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02 The People’s Chronicle | www.thepeopleschronicle.

Imphal, Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Ashley Judd
American actress

ONG JOONG-KI (born September movie sequel Hearty Paws 2. of an animal. He also repeatedly watched Tim
19, 1985) is a South Korean actor. Song’s breakout role came in the fusion Burton’s 1990 romantic fantasy Edward Scis-
He rose to fame in the historical historical drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal sorhands, Matt Reeves’ 2010 vampire flick Let
drama Sungkyunkwan Scandal where he played the role of an 18th-century Me In, and Gollum in The Lord of the Rings. The
(2010) and the variety show Joseon-era rich, indolent playboy. Song also film was screened at the Busan International
Running Man as one of the original joined the cast of variety program Running Man Film Festival and became the most successful
cast members when it premiered from 2010 to 2011. Korean melodrama of all time, with more than
in 2010. Song played his first TV Song later released the book Beautiful Skin 7 million tickets sold.
leading role in the melodrama The Innocent Project, a bestselling health and beauty guide The same year, he took on his first leading
Man (2012). He has also starred in feature for men (which was re-released in Japan in drama role in television, The Innocent Man. His
films, notably as the title character in the box 2013). In late 2010, he went on a bicycling tour assured and nuanced portrayal of an antihero
office hit A Werewolf Boy (2012). around Sydney, which aired two episodes on received praise from critics and audience. The
After Song’s mandatory military service, he TV via ELLE, an offshoot of the eponymous drama attracted high ratings, which along with
took on the lead role in the pan-Asia hit drama fashion magazine. Moreover, a TV special of the impressive box office run of A Werewolf
Descendants of the Sun (2016), which drew a the actor’s trip to Japan entitled I’m Real: Song Boy, cemented Song’s image in the press as
peak audience share of 38.8% in South Korea Joong-ki aired two parts in early 2011. Song the “savior” of the melodrama genre both on
and established him as a top Hallyu star. He later became an MC for jTBC audition program the big and small screen.
placed 7th in Forbes Korea Power Celebrity list Made in U. In February 2013, after his contract with
in 2013, and ranked 2nd in 2017. In 2011, Song starred as a jobless deadbeat entertainment agency Sidus HQ expired, Song
Profile: Ashley Judd was 15 years old when her mother Naomi and
Song competed in short track speed skating in the romantic comedy Penny Pinchers. His announced that he will be joining Blossom
competitions. Representing his hometown, the acting performance was praised by critics, Entertainment.
sister Wynnona signed a record deal as The Judds. As their mu-
city of Daejeon, he participated in the National declaring him a “charismatic, swoon-worthy Prior to his enlistment for his two-year
sic career took off, Ashley attended school, then turned to act-
Games three times and won awards at other leading man with a viable presence.” mandatory military service, Song held a fan
ing. After a recurring role on TV drama Sisters, she made her film large meets. During his first year of high school, Song took on the role of the young king meet on August 17, 2013. He then enlisted
breakthrough in 1993’s Ruby in Paradise. Judd soon proved her box however, he was injured and had to quit the Sejong in Deep Rooted Tree (2011). Critics on August 27 at the 102nd draft camp in
office value with hit movies Kiss the Girls (1997) and Double Jeop- sport (Song would later play a national speed praised Song’s performance, calling it a Chuncheon. Song was discharged on May 26,
ardy (1999). skater in the TV series Triple). He then turned portrayal of a genius who “realizes the futility 2015.

Your Birthday Profile

his attention to his studies. Having scored of power early in life” and hides in his books Song made his small screen comeback in
380 points out of 400 on his national college to cope with growing up under the rule of his Descendants of the Sun alongside actress Song
entrance, he entered the prestigious Sung- tyrannical father Taejong. Song received the Hye-kyo, playing the leader of a special UN
kyunkwan University and graduated with a PD Award at the 2011 SBS Drama Awards for peacekeeping unit. The drama was incredibly
F Your Sun Sign:
degree in Business Administration in 2012. the role. popular in Korea with a peak viewership rating
Aries Song wanted to be an actor, athlete and a He later narrated the six-part documentary of 41.6% and in Asia, where it was viewed 2.5
F Your personal ruling planets: broadcaster since he was in elementary school. Tears of the Antarctic for MBC program Tears billion times on iQiyi.
Mars and Sun. Song majored in business administration and of the Earth (2012), which focuses on pressing The success of Descendants in Asia made
F Your lucky colors: minored in broadcasting. He first appeared environmental issues on the planet and him the Korean Tourism Honorary Ambas-
copper and gold. in a TV show as a contestant on KBS’s Quiz donated his entire salary to charity. He reprised sador by the Korea Tourism Organization to
F Your lucky gems: Korea, substituting a senior who was sick. Song his role as narrator when the series was re-ed- actively promote Korean tourism worldwide.
Ruby. eventually won second place. This brought ited and released in theaters as Pengi and He was also listed as one of the Top 100 Future
F Your lucky days of the week: him significant attention and became a cover Sommi (2012). He later went on a fan-meeting Generation of Leaders, at #34. He became the
Sunday, Monday and Thursday. model for university magazine College. tour called Song Joong-ki Asia Fan Meeting face of over 30 brands in 2016 alone and was
F Your lucky numbers and years of important change are: Song made his acting debut in the 2008 Tour – THRILL & LOVE, holding fan meetings in one of the recipients of Korea’s “Brand of the
1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82. period film A Frozen Flower. The following year, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. Year” award. He then embarked on a series
he appeared in the couple-swapping segment Song described 2012 as a “phenomenal of sold-out Asian tour spanning 10 different
Your stamina often leaves others wondering where you get “Believe in the Moment” of omnibus Five year” for his career. He played the titular cities, where he met more than 60,000 fans.
your rocket fuel from. Power and dynamism are the key words Senses of Eros and continued to take on small character in fantasy romance film A Werewolf Song will be appearing next in the 2017
for your date of birth as the Martian and solar vibrations steam- but notable roles in Triple and Will It Snow for Boy, which premiered at the 2012 Toronto South Korean movie Battleship Island alongside
roll anything in your way. Christmas?. Song also became a regular host International Film Festival. In preparation for actors So Ji-sub and Hwang Jung-min. He will
of KBS Friday music program Music Bank from his role, Song watched nature documentaries portray a member of the Korean Independence
2009 to 2010. He then appeared in the 2010 and observed stray dogs on the streets to learn group, who sneaks onto Battleship Island to
medical drama OB/GYN Doctors, and animal how to mime and imitate the body movements rescue a fellow member.


read his autobiography
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19): As the Moon enters the square phase of the
Sun and Uranus you may feel on irritable, moody and reactive.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20): Something you attempt now may be done Lena Dunham
explains ‘Girls’ finale
more out of desperation than any real practical need. She is “definitely” support of his fourth studio
ELARICA JOHNSON, best looking forward to eating album “Purpose”, which revealed that he has not
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20): When people are divided by compulsions known for her role in a lot. debuted at #1 in over 100 read his first autobi- Actress Lena
it’s hardly possible to create a win-win situation for all concerned. “Harry Potter and the “Indian food sits at the countries and has sold ography, which was Dunham, who
Half-Blood Prince”, number one spot as my over eight million copies released shortly after he played the role
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22): You could be hit by one hassle after another
is set to host the highly ultimate favourite cuisine. worldwide. won “The X Factor” in 2012. of Hannah
but rest assured you are certainly much better off not agreeing to an- in”Girls”, says
ything just yet. A friend or lover is feeling insecure and you’re missing anticipated Justin Bieber But most of all having this Concert-goers can The 29-year-old earlier said
her character
the point if you still think it’s about being right. India Purpose Tour here experience and seeing one look forward to a set list that he is planning to release
became a moth-
next month. of my favourite artistes, that will surely comprise a self-help inspired autobi-
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22): You are about to enter a new phase of professional er in the end of the TV series as
The 27-year-old London- Justin Bieber, perform live, worldwide smash hits ography, but he says he has they didnt want to have a “tradi-
esteem but you are very indecisive about which precise direction you born actress will arrive here I am sure I will mark this including “Where are u not read his first book, “James tional romantic partnership”.
would take even if some new success was to come to pass. on May 4 and will explore as a trip of a lifetime,” said now”, “Boyfriend”, “Love Arthur, My Story: The Official X The final episode of “Girls”
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Your thinking is clouded by emotional the city till May 15. Johnson, who is set to star yourself” and “As long as Factor Winner’s Book”, reports was aired on April 16 night. The
colours today and coupled with retrograde Mercury this is a tricky little Johnson said in a state- alongside actress Nicole you love me”. show began with Hannah being
astrological pattern to maneuver yourself through particularly if people ment: “India has been a Kidman in “How to Talk to “I haven’t even read that. bratty with her parents and it
are waiting on your directive or a decision. place I have always wanted Girls at Parties”. I wouldn’t want it in my ended with Hannah becoming
to visit; it is a dream come Arjun Jain of White Fox Christmas stocking,” Arthur told through. The album says a little a parent herself to a boy named
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22): Your challenges are definitely in the domestic true!” India will be bringing the The Sun newspaper when asked bit about it but it doesn’t really Grover.
area of your life now with the Moon in hard aspect to the Sun, Uranus, “I have always felt 23-year-old Canadian sing- about his first book. tell the full extent,” he said. “There was always some
and retrograde Mercury. inspired by the freedom of er’s Purpose World Tour to The “Say you won’t let go” “I want it to act as a self- sense that for Hannah, finality
colour, music and dance. India’s DY Patil Stadium, singer revealed last month that help book. I want to talk to didn’t have to do with a tradi-
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21): You may be making an effort in your rela- tional romantic partnership, but
So to be able to explore the Mumbai on May 10. he is planning to write a tell-all people about how I felt a little
tionships but Mars transiting Taurus in your seventh house is making it did have to do with some kind
Indian culture and have the Apart from India, autobiography that he hopes will bit different from a young age
hard work of those initiatives. of partnership,” Dunham told
chance to see the beautiful the Asia leg of the tour act as a self-help book for others. and felt a little bit weird and a
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21): You may find yourself overwhelmed architecture and history of comprises Tel Aviv in Israel “I want to help people to get little bit like an outcast, and the
“And the most selfless part-
with bills or letters of demand all arriving at the same time. It doesn’t the country will truly be a and Dubai. to know my story, and really tell journey that I’ve been on to get
nership you take on is when you
help knowing now that you may not have planned effectively enough wonderful experience.” Bieber is touring in them in detail what I’ve been to this place,” he added. have a child -- that’s something
but you can certainly learn from the lesson and put a little away for a that seemed like it would be a
rainy day so that this doesn’t happen again.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19): You want to project a different personality
Janet Jackson be focusing on writing “Having a baby has upped her she is already scheduling summer
really interesting thing to see a
notoriously selfish person try
now perhaps to gain some advantage of the situation where you have reschedule 75 axed “positive” music after desire to release positive music rehearsals,” the source added their hand at,” she added.
Ben Affleck dating
becoming a mother to their and she wants her new songs to
felt somewhat ineffective or even helpless.

three-month-old son, Eissa be a celebration of life, love and
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Saturn and Venus adversely influence your
Al Mana, reports dailymail. motherhood,” a source told The Sun
someone new
finances now so you have to find a way of magically creating more money. Actor-filmmaker
reportedly reschedule 75 The “Scream” singer will play the “She plans to get back on tour in Ben Affleck is
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20): With Venus still transiting your Sun sign, axed shows and release a new shows she postponed due to her North America in October, followed moving on from
all you should be feeling a lot more self-esteem and personal power. album about motherhood. pregnancy last year under a new by a brand new album. Last year’s his separation
Jackson, who parted ways run of dates named the State Of The incomplete Unbreakable World from actress

Eric Moon to marry

from billionaire Wissam Al Mana World tour, which will hit North Tour is being revamped to become Jennifer Garner,
earlier this month, is now said to America later this year. the State Of The World Tour and and is “dating
someone else”.

Na Hye-mi in July DRAKE ACCUSES CLUB NEAR JOHN LEGEND, CHRISSY TEIGEN Affleck and Garner have of-

ficially filed for divorce, almost
HAVE NORMAL ARGUMENTS two years after they announced
MOON, the leader of
years ago, but the couple
only acknowledged it early COACHELLA OF RACIAL PROFILING their separation in 2015.
According to sources, there’s

boy band Shinhwa, this year. no animosity between Affleck
will tie the knot with Eric Moon debuted with APPER DRAKE has accused a country and Garner, reports
“Affleck is dating someone,
actress Na Hye-mi in Shinhwa in 1998, and has club near Coachella of racial
though not seriously,” said a
July, his agent announced also enjoyed success as profiling, saying it was “the most
source. Another source said
on Monday. an actor. He is the first offensive place” he ever visited. that Affleck is “ready to move
“I’ve got to meet the love member of Shinhwa to get The 30-year-old “Hotline bling” on”.
Amy Schumer to star
of my life and we’ll marry married. rapper took to Instagram on April 16 to
at a church in Seoul on July Na, who is 12 years Eric lash out at The Madison Club, a private
1”, Eric Moon wrote on the
agent’s website.
Moon’s junior, is best
known for her appearance
golf resort in La Quinta, reports people.
in ‘I Feel Pretty’
Actress Amy
Rumors of their relation- in the popular sitcom “High He posted a day after he made a Schumer has
ship first surfaced three Kick!” in 2007. surprise performance at the local music come on board
festival. for Wonderland
“The most offensive place I have Sound & Vision
ever stayed at in my life with staff who and Voltage Pic-
pick and choose who they are going to tures’ upcoming

accommodate based on racial profiling comedy titled “I
#Coachella,” Drake wrote in a post that Feel Pretty”.
has since been deleted. INGER JOHN LEGEND says he and his wife and supermodel The film will be directed by
The establishment issued an apology Chrissy Teigen have arguments like any other couple. Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein,
to Drake before he took down his post. Legend, who has one-year-old daughter Luna with who are also writing the script.
“We are trying to get this issue fixed Teigen, says they fight about punctuality and overuse The movie, set to shoot this
as soon as possible,” a representative for of electronic devices, reports summer on the East Coast,
The Madison Club said in a statement. “Chrissy and I bicker about the normal things like, ‘When marks Kohn and Silverstein’s
“Customer satisfaction is our number will you be home from work?’ I also look at my phone too directorial debut. The plot is
one priority and for you to experience much... Twitter, Instagram, texting. She occasionally tells me being kept under the wraps,
such a thing is embarrassing for us. We off for that,” Teigen told Cosmopolitan magazine.
Schumer, who is also a
are very sorry for the inconvenience and However, he stated that one area that doesn’t spark argu-
co-producer of “I Feel Pretty”,
we will be issuing out a formal apology ments between them is when they are cooking. was last seen in “Trainwreck”
to you and the public. We will also be “Chrissy and I cook to relax. I’m very good at making fried and will next star opposite
investigating this as we do not tolerate chicken, macaroni cheese, omelettes and pancakes... Then we Goldie Hawn in the Jonathan
racial discrimination.” just hang out and watch TV. Netflix and chill, as they say,” he Levine comedy “Snatched”.

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