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MATERIAL Issued JUL 1998


Heat Treatment of Wrought Copper-Beryllium Alloys, Process for

(Copper Alloys: Numbers C17000, C17200, C17300, C17500, and C17510)


This document has been reaffirmed to comply with the SAE 5-year Review policy.


This document has been taken directly from U.S. Military Specification MIL-H-7199A, Amendment 2,
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intended to replace MIL-H-7199A, Amendment 2, Notice 1. Any part numbers established by the
original specification remain unchanged.

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199


1.1 This specification presents requirements for the heat treatment of parts and components fabricated
from wrought (plate, sheet, strip, bar, rod, wire extrusions and tube and forgings) copper alloys,
numbers C17000, C17200, C17300, C17500, and C17510 (see 6.7). This specification also covers
“bright hardening”.


The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal,
form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.

2.1 U. S. Government Publications:

Available from DODSSP, Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.

FED-STD-151 Metals, Test Methods

2.2 ASTM Publications:

Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM E 8 Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.


3.1 Permissible furnace types (see 6.1):

3.1.1 Solution heat treating furnace: Acceptable furnaces for solution heat treating of copper-beryllium
products include those heated by electricity, gas or oil. They may be batch, continuous or induction
types, using either vacuum, controlled gas atmosphere or air (static or circulating) in a chamber or
muffle. Molten salt baths shall not be used because of the susceptibility of copper-beryllium alloys to
corrosive attack by molten salts at solution heat treatment temperatures. Air atmosphere furnaces
shall not be used when the loss of material due to excessive scaling is detrimental to the finished part.

3.1.2 Precipitation hardening (aging) furnaces: Aging or precipitation heat treatment furnaces shall be of
the controlled gas atmosphere, vacuum or neutral salt-bath types. Air chamber furnaces are
permissibly only when bright lustre parts are not required, or when subsequent brightening
operations used to remove oxides, stains and tarnish are not detrimental to the finished parts.
Forced circulating air is then recommended. Bright hardening: An acceptable precipitation process known as “bright hardening” utilizes a
controlled non-oxidizing and non-combustible gas atmosphere in a chamber-type furnace. (The
material must be clean and bright prior to hardening - the process maintains the bright luster.)

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199

3.1.3 Furnace temperature uniformity: When equipped with satisfactory temperature-control devices, the
design and construction of furnaces used for heat treating copper-beryllium products shall be such
that, with a normal charge, the maximum temperature limit herein specified shall at no time during
heating-up and holding be exceeded at any point in the working zone. Furthermore, the minimum
temperature limit herein specified shall not be violated at any point in the working zone during the
holding portion of the treatment cycle.

3.2 Furnace instruments:

3.2.1 Heat-control and measuring equipment: A sufficient number of suitable automatic temperature-
control devices, and also temperature-recording instruments shall be provided for all heat treating
furnaces to assure adequate control and measurement of temperatures through-out the furnace
working zone. Temperature recording instruments shall be of the potentiometer type, and shall be
adjusted to ± 5F degrees of the true temperature, by applying corrections established by calibrated
equipment in 4.2.2. If corrections greater than ±5 F degrees are indicated, the source of the error
shall be determined and adjustments shall be made so that the readings represent a true
temperature within ±5 F degrees or less.

3.2.2 Thermocouples shall be enclosed within suitable protecting tubes to prevent contact with furnace
atmosphere or molten salt.

3.3 Quenching equipment for solution heat treatment:

3.3.1 Water baths: Cold water quenching baths of adequate size and design for the work load shall be
used. The water temperature shall not exceed 95°F during operating use. Forced circulation may
be needed to achieve this control. Alternate quenchants may be used providing their equivalence
with respect to mechanical properties and residual stress of parts is substantiated.

3.3.2 Location of quenching equipment: To facilitate a very rapid transfer of the load from the solution
treatment furnace into the water bath, the location of the bath and related equipment shall be such
that a satisfactory quench of the material is obtained (see

3.3.3 Quenching trays: Small parts should preferably be dumped directly into cold water; however, they
may be quenched while in racks, baskets, trays or other containers, provided that the container
construction will permit water to simultaneously reach all parts of the charge.

3.4 Salt bath equipment:

3.4.1 Rinse tanks: When molten salt baths are used, rinse tanks or sprays shall be provided for
removing all salt from the parts. Rinse tanks shall be provided with sufficient inflow of fresh water
to prevent concentration of dissolved salts.

3.4.2 Neutralizing bath: When required by a neutralizing bath such as tri-sodium phosphate or
other process - equipment for complete removal of active salt residues shall be provided.

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199

3.5 Cleaning equipment:

Adequate equipment shall be provided for removal of all grease, oil, dirt or other foreign matter which
might decompose during heat treatment to produce objectionable surface conditions on the material
(see 6.2 and 6.3).

3.6 Acid baths and bright dipping equipment:

Adequate equipment shall be provided for the removal of oxides, scale, tarnish or stains from the
surface of the material. (see 6.4)

3.7 Treatment procedures:

3.7.1 Cleaning, acid pickling and bright dipping: A satisfactory process shall be employed for the
removal of detrimental amounts of grease, oil or other foreign matter from the surface of the
material, prior to heat treatment. Likewise, a satisfactory process shall be employed when
necessary for the removal of oxides, scale, tarnish or stains from the surface of the material, either
prior to (for “bright hardening”) or after precipitation or age hardening.

3.7.2 Heat treatment: General: To achieve uniform heating and quenching, or to avoid distortion, individual pieces shall
be spaced, racked or supported as necessary. The drawing or contract may specify parts or
conditions which demand special handling or processing. When a bright lustre final finish is
required, air-chamber furnaces shall not be used if loss of material due to brightening operations
is excessive. Solution heat treatment - (see 6.5.1): General: Copper-beryllium mill products and forgings are normally supplied in a condition
suitable for precipitation heat treating. For this reason, solution heat treating shall be
performed only when (a) welding, brazing or other fabricating operations have rendered the
material unsuitable for precipitation or age hardening, or when (b) cold-working requirements of
the material demand intermediate softening treatment. In either case (a) or (b), the temper
designation of the material, after solution heat treatment, shall be “A”, regardless of prior
designation (see 3.7.3). Temperature: Copper-beryllium products covered by this specification shall be solution heat
treated at the following temperatures:

Copper Alloy Nos. C17000, C17200, and C17300: 1450 ± 25°F

Copper Alloy Nos. C17500 and C 17510: 1700 ± 25°F

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199 Holding time: The length of time the material is held at temperature largely determines the
potential properties of the material. Insufficient time makes it impossible to achieve maximum
strength after precipitation hardening, while excessive time promotes grain growth with
attendant harmful possibilities. An appropriate holding time for thick sections is one hour per
inch of thickness. For thin sections the time may vary from a few minutes to one hour. The
effectiveness of the holding time employed shall be determined by examination of the
microstructure together with a check of mechanical properties. Quenching: TIme lapse during transfer of the charge from the furnace into the quenching
medium must be as short as possible. Transfer times of a few seconds, and under ten seconds
for large charges are being achieved in commercial practice. An agitated liquid quench may be
used, whereby the charge is continuously kept in motion immediately after immersion in the
quenching medium. The formation of steam films at the metal/quenchant interface must be
minimized. Precipitation or age hardening: General: This process produces substantial changes in both mechanical and physical
properties of the material. The extent of these changes can be controlled by the time and
temperature of hardening. Therefore a suitable time-temperature selection must be made,
based upon the properties specified in the contract or drawing and the temper designation and
condition of the formed part. For evaluating the mechanical and physical properties of the
original material, as received, or after solution heat treating, the time-temperature requirements
of Table I or II shall be used. Bright hardening: The provisions of shall apply to parts that are bright hardened (see Cooling: After the required holding time has expired, the furnace charge may be cooled at any
convenient rate, including quenching. Removal of salt bath residues: When salt baths are employed for hardening, all apparent salt
residues shall be removed from the material by a suitable process such as water rinse, soak or
spray. The material shall then be immersed in a neutralizing solution such as tri-sodium

3.7.3 Heat treated material designations: The material, after precipitation or age hardening shall be
designated, as to temper, in accordance with Table I or II, and the material so identified for testing,
shipping and application information. If the age hardened material had been previously solution
heat treated, as in, it shall be designated “AT” only, regardless of prior temper
designations, and the mechanical or physical property requirements shall be those for “AT” temper
designation, as shown in applicable material specifications.

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199

TABLE I. FOR COPPER ALLOY NUMBERS C17000, C17200, and C17300

Age Hardening Time-Temperature Conditions (see and
Material Temper-Designations
Plate, A 3 600 - 625 AT
Sheet or 1/4 H b/ 2 600 - 625 1/4 HT c/
Strip 1/2 H b/ 2 600 - 625 1/2 HT c/
H b/ 2 600 - 625 HT c/
Forgings, a/, Tube A 3 600 - 625 AT
Rod and Bar
3/4 inch or less H b/ 2 600 - 625 HT c/
over 3/4 inch H b/ 3 600 - 625 HT c/
Wire A 3 600 - 625 AT
1/4 H b/ 2 600 - 625 1/4 HT c/
1/2 H b/ 1-1/2 600 - 625 1/2 HT c/
3/4 H b/ 1 600 - 625 3/4 HT c/

a/ Forgings are “A” or “AT” only

b/ See 3,7,2.2.1
c/ See 3.7.3


Age Hardening Time-Temperature Conditions (see and
Material Temper-Designations
Plate, A 3 900 - 925 AT
Sheet or 1/2 H b/ 2 900 - 925 1/2 HT c/
Strip H b/ 2 900 - 925 HT c/
Forgings, a/ A 3 900 - 925 AT
Tube, Rod and Bar
3/4 inch or less H b/ 2 900 - 925 HT c/
over 3/4 inch H b/ 3 900 - 925 HT c/
Wire A 3 900 - 925 AT
H b/ 2 900 - 925 HT c/

a/ Forgings are “A” or “AT” only

b/ See
c/ See 3.7.3

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199


4.1 Responsibility for inspection:

Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the
performance of all test and inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the
Government. Acceptance or approval of the supplier’s equipment, temperature-control devices and
procedures shall not be construed as a guaranty of the acceptance of the heat treated product. The
Government reserves the right to perform any of the tests and inspections set forth herein where
deemed necessary to assure that equipment and services conform to prescribed requirements.

4.2 Inspection of equipment:

4.2.1 Furnace temperature survey: Prior to heat treating copper-beryllium products, a furnace
temperature survey shall be made for each furnace which will be employed, unless the results from
previous operations, made within the past six (6) months, on the same furnace and same type of
charge show that furnace uniformity and accuracy of temperature control and recording equipment
is within the limits of this specification. A new temperature survey shall be made whenever any
changes are made in the furnace or controlling which might affect operational characteristics. The
survey shall be made only with calibrated instruments and thermocouples (see 4.2.2). Air furnace: The survey shall be made with a simulated charge, such as scrap parts, typical of a
normal production charge. Depending upon size of furnace and charge, a reasonable number of
test thermocouples, not less than four (4), shall be placed and secured in various extremities,
and central parts of the charge, and the test thermocouples suitably connected with
compensating lead wire to an indicating or recording potentiometer-type instrument. (A multi-
point strip-chart recorder is recommended.) The controller shall not be used to read test
thermocouples. The charge shall then be placed in the furnace, and the temperature of all test
thermocouples continuously recorded, or individually recorded at 5 minute intervals through-out
the entire heat treat cycle (heating-up and holding). If the results conform to the requirements of
3.1.3 the furnace shall be considered as satisfactory for production use, under similar conditions.
If the requirements are not satisfied, changes shall be made in the furnace, location of control
temperature-sensing point or in the charge, as indicated, and the survey repeated until
conformance is achieved or rejection of the use of the furnace for this operation. Controlled-atmosphere furnace: The provisions of shall apply to a controlled-atmosphere

furnace. In addition, constant or periodic checks shall be made, as required, of the atmosphere
employed, to determine flow-rate, composition and dew-point. Any variables existing in the
atmosphere which might have detrimental effects on copper-beryllium products shall be

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199 Salt-bath furnaces: This survey shall be made by using one or several (preferably)
thermocouples, separately contained in suitable protection tubes, and connected with
compensating lead wire to a multi-point recorder (preferred) or singe-couple temperature
indicator or recorder, of the potentiometer-type, other than the controller. The salt bath controller
shall be set at a temperature at least 100 F degrees below the desired operating aging
temperature (precaution: avoid salt solidification at low temperatures) and when thermal
equilibrium is substantially attained, the test thermocouples shall be submerged to various
extremities and the center of the normal working-zone for a typical charge, and secured in
position. If one couple is used, separate readings shall be taken at working-zone extremities,
and center also. The controller shall then be set at the desired aging temperature and either
continuous-chart, or manual and periodic (see readings taken during heating-up of the
salt, plus 15 minutes, minimum, of holding time. If all temperature readings conform to the
requirements of 3.1.3 the salt bath shall be considered as satisfactory for production use under
similar conditions. If the requirements are not satisfied, corrective changes shall be made, as
indicated, and the survey repeated until conformance is achieved or rejection of the use of the
furnace for this operation.

4.2.2 Accuracy of temperature control and measuring equipment: All inspections shall be made with a
potentiometer-type instrument, cold junction compensation and test thermocouple combination
which has been calibrated against Bureau of Standard’s primary or secondary certified
temperature-sensing elements, to an accuracy of ±2 degrees F. This equipment shall be used to
determine the conformance of heat-control and measuring equipment to the requirements of
3.2.1. During production, the frequency of checks of controlling and measuring equipment shall
be consistent with work-load conditions and test results, but shall not exceed a three (3) month

4.2.3 Salt bath contamination: The salt bath shall be inspected at least once each month or more often
if necessary to determine the presence of objectionable contaminants which attack the material.
Replenishment or replacement of entire bath shall be made as required.

4.3 Control of process:

4.3.1 General: Acceptance of the heat treating process and related equipment for production use shall
be determined by the results of tensile tests made on production material heat treated in
accordance with the requirements of this specification and the time-temperature conditions in
Tables I or II.

4.3.2 Recognition of other tests: If the contract or drawing specifies a special heat treatment, conflicting
with or Tables I and II, or alternate tests (hardness, conductivity, etc.) which exclude
tensile requirements, such requirements will be accepted in lieu of the tensile test requirements of
4.3.1 for control of process provided that the alternate tests can be demonstrated to produce
equivalent controlling results. Otherwise the alternate tests shall supplement the tensile test
requirements of 4.3.1.

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199

4.3.3 Tensile test: Sampling for tensile tests: Plate, sheet and strip: Two samples shall be selected, one from the thickest and one from the
thinnest material comprising the furnace charge. Bar, rod and wire: Two samples shall be selected, one from the largest and one from the
smallest sections of materials comprising the furnance charge. Formed parts and forgings: Two samples shall be cut from formed parts or forgings selected in
accordance with or If this is not possible, two blanks of the same material
(one from the largest, and one from the smallest section size) shall be heat treated with the
parts and shall qualify for the tensile properties of the parts. Preparation of tensile specimens: Tensile specimens shall be prepared in accordance with the
appropriate type specified in ASTM E 8. Test procedure: Tension testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E 8. Test results: The results of the above tests shall meet the tensile strength, yield strength and
elongation requirements for the applicable alloy and temper designation as shown in the material
specification or as specified by the drawing or contract. Recognition of other tests: When other tests are specified (see 4.3.2), they shall conform to the
requirements as specified.

4.3.4 Process approval or rejection: Conformance of test results in or to the
requirements shall constitute acceptance of the heat treatment process. Failure to meet
requirements shall indicate improper heat treatment, and all material represented by the tests shall
be rejected, and no additional material shall be processed. Microstructure examination of rejected
test material, data from furnace survey and check of instrumentation should assist in applying
corrective adjustments to equipment or process. When such adjustments have been made the
procedure under 4.3 shall be repeated. Normal production of heat treated material shall
commence only when it has been demonstrated that all equipment, instrument and control of
process requirements of this specification have been fulfilled.

4.3.5 Frequency of inspection: During normal production heat treating, control of process shall be under
continuous or periodic inspection as dictated by results of test, but no more than 1000 pounds of
material shall be processed nor more than one (1) month elapse without repeating the procedure
under 4.3. If production is on a continuous heat treating basis, the inspection period shall be every
24 hours.

4.3.6 Rejected material: Rejected material may be reheat treated, but only under inspection control of
process procedure under 4.3. Material which shows evidence of overheating during solution heat
treatment (micro-structure examination will assist in this determination) shall be rejected - reheat
treatment of overheated material is not permitted.

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AMS-H-7199 SAE AMS-H-7199


Not applicable.


6.1 Heat treatment equipment:

Advancing technology in the design of special heat treating furnaces may result in types which are
not mentioned in 3.1. An example would be a continuous furnace with built-in fixtures for close
tolerances, heated by induction under controlled atmosphere, and automatic quenching. The intent
of this specification is to include any furnace that will consistently produce material conforming to the
requirements of the drawing or contract.

6.2 Surface condition:

In most cases it is essential that copper-beryllium products be clean, or free of grease, oil, dirt or
other foreign matter before heat treating. For example, an oily or greasy part immersed in a nitrate -
nitrate salt bath may cause a serious explosion. Dirty or greasy parts treated in air or certain
protective atmospheres are apt to show oxide or stain patterns that resist normal pickling treatments.
While the mechanical and physical properties may be acceptable, the surface is unsuitable for
subsequent plating or brazing operations.

6.3 Removal of foreign matter:

Depending on specific circumstances, cleaning may simply consist of a hot water wash, but more
generally a combination of degreasing and pickling operations is needed. Complex assemblies may
require special treatment involving electro chemical, vaporized-solvent or ultrasonic processes.
Buffing and other mechanical procedures are also used, but regardless of method, the removal of
excessive metal must be avoided.

6.4 Removal of oxides and tarnish:

Acid pickling is generally used to remove oxides and scale. The removal of tarnish and restoration to
the original bright lustre is usually accomplished by use of a two-solution acid treatment, known as
“bright dipping.” Buffing may remove obstinate spots. Metal loss and surface-etching must be

6.5 Heat treatment:

6.5.1 The term “solution heat treatment” is used through-out this document, but the terms “solution
annealing” or “annealing” are also used to designate the same operation.

6.5.2 Furnace temperature uniformity: To insure uniform properties of the many parts that usually
comprise a furnace charge, it is important that the working zone temperature be uniform through-
out, and more essential that nowhere is the maximum temperature exceeded. The location of
thermocouples should be given careful study based upon data from furnace surveys.

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6.5.3 Holding time: Soaking or holding time is generally accepted as commencing when all points within
the working zone of the furnace have reached the minimum temperature of the heat treatment

6.5.4 Precipitation or age hardening: Temperature: Commercial practice indicates that precipitation hardening is being accomplished
at temperatures ranging from as low as 400°F to as high as 1000°F. Holding time: General practice shows that holding time is usually within a one to three hour
range, but specific properties are being attained in fractions of an hour, for particular applications. Influence of cold work: Subsequent cold working operations performed on original material will
affect its ultimate properties. Consequently, the determination of time - temperature heat treat
parameters may be essential to insure production attainment of the particular properties
specified. Bright hardening: The use of suitable protective furnace atmospheres is becoming more general
in heat treating copper-beryllium products, particularly for precipitation hardening or “bright
hardening”. The resultant material is clean and bright without need for further treatment. The
material must be clean and bright prior to such heat treatment because the atmosphere will not
remove dirt, stains, oxides, etc. Several types of atmospheres are in use, some requiring more
control than others to prevent surface reaction or hazardous conditions. In all cases, and as a
minimum, the control of flow rate and dew point is necessary.

6.6 Cross-reference information:

Supersession of copper alloy numbers shall be in accordance with Table III.

171 C17000
172 C17200
175 C17500


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