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Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor

Relations Commission

No. L-77859. May 25, 1988,


ESCAÑO, petitioners, vs. NATIONAL LABOR

Labor Relations; Illegal Dismissal; The twin requirements of

notice and hearing constitute essential elements of due process in
cases of employee dismissal.·The twin requirements of notice and
hearing constitute essential elements of due process in cases of
employee dismissal: the requirement of notice is intended to inform
the employee concerned of the employerÊs intent to dismiss and the
reason for




VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 529

Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor

Relations Commission

the proposed dismissal; upon the other hand, the requirement of

hearing affords the employee an opportunity to answer his
employerÊs charges against him and accordingly to defend himself
therefrom before dismissal is effected. Neither of these two
requirements can be dispensed with without running afoul of the
due process requirement of the 1987 Constitution.

Same; Same; Same; The rights to be informed beforehand of his

proposed dismissal or suspension as well as the reasons therefor, and
to be afforded an adequate opportunity to defend himself, are rights
personal to the employee.·The record of this case is bereft of any
indication that a hearing or other gathering was in fact held where
private respondent Calangi was given a reasonable opportunity to
confront his accuser(s) and to defend against the charges made by
the latter. Petitioner CorporationÊs „prior consultation‰ with the
labor union with which private respondent Calangi was affiliated,
was legally insufficient. So far as the record shows, neither
petitioner nor the labor union actually advised Calangi of the
matters at issue. The Memorandum of petitionerÊs Personnel
Manager certainly offered no helpful particulars. It is important to
stress that the rights of an employee whose services are sought to
be terminated to be informed beforehand of his proposed dismissal
(or suspension) as well as of the reasons therefor, and to be afforded
an adequate opportunity to defend himself from the charges levelled
against him, are rights personal to the employee. Those rights were
not satisfied by petitioner CorporationÊs obtaining the consent of or
consulting with the labor union; such consultation or consent was
not a substitute for actual observance of those rights of private
respondent Calangi. The employee can waive those rights, if he so
chooses, but the union cannot waive them for him. That the private
respondent simply „kept silent‰ all the while, is not adequate to
show an effective waiver of his rights. Notice and opportunity to be
heard must be accorded by an employer even though the employee
does not affirmatively demand them.

Same; Same; Same; Both reinstatement, without loss of

seniority rights, and payment of backwages are the normal
consequences of illegal dismissal.·We have held in the past that
both reinstatement, without loss of seniority rights, and payment of
backwages are the normal consequences of a finding that an
employee has been illegally dismissed, and which remedies together
make the dismissed employee whole. A finding of illegal dismissal
having been correctly made in this case by public respondent
Commission, private respondent is, as a matter of right, entitled to
receive both types of relief made available in Article 280 of the
Labor Code, as amended. It matters not



Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor

Relations Commission

Calangi had omitted in his complaint filed in Case No. NLRC-NCR-

1 0–4518–83 a claim for reinstatement without loss of seniority
rights for he is entitled to such relief as the facts alleged and proved

Same; Same; Same; Same; Reinstatement not available when it

will not serve the best interest of the parties involved.·In view of the
finding of illegal dismissal in this case, petitioner Corporation is
liable to private respondent Calangi for payment of the latterÊs
backwages for three (3) years, without qualification and deduction,
Considering the circumstances of this case, however, the Court
believes that reinstatement of private respondent to his former
position·or to any other equivalent position in the company·will
not serve the best interests of the parties involved. Petitioner
Corporation should not be compelled to take back in its fold an
employee who, at least in the minds of his employers, poses a
significant threat to the lives and safety of company workers.
Consequently, we hold that private respondent should be given his
separation pay in lieu of such reinstatement. The amount of
separation pay shall be equal to private respondentÊs one-half (1/2)
monthÊs salary for every year of service, to be computed from 13
December 1974 (date of first employment) until 10 June 1986 (three
years after date of illegal dismissal).

PETITION for certiorari with preliminary injunction to

review the decision of the National Labor Relations
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Melanio L. Zoreta for petitioners.
The Solicitor General for public respondent.
Alfonso P. Ancheta, Jr. for private respondent.


Since 13 December 1974, private respondent Eduardo

Calangi had been employed at the factory of petitioner
Century Textile Mills, Inc. where he worked initially as an
apprentice and later on as a machine operator in the
Finishing Department. Effective 10 June 1983, however,
Corporation, acting through its company
officers, placed him under preventive suspension and, on
27 July 1983, completely terminated his services with the
company. Private respondent Calangi was


1 Petitioner Alfredo T. Escaño is the President and General Man-ager

of Century Textile Mills, Inc.

VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 531
Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

accused of having masterminded a criminal plot against

Melchor Meliton and Antonio Santos, two of his supervisors
at his place of work.
The events that led to private respondentÊs dismissal are
as follows:
According to Rodolfo Marin (a factory co-worker of
private respondent Calangi), at around 12:15 a.m. on 4
June 1983 and within company premises, he chanced upon
„Gatchie‰ Torrena (a machine operator at petitionerÊs
factory) and noticed the latter mixing some substance with
the drinking water contained in a pitcher from which
Meliton and Santos regularly drank. Before anyone could
take a drink from the pitcher, Marin reported what he had
observed to Meliton who, in turn, informed Santos of the
same. Soon after, Meliton and Santos took possession of the
pitcher of water and filed a formal report of the incident
with company management.2 The contents of the pitcher
were subsequently brought to and analyzed by chemists at
the Philippine Constabulary Crime Laboratory at Camp
Crame, Quezon City who found3 the presence of a toxic
chemical (formaldehyde) therein.
In the police investigation that followed, Torrena
confessed that private respondent Calangi personally
instructed him, and he agreed, to place formaldehyde in the
pitcher of water. Torrena also admitted that he and private
respondent were then motivated by a desire to avenge
themselves upon Meliton and Santos, both of whom had
instigated their (i.e., TorrenaÊs and private respondentÊs)
suspension from work several times in the past. These
circumstances moved petitioner Corporation preventively
to suspend Torrena and private respondent Calangi, and
eventually to dismiss them from its employ. Additionally,
criminal charges for attempted murder were filed against
these two employees with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal
of RizaL
On 11 October
1983, private respondent Calangi filed a
Complaint for illegal dismissal (docketed as Case No.


2 Affidavit dated 8 June 1983, p. 61, Rollo, Annex „1" of Petition.

3 Report, p. 46, Rollo, Annex „E" of Petition.
4 Affidavit dated 8 June 1983, p. 64, Rollo, Annex „L" of Petition,
5 Rollo, pp. 24–26, Annex „A" of Petition.



Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

10–4518–83) with the Arbitration National Capital Region,

of the then Ministry of Labor and Employment. Among
other things, private respondent alleged in his complaint
that "[p]rior to his preventive suspension neither the
company nor any of its officers furnished him [with] a copy
of their charges, if any, nor afforded him the opportunity to
answer the same and defend himself.‰ Hence, private
respondent claimed entitlement to the following:

„A. Moral damages P50,000.00

Actual damages
a) Wages for 3 years P6,520.80
b) ECOLA for 3 years 3,841.60
c) 13th month pay for 903.60
3 years
d) Vacation and Sick Leave 627.00 11,893.00
of 15 days each
Exemplary damages 25,000.00
AttorneyÊs fees 17,398.60

A prayer for „such other reliefs and remedies consequent

upon the premises‰
was likewise set out in the complaint.
In a Decision dated 16 August 1984, the Labor Arbiter
dismissed private respondentÊs Complaint. The Labor
Arbiter found that not only was the evidence against
private respondent Calangi „so overwhelming‰ and
„sufficient enough‰ to justify his dismissal, but that private
respondent had himself failed inexplicably to deny or
controvert the charges against him.
An appeal was brought by private respondent Calangi
before the public respondent National Labor Relations
Commission, 7
which agency, on 3 December 1985, rendered
a Decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:

„WHEREFORE, with all the foregoing considerations, let the

appealed decision dated 27 August 1984 be, as it is hereby
REVERSED. Accordingly, complainantÊs dismissal is hereby
declared to be illegal, and consequently, respondents [petitioners]
are hereby ordered to


6 Id., pp. 33–35, Annex „C" of Petition.

7 Id., pp. 47–49, Annex „F" of Petition.


VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 533

Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

reinstate Eduardo Calangi to his former or equivalent position

without loss of seniority and other benefits, with full backwages
from 27 July 1983 until he is actually reinstated.

Petitioner CorporationsÊ Motion for Reconsideration was

denied on 4 April 1986. Sometime in November of 1986, the
Labor Arbiter issued a writ of execution directing
petitioners to pay private respondent Calangi the amount
of P54,747.74 representing the latterÊs backwages, 13th
month pay, living allowance, and vacation and sick leave·
i.e., actual damages.
The present Petition for Certiorari with Preliminary
Injunction or Restraining Order was filed with this Court
on 3 April
1987. The Court issued a Temporary Restraining
Order on 98 April 1987 and, on 24 August 1987, issued a
Resolution giving due course to the Petition and directing
the parties to submit their respective memoranda.
The Petition at bar raises the following issues for
consideration: (1) whether or not private respondent
Calangi was illegally dismissed from his job as machine
operator; and (2) assuming he was illegally dismissed,
whether or not petitioner Corporation can be ordered
legally (a) to reinstate private respondent Calangi to his
former position in the company, with full backwages and
without loss of seniority rights and other benefits,
considering that such relief had not been sought by private
respondent in his complaint, and (b) to pay private
respondent an amount for actual damages in excess of what
had been claimed by the latter in his Complaint.
We sustain the ruling of public respondent Commission
that private respondent Calangi had been dismissed
without just cause from his employment by petitioner
Public respondent Commission found that private
respondent Calangi was effectively denied his right to due
process in that, prior to his preventive suspension and the
termination of his services, he had not been given the
opportunity either to affirm or refute the charges proferred
against him by petitioner Corporation. Petitioners allege
however that private respon-


8 Id., pp. 67–68.

9 Id., p. 100.



Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

dent Calangi had been previously informed of and given

the chance to answer the companyÊs accusations against
him, but that he had „kept silent‰ all the while. The
following Memorandum issued by petitionerÊs Personnel
Manager on 10 June 1983 (CalangiÊs first day of preventive
suspension) was cited in this connection:


SUBJ.: Under Preventive Suspension Employees.
Please be advised that the following employees
are under preventive suspension (indefinite)
1. Eduardo Calangi·effective June 10, 1983
2. Gatchie Torrena·effective June 20, 1983

ÂPolicy Instruction No. 10 of the New Labor Code of the

Revised Edition 1982.'

NOTE: Decision about the indefinite suspension of

concerned employees was reached after the meeting
between the union and the management,

Be guided accordingly.

(SGD.) Jovencio G. Tolentino
Personnel Manager‰

Petitioners contend that the above Memorandum „clearly

shows that prior investigation and consultation with the
union was made,‰ and „will therefore negate the theory of
respondents that respondent Calangi was not afforded the
chance to present his side for the memo itself speaks
The procedure that an employer wishing to terminate
the services of an employee must follow, is spelled out in
the Labor Code:

„ART. 278. Miscellaneous provisions.·

xxx xxx xxx
However, the employer shall furnish the worker whose employ-
ment is sought to be terminated a written notice containing a
statement of the causes for termination and shall afford the latter
ample opportunity to be heard and to defend himself with the
assistance of his repre-


VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 535

Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

sentative if he so desires in accordance with company rules and

regulations promulgated pursuant to guidelines set by the
[Department] of Labor and Employment. Any decision taken by the
employer shall be without prejudice to the right of the worker to
contest the validity and legality of his dismissal by filing a
complaint with the regional branch of the National Labor Relations
Commission. The burden of proving that the termination was for a
valid or authorized cause shall rest on the employer. The
[Department] may suspend the effects of the termi-nation pending
resolution of the case in the event of a prima facie finding by the
Ministry that the termination may cause a serious labor dispute or
is in implementation of a mass lay-off.
xxx xxx xxx‰ (Italics supplied)

Rule XIV, Book V of the Rules and Regulations

Implementing the Labor Code reiterates the above

„xxx xxx xxx

Sec. 2. Notice of dismissal.·Any employer who seeks to dismiss a
worker shall furnish him a written notice stating the particular acts
or omission constituting the grounds for his dismissal. In case of
abandonment of work, the notice shall be served at the workerÊs last
known address.
xxx xxx xxx
Sec. 5. Answer and hearing.·The worker may answer the
allegations stated against him in the notice of dismissal within a
reasonable period from receipt of such notice. The employer shall
afford the worker ample opportunity to be heard and to defend
himself with the assistance of his representative, if he so desires,
SEC. 6. Decision to dismiss.·The employer shall immediately
notify a worker in writing of a decision to dismiss him stating
clearly the reasons therefor.
xxx xxx xxx‰ (Italics supplied)

The twin requirements of notice and hearing constitute

essential elements of due process in cases of employee
dismissal: the requirement of notice is intended to inform
the employee concerned of the employerÊs intent to dismiss
and the reason for the proposed dismissal; upon the other
hand, the requirement of hearing affords the employee an
opportunity to answer his employerÊs charges against him
and accordingly to defend himself therefrom before
dismissal is effected. Neither of these two requirements can
be dispensed with without running afoul of the due process
requirement of the 1987 Constitution.



Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

The record of this case is bereft of any indication that a

hearing or other gathering was in fact held where private
respondent Calangi was given a reasonable opportunity to
confront his accuser(s) and to defend against the charges
made by the latter. Petitioner CorporationÊs „prior
consultation‰ with the labor union with which private
respondent Calangi was affiliated, was legally insufficient.
So far as the record shows, neither petitioner nor the labor
union actually advised Calangi of the matters at issue. The
Memorandum of petitionerÊs Personnel Manager certainly
offered no helpful particulars. It is important to stress that
the rights of an employee whose services are sought to be
terminated to be informed beforehand of his proposed
dismissal (or suspension) as well as of the reasons therefor,
and to be afforded an adequate opportunity to defend
himself from the charges levelled against him, are rights
personal to the employee. Those rights were not satisfied by
petitioner CorporationÊs obtaining the consent of or
consulting with the labor union; such consultation or
consent was not a substitute for actual observance of those
rights of private respondent Calangi. The employee can
waive those rights, if he so chooses, but the union cannot
waive them for him. That the private respondent simply
„kept silent‰ all the while, is not adequate to show an
effective waiver of his rights. Notice and opportunity to be
heard must be accorded by an employer even though the
employee does not affirmatively demand them.
Investigation of the alleged attempt to poison the
drinking water of the two (2) supervisors of the private
respondent was conducted by the Cainta police authorities.
These authorities interrogated and took the sworn
statements of Messrs. Marin, Torrena, Meliton and Santos
who, in one way or another, had been involved in such
incident. Petitioners argue that the decision to place
private respondent Calangi under preventive suspension
and subsequently to terminate his services was arrived at
only after the incident complained of, and Mr. Calangi, had
been investigated by the company. There is, once again,
nothing in the record to show that private respondent
Calangi had been interrogated by the Cainta police
authorities or by anyone else; indeed, it appears that
practically everybody, save Calangi, was so interrogated by
the police. If petitioner Corpo-


VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 537

Century Textile Mills, Inc, vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

ration did notify and investigate private respondent and

did hold a hearing, petitioners have succeeded in keeping
such facts off the record. It needs no documentation, but
perhaps it should be stressed, that this Court can act only
on the basis of matters which have been submitted in
evidence and made part of the record.
Additionally, the Court notes that the application filed
by petitioner Corporation with the Ministry of Labor and
Employment for clearance to suspend or terminate the
services of Mr. Calangi, cited as ground therefor "
[CalangiÊs] frustrated plan to poison Mr. Antonio Santos
and Mr. Melchor Meliton last June 5, 1983." This ground,
so far as can be gathered from the allegations of petitioners
in their pleadings and from the evidence of record, both in
the public respondent Commission and in this Court, is
anchored mainly, if not wholly on Mr. TorrenaÊs sworn
statement, given to the Cainta police authorities, that both
he (Torrena) and private respondent had conspired with
each other to inflict physical harm upon the persons of
Messrs. Meliton and Santos. A finding of private
respondentÊs participation in the alleged criminal
conspiracy cannot; however, be made to rest solely on the
unilateral declaration of Mr. Torrena himself a confirmed
„co-conspirator.‰ Such declaration must be corroborated by
other competent and convincing evidence. In, the absence
of such other evidence, Mr. TorrenaÊs „confession‰
implicating Mr. Calangi must be received with considerable
caution. The very least that petitioner Corporation should
have done was to confront private respondent with
TorrenaÊs sworn statement; the record does not show that
petitioner Corporation did so. The burden of showing the
existence of a just cause for terminating the services of
private respondent Calangi lay on the petitioners.
Petitioners have not discharged that burden.
It remains only to note that the criminal complaint for
attempted murder against Mr. 10
Calangi was dismissed by
the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal.
Coming now to the second issue raised by petitioners in
their pleadings, Article 280 of the Labor Code, as amended


10 See Decision of NLRC, Rollo, p. 49.



Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

„Art. 280.·Security of Tenure.·In case of regular employment, the

employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for
a just cause or when authorized by this Title. An employee who is
unjustly dismissed from work shall be entitled to reinstatement
without loss of seniority rights and to his backwages computed from
the time his compensation was withheld from him up to the time of
his reinstatement.‰ (Italics supplied)

We have held in the past that both reinstatement, without

loss of seniority rights, and payment of backwages are the
normal consequences of a finding that an employee has
been illegally dismissed, and which remedies together
make the dismissed employee whole. A finding of illegal
dismissal having been correctly made in this case by public
respondent Commission, private respondent is, as a matter
of right, entitled to receive both types of relief made
available in Article 280 of the Labor Code, as amended. It
matters not that private respondent Calangi had omitted in
his complaint filed in Case No. NLRCNCR-10–4518–83 a
claim for reinstatement without loss of seniority rights for
he is entitled
to such relief as the facts alleged and proved
In view of the finding of illegal dismissal in this case,
petitioner Corporation is liable to private respondent
Calangi for payment of the latterÊs backwages for three (3)
years, without qualification and deduction. Considering the
circumstances of this case, however, the Court believes that
reinstatement of private respondent to his former position
·or to any other equivalent position in the company·will
not serve the best interests of the parties involved.
Petitioner Corporation should not be compelled to take
back in its fold an employee who, at least in the minds of
his employers, poses a significant threat to the lives and
safety of company workers. Consequently, we hold that
private respondent should be given his separation pay in
lieu of such reinstatement. The amount of separation pay


11 Santos vs. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 76721

[21 September 1987]; and Alzosa v. National Labor Relations
Commission, 120 SCRA 611 [1983].
12 See Baguioro vs. Barrios and Tupas Vda. de Atas, 77 Phil. 120
[1946]; Aguilar vs. Rubiato and Gonzales Vila, 40 Phil. 570 [1919]; and
Rosales vs. Reyes and Ordoveza, 25 Phil. 495 [1913].


VOL. 161, MAY 25, 1988 539

Century Textile Mills, Inc. vs. National Labor
Relations Commission

be to private respondentÊs one-half (1/2) monthÊs salary for

every year of service, to be computed from 13 December
1974 (date of first employment) until 13
10 June 1986 (three
years after date of illegal dismissal).
WHEREFORE, the Petition for Certiorari is
DISMISSED, The Temporary Restraining Order and the
Resolutions issued on 8 April 1987 and 24 August 1987,
respectively, by the Court in this case are WITHDRAWN.
The Decision of public respondent Commission in Case No.
NLRC-NCR-10–4518–83 is hereby AFFIRMED, subject to
the modifications that petitioners shall pay private
respondent Calangi: (a) three (3) years backwages without
qualification or deduction, and (b) separation pay,
computed as above indicated, in lieu of reinstatement. No
pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.

Fernan (Chairman), Gutierrez, Jr., Bidin and

Cortés, JJ., concur.

Petition dismissed. Decision affirmed with modifications.

Note.·Under the Termination Pay Law, an employee

may be dismissed with or without just cause. If there is just
cause, the employer is not required to serve any notice nor
pay termination pay to employees concerned. If the
dismissal is without just cause, the employer must serve
timely notice to the employee, otherwise the employer is
obliged to pay termination pay, except were other
applicable statutes provide a different remedy, such as
unfair labor practice. (Pepito vs. Secretary of Labor, 96
SCRA 454.)


13 The amount of separation pay includes allowances regularly paid by

the employer: Manila Midtown Commercial Corporation vs.
NUWHRAIN, G.R. No. 57268 [25 March 1988]; Soriano vs. National
Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 75510 [27 October 1987]; and
Santos vs. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 76721 [21
September 1987].


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