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SCNN14L 2nd Sem SY 2018 - 19

Monday 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Statutory Construction Lecturer: EV Duavit

E-Mail: [email protected]
Lyceum of the Philippines University Phone: +639178784768

Mid Terms
This course is supposed to provide you with a framework from which
18 March 2019
you can explore the use and the force of statutes and the principles
and methods of their construction and interpretation. Mid-terms will comprise
30% of your grade. The
coverage is from the
Goals beginning of the syllabus
The goals of this class are to make you understand a) what is a statute; till page 8.
b) how a statute is “made”; c) how to interpret a statute (and whose
interpretation prevails). At a minimum, this course should provide the Finals
necessary tools necessary to practice the profession of law. We have 27 May 2019
to achieve this in 16 sessions, exclusive of the 1st day of class, the
midterms and the finals. To aid us in doing so, this syllabus is a dated Finals comprise 40% of
your grade. Coverage is the
entire syllabus.

The articles found in this syllabus are either with the Reserve Section
of the Law Library or at the stated URL. Cases can be found either at
the library in the Philippine Reports, the SCRA, or .

For this class, please secure 10 Cattleya filler/notebook, stapled

together with your student number on top, for your digests of all the
cases. The digests will form 15% of your grade as your assignments.
Your notebooks/fillers should be submitted to the Dean’s office each
Friday before 6 pm, and given back during class. Please read the
appropriate pages of Agpalo, when Atty. Agpalo’s book is mentioned.

Attire & Conduct

Each student should be in business attire. No jeans, no shorts, no
micro minis, no plunging necklines, no backless dresses. Should you
be improperly attired, you will be marked absent for that day and
should you be called for recitation, you will be given a 5. The College
of Law is compliant with the Lyceum University’s rules on conduct,
particularly its code of student conduct.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 1

Requirements Evaluation
The College of Law is compliant with the academic Below is the weighted percentages that will be basis
requirements of the University. Thus, the following for your final grade:
are the rules in relation to attendance, mid –terms and
Basis Weighted Percentage
Only 2 excused absences (with excuse letters citing Recitation 15%
medical reasons and/or reasons leaning towards Assignments 15%
family emergencies) are allowed. Absences during Mid-terms 30%
Finals 40%
finals are NOT allowed. If you are absent for the
Total: 100%
finals, you will be given a failing grade.

Dropping will be allowed before the mid terms. Please
check the date with the Dean’s Office.

Mid Terms & Finals

There will be no make up exams given for the
FINALS. Mid-term make up requests will only be entertained
should they involve absences that concern either imminent a)
childbirth (for females only), or; b) death (yours or that of your
spouse, parent or child) and if an excuse letter is provided, at the
latest, on the day of the mid-terms, itself. At the very least, a
text from you is expected to inform the lecturer of you
inavailability for the midterms.

Should you be unable to take the finals exams, you

will be given a failing grade.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 2

Nature & Concept of Statutory Construction
• R. E. Agpalo, Statutory Construction. (2009) Chapter II, p. 104-120
• Yule Kim, Statutory Interpretation: General Principles and Recent
Trends. (August 31, 2008)
• N. Q. Rosenkrantz, Federal Rules of Statutory Interpretation, 115 Harvard L.
Rev. pp. 2086-2156 (Feb. 1990) (Also available at the Social Science
Research Network Electronic Paper Collection at: Assignment for 28 Jan ‘19
Prepare digests that comply
Our Milieu – The Philippine Legal System with Kinyon’s How to Study
• M. S. Feliciano, The Legal System of the Philippines (Also available on the Law and Write Law
ASEAN Law Association Website @ on e- Examinations for the following
book on Legal Systems in ASEAN) cases:
Where is the woman in all this?
K. T. Bartlett, Feminist Legal Methods, 103 Harvard L. Rev. pp. 829-888 (Feb.
1990) 1) Geluz v. Court of
Appeals, G. R. No.
Statutes 16439, July 20, 1961.
• R. E. Agpalo, Statutory Construction. (2009) Chapter I 2) Sermonia v. Court of
• H. S. Shapo et. al., Writing and Analysis in the Law. pp. 65-88. Appeals, G. R. No.
109454 June 14, 1994.
The Case Method 3) Marable v. Marable, G.R.
• H. S. Shapo et. al., Writing and Analysis in the Law. pp. 25-64 No. 178741, January 17,
• M. D. Rombauer, Legal Problem Solving, Analysis, Research and 2011.
Writing, Chapter 2. 4) Laurel v. Abrogar G.R.
• L. F. Reed, Obiter Dicta, 78 Case and Comment, pp. 31-32 (Nov. – Dec. No. 155076 : January 13,
1973) 2009

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 3

Statutes, in General
Definition –
Classification of Statutes
Parts of a Statute -

• Title
• Enacting Clause Assignment for 4 Feb ‘19
• Preamble
• Purview • Read Agpalo.
• Other Clauses
• Draft a bill on Stalking, it
Rules on Legislative Drafting must observe the proper
• L. Gonzaga, Statutes and their Construction, Chapter 3., pp. 17-27 form and the style
• W. P. Statsky, Legislative Analysis and Drafting, pp. 170-191. prescribed in the articles.
• D. Belliss. Statutory Structure and Legislative Drafting Conventions: A • Study the bill on Infidelity
Primer for Judges and comment on it.
• K. L. Rosenbaum. Legislative Drafting Guide: A Practitioners’ View.
• I. B. Forstater. House Legislative Counsel’s Manual on Drafting Style.
( )

Enacting Statutes
Steps in the Enactment of the Statute
• 1987 Constitution, Article VI, Sections 26 (2) & 27
• Senate Rules (can be accessed @
• House of Representative Rules (can be downloaded @
pdf )
• Read Agpalo.
• Comm. Of Internal Revenue v. CA, G. R. No. 47421, May 14,
• Provide a chronological
outline on the process a bill
• Tolentino v. Sec. of Finance, G.R. No. 115455 August 25, 1994 goes through before it
• Arroyo v. De Venecia, G.R. No. 127255 June 26, 1998 becomes law.
• For discussion, how does
Evidence of due Enactment of Statutes the internet affect the
• Field v. Clark 143 U.S. 63 steps?
( ) • Digest each case assigned
• Mabanag v. Lopez Vito, G.R. No. L-1123. March 5, 1947 • Be ready to connect each
• Casco Phil. Chemical Co. v. Gimenez, G.R. No. L-17931. case to the topic provided
February 28, 1963
• Morales v. Subido, G.R. No. L-29658. November 29, 1968
• Abakada Guro Party List v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 168056
September 1, 2005

Journal Entry Rule

• Astorga v. Villegas. G.R. No. L-23475. April 30, 1974.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 4

Effectivity, Where
Territorial Extent of Operation
Assignment for 11 Feb ‘19
• 1987 Constitution Article 1
• 1935 Constitution Article 1
of-the-philippines/12791881595430/2/0) Consider the differences between
• Republic Act 9522 the 1935 & the 1987 Constitution.
• Civil Code Articles 14 & 15
• Revised Penal Code, Article 2 Considering RA 9522, up to what
• L. B. Bautista. The Historical Context and Legal Basis of the point is Philippine jurisdiction to
Philippine Treaty Limits. prosecute crimes?
df ) Digest the cases
1. People v. Lollo. G.R. No. 17958. February 27, 1922
2. Permanent Court of Arbitration Final Arbitral Award on the
South China Sea

Effectivity, What
Language of the Statute that Shall Prevail
• 1987 Constitution Article XIV, Sections 6-8
• Administrative Code of 1987, Section 20
1. United States v. Go Chico G. R. 4963. September 15, 1909
2. United States v. Toribio G.R. No. L-5060. January 26, 1910. Digest each case assigned.

Read Agpalo
Effectivity, Exactly When
Manner of Computing Time Be ready to connect each case to
• Civil Code Article 13 the topic provided
1. National Marketing Corporation v. Tecson. G.R. No. L-29131.
August 27, 1969
2. Quizon v. Baltazar. G.R. No. Nos. L-23779-80 April 29, 1977
3. CIR v. Primetown Property G.R. No. 162155. August 28, 2007

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 5

Effectivity, When Assignment for 18 Feb ‘19
Of a Statute
• Civil Code, Articles 2 and 14
• Executive Order no. 200, s. 1987 as incorporated in the • Read Agpalo.
Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987),
Section 18
1) Tanada v. Tuvera
a) 1985 and • Enumerate the steps
b) 1986 needed to make a statute,
2) Philippine Veterans Bank Employees v. Vega, G. R. 105364. June regulation and ordinance
28, 2001 with the force and effect of
3) Garcillano v. House of Representatives G.R. No. 170338 December law.
23, 2008

Of a Regulation
• Executive Order No. 292 (Administrative Code of 1987), Book • Will publication on the
VII, Sections 2 – 9. internet, considered
1) People v. Que Po Lay, G. R. No. L-11019. November 28, 1958 publication, as
2) Tanada v. Tuvera, supra contemplated by the law
3) Yaokasin v. Commissioner of Customs, G.R. No. 84111. December and the cases?
22, 1989.
4) Philippine International Trading Corporation v. Comm. On Audit.
G.R. No. 132593. June 25, 1999
5) GMA Network, Inc. v. Movie & Television Review and • Digest each case assigned.
Classification Board, G.R. No. 148579. February 5, 2007.

Of an Ordinance Be ready to connect each case to

• Local Government Code (RA 7160), Sections 54-59 the topic its placed under
1) Bagatsing v. Ramirez. G.R. No. L-41631 December 17, 1976

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 6

Prospective & Retrospective Operation of Statutes,
Administrative Regulations, and Circulars and
Judicial Decisions Assignment for 25 Feb ‘19
• 1987 Constitution, Article III, Section 22
• Civil Code Article 4
• Administrative Code of 1987, Section 9 • Read Agpalo
• Revised Penal Code Article 22 • Be prepared to compute
• Cases: time as provided in the
1. People v. Sumilang, G.R. No. L-49187. December 18, 1946. 77 cases and the readings.
Phil. 764 (1946) • List the rules for the
2. Salcedo v. Carpio 89 Phil 254 (1951) prospective and
3. Tiu San v. Republic. G.R. No. L-7301. April 20, 1955 retrospective operation of
4. Chavez v. Court of Agrarian Relations. G.R. No. L-17814. statutes, as per the law
October 31, 1963 and the cases provided.
5. Buyco v. PNB G.R. No. L-14406. June 30, 1961.
• Digest each case assigned.
6. Cebu Portland Cement v. CIR G. R. No. 20563. October 29,
1968 • Be ready to connect each
7. Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals G. case to the rules on the
R. No. 28774 , February 28, 1980 prospective and
8. Tac-an v. Court of Appeals. G. R. No. 38736. May 31, 1984. retrospective operation of
9. Eugenio v. Drilon, G. R. 109404. January 22, 1996. statutes
10. Alunan v. Mirasol. G. R. No. 108399. July 31, 1997
11. Co v. Court of Appeals. G. R. No. 100776. October 28, 1993

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 7

Amendments, Revisions and Repeals
1) Estrada v. Caseda. G.R. No. L-1560. October 25, 1949
2) Erectors v. NLRC. G.R. No. 104215. May 8, 1996
3) Manila Jockey Club v. Games and Amusement Board. G.R. No. L-
12727. February 29, 1960
4) Sarcos v. Castillo. G. R. 29755. January 31, 1969.

Revisions and Codifications Assignment for 04 Mar ‘18

1) Montelibano v. Ferrer. 97 Phil 228 (1955)
2) American Bible Society v. Manila. 101 Phil 386 (1957) Digest each case assigned.
3) ABS CBN Broadcasting Corp. v . Court of Appeals G. R. No. 52306.
October 12, 1981 Read Agpalo
4) Mecano v. Commission on Audit. G. R. 103982. December 11, 1992.
5) Ortiz v. Commission on Elections G. R. 78957. June 28, 1988. Please be ready to discuss the
when, where, what, why and
how’s of repeals, amendments
• Civil Code Article 7
and revisions….
• Administrative Code of 1987 Sections 21 and 22
1) US v. Soliman G. R. L-11555. 36 Phil 5 (1917) Be ready to connect each case
2) Gaerlan v. Catubig G. R. 23964 June 1, 1966
to the topic its placed under
3) Iloilo Palay & Corn Planters v. Feliciano. G. R. No. 24022. March 3,
4) Lagman v. City of Manila G. R. No. 23305. June 30, 1966.
5) National Power Corp. v. Arca G. R. No. 23309. October 31, 1969.
6) People v. Pimentel. G. R. 100210. April 1, 1998.
7) Republic v. Marcopper Mining Corp. G. R. No. 137174. July 10,
8) Hagad v. Gozo-Dadole. G. R. 108072. December 12, 1995.
9) Biragogo v. Philippine Truth Commission of 2010. G.R. No.
192935. December 7, 2010.

Nature and Concept of Statutory Construction

• F. Frankfurter. Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes. 47 Colum.
L. Rev. 527-545 (1947) Assignment for 11 Mar ‘19
• Dickerson. The Interpretation and Application of Statutes. (1975).
Chap. 2-Four Constitutional Read Agpalo
• F. I. de Sloovere. Preliminary Questions in Statutory Interpretation. 9
New York L. Q. Rev. 407 (1932)
1) People v. Mapa. G. R. 22301. August 30, 1967.
2) Luzon Surety Co., Inc. v. de Garcia. G. R. No. 25659. October 31, Digest each case assigned.
3) Matabuena v. Cervantes. G. R. No. 28771. March 31, 1971. 38 SCRA Be ready to connect each case
284. to the topic its placed under
4) Alonzo v. Intermediate Appellate Court. G. R. N. 72873. May 28,
5) People v. Nazario. G. R. No. 44143. August 31, 1988.

From the start of the syllabus to this page is the Midterms Coverage.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 8

Object & Methods of Construction
Methods of Determining Legislative Content

Verba legis or literal interpretation/plain meaning rule

1) Colgate Palmolive Phil Inc. v. Gimenez. G. R. No. 14787. January 28,
2) Bolos v. Bolos. G.R. No. 186400 . October 20, 2010.
3) Osea v. Malaya. G.R. No. 139821 : January 30, 2002.
4) Signey v. Espinosa-Castillo. G.R. No. 173582. January 28, 2008.
Assignment for 25 Mar ‘19
Ratio legis or interpretation by considering the spirit and reason
Read Agpalo
of the law otherwise known as the Golden Rule
1) Hidalgo v. Hidalgo. G. R. Nos. 25326-27. May 29, 1970.
2) Shiou v. Chim. G.R. No. 174168 : March 30, 2009.
Digest each case assigned
Mens Legislatoris/Mischief Rule
1) United States v. Toribio, supra. Be ready to connect each case
2) Macabenta v. Davao Stevedore Terminal Co. G. R. No. 27489. April 30, to the topic its placed under
1971. 32 SCRA 553
3) Shiou v. Chim. G.R. No. 174168 : March 30, 2009.

Equity of the Statute/Clean Hands Doctrine

• Civil Code Articles 9 and 10
1) Amatan v. Aujereo. A. M. No. RTJ-93-956. September 27, 1995.
2) Abacus Securities v. Ampil. G. R. 160016. February 27, 2006.
3) AHS Philippines v. Court of Appeals. G.R. No. 111807. June 14, 1996.
4) Tala Realty Services Corporation v. Court of Appeals. G.R. No. 130088 :
April 7, 2009.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 9

Aids in Interpretation & Construction
Intrinsic Aids
• Manila Trading & Supply Company v. Register of Deeds. G. R. No.
5623. January 28, 1954.
Assignments for 1 Apr ‘19
• Central Capiz v. Ramirez, 40 Phil 883. (1920) Read Agpalo

• People v. Purisima. G. R. Nos. 42050-66. November 20, 1978.
Digest each case assigned.
Punctuation Marks
Be ready to connect each
• US v. Hart. 26 Phil 149 (1913)
case to the topic its placed
• People v. Subido. G. R. No. 21734. September 5, 1975.
Definition, Sections and Interpretation Clauses
• People v. Buenviaje. G. R. No. 22945. 47 Phil 536. March 3, 1925.

Capitalization of Letters
• Unabia v. City Mayor. G.R. No. L-8759. May 25, 1956. 99 Phil 253

Extrinsic Aids

Legislative History Prior to Enactment

Contemporaneous Circumstances
• Philippine Sugar Centrals Agency v. Collector of Customs. G.R. No.
L-27761. December 6, 1927. 51 Phil 131 Policy
• Sarcos v. Castillo, supra.

Legislative History of Statute Read Agpalo

• Olive v. La Madrid G. R. No. 23196. October 31, 1967.
• Celestial Mining Exploration Corporation v. Macroasia Corporation.
G. R. No. 169080. December 19, 2007.
Digest each case assigned.
Contemporaneous and Practical Construction
Be ready to connect each
• University of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals. G. R. No. 28153.
January 28, 1971. case to the topic its placed
• Nestle Philippines v. Court of Appeals. G. R. No. 86738. November under
13, 1991.

Other Aids
• Dictionaries
• Documents
• Scientific and Political Writing
• Legal Treatises

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 10

Interpretation and Construction in Relation to
Language of the Statute
Common Meaning Rule
1) Song Kiat Chocolate Factory v. Central Bank of the Philippines. G.R.
No. L-8888. November 29, 1957.
2) Kuenzle & Streiff v. Collector of Customs. 32 Phil 510 (1915)
3) Tan, et. al. v. People. G. R. 115507. May 19, 1998.

Terms with Legal Meaning

1) Bernardo v. Bernardo. G. R. No. 5872 November 29, 1954.
2) China Banking Corporation v. HDMF Board of Trustees. G.R. No.
131787. May 19, 1999

Terms with Multiple Meaning

1) Carandang v. Santiago. G.R. No. L-8238. May 25, 1955.
2) Malanyaon v. Lising. G. R. No. 56028. July 30, 1981.

Doctrine of Associated Words or Noscitur a Sociis

1) Caltex Philippines v. Palomar. G.R. No. L-19650. September 29, 1966.
2) People v. Santiago. G.R. No. L-17663. May 30, 1962
3) Buenaseda v. Flavier. G.R. No. 106719. September 21, 1993.
4) Kua v. Barbers. G.R. No. 159410. January 28, 2008. Assignment for 8 Apr ‘19
5) Aboitiz Shipping Corporation v. Court of Appeals. G.R. No. 89757.
August 6, 1990. Read Agpalo

Ejusdem Generis Digest each case assigned.

1) Mutuc v. COMELEC. G. R. 32717. November 26, 1970.
2) People v. Echaves. G.R. No. L-47757-61. January 28, 1980. Be ready to connect each
3) Parayno v. Jovellanos. G.R. No. 148408. July 14, 2008. case to the topic its placed
Expressio Unius Exclusio Alterius Rule
1) Manabat v. de Aquino 92 Phil 1025 (1915)
2) Canlas v. Republic 103 Phil 712 (1953)
3) Centeno v. Villalon-Pomillos. G. R. No. 113092. September 1, 1994.

Casus Omissus Rule

1) People v. Manantan. G. R. No. 14129. July 31, 1962.
2) La Bugal B-laan Tribal Association, Inc. v. Ramos. G. R. No. 127882.
January 27, 2004.
3) Commission on Audit of the Province of Cebu v. the Province of Cebu.
G.R. No. 141386. November 29, 2001.

Ubi Lex Non Distinguit Nec Nos Distinguere Debemos

4) Intestate Estate of Manolita Gonzalez Vda. De Carungcong v. People.
G.R. No. 181409 : February 11, 2010.
5) Pilar v. Comelec. G.R. No. 115245 . July 11, 1995.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 11

Interpretation and Construction in Relation to
Language of the Statute
Doctrine of Last Antecedent
1) Florentino v. PNB. G.R. No. L-8782. April 28, 1956.
2) Mapa v. Arroyo. G. R. No. 78585. July 5, 1989.
3) Mendoza v. Palacio. G.R. No. L-658. October 25, 1946

Redendo Singula Singulis

1) People v. Tamani. G. R. Nos. 22160-61. January 21, 1974.
2) CIR v. PLDT. G.R. No. 140230. December 15, 2005.

Doctrine of Necessary Implication

1) Escribano v. Avila. G. R. 30375. September 12, 1978. Assignment for 15 Apr ‘19
2) Atienza v. Villarosa. G. R. No. 161081. May 10, 2005.

Verbal or Clerical Errors

1) Rufino Lopez & Sons v. Court of Tax Appeals. G. R. No. 9274. Read Agpalo
Number, Gender and Tense
1) Santillon v. Miranda. G. R. No. 19281. June 30, 1986.
Digest each case assigned
Conjunctive & Disjunctive Words
1) San Miguel Corp. v. Municipal Council G. R. No. 30761. July 11, 1973. Be ready to connect each
2) Amon Trading Corp. v. CA. G. R. No. 158585. December 13, 2005. case to the topic its placed
Use of “Shall” or “May” under
1) Bersabal v. Salvador. G. R. No. 35910. July 21, 1978.
2) Fule v. CA, G. R. No. 79094. June 22, 1988.
3) Office of the Ombudsman v. CA. G. R. 159395. May 7, 2008.

Strict & Liberal Construction: Mandatory & Directory

1) People v. Terrado. G. R. No. 23625. November 25, 1983.
2) Santos To v. Cruz-Pano. G. R. No. 55130. January 17, 1983.
3) In re Amount of the Monthly Pension of Judges. A. M. No. 90-9-019-
SC. October 4, 1990.)
4) Alpha Investigation & Security Agency v. NLRC. G. R. No. 111722. May
27, 1997.
1) Bermudez v. Executive Secretary Torres. G. R. No. 131429. August 4,

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 12

Construction of the Statute as a Whole, Its Part &
Other Statutes
2) Aboitiz Shipping v. City of Cebu. G. R. No. 14526. March 21, 1965.
3) Araneta v. Concepcion. G. R. No. 9667. July 31, 1956.
4) Magtajas & City of Cagayan de Ora v. Pryce Properties Corp. &
PAGCOR, G. R. No. 111097. July 20, 1994.
5) Laguna Lake Development Authority v. Court of Appeals. G. R. Nos.
120865-71. December 7, 1995.
6) U. P. Board of Regents v. Aud. General. G. R. No. 19617. October 31,
7) National Tobacco Administration v. Comm. On Audit. G. R. No.
119385. August 5, 1999. Assignment for 22 Apr ‘19
8) Tan Co v. Civil Register of Manila. G. R. No. 138496. February 23, 2004.
9) Bangus Fry Fisherfolk et. al. v. Lanzanas. G. R. 131442. July 10, 2003. Please read Agpalo
5) MMDA v. Concerned Residents of Manila Bay. G. R. No. 171947-48.
December 18, 2008. Digest each case assigned.

Constitutional Construction Be ready to connect each

1) Dela Cruz v. Paras, G. R. Nos. 42571-72. July 25, 1983. case to the topic its placed
2) Nitafan v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. G. R. No. 78780. July 23, under
3) Cordillera Broad Coalition v. Commission on Audit. G. R. Nos. 79958
& 82217. January 29, 1990.)
4) Ordillo v. Commission on Elections. G. R. No. 93054. December 4,
5) Calderon v. Carale. G. R. No. 91636. April 23, 1992.
6) Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS. G. R. No. 122156. February 3, 1997.
7) Central Bank Employees Association v. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. G.
R. No. 148208. December 15, 2004.
8) Province of Rizal v. Executive Secretary. G. R. No. 129546. December
13, 2005.

Statutory Construction - SCNN14L 13

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