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Notes attached on the book Chagzampa Thangtong Gyalpo – Architect,

Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder by Manfred Gerner

The Centre for Bhutan Studies has received a letter from Tenzin Chhophag, the
12th Chagzampa, in December 2007.

The letter states that he (Tenzin Chhophag) has been recognized as the 12th
Chagzampa by His Holiness Dalai Lama, Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche, Mingling
Trichen Rimpoche and Sakya Tridzin Rimpoche.

The letter went on to state that in a book (Chagzampa Thangtong Gyalpo – Architect,
Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder by Manfred Gerner), the Centre for
Bhutan Studies has documented Thangtong Gyalpo’s lineage up to the 17th

First, it has been written that the Late Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche and Kalu
Rimpoche have indicated that Sangay Choedzin, currently the Lama of the
Zilukha Nunnery, as the 17th Thangtong Gyalpo, and suggested that the
boy must be recognized by Sakya Tridzin.

Second, it has been written that Dalai Lama and Sakya Tridzin have
recognized Sangay Choedzin as the 17th Thangtong Gyalpo.

The letter questioned the source of information the Centre has used and
suggested further investigation. It demanded that the Centre, which is
responsible for printing and distribution [the book], should provide answers to
the doubts raised above.

Signed by
Tenzin Chhophag

The Centre for Bhutan Studies would like to clarify that Chagzampa Thangtong
Gyalpo – Architect, Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder was written by
Manfred Gerner in German and translated into English by Gregor Verhufen. The
Centre has published the book for the benefits of the Bhutanese reading public
since there is limited information on this important Buddhist saint. The Centre is
mainly interested with the book, like any other Bhutanese readers, as a rich social
document, not for its documentation of who is and who is not the 12th or 17th
reincarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo.

We also would like to clarify that CBS has played no role either in its research or
in selecting sources.
One of the Centre’s mandates is to generate and disseminate information freely
to the Bhutanese through research and publication, and publication of the above
book is one effort in fulfilling the mandate.

Thank you.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo
Architect, Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder

Manfred Gerner
Translated from German by Gregor Verhufen

དཔལ་འ ག་ཞབི ་འ ག་ ེ་བ།

Thangtong Gyalpo: Architect, Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge

Copyright ©2007 the Centre for Bhutan Studies

First Published: 2007

The Centre for Bhutan Studies PO Box No. 1111 Thimphu, Bhutan

Tel: 975-2-321005, 321111 Fax: 975-2-321001 e-mail: [email protected] 

ISBN 99936-14-39-4

Cover photo: Statue of Drupthob Thangtong Gyalpo, believed to have been made by Drupthob
himself, is housed in a private lhakhang of Tsheringmo, Pangkhar village, Ura, Bumthang.
Photo by Karma Ura, 2007.

Block print of Thangtong Gyalpo in title page by Lauf, 1972.

To His Majesty, the Druk Gyalpo of the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan,
the Bhutanese people and the Incarnation Line of Chakzampa
Thangtong Gyalpo.
ནད་མ་འོངམ་ལས་རིམ་ ོ།

Appease the spirits before they turn foes Build a

bridge before the river swells

Preface ...................................................................................... i
I. Biographical notes on Thangtong Gyalpo ...................... 1
The King of the Empty Plains .............................................................. 1
Tibet of his times.................................................................................... 6
Thangtong Gyalpo’s journeys to Bhutan ........................................... 9
Fragments from his life’s work.......................................................... 13
Incarnation lineage.............................................................................. 15
Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo................................................................... 18
The representations of Thangtong Gyalpo ...................................... 24
II Thangtong Gyalpo as an Architect and Blacksmith. 34
Dungtsi Lhakhang in Paro ................................................................. 35
Chung Riwoche ................................................................................... 39
Production of iron and steel............................................................... 44
III. Bridges in the Himalayas ............................................. 52
Development of methods to cross rivers and gorges ..................... 52
Ice and snow bridges .......................................................................... 53
Rafts and inflated animal skins .......................................................... 53
Boats................................................................................................... 53
Stone slab bridges............................................................................... 54
Girder bridges from round and squared timber trunks ...................... 54
Single rope bridges ............................................................................. 55
Ropes made from yak skin .................................................................. 56
Suspension bridges from plant fibres ................................................. 57
Bamboo arch bridges........................................................................... 59
Steel cables with hoops ....................................................................... 60
Wooden cantilever bridges ................................................................. 62
Iron chain suspension bridges ............................................................ 64
Suspension bridges............................................................................. 66
Bailey bridges ..................................................................................... 66
Concrete bridges ................................................................................. 67
Arch bridges ....................................................................................... 67
Steel truss bridges .............................................................................. 68
Bridges, ferries and boats made by Thangtong Gyalpo................. 69
Iron chain suspension bridges in the Himalayas ............................ 70
Tibet....................................................................................................... 73
Chung Riwoche Chakzam .................................................................. 73
Bridge technology................................................................................ 74
Phuntsholing Chakzam ...................................................................... 77
Rinchen Chakzam............................................................................... 79
Tholing Chakzam ............................................................................... 81
Riwoche Chakzam .............................................................................. 83
Panding Chakzam .............................................................................. 84
Chakzam.......................................................................................... 86
Nyango Druka Chakzam.................................................................... 93
Rinchen Ding Chakzam ..................................................................... 94
China and Tibet ................................................................................... 94
Luding Chakzam ................................................................................ 94
Bhutan ................................................................................................... 96
Tamchog Chakzam ............................................................................. 99
Doksum Chakzam............................................................................. 102
Dangme Chakzam ............................................................................ 104
Khoma Chakzam............................................................................... 104
Tashigang Chakzam ......................................................................... 106
Chaze Chakzam ................................................................................ 107
Changchi Chakzam........................................................................... 108
Chukha Chakzam.............................................................................. 109
Lumbolang Chakzam........................................................................ 112
Chuzom Chakzam............................................................................. 112
Wangdi Chakzam ............................................................................. 112
Nepal ................................................................................................... 114
IV Thangtong Gyalpo’s Iron Chain Bridge and Their
Influence in Europe ........................................................... 120
Bibliography ....................................................................... 140

Thangtong Gyalpo (Thang sTong rGyal po) is a historical

figure reaching in the supernatural who impresses us with
his versatility to liberate sentient beings. His teachings and
writings are translated only partly. The far bigger part of his
work is passed down traditionally. To a large extent, it is
directly visible, learnable and conceivable in reality in the
form of monasteries, bridges, plays and songs. Further, we
meet this reality of the Mahāsiddha in another form: Living in
Thimphu in Bhutan and studying in India is the 17th
reincarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo, Ngawang Thinley
Lhundrub (Ngag dbang phrin las lhun grub).

In Tibet, Bhutan and the world of the Mahāyāna Buddhism in

the Himalayas, Thangtong Gyalpo is known and revered by all
people. If one questions this, his oeuvre, his whole work and
actions will be known far less. This is one reason for the
results shown in the present work, which is the result of
about 30 years of research projects in Tibet and Bhutan and
in particular, fieldwork that was taken up in July 1974 in
Bhutan and in April 1981 in Tibet.

Thangtong Gyalpo has developed complex philosophical

ideas. However, unlike most other Buddhist masters, he not
only noted them down in his writings and passed them on in
theories, but has also found his own way for the spreading of
the teachings: Thangtong Gyalpo has lived his teachings. He
has cooperated with his people as a blacksmith, as well as a
philosopher, and shared the results and failures with them,
which made it possible for him to personally access people of
different classes. Therefore, he is regarded as one of three
unusual masters in Tibetan Drubchen Nyönpa (sGrub chen
sMyon pa) or ‘divine madman’.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s ideas richly yielded fruit: He inspired his

fellow people, spurred them to top performances and with it
achieved unexpected multiplicative effects in the spreading of
the Buddhist doctrine in Tibet and Bhutan.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

For Buddhists, Thangtong Gyalpo’s teachings, his life and

works are as a whole, model, help and a clue. For westerners,
who are more on ‘logos’ and ‘ratios,’ Thangtong Gyalpo shows
methods for their own mental concepts. Far beyond that, he
has iron suspension bridges built with a span of more than
100 metres at the beginning of 15th century; while in Europe,
spans of more than 20 metres were regarded as significant

In this contribution, the biography of Thangtong Gyalpo, his

teachings, songs, plays (‘cham) and his whole work in brief, is
touched slightly in as much as it seemed necessary for the
clarification of his personality as an architect and a bridge
builder. Instead, the paper attempts to draw the attention to
the bridges he built in Tibet and Bhutan and their influence
in Europe and America.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo is one of the most significant

Mahāsiddhas of Tibet who worked in the first half of the 15th
century in Tibet and Bhutan. Thangtong Gyalpo was a yogi,
philosopher, poet, exorcist, teacher, architect, engineer,
painter, sculptor, doctor, treasure revealer and last but not
least, an iron chain suspension bridge builder, a universal
genius with supernatural abilities. The spectrum of his titles
and epithets is accordingly wide, beginning with his name,
‘Thangtong Gyalpo’ (the King of the Empty Plains), ‘iron
bridge yogi’ (lcags zam rnal ‘byor pa), ‘father of the Tibetan
opera’ and up to the ‘Leonardo da Vinci of Asia’ as Wolf
Kahlen called him.

Tashi Tsering summarises his activities in superlatives as

presented below:
The mad saint (sgrub smyon), the destroyer of illusion (’khrul
zhig), the performer of miracles, the medicine man who
dispelled epidemics, the protector from Hor invasions, and the
mender of harmful geomantic configurations (me btsa’ gso ba).
He was also an accomplished master of technology, who built
numerous iron bridges and ferries, erected many devotional
objects symbolising body, speech and mind and allegedly


pioneered the fashioning of statues out of precious stones. He

was a great propagator of the Avalokiteshvara cycle and
sadhana and, to come closer to our subject, and is considered
to have been the initiator of a lce lha mo and bla ma ma ni,
those who display thangkas and those who use a stupa with
many doors (mchod rten bkra shis sgo mang).

Fig. 1: Drubthop Thangtong Gyalpo. Votiv statue, produced and consecrated at

the Tsug Lhakhang in Lhasa in 2005.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Thangtong Gyalpo is also credited with establishing the ritual

of breaking the stone on the stomach (pho ba rdo gshag) and
is famous for having discovered hidden treasures (gter). He
started his own religious tradition (Thang lugs) within the
Shangpa Kagyu (Shangs pa bka' brgyud) lineage. Although a
graduate of the Sakyapa (Sa skya pa) school, he founded the
Chakzampa (lCags zam pa) tradition by combining the
Shangpa Kagyu and Jangter (Byang gter) traditions.
Moreover, he attained the power of longevity ('chi med tshe'i
rig 'dzin mnga' brnyes pa). Even to the present day, those with
purified karma can be fortunate enough to see his wisdom
body (ye shes kyi sku).1

Thangtong Gyalpo is known as a Mahāsiddha and a treasure

revealer (gter ston pa). But he is also mentioned as one of the
three great Drubthobs, the Divine Madmen, who, as already
explained, impelled the teachings not with the usual methods
like meditation and prayer but taught through contact and

1Tsering, T. 2001, S. 37: Tashi Tsering in his work on Thangtong

Gyalpo’s contribution to the a lce lha mo tradition draws a sharp
profile with the help of different original texts of the extraordinary
abilities of an extraordinary personality.

The King of the Empty Plains

The life and work of Thangtong Gyalpo are available in several
biographies of which two were written in Tibet. The first one
was written by his nephew Konchog Dewä Jungnä (dKon
mchog bde ba’i ‘Byung gnas) who took care of a temple in the
Phari (Phag ri) Dzong in Tibet near the Bhutanese border and
the second one by Gyurme Dechen (‘Gyur med bde chen) in
1609. Several other versions were composed in Bhutan with
minor variations.2 Beside the ‘hard’ facts, all biographies
contain myths, religious views, legends, tantra and magic.

While G. Tucci assumes that the biographical facts are to a

large extent overlaid by legends that hardly allow for
retrieving reliable data,3 Michael Aris4 explains that:

It seems that at the vital beginning and at the end of the work,
legend and miracles dominate. In the core of the work an
amount of detailed and practical information is given, which
helps to identify his work (of the divine person; the author)

In fact, it is difficult to trace the widely differentiating data of

his birth and death and, linked to that, the lifetime of the
Mahāsiddha. The earliest mention of his birth is 1361 and the
latest year of his death is 1485. These data prove a lifetime of
124 years, which quite often are also mentioned in the
literature. However, some also speak of a lifetime of 128
years. According to their authentic references, G. Tucci and
R. A. Stein accept 1385 as the year of his birth and 1464 as
the year of death. The author follows their data.5

2 Aris 1979, p.185.

3 Tucci 1949, p.163.
4 Aris 1979, p.185.
5 Gyatso 1980, p.111.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

According to the biographical information in History of

Bhutan,6 Thangtong Gyalpo was born in the Wood Ox Year
(1384) in the village of Rinchen Ding (Rin chen sdings), also
called Owa Lhatse (‘O ba lHa rtse), in the district of Latö (La
stod) i.e. about 100 kilometres to the west of Lhasa in Tibet.
The master is said to have come into the world in the “way of
Padmasambava” as a united emanation of Chenrezig (sPyan
ras gzis, skr.: Avalokiteśvara) and his wrathful form, Tamdrin
(rTa mgrin, skr.: Hayagrīva). His human father was Dorje
Gyaltshen (rDo rje rGyal mtshan) and the mother Jagar
Lhamo. Thangtong Gyalpo is also regarded as the united
incarnation of the Mahāsiddha Kukuripa (skr. Kukurīpa), one
of the 84 Mahāsiddhas of India and Kuenkhyen Dolpopa (Kun
mkhyen Dol po pa).

Even at birth, he manifested the mystic shine and the

extraordinary being of the saint. Thus, Sarat Chandra Das
and Austine Waddell in connection with a representation of
Thangtong Gyalpo in the Jokhang (Jo khang) in Lhasa report
a legend about his birth. According to this legend, Thangtong
Gyalpo at first refused to be born and remained for 60 years
(i.e. a complete sexagenary cycle) in the mother’s womb,
owing to the misunderstandings of this world, which he had
to face in his former lives. There, he remained in deep
meditation and concentrated his mind upon the well-being of
all sentient beings. At the end of the 60th year, Thangtong
Gyalpo realised that he had negated the suffering of his
mother, while he meditated for the well-being of others. Thus,
he left the womb and came into the world at the age of 60
years, i.e., already with grey hair and began his teachings
immediately. According to another legend, he uttered the
Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum at his birth.7

6 Tshewang, S. 1994, p.1.

7 Waddell 1895/1974, p.385.
Biographical Notes

Other accounts initially sound surprising as well: Thangtong

Gyalpo is said to have studied under more than 500 teachers.
One of his early teachers was his uncle Lama Dragzang (Bla
ma Grags bzang) who later initiated him into the teachings of
Avalokiteśvara. The teachings of this Bodhisattva later
developed to be a central point in his philosophical treatises.
The most important teacher in this regard was Ka Ngapa
Päljor Sherab (bKa’ lnga pa dPal ‘byor Shes rab) from Dotö
Kyara (mDo stod sKya ra).8

8 Gyatso 1980, p.116.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 2: Thangtong Gyalpo on a slate plate in the Simtokha Dzong in Bhutan.

Biographical Notes

Thangtong Gyalpo’s intensive studies and teachings were

supported by visions and communication with other masters,
in addition to a large part by meditation periods, for example,
a seven-year ‘retreat’ after the death of his mother. Later in
life, he meditated on the ‘compassionate’ Bodhisattva
Avalokiteśvara, who led not only to the intensive
communication, but also to visions and prophecies, which the
Drubthop was able to experience. Janet Gyatso formulates

The prophecies he received from Avalokitesvara became the

major impetus for his extensive bridge construction, an
endeavour seen as part of the Bodhisattva vow to help all
sentient beings.9

After his ordination as a gelong, Thangtong Gyalpo received

the surname Tsundup Zangpo (brtson ‘grus bzang po),
whereby the name Tsundup refers to Thangtong Gyalpo’s
abilities in the crafts.

At the beginning of 15th century, Thangtong Gyalpo began

his work with the casting of bronze and iron thunderbolts
(Dorje); construction of chörten and chain suspension
bridges; and above all, with the spread of his teachings and
the establishment of his own religious school, the Chakzam
line, in short called “Chakzampa”. Thangtong travelled
throughout Tibet, taught in the most important monasteries
like Samye; visited and discussed with the most extraordinary
masters of the time, like the Fifth and Sixth Gyalwang
Karmapa; and also travelled to neighbouring countries, like
India, Kashmir, Bhutan, Nepal, Ladakh, Mongolia and China.

9 Gyatso 1980, p.113. The contents of the citation make clear that
for Thangtong Gyalpo, Mahāsiddha and suspension bridge builder
were not two separate occupations, but that one conditioned the
other, from the methodical beginning of the spreading of the
teachings as well as from the teachings of Avalokiteśvara.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Tibet of his times

Thangtong Gyalpo worked in an exiting and fruitful period in
Tibet’s history. The ‘second spread of the teachings’ from the
10th to the 12th century with such significant teachers like
Rinchen Zangpo (Rin chen bzang po, 958-1055), Atiśa (Jo bo
rje Atiśa, 958-1054), Marpa Chökyi Lodrö (Mar pa Chos kyi
blo gros, 1012-1097) up to Milarepa (Mi la ras pa, 1040-1123)
led to series of significant monastic foundations like Reting
(Ra sgreng, 1057), Sakya (Sa skya, 1073), Drigung (‘Bri gung,
1120) and Tsurphu (mTshur phu, 1198). This momentum
continued in the middle of the 14th century and possibly up
to the first half of the 15th century, which gave a significant
push for an extraordinary spiritual, social, judicial and
cultural jump in development which led to the rise of
extraordinary personalities.

Following are some of the important personalities who were

contemporaries of Thangtong Gyalpo:

1357 Tsongkhapa (Tsong kha pa], the founder and reformer

of the Gelugpa school (dGe’ lugs pa) is born in the “onion
valley”, where today the holy monastery of Kumbum is

1385 Khedrup Je Geleg Pelzang (mKhas grub rje, dGe legs

dpal bzang), one of the principle disciples of Tsongkhapa is

1391 The nephew and favourite disciple of Tsongkhapa and

later the first Dalai Lama is born as Gedün Drubpa (dGe ‘dun
grub pa).

1455 Kunga Legpa’i Zangpo commonly called Drukpa

Kunley (rNal byor pa ‘Brug pa Kun legs) is born.10

10 Gerner 1981, p.190 ff.

Biographical Notes

Finally, originating in this time were noteworthy monasteries

such as,

1409 Galdan (dGa’ ldan), the Joyful

1414 Drepung (‘Bras spungs), the Rice Heap

1417 Sera (Se ra Theg chen gling), the Court of the Wild

1429 Ngor (Ngor E wam chos sde), the monastery of Ngor E


1447 Tashi Lhünpo (bKra shis Lhun po), the Lucky Mound

Fig. 3: Larger than life size statue of Thangtong Gyalpo next to the entrance of
the Dukhang at Samye, the oldest monastery of Tibet.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Biographical Notes

With a determining influence by Thangtong Gyalpo, the

tradition of the chörten with a hundred thousand statues and
many doors of auspiciousness,’ Kumbum Tashi Gomang (sKu
‘bum bKra shis sgo mang), is developed to the full blossom.
While all-important texts were already printed at the
beginning of the 14th century, the painting style that once
was influenced by Kashmir, India and Nepal is now merged
into a pure Tibetan painting style.

In this touching sphere, Thangtong Gyalpo, through direct

contact with his people, stands out until to this day for the
visibly extraordinary results of his method of spreading the
teachings of Dharma. Tashi Tsering has quoted ten forms of
religious activities of Thangtong Gyalpo from a biography:

Rnam thar gsal ba’i sgron me says that Thang stong rgyal po’s
[...] religious activities took ten forms. What were they?
Building temples as a symbol of the (Buddha-) body; printing
scriptures as a symbol of the speech; building stupas as a
symbol of the mind; building bridges for the sake of all beings;
and saving individual lives. These were the five major forms.
Uninterrupted daily offerings at the temples; the
uninterrupted sound of reading the scriptures; uninterrupted
circumambulations of the stupa; non-stop building of bridges
and sparing life without interruption were the five minor
forms. Thus his ten powerful forms filled the world.11

In 1430, Thangtong Gyalpo built a bridge across the Yarlung

Tsangpo (Yar klungs bTsang po) which was probably his first
big and most significant suspension bridge called the
Chushul Chakzam (chu shul lcags zam). Later, this bridge
became so famous that it was simply called Chakzam or Iron
Bridge without being known by its local name.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s journeys to Bhutan

11Tsering, T. 2001, p.43. Tashi Tsering with the citation from the
biography depicts a whole spiritual persona with a few facts.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

To spread the teachings beyond his native Tibet and in search

of raw materials for iron chain bridges, Thangtong Gyalpo
travelled to Bhutan in 1433 via Ralung, the Phari Dzong and
the Phari La.12 In Bhutan, his way is exactly to be pursued
alongside the temples he built, like the Dungtsi Lhakhang in
the Paro valley, as well as the iron chain bridges or traces of
them in Tamchog, Chukha and Wangdi Phodrang.

Fig. 4 & 5: Like many other masters, Thangtong Gyalpo began his work in
Bhutan at the Palphug meditation cave of Taktshang in the Paro valley.

As Thangtong Gyalpo continued to travel further on to Paro,

he finds a place occupied by an evil demoness and builds a

12Tshewang, 1994, p.100. Today it is difficult to find out what were

the most important causal motives for Thangtong Gyalpo to visit
Bhutan. Was it his wish for the spreading of his teachings? Did he
want to experience the ‘power places’ like Taktsang himself? Did he
want to find iron in Bhutan or did he want to learn from the
Bhutanese blacksmiths?
Biographical Notes

chörten, Dungtsi Lhakhang (Zlum rtse lha khang). He blessed

the place and prayed that the evil demoness be banished for
good from the place so that she could not do any more harm
to the people.
From Dungtsi Lhakhang, Thangtong Gyalpo proceeded to
Dzong Drakha or Dzong Khraka, the today’s Dzong Drak
Gonpa, which is located to the west of Bongdey. In this
monastery (which today is often called the small Taktsang),
Thangtong Gyalpo again built a small chörten, blessed it and
carried out the inauguration rites. From this Gonpa,
Thangtong Gyalpo’s way led him to the Haa valley, and there
after to the Jildo Charig gorge. In the Haa valley, it is reported
that for the first time, Thangtong Gyalpo forged iron chains
for suspension bridges.

Fig. 6: Dzong Drak Gonpa near Bongdey where Thangtong Gyalpo built one of
his chörtens in Bhutan.

Having returned to the Paro valley, Thangtong Gyalpo

proceeded down to the Paro Chhu (sPa gro chu) up to the
place of today’s Tamchog Lhakhang (gTang chos Lha khang).

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The place to this day shows very red, ferrous rock. Here as
well as a few kilometres farther downstream, Thangtong
Gyalpo is supposed to have built yet another iron chain
The bridge building master continued his journey to the east,
first to Thimphu and then in the direction of Punakha. Close
to Wangdi Phodrang, he is said to have built the Badong
Lhakhang. There a lama also donated 250 pieces of iron to
him for another iron chain bridge, probably the bridge of
Wangdi Phodrang, which was substituted in 1684 with a
cantilever bridge. Finally, moving further to the east, he built
another big temple of Shar Chitog Khar. From hence,
Thangtong Gyalpo’s tracks are lost for some time. However,
his biography records that he built many bridges, chörtens
and lhakhangs in Bhutan to stabilise the teachings of the
Buddha. In the course of time, these monuments were
assigned local names, which make the identification difficult
in the present time.

Biographical Notes

Fig. 7: Another foundation of a monastery by Thangtong Gyalpo is the Gonpa of

Shar Chitog Khar near Wangdi Phodrang.

In 1434, Thangtong Gyalpo imported the blacksmith’s tools

and a total of 7500 horse loads of raw iron to Tibet. Various
sources agree that Thangtong Gyalpo had large quantities of
iron, raw iron, ready made chain links transported from
Bhutan to Tibet, including their precise quantity. His
biographer, Gyurme Dechen records that the blacksmiths of
Paro forged 7000 chain links and that he packed 1400 horse
loads of 15 chain links each alongside with other baggages
and have them brought to different places in Tibet.13 Other
parts of the biography also mention 1084 ‘plumbs’ of iron
that the Drubthop brought to Phari in Tibet.
Fragments from his life’s work
In 1436, Thangtong Gyalpo is back in Tibet to build the
bridge at Päl Riwoche (dPal Ri bo che) across the Yarlung
Tsangpo river (Yar klung gtsang po), which is still extant. It is
here that the Drubthop, many years later will establish his
large Kumbum Tashi Gomang Chörten.

Following the Päl Riwoche (dPal Ri bo che) bridge, the

Drubthop embarked upon the next big bridge building work
in 1442, the Rinchen Chakzam (Rin chen lCags zam) at the
monastery of Phodo (phod mdo) and Lhundrub (lHun grub),
across the Kyichu river (sKyid chu), an important passage
between the monastery of Reting (Ra sgreng) and Lhasa.

In the Wood Rat Year, corresponding to 1444, Thangtong

Gyalpo founded the monastery, which he later used as his
main seat. This monastery is located at the holy mountain of
Chuwo Ri (Chu bo ri), above the southern bridgehead of his
iron chain bridge across the Yarlung Tsangpo river. Chuwo Ri
is one of eight original meditation caves of Guru Rinpoche

13 Gruschke 2004, p.157.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

and the eighth century king of the Dharma, Trisong Detsen. It

is here that the hermitage of Namkading is located.14

Around this period, Thangtong Gyalpo visited Bhutan for the

second time. During this visit, he was in the Eastern Bhutan,
where he built (among others) the large iron chain bridge
below Tashigang, which stood until 1968. The literature
mentions a bridge building in Tashitse (bKras shis rtse) from
1436 to 1449, which could refer to this event. Above all, there
are numerous references to his ‘son’ Buchung that proves his
sojourn in Eastern Bhutan.

Towards the middle of the 15th century, the Drubthob works

in Eastern Tibet. In 1448, he founds the Sakya monastery of
Derge (sDe dge) Gonchen, which today is located in the
district of Derge Xian, and is also called Lhündrub Teng (lHun
grub steng). Derge Gonchen is one of the headquarters of the
Sakya Tridzin, the head of the Sakya order who presently
resides in Rajpur in Uttar Pradesh in India.15 Here at the
beginning of the 15th century, the relationship between
Thangtong Gyalpo and the leading member of the Sakya
School become visible again; this is true even today with the
17th Chakzampa Tulku (lCags zam pa Thugs sprul sku). On a
hill, opposite of Derge, a cave exists, in which Thangtong
Gyalpo has meditated. And not far from Derge, in the district
of Riwoche, the Riwoche Chakzam across the Chi Chhu, a
tributary of the Mekong, exists to this day.

In the same year, Thangtong Gyalpo returns to Central Tibet

once again to continue his immense network of iron chain
bridges. Some of these bridges, like the ones in Chung
Riwoche, Lhundrup, Panding, Phuntsholing and Tholing are
still extant to this day. Other bridges, like the famous
‘Chakzam’ of which Sven Hedin could still take a photo in

14 Chan 1994, p.478.

15 Dowman 2000, p.317/318.
Biographical Notes

1907 are mentioned in the literature, and with others again,

like the Nyango Druka Chakzam near Samye, some of the
river pillars have survived.

Thangtong Gyalpo, however, begins the preparations for his

masterpiece in 1448: The Chung Riwoche Kumbum at Päl
Riwoche, which he started constructing in 1449.

Furthermore, it was important to Thangtong Gyalpo to

strengthen his monastic institution, his teachings and the
Chakzampa School in Central Tibet.

Finally, like his year of birth, biographers differ in the year of

his death as well. Several sources point out to the fact that
Drubthop Thangtong Gyalpo has died in the district of
Riwoche in the eastern Tibetan province of Kham.16 The year
of his death is assumed anywhere between 1464 and 1509.
By keeping the variations of his birth in mind, 1384,
Thangtong Gyalpo has accordingly become anywhere between
78 and 125 years of age.17
Incarnation lineage
The incarnation lineage of Thangtong Gyalpo, the lineage of
the Chakzampa Tulkus (lCags zam pa sprul sku) is
uninterrupted to this day. Gyonpo Tshering in Thimphu has
recorded it thus:

1. Thangthong Gyalpo
2. Char Thukchan
3. Ja-Kangpa
4. Jatangpa Nering Sonam
5. Jatangpa Nering Chodpa
6. Nering Jatangpa
7. Jatangpa Phuntshog (1738-1790)

16 Zeng 1996, p.192. A. Gruschke mentions even more authors.

17 This wide range of the data is mentioned in the literature.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

8. Jatangpa Yontenpal
9. Jatangpa Oewapal
10. Ngedon Nyingpo
11. Khyentse Wangpo
12. Dewai Dorje
13. Jatangpa Zhabkar Tshogdrug Rangdrol
14. Jatangpa Ri-ul Lama
15. Jatangpa Sulmang Chodgyan
16. Drupai Wangchuk Chenpo Rikey Jadral
17. Ngawang Thinley Lhundrub, born in 1990.18

His Eminence, the 16th Thangtong Tulku, Rikey Jadral

Rinpoche, passed away in 1983 after he had founded the new
Thangtong Dewachen monastery in Thimphu in 1976. Kalu
Rinpoche who conducted the funeral rite for Rikey Jadral
Rinpoche prophesied a swift reincarnation. In addition, His
Holiness, the late Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Kalu
Rinpoche indicated that His Holiness, the Sakya Tridzin
possesses the ability to recognise the new incarnation.

In the Fire Horse Year, corresponding to the 17th May 1990,

Sangay Choedzin was born in the morning at 6 o’ clock along
with the sunrise to Gyonpo Tshering and Deki Wangmo.
Quite early, the boy manifested many signs, pointing to be
the reincarnation of the previous Chakzampa. In his
prediction letter, the Sakya Tridzin described the place,
house, names of parents and birthday of the boy. A friend of
the family mentioned to the father, a few days after the birth
that the boy could be the reincarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo.
Subsequently, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama as well as His
Holiness, the Sakya Tridzin recognised the boy as the 17th
incarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo.

Following the instructions of the Sakya Tridzin, the

investiture ceremony was carried out by His Eminence, the

18 Tsering, G., p.8.

Biographical Notes

late Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche on the fourth day of the sixth

month in the Water Dog Year, corresponding to 12 July 1994
at the Thangtong Dewachen monastery in Zilukha, Thimphu.
Later in the same year, the Sakya Tridzin carried out the
formal installation on the 16 September 1994, at his
residence in Rajpur, Uttar Pradesh in India.19

On the 6 May 2004, in the presence of his parents as well as

the director of the Thangtong Dewachen Lhakhang in
Thimphu, I was able to have a detailed conversation with the
14-year-old incarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo, Ngagwang
Thinley Lhundrub. During the interview, His Eminence gave
an account of his studies under the guidance of His Holiness
the Sakya Tridzin and His Eminence Dzongsar Jamyang
Khyentse Rinpoche in India. As to his previous incarnations,
the young Tulku pays an extraordinary reverence to them and
formulates his future plans clearly: “I will take special care of
Thangtong Gyalpo’s teachings.”20

19Ibid. p.2.
20 Ngagwang Thinley Lhundrub has the charisma of a great
personality already at 14 years. He met the author not as a child or
youngster but with restraint and great seriousness.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 8: 17th incarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo, Ngagwang Thinley Lhundrub

(Ngag dbang phrin las lhun grub), with his father and mother.

Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo

Not much is known about Thangtong Gyalpo’s family. In a
prologue to the Ache Lhamo (A lce Lha mo) play, the activities
of the Drubthop are connected to his family. According to that
source, Thangtong Gyalpo produced copies of the Kangjur
(bKa’ ‘gyur) and Tanjur (bsTan ‘gyur) for his father and built
the Kumbum Chörten for his mother. As for his son, he had
the Mani Kabum (Ma ni bka’ ‘bum) copied, and for the welfare

Biographical Notes

of all sentient beings, he built iron chain bridges across the


In the biography of Gyurme Dechen, it is pointed out that

Nyima Zangpo (Nyi ma bzang po) is regarded as his spiritual
son. In Tibet, there is no indication of his biological offspring;
however, there is a clear trace of such an existence in

In addition, nothing is known about the wife of the

Mahāsiddha. Françoise Pommaret, however, reports (again
only in respect to Bhutan) about a female partner of
Thangtong Gyalpo, who worked as a teacher of Pema Lingpa
(Padma gling pa):
Pema Lingpa came into the world in Chel in the Tang valley of
Bumthang. He was regarded as the reincarnation of Longchen
Rabjampa, as well as that of Pematsel, the daughter of the
king Trisong Detsen. Since his mother could not feed him, she
gave Pema Lingpa to a nurse in the family of a blacksmith,
where he learnt the craft of a blacksmith as a child. With the
passage of time, he became a skilful blacksmith and wood
carver. Since Pema Lingpa was interested in religious
activities, he received lessons from, Drubthob Zangmo, his
paternal aunt and the partner of the Chagzampa (iron bridge
builder) Thangtong Gyelpo.22

Just as real is the historical personality of Thangtong Gyalpo,

so blurred is the information on his son, Gyalwa Zangpo. As
already explained, nothing is reported in the Tibetan
biographies about a biological son. Neither picture nor
sculpture is extent in Tibet. However, the discovery of
artefacts and references strongly point to a son of Thangtong
Gyalpo in Merak in the eastern extremity of Bhutan.

21 Tsering, T. 2001, p.50.

22 Pommaret 1997, p.189/190.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Thangtong Gyalpo first came to Bhutan via the monastery of

Ralung, the Chumbi valley and the Phari Dzong to Paro.
However, there are two trade routes existing during that time,
by which Bhutan could be reached a lot easier from Lhasa:
One route is via Senge Dzong to Lhuntse Dzong and another
through the Valley of the Kings directly to Tashigang, which is
only two day’s walk from Merak.

It is a well-known fact that the ancestors of the today’s

inhabitants of Merak and Sakteng emigrated from Tibet in the
14th century, which is a proof of the good connections
existing between the two regions.

The author saw the representation of Buchung Gyalwa

Zangpo for the first time in 1997, in form of a clay-sculpture,
while measurements were taken for the renovation of the
Choetsi Lhakhang, high above the Paro valley. Inside the
niched wall of the altar of this Lhakhang is a group of three
figures standing with Thangtong Gyalpo as the central figure.
Below him, to the left is a slightly smaller figure of a younger
man who in the representation resembles the holy
Chakzampa and on the right lies the Chökyong (chos skyong,
skr.: Dharmapāla), the protector of the teachings.

In 1998, the author found the second one in the small

monastery of Gengo on the way to Merak. Gengo lies about
3.5 hours of walk behind the Mindula pass and one hour
before Merak. The Lama of the Lhakhang informed the author
about Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo, but could not show the
reliquary chörten, as he was engaged in carrying out an
important ritual with a hermit who stayed as a guest.

Biographical Notes

Fig. 9: The altar (mchod shoms) for Thangtong Gyalpo, his son and Chökyong
(chos skyong) in the Choetsi Lhakhang in the Paro valley.

Later, more information about Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo

began to reach me. Thanks to Robert Dompnier,23 who had
seen a wooden sculpture of Thangtong Gyalpo in Merak and
had its photo taken. The gilt figure completely differs from all
other Thangtong Gyalpo representations. The sculpture in
Merak shows a young man with a ‘Buddha’s face’ without a
beard, but with the bun of the Arhats and Mahāsiddhas. The
right hand holds a small but original chain above the level of
the head and the left hand rests in the meditation gesture in

23Robert Dompnier, like the author, has travelled to the most remote
places of Bhutan.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

the lap. The figure does not sit crossed legged nor on a double
lotus throne, but on a simple piece of cloth. When thousands
of Thangtong Gyalpo representations follow precisely the
same iconography, however, for the figure in Merak, there are
only two interpretations: Either Thangtong Gyalpo is
represented in his youthful years or it may be a
representation of his son, Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo.

Fig. 10: Statue of Thangtong Gyalpo or his son Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo in
Merak. Photo: Robert Dompnier

Finally in 2005, Karma Ura gave additional information on

Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo to the author. Following is the
translated version of Lama Rinchen’s verbal assertion
transcribed by Karma Ura:

Biographical Notes

The most important thing to see in Gengo village is its temple.

In the temple, the main relics are a statue of eleven-headed
Avaloketishvara and Guru Rinpoche. However, the most
important antique treasure in this temple is the holy mummy
or relic of Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo, the son of the famous
Drupthop Thangtong Gyalpo. It was mentioned to me that
Gyalwa Zangpo was born from the rib cage of Thangtong
Gyalpo. The holy mummy of Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo is
embalmed and enshrined in a wooden Gomang Chorten. I,
Karma Ura, would like to add that the existence of the holy
mummy of the miraculously born son of Drupthop
Thangthang Gyalpo is totally unknown, not only
internationally but also within Bhutan. It is a great
rediscovery to know that Thangthong Gyalpo had, what may
probably be a genealogical son in this country. This fact is not
recorded in any of his biographies, which of course were
written in Tibet. So the Tibetans would not have known the
existence of his descendant in eastern Bhutan.24

Further, Karma Ura expounds that Buchung may have been

born in Merak and sent to India at the age of 21 years in
search of spiritual treasures.25 Once again, this is easily
possible as India is accessible to the east and south from
Merak in one or two day journey on foot. In addition to many
places and geomantic points like trees or stones in the greater
vicinity of Merak, bear the names of Thangtong Gyalpo or his

In the Gengo Lhakhang, among the eight traditional chörtens,

the embalmed body of Buchung is said to be concealed in the
most beautiful of these chörtens, the Gomang Chörten, the
chörten of the one hundred thousand doors. Merak must
have been a home and homeland to Thangtong Gyalpo and
his ‘miraculous’ family for a long time. Since he is thought to

24Ura 2006, p.1/2.

25Ura 2005: In 2005, the author was able to speak in detail with
Karma Ura about Thangtong Gyalpo. As a result, Karma Ura wrote
the manuscript with the oral expounding by Lam Rinchen.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

have lived there for a long period, he may have built a

number of bridges using this location as his centre.
Tashigang and Doksum for example belong to this area, just
like the bridges to the south of Mongar, which likewise are
only a few days’ journey journey. Last but not least, there is
another basic fact that makes Merak an operating place for
Thangtong Gyalpo: To the south of Tashigang, close to
Khaling lies Barshong, where one of the two huge iron
deposits of Bhutan are located.26
The representations of Thangtong Gyalpo
Thangtong Gyalpo lives on as a Drupthob, as well as through
the unbroken line of his incarnations. Moreover, he also lives
on in his works: i.e. lhakhags, chörten, iron chain bridges, his
philosophical writings up to the dances and songs that
accompany certain works. Unlike other masters who have
‘only’ left their philosophy, Thangtong Gyalpo is remembered
through physical structures like bridges and temples that
remain, which make Tibet and Bhutan more easily
‘conceivable’ to lamas, monks and laymen alike, which
according to him is a very popular media of his activity among
simple people.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s blessing is especially sought for the ‘long

life’ and protection from evil. In Tibet, people generally place a
figure of Thangtong Gyalpo on to the household altar. If one
moves to another place or another house, his statue is
brought before anything else. His popularity and admiration
in the present day Tibet is clear. Even in the holiest temple of
Tibet, the Tsuglakhang (gTsug lag khang) in Lhasa bears a
large statue of him in terracotta with offerings. At the Barkhor
(bar’khor), beside the Buddha statues, only statue of
Thangtong Gyalpo painted richly and sized approximately 15
to 20 centimetres are sold to pilgrims by the two shops. In

Rapten 2001. Rapten’s report for the Centre for Bhutan Studies as

published in ‘Kuensel’ issue of 23 June 2001, p.6.

Biographical Notes

Bhutan, every year at the end of a nine day ceremony at the

Memorial Chörten in Thimphu, tshewang or long life
initiation according to the lineage of Drubthop Thangtong
Gyalpo is bestowed on tens of thousands of people. In 2005,
this ceremony was conducted by the highly honoured
Namkhai Nyingpo.27

Very often one finds Thangtong Gyalpo’s physical

representations on wall paintings, Thangkas as well as on
Tsa-tsas and figures far larger than life size displayed.
Thangtong Gyalpo is thereby shown very uniformly which
leads Schumann to assume that a representation similar to a
portrait is aimed,28 in addition one is trying to show
substantial characteristics of the emanation that he
embodies, express it through the figures or statues and in the

As already mentioned, Thangtong Gyalpo embodies the

emanation of Guru Rinpoche, Chenrezig and Tamdrin.
Padmasambhava popularly known as Guru Rinpoche is seen
as the master who is directing ‘outside’ because he brought
the Buddhism to Tibet and Bhutan. Avalokiteśvara, the
transcendent Bodhisattva of Compassion in his 4 armed form
embodies the ‘inwardly’ directed way and Tamdrin, the ‘horse-
necked’ with red skin colour, finally stands out and
represents the ‘mystic or secret’ form.

Thangtong Gyalpo is usually portrayed as a paunchy old man

with brown or red skin colour. The brown or red-brown is
supposed to resemble the colour of a fresh sheep liver and,
therefore, varies from red-brown or brownish to practically all

27 Kuensel 2005. In the issue from the 6th April, 2005 of the Kuensel,
the Bhutanese weekly paper, the blessing is expressly appreciated
and a large photo showing the numerous pilgrims and believers is
28 Schumann 1986, p.365.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

shadings between red and black. The origin of this colour is

to be found with Tamdrin, who is always shown with a skin
colour from red-brown to deep brown. Thangtong Gyalpo
wears his hair highly bound up in a big knot, as many other
Mahāsiddhas do. The long beard is, like the hair, always
white, a symbolic indication that he came to see the light of
the world only at the age of 60.

Fig. 11: Typical illustration of Thangtong Gyalpo on a block print. Source:
Schumann 1986

Thangtong Gyalpo is usually shown sitting in the lotus

posture on a double lotus throne. He wears, like many of the
yogis and Mahāsiddhas, a white cotton garment and a red
cloak. In addition to these characteristics, he wears a
meditation belt, a jewel chain, earrings and arm tyres with
the flame jewel. In the left hand, he holds the scull cup,
Thöpa (thod pa, skr.: Kapāla) and the nectar vase (bdud rtsi’i

Biographical Notes

bum pa, skr.: Amṛtakalaśa) placed inside the bowl. The right
hand, which is almost in the ‘earth-touching’ gesture lies on
top of the knee. Finally, a piece of chain, mostly five chain
links may be seen in his right hand. Only in the small
sculpture, which is located in Merak, is he shown as a young
man, holding five chain links high above his head.

In all significant sanctuaries, Thangtong Gyalpo is revered in

murals, even more so in larger-than-life-size statues. A huge
statue of the master rises in front of the Potala at the rock
spur on the Marpori, subtending the Chagpori (lCags po ri),
the iron mountain. Inside the Potala palace, a medallion is
found with a representation of Thangtong Gyalpo placed
above an iron chain bridge and a wooden bark as a ferry. In
the large Dukhang (‘Du khang), the meeting hall of Samye,
the Drubthop greets us directly left to the entrance.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 12: Wall painting of Thangtong Gyalpo at the Gyantse hotel in Tibet

In Chung Riwoche, an almost demon-like black statue in a

niche reminds us of the builder of the sanctuary, and even at
the new Gyantse hotel, a whole wall is dedicated to
Thangtong Gyalpo with the following inscription:
Thangthong Gyalpo (1361-1486). He was born in Wolka
Lhatse. That includes Angren County of Tibet now. He built
many temples and eighty-five iron bridges in Tibet. In his life,
he wrote many historical opera plays. We Tibetan say
traditional Tibetan opera was founded by him. In medicine, he
invented white saint pills and many other special pills. Later,
he died in Chung Riwo at the age of hundred and twenty-five.
He was a resourceful person for Tibet.

Biographical Notes

In Bhutan, Thangtong Gyalpo is shown virtually in classical

mode as reflected in the fine mural painting at the walls of
the Dungtsi Lhakhang that he himself had established.
Another large wall painting in Taktshang is also dedicated to
the memory of his domain in Bhutan. As mentioned earlier,
one can find an altar at the Choetse Lhakhang above
Tamchog bearing images of Thangtong Gyalpo in the middle,
with his son to the left and a protective deity to the right. The
temple at the bridgehead of the former Tashigang iron chain
bridge encloses altars, sculptures and wall paintings of
Thangtong Gyalpo. Finally, the lhakhang of Tamchog also
contains several wall paintings of Thangtong Gyalpo.

In the broader sense, the monasteries and lhakhangs that are

attributed to Thangtong Gyalpo must be counted as his
representations. Many times these lhakhangs are only called
Drubthop Lhakhang (sGrub thob Lha khang) or Mahāsiddha
Lhakhang as general names for a Thangtong Gyalpo

The Drubthop Lhakhang of Lhasa is located indicatively at

the foot of the Chakpori, the iron mountain. To its right lies
the Palphuk cave, a sanctuary which was founded in the
seventh century at the time of the King of Dharma, Srongtsen
Gampo. It is one of the oldest sanctuaries of Tibet besides
Jokhang, Samye and Ramoche, where Guru Rinpoche is said
to have meditated.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 13: Head of Thangtong Gyalpo inside the Drubthop Lhakhang at the
Chagpori in Lhasa.

According to the foundation legend, Thangtong Gyalpo came

to this cave and meditated here. During the meditation, a
black spot appeared above the left eye of the master. The
Buddhists in the Himalayas believe that for the well-being of
all sentient beings, Thangtong Gyalpo banished all evil deeds
of the world in this spot. The Lhakhang was established to
commemorate the selflessness of the Drubthop. Around 1930,
Khyenrab Norbu, an incarnation of Yutok Yönten Gonpo, the
founder of the Tibetan medicine, whose mortal remains are
kept in a metal chörten, renovated the Lhakhang. Later, after
its destruction during the Cultural Revolution, it was Sonam

Biographical Notes

Rinchen, another incarnation of Yutok Yönten Gonpo, who

restored the Lhakhang once again.29

Fig. 14: Thangtong Gyalpo at the Thangtong Dewachen Lhakhang in Zilukha,

A huge gilt statue of Thangtong Gyalpo, with pronounced spot

above left eye, dominates the Dukhang Lhakhang. Beside
representations of Yutok Yönten Gonpo, there are many small
painted figures of Thangtong Gyalpo and the Three Kings of
the Dharma are found as mural paintings at the back: The
one on left is Trisong Detsen, in the middle resides Srongtsen

29 Chan 1994, p.127.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Gampo and to the right is Ralpachan. Today four Nyingmapa

nuns help in keeping the Drubthop Lhakhang clean. One of
the duties of these four nuns is to make Tsa-tsas of the
Drupthob and to distribute them to the pilgrims passing by.

The Thangtong Dewachen Lhakhang, a Drubthop Lhakhag in

Zilukha above the Tashi Chhö Dzong in Thimphu, is, like in
Lhasa, a nunnery. The 16th Chakzampa, Rikey Jadral,
founded Thangtong Dewachen in 1976. A several metre high-
gilt statue of Thangtong Gyalpo in the middle of the altar
commands the Dukhang of this Lhakhang. Beside, the altar
also houses statues of Green Tārā and the local deity
‘Zhilshindam.’ The nunnery owns a whole series of Thangkas
with representations of the Drubthop from which some have
suffered from a fire in 2005. Presently, 60 nuns promote
Buddhism in general and the teachings of Thangtong Gyalpo
of the Jangter tradition in particular. Furthermore, this
nunnery take care of spiritual and liturgical needs of the
surrounding inhabitants, in addition to the care of the 17th
incarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo, Tulku Ngagwang Thinley
Lhundrup, born in 1990.

Below the Tashigang Dzong, an iron chain bridge once

spanned the Drangme Chhu (Drang me chu). In the former
western bridgehead of the Drangme Chhu Chakzam, another
Drubthop Lhakhang is located which was renovated at
around 2000, wherby it received a new multi-staged roof. On
the ground floor of this Lhakhang, an appropriate part of the
chains of the former bridge is attached to the walls, each one
below a painted bridge representation. The Dukhang is
controlled by Thangtong Gyalpo figures. Among them, there is
also a highly revered small figure, similarly to the one in
Chung Riwoche.

Similarly, the Tamchog Gonpa (rTa mchog dgon pa or

generally rTa mchog sgang), half way between Paro and
Chuzom in the Paro Chhu valley is regarded a Drubthop
Lhakhang. The red earth around the buildings indicates the
high iron content. The biographies prove unambiguously that

Biographical Notes

Thangtong Gyalpo once worked here. It is also known that an

iron chain bridge of Thangtong Gyalpo stood here until 1969
and by order of His Majesty, the King Jigme Singye
Wangchuck, a new iron chain bridge has been erected here
once again in 2005. The lhakhang and the hermitage
belonging to it were founded by successors of Thangtong
Gyalpo. The Dukhang is dedicated to Thangtong Gyalpo and
the Drubthop is seen illustrated everywhere. Today, private
farmers who work in the succession to the Drubthop
maintain the lhakhang.

Fig. 15: The highly revered statue of Thangtong Gyalpo inside the temple at the
Drangme Chhu near Tashigang.


The extraordinary personality of Thangtong Gyalpo can

hardly be done justice in a work like this. The more one
examines the bridges, temples and artefacts that are still
available, the more one comes to appreciate the work of the
great Drubthop. Since Thangtong Gyalpo is accomplished at
various fields, only single aspect of him can be focussed in
this book. Therefore, in the current work, only the art of the
iron chain bridges and their effect on Tibet and Bhutan and
in further course for the suspension bridge building in the
world is illustrated, with slight references to Thangtong
Gyalpo as a whole.

Thangtong Gyalpo is associated with many locations and

places, and in the wider context with the foundation of
numerous monasteries and lhakhangs. In Bhutan, for
example, the Badong Lhakhang located at high elevation on a
hill north of Wangdi Phodrang, next to the old connecting
path between Wangdi and Punakha is one of them. Another
example of his impressive construction is the Shar Chitog
Khar Lhakhang, located high above the tributary of the Dang
Chhu with a unique altar of the Buddhas of the three times .

In Tibet, the large monastery of Chakzam Chuwo Ri (lCags

zam Chu bo ri) that Thangtong Gyalpo founded in 1444,
located at the southern bridgehead of his famous ‘Chakzam’
across the Yarlung Tsangpo river, above it’s confluence with
the Kyichu river (sKyid chu) became his main seat. Later, the
monastery of Chakzam Chuwo Ri became the main
monastery of the Chakzampa school as well as the seat of the
Chakzampa Tulkus.

Two of his constructions, where it is undoubtedly confirmed

that Thangtong Gyalpo had conceived them as a philosopher
and architect and where he even lent a hand himself at their
construction will be examined here more closely. They are,

As an Architect and Blacksmith

the Dungtsi Lhakhang in Bhutan and the Kumbum at Chung

Riwoche in Tibet.
Dungtsi Lhakhang in Paro
After crossing the Phari Dzong, Thangtong Gyalpo entered
Bhutan and went immediately to one of the geomantically the
most significant ‘power place’, the Taktsang cave in Paro
valley. As he proceeded on to Paro, he saw a particular place
that was occupied by an evil demon. According to the legends,
this demon at one point looked like a black snake and at
another like a nine-headed tortoise. The monster was
responsible for misfortune, illnesses and famines in the
locality. Thangtong Gyalpo subdued the demon with his
supernatural powers and built a chörten above the entrance
to the cave called Dungtsi Lhakhang.

The Dungtsi Lhakhang is like a realised Buddhist philosophy

within a building. The chörten in its outer architecture is
shown as a three dimensional cosmic diagram, a Mandala.
The square ground floor of the Dungtsi Lhakhang, which is
provided with a set off at each of the four corners symbolises
the element earth; the Bumpa, the cylindrical rotunda, the
element water; the rising tower with thirteen rings, the
element fire; the recumbent sickle with the solar circle, the
element air; and the flaming drop at the pinnacle, the element
ether. The tower-like pinnacle sticking out from the building
also reaches as a column down to the lower floors, which
represents Meru, the axis mundi.

The square foundation and the Bumpa were built unlike a

normal chörten and without a hollow cavity, but were setup
as a ritual room, which means that the foundation is single
storied and the Bumpa, divided by a ceiling, which is two
storied. The Dungtsi Lhakhang is neither a chörten nor a
lhakhang, but both. The two storied Bumpa is equipped with
two ritual circumambulation paths, Korlam (sKor lam) and
the four niches inside the inner wall represent the four
cardinal points. The concept of how to divide the Bumpa into

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

two floors was similar to those in the Kumbum Chörten in

Jonang and Gyang Bumoche in Tibet.

Three floors show the Buddhist path to enlightenment. At the

ground floor, the life of the people, laymen as well as monks
and saints are represented. After the death, one is said to
wander in the Bardo, the intermediate state for 49 days,
which is between death and rebirth. This is allegorised in the
basement of the Bumpa. On the upper floor of the Bumpa,
the Yidams are represented with their female partners in Yab
Yum position. As with all tantric Buddhist sanctuaries, it is
part of the ritual to first circumambulate the Dungtsi
Lhakhang clockwise, that is to begin with the left side, while
proceeding with the circumambulation set the 108 prayer
wheels in motion that are fixed to the walls of the temple.
This ‘circumambulation’ is also continued inside until the
upper floors. If one follows this system on the mural paintings
as well, one is practically introduced to the complete
pantheon of the deities of the Drukpa Kagyü school.

Towards the eastern side of the ground floor (to the left of
entrance) on the inside of the outer walls among others (only
the well-known and important deities are mentioned) the
Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, Pälden Lhamo, Mahākala and the
heavenly palace of Zangdog Pelri are represented. At the
southern wall, we find Buddha, Padmasambhava and
Amitāyus. As for the western wall, Avalokiteśvara and other
Bodhisattvas are depicted. On the northern face, the great
masters of the Kagyüpa School along with Thangtong Gyalpo
are represented. At the mortar-built internal square outside
the eastern wall bear ten wrathful deities with a repeat of
Thangtong Gyalpo. At the southern wall apart from the
Buddhas and Lamas, 16 Arhats are depicted. The western
wall depict dharma-protectors along with the 21 Tārās and on
the northern face beside portraying high Kagyüpa Lamas, a 4-
armed and a 6-armed Mahākala are also illustrated. If one

As an Architect and Blacksmith

proceeds through the door of the outer wall, one meets the 35
Confession Buddhas and on the shaft of the internal column
bears 21 forms of Avalokiteśvara30

Fig. 16: The Dungtsi Lhakhang: The philosophy of Mahāyāna Buddhism realised
in a building.

In the basement of the Bumpa, there are protectors of the

teaching, and at the shaft bears the wrathful deities of the
Tibetan Book of the Dead. Finally at the upper floor of the

30 Gerner, Bhutan 1981, p.120/121.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Bumpa, Yidams, personal protective deities, statues of

Maitreya, the Adi-buddha, Thangtong Gyalpo and Milarepa
are found.

As an Architect and Blacksmith

The Dungtsi Lhakhang is Thangtong Gyalpo’s first creation of

a chörten that includes a representation of the Buddhist
system of teaching according to the tantric teachings
expounded through pictures for laymen and monks alike. The
concept, by which one apprehends Buddhism by watching
pictures, while carrying on the circumambulation was
introduced at the Chung Riwoche Kumbum in Tibet.

The people of Bhutan have a special reverence for the Dungtsi

Lhakhang. Today, this Lhakhang is popularly used for
conducting ceremonies for deceased in helping them on their
way through the Bardo. These rituals that often last for
several weeks are sponsored by the relatives of the deceased.
The monk conducting these ceremonies sits in front of a
small altar on the eastern side of the ground floor, while some
other members who also supply the monk with food reside in
the simple cottages beside the temple.31
Chung Riwoche
Chung Riwoche Kumbum Chörten (mChod rten bKra shis sgo
mang gCung Ri bo che) is located in the region of Latö, about
100 kilometres to the west of Lhatse, in a sharp river bend on
the left bank of the Yarlung Tsangpo. This Chörten is a
masterpiece of Thangtong Gyalpo, which was planned as a
three-dimensional Mandala, now established as a Kumbum, a
form that is common in Latö.

When Thangtong Gyalpo completed the construction of the

Dungtsi Lhakhang in Paro, he was about 50 years old. When
he was around 65 years, he began the construction of Chung
Riwoche. However, according to Thangtong Gyalpo’s own
information, the inspiration goes back much further to 1354
when Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen begun the construction of the
first big Kumbum Chörten (sKu ‘bum mchod rten) in Jonang
(Jo nang) above Phuntsholing (Phun tshogs gling). The

31 Gerner Bhutan 1981, p.119/120.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

construction of the Gyang Bumoche Kumbum (rGyang Bu mo

che sku ‘bum) began at around 1420 at Lhatse. From 1427 to
1439, Thangtong Gyalpo constructed the Gyantse Kumbum
(rGyal rtse sku ‘bum) outside the area of Latö, followed by the
construction of the Kumbum Chung Riwoche in 1449.

Fig. 17: Thangtong Gyalpo’s masterpiece, the Kumbum Chörten at Chung
Riwoche, Tibet.

According to Thangtong Gyalpo’s autobiographical notes, he

assisted the construction of the Jonang Kumbum in his
former incarnation. It was also recorded that he was an
assistant at the construction of the Gyang Bumoche
Kumbum as well. Later, he applied the same concept to his
Dungtsi Lhakhang in Bhutan. Finally in Chung Riwoche, he
finalised his own conceptual ideas and, as a matter of fact,
the various Kumbums at Jonang, Gyang Bumoche and
Chung Riwoche in Tibet as well as the Dungtsi Lhakhang in
Bhutan used similar forms while from other Kumbum

As an Architect and Blacksmith

Chörten, like the Kumbum of Gyantse, he attempted

divergent philosophical concept and construction details, as
exemplified by the internal circumambulation paths, Korlam.
The similarities become clear if we consider the Bumpa: Only
the Kumbum Chörtens of Jonang, Chung Riwoche and
Dungtsi Lhakhang have the Bumpa split into two floors.

Like no other building or iron chain bridge is the preparations

and the construction of the Chung Riwoche Kumbum
described in greater detail in the biography (rNam thar) by
Gyurme Dechen. Furthermore, Roberto Vitali could
investigate the construction precisely before the end of the
recent restoration work in 1988.

In 1448, Thangtong Gyalpo returned to the place at the

Yarlung Tsangpo that he had named Päl Riwoche (dPal Ri bo
che) in 1436, where he had established an iron chain bridge
across that river. At first, he persuaded the local and regional
rulers to establish a centre for the spread of Buddhist
doctrine, at the place where the crossing of the river could be
done with the use of an iron bridge. He received the approval
from the authorities with a promise of support through
supply of money, material, workers and artists. According to
Vitali: “The lord of La-stod Lho accepted his proposal and
offered craftsmen, wood and workers from his fief [khri.skor]”
and Vitali continues with the translation from the biography
of Gyurme Dechen:
He went to dPal and many workers of Byang Khri-
zhabs (the La.stod Byang prince) arrived in order to lay the
foundation of the mchod.rten bkra.shis sgo.mangs (sic) in the
earth-female-snake year corresponding to 1449. The master
and his disciples worked as well with earth and stones. Due to
the effort of all, many stones and much earth was put
together. When the mchod.rten was completed up to the [bell], it collapsed three times. Then they planned to
expand the mchod-rten foundations to make it more
magnificent in appearance. At every layer of the foundation’s
walls, grains were always found. The monks and workers were
discouraged. Grub thob chenpo said, ‘We are part of this
impermanence. This is a sign for the community. What we are

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

doing is for the benefit of dharma and sentient beings. If we

do not succeed in this life, we will succeed in the next. It may
be finished before my death. If it is not done, then there will
be natural disasters such as storms, poverty, crop failures
and excessive rain. The elements will fight each other; strife
and unknown diseases will strike causing death. To avoid
such misfortunes, willingly or unwillingly, you people must be
patient and work hard, because this mchod rten is connected
with the happiness of humanity and its building will cause
deliverance to Sukhavati heaven.’ After saying these words,
the people felt encouraged and placed great trust in him in
order to finish the work.32

In 1456, Thangtong Gyalpo completed the huge work. In the

biography of Gyurme Dechen, he recorded the consecration
rites of the chorten:
Grub.thob chen.po completed the construction of the
mchod.rten with a golden umbrella when he was ninety six in
the fire-male-rat year corresponding to 1456. Then he gave
empowerments to his spiritual son Nyi-ma bzang.po, who had
originated from the three spokes of Grub.thob chen.po’s
rdo.rje, and consecrated the great mchod.rten.33

Even the description of the construction of the Chung

Riwoche Kumbum is filled with legends and miracles
exhibited by Thangtong Gyalpo, listing construction workers,
striking and rebelling up to accidents that struck himself: At
one point while breaking stones he was completely ‘buried’
alive by heavy stones. All workers thought that Thangtong
Gyalpo was dead. But when they tried to dig out the ‘dead’
master after three days, he appeared more robust than ever

The Chung Riwoche Kumbum consists of nine floors with 84

chapels, including the ground floor. At the base floor, a
Korlam is arranged, in the four floors on top of that twenty

32 Vitali 1990, p.123/124.

33 Vitali 1990, p.125.
As an Architect and Blacksmith

chapels. The Bumpa is divided into two floors with a Korlam

as in the Jonang Kumbum and Dungtsi Lhakhang in Bhutan,
and in the roof construction, four small temple niches are
arranged again. Like the Jonang Kumbum, the Chung
Riwoche Kumbum is equipped with the same number and
equally big temple niches at every floor, unlike the Gyantse
Kumbum, which features large temple niches in each of the
cardinal directions. Moreover, the temple niches in Gyantse
are equipped with sculptural figures; the niches in Chung
Riwoche are dominated by paintings. These paintings clearly
show their own style, the Latö school, which was also
founded along the lines of the Jonang Kumbum. This is very
much in contrast with Gyantse, where clear influence from
Nepal and China led to results that are more elegant. The
Latö-style distinguishes itself through squatty athletic-like
figures and by distinct thick, black edge lines.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 18: Wall painting of the Kumbum Chörten at Chung Riwoche, partly
destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.

Production of iron and steel

With the melting of iron and the forging of steel, Thangtong
Gyalpo intervened even more in the craft activities. Moreover,
it must be understood that the production of iron from iron
ores in China, Tibet and Bhutan still needed no furnaces
until the 20th century, but was processed in domestic
workshops. On 14 December 1882, Karl Zittel writes about
the iron production in China in the newspaper ‘Allgemeine

The Chinese iron industry since thousands of years is

pursued most intensely in the districts of Tay yang and Lo-
ping. More than 100 million people receive their ironware

As an Architect and Blacksmith

needs from the cities of Föng-tai-shien, Ping-ting-tschou and

their surroundings. One cannot think of an easier and
cheaper iron production than here. The farmer digs the ore in
his own field and makes it to the nearby smeltery; and fuel
material of the highest quality is found everywhere. Furnace
operation can begin with a capital of 100 German marks. The
Chinese people do not know anything about furnaces or other
costly facilities. People search a place for themselves, where
the loess rises in two or three steady terraces. Then they dig
some cavities into the walls and the establishment is ready.
After clay, cabbage and ore are gathered, a plane square is
pounded on the ground of the terrace, surrounded by mud
walls, a small hut for the bellow attached to a side and on it
the ground is supported by fist-sized Anthracit pieces. Then
one puts up about 150 self-manufactured 15 inch high and at
the top 6-inches-wide smelters which are loaded with a
mixture by ore, small pieces of coal and of iron enriched slag.
All gaps between the crucibles are filled with small Anthracit
pieces, then above that Anthracit layers are spread and a new
layer of crucible is added in the same way and yet again
loaded with Anthracit. At the top, one prepares a roof from
remains of used crucible, and now the fire is fanned by means
of the bellow and is kept alive, until it finishes through
natural draft. Once the ore has melted, the crucibles are
poured out according to demand either directly in forms, or
the contents are prepared to wrought iron by slow cooling.34

In Bhutan, the past still seems to be even closer. Phuntsho

Rapten in the 23 June 2001 issue of Kuensel writes:
The metallurgy of Chakor La at Geynekha in Thimphu and
Barshong at Khaling in Tashigang used to be the main
sources of iron ore for the Bhutanese blacksmiths. Literally,
Chakor La means: ‘Hill surrounded by iron ore’. The people of
Geynekha up to 1950 paid taxes in the form of pig iron.
Barshongpas (the people of Barshong) also paid taxes in the
form of iron, which was used for forging swords during the
rule of the Jakar Dzongpon, Pema Tenzin.

34 Zittel 1882, p.1.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

A suitable depth compared to height of an at least one story

traditional Bhutanese building must be dug into the earth to
extract iron ore. The iron ore is found mixed with blackish
earth. The people work on the earth with spades and pick axe.
The pig iron ore is carried in a bamboo basket from the place
where it was extracted to the place where the stove stands.
The furnace varies from household to household, according to
wish but is normally square in shape. On different corners of
the furnace, a round hole is dug to let the molten iron flow
out. Above the main fire hole, a tier of hard wood is piled up.
On top of that, the earth with the enclosed iron ore is spread
out and the process is repeated until the furnace is filled up.
The fire is burning uninterruptedly. It lasts possibly from one
week up to ten days or even one month to finish the process
of the iron melting. It all depends on the size of the furnace.
The molten iron, which is collected in different holes, is only
soft iron, called Nyencha. Then these iron balls are put in
charcoal and are heated up incessantly to make the iron
harder (to produce i.e. steel). Swords and other household
appliances are made from this iron. Different varieties of iron
can be melted, while one uses different kinds of wood. One
reaches a better quality of the iron if it is burnt with Sisi shing
(oak) , Sokey shing or Thom shing. A medium quality is
reached if the iron is burnt with Etho metho, Tar shing, Tsu-
tsu and simple qualities are produced from Choka shing or
Mur shing.35

The manufacturing methods used up to the recent time are

strongly alike. The essential difference consists of the fact
that the iron ore in China was melted with coal, while in
Bhutan different species of wood was used to secure differing
quality of iron.

The details on the iron ore locations and the export to Tibet
by Thangtong Gyalpo differ a lot. According to sources, 18
different places are identified, where iron was melted and
forged. Others speak of 1084 ‘plumbs’ of iron that Thangtong
Gyalpo was supposed to have brought across the border to

35 Rapten 2001. p.6.

As an Architect and Blacksmith

Phari Dzong in Tibet and still other sources speak of 7500

horse loads of iron that Thangtong Gyalpo transported from
Paro to Tibet.

Fig. 19: Detail of the investigation illustrations of the ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Source: Epprecht 1979.

The production of iron was already known in Central Asia by

1200 BC. The art of the iron treatment and the production of
bridges from iron chains, however, was the speciality of
Thangtong Gyalpo. The production of steel could only be done
by heating up the iron repeatedly, then forging rectangle
sticks from this steel, form the sticks to chain links and
finally, in a welding procedure at about 1,400 degrees, i.e.
with almost liquid iron, have them diagonally overlap. If the
iron or the steel becomes too hot during this procedure, it will
be useless. Thangtong Gyalpo also perfected this art of
crafting with additions like arsenic as a flux while doing the
fire welding, which was possibly the last working step to the
chain links at the site. By this procedure, he reached such an
extraordinary steel quality that they were not only highly

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

strain proven but in many places still free of corrosion, even

up to this day.36

In the middle of 1970s, a chain link of a bridge by Thangtong

Gyalpo was brought to Europe form Bhutan to be examined
thoroughly. The chemical investigation proved that it
contained wrought iron similar to the hammered iron kinds
from the Romans era with only about 2 percent of other alloys
and with only 0.012 percent of carbon content.

Later in a more detailed metallographic investigation at the

Confederate Technical College (Eidgenössische Technische
Hochschule ETH) in Zürich, in the winter of 1978/79
provided precise information about the different dispersion of
the carbon in the forged cross-cuts and the use of arsenic for
welding together of the single chain links.

In summary, the report of the ETH ascertains:

Finally it can be said that the iron chains of the Bhutanese

suspension bridges were produced of forged iron. The chain
links were created obviously from iron rods which were forged
before from smaller iron malice with different carbon
concentration. Afterwards the iron rods were forged to chain
parts by heating up the iron in coal fire. In this way the iron
was able to absorb carbon and thus become harder iron
(steel). Then the chain links were possibly on site, closed by a
fire welding technology which is unknown today and at which
a thin film of slightly melted iron that contains the arsenic is
coating the surface. Otherwise this technique is only known to
have used by Roman for making their swords.37

36 In 2004, Uli Barnickel, metal sculptor and blacksmith, help

conduct the investigation of the Rinchen and Puntsholing Chakzam
and examined the blacksmith's technology in particular.
37 Epprecht 1979, p.150.

As an Architect and Blacksmith

In the iron chain bridges of the Himalayas, there are five

different types of chain links, as well as blacksmith’s work
that can be distinguished clearly:

Chain type 1: Outside length is 25 to 35 cm, outside width 8

to 10 cm, iron cross-cuts approximately 2.0 cm x 3.5 cm, no
plane surfaces, relatively coarse blacksmith work. This kind
of chain links, which today are kept and revered at the Sili
Gonpa seems to have been used only at the chains of the
former bridge across the Wang Chu near the village of

Fig. 20: Original iron chains of Thangtong Gyalpo without any corrosion even
after 555 years.

Chain type 2: Outside length is 15 to 40 cm, outside width 5

to 8 cm and iron cross-cuts approximately 1.7 cm x 2.5 cm.
The long sides of the chain links are precisely parallel and the
chain links are completely smooth and have been forged
elegantly. This kind of chain links seems to have been used in
all bridges or the chains of bridges, which directly go back to
Thangtong Gyalpo.
Chain type 3: Outside length is 15 to 40 cm, outside width 5
to 8 cm and iron cross-cuts of approximately 1.5 cm x 2.5
cm. The chain links have been forged to a more rectangular
cross-cut, single limbs are almost like flat iron and above all,
the long sides are not parallel, but have partly been drawn
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

inwards. The chain links were used in Tholing in Tibet and in

Tamchok in Bhutan.

Chain type 4: Outside length is approximately 20 to 35 cm,

outside width 5 to 8 cm and iron cross-cut of about 1.5 cm to
2.5 cm. The chain links have not been forged from rectangle
steel, but from round steel. This kind of chain only exists in

Chain type 5: Anchor cables from ship constructions:

Outside length is 15 to 20 cm, outside width 8 to 10 cm and
iron cross-cut of about 3 to 4 cm. Anchor cables were used
only in the 20th century in Nepal for building suspension

The size of the chain links all together varies, partially in

dependence with the spans of the bridges between 15 to 40
cm in length and approximately 5 to 8 cm in width and iron
cross-cuts of approximately 1.2 x 2.5 cm to 2.0 x 3.5 cm.
With the relatively large range of variation in the dimensions,
the forging work shows a close uniformity with the chains
from chain links of type 2.

In the literature, all iron chain bridges in Tibet and Bhutan

are practically ascribed ‘rightly or wrongly’ to Thangtong
Gyalpo. Unambiguously, through the comparison of the
biographical information and the technical details, an
‘original type’ consisting of two chains, where a bridge rail is
hung in between and also with the enhancement of two other
chains can be attributed to Thangtong Gyalpo. Hence, the
question of whether Thangtong Gyalpo has invented the iron
chain bridges is pertinent. There are references to older
bridges in the Tibetan literature. Tsering reports about an
iron chain bridge, which was supposed to have been built by
the Tibetans during the war against the Tang dynasty,
possibly in the year 821 for crossing the lower Yellow river.
Likewise, the third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (Rang ‘byung
rdo rje) who lived from 1284 to 1330 is said to have
constructed an iron chain bridge across the Sog-chu. Tsering

As an Architect and Blacksmith

cites Tibetan sources; however, there are no references about

bridge constructions or their dimensions.38

Since 1200 BC, the production and forging of iron was known
in China. One must assume that at least smaller bridges or
footbridges made from iron chains were already in existence
before Thangtong Gyalpo.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s extraordinary merit lies in the fulfilment

of the prophecies of Avalokiteśvara. Among others, he also
developed the art of blacksmithery to the highest level
through ‘welding together’ single chain links with the aid of
arsenic, which enabled him to create bridge steel, free of
corrosion. Even more so commendable was the mastering the
art of building the ‘gigantic’ span bridges. Along with it, he
was also greatly successful in building suspension bridges, in
addition to the development of the bridge building as a whole
to a new height in the 15th century.

38 Tsering, T. 2001, p.59.


Development of methods to cross rivers and gorges

Easily passable and unbroken link across the natural barrier
are a basic condition for cultural and economic development.
The people of the high mountains, like in the Alps as well as
the Himalayas, had to overcome more torrential rivers and
deep gorges than the people living in plains, where quite often
simple fords across the rivers helped. Thus in the
mountainous regions, people have to search for possibilities
to overcome these obstacles. In the Himalayas and
particularly Tibet, even the most difficult terrains are
connected by continuous road networks and ingeniously built
bridges even during the Middle Ages.

The methods to cross gorges and rivers in the Himalayas are

extremely diverse and rich in variations. In the following, they
are shown only briefly as it is necessary for the classification
of Thangtong Gyalpo’s work and the iron chain bridges. The
chronology of the representation corresponds possibly to the
technical degree of maturity, but does not follow a continuous
development pattern, because even the oldest methods are
applied differently on the regional level until today.

1. Ice and snow bridges

2. Rafts and inflated animal skins
3. Boats
4. Stone slab bridges
5. Girder bridges from round and squared timber trunks
6. Ropes made from plant fibres
7. Ropes made from yak skin
8. Single rope bridges
9. Bamboo arch bridges
10. Steel cable with hoops
11. Steel cables with rails
12. Wooden cantilever bridges
13. Iron chain suspension bridges
14. Suspension bridges

Bridges in the Himalayas

15. Bailey bridges

16. Concrete bridges
17. Concrete arch bridges
18. Steel truss bridges
19. Bridges, ferries and boats
Ice and snow bridges
Ice bridges and snow bridges along with frozen rivers permit
unspectacular river crossings without large expenditures in
the winter time. In the Zanskar valley (Zangs dkar) in the
western Himalayas, the frozen river is used as a means to
travel across and for travelling through the steep gorges in
winter even today. Disadvantages consist in the fact that the
shining ice is difficult to be walked upon for mounts and pack
animals. Moreover, the ‘bridges’ can be used for only few
months in a year.
Rafts and inflated animal skins
Smaller rafts of wood or bamboo and inflated animal skins
can only be used to a limited extent, as they are applicable
only in relatively calm water. The rafts were punted or pulled
by ropes that were stretched across the rivers. In Bhutan,
bamboo rafts, which can accommodate four to five people, are
used in Manas, in the southern part of the country.39 In
Bhutan, rafts are also used if a corpse had to be transported
across a river, since it was forbidden to transport deceased
over a bridge in order not to offend the protective spirits. The
author could observe in 1990 in Eastern Tibet a raft made
from a rust of eight inflated pigskins. Moreover, in 1978 he
also saw a Bhutanese who crossed the river recumbently
paddling with hands and feet on an inflated yak skin in the
Tang valley in Bumthang.

39 Ura 2000, p.47.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Two kinds of boats are used for transporting goods and

crossing rivers in Central Tibet since the Middle Ages. The
first type consisted of light boats made from three yak skins
stretched on wood, which could be carried on land. This boat
can be carried comfortably upstream by a single person and
has a carrying capacity of more than one ton on the water.

Since the 18th century (most probably from the 17th

century), heavy wooden boats that were up to four metres
wide and 20 metres long are to this day are ferried from
Tsethang to Samye across the Yarlung Tsangpo river.
Stone slab bridges
The stone slab bridges were not common in the Himalayas up
to the last century. Whatever the available material in the
mountains allowed, natural slate plates or granite plates were
moved with wooden roles to the creeks, and stable bridges
were built. The spans were narrowly limited to a few metres.
Accordingly, stone bridges in the Himalayas play a
subordinate role.
Girder bridges from round and squared timber trunks
Despite their materials having had to be brought partially to
the building site from afar girder bridges play a far more
important role. For timber bridges, one stacked loose stone
foundations up on both riverbanks and put over it several
round or sharp-edged hewed trunks. Usually for this bridge,
fir, spruce and pine trunks were used. With this kind of
bridge, one reaches a span (with trunks that were long and
thick) of more than twelve metres. Larger spans will fail
because of the dead weight and the deflection of the trunks
conditioned thereby or the transport possibilities of long and
heavy wooden trunks. Because of the weight, only bridges
with low spans could be provided with a layer from stone
plates. The static system of these bridges is very simple, i.e.
one girder on two props. All together, this simple system in
many places attained durability, lasting many decades. In
order to achieve larger spans, favourable conditions like
suspending or overhanging rocks or recumbent rocks in the

Bridges in the Himalayas

river were often used as natural stream pillars. In Bhutan,

these bridges are built on a large scale even to this day along
with the wooden cantilever bridges, which we will deal later.40
Single rope bridges
In travel reports of the past, the crossing of rivers by using
ropes made from plant fibre are recorded with great respect.
Fastened temporary ropes are used for the crossing of an
expedition, but mostly, ropes are permanently fixed with
stones. In the easiest case, a rope was stretched, where one
had to ‘work his way along’. Almost comfortably were two
tense ropes with a ring. The traveller had to sit or kneel down
in this hoop and then pull himself with both ropes (which
also carry the ring) across the river or the gorge. In Bhutan,
for spanning such a rope, it was knotted to a thin thread,
which was then shot with an arrow across the river. The
thinner thread or rope then pulled the heavy rope across the

40 Gerner 1999, p.1411.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 21: Difficult gorge crossing on a single rope bridge. Source: Aris, 1982.

Captain Turner describes such a bridge between Murichom

and Chukha in the valley of the Wang Chu in Bhutan:
A very curious and simple bridge, for the accommodation of
single passengers, communicated between this and the
opposite mountain. It consisted of two large ropes made of
twisted creepers, stretched parallel to each other, and
encircled with a hoop. The traveller, who wishes to cross over
from hence, has only to place himself between the ropes, and
sit down on the hoop, seizing one rope in each hand, by
means of which he slides himself along, and crosses an abyss
on which I could not look without shuddering. Custom,
however, has rendered it familiar, and easy to those who are
in the practice of thus passing from one mountain to the
other, as it saves them by this expedient, a laborious journey
of several days.41
Ropes made from yak skin

41 Turner 1800, p.54 and Ura 2000, p.48.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Father M. Huc saw on his trips to Tartary i.e. Tibet and China
from 1840 to 1846 a bridge made from ropes, which were
plaited out of yak skin leather. Huc comments:
As we were passing the Ya-Loung-Kiang in a boat, a shepherd
crossed the same river on a bridge merely composed of a thick
rope of yak skin tightly stretched from one bank to the other.
A solid strap to a moveable pulley on the rope suspended a
sort of wooden stirrup. The shepherd had only to place
himself backwards, under this strange bridge, with his feet on
the stirrup, and hold on to the rope with both his hands; he
then pulled the rope gently; the mere weight of his body made
the pulley move, and he reached the other side in a very short
time. These bridges are very common in Thibet, and are very
convenient for crossing torrents and precipices; but one must
be accustomed to them.42
Suspension bridges from plant fibres
In Bhutan as well as in Zanskar and Lahoul, elegant
suspension bridges were built with a span reaching up to 40
metres. Karma Ura describes bridges of the semitropical
areas of Bhutan made from reed and climbers, consisting of
slope ropes and the walking layer fastened to it. The railing is
made from twisted mats. The ropes are partially strengthened
with wood and both supports were fastened with wooden

Crook and Osmasten describe rope bridges from Zanskar:

Suspension bridges are used on spans up to 60 metre in
length, traditionally made of cables of twisted branchlets
(Lonicera myrtillus, a kind of honeysuckle) or of
(Betula utilis, a birch). Since these bridges need renewing
every three years or so, they are now being increasingly
reinforced or replaced by steel cables. Normally these cannot

42 Huc 1856, p.572/573.

43 Ura 2000, p.48.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

be crossed by animals. New and bigger bridges with wooden

decking are being built in a few places (e. g. Padum).44

Similar rope bridges were built (and are still built

occasionally) in South America. The immense road system of
the Incas from the second half of 15th up to the beginning of
the 16th century got by only with one system of bridges. The
Incas had a similar ‘bridge building program’ like the ones to
be found in the Himalayas: Stone bridges from big blocks,
wooden cantilever bridges, hanging rope bridges, rope bridges
with baskets but no iron chain bridges were constructed. The
most interesting constructions are the suspension bridges
made from dried grass.

In 1534, Pedro Sanches, the secretary of Pizarro observed the

construction of such a rope bridge of the Incas. In 1870, there
was a report about the Apurimac suspension bridge with
approximately 45-metre span. Such constructions are to be
observed until the end of 20th century.45
Weihreter reports about an outstanding suspension bridge
near Schaor in Lahoul. It is regarded as among the biggest
and best suspension bridges in the whole of the Himalayas.
This fragile looking construction is only made out of the
branches of the Killa-bush (tuzia remenodis). This bridge is
produced of a thick rope twisted from branches used as a
tread and two such ropes as handrails where three ropes are
connected in such a way that also the handrails help with the

44 Crook 1994, p.51.

45 Zweitausendeins 2000, p.249 ff. “The seventy wonders of the
ancient world. The great monuments and how they were built.”
Published by Thames and Hudson, London in 1999, German
translation entitled “Die siebzig Weltwunder” published by
Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt in 2000. The bridge of Apurimac, but
also the so-called “hammock bridges”, as it was recorded, e.g. by
Alexander von Humboldt in 1802 in today's Ecuador, are often used
in the whole bridge literature as examples.
46 Weihreter 2001, p.33.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Fig. 22: The author in 1975, on a bridge made from willow tree branches in

During his travel from 1979 and 1980 in Zanskar, the author
saw a bridges in use made from willow-tree branches. One
such is the Zangla bridge across the Zanskar river and
another is found across the Lingti Chhu at Char. These
bridges had spans up to forty metres and are made of six to
nine centimetre thick willow rope bundles with approximately
fifteen centimetres in diameter. Together, these ropes were
connected with thin pasture ropes again. Such bridges could
be used by two to three people and swayed strongly in both
directions. The packing animals could not use this bridge, but
had to cross the rivers by swimming. The disadvantage of all
rope bridges and bridges made from plant fibres lie in need
for frequent repairs. This signifies a huge amount of work
involved for the inhabitants of a village for many weeks. The
bridge across the Zanskar river with its 40 metres of span
was regarded as one of the longest spanned willow branch
Bamboo arch bridges

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

In the bamboo covered valleys of the southern and eastern

Himalayas, arched bridges made from bamboos are still in
use today. From a single bamboo pole to bundle of bamboo
poles, one formed bows on which a light bridge rail with ropes
from plant fibres was hung up. Blanche Christine Olschak
reports about the English naturalist Joseph Dalton Hooker
and his expeditions to Sikkim from 1848 to 1851: “Steadfast
Hooker crossed the gorges of the rivers on slimy and swinging
bamboo bridges.” A detailed sketch of a bamboo bridge with
approximately 30 metres of span is presented in the report.47
In Bhutan, on the way upstream of the Paro Chhu towards
Lingshi Dzong, the author could see a simple bamboo arch
bridge in use as late as 1996.
Steel cables with hoops
Even in the 20th century, this method of crossing rivers and
ravines was used in the Himalayas. A single wire rope is
stretched over relatively light abutments and by means of a
role with a bench one pulls oneself across the river. After
some enhancements, a wooden box was hung up on two roles
for a maximum of two people and one also had to pull oneself
with the hands along the wire rope and in each case, the last
quarter of the rope sagging required all power. Therefore,
these ‘transport boxes’ were made even more comfortable,
while they received a hauling cable with which one could pull
the vehicle on the desired side, as well as be moved from the

Weihreter in 1985 in the Western Himalaya could witness the

transfer of a tensioning rope and calls the equipment

47 Olschak 1965, p.66/67.

48 Weihreter 2001, p.30.
Bridges in the Himalayas

Fig. 23: Crossing the Indus river with a hoop on a steel cable.

From 1976 to 1985, the author had to cross the Indus river in
Ladakh (La dvags) several times, using such bridges.
Similarly, Sven Hedin, while he was wandering through the
Trans-Himalaya in 1906 and 1907, had numerous
adventurous crossings of rivers and gorges by using this kind
of bridges. About a Sutlej crossing, he writes:
Deva Ram gives his sign, the rope carriage starts to glide; I
float beyond the edge and now below me in the depth the
greyish white waves of the river are rolling. An eternity passes.
Why do I not already arrive over there, then? It is only 35
metres. Over there on the heights is my old Tibet. Down there
in the levels is India. My caravan has been torn apart. I myself
float between the sky and the murderous Satledch (Sutlej). I
have investigated this river and have found its original spring.
The discovery cost a sacrifice indeed. I had never had such
respect before the immense majestic river like at this moment,
and all at once I had understanding for the chörten-pyramids
and stone marks of the Tibetans on shores and bridges, those
calls for help against indomitable natural forces and those
lithified prayers to relentless gods. My look falls on the white
boiling gigantic kettle in the abyss down there. How splendid,
how fascinatingly nice. The language owns no words for it; no
master can paint this picture. The vertiginous bird’s-eye view

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

cannot be returned on the canvas. Only after a model one

could make off a concept. Only listen to the concentrated
rumbling of this water thunder which is renewed with every
moment. It fills up the narrow stone gutter and I float in the
midst of a chaos of sound waves which cross each other from
all sides.
With every jerk that the drawing of the people causes, I swing,
to and fro. Holla! Only two metres up to the edge of the stone
dam. Marvellous land! If the cable has held so long, it will not
exactly tear now with fateful crashing. Pull, only one more
metre. With a cosy feeling of security I glide further on over
the stone dam and in the twinkling of an eye. I am single for
all gang and bonds!49
Wooden cantilever bridges
Simple bended beams with a maximum of about 12 metres of
span were not long enough for many broader rivers and
gorges. First, one started to support the beam in bending
from the riverbanks at an angle and then developed cantilever
bridges with cantilevered tiers of beams from the river banks,
which again supported up to 12 metre long single tense
suspension beams. For the cantilever bridges, firm
bridgeheads from stones and hardening tiers of wood were
established. Then on the bridge height up to about five tiers
of beams were piled on one another in each case,
cantilevering from about 1.5 to 2.5 metres. The cantilever
beams then carry the freely tensed middle section. The tiers
of beams themselves are weighted with piled up stone tiers,
so that they remain stable. Particularly, in the eastern Tibet,
one will find reckless constructions of these cantilever bridges
that are still in use today.

49 Hedin 1909, p.344.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Fig. 24: Horse caravan on the former cantilever bridge across the Paro Chhu
below Taktshang.

In Bhutan, they have received a special characteristic, where

not only stone tiers were used as a weight to the tiers of
beams, but also splendid bridge houses were built. The most
significant of these bridges was the bridge below the Wangdi
Phodrang Dzong, with a span of approximately 52 meters that
stood from 1684 until it was washed away in 1968. These
bridges provide their service in Bhutan to this day. One such
bridge is built next to the vegetable market in Thimphu
across the Thimphu Chhu in the year 2005 and another one
is planned to connect the Punakha Dzong.50

50 The cantilever bridge at the Punakha Dzong, the winter residence

of the Je Khenpo, was destroyed by high water. However, the left
bridge tower with the cantilever tiers of beams was preserved. An
emergency bridge was first spanned at these cantilever beams as a
light suspension bridge to the right riverbank. Later, only a few
metres upstream, a cable rope suspension bridge with concrete
pylons was erected. This is supposed to be substituted again
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Iron chain suspension bridges

In the overall development of bridge building as well as forged
suspension bridges, the earliest known iron chain bridge
architect, Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo, play a significant
role. Thangtong Gyalpo is supposed to have built 108 iron
chain bridges in Tibet and Bhutan, in addition to a number of
ferry boats, possibly between the year 1430 and 1464. Some
of the iron chain bridges have survived to this day and have
provided their services without repair or special care and
without having shown signs of rust or corrosion. The
remaining iron chain bridges by Thangtong Gyalpo or the
vestiges of them that have survived to this day as well as a
few drawings or the vestiges of abutments show that in Tibet
and Bhutan at least two distinguishing constructions were
carried out.

The type 1 bridge normally consists of two parallel spanned

chains in between where the bridge rail, the walking layer
was hung on to the ropes. Instead of a firm bridge rail, only
bamboo mats were often inserted into the ropes. In some
cases, such iron chain bridges were strengthened, while by
height of the walking layer, two other chains were arranged.
With the iron chain bridges existing even today, the ‘railing
chains’ are provided with the chains with wires or wire
meshes which carry the walking layer. Earlier, instead of the
wires, one probably also used ropes from twisted willows or
yak skins at the iron chain bridges.

The type 2 bridge, a stress ribbon bridge consists of several

chains spanned side by side that directly carry the screed, the
bridge rail, as well as additionally higher arranged chains at
the side which served as a railing. The bridge existing today
at Duksum in Eastern Bhutan and the bridge discovered by
Samuel Turner in the 18th century close to Chukha and

according to the plans of the Swiss engineer Fritz Baumgärtner by a

wooden cantilever bridge.
Bridges in the Himalayas

drawn by James Basire and Samuel Davis belong to this

kind. For this type, there is no evidence found by means of
historical bridge descriptions or through other reports, which
can be traced back to Thangtong Gyalpo. It is more likely that
original iron chain bridges by Thangtong Gyalpo were
extended with two or more chains.

A variation of type 1 bridge is the ‘suspended’ bridge. The

bridge of Tholing in the former kingdom of Guge in Western
Tibet shows a mixed construction in this respect, as it
concerns one of the wooden cantilever bridge typical of the
Himalayas, whose long span is supported by two spanned
chains above it, as well as appropriately hung out chains.

Other mixed constructions are combined bridges, for example’

wire ropes and willow ropes. Starting with father Grueber,
almost all European travellers who used the iron chain
bridges in Tibet and Bhutan were highly impressed by them.

In 1856, father Huc writes:

Iron suspension bridges likewise are in use a lot, especially in
the provinces of U (dBus) and Tsang (gTsang). To construct
these (suspension bridges), as many iron anchors are
attached on both sides of the river, as they have chains. Then
the chains are stretched, and on top of the chain planks
which are partially covered with a tier of earth are fastened.
Because these bridges are especially loose (swing and sway)
they are equipped with railings.51

In 1906, John Claude White informs about iron chain bridges

in Bhutan,52 and also from 1906 to 1907, Sven Hedin

51Huc 1856, p.573/574.

52White reports about his trip through Bhutan in 1906 to the Royal
Geographical Society in London on the 8 December, 1909. Among
others, White mentions the good state of the cantilever bridges.
However, it seemed to him that the suspension bridges had been
given up.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

mentions iron chain bridges in Tholing and Phuntsholing

and, finally, Heinrich Harrer uses it in 1945 at Chung
Riwoche on his way from India to Lhasa.
Suspension bridges
After steel cables were available at about the middle of the
20th century, ropes and rope bridges from plant fibres and
chains were substituted increasingly by steel cables. This
development first started in Nepal followed by Bhutan and
Tibet. Especially, the iron chain bridges in Nepal were
substituted with cable suspension bridges using the pylons
and bridgeheads of the chain bridge. In the meantime, cable
suspension bridges with spans of more than 250 metres and
high pylons in form of steel truss constructions are no more a
rarity in the Himalayas. In Bhutan alone, approximately 400
cable suspension bridges were said to be built.
Bailey bridges
Pioneer bridges from light steel truss parts that could be
mounted without heavy hoists were likewise introduced to the
Himalayas by Indian, Chinese and Nepalese military in the
second half of the 20th century. These bridges, named after
the British engineer Donald Coleman Bailey (1901-1985)
spans to approximately 80 metres. This is achieved through
building sets-like side by side stacks or on top of each other,
sorting of light bridge building parts with about 1metre height
and 3 metre long spans. These bridges are covered with wood
and present one lane each; however, horses and mule
caravans can well meet on the bridges.

Bridges like this were developed for military purposes. They

are intended as temporary facilities. In many parts of the
Himalayas, they have partially been used as stationary
bridges for many decades. If a Bailey bridge is dismantled, its
parts are reassembled in a new bridge. In 2003 at
Khuruthang in Bhutan, the wide spanning Khuru Khuenphen
Zam was erected from parts of other bridges. In addition,
combinations of Bailey and steel cable suspension bridges
have proved themselves. A similar one in Samtse was built in

Bridges in the Himalayas

1993, across the Daina Chhu with a span of 330 metres. For
this a wide spanning Bailey bridge, rail with steel cables
above high steel truss pylons was hung down.
Concrete bridges
Concrete bridges as single field bridges or multiple field
bridges have removed Bailey-bridges in particular. The span
from yoke to yoke can hardly reach 20 metres. These bridges
also admit heavy driving traffic and are already partly two-
lane. The bridges are either prefabricated or made out of
concrete that is produced at the local spot. For the
prefabrication, heavy transport vehicles and lifting devices are
Arch bridges
Arch bridges produced through concrete construction
methods, with partly spectacular constructions have been
introduced in the Himalayas in the second half of the 20th
century. In the 50s and 60s, Chinese master builders began
with wide-spanning concrete arches, e.g., with the Gangge
Bridge across the Yarlung Tsangpo or the friendship bridge
between Nepal and Tibet.

In Bhutan, with Swiss help, the concrete arch bridge across

the Puna Tsang Chhu, also called Tsangmi Chhu, below
Wangdi Phodrang was constructed during the last years of
the 20th century. This bridge in particular has its
development and history documented impressively. The first
bridge, the Tsangmi Chakzam, an iron suspension bridge,
was built by Thangtong Gyalpo after 1433. In 1684, it was
replaced by a wooden cantilever bridge that spanned two
times across a natural river pillar, the Tsangmi Zam. The
larger bridge part had a span of 52 metres and the smaller
one with a one sided cantilever a span of 24 metres. The
bridge stood for centuries up to about 1915, when a mighty
flood washed it away. A new wooden cantilever bridge with an
identical construction like the old Tsangmi Zam was rebuilt
immediately. In the meantime, a bamboo bridge was built as
a temporary measure. In 1968, once gain the Tsangmi Zam

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

fell victim to a flash flood. In the beginning of the 70s, it was

substituted by a Bailey bridge. The Bailey bridge was once
again replaced by a concrete arch bridge towards the turn of
the millennium.
Steel truss bridges
As for the latest bridge development in the Himalayas, steel
truss bridges are among the most popular. Steel truss bridges
were built in Tibet, on the so-called south route from lake
Manasarowar to the west. It is also popularly built in Nepal.
Steel trusses have the special advantage that they can be
prefabricated in relatively small and light units and be
mounted on site with light lifting devices.

In Bhutan, Indian road builders first built steel truss bridges,

like the one across the Paro Chhu between Paro and Chuzom.
In cooperation between Bhutan and Japan, five steel truss
bridges were built from 2002 to 2004, which were
prefabricated in Japan, then shipped via Calcutta and finally
mounted in a very short time. Largely, these bridges
substituted the existing Bailey-bridges. In this way, the
following bridges were established at the main artery road
from the west to the east, which is the most important road
connecting Western and Eastern Bhutan:

1. Waheyzam, Samtengang
2. Bjizam, Trongsa
3. Chamkharzam, Jakar
4. Kurizampa, Mongar

Yet another of this kind, a truss arch bridge with a 92-metre

span is found across the Mangde Chhu in the south of

These bridges introduced a new era in the bridge technology

of the Himalayas. They have span of more than 50 metres
and are 7.5 metres wide, with two-lane traffic and the
supporting steel constructions are maintenance free.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Bridges, ferries and boats made by Thangtong Gyalpo

Apart from the suspension bridges, Thangtong Gyalpo has
also helped with the development of ferries and boats. In his
biographies, Thangtong Gyalpo is often mentioned as
Chakzampa, a suspension bridge builder, but he was also
known as the constructor of ferries.53 Continuous connecting
lines as for the personality and the work of Thangtong Gyalpo
can even be harder to draw. In Tibet, there are two kinds of
ferries: One in the form of light yak skin boats called Kowa by
the Tibetans, and heavy ferries of wood. The yak-skin boats
are partially framed boats made from three complete and one
divided yak’s skin which can carry about one ton of load and
which are to be found throughout Tibet. The wooden ferries
are about four metres wide and up to 20 metres long with
about a half a metre of draught. These ferries are only found
at the Yarlung Tsangpo, for e.g., between Tsethang and
Samye. Such ferries can transport up to 20 to 25 tons,
including large herd of yaks, cows or horses, and even lorries.

At yak-skin boats, the triangular or semicircular with about

30 x 40 cm yak skin piece, which is sewed on the longer cross
sides at the upper board between large yak skins, is called a
‘head’. Diana Altner in her report “The Tibetan yak skin boat
in the change of the time” writes:
This skin piece symbolises the head of the holy Thangtong
Gyalpo as well as those of the boat and should protect the
passengers of the boat against demons and accidents. Today
every Tibetan skin boat disposes this kind of ‘“head”. On very
old photos of former Tibet travellers, the “heads” of the boats
are likewise recognizable. Unfortunately, the early wall
paintings of skin boats give no explanation about the
existence of these special sewed skin pieces. It remains
unclear whether the so-called “head” of the boats was

53Aris 1979, p.185. Aris writes: “... This interesting figure is not only
remembered for his many iron chain suspension bridges and boat
ferries, …”
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

originally used purely for practical reasons (to make the skin
more imperishable from flaws by dividing the seam), or
whether his origin can actually be related to Thangtong

Concerning the ferries in general, there is a clear reference to

Thangtong Gyalpo. Probably, his most significant suspension
bridge is ‘Chakzam’ (therefore, simply ‘suspension bridge’
without local epithet) which spans across the Yarlung
Tsangpo, some distance above the confluence with the Kyi-
chhu river at the holy mountain of Chu wo ri. Apart from the
few distinct monasteries, there was once a monastery where
the monks followed the tradition of Thangtong Gyalpo. This
was also the seat of his incarnations and it was completely
destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. Not only was the
suspension bridge built for monastery, but it is also a facility
for ferries.

Mc Govern comments on this in 1926:

We had different animals brought with us and, hence, we
could not use these boats (Kowa). For us a big, rectangular,
wooden boat with a plane ground was prepared, which I
believe, was the only one of its kind to be found in Tibet.55

Iron chain suspension bridges in the Himalayas

The literature attributes the construction of 108 suspension
bridges and many ferries to Thangtong Gyalpo who is said to
have built them with a principle motive of making the holy
sites accessible to pilgrims. Out of 108, 100 are supposed to
have been built in Tibet and the rest in Bhutan. The number
108 is a magic number, a lucky number, e.g., 108 plaits of
the Tibetan women or 108 beads in the ‘Tibetan rosary’
(phreng ba) or 108 (9 x 12) columns that are manifested
externally in the largest dukhang. Going by the biographical
records, Thangtong Gyalpo, his followers and immediate

54 Altner 2005, p.36/37.

55 Mc Govern 1926, p.203.
Bridges in the Himalayas

successors have built numerous suspension bridges in Tibet

and Bhutan, and what seemed more reasonable, than to
ascribe 108 ‘luck-bringing’ bridges to the great master. Other
authors mention 100 or 80 bridges of Thangtong Gyalpo, of
which eight are across the Yarlung Tsangpo alone.

The fact that some chain bridges fell into the water at their
original place or were dismantled and partly put together by
using chains of different forerunner bridges to new bridges
elsewhere, causes among other things, many difficulties at
the identification and the assignment of the bridges. In this
way, the iron chain bridge at Tashigang in Eastern Bhutan
was destroyed in 1968 by floods and parts of those chains
were reinstated in the bridge at the nearby Doksum. A part of
the chains of this bridge was demolished again in 2005 and
was integrated into a new iron chain bridge at Tamchog,
which was chosen as the place for the building a new one at
the special request of the royal family, as it is strongly
associated with Thangtong Gyalpo. Although, the new bridge
is planned for the site, however, it is very difficult to ascribe
the chains to Thangtong Gyalpo owing to the above reason.

However, at least three facts help to assign iron chain bridges

directly to the great master. They are biographical references
to bridge buildings and places where Thangtong Gyalpo has
worked; the form and arrangement of iron chain bridges; and,
finally the form of the chain links or the blacksmith’s

Below is the list of iron chain bridges and their locations in

Tibet, China, Bhutan and Nepal. Following this, existing
bridges or bridge remnants are discussed followed by bridges
which are mentioned in the literature, and finally data are
presented to those bridges, where only the names are known.
From the numerous reports on the bridges by travellers,
researchers and adventurers, like Johannes Grueber and
Samuel Turner up to Sven Hedin and Heinrich Harrer, only a
few will be presented - as far as it seems necessary for the

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

use of the technology, but also in as far as to elaborate on the


Bridges in the Himalayas

In Tibet, at least six iron chain bridges or essential parts have
survived to this day:

1. Chung Riwoche Chakzam

2. Phuntsholing Chakzam
3. Rinchen Chakzam
4. Tholing Chakzam
5. Riwoche Chakzam
6. Panding Chakzam

From two other significant bridges river pillars still exist.

1. Chakzam
2. Nyang Druka Chakzam

Finally, there are information available for the following

bridges that were mostly sunk.
1. Rinchending Chakzam
2. Batang Chakzam
3. Sogchu Chakzam
Chung Riwoche Chakzam
Beside the ‘Chakzam’ at the Chuwo Ri mountain, the iron
suspension bridge at the Kumbum in Chung Riwoche is one
of the most significant creations of Thangtong Gyalpo. About
100 kilometres upstream from Lhatse and about 50
kilometres from Rinchen Ding, Thangtong Gyalpo’s
birthplace, the bridge straddles over the Yarlung Tsangpo.
The bridge is located about 250 metres away from Thangtong
Gyalpo’s masterpiece, the Chung Riwoche Kumbum, which
secured the access to the shrine for the pilgrims particularly
during the time when the ferry traffic was not possible. In
addition, the bridge safeguarded the transit on the big east-
west connection in Tibet. Even today, the bridge from more
technical side than aesthetic view proves to be an impressive

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

In only about 200 metres of distance downstream, a new

cable suspension bridge that may be used by light vehicles
was built in similar dimensions and in similar structure like
the bridge of Thangtong Gyalpo.

Today Chung Riwoche and the bridge lie apart from the big
traffic roads through Tibet and can be reached in a
cumbersome journey from Lhatse even in about six to eight
hours at favourable weather and road conditions.

Fig. 25: The Chung Riwoche Chakzam in front with the Kumbum in the

Bridge technology
The bridge lies in a wide river valley, which does not support
anchoring of chains in the rock, but had to be spanned
across two land pillars, the bridgehead and the stream pillar.
Because of the long span of the left bridge field, Thangtong
Gyalpo used four chains in Chung Riwoche: Two chains with
a little thicker chain links, which carry the walking layer

Bridges in the Himalayas

directly and two chains possibly at the height of a handrail,

which are connected to the lower chains by ropes and help
with the carrying in this manner.

The stream pillar and both land pillars rise about six metres
with a clear gradation of three metres of height above the
normal water level. Stream pillars and land pillars consist of
wackestone from the river that exist in large quantities at the
site and are partly reinforced by strong wood. The stream
pillar owns about 15-metre long breakwater and icebreaker
upstream in the same construction like the pillar itself. The
still original construction shows that one knew how to handle
technically the floodwater strong, waves and even more so,
the ice drifts of the stream current.

The dimensions of the bridge and chain links are:

- Span of the wide opening approximately 60 m

- Span of the shorter opening 35 m
- Chain links of the lower chains approximately 22 to 26 cm long, 7 to
8 cm wide
- Steel cross cut approximately 2 x 3 cm
- Chain links of the upper chains approximately 23 to 38 cm long, 7 to
8 cm wide
- Steel cross-cut approximately 2 x 2 cm

According to the biographical information, Thangtong Gyalpo

built the bridge in 1436, i.e. after his first trip to Bhutan,
from where he brought large quantity of iron to Tibet. In
connection with the preparations for the construction of the
Chung Riwoche Kumbum, Thangtong Gyalpo in 1448, even
mentions about the advantages of bridge.56 It is clearly
mentioned in many sources, what importance it had for the

56To enforce the construction site desired by him, Thangtong Gyalpo

in 1448 explained to the regional rulers the advantages of the
construction site for the Chung Riwoche Kumbum, which was in
immediate vicinity of the river crossing via the iron chain bridge built
by him.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

traffic in Tibet. It was obvious even in 1945, when Heinrich

Harrer, after his escape with Peter Aufschnaiter from the
English internment camp in India and on the way to Lhasa,
On the 2nd of December, 1945 Peter Aufschnaiter and I
reached the big Tsangpo. Already days before worries
tormented us as to how we could cross it. In Tschung
Riwotsche (Chung Riwoche), as the place on the opposite
riverbank was called, stood an enormous Stupa, as big as we
knew it only of pictures from Gyantse. The Tsangpo was
covered with gigantic ice floes and to swim through it was
absolutely unthinkable, because of the strong current and
cold. A nomad who noted our desperation pointed upstream
where an iron chain bridge with two pillars spanned the
stream. It was one of one hundred and eight iron bridges, that
Thangdong Gyalpo built 500 years ago had forged.
After we had unloaded our things, the yak went into the cold
water without any hurry. The waves engulfed him, only his
immense head protruded between the floes, the current
grasped the obviously excellent swimmer and about one
kilometre downstream he reached the other shore. Of course
our minds at that time were thinking of other things, than to
admire the brilliant construction of the bridge. We climbed on
the raised bridge pillar and saw that there was no ground at
all. One had to put the foot straight on strap and might not
look down, so that to one did not become dizzy by the raving
floes. I waited, until Aufschnaiter had reached the next bridge
pillar, then the balancing act began. I carried the shivering
dog under one arm, and with the other hand I had to hold on
to compensate the swinging of the iron chain bridge. It was
adventurous and the thought that I had to do it this way once
again, disheartening. So that the fingers did not stick on the
iron, we used socks as gloves. The bitter cold of twenty
degrees minus gave us no end of trouble. We manoeuvred for
hours and the day came to an end. However, we had overcome
the big obstacle on the way to the north.57

57 Harrer 2005, pp.24-26.

Bridges in the Himalayas

In the year 2002, the bridge is still extant but was not
passable anymore, because the cables to the connection of
the chains and the walking layer were missing in each case
on the last metres. The villagers explained to us that since the
establishment of the new bridge, the old bridge was not
maintained anymore. However, as it is associated with the
Mahāsiddha, it is still revered highly: The numerous prayer
flags like the dead black cat hung up nearby the bridgehead
and the remains of a raven testify this fact. The black animals
represent a defence symbol for the people and the bridge.
Phuntsholing Chakzam
The Puntsholing Chakzam (today Pinzoling) across the
Yarlung Tsangpo is about 50 km downstream of Lhatse. The
bridge served as an easy access to the Puntsholing monastery
and even more to the huge Jonang Chörten, only about 1.5
hours of travel on foot from the bridge, but served also the
holiday traffic to the north-south as well as to east-west

The geographical situation of this bridge and the bridge

building work is similar to Chung Riwoche, that Thangtong
Gyalpo had two river pillars set up next to the banks, which
almost stand dry at low water and another two pillars as
bridgeheads on the banks in the distance of approximately 20
to 25 metres of the river pillars. The pillars, that are made
from wackestones of the river and rise about nine metres
above the water, are three times reinforced and protected well
with wood. Since the crown of a pillar is worn out, it is easier
to understand the construction well. Around a row of
vertically placed wood, some rings of beams are carpentered
that show a steady skeleton altogether. There are also timber
joint plugs, mole plugs and leaves to be found. Despite the big
span of the central field, only two chains are spanned here. In
between the chains, which serve as handrails, ropes or, more
recently cables, which carry the walking layer were and still
are spanned. Because the stream pillars lie near the bank
and are thereby are spanned less, the wave and ice rejecters
are set up less strongly.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The dimensions of the bridge and chain links are as follows:

- Span of right bridgehead (1st stream pillar): 25 m

- Span of the central field: 76 m
- Span left bridgehead (2nd stream pillar): 20 m
- Chain links: approximately 25 cm to 28 cm long and 7 cm to 8 cm
- Steel crosscut: approximately 1.8 x 2.5 cm

Fig. 26: The part of the Phuntsoling Chakzam across the Yarlung Tsangpo, which
is still functioning.

The bridge was used until about 1904. In 1907, Sven Hedin
reports in his book ‘Transhimalaya’:
Almost immediately south of Tschagha, a village with a few
stone houses in a grove of old willows, one can see the
monastery and the Dsong (Dzong) of Pinsoling (Phuntsholing)
on the right riverbank. The river is narrow and the banks full
of round granite blocks of one metre in diameter; the
necessary material to a bridge is available. On the banks two
mighty stone pyramids and behind the two another two

Bridges in the Himalayas

smaller ones are erected. Between those two thick chains are
spanned that are prolonged up to the smaller pyramids and
are fastened there once again. Between the chains, a network
of ropes is spanned like a hammock on which one lays narrow
planks; on these one walks and uses the chains as a railing.
However, since three years the Pinsoling Bridge it is not used
anymore; whoever wants to proceed to Pinsoling from
Tschagha, must first go upstream to Ladse-dsong (Lhatse
dzong) and then use the ferry there.58

During the last years of the 20th century, only a few metres
from Phuntsholing a new suspension bridge was built
upstream, which can also carry heavy traffic load. The bridge
of Thangtong Gyalpo for some time must have still been used,
because instead of the former ropes for the walking layer
cables were arranged. With the first local perpetration by the
author, the bridge was still passable. In 2001, it was no
longer usable but still completely available. However, in 2002,
the bridge stood only from the left bridgehead up to the first
stream pillar, while the chains of the middle section and the
right part lay in the floods of the Yarlung Tsangpo.
Rinchen Chakzam
On the edge of a wide valley, to the north of Lhasa where the
rivers Rong Chhu, Talung Chhu and Miggi unite to the
Kyichu river, another bridge attributed to Thangtong Gyalpo
leads across the Kyichu. This iron chain bridge allowed
among others, the access to the huge monasteries of Reting,
Taglung and Drigung, but it is also important traffic wise, as
well as strategically. Through this bridge, several caravan
used to cross, in particular the north-south road from Sining
and the Kokonor across the Tangla mountains, Reting, then
via the Rinchen Chakzam, which for example, had already
been used by father Johannes Grueber in the middle of the
17th century.

58 Hedin 1909. p.375/376.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The Chom Lhakhang, which has been restored in recent

times, and a small settlement, the today’s Lhundrub Xian, are
located directly above the bridge. The bridge building place
has a geomantic meaning concerning the related and
consistently formed ‘pyramid mountain’.

The four chains of the bridge from different construction

phases spanned directly above the possibly head-high pylons
on the riverbanks of the Kyichu.

Fig. 27: The Rinchen Chagzam on the way the monastery of Reting and Lhasa,

The dimensions of the bridge and chain links are:

- Span approximately 45m

- Chain links vary; they are approximately 30 to 40 cm long and 8 to 11
cm wide, where a single chain links with more than 50 cm of
length occur.
- Steel cross cut approximately 1.8 x 2.0 cm to 1.8 x 2.8 cm.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Wolf Kahlen has, with the help of an indentation in a chain

link identified the construction date to be 1442.59 In another
chain link, the name ‘Rinchen Chakzam’ is engraved and the
term ‘Rinchen’ for ‘great preciousness’ must be seen in direct
connection with the Mahāsiddha who has established the

In the third quarter of the 20th century, only a few metres

farther downstream, a huge stone arch bridge, with double
lanes for heavy traffic was built.

The numerous prayer flags at the chains and on the

bridgeheads testify the high admiration, which people have
for Thangtong Gyalpo. A dead black cat for the defence
against evil of bridge and people is hung up at the chain links
at the side of the village just before the investigation of the
bridge by the author in 2004.
Tholing Chakzam
A combined bridge straddles a narrow gorge of the Sutlej only
a few kilometres from Tholing. This bridge protected the
access to the once important Western Tibetan kingdom of
Guge with the monastic cities of Tholing and Tsaparang. The
Sutlej river, with torrential flow and narrow gorge is
practically not passable with ferries, and before iron chain
bridges existed, had to be crossed on a so called ‘single rope
bridges’ at other places, where one had to ‘work his way
along’ or had to draw oneself to move in a ring or box. Several
travellers report about the reckless enterprise of this suitable
river crossing.

As the pack and riding animals also needed a bridge to cross

the gorge and the torrential waters, another construction was
chosen in Tholing. Initially a vertiginous wooden cantilever
bridge was erected because of its bridgeheads that were

59 Kahlen 1992. p.41/42.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

‘stuck’ in the rocks. On top of the tiers of beams that are

cantilevering far outside, bended beams that are as long
superimpose the centre field. Because the span is too wide,
this bridge could hardly carry itself. Therefore, high above the
stonewall bridgeheads; two strong chains are hung to hold
the wooden bridge.

Above the old bridge, the steel construction of the new iron
truss bridge is visible.

Fig. 28: The combined cantilever and iron chain bridge on the way to Tholing.

Sven Hedin praised this bridge explicitly:

The bridge of Totling (Tholing) is a good quality construction,
and one can entrust the planks one’s horses without slightest
fears. The bridgeheads are built in form of short stone tunnels
on the outlets of the rocks, maybe 12 metres above the water
surfaces. Between the upper surfaces of the tunnel walls, two
mighty iron chains are spanned from riverbank to riverbank;
the wooden rail of the bridge is hanging in them. The whole
construction is joined so firmly that the bridge does not even
tremble noticeably under the weight of the horses. The chains
Bridges in the Himalayas

also serve as railing, and my mould had no opportunity to try

his luck with a new death jump.60
The suspension bridge of Tholing, better the cantilever bridge
hung up by chains, is still standing. One must pay attention
not to overlook it. Chinese engineers have erected a steel
truss bridge for heavy load traffic, which lies slightly apart
from it.

The dimensions of the old bridge and chain links are:

- Span approximately 30 m
- Chain links approximately 26 to 38 cm long and 7 to 8 cm wide
- Steel crosscut approximately 1.8 cm x 2.5 cm

Riwoche Chakzam
In the Eastern Tibetan Province of Kham, another suspension
bridge is ascribed to Thangtong Gyalpo. The Riwoche
Chakzam straddles the Chi Chu, a tributary of the Mekong,
which is about 60 kilometres to the north of the provincial
centre of Riwoche, near the village of Chakzamkha, called
after the iron chain bridge. The bridge is constructed as a
stress ribbon bridge possibly like the bridge in Chhuka, with
five chains which had a width about 2.60 metres, which
directly carry the bridge rail. Today the chains are connected
among each other with cable.

Andreas Gruschke has accurately described this bridge:

It has a span of about 40 metres and the chains are about 56
metres long, including its clamped support in the
bridgeheads. Only one chain is supposed to stem from the
original bridge, while the others arose with the repair and the
rebuilding measures. The bridgeheads surmount the bridge

60Hedin 1909, p.305. With the construction of a steel bridge, the

suspension bridge was difficult to access and is now practically not
walkable anymore.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

rail by about 10 metres. The height of the bridge is about 7

metres above the water level gauge at normal water level.61
To start a small ferry service, the iron chain bridge was
strengthened in the 19th century with a steel cable and the

The bridge was and still is an important limb of the caravan

way from Lhasa and Central Tibet to the western part of the
Chinese province of Szechuan.

The name of the province, Riwoche, as well as the monastic

foundation in Derge, the successor of his school tradition,
and not least indications to the death of Thangtong Gyalpo in
Kham in Eastern Tibet, are enough clues that this bridge was
originally constructed by Thangtong Gyalpo.
Panding Chakzam

61 Gruschke 2004, p.157

Bridges in the Himalayas

Fig. 29: The Panding Chakzam strengthened with steel cables for modern traffic.

The suspension bridge at Panding across the Yarlung

Tsangpo is approximately 40 metre wide is located about 65
kilometres upstream from Lhatse and 35 kilometres
downstream from Chung Riwoche. The bridge is in close
proximity to Thangtong Gyalpo’s birthplace Rinchen Ding,
which lies about three hours walk downstream. A 97-year-old
Tibetan, Wangchuk from Panding recounted the fate of the
bridge during the last about 100 years: Until 1994, the old
suspension bridge stood with about six chains and a width of
about 1.20 metres. This bridge, because of its width and
planking stood relatively firm against the side wind and
served for pack and riding animals. Chinese engineers altered
the bridge in 1994, by widening it to 3.20 metres to make it
passable for light vehicles. In addition to this modification,
they strengthened the bridge with steel cables. Now the bridge
has two mighty stonewall bridgeheads across which span the
chains as well as the steel cables.

The dimensions of the bridge and chain links are:

- Span: 44 m
- Original width: 1.20 m and width since 1994: 3.20 m
- Chain at the top side of the river, chain links 30 to 41 cm long, 7 to 8
cm wide
- Steel cross cut approximately 2 x 2 cm
- Chain at the lower side of the river, chain links 26 to 31 cm long, 7 to
8 cm wide
- Steel cross- cut 2 x 2 cm

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 30: The author interviewing a 97 year old Tibetan Wangchuk about the
history of the Panding Chakzam.

Although Chinese engineers tore down this bridge during the
construction of the new concrete bridge in about 1950, the
‘Chakzam’ now and then also called ‘Chu Shur’ or ‘Chu Shul’
Chakzam remains the most famous bridge building work by
Thangtong Gyalpo. Only the southern stream pillar made
from wackestone from the river still tells us about its
significance as one of the oldest and probably farthest
spanned iron chain bridges in the Himalayas. From the whole
northern part of Tibet, including Lhasa, one reached
Thangtong Gyalpo’s main monastery at the southern Yarlung
Tsangpo banks of Chuwo Ri via this iron chain bridge.
Further, on, the north-south connection led to Bhutan,

Bridges in the Himalayas

Sikkim, Nepal and India. Moreover, across this bridge, the

way led from Lhasa to the big cities of Gyantse and Shigatse.

According to biographical information, Thangtong Gyalpo

built this iron chain bridge in the male iron dog year,
corresponding to 1430, before his visit and iron import from
Bhutan. With the construction of this suspension bridge,
even more legends and stories are attributed to him at other
places. Before there was a bridge here, Thangtong Gyalpo
wanted to cross the Tsangpo by a ferryboat at this place.
Since he was looking like a beggar, the pugnacious ferryman
hit Thangtong Gyalpo with the oar that led the Drubthop fall
into water. Thangtong Gyalpo was so angry about the
immorality and impudence of ferrymen in general, that he
decided to build a bridge and save pilgrims and travellers
from similar situation.

Another story recounts a practical side of Thangtong Gyalpo.

For erecting the Chakzam as well as later bridges, he required
money. In order to manage this, he created a musical play,
searched seven especially pretty young girls as singers, let
them perform the song play and earned a lot of success and
high sums of money for his bridges: Ache Lhamo, the Tibetan
opera was born. Tashi Tsering has precisely examined the
activities of the Drubthop and has found the following
passage in this regard:
The Biography of Dpal Lcags zam pa Thang stong rgyal po and
brief account of the building of iron bridges by the 11th Lcags
zam grub thob sprul sku says:
In the 15th Century, in order to raise funds for building iron
bridges across big rivers in Tibet which were difficult to cross,
Thang stong rgyal po called together seven young daughters of
a family known as Sbas sna in ‘Phyongs rgyas. The seven
sisters had beautiful figures, smiling faces, irresistibly
attractive looks, the youthfulness of the full moon and
melodious voices. The mere sight of them disturbed one’s
mental equilibrium. He taught them the steps and tunes etc.,
and with the achievements of the ancient forefathers as the
theme of the performance, he introduced the tradition of a lce
lha mo, comprising Rngon pa, Rgya lu, Lha mo, and the use of

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

cymbals and drums, in all parts of Tibet. Hence Thang stong

rgyal po is known as the founder of the lha mo tradition of the
performing arts of Tibet. Not only does the folklore of Tibet
describe Thang stong rgyal po as the lha mo tradition, but
even today, when the lha mo artists stage performances, they
always carry an image of Thang stong rgyal po with them.
From this one can infer that Thang stong rgyal po founded the
lha mo tradition of (the) performing art of Tibet.62
The Chakzam stood about 65 kilometres southwest from
Lhasa, above the confluence of the Kyichu and the Yarlung
Tsangpo. The northern bridgehead was located at the today’s
village of Chushul. At the southern bridgehead below the
Chakzam or Chuwo Ri monastery, stood a big chörten, the so
called Thangtong Kumbum, that had his statue and relics
enshrined inside.

The bridge was erected in the design mostly chosen by

Thangtong Gyalpo. Instead of usual two chains, this
particular one has four chains, i.e. a doubled chain on every
side across the bridge pillars were spanned and anchored
with split pins in the strong beam of the wooden framework of
the stream pillars, owing to its length. Up to four metre long
ropes were hung between the chains and carried a bridge
layer from lined up planks, several metres long and
approximately 30 centimetres wide.

According to photos of the suspension bridge that have been

published several times, e.g., from Sven Hedin in 1907,63 the
middle section must have reached a span of more than 100
metres. In spite of the length of the bridge, the northern
riverbank was flooded with high water behind the northern
bridge pillar.

Despite having ‘high volume of traffic’ at this most important

river crossing of Tibet, still the iron chain bridge functioned

62 Tsering, T. 2001, p.47.

63 Hofmann 1983, p.83
Bridges in the Himalayas

well. Here at this bridge, once riding, pack animals, and those
herds that could not cross the several hundred metre wide
Yarlung Tsangpo without swimming cross the river in
addition to the human traffic. Here, there was also ferry
traffic by yak leather boats and wooden ferries.

Over the centuries, many travellers have recounted their

adventures on or with the bridge. Von Hesse-Wartegg in 1900
ranks the bridge among the wonders of the world and reports
in the “Wonders of the World”:
At it’s fastest and at the same time deepest position (of the
river) a precipitous rock island rises from its torrential floods,
which was to the Tibetans virtually a naturally made bridge
pillar. Nevertheless, the width of both arms of the river was
still too large for the production of hanging ropes for a
suspension bridge made from bamboo poles. Thus in the
fifteenth century the Chinese prince Tang Tong had then
made four massive chains with links of sixteen centimetres of
diameter, forged of iron, spanned here across the river and
hung up a bridge rail on ropes into these chains. The
immense, half a millennium old work of Chinese engineering
art exists even today, but while the chains are only slightly
affected by the rust, the network of the bridge rail is damaged
to such an extent that the Tibetans have given up the use of
the bridge a long time ago and now help themselves to cross
the river with two ferry boats. The place at this point of the
Tsang-Po is still called Tschak-Sam (Chakzam), that is iron
In 1904 and 1905, Austine Waddell was a leading medical
officer with the Younghusband expedition to Tibet. He
compiled a precise report of ‘Chakzam’ from a military point
of view, of importance, is the specification of the bridge.
According to his report, the span of the bridge is
approximately 150 yard or about 137 metres. Since the
description is precise, a relatively long citation will be
repeated literally:

64 Hesse-Wartegg, p.217.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The old iron suspension bridge spans picturesquely the main

stream of the river about 200 yards below the ferry, under the
monastery which bears its name, `The holy hill of the Iron
Bridge` (Chak-sam ch`ö-ri). It is of the kind met with in
Western China, and, according to the local tradition, was built
in the early part of the fifteenth century A.D. by the sage
T`angtong-the King, now a canonised saint, whose image is
worshipped not merely in the adjoining monastery, which he
is also said to have built… His monumental handiwork here of
itself certainly entitles him to the respect of the inhabitants;
for although it is not used at present, owing apparently to the
river having burst for nearly half its waters a fresh channel to
the north, and so having left the northern end of the bridge
stranded amid stream, the structure itself still stands firmly
after all these centuries, a magnificent piece of engineering
work in the wilds of Tibet. It is about 150 yards in length and
15 feet above flood-level, and stretches between two tall
masonry piers which are characteristically given the shape of
the sacred chorten. The northern pier stands on a large
mound, doubtlessly founded on a rock, on what is now a
wooden islet in the middle of the river, and the other stands
on the rocky southern shore below the monastery (…). The
two double chain-cables, made of 1 inch thick iron links of a
foot long, are fastened at each end to great beams built into
the piers and into the rocks beyond them. Between and
connecting these two tightly stretched cables were suspended,
throughout their length, at intervals of about a yard, loops of
yak-hair rope, carrying, in their apex below, a footway of
planks 1 foot broad and lashed end to end. The bridge was
still in use in 1878, when visited by one of our Survey spies,
whose diagram of it, here produced, shows the whole river as
running under the viaduct, and this is still to occur at low
water in the dry season. At present, being out of use, the
timber footway and its suspensory ropes have been removed.
The chief defects of the structure are its want of lateral stays
to prevent the alarming swinging, and its open sides with
narrow footway prevent it being used for cattle – only for
human passengers, and not more than one of those could
pass at a time. No toll was said to be levied for transit over it,

Bridges in the Himalayas

as it was kept in free repair by the villagers for the

Government; whilst for the ferry the fee of about two pence
per passenger, and four pence a pony, went to the local

Fig. 31: The European drawing of the Chakzam. Source: Waddell, 1895

65 Waddell 1905, p.312-314. Waddells text is the most precise

description of the ‘Chakzam’. Indeed, the drawing enclosed by
Waddel of a Pandit from the year 1878 is precisely calculated,
however, it interprets, e.g., the representation of a ‘European house’
as well as the profile of a bridge wrongly.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Mc Govern comments in 1926:

I trembled in the cold, and in order not to remain too near to
the ferry hut, I walked up to the cliffs to throw a look at this
half a mile downstream situated monastery. Although it has
only a few hundred residents, this monastery has some fame,
because it is the starting point and the base of the big iron
chain bridge, which earlier was spanned here across the
Brahmaputra river. The bridge still exists and at the break of
dawn, it looked rather picturesque, but it is not useful
anymore, because the river has expanded his banks during
the last years, so that the northern end of the bridge forms a
small island in the middle of river. The Tibetans were not able
to develop the suspension bridge up to the new riverbank, and
have rather again applied the ferry system. The bridge was
good and had endured centuries, built by king Tantong who,
born in 1385, is now looked at as a saint of the Tibetan
religion. This bridge is not his only architectural work,
because he is also supposed to have built 108 temples, altars
and seven other suspension bridges across the Brahmaputra.
People tell that some of these bridges are still in use today.66

66 Mc Govern 1926, p.202.

Bridges in the Himalayas

Fig. 32: The pillars of the former Nyango Druka Chakzam in the wide river bed
of the Yarlung Tsangpo near Tsethang.

The dimensions of the bridge and chain links are:

- Span of the central field: approximately 137m

- Chain links approximately 30 cm long
- Steel Cross Section: approximately 1,8 x 2,5 cm

Nyango Druka Chakzam

About five kilometres downstream from today’s Tsethang,
there are five river pillars out of formerly many more such
pillars of an iron chain bridge of Thangtong Gyalpo. Now the
river pillars present themselves of differing heights, however,
they fit with their internal wooden constructions and the
reinforced two-staged constructional systems out of
wackestones from rivers with originally about six to eight
metres of height precisely to the standard constructions by
Thangtong Gyalpo. Today the river pillars are revered for
being associated with Thangtong Gyalpo and carry numerous
prayer flags.

The Nyango Druka Chakzam too formed an important

component of pilgrims’ route. The pilgrim and caravan route
from Lhasa to the Yarlung valley, which led through the Yön
valley with its significant temples, but also the pilgrim’s route
to Samye, which lies about 35 kilometres to the west of the
former northern bridgehead of the Chakzam, all led across
this iron chain bridge. Chan suggests that the bridge across
the Yarlung Zangpo, which here is a kilometre long, owned
more than 30 stream pillars and the spans of the chains
amounted to about 150 metres.67

The watchtowers, which also served as additional weights for

the anchoring of the chains stood on both sides of the

67 Chan 1994, p.379.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Rinchen Ding Chakzam

About 45 kilometres upstream of the Yarlung Zangpo, from
Lhatse at the right riverbank, the village of Rinchen Ding, the
birthplace of Thangtong Gyalpo is located. A resident of
Rinchen Ding reported to the author in 2002, that the bridge,
Thangtong Gyalpo erected for the residents of the village
across the Yarlung Tsangpo, has possibly the dimensions as
the bridge of Panding had before its reconstruction. It is
about 1.20 metres wide and permits the trouble-free meeting
of people on the bridge, but also the crossing of yaks and

In his long life, Thangtong Gyalpo has erected numerous iron

chain bridges. Following are some of the bridges that that
bear literature.

The Chakzam at Batang, across the Dajin, a tributary of the

Yangtze-Kiang, which belonged to the system of another big
road connection from Tibet to China. The caravan route led
from Markham in Eastern Tibet to Batang (suspension bridge)
and further via Litang, Kangding to Luding (suspension
bridge) to Chengdu. Sogde Chakzam, also called Sogchu
Chakzam, located in Nub Hor.68
China and Tibet
Luding Chakzam
Across the former border river between China and Tibet,
Dajin (Ta-Teu), today Dadu He, a tributary of the Yangtze-
Kiang, a suspension bridge leads to Luding (Ludin-tscheu).
The bridge across the border river was, like the bridge in
Batang, an important part of the caravan and courier route
i.e. Lhasa - Markham - Batang - Litang - Kanding - Luding to
Chengdu. The relatively wide and stately iron chain bridge

68 Gruschke 2004, p.155. With a literature reference to Bower.

Bridges in the Himalayas

was compared to Thangtong Gyalpo’s other bridges erected as

late as 1701.

Cooper writes about the history of this bridge as the ‘trip to

the location of an overland road from China to India in 1882”:
A day’s journey brought us from Owha-lin-pin to the city of
Lu-din-tscheu, which, because of the suspension bridge
which spans the Ta teu river there, is famous…. The famous
bridge was, fortunately, just in a damaged state and made our
group cross the river in a more safe kind, namely on a big
ferry. While we crossed, the first skipper who was very
talkative told to us the history of the suspension bridge across
Shortly before the annection of Eastern Tübet by the Chinese,
the government in Peking posted a reward of 30,000 Taels for
those who would succeed in building a bridge across the Ta-
tow-river, which caused serious difficulties in the regular
relations between China and Tübet, because of its often
sudden swelling and its great depth. The swiftness of the
current and the high rocks, which restrict the riverbed let all
attempts fail to span the river with stone arches. Nevertheless,
finally, a blacksmith came to the city and had the idea of a
suspension bridge. The officials, who were authorised to
collect ideas from suggestions, accepted his plan and as the
Abbé Huc was saying, the bridge was completed in 1701. The
construction of the same is very faulty. Nine big chains, not
completely as thick as a ship cable, four feet apart from each
other are spanned across big square bridgeheads, which are
erected on both riverbanks and are firmly immured. The
ground is made of simple planks, which show neither a
railing, nor are they protected by ballast, and the vibrating
careens are so strong that it is sometimes nearly impossible to
gain a foothold. Every day from midday until four o’clock in
the afternoon, the doors, which lead to the bridge, are closed,
and nobody may cross the same, because then the terrible
hoist races down the gorge and makes the passage very
dangerous. People say that the bridge has performed good
services during the first couple of years after its erection,

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

however, during the last years the most gruesome accidents

would have occurred through the tearing of the chains.69
At the beginning of the 20th century, the bridge was
strengthened and made more comfortable with two lateral
chains each (serving as handrails). The two chains through
hanging bars supported the supporting chains arranged
below the bridge rail.

Patterson writes about the Luding Chakzam after his trip

through Tibet in ‘Tibetan Journey’ in 1950: “The last solid
bridge on the way to Tibet from China”.70
This bridge has attained political recognition through the ‘long
march’ by Mao Tsetung and his army, who escaped via this
bridge in 1936 with 35,000 men and thereby saved himself
and his men the night before the approaching troops of
Chiang Kai-shek who at the time were even stronger than
During the renovation, the hanging iron was substituted by
chains and the bridge rails, namely with closely recumbent
cross-pieced wood and wood beams. By then, the bridge was
constructed more firmly than before. In this form, the author
arrived at the bridge, which was in good condition and surely
passable in 1980 as in 1996. Thousands of people now use it
daily. Light carriages can pass through it.
In 1433, Thangtong Gyalpo came to Bhutan. His route can
exactly be traced.72

69 Cooper 1882, p.181/182.

70 Patterson 1952.
71 Gerner 1999, p.1410.

72 (For this, see the chapter ‘Biographical notes on Thangtong

Gyalpo’ and ‘Thangtong Gyalpo’s journeys to Bhutan’.)

Bridges in the Himalayas

In Bhutan, the Mahāsiddha not only found open ears for his
teachings, but he also found big iron ore deposits. The land
was even more depended on consolidated bridges than Tibet,
as raft or ferry connections were not possible because of
precipitous gorges and torrential rivers, except in some
southern and eastern parts of the land.

Thus, it does not surprise that Thangtong Gyalpo in Bhutan

immediately put into practise the vision that he had received
from Avalokiteśvara, namely to relieve the people from their
grievous crossing of gorges and torrential streams or make it
possible all through the construction of iron chain bridges.
Immediately after his arrival in Bhutan, Thangtong Gyalpo
began with the construction of iron chain bridges. While
travelling through Western Bhutan, it is interesting to note
that the Chakzampa visited especially the places where he
found iron ores, as for example Tamchog, also called
Damchog, Damchhu, Tashog or Tamtscho, or places that
since ages were associated with blacksmiths, as for example
Chang Dunkhar - above the Paro airport. Thus, it is reported
in the ‘History of Bhutan’ that in Paro, 18 blacksmiths went
to the master to help him and forge iron and further more
chain links.73

Even more with a lasting effect than in Tibet, Thangtong

Gyalpo had left his blessings and his works in the form of
traces in Bhutan. He is alive to this day because of his
devotion to Dharma, his bridges, but also because of his 17th

Today, in addition to the four existing iron chain bridges,

there are chain leftovers or the locations of at least six other
iron chain bridges that Thangtong Gyalpo built in Bhutan.
This becomes easily evident through the very different figures,
beside the 108, i.e. 100 in Tibet and 8 in Bhutan.

73 Gerner 1999, p.1410.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The existing iron suspension bridges in Bhutan are: (1)

Tamchog Chakzam, (2) Doksum Chakzam, (3) Dangme
Chakzam, and (4) Khoma Chakzam

In the following chain bridges, chain leftovers, anchors or

supports exist: (1) Tashigang Chakzam, (2) Chaze Chakzam,
and (3) Changchi Chakzam

Another three suspension bridges that are more or less

extensively described in historical and contemporary
literature are: (1) Chukha Chakzam, (2) Wangdi Chakzam,
and () Chuzom Chakzam

Bridges in the Himalayas

Tamchog Chakzam
According to the biographical notes in the History of Bhutan,
Thangtong Gyalpo erected a bridge across the Paro Chhu (sPa
gro chu) to Tamchog (gTam chos) by 1433.74 The successors of
the first Chakzampa built a Lhakhang here,75 the Tamchog
Gonpa (gTam chos dgon pa). In 1969, the iron suspension
bridge was destroyed by high water. The chains were partly
rescued and kept in the attic of the shed behind the
Lhakhang where I found them while visiting the place in 1980
and 1992. According to the oral tradition, even other chain
parts are supposed to lie buried in the riverbed below stones
and sand. To ensure the access to the Tamchog Lhakhang
across the swift moving Paro Chhu, a suspension bridge was
built from cable ropes after 1969.

As per the royal wish of His Majesty King Jigme Singye

Wangchuck, the Ministry of Works and Human Settlements
had in 2005, the cable rope suspension bridge again
substituted with an iron chain bridge. The foundations of the
bridge on both riverbanks, i.e. the bridgeheads bear stately
gate superstructures, which is set up so highly that
practically no more danger exists through high water. The
iron chains used are historical without exception from
different places. Some of them are the secured chains of
Tamchog itself, four chains are supposedly to originate from
Doksum and some from Tashigang.

The soil of the hill on which the Tamchog Gonpa stands, is

coloured red by the strong iron content. We can also see
metalliferous lodes on the towering rock behind the Gonpa.

74Tshewang 1994, p.100 ff.

75Tshewang 1994, p.100 ff. The literary references as well as the oral
notes of the present residents differ a lot in this respect. It is certain
that even the present owners and residents of Tamchok feel obliged
to the tradition.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Finally, the author could discover several ‘mouthpieces’ of ore

tunnels further up on top of the mountain.

Fig. 33: The newly erected Tamchog Chakzam (2005) across the Paro Chhu.

However, legend also knows different ways about how the

wrought iron reached to this place. Thangtong Gyalpo, while
visiting Wang Dhalukha in Thimphu, not far from the village
of Genekha, which in the literature is known for its rich iron
ore deposits,76 found rich iron ores. He is said to have
requested the residents for those ores, and they offered all
iron with a belief that he would not be in a position to
transport everything available. However, with supernatural
powers the Drubthop is said to have thrown the iron up in
the air and landed in Chags, above the Tamchog Gonpa. He is

76 Rapten 2001, p.6.

Bridges in the Himalayas

then said to have used his knee as an anvil and forged two
bridges in one day from the iron, i.e. one for Tamchog Gonpa
and the other one, Chaze Chakzam, which was erected only a
few kilometres downstream.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Doksum Chakzam
In the village of Doksum, also called Duksom and Drugsum,
on the way between Tashigang and Tashi Yangtse as well as
Chörten Kora, an iron chain bridge is built here across the
likewise very steeply precipitating and torrential Kholong
Chhu. This bridge at least is supposed to have been
strengthened with chains of the Tashigang Chakzam bridge,
after it was destroyed by high water in 1968.

Fig. 34: The Doksum Chakzam in Bhutan, 2003.

In the meantime, a Bailey bridge was built across the Kulong

Chhu, even closer to the aperture, which takes up not only
pedestrians, but also heavy goods vehicles. The iron chain

Bridges in the Himalayas

bridge still serves as access to Tomijangsa. The author could

observe the Doksum Chakzam in 1985 and but surveyed it
exactly only in 2004.77

Fig. 35: The anchorage of the Doksum Chakzam

The span of the bridge stretches to 38.4 metres. The bridge

existed out of nine chains until 2004. Three chains carried
the bridge rail and three chains on every side formed the
railing. At the bridgeheads, the lower three chains had a
distance of 66 centimetres (which is relatively wide tread), the
lower railing chains were 1.50 metres apart, the above lying

77 The engineer Horst Taft and the author carried out the
measurement work. The bridge was still used in 2004. However,
both bridgeheads in particular with the abutments showed
considerable damages.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

chains two metres, and both upper chain rows had a distance
of 2.68 metres. Earlier, plant fibre ropes connected all chains.
Later, these ropes were substituted with a network from wire.
In both cases, all railing chains help with the support. With
recumbent ‘handrail chains’ that are 2.68 metres apart and
which were not meant for touching as arises from the
measure, but instead, just as with the ‘Chakzam’ at Chushul
in Tibet, had to strengthen the strong lateral vibrations. The
chains correspond to the standard type of the chains of
Thangtong Gyalpo.

The dimensions of the bridge and the chain are:

- Span: exactly 38.4 m

- Chain links approximately 31 to 35 cm long and 7.5 to 8.5
cm wide
- Steel cross-cuts measure approximately 1.6 x 2.5 cm
Dangme Chakzam
Karma Ura informed me about an existing iron chain bridge
in the Mongar Dzongkhag. The bridge is a part of the caravan
way between Mongar Dzong and Pemagatshel Dzong at
Kengkhar across the Dangme Chhu. Karma Ura estimates its
length at approximately 100 metres. As with the bridges in
Doksum and Tashigang, there is a direct connection to the
iron ore deposit, which is located about two day’s journeys
away from Khaling.78
Khoma Chakzam
Karma Ura also informed me about an iron chain bridge in
the Luntshi Dzongkhag. About 10 minutes walk from the
village of Khoma, there existed an iron chain bridge on the
way from Lhuntse Dzong to the Monkhar Gonpa, across the
tributary of the Kuri Chhu. The bridge had a span of
approximately 25 to 30 metres and was now substituted by a

78The information bases on a verbal report by Karma Ura and the

report on the iron ore deposit is by Phuntsho Rapten.
Bridges in the Himalayas

wooden cantilever bridge. One of the chains of the former iron

chain bridge lies in the river and the other one was
incorporated into the wooden bridge.79

79 Oral report by Karma Ura.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Tashigang Chakzam
Below the Tashigang Dzong, an iron chain bridge of
Thangtong Gyalpo spanned the Dangme Chhu (Drang me
chu). Like the Dangme Chu Chazam, the bridge spanned
about 100 metres and was constructed in the standard bridge
form of the Chakzampa: Two chains bound between ropes
from plant fibers, which were later replaced by wire, which
carried a walking layer, the bridge rail. In 1968, a high water
tore away the foundations of the iron chain bridge and
collapsed into the water. The chains were later rescued and
partly kept in the Tashigang Dzong, where they lay on the
court wall for a long time. Another part of it is hung up on the
walls of the former right bridgehead in the Chakzam
Lhakhang, which is dedicated to Thangtong Gyalpo.

Fig. 36: The former Tashigang Chakzam across the Drangme Chhu. Photo: Fritz
von Schulthess.

Bridges in the Himalayas

The dimensions of the chain links are:

- Chain links 33 to 37 cm long, 8 to 8 cm wide

- Steel cross-cut approximately 1.3 x 2.0 cm

A chain link of this bridge was examined metallographically

from 1978 to 1979 in the Confederate Technical College of
Zurich, Switzerland. The results of this investigation are
reported in brief in the segment ‘Productions from Iron and
Chaze Chakzam
Another suspension bridge was to be found across the Paro
Chhu, also called Pa Chhu, about three kilometres to the
west, i.e. upstream from Chuzom (Chu ‘dzom) and half way to
Tamchog. The bridge connected the way to the right alongside
the Paro Chhu with the villages of Tenchey Khar that is
situated high above the left valley, nowadays called
Dangkarta, Chippu and Bjee Toed as well as the Choetsi
Lhakhang, the Drakten Lhakhang and the monastery of
Dangla, which is further apart.

The iron chain bridge had a span of about 35 metres and was
washed away by flood in 1968. It was substituted by a
suspension bridge from cable ropes and the foundations and
bridgeheads of the iron chain bridge were used for it. On 20th
February, 2004, road workers who were busy with the
preparations for a permanent bridge building as well as a
road to the above mentioned villages, found a nearly eight
metre long section of the former iron chain bridge in the
river.80 Choetsi earlier was likewise a blacksmith’s village and
inside the Choetsi Lhakhang, there is an altar dedicated to
Thangtong Gyalpo and his son Buchung Gyalwa Zangpo.

The weekly paper of Bhutan, Kuensel reported in detail about the


unexpected chain finding on 20.03.2004.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Fig. 37: The new statue of Thangtong Gyalpo inside the Sili Gonpa.

Changchi Chakzam
Shortly after Chukha, Samuel Turner crossed another iron
chain bridge and Davis noted this bridge down in his maps. I
have searched for this suspension bridge and found the
remains of it. It crossed the Wang Chhu between Chochoka,
the today’s Changchi, and the Sili Gonpa. Next to the road,
the remains of the anchorage can still to be found in the bank
rocks, and, finally, a part of the chains is kept in the
basement of the Sili Gonpa. In the Dukhang of this
monastery, the link appears. We find the statue of Thangtong
Gyalpo revered.

Bridges in the Himalayas

As long as the iron chain bridge stood, Sili Gonpa could to be

reached from the road in a few minutes. Now, without a
bridge, it takes about an hour of driving and more than one
and a half hours of walk. The Gonpa is cut off by the traffic,
and, therefore, nothing was known about the chains available
there. The chains hanging in the Sili Gonpa look differently
from the other chains that can be traced back to Thangtong
Gyalpo. The link length up to 40 cm is possibly the same, the
width amounts to about 8 to 10 cm, however, above all, these
links are relatively raw and have been forged unevenly and
the steel crosscut with about 2.5 x 3.5 cm is bigger than the
other chains

Fig. 38: Altar inside the Sili Gonpa with Buddha Śākyamuni in the foreground
and the chain links of the Changchi Chakzam in the back.

Chukha Chakzam
Chukha Chazam presents a prominent significance for the
history of the iron chain bridges in Bhutan and Tibet as well
as the later evolution of suspension bridges in Europe and
America. George Bogle used it on his way to Tibet and wrote
about it; also, the mission under Samuel Turner in 1786
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

crossed this iron iron chain bridge. Turner had the bridge
exactly described, measured and recorded, and, above all, the
precise dimension and accurate drawing set the suspension
and iron chain bridge building into motion.

Fig. 39: The drawing of the Chukha Chakszam published by Samuel Turner in
1800 in London after the exact measurement of his travel companion Samuel
Davis. Source: Turner, 1800

Turner comments about the bridge:

We descended the mountain, and crossed the chain bridge
called Chuka cha-zum (Chukha Chazam), stretched over the
Tehintchieu (Thimchu) river, a short distance above the castle
of Chuka, which is reckoned eighteen miles from Murichom.
For the best explanation of its construction, I refer to the
annexed plan and sections, constructed from a measurement
of the different parts. Plate III. A perspective view of it, and the
adjacent scenery, is given in Plate IV. Only one horse is
admitted to go over it at a time: it swings as you tread upon it,
reacting at the same time with a force that impels you, every

Bridges in the Himalayas

step you take, to quicken your pace. It may be necessary to

say, in explanation of the plan, that on the five chains that
support the platform, are placed several layers of strong
coarse mats of bamboo, loosely put down, to play with the
swing of the bridge; and the fence on each side, of the same
materials, contributes to the security of the passenger.81
The Real Privy Council (Wirkliche Geheime Rat) M. V. Brandt
in 1909 translated a report by C. R. Markham about the
At Chukha the river is very torrential and wide, and an iron
bridge has been hung across it. Five chains are spanned from
one riverbank to the other and covered with slats and mats of
bamboo, which form the ground of the bridge. Two other
chains on every side are spanned about seven feet above the
outer chain and connected to it by twisted raw seaweed cords.
The bridge is 147 feet long and six feet wide. As soon as one
puts the foot on it, it moves from one end to the other.82
With 147 English feet, the Chukha Chakzam was about 50
metres long, 1.50 metres wide and the uppermost side chain
according to the various accounts between 2.1 and 3 metres
high. The bridge was designed as a stress ribbon bridge where
the bridge rail from bamboo mats directly overlaid five lower
chains. These five chains were linked with plant ropes among
each other; likewise, both upper chains and a thick railing
with about 1.20-metre height were integrated. The left
bridgehead, which foundations reached below the normal
water level, was shaped in form of a bridge house that was
provided with a cantilevering, roofed wooden construction,
which shortened the span of the iron chain bridge to the
riverside. The right bridgehead with foundation stood about
five metres above the normal water level and was attached to
the rock and had at the level of the bridge a heavy wooden
scaffolding of about three metres of height above which the

81Turner 1800, p.54/55.

82 Brandt 1909, p.83/84. Brandt has translated and edited the
reports of the trips of Bogle, Manning and C. R. Markham.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

upper two chains were spanned, and two string board walls of
about 1.50 metre of thickness which protected the wooden
scaffolding against lateral toppling.
Lumbolang Chakzam
George Bogle reports about a bridge across the Thimphu
Chhu: ‘At Lumbolang is a bridge that exists of only two
chains.’83 The place called Lumbolang by Bogle lies half a way
between Paga Gonpa and Babesa, i.e. at the today’s
Khasadapshu. In Khasadapshu, an important bridge across
the Thimphu Chhu exists even today.
Chuzom Chakzam
At Chuzom, both the Paro Chhu and Thimphu Chhu unite to
the Wang Chhu. Karma Ura reports that after the confluence,
an iron chain bridge spanned the strategically important
point. In 1974, the author instead of the iron chain bridge
found a Bailey bridge already suitable for heavy vehicle
traffic. A substantially higher laid and further spanned
concrete bridge later substituted it.
Wangdi Chakzam
Below the Punakha Dzong, the winter residence of the Je
Khenpo, Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu unite to form Puna Tsang
Chhu, which in India is called Sankosh. The most important
crossing from Western to Central and Eastern Bhutan led
across this river below the Wangdi Phodrang Dzong, and here
clearly there is a bridge history written. According to Karma
Ura, a stately cantilever bridge divided by a natural stream
pillar was constructed in 1684 in place of iron chain bridge.
Ura writes: “The bazam replaced an iron chain bridge
installed by Thangtong Gyalpo at the same site”.84 The
transport links at this point has never lost its importance. In
1968, a concrete bridge with a daring arch again replaced a

83 Brandt 1909, p.84.

84 Ura 2000, p.50.
Bridges in the Himalayas

Bailey bridge, which substituted the washed away wooden

bridge, shortly before the turn of the millennium.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

In Nepal, there was a tradition of the construction of iron
chain bridges as well, and some of them still exist to this day.
Whether or how far this tradition goes back to Thangtong
Gyalpo, cannot be determined according to the present level
of knowledge.

In principle, transport and traffic are strongly dependent on

ravines and flood in Nepal as they are in Tibet. In 1975,
Manfred Taube writes:
The most vulnerable place of the road network are the river
crossings: Fords are not usable during the whole monsoon
period, also the crossing with logboats stops in this time, and
the small rivers that are otherwise crossed on a simple trunk
are likewise not passable during the rainy season. In addition,
the usual suspension bridges, that are swaying strongly when
someone is passing it, do not contribute substantially to the
stabilization of traffic. Entering of the wooden gangways is
perilous in many places. While the only wooden cantilever
bridges passable for animals must be renewed about every
eight years, the rotten planks lying on bamboo ropes are
substituted in general only when somebody is braking into it -
although, on the other hand, in some places with the
participation of the whole village communities a full day is
used for the blessing of the bridges four times a year.85
Honorary Consul Dr. Manfred Kulessa, generously
transmitted first news and photos of the iron chain bridges of
Nepal to me and Dr. Hans Renatus provided photos from
Eastern Nepal.86

85Taube 1975, p.161.

86Dr. Manfred Kulessa, Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Bhutan,
as UNDP representative conducted the bridge building program of
Baglung and reported to the “Nepal Council for World Affairs” on 18
August, 1977. Dr. Kulessa provided extensive material on
suspension and rope bridges in Nepal, in addition to reports on
engineer's offices and material from state organisations. Dr. Hans
Bridges in the Himalayas

Renatus during his travels in the eastern Nepal discovered a number

of iron chain bridges across the Bhote Kosi and the Khimti Khola
rivers. Dr. Renatus has documented the bridges through
photographs and made them available to me.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The extensive research resulted in surfacing numerous facts

to the iron chain bridges as well as to the blacksmiths and all
together proved a good overview on the iron chain bridges in

Fig. 40: Iron chain bridge across the Bhote–Kosi in Nepal. Photo: Hans Renatus

Early reports on iron chain bridges in Nepal in the 18th

century testifies discovery of iron occurrence and their
exploitation, including techniques of blacksmiths in
producing the chains. The iron chain bridges then replaced
rope bridges from plant fibres, like they were also common in
India, Ladakh, Tibet and South America, as well as bamboo,
round timber, squared timber and wooden cantilever bridges.

Bridges in the Himalayas

While the rope bridges from plant fibres survived only few
years and the wooden bridges were often washed away by the
high water, the iron chain bridges provided good services for
at least 50 years and mostly survived much longer.

Condition for iron chain bridges was in each case the regional
occurrence of iron ore. For example, in circa 1970, numerous
iron chain bridges exist in the district of Baglung87 to the west
of Pokhara, but also in eastern Nepal around Jiri. Norman
Hardie reports about this during his journey in 1955:
At the sixth day since Kathmandu, we reached the last of the
Hindu villages. High up on top of the hills, we saw mouths of
the tunnels leading to the iron ore deposits. At the wayside
stood furnaces and black smithy. Mostly a child served the
bellows, while it used the long lever arm as a seesawing swing.
From those there come the door locks of the Sherpas and the
strong chains of the better iron chain bridges.88
The chain links and chains were forged by the Kamis, the
blacksmiths, a caste of untouchable craftsmen. These
blacksmiths played an extremely important role, because they
forged not only the chains, but also the anchor constructions
as well as for the wood processing and stone treatment tools.

The known iron chain bridges of Nepal with lengths of about

50 metres had a uniform construction. Between two chains in
each case a walking layer of approximately 20 centimetre
width or a bridge ground up to about 60 centimetre width
was hung up with ropes from plant fibres, wire or hanging
bars and the iron chains served even as handrails. At least in
western Nepal, chain links of 1.5 to 2 cm thick round iron
chains had been forged, while Thangtong Gyalpo’s chain links
in Tibet and Bhutan were designed from rectangular
crosscuts. In eastern and northern Nepal, hammered chain

87 Groeli 1977, p.3.

88 Hardie 1960, p.118.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

links also exist from rectangular crosscuts, which could be a

reference for a connection with Tibet.

In the beginning of the thirties of the last century, the iron

chain bridge construction in Nepal received a striking
incision, because the ruler of Galkot in Calcutta had anchor
chains bought and advanced to Nepal and instead of hand-
hammered chains allowed them to be used for suspension
bridges. However, the heavy anchor cables did not assert
themselves in general, rather 20 years later, in about 1950, a
far bigger change already began: At the renovation of bridges,
the chains were substituted by cable ropes. In the beginning,
smaller bridges applied the same technology like with iron
chains and later with bigger spans, they used cable rope
suspension bridges. The use of cable ropes in Nepal proved to
be extremely advantageous, because the cable ropes of the
cable railway, which was, stretching many kilometres from
Hetauda to Kathmandu, had to be changed regularly, and
these used steel cables could serve as a material for many
bridges. Thus, in the last quarter of the 20th century,
hundreds of new cable bridges could be erected or suspension
bridges removed with the help of regional and private
programs, like the ‘Baglung District Suspended Bridge
Construction Pilot Program’,89 but also state programs, like
the ‘Trial Suspension Bridge Program 1975-1977.’90

A significant parallelism is to be ascertained with the bridges

of Thangtong Gyalpo in Tibet as well as Bhutan and the
bridges in Nepal. However, in particular, Thangtong Gyalpo
and his successors built iron chain bridges for the
development of the land and to create easy access to the holy
sites for pilgrims. The iron chain bridge construction was a

89 Groeli 1977. See also: East Consulting Engineers, Kathmandu:

Trail Suspension Bridge Study conducted for United States Agency
for International Development, Nepal, Kathmandu 1977
90 Pfaffen 1977.

Bridges in the Himalayas

good action and contributed to the improvement of the


Even in Nepal, bridge building was and still is regarded as a

good and socially useful activity. Many of the iron chain
bridges, as well as the cable suspension bridges of Nepal,
were sponsored by single person or by family clans. In turn,
they also maintain them.

Thus, it is reported that a poor man who went to India as an

immigrant worker for many years, upon his return used the
saved wage for the material of a bridge for his village.

To cite a better example: In 1940, Tikaram Kharel bought

anchor cables from Calcutta had a bridge erected across the
Dharan Khola in the Panchayat Kadebes. In 1971, after 30
years of its construction, the bridge had to be renovated. The
sons of Hiralal, Klimananda and Gopiram Kharel took the
responsibility as a family duty and had a new, longer iron
chain bridge erected; this time, however, again forged on site.


Thangtong Gyalpo, besides being accomplished in many other

fields, is especially known for pioneering works in spiritual as
well as iron chain bridge building. With his iron chain
bridges, he had created a lasting access to the religious sites
as well as safe traffic routes. This was confirmed by all
European travellers that journeyed through Tibet from 1600
until the middle of the 20th century.

Up to the present work, the influence of Thangtong Gyalpo’s

iron chain bridges on the European and American suspension
bridges did not become a subject of serious study. Despite
numerous proofs of the technology transfer from Asia to
Europe and later also to America, it is unusual, in western
thinking, that beside the religious and artistic treasures of
Buddhism, technology from Tibet initiated developments in
Europe and America! Regarding the iron chain bridges, two
important influences are to be noted: In the 17th century,
reports and ideas about iron chain bridges built by
Thangtong Gyalpo came to Europe and after 1800, their
precise technical details, which led immediately to the
construction of suspension bridges in Europe and Asia,
became known. Beside the general sequence of events, direct
connections can be drawn from the chronological
presentation given below:

1430-1460 Thangtong Gyalpo and his followers build

numerous iron chain bridges in Tibet and Bhutan. The
bridges reach spans of more than 100 metres and are free of
corrosion. Some of the bridges are extant to the present day
and are still put to use.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

1601 Father Matteo Ricci (1592-1610) founds the first Jesuit

mission in Peking. From 1601, scientifically compiled reports
reach Europe from China and Tibet.91
1616 Faustus Verantius (1551-1617) publishes his book
‘Machinae Novae’ in Venice. The great artists and master
builders of the Renaissance like Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-
1446), Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1565), Leonardo da
Vinci (1492-1519) and Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) had all
designed stone and wooden bridges, frame, truss-frame and
arch constructions but no suspension bridge.

Fig. 41: First model of a suspension bridge in Europe published by Faustus

Verantius in 1616. Source: Dietrich 1998

The chain construction of the Twärren Bridge that was

erected in about 1218 across the Schöllenen gorge at the
Gotthardroute through the Alps was not a bridge, but a path

91 Leibold 2002, p.113

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

that was fastened by chains.92 Verantius in his book takes up

the ideas from Asia for iron chain bridges and, moreover,
introduces two prototypes of suspension bridges, one a highly
hung bridge with textile ropes and another chain bridge with
eye bars. While the stone and wooden bridges likewise shown
by him are in fact close to reality for being able to build
during the period, however, both suspension bridges are
relatively far away.93

Fig. 42: Another concept of a suspension bridge by Faustus Verantius. Source:

Dietrich 1998

1631 The universal scholar Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)

born in Geisa in the mountains of the Rhön in Germany
becomes a professor of mathematics, physics and oriental
languages and was appointed to the Collegium Romanum by
the pope in Rome. The letters and reports of the Jesuit’s
fathers from China and Tibet and further from the whole

92 Peters 1981, p.53.

93 Verantius 1616.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

world end up on, or at least cross Kircher’s table with

abundance of information from many parts of the world.

1656-1664 The Jesuit Johannes Grueber from Linz at the

Danube is sent to China to explore a northern land route to
China. Grueber uses the seaway to Macao for the outward
journey; and the return journey leads him, according to his
instructions, across land from Peking to India. Father
Grueber, therefore, was the first European who crossed Tibet.
In his letters, Grueber dedicated only few lines to the trip of
many months from Peking to Kathmandu, but indeed with
enough exact local names, so that the route is to be pursued
exactly: Peking, Sining Fu, Kokonor, Nyenchen Thangla
mountains, Reting monastery, Lhasa and Kathmandu. It is
certain that on his way, he must have at least crossed two
bridges erected by Thangtong Gyalpo, one is the Rinchen
Chakzam to the south of Reting across the Kyichu river which
even exist today and the ‘Chakzam’ across the Yarlung
Tsangpo, that existed up to about 1950. In the letters that he
wrote from 1664 to 1665 with travel accounts, Grueber says
nothing about iron chain bridges.94 However, in 1664 Grueber
reported precisely to the fraternity general of the Jesuits.
What is even more important is that Grueber was in close
contact with Athanasius Kircher for many years. Kircher later
published the reports that were transmitted orally to him by
Johannes Grueber and with his explicit approval in his work,
‘China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis nec non variis
naturae & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium
argumentis illustrata.’95

1667 Athanasius Kircher publishes his large work on China

as Tibet was more or less subsumed under the generic term
‘Catai’ entitled: ‘China monumentis ... illustrata’ in
Amsterdam. Michael Leibold comments on the book: “The

94 Grueber 1985
95 Kircher 1667
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

state of the literature and the exclusivity of his information

enabled Kircher with his ‘China ... illustrata’ to publish a
prevailing and systematising work about China.” Especially
outstanding technical objects were the bridge building, the
Great Wall of China, varnish production, letter printing and
the invention of the gunpowder.96

The pictures in the work of Kircher, however, were delivered

by the already introduced father Matteo Ricci, but even more
so, by father Adam Schall von Bell (1591-1666) who worked
for many years as a high official at the court of emperor
Shunzi in Peking. Kircher was also the first European to
present the sketched representation of the Potala, the
residence of the Dalai Lamas in Lhasa.

About the bridges, Kircher reports:

In the province of Junnan one sees across a deep valley
through which a creek with very fast waters flows, a bridge,
about which is told that it was erected by the emperor Ming of
the Hanfamily in the year 65 A.D., and which was not built
from brick stones or by the composition of immense stone
blocks, but from very strong iron chains which are fastened
by hooks and eyes on both sides of the mountain in such a
way that a bridge originated from superimposed planks. There
are 20 chains from which each has the length of 20
measuring poles (pertica), i.e. 300 hand spans (palmus). If
many people cross it at the same time, the bridge sways and
moves from here to there, and the crossing people not without
fear, dizziness and in fear of falling down walk in a great
hurry. I cannot admire enough at all the skill of the Chinese
architects by whom they have dared to try such a difficult
work to the comfort of the travellers.97
The translation presented here follows the Latin text of
Kircher narrowly, which is in contrast to others that follow

Leibold 2002, p.114
97Kircher 1667, p.213 ff., translated by Margarete Rosskopf,
Burchard Schlömer and Dr. Matthias Vogt.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

more free translations. Kircher clearly says that people

‘narrate’ that the bridge has been built in 65 A.D. A ‘narrated’
date with so many stopovers on the way to Europe is
questionable. On the other hand the representation of the
length (the reporter must have seen the bridge) is explained
very exactly - namely with the measurement common to Tibet
- the hand spans.98 In addition, the technical details, like the
anchorage, are reproduced exactly. Finally, Kircher
expressively testifies his respect for the work and the
architect. It is to be assumed here more from the fact that two
circumstances are shown in one trait: On the one hand the
story of a bridge from the year 65 A.D. and on the other hand
the technology of the iron chain bridge of Thangtong Gyalpo
seen by Grueber.99

98 see moreover: Baumeister und ihre Maßordnungen, in: Gerner, M.:

Architekturen im Himalaya: (transl.) „One tala tho, a hand span,
equals 12 finger widths (anguli). In centimetres the tala equals a
measurement of 20 – 24 cm, the anguli between 1,7 und 2 cm.”
According to this, the bridge would have had a span of about 60-
70m obsessedly.
99 The representations in the literature do not take up the ‘narration,’

but mostly contain conjunctive forms or accept the bridge building

date of 65 A.D. more or less as given, like Peters, Tom, F.: The
development of the great bridge building (Die Entwicklung des
Großbrückenbaus): “Suspension bridges from iron chains are of
Chinese origin. According to old traditions the first iron suspension
bridge originated in 65 A.D. in the Chinese province of Yünnan.”
After that follows the representation of the bridges by Thangtong
Gyalpo at the date of approx. 1420: “The first designer of iron chain
bridges about whom we know further details was the Tibetan monk
Thang-Stong rGyal-Po (1385-1465) who was active in the Himalayan
Mountains. His bridges are all unstiffend. They sway strongly and
the gangway lies directly on the chains. Some of it have survived,
nevertheless, about 550 years and serve even today the pedestrian's
Besides, the pictures by way of introduction show Leupold’s
“Suspension bridge in Sina” and then next to a picture of Thangtong
Gyalpo the drawing of the iron chain bridge of Chukha published by
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

Kircher’s “Chinas monumentis .... illustrata” became very

popular in Europe and was widely circulated and with it the
basic knowledge of a functioning bridge from chains in China
or Tibet also found a wide readership in Europe.

668 “China monumentis … illustrata” was translated into


669 It was followed by a shortened English version

670 The book was translated into French

672 There followed the second edition in Latin and Leibold

comments: China … illustrata “was in the 17th century in
which a not unimportant number of publications on China
was made available, one of the most wide-spread titles.”100

Turner in 1800 and a photos of the iron chain bridges of Chaze

(Choetsi) and Doksum in Bhutan.
100 Leibold 2002, p.113

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

Fig. 43: The first draft of an iron chain bridge in Tibet (China) which was
published in Europe in 1726. Source: Leupold 1726

‘Theatrum Pontificiale’ or ‘Scene of the Bridges and the Bridge

Building’ in Leipzig. The book contains drawings of an iron
chain bridge, which practically illustrates Kircher’s

101Leupold 1726, TAB LVII. According to the inquiries and

expositions made here an iron chain bridge of Thangtong Gyalpo
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

The Kircher’s report and Leupolds drawing corresponds with

regard to gorge and torrential rivers exactly to the chain
numbers and measurements to Thangtong Gyalpo’s bridge
across the Sutlej at Tholing, which is preserved to this day,
although hidden below a Chinese steel truss bridge for heavy

However, iron chain bridges for the European engineers were

still exotic and strange in 1726. This is indicated by Leupold’s
Very much a quaint bridge of chains. Although the number of
the copper plates have grown a lot, one still has wanted to add
for the sake of curio, something else that is special to Chinese
bridges, namely at first: Figure I. Table LVII, a bridge; Because
from one high mountain to the other, with 20 immensely
strong iron chains, covered only by planks, a bridge was built
into the free air and can be viewed at with astonishment. It is
supposed to have been built in China at of the city of
One meets the curiosity of the ‘iron chain bridges’ with a lot of
care and restraint, and thus it does not surprise that before
1800 in Europe, only few iron chain bridges were
constructed. Such a bridge was erected across the river Tees
in northern England, approximately two miles above the city
of Middleton in about 1740. It is not by chance, that Samuel
Turner in 1800 transmits a report by Hutchinson from his
book ‘History and Antiquities of Durham’ about this bridge in
connection with the iron chain bridge in Chukha in Bhutan:
About two miles above Middleton, where the stream showers
in a row of cascades, there is a bridge from iron chains
hanging from rock wall to rock wall, across an abyss of nearly

that has been seen is exactly described and probably has been
walked upon by father Grueber is presented, but is assigned to the
story of a former bridge.
102 Leupold 1726, § 321.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

60 feet depth for the passage of travellers, but primarily for

miners: The bridge is 70 feet long and a little bit more than
two feet broad with a railing on one side and with boards
planked in such a way that the pedestrian strolling through it,
feels the shaking movement of the chain links and he himself
is floating above a roaring abyss with a constantly moving
ground below him, so that only few travellers dare to confide
in this bridge.103
At the beginning of 19th century, this bridge collapsed, and
was rebuilt and has then existed till the beginning of the 20th

In Germany, an iron chain bridge with a span of

approximately 11.5 metres with width of 1.4-metre was built
in 1781 in the park at Wörlitz. In its guides and descriptions,
it is clear that there is a connection with Chinese or Tibetan
iron chain bridges that are presented as models.104

Another iron chain bridge, possibly erected around 1794,

with a span of about 12.5 metres and 1.90-metre width,
stands in the park of Bagno near the Steinfurt castle.105 Few
examples and the extremely low spans show that one had
reached to the idea of the iron chain bridge, but by far not yet
the courage and the technology, which was realised at
Thangtong Gyalpo’s bridges.

One may recall the works of father Johannes Grueber,

Athanasius Kircher and Jakob Leupold that the Europeans
imported the knowledge of iron chain bridge construction
from Tibet. In the initial years, the results in Europe were
humble. If one hears the refrains of both ‘visionary’ bridge
representations of Faustus Verantius, in Europe until 1800,
there were only smaller iron chain bridges and chain
footbridges with spans less than 15 metres that mostly

103 Turner 1800, p.55.

104 Grunsky 1998, p.105 ff.
105 Grunsky 1998, p.102 ff.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

originated under the aspect of the exotic charm of models

from China, and according to the previous analysis more from

In 1800, this scenario changed. In 1774, Warren Hastings,

the governor of Bengal and chairperson of the council of the
East India Company, sent George Bogle in company of the
doctor Alexander Hamilton to the court of the Panchen
Rinpoche at Tashi Lhunpo in Tibet. They took their way
through Bhutan from May to October 1774 and returned in
1775. In 1776 and 1777, missions followed under the
direction of Alexander Hamilton.

In the beginning of 1783, Samuel Turner led another mission

of the East Indian Company, who was also instructed to
proceed to Tashi Lhunpo. Turner took the same way as Bogle.
He was accompanied by accomplished people like Lieutenant
Samuel Davis, a drafter and Robert Saunders for botanical,
mineralogical and medical studies. Turner and his
companions wrote less colourful travelogues, but recorded
everything of importance in an academically precise way.

1800 As a result of the cited mission, a book of Samuel

Turner was published in London “An account of an Embassy
to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet, containing a
narrative of a journey through Bootan and a part of Tibet”.
This book contains the detailed description and provides an
accurately measured drawing of the suspension bridge at
Chukha in Bhutan ascribed to Thangtong Gyalpo.106 Turner’s
reports and communications were so important that in the
same year, a French translation appeared in Paris followed by
a shortened German translation in Leipzig in the succeeding
year.107 In 1817, an Italian translation appeared in Milan.
Boeder rightly infers to the rapid European translations: “This

106 Turner 1800.

107 Boeder, in Thunlam 1, p.17, Bonn 2002.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

already points to his importance. He collected a lot of material

about the areas in Bhutan visited by him and described his
manifold impressions very carefully. On this occasion,
especially the countless rivers, the deep gorges, the traffic
system, the bridge constructions (bridges from iron chains,
wooden cantilever bridges), the architecture ......” interested

The development and the unexpected triumphant procession

of the suspension bridges in Europe began with this
publication of a technically precisely illustrated bridge by
Thangtong Gyalpo. In Europe and America and further
worldwide, this design first led to iron chain bridges and then
to bridges with cables. The developments and connections to
Thangtong Gyalpo can precisely be understood through the
numerous publications in Europe; however, mention of
Thangtong Gyalpo is practically absent.

1801 The Justice of the Peace, James Finley, allows the first
iron chain bridge to be erected near Philadelphia in America.
The chains are like the chains of the bridges of Thangtong
Gyalpo. Some authors report about the first test bridges of
Finley from 1796.

1808 Finley registers a patent for iron chain bridges.109

1810 Finley publishes the patent for iron chain bridges and
by 1820 he built about 40 smaller iron chain bridges with
ring links and spans between 10 and 40 metres.110 Only one
bridge of its kind exists to this day, i.e. the 1810 Merimac
Bridge which was built in Newburyport.

108 Boeder, in Thunlam 1, p.17, Bonn 2002.

109 Bujler 2004, p.100.
110 Peters 1981, p.53.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

1811 Thomas Pope publishes his book, ‘Treatise of Bridge

Architecture’ in New York on the subject of iron chain bridge
for a wide audience in the USA.111
1816-1817 A smaller iron chain bridges as pedestrian’s
footbridge is erected as an experiment in Scotland. Possibly,
at the same time a number of scientific contributions on iron
chain bridges, which refer to Pope’s publications, appear in

1819-1820 Captain Samuel Brown (1776-1852) builds the

first iron chain bridge, which links to the dimension of the
bridges of Thangtong Gyalpo: The Union Bridge across the
Tweed close to Berwick with a span of 110 metres. Besides,
the chain links are formed not as ring links, but in the form
of eye-bars. The eye-bars go back to Verantius and were
developed from 1805 by Hawk and Brown.112

1819-1826 The Bangor bridge, planned by Thomas Telford

(1757-1834), likewise from eye-bars with 176 metres of span
is erected across the Menai canal in Wales.

1820-1825 Almost at the same time, the Convey Castle

Bridge also planned by Telford with a span of about 100
metres is built.113

1823 Navier publishes the basic work for suspension

bridges in Europe in Paris: ‘Becquey et mémoire sur les ponts
suspendus.’. This book presents the development of the iron
chain bridges, which is relevant to the current work. At the
beginning of the book, Navier shows a bridge from plant fibres
in Peru, the sketch of an iron chain bridge across the Tees

111 Pope 1811.

112 Grunsky 1998, p.100 ff. With the eye-bars considerably lower,
dead weights of the bridges are achieved. Therefore, they also
asserted themselves with the bigger spans more and more.
113 Bühler 2004, p.100/101.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

and one of the fantastic suspension bridges of Verantius and

then shows Thangtong Gyalpo’s bridge of Chuka in the exact
representation of Turner with front view, longitudinal section
and cross-cuts. The headline to it is: Pont de Chuka au
Tibet.114 In Turner’s book, the bridge is located
unambiguously in Bhutan and Navier also shows the right
local name: Chuka. However, the reason for taking Tibet as
the country of origin cannot be fully understood. It may be
surmised that the wrong country name given is could be due
to the fact that the invention laurels passed to Thangtong

Fig. 44: The development of suspension bridges in the publication of Claude

Navier begins after an illustration of a fibre plant bridge with the iron chain
bridge at Chhuka as published by Turner in 1800. Source: Bühler 2004

After Naviers book, which was already published in a second

edition in Paris in 1830, a richness of contributions and
reports to iron chain bridges develops all over Europe and
another such flood of iron chain bridges appeared mostly in
the form of eye-bar suspension bridges.

114 Navier 1823.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

1823 Five iron chain bridges are erected by Wilhelm von

Traitteur in St. Petersburg.

1823 Friedrich Schnierch builds an iron chain bridge at

Brünn in Austria/Hungary.

1824 Navier himself builds an iron chain bridge in Paris,

which, however, was not completed.
1825 An iron chain bridge is built near Nienburg at the
Saale. After three months, the bridge collapsed which took
the life of 50 people.

1826 An iron chain bridge with a span of 28 metres is built

at Malapane.

1827 The British engineer, William Th. Clark (1783-1852)

erects the Hammer Blacksmith Iron Chain Bridge across the
Thames in London.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

Fig. 45: The iron chain bridge between Buda and Pest in Hungary built in the
middle of the 19th century.

1829 As per the sketch of Leo von Klenze (1784-1864), an

iron chain bridge is built across the Regnitz in Bamberg.115

1839 The ‘Iron Hanger,’ an iron chain bridge is built at

‘Haus Laer’ in Meschede, across the Ruhr with about 28
metres of span and a width of 1.90 metre.116

1840-1849 The first big iron chain bridge with 202 metres
of span is built according to the concepts of the British
engineer Clark across the Danube in Budapest which still

1898-1903 The second iron chain bridge, the so-called

Elisabethenbrücke after Empress Sissi is erected across the
Danube in Budapest. In 1945, this bridge was dismantled.

1926 In Florianopolis, the capital of the Brazilian federal

state of Santa Catarina, the iron chain bridge with a span of
340 metres, the farthest free span ever is erected.118

Almost simultaneously with the iron chain bridges,

suspension bridges with steel cables are also built, which is
closely linked to the development of the cable technology.

1816 A pedestrian’s footbridge across the Schujkil in

Philadelphia with 124 metres of span is erected as a cable
suspension bridge.

115 Grunsky 1998, p.101 ff.

116 Monumente 2004, p.32/33.
117 Dietrich 1998, p.170 ff. The bridge proves in a special way the

quality of suspension bridges, because it resists till this day to the

strong, two-lane traffic between Buda and Pest.
118 Bühler 2004, p.102.

Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

1832-1834 Josef Chaley (1795-1861) initiates the

construction of ‘Grand Pont’ near Fribourg across the Saane
with 273 metres of span. From 1870 to 1883, Washington
August (1837-1926) erects the famous Brooklyn Suspension
Bridge across the East river in New York in accordance with
the plans by his father, Thuringian John August Roebling
(1806-1869), with a span of 486 metres.

1896-1897 The first cable suspension bridge across the

Argen at Kressbronn with a span of 72 metres of is erected in

1933-1937 The Golden Gate Bridge is planned in San

Francisco by Joseph B. Strauss and is erected with a span of
1,280 metres.

1998 Finally, the suspension bridge across the Big Belt

between Fehmarn and Seeland is initiated with a span of
1624 metres.120

One of two suspension bridge constructions which go back to

Thangong Gyalpo is a stress ribbon bridge where the chains
carry the walking layer directly. Today in the course of the
advancement of suspension bridges, stress ribbon bridges
(Spannbandbrücke) are also built again.

Thus in 1999, Jürg Conzett plans and erects a 40-metre

spanned stress ribbon bridge (Spannbandbrücke) across the
spectacular Via Mala gorge at Suransuns in Switzerland. The
steel parts are produced from V4A chrome nickel steel. The
sidewalk is made from natural granite stone.121

119 Bühler 2004, p.102.

120 Bühler 2004, p.108 ff.
121 Bühler 2004, p.56.
Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

If we look into the future, it is unimaginable that the stress

ribbons, like coal fibre ribbons could find use and with it,
bridges become conceivable with several kilometres of span in
a system that Thangtong Gyalpo invented.

Even if one looks at the bridge building altogether through

the adoption of the different materials like wood and stone
worldwide, Thangtong Gyalpo with his suspension bridges,
far ahead of his time has shown the way.

The famous stone and wooden bridges of the ancient world,

had spans of approximately 15 to 30 metres. During the first
1700 years after Christ’s birth, single spectacular bridges
with spans up to 40 metres were erected. The wooden arch
bridge with approximately 20 arches, each with a width of
about 34 metres and a bridge bay distance of 51 metres, first
built under the Roman emperor Trajan von Appolodorus at
about 105 AD in Dacien in today’s Romania122 and the An-ji
bridge in China with a level stone arch of about 40 metres of
span in 7th century. In addition, the stone bridge of
Regensburg, built from 1135 to 1146, and the famous bridge
of Mostar, from the Turkish master builder Mimar Hajradin, a
pupil of Sinan, erected from 1557 to 1566 with a span of 29.5
metres, belong in this span area.

All the great Renaissance master builders dealt with very far
spanned bridges. Thus, Leonardo da Vinci from 1502 to 1503
conceived a wooden arch bridge with 360-metre length and
24 metre width over the Golden Horn in Istanbul, Turkey,
which could hardly have been realised then.123 The examples
built in the 16th century have reached spans of 25 to 35
metres; and the famous bridge of Andrea Palladio with a truss
construction, the Ponte degli Alpini in Bassano, Italy, across

122 Dietrich 1998, p.84 ff.

123 Dietrich 1998, p.91 ff.
Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo

the Cismone just reached a spanned width up to 12


The Grubenmann brothers, master carpenters of Switzerland

achieved a real jump only in the middle of the 18th century.
Ulrich Grubenmann created a wooden bridge across the
Rhine at Schaffhausen in 1755, with a span of 19 metres on
the request of the Schaffhausen council with an additional
river pillar.

This master builder reached farthest span with a wooden

bridge across the Limmat in 1764. His brother, Josef
Grubenmann shortly afterwards built the Rhine bridge at
Reichenau with 71 metres of span.125

These bridges were later followed by the steel bridges, in the

beginning, with modest spans. In 1769, the first cast steel
bridge with about 30 metres of span was erected in
Coalbrookdale in England.126

The bridges introduced by Thangtong Gyalpo in the beginning

of 15th century with 80 to 130 metres of length in Tibet with
all materials were achieved in Europe and America only after
400 after years in the 19th century.

124 Bühler 2004, p.58. The drawings, outlines and concepts of the
renaissance master builders for bridge constructions and the span
widths of the bridge of Bassano show conspicuously the discrepancy
between wish and reality.
125 Gerner 2002, p.70-76.

126 Bühler 2002, p.71-72.

Thangtong Gyalpo’s Influence in Europe

Fig. 46: Thangtong Gyalpo on a mural at Sili Gonpa in Bhutan.


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Additional Notes on the book

The Centre for Bhutan Studies has received a letter from Tenzin
Chhophag, the 12th Chagzampa, in December 2007.

The letter states that he (Tenzin Chhophag) has been recognized as

the 12th Chagzampa by His Holiness Dalai Lama, Dilgo Khyentse
Rimpoche, Mingling Trichen Rimpoche and Sakya Tridzin

The letter went on to state that in a book (Chagzampa Thangtong

Gyalpo – Architect, Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder by
Manfred Gerner), the Centre for Bhutan Studies has documented
Thangtong Gyalpo’s lineage up to the 17th incarnation.

First, it has been written that the Late Dilgo Khyentse

Rimpoche and Kalu Rimpoche have indicated that Sangay
Choedzin, currently the Lama of the Zilukha Nunnery, as
the 17th Thangtong Gyalpo, and suggested that the boy
must be recognized by Sakya Tridzin.

Second, it has been written that Dalai Lama and Sakya

Tridzin have recognized Sangay Choedzin as the 17th
Thangtong Gyalpo.

The letter questioned the source of information the Centre has used
and suggested further investigation. It demanded that the Centre,
which is responsible for printing and distribution [the book], should
provide answers to the doubts raised above.

Signed by
Tenzin Chhophag

The Centre for Bhutan Studies would like to clarify that Chagzampa
Thangtong Gyalpo – Architect, Philosopher and Iron Chain Bridge Builder
was written by Manfred Gerner in German and translated into
English by Gregor Verhufen. The Centre has published the book for

the benefits of the Bhutanese reading public since there is limited
information on this important Buddhist saint. The Centre is mainly
interested with the book, like any other Bhutanese readers, as a rich
social document, not for its documentation of who is and who is not
the 12th or 17th reincarnation of Thangtong Gyalpo.

We also would like to clarify that CBS has played no role either in its
research or in selecting sources.

One of the Centre’s mandates is to generate and disseminate

information freely to the Bhutanese through research and
publication, and publication of the above book is one effort in
fulfilling the mandate.

Thank you.


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