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Baiguen, Felix Miguel P March 7 2019


Disorder of vascular tissue (Blood)

Disease Description Possible Remedies

Immune Thrombocytopenia Immune thrombocytopenia Intravenous gamma globulin
(ITP) is a blood disorder in ("IVIg") — IVIg slows the rate
which the immune system of platelet destruction
destroys platelets. As a result, temporarily. IVIg works quickly
people with ITP develop low — within 24 to 48 hours — but
platelet counts. This can its effect typically only lasts
cause red or purple dots on several days to a couple
the skin, called petechiae, and weeks.
problems with easy bruising,
nosebleeds, blood blisters in
the mouth or internal bleeding.

Disease Description Possible Remedies

Anemia Anemia is a condition in which Treatment for anemia is
you don't have enough individualized for every
healthy red blood cells to patient, depending on the
carry adequate oxygen to the underlying cause of the
body's tissues. Having anemia anemia. For example, anemia
may make you feel tired and due to a nutrient deficiency is
weak. usually treated with nutritional
supplements or dietary
changes. For patients with
certain kidney disorders, the
hormone erythropoietin can
be provided to increase the
number of red blood cells. If
anemia is due to autoimmune
disorders, patients may need
medicine to suppress their
immune system. If a
medication is the cause, the
patient may need to receive a
different dose or type of
medication. There are many
other causes of anemia, each
with its own treatment plan.

Disease Description Possible Remedies
Hemophilia Hemophilia is a rare disorder The present goal of
in which your blood doesn't hemophilia therapy is to raise
clot normally because it lacks factor levels, decrease the
sufficient blood-clotting frequency and severity of
proteins (clotting factors). If bleeding episodes and
you have hemophilia, you may prevent complications of
bleed for a longer time after bleeding. Hemophilia
an injury than you would if treatment uses clotting factor
your blood clotted normally. concentrate, also called
"factor," which is a dried
powder form of the clotting
factor. It is mixed with water to
form a liquid before it is given.

Some clotting factor products,

called plasma-derived factor
products, are made from
donated human blood plasma.
Others, called recombinant
factor products, are made in a

Clotting factor concentrate is

injected into your vein soon
after you have had an injury or
show signs of bleeding. When
clotting factor is given, it
immediately circulates in the
blood so the body can use it
to form a blood clot. Once the
blood clot is established and
the bleeding has stopped, the
body begins to reabsorb the
blood that has leaked into the
tissues and joints.

Disease Description and Causes Possible Remedies
Leukemia Leukemia is cancer of the Treatment for your leukemia
body's blood-forming tissues, depends on many factors.
including the bone marrow Your doctor determines your
and the lymphatic system. leukemia treatment options
based on your age and overall
Many types of leukemia exist. health, the type of leukemia
Some forms of leukemia are you have, and whether it has
more common in children. spread to other parts of your
Other forms of leukemia occur body, including the central
mostly in adults. nervous system.
There is some kinds of
Leukemia usually involves the treatment:
white blood cells. Your white Chemotherapy.
blood cells are potent infectionChemotherapy is the major
fighters — they normally grow form of treatment for
and divide in an orderly way, leukemia. This drug treatment
as your body needs them. But uses chemicals to kill
in people with leukemia, the leukemia cells.
bone marrow produces
abnormal white blood cells, Depending on the type of
which don't function properly. leukemia you have, you may
receive a single drug or a
combination of drugs. These
drugs may come in a pill form,
or they may be injected
directly into a vein.

Biological therapy. Biological

therapy works by using
treatments that help your
immune system recognize
and attack leukemia cells.

Disease Description and Causes Possible Remedies
Thalassemia Thalassemia (thal-uh-SEE- If you have mild thalassemia,
me-uh) is an inherited blood you may not need treatment.
disorder characterized by less But if you have a more severe
hemoglobin and fewer red form of the disorder, you may
blood cells in your body than need regular blood
normal. Hemoglobin is the transfusions. You can also
substance in your red blood take steps on your own to
cells that allows them to carry cope with fatigue, such as
oxygen. The low hemoglobin choosing a healthy diet and
and fewer red blood cells of exercising regularly.
thalassemia may cause
anemia, leaving you fatigued.


Diseases of blood . (2017) . Retrieved March 5 , 2019, from:

Anemia or Iron Deficiency.( April 15 2010) . Retrieved March 5 , 2019, from:

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