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Surface Mining

Ground Vibrations and Fly rocks

Submitted By:

Amna Hamid (2015-MIN-13)

Maryam Nazir (2015-MIN-14)
Abeer Sajid (2015-MIN-21)
Anum Razzaq (2015-MIN-24)

Submitted To:

Sir Rangzeb Goraya

Department of Mining Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Academic Year: 2015-2019

April 23, 2018

1. Abstract: ................................................................................................................................. 1

2. Introduction: .......................................................................................................................... 1

2.0. Ground Vibrations: ........................................................................................................ 1

2.1. Effect of Shock waves: ................................................................................................... 1

2.2. Factors influencing ground vibrations: ........................................................................ 2

2.3. Prediction of the Ground Vibrations: .......................................................................... 2

2.4. Control of ground vibration:......................................................................................... 3

2.5. Fly rocks:......................................................................................................................... 3

2.6. Causes:............................................................................................................................. 3

2.7. Fly rocks incidents in surface mines:............................................................................ 4

2.8. Control of fly rock:......................................................................................................... 4

2.9. Precautions: .................................................................................................................... 5

3. Citation ................................................................................................................................... 5
Ground Vibrations and Fly rocks

1. Abstract:
Blasting is a primary means of extracting minerals and ores at surface mining operations. The
domestic consumption of explosives and blasting agents during the year 2002 was about 5.53
billion pounds. This blasting disturb the natural conditions of the rock. This report is about the
study of the ground vibration and fly rock. Techniques to mitigate blasting accidents are discussed.
This includes the fly rock and ground vibration include the impact, measurement and take account
of the controllable techniques. The path of least resistance could generate fly rock, depending on
the blast site conditions. Ground vibration generated when the explosive not at the specific site.
For the reduction of the ground vibration this report includes the techniques to control these
2. Introduction:
2.0. Ground Vibrations:
Vibration transmitted through the ground may cause damage to structures and architectural
elements or discomfort to their occupants. The vibration levels at which people become annoyed
are well below the levels at which damage occurs. Explosives are used to break rock through the
shock waves and gases yielded from the explosion. Ground vibration is a natural result from
blasting activities.
Ground vibration is referred to as “The peak particle velocity” and normally quoted in velocity –
mm/s. Ground vibration can also be presented in acceleration or displacement with units of mm/s2
and mm.
2.1. Effect of Shock waves:
The shock wave energy that travels beyond the zone of rock
breakage is wasted and could cause damage and annoyance.
The effect of these shock waves is very similar to that of the
ripples created when a stone is dropped in water. The far
field vibrations are inevitable, but un-desirable by-products
of blasting operations. The level or intensity of these far
field vibrations is however dependent on various factors.

Some of these factors can be controlled to yield desired levels of ground vibration and still produce
enough rock breakage energy.

2.2. Factors influencing ground vibrations:

Factors influencing ground vibrations are the;
1. Charge mass per delay,
2. Distance from the blast,
3. The delay period and the geometry of the blast.

2.3. Prediction of the Ground Vibrations:

When predicting ground vibration and possible decay, a standard accepted mathematical process
of scaled distance is used.
The equation (1) applied uses the charge mass and distance with two site constants. The site
constants are specific to a site where blasting is to be done. In new opencast operations a process
of testing for the constants is normally done using a signature trace study to predict ground
vibrations accurately and safely. This is done by firing single holes at the site in question and
monitoring the ground vibrations at various distances.
𝒚 = 𝒂( )𝒃 …….. (1)

y = Predicted ground vibration; a = Site constant
b = Site constant; D = Distance; E = Explosive Mass
In the absence of tested values for a & b, the following factors are normally used and applied for
the prediction of ground vibration. These factors were also applied for predicting expected ground
vibrations in the area for the blasting to
be done at the mining area. [1]

a = 1143; b = -1.65
Graph is plotted against predicted
ground vibrations at various distances.

2.4. Control of ground vibration:
It is very important to control and measure the vibration with a greater degree of accuracy. Various
researchers to overcome its adverse impact carried out many investigations and due to safety, a
number of statutory measures have been suggested to prevent the damaging capabilities of blast
vibration. It is well accepted globally that the peak particle velocity (PPV) is considered most
appropriate and accurate indicator of possible damage.
Further study about the control of the ground vibration can be studied from the T. N. SINGH and
VIRENDRA SINGH[2] and Z. X. Zhang &T. Naarttijärvi. [4]
2.5. Fly rocks:
Blasting practices require some movement of rock to facilitate the excavation process. The extent
of movement is dependent on the scale and type of operation. For example, blasting activities
within large coalmines are designed to cast the blasted material much greater distances than
practices in a quarrying or hard rock operation. This movement should be in the direction of the
free face, and therefore the orientation of the blasting is important. Material or elements travelling
outside of this expected range may be fly rock.

2.6. Causes:
 Abrupt change in the rock resistance due to presence of joints; cracks; layers of mud, silt,
or soft material in the host rock; differential weathering of rocks near an outcrop; faults
and slip planes; back breaks, overhangs, and uneven highwall face;
 Fly rock from blasting can result from three mechanisms due to the lack of confinement of
the energy in the explosive column.

Fly rock can occur if there is insufficient burden for the hole diameter or a zone of weak rock
occurs in the face, the main mechanisms are:
a. Face burst – burden conditions usually control fly rock distances in front of the face,
b. Cratering: If the stemming height to whole diameter ratio is too small or the collar rock is
c. Rifling: If the stemming material is ejected with insufficient stemming height or inappropriate,
stemming material is used.

It is possible to blast without any fly rock, with proper confinement of the explosive charges
within blast holes, using proper stemming procedures and materials. Stemming is further required
to ensure that explosive energy is efficiently used to its maximum.
There are more intensive predictions for fly-rock but generally the best way to control fly-rock is
to charge in such a way that the possibility of fly-rock is minimized to the absolute minimum,
according to the following: Stemming length must be a minimum of 30-hole diameters and
stemming material size must be in the order of 10% of the hole diameter
2.7. Fly rocks incidents in surface mines:
 On October 12, 1990, a visitor sustained severe injuries and a miner was fatally injured by
fly rock in a surface silica flux mine [MSHA, 1990b]. The mining company used a blasting
contractor for loading and firing the shots. The visitor and the miner were about 150 ft.
from the edge of the blast. Upon firing the shot, the miner was fatally struck on the back
of his head. This accident underscores the importance of identifying a proper blast distance
and clearing the blast area.
 On February 1, 1992, a blaster was fatally injured in a surface coalmine [MSHA, 1992].
The blaster positioned himself under a Ford 9000, 2-1/2-ton truck while firing the shot. Fly
rock traveled 750 ft. and fatally injured the blaster. This accident illustrates the importance
of being in a protected location or using a proper blasting shelter.

2.8. Control of fly rock:

Prediction of fly rock distance has a remarkable role in reduction and control of blasting accident
in surface mines. In the research paper [3], first a new empirical equation for predicting fly rock
distance was developed using dimensional analysis. The equation extended based on controllable
blasting parameters that compiled from 150 blasting events in Sungun copper mine, Iran. Then,
fly rock phenomenon is simulated using this equation and Monte Carlo (MC) method. Results
showed that MC is a good means for modeling and assessing the variability of blasting parameters.
Finally, sensitivity analysis was conducted to analyze the effects of the controllable blasting
parameters on fly rock distance. Based on correlation sensitivity, the most effective parameters
were powder factor, stemming and burden. Finally, it should be noted that the proposed fly rock
equation and obtained results are site-specific; it should be used only in the Sungun copper it and
mine should not be used directly in other surface mines.

2.9. Precautions:
Fly rock is caused by a mismatch of the distribution of explosive energy, confinement of the
explosive charge, and mechanical strength of the rock.

 All employees should be removed to a safe location away from the blast area during
blasting. If anyone is required to stay in the blast area, proper blasting shelters should be
 All entrances to the blast area should be securely guarded to prevent inadvertent entry of
employees or visitors.
 Proper blast design and an effective blasting plan will reduce the chances for fly rock.
 Good communication is a key to a safe blasting operation.

3. Citation
 An Analysis and Prevention of Fly rock Accidents in Surface Blasting Operations by
T.S. Bajpayee, Harry C. Verakis, and Thomas E. Lobb[1]
 An intelligent approach to prediction and control ground vibration in mines by T. N.
SINGH and VIRENDRA SINGH (Received 9 April 2003; revised 18 December 2003;
accepted 8 January 2004) [2]
 Development of an empirical model for predicting the effects of controllable blasting
parameters on fly rock distance in surface mines International Journal of Rock
Mechanics and Mining Sciences Volume 52, June 2012, Pages 163-170[3]
 Reducing ground vibrations caused by underground blasts in LKAB Malmberget
mine by Z. X. Zhang &T. Naarttijärvi Pages 61-78[4]
 A Novel Approach for Blast-Induced Fly rock Prediction Based on Imperialist
Competitive Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network by Aminaton Marto, Mohsen
Hajihassani, Danial Jahed Armaghani, Edy Tonnizam Mohamad and Ahmad Mahir
Makhtar The Scientific World Journal Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 643715, 11 pages

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