Lesson Plan & Implementation: Level 2 Video Reflection and Analysis

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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 2 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect
on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video,
complete this analysis and upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent
celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column write a claim that
you can make about teaching and a FEAP that you may have demonstrated in this moment.
You may add additional rows as needed:

Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim about teaching and FEAP


Example - 3:30 I used a quiet signal when students Using a nonverbal intervention
started talking while I was reading to gain student attention allows
in order to regain their attention the teacher to gain attention
without interrupting the
learning/FEAP 2a

5:57 Asked students to raise their hand FEAP 2a: managing attention
before speaking. and behaviors.

FEAP 2c: Conveys high


6:25 I was so focused on one students I need to be more aware of all

answering the question I asked, I the students in the class at the
never noticed that another student same time.
was sitting on multiple stacked
chairs and misbehaving.

6:35 I didn’t have the brain pop video I need to be more prepared and
set up and ready to play. I had to practice more before delivering
log in which wasted class time. I a lesson.
also did not make it full screen
which may have inhibited some
students from being able to see it.

6:40 Played brain pop video 3g: applied varied instructional

strategies including technology
to teach for understanding.

7:52 I made an effort to watch the class I should have stood in the back
as they were watching the video to of the room or circulated
make sure they were all on task throughout the room. This
and paying attention. probably would have made
some students sit up straighter.
I didn't do this because I felt as
though if I walked throughout
the room, I would block the
view of some students.

10:43 I identified possible It is important not to assume

misconceptions and addressed that your students know
those vocabulary words with the anything, because some may
class. not.

12:28 When I explained what we were I should have given all of the
going to be doing today, I left out directions up front so students
about pairing up to teach each knew what to expect during the
other what we learned. lesson. FEAP 2c.

14:25 When i began giving directions I did this because I noticed that
about reading, there were still students were starting to read
students up walking around and before I could give directions. I
trying to get to their seats. should have used an attention
getting signal and explained
that they should be waiting
quietly for more directions.
Then, I would have been able to
give everyone directions once
they found their seat and were
paying attention.
15:36 After I gave directions I asked the I think this important because it
class to give them back to me to puts the responsibility on the
make sure that they understood. students and creates a more
student centered classroom.

17:06 When a student came in late, I went FEAP 2c: Setting expectations.
over to her to explain what we
were doing and to give her

18:47 I circulated the room to make sure FEAP 2f: Provide support.
students were on task and to
provide support as needed.

21:05 I provided students with a blank FEAP 2c: Setting expectations.

piece of paper to take notes, but it
may have been beneficial to
provide sentence starters or an
outline on that paper so students
knew what they were looking for.
(even though it was on the anchor

22:44 Directions were posted on the It was still good to do this even
board but I don't think they helped. though I didn't notice anyone
I don't think anyone actually utilizing them, that doesn't
looked at the board for directions. mean nobody did.

24:40 Helped to resolve student conflict FEAP 2b: manages class

when only one person in the group behaviors
was doing all of the work.

25:17 I did a good job at keeping track of It would have been beneficial to
time and communicating time with have a visual timer for the class.
the class. FEAP 2a: managing time

28:24 I circulated the room throughout FEAP 3i: support, encourage,

the whole lesson. and provide immediate
feedback to students
32:20 The pairing up of groups to teach It would have been beneficial to
one another was good in theory have one student role be the
was not executed well. speaker/presenter, instead of
two note takers or two poster
makers. The speaker/presenter
would be in charge of sharing
what they learned with another
group or the whole class. Doing
this whole class would
probably be best because it
would have been less chaotic.

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