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Earthship Architecture:

Post occupancy evaluation, thermal performance & life cycle assessment

Martin Howard Priestman Freney

Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

School of Architecture and Built Environment

December 2014
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Sustainability .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Sustainable Housing ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1.3 Earthships ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Research Aims......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Method ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) .................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Thermal Performance Simulations ................................................................................... 7
1.3.3 LCA Study ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Structure of Thesis ..................................................................................................................10
2 Background & Literature Review ....................................................................................................11
2.1 Sustainability Issues ...............................................................................................................11
2.2 Sustainable Housing Approaches ...........................................................................................13
2.2.1 Sustainable Houses ........................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Autonomous Houses .......................................................................................................13
2.2.3 Earthship .........................................................................................................................14
2.3 Methods of evaluating building performance...........................................................................23
2.3.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation ............................................................................................24
2.3.2 Thermal Modelling ..........................................................................................................26
2.3.3 Life Cycle Assessment ....................................................................................................27
2.3.4 LCA Software ..................................................................................................................32
2.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................32
3 Post Occupancy Evaluation ...........................................................................................................35
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................35
3.2 Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Study.............................................................................35
3.2.1 Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Results ..................................................................36
3.2.2 Interview Results.............................................................................................................44
3.2.3 Summary of Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Study ................................................47
3.3 Earthship Comfort Levels Study..............................................................................................47
3.3.1 Study Design...................................................................................................................47
3.3.2 Thermal Performance Results & Discussion ...................................................................50
3.3.3 Illumination Levels Results & Discussion ........................................................................66
3.3.4 Summary of Earthship Comfort Levels Study .................................................................67
3.4 Earthship Daily Comfort Study ................................................................................................68
3.4.1 Study Design...................................................................................................................68

3.4.2 Results of Earthship Daily Comfort Study ...................................................................... 68
3.4.3 Summary of Earthship Daily Comfort Study ................................................................... 70
3.5 Chapter Summary .................................................................................................................. 70
4 Thermal Performance Studies ....................................................................................................... 71
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 71
4.1.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 71
4.1.2 Thermal Modelling Software ........................................................................................... 72
4.2 Study 1: Adelaide Climate, Thermal Envelope Variables ....................................................... 72
4.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 72
4.2.2 Assumptions & Study Design ......................................................................................... 72
4.2.3 Design & Construction Details ........................................................................................ 75
4.2.4 Results & Discussion...................................................................................................... 84
4.2.5 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 101
4.3 Study 2: Simulation and Calibration of the Earthship home in Taos ..................................... 101
4.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 101
4.3.2 Assumptions & Study Design ....................................................................................... 102
4.3.3 Design & Construction Details ...................................................................................... 103
4.3.4 Results & Discussion.................................................................................................... 103
4.3.5 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 108
4.4 Study 3: Adelaide Climate using Calibrated Model............................................................... 108
4.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 108
4.4.2 Assumptions & Study Design ....................................................................................... 109
4.4.3 Design & Construction Details ...................................................................................... 110
4.4.4 Results & Discussion.................................................................................................... 111
4.4.5 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 113
4.5 Study 4: Earthships in Europe .............................................................................................. 114
4.6 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 114
5 Life Cycle Assessment Method ................................................................................................... 117
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 117
5.2 Overview of LCA of Buildings ............................................................................................... 117
5.2.1 Functional Unit ............................................................................................................. 117
5.3 Stage 1 - Goal, Scope, Functional Unit and Approach ......................................................... 118
5.3.1 Intended Applications ................................................................................................... 118
5.3.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 119
5.3.3 Reasons for carrying out the study, and decision context ............................................ 119
5.3.4 Target Audience ........................................................................................................... 119
5.3.5 Comparisons intended to be disclosed to the public .................................................... 119
5.3.6 Commissioner of the study and other influential actors ................................................ 119

5.3.7 Scope............................................................................................................................119
5.3.8 Functional Unit ..............................................................................................................121
5.3.9 Approach.......................................................................................................................124
5.4 Stage 2 - Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) ........................................................................124
5.5 Stage 3 - Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) ...................................................................127
5.5.2 Normalisation ................................................................................................................132
5.5.3 Weighting ......................................................................................................................133
5.6 Stage 4 - Interpretation .........................................................................................................134
5.7 Summary ..............................................................................................................................135
6 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis .......................................................................................................137
6.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................137
6.1.1 Building Elements Definitions........................................................................................137
6.1.2 Systems Description .....................................................................................................139
6.2 Assumptions of Process Energy ...........................................................................................140
6.2.1 Diesel Fuel – Process Energy .......................................................................................140
6.2.2 Earth Moving – Process Energy....................................................................................140
6.2.3 Excavation – Process Energy .......................................................................................140
6.2.4 Transport of Materials & Products .................................................................................140
6.2.5 Render Mixing – Process Energy..................................................................................141
6.2.6 Process Energy of Constructions ..................................................................................141
6.3 Building Materials Standard Assumptions .............................................................................141
6.4 LCI data of key Materials, Products & Processes .................................................................143
6.4.1 Timber - Softwood .........................................................................................................143
6.4.2 Carbon in wood products in landfills .............................................................................143
6.4.3 Concrete .......................................................................................................................143
6.4.4 Bricks ............................................................................................................................143
6.4.5 Steel..............................................................................................................................144
6.4.6 Double Glazing .............................................................................................................144
6.4.7 Paint..............................................................................................................................144
6.5 Energy Emission Factors ......................................................................................................144
6.5.1 Natural Gas ...................................................................................................................144
6.5.2 Electricity.......................................................................................................................144
6.6 Earthship Wall Assumptions .................................................................................................145
6.6.1 Overview of Earthship Wall Construction ......................................................................145
6.6.2 Tyre Wall Material Quantities ........................................................................................146
6.6.3 Buttress Material Quantities ..........................................................................................148
6.6.4 Berm Material Quantities...............................................................................................150
6.6.5 Process Energy.............................................................................................................151

6.7 Tyre Wall Insulated............................................................................................................... 152
6.8 Tyre Wall Uninsulated .......................................................................................................... 152
6.9 Mudbrick Wall Assumptions ................................................................................................. 153
6.9.1 Overview of Mudbrick Construction .............................................................................. 153
6.9.2 Mudbrick Wall Material Quantities ................................................................................ 153
6.9.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 155
6.10 Rammed Earth Wall Assumptions ........................................................................................ 155
6.10.1 Overview of Rammed Earth Construction .................................................................... 155
6.10.2 Rammed Earth Wall Material Quantities ...................................................................... 155
6.10.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 157
6.11 Rammed Earth Insulated...................................................................................................... 157
6.12 Strawbale Wall Assumptions ................................................................................................ 158
6.12.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 158
6.12.2 Straw Life Cycle Assumptions ...................................................................................... 158
6.12.3 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 158
6.12.4 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 160
6.13 Concrete Block Insulated Wall Assumptions ........................................................................ 160
6.13.1 Construction Overview ................................................................................................. 160
6.13.2 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 160
6.13.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 162
6.14 Brick Veneer Wall Assumptions ........................................................................................... 162
6.14.1 Construction Overview ................................................................................................. 162
6.14.2 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 162
6.14.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 164
6.15 Reverse Brick Veneer Wall Assumptions ............................................................................. 164
6.15.1 Construction Overview ................................................................................................. 164
6.15.2 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 164
6.15.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 166
6.16 Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad Assumptions ......................................................... 166
6.16.1 Construction Overview ................................................................................................. 166
6.16.2 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 166
6.17 Timber Frame Steel Clad Wall Assumptions ........................................................................ 168
6.17.1 Construction Overview ................................................................................................. 168
6.17.2 Material Quantities ....................................................................................................... 168
6.17.3 Process Energy ............................................................................................................ 170
6.18 Common Element Assumptions ........................................................................................... 170
6.18.1 Render, Internal............................................................................................................ 170
6.18.2 Render, External .......................................................................................................... 170

6.18.3 Roof & Ceiling ...............................................................................................................171
6.18.4 Floor..............................................................................................................................173
6.18.5 Internal Partition Walls ..................................................................................................173
6.18.6 Equator Facing Wall & Greenhouse Partition Wall ........................................................175
6.18.7 Greenhouse ..................................................................................................................177
6.19 Systems Assumptions...........................................................................................................178
6.19.1 Energy System including Solar Hot Water ....................................................................178
6.19.2 Electricity Use Estimate ................................................................................................179
6.19.3 Gas Use Estimate .........................................................................................................179
6.19.4 Wastewater System ......................................................................................................182
6.19.5 Water Collection System ...............................................................................................184
6.20 Operational Energy Assumptions..........................................................................................186
6.20.1 Heating and Cooling Energy .........................................................................................186
6.21 Maintenance Assumptions ....................................................................................................187
6.22 Land Occupation Assumptions .............................................................................................187
6.23 Waste/Disposal Scenario Assumptions ................................................................................188
6.23.2 Transport distances for EOL treatments .......................................................................191
6.24 Chapter Summary .................................................................................................................191
7 Life Cycle Impact Assessment & Interpretation ............................................................................193
7.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................193
7.2 Structure of LCIA Results......................................................................................................193
7.2.1 Definition of Whole House: Elements & Systems ..........................................................195
7.2.2 Limitations: Toxicity .......................................................................................................197
7.3 External Wall .........................................................................................................................198
7.3.1 Global Warming Potential for External Wall ..................................................................199
7.3.2 Ozone Depletion for External Wall ................................................................................202
7.3.3 Photochemical oxidation for External Wall ....................................................................204
7.3.4 Eutrophication for External Wall ....................................................................................206
7.3.5 Land Use & Transformation for External Wall ...............................................................208
7.3.6 Water Use & Depletion for External Wall ......................................................................210
7.3.7 Solid Waste for External Wall........................................................................................212
7.3.8 Embodied energy LHV for External Wall .......................................................................213
7.3.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for External Wall ..........................................................215
7.3.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for External Wall...................................................217
7.3.11 Eco Toxicity for External Wall .......................................................................................219
7.3.12 Normalisation of Impacts for External Wall ...................................................................221
7.3.13 Weighted Single Score for Impacts, for External Wall ...................................................222
7.3.14 Discussion & Summary for External Wall ......................................................................226

7.4 Thermal Envelope ................................................................................................................ 227
7.4.1 Global Warming Potential for Thermal Envelope.......................................................... 227
7.4.2 Ozone Depletion for Thermal Envelope ....................................................................... 229
7.4.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Thermal Envelope........................................................... 231
7.4.4 Eutrophication for Thermal Envelope ........................................................................... 233
7.4.5 Land Use & Transformation for Thermal Envelope ...................................................... 235
7.4.6 Water Use & Depletion for Thermal Envelope .............................................................. 237
7.4.7 Solid Waste for Thermal Envelope ............................................................................... 239
7.4.8 Embodied Energy for Thermal Envelope ...................................................................... 244
7.4.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic for Thermal Envelope ................................................... 246
7.4.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic for Thermal Envelope ........................................... 248
7.4.11 Eco Toxicity for Thermal Envelope ............................................................................... 250
7.4.12 Toxicity Analysis for Thermal Envelope ........................................................................ 252
7.4.13 Normalisation of Impacts for Thermal Envelope ........................................................... 253
7.4.14 Weighted Single Score for Impacts, for Thermal Envelope .......................................... 254
7.4.15 Discussion & Summary of Impacts for Thermal Envelope ............................................ 258
7.5 Energy System ..................................................................................................................... 259
7.5.1 Global Warming Potential for Energy System .............................................................. 260
7.5.2 Ozone Depletion for Energy System ............................................................................ 261
7.5.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Energy System ............................................................... 262
7.5.4 Eutrophication for Energy System ................................................................................ 263
7.5.5 Land Use & Transformation for Energy System ........................................................... 264
7.5.6 Water Use & Depletion for Energy System................................................................... 265
7.5.7 Solid Waste for Energy System .................................................................................... 266
7.5.8 Embodied Energy for Energy System .......................................................................... 267
7.5.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Energy System ...................................................... 268
7.5.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Energy System ............................................... 269
7.5.11 Eco Toxicity for Energy System.................................................................................... 270
7.5.12 Toxicity Analysis for Energy System ............................................................................ 271
7.5.13 Normalisation of Impacts for Energy System................................................................ 271
7.5.14 Weighted Single Score of Impacts for Energy System ................................................. 272
7.5.15 Backup Fuel ................................................................................................................. 273
7.5.16 Discussion & Summary ................................................................................................ 276
7.6 Water Supply System ........................................................................................................... 277
7.6.1 Global Warming Potential for Water Supply System .................................................... 278
7.6.2 Ozone Depletion for Water Supply System .................................................................. 279
7.6.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Water Supply System ..................................................... 280
7.6.4 Eutrophication for Water Supply System ...................................................................... 281

7.6.5 Land Use & Transformation for Water Supply System ..................................................282
7.6.6 Water Use & Depletion for Water Supply System .........................................................283
7.6.7 Solid Waste for Water Supply System ..........................................................................284
7.6.8 Embodied Energy for Water Supply System .................................................................285
7.6.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Water Supply System .............................................286
7.6.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Water Supply System .....................................287
7.6.11 Eco Toxicity for Water Supply System ..........................................................................288
7.6.12 Normalisation for Water Supply System........................................................................289
7.6.13 Weighted Single Score for Water Supply System .........................................................290
7.6.14 Discussion & Summary for Water Supply System ........................................................293
7.7 Wastewater System ..............................................................................................................294
7.7.1 Global Warming Potential for Wastewater System........................................................295
7.7.2 Ozone Depletion for Wastewater System .....................................................................296
7.7.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Wastewater System.........................................................297
7.7.4 Eutrophication for Wastewater System .........................................................................298
7.7.5 Land Use & Transformation for Wastewater System ....................................................299
7.7.6 Water Use & Depletion for Wastewater System ............................................................300
7.7.7 Solid Waste for Wastewater System .............................................................................301
7.7.8 Embodied Energy for Wastewater System....................................................................302
7.7.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Wastewater System................................................303
7.7.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Wastewater System ........................................304
7.7.11 Eco Toxicity for Wastewater System .............................................................................305
7.7.12 Normalisation for Wastewater System ..........................................................................306
7.7.13 Weighted Single Score for Wastewater System ............................................................306
7.7.14 Discussion & Summary for Wastewater System ...........................................................309
7.8 Whole House ........................................................................................................................309
7.8.1 Global Warming Potential for Whole House ..................................................................311
7.8.2 Ozone Depletion for Whole House ................................................................................312
7.8.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Whole House ...................................................................313
7.8.4 Eutrophication for Whole House ...................................................................................314
7.8.5 Land Use & Transformation for Whole House ...............................................................315
7.8.6 Water Use & Depletion for Whole House ......................................................................316
7.8.7 Solid Waste for Whole House .......................................................................................317
7.8.8 Embodied Energy for Whole House ..............................................................................318
7.8.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Whole House ..........................................................319
7.8.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Whole House ..................................................320
7.8.11 Eco Toxicity for Whole House .......................................................................................321
7.8.12 Toxicity Analysis for Whole House ................................................................................322

7.8.13 Normalisation for Whole House .................................................................................... 326
7.8.14 Weighted Single Score for Whole House ..................................................................... 327
7.8.15 Discussion & Summary for Whole House ..................................................................... 333
8 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................. 337
8.1 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 337
8.1.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation Overview and Results ...................................................... 338
8.1.2 Thermal Performance Overview and Results ............................................................... 339
8.1.3 Life Cycle Assessment Overview and Results ............................................................. 339
8.2 Discussion & Recommendations .......................................................................................... 341
8.3 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................................ 343
References ........................................................................................................................................... 345
Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 355

Table 3.1 - Questionnaire Results: Behaviour change ............................................................................42
Table 3.2 - Questionnaire Results: Lifestyle ...........................................................................................43
Table 3.3 - Cross correlation of comfort and rather responses (all houses) ............................................69
Table 4.1 - DesignBuilder Site Parameters .............................................................................................74
Table 4.2 - HVAC and Occupancy Settings ............................................................................................75
Table 4.3 - Construction Layers (thicknesses in millimetres) and resultant U Values .............................76
Table 4.4 - Wall Material Properties ........................................................................................................80
Table 4.5 - Roof & Floor Material Properties ...........................................................................................81
Table 4.6 - Glazing Material Properties ...................................................................................................81
Table 4.7 - Glazing Material Performance...............................................................................................81
Table 4.8 - Thermal Envelope Components and their Abbreviations ......................................................83
Table 4.9 - Illumination Level Calculations ..............................................................................................85
Table 4.10 - Rammed Earth Property Variations ....................................................................................94
Table 4.11- Categories of Thermal Envelope Configurations..................................................................96
Table 4.12 - Analysis of effects of External wall type ..............................................................................97
Table 4.13 - Study One: Construction Layers and Thermal Properties .................................................103
Table 4.14 - Construction Materials ......................................................................................................110
Table 4.15 - Comparison of Results of Thermal Performance Studies .................................................113
Table 5.1 - Recommended Australian Impact Categories .....................................................................128
Table 5.2 - Indicators comprising the Method used in this Study ..........................................................132
Table 5.3 - Normalisation Factors Comparison .....................................................................................133
Table 5.4 - Weighting Factor .................................................................................................................134
Table 6.1 - Linear metres of external wall and footing based on wall width and functional unit dimensions
Table 6.2 - Autonomous and Conventional Systems ............................................................................140
Table 6.3 - Standard Assumptions for Building Materials & Products ...................................................141
Table 6.4 - Density of Materials ............................................................................................................142
Table 6.5 - Natural Gas Emission Factors ............................................................................................144
Table 6.6 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Earthship External Wall .........................................147
Table 6.7 - Buttress Earthship Wall, Materials Inventory ......................................................................149
Table 6.8 - Berm, main, with Earth Tubes, Materials Inventory.............................................................151
Table 6.9 - Berm, front, Materials Inventory ..........................................................................................151
Table 6.10 - Earthship Wall Process Energy.........................................................................................152
Table 6.11 - Additional Materials for Tyre Wall Insulated ......................................................................152
Table 6.12 - Additional Materials for Tyre Wall Uninsulated..................................................................153
Table 6.13 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Mudbrick wall .......................................................154
Table 6.14 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Rammed Earth wall .............................................156
Table 6.15 - Material quantities in 1 tonne of rammed earth material ...................................................157
Table 6.16 - Additional Materials for Rammed Earth Insulated Wall .....................................................157
Table 6.17 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Strawbale Wall .....................................................160
Table 6.18 - Strawbale Wall Framing Material Quantities .....................................................................160
Table 6.19 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Concrete Block wall .............................................161
Table 6.20 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Brick veneer wall .................................................163
Table 6.21 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Reverse Brick Veneer wall ...................................165
Table 6.22 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad wall .......167
Table 6.23 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Timber Frame Steel Clad wall .............................169
Table 6.24 - Material quantities for 1kg of cement render (excluding wire netting) ...............................170
Table 6.25 - Materials for functional unit of Global Model Roof Adapted for typical Australian Materials
Table 6.26 - Materials for functional unit of Conventional Roof .............................................................172
Table 6.27 - Living Area Floors - Concrete Slab ...................................................................................173

Table 6.28 - Living Area Floors - Mud .................................................................................................. 173
Table 6.29 - Greenhouse Floor - Concrete Slab .................................................................................. 173
Table 6.30 - Greenhouse Floor - Mud .................................................................................................. 173
Table 6.31 - Fired clay brick internal wall material quantities ............................................................... 174
Table 6.32 - Timber frame internal wall material quantities .................................................................. 174
Table 6.33 - “Can wall” internal wall material quantities (4 walls 4.7m x 2.7m x 0.135m) ..................... 175
Table 6.34 - Window Frames and Glazing - applicable to all Equator Facing Walls / Greenhouse
Partition Walls ...................................................................................................................................... 176
Table 6.35 - Earthship, Equator Facing Wall 50% Glazed, Timber Framed Steel Clad (i.e. for Earthship
Without Greenhouse) ........................................................................................................................... 176
Table 6.36 - Base Case Earthship, Greenhouse Partition Wall 50% Glazed ....................................... 176
Table 6.37 - LowEE Earthship, Greenhouse Partition Wall 50% Glazed .............................................. 177
Table 6.38 - Greenhouse material quantities ....................................................................................... 178
Table 6.39 - Electrical appliances assumed in sizing of off-grid energy system ................................... 180
Table 6.40 - Specifications of Renewable Energy System ................................................................... 181
Table 6.41 - Material Quantities of SHWS............................................................................................ 182
Table 6.42 - Earthship Greywater System – Assumptions and Material Quantities.............................. 183
Table 6.43 - Earthship Blackwater System - Assumptions and Material Quantities ............................. 184
Table 6.44 - Rainwater tank sizing calculations ................................................................................... 185
Table 6.45 - Heating and Cooling Load Assumed in LCA .................................................................... 186
Table 6.46 - Land area occupied - need to update with all wall types and check data ......................... 187
Table 6.47 - Destinations of salvaged materials at Adelaide Resource Recovery Pty Ltd ................... 189
Table 6.48 - Treatment types and rates for materials at end-of-life ...................................................... 189
Table 7.1 - Elements & Systems Comprising the Whole House ........................................................... 193
Table 7.2 - Whole House Scenarios ..................................................................................................... 196
Table 7.3 - Descriptions and abbreviations of External Walls .............................................................. 198
Table 7.4 - Normalisation results, External Walls (Functional Unit), data ............................................. 222
Table 7.5 - Toxic substances from Earthship Base Case construction materials ................................. 252
Table 7.6 - Toxic substances from Off-Grid Energy System** .............................................................. 271
Table 7.7 - Energy use and surplus/deficit for two PV/grid scenarios. .................................................. 273
Table 7.8 - Comparison of quantities of toxic substances from Whole House ...................................... 322

Figure 1.1 - Overview of Studies and their Relationships ........................................................................ 9
Figure 2.1 - Global Model Earthship in Taos, New Mexico, USA (Earthship Biotecture, 2012a) .............16
Figure 2.2 - Proposed Aardehuis Earthship Development in the Netherlands (Vereniging Aardehuis Oost
Nederland, 2012) ....................................................................................................................................19
Figure 2.3 - Floor plan of U Module Earthship (skylight shown in dotted line) (Reynolds, 1990, p. 54) ..21
Figure 2.4 - Section view of U Module Earthship (Reynolds, 1990, p. 88) ..............................................21
Figure 2.5 - Floorplan of Packaged Earthship (Earthship Biotecture, 2014b) .........................................22
Figure 2.6 - Section view of Packaged Earthship (Earthship Biotecture, n.d.) ........................................22
Figure 2.7 - Floorplan of Global Model Earthship (supplied by Earthship Biotecture) .............................23
Figure 2.8 - Section view of Global Model Earthship (supplied by Earthship Biotecture) ........................23
Figure 3.1 - Generic layout of loggers (sensors) in monitored Earthships (these diagrams depict a
Global Model Earthship) .........................................................................................................................49
Figure 3.2 - Measured indoor temperatures in House #1 compared to acceptable adaptive temperatures
Figure 3.3 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during winter week with coldest outdoor temperature...55
Figure 3.4 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during winter week with coldest outdoor
temperature ............................................................................................................................................56
Figure 3.5 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during typical spring week ............................................57
Figure 3.6 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during typical spring week ...................................58
Figure 3.7 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during summer week with hottest outdoor temperature 59
Figure 3.8 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during summer week with hottest outdoor
temperature ............................................................................................................................................60
Figure 3.9 - Winter week, House #1, thermal lag ....................................................................................61
Figure 3.10 - Summer week, House #1, thermal lag ...............................................................................62
Figure 3.11 - Percentage of time within a certain temperature band.......................................................62
Figure 3.12 - House #1, Dec 2012 (Winter) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone
Figure 3.13 - House #1, April 2012 (Spring) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone
Figure 3.14 - House #1, June 2012 (Summer) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort
Figure 3.15 - House #1, October 2012 (Autumn) – Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort
Figure 3.16 - Monthly average illumination level inside at 1pm ...............................................................66
Figure 3.17 - Average monthly illumination level at different times of day, house #3, (global model
Earthship) ...............................................................................................................................................67
Figure 3.18 - Frequency of Thermal Sensation Votes .............................................................................69
Figure 3.19 - ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort analysis, all houses (N=37) ...................................................70
Figure 4.1 - Adelaide’s Mean Monthly Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature ...................................74
Figure 4.2 - Passive solar thermal model with greenhouse.....................................................................77
Figure 4.3 - Passive solar thermal model without greenhouse................................................................78
Figure 4.4 - Conventional house thermal model - floor plan....................................................................79
Figure 4.5 - Total Heating and Cooling Loads With Greenhouse for various glazed areas .....................86
Figure 4.6- Total Heating and Cooling Loads Without Greenhouse for various glazed areas .................86
Figure 4.7 - Total Heating and Cooling Load With and Without Greenhouse and Energy Savings due to
Greenhouse ............................................................................................................................................88
Figure 4.8 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Strawbale external
wall envelope ..........................................................................................................................................90

Figure 4.9 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Timber Frame
external wall envelope ............................................................................................................................ 90
Figure 4.10 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Rammed Earth
external wall envelope ............................................................................................................................ 91
Figure 4.11 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Earthship with
Thermal Wrap and Berm external wall envelope .................................................................................... 91
Figure 4.12 - Energy Saving due to Berm .............................................................................................. 93
Figure 4.13 - Rammed Earth properties, sensitivity study ...................................................................... 94
Figure 4.14 - Effect of Insulation on total heating and cooling load ........................................................ 95
Figure 4.15 - Effect of thermal wrap (insulation in berm) on heating and cooling loads in Earthships with
thermal mass internal walls .................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 4.16 - Total Heating & Cooling Load of Earthship Variants ......................................................... 98
Figure 4.17 - Heating & Cooling Load Results for 50 percent glazed area ........................................... 100
Figure 4.18 - 15/1/12-21/1/12 One week in Winter ............................................................................... 105
Figure 4.19 - 26/3/12-1/4/12 One week in Spring ................................................................................. 106
Figure 4.20 - 25/6/12-1/7/12 One week in Summer.............................................................................. 106
Figure 4.21 - Measured indoor temperature versus ASHRAE acceptability limits ................................ 107
Figure 4.22 - Simulated indoor temperature versus ASHRAE 55-2010 acceptability limits for naturally-
ventilated buildings............................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 4.23 - Heating and Cooling Load in Adelaide Climate ............................................................... 112
Figure 5.1 - System Boundary Diagram ............................................................................................... 121
Figure 5.2 - Functional Unit Floor Plan for Passive Solar Design (with Greenhouse and Berm). ......... 123
Figure 5.3 - Conventional Functional Unit Floor Plan ........................................................................... 123
Figure 5.4 - BPIC/ICIP Project's recommended LCIA method (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a) p. 8 ...... 130
Figure 6.1 - Tyre Wall with 11 Tyre Modules ........................................................................................ 146
Figure 6.2 - Buttress, Earthship Wall .................................................................................................... 149
Figure 6.3 - Berm dimensions .............................................................................................................. 151
Figure 6.4 - Mudbrick Wall Module ....................................................................................................... 154
Figure 6.5 - Rammed Earth Wall Module ............................................................................................. 156
Figure 6.6 - Materials In Strawbale Wall Module .................................................................................. 159
Figure 6.7 - Materials in Strawbale Framing Module ............................................................................ 159
Figure 6.8 - Concrete Block Wall Module ............................................................................................. 161
Figure 6.9 - Brick Veneer Wall components ......................................................................................... 163
Figure 6.10 - Reverse Brick Veneer wall module ................................................................................. 165
Figure 6.11 - Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad Wall Module ..................................................... 167
Figure 6.12 - Timber Frame Steel Clad wall module ............................................................................ 169
Figure 6.13 - Global Model Roof design (copyright Earthship Biotecture) ............................................ 171
Figure 6.14 - Conventional Roof .......................................................................................................... 172
Figure 6.15 - “Can wall” CAD model calculations ................................................................................. 175
Figure 6.16 - Window frame and double glazed unit dimensions ......................................................... 177
Figure 7.1 - Example of characterisation results .................................................................................. 194
Figure 7.2 - Example of network diagram results ................................................................................. 195
Figure 7.3 - Global Warming Potential, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ..................................... 200
Figure 7.4 - Global warming potential, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls
inc. berm and buttresses ...................................................................................................................... 201
Figure 7.5 - Ozone Depletion, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ................................................... 202
Figure 7.6 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 4% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc.
berm and buttresses ............................................................................................................................ 203
Figure 7.7 - Photochemical Oxidation, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ...................................... 204
Figure 7.8 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls
inc. berm and buttresses ...................................................................................................................... 205
Figure 7.9 - Eutrophication, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm....................................................... 206

Figure 7.10 - Eutrophication, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm
and buttresses ......................................................................................................................................207
Figure 7.11 - Land Use & Transformation, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ................................208
Figure 7.12 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external
walls inc. berm and buttresses ..............................................................................................................209
Figure 7.13 - Water Use & Depletion, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ........................................210
Figure 7.14 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls
inc. berm and buttresses.......................................................................................................................211
Figure 7.15 - Solid waste, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ..........................................................212
Figure 7.16 - Embodied Energy, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm ................................................213
Figure 7.17 - Embodied Energy, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc.
berm and buttresses .............................................................................................................................214
Figure 7.18 - Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm .............................215
Figure 7.19 - Human Toxicity - Carcinogenic, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external
walls inc. berm and buttresses ..............................................................................................................216
Figure 7.20 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm .....................217
Figure 7.21 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case
external walls inc. berm and buttresses ................................................................................................218
Figure 7.22 - Eco Toxicity, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm .........................................................219
Figure 7.23 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm
and buttresses ......................................................................................................................................220
Figure 7.24 - Normalisation results, External Walls (Functional Unit, not 1lm)......................................221
Figure 7.25 - Weighted Single Score, External Walls, All Indicators .....................................................223
Figure 7.26 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: External Walls, Discounting Embodied Energy
and Solid Waste ....................................................................................................................................224
Figure 7.27 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: Plus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators
Figure 7.28 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: Minus 20% for Non GWP Indicators ..............225
Figure 7.29 - Global Warming Potential, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation .....................................228
Figure 7.30 - Global warming potential, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case .................228
Figure 7.31 - Ozone Depletion, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ...................................................229
Figure 7.32 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case .............................230
Figure 7.33 - Photochemical Oxidation, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ......................................231
Figure 7.34 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case ................232
Figure 7.35 - Eutrophication, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation .......................................................233
Figure 7.36 - Eutrophication, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case .................................234
Figure 7.37 - Land Use & Transformation, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ..................................235
Figure 7.38 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case ............236
Figure 7.39 - Water Use & Depletion, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation .........................................237
Figure 7.40 - Water use & depletion, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case .....................238
Figure 7.41 - Solid Waste, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ...........................................................240
Figure 7.42 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 2% cut off, gable roof .....................................................240
Figure 7.43 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship roof ...............................................241
Figure 7.44 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 2% cut off, concrete floor slab ........................................242
Figure 7.45 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, rammed earth floor .......................................243
Figure 7.46 - Embodied Energy, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation .................................................244
Figure 7.47 - Embodied Energy, network diagram 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case .........................245
Figure 7.48 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ...............................246
Figure 7.49 - Human Toxicity - Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case ......247
Figure 7.50 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation ........................248
Figure 7.51 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, network diagram, 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case

Figure 7.52 - Eco-Toxicity, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation.......................................................... 250
Figure 7.53 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case ................................. 251
Figure 7.54 - Normalisation of Thermal Envelope Results ................................................................... 253
Figure 7.55 - Weighted Single Score, Thermal Envelopes, All Indicators ............................................ 254
Figure 7.56 - Sensitivity Study 1: Weighted Single Score, Thermal Envelopes, Discounting Embodied
Energy and Solid Waste ....................................................................................................................... 255
Figure 7.57 - Sensitivity Study 2: Plus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators ................................. 255
Figure 7.58 - Sensitivity Study 3: Minus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators .............................. 256
Figure 7.59 - Earthship Base Case, Weighted Single Score, 4% Cut Off ............................................. 257
Figure 7.60 - Global Warming Potential, Energy Systems, Characterisation ....................................... 260
Figure 7.61 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram 0.19% cut off, off-grid electricity system (gas
backup not included in analysis) .......................................................................................................... 260
Figure 7.62 - Ozone Depletion, Energy Systems, Characterisation ..................................................... 261
Figure 7.63 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, off-grid energy system .......................... 261
Figure 7.64 - Photochemical Oxidation, Energy Systems, Characterisation ........................................ 262
Figure 7.65 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 3% cut off, off-grid energy system ............. 262
Figure 7.66 - Eutrophication, Energy Systems, Characterisation ......................................................... 263
Figure 7.67 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 3% cut off, off-grid energy system.............................. 263
Figure 7.68 - Land Use & Transformation, Energy Systems, Characterisation .................................... 264
Figure 7.69 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 2% cut off, off-grid energy system ......... 264
Figure 7.70 - Water Use & Depletion, Energy Systems, Characterisation ............................................ 265
Figure 7.71 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 2% cut off, off-grid energy system ................ 265
Figure 7.72 - Solid Waste, Energy Systems, Characterisation ............................................................. 266
Figure 7.73 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system ................................. 266
Figure 7.74 - Embodied Energy, Energy Systems, Characterisation.................................................... 267
Figure 7.75 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system ........................ 267
Figure 7.76 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Energy Systems, Characterisation.................................. 268
Figure 7.77 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system ...... 268
Figure 7.78 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Energy Systems, Characterisation ........................... 269
Figure 7.79 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system 269
Figure 7.80 - Eco Toxicity, Energy Systems, Characterisation ............................................................. 270
Figure 7.81 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system ................................. 270
Figure 7.82 - Normalisation of Energy Systems Results ...................................................................... 272
Figure 7.83 - Energy Systems, weighted single score, all indicators .................................................... 272
Figure 7.84 - Energy Systems, weighted single score, discounting Embodied Energy and Solid Waste
............................................................................................................................................................. 273
Figure 7.85 - Energy backup options, characterisation by impact category ......................................... 273
Figure 7.86 - Energy backup scenarios, characterisation by component ............................................. 274
Figure 7.87 - Off grid energy system with gas backup (scenario 1), single score, 6% cut off ............... 275
Figure 7.88 - SA grid energy, single score, 2% cut off ......................................................................... 276
Figure 7.89 - Global Warming Potential, Water Systems, Characterisation ......................................... 278
Figure 7.90 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system
............................................................................................................................................................. 278
Figure 7.91 - Ozone Depletion, Water Systems, Characterisation ....................................................... 279
Figure 7.92 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system .......... 279
Figure 7.93 - Photochemical Oxidation, Water Systems, Characterisation .......................................... 280
Figure 7.94 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system
............................................................................................................................................................. 280
Figure 7.95 - Eutrophication, Water Systems, Characterisation ........................................................... 281
Figure 7.96 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system .............. 281
Figure 7.97 - Land Use & Transformation, Water Systems, Characterisation ...................................... 282

Figure 7.98 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system
Figure 7.99 - Water Use & Depletion, Water Systems, Characterisation ..............................................283
Figure 7.100 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system283
Figure 7.101 - Solid Waste, Water Systems, Characterisation .............................................................284
Figure 7.102 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system .................284
Figure 7.103 - Embodied Energy, Water Systems, Characterisation ....................................................285
Figure 7.104 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system .......285
Figure 7.105 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Water Systems, Characterisation ..................................286
Figure 7.106 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment
system ..................................................................................................................................................286
Figure 7.107 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Water Systems, Characterisation ...........................287
Figure 7.108 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment
system ..................................................................................................................................................287
Figure 7.109 - Eco Toxicity, Water Systems, Characterisation .............................................................288
Figure 7.110 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system.................288
Figure 7.111 - Normalisation of Water Supply System Results.............................................................289
Figure 7.112 - Weighted Single Score, Water Supply Systems ............................................................290
Figure 7.113 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Off-Grid Water Catchment and Storage
System, 50 yr Lifecycle .........................................................................................................................290
Figure 7.114 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Grid Water Adelaide, 50 yr Lifecycle, cut off
Figure 7.115 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Grid Water Melbourne, 50 yr Lifecycle, cut off
Figure 7.116 - Global Warming Potential, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ...............................295
Figure 7.117 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment
System ..................................................................................................................................................295
Figure 7.118 - Ozone Depletion, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation.............................................296
Figure 7.119 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System
Figure 7.120 - Photochemical Oxidation, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ................................297
Figure 7.121 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment
System ..................................................................................................................................................297
Figure 7.122 - Eutrophication, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ................................................298
Figure 7.123 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System 298
Figure 7.124 - Land Use & Transformation, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ...........................299
Figure 7.125 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater
Catchment System................................................................................................................................299
Figure 7.126 - Water Use & Depletion, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ...................................300
Figure 7.127 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment
System ..................................................................................................................................................300
Figure 7.128 - Solid Waste, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ....................................................301
Figure 7.129 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System ....301
Figure 7.130 - Embodied Energy, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ...........................................302
Figure 7.131 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System
Figure 7.132 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation .........................303
Figure 7.133 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater
Catchment System................................................................................................................................303
Figure 7.134 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ..................304
Figure 7.135 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater
Catchment System................................................................................................................................304

Figure 7.136 - Eco Toxicity, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation ................................................... 305
Figure 7.137 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System ... 305
Figure 7.138 - Normalisation of Wastewater Systems Results ............................................................. 306
Figure 7.139 - Weighted Single Score, Wastewater Systems, All Indicators ........................................ 306
Figure 7.140 - Off-Grid Wastewater System, single score, 2% cut off.................................................. 307
Figure 7.141 - Adelaide sewer use, single score 2% cut off ................................................................. 308
Figure 7.142 - Global Warming Potential, Whole House, Characterisation .......................................... 311
Figure 7.143 - Ozone Depletion, Whole House, Characterisation ........................................................ 312
Figure 7.144 - Photochemical Oxidation, Whole House, Characterisation ........................................... 313
Figure 7.145 - Eutrophication, Whole House, Characterisation ............................................................ 314
Figure 7.146 - Land Use & Transformation, Whole House, Characterisation ....................................... 315
Figure 7.147 - Water Use & Depletion, Whole House, Characterisation .............................................. 316
Figure 7.148 - Solid Waste, Whole House, Characterisation ............................................................... 317
Figure 7.149 - Embodied Energy, Whole House, Characterisation ...................................................... 318
Figure 7.150 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Whole House, Characterisation .................................... 319
Figure 7.151 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Whole House, Characterisation ............................. 320
Figure 7.152 - Eco-Toxicity, Whole House, Characterisation ............................................................... 321
Figure 7.153 - Carbon Disulfide network diagram 5% cut off Earthship Base Case ............................. 323
Figure 7.154 - Dioxin network diagram 7% cut off, Earthship Base Case ............................................ 324
Figure 7.155 - Formaldehyde network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case ............................... 325
Figure 7.156 - Normalisation of Whole House Results ......................................................................... 326
Figure 7.157 - Weighted Single Score, Whole House, All Indicators .................................................... 327
Figure 7.158 - Weighted Single Score, Whole House, All Indicators, Categorised by
Construction/Systems Element ............................................................................................................ 327
Figure 7.159 - Weighted Single Score With 20% Extra Weighting For Non-GWP Indicators ............... 328
Figure 7.160 - Weighted Single Score With 20% Less Weighting For Non-GWP Indicators ................ 328
Figure 7.161 - Off-Grid versus Grid connected, Mudbrick Home ......................................................... 329
Figure 7.162 - Weighted Single Score, Off-Grid, Whole House, All Indicators, Categorised by
Construction/Systems Element ............................................................................................................ 330
Figure 7.163 - Earthship Base Case, Weighted Single Score, 6% Cut Off ........................................... 331
Figure 7.164 - Conventional Brick Veneer Light Weight Internal walls, Weighted Single Score, 3% Cut
Off ........................................................................................................................................................ 332
Figure 7.165 - Impacts due to Thermal Envelope construction (and EOL) and Heating and Cooling over
50 years ............................................................................................................................................... 333

Minimising environmental impact from buildings and building construction processes while providing
thermal comfort to the occupants are some of the main goals of green building design. Many different
approaches exist to achieve these goals, one of which is the “Earthship”, invented by American architect
Michael Reynolds. The Earthship is an earth-sheltered autonomous house with walls made substantially
from waste products, most notably, discarded car tyres. This thesis presents original research to
investigate claims about Earthship performance: that it provides passive thermal comfort in any climate
and is the most sustainable green building design in the world. This investigation has been conducted
by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the overall environmental impact of the Earthship and
to compare it to a variety of similar building types characterised by their wall construction materials and
other design features. To support assumptions in the LCA, a Post Occupancy Evaluation and a Thermal
Performance study were conducted to estimate heating and cooling energy use in a variety of climates.
The environmental credentials of the Earthship are then compared to that of other housing types, using
both the LCA and thermal modelling approaches.

A post occupancy evaluation (POE) of Earthship homes in Taos, New Mexico, USA, was conducted.
This included interviews and surveys of the occupants, and monitoring of the indoor thermal
environment. Some aspects of the POE were also extended to an international cohort of Earthship
occupants to help justify the assumptions that Earthships provide a level of amenity comparable to
conventional housing. The indoor monitored data were also used to calibrate a thermal simulation model
of an Earthship home in Taos to ensure the accuracy of the model. The tested approach and
parameters to model this Earthship were then used in a model to predict the indoor temperature and
theoretical heating and cooling energy requirement of an Earthship design in cold climates and in a
warm Mediterranean climate of Adelaide, Australia – the particular context of the LCA study. Thermal
modelling of other building types, characterised by their wall materials, was conducted for the Adelaide
climate, to predict the heating and cooling energy requirement which was needed for the comparative
LCA study.

The research produced the following results. Firstly, in the extreme climate of Taos, the Earthship is
able to provide thermal comfort without active heating and cooling systems, and that people are
generally very satisfied with the level of comfort and amenity provided. Secondly, in the Adelaide
climate, Earthship performance would be similar to Taos; approaching zero energy use for heating and
cooling, while in cold and overcast climates minimal space heating may be required. Finally, in the
Adelaide climate and context, of all the house types considered, the Earthship had the least
environmental impacts and these were considerably less than conventional grid connected homes. The
Earthship’s comparatively low environmental impact arises from the holistic design, in particular the
greenhouse and earth-sheltering, which enable occupants to be extremely energy and water efficient,
and therefore live within the limits of modestly sized “off-grid” systems (autonomously) while still
enjoying a high level of comfort and amenity. The use of tyres to construct the Earthship’s external walls
proved to be a low impact method for constructing a retaining wall capable of being earth-sheltered.

The study has provided scientific evidence about the thermal performance and environmental
credentials of the Earthship and other housing types, supporting claims that Earthships can provide
passive thermal comfort in many climates and that it may be the most sustainable green building design
compared to the other building types investigated by this study.


Publications arising from this research are listed below.

Freney, M., Soebarto, V., & Williamson, T. J. (2013). Earthship monitoring and thermal simulation.
Architectural Science Review, 56(3), 208-219.

Freney, M., Soebarto, V., & Williamson, T. J. (2013). Thermal comfort of global model earthship in
various European climates. Paper presented at the 13th International conference of the International
Building Performance Simulation Association, Chambery, France.

Freney, M., Soebarto, V., & Williamson, T. J. (2012). Learning from ‘Earthship’ based on monitoring and
thermal simulation. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Architectural Science
Association, Griffith University, Queensland Australia.

I certify that this work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree
or diploma in my name, in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due
reference has been made in the text. In addition, I certify that no part of this work will, in the future, be
used in a submission in my name, for any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary
institution without the prior approval of the University of Adelaide and where applicable, any partner
institution responsible for the joint-award of this degree.
I give consent to this copy of my thesis, when deposited in the University Library, being made available
for loan and photocopying, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
I also give permission for the digital version of my thesis to be made available on the web, via the
University’s digital research repository, the Library Search and also through web search engines, unless
permission has been granted by the University to restrict access for a period of time.

Signed ____________________________

Name _____________________________

Dated ____________________

My sincere thanks go to Associate Professor Terry Williamson and Associate Professor Veronica
Soebarto without whom I could not have undertaken this research. Their expertise, which spans many
fields of sustainable architecture, has been invaluable.
Tim Grant of Life Cycle Strategies was also instrumental, teaching me the ways of LCA and SimaPro.
I thank the School of Architecture & the Built Environment, University of Adelaide for the excellent
facilities and for providing a travel scholarship so that I could travel to Taos to conduct the research.
The Australian Government is acknowledged for funding my research via an Australia Postgraduate
Award (APA) scholarship and the Faculty of The Professions, University of Adelaide, is acknowledged
and thanked for providing additional funding which helped me complete the degree.
My employer, the School of Art, Architecture & Design, University of South Australia who encouraged
me to take time off work to conduct this research was and continue to be very supportive.
I thank all the wonderful Earthship people in Taos who were so cooperative in assisting me with my
research and for making me welcome, and in particular to Michael Reynolds for allowing and
encouraging a critical examination of his work.
Thanks to my father Ian Freney who provided excellent help with editing and proof reading and much
encouragement, and to my mother Rosemary Freney for looking after the kids on a regular basis.
And of course, many thanks to my wonderful wife Zoe, and children, Zephyr and Aquilo, who kept on
loving me despite my long hours at the computer.

1 Introduction
This thesis evaluates the environmental impacts of an autonomous housing type called “Earthship”, an
earth-sheltered, off-grid home, constructed substantially from waste products, most notably, discarded
car tyres. Earthship inventor, American architect Michael Reynolds claims that his designs provide
passive thermal comfort in almost any climate and that the Earthship is “the most versatile and
economical sustainable green building design in the world.” (Earthship Biotecture, 2012c)
It compares the environmental credentials of the Earthship to other housing types, using Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) as the basis for this comparison, coupled with other methods such as thermal
modelling and post occupancy evaluation to support key assumptions of the LCA study.
This introductory Chapter outlines the forces driving the need for more “sustainable” housing, explains
why this research is necessary, and concludes with an outline of the research approach.

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 Sustainability
Humanity’s growing population is currently faced with the dilemma of how to live sustainably on a finite
planet. In 2010 it was estimated that there were approximately 6.8 billion people on Earth. In the 1980s
the global population was approximately 4.5 billion and this is predicted to double to 9 billion by
sometime between 2040 and 2050 (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2010).
On the other hand various authors argue that the population is likely to contract significantly, and that a
totally different lifestyle will be necessary as we adapt from a high energy society powered by fossil
fuels, to a society powered by renewable energy (Heinberg, 2003, p. 178; Holmgren, 2002, p. xxix).
Irrespective of whether humanity finds a way to sustain the current rate of population growth or whether
“energy descent” (Holmgren, 2002) causes a decline, our current methods of living are under question
as concerns about climate change, pollution, species extinction, resource depletion, global trade
systems, the economic system, and food and water security all have the potential to seriously disrupt
our global civilisation.
The concept that everyone has an “ecological footprint” (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996) has gained
currency in mainstream society, and this has raised awareness of how our lifestyles affect the
environment. A lifestyle paradigm sometimes called “downshifting” and “voluntary simplicity” (Gregg,
1936) in which people earn less money so that they can enjoy more time to do the things that matter to
them, is gaining popularity. While many are motivated by a desire for more time with family and a less
materialistic lifestyle, a minority are motivated by concerns for the environment and social inequity
(Hamilton, 2003, p. 8).
Furthermore, the prevalent current economic paradigm of economic growth, measured by an increase in
gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of welfare is coming under criticism while other (more
realistic?) economic paradigms that recognise non renewable resources as capital rather than
expendable income, offer greater probability for delivering a meaningful and dignified life for all of
humanity (Cobb & Cobb, 1994; Schumacher, 1973). Similarly, Lovins (1977, pp. 54-60) argued for “soft
energy paths” on the basis that, from a socio-political perspective, decentralised renewable (“soft”)
energy was far more desirable than centralised fossil or nuclear (“hard”) energy.

While it may be politically impossible to equalise ecological footprints at a global level, policy aimed at
environmentally sustainable development is becoming more common in many countries as
governments respond to changes in peoples’ attitudes, ethics and values. For example the installation
of technology such as domestic solar hot water systems, roof mounted photovoltaic energy and
rainwater tanks is increasingly the norm in Australia and has been subsidised by various government
rebate schemes. Although many people are enticed into purchasing these systems to reap a financial
benefit, such systems are also marketed as being of benefit to the environment reflecting the desire of
many to “do their bit” for the environment (Brandao, 2007, p. 9).
At an international level, governments have failed, post Kyoto, to develop a legally binding global
agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions as witnessed by the United Nations Climate Change
Conference in Copenhagen in 2009 (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009). Some
see, perhaps more seriously, that governments seem to be totally ignoring the warnings from various
sources that peaking crude oil supplies could wreak havoc upon our oil dependent civilisation which
relies heavily upon an ever increasing supply of cheap oil, for which we are yet to find an alternative
(Heinberg, 2003; Leggett, 2005). While new oil and gas discoveries tend to dilute the warnings they only
delay the inevitable exhaustion of these finite resources.
Within this context the challenge for designers of the built environment seems to be: how to provide for
a lifestyle that would be acceptable and equitable (globally), without exacerbating climate change,
resource scarcity or pollution, for a population that is projected to grow, and then, possibly dwindle?
There are many opinions about how to tackle this problem, each characterised by beliefs about our
current situation. Williamson, Radford & Bennetts (2003, p. 54) have presented a range of ethical
positions that describe the environmental movement. Shallow Environmentalism considers long term
resource management over many human generations, but stops short of imposing constraints that
would interfere with short term human interests. Intermediate Environmentalism is typified by much of
the environmental conservation movement on the basis that saving the wilderness and wildlife serves
both humans and the environment. It sees human and non human issues as both deserving
consideration. Deep Environmentalism positions the status of human needs back even further on the
basis that the “unique ability of humans to recognize that they are dominating means that they have an
ethical responsibility to allow other species space to live” (p. 57). Other ethical conundrums are explored
such as the “non-identity problem” which argues that in terms of planning for the well being of future
generations – who would not exist if not for decisions taken today – it is impossible to predict their
needs, it is not reasonable to be held accountable (given our limited knowledge about them and the
future), and efforts at conservation may actually make things worse for more people than would
depletion of resources (pp. 51-53).
Holmgren (2009) has considered the problem from more of an “energetic” viewpoint, arguing that our
energy supply, which will be constrained by availability (peak oil) and the effects of its use (climate
change), will be the defining factors of our future society. He argues that energy decline is most
probably inevitable and advocates a “society-wide redesign and reorganization” (p. 28) around the
principles of re-localisation (Hopkins, 2008) and Permaculture (Mollison & Holmgren, 1978). For
example, suburban backyards could be redesigned to become highly productive food producing
gardens, reclaiming food security, stimulating neighbourly cooperation with garden chores, babysitting,
bartering, and reducing the need for transport. An advantage of this system is that it can be driven from
the bottom up, starting immediately, without any policy changes (Holmgren, 2005; Mobbs, 2012).
In Australia, government policies propose the upgrading and expansion of public transport, increased
rebates for photovoltaic systems, education on the benefits of recycled water and water efficient
appliances, expanding the Home Star energy efficiency rating system, et cetera (The Parliament of the
Commonwealth of Australia, pp. xvii-xxi). While these are admirable objectives, with reference to the
issues outlined previously, it is doubtful that they are (a) affordable (b) possible with ever reducing
reserves of energy, and (c) effective at addressing environmental and societal issues. For example,
recent controversy regarding home energy efficiency rating schemes has cast serious doubt upon their

ability to deliver more energy efficient homes (Williamson, Soebarto & Radford, 2010). On the contrary,
there is evidence that such schemes are preventing innovation and construction of truly energy efficient
homes. These views should be taken seriously, yet there are others who argue that such rating
schemes contribute to improved energy performance (Ambrose, James, Law, Osman & White, 2013).

1.1.2 Sustainable Housing

Designers of the built environment are increasingly aware of the need for environmentally sustainable
design, although exactly what this entails is difficult to agree upon. At the urban planning scale there is a
drive to develop sustainable cities based on “green urbanism” principles such as increased urban
density, zero emissions and zero waste (Lehmann, 2010). At the scale of buildings and homes, there is
some consensus among architects that energy efficiency is paramount (Vakili-Ardebili & Boussabaine,
The energy crisis of the 1970s catalysed the energy efficiency movement and there was much
innovation and experimentation with novel and ancient housing methods. There was renewed interest in
“earth-sheltered” and “under-ground” houses, which have their origins in ancient times (Baggs, Baggs &
Baggs, 1985, p. 2), due to their natural ability to regulate indoor air temperatures which reduces or
obviates the need for space heating and cooling (Sterling, 1979).
Subsequently passive solar design was developed and disseminated with a view to reducing the energy
required for heating and cooling (Greenland, Szokolay & Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 1985;
Mazria, 1979) although widespread uptake of the concept did not occur due to the return of cheap
energy in the early 1980s, and it is yet to be adopted as a mainstream design strategy.
Another approach to energy efficiency (and water efficiency) is the concept of the Autonomous House
(Vale & Vale, 1975) which operates independently of electricity, water and sewer infrastructure thereby
eliminating the occupants’ consumption of grid electricity and mains water by instead using the limited
capacity of the battery bank and renewable energy system, water storage tanks, and the seasonal
variations of sun, wind and rain.
Reliance on seasonal flows of energy is in agreement with McHarg’s (1969) suggestion that humans
become the stewards of the biosphere and to do so they must “design with nature” (p. 5). Indeed many
ancient cultures left behind examples of how buildings could be constructed with natural materials and
function effectively without the need for active heating and cooling and reticulated water (Anderson,
Unfortunately, reality shows that the abundance of cheap energy in the 20th century has resulted in the
use of technology that requires large amounts of electricity (e.g. air conditioners) and generates large
amounts of pollution, as opposed to ancient technology that cleverly harnessed the natural flows of
energy provided by the wind, sun and earth without excessive impacts to the environment (Reynolds,
1990). Cheap fossil energy has enabled higher levels of comfort in the home, but at the expense of the
environment. And for how much longer will energy remain cheap?
Embodied energy and operational energy have become common measures by which buildings are
environmentally assessed as they reflect the quantity of resources, and the associated pollution,
involved during a building’s life cycle. When discussing the energy efficiency of a building there are
three main areas of consideration: the pre-use, construction or manufacturing phase, the use or
occupancy phase, and to a lesser extent the post-use, end-of-life (EOL) or demolition phase.
A concern during the construction phase is the environmental impact of materials. The methods of
producing the materials and their application in the design of a building relate directly to their
environmental impact. The “embodied energy” of the material is the term given to the energy (and
therefore carbon emissions) required to manufacture a material or product. This needs to be considered
and balanced against the energy efficiency gains that the materials will provide (Horne, Grant &
Verghese, 2009, p. 78) and as buildings become more energy efficient during their use phase, the

embodied energy becomes relatively more significant. Similarly the energy used during the demolition
and recycling of the building starts to become more significant as improvements to the energy efficiency
of the other life cycle phases occur. Factors such as longevity (durability/maintainability), recyclability
and toxicity of the material are also integral to the overall, life cycle impact of a building material/product
(Lewis & Gertsakis, 2001, pp. 61-63).
The behaviour of the house’s occupants is also integral to the energy use and thus the environmental
impacts of the dwelling; after all, the house would create very few emissions, once constructed, if it were
unoccupied. Typically the environmental impacts arising from the operation of a house represent the
vast majority of impacts throughout its life cycle, dwarfing those of the construction and end-of-life
stages (Adalberth, 1997; Blanchard & Reppe, 1998). In contrast, a low energy house can be quite the
opposite with greater embodied energy, arising from extra insulation and double glazed windows for
example, and less operational energy, due to the reduced need for heating and cooling (Blengini & Di
Carlo, 2010); however, even a well designed “sustainable house” will have high electricity bills if the
occupants are not conscious of energy consumption and proper operation of their house.
Home automation (Cawson, Haddon & Miles, 1995) provides scope for building designers to over-ride
uninformed behaviour of the occupants by pre programming various systems, appliances and lighting to
operate intelligently in response to sensors. Feedback systems use touch screens to display “real time”
information to occupants so that they can monitor the performance of their house and learn how to
operate their homes in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner much like the fuel economy
gauge in modern cars teach people how to drive more economically and environmentally. For example,
usage of electricity, water and gas can be displayed and equated with greenhouse gas emissions and a
dollar value. The goal of this is to bring about positive behaviour change, towards a more resource
efficient lifestyle (CSIRO, n.d.).

1.1.3 Earthships
This is the backdrop to the rationale for the Earthship, an autonomous housing concept created by
architect Michael Reynolds (Reynolds, 1990).
According to Reynolds (1990) the Earthship uses waste materials such as old car tyres and beverage
containers for wall construction and is highly energy and water efficient such that occupants can live
comfortably and economically “off-grid” thereby avoiding the major utilities bills (electricity, water,
sewer). He claims it is also possible to grow food, indoors, throughout the year, using the greywater
produced by the building. Its name stems from its autonomy, its ability to “sail” (operate) on the Earth
using natural phenomena such as sun, wind, rain and snow, and furthermore it is built largely of earth
(Reynolds, 1990, p. 25).
The Earthship is marketed as an exemplar of sustainable housing, combining many strategies and
systems for reducing its impact on the environment and providing various services to the occupants in a
self-sufficient, environmentally friendly manner. Reynolds’ Earthship Biotecture website claims that “the
Earthship is the epitome of sustainable design and construction. No part of sustainable living has been
ignored in this ingenious building” and “Earthships can be built in any part of the world and still provide
electricity, potable water, contained sewage treatment and sustainable food production.” (Earthship
Biotecture, 2012c).
Thus, there is an assumption in the marketing of Earthships that its design automatically leads to a
sustainable building outcome. For example, it is implied that the reuse of waste products for
construction, food production, efficient off-grid systems, and excellent thermal performance of the
building result in reduced environmental impacts; however, little empirical evidence exists regarding the
environmental impacts of the Earthship. These included studies by Grindley and Hutchinson (1996), Ip
and Miller (2009) and Kruis and Heun (2007) which evaluated the thermal behaviour of the Earthship in
variety of climates, and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies by Clauzade et al. (2010) Corti and
Lombardi (2004) which evaluated various end-of-life scenarios for waste tyres. There has been,

however, no literature regarding LCA of tyre walls, or self sufficient homes built with tyres. Similarly, in
the marketing of other wall construction systems such as strawbale, rammed earth and mudbrick, there
is a paucity of data regarding their life cycle impacts. Similarly, there are few studies that compare the
impacts of off-grid versus conventional utilities systems.
In summary, there are many ideas and examples of how humans can live in comfortable houses, with
modern conveniences, in a way that reduces the impact on the environment, however what is not clear
is which of these ideas offer the most environmental benefits, and what level of comfort and
convenience is attainable for a global population. When this is clear it is possible for us all to start
moving in that direction, some people taking a step up to a more comfortable lifestyle and others taking
a step down from an exorbitant lifestyle.
One way to answer such questions, as recommended by Ian Lowe AO, president of the Australian
Conservation Foundation, is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA);
“We have to make responsible choices about the essentials of a civilised life: food, shelter, water
and waste management. Intuition is not a reliable guide, neither is superficial analysis. We need
sophisticated Life Cycle Assessment. LCA is systematic analysis considering all steps of the
process of using natural resources to provide our needs. It also assesses the impacts of by-
products of that process.” (Horne, Grant & Verghese, 2009, p. vii)
This thesis uses LCA, Post Occupancy Evaluation and Thermal Modelling to evaluate the Earthship and
compare it to other homes. A better understanding of the environmental impacts arising from the use of
Earthship design principles will help in the evaluation of how future homes could be designed and
constructed (or existing homes retrofitted) to address “sustainability” issues.

1.2 Research Aims

The research seeks to understand: a) the environmental impacts of the Earthship lifecycle, b) the
amenity it provides to its occupants in terms of thermal comfort, electricity, water, and sewage treatment
and c) the occupants’ motivations for seeking this lifestyle. As LCA is best conducted as a comparative
exercise, the environmental impacts of other housing types are also investigated. It was expected that
the research would prove, or otherwise, the claims about the Earthship, and investigate claims about
Earthship performance, namely that it provides passive thermal comfort in any climate and is the most
environmentally sustainable building design in the world.
In order to achieve these aims this research:
1. compares the environmental impacts of the Earthship lifecycle, including construction, operation
and end-of-life (recycling and demolition), to that of other construction methods and utilities
a) the off-grid systems of the Earthship which enable it to function autonomously will be
compared to conventional grid connected infrastructure and,
b) the unusual Earthship wall constructions will be compared to conventional (e.g. brick
veneer, timber frame) and alternative (e.g. strawbale, rammed earth) wall construction
c) The unusual Earthship design features (the greenhouse and earth berm) will be evaluated
in the context of the Earthship and in the context of the other wall construction methods.
Supporting this overall aim are studies which, while of interest in their own right, provide information
which is essential in addressing the overall aim:
2. a study to gain a better understanding of the thermal performance of the Earthship in various
climates including its climate of origin, Taos, New Mexico, USA. Provision of thermal comfort is
critical to the amenity provided by a house and this aspect is also critical to the LCA: many

studies have documented the substantial environmental impacts arising from the energy used
to heat and cool homes. Thermal performance of other housing types is also investigated to
enable a direct comparison to the Earthship.
3. a study of the level of amenity provided by the Earthship’s off-grid systems and what is involved
with maintaining these systems throughout the use phase of the home is conducted in order to
establish whether or not the Earthship provides a commensurable level of amenity compared
with conventional grid connected houses.
4. finally, the research seeks an insight into the lifestyle the Earthship provides its occupants,
trying to understand why they have chosen to live “off-grid” in a house made from “waste”.
The overall hypothesis is that the Earthship provides a highly acceptable level of amenity (“modern
conveniences” and thermal comfort) with much lower environmental impact than other conventional
(and alternative) houses.

1.3 Method
LCA was the methodology selected as the main basis for this study because it is a method for
quantifying potential environmental impacts; however, various other methods have also been employed
to give support to key assumptions made in the LCA. The following sections of this Chapter give an
overview of the methods used in each study and the relationships between the studies are illustrated in
Figure 1.1. More detailed accounts of the various methods are described in the Chapters dedicated to
each study.

1.3.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)

The aim of a POE is to gain an understanding of how the building is actually performing as opposed to
how the designers anticipated it would perform (Roaf, Horsley, Gupta & Leaman, 2004, p. 491). The
scope of a POE may include issues such as noise, lighting, thermal comfort, energy use and occupant
satisfaction, however there is no defined method for conducting a POE (Roaf, Horsley, Gupta &
Leaman, 2004, p. 495).
This POE study sought information regarding the level of amenity provided by the Earthship in terms of
the thermal comfort and modern conveniences it provides. Three sub-studies formed the POE; the
methods used were, a) monitoring of the thermal performance of Earthships in Taos, New Mexico, USA,
where Earthships originated, b) surveys and interviews of Earthship occupants in these Earthships, and
c) surveys of Earthship occupants around the world.
The POE is described in detail in Chapter 3 whereas the following sections provide a brief outline of
each sub-study. Earthship Thermal Performance Monitoring

Due to the significant impact that heating/cooling energy can have on environmental impacts of a home,
this study explored this issue in great detail, especially in the context of Earthship construction. Whereas
many LCA studies include energy modelling, this study included an extensive Earthship Thermal
Performance Monitoring study in which air temperature, radiant temperature, and relative humidity
inside six Earthships in Taos, New Mexico, USA were recorded and analysed over a seven month
period and one building was recorded for the full 2012 calendar year. This study confirmed anecdotal
evidence that Earthships built in Taos, New Mexico USA require little or zero heating/cooling energy to
remain at acceptable temperatures despite the extreme climate (Freney, Soebarto & Williamson,

6 Earthship Daily Comfort
Participants in the Earthship Thermal Performance Monitoring study were asked to complete a
questionnaire titled Earthship Daily Comfort which aimed to gather data on their perceptions of thermal
comfort and of how they had used natural ventilation (or not) to alter the indoor temperature. The data
regarding natural ventilation provided information that would be useful in developing a simulation model
of the Earthship, in particular the natural ventilation regime. Also, the data relating to perceptions of
comfort was cross referenced to the monitored data from the Earthship Thermal Performance
Monitoring study, enabling a measured temperature reading to be correlated to the occupants’ comfort
level evaluations.
The results of this study were used to refine the predictions about Earthship energy use in the Adelaide
climate (this study is outlined below in section, providing greater credibility about
heating/cooling energy use of an Earthship in the LCA study. Earthship Occupant’s Questionnaire & Interview

A survey titled Earthship Occupant’s Questionnaire was developed to gather information that would
enable conclusions to be drawn about the extent to which the Earthship occupants’ lifestyle was
comparable to a conventional lifestyle: essentially, did the off-grid Earthship systems provide similar
functionality to grid connected homes in terms of thermal comfort, and provision of utilities such as
power, water and sewage treatment. It also aimed to find out the level of maintenance required for an
Earthship home as these data were needed for the LCA study, and other issues such as ability to insure
the home, to establish the degree to which the Earthship is commensurable with a “normal” home.
This survey was circulated online via email and social media, however occupants who participated in
the monitoring study were instead interviewed using the survey as the basis of the interview.

1.3.2 Thermal Performance Simulations

Three thermal simulation studies were conducted, one which investigated the thermal performance of
the Global Model Earthship that was monitored as part of the POE study, another which simulated
heating/cooling energy requirements in the Adelaide climate, based on a number of design variables
such as external wall type, and one focusing on the performance of the Global Model Earthship in
various European climates, conducted in response to concerns about Earthship performance in Europe
(Hewitt & Telfer, 2012). These studies are outlined below. Earthship Thermal Performance Simulation in Taos

The aim of this study was to develop a simulation model that could accurately predict indoor air
temperature of an Earthship in Taos. If this was achievable, the model would offer a reasonable
estimate for heating and cooling energy required for other climates such as the Adelaide climate - the
context of the LCA study.
DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus software was used to model the thermal performance of the Earthship that
was monitored for the full year. Information gleaned from the Earthship Daily Comfort questionnaire was
used to make assumptions regarding parameters for natural ventilation. Results from the simulation
were compared to the measured results from the Earthship Thermal Performance Monitoring study and
statistical analysis was used to establish the accuracy of the simulation results. Earthship Thermal Performance Simulation in Adelaide & Other Climates

As the climate in Adelaide is very different to Taos, another study was required to understand how an
Earthship would perform in this different climate. Furthermore, as the aim of the LCA study was to
compare Earthship to other housing types, this study was designed to test the thermal performance of
various thermal envelopes (i.e. walls, roof, floor, and glazing materials) in the Adelaide climate and
hence the theoretical heating/cooling energy required to achieve comfort conditions – a key input to the
LCA study.

The focus of this study was upon the external wall materials so that, for example, the thermal
performance of a tyre wall could be compared to a Strawbale wall, rammed earth wall, brick veneer wall,
et cetera. The effect of the Earthship’s greenhouse was also tested by including this as a variable in all
the thermal envelope configurations and, where the external wall type was capable of acting as a
retaining wall, the berm was also included as a variable to understand how it effects the heating/cooling
energy requirement.
Similar to the previous simulation study in Taos, a DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus model was developed
using many key variables from the Taos study, in particular assumptions regarding the method for
modelling the tyre wall which had proved successful in the Taos study were retained in this study.
Due to concerns about the performance of Earthships recently constructed in Europe (Hewitt & Telfer,
2012) the performance of the Global Model Earthship was investigated in five different climates in
Europe which ranged from cold and cloudy to hot and sunny. This study used the same
DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus model as the Taos study.

1.3.3 LCA Study

The life cycle assessment (LCA) study uses the methods described by the ISO14040 series of
standards which is outlined in more detail in Chapter 5; however a brief overview of how the LCA
process was used in this study is given below.
Firstly, the goal and scope of the study were defined via a review of the literature which established
some common themes and approaches to this kind of study. Importantly, a “functional unit” was defined
as the basis for the comparative study between the Earthship and other house types: in brief, the
thermal envelope of a “whole house” (external walls, internal walls, glazing, roof, floor), of a fixed floor
area was defined. Assumptions regarding energy, water and wastewater were also defined as part of
the functional unit.
Secondly, research was conducted to establish the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI): i.e. the flows of materials,
energy and emissions into and out of the system being analysed. A significant task involved the
compilation of a Building Elements Inventory which quantifies volumes of materials (and processes)
used to build the various thermal envelopes and systems under analysis. To create the inventory,
Computer Aided Modelling (CAD) software (industrial design/mechanical engineering software called
SolidWorks) was used to model the geometry of the major elements of the thermal envelope: roof,
external walls, internal walls, floor and glazing and thereby calculate volumes and masses of materials.
Processes involved in the manufacture of building materials, for example, mixing of adobe render, were
quantified in terms of their energy use and, where data were available, consumables such as lubricants
were also included. The materials and processes involved with the lifecycle of the Earthship systems
(energy, water, wastewater) were quantified via data supplied by manufacturers, such as product data
sheets, and where this was not adequate, discussion with the company’s technical staff.
The Building Elements Inventory addressed the “manufacturing” stage of the lifecycle. To address the
“use” or “occupancy” stage, results from the thermal modelling study in the Adelaide climate informed
assumptions regarding heating/cooling energy. Other energy use (e.g. appliances) and water use for
grid connected housing were estimated from publications by government agencies, and for the
Earthship, information published by Earthship architect, Michael Reynolds.
To address the “end-of-life” or “demolition/recycling” lifecycle stage research was conducted into the
construction and demolition industry practices, especially in the local context of Adelaide.
Using SimaPro life cycle assessment software the data collected in Building Elements Inventory
(described above) were analysed to produce the Life Cycle Inventory for each variant of the functional
unit. The LCI is a list of “flows” of inputs such as waste, energy and raw materials and emissions to air,
land and water which is subsequently analysed to understand the environmental impact of these “flows”
of substances.

The third stage of the LCA is Impact Assessment (LCIA), in which the flows of substances are analysed,
producing quantitative results. SimaPro was used to characterise the LCI results in terms of impact
categories such as global warming potential, ozone depletion, smog, land transformation & use, water
depletion, eutrophication, and toxicity. Subsequently these results were normalised against Australian
per capita averages to better understand the scale of the impacts, and finally the normalised results
were weighted according to scales developed by the Building Products Innovation Council (BPIC). BPIC
is Australia’s peak body, representing the building material industry, which have in conjunction with the
Federal Government, developed life cycle inventory data and various guidelines and protocols to assist
life cycle assessment practitioners (BPIC, 2014). It should be noted that the practice of weighting results
is controversial because it involves value judgements about the relative importance of various impact
categories, for example, global warming potential versus water depletion – which is the more serious
The final stage of LCA is Interpretation in which the LCIA results are systematically evaluated and
tested for sensitivity.

Figure 1.1 - Overview of Studies and their Relationships

1.4 Structure of Thesis
To achieve these aims this thesis has been structured as follows;
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the study, describing the research aims and methods.
Chapter 2 reviews the literature relevant to this research, encompassing the following topics:
issues relating to Earthships, contemporary sustainability issues, eco houses, life cycle
assessment, post occupancy evaluation, thermal performance of buildings and thermal
modelling. This Chapter gives an overview of how and why ecological housing has
developed over the past century and explores the methods used to evaluate and measure
Chapter 3 describes a post occupancy evaluation (POE) of Earthships in the USA in which
indoor temperature and humidity was monitored and occupants were asked about their
perceptions of thermal comfort, their involvement with the operation of the natural
ventilation systems, and their feelings about the level of amenity provided by their home’s
off-grid systems. It also describes a post occupancy evaluation of Earthships throughout the
world in which a wide variety of issues pertaining to Earthship were investigated with a view
to establishing the level of comfort and amenity provided by the off-grid systems and
thermal envelope. Other aspects such as maintenance and running costs were included, as
were questions pertaining to the occupants’ motivations for adopting this type of lifestyle.
Chapter 4 describes thermal modelling studies which investigate the thermal performance of the
Earthship and various other house designs. It includes a thermal simulation exercise in
which predicted (simulated) indoor air temperature of one of the Taos Earthships was
compared to the measured indoor air temperature collected during the POE study, and
another study investigates the thermal performance of various thermal envelope
configurations, characterised by their external wall materials, in the Adelaide climate. The
results of these studies provide the basis for comparing the (thermal) energy efficiency of a
variety of wall constructions in the subsequent LCA study.
Chapter 5 details the method used for the Life Cycle Assessment study. It includes stage 1 of
the LCA, definition of the goal and scope, and the rationale for decisions regarding Life
Cycle Inventory databases and Life Cycle Impact Assessment models.
Chapter 6 details the second stage of the LCA: Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) in which calculations
of material quantities for each thermal envelope (walls, roof, floors, glazing, and systems)
are presented.
Chapter 7 details the third stage of the LCA: Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) whereby the
LCI data are used to estimate the potential environmental impacts in terms of various
impact categories. It details the final stage of the LCA; Interpretation, in which the LCI and
LCIA results are evaluated in terms of data quality and completeness. A profile of each
construction type is presented with significant issues highlighted and discussed. The
sensitivity of various assumptions is also presented.
Chapter 8 concludes the study. It details the significance of the research and gives
recommendations for how Earthship design should be adapted for Australian (temperate)
climates, suburban contexts, and for further research required to address questions arising
from this study.

2 Background & Literature Review
This Chapter presents a summary and discussion of the literature relevant to this study. It encompasses
the following topics:
Sustainability Issues:
Climate Change
Resource Depletion
Population Growth
Sustainable Architecture

Sustainable Housing Approaches:

Autonomous Houses
Sustainable Houses

Methods of evaluating sustainable architecture:

Post Occupancy Evaluation
Thermal Modelling of buildings
Life Cycle Assessment of buildings

The Chapter concludes with recommendations for the methodological approach to this study.

2.1 Sustainability Issues

In The Limits to Growth, Meadows and The Club of Rome (1972) present theories on why the economic
growth paradigm is not sustainable. Yet since this time there has been no abatement in human
population, pollution or resource use. Heinberg (2007) argues that it is now evident that resources are
becoming scarce, particularly crude oil, but also fertile soil, precious metals and fresh water. Pollution of
the air, land and water has also increased dramatically and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) warns that the evidence for a warming climate system is now unequivocal (IPCC, 2007,
p. 30) and that there is “very high confidence that the global average net effect of human activities since
1750 has been one of warming” (p.37) due mainly to greenhouse gas emissions and to a lesser extent
by land-use change.
Lynas (2008) conducted an extensive survey of all the scientific literature on the possible effects of
climate change and categorised them according to the amount of temperature change; from 1 to 6
degrees of warming. The conclusions he draws from the literature are alarming, as even low levels of
warming can escalate to very dangerous levels of warming due to positive feedback mechanisms such
as melting of the polar ice caps and thawing of the permafrost which cause increasing amounts of
greenhouse gases to be released. The review by Lynas and the position of the IPCC demonstrate the
consensus amongst the majority of scientists: a wide range of very serious impacts to the biological
systems that sustain us are unavoidable and already happening. Similarly Wackernagel and Rees,
contend that our “ecological footprint” has increased to the point where our planet can no longer support

it and therefore we need extra planets to supply our resources and assimilate our wastes (Wackernagel
& Rees, 1996).
There is, however, controversy arising from a number of scientists regarding whether climate change is
anthropogenic, or if it is, how threatening it might be, and what are the best solutions to tackle any
problems. Hulme (2009) explains this in his book, Why We Disagree About Climate Change: the
discourse around climate change represents differing beliefs about how we should live on the planet
which relate to issues such as faith, politics, risk, history, psychology, sociology and media. Although it
is a physical phenomenon, it is also a cultural and ethical one, representing a problem that may be
impossible to solve. Despite the controversy and difficulty in agreeing upon the causes of climate
change there are many approaches to adapting to, and mitigating, the effects of changing climates,
especially in relation to buildings.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by buildings in Australia have been estimated at 26% of all
Australian emissions with nearly half of this caused by energy use in residential buildings (CSIRO, n.d.).
So how might architecture and design contribute to emissions reductions?
In terms of building design which will reduce GHG emissions, the IPCC has suggested;
“Efficient lighting and daylighting; more efficient electrical appliances and heating and cooling devices;
improved cook stoves, improved insulation; passive and active solar design for heating and cooling;
alternative refrigeration fluids, recovery and recycling of fluorinated gases; integrated design of
commercial buildings including technologies, such as intelligent meters that provide feedback and
control; solar photovoltaics integrated in buildings.” (IPCC, 2007, p. 60)
However, when trying to design “greener” buildings it is important to look beyond the narrow focus of
GHG emissions. As outlined in the introductory Chapter, Williamson, Radford and Bennetts (2003) have
described a wide range of interpretations of sustainability, highlighting the fact that it is difficult to define
sustainable architecture. They propose a checklist of criteria to guide the designer towards a more
“sustainable” outcome. It includes discourse issues such as: climate change, pollution, resource
depletion, biodiversity, indigenous flora and fauna, society and culture, health, comfort, cost
effectiveness, and longevity, and for each of these, suggestions are made about practical means for
achieving sustainable outcomes (see Appendix B for an assessment of the Earthship using these
Although it is difficult to define sustainable architecture some issues have been agreed upon, for
example the aim to reduce energy use (Vakili-Ardebili & Boussabaine, 2007) as this has a clear link to
GHG emissions. The question then arises; how to measure performance. Home energy rating schemes
(HERS) in Australia and abroad are increasingly used by governments as a means for reducing the
energy used for heating and cooling the home (Soebarto & Williamson, 2001), and a national mandatory
energy efficiency rating scheme for certain electrical appliances was recently introduced in Australia,
replacing numerous state government policies (Commonwealth of Australia, 2013b). While these
schemes help to measure and regulate the “use” or “occupancy” life cycle stage of the home, the
manufacturing/construction stage and end-of-life/disposal stage are not addressed by any mandatory
rating schemes, or regulations in Australia.
Recently, however, a new wave of “zero carbon” architecture has entered the mainstream which aims to
reduce carbon emissions throughout the lifecycle of the home. For example the now defunct Integrated
Design Commission, an advisory body to the South Australian government, recently ran the Zero
Carbon Challenge (Integrated Design Commission, n.d.). Entrants in the competition were required to
use Life Cycle Assessment software to evaluate their “zero carbon” home designs to minimise
embodied energy and future emissions. This new focus on the whole lifecycle, from “cradle to grave”, is
becoming the new paradigm for evaluating products, systems and architecture, and is increasingly used
during the design phase and for post design activities such as eco labelling (Lewis & Gertsakis, 2001).

Measuring the sustainability of homes is a complex, multidimensional task, yet scientific approaches
such as Life Cycle Assessment, Post Occupancy Evaluation and Thermal Modelling are increasingly
being used to evaluate existing designs or optimise future designs before they are constructed.
The following section of this Chapter reviews key theories and approaches to sustainable architecture
and design, concluding with a description and analysis of the Earthship concept. The final section
examines methods for evaluating sustainable architecture, concluding with recommendations for this

2.2 Sustainable Housing Approaches

This section examines a range of approaches to sustainable architecture, concluding with an in depth
analysis and discussion of the Earthship and issues pertaining to it.

2.2.1 Sustainable Houses

Roaf, Crichton and Nicol (2005, p. 344) list the goals of sustainable houses as; use as little energy as
possible; provide that energy from clean renewable resources; reduce waste throughout the whole life
cycle of the building; use ecological materials and products; not destroy biodiversity and ecosystems;
promote health of all; ensure comfort and enable survival in extreme weather.
A common design approach is to build an energy efficient home with “natural building” methods such as
adobe, cob, rammed earth, rammed earth tyres, earthbags, cast earth, strawbale, straw-clay, stone,
papercrete, cordwood masonry, and log homes (Chiras, 2004).
Another approach, to which Chiras (2004) dedicates a Chapter, is earth-sheltered homes. Earth-
sheltered architecture was investigated extensively by a team at the University of Minnesota (Sterling,
1979) (Sterling, Farnan & Carmody, 1982) (Carmody & Sterling, 1983). They cite numerous benefits
including energy conservation, protection from fire and storms, improved aesthetics and lower life cycle
costs (pp. 13-19) in agreement with Baggs, Baggs and Baggs (1985) who documented technical details
of earth-sheltered and earth-covered buildings in Australia. This is highly relevant to Earthships which
feature extensive earth-sheltering.

2.2.2 Autonomous Houses

Before the industrial revolution buildings were autonomous, at least in the sense that they were not
connected to energy, water and sewer infrastructure; however, the occupants generally spent a lot of
time and effort gathering fuel, collecting water, and disposing of human waste, to ensure adequate
operation of the building. Post industrial revolution, the first attempt at designing and constructing an
autonomous house may have been Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Dwelling Machine in the 1930s. It
was heated and cooled by natural means, made its own power and used minimal quantities of
construction materials (Buckminster Fuller Institute, 2013) although it should be noted that many of the
materials employed had very high embodied energy and hence it may not have been rated favourably
by a LCA . Vale & Vale (1975) identified autonomous houses as being part of the solution to declining
energy reserves many decades ago. This is one approach towards achieving the goals of eco houses,
described by Vale & Vale as having qualities of a space station in terms of its ability to operate without
reliance on typical utilities such as electricity, water and sewage treatment. It is sometimes known as
“off-grid” living (Rosen, 2007). Instead it uses the “life-giving properties of the Earth” to provide these
amenities without damage to the environment (p. 7); however, later (Vale & Vale, 2000) the definition is
somewhat relaxed to include the possibility of connection to the electricity grid on the proviso that it is in
“energy balance” whereby the renewable energy system of the house generates more electricity than it
draws down from the grid. This compromise to the autonomy of the house was desirable to avoid the
need for a battery bank and the associated environmental impacts (Vale & Vale, 2000, pp. 122-128).

Earlier, Vale & Vale (1975) position the autonomous house concept as being a logical starting point for
an individual (or family) to take immediate action towards addressing resource scarcity and pollution. A
transition to a more autonomous, self sufficient society is described, in which the city is supported by
suburban and semi rural food producing autonomous houses (and properties) thereby giving people
choice about where and how they might live, albeit within the constraints of equally shared resources.
There are many examples of autonomous houses and two examples are briefly described here. The
Hockerton Housing Project (circa 1996), designed by Vale & Vale, is a group of five terrace houses in
Hockerton, UK designed with environmentally sustainable principles (Smith, 2005, p. 93). These houses
use only one tenth of the energy a typical house would consume by removing the need for space
heating or cooling through the use of earth sheltering and passive solar design. The design integrates
commercial and residential spaces and is substantially self sufficient in terms of water and energy use.
A “self sufficient house” in Freiburg (Stahl, Voss & Goetzberger, 1994) was constructed to demonstrate
that “a solar house could operate completely independently of other energy... despite a strong variation
of insolation between summer and winter” (p. 111). The project was successful in being self sufficient in
solar energy with only a small requirement for energy storage; however, it did not attempt to manage
waste water or be self sufficient in water.

2.2.3 Earthship
The Earthship is another type of autonomous house. It was developed by architect Michael Reynolds of
Earthship Biotecture, Taos, New Mexico, United States of America, whose interest in radically changing
housing emerged during his undergraduate studies in architecture. Reynolds built his first tyre home in
the mid 1970s (Chiras, 2000, p. 112) and has been experimenting constantly with unconventional forms
of architecture ever since. Reynolds has written extensively on the topic of autonomous, ecological
housing (Reynolds, 1990, 1991, 1993, 2000, 2005). His books outline the philosophy that underpins his
Earthship concept and they explain in detail his novel construction methods that utilise waste car tyres
and waste beverage containers for the construction of load bearing thermal mass walls. Other topics
include autonomous energy, water and sewer systems - which are integral to his goal of a house that
“takes care of” the inhabitants – and guidelines for the development of communities are also
documented. Of note is his conjecture that ecological, autonomous housing and well designed
communities could lead to a new paradigm in the way humans live on the planet, one in which waste is
redefined and efficiency is foremost. He asserts that a house with zero utilities bills enables the
occupants to transcend the prevailing western lifestyle and embark on a new concept of living, one that
“…could change the nature of the human mind itself. It could provide the basis and a direction for
conscious evolution on the Earth.” (Reynolds, 1990, p. 19).
The Earthship Biotecture principles which define the characteristics of Earthship design include;
thermal/solar heating & cooling; solar & wind electricity; contained sewage treatment; building with
natural & recycled materials; water harvesting; and a means of producing food that uses wastewater for
irrigation (Earthship Biotecture, 2012e).
While many of these principles may be common with other architectural philosophies, Earthship is
unique in its aim to bring all these principles together holistically.
The root of these principles is Reynolds’ ethical standpoint. He argues that the electricity, water and
sewer grids are a “poisonous web” (Reynolds, 1990, p. 4) that is continuously expanding, spreading
pollution, and enslaving humans to the economic system via ever rising energy and water utilities bills.
He argues that housing that overcomes these problems “could provide a basis and a direction for
conscious evolution on the Earth” (p. 19), because, once freed from the need to pay monthly utility bills,
and the fear of the consequences of defaulting, and with a house that provides much of our food, we
would be less stressed and have time for more meaningful endeavours.
Reynolds (1990, p. 21) describes the Earthship as “interfacing” with and harnessing, rather than
resisting, the natural phenomena of the Earth such that its requirements for energy, water and sewer

infrastructure are nullified. Reynolds claims that the Earthship can “reduce and even eliminate your
utilities bill” (Earthship Biotecture, 2012e) due to the use of off-grid renewable energy systems (wind and
or solar which charge batteries), water collection (in underground tanks), wastewater treatment using
biological filters (no chemicals) and the highly effective thermal performance arising from the earth-
sheltered, passive solar design.
The following table contrasts the self reliant off-grid Earthship, to the conventional infra-structure
dependant house.
Earthship Conventional
Occupant’s Mindset
Conscious resource constrained Convenience and comfort driven, with minimal thought about
lifestyle (choosing this). Ethics and consequences to ecological impacts. Financial constraints
values drive behaviour. drive behaviour.
Independent Reliant
Design & Construction Strategies
Passive solar heating and cooling Mechanical/active heating, ventilation and cooling systems
(solar orientation) (orientated towards the street or views)
Solar and wind generated electricity Mains electricity typically generated via non-renewable
(self sufficient – limited supply) energy
(totally dependent on grid – practically unlimited supply)
On-site sewage treatment Sewer infrastructure, sewage treatment and disposal
Building with natural and recycled Building with new materials, often with adverse environmental
materials impacts
Water harvesting Reticulated water infrastructure (although use of rain water
tanks is increasing)
(self sufficient – limited supply)
(totally dependent on grid – practically unlimited supply)
Food Production Ornamental garden and or lawn
DIY construction Construction by professional builder Earthship Issues

This section discusses how Earthships may enable humans to adapt to the challenges of the 21st
century; climate change, resource depletion, pollution, population growth etc.

Limiting Consumption
A consequence of the Earthship’s autonomous systems is that there are real limits to the water and
electricity resources available to the occupants. Electricity use needs to be monitored daily, especially
during cloudy periods, and water use also needs to be monitored, although not as frequently. Simple
feedback mechanisms that enable the occupant to monitor water and energy use are incorporated into
the design to facilitate regular checking of energy/water levels. This drives positive behaviour change as
the occupants must plan their activities in accordance with the sun, wind and rain, or face the immediate
consequences of depleting their battery bank or water tanks.

Growing Food
Inherent in the Earthship is a system for growing food in a way that makes it manageable, convenient
and successful. By locating a planter within the greenhouse space - the main purpose of which is to
provide thermal comfort in the living space - occupants have direct access to an area that is ideal for
growing food and other plants year round, thereby reducing environmental impacts of food production in
a variety of ways: a) it contributes to a reduction in “food miles”, b) it reduces the amount of fertiliser
required to be imported as the greywater contains nutrients, and c) it reduces the amount of fresh water
required to grow food. Furthermore, as the planter is irrigated and automatically fertilised by warm
wastewater on a frequent basis due to the water use of the occupants (e.g. a daily shower) the plants
tend to thrive in response to the frequent watering. Even lazy gardeners are likely to have a thriving

The Earthship concept also responds to the issue of materials. Perhaps the most unusual aspect about
the Earthship is the use of scrap car tyres which are used for the construction of load bearing earth
retaining walls which are typically used to form the external walls of the house. Reynolds says that a
normal house sits upon the earth, whereas the Earthship is of the earth (Reynolds, 1990, p. 66). It is
essentially earth reconfigured to make walls. The structure of the wall is such that it “floats” (p. 69) on
the earth without concentrating loads and stresses, and forms its own footing (p. 66) thereby avoiding
the need for reinforced concrete footings (although a reinforced concrete bond beam is typically
constructed on top of the tyre wall). The tyre walls also make excellent retaining walls so berms (earth
piled against the wall) are used extensively for many reasons (Freney, 2009); they reduce the visual
impact of the building by disguising it as nature, they reduce the need for maintaining external walls (for
example painting is not required), they hide and protect underground water tanks, they shed water away
from the building, and they help to maintain indoor air temperatures at comfort levels throughout the
year (Baggs, Baggs & Baggs, 1985, pp. 41-42).
Non load bearing walls, such as internal walls, can be made from discarded beverage containers (glass,
aluminium, plastic) in a mortar of cement in keeping with Reynolds’ philosophy of using waste materials.
He argues that tyres and beverage containers are “indigenous” building materials that can be found all
over the planet, and that their properties render them ideal building blocks for sustainable housing
(Reynolds, 1990, pp. 74-79).
Earthships may also feature roofs with sheet metal tiles made from the housings of appliances such as
fridges and washing machines (Figure 2.1) although this seems to be aimed at making an ideological
statement more so than providing easily installed roofing. However, this recycling/reuse approach may
be highly relevant if working to a tight budget or in a resource constrained future.

Figure 2.1 - Global Model Earthship in Taos, New Mexico, USA (Earthship Biotecture, 2012a)

A major issue for all housing is disposal of wastewater. Without effective systems for treating and
managing wastewater (sewage) the environment becomes polluted and human health degenerates due
to water borne diseases; this is the reality in many “developing” parts of the world (World Health
Organisation, 2013). The Earthship has a wastewater management system that requires no chemicals
and only a small amount of electricity to intermittently power a low wattage pump. It is a biological
system which uses the system’s biota to treat the water to a standard suitable for toilet flushing and
irrigation of food crops. Only a minimal amount of maintenance and care is required by the occupant; it
requires plants to be tended, filters to be cleaned and harsh cleaning chemicals to be avoided. The
system comprises an indoor garden bed (a planter) located in the greenhouse. This is where greywater
is treated and used for irrigation of food crops; the effluent of the system is suitable for toilet flushing.
Blackwater from the toilet is treated by a conventional septic tank and a second planter which is located
immediately outdoors, adjacent the greenhouse. Any effluent from the blackwater system is dispersed
sub-surface via a conventional drainage field. The greywater system can be isolated easily by the
occupant via a three way valve so that greywater can be diverted directly to the septic system thereby
making the system compliant with most wastewater regulations. Water is used four times in an
Earthship. Firstly, for the primary purpose such as taking a bath. Secondly, for irrigating indoor plants
which provide food, oxygen, regulate humidity and remove contaminants from the water. Thirdly, for
toilet flushing, and fourthly, treated blackwater is used for irrigating the landscape after passing through
the septic tank and outdoor biological filter (Reynolds, 2005, p. 15). In contrast, most water in
conventional homes is used just once, or not at all (such as running off cold water before showering).
Reynolds abandoned his experiments with composting toilets even though he understood their potential
as a water saving device. He developed a solar toilet in which “extreme temperatures and direct sun
simply fry the solids and evaporate the liquids” (Reynolds, 1993, p. 96). He found that the majority of
people were disgusted by innovations such as this (p. 98) and instead he focused on improving the
conventional flush toilet system by using treated greywater.

Accessible Construction
Earthship building techniques have been intentionally developed so that they are easily learned and
executed, thereby empowering people to build their own shelter predominantly with waste materials.
Reynolds says that “general application of common human capabilities must guide in the evolution of
materials and methods for housing of the future” (Reynolds, 1990, p. 76). Typically, family, friends or
people interested in attending “workshops” will assist with the labour intensive process of compacting
earth into the tyres to form the main walls of the house. Reflecting on a successful career of building
walls with “waste” (strawbale building), Steen et al. (1994) say that:
“One of the most satisfying aspects of the journey has been watching people who appear to have
done very little physical work in their lives participate in a strawbale wall-raising, and leave with
the belief that they too could build a house of their own.”
The Earthship construction method has recently been taught successfully to people caught in natural
disaster areas; the Andaman Islands, following the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami (Hodge, 2007) and in
Haiti in response to the earthquake in 2010 (Earthship Biotecture, 2012b). Earthship Problems

The Earthship concept is however not without challenges. Among them are: issues relating to
compliance with building regulations, life-cycle issues, applicability in an urban or suburban context and
its suitability in climates other than its origin, New Mexico.

Compliance with Building Regulations

Earthship construction raises many questions especially from regulators who are generally aghast at
Reynolds’ designs, in particular the concept of “running sewage through the living room” (Hodge, 2007)
which is in reference to the indoor greywater planter. The use of waste materials, especially tyres,

which, for example, are illegal “contraband” in the State of California USA, also tends to worry building
code officials whose codes may not include this type of construction material. Lack of data regarding
physical and structural properties of tyre walls may also stymie the official building approval processes.
Reynolds contends that “the dangers of doing sustainable housing slightly imperfectly are not nearly as
severe as not doing it at all” (Quinn, 2009); however, this viewpoint is generally not shared by building
regulators who are responsible for ensuring the safety of thousands, if not millions of people. To them
Earthships are a risky proposition and inevitably they dictate expensive and unnecessary compromises,
or outright refusal to permit the building of an Earthship. Similar resistance to sustainable building
initiatives was experienced by Michael Mobbs in the retrofit of his inner Sydney apartment (Mobbs,

Life Cycle Issues

Earthship buildings rely on technology such as batteries and solar panels which will eventually need to
be replaced. The water system relies on tanks, pumps, filters, and a pressure tank and the wastewater
system requires a significant amount of space, materials and regular maintenance to work effectively.
These are amenities that houses connected to typical infrastructure do not need. The materials used to
construct the Earthship are unusual and little is known about the expected lifespan of the building and
what happens to the building materials when the house is eventually demolished.

Applicability in Suburbs
Spatially and aesthetically, Earthships challenge the normal parameters for a suburban development.
They require wide blocks (long East West dimension) to ensure good solar access, with enough room
for the earth-berms. Their glass facade, bermed walls and utilitarian roof (including solar panels, solar
hot water, battery box, skylights/vents) may not be considered “normal” and contrast sharply with
adjacent houses. This poses the question: is it possible and desirable to build Earthships into existing
suburban developments where infrastructure already exists, or are they more suited to new and/or
isolated development sites?

The aesthetic of the Earthship is a controversial aspect that Reynolds has not conceded. Presumably
this arises from his artistic bent which is evident in his diverse works of art which can be found
throughout his books and his buildings in the form of sketches, diagrams, paintings and artefacts.
Indeed Reynolds’ Earthships could be considered to be art as many of them are unique and handmade,
with many decorative elements. They are often coloured, inside and out, in bold colours and their forms
are often highly organic and unusual, yet it seems like a logical, even inevitable, aesthetic solution given
the goals of reusing materials and of adhering to the passive solar, earth sheltered design formula. For
example the angled glazing of the greenhouse is a characteristic of the Earthship that is very
unconventional but it persists in Reynolds’ designs due to the passive solar benefits it provides. People
sometimes describe Reynolds’ Earthship aesthetic as “Hobbit homes” or “Star Wars” (referring to Luke
Skywalker’s home on the desert planet of Tatooine); however, Reynolds calls it “Dr Suess”; he seems to
understand that people find it a little wacky. He insists, however, that the aesthetics can be more
conventional – but he’s not interested in that.
There are now many examples of a more conventional Earthship aesthetic, perhaps the most well
known is the “Groundhouse” in Brittany, France (Howarth & Nortje, 2010) which has featured on Kevin
McCloud’s Grand Designs television show, and a suburban development in the Netherlands (Vereniging
Aardehuis Oost Nederland, 2011). Both have opted for a totally different aesthetic which, arguably, may
appeal to a wider market – but will they work as efficiently?

Figure 2.2 - Proposed Aardehuis Earthship Development in the Netherlands (Vereniging Aardehuis Oost Nederland, 2012)

Applicability in other Climates

Reynolds has acknowledged the need for adaptation to different climates in his book Comfort in Any
Climate (Reynolds, 2000) where he describes the basic design changes required for a variety of
different climates and geological conditions (e.g. high water table). The other issue is the thermal
performance of the Earthship in Taos and other climates which is only just starting to be investigated.
The extreme climate of Taos would seem to guarantee that its performance in milder climates was
assured; however, recent reports have indicated that in cold, cloudy winter climates thermal comfort
levels have not been adequate and backup heating has been required (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012). Gaps in Knowledge About Earthship

Research into the performance of Earthships is only just beginning. The few studies that have been
conducted are reviewed later in this Chapter but in summary they have found that Earthships provide
thermal comfort and an acceptable level of amenity in a variety of climates albeit with the need for some
adaptations to local climates. However, much of the research relies heavily on anecdotal evidence and
there are few empirical studies which have rigorously measured Earthship performance. These studies
have focused on thermal performance, especially in European climates, and regulatory issues
associated with the unusual construction methods of the Earthship. Some of the studies have been
conducted on buildings that are demonstration projects, not people’s homes, adding uncertainty about
the results. While there is much commentary on the lifecycle impacts of Earthships, there has been no
lifecycle assessment study with a comparison to other homes.
Hence, this research seeks to thoroughly investigate the performance of existing Earthships, including
an assessment of their lifecycle impacts, thermal performance and their capacity to provide basic
amenities to their occupants.
Therefore, the following section reviews methods for evaluating building performance. Potential Problems with Tyres used as a Construction Material

Off-gassing, leachate and flammability are the main concerns raised about using tyres as a building
material (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, pp. 46-48). While these issues may be problematic in other contexts in

which tyres exist, in the context of a tyre wall, they are either not applicable, or they can be managed by
engineering and construction measures.
Off-gassing of tyres is evident when walking into a tyre retailer’s showroom; the smell of tyres is
obvious, yet this smell does not exist in Earthships (findings from this study support this claim - refer
Section The most likely reason for this is that in an Earthship wall the tyres are covered with a
layer of render (earth, lime or cement) which prevents exposure to sunlight and dramatically reduces
exposure to air (the render may “breathe” somewhat or may have cracks so some air exposure is
inevitable), and this prevents the main off-gassing catalysts - light and air - from coming into contact with
the tyres (Earthship Biotecture, 2012d). Another factor in the rate of off-gassing is the age of the product
or material, for example the interiors of new cars have a strong odour due to off-gassing of the plastics
used in the dashboard, and other fittings, but over time the quantity of volatile compounds being
released into the air decreases and therefore the strength of the odour decreases. Because the tyres
used in an Earthship are not new, and have spent thousands of hours in a harsh outdoor environment,
the majority of volatile compounds that cause off-gassing have already been released into the
environment long before they reach the Earthship construction site. Furthermore, Earthships are well
ventilated buildings, and the harmful effects of any off-gassing from tyres, or other building materials,
would be mitigated by cross ventilation.
It is true that toxic substances leach out of tyres in the presence of water (Amoozegar & Robarge, n.d.)
and the extent of this is dependent upon factors such as the pH (acidity/alkalinity) of the water, the
duration and level of exposure e.g. tyre is saturated/covered/totally immersed, or is only partially in
contact with water (Claus, 2005); however, studies indicate that the quantity of toxic leachate is so small
that they pose negligible effect on water quality (Claus, 2005; Humphrey & Katz, 2001). Furthermore, in
a properly constructed Earthship, water is unlikely to come into contact with tyres and, if it does, this is
likely to be limited to brief, partial contact rather than prolonged, saturated conditions, due to the use of
water barriers, landscaping and engineered drainage systems in Earthship construction.
Flammability of tyres is certainly an issue when they are stored outdoors in large, haphazard piles,
whereas when they are filled with compacted earth, arranged in a wall structure and rendered, the fire
risk is negligible. This is because, in a tyre pile, oxygen is readily available in and around the tyres,
facilitating combustion, whereas in a tyre wall oxygen is excluded as they are filled and covered with a
non-flammable material. Even an un-rendered tyre wall has been demonstrated to withstand a fire as
this was put to the test in an arson attack on an Earthship in Glasgow, Scotland (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012,
p. 48). Earthship Biotecture Designs

Reynolds has constantly evolved the Earthship design since its inception in the early 1970s with a view
to improving thermal performance, water and energy efficiency, ease of construction and reducing
construction costs. This has resulted in various designs to suit different climates and budgets. This
section briefly outlines three typical designs that represent some of Reynolds’ most successful
experiments and which are the focus of this thesis.

U Module Earthship
The original U Module Earthship, described extensively in Reynolds’ early books (Reynolds, 1990,
1991, 1993), is characterised by tyre walls arranged in a “U” shape with an integral greenhouse which
allows for unimpeded movement of air and occupants between the main living spaces and the
greenhouse space. Figure 2.3 shows a typical floorplan of a “3U” Earthship in which the middle and right
U are open to the greenhouse but the left U is isolated by a wall with double doors. Note also that the
bathroom is located at the end of the greenhouse.

Figure 2.3 - Floor plan of U Module Earthship (skylight shown in dotted line) (Reynolds, 1990, p. 54)

Figure 2.4 - Section view of U Module Earthship (Reynolds, 1990, p. 88)

Packaged Earthship
The Packaged Earthship was a significant departure from the U Module design aimed at simplifying
construction and reducing construction costs (Earthship Biotecture, 2014b). Instead of the U Module
tyre wall layout, the tyre walls are straight with internal walls made using aluminium or glass beverage
containers in a cement mortar. It has a simple roof that slopes toward the greenhouse side of the house
and consequently the rain water tanks (“cisterns”) are located near the tyre wing walls at each end of
the patio. The greenhouse is integral like the U Module design but the glazing is vertical rather than
sloped, presumably to facilitate construction.

Figure 2.5 - Floorplan of Packaged Earthship (Earthship Biotecture, 2014b)

Figure 2.6 - Section view of Packaged Earthship (Earthship Biotecture, n.d.)

Global Model Earthship

The Global Model Earthship is one of the most recent designs developed in the late 2000s. It has
angled exterior glazing like the U Module design but it also features a new element: a glazed partition
wall that delineates and isolates the greenhouse space from the main living spaces. This enables the
occupants to control air flow between the greenhouse space and living spaces. The roof slopes to the
rear of the Earthship and has a solar powered, hot pipe system on the roof to melt snow and catch
water. Rain water tanks are located to the rear of the building, in the berm, close to the roof gutter.
Other innovations include the introduction of earth tubes to each main room for passive cooling and
cross ventilation (indicated by blue arrows in floorplan and section views). These replace the traditional

operable skylight (roof window) toward the rear of the rooms; a typical feature of the U Module and
Packaged designs.

Figure 2.7 - Floorplan of Global Model Earthship (supplied by Earthship Biotecture)

Figure 2.8 - Section view of Global Model Earthship (supplied by Earthship Biotecture)

2.3 Methods of evaluating building performance

This section focuses on methods used to evaluate building performance. There are a number of ways in
which the performance of a building can be evaluated and/or predicted. These include: Post Occupancy
Evaluation, Thermal Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment. Each method is described and significant
studies that employ these methods, especially those related to Earthship and earth-sheltered housing,
are reviewed apropos of developing a valid method for this study.

2.3.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is a methodology that is used to understand how a building has
actually been performing while in use by its occupants. This information is often compared to predictions
or claims made by the designers to establish whether their goals have been realised.
“Post occupancy evaluation (POE) of buildings tries to answer two broad questions: “How is a
building working?” and “Is this what was intended?” POE is about real-world outcomes and their
consequences (“ends”) rather than design prescriptions (“means”). It aids learning from
experience to improve the next generation of buildings – a kind of quality control writ large.”
(Roaf, Horsley, Gupta & Leaman, 2004, p. 491).
The scope of POE ranges enormously as there are many aspects of a building which can be evaluated
and consequently there are many techniques that may be employed in a POE (Roaf, Horsley, Gupta &
Leaman, 2004, p. 495). POE is not routinely carried out – due to myriad issues (Roaf, Horsley, Gupta &
Leaman, 2004, p. 493) – and consequently there is a paucity of research in this field. This may however
soon change as the recently developed Living Building Challenge (International Living Future Institute,
2012) environmental rating scheme for buildings uses POE as one of the measures for assigning a
rating. This is quite a departure from most rating systems which are typically based on predictions about
future building performance rather than actual building performance.
Monitoring of indoor comfort conditions, such as air temperature and humidity, is a method frequently
used in a POE. It is sometimes used as a means for validating the results of a thermal modelling
simulation: by comparing the results of the simulation with the results of the monitoring study the
accuracy of the thermal model can be established (Soebarto, 2009) (Bou-Saada & Haberl, 1995).
Another method is to use questionnaires and interviews to gain an understanding of how the occupants
of buildings feel about various issues (Roaf, Horsley, Gupta & Leaman, 2004). This has been one of the
approaches used by Hewitt and Telfer (2012) in their investigations of six Earthships built in Europe,
and they also cite thermal monitoring and thermal modelling (simulation) results of an Earthship in
Brighton, UK conducted by Ip and Miller (2009). This is the most extensive review of Earthship
performance to date. They found that the indoor temperature was often in the comfort range during
summer, but in the winter it was often below comfort temperature; however this may have been due to
the building being unoccupied and still in its initial charging stage (when the soil temperature around the
building is stabilising). This study incorporated a large number of temperature sensors located within the
tyre wall, under floor, and within the living spaces, to improve the understanding of the thermodynamics
of the Earthship structure in the UK climate.
The key findings of the research by Hewitt and Telfer (2012) were:
 With the exception of Earthship Brighton, only anecdotal evidence was available for thermal
performance of European Earthships (p. 149).
 The thermal performance in cool temperate climate Earthships (France, Brighton UK, and
Netherlands) were below expectations: heat loss through the uninsulated floor the suspected
culprit (p. 147), whereas in a hot climate, Earthship Valencia (Spain) has “suffered occasionally”
from overheating during summer although this problem is reported to have been solved by
installing external blinds (p. 148).
 The study in Earthship Brighton (UK) points to “significant shortcomings with thermal
performance, although with the caveat that there has not been anyone living in the property,
and therefore there has been none of the background heat that would be associated with
activities such as cooking” (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, p. 147)
 Air leakage of Earthship Brighton was 8.43 ACH at 50Pa which is compliant with regulatory
limits but is “actually a very poor result for a low-energy building...requirement for Passivhaus
buildings is a maximum of 0.6 ACH.” (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, p. 150)

 The Groundhouse Earthship (Brittany, France) is reported to have “maintained a consistently
comfortable temperature” (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, p. 147) based on ad hoc air temperature
measurements by the occupant.
 With regards to European Earthship utilities systems, “most are off-grid” (p. 151) with the
exception of the Groundhouse which had dual systems for electricity and water: a grid
connected photovoltaic system and mains water for backup.
Key recommendations focused on addressing the reports of sub standard thermal performance of
Earthship in temperate climates include:
 Upgrading the external fabric to avoid thermal bridging and air infiltration (p. 152).
 Adding an efficient auxiliary heating system and including a mechanical ventilation heat
recovery system (p. 152).
 Insulating external envelope to achieve a U-value of 0.15 W/m2K although the design should
be “specifically tailored to suit the climate it’s being built in” (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, p. 151).
 Double glazing south facing windows (in the northern hemisphere), and for other orientations,
and triple glazing for other orientations (p. 151).
 Designing a greenhouse, to create a buffer zone from the main internal spaces to outside
spaces (p. 152).
 Including shading devices such as louvres or a brise soleil (deciduous vines) to reduce summer
solar heat gain (p. 156).
They conclude that although the desire to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle and/or one free of “the
most egregious aspects of the financial system” (p. 157), Earthships are not likely to become
mainstream because they are suited to low density housing and their differing materials and
construction methods are not compatible with existing material supply chains and skill sets.
A post occupancy evaluation of Reynolds’ first demonstration project in the UK, Fife, Scotland, has been
analysed by Gaia Research (2003) in terms of concerns raised by local authorities relating to thermal
performance, day lighting, flat roof construction, (lack of) heating system, tyre and can walls, and
ventilation. They concluded that tyre walls are a viable construction method deserving of Type Approval
based on the following issues relating to tyres;
 fire resistance: in an Earthship tyres are covered in thick layers of non-combustible earth and/or
cement based render thus overcoming concerns about combustion of tyres which are otherwise
highly flammable;
 toxic leachate: a waterproof membrane isolates tyres from water thus preventing the possibility
of toxic substances migrating from tyres to water, and further, studies by Edil and Bosscher
(1992) indicate that even in the presence of water, tyres do not cause adverse effects on water
 durability: tyres are highly durable and only degrade in the presence of UV light, excessively
high temperatures, abrasion, and certain oxidising agents – all of which are not present in
Earthship construction. They also cited evidence from studies of tyre reefs which indicate that
even in a harsh marine environment, tyres are remarkably durable and non-toxic.
Finally, in France, Howarth and Nortje built and monitored the air temperature of their Earthship inspired
home called the Groundhouse (Howarth & Nortje, 2010) which appeared on TV show Grand Designs
with the result that it “proved conclusively that a modified Earthship design works well in northern
Europe” (Howarth, 2012). The home has two wood heaters to “provide extra warmth and ambience
when necessary” (2012). This use of heaters is of some concern which arises perhaps due to some

departures from Reynolds’ standard design, in particular the use of an operable glazed facade and
absence of a glazed partition wall that isolates the greenhouse from the living spaces.

2.3.2 Thermal Modelling

Thermal modelling or thermal simulation is a scientific method used to predict the thermal performance
including energy use of buildings (Soebarto & Williamson, 2001), although more often in Australia it is
used as a tool at the end of the design process to rate a building’s theoretical energy use against
minimum energy performance standards set by legislation (Soebarto & Williamson, 2001).
Thermal modelling software is able to model various indoor comfort conditions such as air temperature,
humidity and lighting levels, arising from a wide range of variables including climate and weather
conditions of the site, the building fabric, orientation and design, and occupant behaviour, especially in
relation to use of heating, cooling and natural ventilation systems. The software uses weather data,
sophisticated heat flow algorithms and the physical properties of materials to calculate the building’s
theoretical thermal performance, thereby enabling an assessment regarding the potential energy
efficiency and thermal comfort. By monitoring indoor conditions (see POE section above) researchers
are able to “calibrate” a thermal model and use statistical analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the
predicted results compared to the measured results (Bou-Saada & Haberl, 1995; International
Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol Committee, 2002).
The first study to investigate the thermal performance of the Earthship was conducted by Grindley and
Hutchinson (1996). The indoor air temperature in an Earthship in Taos, New Mexico, USA was
monitored for three days and analysed and a subsequent thermal modelling exercise was used to
calibrate a simulation model in the Taos climate and predict the thermal performance in the Taos and
UK climates. They predicted that the Taos Earthship would overheat in the summer and would require
some backup heating during winter nights, and the UK Earthship would also overheat in the summer
and would need only 325kWh pa of heating in the winter months.
Kruis and Heun (2007) measured indoor and outdoor temperatures of an Earthship in New Mexico USA
and compared this with results of an EnergyPlus thermal model of the Earthship. Their model predicted
the indoor temperature of the Earthship “quite closely” (p. 5) – generally to within 1°C of the actual
temperature. They outline a strategy for modelling the tyre wall using EnergyPlus which overcomes
some of the peculiarities of the structure of the tyre wall although they concede that there is some
uncertainty regarding the accuracy of model (p. 2-3). This relates to not being able to model the
moisture content of the soil in the berm and the validity of using EnergyPlus’ ground contact model for
high thermal mass (i.e. earth sheltered) structures. The study also simulated the Earthship performance
in various climates in the USA: humid continental (Grand Rapids), continental sub-arctic (Anchorage),
tropical savannah (Honolulu) and semi arid (Albuquerque). They found that heating and cooling energy
use would be reduced in all climates although backup heating/cooling would be required at times.
One important factor for modelling an earth-sheltered building is the temperature of the earth that
surrounds it, however estimating this temperature is not straightforward. There is a circular cause and
consequence dilemma in which the temperature of the building affects the temperature of the earth and
vice versa. However methods for calculating the temperature “under slab” or at various depths below
the slab (or adjacent an earth-sheltered wall) have been developed. One such method is by Williamson
(1994) and this was developed further and used in this study (Freney, Soebarto & Williamson, 2013a)
(Freney, Soebarto & Williamson, 2013b).
Related to this is the issue of simulation software’s capacity to accurately model heat transfer in earth-
sheltered designs such as the Earthship. Staniec and Nowak (Staniec & Nowak, 2009, p. 1908) note
that “most building energy simulation models do not allow to incorporate soil cover accurately” (sic).
They used a finite element package, FlexPDE, to calculate soil heat transfer, the results of which were
exported to EnergyPlus to model the thermal properties of earth-sheltered homes in Poland.

The documentation supporting EnergyPlus concedes that its use of conduction transfer functions (CTF)
initially had some difficulties with modelling “thermally massive constructions with long characteristic
times” (US Department of Energy, 2012) (p. 38); however, it indicates that the CTF method
implemented in the software overcame these problems (p. 27), but it is not explicit about how accurate
modelling of a thermally massive structure would be. Mithraratne and Vale (2006) however, concluded
that EnergyPlus was capable of accurately predicting the indoor air temperature of the Hockerton
Housing Project in the UK which is a high thermal mass, earth-sheltered, design.

2.3.3 Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is also known as Life Cycle Analysis, or Cradle to Grave Analysis. It is a
“compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a product
system throughout its lifecycle” (ISO, 2006, p. 2). LCA developed in the late 1960s and rapidly evolved
in response to various factors, notably the oil crisis of the 1970s (Horne, Grant & Verghese, 2009, p. 2).
By the late 1990s the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) had established a series of
standards to guide practitioners in their use of LCA methodology: the ISO 14040 series of standards
(ISO, 1997), which are referenced by the Australian/New Zealand counterparts, define core procedures
and terminology.
During the first decade of the 21st century, LCA has proliferated and become a common tool that
underpins other assessment methods such as the well known “eco-footprint” (Wackernagel & Rees,
1996). LCA has become one of the most credible methods for evaluating the environmental impacts of
products and services. Horne, Grant and Verghese (2009, p. 89) argue that “LCA has a major role in
highlighting the impacts of different built environments across their various life cycles.”
Life cycle thinking is a new way to critically examine design with a view to developing sustainable
solutions that benefit the triple bottom line: improving economic, environmental, and social outcomes.
One of the greatest contemporary exponents of this is McDonough (2009) who uses the term Cradle to
Cradle to emphasise the importance of recycling materials without degradation of material properties
(“up-cycling”) at the end of a product’s useful life.
The main difficulties with LCA include the need for accurate data and the complexities of correctly
articulating the scope of the study. Although this slowed the uptake of LCA initially, these issues are
now better understood and LCA has rapidly developed (Horne, Grant & Verghese, 2009, p. 4-5).
Acquisition of accurate Lifecycle Inventory (LCI) data (i.e. inputs and outputs of industrial processes) is
another significant challenge as manufacturers are often reluctant to share this information, perhaps for
fear of incriminating themselves as environmentally irresponsible. Furthermore, LCI data needs to be
location specific, as environmental impacts for a given process can vary greatly depending on the
country/region in which the material/process originates, and, LCI data must be frequently updated due
to changes in our technological, social and environmental spheres. It is difficult to obtain up to date,
location specific data, nevertheless there is a global effort to gather and maintain this information and
consequently LCA is becoming more reliable. In Australia, the National Life Cycle Inventory Database
(AusLCI) Project was initiated in cooperation with academia and industry to develop national inventory
data and to link with similar international schemes (Horne, Grant & Verghese, 2009, p. 17).
Articulating the scope of the study involves correctly defining a key “question” and a critical aspect of
this is to define an appropriate “functional unit”. Horne, Grant and Verghese (2009, p. 4) give an
example of a study of a coffee machine: if the functional unit is defined as the coffee machine (product
level) this will give a very different result to an assessment with a functional unit defined as “impact per
production of 10,000 cups of coffee” (functional level). In terms of the functional unit of a home, Horne
raises an interesting question regarding definition of the functional unit, “for example, is ‘energy use per
house’, ‘energy use per bed space’, or ‘energy use per square metre’ an appropriate unit, and what is
the sensitivity of results to assumed maintenance regimes and design life?” (p. 89).

There are various approaches to LCA ranging from “quick and dirty,” “Streamlined LCA” that can quickly
provide designers with quantitative data (Lewis & Gertsakis, 2001, p. 53), for example the impacts of
various materials could be compared, to more thorough and rigorous “full LCA” that take months or
years to conduct.
To establish a method for this LCA study it was useful to review the literature regarding Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) and Embodied Energy (EE) of walls and buildings. Of particular interest was
definition of the functional unit, approaches to modelling recycled materials and common building
materials in the Australian context, and findings regarding relative impacts of operational energy,
construction materials, process energy, maintenance, and end-of-life processes.
A summary of the most relevant literature is summarised and discussed below. Ximenes and Grant (2012)

This study compared the environmental impacts of two building options for two house designs for
Sydney, Australia in terms of GHG emissions, particulate and chemical emissions to the air caused by
incineration of timber, and toxicity arising from landfill leachate.
A standard house design (brick veneer on concrete slab floor) was evaluated as built, and compared to
a “timber maximised” design in which the standard design was reconfigured to use the maximum
amount of timber by, for example, replacing the concrete slab floor with a suspended timber floor. The
study investigated the effect of various end-of-life scenarios for the houses with a focus on options for
disposing of the timber components and these included construction and demolition landfill with
methane capture, incineration, incineration with energy capture, mulching, and recycling. A range of
values for the degradation of timber in landfill were also investigated as this is a highly contentious
To compare the impacts of construction and end-of-life to the operation of the homes, AccuRate energy
modelling software was used to establish the heating and cooling energy of 3-4 Star rated house
designs. All design options achieved the same rating and these data were adjusted based on the floor
area of the homes used in this study. The functional unit of the study was the major building elements of
homes in the context/climate of Sydney, and their operation over a 50 year life span.
The study’s findings were consistent with similar studies (Carre, 2011) which found that timber
maximised designs lead to fewer greenhouse gas emissions over the life of the home, however
assumptions regarding the decomposition rate of timber in landfill and other end-of-life parameters,
significantly affected the GHG emissions.
Although only basic energy modelling was conducted it was tentatively concluded that heating and
cooling energy was still the most significant GHG driver, however the cradle to grave life cycle GHG
emissions of the construction materials was also still a very significant factor: it was a third to a half of
the heating and cooling energy GHG emissions. Carre (2011)

The focus of this LCA study was the wall and floor materials of a typical Australian house. The study
included modelling of the heating and cooling energy of the homes’ thermal envelopes (using AccuRate)
for the Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane climates for both 5 and 6 star energy ratings. The energy
efficiency was achieved through construction methods that minimised the addition of embodied energy.
The functional unit was defined as “1 square metre of internal floor area (including double garage), 76%
of which is climate controlled, for 1 year” with units of m2.a.
Material quantities for the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) were based upon a typical house design supplied
by the Housing Industry Association (HIA). Areas and distances for major elements of the house were
calculated from the HIA architectural drawings and, from this, material quantities were calculated using
standard quantity factors developed by Lawson (1996) although these were adjusted in some cases to
reflect current building practices.

The building life span was assumed to be 50 years. This was acknowledged as being arbitrary and
therefore a sensitivity study was conducted including 60 and 75 year life spans.
The study found that over the life cycle of the home the impacts caused by heating and cooling energy
were greater than construction and end-of-life phases; however, in Sydney and Brisbane construction
and end-of-life (EOL) contributed to 45% and 43% respectively whereas in Melbourne the same
construction type (type C) accounted for 24%.
In terms of construction and materials the study found that timber based wall and floor constructions had
lower global warming impacts than equivalent steel framed walls and concrete slab floors. Concrete slab
floors generate 13% higher global warming impacts compared to elevated timber floors and steel frame
walls generate 21-43% higher global warming impacts than timber frame.
Findings regarding land and water use impacts were clouded by uncertainty arising from “provisional”
data which reflect simple aggregations of water and land use which do not reflect issues such as
resource depletion in a local geographical context. For example, in reality water use in South Australia
may have higher impacts than water use in Queensland (where water is abundant). It was found that
timber constructions require far more land and water resources than steel or concrete based
Photochemical oxidation tended to be higher for timber structures however there was uncertainty
regarding how relevant this was in the context of timber where such emissions are usually generated in
low population areas where smog is unlikely to occur.
A life span sensitivity study found that increased lifespan decreased the relative impact of the
construction and end-of-life stages (EOL) compared with the heating and cooling energy.
Materials for maintenance were included in the study however it was acknowledged that very little data
is available on this subject. Peuportier (2001)

In a whole building LCA of three French houses, Peuportier (2001) used a functional unit of 1m2 of living
area to compare the different floorplans and technology embodied by each design: “standard”, “solar”
and “wooden frame”. The study also reported results based on the whole house as the functional unit.
It was found that there was a doubling of CO2 emissions for a large house when compared to a small
house, whereas when CO2 emissions for these differing sized houses were normalised based on floor
area the results were similar (Peuportier, 2001, pp. 448-449). No mention of the expected life span of
the house was mentioned or factored, presumably due to similar life expectancy of the construction
The avoided impacts arising from the use of construction materials made from recycled materials were
modelled such that half their impacts were attributed to the construction phase, and half were attributed
to the end-of-life phase, and that this positive affect was (and should only be) counted once
(corresponding to one round of recycling). Equations for calculating inventories were developed to
reflect this. Blengini and Di Carlo (2010)

This study used a functional unit of 1m2/year as the functional unit in a whole building LCA of a low
energy house compared with a standard house which mimicked the low energy house in terms of size
features, geographical/climatic conditions and lifespan. The differentiating features were the amount of
glazing (and therefore the amount of external wall area), insulation and equipment. The assumed life of
the building was 70 years.
This study found that the role of recycled materials and recycling materials (at end-of-life) was important
and that there was no single dominating factor contributing to the environmental impacts of low energy
houses unlike conventional designs which tend to be dominated by heating related impacts (p. 663).

Correspondingly, the LCA approach is highly applicable to low energy design houses, “the lower the
operational energy, the more important is the adoption of a life cycle approach.” (p. 663). Treloar, Owen and Fay (2001)

This study investigated the embodied energy of a rammed earth wall from “cradle to gate” - it did not
consider the operational energy or end-of-life disposal. Rammed earth wall construction was compared
to a brick veneer and cavity brick construction. The house design was standardised on an actual
residential design (3 bedroom, single story, 150.7m2) and the external walls and substructure (footings)
were changed for each study. Results were reported on the basis of gigajoules of embodied energy per
house; thus the functional unit was the entire structure (including walls, sub structure and roof) of the
They concluded that rammed earth has substantially less embodied energy than cavity brick, however
when compared to brick veneer there is uncertainty due to the quality of the data and methodology.
Reductions in the cement content of rammed earth are recommended to further improve the embodied
energy result. Pierquet, Bowyer and Huelman (1998)

This study compared embodied and operational energy of eleven wall types in the context of cold
regions in the USA. The end-of-life phase was not considered. The wall systems studied included
various insulated stud frame designs in both timber (of various dimensions and insulative values) and
steel, plastered strawbale, cordwood, expanded polystyrene structural insulated panels, autoclaved
cellular concrete, and expanded polystyrene insulating concrete forms.
Although the study focuses on the wall materials, details of standardised foundations and standardised
roof system are also described (so that embodied energy could be calculated). The fact that they were
standardised indicates some methodological problems warned of by Kotaji, Schuurmans and Edwards
(2003, p. 15) relating to the importance of considering all affected elements of the building i.e. it is highly
probable that footing design would have to be altered in accordance with the physical characteristics
(e.g. weight and width) of the wall system.
Quantities of materials for each wall were listed in terms of mass or area, and where only slight
variations existed between wall types, the material list was duplicated with additions and subtractions of
materials to reflect the design of the similar wall.
This study emphasised how the period used to calculate the total energy savings dramatically affected
the results and it suggested a long period e.g. 30 years to get an accurate indication of the overall
energy use. It found that the walls with the least “environmental burden” were strawbale and 2” x 6” stud
wall with more than usual insulation. Blengini (2009)

This study investigated the recycling and demolition potential of a block of flats. The demolition of the
building was closely monitored which enabled assessment of the end-of-life phase of the building, an
aspect which is often overlooked due to lack of data and the more significant impacts arising from the
use and construction phases.
The functional unit was 1m2 of net floor area per year.
Alternative end-of-life scenarios were modelled, which revealed a significant potential for reducing
impacts of the building shell (use phase excluded) through recycling. Further research of the recycling
potential of building materials was recommended.
The study found that recycling was economically viable and energetically and environmentally
beneficial. Importantly, it avoided dumping in landfill which avoids unnecessary use of scarce land
(especially in urban areas). It found that the type of material and the availability of the relevant recycling

processes was a decisive factor in determining the avoided impacts arising from the recycling process
and that materials that require a lot of energy to recycle could contribute negatively to lifecycle impacts. Kellenberger and Althaus (2009)

This study’s aim (Kellenberger & Althaus, 2009) was to identify which elements of the building’s lifecycle
were insignificant in LCA terms and could therefore be ignored, simplifying the LCA process to make it
more manageable. It found that the building process and off-cut waste can be ignored whereas ancillary
materials (e.g. nails and screws in timber frame wall systems) and transport were significant impact
drivers. Fay, Treloar and Iyer-Raniga (2000)

A Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) of an existing house in Melbourne, Australia investigated the
effects of various design strategies such as improved insulation and double glazed windows. It took into
account the energy required for heating and cooling and hot water heating, cooking, lighting, and major
appliances and assumed a lifespan of 50 years. The study indicated that improved insulation, although
effective in reducing operational energy requirements, may not be an effective way to reduce the net life
cycle energy. It recommends methods such as improving window glazing (e.g. double glazing), correct
orientation of windows, use of high thermal mass/low embodied energy materials, reduction of air
infiltration, use of renewable energy, and wider thermostat settings. A sensitivity study investigating the
effects of different lifespans (25, 75 & 100 years) found that longer lifespans resulted in only marginal
reductions in life cycle energy due to the energy saved by installing extra insulation (Fay, Treloar & Iyer-
Raniga, 2000, p. 39). Blanchard and Reppe (1998)

An existing residential home was evaluated using cradle to grave LCA and Life Cycle Economic Cost
(LCC) and compared to a theoretical “energy efficient house” that featured materials and components
with less embodied energy or a lower rate of replacement, and was based on the same floorplan and
design as the base case house (Blanchard & Reppe, 1998, p. 6). The study found that the total life cycle
energy of the home could be improved by a factor of 2.8 by improving the thermal envelope with
products such as cellulose insulation (as opposed to fibre glass batt insulation which has a higher
embodied energy), more energy efficient appliances, and improved heating, ventilation and air
conditioning (HVAC) system. Most of the energy was saved during the use phase of the “standard” and
“energy efficient house”. Sartori and Hestnes (2007)

This study reviewed 60 Life Cycle Energy Assessments of buildings in nine countries (two of which were
full LCAs). Most studies were limited to embodied energy and operational energy although the definition
of embodied energy varied: energy for construction and transportation of materials was counted in some
studies but not others.
It reported that the sum of energy for construction, transportation of materials and demolition was
negligible or approximately 1% of the total life cycle energy. Very few studies included waste
management as part of the building life cycle.
A linear relation was found between operational energy and total life cycle energy despite the wide
range of variables such as climate, building design/size and materials. This was due to the dominance
of operational energy in all cases which overshadows the effects of other life cycle energy phases.
Another relationship found was that of embodied energy versus operational energy. Higher embodied
energy results in lower operational energy and lower total energy use. For example the embodied
energy of a “solar house” was double that of an equivalent “conventional” house but the total energy
was half that required by the conventional house (calculated over a 50 year time frame).

31 Thormark (2002)
Recycling of building materials is of interest due to the modern tendency for an increased proportion of
total energy use attributable to building materials, increasing benefits of recycling (e.g. avoiding landfill),
and decreasing life-span of buildings. In this study the recycling potential of a low-energy dwelling was
estimated and compared to the energy used during construction and operation of the building.
In this study it was found that reusing materials (as opposed to recycling) reduced the embodied energy
of a family home by 45% (p. 429). Over a 50 year lifetime the low-energy building had the potential for
37-42% of embodied energy to be reclaimed through recycling, and the recycling potential was about
15% of total energy use indicating that the end-of-life phase of a building has great potential to reduce
overall energy use (p. 434). Kotaji, Schuurmans and Edwards (2003)

Kotaji et al (2003) have described an approach for LCA of buildings and building components which
highlights the importance of developing an appropriate functional unit and specifying a realistic service
life. They also highlight problems in comparing LCA studies arising from a lack of standardised
approaches to LCA of buildings/building products.

2.3.4 LCA Software

Software and digital databases of LCI data have been developed to facilitate LCA studies. Curran and
Notten (Curran & Notten, 2006, p. 13) list eighteen LCA software tools. Of these, two are specifically
aimed at building materials and products (BEES and Environmental Impact Estimator), whereas others
are able to evaluate a wider range of products/systems.
The type of products/systems able to be analysed is limited by the datasets of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)
data which are used by the LCA software to calculate flows of substances throughout the system and
the environment. There are three software packages listed by Curran and Notten which have over 1000
LCI datasets (EMIS, GaBI and SimaPro).
Over the last few years web-based LCA applications have become available, enabling access by
anyone via the internet. These tend to be simpler versions of the more sophisticated packages such as
GaBI and SimaPro, and usually have limited functionality that is specifically aimed towards certain
professions such as industrial design or architecture. The advantage of these packages is that their
simplified workflow enables LCA novices to quickly learn how to use the software and start
experimenting with various design options. An example of this is eTool (eTool, 2013), developed in
Australia for LCA of buildings and homes.
SimaPro (the software selected for this study) is packaged with the Ecoinvent database which contains
several thousand industrial processes including building materials, energy, transport and waste
treatment (Ecoinvent, 2013) and it includes the Australasian LCI database which includes similar
categories of LCI data specific to Australia – it is maintained by Tim Grant of Life Cycle Strategies Pty.
Ltd. (Life Cycle Strategies, 2013). SimaPro is one of the leading, most advanced software packages for
conducting LCA, used by academics and LCA practitioners.

2.4 Summary
The design response to the perceived threats of climate change, resource depletion and pollution varies
greatly with radical earth-sheltered autonomous homes such as the Earthship at one end of the scale
and more conventional, yet energy efficient homes, which use passive solar design at the other. The
latter represent the vast majority.
While the Earthship concept offers many potential solutions, it also has challenges to overcome if it is to
become more widely accepted, in particular the issue of alleged sub standard thermal performance,

prompting a recommendation that “monitoring and evaluation of Earthships needs to take place more
widely, to help increase understanding of how they are performing.” (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012, p. 149).
A variety of studies aimed at evaluating building performance, and Earthship performance, were
reviewed with a view to establishing a suitable methodology for this study. Although the methods
employed by the studies tended to vary, common approaches and assumptions emerged:
 Thermal performance is a key element of POE and is often measured via monitoring indoor
comfort conditions such as air temperature, globe temperature and relative humidity. Interviews
of occupants are also an established means for eliciting information regarding perceptions of
thermal comfort.
 Thermal modelling is a powerful tool to predict energy use for heating and cooling.
 Thermal modelling results can be calibrated to achieve greater accuracy, by using statistical
analysis of monitored versus simulated results.
 EnergyPlus software is able to produce reasonably accurate results in the context of earth-
sheltered homes.
 Defining the functional unit as the “whole house” of a fixed floor area and changing variables
such as wall material is a common approach.
 Lifecycle impacts should not only focus on energy use but also on water use and wastewater
 Functional equivalence must be maintained when evaluating the effects of key variables, for
example footing designs should be varied in accordance with variations to wall materials.
 The typical assumption for life span of the house was 50 years although this varied among
studies and was often flagged as being contentious and arbitrary and driven by market forces
rather than materials and construction.
 The effects of recycling materials at end-of-life can be significant.
 Some issues do not affect LCA results significantly and could be ignored, for example
construction material off-cut waste and energy used in on-site construction processes.
 SimaPro LCA software and the associated databases are commonly used for this type of study.

3 Post Occupancy Evaluation

3.1 Introduction
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of built Earthship homes in Taos, New Mexico, USA, has been
conducted to achieve a number of aims. Firstly, it aims to investigate the claim that Earthship occupants
generally experience a thermally comfortable indoor environment thus requiring little or no active
heating or cooling (Earthship Biotecture, 2014a), and that indoor living spaces are not dark and gloomy,
despite being earth sheltered with windows arranged on only one wall (on the sun facing side)
(Anonymous, 2012; Sturges, 2011). Secondly, it aims to collect data to be used to calibrate and validate
thermal simulation models of Earthship designs and analyse indoor temperature and hypothetical
energy use. Thirdly, it aims to investigate the level of amenity provided by the Earthship’s off-grid
systems (energy, water and wastewater) compared with grid connected homes to investigate whether
people living in Earthships “rough it” (go without amenities) or enjoy a similar level of amenity as people
who live in conventional homes. Overall, the findings of the POE will be used to substantiate many of
the assumptions in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Three sub-studies have been designed to achieve the research aims of the Post Occupancy Evaluation:
1. Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire
2. Earthship Comfort Levels
3. Earthship Daily Comfort
This Chapter documents these studies, each with a section explaining a detailed account of the method,
results, discussion and summary. The Chapter concludes with a discussion of the overall findings from
the POE.

3.2 Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Study

This study was designed to gather information regarding a wide range of topics. An online questionnaire
titled Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire was developed to gather information regarding the following
topics (refer to Appendix C, for a copy of the questionnaire).
 The general location of the Earthship to establish climate type;
 Design aspects including: construction materials for walls, roof and floor, greenhouse design
(integral or separable), renewable energy system, water supply, wastewater system, and toilet;
 Comfort related aspects including: how heating and cooling is achieved, how comfortable the
occupants feel during the main seasons, natural lighting, air quality, and sound quality;
 Maintenance, running costs and insurance;
 Performance and basic specifications of off-grid systems;
 Lifestyle and behaviour which relates to energy use, water use, dealing with household waste,
and self-sufficiency initiatives;
 Motivation for living in an Earthship; and

 Basic details regarding occupants such as number of adults and children.
Where possible an interview was conducted using the questionnaire as the basis. This ensured that key
questions were answered while allowing the interviewee to elaborate on issues important to them and to
discuss issues outside the scope of the questionnaire. The interview was conducted during the field trip
to Taos in December 2011.

3.2.1 Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Results

A list of Earthship occupants from around the world was created by a) searching the internet for anyone
claiming to live in an Earthship, b) via an email distributed by Earthship Biotecture, and c) via an
advertisement on the Earthship Biotecture website. Anyone claiming to live in an Earthship was invited
to participate in the online survey. There were 43 responses, however only 16 responses were analysed
due to many respondents failing to substantially complete the questionnaire.
Of the responses analysed some indicated that their homes did not have all the Earthship features, but
they still identified themselves as “Earthship” occupants, perhaps due to the self-sufficient nature of their
home or the construction method – these responses have been identified in the results to distinguish
from the genuine Earthships.
Where the number of responses does not add up to 16 it is because respondents were able to select
multiple responses to a question. A summary of key data is included in Appendix C. Location & Occupancy

Out of the 16 responses, twelve responses were from the USA including three from Taos, one response
was from Australia, one from Spain, one from Canada, and one from New Zealand. The Earthships
were inhabited by up to four people (two adults and two children) over a period of up to 18 years. The
average duration (age of Earthship) was 6.3 years and the average occupancy rate was 2.5 people. Design aspects

External Wall Materials

Eleven questions were aimed at understanding design aspects of the Earthship homes including wall,
roof and floor materials, and floor area of the living space and greenhouse. All but one of the
“Earthships” had external walls made from tyres filled with compacted earth – the other one used bales
of tyres.
The majority of responses indicated that they used manual techniques to ram the tyres with earth
however, three reported using a combination of machines and manual techniques and one reported
using a machine only.
Eleven reported building their tyre wall on “natural” uncompacted earth with no footings, one used a
gravel filled trench as the only footing and three used reinforced concrete footings.
Four reported not having an earth berm, and six reported use of insulation within the berm.

Internal Wall Materials

Nine Earthships used aluminium cans for internal walls, five used glass bottles, five used tyres, three
used rammed earth, two used light earth (clay and straw), and eight Earthships used dry wall timber
frame (stud wall).
The Earthship Biotecture designs typically use aluminium cans and or glass bottles in a cement mortar
for internal wall construction however these results indicate that people are experimenting with other
ways, especially the conventional “dry wall” system (plasterboard on timber frame).

Roofing Materials
All roof frames/trusses of these Earthships were made with timber, with one “vaulted dome”
(presumably ferro-cement), and the majority were clad with steel sheet-metal panels.

Floor Materials and Area

Seven were reinforced concrete, 6 unreinforced concrete, 2 flagstone, 1 mud, and 1 brick. The floor
area of the main living space ranged from 70 to 275m2 (average of 154m2) and the greenhouse floor
area ranged from 19 to 121m2 (average of 47m2). Comfort

Thermal Performance
A question soliciting the occupants’ comfort evaluations was contained in the survey: “On the whole,
how would you describe the conditions in your house during the following times of the year and time of
day? (click the button that best corresponds to your perceptions)”. Respondents could select from a
seven point scale from “Very Comfortable” (1) to “Neutral” (4) to “Very Uncomfortable” (7) for four times
of year: “Winter during nighttime”, “Winter during daytime”, “Summer during nighttime” and “Summer
during daytime”.
A similar question regarding the local climate was also included, “On the whole, do you like or dislike the
climate where your house is located? Please try to explain why.” Respondents could select from a
seven point scale from “Like very much” (1) to “Neutral” (4) to “Dislike very much” (7).
The results indicate comfortable conditions are experienced by the occupants most of the time. During
winter nighttime two out of 16 respondents rated their Earthship as a 5 indicating slight discomfort and
one as “neutral” (4), while the remaining 13 reporting comfort (scores of 1-3) of various levels (average
score was 2.3). During summer daytime there was one “neutral” response and one slight discomfort
response (average score was 2.1). For the remaining two times all responses indicated comfort with
many “very comfortable” (1) ratings: the average score for winter daytime was 1.3 and summer
nighttime was 1.4).
Regarding the respondent’s feeling about the climate they lived in, with the exception of one respondent
who was “neutral”, all were reporting “like” responses (average score was 1.8).
Thirteen out of 18 responses indicated that they burnt wood to keep warm in the winter, but usually only
when there were overcast conditions, for example:
“We burn wood only during cold cloudy weather. When it is sunny, it is almost too hot inside.”
Taos NM
While burning wood in cold cloudy weather may sound obvious and consistent with the operation of
non-Earthship homes in cold cloudy climates, it should be noted that Taos is extremely cold during
winter (minus 20 is not uncommon) and during sunny winter weather it is “almost too hot” indicating the
powerful energy capture potential of the greenhouse and energy storage of the thermal mass

The following questions were used to investigate the occupant's responses to humidity levels:
“How would you describe the humidity in your Earthship for each season of the year?” Responses could
be made on a 7 point scale: “Too dry” (1), “Comfortable” (4), “Too moist” (7) for: “Summer”, “fall”,
“winter” and “spring”. A further question was asked: “Do you have any problems with mould growing in
the house (due to excessive humidity)?” Responses could be made on a 7 point scale: “Lots of mould”
(1), “some patches of mould” (4) “no mould” (7).
The majority of respondents reported “comfortable” humidity conditions in all seasons: in autumn (fall)
the average score was 4.0; winter, 4.4; spring, 4.3; and summer, 4.1. Three of the responses indicated

conditions were somewhat humid in summer, one in autumn, four in winter and three in spring. In
summer two responses were slightly dry (score of 3) and in autumn there was one slightly dry (3)
Eight out of 16 respondents reported “no mould” and 5 reported some patches of mould. No one
reported “lots of mould” (and there were no scores lower than 4). The average score was 5.8.

Lighting, Air & Sound Quality

Seven questions were aimed at evaluating lighting, air and sound quality in the Earthship. A seven point
scale was used to respond to the questions: Strongly agree (1), agree (2), slightly agree (3), neutral (4),
slightly disagree (5), disagree (6), strongly disagree (7).
The questions and average response scores were:
“On clear days I don’t need to use artificial lighting” - 1.2 (strongly agree)
“On overcast days I always use artificial lighting” - 5.3 (slightly disagree)
“During the night my lighting system provides adequate illumination” - 1.2 (strongly agree)
“There is no smell of car tires in or around my Earthship” - 1.2 (strongly agree)(Note: American spelling
of tyres used intentionally)
“The air inside my Earthship feels and smells fresh” - 1.4 (strongly agree/agree)
“There is no echo inside my Earthship” - 1.2 (strongly agree)
“Our Earthship is well insulated from outside noise” - 1.3 (strongly agree/agree)
The responses indicated that during daytime the Earthships did not require artificial lighting although
overcast conditions may necessitate some extra lighting. At nighttime the off-grid systems were able to
provide adequate lighting levels.
There was no indication of problems with tyre smells. Only one respondent disagreed about a fresh
smell in their Earthship and this was due to the indoor greywater system not functioning properly: “grey
water digester needs a better design to reduce mold and odors. Greywater is smelly and needs some
way to aerate and freshen the water. Slight moldy smell when you enter home.” Compounding this
problem was the occupant’s inability to isolate the smells from the greywater system as there was no
glazed partition wall to segregate the greenhouse and greywater planter away from the living space in
this particular Earthship. Only one person disagreed with the statement “There is no echo inside my
Earthship” with the remainder of respondents strongly agreeing or agreeing with this statement. There
was universal agreement with the statement “Our Earthship is well insulated from outside noise”.

Earthship Operation
In response to the question, “Please try to estimate how many minutes per day you spend ‘sailing’ your
Earthship to ensure that it doesn't get too hot inside”, the average response was 8.8 minutes per day to
take actions such as “put down awnings”, “make sure all skylights and doors and windows are open”,
“vent greenhouse while keeping inner rooms closed”. In contrast, one respondent in Colorado reported
zero minutes for actions to prevent overheating and commented “Summer settings are pretty much
static, i.e. all screened windows open, all the time.”
A similar question regarding actions taken to prevent the indoor temperature getting too cold in the
winter indicated that many Earthship dwellers use slow combustion heaters to provide backup heating
especially in cloudy weather. The average time was 26 minutes per day for building and tending the fire
however this included one estimate that was 4 hours per day which was far in excess of the other
estimates which were in the range of 5 to 30 minutes. Discounting the 4 hour estimate the average time
spent “sailing” the Earthship in winter was 13 minutes per day.

38 Maintenance, running costs and insurance
Respondents were asked to estimate their annual bills for gas, electricity, water and sewage, to
estimate the rate of replacement of major components of their off-grid systems and to rate their
experience with obtaining insurance for their Earthship. All responses were converted to US dollars
using conversion rates of 0.97, 1.28, 0.98, and 1.21 for Australian, Spanish, Canadian and New Zealand
currencies respectively.
The responses for electricity bills included four grid connected systems. Seven responses reported zero
electricity bill, US$485 per year for electricity was reported by one Earthship owner, presumably for fuel
for the 2.5kW generator which was used when solar power was not available, and a US$1000 electricity
bill per year was due to “no solar panels” and grid connection. Four other responses ranged between
US$1 and US$150 per year; however, it was not clear what these electricity expenses were as they
were for off-grid systems. Based on the data the average annual bills were US$233 for electricity,
US$185 for gas, US$31 for water, and US$1.6 for sewer. Despite the fact that some of the Earthships
were connected to utility systems and/or a generator, this was atypical, and the low utilities bills reflect
the substantial level of autonomy and the inherent efficiency of the Earthship design.
Respondents reported that maintenance to the external envelope was minimal with maintenance tasks
such as repairing window caulking and oiling external timbers being the most common.
Estimates regarding rates of replacement of system components were:
 Water filters – responses ranged from 6 months to 20 years. The average was 3.8 years.
 Pumps – responses ranged from 5 to 20 years. The average response was 10.1 years.
 Inverter – responses ranged from 5 to 40 years. The average response was 18.1 years.
 Battery charger – responses ranged from 5 to 40 years. The average response was 20 years.
 Batteries – responses ranged from 5 to 20 years. The average response was 13.8 years.
 Solar Panels – responses ranged from 10 to 40 years. The average response was 30.7 years.
These responses revealed a wide range of estimates regarding predicted replacement rates. Various
factors would drive actual replacement rates of the system components such as adherence to the
manufacturer’s use and maintenance specifications, climate, and quality of the components; therefore,
these estimates were used as a guide only and assumptions made in the LCA regarding system
component life expectancy were estimated based on manufacturers’ claims or took a conservative
estimate (more frequent than the average response) as documented in Chapter 6, Table 6.40.
Eleven out of 18 respondents indicated that their Earthship was insured and on a seven point scale from
“difficult” (1) to “average” (4) to “easy” (7), six reported a “difficult” rating, two gave an “average” rating
and two gave an “easy” rating (average score 3.7), indicating that it is often possible to obtain insurance.
This result helped legitimise the functional equivalency of the Earthship with “conventional” homes
adding credibility to the comparative LCA study. Performance and basic specifications of off-grid systems

A question was asked in relation to the renewable energy system, water collection and storage system,
hot water system, and wastewater system: “How does the performance of your Earthship systems
compare with the performance of conventional systems? Think about how effective they are at providing
you with what you need - enough power, water and sewage treatment. And remember, conventional
systems can sometimes let you down too (blackouts, water shortages etc). Please try to explain your
There was a five point scale for responses: “Much better than a conventional system” (1), to “a little
better...” (2), “about the same as...” (3), “a little worse than...” (4), to “much worse than a conventional
system” (5). Respondents were also able to leave a comment.

The average scores of the responses were “a little better” for all systems: 1.8 for the renewable energy
system, 1.9 for the water collection and storage system, 2.1 for the hot water system, 1.8 for the
wastewater system. These responses indicate that, in the eyes of the occupants, the Earthships'
systems perform well compared to conventional grid connected utilities systems.
Some anecdotes from the respondents are presented below to give an insight into the realities of off-
grid systems. In general, the comments indicate that people enjoy their off-grid lifestyle, although they
have to be aware of the limits of their systems, modify their behaviour to suit weather conditions, and
attend to maintenance of the system.
Comments regarding electricity system
Occupants of Earthships indicated that having their own off-grid system gave much benefit over relying
on the mains electricity.
“Electricity- Our first winter here, the gas lines in Taos broke during the coldest recorded time in
the history of this place. The residents went out and bought space heaters which put the grid
down for them (blackouts). People were going into their cars for heat. They also had no water,
as pipes froze. Our grid never goes down, although we do have to manage our use of our big
ass television during the cloudy days of winter.”Taos USA
“Requires more maintenance (water in batteries, watching battery voltage level), but when storms
blackout rural electric grids, I still have power.” Colorado USA
“WE have to be much more concious (sic) of our energy useage (sic) and the amount of power
that individual items use but we have never had a blackout.” Australia
“never out of power. self-reliant.” Taos USA
However, they also indicated that they had to maintain the system and adjust their behaviour for the
system to work sufficiently,
“Electrical system has been nearly perfect, no failures, replaced low-end golf cart batteries at 7
years” New Mexico, USA
“Owning the maintenance of the system means that I have to do occasional “controlled black-
outs” with no back-up grid to cover.” Colorado USA
“I time when I do things relative to the sun coming in. laundry, dishwasher, power tools, etc.” Taos
Comments regarding water system
Most occupants of Earthship indicated the health benefits associated with collecting and using rain
water; however, they also emphasised that regular maintenance would always be required.
“We get our water from the sky, although during drought we have used the community well. We
don't like or want the chemicals that are put into the common water supply- so if we have less
water than those who are on the grid, it is ok with us; we feel we have safe, healthy drinking
water. Sewage- we have a septic tank and overflow catchment which can feed fruit/nut trees and
bushes.” Taos USA
“Dry years require water trucks to top off cisterns once or twice per year. Filters and maintenance
is more costly and not as reliable as city water. BUT our water doesn't come from aquafirs (sic) or
reseviors (sic)!” Colorado USA
“Requires maintenance of changing water filter, replacing booster pumps.....but my water is
excellent and without chlorine! yeah!!” Colorado USA
“it's free. it's clean. it rains torrentially here a couple of times a year and we have 36 thousand
litres storage which is more than enough for us.” Spain

“The biggest gripe we have about water is the drought. But beyond this, maintaining the filters
(cleaning them) is a repetitive task. This is a dry, dusty, windy place and we have not figured out
how to collect water with less dirt in it.” Taos USA
“Only ran out of water twice. Fairly inexpensive to refill ($150 for 2,500 gallons).” Taos USA
“old scupper water collection system is problematic and requires cleaning several times per year.
Covered gutters would help. Filters must be cleaned. Sureflo DC pumps must be rebuilt about
ever (sic) 3 years of use.” New Mexico USA
Comments regarding the solar hot water system
Occupants of Earthships indicated that a backup system to boost the solar hot water was important for
times when there wasn’t much sunshine, and that they derived pleasure from knowing that their hot
water was being generated by renewable energy.
“we haven't installed a backup system so if there is no sun we have no hot water - we are
planning to get a back up gas heater this year.” Spain
“We have a solar water heater (no propane back up) so, if we have 3 cloudy days in a row, on the
3rd day the hot water is gone and we have to use the stove to heat up water. This happens less
than 5x a year, so we don't need to change that.” Taos USA
“I would say it is a little better than a conventional system because when I am enjoying my tub
filled with water heated by the sun I can completely relax knowing that the way I am getting this
pleasure has no part in the destruction/poisoning of our world. The hot water is very, very hot.”
Taos USA
Comments regarding wastewater system
Earthship Occupants indicated that although there were minor inconveniences and annoyances with the
wastewater system (such as having a stained toilet bowl from flushing with treated greywater) it was
overall a beneficial system that provided an opportunity to grow food, and it provided useful shading for
the living spaces due to the plants that grow in the indoor planter.
“the plus side is the garden the downside is the toilet gets dirtier using grey water than it would
with clean drinking water but this is niggling.” Spain
“We love our grey water and black water! The system works very well. Flushing the toilet with
grey water results in a toilet that either needs cleaned (sic) every day or residents who
understand that toilet bowls for systems which use grey water to flush should not be white. It does
not smell bad, but it stains. All in all, our 'waste' water is an extremely valuable resource.” Taos
“We have to be careful what goes into the Wastewater system but otherwise really can see no
difference.” Australia
“always works. contained, clean. self-reliant.” Taos USA
“Also our system provides us with grey water and black water (overflow catchment off the septic)
which is as useful to us as our drinking water- we have the healthiest plants... the best tomatoes.”
Taos USA
“We actually grow food in our greenhouse. And the angle of the sun in the summer means it
doesn't come so far into the house so we don't use much shading for our front face.” Taos USA

The questionnaire did not ask respondents to rate their toilet however they were asked what type of
toilet they had and to mention any issues.
Four out of 16 respondents had toilets that flush with greywater, eight used fresh water, and four used
composting toilets.

Two questions were asked about laundry facilities:
“Do you have laundry facilities in your Earthship or do you use a Laundromat?” and “How do you dry
clothes?” Fifteen out of 16 had laundry facilities, while one used the Laundromat. Two used an electric
dryer, 4 used a gas dryer, 9 used an indoor clothes line and 11 used an outdoor clothes line. Lifestyle and Behaviour

Participants were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with various
statements regarding lifestyle and behaviour on a seven point scale: Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2),
Slightly Agree (3), Neutral (4), Slightly Disagree (5), Disagree (6), Strongly Disagree (7).
The key findings for each statement are tabled below.
Table 3.1 - Questionnaire Results: Behaviour change
Statement in Questionnaire Response/Result
“For high energy activities such as clothes Average result was 2.8 (slightly agree) of 16
washing I wait for days when my renewable responses. Two people disagreed.
energy system will be working well.”
“I don’t mind having to wait for suitable weather Average results was 1.7 (agree) of 14 responses.
conditions to do high energy activities such as No one disagreed.
clothes washing.”
“I am diligent about turning off appliances when Average result was 1.6 (agree) of 16 responses.
they are not in use.” One person disagreed.
“I am diligent about turning off lights when they Average result was 1.9 (agree) of 16 responses.
are not in use.” Two people disagreed.
“I bathe everyday whether I need to or not.” Average result was 4.3 (neutral/slightly disagree)
of 16 responses. 9 were in the disagree range (5-
7) although 4 strongly agreed.
“I have water efficient spouts and shower roses.” Average result was 2.5 (agree/slightly agree) of 16
responses. 3 people disagreed.
“I have designed my garden to be water Average result was 2.5 (agree/slightly agree) of 16
efficient.” responses. 2 people disagreed.
“I bathe more frequently than I would in a Average result 5.9 (disagree) of 16 responses.
“normal” home because I know the water is Only one person agreed.
recycled for toilet flushing and irrigation.”
“Approximately what percentage of your food do Average result 12%. Responses were 0% (6
you produce using your recycled wastewater i.e. responses), 3% (1), 5% (3), 10% (2), 15% (1),
in your greenhouse or the blackwater planter?” 30% (2) and 80% (1).

The results indicate that the majority of people have willingly adapted their behaviour to suit the limits
imposed by their Earthship, for example, by planning electricity intensive activities around weather
conditions. They also make efforts to reduce resource use by switching off lights and appliances and
using water efficient water fixtures.

To compare perceptions of the Earthship lifestyle to a conventional lifestyle the following question was
“Compared to conventional housing, your Earthship may have enabled you to lead a very different
lifestyle. Thinking about your accommodation and lifestyle prior to living in your Earthship, compared to
your Earthship lifestyle right now, to what extent do you agree with the following statements”;
Statements and key findings are tabled below.
Table 3.2 - Questionnaire Results: Lifestyle
Statement in Questionnaire Result
The temperatures in my Earthship are MORE Average result 2.2 (agree) of 16 responses. No
COMFORTABLE than my previous home one disagreed, however 4 were neutral.
My Earthship lifestyle is MORE EXPENSIVE than Average result 6.4 (disagree/strongly disagree) of
my previous lifestyle 16 responses. No one agreed, however one was
My Earthship lifestyle is MORE DAMAGING to Average result 6.9 (strongly disagree) of 16
the environment than my previous lifestyle responses. No one agreed or was neutral or
slightly disagreed: everyone strongly disagreed or
My Earthship lifestyle is MORE RELAXED than Average result 1.9 (agree) of 16 responses. No
my previous lifestyle one disagreed. Two were neutral.
My Earthship lifestyle is MORE ENJOYABLE Average result 1.4 (strongly agree/agree) of 16
than my previous lifestyle responses. No one disagreed. One was neutral.
My Earthship lifestyle is MORE HEALTHY than Average result 1.9 (agree) of 16 responses. No
my previous lifestyle one disagreed. Two were neutral.

The second and third statements were framed in the negative, eliciting “disagree” response whereas the
other questions were framed in the positive eliciting “agree” responses, indicating general agreement
that the Earthship lifestyle has many advantages compared to a conventional lifestyle. Motivation for living in an Earthship

The question regarding Earthship occupants’ motivation for living in an Earthship had multiple choice
options and an open-ended response field. 11 out of 16 (69%) respondents cited “reduce my eco-
footprint” as the motivation to live in an Earthship.
9 out of 16 (56%) respondents cited “Reduce my utility bills”
13 out of 16 (81%) cited “Become more self-sufficient”
Comments from Earthships occupants regarding their motivation for living in an Earthship revealed that
they were seeking a home that provided a healthy environment that was enjoyable to live in, yet was not
a burden on the environment.
“I continue to be struck by how little impact my earthship has on Mother Nature. That is very
important to me!” Colorado USA
“to be off-grid, recognize that the centralized grid is flawed, and fortunately not everyone is forced
into it. The gird (sic) is much more expensive in macro and micro sense. Huge investment into
nuclear hydro coal and other huge power systems, highly destructive to any local ecosystem.
Micro - will be more expensive to all every day. Biggest savings is on heating and cooling. No

Need to Heat or Cool an earthship. Its design does this effortlessly, continuously. seriously.
Pragmatically, the proof is in how it actually works in use. functional.” Central USA
“WE were looking for greater self sufficency (sic) in all things, food energy etc as well as a more
peaceful lifestyle.” Australia
“We didn't want a mortgage or to have to pay fat executives for the privilege of electricity and
water. we liked the look of the earthships. We also wanted to build our home ourselves.” Spain
“Health concerns- Seasonal Affective Disorder- get more sun in the winter than conventional
housing... also better air quality and exposure to the sun/sky seems to make people happier and
healthier.” Taos USA
“I like the idea of using what the Lord gives us each day to live from.” Taos USA
“For my son and to be the best example I can be for the world. to be self-reliant.” Taos USA
“The overall practicality of living with the greenhouse and all that light and sun, in a home that I
could build myself.” Colorado USA. Final Comments

A final open ended question concluded the questionnaire: “If there is anything else you would like to
share about your Earthship experience please use the comments box below.”
Responses were very positive yet often acknowledged the fundamental difference of living off-grid, for
“It is quite simply the best and most comfortable place I have ever lived. It requires awareness
and thought - but life should.”
“This life style is not for everyone but we enjoy it very much.”
“I know that most people think living off grid is 'roughing it'. We feel that could not be farther from
the truth. Having lived in an earthship for 2 years, we can't imagine living in any other type of
home... why would we? We absolutely love it here... and after 2 years, we often still just stop and
look at each other as if we won the lottery and make repeated remarks about how much we love
the house, our home. It does what we think all homes should do- provide the basics- heating,
cooling, food, water, energy- a connection to the earth- not separate from it- a haven, a place to
rest, relax, recharge and feel protected and cared for. When you come home, do you feel the
love? We do. It makes all the difference in the world.”

3.2.2 Interview Results

While conducting indoor thermal monitoring of several Earthship dwellings in Taos, New Mexico,
interviews were conducted with some of the residents, one adult occupant of each of the following
Earthship homes (House #2, House #4, House #5, and House #6 – refer to Section 3.3 for a description
of these homes). Audio was recorded, reviewed and summarised. The full summaries are contained in
Appendix C and the most pertinent findings are noted below.
All houses were located in the Greater World Community and hence were totally off-grid. House #2
The occupant of house #2 has lived all over the world in a variety of climates, prior to settling in the
Greater World Community in a newly built, one bedroom Global Model Earthship.
She found the thermal comfort provided by her Earthship to be very comfortable despite having no
heater or cooler. Installation of screen doors at each end of the greenhouse has helped decrease the
greenhouse temperature during summer.

Running out of electricity occasionally causes her some anxiety and so she has developed some
strategies such as purchasing appliances that run off propane or are hand-powered (e.g. a coffee
grinder) so that she can go about her daily routine even when electricity generation is low. Her only
utility bill (other than internet) is US$100 for propane and she is not concerned about regular expenses
for battery maintenance, reassured by the experience of other Earthship owners that the lifespan of the
batteries is approximately 20 years.
She has come close to running out of water a few times but manages this by adapting her behaviour to
conserve water during times of drought, for example while washing her hands she turns off the faucet
while she lathers the soap. During the wet season she can relax some of these activities and may
switch to flushing the toilet with rain water rather than greywater to avoid the slightly unpleasant smell of
greywater in the toilet bowl. She enjoys gardening with greywater and has learned to deal with pests by
organic means.
The thermal comfort provided by the home and the beautiful scene created by the greenhouse garden
and the nearby mountains bring her great joy and contentment. The self sufficient nature of the home is
reassuring to her as she knows that she is not subject to the vagaries of utilities prices that are beyond
her control. She has been successful with growing a variety of food producing plants as well as beautiful
herbs whose fragrance wafts into the living space whenever the doors to the greenhouse are open. She
is even trying to grow her own coffee and has ambitions to grow her own tobacco (or was she joking?).
The “spaceship” look of the Earthship does not worry this occupant who appreciates function over form,
however she appreciates the beauty of traditional materials such as timber and adobe which are
prominent inside the home which she has decorated extensively with antiquities from her travels and her
own woven tapestries.
Her Earthship is unique in that she went to the trouble and expense to have it LEED certified. LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an environmental performance rating scheme in
the U.S. developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. This certification has enabled her to recoup
various expenses relating to the house construction/fit out due to tax concessions/rebates offered to
LEED certified homes.
She has also adjusted her travel behaviour. Transport is kept to a minimum by limiting trips into town to
one per week.
In summary this occupant loves living in her Earthship in The Greater World community and is able to
enjoy all the modern conveniences such as a washing machine, computer, refrigerator, hot water,
shower, and bath yet without the utility bills and the associated environmental impacts that she
perceives are associated with utilities infrastructure. She has to be a little careful with water and
electricity use at times but she seems to enjoy this challenge perhaps because it is relatively easy for
her to meet this challenge and because she has been a conscientious energy saver throughout her life. House #4
The occupant of House #4 really appreciated the uplifting feeling that Earthships instilled in him,
especially when compared to the “sick” building which he had previously inhabited. Although the
previous building was a luxury “dream home”, after experiencing Earthships he realised that qualities
such as natural light and naturally stable indoor temperatures were extremely important to his feeling of
wellbeing. He quickly purchased land in the Greater World Community and built one of the first
prototype Global Model Earthships.
After five years of living in an Earthship he has come to appreciate the minimal utilities bills, which is
limited to a small propane bill (due to cooking appliances and solar hot water back up).
The 1000W photovoltaic system has the battery bank fully charged by 10:30am on most days so this is
when he starts to undertake energy intensive activities such as clothes washing and he has asked his
partner and guests to avoid the use of appliances such as hair dryers.

He does not worry about running out of water as his storage capacity (2800 gallon or 10500 L) and roof
catchment area (1200 sq ft or 111 m2) is adequate to deal with six months of drought. Furthermore he
has an “observation tube”, a transparent section of pipe in the house, which enables him to very
conveniently monitor his water reserves.
His enthusiasm for the Earthship and the Greater World Earthship community is fuelled by a desire to
secure a comfortable home for his loved ones in what he perceives to be a very uncertain future,
especially in terms of energy security. He also acknowledges the isolation of the community and has set
about addressing this via advanced food production systems such as aquaponics, and also intends to
purchase an electric vehicle. House #5
Compared to the draughty rental home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA the occupant of house #5
very much enjoys her U Module Earthship (built in the 1990s) which affords a very pleasant, low cost life
style which has enabled her to “escape the rat race”.
She has become very proficient at regulating the indoor comfort conditions via “cracking” (opening
slightly) the various natural ventilation features such as windows, roof vents, skylights, and door at the
appropriate times of day. The slow combustion heater is only used rarely during prolonged overcast
conditions. In general she finds the indoor temperature very comfortable.
The home has 3000 gallons (11,350 L) of water storage, and is very water efficient, using a waterless
composting toilet located in an outhouse, dug into the side of the berm, and it has the usual Earthship
greywater planter which deals with kitchen and shower wastewater.
Her electricity use is very frugal and consequently she has never run out of electricity. The photovoltaic
system is only 220watts although this is augmented by a small wind turbine. She manually adjusts the
angle and direction of the PV panels, which are mounted on a tracking frame, to optimise their energy
Transport is limited to about three trips to town per week in her car; however, she would prefer an
efficient public transport system rather than having to own a car.
She finds her Earthship lifestyle very relaxing and appreciates living in a community nearby people who
can help her out with maintenance of her home. House #6
Prior to living in an Earthship in the Greater World Earthship Community, the occupant in House #6
grew up in an old three story home built in approximately 1910. It had no insulation, a steam radiator
and was either too hot or too cold. She also spent time in a conventional home in Seattle before starting
her Earthship adventure in 2001 with her husband. They built an Earthship based on the “Packaged”
Earthship design by Reynolds which features vertical glazing and an integrated greenhouse.
While the family generally enjoys a good level of thermal comfort, she mentioned that there are various
micro climates in her home, such as the corridor which is a bit cold, probably due to it connecting with
the unusual northern entry through the berm. A gas heater has been installed for space heating
although this is very rarely used.
Their solar hot water service has no boost capability e.g. by propane; however they rarely run out of hot
water due to the abundant sunshine, despite being a family of two adults and two children.
The greywater system works well with the exception that the treated greywater used for toilet flushing
often has a sulphurous smell, and therefore they sometimes use rainwater for toilet flushing, and they
have also experimented with using hydrogen peroxide to neutralise the chemicals which causes the
offensive smell.
They have 3500 gallons (13,250 L) of water storage which, due to the size of the family, occasionally
runs out by the end of the dry season necessitating a water delivery.

Their electricity system provides for all their needs although they have to avoid energy use as much as
possible during the infrequent overcast conditions. The system is relatively small compared to typical
Australian systems at only 405W. Recently they had to purchase a new battery bank at a cost of
approximately US$1,000 which they expect to be necessary roughly every five years.
The issue of transport is managed by car pooling with other community members, although there is little
else that can be done to avoid many car trips due to the need to transport children to and from school: a
school within the community would be great.
Reflecting on her experience as an architect, she laments that “people aren’t ready for it”, referring to
the Earthship’s radical methods such as building with tyres and indoor greywater systems, but in
conclusion she says “I wish it was more mainstream”.

3.2.3 Summary of Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire Study

The Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire study gathered information regarding a range of Earthship
design and lifestyle issues from sixteen Earthship occupants from five different countries.
The study found that the majority of Earthships were off-grid, and that these off-grid systems perform to
a high standard although there may be maintenance issues that must be attended to for the systems to
work reliably, or limitations about how the system can be used. For example the wastewater system
may be susceptible to poisonous cleaning chemicals, and the use of appliances may need to be
delayed until there is sufficient sunshine. These issues seem to be tolerated, as the trade off is better
quality, such as water with no chemicals (such as chlorine and fluoride), better reliability, for example,
no electricity outages, and better efficiency such as the use of wastewater for irrigation. Furthermore,
economic advantages were indicated by the utilities bills estimates (although this did not factor in
replacement of system components) and by the response to the question regarding the expense of the
Earthship lifestyle which overwhelmingly indicated a less expensive lifestyle. It was found that Earthship
occupants living in a variety of climates report a high degree of thermal comfort. They reported being
more happy and relaxed and that they enjoyed their lifestyles more, and they thought that their lifestyles
were less damaging to the environment. The most common motivation for living in an Earthship was to
be more self sufficient, followed by a desire to reduce their “eco-footprint” and lastly, to reduce utility
Interviews of four Earthship occupants in Taos corroborated the quantitative and qualitative research
studies regarding indoor comfort conditions and the amenities provided by the off-grid systems, and
they also shed light on the Earthship lifestyle which was characterised by thermally comfortable
conditions and adequate water and electricity supply, although this waxed and waned according to
season, especially so for water. Furthermore there were minimal expenses, and an overall appreciation
of the Earthship and the lifestyle it affords, despite some behaviour adaptations that were necessary.

3.3 Earthship Comfort Levels Study

This study was designed to investigate the thermal performance and illumination levels in a variety of
Earthship designs in Taos, New Mexico, USA. Data were recorded in six Earthship homes and the
results are presented and discussed in terms of international standards.

3.3.1 Study Design House Selection

Earthship Biotecture identified six homes that could be used in the study based on design and the
willingness of the owners to participate in the study. The homes represent a variety of designs although
the more recent “Global Model” Earthship represented four out of the six. The homes are briefly
described as follows;

 House #1 is a Global with two bedrooms. It was the second Global Model built at the Greater
World community in Taos. At the time of installing the monitoring hardware it was a nightly
rental, however it was purchased and occupied from April 2012.
 House #2 is a newly built Global Model with one bedroom, occupied by one person.
 House #3 is a newly built Global Model with one bedroom. At the time of installing the
monitoring hardware it was a nightly rental, however it was purchased and occupied from
approximately April 2012.
 House #4 is a Global Model with a few variations such as a higher ceiling with correspondingly
higher greenhouse glazing. This home was occupied by a couple and also used as a nightly
 House #5 is one of the original designs (circa 1990) which features two U modules and an
integrated greenhouse (i.e. no glazed partition wall) with angled glazing. This home was
occupied by one person.
 House #6 is a “Packaged” design (i.e. with vertical glazing and integrated greenhouse i.e. no
glazed partition wall) and was added to later with a two storey wing made with tyres and
insulated externally with polyiso rigid insulation. This home was occupied by a family of four.
These homes represent a variety of Earthship designs, ranging from the early model U module design
of the 1990s, the Packaged design which features vertical glazing, through to the most recent (at the
time of writing) Global Model design. The four Global Model Earthships are very similar yet each has
some point of difference, be it occupancy during the monitoring period, or some slight design variation.
The range of designs has enabled a comparison of performance between old and new.
All homes are located in the Greater World Earthship community, located 15 miles outside of Taos, New
Mexico, USA, on 633 acres of mesa (tableland). Monitoring Period

The data collection period was from 17 December 2011 to 31 July 2012 capturing the coldest and
warmest times of the year in Taos, New Mexico, USA; however, House #1 was monitored for longer,
until 5 January 2013 (the reason for this is explained in the next section). Equipment & Data Collection

Two types of “logger” (also known as “sensor”) technology were utilised in the study to measure air
temperature, globe temperature, relative humidity and light level. Five houses were monitored with
small, easily installed, battery operated Hobo brand loggers. One house (#1) was monitored with a
system (also Hobo brand) capable of relaying data to a website so that it could be monitored remotely
while the study was in progress. This system was used as a weather station recording outdoor air
temperature and relative humidity data which were used for analysis of all houses due to their close
proximity to each other. Images of the hardware used in the study can be found in Appendix A:
“Earthship Comfort Levels Participant Information Sheet”.
The indoor data loggers were located in standardised locations throughout all the Earthships to reduce
variables, although this was subject to approval of occupants and in some cases alternative locations
needed to be found. The following diagram (Figure 3.1) shows a typical cross section and floor plan of
the monitored Earthships to illustrate the typical layout of the loggers. Specific locations of the loggers in
each house is documented in Appendix C.
A logger that recorded air temperature, globe temperature (using a matt black ping pong ball as
recommended by Szokolay (2008, p. 18)) and relative humidity were located at the rear of the building,
offset from the tyre wall approximately 150mm, at a height of approximately 1700mm above floor level in
the living space (living room or bedroom), although in House #1 this was varied to 2000mm for practical
reasons. An air temperature and relative humidity logger was located in the greenhouse inside a solar

radiation shield, and positioned above the planter about 600mm offset from the external glazing at
1700mm above floor level. ASHRAE Standard 55 specifies that air temperature should be measured at
heights of 100mm, 1100mm and 1700mm for standing occupants ASHRAE (2013, p. 14). As multiple
height measurements were beyond the scope of this study 1700mm was selected for practical reasons.
This was also the height at which relative humidity and globe temperature were measured.
In three houses, light level loggers were positioned at 700mm above floor level in the living space
(bedroom or living room) towards the rear, adjacent the tyre wall. The outdoor data weather station
which measured air temperature (inside a solar radiation shield) and relative humidity was positioned
approximately 4-5m to the rear of House #1 (on the berm) at a height of approximately 1200mm above
the berm's ground level.
Data were collected at hourly intervals (on the hour) for the battery loggers, and at 5 minute intervals for
the “internet” system (House #1); however, in general only hourly data, recorded on the hour, has been
used for the analysis of House #1.
The battery operated data loggers were returned by post in August 2012 so that the data could be
downloaded and analysed, whereas the internet connected system in House #1 remained in Taos until
early 2013 so that a full year of data could be collected for at least one house. Although seven and a
half months of data collection, which spanned the coldest and hottest times of year in Taos, was
deemed adequate for the study (and was desirable in terms of the timeframe of the study) collecting a
full year of data in House #1 enabled a more thorough analysis, including all seasons.

Figure 3.1 - Generic layout of loggers (sensors) in monitored Earthships (these diagrams depict a Global Model Earthship)

49 Limitations
There were three limitations in this monitoring study:
1. Ground temperature was not measured due to difficulty and expense. A sensor would need to
be installed sub-floor necessitating building works which was beyond the scope of this study.
Instead the ground temperature was predicted using software developed by Williamson (1994).
2. In relation to the previous limitation (ground temperature) soil characteristics were not known. In
particular, density, conductivity, specific heat, moisture content, compaction of soil in the berm,
et cetera, were all variables that had to be estimated.
3. Solar radiation was measured in the greenhouse of House #1 due to difficulties with reliably
mounting the sensor outdoors (snow covering the sensor was a concern). Although these data
were not particularly useful for use in the simulation study – necessitating acquisition of solar
radiation data from a third party – it was useful for analysing the measured indoor temperature

3.3.2 Thermal Performance Results & Discussion

The analysis of the results has been approached in a variety of ways. Firstly, the performance of House
#1 (which was monitored for a full year) is compared to the Adaptive Comfort Model of ASHRAE,
Standard 55-2010 (ASHRAE, 2010) to establish a theoretical temperature comfort range in the Taos
climate. It is acknowledged that this adaptive model of the Standard was developed from studies of
office buildings; however, this research is interested in testing its applicability in residential buildings.
Secondly, data from extreme weeks in winter and summer are presented and discussed for all six of the
monitored Earthships in order to demonstrate their performance in extreme weather conditions. A typical
week in spring is also presented to demonstrate performance in milder conditions. Thirdly, the issue of
thermal lag is briefly investigated in order to better understand the rate of temperature change and
compare Earthship performance with other thermal mass homes. Finally, all six Earthships are analysed
in terms of the proportion of time the indoor air temperature was within various temperature bands,
indicating which had the greatest thermal performance over the whole monitoring period.
Appendix C contains additional graphs displaying indoor air temperature, greenhouse air temperature,
and outdoor air temperature for each house for the same weeks. This gives a clearer view of the data
but does not allow for easy comparison between houses. Additional weeks are given for House #1 due
to its extended monitoring period: a week in autumn and a winter week in January 2013 which included
the coldest outdoor temperature during the extended monitoring period. Adaptive Comfort Comparison – House #1

The Adaptive Comfort Model is based on the idea that humans can adapt to different temperatures as
they change throughout the year and that the indoor conditions that most people find comfortable are
influenced by these changing outdoor conditions.
Although the Adaptive Comfort Model (ASHRAE, 2010) is not intended to be used in climates as cold as
Taos it has been used in Figure 3.2 to evaluate the average indoor and greenhouse temperatures in
House #1 compared to the acceptable temperature in a naturally ventilated building as per ASHRAE
Standard 55-2010, Addendum D (ASHRAE, 2012). Section 5.3 of this Standard describes a method for
determining thermal conditions that would be acceptable to 80% of people in occupant-controlled
naturally conditioned spaces. One of the criteria for using this method is that the prevailing mean
outdoor temperature is greater than 10C and less than 33.5C. Unfortunately the Standard does not
specify how to determine the thermal comfort range when the prevailing mean outdoor temperature is
outside this range, as it is for the colder half of the year in Taos. Consequently Figure 3.2 shows the
thermal comfort acceptability limits that adhere to this criterion in dark grey shaded area (“T80%adapt”);
however, a light grey shaded area (“T80%extrap”) has been used to indicate an extrapolation of the
acceptability limits for the purposes of discussing the results of this study. This has been done by

plotting the minimum and maximum limits for a 10C mean monthly outdoor temperature for all months
with mean monthly temperatures less than 10C.
It is acknowledged that it is preferable to use the operative temperature to measure thermal comfort in
buildings (ASHRAE, 2013, p. 14); however, in this study it was found for all houses monitored there was
little difference between air temperature and globe temperature measurements: in the range of 0.13 to
0.22C. In other words the air temperature closely approximated the operative temperature. Hence air
temperature has been the basis for analysis in this study.
In Figure 3.2 it can be seen that the average maximum and minimum bedroom air temperature of House
#1 (“TaveMaxBR” and “TaveMinBR” respectively) stayed within the acceptability limits for the months
where the acceptability limits could be calculated (April to September). In the colder months, the
average minimum is within the extrapolated acceptability limits although occasionally the extreme
maximum (“T96%ileMaxBR”) was even warmer than the comfort range despite subzero mean monthly
outdoor temperature (Text). Note that there was no active heating or cooling employed in this building.
The greenhouse of House #1 had average maximums and minimums (“TaveMaxGH” and “TaveMinGH”
respectively) either side of the acceptability limits indicating that it is generally not suitable for habitation
(as intended by the architect); however, although the greenhouse temperature reached an average
maximum that is well above the acceptability limit, the average minimum is often just within the
acceptability limit indicating that there were many periods (generally each day) when the greenhouse
provided thermally comfortable conditions.

Figure 3.2 - Measured indoor temperatures in House #1 compared to acceptable adaptive temperatures Seasonal Analysis

The measured results for indoor and greenhouse air temperatures are shown for selected weeks in
winter, spring and summer for all Earthships enabling a direct comparison in Figure 3.3 to Figure 3.8.
Outdoor air temperature (measured behind House #1) and solar radiation (measured inside the
greenhouse of House #1) are also displayed so that the prevailing weather conditions can be
understood. Peak outdoor temperature is indicated by a red circle. The winter and summer weeks were
selected to represent extreme conditions when the minimum or maximum outdoor air temperature was
recorded for the monitoring period. Furthermore the winter week includes a cloudy day (22 Dec 2011) to
show the effect of limited solar radiation on the passive solar designed Earthship homes.

Winter Performance Discussion

In the winter, the Global Model Earthships (Houses #1-4) had the most stable and comfortable indoor
temperature compared to the U module and Packaged design, although the performance of House #4

was more variable and this may have been due to occupant behaviour. House #1 and #3 were
remarkably stable, their indoor temperatures ranging from approximately 18-25C whereas House #2
was approximately 2C cooler during the nighttime with similar daytime maximums. House #4 had
similar performance on 21 December, but was consistently lower in temperature from 22-26 December,
finally catching up on 27 December – possible reasons for this are now discussed.
On the first day (21 December 2011) in the winter week (Figure 3.3), all Global Model Earthships
(Houses #1-4) had an indoor maximum within approximately 2C of each other with diurnal swings of
approximately 4-6C; however, over the course of the following two days (22-23 December) the indoor
air temperature nighttime minimum and daytime maximum in House #4 dropped to approximately 4C
less than the other Global Model Earthships, yet by 25 December the temperature in House #4 was
restored to be within 2C of the other Global Model Earthships and by 27 December the daytime
maximum was similar to other Global Model Earthships. The temperature in the greenhouse (Figure 3.4)
of House #4 followed a similar pattern and gives a clue as to what may have been causing the lower
indoor air temperature in House #4. The hypothesis is that an external window (in the greenhouse) may
have been inadvertently left open for a few days, starting on 23 December causing the greenhouse
temperature to be less than normal. By 27 December, a few days later, House #4 had the highest
greenhouse temperature indicating that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with the greenhouse of
House #4 and that occupant behaviour was the likely cause of the previously recorded lower
greenhouse temperatures and the concomitant lower indoor air temperature.
In House #5 (U module) the indoor diurnal air temperature range was approximately 10C whereas in
the Global Model Earthships it was approximately 4-6C. The indoor air temperature ranged from
approximately 13-26C. In the “greenhouse” (i.e. which in the U module design is the front portion of the
living space adjacent the angled greenhouse glazing) the diurnal temperature range was similar to that
of the Global Model Earthships’ greenhouse space (40C).
In House #6 (“Packaged” design) the indoor air temperature was generally cooler than the other
Earthships. It had a diurnal temperature swing of approximately 8C with the temperature ranging from
a minimum of approximately 10.5C to 18.5C. In the “greenhouse”(i.e. which in the Packaged design is
the front portion of the living space adjacent the angled greenhouse glazing), the diurnal temperature
range was approximately 20C, although on the cloudy day (23 December 2011), it was approximately
The U module (#5) and Packaged design (#6) Earthships showed greater variability in the indoor and
“greenhouse” temperatures compared to the Global Model Earthships. This is most likely to be due to
the Global Model’s segregated greenhouse which is isolated from the main living space by a double
glazed wall which is operable with various windows and doors enabling control over when living room air
mixes with the greenhouse air.
In winter the “extrapolated” Adaptive Comfort Model temperature range was 17.5 to 24.5C. As
discussed in the previous section the monthly average analysis shows that House #1 remained within
the comfort zone, and this is corroborated by the results of the “winter week” which show House #1 was
within 18-25C, slightly exceeding the comfort limit (by less than 1C) for an hour in the middle of the
day on 25 and 26 December 2011, despite an outdoor temperature of approximately 2C. House #3
showed very similar results and remarkably, both House #1 and #3 were able to maintain comfort
conditions despite the cloudy day and freezing (subzero) outdoor temperatures. House #2 dropped just
below comfort range to approximately 16C on two mornings although it quickly returned to comfort
conditions (with the exception of the cloudy day). Likewise, House #4 dropped to approximately 13.5C
on the same two mornings but returned to comfort conditions quickly with the exception of the cloudy
day. The temperature in House #5 (U module) also dropped briefly below comfort temperature in the
early mornings and performed similarly to House #4 on the cloudy day. House #6 was typically well
below the extrapolated comfort conditions with early morning temperatures as low as 10.5C (although

note that it was often 15 to 19C below zero outside) with the exception of the middle of the day when
comfort conditions were achieved (with the exception of the cloudy day). Erratic temperature fluctuations
in House #6 on the first day of the winter week can be explained by use of a gas heater.
In summary, during this extreme winter week when outside temperatures were generally subzero, one
of the Global Model Earthships (House #1) was able to stay within the “extrapolated” ASHRAE adaptive
comfort limit for Taos of 17.5-24.5C without any active heating. Another Global Model (House #3)
performed similarly but slightly exceeded the maximum comfort limit for about 3 hours (during the
middle of the day) – based on performance during previous days this could have been avoided by
increasing the ventilation rate (it was only 5C outside). The other Global Model Earthships had
comfortable daytime temperatures but were slightly below the minimum limit in the early hours of the
morning (midnight to sunrise). The U module design was very slightly above (0.5-1.0C) comfort level
during the middle of the day (on two days only) but was otherwise comfortable with the exception of the
early hours of the morning from midnight to sunrise; however, the temperature near the external glazing
(where the kitchen was located) was often very hot. The Packaged design was generally the coldest,
only occasionally reaching comfort conditions during the middle of the day (at the rear of the living
room), whereas towards the front of the living room, adjacent the glazing (i.e. the “greenhouse” area)
there were slightly excessive temperatures, higher than comfort level, in the middle of the day with
comfort conditions before and after, although overnight the comfort conditions are not met due to low
The extreme diurnal temperature swing in the Global Model Earthships’ greenhouses is approximately
40C on a sunny day, demonstrating the powerful heating potential of the greenhouse. The dramatic
temperature difference between the greenhouse and the living spaces, especially in the Global Model
Earthships, demonstrates the efficacy of the entire building fabric at regulating the extreme energy flows
to achieve comfort conditions in the living spaces. Various design features and strategies are
responsible for this: correctly located thermal mass and insulation, double glazing throughout the
building, ventilation of the greenhouse through high level skylights, “cracked” (slightly ajar) earth tubes
to provide fresh air, and high level hopper windows to control air mixing between the greenhouse and
the living spaces – the ventilation must be operated correctly by the occupants to ensure the best result.
Only House #5 and #6 had heaters installed (slow combustion and gas respectively) and it appears that
the gas heater was used intermittently during the first and second day of the extreme winter week in
House #6.

Spring Performance Discussion

Spring-time performance is only discussed very briefly because, in general, all the Earthships were able
to maintain comfort conditions during the spring week despite nighttime temperatures that were often
subzero (Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6).
In April the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort Model indicates a comfort range of 17.3-24.3C for the Taos
climate (measured mean monthly temperature of 9.7C).
House #5 (U Module) was often slightly above (3.5C) the upper comfort limit during the middle of the
day and House #6 (Packaged design) was often slightly below (1C) the lower comfort limit between
midnight and sunrise. House #1 (Global Model) had a remarkably stable indoor temperature range,
remaining between approximately 21-22C.

Summer Performance Discussion

According to the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort Model the comfort range in the Taos Climate during June
and July (their summer) that would be acceptable to 80% of people is approximately 21-28C
(ASHRAE, 2012) based on the measured mean monthly summer temperature of 21C.
The indoor air temperature for the summer week Figure 3.7 shows that, as for the winter week, House
#1 had remarkably stable temperatures which ranged throughout the week from approximately 23-25C

– well within the Adaptive Comfort limits, and without using any active cooling. The other Global Model
Earthships performed similarly although were not as stable. For example, House #3 reached
approximately 28C on the hottest two days, and overnight dropped to 21.5C on 23 December 2011,
yet towards the end of the week it was more stable, similar to House #1. The U module design (House
#5) had the hottest indoor maximum air temperatures which were above the comfort limit, especially
around midday, ranging from 22-33.5C with a typical diurnal swing of 9-12C. The Packaged design
(House #6) ranged from 21-29C throughout the week only occasionally above the upper limit during
the middle of the day.
The greenhouse temperatures (Figure 3.8) during the summer week reveal that, surprisingly, House #1
was usually cooler in the greenhouse than outside during the middle of the day. This was also the case
for House #6 (Packaged design) although this is not as surprising due to the vertical glazing of the
Packaged Design which admits less insolation than the angled glazing of House #1 (Global Model
design). In the other Earthships, temperatures in the greenhouse during summer daytime were
approximately 2-6C warmer than outside conditions.
These findings are interesting because other studies have predicted or measured “overheating”
conditions in Earthships (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012; Ip & Miller, 2009), whereas these data indicate that the
Global Model Earthship is capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the living space and that
the temperature in the greenhouse is cooler than outside during the middle of the day when it would be
expected to be hottest. This may be due to the cooling effect of the earth tubes and or due to
evapotranspiration of the plants in the greenhouse. In the U module Earthship the temperature
fluctuated quite significantly and extended well above the adaptive comfort limit (28C) for this time of
year. This is consistent with the results of a previous study in which overheating was predicted for a
similar Earthship design (Grindley & Hutchinson, 1996).

Figure 3.3 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during winter week with coldest outdoor temperature
Figure 3.4 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during winter week with coldest outdoor temperature
Figure 3.5 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during typical spring week
Figure 3.6 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during typical spring week
Figure 3.7 - Indoor air temperature, all houses, during summer week with hottest outdoor temperature
Figure 3.8 - Greenhouse air temperature, all houses, during summer week with hottest outdoor temperature Thermal Lag Analysis
In Figure 3.9 (winter week) and Figure 3.10 (summer week) indoor conditions of House #1 are
contrasted with greenhouse conditions, outside air temperature and solar radiation (measured inside the
greenhouse). Vertical blue lines are drawn to highlight the time lag between peak (maximum) solar
radiation, peak outdoor temperature, and peak indoor temperature. Maximum and minimum outdoor
temperatures for the monitoring period are highlighted by a red circle.
On 25 December 2011 (winter), peak solar radiation occurred at midday, followed one hour later by
peak air temperatures outdoors and in the greenhouse, followed another hour later by peak indoor air
temperature. A similar sequence of peaks occurs on the other days too, although, for example, on 27
December 2011 the outdoor, indoor and greenhouse peaks occur simultaneously one hour after the
solar radiation peak.
On 25 June 2012 (summer), peak solar radiation occurs at midday, followed one hour later by a peak in
the greenhouse, followed another two hours later by a peak in outdoor air temperature and another one
hour later the indoor temperature peaks. On other days of the summer week, although not identical, the
timing and sequence of peaks is very similar.
One of the benefits that is claimed by builders and architects of thermally massive buildings in warm to
hot climates, is that the maximum indoor temperature is significantly offset from the outdoor maximum
due to the “flywheel effect” in which the thermal mass absorbs and stores heat during the hottest part of
the day and releases heat into the living spaces during the cool nighttime, thereby acting as an efficient
regulator of indoor temperatures (Easton & Wright, 2007, p. 43). This analysis indicates that Earthships
in the Taos climate perform slightly differently, delaying peak indoor temperatures by only an hour in the
winter and up to four hours during the summer, yet the flywheel effect can still be seen as the indoor
temperature remains comfortable for the vast majority of the time.

Figure 3.9 - Winter week, House #1, thermal lag

Figure 3.10 - Summer week, House #1, thermal lag Temperature Band Analysis

To give a better understanding of how the Earthships performed throughout the entire monitoring period,
indoor air temperatures are tabled and categorised in accordance with how many hours the indoor air
temperature was within a certain temperature range (“band”). The results are presented in terms of the
percentage of time the indoor air temperature was within a certain temperature band: refer to Figure
3.11. Two sets of results are given for House #1 to reflect the standard (7.5 month) and extended (12
month) monitoring period.
The results show that the indoor air temperature of the Global Model Earthships (House #1-4) are
usually between 18 and 25C whereas the U module Earthship (House #5) has a warmer profile and the
Packaged Earthship (House #6) has a cooler profile. In House #1 (Global Model) the temperature is
between 21 and 23C (comfort range for all seasons) for over 50% of the time, and between 18 and
24 for 91% of the time (over twelve months).

Figure 3.11 - Percentage of time within a certain temperature band Standardised Effective Temperature Analysis

To investigate the effect of humidity on the comfort levels, hourly data recorded for relative humidity and
dry bulb temperature were plotted on a psychrometric chart for the hottest and coldest months and

average months in autumn and spring for House #1 (Global Model) according to the Standardised
Effective Temperature (SET) comfort model (Szokolay, 2008, p. 21-22). The SET model is suitable for
naturally conditioned homes such as the Earthship, whereas the comparable ASHRAE model (which
considers humidity and operative temperature) is intended for air conditioned buildings (ASHRAE, 2010,
p. 4-5). The SET comfort model does not, however, consider the effect of clothing insulation values.
Mean monthly outdoor air temperature (To.av) was calculated based on measured results from Taos for
December (coldest winter month), April (average spring month), June (hottest summer month) and
October (average autumn month). Then upper (TU) and lower (TL) temperature comfort limits, which
would be acceptable to 90% of the population, for each selected month were calculated using the
equations prescribed by Szokolay (p. 20):
TU = 17.8 + (0.31 x To.av) + 2.5C
TL = 17.8 + (0.31 x To.av)- 2.5C
The SET comfort conditions are indicated in the psychrometric chart by a red boundary. Data falling
within this boundary is considered to be in the comfort zone. Refer to Figure 3.12 to Figure 3.15.
The SET analysis indicates that the conditions within House #1 would be uncomfortable for significant
periods of time; however this conflicts with the findings of the Earthship Daily Comfort questionnaire
which showed that other Earthships, one of almost identical design, provided conditions that the
occupants found to be comfortable most of the time. This discrepancy can be explained by occupant
behaviour aimed at adapting to the indoor conditions. The SET model indicates indoor conditions that
were slightly too warm in the winter and slightly too cool in the summer, yet this could be dealt with
easily by the occupants by altering their clothing, wearing lighter clothing than usual in winter and
heavier clothing than usual in summer, or they could increase the rate of ventilation to bring about more
comfortable indoor conditions. In spring relative humidity in the range of 60-70% indicated discomfort
according to the SET model, although the temperature was in the ideal range for the majority of the

Figure 3.12 - House #1, Dec 2012 (Winter) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone

Figure 3.13 - House #1, April 2012 (Spring) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone

Figure 3.14 - House #1, June 2012 (Summer) - Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone

Figure 3.15 - House #1, October 2012 (Autumn) – Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) Comfort Zone

3.3.3 Illumination Levels Results & Discussion
Illumination levels during which electric lighting was not used were studied to investigate concerns that
Earthships may tend to be dimly lit due to their earth-sheltered design and to provide data on
assumptions regarding lighting energy use in the LCA study. The sensor was placed adjacent the rear
(tyre) wall at a height of approximately 700mm above floor level (refer to Figure 3.1). Results at 1pm, in
three Earthships, are presented in Figure 3.16 in terms of monthly averages, thereby showing results for
what would be expected to be the brightest time of the day, and Figure 3.17 shows results at various
times of day for one of the Earthships to help understand lighting levels throughout the day.
Blinds were installed on the interior side of the angled greenhouse glazing in House #4.No other house
had shading of the greenhouse, except for the plants growing within.
The monthly analysis reveals that illumination levels are highest in winter (January) when sun
penetrates deep into the living spaces. As the sun rises higher in the sky, reaching its peak in summer
(June), illumination levels reach their minimum.
In the winter, when solar radiation is able to penetrate deep into the living spaces, the results show a
wide range of difference. For example, in January (winter) House #3 is approximately 300lux brighter
than House #4 (which may have been using the blinds), whereas in summer, when solar radiation is
excluded from the living spaces, the difference is only approximately 50lux.

Figure 3.16 - Monthly average illumination level inside at 1pm

Results recorded at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm are presented in Figure 3.17 for House #3.
As expected the highest illumination levels are in the middle of the day and the lowest early in the
morning and late in the afternoon. The seasons accentuate this daily pattern with much greater
differences in illumination levels in winter (January - March), less so in spring and the least difference in

Figure 3.17 - Average monthly illumination level at different times of day, house #3, (global model Earthship)

A level of 50lux is considered to be an average desirable level of light in living rooms in Australia (Pears
& Environment Australia, 1998), 80lux is quoted for toilets and 160lux for general tasks in kitchens by
the Australian Standard for interior and workplace lighting (Standards Australia, 2008, p. 19-20). Thus
the measurements from these Earthship homes indicate that, in the Taos climate, daylighting is
generally of a sufficient level to avoid the need for artificial lighting at most times of the day, in most
seasons, for typical domestic activities. Summer has the lowest illumination levels indicating that
artificial lighting may be needed for some daytime activities; however, the energy use associated with
this could be supplied directly from the solar panels and would be unlikely to draw power from the
battery bank.

3.3.4 Summary of Earthship Comfort Levels Study

The Earthship Comfort Levels monitoring study found that this small sample of six Earthships in the
Greater World Community, Taos, New Mexico, USA, provided thermal comfort to the occupants: for the
vast majority of time, indoor temperatures were within the range of the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort
Model, and the associated survey of the occupants of the monitored homes confirmed that the
conditions they were experiencing were acceptable. While the older U Module Earthship built in the
1990s and the Packaged design both employed very occasional backup heating during extremely cold
outdoor weather conditions, the newer “Global” model Earthships achieved comfortable conditions
without any active heating or cooling.
The monitoring also indicated that daytime indoor light levels were of acceptable standard and therefore
no electricity was needed for lighting during the day.
The Standardised Effective Temperature (SET) analysis indicated that high humidity in the living
spaces, particularly in winter and less so in spring and autumn, coupled with too warm winter
temperatures and too cool summer temperatures, may contribute to uncomfortable conditions; however,
as the SET results are not consistent with the comfort vote responses, further investigation is warranted.
More importantly, however, the fact that overall the occupants expressed no dissatisfactions over the
thermal conditions in their dwellings indicate that they would have adjusted their clothing and ventilation
to stay comfortable.

3.4 Earthship Daily Comfort Study
This study was designed to investigate the perceptions of Earthship occupants with regard to the indoor
comfort conditions they experienced and their involvement with the operation of their home’s natural
ventilation systems.

3.4.1 Study Design

Of the six Earthships that were monitored, two were nightly rentals and therefore were only occasionally
occupied, and the other four were homes that were occupied fairly constantly. An adult from each
Earthship home (as opposed to the rental Earthships) was asked to complete a questionnaire titled
Earthship Daily Comfort. They used the questionnaire for one week in winter, spring and summer. The
aim of this was to understand how Earthship dwellers perceived the conditions in their home – for
example did they feel too hot or too cold – and to understand how they responded to the indoor comfort
conditions in terms of actions such as altering their amount of clothing, using natural ventilation, et
cetera. It was anticipated that they would be actively managing the indoor conditions and would be, in
general, experiencing comfortable indoor conditions, although perhaps they might be willing to tolerate
occasional discomfort or accept a wider indoor temperature range than that which is considered normal.
The Earthship Daily Comfort questionnaire was designed to enable correlation with the data collected
from the Earthship Comfort Levels monitoring programme. This was achieved by asking the
respondents to record the time and date of their responses to questions that were time dependent, for
example they were asked “please indicate RIGHT NOW how you feel at this moment” with possible
responses ranging from “hot” to “cold” (see Appendix C for a copy of the questionnaire). Thus it was
possible to compare their response at a given time with the data collected at that time, and observe how
they perceived the indoor comfort conditions of their home.

3.4.2 Results of Earthship Daily Comfort Study

This section presents key results of the Daily Comfort Questionnaire. The results are derived from the
responses to the questionnaires and are cross referenced to data collected in the Thermal Performance
Monitoring study.
There were four respondents to the questionnaire, two from one house (House #6 Packaged design)
and one for House #2 (Global Model) and House #5 (U Module). The occupants filled out the
questionnaire every day for approximately one week in winter, spring and summer.
Of particular interest are the occupants’ responses to two questions relating to thermal comfort:
“Please indicate how you feel RIGHT NOW at this moment” with possible responses being: “cold, cool,
slightly cool, neutral, slightly warm, warm, hot”. This question is subsequently referred to as the
“Comfort” response.
“Please indicate how you would RATHER be feeling RIGHT NOW at this moment” with possible
responses of: “cooler, no change, warmer”. This question is subsequently referred to as the “Rather”
Table 3.3 presents a cross tabulation of the responses to the two questions described above and Figure
3.18 displays the results in graph format. It shows that of the 59 responses, collected in both the
greenhouse and living areas, approximately half of the responses (50.8%) indicate the occupants were
very comfortable, and wanted no change in the conditions. Interestingly, 16.9% reported that they
wanted “no change” but were also “slightly cool” and similarly 3.4% wanted “no change” but were
“slightly warm”, thus the proportion wanting “no change” was 71% (42 out of 59 respondents).
In terms of the responses that would rather have “cooler” conditions (11), all of the associated comfort
responses (18.6%) were “slightly warm”; a logical result; however, of those that preferred “warmer”

conditions (6), the comfort rating responses varied: 1.7% (1 response) had felt “cool”, 6.8% (4) had been
“slightly cool” and 1.7% (1) “neutral”; a total of 10.2% (6) who would rather have been “warmer”.
Table 3.3 - Cross correlation of comfort and rather responses (all houses)
n = 59 Rather Total
Cooler No Change Warmer
Count 0 0 1 1
% of Total 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 1.7%
Count 0 10 4 14
Slightly cool
% of Total 0.0% 16.9% 6.8% 23.7%
Count 0 30 1 31
% of Total 0.0% 50.8% 1.7% 52.5%
Count 11 2 0 13
Slightly warm
% of Total 18.6% 3.4% 0.0% 22.0%
Count 11 42 6 59
% of Total 18.6% 71.2% 10.2% 100.0%

Figure 3.18 - Frequency of Thermal Sensation Votes Adaptive Comfort Model Analysis

Figure 3.19 presents the indoor operative temperature and the external 7 day running (“prevailing”)
mean air temperature for the respondents who wanted “no change” in the living areas only. For these
responses the indoor operative temperature is plotted against the prevailing mean outdoor temperature
calculated as per the ASHRAE Standard. The red and blue lines indicate the upper and lower limits
(respectively) of the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort Model. The limits are based on temperatures that 80%
of the population find comfortable based on the prevailing mean outdoor air temperature (ASHRAE,
2012) (equations are given below). The dotted part of the ASHRAE limits represent an extrapolation of
the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort range which is only intended for use in climates with prevailing mean
outdoor temperatures above 10C and below 33.5C.
TU = 17.8 + (0.31 x pma(out)) + 3.5C
TL = 17.8 + (0.31 x Tpma(out)) - 3.5C
These results indicate that the Adaptive Comfort Model may be an accurate way of predicting the range
of comfort temperatures in the Taos Earthships, although, as some of the votes lie outside the comfort
range, it indicates that Earthship occupants may be more willing to accept slightly higher or lower
temperatures (up to 2.5C) than the general population.

Figure 3.19 - ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort analysis, all houses (N=37)

3.4.3 Summary of Earthship Daily Comfort Study

Questionnaire responses from four Earthship occupants (three homes) indicate that for the majority of
the time they were very comfortable and did not mind occasionally being slightly cool or slightly warm.
The measured indoor operative temperature recorded at the time the responses were made, generally
falls within the comfort range of the ASHRAE Adaptive Comfort Model indicating that this ASHRAE
Standard is accurately predicting the range of temperatures at which Earthships provide thermally
comfortable conditions. Furthermore, the Standard, which is not intended for climates as cold as Taos,
can be extrapolated to predict a comfortable indoor temperature range in cold climates, although this
conclusion is tentative due to the small data set.

3.5 Chapter Summary

The POE studies investigated a wide range of issues relating to the “as built” performance of Earthship
homes, improving the understanding of these issues and providing data necessary for justifying the
assumptions of the subsequent Thermal Performance study and LCA study.
Overall the POE studies indicate that Earthship inhabitants live a fairly “normal” life in the sense that
they have all the usual modern conveniences enjoyed in developed countries yet they are highly aware
of the limitations and maintenance requirements of their off-grid systems, and are willing to trade off
some conveniences that grid-connection would provide, for what they perceive to be a more relaxing,
healthy, ecological, and enjoyable lifestyle. The monitoring of six Earthships in Taos confirms anecdotal
evidence, and supports the claim that Earthships in Taos remain comfortable with either zero or minimal
heating and cooling despite the extreme climate. Furthermore, the survey of Earthship occupants
around the world indicated that they also enjoy comfortable indoor conditions for the majority of the time
without significant heating and cooling needs; however, the use of wood fires during overcast winter
weather was reported by many.

4 Thermal Performance Studies

4.1 Introduction
This Chapter discusses the thermal modelling studies to investigate the thermal performance of the
Earthship and compares it with similar designs and with various other construction types and materials.
The first study explores the effect of wall construction materials on the quantity of energy required to
maintain comfort conditions inside a home, in the Adelaide climate, thereby providing data required for
the LCA study which will be presented in Chapter 5. It is primarily concerned with the effect of the
external walls. As Earthship wall construction is unusual and anecdotal reports of Earthship thermal
performance are generally very favourable, an investigation of how the Earthship external wall performs
and compares with other external wall types is of interest and highly relevant to the comparative LCA
study. The study also explores the effect of other design features typical to Earthship design - an
attached greenhouse and earth-sheltering berms - as well as the effect of other design and construction
issues such as the quantity of glazed area and internal wall construction materials.
The second study aims to fine tune and validate a simulation model of the Global Model Earthship in the
Taos (USA) climate, using a calibration process which utilises the measured data from the POE study
presented in Chapter 3.
The third study then uses findings from the above calibration process to re-evaluate the thermal
performance of the Earthship in the Adelaide climate. The results of the third study are compared to the
first study, highlighting the effect of changes in assumptions arising from the calibration process, and
presenting a range of values for heating and cooling energy for use in the LCA study.
The fourth and final study investigates the simulated performance of the Earthship in a variety of warm
and cold climates in Europe using the calibrated model with a view to addressing the claim that
Earthships perform well in a wide variety of climates and investigating the claims of sub-standard
performance in some European climates (Hewitt & Telfer, 2007).

4.1.1 Definitions
In this study “thermal envelope” or “envelope” is used to describe the main components of the building
that affect its thermal performance; the floor, roof, external walls, internal walls and glazing.
“Heating and cooling load” is used to describe the total energy load required to provide comfort
conditions in the home, as opposed to “operational energy” which is used to describe not only heating
and cooling energy but also other energy required for appliances, lighting, hot water, and any other
equipment. The term “loads” is used to describe the theoretical quantity of heating and/or cooling loads
which are the sum of the total heat losses (heating load) or heat gains (cooling load) as opposed to
“energy” which factors in other issues such as the efficiency of the heating and cooling plant (e.g. “Star”
rating of the appliance), and the fuel type (e.g. gas versus electricity).
“Equator facing” refers to the side of the house that faces the equator, and hence receives the most
solar radiation. It is the north side of houses in the southern hemisphere and the south side of houses in
the northern hemisphere.
“Glazed area” refers to the amount of glazing as a percentage of the equator facing wall area, not of the
floor area (which is a more common way of expressing glazed area). This is due to the design of the

user interface of the thermal modelling software. For example “50 percent glazed area” means that half
of the equator facing wall is glazed. (No other walls are glazed in an Earthship.)
“Living space” is used to differentiate from the “greenhouse space” (which is not intended as a living

4.1.2 Thermal Modelling Software

All studies were conducted using the DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus software to simulate theoretical heating
and cooling energy loads and/or indoor temperature and relative humidity when no heating or cooling
was used. DesignBuilder (DesignBuilder, 2013a) version and EnergyPlus (US Department of
Energy, 2012) version were used in this study.

4.2 Study 1: Adelaide Climate, Thermal Envelope Variables

4.2.1 Introduction

This study was designed to estimate the energy loads in a house design based on the Earthship
principles in the Adelaide, South Australia, climate subject to a number of alterations, namely the
external wall construction, internal wall construction, greenhouse, berm and window area. The effect of
floor plan and glazing layout was also briefly investigated for a “conventional” home for comparison.
Although in reality Earthship buildings use zero or minimal space heating and cooling, in this study
heating and cooling is assumed to be employed because this parameter is being used to evaluate the
performance of various wall constructions which generally employ heating and cooling systems. In the
context of the LCA study, the heating and cooling load is of interest as it is well known that heating and
cooling energy is a significant contributor to a building's lifecycle impacts. In Australia it is estimated to
represent approximately 38% of energy use in the home, equating to approximately 20% of the home’s
greenhouse gas emissions (Milne & Riedy, 2010).
Heating and cooling loads are also a proxy for the innate comfort level provided by the wall type in the
absence of heating or cooling: the more energy required for heating/cooling the less comfortable the
home would be without a heating/cooling system. One of the claims about Earthship, and to a certain
extent strawbale, rammed earth and mudbrick, is that these construction types need little or no heating
and or cooling when coupled with passive solar design principles.
The calculation method uses well respected tools and up to date data, however, it must be noted that all
the results presented here are only indicative and must not be construed as being perfectly
representative of reality. They do however provide a solid basis for comparison. Furthermore, a
subsequent study (Study 3) tests the sensitivity of various key parameters and modelling assumptions
giving a range of potential figures for heating/cooling energy use.

4.2.2 Assumptions & Study Design

A model house design was developed as a vehicle to investigate a variety of design features and
material options that comprise the thermal envelope with a view to understanding their effect on thermal
performance and heating/cooling energy use.
The design parameters investigated were:
 external wall construction materials
 internal wall construction materials
 inclusion/exclusion of attached greenhouse (as per the Earthship design)

 inclusion/exclusions of earth sheltering (as per the Earthship design)
 glazed area of equator facing side of house (orientation of glazing was not investigated)
The thermal envelope layout and design of each hypothetical house is based on the Global Model
Earthship design: it is long in the east-west axis and shallow in the north-south axis with an attached
greenhouse on the equator facing side which is segregated from the living space by a glazed partition
wall (in Study 1 this was assumed to be single glazed and in the other studies it was assumed to be
double glazed). External walls are earth-bermed. Internal walls run north-south dividing the living space
into a single row of rooms which all adjoin the greenhouse; there are no rooms at the rear of the house
that do not receive direct sunlight from the greenhouse, which acts as a corridor.
For comparison to the Global Model Earthship’s passive solar design, a more conventional (square)
floor plan was also modelled. Its external walls were assumed to be insulated timber frame (TF) and the
internal walls lightweight (LW). It was modelled as a square floor plan of the same area and ceiling
height as the Global model Earthship, with the same roof, floor and glazing type. The glazing area was
modelled as being evenly distributed across all external walls rather than exclusively on the equator
facing wall.
The following sections describe key assumptions such as site characteristics and climate, dimensions of
the building, construction materials types and properties, occupancy rates, natural ventilation
schedules/rates, and heating and cooling settings. Adelaide Climate

The context of the study is Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia (Lat. -34.92 SL, Long. 138.62
EL). Its climate is temperate (Bureau of Meteorology, 2013a) and is characterised by hot, dry summers
and mild to cool, wet winters. According to the Bureau of Meteorology’s 30 year climate data, the
highest mean maximum occurs in January (33.7°C); the lowest mean minimum occurs in June (5.5°C);
the mean annual highest temperature is 42°C and the lowest is 2°C(Bureau of Meteorology, 2012).
Adelaide is the driest capital city in Australia with an average annual rainfall of 549mm (Bureau of
Meteorology, 2013b). Daily global average solar radiation in the summer is 7.6kWh/m2 and in the
winter, 2.5kWh/m2 (Lee, Frick, ANZSES & Energy Partners, 2006).The Adelaide Climate is classified by
the Köppen classification system as “Csb” (Peel, Finlayson & McMahon, 2007), i.e. “temperate” or
“warm Mediterranean”.
Winter temperatures are cold enough to require homes to be heated whereas in summer frequent hot
days necessitate air conditioning. Nighttime temperatures in the summer offer some relief usually
dropping sufficiently to cool buildings with natural ventilation by purging hot air and replacing it with cool
night air.
Humidity is low to moderate which assists with comfort levels on hot summer days by allowing
perspiration to work effectively. Adelaide’s average annual rainfall is distributed mainly throughout the
winter months with very little rainfall during summer. The following graphs show the mean maximum and
minimum air temperature and relative humidity for Adelaide, measured at a weather station in Kent
Town, 2 km from Adelaide CBD(Bureau of Meteorology, 2011).

Figure 4.1 - Adelaide’s Mean Monthly Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature

Adelaide Climate Data

The EnergyPlus software uses Representative Meteorological Year (RMY) climate data for Kent Town,
Adelaide as per the files available from the EnergyPlus Weather Data webpage (U.S. Department of
Energy, 2013).
RMY refers to “a composite of 12 typical meteorological months of best fit for a range of weather
elements” (Lee & Snow, 2008, p. 1) consisting of hourly data such as temperature, humidity, wind
speed, precipitation and solar radiation for a given location. Ground Temperature

To clarify the term “ground temperature”, it typically refers to the temperature of the ground under the
floor slab, and in the case of earth-sheltered design, the bermed walls also have “ground” adjacent to
them. The under floor ground temperature is influenced by the indoor temperature and outdoor
temperature whereas the ground temperature often cited in earth-sheltered house literature (Baggs,
Baggs & Baggs, 1985) generally refers to the temperature of the earth at various depths without
considering the effect of indoor temperature, so these two should not be confused.
Throughout all thermal modelling studies, a validated model developed by Williamson (1994) TgroundS,
was used to predict the ground temperature. The model estimates the ground temperature at given
depths below floor level, based on the mean monthly temperature, assumptions regarding the indoor
temperature, and various attributes of the floor and the ground beneath (soil). These attributes are: U-
value, transfer modulus, lag time, internal admittance and lead time, all of which can be defined for the
“core” (central) and “edge” areas of the floor slab. Refer to Appendix D for further information.
TgroundS was developed further in Study 2 and 3 to account for the effect of the Earthship greenhouse
and other modelling assumptions regarding earth sheltering. Site Parameters

The default “template” data provided by DesignBuilder for “Adelaide City” was used as per Table 4.1.
This defines various key aspects of the site including latitude, longitude, elevation, precipitation and
exposure to wind.
Table 4.1 - DesignBuilder Site Parameters
Parameter Value
Latitude -34.92 deg
Longitude 138.62 deg
Elevation above sea level 50.0m
Exposure to wind “Normal”
Precipitation 750mm (note: this is higher than Bureau data)
Site orientation 0 deg (i.e. North facing)
Surface solar reflection 0.20

74 Occupancy, HVAC and other Assumptions
Occupancy was assumed to be 3.6 people (0.03 people/m2) approximating two adults with two children,
and that they would be at home from 3pm to 10am on the next day, every day (i.e. not at home for 5
hours in the middle of the day).
The temperature at which the heater turned on was 18C and was scheduled for operation during May
to September only (roughly, Adelaide’s winter), which are the cooler months in Adelaide. The
temperature at which the cooler was turned on was 26C and was scheduled for operation during
November to March (roughly, Adelaide’s summer).
Natural ventilation was set to occur at 3 air changes per hour (ACH) in the living space and 3ACH in the
greenhouse from November to March when the indoor temperature was above 21C, and the outside
air temperature was below 21C. Internal windows (i.e. the glazed partition wall between the
greenhouse and the living space) were assumed to be left open (30% open)from 11am to 4pm during
May to September to promote air mixing between the greenhouse and living space during the cold
months but not during the warm summer months. Shading of the greenhouse was achieved using
internal blinds with high reflectivity slats, controlled via a solar controller that closed the blinds when
solar radiation exceeded 200 W/m2, otherwise they were always open. Further energy savings might be
possible by closing blinds at night to prevent heat loss during winter; however, this scheme was not
Ground temperatures were calculated using software “TgroundS” (Williamson, 1994) based on the berm
dimensions shown in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3.
Air infiltration was assumed to be 0.7ACH.
Table 4.2 - HVAC and Occupancy Settings
Occupancy Heating Cooling Natural Ventilation Internal Window Greenhouse
Operation Blinds Operation
Set Point NA 18 deg C 26 deg C 21 deg C NA NA
Set Point NA NA 21 deg C NA 200W/m2
Jan 3.6 people (0.03 All hours, daily, All hours, daily, Blinds normally
Feb people/m2) from Nov-Mar Nov-Mar, 3ACH in open but close
3pm to 10am the living and when insolation
next day. greenhouse exceeds 200W/m2
May All hours, daily, 30% of glazed
Jun May-Sep area open,

4.2.3 Design & Construction Details

The floor is typical of Australian constructions and is also similar to the thermal mass floors used in
Earthships which are concrete, mud or flagstone. The roof is engineered to provide an insulation value
of R5.1 for the complete roof system. This is the value prescribed in Table Roof and Ceiling –
Minimum Total R-Value of the National Construction Code of Australia (Australian Building Codes
Board, 2012) for the coldest Adelaide climate (zone 6) and highest absorptance roof, and is comparable
to the highly insulated roof of the Earthship.
Common wall construction details including Brick Veneer, Reverse Brick Veneer, Double Brick, Timber
Frame, have been sourced using current design details for Australia and New Zealand (Insulation

Council of Australia and New Zealand, 2010).Other types of wall construction details have been sourced
from the literature: Steen, Steen, Bainbridge and Eisenberg (1994) for strawbale, Middleton and Young
(1979) for mudbrick and rammed earth and also Easton and Wright (2007) for rammed earth.
Table 4.3 presents the construction layers (from outside layer to inside layer) and the U-value calculated
by DesignBuilder software based on the material types and thicknesses.
Table 4.3 - Construction Layers (thicknesses in millimetres) and resultant U Values
Type Description (outside to inside) U value Type Description (outside to inside) U value (W/m2-K)
Floor 100mm thick concrete, uninsulated 3.355 Mudbrick 275mm mudbrick 1.863
Glazing, Double glazed, 4mm clear, 6mm air, 3.146 Mudbrick 25mm lime sand render, 100mm 0.326
external 4mm clear Insulated expanded polystyrene, 275mm
Glazing, Single glazed, 6mm clear 5.801 Precast 60mm concrete, 55mm extruded 0.438
internal Concrete polystyrene,150mm concrete
Panel, no
Roof 0.4mm steel, 196mm cellulose, 0.196 Rammed 300mm rammed earth 2.128
13mm plasterboard Earth (RE)
Brick 110mm brick, 40mm air gap with 0.337 RE Insulated 25mm lime render, 100mm EPS, 0.333
Veneer reflective foil, 70mm glass fibre, 300mm rammed earth
10mm plasterboard
Concrete 100mm EPS, 300mm concrete 0.346 Reverse 8mm Cement fibreboard, 70mm 0.322
Block blocks (hollow, heavyweight) Brick Veneer glass fibre, 40mm air gap with
Insulated reflective foil, 110mm brick, 10mm
Double 110mm brick, 50mm glass fibre, 0.512 Strawbale 50mm lime render, 450mm 0.108
Brick 110mm brick, 10mm plasterboard strawbale, 50mm lime render
Earthship, 100mm EPS, 1000mm earth, 10mm 0.235* Heavyweight 150mm mudbrick (adobe). Note 2.703
bermed, rubber, 630mm earth, 10mm internal wall this wall type also used for
insulated rubber, 25mm lime render Partition Wall.
Earthship, 25mm lime render, 100mm EPS, 0.299 Timber 10mm cement fibreboard, air gap 0.424
no berm, 10mm rubber, 630mm earth, 10mm Frame with reflective foil, 90mm glass
insulated rubber, 25mm lime render fibre batt, 10mm plasterboard.
Earthship, 10mm rubber, 630mm earth, 10mm 1.233 Traditional 20mm external render, 500mm 1.560
no berm rubber, 25mm lime sand render Cob clay soil 40% sands, 13mm plaster
Lightweight 10mm plasterboard, 90mm air gap, 2.246 Timbercrete 90mm Timbercrete, 110mm 0.245(Timbercrete,
internal wall 10mm plasterboard Super expanded polystyrene 2013)
Insulator (heavyweight), 90mm Timbercrete
* does not include effect of berm House Design & Dimensions

Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 illustrate the dimensions and layout of the house with and without the
greenhouse respectively. As mentioned previously the layout is based on a Global Model Earthship;
however, the external wall constructions were varied to understand their effect on heating and cooling
loads. The next section describes the various wall constructions.
The design shown is for the southern hemisphere (Adelaide) and hence glazing is arranged to face

Figure 4.2 - Passive solar thermal model with greenhouse

Figure 4.3 - Passive solar thermal model without greenhouse

Figure 4.4 illustrates the floor plan of the conventional home which was modelled with insulated Timber
Frame (TF) external walls, lightweight (LW) internal walls and all other constructions as per the passive
solar design model above. It has the same area and ceiling height as the Global Model Earthship with
the same roof, floor and glazing type.

Figure 4.4 - Conventional house thermal model - floor plan

79 Material Properties
In general, default settings for materials from the DesignBuilder database were used i.e. conductivity,
specific heat, density, thermal absorptance (emissivity) and solar absorptance. Where default settings
were not used, references are given.
Table 4.4 - Wall Material Properties
Material Density Specific Conductivity Thermal Solar Thermal Where Used
kg/m3 Heat J/kg.K W/m.K Absorptance Absorptance Resistance
(emissivity) m2.K/W
(R value)
Air gap >= 25mm (no 0.18 Light Weight
foil) Internal
Air gap >= 25mm 0.6 Brick Veneer
with foil Reverse Brick
(Robinson & Veneer
Powlitch, 1954)
Brick, mud 1730 880 0.750 0.9 0.6 Thermal Mass
Mudbrick with
Brickwork, inner leaf 1700 800 0.620 0.9 0.7 Double Brick
Reverse Brick
Brickwork, outer leaf 1700 800 0.840 0.9 0.7 Brick Veneer
Double Brick

Cement fibreboard, 350 1300 0.082 0.9 0.6 Reverse Brick

magnesium Veneer
oxysulphide binder Timber Frame
Concrete 2400 1000 1.400 0.9 0.6 Precast Concrete
Insulated Panels
Concrete Blocks/tiles 1220 840 1.350 0.9 0.6 Concrete Block
– block, hollow, Insulated
Earth, common 1460 880 1.280 0.9 0.7 Earthship
Earth, rammed 1960 840 1.210 0.9 0.7 Rammed Earth
(CIBSE, 2006) Rammed Earth with
Earth, rammed 1800 630 0.55 0.9 0.7 Rammed Earth
(Goodhew &
Griffiths, 2005)
Earth, rammed 2050 600 1.000 0.9 0.7 Rammed Earth
(Taylor, 2005) Rammed Earth with
Expanded 25 1400 0.035 0.9 0.6 Timbercrete Super
Polystyrene (EPS) Insulator Block
Expanded 15 1400 0.040 0.9 0.6 Concrete Block
Polystyrene (EPS) Insulated
(standard) Mudbrick with
Rammed Earth with
Extruded 32 1400 0.028 0.9 0.6 Precast Concrete
Polystyrene (XPS) Insulated Panels
Glass fibre slab 25 1000 0.035 0.9 0.6 Brick Veneer
Double Brick
Reverse Brick
Timber Frame
Plaster, dense 1300 1000 0.570 0.9 0.6 Cob

Material Density Specific Conductivity Thermal Solar Thermal Where Used
kg/m3 Heat J/kg.K W/m.K Absorptance Absorptance Resistance
(emissivity) m2.K/W
(R value)
Plasterboard 900 1000 0.210 0.9 0.6 Brick Veneer
(wallboard) Double Brick
Light Weight
Reverse Brick
Timber Frame
Render, external 1300 1000 0.570 0.9 0.6 Cob
Render, lime & sand 1600 1000 0.800 0.9 0.6 Mudbrick with
Rammed Earth with
Rubber 1500 1470 0.170 0.9 0.6 Earthship
Soil, alluvial clay, 1960 840 1.210 0.9 0.6 Cob
40% sands
Strawbale 125 1000 0.050 0.9 0.6 Strawbale
Wood, soft 593 2510 0.130 0.9 0.78 Light Weight
Internal (bridging
air gap)

Table 4.5 - Roof & Floor Material Properties

Material Density Specific Conductivity Thermal Solar Thermal Where Used
kg/m3 Heat J/kg.K W/m.K Absorptance Absorptance Resistance
(emissivity) m2.K/W
(R value)
Steel 7800 450 50.000 0.3 0.3 Roof
Cellulose 48 1381 0.040 0.9 0.6 Roof
Plasterboard (ceiling) 900 1000 0.210 0.9 0.6 Roof
Cast concrete 2000 1000 1.130 0.9 0.6 Floor

Table 4.6 - Glazing Material Properties

Material Outside Inside Conductivity Solar Outside Solar Inside Solar Where Used
Emissivity Emissivity W/m.K Transmittance Reflectance Reflectance

Glass, generic 0.84 0.84 0.900 0.775 0.071 0.071 Internal windows
clear 6mm thk
Glass, generic 0.84 0.84 1.00 0.816 0.075 0.075 External windows
clear 4mm thk

Table 4.7 - Glazing Material Performance

Material Total Solar Direct Light U-value (ISO U-Value Thermal Where Used
Transmissi Solar Transmission 10292/EN673) W/m2.K Resistance
on (SHGC) Transmissi W/m2.K m2.K/W
on (R value)
Double glazed unit 0.74 0.67 0.801 3.272 3.146 0.317* External windows
4mm clear glass,
6mm air, 4mm clear
Glass, generic clear 0.828 0.79 0.881 5.739 5.801 0.172* Internal windows
6mm thk
* DesignBuilder calculation External Wall type

Eighteen external wall types were included in the study. They were selected to represent a wide range
of construction methods, from conventional to alternative, all of which were compared to the Earthship
rammed-earth-tyre wall.
Timber frame, brick veneer and double brick were included as they are fairly common throughout
Australia, whereas reverse brick veneer, although uncommon, was chosen as it is acknowledged as
being a good method of positioning large amounts of thermal mass within the building envelope - a
passive design principle(Hollo, 1995, pp. 30-33) - using fairly conventional construction methods that

are achievable by the typical builder. Less common alternative constructions such as Strawbale,
rammed earth, and mudbrick are included as these are perceived as environmentally friendly, energy
efficient building methods. Refer to Table 4.8 for a full list of wall construction types and their
The selection of wall types also represent different approaches to providing thermal comfort: some walls
rely on insulation, others use thermal mass, or a combination of insulation and thermal mass.
Wall types that are often used for “earth-sheltered” designs – in which walls have mounds of earth piled
against them to form an earth berm – have been modelled with and without a berm and with and without
external insulation, so that the effects of the berm and insulation can be ascertained. This is particularly
relevant to the Earthship concept which would be more readily applicable to suburban environments if
the berm was unnecessary. If insulation could replace the berm, issues such as the physical space
required for a berm, and the unusual aesthetic of the berm could be overcome.
Another configuration of the Earthship wall that was investigated relates to Michael Reynolds’ innovation
called the “Thermal Wrap” (Reynolds, 2000, p. 61), a vertical 100mm layer of expanded polystyrene
foam (EPS) within the berm, offset 1200mm from the tyre wall. Simulations with and without the thermal
wrap were conducted to ascertain whether this innovation is appropriate in the Adelaide climate.
The effect of adding insulation to mudbrick and rammed earth has also been modelled due to recent
media reports that these constructions are not energy efficient despite anecdotal evidence to the
contrary (Thomas, 2011). Internal wall type

Two types of internal wall were investigated, “thermal mass” and “light weight”. The conventional light
weight method of building internal walls in Australia is a timber (or steel) frame with plaster board lining
whereas a thermal mass wall such as mudbrick, rammed earth, or fired brick is less common but is
known to improve the thermal performance of the building (Hollo, 1995, pp. 30-33).
Internal walls are aligned north south as per the typical Earthship design at a spacing of 4 metres.
Including this variable enabled a direct comparison of the effects of the internal wall material on the
heating and cooling load. Nomenclature
An abbreviated name for each thermal envelope is defined by the components comprising it using the
abbreviations in Table 4.8.
The naming structure for all variations is;
[External Wall] [Berm] [Internal wall] [Greenhouse] [%Window Area]
The External Wall classification refers to the layers of construction materials that comprise the wall. It
does not include the berm. The inclusion of a berm is designated by the letter B. If a berm is not
included in the wall construction a dash or a space is displayed where the “B” would otherwise appear.
For the majority of wall types the Berm classification is not applicable.
The Internal wall type is designated next as either Thermal Mass (TM) or Light Weight (LW).
The inclusion of a greenhouse in the thermal envelope is designated by GH. If a greenhouse is not
included in the thermal envelope a dash or a space is displayed where the “GH” would usually appear.
The window size is expressed as the percentage of glazed area in relation to the area of the equator
facing wall.
Two examples:
SB - TM - 60 = Strawbale external wall (with no berm) with Thermal Mass internal walls, greenhouse not
included, equator facing wall is 60% glazed.

ES B LW GH 80 = Earthship external wall, with berm, with Light Weight internal walls, greenhouse is
included, equator facing (partition) wall is 80% glazed.
Table 4.8 - Thermal Envelope Components and their Abbreviations
Description Abbreviation
External Walls
Brick Veneer (with insulation) BV
Concrete Block Insulated CBI
Concrete Block Insulated, bermed CBI B
Double Brick (with insulation) DB
Earthship, bermed ESB
Earthship, bermed with thermal wrap ESTWB
Earthship, no berm ES
Earthship, no berm, insulated ESI
Mudbrick MB
Mudbrick Insulated MBI
Precast Concrete Insulated Panel PCCIP
Precast Concrete Insulated Panel, bermed PCCIPB
Rammed Earth RE
Rammed Earth Insulated REI
Reverse Brick Veneer (with insulation) RBV
Strawbale SB
Timbercrete Super Insulator Block TCSIB
Timber Frame (with insulation) TF
Internal walls
Light Weight LW
Thermal Mass TM
Greenhouse GH Attached Greenhouse

The effect of attaching a greenhouse to the glazed, equator facing side of the house was investigated
as this is a well-known passive solar design strategy (Hollo, 1995, p. 28; Mazria, 1979, p. 52-53) and is
almost always employed in Earthship designs. Each thermal envelope was modelled both with and
without the greenhouse to understand its effect.
The greenhouse is assumed to have 100% glazed area, with double glazed windows. The partition wall
separating the greenhouse from the living space was modelled as a mudbrick wall 275mm thick with
single glazing. This positions thermal mass effectively; for regulating the temperature in the greenhouse
and transferring it to the living space (Hollo, 1995, pp. 28-29; Mazria, 1979, p. 181). The volume of this
mass is affected inversely by the size assumed for the windows in this partition wall.
The greenhouse was modelled with double glazed windows and double brick walls with an insulated
cavity (identical to the external wall type “Double Brick” described later - refer Table 4.3). This
construction was used to model the greenhouse walls as it is similar in terms of the location of insulation
and thermal mass to Reynolds’ “can walls” which use aluminium beverage cans in a thick mortar of
cement, in a double leaf, insulated format (Reynolds, 1990, p. 157). This modelling approach
(approximation) was favoured as it would be difficult to accurately simulate the “can wall” due to its
unusual design.
The greenhouse equator facing glazing is angled at 60° (from horizontal),as per Reynolds’
specifications for maximising winter heat gain (Reynolds, 1990, p. 31), which is approximately
perpendicular to the mid-winter sun in Adelaide, thereby maximising winter solar gain, but also creating
a potential problem of overheating in the summer. Overheating has been addressed by internal blinds in
these simulations; however, other shading strategies will be discussed later.
Figure 4.2 shows the thermal model design with greenhouse and Figure 4.3 shows it without the

83 Area of Glazing
This variable was included as it is well known that the amount of glazing has an effect on the heating
and cooling load of the house. To minimise heating and cooling requirements the area of glazing must
be carefully designed to balance solar gains with the house’s capacity to react appropriately to this
energy source, which is primarily a function of the thermal envelope’s insulation and thermal mass
characteristics. Mazria (1979) recommends a ratio of 11% to 25% of equator facing glass to floor area
(p. 119-122) and for a design such as that modelled in this study, Baverstock (1986, p. 4-4)
recommends a ratio of glass to wall (for the equator facing wall) of 63%.
The area of equator facing glazing was varied to establish the optimal area of glazing for each
combination of external and internal walls, in terms of minimising the heating and cooling load. The
optimal area of glazing was also contingent upon the presence (or not) of the attached greenhouse so
the optimal glazing area was calculated for configurations with and without the greenhouse. NOTE: the
area of external glazing of the greenhouse was constant at 100%. The varying glazed area in the case
of the attached greenhouse configuration refers to the partition wall separating the greenhouse from the
living area of the house – refer Figure 4.2.

4.2.4 Results & Discussion

Simulations were conducted for each external wall type (ref Table 4.8) combined with the light weight or
thermal mass internal walls and each of these combinations was modelled with or without the
greenhouse (refer Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3). Each combination, characterised by external wall, internal
wall and inclusion or exclusion of a greenhouse, was then modelled with a range of window areas of the
equator facing wall to determine the optimal glazing area: the area at which the total heating and cooling
load was minimised. The heating and cooling loads for each variation were recorded in a spreadsheet
and totalled in kilowatt hours (kWh) per annum (unless stated otherwise).
The results of these simulations are presented and discussed below in terms of the effect of the various
elements of the thermal envelope. Optimal Glazed Area

The optimal glazed area was found to be quite small for the “with greenhouse” thermal envelopes
whereas for the “without greenhouse” envelopes there was a wide range of optimal values based on
their external wall type. In the case of the attached greenhouse envelopes, the optimal glazed area for
the partition wall between the greenhouse and the living area was quite low, in the range of only 5 to 20
percent (refer Figure 4.5). This is at odds with current Earthship designs which have a partition wall that
is approximately 90 percent glazed. The small glazed area for the “with greenhouse” design is optimal
due to the need to limit heat gain from the greenhouse to the main living area (by conduction and
radiation through the windows) during the summer; limiting heat loss in the winter may also be a factor.
The optimal glazed area was determined by the quantity of thermal mass in the external walls: large
quantities of thermal mass tended to have a higher optimal glazed area whereas the light weight
designs required less glazed area for optimal performance.
For the “without greenhouse” thermal envelopes the optimal glazed area ranged from 30 to 70 percent
(refer Figure 4.6) with a tendency for the envelopes with thermal mass internal walls to be optimal at a
higher glazed area compared to the same envelope with light weight internal walls which required less
glazed area for optimal heating/cooling performance. This was expected as it is well known that in a
temperate climate, thermal mass constructions are better able to store energy from solar heat gain (and
release it later when it is needed), compared to lightweight structures which rely on insulation as part of
the approach to maintaining comfortable temperatures(Reardon, 2010). The results indicate that very
large glazed areas - which are not good insulators - should be avoided (or augmented with close fitting
curtains) for light weight structures.
For a given external wall type, the effect of internal wall type had varying effects on optimal glazed area.
The “with greenhouse” envelopes’ optimal glazed area was generally 5 to 10 percent higher for the

thermal mass internal walls compared to the light weight internal walls. The exception to this was the
insulated, bermed concrete blocks (CBI B) which had an optimal glazed area of 10 percent for both the
thermal mass and light weight internal wall types.
The “without greenhouse” thermal envelopes were more sensitive to the internal wall type and again
there was the universal result that thermal mass internal wall designs were optimal with more glazed
area than the light weight internal wall designs. The optimal glazed area was 10 to 30 percent higher for
the thermal mass internal walls compared to the light weight walls.
Establishing the optimal glazed area seems sensible in terms of improving energy efficiency; however,
for many envelope types it was not critical; glazed areas higher than optimal generally did not result in
large increases in the heating and cooling load in absolute terms; however, for highly energy efficient
designs (i.e. SB – TM GH and ESTW B GH) the load may actually double e.g. for the Earthship from
approximately 500kWh p.a. to 1000kWh p.a. Also, for the lightweight envelope (TF – LW) the glazed
area did have a substantial impact, especially when there is an attached greenhouse. The glazed area
is therefore quite influential on heating and cooling energy for some construction types and not so for
others, although this depends on whether the comparison is absolute or relative.
To ensure adequate natural lighting and views to the greenhouse and outdoors, the glazed area may
need to be slightly above optimal. A value of 50 percent glazing was calculated to provide adequate
natural light (refer to Table 4.9). The daylight factor and interior illumination level (Ei) for the various
areas of glazing were calculated by equations given by Assisted Interior Design () assuming that the
outdoor illumination level was 5000lux.
For the LCA study which will be discussed in Chapter 5-7, it was decided to adopt the results for thermal
envelopes with a figure of 50 percent of glazed area rather than the optimum glazed area, which varied
for each thermal envelope, as this would cause complexity in terms of calculating material quantities for
the various thermal envelopes and, what is more, it might be argued that homes with differing areas of
glazing were not “functionally equivalent”, for example, due to differing quantities of natural light (and
hence different energy use for lighting) and different feelings of wellbeing. Furthermore, a 50 percent
glazed area of equator facing wall represents an approximate average in terms of the optimum
(minimum) heating and cooling load for the various thermal envelopes: for “with greenhouse” envelopes
the optimum was often lower than 50 percent, whereas “without greenhouse” envelopes the optimum
was generally higher than 50 percent, and the effect of increased areas of glazing for the “without
greenhouse” envelopes was minimal. Thus this approximation seemed reasonable and greatly
facilitates the presentation and discussion of the results.
Hence many of the following analyses in this section of the thesis use the results for 50 percent glazed
area as the basis for analysis and discussion.
Table 4.9 - Illumination Level Calculations
total window total floor
Glazed area area % glazed to Ei
Area % (m2) (m2) floor area Daylight factor (lux)
5 2.725 121 2.25 0.23 11
10 5.455 121 4.51 0.45 23
20 10.905 121 9.01 0.90 45
30 16.36 121 13.52 1.35 68
40 21.815 121 18.03 1.80 90
50 27.265 121 22.53 2.25 113
60 32.72 121 27.04 2.70 135
70 38.17 121 31.55 3.15 158
80 43.625 121 36.05 3.61 180
90 49.08 121 40.56 4.06 203
100 54.53 121 45.07 4.51 225

Figure 4.5 - Total Heating and Cooling Loads With Greenhouse for various glazed areas

Figure 4.6- Total Heating and Cooling Loads Without Greenhouse for various glazed areas

86 Effect of the Greenhouse on Optimal Glazed Area
Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6 also reveal the effect of the greenhouse. For the “without greenhouse” thermal
envelope designs, as the glazed area increases above optimal, the increased energy usage is fairly
minimal – the curves are generally quite flat. Thus there is scope to increase the glazed area (of the
equator facing wall) to improve views or natural lighting without significantly increasing the
heating/cooling load. In contrast, the energy use of the “with greenhouse” envelopes increase at a
greater rate than the “without greenhouse” envelopes, because of the high temperatures in the
greenhouse which tend to be conducted through large single glazed parts of the partition wall with the
living area.
The Timber Frame external wall with light weight internal wall (TF LW) follows this general pattern but
has a higher rate of increased energy use as the glazing increases in area, indicating that very large
glazed areas for a construction such as this, combined with a greenhouse, should be avoided (as they
will need substantial HVAC requirements). Effect of the Greenhouse on Heating and Cooling load

Figure 4.7 displays the heating and cooling loads for the “with greenhouse” and “without greenhouse”
configuration of each thermal envelope combination of external and internal wall type. The potential
energy saved for each configuration (with 50 percent glazed area) due to the presence of the
greenhouse is shown by the black bar. The results are ranked by the amount of energy saved due to the
greenhouse, on an annual basis in kWh.
Timber Frame (TF) and Brick Veneer (BV) benefit the most indicating that retrofits of equator facing
greenhouses may be particularly useful for these wall types, provided substantial quantities of thermal
mass can also be retrofitted into the design. (For the “with greenhouse” envelope models the partition
wall was adobe and 50% glass rather than the external wall construction material). The insulated, non-
bermed Earthship (ESI -) benefits similarly. In contrast, the designs that are inherently more energy
efficient do not benefit as much from the greenhouse. (The benefit for them is approximately 500-
700kWh p.a. which is still a substantial energy saving.)
In summary, when coupled with a small to moderate amount of glazing in the partition wall, which is
assumed to be made from thermal mass materials such as adobe, the greenhouse contributes to
significant energy savings by reducing heating loads, albeit with a slight increase in cooling loads
(heating/cooling breakdown is discussed in the following section). Shading of the greenhouse in
summer (e.g. via reflective automatically controlled blinds) may be necessary to achieve these results
although the effect of using blinds was not tested in this study. Natural ventilation techniques and the
use of earth tubes (which are typical of the Global Model Earthship design, but were not modelled) may
also help to address high indoor temperature.

Figure 4.7 - Total Heating and Cooling Load With and Without Greenhouse and Energy Savings due to Greenhouse

88 Influential drivers of Heating and Cooling Loads
To better understand how the design of the thermal envelope affected energy use, the heating and
cooling loads were plotted separately for a selection of external wall types with various quantities of
thermal mass and insulation: Strawbale, Timber Frame, Rammed Earth, and Earthship with Thermal
Wrap and Berm (refer Figure 4.8 - Figure 4.11).This analysis reveals that in Adelaide the heating load is
always dominant with only one exception, the ESTWB TM GH (Figure 4.11) which has a dominant
cooling load when the glazed area is approximately 80 percent or above probably due to excessive
conduction of hot greenhouse air with the living spaces (during summer) caused by the large glazed
There is an almost linear relationship between glazed area and the cooling load regardless of the
configuration of the thermal envelope. The cooling load is usually decreased by thermal mass internal
walls when compared to light weight internal walls, and this is more pronounced for the thermal
envelopes with a greenhouse combined with large glazed areas; however, in general the effect of
internal wall type on the cooling load is minimal or negligible. The heating load is also decreased by a
thermal mass internal wall when compared to a light weight internal wall; however, this effect is far
greater than the cooling effect and is more pronounced for designs without a greenhouse.
There was a high degree of consistency in terms of the effect of the internal wall material in both the
“with greenhouse” and “without-greenhouse” thermal envelopes. The envelopes with thermal mass
internal walls (TM) increased the opportunity for the building to enjoy a larger glazed area, and with
decreased heating and cooling loads, whereas light weight internal walls (LW) require a smaller less
glazed area to achieve the minimum heating and cooling load and had a higher energy requirement
than the equivalent thermal mass design. This can be explained by the capacity of the thermal mass to
absorb the solar heat gains and regulate the indoor temperature appropriately, whereas light weight
designs are not able to absorb as much heat and consequently they require less solar heat gain to
function optimally for their design type, but ultimately cannot achieve the same level of energy
These findings are consistent with passive solar design principles which recommend the inclusion of
thermal mass inside the building envelope (Hollo, 1995, pp. 30-33).

Figure 4.8 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Strawbale external wall envelope

Figure 4.9 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Timber Frame external wall envelope

Figure 4.10 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Rammed Earth external wall envelope

Figure 4.11 - Effect of internal wall type and greenhouse on heating &cooling load on Earthship with Thermal Wrap and Berm
external wall envelope

91 Effect of the Berm
Figure 4.12 presents the energy saving due to the berm for thermal envelopes with a glazed area of 50
percent. Only external wall types which were deemed to be structurally capable of withstanding the
significant forces exerted by the berm were modelled. Thermal envelopes are compared on the basis
that one has a berm whereas the other does not, yet the external wall construction is basically identical.
(Note that ESTW indicates insulation positioned within an Earthship berm, whereas ESI indicates an
Earthship wall (rammed earth tyres) with a layer of insulation on the exterior side of the tyre wall in the
absence of a berm.)
The total heating and cooling load for the bermed configuration is listed followed by the non-bermed
configuration, then the net energy saving which is labelled the “berm effect”. The results are listed in
order of the net energy saving arising from the berm.
It can be seen that the berm reduces energy use in the order of 40-60 percent compared to the non-
bermed counterpart indicating that it is a significant energy saving measure.
Less energy efficient thermal envelopes, such as the uninsulated Earthship without greenhouse,
benefits the most from a berm. Not surprisingly, thermal envelopes that are inherently energy efficient
do not benefit greatly from the berm in terms of net energy saved but may save a similar amount of
energy relative to their non-bermed counterpart.

Figure 4.12 - Energy Saving due to Berm

93 Rammed Earth Material Properties Study
The results already presented for rammed earth envelopes, assume certain thermal properties for
rammed earth by Taylor (2005, pp. 7-6) as these were calculated in the context of a temperate
Australian climate; however, due to the variable nature of earth and earth construction methods further
simulations were conducted to establish the effects of various assumptions regarding the thermal
properties. A review of the literature was undertaken and two more sets of values were selected
(CIBSE, 2006; Goodhew & Griffiths, 2005), one with higher conductivity and one with lower conductivity
than that reported by Taylor. The thermal properties of rammed earth from these three studies are
shown in Table 4.10.
Table 4.10 - Rammed Earth Property Variations
Material Density kg/m3 Specific Heat J/kg.K Conductivity W/m.K
Earth, rammed (CIBSE, UK) 1960 840 1.210
Earth, rammed (Goodhew) 1800 630 0.55
Earth, rammed (Taylor ) 2050 600 1.000

These variations of the properties of a rammed earth external wall were simulated in a thermal envelope
with thermal mass internal walls , no greenhouse (and no berm)(RE-TM).The results for various glazed
areas are shown in Figure 4.13. The results were as expected; the higher conductivity assumption
(CIBSE) led to reduced energy efficiency. The graph shows this as higher energy use for heating and
cooling, in kWh pa. Further modelling and research would be valuable, however it was decided that
Taylor’s properties provided useful data for this study. This discussion is also relevant to the thermal
performance of other earth construction types such as Earthship and mudbrick, however for the
purposes of this study the values used in the simulations (as reported in Table 4.4) are deemed to be
sufficiently accurate.

Figure 4.13 - Rammed Earth properties, sensitivity study

94 Effect of Insulation Versus No Insulation
The following graph shows the effect of insulation for the 50 percent glazed envelopes. It compares a
thermal envelope with insulation (refer to Table 4.3 for the quantity and type of insulation used) to the
same envelope without insulation (not all envelope types had this pairing). Results are ordered from
least energy saving (due to insulation) to most energy saving.
As discussed elsewhere the positive effect of the Earthship’s “thermal wrap” insulation is evident but is
not great. The greatest benefit is gained by the rammed earth and mudbrick constructions which save in
the order of 900-1200 kWh pa, almost halving their total heating and cooling load in some cases.
Figure 4.15 shows the effect of the thermal wrap in terms of the effect on the cooling load and the
heating load (rather than the total heating and cooling load) in two types of Earthships; one with and one
without a greenhouse. Both have thermal mass internal walls. The thermal wrap significantly reduces
the heating load and increases the cooling load slightly in both Earthships (with and without
greenhouse). This result indicates that the thermal wrap is beneficial overall, reducing the total heating
and cooling energy, yet in the summer it is detrimental as it increases the indoor temperature.

Figure 4.14 - Effect of Insulation on total heating and cooling load

Figure 4.15 - Effect of thermal wrap (insulation in berm) on heating and cooling loads in Earthships with thermal mass internal
walls Effect of External wall Material

The effect of the external wall construction has been analysed by categorising the optimal heating and
cooling load results according to the configuration of the thermal envelope. Categories used for the
analysis are shown in Table 4.11.
Table 4.11- Categories of Thermal Envelope Configurations
Category Berm Internal wall Type Greenhouse
1 Included Thermal mass Included
2 Included Light weight Included
3 Included Thermal mass Not included
4 Included Light weight Not included
5 Not included Thermal mass Included
6 Not included Light weight Included
7 Not included Thermal mass Not included
8 Not included Light weight Not included

Table 4.12 presents the results for a 50 percent glazed area thermal envelope. For clarity, categories
without greenhouse are highlighted and all lightweight internal wall categories are listed in the right
column, thermal mass internal wall categories in the left column. This analysis shows that in each
category there is a similar pattern in terms of the order of the external wall types, based on energy
demand. For example it can be seen that for the bermed envelopes (categories 1,2,3,4) the Thermal
Wrap Earthship (ESTW B) and the Precast Concrete Insulated Panel (PCIP B) perform best, whereas
the Insulated Concrete Block (CBI B) and the Earthship without the Thermal Wrap (ES B) are
consistently ranked third and fourth respectively. Thus, the energy demand ranking is largely
determined by external wall type.
Likewise, when comparing the non-bermed envelopes (categories 5,6,7,8), regardless of the
greenhouse and the internal wall type, a similar pattern emerges, the energy demand ranking is
determined by external wall type. Strawbale, Insulated Earthship, Insulated Rammed Earth, Precast
Concrete Insulated Panels, Insulated Mudbrick tend to perform best, whereas Rammed Earth, Mudbrick
and Timber Frame tend to perform less well. This is not surprising as the external wall represents a
substantial component of the thermal envelope where heat exchange occurs between outdoor and

indoor air. In the absence of more influential factors such as the greenhouse and the berm, the external
wall type plays a significant role.

Table 4.12 - Analysis of effects of External wall type

Wall Abrv Total heating & Cat. from Table Wall Abrv Total heating & Cat. from
With thermal mass cooling load 4.11 With lightweight cooling load Table 4.11
internal walls kWh p.a. internal walls kWh p.a.

ESTW B TM GH 50 558 1 PCIP B LW GH 50 739 2

PCIP B TM GH 50 575 1 ESTW B LW GH 50 756 2
CBI B TM GH 50 605 1 CBI B LW GH 50 795 2
ES B TM GH 50 678 1 ES B LW GH 50 908 2
ESTW B TM - 50 1076 3 PCIP B LW - 50 1321 4
PCIP B TM - 50 1127 3 ESTW B LW - 50 1323 4
CBI B TM - 50 1156 3 CBI B LW - 50 1388 4
ES B TM - 50 1380 3 ES B LW - 50 1647 4
ESI - TM GH 50 1178 5 ESI - LW GH 50 1448 6
SB - TM GH 50 1196 5 PCIP - LW GH 50 1477 6
REI - TM GH 50 1229 5 SB - LW GH 50 1483 6
MBI - TM GH 50 1230 5 REI - LW GH 50 1494 6
PCIP - TM GH 50 1246 5 MBI - LW GH 50 1503 6
CBI - TM GH 50 1248 5 CBI - LW GH 50 1509 6
RBV - TM GH 50 1307 5 RBV - LW GH 50 1599 6
TCSI - TM GH 50 1338 5 TCSI - LW GH 50 1688 6
DB - TM GH 50 1396 5 DB - LW GH 50 1691 6
BV - TM GH 50 1522 5 BV - LW GH 50 2004 6
TF - TM GH 50 1572 5 ES - LW GH 50 2021 6
ES - TM GH 50 1710 5 COB - LW GH 50 2166 6
COB - TM GH 50 1869 5 TF - LW GH 50 2221 6
MB - TM GH 50 2157 5 MB - LW GH 50 2486 6
RE - TM GH 50 2350 5 RE - LW GH 50 2693 6
CBI - TM - 50 1966 7 SB - LW - 50 2382 8
PCIP - TM - 50 1972 7 ESI - LW - 50 2426 8
RBV - TM - 50 2021 7 PCIP - LW - 50 2446 8
TCSI - TM - 50 2027 7 REI - LW - 50 2461 8
SB - TM - 50 2080 7 CBI - LW - 50 2479 8
DB - TM - 50 2122 7 MBI - LW - 50 2485 8
ESI - TM - 50 2141 7 RBV - LW - 50 2567 8
REI - TM - 50 2188 7 TCSI - LW - 50 2647 8
MBI - TM - 50 2199 7 DB - LW - 50 2662 8
BV - TM - 50 2530 7 ES - LW - 50 2887 8
TF - TM - 50 2647 7 COB - LW - 50 3063 8
COB - TM - 50 2797 7 BV - LW - 50 3135 8
ES - TM - 50 2863 7 TF - LW - 50 3314 8
MB - TM - 50 3134 7 MB - LW - 50 3418 8
RE - TM - 50 3304 7 RE - LW - 50 3595 8 Earthship Variations Analysis

This analysis compares the results of various Earthship wall envelopes so that the effect on energy
demand of design features such as the thermal wrap, and attached greenhouse can be seen clearly,
and to explore the effects of non-bermed Earthships - with and without insulation – which would more
easily fit within a suburban context. Total heating and cooling load per annum for eight variations of the
Earthship wall are presented in Figure 4.16.
The effect of the berm, greenhouse, wall insulation and internal walls has been discussed previously so
this will not be repeated; however, in summary, assuming a 50 percent glazed equator facing wall with

thermal mass internal walls, the ranking (by energy demand) from best performance to poorest
performance is as follows:
 Berm with insulation, with greenhouse (ESTW B GH)
 Berm (without insulation in berm), with greenhouse (ES B GH)
 Berm with insulation, without greenhouse (ESTW B)
 Unbermed, insulated with greenhouse (ESI GH)
 Berm (without insulation in berm), without greenhouse (ES B).
 Unbermed, uninsulated, with greenhouse (ES- GH).
 Unbermed, insulated, without greenhouse (ESI) i.e. adding a layer of insulation (100mm thick
expanded polystyrene) and render to the exterior of the tyre wall.
 Unbermed, uninsulated, without greenhouse (ES- ).
Not surprisingly, the best performing Earthship envelope includes the berm, insulation in the berm
(thermal wrap), thermal mass internal walls, and a greenhouse (ESTW B TM GH). This is the
configuration employed by the Global Model Earthship. These results suggest that Reynolds’ thermal
wrap innovation, and his use of thermal mass internal walls would work well in the Adelaide climate.
Regardless of the internal wall type, the insulated non-bermed Earthship with greenhouse (ESI – GH)
performs well – better than the “original” Earthship design (ES B). This indicates that a compact design
for the suburbs is feasible, although a significant floor space penalty would still occur due to the width of
the insulated tyre wall (approximately 800mm).

Figure 4.16 - Total Heating & Cooling Load of Earthship Variants

98 Conventional House Study
The main focus of this main thermal modelling study was a passive solar home based on the Earthship
and the effect of variations in the materials used to construct the thermal envelope. To make a
comparison to a conventional house design a brief modelling exercise was conducted in which the floor
plan and glazing arrangement was altered to approximate a more conventional home. The design and
construction of the “conventional house” is described in
The study found that the thermal performance of the “conventional design” was comparable to the two
worst performing passive solar envelopes: Mudbrick with lightweight internal walls (MB LW) and
Rammed Earth with lightweight internal walls (RE LW). Compared to the passive solar envelope
constructed with exactly the same materials (Timber Frame external walls and lightweight internal walls)
it requires approximately 13% more energy for heating and cooling. Compared to the Earthship with
Berm, thermal wrap (insulation) and greenhouse (ESTW B GH) it requires approximately 6 times more
energy for heating and cooling. Heating and cooling load ranking

Figure 4.17 presents heating and cooling energy loads as well as the total in kWh p.a. for the whole
house (e.g. not per m2) for each thermal envelope with 50 percent glazed area. The results are ranked
in terms of total energy load.

Figure 4.17 - Heating & Cooling Load Results for 50 percent glazed area

The results show that the most energy efficient designs include a berm, greenhouse and thermal mass
internal walls. The Global Model Earthship envelope ESTW B TM GH has the least energy load of all;
however, similar thermal performance is achievable with concrete block or concrete insulated panel
construction, if both have a berm, greenhouse and thermal mass internal walls.
The least energy efficient designs are those without a berm or greenhouse and generally feature
lightweight internal walls. The least efficient envelope is Rammed Earth, lightweight internal wall (RE
LW). It is interesting to note that when a layer of 100mm expanded polystyrene insulation is added to
the exterior of the rammed earth wall and thermal mass internal walls are incorporated (REI TM) the
energy use decreases by approximately a third.

4.2.5 Summary
This study supports the common wisdom regarding energy efficient buildings: heating and cooling loads
in a temperate climate such as Adelaide can be minimised by ensuring that windows are appropriately
sized, oriented, shaded, and (preferably) double glazed, and that thermal mass is positioned inside a
well-insulated shell, either by inner leaves of thermal mass in the main walls, or by thermal mass
internal walls. It also supports the literature on earth sheltered/covered architecture which cites minimal
(or zero) need for heating and cooling due to the beneficial ground temperature cycles (Baggs, Baggs &
Baggs, 1985). The reported benefit of attached greenhouses (Mazria, 1979) is also supported by the
Anecdotal evidence from Earthship dwellers and from the author’s observations and research (Freney,
2009) is that standard Earthship designs require little, if any, heating and cooling to remain comfortable.
The results presented above support this claim, and the general agreement between current knowledge
and this study’s results give confidence that the results are credible and suitable for informing the LCA
Studies of various options for constructing Earthship walls investigated the suitability of an unbermed
tyre wall for suburban contexts where the size and appearance of the berm may be problematic. It found
that a non-bermed, insulated Earthship design, is comparable to other energy efficient designs such as
Strawbale. These studies also reveal that the use of the thermal wrap has somewhat marginal energy
benefits in the Adelaide climate (which does not experience the extremely cold winters that Taos does).
In Adelaide the thermal wrap decreases the winter heating load but increases the cooling load. This
finding indicates that in temperate climates, the thermal wrap may become less important for reducing
operational energy.

4.3 Study 2: Simulation and Calibration of the Earthship home in Taos

Subsequent to Study 1, a field trip to Taos, New Mexico, USA, was conducted to undertake a post
occupancy evaluation of Earthship homes, not only to evaluate the actual performance of these homes
as already discussed in Chapter 3, but also to collect data to enable calibration of the thermal simulation
model of an Earthship home. This Section describes the calibration method and simulation results. This
calibration process is necessary to ensure that the way the Earthship design was modelled was correct
so that the model can be used for further analyses, including to test the suitability of an Earthship design
in climates other than in its origin, New Mexico, USA.

4.3.1 Introduction
The method used to monitor indoor and outdoor conditions of various Earthships in Taos, New Mexico,
USA, has been described in Chapter 3 Post Occupancy Evaluation. Study 2 uses the data collected in
one of the monitored Earthships - the Global Model Earthship referred to as House #1 in Chapter 3 - to
calibrate a simulation model of the building, using DesignBuilder®/EnergyPlus® (DesignBuilder, 2013b).
Particular effort was invested in developing an improved method for estimating the ground temperature,

a factor that has great bearing on indoor comfort conditions in an earth sheltered design such as the
The weather data that were collected in the POE study were augmented in this study by a third party
supplier; solar radiation and wind speed were obtained via Weather Analytics and combined into an
EPW file format with the outdoor temperature and relative humidity data collected in the POE study. The
Weather Analytics system uses the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) which “orchestrates the
collection, quality control and preprocessing of raw in situ and remote sensor data from a wide array of
sensor systems including ground stations, satellites, buoys, balloons, aircraft and ships” producing data
at 35km grid resolution (Keller & Khuen, 2012).
The calibration process involved a series of simulations in which key parameters were incrementally
altered, and statistical analysis was used to compare the simulated results to the measured results from
the POE study. Hourly air temperature results were the focus of the comparison, which used a statistical
method (Bou-Saada & Haberl, 1995; International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol
Committee, 2002) to assess the similarity between the two data sets: the coefficient of variance of the
root mean square error “CV (RMSE)” between the simulated hourly and measured air temperature was
calculated for the 12 month monitoring period.

CV(RMSE) % =

By experimenting with key variables in the thermal model and evaluating the CV (RMSE) the
simulations became more accurate.
It became clear that two factors were highly influential to the simulation results: the ground temperature
and air infiltration rates. The influence of the “under-slab” ground temperature came as no surprise
given the earth sheltered design of the Earthship. The model TgroundS (Williamson, 1994) for
calculating ground temperatures was further evolved in this study to account for the peculiar slab edge
condition in an Earthship arising from the presence of the greenhouse. A relationship between
measured temperatures in the bedroom, greenhouse and outdoors was used to predict ground
temperatures and the heat flow path (length) was increased to account for the modelling assumption
that insulation was positioned vertically in the berm and that there was zero (adiabatic) heat flow at the
outside surface of the wall. Also, by testing various assumptions regarding the ground temperature such
as conductivity of the soil in the berm and under-floor, the ground temperatures were recalculated,
producing more accurate simulation results.
A range of air infiltration rates that were deemed to be applicable to the Earthship were established on
the basis of design and construction elements and natural ventilation schedules that had been observed
and reported in the POE study; however, very little data was available regarding the occupancy of the
home, although there were some records of when the building was unoccupied, so these periods were
the focus of attempts to calibrate the model.
Iterative simulations of a range of air infiltration rates helped establish the rates which produced the
most accurate simulation results.

4.3.2 Assumptions & Study Design

The modelling assumptions were as follows: Occupancy was modelled as zero. Heating and cooling
were not used (“free running”). Natural ventilation was scheduled to occur from May to October (all
hours) when the indoor air temperature was greater than 21C, and when outdoor air temperature was
lower than indoor temperature. This was calculated based on opening and crack sizes, buoyancy and
wind pressures. All external windows were modelled as closed all the time. Earth tubes were not

modelled due to inadequate data regarding critical parameters such as air flow rate, soil type, soil
moisture content and user behaviour. Furthermore EnergyPlus’s® “ZoneEarthtube” object only allows
for a fixed rate of airflow throughout the year whereas in an Earthship this would be constantly
modulated by the thermodynamics of the greenhouse (and user behaviour). The heavy weight internal
wall was modelled as a 50mm thick concrete wall to approximate the amount of thermal mass in the wall
(i.e. air filled aluminium cans ignored; only their mortar was accounted for by the 50mm assumption).
Similarly, the greenhouse floor was modelled as being only half as thick as actual to approximate the
volume of thermal mass as the software was not capable of modelling the soil and foliage “floor” of the
garden area. Air infiltration was assumed to be zero in the living spaces and “excellent” (as defined in
DesignBuilder®) in the greenhouse. This air infiltration regime is a very high standard and may seem
unlikely; however the earth-sheltering and very tight connection between the roof and walls in the living
spaces and air tight seals throughout the building, especially in the greenhouse windows and vents,
gives this assumption some credibility. Moreover, simulation experiments in which air infiltration rates
were increased to more conventional levels lead to greater deviations from the measured air
temperature, and therefore the “tighter” values were adopted.

4.3.3 Design & Construction Details

The DesignBuilder® model was created using data from the architectural drawings of the Earthship, a
two bedroom Global Model design completed in 2010 with thermal envelope properties as described in
Table 4.13. Construction materials for each type of building element are listed from the outside to inside
layers. U-values are reported with no bridging effects.
Table 4.13 - Study One: Construction Layers and Thermal Properties
Type Description U-Value (W/m2-K)
Floor, living 100mm concrete (uninsulated) 3.355
Floor, greenhouse 25mm sand, 25mm flagstone 3.904
Glazing, external/internal Double glazed, 4mm clear, 16mm air, 4mm clear 2.715
Roof 0.4mm steel, 200mm Polyisocyanurate (PIR), 25mm softwood 0.110
External wall 1600mm earth, 25mm adobe render 0.613*
“Can” internal wall 50mm concrete 3.382
* does not include effect of berm

As built, the Earthship external wall construction is made from tyres filled with rammed earth. A layer of
polystyrene is positioned vertically in the berm about 1200mm from the tyres (the “thermal wrap”). Such
a construction poses some challenges to heat transfer modelling necessitating a series of simulations
aimed at assessing the validity of various approximations of this wall construction. EnergyPlus® uses
one-dimensional heat transfer functions through “layers” of materials (US Department of Energy, 2012)
and is therefore not capable of modelling the heat flow through an earth filled tyre due to its (toroid)
geometry. One solution is to model the tyre as two layers of 10mm thick rubber positioned
approximately 650mm apart, with compacted earth between the rubber layers (Kruis & Heun, 2007).
This was the initial approach adopted in Study 1; however, a simplified method was developed in this
study which yielded comparable results. It was found that the insulated, bermed tyre wall could be
accurately represented as a 1600mm layer of compacted earth (density 1900kg/m3) with adiabatic (zero
heat flow) conditions at the outside surface of the wall, and by calculating ground temperatures using
assumptions consistent with the assumptions regarding the construction of the berm and floor.

4.3.4 Results & Discussion

The simulated results indicate an acceptable level of accuracy of the model despite the uncertainties
outlined above.
For the bedroom a CV (RMSE) of 6.3% was obtained and for the greenhouse 13.7%. This is considered
to be an acceptable result as previous work showed that the best hourly empirical models were only

capable of producing CV (RMSE) in the 10% to 20% range (Bou-Saada & Haberl, 1995), thus the
accuracy of simulation for the bedroom is better than expected.
Figure 4.18 - Figure 4.20 compare results for measured indoor (Tint meas), greenhouse (Tghmeas) and
outdoor air temperature (Tout) with the simulated indoor (Tint sim) and greenhouse (Tgh sim) for three
selected weeks of the twelve month monitoring period. Winter
During the winter week (Figure 4.18) the simulated indoor temperature (in the bedroom) was often 2°C
higher than measured. An incorrect ground temperature assumption was the likely cause of this small
discrepancy, and experiments in which ground temperatures were adjusted for the winter months
confirmed this suspicion; however, for the rest of the year simulated temperatures in the bedroom were
remarkably similar to the measured data indicating that the calculated ground temperatures and other
assumptions were credible.
On one of the few cloudy days during the monitoring period (Figure 4.18, day 2) the greenhouse only
heated up to 18.7C. The daytime outdoor maximum was only 2.5C, and the bedroom temperature
was very stable dropping only 1.2C over the following night, as predicted by the simulation.
In the greenhouse, the simulated minimum temperatures are generally 2-4C higher than measured in
the winter, and the maximums were too low by up to 6C. In the summer, simulated greenhouse
temperatures are more accurate. Where the measured temperature is less than the simulated
temperature the discrepancy may be explained by the possibility that the occupants had opened the
outside windows and greenhouse roof vents to exhaust excessive hot air (Figure 4.19, days 2-4). Spring
Figure 4.19 shows the close match between measured and simulated temperatures for this week in
spring. Summer
During the summer week (Figure 4.20) the measured indoor air temperature is very stable ranging from
22.3 to 24.4C as predicted by the simulation. The Whole Year

Throughout the 12 month monitoring period, the overall picture is that of extreme outdoor temperatures
which ranged from -22.1 to 34.8C while a very stable indoor temperature range prevails even without
employing heating or cooling. The coldest indoor air temperature measured was 16.7C and the
warmest 27.7C. It is noteworthy that the maximum occurred in February (winter) when the outdoor
temperature was only 5.5C and this high indoor temperature could have been avoided by ventilating
the overheated greenhouse. The lowest minimum occurred in January at 7am one morning; however by
9am it had increased to 17.9C and by 10am it was 19.5C demonstrating that low temperatures are
short lived, and that the passive solar, earth sheltered design is very effective in the Taos climate.
In the greenhouse the results show that the diurnal temperature fluctuates most in winter (26C) when
the extreme maximums and minimums occur, whereas in the summer the diurnal swing is not as great
(20C) despite the greater outside temperature range in summer. This is most likely due to increased
solar gains in the winter caused by the angled greenhouse glazing which is optimised for winter gain.
Figure 4.21 presents measured indoor and greenhouse air temperature, and Figure 4.22, the
corresponding simulated results. The results are presented in terms of the average maximum and
minimum temperature for indoors and the greenhouse (“Tint ave max”, “Tint ave min”, “Tghave max”
and “Tghave min” respectively) and the 96th percentile indoor temperature extremes (“Tint 96%ile max”
and “Tint 96%ile min). The shaded background to these plots indicates the acceptable temperature
range in a naturally ventilated building based on the Adaptive Comfort Standard (ACS), as per ASHRAE
55-2010, addendum D (ASHRAE, 2012). This standard takes into account the prevailing mean outside

air temperature to calculate the upper and lower limits for the indoor temperature range that would be
acceptable to 80% of the population. Section 5.3 of this Standard describes a method for determining
thermal conditions in occupant-controlled naturally conditioned spaces. One of the criteria for using this
method is that the prevailing mean outdoor temperature is greater than 10°C and less than 33.5°C.
Unfortunately the Standard does not specify how to determine the thermal comfort range when the
prevailing mean outdoor temperature is outside this range, as it is for the colder half of the year in Taos.
Consequently the graphs show the thermal comfort acceptability limits that adhere to this criterion in
dark grey shaded area (“T80%adapt”), however, a light grey shaded area (“T80%extrap”) has been
used to indicate an extrapolation of the acceptability limits for the purposes of discussing the results of
this study. This has been done by plotting the minimum and maximum limits for a 10°C mean monthly
outdoor temperature for months with mean temperatures less than 10°C.
In the warmer months the results for the bedroom are very similar although the simulation tends to
underestimate the maximum 96 percentile extreme and overestimate the minimum 96 percentile
extreme. In the cooler months the simulation is towards the warmer side of the acceptability limits
whereas the measured data indicate that in reality there is a wider range of temperatures which are
slightly inclined towards the cooler side of the limits.

Figure 4.18 - 15/1/12-21/1/12 One week in Winter

Figure 4.19 - 26/3/12-1/4/12 One week in Spring

Figure 4.20 - 25/6/12-1/7/12 One week in Summer

Figure 4.21 - Measured indoor temperature versus ASHRAE acceptability limits

Figure 4.22 - Simulated indoor temperature versus ASHRAE 55-2010 acceptability limits for naturally-ventilated buildings

To improve the accuracy, further work is required to develop more accurate ground temperature
predictions. A study by Ip and Miller (2009) has begun this research in the Brighton, England climate, in
which monitoring of the under-slab and in-berm temperature of an Earthship has been measured. Aside
from measuring under-floor temperatures, data regarding earth type and moisture content throughout
the year would also be very useful.
Furthermore, to achieve more accurate and reliable simulations of Earthships and similar earth
sheltered designs, it is suggested that improvements are needed to EnergyPlus® and DesignBuilder®.
Although EnergyPlus’s “slab” utility is capable of generating ground temperatures based on differing
core and edge slab parameters, this is not sufficient to model the unusual construction of an Earthship
wall. Such walls often have rainwater tanks within them with water levels that vary on a daily basis. The
tapering shape of the berm provides for far greater earth sheltering at the base of the wall than the top
of the wall, and the characteristics of the earth in the berm may vary in terms of density, and moisture
content, the latter on a daily basis according to snowmelt, rainfall, irrigation et cetera thereby effecting
the conductivity of the berm. The geometry of the tyre which is non-planar has already been noted as
being problematic for EnergyPlus® heat transfer calculations. The inclusion of a layer of polystyrene in
the berm is also problematic for EnergyPlus®: an error message encountered while experimenting with
Earthship wall simulations stated “Highly conductive or highly resistive layers that are alternated with
high mass layers may also result in problems.”
Despite these limitations of the tools and the information available, the simulations have shown a high
degree of agreement with the measured results. Furthermore, the comparison to the adaptive thermal
comfort acceptability limits indicate similar results for both the measured and simulated results and
therefore give some confidence that further simulations in other climates are likely to be reasonably
reliable for predicting the performance of an Earthship built in these locations.
The overall assessment of the calibrated model’s results is that they are very accurate in predicting the
indoor air temperature during the warmer months; however, in the cooler months they tend to
overestimate the indoor air temperature by roughly 2°C on average.

4.3.5 Summary
The calibration study highlighted the importance of key factors such as ground temperature and air
infiltration rates, and once these parameters had been fine-tuned the simulation results were quite
accurate and certainly well within the commonly accepted range.
In terms of calculating energy use of the Earthship in other climates, the model is a best practice
approach, although validation through a POE monitoring exercise would need to be conducted to verify
its validity in other climates. However, for the purposes of the LCA study in which the energy use of the
Earthship in the Adelaide climate is of interest, the model is likely to produce more accurate results
compared to the first study which did not feature a calibration exercise; and so the calibrated model is
the basis for the following study.

4.4 Study 3: Adelaide Climate using Calibrated Model

4.4.1 Introduction
In Study 1, air infiltration rates were assumed to be “average” and the method used for calculating and
implementing ground temperatures was a basic initial approach. Variables that might influence the
heating/cooling load were investigated such as indoor wall construction, and glazed area.
In Study 2, a thermal model of the Earthship in the Taos climate was calibrated producing reasonably
accurate results of indoor air temperature. Through this process of calibration, key variables that drove

the results were discovered: air infiltration rates and ground temperature. The Tground software used in
Study 1 was developed and fine-tuned to address the effect of the greenhouse, producing slightly
different ground temperature results which resulted in more accurate indoor air temperature simulations.
The aim of Study 3 was to find out how the heating and cooling energy in the Adelaide climate, for the
Earthship and the other buildings studied in the LCA, was affected by the new assumptions for issues
such as air infiltration and ground temperature which had been found to be highly influential during the
calibration exercise of the Global Model Earthship in Study 2.
The same simulation model used in Study 1 was adapted and updated based on the lessons learned in
simulating the building in the Taos study (Study 2).
The study was designed to estimate the energy use for passive solar designed homes based on the
Earthship model in the Adelaide climate (Temperate/Mediterranean climate) subject to two key
variables; the external wall construction and inclusion/exclusion of the greenhouse although there were
other departures from the original parameters used in Study 1 which are noted where applicable below.

4.4.2 Assumptions & Study Design

Occupancy assumptions were identical to Study 1, i.e. 3.6 people (0.03 people/m2) approximating two
adults with two children. It was assumed that the occupants would be at home from 3pm to 10am on the
next day, every day.
The temperature at which the heater and cooler would be turned on was established by using the
ASHRAE adaptive comfort relationship (ASHRAE, 2012). As the minimum winter mean monthly
temperature in Adelaide is 11.4C (July) and the maximum summer mean monthly temperature is
23.3C (January and February) (Bureau of Meteorology, 2012) the lower and upper acceptability limit
based on the ASHRAE adaptive model is 17.8C and 28.5C (ASHRAE, 2012). DesignBuilder® allows
half degree increments for thermostat settings therefore 17.8C was rounded up to 18C to be
conservative (i.e. more energy use). Note that in Study 1 the cooling set point temperature differed: it
was 26C, and therefore cooling load in this study can be expected to be somewhat less.
Natural ventilation was set to occur at 3 air changes per hour (3 ACH) in the living space and 12 ACH in
the greenhouse (Study 1 used 3ACH in both living and greenhouse), any time throughout the year when
the indoor temperature was above 21C, and the outside air temperature was below 21C. These
natural ventilation rates were based on an estimation of the amount of outside air coming through the
earth tubes, doors and windows into the living spaces, and through the windows and vents in the
Internal windows (i.e. the glazed partition wall between the greenhouse and the living space) were
assumed to be left open at 1% of their area to simulate constant air mixing between the living and
greenhouse spaces due to air infiltration through cracks in doors and windows (Study 1 assumed 30%
open between 11am and 4pm from May to Sept).
Some Earthships in Taos employ blinds on the inside of the greenhouse glazing to block summer heat,
and this seemed applicable in Adelaide which gets even hotter than Taos. Experiments were conducted
to establish the most energy efficient schedule for their operation and it was found that leaving them
open in the winter, and closing them automatically when the indoor air temperature was above 21C
during the rest of the year, reduced the heating/cooling load the most (Study 1 assumed solar radiation
control of 200W/m2 - above this level the blinds closed).
Ground temperatures were calculated using a new version of TgroundS (Williamson, 1994) which
factored in the effect of the greenhouse and insulation in the berm, whereas in Study 1, the effect of the
greenhouse upon ground temperatures was not taken into account.
Air infiltration was assumed to be quite a high standard, in both the greenhouse and living space based
on the assumption that the earth-sheltered design, and measures such as weather seals and caulking

would minimise air infiltration. A setting of 5 ACH at a pressure of 50 Pa was used (unit of ACH at 50 Pa
is consistent with blower door test procedures and should not be confused with the natural ventilation
rates quoted above). Study 1 assumed higher “default” rates of air infiltration.

4.4.3 Design & Construction Details

Dimensions of the house were identical to Study 1 including “with” and “without greenhouse”
configurations. Construction layers and thermal properties are identical to those used in Study 1 with the
exception of the Earthship bermed walls which were modelled slightly differently as this has been shown
to increase accuracy of the model during the calibration exercise in Study 2: the bermed Earthship walls
were modelled as “adiabatic” (zero heat flow) as described in Study 2 whereas in Study 1 they were not.
Construction material details are given in Table 4.14.
A value of 50 percent glazed area (of the equator facing wall) was assumed as this had been
established as an appropriate quantity, apropos the LCA, in Study 1.
External walls that were structurally capable of being bermed (i.e. Earthship and Concrete Block) were
simulated with and without the berm and likewise external wall constructions that might benefit from
additional insulation were simulated with and without an additional exterior insulation layer.
Internal walls were modelled as thermal mass as this has been shown to decrease the heating and
cooling load substantially in Study 1. The exception to this was the “conventional” home modelled with a
square floor plan - it was modelled with lightweight internal walls to represent conventional construction
Table 4.14 - Construction Materials
Type Description U-value Type Description U-value (W/m2-K)
(dimensions in mm) (W/m2-K) (dimensions in mm)
Floor 100 thick concrete, uninsulated 3.355 Earthship 25 lime render, 10 rubber, 630 1.143
unbermed earth, 10 rubber, 25 lime render
Glazing, external and Double glazed, 4 clear, 6 air, 4 3.146 Heavy- 110 mudbrick (adobe). Note: 3.158
internal clear weight this wall type also used for (110mm)2.727
internal wall Glazed Partition Wall 275 thk (275mm)
Roof 0.4 steel, 196 cellulose, 13 0.196 Light-weight 10 plasterboard, 90 air gap, 10 2.246
plasterboard internal wall plasterboard
Brick Veneer 110 brick, 40 air gap with 0.337 Rammed 300 rammed earth 2.128
reflective foil, 70 glass fibre, 10 Earth
Concrete Block 1000 earth, 300 concrete block 0.816* Rammed 25 lime render, 100 EPS, 300 0.333
bermed insulated (hollow heavyweight) Earth rammed earth
Concrete Block 100 EPS, 300 concrete blocks 0.346 Reverse 8 Cement fibreboard, 70 glass 0.322
Insulated unbermed (hollow, heavyweight) Brick Veneer fibre, 40 air gap with reflective
foil, 110 brick, 10 plasterboard
Double Brick 110 brick, 50 glass fibre, 110 0.512 Strawbale 50 lime render, 450 strawbale, 0.108
brick, 10 plasterboard 50 lime render
Earthship, bermed, 1600 earth, 25 lime render 0.613* Timber 10 cement fibreboard, air gap 0.285
insulated Frame with reflective foil, 90 glass fibre
cement batt, 10 plasterboard.
board clad
Earthship, unbermed, 25 lime render, 100 EPS, 10 0.299 Timber 0.4 steel cladding, 100 glass 0.405
insulated rubber, 630 earth, 10 rubber, Frame, steel fibre batt, 10 plasterboard.
25 lime render clad
* does not include effect of berm

4.4.4 Results & Discussion
Consistent with Study 1, it was found that for all external wall types, the heating and cooling load was
less when heavy weight internal walls (mudbrick) were employed rather than light weight (plaster board
on timber stud).
Thus for brevity Figure 4.23 only shows the results for heavy weight internal wall building envelope
configurations. Results are shown in megajoules per metre square (MJ/m2) of living space floor area
(greenhouse excluded) per annum and kWh/121m2 p.a. to show the total for the whole house per
annum. For each external wall type results are shown for heating and cooling loads both with the
greenhouse (“GH”) and without the greenhouse. Results are listed in the order of total energy load (i.e.
heating plus cooling) of the configuration including the greenhouse.
The results indicate that when a greenhouse (with thermostat controlled blinds) is attached to the
equator facing side of the home, there are energy savings for all external wall types especially in terms
of reducing the heating load, although cooling load increases minimally for the more energy efficient
constructions. Those that benefit the most are Timber Frame, Rammed Earth, and Brick Veneer.
Compared to the other wall types, Earthship (Insulated &Bermed) and Concrete Block (Insulated
&Bermed) have the least to gain from a greenhouse, although energy use is approximately halved when
a greenhouse is added. It should be noted that the effect of the greenhouse may not only be attributed
to the glazing. The inclusion of a substantial 275mm thick adobe wall partitioning the greenhouse from
the living space is adding thermal mass to both spaces and enhancing the effect of the greenhouse due
to its capacity to store heat and regulate indoor temperatures. Therefore in greenhouse retrofits to
lightweight walls it may not be sufficient to simply add a glazed greenhouse: additional thermal mass
must also be included.
The result that winter heating is reduced by the use of a greenhouse is not surprising given Adelaide’s
cold, yet often sunny winter weather which necessitates heating, and opens the possibility for passive
solar gains via design features such as a greenhouse. The inconsistent effect of the greenhouse on
cooling can be explained by the quantities of thermal mass in the external wall constructions. High
thermal mass constructions required more cooling when a greenhouse was included, whereas light
weight constructions required less, indicating that the thermal mass’s storage capacity was a slight
liability, although the savings on heating compensated for this many times over. All wall construction
types benefit from the addition of a greenhouse which reduces energy consumption by approximately
The Earthship Insulated Bermed with Greenhouse (i.e. the Global Model design) has the least heating
and cooling load of all the building envelopes that were simulated (0.1MJ/m2). In comparison,
PassivHaus is assumed to have an energy load of approximately 15MJ/m2 (Feist, Peper, Kah & von
Oesen, 2001) while a 10-Star house located in Adelaide and rated in accordance with the Australian
Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS), would have a maximum load of 3MJ/m2
(NatHERS, 2013). Similar performance was achieved by the Concrete Block Insulated Bermed with
Greenhouse construction indicating that this wall type offers an alternative to a tyre wall with similar
thermal performance. Without the berm, the Earthship Insulated and Concrete Block Insulated external
walls perform similarly to Strawbale and Rammed Earth Insulated. The addition of insulation to the
outside of a Rammed Earth wall results in a drop in heating and cooling load from 34.5MJ/m2 to only
6.5MJ/m2. This energy saving construction technique (which can be retrofitted) may help the earth
building industry regain their environmental credentials (Thomas, 2011) in relation to heating and
cooling energy use. Similarly, when a tyre wall is built with no berm or insulation (Earthship, no
Insulation, no Berm) its performance is worse than the Timber Frame Insulated wall, whereas if a
100mm layer of polystyrene is added to the outside of the tyre wall the performance increases
dramatically, comparable to a Strawbale wall. The results indicate that traditional wall construction
methods used in Australia such as Double Brick, Brick Veneer, and Timber Frame, when coupled with
passive solar design principles and a high level of air tightness will also lead to low heating and cooling
energy, although their performance is still exceeded by that of an insulated bermed Earthship.

Figure 4.23 - Heating and Cooling Load in Adelaide Climate

Table 4.15 compares the total heating and cooling load between Study 1 and Study 3 for selected
envelopes - those selected for the LCA study. The average of the these two studies is also given and
this is the order in which the results are listed.
Each set of results, including the derived average results, is ranked; a rank of 1 indicating the lowest
energy use. Highlighted cells in the table indicate identical rankings across the studies.
The ranking indicates that there is a fairly consistent order in the performance of the envelopes despite
the large difference in absolute results: The Global Model Earthship (ESTW B TM GH) is consistently
ranked first, the bermed Earthship without the greenhouse (ESTW B TM) is always ranked second,
Brick Veneer eighth and Timber Frame ninth. The largest discrepancy is with the Rammed Earth
Insulated envelope which is ranked seventh in Study 1 and fourth in Study 3.
The results of Study 1 can be viewed as a high estimate of energy use where air infiltration may be quite
typical whereas Study 3 can be seen as a best case low estimate where air infiltration is negligible and
occupants tolerate higher indoor temperatures. It was decided that the LCA study would use the
average values to represent a conservative middle ground.

Table 4.15 - Comparison of Results of Thermal Performance Studies
Energy load kWh p.a.
Study 1 Study 3 (calibrated) Average
Description kWh pa rank kWh pa rank kWh pa rank
ESTW B TM GH 557.5 1 3.4 1 280.4 1
ESTW B TM 1075.7 2 37.7 2 556.7 2
CBI TM 1248.5 3 242.9 5 745.7 3
SB TM 2079.6 5 189.2 3 1134.4 4
RBV TM 2021.2 4 255.0 6 1138.1 5
ESI TM 2141.0 6 256.3 7 1198.6 6
REI TM 2187.8 7 231.8 4 1209.8 7
BV TM 2530.3 8 457.9 8 1494.1 8
TF TM 2647.4 9 571.7 9 1609.5 9
MB TM 3134.1 10 1067.8 12 2101.0 10
TF LW 3314.1 12 1018.9 11 2166.5 11
BV LW square floor plan 3569.0 13 884.0 10 2226.5 12
RE TM 3304.0 11 1225.0 13 2264.5 13

4.4.5 Summary
In comparison to Study 1 these results are consistently more favourable. This is probably due to the
comparatively lower (“tighter”) air infiltration rate, warmer ground temperatures and higher cooling set-
point assumed in Study 3.
Despite the large difference in results between the two studies, the relative performance of the thermal
envelopes is consistent i.e. the ranking of the thermal envelopes is very similar, for example the Global
Model Earthship (insulated and bermed, with greenhouse) ranks as the most energy efficient, and
uninsulated Rammed Earth being the least energy efficient; the greenhouse produces significant energy
savings as do the bermed designs when compared to their un-bermed counterparts. This indicates the
potential for energy savings via improved air tightness of building envelopes, and it highlights the need
for accurate ground temperature modelling. Finally, although a significant effort was made to develop an
accurate, calibrated, simulation model, without more detailed information regarding key parameters
such as ground temperature and air infiltration, the results must be treated as relative and not absolute.
In summary the results give confidence that the fundamental Global Model Earthship design would
perform better than other designs in the Adelaide climate.

4.5 Study 4: Earthships in Europe
Although the context of the LCA study presented in this thesis is Adelaide, Australia, Earthship
performance in other climates was of interest as it is claimed that Earthships would require minimal or
zero active heating or cooling in almost any climatic condition (Earthship Biotecture, 2012e). Few
scientific studies have tested this claim, and on the contrary, recent monitoring and anecdotal evidence
from Earthships built in Europe and the UK question the claim (Hewitt & Telfer, 2012).
This section evaluated the thermal performance in a variety of European climates using the calibrated
model from Taos. Simulations were conducted in: Paris, France (maritime temperate), Albacete, Spain
(arid/semi arid), Seville, Spain (warm summer Mediterranean), Valladolid, Spain (hot summer
Mediterranean) and London (marine west coastal). The Köppen classifications stated in the EnergyPlus
weather data STAT files used for the simulations were Cfb, BSk, Csb, Csa, and Cfb respectively. Note
that the study has recently been published (Freney, Soebarto & Williamson, 2013b) so only a brief
summary of results are presented here.
The thermal model used for this study was basically the same as the model used in Study 3. It was
based on the Global Model Earthship and used the same assumptions regarding occupancy and
construction materials, but it used different weather files (applicable to the European climates) which
were sourced from the EnergyPlus website (U.S. Department of Energy, 2013).
The heating and cooling energy use of the Global Model Earthship in the European locations was
generally very low with no need for cooling in the study locations with the exception of Valladolid which
required cooling during June-September although this small cooling load (0.9kWh/m2/yr) might be met
by the effect of earth tubes which were not modelled. Backup heating was indicated for Paris
(12.6kWh/m2/yr) and London (14.3kWh/m2/yr) during the colder months. Valladolid also required small
amounts of backup heating (4kWh/m2/yr) although far less than London and Paris. Albacete’s heating
load was negligible (0.06kWh/m2/yr). Seville required no heating or cooling whatsoever.
For comparison to existing standards and aspirations, in France the Réglementation Thermique 2012
specifies a “primary energy consumption” maximum for French homes of 50kWh/m2/yr (65 in the north
east, 45 in the Mediterranean and 45 in the south west) (, 2013). In the UK a low-
carbon strategy to reduce UK housing emissions (Boardman, 2007) quotes household energy use as
21-22,000 kWh/yr of which roughly 65% is for space heating. Even the “Passivhaus” concept requires
up to 15kWh/m2/yr of energy for its heat recovery ventilation system and backup heating (Feist, Peper,
Kah & von Oesen, 2001) putting it on par with the Global Earthship for energy use in cold, overcast
climates. For further information about this study refer to Appendix B which contains a copy of the paper
(Freney, Soebarto & Williamson, 2013b) where this research was first published.
This study indicates that backup heating systems are necessary in cold and cloudy climates; however,
the energy use is likely to be extremely minimal, on a par with Passivhaus heating energy requirements,
due to the Earthship’s capacity to store and release heat. In summer, over-heating reported by other
studies may be mitigated by natural ventilation of the greenhouse, and shading.

4.6 Summary
The four thermal modelling studies described in this Chapter have explored a wide range of issues
relating to the thermal performance of Earthships and other housing types, providing useful data for the
LCA study, and documenting improved methods for simulating Earthship thermal performance and
recommendations for further research.
The results tell a consistent story: thermal modelling predicts extremely low heating and cooling loads
for the Global Model Earthship in a wide variety of climates and variations of the Earthship external wall
construction, for example an insulated tyre wall without a berm, also performs very well. The “extreme”
passive solar design of the Earthship, which positions all the main rooms adjacent the equator facing

side so that they receive abundant solar radiation (in winter), lowers heating and cooling loads no matter
what the external wall construction type, indicating that this layout, and passive solar design in general,
is universally applicable to many construction types as a potent sustainable design strategy.
Study 1 demonstrated that in the Adelaide climate, the Global Model Earthship (earth-sheltered with
greenhouse) would be superior to the other constructions according to thermal modelling. This was due
to the earth-sheltering and the greenhouse in particular, and it was found that other external wall
constructions, when coupled with a greenhouse and earth-sheltering (if applicable), also achieved much
lower energy use indicating that these Earthship design features are excellent for the Adelaide climate.
In particular the greenhouse showed great potential to reduce energy use for all the constructions it was
modelled with, provided it is designed with adequate thermal mass integrated into its design and with
consideration given to shading it in the summer.
Study 2 demonstrated that it was possible to accurately predict indoor air temperature of a Global Model
Earthship despite many challenges arising from limitations of thermal modelling software, and lack of
detailed data regarding important issues such as the conductivity of the earth-berm. This study
confirmed the results of the POE study: that the Global Model Earthships built in Taos provide
comfortable indoor air temperatures despite the extreme outdoor weather conditions.
Study 3 implemented the findings of the calibration exercise (Study 2) to re-examine the performance of
a variety of construction types in the Adelaide climate - the basis of Study 1. Although the results were
quantitatively different to Study 1, in relative terms, it had very similar overall findings and showed that
the Global Model Earthship design was superior, and that the greenhouse was effective in reducing
overall heating and cooling loads for all construction types.
Study 4 showed that in cold and overcast climates i.e. Paris and London, minimal amounts of backup
heating would be necessary to maintain comfortable indoor conditions, corroborating the anecdotal
evidence that some Earthships built in cold European climates have not performed as hoped.
These studies give confidence that the basic Global Model Earthship design is suitable to a wide variety
of climates; however, it is important to evaluate climate specific issues such as the solar radiation
resource and make minor adjustments to the fundamental design. For example, in warm to hot climates,
shading of the greenhouse and or additional earth tubes may be necessary, and in cold overcast
climates backup heating devices may be needed. In the suburbs, where a berm may not be practical
due to its size and aesthetic, variations of the Earthship rammed earth tyre wall construction, which use
insulation instead of a berm, also proved to be very energy efficient and compared favourably with other
wall types such as strawbale.

5 Life Cycle Assessment Method

5.1 Introduction
Since the outcome of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is very dependent upon many issues used to define
the study, the following sections explain assumptions and approaches taken in some detail. The study
has been guided by the standards regarding LCA published by the International Organisation for
Standardisation (ISO) which produces a range of standards (including the 14040 series) (ISO, 1997)
which cover many, although not all, aspects of LCA practices.
ISO describes a four-stage process;
 Stage 1: The goal and scope of the study is defined which leads to the establishment of a
“system boundary” which defines what will and will not be included in the study.
 Stage 2: Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data are developed based on the inputs (e.g. materials,
energy use) and outputs (e.g. emissions to air, water, soil) of the system throughout all stages
of the system’s lifecycle.
 Stage 3: Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) is used to analyse the data collected in the
previous stage. Environmental impact “indicators” (e.g. global warming, land use, water use)
are used to predict potential impacts to human health and the environment.
 Stage 4: Interpretation is the final phase of LCA in which the LCI and LCIA data is scrutinised
and critiqued. Systematic processes for evaluating assumptions are conducted, limitations
discussed, and conclusions drawn (ISO, 1997, p. 4).

This Chapter details the rationale for assumptions and procedures adopted in this study for each of
these stages outlined above.

5.2 Overview of LCA of Buildings

5.2.1 Functional Unit

In the field of building and construction two types of LCA have been articulated: “whole building” and
“components/materials of buildings” or “Whole B/Cs” and “Building materials component combination”
(BMCC) (Kotaji, Schuurmans & Edwards, 2003, p. 11).
Although attempts have been made to develop a standardised functional unit for whole buildings and for
building components and materials, none have eventuated as yet (Kotaji, Schuurmans & Edwards,
2003, pp. 14-15). Therefore LCA practitioners must establish an appropriate functional unit based on the
goal and scope of the study to ensure functional equivalence between the systems being compared.
In general, whole building LCA uses the whole structure, over its whole life, with consideration to the
performance characteristics of the building (Kotaji, Schuurmans & Edwards, 2003, p. 14). For example
the service life of the buildings being compared may vary considerably due to construction materials or
weather conditions and therefore it would be necessary to use time as a factor in the functional unit.

Whereas if weather conditions and the service life of the buildings was the same but the floor area was
different then the functional unit should be based on floor area, or volume.
In terms of building material and component combinations (BMCC) the functional unit is defined by an
appropriate metric that may be typically used in product standards where products are compared. Kotaji
gives the following examples. In comparing insulation as this is related to the area being insulated and
the thermal resistance to heat transfer an appropriate functional unit will be m2K/W (which is the unit for
thermal resistance) per 1m2 of installed insulation, or for mortar, per tonne (assuming that other factors
such as strength and durability of the mortar are equivalent) (p. 14).
It is important to also consider other elements of the building that are relevant to the component being
studied to ensure parity between the systems being compared. For example when comparing wall
systems, Kotaji says, “to assess the overall impact of one wall compared to another, the study should
also include, for example, the environmental load associated with more or less concrete foundation
required to achieve the required building stability and durability...” (2003, p. 15).
The literature review showed that the most common basis for comparison was a unit of floor area per
year i.e. one metre squared per year, while other studies used the “whole house” per year as the basis
of comparison. Provided the floor area is given when a “whole house” functional unit is used, results can
easily be converted to m2/yr.
Another important issue that somewhat confounds LCA studies is the life expectancy of a building. A
range of 50-100 years was typical with some studies testing various life expectancies with a sensitivity
The functional unit for this study is defined as the “whole house” for a lifespan of 50 years. This life
expectancy was chosen to be somewhat conservative and to fit in with the current status quo of
continual economic growth in which housing construction, and demolition, play a significant role. In
Australia, it is current practice to demolish old homes that may be less than 50 years old and build new,
more fashionable homes, so although many construction types are physically capable of lifespans of
much longer than 50 years, there are social and economic factors that determine the lifespan of
buildings. The effect this assumption has on the results is discussed in Chapter 8.

5.3 Stage 1 - Goal, Scope, Functional Unit and Approach

As outlined in Chapter 4, the goal of the LCA study in this research was to estimate the potential
environmental impacts of building and living in an off-grid Earthship compared to various grid connected
homes built with a variety of wall constructions (including strawbale, rammed earth, and brick veneer).
The International Reference Life Cycle Data System Handbook (ILCD) specifies that six aspects of the
goal definition should be documented;
 “Intended application(s) of the deliverables/results
 Limitations due to the method, assumptions, and impact coverage
 Reasons for carrying out the study and decision-context
 Target audience of the deliverables/results
 Comparative studies to be disclosed to the public
 Commissioner of the study and other influential actors” (European Commission, 2010, p. 29)

5.3.1 Intended Applications

The results of this LCA study will contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the environmental
credentials of wall construction materials and processes and of the merits of the archetypical Earthship

features: the berm and the greenhouse. The study is, however, not intended to be used for any
commercial purposes.

5.3.2 Limitations
The following assumptions and conditions delimit this LCA study;
Climate zone: Adelaide (temperate Australian climate)
The study is based on thermal envelope construction appropriate to the Adelaide climate and conditions
which are characterised by the following conditions;
 No snow, few frosts, therefore the soil rarely freezes. This affects the design of footings and
avoids the need to insulate footings.
 Presence of termites (insects that eat timber structures). This affects the types of materials
used in wall construction. Stainless steel mesh, poison impregnated fabric and granulated
granite, are typical termite barrier systems in Australia.
 Infrequent seismic events. This affects the design of walls and footings, in particular the amount
of steel typically used for reinforcement.
 Infrequent storm events (e.g. hurricanes and cyclones do not occur in this region). This is more
relevant to roof design; however, it has some impact on wall design. More bracing and
reinforcement is needed in cyclonic areas.
 Footing design is for reactive clay soils (Site Class H1 as per AS2870-2011) which is a non-
conservative average in the Adelaide region (Wittmann, 2010).

5.3.3 Reasons for carrying out the study, and decision context
The study was conducted primarily for academic purposes and the primary objective was to compare
the environmental impacts of the Earthship to other housing types.

5.3.4 Target Audience

The target audience is potential home owners, builders, designers, planners and academics.

5.3.5 Comparisons intended to be disclosed to the public

ISO 14044:2006 requires that studies disclosed to the public should not use weighting factors for
reporting results because they are “based on value-choices and are not scientifically based” (ISO, 2006,
p. 22). Nevertheless weighting factors tend to aid in the comprehension of the results and as this thesis
is purely for academic purposes the use of weighting factors will be included in the interpretation of

5.3.6 Commissioner of the study and other influential actors

The study was initiated by the author. (Note: this has been made explicit to address the
recommendations of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System Handbook quoted previously)

5.3.7 Scope
The scope of this LCA study is “cradle to grave” defined as follows;
 Procurement of raw materials including extraction, manufacture and transport.

 Construction impacts of energy used by heavy machinery included, energy used by hand tools
e.g. drills, excluded, equipment/plant manufacture not included. Transport of materials to the
building site included.
 Energy used in the operation of heating and cooling systems, domestic appliances, hot water,
and lighting.
 Water used during the operation of the home.
 Wastewater treatment.
 Maintenance of external and internal (painted) walls only (but not roof, floor etc).
 Food grown in and around the home.
 Demolition and recycling.
The following types of walls form the basis of the comparative study:
 Brick veneer
 Concrete block
 Earthship (and variations of the tyre wall)
 Mudbrick
 Rammed earth
 Rammed earth with external insulation
 Reverse brick veneer
 Strawbale
 Timber frame
Brick veneer, concrete block, timber frame and to some extent, reverse brick veneer, were chosen for
the study as they represent the most common construction materials and systems for domestic scale
buildings. Strawbale, mudbrick and rammed earth were analysed as they have become the preferred
constructions particularly for “green” buildings. System Boundary

The system boundary for the LCA study is presented in Figure 5.1. Raw materials, manufacturing
processes, major construction processes (minor processes such as use of electric hand tools were
omitted) and end-of-life waste treatment processes are included for major building elements used to
construct the thermal envelope of the building (e.g. footings, floor, roof, walls). Others have been
omitted such as the majority of the plumbing and electrical componentry, although where there is
additional componentry required by the Earthship’s off-grid systems, these extras have been included.
Operational energy and some significant components/materials required for maintenance have been
The system boundary directs the focus of the study towards the key issues being evaluated, that is, the
thermal performance and the construction materials of the thermal envelope and performance of the off-
grid systems (compared to grid infrastructure), whereas other elements such as furniture, window
coverings and outdoor paving have not been included as these are not unique features of any particular
construction type being assessed by this study.

System Boundary
Resource extraction

Fossil fuel extraction

Material manufacture
Electricity generation

Transport to site
Potable water supply

Construction processes*

Building Elements excluded Building Elements included

*minor construction processes Footings
Off-cut waste not considered Floor
Plumbing (except off grid waste water system) Exterior walls (including insulation, earthberm etc as
Electrical (except connection to off grid system) applicable)
Furniture and cabinetry Interior walls
Skirting, cornice etc Roof structure including cladding
Garden Ceiling including insulation
Paving Paint
Window furniture Window frames and glazing
Floor coverings Greenhouse
System Elements
Off Grid Energy system (e.g. PV panels, batteries etc)
Excluded System Elements Off Grid Water system (e.g. tanks, filters, pumps)
Gas bottles (e.g. to boost off grid system) Off Grid Sewage treatment (e.g. septic tank, pumps)
Solar Hot Water Service
Air-Conditioning system

Operational issues excluded Building Operation included

Maintenance of non-wall building elements Heating and cooling energy
Appliance energy (electricity and gas)
Solar hot water service boost (gas)
Water use
Waste water treatment
Exterior and interior wall maintenance
Food production in/around the home

Building demolition

Disposal to landfill Disposal to recycling

Figure 5.1 - System Boundary Diagram

5.3.8 Functional Unit

The design of the house representing the functional unit was based on the basic dimensions and
proportions of the floor plan of the “Global Model” Earthship design. As the study focuses on Earthship,
and because the Earthship floor plan (arguably) represents a highly effective passive solar design (in
which all rooms obtain direct solar gains from the equator facing side) using one standardised floor plan
enabled the effects of wall construction, rather than floor plan design, to dictate the results.
Likewise, for the Thermal Modelling Study the standardised floor plan meant that orientation and
shading were identical for all the thermal envelopes being assessed and differences in the heating and
cooling load were attributable to the wall materials and other elements such as the greenhouse and
berm because other factors such as orientation, shading and glazing did not vary. One exception to this

general scheme is the inclusion of a house based on a more conventional floor plan and glazing
arrangement, traditional construction materials and grid connected utilities.
These assumptions are designed to answer the questions: (1) how are the environmental impacts
arising from heating/cooling energy in a passive solar design home based on the Earthship Global
Model floor plan effected due to changing wall materials, using or not using earth sheltering (the berm),
and using or not using a greenhouse, and (2) how does this compare to a more “conventional” home? Functional Unit Definition

The functional unit is defined as the whole house with the following properties/elements;
 121m2 floor area of internal dimensions either;
 The Passive Solar design of 22m x 5.5m, oriented with glazing facing the equator (i.e. north for
Adelaide) (refer to Figure 5.2) The outer dimensions vary according the External Wall type.
 The Conventional design of 11m x 11m (refer to Figure 5.3)
 An attached greenhouse and berm (refer to Figure 5.2) is also considered as part of the
functional unit (floor area 46m2) for some “Earthship” configurations, whereas other homes are
assumed to have no greenhouse and no berm.
 Ceiling height 2.7m.
 Footing designs vary for each External Wall type and are compliant with Australian Standards
for footings AS2870 based on a non-conservative (worst case) soil type for Adelaide i.e. highly
reactive deep clay - class H1.
 Glazed area of 29.7m2, double glazed, equator facing for Passive Solar design (refer to Figure
5.2) or, for the Conventional design (refer to Figure 5.3), double glazing is distributed equally on
all external walls.
 Roof.
 Floor.
 Standardised thermal comfort level based on the assumptions of the thermal modelling study
(see Chapter 4).
 Daylighting based on a glazed area of 50% of the north facing wall area.
 50 year life span.
 Energy, water, and sewage treatment systems designed to fulfil the needs of a family of four.

Figure 5.2 - Functional Unit Floor Plan for Passive Solar Design (with Greenhouse and Berm).

Figure 5.3 - Conventional Functional Unit Floor Plan

5.3.9 Approach
ISO 14044 details three main types of LCA questions;
“Micro-level decision support”:Life cycle based decision support on micro-level, i.e. typically for
questions related to specific products. “Micro-level decisions” are assumed to have limited and no
structural consequences outside the decision-context, i.e. they are supposed not to change
available production capacity.
“Meso/macro-level decision support”:Life cycle based decision support at a strategic level (e.g.
raw materials strategies, technology scenarios, policy options). “Meso/macro-level decisions” are
assumed to have structural consequences outside the decision-context, i.e. they are supposed to
change available production capacity.
“Accounting”:Purely descriptive documentation of the system's life cycle under analysis (e.g. a
product, sector, or country), without being interested in any potential additional consequences on
other parts of the economy.” (European Commission, 2010, p. v)
The International Reference Life Cycle Data Handbook (ILCD) lists “comparison of specific goods or
services” and “benchmarking of specific products against the product group’s average” as relevant
applications of the Micro-level decision support approach to LCA modelling (European Commission,
2010, p. 38). These match the aims of this study in which comparisons are being made and therefore a
Micro-level decision support approach is appropriate.
Advice on how to model this approach (“Situation A” – Micro-level decision support) is documented in
the ILCD. It recommends attributional modelling, using system expansion to solve multifunctionality
problems (arising from co-products) although where system expansion is not possible allocation may be
used. (European Commission, 2010, p. 82). Allocation was handled using the default ratios for
allocating impacts to multi-output process in the Australasian database supplied with SimaPro™ 7.3.3
(Goedkoop, Oele, de Schryver & Vieira, 2008). For example it uses economic allocation to attribute
impacts to the various co-products of timber production (wood chips, sawdust, etc) and it uses energy
content to assign impacts to the various products arising from oil refineries such as petrol and diesel.
Recycled material was assumed to be closed loop (recycled material goes back into the original
product) with the virgin material assumed to be substituted by recycled material, with an allowance for
losses and/or degradation in the recycling process. The environmental impacts of recycling are
therefore driven by the avoided production of raw materials and material lost in the recycling process.
Reused materials that could potentially be recycled, (or disposed of) after the reuse phase, for example,
car tyres used to build the Earthship walls were assumed to have impacts equal to the impacts
associated with the transport process needed to deliver them to the building site and away from the
building site at end-of-life, plus the impacts of end-of-life processes such as recycling or land-filling.

5.4 Stage 2 - Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI)

Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) refers to the “phase of life cycle assessment involving the
compilation and quantification of inputs and outputs for a product throughout its life cycle.” (ISO, 2006,
p. 2). This section describes the process used to establish the inventory of inputs and outputs to the
system arising from the lifecycle of the various buildings being analysed.
There are two levels of inventory: the LCI databases relating to materials and processes generated by
industry and researchers, and the data developed in this study regarding the construction materials,
products, and processes that have been used in the construction elements of the houses being
analysed. The latter is referred to, in this study, as the Building Elements Inventory.

Another important LCI item is the operational energy used by the house during its “use” phase. The
method for generating this data has been described in Chapter 4, which investigates thermal
performance in the Adelaide climate.
Having identified these inputs for house construction and operation, SimaPro LCA software is used to
implement the primary data contained in the LCI databases. Assumptions regarding recycling rates and
disposal methods are also entered into the software completing the process of defining assumptions
regarding the life cycle of the home. Using this information the LCA software generates a very detailed
inventory (LCI) which can be analysed to assess environmental impacts using a variety of
environmental “indicators” (described in Section 5.5). LCI Databases

Where possible the LCI data used in this study are from “Australasian Unit Process LCI” (RMIT Centre
for Design, CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control & Life Cycle Strategies, 1998-2007) 2013
edition. These data were originally developed during the late 1990s by the RMIT Centre for Design from
data originally developed by the CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control (Carre, 2011). It is
updated by Tim Grant of Life Cycle Strategies (Life Cycle Strategies, 2014).
Currently the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) is developing an Australian Life Cycle
Inventory Database Initiative (AusLCI), which will “provide and maintain a national, publicly-accessible
database with easy access to authoritative, comprehensive and transparent environmental information
on a wide range of Australian products and services over their entire life cycle” (AusLCI, 2013).
However at this stage preliminary (“beta release”) electricity data is the only inventory that has been
published and the associated report is pending.
Australian LCI data developed by BPIC (Building Products Innovation Council) are available via the
BPIC website, however these data were not used due to concerns that the methodology of this study
may not adhere to their protocol (Howard & Sharp, 2010) which may result in BPIC members taking
action “ enforce correct use of the data. A full range of remedies to misrepresentations or
consequential damages may be pursued...” (p. 12).LCI data tends to be confidential as it has the
potential to seriously damage the viability of industries by exposing their environmental credentials.
Likewise, the use of the data is a sensitive issue because if used improperly, false conclusions will be
made regarding the environmental attributes of products and industries. Therefore it is not surprising
BPIC have explicitly warned users of the data about the potential for recourse should their protocol not
be adhered to.
Consequently the Australasian Unit Process LCI provides the most “open source” freely available,
liability-free dataset; however, it has the disadvantage of being somewhat limited in scope and therefore
other datasets must be used such as the European EcoInvent (Ecoinvent, 2013). In such cases these
data were adapted to Australian conditions as much as practicable, generally by changing energy
(electricity and gas) and transport processes from European processes to Australian processes –
generally South Australian processes. Validation
Life Cycle Impact Assessment results for major building products such as bricks, concrete, timber are
presented with a comparison to similar studies and a discussion about the quality of the LCI data used
in this study. Building Elements Inventory - Method

The general approach for calculating the Building Elements Inventory was as follows;
1. Research typical construction methods to establish the materials required and how they are
 Calculate the volume of each material via either:

 a computer model (hereby referred to as a CAD model) using 3D parametric solid modelling
software (SolidWorks) as a means to calculate material quantities and document the
assumptions made regarding materials and construction.
 or, for components with very basic geometry, simple calculations.
2. Create a drawing to document the assumptions regarding the material volumes and the overall
structure under analysis and establish the volumes of all relevant components.
3. Calculate the mass using the known material densities which were sourced from product
specification sheets or, for more generic materials via online sources such as the SI Metric
website (SI Metric, 2012).
4. In some cases a second stage of calculations were performed to calculate the volume of “sub-
components” for example, the “render” component was calculated firstly as a gross volume of
render. Secondly, the volume of sand, cement, and water were calculated based on volumetric
mixing ratios for the render. Likewise for the tyre wall, the gross volume of the wall was
calculated first and then the volume of its sub-components (such as tyres, cardboard, and
earth) were calculated.
5. Use the mass/volume of every significant element of the wall construction in the LCA modelling
software (SimaPro™ 7.3.3) to establish the environmental impacts arising from the materials
used in the wall construction. The results of this are covered in Chapter 6 Life Cycle Inventory
For calculating wall material quantities a “wall module” of certain dimensions was established based on
the nature of the wall construction and this module was used to establish the quantities per linear metre
of wall. For example the Earthship wall module was 0.65m long based on a tyre diameter of 0.65m,
Strawbale wall module was 900mm long based on bales 900mm long etc. Results for the module length
were then multiplied by the calculated linear length of external wall to determine the total quantities of
materials for the Functional Unit of each particular envelope thereby enabling comparison in terms of a
linear metre of external wall or the total amount of external wall.
The approach for calculating the environmental impacts of processes (as opposed to materials) used to
construct the various structures being studied was;
1. Research typical construction methods to establish the processes involved.
2. Research fuel/energy consumption of machinery/tools.
3. Estimate and calculate approximate fuel/energy use for each machine/tool. Where possible
discussions with builders informed these estimates.
4. Document the research findings and calculations.
5. Input the results into the LCA software to establish the environmental impacts arising from the
processes used in the wall construction.
The parameters (used in SimaPro™ LCA modelling software) and assumptions regarding the materials
and processes used in the construction of the internal walls are defined in this section. The level of
documentation of the assumptions and values used in the modelling is limited by the extreme detail
contained in SimaPro™’s Life Cycle Inventories databases. As such, each construction is only
documented to the level where the reader can understand the main inputs, without getting bogged down
in the minutiae. Typically this entails a quantities list of the main building products (e.g. bricks, concrete,
timber, glass) and/or raw materials (e.g. sand) plus the transport type required to deliver the
product/material to the construction site.

126 Off-Grid Systems Inventory
To establish quantities of materials used to manufacture the off-grid systems (energy, water, waste
water and food production) suppliers were contacted to request this information and where information
was missing assumptions were made. All assumptions are listed under the appropriate “systems”
headings in the LCI section.

5.5 Stage 3 - Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Introduction
Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) is the third stage of LCA with the aim of “understanding and
evaluating the magnitude and significance of the potential environmental impacts for a product system
throughout the life cycle of the product” (ISO, 2006) p. 2. It translates the results of the LCI (life cycle
inventory analysis) into “indicators” or “impact categories” such as “global warming potential”,
“photochemical smog”, “ozone depletion” and “eco toxicity”.
This section gives a brief account of global LCIA practice, Australian best practice, and describes the
method selected for this study.
ISO describes the mandatory elements of this stage as:
 “selection of impact categories1, category indicators2 and characterisation models;
 assignment of LCI results to the selected impact categories (classification) and
 calculation of category indicator results (characterisation)” (ISO, 2006) p. 16.
Optional elements of LCIA include normalisation and weighting. Normalisation is used to report results
in the context of worldwide or region totals and weighting attempts to assign relative importance to the
various impact categories such that an overall result can be clearly communicated. Note, however, that
this is not recommended for LCA studies that are intended for publication, due to the subjective nature
of assigning weighting factors which are subject to public opinion – this is “arguably the most
controversial and debated step of the LCIA” (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a) p. 11. Choice of Impact Categories & Characterisation Models

Selection of impact categories is not prescribed by any standard and consequently many “Methods”
have been developed to cater to differing environmental and technical conditions which exist in different
countries and regions. An LCIA “Method” is essentially a set of impact categories, each of which is
configured to tally quantities for a given list of substances, and then reports the impact in the common
unit for that impact category. For example greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2, CO, CH4) are listed for the
“global warming” indicator with corresponding factors which define their relative impacts. For global
warming the common unit is kgCO2 equivalents; CO2 has a factor of 1, whereas CH4 has a factor of 21,
and these factors can vary based on assumptions defined by international agreements (e.g. Kyoto
Protocol) or the LCA methodology applied.
Although some impact categories are applicable globally, others are more sensitive to geographic
location due to various factors such as differences in the way energy is produced, land is utilised and
availability of water. Furthermore the impact categories must be consistent with and sensitive to the
inventory data. A common LCIA method used in Europe is Eco Indicator 99 developed by Goedkoop
and Spriensma (Goedkoop & Spriensma, 1999) and others have been developed such as CML (Centre
of Environmental Science of Leiden University in the Netherlands), and IMPACT 2002+ (a combination

1“Impact Category: Class representing environmental issues of concern to which life cycle inventory
analysis results may be assigned” (ISO, 2006) p. 5
2 “Category Indicator: Quantifiable representation of an impact category” (ISO, 2006) p. 6

of four methods; CML, IPCC, Eco Indicator 99 and IMPACT 2002. Each attempts to address some kind
of methodological problem with LCA; it may present the results in a different way, or it may focus on a
particular type of impact.
In Australia best practice guidelines (Grant & Peters, 2008) have been developed and reviewed by
members of the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) to provide guidance on the
selection of impact categories in the Australian context. These guidelines are grouped into global and
regional categories and classified as “ready to use” or “provisional – needs development”. Table 5.1
presents these impact categories and discusses their relevance to this study.
Another study significant to LCIA in Australia was conducted on behalf of the Building Products
Innovation Council and AusIndustry (the “BPIC/ICIP Project”) by Bengtsson and Howard (Bengtsson &
Howard, 2010a) with the objective of proposing “an LCIA method to allow for consistent level playing
field comparison between LCA studies” conducted in Australia. In general this report agrees with the
guidelines developed by Grant and Peters (2008) and furthermore it identifies 14 “midpoint impact
categories” which, when normalised and weighted, lead to four “endpoint damage categories” (refer
Figure 5.4).
Table 5.1 - Recommended Australian Impact Categories
Category & status Description and Discussion

Global Impact Categories

Global Warming Measurement of the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. These gases increase the amount of heat
(infrared radiation) that is trapped in the atmosphere.
Ready to use
Category Indicator: kilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalents.
GHG emissions are suspected to be the key factor driving climate change however it is also related to human health,
ecological quality and resource depletion.
The IPCCs fourth assessment report defines the main greenhouse gases and their causes as, a) carbon dioxide caused by
burning carbon based fuels and land-use change, b) methane caused by agriculture and fossil fuel use, and c) nitrous oxide
caused by agriculture (IPCC, 2007).
Characterisation factors for GHG have been defined by various agencies and certain contexts and these vary due to
assumptions such as the timeframe over which a gas is assumed to have an influence on global warming and the gases’
global warming potential (potency).
For this study GHG characterisation factors are as per the National Greenhouse Accounts (Department of Climate Change
and Energy Efficiency, 2012) which assume the GHG impacts are averaged over a 100 year time frame. The DCC figures
were chosen as this is the method used by the Australian Government for reporting greenhouse gas emissions.

Stratospheric ozone Measurement of the emission of gases that deplete the ozone layer.
Category Indicator: kilograms of Chlorinated Fluorocarbon 11 equivalents.
Ready to use
The Montreal Protocol established an internationally agreed model for assessing the relative ozone depletion potential for a
problematic group of chemicals: namely chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochloroflurocarbons (HCFCs). In Australia,
most of these chemicals are no longer in use and hence this impact category is only applicable if significant quantities of
ozone depleting chemicals are used.
CFSs, HCFCs and Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which replaced CFCs and HCFCs are also extremely potent (thousands of
times more potent than CO2) greenhouse gases and their impact on global warming is counted in the Global Warming impact
In the construction and use of a home (in Australia) it is highly unlikely that any ozone depleting chemicals are employed.

Minerals and/or Measurement of the additional energy needed to mine diminishing resources. As non renewable resources are depleted the
fossil fuel depletion energy required to find them and extract them increases.
(abiotic resource
depletion) Category Indicator: Mega joules of surplus energy.

Ready to use This category is relevant to this study in which homes constructed with non renewable minerals versus homes constructed
with renewable materials are compared.

Regional Impact Categories

Human and eco- Measurement of the effects of industrial process pollutants on humans and ecosystems.
Category Indicator: Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY), a measure of the burden of disease and is the sum of the years of
Ready to use life lost due to premature death and the years spent with disability.
The guidelines recommend that this category is only necessary where the systems in question have direct interaction with
significant toxic substances such as in waste management systems or agriculture where toxins may be involved in the form of
herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers.

This category is applicable to this study which includes the use of agricultural residues (straw) for Strawbale wall construction
and as an ingredient in adobe render which is used in Earthship and Strawbale construction.

Water use Measurement of water use including water used in manufacturing processes and for potable domestic water use.
Provisional Category Indicator: kilolitres of water.
This category is provisional because of significant uncertainty regarding an appropriate evaluation method arising from the
variable impact of water scarcity in different regions. LCI data generally contains only volumetric data which will have differing
consequences depending on the availability of water in each region and the sensitivity of the environment to water extraction.
Many different approaches are currently being developed in Australia (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a, p. 37) and overseas
however this rough volumetric indicator can be used with caution to draw tentative conclusions.
Water use is a significant issue in the production of construction materials and in the operation of a home.

Land use Measurement of land use for a period of time. This encompasses the use of land for industrial, agricultural, forestry and
domestic purposes.
Category Indicator: hectares per year.
Similar to Water Use, this category also involves significant uncertainty and various models have been developed to evaluate
the impact of land use. Some models take into account the level of disturbance of the natural environment whereas others
focus on the effect upon species populations (Grant & Peters, 2008, p. 9).
At this stage the common practice in Australia is to simply total the land area used by all processes. Due to this indiscriminate
addition of various types of land use only tentative conclusions can be drawn.
Land use is a significant issue in the production of construction materials and in the operation of a home this category will be

Eutrophication Measurement of nitrogen and phosphorous to air, water and soil.

Provisional Category Indicator: kilograms of PO4 equivalents.
Grant warns that results must be “treated with care with sources of nitrogen being investigated to determine if they are directly
released to aquatic environments or may be attenuated by airborne transport. Overestimation of environmental burdens is
likely in Australia doe to the deposition of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in insensitive environments.” (Grant & Peters, 2008,
p. 10).
This may be relevant to Earthship and Strawbale constructions.

Photochemical Measurement of photochemical smog causing gases such as nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and peroxyacyl
oxidation (smog) nitrates, aldehydes and ozone.
Ready to use Category Indicator: kilograms of C2H4 equivalents. (Ethylene)
In Australia smog incidents are fairly low and are related mainly to NOx emissions from vehicles which have improved due to
more modern engine technology. Grant suggests that it can be omitted from routine LCA (Grant & Peters, 2008, p. 10).
This could be relevant due to the need for transporting significant quantities of materials to the construction site.

Soil salinisation Measurement of the accumulation of soluble salts of sodium, magnesium and calcium in the soil causing reduced soil fertility.
Ready to use Category Indicator: salinisation potential.
This category is only relevant for irrigated agriculture (Grant & Peters, 2008, p. 11).
This impact category could be omitted for this study.

Figure 5.4 - BPIC/ICIP Project's recommended LCIA method (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a) p. 8

This raises the issue of another potentially problematic aspect of impact assessment methods:
normalising the results against a known baseline. This is not problematic for well understood impact
categories such as global warming because data is readily available and the characterisation results
can be normalised against global, national or per capita emissions for example. However other impact
categories with obscure category indicators (common units) can create difficulties for normalisation,
especially in the Australian context where the development of LCIA methods is ongoing. This is
especially the case in terms of human and eco toxicity and this was borne out by initial results of this
study in which the internal wall constructions were analysed with various methods. Minute quantities of
toxics were reported for all internal wall types, for all Methods used, but without data regarding what
level of toxics constituted a tangible threat to human or eco system health, (i.e. without a credible figure
to use for normalisation) it was difficult to interpret the data.
The final and most controversial aspect of the LCIA Method is that of weighting. Having normalised the
characterisation results (thus creating a unit-less result) the weighting process assigns relative
importance to the various impact/damage categories. The weighted results of each category can then
be totalled to present a single number, overall “score” for the summated impacts of the system/product.
ISO expressly prohibits this for studies that are for publication.
The LCA study by Carre (2011) for the Forest and Wood Products Australia adopted Grant’s indicators
with the exception that the toxicity indicators were not used on the grounds that Australian LCI data was
not adequate, and it included two other categories which have been historically used, especially in the
construction industry: embodied energy (or “cumulative energy demand”) and solid waste. Carre’s study
notes that these are “not true measures of environmental impact, but rather track issues that are likely to
be precursors to environmental impact” (Carre, 2011, p. 16). They also provide a means for comparing
results with previous studies.

Embodied energy, which is also known as cumulative energy demand, is often used as a measure of
potential environmental impacts from constructing a building as well as the energy required for
manufacturing the heating and cooling equipment, and to a lesser extent is a measure of solid waste
produced during those processes. Thus despite them not being “true measures” of environmental
impact, they can be useful for comparing results with other studies, although in time they may become
redundant. This is certainly the view of the BPIC/ICIP project which recommends that the Solid Waste
indicator be omitted as it overlaps with other mid-point categories: resources depletion, land
transformation and use, eco-toxicity and human toxicity (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a, p. 39-40). Grant’s
guidelines do not include Solid Waste (Grant & Peters, 2008) but Carre, on the other hand, included the
Solid Waste indicator because it indicates potential landfill requirements, a concept which is interesting,
and easily understood by the layperson.
In Carre’s study Cumulative Energy Demand was based on a European impact assessment method
“CML 92 V2.04” with changes to reflect Australian energy production (Carre, 2011, p. 16). It included
fossil, renewable, electrical, and feedstock (energy expending in manufacture of materials/products).
However the BPIC/ICIP report suggests that Embodied Energy be considered as part of Abiotic
Resource Depletion, otherwise impacts arising from fossil fuel burning would be double counted (p. 39).
Furthermore it suggests that renewable energy not be counted as it is “free of burden in terms of
depleting resources”.
In summary, the framework proposed by the BPIC/ICIP project seems highly applicable to this project,
yet few if any published studies have used this system and an Australian Method is yet to be configured
for SimaPro™ LCA software for widespread use by LCA practitioners. Although Carre’s method omits
toxics, this is justified by concerns about data quality, and its use of (arguably) out of date indicators
(Solid Waste and Embodied Energy) are nonetheless still relevant and useful especially in the context of
building LCA.
In conclusion, it seemed reasonable and practical to adopt the majority of indicators used by Carre but
to also investigate some additional methods for assessing the impacts on human and ecosystem health
(toxics). Grant suggested the USEtox™ method (Grant, 2013) was worth experimenting with. Further,
Grant suggested the use of this method in analysing “resource depletion”, to avoid “double counting” of
fossil fuel, which is counted in Embodied Energy.
The indicators comprising the Method used in this study are outlined in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 - Indicators comprising the Method used in this Study
Indicators Method source/comments
Global Warming Potential Greenhouse impacts are 100 year impacts
based on 1990 IPCC characterisation figures
(Bengtsson & Howard, 2010a, p. 25).
Ozone Depletion Ozone depletion based on CML2001 (Center of
Environmental Science of Leiden University)
(Goedkoop, Oele, de Schryver & Vieira, 2008, p.
9) from Australasian Unit Process LCI
(adaptation by Life Cycle Strategies).
Photochemical Oxidation CML2001 (Goedkoop, Oele, de Schryver &
Vieira, 2008, p. 5).
Eutrophication Based on CML2001 (adaptation by Life Cycle
Land Use & Transformation Addition of land use without any weighting.
Water Use/Depletion Addition of water use without any weighting.
Solid Waste Addition of all waste inventories.
Embodied Energy Australasian Unit Process LCI V2.02 (RMIT
Centre for Design, CRC for Waste Management
and Pollution Control & Life Cycle Strategies,
Human Toxicity (Carcinogens) USEtox (Rosenbaum et al., 2008)
Human Toxicity (Non-carcinogenic) USEtox (Rosenbaum et al., 2008)
Eco Toxicity USEtox (Rosenbaum et al., 2008)

For the toxics indicators, Grant’s guidelines suggest the use of a method that uses Disability-Adjusted
Life Year (DALY) as the common unit; however, for this study Grant suggested (Grant, 2013) the
USEtox™ method (Rosenbaum et al., 2008) which uses units called Comparative Toxic Unit specific to
human or eco system toxicity thus the unit abbreviations are CTUh and CTUe. All other indicators are
as per Table 5.1 which describes the best practice Australian indicators.
Characterisation factors used in this study are tabled in Appendix D.

5.5.2 Normalisation
Normalisation factors were derived from the BPIC/ICIP report (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010b) and, Carre
(2011, p. 119) as tabled below. Normalisation factors for a 50 year time frame are also given as this is
the standard assumption for the life span of the functional unit in this study.

Table 5.3 - Normalisation Factors Comparison
Study for
Source BPIC part 2 Carre Carre This Study This Study 50 yr
Impact Category Unit AU Total per capita AU tot* per capita AU tot per capita per capita
global warming kg CO2 eq 6.21E+11 2.87E+04 1.24E-03 2.61E+04 6.21E+11 2.87E+04 1.43E+06
ozone layer
depletion kg CFC-11 eq 4.17E+04 2.00E-03 4.17E+04 2.00E-03 1.00E-01
NMVOC eq (kg
photo-chemical C2H4 Carre and
oxidation this study) 1.61E+09 7.50E+01 3.43E-07 7.19E+00 1.61E+09 7.50E+01 3.75E+03
eutrophication kg PO4 eq 4.16E+08 1.90E+01 6.75E-07 1.42E+01 4.17E+08 1.90E+01 9.50E+02
land transformation Ha a 5.46E+08 2.60E+01 1.14E-06 2.39E+01 4.95E+08 2.60E+01 1.30E+03
water consumption kl H2O 1.95E+10 9.30E+02 4.33E-05 9.09E+02 9.09E+10 9.30E+02 4.65E+04
solid waste 6.61E-05 1.39E+03 6.62E-05 1.39E+03 6.94E+04
embodied energy
lhv 3.66E-02 7.69E+05 3.66E-02 7.69E+05 3.85E+07
abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 6.50E+09 3.00E+02
acidification kg SO2 eq 2.67E+09 1.23E+02

5.5.3 Weighting
Weighting factors were calculated based on the BPIC Weighting report (Bengtsson, Howard &
Kneppers, 2010). Table 5.4 reports the Australian average demographically adjusted figures given in the
BPIC/ICIP report, and the figures used in this study. Embodied Energy was assigned a relatively high
weighting as it is directly related to Global Warming which has a high weighting. Resource Depletion
was based on the Non Renewable Fuels weighting and Solid Waste was assigned a low weighting as
this is an issue that does not generally cause alarm.
As some of the BPIC/ICIP impact categories were not adopted by this study it was necessary to
assume that the weightings could be interpreted as being relative e.g. Global Warming is seven times
more important than Photochemical Smog. The weighting factors were derived from this assumption
using Global Warming as a reference/baseline. These weighting factors were then used to calculate a
theoretical Australian “EcoPoint” score using the normalised results. Note that toxicity indicators do not
contribute to the EcoPoint score due to unreliable data and lack of normalisation data for the USEtox

Table 5.4 - Weighting Factor
BPIC/ICIP LCIA Impact Category Australian Average Demographically Adjusted This Study Weighting Factor
Global Warming 21 21 1
Acidification 4 NA
Ozone Layer Depletion 4 4 0.19
Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity 12 NA
Terrestrial Ecotoxicity 6 NA
Abiotic Depletion: Non Renewable Fuels 3 NA
Abiotic Depletion: Minerals 4 NA
Human Toxicity 3 NA
Ionizing Radiation 2 NA
Land Transformation and Use 17 17 0.81
Respiratory Effects 3 NA
Photochemical Smog 3 3 0.14
Freshwater Aquatic Ecotoxicity 10 NA
Eutrophication 3 3 0.14
Water Depletion 6 6 0.29
Other Impact Categories used in this study
Solid Waste NA 3 0.14
Embodied Energy NA 15 0.71

5.6 Stage 4 - Interpretation

Life cycle interpretation refers to “phase of life cycle assessment in which the findings of either the
inventory analysis or the impact assessment, or both, are evaluated in relation to the defined goal and
scope in order to reach conclusions and recommendations. (ISO, 2006, p. 2). It includes identification of
significant issues arising from the LCI and LCIA stages, an evaluation of the data and method in terms
of completeness, sensitivity and consistency, and limitations, recommendations and conclusions (p. 23).
In essence, the interpretation stage of the LCA presents the final results with discussion about
assumptions that may have affected the results and where appropriate, further sensitivity studies are
used to demonstrate how important or uncertain assumptions affected the results. For each building
element and the overall thermal envelope results are reported for each life cycle stage: construction,
operation, and end-of-life, plus an overall result for the full life cycle. This enables conclusions to be
drawn about the relative impacts of the various building elements (roof, wall etc) and the relative
impacts of one thermal envelope type versus another. Sensitivity Studies

Sensitivity studies or sensitivity analysis refers to “systematic procedures for estimating the effects of
the choices made regarding methods and data on the outcome of a study” (ISO, 2006) p. 5.
In this study, the following assumptions have been tested;
 Some building codes require concrete footings for all wall types including tyre walls (e.g. Gubb
Earthship in New Zealand (Gubb, 2012)) due to seismic conditions or problematic soil
conditions. Therefore the effect of including a concrete footing in the Earthship design has been
 Assumptions about how Earthship internal “can walls” are constructed and disposed of at end-
of-life have been explored. This relates to whether or not the aluminium cans are recycled and
the type of mortar used (cement based or mud based) to make the walls.
 The effect of not counting the benefits of carbon sequestration of timber products in landfill was
briefly investigated in terms of the impacts associated with external wall construction.

 The effect of altering the weightings of impact categories was explored in terms of the final
results of the LCA study as this is a contentious issue.

5.7 Summary
The four stages presented in this Chapter have been used to analyse the environmental impacts of a
typical off-grid Earthship dwelling compared to buildings of the same dimensions and design but which
have different wall construction methods and which are serviced by conventional energy, water and
wastewater infrastructure. These will be discussed in the following Chapter.

6 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

6.1 Introduction
Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI) is the second stage of LCA in which an inventory of inputs and
outputs of the system are compiled. This section presents the results of calculations regarding quantities
of materials and energy use throughout the lifecycle of the systems (buildings) under analysis. The
calculation method has been described in Chapter 5.
The calculation results are presented here in terms of assumptions which are described in the following
 assumptions regarding process energy to include diesel fuel, earth moving, excavation,
transport and concrete/render mixing.
 assumptions regarding end-of-life scenarios for various materials.
 assumptions regarding heating/cooling energy (as per the Thermal Performance Study findings
presented in Chapter 4).
 other operational energy use assumptions.
 assumptions regarding material thicknesses and material densities.
 assumptions and data sources for common building materials such as timber, concrete, bricks,
steel and double glazing.
 energy emission factors for South Australia which are presented and compared to the
SimaPro™ data.
 assumptions regarding the construction of walls, and the resulting material quantities for each
wall type under analysis in the LCA: Earthship, Mudbrick, Rammed Earth, Rammed Earth
Insulated, Strawbale, Concrete Block Insulated, Brick Veneer, Reverse Brick Veneer, Timber
Frame (cement fibre board clad) and Timber Frame (steel clad).
 assumptions regarding common elements, and the resulting material quantities for; render, roof
& ceiling, floor, internal walls, partition wall, and greenhouse.
 assumptions regarding the systems for energy, wastewater and water collection/storage.
 assumptions regarding maintenance of the walls and systems.
 assumptions regarding land occupation (the area needed to site the home and wastewater

6.1.1 Building Elements Definitions

Before presenting the assumptions for the various lifecycle stages, a description of each major element
of the thermal envelope is described below.

137 External Walls
The materials inventory for all external wall types was based on the functional unit of inside dimensions
22m x 5.5m x 2.7m ceiling height and includes materials for the top plate assembly and footings as
appropriate for each wall type. The term “external wall” refers to the south, east and west walls, and due
to the use of glazing and other variables associated with the equator facing wall, the equator facing wall
is classified and described separately (below).
Further assumptions are detailed later under headings for each external wall type. Internal Partition Walls

In the thermal modelling study internal partition walls were either “lightweight” timber frame with
plasterboard lining (total 110mm thick) or “thermal mass” adobe bricks (110mm thick). Both will be
evaluated in the LCA plus the Earthship “can walls” that are typically used for internal Earthship walls.
The “can wall” is modelled in two configurations, one “low embodied energy” (low EE) version which
assumes a clay based mortar and recycling of the aluminium cans at end-of-life, and the standard
Earthship construction method of using a cement based mortar. The latter configuration assumes landfill
at the end-of-life of the aluminium cans. Equator Facing Wall / Greenhouse Partition Wall

The glazed wall bounding the northern side of the living space is termed the “Equator Facing Wall” in
the context of a thermal envelope with no greenhouse, whereas it is termed “Greenhouse Partition Wall”
when a greenhouse is included in the thermal envelope. The Equator Facing Wall is an external wall,
whereas the Greenhouse Partition Wall is an internal wall. Collectively these walls are referred to as the
Glazed Wall.
The materials used to construct the Glazed Wall are generally the same as the external wall type;
however, an exception to this is the Earthship. In an Earthship the Glazed Wall is not made from tyres -
it is almost entirely glazed, whereas other house construction methods tend to use the same
construction method for all walls. Therefore the Earthship “Without Greenhouse” envelopes utilise a
steel clad insulated timber frame wall (TFS) similar to actual Earthship constructions in Taos. Key Dimensions of External Walls

Based on the assumptions regarding the External Walls and Glazed Wall key dimensions for each
envelope are presented in Table 6.1. For the Earthship, the External Wall bounds the south, east and
west sides of the house whereas the other external wall types are assumed to include the north wall
(“Glazed Wall”) which is assumed to have a glazed area of 50% (of the Equator Facing wall area).
Wall lengths are calculated using the mid-line (centre axis) of the wall which helps to account for
inaccuracies arising from the wall corners, i.e. if the inner length of the wall was used for calculations the
corners would not be counted and if the outer length was used the corners would be double counted.
The length of the Equator Facing Wall is 22m long; however, as it is 50% glazed, for the purposes of
calculating the quantity (linear metres) of External Wall materials, calculations are based on half this
length (11m) to take into account the glazed area.
Table 6.1 gives the dimensions of the External Wall and Equator Facing Wall for the various external
wall construction types. Although the internal dimensions of the thermal envelope are constant, the
External Wall length varies slightly due to differing thicknesses of the external wall. An exception to this
is Brick Veneer Conventional which is based on a square floor plan (11m x 11m) of the same area as
the functional unit (121m2).

Table 6.1 - Linear metres of external wall and footing based on wall width and functional unit dimensions
Glz External Glz
Wall Wall Wall Wall Footing Wall Wall Total Ext wall
External Wall Type length depth thick thick length length length length Glz Wall type
m m m m lm lm lm lm
Earthship / ESI 22 5.5 0.675 0.1 56.55 34.55 11 TF steel clad
Rammed Earth / REI 22 5.5 0.3 0.3 55.60 44.60 as per ext wall
Strawbale 22 5.5 0.55 0.55 56.10 45.10 as per ext wall
Concrete Block Insulated 22 5.5 0.305 0.305 55.61 44.61 as per ext wall
Reverse Brick Veneer 22 5.5 0.256 0.256 55.51 44.51 as per ext wall
Brick Veneer 22 5.5 0.263 0.263 55.53 44.53 as per ext wall
Brick Veneer Conventional 11 11 0.263 0.263 44.53 34.05 as per ext wall
Timber Frame CemFib clad 22 5.5 0.115 0.115 55.23 44.23 as per ext wall
Timber Frame Steel clad 22 5.5 0.104 0.104 55.21 44.21 as per ext wall
Mudbrick 22 5.5 0.275 0.275 55.55 44.55 as per ext wall Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a 46m2 space adjoining the living areas on the equator facing side of the building.
The equator facing side is assumed to be 100% glazed with double glazing units. Two configurations of
the greenhouse were modelled, one assuming the use of the cement mortar “can wall” and landfill of the
aluminium cans at end-of-life, and another assuming a clay mortar “can wall” and recycling of the
aluminium cans at end-of-life. Roof
The roof is a highly insulated (R5.1), timber truss, steel clad structure based on the geometry of the
Global Model Earthship. R5.1 is also the minimum roof assembly insulation value for an Earthship built
in the colder climes of Adelaide region (BCA climate category 6 in the Adelaide Hills). A “conventional”
roof was also modelled based on a gable roof design with similar amounts of insulation and roof area. Floor
The thermal modelling study used a concrete slab floor, although in reality Earthship floors are often
made of mud, brick, flagstone or concrete slab. In terms of the thermal modelling, concrete and mud
offer comparable thermal properties; however, in terms of embodied energy (and therefore
environmental impacts) they are poles apart. To establish the relative impacts of a concrete floor versus
a mud floor inventories were developed for each type of floor.

6.1.2 Systems Description

The autonomous systems used by the Earthship include renewable energy with battery storage, rain
water collection, storage, filtration and pressurisation, and on-site wastewater treatment. This study
compares these systems to conventional systems as outlined in Table 6.2. Further details are given in
the Systems heading. As food is a by-product of the wastewater treatment system of the Earthship this
is compared to supermarket purchased food.

Table 6.2 - Autonomous and Conventional Systems
Service Autonomous Earthship Grid connected Conventional
Energy Renewable energy system, typically solar panels, with battery bank Electricity and gas delivered by the grid.
for storage, and inverter/charge controller. This supplies electricity for Electricity is assumed for general appliances, lighting,
appliances and lighting. Energy for heating and cooling is not and heating and cooling and gas is assumed for solar
necessary. Bottled gas is used for solar hot water backup and hot water backup and cooking fuel.
cooking fuel.
Water Rain water tanks are used to store roof run-off. A “water organisation Water is supplied via infrastructure including dams,
module” (WOM) is used to filter and pressurise the water for delivery pumping/sterilisation stations and pipe networks.
to appliances and outlets in the house.
Wastewater Biological filters are used to treat greywater and blackwater. Treated Wastewater is pumped to treatment station via sewer
treatment greywater is used for toilet flushing and irrigation of food crops. pipe network. Fresh water is used to flush toilet.
Treated blackwater is used for irrigation of landscape.
Food Food is grown in the greywater planter, reducing the quantity of food Food is not grown on site, but is obtained from other
required from other food systems (farms, supermarket etc) sources such as the supermarket.

6.2 Assumptions of Process Energy

Process energy is often not included in building life cycle assessment due to lack of data, and previous
findings that process energy is insignificant (Gustavsson & Joelsson, 2010; Kellenberger & Althaus,
2009). However in this study an attempt has been made to include process energy as the Earthship
relies heavily on earth moving machinery, so this should be investigated.

6.2.1 Diesel Fuel – Process Energy

It is assumed that diesel fuel has an energy density of 35MJ/L (Nektalova, 2008). This is relevant to
Earth Moving and Excavation processes described below.

6.2.2 Earth Moving – Process Energy

Based on discussions with the operator of a 5 tonne track excavator (Mumford, 2012) the estimated rate
of excavation for soft earth (e.g. earth that was previously excavated and stockpiled) is 80m3/hr and for
hard earth (i.e. digging into virgin ground) 40m3/hr. The fuel consumption of the excavator is assumed
to be 6L/hr (diesel) based on discussion with same operator. Assuming an energy density of 35MJ/L for
diesel fuel this equates to 210MJ per hour for use of the excavator in “soft earth”.

6.2.3 Excavation – Process Energy

Excavation generally assumes digging into hard, compacted, “virgin” ground and therefore it takes more
time and energy for an excavator to perform it’s task compared to “earth moving” which involves digging
“soft earth” as explained above. Therefore when “digging in hard earth” a value of 40m3/hr is applicable
(Mumford, 2012).

6.2.4 Transport of Materials & Products

Environmental impacts arising from transport were modelled using the assumptions below:
 Materials/Products manufactured in a factory, were transported 50km to a retailer and another
50km to the site.
 If delivery of raw material to the factory was required (e.g. plastic granules to the rotational
moulder) it was assumed to be transported 50km to the factory.
 Materials/products delivered directly from the manufacturer (e.g. a quarry) to the site were
transported 50km.
 Earth that was hauled to site (e.g. to build an Earthship berm) was transported 20km on the
grounds that it is usually supplied for free as a waste material from a local excavation site.

 Materials/products obtained locally and transported directly to site (e.g. used tyres) were
modelled as being transported 20km in total assuming an owner-builder travelling 10km to
collect reused materials and then returning 10km to the site.
 At end-of-life, waste is assumed to be transported 50km to the landfill site.

6.2.5 Render Mixing – Process Energy

It is assumed that all render (internal and external) is mixed onsite using a petrol powered cement
mixer. Using fuel consumption values for a Honda GX120 engine (Honda Motor Co., 1990) powering a
mixer which has a 102L volume mixing bowl, it is estimated that at a rate of 8 mixes per hour at half load
(so as not to overfill the mixer bowl), 960kg of concrete render could be mixed, with 0.8kg of petrol and
1 tonne of concrete render would require 0.833kg of petrol. Using the same rate of batches per hour and
fuel consumption, adobe render, due to its lower density, will be mixed at a rate of 700kg per hour using
the same rate of fuel consumption, thus 1.143 kg of petrol per tonne of adobe render.
Transportation of cement is by road from plant to retailer plus another journey from retailer to
construction site. Transportation of sand is directly from the quarry to the site.

6.2.6 Process Energy of Constructions

Unless stated otherwise, zero process energy is assumed for construction processes associated with
construction of the thermal envelope, for example, energy used for powering electric hand tools is not

6.3 Building Materials Standard Assumptions

Unless otherwise noted, these are the assumptions made for the building materials/products used in the
materials inventory for each construction type.
Table 6.3 - Standard Assumptions for Building Materials & Products
Description Abbreviation Material Size Standard/Ref. Trade Name examples
viscourse, b course, damp
damp proof course under wall DPC polyethylene film 0.5mm thick course
damp proof course under
footing DPC polyethylene film 0.2mm thick Fortecon
plasterboard 13mm thick ECO8 Gyprock
cement fibre board 6mm thick Hardiflex sheets
230 x 110 x
bricks Fired clay 75mm AS1618-2003
mortar, for brick Cement based 10mm thick AS2350.12-2006 p. 6
insulation wall batt glass wool 90mm thick

Table 6.4 - Density of Materials
Density Vol for
Material/Product Density Range Density 1kg Reference Source
kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m2 m3
aluminium 2700
brick, clay, fired 2403
building paper #30 (aka
kraft paper) 0.976 resistive-barriers
butyl rubber 920
cardboard, used 689
cement, Portland 1506
clay, dry excavated 1089
compressed cement
sheet 1298 ertificate_of_Phys._Prop.pdf
concrete 2400 0.00041
earth, compacted in
berm 1522
earth, infill (interstices) 1900 Assumes same density as earth packed in tyre
earth, packed in tyre 1900 Engineered to get the weight of a rammed earth tyre to be approx 140kg.
Approximate average of values cited by various sources (CIBSE, 2006;
earth, rammed, RE wall 2000 Goodhew & Griffiths, 2005; Taylor, 2005)
expanded polystyrene
EPS 37 29-45
fibreglass 1280
geofabric 120
glass 2579
glass wool batts 20
glass wool batts,
Bradford R2.7 wall 34 personal communication with Benjamin of CSR, 23 October 2012.
glass wool batts,
Bradford R5 ceiling 28 personal communication with CSR, 30 October 2012.
glass wool batts,
Bradford R2.5 ceiling 7 personal communication with CSR, 30 October 2012.
glue 1100 estimate
gravel, dry 1/4 to 2 inch 1682
Gyprock 715 Calculated from data on material specification sheet
Hardiflex 1298 ertificate_of_Phys._Prop.pdf
LDPE film 940
lime, hydrated 481
Mudbrick 1600 (Heathcote & Sri Ravindrarajah, n.d.)
mortar, wet 2403
pinus radiata 510 460-560 ZW13611%20Species-RadiataPine.pdf
plaster board 715 650-880 weights-table.htm
ply wood, 19mm thk 600 0.00166
polyethylene 940
polyiso 27
render, external
(cement) 2000 andcement_mortar_technical_information.htm
render, internal (clay
based) 1700
render, lime (lime wet or
mortar) 1540

Density Vol for
Material/Product Density Range Density 1kg Reference Source
kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m2 m3
sand, dry 1602
sand, rammed 1682
Sarking (reflective Al
foil) 790 calculated
steel 7800
stone, common generic 2515
straw 116
tyre, used 1150 (Amoozegar & Robarge, n.d.)
water 1000

6.4 LCI data of key Materials, Products & Processes

6.4.1 Timber - Softwood

The timber LCI used in this study is based on data from 2 mills in Tasmania, collected circa 2005 (RMIT
Centre for Design, CRC for Waste Management and Pollution Control & Life Cycle Strategies, 1998-
2007). Only softwood has been used in this study and it is assumed to be untreated. Due to the co-
products arising from the manufacture of structural timber such as wood chips and pulp logs, allocation
has been used to share the environmental impacts. The basis for allocation is mass.

6.4.2 Carbon in wood products in landfills

Data published by The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (Department of Climate
Change and Energy Efficiency, 2010) regarding the storage of carbon in landfills were used to update
the Australasian LCI Unit Process, “Landfill, Wood AU”. Key assumptions are: the decomposition of
carbon fraction is 0.23 (this is the value updated); proportion of methane oxidation occurring in the
landfill cap is 0.1; fraction of methane recovered is 0.55; and the fraction of landfill gas which is methane
is 0.5.

6.4.3 Concrete
The Australasian LCI Unit Process, “Concrete, 20MPa AU” was adapted to use energy from the South
Australian grid. It assumes general purpose Portland cement, fly ash, sands, coarse aggregates, water
and chemical admixtures in the following amounts for 1kg of concrete;
 Portland cement 83.1g
 Sand: 350g
 Gravel: 740g
 Blast furnace slag: 16.6g
 Water: 89.6L

6.4.4 Bricks
EcoInvent LCI data for clay bricks was adapted to use energy (electricity and gas) from the South
Australian grid.

6.4.5 Steel
Various steel inventories from the Australasian library were used according to the type of steel needed:
 “Steel, electric arc furnace, at plant” was used for fasteners such as nails and screws, and for
steel reinforcing in concrete. 100% recycled content is assumed with only the collection impact
of the scrap steel included.
 “Rolled steel, structural, at regional store” was used to model sheet steel for roofing and
flashing. 10% recycled content is assumed and blast furnace slag is credited with avoided
cement production.

6.4.6 Double Glazing

The EcoInvent unit process “Glazing, double (2-IV), U<1.1 W/m2K, at plant/RER U” was adapted to
Australian conditions by changing processes of European origin to Australian where possible. This
process included: water (completely softened), aluminium extruding (process), aluminium production,
polybutadine (used in the seal), transport, and electricity. Mass of the glass was also updated to reflect
assumptions regarding the glass panes weight assumed to be 12.5kg/m2 for each sheet of glass
(Viridian Glass, 2008).

6.4.7 Paint
Paint was assumed to be acrylic based and coverage was 16m2 per litre (Dulux, 2013). EcoInvent LCI
data was used.

6.5 Energy Emission Factors

6.5.1 Natural Gas

Emissions from natural gas distributed in a pipeline are tabled below showing values from the
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (Department of Climate Change and Energy
Efficiency, 2012) and from the Australasian LCI Unit Process data. The values for carbon dioxide and
methane are practically identical however there is a large difference for dinitrogen monoxide indicating
that there may be an error in one of the data sets.
Table 6.5 - Natural Gas Emission Factors
Source CO2 CH4 N2O
SimaPro™ Australasian LCI Unit
51.16 g/MJ 1.072 mg/MJ 0.1099 mg/MJ
SimaPro™ Australasian LCI Unit
51.16 kg/GJ 0.001072 kg/GJ 0.00011 kg/GJ
Process converted to kg/GJ
DCCEE 51.2 kg CO2-e/GJ 0.1 kg CO2-e/GJ 0.03 kg CO2-e/GJ

6.5.2 Electricity
Emissions for 100,000kWh of electricity from the SA grid were analysed in SimaPro™ resulting in 74.6
tonnes of CO2-e. In contrast the Australian national greenhouse accounts: national greenhouse
accounts factors(Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2012, p. 19) indicates that the
emissions for 100,000kWh of SA grid energy would emit 65 tonnes of CO2-e. According to the National
Greenhouse Accounts, SimaPro™ data is modelling South Australian electricity more like Northern
Territory electricity.

6.6 Earthship Wall Assumptions
This section gives an overview of the Earthship tyre wall construction method, it describes the method
used to calculate the quantities of materials and processes used (the “materials inventory”) and it
presents the results of these calculations, listing the mass of each material used to construct an
Earthship tyre wall and the energy used by various potentially significant processes such as fuel used
for excavation.

6.6.1 Overview of Earthship Wall Construction

The main components of the Earthship external tyre walls are;
 Tyre “modules” rammed with earth
 Bond beam
 Buttresses
 Internal render (not water proof – clay based “adobe”)
 External render (water proof – cement based, applicable to wing walls only)
 Thermal wrap (insulation contained in the berm)
 Water proofing membrane and drainage system at base of wall (i.e. French drain)
 Berm
 Reinforced Concrete Footing. NOTE: only required in extreme Earthquake zones e.g. New
Zealand, Japan, however it has been modelled as part of the sensitivity study to understand its
impacts, if built.
The main walls to the east, west and south serve as a load bearing retaining walls to which the roof is
mounted via a bond beam assembly. Earthship Biotecture typically (re)uses old car tyres as the basic
building block of these walls. The tyres are filled with earth excavated from the site, and compacted
using manual labour – people with sledge hammers. These walls are bermed with many tonnes of earth
which is generally sourced onsite avoiding the need for transporting the earth. Within the berm
expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation is positioned to improve the thermal performance of the building.
This is called the “thermal wrap”. The walls are rendered with an adobe render or a cement render
where waterproofing is required.
A similar tyre wall is built to the north however it is only about 600mm high and on this the greenhouse
structure is constructed. In this study a bond beam on top of this low tyre wall has been included to
represent a worst case, conservative engineering solution. Earthship Biotecture typically use treated
wood, or plastic wood, as a method for anchoring the greenhouse framing to the tyre wall however other
Earthship builders take a more conservative approach and use a concrete bond beam similar to that
used on the main tyre wall.
The bond beam is made primarily from concrete, (re)used aluminium cans and steel rebar (reinforcing
bar) which is skewered through the top three courses of tyres to ensure good connection between the
tyre wall and the bond beam. Steel anchor bolts are set into the bond beam to attach the top plate
assembly which is typically a simple timber plate to which the roof trusses can be nailed.
The buttresses are spaced as evenly as possible along the inside of the rear (south) wall to resist the
forces exerted by the berm. They are constructed with reinforced concrete, using plywood and softwood
timber as formwork.
The materials inventories have been developed based on the main construction assemblies so that the
impacts of each can be understood. The main “assemblies” of the Earthship wall have been classified

as Tyre Wall which includes the bond beam, Buttresses, and Berm. The following sections describe
these assemblies in more detail.

6.6.2 Tyre Wall Material Quantities

Volumes for components numbered 1-6 above were calculated based on a quantity per linear metre of
tyre wall whereas the berm and thermal wrap were calculated based on their actual overall dimensions.
It was assumed that the tyres used were 650mm in (rolling/outside) diameter (a common size in
Australia) with 25mm of render applied to one side (internal) after being “packed out” with adobe render
mixture thus making the wall 675mm in thickness. The height of the tyre wall was assumed to be
2420mm requiring 11 tyres each “pounded” to 220mm in height, plus a 280mm concrete bond beam
taking the overall height of the wall 2700mm.
Using these basic dimensions as the basis for one “module” of tyre wall i.e. 11 tyres stacked on top of
each other, packed out and rendered on the inside and with a bond beam atop, a CAD model was used
to calculate the volume of materials/products in the module which represents 0.65lm (the diameter of
the tyre) of wall. Refer to Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 - Tyre Wall with 11 Tyre Modules

Having established the quantities of materials for 0.65lm of wall this was normalised to 1lm of wall and
again for the total length of tyre wall = 34.55 linear metres (lm) (ref Table 6.1). To this the volume of the
tyre wing wall (the tapering walls at the east and west end of the Earthship) must be added; however, it
was assumed that no bond beam was built on this part of the tyre wall so this has been omitted from the
wing wall list of components. The volume of both wing walls is assumed to be equivalent to the volume
of one full height wing wall due to their triangular shape which tapers to nothing at the extremity furthest
from the main tyre wall. The length of the wing walls is assumed to be 7.0m.
Thus it is assumed that the functional unit contains a total length of tyre wall is 34.55m + 7m = 41.55m,
of which 7.0m does not have a bond beam. Items 7-9 detail materials for construction of a footing with is
NOT necessary for construction of tyre walls under typical circumstances and these items have not
been included in the LCI however it has been tabled so that the impact of this optional (technically
redundant, but perhaps bureaucratically necessary) footing can be calculated. This is discussed
elsewhere. Item 22 (external render) is interchanged with Item 17 (internal render) as necessary to
provide weatherproof render on the Wing Walls.
The following table lists the materials inventory results based on 0.65lm of wall as drawn in Figure 6.1.
The mass of materials is given for 1lm, for the main wall, wing walls and low greenhouse wall (which is
only three tyres high but is otherwise the same).
Table 6.6 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Earthship External Wall
Main Wing GH Tyre Grand
Linear Metre Total
Wall Walls Wall Total
Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass FU Mass FU
Item Description Material
(kg/lm) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
1 tyre tyre 145.51 5,027.5 1,018.6 6,046.1 912.8 6,958.9
2 cardboard cardboard 11.39 393.6 79.7 473.3 71.5 544.8
3 earth, rammed earth rammed 2075.47 71,707.4 14,528.3 86,235.6 13,018.8 99,254.5
4 pack out material assembly 287.00 9,915.9 2,009.0 11,924.9 1,800.3 13,725.2
5 earth berm, interstices earth, packed 260.61 9,004.0 1,824.3 10,828.3 1,634.7 12,463.0
6 dpc, under tyre low density polyethylene 0.42 14.6 3.0 17.6 9.7 27.3
7 footing concrete 852.75 29,462.5 5,969.2 35,431.7 19,613.2 55,045.0
8 rebar, footing plain carbon steel 7.84 270.7 54.9 325.6 180.2 505.8
9 dpc, under footing low density polyethylene 0.55 19.1 3.9 23.0 12.7 35.8
10 bond beam concrete 265.82 9,184.0 NA 9,184.0 6,113.8 15,297.7
11 render, bond beam clay based 11.90 411.1 NA 411.1 273.7 684.8
12 insulation, bond beam EPS 1.04 35.8 NA 35.8 23.8 59.6
13 can, aluminium aluminium 1.00 34.4 NA 34.4 22.9 57.4
14 rebar bond beam module plain carbon steel 4.13 142.6 NA 142.6 94.9 237.6
15 anchor bolt plain carbon steel 0.32 11.2 NA 11.2 7.5 18.6
16 rebar skewer tyres plain carbon steel 1.50 51.8 NA 51.8 34.5 86.3
17 render internal adobe render 106.04 3,663.6 NA 3,663.6 NA 3,663.6
18 damp course vertical low density polyethylene 0.68 23.6 4.8 28.4 15.7 44.1
19 ag pipe dia 100mm low density polyethylene 0.30 10.3 2.1 12.4 6.9 19.2
20 gravel wall drainage gravel 137.64 4,755 963 5,718 3,165 8,884
21 geofabric for tyre wall jute 0.73 25.3 5.1 30.4 16.8 47.3
render external 12.5mm
22 concrete render 62.38 NA 742.3 742.3 782.5 1,524.8

In summary, it is assumed that the main material “flows” in the bermed tyre walls are (approximately):
810 used tyres weighing almost 7 tonnes, half a tonne of reused cardboard, and almost 100 tonnes of
compacted earth to fill the tyres, 13.7 tonnes of adobe mixture to pack out the interstices between the
tyres. 12.5 tonnes of earth has been counted for the interstices on the outside of the tyre wall – to this
the mass of the berm must be added (this is calculated and discussed later) - and 18kg of damp proof

course (plastic sheet) is used under the first course of tyres. Not counting the concrete footing (which is
generally unnecessary unless building in areas with severe Earthquake danger e.g. New Zealand,
Japan) 15.3 tonnes of concrete is used in the bond beams (i.e. one bond beam for the main tyre wall
and one for the greenhouse wall – and note, this is an extreme example representing very conservative
engineering: Earthship Biotecture usually does not build a bond beam on the greenhouse tyre wall).
4250 used aluminium beverage containers are used weighing 57kg (13.5g is assumed weight of each
can). 342.5kg of steel is used in the construction of the bond beams. 4348kg of adobe render (assumed
25mm thick) is used to plaster the inside of the wall including the inside face of the bond beam, and
1500kg of concrete render (assumed 12.5mm thick) is used to plaster the exposed faces of the wing
walls and the greenhouse low tyre wall (which must be waterproof). 19kg of plastic (LDPE) pipe is used
for a French drain plus almost 9 tonnes of gravel, 47kg of geofabric and 44kg of plastic sheet to assist
with drainage and waterproofing (note: Earthship Biotecture do not use a French Drain as it is not
necessary in Taos’s arid climate).

6.6.3 Buttress Material Quantities

Due to the long straight tyre wall at the rear of the Global Model Earthship buttresses (columns) are
used to help stabilise the wall against the forces exerted by the berm. The drawing below shows a CAD
model for one Buttress; however, for the functional unit being studied four buttresses would be needed,
thereby supporting the rear (south) tyre wall every 4.4m (22/5 = 4.4).

Figure 6.2 - Buttress, Earthship Wall

The following table shows the final quantities of materials for the Buttress for a single buttress and for all
four buttresses required for the functional unit. Note that the plywood and pine is formwork that is
assumed to be disposed of after one use. Refer to Section 6.23 for assumptions regarding recycling and
end-of-life for all material types.
Table 6.7 - Buttress Earthship Wall, Materials Inventory
Item Description Material Mass (kg)
1 Concrete concrete 6,220.8
2 Rebar steel 43.68
3 Plywood (formwork) plywood 240.0
4 Timber, Pine (formwork) pine 163.2

Note that other Earthship designs either avoid the need for reinforced concrete buttresses due to the
arch shape inherent in their design, or they may use buttresses formed with rammed earth tyres, - this
was modelled in the “lowEE” Earthship configuration assuming 8 linear metres of tyre wall (i.e.
buttresses are three tyres long by 11 tyres high) with double the amount of render to account for render
on both sides of the wall.

6.6.4 Berm Material Quantities
The berm is illustrated in Figure 6.3. It is assumed to extend horizontally 7m from the external face of
the external walls and wing walls, with a height of 2.7m tapering away at the extremities. There is also a
low berm at the front of the Earthship which extends the length and height of the greenhouse tyre wall.
The berms consist mainly of earth dug from site and are constructed with an excavator. It is assumed
the density of the earth in the berm is 1522 kg/m3, somewhat less than compacted earth e.g. within the
tyres which is assumed to be 1900kg/m3.
Expanded Polystyrene insulation board is installed in the berm and five steel earth tubes are located
horizontally in the berm extending from the internal living spaces to the outside air. Timber hatches are
located at each end of the earth tubes.
The components for the French drain (which is more correctly part of the berm than part of the tyre wall)
are given in Table 6.6 where the tyre wall materials are listed, rather than being duplicated here. The
French Drain components/materials are labelled 19, 20 & 21 in Table 6.6.
The volume of berms (main and front) have been calculated based on the dimensions of the berm plus
the “earth berm, interstices” (refer Table 6.6) which calculates the volume of berm material that extends
into the interstices between the tyres.
In summary the berm requires approximately 642 tonnes of earth, 469kg of EPS for insulation, 87kg of
steel for the earth tubes, and 38kg of pine for the inner and outer earth tube hatches. The small berm
against the greenhouse wall requires 15.2 tonnes of earth. A diagram of the berm and the materials
inventory are given below.

Figure 6.3 - Berm dimensions

Table 6.8 - Berm, main, with Earth Tubes, Materials Inventory

Description Material Mass (kg)
berm earth, compacted 631,420*
insulation thermal wrap EPS 468.7
earth tube, steel pipe steel 87.3
hatch, earth tube, timber pine 37.6
*assumes tyre wall is planar (flat), therefore add “earth berm interstices” value from 6.6.2.

Table 6.9 - Berm, front, Materials Inventory

Description Material Mass (kg)
Berm, front earth, compacted 13,652*
*assumes tyre wall is planar (flat), therefore add “earth berm interstices” value from 6.6.2.

6.6.5 Process Energy Earth Moving – Process Energy

Using the assumption stated previously, for the main berm of 421.9m3 (414.8m3 main berm plus
7.11m3 for the interstices between tyres), assuming digging in soft earth (80m3/hr), 5.27hr of excavator
use is required, and at 6L per hour this equates to 31.62L of fuel. Diesel fuel is assumed to have an
energy density of 35MJ/L, thus the energy use needed to build the main berm by excavator is 31.62L x
35MJ/L = 1106.7MJ

Using the same assumptions the energy needed to build the front berm 10.04m3 (8.97m3 berm plus
1.07 interstices) is 0.125hr x 6L x 35MJ = 26.25MJ. Excavation – Process Energy

The component “earth, rammed” represents the amount of the earth that is used to fill the tyres.
Although there is no process energy used to ram the earth into the tyres (human physical labour is
used), energy is used in creating the earth which must be excavated and also possibly trucked in,
although this will depend on the topography of the site. The usual method employed by Earthship
Biotecture is to “equalise the cut and fill”, that is, to estimate how much earth will be needed for berm
construction and filling the tyres, thereby indicating how much excavation is necessary to prepare the
site and supply earth for these other purposes. This avoids the need to organise and pay for earth to be
trucked in.
The total volume of earth required is given by the sum of the various “berm”, “berm interstices” and
“earth, rammed” components as tabled below. Excavation duration, fuel use, and energy use are
derived from the total volumes for each wall.
In total 72.6L of fuel which represents 2542.2MJ of energy is required to excavate the earth required for
Table 6.10 - Earthship Wall Process Energy
Description Main & Wing Walls Low Front Wall Total
berm (m3) 414.86 8.97 423.83
berm, interstices (m3) 7.11 1.07 8.18
earth, rammed (m3) 45.38 6.85 52.23
Total (m3) 467.35 16.89 484.24
Excavation duration (hrs) @ 40m3/hr 11.68 0.42 12.10
Excavation fuel use (L) @ 6L/hr 70.10 2.53 72.63
Excavation energy use (MJ) @ 35MJ/L 2453.6 88.6 2542.2

6.7 Tyre Wall Insulated

This wall construction is assumed to be identical to Tyre Wall Bermed with the exception that materials
related to the berm materials are not included (i.e. items 5, 12, 18-21). Item 12 Bond Beam Insulation is
replaced by a full height (2700mm) sheet of 100mm thick EPS insulation which is coated with a 5mm
layer of cement based render. The EPS is assumed to be glued to the tyre wall with a 0.5mm thick coat
of glue on the inside face of the EPS. Table 6.11 presents the quantities of these materials for one
linear metre of wall and the total assumed for the functional unit.
Table 6.11 - Additional Materials for Tyre Wall Insulated
Description Material Mass per lm (kg) Mass FU (kg)
Insulation EPS 9.99 345.2
Render 12.5mm thk cement based 67.5 2,332.1
Adhesive acrylic based 1.485 51.3

6.8 Tyre Wall Uninsulated

This wall construction is assumed to be identical to the Tyre Wall Insulated; however, the rendered
insulation is replaced by additional “pack out” material (Item 4 is doubled to duplicate the pack out
material on the outside face of the wall) to create a flat outer face, and a 12.5mm thick layer of cement
based render is used as a finishing weather proof coat. The additional materials are tabled below in
Table 6.12.

Table 6.12 - Additional Materials for Tyre Wall Uninsulated
Description Material Mass per lm (kg) Mass FU (kg)
Pack Out Material adobe 287.0 9,915.9
Render 12.5mm thk cement based 67.5 2,332.1

6.9 Mudbrick Wall Assumptions

6.9.1 Overview of Mudbrick Construction

Mudbrick construction burgeoned in Victoria, Australia in the 1960s, with many people attracted to the
do-it-yourself construction method (Archer & Archer, 1980).
They are typically built on a reinforced concrete footing and may use a post and beam structure to
support the roof, or they are load bearing (Middleton & Young, 1986, p. 53), thereby avoiding extra
materials, although some type of top plate assembly, for connecting the roof, is required (Middleton &
Young, 1986, p. 46). This latter option (load bearing) has been used in this study.
The mudbricks are typically made on site using materials sourced on site, although sand, gravel, clay
and cement may need to be imported depending on the “recipe” used and the materials available on
site. Simple moulds made of timber are used to form the “mud” mixture into a brick which is then dried in
the sun for an extended period.

6.9.2 Mudbrick Wall Material Quantities

The main components of the mudbrick wall are;
1. Reinforced Concrete Footings
2. Mudbricks
3. Timber Top plate
4. External render
Volumes for the wall components were based on the Mudbrick wall “module” length which is defined in
this study as 1000mm long x 2700mm high x 275mm wide. It was assumed that the wall was 275mm
wide, representing the average of two common sizes used in Australia 250mm and 300mm (Bakes,
2013; Middleton & Young, 1986). Assumptions regarding design of the reinforced concrete footing and
structural pine top plate, held down by steel reinforcing bar, are given in Figure 6.4 below which shows
one linear metre of wall. Quantities of materials for one linear metre of wall and for the functional unit
are given in Table 6.13.

Figure 6.4 - Mudbrick Wall Module

Table 6.13 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Mudbrick wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 footing concrete 420.0 18,695
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 4.4 196
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 0.25 11
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 0.188 8
5 Mudbricks adobe 1188.0 52,880
earth from site 80% 1053.1 46,878
sand 10% 100.9 4,495
straw 10% 0.68 31
water 20% 1.188 53
6 Top plate MGP12 pine 2.06 92
7 Tie down steel 0.88 39
8 Render, cement cement render 67.50 3,005

6.9.3 Process Energy
It is assumed that the mudbricks are manufactured with no process energy as it is possible to mix the
mud manually (Middleton & Young, 1986, p. 62); however, it is assumed that the render used to water
proof the wall and provide durability is mixed in a petrol powered mixer as per the standard assumptions
used in this study for cement based render.

6.10 Rammed Earth Wall Assumptions

6.10.1 Overview of Rammed Earth Construction

Rammed Earth walls are generally constructed on a concrete footing (Easton & Wright, 2007, p. 87).
Formwork made from steel or timber is set up over the footing to receive the wall material, which differs
from site to site depending on soil type. It is likely that sand or clay will need to be imported and added
to the soil available on site to ensure the proper consistency, or if the on-site soil is inappropriate, soil
will need to be imported (Easton & Wright, 2007, p. 110). A small quantity of cement – for example six to
eight percent (Middleton & Young, 1986, p. 81) – is usually added as a waterproofing agent and to
improve strength. The cement is referred to as a “stabiliser” and the resulting wall a “stabilised rammed
earth wall”. In some cases cement is not used at all however modern rammed earth walls typically use
some cement to ensure good longevity.
The soil mixture is mixed on site by machinery; usually a bucket on a tractor or a small skid steer loader
(e.g. a “Bob Cat”) is used to mix the materials in a large pile known as the “mix pad” on the ground
(Easton & Wright, 2007, p. 143). Water is added to facilitate compaction of the mixture into the
formwork. Prior to mechanisation compaction was done with a special wooden tamping device however
nowadays a pneumatic tamper is used (Easton & Wright, 2007, p. 151-154). The wall is poured and
tamped in small sections and, as the wall sets, the formwork is removed and reassembled to pour the
next section or layer above and this process is repeated until the wall is complete. While the top layer of
the wall is poured, means for fixing a top plate are installed, for example steel reinforcing bar. The wall
does not require rendering or painting.

6.10.2 Rammed Earth Wall Material Quantities

The main components of the rammed earth wall are;
1. Reinforced Concrete Footings
2. Rammed Earth Wall
3. Timber Top plate
Volumes for the wall components were based on the Rammed Earth wall “module” length which is
defined in this study as 1000mm long x 2700mm high x 300mm wide. These results were then
normalised to volumes of materials per linear metre of wall. It was assumed that the wall was 300mm
wide, a common width for external rammed earth walls built in Australia (though internal and non load-
bearing walls may be thinner). Assumptions regarding design of the reinforced concrete footing and
structural pine top plate, held down by steel reinforcing bar, are given in Figure 6.5 which shows one
linear metre of wall. Quantities of materials for one linear metre of wall and for the functional unit are
given in Table 6.14.

Figure 6.5 - Rammed Earth Wall Module

Table 6.14 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Rammed Earth wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 wall earth rammed 1620 73,224.00
2 DPC PE Low Density Film 0.1128 6.34
3 footing concrete concrete 420 23,604.00
4 rebar footings Plain Carbon Steel 4.407 247.67
5 DPC under footing PE Low Density Film 0.3807 21.40
6 top plate Pine 2.0655 116.08
7 tie down top plate Plain Carbon Steel 0.8814 39.84

Assumptions regarding the composition and quantities of materials comprising one tonne of rammed
earth are given in the table below. The amount of soil (“earth, from site”) is half of the mix and to this
sand and five percent cement (by volume) is added to obtain an appropriate mixture.
The quantity of water was calculated based on discussion with a rammed earth wall builder, Stephen
Dobson, a leading practitioner in Australia (Dobson, 2011). Dobson reported water consumption in

rammed earth construction for 6m2 of 300mm thick wall is 500 litres in summer and 300 litres in the
winter. Using 400 litres as the average this equates to 400 litres per 1.8m3 or 222 litres/m3. Assuming a
density for rammed earth wall of 2000kg/m3 this equates to 111 litres/tonne. Compacted density values
are given for sand and soil in the table below to reflect that the compaction process increases the
quantity of these materials. It is assumed that about 11 litres of water is “stored” in one linear metre of
wall whereas the rest of the water (100L) evaporates during the wall drying/curing process. It should be
noted that no data was available regarding the exact rate of water absorption by the wall materials
however 11 litres would be about the right amount of water to bond with 38kg of Portland cement.
Table 6.15 - Material quantities in 1 tonne of rammed earth material
Description Material % by Vol Vol per tonne Density Density Mass 1 tonne
% m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg
wall earth rammed 0.5 2000 2000 1000
earth, from site soil 50 0.25 1522 2275 569
sand sand 45 0.225 1602 1700 383
cement Portland cement 5 0.025 1506 1506 38
water water 22 0.11 1000 1000 111
TOTAL 1100

6.10.3 Process Energy

During construction of the rammed earth wall diesel fuel is used to power a Bob Cat (for mixing the wall
material) and a compressor for powering a pneumatic tamper. The following information regarding fuel
use of this equipment was provided by an experienced rammed earth builder (Dobson, 2011), as
20 litres of diesel is used to power the compressor for the tampers each week (5 days) which equals
4L/day. Each day 4.5m3 of wall is built (15m2 of wall face area per day, 300mm thick walls), thus 1m3 of
wall requires 0.89L and 0.5m3 (1 tonne) requires 0.44L. Assuming 35MJ per litre of diesel fuel the
energy used by the Bob Cat for one tonne of wall is 15.56MJ. Multiplying by 65.45 tonnes to represent
the functional unit, the total Bob Cat energy use is 1,018MJ.
70 litres of diesel is used to power the Bob Cat for an average of 3.5hrs per day for one week (5 days).
Thus 14L is used per day during which 4.5m3 of wall is built, therefore 3.11L is used per m3 or 1.56L is
used per tonne. Assuming 35MJ per litre of diesel fuel the energy used by the Bob Cat for one tonne of
wall is 54.4MJ. Multiplying by 65.45 tonnes to represent the functional unit, the total Bob Cat energy use
is 3,563MJ. The total process energy for the functional unit is therefore 1,018MJ + 3,563MJ = 4,581MJ

6.11 Rammed Earth Insulated

The materials assumed in the Rammed Earth Insulated wall are the same as the Rammed Earth wall
with the addition of a 100mm thick layer of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and a layer of cement based
render (5mm thick) applied to the outer surface of the EPS to protect it from the weather and improve
aesthetics. Adhesive is also needed to glue the EPS to the Rammed Earth wall. The footing is assumed
to be the same dimensions as the weight of the additional materials is minimal.
Additional materials are presented in Table 6.16.
Table 6.16 - Additional Materials for Rammed Earth Insulated Wall
Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
Insulation EPS 100mm thk 9.99 451.55
Render Concrete render 5mm thk 27 1,220.40
Adhesive water based 1.485 67.12

6.12 Strawbale Wall Assumptions

6.12.1 Overview
Although Strawbale walls can be built as load bearing structures, for various practical reasons the vast
majority of them tend to utilise a timber or steel frame to support the roof load (Downton, 2010). This LCI
assumes a timber frame structure with strawbales used as non-structural infill (for insulation). The main
components of the non load-bearing Strawbale wall are;
 Reinforced Concrete Footings
 Timber framing
 Strawbale infill
 Top plate assembly
 Tie down/stabilising system

6.12.2 Straw Life Cycle Assumptions

In this study, straw was assumed to be a waste product from wheat farming. In Australia a common
agricultural practice is to burn this waste straw, so, if this waste was converted to a strawbale, the
avoided impacts of burning straw should be counted in the LCA.
Data regarding emissions of particulates when burning straw was sourced from Li et al. (2007). Straw
was assumed to biodegrade on site at the end of the life, with a neutral carbon cycle i.e. the same
quantity of carbon sequestered during its growth stage is released during the end-of-life composting

6.12.3 Material Quantities

Volumes for the framing components were calculated based on a unit of wall equal to the spacing of the
timber posts, whereas the other components (strawbales, render, footings etc) were based on the
Strawbale wall “module” length which is assumed to be 900mm long x 2700mm high x 550mm wide.
These results were then normalised to volumes/masses of materials per linear metre of wall.
It was assumed that the wall used bales of 350mm high x 450mm wide by 900mm long. This is a
common size in Australia although other sizes are available (Thomas, 2013). The top plate assembly is
assumed to be made from steel trench mesh and is tied down to the concrete footing using high tensile
fencing wire and a “Gripple” tensioning device, at 0.45m centres (spacing) i.e. two per module.
Polyethylene tubing located in the concrete footing is used to form an anchor for the tensioning wire. A
50mm thick layer of render is assumed and this includes a 10mm thick layer of lime render on one side
of the wall to provide water proofing for the external side of the wall - this was the system used by the
author in his own home, designed by architect Bohdan Dorniak (Bohdan Dorniak & Co, 2014).
Figure 6.6 illustrates the various materials assumed to be used in the construction of one module
(900mm long) of wall.
Figure 6.7 illustrates a module of the structural frame that was assumed to be used in conjunction with
the wall module. One frame module was assumed for every three wall modules resulting in a post at
centres of 2.7m. Expanded metal lath is included, and as drawn appears to be oversize; however, this is
the area (quantity) required to cover all the straw to timber connections i.e. adjacent the post and the
mounting rail which is needed for mounting a picture rail, cupboards, shelves et cetera.
Quantities of materials for one linear metre of wall and for the functional unit are given in Table 6.17.

Figure 6.6 - Materials In Strawbale Wall Module

Figure 6.7 - Materials in Strawbale Framing Module

Table 6.17 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Strawbale Wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 footing concrete 540 30888.0
2 Rebar Footings steel 4.41 252.3
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 0.25 14.8
4 Polypipe anchor for wire polyethylene 0.05 2.4
5 Trench mesh, top plate steel 1.79 82.9
6 DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 0.25 12.0
7 Straw, baled straw 127.89 5908.5
8 straw half bale straw 10.41 481.1
9 twine strawbale polyethylene 0.36 17.0
10 Wire steel 0.55 25.6
11 render, adobe render, clay 451.27 20848.8
12 Render, Lime 10mm thk render, lime 41.57 1920.7
13 Tensioner, wire steel 0.05 2.4

Table 6.18 - Strawbale Wall Framing Material Quantities

Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 post pine 140x90x3000 Pine 6.42 296.88
2 Bracket steel Steel 0.30 7.09
3 Hex Bolt M12 x 100 Steel 0.13 1.56
4 Hex Bolt M12 x 120 Steel 0.08 1.92
5 Hex Nut Plain M12 Steel 0.01 0.24
6 rail mounting pine 90x45x2610 Pine 1.79 83.02
7 expanded metal lath Steel 1.00 46.37

6.12.4 Process Energy

Process energy for Strawbale wall construction has been assumed for mixing render. Fuel used for
render mixing is described under the Common Element heading.

6.13 Concrete Block Insulated Wall Assumptions

6.13.1 Construction Overview

Concrete blocks are assumed to be 200mm wide and 200mm high, hollow and filled with concrete
mortar and reinforcing bar as specified by the manufacturer (Boral, 2013). This entails N16 (diameter
16mm) reinforcing bar positioned vertically at 400mm centres and N16 horizontal reinforcing bar
positioned every other block i.e. 400mm centres. A 10mm thick cement based render is applied to the
outer face of the 100mm thick EPS insulation layer.
Concrete used to manufacture the blocks was assumed to be lightweight, density: 1750 kg/m3(Jones,

6.13.2 Material Quantities

Figure 6.8 and Table 6.19 illustrate and table the material quantities assumed for the Concrete Block

Figure 6.8 - Concrete Block Wall Module

Table 6.19 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Concrete Block wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 footing concrete 420.00 23,612.4
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 4.41 247.8
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm LDPE 0.25 14.3
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm LDPE 0.19 8.5
5 Concrete blocks and mortar concrete and mortar
concrete blocks 20% cast concrete 189.00 8546.6
concrete mortar 80% poured concrete 1036.80 46,884.1
6 Render 5mm cement based 27.00 1,220.9
7 Insulation 100mm EPS 9.99 451.7
8 Rebar in blocks steel 21.65 978.8
9 Top plate pine 2.07 93.4
10 Adhesive Acrylic based 1.485 51.3

6.13.3 Process Energy
Process energy is accounted for in the concrete process.

6.14 Brick Veneer Wall Assumptions

6.14.1 Construction Overview

Brick veneer is a common form of wall construction in Australia. It is usually constructed with a
plasterboard lining (Inglis & Downton, 2010) on either a steel or timber frame, the latter being the most
common. A reinforced concrete footing is constructed first and it features a rebate on which the brick
outer leaf is constructed. This assists with water proofing. Damp proof course is placed on top of the
footing to prevent rising damp. The framed wall is generally insulated with fibreglass or rockwool batts
and a layer of “sarking” (aluminium backed kraftpaper) is used in conjunction with an air gap between
the inner framed wall and outer brick wall to improve thermal performance.

6.14.2 Material Quantities

It was assumed the framing was timber and therefore the insulated Brick Veneer wall was modelled with
reference to AS1684.4-2010 Residential timber-framed construction (non-cyclonic) (Standards Australia,
2010) and the ICANZ Insulation handbook (Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand, 2010). It
was assumed the wall had an outer leaf of brick 110mm thick with a timber frame of 35 x 90mm MGP12
pine, studs at 450 centres (based on Table A10, for wall height 2700mm, sheet roof type, truss span
6000mm - (Standards Australia, 2010)) and 45 x 90 bottom and top plates (based on Tables A21 and
A23). Insulation was assumed to be R2.7 Bradford wall batt 90mm thick, density of 34kg/m3 (CSR,
2012a). A reflective foil sheet was included. Footings were as per discussion with a structural engineer
(Wittmann, 2010). Lining was assumed to be 13mm thick plasterboard and the wall finish, an acrylic
based paint.
The material quantities were calculated based on a wall module length of 450mm as this is one of the
standard designs of stud frame in Australia (600mm is the other). These values were then scaled up for
1 linear metre of wall and then multiplied by the wall length of the functional unit.
Figure 6.9 and Table 6.20 illustrate and table the material quantities assumed for the Brick Veneer wall.

Figure 6.9 - Brick Veneer Wall components

Table 6.20 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Brick veneer wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 footing concrete 335.52 18,630
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 4.40 244
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 0.23 13
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 0.19 8
5 Bricks and mortar bricks and mortar 736.16 32,779
bricks (85%) 625.74 27,861
mortar (15%) 110.42 4,917
6 Timber Framing MGP12 pine 14.93 665
7 Lining Plasterboard 13mm Gyprock ECO8 25.10 1,117
8 Insulation glass wool batt 7.27 324
9 Sarking (reflective foil) aluminium and kraft paper 2.13 95
10 Nails framing steel 0.22 9
11 Nails line/clad steel 0.03 1.3
12 Adhesive line/clad acrylic 0.11 5
13 Paint (litres) two coats acrylic 0.3L 15L

The volume was calculated for bricks and mortar combined, therefore this value needed to be separated
into the constituent quantities. The assumptions were that the brick was 230mm long and 75mm high
and 110mm wide (this is a typical size in Australia) (Standards Australia, 2003) and the mortar is 10mm
thick on top, bottom and ends of the brick, and it extends the full width of the brick i.e. 110mm. Hence
for each brick the wall surface area is 17,250mm2 whereas when the mortar is added it increases to
20,400mm2. By percentage of the exposed face of the brick wall this represents 85% brick and 15%
mortar. As both the brick and mortar were assumed to be the same width (110mm) this ratio also
applies volumetrically i.e. 85% of the volume of the wall is composed of brick and 15% mortar and thus
quantities of these components can be calculated accordingly.
The quantity of nails has been calculated based on installation instructions for Gyprock: the quantity of
nails used for fastening lining to the frame was 1kg per 100m2 of Gyprock (CSR, 2010, p. 18). Quantity
and specification of nails used to assemble the framing was based on AS1684.4 2010 p 98-100.
Adhesive quantities for fastening the lining/cladding to the frame were as per Gyprock installation
instructions: 4.2kg of adhesive per 100m2 of Gyprock (CSR, 2010, p. 18).
For the reflective foil (commonly termed “sarking” in Australia), it was assumed that it was 1mm thick
and was composed of 95% kraft paper, and 5% aluminium foil by weight.

6.14.3 Process Energy

Process energy is accounted for in the mortar process. It assumes mixing of mortar on site (refer to
Section 6.18.2)

6.15 Reverse Brick Veneer Wall Assumptions

6.15.1 Construction Overview

Reverse brick veneer is similar to brick veneer but the main elements (brick and framed wall) are
reversed with the brick on the inside of the envelope rather than on the outside. This takes advantage of
the thermal mass properties of the brick and improves thermal performance (Inglis & Downton, 2010).
This arrangement necessitates the use of lightweight sheeting for the wall cladding material. In this
study, cement fibreboard was used to reduce its embodied energy content, although other materials
such as corrugated steel sheets are commonly used.
It was assumed that the Reverse Brick Veneer wall was insulated with the same materials as the Brick
Veneer wall.

6.15.2 Material Quantities

Figure 6.10 and Table 6.21 illustrate and table the material quantities assumed for the Reverse Brick
Veneer wall.

Figure 6.10 - Reverse Brick Veneer wall module

Table 6.21 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Reverse Brick Veneer wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 footing concrete 335.520 18,625
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 4.403 245
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 0.228 13
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 0.188 8
5 Bricks and mortar bricks and mortar 713.691 31,768
bricks (85%) 606.637 27,003
mortar (15%) 107.054 4,766
6 Timber Framing MGP12 pine 15.235 679
7 Cement Fibreboard 6mm Hardiplank 21.694 966
8 Insulation glass wool batt 7.508 335
9 Sarking (reflective foil) aluminium and kraft paper 2.200 98
10 Nails framing steel 0.222 9
11 Nails line/clad steel 0.027 1
12 Adhesive line/clad acrylic 0.105 5
13 Paint (litres) two coats acrylic 0.338 15

6.15.3 Process Energy
Process energy is accounted for in the mortar process. It assumes hand mixing of mortar on site (refer

6.16 Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad Assumptions

6.16.1 Construction Overview

Light weight timber framed homes are the most common form of domestic wall construction in Australia
(Davis & Downton, 2010). Specifications for timber framing for this wall construction are given in
accordance with Australian Standards for non-cyclonic areas (Standards Australia, 2010). The stud
frames are made of timber (35mm x 90mm), spaced at 450mm centres and lined with plasterboard, clad
with cement fibreboard and insulated between studs with glasswool batt insulation.

6.16.2 Material Quantities

Figure 6.11 and Table 6.22 illustrate and table the material quantities assumed for the Timber Frame
Cement Fibreboard Clad wall.

Figure 6.11 - Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad Wall Module

Table 6.22 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 Footing Concrete 360.00 19,965.6
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm Steel 4.40 244.2
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm LDPE 0.24 13.6
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm LDPE 0.09 4.2
5 Foil Aluminium and kraft paper 0.0027 0.120
6 Timber framing Mgp10 pine 35x90 17.05 757.8
7 Lining Plasterboard 13mm Plasterboard 25.09 1,115.6
8 Insulation Glass wool wall batt 90mm thick 7.12 316.7
9 Cement fibreboard 6mm thk Cement fibreboard 21.03 934.9
10 Render 5mm thk Cement render 27.00 1,200.4
11 Nails framing Steel 0.22 9.9
12 Nails line/clad Steel 0.03 1.2
13 Adhesive line/clad Acrylic 0.23 10.1
14 Paint (litres) two coats Acrylic 0.676 30

Quantities of nails and adhesive (items 9-11) have been calculated in the same way as the Brick Veneer
wall with the exception that nails used for fixing the lining/cladding were doubled to account for the
cladding used in this construction. Likewise the quantity of adhesive was doubled. It is assumed that the
amount of nails and adhesive for fixing Gyprock is the same as for fixing cement fibreboard. Two coats
of paint are assumed for the lining and the cladding.

6.17 Timber Frame Steel Clad Wall Assumptions

6.17.1 Construction Overview

This wall construction was used for the Equator Facing Wall in the Earthship without Greenhouse
envelopes. It was assumed to be identical to the Timber Frame Cement Fibreboard Clad wall
construction with the exception that the cladding was different: it has a layer of steel instead of cement
fibreboard, adhesive and render.

6.17.2 Material Quantities

Figure 6.12 and Table 6.23 illustrate and table the material quantities assumed for the Timber Frame
Cement Fibreboard Clad wall.

Figure 6.12 - Timber Frame Steel Clad wall module

Table 6.23 - Materials for 1lm and functional unit of Timber Frame Steel Clad wall
Item Description Material Linear Metre Functional Unit
Mass (kg) Mass (kg)
1 Footing Concrete 360.00 19,965.6
2 Rebar, footing dia12mm Steel 4.40 244.2
3 DPC under footing 0.2mm LDPE 0.24 13.6
4 DPC under wall 0.5mm LDPE 0.09 4.2
5 Foil Aluminium and kraft paper 0.0027 0.120
6 Timber framing Mgp10 pine 35x90 17.05 757.8
7 Lining Plasterboard 13mm Plasterboard 25.09 1,115.6
8 Insulation Glass wool wall batt 90mm thick 7.12 316.7
9 Steel cladding Steel 0.4mm thk 11.70 520.12
10 Nails framing Steel 0.22 9.9
11 Nails line/clad Steel 0.03 1.2
13 Paint (litres) two coats Acrylic 0.338 15

6.17.3 Process Energy
No process energy was assumed for this wall construction other than that accounted for in the concrete

6.18 Common Element Assumptions

6.18.1 Render, Internal

The sub-components (ingredients) of the internal render are shown below. Volume and mass are
calculated for 1m3 of render materials (not including water). Adobe render is usually made on site with
the local soil which is augmented with extra sand or clay to obtain the correct consistency (Steen,
Steen, Bainbridge & Eisenberg, 1994, p. 212). For the purposes of this LCA a worst case scenario is
assumed in which sand and clay are imported to the site rather than the local soil being used. The
quantities were calculated using a ratio (by volume) based approximately on guidelines by Steen for
rendering strawbale walls.
Material Density Ratio by vol Percentage Volume Mass Mass/kg of render
kg/m3 % m3 kg
Sand 1602 4 67% 0.667 1068.0 0.757
Clay 1089 1 17% 0.167 181.5 0.129
Straw 116 1 17% 0.167 19.3 0.014
Water 1000 1 14% 0.143 142.9 0.101
Total Solids 6 100% 1.000 1268.8
Total inc water 7 114% 1.143 1411.7 1

6.18.2 Render, External

The volume/mass of the external render ingredients was calculated as per the internal render as per
AS2350.12-2006 p.6 (Standards Australia, 2006) which gives quantities of sand, cement and water for
mixing cement mortar in the ratio of 3 parts sand to one part cement to half a part of water.
Table 6.24 - Material quantities for 1kg of cement render (excluding wire netting)
Material Density Ratio by vol Percentage Volume Mass Mass/kg of render
kg/m3 % m3 kg kg
Sand 1602 3 75% 0.750 1201.5 0.706
Cement 1506 1 25% 0.250 376.5 0.221
Water 1000 0.5 13% 0.125 125.0 0.073
Total Solids 4 100% 1.000 1578.0
Total inc water 4.5 113% 1.125 1703.0 1

Another component of the external render is wire netting which provides extra strength to the render and
a “key” for the render to grip. In the case of Earthship tyre walls, it is nailed or screwed into the tyres and
for strawbale walls it is fastened to the bales with baling twine which passes all the way through the
Assuming a render thickness of 25mm, 1m3 will cover 40m2. Assuming wire netting weighs
0.29kg/m2(Hurricane Wire Products, 2006), 1m3 of render will require 40 x 0.29 = 11.6kg of steel wire

netting or 1kg of render will require 11.6 / 1578 (the weight of 1m3 of render) = 0.00735kg of steel wire

6.18.3 Roof & Ceiling

Two rooves were modelled, one based on the Earthship Global Model design and the other a more
conventional truss gable roof. Earthship Roof

Figure 6.13 shows the basic roof construction for the Global Model Earthship. The roof and ceiling
materials are timber (Radiata pine) trusses, timber purlins, plywood, building paper, steel roof cladding,
timber ceiling, EPS insulation directly above the ceiling, and EPS insulation below the steel cladding.
Nails and screws were calculated using an estimate of 100g per m2 roof area.
This design was slightly modified to reflect Australian materials and roof construction practices while
maintaining an insulative value of R5.1 (5.1m2K/W of thermal resistance).1mm thickness of reflective foil
or “sarking” was assumed instead of 2mm building paper; glass wool insulation was assumed instead of
polyiso, and insulation under roof cladding layer was omitted. Table 6.25 lists the material quantities
assumed for the Australian version of the Earthship roof.

Figure 6.13 - Global Model Roof design (copyright Earthship Biotecture)

Table 6.25 - Materials for functional unit of Global Model Roof Adapted for typical Australian Materials
Description Material Mass (kg)
truss roof Pine 45 x 90 2,104.5
plywood roof Ply 16 thk 197.66
sarking Sarking 1mm thk 16.3
roof cladding Steel 0.4 thk 969.11
ceiling pine 25 thk 1,542.8
insulation ceiling Glass wool ceiling batt R5 200 thk 637.6
purlins Pine 25 x 90 421.3
Nails and screws Steel 17.7 Conventional Roof

A gable roof was the basis for a conventional roof. It was assumed to overhang the north and south
walls by 0.9m and the east and west walls by 0.6m. The northern overhang is intended to provide
shading in the summer while still admitting radiation in the winter (and is the same overhang assumed in
the thermal modelling). The roof is constructed using a truss design ((University of Maryland, 1963)
using materials similar to the Earthship roof (timber truss with steel cladding); however, the ceiling is

made from plasterboard instead of pine and EPS insulation has been replaced by fibre glass ceiling
batts (100mm thick) and reflective foil sarking to reflect common Australian building practice. Nails and
screws were calculated using the same estimate as the Earthship roof.
Figure 6.14 and Table 6.26 illustrate the dimensions and material quantities assumed for the
conventional roof.

Figure 6.14 - Conventional Roof

Table 6.26 - Materials for functional unit of Conventional Roof

Item Description Material Mass (kg)
1 truss roof conventional pine 45 x 90mm 826.8
2 Brace Roof Truss ply 10mm thk 186.6
3 purlins pine 45 x 90mm 660.6
4 barge board pine 45 x 170mm 178.2
5 roof cladding steel 0.42mm thk 792.3
6 gable cladding steel steel 0.42mm thk 63.9
7 soffit steel 0.42mm thk 149.43
8 insulation above ceiling fibreglass ceiling batt 200mm thk R5 610.9
9 ceiling, plasterboard plasterboard 13mm thk 1122.5
10 Sarking kraft paper w aluminium foil 1mm thk 135.4
11 Ceiling battens pine 35 x 70 274.1
Nails and screws Steel 17.7

6.18.4 Floor
Two types of floor were modelled. A conventional concrete slab floor comprising damp proof course,
and reinforced concrete slab 100mm thick was compared to a rammed earth “mud” floor (often used in
Earthship construction) assumed to have the same damp proof course as the concrete slab, plus a
100mm thick layer of sand and a 100mm layer of cement reinforced rammed earth. The floor is
assumed to be 22m x 5.5m x 0.1m thick and in the greenhouse it is of the same dimensions except the
width is 2.4m instead of 5.5m. This is in accordance with the functional unit dimensions.
Material quantities for each floor are tabled below.
Table 6.27 - Living Area Floors - Concrete Slab
Material Material Specification Mass(kg)
Concrete 100mm thk 29,040
Steel REO MESH SL62 (dia 6mm x 200mm spacing) 267
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 0.3mm thk 34.1

Table 6.28 - Living Area Floors - Mud

Material Material Specification Mass(kg)
Rammed Earth Assumed density of 2000kg/m3 24,200
Sand 100mm thk (under damp course) 20,352
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 0.3mm thk 34.1

Table 6.29 - Greenhouse Floor - Concrete Slab

Material Material Specification Mass(kg)
Concrete 100mm thk 6,336
Steel REO MESH SL62 (dia 6mm x 200mm spacing) 58.3
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 0.3mm thk 7.4

Table 6.30 - Greenhouse Floor - Mud

Material Material Specification Mass(kg)
Rammed Earth Assumed density of 2000kg/m3 5,280
Sand 100mm thk (under damp course) 4,440
Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 0.3mm thk 7.4

6.18.5 Internal Partition Walls

Five types of internal partition walls were modelled.
 “Clay Brick” with cement mortar (as per “Thermal Mass” internal wall in Thermal Performance
 “Timber Frame” with plasterboard lining (as per “Light Weight internal wall in the Thermal
Performance Study),
 “Can Wall” as per Earthship designs, made from aluminium beverage cans with cement mortar.
 “Rammed Earth”
 “Mudbrick”
Clay brick is a typical internal wall type for conventional homes with thermal mass internal walls,
although it is more common that conventional homes have lightweight stud walls that are timber framed
with a plasterboard lining, hence the inclusion of the “Timber Frame” internal wall type. The can wall is

typical of Earthship constructions. It is quick and easy to build using “waste” aluminium beverage cans.
Rammed earth internal walls are often built in homes with rammed earth external walls and likewise,
homes with mudbrick external walls often feature mudbrick internal walls.
Footing dimensions varied according to the wall type and were assumed to be integral with the concrete
slab or in the case of the mud floor, a separate sub-floor “footing” structure. The footing width was
assumed to be 0.3m for the clay brick, rammed earth and mudbrick walls on account of their mass and
width, in contrast to the “can” and light weight timber frame walls which were assumed to have footings
0.2m wide due to their lighter weight. The depth of the footing was assumed to be 0.3m for all internal
wall types with the exception the light weight timber frame wall which was assumed to require only a
0.2m deep footing on account of the light weight. Two lengths of 12mm diameter steel reinforcing bar
were assumed in all internal wall footings. Note that these dimensions were estimates by the author,
whereas the footing specifications for the external walls were given by an engineer. Fired Clay Brick

The internal thermal mass clay brick wall was assumed to be constructed using the same bricks and
mortar as the external wall. It was assumed that the wall was painted.
The material quantities for the functional unit (4 internal walls 2.7m high x 5.5m long) and for one metre
square of wall area (FU value divided by 59.4m2) are shown in Table 6.31.
Table 6.31 - Fired clay brick internal wall material quantities
Material Assumptions Mass/FU (kg) Mass/m2 wall area (kg)
Bricks Brick size 230 x 115 x 75 mm 13,953 234.9
Cement Mortar 10 mm thick 2,215 37.3 Timber Frame

The light weight timber frame wall is assumed to be non-load-bearing and is constructed from 35 x
70mm Radiata pine with plasterboard lining and glass wool batt insulation and was designed in
accordance to the relevant Australian Standards for timber framing (Standards Australia, 2010). Nails
and adhesive are also included as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The material quantities for the functional unit are shown in Table 6.32.
Table 6.32 - Timber frame internal wall material quantities
Material Assumptions Mass/FU (kg) Mass/m2 wall area (kg)
Timber frame Radiata pine 35 x 70mm 288.8 kg 4.86 kg
Plaster Board 10mm thick “ECO8”, density 9.3kg/m2(CSR, 2012b) 1104.8 kg 2.01 kg
Insulation Glass wool batt 70 thick, density 25kg/m3 110.5 kg 18.6 kg
Steel (quantities as per Australian Standards and suppliers recommendations)
Nails 1.8 kg 0.03 kg
(CSR, 2010)
Adhesive Acrylic based (quantities as per suppliers recommendations) (CSR, 2010) 4.2 kg 0.07 kg
Paint Acrylic, coverage 8m2/L 14.9 L 0.25 L Can Wall

Two variations of the Can Wall were modelled in the LCA study: the traditional version which uses a
cement mortar and assumes that the aluminium cans are landfilled at end-of-life, and a “low embodied
energy” (lowEE) version which instead uses an adobe mortar, and assumes that 90 percent of the
aluminium cans are recycled at the end-of-life.
The Can Wall is assumed to be 150mm thick due to the aluminium beverage container (“can”) being
135mm long and 7.5mm of render being applied to each end of the can. Its height is assumed to be the
standard 2.7m high; however the length is assumed to be only 4.7m on account of a buttressing
structure adjacent the tyre wall which causes the internal wall to be 800mm less than if the buttress was
not included.

To establish the quantity of mortar and aluminium cans required to build the wall a 3D CAD model was
generated (see Figure 6.15) as per the construction drawings given by Reynolds, which calls for 19mm
of mortar between each can (Reynolds, 1990, pp. 158-159). The CAD model assumed cylindrical cans
whereas Reynolds recommends pinching the walls of the can to make a vee shape to aid with laying in
the mortar, hence an additional 15% volume in cement render was estimated and factored into the
An aluminium beverage can was weighed (the traditional type of diameter 65mm x 135mm height) to
establish the amount of aluminium used in the wall. Its weight was 14g, and assuming 1980 cans per
wall (as per the CAD model) the total weight of aluminium was 27.72kg for each wall.
The total mass of cement mortar, cement render, and aluminium cans for all four walls of the functional
unit are shown in Table 6.33.
Table 6.33 - “Can wall” internal wall material quantities (4 walls 4.7m x 2.7m x 0.135m)
Material Assumptions Total mass (kg) Mass / wall area (kg/m2)
Cement mortar 9120.8 179.7
Aluminium (Can) Can mass 14g 110.9 2.18
Cement render 7.5mm thick each side of wall 1827.3 36

Figure 6.15 - “Can wall” CAD model calculations Can Wall with Adobe Mortar (lowEE Earthship)

When adobe mortar is used instead of cement mortar, the quantity of adobe mortar is 127.7kg per m 2 of
wall area (assuming 1700kg/m3 density of adobe mortar). Rammed Earth Internal wall

The rammed earth internal wall was assumed to be as thin as possible to minimise loss of internal floor
space. A minimum of 200mm thick is recommended (Ramtec, 2008). At a density of 2000kg/m3 the
mass is 400kg/m2 of wall. Mudbrick Internal wall

The mudbrick internal wall was assumed to be 200mm thick. At a density of 1600kg/m3, the mass is
320kg/m2 of wall.

6.18.6 Equator Facing Wall & Greenhouse Partition Wall

The Equator Facing Wall and the Greenhouse Partition Wall were both assumed to be 50% glazed. In
the case of the Equator Facing Wall (i.e. no greenhouse included in the envelope) the unglazed portion
of the wall was assumed to be the External Wall construction however in the case of Earthship External

Wall constructions, rather than a tyre wall, a steel clad insulated timber frame wall was assumed i.e.
Timber Frame Steel Clad (TFS).
For the Greenhouse Partition Wall (i.e. greenhouse included) the unglazed portion of the wall was
assumed to be a “can wall” of thickness 150mm as per the internal wall described previously.
The windows were assumed to be double glazed units consisting of two layers of 5mm clear uncoated
glass separated by a 12mm air gap. A butyl seal which incorporates an aluminium extrusion and
desiccant was also included. Timber window frames 50mm x 50mm were also counted. Dimensions of
the windows were 2.7m high x 2.2m wide including frames (Figure 6.16). The Functional Unit included 5
windows thus the total area of double glazed area, including frames, was 29.7m2 and 28.5m2 not
including frames (glazed units only). A structural beam of pine which acts as a lintel for all windows was
assumed to be 23m long x 0.3m high x 0.15m wide.
The following tables document the materials assumed for the Equator Facing Wall and the Greenhouse
Partition Wall.
Table 6.34 - Window Frames and Glazing - applicable to all Equator Facing Walls / Greenhouse Partition Walls
Description Material Total Area (m2) Mass (kg)
Window frame Pine 1.2 69.9
Double glazing Double glazed unit 28.5 808.5

Table 6.35 - Earthship, Equator Facing Wall 50% Glazed, Timber Framed Steel Clad (i.e. for Earthship Without Greenhouse)
Description Material Total Area (m2) Mass (kg)
Foil (Sarking) aluminium and kraft paper 23.5
Timber Framing 35 x 90 MGP10 pine 35x90 187.5
Lining Plasterboard 13mm plasterboard 276.0
Insulation glass wool batt 90mm 78.4
Steel cladding steel 0.4mm thick 321.2
Nails, framing steel 2.4
Nails, line/clad steel 0.3
Paint (litres) two coats acrylic 3.3
Footing concrete 7,920
Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 96.8
DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 5.3
DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 2
Top plate (structural beam) MGP12 pine 527.9

Table 6.36 - Base Case Earthship, Greenhouse Partition Wall 50% Glazed
Description Material Total Area (m2) Mass (kg)
Walls, Can, Cement, Greenhouse See indented list below 29.7
cement mortar Cement mortar 5336.8
aluminium cans Aluminium 64.8
cement render Cement mortar 1069.2
paint Acrylic paint 18.56
footing concrete 7,920
Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 96.8
DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 5.3
DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 2
Top plate (structural beam) MGP12 pine 527.9

Table 6.37 - LowEE Earthship, Greenhouse Partition Wall 50% Glazed
Description Material Total Area (m2) Mass (kg)
Walls, Can, Adobe, Greenhouse See indented list below 29.7
adobe mortar Adobe mortar 4361.7
aluminium cans Aluminium (not recycled) 6.4
adobe render adobe mortar 2019.6*
paint Acrylic paint 0
footing concrete 7,920
Rebar, footing dia12mm steel 96.8
DPC under footing 0.2mm polyethylene 5.3
DPC under wall 0.5mm polyethylene 2
Top plate (structural beam) MGP12 pine 527.9

Figure 6.16 - Window frame and double glazed unit dimensions

6.18.7 Greenhouse
As was the case with the internal Can Walls, two variations of the greenhouse were modelled: one
based on traditional Earthship methods and another “low embodied energy” version which substituted
adobe mortar for the usual cement mortar in all the Can Walls.

177 Earthship Greenhouse LCI
The results for the low tyre wall at the front of the greenhouse have already been given in the External
wall section (Table 6.6).
Table 6.38 lists the remainder of the materials assumed in the construction of the greenhouse.
This includes the can walls (which use the Internal Wall calculations to calculate the quantities of
cement render and aluminium cans), the insulation within the can walls, concrete footings for the can
walls, timber framing and metal flashing for the angled glazed greenhouse facade, ceiling insulation
(polyurethane), and a vent box assembly which forms part of the greenhouse roof.
Table 6.38 - Greenhouse material quantities
Description Material Tot Area (m2) Mass (kg)
Walls, Can, External Greenhouse See indented list below 35.4
cement mortar* Cement mortar 6361.0*
adobe mortar (alternative to cement mortar)* Adobe mortar 5198.8*
aluminium cans aluminium 77.2
cement render Cement mortar 1274.4
paint Acrylic paint 22.1
Insulation Greenhouse walls polyurethane 47.8
Footings Greenhouse east/west walls See indented list below
concrete concrete 1457.3
rebar steel 20.3
dpc LDPE 0.6
Framing, Glazed Greenhouse pine 638.0
lining ceiling greenhouse pine 358.3
Insulation Greenhouse Ceiling polyiso 211.7
Flashing Greenhouse steel 56.1
vent box ply 47.4
frame, vent lid, timber pine 8.4
cladding, vent box and lid, steel steel 11.2
Insulated Glazed Units Double glazed units 42.5 1140
* the Base Case Earthship was assumed to use cement mortar whereas the “LowEE Earthship” was assumed to use adobe mortar.

6.19 Systems Assumptions

To compare the Earthship’s off-grid systems to conventional “grid connected” services for energy, water
and wastewater treatment (sewer) it was necessary to develop estimates for the quantities of energy,
water and wastewater that would be used by each type of household, and then define these systems.
The following sections detail the rationale and calculations for these assumptions.

6.19.1 Energy System including Solar Hot Water

Energy was assumed to be provided by electricity for heating and cooling, lighting and other household
appliances, and gas was assumed for energy intensive tasks such as cooking and solar hot water
Energy was considered, and modelled, in four discrete categories:
 Heating and cooling electricity
 Other household electricity (lighting and electrical appliances)
 Gas for hot water boost
 Gas for cooking

Heating and cooling electricity was modelled as per the results of the Thermal Performance Study and
this is discussed further under Section 6.20. Although the Earthship can be assumed to require zero
heating or cooling, and is able to provide for its energy needs via the off-grid energy system, to be
absolutely fair in the comparison with the grid connected homes which typically require heating and
cooling, the Earthship was modelled with grid supplied energy, sufficient to meet the minimal
heating/cooling load dictated by the results of the Thermal Performance study (Chapter 4).
It was assumed that other household electricity use - for appliances and lighting - would be a maximum
of 5kWh/day. This was met by the off-grid electricity system for the Earthship and for the Mudbrick
home, whereas the other homes were assumed to use grid electricity. Although it seemed unlikely that a
grid connected home would use such a small amount of electricity, this same quantity of grid electricity
was compared to the off-grid electricity to gain an understanding of how the two systems compare on an
equal basis. However, to investigate the effect of more typical home energy use in Adelaide
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2013a), a scenario in which 20kWh/day of electricity was used was also
Calculations and assumptions for energy use are presented below.

6.19.2 Electricity Use Estimate

An off-grid renewable electricity system designed to deliver up to 5kWh/day in Adelaide conditions was
designed by a local company, Natural Technology Systems (specifications of system in Appendix D). To
check that this would be adequate, a schedule of lighting and appliance usage was developed (Table
6.39) indicating that at least 2.3kWh/day would be needed, hence the 5kWh/day system provides for
significant additional energy use, and represents an over estimate of the capacity of the system.
Although larger than a typical Taos Earthship system this system is sized to be suitable for frugal energy
use in the Adelaide climate. Additional batteries and PV panels (1.52kW) were necessary due to
Adelaide’s higher number of overcast winter days compared to Taos. In Taos, Earthship energy
systems are approximately 720-1000W PV systems with approx 8 batteries totalling approximately 700
amp hours storage capacity (refer Chapter 3).
Quantities and masses of the system components with assumptions regarding replacement intervals
and the resultant total lifecycle mass are shown in Table 6.40. Heating and cooling energy was
calculated separately using the results of the Thermal Performance study (refer Chapter 4).
As the off-grid energy system can provide up to 5kWh/day for lighting and appliances this figure was
also adopted for grid connected energy. This correlates with generic energy use data for Australian
households which quotes 33% of energy use for lights, standby, refrigeration, lifestyle appliances and
washing and drying (AGL Energy, 2013). Using an average electricity use for a four person household in
Adelaide (postcode 5000) of 19.2kWh/day (Commonwealth of Australia, 2013a) this equates to
6.4kWh/day indicating that the 5kWh/day assumption is realistic, especially for frugal energy use.
As it is assumed that natural daylighting, lighting and appliances are standardised for all house types
the result of this modelling approach is that the heating/cooling energy, which was determined by the
physical properties of the external wall type (and in the case of the Earthship, the greenhouse and
berm), is the only variable affecting energy use.

6.19.3 Gas Use Estimate

In Australia it is fairly common practice for grid connected homes to use gas for cooking and for
boosting solar hot water systems as does the Earthship. This study assumed that the gas energy use
for a grid connected home was identical to an Earthship because similar amounts of SHW boosting and
cooking activities are likely to take place in both types of home – although it could be argued that the
off-grid Earthship will drive more frugal gas use (e.g. shorter showers) than a grid connected home

where gas and water is seemingly never ending, apart from this, there is nothing inherent in the
Earthship design that tends to reduce gas use.
The average annual gas use was calculated based on responses to a question regarding expenses
related to gas use in the Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire. As the bulk of responses to the
questionnaire were from the US, all respondents’ answers were converted to US dollars and averaged.
This gave a result of US$185 per annum per household. This equates to 3650kWh per annum or 10kWh
per day per household assuming $0.35/litre of gas, the average price of natural gas in America in 2012
(EIA, 2014) and 6.9kWh per litre (ELGAS, 2014).
This value was compared to other information published by the Commonwealth of Australia: a RHEEM
instantaneous gas heater available in New Zealand quotes 18,674MJ gas energy use per annum
although details about volume of water is not clear (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012). Information was
not available for gas cookers as these are not included in the Australian Governments’ energy efficiency
labelling scheme or the Minimum Energy Performance Standards.
South Australian architect, Emilis Prelgauskas estimates approximately 45kg of LPG per annum per
person for cooking and SHWS boost (Prelgauskas, 2013). Assuming 50MJ/kg for LPG energy density
(Envestra Limited, 2007) this equates to 9000MJ per annum for four people.
The author’s personal experience is that approximately 0.7kg of LPG/week is used by a family of four for
cooking purposes only (electric oven, with gas cooktop) i.e. one 9kg bottle per quarter. Scaling this up
by approximately 40% to reflect gas oven use, 1kg LPG/week is assumed. This equates to 2,600MJ of
energy per annum. This estimate is similar to survey results from a study conducted by the independent
regulator for energy prices in New South Wales. This study quotes 2000MJ per annum for households
that use gas only for cooking (Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal, 2014).
For solar hot water it was assumed 60% of the energy was supplied by the sun and 40% by gas based
on a discussion from a sales representative of SHWS in Adelaide (Ward, 2013b). Using the energy
consumption for the RHEEM system mentioned above, this equates to 7,470MJ per annum gas use.
Adding the RHEEM system gas use (less solar component) to the cooking gas use reported by the
author closely approximates the gas use reported by Prelgauskas, however this anecdotal evidence
from Australia is substantially less that that reported by the Earthship occupants. This may be due to
differences in climate, hot water usage, cooking practices, and appliance efficiency.
It was decided to use the Australian estimates:
Cooking gas: 2,600MJ
SHWS boost gas: 7,470MJ (RHEEM system providing 40% of hot water, solar 60%)
Total: 2,600 + 7,470 = 10,070MJ/yr
For off-grid systems, bottled gas was assumed to be LPG, whereas grid connected gas type was
assumed to be natural gas as per current gas infrastructure in South Australia (Government of South
Australia, 2011).

Off-Grid Energy System Specifications

Table 6.39 - Electrical appliances assumed in sizing of off-grid energy system
Electrical Total Hr/Day
Qty Watts Wh/day kWh/yr notes/refs
Appliance Watts use
Lights 8 5 40 5 200 73 Quantity of lights turned on simultaneously
Stereo 1 40 40 5 200 73
Fridge/Freezer 1 480 175 average consumption at 21C (Sun Frost, 2013)
Microwave 1 1000 1000 0.3 300 110
Range Hood 1 62 62 1 62 23
Food Processor 1 600 600 0.1 60 22
exhaust fan 1 30 30 0.5 15 6

Electrical Total Hr/Day
Qty Watts Wh/day kWh/yr notes/refs
Appliance Watts use
computer 2 50 100 5 500 183 laptop
water pump 1 60 60 0.5 30 11
four cold washes per week based on 105kWh/365 uses
washing machine 1 164.38 60
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2013c)
television 1 273.97 100 Estimate based energy efficient TV (AU data)
TOTAL 2285.36 836

Table 6.40 - Specifications of Renewable Energy System

Mass each Total Total Qty over 50 Total
Description Qty Replacement interval (yr)
(kg) Mass (kg) (yr) Mass (kg)
15 (Exide Technologies,
Batteries, deep cycle, gel cell 12 66.00 792 40 2640
190 Watt Solar PV Modules (total
8 18.85 150.8 25 16 302
Solar Regulator system controller 1 1.12 1.12 15 3.3 4
3.5kW inverter/charger 1 37 37 15 3.3 123
Solar Array Frame for Roof or
1 40 40 25 2 80
Ground mount
TOTAL (for freight calculation) 3149 LCI Assumptions & Data

Australasian LCI Unit Processes for South Australia were used to model electricity and gas use. For the
purposes of calculating impacts arising from transportation of the gas to a remote location (off-grid
home), it was assumed the gas was delivered in a 50kg bottle by a rigid truck travelling 50km, once per
year for the lifecycle duration (base case: 50yr).

Off-Grid Electricity System Components

The Australasian LCI Unit Process database does not include data for the inverter, solar panels,
batteries or regulator, necessitating the use of alternative data. In the case of the inverter, solar panels
and regulator, Ecoinvent (European) data was used. It includes LCI data for a 18.5kg, 2.5kW inverter,
which was scaled to 37kg, 5kW for this study to approximate the mass of the inverter specified for the
Adelaide Earthship system.
Likewise, data for poly crystalline silicon 72 cell modules was available in the Ecoinvent data although at
a slightly reduced wattage of 166W per panel therefore the quantity of solar panels was scaled up (14%)
to approximate190W output.
To model the regulator, the inverter data was used as a proxy for electronic hardware, scaled down
according to mass i.e. 1.12kg/18.5kg = 0.061 inverters.
LCI data for lead acid batteries was not available in any datasets supplied with SimaPro™ so a review
of the literature was undertaken. A recent literature review of LCI data of battery technology by Sullivan
and Gaines (2010) quotes the cradle to gate energy of lead acid batteries as 23.4 to 38 MJ/kg. It reports
their composition as 25% lead, 35% lead oxides, 10% polypropylene, 10% sulphuric acid, 16% water,
2% glass, 1% antimony. These proportions were used to model the battery where possible; however,
due to lack of LCI data for lead oxides, lead was used as a proxy with 30% being primary and 70%
secondary (recycled) lead as per Sullivan and Gaines (2010) p. 8.
The weight of each battery specified is 66kg multiplied by 12 batteries which comprise the battery bank
for the system = total of 792kg.
The electricity used to manufacture the battery (assemble the materials) was assumed to be 8.4MJ/kg
of battery (Sullivan and Gaines, 2010) and this was assumed to be supplied by a German gas power

plant (EcoInvent LCI data) as the batteries specified (Sonnenschein) are manufactured by a company
based in Germany (Exide Technologies, 2012).
It was assumed that 98% of the batteries’ lead was recycled (Battery Council International, 2012). The
energy to recycle the lead was assumed to be 5.3MJ/kg Sullivan and Gaines (2010) p. 9 and the heat
energy was supplied by natural gas.
Recycling of photovoltaic panels, which is technically possible (Energy Matters, 2013) was not modelled
due to lack of LCI data.
The panel mounting equipment was assumed to be steel weighing 40kg. Cable requirements were
assumed to be 50m of electrical cable to connect panels to each other, to the inverter, batteries et
cetera. This was modelled using Swiss data from the Ecoinvent LCI database. Freight of the renewable
energy system was assumed to be 3093.5kg of equipment from Germany to Australia by 25,000km of
transoceanic freight (boat) plus 100km of transport by an articulated truck within Australia.

Space Heating & Cooling Equipment

A reverse cycle “split” system was assumed to be used in the house as this is a common heating and
cooling system used in Australian homes. This was assumed for all scenarios, even the Earthships
which typically do not include mechanical heating/cooling systems. The rationale for this was to be
conservative and model a worst case scenario for the Earthships in which the occupants install air
conditioning to maintain stringent comfort levels, although in reality the majority of Earthship occupants
would simply tolerate slight discomfort.
The total weight of a split system unit is assumed to be 33.5kg and composed primarily of steel (66%)
and a motor and pump assembly (34%) (Advameg Inc., 2013). This is the weight quoted for a single
split system unit manufactured by Toshiba (Toshiba, 2014, p. 19). It is assumed that five such units
would be required, one for each room and that they would need to be replaced every 10 years. As LCI
data for manufacturing processes/energy was not available, modelling of the HVAC plant was limited to
the raw materials.

Solar Hot Water System

Quantities of materials used to manufacture the SHWS were supplied by a representative of Edwards
Pty Ltd (Ward, 2013a) and are presented in Table 6.41. Transport for the total mass was included. As
LCI data for manufacturing processes/energy was not available modelling of the SHWS was limited to
the raw materials.
Table 6.41 - Material Quantities of SHWS
Material Mass (kg)
Colourbond Steel 42.5
Stainless Steel 39
Glass 31.2
Copper 9.1
Polyurethane 6.75
Aluminium 5.52
Brass 1.5
Total 135.57

6.19.4 Wastewater System Earthship Greywater System and Food Production*

The wastewater system used in this analysis is based on the typical Taos Earthship design as, unlike
the energy system, it does not require alteration due to geographic conditions in Adelaide. The
greywater system has been modelled using the following major components: plastic liner, rubber liner,

PVC waste drain (plumbing), gravel and sand (the growing medium/substrate), and a small water pump.
Fuel use (1 hr of excavator use – diesel fuel) has been included for excavation of the trench.
It has been assumed the pump used to transport the treated greywater from the planter to the toilet
cistern will need to be replaced every five years, and that these pumps are recycled at the end-of-life.
The pump LCI data is scaled down from a 5.5kW water pump weighing 60kg to a pump weighing 3kg
which is more appropriate for simulating the small DC “GWOM” pump used in the Earthship.
Material quantities for the greywater planter are based on a size of 22m x 0.9m x 0.7m deep. Other
assumptions are shown in the table below. Credits for food production in the greywater planter have
been included in the modelling. It is assumed that, on average, each year the harvest is: 10kg of
bananas, 20kg of tomatoes and 20kg of leafy vegetables, based on the author’s observations of
quantities of produce from Earthship greenhouses in Taos during both summer and winter seasons -
these quantities are conservative estimate. Following from this, it is assumed that this avoids annual
“food miles” of: 30,000kgkm of transport for bananas (which would typically be transported from
Queensland to Adelaide), 2000kgkm for tomatoes and 2000kgkm for leafy vegetables the latter two
assumed to be supplied locally (transported only 100km). The LCI data used for the food crops also
includes use of farm machinery, fertiliser, pesticide, chemicals, water use and land use, so these are
assumed to be avoided when this produce is grown in the Earthship greenhouse.
Impacts arising from the area of land the greywater system occupies have been allocated to the
greenhouse rather than the greywater system itself.
Table 6.42 - Earthship Greywater System – Assumptions and Material Quantities
Length Width Depth/Dia Thk Tot Vol Tot Area Density
Description Material Mass (kg)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m3) (m2) (kg/m3)
Liner, plastic LDPE film 22 0.9 0.7 0.0002 0.0104 51.86 940 9.7
Liner, rubber 22 0.9 0.7 0.001 0.0519 51.86 920 47.7
Plumbing PVC pipe 12 0.1 0.003 19.0
Substrate Gravel 22 0.9 0.35 1682 11,656
Substrate Sand 22 0.9 0.35 1602 11,102
Pump (5
units) Blackwater System

The blackwater system has the same material quantities as the greywater system with regard to the
plastic and rubber liners and the growing substrate (gravel and sand). The Blackwater system is
assumed to have half the amount of PVC pipe, no pump, and a 215kg plastic, roto-moulded septic tank
of 3000L capacity. The mass for the septic tank was supplied by a local manufacturer (Team Poly,
2012). To account for extra excavation needed for the septic tank the blackwater system includes
modelling of 12 litres of diesel fuel (2hr excavator use) - double the amount of the greywater system.
Due to the extensive area of biological filters (the indoor greywater planter and the external blackwater
planter) it is unlikely that there would be any outflow from the system requiring “disposal” to the
landscape e.g. via subsurface irrigation. However, to be conservative, and in keeping with current
regulations for on-site wastewater treatment systems in South Australia, it has been assumed that the
system would encompass 200m2 of arable land. Water that the system might theoretically “produce”,
which could be utilised for irrigation, has not been modelled.

Table 6.43 - Earthship Blackwater System - Assumptions and Material Quantities
Length Width Depth/Dia Thk Tot Vol Tot Area Density
Description Material Mass (kg)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m3) (m2) (kg/m3)
Liner, plastic LDPE film 22 0.9 0.7 0.0002 0.0104 51.86 940 9.7
Liner, rubber 22 0.9 0.7 0.001 0.0519 51.86 920 47.7
Plumbing PVC pipe 6 0.1 0.003 9.5
Substrate Gravel 22 0.9 0.35 1682 11,656
Substrate Sand 22 0.9 0.35 1602 11,102
Tank, septic,
HDPE 2.3 1.6 1.7 215
3000L Conventional Wastewater System (Sewer)

In a conventional home, serviced by sewage infrastructure, the environmental impacts arising from
wastewater are directly proportional to the volume of water that enters the sewer. According to SA
Water, the South Australian Government’s water authority, “wastewater treatment is a complex and
expensive operation” and in the South Australian metropolitan area there are 8700km of sewer pipes
(SA Water, 2014a). For comparison, Australia is approximately 4100km across from eastern most point
to western most point. The sewer system requires energy for pumping stations, aeration tanks and for
powering various other aspects of the treatment process. Captured gases (methane) generated by the
wastewater treatment process can be used to deliver energy to the plant, or the electricity grid; however,
this does not avoid the need for other inputs such as chemicals (for example chlorine) to treat the
wastewater to a standard suitable for recycling. In South Australia approximately 26% of wastewater
was recycled in 2011-12 (SA Water, 2014b) meaning that of the 100,000 megalitres of wastewater
collected each year, 74,000 megalitres is discharged to the environment as “waste”.
Documentation published by the South Australian Health Commission (South Australian Health
Commission, 1995) prescribes a wastewater discharge of 150 litres per person per day for a home with
reticulated (mains) water. Assuming a 4 person household, this amounts to 219kL per annum (note:
250kL is the volume of an Olympic swimming pool) and over 50 years, 10,950kL of wastewater.
The “wastewater treatment, Adelaide” unit process in the Australasian LCI Unit Process data uses
energy from natural gas, petrol, LPG, diesel, wind power, and wastewater gas.

6.19.5 Water Collection System Earthship Water Collection System

In Taos, the new Global Model Earthships at the Greater World community are typically built with 4 x
1400 gallon cisterns, hence 5300L x 4 = 21,200L. Reynolds calculates 19.3 gallons of water use per day
per person in an Earthship (Reynolds, 2005, p. 18) which equates to 73.1 litres/person/day or 106.58kL
per annum per 4 person household, or 5,329kL over 50 years. These homes have approximately 2000
sq ft roof area (185m2).
Water storage capacity needs to be calculated in accordance with the size of the roof, rainfall patterns,
and water use in the home. If the annual rainfall occurred all on one day then the water storage capacity
required would be equal to the water use of the whole year, hence a very large tank. On the other hand,
if there was enough rainfall every day to supply the daily water use the tank could be very small – the
same capacity as the daily water use; however, rainfall tends to be distributed throughout the year albeit
with concentrations in certain seasons. To establish the requirements for water storage capacity in
Adelaide an online tool for calculating tank size developed by the Alternative Technology Association
was used (Alternative Technology Association, 2010). This tool uses historical rainfall data for the
selected area, in this case Kent Town, Adelaide, combined with user input to calculate various
parameters related to tank water supply. It has various options regarding roof material type, and allows
input for “first flush” (diverted water) volume, daily water use, roof area and tank size. Based on these

inputs it calculates the number of days when tank water is available, days when the tank is overflowing
(and how much water overflows), volume of tank water used per annum, and the volume of water
required from an alternate source. A similar tool developed by Williamson (2009) was used as a
comparison and both sets of results were in general agreement.
Various options were investigated to find an optimal tank size and roof area for the given consumption
rate using both calculators. The results are presented and compared in Table 6.44 below.
It became evident that the roof area of the function unit used in this study (175m2) was not adequate to
provide sufficient water for three or four people (scenario 3 and 1 respectively – refer to Table 6.44)
based on the previously quoted usage rate of 73L per day per person claimed by Reynolds (Reynolds,
2005). Assuming water consumption could not be lowered any further, to solve this problem extra roof
space could be added via an additional roof catchment such as a car port, shed, et cetera, or extra
water could be supplied by other means such as a tanker truck, or pumped from an aquifer. As the
Earthship aims to be self-sufficient the option of extra roof space (in the form of a shed) seemed to be
most applicable and therefore this was modelled in the LCA.
Another assumption is that the tanks are filled initially by a tanker truck i.e. a once off delivery of 30kL of
water. This would not be necessary if there was sufficient time and rainfall for the tanks to fill prior to
occupancy, however to be conservative the once off delivery of water seemed reasonable.
Table 6.44 - Rainwater tank sizing calculations
Tankulator Results Williamson
water use
days when tank days of water from percent days
(no. People) roof area tank size tank water
Scenario water available overflowing alternate when tank water
(L/day & no. (m2) (kL) used (L)
(no. of days / %) tank (days) supply (L) available (%)
1 292 (4) 175 20 243 (67%) 0 70,956 35,624 71.7
2 292 (4) 206 20 290 (79%) 0 84,680 21,900 84.3
3 219 (3) 175 20 333 (91%) 0 72,982 6,953 95.5
4 219 (3) 206 20 362 (99%) 10 79,278 657 100
5 219 (3) 250 15 356 (98%) 23 77,964 1,971 100
6 219 (3) 250 20 365 (100%) 22 79,935 0 100
7 219 (3) 250 25 365 (100%) 22 79,935 0 100
8 219 (3) 250 30 365 (100%) 22 79,935 0 100
9 292 (4) 250 30 359 (98%) 0 104,682 1,898 100
10 292 (4) 260 30 365 (100%) 5 106,580 0 100

An Australian made, 5000L, underground, polyethylene rainwater tank similar to those used by
Earthship Biotecture has been assumed in this study and is quoted as weighing 375kg (Rainwater tanks
direct, 2012). To provide adequate water storage for 4 people’s water use, based on the results of
calculations tabled above, 6 tanks giving total storage of 30kL would be required plus 85m2 of extra roof
space (scenario 10).
The extra roof catchment area was provided by means of a steel framed, steel clad shed. It was
assumed the shed consisted of 1600 kg of steel (Turner, 2012). Half the steel was assumed to be sheet
steel (cladding), and the other structural steel (posts, trusses, girts, et cetera).
As the Earthship typically incorporates filters and a pump to provide clean pressurised water throughout
the home, some maintenance is required: in this study it is assumed that the filter is replaced every six
months and the pump is replaced every 5 years. Conventional Water Supply

SA Health, the regulatory body in South Australia concerned with the treatment of wastewater, quotes
150L per person per day for “sanitary fixtures” which includes basins (7L), bath/shower (32L),
dishwashing machine/kitchen sink (30L), laundry trough/washing machine (31L) and water closet pan

(50L) (South Australian Health Commission, 1995). Assuming 5L used per person per day for drinking
and cooking, this gives a total of 155L of mains supplied water per person per day. Thus 4 people,
would use 226.3kL per annum, and over a duration of 50 years, would use 11,315kL.
However, these figures do not take into account garden irrigation. A report by the ABS on water use in
SA shows per capita water use as approximately 390L per day (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011).
As this is the total water use per person this can be assumed to include garden irrigation. Using this
figure a 4 person household would use 569.4kL per annum, and over a duration of 50 years, would use
28,470kL. The Earthship uses approximately one fifth this quantity and also provides sufficient water for
garden irrigation, hence this last figure of 28,470kL was used as the basis for comparing the
conventional water supply with the Earthship’s self sufficient water supply.

6.20 Operational Energy Assumptions

6.20.1 Heating and Cooling Energy

Table 6.45 lists assumptions for the heating and cooling load (per annum) for each thermal envelope
modelled in the LCA in accordance with the results of the Thermal Performance study which calculated
the energy “load” for each thermal envelope.
It also lists the “final” energy use as opposed to the “load”. A coefficient of performance (COP) for
heating, and energy efficiency ratio (EER) for cooling of 4.25 was assumed, which replicates 4 Star
energy performance under the AS3823.2 standard for energy performance of electrical appliances
(Standards Australia, 2011, p. 5), thus all the results calculated in the Thermal Performance study were
divided by 4.25 to arrive at the “final” result representing the total heating and cooling energy. These
values were then used to model the life cycle energy for heating and cooling i.e. they were multiplied by
50 – the number of years defining the LCA’s Functional Unit.
Materials required for the manufacture of the heating/cooling plant (i.e. split system air conditioner) have
been included in the modelling (refer to Space Heating & Cooling Equipment Section in this Chapter).
Energy other than heating and cooling energy has been accounted for separately and is discussed in
the Systems Section in this Chapter.
Table 6.45 - Heating and Cooling Load Assumed in LCA
Thermal Envelope Type Energy Use per annum
Final Heat and Cool elec.
External walls Internal walls Greenhouse Heat/Cool Load (kWh pa)
(kWh pa)
Brick Veneer (BV) Timber Frame (LW) No Calculated (not modelled) 2,920
Brick Veneer (BV) Timber Frame (LW) No 2226.5 524
Brick Veneer (BV) Brick (TM) No 1494.1 352
Concrete Block with Insulation
Brick (TM) No 745.7 175
Tyre wall with insulation in berm, Can (landfilled) and cement
Yes 280.4 66
cans landfilled (ESIB) (CL)
Tyre wall with insulation in berm, Can (recycled) and Adobe
Yes 280.4 66
cans recycled (ESIB lowEE) (CR)
Tyre wall with no berm, cans
Can (recycled) and Adobe
recycled No 1198.6 282
(ESI lowEE)
Mudbrick (MB) Mudbrick (MB) No 2101.0 494
Reverse Brick Veneer (RBV) Brick (TM) No 1138.1 268
Rammed Earth (RE) RE (RE) No 2264.5 533
Rammed Earth Insulated (REI) RE (RE) No 1209.8 285
Strawbale (SB) MB (MB) No 1134.4 267
Timber Frame with cement fibre
Timber Frame (LW) No 2166.5 510
board cladding (TFC)

6.21 Maintenance Assumptions
There are many uncertainties regarding maintenance requirements for different wall materials and
assemblies with little research addressing this issue. Maintenance requirements are contingent upon
issues such as the original building quality and workmanship, quality of materials, physical properties of
materials and products, climate, occupant behaviour, and design details.
Careful design of connections between major building elements, executed by the builder with care and
high quality, durable materials may result in negligible maintenance requirements, although materials
prone to weathering, for example timber, may require regular maintenance such as painting, oiling or
staining; however, if this is done regularly the lifespan of the structure may be comparable to similar
structures built with more inherently durable materials. No matter what the material, if a regular
maintenance cycle is skipped, or damage that requires urgent repair is not fixed immediately, the
consequences may lead to a dramatic reduction in the serviceable life of the structure.
Maintenance requirements may be substantially reduced or avoided altogether if design features are
used to negate issues such as weathering, for example wide verandas that keep rain off walls. Likewise,
appropriate material selection may also avoid the need for maintenance. In this study external wall
constructions were designed to provide a durable finish that would not be prone to weathering, for
example, Strawbale walls had a final coat of lime render (over the main adobe render), Mudbrick walls
had a final coat of cement render and Rammed Earth walls were stabilised with cement.
Given the lack of information regarding maintenance records of various wall construction types and the
likelihood that the impacts of maintenance would be relatively small compared to other aspects of the
building’s lifecycle , this aspect of the study was limited to;
 Repainting timber cladding of external walls every 10 years.
 Repainting internal walls every 10 years, however only those that require painting (i.e. adobe
rendered and rammed earth internal walls were assumed not to need painting).
 Replacement of major components of the renewable energy system. For replacement intervals,
see Table 6.40.
 Replacement of pumps (e.g. used in greywater system) – new pump every 5 years.

6.22 Land Occupation Assumptions

The area of land the house occupies is another factor that should be factored into the LCA study
especially the Earthship which requires more land for the off-grid wastewater treatment system. This
study assumes the building is constructed on arable land.
Table 6.46 gives assumptions regarding the footprint of the home, that is, the outside dimensions of the
house based on the wall thickness and the standardised internal dimensions of the functional unit of this
study (22m x 5.5m). Assumptions for areas occupied by the Earthship wastewater system, greenhouse
and berm are also given.
Table 6.46 - Land area occupied - need to update with all wall types and check data
Wall thickness House Area Greenhouse Area Berm Area Wastewater System Area Total Area
Building Type
(m) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)
Earthship 0.65 146 70 340 200 760
Earthship unbermed 0.65 146 70 NA 200 416
rammed earth 0.3 138 NA NA NA 138
mudbrick 0.275 136 NA NA 200 336
brick veneer 0.27 136 NA NA NA 136
reverse brick veneer 0.27 136 NA NA NA 136
strawbale 0.55 152 NA NA NA 152

6.23 Waste/Disposal Scenario Assumptions
As noted elsewhere, the End-of-life (EOL) stage of building LCA studies has traditionally been neglected
due to the assumption that most impacts arise during the use and construction stages of the building
lifecycle and the effect of recycling has minimal impact; however, other studies have indicated that
reuse and recycling can provide significant benefits (Blengini & Di Carlo, 2010; Thormark, 2002), or,
where materials cannot be recycled easily, recycling may cause problems especially for solid waste
disposal facilities (Blengini, 2009).
Another reason for glossing over this area of LCA is that data may not be available. Modelling the end-
of-life destination (waste treatment) of materials and products requires various data; the rates and types
(methods) of reuse, recycling or disposal of all relevant materials; transport distance to the
recycling/reprocessing plant; and LCI data such as the amount of energy used during reprocessing, and
quantities of “avoided products” produced by the recycling process (for which credits are given – e.g.
brick and concrete may be recycled into aggregates for road construction).
Acquisition of this data presents significant challenges for a variety of reasons. Firstly, the fate of
materials at the end of a building’s life is not well understood, with very little useful data available.
Reports from government agencies tend to focus upon “big picture” state averages rather than delve
into the finer details required by this study: what proportion of various materials is salvaged from a
domestic building site, where does it go and what happens to it. For example, a report by South
Australia’s waste agency Zero Waste SA (Rawtec, InfraPlan & Life Cycle Strategies, 2012) reports the
quantities of various key materials that are recovered from the waste stream and their destination (SA,
interstate or overseas), and it reports the gross quantity of all materials disposed to landfill; however, it
does not report the quantities of specific materials sent to landfill.
Secondly, salvage, reuse and recycling technology and practices of the future, 50 years from now, is
unknown, and the results of current practice is also difficult to predict due to fluctuating economic forces.
Finally, Australian Life Cycle Inventory data regarding reuse, recycling and disposal processes are often
out of date or non-existent, and European data (e.g. EcoInvent) are unlikely to accurately model
Australian practices. Current EOL Practice in Australia and South Australia

The most recent literature reference was based on a study of “deconstruction” in the Australian
construction industry (Crowther, 2000) which reported various EOL salvage rates and destinations
(reuse, recycling, landfill): brick 75%, timber 79%, structural steel 78%, iron roofing 88%, concrete 70%,
aluminium 90%, and windows (glass) 73%.(Crowther, 2000).
Enquires with agencies such as ZeroWasteSA, the Master Builders Association and the Waste
Management Association of Australia did not yield more up-to-date information. However, the site
manager of Adelaide’s “city dump”, the Wingfield Waste & Recycling Centre was able to provide some
useful advice: significant quantities of sarking (reflective foil insulation), plasterboard, glass/rock wool
insulation, and polystyrene insulation, are landfilled (Mckee, 2013).
A representative of a local waste recovery company that recycles construction waste, particularly
concrete and bricks (Adelaide Resource Recovery Pty Ltd, Wingfield SA), reported the following
estimates (and comments) for the percentage of material reused, recycled and landfilled for various
construction materials (refer Table 6.47). However the problem with this information is that it is does not
encompass waste diversion activities occurring before delivery of waste materials at the “dump” or
reprocessing plant, perhaps explaining the difference from Crowther’s findings for salvage of materials.
Further enquiries with a local plastic recovery company (Advanced Plastic Recycling Pty Ltd) revealed
that plastic is not usually recovered from a building demolition due to small volumes of plastic which
would be uneconomical to collect from individual building sites. Furthermore, plastics recovered from
building demolition are usually contaminated by other materials which may be difficult to separate and
are therefore not practical to recycle (Lokan, 2013).

Table 6.47 - Destinations of salvaged materials at Adelaide Resource Recovery Pty Ltd
Reuse/ Recycle/ Landfill
Material Comments ref: (Hocking, 2013)
rate %
“as we only landfill the bare minimum that comes in concrete loads as the orange
Concrete 0/99/1
DPC plastic, timber etc are still recycled elsewhere.”
Steel 0/100/0
Aluminium 0/100/0
Brick 0/100/0
Gyprock 0/20/80 “some Gyprock has been added to timber to produce a mulch product..”
“we will crush cement fibreboards with concrete or brick to produce non-critical
Compressed cement fibre board 0/50/50
rubbles when required”
Sarking (reflective foil) 0/0/100
Polystyrene (insulation) 0/0/100
Fibreglass wool (insulation) 0/0/100 Waste Scenario Assumptions Rationale

Given the problems outlined above, a “waste scenario” was designed based on current best practice
thereby giving results that are reasonably accurate under the current system and could be assumed to
be conservative if future systems evolve to be more efficient. Although plastic was not generally
recoverable from building demolition this is not likely to be the case for large plastic components such
as rain water tanks hence a high recovery rate was used for HDPE, whereas PVC plastic (used in
plumbing) was assumed to be landfilled 100 percent, as was reflective foil insulation, polystyrene and
glass/rock wool insulation, and plasterboard.
End-of-life destinations, rates and assumptions for all materials are outlined in Table 6.48. LCI data was
based on Australasian LCI Unit Process processes and, where these were not available, EcoInvent
Table 6.48 - Treatment types and rates for materials at end-of-life
Re- Re- Land- Substitution Material &
Material treat- Notes / Reference
use cycle fill Quantity Recovered
Cardboard is used in Earthship wall types only. It would not be
(i.e. used in
100 NA suitable for recycling due to contamination with earth and hence is
assumed to be landfilled.
PVC is used for plumbing pipes in the Earthship wastewater
system. It is typically landfilled due to the recycling process being
PVC 100 NA
highly sensitive to any type of impurity. Collection of low volumes
is uneconomical.
Polypropylene is used in the Strawbale footings, and the drainage
PP 100 NA pipe used in the Earthship berm. Although highly recyclable,
collection of low volumes is uneconomical.
Recycling avoids
Polyethylene is used in the off-grid water catchment system’s rain
0.87kg HDPE
HDPE 95 10 water tanks. Collection of low volumes is uneconomical however it
is economical to salvage a whole rainwater tank.
/1kg recovered
Steel for roofing (steel frame was not investigated in this study).
Recycling avoids
Steel, 5% is assumed to be landfilled due to inefficiencies with salvage
95 5 0.855kg pig iron
structural operations and contamination from other materials adhering to the
/1kg recovered
NA - credit for recycled
Steel for reinforcing concrete. 5% is assumed to be landfilled due
Steel, content modelled in
95 5 to inefficiencies with salvage operations and contamination from
reinforcing production of
other materials adhering to the steel.
reinforcing steel
Aluminium is used primarily in the beverage cans in Earthship
“can” walls although some componentry in the SHWS is also
aluminium. 5% is landfilled due to contamination from mortar.
Recycling avoids
Recovered aluminium is used as a raw material for new
Aluminium 95 * 5* 0.94kg aluminium
/1kg recovered
*A sensitivity study was included to investigate the impact of 100%
landfill of aluminium which may be necessary due to mortar
contamination preventing recycling (Mullinger, 2012).

Concrete, Concrete is primarily used in the footings applicable to all walls
concrete except Earthship walls; however, Earthship has other reinforced
render, lime Recycling avoids 0.9kg concrete elements. This EOL treatment also applies to cement
render, 95 5 quarried aggregates stabilised rammed earth, cement or lime based renders, cement
stabilised /1kg recovered mortar, and concrete block all of which are assumed to be
rammed recycled into aggregate with 5% being sent to landfill due to
earth inefficiency in the salvage operation.
Tyres are used in the Earthship external walls. All tyres are
assumed to be shredded and landfilled at the building’s EOL. It
was assumed tyres were transported 40km to a landfill site and
Tyre 100 NA
that 0.067kWh of low voltage South Australian electricity was
needed for shredding 1kg of tyres, based on data from EcoInvent
for metal shredding.
Structural pine timber is used mainly in the Brick Veneer and
Reverse Brick Veneer wall types however it is also used in other
wall types. 20% was assumed to be salvaged and reused e.g. long
Reuse replaces
Pine, pieces in good condition: without contaminants such as glue, and
20 80 * original material
structural the remainder was assumed to be landfilled with the benefit of
1kg/1kg carbon sequestration counted.
*A sensitivity study investigated the effect of not counting carbon
sequestration in landfill.
Plywood is used mainly for formwork in the Earthship bond beam
Reuse replaces and concrete buttresses. It was assumed to have the same EOL
Plywood 20 80 * original material treatment as structural pine.
1kg/1kg *A sensitivity study investigated the effect of not counting carbon
sequestration in landfill.
Reuse replaces
original material
1kg/1kg Double glazed window units were used in all thermal envelopes.
As these are expensive items and there is a market for salvaged
10 80 10 building products such as these it was assumed 10% would be
double Recycling avoids reused. Due to inefficiencies 10% were landfilled and the
0.99kg glass cullet / remaining 80% recycled to produce new glass.
1kg recovered

Reuse replaces
original material Fired clay bricks were used in the Brick Veneer and Reverse Brick
1kg/1kg Veneer wall types. Bricks are highly recyclable being used to make
rubble or aggregate hence 90% was assumed for this purpose
Brick 5* 90 * 5* with 5% reused as second hand bricks and 5% landfilled due to
Recycling avoids 0.9kg contamination and inefficiency.
quarried aggregates
*these assumptions were tested with a sensitivity study.
/1kg recovered
The off-grid energy system assumes lead acid batteries are used
Recycling avoids
for energy storage. The Battery Council International (Battery
Battery, Lead 100 0 0.98kg lead /1kg
Council International, 2012) reports that 98% of lead from car
batteries is recycled.
Recycling avoids 0.8kg Photovoltaic panels are used in the off-grid energy system.
0 100 silicon (solar grade) Although they are highly recyclable (Energy Matters, 2010)
/1kg recovered recycling was not modelled due to lack of LCI data.
Straw is used primarily in the Strawbale wall but is also used in
adobe render/mortar. It is assumed the straw is simply left to
Straw 100 NA
compost on site and hence no treatment process is necessary.
Biogenic CO2 cycle is assumed to be neutral.
Earth is used primarily in the berm of the Earthship and inside the
tyre walls of the Earthship. It is also a major component in adobe
render, mudbricks and rammed earth. Where cement has not been
Earth 100 NA incorporated with the earth it can be assumed that these materials
will readily disintegrate back into the soil without causing
environmental impacts. Where cement is incorporated e.g. a
stabilised rammed earth wall this was landfilled (refer concrete).
Water is an ingredient in all render mixtures (adobe, lime and
cement based) and is used in concrete, rammed earth, and
mudbrick. It is also modelled in the use phase of the house for
domestic uses. Other than sewage treatment for the domestic use
Water 100 NA
of water, when used in building construction materials it is
assumed there is no treatment process necessary as it will simply
evaporate or remain chemically bound to the building material e.g.
The inverter used in the off-grid energy system was classified as
“electronics”. Due to lack of Australian LCI data for e-waste
Electronics 100 NA
disposal and the small volume of materials embodied in the
inverter it was assumed to be landfilled.
All other All other materials were assumed to be transported 40km to a
100 NA
materials landfill site.

190 Landfill LCI data assumptions
Australasian data supplied with SimaPro™ was used to model landfill operations: 0.8kWh of low voltage
electricity (adapted to SA electricity grid) and 1litre of diesel per tonne of waste.

6.23.2 Transport distances for EOL treatments

Discussions with Adelaide metal recycling companies revealed that salvaged metal components from
building components are typically shipped interstate or overseas (Sims Metal Management, 2013).
Transport distances for various EOL processes assumed in this study are given below:
 Aluminium Recycling: Adelaide to Yennora NSW, Alcoa Pty Ltd = 1355km
 Steel Recycling: Adelaide to Port Kembla, BlueScope Steel Pty Ltd = 1340km
 Lead Recycling: Adelaide to Melbourne, Simstar Alloys Pty Ltd = 800km
 Landfill: 40km e.g. from Adelaide’s southern suburbs to Wingfield Waste and Recycling Centre
(main city dump).
 Concrete recycling: 40km e.g. from Adelaide’s southern suburbs to construction and demolition
materials recycling facility at Wingfield (i.e. Adelaide Resource Recovery Pty Ltd).

6.24 Chapter Summary

This Chapter has documented assumptions regarding the “flows” of materials, processes and energy
throughout the lifecycle of the systems (housing) being studied. The environmental impacts arising from
these flows is the subject of the next Chapter.

7 Life Cycle Impact Assessment &

7.1 Introduction
This Chapter analyses the Life Cycle Inventory results presented in the previous Chapter. This is known
as Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), the third stage of LCA, and Interpretation, the final stage of
LCA. The analysis is conducted in terms of the impact categories (environmental impact “indicators”)
established in the LCA Method Chapter.

7.2 Structure of LCIA Results

The LCIA for each major “element” or “system” (defined earlier in the LCI section) of the building is
presented followed by aggregated LCIA results for the “Whole House”. In this way the relative impacts
of each element can be better understood, and the holistic, overall impact of the complete building can
also be ascertained. Elements comprising the Thermal Envelope and the sub-systems comprising the
complete Systems Package are shown in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 - Elements & Systems Comprising the Whole House
Whole House
Thermal Envelope Systems Package
External walls Energy
Internal walls Water
Glazed Wall Waste water (including food production via wastewater system)

The main topics of discussion are the External Walls, Thermal Envelope, all Systems, and the Whole
House, each of which has its own major heading in this Chapter. For brevity, other elements such as the
Internal Walls are not discussed in isolation although they are included in the discussion of the Thermal
Envelope and Whole House.
The discussion in this Chapter centres on the Earthship; however, for comparison, Brick Veneer, and
Mudbrick are also discussed routinely to provide a comparison to a conventional and an alternative
construction. Furthermore, the construction types showing the greatest and least impacts are also
For each of the main topics an analysis of the characterisation results for each impact category is given,
followed by a discussion of the normalised and weighted “single score” results. Elementary flow data
and characterisation data are included in Appendix D1.
Results for the various scenarios and systems being compared are presented in column graph format.
For the characterisation results a black diamond is used to show the total impact when the End-of-life
(EOL) stage is taken into account, in the legend it is described as “Total inc. EOL”. Typically this
diamond appears below the top of the column indicating that EOL processes have reduced the overall

impact of the system, for example in the “Off-Grid Energy System” in the left column of Figure 7.1.
Otherwise, the graphs are self-explanatory.
Characterisation results are also presented in network diagram format (Figure 7.2) for the Earthship
component/system to illustrate in some detail where the main impacts arise. To interpret the network
diagram it is helpful to understand the meaning of the thickness, colour and direction of the arrows
connecting the “process boxes”. The thickness (width) of the arrow visually indicates the magnitude of
the impact and this correlates with the percentage figure reported in the bottom left corner of each
process box. The vertical bar on the right side of the process box also serves as a visual indication of
the magnitude of impact. The direction of the arrow indicates the source and “destination” of the impact,
and the colour of the arrow indicates either a deleterious environmental impact (red) or a beneficial
environmental impact (green), for example, due to an effective recycling process. The “cut off” value
quoted in the caption for each network diagram is the value below which processes are not displayed,
which is necessary in terms of presenting the results as clearly as possible, and it helps to focus
attention on the processes causing the majority of impacts while overlooking insignificant processes with
minimal impact.

Figure 7.1 - Example of characterisation results

Figure 7.2 - Example of network diagram results

7.2.1 Definition of Whole House: Elements & Systems

Each “Whole House” scenario was defined primarily by the External Wall type which was combined with
other elements and either an off-grid or conventional grid connected Systems package.
The External Wall is grouped with an applicable Internal Wall type, that is, the type typically used in
combination with that type of external wall construction. In general, internal walls that contain thermal
mass have been used due to the findings of the Thermal Modelling Study (see Chapter 4), which found
that heating and cooling energy was reduced when thermal mass internal walls were used in preference
to lightweight internal walls. The exception to this is the Timber Frame and Conventional Brick Veneer
house which have light weight internal walls to reflect typical construction practice. This enables some of
the more unusual constructions to be compared to a conventional construction.
The floor plan was based on the long, shallow Earthship floor plan; referred to as the passive solar floor
plan; however, the Conventional Brick Veneer house was an exception to this; it was modelled with a
square floor plan. This floor plan variation was intended to highlight the difference in energy use and
materials use, arising from the different floor plan and glazing orientation (refer to Chapter 4 for details).
The Glazed Wall type was generally the same as the External Wall with the exception of the Earthship
where different walling materials are used, similar to typical Earthship design (refer to 6.1.1 for detailed
discussion of this).
For the Earthship variants the floor was defined as “rammed earth” (mud) whereas all other floor types
were concrete slab on ground. The exception to this was the Mudbrick house type which also had a
rammed earth floor.
Earthship roofs were based on an “Australianised” version of the Global Model roof whereas other
configurations use a conventional Gable roof.
The greenhouse was included in two of the Earthship scenarios (labelled 4 & 5 in Table 7.2).
Utilities systems were assumed to be “off-grid” for all Earthships and Mudbrick. For the other House
Types, conventional “grid” infrastructure has been modelled.
Table 7.2 defines thirteen “Whole House” scenarios analysed in this study.

Table 7.2 - Whole House Scenarios
# Description of House Type / Floor plan External walls i.e. non Glazed Wall Internal walls Buttress Floor Roof Greenhouse System Heat and Other Gas,
Scenario (Abbreviation) design equator-facing walls (Equator (Abbreviation) s Cool electricit cook &
(Abbreviation) Facing) elec. kWh y kWh SHWS
pa3 pa4 kWh pa5
1 Conventional brick veneer home Conventiona Brick Veneer (BV) Same as Timber Frame NA Slab Gable NA Grid 2,920 4,380 0
with average energy use l (square) Extnl. wall (LW)
(20kWh/day) (BV CONV 20) = 20kWh/day total
2 Conventional brick veneer home Conventiona Brick Veneer (BV) Same as Timber Frame NA Slab Gable NA Grid 524 1,825 2,797
with modelled energy use (BV l (square) Extnl. wall (LW)
3 Passive solar brick veneer home Passive Brick Veneer (BV) Same as Brick (TM) NA Slab Gable NA Grid 352 1,825 2,797
with brick internal walls (BV TM) solar Extnl. wall
4 Passive solar concrete block Passive Concrete Block with Same as Brick (TM) NA Slab Gable NA Grid 175 1,825 2,797
insulated home with brick internal solar Insulation (CBI) Extnl. wall
walls (CBI TM)
5 Earthship with greenhouse & Passive Tyre wall with insulation Can Can Concrete Rammed Earthship Can and cement Off- 66 1,825 2,797
insulation in berm, aluminium solar in berm, cans landfilled (landfilled) (landfilled) Earth Aust walls, insulated Grid
cans landfilled at EOL (ESIB GH at EOL (ESIB) and cement and cement version
Base Case) (CL)
6 Earthship as above, cement Passive Tyre wall with insulation Can Can Tyre Rammed Earthship Can and Adobe Off- 66 1,825 2,797
minimised design, aluminium solar in berm, cans recycled (recycled) (recycled) and Earth Aust walls, insulated Grid
cans recycled at EOL (ESIB GH- at EOL (ESIB lowEE) and Adobe Adobe (CR) version
7 Earthship no berm, no Passive Tyre wall with no berm, TFS (timber Can NA Rammed Earthship NA Off- 282 1,825 2,797
greenhouse, cement minimised, solar cans recycled at EOL frame steel (recycled) and Earth Aust Grid
aluminium cans recycled at EOL (ESI lowEE) clad) Adobe (CR) version
(ESI lowEE)
8 Passive solar, off-grid mudbrick Passive Mudbrick (MB) Same as Mudbrick NA Rammed Gable NA Off- 494 1,825 2,797
home (MB MB) solar Extnl. wall (MB) Earth Grid
9 Passive solar reverse brick Passive Reverse Brick Veneer Same as Brick (TM) NA Slab Gable NA Grid 268 1,825 2,797
veneer home (RBV TM) solar (RBV) Extnl. wall
10 Passive solar rammed earth Passive Rammed Earth (RE) Same as Rammed NA Slab Gable NA Grid 533 1,825 2,797
home (no insulation) (RE RE) solar Extnl. wall Earth (RE)
11 Passive solar rammed earth Passive Rammed Earth Same as Rammed NA Slab Gable NA Grid 285 1,825 2,797
insulated home (REI RE) solar Insulated (REI) Extnl. wall Earth (RE)
12 Passive solar strawbale home Passive Strawbale (SB) Same as Mudbrick NA Slab Gable NA Grid 267 1,825 2,797
(SB TM) solar Extnl. wall (MB)
13 Passive solar timber frame home Passive Timber Frame with Same as Timber Frame NA Slab Gable NA Grid 510 1,825 2,797
with lightweight internal walls solar cement fibre board Extnl. wall (LW)
(TFC LW) cladding (TFC)

3 Assumes coefficient of performance of 4.25 (“4 star” efficiency) for reverse cycle air conditioner to supply theoretical heating and cooling energy load as per Thermal Modelling Study results. BV CONV 20 assumes 40% of total energy use
(20kWh/day) is used for heat/cool energy.
4 4380kWh pa = 12kWh per day and 1852kWh pa = 5kWh per day.

5 Natural gas (NG) assumed for grid connected homes and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) assumed for off-grid homes.
The rationale for configuring the thermal envelopes in this way was to explore the potential
environmental impacts of various Earthship designs and compare these with a standard “conventional”
brick veneer home, and passive solar designed homes of various wall construction types.
Three variants of the Earthship were explored:
 The Earthship “base case” is the typical Earthship configuration as built in Taos, with a berm
and greenhouse (labelled #5 in table above). It has been modelled as per the Earthship
Biotecture specifications, although with some occasional deviations appropriate to Australian
conditions, most notably the roof materials (refer to LCI Chapter for full definitions of
construction elements).
 The “lowEE” Earthship (labelled #6) has “can walls” that employ adobe instead of cement
mortar, and the aluminium cans were assumed to be recycled instead of landfilled. This
scenario was designed to explore the effect of minimising cement use and recycling aluminium
cans at EOL (whereas the Base Case landfills aluminium cans at EOL).
 An Earthship with no berm and no greenhouse (labelled #7) with can walls and aluminium
recycling as per the lowEE Earthship described above. This scenario explores the impacts of an
Earthship more suited to small suburban sites, and offers a “fairer” functional comparison to the
other (non-Earthship) thermal envelopes which do not feature a berm or greenhouse.
The reason for configuring the Mudbrick home with off-grid utilities and a rammed earth (“mud”) floor
was that these types of homes tend to be built in remote locations where utilities are not available, and
as the walls have been made from mud, the same logic applies to the floor: minimising environmental
impacts (and expense) by using freely available materials. Although the Mudbrick home doesn’t have a
greenhouse (nor does the unbermed Earthship #7), the “off-grid” (at home) food production was
assumed to be achieved in a conventional garden irrigated with wastewater.
Although these configurations are somewhat arbitrary, for example off-grid systems, food production or
mud floors could be combined with any of these house types, they have been configured to represent a
range of construction methods and lifestyles (to grow food or not to grow food in one’s garden). For a
more direct comparison, a sensitivity study is included to demonstrate the effect of all thermal envelopes
utilising off grid systems (including food production). Although this is not current practice it is possible.
The results are presented so that the impacts of each element or system can be understood in isolation
and therefore the overall impacts of any combination of elements and systems can be deduced.

7.2.2 Limitations: Toxicity

There are many difficulties with assessing toxicity of a product or system throughout its lifecycle and
consequently toxicity impacts are often omitted from LCA studies. A significant problem is that different
methods used to develop characterisation factors of toxic substances often fail to produce the same
results (Rosenbaum et al., 2008). The complex nature of the lifecycle of a toxic substance also causes
great uncertainty; its “path” through the environment and its impact upon life forms along the way is
dependent on many factors that may be impossible to forecast. Furthermore, secrecy about
manufacturing processes and their toxic emissions may also result in inaccurate LCI data.
Nevertheless much research has been conducted with the aim of improving toxicity models and
characterisation factors for use in LCIA. As explained in the LCA Method Chapter, this study uses the
USEtox model to characterise toxic emissions but stops short of normalising and weighting the results to
produce a single score. Therefore, to better understand the scale of toxic emissions in the Australian
context the substances causing more than one percent (by weight) of total toxic emissions are identified
and discussed in the context of national Australian averages sourced from the National Pollutant
Inventory which publishes data regarding emissions of various pollutants (Commonwealth of Australia:

Department of Sustainability, n.d., p. 15). Rather than discuss toxic emissions for each element of the
house, aggregated results for the “Whole House” are discussed in comparison to the Australian annual
emissions towards the end of this Chapter.

7.3 External Wall

This section presents results and analysis of the External Walls. A sensitivity study regarding the effect
of End-of-life (EOL) treatments for Brick Veneer and Timber Frame is included in the results. The default
EOL for Bricks is 5% reuse, 90% recycling (into aggregates) and 5% landfilled, whereas the effect of
60% reuse, 15% recycling and 25% landfill (Crowther, 2000) is tested as a sensitivity study scenario.
The default assumption for carbon sequestration in landfill for all timber components is that CO2 is
sequestered and methane is captured from the landfill (refer to Chapter 6 for details); however, a
sensitivity study scenario tests the effect of not counting the effect of carbon sequestration during landfill
for the Timber Frame wall only as this has the highest proportion of timber content.
The sections following discuss the characterisation results for 1 linear metre (lm) of external wall for
each impact category. A network diagram from SimaPro™ is given for the Earthship Base Case (ESIB
CL) to illustrate and identify the impact associated with the various elements and construction materials.
Table 7.3 - Descriptions and abbreviations of External Walls
Abbreviation Description
BV 5/90/5 Brick veneer external wall with footing. End-of-life assumption is that 5% of bricks are reused, 90% are recycled and 5% are landfilled
BV 60/15/25 Brick veneer external wall with footing. End-of-life assumption is that 60% of bricks are reused, 15% are recycled and 25% are landfilled
CBI Concrete block external wall insulated on the exterior with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam
Earthship wall (tyre wall) insulated on the exterior with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam, aluminium cans used in the bond beam
assumed to be recycled at end-of-life. (no footing).
Earthship wall (tyre wall) with a berm and insulated with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam “thermal wrap”, aluminium cans used in the
bond beam assumed to be recycled at end-of-life (no footing).
Earthship wall (tyre wall) with a berm and insulated with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam “thermal wrap”, aluminium cans used in the
bond beam assumed to be landfilled at end-of-life (no footing).
ESIB CanL Earthship wall (tyre wall) with footing, a berm and insulated with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam “thermal wrap”, aluminium cans
inc Foot used in the bond beam assumed to be landfilled at end-of-life.

MB Mudbrick wall with footing.

RBV Reverse brick veneer wall with footing.
RE Rammed earth wall with footing.
REI Rammed earth wall with footing and insulated on the exterior with 100mm expanded polystyrene foam.
SB Strawbale wall with footing.
TFC Timber frame wall with cement fibreboard cladding with footing.

7.3.1 Global Warming Potential for External Wall
Figure 7.3 shows results for Global Warming Potential (GWP) in terms of kilograms of carbon dioxide
equivalent emissions for 1 linear metre (1lm) of each external wall type. Carbon storage in landfill at
EOL is assumed for all timber components in all wall types with the exception of the “TFC No CO2 seq”
scenario which is a sensitivity study to test the effect of not sequestering carbon in the Timber Frame
wall (which has relatively high timber content and is therefore likely to be affected the most).
The results indicate that an external wall made from Mudbrick (with cement based external render) has
the lowest GWP, the majority of which is attributed to the steel reinforced concrete footing.
The highest GWP is the insulated, bermed Earthship wall with footing (ESIB CL FOOT); however, it
should be noted that footings are only usually necessary (for Earthships) in severe earthquake zones
e.g. New Zealand, Japan. When the footing is excluded as per typical Earthship construction, the impact
of the insulated, bermed, Earthship wall (ESIB CL) with aluminium cans in the bond beam landfilled (CL)
at EOL, is similar to the Rammed Earth Insulated wall (REI). The effect of recycling aluminium cans
(ESIB CR) at EOL reduces the lifecycle GWP by approximately 28kg CO2e per linear metre of wall. The
Earthship wall which is insulated, with no berm (ESI) has the second lowest GWP, followed by the
Strawbale wall (SB).
The “wall” component of the Earthship wall scenarios has the greatest GWP where insulation has been
counted in the wall structure (ESI CR), whereas insulation has been counted in the “berm” component
(where it is physically located) in the other Earthship external wall scenarios (refer Figure 7.4).
As Earthship walls are typically buttressed with either reinforced concrete or a “stub” tyre wall with bond
beam atop, these two scenarios were modelled. The buttress assembly shows substantial impacts for
the reinforced concrete buttress (ESIB CL FOOT and ESIB CL) whereas when a stub tyre wall is used
the impacts are reduced by approximately 50kgCO2e. Impacts from the increase in the length of bond
beam required for the stub tyre wall buttresses (extra 5.2lm) is offset by the effect of recycling the
aluminium cans (in the bond beam) at EOL.
Figure 7.4 is a network diagram showing the relative impacts (in terms of percentages) of construction
elements/materials that contribute more than 5% of the overall GWP impact. Concrete in the bond beam
and buttresses, and insulation in the berm are the cause of the majority of impacts for this impact
Although it has not been modelled explicitly, it can be deduced, from Figure 7.3and Figure 7.4 that an
unbermed, uninsulated Earthship wall would have even lower GWP impact than a Mudbrick wall due to
relatively less use of concrete and steel in the bond beam compared to the Mudbrick wall’s footing. That
is, the lowest GWP impact external wall would be an Earthship (tyre) wall with no footing, no berm and
no insulation; however, when the thermal performance of the wall is taken into account over the lifecycle
of the home, the lifecycle benefit of a berm and insulation is enormous, far outweighing the GWP of the
materials – this is presented and discussed under the Whole House heading at the end of this Chapter.
The Brick Veneer walls scenarios show variable results depending on the EOL assumption. Where
there is a large degree of brick reuse, emissions are similar to ESIB CL, whereas for the BV scenario
which recycles 90% of the recovered bricks into aggregates, the GWP impacts are only slightly lower
than Concrete Block Insulated, and Reverse Brick Veneer. The impacts for BV and RBV arise mainly
from the use of fired clay bricks which involves large quantities of energy for firing a kiln.

Figure 7.3 - Global Warming Potential, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.4 - Global warming potential, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.2 Ozone Depletion for External Wall
Figure 7.5 shows results for Ozone Depletion potential in terms of kilograms of CFC 11 equivalent
emissions for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall.
Reverse Brick Veneer and Timber Frame have the highest impact due to the compressed cement
fibreboard manufacturing process (which emits chlorinated hydrocarbons to the air).
Mudbrick has the least emissions, followed by Strawbale and Rammed Earth, their impacts arising
mainly from the use of cement (e.g. in the footings).
The use of EPS foam insulation and plywood (formwork for buttresses) contribute approximately 71% of
the impact for the Earthship wall scenarios (Figure 7.6).
The production of fired clay bricks leads to the majority of emissions for the Brick Veneer wall scenarios.
End-of-life (EOL) impacts are caused by the emissions of vehicles associated with recycling and landfill

Figure 7.5 - Ozone Depletion, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.6 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 4% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.3 Photochemical oxidation for External Wall
Figure 7.7 shows results for Photochemical Oxidation (smog) in terms of kilograms of C2H4 equivalent
emissions for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. Smog is generally caused by
emissions from fossil fuelled vehicles especially in cities; however, manufacture of materials that rely
heavily upon fossil fuels may also contribute to this environmental impact category.
The bermed Earthship scenarios show the highest emissions and this is due to the manufacture of
expanded polystyrene insulation which is used in large quantities in the berm construction (Figure 7.8)
and as insulation for ESI CR, the unbermed, insulated Earthship. Steel, though used in the wall footings
(and Earthship bond beam and buttresses), is a minor contributor to emissions.
The Brick Veneer wall’s emissions are mainly from the fired clay brick manufacturing process and from
the use of acrylic paint for painting the plasterboard lining (this includes repainting).
Mudbrick has the lowest emissions due to the lowest use of transport for hauling materials to the job
site, plus not inherently energy intensive manufacturing processes, other than use of cement and steel
in the footings.

Figure 7.7 - Photochemical Oxidation, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.8 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.4 Eutrophication for External Wall
Figure 7.9 shows results for Eutrophication potential in terms of kilograms of PO4 equivalent emissions
for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. Processes involving agriculture generally
contribute to this impact category due to fertiliser run-off into waterways.
Figure 7.10 shows a network diagram for ESIB CL (5% cut off) which indicates that the main impacts
arise from the use of a jute geofabric (associated with a French drain), EPS insulation (in berm), use of
plywood in the buttresses construction (used as formwork), concrete, aluminium and cardboard, the
latter two are assumed to be landfilled and therefore removed from the “technosphere” and hence
impacts are counted for their replacement by virgin materials in lieu of recycling.
Brick manufacture is the main contributor for the Brick Veneer scenarios and the Reverse Brick Veneer
wall. Concrete in the footing is the main contributor for Mudbrick.
The Concrete Block Insulated wall’s Eutrophication potential arises from concrete which is used in the
footings and to fill the cores of the blocks.

Figure 7.9 - Eutrophication, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.10 - Eutrophication, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.5 Land Use & Transformation for External Wall
Figure 7.11 shows results for Land Use & Transformation in terms of hectare years (Ha years) for each
external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall.
The disproportionately large land transformation potential for ESIB is due to plywood (Figure 7.12)
which is used as formwork in the construction of the concrete buttresses associated with this wall type.
Where plywood is not used in buttress construction i.e. ESIB CR and ESI, the impacts drop significantly.
The use of pine timber leads to the main impacts in Brick Veneer, Reverse Brick Veneer, Strawbale and
Timber Frame.
The EOL benefits evident in all wall constructions are mainly due to the assumption that 20% of the
plywood and pine is reused.

Figure 7.11 - Land Use & Transformation, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.12 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and

7.3.6 Water Use & Depletion for External Wall
Figure 7.13 shows results for Water Use & Depletion in terms of cubic metres of water for each external
wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall.
EPS foam insulation is the main contributor to the water impacts in the Earthship scenarios. Cement
manufacture is water intensive and this is the main contributor for the Concrete Block Insulated wall
which is has the highest impact if the Earthship with concrete footings is discounted and if EOL benefits
are also discounted. Recycling of concrete reduces lifecycle emissions due to avoided water use in the
production of aggregates.
Due to the benefits of recycling bricks, the Brick Veneer 5/90/5 (high recycle rate) scenario has the least
water use, although in production it is similar to Timber Frame and Mudbrick.
The main contributor to water depletion for the Earthship Base Case (ESIB CL) is manufacture of
expanded polystyrene insulation (EPS) as shown in Figure 7.14.

Figure 7.13 - Water Use & Depletion, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.14 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.7 Solid Waste for External Wall
Figure 7.15 shows results for Solid Waste impacts in terms of kilograms of waste sent to landfill for each
external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall.
The bulk of waste was generated at the end of the wall’s life (EOL), however there were also some
manufacturing stage impacts, especially where concrete is used, as its manufacturing process
generates waste.
Note that cardboard, and aluminium cans used in the Earthship have not been displayed as an EOL
impact although they should have been due to a technical difficulty with modelling. This does not affect
the final results but assigns these materials the incorrect lifecycle stage classification: “manufacturing”
instead of “EOL”.
It is arguable that the cardboard would need to be recycled as it could be left on site and used as
compost for a garden hence this models a worst case scenario in which the cardboard is landfilled.
The materials sent to landfill (“construction waste” category) are primarily: steel fasteners, sarking
(reflective foil insulation), geofabric, fibreglass insulation batts, EPS foam insulation, drainage pipe,
damp proof course (DPC), compressed fibre cement cladding, and aluminium cans (although this was
tested with a sensitivity study - “CR” or “CanR” indicates aluminium can recycling).
In addition to these materials, proportions of other materials such as concrete and rammed earth are
also sent to landfill. Although it is assumed that most of these materials are recycled, a small proportion
is assumed to be sent to landfill (see Waste Scenario Assumptions Rationale in Section for
discussion and rates).
When it is assumed that 25% of bricks are landfilled (BV 60/15/25) the solid waste impact is the
greatest. The next highest impact is from the bermed Earthship with footing (ESIB CL FOOT) due to the
large volume of concrete contained in the footing.
Mudbrick has the fewest waste impacts due to the assumption that the mudbricks disintegrate on site at
end-of-life, with only the thin cement based render needing disposal, and a large proportion of this is
A network diagram is not given for the Earthship Base Case for this impact category because of the
modelling issues described above which makes the diagram misleading.

Figure 7.15 - Solid waste, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

7.3.8 Embodied energy LHV for External Wall
Figure 7.16 shows results for Embodied Energy (EE) use in terms of megajoules (low heating value -
MJ LHV) for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. The characterisation profile is almost
identical to that of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) category with the exception of Concrete Block
Insulated, which shows relatively less EE impact. This is due to EE impacts and GWP being driven by
fossil fuel use, in this case, in manufacturing processes of construction materials. Refer to the
discussion for GWP (Section 7.3.1) as it is also relevant to this impact category.

Figure 7.16 - Embodied Energy, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.17 - Embodied Energy, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for External Wall
Figure 7.18 shows results for Human Carcinogens in terms of Comparable Toxic Units (Human) (CTUh)
for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. Carcinogenic Human Toxicity potential for the
Earthship base case (ESIB CL) is mainly due to the use of plywood which is used as formwork in the
construction of the buttresses (Figure 7.19).Plywood contains formaldehyde: the main cause of the
toxicity. 76g of formaldehyde are emitted to the air throughout the lifecycle of the plywood although it is
likely that the vast majority is emitted during the manufacturing phase at the manufacturing plant.
In the “lowEE” Earthship scenario (ESIB CR), where cans are recycled, tyre buttresses are used and
plywood is not necessary, the toxicity potential is virtually zero. Likewise for the unbermed Earthship,
which requires no buttress (ESI CR), the toxicity is negligible.
Benzene and formaldehyde emissions are the main cause of toxicity for the constructions incorporating
fired clay bricks.

Figure 7.18 - Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.19 - Human Toxicity - Carcinogenic, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and

7.3.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for External Wall
Figure 7.20 shows results for Non-Carcinogenic Human Toxicity in terms of Comparable Toxic Units
(Human) (CTUh) for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. Non-Carcinogenic Human
Toxicity potential for the Earthship Base Case is mainly due to the use of plywood which is used as
formwork in the construction of the buttresses (Figure 7.21).
In the “lowEE” Earthship scenario (ESIB CR), where tyre buttresses are used and plywood is not
necessary the toxicity potential is lower. Other contributors to the bermed Earthship scenarios are EPS
foam insulation, concrete and jute (geofabric).
The highest emissions are from the wall constructions containing fired clay bricks, emissions of carbon
disulphide during the brick manufacturing process being the main cause of non carcinogenic human
Mudbrick has the lowest impact, with emissions arising from the use of cement in the footings and
cement render. The main substances contributing to the toxicity for cement production being carbon
disulfide, benzene, hexane and xylene (emissions to air).

Figure 7.20 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.21 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and

7.3.11 Eco Toxicity for External Wall
Figure 7.22 shows results for Eco Toxicity potential in terms of Comparable Toxic Units (Eco) (CTUe)
for each external wall type, normalised for 1lm of wall. Eco Toxicity potential is highest for the
Earthships that have a berm due to the use of jute as part of the French drain system in the berm
(Figure 7.23). The use of chemicals in the growing of jute is the cause of the eco toxicity potential. It
should be noted that the Taos Earthships do not use a French drain as it is unnecessary in the dry-arid
climate and the relatively flat site that provides for good drainage. It was modelled in this study due to
Adelaide’s higher rainfall and as per common engineering practice for drainage of retaining walls.
Where a berm is not incorporated into the Earthship (ESI CR) the eco toxicity drops significantly due to
geofabric not being used.
Where fired clay bricks are used in the wall construction the eco toxicity arises mainly from phenol
emissions to water and formaldehyde emissions to air.
Concrete’s impacts are caused mainly by emissions of chlorothalonil and metolachlor to soil and
cumene, phenol, benzene and toluene to water.

Figure 7.22 - Eco Toxicity, External Walls, Characterisation, 1lm

Figure 7.23 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case external walls inc. berm and buttresses

7.3.12 Normalisation of Impacts for External Wall
To better understand the significance of the various environmental impact metrics, normalisation is used
to interpret the characterisation results in terms of a certain baseline, typically national or global
In this study, characterisation results were normalised using the Australian, average, per capita, data,
multiplied by 50 – to represent 50 years worth of “impacts” - for each indicator. Normalisation factors
were obtained from the BPIC Normalisation Report (Bengtsson & Howard, 2010b) and for Solid Waste
and Embodied Energy indicators, figures from an LCA study for the Forestry Forest & Wood Products
Australia Limited(Carre, 2011). Normalisation factors are given in Section 5.5.2.
As normalisation factors were not available for the three toxicity indicators which employ the USEtox
method, the significance of the toxicity results is discussed separately: refer to Section Error!
eference source not found..
Figure 7.24 shows the normalised results for the functional unit of wall (as opposed to 1lm of wall). A
value of 1 on the vertical axis represents 50 years of average per capita impacts and 0.02 represents
one year.

Figure 7.24 - Normalisation results, External Walls (Functional Unit, not 1lm)

Table 7.4 - Normalisation results, External Walls (Functional Unit), data
Impact Warming Ozone Photochemical Embodied
category Potential Depletion Oxidation Eutrophication Land use Water Use Solid waste energy LHV
BV 5/90/5 0.008289 0.000968 0.000851 0.005952 0.000127 0.001195 0.079188 0.003396
BV 60/15/25 0.005863 0.00088 0.000704 0.005019 0.000124 0.001743 0.159151 0.002591
CBI 0.009353 0.001455 0.001111 0.006273 7.00E-05 0.005228 0.104511 0.003213
ESI CR 0.002382 0.000576 0.000748 0.001892 3.02E-05 0.00258 0.030039 0.000855
ESIB CR 0.003392 0.000866 0.001042 0.003526 5.07E-05 0.004387 0.037638 0.001272
ESIB CL 0.004602 0.001147 0.001174 0.004864 0.000303 0.004843 0.046268 0.001743

FOOT 0.007529 0.001566 0.001274 0.006861 0.000323 0.006154 0.081906 0.002887
MB 0.002686 0.00041 0.000122 0.00199 2.97E-05 0.001594 0.030475 0.001171
RBV 0.008806 0.003353 0.001187 0.006404 0.000128 0.001605 0.077607 0.003524
RE 0.004642 0.000756 0.000195 0.003889 4.20E-05 0.001853 0.082988 0.001875
REI 0.006108 0.00108 0.001018 0.004748 4.50E-05 0.003654 0.091424 0.002047
SB 0.003739 0.000686 0.000267 0.00318 7.01E-05 0.002365 0.04425 0.001722
TFC 0.003927 0.00273 0.000624 0.003745 0.000139 0.001786 0.071746 0.001791

Solid Waste has the most significant impact relative to the other impact categories. The analysis uses
Carre’s (Carre (2011) normalisation figure, an annual per capita average of approximately 1.4 tonnes of
solid waste is used as the base line. The walls analysed range from approximately 2 tonnes of waste
(Mudbrick) to 11 tonnes of waste (Brick Veneer 60/15/25) representing about 1.5 years and 8 years
worth of (per person) waste disposal respectively.
Land Use & Transformation is negligible and Photochemical Oxidation and Ozone Depletion have
relatively minor impacts.
Global Warming Potential, Eutrophication, Water Use and to a lesser degree, Embodied Energy all
show similar orders of impact in the range of approximately 1 month to 6 months of impact. To give an
example, construction of the Concrete Block Insulated wall generates GHG emissions equivalent to
about 6 months of GHG emissions and 3 months of water use, of the average Australian.
For a better understanding of the relative importance of these impacts the highly controversial stage of
LCA – weighting – is discussed in the next Section.

7.3.13 Weighted Single Score for Impacts, for External Wall

The process of weighting the normalised results is controversial due to its reliance on opinion rather
than scientific research. The process necessitates value judgements regarding the relative importance
of the impact categories, for example, how much more (or less) important GWP is than Water Use.
Nevertheless, research involving surveys of people’s opinions is used to quantify these relative impacts
so that the normalised results can be weighted and summed to produce a single score.
This study uses weightings in the ratios established by BPIC (Bengtsson, Howard & Kneppers, 2010)
and for indicators not canvassed by the BPIC report (Solid Waste and Embodied Energy), weightings
were established based on their comparability to other indicators: Solid Waste was assumed to have the
same weighting as Eutrophication and Photochemical Oxidation; and Embodied Energy approximately
25% less than GWP. In brief, the BPIC report classifies GWP as the most important (21%), and then
Land Transformation (17%), Water Use (6%), Ozone Layer Depletion (4%), Photochemical Oxidation
and Eutrophication (3%) et cetera. As this study does not use all the BPIC indicators (e.g. acidification)
relative weighting factors were derived from the ratios implied by the BPIC study e.g. Water Use is twice
as important as Eutrophication but only approximately a third as important as Global Warming Potential.
Weighting factors for this study are given in Table 5.4.

Figure 7.25 shows the weighted results in order of least impact to most impact, the vertical axis being an
arbitrary “eco point” (resulting from the weighting process) used for comparison within the context of this
It can be seen that Solid Waste is the most influential category, followed closely by Global Warming
Potential, the remainder of the impact categories playing minor but not insignificant roles.
The unbermed Earthship with no greenhouse (ESI CR), shows the lowest overall impact followed
closely by Mudbrick (MB). The bermed Earthship with greenhouse and recycled aluminium cans (ESIB
CR) shows very similar results to the Strawbale wall. Where aluminium cans are not recycled (ESIB CL)
the Earthship is approximately in the middle range of the results. The higher impact walls are, in order of
low to high impact: Timber Frame, Rammed Earth, Rammed Earth Insulated, Brick Veneer, Reverse
Brick Veneer, the Earthship with footings, and finally, the highest, Concrete Block Insulated.

Figure 7.25 - Weighted Single Score, External Walls, All Indicators

As discussed elsewhere, Embodied Energy essentially double counts substances that are accounted for
in the GWP category, and Solid Waste, although an interesting and relevant metric, is not technically an
environmental impact, and impacts such as GHG emissions associated with hauling waste to a landfill
site, and “land use” of the landfill site are already counted in other categories, hence, to a degree, Solid
Waste is also double counting other metrics.
Therefore the effect of omitting the Solid Waste and Embodied Energy indicators is investigated via a
sensitivity study, shown in Figure 7.26. In this case the “ranking” (order) of the wall constructions
changes slightly, some swapping order with the adjacent construction. Black arrows above each column
graph show the direction and scale of movement in the ranking, e.g. two arrows indicating a ranking
change of two positions. Mudbrick becomes the lowest impact wall type (swapping places with the
unbermed Earthship with aluminium can recycling, ESI CR). The various Earthship scenarios are
ranked 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th and the Concrete Block Insulated remains as the highest impact wall type.
Similarly in a second sensitivity study the effect on ranking of increasing the weighting for the non-GWP
indicators by 20% is shown in Figure 7.27. Likewise in Figure 7.28 the opposite bias has been applied to
the non GWP indicators by reducing the weighting by 20%, thereby increasing the relative importance of
GWP. Again, black arrows are used to compare the results with the previous analysis (i.e. previous

The sensitivity studies show how assumptions regarding weighting affect the rankings, though in
general the rankings do not change significantly. This indicates that these somewhat arbitrary weighting
assumptions do not radically change the results, although this presupposes the validity of the underlying
assumption that GWP and Land Transformation are far more significant than the other indicators.

Figure 7.26 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: External Walls, Discounting Embodied Energy and Solid Waste

Figure 7.27 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: Plus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators

Figure 7.28 - Weighted Single Score, Sensitivity Study: Minus 20% for Non GWP Indicators

7.3.14 Discussion & Summary for External Wall
The LCA of the external walls indicates that the environmental impact of the Earthship wall varies
greatly depending on the materials used and the EOL assumptions, with differing results for the various
environmental indicators.
In terms of the overall weighted “eco” scores, the study found that:
 The effect of recycling the aluminium cans used in the bond beam is quite significant; when they
are landfilled the aluminium is essentially “lost” and must be replaced with virgin aluminium,
whereas when they are recycled the reclaimed aluminium avoids the need to produce virgin
aluminium which is very energy intensive with significant environmental impacts.
 The effect of building an enormous reinforced concrete footing under the tyre wall was
investigated and this had a huge impact upon the overall result. It should be noted that this is
only necessary in areas of extreme earthquake danger and is not normal practice for Earthship
 The effect of insulating (with 100mm of expanded polystyrene, with cement based render),
rather than berming the tyre wall reduces the environmental impacts substantially, comparable
to a Mudbrick wall.
Due to the high weighting for GWP, this indicator was the factor that determined the overall ranking
although the sensitivity studies indicated that altering the relative weighting in relation to GWP did not
greatly affect the results. Consequently walls incorporating materials that involve energy intensive
manufacturing processes, such as brick and concrete, cause greater environmental impacts whereas
materials such as strawbales, mudbricks, rammed earth, timber and in the case of Earthship, earth and
old tyres, decrease environmental impacts.
In terms of the Earthships’ performance against specific environmental indicators, Photochemical
Oxidation, Water Use, Land Use, and Eco Toxicity were very high in comparison to other wall types and
this was often due to the use of particular materials that could be substituted or avoided altogether for
materials with less impact. For example insulation in the berm may not even be necessary for a
temperate climate, and the cause of eco toxicity was jute which could be replaced by old carpet for
example, or avoided altogether as is the case in standard Earthship construction.
Tyres have been modelled on the assumption that they are “borrowed” temporarily and will be land-filled
eventually, perhaps in the very distant future. Hence only transport to the building site, transport to the
landfill site, and electricity used to shred the tyres - so they are suitable for landfilling - has been
modelled. This overlooks potential impacts that might arise from the use of tyres such as toxic
substances emitted to air, soil or water throughout their lifecycle; however, due to lack of LCI data
regarding this topic this issue has been addressed via a discussion of the literature (refer to Section
In summary, the environmental impact of the external walls that have been assessed in this study varies
considerably. If the assumption regarding the significance of global warming is correct, the results
indicate that wall construction materials have a significant effect on environmental impacts with up to
approximately triple the impacts incurred by some walls compared to the lowest impact walls.
While this part of the analysis has focused on the external walls in isolation, the next section
investigates the environmental impact of the thermal envelope in which the results of the external wall
analysis are aggregated with the results of roof, floor, internal walls, and in the case of the Earthship,
the greenhouse.

7.4 Thermal Envelope
This section presents results and analysis of the Thermal Envelopes as defined in Table 7.2.

7.4.1 Global Warming Potential for Thermal Envelope

Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Global Warming Potential are given in Figure 7.29.
The Thermal Envelope with the lowest GWP is the unbermed insulated Earthship (ESI lowEE) although
if EOL credits (for recycling) are not counted the Mudbrick envelope is lowest. Each envelope has a
significant proportion of impacts arising from roof construction and the floor which may account for
approximately 50% in some cases.
The Earthship Base Case has the highest GWP although Brick Veneer, Concrete Block Insulated and
Reverse Brick Veneer would be higher if the Earthship was constructed without a greenhouse, which
represents approximately one third of the Earthship Base Case emissions. The “lowEE” Earthship, in
which cement use is minimised and the aluminium cans are recycled at EOL, has slightly less than half
the GWP of the Earthship Base Case with significant reductions of carbon emissions due to the internal
walls and greenhouse construction assumptions.
The external walls of the unbermed, no greenhouse, Earthship (ESI) have less impact than the
Earthship Base Case due to no buttresses, no wing walls and no berm. Also, aluminium cans in the
bond beam and internal walls are assumed to be recycled, whereas in the Base Case they are land-
The Glazed Wall category shows relatively high emissions for the Earthship scenarios due to extra
construction materials being counted: for ESI lowEE a timber frame, insulated, steel clad wall (TFS),
plus windows and frames, is included and for the other two Earthship scenarios, which include a
greenhouse, the “Glazed Wall” is defined as a “can wall”. All other thermal envelopes count only window
frames and (double) glazing in the “Glazed Wall” category (refer LCI Chapter for a full discussion of
The greenhouse adds a significant amount of impact due to the cement use in the Base Case (Figure
7.30), whereas in the lowEE scenario it is the double glazing of the greenhouse which contributes most
to the GWP impact.
The GWP of the Earthship roof versus the conventional gable roof is very similar; 4500kg and
4735kgCO2eq respectively. Comparing the two floor types, the rammed earth floor has far less GWP
than the concrete slab floor with 1500 and 4060kgCO2eq respectively.
The Conventional Brick Veneer scenario (BV LW CONV) features the square floor plan (refer Figure
5.3) and light weight internal walls with the same amount of glazing as the other thermal envelopes
which are all based on the passive solar floor plan typical of the Earthship. In this arrangement Brick
Veneer is comparable to Strawbale and Rammed Earth Insulated; however, when the lightweight
internal wall is replaced with thermal mass (fired clay brick), and the amount of external wall is
increased to the standard passive solar layout, GWP for Brick Veneer (BV TM) increases to be similar to
Concrete Block Insulated (CBI TM), and Reverse Brick Veneer (RBV TM).
The Strawbale (SB TM) envelope features fired clay brick internal walls which were specified because
they were found to reduce heating and cooling loads; however, they contribute approximately 25% of
the GWP, placing SB TM in the middle of the range. Strawbale has one of the lowest GWP for the
external walls, yet to achieve a low overall score for the thermal envelope it would be necessary to
employ low carbon emission internal walls and, for further reductions, a mud floor.
Recycling of concrete, or similar materials that can be recycled into aggregates such as brick and
rammed earth lead to the majority of EOL credits shown by the black diamond (labelled “Total inc.

Figure 7.29 - Global Warming Potential, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.30 - Global warming potential, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.2 Ozone Depletion for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Ozone Depletion potential are given in Figure 7.31.
The highest impacts are associated with: Reverse Brick Veneer and Timber Frame and the lowest with
Mudbrick, Rammed Earth and the unbermed, insulated, “lowEE” Earthship.
Overall Ozone Depletion potential is generally differentiated by the external wall (and footing) as the
emissions for the roof and floor are similar across all Thermal Envelopes.
The greenhouse is a significant contributor due mainly to zeolite powder which is used in the double
glazed units (Figure 7.32). Zeolite powder is also responsible for the bulk of the emissions in the Glazed
Wall category.
Emissions associated with the floor are generally similar although slightly less for the rammed earth
floor specified in the Mudbrick and Earthship Thermal Envelopes.
Emissions associated with the roof are slightly greater than the floor.
In general, impacts arise from the transport processes underlying many of the processes.

Figure 7.31 - Ozone Depletion, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.32 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Photochemical Oxidation (smog) potential are given
in Figure 7.33. Mudbrick, Rammed Earth and Strawbale have the lowest emissions, and the two
Earthship scenarios with greenhouse are the highest due to high emissions from the external walls (due
to EPS foam insulation in the berm – see External Walls section), the greenhouse construction, and the
roof which shows higher emissions, due to increased use of steel and pine (Figure 7.34) compared to
the standard gable roof.
Photochemical Oxidation potential is negligible for the floor construction and quite significant for the roof
representing approximately 50% of emissions for many of the thermal envelopes. This is mainly due to
the production of steel and structural pine which rely on large energy inputs and transport, both of which
are known to generate smog causing chemicals. The greenhouse construction’s emissions arise from
the same sources as the roof construction.

Figure 7.33 - Photochemical Oxidation, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.34 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.4 Eutrophication for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Eutrophication potential are given in Figure 7.35.
The thermal envelope with the highest eutrophication potential is the Earthship Base Case due to jute
geofabric in the berm (refer External Walls section) and use of cement throughout various construction
elements such as the internal walls, glazed wall and greenhouse. The use of aluminium cans, assumed
to be landfilled, also contributes (Figure 7.36). The effect of recycling the aluminium cans and reducing
the cement use can be seen in the “lowEE” Earthship, leading to approximately 25% fewer emissions,
and the effect of not constructing the berm (which contains the jute geofabric) can be observed in the
ESI lowEE Earthship: which has the second lowest eutrophication potential.
Mudbrick has the least Eutrophication potential, its emissions arising mainly from roof construction
where steel sheet (roof cladding), fibreglass batt insulation and plywood contribute most.
Brick Veneer with thermal mass (fired clay brick) internal walls (BV TM) is on a par with Concrete Block
Insulated and Reverse Brick Veneer which are the highest emitters after the Earthship with greenhouse

Figure 7.35 - Eutrophication, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.36 - Eutrophication, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.5 Land Use & Transformation for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Land Use & Transformation potential are given in
Figure 7.37. The results for land use and transformation are driven by use of timber products such as
plywood and structural pine, especially in the roof construction (Figure 7.38) which is responsible for the
majority of emissions. The Earthship roof has greater impact due to increased use of ply and structural
pine compared to the gable roof.
After roof construction, external wall (and footing) construction has the most influence and is the factor
that determines the rankings of overall impact. Mudbrick has the lowest impact, and Rammed Earth,
Rammed Earth Insulated, Strawbale and Concrete Block Insulated all have very similar land use results.
The Earthship glazed wall category has relatively high land use impact due to inclusion of a structural
pine beam not assumed in the other envelopes.

Figure 7.37 - Land Use & Transformation, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.38 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.6 Water Use & Depletion for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Water Use & Depletion potential are given in Figure
7.39. Brick Veneer (BV LW CONV) has the lowest water use before and after EOL credits are taken into
account. The EOL credits are due to avoided water use arising from avoided aggregate production.
The Earthship greenhouse has the highest proportion of water use due mainly to cement used in the
walls and polyurethane rigid foam insulation(Figure 7.40).
Both floor types; mud and concrete, use similar amounts of water as do the two types of roof
The high water use in the Earthship external wall is associated with expanded polystyrene foam
insulation and jute geofabric which are used in the berm (the berm is counted in the External Wall inc
Footings category).

Figure 7.39 - Water Use & Depletion, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.40 - Water use & depletion, network diagram 8% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.7 Solid Waste for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Solid Waste potential are given in Figure 7.41. The
manner in which the results are categorised is somewhat deceptive due to the way SimaPro™ handles
the waste “flows”: waste generated during the EOL stage (typically the bulk of the waste) aggregates
waste from all construction elements whereas waste generated during the manufacturing stage is
categorised as per the construction elements.
Therefore, to help clarify the source of the EOL waste flows, network diagrams for the floor and roof
constructions are included:
 Figure 7.42 shows the quantity of EOL waste from the gable roof construction which includes
811kg of “inert waste” such as fibreglass insulation, 1.53 tonnes of timber, and 1.12 tonnes of
“other” waste such as plasterboard (used for the ceiling). 122 kg of steel is recycled.
 Figure 7.43 shows the EOL waste sources for the “Australianised” Earthship roof.
Approximately 3 tonnes of timber and 720kg of inert waste are assumed to be landfilled.
 Figure 7.44 shows the quantity of EOL waste from the 29 tonne concrete slab floor construction.
Approximately 1.5 tonnes of waste is generated which correlates with the assumption that 5%
of concrete is landfilled; the remainder is recycled into aggregates and is not counted in this
waste flow.
 Figure 7.45 shows the waste sources for the rammed earth floor. 1.24 tonnes of “inert waste” is
assumed to be landfilled.
The Concrete Block Insulated thermal envelope has the highest solid waste potential due to the large
amount of cement used in the external wall for which waste is generated during the cement and
concrete production processes. A large portion of the EOL waste category (brown colour column graph)
is due to wall demolition, despite the assumption that large proportions of materials are recycled or
reused, for example, 95% of concrete is assumed to be recycled yet for the CBI wall which embodies
58.6 tonnes of concrete in the wall plus 23.6 tonnes of concrete in the footing (total 82.2 tonnes) 5% of
this, assumed as waste, equals 4.1 tonnes. The remainder is accounted for by the un-recycled or un-
reused materials in the floor, roof, and glazing, such as timber, of which 20% is assumed to be reused,
the rest landfilled.
Mudbrick has the least solid waste due to the assumption that the Mudbricks are able to disintegrate
back into the ground, on site.
The Earthship without berm (ESI) has the second lowest solid waste impact whereas the Earthship
Base Case has the second highest due in large part to the relatively large quantity of concrete that
needs to be disposed of – comparable to Concrete Block Insulated.

Figure 7.41 - Solid Waste, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.42 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 2% cut off, gable roof

Figure 7.43 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship roof

Figure 7.44 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 2% cut off, concrete floor slab

Figure 7.45 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, rammed earth floor

7.4.8 Embodied Energy for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Embodied Energy potential are given in Figure 7.46.
As is the case for the external wall analysis, the Embodied Energy characterisation of the various
thermal envelopes is similar to the GWP characterisation. The Earthship Base Case has the highest
embodied energy, due mainly to cement use, whereas the lowEE Earthship’s embodied energy is
approximately 29% less due to minimising cement use and recycling aluminium cans at EOL. The
Earthship without berm and greenhouse (ESI lowEE) has the second to lowest embodied energy use,
Mudbrick having the least.
In terms of the Earthship Base Case, the roof contains the most embodied energy (27%), followed by
the greenhouse (24.1%) and external wall and berm (15.5%) (Figure 7.47).

Figure 7.46 - Embodied Energy, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.47 - Embodied Energy, network diagram 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Carcinogenic Toxicity potential are given in Figure
7.48. The Thermal Mass (TM) Internal Wall, which is made from fired clay brick, causes a significant
proportion of the carcinogenic human toxicity potential in the thermal envelopes where this internal wall
type has been specified: BV TM, CBI TM, RBV TM and SB TM.
Toxicity associated with the roof construction is due mainly to “melamine formaldehyde resin” in the
plywood which emits formaldehyde to the air (282g of formaldehyde per tonne of plywood
AUSLCI/SIMAPRO™). This is evident in the network diagram of the Earthship Base Case which shows
the majority of impacts arising from plywood, pine timber and production of aluminium - to replace
landfilled aluminium cans (Figure 7.49).
Substances contributing more than 1% of non-carcinogenic toxicity potential to the Earthship Base Case
Thermal Envelope (ESIB GH BASE CASE) inventory are listed and compared to national average
emissions (where data is available) in Section 7.4.12.

Figure 7.48 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.49 - Human Toxicity - Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity potential are given in
Figure 7.50
The materials causing the majority of non-carcinogenic human toxicity are:
 Zeolite powder which is used in the double glazed units, relevant to all thermal envelopes, and
especially to the “greenhouse” category in which it represents most of the toxic impact;
 Jute geofabric (toxicity caused presumably by farming practices that involve chemicals) which is
modelled in the “external wall inc footings” and “greenhouse” category;
 Aluminium (cans in “can walls”) and cement.
In terms of the Earthship Base Case, the greenhouse has the largest proportion of emissions, followed
by the roof, glazed wall, and external walls (including berm)(Figure 7.51).
Substances contributing more than 1% of Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity potential to the Earthship Base
Case Thermal Envelope (ESIB GH BASE CASE) inventory are listed and compared to national average
emissions (where data is available) in Section 7.4.12.

Figure 7.50 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.51 - Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, network diagram, 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.11 Eco Toxicity for Thermal Envelope
Characterisation results for the Thermal Envelopes’ Eco Toxicity potential are given in Figure 7.52
Substances contributing more than 1% of non-carcinogenic toxicity potential to the Earthship Base Case
Thermal Envelope (ESIB GH BASE CASE) inventory are listed below. The main cause of eco toxicity is
the growing of jute to make the geofabric, which is present in the “external wall inc footings” and
“greenhouse elements” due to its use in the main berm and the small berm to the outside of the
greenhouse wall. Jute production causes the release of chlorothalonil to soil, parathion to soil, phenol to
water according to the EcoInvent LCI data (European) used to model this material.
Substances contributing more than 1% of Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity potential to the Earthship Base
Case Thermal Envelope (ESIB GH BASE CASE) inventory are listed and compared to national average
emissions (where data is available) in Section 7.4.12.

Figure 7.52 - Eco-Toxicity, Thermal Envelope, Characterisation

Figure 7.53 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 10% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.4.12 Toxicity Analysis for Thermal Envelope
Table 7.5 lists the toxic substances contributing to more than one percent of impacts for each toxicity
indicator for the Earthship Base Case compared with the Australian National Pollutant Inventory (NPI)
(Commonwealth of Australia: Department of Sustainability, n.d.) annual emissions data (where data is
The “emission ratio” gives a number that represents the number of Earthship Base Case Thermal
Envelopes that would produce the annual Australian average emissions of each substance based on
data from 2011/12. The emission of toxic substances involved with the manufacture of the construction
materials used in the Earthship Thermal Envelope are generally millions of times less than the annual
emissions from general industry indicating that the scale of emissions from its lifecycle are relatively
These results should also be considered in terms of the total number of houses constructed per annum
which, based on figures produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2008-2014 (approximately
8000 homes constructed per month), is about 96,000 homes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014).
Furthermore, the toxicity results are highly influenced by assumptions that are specific to a specific
manufacturing process and may not “translate” to other circumstances. For example the high eco
toxicity related to jute geofabric arises from the assumption that various synthetic chemicals are used in
the production of jute, whereas it is possible that jute may also be grown organically without the use of
such chemicals, or with different, less toxic chemicals.
Table 7.5 - Toxic substances from Earthship Base Case construction materials
Earthship Base Case Emission
Substance Source NPI 2011/12 ton p.a. Emission Unit Ratio
Aldrin Cement manuf. No data 91.3 mg -
Benzene Energy for steel manufacture, (roof) 610 101 g 6,039,604
zeolite powder in double glazed
Carbon disulfide units, also jute production 75 13.5 g 5,555,556
Chlorothalonil jute geofabric (berm) No data- 197 mg -
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Sheet steel (roof) No data- 15.1 mcg -
Formaldehyde Plywood (buttress formwork) 2100 181 g 11,602,210
Parathion jute geofabric (berm) - 8.88 g
Phenol jute geofabric (berm) 77 12.8 g 6,015,625
energy source for EPS foam
Styrene manufacture 200 26.2 g 7,633,588
energy source for cement
Toluene manufacture and EPS 1400 61.6 g 22,727,273
energy source for cement
Xylene manufacture and EPS 1000 43.7 g 22,883,295

7.4.13 Normalisation of Impacts for Thermal Envelope
Normalising the characterisation results against 50 years of per capita average values for each impact
category, Solid Waste is indicated as having relatively more significance than the other impact
categories (Figure 7.54). Every 0.02 on the y-axis represents one year of average Australian
“emissions”, therefore a range of 5.5 to 10.5 years’ worth of waste generation is accounted for by the
various thermal envelopes when they are demolished. This is not surprising given that the demolition of
a house – the main contributor to the Solid Waste indicator – generates large volumes of waste,
equivalent to many years of non-building domestic waste production.
Considering the average impact of all thermal envelopes in each impact category, Global Warming
Potential and Eutrophication have similar levels of significance, more so than Water Use and Embodied
Energy which have approximately half the significance of GWP. Ozone Depletion, Photochemical
Oxidation and Land Use have relatively minor significance.
The ESI lowEE Earthship scenario shows the lowest GWP, accounting for approximately 4 months of
Australian average annual per capita emissions, whereas the Base Case Earthship is the highest,
accounting for approximately 11 months.

Figure 7.54 - Normalisation of Thermal Envelope Results

7.4.14 Weighted Single Score for Impacts, for Thermal Envelope
The weighted results for the Thermal Envelopes have been analysed using the same method as for the
External Walls (refer to 7.3.13): results have been ranked using all indicators with the exception of the
three toxicity indicators (Figure 7.55) and the ranking sensitivity has been tested via studies that:
1) Discount solid waste and embodied energy (Figure 7.56),
2) Add 20% to the weighting of the non-GWP indicators (Figure 7.57) and
3) Subtract 20% from the weighting of the non-GWP indicators (Figure 7.58).
Discounting solid waste and embodied energy improves the ranking of TFC and BV LW CONV by 2
places each, whereas SB TM and ESIB GH lowEE increase ranking by 3 and 1 place respectively.
Ranking of all other Thermal Envelopes are unaffected. These ranking changes are shown by black
When the weighting of non-GWP indicators is increased by 20 percent, REI RE decreases ranking by
one and ESIB lowEE increases by one ranking (compared to sensitivity study 1), yet when they are
decreased by 20 percent, the ranking changes slightly for three thermal envelopes: ESIB GH lowEE
decreases (improves) 2 places, and BV TM CONV and SB TM increase by one ranking (compared to
sensitivity study 1).
Mudbrick has the lowest score and the Earthship Base Case has the highest in all sensitivity studies.
The lowEE Earthship with Greenhouse is ranked 6th or if Solid Waste and Embodied Energy is
discounted, 7th; if the non-GWP indicators are increased it is ranked 8th and if non-GWP indicators are
decreased it is ranked 5th. ESI lowEE (without greenhouse or berm) is ranked 2nd in all studies.



Figure 7.55 - Weighted Single Score, Thermal Envelopes, All Indicators

Figure 7.56 - Sensitivity Study 1: Weighted Single Score, Thermal Envelopes, Discounting Embodied Energy and Solid Waste

Figure 7.57 - Sensitivity Study 2: Plus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators

Figure 7.58 - Sensitivity Study 3: Minus 20% Weighting For Non GWP Indicators

Figure 7.59 - Earthship Base Case, Weighted Single Score, 4% Cut Off

7.4.15 Discussion & Summary of Impacts for Thermal Envelope
The weighted single score indicates two thermal envelopes which stand out as having comparatively
low impact: Mudbrick (MB MB) and the unbermed, insulated Earthship without greenhouse (ESI lowEE).
A group of six thermal envelopes had fairly similar environmental impact in the middle range of the
rankings: Timber Frame, Rammed Earth, Earthship, bermed with greenhouse (lowEE), conventional
Brick Veneer (light weight walls with square floor plan), Strawbale and Rammed Earth Insulated. The
remainder of thermal envelopes have approximately 30-70% more impact than those in the “middle
range”: Brick Veneer (with brick internal walls), Reverse Brick Veneer, Concrete Block Insulated and
Earthship Base Case.
The high environmental impact of the Earthship Base Case arises due to a combination of factors. The
inclusion of a greenhouse, which is not counted in the other thermal envelopes with the one exception
of the lowEE Earthship, contributes the greatest impact: approximately 27% of the impact of the entire
thermal envelope, due to substantial quantities of double glazed units, timber, insulation and concrete
render that comprise the greenhouse structure.
Similarly, another additional construction element of the Earthship Base Case is the berm. It causes
impacts due mainly to the large quantity of insulation, and in terms of toxicity (although this is not
factored into the weighted single score) the jute geofabric used in the drainage system of the berm
leads to potential toxicity impacts due to the agricultural practices assumed in the production of jute.
The lowEE Earthship scenario however shows the potential to reduce the environmental impacts of the
construction materials of the Earthship Base Case. The lowEE Earthship features a greenhouse and
berm (ESIB GH lowEE) yet its impact is comparable to the “middle range” thermal envelopes mentioned
above, none of which have a greenhouse or berm. This result was achieved by substituting the concrete
buttresses with tyre buttresses, recycling the aluminium cans used in the bond beam, internal walls and
glazed wall at the end of the building’s life, and replacing cement mortar throughout the building with
adobe (mud and straw), using a thin layer of cement based render to protect the adobe wall in areas of
the building that require water proofing – the greenhouse for example.
Furthermore, when the berm and greenhouse are removed from the thermal envelope of the Earthship
and recycling of aluminium cans and cement mortar substitution by adobe is employed (ESI lowEE), the
potential environmental impact of this variant of the Earthship drops to a similar “score” as the Mudbrick
thermal envelope.
The rammed earth floor specified for the Earthship scenarios and Mudbrick scenarios reduces the GWP
significantly in comparison to the reinforced concrete slab floor.
Roof design is not a significant differentiating factor due to similar quantities of steel, timber and
insulation, in the “gable” and “Earthship” roof scenarios.
Analysis and comparison of the toxicity arising from the materials used in the Earthship Base Case is
also relevant to the other scenarios where similar materials are used, for example steel for roofing,
cement for footings and zeolite power for the double glazed units are applicable to all thermal
envelopes. These results show that toxic emissions arising from the use of these construction materials
represents a very small fraction of the total emitted in Australia on an annual basis. While it is desirable
to reduce toxic emissions, the small fraction that the building materials represent is reassuring.
In summary, the analysis of the thermal envelope scenarios shows that external walls play a significant
role in the final outcome. Some aspects of existing Earthship building systems, in particular the use of
cement based mortar in “can walls”, lead to high environmental impacts, whereas replacing cement
based mortar with adobe, and avoiding concrete buttresses by using tyre buttresses reduces the
environmental impact significantly. It should be noted that these alternative methods have been
employed by Earthship Biotecture on occasion but are not commonly used due to the speed with which
Earthships are often built: compared to concrete, adobe takes much longer to dry, and pouring a
concrete buttress is quicker and also takes up less floor space than a tyre buttress.

The importance of the thermal envelope’s environmental impact will now be put into context with the
other major elements of the house being factored into the “whole house” analysis. The energy system,
water supply, and wastewater disposal systems will all be analysed individually in the following sections,
culminating in the analysis of the whole house including the theoretical heating and cooling load, which
was established in the Thermal Modelling study, and the impact of at-home food production which is
common practice in the Earthship greenhouse.

7.5 Energy System

This section presents results and analysis of the Off-Grid Energy System and the Grid Connected
Energy System. The two energy systems are compared on equal terms by analysing 5kWh electricity
use per day over 50 years (total 91.25MWh) plus 2600MJ pa (gas) for cooking and 7470MJ pa (gas) for
boosting the solar hot water service (SHWS). The Off-Grid system uses bottled LPG whereas “Grid”
uses piped Natural Gas. This energy use is designed to fulfil all requirements except heating and
cooling, which is modelled in the Whole House section of this Chapter (7.8), according to the thermal
modelling study results (see LCI section for details regarding assumptions for energy use).
For each impact category the results are discussed in terms of the most influential processes and
components, with an emphasis on the off-grid system, although the grid connected system is also
discussed briefly.

7.5.1 Global Warming Potential for Energy System
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the South Australian energy supply (“Grid Energy South
Australia”) is approximately 2 times greater than the off-grid energy system (“Off Grid Energy System”)
when EOL credits are taken into account, even when allowing for replacement of batteries and solar
panels. The impacts of the off-grid energy system arise mainly from the LPG used to boost the SHWS
(solar hot water service), and secondly, from energy used in the manufacture of the renewable energy
components, particularly the batteries and photovoltaic panels (labelled “Off-Grid Electricity System” in
the legend of Figure 7.60), which represent approximately a third of the overall emissions of the off-grid
system. Figure 7.60 compares the GWP of the two systems for 50 years.
Figure 7.61 shows the GWP impact of the major components of the off-grid electricity system (excluding
gas backup), batteries being the major source of impact (75.3%), followed by photovoltaic panels
(22.2%). Combustion of brown coal contributed the most emissions for the South Australian Grid

Figure 7.60 - Global Warming Potential, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.61 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram 0.19% cut off, off-grid electricity system (gas backup not included in

7.5.2 Ozone Depletion for Energy System
The Ozone Depletion potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 6 times greater than the
South Australian energy supply (Figure 7.62). Impacts arising from the off-grid energy system are due to
manufacture of the renewable energy components; the photovoltaic panels accounting for
approximately 20% more impacts than the batteries (Figure 7.63).
Recycling of the lead in the batteries (“construction waste”) reduces the impact of the off-grid system
slightly (indicated by the black diamond).

Figure 7.62 - Ozone Depletion, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.63 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Energy System
The Photochemical Oxidation potential of the South Australian energy supply is approximately 1.4 times
greater than the off-grid energy system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.64). The off-
grid system’s impact is caused primarily by the manufacture of the batteries. The EOL credit is due to
avoided lead production from recycling the batteries at EOL.
Electricity use contributes the most impacts for the South Australian Grid Energy.

Figure 7.64 - Photochemical Oxidation, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.65 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 3% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.4 Eutrophication for Energy System
The Eutrophication potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 2 times greater than the
impact of the South Australian energy supply when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.66). As
illustrated in
Figure 7.67, the main causes of eutrophication potential for the off-grid energy system are:
 Battery manufacture, in which antimony is refined and sulphide tailings are disposed
 Production of silicon wafers in the photovoltaic panels (which has a similar level of impact as
battery manufacture)
 LPG use for SHWS boosting

Figure 7.66 - Eutrophication, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.67 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 3% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.5 Land Use & Transformation for Energy System
The Land Use & Transformation potential of South Australian energy supply is approximately 25 times
greater than the off-grid energy system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.68). The
majority of impacts arising from the off-grid energy system are due to manufacture of batteries and to a
lesser extent photovoltaic panels (Figure 7.69) both of which assume timber as a heating fuel source in
their manufacturing processes (European EcoInvent data).

Figure 7.68 - Land Use & Transformation, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.69 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 2% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.6 Water Use & Depletion for Energy System
The Water Use & Depletion potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 12 times greater
than the South Australian energy supply (Figure 7.70). The significant water use of the off-grid energy
system is due to the manufacture of photovoltaic panels which account for approximately 90% of the
water use. Battery manufacture accounts for approximately 9% (Figure 7.71).

Figure 7.70 - Water Use & Depletion, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.71 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 2% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.7 Solid Waste for Energy System
The off-grid energy system has slightly more Solid Waste impact than the South Australian Grid Energy
(Figure 7.72) – approximately 8% more waste is generated. This result does not include the potential
solid waste reduction that would be achieved by recycling photovoltaic panels. As LCI data for recycling
photovoltaic panels is not available in SimaPro™, it is assumed that PV panels are landfilled at EOL
despite the fact that they are highly recyclable. Batteries, however, are recycled thereby preventing
many hundreds of kilograms of waste. A small amount of waste is generated during steel manufacture;
however, the majority is incurred during EOL disposal of PV panels (Figure 7.73). If PV panels were
recycled this would reduce the waste at EOL to approximately 100kg (302kg of PV panels are included
in the modelling which accounts for replacement panels every 25 years).
Waste from the South Australian Grid Energy is due to “ash waste” from the coal fired power station.

Figure 7.72 - Solid Waste, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.73 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.8 Embodied Energy for Energy System
The Embodied Energy potential of the South Australian energy supply is approximately 1.8 times
greater than the off-grid energy system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.74). Liquid
Petroleum Gas is the cause of the majority of embodied energy in the off-grid system, especially for
SHWS boost (Figure 7.75), whereas electricity production is the major cause in the SA grid.

Figure 7.74 - Embodied Energy, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.75 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Energy System
The Carcinogenic Toxicity potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 4 times greater than
the South Australian energy supply when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.76). The vast
majority of this is due to the manufacture of lead which is contained in the batteries (Figure 7.77).

Figure 7.76 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.77 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Energy System
The Non-Carcinogenic Toxicity potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 52 times greater
than the South Australian energy supply when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.78).
The vast majority of this is due to the manufacture of lead which is contained in the batteries (Figure

Figure 7.78 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.79 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.11 Eco Toxicity for Energy System
The Eco Toxicity potential of the off-grid energy system is approximately 7.5 times greater than the
South Australian energy supply (Figure 7.80). A significant source of the toxicity is due to the
manufacture of lead which is contained in the batteries and photovoltaic panel production (Figure 7.81).

Figure 7.80 - Eco Toxicity, Energy Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.81 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid energy system

7.5.12 Toxicity Analysis for Energy System
Table 7.6 lists the toxic substances contributing to more than one percent of impacts for each toxicity
indicator for the off-grid energy system compared with the Australian National Pollutant Inventory
(Commonwealth of Australia: Department of Sustainability, n.d.) annual emissions data (where data is
The “emission ratio” gives a number that represents the number of off-grid energy systems that would
produce the annual Australian average emissions of each substance based on data from 2011/12. The
emission of toxic substances involved with the manufacture of the construction materials used in the off-
grid energy system are generally millions of times less than the annual emissions per capita from
general industry indicating that the scale of emissions from its lifecycle are relatively insignificant. An
exception to this is benzene and carbon disulfide which are related to battery manufacture. This result
arises from EcoInvent data as batteries are assumed to be manufactured in Germany, thus the
comparison to Australian emissions may be the cause of the low emission ratio.
These results should also be considered in terms of the total number of houses constructed per annum
which, based on figures produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2008-2014 (approximately
8000 homes constructed per month), is about 96,000 homes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014).
Table 7.6 - Toxic substances from Off-Grid Energy System**
NPI 2011/12 ton Off-Grid Energy
Substance Source p.a. System Emission Unit Emission Ratio
Aldrin Electricity production No data 606 mcg -
Benzene Energy for battery manufacture 610 1.14 kg 535,088
Carbon disulfide Antimony in batteries 75 0.872 kg 86,009
Chlorothalonil Photovoltaic panels and battery manufacture No data 163 mg -
Cumene LPG refining 31 11.38 g 2,724,077
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Lead in battery No data 4.7 mcg -
Formaldehyde LPG refining 2100 41.1 g 51,094,891
Phenol Steel production 77 32.8 g 2,347,561
Styrene Silicon production for PV panels 200 619 mg 323,101,777
Toluene LPG refining 1400 133.6 g 10,479,042
Xylene LPG refining 1000 151.9 g 6,583,278

7.5.13 Normalisation of Impacts for Energy System

Normalising the characterisation results against 50 years of per capita average Australian values for
each impact category, GWP and Eutrophication are indicated as having more significance than the
other impact categories, with Land Use & Transformation and Photochemical Oxidation showing the
least significance (Figure 7.82).
Every 0.02 on the y-axis represents one year of average Australian “emissions” and 1 represents the
assumed 50 year lifecycle of the home. The results are significantly less than one, reflecting the fact that
many other human activities, aside from house building and operation, contribute to an individual’s
environmental impact.

Figure 7.82 - Normalisation of Energy Systems Results

7.5.14 Weighted Single Score of Impacts for Energy System

When the weighting regime (as defined in Section 7.3.13) is applied to the normalised results, the South
Australian energy supply has approximately 1.5 times greater overall impact than the off-grid energy
system in terms of “eco points” (vertical axis) (Figure 7.83).
When solid waste and embodied energy are omitted (because they are not technically impact categories
in their own right - refer 7.3.13), the comparison changes only slightly with 1.4 times greater impact for
the South Australian energy supply Figure 7.84.
Global Warming Potential causes the majority of the weighted impact in both systems, followed by
Eutrophication and in the case of the Off-Grid system, Water Use & Depletion.
The off-grid system components (batteries, photovoltaics in particular) are significant causes of the
overall impact; however, the greatest impact is caused by liquid petroleum gas used for cooking and
SHWS boosting (refer network diagram, Figure 7.87).

Figure 7.83 - Energy Systems, weighted single score, all indicators

Figure 7.84 - Energy Systems, weighted single score, discounting Embodied Energy and Solid Waste

7.5.15 Backup Fuel

Given the high impacts associated with using LPG for cooking and SHWS boosting as a “backup” fuel
for the off-grid system and the impacts associated with the battery bank, a study was conducted to
investigate the effect of substituting gas with grid electricity. Table 7.7 lists assumptions for both of these
scenarios and shows the resultant amount of energy assumed to be imported from the grid (for scenario
2). The study assumes that 2.285kWh/day of energy is used for appliances and 7.665kWh/day is used
for cooking (electricity or gas) and SHWS boost (refer to Chapter 6 for discussion and calculations)
which totals 9.95kWh/day.
Table 7.7 - Energy use and surplus/deficit for two PV/grid scenarios.
Appliance Cook and Fuel for Total Energy Energy Energy
Grid Energy SHW Cook and Energy from PV stored in from
# Description connect Use boost SHW boost Use panels Battery Bank Grid
kWh/ kWh/
kWh/ day kWh/ day kWh/ day kWh/ day
day day

Standard Earthship, with battery

1 no 2.285 7.665 gas 9.95 5 1.5 0
and 5kWh/day PV system - off-grid

Earthship, with battery and

2 5kWh/day PV system - grid yes 2.285 7.665 grid elec 9.95 5 1.5 3.45

Figure 7.85 - Energy backup options, characterisation by impact category

Figure 7.86 - Energy backup scenarios, characterisation by component

Although the assumptions are simplistic and do not delve into great detail regarding energy use patterns
in the home (in particular, when energy is used: nighttime or daytime - when the sun is shining), they
give an impression of how the fuel type used to supply energy to the home effects the environmental
The Base Case - standard off-grid Earthship design – has impacts arising mainly from the use of gas as
the fuel source for cooking and SHWS boosting. The scenario in which the gas use has been replaced
by grid supplied electricity, shows a small rise in impact (7% more than base case), indicating that
energy from gas is slightly more environmentally friendly than electricity in the South Australian context.
Network diagrams showing the single score for the Base Case and the South Australian grid energy are
shown in Figure 7.87 and Figure 7.88 respectively. It can be seen that, in the SA grid, the majority of
energy is derived from South Australian brown coal, with the remainder from local natural gas plants,
imported brown coal energy from Victoria, and local wind energy.

Figure 7.87 - Off grid energy system with gas backup (scenario 1), single score, 6% cut off

Figure 7.88 - SA grid energy, single score, 2% cut off

7.5.16 Discussion & Summary

The analysis has compared an off-grid energy system with battery backup, rated at 5kWh/day including
10070MJ of liquid petroleum gas for cooking and SHWS boost, with the same amount of South
Australian grid electricity and the same amount of natural gas. The finding is that the grid energy has
approximately 1.4 to 1.5 times more impact than the off-grid energy system. Modelling of the off-grid
system did not incorporate recycling of the photovoltaic panels (due to lack of LCI data) whereas if this
was possible it is likely the impacts would be even lower.
The liquid petroleum gas used to backup the off-grid energy system is a significant impact driver in
many impact categories, indicating the potential to reduce overall impact by increasing the use of
renewable energy technology; however, although renewable energy technology has less impact than
the grid, it is not without environmental impacts. Therefore, the concept of minimising home energy

requirements – a fundamental strategy in Earthship design – is desirable no matter what the energy
source is.
Investigation of the fuel source to “backup” the Earthship’s renewable energy (e.g. to provide cooking
fuel and SHWS boost) reveals that gas has a lower impact compared to grid electricity. This finding
supports Reynolds’ assertion that Earthships should not be connected to the energy grid (Reynolds,
1990, p. 15); however, if a grid connection is available and is used to export energy rather than
consume energy, the concept of a zero carbon home, or a less than zero carbon home, becomes
possible due to the credits earned from exporting energy. This issue requires further research to
establish whether or not the grid connection would lead to environmental benefits, as it is possible that
the connection to the grid might override the need for energy saving behaviour change which was
displayed by the Earthship occupants interviewed in the POE study (refer to Chapter 3).
On account of the considerable weight of the renewable energy system components, which are
generally not manufactured in Australia (although some manufacturers of photovoltaic panels and
inverters still exist), a sensitivity study investigated the effect of assuming different ocean freight
transport distances for the renewable energy system. The main study assumed 25,000km journey from
Europe by ocean freight, and the sensitivity study assumed 5,000km ocean freight from Asia. It was
found that the reduced distance decreased global warming potential (GWP) by approximately 3 percent
of the whole renewable energy system’s GWP.

7.6 Water Supply System

This section presents results and analysis of the Off-Grid Water Supply System and the Grid Connected
Water Supply System. The system assumptions are based on waster use for a family of four in
Adelaide. The Off-Grid System includes a shed for extra water catchment area, rainwater tanks,
plumbing, a pump, and filters. This system is able to provide 73L per day for each occupant, which is
the figure quoted for water use in an Earthship (Reynolds, 2005, p. 18). The Grid Connected System
assumes that each occupant uses 390L per day which includes water for irrigating the garden
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Refer to Chapter 6 for details regarding these assumptions.

7.6.1 Global Warming Potential for Water Supply System
The Global Warming Potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply (“Grid Water Supply, ADL”) is
approximately 2 times greater than the off-grid water system (“Off Grid Water Catch”) when EOL credits
are taken into account (Figure 7.89). While the off-grid system incurs most GWP emissions during the
construction phase, the grid water supply has emissions throughout its lifecycle due to electricity used to
treat and pump water to homes.
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.90). EOL credits for the off-grid system are
due to recycling of the rainwater tanks.

Figure 7.89 - Global Warming Potential, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.90 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.2 Ozone Depletion for Water Supply System
The Ozone Depletion potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 3 times greater
than the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.91).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.92). EOL processes contribute to the impact
in both systems (rather than provide a credit); recycling of the HDPE tank is the main recycling activity in
the off-grid system causing this EOL impact. This is due to transportation of the tank to the plastic

Figure 7.91 - Ozone Depletion, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.92 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Water Supply System
The Photochemical Oxidation potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 18%
greater than the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.93).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks and the shed which provides extra roof catchment,
adequate to provide a sufficient amount of water for 4 peoples’ use. EOL credits for the Off-Grid system
are due to recycling of the rainwater tanks and recycling of steel and concrete from the shed (Figure

Figure 7.93 - Photochemical Oxidation, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.94 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.4 Eutrophication for Water Supply System
The Eutrophication potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 2 times greater than
the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.95).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks and the shed (Figure 7.96).

Figure 7.95 - Eutrophication, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.96 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.5 Land Use & Transformation for Water Supply System
The Land Use & Transformation potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 5 times
greater than the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.97).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.98). EOL impacts do not result in the usual
credit due to the energy required to reclaim the recyclable materials being greater than the avoided
energy; which is associated with land use/transformation.

Figure 7.97 - Land Use & Transformation, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.98 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.6 Water Use & Depletion for Water Supply System
The Water Use & Depletion potential for Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 80 times
greater than for the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.99). This is
due to water being provided “for free”, once the initial infrastructure for the off-grid system has been
installed, with little need for maintenance (that involves water use); whereas the grid supply is constantly
drawing upon finite water resources.
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by the rotational
moulding process of the high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.100).

Figure 7.99 - Water Use & Depletion, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.100 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.7 Solid Waste for Water Supply System
The Solid Waste potential of the off-grid water system is approximately 4.5 times greater than
Adelaide’s reticulated water supply (Figure 7.101).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by steel production for
the shed, whereas EOL impacts are driven by reprocessing HDPE, steel and landfill of non-recyclable
components (Figure 7.102).

Figure 7.101 - Solid Waste, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.102 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.8 Embodied Energy for Water Supply System
The Embodied Energy of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 3 times greater than the
off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.103).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.104). EOL impacts are significant due to the
reclamation of HDPE which would otherwise need to be manufactured from virgin materials.

Figure 7.103 - Embodied Energy, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.104 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Water Supply System
The Carcinogenic Toxicity potential of the off-grid water system is approximately 10% greater than
Adelaide’s reticulated water supply when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.105).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.106). EOL impacts are significant due to the
reclamation of HDPE which would otherwise need to be manufactured from virgin materials.

Figure 7.105 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.106 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Water Supply System
The Non-Carcinogenic toxicity potential of Adelaide’s reticulated water supply is approximately 3 times
greater than the off-grid water system when EOL credits are taken into account (Figure 7.107).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of the
high density polyethylene (HDPE) rainwater tanks (Figure 7.108). EOL impacts are due to the
reclamation of HDPE which would otherwise need to be manufactured from virgin materials.

Figure 7.107 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.108 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.11 Eco Toxicity for Water Supply System
The Eco Toxicity potential of the off-grid water system is approximately 1.5 times greater than
Adelaide’s reticulated water supply (Figure 7.109).
Manufacturing and use stage impacts of the off-grid system are driven primarily by production of steel
for the shed (extra roof catchment) and EOL impacts arise from avoided virgin materials such as steel,
due to recycling (Figure 7.110).

Figure 7.109 - Eco Toxicity, Water Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.110 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 1% cut off, off-grid water catchment system

7.6.12 Normalisation for Water Supply System
A result of 1 on the vertical axis represents 50 years of impacts, hence the Water Use & Depletion result
for the Grid Water Supply (0.66) indicates the quantity of water use modelled is 34% less than average
water use, hence the result for Grid Water tends to underestimate average impacts. This is due to the
normalisation factor referring to the national average rather than the South Australian average which is
GWP is of minor significance for the Grid Water Supply, as is Solid Waste for the off-grid system. The
significance of the other impact categories is negligible.

Figure 7.111 - Normalisation of Water Supply System Results

7.6.13 Weighted Single Score for Water Supply System
Adelaide’s reticulated water supply has approximately 15 times greater environmental impact than the
off-grid water system (Figure 7.112).
GWP represents approximately half the impacts of the off-grid system whereas Water Use & Depletion
accounts for the vast majority of impacts for the Grid Water Supply.
The majority of impacts (76%) in the off-grid system arise from the manufacture of the high density
polyethylene water tanks (6 tanks 5000L each). The shed, which is included for added roof catchment
area, contributes approximately 21% of impacts (Figure 7.113).
Figure 7.114 shows the energy use in supplying reticulated water to Adelaide homes over a 50 yr time
period. Approximately 177GJ of energy is required to supply 28.5ML of water.
Figure 7.115 is included to compare the Adelaide water supply (Figure 7.114) with the Melbourne water
supply. The Melbourne water supply has approximately 15% less impact on the basis of the weighted
single score, due to less energy use (less pumping of water).

Figure 7.112 - Weighted Single Score, Water Supply Systems

Figure 7.113 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Off-Grid Water Catchment and Storage System, 50 yr Lifecycle

Figure 7.114 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Grid Water Adelaide, 50 yr Lifecycle, cut off 1%

Figure 7.115 - Weighted Single Score Network Diagram, Grid Water Melbourne, 50 yr Lifecycle, cut off 1%

7.6.14 Discussion & Summary for Water Supply System
The analysis compares the Earthship’s off-grid water catchment and storage system capable of
supplying a family of four with 73L of water per day each (the quantity quoted by Reynolds for Earthship
occupants) with the reticulated water supply in Adelaide for which it is assumed 390L per day, per
person is used. The difference is due to the water efficient systems incorporated in the Earthship which
provide the same “water service” (functionality) as a conventional home. The Earthship is approximately
five times more water efficient.
It might then be expected that the reticulated water supply would have approximately 5 times more
environmental impact, however this study shows the impact of the reticulated water supply to be about
15 times more than the off-grid system. The impacts from the reticulated system arise mainly due to the
large quantities of water, which are drawn from sources such as the River Murray (LCI data does not
include impacts from the recently constructed desalination plant which would be likely to increase
impacts due to energy use of the desalination plant). A significant amount of energy required to supply
water to homes which must be pumped over large distances produces greenhouse gas emissions and
is another significant contributor to the environmental impact of the grid system. Furthermore the water
must be treated, requiring more electricity and chemicals.
Thus the reticulated system has significant and consistent impacts throughout its lifecycle whereas the
off-grid Earthship system (which is similar to the systems used by thousands of Australian homes)
incurs impacts mainly during the construction stage with very few use stage impacts. These use stage
impacts were limited to replacement of water filters and a pump which were modelled at a rate of 2
filters per year and 1 pump every 5 years – these had negligible impacts. The Earthship system benefits
from “free” water from rainfall whereas the grid system must “pay” for its water supply which is modelled
as depleting the natural systems e.g. the River Murray. While it could be argued that the roof catchment
and storage system employed by the Earthship system (and thousands of Australian homes) prevents
some water from reaching eco and techno systems (aquifers and reservoirs respectively) it certainly
does not produce the significant GHG emissions arising from the need to pump large quantities of water
from a centralised water source to distant homes, as in the reticulated water supply system.
Even if the comparison is based on an identical water supply rate, rather than Earthship’s more efficient
rate, the comparison still favours the Earthship which in this case incurs only a third of the impacts of the
reticulated water supply.
It should be noted, however, that the efficiency of the Earthship is in large part due to its innovative
wastewater system which is not accounted for here, but is discussed in detail in the following section
where it is compared to a conventional sewer system.
In summary, this study demonstrates that the common practice (in Australia) of collecting and storing
rainwater is environmentally responsible, and when coupled with the water efficient Earthship
technology - flushing the toilet with biologically treated greywater, and irrigating gardens with
wastewater – dramatic reductions in water use, energy use, and their associated environmental impacts
are possible.

7.7 Wastewater System
This section presents results and analysis of the Off-Grid Wastewater System and the Sewer System.
The system assumptions are based on waster use for a family of four in Adelaide.
The Off-Grid System includes materials and components for the typical Earthship system, that is, a
greywater planter, septic tank and outdoor biological cell similar to a reed bed (Reynolds, 2005). The
Adelaide Sewer System is assumed to be able to treat 150L per person per day. Refer to Chapter 6 for
details regarding these assumptions.
Note that EOL impacts are not displayed or discussed as they were so small in comparison to the
lifecycle impacts.

7.7.1 Global Warming Potential for Wastewater System
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the Adelaide Sewer System (“Sewer Use, ADL”) is
approximately 3.7 times greater than the off-grid wastewater system (“Earthship Wastewater System”)
(Figure 7.116). A large portion of the impact of the off-grid system is associated with manufacture of a
3000L high density polyethylene septic tank which is part of the blackwater system. Other significant
impacts are associated with gravel, sand and rubber sheet (water proof membrane) used in the
greywater and blackwater systems (Figure 7.117). GWP arising from use of the Adelaide Sewer System
is driven by energy used for pumping and treating the wastewater.

Figure 7.116 - Global Warming Potential, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.117 - Global Warming Potential, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.2 Ozone Depletion for Wastewater System
The Ozone Depletion potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 11 times greater than the
off-grid wastewater system (Figure 7.118). Impacts from the off-grid system are caused by transport of
gravel and sand and to a lesser extent the use of PVC pipe, used for plumbing (Figure 7.119), whereas
impacts from the Adelaide Sewer System are driven by electricity derived from (natural) gas powered

Figure 7.118 - Ozone Depletion, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.119 - Ozone Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Wastewater System
The Photochemical Oxidation potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 1.7 times greater
than the off-grid wastewater system (Figure 7.120). Impacts from the off-grid system are caused mainly
by the high density polyester resin used in the manufacture of the septic tank (Figure 7.121), whereas
impacts from the Adelaide Sewer System are driven by energy use (coal and natural gas).

Figure 7.120 - Photochemical Oxidation, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.121 - Photochemical Oxidation, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.4 Eutrophication for Wastewater System
The Eutrophication potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 20 times greater than the
off-grid wastewater system (Figure 7.122). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by transportation
of sand and gravel (used in the black and grey water botanical cells) to the building site (Figure 7.123),
whereas impacts from the Adelaide Sewer System are driven by energy used for pumping and treating

Figure 7.122 - Eutrophication, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.123 - Eutrophication, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.5 Land Use & Transformation for Wastewater System
The Land Use & Transformation potential of the off-grid wastewater system is approximately 18 times
greater than the Adelaide Sewer System (Figure 7.124). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by
the requirement for 200m2 of land for disposal of waste water (Figure 7.125), whereas impacts from the
Adelaide Sewer System are driven by energy used for pumping and treating wastewater – land used for
the treatment plant for example.

Figure 7.124 - Land Use & Transformation, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.125 - Land Use & Transformation, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.6 Water Use & Depletion for Wastewater System
The Water Use & Depletion potential of the off-grid wastewater system is approximately 1.2 times
greater than the Adelaide Sewer System (Figure 7.126). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by
water used in production of gravel followed by sand, septic tank, and rubber production (Figure 7.127),
whereas water use arising from use of the Adelaide Sewer System are due to energy derived from
natural gas, used for pumping and treating wastewater.

Figure 7.126 - Water Use & Depletion, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.127 - Water Use & Depletion, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.7 Solid Waste for Wastewater System
The Solid Waste potential of the off-grid wastewater system is approximately 12.5 times greater than the
Adelaide Sewer System (Figure 7.128). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven mainly by waste
generated at EOL (346kg) from non-recyclable materials, and to a far lesser extent by waste generated
during the manufacturing stage of the system (approximately 12kg) (Figure 7.129). Solid waste arising
from use of the Adelaide Sewer System is due to energy derived from brown coal, used for pumping
and treating wastewater.

Figure 7.128 - Solid Waste, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.129 - Solid Waste, network diagram, 1% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.8 Embodied Energy for Wastewater System
The Embodied Energy of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 2.4 times greater than the off-
grid wastewater system (Figure 7.130). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by energy used in
the manufacture of the high density polyethylene resin used in the roto-moulded tank and less so, from
gravel, sand and rubber production (Figure 7.131), whereas Embodied Energy arising from use of the
Adelaide Sewer System is due to energy use from the South Australian grid.

Figure 7.130 - Embodied Energy, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.131 - Embodied Energy, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Wastewater System
The Carcinogenic Toxicity potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 4 times greater than
the off-grid wastewater system (Figure 7.132). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by the high
density polyethylene resin used in manufacture of the septic tank (Figure 7.133), whereas carcinogenic
emissions arising from use of the Adelaide Sewer System is due to energy derived from natural gas,
from the South Australian grid.

Figure 7.132 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.133 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Wastewater System
The Non-Carcinogenic potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 8.5 times greater than
the off-grid wastewater system (Figure 7.134). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by the high
density polyethylene resin used in manufacture of the septic tank (Figure 7.135), whereas carcinogenic
emissions arising from use of the Adelaide Sewer System is due to energy derived from wind power and
bagasse (sugar cane waste), from the South Australian grid.

Figure 7.134 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.135 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.11 Eco Toxicity for Wastewater System
The Eco Toxicity potential of the Adelaide Sewer System is approximately 2.5 times greater than the off-
grid wastewater system (Figure 7.136). Impacts from the off-grid system are driven by the rubber sheet
used in manufacture of the biological filter systems (Figure 7.137), whereas eco toxic emissions arising
from use of the Adelaide Sewer System are due to processes within the wastewater treatment plant.

Figure 7.136 - Eco Toxicity, Wastewater Systems, Characterisation

Figure 7.137 - Eco Toxicity, network diagram, 5% cut off, Off-Grid Wastewater Catchment System

7.7.12 Normalisation for Wastewater System
The most significant result is the Eutrophication potential of the sewer followed by the GWP of the
sewer. This reflects the nutrient load that is emitted to water bodies through the use of the sewer system
and the considerable energy demand needed to power the sewer infrastructure.

Figure 7.138 - Normalisation of Wastewater Systems Results

7.7.13 Weighted Single Score for Wastewater System

The weighted single score of the Adelaide Sewer system is approximately 2.9 times greater than the off-
grid Earthship wastewater system. For both systems the most significant impact category is GWP. In the
Sewer system, Eutrophication is also a significant contributor to impacts and in the off-grid system,
Water Use, Land Use, Solid Waste and Embodied Energy all have similar significance (Figure 7.139).
In the off-grid system, the impacts are caused mainly by the high density polyethylene septic tank
followed by gravel and sand production and delivery to site (Figure 7.140).

Figure 7.139 - Weighted Single Score, Wastewater Systems, All Indicators

Figure 7.140 - Off-Grid Wastewater System, single score, 2% cut off

Figure 7.141 - Adelaide sewer use, single score 2% cut off

7.7.14 Discussion & Summary for Wastewater System
The off-grid Earthship wastewater system shows lower impacts in the majority of impact categories and
this is especially so in the important (heavily weighted) Global Warming Potential category: the off-grid
system has approximately one quarter of the GWP impacts arising from use of the sewer.
The Land Use & Transformation potential of the Earthship system is larger than the sewer system due
to the assumption that 200m2 of land area is needed for the Earthship system to function properly;
however, this land is used for other productive purposes such as lawns, gardens and food production
areas so this result is somewhat misleading.
Although water use and depletion potential is 1.2 times greater for the Earthship wastewater system this
is offset by the minimal Water Use & Depletion potential of the Earthship water catchment and storage
system which works in tandem with the Earthship wastewater system. The only other category which
shows higher impact for the Earthship system is Solid Waste.
In summary, the majority of environmental impact categories indicate that the off-grid Earthship system
is preferable to the use of Adelaide’s sewer network which relies on significant quantities of energy to

7.8 Whole House

This section presents results and analysis of the “Whole House” which includes the Thermal Envelope,
and the various Systems associated with the home for energy, water and wastewater
treatment/disposal. In the case of the “off-grid” house scenarios –three Earthship variations and one
Mudbrick – the utilities systems are provided by autonomous “off-grid” systems, whereas the other
homes are assumed to be serviced by conventional “grid” infrastructure; which has been modelled using
South Australian LCI data.
The results are presented for each impact category in terms of the impacts associated with various
major elements of the house, each of which has its own category:
 “Thermal Envelope (matl & const)” refers to the materials and processes used in the
construction of the thermal envelope – the internal and external walls, roof, floor and in the case
of two Earthship scenarios, the greenhouse.
 “Heating and cooling (elec)” refers to the electricity used to heat and cool the home. The
quantity of electricity modelled is based on the results of the Thermal Modelling Study: the
average of the results from the initial study and the final study were used (see LCI section for
full details).
 “Other household elec” refers to the use of non-heating and cooling energy use such as
appliances and lighting. In the case of the off-grid houses electricity is supplied by the off-grid
electrical system (photovoltaics and battery bank) whereas for the majority of houses electricity
is supplied by the South Australian electricity grid (which contains significant amounts of
renewable energy such as wind energy). Maintenance and replacement of components is
included in the modelling of the off-grid electrical system.
 “Gas for hot water boost” refers to the use of gas for boosting the solar hot water service
 “Gas for cooking” refers to the use of gas for cooking. The modelling assumes liquid petroleum
gas in the case of the off-grid homes and natural gas in the case of the gird connected homes.
 “Water and wastewater” refers to construction and maintenance of the off-grid water catchment
and storage system and the associated off-grid wastewater treatment system, or in the case of

the grid connected homes, it refers to the use of reticulated water supply and sewer
 “Food production” applies only to the off-grid house scenarios. It refers to the production of food
which is assumed to be irrigated by wastewater and grown in the greenhouse, or outdoors,
where a greenhouse is not included in the thermal envelope.
 “Waste” refers to the waste generated during all life cycle stages, for example, waste generated
during manufacture of raw materials, and materials sent to landfill at the end of life of the house.
 “Miscellaneous” refers to elements not allocated to the major groups outlined above: the
materials used to manufacture the solar hot water service, materials used to manufacture the
air conditioner, maintenance of paint finishes to the thermal envelope, and land occupancy –
the land used as the site for the house and the wastewater system.
 “Total inc. EOL” indicates the total value, taking into account any “credits” (negative values), for
example credits may be counted in the “waste” category due to reclaimed materials that avoid
being landfilled and thereby avoid the production of virgin materials.
This section aggregates the results from the previous studies that analysed the various elements in
isolation, hence to avoid repetition, the discussion of the Whole House has been limited to findings
specific to the Whole House analysis, and the reader is expected to refer to the previous sections for
additional information.

7.8.1 Global Warming Potential for Whole House
Characterisation results for Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the Whole House scenarios are given in
Figure 7.142. The highest impact is caused by the conventional brick veneer home which uses
20kWh/day of electricity (BV LW Conv. 20) followed by the same brick veneer design but with far less
energy assumed to be used for heating and cooling. The lowest impact is caused by the homes
assumed to be off-grid: three Earthships and Mudbrick. The bermed and insulated Earthship with
greenhouse and minimal use of cement (ESIB GH lowEE) has the lowest impact of all.
With the exception of the conventional homes (labelled “conv.”) all other homes were assumed to use
5kWh of electricity per day for appliances and lighting (“other household elec”), hence the substantially
lower result in this category for the off-grid homes is due to the renewable electricity system having
lower GWP than the grid supplied electricity.
Another important factor contributing to the lower GWP of the off-grid homes is their “water and
wastewater” systems, which have minimal maintenance throughout their lifecycle; the majority of their
emissions generated during the manufacturing stage. In contrast the reticulated water supply and sewer
system involves comparatively large quantities of electricity throughout their use stage (assumed to be
50 years) leading to approximately double the GWP compared to the off-grid water systems.

Figure 7.142 - Global Warming Potential, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.2 Ozone Depletion for Whole House
Characterisation results for Ozone Depletion potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in Figure
7.143. The highest impact is caused by the conventional brick veneer home with 20kWh/day electricity
use (no gas use assumed in this home).
While the off-grid scenarios have comparatively low emissions associated with the water and
wastewater systems, emissions of the off-grid energy systems are comparatively high, hence the
defining factor tends be the emissions arising from construction of the thermal envelope.

Figure 7.143 - Ozone Depletion, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.3 Photochemical Oxidation for Whole House
Characterisation results for Photochemical Oxidation potential of the Whole House scenarios are given
in Figure 7.144. The Earthship scenarios have the highest emissions due mainly to the comparatively
high emissions of the water and wastewater systems and construction of the thermal envelope. The
conventional brick veneer scenarios also have relatively high emissions due to additional energy use for
running appliances and lighting. Rammed Earth (with and without insulation) and Strawbale scenarios
have the lowest emissions due to comparatively low emissions from construction of the thermal

Figure 7.144 - Photochemical Oxidation, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.4 Eutrophication for Whole House
Characterisation results for Eutrophication potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in Figure
7.145. The off-grid scenarios (Earthships and Mudbrick) have the highest impact potential due to the off-
grid electricity system which by far outweighs the reduction in impact due to the water and wastewater

Figure 7.145 - Eutrophication, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.5 Land Use & Transformation for Whole House
Characterisation results for Land Use & Transformation potential of the Whole House scenarios are
given in Figure 7.146. The Miscellaneous category is, in this case, representative mainly of the land
occupied by the home and the wastewater system, hence its significance for the off-grid homes which
assume 200m2 of land for wastewater irrigation. The land occupied by the earth berm is also a
significant contributor to the Miscellaneous category for the two bermed Earthship scenarios.
Construction of the water and wastewater system and the thermal envelope are significant factors for
the Earthship scenarios.

Figure 7.146 - Land Use & Transformation, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.6 Water Use & Depletion for Whole House
Characterisation results for water use and depletion potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in
Figure 7.147. Although the Earthship base case uses more water in its construction than the other
thermal envelopes, this is offset by the ultra water efficient water and wastewater systems. Although the
off-grid electrical systems require more water during their manufacturing stage, this is offset by the off-
grid water and wastewater systems.

Figure 7.147 - Water Use & Depletion, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.7 Solid Waste for Whole House
Characterisation results for Solid Waste potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in Figure
7.148. In this figure, the “Waste” category indicates the EOL landfill quantity for all categories, whereas
other categories indicate waste generated during construction and use lifecycle stages for each
Mudbrick has the lowest impacts due to the assumption that Mudbrick does not need to be landfilled,
and Concrete Block and the Earthship base case have the highest impact due to large volumes of
concrete that must be landfilled (although note that only 5% is assumed to be landfilled, the rest is
recycled into aggregates).

Figure 7.148 - Solid Waste, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.8 Embodied Energy for Whole House
Characterisation results for Embodied Energy potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in
Figure 7.149. The off-grid scenarios show reduced embodied energy due to the comparatively low
embodied energy of the off-grid electricity system compared to the grid supplied electricity. The lowEE
Earthship with greenhouse and berm has the lowest embodied energy and the passive solar Brick
Veneer with thermal mass internal walls (BV TM) has the highest when comparing on an equal basis for
electricity and gas use, whereas the conventional brick veneer scenarios (BV LW Conv / Conv 20) show
higher embodied energy due to the assumption that they use more electricity than the other grid
connected scenarios.

Figure 7.149 - Embodied Energy, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.9 Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic, for Whole House
Characterisation results for Carcinogenic Human Toxicity potential of the Whole House scenarios are
given in Figure 7.150. The highest impacts arise from construction of the thermal envelope especially in
constructions that employ bricks (BV and RBV), whereas the lowest impacts arise from the off-grid
whole house scenarios which benefit from avoided impacts arising from home food production, and also
the rammed earth (RE RE and REI RE), and lightweight timber frame construction (TFC LW) also have
very comparatively low impacts.

Figure 7.150 - Human Toxicity Carcinogenic, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.10 Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic, for Whole House
Characterisation results for Non-Carcinogenic Human Toxicity potential of the Whole House scenarios
are given in Figure 7.151. The off-grid scenarios have the highest impact potential due to the batteries in
the off-grid electricity system. Recycling of the lead in the batteries “waste” and avoided chemical use in
agriculture due to home food production (“Food production”) reduces the total impact significantly.

Figure 7.151 - Human Toxicity Non-carcinogenic, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.11 Eco Toxicity for Whole House
Characterisation results for Eco Toxicity potential of the Whole House scenarios are given in Figure
7.152. Home food production, which is assumed in the off-grid homes, offsets the toxic emissions
arising from all the other categories by a huge margin.
Construction of the thermal envelope has the highest impacts for all scenarios, however in the case of
the off-grid homes, the toxic emissions arising from thermal envelope construction and other categories
are offset significantly by home organic food production which avoids the use of chemicals in the
agricultural industry.

Figure 7.152 - Eco-Toxicity, Whole House, Characterisation

7.8.12 Toxicity Analysis for Whole House
Table 7.8 lists the toxic substances contributing to more than one percent of impacts for all the
scenarios. For brevity only data for the Earthship Base Case and the Brick Veneer Conventional home
is given, and is compared with Australian National Pollutant Inventory annual emissions data (where
data is available) (Commonwealth of Australia: Department of Sustainability, n.d.). Quantity of each
substance is listed as well as the USEtox CTUh units which are defined as:
“The characterization factor for human toxicity impacts (human toxicity potential) is expressed in
comparative toxic units (CTUh), providing the estimated increase in morbidity in the total human
population per unit mass of a chemical emitted, assuming equal weighting between cancer and non-
cancer due to a lack of more precise insights into this issue.
Unit: [CTUh] = [disease cases per kg emitted]”(USEtox, 2013)
The Earthship has approximately 10 times more emissions of carbon disulfide to air than the
conventional brick veneer home, and approximately 6.5 times more benzene. This is due to the use of
batteries for energy storage as opposed to grid energy supply which emits fewer of these emissions.
Similar quantities of dioxin are released by both house types, whereas the conventional brick veneer
home releases almost double the amount of formaldehyde due to emissions from brick manufacture.
It should be noted that the toxicity of materials used in house construction may be an issue at any stage
throughout the lifecycle of the material. The toxic impacts identified in this study are primarily the result
of the manufacturing stage of the materials and to a lesser extent the end-of-life stage (typically landfill).
While toxicity may also be a hazard during the “use” stage, for example, through the process of off-
gassing, this is not what is being measured in this study. Therefore it is unlikely that these results would
suffice as even a rough guide to the indoor air quality of each particular building, with many other factors
aside from material selection effecting this important aspect of building design; for example ventilation
rate plays a key role in controlling build-up of toxic emissions (which also emanate from the human
inhabitants, for example the carbon dioxide we exhale).
Table 7.8 - Comparison of quantities of toxic substances from Whole House
CTUh Source CTUh Source
Compart- NPI 2011/12 Earthship Base BV LW Conv
Substance ment ton p.a. Case Emission Emission
Benzene Air 610 ton 1280g 1.88E-07 battery 197g 6.04E-08 Energy use
Carbon disulfide Air 75 ton 891g 4.16E-05 battery 89.5g 4.18E-06 Energy use
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 6.06E-07 Thermal 5.89E-07 Wastewater
Tetrachlorodibenz envelope treatment
o-p- Air No data- 21mcg construction 20.3mcg
3.80E-06 Roof and 6.51E-06 Bricks
Formaldehyde Air 2100 ton 236g construction 466g

Figure 7.153 - Carbon Disulfide network diagram 5% cut off Earthship Base Case

Figure 7.154 - Dioxin network diagram 7% cut off, Earthship Base Case

Figure 7.155 - Formaldehyde network diagram 5% cut off, Earthship Base Case

7.8.13 Normalisation for Whole House
The normalised results (50yrs per capita AUS) for all house types, shown in Figure 7.156, indicate that
the houses considered contribute most significantly to the average Australian’s water depletion impacts
although this is not so for the off-grid homes (which catch and store rain water).
The next most significant impact is Solid Waste, followed by Eutrophication, Global Warming Potential
(less so for off-grid homes), and Embodied Energy (less so for off-grid homes). There is relatively minor
contribution to the average Australian’s impacts on Ozone Depletion, Photochemical Oxidation, and
Land Use/Transformation.

Figure 7.156 - Normalisation of Whole House Results

7.8.14 Weighted Single Score for Whole House
Weighted results for the Whole House analysis are presented via two methods: 1) in terms of impact
categories (Figure 7.157) and 2) in terms of construction materials used to build the thermal envelope,
electricity use for heating and cooling, other electricity use (e.g. appliances), gas use for SHWS
boosting, gas use for cooking, water and wastewater system, food production, EOL waste, and
miscellaneous issues: land occupation, SHWS components, air conditioner system components, and
maintenance of paint finishes (Figure 7.158). Results are in “eco points” (vertical axis) which are
calculated on the weightings established and discussed in Chapter 5.

Figure 7.157 - Weighted Single Score, Whole House, All Indicators

Figure 7.158 - Weighted Single Score, Whole House, All Indicators, Categorised by Construction/Systems Element

A sensitivity study, identical to the one conducted in the External Wall and Thermal Envelope analysis,
is included to test the effect of altering the relative influence of Global Warming Potential (GWP) in
comparison to all the other impact categories (toxicity categories excluded). Figure 7.159 presents the
results when non-GWP categories are increased by 20% and Figure 7.160 shows the result when they
are decreased by 20%.

Figure 7.159 - Weighted Single Score With 20% Extra Weighting For Non-GWP Indicators

Figure 7.160 - Weighted Single Score With 20% Less Weighting For Non-GWP Indicators

Figure 7.161 includes an additional scenario: the Mudbrick house with grid connected systems
compared to the Mudbrick house with off-grid systems. This highlights the differences between the “off-

grid” and “grid” systems and it is important to note that these results have implications for all housing
types, not just Mudbrick. The comparison shows a significant difference for the categories: “other
household elec.”, “gas for hot water boost”, “gas for cooking” and “water and wastewater” (indicated by
the red line). To highlight this reduction in environmental impacts due to off-grid homes Figure 7.162
displays the results of modelling all thermal envelopes with off-grid (indicated by red line), the only
exceptions being the two Brick Veneer scenarios which are modelled with grid connected systems for
comparison. It is important to note that this is a very simplistic comparison which models the same
renewable energy system for all homes (5kWh/day capacity - indicated by the blue bands labelled “other
household elec” in Figure 7.162), whereas many of these homes would require a larger renewable
energy system due to their heating and cooling requirements (purple bands in Figure 7.162). Larger
renewable energy systems required to power additional heating and cooling appliances would certainly
increase the environmental impacts, but even if the renewable energy system’s capacity was four times
larger (i.e. 20kWh, “BV LW Conv 20 Grid” models a grid connected home using 20kWh/day, a typical
household average in South Australia), the total environmental impact would still be approximately 25-
30% less than if an electricity grid connection was assumed for the home.

Figure 7.161 - Off-Grid versus Grid connected, Mudbrick Home

Figure 7.162 - Weighted Single Score, Off-Grid, Whole House, All Indicators, Categorised by Construction/Systems Element

Weighted single score network diagrams are shown for the Earthship Base Case (Figure 7.163) and for
the Conventional Brick Veneer home (Figure 7.164) to illustrate the elements that contribute most to the
overall environmental impact: the off-grid energy system in the case of the Earthship and water use and
energy use in the case of the conventional home.

Figure 7.163 - Earthship Base Case, Weighted Single Score, 6% Cut Off

Figure 7.164 - Conventional Brick Veneer Light Weight Internal walls, Weighted Single Score, 3% Cut Off

Figure 7.165 indicates the lifecycle impacts when only heating and cooling impacts are counted, plus
the lifecycle impacts of construction of the thermal envelope. This draws attention to the inter-related
issues of construction materials and thermal performance.

Figure 7.165 - Impacts due to Thermal Envelope construction (and EOL) and Heating and Cooling over 50 years

7.8.15 Discussion & Summary for Whole House

When considering only the impacts of construction, demolition/recycling and the heating and cooling
energy (Figure 7.165) the results show that the Base Case Earthship has the highest impacts for
construction and the lowest impacts for heating and cooling. This is due to extra materials used to build
the greenhouse and berm (which are not modelled in the other scenarios, with the exception of the
“lowEE” Earthship which includes a greenhouse and berm) and the concomitant reductions to heating
and cooling requirements; however, when the construction materials of the Earthship are altered and if
aluminium cans are assumed to be recycled at the end of the building’s life (ESIB GH lowEE), the
overall impact of the Earthship is less than the non-Earthship buildings. Furthermore, if the Earthship is
constructed without the berm and without the greenhouse and with minimal concrete and aluminium can
recycling (ESI lowEE), although the heating and cooling energy increases somewhat (similar to
Strawbale and Rammed Earth Insulated), the reduction in impacts from construction of the building
results in the lowest of all the construction types evaluated by this study. It is interesting to compare the
rammed earth envelopes (REI RE and RE RE) and note that adding an insulation layer to the exterior of
the external wall only slightly increases the construction/EOL stage impacts but significantly reduces the
use stage impacts. The Conventional (non-passive) Brick Veneer construction with average energy use
for heating and cooling (BV LW Conv. 20) has the highest overall impact due to far greater need for
heating and cooling than the passive solar homes it is compared to, although when the simulation
results from the Thermal Performance study are used (rather than average energy use data) to model
the energy use (BV LW Conv.) the overall impact is similar to many of the other envelopes.
These results highlight the difficulty of designing a home that has low environmental impacts throughout
all life cycle stages, as additional construction materials, aimed at reducing use stage impacts, increase
the construction and EOL stage impacts. Another issue relates to the timing of impacts: designs that

have a higher proportion of construction stage impacts than use stage impacts have a more immediate
effect upon the environment incurring impacts upon construction, whereas designs which have relatively
low construction stage impacts and high use stage impacts delay a larger proportion of the
environmental impacts until the use stage which is protracted over many years.
Adding the impacts of water use, sewage treatment, cooking fuel, and other operational energy the
benefits of off-grid systems can be seen (refer Figure 7.157 and Figure 7.158). The lowest impacts are
achieved by the unbermed, insulated Earthship with no greenhouse with minimal use of cement and
aluminium recycling (ESI lowEE). This is followed closely by the off-grid Mudbrick (MB MB off-grid)
home, then the “low EE” bermed, insulated Earthship with greenhouse (ESIB GH lowEE), and the base
case Earthship (ESIB GH base case) which is identical to the previous but has typical cement usage for
Earthship construction and aluminium cans are assumed to be landfilled at EOL. These homes are all
assumed to be self-sufficient, using off-grid systems, and it is this factor in particular that causes the
comparatively low environmental impact of the off-grid homes, as highlighted by the direct comparison
of the Mudbrick Home with and without off-grid systems (Figure 7.161) and the study that modelled
many other thermal envelopes with off-grid systems (Figure 7.162).
The remainder of homes are assumed to be connected to energy, water and sewer infrastructure. They
all show significantly more environmental impact than the off-grid homes; more than double, and in the
case of the conventionally designed (i.e. non-passive solar) homes which are constructed from brick
veneer with light weight internal walls (BV LW CONV and BV CONV 20) and assume more operational
energy use than the other homes, the environmental impact is approximately 3 times greater than the
off-grid homes.
In comparison the passive solar, grid connected homes all have very similar environmental impact
profiles, the most significant being Water Use & Depletion and GWP. The characterisation results for
GWP, Water Use & Depletion and Embodied Energy indicate relatively low impacts for the off-grid
homes, whereas the opposite applies to Photochemical Oxidation (smog), Eutrophication (excess
nutrients in waterways), Land Use, and Non-Carcinogenic Human Toxicity which all have greater impact
when compared to the grid connected homes; however, these latter categories are not indicated as
being significant by the normalisation exercise and in many cases the quantitative differences in impact,
although lower for the grid connected houses, is not significant.
In the case of toxicity indicators the quantities of toxic substances associated with the lifecycles of the
homes are a small fraction of the overall Australian annual emissions. Although there is significant
uncertainty about the quality of the toxicity data the results indicate that toxicity is not a significant issue;
however, it should not be discounted and the high (non-carcinogenic) toxic emissions associated with
battery manufacture should be investigated further.
To avoid controversy about weightings, and focus instead upon GWP which is often used as the sole
measure of environmental impact, the characterisation results of GWP tell a similar story: the off-grid
homes have approximately a third of the impact compared to a conventional home, and approximately a
half of the impact of a grid connected passive solar home. The comparative difference is due mainly to
efficiencies in the off-grid systems. Using approximate figures, the off-grid energy system produces half
the GHG emissions compared to grid energy, or, discounting the gas use, the renewable electricity
system produces a quarter of the lifecycle GHG emissions compared to South Australian grid electricity.
The off-grid water catchment and storage system produces a third of the emissions compared to the
grid, and the off-grid wastewater system, a quarter of the emissions compared to the grid.
In summary this LCA study indicates that the environmental impacts of the off-grid Earthship are
substantially less than grid connected homes of comparable size and functionality. The relatively low
impact of the Earthship arises from the off-grid systems (energy, water and wastewater treatment)
rather than the methods and materials used to construct the external wall and thermal envelope.
However, it is important to note that it is the construction methods and design of the home that dictate
comfort levels and the concomitant heating and cooling energy use and consequently, the home’s ability

to operate in an off-grid fashion. When heating and cooling energy use approaches zero it becomes
feasible for occupants to tolerate brief periods of slightly uncomfortable temperatures and live quite
comfortably without heating and cooling appliances. As heating and cooling energy is generally a
significant component of domestic energy use, a home that stays comfortable passively has greater
potential to provide for itself via an off-grid energy system compared to a home that needs a lot of
energy for heating and cooling. The latter would require far more photovoltaic panels and batteries than
a passive, energy efficient home such as the Earthship and this is unlikely to be practical or economical,
and it is unlikely to be ecological due to the environmental impacts associated with photovoltaic panels
and batteries. Similarly, water use, and the associated wastewater, must also be minimised, as these
critical functions of the home were found to represent a significant proportion of the home’s
environmental impacts. An Earthship, which uses water four times (compared to a conventional home
which typically uses it once), minimises its demand for water and its generation of waste water
demonstrating that extremely high levels of water efficiency can be achieved without overly complex or
technological systems that require large quantities of energy or chemicals throughout their operation.
Thus, for off-grid homes to be environmentally sustainable, energy and water use, and the associated
systems, must be minimised.

8 Conclusions

8.1 Summary
Earthships are autonomous off-grid homes that produce renewable energy, collect water, treat
wastewater and grow food indoors all year round. They are highly energy and water efficient and
typically do not require heating and cooling to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, even in
extreme climates. Although they use small amounts of fossil fuel (gas) for cooking and boosting the
solar hot water system they are essentially self sufficient.
While the concept of autonomous homes is not new, the design of the Earthship is unconventional due
to the way that it combines many “sustainable” design principles and innovative construction methods.
Perhaps the most unconventional feature is the (re)use of waste products, in particular old car tyres,
which are used to form a durable external wall that is earth-sheltered (bermed) on all but the equator
facing side of the home (e.g. north side in the southern hemisphere). Another important and
unconventional feature is the greenhouse which serves multiple functions: it serves as a corridor, a
place to grow food and to treat wastewater, and is a passive solar space heater (in the winter) and a
“convection engine” that passively draws cool air through earth tubes (in the summer). The Earthship’s
creator, American architect Michael Reynolds, claims that they are the most environmentally sustainable
homes in the world, and that they have the capacity to reconnect their occupants with nature and realign
their intentions towards the conservation of the planet. It is these claims that prompted this research.
As stated in Chapter 1, the aim of this research was to understand: a) the environmental impacts of the
Earthship lifecycle, b) the amenity it provides to its occupants in terms of thermal comfort, electricity
supply, water supply, and sewage treatment and c) the occupant’s motivation for seeking this lifestyle.
The overall hypothesis for this research was that the Earthship is able to provide a highly acceptable
level of amenity (“modern conveniences” and thermal comfort) with much lower environmental impact
than other conventional (and alternative) houses.
In order to achieve the research aims a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was used to compare the
environmental impacts of the Earthship lifecycle, including construction, use (operation) and end-of-life
(recycling and demolition), to that of other construction methods and utilities systems:
a) the off-grid systems of the Earthship which enable it to function autonomously were
compared to conventional grid connected infrastructure,
b) the unusual Earthship wall constructions were compared to conventional (e.g. typical
standard construction practice such as brick veneer, timber frame) and alternative (e.g.
strawbale, rammed earth) wall construction methods, and
c) the unusual Earthship design features (the greenhouse and earth berm) were evaluated in
the context of the Earthship and in the context of various “conventional” and “alternative”
wall construction methods.
To support the LCA study two other major studies were conducted: a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE
- refer to Chapter 3) and Thermal Performance studies (refer to Chapter 4). The aim and rationale of the
POE study was to:

1. gain a better understanding of the thermal performance of the Earthship in various climates
including its climate of origin, Taos, New Mexico, USA. Provision of thermal comfort is critical to
the amenity provided by a house and this aspect was critical to the LCA as many studies have
documented the substantial environmental impacts arising from the energy used to heat and
cool homes.
2. evaluate the level of amenity provided by the Earthship’s off-grid systems and what was
involved with maintaining these systems throughout the use phase of the home. This was of
interest because it helped to establish whether or not the Earthship provided a commensurable
level of amenity compared with conventional grid connected houses.
3. investigate the lifestyle the Earthship provided its occupants, trying to understand why they
chose to live “off-grid” in a house made from “waste”.
The aim and rationale of the Thermal Performance study was to:
4. investigate the thermal performance of the Earthship and other housing types in the Adelaide
climate, especially in relation to their wall constructions, to enable a direct comparison.
Performance of the Earthship in other climates was also investigated to evaluate the claim that
it can provide thermal comfort with minimal heating or cooling in many climates.
While of interest in their own right, the POE and Thermal Performance studies provided information
essential to addressing the overall aim. Furthermore, because LCA is best conducted as a comparative
exercise it was important to establish “functional equivalency”, to demonstrate that the amenity provided
by the Earthship was commensurable with grid connected homes of various constructions, and the POE
and Thermal Performance studies helped to investigate this issue.
A summary of these studies is now given, followed by discussion, implications, recommendations and
concluding remarks.

8.1.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation Overview and Results

This study involved measurement of the indoor comfort conditions of Earthship homes in Taos, New
Mexico, which were monitored, producing the most extensive set of data ever collected for these types
of homes and this data was analysed and cross referenced using international standards. Modelling
exercises were conducted in the Taos climate, using the measured data to calibrate the simulation
model, and then this model was used to simulate the performance of the Earthship in a variety of
climates. The effect of Earthship design strategies, such as earth sheltering and incorporation of a
greenhouse, were also modelled and quantified in the context of the Earthship, and in the context of
their application to other types of wall constructions.
Interviews were conducted with four Earthship occupants, and this was followed up with a daily survey
of the indoor comfort conditions of their homes during one week in winter, spring and summer. Another
survey was conducted worldwide, with 16 valid responses, which included questions relating to location,
climate, design, thermal comfort, maintenance, performance of off-grid systems, lifestyle and behaviour,
motivation and basic demographic information of the occupants.
The key findings of this study were that the Earthships’ off-grid systems provided a high degree of
amenity provided they were used as intended and provided the minimal and manageable maintenance
tasks were undertaken when necessary. Despite the wide range of locations and climates, respondents
indicated a high degree of thermal comfort with minimal energy use and with minimal effort required to
operate the natural ventilation systems. The occupants were very amenable to making changes to their
behaviour to enable them to live within the limits of their off-grid homes. The most common motivation
for living in an Earthship was to be more self sufficient, followed by a desire to reduce their “eco-
footprint” and lastly, to reduce utility bills.

The implications of this study are that the Earthship is likely to be acceptable to people accustomed to
high levels of modern conveniences and therefore it has potential to proliferate especially if aimed
towards people who are interested in being more self-sufficient, reducing their environmental impacts
and reducing their utility bills.

8.1.2 Thermal Performance Overview and Results

This study involved computer simulation models using EnergyPlus and DesignBuilder software and
statistical analysis to compare simulated results with actual results measured during the POE study.
New methods for predicting ground temperatures in Earthships were developed and incorporated into a
model which was calibrated using data from the POE study, resulting in a model that was able to predict
the indoor air temperature of the Earthship in the Taos climate with an acceptable degree of accuracy.
The calibrated model was used to predict the likely energy use for heating and cooling of Earthships to
satisfy standard thermal comfort conditions in the Adelaide climate, and also in a variety of other
climates, indicating how current Earthship design might be expected to perform and how the design
might be adapted to suit various climates.
Limitations of data, and of the simulation software employed, meant that the thermal simulation results
could not be interpreted as absolute, but rather they indicated the relative performance of the buildings
modelled. The limitations included uncertainty regarding properties of the soil used for earth sheltering,
and the fundamental mechanics of the modelling software, which is essentially one dimensional rather
than three dimensional, and for these reasons it was not possible to accurately simulate the effect of the
Earthship’s passive cooling, earth tube system. Nevertheless, it was possible to simulate the
performance of an Earthship in Taos with acceptable accuracy giving confidence that the model, albeit
with some limitations, would provide a reasonable estimate in other climates.
The results of the Thermal Performance Studies revealed that Earthship occupants generally
experience high levels of thermal comfort, although in overcast, cold climates small quantities of backup
heating were indicated. In many of the Global Model Earthship designs evaluated in Taos the monitored
data confirmed that heating and cooling was not necessary (even in the extreme climate) and this
finding was backed up by survey responses from the occupants.
In the Adelaide climate the thermal performance of the Global Model Earthship (earth sheltered design
with a greenhouse) was superior to other dwelling types, although wall constructions with similar
properties such as concrete block and precast concrete slab walls were also predicted to provide very
comfortable indoor conditions. The addition of a greenhouse (integrated with appropriate quantities of
thermal mass) substantially reduced the heating/cooling load for all wall construction types indicating a
potent retrofitting solution where the addition of an equator facing greenhouse is possible.
An investigation of the thermal performance of variations of the tyre wall in which the berm was replaced
by an exterior insulation layer indicated very good thermal performance, comparable to strawbale walls,
leading to the conclusion that un-bermed, insulated, tyre walls may prove to be a viable option in the
suburbs on small blocks of land where an extensive earth berm is not practical.
This study indicates that the thermal envelope of the Global Model Earthship provides thermal comfort
without air conditioning in a range of climates and that it can be successfully reinterpreted and adapted
in a variety of ways to accommodate limitations imposed by the site or to accommodate preferences for
different materials and construction methods.

8.1.3 Life Cycle Assessment Overview and Results

Using the Global Model Earthship as the basis of the study (i.e. the “functional unit”) architectural
drawings supplied by Earthship Biotecture were used to calculate quantities of materials and energy use
in construction processes. Using the basic dimensions of this Global Model Earthship other thermal
envelope constructions were analysed in terms of their materials and processes, thereby providing data
to support assumptions regarding the construction lifecycle stage and to a lesser degree the end-of-life

stage. Findings from the POE and Thermal Performance studies were used to inform assumptions
regarding heating and cooling energy, and also maintenance requirements, especially of the Earthship
systems (energy, water and wastewater). A review of the literature and primary research were the basis
of assumptions regarding the end-of-life stage. SimaPro LCA software was used to model the
environmental impacts arising from the assumptions derived from the various studies providing the
basis for an assessment of the Earthship’s environmental sustainability compared to other housing
The Life Cycle Assessment study produced some unexpected results. It was found that the various
external wall construction materials had a wide range of impacts, and as expected the Earthship, which
uses large amounts of earth and reuses materials which are also highly recyclable at their end-of-life,
performed very well, comparable to a mudbrick wall which also uses large amounts of earth and very
little else. However, when construction and EOL stages of the whole thermal envelope were considered
and the additional construction elements of the Earthship were included (such as the earth berm,
reinforced concrete buttresses, internal “can walls” made with concrete and aluminium beverage cans,
and most notably the greenhouse which incorporates large quantities of double glazing) the
environmental impact of the Earthship’s thermal envelope was the highest of all the thermal envelope
types that were evaluated. This was somewhat unexpected; however, for a “fairer” comparison to the
other thermal envelopes, when the greenhouse and berm were not included, and by reducing the
quantity of concrete by modifying the “can walls” to use adobe mortar (with a thin layer of cement based
render for weather proofing) instead of cement based mortar, and by using short “stub” tyre walls
instead of concrete buttresses, the environmental impact of the Earthship thermal envelope
(construction and EOL stages) was halved with the result that it was the second lowest of all the
constructions evaluated. Hence with some minor material changes - not a radical redesign - the
construction and EOL impacts of the Earthship were significantly reduced without affecting thermal
performance and hence the use (occupancy) stage impacts.
The results of the thermal performance analysis and the LCA highlights the need for careful selection of
materials that will minimise heating and cooling requirements during the use (occupancy) stage of the
building and minimise environmental impacts during construction and end-of-life stages. Herein lies the
design challenge; of balancing “embodied energy” of construction materials with operational energy use,
the latter being driven largely by the decisions made regarding the arrangement (design) and selection
of the construction materials. Furthermore, the challenge becomes far greater as the need for heating
and cooling diminishes because this increases the relative impact of choices regarding material
selection and design which become more influential as drivers of environmental impact.
While this is somewhat self evident, another important finding was that the systems used to provide
energy, water and wastewater were the main determinants of the lifecycle environmental impacts, far
more so than construction materials, although materials and design still played a critical role in
determining heating and cooling energy requirements. The weighted single score analysis showed that
the off-grid systems had less environmental impacts than the grid systems. The off-grid water supply
system provided the greatest benefit as the Adelaide reticulated water supply caused 15 times greater
environmental impact than the off-grid system. The Adelaide Sewer System had 2.9 times greater
impact than the off-grid wastewater system, and the South Australian grid energy had 1.5 times greater
impact than the off-grid energy system. The significant benefit arising from the off-grid water supply and
to a lesser extent the off-grid wastewater system, was due to energy use associated with the provision
of potable water and “disposal” of wastewater both of which require significant quantities of energy to
pump water and waste over long distances.
It should be noted that some of the toxicity indicators (which were not factored into the weighted single
score) indicated worse results for the off-grid systems; however, when the quantities of toxic substances
were evaluated against national levels they were insignificant. Limited data regarding toxicity in the Life
Cycle Inventory (LCI) database prevented any firm conclusions being drawn about this important impact
category and hence more research is needed in this area.

The assumed lifespan of the buildings in this LCA study was 50 years, a common assumption in other
LCA studies of buildings. Many studies noted that this assumption is arbitrary and is influenced by social
and economic factors more so than issues such as the durability of construction materials. Hence,
further research is needed to investigate the effect of the lifespan variable; however, as shown in other
similar studies (Carre, 2011; Fay, Treloar & Iyer-Raniga, 2000) longer lifespans tend to diminish the
environmental impacts of the construction and recycling stages relative to the use stage because of the
ongoing energy and water required to operate the home throughout the longer lifespan compared to
relatively small “once off” inputs of materials and energy required to construct the home and to
undertake maintenance of the home. The implications of this are that design efforts should focus on
minimising use stage impacts if it is expected that the home will have a very long lifespan and
conversely, homes that are expected to have short lifespans should use construction materials with low
embodied energy and construction processes that maximise reuse and recycling potential.
An important finding, related to the off-grid systems, was that Earthship occupants were very satisfied
with the amenities that the off-grid systems provide, despite the fact that they require maintenance and
behaviour change, for example occupants need to observe weather patterns so that resource intensive
activities can be scheduled for appropriate times of the day/season to avoid depleting their stores of
electricity and water. The limits that the Earthship’s off-grid systems impose ensure that overall resource
use is not excessive, yet they provide adequate, and at times abundant, provisions for the occupants
allowing them to live comfortably with many modern conveniences with minimal reliance particularly on
fossil energy - which they tend to use only for cooking and boosting the solar hot water systems.
The implications of this study are that off-grid electricity, water and wastewater systems and the
concomitant energy and water efficiency measures that are required to minimise the load of the off-grid
systems, are the most potent means for reducing environmental impacts over the lifecycle of a home.
While construction materials play a significant role in determining the use stage impacts due to the
significant role they play in determining the heating and cooling energy demand, their influence on the
construction stage and the EOL stage impacts are relatively low. Hence designers should prioritise
design criteria to aim for homes that require little or no heating and cooling and that they be self
sufficient in energy, water and wastewater treatment using minimal, small scale, off-grid systems as per
the Global Model Earthship archetype. The materials used to achieve this end result are of less concern
but are still important.

8.2 Discussion & Recommendations

This research indicates that the Earthship principles offer a potent solution for reducing environmental
impacts over the lifecycle of homes in the Adelaide climate and technosphere (infrastructure), and initial
investigations of other climates indicate that the LCA findings can be extrapolated to other locations,
especially where similar technological infrastructure systems exist (i.e. “developed” countries).
If new homes followed Earthship principles and existing homes were retrofitted where possible to
achieve similar levels of efficiency (in energy, water and wastewater) and self sufficiency, a significant
reduction in the environmental impact of residential housing could be realised. Although this study did
not specifically investigate the broader impact on infrastructure it is hypothesised here that increasing
numbers of self sufficient homes would lead to decreasing demand on infrastructure which might
eventually only be needed to supply the demands of industry. The implication of this is that instead of
continuously expanding infrastructure, it could be scaled back, decommissioned and, where needed for
industry, replaced with new technology with less environmental impact.
In terms of specific design strategies for implementing the Earthship principles in the context of the
Adelaide climate, some recommendations arising from this study are outlined below.
The first recommendation is indicated by the thermal modelling study in Adelaide which indicated that
the indoor temperature in the Earthship would occasionally become slightly uncomfortable (too cool) in
the winter. This suggests that backup heating would be advisable although the relatively low theoretical

heating load suggests that the duration and severity of the discomfort would be minimal and easily
addressed by, for example, by wearing extra clothing.
Secondly, extra photovoltaic panels and batteries may be necessary due to Adelaide’s overcast winter
The “thermal wrap” - a layer of 100mm thick expanded polystyrene insulation positioned vertically in the
berm approximately 1200mm from the tyre wall - should be considered carefully. Although it improves
performance in the winter, elevating indoor temperature due to the insulative effect, it has a negative
effect in the summer, increasing the cooling load. With a warming climate the thermal wrap may
eventually prove to be detrimental, but for now the annual net result is that it is beneficial.
When thinking long term about climate change, additional earth tubes should also be considered to
offset the additional cooling load caused by hotter summers. Furthermore the possibility of using
mechanical ventilation (e.g. an electric exhaust fan) in conjunction with the earth tubes to enable
nighttime purging should be evaluated. It should be noted however, that this study did not investigate
the specific effect of the earth tubes (although four Earthships with earth tubes were monitored) and
therefore further research on the design and performance of earth tubes is needed before making any
conclusions or recommendations regarding their applicability in the Adelaide climate.
Shading of the greenhouse in summer is recommended due to the substantially hotter summer
conditions in the Adelaide climate compared to Taos; however, the shading should be achieved via a
controllable, variable element such as blinds, awning or even deciduous vines so that the ideal amount
of solar gain can be achieved, otherwise the greenhouse may not heat up sufficiently to provide the
convective effect required for the earth tubes to operate.
The possibility of automating the Earthship’s natural ventilation systems via an intelligent network of
temperature and humidity sensors should be considered as this has potential to improve thermal
comfort by automatically opening and closing earth tubes, skylights, windows et cetera at optimal times.
Otherwise, if natural ventilation is managed manually by the occupants, an optimal result is less likely,
unless the occupant is diligent and is physically able to interact with the system. For example if they are
not at home or they are asleep they will not be able to open and close vents and windows at the correct
time. Furthermore, they also need to know when the optimal time to make such adjustments is, and
without a reasonably sophisticated system to sound an alarm and issue instructions regarding which
window or vent needs to be opened, it is left to the occupant’s best guess as to what needs to be done
at any given time. While these skills can be learned, not everyone will have the time, diligence and
motivation to vigilantly attend to these tasks leading to sub-optimal indoor temperature and potentially
dissatisfaction with the home’s performance. This may ultimately lead to the installation of energy
consuming heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. While automation may optimise the
performance of the Earthship, the typical unautomated Earthship has demonstrated that it performs well
without constant interventions by the occupants to the natural ventilation systems, all of which only need
to be adjusted seasonally or daily, but not constantly. Perhaps a more appropriate focus for
“automation” would be to automatically collect and display data via a “dashboard” that shows energy
use and water use in conjunction with weather forecasts so that the occupants could plan their activities
according to the limitations of the off-grid systems and future predictions of rain and sun. As the
environmental impacts arising from the manufacture, operation and disposal of automation and data
collection equipment have not been assessed by this study, further research is needed to ascertain the
benefits of these systems.
In a suburban context Earthships present some challenges due to their requirement to face the equator
(e.g. north in the southern hemisphere) for passive solar design and due to the large earth berm and
greenhouse - important design elements that contribute to the Earthship’s excellent thermal
performance. These requirements take up considerable space which may not be available on small
suburban blocks; however, this may be addressed by innovative landscape design of the berm, perhaps
including additional retaining walls (made with tyres) to reduce the size of the berm while still

maintaining its important thermal performance characteristics. Another option would be to use insulation
on the outside of the tyre wall, or use strawbale for the external walls - two wall construction options that
performed well, especially when coupled with a greenhouse and thermal mass internal walls.
Furthermore, the Earthship’s off-grid systems, especially the wastewater system, may be somewhat
redundant due to laws requiring connection to existing infrastructure; however, a simple approach would
be to make these connections but not use them, or only use them very occasionally. Where new
suburban developments are being planned the Earthship concept can be implemented as shown by the
Aardehuis Earthship inspired suburban development in the Netherlands which is currently under
construction (Vereniging Aardehuis Oost Nederland, 2011).
A final recommendation, made tentatively, is aimed at reducing the lifecycle impacts of the Earthship
even further. If the Earthship was connected to the electricity grid, yet still retained its battery bank and
solar panels, it could help become part of a distributed energy system and earn carbon credits resulting
in a “zero carbon” home. A significant downside to grid connection is that it removes the powerful
incentive for the occupants to be frugal with their electricity use with the likely end result that they are no
longer self-sufficient in electricity, drawing down more electricity than they export; however, this problem
might be overcome with technology that prevents supply from the grid, only allowing a one way flow of
electricity to the grid. Or, in an emergency, it could allow a relatively brief “charge” from the grid with
financial disincentives to ensure that positive behaviour change is encouraged. Taking this idea a step
further, a “virtual” system that simulates a limited electricity supply in conventional grid connected
homes would be an interesting social experiment aimed at teaching people to be more energy efficient
while providing the security of extra energy if it was desperately needed. The same could be done with
the water supply.

8.3 Concluding Remarks

The possibility of running out of water and not having energy seems to be a powerful motivator for
Earthship occupants to adopt a more frugal, yet satisfying lifestyle, to the extent that this ultimate
“threat” of the Earthship rarely occurs, but rather it provides gentle “encouragement” to the occupants to
live within the limits that the Earthship and the prevailing weather conditions dictate. In contrast, grid
connected homes create the illusion that there is a seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy and water,
limited only by the occupant’s ability to pay for it, which in the “developed world” is made simple through
the provision of financial credit.
It seems to be the case that the apparent abundance provided by the grid has lulled people of the
“developed world” into the erroneous belief that there is an inexhaustible supply of energy and water
and that their use of resources has little or no consequence to the overall health and vitality of the Earth
and its ecosystems, whereas many scientists are warning that we are living beyond the capacity of the
planet, such that we would need two and a half planets to sustain our current rate of resource use and
pollution. Thus it is incumbent upon everyone to reduce their own “eco footprint”. The Earthship is an
effective means for achieving this goal as it teaches those who choose it for a home, that they must
change their ways and live by some hard and fast rules, or suffer immediate consequences, whereas
conventional homes tend to delay the consequences until the end of the quarter - when the bills arrive -
or delay consequences for future generations, when the wasteful practices of the previous custodians of
the planet will have to be dealt with, possibly in the context of fuel scarcity and an unpredictable and
extreme climate.
Like a parent who must nurture and discipline a child so that they may grow up to become an
independent adult, the Earthship nurtures the occupant, providing comfort, protection, nourishment and
joy, while teaching self reliance, diligence and the consequences of “bad” behaviour. The Earthship can
be thought of as a tool that teaches us to be aware of our surroundings and our influence over them so
that we may understand the bigger picture: our interconnectedness to the planet and our responsibility
towards its health and vitality. In the words of one Earthship occupant surveyed in this study: “It is quite

simply the best and most comfortable place I have ever lived. It requires awareness and thought - but
life should.”
This thesis has not delved into the issue of population density and the associated trend for people to live
in large cities rather than car reliant suburbs and rural areas, it has not investigated economic issues,
and nor has it investigated social issues related to living in isolated off-grid communities; however, there
is evidence that Earthships can be deployed successfully practically anywhere and at any scale.
Reynolds’ numerous projects which range from communities housing hundreds of people in North
America, to community buildings in Africa built by locals, and his master plans for Earthship villages and
cities, demonstrate that Earthship principles can be scaled and adapted to suit a wide variety of social
and economic contexts from high to low population density and from developed to developing worlds.
And increasingly, other architects are embracing Earthship principles as evidenced by the Aardehuis
Earthship inspired suburban development in the Netherlands.
Another issue that has not been investigated by this study is the effect that widespread uptake of the
Earthship concept would have on infrastructure demand. The Earthship’s self sufficient qualities would
dramatically reduce load on already strained infrastructure which must be continually upgraded and
maintained, yet large scale deployment of Earthship technology may bring about dramatic social,
economic and environmental advantages due to significant diversions of resources currently required to
maintain and expand water, energy and wastewater infrastructure.
While there is much more research to be done regarding the Earthship, this thesis demonstrates that it
lives up to many of its claims; providing thermal comfort and modern conveniences with only a fraction
of the environmental impacts that a comparable “conventional” building creates.
Looking into the future it seems highly likely that there will be significantly more people on the planet,
and declining availability of natural resources. Experts also warn of more extreme weather and natural
disasters. There is a serious threat to global food supplies and the opportunity to harvest fresh water,
both of which will challenge our ability to maintain our current life-styles. Therefore, we need to develop
new ways of living that do not damage the ecosystems that we rely on for our survival. With regard to
our dwellings, it is imperative that we urgently retrofit existing homes so that they are far more energy
and water efficient. If this can be achieved then it may be possible for them to be converted to off-grid
homes, providing even more environmental benefits, and potentially social and economical benefits too
- fewer bills to pay, more time to play. New homes and developments should be firmly founded on the
Earthship principles of living self-sufficiently in passively heated and cooled homes built substantially
with natural/recycled materials. If these new homes are not built with bermed, car tyre walls along
passive solar design principles they must somehow achieve extremely low energy use for heating and
cooling, or risk becoming a totally unsustainable home, with a short future on a crowded, warming
planet that has been exhausted of fossil fuels.
The homes of the future may not be called Earthships, but it is likely they will be utilising many principles
of design in common with Earthships.

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Appendix A - Ethics Application & Approval .................................................................................... 1

A1 - Ethics Application Form ...................................................................................................... 1
A2 - Earthship Comfort Levels Participant Information Sheet ................................................... 10
A3 - Ethics Approval Letters ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B - Earthship Analysis, using Understanding Sustainable Architecture Checklist. ........ 21
Appendix C - POE......................................................................................................................... 27
C1 - Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire ................................................................................ 36
C2 - Summary of key data from Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire ...................................... 70
C3 - Earthship Daily Comfort Questionnaire ............................................................................. 73
C4 - Illumination Levels - measured data from three houses.................................................... 83
C5 - Interview Summaries & Transcriptions.............................................................................. 84
C6 - Monitored Houses and Logger Locations ....................................................................... 131
C7 - Additional monitoring results ........................................................................................... 135
C8 - Ground Temperatures .................................................................................................... 144
C9 - Paper presented at the International Building Performance Simulation Conference,
Chambery, France, 25-28 August 2013 .................................................................................... 27
Appendix D - LCA ....................................................................................................................... 148
D1 - LCA Results: Elementary Flows and Characterisation.................................................... 149
D2 - Characterisation Factors ................................................................................................. 167
D3 - Off-grid renewable electricity system .............................................................................. 182
D4 - Personal Communication regarding LCA ........................................................................ 183
Appendix E - Research Data / Files on CD ROM........................................................................ 194
E1.0 - Occupants’ Questionnaire data .................................................................................... 194
E1.1 - Daily Comfort Questionnaire data ................................................................................ 194
E2.0 - Taos Earthship Monitoring data ................................................................................... 194
E2.1 - Thermal Modelling DesignBuilder files ......................................................................... 194
E2.2 - Thermal Modelling results spreadsheets...................................................................... 194
E3.0 - Life Cycle Assessment SimaPro database files ........................................................... 194
E3.1 - Life Cycle Assessment results spreadsheets ............................................................... 194
E3.2 - Life Cycle Assessment SolidWorks 3D Modelling files................................................. 194
E3.3 - Life Cycle Assessment Bill of Materials/Processes results spreadsheet ...................... 194
Appendix A - Ethics Application & Approval

A1 - Ethics Application Form


Guidance information for completion of this form is notated in (italics) under each heading.
Please complete all headings.


Earthship Perceptions and Performance


(Provide brief details of the researchers’ previous experience with the specific research techniques that will be used in
this study. If this study involves direct contact with participants, give details of the research student’s experience
and/or training in conducting research of this kind.)

Assoc Prof Terence Williamson has conducted numerous studies of this kind.

Assoc Prof Veronica Soebarto has conducted numerous studies of this kind.

Mr Martin Freney (research student) is a lecturer in industrial design at UniSA (currently

on leave) and was the project leader for a federally funded teaching and learning
project which involved qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. He is
attending the Ethics and Integrity in Research with Humans workshop on 14-15
November 2011.


 Aims (What research hypothesis is being investigated? What benefits does the study aim to produce?)

This study aims to develop new knowledge that may be useful in mitigating and
adapting to climate change in terms of residential house design and the associated
lifestyle that the house confers to the occupants. It is part of the research student’s
proposed PhD studies (upgrading from Masters to PhD in November 2011).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the “Earthship” housing concept offers many
ecological, social and economic benefits. It claims to be comfortable, energy efficient, to
reuse and recycle “waste” materials in its construction, to be affordable to build and
operate, and to provide a self-sufficient lifestyle with a minimum of hassle. However,
these claims need to be examined scientifically and evaluated for their relevance within
an Australian context.

In particular this study aims to investigate the claim that Earthships’ indoor air
temperatures remain comfortable without active heating or cooling systems and that
there is adequate daylighting. Other claims that will be investigated include; negligible
Appendices 1
utility bills (electricity, water, gas), and the ability to grow a substantial amount of food
using the indoor greywater treatment system. The study will also explore the level of
behaviour change, and motivations for them, that are necessitated by the off-grid
autonomous systems that form the basis of the Earthship concept.

The results of the study will enable calibration of software to the unusual construction
methods employed in Earthship architecture which uses end-of-life car tyres to create
earth-sheltered (bermed) exterior walls. This will improve the accuracy of simulations
conducted by designers, engineers and scientists (and the research student) when
estimating energy use, comfort levels, and greenhouse gas emissions of homes
constructed in this manner. A better understanding of the occupants’ motivations for
adopting this technology, and the associated lifestyle (behaviour change), will aid in the
development of strategies for adapting Australian housing and the Australian lifestyle in
the face of challenges such as climate change and resource depletion.

 Rationale (Explain your research methodology and its appropriateness to achieving the study aims. Provide
evidence that the sample size is adequate to establish a valid research result.)

The research will employ a variety of methods for achieving the study aims. Case
studies involving monitoring of indoor temperature, humidity and daylight levels
(natural lighting) will be conducted to determine the comfort conditions of various
Earthships. This data will be cross referenced with questionnaires of the occupants
which will be aimed at revealing their perceptions of the comfort conditions and their
involvement in the operation of their home. A broader study involving more research
participants will also be conducted via another questionnaire to determine the general
perceptions of Earthship dwellers to issues relating to the Earthship lifestyle.

The case studies will focus on approximately six Earthships in the Taos region where
three Earthship communities are located plus numerous other single Earthships.
Currently there are no Earthships in Australia and very few in other parts of the world.
Taos is the epicentre of Earthship activity offering many opportunities to study this form
of architecture. Furthermore, due to the wide range of extreme weather conditions
experienced in Taos, New Mexico, USA where Earthships originated (a high altitude
desert) similarities with Australian weather conditions will occur and can be used to
study how the design would perform in Australian conditions. This will give designers
and engineers greater confidence in simulation results, enabling more accurate
calculations of carbon emissions and energy use by Earthships built in Australia.

Study 1: Case Studies – Earthship Comfort Levels

To understand the Earthship’s comfort conditions, six Earthship homes will be studied
in detail.

Each Earthship will be fitted with data logging devices to record indoor comfort
conditions (temperature, relative humidity, lighting level) and outdoor weather
conditions (temperature and relative humidity). Weather records kept by the local
airport will be obtained to augment the outdoor weather data providing further
information such as wind speed/direction, solar radiation, etc.

Appendices 2
A questionnaire titled Earthship Daily Comfort will be used to record the occupants’
perceptions of comfort and their activities which relate to how they interact with the
home to influence comfort conditions e.g. opening and closing windows, lighting fires,
using vents etc. These records will be kept on a daily basis. This data will help explain
the data logging results and will also be useful in configuring parameters in the
subsequent thermal modelling study which is part of the research student’s PhD study.

For the thermal modelling study to be possible architectural design parameters (e.g.
floor plan, ceiling height, roof insulation) will be needed. This information will be
gathered during interviews of the occupants that are planned as part of the Earthship
General Questionnaire. Thus it will be necessary for participants of the Case Studies to
also participate in the General Questionnaire.

The data collection period will be from December 2012 to July 2012 capturing the
coldest and warmest times of the year.

The data collected by the data loggers will be sent back to the researchers by one of the
following methods (dependant on funding and what each research participant is
comfortable with); by teaching the participants to periodically download the data from
the devices and emailing it; by asking the participants to air-mail the devices at the end
of the data collection period; or by automatically sending the data via the internet
(more expensive hardware needed in this case).

A sample of six homes will enable various Earthship designs to be compared. For
example more recent designs feature an attached greenhouse with glazed doors and
windows adjoining the greenhouse, whereas in older designs the greenhouse was
integral with the main living area and was not able to be separated. Another design
variation is the use of insulation in the earth-berm. Thus two examples of each of these
three variants could be studied enabling comparison and data averaging between the
similar designs, and the ability to compare the effects of the different design features.

Study 2: Questionnaire/Interview – “Earthship General Questionnaire”

This part of the study aims to gather a variety of information from as many Earthship
dwellers as possible via an anonymous Earthship General Questionnaire, or, where
possible, via an interview which will augment the questionnaire. The interview will be
based on the questionnaire but with the possibility of more discussion around the
questionnaire topics. It will investigate the nature of Earthship dwellers’ lifestyle, their
motivations for choosing it, and how the Earthship facilitates it. The scope of the
questions are listed in the section 8 Study Plan and Design.

This data will be used to understand the nature of the home, the lifestyle that it enables
and the satisfaction or otherwise that this confers to the occupants. The data relating to
energy and water systems will be used to calculate energy and water usage which will
then be analysed, for example by comparison to national averages.

It is estimated that at least fifty but potentially many more responses are likely for the
Earthship General Questionnaire. Assuming there are approximately 2000 currently
inhabited Earthships (this is an estimate by Michael Reynolds originator of the
Appendices 3
Earthship) a sample size of fifty would be 2.5 percent of the global Earthship
community. However, as it is not known how many Earthships exist it is not possible to
draw statistical conclusions regarding the results and as such they will be presented as
case studies.


The Earthship is purported to provide a high level of self sufficiency and low running
costs in a way that minimises impacts on the environment (Reynolds, 1990). Through
the use of a radical design that ingeniously harnesses waste materials, passive heating
and cooling systems, in-house food production, wastewater treatment and renewable
energy it seems to be possible to provide all the modern amenities enjoyed in a
conventional home, yet with a fraction of the resources and energy use and with
negligible utilities bills.

If it is as effective as it is claimed, it suggests new strategies for the development of new

communities that would enable people to live a sustainable lifestyle, and the possibility
of retrofitting existing housing stock with various innovations, for example the
greenhouse and greywater treatment system, thereby raising the level of sustainability
in the existing built environment. The research may also have relevance to remote
indigenous communities that are struggling with unemployment, and lack of fresh food,
water, electricity, and proper sanitation.

Given that energy used in Australian homes accounts for approximately 26% of
Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions (CSIRO, n.d.), and popular construction methods
are generally high in embodied energy (Pullen, 2000) and have other impacts arising
from the manufacturing techniques of the raw materials (mining, forestry etc), the idea
of using old car tyres to build an energy efficient home has many merits: they could
help Australians mitigate and adapt to climate change and will help conserve precious
resources including water and building materials, whilst simultaneously dealing with a
problematic “waste” material.

The research student has substantially completed the requirements for the Master of
Architecture degree which has focused on the environmental impacts of the Earthship.
He now seeks to upgrade to a Doctorate, with the research proposed in this application
forming a major part of the PhD.

Thermal modelling simulations conducted in the course of the Masters degree indicate
that the claims regarding the thermal comfort within the Earthship are accurate,
however these results need to be validated by measurement of real structures. The
small amount of prior research has been limited to single Earthships (Grindley &
Hutchinson, 1996; Ip & Miller, 2009; Kruis & Heun, 2007), or has been limited to brief
observation time-spans (Grindley & Hutchinson, 1996). Recent design innovations of
the Earthship also render these studies somewhat out-dated. In contrast, this proposed
study will examine numerous Earthships of various designs comparing the latest
innovations with older designs to establish their thermal performance.

In terms of the Earthship occupants’ perceptions and motivations regarding this form of
architecture, the applicant is not aware of any prior research.
Appendices 4
In summary, this proposed research study will extend the existing knowledge regarding
the thermal performance and comfort conditions of Earthship architecture providing
insights into how Australian housing may benefit from Earthship principles. Secondly, it
will develop new knowledge regarding the import issue of behaviour change, revealing
the motivations and perceptions of people already leading this pioneering lifestyle,
perhaps leading to an affordable, and sustainable, Great Australian Dream (i.e. home

 Source

Case Studies: Earthship occupants in the Taos, New Mexico, USA region
Interviews: Earthship occupants in the Taos, New Mexico, USA region
Earthship General Questionnaire: Global Earthship community

 Number

Case Studies: approx 6 houses

Interviews: approx 6
Earthship General Questionnaire: Sample of the Global Earthship community (approx

 Age range

Head of household age 25 years or over

 Selection & exclusion criteria (How and by whom will screening be conducted?)

Candidates for the Case Studies will be sourced by the contact from Earthship
Biotecture based on the design of the home and willingness of the home owners for the
home to be fitted with various sensors. Participants in the Case Studies have the option
to participate in an interview (based on the Earthship General Questionnaire) or do the
Earthship General Questionnaire only.

The Earthship General Questionnaire will be available via a website (with consent
mechanism on welcome page) for anyone claiming to live in an Earthship, thus it will be
self screening. Earthship Biotecture will promote the questionnaire, most probably by
word of mouth or email. The researchers may also promote the questionnaire via social
media websites or similar.

 Procedures (Please explain how you will recruit volunteers onto the study. How will people be approached
and asked if they are willing to participate? How and by whom will names and contact details be accessed?)

The research student has made initial contact with Earthship Biotecture, the
architectural and building company that has created the various Earthship communities
in Taos. Earthship Biotecture has agreed to assist with the study by recruiting
Appendices 5
participants within the Earthship communities. Earthship Biotecture will circulate the
Participant Information Sheets and Consent Forms to people that live in Earthships.
Names and contact details of potential participants will be provided by Earthship
Biotecture to the research student who will keep the details confidential.

 Material (Provide a copy of any advertisements, flyers or other material to be used.)


 Payment (Provide details of and the rationale for any payment or reimbursement to participants.)

Not applicable. There will be no payments made to participants.


Not applicable.


(Include a detailed description of all planned interactions between researchers and study participants.
Include a copy of any questionnaires or interview schedules to be used.)

The scope of the questionnaires is outlined below. The interview will be semi-structured
and based on the Earthship General Questionnaire. When the questionnaires are
finalised copies will be supplied to HREC.

Scope of Earthship General Questionnaire

 Climate and Site; basic information about where the home is located (roughly –
without needing to give an address) and the type of weather conditions it
 Design aspects including; basic floor-plan, greenhouse design, renewable energy
system, water supply, wastewater system, toilet, and construction materials.
This information is needed to understand the design features of the home as
these are key parameters driving the performance of the home and influencing
the perceptions of the occupants.
 Comfort related aspects including; air temperature and humidity (how heating
and cooling is achieved, how comfortable the occupants feel during the main
seasons), air quality, and sound quality.
 Lifestyle and Behaviour relates to energy use, water use, dealing with household
waste, and self-sufficiency initiatives.
 Motivations and Beliefs relates to the occupants beliefs about the state of the
environment, the impact of human activity, future availability of resources, and
how the occupant thinks they can influence these issues.
 Expenses – aims to roughly quantify utility bills (electricity, water, gas)
 Maintenance - of the various systems and parts of the home, e.g. wastewater
system, roof etc in terms of time spent and money spent.
 General background personal data such as approximate age of family members,

Scope of Earthship Daily Comfort Questionnaire

 Perception of comfort
Appendices 6
 Actions taken to improve the comfort conditions


Not applicable.

(What is known from previous studies regarding the safety and effectiveness of the proposed intervention?)

Not applicable.


6 December 2011


(Provide a clear description of any potential risks to participants (including physical, emotional, social or legal) and the
steps that will be taken to address these risks.

It is difficult to imagine any physical, legal or emotional risks arising from the study. A
potential social risk is that findings from the questionnaires and interviews may reveal
some unusual behaviours employed by Earthship dwellers to save energy, water,
improve comfort etc, and consequently people living in Earthships in general may be
stigmatised. However, Earthship has received plenty of publicity including a motion
picture “Garbage Warrior” so it is unlikely that this study – in which participants will
have the option to be anonymous and skip over questions – will cause any additional
social unease.

Outline the protocol that will be followed in the eventuality of any adverse event(s).

In the unlikely event that a participant reports any adverse events the research student
will discuss with his PhD supervisors and the Human Ethics committee to determine a
suitable response and action plan.

Provide details of procedures to maintain participant confidentiality during data collection and reporting of results.

The case studies and interviews will report results in an anonymous fashion based on a
description of the home, not by the names of the occupants (address of house will not
be given).

The various questionnaires will provide a means for people to supply contact details
should they wish to be involved in further research, however all results will be reported
in an anonymous fashion.

All questionnaires will be conducted using SurveyMonkey which is password protected

and encrypted. Only the researchers named on this form will have access to this

Describe how you will you provide detailed information about the study to people and how and when consent will be

Appendices 7
A participant information sheet and consent form will be used to provide detailed
information and obtain consent. An info sheet and consent form will be created for
each part of the study: Case Studies and the Questionnaire/Interview. The info sheets
and consent forms will be provided to participants via email so that potential
participants have time to consider their involvement prior to the research commencing.
Potential participants will be asked to indicate their intentions via email to confirm
cooperation. Hard copy of forms will be provided to potential research participants
during the field trip to the USA prior to any research activities.

Include a participant information sheet and a consent form. Information and consent guidelines plus a consent form
template can be downloaded from



 Radiation, toxicity, biodegradability (Where radiation exposure is an aspect of the proposal, researchers
must comply with the Code of Practice for the Exposure of Humans to Ionizing Radiation for Research Purposes
(2005) and provide specific information set out in Clause 2.1
of the above Code.)
Not applicable.

 Researcher safety (Is there any possible risk to the health or safety of the researcher(s)? If so, what
precautionary measures will be taken?)
Not applicable.


(Provide details of how the data will be recorded, eg audiotape, videotape, or written notes. Describe how, where and
for how long the data will be stored.)

Most of the data will be recorded digitally. The data loggers and online surveys will
generate digital data and the audio of interviews will be recorded digitally. Non-digital
data such as notes from the interviews will be scanned to convert them to digital
format. At the conclusion of the research all the data will be in digital format and it will
be archived on CD and stored in a secure office in the School of Architecture Landscape
Architecture and Urban Design for seven years.


(Describe how the data will be analysed and who will have access to the research data and results. How will the
results be published? Will participants receive the results?)

Only the research student and his supervisors will have access to the research data and
results. The results will be published in the research student’s PhD thesis and most
probably in subsequent conference papers and journal publications. Research
participants will have access to the results if they elect to be informed of results.


The proposed research starts in early December 2011 so it would be greatly appreciated
if this application could be considered at the earliest convenience of the Low-Risk sub-


Appendices 8
(If the project involves research conducted overseas, give details of any local ethics clearance procedures that apply
to it.)

The case studies and interviews are being conducted in the USA whereas the Earthship
General Questionnaire is being conducted internationally. Advice from the office of the
Human Research Ethics Committee indicates that due to the nature of the research it
would be unlikely that there are any issues in relation to the international scope of the
project and advised that the project was likely to be assessed as “low risk” but that the
application could remain on this proforma.


(If researchers will receive any personal payment for conducting the study, this must be disclosed to the Committee.
If the study has a commercial sponsor, this must be mentioned on the participant information sheet.)

Funded via an Australian Postgraduate Award, personally and or by the School of

Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design.


CSIRO. (n.d.). Zero emission house Retrieved September 29, 2010, from
Grindley, P. C., & Hutchinson, M. (1996). The thermal behaviours of an earthship.
Renewable Energy, 8(1-4), 154-159. doi: Doi: 10.1016/0960-1481(96)88835-5
Ip, K., & Miller, A. (2009). Thermal behaviour of an earth-sheltered autonomous building –
The Brighton Earthship. Renewable Energy, 34, 2037-2043.
Kruis, N., & Heun, M. (2007). Analysis of the performance of earthship housing in various
global climates. Paper presented at the Proceedings of Energy Sustainability 2007,
Long Beach, California.
Pullen, S. (2000). Energy use in the construction and operation of houses. Architectural
Science Review, 43(2), 3-12.
Reynolds, M. E. (1990). Earthship: how to build your own. Taos, New Mexico: Solar
Survival Architecture.

Appendices 9
A2 - Earthship Comfort Levels Participant Information Sheet

Appendices 10
Earthship Comfort Levels
A PhD research project in the School of Architecture by Martin Freney

Information sheet for potential participants

off your inverter at night) and need to connect to a spare

This sheet explains the study so that Ethernet port on your modem/router (please refer to the
you can decide whether you want to be information about logger hardware options on the
following pages for more details).
At the end of the study a delegate from Earthship
Biotecture will collect the sensors, and post the sensors
The purpose and outcome of the project back to the researcher in Australia.

The Earthship Comfort Levels study is part of a larger It is also important to gauge your perceptions of comfort
that your home provides and how you interacted with
study titled Earthship Perceptions and Performance,
your home to help modify these conditions – opening
which includes another study titled Earthship General
and closing windows for example. This should be done
Questionnaire which will survey a broad range of
consistently by only one family member as peoples’
Earthship issues. perceptions of comfort differ.

This information sheet relates to the Earthship Comfort You will be provided with a questionnaire titled
Levels study. This study will measure the actual comfort Earthship Daily Comfort which asks about what you did
to alter the comfort conditions and how comfortable you
conditions (i.e. temperature, humidity and daylighting)
were. Participants will be asked to do the questionnaire
inside (up to) six Earthship homes and will ask the
for three weeks: one week in winter, one in spring and
occupants to rate the comfort of their home and how they one in summer.
interact with the home to influence the comfort conditions.
The questionnaire can be filled out on a paper form that
The results will indicate the capacity of various Earthship
will be provided (and can be posted back to the
designs to provide stable indoor temperatures and
researcher with the sensors, at the end of the study), or
adequate daylighting, and will provide insights into how it can be done online via a survey website, whichever
people interact with the Earthship to influence these you prefer. It is important that you do the questionnaire
conditions and how they perceive the comfort level on a daily basis, however if you miss a day, do not try to
provided. remember or guess – it is ok to have some missing
days. In particular it will be important to use the
How you can contribute to the project questionnaire on days when you use heating or cooling
equipment e.g. light a fire, use and air-conditioner. The
Some basic details about the design of your home will be questionnaire is designed to take less than five minutes
needed, for example, type and amount of roof insulation, per day.
glazing type, floor type (material and thickness), basic
floor-plan size, ceiling height. Floor plan and section What happens to the data?
drawings would be most helpful if they are available. The data obtained from the Basic Loggers will be kept
As explained above, the study aims to measure the confidential and the results will be reported
comfort conditions - temperature, humidity and anonymously - your name and address will never be
daylighting - inside Earthship homes. This will be done disclosed unless you specifically request it. There is an
by fitting your home with various sensors called data option on the consent form relating to this (and you can
loggers. Weatherproof sensors may also be fitted change your mind later by emailing the main researcher
outside the home to measure outside temperature and directly).
humidity although this is only needed for one of the The data obtained from the Internet Connected Loggers
homes as the weather conditions will be similar for all will be displayed on a website titled Earthship
homes as they are all in the Taos region. Monitoring - so it will not be confidential but it will be
There are two types of sensors available for this study: anonymous; your name and address will never be
"Basic Loggers" and "Internet Connected Loggers". The disclosed unless you specifically request it.
basic loggers are small white boxes, just a little larger The data will be discussed by the researchers and the
than a match box. They are battery powered - no cables results reported to the School of Architecture in the
required. The Internet Connected Loggers do require University of Adelaide. The study is part of a PhD so it
cables and also need a trickle charge (you can still turn will also become part of the PhD Thesis which is titled


Info Sht ES Comfort Levels Final For G2.Docx

Lifecycle Assessment of Earthship Architecture and it

may be used in publications and presentations. Principal supervisor:
Associate Professor Terence Williamson
The data will be stored securely by the School of
Architecture for five years in accordance with the email: [email protected]
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of tel. +61 8 8303 4591
Ethics clearances
Are there risks? University of Adelaide Human Ethics Committee
This research is considered low risk as there is no
foreseeable risk of harm or discomfort.
About the Researcher: Martin Freney
The main risk is taking up your valuable time so the I am currently a research student at the University of
study has been designed to be as efficient as possible. Adelaide, writing a thesis about Earthships, trying to
quantify their environmental impacts in comparison to
Although participants in the study may not realise any
other types of homes and other types of lifestyles.
direct benefit, a possible benefit of the study to the
wider community is greater access to information about My usual job is as a teacher and researcher at the
Earthships that may help potential home owners make University of South Australia and in the past I have
more informed decisions about the houses they build or worked as an industrial (product) designer.
purchase. My interest in Earthships escalated in 2008 when I
If you have any concerns please raise these with me, participated in the Earthship Biotecture Internship -
Martin, or my principal supervisor (see below). You can working with the crew on the Global Model 1.
also contact the independent University of Adelaide I have since been studying Earthship using Life Cycle
Human Ethics Committee (see the attached sheet). Assessment which accounts for the whole life cycle
"from cradle to grave" i.e. from mining raw materials to
Can you leave the project? eventual demolition. Earthship is likely to fare well in this
assessment due to its low operational energy (energy
Your participation is completely voluntary and you may
withdraw from the study at any time by simply advising used while people are living in it) and its low embodied
energy (energy used to manufacture the construction
the researcher of your intention to do so.
Project funding
This project is funded by an Australian Postgraduate Martin's qualifications;
Award, through the Australian Federal Government and Bachelor of Design (Industrial)
the D R Stranks Travelling Fellowship through the
University of Adelaide. Link to story about Martin's Earthship research.

Next steps
If you would like to participate;
 read the attached consent form which I will collect
from you during my trip to Taos in December
2011. You can sign it after I have answered any
questions you may have,
 read the attached information regarding the
monitoring hardware options and decide which
option you prefer,
 decide which studies you would like to participate
in (please also read the Earthship General
Questionnaire info sheet) and,
 advise Kirsten Jacobsen of Earthship Biotecture of
which studies you want to participate in and when
you will be available ([email protected])
 If you have more questions please contact…
Main researcher:
Martin Freney
email: [email protected]
cell: +61 450 555 719
tel: +61 8 8303 3052
US cell:
Page 2
Info Sht ES Comfort Levels Final For G2.Docx

Earthship Comfort Levels – Hardware Options

There are two hardware options for recording temperature, relative humidity and lighting level. The “Basic Loggers” are small,
battery powered devices that can easily go anywhere in the home (see Figure 1). The “Internet Connected Loggers” are more
complicated to install and require cables and an internet connection via an Ethernet port on a modem/router (see Figure 3). They
are described in more detail below.
There are five sets of the Basic Loggers (for five Earthships), and one set of the Internet Connected Loggers (for one Earthship).

Option 1: Basic Loggers

Figure 1 - Basic Temperature, Humidity and Light loggers

The “Older Indoor Logger” and “Later Indoor Logger” do the same thing: measure temperature, relative humidity and light level.
They need to be positioned indoors, in a shady place. One will go in the greenhouse (or towards the front of the house) and another
will go in the living room. They can be blu-tacked or double sided taped in an unobtrusive place.
The “Outdoor Logger” is intended for use in an earth tube e.g. Global Model Earthship. It is designed to withstand moisture so any
condensation in the earth tube will not damage it.
There is a little red light on the side that flashes to indicate that the unit is working properly. You could cover this over (e.g. with blu-
tack) if it was annoying.
Setup Time will be approximately 20 minutes.

Returning the Gear

I need you to collect the loggers, and give them to the delegate from Earthship Biotecture who will put them in a pre-paid, self-
addressed box which I will supply and take it to the post office. Don’t worry if the red light is still flashing – it will keep doing so until
it runs out of memory.

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Info Sht ES Comfort Levels Final For G2.Docx

Option 2: Internet Connected Loggers

Hobo white box (battery

and electronics
Ethernet cable


Light sensor

DC plug pack (with USA


Radiation shield

Figure 2 - Remote monitoring system which hooks up to internet Figure 3 – Ethernet port

This system is designed for remote monitoring via the internet. The “Hobo” white box connects to your router/modem via an
Ethernet cable. It is powered by a battery which will last approx one month without power, but it is best to keep it connected to
power via the plug pack so that the battery can trickle charge. So it doesn’t matter if power is switched off overnight, and likewise it
has plenty of on-board memory so it doesn’t matter if the internet connection is frequently interrupted – as soon as it is resumed it
will start uploading again (approx every hour). The size of the uploaded files is very small. Here is a link to a demo webpage that
gives an idea of the data you will be able to view.
All the gear on the right side and middle of the photo are sensors (4 x temp/humidity and 1 x light level) that have to plug into the
white box via the cables that they are attached to. To avoid tripping hazards, cables will need to be dealt with by hiding them behind
furniture, taping to the floor etc - they might be a bit of an "eye-sore" so keep this in mind.
The thing that looks like a stack of white dishes is a “radiation shield” that prevents direct sunlight from hitting the sensor inside: this
would cause false readings. This is intended for outdoor temperature/humidity logging and possibly also for the greenhouse (there
are two of these shields).
It is intended that the white box be positioned somewhere near the home’s router/modem (e.g. hidden away under a desk) with
temperature/humidity sensors in the living room, greenhouse, earth tube (if applicable) and immediately outside the house (in the
radiation shield) mounted on a fence post or similar. The light level meter would go in a rear corner of the living room.
Setup time will be approximately 2 hours.

Returning the Gear

Sometime in early December, 2012, Earthship Biotecture will uninstall the equipment for return to the researcher Martin Freney or
for installation in another Earthship.

 Internet connection
 Router/modem with spare Ethernet port (fig 3).
 Spare wall socket for trickle charge of system's battery, 110 volts.
 Tolerance of unsightly cables.

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Info Sht ES Comfort Levels Final For G2.Docx

Diagram of how the gear will be setup

Figure 4 shows the setup for the basic loggers which don’t require cables.
Figure 5 shows the setup for the Internet Connected Loggers which do require cables.
Position of loggers is indicative only – we will agree to an unobtrusive place for them.



greenhouse house berm

Figure 4 - Basic Loggers

Internet – “Earthship Martin Freney

Monitoring” website University of Adelaide

You can also see the

website that displays
the data (graphs) and
can share the link to
T/H the website with other
people if you want to.
Modem/ T/H
T/H Router


greenhouse house berm

Figure 5 - Internet Connected Loggers

KEY Temperature & Humidity sensor with cable

T/H and in radiation shield
Temperature &
T/H Humidity sensor T/H Temperature, Humidity with cable

Temperature, Light sensor with cable

Humidity and light
sensor “Hobo” white box – plugs into your power
Hobo outlet and a spare Ethernet port on your
T “Outdoor” Water modem/router.
proof Temperature
sensor Modem/
Router Your modem/router power outlet
with DC pack


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Info Sht ES Comfort Levels Final For G2.Docx




1. I, ……………………………………………………………… (please print name)

consent to take part in the research project entitled:

Earthship Perceptions and Performance - Earthship Comfort Levels

2. I acknowledge that I have read the attached Information Sheet entitled:

Earthship Comfort Levels

3. I have had the project, so far as it affects me, fully explained to my satisfaction by the research worker.
My consent is given freely.

4. Although I understand that the purpose of this research project is to improve the quality of housing
design, it has also been explained that my involvement may not be of any benefit to me.

5. I have been given the opportunity to have a member of my family or a friend present while the project
was explained to me.

6. I have been informed that, while information gained during the study may be published, I will not be
identified and my personal results will not be divulged, OR, I am willing to be identified in the
research results (cross out whichever is not applicable).

7. I understand that I am free to withdraw from the project at any time.

8. I am aware that I should retain a copy of this Consent Form, when completed, and the attached
Information Sheet.

(signature) (date)

Page 6
A3 - Ethics Approval Letters

Appendices 17
Appendix B - Miscellaneous

B1 - Earthship Analysis, using Understanding Sustainable Architecture Checklist.

Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
Climate Reducing the need Yes, earth bermed, high thermal mass walls coupled with
Change for heating and operable earth tubes, skylight/vents, windows and blinds
cooling through obviates the need for heating and cooling.
building form,
materials, and control
Using forms of Yes, with the exception of small quantities of propane used
energy in the to boost solar hot water and for cooking, the typical
operation of the Earthship is self-sufficient in renewable (solar) energy.
building that do not
produce greenhouse
Using highly energy Yes, for example use of car stereo systems and computers
efficient appliances, for entertainment systems. Solar water heating is standard.
water heating and Appliances are not needed for heating and cooling - not even
space heating and ceiling fans.
cooling systems.
Using materials and Yes sort of. Many materials are typical to modern
equipment where the architecture and difficult to avoid such as glass and timber.
use of fuels However substantial quantities of “waste” materials that
producing would otherwise be land filled are utilised to form load
greenhouse gases in bearing walls.
their extraction, Of interest was a solar powered mobile power station (a
manufacture and trailer) that was used to provide power to various hand tools
transport is low. and machines. Although this is not specific to Earthship
construction, it demonstrates the ethos of Earthship
Substantial earthworks, requiring use of an excavator, is a
Allowing for uncertain Yes, earth bermed walls, passive solar design, and operable
future climate. passive ventilation and shade systems (which could be
automated if necessary) enable thermal comfort in a wide
variety of climates. Experiments in various climates confirm
Planting trees. Yes, although large trees that would provide substantial
carbon sinks are not able to grow in the Taos environment.
Fruit trees were being planted and irrigated with treated
black water.

Appendices 21
Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
Pollution Reducing waste There is very little waste generated from construction of the
materials. tyre walls – perhaps some off-cuts of steel reinforcing bar.
The same is true for the can and bottle walls. The walls
actually sequester waste. There is the typical waste
generated by timber framing (of the greenhouse and roof).
Using components New tyres embody a lot of energy, pollution and resource
that have caused depletion. However used tyres are “waste”. Although they
little pollution in have impacted the environment in their former life, used
extraction, tyres can be put to good use.
manufacture and To manufacture a used tyre you need to expend vast
transport. amounts of fossil fuels driving a car thousands of kilometres
until it is worn out! So in this sense using car tyres is not
“sustainable”. But right now, it is a creative response to huge
piles of tyres that cause problems if left lying about. They are
notoriously difficult to recycle due to their design parameters:
strong and durable in all conditions/climates.
They are light weight (for their size) and easy to transport
(you can roll them).
Although cans and bottles can be reused (glass bottles) or
recycled reasonably efficiently, if recycling schemes and
facilities are not available they become waste and they end
up causing social and environmental problems.
Using non-polluting Earthships boast “zero utilities bills”. Although renewable
energy sources. energy systems embody vast amounts of energy in their
manufacture, in their operation they are “non-polluting”. Due
to the “designed down” systems and appliances, renewable
energy systems are of modest size thus reducing the impact
in their manufacture. A small amount of propane is used for
boosting solar hot water systems and for cooking. Some
Earthships also have a fridge that runs on propane.
Avoiding potential The tyre walls are effectively shielded from the elements so it
polluted surface is unlikely that they would contribute to pollution of surface
water run-off. water run-off. If the black water treatment cell (reed bed) was
flooded (somehow) this might cause pollution.
Earthships catch all the water that falls on the roof and store
it in underground cisterns.
Recycling water. Earthships are highly efficient at recycling grey water and
treating black water which can then be used for irrigation.
They are self-sufficient in water with only 8-10” of rainfall
annually. This is due to water efficient appliances and the
use of sophisticated biological filters within and outside the
Using long-life The typical composition of a modern Earthship is tyre walls
materials. (extreme long life), rendered with adobe or cement
(repairable), steel roof (durable), glass greenhouse wall

Appendices 22
Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
(durable), can (aluminium) and bottle (glass) internal walls in
a matrix of cement, plus some timber for framing the
greenhouse, doors, cupboards etc.
It is likely that the tyre walls will last hundreds of years.
Using biodegradable Ceiling insulation is typically blown-in cellulose fibre. Timber
materials. framing will biodegrade.
Using recyclable Tyres are reusable but are problematic to recycle. Most other
materials. construction materials are recyclable but to what extent their
recycling benefits the environment is dependant on many
factors; energy required to transport “waste” materials,
energy efficiency of the recycling process, and quality of the
recycled material (“down cycling” may be an issue).
Resource Using renewable Used tyres and bottles/cans are “renewable” for as long as
Depletion resources (e.g. we persist with driving cars and buying packaged drinks.
plantation timber,
managed regrowth
timber, solar energy).
Using plentiful The main walls are 98.5% dirt and 1.5% used tyres.
resources (e.g. many Adobe render (clay and silicon).
building stones,
clays, silicon, iron
Very careful, The electronic circuits in some components of the renewable
appropriate use of energy system contain rare materials. The lead in the
rare and non- batteries is non-renewable but is readily recycled.
renewable resources.
Building small. Depends on the client. Typically Earthships have one
bathroom, no garage and have an open plan kitchen, living,
dining room. Often, the greenhouse can be used as the
corridor. Space is used efficiently.
Biodiversity Avoiding building in Typically built in the desert on large blocks of land leaving
places that are space for creatures and plants.
particularly significant
for biodiversity.
Using timber with an Not sure if Earthship Biotecture does this.
certificate of origin.
Shifting the use of Possibly some use of rainforest timbers in the cabinetry.
rainforest timbers to
low-volume, high
value applications.
Creating landscapes Yes, the vegetation of the greenhouses and outdoor black
rich in biodiversity. water treatment cells attract various types of wildlife,
particularly birds and insects. Vegetation on the earth berms

Appendices 23
Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
also provide habitat for lizards and insects.
Indigenous Minimal building Although the floor plans are efficient and minimal, the
flora and footprint. footprint is large due to the earth berm.
Minimal disturbance There is significant disturbance on the actual site as
to surrounding extensive earthworks are needed to level a site and build the
vegetation. earth berm.
Leaving wildlife At the “Greater World” community there is a substantial tract
movement corridors. of land that is owned in common by the members of the
community. Some animals (Elk) migrate through The Greater
World Earthship community.
Designing to avoid Photovoltaics are used in preference to wind turbines.
bird strikes on Windows are on one side of the building only, however bird
windows, wind strikes may be a problem (I don’t know).
turbines, etc.
Society and Using locally-sourced Used tyres and discarded cans/bottles are reclaimed from
culture materials. the local dump. Adobe render is made from local clays and
sands. Timber is grown locally.
Cement, steel and glass needs to be imported from further
Designing to enable Tyre walls require only minimal maintenance to the render.
the use of locally- In New Mexico adobe has been used for centuries so skilful
sourced skills for adobe craftspeople are plentiful.
construction and With very little training any able bodied person can quickly
future maintenance. learn how to “pound” tyres and build “can walls”. Tools
required are few and inexpensive.
Adapting existing Reynolds has documented how this can be done, however I
buildings . am not aware of an actual example of this. Theoretically it is
possible to retrofit a building with earth bermed Earthship
modules at each end provided the house is oriented
The water catchment/distribution/filtering system could be
retrofitted to existing houses (by the addition of a
greenhouse and additional plumbing).
Maintaining existing The Greater World Earthship community lacks trade and
mix of spaces for social spaces although this could conceivable evolve,
living, trade and particularly in “The Gravel Pit” – a high density area of The
social activities. Greater World community.
Maintaining existing Earthships have a new typology that reflects the functional
scale and typologies requirements necessary to encounter natural phenomena
of buildings. such as the stable temperatures 4’ below the surface of the
The scale is smaller than typical American homes.

Appendices 24
Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
Emphasizing public NA.
Respecting existing No.
built context.
Using pre-used An example of this is “The Gravel Pit” a high density
“blighted” sites rather development at “The Greater World” Earthship community in
than green field sites. Taos, New Mexico. The Gravel Pit is a functioning gravel
mine, however it is nearing the end of it’s life and has been
rehabilitated with plantings, landscaping and numerous
Earthships. The nutrients generated via the grey/black water
systems facilitates this.
Health Designing for high Yes. Well developed ventilation systems: skylights/vents,
fresh air change rate greenhouse hopper windows, earth tubes (with insulated
(above minimum doors).
Using materials with Not sure.
guarantees of non-
Designing for easy Yes, the glazed sunny-side wall (greenhouse) is the only
cleaning and exterior wall that requires maintenance. Adobe interiors can
maintenance. be easily patched when cracking occurs.
Dust and crumbs swept off the floor can be deposited nearby
in the indoor planter where they will biodegrade and provide
nutrients to the plants in the planter.
Comfort Designing so that the Without active heating or cooling Earthships on Taos
building itself offers achieve 15-25 C temperature range. This is in a climate with
internal conditions a temperature range of -10 to 35 C.
that are within or
approach culturally
acceptable limits.
Using energy-using There are no comfort related energy using systems.
systems only when
appropriate in
relation to other
sustainability issues.
Cost Designing for low Earthships are totally self sufficient in energy. Reynolds is
effectiveness imported energy use. pessimistic about the longevity of “grids” and is critical of
their “poisonous” side effects (pollution).
Design for low Yes – see Health section above.
Longevity Adapting and using No.
existing building I would argue that with the little time we have remaining (of
stock rather than cheap fossil fuels) a concerted effort to rebuild, from new,
Appendices 25
Discourse Aspects of possible Earthship Analysis notes
Issue product means
building new. much of our built environment would be a very sensible use
of resources – move to HIGHER ground. Retrofitting existing
structures may prove to be highly inefficient resulting in
substandard performance, however this may be the only
option for many houses.
Designing for The modern Earthship could be easily gutted of internal walls
adaptability and (which are not load bearing) and it could be reconfigured.
future change of use.
Using long-life Yes – see above in Pollution section.
Allowing provision for In modern Earthships the roof could be lifted to install future
possible future services. Retrofitting services in tyre walls is also feasible.
Using measures to In the Australian context, an Earthship could be highly
protect from place- resistant to bush fires with the addition of shutters, or other
dependant risks such defence (sprinklers) to the glazed sunny-side wall
as bush fires and (greenhouse).
corrosive seaside air.
Designing for low Low maintenance. Yes – see above in Cost Effectiveness
maintenance and section.
easy serviceability. Easy serviceability. Yes – components that require
maintenance (e.g. batteries, pumps) can be easily accessed,
sometimes from within the home.
Allowing for Yes – see above in Climate Change section.
uncertainty in future

Appendices 26
B2 - Paper presented at the International Building Performance Simulation
Conference, Chambery, France, 25-28 August 2013

Appendices 27
Freney, M., Soebarto, V. & Williamson, T. (2013) Thermal comfort of global model earthship in
various European climates.
Presented at: International Building Performance Simulation Conference, Chambery, France, 25-28

This publication is included on Appendix pages 28-35 in the print
of the thesis held in the University of Adelaide Library.
Appendix C - POE

C1 - Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire

Appendices 36

This questionnaire is designed to investigate a wide range of issues relating to the Earthship lifestyle. The findings will 
enable the researcher, Martin Freney a PhD student at Adelaide University, Australia, to estimate the environmental 
impacts of the Earthship and the Earthship lifestyle compared to other housing types. Another aim of this 
questionnaire is to gain an insight into how the Earthship lifestyle may differ to more conventional lifestyles. 
The questionnaire includes questions about; 
­ general location of your Earthship,  
­ construction materials and design of your Earthship. 
­ indoor comfort conditions: heating, cooling, humidity, lighting, air quality and sound quality.  
­ maintenance, running costs & insurance 
­ performance of the off­grid systems 
­ details of your Earthship systems – energy, water, sewage etc.  
­ your behaviour in terms of energy use, water use, and food production,  
­ your motivation for living in an Earthship. 
­ how many adults & children live in your Earthship 
The questionnaire will take at least half an hour and may take longer depending on how much detail you put into your 
responses and how much research you need to do to answer a question. For example you may need to find out how 
many kilowatts your solar panels are rated at. However, if you find any questions too time consuming just skip over 
them and perhaps come back to them if you have time later. It is ok if some of the questions are unanswered. 
The questionnaire will be available until 31 October 2012. Results will be published in 2013. Contact 
[email protected] to request a copy. 
If you have any questions or concerns contact Martin or his supervisor Terence Williamson. Email: 
[email protected] 
If you are not sure how to answer a question use the “I don’t know” option or skip over the question. 
Read each question carefully as some questions alternate between a positive and negative framing. 
Ideally, do the questionnaire in one sitting, however if this is not possible observe the following instructions; 
1. Complete all questions for the current “page” of the questionnaire;  
2. click the “Next” button (at the bottom of the page) which takes you to the next page; 
3. then click the “Exit this survey” button (top right of window). This will save the information you entered. Failing to do 
this will delete any data you entered recently! 
4. To return to the unfinished questionnaire use the same link you used to access the questionnaire – it should pick 
up where you left off provided you are using the same computer (you must use the same computer each time you fill 
out the questionnaire). 
5. If necessary you can change your answers by using the “prev” and "next" buttons to navigate through the survey. 

I understand that, while information gained during the study may be published, I will not be identified and my personal 
results will not be divulged. 
I understand that once the questionnaire closes on 31 October 2012 I will not be able to withdraw my responses or 
change my responses. 
To accept these conditions and continue the questionnaire please click the "yes I accept" button below. 

1. Do you accept the conditions described above?

j Yes I accept
j No I don't accept


2. If you are a resident at the Greater World community who participated in the
Earthship Daily Comfort Questionnaire (temperature monitoring) please enter your
"house code". Otherwise please skip this question.


3. What country and city is your Earthship located in/near? (This question is for the
purpose of establishing your climate)


4. How many years have you been living in your Earthship?

Number of years


5. The main exterior walls of my Earthship are; (you can check more than one)
c Made from tires filled with compacted earth
c Earth bermed (dirt is piled up against the walls)
c Insulated with "Thermal Wrap" i.e. expanded polystyrene board (or similar) within the berm
c Made from straw bales
c Made from other (please specify below)
c Other (please specify)

6. If your exterior walls are made with tires filled with compacted earth, was the earth
compacted via manual labor or with some sort of machine?
j Manual labor
j Machine
j Combination of both

7. The foundations of the exterior walls (e.g. tire walls) of my Earthship are;
j “Natural” uncompacted earth (e.g. ground excavated and levelled)
j Compacted earth (e.g. ground excavated, levelled AND COMPACTED by machine)
j Reinforced Concrete (typical of many house constructions)
j Gravel trench (sometimes used in “natural” house constructions to avoid concrete footings)
j Other (please specify)

8. The soil type that my Earthship is built on is;

j Sand
j Sandy Loam
j Clay
j Clayey Loam
j Loam (40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay)
j Gravel
j Rock
j I don't know

Other (please specify) 
9. What are the other walls (e.g. interior, greenhouse) of your Earthship made from?
(you can check more than one e.g. “Aluminum cans” and “cement mortar”)
c Aluminum cans
c Steel cans
c Glass bottles
c Plastic bottles
c Cement mortar
c Earth mortar
c Insulation material
c Tires
c Mud brick (adobes)
c Rammed earth
c Compressed earth block
c Light earth (clay and straw)
c Dry wall timber frame
c Cob
c Other (please specify)

10. My roof frame is;

j Timber
j Steel
j Ferro­cement
j Other (please specify)

11. My roof cladding is;

j Timber
j Steel
j Stucco (cement mortar)
j "Green roof" (earth, waterproof membrane etc)
j Zinc
j Aluminum
j Other (please specify)
12. My roof is insulated with the following materials; (you can check more than one)
c Cellulose fibre
c Rock wool
c Glass wool
c Aluminum foil
c Expanded Polystyrene board
c Polyiso board
c Other (please specify)

13. My floor is made from? (you can check more than one e.g. "flagstone" and "cement
c Mud/Compacted earth
c Flagstone
c Cement mortar
c Concrete (unreinforced)
c Concrete and steel (reinforced)
c Timber
c Carpet
c Insulation material
c Other (please specify)


14. What is the approximate floor area of your Earthship (excluding greenhouse)? (use
only one unit of measure)
Square feet

Square metres

15. What is the approximate floor area of your Greenhouse? (use only one unit of
Square feet

Square metres


16. On the whole, do you like or dislike the climate where your house is located? Please
try to explain why.
Dislike very 
Like very much ­ ­ Neutral ­ ­
Climate j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Please try to explain why 

17. On the whole, how would you describe the conditions in your house during the
following times of the year and time of day? (click the button that best corresponds to
your perceptions)
Very  Very 
­ ­ Neutral ­ ­
comfortable uncomfortable
Winter during nighttime j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Winter during daytime j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Summer during nighttime j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Summer during daytime j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

18. What actions do you take if you feel like it is getting too cold? (you can check more
than one)
c Ensure windows and doors are closed
c Ensure skylights/roof vents are closed
c Ensure earth tube vents are closed
c Ensure blinds/curtains are closed
c Wear extra clothing
c Turn heater on
c Other (please specify)

19. Regarding the previous question, please try to estimate how many minutes per day
you spend "sailing" your Earthship to ensure that it doesn't get too cold inside.

20. What kind of active heating system do you have in your Earthship? (you can check
more than one)
c None
c Gas space heater
c Built­in electric heater
c Portable electric heater(s)
c Heat pump/split­system
c Open fire
c Slow combustion stove or pot­belly stove
c Kerosene heater
c Other (please specify)

21. If you answered “none” to the previous question, do you think there would ever be
the need to install a heater?
j Yes
j No

Please try to explain why 
22. If you do not have an active heating system please skip to the next section
“Cooling”. If you do, which rooms do you usually heat? (you can check more than one)
c About half the house – the living areas
c Living room
c One bedroom
c All bedrooms
c Bathroom
c Kitchen
c Study/office, etc

Any additional information about the rooms you heat? 

23. At what times of the day or night do you usually use heaters during cold weather?
j All the time, day and night
j All the time, except overnight
j Afternoons
j Evenings until bedtime
j Overnight
j Mornings

Any additional information about the use of heaters? 
Other  5

24. How many days in the year do you usually use a heater(s)? (enter a whole number
from 0 to 365)


25. What actions do you take if you feel like it is getting too hot? (you can check more
than one)
c Ensure windows and doors are open
c Ensure skylights/roof vents are open
c Ensure earth tube vents are open
c Ensure blinds/curtains are closed
c Wear less clothing
c Turn cooler on e.g. fan, air conditioner
c Other (please specify)

26. Regarding the previous question, please try to estimate how many minutes per day
you spend "sailing" your Earthship to ensure that it doesn't get too hot inside.

27. Do you have fans in your house? (you can check more than one)
c No fan(s)
c Portable fans(s)
c Ceiling fans(s)

28. What kind of coolers do you have in your house? (you can check more than one)
c None
c Earth tubes (e.g. Global Model Earthship)
c Portable evaporative cooler(s)
c Fixed evaporative cooler(s) for one or more room(s)
c Ducted evaporative cooling
c Reverse cycle air­conditioning for one room(s) e.g. split system
c Ducted reverse cycle air­conditioning
c Other (please specify)

29. If “none” do you think there would ever be the need to install a cooler?
j Yes
j No

Please try to explain why 
30. If you do not have a cooling system please skip to the next section “Cooling”. If you
do, which rooms do you usually cool? (you can check more than one)
c About half the house – the living areas
c Living room
c One bedroom
c All bedrooms
c Bathroom
c Kitchen
c Study/office, etc

Any additional information about the rooms you cool? 

31. At what times of the day or night do you usually use coolers during hot weather?
j All the time, day and night
j All the time, except overnight
j Afternoons
j Evenings until bedtime
j Overnight
j Mornings

Any additional information about the use of coolers? 

32. How many days in the year do you usually use a cooler(s)? (Enter a whole number
from 0 to 365)


33. How would you describe the humidity in your Earthship for each season of the
Too dry ­ ­ Comfortable ­ ­ Too moist
Summer j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Fall j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Winter j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Spring j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

34. Do you have any problems with mould growing in the house (due to excessive
some patches 
Lots of mould ­ ­ ­ ­ No mould
of mould
Mould j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

35. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
On clear days I don’t need to  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
use artificial lighting
On overcast days I always  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
use artificial lighting

During the night my lighting  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
system provides adequate 

There is no smell of car tires  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
in or around my Earthship

The air inside my Earthship  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
feels and smells fresh

There is no echo inside my  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

Our Earthship is well  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
insulated from outside noise

Any additional information about lighting, sound or air quality? 


36. Approximately how much do you spend on utility bills per year?
Gas (e.g. propane)




37. How often do you need to (or expect to) service or replace parts in your systems?
month six months year 2 years 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 30 years 40 years
Replace water filter  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

Replace pump every... j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Replace invertor every... j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Replace battery charger  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

Replace batteries every... j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Replace solar panels  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

Other (please specify)  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

Other (please specify) 

38. Which parts of your Earthship's structure require maintenance? Please try to
indicate how often they need maintenance and what materials are used e.g. "I reseal the
floor with 10 gallons of linseed oil every five years".
Exterior Walls

Interior Walls







39. Is your Earthship insured against damage (e.g. from fire, storm etc)?
j Yes
j No

40. If so, was it difficult to find an insurance company that would insure an Earthship?
Other  NA Difficult ­ ­ Average ­ ­ Easy
level of difficulty j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j

41. Is your insurance premium comparable to similar sized homes?

j Yes
j No
j Don't know



42. How does the performance of your Earthship systems compare with the
performance of conventional systems? Think about how effective they are at providing
you with what you need ­ enough power, water and sewage treatment. And remember,
conventional systems can sometimes let you down too (blackouts, water shortages
etc). Please try to explain your answer.
Much better than  A little better than  About the same as  A little worse than  Much worse than 
conventional system conventional system conventional system conventional system conventional system
performance of renewable  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
energy system is...

Please try to explain why 

performance of water  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
collection and storage 
system is...

Please try to explain why 

performance of hot water  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
system is...

Please try to explain why 

performance of wastewater  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
system is...

Please try to explain why 

Other  6


43. Do you have a greenhouse that can be isolated from the main living space as
featured in the Global Model Earthship or is your greenhouse integral to the living
j Greenhouse can be isolated
j Greenhouse is integral (can NOT be isolated)
j Other (please specify)

44. Are the main (exterior) windows single, double or triple glazed?
j Single glazed
j Double glazed
j Triple glazed
j Other (please specify)

45. If you have a glazed partition wall separating the greenhouse from the living space,
what type of glazing has been used in this wall?
j Single glazed
j Double glazed
j Triple glazed
j Other (please specify)

Other (please specify) 

46. If you know the specification of your glazing please enter it in the box below,
otherwise skip this question.
exterior glazing 
internal glazing 
specification (write NA if 
not applicable)
47. How do you shade your greenhouse e.g. in the summer? (you can check more than
c NA – no shading devices
c Fabric blinds
c Reflective blinds
c Curtains
c Other (please specify)

48. If there is anything you would like to mention about your greenhouse please use the
box below.



49. Do you have a renewable energy system?

j Yes
j No ­ skip to question 54
j No ­ but we buy renewable energy from our electricity retailer ­ skip to question 54

50. Our renewable energy system is;

j Off­grid
j Grid­tied/connected
j Hybrid (grid­tied but with batteries for off­grid capability)

51. What is your renewable energy system comprised of? (you can check more than
c Solar panels
c Wind turbine
c Hydro
c Bio­mass
c Backup generator
c Other (please specify)

52. What is the rating of each component of your renewable energy system (in
kilowatts. For the generator you have the option to answer in horsepower)?
Solar panels

Wind turbine



Backup generator (kW)

Backup generator 

Other (please specify)

53. If your renewable energy system uses batteries and you know their capacity in Amp
Other  please enter this below.
Amp hours
54. What sort of light bulbs do you use? (you can check more than one)
c Incandescent
c Halogen
c Compact fluorescent
c I don’t know
c Other (please specify)

55. If there is anything you would like to mention about your renewable energy system
please use the box below.



56. How much water storage capacity do you have? (answer in Gallons or Litres)


57. Aside from the rain/snow that falls on your roof do you have another water supply?
(you can check more than one)
c No other supply
c Grid supply
c Well
c Bore
c Dam
c Other (please specify)

58. If there is anything you would like to mention about your water catchment/storage
system please use the box below.



59. What type of hot water system do you have?

j Solar with gas boost
j Solar with electric boost
j Solar with combustion heater boost ("wet back")
j Other (please specify)

60. If there is anything you would like to mention about your hot water system please
use the box below.



61. Do you have an on­site wastewater system?

j Yes
j No (skip to next section “Toilet”)

62. What is the system comprised of? (you can check more than one)
c Particle Trap
c Graywater Planter(s) in the living area
c Graywater Planter(s) in the greenhouse
c Graywater Planter(s) outside
c Blackwater Planter(s) inside
c Blackwater Planter(s) outside
c Septic tank
c Solar septic tank
c Drainage field/trenches
c Recirculation pump
c I don’t know
c Other (please specify)

63. What is your “recycled” graywater used for? (you can check more than one)
c Toilet flushing
c Recirculating back through the indoor planter (irrigation of planter)
c Irrigating a lawn
c Irrigating outdoor vegetable garden
c Irrigating outdoor fruit trees
c Irrigating outdoor ornamental trees and shrubs
c Other (please specify)

64. If there is anything you would like to mention about your wastewater system please
use the box below.



65. What type of toilet do you have?

j Flush (with recycled graywater from planter)
j Flush (with fresh water)
j Composting toilet
j Other (please specify)

66. If there is anything you would like to mention about your toilet please use the box



67. What type of bathing facilities do you have? (you can check more than one)
c Bath only
c Shower only
c Bath and separate Shower
c Bath with Shower over
c Japanese bath
c Spa bath
c Other (please specify)

68. Do you have laundry facilities in your Earthship or do you use a Laundromat?
j We have a laundry
j We use a Laundromat
j Other (please specify)

69. How do you dry clothes? (you can check more than one)
c Electric clothes dryer
c Gas clothes dryer
c Hang on a line in the house
c Hang on a line outdoors
c Other (please specify)


This section is aimed at understanding how living in an Earthship may be different (or similar) to living in a 
conventional home in terms of energy use, water use, and food production.  

70. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following
statements regarding your energy use behaviour.
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
For high energy activities  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
such as clothes washing I 
wait for days when my 
renewable energy system 
will be working well.

71. Only answer this question if you agreed with the previous question. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with the following statement
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
I don’t mind having to wait  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
for suitable weather 
conditions to do high energy 
activities such as clothes 

72. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following
statements regarding energy saving activities
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
I am diligent about turning  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
off appliances when they are 
not in use

I am diligent about turning  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
off lights when they are not 
in use

73. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to the following
statements regarding your water use.
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
I bathe everyday whether I  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
need to or not

I have water efficient spouts  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
and shower roses

I have designed my garden  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
to be water efficient

I bathe more frequently than  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
I would in a “normal” home 
because I know the water is 
recycled for toilet flushing 
and irrigation
74. Approximately what percentage of your food do you produce using your recycled
wastewater i.e. in your greenhouse or the blackwater planter? (enter a whole number
between 0 and 100)

75. Compared to conventional housing your Earthship may have enabled you to lead a
very different lifestyle. Thinking about your accommodation and lifestyle prior to living
in your Earthship, compared to your Earthship lifestyle right now, to what extent do you
agree with the following statements;
Slightly  Strongly 
Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Neutral Disagree
disagree disagree
The temperatures in my  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
Earthship are MORE 
previous home

My Earthship lifestyle is  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
previous lifestyle

My Earthship lifestyle is  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
environment than my 
previous lifestyle

My Earthship lifestyle is  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
previous lifestyle

My Earthship lifestyle is  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
my previous lifestyle

My Earthship lifestyle is  j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
n j
previous lifestyle


76. What motivated you to live in an Earthship? (you can check more than one). And if
you like, write a few sentences about it in the "Other" box below.
c Reduce my eco­footprint
c Reduce my utility bills
c Become more self­sufficient
c Other (please specify)



77. How many people live in your Earthship?




78. If there is anything else you would like to share about your Earthship experience
please use the comments box below.



Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. If you would like to be emailed the results of the study 
please email [email protected] to request a copy. Martin’s thesis is due for completion in 2013. 
C2 - Summary of key data from Earthship Occupants’ Questionnaire
Location, years living in home, number & type of occupants
How many
Age of people live in How many people live
Earthship your Earthship? in your Earthship? -
City Country (yrs) - Children Adults
Peyton, Colorado USA 10 2 2
Guffey, Colorado USA 6 1
central USA 6 2 2
Lithgow Australia 5 2
Valencia Spain 4 1 2
Taos, New Mexico USA 2 1 2
Taos, New Mexico(Greater World Earthship subdivision) USA 5 0 2
Picton Canada 1 0 2
Barre, Vermont USA 4 1 2
Taos, New Mexico USA 1 1 1
Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado USA 4 2
Philo, OH USA 8 1 2
Manitou Springs, CO (actually El Paso County) USA 12 0 2
Ramah, New Mexico USA 12 2
Black Forest, Colorado USA 18 0 2
Ngaruawahia New Zealand 3 3

Perceptions of comfort
Respondent # Climate Pref. Winter night Winter day Summer night Summer day
1 2 5 1 1 4
2 1 3 1 1 2
3 1 1 1 1 2
4 2 2 2 2 2
5 3 2 1 3 5
6 2 1 1 1 2
7 2 4 2 2 3
8 1 2 1 2 2
9 2 2 2 2 2
10 4 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 1 1 1
12 2 1 1 1 2
13 1 2 1 1 2
14 1 5 3 1 2
15 1 1 1 1 1
16 2 4 1 1 1

Humidity and mould growth

Respondent # Summer Fall Winter Spring Mould growth
1 4 4 5 5 4
2 4 4 6 4 5
3 5 4 4 4 7
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 4 4 4 4 7
6 4 4 4 4 7
7 3 5 6 6 4
8 4 4 5 4 5

Appendices 70
9 6 4 4 4 4
10 3 4 4 4 7
11 3 3 4 4 7
12 5 4 4 5 7
13 4 4 4 4 7
14 4 4 4 4 7
15 4 4 4 4 7
16 4 4 4 4 4

Lighting, air & sound quality

Lighting Air Sound
Respondent # Clear Days Overcast days Nighttime Tyre Smell Fresh smell Echo Outside noise
1 1 6 2 2 2 2 2
2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 7 1 1 1 1 1
4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
5 1 6 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 7 1 1 1 1 1
7 2 5 2 2 4 2 2
8 1 6 1 1 1 1 1
9 1 6 1 1 2 1 1
10 1 4 1 1 1 1 1
11 1 5 1 1 1 1 1
12 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
13 1 7 1 1 1 1 1
14 1 4 1 1 1 1 1
15 2 6 2 2 2 2 2
16 1 5 1 1 1 1 2

Annual Running Costs

Respondent # Gas $ Electricity $ Water $ Sewage $
1 250 150 500 5
2 600 0 0 0
3 50 400* 0 0
4 400 500 0 0
5 78 0 0 0
6 300 0 0 0
7 200 1 1 1
8 300 0 0 0
9 100 0 0 0
10 200 0 0 0
11 300 600* 0 0
12 100 1000* 0 0
13 300 130* 1 20
14 50 0 0 0
15 140 76 0 0
16 300 100 0 0
* grid connected
Systems performance
Respondent # Country Energy Water collection and storage Hot Water Wastewater
1 USA 2 4 2 1
2 USA 2 2 1 1
3 USA 2* 1 1 3
4 Australia 3 3 3 NR

Appendices 71
5 Spain 4 1 5 3
6 USA 1 2 2 1
7 USA 1 2 3 3
8 Canada 1 3 1 1
9 USA 1 1 3 1
10 USA 1 1 1 1
11 USA 1* NR NR NR
12 USA 1 1 3 1
13 USA 2* 2 1 3
14 USA 1 4 1 1
15 USA 4 1 1 3
16 New Zealand NR 1 3 NR
highlighted cells indicate non-standard Earthship system

Appendices 72
C3 - Earthship Daily Comfort Questionnaire

Appendices 73
Earthship Daily Comfort
Evaluation of the Thermal Environment in Earthships

Part of a PhD Research Study by Martin Freney

School of Architecture Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
University of Adelaide

[email protected]
Earthship Daily Comfort Questionnaire
Introduction and Instructions

The aim of this survey is to find out what level of thermal comfort your Earthship provides in terms of the
temperature and humidity and how you go about influencing these conditions. The data logging study will
show what level of comfort your Earthship is capable of producing in a variety of weather conditions,
however it is also important to understand how you perceive these comfort levels, how you react to them,
and how you influence them. Although this study is only looking at a small number of Earthships the results
will provide an insight into the Earthship experience. Providing a better understanding about these issues
will enable people unfamiliar or sceptical about Earthships to appreciate what is involved with living in an

To achieve this aim, this survey will record some relevant information about how you interact with your
Earthship and how you perceive the thermal environment within your Earthship.

To make this study work it is important to;

 not guess or try to remember. If you miss a day don't worry about it - just leave that day blank;
 enter the correct date and time.
 answer all the questions (it should take about 5-10 minutes per day).
 ensure that you have been inside for 30 minutes before you answer the questions - it takes this long
for your body to acclimatise to the inside temperature.
 ensure that only one person answers the questions. If more than one family member wants to
participate, extra copies of the questionnaire will be provided (or it can be done online).

This survey is designed to record results for three weeks, one in winter, spring and summer. The dates for
these weeks will be based on the weather (will wait for a cold week in winter, average week in spring and
hot week in summer) so you will be advised when to start the survey (email will be sent). If these dates are
not convenient, you can select your own dates.
Day 1 (Winter 2012)
Day 1 (Spring 2012)
Day 1 (Summer 2012)
Thank you very much for your time!
C4 - Illumination Levels - measured data from three houses
Table Error! No text of specified style in document..1 – Monthly average, maximum and minimum light levels (lux) at 1pm
House # Ave/max/min Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
3 average 448 427 299 148 106 94 101
3 max 667 786 710 355 151 129 151
3 min 129 75 194 54 32 32 32
4 average 142 110 80 77 65 41 42
4 max 215 183 140 140 118 54 54
4 min 32 32 54 32 54 32 32
5 average 278 238 151 101 83 76 75
5 max 334 334 334 161 108 108 108
5 min 65 108 86 32 65 32 32

Appendices 83
C5 - Interview Summaries & Transcriptions

C5.1 Interview with Jane (pseudonym) about her Earthship Experience

Martin Freney, 12 December 2011

Summary of Interview
Jane has lived in her Earthship for about one year having previously lived in Nicaragua (tropical climate)
and has lived all over the world including Germany.
She has quickly learned to “sail” her new Global Model Earthship, adapting to the Earthship lifestyle and
easily meeting the challenges it presents.
The Earthship design is circa 2009, a Global Model, with one bedroom. It is located at The Greater
World community outside Taos, New Mexico, USA. It has a 3000 gallon cistern in the berm behind, and
has a flushing toilet, shower, bath, laundry (washer only) and a separate greenhouse typical of the
Global Model design. It has not heater or cooler. Two earth tubes provide summer cooling and winter
cross ventilation (just a little) in the bedroom and the living space/kitchen area.
Thermal Comfort
Jane finds the indoor temperature very comfortable despite having no heater or cooler. She is able to
control the indoor temperature by open the doors, greenhouse windows and vents and the earth tubes
which enter through the rear wall of the living space. She suspects her Earthship is cooler than others
due to being dug into the ground 3 feet deep.
Newly installed screen doors at the ends of the greenhouse have helped her to maintain a more
comfortable temperature in the greenhouse.
Jane has six photovoltaic panels to charge the battery bank plus the usual solar water heating panel.
Very occasionally when battery power gets low during extended cloudy periods Jane gets a little
anxious about running out of electricity. Consequently she has “backup” appliances that run on propane
or are hand-powered to deal with this situation. She is planning to install a wind turbine to generate
power during overcast conditions.
She and has learned to save propane by using electrical appliances in times of abundant solar energy.
She has approximately a $100 utility bill for propane plus the usual internet bill but otherwise lives free
from bills. She is not worried about the cost of replacement batteries reassured by the experience of
other Earthship owners which indicates the batteries may last 20 years.
Jane’s 3000 gallon water cistern seems to meet her water use very well although sometimes she does
get very close to running out. In times of plenty she flushes the toilet with rain water rather than
greywater, and is not super cautious about water use for showers, hand washing etc but during a
scarcity of water she adapts her behaviour only flushing the toilet when necessary, turning off the faucet
while “soaping up” during hand washing, and flushing the toilet with greywater.
The waste water system works very well – so far so good – although a person who was working in the
bathroom for an extended period commented on the smell of the toilet flushing water (greywater) and
consequently Jane switched the toilet to fresh water flushing and did not switch it back due to an
abundance of fresh water. She doesn’t seem to mind cleaning the particle trap every now and then.
She has also discovered that in times of abundant water she doesn’t need to be so particular about
water conservation and is able to operate the house more “normally” whereas when water is scarce she

Appendices 84
can still function effectively – and not run out of water - by using water saving techniques e.g. for hand
washing and toilet flushing.
She has had to deal with pests in the greenhouse and learn how to do gardening which she manages
with the greywater that is used for irrigation.
Living in the Earthship community Jane is reliant on her car for the 30 mile round trip into town, however
she is generally very successful at limiting this trip to once per week when she takes care of chores
such as recycling, garbage disposal, grocery shopping and collecting mail.
Motivation and Outlook
Having chosen to live in the Earthship community - The Greater World - she feels reassured that help is
never far away in an emergency. She is also pleased that Michael Reynolds has already fought for
permission to build Earthships in this area thereby saving her the need to do this if she were to build
The thermal comfort provided by the home and the beautiful scene created by the greenhouse garden
and the nearby mountains bring her great joy and contentment. The self sufficient nature of the home is
reassuring to her as she knows that she is not subject to the vagaries of utilities prices that are beyond
her control. She has been successful with growing a variety of food producing plants as well as beautiful
herbs whose fragrance wafts into the living space whenever the doors to the greenhouse are open. She
is even trying to grow her own coffee and has ambitions to grow her own tobacco (or was she joking?).
The “spaceship” look of the Earthship does not worry Jane who appreciates function over form, however
she appreciates the beauty of traditional materials such as timber and adobe which are prominent inside
the home which she has decorated extensively with antiquities from her travels and her own woven
Jane’s Earthship is unique in that she went to the trouble and expense to have it LEED certified which
has enabled her to recoup these costs due to tax concessions/rebates offered to LEED certified homes.
In summary Jane loves living in her Earthship in The Greater World community and is able to enjoy all
the modern conveniences such as a washing machine, computer, refrigerator, hot water, shower, and
bath yet without the utility bills and the associated environmental impacts that she perceives are
associated with utilities infrastructure. She has to be a little careful with water and electricity use at times
but she seems to enjoy this challenge perhaps because it is relatively easy for her to meet this
challenge and because she has been a conscientious energy saver throughout her life.
It was early afternoon and a snow storm was just starting to blow in after a sunny morning. 12 Dec
(start of audio recording)
J: ...only when there is absolutely no sunshine like just before it started snowing I closed the windows
they were open because it was sunny and it was hot in the greenhouse. It didn’t last long but... (laugh).
M: But it’s lovely in here, I’ll get out my thermometer and see what the temperature is right now. (the
temperature was 22C).
J: in the greenhouse it is 65(F).
M: my first question is about the previous type of house you lived in because I’m building up to what
makes it different living in an Earthship compared to your previous house.
J: my previous house was in Managua Nicaragua, stucco construction, composite tile roof meaning a
fake terracotta tile, probably cement block covered with stucco but guessing cement block.
Appendices 85
M: I’ve got no idea what the Nicaragua climate is like?
J: hot and humid, tropical.
M: was that a comfortable home to live in, in terms of the temperature?
J: with air conditioning.
M: what about your electricity bill?
J: I didn’t pay it. The state department paid it. But let me think... I used the least electricity of anyone
and I think my bill was about $600 and the average was about $1000 - $1500.
M: so that was mainly due to the air conditioning I guess? Because that would have been used quite a
J: most people keep it on. But I lived up a mountain and I got a little bit of a breeze so I was able to not
use it.
M: and so how has your lifestyle changed now you live in an Earthship?
J: there are no utility bills other than propane. And for most people, since all of mine have been paid for
in the last 20 yrs... but I think my son in law who lives in Virginia, I think he pays around $300 a month
both in winter and summer, winter for the heat and summer for the ac, and I think sometimes it goes to
M: how much would you be spending on propane per year?
J: last year I was only here from January. I’ve only been here since last January and I thought I should
fill the propane tank before winter came because I didn’t know how much I had put in there originally
because I didn’t live here and I thought oh my god I’m down to 20% I should fill up. And I filled it up and
later I found the paperwork and realised I’d used 30 gallons.
M: out of how many gallons?
J: out of 100
M: you had plenty left!
J: I had plenty left and I didn’t need to fill up the tank and now I won’t need to fill it up for another 10 yr
or so. Well at least 5.
M: Wow!
J: the estimate is $100 a year on propane.
M: and that is for cooking and hot water?
J: the hot water is only on demand – when its, foggy, whatever.
M: do you purposely avoid using hot water when its overcast or whatever, or do you generally just go
about your business?
J: when you only spend 30 gallons its miniscule. I normally wait until the suns out before I shower
unless there is some need to get somewhere. I try not to shower in the late afternoon because then the
water is scalding hot so I have to remember to turn it to more cold. And I do the dishes at night.
M: on that same topic, do you do something similar with your energy use. Do you wait for a sunny day to
do your washing or...?
J: right, so now its snowing I’m pretty well charged up already because there was sun this morning but I
don’t know what its going to be like tomorrow or the next day and my batteries will continue to go down
if its like this for 2 or 3 days to blinking red (referring to batter charge controller) - something I hate to
see, so yes to vacuum, if its like this, I don’t use the electric coffee pot or toaster, I use the French
press, I use the broilered(?) toast. So I have back up systems, so if its sunny I use the coffee pots,
Appendices 86
what’s the difference! For a long time I didn’t and then I thought its free why am I being – you know –
from years of being careful of how much electricity I use.
M: its interesting isn’t it because when the sun is shining you can kind of use lots and lots of energy and
not be frugal about it but when the weather is like this (snowing) and it could be like this for a few days
that’s when you have to start (being energy conscious), so its quite a challenge really isn’t it to the
Earthship occupant because sometimes its sort of like yeah...
J: free for all!
M: free for all - and then other times it’s quite different the opposite really so that’s something I hadn’t
really thought about before actually. I thought in a way you’d always be being a bit careful but
sometimes it is not necessary.
J: well sometimes it is absolutely necessary because why use propane you pay for but it took me a
while to get to there. First like you I was just being cheap with my electricity and then I thought you know
what I’m paying for propane and some truck has to come and give it to me and the electricity is free out
of the sky. Because I had gotten rid of my electric coffee pot and toaster and didn’t have a microwave, i
only just bought that, why am i doing this (laughs) this is crazy! But it takes time to get to figure out all
the bits of it. And I am planning to put on a windmill so that on the days when it is like this for 2 or 3 days
my electricity doesn’t go down.
M: yeah, there was a bit of wind this morning wasn’t there. I saw some of the windmills were turning. OK
in terms of the systems, so thermally you’re very happy with the way it is performing?
J: it performs as advertised.
M: what is advertised?
J: the house itself will always remain 68 degrees summer or winter. I think my house performs a little
better than others in the summer. Because I’m dug down 3 feet and because the only reason I think that
is because when people come in who are Earthship people they say ooh this is nice and cool.
M: interesting.
J: so that makes me think it may not be nice and cool in others. Because it gets quite hot out in the
greenhouse. I just put in two screen doors so that I could let air come in (to the greenhouse) – you can’t
open the door here because of snakes and stuff you know – so until the screen doors were in I only had
these two vents and two skylights and it made a huge difference to have the screen doors because you
often get a small breeze which was just enough to keep it comfortable in there instead of sweating when
you walk out there (the greenhouse).
M: how far does the sun actually come in on the winter solstice?
J: in the winter it comes all the way to the couch. But in the summer it only goes like right to the
greenhouse dirt.
M: ok so in terms of your energy you said occasionally the red blinking lights are there. Does that
happen frequently?
J: twice.
M: twice so far in the last year?
J: this winter. But even when it’s blinking red I’m still able to take a shower and have lights so I mean the
battery is not happy and it does take - if its blinking red - it does take one and a half days to really get
back to full charge.
M: do you have any idea how much, how long the batteries will last and how much it cost to replace

Appendices 87
J: I don’t know how much it will cost to replace them but I know that the Earthship offices have been
there for 20 years and they are still using the same batteries.
M: wow that is pretty good!
J: so no matter how much they cost if they last 20 yrs... it’s pretty good. And I’m sure they are very
expensive (laughs). They’re huge.
M: that’s good to know. You’ve already said in weather like this you’ll try to conserve energy, what about
J: do I conserve water in this kind of weather?
M: well no just tell me about your water use, do you run out of water, what do you do to conserve water
if ever or...?
J: I’m careful, I only flush when necessary, although it is greywater I still don’t just flush every time I
urinate (laughs).
M: sensible yeah I’m like that too.
J: and you know California had a drought for 7 years so you just didn’t flush unless it was necessary.
I’ve gotten the washing dishes down to using just a minuscule amount of water to wash and then I rinse
them with more fulsome water. I take a pretty short shower. I don’t take baths although at this point I’m
sure I’m full so I could take a bath but I’m thinking of putting a hot tub in so that way I don’t have to be
paranoid about using up my water because I just keep heating the same water. And I think that would
be the solution.
M: how does that work then, a hot tub that you reheat the water, do you have to discard the water one a
week or once a month?
J: no I think a couple of times a year. I think you put something in it to keep it from growing algae or
M: salt or something?
J: hopefully not salt because what you don’t want to do is dump salt or chlorine into your garden.
M: that’s a good point yeah but you don’t want to use chlorine either.
J: right
M: I wonder what you use.
J: there’s some stuff... I haven’t done all my research yet.
M: I’d be interested to know what the solution there is.
J: And of course I’ll have to not let anyone know I have one because no one here has a hot tub (laugh)
but again I’m from California you know: its like what could be better than a winter snow falling on you
watching the sky being in a hot tub. Sounds good to me.
M: yeah does sound good. Now, you’ve only been here for a year or so but there was a drought last
J: there is a drought - it continues, I don’t know if it is over yet. I just looked on the radar for the snow, it
extends from below Albuquerque just a huge swath so this is going to last. So I don’t know if we’ve had
enough rain snow, we had a couple of really big rains but those tend to just run off but I did not run out
of water.
M: That’s interesting. How much water storage do you have?
J: 3000 gallons. And especially the first year I was very careful with water it was like I turn the faucet on
and wet my hands and put soap on them and then I soap up and then I turn it back on again and rinse.

Appendices 88
M: that’s interesting.
J: I definitely did not want to run out of water. It would be embarrassing to have to buy water. So I was
really careful until it started raining and then I can see that my cistern’s full because they overflow.
M: back to energy, what’s the size of your solar panels or how many panels you have?
J: I have six solar panels for charging, I have one ... you know I tend to forget, I have three other solar
panels, and one is I think to heat the ethylene glycol that heats the roof and one is to heat water and I
don’t know what the other one is.
M: I might ask mike about that.
J: but I also noticed I’m the only one that has all these solar panels. Like most people have the six I
have on the outside but they don’t have the three in the interior. And I keep forgetting to ask what are
those again.
M: yeah ok sounds like something slightly experimental going on.
J: Mike likes to do that. I think I’m the only one that is dug down. You know he emailed me and said do
you care if I dig you down 3 feet I want to see how that works. Basically I built the house by email so I
said surprise me.
M: and this is the Global Model design, is that right?
J: right. Yeah at the time this was built it was called the Euro but it’s morphed into Global so this would
be the Global One because it is different style than the Two which has the back hallway.
M: so the Global Two doesn’t do that or it does?
J: Global Two does have a back hallway so you don’t have to go out into the greenhouse which could
be advantageous if it’s freezing.
M: or if its really hot?
J: really hot doesn’t really bother me.
M: like if you open doors constantly doesn’t the heat tend to get in here (the living space)
J: it doesn’t really. When it is incredibly hot in the greenhouse and I leave the door open, I usually keep
it closed, I usually consider this - the house - that’s the pre outside (greenhouse) and the outside, so
unless the temperature in the greenhouse is comfortable then I open the doors so then I’ve got this air
flow between the two. But usually the hot air doesn’t creep in here or the cold air doesn’t creep in. I’m
not sure why. These air tubes do leak cold air, you know you put your hand there and you’ll feel it if it’s
windy – its not windy now. And also here I’m not sure why but this is really cold in here (cupboard on
north wall in utility area). So when it gets too warm I open this. Lets a little breeze in. I’m not sure why
because it seems to be all sealed up.
M: is there anything going up through the roof like chimneys?
J: well there is all the wiring. It doesn’t seem to make this room colder. But it does at least make sure
that there is always a little tiny bit of air circulation. You know I’ve been interested in solar housing since
the 70s and you know they were disastrous because they were all closed in and people got sick from all
the toxins and you know cooking toxins so I do like to have, even if it is just a minuscule trickle of air.
And you know the doors (from living space to greenhouse), there is a bit of crack, and in the newer
model evidently they have vents up there (above the doors) that you can open and close. But for me it is
very comfortable, seldom is it too warm in here in the summer time. Every once in a while it gets to be
about 78 – 80 that’s just reaching my no comfort zone (laugh).
M: still just ok. And that’s when it’s 95-100 outside?

Appendices 89
J: but you know its not so much how hot it is outside, its more how intense the sun is because it really
heats... I mean the second the sun comes up in the morning the greenhouse goes from being 50
degrees to 70 degrees just like (clicking fingers).
M: it’s incredible isn’t it!
J: It was supposed to be light snow fall. Now I see 2-4 inches. It snows in New Zealand doesn’t it up in
the mountains at least?
M: Yes it does but actually I’m from Australia.
(Discussion about Australian cities – not transcribed)
M: well Earthships are going to be wonderful I’m sure in bushfires because it is all protected by the berm
around there, all you need to do is have some sprinklers or shutters or something out the front here.
J: and something to trickle on the roof. You could even just use those watering hoses the type with all
the little holes all along.
M: yeah spraying a bit of water out and keeping the roof cool. Or you can do a green roof with plants
growing or something.
J: well the difference between... for that the roof is really part of this design in that it collects your water
and I know that for Australia water is an issue as it is here. This is kind of like Australia isn’t it?
M: yeah in some parts it is.
J: not much vegetation kind of deserty. So water is going to be an issue, so if you put a green roof on
you can’t collect as much water. And you want every drop. Because without water you don’t exist
M: its more important than the electricity isn’t it.
J: yeah oh yeah you could live without electricity. I have a turn sewing machine, I have a tea pot and
coffee pot a hand grinder I could be quite happy, I weave which is non electric. I could be quite happy
without electricity but without water... I would leave the roof. I think this roof design is really good.
Because one, it is heated so it melts the snow – guess this wouldn’t be an issue in Australia – I have to
change a valve so it melts the snow. But the first big rain we got and I would say it rained hard for 2-3
hrs – my tanks were full. That’s 3000 gallons because it was just getting down to the bottom when it
M: wow so it can potentially fill up pretty quickly.
J: if you have monsoon torrential rains. I don’t know how it rains in Australia.
M: up in the tropics we get torrential rains. We had some really bad flooding last year, thousands of
people lost their homes because of torrential down pours but in the state where I’m from it is basically a
desert and we don’t get a whole lot of rain. It comes in the winter and in the summer you don’t get much
rain at all.
J: well I’m from California, you know it never rains in California in the summer and all the rain is in the
winter, however in the last couple of year there has been some.
M: its changing.
J: gee you think (laughs)
M: and your waste water system is working ok?
J: apparently
M: it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t smell or...?

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J: in fact I don’t use the top water of the greenhouse very often but like if I’m going somewhere for a
week or so I’ll top water to make sure that it stays damp and I don’t notice any smell at all.
M: what about your toilet water. Your flushing water.
J: well actually I haven’t turned over to greywater yet. I need to do that next week. There was a person
working in the bathroom and he hated the smell of the greywater so I turned it over.
M: yeah I’ve noticed in some of the Earthships I’ve visited that yeah sometimes the toilet smells a little, a
little funny, its kind of a sulphurous smell or something like that, so I’m curious to know if these improved
designs have addressed that problem.
J: I don’t know I really can’t answer that. But I have been thinking when I switch it over (to greywater)
could I put one of those deodorisers in there or would that be... what kind of disgusting chemicals are in
them. Would that be disrupting my septic tank fermentation? I haven’t come to that yet. And in fact since
we are having so much moisture I may not switch over, I’m full so...
M: yeah that’s right if you are not worried about the level in your tanks (cisterns) why switch to greywater
for your toilet. Do you have a laundry in you house?
J: I only have a washer and it’s the highest rated for electricity and water use so it only uses 6 gallons of
water per wash. Its European, bought it in the US but didn’t think about the fact that it would be 220
volts because how it was designed its stackable with the dryer on top so the washer plugs into the dryer
and then the dryer plugs in and many US households have 220 for the dryer.
M: oh right, didn’t know that.
J: yeah well so what in the hell am I gonna do with this thing, it was really expensive, they wouldn’t take
it back because it wasn’t in the original packaging because the guys unpacked it and that’s when they
realised it was 220. So anyway Amy in the office said why not put a transformer on it. And I’ve been
using a transforming for most of my life, cause I go from country to country. I envisaged something on
the top of the washer but they put that in and so when I want to wash I just flip the transformer on do my
wash I leave this door open so I remember to turn it off.
M: I notice you have a lot of rugs down. I thought that it was good not to have rugs so that the light
coming in would warm up the floor a bit more. Are they always here, you’re not putting them out in the
summer and taking them away in the winter?
J: no, because where would I put them (laughs) storage is an issue.
J: while we are here do you want to look at the water management system? So you know how it works
right? This is the regular water, shower water whatever, and there are two additional filters, and this has
got the ceramic filters in there for drinking water and there is a drinking water spigot in the bathroom and
in the kitchen. And then this is the water pressure tank and the ethylene glycol.
J: and then this is all the circuit breakers and stuff and you can see I’ve used up every last bit of space.
The refrigerator is 24 volts. I don’t know. These are made by hand in Petaluma California so I don’t
know how easy or difficult, although I would imagine in the Outback (Australian desert) you already have
propane refrigerators, and such right?
M: yeah I think so.
J: propane is kind of the old style and these must exist because most RVs have 24 volt refrigerators.
They also have propane refrigerators. All these 24 volt light bulbs I think are designed for RVs and they
are the CFCs.
M: compact fluorescent.
J: yeah the wiggly ones. These refrigerators are incredibly expensive $3600 and I think that is why some
people have propane refrigerators. Yeah but you know it depends on... like this year I want to take it off
my taxes. I had to have this house LEED certified. No one else has done that.
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M: wow!
J: maybe I’m the only one who is paying taxes I’m not sure (laughs).
M: that’s interesting its been LEED certified. What does that entail exactly the LEED certification?
J: I’ll tell you I had to submit a binder of stuff to get it LEED certified and they had to install something
extra in my system which was like a $1000 could have been $400 but did I want the... I said just do it a
$1000 is fine and no one else had ever done it. And I got $8500 back on my house because the solar
was $21000 and the federal government gives you a 30% rebate so I got 7000 back from the feds and
2500 back from the state. So and then this year I’m gonna claim the refrigerator and washer which are
high energy efficiency, I could claim the roof if I knew how much it cost but (laugh) but I just don’t think I
can go through it, trying to get Mike to figure out how much the roof cost. I’m not gonna do it.
M: how do you manage transport here because it is a little isolated. Do you have a strategy for
minimising the use of the car?
J: I try to only go to town once a week or if I’ve run out of something and sometimes I’m more successful
than others like when they were building I was going into town everyday: oh we need, oh we need,...
beer! But since they stopped building the fence... yeah I go like once. I need to go at least once a week
because they get annoyed if you don’t empty your mail box and pick up packages. But I make lists and
try to make sure I get everything done. Do my recycling, get rid of my garbage, go to the grocery store,
get rid of my plastic bags.
M: what do you do with things like aluminium cans and glass bottles?
J: those all go to recycling, so cardboard, glass, aluminium, plastic 1 and 2, batteries, um you know
phone books.
M: so is there a recycling facility in Taos?
J: in town. Plastic bags go to the grocery store, paper either I burn it because I’m burning something or
garbage. So I usually have maybe half a bag a week of garbage that can not be recycled and then I
have anything that is organic: coffee grounds, crumbs, egg shells, etc go to the worms and if the worms
get too full I have a compost bin.
M: ok good that is all very interesting, and food, are you growing much food in the greenhouse?
J: at the moment no but in the past I was able to grow swiss chard and onions and tomatoes and basil
lots and lots of basil it loved to be in the greenhouse, then I tried cucumbers but they got white fly so I
pulled them out and I got some peppers but then the other peppers started succumbing to mealybugs
so I just ended up pulling everything out of the greenhouse except for the lavender, rosemary and the
palm tree. And then using an organic pest control stuff... and now I’m refurbishing so now I’m letting it sit
to make sure there are not bugs. And you saw on top of the refrigerator I have all those seedlings
started so greenbeans, and sunflowers, and lettuce, and well the tomatoes came up but weren’t infected
so I didn’t pull them out. Do you know what a CSA is?
M: yeah community supported agriculture.
J: yeah and so I got a bunch of tomatoes from him which I canned and they were so good I just, cause
when you can you squeeze all the seeds out, so I had this mass of seeds so I threw a bunch of seeds
out there and they came up so I’ll have tomatoes and bell peppers and onions and swiss chard I just
ordered some figs because somebody had a fig tree inside their Earthship and I thought that’s a good
idea I love figs. Black beans. You know I’m hoping, and I’ve never really done any gardening and
gardening in the greenhouse is challenging.
M: why is that?
J: because bugs get in here. And there were bugs in... this house sat for a year and somebody came
and planted ornamental plants and somebody came and watered them but then they had to take out all

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the plants because they got mealybugs. So I thought I had got... you know I dug out 3 inches of dirt I put
brand new sterilised dirt in i thought ok... what do I know about bugs, but they were just hanging out
waiting to come up... so now I’m hoping that its under control and now I’m going to use biological
controls like little wasps and things. Oh and those little things over there are coffee plants. And I’m really
hoping... this is my second try at germinating them.
M: wow that would be great to grow your own coffee.
J: can you imagine! So then all I need is tobacco.
M: (laugh) are you allowed to grow tobacco in America? We’re not allowed to in Australia, it’s illegal.
J: why?
M: I guess it takes taxes away from the government.
J: yeah well there’s a big fuck you (laughs) what do I care. At least I’m not growing marijuana. I have no
idea but I wouldn’t grow it. Are you sure its about taxes or is it because tobacco has a lot of insect
predators. If I smoke and then I go out in the garden I have to wash my hands because you can get the
mosaic virus on your plants. So as far as I know it is not illegal and there are books about growing your
own tobacco.
M: is that the three way valve there right?
J: that I actually don’t know why you would turn it off but that’s where all the water goes into the
greywater cistern. All the water bathroom sink, shower, wash machine all drains in there and goes into
the greywater cistern, the kitchen sink by county code can not go into the greywater system and
evidently what they’ve done in a lot of places is after the inspector has checked it then they’ve switched
it (laugh) because its a ridiculous rule but they never switched it on mine so I’m legal.
M: right. Huh.
J: I use little screens in the sinks so no food particles go down, I don’t pour grease down there or you
know... any gross things.
M: and so that little green trap there you just...
J: it gets water in it.
M: and do you have to scoop any stuff out of there?
J: every now and then something gross like a big glob of soap or something comes out. I don’t go
feeling around inside of the pipes.
M: well alright getting to the end now. What I’m curious to know, what was your motivation for coming to
live in an Earthship?
J: well I’ve been interested in the environment and its degradation since the late 60s and followed
closely all the solar housing kinds of things and I’m from California you know we are the kinda
innovators of the US although California have the strictest building codes, I don’t know if there are any
Earthships in California. I originally was planning on building a house in Costa Rica and although San
Jose has fairly decent infrastructure anything outside of that doesn’t so I wanted to build a completely
self sufficient house with a greywater fishpond and all these other kinds of things, anyway I kind of
designed this house in my head and then I thought I wonder if anyone else has done it (laugh). So I got
this book called The Natural House, and it had cob, Strawbale, and then I got to the Earthship and it
was like wow, somebody has done all the engineering for me. Because I don’t know anything about that.
So I came here and I stayed a week in a rental.
M: which rental?
J: the Hut. I don’t even know if it is still a rental and because I thought before I commit to building one I
certainly want to try it. But I wasn’t planning on living here on the Earthship community. I was planning
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on buying a cheap piece of land I mean since you don’t need water or electrical or sewage you know I
could buy any useless piece of land, and then as I was here in that week I thought about it and I
thought, no, do I want to be more remote than this? Do I want to be 80 yr old break my hip and then just
lay here and die because I can’t get to the neighbours? Do I want to be shovelling snow to get out? So I
decided it made more sense to live in the community and it made the most sense to live here where
Michael has done all the fighting with the authorities and gotten all the permissions and you know... I
thought about Lake Tahoe in California but my ex husband is a contractor and he told me it takes 3-4 yr
to get a permit approved for a building. So I said ok well... and you know that means going to hearings
and... and you know Michael has done all that. That was not my idea of a nice retirement, hanging out in
government offices, I’ve done that for 20 years. So anyway I wanted a house that was not connected to
the grid, I don’t know about in Australia but in the United States all the electrical is above ground expect
in new subdivisions which is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. In Europe its all below ground and
it has a double redundancy.
M: so you don’t see it.
J: Well it is not so you don’t see it but it doesn’t get knocked down every time there is a wind storm or
you know in California people are sometimes without electricity for 15-20 days because there is all scrub
oak and so when it rains hard they break off and the lines go down etc and on the east coast 3 million
people were without electricity in this last storm. Why don’t these Americans rise up and say... not only
occupy wall street but we want our underground utilities! (laugh)
M: that would make sense wouldn’t it.
J: I think they wouldn’t know any different. I lived in Germany for 7 yr not once did I ever experience a
power failure, you know never a blink in my electrical system. I wanted to be free of all of the
government control over utilities that’s part of it, the other part of it is... I just didn’t want to be... I lived in
Nicaragua and sometimes my electricity would go off 15 times in an evening, of course when I was on
vacation it never went off at all.
M: it was something to do with you.
J: exactly (laugh) to me it just makes sense I mean why use heat if you can build a house that doesn’t
need it. Why let your water run... I’m in control of how much water I use how much electricity I use and I
don’t have to pay for it. I mean it was expensive to start with but you know there is no monthly bill, my
only monthly bill is the internet. Well car insurance and...
M: oh yeah sure that’s nothing to do with the house is it really. And you feel happy and healthy here? Do
you feel its got a nice vibe, its bright, comfortable temperature? I guess it would be hard to be miserable
in a place like this really?
J: it would be really hard to be miserable, you know most days you have this incredible view of the
mountains. Not today unfortunately and it is kind of a bummer when it’s like this. But at least its snowing
that gives it a little bit more.
M: well its nice to look out onto the greenhouse coz that’s nice to look on with some plants and things
isn’t it?
J: yeah especially when the banana tree gets bigger.
M: yeah oh yeah its a newly planted garden isn’t it because of the problem with the pests.
J: well you can see some things that the pests didn’t bother, the rosemary the lavender that palm tree
which I had to buy special clippers to cut because it is so tough (laugh). You know before the bugs got
in the whole thing was planted. So yes it is very nice to look out onto all that greenery and when you
open the door in the summer time you get the smell of lavender, basil and sage so it is quite pleasant.
M: lovely.

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J: So my next task is... the fence is just finished, I couldn’t really plant up there until they were done. So
now I need to figure out what to do. In fact something you might be interested in something I bought,
they are called Growasis tubs - like “grow oasis”. They are these plastic tubs that they are using to
reforest the Sahara and so you put your little seedlings in the ground and you put this little wick and this
tub over it and then you fill the tub with 4 gallons of water then you put a black plastic thing so it’s kind of
open like this and then you put over that a white plastic so that any dew collects in there as well and that
is all the water they get for one year and then their roots should be established enough so that um...
(Ben arrives). So my plan is to put fruit trees all out here in those boxes and then I’m gonna try.
(Chatting with ben about renting the g2 and the cost of the g2 versus Jane’s place, fence costs etc.)
M: my last question is about the future of Earthships. What is your thinking on whether Earthship is
something that other Americans are going to take on board?
J: my son in law who I must say is an arch republican conservative he calls this my retirement home and
he couldn’t live like this. He’s never been here.
M: there are some prejudices.
J: but he also doesn’t believe there is climate change so go figure. So um... but everyone who comes
here says this is wonderful and you know the Visitors Center is full everyday, I see 5-10 cars out there
everyday but I think people are thinking about... and certainly your age group, I don’t see that many old
people but I don’t hang out there so I don’t know, but in terms of the interns that have been here and
I’ve seen three groups I think working on the fence, they are all around in your age range and very
excited about not being a part of the same old same old, and you know Earthships can look, I mean
you’ve seen Mike’s drawings the ones where he’s made them fit into suburban neighbourhoods, I don’t
know that any one has ever done that. People think they look weird.
M: how do you feel about the look of your home?
J: I don’t care (laughs)
M: does that mean...
J: I am function over form. I buy a car because it is the highest safety rating, it gets the best mileage, I
do my research to... you know I don’t go isn’t that a cute little car I think I’ll buy that car which
unfortunately I suspect most people... otherwise why would they buy those ridiculous mileage, unsafe
cars. I feel similarly about the house. It is odd looking if you think about it in terms of what a
conventional house looks like.
M: but its not necessarily unattractive either.
J: no. and you know do I wish it was more like some of the other ones with all the frills and yeah, but did
you see Nicole and Zac’s bathroom - in their bedroom? I would really love to have something like that
but I had to figure out what is my budget what do I want to spend etc and so you know this is the low
down rock bottom model... and so I figure I can add some cool stuff.
Ben: this is pretty cool.
J: Hilary did that.
M: she did a nice job. She did a lot of the tiling in The Phoenix I think.
J: And she did the Phoenix.
M: right THE Phoenix. (referring to a sculpture of a phoenix’s head on the “Phoenix” Earthship)
J: she does beautiful ceramic sculpture. She did the tile work in the G2 all black in a star burst design.
She’s really very talented. So yeah, I like my house and inside is very different from the outside.
M: it is yeah.

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J: the outside is kind of odd looking, spaceship looking, but inside it has the adobe walls, wood,
concrete, that’s it.
M: ok well that’s all I wanted to ask you about. (end of recording)

Appendices 96
C5.2 Interview with Ali (pseudonym) about her Earthship Experience
Martin Freney, 11 December 2011

Summary of Interview
Prior to living in an Earthship in the Greater World Earthship Community, Ali grew up in an old three
story home built in approximately 1910. It had no insulation, a steam radiator and was either too hot or
too cold. She also spent time in a conventional home in Seattle and started her Earthship adventure in
2001 with her husband Doug. They are both architects and Ali worked as an architect for Earthship
Biotecture with Mike Reynolds for six years. It took them five years to build their Earthship and in the
meantime they lived in various Earthships including the Weaver Earthship at the nearby REACH
community (in the mountains). Ali recalls that the Weaver Earthship worked wonderfully in the winter
providing excellent comfort levels without the fireplace which was only ever used in the dead of winter
for ambiance more than anything. This was a real contrast to the type of home she was accustomed to
in which a thermostat would turn on and off, blowing hot air around and making an annoying
background noise. One of the things she enjoys about her Earthship is the stable indoor temperature
which tends to change gradually.
Ali’s time working alongside Reynolds saw the advent of the “Packaged” Earthship, a super simple
design, engineered to be cheap, yet effective and easy to build. Ali used this as the template for her
Earthship design, although over the years a significant extension has been undertaken to add another
bedroom in the form of a two story circular tower built with tyres and insulated on the outside with blown-
on foam insulation which is covered in an attractive green coloured render. The use of cement was
minimised where possible; for example the bond beam is made from timber rather than the more
conventional concrete bond beams used these days.
While the family generally enjoys a good level of thermal comfort, Ali mentioned that there are various
micro climates in her home, such as the corridor which is a bit cold, probably due to it connecting with
the unusual northern entry through the berm.
The house is small by western standards at 480 square feet (45m2) yet it houses a family of four
comfortably due to the efficient layout.
It faces 23 degrees east of south, catching the morning sun. In the upstairs bedroom they need to be
vigilant about using the blinds, keeping them down in the summer to block out summer sun and also on
winter nights to reduce heat loss, and up during sunny winter days to admit as much solar energy as
possible. A gas heater has been installed for space heating although this is very rarely used. They
ventilate the house throughout the year to ensure fresh air, although on the coldest winter days they
close up the house and are very aware of keeping the outside doors closed as much as possible.
Hot water is supplied by a solar heater with no boost - so if the sun doesn’t shine hot water runs out,
however this happens rarely due to Taos’s sunny climate of 300+ sunny days per year. They are
planning to get a gas boosting system one day, but this doesn’t seem to be urgent.
The greywater system works well in general even though it is technically a blackwater system as it is
receiving wastewater from the kitchen sink. At the time of construction this was permitted but now the
codes have become more stringent and kitchen sink waste is defined as black not grey water. One
minor problem they have is that the treated greywater that is used for toilet flushing gets a sulphur-like
smell. They deal with this by switching the toilet flush to rainwater for a while, which immediately solves
the sulphur-odour problem that emanates from the toilet. To more permanently address the problem
they have added hydrogen peroxide (which decomposes to water and oxygen and is sometimes used in
wastewater treatment plants as an alternative to chlorine1) to the water entering the planter, and have
also tried flushing the planter periodically with fresh water. Ali explained that these “constructed

Appendices 97
wetlands” work best if they go through cycles of flooding and drying out - which may not always be what
happens in an Earthship.
After some experimentation with various species in the planter they have settled on hardy ornamentals
as other plants were not always prospering. Ali puts this down to the design of the Earthship which has
vertical glass (typical of the “Packaged” design) and furthermore, her planter extends about 4 feet into
the living room, deeper than usual. This makes for a colder than usual planter area which is not always
suitable for a wide range of plant species.
Outside, the blackwater botanical cell works well and Ali explains that the conventional leach field they
were forced to also install is redundant due to the grey and black water botanical cells using all their
wastewater through evapotranspiration. They thought this would be the case and so it was frustrating to
be told by officials that they had to tear up their garden to install the two 80ft trenches which comprise
the leach field.
Their water collection and storage system works well although due to construction activities requiring
lots of water, they have had to haul in water with a truck on a few occasions. Also since the children
were born they have been using more water and their 3500 gallon storage (13,250 L) is not quite
sufficient necessitating occasional water deliveries. After the September monsoons, they usually have
full cisterns (tanks) but by April they can be quite low.
Laundry is done in a Taos Laundromat due to space constraints in the bathroom although provisions
have been made for a future washing machine if this becomes a priority; however using the Laundromat
helps with water conservation.
Electricity is supplied by 3 x 135W panels = 405W, a tiny system by western standards. Recently they
had to replace their batteries (there are eight of them) which cost about US$1000 but this only needs to
be done every five years or so. The gas tank is filled less than once per year. The fridge is an ultra
efficient Sunfrost model. It is important that they observe the weather and conserve energy by switching
off their AC inverter – relying on their DC lighting and fridge circuit only - if there is a string of cloudy
days forecast; however, this only happens about 3 or 4 times per year during the winter time. During
construction, on occasion they had to use hand tools rather than power tools due to cloudy weather.
The house works well for Ali and her family and Ali thinks it is a great way to bring up kids. She tells a
funny anecdote about how her kids thought the municipal dump was a place you got things from (i.e.
scrap tyres) rather than a place you got rid of stuff. She loves the way the Earthship connects her to the
weather patterns, the seasons and the time of day: all these things take on a new meaning. And she
likes the way the Earthship provides a daily incentive for conserving resources, in contrast to
conventional homes which deliver a penalty at the end of the quarter – the utility bill. She says “there’s
an incentive to be conservative with your energy and water... in an earthship if you are not conservative
you will realise immediately... there’s incentive for behaving in the way I believe in behaving.”
The only thing Ali seems to regret somewhat is her family’s reliance on the car – for shopping trips and
commuting to school and work. She acknowledges this is an issue and explains that they do what they
can to car pool and minimise grocery shopping trips. She thinks it would be great if there was a school
within the GW Earthship Community as this would help cut down on miles travelled.
When asked about how Earthship ideas will influence future housing Ali replied “I wish a lot quicker!”. As
an architect Ali has been frustrated by people’s resistance to Earthship ideas. She says “people aren’t
ready for it” in reference to tyre walls and indoor greywater systems, so instead Ali focuses on
integrating correct orientation, thermal mass, insulation and perhaps photovoltaics into her architecture.
But in conclusion she says “I wish it was more mainstream”.

Appendices 98
C5.3 Interview with Ray (pseudonym) about his Earthship Experience
Martin Freney, 11 December 2011

Summary of Interview
Ray came to the Greater World Earthship Community in March 2006 as an intern but stayed on as an
employee of Earthship Biotecture and has set a cracking pace for developing Earthships: by September
2006 he had built his first. At the time of writing (December 2011) he has built two Earthships in the
Gravel Pit: he owns one which he uses as a rental, and another which he sold to fund more plots of land
in the Gravel Pit which he plans to develop with more Earthships. The Gravel Pit is an old gravel mine
used to built the roads on the GW community and has become a test site for medium density, suburban
scale, housing within the GW community, which is otherwise very spread out. The experiment will
demonstrate how an old mine site can be rejuvenated by an Earthship development, the scared land
being regenerated by the “waste” water and organics that the Earthships produce.
During his internship Ray was commuting back and forth to his dream home in Arizona on weekends –
an 8 hour drive. This gave him an insight into the differences between conventional housing and
Earthships. The first thing he noticed about the Earthship was they he just felt better being in one. The
more he thought about his deluxe dream home in Arizona, the more he realised there were a lot of
things that annoyed him about it, whereas the Earthship overcame these annoyances with effective yet
cheap and ecological solutions: the artificial lighting that was needed during the daytime in the dream
home was not pleasant whereas the natural lighting in the earthship seemed to “charge” Ray with good
feelings and made him feel more happy and energetic, and perhaps another thing that Ray was
enjoying about the Earthship was the wonderfully stable, comfortable temperature. In his dream home
he realised he was tolerating fluctuating temperatures and noise caused by the gas heater which would
constantly turn on and off due to the thermostat control. He also felt like the materials used to construct
the dream home maybe the cause of winter illnesses, as it had to be shut-up tight in the winter
preventing adequate ventilation of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that were most probably
emanating from the carpets and paints. Yet in the Earthship the natural mud plaster and mud floor did
not have this potential for VOC emissions. The tyres used in Earthship wall construction didn’t bother
Ray as he was satisfied that air quality tests of Earthships conducted by the Environmental Protection
Agency proved there were no health hazards in the air. And he felt great in Earthships – healthy, happy
and energised – and this is obvious during the interview conducted in his rental Earthship.
After 5 and half years living in Earthships Ray has really appreciated the lack of utility bills. Although
there is still a small bill for propane used to power the stove and backup hot water it is not much and
Ray has plans to use methane from his septic tank to augment the propane supply and reduce his
propane bill even further.
Ray is also experimenting with the food production system of the Earthship with a range of innovations
that will enable greater food production in the harsh Taos climate. He is building a detached greenhouse
with mainly surplus materials that will have highly advanced yet autonomous ventilation system reducing
the potential for insect problems. Amongst other innovations it will contain an aquaponics system with
vertical growing boxes irrigated by fish pond water enabling him to produce fresh fish and vegetables
year round. And he has plans for goats and other livestock too, as he feels that food production is the
next frontier that Earthships need to address.
Ray’s first Earthship home was the prototype for what has become Reynolds’ Global Model Earthship
design. He now offers this home as a rental. It has a 1000W of photovoltaic panels which, in the
summer, has the battery bank charged by 10:30am! Hence, the middle of the day is the best time to use
up the surplus energy for things like washing clothes or using the electric dryer.

Appendices 99
To conserve power at night Ray suggests that guests turn of the inverter which cuts of the Earthship’s
AC circuit and thereby avoids any “phantom loads” that are inevitably caused by appliances such as
televisions, and audio equipment. Lights and refrigerator are powered overnight by the DC circuit with
runs directly off the battery bank. Ray suggests no hair dryers, hair curlers or coffee machines in his
rental Earthship as these are well known to drain a battery bank.
He decided not to install a wind turbine due to the close proximity of neighbours in the Gravel Pit which
is like a mini-suburb (medium density) in the heart of the expansive rural Greater World site. He was
concerned about noise pollution that could annoy his neighbours – so he scaled up the size of his solar
system to 1000W.
He is not concerned about running out of water as he has sized the roof and storage tanks
appropriately: 1200 sq foot roof and 2800 gallons of storage – enough to deal with the six months of
drought in Taos. He also has the first water level “observation stem” (branch of clear pipe) which
enables him to monitor the water level in his tank and water use conveniently from the comfort of his
home. Otherwise he would have to go outside and peer into his water tanks. This enables him to say
“hey honey... guess what!? We need to reduce our water consumption from 30 gallons to 27 gallons a
day otherwise we’re gonna run out!”.
His indoor greywater planter copes well with the washing machine and other water use in the home. He
explains that it is possible to overtax the system: it depends on how much laundry and how many
people are living there. Yet it is engineered to overflow to a septic tank – which Ray has oversized
somewhat to deal with extra people or parties. Ray is looking at ways to redirect overflow greywater
away from the septic and using it for more productive purposes.
The Future
His enthusiasm for Earthship is motivated by a desire to secure a comfortable home for him and his 18
year old son, in uncertain times: rising energy prices and disruptions are a concern. He relates his
recent experience in which the natural gas supply to Taos was cut off for 17 days during the freezing
winter. Taos’s electricity grid couldn’t handle everyone switching to electric heaters and was blacked
out. The National Guard soon rolled into the main street of Taos in their Hummers, obviously someone
feared that things were going to get out of control, but Ray explained that strong family ties ensured that
Taos residents supported each other in this difficult time. Although Earthship Biotecture organised
emergency accommodation for people in their Visitors Centre at the Greater World (which was totally
unaffected by the gas/power interruption in Taos) no one availed themselves of this charity as they were
able to cooperate with family and friends who had wood fires or other backup heating systems to keep
them warm.
Ray seems to be optimistic about the future although aware of the potential threats. For example, he is
excited about the Tesla electric car he just ordered: so that he has somewhere to dump his excess solar
power, and enjoy a sustainable ride into Taos, perhaps to trade some of his organic fish and veggies.
But he is also realistic about other people’s capacity to accept Earthships. There are barriers such as
difficulty getting insurance on an Earthship for example and most people want to be able to leave lights
on and have a huge TV. And the thought of a house made of tyres is not acceptable to many people,
despite the reassurances of EPA air quality tests. Clearly though, Ray sees the potential in Earthships
and the Gravel Pit.

Appendices 100
C5.4 Interview with Sarah (pseudonym) about her Earthship Experience
Martin Freney, 12 December 2011

Prior to Earthship life, Sarah lived in a draughty rental home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA which
was impossible to keep at a comfortable temperature despite all the typical remedies such as fitting
plastic sheeting to windows during the winter and turning the heater up to maximum. Finally getting fed
up with her sub standard rental home and wanting to “escape the rat race” Sarah discovered Earthships
and decided to move into one.
Sarah’s Earthship is of the old design built in the 90s in The Greater World community outside of Taos
New Mexico, USA. The design has two U modules which was sufficient for Sarah and her partner
although she lives alone now. There is a 3000 gallon cistern at one end and a composing (bucket) toilet
in a nearby outhouse built into the berm at the other end. A kitchen is located centrally adjacent the
greenhouse glazing with the power organising module in a utility area adjacent the kitchen with a small
battery bank accessible above. At one end of the greenhouse there is a large planter dominated by a
large fig tree and at the other end of the greenhouse, the other side of the kitchen, there is an elevated
shower, about three steps up, surrounded by plants.
Thermal Comfort
Having lived in the house for many years Sarah is very proficient at regulating the indoor temperature by
using natural ventilation. This involves “cracking” (opening just a tiny crack) the windows, roof vents,
skylights and doors at appropriate times of the day. Very occasionally, during prolonged periods of
overcast weather, she uses her heater which is an energy efficient slow combustion heater of
Norwegian design. But otherwise she finds the indoor temperature to be very comfortable.
She has identified the source of various drafts and has solved this problem by installing improved
weather seals. She is aware of the importance of maintenance to preserve the thermal comfort and has
had potential problems rectified by simple maintenance procedures such as tightening the screws that
fasten the mullion caps on the greenhouse glazing.
Sarah never runs out of electricity and she claims to enjoy the challenge of living with only two 220 watt
solar panels. She managed this even when she lived with her partner although at times they struggled.
The addition of a wind turbine (Airex brand) improved the situation resulting in a well charged battery
bank first thing in the morning after a night enjoying music from the standard stereo system (as opposed
to the energy efficient DC car stereo systems sported by many Earthships). The biggest electricity use is
the refrigerator although this is a highly efficient well insulated design running on DC power (i.e. it is not
reliant on the inverter). Sarah’s panels are on a tracking rack which she manually adjusts, going outside
about four times per day to ensure that it is angled appropriately to optimise solar gain, finally setting it
back to the east to catch the morning sun before retiring for the night. Although the wind turbine has
needed some maintenance and repairs Sarah considers it to be “no problem” and doesn’t mind the
swishing noise it makes which she can hear when she is outside.
Sarah’s lifestyle is extremely energy efficient with little need for electricity, the little that she requires for
refrigeration, stereo, laptop and phone charging are balanced well with her modest renewable energy
Likewise, Sarah is extremely water efficient. Generally the 3000 gallon tank is sufficient however during
a recent drought it was necessary to have water delivered in a truck. This was mainly used for irrigating
trees rather than for domestic purposes. During construction of the home for various activities, e.g.
adobe rendering, it was also necessary to truck in extra water.
Appendices 101
Sarah doesn’t have a bath, preferring the shower which naturally “splash irrigates” the surrounding
plants and then drains to the main greywater planter. She does her laundry in town about once a
fortnight thereby avoiding the need for a washer and dryer and the associated water and electricity use.
The waste water system works well, perhaps not surprisingly given the fairly low water use. There is no
blackwater system due to the composting toilet which does not require water for flushing. A magnificent
fruit bearing fig tree grows in the planter along with various other smaller non food producing plants as
Sarah is not so keen on “being a farmer”.
Sarah really doesn’t like the fact that she is so car dependent and limits her trips to town (a 30 mile
round trip) to about 3 per week. On each trip she tries to get as many tasks as possible done so that
additional trips are not necessary. She likes the idea of electric cars but is pessimistic about being able
to afford one and would prefer a futuristic public transport system.
Motivation and Outlook
Sarah wanted to escape the rat race, and not be subject to increasing utilities costs. She felt life was too
fast and uncomfortable in the type of home she could afford. She saw Earthship as the perfect way to
enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. The idea of living in a community with people who could help build the
home and maintain it was advantageous and preferable to living alone out in “the boonies”. Although
she finds the Earthship to be the perfect fit for her, she acknowledges that Earthships may not make
everyone as happy as she is and she points to alternative such as Strawbale homes.

It was mid morning and a snow storm was forecast for the afternoon after a sunny morning. 12 Dec

Sarah: See how all the water beads up? That’s why you oil every six months – religiously. Because it’s
still doing damage even if its rolling off so that rolls off and it gets all over this and so when I was
painting this my friend was helping me, James said don’t touch that wall till summer because when you
paint it you don’t want that water doing that on the paint that you’ve just put down.
So I’m having to deal with seeing this beautiful red and sealing cement but I know how to see things
because you don’t build a house for 15 years and not just be able to block things out – all these
exposed tyres, I sometimes look at pictures
Marty: where are the exposed tyres?
Sarah: I mean these used to all be exposed and we packed out but still you could see the tyres and you
know we were not going to tackle the walls until we’d done all this other stuff, well you just quit seeing it.
And friends would come over and say ohhhhh and I’d say know isn’t it beautiful and then I’d look at a
picture and say oh my god what were they thinking they’d walked in and said oh she lives in tyres but
you just don’t see it. But I see that back wall now because I painted the front wall when I hadn’t painted
the front wall. I want to see more of this colour because there’s not any colour until you see all the
masonry work in the rest of the house.

Start of interview
Marty: this is one of the original design Earthships isn’t it? Is it two U’s?
Sarah: its just two U’s. So this is his original design. We bought this house when it had been partially
started we had the floor poured, it had tyres pounded, but not all packed out, we had plastic on the
ceiling, plywood roof, I think they tyre pounded the cistern but it wasn’t finished and then it was just
under here. And so when we bought it at that stage then you clear it all out, OK its two U’s and the
power cabinet was in that was his original design was to build this box in this corner and on one side is
the water and on the other side is the power so that’s how he built the original ones, the box is here, and

Appendices 102
that’s all and then we took it over from there. And a guy who has done a lot of building out here did the
front face, because the kick up is ridiculous, you don’t mess with that unless you know what you are
doing. Built the front face, we got the glass in, we did the end walls and as soon as we had doors we
moved in. So this was just basically cement slab there was no planter, that was it we just took it over.
M: It’s beautiful. So what sort of house did you live in before this one?
S: A big sort of old rambling adobe home in Albuquerque.
M: and how has your lifestyle changed a lot since living in that house, how does this house change your
lifestyle in comparison to that one?
S: in that one in Albuquerque your flipping plastic up giant draughty windows and in the winter you have
billowing plastic in your living room and it’s like oh my god and you’ve got the heat cranked up that’s
insane and you’re still cold!
M: yeah so you don’t have to do that here
S: that’s one of the things that absolutely sold me. We came out here , my partner knew about
Earthships, she had seen a couple of mike’s books and knew someone who knew about them and we
came up and we walked into the press office which is the old visitors centre walked in there I took one
look around and just the feeling, put my hand on one of those walls, and said this is how we need to live
I mean it was just instant, because you know when you live in houses and you’re not comfortable for me
that’s huge I lived in Chicago for 3 years in graduate school and just about died and I just cannot be
uncomfortable in my home that’s crazy you have to be comfortable in your home whatever it takes so
billowing plastic you know and still it was bad still it was uncomfortable so you know to be in the house
and say wait a second when this house was designed they were thinking about billowing drafts in
horrible windows that don’t fit they were thinking about all those things. There is no draft in here. I used
to have just kind of crappy weather stripping this makes you appreciate all the fine points so I just had
this crappy sort of v weather stripping that we put on the doors, we didn’t know, two white girls, what did
we know we’re trying to build a house, so we put this on and think that will work well when you shut the
door like right now on a day like today and you put your hand right here and there was this cold air
pouring in and it was like what do we do about that and then Ted said you need this curve there, you
take the stops out and you put new stops in a big job but he knew what he was doing.
S: So it’s stuff like that I appreciate, I appreciate that all the details make a difference, they all make a
difference and you know what all of them do.
M: and you said today that you have a few things cracked open to get a bit of natural ventilation.
S: yeah I don’t have this open yet.
M: so the hoppers are closed.
S: but this skylight which is not really a skylight see how it is just cracked a little bit and this one is a
skylight and that one’s cracked about that much.
M: wow, you’ve got lovely fresh air coming in.
S: I’ve got fresh air coming in and then I have to say things that don’t work or are a pain in the butt... this
is a bizilliion dollar operable window.
M: yeah, doesn’t work?
S: well you know it’s very heavy it’s a Hurd(?) Window that’s a good brand but after a while the window
starts to sort of sink so that this mechanism can’t really handle the weight of it so then I shut it and it
gets to a certain point and I have to unlock and I have to go outside and kick the bottom and then it’s a
nice fit and I come in a lock it.
M: oh that’s a rigmarole,

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S: so what’s really nice about an operable window is it’s easy to crack that before you’re going out
somewhere, or like right now I’d have this cracked, but I don’t have this kind of air coming in the winter
so I just use this door. On a day like today I do that
M: a couple of shoes in the door.
S: so you know although that a pretty good wind I might not even crack it today I might just use the
M: there’s a bit of wind today that the first wind I’ve noticed since I’ve been here.
S: yeah, and that wind is really cold
M: this is a shower here is it that’s great
S: that’s a shower isn’t it great
M: wow!
S: nothing like on a day like today just a little sun and you take a shower right there,
M: how beautiful
S: isn’t that great
M: this is terrific
S:you know this has to be the highest thing because it is gravity fed down to the greywater planter so if
it’s going to be that high we said let’s make it a sky shower and we just did this isn’t it cool
M: that’s really cool yeah I’m really impressed with that.
S: everything is happy right there.
M: so how are those plants irrigated?
S: well I could have put in just a little drain there but I didn’t do it
M: nah, so you just do it by hand
S: I just water it once a week
M: I guess they get a bit of a splash
S: they get a splash when you have a shower, and they’re succulents so they do well with not a lot of
water they like water but they know how to survive without it so they’re pretty happy.
S: And this thing is insane, I just took some of those out and stuck them in here and as you can see
they’ve gotten totally out of hand so I imagine going up the shower and being impaled on them. You’d
find me in the morning - aaaaah (laughs)
M: oh wow!
S: yeah makes me think see these three little planters right here are going to be fine for some things
that come up because when I’m 80 it would be nice to be walking up with a rail.
M: good thinking
M: so in summary your previous house was not so good, pretty drafty in winter
S: it was an old house I’m guessing it was 70-80 yr old built in alb it was adobe and they added rooms
on you know and not really designed with anything in mind and you know it had these kinds of windows
(sash) and they were ridiculously old and you know and cold air would just pour in everywhere. Now
would I have ever lived in that house if it was my house, renting it wasn’t much fun but that idea that
wouldn’t it be nice if you were in a house that you didn’t have to go around, because everyone in alb is
tacking up plastic in the winter it’s like what! You do this every winter, well I did it too.

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M: wow!
S: otherwise you’re freezing! It’s not warm in Albuquerque in the winter its’ 30’s.
M: so thermally this earthship is performing really well. You said you only need to use the fireplace now
and then when the sun doesn’t come out
S: I track it, I only had five fires last year, and I had four of them between Christmas and new years
when it was grey for 11 days. An Earthship is not fun in the grey. Two days yeah maybe the third
morning I’m deciding do I start the fire now and then you have the taste of what it’s like to heat your
house with wood – this is work! You know you never have an 11 day stretch like that, three days usually
in a storm and then it’s doing this (sunshine) and you’re getting the sun again. But more days than that
I’d have a fire either in the morning or at night if I was going to stay up and listen to music or something
because I’m not going to sit there with a blanket on - that’s stupid. But that is all that’s used for.
Otherwise, and that’s a really efficient one that’s the Yertle the Norwegian one, that’s a little work horse,
they’ve been making that for a bizilion years, very efficient, very low particulate and you know that will
heat a 1000 sq ft but it doesn’t’ really go round the corner but this gets nice, nice and warm and easy to
be in I can sit here and read and not be cold. And that’s perfect and then you just wait it out and here
comes the sun, it’s like yeah, ...
M: how do you go in hot summer weather?
S: oh it’s easy for me, I grew up in Phoenix, letting you know, so when I’m hot, its hot, I don’t care it
doesn’t bother me that much, I have both my doors open I have both my hoppers open and honest to
god Marty in summer I’ll have this like this you know now when I crack it it’s like that that’s pretty good.
M: it’s open about an inch. You can open it all the way up in the summer (SKYLIGHT?)
S: I get plenty of good cool air coming in, well not cool air but at least a wind and then I’ve got my doors
M: it’s a bit of a fiddle isn’t it?
S: yeah its one of those things I keep thinking I should attend to that. But see now the sun... just this
much it is so much warmer.
M: it makes a lot of difference doesn’t it.
S: and you feel it immediately, the sun’s only been out about an hour and it’s really significantly warmer.
When they work they really work.
M: what about energy, electricity do you ever run out?
S: no
M: is that your wind turbine out there?
S: yeah, we’ve only got two 220’s and it’s not a lot of power but we were finding , and we had it that way
for years because you know we sort of mapped out our energy needs what we though and said let’s see
you know when you’re building that’s $700 for a panel let’s see how we can go with two. It was pretty
good but when I really noticed it was winter like a day like today ok , id be out there tracking because
our panels are on a rack that I can manually track and that makes a huge difference a huge difference.
Also when we first had that poked in for a rack it was kind of low and the panels were about at this level
but the parapet on my wall was just high enough that when the panels were really steep in the winter
and I have them over like this that parapet was shading my panels and if any part of your panel is
shaded you’ve wrecked the efficiency of your panels so that was a pain in the butt but had it extended -
yeah - now it was all perfect not getting any shadow and I spend a lot of time at home luckily I don’t
have to be at a 40 hr a week job in town or something so I’ll go out at 10 o’clock right about now – I’ll
show you – and the last thing I do at night is turn them for the morning. And you know is that exactly,
well I suppose it is , I could just leave them in the middle but I’m here why not do it, plus the fact I love

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listening to music at nice so I’d love to have power so now see I have em turned up like this and now
this is about 10 1030 and this is actually pretty good and then I’ll turn it for here at about noon and then
I’ll just leave it there and then in the afternoon 3 or 4 I’ll turn them over here and then I’ll have it totally
steep like this and turned here for the setting sun. Then I just turn it around and leave it for the morning.
And because I’m here I can do that and I think it’s kind of fun.
M: and the wind turbine is pretty hassle free?
S: oh it’s great, no problem. I mean we never hassle with it. This is the second one. I had one for 4
years and it crapped out just suddenly stopped . but you have to take the tower down take it down but
the company airax said yeah you know we have some trouble with this one, we now have a better one
that has a really good charge controller in it and they just swapped out and sent me a new one and this
one I’ve had for 4-5 years.
M: this technology just keeps getting better and cheaper
S so you get you know one of those little turbines one year and six years later it’s like a whole different
technology. I just like being that conscious I like having to supervise I think if comfort is all about
unconscious that’s too big a price to pay.
M: I’m just going to stand in the sun. is it sort of a bit of a game to you going out and making sure you
have the energy in a way is it like..
S no its more about this is what happens... it’s probably what happens when you spend a lot of time by
yourself but I think about things so I’m thinking about how I think for me the comfort is in feeling this
house is totally tuned finely tuned so that it’s the most efficient it can be. And underlying all of this I
admit it that sort of hideous experience I had in Chicago and I vowed I would never do that again and so
everything finely tuned plus isn’t there something wonderful like an engine that’s finely tuned everything
is working just right, that’s what it’s made to do, that’s what these houses are made to do they’re made
to work exactly right so I love tracking the sun and saying ha ha now look my battery bank is 100% full
and its 8 o’clock at night and want to listen to music.
M; can you show me how you monitor your energy levels.
S yeah it’s really easy. This is just like a little RV monitor, a little display, that’s what I’ve got right now in
my battery banks and this the second little setting, tells me what I’ve got in amps, so right now I’ve got
right now I’ve got 7.1 going in so I’m’ thinking what s on, my inverter is on, and I’m charging up my
phone and so that’s what’s taking some of the power right now. But still on a fairly in and out cloudy day
7.2 with the inverter on and something going is pretty good. Pretty good. And then the next don’t ask me
what this is this is amp hours and I’ve never been able to understand it. Here’s the percentage of the
battery bank that’s charged.
M wow 96 percent.
S now that’s biggest difference I saw with my wind turbine. On a winters morning I could come in here
and my battery bank could be I the high 90s because all night if it’s windy it’s keeping the charge going.
So in the morning I’ve got it. Now am I going to use a bunch of power right now, no, but if a storms
coming Tuesday and Wednesday is going to be funky for power, if I need to do something like vacuum a
rug I’d do that right now because I’d run this down some, the sun is still out I can probably get it up
again and it will be fine and then I can go through today with no particular load. I don’t use a lot of
electricity. I have a sound system that is not the most efficient sound system in the world but I like
having the components so it just takes more power. That’s ok.
M ok what about water.
S water was horrible this summer, it was very scary, and I’ll tell you something, I was talking to Ted
about this , there’s something for me that there’s nothing worse than no water, I don’t know you know no
power tough shit that really just doesn’t bother me at all, I’ve got little oil lamps that I light in the winter

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listening to music or reading I will light this oil lamp and that oil lamp just to have a little light in here so
that when I come in here I feel like I won’t trip on things
M it’s a beautiful lamp
S it is pretty huh, it’s an old one, old style anyway. But just having those going in here is enough to you
know give me, or I’ll light a candle on that little table right there, just so there is some light in here, but
otherwise I don’t have to have lights on I’m not a person who goes on the computer at night and stays
on the computer I just don’t. So I have plenty of power and when two of us were living here, my partner
she liked more she wanted to be on the computer a lot and when we didn’t have that wind generator it
was clear in the mornings especially in the winter when you’d used the power last night it was going to
be low the next morning. So it’s pretty cool to use power at night and still be 96 97 % in the morning.
M so you are a big fan of the wind
S I’m a very big fan and here’s the good news the wind drives a lot of people crazy. I’ve heard a
hundred million people say oh my brains just scrambled, well first of all tough, you know and when I’m
out there doing what I want to do anyway oh well its windy but when I can think that I’m generating
power when that’s going.
M so when you say the wind drives people crazy do you mean the wind turbine or the wind
S the wind, just wind
M because some people don’t like the noise the wind turbines make or they don’t like the way they look.
Have you had any problems from neighbours?
S well my neighbour has a little airex as well not the spec house Justin’s house, and it doesn’t have this
new charge controller on it so when its 50 mile an hour wind it’s going REEEEEEEE and it sounds like
somebody is about to land in your front yard, that’s a little disturbing but otherwise.
M that problem could be fixed couldn’t it
S he’d probably have to get a new turbine with a different charge controller in it and he didn’t do that but
you know that is noisy when that’s going and I’m sure when mines going pretty good that could be... it
doesn’t bother me and when I’m outside it doesn’t bother me but I can understand that somebody might
say you know I’d just want to be able to go like this shut my eye and say listen and then that would be
M what does your fridge run on
S DC. Super super sun frost. Super insulated
M wow look at that
S I can shut this thing off overnight and not worry about it and I used to have to do that Marty when I
had less power. When I didn’t have the wind turbine, in the winter id shut this thing down because when
you are running low on power and that thing goes on it’s taking power.
This is super efficient I’m delighted to never unplug it anymore. That was kind of a pain in the butt. And I
tended to be more conservative than my partner for instance. She’d say god you’re in here in the dark
and I’d say well I don’t need to have any lights on right now and she wanted to have a light on and I
think for her it was like we aren’t deprived we should have what we want and I get that but if I’d felt
deprived I’d have turned the light on.
M I’ve been stumbling around the hive for the last week with all the lights out and it gets to the point
where you go actually I’m just going to leave a few lights on.
S yeah I mean you know walking around with lamps. Not really.
M nah that’s for an emergency.

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S I see all these houses out here that are going up and I know mike is really mindful of a sort of
conventional view of homes and how to make these homes absolutely scream at somebody I’m not
conventional so there are some concessions like walls and hallways and stuff but more is better is what
people think and so how many panels on these panels and I’m thinking what are you running what are
you using that you have to have that and you know I’ve got a 1500 w inverter they have 2500watt
inverter for what and all those systems have that. We had Danny design this for us, we didn’t need that
much we don’t need a big old power system but there’s something about actually this she’s been in it for
maybe 3 4 week she went back to the middle east and she’s coming back and she was talking about
more panels and I said live in it, see, I think you’re worrying you are going to have enough power and I
think people worry about it, but as I say power as I say I don’t care but I was going to say , water, last
summer was the worst drought I moved here end of 96 and there was a drought in 97 that was pretty
bad but this summer and I have trees which are not indigenous so I know I have to keep those trees
alive by watering them and there about 8 yr old they need water so this summer I spent... I had 4 load of
water delivered this summer and that’s 1500 gal my cistern is big (3000 gal) and so I had watered them
4 times and each time it was I was using no water I was saving it all for my trees but when I would water
I had to water every two weeks I couldn’t let it go and so it was taking a lot of water and in the 14 yr we
were building this house we had water delivered twice and both times it was when we were doing the
mud or cement plastering using a butt load of water so that’s ok we’d run it down and get it delivered
because we had to do this work during building and during all those years to have only two loads of
water delivered and then one summer four that’s how bad it was. And I was talking to Ted there is
something so creepy about drought I guess for me it’s just the immediate connection you know every
little ceratoid every little living thing out there is suffering, everything and it’s hard enough for stuff out
here with the little amount of water. It was just creepy. So I don’t know I just thought I hope every
summer isn’t like this because I’d have to let some trees go.
M so the water deliveries were mainly for the trees you had enough water
S oh my god I don’t use... I don’t shower all the time. I just don’t. And so I wasn’t using the water for me.
I was using it for the trees. I give them 15 gal I have 5 gal buckets a whole bunch with a nail hole in the
bottom and I put three buckets around every three and I fill them and it slowly seeps into the ground so
that’s 15 gal times let’s see
M so what happens to your black water?
S I don’t have black water.
M do you have a composting toilet
S Mmm hmm out in my shed it’s a bucket toilet.
M ok
S yeah I don’t have black water
M you’re not using water for flushing so that’s very efficient so it’s just kitchen sink and shower.
S so it was all going to the trees and I would just have to let some go. I would have to say that’s how it is
in nature. Some stuff is just gonna be able to make it in a place. Anyway these trees have no business
here. Have a look around the lot next to me there are a couple of pinons like this, that can make it out
here but locus trees no I’m sorry and they do pretty well for not being indigenous but would I do it again I
think I’d put in Russian olives although they are hideous nasty trees that take over areas and rob them
of all the water.
M this fig is doing well.
S yeah this is crazy. We made this planter and we put this dwarf fig in and we thought ok.. look at the
size of this trunk. You can see where I’ve cut
M it doesn’t look like a dwarf to me.

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S can you imagine the bigger one? You can see where I’ve cut it. On solstice on the 22nd I’m going to
cut everything off so it’s just down to that trunk and then in January you start seeing little green stuff and
then it does this. But if I didn’t cut it down like that at one point it was all the way over here it was taking
over the kitchen it’s like no, no I can ‘t have that, but it is so happy here’s my recent ???? right here so
my intake from my greywater is right here it goes out this way, I can’t every imagine what the root
system of this is like but it is using so efficiently the amount of greywater I have in this planter that during
the winter when I cut that down I’m gonna have to,.. this is my well so you know it is coming down
through the baffles and then dropping down into the little well but I have a gauge so I can see when the
water is too high in here and then I will use this hose and I’ll water my berm out there to get rid of the
greywater because that uses so much water when it’s got vegetation on it that I never have to check my
greywater so it’s quite amazing how much water its using. Right now this is dry. But after Christmas I’ll
have to be thinking check my greywater level.
M what do you do for laundry.
S I go into town and use the Laundromat.
M would you do that once per week
S every two weeks. And you know luckily I have the time to do that. If you are really busy it is a pain in
the butt. But for me it’s easy. Because you know I’m glad they are leasing me their water and their
power, I don’t have to have a washer and dryer.
M that’s a good way to think about it. I like that. What about transportation, do you do a weekly trip into
S: I try to limit the number and as I say I’m fortunate I don’t have to be there all the time but I may go in
3 days per week and then when I go in I have a list of 6 places to go 6 things to do because I’m not
gonna go in everyday, I don’t want to go in everyday, and if there’s one thing I hate about living here I
hate that I have to drive a car.
M: would you mind if you had batteries in your car running on solar power?
S: oh I’d love it, I’d never be able to afford it but I’d love that but I can’t stand that I’m having to go what
is it 30 miles when I go in and come back and every time I do that you know it’s just like I’m living so in
tune with the world and nature our here and then I’m getting in my flipping car and then driving like that
it’s just you know I want pneumatic tubes I’m trying to get a grass roots movement going here you know
like at the bank you go to the little drive in teller and you open the tube you put your thing in and it goes
pneumatically, I want to travel like that, get in and then I’m in Taos and somebody takes me out at the
other end.
M: I notice in the planter you have your fig tree is that the only kind of food producing thing?
S: yeah I’m not a farmer. I don’t want to be a farmer. I love the figs and I’m just getting my last ones off
now and that’s been producing since summer. So that’s killer. But I’m lucky I can afford to buy someone
else’s food and they can be the farmers so I do the CSAs and farmers market. I wish I lived in town so I
could go to the farmers market every week early in the morning id love that but no I don’t see my life are
having to produce my own food – how fortunate is that?
M: it’s very fortunate
S: it’s very fortunate so I don’t have to. I’ve had things, we’ve had cherry tomatoes around the shower,
that’s great but you know white flies like them too so now I get to live with white flies in order to get
cherry tomatoes.
M: it’s a trade off isn’t it
S: it is and even this thing I love it , thank you very much for all the figs, I have to climb around this thing
once a week religiously with spray bottle with don dishwashing soap nothing else will do and water and
spray all the leaves because this gets spider mites and we spent 9 yr trying to figure out, organic sprays,
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organic systemic, predator wasps, all this shit and about this time every year this thing looked horrible,
all the leaves were really brown and a bunch of them had withered already.
M: it’s beautiful now. It looks so healthy.
S: “Don” dishwashing soap and water keeps it healthy. But once a week, so I’m up here like this and it
has to be when the sun has gone down because you don’t want the leaves to be wet in the sun, walking
around, I just did it last night, I’ll be here with my spray bottle and I’m kind of anal so I’m getting every
leaf, so I work my way around them and I get up on the kitchen counter, but that is what it takes. And I
won’t have a sick plant to make me just feel ... and it was so hard every year to see those spider mites
starting up on here and say god cant’ stay ahead of em so it’s really great when it’s a healthy plant.
M what about materials used to build the house, obviously we’ve got the tyres and the bottles but I
thought you might have some recycled or salvaged timbers and things like that
S do you know what this is? Feel it
M its cardboard
S this is the most labour intensive, cheapest, but we rag painted each one we verthaned each one and
then my partner made a template and we put a template on each one and we scored one side and
turned it over and scored the other side accordion folded it and then fitted it. Ridiculous amount of
M You sealed it with something or other to stop mold or something did you?
S well verathane on top of the paint. Mostly you just put a sealer on it. But it’s exposed; it’s not going to
last forever.
M how old is it?
S maybe 6 yrs
M its holding up remarkably well.
S and here’s the great thing about using it a fixture like that you just get out the exacto knife and you cut
a hole, yeah, that was really great, in fact when I had to get my seal and I had to get these stupid
smoke detectors put in I just cut holes to expose the box and then when the box was up there, there
was a little channel right there that was exposed I just cut a piece of cardboard and stuck it up there –
easy! No tools or anything major. Yeah so that’s a cheap material, what else, I think one of the coolest
materials they use in these houses is lathe, I think lathe is the best, you can do so much shit with it, look
at that, this was where when mike had all the plumbing done in this house because it was done when
we moved in or it was almost done this is pvc that goes up here and this was for a laundry room, and so
that would have been for a washer and dryer hook-up and so we were never gonna have a washer and
dryer... lathe, lathe and sort of sculpture around there and then plaster it and the pvc is still in there but
we didn’t have to tear it out or cut it off but it’s just like bye bye.
M cool hide it all away.
S so I love lathe. I think it’s the greatest it makes for... oh this, this is lathe,
M and is this adobe plaster
S yes mud plaster
M: not cement
S: no no no mud plaster but this was cement plaster many times because we had lots and our friends
kept saying why are you doing all that cement well we had a lot of tyres the way the tyres were in here
and with pack out you have to come out pretty far and we did a coat of cement and another coat of
cement and the guys out here said you ‘re doing way too many coats before your colour coat. But it

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makes for a good wall. But that’s just lathe and this is can wall right here because when we did that we
thought what could go here and it’s like fake built and then we just built this can wall in front of it.
M: do you know what is insulating the roof
S: yeah 4” of rigid and then I think maybe that last, I dunno what goes above the rigid on the rooves,
rigid and then maybe just plywood and some PBM. I think, I think that is all it is I think it is just 4” of rigid.
M: do you have a floorplan?
S: you know I thought of this when I heard from Kirsten and then you said the things you were going to
be asking, I leant all my plans to an architecture student in Albuquerque and she of course didn’t give
them back, I’m hoping she still has them. That was about 3 months ago.
M: maybe if you could follow up on her.
S: what do you need in the floorplan, I have just the basic floorplan the 2 u, what do you need?
M: just the dimensions
S: this is 18 wide (skipping over the conversation regarding the measurements of the home – see
M: so the last thing I want to ask you about is what was your motivation for living in an Earthship, I’ve
already explained your previous experience you had some bad experience with previous houses
S: I really think there was a point, I was 47 and I was thinking you know I’m looking at coming up 102
I’m way too old so I’m looking at half way having lived my life, so how do you suddenly make it different
cause I remember being in that rambling little house the cost is only gonna go up utilities were only
gonna go up the rent will go up the cost of food would go up and I looked around and I saw people and I
thought this is the flipping rat race this that flipping deal where you get in it and everything is increasing
in cost so you have to go faster and I just don’t want to live another half of my life like that. I don’t. And
this was the perfect... at least you know my idealised version of it, I didn’t really know what it would be
like to live out here but knowing that you are in a dwelling that was efficient and you wouldn’t have high
utility cost and you wouldn’t be on the grid and at the mercy of the gas co and PNM that was really
something that absolutely stuck about living like this. And I think too, knowing that it was a community
where people were living like this not so much that I needed like minded neighbours but I wanted to
know if when we were building and we ran into some problem there was somebody out here, and like
Ted is such a great guy he’d come over and say “I’d blah blah blah” and I can’t imagine building this in
the middle of the boonies with no resources so it made sense that people were building houses like this
and you could share your knowledge about it.
M: what do you think about Earthships and how they fit into the future of housing do you see this as a
solution that lots of people are going to take up in the future as utility prices rise or do you think there
are too many things about it that people are not going to be able to deal with.
S: I think people are going to be looking for alternatives to the conventional stuff but I don’t think an
Earthship is the only alternative: Strawbale, pumice crete, and one of the cool things about people out
here, I don’t know if it’s going on in other parts of the world, but right here in Taos county people are
thinking alternative they are not building the same fucking stick houses they’ve always built, they aren’t,
so there are lots of ways I think people could go, maybe everyone wouldn’t go for an Earthship, that’s
ok, I don’t want anybody in an Earthship who’s unhappy because it’s an Earthship, they should find
something that works for them but I think that the feeling... at least seeing it is kind of fake up here
because we’re surrounded by people who are thinking this way and who are thinking about alternatives
to conventional stuff, other places in the country they aren’t thinking like that, there are places in the
world they aren’t thinking like that so it’s kind of a pretend little kind of a fantasy in a way. There are so
many people who are thinking this way – up here. So I don’t know. I’m not one for dogma and so I think
to be honest with you Marty that there is this sort of one mindedness about Earthships being the only
solution, no they aren’t, there are many ways to do things more efficiently. Now frankly standing right
Appendices 111
here talking to you like this with the sun on the side of my face feeling this warm and it’s so flipping cold
out there and I’m thinking are you kidding, who would do anything but live in an Earthship, but not
everybody has this same connection with it but for me, perfect.
M: so you seem pretty happy and healthy in your Earthship.
S: sure
M: loving it
S: yeah yeah.
M: it’s the vibe I get from you.
S: it’s a total good fit. When people find their fit, they’re happy and you can deal with other stuff as long
as you feel like - yeah - and for me it’s this, it’s this right here. It really is.
M: ok that’s pretty much all the questions I wanted to ask you Sarah thank you very much.

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C5.5 Interview with Michael Reynolds, by Martin Freney
27 July 2009, Adelaide, Australia
Reynolds has recently developed a “Global” prototype of housing in the extreme hot/cold climate in New
Mexico USA over 40 years using original techniques developed by him and his construction crew. He is
currently demonstrating how to build this model all over the world, “tweaking” it as he goes, to adapt to
local climates.
In an effort to drive the cost of housing down, Reynolds is also developing Earthship Village Ecologies
(EVE) which is a model for developing Earthship communities based on what he has learnt from the
three communities that he has established in New Mexico USA. By avoiding the cost of electricity, water
and sewage infrastructure (and to a certain degree roads) he is able to develop land cheaply – he
claims that half the cost of a house and property is the infrastructure costs – and combined with free
materials he is able to deliver Earthships for the same price as equivalent conventional housing.
However, the Earthship boasts a zero utilities bill with the exception of approx $100 pa gas bill.
Reynolds hides the cost of the renewable energy, water and sewage systems within the overall cost
essentially providing no option to buyers other than to “go green”. Thus, over the life time of the house,
the Earthship would save the owner many thousands of dollars of utilities bills, even when replacement
batteries are factored into the costing.
He has recently received substantial funds from the state of New Mexico via Governor Bill Richardson to
build a new educational facility on the main community (the Greater World) and another development
called Sustainable Energy Experiences (SEE) in which families will be able to stay a couple of nights for
an eco-holiday with an educational twist. With the SEE project he is proposing an extensive greenhouse
that will link up existing and new Earthships creating an Amazon like jungle with food producing fish
ponds and vegetable and fruit gardens.
An interesting hypothesis is that by “taking one foot out of the economy” via renewable water and
energy, food production and communities working together to build homes for each other, people can
transcend the grip of the economy over their lives and avoid the worst of future financial crises. He says
the Earthship “takes care of you” as opposed to a normal house which you have to continuously feed in
the form of utilities bills.
Frustrated by the slow progress being made with legislation (which he has tried to change through the
correct channels, after being shut down for defying them) he proposes using an legal/political
mechanism common to many countries call the Executive Order to enforce top down rapid change in
terms of relaxing building regulations on specific “test sites” to enable experimentation with sustainable
housing. He argues that carbon neutral, sustainable buildings must proliferate rapidly if we are to avoid
catastrophic damage to our life support systems which he defines as the environment and the economy.
He argues that failure is an important learning experience and thus the test sites will enable experiments
to proceed safely with appropriate monitoring. He says;
"The dangers of doing sustainable housing slightly imperfectly are not nearly as severe as not doing it at
In terms of research Reynolds to prefers to just do it, and there is currently very little empirical evidence.
He mentioned that the Brighton (UK) Earthship has had some studies conducted.
He claims that they have proved themselves in bush fires, and in earthquakes.
Transcription of Interview
MF: Mike thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. If you could start by outlining what it is you hope to
achieve while in Australia and how your ideas could help Australian people.
MR: Well , Australia as well as any country, I’m hoping to, one, by going to other countries I’ve found
similarities with our country, similarities with all countries, its and education for me, to further evolve this
thing that we’re doing, which is a sustainable housing prototype that is applicable on a global level and
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will lower the carbon footprint of human life on the planet. So I go to other countries to not only learn
myself but to take what we have learned. Because we’ve been doing it for four decades, to take what
we have learned and start applying it, and see if, one, if people want the ideal that we are talking about
and two, if their country, their climate, their system will allow it, and I’m learning on both of those levels
but overall I’m seeing every country wants to go green, they want to take steps to be sustainable, they
understand it, the regular person on the street pretty much gets it, but the doors aren’t open in terms of
the legal system of allowing it.
MF: Great OK. You’ve been successful in your home state of New Mexico USA with introducing a
sustainable development testing sites act with a view to accelerating the development of sustainable
architecture, while you’ve been in Australia you’ve been agitating for this to be implemented here too,
US, Australia and many developed countries have building codes that are arguably over restrictive and
are preventing or retarding sustainable outcomes, and I’m also aware that there is a tyre building code
in New Mexico could you talk a little about the process that you undertook in challenging these laws and
then changing them.
MR: Well, I was learning the process as I went, along, I was naïve I was ignorant, I didn’t know what I
was getting into when I started doing this 40 yrs ago, also as I was doing it the codes and regulations
grew up around me getting more and more stringent every year, when I started there wasn’t much, so
my first reaction was ignore it. Well, I got busted. My second reaction was fight it. I got defeated
ultimately, you know, I fought some good battles but I’m fighting a whole state , a whole country, so I got
crucified basically and it took a lot of energy to fight it. So my next approach was to infiltrate them and
join them in their own methods, and become an influence basically play their game, go and get involved
with law making and make new laws, I was successful at that but as that was going on the situation that
I was observing and dealing with – the deterioration of the planet and its ability to sustain people
increased exponentially and even though I was successful and saw that I could continue to be
successful at playing the game that is out there with the rules and changing them and doing it the way
of the status quo so to speak, it wasn’t fast enough, it took too long, so it put me all into another
emergency, yes that could work but we don’t have time for that now, so its like the minute you get
something patched in a dam another hole breaks out that is even more severe, so what we are seeing
here is things are changing faster than that method will allow, even though that method was successful.
OK, next scenario, I did learn enough about the legal regulatory system which is very similar in all
countries that I stumbled on a method that is used for radical quick change in times of emergency and
that is the Executive order. Every governor in the US has used it, every President has used it, and all
leaders of all countries have used it ,one form or another of it, at different times and so I’m seeing that
that is the only way to hand down an Executive Order to the more local administrators and governing
people that can’t break the rules themselves – they must follow the law it’s not their fault – to hand down
from the top a way of opening doors, those people will then be authorised to enable and fast track green
MF: So the Sustainable Development Test Site Act is going to bring about positive change through
allowing green building to start happening in various places, so could you give an insight into what you
anticipate will happen and perhaps what happens after the Sustainable Development Test Site Act,
what needs to happen after that for sustainable houses to become mainstream?
MR: The test site act allows testing, in other words it basically paints the picture of this - because of fear
because of fear of doing something wrong, if a politician or a commission or a council changes a law
and allows a new type of thing to happen and in this case we’re talking about many new types of things,
cause we’re talking building methods, energy methods, electricity methods, water methods, sewage
methods, material methods, we’re talking about a world of different things that need to be approached to
get us into a different way of living on this planet. That is way risky and would take a huge amount of
time – we just don’t have it – so the testing site allows it to be taken not as an immediate change but an
immediate experiment – it’s a test and if the test proves encouraging and positive, it will take on its own
life, people will demand it, if something works its going to make it – but it gives us the chance to trial and

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error things and find out what works and it gives us a chance to move forward rather than waiting to
move until authorisation is there which takes forever in the bureaucracy of every country and so that is
what the testing site is aimed at doing is causing action now – on a limited basis but still happening now,
feedback goes into the society on the successes and failures and bear in mind that we constantly want
to emphasise failure as a positive thing, failure is what you learn from and in a way it’s a form for failure,
maybe there’ll be failures, maybe there won’t but in the real world, failure is not acceptable. Here in
these test sites it is acceptable because it is a method of learning. So that is what the test site is aimed
at doing and then once those are out there in every state in every country in every town, city, there’ll be
more of them, they’ll be limited at first but there will more of them and basically what you are doing is
you are slowly transitioning - have you seen those signs where a billboard or whatever and it says once
thing and then a cube changes and another cube changes and after enough cubes changes you can
see that it is staring to say something else. It’s another commercial that’s the way this could work, it’ll
change cube at a time, you see it would be difficult to change the whole billboard all at once, you know
to turn the whole billboard it’s a giant piece of work up there, but changing little cubes is really
mechanically easy and that’s exactly what this does, changing little spots is mechanically easy for a
legal system – its bite sized – you can ask people to take bite sized steps but if you ask them to take a
giant step its risky, they can’t really conceive of how to do it, so what I’m saying is, it’s the old thing if
you can go an inch you can go a mile. It’s putting things into a comprehendible size that they are
manageable easily – you can turn them on, turn them off, you can get out there and see its not working -
turn it off. If you do something for the whole country and its not working you’ve got a mess. So it’s these
little learning experiences that will ultimately end up in change.
MF: OK. You mentioned having the ability to have some failures and that failure is a positive thing, I
guess would it be your view that this experiment we’ve been doing for the last 50-60 years, conventional
housing has been a bit of a failure in terms of ecology.
MR: It is failing now. That brings me to this (holding up a short strip of paper). Here is conventional
housing and this is the system that we use in this world for decades or centuries. Due to population and
the amount of fossil fuels and the nature of the situation this works. With more people and more
garbage and more fuel being taken it starts to weaken (longer strip of paper, drooping a bit). And more
and more it weakens more, but it’s the same system - it’s over, it doesn’t work. The same system can
work with certain numbers and certain time frames. A log cabin that is very inefficient and has cloths on
the windows instead of thermal glass and whatever, if it is surrounded by tons of wood to burn and the
guy has plenty of time, that system works, it even keeps him in shape as he’s doing it. But multiply it by
ten, by one thousand, by one million and you’ve go a problem. Somebody once said, if you had an
invention or a way or an idea, multiply that idea by the number of people on the planet and see if it’s still
valid. So a good way to look at that is to take a tree as an idea. Multiply the tree times however many
people there are on the planet and what you’ve got is a beautiful planet enhanced and gorgeous and
sustaining itself naturally, take an automobile and multiply by the number of people on the planet,
consuming fuel like a ravenous beast taking up the landscape with roads, endless issues… there’s the
answer. So the housing and the methods that we have weren’t failures in a certain range of time and
numbers, but they are now, and so what we’re looking for one is to apply that philosophy of the ways we
do things now must be following the ways that of things that can be successful in terms of billions and
that is like trees and really in fact a lot of the answers I’ve looked for in developing sustainable housing, I
look to trees for guidance, because a billion trees does nothing but enhance the planet and so a billion
sustainable homes should enhance the planet, and I’m talking in everyway, how built, what put off, what
they take, how they breathe and give and exchange with the planet, what materials they take, the
quality of life, there’s a lot of factors there. That’s why it’s taken me 40 years to even get something that
works reasonably well, because you’re not just dealing with shelter and structure, you’re dealing with
energy and thermal dynamics and electricity and water and sewage and biology and physics, and
production of food even, so you’re dealing with so many issues , the sustainable home we call the
Earthship is actually addressing every one of the major problems that a country has, and here it is on a
cellular level and a Mickey Mouse little business can address these, yes it took 40 years, so if the
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approach is right can you imagine the resources behind a country the size of Australia that can build tall
buildings and cars and roads and whatever, if they addressed it in the proper way it would just – it would
go off the charts – it would be fantastic. If all countries addressed these issues, and I even project these
issues beyond - into politics - because if every person on the planet in each country could do this on
their own (and poor countries could be helped by rich countries) but if each country took care of its
people totally first and foremost - what would there be to fight about?
MF: It’s a good point Mike I like that. You’re message is reaching more people since the release of
Garbage Warrior and your constant appearances in the media and on architectural television shows
such as Grand Designs, or rather that was an Earthship inspired feature on Grand Designs, but the
point is that your message is getting to more and more people, and more and more people are switching
to the idea of being more self sufficient. Are you able to gauge the uptake of this idea through your book
sales and online sale of plans?
MR: That, but also just the requests that we get to do things, build homes, communities, speaking,
whatever, yeah, we’re able to gauge that it is definitely on a major crescendo and we’ve experience
crescendos and then it’ll cool down. The crescendos always link with something that happens on the
planet, like when Y2K happened, and global warming started, or when gas prices when up about a year
ago, as something global happens, people start looking to sustainable ways, and then everything levels
off and gets complacent again and then it falls down and then it goes back up with the next one but this
one this time I think people are aware that it is a limited planet and they have been made aware by
many things – the TV is constantly putting out specials on melting ice caps and pollution and shortages
of water and crises, I don’t think it’s going to go down, it may not even slow up, if any thing its got a
curve like this (up, exponential), so yeah we are noticing it for sure, and see I’m noticing that level of
interest, but I’m also noticing that if you really do the research you’ll find that the level of interest is still
not congruent with the level of change on the planet which is going off the charts, and so the level of
interest if very encouraging but it is still lagging behind, it is like a buffalo is chasing you, you are
managing to run away from it but it is gaining on you, your moving fast, faster than you’ve ever moved
but it is still moving faster and its gaining on you.
MF: So I assume that this Sustainable Development Test Site Act, you’re hoping that this is really going
to increase that rate of change with people – once they know they can start doing this its going to
hopefully match the rate of change on the planet in terms of the negative consequences to the planet.
MR: Well I did think that, but now I don’t anymore. It is a step but to get that act to be enacted its going
to take an Executive Order and it may be that the Executive Order needs to even streamline the
language that’s in the act and just make it a bit more rapid-fire, quick, instant instantaneous because
yes I had high hope and do have high hopes for the Sustainable Development Test Site Act but I’m
seeing that even it will be too slow, we need and Executive Order that says fast track carbon neutral
building permits now. I’m talking about a permit in a matter of hours if its carbon neutral. I’ve been
through the law and the writing of the law and the voting on the law and all that and there will be so
many what ifs but the point is the fast tracking of carbon neutral permits, people will be worrying about
people taking advantage of that just to build a piece of junk with no permit, when I say the fast tracking
of carbon neutral permits that means you’re making a carbon neutral building, that means you can’t
hook up to any grids, that limits you right there, no developer is going to take advantage of this mandate
and build a piece of junk that has no utilities because nobody is going to buy it. You have got to be a
serious carbon neutral builder to take advantage of this, or you have to be a serious home owner who
wants to simply take care of their family and is willing to take the risk, because it is really a shoot first
ask questions later policy, you could build it right now and its going to start taking care of you within the
next few months when you get it done, we’re going to allow you to do that right away however its going
to have language written into it – the Executive Order – that allows the authorities to come and analyse
and scrutinise what you are doing to see if you’ve got a little nuclear power plant in your basement or
something like that or if you are discharging funky sewage on the ground or something like that, and
also in regard to that there is going to be language written into it, that’s what they wanted in New Mexico

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and we’re going to carry it throughout the world is, yes you can do this but there are a couple of
restrictions, codes if you will about this, one is that you can’t take water from the aquifers, you can’t
mess with the state engineered water usage of the country, you are taking water from the sky only, or
the air, or some other means of condensation, or whatever, not from the conventional means of
extracting water, that is one thing that is a given, another thing is that all liquid waste is contained if
you’re talking about a giant storage vat then you’re probably going to have to top it later and dump it
somewhere we’ll you’re probably going to get busted - later, but it allows you to present your ideas out
there and use them for yourself and it is shoot first ask questions later and questions will be asked later,
so its not just a carte blanche everybody do what they want anarchy, it is a controlled escape from the
confines of something that isn’t working.
MF: OK. You mentioned to me yesterday that you have some plans to setup some online training
resources like some videos and other information to assist – I think you were planning to assist
particularly builders to learn how to do this but also people who want to learn, I think you called it the
permit pathway. Do you want to talk about that?
MR: Yeah, we actually have launched this with my staff, and what we are talking about is, well first of all
we are going to do a series of videos, something like YouTube with them, on our site and YouTube,
people put amazing amount of information and entertainment gets out to millions of people via this
media so we’re going to take advantage of it and we’re going to address this situation that I have seen
this all around the world, this dilemma of, why we’re not building more green buildings is due to
permitting, like if all the soldiers in all the armies in all the world would put down their weapons and pick
up tools and start building sustainable housing we would have peace on earth and we’d really start
living, but the reason they won’t do that is because they can’t get permits (laugh). It’s really that
ridiculous, so I’m going to paint the picture on YouTube of this dilemma and talk about the Executive
Order and how it’s written and get copies of it available downloaded so that this concept is presented. At
the same time we’re putting together a package of step 1, 2 – maybe up to 30 steps, that will guide
people through how to get into green building. It’s got to be designed right, drawn right, permitted,
funded, its insurmountable to the common person who doesn’t know anything about building to have to
face that, so its like a big battle board and map and you’re coming in from the east, from the west, and
then your going to surprise them from the north, that is how were playing it, were not just fighting one
battle, we’re saying ok there’s something to achieve by this direction, something to achieve by this
direction, something to achieve by that direction, so we’re going to do them all at once, so another one
we’re doing is putting out this Global model that we know will work in 80% of climates on the globe that
are inhabited and we’re just going to try to get them built so that people can walk in them. In other words
were going to go to the country, were going to build the building and train other people to build them so
that like automobiles you can go down to the show room and buy one and walk in it, you know if you buy
a Toyota its already permitted its already meeting the emissions rules and everything, you just walk in
and buy it, that is really the way to do it, were not a giant corporation, so we can’t put them out fast
enough so were doing a website that is probably going to be incorporated into our Earthship website
and it’s going to take people through step by step and they pay as they go, obviously we have to make
this a business that supports itself, were not funded, so rather than people risking a lot of money before
if they know if they can even do it, we take them through for a $50 conversation and then the next step
may cost $100, the next step may cost $300 but each time they are gaining ground and they haven’t
invested a huge amount, they won’t invest a huge amount until they have gained enough ground to be
worthy of that huge amount, and the huge amount due to volume if we do this right will be less than the
huge amount that it would take to hire an architect to design the building and that’s another thing I’ve
found out is that many architects are professing to be green these days but there is really the, the… if
an architect has done one or two sort of half way green projects its going to be expensive for you to hire
them to do it, because they are going to be doing everything for the first time or the second time, what
we want to do is make it like automobiles, mass produced, and that’s the way it is with us after 40 years,
is everything were doing we’ve done hundreds and hundreds of time, so there’s no doubt on price, no

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doubt on performance, we want to bring that kind of thing to people so were really dealing with about 3
or 4 different ways of attacking the issue of making sustainable buildings happen faster on the planet.
MF: OK. To take a guess, how many Earthships are on the planet right now?
MR: I’d say approaching 2000, maybe half of them we’ve had something directly to do with the other
half has been like the Grand Designs one, they’ve trained with us, got our books and then gone off and
done their own thing, and we appreciate when they don’t call it an Earthship just in case they aren’t
taking advantage of everything we’ve learned and they make a mistake which is easily doable and of
course we’re the ones that talk about failure being positive, so we make enough of our own mistakes
that we don’t want to absorb yours too (laugh).
MF: and so if someone wanted to call their house an Earthship, would you expect them to have
consulted with you in some way or bought your plans or what’s the…?
MR: If they want to actually call it an Earthship we have to be directly involved with design, drawing and
building, but based on an Earthship like grand designs earth, what did he call it, a ground home, based
on Earthship, that’s a compliment, that’s basing it on a bunch of research that we’ve done and based on
Earthship is fine, it just makes it clear that this guy did it based on Earthship and he screwed this up but
its not an Earthship so its not the Earthship people who’ll take the blame for that so to speak and affect
our credibility because our credibility is important in that it allows us to go further faster.
MF: And there’s no legal impediment to people calling it an Earthship, it’s not trademarked or anything?
MR: It is trademarked in the US and now were working on it in other countries, it’s kind of expensive, we
don’t bother with patenting it because we want people to use it but we want people to respect the use of
the word Earthship and Biotecture because we coined them and they would be words... I mean
Earthship is getting out there but Biotecture was invented after it and its passed it actually, Biotecture is
a science now, Biotecture is a method of living and it’s talked about all over Europe, people are opening
companies, they opened one in Ireland called Biotecture Ireland, our word, but in a way that’s good, it’s
a concept of living that involves biology and physics rather than nuclear power plants and so that’s
good, but yeah we will be getting trademark at least so we can decide how we want to control the use of
MF: And if this idea takes off in the future can you foresee a time when used tyres actually cost money
to buy, and what do we do when the tyres start becoming scarce?
MR: well first of all I don’t see tyres as the only answer, see, I’m just so amazed at how once people in
massive numbers millions of brains get together on the same thought , my prediction is that before we
run out of tyres, if it got so successful that we were threatening to use tyres up faster than we were
producing them which is a phenomenal thing right now so we are not in any danger of that any time in
the near future, but if we got so lucky that we were using them faster than producing them, that would
mean that there would be so many brains on the planet thinking this way in terms of thermal mass
somebody would come up with something better anyway – the collective mind will take over and take
care of us.
MF: We’re making 20 million waste tyres per year in Australia, so that is enough for 20,000 homes a
year at 1000 tyres per home, that is a pretty substantial number of homes.
MR: That doesn’t take into consideration the amount of tyres already out there,
MF: That’s right there is a stock pile.
MR: But it will be a while before that comes into play. If and when it does I think by then resilient mass
will be, resilient structural mass will be such a thing in everybody’s brain that we’ll come up with better
ways to do it. But still as long as there are cars, see I can project all kinds of things in the future, I can
see the cars of the future may not even have wheels, they are skating across the earth – we wouldn’t
need highways – we’d still need paths on which to direct them – but not pavement so to speak, so
obviously I’ve seen enough out of the human race to know that once they have got a concept of
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something they’ll come up with two dozen ways to do it, and automobile tyres at this point in time
happen to be – there is no question in my mind – the best way to achieve structural resilient thermal
mass. And if you add a few other qualities to that, structural resilient thermal mass that is indigenous to
the whole planet, that is environmentally friendly to use, of course it’s environmentally friendly to reuse
tyres. There’s no product at this point in time that has those qualities and that is also low tech and easy
to use so you know we took people who had never pounded a tyre before but by the end of the day they
were all tyre pounders - that ‘s that, and it was good for them, and there’s a certain level of good energy
after that’s been done, so it’s a good thing right now, and there’s not really anything you can find
negative about it, you can bring up some negative aspects but they can be easily squelched.
MF: OK. I’d like to talk now about construction and design issues, to start with, what other construction
methods are you familiar with, and were you the originator of the tyre wall idea?
MR: Yes, it happened, it didn’t just come on as a light bulb, I was building with beer cans so therefore I
was in this frame of mind of using by products of our society to build with, and that had its own reasons,
and the first energy crunch hit in the early 70s and I said ok they’re talking about storing water in houses
in 55 gallon drums and some old scientist once told me that you should build your house over a big
pond and that would be thermal mass, and I started observing what is thermal mass: rock and stone
and water and concrete is a little bit, its ok but it is not as dense as some of the others, what can you
build with, dirt, adobe, but that’s only allowed in certain areas because it can crumble and crack, its
good but its not going to meet major standards I didn’t think, and it wouldn’t work in damp climates and
on and on, so I looked around and said what else is there that we have millions of on this planet and it’s
not trees because that’s insulation, wood is really vulnerable and burnable, termites, and I stumbled
onto tyres and I built a few buildings just stuffing dirt into tyres not even pounding it and they still exist.
I’ve got one in the picture tonight, and its just stuffed and I built three or four buildings just stuffing it, and
then we started beating it in a little more with a hand held mallet and then we went wow man lets just go
ape shit on this and we started with the sledge, so it evolved in the context of our situation so we
basically developed it and then there’s been many take offs on it , after some of our books came out
somebody wrote a book on it, what they wanted to do was take it into a very conventional looking
building and they tried and … it didn’t get that far with them.
MF: was that Ed Paschich?
MR: It might be, he’s out of New Mexico.
MF: He wrote the Tire House book.
MR: Yeah, they wrote some books and so its been taken off on several times since we did our first
applications of it, so yeah, I don’t believe there was anything like on the planet like that until we did it.
MF: So you didn’t see it in a book, - you came to it on your own.
MR: We stumbled onto it ourselves just by trial and error by looking around. And we have the
procedure, I’ve got pictures of tonight of the two first ones, actually I don’t have the first one because it
fell over, failure, the first one I stacked them up, I should have pictures of it though, but I stacked them
up like lifesavers and filled them full of liquid mud…
MF: in columns not like bricks
MR: in columns yeah, and didn’t snap to the interlacing of it, it just fell over, I actually got it to work but,
you know, then I thought why don’t we just stuff them and interlace them like concrete block and on and
on and on, so I’ve got the awkward weird strange looking evolution of it in history.
MF: Wow – l look forward to seeing that. So you mentioned the beer cans, what about… you’re an
architect but did you experience any other construction methods before you got into the beer cans and
MR: I was briefly, I just got out of school , while I was in college I went to school on a co-op program
where you work 3 months and then you go to school 3 months, it takes longer to get through but you
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can pay your own way, my parents didn’t have any money so I had to pay my own way through school
that way, and so your work was largely in architectural offices in the early days of your schooling you
were an office boy but as you got halfway through it you became a draftsman and a designer and I
worked in architects offices for the whole 6 years I was going to school, well I saw from that I don’t want
to do this shit, you know, I don’t want that, so by the time I got out I was pretty sceptical on that whole
thing, I almost quit and became an artist, because I needed more money than I could make so I was
painting – I got good grades in painting – so I even had a gallery and sold paintings right off the easel so
I almost quit and decided to paint but I wanted… a painting was decoration, you could make a message
maybe in a painting but I liked the relevance of buildings but not the way they were happening so I didn’t
know what the hell I was going to do, and besides I was getting ready to get drafted, so I went to New
Mexico to race motorcycles and get injured and avoid the draft, well I ended up getting a teaching job
and then I started seeing these broadcasts on the news about clear cutting timber and I started sinking
into all that and the cans being thrown all over the streets and highways so that’s how it started and I
had done some adobe buildings and some wood buildings and that was ok and being an architect for
myself was what I did almost immediately, I got to do that, but I wanted… I saw something happening
little by little, but I saw… I think buildings should be more in response to the environment rather than a
fucking masturbation of an architect, that’s what I started seeing architecture as…, I read an article once
I’d love to find it but some woman wrote it, I think she was an architect, wrote it long ago, and I related to
it immensely, she talked about the ancient architects being pretty much priests, they designed the
temples, the pyramids, all aligned with the stars and the Pleiades and the planets and the sun and they
tuned us into the universe via our buildings and housing was just of the people, people built their own
houses, but the major buildings were designed by these architect priests that took the peoples’ minds
and linked them with the universe and it was an amazing position of the architect and then she said now
days architects are she called them impotent puppets of the economy, clients just want to make the
cheapest building they can and architects are just impotent creatures that just manipulate the square
footage and blah blah blah, and use recall and whatever they’re either that way or a few of the ones, I
guess you’d call them lucky, I don’t even think they’re lucky I think they’re pathetic but, that get extreme
budgets to make these super super expensive buildings which in my opinion are just masturbations, and
it’s a waste of money… a lot of them don’t even work very well at all some are kind of arty farty to the
point of being a nice experience to be in or whatever but they are all super inefficient and certainly not
green and a lot of them get ugly real quick and don’t work and some of the ones that are still getting
good commissions have buildings have buildings out there that are just pathetic pieces of shit so the
whole architecture is like whatever on it, so I’m after something that is different, that’s why its really good
that I fell into the word Biotecture because - it came about because I wasn’t allowed to use the word
architecture in my work in New Mexico after they busted me and they said you cant even use the name
architect or the word architecture in any of your business, so I said ok fuck you I’ll make Biotecture and I
did that kind of for that reason but then I went wait a second this is really what I believe in, this is it, and
now its been picked up and they’re teaching Biotecture courses and stuff, its pretty interesting.
MF: OK. Maybe if we digress a little bit from the construction, design issues because you started talking
about priests… I’ve got the sense from some of your books, in particular one of your earlier books A
Coming of Wizards, where you talk about some of the spiritual, metaphysical influences, and you’ve
brought this up again in your latest coffee table book Journey Part 1, do you want to say anything about
that because I guess it is not the kind of thing that comes out of a public lecture.
MR: (laugh) It could but its just too much pragmatic, you don’t want to waste the time philosophising
when you can talk about something pragmatic that can be done tomorrow, its more of a reflecting on
things but it is, yeah I’m, ah, I don’t, ah, what I think happened, what I think is the situation is, ah, I grew
up in Kentucky and Indiana and went to school and was poor and blah blah blah and wanted to get the
hell out of there and I got the hell out of there, when I came to New Mexico I was just like mountains and
wide open desert and rainbows in the sky and stars and I just got opened I think, and I got away from
the crap that was even in those days 40 odd years ago still was oppressive sort of, but its just a matter
of chance that I just got awe stricken by the beauty of the world when I went to New Mexico and it just, it
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opened up my senses or whatever, I’m trying to make this as un-cosmic as I can (laugh), it just opened
up my senses and things came in, you know, and the things that came in they hit me and never let me
go, it still have hanging right beside my bed the colour picture, because I love the colours in the picture
itself, of the four wizards, I see it every day, its like it made a lasting effect and yeah, I did put it in the
first book and now in the journey book again, because I hadn’t done any colour and it is still is an
everyday part of my life and I don’t know why those things … that stuff happened about 40 yr ago – the
wizard stuff happened about 40 years ago - and of course some of it had to do, I'm sure, I was open but
I stimulated myself , you know I did every kind of drug and everything you can think of but not on a
regular, you know my rule was I never bought anything, if someone gave it to me I would do it, and so I
did it all but nothing serious I was never stoned for weeks at a time, I did some peyote and mushrooms
and whatever, but ah, one thing that did have an effect, its in that Journey book, was putting that coffer
up on top of the pyramid and that I saw in old Lemuria which was the city before Atlantis its even more
legendary or mythical but there was a picture, it wasn’t a photograph it was a drawing, of a pyramid with
a priest had an alter not an alter but just like an alter on top of the pyramid which is from all the pyramid
experiments why its definitely - there is something going on up there a vortex of some kind of energy at
different times, almost like tuning a television, with sky and stars and everything are, there’s something
going on up there so I built a coffer on top of a third story building, perfectly made pyramid, and
strapped myself in it for every full moon and then watched the full moon come up, I’d be up there for an
hour before and after the moon came straight across in our case the southern sky and it would be full as
hell and be coming right across and I’d be strapped in a coffer up on top of a pyramid doing what you
call gazing and I would gaze at the full moon, keeping my eyes not even blinking, and it would literally
burn a hole all the way through my skull and out the back, I’m sure that was a treatment so to speak that
opened things or whatever so that’s about the only unnatural I guess - if you want to call it that - thing
that happened. I saw things about where we are here that there’s no way I could not act on it. Whatever
it takes, I took me way beyond money, I see money as a tool to use to get somewhere, I’ll never be
without it, I know how to make it, and I will always make as much as I need but beyond that I use it to do
whatever with this whole movement so to speak so it’s a… it’s a force – that’s what it is. It’s a force that
I’m almost… I can’t turn it off, I can’t shut it down I can’t stop, and I don’t want to, and its fun, I’m not
some victim of it or something, I’m having a damn good time doing this, but it’s also… there’s no way I’d
ever stop.
MF: On the topic of money, you’ve just been quite successful recently with getting some funding from
Bill Richardson, he’s who?
MR: he’s the governor of New Mexico who’s been an ambassador to a couple of the last presidents in
terms of going to other countries and trying to make peace over this or that so he’s a global figure but
he’s the governor of New Mexico and he actually ran for president and he was then actually asked by
Obama to be the secretary of commerce but then they always, whenever someone gets asked to do
something they run their whole history out, and he had some questionable business things which I think
they just overdo all of that stuff and he said rather than go through all of the dirty laundry situation I’ll just
step down and ask somebody else, but anyway he’s a great man and good man - he’s real, and he gave
me 300 grand to build an education facility, he likes what we are doing enough that he wanted to fund a
building that would show it to the public, and now our public officials in our county have asked me to go
back to him and get more to add an addition onto it and we did and it looks like we have a really good
chance of getting that, and a state senator, I mean a national senator, we have state senators and then
the ones that go to Washington, one of our Washington senators from New Mexico wrote a letter of
recommendation for getting this second batch of money, he basically said this is a worthy cause, give it
to them, he’s a well respected senator, Tom Sudore, in Washington so we’ve got some politicians that
are not just bozos, they’re high up there, appreciating and believing in what we’re doing, so we’re in a
good position.
MF: That’s great. Coming back to the design and construction, a common criticism of pounding tyres
seems to be that it looks very labour intensive and it might give you a bad back or some kind of RSI so

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the question is often why don’t you use machines and, why do you persist with the manual tyre
MR: I have nothing against doing it by machine, and I’ve done 40,000 tyres in my life, right in that
vicinity and I’m not crippled. I have had both shoulders orthoscopically dealt with, rotator cuff injuries,
but that was from in Scotland carrying a piece of plywood, it got caught in the wind and ripped my
shoulder and the other one was from jumping the concrete posts in Paris, in the rain I slipped off of one
and landed on my shoulder so tyre pounding hasn’t fucked my shoulders, but I think that amount of
physical activity is really good for you, I don’t think there are very many people on the planet that will
ever pound 40,000 tyres but pounding enough to make your own house and help a few other people do
theirs, its not going to hurt you, people go to the spa and do a whole lot worse, and pay for it, so I’m
saying the reason I haven’t pursued the mechanisation of it, is because me and our whole crew actually
love to do it and when you do it all day, I pounded whatever 6 or 8 tyres yesterday and at your request
let other people do it, but on a day when our crew goes out to get a job done, I’ll pound 25 or 30 tyres,
and they all do too, at the end of that day we are just jelly rolled in terms of oxygen deprivation and its
just so much fun to be that way, and we love it so we have no desire to mechanise it, although
somebody wanted to and they weren’t as physically adept or whatever, that’s fine, but I haven’t been
inspired to pursue that direction, I have nothing against pursuing that direction but I haven’t been
inspired to do that.
MF: What do you think of the practice of removing one side wall of the tyre to make compaction easier?
MR: I don’t buy it because one, it just slows up the process, if you’ve got a really good a really good tool
you can do it in 5-10 mins but hell I can pound a tyre in 5-10 mins so its not necessary to do it and also
if the casing is kept intact and you beat the earth into it and it swells then that automatically keeps it
dense, the other way you have to tamp it from above and then you have the compression, you’re taking
away a tiny bit of the structural integrity which I think will come to play in the coefficient of friction in an
earthquake, and things like that, so I don’t buy it, it’s not necessary, it takes longer, it takes more
equipment, and its not quite as good. It’s so good that tyre walls are so good that it doesn’t really harm it
that much but it’s certainly not as good, I’m probably the world’s expert on tyre walls, and I would have
to say that that is not as good structurally.
MF: I’ve tried it and I’ve noticed that the tyre goes out of round.
MR: Yeah, it goes a little funky, but it’s still very forgiving and whatever but why do it?
MF: In terms of energy Earthships rely on gas for cooking, for hot water boosting, and sometimes to
power a fridge, do you see this as being a weakness and if not, why not?
MR: Well, no I don’t see it as being a weakness, they rarely use gas for a refrigerator, the gas is used
for cooking and backup hot water and so I already have in mind ways to eliminate that and we will be
doing that , since that question does get asked a lot, we will be doing a few buildings that don’t use
anything, just to show, for instance cooking can easily be done from a solar oven and microwave and on
days you can’t use your solar oven you use your microwave which can run off the solar and wind power
system and hot water can be backed up with storage from a resistance windmill, a resistance vertical
axis windmill that is constantly, with a bit of a break on creating heat and the heat’s taken down into the
water in exchange, so those things can be done, the reason we don’t do them on a grand scale right
now is that they’re such a small amount of usage that we make them the last things that we dealt with
and frankly we have had so many other battles that we haven’t taken that one on, but like I say, it is in
the works right now, but no the reason I don’t see it as a weakness is, ok, that gets you down to a 90%
energy free building except for those 10%, if you want to call it 10 it probably isn’t even that much, so I
just project that figure, if every building in the world got to be 90% less use of energy and fuel we’d be
ok anyway. You could just say 90 is the cut off point. But just for philosophical reasons we will take it all
the way. How could that possible called a weakness, a weakness is really a weird word to use for it, but
we will address it simply to keep that from happening because it is a stigma, that’s what it is.
MF: so what would the typical gas utility bill be for an Earthship?
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MR: A hundred dollars a year or less on a two bedroom home, I’d say, it used to be 47 but fuel has gone
up, now it’s a hundred dollars a year. When you say 100 dollars a year total annual utility bill that is a
screaming success, right there, you can stop right there, but we can take it all the way.
MF: And so what about, batteries, they eventually die, if you factored in replacing the batteries every x
years, would you need to be putting away 100 bucks a year for that as well?
MR: Well let’s see the ultimate battery situation is 1000 dollars a battery for 6 batteries so that is 6000
dollars. They last 20 years if you treat them right. We used to use the 7 year battery but now we use the
20 year battery. So do the math… they get down to 25 dollars a month you have to put away for a new
set of batteries. So $25 a month is what it would cost to replace batteries and so that is a fact, but that’s
just like the thing we were talking about before, what I have observed is you can reach in and find out
things like that that are going to be replaced or whatever, of course if you are buying conventional
utilities, hell they’re going to go up $25 anyway, every one of them, if there even going to be available,
but I think there is one thing about it and I agree I think batteries are the weakness of our buildings
because batteries are not great technology yet, but they’re going to get better, there’s no question that
they’ll get better, but what this does to people and me too, I’ve experienced it, is when you get in a
home that does everything for itself, that puts you in a different frame of mind, that puts you in an
independent empowered position, if you get there by hook or by crook, you will find other ways to get
there, because you’ll appreciate that circumstance so much, so it just shows you that, I don’t need a
nuclear power plant in my life and I won’t have it, so batteries are bad but not as bad as a nuclear power
plant and so you know that batteries are not super rocket science, they are being improved all the time
and now there is impetus to improve them because of the battery powered cars so that’s going to keep
happening, so what I’m saying is just getting there, to being off of all grids, anyway you can, puts you in
the frame of mind that you see a whole lot of other stuff, and its like, I used to draw this thing on the
wall, like a person is here, and they’re going to come up here and here’s a plateau they’re going to get
to, it takes a line of sight, the plateau is blocking your line of sight for something that is over here, and
over here, and you’re blocked you can’t see, lets make this plateau a little higher, so what I’m saying is
unless you go up to here if you stay down here you don’t see what is even possible out here, you’re
totally blocked from knowing that there is a peak with gold on it out here, you can’t see it until you get to
here. So here is sustainable housing here, sustainable housing shows you things you would have never
seen unless you went there, and so you go to off -grid housing how ever you can and then you’re going
to see basically.
MF: You mentioned to me yesterday you were talking about really energy efficient lighting and you’ve
been talking about microwave and solar ovens, designing down reduced energy requirements to power
these appliances, that is going to tie in with new battery technology.
MR: yeah all of that. I’ve got such hope for what’s possible, and see even my first efforts, they’re
evolving now, but my first efforts were to try and make enough solar power to make life as we know it.
Well, wait a second, I can change life as we know it to meet that half way, and so that’s where I’m at
now, so what I’m saying is Jesus, if I change life as we know it which is doable and I make independent
power and energy and water, I mean the sky is the limit on the quality of life for people and the planet. If
people have less stress to live, then they’re going to treat each other and the planet nicer.
MF: When you say life as we know it are you talking about peoples’ attitudes and behaviour about using
energy and water or…?
MR: Yeah, life as we know it, people wash their cars, leave the hose running, leave the lights on, you go
into a normal room and there’s an entertainment centre on using power just waiting for somebody to
start using it for real, and heating and fans and lights… there’s this ghost load of power just being
consumed even when you’re in Mexico, all that shit stays on, when you go on a vacation, whatever, so
when you change those kinds of usage patterns as well as the devices themselves, LED lights who
gives a shit about LED lights until we started making our own power, now they’re really coming on, now
they’re just coming on they’re getting way better all the time, they used to be pathetic, but now they are

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getting pretty good, so I know now that I can light a room for $300 with LED lights, and independent of
my power systems, see so what I’m thinking of doing, I’m going to take each room and light it up for
$300 independent of the other rooms, so maybe I’ll have 5 rooms that’s 1500 buck s and then I’ll spend
another 5 grand maybe on an AC converted system to run some appliances and I’ve got my power
centre down to 75 hundred. 65 75 hundred compared to 25 grand to make a power system capable of
dealing with life as we know it. So those kinds of things are out there. So I mean I could just block
myself in a room and work as hard as I can with a crew building what I’m figuring out at the same time
for the next 15 years and still not go anywhere near as far as you can go in terms of taking this… this is
scratching the surface of an amazing new world. This is what it is.
MF: You mentioned some costs there, in terms of costs, can you talk a little bit about comparing that to
a conventional house and how you’ve tried to integrate your systems into the cost to encourage people
to get into this type of technology.
MR: When I do something that I think should be done, I don’t care what it looks like and I don’t care
what it costs and people just raise their eyebrows, both at what it looks like - what the hell is that, and
you spent a fortune on that, how can that be anything that anybody wants, well you cant do something
right the first time its going to look what its going to look like and its going to cost whatever, I don’t care,
I try to get people to understand that, you’re first attempt is going to cost whatever, its sacrifice if you
want to get anywhere, and usually the first demo in a country costs more than the replications, and don’t
count on the first demo being a model for costs, it’s just getting a demo there at all costs, so I didn’t care
what they looked like and what they cost and when they started working good, then I started realising
and seeing and addressing the issue that ok I’ve got to make these palatable to some extent, and so I
try and make them palatable, I mean other people could make them more palatable than me, cause I’m
just not that inspired to go for what the look already is, because I don’t like it that much, so I’d rather just
have a whole new look, Dr Seuss or whatever, and so that’s one thing, but the cost is - what I found out
is, these systems do cost a lot, I don’t even what people to know how much they cost so I just put them
into the building, and by virtue of the building itself being a very forgiving low tech easy to build way to
build, the building itself is actually 20% cheaper than conventional building, so if you built an Earthship
and hooked it up onto the grid it would probably would use less of everything, it would be still good, but
it cost 20% less but that gave me the way of concealing the systems, so now through all these
expensive systems in there and the Earthship costs the same of other housing, and its pretty true in
every country, the Earthship can be built for the same price you’re paying for a similar quality of house
and even in some places, less, and its still cheaper because the living expense of utilities then gets
added onto your living expense and in an Earthship it doesn’t so the initial house investment costs the
same and the operation is nothing compared to something continuing to increase if its available at all.
MF: OK, now moving onto Adelaide, where we have a temperate Mediterranean climate, water
shortages, bushfires, heatwaves, electricity blackouts, also termites, what types of design features
would an Earthship for the Adelaide plains have, and also what about the Adelaide hills where you were
yesterday, where it gets a little bit frosty but no snow?
MR: Well in that we have developed the Earthship for 40 years in an extremely hot and extremely cold
climate, we have a basic prototype, and so the way I look at is it is like an automobile engine, the
automobile engine for a Porsche is the same concept as that for a Toyota 4WD truck, the Toyota 4WD
truck is geared differently, has different chassis, to do what it does but it still has the same concept of
engine as the Porsche which is meant to go 130mph down the highway and handle like a breeze but not
to haul big loads and whatever, so its geared differently, so basically what you are doing is tuning an
automobile engine differently for different uses. The Earthship basic concept of encountering the
phenomenon at hand give you your utilities and your life, is the same just like the gasoline engine is the
same, we simply take, and we made this universal, we’ve struggled to get this universal design together
that we in fact call the Global design, so here in Adelaide I would take the Global design and tweak it
slightly for different things, easy to tweak it for termites, add a few this and that to avoid the termite
situation very much similar to conventional practices on avoiding termites but we can even take it

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further, and then in the hills it would probably be little different than out on the plains, but we are still
talking about the basic design being the most appropriate one, and most appropriate also because of
economics, and I’ve had a lot of people have the money to hire me to do a total custom Earthship, but I
always tell them yeah we can get it all shapely and beautiful and everything but it isn’t going to work any
better than the Global model, the Global model is the best I can do, it looks like what it looks like and its
priced what its priced which is the same as conventional housing of a similar quality but its got
everything thought out, if I have to think of all that again I’m not even going to be able to get any price to
do it as good as I did the Global over 40 years, over 40 years I’ve got a relationships and sizes and
everything right with, see you can’t , that’s the thing that is important, you can’t think about one part of
this building without thinking about 6 or 8 others at the same time yeah you can extend the roof but what
is that going to do, you can change the angle of the greenhouse, but how’s that going to effect the
temperature in the winter the temp in the summer the growth area of the plants the volume of the air in
the greenhouse that you have to either heat or cool… the lighting of the building that you’re trying to
keep maximised, everything is inter-related and it causes you to have to think in layers, you have to
think in probably 8 different layers to even begin to mess with this design, and I’ll get people who say
why can’t I do this, well there is about 8 reasons if not a dozen why that is there, this is here because
that, because that, because that, you change it you change other things, and I’ve let people talk me into
that because I couldn’t get to all of the reasons, and so they talked me into making a change and then
as we’re building it I’m going oh fuck, this isn’t going to work now because of that, so the Global design
is the way the truth and the light, I will always struggle with people to try and say let’s use this and let’s
just tweak it slightly but let’s don’t redesign because it’s going to be too involved and there is too much
of a chance of screw-up on some other aspect of it.
MF: OK, and this is what you’ve documented in your book comfort in any climate – correct?
MR: the Global design came after it, the comfort in any climate was a step of evolution from vol 1-3 but
the Global went on further. Like just in Montana, we increased the tube length from 20 to 30 feet
because we’ve all experienced the tubes at 20 feet, yeah they put out some cool air, it’s pretty nice,
Montana it was fucking cold there, why, it’s 30 feet and a little deeper, alright! You can’t learn that stuff
in any other way other than just doing it, that’s my whole reasons for the test site situation, you can
calculate your ass off, and pull out facts of this and facts of that but there is nothing better than doing it
and setting down beside it and having it blow cold air in your face, and oh my god, that influenced
everybody, so its constantly improving and it will constantly improve, but I’m just like, I’d don’t care how
much somebody is going to pay me, I don’t want to do it, I’m almost like a my way or the highway
person, you want to reinvent the wheel that we’ve invented, be my guest, I don’t need money bad
enough to go through the mental anguish of trying to fight through it with you, I know what works and
maybe call me arrogant, call me whatever, I‘ve been called it all, I don’t care.
MF: OK, thanks Mike. You’ve done some experiments with straw bales in terms of insulating tyre walls,
and straw bale building is starting to take off in Australia and in Adelaide and I just wondered if you
could talk a little about your experiments and we were talking earlier about what happens when tyres
eventually run out, would straw bales perhaps be capable of replacing the tyres but still using a lot of the
other Earthship principles like greenhouses and the long east west floor plan?
MR: well, the answer to that is no in my mind. I always preface straw bale conversations with I
appreciate straw bale construction because it is organic because, it is renewable, and it’s a good thing,
but I would never do it, I did a few times, but a building needs to have storage of temperature, straw
bales don’t store temperature, there’s two things you want to look at, one is the storage that dense mass
can achieve of temperature, and the other is trapping that temperature , via insulation, straw bales are
insulation, they are not mass, so straw bale building will hold a temperature for longer than a building
that is not insulated, but it won’t hold it for a long time like mass will, so if you’re going to go to the
trouble to build a building, and you could figure our a way to get mass into it, I would get mass into it, so
I would say that straw bales wont replace (thermal) mass buildings, they are there because they are
green in that they are renewable building method but there’s a lack of understanding there in terms of

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people not understanding that buildings need to be built with mass, I mean you have to have mass on
the inside to eliminate fuel, straw bale buildings always need backup heat, a more minimal amount of it,
but they need more backup heat, but we’re building buildings that don’t need any backup heat, and its
coming to that, so straw bale buildings are a… if we ran out of tyres we’d have to come up with another
mass way to build, and we are, I’m sure like we said before that people will come up with something.
I’ve used straw bales for insulation on the outside of tyres and it was successful but I’m doing it again
and this time its with volcanic pumice, I did it and so why am I not doing it again, well I guess I’m seeing
that this is better, I did the nautilus with a tyre wall and then I laid up blue perimeter insulation about
that far, and then I stacked straw bales, I purchased the straw bales – and that’s one thing, they’re
expensive now when I did it they were 2 dollars a piece and now they are 6-7 a piece or more, so first
of all they are expensive, but second you put them in and latch and attach them to the tyres and then
you’ve got to wire chicken wire them or stucco net them or whatever and then you’ve got plaster on
them with something that is rainproof and whatever, some people used to put plastic over them but that
locks in the moisture, and so they now just plaster right on them and let them breathe but you still have
the vulnerability issue when there is a lot of rain, you have to have the eaves to cover them really, you
don’t really have parapets with straw bale to have water setting on them, so they are a little bit
vulnerable they are expensive and they are not mass and so the tyre building I’m doing now for the EVE
project, I thought of straw bales but it just wasn’t that impressive to me and I wanted something a little
bit more substantial, and so I put a course of tyres out there, and I got real impressed with these glass
bottles laid in mud and then spacing that out this far from the tyres and filling with volcanic pumice, rigid
insulation scraps, Styrofoam, all kinds of stuff, it opened me up to have a combination of natural and
found materials, secondary materials, and the bottles laid in mud are really cool because they are
substantial, the rain will erode the first half inch or so but the glass protects the rest of the mud after you
eat in a half an inch, and that’s another thing, the plaster on the straw bales it just cracks more and
more and more every year, but the bottle and mud wall just gets a little more character every year, the
glass will never go away, and the mud can only erode so far and I’ve noticed that we’ve done quite a lot
of these bottle and mud walls and they just look better every year, whereas plaster looks worse every
year, even over cans, even over tyres, I’m not that thrilled with plaster. And I’m thinking of just veneering
buildings with something else that is just more durable. Plaster is just not a really lifetime permanent
thing. Every place I’ve used it or seen it used, after a decade or so it is starting to look pretty shitty,
whereas some things like brick and bottles and mud and whatever, not just mud plaster but mud mortar,
what I’m getting at is I am looking for finishes on a building that will look better every year, they wear in
not out.
MF: I like it. Perhaps before we leave that topic do you think the types of methods you are talking about
there with insulating the tyre walls rather than using the earth berm, is that going to be more applicable
in high density urban areas.
MR: Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I’m playing with it is because I get that question a lot. Areas where
you don’t have a shit load of land you can’t bury, you’ve got to achieve a similar thermal situation which
is mass inside, insulation outside, so there is still a super thick wall but its not going to increase the
footprint of the building by anymore that a metre, metre and a half something like that. So we definitely
have to pursue that to illustrate that this method can be build in high density situation. We’re not going
to build a hundred story building this way but you can certainly build 3 even 4 story building this way.
MF: As part of my research I’m planning to do a life cycle analysis of tyre walls, stand alone electricity
and water systems, and compare them with conventional forms of wall construction and power and
water supply systems, are you aware of any similar life cycle analysis studies.
MR: Well when we did, early on, maybe 10 years ago, maybe not quite that, anyway we went to
Scotland and there was a group called SCI, sustainable something initiatives, forget what it was, I don’t
think they even exist anymore, but they got us over there to do an Earthship and of course had a lot of
experts over there, and we got it watered down, it wasn’t thrilling but we had fun, it was good, they
actually did some calculations but I don’t know how real it was, but that’s the only calculations. We’ve

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had people put thermometers in the wall and ambient air and stuff, but we’ve done no real studies like
that, I’m just like a pure, you know, proof is in the pudding type person, to me when I’ve got a building
that’s 70-72 year round, Fahrenheit, which is whatever it is Celsius but obviously that is a stable
temperature in the comfort zone, that to me was it, I don’t need to know much more than that, I think I
see the validity in it when your talking about ok if you can illustrate that this building through facts and
figures, that you can advertise through facts and figures that it has got zero or less carbon footprint,
that’s a good thing, but you can kind of logically look at it and deduct that, so it is something that I think
is a valid thing to do, but I would rather pursue, still making the building better and better and better
rather than presenting an argument for why it is better, but I see the validity in doing that.
MF: Yeah, and so you’re saying that you’ve observed that the temperature remains in a comfort zone, is
this just by checking the thermometer daily or something like that?
MR: Yeah we usually have a thermometer in the ambient space, out in the greenhouse, and outside, so
you can look at 30 below zero F outside and 72 inside and when have that you’ve got a functioning
MF: Has there been any research on how Earthships would perform in an earthquake like on a shake
table or...
MR: No, we’ve been approached to do that a lot of times, but it costs like 35 grand, the only thing we
have there is, which you’ve probably seen the engineer report, that mentioned that its resilient and its
got a good coefficient of friction and would probably perform very well in an earthquake. See we used to
say that the tyre wall wouldn’t burn because of the thing of wadding a piece of paper up and having air
all around it and trying to light a book, buy logic we would say a tyre wall wouldn’t burn, but we had not
proof until one went through a forest fire and it didn’t burn. So it is the same thing on the earthquake,
when you try to imagine how a tyre wall can crack, the plaster on it can crack, but how can a tyre wall
crack? It can’t, and so unless the earthquake epicentre goes right through and just tears the earth open
and breaks it, the tremor even a 9 point is not going to cause it to crack, and when we are building in an
error that we know is prone to major earthquake we go for round shapes, fully round, because they are
obviously a round shape made of rubber, it is about the best thing you can get for an earthquake. So
again no testing just logic and ultimately one of these days there will be some, however there was an
Earthship that we didn’t build in around LA county in California, that did go through that earthquake and
engineers came out and looked at it afterwards, and it was all like Jesus this thing looks pretty good, a
lot of other buildings and bridges had fallen down, so we do have that… I should document that more
and get more information on it, but word got back to me that engineers from around the area actually
went to observe that building because buildings around it were destroyed and it wasn’t.
MF: Wow that is really interesting. Now could we talk a little bit about your Earthship communities
because I see that as being a really important and interesting aspect of what you are doing. Perhaps if
you could talk a little bit about the financing of these and the by-laws and how people are affording
these, and are they able to sell their Earthships easily, and also, if you could talk a little bit about what is
going on now, you’ve mentioned the EVE project and your new educational facility.
MR: The communities were initiated because we had started observed that we’ve got buildings that
don’t need infrastructure, and developers of a subdivision would tell you, anyone would still tell you,
they’ll tell you that half of the expense of a home is the site development, the roads, the power, the
water, the sewage, the developers developing homes and land, placing homes on it and building homes
and selling the turnkey project half the cost is in site development. So we said wait a second, this is why
started doing communities, we said wait a second, we’ve got buildings that don’t need site development,
they’ll go on any site, they don’t need infrastructure, let’s just cut the price in half right now, lets just buy
a chunk of land and that’s what I did, I bought a chuck of land at REACH then I did it at STAR, I bought
a chunk of land and I said ok, here’s how much this land cost me, I’m going to charge, you know, 5%
more, I’m going to sell memberships to this piece of land and I’m going to charge 5-10% more as a
whole to pay me for my time which is still miniscule and so membership to a piece of land, I didn’t put in

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roads or nothing. I said get a 4WD vehicle and we’ll just create the roads, I’ll place where I want them to
be, because I want all of your money to go to your house, and then we’ll teach you on somebody else’s
house, how to build your house, so I had people going by the highway and pulling in giving me a $100
down and starting to build their house the next day – it was fantastic! People were getting housing like
that (clicking fingers) and it worked and the government wasn’t even doing that, they were building their
own house themselves, and so it’s like we were putting housing into the hand of people – it was fucking
thrilling, so I got busted then on everything, because you are supposed to put in roads, and utilities and I
said but we don’t need utilities but they said you’re going to have to put them in anyway, so I fought that
and I won, but anyway the idea was to cut the price of housing, because I made a drawing in court for
the judge I said your honour here is a person, and here is their home and here is Mt Everest between
them and their home, and that’s made up of land price, well, survey, realtor, banker, lawyer, bringing in
power, water, sewage, you know like no wonder a person can’t afford a house, I said your honour what I
want to do I want to do this, I want to take that away and make it so people can get their house, and I
said the governments not even doing that, so that’s why we started the communities and, we lost, but
we did gain, so now I just go into every battle knowing I’m going to lose something but I’m going to gain
something, but you’re not going to ever win everything. We won the ability to continue these to build
these building, we got variances for all the systems we didn’t have to put in utilities, but we had to
survey all the land and put in the roads and do the archaeology studies and all this other stuff and so it
drove it all up to being expensive, not expensive but close to being as expensive as regular buildings,
and then we had to give them what they wanted in addition to what we wanted, it was a watered down
version of what we really believed in but it was really good to have gotten at least that far, and so the
communities now are… they shut the REACH one down, because there is no way they’re going to
approve a community on a slope that steep they can’t get emergency vehicles there blah blah blah blah
blah, so the houses that are there, people can still occupy but we can’t build more,
MF: they can’t be sold can they?
MR: yeah, they can be sold, they just can’t build any more. The Greater World is a happening
community. Its got about half of the people in it that its designed for, its really cool because it has the
circular lots, and they don’t touch each other and so the animals – I’ve got a picture of that – I’ve got a
picture of elk, sand hill cranes, and lizards and stuff all cruising through the community because
nobodies’ lot touches the other lot and so we are settling amongst the animals rather than displacing
them and I think that is the way the whole rest of the planet should be settled. Nowhere should we just
go in and clear out and put in a subdivision and pave and lawns and everything that was there is wiped
out – that’s the way development is. It’s not that way. We go in and make these little circles, and the
people are essentially in cages and everything that is there still stays there.
MF: and are they circular for ease of surveying?
MR: well that’s really a cheap way to survey because all you have to do is locate the point and the
radius, boom you’re done, but they’re mainly circles because we want the elk and the lizards and the
coyotes to still be able to go through, and the grass and the snakes and everything to be there, you
can’t ever do anything here, so we are amongst what was there, not replacing what was there, that’s the
rationale for that and that’s the way they are. And so the Greater World is happening good, STAR is
another one just the size of the Greater World but its got 7 miles of really bad road, again, it didn’t
bother me, get a 4WD vehicle and you’re in and out, and I’m even talking about getting hover craft and
selling them with the house, because its just an extra 25 grand for a hover craft and then you don’t have
to worry about the roads, so we’re going on with STAR, its more remote and probably about the time we
get really into it the road will get paved part way out there, but part of it is going through easement of
private land, and I would have to do it, it means a million dollars, I don’t have a million dollars, so STAR
is going slower as a matter of fact we aren’t selling any lots at STAR until I get the subdivision thing
done, so the communities were started out to own the land in common to take the cost out of the land
and cut the price of housing in half but now we at least have cheaper lots and the price of housing is

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down but not what we really wanted, we wanted housing to be like I said, walk in put down 100$ and
start building your home. That was the ideal that we started with and it got squelched.
MF: If you just talk a little about you’re plans for the future, you’ve mentioned EVE and also other
developments in the pipeline, you’ve mentioned something in Oslo, the mushroom I think you called it.
MR: EVE got inspired by... I’m starting to see and I see it many times over it comes through my head,
like we’ve got the thing that we were working for in terms of a building we’ve got it, we’ve got a building
that is pretty much carbon zero, has pretty much no utility dependency its there for the people, its priced
in the same ball park, and I keep saying not that it won’t improve but we’ve made it to that point as far
as having the product. So then I start saying what else do people need, well I got this winter when we
were in Holland we had the economic crisis where people lost their homes, they lost their jobs, regular
people like you and me lost everything, due to economics being… the economy, the sustenance of
people is subject to the economy so I decided with EVE that I wanted to make a stab at making the
sustenance not be subject to the economy, because we are already half way there in that we don’t need
utilities we don’t need water, we don’t need power, we don’t need sewage, we’re growing our own food,
we’ve already taken one foot out of the economic clamp so to speak so why should sustenance at all be
subject to the economy, and also I noticed that people tend to, some of them, want to be kind of
clustered together, I’ve heard people say even out at the greater world, you’ve seen how far the
buildings are apart, a single woman said she felt isolated out there, and even though she loved her
Earthship that she built herself and got for practically nothing she just felt isolated, she wanted to be with
more people, single people especially, but even couples with kids, there’s some people that want to live
together and it does have its advantages and that and the fact that I’m trying to make it so people can
not have to have the ability to borrow 300 grand to build a house which we get paid to do it but still I’m
wanting that not to be the case, so EVE is aimed at making the sustenance of life available to people for
a teeny fraction of what it costs to build your own house and attacking the economy and its grip on
people and so the idea there is we have sustainable building, we’re going to experiment with making it
more sustainable with more techniques so we’re going to make it a testing site so that we can take all of
these new ideas and evolutions of what we are already doing and make it cheaper in terms of the
building but then we’re going to cluster together all of those buildings that are there at the architects’
office and the round ones too and the rental units on the east and the press office, and make that into a
compound for 25 people, it’s a shit load of work to do, we’re going to link it all together with a food
producing, fish producing jungle Amazon greenhouse water running through it and everything, and birds
flying around, and create a whole world that is worthy of visiting - by the public too - and that’s going to
take a lot of work, so we’re going to put people in it that want to work on it, that want to build it. It’s also
going to involve a garage that converts vehicles to veggie oil for those people, we’re going to be
minimising their trips to town because their job is there, their home is there, and most of their food is
there and when they do go to town they are going to be running on veggie oil. So its like all of that
together if we take fuel, food, utilities and housing out of the economic equation because they are going
to pay a teeny amount of money as rent, that’s what we’re going to buy materials with, but they are
going to work and trade for living there, and how ever long they work is how many months they clock up
that they can live there, and there is 5 or 6 years of work there at least for that amount of people and it
will slowly start off and increase and who knows it may just keep increasing. We’re going to learn from
that and setup a model, and we’re calling it Earthship Village Ecologies (EVE) and that model then we’re
going to take all over the world, just like we’re taking the Earthship all over the world, and that is our way
of getting back to ok, we walk in put down a couple of hundred bucks, inflation happens, walk in put
down 2 or 3 hundred bucks, and you can start living, and working and eating and shitting and showering
you know, it’s like we’re trying to make a walk in life that… - lots of people can get 2 or 3 hundred bucks
together, you can join this walk in life for 2 or 3 hundred bucks and then you might have to pay a little bit
each month to rent, but it takes a lot more 2 or 3 hundred bucks a month to live, everything is provided
for that, employment, and so say a person comes along with 10 grand in their pocket, how long can you
live off 10 grand at 2 or 3 hundred bucks a month, and then we filter some of them out and throw them
into a work crew and they make a few grand and come back, we’re going to play that off of the real
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world, greater world community situation, but it’s a method of taking everything we know. See there we
can combine systems, one power system is going to do half the building another one is going to do the
other half and it’s a huge building and we’re going to do this individual room power and some other
things that I’ve been thinking about but the overall objective is taking it one step further, we’ve got
power, water, sewage, food, comfortable shelter, we’ve got fuel and we’re not subject to the economy,
the economy is for TVs, motorcycles, things like that, and computers, you’re sustenance of life should
not be subject to the economy. So we are playing that game with EVE. So that is one thing going on, we
have it going on at different levels, the governor gave us the money for the educational facility, so now
we’re getting money for a project called SEE that is in addition to the education facility, that is
Sustainable Energy Experiences, it’s funded by the department of Energy, Minerals and Natural
Resources in the state of New Mexico and they want to show conservation of energy and so we’re
taking all the Earthship concepts of course that show that, just like the Phoenix, but what were doing is
making it a four unit nightly rental so four different people or families can stay in these four units and
experience all of this, tilapia growing and grapefruits and bananas growing and grapes and food and
heating and cooling and solar power and water harvesting, they can live with it for a day or two, and
experience it rather than just seeing pictures of it on the wall like at the visitors centre and so that project
is going on. They’ll pay big bucks, not as big as, we’ll make it 10% cheaper than a Holiday Inn or
whatever, we’ll make it cheaper but it’s an education at the same time, that’s playing the real game, and
from that kind of stuff we are able to play the EVE game - which is trying to escape the game. So it is
sort of like robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, only we’re not giving anything to the poor, we’re
making them earn it, and we’re not stealing from the rich, we’re giving something to them, but we’re
playing one game to finance another game, it’s a multilayered situation there and then we’re doing
projects around the world like the Oslo mushroom is, we’re going to charge them an arm and a leg, it’s
an art piece, we’re going to charge ‘them a million dollars if we can get away with it, they want a four
story mushroom that will be an icon for the city, and they want to emphasis the recycling of bottles which
they produce a shit load of and they want it to be solar powered in terms of the lights inside that shine
through the bottles, that’s their green statement, so it’s a big hoopla but its not a sell out because it is
attacking a few of the principles so we will make bank on it. So we have all these different levels that all
have to have a certain level of priority of what its about, we won’t just do anything, but we’re doing some
things to make money and then we’re doing some things with that money and it’s all about furthering on
different levels, it’s all about coming in from the east, coming in from the west, surprising them from the
south, and making them think that that’s what their facing and then all of sudden we come in from the
north, so its like we’ve got a map of the reality laid out and we’re attacking that reality from four different
MF: Alright Mike, we better call and end to this because we’ve got to see Brett and George, but thanks
very much for that.

Appendices 130
C6 - Monitored Houses and Logger Locations

House #1 Floor Plan

Air temp/RH

Air temp/ RH/

Globe temp

Solar radiation

Air temp/ RH/

Globe temp
Air temp/RH Solar radiation
logger logger

Appendices 131
House #2 Floor Plan

Air temp/ RH/

Globe temp

Air temp/RH

Refer to House #4 for section view – identical design

House #3 Floor Plan

Refer to House #2 – identical design
Refer to House #4 for section view – identical design

House #4 Floor Plan

level logger

Air temp/ RH/

Globe temp

Air temp/RH

Appendices 132
Air temp/ RH/
Globe temp Air temp/RH
logger logger

level logger

House #5 Floor Plan

Illumination Air temp/ RH/

level logger Globe temp

Air temp/RH

Appendices 133
House #6 Floor Plan

Air temp/ RH/

Globe temp

Air temp/RH

Appendices 134
C7 - Additional monitoring results

Note: red circles indicate the maximum or minimum temperature recorded during the 7 month or 12
month monitoring period.

Winter week with coldest day of year, all houses

House #1 12 month monitoring period

House #1 (standard monitoring period)

Appendices 135
House #2

House #3

House #4

Appendices 136
House #5

House #6

Appendices 137
Spring week, all houses
House #1 (standard monitoring period)

House #2

House #3

Appendices 138
House #4

House #5

House #6

Appendices 139
Summer week with hottest day of year, all houses
House #1 (standard monitoring period)

House #2

House #3

Appendices 140
House #4

House #5

House #6

Appendices 141
Autumn week, House #1

Miscellaneous Weeks showing Tint and Tgh max/min where they don’t occur in the max/min
outdoor temperature weeks
House #3 Tgh max

Appendices 142
House #3 Tint max

House #4, Tgh max

House #5, Tgh max

Appendices 143
House #6, Tgh max

C8 - Ground Temperatures
Calculated Under-slab Ground Temperatures for Adelaide, Kent Town using Tground (not calibrated)
Outdoor Mean Monthly Air Temperature Typical, above ground home Earth-sheltered (bermed) home
°C °C °C
January 23.2 20.7 19.9
February 23.3 21.2 20.8
March 20.8 20.5 19.8
April 17.6 18.8 19.2
May 14.6 17.4 18.0
June 12.1 15.4 16.6
July 11.4 14.8 16.6
August 12.5 15.4 16.5
September 14.4 16.6 17.4
October 16.7 17.5 17.8
November 19.6 18.1 18.4
December 21.3 19.6 19.7

Calculated Under-slab Ground Temperatures for Adelaide, Kent Town using TgroundES (calibrated)
Earth-sheltered (bermed)
Outdoor Mean Monthly Air Temperature Typical, above ground home
Month home
°C °C
January 23.2 24.1 23.7
February 23.3 24.3 23.8
March 20.8 22.5 22.2
April 17.6 20.4 20.4
May 14.6 18.7 18.9
June 12.1 18.1 18.3
July 11.4 18 18.2
August 12.5 17.9 18.1
September 14.4 18.4 18.4

Appendices 144
October 16.7 19.6 19.5
November 19.6 21.5 21.2
December 21.3 22.7 22.3

Appendices 145
Results – with Berm, Adelaide Climate

Annual Harmonic Transfer Functions – With berm (heat flow down)

Transfer Lag Internal Lead

Component U-value Modulus (days) Admittance (days)
 
Core concrete slab,
and 1m soil
Soil 1200mm 0.70 0.70 6.1 0.72 9.6
=1900 kg/m3 * 4.4 4.4 0.1 4.4 0.1
Concrete 100mm
=2400kg/m3 *
Resi = 0.16

Edge of slab, path 0.20 0.15 68.2 0.54 47.2

length 5.0m 0.25* 0.22 46 0.51 46
Rese = 0.04 .17** .10 91 .55 47
0.2*** .14 79 .6 47
0.25**** 0.17 79 0.75 47

First row of results is for calculating gtemp at 1m down

*Second row of results 20130110, 4m heat path for underslab temp (no dirt)
** third row of results 20130110, 6m heat path for underslab temp (no dirt)
*** fourth row of results 20130110 , 6m heat path for underslab temp (no dirt) with 1.2 conductivity for
soil (instead of 1)
**** fifth row of results, 6m heat path for underslab temp (not dirt) with wet berm assumption for Taos.

Appendices 146
Annual Harmonic Transfer Functions – Without berm (heat flow down)

Transfer Lag Internal Lead

Component U-value Modulus (days) Admittance (days)
 
Core concrete slab,
and 1m soil
Soil 1100mm 0.75 0.75 5.2 0.76 8.2
=1900 kg/m3 * 4.4* 4.4 0.1 4.4 0.1
Concrete 100mm
=2400kg/m3 *
Resi = 0.16

Edge of slab, path 0.35 0.34 23.6 0.49 35.6

length 2.8m* 0.11* 0.10 46 0.23 46
Rese = 0.04

First row of results is for calculating gtemp at 1m down

*Second row of results is underslab (no dirt layer). Edge with 1.8m “thickness” of earth (heat flow path
length), K= 1.2.

Appendices 147
Appendix D - LCA

Appendices 148
D1 - LCA Results: Elementary Flows and Characterisation

Elementary Flows for External Wall

Table D1.1 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, External Walls per linear metre of wall (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)

Compart- BV ESI ESIB ESIB CanL inc
Substance ment Unit BV 5/90/5 60/15/25 CBI CanR CanR CanL Foot MB RBV RE REI SB TFC
Carbon dioxide, biogenic Soil kg CO2-eq -1.5E+01 -1.5E+01 -2.1E+00 -1.6E-05 -1.1E+00 -1.3E+01 -1.3E+01 -2.1E+00 -1.5E+01 -2.1E+00 -2.1E+00 -8.3E+00 -1.7E+01
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 2.7E+02 1.9E+02 2.9E+02 9.1E+01 1.3E+02 1.8E+02 3.0E+02 8.5E+01 2.8E+02 1.5E+02 1.9E+02 1.2E+02 1.3E+02
Methane, biogenic Air kg CO2-eq 6.9E+00 6.9E+00 1.0E+00 3.2E-02 8.3E-01 6.2E+00 6.2E+00 9.6E-01 7.1E+00 9.7E-01 9.9E-01 3.8E+00 7.9E+00
Methane, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 3.9E+00 3.7E+00 1.2E+01 8.7E+00 1.2E+01 1.3E+01 1.5E+01 1.8E+00 4.2E+00 3.3E+00 1.0E+01 2.6E+00 3.5E+00
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-
tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.1E-07 9.6E-08 8.6E-08 4.5E-08 9.0E-08 1.2E-07 1.6E-07 3.3E-08 1.1E-07 7.0E-08 7.4E-08 6.2E-08 3.6E-08
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air kg CFC 11-eq -6.5E-09 1.1E-09 4.5E-08 4.8E-08 6.5E-08 6.5E-08 6.6E-08 5.9E-10 5.3E-06 -2.2E-08 2.0E-08 1.3E-09 5.2E-06
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon
1211 Air kg CFC 11-eq 2.2E-07 2.0E-07 2.2E-07 1.1E-07 2.1E-07 6.4E-07 7.3E-07 7.5E-08 2.2E-07 1.3E-07 1.5E-07 1.3E-07 9.4E-08
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.8E-06 1.6E-06 2.3E-06 8.1E-07 1.3E-06 1.6E-06 2.6E-06 7.9E-07 1.8E-06 1.5E-06 1.6E-06 1.3E-06 8.0E-07
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.7E-08 1.5E-08 5.8E-07 6.3E-07 8.4E-07 8.5E-07 8.6E-07 6.2E-09 1.7E-08 7.6E-09 5.7E-07 9.6E-09 9.6E-09
Carbon monoxide Air kg C2H4-eq 2.0E-02 1.6E-02 1.5E-02 4.2E-03 8.8E-03 1.6E-02 2.2E-02 5.9E-03 2.0E-02 1.0E-02 1.1E-02 1.4E-02 1.3E-02
Carbon monoxide, biogenic Air kg C2H4-eq 3.1E-03 3.1E-03 4.6E-04 3.7E-04 7.1E-04 1.9E-03 2.0E-03 4.2E-04 3.1E-03 4.3E-04 4.4E-04 1.6E-03 3.6E-03
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 7.9E-03 4.2E-03 2.9E-03 1.9E-03 2.7E-03 3.3E-03 4.1E-03 6.9E-04 7.8E-03 1.1E-03 2.2E-03 1.2E-03 8.4E-04
Formaldehyde Air kg C2H4-eq 5.2E-03 2.2E-03 8.4E-05 -1.4E-05 3.6E-06 9.5E-04 9.9E-04 3.5E-05 5.0E-03 4.6E-05 5.1E-05 5.4E-05 1.2E-04
Methane, biogenic Air kg C2H4-eq 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 2.9E-04 9.3E-06 2.4E-04 1.8E-03 1.8E-03 2.8E-04 2.0E-03 2.8E-04 2.8E-04 1.1E-03 2.3E-03
Methane, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 1.1E-03 1.0E-03 3.4E-03 2.5E-03 3.3E-03 3.6E-03 4.3E-03 5.1E-04 1.2E-03 9.5E-04 2.9E-03 7.4E-04 9.9E-04
Pentane Air kg C2H4-eq 4.8E-05 8.3E-05 5.9E-02 6.5E-02 8.8E-02 8.7E-02 8.7E-02 4.0E-05 5.3E-05 -5.1E-05 5.9E-02 6.7E-05 5.0E-05
Propylene glycol Air kg C2H4-eq 2.5E-02 2.5E-02 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 5.2E-02 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 2.8E-02
Sulfur dioxide Air kg C2H4-eq 6.3E-03 4.4E-03 9.7E-03 6.1E-03 8.9E-03 1.2E-02 1.4E-02 1.7E-03 6.7E-03 2.4E-03 7.8E-03 2.7E-03 2.9E-03
Ammonia Air kg PO4--- eq 4.5E-03 4.8E-03 1.3E-03 2.9E-04 2.3E-03 3.9E-03 4.5E-03 4.4E-04 9.2E-03 -1.6E-04 -1.3E-04 6.6E-04 5.3E-03
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand Water kg PO4--- eq 3.9E-03 3.5E-03 4.9E-03 4.7E-03 1.0E-02 1.1E-02 1.3E-02 1.2E-03 4.2E-03 1.8E-03 3.1E-03 1.7E-03 4.0E-03
Nitrogen oxides Air kg PO4--- eq 1.0E-01 8.2E-02 1.0E-01 3.5E-02 5.7E-02 8.1E-02 1.3E-01 3.4E-02 1.0E-01 7.0E-02 8.2E-02 5.3E-02 6.3E-02
Phosphate Water kg PO4--- eq 1.7E-02 1.6E-02 2.0E-02 9.3E-03 2.0E-02 2.9E-02 3.7E-02 6.5E-03 1.8E-02 1.1E-02 1.3E-02 1.1E-02 7.9E-03
Phosphorus Water kg PO4--- eq 4.6E-05 4.6E-05 2.0E-03 2.1E-03 3.9E-03 3.9E-03 3.9E-03 2.7E-05 4.6E-05 4.7E-05 2.0E-03 3.7E-05 3.9E-05
Compart- BV ESI ESIB ESIB CanL inc
Substance ment Unit BV 5/90/5 60/15/25 CBI CanR CanR CanL Foot MB RBV RE REI SB TFC
Occupation, arable, non-irrigated Raw Ha.years 1.5E-05 1.5E-05 1.9E-06 3.2E-05 1.5E-04 1.4E-04 1.4E-04 7.2E-07 1.8E-05 1.5E-06 1.5E-06 1.1E-06 2.7E-05
Occupation, forest Raw Ha.years 2.9E-04 2.9E-04 3.9E-05 2.9E-05 6.0E-05 1.4E-04 1.4E-04 3.9E-05 3.9E-04 3.9E-05 3.9E-05 1.5E-04 4.3E-04
Occupation, forest, intensive Raw Ha.years 4.5E-04 4.5E-04 8.9E-04 1.6E-04 1.8E-04 2.4E-04 6.6E-04 2.9E-04 4.4E-04 5.6E-04 5.9E-04 3.8E-04 4.4E-04
Occupation, forest, intensive, normal Raw Ha.years 2.1E-04 2.1E-04 3.9E-04 7.2E-05 8.6E-05 8.7E-03 8.9E-03 1.3E-04 2.1E-04 2.4E-04 2.5E-04 1.8E-04 2.0E-04
Occupation, forest, intensive, short-
cycle Raw Ha.years 2.3E-03 2.3E-03 2.8E-04 6.9E-04 1.1E-03 1.6E-03 1.6E-03 2.8E-04 2.3E-03 2.8E-04 2.8E-04 1.1E-03 2.7E-03
Occupation, traffic area, road network Raw Ha.years 7.4E-05 6.4E-05 3.7E-05 2.9E-05 4.8E-05 4.7E-05 6.4E-05 1.7E-05 7.2E-05 3.9E-05 4.1E-05 3.8E-05 1.7E-05
Occupation, urban, green areas Raw Ha.years 2.4E-04 2.0E-04 3.5E-04 1.0E-04 1.4E-04 2.5E-04 3.7E-04 9.0E-05 2.6E-04 9.6E-05 1.4E-04 1.2E-04 1.7E-04
Water, cooling, unspecified natural
origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 2.7E-01 2.5E-01 2.0E+00 1.9E+00 2.7E+00 2.8E+00 3.0E+00 1.3E-01 3.1E-01 2.1E-01 1.9E+00 1.9E-01 2.1E-01
Water, process, unspecified natural
origin/kg Raw m3 H2O 8.2E-02 8.2E-02 1.6E-01 -1.3E-01 -1.5E-01 2.1E-01 2.9E-01 5.3E-02 9.7E-02 1.0E-01 1.1E-01 6.9E-02 9.2E-02
Water, river Raw m3 H2O 5.8E-02 5.2E-02 5.9E-02 3.2E-02 9.0E-01 9.1E-01 9.4E-01 1.9E-02 5.8E-02 3.8E-02 4.8E-02 3.5E-02 2.2E-02
Water, unspecified natural origin /kg Raw m3 H2O 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 3.8E-02 6.4E-01 1.3E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 2.9E-01 1.8E-01 1.2E+00 1.3E+00 7.4E-01 5.8E-02
Water, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 5.7E-01 1.2E+00 3.1E+00 9.6E-01 1.2E+00 1.4E+00 2.9E+00 1.2E+00 9.3E-01 3.1E-01 4.5E-01 1.4E+00 1.5E+00
Cardboard waste Waste kg 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.1E+01 1.5E+01 1.4E+01 1.4E+01 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00
Mineral waste Waste kg 1.5E+01 1.4E+01 5.4E+01 8.4E+00 9.6E+00 1.4E+01 4.0E+01 1.6E+01 1.5E+01 1.8E+01 1.8E+01 2.1E+01 1.5E+01
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 1.1E+02 2.3E+02 1.0E+02 4.0E+01 4.9E+01 6.4E+01 1.1E+02 3.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.1E+02 1.2E+02 4.5E+01 9.5E+01
Waste, unspecified Waste kg 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 2.9E+00 6.1E-01 7.1E-01 7.6E-01 1.6E+00 6.3E-01 2.0E+00 6.4E-01 6.7E-01 1.1E+00 1.4E+00
Coal, 29.3 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 9.6E+01 9.6E+01 2.4E+02 4.5E+01 4.8E+01 7.8E+01 1.9E+02 7.7E+01 1.2E+02 1.5E+02 1.6E+02 1.0E+02 9.5E+01
Coal, hard Raw MJ LHV 4.9E+01 4.5E+01 5.1E+01 2.1E+01 3.3E+01 3.6E+01 6.0E+01 1.9E+01 4.9E+01 3.1E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01 2.1E+01
Energy, from biomass Raw MJ LHV 5.1E+01 5.1E+01 1.9E+00 8.8E+01 1.2E+02 1.2E+02 1.2E+02 1.9E+00 3.8E+01 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 7.4E+00 6.8E+01
Energy, from wood Raw MJ LHV 7.3E+01 7.3E+01 9.8E+00 7.3E+00 1.5E+01 3.6E+01 3.6E+01 9.7E+00 7.4E+01 9.7E+00 9.7E+00 3.9E+01 8.5E+01
Energy, gross calorific value, in
biomass Raw MJ LHV 3.1E+01 3.1E+01 6.0E+01 1.3E+01 3.6E+01 2.3E+02 2.5E+02 1.9E+01 3.0E+01 3.7E+01 4.1E+01 2.6E+01 2.9E+01
Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted Raw MJ LHV 4.4E+01 3.6E+01 6.7E+01 2.6E+01 3.5E+01 4.0E+01 6.4E+01 1.7E+01 4.7E+01 1.9E+01 2.7E+01 2.3E+01 3.0E+01
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3, in
ground Raw MJ LHV 1.3E+03 8.3E+02 8.5E+02 2.7E+02 3.5E+02 4.4E+02 8.0E+02 2.6E+02 1.4E+03 4.1E+02 4.7E+02 3.6E+02 5.2E+02
Gas, natural/m3 Raw MJ LHV 3.9E+01 3.5E+01 3.9E+01 1.6E+01 2.5E+01 2.7E+01 4.5E+01 1.4E+01 3.9E+01 2.5E+01 2.7E+01 2.5E+01 1.7E+01
Oil, crude Raw MJ LHV 1.5E+02 1.4E+02 1.8E+02 6.6E+01 1.0E+02 1.1E+02 1.9E+02 6.5E+01 1.5E+02 1.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.1E+02 6.7E+01
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 6.3E+02 5.1E+02 8.4E+02 2.6E+02 4.2E+02 5.2E+02 9.4E+02 3.5E+02 6.4E+02 5.3E+02 5.7E+02 4.8E+02 3.1E+02
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 2.5E+02 2.1E+02 3.5E+02 1.1E+02 1.8E+02 2.2E+02 3.9E+02 1.4E+02 2.6E+02 2.2E+02 2.3E+02 2.0E+02 1.3E+02
Compart- BV ESI ESIB ESIB CanL inc
Substance ment Unit BV 5/90/5 60/15/25 CBI CanR CanR CanL Foot MB RBV RE REI SB TFC
Uranium Raw MJ LHV 5.9E+01 5.2E+01 4.5E+01 2.4E+01 3.7E+01 3.8E+01 5.9E+01 1.8E+01 5.9E+01 3.8E+01 4.0E+01 3.4E+01 2.0E+01
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 1.6E-09 1.6E-09 1.4E-09 5.2E-10 7.7E-10 1.2E-09 1.8E-09 5.3E-10 1.7E-09 8.1E-10 9.4E-10 1.1E-09 1.5E-09
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 1.3E-07 5.7E-08 2.2E-09 -3.3E-10 1.4E-10 3.4E-08 3.5E-08 9.0E-10 1.3E-07 1.3E-09 1.4E-09 1.3E-09 2.7E-09
Benzene Air CTUh 1.7E-10 9.5E-11 1.1E-10 4.5E-11 6.2E-11 7.9E-11 1.2E-10 2.9E-11 1.7E-10 4.1E-11 6.5E-11 4.4E-11 3.1E-11
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 3.9E-09 3.9E-09 4.6E-09 1.9E-09 2.8E-09 4.1E-09 6.0E-09 1.5E-09 4.0E-09 1.4E-09 1.6E-09 2.5E-09 2.2E-09
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 1.7E-09 7.3E-10 2.8E-11 -4.3E-12 1.5E-12 3.9E-10 4.0E-10 1.2E-11 1.7E-09 1.6E-11 1.8E-11 1.7E-11 3.6E-11
Hexane Air CTUh 6.8E-11 5.8E-11 8.6E-11 3.9E-11 6.1E-11 5.1E-11 9.2E-11 3.3E-11 6.9E-11 5.5E-11 5.9E-11 4.8E-11 3.6E-11
Parathion Soil CTUh 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 3.8E-10 3.8E-10 3.8E-10 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00
Styrene Air CTUh -4.3E-14 2.2E-14 9.1E-11 1.0E-10 1.3E-10 1.3E-10 1.3E-10 1.8E-14 -3.4E-14 -1.9E-13 9.0E-11 6.3E-14 4.8E-14
Xylene Air CTUh 4.1E-11 3.6E-11 7.4E-11 2.2E-11 3.2E-11 3.9E-11 7.4E-11 2.6E-11 4.1E-11 3.8E-11 4.2E-11 3.6E-11 2.4E-11
Chlorothalonil Soil CTUe 9.0E-02 8.9E-02 1.6E-01 3.7E-02 4.2E-02 5.4E-02 1.3E-01 5.8E-02 8.8E-02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 7.7E-02 8.2E-02
Cumene Water CTUe 4.8E-02 4.9E-02 9.5E-02 2.7E-02 2.5E-02 3.1E-02 7.4E-02 3.2E-02 4.7E-02 5.3E-02 6.3E-02 4.2E-02 4.5E-02
Formaldehyde Air CTUe 2.7E-01 1.1E-01 4.3E-03 -7.1E-04 1.9E-04 5.0E-02 5.2E-02 1.8E-03 2.6E-01 2.4E-03 2.6E-03 2.8E-03 6.0E-03
Metolachlor Soil CTUe 1.5E-02 1.3E-02 1.3E-02 6.0E-03 8.6E-02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 5.0E-03 1.5E-02 1.1E-02 1.2E-02 9.0E-03 5.6E-03
Parathion Soil CTUe 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.1E+01 1.1E+01 1.1E+01 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00
Phenol Water CTUe 5.6E-02 5.0E-02 8.8E-02 2.8E-02 4.1E-02 5.2E-02 9.3E-02 3.2E-02 5.6E-02 5.4E-02 6.1E-02 4.5E-02 3.5E-02

Characterisation Results for Impacts of External Wall

Table D1.2 - Characterisation results, external walls (1lm)
Impact category Unit BV EOL60/15/25 CBI CanR CanR CanL Foot rend RBV RE REI SB TFC CO2 seq
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 2.67E+02 1.89E+02 3.00E+02 9.88E+01 1.41E+02 1.91E+02 3.12E+02 8.64E+01 2.83E+02 1.49E+02 1.96E+02 1.19E+02 1.27E+02 1.44E+02
Ozone depletion kgCFC 11-eq 2.17E-06 1.98E-06 3.26E-06 1.67E-06 2.51E-06 3.32E-06 4.53E-06 9.21E-07 7.53E-06 1.69E-06 2.42E-06 1.52E-06 6.17E-06 6.17E-06
Photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 7.18E-02 5.95E-02 9.37E-02 8.13E-02 1.13E-01 1.28E-01 1.39E-01 1.03E-02 1.00E-01 1.65E-02 8.58E-02 2.22E-02 5.31E-02 5.31E-02
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 1.27E-01 1.07E-01 1.34E-01 5.22E-02 9.72E-02 1.34E-01 1.89E-01 4.25E-02 1.37E-01 8.30E-02 1.01E-01 6.71E-02 8.06E-02 8.06E-02
Land use Ha.years 3.70E-03 3.63E-03 2.04E-03 1.13E-03 1.91E-03 1.14E-02 1.21E-02 8.64E-04 3.74E-03 1.22E-03 1.31E-03 2.02E-03 4.07E-03 4.07E-03
Water Use M3 H2O 1.24E+00 1.81E+00 5.43E+00 3.46E+00 5.88E+00 6.49E+00 8.25E+00 1.66E+00 1.67E+00 1.92E+00 3.79E+00 2.43E+00 1.87E+00 1.87E+00
Solid waste kg 1.23E+02 2.48E+02 1.63E+02 6.04E+01 7.57E+01 9.30E+01 1.65E+02 4.75E+01 1.21E+02 1.29E+02 1.42E+02 6.81E+01 1.13E+02 1.13E+02
Embodied energy LHV MJ LHV 2.93E+03 2.24E+03 2.77E+03 9.51E+02 1.42E+03 1.94E+03 3.21E+03 1.01E+03 3.04E+03 1.62E+03 1.77E+03 1.47E+03 1.56E+03 1.56E+03
Impact category Unit BV EOL60/15/25 CBI CanR CanR CanL Foot rend RBV RE REI SB TFC CO2 seq
Human toxicity, cancer CTUh 1.35E-07 5.93E-08 4.64E-09 9.53E-10 1.93E-09 3.65E-08 3.83E-08 1.59E-09 1.32E-07 2.33E-09 3.19E-09 2.64E-09 4.46E-09 4.46E-09
Human toxicity, non-cancer CTUh 5.99E-09 4.87E-09 5.18E-09 2.12E-09 3.57E-09 5.34E-09 7.39E-09 1.64E-09 6.12E-09 1.61E-09 1.97E-09 2.77E-09 2.43E-09 2.43E-09
Ecotoxicity CTUe 5.26E-01 3.62E-01 4.22E-01 1.16E-01 1.09E+01 1.10E+01 1.12E+01 1.52E-01 5.40E-01 2.65E-01 2.92E-01 2.08E-01 2.18E-01 2.18E-01

Elementary Flows for Thermal Envelope

Table D1.3 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, Thermal Envelope (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)
Substance ment Unit CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE Base Case lowEE MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
Carbon dioxide, biogenic Soil kg CO2-eq -3.01E+03 -2.89E+03 -2.31E+03 -5.10E+03 -6.42E+03 -6.01E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.90E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.59E+03 -3.27E+03
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 1.87E+04 2.50E+04 2.58E+04 1.19E+04 2.81E+04 1.55E+04 1.06E+04 2.56E+04 1.61E+04 1.79E+04 1.84E+04 1.54E+04
Methane, biogenic Air kg CO2-eq 1.37E+03 1.32E+03 1.06E+03 2.32E+03 2.95E+03 2.76E+03 1.05E+03 1.33E+03 1.05E+03 1.06E+03 1.18E+03 1.49E+03
Methane, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 4.05E+02 4.50E+02 8.10E+02 5.48E+02 1.06E+03 7.91E+02 2.86E+02 4.65E+02 4.05E+02 7.07E+02 3.94E+02 4.28E+02
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-
1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC- kg CFC 11-
114 Air eq 7.79E-06 1.06E-05 9.60E-06 7.32E-06 1.61E-05 1.24E-05 6.02E-06 1.06E-05 7.62E-06 7.83E-06 8.55E-06 5.72E-06
kg CFC 11-
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air eq 2.17E-07 -7.36E-08 2.21E-06 1.80E-06 3.34E-05 3.36E-05 1.01E-07 2.38E-04 -5.54E-07 1.32E-06 2.77E-07 2.30E-04
bromochlorodifluoro-, kg CFC 11-
Halon 1211 Air eq 3.40E-05 3.91E-05 3.89E-05 3.35E-05 7.58E-05 5.50E-05 2.97E-05 3.91E-05 3.29E-05 3.40E-05 3.54E-05 3.08E-05
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, kg CFC 11-
Halon 1301 Air eq 1.34E-04 1.76E-04 1.98E-04 1.17E-04 2.31E-04 1.74E-04 1.00E-04 1.76E-04 1.46E-04 1.50E-04 1.55E-04 1.09E-04
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, kg CFC 11-
HCFC-22 Air eq 1.90E-06 2.23E-06 2.75E-05 2.31E-05 3.62E-05 3.53E-05 1.40E-06 2.25E-06 1.66E-06 2.68E-05 1.91E-06 1.75E-06
Methane, tetrachloro-, kg CFC 11-
CFC-10 Air eq 8.43E-06 8.91E-06 9.02E-06 9.13E-06 1.05E-05 9.38E-06 7.28E-06 8.98E-06 7.71E-06 8.04E-06 8.13E-06 8.32E-06
kg C2H4-
Carbon monoxide Air eq 2.18E+00 2.48E+00 2.28E+00 2.51E+00 4.13E+00 2.79E+00 1.61E+00 2.49E+00 1.92E+00 1.98E+00 2.23E+00 2.09E+00
kg C2H4-
Carbon monoxide, biogenic Air eq 5.72E-01 5.49E-01 4.32E-01 9.71E-01 1.19E+00 1.15E+00 4.29E-01 5.50E-01 4.31E-01 4.31E-01 4.84E-01 6.28E-01
kg C2H4-
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air eq 3.40E-01 5.91E-01 3.69E-01 1.57E-01 3.16E-01 2.45E-01 1.01E-01 5.87E-01 1.33E-01 1.81E-01 2.90E-01 1.15E-01
kg C2H4-
Formaldehyde Air eq 2.01E-01 3.73E-01 1.47E-01 3.35E-02 9.38E-02 3.71E-02 3.11E-02 3.68E-01 3.23E-02 3.26E-02 1.46E-01 3.60E-02
kg C2H4-
Methane, biogenic Air eq 3.92E-01 3.77E-01 3.02E-01 6.64E-01 8.42E-01 7.88E-01 3.01E-01 3.79E-01 3.01E-01 3.01E-01 3.38E-01 4.27E-01
kg C2H4-
Methane, fossil Air eq 1.16E-01 1.29E-01 2.31E-01 1.57E-01 3.03E-01 2.26E-01 8.17E-02 1.33E-01 1.16E-01 2.02E-01 1.13E-01 1.22E-01
kg C2H4-
Pentane Air eq 9.80E-03 1.01E-02 2.65E+00 2.27E+00 3.76E+00 3.79E+00 7.50E-03 1.03E-02 6.00E-03 2.65E+00 1.10E-02 1.03E-02
kg C2H4-
Propylene glycol Air eq 1.84E+00 1.61E+00 5.10E-01 4.54E-02 9.95E-01 3.04E-01 x 2.08E+00 x x 5.10E-01 1.52E+00
Substance ment Unit CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE Base Case lowEE MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
kg C2H4-
Sulfur dioxide Air eq 5.75E-01 7.31E-01 8.83E-01 5.83E-01 1.69E+00 1.06E+00 3.97E-01 7.50E-01 4.74E-01 7.13E-01 5.74E-01 4.92E-01
kg PO4---
Ammonia Air eq 4.13E-01 3.71E-01 2.29E-01 8.99E-02 4.86E-01 2.97E-01 7.90E-02 4.52E-01 8.09E-02 8.22E-02 1.99E-01 3.73E-01
COD, Chemical Oxygen kg PO4---
Demand Water eq 3.84E-01 4.27E-01 4.72E-01 3.44E-01 9.99E-01 7.24E-01 2.49E-01 4.41E-01 3.12E-01 3.72E-01 3.33E-01 4.31E-01
kg PO4---
Nitrogen oxides Air eq 8.60E+00 1.04E+01 1.05E+01 7.23E+00 1.51E+01 9.70E+00 5.77E+00 1.06E+01 8.22E+00 8.78E+00 8.29E+00 7.98E+00
kg PO4---
Phosphate Water eq 1.70E+00 2.10E+00 2.23E+00 1.61E+00 3.73E+00 2.92E+00 1.35E+00 2.11E+00 1.64E+00 1.75E+00 1.83E+00 1.47E+00
Occupation, forest Raw Ha.years 5.39E-02 5.17E-02 4.03E-02 9.27E-02 1.12E-01 1.09E-01 4.03E-02 5.60E-02 4.03E-02 4.03E-02 4.56E-02 6.34E-02
Occupation, forest,
intensive Raw Ha.years 4.15E-02 4.52E-02 6.50E-02 2.04E-02 5.64E-02 2.47E-02 2.63E-02 4.49E-02 4.80E-02 4.93E-02 4.25E-02 4.55E-02
Occupation, forest,
intensive, normal Raw Ha.years 2.49E-01 2.51E-01 2.59E-01 2.54E-01 6.27E-01 3.15E-01 2.43E-01 2.51E-01 2.52E-01 2.52E-01 2.50E-01 2.51E-01
Occupation, forest,
intensive, short-cycle Raw Ha.years 4.13E-01 3.95E-01 3.04E-01 6.92E-01 8.37E-01 8.18E-01 3.04E-01 3.92E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 3.42E-01 4.57E-01
Occupation, urban, green
areas Raw Ha.years 2.08E-02 2.48E-02 2.96E-02 1.40E-02 3.72E-02 1.27E-02 1.19E-02 2.55E-02 1.61E-02 1.80E-02 1.95E-02 2.02E-02
Water, cooling, unspecified
natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 3.33E+01 3.82E+01 1.15E+02 9.23E+01 2.44E+02 2.22E+02 2.75E+01 4.01E+01 3.36E+01 1.08E+02 3.48E+01 3.35E+01
Water, process,
unspecified natural
origin/kg Raw m3 H2O 8.45E+00 9.90E+00 1.35E+01 1.63E+00 6.54E+01 -1.18E+01 6.44E+00 1.06E+01 1.04E+01 1.07E+01 9.38E+00 9.75E+00
Water, river Raw m3 H2O 4.70E+00 6.13E+00 6.16E+00 4.57E+00 6.87E+01 6.65E+01 3.65E+00 6.11E+00 4.59E+00 5.04E+00 5.11E+00 3.73E+00
Water, unspecified natural
origin /kg Raw m3 H2O 8.06E+00 1.32E+01 6.78E+00 1.03E+02 1.71E+02 1.67E+02 7.83E+01 1.31E+01 7.73E+01 7.90E+01 3.85E+01 4.61E+00
Water, unspecified natural
origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 9.23E+01 8.77E+01 2.03E+02 5.89E+01 1.91E+02 9.70E+01 6.90E+01 1.04E+02 8.94E+01 9.55E+01 1.24E+02 1.37E+02
Cardboard waste Waste kg x x x 3.94E+02 5.45E+02 6.04E+02 x x x x x x
Mineral waste Waste kg 1.48E+03 1.68E+03 3.45E+03 6.68E+02 1.22E+03 8.82E+02 8.86E+02 1.70E+03 1.83E+03 1.84E+03 1.98E+03 1.61E+03
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 1.04E+04 1.09E+04 1.08E+04 8.21E+03 1.20E+04 1.01E+04 6.46E+03 1.07E+04 1.03E+04 1.08E+04 8.21E+03 1.10E+04
Waste, unspecified Waste kg 1.39E+02 1.40E+02 2.14E+02 8.08E+01 1.66E+02 1.39E+02 7.28E+01 1.57E+02 1.01E+02 1.03E+02 1.34E+02 1.44E+02
Coal, 26.4 MJ per kg, in
ground Raw MJ LHV 4.08E+03 4.12E+03 3.92E+03 3.04E+03 1.43E+04 2.15E+03 3.49E+03 5.56E+03 3.46E+03 3.53E+03 4.30E+03 5.83E+03
Coal, 29.3 MJ per kg, in
ground Raw MJ LHV 7.66E+03 9.46E+03 1.58E+04 4.37E+03 1.68E+04 5.67E+03 5.41E+03 1.04E+04 1.13E+04 1.17E+04 9.77E+03 8.56E+03
Coal, hard Raw MJ LHV 3.22E+03 4.38E+03 4.47E+03 2.79E+03 5.34E+03 3.95E+03 2.28E+03 4.39E+03 3.14E+03 3.22E+03 3.69E+03 2.51E+03
Energy, from biomass Raw MJ LHV 6.66E+03 6.36E+03 4.18E+03 8.16E+03 1.01E+04 1.02E+04 4.18E+03 5.80E+03 4.18E+03 4.18E+03 4.43E+03 8.01E+03
Energy, from wood Raw MJ LHV 1.35E+04 1.29E+04 1.01E+04 2.32E+04 2.80E+04 2.73E+04 1.01E+04 1.29E+04 1.01E+04 1.01E+04 1.14E+04 1.48E+04
Energy, gross calorific
value, in biomass Raw MJ LHV 7.82E+03 8.10E+03 9.43E+03 6.83E+03 1.87E+04 1.02E+04 6.82E+03 8.08E+03 8.22E+03 8.39E+03 7.90E+03 8.06E+03
Substance ment Unit CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE Base Case lowEE MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
Energy, kinetic (in wind),
converted Raw MJ LHV 3.59E+03 4.34E+03 5.35E+03 2.48E+03 4.61E+03 2.89E+03 1.95E+03 4.46E+03 2.79E+03 3.14E+03 3.38E+03 3.43E+03
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per
m3, in ground Raw MJ LHV 8.16E+04 1.13E+05 9.31E+04 4.17E+04 7.69E+04 4.39E+04 3.77E+04 1.15E+05 5.35E+04 5.62E+04 7.13E+04 6.13E+04
Gas, natural/m3 Raw MJ LHV 2.55E+03 3.45E+03 3.46E+03 2.17E+03 4.15E+03 3.04E+03 1.80E+03 3.45E+03 2.49E+03 2.55E+03 2.86E+03 2.00E+03
Oil, crude Raw MJ LHV 1.01E+04 1.36E+04 1.49E+04 8.58E+03 1.63E+04 1.22E+04 7.26E+03 1.36E+04 1.10E+04 1.12E+04 1.18E+04 7.96E+03
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in
ground Raw MJ LHV 4.53E+04 5.99E+04 6.93E+04 3.52E+04 7.10E+04 4.95E+04 3.46E+04 6.05E+04 5.08E+04 5.25E+04 5.35E+04 3.79E+04
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg,
in ground Raw MJ LHV 1.84E+04 2.43E+04 2.84E+04 1.45E+04 2.93E+04 2.06E+04 1.43E+04 2.45E+04 2.10E+04 2.17E+04 2.20E+04 1.55E+04
Uranium Raw MJ LHV 3.44E+03 4.96E+03 4.33E+03 3.09E+03 5.99E+03 4.48E+03 2.47E+03 4.93E+03 3.36E+03 3.45E+03 3.87E+03 2.35E+03
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 2.23E-07 2.30E-07 2.20E-07 3.17E-07 4.35E-07 3.83E-07 1.63E-07 2.30E-07 1.87E-07 1.93E-07 2.05E-07 2.37E-07
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 5.41E-06 9.87E-06 4.04E-06 1.07E-06 3.01E-06 1.22E-06 1.03E-06 9.72E-06 1.07E-06 1.07E-06 4.00E-06 1.14E-06
Benzene Air CTUh 9.36E-09 1.45E-08 1.15E-08 5.04E-09 8.11E-09 6.33E-09 3.82E-09 1.43E-08 5.43E-09 6.51E-09 8.77E-09 4.94E-09
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 3.72E-07 4.48E-07 4.81E-07 3.25E-07 6.34E-07 4.73E-07 2.70E-07 4.54E-07 3.06E-07 3.16E-07 3.89E-07 3.38E-07
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 6.81E-08 1.25E-07 5.04E-08 1.27E-08 3.56E-08 1.43E-08 1.21E-08 1.23E-07 1.25E-08 1.26E-08 5.00E-08 1.35E-08
Hexane Air CTUh 5.35E-09 6.78E-09 7.64E-09 4.45E-09 5.13E-09 7.57E-09 3.98E-09 6.83E-09 5.70E-09 5.86E-09 5.96E-09 4.67E-09
Chlorothalonil Soil CTUe 8.17E+00 9.05E+00 1.23E+01 4.65E+00 1.14E+01 5.84E+00 5.58E+00 8.99E+00 9.39E+00 9.64E+00 8.53E+00 8.75E+00
Cumene Water CTUe 6.38E+00 6.83E+00 8.91E+00 5.27E+00 8.21E+00 5.33E+00 4.95E+00 6.80E+00 6.87E+00 7.28E+00 6.60E+00 6.74E+00
Formaldehyde Air CTUe 1.04E+01 1.93E+01 7.63E+00 1.74E+00 4.88E+00 1.93E+00 1.62E+00 1.90E+01 1.69E+00 1.70E+00 7.56E+00 1.87E+00
Metolachlor Soil CTUe 1.51E+00 1.89E+00 1.78E+00 1.43E+00 8.45E+00 7.25E+00 1.26E+00 1.88E+00 1.55E+00 1.57E+00 1.62E+00 1.26E+00
Parathion Soil CTUe x x x x 7.38E+02 7.38E+02 x x x x x x
Phenol Water CTUe 5.28E+00 6.33E+00 7.75E+00 4.41E+00 9.06E+00 6.68E+00 4.11E+00 6.35E+00 5.87E+00 6.19E+00 5.85E+00 4.94E+00
Characterisation Results for Impacts of Thermal Envelope
Table D1.4 - Characterisation results, thermal envelope
Impact category Unit CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE Base Case lowEE MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 1.78E+04 2.42E+04 2.57E+04 9.84E+03 2.69E+04 1.31E+04 9.83E+03 2.49E+04 1.55E+04 1.76E+04 1.77E+04 1.44E+04
Ozone Depletion kg CFC 11-eq 1.88E-04 2.39E-04 2.88E-04 1.93E-04 4.06E-04 3.22E-04 1.46E-04 4.77E-04 1.97E-04 2.30E-04 2.11E-04 3.88E-04
Photochemical Oxidation kg C2H4-eq 6.39E+00 7.05E+00 8.03E+00 7.51E+00 1.36E+01 1.05E+01 3.06E+00 7.58E+00 3.56E+00 6.66E+00 4.86E+00 5.61E+00
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 1.13E+01 1.35E+01 1.38E+01 9.50E+00 2.12E+01 1.45E+01 7.58E+00 1.37E+01 1.04E+01 1.12E+01 1.08E+01 1.04E+01
Land use Ha.years 7.92E-01 7.85E-01 7.11E-01 1.08E+00 1.71E+00 1.31E+00 6.33E-01 7.87E-01 6.68E-01 6.72E-01 7.12E-01 8.49E-01
Water Use m3 H2O 1.51E+02 1.61E+02 3.48E+02 2.62E+02 7.44E+02 5.44E+02 1.86E+02 1.80E+02 2.17E+02 3.01E+02 2.16E+02 1.91E+02
Solid waste kg 1.21E+04 1.29E+04 1.46E+04 9.41E+03 1.41E+04 1.18E+04 7.49E+03 1.27E+04 1.23E+04 1.29E+04 1.04E+04 1.29E+04
Embodied energy LHV MJ LHV 2.20E+05 2.81E+05 2.74E+05 1.59E+05 3.04E+05 2.02E+05 1.36E+05 2.84E+05 1.90E+05 1.97E+05 2.16E+05 1.89E+05
Human Toxicity, cancer CTUh 5.69E-06 1.02E-05 4.34E-06 1.44E-06 3.53E-06 1.67E-06 1.22E-06 1.00E-05 1.29E-06 1.33E-06 4.26E-06 1.41E-06
Human Toxicity, non-cancer CTUh 4.69E-07 6.11E-07 5.76E-07 3.63E-07 7.42E-07 5.46E-07 3.00E-07 6.17E-07 3.44E-07 3.61E-07 4.69E-07 3.76E-07
Ecotoxicity CTUe 3.65E+01 4.89E+01 4.43E+01 2.09E+01 7.87E+02 7.69E+02 2.07E+01 4.91E+01 2.97E+01 3.09E+01 3.48E+01 2.82E+01

Elementary Flows for Energy System

Table D1.5 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, Energy Systems (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)
Substance Compartment Unit Off-Grid Energy System South Australian Grid Energy
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 4.38E+04 9.06E+04
Methane, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 7.84E+02 4.93E+03
Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.35E-07 2.22E-05
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 Air kg CFC 11-eq 2.37E-05 2.60E-06
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air kg CFC 11-eq 5.42E-05 1.60E-06
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211 Air kg CFC 11-eq 2.55E-04 1.85E-05
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.71E-04 4.35E-05
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.89E-04 1.62E-05
Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12 Air kg CFC 11-eq 7.84E-06 1.31E-05
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 Air kg CFC 11-eq 5.41E-05 9.45E-06
Benzene Air kg C2H4-eq 2.49E-01 1.38E-03
Carbon monoxide Air kg C2H4-eq 7.37E-01 3.95E+00
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 7.72E-01 8.52E-02
Hexane Air kg C2H4-eq 2.52E-01 1.89E-01
Methane Air kg C2H4-eq 5.20E-02 1.20E-01
Substance Compartment Unit Off-Grid Energy System South Australian Grid Energy
Methane, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 2.24E-01 1.41E+00
Sulfur dioxide Air kg C2H4-eq 1.76E+00 1.40E-01
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand Water kg PO4--- eq 7.12E-01 2.04E+00
Nitrogen Water kg PO4--- eq 9.79E+00 1.13E-02
Nitrogen oxides Air kg PO4--- eq 3.89E+01 3.81E+01
Phosphate Water kg PO4--- eq 3.60E+01 1.49E+00
Occupation, forest, intensive, normal Raw Ha.years 2.30E-02 2.90E-03
Occupation, urban, green areas Raw Ha.years 7.14E-04 4.19E-01
Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 5.49E+02 4.41E+01
Water, river Raw m3 H2O 7.01E+02 3.20E+00
Water, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 2.95E+01 5.53E+01
Water, well, in ground Raw m3 H2O 1.44E+01 5.82E-01
ash Waste kg 6.86E-01 3.72E+02
Rejects Waste kg 3.39E-02 1.29E+01
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 4.15E+02 1.89E-04
Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted Raw MJ LHV 4.63E+02 7.83E+04
Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted Raw MJ LHV 1.10E+04 7.12E+03
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3, in ground Raw MJ LHV 3.00E+05 9.36E+05
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 1.81E+05 2.23E+04
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 7.36E+04 4.85E+02
Benzene Air CTUh 1.44E-07 1.97E-09
Benzene, ethyl- Air CTUh 3.62E-09 9.06E-09
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 1.36E-07 3.33E-08
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 6.01E-07 1.74E-07
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 4.07E-05 7.33E-07
Benzene Water CTUe 2.52E+00 1.44E-01
Benzene, chloro- Water CTUe 6.86E-01 4.15E-01
Benzene, ethyl- Water CTUe 3.89E-01 1.89E-02
Carbon disulfide Air CTUe 2.01E+00 3.63E-02
Chlorothalonil Soil CTUe 9.42E+00 2.20E+00
Cumene Water CTUe 2.15E+00 3.67E-01
Formaldehyde Air CTUe 1.11E+00 6.87E-01
Naphthalene Water CTUe 6.61E-01 4.37E-03
p-Cresol Water CTUe 6.61E-01 4.36E-03
Substance Compartment Unit Off-Grid Energy System South Australian Grid Energy
Phenol Water CTUe 1.03E+01 4.29E-01
Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- Water CTUe 6.96E-01 4.59E-03
Toluene Water CTUe 1.82E+00 3.71E-02
Xylene Water CTUe 1.32E+00 3.73E-02

Characterisation Results for Impacts of Energy System

Table D1.6 - Characterisation results, energy systems
Impact category Unit Off-Grid energy system 5kWh/day with LPG backup Grid power use, ADL, 5kWh/day with NG backup
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 4.50E+04 9.63E+04
Ozone Depletion kg CFC 11-eq 7.56E-04 1.28E-04
Photochemical Oxidation kg C2H4-eq 4.41E+00 5.99E+00
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 8.65E+01 4.21E+01
Land Use & Transformation Ha.years 3.67E-02 4.27E-01
Water Use & Depletion m3 H2O 1.30E+03 1.10E+02
Solid Waste kg 4.19E+02 3.85E+02
Embodied Energy LHV MJ LHV 5.73E+05 1.06E+06
Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic CTUh 9.03E-07 2.22E-07
Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic CTUh 4.09E-05 7.87E-07
Eco Toxicity CTUe 3.55E+01 4.62E+00

Elementary Flows for Water Supply System

Table D1.7 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, Water Supply System (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)
Substance Compart-ment Unit Off-Grid Earthship System inc Shed Grid Water Supply, ADL
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 9.61E+03 3.55E+04
Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.75E-06 1.20E-05
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.30E-06 1.52E-06
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211 Air kg CFC 11-eq 5.29E-06 1.04E-05
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 Air kg CFC 11-eq 2.46E-05 2.44E-05
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.40E-06 8.79E-06
Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12 Air kg CFC 11-eq 1.03E-06 7.09E-06
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 Air kg CFC 11-eq 4.65E-06 5.66E-05
Substance Compart-ment Unit Off-Grid Earthship System inc Shed Grid Water Supply, ADL
Carbon monoxide Air kg C2H4-eq 9.45E-01 2.21E+00
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 3.18E-02 4.79E-02
Ethene Air kg C2H4-eq 2.39E-01 1.94E-03
Methane Air kg C2H4-eq 1.95E-02 3.54E-02
Methane, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 6.02E-02 5.33E-02
Nonane Air kg C2H4-eq 2.75E-01 6.61E-09
Propene Air kg C2H4-eq 8.68E-02 7.71E-04
Sulfur dioxide Air kg C2H4-eq 1.04E-01 1.74E-01
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand Water kg PO4--- eq 2.16E-01 1.12E+00
Nitrogen oxides Air kg PO4--- eq 2.34E+00 3.97E+00
Phosphate Water kg PO4--- eq 4.17E-01 8.54E-01
Phosphorus, total Water kg PO4--- eq 3.54E-02 1.34E-01
Occupation, forest, intensive Raw Ha.years 4.95E-03 1.06E-03
Occupation, forest, intensive, normal Raw Ha.years 3.37E-03 2.00E-03
Occupation, urban, green areas Raw Ha.years 3.37E-02 2.26E-01
Water, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 7.97E+01 2.85E+04
ash Waste kg 3.32E+01 2.01E+02
Mineral waste Waste kg 1.02E+02 8.47E+00
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 3.59E+02 9.27E-02
Waste, solid Waste kg 1.13E+02 6.85E-07
Waste, unspecified Waste kg 3.09E+02 1.15E-01
Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted Raw MJ LHV 5.95E+03 5.74E+04
Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted Raw MJ LHV 8.94E+02 3.87E+03
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3, in ground Raw MJ LHV 8.40E+04 2.40E+05
Oil, crude Raw MJ LHV 1.97E+03 2.68E+03
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 9.03E+03 1.96E+04
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 3.02E+03 6.00E+03
Benzene Air CTUh 8.49E-09 7.29E-09
Benzene, ethyl- Air CTUh 8.58E-10 5.15E-09
Substance Compart-ment Unit Off-Grid Earthship System inc Shed Grid Water Supply, ADL
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 2.32E-08 2.33E-08
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 1.38E-07 1.20E-07
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 Air CTUh 3.06E-10 3.72E-09
Propylene oxide Water CTUh 3.41E-09 2.75E-10
Acrolein Air CTUh 2.46E-09 1.73E-08
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 1.26E-07 4.10E-07
Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 Air CTUh 1.01E-09 1.23E-08
Benzene Water CTUe 2.50E-01 2.51E-01
Benzene, chloro- Water CTUe 3.75E-02 2.25E-01
Chlorothalonil Soil CTUe 1.05E+00 1.33E+00
Cumene Water CTUe 2.13E+00 2.77E-01
Formaldehyde Air CTUe 2.83E-01 2.26E-01
Metolachlor Soil CTUe 1.26E-01 4.10E-02
Phenol Water CTUe 1.30E+00 9.01E-01
Propylene oxide Water CTUe 2.38E-01 1.91E-02
Toluene Water CTUe 8.29E-02 1.55E-01
Xylene Water CTUe 6.32E-02 1.14E-01
Characterisation results for Water Supply System
Table D1.8 - Characterisation results, water collection system
Impact category Unit Earthship System inc Shed Grid Water Supply, ADL
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 9.95E+03 3.60E+04
Ozone Depletion kg CFC 11-eq 4.02E-05 1.22E-04
Photochemical Oxidation kg C2H4-eq 1.80E+00 2.59E+00
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 3.07E+00 6.17E+00
Land Use & Transformation Ha.years 4.34E-02 2.32E-01
Water Use & Depletion m3 H2O 3.46E+02 2.85E+04
Solid Waste kg 9.18E+02 2.17E+02
Embodied Energy LHV MJ LHV 1.11E+05 3.35E+05
Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic CTUh 1.79E-07 1.62E-07
Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic CTUh 1.41E-07 4.51E-07
Eco Toxicity CTUe 5.93E+00 3.90E+00
Elementary Flows for Wastewater System
Table D1.9 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, Wastewater Systems (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)
Substance Compartment Unit Off-Grid Earthship Wastewater System Sewer Use, ADL
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 2.82E+03 1.02E+04
Methane, fossil Air kg CO2-eq 2.89E+01 3.19E+02
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 Air kg CFC 11-eq 2.57E-06 1.00E-05
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air kg CFC 11-eq 8.92E-06 9.48E-07
Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211 Air kg CFC 11-eq 5.15E-06 3.89E-04
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 Air kg CFC 11-eq 3.80E-05 1.88E-04
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 Air kg CFC 11-eq 3.83E-07 1.14E-05
Carbon monoxide Air kg C2H4-eq 2.00E-01 1.61E-01
Carbon monoxide, biogenic Air kg C2H4-eq 5.70E-04 3.86E-02
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 4.24E-02 6.20E-01
Ethane Air kg C2H4-eq 5.70E-04 3.06E-02
Ethene Air kg C2H4-eq 1.96E-01 1.95E-02
Methane, fossil Air kg C2H4-eq 8.26E-03 9.10E-02
Nonane Air kg C2H4-eq 2.25E-01 2.02E-06
Propene Air kg C2H4-eq 6.94E-02 4.98E-03
Sulfur dioxide Air kg C2H4-eq 6.36E-02 3.89E-01
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand Water kg PO4--- eq 6.11E-02 3.66E+00
Nitrogen oxides Air kg PO4--- eq 1.17E+00 2.98E+00
Nitrogen, total Water kg PO4--- eq 1.73E-03 7.99E+00
Phosphate Water kg PO4--- eq 4.27E-01 4.10E+00
Phosphorus, total Water kg PO4--- eq 4.51E-03 1.52E+01
Occupation, arable Raw Ha.years 1.00E+00 x
Occupation, urban, green areas Raw Ha.years 5.35E-03 3.21E-02
Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 4.51E+01 2.68E+01
Water, lake Raw m3 H2O 2.72E-02 8.47E+00
Water, river Raw m3 H2O 1.35E+00 3.09E+01
Water, unspecified natural origin /kg Raw m3 H2O 9.10E+01 2.00E-04
Water, unspecified natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 1.84E+01 4.29E+01
Water, well, in ground Raw m3 H2O 5.73E-01 1.86E+01
ash Waste kg 5.47E+00 2.85E+01
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 3.49E+02 8.92E-03
Coal, brown Raw MJ LHV 3.12E+02 1.99E+03
Coal, brown, 10.0 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV x 2.76E+04
Substance Compartment Unit Off-Grid Earthship Wastewater System Sewer Use, ADL
Coal, hard Raw MJ LHV 1.18E+03 1.84E+04
Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted Raw MJ LHV 8.21E+02 5.65E+03
Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted Raw MJ LHV 4.69E+02 2.26E+03
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3, in ground Raw MJ LHV 3.07E+04 3.80E+02
Gas, natural/m3 Raw MJ LHV 9.52E+02 5.20E+04
Oil, crude Raw MJ LHV 3.39E+03 2.12E+04
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 1.16E+04 2.01E+03
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 4.65E+03 8.45E+02
Uranium Raw MJ LHV 1.39E+03 6.14E+03
Benzene Air CTUh 4.15E-09 6.68E-09
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 1.35E-08 2.56E-07
Ethene, chloro- Air CTUh 7.03E-09 2.82E-09
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 7.83E-08 1.74E-07
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 1.51E-07 1.36E-06
Atrazine Soil CTUe 2.16E-02 3.84E-01
Benzene Water CTUe 3.22E-01 8.03E-01
Chlorothalonil Soil CTUe 4.98E-01 6.10E-01
Cumene Water CTUe 1.92E+00 7.40E+00
Formaldehyde Air CTUe 1.48E-01 3.22E-01
Formaldehyde Water CTUe 5.09E-02 1.95E-01
Metolachlor Soil CTUe 3.35E-01 1.08E-01
Phenol Water CTUe 1.03E+00 1.58E+00
Toluene Water CTUe 1.27E-01 1.18E-01
Xylene Water CTUe 9.65E-02 1.24E-01

Characterisation results for Wastewater System

Table D1.10 - Comparison of characterisation results, wastewater systems
Impact category Unit Earthship Wastewater System Sewer Use, ADL
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 2.89E+03 1.06E+04
Ozone Depletion kg CFC 11-eq 6.52E-05 6.04E-04
Photochemical Oxidation kg C2H4-eq 8.39E-01 1.46E+00
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 1.69E+00 3.41E+01
Land Use & Transformation Ha.years 1.01E+00 5.62E-02
Impact category Unit Earthship Wastewater System Sewer Use, ADL
Water Use & Depletion m3 H2O 1.59E+02 1.28E+02
Solid Waste kg 3.57E+02 2.86E+01
Embodied Energy LHV MJ LHV 5.80E+04 1.41E+05
Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic CTUh 1.11E-07 4.49E-07
Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic CTUh 1.63E-07 1.39E-06
Eco Toxicity CTUe 4.86E+00 1.20E+01

Elementary Flows for Whole House

Table D1.11 - Comparison of Elementary flows greater than 1%, Whole House (“E+02” means “ x100” E-05 means “/100 000”, etc)


Substance ment Unit CONV 20 CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE lowEE Base Case MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
kg CO2-
Carbon dioxide, biogenic Soil eq -3.01E+03 -3.01E+03 -2.89E+03 -2.31E+03 -5.10E+03 -6.01E+03 -6.42E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.90E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.31E+03 -2.59E+03 -3.27E+03
kg CO2-
Carbon dioxide, fossil Air eq 3.13E+05 2.46E+05 1.71E+05 1.66E+05 7.75E+04 7.37E+04 8.64E+04 8.35E+04 1.69E+05 1.69E+05 1.58E+05 1.62E+05 1.66E+05
kg CO2-
Methane, biogenic Air eq 1.58E+03 1.53E+03 1.42E+03 1.16E+03 2.36E+03 2.79E+03 2.98E+03 1.09E+03 1.43E+03 1.16E+03 1.16E+03 1.28E+03 1.60E+03
kg CO2-
Methane, fossil Air eq 2.09E+03 1.65E+03 1.32E+03 1.65E+03 1.61E+03 1.82E+03 2.09E+03 1.39E+03 1.32E+03 1.30E+03 1.54E+03 1.25E+03 5.94E+03
Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- kg CFC
1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113 Air 11-eq 1.01E-04 6.72E-05 3.88E-05 3.69E-05 6.36E-06 3.77E-06 4.71E-06 8.80E-06 3.78E-05 4.05E-05 3.62E-05 3.74E-05 4.04E-05
Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-
1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC- kg CFC
114 Air 11-eq 2.97E-05 2.65E-05 2.60E-05 2.47E-05 3.48E-05 3.96E-05 4.32E-05 3.38E-05 2.58E-05 2.32E-05 2.29E-05 2.38E-05 2.05E-05
kg CFC
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air 11-eq 8.89E-06 6.47E-06 4.11E-06 6.24E-06 6.49E-05 9.66E-05 9.64E-05 6.34E-05 2.42E-04 3.79E-06 5.35E-06 4.39E-06 2.34E-04
bromochlorodifluoro-, kg CFC
Halon 1211 Air 11-eq 5.07E-04 4.81E-04 4.62E-04 4.60E-04 3.01E-04 3.20E-04 3.41E-04 2.99E-04 4.62E-04 4.58E-04 4.55E-04 4.58E-04 4.54E-04
Methane, bromotrifluoro-, kg CFC
Halon 1301 Air 11-eq 5.19E-04 4.57E-04 4.43E-04 4.60E-04 3.52E-04 4.04E-04 4.60E-04 3.40E-04 4.41E-04 4.18E-04 4.13E-04 4.19E-04 3.76E-04
Methane, chlorodifluoro-, kg CFC
HCFC-22 Air 11-eq 8.62E-05 6.18E-05 4.11E-05 6.48E-05 2.17E-04 2.27E-04 2.28E-04 1.97E-04 4.04E-05 4.21E-05 6.41E-05 4.00E-05 4.19E-05
Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, kg CFC
CFC-12 Air 11-eq 6.02E-05 4.04E-05 2.36E-05 2.25E-05 1.58E-05 1.44E-05 1.48E-05 1.72E-05 2.30E-05 2.46E-05 2.21E-05 2.28E-05 2.45E-05
Methane, tetrachloro-, kg CFC
CFC-10 Air 11-eq 1.01E-04 8.72E-05 7.54E-05 7.46E-05 6.68E-05 6.59E-05 6.70E-05 6.60E-05 7.51E-05 7.52E-05 7.36E-05 7.42E-05 7.56E-05
Carbon monoxide Air eq 1.77E+01 1.33E+01 9.32E+00 8.80E+00 4.90E+00 4.79E+00 6.13E+00 4.39E+00 9.18E+00 9.09E+00 8.49E+00 8.91E+00 9.19E+00
Carbon monoxide, C2H4-
biogenic Air eq 6.23E-01 6.19E-01 5.92E-01 4.75E-01 1.01E+00 1.18E+00 1.23E+00 4.64E-01 5.93E-01 4.74E-01 4.74E-01 5.28E-01 6.72E-01
Substance ment Unit CONV 20 CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE lowEE Base Case MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
Carbon monoxide, fossil Air eq 1.35E+00 1.23E+00 1.37E+00 1.14E+00 1.01E+00 1.08E+00 1.15E+00 9.59E-01 1.36E+00 9.20E-01 9.51E-01 1.06E+00 8.89E-01
Hexane Air eq 6.18E-02 2.69E-01 2.68E-01 2.72E-01 2.88E-01 2.97E-01 2.94E-01 2.87E-01 2.68E-01 2.65E-01 2.64E-01 2.64E-01 2.34E-01
Methane Air eq 3.18E-01 2.76E-01 2.04E-01 1.99E-01 1.18E-01 1.12E-01 1.58E-01 1.22E-01 2.05E-01 1.98E-01 1.87E-01 1.92E-01 2.16E-01
Methane, biogenic Air eq 4.52E-01 4.36E-01 4.06E-01 3.31E-01 6.74E-01 7.97E-01 8.51E-01 3.12E-01 4.08E-01 3.32E-01 3.30E-01 3.67E-01 4.58E-01
Methane, fossil Air eq 5.97E-01 4.73E-01 3.76E-01 4.71E-01 4.61E-01 5.21E-01 5.98E-01 3.96E-01 3.76E-01 3.71E-01 4.41E-01 3.56E-01 1.70E+00
Pentane Air eq 4.78E-02 4.23E-02 3.76E-02 2.68E+00 2.32E+00 3.84E+00 3.81E+00 6.26E-02 3.76E-02 3.39E-02 2.67E+00 3.83E-02 3.78E-02
Propylene glycol Air eq 1.84E+00 1.84E+00 1.61E+00 5.10E-01 4.54E-02 3.04E-01 9.95E-01 x 2.82E+00 x x 5.10E-01 2.26E+00
Sulfur dioxide Air eq 1.70E+00 1.78E+00 1.76E+00 1.90E+00 2.50E+00 2.96E+00 3.59E+00 2.33E+00 1.77E+00 1.52E+00 1.73E+00 1.60E+00 1.23E+00
COD, Chemical Oxygen kg PO4-
Demand Water -- eq 1.32E+01 1.03E+01 7.67E+00 7.51E+00 1.64E+00 1.78E+00 2.05E+00 1.78E+00 7.59E+00 7.75E+00 7.41E+00 7.48E+00 7.72E+00
kg PO4-
Nitrogen Water -- eq 6.92E-02 5.23E-02 3.86E-02 4.06E-02 9.80E+00 9.90E+00 9.89E+00 9.80E+00 3.83E-02 3.93E-02 3.79E-02 3.72E-02 3.89E-02
kg PO4-
Nitrogen oxides Air -- eq 3.16E+01 5.87E+01 5.52E+01 5.50E+01 5.00E+01 5.20E+01 5.74E+01 4.91E+01 5.52E+01 5.35E+01 5.32E+01 5.29E+01 5.40E+01
kg PO4-
Nitrogen, total Water -- eq 8.11E+00 8.08E+00 8.05E+00 8.04E+00 2.40E-02 2.10E-02 2.71E-02 2.62E-02 8.05E+00 8.05E+00 8.04E+00 8.05E+00 8.04E+00
kg PO4-
Phosphate Water -- eq 1.27E+01 1.07E+01 9.19E+00 9.18E+00 3.85E+01 3.96E+01 4.05E+01 3.84E+01 9.13E+00 8.88E+00 8.70E+00 8.85E+00 8.45E+00
kg PO4-
Phosphorus, total Water -- eq 1.63E+01 1.59E+01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01 1.02E-01 7.27E-02 8.64E-02 1.27E-01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01 1.56E+01
Occupation, arable Raw s 6.80E-01 6.80E-01 6.80E-01 7.60E-01 3.01E+00 4.74E+00 4.74E+00 2.61E+00 6.80E-01 6.90E-01 7.20E-01 7.60E-01 6.80E-01
Occupation, forest Raw s 5.39E-02 5.39E-02 5.17E-02 4.03E-02 9.28E-02 1.09E-01 1.12E-01 4.04E-02 5.60E-02 4.03E-02 4.03E-02 4.56E-02 6.34E-02
Occupation, forest, Ha.year
intensive Raw s 4.45E-02 4.39E-02 4.72E-02 6.69E-02 2.85E-02 3.27E-02 6.44E-02 3.44E-02 4.68E-02 5.00E-02 5.12E-02 4.45E-02 4.75E-02
Occupation, forest, Ha.year
intensive, normal Raw s 2.69E-01 2.65E-01 2.63E-01 2.71E-01 2.82E-01 3.43E-01 6.55E-01 2.71E-01 2.63E-01 2.63E-01 2.63E-01 2.61E-01 2.63E-01
Occupation, forest, Ha.year
intensive, short-cycle Raw s 4.13E-01 4.13E-01 3.95E-01 3.04E-01 6.92E-01 8.18E-01 8.37E-01 3.04E-01 3.92E-01 3.04E-01 3.04E-01 3.42E-01 4.57E-01
Occupation, urban, green Raw Ha.year 1.93E+00 1.30E+00 7.63E-01 7.27E-01 1.18E-01 6.73E-02 9.18E-02 1.65E-01 7.44E-01 7.95E-01 7.15E-01 7.38E-01 7.94E-01
Substance ment Unit CONV 20 CONV BV TM CBI TM ESI lowEE lowEE Base Case MB MB RBV TM RE RE REI RE SB TM TFC LW
areas s
Water, cooling, unspecified
natural origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 2.62E+02 1.98E+02 1.46E+02 2.18E+02 9.52E+02 1.08E+03 1.10E+03 8.92E+02 1.45E+02 1.45E+02 2.11E+02 1.40E+02 1.42E+02
Water, river Raw m3 H2O 5.04E+01 4.61E+01 4.33E+01 4.31E+01 7.08E+02 7.70E+02 7.72E+02 7.08E+02 4.32E+01 4.21E+01 4.19E+01 4.22E+01 4.07E+01
Water, unspecified natural
origin/m3 Raw m3 H2O 2.62E+04 2.61E+04 2.61E+04 2.62E+04 1.94E+02 2.25E+02 3.19E+02 2.10E+02 2.61E+04 2.61E+04 2.61E+04 2.61E+04 2.61E+04
ash Waste kg 1.80E+03 1.24E+03 7.66E+02 7.65E+02 1.43E+02 1.06E+02 2.04E+02 2.00E+02 7.48E+02 7.97E+02 7.27E+02 7.35E+02 8.01E+02
Mineral waste Waste kg 1.49E+03 1.49E+03 1.69E+03 3.46E+03 7.74E+02 9.88E+02 1.32E+03 9.92E+02 1.71E+03 1.84E+03 1.85E+03 1.99E+03 1.63E+03
Waste, final, inert Waste kg 1.04E+04 1.04E+04 1.10E+04 1.08E+04 9.33E+03 1.12E+04 1.31E+04 7.58E+03 1.08E+04 1.03E+04 1.09E+04 8.25E+03 1.10E+04
Waste, unspecified Waste kg 1.41E+02 1.41E+02 1.42E+02 2.17E+02 3.91E+02 4.49E+02 4.76E+02 3.83E+02 1.77E+02 1.04E+02 1.05E+02 1.36E+02 1.64E+02
Coal, brown, 10.0 MJ per
kg, in ground Raw MJ LHV 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 -1.27E+02 -1.27E+02 -1.27E+02 -1.27E+02 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 2.76E+04 2.76E+04
Coal, hard Raw MJ LHV 3.50E+04 3.10E+04 2.83E+04 2.81E+04 5.95E+03 6.77E+03 8.16E+03 5.79E+03 2.82E+04 2.74E+04 2.69E+04 2.75E+04 2.63E+04
Energy, kinetic (in wind),
converted Raw MJ LHV 3.74E+05 2.56E+05 1.56E+05 1.49E+05 2.18E+04 1.30E+04 1.47E+04 3.04E+04 1.52E+05 1.62E+05 1.47E+05 1.51E+05 1.61E+05
Energy, potential (in
hydropower reservoir),
converted Raw MJ LHV 3.61E+04 2.54E+04 1.66E+04 1.60E+04 1.48E+04 1.42E+04 1.83E+04 1.55E+04 1.65E+04 1.67E+04 1.55E+04 1.59E+04 1.67E+04
Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per
m3, in ground Raw MJ LHV 2.06E+06 1.68E+06 1.14E+06 1.08E+06 5.23E+05 4.73E+05 5.06E+05 5.70E+05 1.12E+06 1.13E+06 1.04E+06 1.08E+06 1.34E+06
Gas, natural/m3 Raw MJ LHV 6.77E+04 6.36E+04 6.07E+04 6.04E+04 4.68E+03 5.20E+03 6.31E+03 4.64E+03 6.06E+04 6.00E+04 5.95E+04 6.00E+04 5.92E+04
Oil, crude Raw MJ LHV 5.31E+04 4.61E+04 4.35E+04 4.43E+04 1.61E+04 1.92E+04 2.32E+04 1.53E+04 4.33E+04 4.13E+04 4.05E+04 4.14E+04 3.79E+04
Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in
ground Raw MJ LHV 1.10E+05 2.71E+05 2.71E+05 2.79E+05 2.37E+05 2.50E+05 2.72E+05 2.38E+05 2.71E+05 2.63E+05 2.62E+05 2.64E+05 8.36E+04
Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg,
in ground Raw MJ LHV 2.68E+04 9.84E+04 1.04E+05 1.08E+05 9.54E+04 1.01E+05 1.10E+05 9.52E+04 1.04E+05 1.00E+05 1.01E+05 1.01E+05 2.26E+04
Benzene Air CTUh 5.82E-08 6.04E-08 7.83E-08 6.63E-08 1.76E-07 1.81E-07 1.88E-07 1.71E-07 7.76E-08 4.26E-08 4.65E-08 5.55E-08 3.57E-08
Dicofol Water CTUh x x x x -1.22E-06 -1.22E-06 -1.22E-06 -1.22E-06 x x x x x
Dioxin, 2,3,7,8
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Air CTUh 6.36E-07 5.89E-07 5.52E-07 5.40E-07 4.92E-07 5.54E-07 6.06E-07 3.43E-07 5.51E-07 5.13E-07 5.12E-07 5.26E-07 5.58E-07
Formaldehyde Air CTUh 6.32E-06 6.51E-06 1.08E-05 4.92E-06 1.87E-06 2.01E-06 3.80E-06 1.85E-06 1.06E-05 1.98E-06 1.96E-06 4.89E-06 1.66E-06
Carbon disulfide Air CTUh 5.27E-06 4.18E-06 3.31E-06 3.27E-06 4.14E-05 4.14E-05 4.16E-05 4.14E-05 3.28E-06 3.24E-06 3.10E-06 3.21E-06 3.24E-06
Chlorpyrifos Water CTUh x x x x -1.87E-06 -1.87E-06 -1.87E-06 -1.87E-06 x x x x x
Dicofol Air CTUh x x x x -9.67E-07 -9.67E-07 -9.67E-07 -9.67E-07 x x x x x
Dicofol Water CTUh x x x x -1.13E-05 -1.13E-05 -1.13E-05 -1.13E-05 x x x x x
Bifenthrin Water CTUe x x x x -9.16E+03 -9.16E+03 -9.16E+03 -9.16E+03 x x x x x
Carbendazim Water CTUe x x x x -5.27E+04 -5.27E+04 -5.27E+04 -5.27E+04 x x x x x
Chlorpyrifos Water CTUe x x x x -2.29E+04 -2.29E+04 -2.29E+04 -2.29E+04 x x x x x
Dicofol Water CTUe x x x x -1.05E+03 -1.05E+03 -1.05E+03 -1.05E+03 x x x x x
Characterisation results for Whole House
Table D1.12 - Characterisation results for all Thermal Envelopes
Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq 3.16E+05 2.48E+05 1.72E+05 1.68E+05 7.71E+04 7.28E+04 8.66E+04 8.44E+04 1.70E+05 1.70E+05 1.60E+05 1.63E+05 1.72E+05
Ozone Depletion kg CFC 11-eq 1.42E-03 1.23E-03 1.12E-03 1.15E-03 1.06E-03 1.18E-03 1.26E-03 1.03E-03 1.35E-03 1.09E-03 1.09E-03 1.08E-03 1.27E-03
Photochemical Oxidation kg C2H4-eq 2.55E+01 2.10E+01 1.68E+01 1.74E+01 1.51E+01 1.77E+01 2.07E+01 1.11E+01 1.79E+01 1.37E+01 1.60E+01 1.44E+01 1.73E+01
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 8.32E+01 1.05E+02 9.68E+01 9.63E+01 1.01E+02 1.05E+02 1.12E+02 1.00E+02 9.68E+01 9.45E+01 9.38E+01 9.38E+01 9.49E+01
Land Use & Transformation Ha.years 3.45E+00 2.80E+00 2.24E+00 2.21E+00 4.25E+00 6.15E+00 6.54E+00 3.45E+00 2.23E+00 2.18E+00 2.13E+00 2.23E+00 2.34E+00
Water Use & Depletion m3 H2O 2.66E+04 2.65E+04 2.63E+04 2.65E+04 1.91E+03 2.17E+03 2.37E+03 1.84E+03 2.63E+04 2.64E+04 2.65E+04 2.64E+04 2.64E+04
Solid Waste kg 1.39E+04 1.33E+04 1.36E+04 1.53E+04 1.12E+04 1.35E+04 1.58E+04 9.28E+03 1.35E+04 1.31E+04 1.36E+04 1.11E+04 1.37E+04
Embodied Energy LHV MJ LHV 2.86E+06 2.57E+06 1.92E+06 1.86E+06 9.81E+05 9.58E+05 1.06E+06 1.02E+06 1.90E+06 1.88E+06 1.78E+06 1.83E+06 1.85E+06
Human Toxicity, Carcinogenic CTUh 7.10E-06 7.24E-06 1.15E-05 5.62E-06 1.29E-06 1.50E-06 3.36E-06 1.10E-06 1.13E-05 2.60E-06 2.60E-06 5.54E-06 2.31E-06
Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogenic CTUh 5.60E-06 4.53E-06 3.67E-06 3.56E-06 2.65E-05 2.66E-05 2.68E-05 2.66E-05 3.64E-06 3.48E-06 3.34E-06 3.49E-06 3.41E-06
Eco Toxicity CTUe 6.91E+01 7.95E+01 8.65E+01 8.15E+01 -8.66E+04 -8.59E+04 -8.59E+04 -8.66E+04 8.69E+01 6.77E+01 6.81E+01 7.22E+01 5.01E+01
D2 - Characterisation Factors

Global Warming
Impact Category
Global Warming kg CO2 eq

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Air (unspecified) Carbon dioxide 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Carbon Dioxide Equivalent 1 kg
Soil (unspecified) Carbon dioxide, biogenic -1 kg
Air (unspecified) Carbon dioxide, fossil 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Carbon dioxide, land transformation 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Chlorinated fluorocarbons, hard 7100 kg
Air (unspecified) Chlorinated fluorocarbons, soft 1600 kg
Air (unspecified) Chloroform 25 kg
Air (unspecified) Dinitrogen monoxide 310 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HFC-134a 1200 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140 100 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-, HFC-143a 3800 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113 4500 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b 580 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1-difluoro-, HFC-152a 150 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 7000 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b 1800 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123 90 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124 440 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115 7000 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116 9200 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, pentafluoro-, HFC-125 3400 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane 21 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, biogenic 21 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211 4900 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 4900 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 1600 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, chlorotrifluoro-, CFC-13 13000 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30 9 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12 7100 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, fossil 21 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 1300 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, tetrafluoro-, CFC-14 6500 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11 3400 kg

Appendices 167
Ozone Depletion
Impact Category
kgCFC 11-
Ozone Depletion eq

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-2-bromo-, Halon 2401 0.25 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140 0.12 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,2-chlorobromo-, Halon 2311 0.14 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- 0.12 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoro-, CFC-113 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoro-, HCFC-141b 0.12 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,2-dibromotetrafluoro-, Halon 2402 6 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 0.94 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-, HCFC-142b 0.07 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-, HCFC-123 0.02 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 2-chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-, HCFC-124 0.02 kg
Air (unspecified) Ethane, chloropentafluoro-, CFC-115 0.44 kg
Air (unspecified) Hydrocarbons, chlorinated 0.00617 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromo-, Halon 1001 0.38 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-, Halon 1211 6 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromodifluoro-, Halon 1201 1.4 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, bromotrifluoro-, Halon 1301 12 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, chlorodifluoro-, HCFC-22 0.05 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, dibromodifluoro-, Halon 1202 1.3 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, dichlorodifluoro-, CFC-12 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, monochloro-, R-40 0.02 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 0.73 kg
Air (unspecified) Methane, trichlorofluoro-, CFC-11 1 kg
Air (unspecified) Propane, 1,3-dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoro-, HCFC-225cb 0.03 kg
Air (unspecified) Propane, 3,3-dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoro-, HCFC-225ca 0.02 kg

Appendices 168
Photochemical Oxidation
Impact Category
Oxidation kg C2H4

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Butanol 0.62 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Butene 1.079 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Butene, 2-methyl- 0.771 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Butene, 3-methyl- 0.671 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Hexene 0.874 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Pentene 0.977 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 1-Propanol 0.561 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butanol 0.4 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butanone, 3-methyl- 0.364 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl- 0.323 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butene (cis) 1.146 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butene (trans) 1.132 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Butene, 2-methyl- 0.842 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Hexanone 0.572 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Hexene (cis) 1.069 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Hexene (trans) 1.073 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Methyl-1-propanol 0.36 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Pentanone 0.548 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Pentene (cis) 1.121 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Pentene (trans) 1.117 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 2-Propanol 0.188 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 3-Hexanone 0.599 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 3-Pentanol 0.595 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.49 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Acetaldehyde 0.641 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Acetic acid 0.097 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Acetone 0.094 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Alcohol, diacetone 0.307 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzaldehyde -0.092 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene 0.218 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, 1-propyl- 0.636 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, 1,2,3-trimethyl- 1.267 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, 1,2,4-trimethyl- 1.278 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl- 1.381 kg

Appendices 169
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, 3,5-dimethylethyl- 1.32 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Benzene, ethyl- 0.73 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butadiene 0.851 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butanal 0.795 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butane 0.352 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butane, 2,2-dimethyl- 0.241 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- 0.541 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butanol, 2-methyl-1- 0.489 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butanol, 2-methyl-2- 0.228 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butanol, 3-methyl-1- 0.433 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butanol, 3-methyl-2- 0.406 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Butyl acetate 0.269 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Carbon monoxide 0.027 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Carbon monoxide, biogenic 0.027 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Carbon monoxide, fossil 0.027 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Chloroform 0.023 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Cumene 0.5 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Cyclohexane 0.29 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Cyclohexanol 0.518 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Cyclohexanone 0.299 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Decane 0.384 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Diethyl ether 0.445 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Diethyl ketone 0.414 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Diisopropyl ether 0.398 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Dimethyl carbonate 0.025 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Dimethyl ether 0.189 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Dodecane 0.357 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethane 0.123 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro-, HCFC-140 0.009 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethanol 0.399 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethanol, 2-butoxy- 0.483 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethanol, 2-ethoxy- 0.386 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethanol, 2-methoxy- 0.307 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethene 1 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethene, dichloro- (cis) 0.447 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethene, dichloro- (trans) 0.392 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethene, tetrachloro- 0.029 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethene, trichloro- 0.325 kg

Appendices 170
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethyl acetate 0.209 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethylene glycol 0.373 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Ethyne 0.085 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Formaldehyde 0.519 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Formic acid 0.032 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Heptane 0.494 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Hexane 0.482 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Hexane, 2-methyl- 0.411 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Hexane, 3-methyl- 0.364 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isobutane 0.307 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isobutene 0.627 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isobutyraldehyde 0.514 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isopentane 0.405 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isoprene 1.092 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Isopropyl acetate 0.211 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) m-Xylene 1.108 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane 0.006 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane, biogenic 0.006 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30 0.068 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane, dimethoxy- 0.164 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane, fossil 0.006 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methane, monochloro-, R-40 0.005 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methanol 0.14 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methyl acetate 0.059 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methyl ethyl ketone 0.373 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Methyl formate 0.027 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Nitric oxide -0.427 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Nitrogen dioxide 0.028 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Nonane 0.414 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) o-Xylene 1.053 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Octane 0.453 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) p-Xylene 1.01 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Pentanal 0.765 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Pentane 0.395 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Pentane, 2-methyl- 0.42 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Pentane, 3-methyl- 0.479 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propanal 0.798 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propane 0.176 kg

Appendices 171
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propane, 2,2-dimethyl- 0.173 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propene 1.123 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propionic acid 0.15 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propyl acetate 0.282 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propylene glycol 0.457 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propylene glycol methyl ether 0.355 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Propylene glycol t-butyl ether 0.463 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) s-Butyl acetate 0.275 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Styrene 0.142 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Sulfur dioxide 0.048 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Sulfur monoxide 0.048 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) t-Butyl acetate 0.053 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) t-Butyl alcohol 0.106 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) t-Butyl ethyl ether 0.244 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) t-Butyl methyl ether 0.175 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Toluene 0.637 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Toluene, 2-ethyl- 0.898 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Toluene, 3-ethyl- 1.019 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Toluene, 3,5-diethyl- 1.295 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Toluene, 4-ethyl- 0.906 kg
kg C2H4-eq /
Air (unspecified) Undecane 0.384 kg

Appendices 172
Impact Category
Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Air (unspecified) Ammonia 3.50E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Ammonia 3.50E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Ammonia 3.50E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Ammonium carbonate 1.20E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Ammonium nitrate 7.40E-02 kg
Soil (unspecified) Ammonium nitrate 7.40E-02 kg
Air (unspecified) Ammonium, ion 3.30E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Ammonium, ion 3.30E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Ammonium, ion 3.30E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand 2.20E-02 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitrate 1.00E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Nitrate 1.00E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitrate 1.00E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitric acid 1.00E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Nitric acid 1.00E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitric acid 1.00E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitric oxide 2.00E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitrite 1.00E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Nitrogen 0.42 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitrogen 4.20E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitrogen dioxide 1.30E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitrogen oxides 1.30E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Nitrogen oxides 1.30E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitrogen oxides 1.30E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Nitrogen, total 4.20E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Nitrogen, total 4.20E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Nitrogen, total 4.20E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Phosphate 1.00E+00 kg
Soil (unspecified) Phosphate 1.00E+00 kg
Water (unspecified) Phosphate 1.00E+00 kg
Air (unspecified) Phosphoric acid 9.70E-01 kg
Soil (unspecified) Phosphoric acid 9.70E-01 kg
Water (unspecified) Phosphoric acid 9.70E-01 kg
Air (unspecified) Phosphorus 3.06E+00 kg
Soil (unspecified) Phosphorus 3.06E+00 kg
Water (unspecified) Phosphorus 3.06E+00 kg
Air (unspecified) Phosphorus pentoxide 1.34E+00 kg
Soil (unspecified) Phosphorus pentoxide 1.34E+00 kg
Water (unspecified) Phosphorus pentoxide 1.34E+00 kg
Air (unspecified) Phosphorus, total 3.06E+00 kg
Soil (unspecified) Phosphorus, total 3.06E+00 kg
Water (unspecified) Phosphorus, total 3.06E+00 kg

Appendices 173
Land Use & Transformation
Impact Category
Land Use & Transform. ha a

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Raw (unspecified) Occupation ; arable 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation ; arid arable 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation ; forest 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation ; pasture and meadow ; intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation ; urban ; continuously built 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, integrated 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, non-irrigated 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, non-irrigated, diverse-intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, non-irrigated, fallow 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, non-irrigated, monotone-intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arable, organic 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, arid arable 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, construction site 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, dump site 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, dump site, benthos 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, dump site, radioactive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, dump site, radioactive, high 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, dump site, radioactive, low-medium 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest, extensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest, intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest, intensive, clear-cutting 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest, intensive, normal 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, forest, intensive, short-cycle 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, hardwood production 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, heterogeneous, agricultural 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, industrial area 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, industrial area, benthos 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, industrial area, built up 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, industrial area, vegetation 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, mineral extraction site 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, oil and gas extraction site 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, other forest production 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, pasture and meadow 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, pasture and meadow, extensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, pasture and meadow, intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, pasture and meadow, organic 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, fruit 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, fruit, extensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, fruit, intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, fruit, organic 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, vine 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, vine, extensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, permanent crop, vine, intensive 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, pipelines 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, softwood production 1 ha a

Appendices 174
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area, rail embankment 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area, rail network 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area, road embankment 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area, road network 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, traffic area, sea transport 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, unknown 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, urban, continuously built 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, urban, discontinuously built 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, urban, green areas 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, water bodies, artificial 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, water bodies, inland 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, water bodies, sea 1 ha a
Raw (unspecified) Occupation, water courses, artificial 1 ha a

Appendices 175
Water Use & Depletion
Impact Category
Water Use m3

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, drinking 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, river 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, salt, ocean 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, surface 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, unspecified natural origin/m3 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, unspecified/kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling, well, in ground 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling/kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, cooling/m3 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, drinking 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, fresh 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, from Victorian catchments 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, lake 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, mining, unspecified natural origin/m3 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, process and cooling, unspecified natural origin 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, drinking 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, river 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, salt, ocean 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, surface 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, unspecified natural origin/kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, unspecified natural origin/m3 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, process, well, in ground 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, reticulated supply 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, river 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, stormwater 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, surface 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, unspecified natural origin /kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, unspecified natural origin/kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, unspecified natural origin/m3 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, well, in ground 1 m3
Raw (unspecified) Water, well, in ground /kg 1 t
Raw (unspecified) Water, well, in ground/m3 1 m3

Appendices 176
Solid Waste
Impact Category
Solid Waste kg

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Waste (unspecified) Aluminium waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Asbestos 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) ash 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Calcium fluoride waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Cardboard waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Cathode iron ingots waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Cathode loss 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Chemical waste, inert 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Chemical waste, regulated 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Chemical waste, unspecified 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Chromium waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Coal tailings 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Copper waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Dross 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Dust, unspecified 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Glass waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) gypsum 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Iron waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Jarosite 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) limestone 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Metal waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Mineral waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Mineral waste, from mining 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Monasite 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Neutralized Acid Effluent 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) non magenetic fines 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Oil waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Packaging waste, paper and board 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Packaging waste, plastic 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Packaging waste, steel 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Packaging waste, unspecified 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Packaging waste, wood 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Plastic waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Polyethylene waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Polyvinyl chloride waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Production waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Production waste, not inert 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Rejects 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Rejects, corrugated cardboard 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Slags 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Slags and ashes 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Soot 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Steel waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Stones and rubble 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Tails 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Tin waste 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Tinder from rolling drum 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste in bioactive landfill 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, final, inert 1 kg

Appendices 177
Waste (unspecified) Waste, fly ash 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, from construction 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, from incinerator 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, household 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, industrial 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, Inert 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, inorganic 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, limestone 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, Shedder dust 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, sludge 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, solid 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, to incineration 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, toxic 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Waste, unspecified 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Wood and wood waste 1 t
Waste (unspecified) Wood, sawdust 1 kg
Waste (unspecified) Zinc waste 1 kg

Appendices 178
Embodied Energy LHV
Impact Category Source: Australasian Unit Process LCI v 2.02
Embodied Energy LHV MJ LHV

Compartment compartment Substance Factor Unit
Raw (unspecified) bagasse 8.7 kg
Raw (unspecified) Biomass, feedstock 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 13.3 MJ per kg, in ground 13.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 18.0 MJ per kg, in ground 18 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 18.5 MJ per kg, in ground 18.5 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 19.5 MJ per kg, in ground 19.5 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 20.0 MJ per kg, in ground 20 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 20.5 MJ per kg, in ground 20.5 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 21.5 MJ per kg, in ground 21.5 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 22.1 MJ per kg, in ground 22.1 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 22.4 MJ per kg, in ground 22.4 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 22.6 MJ per kg, in ground 22.6 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 22.8 MJ per kg, in ground 22.8 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 23.0 MJ per kg, in ground 23 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 24.0 MJ per kg, in ground 24 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 24.1 MJ per kg, in ground 24.1 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 26.4 MJ per kg, in ground 26.4 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 27.1 MJ per kg, in ground 27.1 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 28.0 MJ per kg, in ground 28 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 28.6 MJ per kg, in ground 28.6 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 29.0 MJ per kg, in ground 29 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 29.3 MJ per kg, in ground 29.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 30.3 MJ per kg, in ground 30.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, 30.6 MJ per kg, in ground 30.6 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown 12 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 10.0 MJ per kg, in ground 10 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 14.1 MJ per kg, in ground 14.1 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 14.4 MJ per kg, in ground 14.4 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 15 MJ per kg, in ground 15 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 15.0 MJ per kg, in ground 15 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 7.9 MJ per kg, in ground 7.9 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 8.0 MJ per kg, in ground 8 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 8.1 MJ per kg, in ground 8.1 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 8.2 MJ per kg, in ground 8.2 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, brown, 9.9 MJ per kg, in ground 9.9 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, feedstock, 26.4 MJ per kg, in ground 26.4 kg
Raw (unspecified) Coal, hard 24 kg
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from ADO 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Auto gasoline-leaded 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Auto gasoline-unleaded 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Aviation gasoline 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Aviation turbine fuel 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from bagasse 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from biomass 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from brown coal briquetts 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from coal 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from coal byproducts 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from coal, brown 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from coke 1 MJ

Appendices 179
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Fuel oil 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from gas, natural 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from geothermal 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Heating oil 1.00E+00 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from hydro power 1.00E+00 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from hydrogen 1.00E+00 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from IDF 1.00E+00 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Lighting kerosene 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from liquified petroleum gas, feedstock 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from LPG 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Natural gas 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from oil 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from peat 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Petroleum products nec 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Power kerosene 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from solar 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from sulfur 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from tidal 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from Town gas 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from uranium 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from waves 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, from wood 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, geothermal 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, gross calorific value, in biomass 0.904761905 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, in Solvents 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, kinetic (in wind), converted 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, potential (in hydropower reservoir), converted 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, recovered 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Energy, unspecified 1 MJ
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 30.3 MJ per kg, in ground 30.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 31.65 MJ per m3, in ground 31.65 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 35 MJ per m3, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 35.0 MJ per m3, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 35.2 MJ per m3, in ground 35.2 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 35.9 MJ per m3, in ground 35.9 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3, in ground 36.6 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 38.8 MJ per m3, in ground 38.8 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 39.0 MJ per m3, in ground 39 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 42.0 MJ per m3, in ground 42 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 46.8 MJ per kg, in ground 46.8 kg
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 50.3 MJ per kg, in ground 50.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, 51.3 MJ per kg, in ground 51.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, feedstock, 35 MJ per m3, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, feedstock, 35.0 MJ per m3, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural, feedstock, 46.8 MJ per kg, in ground 46.8 kg
Raw (unspecified) Gas, natural/m3 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, off-gas, 35.0 MJ per m3, oil production, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, off-gas, oil production, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Gas, petroleum, 35 MJ per m3, in ground 35 m3
Raw (unspecified) Methane 35.9 kg
Raw (unspecified) Mining gas, 30 MJ per kg 30 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude 45 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 38400 MJ per m3, in ground 38400 m3
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 41 MJ per kg, in ground 41 kg

Appendices 180
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 41.0 MJ per kg, in ground 41 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 41.9 MJ per kg, in ground 41.9 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 42.6 MJ per kg, in ground 42.6 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg, in ground 42.7 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 42.8 MJ per kg, in ground 42.8 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 43.4 MJ per kg, in ground 43.4 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 44.0 MJ per kg, in ground 44 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 44.6 MJ per kg, in ground 44.6 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, 45.0 MJ per kg, in ground 45 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, feedstock, 41 MJ per kg, in ground 41 kg
Raw (unspecified) Oil, crude, feedstock, 42 MJ per kg, in ground 42 kg
Raw (unspecified) Secondary wood 15.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium 451000 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium ore, 1.11 GJ per kg, in ground 1110 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium, 2291 GJ per kg, in ground 451000 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium, 336 GJ per kg, in ground 336000 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium, 451 GJ per kg, in ground 451000 kg
Raw (unspecified) Uranium, 560 GJ per kg, in ground 451000 kg
Raw (unspecified) Water, barrage 0.01 kg
Raw (unspecified) Water, through turbine 0.01 l
Raw (unspecified) Wood and cardboard waste 15.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Wood and wood waste, 10.5 MJ per kg 15.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Wood, feedstock 15.3 kg
Raw (unspecified) Wood, unspecified, standing/kg 15.3 kg
Raw biotic Biomass 15 kg
Raw in ground Energy, from oil 1 MJ
Raw in ground Energy, from uranium 1 MJ
Raw in ground Oil, crude, 42 MJ per kg, in ground 42 kg

Human Toxicity, Carcinogens

Too many factors to list (3819). Refer to digital file: Characterisation and Normalisation Factors.xlsx

Human Toxicity, Non-Carcinogens

Too many factors to list (3027). Refer to digital file: Characterisation and Normalisation Factors.xlsx

Too many factors to list (7905). Refer to digital file: Characterisation and Normalisation Factors.xlsx

Appendices 181
D3 - Off-grid renewable electricity system
(system A was the basis for the LCA)

Appendices 182
D4 - Personal Communication regarding LCA

Email from Stephen Dobson of Ramtec regarding rammed earth construction

From: Stephen Dobson [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:18 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Rammed Earth: Life Cycle Assessment study

Hi Martin,
I do recall you.
Here is some up-to-date info on rammed earth construction...from measurements made on walls that we built last week.
Here are figs to quantify the use of machinery used to make the wall; e.g. bobcat for proportioning and mixing and delivering
and lifting materials, plus the engine that drives the pneumatic tamper.
Bobcat tank holds 70litres of diesel. It lasts one week ( of 5 or 6 days). It is used 3 to 3.5 avge to 4 hours per day. In one day
there is 15 sq metres of face wall area of 300mm thick rammed earth built. This is on a good day. Hard walls can result in
lower outputs, but this lower output of wall built is matched by more time spent messing around with complex formwork.
A few hours of Bobcat use time go into setting the job up at the start and cleaning up at the end of each job. Say 4 hrs at
start and 6 hrs at end ...for a hypothetical job of 150 face sq m of 300m thick walls.
One tamper at a time is used. Fuel consumption currently is 20litres ( with a nice aircompressor) of diesel per week for 5 or 6
days and the compressor operates about 4 or 5 hours per day ( for that 15 sq m of 300mm thick wall).
Water consumption. About 400 to 500 litres of water is used in the RE production process to give 6 sq m of 300mm thick
wall. This 500litres is peak summer. Average 400litres. In winter the figure would be nearer to 300litres.
You should compare water usage as it is very high with say concrete but low with RE and water too is a very valuable
I will send you an invitation to a free lecture that may interest you.

Stephen Dobson, Ramtec Pty Ltd.
PO Box 84,Cottesloe, Western Australia, 6911.
Tel: 08-93845777
Mob: 0419956819
Email: [email protected]

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Martin Freney <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Stephen,
I met you at the EBAA conference last year and I got the impression that you may be able to answer some of my questions
about rammed earth...
I’m studying under Terry Williamson and Veronica Soebarto, doing a master of architecture, writing a thesis regarding the
environmental impacts of various types of walls, one of which is rammed earth. Hoping you can help out with some up-to-
date info on rammed earth construction.
My methodology (life cycle assessment) relies on accurate information regarding the amounts of materials and the
associated processes, in particular the energy consumption.

Appendices 183
Perhaps there is a book you recommend? My main reference is The Rammed Earth House by David Easton. From this I
have managed to glean enough info regarding the materials involved but I need more detailed info on the production
process. I need to be able to quantify the use of machinery used to make the wall; e.g. bobcat for mixing and lifting materials,
pneumatic tamper. Of course is can be done without machinery but it’s not done that way now! So for a modern build, what is
your estimate of the energy/fuel needed to build a wall e.g.
• how many hours, per cubic meter of wall, is the bobcat needed?
• how many hours, per cubic meter of wall, is the tamper needed (how many tampers) – what is the fuel consumption of
the air compressor?
Any advice greatly appreciated!
Martin Freney
Masters Candidate
School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
The University of Adelaide

Appendices 184
Email from William Kaggwa re: tyre wall footings

From: William Kaggwa [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2011 4:34 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Tyre Wall Discussion

That is a correct reflection of our discussions. I would add "probably" or "likely" to the numerical values of pressures though.


On 4/08/2011 4:16 PM, Martin Freney wrote:

Dear William,
It was a pleasure talking with you about the tyre wall of an “Earthship”. Thank you very much for taking the time to discuss
this with me. I think I will be more able to have an intelligent discussion with a structural engineer now.
I’ve written down the main points to make sure I’ve understood correctly. I’d like to quote you on this (and put this email in
the appendix of my thesis), so if you would be so kind as to check that the following is correct that would be much
The tyre wall is very similar to adobe bricks – the binder in this case is the tyre “container”, the main material is compacted
In most soil types the tyre wall would NOT require footings, with the exception of highly reactive clay typical on the Adelaide
Plains (and some areas in the Adelaide Hills).
A footing made of stabilised soil or gravel, width and depth equal to the diameter of the tyre (at least 600mm deep), would be
an adequate footing for the tyre wall in highly reactive clay.
In Adelaide’s highly reactive clay, lifting is usually the problem.
200kPa is needed to suppress the upwards heave of highly reactive clay. An Earthship construction would be in the order of
60-80kPa and would dampen the movement but not prevent it.
A concrete or rammed earth floor would be preferable to floor boards as the later will dry out the under-floor soil and
exacerbate the tendency for moisture to migrate under the house.
Preventing the soil around the house from drying out helps prevent heaving of highly reactive clay. Regular irrigation is a
good idea.
The earth-berm will help prevent the soil under the wall from drying out.
Plastic sheet laid underground to direct water away from the wall/house will help prevent heaving of highly reactive clay.
Rather than attempt to water proof the tyre wall it would be better to provide good drainage (vertical layer of gravel adjacent
tyre wall with slotted pipe slightly below ground level and geofabric placed between gravel and backfill) and good surface
water run-off management (e.g. plastic sheet laid underground to direct water away from the wall).
Best regards,
Martin Freney
Masters Candidate
School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
The University of Adelaide
Ph: +61 8 8303 3052
Fax: +61 8 8303 4377
e-mail: [email protected]
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M

Appendices 185
Glenn Turner email 19 December 2012 – Stratco Shed

From: Glenn Turner [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, 19 December 2012 4:19 PM
To: Martin Freney ([email protected])
Subject: Domestic Shed Weight

Hi Martin,

Below is the approximate weight of steel required for a standard domestic shed with the following parameters:

Size: 6.9m wide x 12.3m long x 2.7m wall height

Pitch: 15°
Wind Classification: N2
Portal Frames: 150mm C-section at approximately 3m centres.
Purlins/girts: 75mm C-sections
Roofing: 0.42mm BMT (base metal thickness) CGI
Walling: 0.35mm BMT Superdek
Doors: No doors considered (The average weight of a roller door for a domestic shed as about 100kg so feel free to add this
weight if required)

Approximate Shed Weight: 1500kg

If you are interested in further details on the shed designs refer to the Stratco web site:

Feel free to give me a call if you require any further information for your project.

Best Regards,

Glenn Turner
Stratco (Aust) Pty Ltd
(Tel): (08) 8349-5555
(Fax): (08) 8262-9688
E-Mail: [email protected]

Appendices 186
Emails from Matthew Ward and Jarrod Ison - Solar Hot Water Systems

From: Ward, Matthew [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, 7 May 2013 4:11 PM
To: Martin Freney
Cc: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Martin,

Please note the following:

For a 2 collector system you will need to double the weights that I have highlighted below. The weights listed
are for a single collector.

The copper pipe (½”, 20) listed below is not supplied with the heater but is fitted by the installer during

Let me know if you need anything further.

Best Regards,

Matthew Ward
National Technical Officer/Trainer - Service
Rheem Australia Pty Ltd

PH: (08) 9351 4632

FAX: (08) 9351 8034

From: Ison, Jarrod

Sent: Tuesday, 7 May 2013 02:34 PM
To: Martin Freney; Ward, Matthew
Cc: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS


Apologies for the delay. Here are material weights for a Rheem system with ground mounted tank,
511325/2NPT (325L tank, 2 x NPT collectors)

Tank & Ground Kit:

Mild Steel 67.2kg

Colorbond Steel 16.5kg
Polyurethane 5.5kg
Brass 2.5kg
Vitreous Enamel 0.5kg
Polystyrene 0.2kg
Pump, controller & ~3kg
various electrical

Collectors & Roof Kit:

Copper 3.65kg
Aluminum 2.76kg
Glass 15.6kg
Colorbond 1.34kg
Zincallume 11.00kg
Appendices 187
Brass 1.7kg
Copper pipe (½”, 20m) 6.7kg

I believe I got everything! Thanks to Matt for the collector info.



From: Martin Freney [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, 3 May 2013 5:32 PM
To: Ward, Matthew
Cc: 'Martin Freney'; Ison, Jarrod
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Matt,

Thanks very much for the prompt reply. This is exactly the data I need. Thanks again.



From: Ward, Matthew [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, 3 May 2013 4:35 PM
To: Martin Freney; Ison, Jarrod
Cc: Martin Freney
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Martin,

Here are the details of the major components of the Edwards L32 Australis Series 2 system. The L32 system
consists of a 300L stainless steel tank, 2 x Australis solar collectors and a parts kit.

Material Mass (kg)

Colorbond Steel 42.50
Stainless Steel 39.00
Glass 31.2
Copper 9.10
Polyurethane 6.75
Aluminum 5.52
Brass 1.50

Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance.

Best Regards,

Matthew Ward
National Technical Officer/Trainer - Service
Rheem Australia Pty Ltd

PH: (08) 9351 4632

FAX: (08) 9351 8034

From: Martin Freney [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 2 May 2013 09:49 AM
To: Ison, Jarrod; Ward, Matthew

Appendices 188
Cc: Martin Freney
Subject: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Jarrod and Matt,

Thanks for speaking with me this morning.

As I mentioned on the phone I am doing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on solar hot water systems and need to
know the approximate quantities (mass) of the materials used in their manufacture e.g. glass, stainless steel, galv
steel, aluminium, copper, polystyrene, etc. I am not so concerned with small quantities of materials such as
silicone caulking, cardboard packaging etc although if that info is readily available please include it. I am
interested in the typical domestic 2 panel, 300L capacity system.

Matt offered to supply some data on an Edwards model and Jarrod, I assume you’ll be supplying data on a
Rheem system.

Also if you know of any LCA studies on SHWS I would be interested to know about it. My literature review has
turned up very little.

If you want to clarify anything my mobile number is 0450 555 719.

Thanks in advance!


Martin Freney
PhD Candidate
School of Architecture and Built Environment
The University of Adelaide
Ph: +61 8 8313 3052
Fax: +61 8 8313 4377
e-mail: [email protected]

Appendices 189
Email Matthew Ward, Solar Fraction in Adelaide

From: Ward, Matthew [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 3:40 PM
To: Martin Freney; Ison, Jarrod
Cc: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Martin,

I don’t have anything official but an old handbook that was put together years ago by
Edwards Solar Hot Water states the following solar contribution factors for major centres:

Alice Cairn Brisban Sydne Canber Melbour Hoba Adelai Pert

Spring s e y ra ne rt de h
Solar 0.7 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.6 0.65
on Factor

Best Regards,

Matthew Ward
National Technical Officer/Trainer - Service
Rheem Australia Pty Ltd

PH: (08) 9351 4632

FAX: (08) 9351 8034

From: Martin Freney [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 01:42 PM
To: Ward, Matthew; Ison, Jarrod
Cc: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: Quantities of materials in SHWS

Hi Matt and Jarrod,

I have another question:

What is the solar fraction for a solar hot water system in Adelaide? By this I mean what
percentage of energy is derived from the sun?

Someone told me 65% but can you confirm that, and or direct me to any information for
Adelaide (and perhaps other capital cities).



Appendices 190
Email from Hugh Hocking, Adelaide Resource Recovery
From: Hugh Hocking [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 4:39 PM
To: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: recycling house materials

I can only answer for ARR where all bricks are crushed. You are correct though, Ol Red
Brick do re-use bricks.



Hugh Hocking
Sales & Marketing Manager
Adelaide Resource Recovery
0403 923 824

From: Martin Freney [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 3:31 PM
To: 'Hugh Hocking'
Subject: RE: recycling house materials


Thanks very much for the prompt reply. This is very useful info.

I just want to query one thing: bricks

Some bricks must be getting reused e.g. The Old Red Brick Company where I’ve bought
second hand bricks. Do you think it would be fair to say 5% get reused and 95% recycled?



From: Hugh Hocking [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 2:59 PM
To: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: RE: recycling house materials

Appendices 191

See below…



Hugh Hocking
Sales & Marketing Manager
Adelaide Resource Recovery
0403 923 824

From: Martin Freney [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013 11:57 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: 'Martin Freney'
Subject: recycling house materials

Hi Hugh,

You suggested I email you regarding my questions about recycling materials from homes:

What percentage of the following house construction materials would you expect to end up
being reused/recycled/landfilled at the end of a house’s life? To show you what I mean I’ll
make some guesses and you can correct me:

Concrete 0% reused/ 90% recycled/ 10% landfilled actually 0/99/1 as we only landfill the
bare minimum that comes in concrete loads as the orange DPC plastic, timber etc are still
recycled elsewhere.
Steel 0/90/10 0/100/0
Aluminium 0/90/10 0/100/0
Brick 20/70/10 0/100/0
Gyprock 0/0/100 0/20/80 some gyprock has been added to timber to produce a mulch
Compressed cement fibre board 0/0/100 0/50/50 we will crush cement fibreboards with
concrete or brick to produce non-critical rubbles when required
Sarking (reflective foil) 0/0/100 0/0/100
Polystyrene (insulation) 0/0/100 0/0/100
Fibreglass wool (insulation) 0/0/100 0/0/100

Appendices 192
Perhaps you can only comment on the brick and concrete but if you have any suggestions
about where to find info on the others that would be very helpful.

Many thanks.


Martin Freney
PhD student
University of Adelaide
School of Architecture and Built Environment
Mob: 0450 555 719

Appendices 193
Appendix E - Research Data / Files on CD ROM

E1.0 - Occupants’ Questionnaire data

This appendix is on a CD included
E1.1 - Daily Comfort Questionnaire data with the print copy of the thesis held in the
University of Adelaide Library.
E2.0 - Taos Earthship Monitoring data

E2.1 - Thermal Modelling DesignBuilder files

E2.2 - Thermal Modelling results spreadsheets

E3.0 - Life Cycle Assessment SimaPro database files

E3.1 - Life Cycle Assessment results spreadsheets

E3.2 - Life Cycle Assessment SolidWorks 3D Modelling files

E3.3 - Life Cycle Assessment Bill of Materials/Processes results spreadsheet

Appendices 194

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