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44 (2): 407-408, March - Abril, 2018

video section
doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.0044

Step by step male to female transsexual surgery

Rodrigo Uliano Moser da Silva 1, Fernando Jahn da Silva Abreu 1, Gabriel M. V. Da Silva 1, João Vitor
Quadra Vieira dos Santos 1, Nelson Sivonei da Silva Batezini 1, Brasil Silva Neto 1, Tiago Elias Rosito 1
Departamento de Urologia, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil


Introduction: After the diagnosis of transsexualism is confirmed therapy commences with psychotherapeutic preparation
for the conversion, and after conversion, long-term patient rehabilitation is maintained for at least two years. The indica-
tion for surgery is chronic discomfort caused by discord with the patient’s natural gender, intense dislike of developing
secondary sex characteristics and the onset of puberty. The surgical conversion of transsexuals is the main step in the
complex care of these problematic patients (1). This surgery was first described by Benjamin H, using a flap of inverted
penile skin (2) and is considered the gold standard since then. Male-to-female transsexual surgical techniques are well
defined and give good cosmetic and functional results. Sex reassignment surgery promotes the improvement of psycho-
logical aspects and social relationships as shown in the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment applied
in the patients submitted to this procedure (3). Techniques include the creation of a normal appearing female introitus, a
vaginoplasty allowing sexual intercourse and the capability of clitoral orgasm (4). Various methods for neovaginoplasty
have been described and can be classified into five categories, i.e. pedicled intestinal transplants, penile skin grafts, penile
skin flaps, non-genital skin flaps and non-genital skin grafts (5). In our Hospital, we use penile and scrotal skin flaps.
Until now, 174 procedures have been performed by our team using this technique with high rates of satisfaction (3).
Patients and methods: We present a step-by-step male to female transsexual surgery.
Conclusion: Surgical gender reassignment of male transsexuals resulted in replicas of female genitalia which enabled
coitus with orgasm (1). With this video we show step by step that a surgery using penile skin flaps is able to be performed
with good cosmetic results.


None declared.


1. Jarolím L. Surgical conversion of genitalia in transsexual 4. Krege S, Bex A, Lümmen G, Rübben H. Male-to-female
patients. BJU Int. 2000;85:851-6. transsexualism: a technique, results and long-term follow-
2. Benjamin H. Transvestitism and transsexualism. International up in 66 patients. BJU Int. 2001;88:396-402.
Journal of Sexology. 1953;7:12-14. 5. Karim RB, Hage JJ, Mulder JW. Neovaginoplasty in
3. Cardoso da Silva D, Schwarz K, Fontanari AM, Costa AB, male transsexuals: review of surgical techniques and
Massuda R, Henriques AA, et al. WHOQOL-100 Before and recommendations regarding eligibility. Ann Plast Surg.
After Sex Reassignment Surgery in Brazilian Male-to-Female 1996;37:669-75.
Transsexual Individuals. J Sex Med. 2016;13:988-93.

ibju | video section


Available at:

Int Braz J Urol. 2018; 44 (Video #6): 407-8

Submitted for publication: _______________________
January 25, 2017
Correspondence address:
Rodrigo Uliano Moser da Silva, MD
Accepted after revision: Departamento de Urologia
May 07, 2017 Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre
_____________________ Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350
Published as Ahead of Print: Porto Alegre, RS, 90035-903, Brasil
July 11, 2017 E-mail: [email protected]


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