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By Robert M. Janes, B.B.A., M.P.A., J.D. 1

Second Edition

Important Notice
The information in this paper is not intended as legal advice. Reading this paper does not
make the reader the author’s client and does not make the author the reader’s legal
advisor. This work contains the author's thoughts, understandings, and assessments
about public matters, which, of course, include laws and judicial pronouncements. It is
supported by reference to legal authorities and judgment calls in order to facilitate
assessment by those of the legal community wanting to help homeowners threatened with
foreclosure in California by persons who have not proven they are owed a debt secured
by the house.

I am a retired attorney. I have never been a California attorney but I have spent considerable time studying
California residential foreclosure law. I currently am a legal analyst and legal writer. I occasionally consult on
foreclosure cases when the homeowner has legal representation. Constructive criticism is always welcome
because my goal is to provide accurate and useful information. The author can be reached at [email protected].

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I. THERE IS HOPE FOR CALIFORNIA’S HOMEOWNERS ................................................................................. 3
STEP............................................................................................................................................................... 7
First reasoning ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Second reasoning .................................................................................................................................... 14
Third reasoning....................................................................................................................................... 16
Fourth reasoning .................................................................................................................................... 17
Fifth reasoning ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Sixth reasoning........................................................................................................................................ 21
Seventh reasoning ................................................................................................................................... 22
Eighth reasoning ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Hear the correct legal music of California’s foreclosure two-step. ....................................................... 24
OF THE FORECLOSURE TWO-STEP .............................................................................................................. 25
A. Prepare for the UD Fight .................................................................................................................. 28
B. Reclassification – Do not accept the UD Forum of the foreclosure two-step. .................................. 29
B.1 Why reclassification is necessary. .............................................................................................. 29
B.2 The UD is an unlimited civil case if all conditions are not satisfied for limited case status
pursuant to CCP Section 85. ............................................................................................................... 31
B.3 The “amount in controversy” aspect of reclassification. ............................................................ 31
B.4 Complexity is a factor that requires reclassification. ................................................................ 32
B.5 Some relevant reclassification rules and procedural thoughts. ................................................. 37
C. Identity of the UD Plaintiff is not important to homeowner defense ................................................. 39
IV. UCC AND RELEVANT HISTORY ............................................................................................................... 41
V. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................... 47

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The foreclosure machine2 and its clusters of attorneys across California have

found that a two-step foreclosure process almost always works to take the house

away from the homeowner. The dance has become a traditional pattern of abuse of

homeowner rights. Neither California nor the homeowner defense bar has done

much to curb the mass taking of homes by persons 3 who have not and are not

required through this two-step to prove they are owed a debt secured by those


The California nonjudicial foreclosure two-step involves two movements: a

nonjudicial foreclosure followed by an unlawful detainer lawsuit allegedly seeking

the eviction of the homeowner. The first movement of this two-step involves

application of California’s statutory law of residential4 non-judicial foreclosure.

California Civil Code §§ 2924, et seq (the “2924 Scheme”) authorizes a private

person to conduct what the 2924 Scheme establishes as a nonjudicial foreclosure

(the “NJF”). The 2924 Scheme applies to loans secured by a deed of trust or a

Many companies make up what I refer to as the foreclosure machine. They don’t refer to themselves this way
and I doubt they have badges or secret handshakes that proclaim their membership in what I think is clearly an
organized foreclosure network. This network, whether united by common business practices or contractual
arrangement, does the bidding of the mortgage finance industry. A foreclosure shop supporting this network may
be a bank, loan servicer, foreclosure trustee or law office. My experience and research convince me they are cut
from the same cloth, use the same tactics, and have the same vulnerabilities. I coined this descriptive phrase for
their group as an educational tool used in my book, Fighting the Foreclosure Machine (2012), available at
‘Person’ meaning an individual or business entity.
This paper is about homeowner rights and residential foreclosures in California. No attempt is made to address
commercial or non-residential foreclosure issues.

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mortgage that contains a power of sale (each of which is referred to herein as a

“mortgage lien” or “lien”). The NJF process leads to a foreclosure sale at which

the high bidder (the “foreclosure buyer”)5 most often receives a trustee’s deed in

return for payment 6 of the bid amount. The second movement of this California

two-step is the unlawful detainer action or lawsuit in which the person filing the

UD falsely or ignorantly claims to want a judgment evicting the homeowner

pursuant to California Civil Code of Procedure § 1161a(b)(3) (the “UD” case,

process or action). 7

California’s nonjudicial foreclosure two-step has not followed California’s

substantive law for the past 15 or so years. Pushing, shoving and disregard for

homeowner rights is the noise of the routine nonjudicial foreclosure dance.

The foreclosure buyer is the high bidder at the NJF sale. This person can be the alleged beneficiary under the
deed of trust who starts the NJF process or a high bidder who had no previous claim under the mortgage lien.
Usually the high bidder is the alleged beneficiary who causes the NJF sale to occur.
Payment can be by cash but often is nothing more than a credit bid of an amount allegedly owed by the
homeowner to the person claiming ownership of the deed of trust or mortgage. § 2924h(b) permits the person
alleging to own the beneficial interest under the mortgage lien to bid the amount alleged due under that
instrument, but there is no requirement under the 2924 Scheme for that person to prove pursuant to applicable
law that said person is actually owed a debt secured by the house under that mortgage lien. That means that
whatever number is alleged owed under the lien may not what is actually owed the person entitled to enforce the
debt, i.e., the alleged amount due is fantasy until it is asserted as due and proven by the person actually entitled to
enforce the debt.
CCP § 1161a(b)(3) is the statutory authorization for filing a summary proceeding, i.e., the UD, but only if a NJF
sale has happened “in accordance with Section 2924 of the Civil Code, under a power of sale contained in a deed
of trust.” This is the sole authorization in the judicial system for subjecting the homeowner to a quickie, small
claims type of eviction proceeding like a UD case. An NJF sale has to first occur before this § 1161a(b)(3) can be
used. The unlawful detainer action is mostly used by landlords to evict tenants, but this paper is not about
landlord-tenant matters. It is solely about that the wrongs suffered by homeowners subjected to the UD forum
under this statute and how to possibly rectify that problem by using the correct law of California.

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California has law designed to protect homeowners and to afford them a fair and

meaningful litigation forum, but homeowners hardly ever use it.

The music of the law I find in California is soothing. It makes the NJF

process less intimidating and legally unimportant. Its shows that the UD lawsuit is

an improper forum for resolution of issues involving the NJF sale, the filing of the

UD case, and the homeowner’s right to know if a debt is actually owed to the

person demanding payments under threat of foreclosure. Typically, overworked

judges are not aware of this music, however, and hear only the incorrect legal tune

orchestrated by the foreclosure machine. UD judgments appear to be issued in

service to case-load management of summary proceedings like the UD case rather

than well-reasoned determinations under California’s applicable law. The

judgments almost never favor the homeowner.

The homeowner should not feel badly about questioning the legal right of

the person demanding payment under threat of foreclosure. Being behind on

mortgage payments does mean that the homeowner’s debt is owed to just whoever

demands payment even when that person knows that mortgage payments are not

current. A homeowner’s payment history is available to many who serve the

foreclosure machine so the fact that a person is familiar with payment history

cannot be construed as conclusive evidence that that person is or represents the

person actually owed the debt by law. California’s Supreme Court knows that

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demands and threats are made by persons with no right to do so. “Banks are

neither private attorneys general nor bounty hunters, armed with a roving

commission to seek out defaulting homeowners and take away their homes in

satisfaction of some other bank's deed of trust.” Yvanova v. New Century

Mortgage Corporation, 62 Cal.4th 919, 938 (2016).

It is reasonable to demand proof that the person wanting payments is

actually owed a debt secured by the house. Most businesses have no problem with

this concept, but the foreclosure machine does. Its routine is to insinuate rather

than prove alleged rights in the debt. No reputable business would balk at giving

proof of an invoiced amount, so the common antics of the foreclosure machine are

reasonably questioned.

Until the person demanding payments under the loan proves its authority to

enforce the debt under the fact-intensive provisions of the Uniform Commercial

Code (§ 1101 Com., et seq., the “UCC”), that person is not owed the debt.8

Payment to a person not entitled to enforce the Note leaves the homeowner liable

to the person who is actually entitled to enforce the Note, if such person still

The debt instrument of a routine residential loan (the “Note”) is acknowledged as a negotiable instrument. See,
Yvanova, at 927-928. Division 3 of the UCC is California’s law of negotiable instruments and it defines the rights
and duties respecting the Note. The right to enforce the Note is a cause of action that requires the person claiming
that right to prove with admissible evidence its entitlement to enforce the Note pursuant to § 3301 Com. No such
proof means no right to enforce and a homeowner who refuses to honor a demand for payment by a person who
has not proven its right is not an event that dishonors the Note or creates a default. § 3501(b)(3).

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exists.9 Finding a way to make the attacking person prove its alleged rights is

necessary to good legal health. Managing the California nonjudicial foreclosure

two-step is the best way to make certain that the homeowner does not lose money

or the house to a person not entitled to either.



A homeowner knows she has missed one or more mortgage payments before

a notice of default arrives. The notice references various parts of the 2924 Scheme

giving it an appearance of legal importance. The notice demands payment of all

arrearages and threatens acceleration of the debt and foreclosure pursuant to the

2924 Scheme if those payments are not made. The notice sounds official and

creates a lot of anxiety that is not warranted once California’s NJF is better


The word ‘foreclosure’ commonly means an elimination of the homeowner’s

rights in the house. Most think foreclosure means that the homeowner loses title,

ownership and ultimately possession of the house unless the homeowner finds a

way to stop the foreclosure in a court of law. The California nonjudicial

foreclosure authorized by the 2924 Scheme uses forms of the word ‘foreclose’ but

Payments, even in the form of a taking of the house, to a person not owed the debt under the Note do not
reduce the homeowner’s debt obligation. §3602(a) Com. (the debt is reduced only for payments made to the
person entitled to enforce the Note at the time of the payment or that person’s bona fide agent). The UCC has no
provision authorizing debt reduction even if a court orders payment to a person not authorized to enforce the
Note for itself or the real person entitled to enforce the Note.

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in a very narrow and technical sense that has nothing to do with how most people

view the purpose and result of a foreclosure.

Study of California’s NJF process over the past few years has taken me full

circle. Initially, the 2924 Scheme and its use of the word foreclose made me think

that the NJF process was an important legal event that would result in loss of the

house unless a way was found to stop or avoid the NFJ sale. Now I see that the

NJF is not very important to the protection of homeowner rights against false or

mistaken claims under the Note and the collateral security instrument, which is

usually a deed of trust in California.

In fact, the NJF sale is not a sale of title or ownership of the house and does

not eliminate the homeowner’s right to possess the house. Nor does the 2924

Scheme creates a presumption that the NJF process is a statement as to the merit or

validity of the mortgage lien or the right of the person pulling the NJF strings 10 to

enforce that lien. With a better understanding of the unique substance of the 2924

Scheme, the foreclosure defense bar and its clients can find more and better

options for homeowners facing unsupported claims under threat of foreclosure.

A trustee under a deed of trust has no independent authority to initiate or conduct an NJF process without the
approval or instruction of the beneficiary under the deed of trust, whether that authorization comes directly from
the beneficiary or from an agent who is doing that beneficiary’s bidding. The trustee most often is the person,
however, that conducts the issuance of notices and the NJF sale of the 2924 Scheme.

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Civ. Code § 2924f(b)(8)(A) requires publication of a formal notice of a

trustee’s sale11 and defines what California authorizes to be sold at the NJF sale:

(8) (A) On and after April 1, 2012, if the deed of trust or mortgage
containing a power of sale is secured by real property containing from
one to four single-family residences, the notice of sale shall contain
substantially the following language, in addition to the language
required pursuant to paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive: NOTICE TO
POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on
this property lien, you should understand that there are risks
involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a
lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a
trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear
ownership of the property.

This statutory law defines what the trustee is selling and thereby defines

what is conveyed by the trustee’s deed to the high bidder at the sale. It makes clear

that the only thing being sold and bought at the NJF sale is a lien.

The NJF sale is a sale of an alleged and unproven mortgage lien.

California’s notice to bidders is as clear as it can be: BUYER BEWARE, because

this sale is not a sale of title or ownership of the house. This alert is confirmed by

the 2924 Scheme which is also devoid of any representation or warranty that the

mortgage lien is legally valid or being sold by a person who has authority by law to

sell it.

An NJF process is typically started and conducted by a person claiming to be the trustee under the deed of
trust. After the NJF sale the trustee issues a trustee’s deed to the high bidder. The trustee is supposed to issue
notices and conduct the NJF sale as required under the 2924 Scheme.

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Lienholders sell mortgage liens every day in private transactions involving

only the seller and buyer. The assignment of a deed of trust is an example of such

a common and private transaction. This happens without the formal trappings of

the NJF process. The NJF sale is a private sale with the added complication of a

statutorily required process for selling the mortgage lien. Using the NJF process is

the more expensive and time-consuming way to sell a mortgage lien. The benefit

to the foreclosure machine is that the NJF sale and resulting trustee’s deed give an

appearance of state-backed legality that is not present but the appearance is useful

in the intimidation of homeowners and the confusion of judges and homeowner

defense attorneys. If the foreclosure buyer is, for example, the alleged beneficiary

under the deed of trust 12 who caused the NJF to happen, that person’s post-sale

ability to brandish a trustee’s deed issued pursuant to the 2924 Scheme is a lot

more impressive than having a piece of paper that states that the alleged lienholder

assigned the alleged lien to the very same alleged lienholder. The formality of the

2924 Scheme creates a misleading sense of importance that the foreclosure

machine is and has been using to unfair advantage for too long.

Only the person entitled to enforce the Note actually owns and has the right to enforce the mortgage lien as
Yvanova affirms. The name on the lien, whether the lender or an alleged successor, may not be the person who is
actually the beneficiary at law, even though the beneficiary named in the public land records states otherwise.
The 2924 Scheme as applied does not permit homeowners to investigate or demand proof of the identity of the
true beneficiary, if any exists, under the deed of trust, so the entire NJF process takes place without the identity of
the true beneficiary being determined. As discussed below, the identity of the true beneficiary is not necessary to
the NJF process because it has nothing to do with enforcement of the Note or mortgage lien. California’s
imprecise use of words in the 2924 Scheme is no doubt a significant factor that has led to confusion and
deprivation of homeowner rights during the 21st century.

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You may not have heard that the NJF process only involves a sale of the

mortgage lien. This is not surprising. Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) is not discussed in a

single published appellate decision in California as of the writing of this paper.

One unpublished decision mentions this statutory section only to state that the

court would not discuss it.13 This statute has been effective since April 1, 2012 as

stated in the quoted portion above. The lack of attention to it in California’s

published case law suggests that homeowners and their attorneys have not known

about it. 14 Otherwise, one would expect an appellate case to have discussed a

homeowner’s concern about the legal substance of an NJF sale in light of Section

2924f(b)(8)(A). 15

Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) seems to have been added to the 2924 Scheme in

order to make the 2924 Scheme consistent with what was already California’s law.

This section does not appear to have created new law in California. Whether a

judge thinks it new or merely restatement of pre-existing law is not terribly

important since Section 2924f(b)(B)(A) clearly is California’s law now. Historical

Collins v. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, Case No. C078530, (CA App 3d Dstr 5/31/18) (unpublished), p 16.
It is possible that one or more foreclosure defense attorneys is already aware of this problem. It is possible that
the content of this paper previously has been advanced on behalf of a client and that the particular case was not
taken through an appellate process available to my legal search engine. If you are such an attorney, I’d like to hear
your experience with the matters discussed in this paper. Please contact me at [email protected].
The lack of decisional law has a positive aspect which may help homeowners in future legal battles. There is no
current decisional law that refutes the clear language of § 2924f(b)(8)(A). Any case cited by an opponent in an
effort to argue that an NJF sale is a sale of tittle, ownership or right to possession will be distinguishable and
unpersuasive because whatever the case cited, it will not likely mention or address the express provision of §

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perspective helps appreciate the merit and consistency of California’s law

respecting the NJF and the law applicable to a legal foreclosure, especially when a

negotiable instrument, i.e., the Note, is involved.

The following reasoning supports the proposition that the NJF sale involving

a Note under California law (i.e., a negotiable instrument), even prior to April

2012, was only a cumbersome sale of an alleged mortgage lien but not a sale of

title, ownership or right to possession of the house:

First reasoning
California’s lienholder law drives the result of Civ. Code Section

2924f(b)(8)(A). “Notwithstanding an agreement to the contrary, a lien, or a

contract for a lien, transfers no title to the property subject to the lien.” CA Civ.

Section 2888. Regardless the terms of the deed of trust, Section 2888 states that

the deed of trust is just a lien that “transfers no title to the property.” This statute

was enacted in 1872 so it has been California’s law for a long time and definitely

applies to every residential loan made this century. Section 2888 also has not been

discussed in appellate residential foreclosure cases during the 21st century. This

too may help explain why homeowners are unfamiliar with California’s law

regarding what a trustee offers for sale at an NJF sale.

In a 1982 case a beneficiary under a deed of trust filed a lis pendens (notice

of a pending law suit) against real estate in his effort to secure payment under the

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deed of trust but the appellate court required expungement of that lis pendens. The

court held that “lien [i.e., the deed of trust] did not transfer any interest in the title”

to the property thus making the lis pendens an improper cloud on the land rather

than a title interest qualifying for lis pendens protection. Urez Corporation v. The

Superior Court, 235 Cal.Rptr. 837, 842, 190 Cal.App.3d 1141 (CA App 2d Dstr

1987) (citing Civ.Code, Section 2888).

CCP Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) and CC Section 2888 are consistent. All that a

trustee under a deed of trust has to sell is an unproven mortgage lien, not title or

ownership of the house. The homeowner continues to own and control both the

title and ownership of the house after securing her mortgage debt with a deed of

trust. The trustee under that deed of trust has limited rights but does not get title or

ownership of the house.

“Despite the existence and validity of the secured interest created by a

deed of trust, the trustor-debtor retains all incidents of ownership with
regard to the real property, including the rights of possession and sale.
[citation omitted] “The trustee of a deed of trust is not a true trustee,
and owes no fiduciary obligations; he merely acts as a common agent
for the trustor and the beneficiary of the deed of trust. [citation
omitted]” … Consequently, California courts have described the
security interest created by a deed of trust as the functional equivalent
of “a lien on the property.” (emphasis added). Jenkins v. JP Morgan
Chase Bank, 216 Cal.App.4th 497, 508, 156 Cal.Rptr.3d 912 (CA App
4th Distr 2013), overruled on other matters, by Yvanova v. New Century
Mortgage Corporation, 62 Cal.4th 919 (2016).

‘"[U]nder California law, a 'deed of trust' creates a lien on the property

in favor of the creditor." St. Angelo v. Victoria Farms, Inc., 38 F.3d
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1525, 1534 (9th Cir. 1994), amended, 46 F.3d 969 (9th Cir. 1995)
(citing Monterey S.P. P'ship v. W.L. Bangham, Inc., 49 Cal. 3d 454, 460
(Cal. 1989) (en banc)). But "a lien does not result in assignment of
ownership; "a lien . . . transfers no title to the property subject to the
lien.'" BNY Midwest Tr. Co. v. Nat'l Union Fire Ins. Co. of Pittsburgh,
Penn., 213 F. App'x 563, 566-67 (9th Cir. 2006) (quoting Cal. Civ.
Code § 2888).’ Sparks-Magdaluyo v. New Penn Financial LLC, Case
No. 16-cv-04223-MEJ, p 5 (N.D. CA 1/16/2017).

A homeowner gives limited rights to a trustee under a deed of trust, but not title or

ownership of the house and the homeowner retains the right to sell or transfer the

house subject to the mortgage lien.

Second reasoning
Malkoskie v. Option One Mortgage Corporation, 188 Cal.App.4th 968

(Calf. App. 2nd Dstr. 2010) involved a question as to the effect of a judgment

issued in a UD case regarding title to the house and validity of the NJF process and

sale. Here the homeowner stipulated to a judgement in the UD case and was

forcibly evicted from the house. She then filed a regular, unlimited civil action in

which she “asserted claims for declaratory relief, quiet title, cancellation of

trustee's deed, willful wrongful foreclosure, negligent wrongful foreclosure,

wrongful eviction and negligence”. Id. at 972. She thought that the UD case was

only about possession and that she had a right to litigate related substantive legal

issues in a regular, unlimited civil case. The California judiciary said she was


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Malkoskie analyzed CCP Section 1161a(b)(3) and the meaning of a UD

action filed under that statute, which is the sole legal authority for using the limited

case UD format to evict homeowners after an NJF sale. Malkoskie affirms that the

UD case is supposed to be about the owner regaining possession of its real estate

whereas post-NJF sale use of a UD case is actually litigation about title and

ownership of the house, the validity of the NJF process and legal causes of action

that are rooted in the same facts regarding those matters. Malkoskie holds that the

UD judgment under CCP Section 116a(b)(3) is a final judgment regarding the title

and ownership of the house and the validity of the NJF sale. Id. at 973-974.

Judgments issued in such cases can have preclusive effect that bar future litigation

about title and the foreclosure irregularities and all causes of action grounded in the

same factual circumstances. Id. at 971. Malkoskie effectively holds that courts by

judgments resolve issues regarding title, ownership and right to possession of real

estate, and that those matters are not resolved or established merely as the result of

a privately conducted NJF sale.

Malkoskie relied on the California Supreme Court’s decision of Vella v

Hudgins, 20 Cal.3d 251 (1977) which relied on earlier California law as cited in

Vella. These and other California decisions exist because an NJF process pursuant

to the 2924 Scheme does not establish title or ownership in the high bidder at the

foreclosure sale. If the NJF sale had conveyed title or ownership of the house to

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the foreclosure buyer the only issue for the UD case would have been getting the

court’s assistance in delivering possession of the house that had already been

conveyed to the foreclosure buyer. That, however, is not what the UD case is

about following an NJF sale. California’s judiciary makes clear that title and

ownership of the house are resolved by court action, not by nonjudicial action of

private persons even if they fully comply with the procedural requirements under

the 2924 Scheme.

Third reasoning

In 1978 the California Supreme Court in addressing a constitutional

challenge to the 2924 Scheme spoke to the legal effect of what the foreclosure

buyer acquired by the trustee’s deed. Garfinkle v. Superior Court, 21 Cal.3d 268

(1978). Garfinkle involved an NJF sale followed by the foreclosure buyer’s later

attempt to evict the homeowner using a UD case. Garfinkle, at p 280, in finding no

constitutional violation, stated:

The fact that a purchaser who has acquired rights by virtue of a

trustee's deed, like a party who has acquired rights under any other
type of contract, may have a right to resort to the courts in order to
enforce such previously acquired contractual rights when that
becomes necessary, is not sufficient to convert the acts creating these
contractual rights into state action.

Observe that California’s Supreme Court views the trustee’s deed as a

contract like “any other type of contract.” Garfinkle views the trustee’s deed as a

transfer of contract rights (i.e., transfer of a mortgage lien agreement), not as a

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conveyance of real property. A grant deed is, for example, a conveyance of

something, not a contract. Garfinkle is consistent with Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) and

Civ. Code Section 2888.

Fourth reasoning

California’s Supreme Court in 2016 affirmed that a foreclosure is legal only

if conducted by or for the person actually entitled to enforce the residential loan

note (the “Note”) pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code (the “UCC”), and

regardless whose name is on the deed of trust as beneficiary. Yvanova, Id. at 927-

928.16 Yvanova affirms the UCC as law crucial to determinations as to whether a

residential foreclosure is legal. The 2924 Scheme does not mention the UCC and

does not mention or require proof of right to enforce the Note. This is because the

2924 Scheme only concerns a complicated way to sell a mortgage lien. The 2924

Scheme is not about who has the right to enforce the Note or that lien. It does not

result in a legal foreclosure, so the 2924 Scheme and a resulting NJF sale are not at

odds with California’s law as summarized by Yvanova. The construction and

Yvanova states that the promissory note of the loan is “a negotiable instrument.” Id. at 927. California’s sole
law of negotiable instruments that applies to enforcement of residential loans is Division 3 of the California’s
Commercial Code, i.e., §§1101, et seq. (the “UCC”).

Further, California follows the legal principle that the ‘lien follows the debt’ which is old common law that is now
California statutory law pursuant to § 1084 Civ. and § 9203(g) Com. This means that the person entitled to enforce
the Note is the person who owns the deed of trust or mortgage collateralizing that debt and whether or not that
person’s name is on the security instrument. The bottom line is that the law of negotiable instruments now found
in Division 3 of the UCC, guides determinations as to whether a foreclosure is legal, at least when a proper defense
is raised against a person who has not proven with admissible evidence its right to enforce the Note.

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applications of the 2924 Scheme demonstrate that it is not law about a legal


Unfortunately, the 2924 Scheme uses words that have multiple meanings

and without clarifying the intended definitions of those words. Negotiable

instrument law is not the same as the law applicable to debt not based upon a

negotiable instrument as defined by Section 3104 Com. Simple words like debtor,

creditor and default have vastly different meanings and requirements of evidentiary

proof under these two very different bodies of law. Under the UCC, only the

person entitled to enforce the Note has the right to demand payment (i.e., the right

to make ‘presentment’) pursuant to Section 3501(a) Com. There is no default,

even if a payment has been missed, until and unless that person comes forward,

proves its enforcement right, and makes demand for payment. No other person has

a right to enforce the Note so no other person has a right to argue whether or not a

default exists. Negotiable instrument law relies on the complex technical

provisions of Division 3 of the UCC to resolve the question of who has the right to

enforce the Note. Documents like assignments of the mortgage lien found in

public land records have little bearing on a legal determination of enforcement

rights in the Note. Enforcement of lien debt that is not evidenced by a negotiable

instrument, on the other hand, is substantially influenced by land record documents

like assignments of the mortgage lien. The 2924 Scheme and related case law

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make no effort to apply legally correct definitions to those highly technical words.

The confusion that has been caused by imprecise use of legal language in the 2924

Scheme has clearly favored the foreclosure machine and disadvantaged


California’s judiciary regularly rules that the 2924 Scheme is a

comprehensive body of law and that courts are not permitted to supplement that

law with legal definitions or implicated legal authorities not expressly stated in the

2924 Scheme. See Debrunner v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., 204

Cal.App.4th 433, 441 (Cal.App. 6th Dstr. 2012) and Moeller v. Lien, 25

Cal.App.4th 822, 830 and 834 (Cal.App. 2nd Dstr. 1994), and the hundreds of cases

relying on these decisions. Courts, however, are accustomed to filling in the

blanks not expressly stated in a statute regarding legal procedure and definitional

subject matter when necessary to application of the statute as intended by the

California legislature that enacted it. They are empowered to do this so the legal

system can function. Without that authority every statute would have to restate

volumes of collateral law and legal definitions which are already part of the legal


Judicial interpretations of the 2924 Scheme, however, conclude that there is

no need to impose upon the 2924 Scheme detail about debt enforcement from

California’s UCC and other bodies of law that already define the undefined terms

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of the 2924 Scheme. Judicial determinations under the 2924 Scheme are an

exception to the judiciary’s normal standards of legal analysis and statutory

construction. Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) shows that this exception is justified because

of the unique substance of an NJF sale, which is not about an effort to enforce or

even validate the mortgage lien that is being sold. The 2924 Scheme’s lack of

definitions and detail about debt enforcement law affirms that the NJF process is

not designed to create a legal foreclosure when a Note, i.e., a negotiable

instrument, is involved. If an NJF sale was intended to enforce the debt and to

transfer the house by foreclosure, the legislature would have made the 2924

Scheme comprehensive as to law applicable to enforcement of a loan that results in

a legal foreclosure.

Fifth reasoning

The NJF is not a foreclosure in the conventional sense because it does

not transfer title or ownership to the foreclosure buyer. California’s Supreme

Court holds that no foreclosure is legal unless undertaken by the person entitled to

enforce the Note. Yvanova (2016), Id. Court of Appeal decisions consistently

maintain that the 2924 Scheme does not require proof of right in, or possession of,

the Note during the NJF process. Debrunner v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Co.,

204 Cal.App.4th 433, 441 (Cal.App. 6th Dstr. 2012) (“There is no stated

requirement in California's non-judicial foreclosure scheme that requires a

Page 20 of 48
beneficial interest in the Note to foreclose.”). Debrunner is currently followed in

federal and California cases. Yvanova and the Debrunner line of authorities are

not in conflict even though one requires compliance with the UCC and the other

holds that the UCC is not important to the NJF process. These two legal

authorities are not in conflict because they are not addressing the same subject

matter. Yvanova is discussing a legal foreclosure that is an effort to enforce the

Note by foreclosing on the collateral securing payment of that Note. The

Debrunner line of authorities concern an NJF process which is not about debt

enforcement or foreclosure. If this were not so, the California Supreme Court

surely would have overruled the long line of NJF related cases that follow

Debrunner in apparent violation of the necessity of applying the UCC in legal

foreclosures as stated by Yvanova. The 2924 Scheme defines the mere sale of the

lien as a ‘foreclosure.’ Sadly, that is misleading, but California has a right to define

things as it wishes even if the statutory meaning in the 2924 Scheme is different

than that used elsewhere.

Sixth reasoning

California follows the legal principle that the ‘lien follows the note’ meaning

that the person entitled to foreclose does not have to hold an assignment of the

deed of trust or mortgage. Yvanova, Id. at 927-928; Lewis v. Booth, 3 Cal.2d 345,

349 (1935) (“A lien is but an incident of the debt secured, and cannot be

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transferred apart therefrom. A transfer of the debt carries with it the lien.”); Section

1084 Civ. (“The transfer of a thing transfers also all its incidents, unless expressly

excepted; but the transfer of an incident to a thing does not transfer the thing

itself.” Enacted 1872.); and Section 9203(g) Com. (providing that the security for

the Note belongs to the person entitled to enforce the Note). This law, however, is

not applicable to a challenge of the authority or right to conduct an NJF sale

according to the California judiciary. Basil v. Federal National Mortgage

Association, B251339, pp 12-13 (Cal.App. 2nd Dstr. 2015) (unpublished). Law

regarding who has a right in the mortgage lien is not applicable or relevant to the

2924 Scheme because the NJF sale does not involve enforcement of the lien, nor

title nor ownership of the house. The identity of the person to whom the mortgage

lien belongs is not an issue that has to be resolved when the unproven mortgage

lien is sold to a buyer who takes it without representation or warranty from the NJF


Seventh reasoning

California law maintains that only the person entitled to enforce the Note

can prosecute a legal foreclosure (Yvanova, Id.; and Fourth Reasoning and Fifth

Reasong, above) and also that the mortgage lien belongs to the person entitled to

enforce the Note whether or not the person is the named beneficiary or an assignee

of the mortgage lien (Sixth Reasoning, above). Section 2924h(b), nevertheless,

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permits a person claiming beneficial interest in the mortgage lien to make a credit

bid at the NJF sale of the alleged but unproven amount due to that person under the

mortgage lien. The 2924 Scheme does not require the credit bidder to prove

enforcement right in the Note and, therefore, does not require proof that said

person is owed a debt secured by the mortgage lien. This too supports the

conclusion that the NJF sale does not involve a legal foreclosure when a negotiable

instrument is involved 17 and that the NJF sale is only a transfer of an alleged

mortgage lien as expressly stated by Section 2924f(b)(8)(A). Otherwise, the 2924

Scheme and its NJF process would require satisfaction of the elements of a legal

foreclosure pursuant to the UCC and as required by Yvanova. The credit bid of an

amount unproven as actually owed to the NJF seller does not impact the

homeowner, so the number whether or not true or accurate should not weigh

heavily on the homeowner’s decision regarding how to respond to the NJF sale.18

Eighth reasoning
The 2924 Scheme mentions, but does not define, the term ‘bona fide

purchaser.’ The meaning of that phrase under the 2924 Scheme was addressed in

Melendrez v. D & I Investment, Inc., 127 Cal.App.4th 1238 (CA App 6th Dstr

California recognizes that the typical residential loan promissory note is a negotiable instrument (Yvanova, id.).
This paper, accordingly, addresses only the substance of the 2924 Scheme when the debt instrument is a
negotiable instrument.
This paper makes no attempt to discuss whether the foreclosure buyer might have a claim against the NJF seller
who makes a false or inaccurate credit bid because that issue is not important to homeowner protection.

Page 23 of 48
2005). Melendrez first explained the meaning of ‘bona fide purchaser’ when real

property is purchased or acquired. It concluded that “[t]he same elements exist to

determine whether a party who takes or purchases a lien is a bona fide

encumbrancer.” at 1255.19 Melendrez obviously understood that the NJF sale was

a sale of a lien, and not real estate, or else there would have been no need for

discussion about a person who takes or purchases a lien. It equates the 2924

Scheme’s use of ‘bona fide purchaser’ with ‘bona fide encumbrancer.’ This is

another indication that an NJF sale is a sale of an alleged lien, and not a sale of real


Hear the correct legal music of California’s foreclosure two-step.

The NJF process appears to be little more than a complicated way of

transferring an alleged mortgage lien, whether the security instrument is a

mortgage with a power of sale or a deed of trust. The foreclosure machine surely

knows the legal substance of the resulting trustee’s deed and that the foreclosure

buyer has no right to the house unless and until a court of proper jurisdiction later

issues a judgment creating that right. The foreclosure machine knows that the

trustee’s deed is no more of a cloud on the title of the house than the recorded

The Melendrez court supplemented the 2924 Scheme even though California’s judiciary also holds that the
2924 Scheme is ‘comprehensive’ and may not be supplemented. See, e.g., Fourth Reasoning and Fifth Reasoning,
above. This paper makes no effort to evaluate the merit of either position nor the reason for what is ostensibly a
contradiction indicative that either the ‘comprehensive’ proponents are wrong or Melendrez is incorrectly

Page 24 of 48
mortgage lien that gets sold under the 2924 Scheme. Neither the NJF sale nor the

trustee’s deed is important because neither appears to alter the homeowner’s legal

status. It is time to stop accepting the invitation to dance to the music orchestrated

by the foreclosure machine. It wants the homeowner to waste time and money

challenging the NJF process and sale. The real fight will be the court battle to

follow because the foreclosure buyer, and its successor if applicable, do not own or

have rights in the house without first obtaining a court judgment against the



The NJF sale does not appear to have any legal effect on the homeowner’s

ownership or use of the house. The second step of this two-step is, however, a

serious matter. The foreclosure machine conducts the NJF for the purpose of suing

the homeowner in the UD court. Use of this summary proceeding is available to

the foreclosure machine because, and only because, an NJF sale took place. CCP

Section 1161a(b)(3). The NJF sale does not alter the homeowner’s title, ownership

or right to possess the house, but a judgment against the homeowner by a UD court

can eliminate those rights.

A homeowner who accepts ‘cash for keys’ and vacates the house under a settlement agreement usually signs
over title of the house. Without that voluntary conveyance of title, the foreclosure buyer or its successor has no
right to the house without filing a lawsuit and prevailing.

Page 25 of 48
The foreclosure machine could ignore the NJF process all together and,

instead, go directly to a regular court to foreclose on the mortgage lien but that

rarely happens. The litigation forum of choice for residential foreclosure is the

unlawful detainer action filed pursuant to CCP Section 1161a(b)(3). The UD

forum is used because it is does not provide a fair hearing for the homeowner who

gets only a quick summary proceeding rather than a meaningful adjudication.

The foreclosure machine has been terribly successful using a UD forum to

take homes from California’s citizens. That massive success portends continued

use of the UD forum as the second step in this infamous foreclosure two-step.

That success reflects many years of homeowner defense based on ignorance of the

NJF & UD processes which so often left the homeowner unprotected.

The UD case begins with a complaint that identifies the plaintiff who is

suing the homeowner (the “UD Plaintiff”). The UD Plaintiff could sue to get the

house by foreclosure in a regular, unlimited civil action, but the UD Plaintiff would

have to prove its right by law to enforce the debt secured by the house, consistent

with requirements of the UCC and Yvanova, Id. The UD process virtually frees the

UD Plaintiff from having to address these substantive and controlling legal


Page 26 of 48
UD judgments have been easy to get against homeowners. This may seem

contrary to California law stated by Yvanova and within the UCC, but it is not. If a

judgment is issued against the homeowner in a UD case and not reversed on

appeal, the effect is loss of title, ownership and right of possession in the house in

addition to monetary damages and affirmance of whatever monetary award may

have been given to the winning UD Plaintiff. The UD judgment is legal and

binding when not properly challenged.

The UD forum is a rush-to-judgment process that clearly benefits the UD

Plaintiff. The homeowner is permitted five days for this and five days for that and

the court will let the foreclosing plaintiff set a trial date.21 This process does not

permit reasonable time for preparation, discovery, motion practice or anything

necessary to a fair adversarial hearing. The homeowner is pushed into an arena

where the judge will show up pretty much convinced that the homeowner should

lose the UD case because that is all the judge will have observed for years.

A homeowner does not have to dance this two-step just because that is what

the foreclosure machine wants. The homeowner needs to lead rather than follow.

Now that we have a better understanding of the NJF part of the foreclosure two-

UD plaintiffs are entitled to a legal preference of a quick trial pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 1179a. The
plaintiff has a right to demand that the trial take place within 20 days after the defendant makes an appearance in
the case. CCP § 1170.5(a). There is no such expedited trial preference for plaintiffs in a regular, unlimited civil case
in California.

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step, the next objective is to eliminate use of the UD form in the second movement

of this dance. California’s law offers a much better option. The UD case can be

changed into an unlimited civil case by a judicial process called reclassification.

A. Prepare for the UD Fight

Unless defense funds are boundless, I suggest using time and money

resources during the NJF process to prepare for the UD lawsuit that is likely to

follow in a month or two after the NJF sale. 22 California courts are accustomed to

ruling against homeowners who try to stop or delay an NJF sale. Enter the second

movement of the foreclosure machine’s two-step by doing something different,

e.g., turning the UD case into a fair litigation forum that eliminates the UD

Plaintiff’s advantage.

Preparation, at a minimum, should include drafting a motion to reclassify the

UD case as an unlimited civil case. This work can be accomplished during the

NJF process. Adequate time for this work is not available after the UD case is

served on the homeowner. Advance preparation will help reduce stress, avoid

waste of money, and position the homeowner for a well-organized attack on the

UD case and the opponent’s claims.

If you think the NJF is threatened by mistake, by all means send a letter in hopes the problem will be corrected.
Writing a letter is cheap and relatively easy. An honorable person would likely thank you for pointing out a
mistake. If you request termination of the NJF process, but it keeps moving forward, preparing for the UD lawsuit
makes more sense than expending time and money fighting the right of a person to sell the alleged mortgage lien
by an NJF sale.

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An answer to the UD complaint is required within five days after service of

the complaint and summons. CCP Section 1167.3. Having prepared the motion

for reclassification before service of the UD lawsuit also makes less stressful the

timely completion of tasks like the answer and affirmative defenses 23 to the UD


B. Reclassification – Do not accept the UD Forum of the foreclosure two-step.

Reclassification is the process that gives the homeowner the opportunity to

make fair and meaningful the legal fight with the UD Plaintiff. California requires

reclassification of the UD case as a regular unlimited lawsuit that is an equal

opportunity forum. The homeowner needs to use this law and to help the judge

understand the necessity of converting the limited UD case into a regular unlimited

civil case as permitted and called for under California’s law. The homeowner must

either challenge the jurisdictional classification of the UD case or accept its

validity by silence.

B.1 Why reclassification is necessary.

Reclassification of the UD, a limited civil case, to status as a regular

unlimited civil case is the litigation mechanism that will put a heavy burden of

proof upon the UD Plaintiff. The homeowner who gets the UD case reclassified

See Part III.B.5, below, for discussion about the possible use of a demurrer rather than an answer to the UD

Page 29 of 48
gains a lot more options regarding how to best protect the house and defend against

the person who makes false or mistaken claims.

An unlimited civil case offers reasonable time within which to prepare the

case, plan a comprehensive litigation strategy, and totally change the noise of the

foreclosure two-step into workable legal music. For example, a regular unlimited

case offers the opportunity to establish by court the homeowner’s claims such as

the NJF sale was no more than a transfer of an unproven mortgage lien; the UD

Plaintiff has no right to enforce the Note and therefore no right to enforce the

mortgage lien; the UD case was knowingly filed in violation of the homeowner’s

rights; the deed of trust is an invalid security instrument if MERS is involved; the

entire foreclosure two-step violates collection and fair practices law; the filing of

the UD case is attempted wrongful foreclosure (if California recognizes such a

cause of action); and that the title to the house should be quieted in favor of the

homeowner against all possible defendants who might assert rights in the mortgage

lien. The homeowner’s facts, the opponent’s lack of facts, and the homeowner’s

strategic plan will determine what should be sought in that litigation, but at least in

a regular lawsuit, the homeowner’s claims and counterclaims can be pursued.

Reclassification opens the door to meaningful adjudication and improved

settlement options. If the judge denies reclassification, the homeowner’s

opportunity for a successful appeal should be strong because the case will be

Page 30 of 48
grounded in the most relevant law regarding the UD Plaintiff’s attempt to take the


B.2 The UD is an unlimited civil case if all conditions are not satisfied for
limited case status pursuant to CCP Section 85.

A case “shall not be treated as a limited civil case unless all of the …

conditions are satisfied” under CCP Section 85. A civil case is either limited or

unlimited. If the lawsuit is not a limited civil case, it is a regular, unlimited civil

case. CCP Section 88. 24 A reclassification motion is filed in order to help the

judge understand that the UD action does not satisfy the requirements of CCP

Section 85 thereby requiring that the case be reclassified as an unlimited civil

action. A case is not entitled to limited status when (1) the ‘amount in

controversy’ is too high or (2) when the legal issues are too complicated for

resolution in a summary proceeding like the UD case.

B.3 The “amount in controversy” aspect of reclassification.

An important requirement for status as a limited civil case under CCP

Section 85(a) is that the ‘amount in controversy’ must not exceed $25,000. The

amount in controversy is not simply the amount stated in the UD complaint by the

UD Plaintiff: the law, not the UD Plaintiff’s self-serving request for a cash award,

“A civil action or proceeding other than a limited civil case may be referred to as an unlimited civil case.” CCP §

Page 31 of 48
controls. Stern v. Superior Court (2003), 105 CA4th 223, 234. Amount in

controversy “means the amount of the demand, or the recovery sought, or the value

of the property, or the amount of the lien, that is in controversy in the action,

exclusive of attorneys’ fees, interest, and costs.” CCP Section 85(a).

An unlawful detainer action filed pursuant to CCP Section 1161a(b)(3) (i.e.,

the UD case) is an attempt to get title and possession of the house by getting a

seemingly sterile judgment of eviction. See Part II, above. A UD complaint

alleging that the case is merely about regaining possession of what already belongs

to the UD Plaintiff is a fraudulent or ignorant assertion by the UD Plaintiff. When

the amount of subject mortgage lien or the market value of the house exceeds

$25,000, the amount in controversy exceeds the Section 85(a) limit and the case

must be reclassified as an unlimited case. The homeowner, however, concedes the

appropriateness of the limited case classification if she does not demand

reclassification. Unfortunately, if the homeowner does not object, the UD process

becomes the proper forum, even when the amount actually in controversy exceeds


B.4 Complexity is a factor that requires reclassification.

CCP Section 85(b) provides that limited civil case status applies only if the

“relief sought is a type that may be granted in a limited civil case.” Stern v.

Page 32 of 48
Superior Court, Id. at 227 and 230-231 (discussion of elements to consider when

determining whether reclassification is warranted).

California law recognizes that lawsuits filed pursuant to CCP Section

1161a(b)(3) are not proper unlawful detainer actions, because these cases are not

solely about possession of real estate. The unlawful detainer action has its roots in

landlord-tenant law and is designed to address relatively uncomplicated questions

like whether the tenant has a right to continued use of the landlord’s house or

apartment or whether the landlord is entitled to regain possession of the rental unit.

The UD case, filed after an NJF sale and pursuant to CCP Section 1161a(b)(3), is

about title and ownership of the house and all matters related to the foreclosure

two-step. Part II, Second Reasoning, above. A UD judgment against the

homeowner resolves all of these matters, even if they are not specifically raised

during the UD case. Judgments issued in UD cases can have preclusive effect that

block future litigation about these subjects as happened in Malkoskie.

California’s judiciary recognizes that summary unlawful detainer

proceedings are an improper vehicle for dispute resolution regarding title,

ownership, and all legal issues raised by the facts of the foreclosure two-step. See,

for example, Section 31.3, pp. 31-9 & 31-10, of the California Judges Bench

Guide, Benchguide 31, Landlord-Tenant: Unlawful Detainer (the “Benchguide

Page 33 of 48
31”). 25 It concludes that an unlawful detainer action is the wrong forum within

which to address complicated issues about who owns title to property and related

legal issues that can properly surface in response to the NJF process and filing of a

UD Case.

Due process rights under the California Constitution26 and the U.S.

Constitution27 are violated when a homeowner is involuntarily subjected to the UD

forum because UD processes do not afford a fair and meaningful litigation forum.

Every citizen is guaranteed ‘due process’ regarding their legal rights including

their right to protect their property. The UD forum available for post-NJF sale

litigation does not provide due process protections Martin-Bragg v. Moore, 219

Cal.App.4th 367, 391 (Cal.App. 2nd Dist 2013) (“Each of these cases reflect the

courts’ recognition that when complex issues of title are involved, the parties’

constitutional rights to due process in the litigation of those issues cannot be

subordinated to the summary procedures of unlawful detainer”); Asuncion v.

Super. Ct. 166 Cal.Rptr. 306, 308, 108 CA3d 141, 146 (“The summary nature of

unlawful detainer proceedings suggests that, as a practical matter, the likelihood of

the defendant’s being prepared to litigate the factual issues involved in a fraudulent

scheme to deprive him of his property, no matter how diligent defendant he is, is

The Benchguide is a public document that has been and hopefully continues to be available online.
§ 1, Article I, California Constitution.
§ 1, 14th Amendment, U.S. Constitution.

Page 34 of 48
not great”); and Lynch & Freytag v. Cooper, 267 Cal.Rptr. 189, 192, 218

Cal.App.3d 603 (Cal.App. 2 Dist., 1990) (“Indeed, the constitutionality of these

summary procedures is based on their limitation to the single issue of right to

possession and incidental damages” and “It would obviously be unfair to require

the defendant-tenant to defend against ordinary civil actions under the constraints

of the summary procedure in unlawful detainer actions”). Reclassification as an

unlimited civil case is necessary for proper adjudication of the numerous and

complicated issues that arise as a result of the foreclosure two-step and especially

the UCC fact-intensive issues regarding whether the UD Plaintiff is entitled to

enforce the Note or the incidental mortgage lien.

In a regular, unlimited civil lawsuit, the homeowner would counter with his

or her own claims against the UD Plaintiff, and possibly other persons, so that all

legal issues and injuries suffered by the homeowner which are based on the facts

involved with the foreclosure two-step could be fully resolve as to all the parties. A

UD case does not, however, permit the homeowner to file counterclaims or cross-

claims [Benchguide 31, Section 31.3, p. 31-9] even though they are reasonable and

necessary to a fair and complete adjudication of all disputes between the UD

Plaintiff and the homeowner. The unlawful detainer process may be appropriate

for resolution of relatively simple landlord-tenant disputes but those rules are not

suited to complex litigation. A proper litigation forum would permit UD Plaintiff

Page 35 of 48
claims against the homeowner, and vice versa. A proper litigation form would

afford reasonable time frames and procedures for investigation, reflection and

analysis, motion practice, trial preparation and conduct of the trial. The regular

unlimited civil case provides that: the rush-to-judgment procedures of a UD case

do not.

An additional example of due process violation by the UD process relates to

the inadequate adjudication of the lien claim actually being prosecuted by the UD

Plaintiff. A lien is a claim for money that can be satisfied by payment or even

offset of amounts owed by the alleged lien holder to the homeowner, but the UD

forum does not permit the homeowner to reduce or eliminate the lien debt even

when the UD Plaintiff owes or may owe monetary damages to the homeowner.

The homeowner is denied the right to file counterclaims against the UD Plaintiff,

as noted above, so the amounts owed to the homeowner are not available to reduce

the amount of the lien. The homeowner cannot ask for those damages in the UD

case, has no opportunity to prove the amount of damages that should be paid by the

UD Plaintiff during that case, and cannot seek them in a different lawsuit because

California views the UD judgment as a full and complete disposition of each and

every cause of action that is grounded in the same facts underlying this common

foreclosure two-step. Part II, Second Reasoning, above. The UD Plaintiff might

owe money to the homeowner if the case were a regular unlimited lawsuit, but in

Page 36 of 48
the UD forum, the UD Plaintiff cannot be sued or made to pay those amounts and

is forever freed of having to do so if the UD judgment is not challenged by the

homeowner. This is another example of why the UD forum is an improper forum

for post-NJF sale litigation.

B.5 Some relevant reclassification rules and procedural thoughts.

a. A motion to reclassify must be filed within the time allowed to answer

the UD lawsuit and the court shall grant the motion “if the case has been classified

in an incorrect jurisdictional classification.” CCP Section 403.040(a).

b. Once achieved, reclassification is effective as of the commencement

of the case, not at the time the motion for reclassification is granted. CCP Section


c. A fee has to be paid to the Court for reclassification pursuant to CCP

Section 403.060, but that fee must be paid by the plaintiff when the Court rules that

the case was improperly classified as a UD case. CCP Section 403.040(c)(1).

d. The UD process does not permit the homeowner to file a cross-claim

or counterclaim. Benchguide Section 31.3, p 31-09 and Section 31.11, p 31-14.

e. A motion to reclassify the case is a formal appearance in the UD

case 28 but not an answer to the UD complaint. Filing the motion does not extend

CCP § 1014.

Page 37 of 48
the time within which to answer the UD lawsuit. CCP Section 403.040(a);

Benchguide Section 31.11, p 31-14.

f. The caption of the motion should give notice that the case is “a

limited civil case to be reclassified as an unlimited case.” CCP Section 403.030.

Each subsequent filing in the case, regardless the subject matter, should also have

this notice in the caption so neither the plaintiff or the judge will have grounds to

later say that you did not give sufficient notice of the reclassification effort.

Following reclassification the caption should appropriately contain a statement like

“reclassified as an unlimited civil case” unless the judge directs otherwise.

g. CCP Section 1170 permits a UD defendant to respond to service of

the lawsuit with an “answer or demurrer.” Time for answering the UD complaint

can be put off or eliminated with use of a demurrer, but I am concerned that its use

sends the wrong message. A demurrer is a challenge to the pleading sufficiency of

the UD complaint but the Superior Court judges seem to be overworked and under

instructions to aggressively push UD cases to a quick trial setting and judgment. I

have seen little evidence that Superior Court judges dismiss UD cases in response

to a demurrer. Rather than risking that the judge assume that a demurrer is a

meritless delaying tactic, I think it best to file a response to the UD complaint that

says ‘bring it own’ but in a proper litigation forum. Hence, the motion to reclassify

the UD case as an unlimited civil case is the proper response. If the judge has both

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a demurrer and a motion for reclassification to decide and limited time, both may

receive inadequate attention. Rather than file a demurrer which will not likely be

granted but will be a distraction for the judge, it seems best to present fewer pages

and matters requiring the judge’s attention. This approach should also lay a solid

foundation for appeal should the judge deny reclassification because there is so

much supportive California law when a limited civil case based upon CCP Section

1161a(b)(3) is properly challenged. Appeal of a denial of a demur, however, is not

particularly strong. The judge has discretion to deny a demur and arguing about

whether the judge abused that discretion can be a difficult uphill battle that is not

as clearly supported by law as the necessity for reclassification.

The homeowner’s unique circumstances or knowledge about the judge to

whom the UD case is assigned should be considered in whether to use a demurrer.

If no favorable additional factors are present, it is reasonable to respond to service

of the UD lawsuit with an answer, affirmative defenses and the motion to


C. Identity of the UD Plaintiff is not important to homeowner defense

The UD Plaintiff may be the foreclosure buyer or a successor to that person.

Each will have the same difficulty as a UD Plaintiff against the homeowner:

neither can claim more than ownership of a purchased mortgage lien that has not

been proven to be valid or enforceable by the UD Plaintiff. The foreclosure buyer

Page 39 of 48
can transfer to a successor only what the foreclosure buyer got by way of the NJF

sale, i.e., an alleged mortgage lien. Stanley v. Shierry, 322 P.2d 502, 504, 158

Cal.App.2d 373 (1st Distr. Ct.App. 1958) (“It is obvious that the grant deed

conveyed only what the grantor owned at the time of its execution.”). Defending

against the foreclosure buyer or a successor should produce the same result. Once

the UD case is reclassified as an unlimited civil case, the UD Plaintiff, regardless

how it got involved, will have to prove with admissible evidence the validity of the

mortgage lien, the UD Plaintiff’s right to enforce the Note, and thereby the right to

enforce that lien.

Section 2924(c) Civ. creates a presumption favoring a ‘bona fide purchaser’

when the foreclosure buyer has that status. If the text of the trustee’s deed states

that the NJF sale was conducted in accordance with the 2924 Scheme then the

trustee’s deed is prima facie evidence that all notices required by the 2924 Scheme

were properly issued. This presumption is rebuttable, but a question exists as to

the justification for fighting about notices when the result is only a private sale of

an unproven mortgage lien.

One can argue there can never be a bona fide purchaser when the mortgage

lien sold at the NJF sale is security for a negotiable instrument like the Note. First,

acquiring a mortgage lien is not acquisition of real property as expressly stated by

Page 40 of 48
Section 2924f(b)(8)(A). Section 2924f(a) defines ‘property’ as real property and

Section 2924f(b)(8)(A) states bidders at the NJF sale are “bidding on a lien, not on

the property itself.” ‘Bona fide purchaser’ status applies only to a person who

acquires real property. Melendrez v. D & I Investment, Inc., Id. at 1250-1252.

Secondly, the mortgage lien if valid is merely security for a negotiable instrument

like the Note, and California’s law maintains that the lien is owned solely by the

person entitled to enforce the Note under the UCC. A person cannot be a bona

fide purchaser or bona fide emcumbrancer if they are on notice that someone else

may claim an interest in the lien sold at the NJF sale. Melendrez, Id. A buyer of a

mortgage lien that is security for payment of a Note is on notice, by California’s

law (Yvanova, Section 9203(g) Com., and Section 1084 Civ.), that the person

entitled to enforce the Note owns that lien regardless whose name is on the lien or

an assignment of it.

The UD Plaintiff, regardless its status with respect to the mortgage lien sold

at the NJF sale, has a lot to prove. The same legal and evidentiary burden is on the

foreclosure buyer and its successor, and regardless whether the foreclosure buyer

claims status as a bona fide purchaser pursuant to the 2924 Scheme.


Page 41 of 48
The UCC was rarely used to resolve residential foreclosure issues in the 20th

century but is now controlling law. It became important when lenders began

routinely selling home loans. During the 20th century that seldom happened.

Lenders usually made loans, held onto and serviced them in-house, and did their

own foreclosures when homeowners failed to pay the debts. The norm of the 21st

century is for loans to be sold by the lender thereby exposing the homeowner to

later demands for payment and threat of foreclosure by persons who were not party

to the loan but claim the right to enforce it. The Note, a routine promissory note

used in a residential loan process, is a negotiable instrument. Yvanova and Section

3104 Com. That means that the UCC provides the law necessary to resolving

whether a person has the right to enforce the Note and the law that protects the

homeowner from the person demanding payment who is not entitled to do so.

My search has not turned up a single California foreclosure decision from

the 20th century in which the legality of the foreclosure is dependent upon

negotiable instrument law. Yvanova (2016) clarifies that only the person entitled to

enforce the Note can bring about a legal foreclosure. Thus far in this relatively

young 21st century, no published California residential foreclosure case has been

decided based upon negotiable instrument law of the UCC. A handful of cases

mention the UCC but all of those cases were unsuccessful efforts to stop or to

overturn an NJF sale. See, Part II, Fourth Reasoning and Fifth Reasoning, above.

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The homeowner defense in each was reaction to a mistaken concern that the NJF

sale had already negated the homeowner’s title, ownership and right to possess the

house. No California residential foreclosure case appears to have been decided

upon application of the law of negotiable instruments, which is Division 3 of the

UCC. It is time to force the foreclosure machine to face the high hurdles of that

law in order to prevent the wrong persons from taking homes to which they have

no legal entitlement. It is time to engage the California judiciary in determinations

of homeowner rights grounded in the very law upon which legal foreclosures must

be established.

California foreclosure defense efforts over the past twenty years have

focused on the deed of trust, validity of assignments of real estate documents, fraud

claims related to documents recorded in the public records, and other topics that

have little, if anything, to do with the single most important requirement for a legal

foreclosure when a negotiable instrument is involved, i.e., the UCC requirements

that must be proven by the person claiming the right to enforce the Note. The

mortgage finance industry’s switch from ‘lenders who held’ to what in this century

is largely ‘lenders who sell’ has driven the necessity for learning and

understanding application of negotiable instruments law in the residential

foreclosure arena.

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In 2011 the Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code

was compelled to address for the first time the growing need for knowledge of the

UCC in residential foreclosure litigation practice. See Report on Application of the

UCC to Selected Issues Relating to Mortgage Notes, Permanent Editorial Board for

the Uniform Commercial Code, November 14, 2011. The introduction states:

“Recent economic developments have brought to the forefront

complex legal issues about the enforcement and collection of
mortgage debt. Many of these issues are governed by local real
property law and local rules of foreclosure procedure, but others are
addressed in a uniform way throughout the United States by
provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Although the
UCC provisions are settled law, it has become apparent that not all
courts and attorneys are familiar with them. In addition, the
complexity of some of the rules has proved daunting.”
The law of negotiable instruments under the UCC is not new law, but it is

law that was not needed in residential foreclosures during the 20th century.

California first enacted the Negotiable Instrument Law in 1917 29 and eventually

rolled it into what is now Division 3 of the UCC. It was once an esoteric legal area

that is now recognized across the United States as the law necessary to

determination of rights in legal foreclosures. Few attorneys or judges have any

significant schooling or experience with negotiable instrument law or its

applications in residential foreclosures. This is probably a reason that litigation

The Law of Negotiable Instruments was, in fact, the first uniform law ever adopted by the states, New York
having been the first to adopt this uniform body of law in 1895.

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issues and argument in California foreclosure defense and judicial pronouncements

discuss many topics but not the UCC’s provisions of negotiable instrument law.

Much education is needed and the homeowner will have to help the judges learn

what will frequently be unfamiliar to most of them.

If you have read my book, Fighting the Foreclosure Machine, you know that

the UCC is a highly technical, multifaceted and non-intuitive body of law, but a

body of law that provides many protections for a homeowner who faces an

opponent who does not have UCC-qualified evidence of the right to enforce the

Note. Determination of whether the UD Plaintiff is entitled to enforce the Note

pursuant to the UCC is complicated but can be mastered with diligence and

commitment to properly applying the law.

The UCC is highly technical law, somewhat like the Internal Revenue Code.

Understanding one part frequently requires application of other parts. Exhibit D

to my book, Fighting the Foreclosure Machine is an introductory outline of the

pieces of the UCC that may be involved in determining who has the right to

enforce the Note. This book is available at The UCC is

uniform law that has been adopted by every state, but with varied labels consistent

with each state’s existent statutory formatting. My book discusses the UCC in the

format presented by The American Law Institute and National Conference of

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Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. California’s UCC uses the same

organization and number system for all parts relevant to the UCC discussion within

Fighting the Foreclosure Machine. For example, Article 3, Section 3-301 of the

American Law Institute version of the UCC is the same as California’s

Commercial Code, Division 3, Section 3301 (i.e., Section 3301 Com.). Relating

UCC discussion in the book with California’s formatting of the UCC is not


Every state has attorneys and law professors who are well versed in the

negotiable instrument law of the UCC but most do not engage in residential

foreclosure litigation. Foreclosure defense attorneys in California will have to

tackle for what most will be an unfamiliar technical law, but they should be able to

do so. They can consult with attorneys well versed in the UCC. I am also

available to assist attorneys wishing to make a proper and effective presentation of

UCC law on behalf of a homeowner.

There has been a lot of fraud involving residential loans this century.

Securitization (i.e., the selling of residential loans to be packaged for use as

investments) has driven the need for UCC protections. The mortgage foreclosure

industry was fast to sell investment shares in packaged loan pools but lax in

attention to detail regarding how to effectively to transfer enforcement rights in

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Notes in accordance with the UCC. In fact, securitization “gives rise to a

pervasive failure among mortgage holders to comply with the technical

requirements underlying the transfer of promissory notes …” Deutsche Bank

National Trust Company v. Johnston, 2016-NMSC 013 (N.M. 2016), at ¶ 21. The

foreclosure machine’s response to failed documentary support and legally

ineffective transfers of Notes has resulted in the foreclosure machine’s use of

questionable and sometimes fraudulent foreclosure litigation tactics. “[T]he

failure to deliver the original notes with proper indorsements […], the routine

creation of unnecessary lost note affidavits, the destruction of the original notes,

and the falsification of necessary indorsements . . . is widespread." Id.

Knowledge of the UCC can help disclose meritless litigation tactics and an

opponent’s inability to prove what is actually required under the UCC.


Hopefully, this paper will help homeowners find more and better ways to

defend against persons improperly demanding payments under threat of

foreclosure. The California nonjudicial two-step has been too effective too long.

The NJF sale appears to be unimportant because it does not impact the

homeowner’s title, ownership or use of the house. The UD case that follows does

not appear to have any validity as a legal forum for addressing the many post-NJF

sale issues, so it should be reclassified as an unlimited case as required by

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California law. Homeowner defense can be and should be much better than what

has been experienced thus far this century. It is time to take the lead; time to see

what the 2924 Scheme is actually about; and time to tell the UD Plaintiff that there

will be a legal battle, but in a fair and reasonable litigation forum of the

homeowner’s choosing. California’s courts must be shown why and how to

properly apply California law most relevant to the attempted taking of homes.

Finding ways to help the judge be better will help the homeowners.

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