–u=t , (v)

[iii] y – x2 = 3z , (y)

11. In each case, make the letter at the end the subject of the formula

[i] y= x+3 , (x)

[ii] x 2 – y 2 = a2 ,(x)

[iii] x2 + y 2 = y , (x)

[iv] 1=1+1 , (s)

m s t

12. Simplify the following

[i] 3a . 7ab [ii] 3a – 1 . 3a2b
5 3 2b2 9a – 3


Sub Strand Measurement

- List everyday local measurements.

- Use measurements in calculations
- Conversion in measurements
- Determine how interest rate and length of loan affect total cost of credit
- Compare 3 different savings plan
- Show advantages of early loan or credit repayment

In the metric system, each of the common kinds of measure -- length, weight, and capacity

-- has one basic unit of measure. To measure smaller amounts, divide the basic unit into

parts of ten, a hundred, or a thousand, and so on. To measure larger amounts, multiply

the basic unit by ten, a hundred, or a thousand, and so on.

Brief History
The Metric system of measurement was created about two hundred years ago
by a group of French scientists to simplify measurement.

Length: Capacity:

1 kilometre (km) = 1000 meters (m) 1millilitre = .001 liter (l)

1 centimetre (cm) = .01 meter (m)
1 millimetre (mm) = .001 meter (m)
Weight: Kilo means thousand (1000)
Hecto means hundred (100)
1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
Deca means ten (10)
1 milligram (mg) = .001 gram (g)
Deci means one-tenth (1/10)
TIME Centi means one-hundredth (1/100)
Milli means one-thousandth (1/1000)
1 hr = 60 min

1min = 60 sec



Sometimes you need to convert from one unit of measure to another similar unit.

Proportions will help you make conversions when working

with measurements.

Create a unit conversion ratio, which is always equal to 1.

Example 1: Convert 4.214 kilometres to meters.

Using a conversion ratio: conversion ratio

Solving algebraically, the answer is 4214 m

Another way to look at the problem:

When making metric conversions, arrange the prefixes from largest to smallest:

Kilo hecto deca UNIT deci centi milli

(meter, gram or litre)

To convert 4.214 kilometres to meters, notice that in the chart above, the name metre is

three places to the right of the name kilo. This implies that the decimal point in our

number needs to be moved three places to the right. The answer is 4214 metres.



Perimeter is the word used to describe the distance around the outside of a figure.

To find the perimeter, add together the lengths of

all of the sides of the figure.

Triangle 3 sides

Quadrilateral 4 sides Refresh your polygon memories:

Pentagon 5 sides
When working with perimeter, references
Hexagon 6 sides
may be made to the names of
Heptagon or Septagon 7 sides
polygons. Listed at the left are some of the
Octagon 8 sides
more common polygons whose names you
Nonagon 9 sides
should know.
Decagon 10 sides

Dodecagon 12 sides Remember that "regular polygons" are

polygons whose sides are all the same length

and whose angles are all the same size. Not

all polygons are "regular".


Circumference is the word used to describe the distance around the outside of a

Like perimeter, the circumference is the distance around the outside of the figure. Unlike
perimeter, in a circle there are no straight segments to measure, so a special formula is

Use when you know the radius

Use when you know the diameter

Example 1

Ansaar and Muskaan are jogging around a circular track in the park.
The diameter of the track is 400m.
Find the number of kilometres they jogged if they made two
complete trips around the track. C = d x π
= 400 m x π
= 1256.6371

Therefore for 2 rounds : 1256.6371 x 2

= 2513.2741
Hence 2513.2741 / 1000 = 2.51 km

Work should be held in the calculator until the final rounding of the answer

The sum of areas of all the faces of a 3D solid figure (both plane and curved) is called its
total surface area.

Area (triangle) Area (equilateral triangle)



Area (rectangle) Area (square) Area (parallelogram)

Area (trapezium ) Area (rhombus)

Any Sector
(fractional part of the area)

Area (circle) Area of sectors of circle

(Sectors are similar to "pizza slices" of a circle)
where n is the where CS is the arc
Semi-circle Quarter-Circle number of degrees length of the sector.
(⅟2 of circle = ⅟2 of area) (⅟4of circle = ⅟4 of area) in the central angle
of the sector.

Area (regular polygon)

Regular polygons have all

sides of equal length.

a = apoth p = perimeter


The total amount of space occupied by a 3D solid figure is called its volume.

Cone cylinder

Surface Area = πr2 + πrs Surface Area = 2πr2 + 2πrh

Volume = 1/3( πr2h ) Volume = πr2h


Example 1: Consider this problem where radius is needed but not given:

a. Find the volume of this cylinder.

b. Find the surface area if this cylinder represents a can

which has no lids.


1. When a formula needs a radius, be sure that you are working with the radius and

not the diameter. In this problem 12 cm is the diameter (radius = 6 cm).

2. You may need to amend your formula to fit a particular situation. The surface area

formula for a cylinder is

This formula includes the areas of the top and bottom (which are 2 circles). If the top

and bottom are NOT to be considered, the formula will be

Example 2: Consider this problem that gives "hints" on what is needed to solve the

A die is a cube moulded from hard plastic. The edge of a die measures 0.62 cm.
Dice are usually produced in a mould which holds 100 die at one time.
To the nearest cm3, how much plastic is needed to fill this large mould?

When working with word problems, be sure to read carefully to determine what the
question wants you to find. This question clearly involves volume since it states "to the
nearest cubic cm." Also, the answer must be for 100 dice, not 1 die.
Volume of one die = 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙ℎ

= (.62)(.62)(.62) = 0.238 cm3

For 100 dice = (0.238) (100) = 23.8 = 24 cm3


Example 3: Consider this problem with different units of measure.

A concrete truck arrives at a job site holding 15m3 of concrete. If the enclosure being

constructed is 3m across and 2 thick, how long, to the nearest m will the enclosure be if

constructed from the amount of concrete on the truck?

Always read carefully to determine if all of the measurements within a problem are

expressed in the same units. This problem deals with inches, feet and cubic yards.

𝑉𝑉 = 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙ℎ
15 = (𝑙𝑙)(3)(2)
𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙ℎ = 2.5 𝑚𝑚

Example 4: Consider this problem that requires When dealing with surface area it is often

visualization. helpful to imagine the figure cut apart (called a

net). In this example, imagine cutting off the

top and bottom of the cylinder and then slicing

the remaining shape and flattening it out.

a. AB = 12cm

b. AD = the length around the "edge" of the

a. Find AB
cylinder (which is a circle) = circumference
b. Find AD
of a circle
c. Find the surface area of the cylinder.

c. Surface area

= 294.12 cm2


Money Management
- Compare the total cost of borrowing for any purchase of an item for two different types
of credit.
- Calculate the interest rate for the loan period and its annual equivalent
- Show, by examples of calculations, how the interest rate and loan length affect the cost
of credit.
- Give examples to measure the total cost of credit, including the hidden costs, not the
interest rate only
- Calculate and evaluate different savings and debt options and match debt with the
future value of purchases.
- Demonstrate the benefits of early repayment.

Financial Education
Financial Education teaches the management of personal finances and investment given a
person’s personal circumstances. Financial Education will result in a future generation of
financially competent young men and women leaving schools, who are able to make
informed decisions and sufficiently manage their personal finances and investments vis-à-
vis their own personal circumstances, whilst contributing positively to their communities,
the economy and the country.
Acquiring Financial Competence involves more than the development of mathematics skills
that are traditionally included in the school curriculum, such as recognition of coins and
notes, and calculations involving sums of cash. Personal Financial Education promotes
social inclusion and helps break the cycle of financial exclusion. Being financially excluded
means being cut off from the services and benefits of the financial services industry.
Those who are financially excluded become adept at budgeting by saving bits of money in
jars or envelopes. But not only does money stored like this not accrue interest, it is also
vulnerable to theft.
Financially excluded households are not able to give children the experience of managing
money that others take for granted. There is evidence to suggest that such children go on
to become financially excluded themselves. Certainly, “children living in poorer families
learn about and experience the economic world differently from their peers in other
families.”5 This cycle of exclusion needs to be broken if future generations are to become
financially competent, it is imperative that Financial Education begins early. This means
starting Financial Education as soon as students begin their primary education, building on
learning throughout the primary and secondary years of schooling. Not all students
complete secondary education, so Financial Education learning at class levels 1-8 and forms
3-7 in the Fiji educational system will be fundamental to realising these goals.

Fiji Financial Education Curriculum Development Project

Senior Secondary Levels, Forms Five and Six
FinED Fiji
A Manual for Teachers
Year 11 & 12


Credit is borrowing money or buying goods and paying for them later. It is the power to
obtain goods and services with an obligation on the borrower of future payment to the
lender (the course of credit).

Why should borrowing money incur interest to the borrower and earn interest for the
Interest is a charge that is paid by the borrower for the use of someone else’s money. A
lender expects to be rewarded for not having access to his money.

Table below provides different types of credit, matching the lender, the likely purpose of
the credit, potential fees and interest rates to the type of credit.

Type Lender Purpose Fees Interest rates

Bank loan Retail Bank Small items such Set up fee Depend on bank
as a car, policy 12 – 20%?
household items
Third tier lender Pay day lenders Emergency items Combination of Usually 22 – 26%
loan Funeral, Set up fees but can be very
temporary Establishment high if a very
shortfall in fees short term loan.
income to pay Insurance?
Hire purchase Retail store Retail goods, Set up fee May have
such as Insurance may be interest free
computers, compulsory deals, but
whiteware, interest rates will
household goods vary a lot
Credit card Retail Bank Any items Annual fee Standard cards
Joint card holder very between 12
fee – 21%



1. A paper clip weighs approximately one gram, estimate how many paper clips will be
in a 0.5 kilogram box of paper clips.

2. How many kg of ground chicken should you buy to make 120 burgers, if each burger
will weigh 50grams before cooking?

3. Jone is recovering from surgery. The doctor told him to lift no more than 20 kg for
the next 3 weeks .A carton of 48 powdered kitchen cleaner each weighs 500g
each. Should Jone lift the carton?

4. A box needs to be covered in brown paper for mailing. If the box measures
3 m by 3 m by 2 m, what is the surface area of the box that will need to be
The box is closed.

5. Find the surface area of this container assuming it has an open top

The bottom is closed.

6. The cash price of a DVD player is $280. The Hire Purchase price is $330. If Fane pays
a deposit of 15% followed by 20 equal monthly payments, find how much Fane will
pay per month.

7. A computer costs $1800 cash. For Muskaan’s birthday her father decided to give
the computer as a gift. The H.P. terms are: deposit 15%, followed by 36 payments
of $64.60. Find the extra paid on H.P.

8. A television set is priced at $320 in two different shops A and B, which offer
different hire purchase terms. Shop A requires 20% deposit and 12 monthly
instalments of $26.60. Shop B requires 30% deposit and 12 monthly instalments of
$23.50. Vani is planning to buy one. Which shop has the better deal for Vani and


9. Seru wished to buy a motorcycle at $480. He chose to pay by hire purchase. The
terms were 30% deposit with 12 monthly payments of $33.80. How much was the
total hire purchase price?

10. Coconut water from NIU Factory is sold in aluminium cans that measure 15cm in
height and 3.5cm in diameter. How many cm3 of coconut water are contained in a
full can?

11. Ansaar works for an environmental protection agency which deals with land areas
that have been contaminated by toxic waste. The contaminated soil covers an
area of 1.62 hectares. He must remove the top 20 cm of soil in this area.

a. What is the area of contaminated soil in m2?

b. What is the total volume of the contaminated soil in m3?

c. If each truck can haul 10 m3 of soil, how many full truckloads of contaminated soil

will Ansaar be removing?

12. A pharmacist is filling medicine capsules. The capsules are cylinders with

half spheres on each end. If the length of the cylinder is 12 mm and the

radius is 2 mm, how many cubic mm of medication can one capsule hold?

13. What are the advantages of early repayment of hire purchases?

14 . What are some of the hidden costs in Hire Purchases?

Think, Think,
Test Your Knowledge
Moving Matchsticks
Can you make the following
equation correct by moving just one
matchstick? There are two answers.

Oh, and you are not allowed to use

the ‘not equals to’ sign!


- Simplfy algebraic expressions

- Expanding and factorizing using various
Sub Strand - use factorizing methods like common factor
,perfect square ,difference of two squares
- factorize simple quadratic equations
Manipulation of Algebraic Expressions - Solve equations and in equations
- Manipulate Arithmetic and geometric
Able to simplify by adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing algebraic - Operate with matrices


The word "algebra" is derived from the Arabic word Al-Jabr, and this comes from the
treatise written in 820 by the medieval Arabian mathematician, Muhammad ibn Mūsā
al-Khwārizmī, entitled, in Arabic Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa-l-muqābala,
which can be translated as The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and
The Alexandrian mathematicians Hero of Alexandria and Diophantus continued the
traditions of Egypt and Babylon, but Diophantus's book Arithmetica is on a much
higher level and gives many surprising solutions to difficult indeterminate equations.
This ancient knowledge of solutions of equations in turn found a home early in the
Islamic world, where it was known as the "science of restoration and balancing." (The
Arabic word for restoration, al-jabru, is the root of the word algebra.) In the 9th
century, the Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi wrote one of the first Arabic algebras,
a systematic exposé of the basic theory of equations, with both examples and proofs.
By the end of the 9th century, the Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil had stated and
proved the basic laws and identities of algebra and solved such complicated problems
as finding x, y, and z such that x + y + z = 10, x2 + y2 = z2, and xz = y2.
Ancient civilizations wrote out algebraic expressions using only occasional
abbreviations, but by medieval times Islamic mathematicians were able to talk about
arbitrarily high powers of the unknown x, and work out the basic algebra of
polynomials (without yet using modern symbolism). This included the ability to multiply,
divide, and find square roots of polynomials as well as knowledge of the binomial
theorem. The Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet Omar Khayyam showed how
to express roots of cubic equations by line segments obtained by intersecting conic
sections, but he could not find a formula for the roots. A Latin translation of Al-
Khwarizmi's Algebra appeared in the 12th century.


ALGEBRA is a method of written calculations that help us reason about numbers.

At the very outset, the student should realize that algebra is a skill. And like any skill --

driving a car, baking cakes, and playing football/rugby – it requires practice, a lot of

practice, written practice.

For example, the rule for adding fractions

a b a+b
+ =
c c c

The letters a and b mean: The numbers that are in the numerators. The letter c

means: The number in the denominator. The rule means:

Whatever those numbers are, add the numerators

and write their sum over the common denominator.

Algebra is telling us how to do any problem that looks like that. That is one reason why we
use letters.

(The symbols for numbers, after all, are nothing but written marks. And so are letters As
the student will see, algebra depends only on the patterns that the symbols make.)

The numbers are the numerical symbols, while the letters are called literal symbols.


In algebra we call a + b a "sum" even though we do not name an answer. As the student
will see, we name something in algebra simply by how it looks. In fact, you will see that
you do algebra with your eyes, and then what you write on the paper, follows.


What are the four operations of arithmetic, and what are their operation signs?

1. Addition: a + b. The operation sign is + , and is called the plus sign. Read a + b as "a plus

For example, if a represents 3, and b represents 4, then a + b represents 7.

2. Subtraction: a − b. The operation sign is − , and is called the minus sign. Read a − b as "a
minus b."

If a represents 8, for example, and b represents 2, then a − b represents 6

3. Multiplication: a· b. Read a· b as "a times b."

The multiplication sign in algebra is a centered dot. We do not use the multiplication cross
×, because we do not want to confuse it with the letter x.
And so if a represents 2, and b represents 5, then a· b = 2· 5 = 10. "2 times 5 equals 10."
Do not confuse the centered dot -- 2·5, which means the decimal point: 2.5.
However, we often omit the multiplication dot and simply write ab. Read "a, b." In other
words, when there is no operation sign between two letters, or between a letter and a
number, it always means multiplication. 2x means 2 times x.

4. Division: read as “a divided by b”.

In algebra, we use the horizontal division bar. If a represents 10, for example and b represents 2,
then "10 divided by 2 is 5."

𝒂𝒂 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏
= = 𝟓𝟓
𝒃𝒃 𝟐𝟐

What is the function of parentheses ( ) in algebra?

Parentheses signify that we should treat what they enclose

as one number.
3 + (4 + 5) = 3 + 9 = 12. 3(4 + 5) = 3 · 9 = 27.

When there is no operation sign between 3 and (4 + 5), it means multiplication.


In algebra, we write

a) 5 times 6? 5 · 6

b) x times y? xy

c) x divide by y ? x/y

d) x plus 5 plus x minus 2? (x + 5) + (x − 2)

e) x plus 5 times x minus 2? (x + 5)(x – 2)

Terms versus factors.

• When numbers are added or subtracted, they are called terms.

• When numbers are multiplied, they are called factors.

Here is a sum of four terms: a − b + c − d.

In algebra we speak of a "sum" of terms, even though there are subtractions. In other

words, anything that looks like what you see above, we call a sum.

Here is a product of four factors: abcd.

The word factor always signifies multiplication.

And again, we speak of the "product" abcd, even though we do not name an answer.

In the following expression, how many terms are there? And each term has how many

factors? 2a + 4ab + 5a (b + c)

There are three terms. 2a is the first term. It has two factors: 2 and a.
4ab is the second term. It has three factors: 4, a, and b.
And 5a(b + c) is all one term. It also has three factors: 5, a, and (b + c).
The parentheses mean that we should treat whatever is enclosed as one number


Powers and exponents

When all the factors are equal -- 2· 2· 2· 2 -- we call the product a power of that factor.

Thus, a· a is called the second power of a, or "a squared." a· a· a is the third power of a, or

"a cubed." aaaa is a to the fourth power, and so on. We say that a itself is the first power

of a.

Now, rather than write aaaa, we write a just once and place a small 4:

a4 ("a to the 4") or (a to the fourth power)

That small 4 is called an exponent. It indicates the number of times to repeat a as a factor.
83 ("8 to the third power" or simply "8 to the third") means 8· 8· 8.
Name the first five powers of 2. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.Read, then calculate each of the following.
a) 52 "5 to the second power" or "5 squared" = 25.
b) 23 "2 to the third power" or "2 cubed" = 8.
c) 104 "10 to the fourth" = 10,000.
d) 121 "12 to the first" = 12.

The student must take care not to confuse 3a, which means
3a = a + a + a,
3 times a, with a , which means a times a times a a3 = a· a· a.

What do we mean by the value of a letter?

The value of a letter is a number. It is the number that will replace the letter when
we do the order of operations.

What does it mean to evaluate an expression?

It means to replace each letter with its value, and then do the order of operations.


Let x = 10, y = 4, z = 2. Evaluate the following:

In each case, copy the pattern. Copy the + signs and copy the parentheses ( ). When you

come to x, replace it with 10. When you come to y, replace it with 4. And when you come

to z, replace it with 2.

a) x + yz = 10 + 4x2 c) (x + y ) z = (10 +4) x2

= 10 + 8 = 14 x 2

= 18 = 28

b) x − 3(y − z) d) (x − 3)(y − z)

= 10− 3(4 − 2) = (10 − 3)(4 − 2)

= 10-6 = (7)(2)
= 4 = 14

Expansion and factorisation of algebraic expressions

Multiplying (expanding) monomials
Multiplying by a monomial may involve:
1. Applying rules for dealing with exponents.

2. Using the distributive property.

3. Remembering rules for multiplying signed numbers.

Multiplying Signed Distributive Property Rules for Exponents

Numbers a(b + c) = ab + ac
(+) • (+) = (+)
(+) • (-) = (-) Tools for Dealing
(-) • (+) = (-) with Monomials
(-) • (-) = (+)


Example 1: Notice that the factors were

2 3
monomial • monomial (2x ) • (4x ) regrouped and then
= (2• 4) • (x2 • x3) multiplied. Also, multiply powers
= 8 • x5 = 8x5 with the same base by adding the
Example 2: This problem requires the
monomial • binomial distributive property. You need to
= x2 - 4x multiply each term in the
parentheses by the monomial
(distribute the x across the
Example 3: Notice the distributive property at
monomial • trinomial work again.

= 3x3 - 9x2 + 3x

Example 4: Again, the distributive property is

monomial • polynomial needed along with the rule for
multiplying powers.

= 3x5 - 9x4 - 3x3 + 15x2

Common Factors
The Highest Common Factor (HCF)of two (or more) monomials is the product of the

greatest common factor of the numerical coefficients (the numbers out in front) and the

highest power of every variable that is a factor of each monomial.

Consider: 10x2y3 and 15xy2 When factorizing

polynomials ,first
The greatest common factor is 5xy2 .
The largest factor of 10 and 15 is 5.
look for the largest
The highest power of x that is contained in both terms is x. monomial which is a
The highest power of y that is contained in both terms is y2 factor of each term of
the polynomial. Factor
out (divide each term
by) this largest


Example: 1 Factorize: 4x + 8y

The largest integer that will divide evenly into 4 and 8 is 4. Since the terms do not contain

a variable (x or y) in common, we cannot factor any variables.

The greatest common factor is 4. Divide each term by 4.

Answer: 4(x + 2y)

Example 2: Factorize: 15x2y3 + 10xy2

The largest integer that will divide evenly into 15 and 10 is 5. The highest power of x

present in both terms is the Highest power of y present in both term is y2. The HCF is

5xy2. Divide each term by the LCF.

Answer: 5xy2 (3xy + 2)


This expression is called a difference of Two Squares (Notice the subtraction sign between
the terms a2 and b2.)

The factors of are and


Example 1:

Factorize: x2 - 9

Both x2 and 9 are perfect squares. Since subtraction is occurring between these squares,

this expression is the difference of two squares. These answers could also be negative values,
but positive values will make our work easier
What times itself will give x ? The answer is x.

What times itself will give 9? The answer is 3

The factors are (x + 3) and (x - 3). Answer: (x + 3) (x - 3) or (x - 3) (x + 3) (order is not


Example 2:
Factorize 4y2 - 36y6

There is a common factor of 4y2 that can be factored out first in this problem, to make the
problem easier.

4y2 (1 - 9y4)

In the factor (1 - 9y4), 1 and 9y4 are perfect squares (their coefficients are perfect squares
and their exponents are even numbers). Since subtraction is occurring between these
squares, this expression is the difference of two squares. What times itself will give 1? The
answer is 1.

What times itself will give 9y4? The answer is 3y2.

The factors are (1 + 3y2) and (1 - 3y2).

Answer: 4y2 (1 + 3y2) (1 - 3y2) or 4y2 (1 - 3y2) (1 + 3y2)


If you did not see the common factor, you can begin with observing the perfect squares.
Both 4y2 and 36y6 are perfect squares (their coefficients are perfect squares and their
exponents are even numbers). Since subtraction is occurring between these squares, this
expression is the difference of two squares.

Example 3: What times itself will give 4y2? The answer is 2y.

What times itself will give 36y6? The answer is 6y3.

The factors are (2y + 6y3) and (2y - 6y3).

Answer: (2y + 6y3) (2y - 6y3) or (2y - 6y3) (2y + 6y3)

These answers can be further factored as each contains a common factor of 2y:
2y (1 + 3y2) • 2y (1 - 3y2) = 4y2 (1 + 3y2) (1 - 3y2)

Be careful!!
This process of factoring does NOT apply to
a 2 + b 2.

Factorizing Completely

Some polynomials cannot be factored into the product of two binomials with integer
coefficients, (such as x2 + 16), and are referred to as prime.
Other polynomials contain a multitude of factors.

"Factorizing completely" means to continue factoring until no further factors can be

found. More specifically, it means to continue factoring until all factors other than
monomial factors are prime factors. You will have to look at the problems very carefully to
be sure that you have found all of the possible factors.


To factor completely:

1. Search for a greatest common factor. If you find one, factor it

out of the polynomial.

2. Examine what remains, looking for a trinomial or a binomial

which can be factored.

3. Express the answer as the product of all of the factors you have

Factorise completely:

1. Search for the greatest common factor. In this problem, the greatest common factor is

2. Now, examine the binomial x2 – 9 . (Notice how the factor of 5 is tagging along and
remains as part of the answer.)

3. Since the binomials (x - 3) and (x + 3) cannot be factored further, we are done. Express

the answer as the product of all of the factors.



1. Evaluate each of the following expressions using each of the values of x in the list :

𝑥𝑥 + 2
a. x2 + 2x + 3 ( x =-2,-1,0,1,2) b. ( x = -2,-1,0,2,3)
2𝑥𝑥 −5

3𝑥𝑥 − 2
c. ( x = -1,0,1,2 )
𝑥𝑥 2 − 4

2. Simplify
a. −2ab − 8a b. 24kj − 16k2j
c. –a 2b – b2 a d. 12k2 j + 24k2 j2
e. 72b2q − 18b 3q 2 f. 4(y − 3) + k(3 − y)
g. a 2(a − 1) − 25(a − 1) h. b m(b + 4) − 6m(b + 4)j)
i. a2(a + 7) + 9(a + 7) j. 3b(b − 4) − 7(4 − b)
k. a 2b 2c 2 – 1

3. Simplify the following algebraic expressions

a. 2x2 + 3x - 7 + 2x + 4 b. x2 - 2x + 2x + 4 + x2
c. x2 - x + 2x + 3- x2 – 5 d. 3x2 - 7x + 2 + 2x -5 - 2x2
e. 3x2 - 7x + 3+ 2x2 - 5x – x2 f. x2 + 4x +1- 2x2 - 2x + x2 +1
g. (5x - 2) - 2(x - 3) h. (x2 -x -2) - (2x2 - x - 1)
i. (3x2- x + 5)- (x2 - 2x - 3) j. 2(x2 - x - 2) - (x2 + 3x - 4)

2𝑥𝑥+ 3 𝑥𝑥 − 4 𝑥𝑥 + 3 𝑥𝑥 − 4
k. + l. −
7 7 𝑥𝑥 − 1 𝑥𝑥 − 1
m. 𝑎𝑎 −
𝑏𝑏 − 𝑎𝑎


4. Expand and simplify

a. 3(5x + 4) - 2(2x + 3) b. 3 ( 4x – 8)

5. Factorize the following

a. 5y – 30 b. 2x3 - 6x c. 4x4 - 6x3 + 2x2 + 2x

d. 3x(x + 2) - 4(x + 2) e. x2 – 25 f. 16 - x2
g. 9y2 - 49 h. (x - 1 )2 - 4 i. 16y2 - 0.09
j. 81c2 - 144m2 k. 4a2b2 - 49n6 l. 5c + 5d
m. g3 – g n. 6x2 - 6y2 o. 3x2 – 27
p. y4 – 81 q. 25x6 - 121y4 r. 3b2 + 15b + 12
s. 5c - 4 - 2c + 1 = 8c + 2

6. Factorize the following

a. 6x + a + 2ax + 3 c. x2− 6x + 5x – 30
b. 5x + 10y − ax − 2ay d. a2 − 2a − ax + 2x
e. 5xy − 3y + 10x – 6 f. ab – a2 − a + b

7. Factorize the following

a. 5x – x2 b. 25 – 5 x2


Sub Strand Equations and In-equations

- Able to solve linear The key to solving simple algebraic equations

- To solve quadratic and containing a single unknown (e.g. x + 6 = 10) is
cubic equations in
factored form to realize that the equation is an equality. As
- Solve simple linear in -
long as you do the same mathematical
equations and show the
solution on a Cartesian operation (e.g. add a constant, subtract a

constant, multiply by a constant, and divide by

a constant)to both sides of the equation, the equality is still an equality.

This includes squaring both sides of the equation or taking the square root of both sides of

the equation.

How to solve Algebraic Equations

First, let's take a look at the equation we want to solve. We want to solve for x. By
this, we simply want to get the 'x' alone on one side of the equal sign

5x + 10 – 5 = 30

The key to solving this and any equation is to use 'reverse operations.' This means
to do the opposite. For example, in this equation we would want to add 5 to each
side to cancel out the -5. Understand? Not too tough!!

5x + 10 = 35

Now that we have rid of the -5, let's get rid of the +10 by subtracting 10 from both

5x = 25

Now that we have subtracted 10 from both sides we want to get rid of the 5 to
get 'x' by itself. The '5x' means '5 times x'. The opposite of multiplication is
division. We now want to divide both sides by 5 to get 'x' by itself.


Example 1

To solve for x, it is necessary to subtract

6 from both sides of the equation

Example 2

To solve for x, you need to add 6 to

both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 2.

Example 3 To isolate x, you need to

(1) multiply through by 6,

(2) subtract 2 from both sides, and

(3) divide both sides by 5.

Example 4

To solve for x this time, you need to

1. multiply both sides of the equation by 4 and 3 to

cancel out the denominator in line 2.

2. use the distributive law, by adding and subtracting,

move the x terms to one side, and the non-x terms to the other side in line

a. use the associative law to simplify to get line 7, and

b. divide both sides by 2.


3. This process is called "cross-multiplying." This entails multiplying the numerator of

one side of the equality by the denominator of the other side of the equality. When

this is done, the very same line 3 results. The rest

of the problem is done identical.

Example 5

This problem could be very complicated

and become a quadratic equation. However, because

it has a perfect square on both sides, if you simply

take the square root of both sides of the equality,

you are left in line 3 with a straightforward algebra

problem as you solve for the positive root


Equations involving absolute value

When you take the absolute value of a number, you always end up with a positive number
(or zero). Whether the input was positive or negative (or zero), the output is always
positive (or zero). For instance, | 3 | = 3, and | –3 | = 3 also.

• Solve | x + 2 | = 7

To clear the absolute-value bars, I must split the equation into its two possible two
cases, one case for each sign:

(x + 2) = 7 or –(x + 2) = 7
x+2=7 or –x – 2 = 7
x=5 or –9 = x Then the solution is x = –9, 5.

• Solve | 2x – 3 | – 4 = 3

First, I'll isolate the absolute-value part; that is, I'll get the absolute-value expression
by itself on one side of the "equals" sign, with everything else on the other side:

| 2x – 3 | – 4 = 3
| 2x – 3 | =7

Now I'll clear the absolute-value bars by splitting the equation into its two cases,
one for each sign:

(2x – 3) = 7 or –(2x – 3) = 7
2x – 3 = 7 or –2x + 3 = 7
2x = 10 or –2x = 4
x=5 or x = –2

So the solution is x = –2, 5.


Absolute value is always positive (or zero). An equation such as│ x – 2 │ = -6

is never true. It has NO solution. The answer is the empty set .


Solving Quadratic Equations

A quadratic equation is an equation containing a single variable of degree 2. Its general
form is

ax2 +bx+c = 0

where x is the variable and a, b, and c are constants (a≠0).

Example: Solve (x – 3)(x – 4) = 0.

If I multiply two things together and the result is zero, what can I say about those two

things? I can say that at least one of them must also be zero. That is, the only way to

multiply and get zero is to multiply by zero. (This is sometimes called "The Zero Factor


Warning: You cannot make this statement about any other number! You can only make the
conclusion about the factors ("one of them must equal zero") if the product itself equals
zero. You must always have the equation in the form "(quadratic) equals (zero)" before you
can attempt to solve it.The Zero Factor Property tells me that at least one of the factors
must be equal to zero.
Since at least one of the factors must be zero, I will set them each equal to zero:
x–3=0 or x–4=0
This gives me simple linear equations, and they're easy to solve:
x=3 or x=4

And this is the solution they're looking for: x = 3, 4

Note that "x = 3, 4" means the same thing as "x = 3 or x = 4"; the only difference is the

formatting. The "x = 3, 4" format is more-typically used.


Test Your Knowledge

A set of football matches is to be organized in a "round-robin" fashion, i.e., every participating team
plays a match against every other team once and only once.
If a total of 45 matches were played, how many teams participated?

Solve x2 – 4 = 0.

This equation is in "(quadratic) equals (zero)" form, so it's ready to solve. The

quadratic itself is a difference of squares, so apply the difference-of-squares


x2 – 4 = 0
(x – 2)(x + 2) = 0
x–2=0 or x+2=0
x=2 or x = –2

Then the solution is x = –2, 2

Note: This solution may also be written as "x = ± 2".

Solve x2 – 5x = 0.

This two-term quadratic is easier to factor than were the previous quadratics: I can

factor an x out of both terms, taking the x out front. (Warning: Do not "divide the x

off", do not make it magically "disappear", or you'll lose one of your solutions!)

x(x – 5) = 0
x=0 or x–5=0
x=0 or x=5

Then the solution to x2 – 5x = 0 is x = 0, 5


Linear Inequalities
A Linear Inequality is like a Linear Equation (such as y = 2x+1) ...

... but it will have an Inequality like <, >, ≤, or ≥ instead of an “=”.

The following are examples of linear inequalities.

2x + 2 ≤ 1 3x + 1 ≥ 2 x − 6 <7x + 2

The methods used to solve linear inequalities are identical to those used to solve linear
The only difference occurs when there is a multiplication or a division that involves a minus
When you divide or multiply both sides of an inequality by any number with a minus

sign, the direction of the inequality changes.

Graphing an inequality starts by graphing the corresponding straight line. After graphing the line,

there are only two additional steps to remember.

Choose a point not on the line and see if it makes the inequality true. If the inequality is true,
you will shade THAT side of the line -- thus shading OVER the point. If it is false, you will shade
the OTHER side of the line -- not shading OVER the point.

2. If the inequality is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO or GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO, the line is drawn
as a solid line. If the inequality is simply LESS THAN or GREATER THAN, the line is drawn as a
dashed line.


Graphing an Inequality

1. Solve the equation for y (if necessary).

2. Graph the equation as if it contained an = sign.
3. Draw the line solid if the inequality is or
4. Draw the line dashed if the inequality is <or >
5. Pick a point not on the line to use as a test point.
The point (0,0) is a good test point if it is not on
the line.
6. If the point makes the inequality true, shade that
side of the line. If the point does not make the
inequality true, shade the opposite side of the line.

Graph the inequality

y ≤ 3x – 1

1. Graph the line y = 3x - 1.

2. Pick a test point. (0,0) was used.
3. The test point is false in the inequality
0 ≤ 3(0) - 1
0 ≤ -1 false
4. Since the test was false, do not shade
OVER the point (0,0) -- shade the opposite
side of the line.
5. The line, itself, is SOLID because this
problem is "less than or EQUAL TO."

Graph the Inequality y ≤ x + 3



1. Solve the following equations

a. 2y − 3 = 7 b. −3w = 0 c. 4z = 16 d. 12t + 0 = 144
e. 7 + 5x = 62 f. 55 = 5y + 3 g. 5z = 3z + 45 h. 23a − 12 = 6 + 2a
i. 18 − 2p = p + 2 j. 4q = 16 k. 3f − 10 = 10 l. −(−16 − r) = 13r –1
m. 6d − 2 + 2d = −2 + 4d + 8 n. 3v + 16 = 4v − 10
o. 10k + 5 + 0 = −2k + −3k + 80 p. 8(j − 4) = 5(j − 4)
q. 6 = 6(m+ 7) + 5m r. 12 − 6b + 34b = 2b − 24 − 64
s. 6c + 3c = 4 − 5(2c − 3). t. (3x + 2)(3x −4) = 0
u. (5a −9)(a + 6) = 0 v. (2x + 3)(2x −3) = 0
w. Solve for x: (2x −3)(2x −3) = 0 x. Solve for x: 20x+ 25x2 = 0
y. (x −2)(2x + 3)(3x −1) = 0

1. Solve :
(a) 5│ c – 2 │ = 30 (f) │ 3x – 1 │+5 + 3
(b) | -4a + 20 | = 10 (g) | -7y + 21 | = 2
(c) | 8f | = 17 (h) | -c - 4 | = 18
(d) │b – 21 │ = 3
(e) 2x + 3 = 6

3. Solve the following word problems

a. Jack spent half of his allowance going to the movies. He washed the family car and
earned 8 dollars. What is his weekly allowance if he ended with13 dollars ?

b. Oceanside Bike Rental Shop charges 16 dollars plus 9 dollars an hour for renting a
bike. Benny paid 79 dollars to rent a bike. How many hours did he pay to have the
bike checked out ?

c. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 132.What is the smallest of the three
numbers ?

d. Muskaan had 157 dollars to spend on 6 books. After buying them she had 13
dollars. How much did each book cost ?


e. On Monday, 368 students went on a trip to the university open day. All 6 buses
were filled and 8 students had to travel in cars. How many students were in each
bus ?

f. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 69.What is the smallest of the three
numbers ?

g. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 129.What is the smallest of the three
numbers ?

h. Ramesh sold half of his comic books and then bought 6 more. He now has17. How
many did he begin with ?

i. Sereana bought a soft drink for 4 dollars and 7 bars of chocolate. She spent a total
of 39 dollars. How much did each candy bar cost ?

j. The cost of adding a garage to a home is 5 times as much as the cost of painting the
house. If the garage addition costs $15,000, find the cost of painting the house.

k. The length of a rectangle is 5 times the width. If the width is 7 meters, what is the

4 Solve: a).

b). 2 (x +1) - x = 12
3 6

5 Solve :

(a) (b) (c)

6 Solve the inequality :

(a) -9 < 5 - 7y ≤ 12 (b) 2x + y> 4 (c ) 5x > 10
(d) 3x + 2 > 8 (e) 3x - 7 < 5 (f) 3(4 - y) ≥ 9
(g) -4x > -12 (h) -5y − 7 ≤ 3 (i) x – 2 ≤ -3
(j) -4 ≤ 3x + 2 < 5


7. Graph the following Inequalities

(a) 2x + y > 4
(b) 2y ≤ 4x + 6
(c) y > 2x – 1
(d) 2x + 3y > 12
(e) -x<y
(f) -x + 3y ≤ 5

8 Describe the Inequality shown.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Sub Strand Sequences

Sub Strand
- Understand what a sequence is
- Evaluate using Sigma Notation A Sequence is a set of things (usually numbers)
- Identify simple AS and GS and
use term and sum formulas. that are in order.

While some sequences are simply random

values other sequences have a definite pattern that is used to arrive at the sequence's


Two such sequences are the arithmetic and geometric sequences. Test Your

What’s the next number in

the number sequence
pattern below?

Sigma Notation

This symbol Σ (called Sigma) means "sum up".

Sum whatever appears after the Sigma: so we sum n.

But What is the Value of n ?

The values are shown below and above the Sigma:

� 𝑙𝑙 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10

It says n goes from 1 to 4, so that is 1, 2, 3 and 4

So now we add up 1, 2, 3 and 4:


You could square n each time and sum the result:

n 2 = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 30

You could "add up the first four terms in the sequence 2n+1". The formula is easy to use
... just "plug in" the values of a, r and n.

2n+1 = 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 24

Arithmetic Sequence
The simplest type of numerical sequence is an arithmetic sequence.

An arithmetic (or linear) sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each new term is
calculated by adding a constant value to the previous term.

Example 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . .is an arithmetic sequence because you add 1 to the current

term to get the next term:
second term: 2 = 1 + 1 third term: 3 = 2 + 1 nth term: n = (n − 1) + 1


General Equation for the nth-term of an Arithmetic Sequence

More formally, the number we start out with is called a1(the first term), and the difference
between each successive term is denoted d, called the common difference.

The general arithmetic sequence looks like:

a1= a1
a2= a1+ d
a3= a2+ d = (a1+ d) + d = a1+ 2d
a4= a3+ d = (a1+ 2d) + d = a1+ 3d
an= a1+ d ·(n −1)

Thus, the equation for the nth-term will be:

an= a1+ (n − 1)d

Given a1 and the common difference, d, the entire set of numbers belonging to an
arithmetic sequence can be generated.

A simple test for an arithmetic sequence is to check that the difference between
consecutive terms is constant:
a2 − a1= a3 − a2= an − an −1 = d

To find the sum of a certain number of terms of an arithmetic sequence:

Here Sn is the sum of n terms (nth partial sum), a1 is the first term, an is the nth term.



1. Find the common difference for this arithmetic sequence

5, 9, 13, 17 ...
The common difference, d, can be found by subtracting the first term from the
second term, which in this problem yields 4. Checking shows that 4 is the
difference between all of the entries.

2. Find the common difference for the arithmetic sequence whose formula is
an = 6n + 32.
The formula indicates that 6 is the value being added (with increasing multiples) as
the terms increase. A listing of the terms will also show what is happening in the
sequence (start with n = 1) 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, ...
The list shows the common difference to be 6.

3. Find the 10th term of the sequence

3, 5, 7, 9, ...3. n = 10; a1 = 3, d = 2

The tenth term is 21.

4. Find a7 for an arithmetic sequence where

a1 = 3x and d = -x.
n = 7; a1 = 3x, d = -x

5. Find the sum of the first 12 positive even


The word "sum" indicates the need

for the sum formula.

positive even integers: 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

n = 12; a1 = 2, d = 2


We are missing a12, for the sum formula, so we use the "any term" formula to find it.
Now, let's find the sum:

12(2 + 4)
=S12 = 156

There’s an easier way

to solve this

Test Your Knowledge

Can you find the value of the following set:
1 + 2 + 3+. . . +200 = ? ?

Geometric Sequence
In a Geometric Sequence each term is found by multiplying the previous term by a

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, ...

This sequence has a factor of 2 between each number.

Each term (except the first term) is found by multiplying the previous term by 2.

In General you could write a Geometric Sequence like this:

So we would get:
2 3
{a, ar, ar , ar , ... }
{a, ar, ar2, ar3, ... }
= {1, 1×2, 1×22, 1×23, ...}
• a is the first term, and
• r is the factor between the terms (called the "common ratio") = {1, 2, 4, 8, ... }


Example: {1, 2, 4, 8,….}

The sequence starts at 1 and doubles each time, so:

• a = 1 (the first term)

• r = 2 (the "common ratio" between terms is 2)

The Rule
You can also calculate any term using the Rule:

xn = ar(n-1)

(We use "n-1" because ar0 is for the 1st term)

Example :
xn = 10 × 3(n-1)
10, 30, 90, 270, 810, 2430, …
So, the 4th term would be:
This sequence has a factor of 3 between each number. x4 = 10×3(4-1) = 10×33 =
10×27 = 270
The values of a and r are: And the 10th term would
a = 10 (the first term) x10= 10×3(10-1) = 10×39 =
r = 3 (the "common ratio" 10×19683 = 196830

A Geometric Sequence can also have smaller and smaller values:


4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, ...

This sequence has a factor of 0.5 (a half) between each number.

Its Rule is xn = 4 × (0.5)n-1


Sum of a Geometric Sequence

To find sum of a geometric sequence :

a + ar + ar2 + ... + ar(n-1)

Each term is arn, where n starts at 0 and goes up to n-1.

Use this formula

a is the first term

r is the "common ratio" between terms
n is the number of terms

Example: Sum the first 4 terms of

10, 30, 90, 270, 810, 2430, ...

This sequence has a factor of 3 between each number.

The values of a, r and n are:

• a = 10 (the first term)

• r = 3 (the "common ratio")
• n = 4 (we want to sum the first 4 terms)



You could check it yourself:

10 + 30 + 90 + 270 = 400

And, yes, it was easier to just add them in this case, because there were only 4 terms. But
imagine you had to sum up lots of terms, and then the formula is better to



1. For each of the following sequences, determine whether it is arithmetic, geometric, or


(a) 5, 9, 13, 17, …

(b) 1, 2, 4, 8, …
(c) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
(d) 81, 9, 3, ⅓ , …
(e) 512, 474, 436, 398, :

2. For each of the following arithmetic sequences, find the values of a, d, and the Sn

a. 1, 4, 7, … , (S10) f. 6, 8, 10, … , (S12)

b. 8, 6, 4, … , (S12) g. 2, 2 , 3, … , (S19)
3 1
c. 8, 4, 0, … , (S20) h. 6, 5 , 5 , …,(S10)
4 2
d. 20, 15, 10, … ,(S6) i. 7, 6 , 6, … , (S14)
e. 40, 30, 20, … ,( S18) j. 0, 5, 10, …, (Sn)

3. Find the first term, ratio and term indicated for each of the geometric progressions.
a. 1, 3, 9, … , (S10) f. 0.005, 0.05, 0.5, … , (S11)
b. 4, 8, 16, … , (S10) g. 6, 12, 24, … , (S6)
c. 18, 6, 2, … , (S10) h. 1.4, 0.7, 0.35, …,(S5)
d. 1000, 100, 10, … ,(S7) i. 68, 34, 17, … , (S10)
e. 32, 8, 2, … ,( S14) j. 8, 2, , …, (S11)

4. Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence 4, 6, 8 10, ...

5. Find the sum of the sequence -8, -5, -2, ..., 7

6. Find the 9th term of the sequence

7. Find a6 for an arithmetic sequence where a1 = 3x + 1 and d = 2x + 6.

8. Find t12 for a geometric sequence where t1 = 2 + 2i and r = 3


9. Find the indicated sum

10. How many terms of the arithmetic sequence -3, 2, 7, ... must be added together for the
sum of the series to be 116?
11. A display of cans on a grocery shell consists of 20 cans on the bottom, 18 cans in the
next row, and so on in an arithmetic sequence, until the top row has 4 cans. How many
cans, in total, are in the display?
12. Find the common ratio and the seventh term of the following sequence:
2 2
, , 2, 6, 18,….
9 3

Additional Activity

1. Party Problem:
At a party, everyone shook hands with everybody else. There were 66 handshakes. How
many people were at the party?

A rubber ball keeps on bouncing back to ⅔ of the height from which it is dropped. Can
you calculate the fraction of its original height that the ball will bounce after it is dropped
and it has bounced four times without any hindrance?


Sub Strand Matrices

- Able to identify the order of any matrix
- To add and subtract matrix of the same order
A Matrix is an array of numbers: - Use scalar multiplication
- Identify that two matrices can be multiplied
and multiply it.
- Find determinant and inverse of a 2 x 2
A Matrix is known by the number of rows i
and columns (rows by columns).

The one above has 2 Rows and 3 Columns therefore it is a “2 by 3” matrix and written as
2 x 3.
One is a matrix, or several matrices.

To show how many rows and columns a matrix has we often write its order [rows ×
Example: The order of this matrix is 2×3 (2 rows by 3 columns):

Matrix Equality

Two matrices are equal if and only if these matrices have the same dimensions and equal
corresponding elements.
a b e f
c d g

If a = e b=f
c=g d=h

Addition of Matrices
To add two matrices, just add the numbers in the matching positions:


These are the calculations:

3 + 4= 7 8+ 0 =8
4 + 1= 5 6 - 9 =-3

The two matrices must be the same size, i.e. the rows must match in size, and the columns
must match in size.

Example: A matrix with 3 rows and 5 columns can be added to another matrix of 3 rows

and 5 columns. But it cannot be added to a matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns (the columns

don't match in size).

Negative The negative of a matrix is also simple:

These are the calculations:

-(2)= -2 -(-4) = +4
-(7)= -7 -(10) = -10

Subtraction of Matrices

To subtract two matrices, just subtract the numbers in the matching positions: Example

These are the calculations:

3 – 4 = -1 8–0=8
4–1=3 6 - (-9) = 15

Note: subtracting is actually defined as the addition of a negative matrix: A + (-B)

Multiply by a Constant

We can multiply a matrix by some value: Example :

These are the calculations:

2 × 4 =8 2×0 =0
2 × 1 =2 2 ×- 9=-18


We call the constant a scalar, so officially this is called "scalar multiplication".

Multiplying a Matrix by another Matrix

When we do multiplication:

• The number of columns of the 1st matrix must equal the number of rows of the
2nd matrix.
• And the result will have the same number of rows as the 1st matrix, and the same
number of columns as the 2nd matrix.

In this example we multiplied a 1×3 matrix by a 3×4 matrix (note the 3s are the same), and
the result was a 1×4 matrix.

In General:

To multiply an m×n matrix by an n×p matrix, the n’s must

be the same,
and the result is an m×p matrix.

To multiply a matrix by another matrix you need to do the "dot product" of rows and
columns ...

To work out the answer for the 1st row and 1st column:

The "Dot Product" is where you multiply matching members, then sum up:

(1, 2, 3) • (7, 9, 11) = 1 × 7 + 2 × 9 + 3 × 11 = 58


We match the 1st members (1 and 7), multiply them, likewise for the 2nd members (2 and
9) and the 3rd members (3 and 11), and finally sum them up.

Here it is for the 1st row and 2nd column:

(1, 2, 3) • (8, 10, 12) = 1 × 8 + 2 × 10 + 3 × 12 = 64

We can do the same thing for the 2nd row and 1st column:

(4, 5, 6) • (7, 9, 11) = 4 × 7 + 5 × 9 + 6 × 11 = 139

And for the 2nd row and 2nd column:

(4, 5, 6) • (8, 10, 12) = 4 × 8 + 5 × 10 + 6 × 12 = 154

And we get:

Order of Multiplication
In arithmetic we are used to: 2 × 5 = 5 × 2

(The Commutative Law of Multiplication)

But this is not generally true for matrices (matrix multiplication is not commutative):


When you change the order of multiplication, the answer is (usually) different.

Example: See how changing the order affects this multiplication:


Identity Matrix
The "Identity Matrix" is the matrix equivalent to the number "1":

A 3 x 3 Identity Matrix

• It is "square" (has same number of rows as columns),

• It has 1s on the diagonal and 0s everywhere else.

• It's symbol is the capital letter I.

It is a special matrix, because when you multiply a matrix by it, the original is unchanged:

A× I=A



And what about division? Well we don't actually divide matrices, we do it this way:

A/B = A × (1/B) = A × B-1

where B-1 means the "inverse" of B.

So we do not divide, instead we multiply by an inverse.

Determinant of a Matrix
The determinant of a matrix is a special number that can be calculated from the matrix. It
tells us things about the matrix that are useful.

The symbol for determinant is two vertical lines ∣ ∣ either side.

|A| means the determinant of the matrix A


Calculating the Determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix

First of all the matrix must be square (i.e. have the same number of rows as columns). Then
it is just a matter of basic arithmetic. Here is how:

For a 2×2 matrix (2 rows and 2 columns):

|A| = ad - bc
The determinant is: "The determinant of A equals a times d minus b times c"

It is easy to remember when you think of a cross:

• Blue means positive (+ad),

• Red means negative (-bc)

Example: |B| = 4 × 8 – 6 × 3
= 32 – 18
= 14

Inverse of a Matrix
The Inverse of a Matrix is the same idea as the reciprocal of a number:

Reciprocal of a Number

But we do not write /A (because we do not divide by a Matrix!), instead we write A-1 for
the inverse:

(In fact /8 can also be written as 8-1)


And there are other similarities:

When you multiply a number by its reciprocal you get 1

8 × ( /8) = 1

When you multiply a Matrix by its Inverse you get the Identity Matrix (which is like "1" for

A × A-1 = I
It also works when the inverse comes first: ( /8) × 8 = 1 and A-1 × A = I.


So we have a definition of a Matrix Inverse...

The Inverse of A is A-1 only when:

A × A-1 = A-1 × A = I

Sometimes there is no Inverse at all.

2 x 2 Matrices

Well, for a 2 x 2 Matrix the Inverse is:

In other words: swap the positions of a and d, put negatives in front of

b and c, and divide everything by the determinant (ad-bc).


Let us try an example:

How do we know this is the right answer?

Remember it must be true that: A × A-1 = I

So, let us check to see what happens when we multiply the matrix by its inverse:

We end up with the Identity Matrix! So it must be right.

It should also be true that: A-1 × A = I

The Inverse May Not Exist

First of all, to have an Inverse the Matrix must be "Square" (same number of rows and

But also the determinant cannot be zero (or you would end up dividing by zero). As an


24 – 24 ? That equals 0, and is undefined.

We cannot go any further! This Matrix has no Inverse.

Such a Matrix is called "Singular", which only happens when the determinant is zero.

The Inverse of A is A-1 only when A × A-1 = A-1 × A = I

To find the Inverse of a 2x2 Matrix:
• swap the positions of a and d
• put negatives in front of b and c, and
• divide everything by the determinant (ad-bc).
Sometimes there is no Inverse at all.


1 2



5. A is a 3 × 2 matrix B is a 2 × 3 matrix C is a 2 × 2 matrix D is a 3 × 3

Which of the following products does not exist?






10. What is the inverse of the matrix 11.What is the inverse of the matrix

12.What is the inverse of the matrix 13.What is the inverse of the matrix

14.What is the inverse of the matrix

15. Which one of the following matrices is singular?

A. . B. C. D

16. Find the value of x and y

x 3 4 y
2 1 2 1

x 3 4+y x–1

[ii] 2 1 = x–2 1

Calculations like that (but using much larger matrices) help Engineers design buildings,
are used in video games and computer animations to make things look 3-dimensional,
and many other places.

The calculations are done by computers, but the people must understand the formulas.


- Determine domain and range

- Find Inverse
FUNCTION - Identify Function or not

What is a Function?

A function relates an input to an output.

"f(x) = ... " is the classic way of writing a function.

And there are other ways

Input, Relationship, Output

A function will always have 3 three main parts:

• The input
• The relationship
• The output

Some Examples of Functions

• x2 (squaring) is a function
• x3 + 1 is also a function
• Sine, Cosine and Tangent are functions used in trigonometry
• and there are lots more!


First, it is useful to give a function a name.

The most common name is "f", but you can have other names like "g" ... or even "your own
name” if you want.

But let's use "f":

You would say "f of x equals x squared"


What goes into the function is put inside parentheses () after the name of the function:

So f(x) shows you the function is called "f", and "x" goes in (input)

And you will often see what a function does with the input:

f(x) = x2 shows you that function "f" takes "x" and squares it.

For example: with f(x) = x2:

• an input of 4
• becomes an output of 16.

In fact we can write it as f(4) = 16.

The "x" is just a Place-Holder!

Don't get too concerned about "x", it is just there to show you where the input goes and
what happens to it. It could be anything!

So this function:

f(x) = 1 - x + x2 would be the same function if it is written as :

• f(q) = 1 - q + q2
• h(A) = 1 - A + A2
• w(θ) = 1 - θ + θ2

It is just there so you know where to put the values: f(2) = 1 - 2 + 22 = 3

A function relates an input to an output.

Saying "f(4) = 16" is like saying 4 is somehow related to 16. Or 4 → 16

Vertical Line Test

On a graph, the idea of single valued means that no

vertical line would ever cross more than one value.

If it crosses more than once it is still a valid curve,

but it would not be a function.


The graph at the right above shows that a

Vertical line intersects only ONE point in a function.

This is called the vertical line test for functions

Domain and Range

In our examples above

• the set "X" (all x-values) is called the Domain,

• the set of elements that get pointed to in Y (the actual values produced by the

function) is called the Range.

So Many Names!

Functions have been used in mathematics for a very long time, and lots of different names
and ways of writing functions have come about.

Here are some common terms you should get familiar with:

Example: a. with z = 2u3:

• "u" could be called the "independent variable"

• "z" could be called the "dependent variable" (it depends on the value of u)

b . with f(4) = 16:

• "4" could be called the "argument"

• "16" could be called the "value of the function


Ordered Pairs
I said I would show you many ways to think about functions, and here is another way:
You can write the input and output of a function as an "ordered pair", such as (4,16).
They are called ordered pairs because the input always comes first, and the output second:
(input, output)

So it looks like this: ( x, f(x) )

Test Your Knowledge

If 𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏 = 2 and 𝑎𝑎2 + 𝑏𝑏 2 = 5
what is the value of 𝑎𝑎3 + 𝑏𝑏 3 =?


(4,16) means that the function takes in "4" and gives out "16"

Set of Ordered Pairs

A function can then be defined as a set of ordered pairs:

Example: {(2,4), (3,5), (7,3)} is a function that says

"2 is related to 4", "3 is related to 5" and "7 is related 3".

Also, notice that:

• the domain is {2, 3, 7} (the input values).

• and the range is {4, 5, 3} (the output values).


But the function has to be single valued, so we also say :

"if it contains (a, b) and (a, c), then b must equal c"

Which is just a way of saying that an input of "a" cannot produce two different results.

Example: {(2,4), (2,5), (7,3)} is not a function because {2, 4} and {2, 5} means that 2 could
be related to 4 or 5.

In other words it is not a function because it is not single valued

• A function relates inputs to outputs.

• A function takes elements from a set (the domain) and relates them to elements in a set

of all the actual values y called the range.

• A function is a special type of relation where:

o every element in the domain is included, and

o any input produces only one output (not this or that)

• An input and its matching output are together called an ordered pair.

• So a function can also be seen as a set of ordered pairs.

A function and its inverse function can be described as the "DO" and the "UNDO"
functions. A function takes a starting value, performs some operation on this value, and
creates an output answer. The inverse function takes the output answer, performs some
operation on it, and arrives back at the original function's starting value.


Finding Inverse of functions

Basically speaking, the process of finding an inverse is simply the swapping of the x and y
coordinates. This newly formed inverse will be a relation, but may not necessarily be a

Consider this subtle difference in terminology:

Definition: INVERSE OF A FUNCTION: The relation formed when the independent variable
is exchanged with the dependent variable in a given relation. (This inverse may NOT be a

Definition: INVERSE FUNCTION: If the above mentioned inverse of a function is itself a

function, it is then called an inverse function.

Solving for an inverse relation algebraically is a three step process:

1. Set the function = y

2. Swap the x and y variables
3. Make y the subject


Find the inverse of the function

f(x) = x -2 Remember set the function =y

y = x -2

Swap the variables x=y–2

Make y the subject

x +2 = y

f-1 (x) = x + 2


Finding inverse from a graph

The graph of an inverse relation is the reflection of the original graph over the identity line,
y = x. It may be necessary to restrict the domain on certain functions to guarantee that the
inverse relation is also a function.

Consider the straight line, y = 2x + 3, as the original
function. It is drawn in blue.

If reflected over the identity line, y = x, the original

function becomes the red dotted graph. The new red
graph is also a straight line and passes the vertical line test
for functions. The inverse relation of y = 2x + 3 is also a

Not all graphs produce an inverse relation which is also a



1. Use the following function rule to find f(40).
f(x) = 10 -

2. Use the following function rule to find f(24).

f(x) = 5 -

3. Use the following function rule to find f(3).

f(x) = 9(4)x + 2

4. Use the following function rule to find f(5).

f(x) = 12(3)x + 9

5. Use the following function rule to find f(r + 8).

f(n) = n + 12

6. Given f(x) = (x + 2) 2 – x + 3, find:

(i) f(2) (ii) f(-2) (iii) f(-4) (iv) f(x + 1)
7. Is a person’s weight a function of their height? Why?

8. Is the height of a rocket a function of time? Why?

9. Is y = 2x -4 a function .Why ?

10. Is y = x2 – 5 is a function .Why ?




(c )


Able to draw Graphs of the following functions :

Linear Functions - Linear
- Quadratic
- Cubic
Linear functions are straight lines
- Circle
(power of x and y = 1).
- exponential

Form: y = mx + c

where m is the gradient and c gives the y-intercept

Some Observations:

1. If the slope, m, is positive, the line slants uphill. As the slope gets larger, the uphill slant
of the line gets steeper. As the slope gets extremely large (a very big number), the line
becomes nearly vertical. If the line is vertical, the slope is
undefined (because it has no horizontal change).

2. As the slope gets smaller (closer to zero), the line loses

steepness and starts to flatten. If the slope is zero, the
line is horizontal (flat)

3. If the slope is negative the line slants downhill. As the

slope decreases (remember -2 is > -3), the downhill slant
of the line gets steeper.

4. Domain: x Є R
Range : y Є R

X-Intercepts and Y-Intercepts

The x-intercept of a line is the point at which the line crosses the x-axis. ( i.e.
where the y value equals 0 )
x-intercept = ( x, 0 )
The y-intercept of a line is the point at which the line crosses the y-axis. ( i.e.
where the x value equals 0 )
y-intercept = ( 0, y )



Find the x and y intercepts of the equation 3x + 4y = 12

To find the x-intercept, set y = 0 and solve for x.

3x + 4( 0 ) = 12
3x + 0 = 12
3x = 12
x = 12/3
x = 4

To find the y-intercept, set x = 0 and solve for y.

3( 0 ) + 4y = 12
0 + 4y = 12
4y = 12
y = 12/4
y = 3

Therefore, the x-intercept is ( 4, 0 ) and the y-intercept is ( 0, 3 ).

The graph of the line looks like this:

Solving Equations Simultaneously

On occasions you will come across two or more unknown quantities, and two or more
equations relating them. These are called simultaneous equations and when asked to solve
them you must find values of the unknowns which satisfy all the given equations at the
same time.

Some methods of solving equations simultaneously are the graphical method, elimination
and substitution methods.


Graphical Method
Example . Solve simultaneously for x and y:

x + y = 10
x − y =2

This means that we must find values of x and y that will solve both equations. We must
find two numbers whose sum is 10 and whose difference is 2.

The two numbers, obviously, are 6 and 4:

6 + 4 = 10
6 − 4=2

Let us represent the solution as the ordered pair (6, 4).

Now, these two equations

x + y = 10
x − y =2

are linear equations . Hence, the graph of each one is a straight line. Here are the two

The solution to the simultaneous equations is their point of intersection. Why? Because
that coordinate pair solves both equations. That point is the one and only point on both


Solve this system of equations graphically.

4x – 6y = 12

2x + 2y = 6

Solve graphically:

To solve a system of equations graphically, graph both equations and see where they
intersect. The intersection point is the solution.

First, solve each equation for "y = ". (make y the subject of the formula )

4x - 6y = 12 2x + 2y = 6

slope = -1
y-intercept = 3

slope = 2/3
y-intercept = -2

Graph the lines.

The slope intercept method of graphing

was used in this example.

The point of intersection of the two lines,

(3,0), is the solution to the system of

This means that (3,0), when substituted

into either equation, will make them
both true. See the check.


Elimination method
Perhaps the simplest way is elimination. This is a process which involves removing or
eliminating one of the unknowns to leave a single equation which involves the other

In the ‘elimination’ method for solving simultaneous equations, two equations are
simplified by adding them or subtracting them. This eliminates one of the variables so that
the other variable can be found. To add two equations, add the left hand expressions and
right hand expressions separately. Similarly, to subtract two equations, subtract the left
hand expressions from each other, and subtract the right hand expressions from each
other. The following examples will make this clear.

Example 1: Consider these equations:

2x – 5y = 1
3x + 5y = 14

The first equation contains a ‘-5y’ term, while the second equation contains a ‘+5y’ term.
These two terms will cancel if added together, so we will add the equations to eliminate ‘y’.

To add the equations, add the left side expressions and the right side expressions

2x - 5y = 1
3x + 5y = + 14
(2x – 5y) + (3x + 5y) = 1 + 14

Simplifying, -5y and +5y cancel out, so we have:

5x = 15
Therefore ‘x’ is 3.
By substituting 3 for ‘x’ into either of the two original equations we can find ‘y’.

2x – 5y = -1
2(3) – 5y = -1
6 – 5y = -1
-5y = -7


Example 2. Solve simultaneously for x and y.

2x + y = 4
x − y = −1

Solution. In this case, the solution is not obvious. Here is a general strategy for solving
simultaneous equations:

When one pair of coefficients are negatives of one another, add the equations vertically,
and that unknown will cancel. We will then have one equation in one unknown, which we
can solve.

Upon adding those equations, the y's cancel:

2x + Y = 4
x − Y = −1
3x = 3

X =

X = 1.

To solve for y, the other unknown:

Substitute the value of x in one of the original equations.

Upon substituting x = 1 in the top equation:

2x + y = 4

2(1) + y = 4

2+y= 4y =2

If we report the solution as an ordered pair, then the solution is (1, 2). Those are the
coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.


Example 3:

The elimination method will only work if you can eliminate one of the variables by adding

or subtracting the equations as in example 1 above. But for many simultaneous equations,

this is not the case.

For example, consider these equations:

2x + 3y = 4

x - 2y = -5

Adding or subtracting these equations will not cancel out the ‘x’ or ‘y’ terms.

Before using the elimination method you may have to multiply every term of one or both
of the equations by some number so that equal terms can be eliminated. We could
eliminate ‘x’ for this example if the second equation had a ‘2x’ term instead of an ‘x’ term.
By multiplying every term in the second equation by 2, the ‘x’ term will become ‘2x’, like

X x 2 – 2y x 2 = -5 x 2
2x – 4y = -10

Now the ‘x’ term in each equation is the same, and the equations can be subtracted to
eliminate ‘x’:

2x + 3y = 4
− 2x − 4y = − −10
(2x + 3y) − (2x − 4y) = 4 − −10

Removing the brackets and simplifying, the ‘2x’ terms cancel out, so we have:

7y = 14

The other variable, ‘x’, can now be found by substituting 2 for ‘y’ into either of the original
x – 2y = -5
x – 2(2) = -5
x–4 =5


Substitution Method
Here is the method of substitution:

• Solve one of the equations for one unknown in terms of the other.
• Then, substitute that in the other equation.
• That will yield one equation in one unknown, which we can then solve.

Consider example 2 from elimination: 2x + y = 4 ①

x – y = -1 ②

Let us solve equation ①for y:

① y = 4 − 2x

And now, substitute this for y in equation ② :

② x − (4 − 2x) = −1
This equation has only the unknown x:

x − 4 + 2x = −1

3x = −1 + 4

3x = 3

X = 1

To find y, substitute x = 1 in line 1):

y = 4 − 2· 1

y = 2.



1. Use the method of substitution to solve each other of the pair of simultaneous
(a) x + y = 15 , x-y=3 (b) x + y = 0 , x-y=2
(c) 2x - y = 3 , 4x + y = 3 (d) 2x - 9y = 9 , 5x + 2y = 27
(e) x + 4y = -4 , 3y - 5x = -1 (f) 2x - 3y = 2 , x + 2y = 8
(g) x + y = 7 , 2x - 3y = 9 (h) 11y + 15x = -23 , 7y - 2x = 20
(i) 5x - 6y = 2 , 6x - 5y = 9

2.Solve each other pair of equation given below using elimination method:
(a) x + 2y = -4 , 3x - 5y = -1 (b) 4x + 9y = 5 , -5x + 3y = 8
3 7
(c) 9x - 6y = 12 , 4x + 6y = 14 (d) 2y - = 12 , 5y + =1
𝑥𝑥 𝑥𝑥
3 2 9 9 4 21
(e) + = , + =
𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦
4 3 6 5 4 3
(f) + =8 , + = 13 (g) 5x + =7 , 4x + =5
𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑦𝑦

(h) x+y=3 , -3x + 2y = 1 (i) -3x + 2y = 5 , 4x + 5y = 2

3.Solve the following simultaneous equations:

a. 3a + 4b = 43 -2a + 3b = 11
b. 4x - 3y = 23 3x + 4y = 11
c. 5x + (4/y) = 7 4x + (3/y) = 5
d. 4/(p - 3) + 6/(q - 4) = 5 5/(p - 3) - 3/(q - 4) = 1
e. (l/6) - (m/15) = 4 (l/3) - (m/12) = 19/4
f. 3x + 2y = 8 4x + y = 9
g. x - y = -1 2y + 3x = 12
h. (3y/2) - (5x/3) = -2 (y/3) + (x/3) = 13/6
i. x-y=3 (x/3) + (y/2) = 6
j. (2x/3) + (y/2) = -1 (-x/3) + y = 3
k. 5x + 8y = 9 2x + 3y = 4
l. 3 - 2(3a - 4b) = -59 (a - 3)/4 - (b - 4)/5 = 21/10


4. If 2x + 5y = 21 and x + y = 3, then what is the value of x?

5. If 7x + 2y = 3 and x - 3y = 30, what is the value of y?

6. If 2x + 5y = -1 and 3x - 2y = 27, then what is the value of x

7. If 4x - 3y = -18 and 6x + 7y = -4, then what is the value of y?

8. 2x - 3y = 24 and 3x + 4y = 2, what is the value of x - y ?

9. a + b = 5 and 3a + 2b = 20, then what is 3a + b equal to?

10. If 3p - 2q = 4 and 7p - 3q = 1, then what is 4p - 5q equal to?

11. Sahid has 20 balls of four colors: yellow, green, blue, and black. 17 of them are not

green, 5 are black, and 12 are not yellow. How many blue balls does Sahid have?

12. Ansaar bought 20 shirts at a total cost of R 980. If the large shirts cost R 50 and the

small shirts cost R 40. How many of each size did he buy?

13. The diagonal of a rectangle is 25 cm more than its width. The length of the rectangle

is 17 cm more than its width. What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

14. The sum of 27 and 12 is equal to 73 more than an unknown number. Find the


15. The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 20 and their difference is 2. Find the two



Quadratic Functions
Quadratic functions are parabolas.
Form y = ax2 .

Some Observations:

1. If the coefficient of x2 gets larger, the

parabola becomes thinner (narrower),
closer to its line of symmetry.

2. If the coefficient of x2 gets smaller,

the parabola becomes thicker (wider),
further from its line of symmetry.

3. If the coefficient of x2 is negative, the

parabola opens downward

x x2 - 4x y
2 2
Quadratic in the form y = x - 4x -1 (-1) - 4(-1) 5
0 (0) - 4(0) 0
(Remember: [-1, 5] means from x= -1 to x = 5 1 2
(1) - 4(1) -3
inclusive.) 2 2
(2) - 4(2) -4
3 (3) - 4(3) -3
In this example, the interval used for preparing 4 2
(4) - 4(4) 0
the chart was given in the question. Consequently, 5 2
(5) - 4(5) 5
the turning point of the parabola fell within the
interval. If the question had NOT told us the interval,
how would we have known which values to place in the chart to ensure that we would see
the turning point of the parabola? To guarantee that the points you choose for your

chart will show the turning point, start by determining the axis of symmetry of
the parabola.


Plot the points generated in the chart. Draw

a smooth curve through the points.

The points where the graph crosses the

x-axis are called the roots of
0 = x2 - 4x.
This parabola crosses the x-axis
at (0, 0) and (4, 0).

Completing the Square

"Completing the Square" is where we ..

take a Quadratic Equation like this: and turn it into this:

ax2 + bx + c = 0 a(x+d)2 + e = 0

Say we have a simple expression like x2 + bx. Having x twice in the same expression can
make life hard. What can we do?

Well, with a little inspiration from Geometry we can convert it, like this:

As you can see x2 + bx can be rearranged nearly into a square ...

... and we can complete the square with (b/2)2


In Algebra, it looks like this:

x2 + bx + (b/2)2 = (x+b/2)2
"Complete the Square"

So, by adding (b/2)2 we can complete the square.

And (x+b/2)2 has x only once, which is easier to use.

Keeping the Balance

Now ... we can't just add (b/2)2 without also subtracting it too! Otherwise the whole value

So let's see how to do it properly with an example:

Start with: x2 + 6x + 7

("b" is 6 in this case)

Complete the Square:

Also subtract the new


Simplify it and we are done.

The result:

x2 + 6x + 7 = (x + 3)2 − 2


A Shortcut Approach

Expanding (x + b)2 gets us x2 + 2bx + b2, and we have turned the question into this:

Now we can "force" an answer:

• We know that 6x must end up as 2bx, so b must be 3

• Next we see that 7 must become b2 + c = 9 + c, so c must be −2

And we get the same result (x+3)2 − 2 as above!

A Simple Approach

ax2 + bx + c = 0 a(x+d)2 + e = 0


The vertex form of a quadratic function is given by

f (x) = a(x - h)2 + k where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola.

When written in "vertex form":

• (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola, and x = h is the axis of symmetry.

• the h represents a horizontal shift (how far left, or right, the graph has shifted from x = 0).

• the k represents a vertical shift (how far up, or down, the graph has shifted from y = 0).

• notice that the h value is subtracted in this form, and that the k value is added.
If the equation is y = 2(x - 1)2 + 5, the value of h is 1, and k is 5.
If the equation is y = 3(x + 4)2 - 6, the value of h is -4, and k is -6.


Sketch the graph of y = 3(x - 2)2 – 4

1. Start with the function in vertex form:

y = 3(x - 2)2 – 4

2. Pull out the values for h and k.

If necessary, rewrite the function so you can clearly see the h and k values.
(h, k) is the vertex of the parabola.
Plot the vertex

y = 3(x - 2)2 + (-4)

h = 2; k = -4
Vertex: (2, -4)

3. The line x = h is the axis of symmetry.

Draw the axis of symmetry.

x = 2 is the axis of symmetry

4. Find two or three points on one side of the axis of

symmetry, by substituting your chosen x-values into the

For this problem, we chose (to the left of the axis of


x = 1; y = 3(1 - 2)2 - 4 = -1

x = 0; y = 3(0 - 2)2 - 4 = 8

Plot (1, -1) and (0,8).


5. Plot the mirror images of these points across the axis of symmetry, or plot new points
on the right side. Draw the parabola.
Remember, when drawing the parabola to avoid "connecting the dots" with straight
line segments. A parabola is curved, not straight, as its slope is not constant.

Graphing Cubic Functions

A cubic function has the form

f (x) = a x3 + b x2 + c x + d – expanded form

f(x) = (x – a) (x – b)(x – c) – Factorised form

where a, b, c and d are real numbers and a is not equal to 0.

The domain of this function is the set of all real numbers. The range of f is the set of all real

numbers. The y intercept of the graph of f is given by f(0) = d. The x intercept(s) are found

by solving the equation

a x3 + b x2 + c x + d = 0


The left hand side behaviour of the graph of the cubic function is as follows:

• If the leading coefficient is positive, as x increases the graph of f is up and as x

decreases indefinitely the graph of f is down.
• If the leading coefficient is negative, as x increases the graph of f is down and as x
decreases indefinitely the graph of f is up.

Example 1: The basic cubic function given by

f (x) = x 3

a. Find the x and y intercepts of the graph of f.

b. Find the domain and range of f.
c. Sketch the graph of f.

Solution to Example 1

a - The y intercept is given by

(0 , f(0)) = (0 , 0)

• The x coordinates of the x intercepts are the solutions to

x3 = 0

• The x intercept are at the points (0 , 0).

b - The domain of f (x) is the set of all real numbers.

• Since the leading coefficient (of x3) is positive, the graph of f is up on the right and
down on the left and hence the range of f is the set of all real numbers.

c - Make a table of values and graph.

x -2 -1 0 1 2
f(x) = x -8 -1 0 1 8

• Also since f(-x) = - f(x), function f is odd and its graph is symmetric with respect to
the origin (0,0).


Example 2: f is a cubic function given by

f (x) = - (x - 2) 3

a. Find y intercepts of the graph of f.

b. Find all zeros of f and their multiplicity.
c. Find the domain and range of f.
d. Use the y intercept, x intercepts and other properties of the graph of to sketch the
graph of f.

Solution to Example 2

a - The y intercept is given by

(0 , f(0)) = (0 , 8)

b - The zeros of f are solutions to

- (x - 2) 3 = 0

• Function f has one zero at x = 2 of multiplicity 3 and therefore the graph of f cuts
the x axis at x = 2.

• c - The domain of f (x) is the set of all real numbers.


• After expansion of f(x), we can see that the leading coefficient (of x3) is negative,
the graph of f is down on the right and up on the left and hence the range of f is the
set of all real numbers.

d - Properties and graph.

• At x = 2, the graph cuts the x axis. The y intercept is a point on the graph of f. Also
the graph of f(x) = - (x - 2) 3 is that of f(x) = x3 shifted 2 units to the right.

• The term (x - 2) and reflected on the x axis because of the negative sign in
f(x) = - (x- 2) 3. Adding to all these properties the left and right hand behaviour of
the graph of f, we have the following graph.

Example 3: f is a cubic function given by

f (x) = (x+2)(x-1)(x+1)

a. Factor f(x).
b. Find all zeros of f and their multiplicity.
c. Find the domain and range of f.
d. Use the y intercept, x intercepts and other properties of the graph of to sketch the
graph of f.


Solution to Example 3

a - f (x) = x 3 + 2 x 2 - x - 2 = x 2 (x + 2) - (x + 2) = (x + 2)(x 2 - 1)

b - The zeros of f are solutions to

(x + 2)(x 2 - 1) = 0

• Function f has zeros at x = - 2, at x = 1 and x = - 1.

Therefore the graph of f cuts the x axis at all
these x intercepts.

c - The domain of f (x) is the set of all real numbers.

• The leading coefficient f(x) is positive, the graph

of f is down on the left and up on the right and hence

• The range of f is the set of all real numbers.

d - Properties and graph.

The y intercept of the graph of f is at (0 , - 2). The graph cuts the x axis at x = -2, -1
and 1. Adding to all these properties the left and right hand behaviour of the graph
of f, we have the graph shown.

Example 4: f is a cubic function given by

f (x) = - (x – 2)(x + 1)2

a. Find all zeros of f and their multiplicity.

b. Find the domain and range of f.
c. Use the y intercept, x intercepts and other properties of the graph to sketch the
graph of f.

Solution to Example 4

a. The zeros of f are solutions to

-(x – 2)(x + 1)2 = 0


• Function f has zeros at x = 2 and x = - 1

with multiplicity 2. Therefore the graph
cuts the x axis at x = 2 and is tangent to
the x axis at x = - 1 because the
multiplicity of this zero is even.

b. The domain of f (x) is the set of all real numbers.

• The leading coefficient f(x) is negative,

the graph of f is up on the left and down
on the right and hence the range of f is the set
of all real numbers.

c. Properties and graph.

The y intercept of the graph of f is at (0 , 2). The graph cuts the x axis at x = 2 and is tangent
to it at x = - 1. Adding to all these properties the left and right hand behaviour of the graph
of f, we have the following graph.

The definition of a circle is

the set of all points on a plane that are a fixed distance from a centre.

Let us put that center at (a,b).

So the circle is all the points (x, y) that are "r" away from
the centre (a, b).


Now we can work out exactly where all those points are:

We make a right-angled triangle (as shown),

and then use Pythagoras (a2 + b2 = c2):

And that is the "Standard Form" for the equation of a circle!

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2

Unit Circle
If we place the circle center at (0,0) and set the radius to 1 we get:

(x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2

(x – 0)2 + (y – 0)2 = 12

x2 + y2 = 1

which is the equation of the Unit Circle.

How to Plot a Circle by Hand

1. Plot the centre (a, b)

2. Plot 4 points "radius" away from the centre in the up, down, left and right direction

3. Sketch it in!

Example: Plot (x – 4)2 + (y – 2)2 = 25

The formula for a circle is (x – a)2 + (y – b)2 = r2

So the centre is at (4, 2)

And r2 is 25, so the radius is √25 = 5


So we can plot:

The Centre: (4, 2)

Up: (4, 2+5) = (4, 7)

Down: (4, 2-5) = (4,-3)

Left: (4-5, 2) = (-1, 2)

Right: (4+5, 2) = (9, 2)

Now, just sketch in the circle the best that you can!

For the circle below, r = 5, x = 4 and y = 3

So the equation of the circle is x2 + y2 = 52

Point (4, 3) is on the circle because 42 + 32 = 52

Domain : -5 ≤ x ≤ 5, x Є R

Range: -5 ≤ x ≤ 5, y Є R

P(x,y) is on the circle x2 + y2 = 52


General Form

But you may see a circle equation and not know it!

Because it may not be in the neat "Standard Form" above.

As an example, let us put some values to a, b and r and then expand it

Start with: (x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2

Set (for example)

(x-1)2 + (y-2)2 = 32
a=1, b=2, r=3:

Expand: x2 - 2x + 1 + y2 - 4y + 4 = 9

Gather like terms: x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y + 1 + 4 - 9 = 0

And we end up with this:

x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y - 4 = 0

It is a circle equation, but "in disguise"!

So when you see something like that think " ... that might be a circle!"

In fact we can write it in "General Form" by putting constants instead of the numbers:

x2 + y2 + Ax + By + C = 0

Going from General Form to Standard Form

Imagine we have an equation in General Form (like the example above):

x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y - 4 = 0

How can we get it into Standard Form like (x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2 ?

The answer is to Complete the Square... for x and for y:

Start with: x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y - 4 = 0

Put xs and ys
(x2 - 2x) + (y2 - 4y) = 4
together on left:


Now to complete the square we take half of the middle number, square it and add it.

(Also add it to the right hand side so the equation stays in balance!)

And do it for x and y.

Do it for "x": (x2 - 2x + (-1)2) + (y2 - 4y) = 4 + (-1)2
And for "y": (x2 - 2x + (-1)2) + (y2 - 4y + (-2)2) = 4 + (-1)2 + (-2)2

Simplify: (x2 - 2x + 1) + (y2 - 4y + 4) = 9

Finally: (x - 1)2 + (y - 2)2 = 32

And we have it in Standard Form

Exponential Function
This is the Exponential Function: f(x) = ax a is any value greater than 0.

Properties depend on value of "a"

• When a = 1, the graph is a horizontal line at y=1

• Apart from that there are two cases to look at:

a between 0 and 1 a above 1

Example: f(x) = (0.5)x

Example: f(x) = (2)x

For a between 0 and 1 For a above 1:

• As x increases, f(x) heads to 0 As x increases, f(x) heads to infinity

• As x decreases, f(x) heads to infinity As x decreases, f(x) heads to 0
• Domain : x Є R Domain : x Є R
• Range : y > 0, y Є R Range : y > 0, y Є R
• It has a Horizontal Asymptote along It has a Horizontal Asymptote along
the x-axis (y=0). the x-axis (y=0).


Note: (Only) Range will change with the equation of the exponential function


A line that a curve approaches, as it heads towards infinity:

It can be in a negative direction, the curve can approach

from any side (such as from above or below for a horizontal

The important point is that:

The distance between the curve and the asymptote tends to zero as they head to infinity
(or −infinity)


1. Sketch the graph of y = 4x2 1nd y = 6x2 on the same pair of axis .
2. Sketch the graph of y = 5x2 and y = -5x2 on the same pair of axis.
3. Sketch the graph of the following quaratic equation showing the intercets.
[i] y = x2 – 9 [ii] y = x2 – 3x [iii] y = 4x - x2 [iv] y = 2x - x2
4. Sketch the grph of the following giving the coordinates of the vertex and the
equation of the axis of symmetry.
[i] y = ( x – 2 )2 + 3 [ii] y = ( x +1 )2 + 3 [iii] y = 2( x – 3 )2 -3

[iv] y + 1 = ( x – 1 )2 [v] y - 4 = 3 ( x + 1 )2 [vi] y = 2 - 2( x – 4 )2


5. What is the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola f(x) = 2x2 + 8x - 12 ?

6. Change the following equations in the form f (x) = a(x - h)2 + k, using perfect square and
sketch its graph showing the intercepts and vertex.
[i] y = x2 -2x + 3 [ii] y = x2 + 6x -2 [iii] y = x2 -3x – 3
[iv] y = 2x2 -4x + 3 [v] y = 3x2 -2x - 1 [vi] y = 3x2 - 5x + 3

7. Sketch the graph of y = 3x3 and y = -3x3 on the same pair of axis
8. Sketch the graph of the following cubic functions:
[a] y = (x-1) (x+2 )(x -3) [b] y = (x+3) (x+2 )(x -1)
[c] y = -(x-3) (x+2 )(x +3) [d] y = y = x (x+2 )(x -3)
[e] y = (x-1) (x -3) (f) y = (x-1)2 (x+2 )
[g] y = (2- x)2 (x -3) [h] y = (1 – x2) (2 –x )
9. Sketch the graph of the following exponential functions
[i] y = 3x [ii] y = 5x [iii] y =( ⅝)x [iv] y = ½x
10. Write down the equation of the circle in standard Form

11. Write down the equation of the circle in standard Form

12 . Plot the following circles

[a] x2 + y2 = 16 [b] 2x2 +2 y2 = 100
[c]( x – 2 )2 + (y -5)2 = 81 [d](x+1)2 + (y -2)2 = 125
[e] (x+2)2 + (y + 4)2 = 64 [f] (x+1)2 + (y -2)2 = 125
[g]x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y - 4 = 0


13 . What is the centre of the circle (x - 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 49?

14. What is the radius of the circle (x + 2)2 + (y − 4)2 = 36?

15. What is the centre of the circle x2 + y2 + 8x - 12y + 27 = 0?

16. What is the radius of the circle x2 + y2 - 6x + 14y - 23 = 0?

17. The equation of a circle in Standard Form is (x + 11)2 + (y − 9)2 = 16.

What is the equation of the circle in General Form?

18. The equation of a circle in Standard Form is (x − 2.5)2 + (y + 3.5)2 = 10.

What is the equation of the circle in General Form?

19. The General Form of the equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + x + 3y − 6.5 = 0.

Write the equation in Standard Form.

- Able to identify the distance formula and
calculate the distance between two points.
- Able to use the formula and find the midpoint
Sub Strand Writing Coordinates - Able to determine the gradient from two given
- Able to find equation of a line from y intercept and
gradient, two points on the line and angle with x axis
- Find distance between two points
and y intercept.
- Find the midpoint
- To know the relationship between the gradients of
- Determine equation of a line.
parallel and perpendicular lines

The coordinates are always written in a certain order:

• the horizontal distance first,

• then the vertical distance.

• This is called an "ordered pair" (a pair of numbers in a special order)

And usually the numbers are separated by a comma, and parentheses are put around the
whole thing like this: (3, 2)

Example: (3,2) means 3 units to the right, and 2 units up

Example: (0, 5) means 0 units to the right, and 5 units up.

In other words, only 5 units up.

The Origin
The point (0,0) is given the special name "The Origin", and is sometimes given the letter

Abscissa and Ordinate

You may hear the words "Abscissa" and "Ordinate" ... they are just the x and y values: Abscissa: the
horizontal ("x") value in a pair of coordinates: how far along the point is Ordinate: the vertical ("y")
value in a pair of coordinates: how far up or down the point is "Cartesian”...


The History of Coordinate Geometry

Geometry's origins go back to approximately 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Ancient
Egyptians used an early stage of geometry in several ways, including the surveying of
land, construction of pyramids, and astronomy. Around 2,900 BC, ancient Egyptians
began using their knowledge to construct pyramids with four triangular faces and a
square base.

Euclid's Element

The next great advancement in geometry came from Euclid in 300 BC when he wrote a
text titled 'Elements.' In this text, Euclid presented an ideal axiomatic form (now
known as Euclidean geometry) in which propositions could be proven through a small
set of statements that are accepted as true. In fact, Euclid was able to derive a great
portion of planar geometry from just the first five postulates in 'Elements.' These
postulates are listed below:

(1) A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.
(2) A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.
(3) Given any straight line segment, a circle can be drawn having the segment as radius
and one endpoint as centre.
(4) All right angles are congruent.
(5) If two lines are drawn which intersect a third line in such a way that the sum of
the inner angles on one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines inevitably
must intersect each other on that side if extended infinitely .Euclid's fifth postulate
is also known as the parallel postulate.

René Descartes' Coordinate Geometry

The next tremendous advancement in the field of geometry occurred in the 17th
century when René Descartes discovered coordinate geometry. Coordinates and
equations could be used in this type of geometry in order to illustrate proofs. The
creation of coordinate geometry opened the doors to the development of calculus and

The Development of Non-Euclidean Geometry

In the 19th century, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Nikolai Lobachevsky, and János Bolyai
formally discovered non-Euclidean geometry. In this kind of geometry, four of Euclid's
first five postulates remained consistent, but the idea that parallel lines do not meet
did not stay true. This idea is a driving force behind elliptical geometry and hyperbolic


Distance Formula

Used to find the distance between any two points.

1. Use
2. Label the ordered pairs.
3. Substitute the values into the formula.
4. Use order of operations to simplify.

(4, 5) & (-2, 6)

(-14, -4) & (1, 8)

(-2, 10) & (5, -3)

How to Determine if Three Given Points are the Vertices of a Right


1. Label the points using A, B, and C.

2. Find the 3 lengths (AB, AC, BC) between the points using the distance
 If the lengths cannot be square rooted evenly, leave in radical
3. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem (a2 + b2 = c2)
 Substitute the two shortest lengths for "a" and "b".
 Substitute the longest length for "c".
 Simplify the equation.
 If the result is true, the three points make a right triangle.
 If the result is false, the three points do not make a right triangle.


Midpoint Formula

Used to find the middle of a segment that connects two points.

1. Use mp =

2. Label the ordered pairs (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

3. Substitute the values into the formula.

4. Use order of operations to simplify.

(-14, -4) & (1, 8)
(-2, 10) & (5, -3)

Finding Slope (or Gradient) from 2 Points

What is the slope (or gradient) of this line?

We know two points:

• point "A" is (6,4) (x is 6 when y is 4)

• point "B" is (2,3) (x is 2 when y is 3).


The formula is:

change in y yA - yB
Slope m = =
change in x xA - xB

So what we do is

• subtract the Y values,

• subtract the X values
• then divide

Like this:

change in y 4–3 1
m= = = = 0.25
change in x 6–2 4

It doesn't matter which point comes first, it still works out the same. Try swapping the

change in y 3–4 -1
m = = = = 0.25
change in x 2–6 -4

Finding an Equation from 2 Points

Now you know how to find the slope, let us look at finding a whole equation.

What is the equation of this line?


The easiest method is to start with the "point-slope" formula:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

We can choose any point on the line as being point "1", so let us just use point (2,3):

y - 3 = m(x - 2)

Use the formula from above for the slope "m":

change in y 4–3 1
Slope m = = =
change in x 6–2 4

And we have:

y - 3 = (1/4) (x - 2)

That is an acceptable answer, but we could simplify it further:

y – 3 = x/4 – 2/4

y = x/4 - ½ + 3

y = x/4 + 5/2

4y = x + 10



1. Find the midpoint of the segment connecting the points

(6,4) and (3,-4).

2. Find the midpoint of the segment connecting the points (a,b) and (3a,c).

3. M is the midpoint of . The coordinates of A are (-2,3) and the coordinates of

M are (1,0). Find the coordinates of B.

4. M is the midpoint of . The coordinates of A are (2,3) and the coordinates of

M are (4.5, 6). Find the coordinates of B.

5. is the diameter of a circle whose center is the point (2,1). If the coordinates of

C are (0,-2), find the coordinates of D.

6. Find the distance between the points (-4,-5) and (1,-2).

7. Find the length of the line segment whose endpoints

are (-3, 4) and (5,4).

8. The point (5,4) lies on a circle. What is the length of the radius of this circle if the

center is located at (3,2)?

9. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (2,4) and (-3,-6)?


Sub Strand Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

- Describe the relationship of gradient of parallel

and perpendicular lines
- Determine equation of parallel and perpendicular

Parallel Lines
“Parallel lines have the same gradient”

Here is an example of a pair of parallel lines

These two lines are clearly parallel to each other.

Remember the form y = ax +b, where “a” is the gradient?

The gradient here is the same; it’s just the value of “b”, the y intercept that is different.

The rule to learn here is that for two functions y= ax + b and y1 = a1x1 +b1,

a = a1

The actual functions here are : 2x+2 and 2x+5.

As you can see, the two values of “a” are the same but the values of “b” are different.


Perpendicular Lines
If you want to calculate the perpendicular of the gradient, simply remember this:

For the linear function y = ax +b, a*a1 (where a1 is the gradient of the perpendicular) = -1


a * a1 = -1

We can rearrange this to get:

a1 = -1

So for the function y= 2x+2, the gradient of the perpendicular line is:

a1 = -1/2

If we plot this graphically, we notice that the perpendicular line forms a right angle with the
original line, as seen below.



1. What is the slope of a line perpendicular to 2y = -6x - 10?

2. Given 3y - 4x = 5 and 4y + 6 = 3x.

Are these lines parallel, perpendicular or neither? Why

3. What is the equation of a line that passes through the point (4,-5) and is parallel to

3x +2y = 12?
4. What is the equation of a line that passes through the point (-1,-2) and is perpendicular
to -5x = 6y + 18?

5. A line passes through the points shown in this table.

What is the slope of a line perpendicular to this line?
6. Given 4y - 2x = 10 and -6y - 6 = -3x. Are these lines x 1 3 5 7
parallel, perpendicular or neither?
y 2 5 8 11
7. What is the equation of a line that is parallel to y = -

4 and passes through the point (3,7)?

8. Write the equation of a line that is parallel to 4x + 2y = -8 and has the same y-intercept

as -3y = -2x - 9?
9. A line passes through a point (2,5) and has a slope of -3. What is the equation of a line

perpendicular to this line through (2,5)?

6 6

- Able to find missing sides using Pythagoras

Sub Strand Trigonometric Ratios Theorem
- Able to identify sine, cosine and tangents
relations to find missing sides and angles in a
Sub Strand t right angle triangle.
- Able to reduce to right angle triangle and solve
- Deduce right angled triangle from a 3 - Draw graphs of Sine , Cosine and tangents in
dimensional object the domain 0 to 360®
- Use Pythagoras theorem and
SOH/CAH/TOA to solve right triangles

Brief History of Trigonometry

Trigonometry deals with the study of angles, triangles, and trigonometric

functions. Taken from the Greek words trigonon (triangle) and metria
(measure), the word literally means triangle measurement and the term came
into use in the 17th century—the period when trigonometry, as an analytic
science, started; but its real origins lie in the ancient Egyptian pyramids and
Babylonian astronomy that date back to about 3000 BCE.

It is the Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus of Nicaea in Bithynia

(190 BCE - 120 BCE) that is often considered as the founder of the science of
trigonometry. According to the Greek scholar Theon of Alexandria (335 CE –
405 CE), Hipparchus compiled a “table of chords” in a circle (a trigonometric
table) in 12 books.

Regarding the six trigonometric functions: Aryabhata (476 CE - 550 CE)

discovered the sine and cosine; Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizimi (780 CE -
850 CE) discovered the tangent; Abu al-Wafa’ Buzjani (940 CE - 988 CE)
discovered the secant, cotangent, and cosecant.

Albert Girard (1595-1632), a French mathematician, was the first to use the
abbreviations sin, cos, and tan in a treatise.

The history of trigonometry came about mainly due to the purposes of time
keeping and astronomy.

History of Pythagoras Theorem

Over 2,500 years ago, a Greek mathematician named Pythagoras popularized

the concept that a relationship exists between the hypotenuse and the legs of

right triangles and that this relationship is true for all right triangles. The

Egyptians knew of this concept, as it related to 3, 4, 5 right triangles, long

before the time of Pythagoras. It was Pythagoras, however, who generalized

the concept and who is attributed with its first geometrical

demonstration. Thus, it has become known as the Pythagorean Theorem

"In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the
squares of the lengths of the legs."

This relationship can be stated as:

for any right triangle

and is known as the a, b are legs.

Pythagorean Theorem. c is the hypotenuse
(c is across from the right angle).

There are certain sets of numbers that have a very special property in relation to the
Pythagorean Theorem. Not only do these numbers satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem,
but any multiples of these numbers also satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem.



The numbers 3, 4, and 5 satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem. If you multiply all three
numbers by 2 (6, 8, and 10), these new numbers ALSO satisfy the Pythagorean theorem.

The special sets of numbers that possess this property are called
Pythagorean Triples or triads.

The most common Pythagorean Triples are:

3, 4, 5

5, 12, 13

8, 15, 17

REMEMBER: The Pythagorean Theorem

ONLY works on Right Triangles!

Activity: Let’s form a triangle

Get 12 matchsticks and form an “L” using matchsticks as the base and four matchsticks as
the height. Turn the “L” into a triangle by connecting the height and base using the
remaining matchsticks. How many matchsticks are needed to complete the triangle? Is
there any relationship between the sides in a right angle


Example 1: Let’s look at our matchstick triangle and confirm our results

Example 2: A triangle has lengths 6, 8 and 10. Is this a right angle triangle?

c= a 2 + b2
10= 6 2 + 82
= 36 + 64
100 = 100
It is a right angle triangle.

Example 3: A 13 feet ladder leans against a wall. The base of the ladder is 5 feet from the
wall. Determine how high the ladder will reach up the wall?

c= a 2 + b2
13= 52 + x 2
= 25 + x 2
169 − 25 =
144 = x 2
144 = x
12 = x
The ladder will reach 12 feet up the wall

The 3-4-5 triangle is a right triangle and any multiple of 3-4-5 is also a right angle
triangle. For example 3-4-5 multiplied by 2 equals 6-8-10, which also satisfies the
Pythagoras theorem. These are called Pythagoras Triples or Triads.

Three Dimensional Objects


3D objects have three dimensions: width, depth and height.





This cuboid has side lengths of 2cm, 3cm and 6cm.

Work out the length of the diagonal AF.


First use Pythagoras' theorem in triangle ABC to find length AC.

AC2 = 62 + 22

AC = √40

You do not need to find the root as we will need to square it in the following step. Next we use
Pythagoras' theorem in triangle ACF to find length AF.

AF2 = AC2 + CF2

AF2 = 40 + 32

AF = √49

AF = 7cm

Real life Applications of Pythagoras Theorem:

1. Travelling: The shortest distance is always a direct path
2. Architecture & Buildings: Constructing Triangular Roofs, Painting Walls
3. Earthquakes: Geologists use Pythagoras theorem to locate earthquakes.

Can you think of some more?

Example 1:

This problem could also be

solved using the Pythagorean
Triple 3, 4, 5. Since 6 is 2 times 3,
and 8 is 2 times 4, then x must be
2 times 5.
Find x.

Answer: 10 m

Example 2:

A triangle has sides 6, 7 and 10.

Is it a right triangle?

Let a = 6, b = 7 and c = 10. The longest side MUST be the hypotenuse, so c = 10. Now, check to see
if the Pythagorean Theorem is true.

Since the Pythagorean Theorem is NOT true, this triangle

is NOT a right triangle.


Trigonometric Ratios
Sine, Cosine and Tangent
Sine, Cosine and Tangent are the three main functions in trigonometry.

They are often shortened to sin, cos and tan.

The calculation is simply one side of a right angled triangle divided by another side ... you
just have to know which sides, and that is where "sohcahtoa" helps.

For a triangle with an angle θ , the functions are calculated this way:

Sine Function: ..soh... sin(θ) = opposite / hypotenuse

Cosine Function: ...cah... cos(θ) = adjacent / hypotenuse
Tangent Function: ...toa… tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent


Sohca...what? Just an easy way to remember how Sine, Cosine and Tangent work:

Soh... Sine = Opposite / Hypotenuse

Cah... Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Toa… Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent

Right Triangle
The names Opposite, Adjacent and Hypotenuse come from the right triangle:

• "Opposite" is opposite to the angle θ.

• "Adjacent" is adjacent (next to) to the angle θ
• "Hypotenuse" is the longest side.

Adjacent is always next to the angle

(and opposite is on the other side of the angle)


Example: What are the sine, cosine and tangent of 30° ?

The classic 30° triangle has a hypotenuse of length 2, an opposite side of length 1 and an
adjacent side of √3, like this:

Now we know the lengths, we can calculate the functions:

Sine … soh... sin(30°) = 1 / 2 = 0.5

Cosine ...cah... cos(30°) = 1.732 / 2 = 0.866
Tangent ...toa… tan(30°) = 1 / 1.732 = 0.577

(get your calculator out and check them!)


1. Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with a length of 10 centimetres (cm) and a
width of 7 cm.
2. Find the width of a rectangle whose diagonal is 12 cm and whose length is 10 cm.
3. How long must a guywire be to run from the top of a 20 m pole to a point on the ground
8 m from the base of the pole?
4. The base of a 15m ladder is 5 m away from a wall. How high from the floor is the top of
the ladder?
5. The length of one leg of a right triangle is 3 in. more than the other. If the length of the
hypotenuse is 15 in., what are the lengths of the two legs?


6. Two friends are meeting at a playground. One friend is located on the south-west corner
and the other is located on the north-east corner of the playground. There are two
paths by which they can meet. With the help of Pythagoras' theorem calculate the
shortest distance between the meeting points of the two friends.

Solve the following word problems. For each question, draw a diagram to help you.
1. An airplane is flying at an altitude of 6000 m over the ocean directly toward a
coastline. At a certain time, the angle of depression to the coastline from the
airplane is 14°. How much farther (to the nearest kilometre) does the airplane have
to fly before it is directly above the coastline?
2. From a horizontal distance of 80.0 m, the angle of elevation to the top of a flagpole
is 18°. Calculate the height of the flagpole to the nearest tenth of a metre.
3. A 9.0 m ladder rests against the side of a wall. The bottom of the ladder is 1.5 m
from the base of the wall. Determine the measure of the angle between the ladder
and the ground, to the nearest degree.
4. The angle of elevation of the sun is 68° when a tree casts a shadow 14.3 m long.
How tall is the tree, to the nearest tenth of a metre?
5. A wheelchair ramp is 4.2 m long. It rises 0.7 m. What is its angle of inclination to the
nearest degree?
6. A person flying a kite has released 176 m of string. The string makes an angle of 27°
with the ground. How high is the kite? How far away is the kite horizontally? Give
your answer to the nearest metre.
7. Work out the vertical height (VM) in this square-based pyramid. The square base ABCD has
side lengths of 5cm. Lengths VA, VB, VC and VD are each 8cm. M is the mid-point of the
square base.


8. A room is in the shape of a cuboid. It's floor measures 7.2m by 9.6m and its height is 3.5m.
a) Calculate the length of CH.
b) Calculate the length of CF.
c) Calculate the angle that FCH





Angles and Radian Measure

This section will cover how angles are drawn and also arc length and rotations.
Angles are measured in a couple of different ways. The first unit of measurement is
a degree in which (degrees) is equal to one revolution.

Another unit of measurement for angles is radians.

In radians, 2 π is equal to one revolution. So a conversion between radians and degrees is
360º = 2π radians or 180º = π radians

When converting from degrees to radians:

Multiply your degrees by π .


When converting from radians to degrees:

Multiply your radians by 180˚


Convert 60º to radians.

We will take 60˚ and multiply it by π and you will get: 60. π
180˚ 180˚

This reduces to π


Convert 270° to radians.

Since 180° equates to π, then:

The equivalent angle is

Convert radians to degrees.

The equivalent angle is 30°

The figure below gives the relationship between degrees and radians for the most common
angles in the unit circle measured in the counter clockwise direction from the point to the
right of the vertex. The form of the ordered pair is {degree measure, radian measure}



The graphs in this section are probably the most commonly used in all areas of science and

engineering. They are used for modelling many different natural and mechanical

phenomena (populations, waves, engines, acoustics, electronics, UV intensity, growth of

plants and animals, etc).

The trigonometric graphs in this chapter are periodic, which means the shape repeats itself

exactly after a certain amount of time. Anything that has a regular cycle (like the tides,

temperatures, rotation of the earth, etc) can be modelled using a sine or cosine curve.

1. Graphs of y = a sin x and y = a cos x, talks about amplitude. Amplitude is a

indication of how much energy a wave contains.

2. Graphs of y = a sin bx and y = a cos bx introduces the period of a trigonometric


3. Graphs of y = a sin(bx + c) and y = a cos(bx + c) helps you to understand the

displacement (or phase shift) of a trigonometric curve

Graphs of y = a sin x and y = a cos x

• The Sine Curve
y = a sin t

The sine curve occurs naturally when we are examining waves. When waves have more
energy, they go up and down more vigorously. We say they have greater amplitude.

Let's investigate the shape of the curve y = a sin t and see what the concept of "amplitude"



The "a" in the expression y = a sin x represents the amplitude of the graph. It is an
indication of how much energy the wave contains.

The amplitude is the distance from the "resting" position (otherwise known as the mean
value or average value) of the curve.

Amplitude is always a positive quantity. We could write this using absolute value signs. For
the curve y = a sin x, amplitude =∣a∣

Sine Graph

The Sine Function has this beautiful up-down curve (which repeats every 2π radians, or

It starts at 0, heads up to 1 by π/2 radians (90°) and then heads down to -1.

• Graph of Cosine
Cosine is just like Sine, but it starts at 1 and heads down until π radians (180°) and then
heads up again.


• Graph of Tangent Function

The Tangent function has a completely different shape ... it goes between negative and
positive Infinity, crossing through 0 (every π radians, or 180°), as shown on this plot.

At π/2 radians, or 90° (and -π/2, 3π/2, etc) the function is officially undefined, because it
could be positive Infinity or negative Infinity.

Graph of Sine x - with varying amplitudes

We start with y = sin x.

It has amplitude =1 and period =2π.

Now let's look at the graph of y = 5 sin x.

This time we have amplitude = 5 and period = 2π.

(I have used a different scale on the y-axis.)


And now for y = 10 sin x.

Amplitude = 10 and period = 2π.

For comparison, and using the same y-axis scale, here are the graphs of p(x) = sin x, q(x) = 5
sin x and r(x) = 10 sin x on the one set of axes.

Note that the graphs have the same period (which is 2π) but different amplitude.

Graph of Cosine x - with varying amplitudes

Now let's see what the graph of y = a cos x looks like. This time the angle is measured from
the positive vertical axis.

Now let's have a look at the graph of the simplest cosine curve, y = cos x (= 1 cos x)


We note that the amplitude = 1 and period = 2π.

Similar to what we did with y = sin x above, we now see the graphs of

• p(x) = cos x
• q(x) = 5 cos x
• r(x) = 10 cos x

on one set of axes, for comparison:

Note: For the cosine curve, just like the sine curve, the period of each graph is the same
(2π), but the amplitude has changed

Graphs of y = a sin bx and y = a cos bx

The variable b in both of the graph types

• y = a sin bx
• y = a cos bx

affects the period (or wavelength) of the graph. The period is the distance (or time) that it
takes for the sine or cosine curve to begin repeating again.

Formula for Period

The relationship between b and the period is given by:

Period = 2π

Note: As b gets larger, the period decreases


Changing the Period

Now let's look at some still graphs to see what's going on.

The graph of y = 10 cos x, which we learned about in the last section, sine and cosine
curves, is as follows.

As we learned, the period is 2π.

Next we see y = 10 cos 3x. Note the 3 inside the cosine term.

Notice that the period is different. (However, the amplitude is 10 in each example.)

This time the curve starts to repeat itself at x=3 π/ 2. This is consistent with the formula we
met above:



Now let's view the 2 curves on the same set of axes. Note that both graphs have an
amplitude of 10 units, but their period is different.

The number b tells us the number of cycles in each 2π.

For y = 10 cos x, there is one cycle between 0 and 2π (because b = 1).

For y = 10 cos 3x, there are 3 cycles between 0 and 2π (because b = 3).

Sine, Cosine and Tangent in Four Quadrants

The three main functions in trigonometry are Sine, Cosine and Tangent

They are easy to calculate:

Divide the length of one side of a

right angled triangle by another side

But we must know which sides!

For an angle θ, the functions are calculated this way:

Sine Function: sin(θ) = Opposite / Hypotenuse

Cosine Function: cos(θ) = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
Tangent Function: tan(θ) = Opposite / Adjacent


Example: What is the sine of 35°?

Using this triangle (lengths are only to one decimal place):

sin(35°) = Opposite / Hypotenuse = 2.8/4.9 = 0.57...

Cartesian Coordinates
Using Cartesian Coordinates we mark a point on a graph by how far along and how far up
it is:

The point (12, 5) is 12 units along and 5 units up.

Four Quadrants
When we include negative values, the x and y axes divide the space up into 4 pieces:

Quadrants I, II, III and IV

(They are numbered in a counter-clockwise direction)

• In Quadrant I both x and y are positive,

• in Quadrant II x is negative (y is still positive),
• in Quadrant III both x and y are negative, and
• in Quadrant IV x is positive again, and y is negative.


Now let us look at what happens when we place a 30° triangle in each of the 4 Quadrants.
In Quadrant I everything is normal, and Sine, Cosine and Tangent are all positive:

Example: The sine, cosine and tangent of 30°

Sine: sin(30°) = 1 / 2 = 0.5

Cosine: cos(30°) = −1.732 / 2 = −0.866
Tangent: tan(30°) = 1 / −1.732 = −0.577

But in Quadrant II, the x direction is negative, and both cosine and tangent become

Sine: sin(150°) = 1 / 2 = 0.5

Cosine: cos(150°) = −1.732 / 2 = −0.866
Tangent: tan(150°) = 1 / −1.732 = −0.577

In Quadrant III, sine and cosine are negative:

Sine: sin(210°) = −1 / 2 = −0.5
Cosine: cos(210°) = −1.732 / 2 = −0.866
Tangent: tan(210°) = −1 / −1.732 = 0.577

Note: Tangent is positive

because dividing a negative by
a negative gives a positive.

In Quadrant IV, sine and tangent are negative:

Sine: sin(330°) = −1 / 2 = −0.5

Cosine: cos(330°) = 1.732 / 2 = 0.866
Tangent: tan(330°) = −1 / 1.732 = −0.577


There is a pattern! Look at when Sine Cosine and Tangent are positive ...

• All three of them are positive in Quadrant I

• Sine only is positive in Quadrant II
• Tangent only is positive in Quadrant III
• Cosine only is positive in Quadrant IV

This can be shown even easier by:

Some people like to remember the four letters ASTC by one of these:

• All Students Take Chemistry

• All Students Take Calculus
• All Same Tea Cups
• Add Sugar To Coffee

Two Values
Have a look at this graph of the Sine Function::


There are two angles (within the first 360°) that have the same value!

And this is also true for Cosine and Tangent.

The trouble is: Your calculator will only give you one of those values...

... but you can use these rules to find the other value:

First value Second Value

Sine θ 180˚ − θ
Cosine θ 360˚ − θ
Tangent θ θ − 180˚

And if any angle is less than 0º, then add 360º

Solving Trigonometric equations

We can now solve equations for angles between 0˚ and 360˚ (using Inverse Sine , Cosine
and Tangent)

To solve a trigonometric equations, use standard algebraic techniques such as collecting

like terms and factoring. Your preliminary goal in solving a trigonometric equation is to
isolate the trigonometric function in the equation.
For example, to solve the equation 2 sin x = 1, divide each side by 2 to obtain sin x = ½

Example 1: Solve sin θ = 0.5

We get the first solution from the calculator = sin- (0.5) = 30˚ (it is in Quadrant I)

The other solution is 180˚ − 30˚ = 150˚ (Quadrant II)


Example 2: Solve tan θ = −1.3

We get the first solution from the calculator = tan- (−1.3) = −52.4˚

This is less than 0˚, so we add 360 ˚: −52.4 ˚ + 360 ˚ = 307.6 ˚ (Quadrant IV)

The other solution is 307.6 ˚ − 180 ˚ = 127.6 ˚ (Quadrant II)

Example 3: Solve cos θ = −0.85

We get the first solution from the calculator = cos- (−0.85) = 148.2 ˚ (Quadrant II)

The other solution is 360 ˚ − 148.2 ˚ = 211.8 ˚ (Quadrant III)

Example 4: Solve sin (x + 10) = 0.5 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360

(x + 10) = 300
There are two values for (x +10) that satisfy the equation; they are 300 and 1500.
x + 10 = 30 or x + 10 = 150
x = 20 or x = 140

Example 5 : Solve 1 + 2 sin x = 2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 360

2 sin x = 1
sin x = 0.5
From example 1,
x = 300
There are two values for x that satisfy the equation; they are 300 and 1500
x = 30 or x = 150.

In the unit circle shown at the right, what are the coordinates of B?

sin (x + 20˚) = cos x , the value of x is

What is the amplitude of the graph of the equation?


Important Angles: 30°, 45° and 60° (Exact Values)

You should try to remember sin, cos and tan for the angles 30°, 45° and 60°.

Yes, yes, it is a pain to have to remember things, but it will make life easier when you know
them, not just in exams, but other times when you need to do quick estimates, etc.

These are the values you should remember!

How To Remember?

√1 1
sin(30°) = = (because √1 = 1)
2 2
sin(45°) =
sin(60°) =

And cos goes "3, 2, 1"

cos(30°) =
cos(45°) =
√1 1
cos(60°) = = (because √1 = 1)
2 2

Just 3 Numbers

1 √2 √3
In fact, knowing 3 numbers is enough: , and
2 2 2



1. Determine the amplitude and period of the following trigonometric equations.

[a] y = 3sin3x [b] y = ½cos2x [c] y = tan2θ

[d] y = - 2 sin½θ [e] y = - cosθ [f] y = 3tan4x

2. On the same set of axes from 0 to 360⁰ sketch the graph of

3. Sketch the graph of

4. Sketch the following graphs in the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 360⁰

[a] y = 3 sin 2x [b] y = 2 cos 3x
[c] y = ½ cos 2x [d] y = - 3sin 2x

5 . Determine the equation of the following graphs.

[a] [b]




- Able to understand terms like frequency ,data ,

Even though you may not have realized it, sample , tally
- Able to collect grouped and ungrouped data in
you probably have made some statistical different forms
statements in your everyday conversation or - Able to find mean , mode ,median and quartiles
for ungrouped data
thinking. Statements like "I sleep for about eight - Able to interpret frequency graph
hours per night on average" and "You are more
likely to pass the exam if you start preparing
earlier" are actually statistical in nature.

Statistics is a discipline which is concerned with:

• designing experiments and data collection,

• organising and summarizing information to aid understanding,
• analysing and drawing conclusions from data, and
• estimating the present or predicting the future.

In making predictions, Statistics uses the companion subject of Probability, which models
chance mathematically and enables calculations of chance in complicated cases.

Today, statistics has become an important tool in the work of many academic disciplines
such as medicine, psychology, education, sociology, engineering and physics, to name a
few. Statistics is also important in many aspects of society such as business, industry and
government. Because of the increasing use of statistics in so many areas of our lives, it has
become very desirable to understand and practise statistical thinking. This is important
even if you do not use statistical methods directly.


History of Statistics

The Word statistics has been derived from Latin word “Status” or the Italian
word “Statista”, meaning “Political State” or a Government. Shakespeare used
the word Statist in his drama Hamlet (1602). In the past, statistics was used
by rulers. The application of statistics was very limited but rulers and kings
needed information about lands, agriculture, commerce, population of their
states, to assess their military potential, their wealth, taxation and other
aspects of government.

Gottfried Achenwall used the word statistik at a German University in 1749

which meant the political science of different countries. In 1771 W. Hooper
(Englishman) used the word statistics in his translation of Elements of
Universal Erudition written by Baron B.F Bieford. In his book, statistics has
been defined as the science that teaches us what the political arrangement of
all the modern states of the known world is. There is a big gap between old
statistics and modern statistics, but old statistics is also used as a part of
present day statistics.

During the 18th century, English writers extensively used the word statistics in
their works, so statistics has developed gradually during the last few centuries.
A lot of work has been done towards the end of the nineteenth century.

At the beginning of the 20th century, William S Gosset developed methods for
decision making based on small sets of data. Several other statisticians have
been active in developing new methods, theories and application of statistics.
The availability of electronics and computers is certainly a major factor in the
development of modern statistics.

Data is a collection of facts, such as values or measurements. It can be
numbers, words, measurements, observations or even just descriptions of


Qualitative vs Quantitative Data

Data can be qualitative or quantitative.

• Qualitative data is descriptive information (it describes something). Also known as

Categorical data
• Quantitative data is numerical information (numbers).

Quantitative data can be Discrete or Continuous:

• Discrete data can only integer values (like whole numbers)

• Continuous data can take any value (within a range or from the set of real

Simply put: Discrete data is counted, Continuous data is measured

Example: What do we know about Kuli the Dog?

He is brown and black
He has long hair
He has lots of energy

Discrete Continuous
He has 4 legs He weighs 25.5 kg
He has 2 brothers He is 565 mm tall

To help you remember think "Quantitative is about Quantity"


Collecting Data
Data can be collected in many ways. The simplest way is direct observation.


You want to find how many cars pass by a certain point on a road in a 20-minute interval.

Stand at that point on the road, and count the cars that pass by in that interval.

You collect data by doing a Survey

Census or Sample
A Census is when you collect data for every member of the group (the whole population).

A Sample is when you collect data just for selected members or elements of the group.


There are 120 people in your local football club.

You can ask everyone (all 120) what their age is. That is a census.
Or you could just choose the people that are there this afternoon. That is a sample.

A census is accurate, but hard to do. A sample is not as accurate, but may be good enough,
and is a lot easier.

Data or Datum
Singular form is "datum", so we would say "that datum is very high".
"Data" is the plural of datum so we can say "the data are available", but it is also a
collection of facts, so "the data is available" is fine too.


How to Do a Survey
Turn on the television, radio or open a newspaper and you will often see the results from a

Gathering information is an important way to help people make decisions about topics of
Surveys can help decide what needs changing, where money should be spent, what
products to purchase, what problems there might be, or lots of other questions you may
have at any time. The best part about surveys is that they can be used to answer any
question about any topic.
You can survey people (through questionnaires, opinion polls, etc) or things (like pollution
levels in a river, or traffic flow)

Four Steps

Here are four steps to a successful survey:

• create the questions

• ask the questions
• tally the results
• present the results

Finally make relevant and appropriate conclusion

Let us look at those steps in more detail...

Step One: Create the Questions

The first thing is to decide

What questions do you want answered.

Sometimes these may be simple questions like:

• "What is your favourite colour?”

Other times the questions may be quite complex such as:

• “Which roads have the worst traffic conditions?”


Simple Surveys

If you are doing a simple survey, you could use tally marks to represent each person’s

Sometimes, it is helpful to be creative in how people can respond. It makes it more fun for
both you and your respondents (the people answering the question).

Example: What is your favourite colour?

Have them write down their favourite colour on a piece of paper and drop it in a fish bowl.
Then, put all of the pieces of paper into piles and count them.

To help you make a good Questionnaire read our page Survey Questions.

Step Two: Asking the Questions

Now you have your questions, go out and ask them! But who to ask?

If you survey a small group you can ask everybody (called a Census)

If you want to survey a large group, you may not be able to ask everybody so you should
ask a smaller number of the population (called a Sample)

If you are sampling you should be careful who you ask.

To be a good sample, each person should be chosen randomly

• If you only ask people who look friendly, you will only know what friendly people

If you went to the swimming pool and asked people "Can you swim?" you will get a biased
answer ... maybe even 100% will say "Yes".


Note: Surveys where people are asked to ring a number to vote are not very accurate,
because only certain types of people actually ring up!

So be careful not to bias your survey. Try to choose randomly.

Example: You want to know the favourite colours for people at your school, but don't have
the time to ask everyone.

Solution: Choose 50 people at random:

• stand at the gate and choose "the next person to arrive" each time
• or choose people randomly from a list and then go and find them!
• or you could choose every 5th person

Your results will hopefully be nearly as good as if you asked everyone.

If you choose a person and they do not want to answer, just record "no answer" on the
survey form and mention how many people did not answer in your report.

After completing a sampling survey you can use the information to make a prediction as to
how the rest of the population would respond.

The more people you have asked, the better your result will be.

Example: Nationwide opinion polls survey up to 2,000 people and the results are nearly as
good (within about 1%) as asking everyone.

Step Three: Tally the Results

Now you have finished asking questions it is time to tally the results.

Tally means to add up. This usually involves lots of paperwork and computer work (spread
sheets are useful!)


Example: For "favourite colours of my class" you can simply write tally marks like this
(every fifth mark crosses the previous 4 marks, so you can easily see groups of 5):

Step Four: Presenting the Results

Now you have your results, you will want to show them to other people in the best
possible way. Results can be presented via tables and graphs.


Sometimes, you can simply report the information in a table.

A table is a very simple way to show others the results. A table should have a title, so those
looking at it understand what results the table shows:

Table: The Favourite Colours of My Class

Yellow Red Blue Green Pink
4 5 6 1 4


Types of Graphs
Graphs are used in a variety of ways, and in almost every industry, such as medicine,
agriculture, engineering, optimization, mathematics, and education. Graphs help us to
visualize data. What we see on the graph may help us to interpret and analyze the data.

The end result is usually a better perspective that may not have been possible just by
looking at a set of numbers or tables. Common graphs used in mathematics are shown

Line Graphs Bar Graphs

Pictographs Pie Chart

Every graph must:

• have a title
• be labelled properly
• (axes should be) equally/uniformly distributed or scaled

Note: The width of bars in a Bar graph or Histogram must be equal


Measures of Central Tendency

The term "measures of central tendency" refers to

finding the mean, median and mode.

Mean: Average.
The sum of a set of data divided by the number of data.
(Do not round your answer unless directed to do so.)
Median: The middle value, or the mean of the middle two values, when the data is arranged in
numerical order either ascending or descending. Think of a "median" being in the middle
of a highway.
Mode: The value ( number) that appears the most.
It is possible to have more than one mode, and it is possible to have no mode. If there is
no mode-write "no mode", do not write zero (0) .

Consider these sets of test score values:

Normal listing of scores. Scores with the lowest score replaced with outlier.

The two sets of scores above are identical except for the first score. The set on the left

shows the actual scores. The set on the right shows what would happen if one of the

scores was WAY out of range in regard to the other scores. Such a term is called an outlier.

With the outlier, the mean changed.

With the outlier, the median did NOT change.

In both cases, there is no mode.


How to decide which measure of central tendency to use

Use the mean to describe the middle of a set of Use the median to describe the middle of a
data that does not have an outlier. set of data that does have an outlier.

Advantages: Advantages:
• Most popular measure in fields such as • Extreme values (outliers) do not affect
business, engineering and computer science. the median as strongly as they do the mean.
• It is unique - there is only one answer. • Useful when comparing sets of data.
• Useful when comparing sets of data. • It is unique - there is only one answer.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
• Affected by extreme values (outliers) • Not as popular as mean.

Use the mode when the data is non-numeric or when asked to choose the most popular item.

• Extreme values (outliers) do not affect the mode.

• Not as popular as mean and median.
• Not necessarily unique - may be more than one answer
• When no values repeat in the data set, the mode is every value and is useless.
• When there is more than one mode, it is difficult to interpret and/or compare.


What will happen to the measures of central tendency if we add the same amount to all
data values, or multiply each data value by the same amount?
Data Mean Mode Median
Original Data 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 14, 15, 16, 20 12.2 14 13
Add 3 to each 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 17, 18, 19, 23 15.2 17 16
Multiply 2 to 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 28, 30, 32, 40 24.4 28 26
each Value

When added: Since all values are shifted the same amount, the measures of central
tendency all shifted by the same amount. If you add 3 to each data value, you will add 3 to
the mean, mode and median.

When multiplied: Since all values are affected by the same multiplicative values, the
measures of central tendency will feel the same effect. If you multiply each data value by
2, you will multiply the mean, mode and median by 2.

Example 1

Find the mean, median and mode for the following data: 5, 15, 10, 15, 5, 10, 10, 20, 25,
(You will need to organize the data.)

5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 25


Median: 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 25

Listing the data in order is the easiest way to find the median.
The numbers 10 and 15 both fall in the middle.

Average these two numbers to get the median. 10 + 15 = 12.5


Mode: Two numbers appear most often: 10 and 15. There are three 10's and three 15's.
Hence, there are two modes – 10 and 15.


Example 2

For what value of x will 8 and x have the same mean (average) as 27 and 5?

First, find the mean of 27 and 5: Now, find the x value, knowing that the average
of x and 8 must be 16:
27 + 5 = 16
2 x + 8 = 16

32 = x + 8 cross multiply
-8 -8
24 = x and solve

Example 3:
On her first 5 Mathematics tests, Aliya received the following scores: 72, 86, 92, 63 and
77. What test score must Aliya earn on her sixth test so that her average (mean score) for
all six tests will be 80? .
Possible solution:
Set up an equation to represent the situation. Remember to use all 6 test scores:
72 + 86 + 92 + 63 + 77 + x = 80

cross multiply and solve: (80)(6) = 390 + x

480 = 390 + x
- 390 = -390
90 = x
Aliya must get a 90 on the sixth test.

Example 4
The mean (average) weight of three dogs is 38 kg. One of the dogs, Sparky, weighs 46
kg. The other two dogs, Eddie and Sandy, have the same weight. Find Eddie's weight.
Let x = Eddie's weight (they weigh the same, so they are both represented by "x".)
Let x = Sandy's weight


Average: sum of the data divided by the number of data.

x + x + 46 = 38 cross multiply and solve
(38)(3) = 2x + 46
114 = 2x + 46
-46 -46
68 = 2x
2 2
34 = x Eddie weighs 34 pounds.

Measures of Dispersion
Another way of examining single variable data is to look at how the data is spread out, or
dispersed about the mean.
The smaller the values from these methods, the more consistent the data.

It is possible to get a sense of a data set's distribution by examining a five statistical

summary, the (1) minimum, (2) maximum, (3) median (or second quartile), (4) the lower
quartile, and (5) the upper quartile. Such information will show the extent to which the
data is located near the median or near the extremes.

1 Range

The simplest of our methods for measuring dispersion is range. Range is the difference
between the maximum value and the minimum value in the data set. While being simple
to compute, the range is often unreliable as a measure of dispersion since it is based on
only two values in the set.


2. Quartiles

We know that the median of a set of data separates the data into two equal parts. Data
can be further separated into quartiles. Quartiles separate the original set of data into four
equal parts. Each of these parts contains one-fourth of the data.
Quartiles are percentiles that divide the data into fourths.

The Lower(first) quartile is • The second quartile is another • The Upper (second)
the middle (the median) of name for the median of the entire quartile is the middle (the
the lower half of the set of data. median) of the upper half of
data. One-fourth of the data Median of data set = second the data. Three-fourths of
lies below the first quartile quartile of data set. the data lies below the third
and three-fourths lies above. (the 50 percentile) quartile and one-fourth lies
(the 25th percentile) above.
(the 75th percentile)

Check out this five statistical summary for a set of tests scores.

second quartile third

minimum first quartile maximum
(median) quartile
65 70 80 90 100

The interquartile range (IQR), also called the mid spread or middle fifty, is the range
between the third and first quartiles and is considered a more stable statistic than the total
range. The IQR contains 50% of the data.

A Histogram is a graphical display of data using bars of
different heights.

It is similar to a Bar Chart, but a histogram groups numbers

into ranges.

And you decide what ranges to use!


Example: Height of Trees

You measure the height of every tree in the garden in centimetres (cm)

The heights vary from 100 cm to 340 cm.

You decide to put the results into groups of 50 cm:

• The 100 to just below 150 cm range,

• The 150 to just below 200 cm range,
• etc...

So a tree that is 260 cm tall is added to the "250-300"


And here is the result.

You can see (for example) that there are 30 trees from 150 cm to just below 200 cm tall

The range of each bar is also called the Class Interval.

Histograms are a great way to show results of continuous data, such as:

• weight
• height
• how much time
• etc.

But when the data is in categories (such as Country or Favourite Movie), we should use a
Bar Chart.


Frequency Histogram

A Frequency Histogram is a special histogram that uses vertical columns to show

frequencies (how many times each score occurs):


Cumulative Frequency
Cumulative means "how much so far".

Think of the word "accumulate" which

means to gather together.

To have cumulative totals, just add up

the values as you go.

The total of a frequency and all

frequencies so far in a frequency

It is the 'running total' of frequencies.


Drawing a cumulative frequency diagram

The table shows the lengths (in cm) of 32 cucumbers.

Before drawing the cumulative frequency diagram, we need to work out the cumulative
frequencies. This is done by adding the frequencies in turn.

Length Frequency Cumulative Frequency

21-24 3 3
25-28 7 10 (= 3 + 7)
29-32 12 22 (= 3 + 7 + 12)
33-36 6 28 (= 3 + 7 + 12 + 6)
37-40 4 32 (= 3 + 7 + 12 + 6 + 4)

The points are plotted at the upper class boundary. In this example, the upper class
boundaries are 24.5, 28.5, 32.5, 36.5 and 40.5. Cumulative frequency is plotted on the
vertical axis.


Finding the median and quartiles

When looking at a cumulative frequency curve, you will need to know how to find its
median, lower and upper quartiles, and the interquartile range.

By drawing horizontal lines to represent ¼ of the total frequency, ½ of the total frequency
and ¾ of the total frequency, we can read estimates of the lower quartile, median and
upper quartile respectively from the horizontal axis.

Quartiles are associated with quarters. The interquartile range is the difference between
the lower and upper quartile.

From these values, we can also estimate the interquartile range: 33 – 28 = 5.

Remember to use the total frequency, not the maximum value, on the vertical axis. The
values are always read from the horizontal axis.



1. The weekly salaries of six employees at McDonalds are $140, $220, $90, $180, $140,
$200. For these six salaries, find: (a) the mean (b) the median (c) the mode.

2. A storeowner kept a tally of the sizes of suits purchased in her store.

a. Which measure of central tendency should the storeowner use to describe the
average size suit sold?

b. A tally was made of the number of times each colour of crayon was used by a
kindergarten class. Which measure of central tendency should the teacher use to
determine which colour is the favourite colour of her class?

3. Test scores for a class of 20 students are as follows:

93, 84, 97, 98, 100, 78, 86, 100, 85, 92, 72, 55, 91, 90, 75, 94, 83, 60, 81, 95

a. Copy and complete the table shown at the left.


b. Find the modal interval.

The "modal interval" is the interval containing the greatest frequency. It is not the mode.

c. Find the interval that contains the median.

4. The values of 11 houses on Brown Street are shown in the table.

a. Find the mean value of these houses in dollars.

b. Find the median value of these houses in dollars

c. State which measure of central tendency, the mean or the median,

best represents the values of these 11 houses. Justify your answer.


- Know and understand simple

probability terms
- Draw simple probability tree
- List sample space
Brief History of Probability - Calculate simple probabilities

Concepts of probability have been around for

thousands of years, but probability theory did not arise as a branch of mathematics
until the mid-seventeenth century. During the fifteenth century several probability
works emerged. Calculations of probabilities became more noticeable during this time
period even though mathematicians in Italy and France remained unfamiliar with these
calculation methods (David, 1962). In 1494, Fra Luca Paccioli wrote the first printed
work on probability, Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni e proportionalita
(David, 1962). In 1550, Geronimo Cardano inspired by the Summa wrote a book about
games of chance called Liber de Ludo Aleae which means A Book on Games of Chance
(David, 1962).

In the mid-seventeenth century, a simple question directed to Blaise Pascal by a

nobleman sparked the birth of probability theory, as we know it today. Chevalier de
Méré gambled frequently to increase his wealth. He bet on a roll of a die that at least
one 6 would appear during a total of four rolls. From past experience, he knew that he
was more successful than not with this game of chance. Tired of his approach, he
decided to change the game. He bet that he would get a total of 12, or a double 6, on
twenty-four rolls of two dice. Soon he realized that his old approach to the game
resulted in more money. He asked his friend Blaise Pascal why his new approach was
not as profitable. Pascal worked through the problem and found that the probability
of winning using the new approach was only 49.1 percent compared to 51.8 percent
using the old approach (see detailed calculations) (Smith, 1996).

This problem proposed by Chevalier de Méré is said be the start of famous

correspondence between Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. They continued to exchange
their thoughts on mathematical principles and problems through a series of letters.
Historians think that the first letters written were associated with the above problem
and other problems dealing with probability theory. Therefore, Pascal and Fermat are
the mathematicians credited with the founding of probability theory (David, 1962).

The topic of probability is seen in many facets of the modern world. The theory of
probability is not just taught in mathematics courses, but can be seen in practical
fields, such as insurance, industrial quality control, study of genetics, quantum
mechanics, and the kinetic theory of gases (Simmons, 1992).


Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood of a given
event's occurrence, which is expressed as a number between 1 and 0. An event with a
probability of 1 can be considered a certainty: for example, the probability of a coin toss
resulting in either "heads" or "tails" is 1, because there are no other options, assuming the
coin lands flat. An event with a probability of .5 can be considered to have equal odds of
occurring or not occurring: for example, the probability of a coin toss resulting in "heads" is
.5, because the toss is equally as likely to result in "tails." An event with a probability of 0
can be considered an impossibility: for example, the probability that the coin will land (flat)
without either side facing up is 0, because either "heads" or "tails" must be facing up

How likely something is to happen.

Many events cannot be predicted with total certainty.

The best we can say is how likely they are to happen, using the idea of probability.

In general:

Number of ways it can happen

Probability of an event happening =
Total number of outcomes

Probability is always between 0 and 1


Experiment or Trial: an action where the result is uncertain.

Sample Space: the set of all the possible outcomes of an experiment

Example: Choosing a card from a deck

There are 52 cards in a deck (not including Jokers)

So the Sample Space is all 52 possible cards: {Ace of Hearts, 2 of Hearts, etc... }

The Sample Space is made up of Sample Points.

Sample Point: just one of the possible outcomes

Event: a single result of an experiment

Example of Events:

• Getting a Tail when tossing a coin is an event

• Rolling a “5” is an event.

An event can include one or more possible outcomes:

• Choosing a “King” from a deck of cards (any of the 4 Kings) is an event

• Rolling an “even number” (2, 4 or 6) is also an event

Activity Sample Space

Rolling a die
There will be 6 outcomes in the sample space:
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Tossing a coin
There will be 2 outcomes in the sample space:
{ Heads, Tails}

Drawing a card from a standard deck There will be 52 cards in the sample space:
{Spades: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ace, jack queen, king,
Clubs: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ace, jack, queen, king,
Diamonds: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ace, jack, queen,
Hearts: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, ace, jack, queen, king}


Drawing one marble from the bottle There will be 8 marbles in the sample space:
{blue marble, blue marble, blue marble,
blue marble, blue marble, red marble, red
marble, red marble}

Rolling a pair of dice There will be 36 outcomes in the sample

{(1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6)
(2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,6)
(3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6)
(4,1) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4) (4,5) (4,6)
(5,1) (5,2) (5,3) (5,4) (5,5) (5,6)
(6,1) (6,2) (6,3) (6,4) (6,5) (6,6)}

As you can see, sample spaces can become very large.

When determining a sample space, be sure to consider ALL possibilities. Oftentimes this
can be a difficult task.

Remember: A sample space is the set of ALL possible


When attempting to determine a sample space (the possible outcomes from an

experiment), it is often helpful to draw a diagram which illustrates how to arrive at the
One such diagram is a tree diagram.

Probability Tree Diagrams

Calculating probabilities can be hard, sometimes we add them, sometimes we multiply
them, and often it is hard to figure out what to do ... tree diagrams to the rescue!


Here is a tree diagram for the toss of a coin:

There are two "branches" (Heads and Tails)

• The probability of each branch is written on the branch

• The outcome is written at the end of the branch

We can extend the tree diagram to two tosses of a coin:

How do we calculate the overall probabilities?

• We multiply probabilities along the branches

• We add probabilities down columns

Now we can see such things as:

• The probability of "Head, Head" is 0.5×0.5 = 0.25

• All probabilities add to 1.0 (which is always a good check)
• The probability of getting at least one Head from two tosses is 0.25+0.25+0.25 =
• ... and more


In addition to helping determine the number of outcomes in a sample space, the tree
diagram can be used to determine the probability of individual outcomes within the sample

The probability of any outcome in the sample space is the product (multiply) of all

possibilities along the path that represents that outcome on the tree diagram.

Throwing Two Dice and Adding the Scores.

Question: If you throw 2 dice together and add the two scores:

• 1. What is the least possible total score?

• 2. What is the greatest possible total score?
• 3. What do you think is the most likely total score?

The first two questions are quite easy to answer:

• 1. The least possible total score must be 1 + 1 = 2

• 2. The greatest possible total score must be 6 + 6 = 12
• 3. The most likely total score is ... ???

Are they all just as likely? Or will some happen more often?

To help answer the third question let us try an experiment.

The Experiment

Here is a table of all possible outcomes, and the totals

Score on One Die

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Score 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
on the 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Other 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Die 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11 12


What is the most likely total score?

• 7 has the highest bar, so 7 is the most likely total score.

Example: Probability of a total of 2
• We know there are 36 possible outcomes.
• And there is only 1 way to get a total score of 2.
• So the probability of getting 2 is:

Probability of a total of 2 =

Example 1 :

Show the sample space for tossing one coin and rolling one die.
(H = heads, T = tails)

By following the different paths in the tree diagram, we can

arrive at the sample space.

Sample space:
{ H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6,
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 }

The probability of each of these outcomes is

1/2 • 1/6 = 1/12


Example 2: A family has three children. How many outcomes are in the sample space that
indicates the sex of the children? Assume that the probability of male (M) and the
probability of female (F) are each 1/2.

Sample space: There are 8 outcomes in the

sample space.
MMF The probability of each outcome
MFM is
MFF 1/2 • 1/2 • 1/2 = 1/8.


1. How many elements are in the sample space of rolling one die? List the sample

2. How many elements are in the sample space of tossing 3 coins? List the sample

3. Alarm clocks are sold in blue or pink with either digital or

standard displays. How many different arrangements of
alarm clocks are possible? List the sample space.

4. There are 2 entry doors and 3 staircases in a two–storey school building. How many
ways are there to enter the building and go to the first floor? List the sample


5. You want to travel from Suva to Ba. You can either travel via the Kings Road or the
Queens Highway, using a bus, taxi, private car or rental. By how many possible ways
could you travel? List the sample space.

6. A die is thrown once. What is the probability that the score is a factor
of 6?

7. The diagram shows a spinner made up of a piece of card in the shape

of a regular pentagon, with a toothpick pushed through its centre.
The five triangles are numbered 1 to 5.

The spinner is spun until it lands on one of the five edges of the pentagon. What is
the probability that the number it lands on is odd?

8. Each of the letters of the word MATHEMATICS are written on separate pieces of
paper that are then folded, put in a hat, and mixed thoroughly.

One piece of paper is chosen (without looking) from the hat. What is the probability
it is an ‘I’?

9.. A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability of obtaining one Head and
two Tails? (A fair coin is one that is not loaded, so there is an equal chance of it
landing Heads up or Tails up.)

10 A committee of three is chosen from five councilors – Ansaar , Shalen, Mere, Jone
and Aarti.

What is the probability that Ramesh is on the committee?

11 A special die is made in the shape of an icosahedron, and its faces

are numbered with the numbers 1 to 20.

When the die is thrown there is an equal chance of any face landing

If the die is thrown once, what is the probability that the face that lands uppermost
has a number that is a factor of 20?

12 Two cubical dice are thrown and their scores added together.

If X = "The sum of the scores on the two dice", what is:

a. P(X = 7 or 8)?
b. P(X is divisible by 4)?


- Know and understand

Calculus is all about changes. differentiation and integration
- Understand differentiation with
The word Calculus comes from Latin meaning reference to graph
"small stone". Because it is like understanding - Differentiate and integrate simple
algebraic expressions.
something by looking at small pieces.

It is the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives
and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal
differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus.

Differential Calculus cuts something into small pieces to find how it changes.

Integral Calculus joins (integrates) the small pieces together to find how much there is.

Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus are inverses of each other, just like multiplication
and division are inverses.

Brief History of Calculus

Calculus was created by Isaac Newton, a British scientist, as well as Gottfried Leibniz,
a self-taught German mathematician, in the 17th century.. Newton discovered the
inverse relationship between the derivative (slope of a curve) and the integral (the
area beneath it), which deemed him as the creator of calculus. Thereafter, calculus
was actively used to solve the major scientific dilemmas of the time, such as:

• calculating the slope of the tangent line to a curve at any point along its length
• determining the velocity and acceleration of an object given a function
describing its position, and designing such a position function given the object's
velocity or acceleration
• calculating arc lengths and the volume and surface area of solids
• calculating the relative and absolute extrema of objects, especially projectiles

For Newton, the applications for calculus were geometrical and related to the physical
world - such as describing the orbit of the planets around the sun. For Leibniz,
calculus was more about analysis of change in graphs. Leibniz's work was just as
important as Newton's, and many of his notations are used today, such as the
notations for taking the derivative and the integral.


DIFFERENTIATION - Introduction to Derivatives

The derivative of a function f at a given value x is the instantaneous rate of change of the
function f or the slope/ gradient of the tangent at x.

The rate of change of a function at a specific value of x.

It is all about slope or gradient!

Change in Y
Slope =
Change in X

We can find an average slope between two points.

But how do we find the slope at a point?

There is nothing to measure!

But with derivatives we use a small difference then have

it shrink towards zero (approach 0).


Let us find a Derivative!

We will use the slope formula:

Slope = Change in Y = Δy
Change in x Δx

to find the derivative of a function y = f(x)

Follow these steps:

• Fill in this slope formula: Δy = f(x+Δx) − f(x)

Δx Δx
• Simplify it as best as possible
• Then make Δx shrink towards zero.

Here we go:

Example 1: the function f(x) = x2

We know f(x) = x2, and can calculate f(x+Δx) :

Start with: f(x+Δx) = (x+Δx)2

Expand (x + Δx)2: f(x+Δx) = x2 + 2x Δx + (Δx)2
f(x+Δx) − f(x)
Start with the slope formula:

x2 + 2x Δx + (Δx)2 − x2
Put in f(x+Δx) and f(x):

2 2
2x Δx + (Δx)2
Simplify (x and −x cancel): =
Simplify more (divide through by Δx): = 2x + Δx

And then as Δx heads towards 0 we get: = 2x + 0

Result: The derivative of x2 is 2x


We write dx instead of "Δx heads towards 0", so "the derivative of" is commonly written

(𝑑𝑑 2 ) = 2𝑑𝑑

"The derivative of x2 equals 2x"

or simply "d/ dx of x2 equals 2x"

What does d (x2) = 2x mean?


It means that, for the function x2, the slope or "rate of change" at any

Point is 2x. So when x = 2 the slope is 2x = 4, as shown here:

Or when x = 5 the slope is 2x = 10, and so on.

Note: sometimes f’(x) is also used for "the derivative of":

f’(x) = 2x "The derivative of f(x) equals 2x"

Notations for derivatives:

y → y’
𝑦𝑦 →

𝑓𝑓 (𝑑𝑑) → 𝑓𝑓 ′ (𝑑𝑑)

Let's try another example.


Example 2: What is d (10x )?


We know f(x) =10 x, and can calculate f(x+Δx) :

Start with: f(x+Δx) =10 (x+Δx)

Expand 10 (x + Δx): f(x+Δx) = 10x + 10(Δx)
f(x+Δx) − f x)
The slope formula:

10x + 10(Δx) − 10x

Put in f(x+Δx) and f(x):

10 ∆𝑑𝑑
Simplify (10x and −10 x cancel):

Simplify more (divide through by Δx): = 10

And then as Δx heads towards 0 we get:

(10𝑑𝑑) = 10

Power Rule for Differentiation


d axn = an xn−1


Common Functions Function Derivative

Constant C 0
variable X 1
Square x2 2x
Square Root √x (½)x-½

Rules Function Derivative

Cf cf’
by constant
Power Rule xn nxn−1
Sum Rule f+g f’ + g’
f–g f’ − g’

Example 3: What is dy/dx(x3) ?

The question is asking "what is the derivative of x3?"

We can use the Power Rule, where n=3:

(𝑑𝑑)𝑛𝑛 = 𝑙𝑙. 𝒙𝒙𝒏𝒏−𝟏𝟏

(𝑑𝑑)3 = 3. 𝒙𝒙𝟑𝟑−𝟏𝟏 = 3𝑑𝑑 2

Example 4: What is dy/dx 5x3 ?

The derivative of cf = cf’

The derivative of 5f = 5f’

We know (from the Power Rule):

3 3−1
(x ) = 3x = 3x2



5x3 = 5 . x3 = 5 × 3x2 = 15x2

Example 5: What is the derivative of x2 + x3 ?

The Sum Rule says:

the derivative of f + g = f’ + g’

So we can work out each derivative separately and then add them.

Using the Power Rule:

• (x ) = 2x

• x3 = 3x2

And so:

The derivative of x2 + x3 = 2x + 3x2

Example: What is (5z2 + z3 − 7z4) ?

Using the Power Rule:

• 𝑧𝑧 2 = 2𝑧𝑧
• 𝑧𝑧 3 = 3𝑑𝑑 2
• 𝑧𝑧 4 = 4𝑑𝑑 3

And so:

(5z2 + z3 − 7z4) = 5 × 2z + 3z2 − 7 × 4z3 = 10z + 3z2 − 28z3


1. Find the slope of a straight line graphically and, knowing the equation

y = (-1/3)x + 1, compare the value of the derivative y' to the slope.

a) Slope of the straight line calculation

Slope of the line

b) Derivative y ' of the straight line


c) Reach a conclusion on the result obtained in a) and b)

The slope of the line, computed in a), is equal to the derivative of the straight line
equation, computed in b). Indeed, the derivative of a linear function (general equation of a
linear function) equals the slope of the line described by that function. In other words, the
derivative of a linear function is the coefficient a of the function.

2. Compute the slope of a curve and its derivative :

Given the graph and the quadratic equation of the

following parabola y = x2 + 1 and its tangent line
at x = -2,

a) Calculation of the derivative y ' of the quadratic equation (parabola equation)

y ' = (x2 + 1) ' = 2x


b) Calculate graphically the slope of the tangent line to the parabola at x = -2

c) Find the equation of the tangent line

The general equation of a straight line is y = ax + b, where the coefficient a is the slope of
the line.

Given that the slope of our tangent line is –4, the equation of the tangent line will be
y = -4x + b.

What is the value of the b term – the y-intercept?

Knowing that the tangent line is the slope of the parabola at x = -2, y = (-2)2 + 1 = 5, giving
the point (-2, 5). We can now figure out the b term (y-intercept) of the line that has a slope
a = -4 and that passes through the point (-2 , 5) :

Tangent line equation : y = -4x + b, we know that (x , y) = (-2 , 5) satisfies this equation.

Thus 5 = -4(-2) + b, and 5 + 4(-2) = b which eventually yields b = 5 - 8 = -3.

Conclusion : the tangent line equation is y = - 4x - 3

d) Calculate the derivative of the tangent

y ' = (-4x - 3) ' = - 4


e) Reach a conclusion on the results obtained in b) and d)

The derivative of the tangent line equation, computed in d), is equal to the slope of that
tangent line, computed in b).

It is also interesting to notice that the derivative of the parabola is f '(x) = (x2 + 1) ' = 2x.

f '(x) = 2x is the equation of the derivative of the parabola but it is also the equation of the
slopes of the tangent lines to the parabola at various points on the curve.

In other words, f '(x) = 2x expresses the slope of the curve for various values of x.

For instance, what is the value of the slope of the parabola at x = -2 ?

f '(-2) = 2(-2) = -4.

Or, for instance, what is the slope of the curve at x = 1 ?

f '(1) = 2(1) = 2.


means “differentiating function ‘y’ with respect to the variable ‘x’.”


r = t2 + t – 1 has the derivative = 2𝑙𝑙 + 1.



1 .Find f'(x) for f(x) = 2x4 - 3x3 - 7x +2

2. Find f'(x) for f(x) = x-7

3. Find f'(x) for f(x) = (x + 1)(x - 4) [Hint: Expand first]

4 .Differentiate y with respect to x: y = (x2 - 4)(x + 2)

5 .Calculate the derivative of f(x) = x3

6 .What is the gradient of the tangent to the curve y = 4x3 - 5x2 + x - 7 at the point (2,7) .

7. What is the derivative with respect to x of (2x - 1)(x - 5) ?

8. Find f’(x) of f(x) = x2 − 6x

9 .Find the derivative of y = 7 x4

10 . Find the derivative of y = 2 x3 - 4 x2 + 3 x - 5

11 . For the given function f and value a, find the gradient of the tangent line to f at a.

f(x) = x2 + 1, a = 0

12 .For the given function f and value a, find the equation of the tangent line to f at a.

a. f(x) = x3, a = 1
b. f(x) = 1-x2, a = -1
c. f(x) = 2x + 3x2, a = 4
d. f(x) = 2x3, a = -2

13. The graph shows a function f and a line that is tangent to f at a. For the graph
determine a, f(a), and f'(a) (a refers to the x-value at which the line is tangent to f).


Introduction to Integration (Antidifferentiatiation)

Integration is the reverse of differentiation. It is a way of adding slices to find the whole.

Integration can be used to find areas, volumes, central points and many useful things. But it
is easiest to start with finding the area under the curve of a function like this:

What is the area under y = f(x) ?


We could calculate the function at a few points and add up

slices of width Δx like this (but the answer won't be very

We can make Δx a lot smaller and add up many small

slices (answer is getting better):


And as the slices approach zero in width, the answer

approaches the true answer.

We now write dx to mean the Δx slices are approaching

zero in width.

That is a lot of adding up

But we don't have to add them up, as there is a "shortcut". Remember, finding an Integral
is the reverse of finding a Derivative.

Example: What is an integral of 2x?

We know that the derivative of x2 is 2x ...

... so an integral of 2x is x2


The symbol for "Integral" is a stylish "S" (for "Sum", the idea of summing slices):

After the Integral Symbol we put the function we want to find the integral of (called the
Integrand), and then finish with dx to mean the slices go in the x direction (and approach
zero in width).


Here is how we write the answer:


Plus C
We wrote the answer as x2 but why + C ?

It is the "Constant of Integration". It is there because of all the functions whose derivative
is 2x:

The derivative of x2 + 5 is 2x, and the derivative of x2 + 100 is also 2x, and so on [The
derivative of a constant is zero.]

So when we reverse the operation (to find the integral) we only know 2x, but there could
have been a constant of any value.

Writing ‘+ C’ at the end represents the constants.

Tap and Tank

Integration is like filling a tank from a tap.

The input (before integration) is the flow rate from the tap.

Integrating the flow (adding up all the little bits of water) gives us the volume of water in
the tank.


Imagine the flow starts at 0 and gradually increases (maybe a motor is slowly opening the

As the flow rate increases, the tank fills up faster and faster.

With a flow rate of 2x, the tank fills up at x2.

We have integrated the flow to get the volume.

Example: (Assuming the flow is in litres per minute) after 3 minutes (x=3):

• the flow rate has reached 2x = 2×3 = 6 litres/min,

• and the volume has reached x2 = 32 = 9 litres.

We can do the reverse, too:

Imagine you don't know the flow rate.

You only know the volume is increasing by x2.

We can go in reverse (using the derivative, which gives us the slope) and find that the flow
rate is 2x.


Example: At 2 minutes the slope of the volume is 4, meaning it is increasing at 4

litres/minute, which is the flow rate. Likewise at 3 minutes the slope is 6, etc.

Integral and Derivative are opposites.

We can write that as:

The integral of the flow rate 2x tells us the volume of water: ∫2x dx = x2 + C

the slope of the volume increase x2+C gives us back the flow rate:
(x2 + C) = 2x

We even get a nice explanation of that "C" value ... maybe the tank already has water in it!

• The flow still increases the volume by the same amount

• And the increase in volume can give us back the flow rate.

Which teaches us to always add "+ C".


Power Rule for Integration


∫ xn dx = xn+1 + C


Integration Rules

Common Functions Function Integral

Constant ∫a dx ax + C
Variable ∫x dx x2/2 + C
Square ∫x2 dx x3/3 + C

Rules Function Integral

Multiplication by constant ∫cf(x) dx c∫f(x) dx
Power Rule (n≠-1) ∫xn dx n+1
x /(n+1) + C
Sum Rule ∫(f + g) dx ∫f dx + ∫g dx
Difference Rule ∫(f - g) dx ∫f dx - ∫g dx

Example: What is ∫x3 dx ?

The question is asking "what is the integral of x3 ?"

We can use the Power Rule, where n=3:

∫xn dx = xn+1/(n+1) + C

∫x3 dx = x4/4 + C


Example: What is ∫6x2 dx ?

We can move the 6 outside the integral: ∫6x2 dx = 6∫x2 dx

And now use the Power Rule on x2:

= 6 x3/3 + C


= 2x3 + C

Example: What is ∫8z + 4z3 − 6z2 dz?

Use the Sum and Difference Rule:

∫8z + 4z3 − 6z2 dz =∫8z dz + ∫4z3 dz − ∫6z2 dz

Constant Multiplication:

= 8∫z dz + 4∫z3 dz − 6∫z2 dz

Power Rule:

= 8z2/2 + 4z4/4 − 6z3/3 + C


= 4z2 + z4 − 2z3 + C



2. Integrate the following expressions

[a] 3x2 [b] -2x4 [c] ½x5

[d] 3x2 – x [e] - 3t3 + 2t – 1
−1 2 2 4
[f] -100 [g] 6p4 – 3p2 – p [h] 𝑟𝑟 − 𝑟𝑟 +
3 5 7


2 . ∫ -2x – 3x3 +x2 -1 dx

3 . ∫ ( x – 3 )2 dx [Hint: Expand first]

4 . ∫ x ( x +3) dx

5 . ∫ -2x ( 1 – x2 – 3x3) dx

Extension (Challenge!!)

1. Differentiate :
a. 𝑑𝑑 3

b. �3𝑝𝑝

2. Integrate:
1 1
a. 𝑑𝑑 3 𝑐𝑐.
4 𝑦𝑦 4

𝑏𝑏. �3𝑝𝑝 𝑑𝑑.



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