Fault Finding in Thyristor Equipment

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AN 6145

Fault finding in Thyristor

Application Note
AN6145-1 February 2014 LN31355
Author: Colin Rout

The following information has been reprinted from Chapter 19 of “The Power Thyristor and its
Applications” by David Finney; McGraw-Hill 1980 with kind permission of the author.

David Finney was Chief Engineer at GEC Industrial Controls, Rugby, UK.

19. Fault Finding in Thyristor Equipment

There is no doubt that one of the big advantages of static control equipment is that it
continues to work for long periods of time without maintenance. It is also true that its
biggest problem is finding the fault when the equipment stops working. The long
periods of satisfactory operation mean that those entrusted with the job of keeping it
running have little opportunity of learning to understand it. Fault finding often
provides one of the few chances of finding out how equipment works, but it usually
has to take place urgently so that the equipment can be put back into operation as
quickly as possible. It is not therefore surprising that some users resort to exchange of
subassemblies as a means of reducing downtime, nor that an increasing number of
static equipment designs are based on removable, interchangeable functional assem-
However, this does not pinpoint the specific fault, and the only sure method of doing
this is to understand the basic principles of operation of the particular equipment. It is
a main aim of this book to help the users understand their equipment so that they may
readily be able to find those faults which occasionally occur.
In this chapter, the most common faults which occur in thyristor equipment will be
explained along with the fault symptoms which can be observed or measured. The
content has been restricted to considering those faults which occur either in the
thyristor power circuit (with its auxiliary and protective components), or in the gate
firing system (as defined in Chapter 8). Electronic control-system faults are not in-
cluded in any detail except where they have a specific bearing on the thyristor circuit
fault or its symptoms. In the following section, the `golden rules' of fault finding are
stated and although these are basically common sense, and hardly touch on the
technical operation of the equipment, they are fundamental to quick fault-location in
all electrical equipment. This chapter has been written to follow on from those dealing
with measurement and testing of thyristor equipment. It is assumed that these have
already been read and understood.
The most difficult fault finding occurs during the testing period in the manufacturer's
works because the tester has to assume initially that anything could be wrong.
Fortunately, he will usually have more sophisticated measuring and testing facilities
available to him to check all parameters under a variety of operating conditions. Faults
which occur after the equipment has operated correctly are relatively easier to assess
as it is reasonable to assume that only one fault has occurred and it is possible to
compare operating conditions with those which occurred during normal, correct

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operation. In practice, however, the lack of measuring and loading facilities on site
make even simple faults hard to find.

If components just failed completely, fault location would be much easier as the fault
would be obvious after only a few simple tests. Unfortunately, components also
deteriorate and initially fail only under extreme operating conditions which may be
difficult to reproduce. This chapter should help in the location of most faults and does
explain the methods which can produce the quickest results. However, there will
always be faults which are very difficult to find and no amount of written information
will overcome this. Intermittent faults are in this category and these can usually be
found over a relatively long period of time by systematic substitution. In these
difficult cases, the solution will only be found by observation of symptoms and
simple tests, and, most important, technical deduction.

19.1 The Important Principles of Fault Finding

In general, the process of fault location is the application of common sense to a tech-
nical understanding of the principles of operation. It is the method of approaching the
problem which is all-important.
The following points define the common-sense method which gives quick and
efficient results:
1. Understand the operation of the equipment and then fault finding will
be considerably simplified. Most reputable manufacturers provide
instruction books explaining the operation and circuitry of the
equipment; they may even include some fault-location advice. Study
these and particularly refer to them when a fault occurs. Any time spent
working out how the unit works will be amply recovered when a fault
2. Do not hurry - think. Whenever an important or expensive piece of
equipment fails to work it is invariably necessary to repair it as quickly as
possible. The quickest way is always to observe and think: action can
follow later. No problem will be solved by furious action; this usually
results in more damage which may be much more difficult to repair.
3. Record the symptoms. Fault finding is a technical form of detective
work. The clues to the fault are often there to see. Make full use of any
fault-indication alarms and lamps. Find out when the fault occurred and
under what equipment conditions. Note the location of any obviously
failed items.
4. Prove any potential fault explanation before accepting it as a true
statement of what occurred. Having decided what may have happened,
find a way of proving that it is correct. Only the true explanation of the
fault will fully satisfy all the symptoms.
5. Study any recent changes first. Faults often show up when some
change in operational conditions has been made or after a routine
maintenance check, etc, Always study the recent history; it may be a clue
to the fault and it may even be the change which has caused the fault to
occur. For example, a change in the load process may result in additional

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current loading on the control equipment.

6. Failed components may be the result of the fault rather than its cause.
Many faulty conditions following a failed or incorrectly working
component will result in excessive stresses being placed on other
components. The original fault may not be obvious until these stressed
components fail. When failed components are located, it is essential to
investigate the possible cause of their failure before operating the
equipment further, to avoid repeated failures.
7. Check the electrical parameters of the circuit under a safe operating
condition to obtain more clues to the fault. Often auxiliary circuits, e.g.
power supplies, electronics, fans, relays, etc., can be measured without
the main power circuit being in operation.
8. Try to reproduce the faulty condition if the cause of the fault cannot be
readily located. This should be done under as safe an operating
condition as possible, preferably by temporarily disconnecting the load
system from the equipment.
9. Locate the area of the fault by studying the equipment in sections.
Most systems will naturally split themselves into electrical functions,
each having a simply defined role and relatively few input and output
connections. The initial aim should be to locate the faulty function.
10. Faults do not go away. If the fault has not been found and
corrected it will return some time.

19.2 Naturally Commutated Equipment

Any of the following faults can occur in a thyristor power circuit and each will result
in different symptoms:
a. A thyristor short-circuit.
b. Thyristor forward break-over,
c. A non-conducting thyristor.
d. Diode or thyristor reverse blocking failure.
e. Snubber circuit failure.
f. Surge suppression circuit failure.
A short-circuit thyristor will invariably result in a high fault current and the protection
fuses or circuit breaker will operate. These fault currents can flow even if the load
circuit is disconnected.
A thyristor or diode reverse blocking failure will have a similar effect.
Thyristor forward break-over will cause the maximum circuit voltage to be applied to
the load, If the load is a low-impedance one, such as a motor, this can cause high
fault currents which will blow fuses or trip protective circuit breakers. In an
antiparallel circuit, it will cause internal fault currents within the equipment which
will probably blow circuit fuses. If it happens while an equipment is inverting, it will
initiate an inversion failure, again causing fault currents to flow.
It may be caused by thyristor deterioration, the application of excessive voltage or
rate of change of voltage (dv/dt), over-temperature, or it can result from misfiring.
Any of these faults will produce the same result as above. If a single thyristor in a

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parallel set breaks over, then the full circuit current will flow through the faulty
thyristor. If it is one of a series string, then its share of the circuit voltage will have to
be accepted by the other thyristors. If thyristor break-over occurs in a circuit with a
high-impedance load, then it will show up only as instability or lack of control.
A non-conducting thyristor will only result in a reduced output if the circuit is
rectifying. If, however, it is inverting, the result will be an inversion failure and a high
fault current which will operate protective fuses or circuit breakers. The condition
can be due to an internal fault in the thyristor, a lack of firing pulses, or failure of the
thyristor to pick up current.
A non-conducting thyristor in a parallel set will cause its current to be shared among the
remaining healthy thyristors in that arm of the circuit. If it is one of a series string, it will
probably break over when the others are fired and it would eventually fail.
An open-circuit snubber circuit will cause high peak voltages and dv/dt to be applied to
the appropriate thyristor, causing it to break over. A short-circuit in the snubber will
often be followed by an open circuit due to the high current which would temporarily
flow through it.
Surge suppression circuit failure resulting in loss of overvoltage protection will be
followed by thyristor break-over or failure.
Similar symptoms can also result from faults within the firing circuit.
Complete loss of pulses will result in no output from the thyristor circuit; if it occurs
during rectifying operation, no fault currents will be produced, but if the circuit was
inverting, a short-circuit inversion failure will occur, causing operation of
over-current protection devices.
Loss of pulses to one arm of the circuit will produce exactly the same symptoms as a
non-conducting thyristor arm.
Extra firing pulses occurring during normally non-conducting periods will usually
have the same effect as thyristor or thyristor arm break-over.
Pulses of insufficient magnitude may not fire the thyristors. If they do manage to fire
them, there is a possibility of di/dt failure of the thyristors.
If a sudden jump in the firing pulse phase position occurs, it will cause a rise or fall in the
output voltage. Depending on its severity, it may cause an over-current fault and
operation of the protection or it may cause control-system instability if the current
control is able to prevent excessive current use.
Incorrect setting of the front stops in the firing circuit, for any reason, will only cause a
problem with short firing pulses. If the firing pulse occurs before the forward voltage,
the thyristor will not fire; if it occurs when the forward voltage is too low, the thyristor
may not pick up.
Incorrect setting of back stops in the firing circuit can have more significant con-
sequences. If the firing pulses occur too early, it may not be possible to maintain satis-
factory control; if they are too late, inversion failure may occur.
Incorrect phase rotation of the firing-circuit reference voltage waveforms will result in
completely erratic firing of the thyristors and closed-loop control circuits will
complicate the symptoms even further. The usual results will be lack of control and
high over-current faults, causing operation of fuses or circuit breakers.

Fault-finding Procedure

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When faced with a fault situation on thyristor equipment which is normally working,
the basic symptoms are likely to be that no output is available (possibly due to the
supply switches having tripped), the control of the output is erratic, or full output is
continuously available. This latter case is only likely on a high-impedance load as with
others, for example a motor load, high output will normally cause the over-current
protection devices to trip.
In all cases, the sensible initial procedure is to check all available alarms, indicating
lamps, fuses, and protective relays, etc. If this does not enable the fault to be identified,
then the equipment should be operated in such a way that high fault load currents
cannot flow by:
(a) Disconnecting low-impedance loads.
(b) Removing the interconnection between anti-parallel circuits or
removing the firing pulses from one of the circuits.
(c) Connecting a low current resistance load to the equipment to enable
good thyristor pick-up to occur (say 10 per cent rated load at full voltage).

If these tests do not reveal the cause of the fault, the next stage is to try to reproduce
the faulty condition. The fault may exhibit one of the above symptoms, perhaps after
running under load conditions, in which case the guidance of table 19.1 should be
If the fault conditions result in immediate blowing of fuses or the operation of
over-current protection circuit breakers, then Table 19.2 will be of assistance.

Study of the operation of the equipment under these test conditions, with the help of
Table 19.1, should enable the fault to be located and corrected. It is often a help to be
able to set the level of input control signal directly to the firing circuits during these

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Table 19.1 Fault finding

Sympt Possible fault Action recommended

No output om No power supply Check main power supply, fuses, circuit
although control signal breakers, etc.
to the firing circuit is 1. Check firing pulses. If none:
sufficient No firing pulses 2. Check any inhibit or pulse suppression
3. Check power supply to firing circuit
4. Check reference waveforms are present

Equipment trips out due to Thyristor or diode 1. Check thyristor associated with blown
Over-current or fuse blowing reverse voltage fuses, if any doubt replace them
although the low- failure 2. Check overvoltage protection circuits
impedance load has before switching on again
been disconnected

Erratic control 1. Check firing pulses with a constant

at low output Erratic firing input signal to the firing circuit
2. Check reference waveforms
3, Check inhibit signals

Thyristor forward 1. Output should still be erratic even

with firing pulses disconnected or
2. Study output voltage waveforms to
decide faulty thyristor
3. Check overvoltage protection circuits
and snubbers

Erratic control Firing circuit 1. Check firing pulses

at a specific point in the Mal-operation 2. Check reference waveforms
control range

Erratic control With short pulse 1 . Check firing pulses

near to full output firing circuits 2. Check front stop settings
this may be
caused by
incorrect front
stop settings
Insufficient output Thyristor(s) not 1. Check firing pulses
although control signal being fired 2. Check reference waveforms
is sufficient Open.-circuit Study output voltage waveforms to find
thyristor which arm is not conducting

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Table 19.2 Over-current fault conditions

Condition under which fuses or circuit

breakers operate Possible faults

While feeding power to the load at low 1. Thyristor break-over

output 2. Erratic firing pulses
During acceleration or high load current Current-limit failure
During regeneration of power from the load 1. Thyristor break-over
2. Erratic or lost firing pulses
During regeneration at high load current Incorrect firing circuit backstop
On antiparallel changeover to the opposite
I. Anti-parallel changeover logic fault
polarity 2. Zero-current detection fault
At low output in half-controlled bridge Incorrect firing circuit backstop

19.3 Forced-commutated Equipment

Fault finding in forced-commutated thyristor circuits is dominated by one very im-

portant factor: all significant faults will result in a failure to commutate, a short -
circuit, and usually operation of the over-current protective fuses, circuit breakers, or
static switches.
Excessive currents. All forced-commutated circuits have a definite limit to the level
of current which can be switched: if this level is exceeded, a commutation failure will
occur. In all inverter circuits this will cause a short-circuit current to flow as soon as
another thyristor is turned on. This current will quickly increase the thyristor
junction temperatures above the controllable limit and they will remain in the
The situation is nearly as bad in chopper circuits in that commutation failure will
result in the unit giving full output voltage, which, with lower-impedance loads, will
result in uncontrollable high currents.
Thyristor break-over or misfiring will have the same result and this can be directly
caused by many faults in the thyristor circuit and the firing system. Snubber or voltage
protection circuit failures, excessive thyristor temperature, faulty firing pulses (for any
of the many possible reasons), as well as thyristor deterioration itself all come within
this category resulting in commutation failure.
Loss of supply. In addition, most circuits depend on the presence of the input power
supply for correct operation. Even temporary loss of the input supply can lead to
insufficient commutating ability because the commutating capacitors may not fully
charge. Supply difficulties can therefore also be a reason for commutation failure
and the equipment consequently tripping out.
Control faults. In some designs it is also possible for failures within the control
system, which is instructing the firing circuit, to have the same consequence of

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incorrectly firing the thyristors or causing excessive currents. The better designs.
however, contain electronic circuitry to prevent incorrect firing of the thyristors by
control system changes or faults. In addition, a fast and accurate current-limiting
control can prevent over-currents being caused by the load, the supply system, or the
control electronics.
The majority of faults will therefore result in the same overall effect and some further
investigation will always be necessary to locate the prime cause.

Fault-finding Procedure
When approaching a fault it is first necessary to accept the fact that the cause of the
unit having blown its fuses or tripped its protection switches may be:
(a) A load fault causing excessive current.
(b) An input power supply failure.
(c) An internal fault in the thyristor equipment.
It is most unwise to delve into the complicated thyristor and control circuitry
until some initial external checks have been made:
1. Study the load system to find out if any load faults have occurred, i.e., fuses
blown, circuit breakers tripped, overloading, etc.
2. Investigate the power supply system to make sure, as far as possible, that a
fault has not occurred causing temporary or permanent loss of supply to the
equipment. Check line fuses and circuit breaker trip relays, etc.
If no fault has been located then:

3. Disconnect the load from the equipment and try to operate the equipment
under this condition.
If the unit is unable to operate under this no-load condition either because it gives
no output or because it results in a commutation failure, then the following detailed
investigations will be necessary:
4. Note the condition of all alarms, indicating lamps, protective relays and
switches, the operation of cooling fans and pumps.
5. Switch off and visually inspect all significant components, particularly
looking for:
(a) Blown fuses.
(b) Wire, cables, or busbars disconnected.
(c) Mechanical damage.
(d) Failed commutating capacitors (usually observed by their leaking,
bulging, or exploding).
(e) Overheated resistors.
6. Switch on the auxiliary power supplies, preferably without the main power
thyristor circuit being energized. Operate the electronic controls and firing circuits,
etc. under this condition and check all possible auxiliary circuits including:
(a) Auxiliary power packs.
(b) The firing pulses to the thyristors.
(c) The frequency of the firing pulses,
(d) The correct-timing between the firing of the various thyristors:
(d) The end stop limits of the control range.

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7. Inhibit or disconnect firing pulses to the thyristors and switch on the main
power supply. All thyristors should remain in the OFF-state and all snubber and
voltage protection circuits should be working. If any fault occurs under this
condition, it can only be a component in the power circuit, e.g., a thyristor.
If the unit will work, apparently satisfactorily, on no load but not when load is
applied, it is recommended that tests 6 and 7 above are carried out, followed by:
8. A light-load test as detailed in Section 18.3 so that circuit turn-off times
and thyristor firing could be positively confirmed. If the unit still fails on load, the
following points may help:
9. If the unit fails on starting or stopping, the necessary logic circuitry which
controls the sequence of starting or stopping should be checked.
10. If the unit fails after a period of time, then those components which
significantly heat up should be suspected. This will include power semiconductors in
the firing circuits as well as the main power thyristors,
11. If the unit fails only at high load, then either the current limit system is not
holding the current low enough or a thyristor turn-off time is too high.
In the unlikely event of the fault still not being found, then selective replacement of
specific subassemblies and components will usually solve the problem in the
quickest way. Replacement of the thyristors, which are difficult to test and prove,
should be followed by full testing of them by the manufacturer, particularly if there
is doubt as to which one is faulty.

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