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AAC Rubric Template

Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________

Task: Digital Citizenship Case Study

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Insufficient/
Criteria Blank*
Student has done Student has done Student has done Student has done No score is awarded
because there is
comprehensive thorough research simplistic research superficial research insufficient evidence
Case Study research regarding regarding their regarding their regarding their of student
performance based on
Research their chosen case chosen case study. chosen case study. chosen case study.
the requirements of
study. The The information is The information is The information is the assessment task.
information meaningful and suitable and basic for trivial and at times,
purposeful and logical and relevant the project created. irrelevant for the
precise for the project for the project project created.
created. created.
The case study The case study The case study The case study
provides an insightful provides a convincing provides a reasonable provides a weak
Relation to Digital relationship to the relationship to the relationship to the relationship to the
Citizenship errors of digital errors of digital errors of digital errors of digital
citizenship citizenship citizenship citizenship
demonstrated in the demonstrated in the demonstrated in the demonstrated in the
project. project. project. project.
The student provides The student provides The student provides The student provides
at least 3 astute at least 3 thoughtful less than 3 viable less than 3 vague
Suggestions for suggestions for the suggestions for the suggestions for the suggestions for the
Improvement subject of the case subject of the case subject of the case subject of the case
study to improve their study to improve their study to improve their study to improve their
digital citizenship. digital citizenship. digital citizenship. digital citizenship.

 When work is judged to be limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.

Alberta Assessment Consortium Rubric Template (updated July 2014) 1

AAC provides this template to assist teachers in developing rubrics for their own classroom use. As this template has been provided as a Word document, it is possible that the template
may have been changed/adapted by individual developers. AAC does not guarantee that any rubrics that have been developed using this template have been reviewed by AAC, nor
that these rubrics are part of the AAC collection. To view the current AAC rubric template, please visit and search under the Assessment Materials tab.

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