Westfort College of Nursing Check List For Enema

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1. Check the physician’s order.

2. Prepare the unit and arrange the articles.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient.
4. Provide privacy to the patient and put mackintosh under the
buttocks of the patient.
5. Wash hands and wear the gloves.
6. Attach the tubing to the enema can and clamp the tube.
7. Attach the rectal tube to the tubing. Loosen the screw clamp and
let a small amount of solution to run into the kidney tray.
Regulate the flow of the solution by adjusting the screw clamp.
Tighten the screw clamp.
8. Position the patient in a left lateral or left sims position.
9. Place a kidney tray near the buttocks of the patient.
10. Lubricate the tip of the rectal tube about 2-4 inches from the tip.
Lubricant is applied to the minimum with a gauze piece.
11. Separate the patient’s buttocks to visualize the anus clearly and
insert the tip 7-10 cm gently while the patient inhale a deep
breath. If resistance is encountered at the internal sphincter, ask
the patient to take a deep breath, and then run a small amount of
solution through the tube to relax the internal anal sphincter.
12. Slowly administer the enema solution by raising the solution
container above 30-45 cm and open the clamp to allow fluid
flow. If the patient complaints of fullness or pain, lower the
container or use the clamp to stop the flow for 30 seconds and
then restart the flow at a slower rate.
13. When the patient cannot hold anymore and feels the desire to
defecate, close the clamp and remove the enema tube from the
anus and place it in a kidney tray.
14. Encourage the client to retain the enema. Ask the patient to
remain lying down for 5-30 minutes.
15. Assist the client to defecate.

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