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YHT Realty vs Court of Appeals

McLoughlin, an Australian businessman-philanthropist, used to stay at Sheraton Hotel
during his trips to the Philippines until he met Tan, who convinced him to stay at Tropicana
instead. Lainez, Payam and Lopez were employed at Tropicana. Lopez served as
manager of the hotel while Lainez and Payam had custody of the keys for the safety
deposit boxes of Tropicana. Tan took care of McLoughlin’s booking at the Tropicana
where he started staying during his trips to the Philippines from 1984 to 1987.
During one of his trips, he rented a safety deposit box. He knew of the procedure wherein
the box could only be opened through the use of 2 keys, one for the registered guest and
one for the management. McLoughlin allegedly placed in the safety deposit box
US$15,000.00 in one envelope and US$5,000.00 in another, one envelope for Australian
dollars ($10,000.00), letters and credit cards, 2 bank books, and a checkbook. Before he
left for Hong Kong, he removed the other items and left some in the safety deposit box.
However, when he arrived in Hong Kong, he found out that he was missing $2,000.00
from one of his envelopes. When he returned to Manila, he checked out of Tropicana and
left for Australia only to learn later on that he was short of $5,000.00 and pieces of jewelry
he bought in Hong Kong.
When he came back to the Philippines, he asked Laines if someone found his lost items
but she answered in the negative. He again used the safety deposit box to put some of
his things. He noticed that his envelopes were missing US$2,000 and AUS$4,500.
He confronted Tan who later admitted that she had stolen McLoughlin’s key and opened
the safety deposit box with the help of Lopez, Payam and Laines. McLoughlin requested
for an investigation, however the police did not arrive. Lopez wrote a promissory note
instead stating that he promises to pay him. Tan signed the promissory note with Lopez
as witness. But Lopez refused to accept the responsibility, relying on the conditions for
renting the safety deposit box entitled “Undertaking For The Use of Safety Deposit Box”.
MacLoughlin’s lawyers opined that the stipulations in the undertaking are violative of
universal hotel practices and customs.
He had to go back to Australia several times to attend to some business. When he
followed up on the matter, he was referred to the Western Police District who then
conducted an investigation. McLoughlin and his lawyer filed a complaint for damages.
 Defendants acted with gross negligence in their performance as innkeepers
 Paragraphs (2) and (4) of the Undertaking For The Use Of Safety Deposit Box are
not valid for being contrary to the express mandate of Article 2003 of the New Civil
Code and against public policy
 Defendants are liable for damages
Affirmed TC’s disquisitions except amount of damages
Hence, this petition.
Whether a hotel may evade liability for the loss of items left with it for safekeeping by its
guests, by having these guests execute written waivers holding the establishment or its
employees free from blame for such loss in light of Article 2003 of the Civil Code which
voids such waivers.
Petition is devoid of merit. The Undertaking is null and void.
The Court adheres to the findings of the trial court that the fact of loss was established by
the credible testimony in open court by McLoughlin.
The Court is also not impressed by petitioners’ argument that the finding of gross
negligence by the lower court as affirmed by the appellate court is not supported by
evidence. The evidence reveals that two keys are required to open the safety deposit
boxes of Tropicana. One key is assigned to the guest while the other remains in the
possession of the management. If the guest desires to open his safety deposit box, he
must request the management for the other key to open the same. In other words, the
guest alone cannot open the safety deposit box without the assistance of the
management or its employees. With more reason that access to the safety deposit box
should be denied if the one requesting for the opening of the safety deposit box is a
stranger. Thus, in case of loss of any item deposited in the safety deposit box, it is
inevitable to conclude that the management had at least a hand in the
consummation of the taking, unless the reason for the loss is force majeure.
The issue of whether the Undertaking For The Use of Safety Deposit Box executed by
McLoughlin is tainted with nullity presents a legal. Both the trial court and the appellate
court found the same to be null and void. The Court finds no reason to reverse their
common conclusion. Article 2003 is controlling, thus:
Art. 2003. The hotel-keeper cannot free himself from responsibility by posting notices to
the effect that he is not liable for the articles brought by the guest. Any stipulation between
the hotel-keeper and the guest whereby the responsibility of the former as set forth in
Articles 1998 to 2001 is suppressed or diminished shall be void.

Article 2003 was incorporated in the New Civil Code as an expression of public policy
precisely to apply to situations such as that presented in this case. The hotel business
like the common carriers business is imbued with public interest. Catering to the public,
hotelkeepers are bound to provide not only lodging for hotel guests and security to their
persons and belongings. The twin duty constitutes the essence of the business. The law
in turn does not allow such duty to the public to be negated or diluted by any contrary
stipulation in so-called undertakings that ordinarily appear in prepared forms imposed by
hotel keepers on guests for their signature.
Paragraphs (2) and (4) of the undertaking manifestly contravene Article 2003 of the New
Civil Code for they allow Tropicana to be released from liability arising from any loss in
the contents and/or use of the safety deposit box for any cause whatsoever.
A depositary is not responsible for the loss of goods by theft, unless his actionable
negligence contributes to the loss. In the case, the responsibility of securing the safety
deposit box was shared not only by the guest himself but also by the management since
two keys are necessary to open the safety deposit box. Without the assistance of hotel
employees, the loss would not have occurred. Thus, Tropicana was guilty of
concurrent negligence in allowing Tan, who was not the registered guest, to open
the safety deposit box of McLoughlin, even assuming that the latter was also guilty
of negligence in allowing another person to use his key. To rule otherwise would
result in undermining the safety of the safety deposit boxes in hotels for the management
will be given imprimatur to allow any person, under the pretense of being a family member
or a visitor of the guest, to have access to the safety deposit box without fear of any
liability that will attach thereafter in case such person turns out to be a complete stranger.
This will allow the hotel to evade responsibility for any liability incurred by its employees
in conspiracy with the guests relatives and visitors.

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