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Prepared by: Mfundo Vezi

Supervisor: Prof. P. Moyo


MSc Civil Engineering © 2014

The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No

quotation from it or information derived from it is to be

published without full acknowledgement of the source.
The thesis is to be used for private study or non-
commercial research purposes only.

Published by the University of Cape Town (UCT) in terms

of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author.


1. I know the meaning of plagiarism and declare that all the work in the document, save for
that which properly acknowledged, is my own.

2. I have used the Harvard Convention for citation and referencing. Each significant
contribution to and quotation in this research forms the work or works of other people
that has been attributed and has been cited and referenced.

3. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intension of
passing it as his or her own work.

Name: Mfundo Vezi Student No.: VZXMFU001

Date: Signature: __________

Thesis – 2014 Vezi MM

To my family and friends and the one and only God


To date, dam failures have resulted in significant losses in the commercial economy and in
human life. Raising awareness in the field of structural health monitoring is neccesary to
develop contemporary structural analysis and monitoring methods to ensure the integrity of
these structures. Hence, the research aims at developing an analytical formulation that can
be used in the dynamic modelling of arch dams, for structural health monitoring purposes.

A hypothetical arch dam model was created to investigate the influence of a reservoir’s
orientation and geometry on the dam’s dynamic properties, and the discrepancies between
the Westergaard and Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis methods. The two analysis
methods were then utilized to develop an updatable finite element model, in a case study
pertaining to the 72m high Roode Elsberg concrete-arch dam. Thereafter, ambient vibration
tests were conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam to measure its dynamic properties and
validate the finite element models. The excitation on the dam was provided by the wind and
the reservoir flowing over the spillway. Vibrations of the dam were measured and recorded
by accelerometers placed on the cantilevered arch blocks. Finally, the Frequency Domain
Decomposition (FDD) algorithm was used to analyse the acquired data and identify the
natural frequencies of the dam.

The parametric study indicated that the dam’s dynamic properties are insensitive to changes
in the reservoir orientation and geometry in the ambient state. The comparative study results
obtained from the Westergaard and FSI model illustrated that for the lower modes an
average discrepancy of 23 % existed between the natural frequencies of the two methods.
The two finite element models of Roode Elsberg exhibited an average difference of 20%,
which is similar to that obtained above in the comparative study. The FDD modal analysis
of the field test measurements, yielded the first six modal parameters of vibration for the
dam. These compared quite well with those obtained from the FSI Model, however a poor
estimation was obtained from the Westergaard formulation. Based on the results of the
analysis, a conclusion can be made that Acoustic finite elements provide a good
representation of the impounded water body, and hence, the dynamic properties in the
ambient sate. Contrary, the Westergaard method does not give a good representation, and
underestimates the natural frequencies in the ambient state.


Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. P. Moyo for his guidance in the
compilation and completion of this work. Secondly, the Water Research Commission
(WRC) and the Council of Science and Industrial Research (CSIR) for their financial and
professional support over the past two years, it has gone a long way in the pursuit of
completing my master’s studies. The Department of Water Affairs provided access to their
dams and for this I am grateful.

I would also like to acknowledge the Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research
Unit (CoMSIRU) from the University of Cape Town for their support and feedback
throughout the compilation of this thesis. A special thanks to Patrick Bukenya, a PhD
student for his assistance in the field testing component of this research. Furthermore, I’d
like to thank Mbogeni Nzuza and Romananta Makha senior MSc students, for assisting me
with essential modelling material required to carry out my research. A special thanks also
goes to Ms. Elly Yelverton for her assistance all the time.

Finally, I’d like to acknowledge everyone in the department of Civil Engineering, at the
University of Cape Town for always striving towards providing a conducive environment to
produce relevant and effective research, addressing current engineering problems.


PLAGIARISM DECLARATION............................................................................................ i


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... x

NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................................................ xi


1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Limitations and Scope of Research ............................................................................. 3

1.4 Plan and Structure of Thesis........................................................................................ 4


2 Review on Dynamic Analysis Methods and Parameters of Arch Dams ..................... 6

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Analysis of Loading on Arch Dams ............................................................................ 6

2.2.1 Analysis of Static Loads ...................................................................................... 6

2.2.2 Analysis of Dynamic Loading ............................................................................. 8

2.3 Dynamic Analyses..................................................................................................... 11

2.3.1 Hydrodynamic Analysis Methods...................................................................... 11

2.3.2 Modal Analysis .................................................................................................. 26

2.3.3 Foundation Rock Analysis ................................................................................. 30

2.3.4 Earthquake Foundation Input mechanisms ........................................................ 33

2.4 Ambient Vibration Testing........................................................................................ 36

2.5 Modal Parameter Estimation Techniques used in AVT ............................................ 38

2.5.1 Frequency domain methods ............................................................................... 38

2.6 Chapter Summary...................................................................................................... 42


3 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 44

3.1 Modelling .................................................................................................................. 44

3.1.1 Validation of Acoustic Elements ....................................................................... 44

3.1.2 Comparison of Hydrodynamic Analysis Methods ............................................. 46

3.1.3 Parametric Study of Reservoir Orientation and Geometry ................................ 58

3.1.4 Modelling of Roode Elsberg Dam ..................................................................... 59

3.1.5 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Roode Elsberg Dam ............................................... 65

3.2 Ambient Vibration Testing........................................................................................ 68

3.2.1 Testing and Analysis Instrumentation ............................................................... 68

3.2.2 Test Layout ........................................................................................................ 69

3.3 Chapter Summary...................................................................................................... 69


4 Results and Discussion................................................................................................... 71

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 71

4.2 Validation Model....................................................................................................... 71

4.3 Comparison of Hydrodynamic Solutions .................................................................. 74

4.4 Parametric Study Results .......................................................................................... 78

4.5 Roode Elsberg Model Results ................................................................................... 94

4.6 Ambient Vibration Test Results ................................................................................ 99

4.7 Verification of Roode Elsberg Model ....................................................................... 99

4.8 Chapter Summary.................................................................................................... 100


5 Conclusion & Recommendations................................................................................ 102

5.1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 102

5.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................... 103

5.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 105


6 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 106


Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 110

Appendix A: Abaqus Modelling Theory ........................................................................... 110

Appendix B: Finite Element Results.................................................................................. 120

Appendix C : Modelling Data ............................................................................................ 122

Figure 1: Parabolic (solid) body of water considered to move with the dam wall. The dotted parabolic
curve shows equivalent body of concrete. source (Makha, 2012) ........................................................ 13
Figure 2: Body of water acting normally to the dam surface. (Kuo, 1982) .......................................... 14
Figure 3: Rectangular tank proposed by Housner and illustrating the membrane slices which govern
the theory. ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 4: boundary conditions applied in the Galerkin Finite Element model to the three dimensional
water body (Kuo, 1982). ....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5: discretisation of dam wall and compressible impounded water body (Ghanaat, 1993) ........ 25
Figure 6: incompressible water body with rigid boundaries and compressible water body with
absorptive boundary conditions (Ghanaat, 1993). ................................................................................ 26
Figure 7: Foundation Rock model using semicircle planes cut into the canyon walls (Ghanaat, 1993).
.............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 8: Dynamic properties with change in foundation stiffness (Nzuza, 2013)............................... 32
Figure 9: Ambient vibration testing of the Roode Elsberg dam located in Worcester, Western Cape,
South Africa (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2013)............................................................................................ 38
Figure 10: (left) Rigid shell container part and (right) deformable acoustic medium part. .................. 45
Figure 11: Meshed shell and acoustic part ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 12: Cross sectional wired arches used to create the dam wall part. ........................................... 47
Figure 13: Hypothetical arch dam wall part created using the lofting technique. ................................ 47
Figure 14: (left) Fluid part created using cross sectional wires and (right) lofted continuous fluid part
considered to extend three times the dam wall height. ......................................................................... 48
Figure 15: 20 node brick acoustic element (AC3D20) used to capture the dynamic pressures. ........... 50
Figure 16: Fluid structure interaction mesh, showing C3D20R dam wall stress brick elements and
AC3D20 water-acoustic brick elements ............................................................................................... 50
Figure 17: Boundary conditions, constraints and interactions applied to the FSI model ...................... 53
Figure 18: Dam wall partitioned to allow for application of the Westergaard added masses. .............. 57
Figure 19: Element nodes used to apply the added mass as inertial nodal mass. ................................. 58
Figure 20: Diverging and asymmetric cases considered in the parametric study. ................................ 59
Figure 21: Roode Elsberg Dam located in Worcester Western Cape, South Africa ............................. 60
Figure 22: Downstream side of the arch dam (Nzuza, 2013). .............................................................. 61
Figure 23: (left) Wire developed feature of foundation and (right) completed solid region of
foundation. ............................................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 24: (left) Merging of Dam wall and foundation part. (right) completed merged instance of the
two parts (Nzuza, 2013). ....................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 25: Completed mesh of dam foundation part using C3D10 tetrahedral elements ..................... 65
Figure 26: Meshed fluid region using AC3D10 quadratic tetrahedral elements and dam-foundation
part meshed using C3D10 quadratic tetrahedral elements. ................................................................... 66
Figure 27 Partitioned dam wall part for application of Westergaard added masses. ............................ 67
Figure 28: Dam-foundation meshed part illustrating location of the poor elements............................. 68

Figure 29 : Field testing of Roode Elsberg dam ................................................................................... 69
Figure 30: Cross section view of the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the downstream wall. .......... 71
Figure 31: Pressure-time history of a sample point taken mid-section of the downstream surface. .... 72
Figure 32: Maximum hydrodynamic pressures with a change in depth acting on the downstream wall
surface, recorded at t=1.25secs. ............................................................................................................ 73
Figure 33: Natural frequency results from the Westergaard and Fluid Structure Interaction model. ... 74
Figure 34: Comparison of the first three modes obtained from the models and ambient vibration tests
conducted on the Kouga arch dam. ....................................................................................................... 76
Figure 35: Comparison of mode 4-6 obtained from the Models and Kouga arch dam. ........................ 77
Figure 36: Results from parametric study of diverging reservoir ......................................................... 79
Figure 37: Natural frequencies from the asymmetric parametric study ................................................ 81
Figure 38: Pressure distribution at quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Diverging Reservoir Walls) ....... 83
Figure 39: Pressure distribution at left quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Asymmetric Reservoir Walls)
.............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 40: Pressure distribution at right quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Asymmetric Reservoir
Walls) .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 41: Pressure distribution at crown level for diverging parametric case. .................................... 86
Figure 42: Pressure distribution at abutment region for diverging reservoir. ....................................... 86
Figure 43: Pressure distribution at crown level for asymmetric scenario of mode 2. ........................... 87
Figure 44: Pressure distribution at left & right abutment for asymmetric scenario of mode 2. ............ 88
Figure 45: Pressure distribution at crown position for diverging scenario of mode 3 .......................... 89
Figure 46: Pressure distribution at the abutment position for the diverging scenario of mode 3. ........ 89
Figure 47: Pressure distribution at crown position for the asymmetric scenario of mode 3 ................. 90
Figure 48: Pressure distribution at left and right abutment for the asymmetric scenario of mode 3. ... 91
Figure 49: Acoustic Participation Factor distribution with diverging reservoir ................................... 93
Figure 50: Acoustic Participation Factor associated with asymmetric reservoirs................................. 94
Figure 51: Mode 1-3 of Roode Elsberg dam obtained from the FSI and Westergaard model. ............. 97
Figure 52: Mode 4-6 Roode Elsberg dam obtained from the FSI and Westergaard model. ................. 98
Figure 53: Singular values of spectral matrices (Natural Frequencies Hz) of Roode Elsberg dam,
extracted using the FDD algorithm. ...................................................................................................... 99
Figure 54: fluid slave and solid master surface................................................................................... 117

Table 1: Elastic material parameters which were are assigned to the shell and acoustic part. ............. 45
Table 2: Material parameters assigned to the dam wall part and fluid medium. .................................. 49
Table 3: Software architectures available with different eigensolvers in Abaqus/Standard. ................ 51
Table 4: Properties of Roode Elsberg Dam .......................................................................................... 60
Table 5: Linear elastic material properties of dam wall and foundation part ....................................... 63
Table 6: Natural Frequencies obtained from Westergaard and FSI model. .......................................... 75
Table 7 : Natural Frequency (Hz) from diverging parametric study .................................................... 79
Table 8: Natural Frequency (Hz) from asymmetric parametric study .................................................. 81
Table 9: Comparison of natural frequencies (Hz) obtained from the FSI model and Westergaard
method of the Roode Elsberg model. ................................................................................................... 95
Table 10: Natural frequencies of Roode Elsberg dam obtained using Fluid Structure Interaction model
with varying dam Elastic modulus (35-45GPA). ................................................................................ 120
Table 11: Natural frequencies of Roode Elsberg dam obtained using Modified Westergaard model
with varying dam Elastic modulus (35-45GPA). ................................................................................ 121


Latin Upper Case

A tributary area

Strain displacement matrix

Damping matrix
̅ Stress-strain matrix

Foundation material elastic modulus

Concrete material elastic modulus

⃑ Vector of nodal force

Ambient hydrodynamic forces

Forces induced by ground motion

Lame’s constant

Value of cross spectrum between signal and frequency

Depth of reservoir

Bulk Modulus

Stiffness matrix

Dam reservoir length

Mass of Solid

Mass of fluid

Array of shape functions

Hydrodynamic pressure

Transformation matrix of hydrodynamic pressures into forces

R residual of Galerkin FEM

Rf Foundation radius

Coupling of the solid and acoustic motion

The unitary matrix holding singular values

XL Matrix of left eigenvector

XR Matrix of right eigenvector

Distance from the base of the dam

Rank four material stiffness tensor

Latin Lower Case

Propagation velocity of p-wave and s-wave

Surface emissivity

External loads


Added mass matrix

Maximum number of time steps

Outward normal direction from reservoir surface

Hydrodynamic pressure in the fluid

Relative humidity



u Acceleration

ug Horizontal ground acceleration

̇ Velocity


Test / weighting function

Cartesian coordinate system

Reservoir depth

Foundation depth

Greek Upper Case
Partial differential

Left acoustic participation factor

Right acoustic participation factor

Laplacian operator

Time step length

Finite element domain

Greek lower Case

Westergaard pressure distribution

Sloping angle of dam surface

Variational field
ρ Unit mass of water

Angle of parabolic section of the dam wall

Angle of radial section of the dam wall

Normal direction cosines

Ø Matrix of mode shapes

Latitude of location

Angular frequency

Strain tensor

̅ Average stress values

Coherence function

Chapter 1-Introduction



1.1 Background
Dam structures serve as important water storage facilities as water is a valuable resource to
the population at large. The failure to assess the safety of these structures has resulted in
numerous catastrophic incidents around the world. Such events not only include billions of
dollars being spent rehabilitating and reconstructing damaged property, but also fatalities
globally. It is for these reasons that national government has had to exercise good structural
health monitoring practices to ensure that dams are continually assessed and evaluated for

Over the years, analytical and field testing methods have been developed and improved to
ensure that all structural properties are taken into consideration during the design and
monitoring of dams. Static and dynamic properties are the fundamental elements considered
when analysing concrete arch dams. Traditionally, static properties of the dam took
preference in the design and post-construction monitoring and surveillance phase. However,
the importance of dynamic characteristics has become prevalent with contemporary
research, especially in the dynamic structural monitoring of dams in seismic zones.
Research has been conducted in this area using field testing and computational analyses
techniques, with the objective of understanding the dynamic behaviour of concrete dams
under seismic loading and continuous long term structural health performance (Fenves,
Mojtahedi, & Reimer, 1992).

Dynamic monitoring constitutes of two aspects, computational analyses and field dynamic
testing. The computational analyses of arch dams has been positively impacted by the
development of the Finite Element Method of Analysis (FEA). The FEA method of analysis
provides for a better understanding of the parameters which govern the static and dynamic
behaviour of dams. Allowing for the analyses of various load combinations which are not
measurable through surveillance and monitoring techniques (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2013).
The point of interest in dynamic analysis, is in seismic evaluation and the extraction of
dynamic modal properties such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios.

Chapter 1-Introduction
The challenges in modal analysis, are developing a finite element model that can accurately
predict the as built operational modal parameters and use these for long term structural
monitoring. The problem is attributed to the uncertainties that exist in defining the: (i)
operational material parameters, (ii) dam and foundation geometries, (iii) representation of
the impounded reservoir, and (iv) boundary conditions which represent the as built dam
conditions. This has been the challenge in the verification of the Shaahid-Rajaee arch dam
model developed by Mivehchi, et al (2003). Also, in developing the dynamic model of the
Roode Elsberg arch dam. This study will attempt to overcome the challenges experienced in
developing the dynamic finite element model of the Roode Elsberg arch dam.

Operational dynamic characteristics of concrete dam structures are extracted through

dynamic field testing techniques. These techniques can be used to obtain important modal
parameters of the dam that can be used in structural health monitoring. This was previously
not used in dam safety due to the absence of adequate field testing technologies. However,
improvements in this field has resulted in highly accurate field testing methods which are
used to obtain as built dynamic characteristics (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2013). Forced
vibration and ambient vibration testing are the most common field tests used in the industry,
and the latter is found to be a useful method in determining the primary modes of an arch
dam wall (Mivehchi et al., 2003). In force vibration testing mechanical forces are applied to
the structure to excite it, while ambient vibration testing relies on mainly environmental
forces e.g. wind and impounded reservoir. In areas where seismic activity is minimal, it is
economical to conduct long term ambient vibration testing of the structure, as it does not
require expensive mechanical exciters. These results can be used to verify and update
dynamic finite element models. This allows for a better understanding of the dynamic
properties and how the structure is performing under ambient conditions (Darbre & Proulx,

1.2 Objectives
The aim of this research is to develop an updatable dynamic finite element model of the
Roode Elsberg arch dam based on ambient vibration testing. This forms a sub-section of
continuing research that is currently being carried out in the structural health monitoring of
arch dams by the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, funded by the
Water Research Commission.

Chapter 1-Introduction
The objectives of this research are outlined as follows:

1. To investigate the effect of a reservoir’s orientation and geometry on the dynamic

properties of the dam.

2. To analyse and assess the discrepancies in modal parameters produced by the Modified
Westergaard and Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis methods.

3. To develop a dynamic updatable finite element model (FEM) of the Roode Elsberg
concrete arch dam.

4. To conduct ambient vibration tests on the Roode Elsberg dam, measuring the
operational dynamic properties, and hence, validate the dynamic updatable finite
element model of the dam

1.3 Limitations and Scope of Research

The scope of the research is limited to the Roode Elsberg dam located in Worcester,
Western Cape, South Africa. Research work conducted in this thesis is aimed towards
developing a Finite Element Model (FEM), which will be used to monitor and assess the
safety of the dam. An existing static finite element model of the Roode Elsberg dam has
been verified and will form basis of the dynamic model. The research was limited to the

1. The study focuses only on the approach of modelling the hydrodynamic loading acting
on the dam. Development of sedimentation and existing crack defects on the dam are not
included in this work. The previously stated could have a significant influence on the
final model.

2. There is inadequate data for the elastic properties of the foundation for Roode Elsberg
Dam. The left and right abutments of the valley including the bedrock beneath the dam
have dissimilar elastic properties.

3. The operational dynamic properties obtained for the dam were extracted from ambient
vibration measurements carried out on the dam.

Chapter 1-Introduction

1.4 Plan and Structure of Thesis

The thesis constitutes 5 chapters which comprehensively outline the work conducted in the
compilation of this dissertation. The document begins with literature that covers parameters
and methods used in the dynamic modelling of arch dams. A summary of the methodical
steps used in Abaqus to develop a dynamic finite element model of the Roode Elsberg dam
are then provided. Followed by results obtained from the finite element model and field
testing conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam are discussed. Lastly, conclusions and
recommendations related to the developed finite element model are drawn.

Chapter 1 – Introduction

This chapter provides an introduction into the dynamic modelling of arch dams in the
context of structural health monitoring. It highlights the objectives of the research, which
mainly focuses on developing a dynamic updateable finite element model for the Roode
Elsberg dam.

Chapter 2 – Review on Dynamic Analysis of Arch dams

This chapter provides literature which is relevant to fulfil the proposed objectives. It
constitutes the main aspects and methods used to develop a dynamic finite element model of
an arch dam. It also contains literature on the field testing techniques used to obtain
operational modal parameters.

Chapter 3 – Methodology

This chapter provides a detailed outline on the procedure followed in the development of
the finite element models in Abaqus. Furthermore, it contains the details and process
followed in the ambient vibration testing of the Roode Elsberg dam.

Chapter 4 – Results and Discussion

This chapter contains the results obtained in the following studies: The parametric and
comparative study conducted on a hypothetical arch dam, The development of the finite
element model of the Roode Elsberg dam, and verification of the dynamic model of the
Roode Elsberg dam using ambient vibration testing.

Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations

Chapter 1-Introduction
Concludes on the results obtained in this study and makes recommendations for future
works related to this topic.


Contains a list of literature used in this research and also references work related to this


This section contains the theory of procedures and techniques used in Abaqus to develop a
dynamic finite element model. It also contains dam data used in the geometric development
of the hypothetical arch dam. Furthermore, it contains dynamic modelling results obtained
from Abaqus,

Chapter 2-Literature Review


2 Review on Dynamic Analysis Methods and Parameters of Arch Dams

2.1 Introduction
The review focuses on illustrating past literature produced in analysing the dynamic
behaviour of arch dams. Firstly, a review on static and dynamic analysis loading of arch
dams will be analysed to obtain an understanding of the aspects that must be taken into
consideration in the analysis phase. Secondly, a review of existing dynamic analysis
methods which are currently used to analyse the impounded water body is provided. Also, a
review of eigenvalue solving techniques that are applicable to solving and extracting modal
parameters of fluid structures such as dams. Finally, a review of field testing techniques
used in structural surveillance and health monitoring of arch dams.

2.2 Analysis of Loading on Arch Dams

Arch dams are constructed as a uniform sequence of monolithic blocks separated by vertical
joints that are later grouted under high pressure to form a complete monolithic structure
(USBRR, 1977). The joints are designed to purely take on compressive loading during the
operation stage. However, they may open and close in between seasons, due to sever
temperatures and changes in reservoir level. Linear elastic analysis approaches model arch
dam as a monolithic, and do not consider joint openings and slippage of contraction joints.

Understanding the structural behaviour of arch dams is essential in developing refined

design and health monitoring analysis techniques. A thorough understanding on the form
and function must be established in order to develop analysis techniques that account for the
loading and the influence it has on the structure. This section reviews existing general static
and dynamic loading acting on arch dams. It will simply highlight the static loading
considerations, as it does not fall in the scope of the research topic.

2.2.1 Analysis of Static Loads

 Gravity Loading

The self -weight of a concrete structure can be considered as a non-varying load that is
always present in operation. The self-weight of an arch dam constitutes of the weight of

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Chapter 2-Literature Review

concrete and the weight of appurtenances such as gates, and bridges. The dead weight of the
structure can be calculated using the uniform weight density throughout each element
(Ghanaat, 1993). The unit weight of concrete can be determined using laboratory testing or
assuming a typical value. The weight of appurtenances is sufficiently less in magnitude
when compared to the weight of the dam and is normally considered as being negligible in
structural analysis models (Ghanaat, 1993).

 Hydrostatic Loads

The hydrostatic load is considered as the linearly distributed hydro pressure acting on the
wetted upstream surface of the dam wall. Hydrostatic loading causes an increase in the
compressive stresses in the grouted contraction joints of the arches, resulting in the structure
acting as a monolithic body. The static analysis of hydro static forces should include the
complete dam foundation interaction where the water load is applied as an external
hydrostatic surface load acting on the dam and foundation rock. Theses foundation effects
should not be ignored as they have an influence on the deformation behaviour of the dam.
The weight of the water acting on the valley rocks causes deformation on the foundation
rock, abutments and valley floor, which results in the stresses and deformations in the dam
(Ghanaat, 1993).

 Temperature Loads

Temperature loads are important in the safety evaluation of arch dams. Operating
temperatures are applied to the arch structure after the contraction joints are grouted.
Generally, the temperature distributions within a dam vary in a nonlinear manner but are
usually approximated by a combination of uniform and linear equations (Ghanaat, 1993).

The variation of temperature in arch dams, results in thermal stresses if volumetric changes
are not permitted by the supporting foundation rock. The magnitude of the closing
temperature is dependent on the difference between the closure temperature of the
contraction joints, and the concrete temperature expected during operation. The closure
temperature is the mean concrete temperature at the time the contraction joints are closed to
form a monolithic arch. This temperature is very important as it has the largest influence on
the thermal stresses, and may be controlled to minimize the effects by grouting the
cantilever blocks at an appropriate closure temperature (Ghanaat, 1993) .

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Chapter 2-Literature Review

The effects of concrete temperatures in arch dams may be analysed by determining the
operational ambient air temperatures, reservoir water temperatures, and solar radiation.
These variables can be used in conjunction with the material thermal properties to
investigate the influence of temperature on the arch dam.

 Silt Loads

Silt loads are analysed in a similar manner as hydrostatic loads. A hydrostatic load is
applied as an external surface load with the appropriate density of the ground material.

 Uplift Pressures

Uplift pressures develop when the water enters interstitial spaces within the arch, foundation
joints and cracks. The uplift pressures commonly result in a reduction of compressive stress
on horizontal sections within the concrete and an increase in corresponding tensile stresses.
Uplift pressures are found to have negligible stresses in thin arch dams but have a
significant influence on gravity arch dams and should therefore be included in the analysis
(Ghanaat, 1993).

The effects of uplift within the concrete are generally not considered in a static finite
element analysis of thin arch dams, as they have an insignificant influence on the stresses.
Uplift pressure distribution within the foundation rock and interface of the foundation and
dam depend on the depth and size of drains, grout curtain, rock porosity, jointing, faulting,
and geological features which may influence the flow of water through the system
(Ghanaat, 1993). The effects of pore pressure may be analysed by using Terzaghi’s effective
stress concept.

2.2.2 Analysis of Dynamic Loading

The consideration of dynamic loads, which develop in dam structures during earthquakes
and ambient conditions is essential when designing and monitoring water retaining
structures. The seismic behaviour of concrete dams has been the main focus of research
over the past decade, owing to major safety concerns of dams located in earthquake prone
regions. These concerns arise as the uncertainties which exist in these adverse conditions
can have unprecedented outcomes on the structural integrity of the dam (Ghaemian &
Ghobarah, 1999).

University of Cape Town CoMSIRU|CSIR
Chapter 2-Literature Review

An arch dam undergoing seismic and ambient dynamic loading can be analysed using the
multi degree of freedom, equation of motion (2.1) below:

M s u + C s u + K s u = [ Fg (t )  FP (t ) ]


Where, M s , C s and K s refer to the mass, damping and stiffness matrices of the dam wall
and foundation respectively, u is the displacement vector of the structure. One must note,
that, if the foundation model is considered to be massless it only contributes to the stiffness

of the model and not the mass. The time dependent forces Fg and F p represent loading

induced by ground acceleration and ambient loading on the structure. Q in equation (2.3)
represents a transformation matrix which converts hydrodynamic pressures into forces. The
forces are defined below:

Fg  M s ug

F p  QP

As previously mentioned, the majority of the work conducted in dynamic analysis is heavily
inclined towards seismic loading, hence the ground acceleration term in equation (2.1).
Since the focus of the study considers ambient conditions, thus, we can ignore the ground
acceleration term as it is assumed to be zero resulting in equation (2.4) below:

M s u + C s u + K s u = [ FP (t ) ] (2.4)

 Eigenvalue Extraction

They are two main important areas of structural analysis which it is essential to extract and
obtain the eigenvalues of equation (2.1), and hence, its natural frequencies of vibration. The
most common area is the structural evaluation for seismic events considered in the design
and seismic monitoring phase. This is based on a linear analysis using the structures modes
up to limiting frequency usually 33Hz (Simulia, 2010). The other new area is in the context
of structural health monitoring, which the research forms a part of, this is a recent form of

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Chapter 2-Literature Review

structural analysis which focuses on evaluating the safety of aging concrete dam structures.
The method of structural analysis involves updating the finite element model based on
ambient vibration test results, which gives insight on the dams current health status (Moyo
& Oosthuizen, 2013). Modal analysis methods which evaluate eigenvalues of dynamic
models will be further discussed in Section 2.3.2.

 Foundation Rock and Boundary Conditions

Ideally a complete dynamic model must include the foundation rock, as it has a significant
influence on the dynamic behaviour of the arch dam. Selecting and assigning the boundary
and material parameters becomes difficult as not much geological data is available about the
foundation support and rocky canyon environment. Material and boundary parameters such
as: (i) the foundation modulus (dynamic modulus), (ii) the wave absorption in the
foundation bottom and flanks, and (iii) the dissipation of energy in the foundation (material
and radiation damping) depends on the extent of geological information available of the site
(Proulx, Darbre, & Kamileris, 2004). The components considered to idealise the foundation
rock have been further outlined in Section 2.3.3.

 Impounded water body

The impounded water body and the concrete dam wall are known to interact dynamically
with each other, where the two cannot be decoupled and analysed independently
(Zienkiewics and Taylor, 2000). The continuous dynamic interactive loading process
results in hydrodynamic loads being exerted on the upstream dam wall surface.
Hydrodynamic loading is the most important and complex aspect to measure, and has a
significant influence on the dynamic characteristics of the structure (Leung et al, 2008).
This interaction is influenced by the reservoir geometry and energy absorption in the
reservoir bottom. The reservoir geometry is usually a complicated shape which depends on
the topography of the site. The energy absorption is heavily influenced by the bottom
geology, and as previously stated, measurement data is usually not available.

Currently, two procedures are available for modelling the impounded water body. The most
preferred being the added mass formulation, as it provides an efficient and simplistic
idealisation of the reservoir. Alternatively, the fluid structure interaction is considered a
more realistic formulation, but due to its complexity, it has not gained popularity as the
preferred method of use.

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2.3 Dynamic Analyses

2.3.1 Hydrodynamic Analysis Methods
This section provides a detailed review of methods used to analyse the impounded water
body and its influence on concrete dam wall. The different formulations of the added mass
techniques and the fluid structure interaction methods have been detailed and contrasted
against each other.

The ‘added mass’ technique is considered the most efficient and economical technique
accepted by practicing engineers (Rodríguez, Crespo, Lacoma, & Martínez, 2012). The
main assumptions include: (i) incompressible fluid, (ii) infinite rigidity in the boundaries
provided by the dam-wall and (iii) surrounding environment. This method has been
employed by academics such as Westergaard (1933) and Housner (1954) on hydro-
structures located in earthquake regions, and has proven to yield acceptable results
(Rodríguez et al., 2012)

Currently, the ‘added mass technique’ has been overlooked due to its conservative nature.
More complex methods have been employed to consider important effects such as dam
deformability, water compressibility, non-linear effects (cracks) and dam-foundation
interaction (Du, Zhang, & Zhang, 2006).The new formulations such as FEA, have been
complemented with the innovation of high speed computing, which has made the analysis
of these structures much more efficient and realistic. Furthermore, they have brought across
complex interaction modules, making modelling this effect more laborious and complex
than the added mass theory (Gersdorff, 2009). Nonetheless, they result in improved
approximations as important considerations (parameters and boundary conditions) are taken
into account. Westergaard (1933)

Westergaard (1933) analysed the hydrodynamic effects on gravity dams during earthquakes.
The formulated approach analysed the acceleration of the dam and the changes of water
pressures. The formulation considers that for small displacements, simple equations which
apply to sound in liquids can be used to track down the movement of the water particles
causing increases in the pressures on the dam. These equations can be interpreted in terms
of the theory of elasticity without shear stresses (Westergaard, 1933). A final solution was

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formulated by taking a numerical approach yielding the hydrodynamic pressures as a series

of sines and is illustrated in equation (2.5).

8h n
1 ny
 2 n c
1, 3, 5


p = maximum pressure of the water on the dam, due to the dynamic action

 = weight of water per unit of volume

h= depth of reservoir

value defined by n , ,

The following assumptions were made by Westergaard in his formulation:

 Dam and water body are idealised as a two dimensional rigid monolith with
vertical upstream face.
 The reservoir extends to infinity in the upstream direction.
 Displacements of fluid particles are small
 Surface waves are ignored
 Only horizontal ground motion in the upstream-downstream direction is

Westergaard proposed that this series be represented by a simpler method, where the
hydrodynamic pressure distribution is approximated by a parabolic (equation (2.6) & figure
1) or elliptic shape with simplified factors, the former being argued to provide a better
approximation of equation (2.5).

Provided below as equation (2.6) is the parabolic approximation:

PZ  uo ρ H(H  Z)


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PZ = Hydrodynamic pressure at height Z from the base of the dam, applied

horizontally to the dam face

 = unit mass of water

ug = horizontal ground acceleration

H = depth of reservoir above the base of the dam

Z = distance from the base of the dam

Figure 1: Parabolic (solid) body of water considered to move with the dam wall. The dotted parabolic curve
shows equivalent body of concrete. source (Makha, 2012)

As previously mentioned, the Westergard method is restricted to the above mentioned

assumptions, thus making it applicable to dams with vertical upstream surfaces. In the first
assumption it is assumed that the dam and reservoir are considered to be two-dimensional in
a vertical plane. Arch-dams are completely three-dimensional and it is impossible to use a
two dimensional model to analyse them. It is also noted that the dam upstream surface is
considered vertical and completely rigid, the dam in this study has a curvature and is
flexible. Finally, the last assumption whereby the ground motion is considered to be
horizontal in the upstream-downstream direction is impractical as ground acceleration is
associated in all three planes.

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With the above limitations mentioned about the Westergaard method, there was a need to
modify the basic assumptions and make it applicable to flexible curvilinear arch dams.
Consequently, this resulted in a modified method which was introduced by Kuo (1982). Modified Westergaard Method ( Kuo, 1982)

Kuo (1982), reproduced a modification of the Original Westergaard method. Reconsidering
the generalised prismatic body of water which is of unit width by applying it normal to the
upstream surface of the dam. Figure 2, illustrates the normal prismatic body of water.

Figure 2: Body of water acting normally to the dam surface. (Kuo, 1982)

The parabolic shape is the same as that defined in equation (2.6). The distinction between
the original and generalised method is the normal n vector which is introduced into the
Westergaard method. Provided below is equation (2.7), which illustrates the hydrodynamic
pressure acting normal on the dam surface.

pi  uni (2.7)


pi = hydrodynamic pressure at node i

uni = total normal acceleration at node i

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 = uo ρ H(H  Z) (parameters as defined in equation 2.6)

The normal acceleration vector can be represented in the Cartesian co-ordinate components

as a summation of the ground acceleration ug and that relative to the base of the dam ui .
Hereafter, the directional cosines are applied in the direction of the normal, resulting in
equation (2.8), which defines the normal nodal hydrodynamic pressures exerted on the
upstream dam surface. In finite elements implementing this formulation requires the
external pressures to be integrated over the appropriate surface and applied as a nodal
hydrodynamic forces.

pi  i (ui   i ug ) (2.8)


pi = hydrodynamic pressure at node i

 = uo ρ H(H  Z)

ui = acceleration relative to base of dam at node i

ug = ground acceleration Cartesian components node i

i = normal direction cosines

 Hydrodynamic Forces Acting on the Dam

A simple method employed to obtain nodal loads, is to lump the hydrodynamic pressures by
multiplying by the tributary area associated with that node. The hydrodynamic pressure is
assumed to be constant over the tributary area and has the same value as node i, and is
defined to act normal to the surface of the dam at that point. Since the pressures act normal
on the surface the same could be said about the nodal forces defined in equation (2.9).

Fni   pi Ai

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Fni = Equivalent normal hydrodynamic nodal force, outward normal from the dam
face as positive

p i = Hydrodynamic pressure at node i, compression as positive

Ai = tributary area associated with node i

The normal force should be resolved into its Cartesian components which are given by
equation (2.10).

Fi  Fni Ti


Fi  [ Fx, FY , FZ ]

i  [ x, Y ,  Z ]

Combining equations (2.8) and (2.9) with (2.10) leads to equation (2.11).

Fi  mai (ui   i ug ) (2.11)


mai  Ai Ti i


Here mai is the added mass matrix as a result of the hydrodynamic forces acting on the
upstream surface of the dam wall. The added mass matrix is a 3x3 sub-matrix associated
with each node, which is not coupled with the neighbouring node. The added mass sub-
matrices are substituted into the equation (2.13) of motion to include the hydrodynamic
effects of the reservoir (Ghanaat, 1993).

( m  ma ) u + cu + ku = - ( m  ma ) rug (2.13)

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The right hand side of equation (2.13) is the effective earthquake loads which are dependent
on the added mass of the reservoir and the as well as the mass of the dam structure. The
added mass of the reservoir needs to be combined directly with the mass matrix of the
upstream dam wall surface when implementing the Westergaard added mass. For each node
the mass of the concrete associated with that element is combined with added mass of the
impounded water.

Ghanaat (1993) suggests that the Generalised Westergaard method does not properly
represent the pressures acting on an arch dam. This is due to the assumptions of an
incompressible fluid under seismic action being implausible, hence, resulting in inaccurate
results. The limitations of the method have been justified by Kuo (1982) as he evaluated
the accuracy of the generalized Westergaard method by conducting a parametric study, and
a case study of Techi arch dam. His findings on the seismic parametric study revealed that
the method overestimated the hydrodynamic pressures and can be considered to be too
conservative for seismic analyses. The case study of the Techi arch dam showed that the
Generalised Westergaard method overestimated the natural frequencies when compared to
those obtained by ambient and forced vibration testing. Goldgruber et al., (2013) goes on to
suggest that added mass technique should be used for estimation purposes and dams not
higher than 100 meters. This is after the dynamic stress levels were overestimated by more
than 100% when compared to acoustic elements. Housner (1954)

G.W Housner (1954) developed an approximate method which presented physical meaning
and avoided laborious differential equations and series formulations (Housner, 1954).In
doing so developed a method to estimate the simple type of flow which is similar to the
actual flow in fluid containing structures. The method not only allowed for the computation
of hydrodynamic pressures but it was also similar to the analogy which was brought
forward by the Rayleigh-Ritz method.

Housner (1954) considered the impulsive forces acting on tanks with various geometries
and orientations. The study will only consider the derivation of the hydrodynamic pressures
exerted on rectangular tanks, as the Housner method will be used to validate hydrodynamic
loading of a rectangular tank model (figure 3). The following considerations where taken
into account upon deriving the closed form solution:

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 The tank is considered to have a horizontal foundation (base), and the wall subjected
to a horizontal acceleration ̈ in the x-direction.

 Let the fluid have a depth of h, a length of 2l and unit thickness.

 The fluid is considered to be incompressible




Figure 3: Rectangular tank proposed by Housner and illustrating the membrane slices which govern the theory.

The horizontal velocity of the fluid was considered to be independent of the vertical
position. In other words, the fluid could be considered being constrained by massless
membranes of dx (see figure 3), which are free to translate in the x-direction. Thus, when
the tank is accelerated in the x-direction, the fluid will be accelerated with the membrane
and squeezed vertically between the adjacent membranes. The vertical velocity is dependent
on the horizontal velocity and is as defined in equation (2.13). The standard hydrodynamic
pressure between the two membranes are be given by equation (2.14).

v  (h  y)
dx (2.14)

  v` (2.15)

Substituting equation (2.14) into (2.15) and integrating with respect to y, we can obtain the
expression of the hydrodynamic pressures (equation 2.16) in terms of the horizontal
acceleration. Equation (2.16) represents the horizontal pressure acting on the membrane
wall at a height of y, and equation (2.17) the total hydrodynamic pressure on the membrane.

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y 1 y 2 du
p   ρh 2(  ( ) )
h 2 h dx (2.16)

P   ρ h du
3 dx


The equation of motion (2.17) for a slice is governed by the differential pressures existing
on the two adjacent membranes. Where P represents the total pressure exerted on the
membrane which can be obtained from equation (2.17), and substituted into equation (2.18),
yielding the differential equation (2.18).

dx   hdxu
dx (2.18)

d 2u 3
 u  0
dx 2 h2 (2.19)

The solution to the differential equation (2.19) is obtained, with the following boundary
conditions applied to the problem.

u  C1 cosh( 3 hx )  C2 sinh( 3 hx )



u  u0 at x  l

The initial acceleration produces an increase of pressure on the wall given by:

y y
Pw  u0h( h  12 ( h )2 ) 3 tanh( 3 l )
(2.21) Galerkin Finite Element Analysis of Incompressible Water

The Westergaard and Housner method are computationally efficient and simplistic to
employ, but do not provide a good representation of the hydrodynamic forces exerted on an
arch dam wall surface. A better idealisation is to represent the impounded water using the
Galerkin Finite Element Method.

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The Galerkin weak form relates the fluid pressures to the dam accelerations on the upstream
face. The domain is discretized by the Finite Element Method where the fluid domain is
defined as a 3-D volume and the dam-reservoir interface defined by a 2-D surface. It may be
noted that the bottom and sides of the reservoir are assumed to be rigid. The elemental
hydrodynamic pressures acting on the dam-reservoir interface are determined by
incompressible discretised elements and the dam using compressible Langragian elements.
The following step is to lump the pressure values into equivalent hydrodynamic nodal
forces. Once the nodal forces are obtained the following step is to obtain the added-mass
coefficient matrix. This can then be added to the mass of the dam and the dynamic
characteristics determined.

In the Galerkin formulation the hydrodynamic pressures are assumed to be governed by the
pressure wave equation defined in equation (2.22) (Kuo, 1982). A boundary value problem
needs to be established and solved in order to determine the hydrodynamic pressures acting
on the dam wall surface.

2 1
V p( x, y, z, t )  p( x, y, z, t )


p (x,y,z,t) = pressure distribution in reservoir

c= celerity wave equation

K =bulk Modulus

 = unit mass of water

In order to determine the hydrodynamic pressures the boundary conditions defined below
(See figure 4) must be assigned to the reservoir surfaces:

(1) At dam reservoir interface   pvnt s
n s

p t
(2) At floor or reservoir the normal acceleration is zero. or pvns = 0
n s

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p t
(3) At the upstream end of the reservoir or pvns = 0
n s

(4) At free surface of reservoir: the surface pressure is assigned p= 0 or surface waves
are neglected

p t
(5) At canyon walls: or pvns = 0
n s

(6) L = The dam reservoir which should extend upstream three times the dam height


n s is defined as the outward normal direction from the reservoir surface

vnt s is the total normal acceleration of the fluid at the boundaries of the reservoir

Figure 4: boundary conditions applied in the Galerkin Finite Element model to the three dimensional water
body (Kuo, 1982).

The next step would be to determine the hydrodynamic pressures exerted on the dam water
interface, but due to the complex geometry of the reservoir boundary, a closed integral
solution of the form leads to a complex solution. Therefore the problem is approximated
using a numerical solution based on the Galerkin Finite Element Method.

The Galerkin method is a weighted residual method which has an associated residual caused
by the error of the numerical solution. Defining the numerical solution of the pressure wave
equation (2.22) requires that the hydrodynamic pressures be approximated by a variable p .

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By defining the approximate solution to be approximated by p , the residual of small

magnitude and the strong form of equation (2.22) is defined by equation (2.23) and (2.24)

1 
V p pR

1 
 N
T 2
(V p  p)dV  0
V c2


N = A row vector of weighting functions

R = A residual of very small magnitude

We then apply greens theorem to equation (2.24) leading to equation (2.25), where the first
term only exists along the boundaries of the reservoir.

p 1 pdV  V N T  V pdV  0
 N  N 
S dA  2 (2.25)
ns c V V

After applying the boundary conditions previously listed to equation (2.25), equation (2.26)
is produced:

 N dA     N S vnt s dA
n s S


It is noted that with the applied assumptions that vns vanishes along other boundaries and

exists only at the dam-reservoir interface. The acceleration of the fluid at the interface can
be related and expressed as the acceleration of the dam rns . It must be noted that the dam

acceleration and fluid accelerations are positive in the opposite directions.

vnt s =- rnts (2.27)

The normal acceleration of the dam can be expressed in terms of normal direction cosines
using the three RCC components:
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rnts = U t (2.28)


 = [  X ,  y ,  z ] the direction cosines at the points where rns .


 t  [U
U  t , U  t ] total acceleration of the dam face in RCC components
 t , U
x y x

Substituting equations (2.26), (2.27) and (2.28) into equation (2.29) simplifies to the weak
form of the Galerkin expression equation (2.28). As for compressible water C = 4720ft/sec
and for incompressible water C=  which result in the second term vanishing.

t 1 pdV  V N T  V pdV  0
  N TS U dA   N
S c2 V V


After determining the Galerkin form of the differential equation, the domain is discretized
by the finite element method, where the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the dam-
reservoir interface are determined. After determining the hydrodynamic pressures, the
interest of the formulation is to find the added mass representation of the hydrodynamic
effects. This requires converting the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the face of the dam
into lumped equivalent nodal forces, and thus the added-mass coefficient matrix.

Kuo (1982) and Ghanaat (1993) recommend the Glaerkin Finite Element method as it has
the capabilities of accounting for the reservoir geometry, hence provides a better
representation of the problem However, the complexity of defining the boundary value
problem makes the method unattractive as it requires the representation of the site geometry
very accurately. It is a cumbersome process which requires advance understanding of finite
element modelling. In contrast to the previously mention added mass formulations, Kuo
(1982) yielded satisfactory results when he used the Galerkin finite element approach. Compressible Fluid Structure Interaction Method

All approaches discussed above ignore the compressibility of the water and the energy loss
due to radiation of the pressure waves in the upstream direction, and also due to reflection
and refraction at the reservoir bottom and canyons (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1994). A
preferred approach method is to setup a coupled problem, which represents the impounded

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water body and arch dam using compressible finite elements (See figure (5)). This provides
a realistic representation as a compressible complex impounded water body can be taken
into consideration. The fluid - structure interaction of the dam wall and impounded water
body are represented by an asymmetric coupled system which is generally defined by a
mixed formulation defined in equation (2.30) (Tillioune & Seghir, 1998).

 Ms 0   u C s 0   u   K s  Q  u   FG 
 Q T    (2.30)
 W M F   p  0 C F   p   0 K F   p   0 


M s & M F = Dam wall-foundation system and impounded fluid mass matrices

C s & C F = The damping factors of the dam wall and impounded fluid

Ks & K = Stiffness of dam-foundation system and bulk modulus of the fluid


w = The density of the impounded water body

Q = Transformation matrix that converts nodal pressures into hydrodynamic forces

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The displacement of the dam wall u and pressures p of the fluid are the arguments of the

Figure 5: discretisation of dam wall and compressible impounded water body (Ghanaat, 1993)

The idea of water compressibilty in the analysis of seismic loading induced hydrodynamic
effects was first introduced by Fok and Chopra (1985). They introduced frequency-
dependent hydrodynamic terms in the equation of motion which could be interpreted as an
added mass, added damping and and added force. The added damping term is as a result of
the refraction of hydrodyanmic pressure waves into the absorptive reservoir bottom and
propergation of pressure waves in the upstream direction (See figure (6)). The energy loss is
approximated by the wave reflective coefficient α, defined as the ratio of reflected-to-
incident wave amplitude of a pressure wave striking the reservoir bottom (US Army Corps
of Engineers,1994). The value of  can be varied from 1 for a rigid nonabsorptive
boundary and  =0 for a fully absorptive boundary.

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Figure 6: incompressible water body with rigid boundaries and compressible water body with absorptive
boundary conditions (Ghanaat, 1993).

Mivehchi et al. (2003) carried out the compressible fluid structure interaction formulation
when developing the computational model of two Iranian arch dams, the Saveh arch dam
and Shahid-Rajaee arch dam. Features of the model included a dam-reservoir-foundation
system where the reservoir was discretized using compressible acoustic elements with an
acoustic velocity of v  1440 m/s. The models were verified by experimental measurement
of ambient response of the two dams. The models gave a good representation of the
impounded water body and yielded satisfactory results for both the dams. The Saveh arch
dam model was found to give correlating results when compared to the as-built dynamic
properties obtained from ambient vibration tests. The Shahid-Rajaee dam gave results with
slight discrepancies that could be minimized by applying an appropriate massive foundation
and actual material properties (Mivehchi et al., 2003). This method has also been used
successfully to calibrate the Berke arch dam located in Turkey, using ambient vibration
testing results. The Berke arch dam was calibrated by changing the material parameters of
the foundation and arch dam. In the calibration of the finite element model the dam-
reservoir-foundation were represented by the Lagrangian approach were both the reservoir
and dam variables are displacements. This avoided any compatibility matrices which are
required on the dam-reservoir interface (Sevim, Bayraktar & Altunisik, 2011).

2.3.2 Modal Analysis

Eigenvalue extraction

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Modal parameters (Mode shapes and natural frequencies) of the dam-reservoir system are
computed by solving the eigen problem generally represented by equation (2.30). One must
note, that the added mass which is the equivalent of the hydrodynamic pressures is included

in the equation by the added mass matrix defined by ma . It is stated that for the undamped

free vibration structure,  and  represent the mode shapes and natural frequencies
respectively. The modal parameters obtained from equation (2.30) are for the coupled dam-
water-foundation system. The foundation flexibility is accounted for by including the
stiffness of the foundation rock, and the compressibility of the reservoir water is
incorporated into equation (2.31) by the added mass matrix.

k   2 (m  ma )

The eigenvalue problem is solved by using an iterative procedure based on a variation of

Stodola ‘s method (Ghanaat, 1993). The method assumes an initial mode shape and is
adjusted accordingly until an appropriate adequate solution of the true mode shape is
obtained. This will be followed by attaining the corresponding frequency form the equation
of motion (Ghanaat, 1993). A popular used method which implements this algorithm is the
Subspace Iteration Method, (Bathe & Wilson, 1976) which is found in most general purpose
structural analysis programs.

 Subspace Iteration Method

The subspace iteration method is based on the simple idea of a simultaneous inverse power
iteration. A small set of base vectors defining a ‘subspace’ are created. The subspace is
transformed by an iteration into the space containing the lower few eigenvectors of the
overall system (2.32).

k  (m  ma ) 2


 2 = The diagonal of  2

 = The matrix of mode shapes [  1 ,  2 , ….  p ]

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Assume that, at the ith iteration, a set of m vectors, Vi n=1,…, m , exist, where m is less than
the number of degrees of freedom. These can be considered as the base vectors that define

m dimensional subspace out of n dimensions in the model. The matrix [V ] (i ) is arranged

such that subspace vectors are the columns, and the rows are the complete number degrees
of freedom in the finite model.

The first step is to define a new set of base vectors by solving the equation:

[ K ][V ](i 1) = [M ][V ](i )


This is the generalised inverse power sweep operation with m vectors which involves the
solution of a complete set of linear stiffness equations for several right hand side vectors.
The stiffness and mass matrices of these structure are then projected onto the subspace by
equation (2.34) and (2.35), thus defining a mass matrix and stiffness matrix (m x m
matrices) in the subspace.

[ K * ]  [Vˆ ]T(i 1) [ K ][Vˆ ](i 1) (2.34)

[M * ]  [Vˆ ]T(i 1) [M ][Vˆ ] (i 1) (2.35)

The below eigen problem equation (2.36) is now solved using the Householder method.
The method is used to reduce a general matrix to a symmetric diagonal, upper or lower
triangle matrix. This is done by using a cholesky decomposition of [ M * ] and pre-
multiplying and post-multiplying [ K * ] by the inverse of the lower and upper triangular
matrices. Thus, equation (2.36) is defined into a tri-diagonal form equation (2.37) where the
eigenvectors can be determined.

([ K * ]   2 [M *  M a* ]){}  0 (2.36)

( [ A]   [ I ] ) {} =

Where [A] is symmetric tridiagonal matrix, and [I] is the identity matrix. The eigenvectors
defined in the reduced space can be transformed back to the full space of the structural

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problem to define [V] for the next iteration. The entire iterative cycle is repeated many
times until the process converges to the true mode shapes and natural frequencies.

[V ] (i 1) = [ Vˆ ](i 1) [  ] (2.38)

The advantages of the subspace method is that it extracts the eigenvalues in a reduce space,
which leads to a rapid convergence of the eigenvectors in full space. The number of base
vectors carried in the iterations and the choice of initial base vectors are important for an
economical solution. The disadvantage of the Subspace iteration method, is that, it’s a
conventional method limited to symmetric problems. This is suitable for solving uncoupled
eigen-modes for the added mass methods, but is inadequate for coupled dam-water
problems as they result in asymmetric governing equations (Simulia, 2010).

Decoupled and Coupled Modes

The dynamic analysis of a fluid structure interaction problem is a demanding procedure

because of its complexity. The governing matrices of the coupled system are asymmetric
(see equation 2.29) and it gets computationally cumbersome to solve such an eigen
problem. The modal approach is the recommended method, as the modal parameters (mode
shapes and natural frequencies) are calculated based on the eigen problem. This makes it
more efficient than the direct method (e.g., Subspace method) which computes dynamic
properties based on the number of unknowns.

When analysing the dynamic characteristics of the fluid structure interaction approach a
coupled dam-reservoir system must be considered (Poursartip & Lotfi, 2008).The eigen
problem of this system can be analysed in one of two ways: The first being a decoupled
modes, which can be obtained very efficiently by using standard eigen – solution routines,
such as the subspace iteration method previously discussed, which determines the mode
shapes of the dam alone and the mode shapes of the reservoir with rigid walls at the
boundaries. Secondly, coupled modal analysis is also utilised which uses coupled mode
shapes of the dam-reservoir system (Poursartip & Lotfi, 2008) . A specific technique is
utilised to solve the asymmetric eigen problem.

This technique uses the advantage of orthogonallity conditions, where two sets of
eigenvectors need to be calculated by the following eigen-problem

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KX R  MX R  (2.39)
K T X L  M T X L

In the above equation X R and X L are denoted as matrices of the right and left eigenvector
for the coupled system. Since the coefficient matrices of equation (2.39) and (2.40) are the
transposes of each other, the eigenvalues of a specific mode are the same but the
corresponding eigenvectors are different. Equation (2.39) and (2.40) are solved using the
inverse iteration method, which is capable of solving asymmetric eigen problems. The
convergence rate is improved by using the shifting technique, which always converges to
the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue. It is recommended that the inverse
iteration technique be used to attain an approximation due to that convergences can be
associated with a deviation between the smallest eigenvector and its corresponding
eigenvalue. This can be overcome by using the Rayleigh quotient shift to reach the desired

2.3.3 Foundation Rock Analysis

Arch dams are designed to transfer all of the compressive loads onto the abutment canyon
walls. This results in the foundation rock having a significant influence in the response of an
arch dam, and hence, they must be included in the dynamic analysis. An idealistic
foundation is one that includes all geological features and extends to a distance whereby
boundary effects have no influence on the stresses and dynamic characteristics. This
becomes practically impossible as finite element techniques are not yet sufficiently
developed to account for such analytical procedures, and models would become
computationally intensive.

For the limitations stated above a simplified idealisation of the deformable foundation is
considered in practice (Clough, 1980). Only a significant portion of the foundation is
include as part of the arch dam model. The US Army Corps of Engineers (1994) specifies
that an elliptical shaped flexible foundation rock system must be considered, that requires
the deformation modulus of the supporting rocks, which accounts for faults and joints in the
foundation rock, and the Poisson’s ratio to be defined for the material properties. The
inertial and damping effects of the foundation rock should be ignored in the dynamic
analysis (Ghanaat, 1993).

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The foundation mesh is constructed using solid mesh elements constructed on semicircular
planes that cut into the canyon walls and are oriented normal to the rock-concrete interface
as illustrated in figure 7. Each semi-circle is rotated about a diameter always oriented in the
upstream-downstream direction. The foundation model should be assembled out of eight-
node finite elements, where the elements have anisotropic material properties and are
smaller near the dam-foundation interface and increase in size as you move to the boundary
of the foundation (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1994).

Figure 7: Foundation Rock model using semicircle planes cut into the canyon walls (Ghanaat, 1993). Deformability of Foundation

The US Army of Engineers (1994) point out the importance of having a deformable
foundation by analysing its influence on the static properties. The result of a parametric
study conducted on the Morrow Point dam, illustrated that the foundation flexibility has an
influence on the response of the dam. Three values of the foundation modulus were
considered: firstly a rigid foundation, with the same modulus of concrete, and secondly one-
fifth the modulus of concrete. The analyses were conducted for hydrostatic loading and
loading acting on the foundation flanks and bed. The results showed that stresses and
deflection of the dam are considerably affected by foundation flexibility. The same can be

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said about the effect on the dynamic properties by the foundation stiffness. This was
investigated by Nzuza (2013) on a case study of the Roode Elsbeg dam, where the natural
frequencies illustrated a rapid increase for a soft foundation type, with the Youngs modulus

of the foundation E f less than that of the dam ( E f < E c ), and a gradual increase for hard

foundation E f > E c (see figure 8). Therefore, this study concluded that the dynamic
properties are sensitive to stiffness variation of the considered foundation.



Natural frequency (Hz)







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Foundation stiffness / Concrete stiffness, (Ef/Ec)

Figure 8: Dynamic properties with change in foundation stiffness (Nzuza, 2013) Size of Foundation

In a dynamic analysis the natural frequencies and mode shapes control the foundation size.
The size of the foundation model should be selected such that it has no influence on the
natural frequencies and mode shapes of vibration. The natural frequencies are known to
decrease with an increase in foundation size, but for massless foundation the size has a

negligible influence when the foundation size R f (radius foundation) greater the one dam

height, except for foundation rocks which have low modulus of elasticity. The guidelines
provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers (1994) recommend that for a massless

foundation, a R f equal to one dam height is generally accepted. However, when the

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stiffness of the foundation rock is less than half the modulus of the concrete, a model with a
R f of two times the dam height is acceptable.

Makha (2012) conducted a parametric study which investigated the influence of foundation
size on the natural frequencies. A standard foundation equal to one height of the dam wall
was chosen as the reference height. This was increased by increments until a height of 50m

above the reference. The increase in R f resulted in a slight decrease of 0.2% in the lower

natural frequencies, and 10% for modes higher than 13. For arch dams, the lower modes are
of great importance. The above result show that a depth and an upstream-downstream radius
equal to a height of the dam wall, recommended by the US Army Corps of Engineers
(1994) is acceptable.

2.3.4 Earthquake Foundation Input mechanisms

When evaluating the response of a dam during a seismic event, the free field earthquake
acceleration is applied at the foundation base and is allowed to propagate through the
foundation by the elastic wave propagation mechanism until it reaches the foundation
surface (Sooch & Bagchi, 2007).

This section discusses the different earthquake input mechanisms which are currently being
used. It is important to note that the selection of an earthquake input mechanisms is not
significant in ambient studies as seismic ground accelerations are not considered. However,
it is important to understand the foundation input mechanisms for a completing review of
the dynamic modelling aspect.

 Massless foundation

Most dynamic models assume that the rock foundation is massless. Without mass the
foundation does not develop vibration waves which modify the properties of the seismic
waves travelling throughout the foundation (Zienkiewicks et al. 1984).In this method the
ground acceleration as function of time recorded from previous earthquakes is applied
uniformly at the truncated foundation base. The wave propagation in massless foundations
is allowed to travel at an infinite speed, this allowing the input accelerations to be
transferred instantaneously through the foundation to the dam-foundation interface. This
makes the method preferable in the analysis of seismic loading as the motions at the
interface would be the inputs (Chuhan et al. 2009).

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In a study conducted by Proulx (2004), he evaluated the seismic analyses of three arch dams
using numerical finite elements. He considered the calibration of three dams using recorded
earthquake responses. The foundation input approaches included a massless foundation and
an energy dissipating foundation (Mass foundation). The results obtained illustrated that
high damping ratios of 8-15% were required to calibrate the dams which is to be not
realistic as the values have no physical basis. Chuhan (2009) conducted a linear and
nonlinear seismic analyses of the Dagangshan arch dam using two different input models,
this included also the massless foundation approach which only considered the flexibility of
the dam, hence, no energy dissipating factor. The results he obtained was similar to Proulx
(2004) using this approach with damping ratios of 5% and 10% showed that massless
foundation approach overestimates the seismic response of the dam both in the linear elastic
case and nonlinear analyses.

From the above results it is seen that a massless foundation result in an overestimation of
the earthquake response for an arch dam. This is due to that a massless foundation does not
consider energy dissipation in the foundation. The inaccuracy mentioned above is
problematic in seismic analyses, but can be considered to be negligible in the extraction of
modal parameters as vibration waves are non-existence in the foundation. This is due to that
no external loads are considered on the boundary of the foundation.

 Deconvolution Input Method

In this case the foundation is considered to be an energy dissipating foundation. The

foundation mass of the foundation rock and the foundation material and radiation damping
effects are taken into account in the model (Darbre & Proulx, 2002). In this method, the
analysis is carried out in the two procedures: (i) Firstly a deconvolution is performed to
determine the acceleration time history that can be employed to the base of the foundation
produce the specified free field acceleration time history at the base of the da. (ii) The
calibrated base foundation is then applied to the base of the foundation to perform the
seismic analysis (Sooch & Bagchi, 2007).

The deconvolution analysis allows for the alteration of the amplitude and frequency
contents of seismic ground motion defined at the base of the foundation attain the specified
ground acceleration at the dam-foundation interface. Initially when commencing the
procedure the base foundation acceleration is assumed to be the same as the free field
ground acceleration. The acceleration at the dam-foundation interface is estimated using by

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solving the wave propagation problem of the dam-foundation system using the finite
element procedure. This estimated ground acceleration at benchmark point on the dam-
foundation is then compared to the original free field ground acceleration after transforming
both the signals into the frequency domain using a Fourier analysis. The Fast Fourier
transform (FFT) and inverse Fast Fourier transform (IFFT) are used for transforming time
domain signals to a frequency domain signal and vice versa. The free field acceleration is
applied at the foundation base and by solving the wave propagation problem, the
acceleration signal at an arbitrary point on the dam-foundation interface is determined. The
free-field acceleration signal at the dam-foundation is compared in the frequency domain,
and a correction factor for each frequency is computed using the ratio of the Fourier
amplitudes of the synthesized and free-field ground acceleration signals in a given iteration
(Sooch & Bagchi, 2007).

The acceleration signal applied at the base of the foundation is modified using the
correction factor for each frequency. The modified acceleration history is then transformed
back into time domain using the IFFT and the analysis of the wave propagation analysis for
the foundation system is repeated new ground acceleration at the base of the foundation.
The procedure is repeated until the original free-field ground motion at the dam-foundation
interface closely matches the original free-field ground motion.

 Viscous-spring boundary input model

The viscous boundary model was used by Chuhan et al. (2009) to account for wave
transmitting in the foundation boundary. This method is sophisticated as it can be used in
the non-linear analysis which includes contraction joints of the arch dam. They consider this
method to be very efficient and convenient as it can be incorporated in the finite element
code quite easily and has sufficient accuracy without much increase in the computational
time of the model. In this method, pairs of dashpots and springs are installed in all of the
boundaries. Each node on the boundary contains three pairs of dashpots and springs, one in
the normal direction of the boundary plane, and the other two in the tangential directions.
The parameter of spring and dashpots of arbitrary node i are given by the following

  2G
K in  , Cin  bc p
(1  a)r
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  2G
K is  , Cis  bcs
(1  a)r

Where n and s refer to the normal and tangential directions of the boundary plane. K is the

stiffness of the spring and C is the viscous damping.  and G are the lame’s constants, c p

and c s denote the propagation velocity of p-wave ad s-wave,  is the mass density and r
is the distance from the wave source to the node i.

Unlike the massless foundation the input of the earthquake motions cannot be defined
directly at the truncated bases of the foundation. The wave motion problem is converted into
a problem of equivalent force input on the artificial boundaries. The springs and dashpots
also act as radiation energy absorbers for scattering waves reflected by the canyon.

As previously mentioned seismic analyses of the Dagangshan arch dam also included the
linear and non-linear viscous input model to study the behaviour of the earthquake input
mechanism. Results show that the use of the viscous spring boundary input leads to a
reduction of about 25-40% of dynamic response of the arch dam, which is regarded to be a
better estimate than the massless foundation as it over estimates the response of the dam
both in the linear and non-linear analysis.

2.4 Ambient Vibration Testing

Dynamic field testing techniques are important as they provide reliable testing techniques
which allow engineers to obtain the as built dynamic properties of a structure. Dynamic
monitoring of structures allows us to obtain natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping
ratios which are related to structural properties such as mass, stiffness and damping. Any
change in anyone of the dynamic properties can therefore indicate structural damage.
Measured dynamic properties can be used to update and fine tune Finite Element Models to
replicate as closely as possible the as built behaviour of a dam (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2010).
Finite Element Models play a key role in condition assessment of dams and which is done
by comparing the updated models to the design model.

The main aim of dynamic testing is to obtain the modal properties of the structure from
vibration measurements. Forced vibration testing (FVT) and ambient vibration testing

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(AVT) are the two most popular methods widely being used in industry. They take into
account the interdependent reservoir–foundation system (Darbre & Proulx, 2002).

Forced vibration testing is an expensive method which requires mechanical exciters to

produce vibrations within the structure. This method is effective but due to its associated
costs with excitation equipment, dam owners do not consider the approach. Ambient
vibration testing is a technique which has gained popularity amongst dam owners as it
provides a cost effective method which does not interfere with the operation of the structure,
and is fairly good method when it comes to measuring the dynamic characteristics of a
structure (Mivehchi et al., 2003). Ambient vibration testing is based on the structures
responsiveness to the natural environment forces (wind, temperature, water and
earthquake).This is in contrast to forced vibration testing where a known load is applied to
the structure. The environmental forces cannot be computed, and therefore the structures
responsiveness is used to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes (Daniell &
Taylor, 1999).

Since the early 990’ s more researchers have gained trust in the use of ambient vibration
testing as more sensitive equipment have been produced which are able to capture subtle
vibration movement. Darbre (2000) showed that it was possible to attain reliable filed
results over three year duration of measurements. His research was further followed up by
Mivehchi et al. (2003) where two dams in Iran underwent successful testing. The ambient
vibration testing results were further used to verify the results obtained from finite element
mathematical model by comparing with behaviour of the as-built structures. It was found
that model gave good results that correlated with the ambient vibration test results.
(Mivehchi et al., 2003).

The main challenges in the development of the AVT has been the extracting of the modal
parameters from measured data. To this day many modal parameter techniques have been
developed, these include methods based on the time history of the outputted signals which
are referred to as time domain methods, and those based on the Fourier transform of signals,
referred to as frequency domain based methods. Figure 9 below illustrates ambient
vibration testing conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam in Worcester.

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Figure 9: Ambient vibration testing of the Roode Elsberg dam located in Worcester, Western Cape, South
Africa (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2013)

2.5 Modal Parameter Estimation Techniques used in AVT

2.5.1 Frequency domain methods

 Peak Picking

One of the oldest techniques used in modal parameter estimation is the Peak Picking
technique. The method is based on an output only and identifies the natural frequencies by
the peaks of the frequency response function (FRF) curves. The half power bandwidth
method is used to obtain the damping ratios and the FRF amplitude give a good estimation
of the mode shape.

The natural frequencies are determined by not only looking at the FRF spectra but also
inspecting the coherence function between two signals (Brinker et al. 2000)

G xy ( f )
 xy2 ( f )  (2.43)
G xz ( f )G yy ( f )


G xy ( f ) = The value of the cross spectrum between signal x and s at the frequency f

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G xx ( f ) & G yy ( f ) = the values of the auto spectra of signal y and signal s at the same

If f is defined as a natural frequency then the coherence function is then close to unit
because of the high signal-to-noise ratio at that frequency, this is very useful in determining
the correct natural frequency. The method is considered to be the easiest and most popular
technique for quick estimation of modal parameters of civil engineering structures (Felber,
1993. Danielle & Taylor, 1999). However, like all methods it has drawbacks as it works
well when damping is low and the modes are well spaced out. If the natural frequencies are
closely situated then erroneous results can be expected. The second drawback is that the
selection of the natural frequency is subjective task if the spectrum peaks are not clear. The
last drawback is that a fine frequency resolution is needed to obtain a very good
approximation of the natural frequency (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2013).

 Frequency Domain Decomposition

The Frequency domain decomposition resolves the main drawbacks of the Peak picking
method but still keeps the ease of application of the classical approach. The FDD technique
is based on the input and output power spectrum density (PSD) relationship (Brincker et al.

G yy ( j )  H ( j )Gxx ( j ) H ( J ) P


Where Gxx ( j ) is the r x r power spectral density (PSD) matrix of inputs, G yy ( j ) is an m

x m matrix of response, m is the number of responses. H ( j ) is a m x r Frequency

Response function (FRF) matrix which is expressed as partial fractions (see equation (2.45)

below) form via poles k and residues Rk which contain information about the mode

Rk Rk
H ( j )    (2.45)
k 1 j  k j  k


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Rk =  k  kT

k T
and  k are the mode shapes and the modal participation vectors respectively.

If the input is defined as white noise then the PSD becomes a constant square matrix.

n n
 Rk Rk   Rs Rs 
G yy ( j )      xC   
k 1 s 1  j   k j   k   j   s j   s 


With the use of the partial fraction theorem, multiplying the two partial fractions, the output
PSD can be reduced to a residue form as shown below:

Ak Ak Bk Bk Bk (2.47)
G yy ( j )      
k 1 j   k j   k j   k  j   k  j   k


Ak is the K th residue (m x m) matrix of the output PSD also known as the matrix given by:

 n RsP RsP 
Ak  Rk C    

 k 1  k  k  k  k 

Where the contribution of to the residue from the K th mode is given by

R k C R kP
Ak  (2.49)
2 k

Where  k is the negative of the real part of the pole  k = -  k + j k , this term becomes
dominating when damping is light, and thus, for case of light damping, the residue becomes
proportional to the mode shape vector ( Brincker et al. 2000):

Ak Rk CAR k   k  kp C k  kp  d k  k  kp (2.50)

Where d k   k G xx  k is a real scalar for white noise excitation. In the vicinity of a natural

frequency, PSD can be approximated by modal decomposition (Zhang et al. 2005).

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2d k
G yy ( j )   k  kp   k  k  kp (2.51)
j   k

The FDD method is the backbone of the frequency domain and works on a systematic
identification. In the Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) identification the first step
is to estimate the power spectral density matrix. The estimated output PSD known at

discreet frequencies   i is then decomposed by taking the Singular Value

Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix.

G yy ( j )  U i S I U iH


U i = The unitary matrix holding the singular vectors

SI = Is a diagonal matrix holding the scalar singular values.

Near a peak corresponding to the K th mode in the spectrum, this mode or a possible close

mode will be dominating. If only the K th mode is dominating there will be one term in
spectral density. In the above mentioned scenario, the first singular vector is an estimate of
the mode shape and the corresponding singular value is the auto power spectral density
function of the single degree of freedom system, this spectral density function is identified
around the peak by comparing the mode shape estimate  with the singular vectors for the
frequency lines around the peak.

From the piece of the SDOF density function obtained around the peak of the PSD, the
natural frequency and the damping can be obtained.

The advantage of the FDD is its ability of calculating closely spaced modes but still being
user friendly. The main disadvantage in the FDD method is that it can compute damping
rations, and relies on the user to analysis techniques to determine the modes and hence
approximate the modal parameters of the structure and leakage of the fast Fourier transform.
The user needs to have good knowledge in optimisation procedures for parameter
estimation as it will be required to obtain the appropriate frequency resolution for FDD,

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2.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter reviews all important aspects that must be considered when developing a
dynamic model of an arch dam. These included a review of the methods used to model the
hydrodynamic behavior of the impounded water body, the algorithms used to extract the
modal parameters of a coupled and decoupled dam-reservoir system, the foundation rock
and the parameters that must be considered in idealizing the bedrock and canyon supports.
Although field testing will only be used for verifying the dynamic model, a minor review of
the existing field techniques was discussed to provide a comprehensive review.

The Westergaard method is efficient and easy to apply, using the ‘added-mass’ matrix to
account for the influence of the hydrodynamic pressures on the dynamic behaviour. It must
be noted, that all of the ‘added mass’ methods where derived under the consideration of
ground motion induced by earthquakes and defined with the crude assumptions.
Researchers who have previously applied the modified Westergaard method, state that the
method does not properly represent the pressures acting on the arch dam and results in an
overestimation of the dynamic pressures, and hence, the dynamic properties of the arch
dam. The Galerkin finite element method and the FSI method provide better representations
as the fluid medium is considered in the idealization of the problem. Kuo (1982) showed
that the Galerkin method provided a good representation of the dynamic behavior of the
Techi arch dam. It is considered that the fluid structure interaction method provides an even
better representation as the compressibility effect of the fluid is considered in the

Eigenvalue extraction techniques such as the Subspace Iterative eigenvalue extraction

method are only applicable with the use of the added mass technique, and a decoupled
modal analysis of the dam-reservoir system. In the decoupled method, the fluid and dam
wall modal parameters are obtained independently of each other, and hence, the interaction
at the dam-reservoir surface is not considered. In the instant where the fluid structure
interaction method is analysed as a coupled problem (fluid structure interaction method), the
governing system equation becomes asymmetric, and calls for a more sophisticated method
such as the Coupled Modes methods which can be used to extract the modal parameters of
the coupled system. Thus, in the extraction of the modal parameters, the dam-reservoir
system is coupled and influences the modal parameters of the system.

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The review indicated that defining the foundation rock accurately is very important as it has
a significant influence on the dynamic behavior of the dam. As discussed in the review,
aspects such as the deformability and foundation size and shape, play a major role in the
behavior of the dynamic model. It must also be noted that while earthquake input
mechanism are important to be defined properly, it has a major influence in the context of
seismic evaluation, as when contrasted to the extraction of the modal parameters in the
ambient state. Thus, selecting to define the mass of the foundation has an insignificant
influence in the extraction of the dynamic parameters.

Finally, literature shows that ambient vibration testing is a cheap and reliable field testing
technique. It is important to verify this, as in the context of the Roode Elsberg dam, ambient
vibration testing equipment is currently setup and recording the operational modal
parameters of the arch dam. This gives us assurance that if the equipment is setup
appropriately on site then the data recorded by the instruments is of high accuracy.

It is important to understand that in the context of the proposed research, the dam will be
only considered under the influence of ambient conditions, thus the fluid medium and dam
will not be undergoing magnitudes of displacement that it would undergo in seismic
conditions. This makes the added mass method questionable in the applicability of the
proposed context. Modelling the reservoir will also be important as the current reservoir
geometry and orientation is complex and could have an influence on the dynamic properties
as discovered by Kuo (1982) in a parametric study of a diverging reservoir in a seismic
evaluation context.

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Chapter 3-Methodology



3.1 Modelling
3.1.1 Validation of Acoustic Elements
The validation procedure considered the use of compressible acoustic finite elements to
measure the hydrodynamic pressures acting on a 15m vertical wall surface. Acoustic
elements are predefined elements provided to model an impounded fluid medium
undergoing small pressure variations and interface conditions to structural models (Simulia,
2010). The Abaqus manual indicates that these elements model stress as being purely
elastic, considering hydrostatic pressures only (i.e. no shear stresses), and the pressure being
directly proportional to the volumetric strain.

The results obtained from the approach were verified by comparing with known ‘added
mass’ solutions obtained using the Original Westergaard (1933) and Housner (1954)
formulations. The validation model constituted of the following sample problem: A vertical
wall – fluid system subjected to a horizontal ground acceleration of 1 Hz, with peak
amplitude of 1.2g. This section discusses the development of the acoustic finite element
solution. The development of the Original Westergaard (1933) and Housner (1954)
solutions have not been discussed as they were obtained using equations (2.6) & (2.20)
already covered in the Literature Review section.

 Geometric Parts

A shell part was used to model the steel container and a deformable solid part considered
for the water. The parts were simplified by making them prismatic. Only the front and the
side walls were considered as the geometry was symmetric, and the hydrodynamic pressures
acting on the front wall were of interest. The geometric parts used in the validation model
are shown in figure 10.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Rigid shell container Part

Acoustic Medium Part

H =15m

H =15m

Figure 10: (left) Rigid shell container part and (right) deformable acoustic medium part.

 Material Properties

Typical linear elastic mechanical properties for steel and water were applied to the two
parts. The material properties are summarised below in Table1:

Table 1: Elastic material parameters which were are assigned to the shell and acoustic part.

Material Properties Shell Container Acoustic Fluid

Elastic & Bulk Modulus (GPa) 200 2,2

Poison Ratio 0.32 -

Density ( kg 3 ) 7580 1000


 Assembly, Boundary Conditions, and Interaction of the instance models

Two independent part instances were created in the assembly module. Thereafter, the shell
container was meshed using linear quadrilateral 4 node shell elements with reduced
integration (S4R). The acoustic medium was meshed with linear acoustic continuum three
dimensional 8-node brick elements (AC3D8) (See figure 11).

Chapter 3-Methodology

Shell elements (S4R) Acoustic elements (AC3D8)

Figure 11: Meshed shell and acoustic part

A 1Hz sinusoidal ground acceleration with peak amplitude of 1.2g was applied to the shell
container in the x-direction for a period of 10 seconds. The foundation of the rigid shell was
restrained from uplift in the z-direction, and the hydrodynamic pressures on the top surface
of the acoustic part were set to zero to agree with the assumption of atmospheric pressure on
the top surface. The upstream end of the acoustic part was modelled using a non-reflective
surface (Acoustic impedance) which dissipated all pressures tending upstream (only the
downstream wall is analysed). The model ran in a dynamic implicit procedure, where the
acoustic pressures were set as the output requirements. Finally, the hydrodynamic pressures
were extracted at specific time intervals and positions on the downstream surface and
compared to the analysis methods.

3.1.2 Comparison of Hydrodynamic Analysis Methods

A comparative study was conducted to investigate the discrepancies between the
Westergaard ‘added mass’ formulation and the assemblage of the finite element fluid
structure interaction model. The comparison was considered as the Westergaard analysis
formulation was developed for the context of analysing the effect of hydrodynamic
pressures existing in seismic conditions. Not much work has been considered in assessing
the effect of hydrodynamic loading under ambient state conditions.

This was carried out by comparing the modal parameters obtained from the two methods. A
geometric dam wall was created using the Roode Elsberg dam drawings, where the complex
geometry was simplified to not include the pulvino (cushion layer) and made symmetric
about the centre line of the uncontrolled spillway. The above dam was chosen as a case
study would be conducted to verify the formulations.

Chapter 3-Methodology Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) Model

 Dam Wall

The dam wall section seen in figure 13 was created in a 3 dimensional subspace and defined
as a deformable solid part. The geometrical information such as the radii, abutment sub
tension angles and datum heights of the cross sectional arches where extracted from the
drawings made available by the Department of Water Affairs (See Appendix C table data).
The radii and sub tension angles of the cross sectional arches were sketched using the wire
and datum plane features (See figure 12), where the datum planes were offset using the
ground level as the reference plane.

Cross sectional wires

Figure 12: Cross sectional wired arches used to create the dam wall part.

After the cross sectional wires were completed, the lofting method was used to develop the
complex three dimensional solid region provided in figure 13. This method was favoured
over the extruding, sweeping and revolving techniques, as the cross sectional regions vary
with height. The loft feature created a solid segment from the starting wire section to the
above wire shape and orientation. Abaqus automatically (default settings) created the path
in which the loft solid region would follow, more advance settings can be used to manually
control the lofting technique.

Figure 13: Hypothetical arch dam wall part created using the lofting technique.

Chapter 3-Methodology

 Fluid Medium

A deformable solid part was chosen to create the fluid medium as it would be meshed with
compressible three dimensional acoustic elements. The cross sectional wire features were
created using the extrados radii’s from the dam wall cross section wires, this was achieved
by trimming the intrados radii’s and subtended abutment edges. The remaining wire
features of the extrados were extended upstream three times the height of the dam, to form
the wired fluid region recommended by most dynamic analysis studies (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 1994). The same lofting procedure used to create the arch dam wall was carried
out to create the deformable continuous fluid region. The fluid part was created up until the
spillway level i.e. considering a full dam.

Figure 14: (left) Fluid part created using cross sectional wires and (right) lofted continuous fluid part
considered to extend three times the dam wall height.

 Material Properties

Arbitrary dynamic elastic material properties were applied to the dam wall section and
typical fluid properties applied to the fluid medium. One must note that when conducting a
dynamic analysis, only mechanical properties are considered and the dynamic properties of
the materials must be used. Listed in Table 2 below are the dam and fluid material
properties used.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Table 2: Material parameters assigned to the dam wall part and fluid medium.

Dam Wall Fluid Medium

Dynamic Elastic Modulus (GPa) 40 -

Bulk Modulus (GPa) - 2,2

Poisson’s ratio 0.25 -

Density ( kg 3 ) 2400 1000


 Assembly and Meshing

The assembly module was used to create independent instances of the parts. Meshing the
dam wall proved to be quite challenging as there are no established rules for creating and
optimizing the mesh. An appropriate mesh was selected, by carefully considering the dam
geometry and the type of analysis for which the model will be used for. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (1994) recommends that several meshes with different element types
and seed sizes should be considered, and the user should select the mesh that is
computational efficient and provides reasonably accurate results. The main factors to
consider in choosing the mesh include: size and geometry of the mesh, and type of elements
to be used.

The meshing procedure commenced with a sensitivity study which constituted analysing the
behaviour of different element types, shapes and seeds provided in the Abaqus library for
use in dynamic modelling. From the validation study conducted above it was found that
Acoustic Elements provide a good formulation for modelling fluids undergoing small
pressure variations (above static pressures) and coupling with structural interfaces. Thus, the
element type presented in figure 15 was considered in the assemblage of the fluid structure
interaction model. A description of the 20 node acoustic brick element used to model the
impounded water body is provided in figure 15.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Figure 15: 20 node brick acoustic element (AC3D20) used to capture the dynamic pressures.

A few challenges were encountered during meshing of the water and dam wall region.
Firstly, due to the geometry of the parts being complex and irregular in shape, the two parts
had to be sufficiently partitioned before meshing, in order to simplify the complex regions
into meshable parts. Secondly, C3D20R (Stress) and AC3D20 (Acoustic) quadratic brick
elements were used for the dam wall and fluid region respectively, with an initial seeding
size (density) of 6. This resulted in timeous computational periods for convergences of the
models. The above was later modified by iteratively increasing the global seed size and of
the dam wall and fluid to 13 and 15 respectively, but still keeping accurate results (see
figure 16). This resulted in the use of fewer elements and improving the computational time,
and still obtaining satisfactory output results.

Acoustic elements (AC3D20)

Stress elements (C3D20R)

Figure 16: Fluid structure interaction mesh, showing C3D20R dam wall stress brick elements and AC3D20
water-acoustic brick elements

The meshes were analysed by inspecting the displacement behaviour of the elements as a
whole, as well as the distortion of the individual elements. The inspection of the mesh
behaviour included analysing the first six modes of the arch dam. The behaviour of the

Chapter 3-Methodology

model was contrasted with ambient vibration test results obtained from field testing
measurements conducted on the Kouga double curvature arch dam. The quality of the mesh
was verified by using the verification feature provided in Abaqus/CAE. The feature uses a
failure criterion which checks the following conditions.

i. Face corner angle less than: 10

ii. Face corner angle greater than: 160

iii. Aspect ratio greater than: 10

The mesh in figure 16 above, was found to pass the verification test with all the elements
fulfilling the criteria check. Failure of the mesh to meet any of the above checks would lead
to poor behaviour of the model and inaccurate results.

 Natural Frequency Extraction Procedure

Abaqus/Standard provides a linear perturbation procedure which performs eigenvalue

extraction to calculate the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of the
system. Included in Abaqus/Standard are three eigenvalue extraction methods: Lanczos,
Automatic multi-level sub-structuring (AMS) and Subspace iteration. In conjunction with
the eigen solver an architecture must be selected which has minimal impact on the
frequency extraction procedure. For the considered model the Lanczos and the traditional
architectural system were used as they account for surface based tie constraint on the
structural-acoustic coupled surface.

Table 3: Software architectures available with different eigensolvers in Abaqus/Standard.

Software architecture Lanczos Subspace AMS

SIM √ × √

Traditional √ √ ×

Lanczos eigensolver

The Lanczos eigensolver is considered one of the most powerful techniques for extract
eigenvalues. In the case of a structural-acoustic (fluid) model, the coupling affects the

Chapter 3-Methodology

natural frequency response of the system. In Abaqus, the Lanczos is the only method that
considers the structural-acoustic coupling of the dam wall and fluid surface in the
eigenvalue extraction. Abaqus is set to extract these coupled modes by default. The AMS
and subspace eigensolvers neglect the coupling when computing the modes and natural
frequencies, thus these solvers were deemed to be inappropriate for use in this study. For
this method it is necessary to specify the maximum number of eigenvalues required, and
Abaqus/Standard determines a default suitable block size. The stepping procedure is
terminated once the specified eigen values and vectors are determined. During this analysis
a maximum of 18 eigenvalues was specified, as only the lower modes are of interest when
working with dam models (Please refer to Appendix A for theory on Lanczo’s technique).

 Boundary Conditions, Constraints and Interactions

The boundary condition assigned to the dam wall and the fluid region constituted of the
following: (i) The dam-foundation interaction was not considered by applying a completely
rigid boundary system, fully restraining the displacement and rotational degrees of freedom
on the dam wall perimeter. (ii) The pressure on the fluid surface was considered to be
atmospheric and assigned a magnitude of zero. (iii) A surface based tie constraint was used
between the upstream dam surface and fluid interacting surface. This type of constraint
allows two surfaces to be fused together even when the mesh nodes do not coincide. A
master-slave technique was used to keep the two surfaces compatible. The dam wall was
chosen as the master surface as it is the primary displacing structure, and the fluid surface
being the slave trailing surface (Please refer to Appendix A for theory on Surface based
Contact tie technique).

The fluid medium could not be modelled to infinity in the upstream direction, therefore a
non-reflective planar Acoustic Impedance boundary was applied on the upstream end
surface. It is designed to damp all acoustic hydrodynamic degrees of freedom heading
upstream, such that no interferences are inflicted on the solution. The boundary conditions,
constraints and interactive surfaces applied to the model are shown in figure 17.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Atmospheric Pressure Surface

Non-Reflective Surface

Rigid Foundation
Surface Based Coupling

Figure 17: Boundary conditions, constraints and interactions applied to the FSI model Generalised Westergaard Method

The modified Westergaard method developed by Kuo (1982) was the second analysis
method to be compared. As discussed in the literature review this is a modification of the
Original Westergaard formulation which considers the added masses to be attached in the
normal direction to the upstream surface of the dam wall. This method is designed to be
more applicable to flexible arch dams because it accounts for the flexibility and curvature of
the dam (Kuo, 1982).

The hypothetical arch dam wall used in the parametric study was carried out in the
application of the Generalised Westergaard method (From this section onwards this method
will be referred to as the Westergaard method). The dam wall properties were kept the same
and the mesh properties applied in a similar procedure. The Lanczos eigensolver used in the
FSI model was implemented in the extraction of the dynamic characteristics (refer to section

The added mass scalar values were developed using equation (2.6) and applied in
conjunction with normal direction cosines (see equation 2.11) to the upstream surface of the
double curvature arch dam. In plan, the dam is made of varying arched circles where the
extrados and intrados centres lie along one reference plane (Y-Z plane). Along the elevated
long section the dam is parabolic in nature, and is centred at a height of 15.24m above
ground level. In order to find the normal direction cosines of the dam a curvilinear surface
created by the intersection of these two geometric shapes had to be considered.

Chapter 3-Methodology

The first step was to define the shapes parametrical in polar co-ordinates using algebraic
functions. These parametric equations define any point on the upstream surface of the dam.
Provided below are equation (3.1) and (3.2) the parametric equations for the circular arches
and the parabolic profiles respectively.

 
P1 (  R ) = r Cos  R î + (b+r Sin  R ) j + h k



r = Radius of the circle of interest

 R = Angle measured from positive X – Axis

h = Height above ground level of considered circular arch

2 P   
P2 (  P ) = h î + (P Co sec ( ) -1) j + (2P Cot ( P ) +15.24) k
2 2


P = Distance from vertex of parabola to focus and directrix

 P = Angle measured from the positive Y-Axis

h = Vertical plane in the X-Axis

In order to determine the normal directional cosine of the arched surface, two vectors lying
on the surface had to be determined. Initiallly, the general tangential vector for each curve
had to be determined and the cross product applied to obtain the normal direction cosine for
any point on this surface. The general tangential vectors for all points on the respective
curves are derived below as equation (3.3) and (3.4):

P( R )
= 1 = r [-Sin  R , Cos  R , 0] (3.3)
 R

Chapter 3-Methodology

P2 ( P ) P P P
= 2 = P [0, Co sec 2 ( ) .Cot (
), Co sec ( )]
 P 2 2 2

The unit normal vector at any arbitrary point could be found by applying the cross product
to the above vectors 1 (vector tangent to r-curve) and  2 (vector tangent to p-curve) and
normalising the vector by dividing by its length as described below:

   2
n= 1
| 1   2 |

The normal to any point on the surface was determined as equation (3.5):

 1 P
n = [Cos  R , Sin  R , -Sin  R . Cot ( )] (3.5)
P 2
1  Sin 2 ( R )Cot 2 ( )

This above equation was substituted into equation (3.6).Where M Ai is the added mass
matrix derived by Kuo (1982) and is associated with node i.

 
M Ai  i Ai nIT ni (3.6)

 2  
 Cos  R Cos R Sin R  Sin RCos R Cot ( P ) 
Ai  P 
 2 2
M Ai  Cos R Sin R Sin  R  Sin  R Cot ( ) 
2 2   2 
1  Sin ( R )Cot ( P )     
2 P 2 P 2 2 P
 Sin RCos R Cot ( )  Sin  R Cot ( ) Sin  R Cot ( ) 
 2 2 2 

It is to be noted that the added mass components of the 3x3 matrix were coupled with respect
to the nodal degrees of freedom but uncoupled with respect to the individual nodes. The
consistent mass matrix (non-diagonal) can be inputted into Abaqus using the User Subroutine
feature. The above implementation could easily slow down the computational time of the
model. An alternative to this was to use the mass lumping technique which only requires the
diagonal mass components of the mass matrix, but are scaled by a factor to preserve the
added mass at every node. This would make the added masses independent with respect to
the degrees of freedom, giving a better physical representation of the mass and improves the
computational time for modelling.

Chapter 3-Methodology

The added mass matrices were lumped using the Hinton, Rock and Zienkiewicz (HRZ)
lumping technique. The lumping method is only known to preserve the mass but not the
moment of inertia. The method was employed by computing the diagonal entries of the mass
matrix where the values were scaled by a factor which is a ratio of the total mass at the node
and the trace of the matrix (sum of the diagonals). Provided below is the scaling factor from
the method (equation (3.7)) and the added mass matrix (equation (3.8) which was employed
after mass lumping was conducted using the HRZ method.

Tot ( mab ) (3.7)

(m11  m22  m33 )

 2 
Cos  R 0 0 
 Ai  2 
M Ai   0 Sin  R 0  (3.8)
2 2 
1  Sin ( R )Cot ( P )  2 2  
2  0 0 Sin  RCot ( P ) 
 2 

 Partitioning of the Dam Wall

The Westergaard method as detailed in section 2.3.1 requires the added masses to be
applied on the upstream side of the dam wall, with a varying parabolic distribution
increasing with water depth. The dam wall part was partitioned to allow application of the
added masses at specific nodal position as shown in figure 18 below. The dam wall was
partitioned horizontally and vertically on the reference planes provided in the design
drawings, this was done as the Westergaard masses varied with radial position and height.
Further vertical partitioning was required on the abutment sides, as the water depth changes
quite significantly as you move towards the outmost edges of the abutment supports. In total
25 vertical and 22 horizontal partitions were created.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Vertical Partitions Horizontal Partitions

Figure 18: Dam wall partitioned to allow for application of the Westergaard added masses.

 Application of Inertial Mass

In applying the Westergaard formulation the recommended method is to apply the mass as
nodal inertial mass on the wetted upstream surface. Each node must be assigned a tributary
area, where the hydrodynamic pressures are assumed to be constant over the tributary area
and have the same magnitude of ‘added mass’ as that of the associated node. The allocation
of tributary area to a typical node was dependent on the location and positioning of the
node. The nodes were grouped into the following classes: internal, abutment edge, top and
bottom edge nodes. The internal nodes were assigned a quarter of each of the surrounding
surface partitions (See figure 19 below). The abutment edge nodes were allocated 1/3 of the
above and below surface areas and a quarter of the internal partition. Finally, the exterior
top and bottom edge nodes were assigned a quarter of the adjacent partitioned areas.

The added masses were assigned in Abaqus using the inertia mass engineering feature. The
toolkit allowed point masses ( m11 , m22 , m3 3 ) associated with the three translational degrees

of freedom ( u1 , u2 u3 ), to be applied on element nodes located on the upstream surface.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Internal node

Abutment node

Tributary Area

Bottom edge node

Figure 19: Element nodes used to apply the added mass as inertial nodal mass.

3.1.3 Parametric Study of Reservoir Orientation and Geometry

A parametric study was conducted on the hypothetical double curvature arch dam. This was
implemented to consider the effect of the reservoir orientation and geometry on the dynamic
characteristics. Work conducted by Kuo (1982) showed that under seismic loading
divergence of the reservoir affects the hydrodynamic pressures exerted on the structure near
the abutments and crown position. This parametric study would investigate if a similar
phenomenon would be experienced in the ambient condition, and whether it would have an
influence on the dynamic properties. It also looked at the effect on the hydrodynamic
pressures from an asymmetrical orientated reservoir. The latter was considered as a case
study and would be conducted on the Roode Elsberg which has an asymmetrically
orientated reservoir.

The parametric study was investigated using the FSI model created in the comparison study.
The reservoir geometry was considered by analysing the effect of a diverging reservoir on
the dynamic characteristics. The fluid medium was opened from the prismatic scenario in
incremental angles of 10 up until a diverging angle of 40 (see figure 20 below). The
reservoir orientation was investigated by incrementally skewing the reservoir geometry by
10 up until an angle of 40 (see figure 20 below).

Chapter 3-Methodology

Diverging and Asymmetric Reservoir

Figure 20: Diverging and asymmetric cases considered in the parametric study.

3.1.4 Modelling of Roode Elsberg Dam

 Description of Roode Elsberg Dam

Roode Elsberg Dam is a double curvature concrete-arch dam that lies in the Sanddrift River
and is located at latitude and longitude which is 30km away from
the town of Worcester, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The dam is the lower
of two storage dams built in the Sanddrift River to provide supplementary water for 2535 ha
of land under irrigation. A concrete lined tunnel, 1.98m in diameter and 5.2km long conveys
the water from the dam to Hex river valley where distribution is by an enclosed pipe system
(Department of Water Affairs, 1971).

The dam was designed to be 72m in height (from lowest foundation level) with a centrally
located uncontrolled over spill and reservoir capacity of (See figure 21).
Roode Elsberg is a double curvature arch dam, which has concentric horizontal arches and
parabolic vertical arches constructed from different reference points over its height. The
dam was built with a pulvino pad which acts as cushion layer, assisting in distributing the
load into the abutments and foundation. The Cape Town Department of Water Affairs states
that, since the dam began its operation in 1968, there has been continuous sedimentation
occurring at a rate of 4.6%, resulting in a reduction in the volume of water stored
(Department of Water Affairs, 1971)

Chapter 3-Methodology

Figure 21: Roode Elsberg Dam located in Worcester Western Cape, South Africa

The geometric and material data of Roode Elsberg Dam were sourced from design drawings
made available by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA). Table 4 provides some of the
main characteristics of the dam.

Table 4: Properties of Roode Elsberg Dam

Main Characteristics Value


Maximum height (m) 72

Foundation altitude (m) 506

Dam body

Crest altitude (masl) 577

Crest width (m) 2.6

Crest length (m) 274

Spillway length (m) 76


Normal elevation of water (masl) 573

Minimum elevation of water (masl) 518

Reservoir normal capacity ( m3 ) 8.21x10 6

Chapter 3-Methodology

Reservoir minimum capacity ( m3 ) 2.05x10 6

 Arch Dam Wall Part

An existing dam wall system used in the static and temperature analysis was employed in
this dynamic study. The dam was created with the concept of modelling the cantilevered
arch blocks and the pulvino cushion as a monolithic system. Roode Elsberg dam is
considered to be a complex arch dam due its asymmetric nature and variation in horizontal
and vertical radii. Therefore, the dam wall part was created separately from the foundation
using the lofting feature which is described in the parametric study above. Horizontal
reference planes, varying sub-tension angles and arch thicknesses defined in the designing
drawings were used to construct the reference datum planes and cross sections of the
subtended horizontal arches. This allowed for horizontal closed loop arches constituting the
pulvino sub-tensions to be sketched and lofted. Figure 22 shows an illustration of the
downstream side of the Roode Elsberg dam model.

Downstream Side


Figure 22: Downstream side of the arch dam (Nzuza, 2013).

In assigning material properties to the dam, the concrete elastic properties were assumed to
be isotropic and homogenous throughout the part. According to the US Army Corps of
Engineers (1994) a dynamic study only requires three material properties to be assigned to
the dam wall part; these include the dynamic modulus, Poisson’s ratio and the unit weight of
concrete. The dynamic modulus of concrete is estimated by using empirical methods which
require the static modulus to be known. For Roode Elsberg dam the working drawings
indicated that the dam wall had a 28 day mean strength of 29 MPa with a standard deviation
of 4.1MPa. With an understanding that concrete properties change with time, the effects of

Chapter 3-Methodology

creep had to be taken into account. This was done by correlating to a static modulus
(inclusive of creep effects) of GPa using Fulton’s concrete technology (2009). The
dynamic modulus of concrete was obtained using the empirical formulation (3.9) accepted in
the British testing standard BS8110 part 2. The dynamic modulus of concrete for the dam
wall was estimated to be 40GPa with an assumed standard deviation of 5 Gpa as suggested by
Fultons (2009).


Sustained static young’s modulus including effects of creep.

= Dynamic modulus of concrete


 Foundation Part

An idealistic foundation includes all geological features and extends to a distance where
boundary effects have no influence on the stresses and dynamic characteristics. This
becomes practically impossible as finite element techniques are not yet sufficiently
developed, and models would become computationally intensive. The foundation region
used in the static analysis was considered to be adequate enough for the dynamic analysis of
the dam. The region of the foundation was created using the simplified approach considered
in the US Army Corps of Engineers (1994). It specifies that a flexible foundation rock
system must be considered, that requires the deformation modulus of the supporting rocks,
which accounts for faults and joints in the foundation rock and the Poisson’s ratio to be
defined for the material properties.

According to jacking field tests conducted on the foundation, it was evident that the left
abutment rock had very different elastic properties from the right abutment. It is not clear
where the distinguishing boundary lies, an implicit assumption was made for the modulus of
deformation of the foundation system: 25 GPa on the left and bottom sections hard rock-
grey region (see figure 23), 20 GPa on the bottom right soft rock – blue region (see figure
23) and 23GPa on the top right section soft rock- red (See figure 23). Figure 23 shows the
foundation wire region and the completed lofted solid region.

Chapter 3-Methodology

Figure 23: (left) Wire developed feature of foundation and (right) completed solid region of foundation.

The foundation walls were created using elliptic planes cut into the supporting canyons, and
oriented normally to the dam wall interface. The elliptic planes were created with a major
and minor radii of 430m and 280m, respectively. The above is in accordance with a radius
E f  0.5Ec
of two times the height of the dam for flexible foundation rocks (since ), which is
recommended by the US Army Corps of Engineers (1994). FERC (1999) recommends that
the ratio of the foundation depth to the dam wall depth should be in the range of 1.0 to 1.5.
The foundation depth was set to extend to a depth 1.5 times the height of the dam, resulting
in a foundation of 90m in depth.

 Material Properties

Summarised in Table 5 are the elastic material properties assigned to the arch dam, and the
foundation properties assumed for the supporting foundation rock made of Table Mountain
quartzitic sandstone as specified in design drawing no. 43938 (Department of Water Affairs,
1971). Linear properties were assigned to the model, as a linear perturbation solver would
be used to compute the eigenvalues.

Table 5: Linear elastic material properties of dam wall and foundation part

Property and Symbol SI Concrete Rock Foundation

Units Wall

Left Bedrock Right

Modulus of elasticity ( Ed ) GPa 44 25 25 23/20

Density (  ) 2400 - - -

Chapter 3-Methodology


Poisson’s ratio (  ) - 0.22 0.25 0.25 0.25

 Assembly and Meshing

Two independent native part instances were created for the dam and foundation part in the
Assembly module. These were merged into forming a new monolithic part which would
allow compatibility of the elements and the mesh at the interface of the concrete wall –
foundation rock. The merging still kept the material properties of concrete for the wall and
the rock properties for the foundation parts. Figure 24 shows the merging of the dam wall
part with the truncated massless foundation part.

Figure 24: (left) Merging of Dam wall and foundation part. (right) completed merged instance of the two parts
(Nzuza, 2013).

As previously determined, there is no rule of thumb for meshing arch dams but guidelines
do exist stipulating a few conditions to be considered. Three different meshing techniques
were considered after the final mesh was chosen. The main factors governing the ideology
behind the selection of the final mesh included the size and geometry of the dam, type of
elements to be used, type and location of spillway, foundation profile, and the dynamic
characteristics of the dam. A meshing scheme that uses quadratic continuum displacement
10-node tetrahedral elements (C3D10) was selected. The wall system was meshed using

Chapter 3-Methodology

quadratic tetrahedral C3D10 elements with an approximate global seed size of 7. The mesh
was refined to 1612 elements and consisted of 9203 nodes. Due to the complexity of the
foundation profile, C3D10 elements also had to be used. These elements are ideal in
modelling regions with high degrees of curvature. They also helped in reducing
computational time as the element consisted of 10 nodes and resulted in only 50421
elements being used, constituting 67742 nodes. Figure 25 shows the completed dam wall-
foundation mesh constituting of C3D10 elements.

Figure 25: Completed mesh of dam foundation part using C3D10 tetrahedral elements

3.1.5 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Roode Elsberg Dam

The interaction between the impounded water body and arch dam is an important factor to
consider when modelling the dynamic behaviour of arch dam systems during earthquake
and ambient responses. In accounting for this effect on the Roode Elsberg dam model, the
interaction was represented by the assemblage of acoustic finite elements which is a refined
formulation that accounts for water compressibility, orientation and geometry. Secondly,
the ‘added mass’ formulation was considered using the modified Westergaard distribution
proposed by Kuo (1982). The two methods would be later on verified by ambient vibration
field test measurements. Acoustic Finite Element Model

The use of acoustic finite elements were used to provide a realistic representation of the
complicated geometry of the impounded water body. The fluid boundary medium was
created using the lofting technique described in section 3.1.2. The long sided boundaries
were made to coincide geometrically with the foundation profile. This was necessary as the
fluid-foundation rock interface would have to be coupled in the later stages. The fluid
medium was extended to a length 3 times the height of the Roode Elsberg arch dam, and
assigned the water material properties applied in the Comparative study (section 3.1.2).

The fluid medium was instanced as an independent part to the dam-foundation in the
assembly module. Hereafter, the part was meshed using 35831 quadratic tetrahedral
(AC3D10) elements constituting 54774 nodes at seed size of approximately 8 (See figure
26). The Dam-foundation mesh was kept the same as described above in the Assembly and
Meshing sub-section. The behaviour of the mesh was verified using the verification tool
pack available in Abaqus and comparative visual inspection with operational mode shapes

Chapter 3-Methodology

of the Kouga arch dam. 313 (0.6%) of the foundation elements were found to have
minimum angles less 5 degrees, 4 elements were found to have face corner angles greater
than 170 degrees, and 374 (0.7%) had aspect ratios greater than 10. These elements were
considered to have an insignificant influence on the results of the model as most of them
were foundation elements, which are subjected to very small deformations. The modes were
found to be in agreement to the Kouga dam operational modes.

The fluid was coupled to the dam wall and foundation rock side using the surface based
contact tie technique used in the section 3.1.2. The dam wall and foundation rock interacting
surfaces were assigned the master surface, and the fluid as the slave. The river bed material
was not modelled as it did not form part of the investigation, resulting in an opening
between the foundation bed and fluid bottom of approximately 15 meters. The absorption
of energy at the supporting foundation rocks and bedrock was not modelled as no geological
information was available. The top and upstream surfaces of the impounded fluid were
assigned the same load pressure condition and acoustic impedance surface described in the
section 3.1.2. The foundation rock region was modelled as being fully fixed by assigning
fixed boundary conditions around the surface boundary. Lastly, the Lanczos eigensolver
was used to extract the dynamic characteristics of the dam.

Figure 26: Meshed fluid region using AC3D10 quadratic tetrahedral elements and dam-foundation part
meshed using C3D10 quadratic tetrahedral elements. Westergaard Method

Secondly, the modified Westergaard method was used to account for the interaction of
hydrodynamic loading. The Westergaard method was employed by partitioning the Roode
Elsberg arch dam model horizontally and vertically at the reference plane height. Vertical

Chapter 3-Methodology

and horizontal partitions were created to an approximate depth of 49m, which was
considered as the full dam height, measured from the spillway level (see figure 27). The
‘added masses’ were computed using equation (6) proposed by Kuo (1982) and applied to
the model using the inertial mass feature in Abaqus. Only the foundation profile was
assigned a boundary condition. The foundation was fully fixed on the boundary surfaces in
the same manner as described in the acoustic finite element model.

Figure 27 Partitioned dam wall part for application of Westergaard added masses.

The model was meshed using 95730 tetrahedral C3D10 elements, constituting 138529
nodes. An approximate seed size of 12 was used for the dam and abutment supports, and a
seed size of 23 for the foundation bed rock. The foundation bedrock profile mesh was made
to be coarse as the mesh would not be expected to deform as excessively as the arch dam,
and accurate results would still be obtained with a coarser mesh. The mesh was then
verified by using the mesh verification tool in Abaqus and visual inspection of the deformed
final solution.

The criteria checked for elements which had unacceptable aspect ratios greater than 10, and
face corner angles less than 5 and greater than 170. The model was found to have 211
elements (0.21% of elements) with an aspect ratio greater than 10, 230 elements (0.24% of
elements) with face corners less than 5, and 15 elements (0.02% of elements) with face
corners greater than 170 degrees. This was found to be acceptable as the poor elements only
constituted a minor insignificant percentage of the mesh (see figure 28). Further visual

Chapter 3-Methodology

inspection of the deformed mesh showed that the mesh as a whole behaviours in an
acceptable manner, producing good results. The Natural frequencies and mode shapes of the
model were extracted using the Lanczos eignesolver technique.

Poor Elements

Figure 28: Dam-foundation meshed part illustrating location of the poor elements.

3.2 Ambient Vibration Testing

Ambient vibration testing was conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam as it is a cost effective
and reliable field testing technique for analysing and monitoring large civil engineering
structures. The testing was carried out to determine the operational dynamic characteristics
and secondly, to verify the hydrodynamic analysis methods used in the FE analysis of the
Roode Elsberg dam. The excitation on the dam was provided by the wind, temperature and
the reservoir flowing over the spillway.

3.2.1 Testing and Analysis Instrumentation

Ambient vibration testing of dams requires instrumentation which can pick up very low
vibrations of the stiff structure. The measuring equipment included: 16 roving forced
balanced accelerometers (see figure 29). The accelerometers were connected via fibre
cables to a NI PCI-4472B device cards mounted into a NI PCI 1045 chassis, connected to a
PCI slot of an ordinary PC workstation. The NI PCI 4472B device cards are specialised data
acquisition hardware, manufactured to simultaneously acquire each channel with 24-bit high

Chapter 3-Methodology

resolution delta-sigma analog to digital converters. The system is built in with anti-aliasing
filters to prevent aliasing and noise from affecting the measurement quality.

The dynamic properties from the ambient vibration measurements were analysed using
commercial OMA ARTeMIS Extractor Pro 2010. The analysis of the data was conducted
using a Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) algorithm, which is a frequency domain


Figure 29 : Field testing of Roode Elsberg dam

based method that identifies the operational modal parameters of the dam.

3.2.2 Test Layout

The measurement instrumentation was setup by placing orthogonal (vertical and horizontal)
accelerometers on each of the 8 cantilevered blocks of the dam (one half of the dam was
measured). 100m long extension fibre cables were used to allow for the accelerometers to
be placed along the length of the crest. Once the instrumentation was setup a sample run of
the ambient vibration measurements was conducted to ensure that the accelerometers were
working and the data was being acquired correctly. Thereafter, 3 recordings of
approximately 20 minutes each were acquired on the test block locations, at a sampling
frequency of 1000Hz.

3.3 Chapter Summary

In summary, this chapter begins with the validation of the acoustic finite elements as a
viable formulation to model the impounded water body. Followed by the development of

Chapter 3-Methodology

the Abaqus formulation for the acoustic fluid structure interaction method. It defines how
the dam wall, fluid part, boundary conditions and constraints were developed and applied in
Abaqus Standard. It also describes how the modified Westergaard method was carried out
and applied on the dam wall. The selected eigensolver is described to illustrate how the
modal parameters were extracted from the governing equations of motion. A parametric
study was carried out to investigate the influence of the reservoir geometry and orientation
on the dynamic properties, as to carry out the objectives of this study. Thereafter, a
formulation of the case study pertaining to the Roode Elsberg dam is carried out to obtain
the dynamic characteristics and develop an updateable finite element model. Finally, the
steps carried out in the ambient vibration testing on the Roode Elsberg dam to validate the
dynamic finite element model are described.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion



4.1 Introduction
This chapter will present and discuss the results relating to the objectives of this study.
Firstly, the result obtained from the validation study will be presented and discussed.
Secondly, the parametric study results will assess the effects of the reservoir geometry and
orientation on the dam’s dynamic properties. Thereafter, the Westergaard and Acoustic
finite element hydrodynamic analysis methods will be contrasted by scrutinising the
dynamic modal parameters. Lastly, the analysis methods used to create an updateable finite
element model for Roode Elsberg dam will be evaluated by making comparisons between
their results and those of the Ambient Vibration Test results.

4.2 Validation Model

This section presents the results obtained from the modelling procedures carried out for the
3 hydrodynamic modelling techniques under horizontal ground motion. The dynamic
pressures are calculated directly for the acoustic elements, and the pressure distribution on
the downstream wall is provided in figure 30. The hydrodynamic pressure contours show a
parabolic increase of pressure as a function of depth acting on the downstream surface.

Figure 30: Cross section view of the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the downstream wall.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Figure 31 shows the time history pressure distribution taken at a sample node located mid-
point of the downstream surface. The graphical description shows that the 3 formulations
produce similar sinusoidal trends with time. In further scrutinizing the results it can be seen
that the Houser formulation estimates a greater pressure distribution with change in time
when compared with the other two methods, and the Acoustic elements give the smallest
approximation. The acoustic element solution is within 1KPa and 2.5KPa of the Original
Westergaard and Housner solutions respectively.


10000.00 Abaqus
Pressure (Pa)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



-15000.00 Time(s)

Figure 31: Pressure-time history of a sample point taken mid-section of the downstream surface.

Figure 32 shows the maximum hydrodynamic pressure distribution as a function of depth,

the values were recorded at t = 1.25secs. The results show that the acoustic element fields a
similar parabolic pressure distribution with a change in depth when compared to the
Original Westergaard and Housner distributions. The coefficient of determination of the
acoustic element model was computed at R 2 = 0.978 and 0.986 for Housner and
Westergaard respectively.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Abaqus Housner Westergaard


Z/H 0.60



0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa)

Figure 32: Maximum hydrodynamic pressures with a change in depth acting on the downstream wall
surface, recorded at t=1.25secs.

The solutions in figure 32 show that the acoustic element model results in similar
approximations as compared to those provided by Westergaard (1933) and Housner (1954)
solutions. It’s also observed that the Housner and Westergaard solutions produce
estimations greater than the acoustic element method. The observed discrepancy could be
consequence to the discretization of the mesh model (mesh refinement), and the
compressibility effect of the acoustic elements (Rodríguez et al., 2012). Studies using the
Original Westergaard formulation have shown that the method is rather conservative in its
estimation (Kuo, 1982). This is due to the fact that the formulation does not consider the
compressibility of the fluid, the impedance of the surrounding environment and the
deformability of the wall. Therefore, the same could be experienced in this validation. The
Housner formulation is considered to be analogous to the Raleigh-Ritz method and always
overestimate the pressures (Housner, 1954).

In concluding, the assemblage of Acoustic elements provide a reasonably good technique

to capture the hydrodynamic pressures and could be considered to be a better representation
of the hydrodynamic pressures as the analysis method is capable of capturing the
compressibility of the fluid medium, and the impedance with the surrounding environment.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

4.3 Comparison of Hydrodynamic Solutions

The results obtained from the comparative study are presented in figure 33, where natural
frequencies and mode shapes of the two methods are analysed and contrasted. Comparison
between the natural frequencies, show that the Westergaard formulation produces lower
frequencies than the FSI model (see figure 33). It’s observed that for the first 10 modes an
average discrepancy of 23 % exists between the frequencies of the two methods. For the
higher modes the difference is greater due to the complexity of modes. When analysing the
natural frequencies and mode shapes of dams, the lower modes are of greater importance, as
field testing methods can approximately pick up the first six natural frequencies and modes.
The constant discrepancy can be used going forward in the modification of the Westergaard
method making it applicable to the ambient state.

Fluid Structure Inter Westergaard


Frequency (Hz)






0 5 10 15 20

Figure 33: Natural frequency results from the Westergaard and Fluid Structure Interaction model.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Table 6: Natural Frequencies obtained from Westergaard and FSI model.

Modes FSI Westergaard % Diff

1 3.06 2.37 22.61
2 3.40 2.44 28.19
3 4.23 3.37 20.42
4 4.99 3.94 20.99
5 6.38 4.99 21.70
6 7.61 5.74 24.62
7 7.77 6.04 22.23
8 8.29 6.33 23.62
9 9.32 7.17 23.02
10 9.84 7.29 25.89
11 10.80 8.13 24.77
12 11.87 8.48 28.53
13 12.41 9.13 26.44
14 13.84 9.40 32.05
15 14.08 10.13 28.01
16 15.67 10.15 35.20
17 15.77 10.27 34.88
18 16.34 10.54 35.50

The modes obtained in this comparative study were contrasted against the field testing
modes of the Kouga dam, which is a dam similar to that created for this comparative study.
The results show that the first four modes of vibration from the two analysis methods are in
agreement with the field test measurement of the Kouga dam.

The 1st mode of vibration illustrates that thin double curvature arch dams behaviour
asymmetrically about the crown position (Y-Axis) and are excited into motion in the
upstream - downstream direction (see figure 26). The dam is seen to be very flexible at the
crest level, where the two halves of the dam move in opposite directions. The 2nd mode of
vibration is characterised by symmetric behaviour, in which the crown position vibrates in
the upstream-downstream direction. The 3rd mode also illustrates symmetric behaviour
about the crown position (Y-Axis). The quarter arc region between the crown and abutment
illustrates to be heavily excited in the radial direction, where the mode vibration is
characterised by inward - outward radial displacements. The fourth mode is asymmetric
about the crown position, and is of a complex nature due to the flexibility of the arch dam.
The 5th mode shows similar behaviour as the 4th mode but is symmetric about the crown.
The last mode is very distinct as it is not characterised by upstream-downstream movements
but by elongation in the z direction.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

FSI - Mode 1 – 3.06Hz Westergaard - Mode 1 – 2.37Hz Kouga - Mode 1 –3.20Hz

Asymmetric Asymmetric Asymmetric

FSI - Mode 2 - 3.40Hz Westergaard - Mode 2 - 2.44Hz Kouga - Mode 2 - 3.52Hz

Symmetric Symmetric Symmetric

FSI - Mode 3 - 4.23Hz Westergaard - Mode 3 - 3.37Hz Kouga - Mode 3 - 4.57Hz

Symmetric Symmetric Symmetric

Figure 34: Comparison of the first three modes obtained from the models and ambient vibration tests
conducted on the Kouga arch dam.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

FSI - Mode 4 - 4.99Hz Westergaard - Mode 4 - 3.94Hz Kouga - Mode 4 – 5.83Hz

Asymmetric Asymmetric Asymmetric

FSI - Mode 5 - 6.38Hz Westergaard - Mode 5 - 4.99Hz

Symmetric Symmetric

Westergaard - Mode 6 - 5.74Hz

FSI - Mode 6 - 7.61Hz

Figure 35: Comparison of mode 4-6 obtained from the Models and Kouga arch dam.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

4.4 Parametric Study Results

 Natural frequencies

The study was conducted to assess whether the modal parameters and hydrodynamic
pressures acting on the arch dam wall would be influenced by the geometry and orientation
of the reservoir in the ambient state. A parametric study conducted by Kuo (1982) showed
that under seismic loading the hydrodynamic pressures decrease as the reservoir geometry
diverged. This would have to be clarified before a case study would be conducted on the
Roode Elsberg dam, where the reservoir is diverging and asymmetric.

Figure 36 and table 7 show the natural frequencies obtained in the diverging reservoir
parametric study. The results obtained show that the natural frequencies do not change
significantly as the impounded water body geometry is opened in incremental angles of 10 .
The general trend is that the natural frequencies increase marginally as the reservoir
geometry diverges. The maximum increase in frequency was experienced at Mode 14,
where after an accumulated increment of 40 the frequency had increased by 0.11Hz

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Fluid Interaction (Ref) 10 Deg Div

16 20 Deg Div 30Deg Div

40 Deg Div

Frequency (HZ)


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 36: Results from parametric study of diverging reservoir

Table 7 : Natural Frequency (Hz) from diverging parametric study

Mode Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div 30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

1 3.06 3.06 3.07 3.07 3.07

2 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40

3 4.23 4.24 4.24 4.25 4.25

4 4.99 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.01

5 6.38 6.39 6.39 6.40 6.40

6 7.61 7.63 7.64 7.65 7.65

7 7.77 7.78 7.78 7.79 7.79

8 8.29 8.32 8.34 8.35 8.36

9 9.32 9.33 9.34 9.34 9.34

10 9.84 9.87 9.89 9.91 9.92

11 10.80 10.82 10.82 10.83 10.83

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

12 11.87 11.90 11.93 11.94 11.95

13 12.41 12.43 12.44 12.44 12.44

14 13.84 13.88 13.91 13.93 13.95

15 14.08 14.11 14.12 14.12 14.12

16 15.67 15.70 15.72 15.72 15.72

17 15.77 15.81 15.83 15.85 15.86

18 16.34 16.37 16.40 16.41 16.42

Similar results are observed when orientating the reservoir asymmetrically behind the dam.
The first 3 angles produced insignificant change in the properties (see figure 37 and table 8).
The reservoir skewed at an orientation of 40 produced technical difficulties in the
modelling phase as regions of the foundation canyons would intersect with the geometry of
the dam, this being unacceptable. It may be concluded that this is an excessive skew, which
is physically not practical, as portions of the fluid at that specific orientation could not be
modelled. Please note, the results of the 40 skew are provided for completeness of the
study. In analysing the influence of the orientation, it is observed that skewing the reservoir
decreases the natural frequencies. The maximum decrease was observed on the 18th mode,
where after an asymmetric shift of 40 the frequency had decreased by 0.41Hz (2.5%).

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Fluid Interaction (Ref) 10 Deg Asym 20 Deg Asym
30 Deg Asym 40 Deg Asym


Frequency (Hz)


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 37: Natural frequencies from the asymmetric parametric study

Table 8: Natural Frequency (Hz) from asymmetric parametric study

Mode Ref 10 Deg Asym 20 Deg Asym 30 Deg Asym 40 Deg Asym

1 3.06 3.06 3.05 3.02 2.75

2 3.40 3.40 3.39 3.38 3.27

3 4.23 4.23 4.21 4.16 3.88

4 4.99 4.99 4.97 4.90 4.62

5 6.38 6.37 6.35 6.27 6.03

6 7.61 7.60 7.57 7.45 6.92

7 7.77 7.77 7.75 7.66 7.59

8 8.29 8.28 8.25 8.15 7.92

9 9.32 9.32 9.30 9.17 9.09

10 9.84 9.83 9.79 9.67 9.38

11 10.80 10.80 10.78 10.63 10.58

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

12 11.87 11.85 11.80 11.63 11.10

13 12.41 12.41 12.39 12.20 12.14

14 13.84 13.82 13.75 13.52 12.88

15 14.08 14.09 14.06 13.84 13.69

16 15.67 15.68 15.65 15.41 14.63

17 15.77 15.76 15.71 15.53 15.03

18 16.34 16.32 16.22 15.93 15.56

The results obtained in the parametric study show that the orientation and geometry of the
reservoir have an insignificant effect on the natural frequencies. This is supported by the
first 18 natural frequencies of the diverging and asymmetric study (see table 7 & 8). The
hydrodynamic pressure distribution acting on the dam wall were analysed to explain the
observed behaviour of the dynamic properties. The distribution of pressure was extracted at
the crown, quarter arc and abutment edges on the upstream side of the wall. The first 3
modes of the reference, diverging and asymmetric models were analysed.

 Hydrodynamic Pressure Distribution

The 1st Mode was analysed at the quarter arc position due to it being characterised by an
asymmetric motion at this location in the upstream-downstream direction. Presented in
figure 38, 39 & 40 is the pressure distribution as a function of depth plotted for all diverging
and asymmetric reservoir walls respectively. For both parametric cases the dynamic
pressures acting at the quarter arc position have a complex distribution which is not a
parabolic shape as that proposed by Westergaard (1933) for gravity dam walls under
seismic loading. The maximum pressure is approximately 1 Pa at a height of 18m below the
water surface level. The distribution of pressure at this location indicates that small changes
in pressure are experienced with an increase of diverging angle (see figure 38). The
dynamic pressures decrease slightly with a maximum drop of 0.038 Pa. For the diverging
case the pressure distribution was only measured on the left half of the arch wall, due to the
reservoir being symmetric about the crown position. The pressure was found to be equal in
magnitude at either side of the crown, but acting in the opposite direction due to the
asymmetry of the mode.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa)
Mode 1- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div Distribution (Ref)

30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 38: Pressure distribution at quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Diverging Reservoir Walls)

The asymmetric pressure distribution on the arched wall is dependent on the side of the arch
which is being analysed, as a result of opening the left flank and closing the right flank of
the reservoir,. The graphical representation provided in figure 39 & 40 illustrates the
pressure distribution on the left and right quarter arc positions respectively. In figure 39, the
pressure distribution on the left arch of the dam wall illustrates an increase pressure, with an
increase in asymmetry. The increase in pressure can be attributed to the confinement of the
water, by the canyon wall. As the dam wall vibrates in its modal fashion it applies traction
forces against the impounded water body. The fluid is impeded from displacing in the
transverse lateral direction as a result of the skewed reservoir wall (closing), resulting in
intensified pressures acting on the dam wall as a result of the impedance. Figure 40 shows
the opposite phenomenon as the rock supporting wall opens, the pressure distribution
decreases on the upstream surface of the wall. This can be explained by the opening of the
supporting rock which allows bilateral movement for the impounded water as the dam wall
displaces in the downstream direction. This results in a decrease in the participating acoustic
fluid in motion and hence a decrease in hydrodynamic pressure acting on the upstream

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

surface of the dam. Opening up the left flank by 30 decreases the dynamic pressures by a
maximum of 0.245 Pa (26%).

-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 1- Pressure Distribution
( )
Ref 10 Deg Asym 20 Deg Asym 30 Deg Asym

Figure 39: Pressure distribution at left quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Asymmetric Reservoir Walls)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 1- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Asym Distribution (Ref)

20 Deg Asym 30 Deg Asym

Figure 40: Pressure distribution at right quarter arc location for Mode 1 (Asymmetric Reservoir Walls)

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

The 2nd Mode was analysed at the crown and abutment edge positions. Presented in figure
41, 42, 43 & 44 is the pressure distribution as a function of depth plotted for all diverging and
asymmetric reservoir walls respectively. For both parametric cases the dynamic pressures
acting at the crown and abutment support differ and have a complex distribution of pressure.
The crown pressure distribution and magnitudes are similar to that observed for the first
mode acting on the quarter arc position. The abutment pressure distribution is similar for both
parametric cases but differs from that existing at the crown position. The abutment pressure
distribution is unique and peaks at a height of 36m below surface level (see figure 42 & 44).

During the diverging parametric case, the pressure distribution at the crown level showed no
change in pressure as the reservoir walls are set to diverge (See figure 41). This could be as a
result of insufficient transverse motion (liberation) in the fluid to decrease the pressure
distribution at this mode. Figure 42 shows contrasting behaviour at the abutment edges, as
significant changes in pressure are experienced as the reservoir diverges in geometry. Since
the divergence occurs at the abutment regions the impounded fluid is allowed to diverge with
the reservoir as it opens up, resulting in a reduction in pressures acting on the arch at the
abutment edges with divergence. After a divergence of 40 degrees of the reservoir, a
maximum pressure drop of 0.07 Pa (34%) is experienced at the edges.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 2- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div Distribution ( Div)
30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 41: Pressure distribution at crown level for diverging parametric case.

-0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 2- Pressure
Distribution ( Div)
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div

30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 42: Pressure distribution at abutment region for diverging reservoir.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

In the asymmetric case the pressure distribution profile at the crown level is synonymous to
the diverging case, with an insignificant change in pressure distribution as the reservoir
orientation becomes asymmetric in standing (see figure 43). The orientation change at the
abutment region can be seen to not have much of an impact on the pressures acting at the
crown level. In contrast, the pressures acting at the abutment edges show significant variation
with a change in orientation of the reservoir. The pressure distribution at the right abutment
edge increases, while at the left abutment edge the pressure distribution decreases with
asymmetry of the reservoir (see figure 44). The change in pressure values can be attributed to
the closing and opening of the flanked reservoir wall which was discussed above for the 1st
mode. Figure 44 shows the change in pressure on the left and right abutment as the reservoir
becomes asymmetrical. On the left abutment it can be seen that the pressures decreases as the
supporting wall opens up. The drop in pressure is very small with a maximum drop of 0.05Pa
(24.5%). While at the right abutment region a significant increase is experienced. The
maximum pressure at the height of 33.5m increases by 0.4 Pa (200%).

Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa)

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20


Depth (m)




Mode 2- Pressure
Distribution ( Asy)

Ref 10 Deg Asym 20 Deg Asym 30 Deg Asym

Figure 43: Pressure distribution at crown level for asymmetric scenario of mode 2.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

-0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 2- Pressure
Distribution ( Asy)
Ref 10 Deg Asym L
20 Deg Asym L 30 Deg Asym L
10 Deg Asym R 20 Deg Asym R
30 Deg Asym R

Figure 44: Pressure distribution at left & right abutment for asymmetric scenario of mode 2.

Finally, the 3rd Mode was analysed at the crown position and abutment edges. Presented in
figure 45, 46, 47 & 48 is the pressure distribution as a function of depth plotted for all
diverging and asymmetric reservoir walls respectively. The pressure distribution profile at the
crown position for both parametric cases seems to be similar and consistent as that of the 1st
and 2nd mode. At the abutment regions the pressure distribution profile is almost parabolic
and can be considered to follow the parabolic profile shape that was proposed by
Westergaard (1933). The maximum pressures are experienced at the bottom of the reservoir
at the abutment positions, while at the crown position, at a height of approximately 28m.

Small changes in pressure distribution are experienced with an increase in diverging angle at
the crown position (see figure 45). The dynamic pressures decrease slightly with a maximum
drop of 0.02 Pa (4%).The same explanation considered in the analysis of the first two modes
can be used to explain the absence of influence at the crown position. At the abutment region
the change in pressure distribution is more prominent than that at the crown position (see
figure 46). Although when scrutinised closely the change in pressure distribution at the
abutments isn’t significant with a maximum decrease of 0.16 Pa (29%).

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 3- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div Distribution ( Div)

30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 45: Pressure distribution at crown position for diverging scenario of mode 3

-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 3- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div Distribution ( Div)

30Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 46: Pressure distribution at the abutment position for the diverging scenario of mode 3.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

The asymmetric scenario illustrated a rather inconsistent change in pressure at the crown
position. After an asymmetry of 10 the pressure distribution increases by 0.01 Pa (3%)
which can be considered to be an insignificant change. With a further increase in skewness
(20) the profile drops back to the original distribution of pressure, and after 30 the

pressure distribution drops by a maximum of 0.04 Pa (9%). The drop in pressure could be
caused by the shift in water body towards the left flank wall (opening flank relative to the
crown position). Resulting in the dynamic pressures acting at the crown position being
heavily influenced by the behaviour of the opening reservoir wall, more than the closing,
hence the minor drop in pressure experienced at the crown level.

The asymmetric pressure distribution at the abutment is dependent on the side of the arch
which is being analysed. The graphical representation provided in figure 48 illustrates the
change in pressure distribution on the left and right abutment edge positions. On the left
abutment the pressures decrease while on the right an increase is experienced. It is
interesting to notify that the increase in pressure on right abutment is not proportional to the
decrease experienced on the left abutment, but is slightly greater by 32.7 %. Once again this
is attributed to the opening and confining of the flanks at the left and right abutments.
Resulting in more impounded water being excited into motion on the confined side (right)
and less on the open side (left).

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 3- Pressure
Distribution ( Asy)
Ref 10 Deg Asym 20 Deg Asym 30 Deg Asym

Figure 47: Pressure distribution at crown position for the asymmetric scenario of mode 3

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2


Depth (m)




Hydrodynamic Pressures (Pa) Mode 3- Pressure
Ref 10 Deg Asym L Distribution ( Asy)
20 Deg Asym L 30 Deg Asym L
10 Deg Asym R 20 Deg Asym R
30 Deg Asym R

Figure 48: Pressure distribution at left and right abutment for the asymmetric scenario of mode 3.

The results obtained from the analysis of the hydrodynamic pressures of the parametric study
indicate that the geometry and orientation of the impounded reservoir have an influence on
the hydrodynamic pressures acting on the upstream side of the arch dam wall. From the
above results, we can conclude that a diverging geometry results in a decline of the
hydrodynamic pressures acting at the abutment regions and not much change at the crown
region. The results obtained above partially agreed with those found by Kuo (1982) in a
diverging parametric study of a cylindrical upstream face arch dam subjected to horizontal
ground motion. At the abutment regions the pressures were found to decrease quite
significantly, but at the crown and quarter arc positions the decrease in hydrodynamic
pressure was not as significant. This could be due to that dynamic pressures are heavily
sensitive to the geometry of the impounded water body under seismic loading, as when
compared to the ambient case.

The reservoir orientation was also found to have an influence on the pressures acting on both
sides of the arch, where the pressures on the confined flank of the reservoir were find to
increase and those at the opening abutment side were found to decrease with the asymmetry.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

It was also noted that the rate of increase was found to be greater than the decrease
experienced found at the opening abutment.

The above can be seen to influence the small change in natural frequencies observed with
change in geometry and orientation of the reservoir. The minor increase in natural frequency
with the diverging reservoir is as a result of the reservoir flanks opening which allows
bilateral motion of the fluid at the abutment regions (see table 7). This results in less volume
of the impounded water being excited into motion as the dam wall vibrates in its modal
fashion, hence resulting in an increase in the natural frequency at every mode. The decline in
natural frequencies with an increase asymmetry is attributed to the overall increase in
pressures acting on the dam wall. As noted above, the confined wall experiences an increase
in pressure distribution which is greater than the decrease at the opposite abutment edge. The
difference results in more water being excited with each mode, and moving back and forth
with the dam, hence a drop in the natural frequencies which is associated with each mode
(see table 8).

 Acoustic Participation Factors

In addition to the hydrodynamic pressures, the acoustic participation factors were analysed to
try and support the behaviour of the natural frequencies. The acoustic participation factors
represent how strongly acoustic motion is associated with the specific mode. The factor is
strongly related to the mass and the hydrodynamic pressure of the fluid which is associated
with that mode and is defined below as equation (4.1):

ac  L R mac


Where:  and  represent the left and right acoustic participation factors provided below

as equation (4.2) and (4.3). ma c is the total acoustic mass which is defined by

mac  TaT M f Ta .

1 Q
L   M F Ta (4.2)

R  (Ta S FS u M  Ta M F p Q ) (4.3)

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Figure 49 shows the participation factors obtained for the diverging parametric study. It can
be seen that the acoustic participation factors rise as the modes increase. This means that
fluid motion is strongly associated with the higher modes and is not so much with the small
modes (less than 6). Thus, we can relate that any change in the impounded water body
upstream will greatly affect the behaviour of the higher modes rather than the lower. The
acoustic participation factor profile shows that not much change is associated with the
divergence of the reservoir (see figure 49). Only minor changes are experienced in the
higher modes where a decrease in the participation factor is associated with an increase in
divergence. The decrease in the participation factor can be interpreted in this context as a
reduction of fluid mass which is set into motion, and a decrease of the hydrodynamic
pressures acting on the dam. Hence, resulting in the minor increase (maximum of 0.58%)
observed in the natural frequencies (see table 7).


Acoustic Participation Factor




0 5 10 15 20
Ref 10 Deg Div 20 Deg Div 30 Deg Div 40 Deg Div

Figure 49: Acoustic Participation Factor distribution with diverging reservoir

Figure 50 shows the participation factors associated with the asymmetric parametric study.
The distribution is similar to that of the diverging parametric study profile. In comparison
the participation factors are influenced a considerable amount by the asymmetry when
compared to the diverging parametric case, after an asymmetric shift of 30 a maximum
increase of 1.7 is observed in the profile at mode 16 (see figure 50). The rise in the

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

participation factors is associated with an increase in acoustic motion for each mode; this is
attributed to the increase in hydrodynamic pressures observed in the analysis of pressure
distribution. The following results in the minor increase (maximum of 2.48%) in natural
frequencies observed after a reservoir orientation shift of 30 .


Acoustic Participation Factor






0 5 10 15 20
Ref 10 Deg Asy 20 Deg Asy 30 Deg Asy

Figure 50: Acoustic Participation Factor associated with asymmetric reservoirs

The results obtained from this parametric study clarify that the hydrodynamic behaviour
experienced in seismic conditions differs from that in the ambient state. Firstly, the
distribution of pressure is not of a parabolic nature that was proposed by Westergaard
(1933) and described by Kuo (1982). The distribution of pressure in the ambient state is
dependent on the location of the arch and the behaviour of the mode. The diverging and
asymmetry of the reservoir have an insignificant effect on the natural frequencies of the
dam with a maximum increase of 0.58% and decrease of 2.48% respectively.

4.5 Roode Elsberg Model Results

The two analysis methods compared in Section 4.3 were further assessed in a case study
conducted on the Roode Elsberg Dam. The results obtained from the finite element analysis
methods illustrated a similar discrepancy to that previously exhibited in section 4.3. Once
again, the natural frequencies obtained from the Westergaard method compared to be lower

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

than that of the FSI model. When analysing the first six natural frequencies an average
discrepancy of 20% was observed between the two methods (see table 9). The results
obtained appear to be consistent with the comparative process conducted previously.

Table 9: Comparison of natural frequencies (Hz) obtained from the FSI model and Westergaard method of the
Roode Elsberg model.

Modes FSI Model Westergaard % Difference

1 2.96 2.34 21.06

2 3.23 2.50 22.55

3 4.49 3.60 19.87

4 5.54 4.62 16.53

5 6.67 5.56 16.58

6 7.20 5.77 19.84

The first six modes obtained from the finite element models of the Roode Elsberg dam were
scrutinised to verify the modal behaviour of the dam. Both 1st modes of vibration illustrate
that the Roode Elsberg arch dam behaviours asymmetrically about the crown position (Y-
Axis) and is excited into motion in the upstream - downstream direction (See Figure 51).
The dam is seen to be very flexible at the crest level, where the two halves of the dam move
in the opposite direction relative to the crown. The 2nd mode of vibration of the FSI model
is characterised by symmetric behaviour, in which the crown position vibrates in the
upstream-downstream direction. The Westergaard mode produces a similar shape in profile,
but is slightly skewed to the left. The 3rd mode also illustrates symmetric behaviour about
the crown position (Y-Axis). The quarter arc region between the crown and abutment
illustrates to be heavily excited in the radial direction, where the mode vibration is
characterised by inward - outward radial displacements. The fourth mode is asymmetric
about the crown position, and is of a complex nature due to the flexibility of the thin arch.
The 5th and 6th mode are interchanged for the two analysis methods. The 5th mode of the FSI
model illustrates that dam undergoes a tensile elongation mode of vibration in the z
direction, which coincides with the 6th mode of the Westergaard model. Finally, the last
mode of the FSI model shows similar flexibility of the arch as the 4th mode but is symmetric

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

about the crown, this coincides with the 5th mode from the Westergaard method. The modes
of vibration correlate to those obtained from the comparative study in Section 4.3 and those
obtained by Kuo (1982) and Mohammed (2011) in the analysis of Techi and Karun arch

FSI - Mode 1- 2.96Hz Westergaard - Mode 1 -2.34Hz

Asymmetric Asymmetric

FSI - Mode 2 - 3.23Hz Westergaard - Mode 2 -2.50Hz

Symmetric Asymmetric

FSI - Mode 3 - 4.49Hz Westergaard - Mode 3 - 3.60Hz

Symmetric Symmetric

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

Figure 51: Mode 1-3 of Roode Elsberg dam obtained from the FSI and Westergaard model.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

FSI - Mode 4 - 5.54Hz Westergaard - Mode 4 - 4.62Hz

Asymmetric Asymmetric

Westergaard- Mode 5 - 5.56Hz

FSI - Mode 5 – 6.67Hz Symmetric

FSI - Mode 6 – 7.20Hz Westergaard -Mode 6 -5.77Hz

Symmetric Symmetric

Figure 52: Mode 4-6 Roode Elsberg dam obtained from the FSI and Westergaard model.

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

4.6 Ambient Vibration Test Results

The results obtained from the ambient vibration testing were quite prominent, as a result of
high wind speeds and an over flowing water level. Data pre-processing such as Detrending,
Resampling and Low pass filtering to reduce noise was carried out in order to obtain
accurate results. During the determination of the as built modal parameters the natural
frequencies were extracted and not the mode shapes, due to that the spillway of Roode
Elsberg dam could not be accessed. The modal analysis of the data recorded using the
Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) yielded the singular values of the spectral density
shown in figure 53.The first six modes were identified in the data acquired from the
recording, this is supported by the peak picking of the natural frequency seen in the
spectrum below. 7.23


Figure 53: Singular values of spectral matrices (Natural Frequencies Hz) of Roode Elsberg dam, extracted
using the FDD algorithm.

4.7 Verification of Roode Elsberg Model

The results obtained from the field measurements were then used to verify the two analysis
methods. The FSI model was successfully updated as the results compared well to the field
test measurements (see table 10). The results were within an average error of 1.45%. On the
contrary, the Westergaard method resulted in lower natural frequencies which do not
correlate with the filed test measurement results. The results show to be erroneous by an

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

average of 20%. The results obtained in this case study using the Westergaard method
correlate to that obtained by Kuo (1982) in the analysis of the Techi arch dam.

Table 10: Comparison of natural frequencies (Hz) obtained from AVT test in Sep-2013 with the FSI model and
Westergaard method.

10-09- Westergaard
Modes 2013 FSI Model Westergaard FSI % Error % Error

1 3.05 2.96 2.34 2.81 23.28

2 3.23 3.23 2.50 0.05 22.52
3 4.43 4.49 3.60 1.44 18.71
4 5.62 5.54 4.62 1.41 17.71
5 6.50 6.67 5.56 2.61 14.40
6 7.23 7.20 5.77 0.43 20.18

One can conclude that this is a result of the assumptions and context considered in the
derivation of the Westergaard method. The parabolic pressure distribution proposed by
Westergaard (1933) is not the distribution found in the ambient state. Hence, resulting in an
overestimation of the added mass region being applied in the ambient state.

Findings made by Mircevska (2012) conclude that the Westergaard added mass method
only provides acceptable results in the context it was developed. The method neglects the
dam flexibility and water compressibility, wherever these features have an impact on the
magnitude of hydrodynamic effects it will result in discrepancy in the obtained results. It is
evidence that the Roode Elsberg arch dam is quite flexible in between its first six modes
(see figure 51 &52). This can be seen to have an influence in the discrepancy of the results

4.8 Chapter Summary

In summary, this chapter contains the results and discussion that carry out the objectives of
this work. Initially we assessed the behaviour of the acoustic finite elements as a suitable
option of representing the impounded water body. Thereafter the objectives of this work
were carried out, these included; (i) Comparison of the hydrodynamic methods, (ii)
evaluating the effect of a reservoir orientation and geometry on the dynamic characteristics

Chapter 4-Results & Discussion

of an arch dam, (iii) Development of the dynamic finite element models of the Roode
Elsberg arch dam (iv) Validation of the Roode Elsberg finite element models using as built
operational modal parameters obtained from ambient vibration testing.

Chapter 5-Conclusion & Recommendations



5.1 Summary
Operational concrete arch dams are permanently subjected to hydrodynamic loading by the
impounded water body. Previous studies have shown that the impounded water body has a
significant effect on the dynamic properties of the dam. This influence can be analysed
using computational analysis methods and field testing techniques, such as the finite
element method and ambient vibration testing, respectively. Finite element methods have
been used to assess the influence of external loading on the structural properties of the dam.
Ambient vibration testing has been used to effectively obtain the as built operational
dynamic properties of arch dams.

The objective of the study aims at developing an updatable dynamic finite element model of
the Roode Elsberg dam. The Roode Elsberg dam was considered as a case study as it has
been continuously monitored since it began operating in the 960’ s. The dam has an
asymmetrically located and diverging reservoir at an approximate angle of 26°. It has also
developed a horizontal crack from the horizontal pulvino, along the central spillway blocks.
The crack acts as a bondless joint with 3mm opening and closing cycle between winter and
summer in the central position of the dam wall (Moyo & Oosthuizen, 2011).

Firstly, acoustic finite elements were validated as a possible formulation to represent the
impounded water body. Thereafter, a parametric study was conducted, in order to ensure
that all potential influences on the dynamic properties were taken into consideration. The
parametric study assessed whether the divergence and the asymmetrical located reservoir
had an influence on the dynamic properties. Finally, the Westergaard method of analysis
and the acoustic fluid structure interaction method were carried out to develop
computational models of the Roode Elsberg dam.

The challenges in creating the finite element model were experienced in the seeding and
meshing of the dam wall and the fluid region. This was due to the complex nature of the
geometries, and the computational time taken for each model. This was overcome by an

Chapter 5-Conclusion & Recommendations

iterative partitioning procedure that was carried out to simplify the geometric regions, and a
sensitive study carried out to minimize the computational time of convergence.

The acoustic finite elements were validated as a good approach to represent the impounded
water body and gave a good approximation of the hydrodynamic pressures. From the
parametric study it was found that the dynamic properties were insensitive to the divergence
and asymmetry of the reservoir under ambient conditions. The fluid structure interaction
method gave a better representation of the impounded water body when compared to the
added mass technique proposed by Westergaard. This was considered to be normal as the
Westergaard method is proven to provide a crude estimation of the hydrodynamic pressures.
The good representation of the FSI method was verified by the as-built operational natural
frequencies obtained by ambient vibration testing conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam.

The objectives pertaining to this study are concluded below and future aspects to be
considered going forward are provided in the recommendation section.

5.2 Conclusion
The Finite Element Analysis technique provides a good computational method to analyse
the dynamic behaviour of an arch dam. It provides an economical solution as compared to
other analytical models. A major challenge was in developing a formulation that can
provide a good representation of the impounded water body. Various techniques have been
developed but do not perform well in representing the impounded water body and its
influence on the dynamic properties. From this study it was proven that acoustic elements
provide a realistic and effective formulation to model the impounded water body. Upon
comparing it against the two analytical solutions, it was found to provide reasonably
accurate results, comparing quite well with the analytical methods being within 1KPa and
2.5 KPa of the hydrodynamic pressures. The acoustic element method can be considered to
be more realistic as it includes important effects such as compressibility and the geometry
of the water, which were not considered by the two analytical solutions. Despite the fact
that the two closed form formulations were considered to overestimate the pressure
distribution, they still serve as sound checks to validate the use of the acoustic elements.

Based on the modelling procedure and results and discussion of this work, the following
conclusions were drawn:

Chapter 5-Conclusion & Recommendations

(i) A 23% discrepancy was observed in the comparative study of the natural frequencies
produced by the Westergaard method and FSI Model. The first four modes of both methods
compared quite well to the operational modes of the Kouga arch dam obtained using
ambient vibration testing (AVT). The Kouga arch dam was considered to be a good
comparative benchmark, as it was similar to the hypothetical arch dam developed.

(ii) The parametric study confirmed that the orientation and geometry of the reservoir
have an insignificant effect on the modal parameters in the ambient state. This was
attributed to the small influence the change in reservoir had on the hydrodynamic pressures
exerted on the upstream surface of the dam wall. Diverging reservoir walls were found to
decrease the amount of fluid excited in each mode, resulting in an increase in the natural
frequencies (maximum increase of .0.8%.) An asymmetrically orientated reservoir caused
an increase in the water body associated with each mode, leading to a decrease in the natural
frequencies (maximum decrease of 2.5%)

(iii) The case study conducted on the Roode Elsberg dam reaffirmed the discrepancies
between the hydrodynamic analyses methods, by producing an average difference of 20%.
The modes were found to be similar to those of the parametric study. The first six natural
frequencies of the Roode Elsberg dam were obtained using ambient vibration testing, and
then used to verify the dynamic finite element models of the Roode Elsberg dam.

(iv) The FSI model of the Roode Elsberg dam was validated successfully using the
ambient vibration measurement data, however the Westergaard method underestimated the
natural frequencies by a factor of approximately 20%. With the above results, it is evident
that the Westergaard method does not lead to an accurate estimation of the dynamic
pressures in the ambient state. Thus, it should be only considered in preliminary studies to
obtain crude estimations of the dam’s dynamic properties. The acoustic fluid structure
interaction method is the preferred method to be used for a more accurate idealisations of
the impounded water body in the ambient state. As it provides a more realistic approach that
includes the compressibility, geometry, refraction and absorption of upstream waves and
orientation of the fluid.

Chapter 5-Conclusion & Recommendations

5.3 Recommendations
The following recommendations are suggested for future works related to this topic:

(i) Future analyses pertaining to Roode Elsberg dam should utilize a non-linear model
to model the vertical contraction joints due to the large influence they have on the
seismic evaluation of arch dams. Also, such a model should be used to model the
horizontal crack located in the lower region of the dam as it is considered to have
hindered the dam’s stiffness.

(ii) An accurate approximation of the foundation and dam material properties on-site
must be established. This would entail conducting field investigations on the
foundation and dam materials. Rough estimates were used for the foundation in this
study. Hence, only a rough study into the effects of the differential foundation
properties could be used due to a lack of field testing conducted on this site.

(iii) Future modelling of the Roode Elsberg dam should include modelling the
sedimentation on the upstream bedrock. Modelling of the sedimentation which has
developed on the upstream bedrock of the dam will have an influence on the static
and possibly the dynamic behaviour of the dam.

Chapter 6-Bibliography



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Chapter 7-Appendices



Appendix A: Abaqus Modelling Theory

 Acoustic Element Formulation

The impounded water body was modelled using linear acoustic elements, which are
predefined elements in the program. The acoustic equilibrium equation is represented by
equation (7.1), and one can note that displacements are not calculated.

  ( x,i )u f   f ( x,i )u f  0


p hydrodynamic pressure in the fluid (in excess of any static pressure)

uḟ fluid particle velocity

uf̈ fluid particle acceleration

Independant variables such as temperature, salinity of water on which

 f and may depend on

The constitutive equation assumes the fluid to be in-viscid, linear, and compressible.

 f
p  K ( x,i ) u (7.2)

The fluid system is discretised using a Galerkin-Petrov approach where the dynamic
pressures are the arguments. The structural system is discretised using a Galerkin method
and refers to the displacement degrees of freedoms (Simulia, 2010).

The following constraints and physical boundaries conditions were applied:

Chapter 7-Appendices

S fs -Where the motion of the acoustic medium is directly coupled to the motion of a solid.
On the acoustic-structural boundary the acoustic and structural media have the same
displacement normal to the boundary, but with tangential motions which are uncoupled.

S fi - A “radiating” acoustic boundary. Where the acoustic media extend sufficiently far from
the dam wall of interest, the acoustic medium must be modelled as being infinite in extent.
In such cases it was convenient to truncate the computational region and apply an
impedance boundary condition to simulate waves passing exclusively outward from the
computational region.

In Abaqus, the formulations are slightly different in direct integration transient and modal
analyses or steady state, primarily with regard to the handling of the volumetric drag loss
parameter and spatial variations of the constitutive parameters. In this research the steady
state formulation was employed as the all degrees of freedom and loads are assumed to vary
harmonically at an angular frequency. This formulation uses the nodal degrees of freedom
in the solid and acoustic regions to form a large linear system of equations defining the
coupled structural-acoustic mechanics at a single frequency.

To derive the differential equation used in the fluid structure interaction method equation

(7.1) is divide by  f , taking its gradient with respect to x and neglecting the gradient of 

, and combine the result with the time derivative of equation (7.2) to obtain the equation of
motion for the fluid in terms of the pressures:

1    1 p 
p  p    0 (7.3)
Kf pf K f x   f x 

An equivalent weak form for the equation of motion (7.3) is obtained by introducing an
arbitrary variational field, p , and integrating over the fluid:

 1    1 p  

V  K f
p p
 
p K
 

  x  
f  f f  f 

Applying Greens theorem to the above equation (7.4)

Chapter 7-Appendices

 1   1 p p   1 p 

 K f pf K f

Vf 
p ( p
  p
 )    
x  f x x 
dV  S  n f x dS  0
p n .
 

Assuming that p is prescribed on S fp , the equilibrium equation (7.1) is used on the boundary

to relate the pressure gradient to the motion of the boundary:

n (

 f
 f )  0
u on S  S fp
x f


 1   1 p p  the
 Kf

Vf 
p ( p
 
pf K f
 )    dV   p(T ( x))dS  0
x  f x x  S  S fp
substitution the last term of equation (7.5) is eliminated to produce

Where the traction terms represents

 1 p on S  S fp
T ( x)  n  ( u f  u
 f )  n
f  f x


All other boundary terms can be formulated with respect to T(x) this includes boundary

terms S fi and S fs . The defined boundary values are introduced to produce the finalised weak

form equation (7.8):

 1   1 p p 
 p( K p 
pf K f
p )    dV
x  f x x 
Vf  f (7.8)
1 1
  p( c
S fp 1
p 
p )dS   pn  u
S fs
m dS  0

The structural behaviour of the system is defined by the virtual work equation (7.9)

Chapter 7-Appendices

  : dV +  
c u m  u m dV +  u m  um dV +
 pu
n dS -  pu
 tdS =0 (7.9)
S fs St

Where  is the stress at a point on the structure, p is the pressure acting on the fluid-
structural interface, n is the outward normal to the structure,  is the density of the
material,  c is the mass proportional damping factor , um is the acceleration of a point on

the solid structure, and u m is a variational displacement field, and  is the strain variation
that is compatible with u m .

Discretized finite element equation

The vibrational problem is defined by equation (7.8) and (7.9), the coupled fields u m and p
define the structural and the fluid arguments respectively. The problem is discretized by
introducing interpolation functions in the fluid pH p
pp p=1, 2… which goes up to the
number of pressure nodes. In the structure u m  N N u N N , 2… up to the number of
displacement degrees of freedom. In these equations we perform a summation over the
degrees of freedom of the discretized model. Where the superscripts P and Q refer to the
pressure degrees of freedom in the fluid and N, M refer to the displacement degrees of
freedom in the structure, The Galerkin method is employed on the structure where the
variation field has the same form as the displacement u m = N N u N and for the fluid the
Petrov-Galerkin variational form has the form p  H p p p .

The finite element linearization of the equation used in the acoustic formulation is defined

 p p ( M PQ
p Q  C PQ
 Q  ( K PQ
p f  K PQ
fi ) p
 S PM M  PfP dp Q 
fs u 
 M  CmNM u M  S QN
u N M NM u fs  P
 P N du M  0  (7.10)

Where dp and du are the corrections from the new iteration method, K NM is the structural
stiffness matrix, C NM is the structural damping matrix, M NM is the structural mass matrix and
S fs is the coupling of the solid and acoustic motion at the interface.

Eigenvalue extraction and mode-based procedures

Chapter 7-Appendices

From the discretised equation the linear system equation can be written in the frequency
domain as

K s S Tfs  u  C ( m) 0  u  2
Ms 0   u  Ps 
     i         (7.11)
 0 K f   p   0 C f  p  S fs M f   p  Ps 

Where  is the natural frequency of the structure, and the superscripts have been omitted
for brevity. Damping and any forcing terms are considered to be negligible in the ambient
condition, they can be suppressed, and resulting in the following linear eigenvalue equation
(7.12). The equation cannot be solved directly in Abaqus due to the asymmetric stiffness
and mass matrices.

K s S Tfs   u  2
Ms 0 u 
       0
 0 K f   p   S fs M f   p 


The above equation (7.12) can be shown to yield real-valued natural frequencies and modes
and hence can be rewritten in a symmetric form. In this problem this done by using Lanczos

formulation by introducing an auxiliary variable 

 , augmenting the system of
equations with K f p   K f  and manipulating the equations yields to the following

symmetric equation:

 K s S Tfs 0  M s 0 0   u 
    
  S fs Mf K f    0 0 0   p   0
   
 0 K Tf 0   0
 0 K f  
 


The auxiliary variable is internal to Abaqus and is not made available for output. The left
and right eigenvectors for the original system of equation can be constructed from the
Lanczos solution and used to obtain the modal quantities.

 The Lanczos eigensolver

The Lanczos eigensolver is a powerful tool for extraction of eigenvalues and corresponding
eigenvectors of a sparse symmetric generalise eigenproblem. It consists of a set of runs, in

Chapter 7-Appendices

which a set of iterations called steps is performed. For each Lanczos run the following
spectral transformation is applied:

[M]([K]-  [M]) 1 [M]{  } =  [M] { }


Where  is the shift,  is the eigenvalue, and  is the eigenvector. This transformation
allows rapid convergence to the desired eigenvalues. The eigenvectors of the symmetrized
problem equation (7.13) and the transformed problem equation (7.14) are identical, while
the eigenvalues of the original problem and the transformed problem are related in the
following way:

2 =


A Lanczos run will be terminated when it does not converge towards the required
eigenvectors. In general, only tens of eigenvalues are computed in a single Lanczos run. The
Lanczos eigensolver provides the capability of computing many eigenmodes by carrying
out several runs with different shift values.

Within each run a sequence of Krylov subspaces is created, and the best possible
approximation of the eigenvectors on each subspace is computed in a series of steps. In each
step the dimension of the subspace is allowed to grow, allowing for a better approximation
of the required eigenvectors. This is in contrast to the subspace iteration method, in which
the dimension of the subspace is fixed and is not allowed to grow.

In theory, the basic Lanczos process is designed only to determine simple eigenvalues. The
shifting strategy detects missing modes and enforces computation of all the modes during
the subsequent runs. However, this strategy is expensive if the required number of certain
eigenvalues is high. Therefore, a blocked version of the Lanczos algorithm is implemented
in Abaqus/Standard. The idea is to start with a block of orthogonal vectors and to increase
the dimension of the Krylov subspaces by the block size at each Lanczos step.

This approach allows automatic computation of all multiple eigenvalues if the largest
required eigenvalue does not exceed the block size. Also, another important advantage of
the blocked Lanczos method is that it allows efficient implementation of expensive

Chapter 7-Appendices

computational kernels such as matrix-blocked vector multiplications, blocked back

substitutions, and blocked vector products.

As discussed above, the Lanczos process consists of several runs. Each Lanczos run is
associated with a shift value that remains constant during the run. The initial shift value, is
determined by a heuristic approach which uses the geometric mean of the centres of the
Gershgorin circles, known as problem scale. At the beginning of each Lanczos run a
factorization of the shifted matrix (where p is the run number) is carried out, after which a
sequence of Lanczos steps is performed.

Please refer to Simulia (2010) Theory manual for a more detailed comprehensive outline of
the Lanczos steps implemented to obtain the eigenvectors and values.

 Surface Based Acoustic –Structural Interaction modelling

Abaqus provides two techniques for modelling interaction between acoustic and structural
media. These include surface based interaction and acoustic interface elements. The surface
based approach can be used to model interacting structural and acoustic meshes which
constitute different node numbering and whose surface meshes may not be spatially
coincident (Simulia, 2010). Whereas, the special purpose interface elements are restricted to
meshes whose node numbers coincide. Hence, the above comparison led to the surface
based approach being picked as it is easier to use and computationally cost effect.

In the surface based coupling the interaction surface S fS  S fS is formed by the boundary

between possibly nonconforming structural and acoustic meshes. To derive the coupling
matrices on the surface based procedure, a variation of the master slave procedure is
employed. In the master-slave procedure the two interface mediums were distinguished by
assigning the structural system as the master surface, and the acoustic fluid as the slave

At the start of the analysis, projections x N of the slave nodes are made onto the master

surface. The areas AN and normal n ( x N ) of the acoustic fluid slave nodes are computed.

Projections P ( x N ) are made onto the master surface, and master nodes within the vicinity
are identified. The structural master nodes in the vicinity of the slave nodes are used to

interpolate an averaged value for the displacement of the projected P ( x N ) fluid node. Since

Chapter 7-Appendices

the structural surface has the displacements and the acoustic has pressures as its arguments a
fluid solid coupling condition must be employed.

Solid Master and Fluid slave

In the case where the fluid is designated as the slave, the fluid node values must be
constrained to be an average of the values at nearby master surface nodes (see figure 54).
The following point wise fluid-solid coupling condition equation (7.15) is enforced at the
slave nodes, which results in displacement degrees of freedom added to the fluid slave

1 p
.n  um .n = 0
 f x

These slave displacements are constrained by the master displacement and thereby
eliminated; the slave pressures are not constrained directly. Hence, the fluid equation
coupling term is:


S fs  S fS
pn 
dS =- S fs  S fS
pn  um dS (7.16)

The term will now be interpolated by values of structural displacements at the nearby
nodes times the area of the slave node (see equation 7.17).

Figure 54: fluid slave and solid master surface

Chapter 7-Appendices

 pn  um dS  PN AN  n ( x N )  N i ( p( x N ))

S fs  S fS
 i 

Where N ( p( x N ) is the master surface interpolant calculated at the projection of the slave

node, um are the structural accelerations at the master nodes, and n ( xN ) is the normal vector,
pointing into the fluid, evaluated at the slave node. The above summation is repeated for all

master nodes in the vicinity of the slave node projection P ( x N ). The calculation is repeated

for each slave node x N on the coupled face of the fluid and solid S fS  S fS and assembled
to form the coupling matrix.

Similarly the contribution to the pressure coupling term in the structural equation due to

slave node x N is approximated by equation (7.18):

 
 u
 n pdS  PN AN  n ( x N )  N i ( p( x N ))
S fs  S fS
 i 

Where PN is the acoustic pressure at slave node x N , and the sum is again over the master
nodes i in the vicinity of the slave node projection.

Chapter 7-Appendices

Chapter 7-Appendices

Appendix B: Finite Element Results

Table 10: Natural frequencies of Roode Elsberg dam obtained using Fluid Structure Interaction model with varying dam Elastic modulus (35-45GPA).

AVT Fluid Structure Interaction

Mode AVT 10-09-
No. 2013 35 GPA % Error 36 GPA % Error 37 GPA % Error 38 GPA % Error 39 GPA % Error
1 3,05 2,68 11,99 2,72 10,89 2,75 9,82 2,78 8,76 2,81 7,73
2 3,23 2,92 9,57 2,96 8,43 2,99 7,30 3,03 6,20 3,06 5,12
3 4,43 4,06 8,34 4,11 7,17 4,16 6,02 4,21 4,90 4,26 3,80
4 5,62 5,02 10,59 5,09 9,49 5,18 8,42 5,21 7,36 5,26 6,32
5 6,5 6,13 5,73 6,19 4,70 6,26 3,70 6,32 2,72 6,38 1,77
6 7,23 6,52 9,82 6,60 8,70 6,68 7,60 6,76 6,52 6,84 5,46
Ave Error % 9,34 8,23 7,14 6,08 5,03

No. 40 GPA % Error 41 GPA % Error 42 GPA % Error 43GPA % Error 44 GPA % Error 45 GPA % Error
1 2,81 7,75 2,88 5,71 2,91 4,73 2,94 3,76 2,96 2,81 2,99 1,87
2 3,08 4,75 3,13 3,00 3,17 1,97 3,20 0,95 3,23 -0,05 3,26 -1,03
3 4,26 3,92 4,36 1,65 4,40 0,60 4,45 -0,43 4,49 -1,44 4,54 -2,44
4 5,29 5,83 5,38 4,30 5,43 3,32 5,49 2,36 5,54 1,41 5,59 0,48
5 6,09 6,29 6,50 -0,06 6,56 -0,93 6,62 -1,78 6,67 -2,61 6,72 -3,42
6 6,88 4,82 6,98 3,39 7,06 2,39 7,13 1,40 7,20 0,43 7,27 -0,53
Ave Error % 5,56 3,00 2,01 1,04 0,09 -0,84

Chapter 7-Appendices

Table 11: Natural frequencies of Roode Elsberg dam obtained using Modified Westergaard model with varying dam Elastic modulus (35-45GPA).
Mode AVT 10-09-
No. 2013 35GPA % Error 36 GPA % Error 37 GPA % Error 38 GPA % Error 39 GPA % Error
1 3,05 2,11 30,70 2,14 29,82 2,17 28,95 2,19 28,10 2,22 27,26
2 3,23 2,26 30,04 2,29 29,15 2,32 28,27 2,34 27,41 2,37 26,56
3 4,43 3,24 26,90 3,28 25,93 3,32 24,98 3,36 24,04 3,41 23,12
4 5,62 4,19 25,47 4,24 24,54 4,29 23,63 4,34 22,74 4,39 21,87
5 6,5 5,02 22,78 5,08 21,78 5,15 20,81 5,21 19,85 5,27 18,90
6 7,23 5,21 27,94 5,28 27,02 5,34 26,12 5,41 25,23 5,47 24,35
Ave Error % 27,30 26,37 25,46 24,56 23,68

40 GPA % Error 41 GPA % Error 42 GPA % Error 43 GPA % Error 44 GPA % Error 45GPA % Error
2,24 26,44 2,27 25,63 2,29 24,83 2,32 24,05 2,34 23,28 2,36 22,52
2,40 25,73 2,43 24,90 2,45 24,10 2,48 23,30 2,50 22,52 2,53 21,74
3,45 22,21 3,49 21,32 3,52 20,44 3,56 19,57 3,60 18,71 3,64 17,87
4,44 21,00 4,49 20,16 4,53 19,33 4,58 18,51 4,62 17,71 4,67 16,91
5,33 17,97 5,39 17,06 5,45 16,16 5,51 15,28 5,56 14,40 5,62 13,55
5,53 23,49 5,59 22,65 5,65 21,81 5,71 20,99 5,77 20,18 5,83 19,38
22,81 21,95 21,11 20,28 19,47 18,66

Chapter 7-Appendices

Appendix C : Modelling Data

Table 12: hypothetical arch dam data

Elevation Position of Centres Radii Subtended angles Delta sub-ten Co-ordinates ext co-ordinate int co-ordinate
z (m) y-ext y-mid y-int R-ext r-mid r-int θ-Right Θ-left Delta θR=Θl Slope x y x y
62,48 0,00 0,00 0,00 144,48 143,26 142,04 47,50 47,50 9,70 57,20 32,80 0,64 121,44 78,26 119,39 76,94
60,96 2,12 2,12 2,12 143,48 142,05 140,63 48,00 48,00 10,00 58,00 32,00 0,62 121,67 76,03 119,26 74,52
57,91 6,36 6,36 6,36 141,45 139,64 137,83 49,00 49,00 10,30 59,30 30,70 0,59 121,63 72,22 118,51 70,37
54,86 10,60 10,60 10,60 139,39 137,23 135,07 50,00 50,00 10,20 60,20 29,80 0,57 120,96 69,27 117,21 67,13
51,82 14,84 14,84 14,84 137,29 134,82 132,35 50,20 50,20 10,10 60,30 29,70 0,57 119,26 68,02 114,96 65,57
48,77 19,00 19,00 19,00 135,16 132,41 129,67 49,00 49,00 10,70 59,70 30,30 0,58 116,69 68,19 111,95 65,42
45,72 23,01 23,01 23,01 132,98 130,03 127,02 47,00 47,00 11,50 58,50 31,50 0,61 113,39 69,48 108,30 66,37
42,67 26,87 26,87 26,87 130,78 127,59 124,40 46,00 46,00 11,10 57,10 32,90 0,65 109,81 71,04 104,45 67,57
39,62 30,57 30,57 30,57 128,53 125,18 121,83 44,60 44,60 10,60 55,20 34,80 0,70 105,55 73,36 100,04 69,53
36,58 34,13 34,13 34,13 126,26 122,77 119,28 43,30 43,30 10,80 54,10 35,90 0,72 102,27 74,03 96,63 69,94
33,53 37,53 37,53 37,53 123,94 120,36 116,78 41,90 41,90 11,40 53,30 36,70 0,75 99,37 74,07 93,63 69,79
30,48 40,77 40,77 40,77 121,61 117,95 114,29 40,50 40,50 12,10 52,60 37,40 0,76 96,61 73,86 90,80 69,42
27,43 43,60 43,60 43,60 119,48 115,54 111,60 39,10 39,10 13,00 52,10 37,90 0,78 94,28 73,39 88,06 68,56
24,38 46,79 46,79 46,79 117,35 113,13 108,91 37,80 37,80 14,00 51,80 38,20 0,79 92,22 72,57 85,59 67,35
21,34 49,60 49,60 49,60 115,22 110,72 106,22 36,60 36,60 15,00 51,60 38,40 0,79 90,30 71,57 83,25 65,98
18,29 52,24 52,24 52,24 113,09 108,31 103,53 35,80 35,80 15,50 51,30 38,70 0,80 88,26 70,71 80,80 64,73
15,24 54,73 54,73 54,73 110,96 105,90 100,84 35,00 35,00 15,80 50,80 39,20 0,82 85,99 70,13 78,15 63,74
12,19 56,70 56,70 56,70 108,79 103,86 98,92 34,20 34,20 16,00 50,20 39,80 0,83 83,58 69,64 76,00 63,32
9,14 58,08 58,08 58,08 107,07 102,25 97,42 33,40 33,40 16,10 49,50 40,50 0,85 81,42 69,54 74,08 63,27
6,10 59,07 59,07 59,07 105,60 100,87 96,14 31,90 31,90 16,00 47,90 42,10 0,90 78,35 70,80 71,34 64,46
3,05 59,75 59,75 59,75 104,30 99,66 95,01 29,00 29,00 16,10 45,10 44,90 1,00 73,88 73,62 67,30 67,07
0,00 60,17 60,17 60,17 103,13 98,55 93,98 26,30 26,30 18,50 44,80 45,20 1,01 72,67 73,17 66,22 66,69


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