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1st Semester AY2018-2019



Science, Technology and Society is an interdisciplinary GE course that examines the past, present,
and future of science and technology in society (including their nature, scope, role and function)
and the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental factors affecting the development of
science and technology, with emphasis on the Philippine setting. It uses local and practical exam-
ples to analyze and illustrate the dynamics between science and technology and society. The course
is best taken at the junior or senior level.


After completing this course, you should be able to:

1. Explain the creative processes of science and technology;
2. Relate science to other disciplines and cultures;
3. Discuss the influences of past and current scientific and technological developments on Philip-
pine and global society;
4. Analyze societal influences on developments in science and technology in local and global set-
5. Evaluate the roles of science and technology in Philippine regional and national development;
6. Examine and critique STS issues and commit to a stand or action.


Module 1 - Overview and History and Philosophy of Science

Topic 1 - The meaning of science and technology
Topic 2 - Ways of knowing and doing in science and technology
Topic 3 - Histories and philosophies of science and technology

Module 2 - Interaction of Science, Technology, and Society through Time

Topic 1 - Science, technology, and the arts
Topic 2 - How innovations change lives
Topic 3 - Science, Technology, and Culture

Module 3 - Dynamics of Science, Technology and Society

(choice of 2 topics from the list below)

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Health, Wellness and Aesthetics
Sports and Recreation
Industry, Agriculture, Fisheries and Commerce
Techno Culture
Information and Communication
Space Exploration
Conflict (warfare, security, surveillance, etc.)
Disciplines of Knowledge (Reshaping disciplinal domains and knowledge)

Module 4 - Science and Technology in National Development

Topic 1 - Importance of science policy and governance in development
Topic 2 - Postnormal science
Topic 3 - Science advice and policy
Topic 4 - Citizen science
Topic 5 - History of S&T in the Philippines: precolonial to the Philippine revolution

Module 5 - Contemporary Issues

(choice of 2 issues on which to make a stand and commit to an action; must not repeat topics taken
in previous modules; local issues are recommended)
Philippine Rise, West Philippine Sea
Water issues
Science and gender
Science for the development of the Bangsang Moro
Science brain drain
A local contemporary issue


The learning materials for each module consists of required readings and a module study guide.
These will be accessible to you via the STS 1 course site on your campus’s virtual learning en-
vironment (VLE). The required readings are listed below.

Module 1 - Overview and History and Philosophy of Science

Topic 1 - The meaning of Science and Technology. What is STS?

Hatton, J. and P. Plouffe (eds.). 1997. Science and Its Ways of Knowing. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Chapter 1 - Carl Sagan. “Can we know the Universe” (available at
Chapter 2 - Robert Pirsig. “On scientific method” (available at

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McGinn, R. 2002. Chapter 2 - Science and Technology: Their natures and relationship. In Science
Technology and Society. New Jersey: Prentice Hall., pp 13-29.

Topic 2 - Ways of knowing and doing in science and technology

Moshman, D. 2007. Epistemic development and the perils of Pluto.

US National Academies of Science. On being a scientist: A guide to responsible conduct
in research (available at
Saloma, C. “On being a scientist in one’s home country” (available at

Topic 3 - Histories and philosophies of science and technology

Bunch and Hellemans. 2004. “History of Science and Technology” (available at ,785 pages long! SKIM and SCAN)
Popper Karl. 1953. “Science: Conjectures and refutations” (available at
Klemke et. al. (1998). Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science: Part 1 and Part 6.
Prometheus Books, New York. (available at

Module 2 - Interaction of Science, Technology, and Society through Time

Topic 1 - Science, Technology, and the Arts

Lightman, A. 2005. “A Tale of Two Loves: The arts and the sciences provide complementary ways
of looking at the world, argues Alan Lightman”. NATURE. Vol 434. 17 March 2005.
Lightman, A., & Morrison, P. (2001). The Physicist as Novelist. Bulletin of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, 55(1), 37-41. doi:10.2307/3824254
Zialcita, FN, Tinio, MJ and Oshima NM. (1980). Emergence of the all weather house. Philippine
Ancestral Houses (1810-1930), pp 69 - 90. Philippines.GCF Books.

Radio play:
“X-Minus One Nightfall” by Isaac Asimov

Video and audio:

Isaacson, Walter (Host). (20 October, 2017). Leonardo da Vinci, Master Of Art And Science. Sci-
ence Friday, Date Accessed: 11 July 2018.

Topic 2 - Innovations that changed lives

Dennett, DC. (2011). The evolution of culture. In J. Brockman (Ed.), Culture: Leading scientists
explore societies, art, power and technology. (pp 263-264). New York, USA. Harper Collins
Schirmacher, F. (2011). The Age of the Informavore . In J. Brockman (Ed.), Culture: Leading sci-
entists explore societies, art, power and technology. (pp 263-264). New York, USA. Harper
Collins Publishers.
Jaumotte, A. (1972). Art, Science and Technology. Leonardo, 5(2), 165-168. doi:10.2307/1572555

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Epstein, Steven. “Culture and Science / Technology: Rethinking Knowledge, Power, Materiality,
and Nature.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 619,
2008, pp. 165–182. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Video and audio:

In Our Time Podcast. The Industrial Age. (23 October 2010). BBC Radio 4.
In Our Time Podcast. Consequences of the Industrial Revolution. (30 December 2010). BBC
Hall, Martina (Director) (4 June 2002). Victoria and her sisters. In P Davidson, Martin. A history
of Britain. United Kingdom. BBC
Shoolingin-Jordan, Nick, (26 November 2012). Sugar. Addicted to Pleasure. BBC.

Topic 3 - Science, Technology, and Culture

Ambrosio, D. (2005). Balatik. Katutubong bituin ng mga Pilipino. Philippine Social Science Review
Vol 57 Nos 1-4
Jocano, FL. (2003). Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusions, Folk Medicine in a Philippine Munici-
pality: An Analysis of the System of Folk Healing in Bay, Laguna, and Its Implications for
the Introduction of Modern Medicine. Philippines. pp 249 - 257. PUNLAD Research
House, Inc. (first published 1973)
Magat, M. (2002). Balut: "Fertilised Duck Eggs and Their Role in Filipino Culture". Western Folk-
lore, 61(1), 63-96. doi:10.2307/1500289
Radford, T. (23 October 2010), Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili –
review. The Guardian, Date accessed: 2 July 2018.

Module 3 - Dynamics of Science, Technology and Society

Developing a culture of science literacy

McGinn. 1991. Science, Technology, and Society (available at
Mansour, N. (2009). Science-Technology- Society (STS): A new paradigm in Science Education.
Bulletin of science, technology and society. 29(4), 287-297. DOI:
National Academy of Science.
Yager, RE (ed.). (1992). The Status of Science-Technology-Society Reform Efforts around the
World. International Council of Associations for Science Education. National Science
Teachers Association Virginia.

Vaccines and Public Health
tious-disease/content-section-0?intro=1 (required student activity/reading and submission of
the free statement of participation)


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HIV and Flu vaccine strategy (available at
Autism: What we know (and what we don’t know yet) (available at

Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture

Baril JA. 2004. GMO vs Organic Farming (Powerpoint presentation)
Panga GV. 2004. Organic Farming in the Philippines (Powerpoint presentation)
Roxas-Mendoza P. 2017. “The GMO in your Food”. The Philippine Graphic.
Rocel F. 2004.”DA approves list of 17GMO foods that may be imported”. Philippine Star. April
20, 2004
Espiritu BF. “The Battle Against GMOS in the Philippines: Confronting the WTO’s attempts to
destabilize sustainable agriculture” July 18, 2015. Global Research.
Greenpeace SouthEast Asia. Genetic Engineering: The hidden ingredient in Philippine food.
Halford NG. 2004. Plant Biotechnology: Current and Future Applications of Genetically Modified
Crops. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. West Sussex, England. pp.53-68.
Benkeblia N. 2012. Sustainable Agriculture and New Biotechnologies. CRC Press.Boca Raton,
Florida. pp.267-270.
Murphy D J. 2011. Plants, Biotechnology and Agriculture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
UK. pp.216-218.

Asia’s First: The Bt corn story of the Philippines (available at
Costales Nature Farm (Organic Farming) (available at

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Rachel Carlson “The Silent Spring”
The Minamata Story

Module 4 - Science Policy and Development

Topic 1 - Importance of science policy and governance in development

The 1987 Constitution (Articles II and XIV)
Ambisyon Natin 2040: matatag, maginhawa at panatag na buhay para sa lahat.(8 pages)
Vision and Mission (V&M) of DOST and its research arm, ASTI, and councils: PCAARRD (sec-
toral research council), PCIEERD (National Innovation Center), PCHRD, PHILVOCS, PAGASA,
V&M of other related agencies like:
a. National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines at
b. National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) at
c. National Institutes of Health at
d. The Philippine Rice Research Institute at
e. Research Institute of Tropical Medicine
Resources of the International Network for Government Science Advice

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Vallejo, B. 2018. Module 4.1 History of Science and Technology in the Philippines: From precolo-
nial to the Philippine Revolution

Merchants of Doubt (worldview)
Science for the people (DOST)
Gore, Al. Updated Inconvenient Truth (YouTube)
Movie: Hidden Figures (YouTube)

Topic 2 - Post-normal science

Funtowicz, SO and Ravetz, JR. (1993). Science for the post-normal age. Futures, 25(7), 739-755.
Ravetz, IR. (1999). What is post-normal science. Futures 31(7), 647-654.
Vallejo, B. (2017). Postnormal science and Filipinos at risk

Prometheus Bound by AGHAM (updated data by Posadas)

Topic 3 - Science advice and policy

Funtowicz, SO and Ravetz, JR. (1993). Science for the post-normal age. Futures, 25(7), 739-755.

Doumbelane- mobilization of food and water resources for food security
Fictional cases by the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) (available at

Topic 4 - Citizen Science

Caoli, O. (1986) History of science and technology in the Philippines
Anderson, W. (2007) Science in the Philippines, Philippine Studies 287-318

Module 5 - Contemporary Issues

Ambisyon 2040 (NEDA website)
The Bangsang Moro Law


The table below shows in which weeks and sessions specific modules will be taken up. There are
usually two sessions per week. The third column shows the learning activities for each module.
Note that you are expected to go through the module study guide and study the required read-
ings for each topic BEFORE the class session where the readings will be taken up through a class
discussion or other learning activities. Specific dates for specific activities, including assignment
deadlines, will be set by your teacher.

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Week and Module/
Session Number Topic

Week 1 Module 1 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) Topic 1 - The meaning required readings
of science and
technology In-class

Week 2 Module 1 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) Topic 2 - Ways of required readings
knowing and doing in
science and technology In-class

Week 3 Module 1 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) Topic 3 - Histories and required readings
philosophies of science
and technology In-class

Assignment due
500-word essay on your philosophy of science
based on a review of the literature

Week 4 Module 2 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) Topic 2 - Science, required readings
technology, and the arts
Presentation: photos of a local museum and a
Filipino house

Assignment due
5-sentence commentary on the article Physicist as
a novelist

Weeks 5-6 Module 2 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(3 class sessions) Topic 2 - How required readings
innovations change lives

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Weeks 6-7 Module 2 Before the class session
Independent study of the module study guide and
(3 class sessions) Topic 3 - Science, required readings
technology, and culture

Assignment due
• 5-minute video enumerating 10 important
facts about balut
• 5 strong and weak points of the documentary,
The Empire of Reason

Weeks 8-10 Module 3 - Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(6 class sessions/ (choice of 2 topics) required readings

Assignment due
1 assignment per topic (to be determined by the

Week 11 Module 4 Before the class session

Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) Topic 1 - Importance of required readings
Science Policy and
Governance in In-class
Development Lecture-discussion
Week 12 Topic 2 - Post-Normal Before the class session
Science Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) required readings


Week 13 Topic 3 - Science Advice Before the class session

and Policy Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) required readings


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Week 14 Topic 4 - Citizen Science Before the class session
Independent study of the module study guide and
(2 class sessions) required readings


Assignment due
• Assessment of an organization’s efforts in
citizen science
• Group position paper on “Has science and
technology contributed to the development of
the country?”

Weeks 15-16 Module 5 Before the class session

Contemporary Issues Independent study of the module study guide and
(4 class sessions) required readings
(choice of 2 issues)
Oral presentation of a personal stand and
commitment to an action


1. Group case study (20% of the final grade)

2. Critical essays (20 % of the final grade)
3. Group work/creatives (20% of the final grade)
4. Exams (30% of the final grade)
5. Class participation, attendance (10 % of the final grade)

Group case study

An in-depth investigation on a particular issue/social problem: 5 strong and weak points of the doc-
umentary, The Empire of Reason

Critical essays
1. Individual work: 500-word essay on your philosophy of science based on a review of the litera-
2. Individual work: 5-sentence commentary on the article, Physicist as a novelist
3. Group work: Assessment of an organization’s efforts in citizen science
4. Group position paper on “Has science and technology contributed to the development of the
5. Individual work: Personal stand and commitment to an action on a contemporary issue

Group creatives
1. 5-minute video enumerating 10 important facts about Balut
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2. Infographic on science communication

NOTE: The list of specific requirements under each requirement type does not yet include the as-
sigments for Module 3, which will depend on the topics to be discussed.

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