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Renderoc S constructive solutions

Single component structural grade polymer

modified reinstatement mortar

Uses Design criteria

For the reinstatement of large areas of concrete and for Renderoc S is designed for vertical or horizontal use. It can
small, localized patch repairs. Renderoc S is alkaline in be applied up to 10 mm thickness in vertical sections. Up to
nature and will protect embedded steel reinforcement. It is 100 mm thickness can be achieved in small pockets or by
specifically designed for locations where high compressive the use of formwork. In horizontal locations, Renderoc S can
strengths are required or in locations where good abrasion be applied up to 100 mm thickness. Thicker sections can be
resistance is necessary. The mortar is suitable where built up in layers. The material should not be applied at less
superior resistance is required to chlorides and carbon than 5 mm thickness. Thicknesses greater than 10 mm in
dioxide. large areas can be achieved by spray application. Consult
the local Fosroc office for further information.
 High strength and high abrasion resistance
The following results were obtained at a water:powder ratio
 Can be applied by the wet or dry spray process for fast, of 0.11 and temperature of 20 C unless otherwise stated.
exceptionally high build repairs with enhanced
characteristics. Test method Typical result
Compressive strength
 Extremely low permeability provides maximum protection (BS 6319 Part 2:1983 2
20 N/mm @ one day
against carbon dioxide and chlorides. Dry cure): 55 N/mm @ 28 days
Flexural strength
 Excellent bond to the concrete substrate. (BS 6319 Part 3:1983): 2
10 N/mm @ 28 days
 Shrinkage compensated. Water absorption ISAT
(BS1881 Part 5:1970): 0.008 ml/m /second
 Pre-bagged to overcome site-batched variations - only the 10 minutes 2 hours 2
< 0.005 ml/m /second
site-addition of clean water required. Chloride diffusion
-10 2
(Taywood method): 11 x 10 cm /second
 Contains no chloride admixtures. Carbon dioxide barrier
Equivalent thickness of
Standard compliance concrete to Renderoc S
@ 10 mm (Taywood
Renderoc S, Nitoprime Zincrich and Nitobond AR have been method): 250 mm
approved by the British Board of Agreement, Certificate No. Equivalent thickness of air
91/2582. to Renderoc S @ 10 mm
(Taywood method): 70 metres
Description Coefficient of thermal
-6 o
expansion: 7 to 12 x 12 / C
Renderoc S is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry Setting time (BS 5075):
powders which requires only the site addition of clean water Initial set 3 hours, 14 minutes
to produce a highly consistent, high strength repair mortar. Final set 4 hours, 30 minutes
The material is based on Portland cement, graded Fire rating (BS 476 Part
aggregates, special fillers and chemical additives and is 4:1970): Non-combustible (Class 0
polymer modified to provide a mortar with good handling surface)
characteristics, while minimizing water demand. The Fresh wet density: Approximately 2300 kg/m
hardened product exhibits excellent thermal compatibility with dependent on actual
concrete and outstanding water repellent properties. The low consistency used.
water requirement ensures fast strength gain and long-term Chemical resistance: The low permeability of
durability. Renderoc S severely
retards chemical attack in
Technical support aggressive environments.
The cured mortar is highly
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance, impermeable to acid gases,
high quality repair, and maintenance and construction chloride ions, oxygen and
products. In addition, Fosroc offers a technical support water.
package to specifiers, end-users and contractors, as well as
on-site technical assistance in locations all over the world.

Page 1
Renderoc S
Specification clauses
Substrate priming
Steel reinforcement primer
The substrate should be thoroughly soaked with clean water
The steel reinforcement primer shall be Nitoprime Zincrich, a and any excess removed prior to applying one coat of
single component zinc-rich epoxy resin. The primer shall be Nitobond AR primer and scrubbing it well into the surface.
an ‘active’ type, capable of avoiding the generation of Renderoc S can be applied as soon as the primer becomes
incipient anodes in the immediately adjacent locations. It tacky. If the Nitobond AR is too wet, vertical build up of the
shall be fully compatible with the Renderoc system of Renderoc S mortar may be difficult.
concrete repair.
In exceptional circumstances, e.g. where a substrate/repair
Repair mortar barrier is required or where the substrate is wet or likely to
remain permanently damp, Nitobond EP bonding aid should
The polymer modified shrinkage-compensated reinstatement be used. Contact the local Fosroc office for further
mortar shall be Renderoc S, a single component cement- information.
based blend of powders to which only the site-addition of
clean water shall be permitted. The cured mortar shall Mixing
2 2
achieve 55 N/mm compressive strength and 10 N/mm
flexural strength at 28 days. Chloride diffusion coefficient Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc S is
-10 2 thoroughly mixed. A forced-action mixer is essential. Mixing
shall be not greater than 11 x 10 cm /second (by the
Taywood Method) and a 10 mm section of cured mortar shall in a suitably sized drum using an approved Renderoc Spiral
provide a carbon dioxide barrier equivalent to not less than Paddle in a slow speed (400/500 rpm) heavy duty drill is
250 mm concrete or 70 metres air (by the Taywood Method). acceptable for the occasional one bag mix. Free fall mixers
must not be used. Mixing of part bags should never be
Application instructions
For normal applications, place 2.5 to 3.0 litres of drinking
quality water into the mixer and, with the machine in
operation, add one full 25 kg a of Renderoc S and mix for 3
Saw cut or cut back the extremities of the repair locations to
to 5 minutes until fully homogeneous. Note that powder must
a depth of at least 10 mm to avoid feather-edging and to
always be added to water. Dependent on the ambient
provide a square edge. Break out the complete repair area
temperature and the desired consistency, the amount of
to a minimum depth of 10 mm up to the sawn edge.
water required may vary slightly but should not exceed 3.0
litres per 25 kg of Renderoc S.
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound or
contaminated material, plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion Application
deposits or algae. Where breaking out is not required,
roughen the surface and remove any laitance by light
Exposed steel reinforcing bars should be firmly secured o
scabbling or grit-blasting.
avoid movement during the application process as this will
affect mortar compaction, build and bond.
Oil and grease deposits should be removed by steam
cleaning, detergent scrubbing or the use of a proprietary
Apply the mixed Renderoc S to the prepared substrate by
degreaser. The effectiveness of decontamination should
gloved hand or trowel. Thoroughly compact the mortar on to
then be assessed by a pull-off test.
the primed substrate and around the exposed reinforcement.
Renderoc S can be applied up to 10 mm thickness in vertical
Expose fully any corroded steel in the repair area and
sections but up to 100 thickness in smaller pockets or with
remove all loose scale and corrosion deposits. Steel should
the use of formwork. If formwork is used. It should have
be cleaned to a bright condition paying particular attention to
properly sealed faces to ensure that no water is absorbed
the back of exposed steel bars. Grit-blasting is
from the repair material. In horizontal locations, Renderoc S
recommended for this process.
can be applied up to 100 mm thickness.
Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of
If sagging occurs during application to vertical surfaces, the
chlorides, the steel should be high pressure washed with
Renderoc S should be completely removed and reapplied at
clean water immediately after abrasive-blasting to remove
a reduced thickness on to the correctly repaired substrate.
corrosion products from pits and imperfections within its
surface. Note: The minimum applied thickness of Renderoc S is 5
Reinforcing steel priming

Apply one full coat of Nitoprime Zinc Rich and allow to dry
before continuing. If any doubt exists about having achieved
an unbroken coating, a second application should be made
and, again, allowed to dry before continuing.

constructive solutions Page 2

Renderoc S
Spray application removal of the Nitobond AR curing membrane. Other curing
membranes must be removed prior to the application of
Renderoc S can be applied by the wet or dry spray Dekguard products.
techniques. In circumstances where large areas of repair are
required, the rapid placement and higher build attainable by Cleaning
these methods offer economic advantages over hand-
trowelling. The resultant repair also offers a generally more Nitobond AR and Renderoc S should be removed from tools,
dense compound with greatly enhanced mortar/substrate equipment and mixers with clean water immediately after
bond characteristics. For further details on the wet and dry use. Cured material can only be removed mechanically.
spray techniques, including selection of spraying machines
and nozzles, consult Fosroc’s Wet or Dry Spray Application Equipment used with Nitoprime Zinc Rich and Nitobond EP
Guides or the local Fosroc office. should be cleaned with Fosroc Solvent 102.

Finishing Limitations

Renderoc S is finished by striking off with a straight edge and Renderoc S should not be used when the temperature is
closing with a steel float. Wooden or plastic floats, or damp below 5°C and falling. Do not mix part bags. The product
sponges may be used to achieve the desired surface texture. should not be exposure to moving water during application.
The completed surface should not be overworked. Exposure to heavy rainfall prior to the final set may result in
surface scour. If any doubts arise concerning temperature or
Low temperature working substrate conditions, consult the local Fosroc office.

In cold conditions down to 5°C, the use of warm water (up to Estimating
30°C) is advisable to accelerate strength development.
Normal precautions for winter working with cementitious Supply
materials should then be adopted. The material should not be
applied when the substrate and/or air temperature is 5°C and
Renderoc S: 25 kg bags
falling. At 5°C static temperature or at 5°C and rising, the
Nitoprime Zinc Rich: 1 and 2.5 lire cans
application may proceed.
Nitobond AR: 4 & 25 litre drums
Nitobond EP: 1 and 5 kg packs
High temperature working
Fosroc Solvent 102: 4 and cans
At ambient temperatures above 30°C, the material should be
stored in the shade and cool water used for mixing. Coverage and yield

Curing Renderoc S: Approximately 12.0 litres per 25

kg bag (1.2 m at 10 mm
Renderoc S is a cement-based repair mortar. In common thickness)
with all cementitious materials, Renderoc S must be cured Nitoprime Zinc Rich: 7.4 m /litre
immediately after finishing in accordance with good concrete Nitobond AR: 6 to 8 m /litre
practice. The use of Nitobond AR, sprayed on to the surface Nitobond EP: 10 to 11.5 m /pack
of the finished Renderoc in a continuous film, is
recommended. Large areas should be cured as trowelling Note: The actual yield per bag to Renderoc S will depend on
progresses (0.5 m at a time) without waiting for completion the consistency used. The yield will e reduced I the material
of the entire area. In fast drying conditions, supplementary is applied by a spray technique. The coverage figures for
curing with polythene sheeting taped down at the edges must liquid products are theoretical - due to wastage factors and
be used. In cold conditions, the finished repair must be the variety and nature of possible substrates, practical
protected from freezing. coverage figures will be reduced.

Over-coating with protective finishes UN packaging regulations

Renderoc S is extremely durable and will provide an To comply with current regulations, all products of a
excellent protection to the embedded steel reinforcement hazardous nature which are subjected to a sea crossing as
within the repaired locations. The surrounding parts of the part of their delivery requirements, must be packed in UN
structures will generally benefit from the application of a approved receptacles.
barrier/decorative coating to limit the advance of chlorides
and carbon dioxide, thus bringing them up to the same When a known sea crossing is involved, whether locally or
protective standard as the repair itself. Fosroc recommend for export, Fosroc will supply in the correct UN packaging.
the use of the Dekguard range of protective, anti-carbonation Where Fosroc is requested to deliver within a mainland
coatings. These products provide a decorative and uniform boundary, but the purchaser intends to onward ship, it is
appearance as well as protecting areas of the structure which incumbent upon the purchaser to specify that UN packaging
might otherwise be at risk from the environment. Dekguard is required at the time of placing the order. Otherwise, once
products may be applied over the repair area without prior

constructive solutions Page 3

Renderoc S
received, responsibility rests with the purchaser. The use of Fire
UN packaging may affect the selling price of products.
Please consult the local Fosroc Area Manager or office. Renderoc S, Nitobond AR and Nitobond EP are non-
flammable. Nitoprime Zinc Rich and Fosroc Solvent 102
Storage are flammable. Keep away from sources of ignition. No
smoking. In the event of fire, extinguish with CO2 or foam.
Shelf life Do not use a water jet.

All products have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry Flash points
store in the original, unopened bags or packs. o
Nitoprime Zinc Rich: 16 C
Storage conditions Fosroc Solvent 102: 33 C

Store in dry conditions in the original, unopened bags or For further information, refer to the Product Material Safety
packs. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity Data Sheet.
conditions the shelf life may be reduced to 4 to 6 months.
Nitobond AR should be protected from frost. Additional Information

Precautions Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary

products which include :
Health and safety
 Waterproofing membranes & waterstops
Renderoc S contains cement powders which, when mixed
or become damp, release alkalis which can be harmful to  Joint sealants & filler boards
the skin. During use, avoid inhalation of dust and contact
with skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing,  Cementitious & epoxy grouts
gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment.
In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water,  Specialised flooring materials
then cleanse with soap and water. In case of contact with
eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention products specifically designed for the repair and
immediately - do not induce vomiting. refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc’s ‘Systematic
Approach’ to concrete repair features the following:
Nitoprime Zinc Rich, Nitobond AR and Fosroc Solvent 102
should not come in contact with the skin and eyes, or be  Hand-placed repair mortars
swallowed. Ensure adequate ventilation and avoid
inhalation of vapours. Some people are sensitive to resins,  Spray grade repair mortars
hardeners and solvents. Wear suitable protective clothing,
gloves and eye protection. If working in confined areas,  Fluid micro-concretes
suitable respiratory protective equipment must be used.
The use of barrier creams provide additional skin protection.  Chemically resistant epoxy mortars
In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water,
then cleanse with soap and water. In case of skin contact  Anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings
with Nitoprime Zinc Rich and Nitobond EP, remove
immediately with resin removing cream followed by washing  Chemical and abrasion resistant coatings
with soap and water. Do not use Solvent. In case of
contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean For further information on any of the above, please consult
water and seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical your local Fosroc office - as below.
attention immediately - do not induce vomiting.

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosam Company Limited

Head Office Telephone: +966 2 637 5345 Fax: +966 2 637 5891 email: [email protected]
Post Box 11081 Regional Offices
Jeddah - 21453 Jeddah Sales Office Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693 Yanbu Tel: (04) 322 4280 Fax: (04) 391 2980
Saudi Arabia Jeddah Showroom Tel: (02) 665 0187 Fax: (02) 667 4844 Makkah Tel: (02) 542 0869 Fax: (02) 542 0869
Riyadh Tel: (01) 482 9303 Fax: (01) 482 7562 Medinah Tel: (04) 855 0091 Fax: (04) 855 0047
Dammam Tel: (03) 814 1282 Fax: (03) 814 1581 Jubail Tel: (03) 362 3904 Fax: (03) 362 3875 Khamis Mushayt Tel: (07) 250 0469 Fax: (07) 250 0469 CSD Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 638 0693

Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407

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