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TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE OF SPARE Whenever any part of the payment is to be made by means

PARTS of a Letter of Credit, Section 18 of these Terms shall apply.

11.1.2010 If the Buyer delays making any payment or in establishment

the Letter of Credit, the Seller may postpone the fulfilment
1 APPLICATION OF THESE TERMS of its obligations until such a payment is made or the Letter
of Credit is established.
These Terms and Conditions of Sale ("Terms") shall apply to
any contract of sale with regard to spare parts ("Contract"), The Seller shall be entitled to charge interest from the Buyer
unless the parties agree otherwise in writing. Any spare if payment to the Seller is past due. The rate of the interest
parts order placed by the Buyer shall be interpreted to is the highest rate permissible under the applicable law. The
constitute an offer for contract. Modifications of or interest shall be counted from the due date until the actual
deviations from these Terms must be agreed in writing. In date of the payment. The Buyer shall pay such interest
the event of any inconsistency between the Contract and within thirty (30) days from the date of the respective
these Terms, the Contract shall govern. invoice.

2 SCOPE OF DELIVERY If the Buyer has not paid the amount due, the Seller shall be
entitled to terminate the Contract by notice in writing to the
The delivery of the products includes all parts and Buyer and to claim compensation for the loss it has
documents expressly specified in the order confirmation incurred.
issued by the Seller ("Products").
The delivery includes Seller's standard technical documents.
The Seller shall not be obliged to provide manufacturing The Products supplied shall be in accordance with generally
drawings for the Products. used European standards. Unless it is specifically agreed in
the Contract, the Seller shall not take into consideration the
3 PACKING AND MARKING laws and regulations prevailing in the country where the
Products will be situated after the delivery. The Buyer is
The Products shall be packed in accordance with Seller's obliged to inform the Seller of the applicable safety
standard packing procedures as required for transportation regulations. Any costs in excess of the costs of compliance
under normal transport conditions. The Products shall be with generally used European standards resulting from
clearly marked and carry the necessary information mandatory local laws and regulations shall be added to the
concerning Buyer's identification and place of destination. price and paid by the Buyer.


In addition to the price set forth in the Contract, the Buyer Any agreed delivery term shall be construed in accordance
shall be responsible for additional charges as set forth in with INCOTERMS 2000. If no delivery term is specifically
these Terms. agreed, the delivery term shall be Ex works the Seller's
manufacturing plant (EXW).
If any part of the delivery of the Products is delayed due to
reasons caused by the Buyer or any third party under the The risk of loss of or damage to the Products shall pass
control of the Buyer, the Buyer shall compensate any from the Seller to the Buyer in accordance with the agreed
additional expenses incurred by the Seller due to the late delivery term. If no delivery term is set forth in the Contract,
delivery. the risk of loss shall pass to Buyer Ex Works Seller's
manufacturing plant.
Prices do not include any stamp duty, turnover or value-
added tax, bank charges or any other similar taxes, duties 8 DELIVERY TIME
or charges payable in the country into which the Products
are to be imported and where the installation is to be The delivery time shall start to run on the latest to occur of
carried out. In the event the Seller is required to pay any
such tax or charge, the tax or charge will be added to the a) the date of execution of the Contract by the Seller;
invoice as a separate charge and the Buyer shall reimburse b) the date of receipt by the Seller of the agreed down
the Seller for the payment. payment as set forth in the Contract;
c) opening of a Letter of Credit, if applicable; or
5 TERMS OF PAYMENT d) the date of receipt by the Seller of all agreed
The payments shall be made in accordance with the
payment schedule specified in the Contract. The Seller shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the
delivery time (which shall not be less than the length of the


Konecranes Finland Corporation, Crane Parts Center, P.O.Box 662, Koneenkatu 8, FI-05830 Hyvinkää, Finland, Tel +358 (0)20 427 11,
Fax +358 (0)20 427 3090, Business ID 0950895-1, VAT Reg No. FI09508951, Domicile Hyvinkää,
delay) if the delivery is delayed due to the Buyer's actions or The Buyer shall without delay give written notice to the
actions by a third party under the control of the Buyer, such Seller of defects in the Products which the Buyer has
as modifications requested by the Buyer or delay in discovered and requires to be corrected under this warranty.
This warranty is given on the condition that the Products are
9 DELIVERIES OUTSIDE NORMAL OFFICE HOURS in all respects operated, handled, serviced and maintained
properly, in accordance with the Seller's instructions and
All deliveries shall be made during normal office hours if not under specified operating conditions.
agreed otherwise. If the Seller and the Buyer agree that the
Products shall be delivered outside normal office hours, the Excluded from the warranty are those parts
Seller shall be entitled to charge all extra costs, including
but not limited to compensation for holiday and/or overtime a) to which repair or replacement becomes necessary
work and Konecranes Group’s internal transportation costs due to normal wear and tear or due to vandalism;
from the Buyer. b) which are exhaustible items, including but not
limited to such items as bulbs and fuses;
10 TRANSFER OF PROPERTY c) on which repairs, alterations or adjustments have
been performed or begun by the Buyer or any third
Notwithstanding anything contrary in Section 7, the Products party without the Seller's previous consent;
shall remain the Seller's property until the total purchase d) on which failures are not promptly reported to the
price has been paid. In the event the applicable laws do not Seller within the warranty period above;
permit the Seller to retain title, the Seller shall be entitled to e) on which failures or damage are due to negligence
a security interest or charge in the property. The Buyer shall other than that of the Seller, accident, abuse,
give the Seller all assistance in securing an interest in the improper installation (other than installations made
property or taking any measure required to protect the by the Seller), improper operation, or abnormal
Seller's title or such other rights. The retention of title, conditions of temperature, moisture, dirt or
security interest or charge shall not affect the passing of corrosive matter;
risk of loss under Article 7. f) which have been damaged otherwise without the
fault of the Seller.
The Seller shall retain title to any software and
documentation. To the extent that such software and THIS IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY GIVEN BY
documentation are included in the scope of delivery, the SELLER TO BUYER WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS.
Buyer shall receive a royalty-free, non-exclusive and non- THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
transferable license to use such software and ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE,
documentation only in connection with the Products and for INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED
The Seller warrants that to the best of its knowledge the
Products are free from defects caused by faulty design, Return of non-defective Products is only accepted if agreed
materials or workmanship, which would prevent the with the Seller in advance and provided that the returned
electrical or mechanical functioning of the Products. Products are in “as new” condition, together with their
However, should such defects occur during the period of this original packing material. Custom designed Products may
warranty, the Seller will, at its option, either repair the not be returned. In case of accepted return, the Buyer shall,
defects or supply the correct parts free of charge on FCA without no costs to the Seller, deliver the Products to a
(INCOTERMS 2000) basis. The cost of disassembling and place designated by the Seller. Minimum charge for
installing a repaired or replaced part furnished under this restocking is 20% of the sales price of the returned Products
warranty is excluded. or 50 EUR per each returned batch, whichever is higher.

The period of the warranty for any part of the Products is six 13 FORCE MAJEURE
(6) months from the date of the first shipment of the
Products, unless the mandatory rules of the applicable law Either party shall be entitled to suspend performance of its
stipulate otherwise. obligations under the Contract to the extent that such
performance is impeded by circumstances beyond the
The warranty period for replaced or repaired parts is six (6) control of the party, including but not limited to war (whether
months from the date of repair or replacement. However, no declared or not), revolution, national strikes, lockouts,
warranty for any parts shall apply after twelve (12) months failure of supplies of power, fuel, transport, Products or
from the date of first shipment of the Products. other goods or services, natural disasters, acts of
government, export or import prohibitions, fire, explosions,
floods, accidents, sabotage, civil commotion, riots, and
breakage or loss during transportation or storage as well as

delays of deliveries by the subcontractors (when caused by transhipments. The Letter of Credit shall be established in a
Force Majeure as herein defined). form acceptable to the Seller not later than 30 days from
the date on which the Contract is executed by the Seller and
14 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY it shall remain valid for a period of at least 30 days after the
date of last shipment.
The Buyer is entitled to liquidated damages for delay from
the date on which the delivery should have taken place in The Letter of Credit shall be issued and confirmed by a first
case the delivery is delayed due to the Seller's fault class international bank acceptable to the Seller and it shall
provided that the Buyer has actually incurred certain be payable at sight at the counters of a bank nominated by
damages. The liquidated damages shall be 0,5 per cent of the Seller against presentation of appropriate transport
the price of the delayed portion of the Products for each documents and a commercial invoice or other documents
complete week of delay. In no event shall the liquidated specified in the Contract. The Letter of Credit shall provide
damages for delay exceed 5 % of the price of the delayed that the rules in the "Uniform Customs and Practice for
portion of the Products. The Liquidated damages referenced Documentary Credits (2007 Revision) ICC Publication No.
in this Article shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for 600" are applicable to the Letter of Credit. If the Seller is
such delay. The parties agree that such liquidated damages unable to ship the goods due to any reason outside of its
are a reasonable estimate of the damages the Buyer is control, the Letter of Credit shall be payable against the
likely to incur as a result of such delay. forwarding agent's receipt, or, should the Buyer fail to name
the forwarding agent, against the warehouse receipt.
The Buyer shall pay all expenses including but not limited to
THE SELLER'S LIABILITY UNDER THE CONTRACT SHALL BE those arising from the opening, confirming and extending of
LOWEST. No course of dealing between either party and no failure or
delay on the part of either party in exercising any right or
IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY remedy under the Contract shall operate as a waiver of any
SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR such right or remedy and no single or partial exercise of any
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED other right or remedy of either party.

16 APPLICABLE LAW AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES The invalidity or enforceability of any provisions of the
Contract shall not impair the validity or enforceability of any
These Terms and the Contract shall be governed by and other provisions; provided, however, that the Contract shall
construed in accordance with the laws of the Seller's place be reformed to the maximum extent permitted by law to
of incorporation. carry out the parties’ original intention. The Contract may be
amended only in writing signed by both parties.
All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present
Contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of
Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by
three (3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said
Rules. The arbitration shall take place in the capital city of
the Seller's country. The language of the arbitration
proceedings shall be English.

Notwithstanding the above, the Seller shall be entitled to

take action for collecting its receivables from the Buyer at
the courts of the Buyer's place of domicile.


All documents and correspondence between the Seller and

the Buyer shall be in English.


The Letter of Credit shall be irrevocable and transferable, it

shall allow partial shipments, charter party Bill of Lading and

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