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Sage 50 Accounting—U.S.

Software development kit
.NET API quick start guide
Table of contents

Changes in version 2018.0 ....................................................................................................................... 4

Nonbreaking API changes between R2017.2 and R2018.0 ........................................................ 4

Breaking API changes between R2017.2 and R2018.0 ............................................................... 4

Deprecations ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Fixed issues in R2018.0 .................................................................................................................... 4

Known issues in R2018.0 ................................................................................................................. 4

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Getting started ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Programming languages ........................................................................................................................... 8

Adding a reference ................................................................................................................................. 8

Adding the namespace .......................................................................................................................... 9

Sample code ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Initial connection ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Sample code ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Request access to company .................................................................................................................. 11

Sample code ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Open company ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Sample code ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Visual C# ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Sage 50 development partner program ................................................................................................ 14

Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Gold membership ................................................................................................................................. 14

Silver membership................................................................................................................................ 14

Sage 50 SDK community ........................................................................................................................ 15

Page 2
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 15

Page 3
Changes in version 2018.0

Note: In Release 2016 the .NET SDK was moved to .NET 4.5.2 and was built with Visual Studio
2012. You may need to update your application to use .NET 4.5.2 in order to be able to call the

Nonbreaking API changes between R2017.2 and R2018.0

 New classes
o Attachment
o AttachmentList
o AttachmentException

 Changes to existing classes

o Added GetBeginningBalance to the Account class
o Added AttachmentList to the Payment class
o Added LastSavedAt to the Contact class
o PaymentInvoiceLine and ReceiptInvoiceLine can now be filtered by

Breaking API changes between R2017.2 and R2018.0

 Binary breaking changes
o <none>

 Functional breaking changes

o <none>

 <none>

Fixed issues in R2018.0

 <none>

Known issues in R2018.0

 Transaction Creation/Modification Limitations:
o Cash-basis Companies—the SDK cannot be used to create, edit, or delete
Receipt or Payment transactions that apply to Sales or Purchase Invoices in
cash-basis companies. The SDK cannot be used to create, edit, or delete Sales
Invoices in cash-basis companies.
o Serialized Inventory—the SDK cannot be used to create, edit, or delete Sales
Invoice, Receipt, or Payment transactions involving serialized inventory items.
o Retainage—the SDK cannot be used to create, edit, or delete Sales Invoice,
Receipt or Payment transactions involving retainage jobs.

Page 4
o Unit of Measure—the SDK cannot be used to edit or delete transactions involving
Units of Measure.
o Cross-Payments—the SDK cannot be used to edit or delete Receipts from a
Vendor or Payments to a customer.
o Sales Invoices against Proposals—the SDK cannot be used to edit or delete
Sales Invoices that apply against a proposal.
o Audit Trail entries are not generated for sales invoices generated through the

Page 5

Thank you for your interest in the Sage 50 Third Party Add-on Program. The Sage 50 Software
Development Kit (SDK) exposes some of the new features in Sage 50 Accounting. This
document is intended to be a Quick Start Guide for Third-Party developers interested in
connecting their application with Sage 50 through the .NET API. The Sage 50 SDK includes
many sample applications that expand on this Quick Start Guide. There is also a Sage 50 .NET
API help file installed with the Sage 50 .NET SDK that explains each class property and method

The main focus of the Sage 50 .NET API is to allow for client applications to connect and
activate methods without the need to launch the Sage 50 application. The .NET API offers a
more object-oriented approach of interfacing with Sage 50. The .NET API makes use of
Generics and LINQ expressions introduced in .NET Framework 2.0. The .NET API is available
with Sage 50 versions 2011 and later.

The third-party application is allowed to connect to Sage 50 Accounting without the need for
Sage 50 to be launched. The third-party application will create an instance of the
PeachtreeSession object that calls a Begin method which takes an application ID as its String
parameter. Each third-party application will be associated with a unique application ID provided
by Sage. For developers who wish to test only with the sample companies installed with Sage
50 Accounting, an application ID is not necessary and may be passed as an empty String
parameter in the Begin method of the PeachtreeSession object.

Once a developer has created an instance of the PeachtreeSession object, a variety of

methods, properties, collections, and factory classes may be used to access company data. To
open a company, the third-party application will use the RequestAccess method of the
PeachtreeSession object and return an AuthorizationResult enumerator as the state of the
request. If this is the first time the third-party application is attempting to open a company, the
RequestAccess method will return a Pending status until the end user gives permission to allow
the third-party application access to Sage 50 when prompted upon opening the company in
Sage 50 Accounting. The VerifyAccess method is used to determine if access to the company
you are requesting to open has already been given.

Page 6
Getting started

After you install Sage 50, make sure you reboot your machine in order to get your app to build
and work properly. As well, in order to use the .NET API, you need a reference in your Visual
Studio project to the Sage.Peachtree.API assembly, which is in the install folder of Sage 50 and
registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of Microsoft Windows. To start using the .NET
API with a nonsample company, a valid application ID is needed. You should have received
your application ID in an email after you downloaded the SDK. If not, or if you have questions
about your application ID, send an email to [email protected] for assistance. If you use a
blank application ID, you will only be able to connect to Sage 50 sample companies.

For the 2018.0 release of Sage 50, a variety of sample applications is provided in the Sage 50
SDK download package. Many of the sample applications extend the documentation to
demonstrate areas beyond the scope of the SDK documentation. The SDK includes sample
applications and documentation that was written for Visual Studio 2012. Many of the samples
packaged with the Sage 50 SDK and code references in this document make use of Microsoft
Visual Studio. The Visual Studio Express IDE can be downloaded at to evaluate the samples provided.

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Programming languages

Adding a reference
For the 2018.0 release, the Sage 50 .NET API assembly is distributed as part of the Sage 50
Accounting 2018.0 installation. It is also registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The
.NET API is tightly linked to the application and allows existing applications to function with
minor changes. In order to use the .NET API, you will need to add a reference to the
Sage.Peachtree.API assembly in your Visual Studio project:

To add a reference to the .NET API in your existing .NET client code, do the following:

1. Add Sage.Peachtree.API as a NET reference

2. Add the namespace Sage.Peachtree.API
3. Rebuild the .NET client application

Note: You can also reference the .NET API by manually browsing to the Sage.Peachtree.API.dll
file in the API folder inside the install folder of Sage 50:

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Adding the namespace
The namespace of the .NET API is “Sage.Peachtree.API” and should be added to the .NET
client application code.

Sample code

Visual C#

using Sage.Peachtree.API;

Visual Basic

Imports Sage.Peachtree.API

Page 9
Initial connection

The PeachtreeSession class is the entry point of the Sage 50 .NET API. You must create a
PeachtreeSession object must be created. The Begin method must be called passing in either a
blank or valid application ID as a String parameter. If you enter a blank application ID, you will
only be able to connect to Sage 50 sample companies. A valid application ID is needed in order
to connect to regular Sage 50 companies (nonsample companies). To have a unique application
ID generated for your third-party application, please send a request to [email protected].

Sample code

Visual C#

// the main session into the Sage 50 application

PeachtreeSession apiSession = new PeachtreeSession();

// start the session.

// with no application ID, you can only open Sample companies

Visual basic

' create a new session instance

Dim apiSession As New PeachtreeSession()

' start the session.

' with no application ID, you can only open Sample companies

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Request access to company

After the third-party application has begun a session with the Sage 50 program, it must first
request access to the company it will open. To do this, the third-party application will call the
RequestAccess method, which returns an enumerated value representing the state of the
request. The request can be one of the following states:

Enumeration values Description

AuthorizationResult.CompanyLocked The company is locked in a single-user mode.
No logons are permitted. This result does not
indicate whether or not the logon was
authorized. The target Company must be
available in shared mode before login
authorization can be determined.
AuthorizationResult.CorruptedOrTampered The API application has been denied access
due to detection of corruption/tampering with
authorization records in Sage 50.
AuthorizationResult.Denied The API application has been denied access
by a Sage 50 user.
AuthorizationResult.Granted The API application has been granted access
by a Sage 50 user.
AuthorizationResult.LoginRestricted Logon permission was granted, but it is
temporarily restricted (typically by a Sage 50
AuthorizationResult.NoCredentials Indicates that the API application requesting
authorization has no credentials with the
Company to authenticate against.
AuthorizationResult.None This represents no access attempted (an
initialization value).
AuthorizationResult.Pending The API application is waiting on approval
from a Sage 50 user.

Sample code

Visual C#

// Request authorization from Sage 50 for our third-party application to access company.
AuthorizationResult AuthResult = apiSession.RequestAccess(companyId);

Visual Basic

' Request authorization from Sage 50 for our third-party application to access company.
Dim authorizationResult As AuthorizationResult = apiSession.RequestAccess(companyId)

Page 11
Open company

The following sample code demonstrates how to open a Sage 50 company using the .NET API.
The third-party application will use the Open method of the PeachtreeSession class to access a
company. The Open method returns a context to a Company class object which provides the
primary connection point for a Sage 50 company.

Sample code

Visual C#

// the main session into the Sage 50 application

PeachtreeSession apiSession = new PeachtreeSession();
// the active Sage 50 Company
Company companyContext = null;

// start the session.

// with no application ID, you can only open Sample companies

// Get CompanyIdentifer for Bellwether Garden Supply sample company

CompanyIdentifierList m_companyIdList = apiSession.CompanyList();
CompanyIdentifier companyId = m_companyIdList.Find(
delegate(CompanyIdentifier o)
return o.CompanyName == "Bellwether Garden Supply";

// Ask the Sage 50 application if this application has

// been granted access to the company.
AuthResult = apiSession.VerifyAccess(companyId);

// check if the app has authorization before

if (AuthResult == AuthorizationResult.Granted)
// open the company
companyContext = apiSession.Open(companyId);

Page 12
Visual basic

' create a new session instance

Dim apiSession As New PeachtreeSession()
' the active Sage 50 Company
Dim companyContext As Company

' start the session.

' with no application ID, you can only open Sample companies

' Get CompanyIdentifer for Bellwether Garden Supply sample company

Dim companyIdList As CompanyIdentifierList = apiSession.CompanyList()
Dim companyId As CompanyIdentifier = companyIdList.Find(AddressOf FindCompany)

' Ask the Sage 50 application if this application has

' been granted access to the company.
AuthResult = apiSession.VerifyAccess(companyId)

If (AuthResult = AuthorizationResult.Granted) Then

' open the company
companyContext = apiSession.Open(companyId)
End If

' Predicate delegate for Find method

' Determines if the Bellwether company was found
Private Function FindCompany(ByVal compId As CompanyIdentifier) As Boolean
If compId.CompanyName = "Bellwether Garden Supply" Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

Page 13
Sage 50 development partner program

Participation in the Development partner program can increase your exposure to the vibrant
small and midsized applications market. If you have an application that adds functional value to
Sage 50, we encourage you to apply for Silver or Gold level program membership.

Gold membership
 An invitation to participate at our annual partner conference. Booth and sponsorship
opportunity charges are separate from program fees and are outlined closer to the
conference date.
 Marketing exposure on:
 Access to not-for-resale software to test your product integration
 Access to the Gold Development Partner Logo
 A Sage 50 SDK-specific support plan (five incidents)
 View full program requirements and benefits

Silver membership
 An invitation to participate at our annual partner conference. Booth and sponsorship
opportunity charges are separate from program fees and are outlined closer to the
conference date.
 Marketing exposure on:
 Access to not-for-resale software to test your product integration
 Access to the Silver Development Partner Logo
 A Sage 50 SDK-specific support plan (one incident)
 View full program requirements and benefits

Page 14
Sage 50 SDK community

In addition to the documentation and sample code provided in the Sage 50 SDK package,
developers have access to the Sage 50 SDK Community where they can discuss the SDK with
other developers using the Sage 50 SDK. Visit Sage City to set up your account.

1. If you get the following error message when you run your application:

“System.IO.FileLoadException was unhandled Message=Mixed mode assembly is built

against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without
additional configuration information. Source=Sage.Peachtree.Domain”.

Resolution: Add the following snippet to your app.config.

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">

<supportedRuntime version="v2.0"/>

<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>


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