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Published by
Nepal Rastra Bank
Research Department
Publication Division
Baluwatar, Kathmandu
Telephone : 4419804, 4419805
Ext.: 265
E-mail: [email protected]


Monetary Aggregates
1 Monetary Survey………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
2 Money Supply ………………………………………………………………………………...………… 3
3 Currency in Circulation Outside Nepal Rastra Bank …………………………………………………….
4 Monetary Authorities' Account
A. Assets ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
5 Assets and Liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank
A. Assets ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
6 Other Depository Corporation Survey
A. Assets ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Depository Corporations
7 Cash-Deposit and Liquid Assets-Deposit Ratio of Commercial Banks ………………………………………12
8 Cash-Deposit and Liquid Assets-Deposit Ratio of Development Banks ………………………………… 13
9 Cash-Deposit and Liquid Assets-Deposit Ratio of Finance Companies ………………………………… 14
10 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
A. Assets ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
11 Assets and Liabilities of Development Banks
A. Assets ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
12 Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies
A. Assets ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
B. Liabilities …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
13 Current Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
14 Current Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification ……………………………………………
15 Current Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
16 Saving Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
17 Saving Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
18 Saving Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
19 Fixed Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification …………………………………………………
20 Fixed Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
21 Fixed Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification ………………………………………………
22 Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Commercial Banks …………………...……………………………… 36
23 Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Development Banks …………………...…………………………… 37
24 Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Finance Companies …………………...……………………………… 38
25 Outstanding Credit of Commercial Banks : Classified by Type of Security ………………………………
26 Outstanding Credit of Development Banks : Classified by Type of Security ………………………………
27 Outstanding Credit of finance Companies : Classified by Type of Security ……………………….…………
28 Sources and Uses of Development Banks ……………...….………….……………………………….. 45
29 Sources and Uses of Finance Companies …………………………………………………..………….. 46
30 Sources and Uses of Microfinance Financial Institutions ………………………….…………………….. 48
Other Financial Corporations
31 Loans Guaranteed by Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund :
Classified by Purpose ………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
32 Deposits Guaranteed by Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund ………………………………..
33 Sources and Uses of Fund of Employees Provident Fund….…………………………………………….. 52
34 Sources and Uses of Fund of Citizen Investment Trust …………………………………………………… 53
35 Sources and Uses of Fund of Insurance Companies ……………………………………………………. 54
Interest Rates
36 Structure of Interest Rates ………………………………………………………………………………

37 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (28-day) ………………………………………………………..56

38 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (91-day) …………..………………..………………………….
39 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (182-day) ……..………..…………..…………………………….
40 Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (364-day) ……..……………...…………………………………
41 Weighted Average Interbank Transaction Rate ……….……………..……………………………………58
Monetary Operations
42 Inter-bank Transaction (Amount) … … … … …………………………………………………………58
43 Outright Sale Auction …………………………………………………………………………………… 58
44 Outright Purchase Action ………………………………………………………………………………. 59
45 A. Repo Auction …………………………………………………………………………………………… 59
45 B. Reverse Repo Auction ……………………………………………………………..…………………… 59
46 Deposit Auction 60
47 Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF) ……………………………………………………………………….61
48 A. Foreign Exchange Intervention: Purchase ……………………………………………………………………
48 B. Foreign Exchange Intervention: Sale …………………………………………………………………………
Number and Distribution of Financial Institutions
49 Number of Banks and Financial Institutions …...………………………………………………………… 62
50 Commercial Bank Branches by Area …………………………………………………………………… 63
50 A. Commercial Banks Branches by Province …………………………………………………………………… 65
51 Geographical Distribution of Development Banks ……………...………………......……………………
52 Development Bank Branches by Area …………………………………………………………………… 68
52 A. Development Banks Branches by Province …………………………………………………………………… 69
53 Geographical Distribution of Finance Companies …………………………………...……...……………
54 Finance Companies Branches by Area …………………………………………………………………… 72
54 A. Finance Companies Branches by Province …………………………………………………………………… 73
Securities Market
55 Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd. (Share Market) ………………………………………...…………………...………
56 Government Budgetary Operations (on cash basis) (Old Series) ……..…………………..………………………
57 Government Budgetary Operations (New Series) ……..…………………..………………………...….. 76
58 Government Revenue (Old Series) ……………………………….………………………………..…… 77
59 Government Revenue (New Series) …..………...……………………….……………………..…......… 78
60 Ownership Pattern of Government Bonds and Treasury Bills ………………………………...………….
61 Auction of Treasury Bills ……………………………………………………………………………….. 80
62 Government Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank and Treasury Office …………………………...…………
63 National Consumer Price Index ……………………………………..……………………………………….84
64 Consumer Price Index (Kathmandu Valley) …………………………………………………………….
65 Consumer Price Index (Hills) ……………………………………………………………….…….……. 90
66 Consumer Price Index (Terai) ……………………………………………………………….……….… 93
67 Consumer Price Index (Mountain) ……………………………………………………………….……….…96
68 National Wholesale Price Index (Reindexed)……………………………………………………………
69 National Salary and Wage Rate Index ………………………………………………………………………...…


70 Direction of Foreign Trade ……………………………………………………………………………………… 104
71 Total Exports Classified by Major Commodity Groups ………………………………………………………… 105
72 Exports to India Classified by Major Commodity Groups ………………………………………………. 106
73 Exports to China Classified by Major Commodity Groups ………………………………………………. 107
74 Exports to Other Countries Classified by Major Commodity Groups ……………………………………………
75 Total Imports Classified by Major Commodity Groups …………………………………………………. 109
76 Imports from India Classified by Major Commodity Groups ………………………………………………...…
77 Imports from China Classified by Major Commodity Groups ………………………………………………...…
78 Imports from Other Countries Classified by Major Commodity Groups …………………………………………
79 Exports of Major Commodities to India …………….………………………………………………...…….. 113
80 Exports of Major Commodities to China…………….………………………………………………...…….. 114
81 Exports of Major Commodities to Other Countires ……………………………………………..…………. 115
82 Imports of Major Commodities from India ……………………………………………………...………….. 116
83 Imports of Major Commodities from China ……………………………………………………...………….. 117
84 Imports of Major Commodities from Other Countries ………………………………………...…………….118
85 Summary Balance of Payments …………………………………….……………………..……………. 119
86 Receipts and Expenditures of Convertible Foreign Exchange …………………………………………….
87 Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal ...…………………...……………………………………. 123
88 Indirect External Debt of Government of Nepal….………...…………………………………………….. 129
89 Outstanding Debt of Government of Nepal .…………………………………………………………… 130
90 Socio Economic Indicators of Nepal ……………….…………………………………………………… 131
91 Exchange Rate for US Dollar ……………….…………………………………………………………… 132
92 Period-end Exchange Rate for Other Foreign Currencies …………………………………………………………
93 International Reserves ………………………………………………………………………………….. 136
94 Foreign Assets and Liabilities of the Banking System …………………………………………………….137

Board of Directors and Principal Officers of the Bank………………………….…………………….…………


1. Because of the subsequent revision in data, difference with previously

published figures may occur.

2. In some cases, figures are rounded off. Hence, totals may not tally with
their component units.

3. The following months of the Gregorian Calendar year are the

approximate equivalent to the months of the Nepalese Calendar Year:

Gregorian Month Nepalese Month

Mid-Apr/Mid-May Baisakh
Mid-May/Mid-Jun Jestha
Mid-Jun/Mid-Jul Ashadh
Mid-Jul/Mid-Aug Shrawan
Mid-Aug/Mid-Sep Bhadra
Mid-Sep/Mid-Oct Ashwin
Mid-Oct/Mid-Nov Kartik
Mid-Nov/Mid-Dec Marg
Mid-Dec/Mid-Jan Paush
Mid-Jan/Mid-Feb Magh
Mid-Feb/Mid-Mar Falgun
Mid-Mar/Mid-Apr Chaitra

4. The Nepalese fiscal year generally begins on July 16 and ends on July

A dash (–) indicates that figures are nil or negligible. The non-availability
of data is indicated by dots (...). An oblique (/) indicates a Nepalese fiscal
year (e.g., 2005/06) or a Nepalese month (July/August = Shrawan). A
hyphen (-) used with a Gregorian Calendar month indicates the end of a
Nepalese month (e.g., Mid-July = end of Ashad). Symbols used : "p" for
provisional, "e" for estimated, "r" for revised and "Qtr" for Quarter.
1. Monetary Survey

In Million Rupees
Foreign Net- Claims on
Assets, domestic Domestic Govern- Govern-
M id-M onth Net Foreign Foreign assets Credit ment, net Claims on ment
(2-3) Assets Liabilities (5-14) (6+9+12+13) (7-8) Government* Deposits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1960 Jul 171.9 171.9 0.0 28.1 28.4 -3.9 63.2 67.1
1961 Jul 206.9 206.9 0.0 28.7 34.9 -11.1 63.9 75.0
1962 Jul 236.1 236.1 0.0 43.6 45.2 -12.5 77.3 89.8
1963 Jul 267.6 267.6 0.0 36.5 44.1 -18.1 84.3 102.4
1964 Jul 381.4 381.4 0.0 23.9 50.8 -41.0 67.5 108.5
1965 Jul 449.5 449.5 0.0 40.2 73.1 -51.7 73.3 125.0
1966 Jul 367.4 367.4 0.0 135.3 169.3 -24.2 85.5 109.7
1967 Jul 408.5 408.5 0.0 127.1 180.0 5.8 88.7 82.9
1968 Jul 660.6 660.6 0.0 66.5 140.3 -88.9 72.2 161.1
1969 Jul 894.3 905.9 11.6 -37.1 32.2 -201.6 77.6 279.2
1970 Jul 1,007.2 1,017.0 9.8 -31.9 96.8 -201.2 129.4 330.6
1971 Jul 1,047.6 1,114.4 66.8 24.5 212.8 -145.3 175.7 321.0
1972 Jul 1,179.1 1,238.4 59.3 82.7 361.8 -80.3 249.3 329.6
1973 Jul 1,383.0 1,456.3 73.3 146.2 597.3 42.2 318.8 276.6
1974 Jul 1,451.5 1,577.3 125.8 459.5 970.2 139.9 415.9 276.0
1975 Jul 1,029.1 1,412.0 382.9 1,035.3 1,637.8 285.7 532.4 246.7
1976 Jul 1,575.0 1,870.7 295.7 949.0 1,763.3 479.8 653.1 173.3
1977 Jul 1,875.2 2,232.7 357.5 1,347.8 2,125.0 749.8 917.6 167.8
1978 Jul 1,783.3 2,129.8 346.5 1,988.8 2,905.3 965.5 1,144.2 178.7
1979 Jul 2,288.0 2,805.6 517.6 2,223.4 3,540.8 1,129.3 1,313.1 183.8
1980 Jul 2,231.9 2,806.0 574.1 3,053.4 4,305.8 1,258.3 1,421.3 163.0
1981 Jul 2,414.5 3,134.9 720.4 3,893.2 5,161.4 1,262.7 1,334.3 71.6
1982 Jul 3,097.4 3,911.2 813.8 4,360.6 6,043.1 2,061.5 2,061.5 0.0
1983 Jul 2,611.4 3,251.7 640.3 6,611.0 8,490.9 4,089.6 4,089.6 0.0
1984 Jul 2,539.8 3,213.6 673.8 7,915.4 9,824.5 5,028.7 5,028.7 0.0
1985 Jul 1,897.6 2,600.2 702.6 10,399.0 12,550.9 6,492.1 6,492.1 0.0
1986 Jul 2,600.0 3,743.3 1,143.3 12,559.0 15,322.9 7,495.7 7,495.7 0.0
1987 Jul 3,059.9 4,477.2 1,417.3 14,438.3 17,803.1 8,712.3 8,712.3 0.0
1988 Jul 5,573.6 7,395.4 1,821.8 15,849.0 20,469.3 9,259.0 9,525.9 266.9
1989 Jul 6,203.5 8,691.0 2,487.5 20,401.6 26,584.3 12,345.1 12,345.1 0.0
1990 Jul 9,338.9 12,014.4 2,675.5 22,213.5 29,661.6 13,940.2 13,940.2 0.0
1991 Jul 16,151.7 19,270.0 3,118.3 21,560.8 34,491.4 16,821.4 16,922.6 101.2
1992 Jul 20,792.4 24,882.3 4,089.9 24,878.1 41,609.1 19,001.6 19,001.6 0.0
1993 Jul 29,125.0 34,225.0 5,100.0 29,197.5 49,404.9 23,446.2 23,446.2 0.0
1994 Jul 36,218.1 42,748.3 6,530.2 33,559.0 57,828.1 23,482.0 23,482.0 0.0
1995 Jul 37,085.5 43,863.1 6,777.6 43,899.2 72,184.7 25,191.2 25,191.2 0.0
1996 Jul 37,703.6 45,270.3 7,566.7 54,948.6 89,265.7 27,531.7 27,531.7 0.0
1997 Jul 40,191.1 49,366.5 9,175.4 63,529.5 100,916.7 29,229.4 29,229.4 0.0
1998 Jul 55,572.8 66,114.0 10,541.2 70,889.8 115,812.1 31,753.1 31,753.1 0.0
1999 Jul 65,027.6 77,611.0 12,583.4 87,772.6 134,832.7 34,918.2 34,918.2 0.0
2000 Jul 80,467.5 94,855.8 14,388.3 105,653.3 158,001.1 38,242.6 38,242.6 0.0
2001 Jul 87,798.1 106,190.7 18,392.6 126,656.1 187,855.4 49,191.1 49,191.1 0.0
2002 Jul 88,419.1 106,996.2 18,577.1 135,569.2 207,323.0 59,576.6 59,576.6 0.0
2003 Jul 91,407.0 109,306.3 17,899.3 154,504.2 228,443.8 62,825.0 63,286.7 461.7
2004 Jul 108,804.7 131,366.0 22,561.3 168,505.4 251,089.9 62,313.7 63,066.7 753.0
2005 Jul 107,742.1 130,916.8 23,174.7 192,697.9 285,157.5 68,811.6 68,811.6 0.0
2006 Jul 139,439.1 166,101.6 26,662.5 207,982.7 307,020.6 75,518.6 75,518.6 0.0
2006 Jul* 139,439.2 166,101.7 26,662.5 207,384.9 327,634.4 75,921.2 75,921.2 0.0
2007 Jul 131,909.5 165,713.5 33,804.0 263,608.7 365,225.1 83,010.6 86,133.2 3,122.5
2008 Jul 171,455.4 213,254.1 41,798.7 323,921.7 442,282.3 92,092.0 96,021.2 3,929.2
2009 Jul 227,666.4 290,194.9 62,528.5 402,854.8 560,670.7 109,862.9 109,862.9 0.0
2010 Jul 216,355.9 278,541.9 62,186.0 503,243.2 654,666.4 136,812.8 136,812.8 0.0
2011 Jul ** 221,265.6 284,110.2 62,844.6 700,054.5 910,224.9 163,439.4 163,439.4 0.0
2012 Jul 383,772.1 455,976.8 72,204.7 746,530.2 994,691.5 162,882.1 165,254.8 2,372.8
2013 Jul 468,238.0 554,093.5 85,855.6 847,138.3 1,165,866.3 167,788.3 167,972.8 184.5
2014 Jul 599,219.7 686,759.0 87,539.3 966,747.4 1,314,305.0 141,989.5 165,490.3 23,500.8
2015 Jul 747,287.4 847,679.0 100,391.6 1,130,514.1 1,527,345.6 127,211.4 161,024.5 33,813.1
2016 Jul 955,980.9 1,069,789.5 113,808.7 1,288,597.7 1,805,736.0 87,759.4 202,777.8 115,018.5
2017 Julp 1,014,634.9 1,107,823.5 93,188.6 1,577,067.1 2,177,792.0 149,489.0 255,761.1 106,272.1
2017 Augp 1,009,512.8 1,108,374.9 98,862.1 1,606,077.1 2,100,097.6 51,819.5 280,761.7 228,942.2
2017 Septp 1,010,636.5 1,110,460.4 99,823.9 1,628,800.9 2,141,527.1 46,037.7 304,418.8 258,381.1
2017 Octp 1,025,424.9 1,129,987.6 104,562.8 1,674,249.8 2,192,034.3 67,264.6 313,305.4 246,040.8
2017 Novp 1,025,842.1 1,135,373.2 109,531.1 1,674,621.0 2,222,117.3 44,139.5 352,879.7 308,740.2
2017 Decp 1,010,490.9 1,118,871.9 108,381.0 1,713,544.5 2,240,258.7 10,840.2 359,834.0 348,993.8
2018 Janp 1,005,319.3 1,098,054.0 92,734.7 1,759,486.8 2,331,181.0 62,361.0 365,534.9 303,173.9
2018 Febp 1,004,769.3 1,080,116.7 75,347.4 1,785,774.7 2,378,528.9 63,937.1 365,576.7 301,639.6
2018 Marp 1,003,101.4 1,080,486.7 77,385.3 1,823,977.9 2,431,564.1 85,473.8 359,499.1 274,025.3
2018 Aprp 1,017,958.6 1,096,497.1 78,538.5 1,855,844.5 2,452,564.6 81,682.2 370,320.4 288,638.2
2018 Mayp 1,030,213.2 1,105,359.4 75,146.3 1,870,093.3 2,508,999.0 101,573.9 371,081.5 269,507.6
2018 JunP 1,046,424.4 1,126,057.6 79,633.2 1,900,793.9 2,578,215.4 122,586.4 371,071.0 248,484.6
2018 Julp 1,054,291.7 1,133,295.2 79,003.5 2,040,174.9 2,755,893.0 272,630.3 362,128.1 89,497.8

2018 Augp 1,037,899.5 1,123,127.3 85,227.9 2,031,647.2 2,734,940.4 220,689.5 362,156.5 141,467.0
2018 Septp 1,057,217.3 1,148,888.2 91,670.9 2,041,467.6 2,785,578.9 197,369.5 362,168.5 164,799.0
2018 Octp 1,073,704.0 1,153,306.3 79,602.3 2,128,937.3 2,876,905.4 216,939.9 362,168.5 145,228.6
* Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning 2006 July).
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of 'B' and 'C' class Financial Institutions since July 2011.
1. NBL wrote off Rs. 11.05 billion in July 2006 and Rs. 2.87 billion in mid-October 2006; and RBB wrote off Rs. 13.15 billion in mid-December, 2006.
This write off lowered the volume of private sector credit, total domestic credit and other items, net (because of reduction of loan loss provisioning
and interest suspense account).
2. Claims on government also includes IMF promissory notes and government issued coins.

Monetary Survey (Contd. ...)

Claims on Government Claims Broad M oney

Enterprises on Non-Govt. Claims on Capital and M oney Supply
M id-M onth Total Non- Financial Private Other (M 2) (M 1) Demand Time
(10+11) Financial financial Institutions Sector Items, Net (16+19) (17+18) Currency Deposits Deposits+
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1960 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.3 0.3 200.6 174.1 109.5 64.6 26.5
1961 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 6.2 235.6 205.4 142.0 63.4 30.2
1962 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.7 1.6 279.7 244.2 156.2 88.0 35.5
1963 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.2 7.6 304.1 264.8 161.7 103.1 39.3
1964 Jul 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 89.8 26.9 405.3 365.7 235.3 130.4 39.6
1965 Jul 14.3 1.4 12.9 0.0 110.5 32.9 489.7 446.3 296.3 150.0 43.4
1966 Jul 36.9 4.5 32.4 0.0 156.6 34.0 570.7 521.5 345.8 175.7 49.2
1967 Jul 38.0 3.8 34.2 0.0 136.2 52.9 641.4 568.3 368.6 199.7 73.1
1968 Jul 35.0 9.8 25.2 0.0 194.2 73.8 727.1 618.8 419.1 199.7 108.3
1969 Jul 39.5 13.7 25.8 0.0 194.3 69.3 857.2 700.4 470.2 230.2 156.8
1970 Jul 39.1 18.6 20.5 0.0 258.9 128.7 975.3 763.3 531.4 231.9 212.0
1971 Jul 37.3 20.8 16.5 0.0 320.8 188.3 1,072.1 793.4 576.1 217.3 278.7
1972 Jul 41.8 41.0 0.8 0.0 400.3 279.1 1,261.8 857.7 601.2 256.5 404.1
1973 Jul 96.1 63.1 33.0 0.0 459.0 451.1 1,529.2 1,015.8 694.7 321.1 513.4
1974 Jul 128.6 48.7 79.9 0.0 701.7 510.7 1,911.0 1,281.1 878.6 402.5 629.9
1975 Jul 568.7 137.1 431.6 0.0 783.4 602.5 2,064.4 1,337.7 916.5 421.2 726.7
1976 Jul 567.3 115.0 452.3 0.0 716.2 814.3 2,524.0 1,452.5 963.5 489.0 1,071.5
1977 Jul 511.0 177.5 333.5 0.0 864.2 777.2 3,223.0 1,852.9 1,193.2 659.7 1,370.1
1978 Jul 868.7 292.4 576.3 0.0 1,071.1 916.5 3,772.1 2,060.6 1,351.9 708.7 1,711.5
1979 Jul 1,079.9 401.9 678.0 0.0 1,331.6 1,317.4 4,511.4 2,504.9 1,615.2 889.7 2,006.5
1980 Jul 1,131.0 429.4 701.6 0.0 1,916.5 1,252.4 5,285.3 2,830.4 1,799.3 1,031.1 2,454.9
1981 Jul 1,400.6 454.2 946.4 0.0 2,498.1 1,268.2 6,307.7 3,207.8 2,065.7 1,142.1 3,099.9
1982 Jul 1,343.4 503.6 839.8 0.0 2,638.2 1,682.5 7,458.0 3,611.5 2,436.7 1,174.8 3,846.5
1983 Jul 1,702.2 565.3 1,136.9 0.0 2,699.1 1,879.9 9,222.4 4,348.9 2,752.0 1,596.9 4,873.5
1984 Jul 1,621.8 668.4 953.4 0.0 3,174.0 1,909.1 10,455.2 4,931.5 3,273.4 1,658.1 5,523.7
1985 Jul 2,022.2 858.8 1,163.4 0.0 4,036.6 2,151.9 12,296.6 5,480.0 3,737.3 1,742.7 6,816.6
1986 Jul 2,659.3 933.7 1,725.6 0.0 5,167.9 2,763.9 15,159.0 7,029.3 4,842.9 2,186.4 8,129.7
1987 Jul 2,958.3 1,102.3 1,856.0 0.0 6,132.5 3,364.8 17,498.2 8,120.2 5,746.1 2,374.1 9,378.0
1988 Jul 3,263.2 1,297.0 1,966.2 0.0 7,947.1 4,620.3 21,422.6 9,596.6 6,374.6 3,222.0 11,826.0
1989 Jul 3,882.2 1,714.3 2,167.9 0.0 10,357.0 6,182.7 26,605.1 11,775.4 7,946.6 3,828.8 14,829.7
1990 Jul 4,033.8 2,005.4 2,028.4 0.0 11,687.6 7,448.1 31,552.4 14,223.0 9,718.2 4,504.8 17,329.4
1991 Jul 3,561.3 2,225.4 1,335.9 0.0 14,108.7 12,930.6 37,712.5 16,283.6 11,654.5 4,629.1 21,428.9
1992 Jul 4,827.3 2,788.0 2,039.3 0.0 17,780.2 16,731.0 45,670.5 19,457.7 13,639.7 5,818.0 26,212.8
1993 Jul 4,749.8 3,291.7 1,458.1 0.0 21,208.9 20,207.4 58,322.5 23,833.0 16,313.0 7,520.0 34,489.5
1994 Jul 4,739.2 3,227.2 1,512.0 0.0 29,606.9 24,269.1 69,777.1 28,510.4 19,659.7 8,850.7 41,266.7
1995 Jul 5,050.4 3,821.5 1,228.9 0.0 41,943.1 28,285.5 80,984.7 32,985.4 22,493.9 10,491.5 47,999.3
1996 Jul 6,209.3 4,251.0 1,958.3 0.0 55,524.7 34,317.1 92,652.2 36,498.0 25,046.4 11,451.6 56,154.2
1997 Jul 7,028.6 5,431.6 1,597.0 0.0 64,658.7 37,387.2 103,720.6 38,460.3 27,333.7 11,126.6 65,260.3
1998 Jul 7,228.9 6,170.4 1,058.5 0.0 76,830.1 44,922.3 126,462.6 45,163.8 30,893.2 14,270.6 81,298.8
1999 Jul 9,114.0 7,547.3 1,566.7 0.0 90,800.5 47,060.1 152,800.2 51,062.5 34,984.3 16,078.1 101,737.7
2000 Jul 10,310.9 8,502.8 1,808.1 0.0 109,447.6 52,347.8 186,120.8 60,979.7 42,143.0 18,836.8 125,141.1
2001 Jul 11,906.4 9,683.4 2,223.0 0.0 126,757.9 61,199.3 214,454.2 70,577.0 48,295.1 22,281.8 143,877.2
2002 Jul 14,431.1 11,355.1 3,076.0 0.0 133,315.3 71,753.8 223,988.3 77,156.2 55,658.3 21,497.6 146,832.1
2003 Jul 14,661.9 11,828.7 2,833.2 0.0 150,956.9 73,939.6 245,911.2 83,754.1 56,885.2 26,868.9 162,157.1
2004 Jul 16,258.8 13,343.9 2,914.9 0.0 172,517.4 82,584.5 277,310.1 93,973.7 63,218.9 30,750.7 183,336.4
2005 Jul 19,329.0 12,762.8 6,566.2 0.0 197,016.9 92,459.6 300,440.0 100,205.8 68,784.1 31,421.6 200,234.2
2006 Jul 17,180.7 12,719.8 4,460.9 0.0 214,321.3 99,037.9 347,421.8 114,388.8 77,926.3 36,462.3 233,033.0
2006 Jul* 6,369.2 1,808.3 4,560.9 1,773.6 243,570.4 120,249.5 346,824.1 113,060.8 77,780.4 35,280.3 233,763.3
2007 Jul 6,827.8 1,713.0 5,114.9 1,909.3 273,477.4 101,616.4 395,518.2 126,888.0 83,553.3 43,334.4 268,630.2
2008 Jul 7,317.0 1,670.5 5,646.5 3,039.1 339,834.2 118,360.6 495,377.1 154,343.9 100,175.2 54,168.7 341,033.2
2009 Jul 6,468.5 1,376.1 5,092.4 5,985.0 438,354.4 157,815.9 630,521.2 196,459.4 125,758.5 70,700.8 434,061.8
2010 Jul 7,958.6 2,515.4 5,443.1 9,244.5 500,650.6 151,423.2 719,599.1 218,159.0 142,114.5 76,044.8 501,440.1
2011 Jul ** 8,602.7 2,226.3 6,376.4 10,860.4 727,322.4 210,170.3 921,320.1 222,351.3 141,931.5 80,419.9 698,968.8
2012 Jul 11,375.4 1,276.0 10,099.4 10,608.2 809,825.8 248,161.3 1,130,302.3 263,705.7 170,491.7 93,214.0 866,596.6
2013 Jul 12,706.5 1,317.4 11,389.1 12,345.5 973,026.1 318,728.0 1,315,376.3 301,590.2 195,874.2 105,715.9 1,013,786.1
2014 Jul 11,905.0 1,487.6 10,417.3 9,585.9 1,150,824.6 347,557.5 1,565,967.2 354,830.0 227,537.4 127,292.6 1,211,137.1
2015 Jul 13,361.5 3,260.7 10,100.8 12,827.9 1,373,944.9 396,831.5 1,877,801.5 424,744.6 270,080.4 154,664.2 1,453,056.9
2016 Jul 11,641.3 3,414.3 8,227.0 14,029.3 1,692,306.1 517,138.3 2,244,578.6 503,287.1 327,482.7 175,804.4 1,741,291.5
2017 Julp 13,512.1 4,286.2 9,225.9 17,630.9 1,997,160.0 600,724.9 2,591,702.0 569,402.4 361,745.9 207,656.4 2,022,299.6
2017 Augp 12,977.4 4,231.0 8,746.3 18,489.2 2,016,811.5 494,020.6 2,615,589.9 547,796.1 364,748.3 183,047.9 2,067,793.7
2017 Septp 14,047.7 4,586.2 9,461.5 19,872.4 2,061,569.2 512,726.2 2,639,437.4 557,556.4 366,829.4 190,726.9 2,081,881.0
2017 Octp 14,725.8 4,586.2 10,139.6 17,851.8 2,092,192.1 517,784.5 2,699,674.7 593,299.5 400,872.3 192,427.2 2,106,375.2
2017 Novp 14,481.4 4,586.2 9,895.1 19,167.8 2,144,328.7 547,496.3 2,700,463.1 566,896.2 384,311.7 182,584.5 2,133,566.9
2017 Decp 13,065.9 3,833.4 9,232.5 20,604.4 2,195,748.2 526,714.2 2,724,035.3 576,062.3 388,393.1 187,669.2 2,147,973.0
2018 Janp 12,477.7 3,833.2 8,644.5 22,158.9 2,234,183.4 571,694.2 2,764,806.1 583,308.1 386,588.9 196,719.3 2,181,498.0
2018 Febp 13,685.8 3,833.2 9,852.6 22,716.1 2,278,189.9 592,754.2 2,790,543.9 591,953.7 397,305.3 194,648.5 2,198,590.2
2018 Marp 14,498.0 3,833.2 10,664.9 23,368.4 2,308,223.8 607,586.2 2,827,079.2 605,667.1 403,873.0 201,794.1 2,221,412.2
2018 Aprp 14,346.7 3,833.3 10,513.4 23,690.5 2,332,845.1 596,720.0 2,873,803.1 620,223.7 409,164.6 211,059.0 2,253,579.5
2018 Mayp 14,388.9 3,830.9 10,558.0 23,657.5 2,369,378.7 638,905.7 2,900,306.5 619,903.4 406,967.7 212,935.8 2,280,403.0
2018 JunP 13,880.7 3,833.3 10,047.5 24,516.6 2,417,231.7 677,421.5 2,947,218.4 621,392.6 404,471.4 216,921.2 2,325,825.8
2018 Julp 13,861.5 3,827.2 10,034.3 26,617.3 2,442,784.0 715,718.1 3,094,466.6 669,395.0 415,985.4 253,409.5 2,425,071.7

2018 Augp 14,964.3 4,027.2 10,937.1 25,733.1 2,473,553.5 703,293.1 3,069,546.7 615,499.2 411,882.0 203,617.2 2,454,047.5
2018 Septp 14,435.6 2,908.4 11,527.2 53,021.8 2,520,752.0 744,111.3 3,098,685.0 609,511.2 400,814.2 208,697.0 2,489,173.8
2018 Octp 13,847.2 2,910.4 10,936.7 25,772.8 2,620,345.5 747,968.1 3,202,641.3 675,363.8 462,253.1 213,110.8 2,527,277.5

+ Time Deposits = Saving and Call Deposits + Fixed Deposits + Margin Deposits.

2. Money Supply (M 1)

In Million Rupees
Currency Demand Deposits
Held by Held by M oney
M id-M onth Held by Held by Public Held by Held by Public Supply 4 As percent
Total Government Banks* 1-2-3 Total Government Banks* * (5-6-7) 4+8 of 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1960 Jul 120.3 5.6 5.2 109.5 137.0 61.5 10.9 64.6 174.1 62.9
1961 Jul 152.2 4.4 5.8 142.0 149.3 70.6 15.3 63.4 205.4 69.1
1962 Jul 165.1 3.3 5.6 156.2 179.3 86.5 4.8 88.0 244.2 64.0
1963 Jul 178.2 7.1 9.4 161.7 209.1 95.2 10.8 103.1 264.8 61.1
1964 Jul 258.2 10.0 12.9 235.3 241.1 98.6 12.1 130.4 365.7 64.3
1965 Jul 315.6 7.3 12.0 296.3 278.4 117.7 10.7 150.0 446.3 66.4
1966 Jul 367.2 9.9 11.5 345.8 280.8 99.8 5.3 175.7 521.5 66.3
1967 Jul 391.0 8.6 13.8 368.6 288.1 74.3 14.1 199.7 568.3 64.9
1968 Jul 449.3 14.3 15.9 419.1 378.4 146.8 31.9 199.7 618.8 67.7
1969 Jul 509.5 18.7 20.6 470.2 537.8 260.5 47.1 230.2 700.4 67.1
1970 Jul 568.7 16.6 20.7 531.4 615.9 314.0 70.0 231.9 763.3 69.6
1971 Jul 612.1 9.1 26.9 576.1 578.8 311.9 49.6 217.3 793.4 72.6
1972 Jul 642.6 11.2 30.2 601.2 621.5 318.3 46.7 256.5 857.7 70.1
1973 Jul 740.4 13.2 32.5 694.7 660.9 263.4 76.4 321.1 1,015.8 68.4
1974 Jul 927.1 10.5 38.0 878.6 760.8 265.5 92.8 402.5 1,281.1 68.6
1975 Jul 971.2 6.7 48.0 916.5 802.7 240.0 141.5 421.2 1,337.7 68.5
1976 Jul 1,024.1 8.6 52.0 963.5 819.8 164.7 166.1 489.0 1,452.5 66.3
1977 Jul 1,256.4 4.4 58.8 1,193.2 1,039.9 163.4 216.8 659.7 1,852.9 64.4
1978 Jul 1,426.8 0.0 74.9 1,351.9 1,189.5 178.7 302.1 708.7 2,060.6 65.6
1979 Jul 1,712.2 0.0 97.0 1,615.2 1,333.3 183.8 259.8 889.7 2,504.9 64.5
1980 Jul 1,908.7 0.0 109.4 1,799.3 1,522.6 163.0 328.5 1,031.1 2,830.4 63.6
1981 Jul 2,213.9 0.0 148.2 2,065.7 1,512.2 71.6 298.5 1,142.1 3,207.8 64.4
1982 Jul 2,617.5 0.0 180.8 2,436.7 1,736.3 0.0 561.5 1,174.8 3,611.5 67.5
1983 Jul 2,963.2 0.0 211.2 2,752.0 2,324.4 0.0 727.5 1,596.9 4,348.9 63.3
1984 Jul 3,554.3 0.0 280.9 3,273.4 2,427.0 0.0 768.9 1,658.1 4,931.5 66.4
1985 Jul 4,035.6 0.0 298.3 3,737.3 2,600.4 0.0 857.7 1,742.7 5,480.0 68.2
1986 Jul 5,234.5 0.0 391.6 4,842.9 3,184.2 0.0 997.8 2,186.4 7,029.3 68.9
1987 Jul 6,183.8 0.0 437.7 5,746.1 3,466.5 0.0 1,092.4 2,374.1 8,120.2 70.8
1988 Jul 6,962.1 0.0 587.5 6,374.6 4,897.5 266.9 1,408.6 3,222.0 9,596.6 66.4
1989 Jul 8,707.9 0.0 761.3 7,946.6 5,915.7 0.0 2,086.9 3,828.8 11,775.4 67.5
1990 Jul 10,526.4 0.0 808.2 9,718.2 7,084.4 0.0 2,579.6 4,504.8 14,223.0 68.3
1991 Jul 12,608.4 0.0 953.9 11,654.5 8,376.4 101.2 3,646.1 4,629.1 16,283.6 71.6
1992 Jul 14,786.7 0.0 1,147.0 13,639.7 9,314.9 0.0 3,496.9 5,818.0 19,457.7 70.1
1993 Jul 17,673.1 0.0 1,360.1 16,313.0 13,223.9 0.0 5,703.9 7,520.0 23,833.0 68.4
1994 Jul 21,519.1 0.0 1,859.4 19,659.7 14,552.4 0.0 5,701.7 8,850.7 28,510.4 69.0
1995 Jul 24,531.5 0.0 2,037.6 22,493.9 17,626.6 0.0 7,135.1 10,491.5 32,985.4 68.2
1996 Jul 27,492.8 0.0 2,446.4 25,046.4 18,285.2 0.0 6,833.6 11,451.6 36,498.0 68.6
1997 Jul 30,171.0 0.0 2,837.3 27,333.7 20,515.1 0.0 9,388.5 11,126.6 38,460.3 71.1
1998 Jul 33,782.9 0.0 2,889.7 30,893.2 24,952.1 0.0 10,681.5 14,270.6 45,163.8 68.4
1999 Jul 38,294.7 0.0 3,310.4 34,984.3 28,109.1 0.0 12,031.0 16,078.1 51,062.5 68.5
2000 Jul 45,650.0 0.0 3,507.0 42,143.0 32,048.2 0.0 13,211.4 18,836.8 60,979.7 69.1
2001 Jul 52,412.0 0.0 4,116.9 48,295.1 38,725.0 0.0 16,443.2 22,281.8 70,577.0 68.4
2002 Jul 60,567.2 0.0 4,908.9 55,658.3 38,252.7 0.0 16,755.1 21,497.6 77,156.2 72.1
2003 Jul 61,608.5 0.0 4,723.3 56,885.2 43,584.1 461.7 16,253.5 26,868.9 83,754.1 67.9
2004 Jul 67,502.7 0.0 4,283.8 63,218.9 56,447.2 753.0 24,943.5 30,750.7 93,973.7 67.3
2005 Jul 73,557.1 0.0 4,773.0 68,784.1 52,198.7 0.0 20,777.1 31,421.6 100,205.8 68.6
2006 Jul 83,834.9 0.0 5,908.6 77,926.3 59,857.8 0.0 23,395.5 36,462.3 114,388.8 68.1
2006 Jul*** 83,834.8 0.0 6,054.4 77,780.4 58,769.5 0.0 23,489.2 35,280.3 113,060.8 68.8
2007 Jul 90,913.1 0.0 7,359.8 83,553.3 71,394.0 3,122.5 24,937.1 43,334.4 126,888.0 65.8
2008 Jul 112,827.1 0.0 12,651.9 100,175.2 83,920.0 3,929.2 25,822.1 54,168.7 154,343.9 64.9
2009 Jul 140,774.5 0.0 15,016.1 125,758.5 193,952.4 0.0 123,251.6 70,700.8 196,459.3 64.0
2010 Jul 158,978.2 0.0 16,863.7 142,114.5 146,153.5 0.0 70,108.7 76,044.8 218,159.4 65.1
2011 Jul **** 165,363.1 0.0 23,431.6 141,931.5 152,349.2 0.0 71,929.3 80,419.9 222,351.4 63.8
2012 Jul 200,845.7 0.0 30,354.0 170,491.7 180,347.6 2,372.8 84,760.8 93,214.0 263,705.7 64.7
2013 Jul 230,746.3 0.0 34,872.1 195,874.2 205,872.3 184.5 99,971.8 105,715.9 301,590.2 64.9
2014 Jul 268,667.3 0.0 41,129.9 227,537.4 266,373.2 23,500.8 115,579.7 127,292.6 354,830.0 64.1
2015 Jul 317,372.4 0.0 47,292.0 270,080.4 329,854.7 33,813.1 141,377.3 154,664.2 424,744.6 63.6
2016 Jul 383,383.7 0.0 55,901.1 327,482.7 456,964.2 115,018.5 166,141.3 175,804.4 503,287.1 65.1
2017 Jul
p 424,828.4 0.0 63,082.5 361,745.9 501,096.9 106,272.1 187,168.4 207,656.4 569,402.3 63.5
2017 Augp 419,745.5 0.0 54,997.2 364,748.3 577,519.2 228,942.2 165,529.2 183,047.9 547,796.1 66.6
2017 Septp 420,073.6 0.0 53,244.2 366,829.4 625,650.8 258,381.1 176,542.9 190,726.9 557,556.3 65.8
2017 Octp 460,004.8 0.0 59,132.5 400,872.3 617,499.5 246,040.8 179,031.5 192,427.2 593,299.5 67.6
2017 Novp 442,514.1 0.0 58,202.4 384,311.7 660,394.1 308,740.2 169,069.4 182,584.5 566,896.1 67.8
2017 Decp 444,535.6 0.0 56,142.6 388,393.1 712,480.0 348,993.8 175,817.0 187,669.2 576,062.3 67.4
2018 Janp 445,044.9 0.0 58,456.1 386,588.9 685,285.5 303,173.9 185,392.3 196,719.3 583,308.2 66.3
2018 Febp 452,777.2 0.0 55,471.9 397,305.3 680,280.1 301,639.6 183,992.0 194,648.5 591,953.7 67.1
2018 Marp 465,016.3 0.0 61,143.3 403,873.0 666,344.9 274,025.3 190,525.5 201,794.1 605,667.1 66.7
2018 Aprp 466,635.3 0.0 57,470.7 409,164.6 700,962.9 288,638.2 201,265.7 211,059.0 620,223.6 66.0
2018 Mayp 468,836.9 0.0 61,869.3 406,967.7 685,260.1 269,507.6 202,816.8 212,935.8 619,903.5 65.7
2018 JunP 462,836.8 0.0 58,365.5 404,471.4 672,382.6 248,484.6 206,976.8 216,921.2 621,392.6 65.1
2018 Julp 488,192.8 0.0 72,207.4 415,985.4 582,760.3 89,497.8 239,853.0 253,409.5 669,394.9 62.1

2018 Augp 473,282.4 0.0 61,400.4 411,882.0 541,083.9 141,467.0 195,999.8 203,617.2 615,499.2 66.9
2018 Septp 461,141.7 0.0 60,327.5 400,814.2 574,532.7 164,799.0 201,036.7 208,697.0 609,511.2 65.8
2018 Octp 528,969.3 0.0 66,716.2 462,253.1 564,089.6 145,228.6 205,750.3 213,110.8 675,363.9 68.4
* Notes and coins held by commercial banks.
** Includes commercial banks' deposits at Nepal Rastra Bank (Monetary Authority's A/C) and inter-bank deposits of commercial banks (liabilities side).
*** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N since July 2006.
**** Including the consolidated balance sheet of 'B' and 'C' class Financial Institutions since July 2011.

3. Currency in Circulation Outside Nepal Rastra Bank

In Million Rupees
Notes Held by Net Issue of Coins Held by Coins in Currency in
Net Issue Nepal Rastra Notes in Coins (including Nepal Rastra Circulation Circulation
of Notes Bank Circulation subsidiary coins) Bank (4-5) (3+6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1960 Jul 75.7 8.1 67.6 62.4 9.7 52.7 120.3
1961 Jul 117.6 9.8 107.8 63.0 18.6 44.4 152.2
1962 Jul 133.6 8.8 124.8 63.5 23.2 40.3 165.1
1963 Jul 153.1 12.6 140.5 64.2 26.5 37.7 178.2
1964 Jul 251.8 30.7 221.1 66.5 29.4 37.1 258.2
1965 Jul 319.0 42.5 276.5 68.9 29.8 39.1 315.6
1966 Jul 346.0 20.6 325.4 71.0 29.2 41.8 367.2
1967 Jul 365.0 18.1 346.9 72.8 28.7 44.1 391.0
1968 Jul 436.2 32.7 403.5 74.0 28.2 45.8 449.3
1969 Jul 495.8 29.8 466.0 75.4 31.9 43.5 509.5
1970 Jul 559.3 36.6 522.7 76.4 30.4 46.0 568.7
1971 Jul 600.0 36.8 563.2 77.8 28.9 48.9 612.1
1972 Jul 650.0 59.9 590.1 79.4 26.9 52.5 642.6
1973 Jul 720.0 35.5 684.5 81.7 25.8 55.9 740.4
1974 Jul 900.0 33.9 866.1 85.1 24.1 61.0 927.1
1975 Jul 950.0 43.6 906.4 88.2 23.4 64.8 971.2
1976 Jul 1,000.0 44.4 955.6 91.7 23.2 68.5 1,024.1
1977 Jul 1,240.0 57.5 1,182.5 97.8 23.9 73.9 1,256.4
1978 Jul 1,400.0 60.4 1,339.6 125.8 38.6 87.2 1,426.8
1979 Jul 1,660.0 62.3 1,597.7 143.3 28.8 114.5 1,712.2
1980 Jul 1,840.0 55.6 1,784.4 163.6 39.3 124.3 1,908.7
1981 Jul 2,140.0 57.8 2,082.2 182.3 50.6 131.7 2,213.9
1982 Jul 2,560.0 81.2 2,478.8 185.9 47.2 138.7 2,617.5
1983 Jul 2,920.0 102.0 2,818.0 191.9 46.7 145.2 2,963.2
1984 Jul 3,460.0 63.8 3,396.2 199.7 41.6 158.1 3,554.3
1985 Jul 3,960.0 94.5 3,865.5 210.5 40.4 170.1 4,035.6
1986 Jul 5,180.0 129.8 5,050.2 216.1 31.8 184.3 5,234.5
1987 Jul 6,140.0 157.9 5,982.1 228.1 26.4 201.7 6,183.8
1988 Jul 6,900.0 163.5 6,736.5 253.1 27.5 225.6 6,962.1
1989 Jul 8,590.3 127.9 8,462.4 285.6 40.1 245.5 8,707.9
1990 Jul 10,504.7 233.9 10,270.8 291.1 35.5 255.6 10,526.4
1991 Jul 12,440.0 91.3 12,348.7 296.2 36.5 259.7 12,608.4
1992 Jul 14,617.4 101.2 14,516.2 300.9 30.4 270.5 14,786.7
1993 Jul 17,665.7 263.0 17,402.7 307.6 37.2 270.4 17,673.1
1994 Jul 21,459.1 219.8 21,239.3 317.0 37.2 279.8 21,519.1
1995 Jul 24,561.7 308.2 24,253.5 323.4 45.4 278.0 24,531.5
1996 Jul 27,457.2 276.1 27,181.1 342.9 31.2 311.7 27,492.8
1997 Jul 30,050.0 265.9 29,784.1 476.9 90.0 386.9 30,171.0
1998 Jul 33,722.9 256.8 33,466.1 490.7 173.9 316.8 33,782.9
1999 Jul 38,540.0 599.0 37,941.0 501.2 147.5 353.7 38,294.7
2000 Jul 45,940.0 681.2 45,258.8 519.1 128.0 391.1 45,650.0
2001 Jul 52,850.0 869.4 51,980.6 540.6 109.2 431.4 52,412.0
2002 Jul 60,950.0 823.0 60,127.0 563.3 123.1 440.2 60,567.2
2003 Jul 61,980.0 888.0 61,092.0 594.4 77.9 516.5 61,608.5
2004 Jul 68,150.0 1,204.7 66,945.3 625.7 68.2 557.5 67,502.8
2005 Jul 74,520.0 1,711.9 72,808.1 958.8 209.8 749.0 73,557.1
2006 Jul* 84,630.0 1,629.2 83,000.8 1,043.9 209.8 834.1 83,834.9
2007 Jul 91,310.0 1,462.2 89,847.9 1,191.7 126.5 1,065.2 90,913.0
2008 Jul 112,950.0 1,464.5 111,485.5 1,341.6 - 1,341.6 112,827.1
2009 Jul 141,210.0 1,824.9 139,385.1 1,389.4 0.0 1,389.4 140,774.5
2010 Jul 161,300.0 3,750.9 157,549.1 1,429.1 0.0 1,429.1 158,978.2
2011 Jul 167,620.0 3,727.7 163,892.3 1,470.7 0.0 1,470.7 165,363.0
2012 Jul 201,250.0 2,079.7 199,170.3 1,675.4 0.0 1,675.4 200,845.7
2013 Jul 233,460.0 4,438.3 229,021.7 1,724.6 0.0 1,724.6 230,746.3
2014 Jul 273,250.0 6,360.0 266,890.0 1,777.3 0.0 1,777.3 268,667.3
2015 Jul 319,080.0 3,537.5 315,542.5 1,829.9 0.0 1,829.9 317,372.4
2016 Jul 386,160.0 4,648.0 381,512.0 1,871.7 0.0 1,871.7 383,383.7
2017 Julp 430,990.0 8,086.6 422,903.4 1,925.0 0.0 1,925.0 424,828.4

2017 Augp 426,056.7 8,242.0 417,814.7 1,930.8 0.0 1,930.8 419,745.5

2017 Septp 426,651.4 8,514.4 418,137.0 1,936.6 0.0 1,936.6 420,073.6
2017 Octp 471,847.3 13,783.8 458,063.5 1,941.3 0.0 1,941.3 460,004.8
2017 Novp 453,713.8 13,145.0 440,568.8 1,945.2 0.0 1,945.2 442,514.1
2017 Decp 454,100.0 11,513.4 442,586.7 1,949.0 0.0 1,949.0 444,535.6
2018 Janp 453,900.0 10,807.3 443,092.7 1,952.3 0.0 1,952.3 445,044.9
2018 Febp 458,347.7 7,526.6 450,821.0 1,956.1 0.0 1,956.1 452,777.2
2018 Marp 473,370.0 10,314.5 463,055.5 1,960.8 0.0 1,960.8 465,016.3
2018 Aprp 474,940.7 10,271.7 464,669.1 1,966.3 0.0 1,966.3 466,635.3
2018 Mayp 476,841.8 9,975.9 466,865.9 1,971.0 0.0 1,971.0 468,836.9
2018 JunP 469,740.2 8,878.7 460,861.6 1,975.3 0.0 1,975.3 462,836.8
2018 Julp 494,370.0 8,155.9 486,214.1 1,978.7 0.0 1,978.7 488,192.8

2018 Augp 478,826.8 7,527.6 471,299.2 1,983.3 0.0 1,983.3 473,282.4

2018 Septp 466,110.6 6,956.7 459,153.9 1,987.8 0.0 1,987.8 461,141.7
2018 Octp 532,337.5 5,361.2 526,976.3 1,993.0 0.0 1,993.0 528,969.3

* Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N since July 2006.

4. Monetary Authority's Account
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Foreign Assets Claims on Government Claims
Enterprises on Non-
IMF Reser- Claims Govt. Claims on Claims on Total Assets
Total ve Tranche Foreign on Gover- Non- Financial Commercial Private Other (1+6+7+10+
(2+3+4+5) Gold SDRs Position Exchange nment* Total Financial financial Institutions Banks Sector Assets 11+12+13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1960 Jul 137.9 14.0 0.0 0.0 123.9 63.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 26.4 227.6
1961 Jul 185.4 14.0 0.0 0.0 171.4 63.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 29.6 279.4
1962 Jul 215.3 14.0 0.0 0.0 201.3 77.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 39.0 331.8
1963 Jul 240.2 23.2 0.0 0.0 217.0 79.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 32.3 355.2
1964 Jul 363.8 23.2 0.0 2.0 338.6 64.5 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 27.9 459.5
1965 Jul 431.3 23.2 0.0 2.0 406.1 69.9 14.3 1.4 12.9 0.0 3.0 3.6 30.9 553.0
1966 Jul 363.2 25.0 0.0 6.8 331.4 82.2 24.7 3.1 21.6 0.0 29.4 6.2 118.2 623.9
1967 Jul 382.1 25.0 0.0 6.8 350.3 85.4 24.2 3.1 21.1 0.0 3.2 3.3 129.3 627.5
1968 Jul 624.6 93.8 0.0 9.0 521.8 67.9 27.3 6.2 21.1 0.0 10.0 3.6 74.0 807.4
1969 Jul 805.3 82.6 0.0 24.6 698.1 67.6 32.9 11.8 21.1 0.0 1.7 5.6 76.5 989.6
1970 Jul 924.4 82.4 0.0 24.7 817.3 111.6 11.8 11.8 0.0 0.0 21.0 7.2 54.7 1,130.7
1971 Jul 1,037.9 49.6 10.8 27.2 950.3 158.5 18.9 18.9 0.0 0.0 10.8 5.3 62.2 1,293.6
1972 Jul 1,119.9 52.1 24.3 31.7 1,011.8 183.5 34.4 34.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 8.5 57.0 1,404.6
1973 Jul 1,288.7 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,172.4 217.9 53.8 53.8 0.0 0.0 7.3 9.4 84.7 1,661.8
1974 Jul 1,368.1 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,251.8 317.6 43.7 43.7 0.0 0.0 151.0 19.7 100.6 2,000.7
1975 Jul 1,173.2 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,056.9 431.9 136.2 134.7 1.5 0.0 368.9 21.6 124.2 2,256.0
1976 Jul 1,498.2 68.4 31.5 0.0 1,398.3 533.5 116.1 113.1 3.0 0.0 24.1 22.6 158.1 2,352.6
1977 Jul 1,809.3 69.8 29.2 0.0 1,710.3 437.7 178.2 175.2 3.0 0.0 55.4 39.5 130.8 2,650.9
1978 Jul 1,673.0 73.4 19.9 0.0 1,579.7 792.7 259.4 254.4 5.0 0.0 174.1 33.5 191.7 3,124.4
1979 Jul 2,139.1 74.7 29.3 38.3 1,996.8 941.3 354.1 349.1 5.0 0.0 168.9 31.7 187.1 3,822.2
1980 Jul 2,223.3 76.0 43.5 46.7 2,057.1 1,050.1 372.1 367.1 5.0 0.0 264.4 48.9 193.3 4,152.1
1981 Jul 2,335.9 76.0 10.5 81.8 2,167.6 1,009.5 398.7 393.7 5.0 0.0 468.1 58.8 336.4 4,607.4
1982 Jul 3,050.9 83.7 7.0 84.9 2,875.3 1,419.7 449.8 444.8 5.0 0.0 137.8 61.9 306.2 5,426.3
1983 Jul 2,349.7 92.0 10.3 88.1 2,159.3 2,928.6 489.1 484.1 5.0 0.0 74.0 64.3 312.6 6,218.3
1984 Jul 2,006.2 104.1 2.1 93.9 1,806.1 3,545.8 576.4 571.4 5.0 0.0 152.1 94.8 558.3 6,933.6
1985 Jul 1,346.4 112.4 0.9 103.5 1,129.6 4,473.8 708.0 703.0 5.0 0.0 388.0 159.3 1,724.8 8,800.3
1986 Jul 2,128.6 134.8 2.0 143.2 1,848.6 5,677.0 794.3 789.3 5.0 0.0 533.9 123.0 2,122.0 11,378.8
1987 Jul 2,795.8 139.2 2.6 159.2 2,494.8 6,385.5 845.4 840.4 5.0 0.0 520.3 161.8 2,145.6 12,854.4
1988 Jul 5,594.1 150.7 4.2 175.7 5,263.5 6,303.7 879.1 871.6 7.5 0.0 357.4 367.5 2,422.9 15,924.7
1989 Jul 6,837.1 176.7 3.3 200.2 6,456.9 8,573.7 809.5 802.0 7.5 0.0 160.1 277.2 2,711.4 19,369.0
1990 Jul 8,979.4 187.7 11.5 225.4 8,554.8 10,357.8 778.9 771.4 7.5 0.0 50.5 160.4 3,006.7 23,333.7
1991 Jul 15,390.0 275.5 16.4 321.5 14,776.6 9,579.5 730.6 723.1 7.5 0.0 37.2 555.6 3,539.5 29,832.4
1992 Jul 20,182.2 274.8 3.6 352.5 19,551.3 9,803.0 747.8 740.3 7.5 0.0 34.0 510.9 4,289.3 35,567.2
1993 Jul 28,647.9 316.1 10.0 388.5 27,933.3 13,448.2 559.9 552.4 7.5 0.0 47.8 514.2 4,384.0 47,602.0
1994 Jul 35,261.3 316.8 1.5 414.3 34,528.7 14,587.9 495.3 487.8 7.5 0.0 29.2 539.3 3,894.0 54,807.0
1995 Jul 35,423.0 324.4 3.7 450.1 34,644.8 16,993.4 731.7 724.2 7.5 0.0 15.4 633.9 5,023.3 58,820.7
1996 Jul 34,231.2 362.9 9.6 459.6 33,399.1 19,983.3 1,149.3 1,141.8 7.5 0.0 364.6 939.9 5,657.3 62,325.6
1997 Jul 36,909.8 366.1 7.6 451.4 36,084.7 21,483.3 1,495.5 1,488.0 7.5 0.0 6.5 1,489.0 6,753.5 68,137.6
1998 Jul 48,393.1 436.1 5.7 514.5 47,436.8 21,472.4 1,621.8 1,614.3 7.5 0.0 5.5 1,186.2 7,210.9 79,889.9
1999 Jul 54,138.5 439.7 3.6 517.0 53,178.2 22,259.1 1,650.9 1,643.4 7.5 0.0 5.5 1,367.4 8,349.1 87,770.5
2000 Jul 66,647.9 454.2 11.1 532.4 65,650.2 20,065.9 1,626.6 1,619.1 7.5 0.0 45.1 2,104.5 8,606.5 99,096.5
2001 Jul 76,143.6 481.6 3.1 533.5 75,125.4 23,798.1 1,681.0 1,673.5 7.5 0.0 5.5 3,340.5 8,845.6 113,814.3
2002 Jul 81,794.6 503.2 0.8 591.1 80,699.5 30,432.7 1,670.6 1,663.1 7.5 0.0 1,043.7 3,226.9 8,623.8 126,792.3
2003 Jul 88,043.0 482.2 2.0 592.7 86,966.1 23,817.4 1,557.5 1,550.0 7.5 0.0 947.4 2,883.7 9,059.4 126,308.4
2004 Jul 109,072.9 478.3 55.0 627.6 107,912.0 19,270.4 1,568.1 1,560.6 7.5 0.0 477.9 3,824.7 10,438.7 144,652.7
2005 Jul 105,444.2 383.4 637.1 0.0 104,423.7 20,260.9 1,335.2 1,326.7 8.5 0.0 1,724.0 3,746.9 10,313.4 142,824.6
2006 Jul 133,036.3 405.0 663.7 0.0 131,967.6 17,059.2 1,047.0 1,038.5 8.5 0.0 329.2 3,208.5 13,294.2 167,974.4
2006 Jul** 133,036.3 405.0 663.7 0.0 131,967.6 17,059.2 987.7 979.2 8.5 59.3 329.2 3,208.5 13,294.2 167,974.4
2007 Jul 130,213.8 0.0 587.5 0.0 129,626.3 20,283.2 666.4 657.9 8.5 39.0 1,870.8 8,116.8 11,618.4 172,808.4
2008 Jul 170,314.2 0.0 630.6 0.0 169,683.6 23,920.9 443.1 432.1 11.0 32.0 660.7 3,053.2 14,025.6 212,449.7
2009 Jul 227,849.7 3,104.1 555.3 0.0 224,190.3 37,913.8 209.9 198.4 11.4 32.0 0.0 3,441.7 12,881.4 282,328.4
2010 Jul 215,006.1 3,319.5 6,315.3 0.0 205,371.3 53,817.0 715.4 703.9 11.4 16.0 4,783.3 3,510.7 18,777.0 296,625.6
2011 Jul 225,052.1 5,226.4 6,730.6 0.0 213,095.1 52,436.4 142.8 114.0 28.9 88.1 8,327.7 4,422.3 29,223.0 319,692.5
2012 Jul 392,044.7 9,152.0 7,368.2 0.0 375,524.5 28,223.2 142.8 114.0 28.9 16.0 473.3 4,518.3 30,408.2 455,826.5
2013 Jul 473,791.1 14,201.7 6,594.9 0.0 452,994.5 15,716.8 264.9 233.9 31.0 16.0 2,757.6 4,587.0 37,764.5 534,897.9
2014 Jul 593,752.9 15,882.8 5,469.3 0.0 572,400.9 23,332.6 522.0 491.0 31.0 16.0 1,933.0 4,125.4 31,598.6 655,280.6
2015 Jul 726,683.9 19,527.1 4,095.9 0.0 703,060.9 18,526.6 2,438.8 2,407.8 31.0 16.0 3,261.5 4,695.8 31,359.3 786,981.9
2016 Jul 920,015.0 28,206.2 29.8 2,384.1 889,394.9 16,408.7 2,438.8 2,407.8 31.0 16.0 6,710.2 4,449.8 31,491.3 981,529.7
2017 Julp 957,949.0 25,929.4 170.6 2,291.3 929,557.7 41,866.5 3,463.6 3,432.6 31.0 16.0 6,937.3 4,137.1 34,309.9 1,048,679.4
2017 Augp 950,971.6 27,149.5 171.5 2,303.0 921,347.6 41,866.9 3,463.6 3,432.6 31.0 16.0 8,306.0 4,123.1 29,066.8 1,037,814.0
2017 Septp 956,893.0 28,084.8 163.6 2,334.2 926,310.5 36,375.0 3,563.6 3,532.6 31.0 16.0 8,070.7 4,060.0 29,612.5 1,038,590.7
2017 Octp 979,737.0 27,762.3 163.7 2,335.1 949,476.0 35,876.6 3,563.6 3,532.6 31.0 16.0 9,259.2 4,043.7 30,094.7 1,062,590.8
2017 Novp 980,469.8 27,426.4 164.7 2,349.7 950,528.9 37,239.5 3,563.6 3,532.6 31.0 16.0 13,344.2 4,080.8 31,349.0 1,070,063.0
2017 Decp 970,115.3 26,381.2 1,014.7 2,326.3 940,393.1 40,795.0 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 32,401.3 4,042.4 31,802.2 1,081,982.9
2018 Janp 966,864.3 27,777.3 601.4 2,332.4 936,153.2 93,444.5 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 13,211.2 4,004.1 34,478.5 1,114,829.3
2018 Febp 969,504.1 27,923.1 613.9 2,381.1 938,586.1 103,134.1 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 13,444.7 3,944.5 35,484.4 1,128,338.5
2018 Marp 967,175.1 28,245.4 607.2 2,413.5 935,909.0 99,663.3 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 19,039.6 3,920.3 37,716.6 1,130,341.5
2018 Aprp 987,809.4 29,085.1 610.5 2,426.9 955,686.9 86,549.8 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 16,308.9 3,813.8 37,490.7 1,134,799.3
2018 Mayp 1,001,886.0 29,423.8 620.2 2,465.4 969,376.7 95,080.9 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 16,472.6 3,792.1 37,749.1 1,157,807.5
2018 JunP 1,012,698.6 28,989.2 603.7 2,460.9 980,644.7 86,120.4 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 17,924.4 3,752.6 34,201.9 1,157,524.6
2018 Julp 1,022,572.7 28,078.5 165.1 2,466.3 991,862.7 74,587.5 2,810.7 2,779.7 31.0 16.0 12,230.3 4,796.1 36,344.1 1,153,357.4

2018 Augp 998,036.8 27,612.3 165.9 2,477.0 967,781.6 69,845.9 3,010.7 2,979.7 31.0 16.0 14,798.7 4,985.7 35,349.4 1,126,043.2
2018 Septp 1,001,950.9 28,688.2 152.3 2,589.0 970,521.4 70,022.9 1,900.0 1,869.0 31.0 0.0 15,831.4 5,087.9 36,532.2 1,131,325.3
2018 Octp 1,024,645.8 29,616.4 154.1 2,619.9 992,255.4 72,082.9 1,900.0 1,869.0 31.0 0.0 18,722.4 5,119.7 31,097.2 1,153,568.0
* IMF promissory note included in other assets since December 2005
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N
4. Monetary Authority's Account
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Reserve Money
Currency Held by Deposits of Government
Mid-Month Total Private Private Currency Foreign Capital and Other Total Liabilities
(2 through 5) Sector ODCs* Sector ODCs* Holdings Deposits Liabilities Reserves Liabilities (1+6 through 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1960 Jul 144.6 109.5 5.2 19.0 10.9 5.6 61.5 0.0 11.3 4.6 227.6
1961 Jul 181.5 142.0 5.8 18.4 15.3 4.4 70.6 0.0 13.5 9.4 279.4
1962 Jul 210.9 156.2 5.6 44.3 4.8 3.3 86.5 0.0 15.8 15.3 331.8
1963 Jul 223.6 161.7 9.4 41.7 10.8 7.2 95.2 0.0 18.5 10.7 355.2
1964 Jul 317.8 235.3 12.9 57.5 12.1 10.0 98.6 0.0 20.0 13.1 459.5
1965 Jul 382.6 296.2 12.1 63.6 10.7 7.3 117.7 0.0 29.0 16.4 553.0
1966 Jul 462.5 345.7 11.5 100.0 5.3 9.9 99.8 0.0 37.5 14.2 623.9
1967 Jul 487.6 368.6 13.8 91.1 14.1 8.6 74.3 0.0 46.0 11.0 627.5
1968 Jul 552.5 419.1 15.9 85.6 31.9 14.3 146.8 0.0 53.0 40.8 807.4
1969 Jul 638.3 470.1 20.5 103.3 44.4 18.7 239.1 0.0 63.7 29.8 989.6
1970 Jul 707.2 531.4 20.7 89.5 65.6 16.6 277.6 0.0 82.0 47.3 1,130.7
1971 Jul 700.3 576.1 26.9 50.7 46.6 9.1 297.7 52.9 106.6 127.0 1,293.6
1972 Jul 740.4 601.2 30.1 67.4 41.7 11.3 313.6 37.6 189.7 112.0 1,404.6
1973 Jul 885.6 694.7 32.5 88.1 70.3 13.2 263.4 54.9 306.5 138.2 1,661.8
1974 Jul 1,117.2 878.6 38.0 112.2 88.4 10.5 265.5 102.9 271.0 233.6 2,000.7
1975 Jul 1,178.9 916.5 47.9 80.8 133.7 6.7 240.0 275.3 289.8 265.3 2,256.0
1976 Jul 1,278.5 963.6 52.0 101.4 161.5 8.6 164.7 152.6 409.8 338.4 2,352.6
1977 Jul 1,594.8 1,193.2 58.8 139.9 202.9 4.4 163.4 111.0 459.2 318.1 2,650.9
1978 Jul 1,849.7 1,351.9 74.9 131.5 291.4 0.0 178.7 107.9 526.0 462.1 3,124.4
1979 Jul 2,117.3 1,615.2 97.0 164.0 241.1 0.0 183.8 345.3 690.0 485.8 3,822.2
1980 Jul 2,468.6 1,799.3 109.4 253.3 306.6 0.0 163.0 476.6 789.6 254.3 4,152.1
1981 Jul 2,706.2 2,065.7 148.2 210.8 281.5 0.0 71.6 599.8 694.8 535.0 4,607.4
1982 Jul 3,375.6 2,436.7 180.8 225.0 533.1 0.0 0.0 660.0 893.4 497.3 5,426.3
1983 Jul 4,012.6 2,752.0 211.2 343.8 705.6 0.0 0.0 448.3 1,149.6 607.8 6,218.3
1984 Jul 4,624.1 3,273.4 280.9 325.1 744.7 0.0 0.0 463.5 1,266.4 579.6 6,933.6
1985 Jul 5,177.3 3,737.3 298.3 308.0 833.7 0.0 0.0 320.1 2,431.9 871.0 8,800.3
1986 Jul 6,587.3 4,842.9 391.6 394.7 958.1 0.0 0.0 643.5 2,846.9 1,301.1 11,378.8
1987 Jul 7,600.0 5,746.1 437.7 366.8 1,049.4 0.0 0.0 892.2 3,059.9 1,302.3 12,854.4
1988 Jul 8,995.9 6,374.6 587.5 669.5 1,364.3 0.0 266.9 1,199.7 3,509.0 1,953.2 15,924.7
1989 Jul 11,336.8 7,946.6 761.3 596.0 2,032.9 0.0 0.0 1,556.6 4,305.8 2,169.8 19,369.0
1990 Jul 13,924.8 9,718.2 808.2 876.4 2,522.0 0.0 0.0 1,747.8 5,037.3 2,623.8 23,333.7
1991 Jul 16,786.0 11,654.5 953.9 648.9 3,528.7 0.0 101.2 1,828.5 7,998.6 3,118.1 29,832.4
1992 Jul 18,863.1 13,639.7 1,147.0 937.1 3,139.3 0.0 0.0 1,844.7 9,822.5 5,036.9 35,567.2
1993 Jul 24,443.8 16,313.0 1,360.1 1,301.6 5,469.1 0.0 0.0 2,264.2 10,837.0 10,057.0 47,602.0
1994 Jul 28,405.7 19,659.7 1,859.4 1,321.2 5,565.4 0.0 0.0 3,157.4 12,342.8 10,901.1 54,807.0
1995 Jul 32,686.3 22,493.9 2,037.6 1,138.3 7,016.5 0.0 0.0 3,084.6 14,214.8 8,835.0 58,820.7
1996 Jul 35,390.0 25,046.4 2,446.4 1,198.4 6,698.8 0.0 0.0 2,766.6 16,581.2 7,587.8 62,325.6
1997 Jul 41,027.3 27,333.7 2,837.3 1,583.7 9,272.6 0.0 0.0 2,436.2 16,310.0 8,364.1 68,137.6
1998 Jul 45,995.5 30,893.2 2,889.7 1,669.5 10,543.1 0.0 0.0 2,039.6 20,858.4 10,996.4 79,889.9
1999 Jul 52,225.3 34,984.3 3,310.4 2,072.9 11,857.7 0.0 0.0 1,531.0 22,419.5 11,594.7 87,770.5
2000 Jul 61,003.7 42,143.0 3,507.0 2,472.8 12,880.9 0.0 0.0 1,363.1 24,370.9 12,358.8 99,096.5
2001 Jul 70,566.6 48,295.1 4,116.9 2,169.9 15,984.7 0.0 0.0 1,178.3 27,516.9 14,552.5 113,814.3
2002 Jul 78,969.7 55,658.3 4,908.9 2,250.4 16,152.1 0.0 0.0 700.2 31,932.5 15,189.9 126,792.3
2003 Jul 80,979.5 56,885.2 4,723.3 3,680.7 15,690.3 0.0 461.7 376.7 30,704.6 13,785.9 126,308.4
2004 Jul 94,415.2 63,218.9 4,283.8 2,685.5 24,227.0 0.0 753.0 865.3 32,191.1 16,427.9 144,652.5
2005 Jul 96,539.2 68,784.1 4,773.0 2,748.1 20,234.0 0.0 0.0 1,590.0 28,004.1 16,691.2 142,824.5
2006 Jul 110,898.1 77,926.3 5,908.6 4,155.9 22,907.3 0.0 0.0 1,566.6 36,261.4 19,248.3 167,974.4
2006 Jul** 110,898.0 77,780.4 6,054.4 4,155.9 22,907.3 0.0 0.0 1,566.6 36,261.4 19,248.3 167,974.3
2007 Jul 119,269.3 83,553.3 7,359.8 5,758.5 22,597.7 0.0 3,122.5 3,928.3 25,234.3 21,253.7 172,808.1
2008 Jul 144,591.7 100,175.2 12,651.9 7,907.3 23,857.3 0.0 3,929.2 5,657.6 35,730.6 22,540.8 212,449.9
2009 Jul 195,574.8 125,758.5 15,016.1 8,951.6 45,848.7 0.0 0.0 5,991.8 46,708.2 34,053.6 282,328.4
2010 Jul 218,547.1 142,114.5 16,863.7 8,455.2 51,113.7 0.0 0.0 8,673.7 45,061.6 24,343.1 296,625.6
2011 Jul 234,188.8 141,931.5 23,431.6 8,490.5 60,335.2 0.0 0.0 8,280.3 50,427.3 26,796.1 319,692.6
2012 Jul 319,323.2 170,491.7 30,354.0 8,453.3 110,024.3 0.0 2,372.8 9,231.2 85,303.7 39,595.7 455,826.5
2013 Jul 354,220.2 195,874.2 34,872.1 5,744.1 117,729.8 0.0 184.5 8,569.0 105,822.6 66,101.6 534,897.9
2014 Jul 436,594.2 227,537.4 41,129.9 11,713.0 156,214.0 0.0 23,500.8 7,482.5 110,775.1 76,927.9 655,280.6
2015 Jul 522,898.4 270,080.4 47,292.0 13,286.9 192,239.2 0.0 33,813.1 5,996.0 118,248.2 106,026.1 786,981.9
2016 Jul 547,053.0 327,482.7 55,901.1 9,663.1 154,006.1 0.0 115,018.5 4,425.2 139,195.6 175,837.4 981,529.7
2017 Julp 656,909.5 361,745.9 63,082.5 20,488.0 211,593.1 0.0 106,272.1 2,849.0 128,664.1 153,984.6 1,048,679.4

2017 Augp 586,386.6 364,748.3 54,997.2 17,518.7 149,122.4 0.0 228,942.2 2,854.0 122,948.1 96,683.2 1,037,814.0
2017 Septp 569,336.6 366,829.4 53,244.2 14,184.0 135,079.0 0.0 258,381.1 2,843.0 126,643.8 81,386.2 1,038,590.7
2017 Octp 617,310.7 400,872.3 59,132.5 13,395.7 143,910.2 0.0 246,040.8 2,844.1 131,281.7 65,113.4 1,062,590.8
2017 Novp 562,840.3 384,311.7 58,202.4 13,515.1 106,811.2 0.0 308,740.2 2,820.7 133,712.2 61,949.4 1,070,063.0
2017 Decp 550,871.8 388,393.1 56,142.6 11,852.2 94,483.9 0.0 348,993.8 2,588.1 125,443.7 54,085.5 1,081,982.9
2018 Janp 598,059.7 386,588.9 58,456.1 11,327.0 141,687.8 0.0 303,173.9 2,172.0 121,417.6 90,006.1 1,114,829.3
2018 Febp 622,948.2 397,305.3 55,471.9 10,656.5 159,514.6 0.0 301,639.6 2,170.5 142,941.9 58,638.3 1,128,338.5
2018 Marp 653,324.7 403,873.0 61,143.3 11,268.7 177,039.7 0.0 274,025.3 2,179.6 147,721.8 53,090.2 1,130,341.5
2018 Aprp 622,412.5 409,164.6 57,470.7 9,793.3 145,983.9 0.0 288,638.2 2,209.8 152,446.6 69,092.2 1,134,799.3
2018 Mayp 643,917.4 406,967.7 61,869.3 10,119.0 164,961.4 0.0 269,507.6 2,317.0 169,245.5 72,820.0 1,157,807.5
2018 JunP 658,804.0 404,471.4 58,365.5 9,944.5 186,022.7 0.0 248,484.6 2,261.3 170,860.6 77,114.1 1,157,524.6
2018 Julp 709,884.5 415,985.4 72,207.4 13,556.6 208,135.1 0.0 89,497.8 1,825.2 173,512.2 178,637.7 1,153,357.4

2018 Augp 594,565.7 411,882.0 61,400.4 7,617.4 113,665.9 0.0 141,467.0 1,825.0 184,229.8 203,955.7 1,126,043.2
2018 Septp 638,167.8 400,814.2 60,327.5 7,660.3 169,365.8 0.0 164,799.0 1,962.4 203,054.3 123,341.9 1,131,325.3
2018 Octp 634,860.4 462,253.1 66,716.2 7,360.5 98,530.6 0.0 145,228.6 1,984.6 219,087.8 152,406.7 1,153,568.0

* ODCs (Other Depository Corporatios) include only commercial banks till July 2010. From July 2011 onwards, all commercial banks, development banks and finance companies are included.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N since July 2006.
5. Assets and Liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Foreign Assets Claims on Government

Gold and Foreign Balances Other Develop-

Total Gold Currency Held Foreign Foreign Foreign Total Treasury ment Special Loans and Treasury
(2 to 8) Coins SDRs in Hand Abroad Securities Bills Assets (10 to 14) Bills Bonds Bonds Advances Coins
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1960 Jul 137.9 14.0 0.0 13.1 9.9 71.2 29.7 0.0 63.2 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.4
1961 Jul 185.4 14.0 0.0 18.2 10.8 135.0 7.4 0.0 63.9 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1
1962 Jul 215.3 14.0 0.0 22.0 17.7 160.1 1.5 0.0 77.3 13.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.5
1963 Jul 240.2 23.2 0.0 16.7 17.7 182.2 0.4 0.0 79.8 15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.3
1964 Jul 361.8 23.2 0.0 19.3 25.5 293.1 0.7 0.0 66.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.5
1965 Jul 429.3 23.2 0.0 19.9 37.3 342.1 6.8 0.0 71.9 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 68.9
1966 Jul 356.4 25.0 0.0 23.6 19.4 281.1 7.3 0.0 89.1 0.0 3.7 14.4 0.0 71.0
1967 Jul 375.3 25.0 0.0 22.7 12.6 305.4 9.6 0.0 92.3 0.0 1.0 18.5 0.0 72.8
1968 Jul 615.6 93.8 0.0 30.7 37.0 442.8 11.3 0.0 76.9 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 73.9
1969 Jul 780.7 82.6 0.0 38.0 50.0 600.7 9.4 0.0 92.2 0.0 0.2 16.6 0.0 75.4
1970 Jul 899.7 82.4 0.0 39.3 68.9 694.3 14.8 0.0 136.3 0.0 0.1 59.8 0.0 76.4
1971 Jul 1010.7 49.6 10.8 64.3 159.6 703.0 23.4 0.0 185.7 0.0 13.6 94.3 0.0 77.8
1972 Jul 1088.2 52.1 24.3 71.7 223.5 697.5 19.1 0.0 215.2 0.0 8.5 127.3 0.0 79.4
1973 Jul 1254.4 57.7 24.3 86.9 367.7 702.1 15.7 0.0 252.2 0.0 6.1 164.4 0.0 81.7
1974 Jul 1333.8 57.7 24.3 83.4 317.0 817.9 33.5 0.0 351.9 0.0 73.4 193.4 0.0 85.1
1975 Jul 1138.9 57.7 24.3 75.8 294.4 648.3 38.4 0.0 466.2 50.0 106.3 221.7 0.0 88.2
1976 Jul 1466.7 68.4 0.0 91.2 390.7 860.2 37.7 18.5 578.2 150.0 119.4 217.1 0.0 91.7
1977 Jul 1780.1 69.8 0.0 78.5 341.2 1189.6 89.0 12.0 482.9 139.0 37.8 208.3 0.0 97.8
1978 Jul 1673.0 73.4 19.9 127.5 224.7 1167.2 32.9 27.4 844.4 489.7 29.7 199.1 0.0 125.9
1979 Jul 2100.8 74.7 29.3 213.0 541.3 1121.6 78.0 42.9 994.9 564.8 87.2 199.6 0.0 143.3
1980 Jul 2176.6 76.0 43.5 147.1 509.4 1255.0 66.9 78.7 1104.6 646.5 117.0 177.5 0.0 163.6
1981 Jul 2254.1 76.0 10.5 304.6 265.9 1471.5 62.7 62.9 1091.3 413.0 327.7 168.3 0.0 182.3
1982 Jul 2966.0 83.7 7.0 285.8 277.6 2243.6 33.8 34.5 1504.6 404.6 443.9 174.5 295.7 185.9
1983 Jul 2261.6 92.0 10.3 346.4 143.1 1602.3 45.0 22.5 3016.7 839.1 413.0 202.7 1370.0 191.9
1984 jul 1912.3 104.1 2.1 263.0 9.2 1510.5 8.4 15.0 3639.7 1912.4 154.0 197.2 1181.3 194.8
1985 Jul 1242.9 112.4 0.9 175.2 66.1 858.0 30.3 0.0 4577.3 2941.2 0.1 191.7 1249.5 194.8
1986 Jul 1985.4 134.8 2.0 287.8 45.0 1449.0 66.8 0.0 5820.2 3514.3 326.2 320.2 1464.7 194.8
1987 Jul 2636.7 139.3 2.6 271.4 549.7 1643.5 24.4 5.8 6544.6 3597.5 615.5 627.4 1509.4 194.8
1988 Jul 5418.4 150.7 4.2 389.7 2119.6 2686.1 46.5 21.6 6479.4 4073.3 1513.5 697.8 0.0 194.8
1989 Jul 6637.0 176.8 3.3 231.9 3980.9 2172.5 49.0 22.6 8773.9 3980.9 2001.9 762.8 1833.5 194.8
1990 Jul 8753.9 187.7 11.5 634.5 5850.5 2039.0 12.5 18.2 10583.2 1445.2 2001.9 4762.0 2179.3 194.8
1991 Jul 15068.5 275.5 16.4 868.5 9094.1 4805.4 8.6 0.0 9901.0 1238.1 2001.9 6466.2 0.0 194.8
1992 Jul 19829.8 274.8 3.6 417.5 16015.1 3115.4 3.4 0.0 10155.5 523.1 1801.9 7114.5 521.2 194.8
1993 Jul 28259.3 316.1 10.0 1212.8 16840.1 9869.6 10.7 0.0 13836.7 235.4 1808.8 8323.4 3274.3 194.8
1994 Jul 34847.0 316.8 1.5 2561.3 22070.3 9888.3 8.8 0.0 15002.2 260.0 1658.7 12147.1 741.6 194.8
1995 Jul 34972.9 324.4 3.7 6548.1 18973.3 9115.6 7.8 0.0 17443.5 1410.0 1518.6 12933.7 1386.4 194.8
1996 Jul 33771.6 362.9 9.6 6795.9 21026.3 5557.5 19.4 0.0 20442.9 1261.9 1518.6 14457.9 3009.7 194.8
1997 Jul 36458.4 366.1 7.6 5693.0 23322.7 7050.9 18.1 0.0 21934.7 1641.3 1518.6 14599.6 3980.4 194.8
1998 Jul 47878.6 436.1 5.7 5312.9 32571.5 9532.4 20.0 0.0 21986.9 0.0 1518.6 14069.1 6204.4 194.8
1999 Jul 53621.5 439.7 3.6 2323.9 29913.2 20908.0 33.1 0.0 22776.1 4696.7 1518.6 15523.7 842.3 194.8
2000 Jul 66115.5 454.2 11.1 5566.1 32169.5 27897.5 17.1 0.0 20598.3 2794.9 1525.0 15560.9 522.7 194.8
2001 Jul 75610.1 481.6 3.1 7354.0 42598.4 25148.5 24.5 0.0 23798.1 3050.5 2396.0 11610.1 6546.7 194.8
2002 Jul 81203.5 503.2 0.8 5410.6 46541.4 28735.1 12.4 0.0 30432.7 15475.9 2389.9 6473.8 5898.3 194.8
2003 Jul 87450.3 482.2 2.0 4077.6 34424.6 48454.3 9.6 0.0 23817.4 15816.9 1796.0 6009.7 0.0 194.8
2004 Jul 108445.3 478.3 55.0 3816.4 77747.3 26340.4 7.9 0.0 19270.4 9804.4 3298.3 5972.9 0.0 194.8
2005 Jul 105444.2 383.4 637.1 2106.6 64883.5 37429.3 4.3 0.0 20260.9 10921.2 1518.7 5003.2 2623.0 194.8
2006 Jul 133036.3 405.0 663.7 3661.2 95940.7 32363.8 1.9 0.0 17059.2 9209.3 1518.6 5065.5 1071.0 194.8
2006 Jul* 133036.3 405.0 663.7 3661.2 95940.7 32363.8 1.9 0.0 17059.2 9209.3 1518.6 5065.5 1071.0 194.8
2007 Jul 130213.8 0.0 587.5 2820.0 71272.4 55527.9 6.0 0.0 20283.2 13755.6 1518.6 4814.2 0.0 194.8
2008 Jul 170314.2 0.0 630.6 3833.2 120133.2 44331.9 14.0 1371.3 23920.9 17555.9 6.9 6163.3 0.0 194.8
2009 Jul 227849.7 3104.1 555.3 3683.5 172915.3 46808.5 4.2 778.9 37913.8 22173.5 0.0 6709.6 8835.8 194.8
2010 Jul 215006.1 3319.5 6315.3 2208.3 172651.6 29766.9 1.1 743.5 53817.0 30477.4 0.0 8144.8 15000.0 194.8
2011 Jul 225052.1 5226.4 6730.6 1965.2 178052.4 32366.3 2.6 708.6 52436.4 28178.9 348.2 3144.3 20765.0 194.8
2012 Jul 392044.7 9152.0 7368.2 2056.8 283802.0 88776.3 3.5 885.9 28223.2 25072.9 382.0 2768.3 0.0 194.8
2013 Jul 473791.1 14201.7 6594.9 6645.7 332521.3 104486.0 1.7 9339.7 15716.8 12968.9 319.2 2428.6 0.0 194.8
2014 Jul 593752.9 15882.8 5469.3 12048.1 392648.1 158054.5 0.2 9650.1 23332.6 22048.6 0.0 1284.1 0.0 194.8
2015 Jul 726683.9 19527.1 4095.9 14303.2 398017.4 175599.8 0.0 115140.5 18526.6 17968.9 28.7 529.0 0.0 194.8
2016 Jul 917630.9 28206.2 29.8 16919.4 511990.8 210908.5 0.0 149576.3 16408.7 16099.9 0.0 308.9 0.0 194.8
2017 Julp 955657.7 25929.4 170.6 17603.7 512247.9 260621.5 0.0 139084.6 41866.5 30457.4 8942.0 2467.1 0.0 194.8
2017 Augp 948668.6 27149.5 171.5 17973.1 509463.7 253615.9 0.0 140294.9 41866.9 30457.4 8942.0 2467.5 0.0 194.8
2017 Septp 954558.8 28084.8 163.6 17552.4 509414.4 258308.7 0.3 141034.6 36375.0 24932.4 8942.0 2500.6 0.0 194.8
2017 Octp 977401.9 27762.3 163.7 19302.6 533248.4 255897.4 0.8 141026.7 35,876.6 24432.4 8942.0 2502.2 0.0 194.8
2017 Novp 978120.1 27426.4 164.7 21201.2 518888.5 269534.5 0.1 140904.7 37239.5 25482.4 8942.0 2815.1 0.0 194.8
2017 Decp 967789.0 26381.2 1014.7 21224.8 516579.5 261795.6 0.1 140793.1 40795.0 29343.6 8942.0 2509.4 0.0 194.8
2018 Janp 964531.9 27777.3 601.4 22187.8 502621.6 270354.5 0.1 140989.3 93,444.5 56700.6 34219.2 2524.7 0.0 194.8
2018 Febp 967123.1 27923.1 613.9 24328.0 508765.0 261114.1 0.1 144379.0 103134.1 55280.6 45287.0 2566.5 0.0 194.8
2018 Marp 964761.6 28245.4 607.2 28803.5 510416.5 251288.3 0.1 145400.6 99663.3 51657.4 45287.0 2718.9 0.0 194.8
2018 Aprp 985382.5 29085.1 610.5 32847.4 519879.1 255892.1 0.1 147068.3 86,549.8 38289.9 45287.0 2972.9 0.0 194.8
2018 Mayp 999420.7 29423.8 620.2 33632.0 522703.7 262019.2 0.1 151021.7 95080.9 46769.9 45287.0 3024.0 0.0 194.8
2018 JunP 1010237.6 28989.2 603.7 30800.2 539485.9 261248.4 0.1 149110.2 86120.4 37709.9 45287.0 3123.5 0.0 194.8
2018 Julp 1020106.3 28078.5 165.1 32276.4 554887.9 269099.7 0.1 135598.7 74587.5 26119.9 45287.0 3180.6 0.0 194.8

2018 Augp 995559.8 27612.3 165.9 26981.3 535911.0 266726.5 0.1 138162.6 69845.9 21349.9 45287.0 3209.0 0.0 194.8
2018 Septp 999361.9 28688.2 152.3 25476.4 533525.8 268531.1 0.9 142987.3 70022.9 21514.9 45287.0 3221.0 0.0 194.8
2018 Octp 1022025.9 29616.4 154.1 26449.7 564741.7 255367.7 3.3 145693.0 72,082.9 23574.9 45287.0 3221.0 0.0 194.8
* Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N since July 2006.

Assets and Liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank
A. Assets (Contd. ...)

Claims on Government Enterprises Claims Claims on Commercial Banks Other Assets

on Non- Loans
Govt. Against Other Claims on Total Assets
Total Non- Financial Total Govt. Loans and Private Total (1+9+15+18+
(16+17) Financial Financial Institutions (20+21) Securities Advances Sector (24+25) Gold Others 19+22+23)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1960 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 26.4 0.0 26.4 227.6
1961 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 29.6 0.0 29.6 279.4
1962 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 39.0 0.0 39.0 331.8
1963 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 32.3 0.0 32.3 355.2
1964 Jul 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 27.9 0.0 27.9 459.5
1965 Jul 14.3 1.4 12.9 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.6 30.9 0.0 30.9 553.0
1966 Jul 24.7 3.1 21.6 0.0 29.4 0.0 29.4 6.2 118.1 0.0 118.1 623.9
1967 Jul 24.2 3.1 21.1 0.0 3.2 0.0 3.2 3.3 129.2 0.0 129.2 627.5
1968 Jul 27.3 6.2 21.1 0.0 10.0 0.5 9.5 3.6 74.0 0.0 74.0 807.4
1969 Jul 32.9 11.8 21.1 0.0 1.7 0.0 1.7 5.6 76.5 0.0 76.5 989.6
1970 Jul 11.8 11.8 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 21.0 7.2 54.7 0.0 54.7 1130.7
1971 Jul 18.9 18.9 0.0 0.0 10.8 0.0 10.8 5.3 62.2 0.0 62.2 1293.6
1972 Jul 34.4 34.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.3 8.5 57.0 0.0 57.0 1404.6
1973 Jul 53.8 53.8 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 7.3 9.4 84.7 0.0 84.7 1661.8
1974 Jul 43.7 43.7 0.0 0.0 151.0 84.4 66.6 19.7 100.6 0.0 100.6 2000.7
1975 Jul 136.2 134.7 1.5 0.0 368.9 94.7 274.2 21.6 124.2 0.0 124.2 2256.0
1976 Jul 116.1 113.1 3.0 0.0 24.1 10.0 14.1 22.6 144.9 0.0 144.9 2352.6
1977 Jul 178.2 175.2 3.0 0.0 55.4 53.8 1.6 39.5 114.8 0.0 114.8 2650.9
1978 Jul 259.4 254.4 5.0 0.0 174.1 119.0 55.1 33.5 140.0 0.0 140.0 3124.4
1979 Jul 354.1 349.1 5.0 0.0 168.9 93.9 75.0 31.7 171.8 0.0 171.8 3822.2
1980 Jul 372.1 367.1 5.0 0.0 264.4 146.2 118.2 48.9 185.5 0.0 185.5 4152.1
1981 Jul 398.7 393.7 5.0 0.0 468.1 235.7 232.4 58.8 336.4 0.0 336.4 4607.4
1982 Jul 449.8 444.8 5.0 0.0 137.8 71.3 66.5 61.9 306.2 0.0 306.2 5426.3
1983 Jul 489.1 484.1 5.0 0.0 74.0 74.0 0.0 64.3 312.6 0.0 312.6 6218.3
1984 jul 576.4 571.4 5.0 0.0 152.1 135.0 17.1 94.8 558.3 47.4 510.9 6933.6
1985 Jul 708.0 703.0 5.0 0.0 388.0 388.0 0.0 159.3 1724.8 68.1 1656.7 8800.3
1986 Jul 794.3 789.3 5.0 0.0 533.9 485.3 48.6 123.0 2122.0 155.0 1967.0 11378.8
1987 Jul 845.4 840.4 5.0 0.0 520.3 427.0 93.3 161.8 2145.6 264.4 1881.2 12854.4
1988 Jul 879.1 871.6 7.5 0.0 357.4 293.0 64.4 367.5 2422.9 396.3 2026.6 15924.7
1989 Jul 809.5 802.0 7.5 0.0 160.1 108.0 52.1 277.2 2711.3 528.4 2182.9 19369.0
1990 Jul 778.9 771.4 7.5 0.0 50.5 0.0 50.5 160.4 3006.8 709.1 2297.7 23333.7
1991 Jul 730.6 723.1 7.5 0.0 37.2 0.0 37.2 555.6 3539.5 989.0 2550.5 29832.4
1992 Jul 747.8 740.3 7.5 0.0 34.0 0.0 34.0 510.9 4289.2 1170.1 3119.1 35567.2
1993 Jul 559.9 552.4 7.5 0.0 47.8 0.0 47.8 514.2 4384.1 1180.9 3203.2 47602.0
1994 Jul 495.3 487.8 7.5 0.0 29.2 0.0 29.2 539.3 3894.0 1098.8 2795.2 54807.0
1995 Jul 731.7 724.2 7.5 0.0 15.4 0.0 15.4 633.9 5023.3 1363.0 3660.3 58820.7
1996 Jul 1149.3 1141.8 7.5 0.0 364.6 0.0 364.6 940.0 5657.2 1413.6 4243.6 62325.6
1997 Jul 1495.5 1488.0 7.5 0.0 6.5 0.0 6.5 1489.0 6753.5 1449.4 5304.1 68137.6
1998 Jul 1621.8 1614.3 7.5 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.5 1186.2 7210.9 1488.9 5722.0 79889.9
1999 Jul 1650.9 1643.4 7.5 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.5 1367.4 8349.1 1462.9 6886.2 87770.5
2000 Jul 1626.6 1619.1 7.5 0.0 45.1 0.0 45.1 2104.5 8606.5 1420.4 7186.1 99096.5
2001 Jul 1681.0 1673.5 7.5 0.0 5.5 0.0 5.5 3340.5 9379.1 1363.1 8016.0 113814.3
2002 Jul 1670.6 1663.1 7.5 0.0 1043.7 0.0 1043.7 3226.9 9214.9 1343.1 7871.8 126792.3
2003 Jul 1557.5 1550.0 7.5 0.0 947.4 0.0 947.4 2883.7 9652.1 1270.5 8381.6 126308.4
2004 Jul 1568.1 1560.6 7.5 0.0 477.9 0.0 477.9 3824.7 11066.3 1168.9 9897.4 144652.7
2005 Jul 1335.2 1326.7 8.5 0.0 1724.0 0.0 1724.0 3746.9 10313.4 581.1 9732.3 142824.6
2006 Jul 1047.0 1038.5 8.5 0.0 329.2 0.0 329.2 3208.5 13294.2 394.5 12899.7 167974.4
2006 Jul* 987.7 979.2 8.5 59.3 329.2 0.0 329.2 3208.5 13294.2 394.5 12899.7 167974.4
2007 Jul 666.4 657.9 8.5 39.0 1870.8 0.0 1870.8 8116.8 11618.4 305.1 11313.3 172808.4
2008 Jul 443.1 432.1 11.0 32.0 660.7 0.0 660.7 3053.2 14025.6 287.4 13738.2 212449.7
2009 Jul 209.9 198.4 11.4 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3441.7 12881.4 268.3 12613.1 282328.4
2010 Jul 715.4 703.9 11.4 16.0 4783.3 0.0 4783.3 3510.7 18777.0 232.9 18544.1 296625.6
2011 Jul 142.8 114.0 28.9 88.1 8327.7 0.0 8327.7 4422.3 29223.0 248.1 28974.9 319692.5
2012 Jul 142.8 114.0 28.9 16.0 473.3 0.0 473.3 4518.3 30408.2 244.2 30164.0 455826.5
2013 Jul 264.9 233.9 31.0 16.0 2757.6 0.0 2757.6 4587.0 37764.5 350.7 37413.8 534897.9
2014 Jul 522.0 491.0 31.0 16.0 1933.0 0.0 1933.0 4125.4 31598.6 612.9 30985.7 655280.6
2015 Jul 2438.8 2407.8 31.0 16.0 3261.5 0.0 3261.5 4695.8 31359.3 1610.7 29748.6 786981.9
2016 Jul 2438.8 2407.8 31.0 16.0 6710.2 0.0 6710.2 4449.8 33875.4 1566.8 32308.6 981529.7
2017 Julp 3463.6 3432.6 31.0 16.0 6937.3 0.0 6937.3 4137.1 36601.2 1612.5 34988.7 1048679.4

2017 Augp 3463.6 3432.6 31.0 16.0 8306.0 0.0 8306.0 4123.1 31369.9 1595.6 29774.2 1037814.0
2017 Septp 3563.6 3532.6 31.0 16.0 8070.7 0.0 8070.7 4060.0 31946.7 1637.1 30309.5 1038590.7
2017 Octp 3563.6 3532.6 31.0 16.0 9259.2 0.0 9259.2 4043.7 32429.9 1618.0 30811.8 1062590.8
2017 Novp 3563.6 3532.6 31.0 16.0 13344.2 0.0 13344.2 4080.8 33698.8 1546.4 32152.4 1070063.0
2017 Decp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 32401.3 0.0 32401.3 4042.4 34128.5 1528.6 32599.9 1081982.9
2018 Janp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 13211.2 0.0 13211.2 4004.1 36811.0 1899.3 34911.7 1114829.3
2018 Febp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 13444.7 0.0 13444.7 3944.5 37865.5 1875.6 35989.9 1128338.5
2018 Marp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 19039.6 0.0 19039.6 3920.3 40130.2 1859.7 38270.4 1130341.5
2018 Aprp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 16308.9 0.0 16308.9 3813.8 39917.6 1808.3 38109.3 1134799.3
2018 Mayp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 16472.6 0.0 16472.6 3792.1 40214.5 1886.5 38328.0 1157807.5
2018 JunP 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 17924.4 0.0 17924.4 3752.6 36662.8 2160.0 34502.8 1157524.6
2018 Julp 2810.7 2779.7 31.0 16.0 12230.3 0.0 12230.3 4796.1 38810.4 2141.6 36668.8 1153357.4

2018 Augp 3010.7 2979.7 31.0 16.0 14798.7 0.0 14798.7 4985.7 37826.4 2181.2 35645.2 1126043.2
2018 Septp 1900.0 1869.0 31.0 0.0 15831.4 0.0 15831.4 5087.9 39121.2 2220.2 36901.0 1131325.3
2018 Octp 1900.0 1869.0 31.0 0.0 18722.4 0.0 18722.4 5119.7 33717.1 2185.1 31532.0 1153568.0

5. Assets and Liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Deposits Capital and Reserves Other Liabilities
Currency Private Total
M id-M onth in Total Govern- Foreign Sector M argin Total Reserve Other Total Domes- Liabilities
circulation (3 to 7) ment ODCs* Deposits Deposits Deposits (9+10+11) Capital Fund Funds (13+14) Foreign tic (1+2+8+12)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1960 Jul 120.3 91.4 61.5 10.9 0.0 19.0 0.0 11.3 10.0 0.9 0.4 4.6 0.0 4.6 227.6
1961 Jul 152.2 104.4 70.7 15.3 0.0 18.4 0.0 13.5 10.0 3.0 0.5 9.3 0.0 9.3 279.4
1962 Jul 165.1 135.6 86.5 4.8 0.0 44.3 0.0 15.8 10.0 5.0 0.8 15.3 0.0 15.3 331.8
1963 Jul 178.2 147.7 95.2 10.8 0.0 41.7 0.0 18.5 10.0 7.7 0.8 10.8 0.0 10.8 355.2
1964 Jul 258.1 168.2 98.6 12.1 0.0 57.5 0.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 13.2 0.0 13.2 459.5
1965 Jul 315.6 192.0 117.7 10.7 0.0 63.6 0.0 29.0 10.0 15.0 4.0 16.4 0.0 16.4 553.0
1966 Jul 367.2 205.1 99.8 5.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 37.5 10.0 15.0 12.5 14.1 0.0 14.1 623.9
1967 Jul 391.0 179.5 74.3 14.1 0.0 91.1 0.0 46.0 10.0 18.0 18.0 11.0 0.0 11.0 627.5
1968 Jul 449.3 264.3 146.8 31.9 0.0 85.6 0.0 53.0 10.0 20.0 23.0 40.8 0.0 40.8 807.4
1969 Jul 509.5 386.5 239.0 44.4 0.0 103.1 0.0 63.7 10.0 22.0 31.7 29.9 0.0 29.9 989.6
1970 Jul 568.7 432.7 277.6 65.6 0.0 89.5 0.0 82.0 10.0 22.5 49.5 47.3 0.0 47.3 1,130.7
1971 Jul 612.1 395.0 297.7 46.6 0.0 50.7 0.0 95.7 10.0 23.0 62.7 190.8 52.9 137.9 1,293.6
1972 Jul 642.6 422.7 313.6 41.7 0.0 67.4 0.0 165.4 10.0 23.7 131.7 173.9 37.6 136.3 1,404.6
1973 Jul 740.4 469.2 263.4 70.3 47.4 88.1 0.0 282.2 10.0 23.7 248.5 170.0 7.5 162.5 1,661.8
1974 Jul 927.1 514.1 265.5 88.4 48.0 112.2 0.0 246.7 10.0 30.0 206.7 312.8 54.9 257.9 2,000.7
1975 Jul 971.2 504.1 240.0 133.7 49.6 80.8 0.0 265.5 10.0 40.0 215.5 515.2 225.7 289.5 2,256.0
1976 Jul 1,024.1 456.7 164.7 161.5 29.1 101.4 0.0 378.0 10.0 45.0 323.0 493.8 123.5 370.3 2,352.6
1977 Jul 1,256.4 540.9 163.4 202.9 34.7 139.9 0.0 427.8 10.0 47.5 370.3 425.8 76.3 349.5 2,650.9
1978 Jul 1,426.8 652.5 178.7 291.4 50.9 131.5 0.0 526.0 10.0 50.0 466.0 519.1 57.0 462.1 3,124.4
1979 Jul 1,712.2 660.4 183.8 241.1 71.5 164.0 0.0 690.0 10.0 70.0 610.0 759.6 273.8 485.8 3,822.2
1980 Jul 1,908.7 791.5 163.0 306.6 68.6 253.3 0.0 789.6 10.0 85.0 694.6 662.3 408.0 254.3 4,152.1
1981 Jul 2,213.9 624.9 71.6 281.5 61.0 210.8 0.0 694.8 10.0 105.0 579.8 1,073.8 538.8 535.0 4,607.4
1982 Jul 2,617.5 808.5 0.0 533.1 50.4 225.0 0.0 893.4 10.0 125.0 758.4 1,106.9 609.6 497.3 5,426.3
1983 Jul 2,963.3 1,108.9 0.0 705.6 59.5 343.8 0.0 1,149.5 10.0 142.5 997.0 996.6 388.8 607.8 6,218.3
1984 Jul 3,554.4 1,135.1 0.0 744.7 65.3 325.1 0.0 1,266.3 10.0 157.5 1,098.8 977.8 398.2 579.6 6,933.6
1985 Jul 4,035.6 1,227.1 0.0 833.8 85.3 308.0 0.0 2,431.9 10.0 172.5 2,249.4 1,105.7 234.8 870.9 8,800.3
1986 Jul 5,234.5 1,499.4 0.0 958.1 146.6 394.7 0.0 2,846.9 10.0 187.5 2,649.4 1,798.0 496.9 1,301.1 11,378.8
1987 Jul 6,183.8 1,633.9 0.0 1,049.4 217.7 366.8 0.0 3,060.0 10.0 202.5 2,847.5 1,976.7 674.4 1,302.3 12,854.4
1988 Jul 6,962.1 2,602.8 266.9 1,364.3 302.1 669.5 0.0 3,509.0 10.0 222.5 3,276.5 2,850.8 897.6 1,953.2 15,924.7
1989 Jul 8,707.9 2,938.1 0.0 2,032.9 309.2 596.0 0.0 4,305.8 10.0 262.5 4,033.3 3,417.2 1,247.4 2,169.8 19,369.0
1990 Jul 10,526.4 3,705.3 0.0 2,522.0 306.9 876.4 0.0 5,037.3 10.0 372.5 4,654.8 4,064.7 1,440.9 2,623.8 23,333.7
1991 Jul 12,608.4 4,514.7 101.2 3,528.7 235.9 648.9 0.0 7,998.6 10.0 520.0 7,468.6 4,710.7 1,592.6 3,118.1 29,832.4
1992 Jul 14,786.7 4,306.5 0.0 3,139.3 230.1 937.1 0.0 9,822.5 10.0 720.0 9,092.5 6,651.5 1,614.6 5,036.9 35,567.2
1993 Jul 17,673.1 6,924.5 0.0 5,469.1 153.8 1,301.6 0.0 10,837.0 10.0 920.0 9,907.0 12,167.4 2,110.3 10,057.1 47,602.0
1994 Jul 21,519.1 7,037.0 0.0 5,565.4 150.4 1,321.2 0.0 12,342.8 10.0 1,220.0 11,112.8 13,908.1 3,007.0 10,901.1 54,807.0
1995 Jul 24,531.5 8,344.8 0.0 7,016.5 190.0 1,138.3 0.0 14,214.8 10.0 1,420.0 12,784.8 11,729.6 2,894.6 8,835.0 58,820.7
1996 Jul 27,492.8 8,135.1 0.0 6,698.8 237.9 1,198.4 0.0 16,581.2 10.0 1,490.0 15,081.2 10,116.5 2,528.7 7,587.8 62,325.6
1997 Jul 30,171.0 11,231.5 0.0 9,272.6 375.2 1,583.7 0.0 16,310.0 10.0 1,690.0 14,610.0 10,425.1 2,061.0 8,364.1 68,137.6
1998 Jul 33,782.9 12,384.3 0.0 10,543.1 171.7 1,669.5 0.0 21,563.4 10.0 2,057.5 19,495.9 12,159.2 1,867.9 10,291.3 79,889.8
1999 Jul 38,294.7 13,985.4 0.0 11,857.7 54.8 2,072.9 0.0 22,419.5 10.0 2,557.5 19,852.0 13,070.9 1,476.2 11,594.7 87,770.5
2000 Jul 45,650.0 15,593.7 0.0 12,880.9 240.0 2,472.8 0.0 24,370.9 10.0 2,967.5 21,393.4 13,481.9 1,123.1 12,358.8 99,096.5
2001 Jul 52,412.0 18,533.0 0.0 15,984.7 378.4 2,169.9 0.0 27,516.9 10.0 3,621.7 23,885.2 15,352.4 799.9 14,552.5 113,814.3
2002 Jul 60,567.2 18,583.5 0.0 16,152.1 181.0 2,250.4 0.0 31,932.5 3,000.0 904.6 28,027.9 15,709.1 519.2 15,189.9 126,792.3
2003 Jul 61,608.5 19,990.3 461.7 15,690.3 157.6 3,680.7 0.0 30,704.6 3,000.0 1,054.1 26,650.5 14,005.0 219.1 13,785.9 126,308.4
2004 Jul 67,502.7 27,745.7 753.0 24,227.0 80.2 2,685.5 0.0 32,191.1 3,000.0 1,114.6 28,076.5 17,213.0 785.1 16,427.9 144,652.5
2005 Jul 73,557.1 23,108.5 0.0 20,234.0 126.4 2,748.1 0.0 28,004.1 3,000.0 1,487.4 23,516.7 18,154.8 1,463.6 16,691.2 142,824.5
2006 Jul 83,834.9 27,073.1 0.0 22,907.3 9.9 4,155.9 0.0 36,261.4 3,000.0 1,920.3 31,341.1 20,805.0 1,556.7 19,248.3 167,974.4
2006 Jul** 83,834.8 27,073.1 0.0 22,907.3 9.9 4,155.9 0.0 36,261.4 3,000.0 1,920.3 31,341.1 20,805.0 1,556.7 19,248.3 167,974.3
2007 Jul*** 90,913.1 31,491.1 3,122.5 22,597.7 12.3 5,758.5 0.0 25,234.3 3,000.0 11,343.7 10,890.6 25,169.7 3,916.0 21,253.7 172,808.1
2008 Jul 112,827.1 35,700.5 3,929.2 23,857.3 6.7 7,907.3 0.0 35,730.6 3,000.0 11,576.7 21,153.9 28,191.7 5,650.9 22,540.8 212,449.9
2009 Jul 140,774.5 54,803.5 0.0 45,848.7 3.3 8,951.6 0.0 46,708.2 3,000.0 12,042.0 31,666.2 40,042.1 5,988.5 34,053.6 282,328.4
2010 Jul 158,978.2 59,617.1 0.0 51,113.7 48.2 8,455.2 0.0 45,061.6 3,000.0 12,361.3 29,700.2 32968.7 8625.6 24343.1 296625.6
2011 Jul 165,363.1 68,866.1 0.0 60,335.2 40.4 8,490.5 0.0 50,427.3 3,000.0 13,815.2 33,612.1 35,036.0 8,239.9 26,796.1 319,692.6
2012 Jul 200,845.7 120,927.8 2,372.8 110,024.3 77.4 8,453.3 0.0 85,303.7 3,000.0 15,665.6 66,638.1 48,749.4 9,153.7 39,595.7 455,826.5
2013 Jul 230,746.3 123,724.1 184.5 117,729.8 65.7 5,744.1 0.0 105,822.6 3,000.0 16,492.2 86,330.4 74,604.8 8,503.3 66,101.6 534,897.9
2014 Jul 268667.3 191456.8 23500.8 156214.0 29.0 11713.0 0.0 110775.1 3000.0 18999.5 88775.6 84381.4 7453.5 76927.9 655280.6
2015 Jul 317372.4 239348.0 33813.1 192239.2 8.8 13286.9 0.0 118248.2 3000.0 20544.8 94703.4 112013.3 5987.2 106026.1 786981.9
2016 Jul 383383.7 278690.9 115018.5 154006.1 3.2 9663.1 0.0 139195.6 3000.0 21668.8 114526.8 180259.4 4422.1 175837.4 981529.7
2017 Jul
p 424828.4 338588.3 106272.1 211593.1 235.1 20488.0 0.0 128664.1 5000.0 21735.0 101929.1 156598.6 2613.9 153984.6 1048679.4
2017 Augp 419745.5 395810.0 228942.2 149122.4 226.7 17518.7 0.0 122948.1 5000.0 21735.0 96213.1 99310.5 2627.3 96683.2 1037814.0
2017 Septp 420073.6 407824.3 258381.1 135079.0 180.2 14184.0 0.0 126643.8 5000.0 21735.0 99908.8 84049.0 2662.8 81386.2 1038590.7
2017 Octp 460004.8 403526.9 246040.8 143910.2 180.2 13395.7 0.0 131281.7 5000.0 21735.0 104546.7 67777.4 2663.9 65113.4 1062590.8
2017 Novp 442514.1 429206.6 308740.2 106811.2 140.2 13515.1 0.0 133712.2 5000.0 21735.0 106977.2 64630.0 2680.6 61949.4 1070063.0
2017 Decp 444535.6 455419.9 348993.8 94483.9 90.0 11852.2 0.0 125443.7 5000.0 21735.0 98708.7 56583.6 2498.1 54085.5 1081982.9
2018 Janp 445044.9 456272.0 303173.9 141687.8 83.3 11327.0 0.0 121417.6 5000.0 21735.0 94682.6 92094.8 2088.7 90006.1 1114829.3
2018 Febp 452777.2 471848.9 301639.6 159514.6 38.3 10656.5 0.0 142941.9 5000.0 25974.8 111967.1 60770.5 2132.2 58638.3 1128338.5
2018 Marp 465016.3 462352.1 274025.3 177039.7 18.4 11268.7 0.0 147721.8 5000.0 25974.8 116747.0 55251.5 2161.3 53090.2 1130341.5
2018 Aprp 466635.3 444452.0 288638.2 145983.9 36.5 9793.3 0.0 152446.6 5000.0 25974.8 121471.8 71265.4 2173.3 69092.2 1134799.3
2018 Mayp 468836.9 444697.3 269507.6 164961.4 109.3 10119.0 0.0 169245.5 5000.0 25974.8 138270.7 75027.7 2207.7 72820.0 1157807.5
2018 JunP 462836.8 444509.3 248484.6 186022.7 57.5 9944.5 0.0 170860.6 5000.0 25974.8 139885.8 79317.8 2203.7 77114.1 1157524.6
2018 Julp 488192.8 311245.9 89497.8 208135.1 56.5 13556.6 0.0 173512.2 5000.0 25974.8 142537.4 180406.4 1768.7 178637.7 1153357.4

2018 Augp 473282.4 262799.0 141467.0 113665.9 48.7 7617.4 0.0 184229.8 5000.0 25974.8 153255.0 205732.0 1776.4 203955.7 1126043.2
2018 Septp 461141.7 341930.8 164799.0 169365.8 105.8 7660.3 0.0 203054.3 5000.0 25974.8 172079.5 125198.6 1856.7 123341.9 1131325.3
2018 Octp 528969.3 251225.4 145228.6 98530.6 105.8 7360.5 0.0 219087.8 5000.0 25974.8 188113.0 154285.5 1878.8 152406.7 1153568.0
* ODCs (Other Depository Corporatios) include only commercial banks till July 2010. From July 2011 onwards, all commercial banks, development banks and finance companies are included.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N since July 2006.
*** Since July 2007, adjustment in exchange equilization fund of Rs. 9.0 billion is reflected in Reserve Fund.

6. Other Depository Corporation Survey
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Liquid Funds Loan and Advances

Foreign Balance Total Claims on Govt. Enterprises Claims on Claims on Private Sector Foreign Bills Total Other Total Assets
Cash in Balance Cash in Claims on Non-Govt. NRB Bond
Mid-Month Currency in Held (1 through Purchased & (7+8+11+1 Assets (6+16+17+18)
Hand With NRB Transit Govt. Total Non- Total Interest
Hand Abroad 5) Financial Financial Principal Discounted 2+15)
(9+10) Financial (13+14) Accrued
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2010 Jul 19696.9 55682.7 476.5 62299.6 437.8 138593.5 86390.0 7757.6 1893.0 5864.6 13035.9 635039.6 606903.0 28136.6 741.3 742964.4 0.0 48811.6 930369.5
2010 Oct 22668.4 43773.6 891.8 60113.4 2468.4 129915.5 88943.9 9545.2 2508.5 7036.7 10898.3 659675.6 629281.6 30394.0 1391.9 770454.9 0.0 63872.7 964243.2
2011 Jan 19191.9 41663.0 596.1 55796.8 2076.2 119324.0 87817.0 8265.8 2398.8 5867.0 10820.0 697665.9 667235.0 30431.0 2147.3 806716.0 0.0 55943.3 981983.2
2011 Apr 19555.9 44516.6 803.7 55955.2 2022.0 122853.3 88905.3 8612.0 2093.8 6518.2 8964.9 718294.8 687538.9 30755.9 2387.4 827164.4 0.0 68698.8 1018716.6
2011 Jul 23431.6 60335.2 539.9 56783.5 174.9 141265.1 111003.0 8459.9 2112.3 6347.6 10772.3 722900.1 694399.1 28501.1 1734.6 854869.9 0.0 63534.6 1059669.6
2011 Oct 26143.2 76467.4 1172.3 54063.9 238.8 158085.7 113043.0 9831.3 1920.0 7911.3 11086.5 732787.0 699909.1 32877.9 4156.8 870904.6 0.0 83010.2 1112000.5
2012 Jan 22819.7 72119.0 818.1 58466.9 763.2 154986.8 127641.7 11048.5 2146.8 8901.7 11238.4 758422.5 726337.0 32085.5 1770.7 910121.8 0.0 95593.3 1160702.0
2012 Apr 23389.4 70580.5 707.6 62252.7 850.8 157781.0 133965.6 9326.7 1130.0 8196.7 9645.4 785886.9 752914.4 32972.5 2531.2 941355.8 0.0 90341.3 1189478.2
2012 Jul 30354.0 110024.3 688.1 59753.7 368.8 201188.8 137031.6 11232.6 1162.0 10070.6 10592.2 805307.5 779262.5 26045.0 3490.4 967654.2 0.0 97944.9 1266787.9
2012 Oct 27908.1 80387.2 1128.8 69119.6 1099.2 179642.9 140721.1 12480.2 898.5 11581.7 11337.2 852136.2 824528.9 27607.3 2772.0 1019446.6 0.0 122574.8 1321664.3
2013 Jan 26826.1 61896.9 858.5 81017.6 735.6 171334.8 144289.9 12860.7 1581.1 11279.6 12851.7 904245.1 875041.7 29203.4 1578.8 1075826.1 0.0 96971.9 1344132.8
2013 Apr 27737.1 59675.4 871.8 84312.4 1108.6 173705.2 144698.0 12206.6 1093.5 11113.1 14598.2 938668.4 909101.9 29566.6 1421.6 1111592.9 0.0 114478.3 1399776.4
2013 Jul 34872.1 117729.8 852.1 77062.2 180.6 230696.8 152256.0 12441.6 1083.5 11358.1 12329.5 968439.1 941182.1 27257.0 2388.2 1147854.4 0.0 108431.1 1486982.2
2013 Oct 38317.6 118321.4 1195.0 94257.4 543.1 252634.5 143816.1 12031.5 1158.8 10872.7 12090.4 1007788.9 978837.8 28951.1 3242.3 1178969.3 0.0 126831.3 1558435.1
2014 Jan 34086.8 100564.6 801.8 96242.5 992.4 232688.1 147992.9 11513.7 1012.5 10501.3 13259.4 1055272.9 1026008.6 29264.4 3480.1 1231519.2 0.0 151461.1 1615668.3
2014 Apr 31590.6 108853.2 1262.3 91598.8 712.7 234017.6 148008.9 13116.5 1094.4 12022.1 9597.3 1100081.5 1068153.7 31927.8 2452.2 1273256.4 0.0 169999.5 1677273.4
2014 Jul 41129.9 156214.0 788.7 88693.8 90.1 286916.4 142157.7 11383.0 996.6 10386.3 9569.9 1146699.2 1117321.0 29378.2 3523.6 1313333.4 0.0 157129.0 1757378.7
2014 Oct 41210.8 99806.5 1356.7 96206.2 417.2 238997.3 142681.4 12185.1 1722.6 10462.6 12712.6 1209012.4 1176854.2 32158.2 3888.3 1380479.8 0.0 188747.0 1808224.1
2015 Jan 35123.5 92217.9 1380.2 103159.1 538.8 232419.6 132231.4 11340.7 678.6 10662.1 11612.7 1278245.7 1246597.3 31648.3 5287.9 1438718.4 0.0 189166.3 1860304.2
2015 Apr 36919.5 120187.4 1599.0 109820.9 565.0 269091.8 126331.4 11814.1 876.5 10937.6 22162.7 1311580.6 1279996.2 31584.4 4857.7 1476746.4 0.0 188693.8 1934532.1
2015 Jul 47292.0 192239.2 1336.9 112504.5 74.1 353446.7 142497.9 10922.7 852.9 10069.8 12811.9 1369249.3 1338931.8 30317.5 7153.4 1542635.2 0.0 179724.4 2075806.3
2015 Oct 43973.5 159351.3 2030.0 117119.5 713.7 323187.9 139088.4 8147.0 1006.2 7140.8 14062.9 1409634.4 1375574.5 34059.9 4452.8 1575385.5 0.0 240953.0 2139526.4
2016 Jan 45456.1 116637.6 1281.2 127673.1 458.3 291506.3 125909.8 10376.9 1006.2 9370.7 15554.1 1450801.9 1416672.3 34129.6 5885.5 1608528.3 0.0 305311.9 2205346.5
2016 Apr 43590.2 136879.1 1345.9 138605.6 786.5 321207.3 151732.1 10272.6 1006.2 9266.4 15783.5 1566419.5 1531642.7 34776.8 5757.4 1749965.1 0.0 266944.9 2338117.2
2016 Jul 55901.1 154006.1 999.9 145840.4 66.8 356814.4 186369.1 9202.5 1006.6 8196.0 14013.3 1687856.3 1656880.0 30976.3 5318.3 1902759.4 49080.0 188011.5 2496665.3
2016 Oct 64271.5 102481.7 1350.7 155322.8 868.9 324295.5 187077.9 9993.1 1006.1 8987.0 14849.6 1760670.6 1727080.4 33590.3 3475.8 1976067.0 49080.0 247344.4 2596787.0
2017 Jan 52619.4 129993.5 1346.6 155527.8 287.7 339775.0 180427.9 10119.4 1006.1 9113.3 17092.0 1900517.2 1870600.4 29916.8 3172.3 2111328.7 49080.0 189387.2 2689570.9
2017 Apr 52039.9 172301.4 1562.8 155077.5 750.9 381732.5 157143.6 10243.9 1206.1 9037.9 16831.3 1950710.0 1915732.9 34977.1 6501.6 2141430.5 31481.7 194640.4 2749285.0
2017 Jul 63082.5 211593.1 1092.8 144663.1 165.7 420597.2 213894.6 10048.5 853.7 9194.9 17614.9 1993022.9 1959009.2 34013.7 6409.9 2240990.8 0.0 225938.8 2887526.8
2017 Aug 54997.2 149122.4 1678.5 152942.5 593.5 359334.1 238894.8 9513.8 798.5 8715.3 18473.2 2012688.4 1966739.0 45949.4 5085.3 2284655.5 0.0 298783.3 2942772.9
2017 Sep 53244.2 135079.0 2705.4 149201.7 273.7 340503.9 268043.8 10484.2 1053.7 9430.5 19856.4 2057509.2 2000256.4 57252.9 3994.5 2359888.1 0.0 291463.3 2991855.3
2017 Oct 59132.5 143910.2 3773.5 145982.8 629.6 353428.7 277428.8 11162.2 1053.7 10108.6 17835.8 2088148.4 2049391.1 38757.3 2829.4 2397404.7 0.0 266895.5 3017728.8
2017 Nov 58202.4 106811.2 4069.8 151828.7 767.9 321680.0 315640.2 10917.8 1053.7 9864.1 19151.8 2140247.9 2091098.0 49149.8 1354.6 2487312.2 0.0 249050.4 3058042.7
2017 Dec 56142.6 94483.9 3928.5 146446.9 800.5 301802.4 319039.0 10255.2 1053.7 9201.5 20588.4 2191705.7 2131739.3 59966.4 707.6 2542295.9 0.0 262505.3 3106603.7
2018 Jan 58456.1 141687.8 3033.3 130273.1 428.0 333878.2 272090.4 9667.0 1053.5 8613.5 22142.9 2230179.3 2191593.6 38585.8 215.8 2534295.4 0.0 235138.0 3103311.5
2018 Febp 55471.9 159514.6 2883.6 109992.7 1121.8 328984.6 262442.6 10875.1 1053.5 9821.6 22700.1 2274245.4 2224245.3 50000.1 117.3 2570380.5 0.0 204792.7 3104157.8
p 61143.3 177039.7 3307.6 112311.6 1361.6 355163.8 259835.8 11687.4 1053.5 10633.9 23352.4 2304303.5 2242051.5 62252.0 106.0 2599285.1 0.0 218822.6 3173271.5
2018 Mar
2018 Aprp 57470.7 145983.9 3431.7 107588.0 96.5 314570.7 283770.6 11536.0 1053.6 10482.4 23674.5 2329031.4 2290148.5 38882.9 94.9 2648107.3 0.0 228433.2 3191111.3
2018 Mayp 61869.3 164961.4 3386.2 102430.8 794.2 333441.9 276000.6 11578.2 1051.2 10527.0 23641.5 2365586.7 2313306.5 52280.2 121.7 2676928.7 0.0 222145.6 3232516.2
2018 JunP 58365.5 186022.7 2710.7 113009.4 649.2 360757.5 284950.6 11070.0 1053.6 10016.5 24500.6 2413479.1 2347877.3 65601.8 99.8 2734100.1 0.0 228384.6 3323242.3
. Julp 72207.4 208135.1 2685.0 110396.3 36.8 393460.5 287540.6 11050.8 1047.5 10003.3 26601.3 2437987.9 2399814.5 38173.4 107.7 2763288.2 0.0 289003.2 3445751.9
2018 Augp 61400.4 113665.9 2521.6 124940.1 396.4 302924.5 292310.6 11953.5 1047.5 10906.1 25717.1 2468567.8 2416559.8 52008.0 105.8 2798654.8 0.0 373402.1 3474981.3
2018 Septp 60327.5 169365.8 3001.0 146433.2 501.6 379629.2 292145.6 12535.6 1039.4 11496.2 53021.8 2515664.1 2448971.9 66692.2 92.1 2873459.2 0.0 308175.0 3561263.4
2018 Octp 66716.2 98530.6 4059.4 127113.6 1066.7 297486.5 290085.6 11947.2 1041.4 10905.7 25772.8 2615225.9 2571916.0 43309.9 107.4 2943138.9 0.0 343493.1 3584118.4

6. Other Depository Corporation Survey
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Deposits Other Liabilities Total Liabilities
Borrowing Foreign
Demand Deposits Saving Deposits Fixed Deposits Call Deposits Margin Deposits Total Paid-up General Other (11 + 12
Mid-Month from NRB Liabilities
Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign (1 through 10) Capital Reserves Liabilities through 16)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2010 Jul 73769.6 11569.3 295416.0 5431.5 221012.2 29709.7 82413.0 3746.4 5208.5 824.5 729100.6 4783.3 2043.5 79808.8 21720.4 92913.0 930369.5
2010 Oct 61717.8 12182.9 293380.6 5845.2 244126.6 26970.9 79433.0 4792.2 5902.2 780.0 735131.5 14750.3 2092.6 84116.1 31896.1 96256.7 964243.2
2011 Jan 64533.8 9609.0 298345.7 5786.6 255651.9 30578.0 80104.6 4586.8 5904.8 635.6 755736.7 17187.5 1993.3 92457.5 29269.2 85339.1 981983.2
2011 Apr 67593.6 10998.2 297931.7 5801.4 281216.6 30428.3 79677.8 3636.2 5691.3 745.1 783720.3 15819.1 2222.0 95447.6 30313.0 91194.6 1018716.6
2011 Jul 71929.3 10283.0 296814.7 5772.5 293642.7 29194.9 103159.8 6177.2 5351.5 908.8 823234.5 8327.7 2227.9 98705.7 35207.8 91966.0 1059669.5
2011 Oct 66638.5 9560.3 314182.8 5585.1 311356.0 32344.7 110897.1 8685.2 6222.5 901.2 866373.4 2231.6 2625.1 99227.4 50683.0 90860.0 1112000.5
2012 Jan 66722.6 10418.9 335385.6 5476.4 325614.4 31528.1 119864.0 6671.1 6360.2 873.0 908914.2 1312.1 2478.8 101753.6 47378.2 98865.0 1160701.9
2012 Apr 70986.7 9885.9 350988.3 5862.5 331256.6 30335.5 117835.8 8967.1 6658.4 1186.4 933963.4 1125.1 2525.4 102281.0 45898.6 103684.8 1189478.2
2012 Jul 84760.8 10139.5 391294.6 5874.0 334232.4 32726.7 134269.0 10460.9 6800.7 1264.5 1011822.9 473.3 2507.9 104817.1 46787.4 100379.4 1266788.0
2012 Aug 78158.5 10918.3 398354.5 6110.6 332688.8 32531.9 137342.9 11867.8 6873.8 952.0 1015799.1 70.8 2528.8 104846.5 64544.3 108306.5 1296096.1
2013 Jan 78498.4 13027.6 438830.2 6572.1 338859.3 32688.4 137088.0 11767.0 7423.2 1196.9 1065951.2 880.9 2189.7 113732.0 57644.2 103734.8 1344132.9
2013 Apr 80453.6 13722.8 452672.3 7126.7 352951.0 33915.9 132753.4 12919.1 8972.2 1771.9 1097258.8 4628.6 2138.4 117655.4 55906.9 122188.2 1399776.4
2013 Jul 99971.8 13721.1 462333.8 7151.4 380750.2 39017.1 161545.1 13215.5 9156.9 1227.3 1188090.2 2757.6 2954.3 117449.0 58425.4 117305.6 1486982.2
2013 Oct 94712.4 18696.3 501302.8 7472.4 398322.9 34361.2 151018.0 18844.6 11396.1 1601.8 1237728.6 2457.1 3102.4 121253.4 75911.4 117982.1 1558435.1
2014 Jan 101156.6 15747.5 525717.5 8457.8 399688.6 31518.6 168035.5 20044.7 11555.8 1573.8 1283496.3 1871.5 3091.9 124472.2 71881.2 130855.2 1615668.3
2014 Apr 105730.0 15987.3 549299.6 8981.1 408719.9 25645.3 172059.1 23667.4 10987.1 2292.8 1323369.6 2247.7 3047.5 125347.8 70743.8 152517.0 1677273.5
2014 Jul 115579.7 14109.5 580319.7 9386.2 424742.4 25472.7 195023.9 28357.4 11051.1 2726.9 1406769.5 1933.0 4.1 129485.0 68466.5 150720.6 1757378.7
2014 Oct 109996.5 14828.4 610728.1 9344.4 429426.6 25756.8 194902.8 35565.1 11676.0 2690.0 1444914.8 2006.1 4.8 132767.1 94270.6 134260.7 1808224.1
2015 Jan 105496.0 17540.5 629675.1 9646.5 455907.5 23802.1 198950.2 35415.7 12187.7 1904.7 1490526.1 2043.5 0.0 138112.3 85751.7 143870.6 1860304.2
2015 Apr 107687.3 15278.7 637097.4 9756.0 471582.4 20755.0 223048.6 41942.8 12128.6 2467.3 1541744.0 2730.3 0.0 140521.8 84366.1 165169.9 1934532.1
2015 Jul 141377.3 17912.6 702459.4 10011.8 489602.8 17789.0 248844.5 46872.8 12150.2 1809.3 1688829.9 3261.5 0.0 141598.6 80937.5 161178.9 2075806.3
2015 Oct 131002.0 19040.6 749580.8 12064.2 497655.4 16699.3 246600.8 44227.4 12689.6 1454.9 1731015.0 1215.8 0.0 143456.1 115205.8 148633.6 2139526.3
2016 Jan 133207.1 21538.3 770941.6 13675.8 500102.0 20424.5 265209.3 48940.9 13901.1 1807.9 1789748.6 1527.7 0.0 151882.8 106858.7 155328.7 2205346.5
2016 Apr 158394.3 19206.2 796736.5 13221.0 521624.5 17606.4 297170.3 51280.9 16156.1 1836.0 1893232.3 4473.8 0.0 157396.7 107279.6 175734.9 2338117.2
2016 Jul 166141.3 17319.0 858549.9 15129.6 594160.0 19749.4 272644.7 55233.4 15936.8 1952.0 2016816.2 6710.2 0.0 164981.4 107709.1 200448.5 2496665.3
2016 Oct 160519.2 20631.1 908525.1 15402.9 605389.0 19623.0 294886.1 49747.3 17221.6 1922.6 2093868.0 8030.2 0.0 176754.4 144896.7 173237.7 2596787.0
2017 Jan 156950.0 20650.1 893047.4 15995.1 689621.1 15835.8 295903.0 52823.7 18003.4 2370.9 2161200.5 10003.0 0.0 190370.5 135066.6 192930.3 2689570.9
2017 Apr 150750.1 14182.3 790544.8 13743.9 866819.5 22763.4 266852.1 49809.4 18164.0 1810.7 2195440.2 10334.2 0.0 205757.1 125897.1 211856.4 2749285.0
2017 Jul 187168.4 11878.8 800517.3 13635.7 947689.9 43231.9 253252.8 19089.2 20839.6 2504.0 2299807.6 6937.3 0.0 226966.6 139321.8 214493.5 2887526.8
2017 Aug 165529.2 16571.5 808284.5 13164.8 970767.2 32889.3 266170.1 30081.5 22571.9 3301.1 2329331.0 8306.0 0.0 230897.5 185801.1 188437.3 2942772.9
2017 Sep 176542.9 19640.0 824619.1 12960.1 982497.9 28889.5 250898.0 31914.6 23866.1 3576.6 2355404.7 8070.7 0.0 235153.8 181164.7 212061.3 2991855.2
2017 Oct 179031.5 20058.4 847697.6 13434.3 981619.0 30285.8 253199.5 34372.7 23859.2 3567.4 2387125.4 9259.2 0.0 238458.1 182482.5 200403.6 3017728.8
2017 Nov 169069.4 20460.7 858613.1 13250.8 990076.3 25684.1 261192.3 43779.8 23685.2 3534.9 2409346.7 13344.2 0.0 241360.9 176909.0 217081.8 3058042.7
2017 Dec 175817.0 22298.7 870004.8 13963.5 990279.7 24055.8 263366.9 41969.7 24321.6 3505.3 2429583.0 32401.3 0.0 248924.7 174334.8 221359.8 3106603.7
2018 Jan 185392.3 19955.7 880354.7 14134.3 1022978.0 24654.7 254944.3 27642.2 23221.0 4175.9 2457452.9 13211.2 0.0 262752.5 159562.8 210332.1 3103311.5
2018 Febp 183992.0 17584.5 884322.0 13512.4 1050748.3 25298.7 241234.1 13603.5 22285.8 3177.8 2455759.2 13444.7 0.0 263079.2 158886.1 212988.7 3104157.8
2018 Marp 190525.5 18723.7 895717.8 13103.1 1066560.2 25688.2 237241.0 14449.9 21893.1 3240.9 2487143.3 19039.6 0.0 264623.4 158548.1 243917.1 3173271.5
2018 Aprp 201265.7 18855.0 893435.2 12405.3 1105049.8 27218.4 233135.5 14285.4 21958.9 3564.6 2531173.8 16308.9 0.0 274272.3 153795.9 215560.3 3191111.3
2018 Mayp 202816.8 18170.9 884656.0 10993.8 1125744.3 25111.2 248106.6 15186.2 21896.2 3367.2 2556049.1 16472.6 0.0 275205.0 154019.5 230770.0 3232516.2
2018 JunP 206976.8 18241.2 890427.3 10574.3 1158619.8 29847.6 254983.8 15324.3 21794.9 3384.6 2610174.4 17924.4 0.0 276945.8 153277.0 264920.7 3323242.3
2018 Julp 239853.0 16445.4 936435.0 10386.9 1193173.7 31201.3 273130.3 15463.2 22332.6 3681.4 2742102.9 12230.3 0.0 282509.2 151143.2 257766.3 3445751.9
2018 Augp 195999.8 16561.3 931087.9 10381.8 1232524.4 30339.0 268183.1 20400.4 22252.1 4036.5 2731766.4 14798.7 1683.8 283659.7 215334.6 227738.3 3474981.3
2018 Septp 201036.7 17860.9 940076.2 10295.9 1244738.1 20503.3 281029.2 35770.0 23330.4 3554.1 2778194.8 15831.4 1724.3 284542.6 216836.4 264134.0 3561263.4
2018 Octp 205750.3 18131.0 971478.9 10619.0 1270210.6 23639.3 261438.6 19710.8 24149.4 3745.4 2808873.1 18722.4 1772.3 287307.3 232893.2 234550.1 3584118.4

7. Cash-Deposit and Liquid Asset-Deposit Ratio of Commercial Banks

In Million Rupees
Deposits * 1 Cash Reserve * 2 Liquid Assets * 3 Loans and Advances * 4 Memorandum
Total As % of Total As % of Total As % of Total
M id-M onth Item: Cash in
(2+3+4+5) Current Savings Fixed M argin Amount Deposits Amount Deposits Amount Deposits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1960 Jul 72.2 45.7 4.3 22.2 - 24.8 34.3 49.9 69.1 32.2 44.6
1961 Jul 75.3 45.1 5.7 24.5 - 25.7 34.1 38.5 51.1 45.6 60.6
1962 Jul 79.3 43.8 6.0 29.5 - 22.2 28.0 35.4 44.6 57.5 72.5
1963 Jul 100.7 61.4 6.7 32.6 - 30.7 30.5 48.5 48.2 59.3 58.9
1964 Jul 112.4 72.8 7.6 32.0 - 22.6 20.1 38.6 34.3 88.5 78.7
1965 Jul 129.8 86.4 10.9 32.5 - 27.9 21.5 42.8 33.0 106.9 82.4
1966 Jul 125.0 75.8 15.2 34.0 - 16.7 13.4 21.8 17.4 162.6 130.1
1967 Jul 181.8 108.7 19.1 44.6 9.4 33.5 18.4 54.9 30.2 146.7 80.7
1968 Jul 222.5 114.2 26.1 73.4 8.8 49.9 22.4 80.0 36.0 198.3 89.1
1969 Jul 316.8 159.6 37.8 109.4 10.0 82.0 25.9 154.4 48.7 218.9 69.1
1970 Jul 400.6 188.0 52.9 143.9 15.8 94.4 23.6 170.9 42.7 297.5 74.3
1971 Jul 472.5 193.0 68.6 193.7 17.2 140.2 29.7 204.9 43.4 351.6 74.4
1972 Jul 618.0 213.0 88.5 295.1 21.4 146.8 23.8 298.7 48.3 419.6 67.9
1973 Jul 764.4 249.4 121.5 357.4 36.1 115.6 15.1 342.5 44.8 520.7 68.1
1974 Jul 936.9 305.8 158.1 412.0 61.0 144.7 15.4 409.8 43.7 791.0 84.4
1975 Jul 1166.2 438.6 172.7 517.4 37.5 199.5 17.1 493.6 42.3 1221.6 104.8
1976 Jul 1600.6 524.8 198.0 807.7 70.1 233.6 14.6 659.1 41.2 1191.3 74.4
1977 Jul 2132.9 725.1 269.2 1060.8 77.8 287.2 13.5 1111.0 52.1 1211.5 56.8
1978 Jul 2517.8 694.1 361.1 1350.6 112.0 397.3 15.8 1095.8 43.5 1725.7 68.5
1979 Jul 2902.2 880.0 454.5 1477.7 90.0 381.7 13.2 1191.2 41.0 2210.9 76.2
1980 Jul 3329.7 853.5 571.2 1814.9 90.1 465.7 14.0 1198.4 36.0 2798.0 84.0
1981 Jul 4143.2 1019.6 716.7 2228.3 178.6 513.2 12.4 1391.5 33.6 3603.2 87.0
1982 Jul 4907.0 1033.7 877.4 2789.8 206.1 802.3 16.4 2104.4 42.9 3581.5 73.0
1983 Jul 6286.5 1379.0 1068.7 3417.9 420.9 1025.3 16.3 2836.3 45.1 3991.4 63.5
1984 Jul 7067.0 1507.1 1333.9 3912.3 313.7 1128.1 16.0 3552.9 50.3 4287.6 60.7
1985 Jul 8536.1 1667.9 1776.2 4693.7 398.3 1255.1 14.7 4106.8 48.1 5488.9 64.3
1986 Jul 10275.7 2090.8 2255.7 5632.5 296.7 1519.0 14.8 4514.1 43.9 7178.9 69.9
1987 Jul 11812.4 2353.9 2672.2 6386.2 400.1 1656.1 14.0 5175.6 43.8 8403.3 71.1
1988 Jul 14951.9 2986.2 3338.8 8036.4 590.5 2149.9 14.4 6637.7 44.4 10301.3 68.9
1989 Jul 18954.6 3924.0 4321.8 10044.7 664.1 2994.0 15.8 8078.9 42.6 13493.1 71.2
1990 Jul 21885.0 4293.7 5218.2 11761.5 611.6 3627.0 16.6 9395.1 42.9 15334.7 70.1
1991 Jul 26687.5 4782.4 6671.5 14382.6 851.0 4836.5 18.1 15022.1 56.3 17067.4 64.0
1992 Jul 33328.5 6451.2 8634.9 17326.3 916.1 4701.0 14.1 17502.6 52.5 22596.2 67.8
1993 Jul 43543.1 8302.1 12923.3 21414.7 903.0 7164.8 16.5 25111.3 57.7 26223.6 60.2
1994 Jul 52168.5 10156.8 17460.7 23358.7 1192.3 7884.3 15.1 27799.1 53.3 34756.8 66.6
1995 Jul 61045.5 12014.4 22765.9 24811.8 1453.4 9509.9 15.6 25710.7 42.1 46914.7 76.9
1996 Jul 71207.6 13215.6 25887.3 30155.5 1949.2 9738.1 13.7 28249.4 39.7 61466.0 86.3 1657.3
1997 Jul 81542.4 12917.4 29783.1 36974.7 1867.2 12737.4 15.6 35450.9 43.5 70765.6 86.8 1744.7
1998 Jul 102401.6 16409.4 36884.4 47300.5 1807.3 14183.5 13.9 41329.2 40.4 83517.0 81.6 2160.8
1999 Jul 126773.6 17777.6 50140.8 56844.3 2010.9 15860.7 12.5 50369.3 39.7 99309.7 78.3 1483.1
2000 Jul 154530.3 20307.6 65703.6 66516.2 2002.9 17020.0 11.0 63337.6 41.0 118008.1 76.4 2545.7
2001 Jul 181203.4 24629.2 80987.8 73488.8 2097.6 20767.5 11.5 76036.7 42.0 135526.4 74.8 2378.7
2002 Jul 183728.1 23749.2 83817.7 74373.7 1787.5 21677.9 11.8 76095.7 41.4 144175.4 78.5 2015.7
2003 Jul 202733.8 28299.4 97236.4 75348.4 1849.6 21135.2 10.4 80799.3 39.9 162353.2 80.1 828.7
2004 Jul 232576.3 33038.7 114106.3 83268.2 2163.1 28946.3 12.4 94181.3 40.5 184438.6 79.3 640.1
2005 Jul 250464.9 34120.0 130013.6 84137.4 2194.0 25381.9 10.1 98773.6 39.4 212316.6 84.8 795.9
2006 Jul 290427.6 36898.2 151573.2 99475.4 2480.9 29215.0 10.1 120130.7 41.4 228510.7 78.7 1054.5
2006 Jul# 289976.0 35716.2 151710.7 100068.2 2480.9 29360.9 10.1 120679.2 41.6 247007.7 85.2 1054.5
2007 Jul 334453.3 42692.2 174633.9 114032.5 3094.7 30411.5 9.1 130780.3 39.1 272634.7 81.5 585.8
2008 Jul 421523.6 54124.4 211406.4 152364.3 3628.6 36868.0 8.7 151110.8 35.8 345135.3 81.9 1042.0
2009 Jul 550677.0 69489.5 259872.4 216854.7 4460.4 61688.0 11.2 194608.0 35.3 442732.5 80.4 1010.2
2010 Jul 620608.7 79149.2 237492.6 298925.0 5041.8 68414.7 11.0 214047.3 34.5 505124.3 81.4 279.6
2011 Jul 566171.4 78203.6 230693.1 252137.3 5137.4 74564.2 13.2 237459.5 41.9 554321.6 97.9 159.7
2012 Jul 700053.0 91135.2 304712.3 297625.7 6579.8 126164.8 18.0 315012.5 45.0 647775.9 92.5 364.1
2013 Jul 820644.6 107309.8 358804.6 345641.9 8888.3 137276.7 16.7 361953.4 44.1 780868.4 95.2 172.7
2014 Jul 949595.0 122544.8 450769.1 365549.7 10731.3 178123.5 18.8 403477.5 42.5 921419.4 97.0 85.8
2015 Jul 1138949.9 150442.9 559351.0 417355.1 11800.9 215575.3 18.9 464295.6 40.8 1119595.5 98.3 73.5
2016 Jul 1412722.8 175087.2 698691.2 523230.7 15713.7 182704.5 12.9 505300.0 35.8 1403659.9 99.4 64.1
2017 Julp 1795157.0 191702.3 703028.1 879821.8 20604.8 250894.6 14.0 251059.7 14.0 1751212.9 97.6 165.0
2017 Augp 1788265.2 175013.7 708720.7 882204.3 22326.6 181550.0 10.2 182142.0 10.2 1761528.5 98.5 592.0
2017 Septp 1825757.2 189809.5 722514.1 889837.9 23595.8 167416.6 9.2 167684.8 9.2 1800740.7 98.6 268.2
2017 Octp 1844396.5 192674.0 740530.3 887603.5 23588.7 183561.3 10.0 184172.8 10.0 1824871.1 98.9 611.5
2017 Novp 1845327.7 183789.5 749508.2 888622.4 23407.6 145484.4 7.9 146250.5 7.9 1870886.4 101.4 766.0
2017 Decp 1863910.7 192477.9 760437.0 886956.9 24038.9 131906.7 7.1 132704.5 7.1 1915930.4 102.8 797.9
2018 Janp 1905884.9 197818.3 767631.8 917505.5 22929.4 180723.6 9.5 181149.8 9.5 1945068.9 102.1 426.2
2018 Febp 1930988.0 195209.4 770352.8 943441.8 21983.9 194375.0 10.1 195489.1 10.1 1984234.5 102.8 1114.0
2018 Marp 1960143.0 202737.1 781247.3 954580.2 21578.4 217355.3 11.1 218707.9 11.2 2008175.9 102.5 1352.6
2018 Aprp 1998705.5 212033.0 776370.5 988666.6 21635.4 183279.5 9.2 183372.6 9.2 2026159.7 101.4 93.1
2018 Mayp 2018911.6 215230.8 772800.7 1009139.5 21740.7 206565.4 10.2 207351.3 10.3 2074583.2 102.8 785.9
2018 JunP 2058409.9 218933.0 778294.4 1039546.6 21635.8 223164.7 10.8 223793.9 10.9 2114740.9 102.7 629.2
2018 Julp 2150740.0 248045.6 811667.0 1068861.5 22165.9 257322.5 12.0 257357.6 12.0 2130748.4 99.1 35.2

2018 Augp 2136698.8 205235.1 806935.1 1102453.7 22074.8 154225.3 7.2 154618.4 7.2 2161488.9 101.2 393.1
2018 Septp 2151833.8 211362.1 813700.3 1103632.1 23139.4 209420.7 9.7 209920.6 9.8 2199998.3 102.2 500.0
2018 Octp 2211373.5 215904.4 840960.9 1130559.1 23949.1 146398.3 6.6 147458.3 6.7 2285501.6 103.4 1060.0
* 1. Excludes interbank deposits and government deposits, * 3. Includes cash in hand, balances with Nepal Rastra Bank, foreign *4. Excludes investment in Government
but includes foreign deposits. currency in hand, balance held abroad, cash in transit (since July securities and includes foreign bills
* 2. Includes cash in hand, balances with Nepal Rastra Bank 1996) and government securities other than those pledged with purchased and discounted.
and foreign currency in hand. Nepal Rastra Bank and NRB Bonds since July 1992.
# Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).

8. Cash-Deposit and Liquid Asset-Deposit Ratio of Development Banks

In Million Rupees
Deposits * 1 Cash Reserve * 2 Liquid Assets * 3 Loans and Advances * 4 Memorandum
Total As % of Total As % of Total As % of Total
M id-M onth Item: Cash in
(2+3+4+5) Current Saving Fixed M argin Amount Deposits Amount Deposits Amount Deposits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2011 Jul 75,497.9 2,049.5 42,940.1 30,338.7 169.6 6,112.7 8.1 9,041.2 12.0 92,796.0 122.9 14.3
2012 Jul 101,374.5 3,250.9 60,767.3 37,178.4 177.9 9,634.7 9.5 14,357.5 14.2 103,612.4 102.2 1.9
2013 Jul 131,311.1 3,083.7 82,945.6 45,028.3 253.4 11,605.4 8.8 14,740.0 11.2 131,823.2 100.4 5.7

2013 Aug 132,651.1 2,529.5 83,309.6 46,556.6 255.5 10,522.1 7.9 13,586.5 10.2 133,594.1 100.7 12.1
2013 Sept 135,703.8 2,785.5 85,594.0 47,041.4 282.9 11,117.1 8.2 14,135.7 10.4 135,973.0 100.2 13.4
2013 Oct 139,570.1 3,211.7 89,199.9 46,885.3 273.2 12,771.1 9.2 15,748.7 11.3 139,224.9 99.8 7.0
2013 Nov 144,865.1 2,768.9 92,625.0 49,193.9 277.4 13,131.3 9.1 15,944.7 11.0 142,713.6 98.5 16.8
2013 Dec 145,971.4 2,807.2 92,756.8 50,128.4 279.0 11,966.8 8.2 14,807.2 10.1 144,759.5 99.2 10.2
2014 Jan 149,448.8 3,465.5 94,789.5 50,913.7 280.1 13,260.8 8.9 16,598.8 11.1 147,366.8 98.6 10.2
2014 Feb 148,595.6 3,133.2 93,925.7 51,257.3 279.4 12,959.9 8.7 16,289.3 11.0 146,203.0 98.4 25.6
2014 Mar 151,311.4 3,331.6 96,016.7 51,685.1 278.0 12,586.3 8.3 15,912.6 10.5 152,811.3 101.0 0.5
2014 Apr 154,956.4 3,371.5 99,210.2 52,082.5 292.2 12,854.5 8.3 16,050.2 10.4 156,529.3 101.0 1.8
2014 May 157,355.9 3,179.6 100,909.9 52,970.9 295.4 13,260.4 8.4 16,442.6 10.4 159,703.1 101.5 1.0
2014 Jun 158,711.6 3,428.5 101,373.2 53,605.7 304.2 13,016.3 8.2 16,194.8 10.2 162,858.6 102.6 5.0
2014 Jul 168,288.4 4,228.3 108,357.5 55,395.1 307.5 14,435.6 8.6 17,388.5 10.3 170,080.9 101.1 2.5

2014 Aug 164,377.0 3,450.4 105,848.1 54,781.8 296.7 13,902.4 8.5 16,752.5 10.2 163,247.7 99.3 11.4
2014 Sept 155,650.1 3,763.2 97,960.5 53,655.0 271.5 14,494.1 9.3 17,341.7 11.1 161,004.2 103.4 0.5
2014 Oct 159,528.3 3,892.5 101,804.1 53,549.7 281.9 14,045.5 8.8 16,879.9 10.6 161,834.3 101.4 0.3
2014 Nov 159,828.1 3,542.8 101,508.4 54,504.8 272.2 14,311.1 9.0 17,154.1 10.7 162,997.2 102.0 8.3
2014 Dec 160,844.4 3,636.5 102,741.7 54,187.9 278.3 14,685.3 9.1 17,562.6 10.9 169,036.1 105.1 0.7
2015 Jan 165,803.2 4,246.0 105,945.0 55,320.2 292.0 14,418.9 8.7 17,314.8 10.4 172,364.7 104.0 0.3
2015 Feb 166,400.3 4,587.8 105,461.1 56,058.7 292.7 14,286.5 8.6 17,353.2 10.4 175,089.1 105.2 24.8
2015 Mar 166,529.7 3,983.1 106,340.8 55,910.8 295.0 14,369.0 8.6 17,295.4 10.4 179,205.8 107.6 21.9
2015 Apr 168,539.0 4,279.2 107,387.3 56,575.4 297.1 13,822.2 8.2 16,701.5 9.9 183,483.0 108.9 17.7
2015 May 171,442.3 4,043.8 110,454.9 56,649.2 294.4 16,087.6 9.4 18,879.7 11.0 185,427.7 108.2 10.8
2015 Jun 174,435.4 4,181.3 112,146.1 57,820.0 288.0 15,291.1 8.8 18,681.6 10.7 188,510.9 108.1 2.7
2015 Jul 188,728.3 5,539.4 120,640.8 62,212.7 335.4 18,462.4 9.8 21,771.6 11.5 196,462.2 104.1 0.4

2015 Aug 189,465.4 4,371.4 121,446.0 63,318.3 329.6 17,494.9 9.2 21,046.3 11.1 192,769.2 101.7 2.5
2015 Sept 192,944.2 4,347.6 124,668.8 63,591.7 336.1 18,386.9 9.5 22,313.2 11.6 199,667.5 103.5 14.8
2015 Oct 197,369.2 4,824.4 128,211.7 63,994.7 338.4 21,532.7 10.9 25,442.1 12.9 203,796.3 103.3 13.5
2015 Nov 185,732.9 5,358.3 120,334.4 59,793.9 246.3 21,127.1 11.4 25,203.6 13.6 192,434.7 103.6 4.4
2015 Dec 187,206.0 4,475.2 121,325.7 61,160.3 244.8 19,984.9 10.7 23,832.3 12.7 196,422.0 104.9 9.3
2016 Jan 192,896.7 5,001.4 125,109.5 62,538.6 247.2 20,455.5 10.6 24,354.9 12.6 200,969.8 104.2 10.3
2016 Feb 197,040.7 4,692.5 128,632.5 63,466.1 249.5 20,460.5 10.4 24,227.5 12.3 203,758.4 103.4 23.9
2016 Mar 201,356.2 7,558.0 129,500.8 64,090.5 206.9 20,026.6 9.9 23,891.7 11.9 211,506.3 105.0 13.9
2016 Apr 206,228.4 5,567.8 132,596.2 67,862.3 202.0 19,567.3 9.5 25,236.0 12.2 214,853.5 104.2 10.3
2016 May 205,883.7 4,908.2 132,981.9 67,792.4 201.1 20,144.0 9.8 26,568.7 12.9 221,729.8 107.7 0.3
2016 Jun 211,836.0 5,331.7 137,599.8 68,694.6 209.9 20,530.7 9.7 26,538.0 12.5 228,123.6 107.7 13.9
2016 Jul 219,088.0 7,238.3 143,419.3 68,222.1 208.3 21,630.2 9.9 27,484.2 12.5 234,971.6 107.2 0.3

2016 Aug 219,071.3 5,532.8 144,619.1 68,698.9 220.5 21,158.7 9.7 27,138.7 12.4 234,549.9 107.1 0.3
2016 Sept 222,322.1 6,157.1 147,307.4 68,621.3 236.3 20,565.6 9.3 26,790.7 12.1 241,576.5 108.7 9.6
2016 Oct 234,829.0 7,176.5 155,766.2 71,641.3 245.0 22,495.0 9.6 28,820.5 12.3 254,036.4 108.2 0.3
2016 Nov 233,302.3 6,118.2 155,434.2 71,496.2 253.7 22,004.9 9.4 27,997.2 12.0 257,236.8 110.3 20.2
2016 Dec 232,147.8 6,247.9 150,865.6 74,774.0 260.3 22,211.1 9.6 27,837.3 12.0 265,255.7 114.3 0.3
2017 Jan 219,296.0 7,412.7 138,288.5 73,345.5 249.4 19,349.5 8.8 25,076.5 11.4 249,831.6 113.9 0.3
2017 Feb 215,045.1 5,822.9 124,514.5 84,457.7 250.0 20,525.1 9.5 26,366.2 12.3 252,406.0 117.4 6.8
2017 Mar 219,577.3 5,905.4 118,662.0 94,754.2 255.7 20,709.7 9.4 26,547.3 12.1 252,189.6 114.9 37.5
2017 Apr 217,097.2 5,939.9 111,728.1 99,180.0 249.1 20,314.5 9.4 26,534.5 12.2 235,133.8 108.3 15.4
2017 May 213,526.5 5,129.3 108,080.0 100,072.4 244.7 19,364.9 9.1 25,902.8 12.1 242,495.5 113.6 5.9
2017 Jun 212,172.2 5,136.3 104,990.8 101,795.1 250.0 19,670.6 9.3 26,168.7 12.3 240,848.2 113.5 0.3
2017 Julp 187,270.8 5,588.5 92,788.1 88,673.0 221.2 18,980.0 10.1 25,893.3 13.8 202,986.4 108.4 0.3

2017 Augp 198,099.9 4,646.3 94,366.7 98,854.5 232.4 18,870.7 9.5 25,972.4 13.1 209,997.2 106.0 1.2
2017 Septp 199,873.0 4,670.2 96,728.8 98,237.1 237.0 18,696.8 9.4 27,837.9 13.9 214,772.0 107.5 5.2
2017 Octp 207,934.8 5,307.9 101,894.9 100,495.1 236.8 18,431.1 8.9 28,264.3 13.6 220,501.9 106.0 17.8
2017 Novp 211,949.8 4,755.3 103,413.2 103,538.2 243.1 18,409.7 8.7 30,052.9 14.2 225,004.7 106.2 1.2
2017 Decp 213,491.2 4,979.1 104,656.7 103,610.6 244.9 18,105.7 8.5 29,835.4 14.0 229,634.9 107.6 2.1
2018 Janp 219,784.2 6,432.3 107,395.7 105,703.3 252.8 17,664.2 8.0 25,959.7 11.8 236,808.9 107.7 1.2
2018 Febp 221,280.9 5,258.8 108,502.9 107,257.7 261.5 18,459.9 8.3 26,642.4 12.0 242,205.8 109.5 7.1
2018 Marp 225,425.0 5,474.1 108,624.5 111,051.6 274.9 19,429.1 8.6 27,446.2 12.2 247,916.4 110.0 8.4
2018 Aprp 233,450.4 6,738.9 110,653.6 115,776.5 281.4 18,866.1 8.1 27,242.6 11.7 253,215.0 108.5 2.9
2018 Mayp 222,090.0 4,757.0 104,247.3 112,973.9 111.8 18,632.0 8.4 26,770.4 12.1 240,476.6 108.3 7.9
2018 JunP 228,077.6 4,870.7 103,751.0 119,341.3 114.6 18,972.1 8.3 27,019.9 11.8 245,921.0 107.8 1.2
2018 Julp 246,974.9 7,304.0 114,735.9 124,816.2 118.8 20,189.7 8.2 28,187.7 11.4 253,852.3 102.8 1.2

2018 Augp 248,437.1 4,955.4 114,190.6 129,162.6 128.5 17,968.7 7.2 26,397.0 10.6 254,546.9 102.5 1.2
2018 Septp 251,149.4 5,169.6 115,751.9 130,087.3 140.6 17,699.0 7.0 26,228.6 10.4 262,908.5 104.7 1.2
2018 Octp 259,348.4 6,058.6 120,394.0 132,746.6 149.2 17,602.9 6.8 26,692.7 10.3 274,736.3 105.9 1.2

9. Cash-Deposit and Liquid Asset-Deposit Ratio of Finance Companies

In Million Rupees
Deposits * 1 Cash Reserve * 2 Liquid Assets * 3 Loans and Advances * 4 Memorandum
Total As % of Total As % of Total As % of Total
M id-M onth Item: Cash in
(2+3+4+5) Current Saving Fixed M argin Amount Deposits Amount Deposits Amount Deposits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2011 Jul 79,548.0 3,364.2 30,253.4 45,886.0 44.5 3,629.8 4.6 6,115.2 7.7 85,977.1 108.1 0.9
2012 Jul 74,753.1 4,485.2 34,158.9 36,066.1 42.9 5,266.9 7.0 8,825.1 11.8 68,642.1 91.8 2.8
2013 Jul 67,251.9 5,410.2 28,930.3 32,896.2 15.2 4,571.8 6.8 6,677.5 9.9 70,577.2 104.9 2.2

2013 Aug 68,077.4 5,196.5 29,422.2 33,443.7 15.0 4,591.5 6.7 6,647.0 9.8 69,853.1 102.6 0.1
2013 Sept 69,321.2 5,429.9 30,346.9 33,530.6 13.7 4,533.8 6.5 6,572.7 9.5 70,583.7 101.8 0.0
2013 Oct 69,306.4 5,407.1 30,449.0 33,436.7 13.6 6,881.3 9.9 8,800.2 12.7 71,960.6 103.8 1.0
2013 Nov 71,640.0 5,881.6 32,018.4 33,726.4 13.6 5,288.2 7.4 7,207.1 10.1 71,812.7 100.2 0.4
2013 Dec 71,551.8 5,447.5 32,137.1 33,953.5 13.7 5,276.6 7.4 7,384.6 10.3 71,872.2 100.4 0.0
2014 Jan 72,777.6 5,825.0 32,730.2 34,208.4 13.9 5,825.1 8.0 8,888.6 12.2 72,035.9 99.0 6.0
2014 Feb 70,438.9 4,872.7 30,901.7 34,649.6 14.8 5,416.6 7.7 8,470.6 12.0 73,320.4 104.1 2.1
2014 Mar 72,252.9 5,299.6 32,017.7 34,921.0 14.6 5,348.8 7.4 8,392.3 11.6 73,488.1 101.7 1.7
2014 Apr 74,431.6 5,640.2 33,789.0 34,987.8 14.5 5,194.7 7.0 8,130.1 10.9 72,138.9 96.9 3.5
2014 May 70,003.7 5,386.3 31,249.8 33,354.4 13.1 6,027.5 8.6 9,130.3 13.0 69,793.4 99.7 0.9
2014 Jun 70,486.8 5,592.5 31,338.8 33,543.1 12.4 4,835.3 6.9 7,887.7 11.2 71,313.3 101.2 0.8
2014 Jul 70,974.5 5,824.9 31,184.7 33,952.7 12.3 5,573.4 7.9 8,615.5 12.1 70,105.5 98.8 1.8

2014 Aug 72,115.6 5,970.5 32,195.8 33,936.7 12.6 5,774.8 8.0 8,905.1 12.3 71,527.8 99.2 0.1
2014 Sept 71,579.3 5,844.7 31,926.4 33,794.1 14.2 7,570.0 10.6 10,800.3 15.1 71,306.8 99.6 0.0
2014 Oct 71,809.5 5,952.5 32,065.8 33,777.8 13.4 5,270.0 7.3 8,524.8 11.9 70,143.3 97.7 27.1
2014 Nov 72,127.2 5,516.3 32,296.5 34,300.6 13.9 4,973.2 6.9 8,041.0 11.1 70,152.2 97.3 0.0
2014 Dec 72,451.6 6,169.8 32,327.2 33,940.5 14.1 5,083.5 7.0 8,121.4 11.2 70,634.2 97.5 0.0
2015 Jan 72,706.4 6,155.5 32,571.0 33,965.9 14.1 5,317.0 7.3 8,199.8 11.3 71,618.4 98.5 0.0
2015 Feb 73,189.3 5,922.5 33,317.0 33,936.3 13.4 5,328.2 7.3 8,210.9 11.2 73,659.2 100.6 0.0
2015 Mar 72,509.8 5,393.8 33,400.9 33,701.5 13.7 6,068.0 8.4 8,930.8 12.3 74,918.6 103.3 0.0
2015 Apr 72,768.7 6,232.8 33,048.4 33,473.8 13.7 4,960.5 6.8 7,700.0 10.6 74,616.8 102.5 0.1
2015 May 71,580.8 5,906.9 33,309.0 32,351.1 13.7 5,566.7 7.8 8,346.1 11.7 74,678.8 104.3 0.1
2015 Jun 73,414.2 6,251.0 34,610.4 32,539.1 13.7 5,417.1 7.4 8,441.1 11.5 76,020.7 103.6 0.1
2015 Jul 70,745.4 5,426.4 33,755.0 31,550.0 13.9 6,830.4 9.7 9,877.8 14.0 71,267.5 100.7 0.1

2015 Aug 71,116.5 5,117.2 34,272.1 31,713.1 14.0 5,245.8 7.4 8,233.2 11.6 71,874.5 101.1 0.1
2015 Sept 72,867.8 5,366.8 35,438.4 32,045.2 17.3 5,047.4 6.9 9,420.3 12.9 73,334.1 100.6 0.1
2015 Oct 73,462.4 5,480.4 35,678.9 32,285.7 17.5 5,248.3 7.1 9,968.2 13.6 73,466.8 100.0 0.1
2015 Nov 73,598.0 5,886.2 35,316.2 32,377.8 17.8 4,843.8 6.6 9,548.6 13.0 75,246.5 102.2 0.1
2015 Dec 72,760.8 6,059.1 35,092.6 31,591.3 17.8 5,565.0 7.6 10,491.6 14.4 74,631.1 102.6 0.1
2016 Jan 73,779.7 5,164.2 36,328.7 32,271.1 15.7 5,606.1 7.6 9,925.7 13.5 73,974.1 100.3 0.1
2016 Feb 75,751.8 5,355.0 38,029.0 32,352.6 15.2 5,731.9 7.6 10,049.8 13.3 71,477.9 94.4 0.1
2016 Mar 76,775.8 5,260.4 38,981.9 32,518.0 15.5 7,896.2 10.3 11,626.3 15.1 78,838.1 102.7 0.1
2016 Apr 72,617.4 6,129.1 36,872.2 29,600.7 15.5 5,832.3 8.0 9,124.3 12.6 76,767.5 105.7 0.0
2016 May 70,602.3 5,178.2 35,865.3 29,542.8 16.0 5,453.4 7.7 9,477.9 13.4 74,586.2 105.6 0.0
2016 Jun 70,253.9 5,463.9 35,775.5 28,998.7 15.9 5,889.8 8.4 9,919.0 14.1 66,846.3 95.1 0.0
2016 Jul 61,590.0 4,542.4 32,046.9 24,985.8 14.8 6,572.3 10.7 10,419.8 16.9 63,745.6 103.5 2.4

2016 Aug 62,656.7 4,437.5 33,265.4 24,938.7 15.1 5,286.6 8.4 9,126.6 14.6 64,202.7 102.5 0.0
2016 Sept 61,943.8 4,276.6 32,789.0 24,863.1 15.1 4,866.5 7.9 8,706.5 14.1 64,947.0 104.8 0.0
2016 Oct 54,688.8 4,211.3 29,411.9 21,052.9 12.7 4,652.1 8.5 8,492.1 15.5 58,754.6 107.4 0.0
2016 Nov 55,078.1 3,783.1 29,455.2 21,826.8 12.9 4,812.5 8.7 8,682.5 15.8 59,647.4 108.3 0.0
2016 Dec 54,149.3 4,096.7 28,718.7 21,320.8 13.1 4,894.5 9.0 8,748.0 16.2 59,595.1 110.1 0.0
2017 Jan 55,486.0 4,270.7 29,193.4 22,008.7 13.1 4,433.1 8.0 8,286.9 14.9 60,389.1 108.8 0.3
2017 Feb 51,518.0 4,308.6 23,371.6 23,824.6 13.2 4,245.2 8.2 8,048.8 15.6 61,907.5 120.2 0.1
2017 Mar 55,053.3 5,198.4 23,719.0 26,122.4 13.5 4,587.4 8.3 8,477.4 15.4 61,648.7 112.0 0.0
2017 Apr 53,946.0 4,133.0 22,518.5 27,280.9 13.6 4,729.0 8.8 8,653.5 16.0 61,819.5 114.6 0.0
2017 May 54,895.5 4,646.4 22,305.8 27,930.4 12.9 4,701.2 8.6 8,649.2 15.8 62,465.6 113.8 0.0
2017 Jun 54,418.6 4,563.2 21,179.2 28,663.2 12.9 4,579.7 8.4 8,597.7 15.8 63,228.6 116.2 0.0
2017 Julp 48,027.7 4,371.8 18,444.6 25,197.9 13.5 5,893.8 12.3 9,912.5 20.6 55,282.1 115.1 0.4

2017 Augp 49,616.6 4,590.5 18,417.7 26,595.4 13.0 5,377.4 10.8 9,326.0 18.8 55,761.8 112.4 0.4
2017 Septp 50,321.5 4,703.6 18,348.3 27,236.2 33.4 4,915.2 9.8 9,098.8 18.1 56,475.2 112.2 0.3
2017 Octp 50,875.8 4,373.5 18,730.2 27,738.5 33.7 4,824.0 9.5 9,077.4 17.8 56,767.0 111.6 0.2
2017 Novp 50,551.6 4,108.0 18,962.3 27,446.8 34.5 5,189.2 10.3 10,464.2 20.7 56,629.2 112.0 0.7
2017 Decp 50,459.3 3,953.1 18,886.5 27,581.8 37.9 4,542.7 9.0 10,092.6 20.0 57,103.3 113.2 0.6
2018 Janp 52,112.1 3,770.2 19,469.0 28,834.1 38.8 4,789.4 9.2 8,597.7 16.5 58,184.3 111.7 0.6
2018 Febp 51,439.3 3,590.6 18,984.0 28,824.2 40.3 5,035.2 9.8 8,933.5 17.4 58,797.5 114.3 0.6
2018 Marp 52,617.8 3,475.8 18,954.5 30,147.5 39.9 4,706.3 8.9 8,389.5 15.9 60,004.5 114.0 0.5
2018 Aprp 54,071.2 3,480.5 18,825.7 31,723.0 42.1 4,740.7 8.8 8,518.9 15.8 61,287.5 113.3 0.5
2018 Mayp 55,176.4 3,556.9 18,609.4 32,966.5 43.7 5,019.5 9.1 8,762.7 15.9 62,226.8 112.8 0.5
2018 JunP 56,578.3 3,704.5 18,963.5 33,865.8 44.5 4,962.1 8.8 8,723.6 15.4 63,987.0 113.1 18.8
2018 Julp 58,960.7 3,974.8 20,425.4 34,512.6 47.9 5,515.2 9.4 9,203.4 15.6 64,545.5 109.5 0.4

2018 Augp 60,464.2 4,538.8 20,359.9 35,516.8 48.7 5,394.0 8.9 9,143.8 15.1 64,591.4 106.8 2.1
2018 Septp 60,742.3 4,526.6 20,927.6 35,237.8 50.4 5,574.7 9.2 9,322.9 15.3 65,385.0 107.6 0.4
2018 Octp 60,785.1 4,346.1 20,752.8 35,635.0 51.2 5,305.0 8.7 9,043.2 14.9 67,042.6 110.3 5.5

10. Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Cash in Hand and Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank Foreign Assets
Balance with Foreign Bills
M id-M onth Notes and Nepal Rastra Inter Bank Total Foreign Notes Balances with Purchased and
Total (2+3) Coins Bank* Deposit (6+7+8) and Coins Foreign Banks Discounted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1960 Jul 15.9 5.2 10.7 0.0 34.0 8.9 25.1 0.0
1961 Jul 17.0 5.8 11.2 0.0 21.5 8.7 12.8 0.0
1962 Jul 14.6 5.6 9.0 0.0 20.8 7.6 13.2 0.0
1963 Jul 16.6 9.4 7.2 0.0 27.4 14.1 13.3 0.0
1964 Jul 18.0 12.9 5.1 0.0 17.6 4.6 13.0 0.0
1965 Jul 21.3 12.1 9.2 0.0 18.2 6.6 11.6 0.0
1966 Jul 14.3 11.5 2.8 0.2 4.2 2.4 1.8 0.0
1967 Jul 25.2 13.8 11.4 0.4 26.4 8.3 18.1 0.0
1968 Jul 39.7 15.9 23.8 0.7 36.0 10.2 25.8 0.0
1969 Jul 67.4 20.6 46.8 2.3 100.6 14.6 62.4 23.6
1970 Jul 78.9 20.7 58.2 4.0 92.6 15.5 58.6 18.5
1971 Jul 128.9 26.9 102.0 2.6 76.5 11.3 47.5 17.7
1972 Jul 134.8 30.2 104.6 8.4 118.5 12.0 86.1 20.4
1973 Jul 102.8 32.5 70.3 13.3 167.6 12.8 126.0 28.8
1974 Jul 126.4 38.0 88.4 27.0 209.2 18.3 166.8 24.1
1975 Jul 181.7 48.0 133.7 7.1 238.8 17.8 193.7 27.3
1976 Jul 213.5 52.0 161.5 3.1 372.5 20.1 305.9 46.5
1977 Jul 261.7 58.8 202.9 2.3 423.4 25.5 343.9 54.0
1978 Jul 366.3 74.9 291.4 2.6 456.8 31.0 347.0 78.8
1979 Jul 338.1 97.0 241.1 12.0 666.5 43.6 437.7 185.2
1980 Jul 416.0 109.4 306.6 18.2 582.7 49.7 361.5 171.5
1981 Jul 429.7 148.2 281.5 15.1 799.0 83.5 553.5 162.0
1982 Jul 713.9 180.8 533.1 37.1 860.3 88.4 660.3 111.6
1983 Jul 916.8 211.2 705.6 26.8 902.0 108.5 650.0 143.5
1984 Jul 1,025.6 280.9 744.7 43.5 1,207.4 102.5 941.9 163.0
1985 Jul 1,132.1 298.3 833.8 58.1 1,253.8 123.0 833.4 297.4
1986 Jul 1,349.7 391.6 958.1 61.9 1,614.7 169.3 1,176.4 269.0
1987 Jul 1,487.1 437.7 1,049.4 43.0 1,681.4 169.0 1,192.7 319.7
1988 Jul 1,951.8 587.5 1,364.3 29.3 1,801.3 198.1 1,265.6 337.6
1989 Jul 2,794.2 761.3 2,032.9 66.7 1,853.9 199.8 1,313.5 340.6
1990 Jul 3,330.2 808.2 2,522.0 86.1 3,035.0 296.8 2,185.6 552.6
1991 Jul 4,482.6 953.9 3,528.7 327.7 3,880.0 353.9 2,842.5 683.6
1992 Jul 4,286.3 1,147.0 3,139.3 378.5 4,700.1 414.7 3,038.0 1,247.4
1993 Jul 6,829.2 1,360.1 5,469.1 397.1 5,577.1 335.6 3,902.5 1,339.0
1994 Jul 7,424.8 1,859.4 5,565.4 346.4 7,487.0 459.5 5,582.2 1,445.3
1995 Jul 9,054.1 2,037.6 7,016.5 518.7 8,440.1 455.8 6,697.5 1,286.8
1996 Jul 9,145.2 2,446.4 6,698.8 167.1 11,039.2 592.9 8,625.1 1,821.2
1997 Jul 12,109.9 2,837.3 9,272.6 1,169.5 12,456.8 627.5 9,766.5 2,062.8
1998 Jul 13,432.8 2,889.7 10,543.1 753.5 17,720.9 750.7 14,704.2 2,266.0
1999 Jul 15,168.1 3,310.4 11,857.7 890.9 23,472.5 692.6 20,366.4 2,413.5
2000 Jul 16,387.9 3,507.0 12,880.9 1,560.6 28,208.0 632.1 25,595.2 1,980.7
2001 Jul 20,101.6 4,116.9 15,984.7 1,869.6 30,047.1 665.9 27,497.6 1,883.6
2002 Jul 21,061.0 4,908.9 16,152.1 1,139.3 25,201.7 616.9 23,258.3 1,326.5
2003 Jul 20,413.6 4,723.3 15,690.3 1,862.5 21,263.3 721.6 19,366.1 1,175.6
2004 Jul 28,510.8 4,283.8 24,227.0 3,787.9 22,289.2 435.5 20,798.6 1,055.1
2005 Jul 25,007.1 4,773.0 20,234.1 2,458.7 25,472.6 374.8 24,045.1 1,052.8
2006 Jul 28,815.9 5,908.6 22,907.3 3,591.7 33,065.4 399.2 31,401.9 1,264.3
2006 Jul** 28,961.7 6,054.4 22,907.3 4,007.9 33,065.4 399.2 31,401.9 1,264.3
2007 Jul 29,957.5 7,359.8 22,597.7 4,776.1 35,499.6 454.0 33,933.0 1,112.6
2008 Jul 36,509.2 12,651.9 23,857.3 11,036.7 42,939.9 358.8 41,100.6 1,480.5
2009 Jul 60,863.2 15,014.6 45,848.7 21,871.5 62,346.7 824.8 59,960.7 1,561.2
2010 Jul 67,977.4 16,863.7 51,113.7 15,009.1 63,535.8 437.3 62,357.2 741.3
2011 Jul 74,063.9 19,786.4 54,277.5 6,744.6 59,029.7 500.3 56,794.8 1,734.6
2012 Jul 125,535.9 25,398.0 100,137.8 6,137.6 63,773.1 628.9 59,653.8 3,490.4
2013 Jul 136,475.8 29,120.1 107,355.7 5,895.6 80,458.5 800.9 77,273.9 2,383.7
2014 Jul 177,423.6 33,942.2 143,481.4 9,641.6 93,124.6 699.9 88,901.1 3,523.6
2015 Jul 214,323.3 39,383.4 174,939.8 12,125.3 120,689.1 1,252.1 112,283.6 7,153.4
2016 Jul 181,776.4 47,060.6 134,715.9 12,743.7 151,814.7 928.1 145,568.3 5,318.3
2017 Jul
p 249,897.9 55,472.0 194,425.9 13,694.3 151,971.4 996.7 144,564.8 6,409.9
2017 Augp 179,967.7 47,991.4 131,976.3 12,658.1 159,524.4 1,582.3 152,856.8 5,085.3
2017 Septp 164,902.8 46,083.3 118,819.6 9,549.2 155,637.1 2,513.8 149,128.9 3,994.5
2017 Octp 179,984.1 51,864.4 128,119.8 10,848.1 152,310.9 3,577.1 145,904.4 2,829.4
2017 Novp 141,593.3 50,463.0 91,130.2 12,100.0 157,001.5 3,891.1 151,755.8 1,354.6
2017 Decp 128,129.8 48,555.9 79,574.0 12,917.2 150,831.4 3,776.9 146,347.0 707.6
2018 Janp 177,946.1 51,341.9 126,604.1 13,379.2 133,138.2 2,777.5 130,144.9 215.8
2018 Febp 191,629.5 48,127.5 143,502.0 12,914.1 112,806.2 2,745.5 109,943.4 117.3
2018 Marp 214,249.1 52,970.9 161,278.2 13,005.9 115,489.4 3,106.1 112,277.3 106.0
2018 Aprp 180,123.2 50,147.4 129,975.8 11,697.3 110,619.8 3,156.3 107,368.7 94.9
2018 Mayp 203,321.4 54,359.6 148,961.8 11,467.4 105,790.3 3,244.0 102,424.6 121.7
2018 JunP 220,555.2 50,668.5 169,886.7 11,906.2 115,711.4 2,609.4 113,002.2 99.8
2018 Julp 254,821.9 63,741.4 191,080.6 12,169.4 112,997.1 2,500.5 110,388.9 107.7

2018 Augp 151,876.5 53,611.4 98,265.1 12,489.3 127,387.1 2,348.8 124,932.5 105.8
2018 Septp 206,576.4 52,614.7 153,961.7 15,646.1 149,361.9 2,844.3 146,425.5 92.1
2018 Octp 142,662.6 59,199.6 83,463.0 23,759.4 130,948.9 3,735.7 127,105.8 107.4
* NRB's balance sheet figure used since mid-July 1973.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).
1. NBL wrote off Rs. 11.05 billion in July 2006 and Rs. 2.87 billion in mid-October 2006; and RBB wrote off Rs. 13.15 billion in mid-December 2006. This write off lowered the
volume of private sector credit, total domestic credit and other items, net (because of reduction of loan loss provisioning and interest suspense account).

Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
A. Assets (Contd. ...)

In Million Rupees
Claims on Government Claims on Govt. Enterprises Claims on
Non-Govt. Total Assets
M id-M onth Total Development Financial Claims on (1+4+5+9+
(10+11) Treasury Bills Bonds Total (13+14) Financial Non-financial Institutions Private Sector Other Assets 12+15+16+17)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1960 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.2 2.3 84.4
1961 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.6 3.5 87.6
1962 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 2.7 95.6
1963 Jul 4.5 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.3 8.7 116.5
1964 Jul 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 88.5 5.0 132.1
1965 Jul 3.3 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 106.9 12.7 162.4
1966 Jul 3.3 0.0 3.3 12.2 1.4 10.8 0.0 150.4 12.2 196.8
1967 Jul 3.3 0.0 3.3 13.8 0.7 13.1 0.0 132.9 12.4 214.4
1968 Jul 4.3 0.0 4.3 7.7 3.6 4.1 0.0 190.6 14.9 293.9
1969 Jul 10.0 0.0 10.0 6.6 1.9 4.7 0.0 188.7 16.0 391.6
1970 Jul 17.9 0.0 17.9 27.3 6.8 20.5 0.0 251.7 46.8 519.2
1971 Jul 17.2 0.0 17.2 18.4 1.9 16.5 0.0 315.5 47.4 606.5
1972 Jul 65.8 0.0 65.8 7.4 6.6 0.8 0.0 391.8 64.2 790.9
1973 Jul 100.9 0.0 100.9 42.3 9.3 33.0 0.0 449.6 109.2 985.7
1974 Jul 98.3 0.0 98.3 84.9 5.0 79.9 0.0 682.0 57.3 1,285.1
1975 Jul 100.4 0.0 100.4 432.5 2.4 430.1 0.0 761.8 108.9 1,831.2
1976 Jul 119.6 0.0 119.6 451.2 1.9 449.3 0.0 693.6 147.8 2,001.3
1977 Jul 479.9 210.0 269.9 332.8 2.3 330.5 0.0 824.7 338.3 2,663.1
1978 Jul 351.5 0.0 351.5 609.3 38.0 571.3 0.0 1,037.6 372.3 3,196.4
1979 Jul 371.8 25.0 346.8 725.8 52.8 673.0 0.0 1,299.9 504.5 3,918.6
1980 Jul 371.2 17.5 353.7 758.9 62.3 696.6 0.0 1,867.6 529.3 4,543.9
1981 Jul 324.8 0.0 324.8 1,001.9 60.5 941.4 0.0 2,439.3 977.9 5,987.7
1982 Jul 641.8 209.5 432.3 893.6 58.8 8,348.0 0.0 2,576.3 534.4 6257.4
1983 Jul 1,161.0 148.0 1,013.0 1,213.1 81.2 1,131.9 0.0 2,634.8 880.7 7,735.2
1984 Jul 1,482.9 0.0 1,482.9 1,045.4 97.0 948.4 0.0 3,079.2 681.4 8,565.4
1985 Jul 2,018.3 198.8 1,819.5 1,314.2 155.8 1,158.4 0.0 3,877.3 1,024.7 10678.5
1986 Jul 1,818.7 48.0 1,770.7 1,865.0 144.4 1,720.6 0.0 5,044.9 1,121.9 12876.8
1987 Jul 2,326.8 89.6 2,237.2 2,112.9 261.9 1,851.0 0.0 5,970.7 1,667.3 15289.2
1988 Jul 3,222.2 204.5 3,017.7 2,384.1 425.4 1,958.7 0.0 7,579.6 1,919.4 18887.7
1989 Jul 3,771.4 821.2 2,950.2 3,072.7 912.3 2,160.4 0.0 10,079.8 972.4 22611.1
1990 Jul 3,582.5 310.0 3,272.5 3,254.9 1,234.0 2,020.9 0.0 11,527.2 1,872.0 26687.9
1991 Jul 7,343.1 940.2 6,402.9 2,830.7 1,502.3 1,328.4 0.0 13,553.1 3,320.1 35737.3
1992 Jul 9,198.6 2,769.7 6,428.9 4,079.5 2,047.7 2,031.8 0.0 17,269.3 6,617.7 46530.0
1993 Jul 9,998.0 3,949.1 6,048.9 4,189.9 2,739.3 1,450.6 0.0 20,694.7 11,371.2 59057.2
1994 Jul 8,894.1 4,371.3 4,522.8 4,243.9 2,739.4 1,504.5 0.0 29,067.6 15,993.9 73457.7
1995 Jul 8,197.8 4,339.2 3,858.6 4,318.7 3,097.3 1,221.4 0.0 41,309.2 11,956.9 83795.5
1996 Jul 7,548.4 4,207.3 3,341.1 5,060.0 3,109.2 1,950.8 0.0 54,584.8 13,954.3 101,499.0
1997 Jul 7,746.3 5,412.3 2,334.0 5,533.1 3,943.6 1,589.5 0.0 63,169.7 16,241.6 118,426.9
1998 Jul 10,280.7 8,127.5 2,153.2 5,607.1 4,556.1 1,051.0 0.0 75,643.9 22,421.4 145,860.3
1999 Jul 12,659.1 9,848.9 2,810.2 7,463.1 5,903.9 1,559.2 0.0 89,433.1 23,800.9 172,887.7
2000 Jul 18,176.7 15,686.0 2,490.7 8,684.3 6,883.7 1,800.6 0.0 107,343.1 30,534.2 210,894.8
2001 Jul 25,392.9 22,267.0 3,125.9 10,225.4 8,009.9 2,215.5 0.0 123,417.4 42,056.5 253,110.5
2002 Jul 29,143.8 23,029.8 6,114.0 12,760.5 9,692.0 3,068.5 0.0 130,088.4 51,542.8 270,937.5
2003 Jul 39,469.3 31,173.8 8,295.5 13,104.4 10,278.7 2,825.7 0.0 148,073.2 61,340.0 305,526.3
2004 Jul 43,796.3 36,154.3 7,642.0 14,690.7 11,783.3 2,907.4 0.0 168,692.8 27,960.8 309,728.5
2005 Jul 48,550.7 39,501.6 9,049.1 17,993.8 11,436.2 6,557.7 0.0 193,270.0 28,269.5 341,022.5
2006 Jul 58,459.3 51,243.7 7,215.6 16,133.7 11,681.3 4,452.4 0.0 211,112.7 28,718.7 379,897.4
2006 Jul** 58,861.9 51,646.3 7,215.6 5,381.5 829.1 4,552.4 1,714.4 240,361.9 25,776.1 398,130.8
2007 Jul 65,850.0 58,625.1 7,224.9 6,161.4 1,055.1 5,106.4 1,870.2 265,360.6 31,992.6 441,468.1
2008 Jul 72,100.2 64,925.9 7,174.3 6,873.8 1,238.4 5,635.5 3,007.1 336,781.0 44,027.2 553,275.1
2009 Jul 71,949.1 61,054.8 10,894.3 6,258.6 1,177.7 5,080.9 6,151.1 434,912.7 57,156.5 721,509.6
2010 Jul 82,995.8 68,109.5 14,886.3 7,243.2 1,811.5 5,431.7 9,228.5 497,139.8 28,009.9 771,139.4
2011 Jul 105,940.9 86,461.1 19,479.8 8,335.3 2,112.3 6,223.0 12,848.5 544,251.7 42,276.2 853,490.7
2012 Jul 128,829.8 102,049.2 26,780.6 10,924.8 1,162.0 9,762.8 10,984.4 633,360.8 72,904.4 1,052,450.7
2013 Jul 147,230.1 121,491.4 25,738.7 12,157.6 1,083.5 11,074.0 10,004.0 766,327.2 84,332.6 1,242,881.4
2014 Jul 136,367.1 113,360.3 23,006.8 11,043.9 996.6 10,047.3 9,140.0 906,851.9 123,559.2 1,467,151.9
2015 Jul 136,363.1 100,729.2 35,633.9 10,627.4 852.9 9,774.5 11,048.3 1,101,814.7 146,735.3 1,753,726.4
2016 Jul 176,963.0 97,899.5 79,063.5 8,882.4 1,006.6 7,875.8 14,304.6 1,389,459.2 205,272.2 2,141,216.3
p 203,061.8 79,538.8 123,523.0 9,728.0 853.7 8,874.4 15,847.7 1,735,074.9 203,752.3 2,583,028.4
2017 Jul
2017 Augp 227,931.7 89,468.7 138,463.0 9,231.3 798.5 8,432.8 16,321.2 1,747,211.9 271,968.7 2,624,814.8
2017 Septp 254,797.4 98,468.7 156,328.7 10,175.3 1,053.7 9,121.7 16,370.0 1,786,570.9 263,067.6 2,661,070.3
2017 Octp 263,438.5 102,853.7 160,584.8 10,813.3 1,053.7 9,759.7 15,043.4 1,811,228.4 243,961.2 2,687,628.0
2017 Novp 298,796.9 109,598.2 189,198.7 10,588.8 1,053.7 9,535.2 15,719.3 1,858,943.0 225,540.5 2,720,283.3
2017 Decp 301,862.0 112,663.3 189,198.7 10,117.4 1,053.7 9,063.8 15,168.5 1,905,105.4 238,215.4 2,762,347.1
2018 Janp 260,116.6 91,338.3 168,778.3 9,300.5 1,053.5 8,247.0 16,928.5 1,935,552.6 204,607.8 2,750,969.5
2018 Febp 250,418.8 92,708.3 157,710.5 10,514.0 1,053.5 9,460.5 18,309.1 1,973,603.2 175,741.9 2,745,936.8
2018 Marp 248,178.7 90,468.2 157,710.5 11,324.1 1,053.5 10,270.7 18,916.5 1,996,745.8 189,624.5 2,807,534.1
2018 Aprp 271,838.5 114,128.0 157,710.5 11,166.5 1,053.6 10,112.9 19,247.9 2,014,898.4 199,323.8 2,818,915.5
2018 Mayp 264,133.5 106,423.0 157,710.5 11,282.9 1,051.2 10,231.7 19,674.0 2,063,178.6 195,786.3 2,874,634.4
2018 JunP 273,168.5 115,458.0 157,710.5 10,763.4 1,053.6 9,709.9 20,456.0 2,103,877.7 201,704.8 2,958,143.3
2018 Julp 275,863.5 118,153.0 157,710.5 10,679.0 1,047.5 9,631.5 21,529.7 2,119,961.7 261,208.7 3,069,231.2

2018 Augp 280,143.5 122,433.0 157,710.5 11,493.3 1,047.5 10,445.8 19,948.3 2,149,889.8 337,821.6 3,091,049.2
2018 Septp 279,877.1 122,166.6 157,710.5 12,077.6 1,039.4 11,038.2 48,924.9 2,187,828.7 271,488.6 3,171,781.2
2018 Octp 277,272.1 119,561.6 157,710.5 11,517.5 1,041.4 10,476.0 23,363.6 2,273,876.7 304,243.8 3,187,644.6

10. Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Deposit Current Deposit Savings Deposit
Total Total Private Total Private
M id-M onth
(2+7+10+13) (3+4+5+6) Sector Government Inter-bank Foreign (8+9) Sector Foreign
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1960 Jul 72.2 45.7 45.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 4.3 0.0
1961 Jul 75.3 45.1 45.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 5.7 0.0
1962 Jul 79.3 43.8 43.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0
1963 Jul 100.7 61.4 61.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 6.7 0.0
1964 Jul 112.4 72.8 72.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.6 7.6 0.0
1965 Jul 129.8 86.4 86.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.9 10.9 0.0
1966 Jul* 125.0 75.8 75.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.2 15.2 0.0
1967 Jul 181.8 108.7 108.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.1 19.1 0.0
1968 Jul 222.5 114.2 114.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.1 26.1 0.0
1969 Jul 319.5 162.3 127.1 21.4 2.7 11.1 37.8 37.8 0.0
1970 Jul 405.0 192.4 142.4 36.4 4.4 9.2 52.9 52.5 0.4
1971 Jul 475.5 196.0 166.6 14.2 3.0 12.2 68.6 68.2 0.4
1972 Jul 623.0 218.0 189.2 4.7 5.0 19.1 88.5 87.8 0.7
1973 Jul 770.5 255.5 233.0 0.0 6.1 16.4 121.5 120.2 1.3
1974 Jul 941.3 310.2 290.2 0.0 4.4 15.6 158.1 157.0 1.1
1975 Jul 1,174.0 446.4 340.4 0.0 7.8 98.2 172.7 172.4 0.3
1976 Jul 1,605.2 529.4 387.6 0.0 4.6 137.2 198.0 197.6 0.4
1977 Jul 2,146.8 739.0 519.8 0.0 13.9 205.3 269.2 265.7 3.5
1978 Jul 2,528.5 704.8 577.2 0.0 10.7 116.9 361.1 357.4 3.7
1979 Jul 2,920.9 898.7 725.7 0.0 18.7 154.3 454.5 447.3 7.2
1980 Jul 3,351.6 875.4 777.8 0.0 21.9 75.7 571.2 563.2 8.0
1981 Jul 4,160.2 1,036.6 931.3 0.0 17.0 88.3 716.7 709.0 7.7
1982 Jul 4,935.4 1,062.1 949.8 0.0 28.4 83.9 877.4 867.8 9.6
1983 Jul 6,308.4 1,400.9 1,252.7 0.0 21.9 126.3 1,068.7 1,056.6 12.1
1984 Jul 7,091.2 1,531.3 1,333.0 0.0 24.2 174.1 1,333.9 1,320.0 13.9
1985 Jul 8,560.1 1,691.9 1,434.7 0.0 24.0 233.2 1,776.2 1,755.7 20.5
1986 Jul 10,315.4 2,130.5 1,791.7 0.0 39.7 299.1 2,255.7 2,236.1 19.6
1987 Jul 11,900.5 2,442.0 2,007.3 0.0 88.1 346.6 2,672.2 2,647.0 25.2
1988 Jul 14,996.2 3,030.5 2,552.5 0.0 44.3 433.7 3,338.8 3,301.8 37.0
1989 Jul 19,008.6 3,978.0 3,232.8 0.0 54.0 691.2 4,321.8 4,276.7 45.1
1990 Jul 21,942.5 4,351.2 3,628.4 0.0 57.5 665.3 5,218.2 5,167.8 50.4
1991 Jul 26,804.9 4,899.8 3,980.2 0.0 117.4 802.2 6,671.5 6,601.7 69.8
1992 Jul 33,686.1 6,808.8 4,880.9 0.0 357.6 1,570.3 8,634.9 8,491.3 143.6
1993 Jul 43,777.9 8,536.9 6,218.4 0.0 234.8 2,083.7 12,923.3 12,655.8 267.5
1994 Jul 52,304.8 10,293.1 7,529.5 0.0 136.3 2,627.3 17,460.7 17,135.5 325.2
1995 Jul 61,164.1 12,133.0 9,353.2 0.0 118.6 2,661.2 22,765.9 22,225.6 540.3
1996 Jul 71,346.2 13,350.4 10,253.3 0.0 134.8 2,962.3 25,889.5 25,099.2 790.3
1997 Jul 81,660.6 13,033.3 9,542.9 0.0 115.9 3,374.5 29,783.3 28,857.4 925.9
1998 Jul 102,543.6 16,547.8 12,601.1 0.0 138.4 3,808.3 36,885.3 35,470.6 1,414.7
1999 Jul 127,062.9 17,950.9 14,005.2 0.0 173.3 3,772.4 50,140.8 48,114.5 2,026.3
2000 Jul 154,940.8 20,638.1 16,364.0 0.0 330.5 3,943.6 65,703.6 63,364.3 2,339.3
2001 Jul 181,674.9 25,100.7 20,111.9 0.0 471.5 4,517.3 80,987.8 77,602.1 3,385.7
2002 Jul 184,331.1 24,352.2 19,247.5 0.0 603.0 4,501.7 83,817.7 79,984.4 3,833.3
2003 Jul 203,296.9 28,862.6 23,188.1 0.0 563.2 5,111.3 97,236.4 92,889.4 4,347.0
2004 Jul 233,292.8 33,755.2 28,065.2 0.0 716.5 4,973.5 114,106.3 107,497.2 6,609.1
2005 Jul 251,008.0 34,663.1 28,673.5 0.0 543.1 5,446.5 130,013.6 123,917.8 6,095.8
2006 Jul 290,915.8 37,386.4 32,306.4 0.0 488.2 4,591.8 151,573.2 145,639.2 5,934.0
2006 Jul** 290,557.9 36,298.1 31,124.4 0.0 581.9 4,591.8 151,710.7 145,776.8 5,934.0
2007 Jul 336,792.7 45,031.6 37,575.8 0.0 2,339.4 5,116.4 174,633.9 168,320.4 6,313.5
2008 Jul 423,488.4 56,089.1 46,261.5 0.0 1,964.8 7,862.9 211,406.4 203,771.0 7,635.4
2009 Jul 552,856.9 71,669.4 61,749.3 0.0 2,179.9 7,740.2 259,872.4 250,300.9 9,571.5
2010 Jul 622,508.2 81,048.7 67,589.6 0.0 1,899.5 11,559.6 237,492.6 232,263.5 5,229.1
2011 Jul 567,520.8 79,553.0 67,933.2 0.0 1,349.4 10,270.4 230,693.1 225,019.4 5,673.7
2012 Jul 703,526.2 94,608.5 81,009.3 0.0 3,473.2 10,125.9 304,712.3 298,883.2 5,829.0
2013 Jul 823,925.7 110,590.9 93,604.0 0.0 3,281.1 13,705.8 358,804.6 351,736.9 7,067.7
2014 Jul 955,203.0 128,152.8 108,467.3 0.0 5,608.1 14,077.5 450,769.1 441,456.0 9,313.2
2015 Jul 1,146,130.4 157,623.4 132,566.9 0.0 7,180.5 17,876.0 559,351.0 549,436.3 9,914.7
2016 Jul 1,420,953.8 183,318.2 157,821.0 0.0 8,231.0 17,266.2 698,691.2 683,588.7 15,102.5
2017 Julp 1,806,612.5 203,157.8 179,874.8 0.0 11,455.5 11,827.5 703,028.1 689,422.5 13,605.6

2017 Augp 1,798,493.6 185,242.1 158,484.3 0.0 10,228.4 16,529.4 708,720.7 695,583.8 13,136.9
2017 Septp 1,833,755.8 197,808.1 170,213.7 0.0 7,998.7 19,595.7 722,514.1 709,574.8 12,939.3
2017 Octp 1,853,154.5 201,432.0 172,661.4 0.0 8,758.0 20,012.6 740,530.3 727,117.8 13,412.5
2017 Novp 1,855,227.3 193,689.0 163,302.7 0.0 9,899.5 20,486.8 749,508.2 736,273.6 13,234.6
2017 Decp 1,871,603.3 200,170.5 170,216.1 0.0 7,692.7 22,261.7 760,437.0 746,491.4 13,945.6
2018 Janp 1,913,137.9 205,071.3 177,907.3 0.0 7,253.0 19,911.0 767,631.8 753,503.8 14,128.0
2018 Febp 1,936,836.6 201,058.0 177,685.7 0.0 5,848.7 17,523.7 770,352.8 756,845.7 13,507.1
2018 Marp 1,967,571.2 210,165.3 184,069.8 0.0 7,428.2 18,667.3 781,247.3 768,148.8 13,098.5
2018 Aprp 2,006,212.4 219,539.9 193,238.1 0.0 7,506.9 18,795.0 776,370.5 763,969.8 12,400.7
2018 Mayp 2,025,863.2 222,182.3 197,061.9 0.0 6,951.6 18,168.8 772,800.7 761,810.1 10,990.6
2018 JunP 2,064,794.6 225,317.7 200,693.8 0.0 6,384.7 18,239.2 778,294.4 767,723.4 10,571.1
2018 Julp 2,157,230.1 254,535.6 231,602.4 0.0 6,490.0 16,443.2 811,667.0 801,283.5 10,383.5

2018 Augp 2,142,174.3 210,710.6 188,676.1 0.0 5,475.5 16,559.1 806,935.1 796,556.7 10,378.4
2018 Septp 2,157,147.4 216,675.6 193,503.0 0.0 5,313.6 17,859.1 813,700.3 803,407.8 10,292.5
2018 Octp 2,217,438.3 221,969.3 197,775.3 0.0 6,064.8 18,129.1 840,960.9 830,345.3 10,615.5
* Margin deposits upto July 1966 included in other domestic liabilities.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).

Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks
B. Liabilities (Contd. ...)

In Million Rupees
Fixed Deposit Borrowings Other Liabilities Total Liabili-
Total Private M argin from Nepal Paid-up General Total ties (1+14+15
M id-M onth
(11+12) Sector Foreign Deposit Rastra Bank Capital Reserves (18+19) Domestic Foreign +16+17)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1960 Jul 22.2 22.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.1 7.6 7.6 0.0 84.4
1961 Jul 24.5 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.5 7.3 7.3 0.0 87.6
1962 Jul 29.5 29.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.8 11.0 11.0 0.0 95.6
1963 Jul 32.6 32.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.1 10.2 10.2 0.0 116.5
1964 Jul 32.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.4 13.8 13.8 0.0 132.1
1965 Jul 32.5 32.5 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.5 7.3 19.8 19.8 0.0 162.4
1966 Jul 34.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 29.4 5.0 7.3 30.1 30.1 0.0 196.8
1967 Jul 44.6 44.6 0.0 9.4 3.2 6.7 6.2 16.5 16.5 0.0 214.4
1968 Jul 73.4 73.4 0.0 8.8 10.0 8.0 7.1 46.3 46.3 0.0 293.9
1969 Jul 109.4 109.3 0.1 10.0 1.7 8.0 7.1 55.3 55.3 0.0 391.6
1970 Jul 143.9 143.7 0.2 15.8 20.9 8.0 7.5 77.8 77.8 0.0 519.2
1971 Jul 193.7 193.3 0.4 17.2 10.8 8.0 7.7 104.5 103.6 0.9 606.5
1972 Jul 295.1 294.9 0.2 21.4 1.3 8.0 7.7 150.9 149.2 1.7 790.9
1973 Jul 357.4 357.1 0.3 36.1 7.4 8.0 10.3 189.5 189.1 0.4 985.7
1974 Jul 412.0 411.9 0.1 61.0 151.0 8.0 10.9 173.9 167.8 6.1 1,285.1
1975 Jul 517.4 516.8 0.6 37.5 368.9 8.0 15.3 265.0 256.5 8.5 1,831.2
1976 Jul 807.7 803.8 3.9 70.1 24.0 15.0 20.9 336.2 334.6 1.6 2,001.3
1977 Jul 1,060.8 1,026.6 34.2 77.8 55.4 22.5 29.3 409.1 405.6 3.5 2,663.1
1978 Jul 1,350.6 1,242.1 108.5 112.0 174.1 25.0 33.5 435.3 425.8 9.5 3,196.4
1979 Jul 1,477.7 1,469.2 8.5 90.0 168.9 35.0 33.5 760.3 758.0 2.3 3,918.6
1980 Jul 1,814.9 1,801.6 13.3 90.1 264.4 35.0 39.1 853.8 853.3 0.5 4,543.9
1981 Jul 2,228.3 2,212.3 16.0 178.6 468.1 35.0 48.0 1,276.4 1,267.8 8.6 5,987.7
1982 Jul 2,789.8 2,772.7 17.1 206.1 137.8 35.0 58.0 1,091.2 1,048.1 43.1 6,257.4
1983 Jul 3,417.9 3,396.0 21.9 420.9 74.0 35.0 69.5 1,248.3 1,216.2 32.1 7,735.2
1984 Jul 3,912.3 3,890.0 22.3 313.7 152.1 60.0 77.2 1,184.9 1,184.9 0.0 8,565.4
1985 Jul 4,693.7 4,662.6 31.1 398.3 388.0 68.1 83.5 1,578.8 1,481.1 97.7 10,678.5
1986 Jul 5,632.5 5,596.9 35.6 296.7 533.9 98.3 84.8 1,844.4 1,698.9 145.5 12,876.8
1987 Jul 6,386.2 6,330.9 55.3 400.1 520.3 128.3 95.9 2,644.2 2,546.2 98.0 15,289.2
1988 Jul 8,036.4 7,933.9 102.5 590.5 357.4 129.8 125.1 3,279.2 3,230.5 48.7 18,887.7
1989 Jul 10,044.7 9,888.9 155.8 664.1 160.1 130.0 155.2 3,157.2 3,118.4 38.8 22,611.1
1990 Jul 11,761.5 11,550.0 211.5 611.6 50.5 133.1 191.5 4,370.3 4,369.8 0.5 26,687.9
1991 Jul 14,382.6 13,976.2 406.4 851.0 37.2 1,810.8 230.3 6,854.1 6,842.7 11.4 35,737.3
1992 Jul 17,326.3 16,805.4 520.9 916.1 34.0 1,902.8 250.3 10,656.8 10,646.4 10.4 46,530.0
1993 Jul 21,414.7 20,930.7 484.0 903.0 47.8 1,764.5 385.0 13,082.0 13,081.4 0.6 59,057.2
1994 Jul 23,358.7 22,938.9 419.8 1,192.3 29.2 1,895.0 414.2 18,814.5 18,814.0 0.5 73,457.7
1995 Jul 24,811.8 24,320.3 491.5 1,453.4 15.4 2,118.4 688.0 19,809.6 19,809.6 0.0 83,795.5
1996 Jul 30,157.1 29,109.6 1,047.5 1,949.2 364.6 2,271.1 885.1 26,632.0 26,632.0 0.0 101,499.0
1997 Jul 36,976.8 34,538.0 2,438.8 1,867.2 6.5 2,851.6 1,100.5 32,807.8 32,807.8 0.0 118,427.0
1998 Jul 47,303.2 44,024.5 3,278.7 1,807.3 5.5 2,966.0 1,271.9 39,073.3 39,073.3 0.0 145,860.3
1999 Jul 56,960.3 51,728.4 5,231.9 2,010.9 5.5 3,767.1 1,256.4 40,795.8 40,774.1 21.7 172,887.7
2000 Jul 66,596.2 59,853.9 6,742.3 2,002.9 45.1 4,140.3 1,971.5 49,797.1 49,797.1 0.0 210,894.8
2001 Jul 73,488.8 64,177.5 9,311.3 2,097.6 5.5 5,047.9 2,229.9 64,152.3 64,152.3 0.0 253,110.5
2002 Jul 74,373.7 65,060.2 9,313.5 1,787.5 1,043.8 6,183.4 2,540.1 76,839.1 76,610.7 228.4 270,937.5
2003 Jul 75,348.4 67,418.2 7,930.2 1,849.6 947.5 7,726.0 2,818.1 90,737.8 90,603.6 134.2 305,526.3
2004 Jul 83,268.2 73,676.2 9,592.1 2,163.1 477.9 8,350.6 3,385.0 64,222.2 63,700.8 521.4 309,728.4
2005 Jul 84,137.4 74,122.5 10,014.9 2,194.0 1,724.0 9,723.9 3,825.9 74,740.8 74,713.2 27.6 341,022.5
2006 Jul 99,475.4 84,912.9 14,562.5 2,480.9 329.2 10,571.7 4,737.2 73,343.5 73,335.7 7.7 379,897.4
2006 Jul** 100,068.2 85,505.7 14,562.5 2,480.9 329.2 17,049.7 5,149.2 85,044.8 85,037.1 7.7 398,130.8
2007 Jul 114,032.5 97,215.1 16,817.3 3,094.7 1,870.8 20,017.1 6,586.0 76,201.5 74,573.0 1,628.5 441,468.1
2008 Jul 152,364.3 133,633.6 18,730.7 3,628.6 660.7 31,750.3 7,617.8 89,757.8 87,845.8 1,912.0 553,275.0
2009 Jul 216,854.7 179,300.5 37,554.2 4,460.4 0.0 40,738.3 9,514.1 118,400.3 116,729.5 1,670.8 721,509.6
2010 Jul 298,925.0 264,134.8 34,790.3 5,041.8 4,783.3 46,890.5 12,146.4 84,811.1 82,877.8 1,933.3 771,139.4
2011 Jul 252,137.3 222,159.5 29,977.8 5,137.4 5,246.5 58,294.9 22,370.4 200,058.1 198,190.0 1,868.1 853,490.7
2012 Jul 297,625.7 263,640.8 33,984.9 6,579.8 473.3 65,983.3 35,635.4 246,832.4 244,656.6 2,175.8 1,052,450.7
2013 Jul 345,641.9 305,282.5 40,359.4 8,888.3 2,187.6 77,548.5 44,174.0 295,045.7 292,091.4 2,954.3 1,242,881.4
2014 Jul 365,549.7 337,378.4 28,171.3 10,731.3 1,933.0 87,334.0 53,749.9 368,931.9 368,927.7 4.1 1,467,151.9
2015 Jul 417,355.1 397,787.4 19,567.7 11,800.9 3,261.5 98,300.1 63,635.7 442,398.7 442,398.7 0.0 1,753,726.4
2016 Jul 523,230.7 501,530.4 21,700.3 15,713.7 6,516.3 122,538.9 88,058.1 503,149.2 503,149.2 0.0 2,141,216.3
2017 Julp 879,821.8 834,086.9 45,734.9 20,604.8 6,243.6 186,759.5 121,570.4 461,842.4 461,842.4 0.0 2,583,028.4

2017 Augp 882,204.3 846,015.0 36,189.3 22,326.6 7,495.4 189,475.3 157,009.0 472,341.5 472,341.5 0.0 2,624,814.8
2017 Septp 889,837.9 857,372.8 32,465.1 23,595.8 7,659.4 192,833.4 152,285.7 474,535.9 474,535.9 0.0 2,661,070.3
2017 Octp 887,603.5 853,751.3 33,852.2 23,588.7 8,902.7 196,061.9 152,215.7 477,293.2 477,293.2 0.0 2,687,628.0
2017 Novp 888,622.4 859,404.4 29,218.0 23,407.6 13,011.1 198,269.1 146,865.6 506,910.2 506,910.2 0.0 2,720,283.3
2017 Decp 886,956.9 859,396.9 27,560.1 24,038.9 32,171.0 204,817.2 144,755.0 509,000.5 509,000.5 0.0 2,762,347.1
2018 Janp 917,505.5 888,674.9 28,830.6 22,929.4 12,355.0 216,200.3 133,230.8 476,045.5 476,045.5 0.0 2,750,969.5
2018 Febp 943,441.8 914,965.3 28,476.5 21,983.9 12,432.7 216,200.3 133,070.4 447,396.8 447,396.8 0.0 2,745,936.8
2018 Marp 954,580.2 925,652.1 28,928.2 21,578.4 18,026.7 216,588.3 133,209.4 472,138.5 472,138.5 0.0 2,807,534.1
2018 Aprp 988,666.6 957,884.7 30,782.0 21,635.4 15,565.7 224,558.1 128,244.7 444,334.5 444,334.5 0.0 2,818,915.5
2018 Mayp 1,009,139.5 980,662.1 28,477.4 21,740.7 15,532.0 227,490.2 132,729.1 473,020.0 473,020.0 0.0 2,874,634.4
2018 JunP 1,039,546.6 1,006,315.3 33,231.3 21,635.8 16,962.9 227,891.1 132,776.5 515,718.2 515,718.2 0.0 2,958,143.3
2018 Julp 1,068,861.5 1,033,978.8 34,882.7 22,165.9 11,776.9 231,457.6 132,712.5 536,054.1 536,054.1 0.0 3,069,231.2

2018 Augp 1,102,453.7 1,068,078.2 34,375.6 22,074.8 13,881.5 232,395.2 188,851.9 513,746.3 512,062.6 1,683.8 3,091,049.2
2018 Septp 1,103,632.1 1,079,574.7 24,057.4 23,139.4 14,905.7 233,272.5 189,854.7 576,600.9 574,876.6 1,724.3 3,171,781.2
2018 Octp 1,130,559.1 1,103,174.5 27,384.6 23,949.1 17,881.1 235,240.5 206,841.6 510,243.1 508,470.8 1,772.3 3,187,644.6

11. Assets and Liabilities of Development Banks
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Cash in Hand and Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank Foreign Assets
Balance with Foreign Bills
M id-M onth Notes and Nepal Rastra Inter Bank Total Foreign Notes Balances with Purchased and
Total (2+3) Coins Bank Deposit (6+7+8) and Coins Foreign Banks Discounted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2011 Jul 6,074.7 2,427.0 3,647.8 6,574.8 377.1 38.0 339.1 0.0
2012 Jul 9,597.6 3,606.6 5,991.0 5,335.4 250.8 37.1 213.8 0.0
2013 Jul 11,554.5 4,781.4 6,773.2 5,311.0 274.7 50.9 219.3 4.5

2013 Aug 10,480.9 4,103.4 6,377.6 5,523.4 190.0 41.2 148.8 0.0
2013 Sept 11,080.9 4,127.9 6,953.0 5,814.0 157.9 36.2 121.7 0.0
2013 Oct 12,715.7 5,214.9 7,500.7 6,192.5 272.6 55.4 217.2 0.0
2013 Nov 13,066.8 4,907.4 8,159.3 5,836.6 236.6 64.5 172.1 0.0
2013 Dec 11,923.8 4,852.5 7,071.3 5,316.6 198.6 43.1 155.6 0.0
2014 Jan 13,204.7 4,946.0 8,258.7 5,274.2 226.2 56.1 170.1 0.0
2014 Feb 12,911.6 5,042.0 7,869.6 3,388.9 249.4 48.3 201.1 0.0
2014 Mar 12,531.5 5,024.4 7,507.1 4,515.5 268.0 54.8 213.1 0.0
2014 Apr 12,743.7 5,001.5 7,742.2 4,726.5 321.7 110.8 210.8 0.0
2014 May 13,174.1 5,201.3 7,972.8 5,449.3 256.8 86.2 170.6 0.0
2014 Jun 12,929.1 5,258.8 7,670.4 4,891.1 265.0 87.1 177.9 0.0
2014 Jul 14,347.1 6,125.7 8,221.4 5,329.5 294.5 88.4 206.1 0.0

2014 Aug 13,827.3 5,134.8 8,692.5 5,328.6 263.6 75.2 188.4 0.0
2014 Sept 14,447.4 5,124.3 9,323.1 3,847.0 248.4 46.6 201.8 0.0
2014 Oct 13,962.5 5,617.5 8,345.0 4,421.2 279.2 83.0 196.3 0.0
2014 Nov 14,185.3 5,342.5 8,842.7 4,441.9 347.7 125.9 221.8 0.0
2014 Dec 14,612.5 5,555.4 9,057.1 4,360.1 275.5 72.8 202.7 0.0
2015 Jan 14,334.5 5,276.9 9,057.6 4,913.3 293.6 84.3 209.3 0.0
2015 Feb 14,229.1 5,694.2 8,534.9 4,110.8 298.9 57.4 241.5 0.0
2015 Mar 14,227.5 5,784.5 8,443.1 4,363.4 406.6 141.4 265.2 0.0
2015 Apr 13,714.4 5,307.8 8,406.5 6,063.6 369.4 107.9 261.5 0.0
2015 May 16,013.7 6,287.8 9,725.9 5,654.2 259.3 73.8 185.4 0.0
2015 Jun 15,197.0 6,112.9 9,084.1 6,168.2 294.4 94.1 200.3 0.0
2015 Jul 18,377.9 6,894.1 11,483.8 7,064.9 305.4 84.5 220.9 0.0

2015 Aug 17,389.8 6,028.6 11,361.2 7,774.2 335.8 105.1 230.7 0.0
2015 Sept 18,328.1 6,249.6 12,078.5 7,708.4 342.1 58.8 283.2 0.0
2015 Oct 21,319.4 7,192.4 14,127.1 8,498.8 503.6 213.3 290.3 0.0
2015 Nov 20,967.5 6,709.4 14,258.2 8,498.8 436.0 159.5 276.5 0.0
2015 Dec 19,911.5 6,858.5 13,053.0 8,498.8 360.8 73.4 287.5 0.0
2016 Jan 20,379.6 6,567.4 13,812.2 8,498.8 367.8 75.9 291.9 0.0
2016 Feb 20,334.4 6,471.0 13,863.4 8,964.7 454.4 126.1 328.4 0.0
2016 Mar 19,939.5 7,059.0 12,880.5 8,940.8 453.5 87.1 366.5 0.0
2016 Apr 19,449.1 6,690.8 12,758.3 9,768.2 527.9 118.1 409.7 0.0
2016 May 20,081.0 7,241.7 12,839.4 10,664.8 394.3 63.0 331.3 0.0
2016 Jun 20,476.7 7,462.4 13,014.3 10,020.2 304.3 54.1 250.3 0.0
2016 Jul 21,558.6 7,819.7 13,738.9 11,646.9 364.3 71.7 292.6 0.0

2016 Aug 21,096.3 7,378.2 13,718.1 8,676.2 401.0 62.5 338.6 0.0
2016 Sept 20,470.9 7,523.6 12,947.3 8,315.6 359.1 94.7 264.4 0.0
2016 Oct 22,345.0 9,133.8 13,211.3 9,985.9 424.1 150.0 274.1 0.0
2016 Nov 21,874.6 8,329.0 13,545.6 8,940.7 278.2 130.3 147.9 0.0
2016 Dec 22,148.6 8,418.7 13,729.9 8,291.3 204.2 62.5 141.7 0.0
2017 Jan 19,255.4 6,859.7 12,395.6 12,035.9 210.5 94.1 116.4 0.0
2017 Feb 20,436.3 7,455.0 12,981.3 7,267.2 182.5 88.7 93.8 0.0
2017 Mar 20,584.4 7,259.9 13,324.5 8,553.9 244.8 125.3 119.5 0.0
2017 Apr 20,207.4 6,532.2 13,675.2 15,192.6 193.7 107.1 86.6 0.0
2017 May 19,267.3 6,865.1 12,402.2 13,525.3 191.6 97.6 94.0 0.0
2017 Jun 19,597.0 7,053.6 12,543.4 10,572.5 171.7 73.7 98.0 0.0
2017 Julp 18,884.0 6,519.2 12,364.7 10,525.6 194.2 96.0 98.2 0.0

2017 Augp 18,774.6 6,006.4 12,768.2 9,030.4 181.8 96.1 85.7 0.0
2017 Septp 18,505.3 6,088.9 12,416.4 8,720.3 264.3 191.5 72.8 0.0
2017 Octp 18,234.8 6,227.2 12,007.5 8,120.4 274.7 196.3 78.4 0.0
2017 Novp 18,231.2 6,608.5 11,622.7 8,472.9 251.5 178.5 73.0 0.0
2017 Decp 17,954.1 6,533.9 11,420.2 8,165.3 251.4 151.5 99.9 0.0
2018 Janp 17,408.6 6,089.2 11,319.4 9,226.5 383.8 255.6 128.2 0.0
2018 Febp 18,321.9 6,299.7 12,022.2 9,164.9 187.3 138.0 49.3 0.0
2018 Marp 19,227.7 7,036.2 12,191.5 8,237.3 235.6 201.3 34.3 0.0
2018 Aprp 18,590.7 6,213.3 12,377.4 10,065.4 494.6 275.4 219.3 0.0
2018 Mayp 18,489.8 6,333.4 12,156.4 8,949.0 148.3 142.2 6.2 0.0
2018 JunP 18,870.9 6,488.9 12,382.0 8,957.6 108.4 101.2 7.3 0.0
2018 Julp 20,005.4 7,161.6 12,843.8 11,094.3 191.7 184.3 7.4 0.0

2018 Augp 17,795.9 6,582.6 11,213.3 9,157.4 180.4 172.8 7.7 0.0
2018 Septp 17,542.3 6,605.6 10,936.6 9,110.0 164.3 156.7 7.7 0.0
2018 Octp 17,279.3 6,417.0 10,862.3 13,290.7 331.4 323.6 7.8 0.0

Assets and Liabilities of Development Banks
A. Assets (Contd. ...)

In Million Rupees
Claims on Government Claims on Govt. Enterprises Claims on
Non-Govt. Total Assets
M id-M onth Total Development Financial Claims on (1+4+5+9+
(10+11) Treasury Bills Bonds Total (13+14) Financial Non-financial Institutions Private Sector Other Assets 12+15+16+17)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2011 Jul 2,575.1 1,761.0 814.1 102.3 0.0 102.3 20,074.4 92,693.6 1,145.3 129,617.4
2012 Jul 4,507.2 2,795.0 1,712.2 281.7 0.0 281.7 34,576.3 103,330.7 2,480.5 160,360.2
2013 Jul 2,909.6 1,406.0 1,503.6 242.3 0.0 242.3 41,161.0 131,576.4 6,925.2 199,954.8

2013 Aug 2,903.5 1,399.9 1,503.6 210.7 0.0 210.7 41,627.0 133,383.4 8,280.4 202,599.4
2013 Sept 2,883.5 1,379.9 1,503.6 185.4 0.0 185.4 42,778.1 135,787.6 7,481.6 206,168.9
2013 Oct 2,753.5 1,249.9 1,503.6 192.5 0.0 192.5 40,162.4 139,032.4 6,016.5 207,338.0
2013 Nov 2,624.5 1,121.0 1,503.6 191.3 0.0 191.3 44,878.9 142,522.3 7,813.4 217,170.5
2013 Dec 2,674.6 941.5 1,733.2 191.6 0.0 191.6 46,264.9 144,568.0 9,244.2 220,382.2
2014 Jan 3,157.6 1,021.9 2,135.7 207.9 0.0 207.9 46,583.9 147,158.9 7,929.8 223,743.3
2014 Feb 3,102.7 967.0 2,135.7 224.9 0.0 224.9 46,972.9 145,978.1 10,381.3 223,209.7
2014 Mar 3,112.7 977.0 2,135.7 253.0 0.0 253.0 46,111.5 152,558.2 8,843.9 228,194.2
2014 Apr 2,983.1 847.4 2,135.7 268.2 0.0 268.2 45,611.2 156,261.0 8,488.9 231,404.3
2014 May 3,010.6 874.9 2,135.7 276.7 0.0 276.7 44,821.6 159,426.4 9,736.7 236,152.3
2014 Jun 2,995.6 879.9 2,115.7 294.7 0.0 294.7 46,125.8 162,563.9 9,765.8 239,831.1
2014 Jul 2,744.3 721.4 2,022.9 273.7 0.0 273.7 50,514.5 169,807.1 12,062.6 255,373.4

2014 Aug 2,650.3 627.4 2,022.9 318.4 0.0 318.4 54,563.5 162,929.3 9,623.8 249,504.7
2014 Sept 2,645.3 622.4 2,022.9 308.7 0.0 308.7 45,669.7 160,695.6 10,386.8 238,248.9
2014 Oct 2,637.9 615.0 2,022.9 370.6 0.0 370.6 49,824.3 161,463.7 9,547.6 242,507.0
2014 Nov 2,612.9 590.0 2,022.9 331.7 0.0 331.7 51,536.0 162,665.5 8,353.4 244,474.4
2014 Dec 2,673.9 651.0 2,022.9 335.3 0.0 335.3 47,733.6 168,700.8 9,000.5 247,692.3
2015 Jan 2,686.4 663.5 2,022.9 321.5 0.0 321.5 48,688.4 172,043.2 8,613.5 251,894.5
2015 Feb 2,800.4 777.5 2,022.9 326.0 0.0 326.0 44,362.9 174,763.0 10,083.7 250,974.8
2015 Mar 2,639.4 616.5 2,022.9 328.5 0.0 328.5 45,338.6 178,877.3 10,364.7 256,546.0
2015 Apr 2,600.1 806.2 1,793.9 212.2 0.0 212.2 43,719.7 183,270.7 8,729.4 258,679.4
2015 May 2,595.9 802.0 1,793.9 209.4 0.0 209.4 41,400.2 185,218.3 10,117.9 261,468.8
2015 Jun 3,187.6 1,052.0 2,135.6 197.6 0.0 197.6 46,877.6 188,313.4 9,243.7 269,479.4
2015 Jul 3,087.9 907.0 2,180.9 195.9 0.0 195.9 54,041.7 196,266.3 9,383.3 288,723.4

2015 Aug 3,318.2 1,137.3 2,180.9 207.7 0.0 207.7 59,390.8 192,561.5 9,608.5 290,586.5
2015 Sept 3,628.2 1,447.3 2,180.9 206.5 0.0 206.5 56,731.8 199,461.0 9,494.3 295,900.3
2015 Oct 3,605.6 1,424.7 2,180.9 209.3 0.0 209.3 53,429.0 203,587.0 6,135.4 297,288.1
2015 Nov 3,795.6 1,614.7 2,180.9 195.7 0.0 195.7 51,596.8 192,239.0 8,106.6 285,836.1
2015 Dec 3,550.6 1,369.7 2,180.9 183.5 0.0 183.5 48,006.7 196,238.6 9,279.3 286,029.7
2016 Jan 3,597.3 1,419.4 2,177.9 168.5 0.0 168.5 49,514.9 200,801.3 8,316.6 291,644.8
2016 Feb 3,414.8 1,236.9 2,177.9 156.7 0.0 156.7 55,273.7 203,601.7 5,626.7 297,827.1
2016 Mar 3,484.8 1,306.9 2,177.9 200.5 0.0 200.5 49,140.1 211,305.8 7,453.1 300,918.2
2016 Apr 5,248.7 1,051.9 4,196.8 147.3 0.0 147.3 52,030.6 214,706.2 4,736.5 306,614.5
2016 May 6,093.1 954.4 5,138.7 162.4 0.0 162.4 45,069.3 221,567.4 3,681.8 307,714.2
2016 Jun 5,743.1 604.4 5,138.7 184.1 0.0 184.1 52,254.7 227,939.5 4,041.7 320,964.3
2016 Jul 5,561.1 444.4 5,116.7 188.2 0.0 188.2 54,167.3 234,783.3 3,416.8 331,686.5

2016 Aug 5,641.1 524.4 5,116.7 213.6 0.0 213.6 56,259.7 234,336.4 6,855.7 333,480.0
2016 Sept 5,951.1 834.4 5,116.7 195.3 0.0 195.3 54,664.0 241,381.3 7,541.6 338,878.8
2016 Oct 6,051.1 934.4 5,116.7 224.3 0.0 224.3 51,612.7 253,812.1 8,053.5 352,508.7
2016 Nov 5,824.2 707.5 5,116.7 246.5 0.0 246.5 53,304.3 256,990.4 6,354.8 353,813.6
2016 Dec 5,484.2 367.5 5,116.7 218.6 0.0 218.6 47,706.4 265,037.1 7,893.1 356,983.5
2017 Jan 5,610.5 493.8 5,116.7 232.2 0.0 232.2 49,672.6 249,599.4 1,081.2 337,697.5
2017 Feb 5,740.5 623.8 5,116.7 200.8 0.0 200.8 37,752.0 252,205.1 5,960.0 329,744.6
2017 Mar 5,680.5 563.8 5,116.7 232.4 0.0 232.4 47,334.5 251,957.2 4,696.9 339,284.6
2017 Apr 6,118.0 381.3 5,736.7 207.1 0.0 207.1 54,745.3 234,926.7 (3,102.0) 328,488.7
2017 May 6,438.0 251.3 6,186.7 197.8 0.0 197.8 39,556.4 242,297.7 (1,372.6) 320,101.6
2017 Jun 6,399.8 213.1 6,186.7 198.1 0.0 198.1 40,570.8 240,650.1 1,405.9 319,565.9
2017 Julp 6,814.8 343.1 6,471.7 170.1 0.0 170.1 41,999.9 202,816.3 (2,949.4) 278,455.5

2017 Augp 7,014.8 483.1 6,531.7 117.1 0.0 117.1 51,267.5 209,880.0 2,602.1 298,868.4
2017 Septp 9,063.1 633.1 8,430.0 117.3 0.0 117.3 44,933.7 214,654.7 3,305.7 299,564.5
2017 Octp 9,737.1 663.1 9,074.0 126.2 0.0 126.2 46,224.3 220,375.7 3,640.1 306,733.3
2017 Novp 11,569.0 565.0 11,004.0 118.3 0.0 118.3 48,462.6 224,886.4 2,801.5 314,793.4
2017 Decp 11,627.7 623.7 11,004.0 126.0 0.0 126.0 48,338.9 229,508.9 2,438.9 318,411.3
2018 Janp 8,166.1 596.7 7,569.4 135.5 0.0 135.5 46,234.4 236,673.4 5,530.2 323,758.4
2018 Febp 8,126.1 556.7 7,569.4 136.2 0.0 136.2 41,112.0 242,069.6 5,381.6 324,499.6
2018 Marp 7,974.4 405.0 7,569.4 137.9 0.0 137.9 40,979.9 247,778.6 6,192.4 330,763.9
2018 Aprp 8,154.4 585.0 7,569.4 141.5 0.0 141.5 44,559.0 253,073.5 4,455.2 339,534.4
2018 Mayp 8,124.4 555.0 7,569.4 64.5 0.0 64.5 38,815.7 240,412.1 3,823.5 318,827.4
2018 JunP 8,039.4 470.0 7,569.4 65.7 0.0 65.7 43,197.0 245,855.2 3,844.8 328,939.1
2018 Julp 7,989.4 420.0 7,569.4 75.2 0.0 75.2 61,535.0 253,777.1 2,171.8 356,839.9

2018 Augp 8,419.4 850.0 7,569.4 102.4 0.0 102.4 62,891.1 254,444.5 5,418.3 358,409.4
2018 Septp 8,520.8 951.4 7,569.4 99.7 0.0 99.7 59,328.0 262,808.8 7,551.2 365,125.1
2018 Octp 9,080.8 1,511.4 7,569.4 95.2 0.0 95.2 55,548.1 274,641.1 96.9 370,363.5

11. Assets and Liabilities of Development Banks
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Deposit Current Deposit Saving Deposit
Total Total Private Total Private
M id-M onth
(2+7+10+13) (3+4+5+6) Sector Government Inter-bank Foreign (8+9) Sector Foreign
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 75,648.5 2,200.1 2,036.8 0.0 150.6 12.7 42,940.1 42,841.3 98.8
2012 Jul 101,438.6 3,315.0 3,237.3 0.0 64.0 13.6 60,767.3 60,722.3 45.0
2013 Jul 131,381.8 3,154.5 3,068.4 0.0 70.8 15.3 82,945.6 82,861.9 83.7

2013 Aug 132,729.8 2,608.2 2,505.6 0.0 78.7 23.8 83,309.6 83,224.9 84.7
2013 Sept 135,757.2 2,838.9 2,761.7 0.0 53.4 23.8 85,594.0 85,518.1 76.0
2013 Oct 139,612.9 3,254.5 3,185.8 0.0 42.9 25.9 89,199.9 89,133.2 66.7
2013 Nov 144,914.8 2,818.5 2,730.7 0.0 49.7 38.1 92,625.0 92,553.2 71.8
2013 Dec 146,066.7 2,902.5 2,769.7 0.0 95.3 37.5 92,756.8 92,689.0 67.8
2014 Jan 149,496.0 3,512.8 3,438.8 0.0 47.3 26.7 94,789.5 94,712.8 76.7
2014 Feb 148,750.7 3,288.3 3,079.5 0.0 155.1 53.7 93,925.7 93,848.5 77.3
2014 Mar 151,460.1 3,480.3 3,295.6 0.0 148.7 36.0 96,016.7 95,944.0 72.7
2014 Apr 155,071.0 3,486.0 3,336.2 0.0 114.5 35.3 99,210.2 99,128.7 81.5
2014 May 157,486.0 3,309.8 3,142.5 0.0 130.1 37.1 100,909.9 100,829.8 80.1
2014 Jun 158,815.5 3,532.4 3,398.4 0.0 103.9 30.0 101,373.2 101,291.0 82.2
2014 Jul 168,401.3 4,341.2 4,196.3 0.0 112.9 32.0 108,357.5 108,284.5 73.0

2014 Aug 164,520.8 3,594.3 3,402.5 0.0 143.9 47.9 105,848.1 105,771.9 76.2
2014 Sept 155,733.1 3,846.2 3,714.2 0.0 83.0 49.0 97,960.5 97,875.6 84.9
2014 Oct 159,638.8 4,003.1 3,841.9 0.0 110.5 50.6 101,804.1 101,716.3 87.8
2014 Nov 159,891.4 3,606.0 3,482.2 0.0 63.2 60.6 101,508.4 101,417.4 91.0
2014 Dec 160,912.8 3,704.8 3,582.6 0.0 68.4 53.9 102,741.7 102,649.9 91.8
2015 Jan 165,880.5 4,323.2 4,195.8 0.0 77.3 50.2 105,945.0 105,859.4 85.6
2015 Feb 166,496.6 4,684.1 4,518.2 0.0 96.3 69.6 105,461.1 105,368.0 93.1
2015 Mar 166,600.7 4,054.0 3,920.8 0.0 71.0 62.2 106,340.8 106,254.1 86.8
2015 Apr 168,632.8 4,373.0 4,232.6 0.0 93.8 46.6 107,387.3 106,996.3 391.0
2015 May 171,525.1 4,126.5 3,996.7 0.0 82.7 47.0 110,454.9 110,056.8 398.1
2015 Jun 174,510.4 4,256.3 4,141.8 0.0 75.1 39.4 112,146.1 112,049.1 97.0
2015 Jul 188,795.7 5,606.8 5,502.8 0.0 67.4 36.6 120,640.8 120,543.7 97.2

2015 Aug 189,575.9 4,482.0 4,339.8 0.0 110.5 31.6 121,446.0 121,345.3 100.7
2015 Sept 193,144.6 4,548.0 4,301.4 0.0 200.4 46.1 124,668.8 124,566.4 102.4
2015 Oct 197,503.7 4,959.0 4,774.2 0.0 134.6 50.2 128,211.7 128,036.1 175.6
2015 Nov 185,840.3 5,465.7 5,305.5 0.0 107.4 52.8 120,334.4 120,318.5 15.9
2015 Dec 187,314.7 4,584.0 4,447.3 0.0 108.7 27.9 121,325.7 121,242.6 83.0
2016 Jan 193,005.3 5,110.0 4,976.3 0.0 108.6 25.2 125,109.5 125,084.8 24.7
2016 Feb 197,153.7 4,805.6 4,663.5 0.0 113.0 29.0 128,632.5 128,607.3 25.2
2016 Mar 201,454.0 7,655.8 7,512.9 0.0 97.8 45.1 129,500.8 129,473.6 27.2
2016 Apr 206,343.7 5,683.2 5,523.0 0.0 115.3 44.8 132,596.2 132,575.4 20.9
2016 May 205,945.2 4,969.8 4,853.6 0.0 61.5 54.6 132,981.9 132,957.3 24.6
2016 Jun 211,928.9 5,424.7 5,280.7 0.0 92.9 51.0 137,599.8 137,569.1 30.7
2016 Jul 219,126.1 7,276.4 7,185.5 0.0 38.1 52.8 143,419.3 143,392.2 27.1

2016 Aug 219,145.3 5,606.8 5,457.7 0.0 74.0 75.1 144,619.1 144,475.7 143.4
2016 Sept 222,462.6 6,297.6 6,067.9 0.0 140.5 89.2 147,307.4 147,273.0 34.3
2016 Oct 234,880.0 7,227.5 7,063.3 0.0 51.0 113.3 155,766.2 155,735.1 31.1
2016 Nov 233,395.2 6,211.1 6,033.8 0.0 92.8 84.4 155,434.2 155,404.8 29.4
2016 Dec 232,209.2 6,309.3 6,200.7 0.0 61.4 47.2 150,865.6 150,835.9 29.7
2017 Jan 219,450.4 7,567.1 7,344.6 0.0 154.4 68.1 138,288.5 138,256.3 32.2
2017 Feb 215,077.1 5,854.9 5,742.7 0.0 32.0 80.3 124,514.5 124,488.5 26.0
2017 Mar 219,610.0 5,938.1 5,845.1 0.0 32.7 60.3 118,662.0 118,638.9 23.1
2017 Apr 217,129.2 5,971.9 5,895.4 0.0 32.1 44.5 111,728.1 111,704.4 23.8
2017 May 213,547.1 5,149.9 5,077.9 0.0 20.6 51.4 108,080.0 108,055.7 24.3
2017 Jun 212,193.5 5,157.6 5,076.3 0.0 21.3 60.1 104,990.8 104,968.1 22.7
2017 Julp 187,280.8 5,598.4 5,537.2 0.0 9.9 51.3 92,788.1 92,758.0 30.1

2017 Augp 198,111.9 4,658.3 4,604.3 0.0 12.0 42.1 94,366.7 94,338.9 27.9
2017 Septp 199,932.8 4,730.0 4,625.9 0.0 59.8 44.3 96,728.8 96,707.9 20.8
2017 Octp 207,972.9 5,346.0 5,262.1 0.0 38.1 45.8 101,894.9 101,873.2 21.8
2017 Novp 211,963.8 4,769.4 4,704.2 0.0 14.0 51.2 103,413.2 103,397.0 16.2
2017 Decp 213,580.0 5,067.8 4,942.1 0.0 88.7 37.0 104,656.7 104,638.8 17.9
2018 Janp 219,796.4 6,444.6 6,387.7 0.0 12.3 44.6 107,395.7 107,389.4 6.3
2018 Febp 221,319.0 5,296.9 5,197.9 0.0 38.1 60.9 108,502.9 108,497.6 5.3
2018 Marp 225,486.0 5,535.0 5,417.6 0.0 60.9 56.4 108,624.5 108,619.9 4.6
2018 Aprp 233,542.8 6,831.4 6,678.9 0.0 92.5 60.0 110,653.6 110,649.1 4.5
2018 Mayp 222,176.2 4,843.2 4,754.9 0.0 86.2 2.1 104,247.3 104,244.1 3.2
2018 JunP 228,152.5 4,945.6 4,868.8 0.0 74.9 2.0 103,751.0 103,747.8 3.2
2018 Julp 247,075.9 7,405.0 7,301.7 0.0 101.0 2.3 114,735.9 114,732.6 3.4

2018 Augp 248,529.9 5,048.2 4,953.2 0.0 92.8 2.2 114,190.6 114,187.2 3.4
2018 Septp 251,250.1 5,270.3 5,167.8 0.0 100.7 1.8 115,751.9 115,748.5 3.4
2018 Octp 259,505.3 6,215.5 6,056.7 0.0 156.9 1.9 120,394.0 120,390.6 3.5

Assets and Liabilities of Development Banks
B. Liabilities (Contd. ...)

Fixed Deposit Borrowings Other Liabilities Total Liabili-

Total Private M argin from Nepal Paid-up General Total ties (1+14+15
M id-M onth
(11+12) Sector Foreign Deposit Rastra Bank Capital Reserves (18+19) Domestic Foreign +16+17)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2011 Jul 30,338.7 29,964.4 374.3 169.6 2,433.7 21,006.8 5,063.8 25,464.6 25,104.8 359.8 129,617.4
2012 Jul 37,178.4 36,951.6 226.8 177.9 0.0 21,399.7 6,107.6 31,414.3 31,082.2 332.1 160,360.2
2013 Jul 45,028.3 44,760.1 268.2 253.4 570.0 23,576.8 7,340.9 37,085.3 37,085.3 0.0 199,954.8

2013 Aug 46,556.6 46,359.8 196.8 255.5 0.0 23,630.9 9,124.5 37,114.2 37,114.2 0.0 202,599.4
2013 Sept 47,041.4 46,841.6 199.8 282.9 0.0 23,768.4 9,210.8 37,432.5 37,432.5 0.0 206,168.9
2013 Oct 46,885.3 46,738.4 146.9 273.2 0.0 23,995.9 9,203.7 34,525.5 34,525.5 0.0 207,338.0
2013 Nov 49,193.9 49,043.1 150.8 277.4 0.0 24,464.9 9,579.1 38,211.7 38,211.7 0.0 217,170.5
2013 Dec 50,128.4 50,049.5 78.9 279.0 0.0 24,759.0 9,065.6 40,490.9 40,490.9 0.0 220,382.2
2014 Jan 50,913.7 50,490.6 423.1 280.1 0.0 25,173.6 9,243.7 39,830.0 39,830.0 0.0 223,743.3
2014 Feb 51,257.3 50,829.7 427.5 279.4 290.0 25,190.1 9,173.0 39,805.9 39,805.9 0.0 223,209.7
2014 Mar 51,685.1 51,254.8 430.4 278.0 0.0 25,358.9 9,049.6 42,325.6 42,325.6 0.0 228,194.2
2014 Apr 52,082.5 51,667.4 415.1 292.2 0.0 25,401.4 9,351.3 41,580.6 41,580.6 0.0 231,404.3
2014 May 52,970.9 52,555.7 415.3 295.4 0.0 25,201.9 9,387.4 44,076.9 44,076.9 0.0 236,152.3
2014 Jun 53,605.7 53,190.5 415.2 304.2 0.0 25,210.0 9,242.9 46,562.6 46,562.6 0.0 239,831.1
2014 Jul 55,395.1 54,980.1 415.1 307.5 0.0 26,219.5 9,026.5 51,726.2 51,726.2 0.0 255,373.4

2014 Aug 54,781.8 54,358.6 423.2 296.7 0.0 25,791.2 14,795.5 44,397.2 44,397.2 0.0 249,504.7
2014 Sept 53,655.0 53,620.7 34.3 271.5 0.0 24,840.1 14,130.2 43,545.5 43,545.5 0.0 238,248.9
2014 Oct 53,549.7 53,515.2 34.5 281.9 0.0 25,013.7 13,864.8 43,989.7 43,989.7 0.0 242,507.0
2014 Nov 54,504.8 54,479.7 25.1 272.2 0.0 25,301.2 13,333.1 45,948.7 45,948.7 0.0 244,474.4
2014 Dec 54,187.9 54,152.9 35.1 278.3 0.0 25,791.7 12,639.3 48,348.4 48,348.4 0.0 247,692.3
2015 Jan 55,320.2 55,285.4 34.8 292.0 0.0 26,030.6 12,206.6 47,776.8 47,776.8 0.0 251,894.5
2015 Feb 56,058.7 56,033.4 25.3 292.7 0.0 26,178.3 12,613.1 45,686.8 45,686.8 0.0 250,974.8
2015 Mar 55,910.8 55,875.8 35.0 295.0 0.0 26,449.1 12,339.7 51,156.5 51,156.5 0.0 256,546.0
2015 Apr 56,575.4 56,545.5 29.9 297.1 0.0 26,881.0 12,282.9 50,882.8 50,882.8 0.0 258,679.4
2015 May 56,649.2 56,628.6 20.7 294.4 0.0 26,918.6 12,163.7 50,861.5 50,861.5 0.0 261,468.8
2015 Jun 57,820.0 57,789.4 30.6 288.0 0.0 26,924.4 12,032.0 56,012.6 56,012.6 0.0 269,479.4
2015 Jul 62,212.7 62,182.0 30.6 335.4 0.0 27,534.7 11,783.2 60,609.7 60,609.7 0.0 288,723.4

2015 Aug 63,318.3 63,287.3 31.1 329.6 0.0 27,541.6 18,414.5 55,054.5 55,054.5 0.0 290,586.5
2015 Sept 63,591.7 63,530.2 61.6 336.1 0.0 27,551.7 18,365.5 56,838.5 56,838.5 0.0 295,900.3
2015 Oct 63,994.7 63,962.8 31.9 338.4 0.0 28,024.6 17,782.6 53,977.2 53,977.2 0.0 297,288.1
2015 Nov 59,793.9 59,792.8 1.1 246.3 0.0 26,186.3 16,238.8 57,570.7 57,570.7 0.0 285,836.1
2015 Dec 61,160.3 61,159.2 1.1 244.8 0.0 26,368.8 15,966.9 56,379.3 56,379.3 0.0 286,029.7
2016 Jan 62,538.6 62,537.5 1.1 247.2 0.0 27,429.0 14,570.3 56,640.2 56,640.2 0.0 291,644.8
2016 Feb 63,466.1 63,464.5 1.6 249.5 0.0 27,776.6 14,146.4 58,750.3 58,750.3 0.0 297,827.1
2016 Mar 64,090.5 64,089.4 1.1 206.9 0.0 27,986.5 13,692.2 57,785.4 57,785.4 0.0 300,918.2
2016 Apr 67,862.3 67,861.3 1.1 202.0 0.0 28,933.0 13,929.0 57,408.8 57,408.8 0.0 306,614.5
2016 May 67,792.4 67,790.9 1.6 201.1 0.0 28,912.0 13,501.4 59,355.5 59,355.5 0.0 307,714.2
2016 Jun 68,694.6 68,693.5 1.1 209.9 5.0 29,456.2 13,484.3 66,089.9 66,089.9 0.0 320,964.3
2016 Jul 68,222.1 68,221.0 1.1 208.3 5.0 29,278.2 12,137.7 71,139.5 71,139.5 0.0 331,686.5

2016 Aug 68,698.9 68,697.9 1.1 220.5 5.0 29,287.3 21,032.0 64,010.4 64,010.4 0.0 333,480.0
2016 Sept 68,621.3 68,620.3 1.1 236.3 5.0 29,674.9 20,879.8 65,856.6 65,856.6 0.0 338,878.8
2016 Oct 71,641.3 71,640.2 1.1 245.0 5.0 30,922.1 21,641.3 65,060.3 65,060.3 0.0 352,508.7
2016 Nov 71,496.2 71,494.8 1.4 253.7 5.0 31,552.2 21,261.0 67,600.2 67,600.2 0.0 353,813.6
2016 Dec 74,774.0 74,772.9 1.1 260.3 0.0 31,979.5 21,576.5 71,218.3 71,218.3 0.0 356,983.5
2017 Jan 73,345.5 73,344.4 1.1 249.4 420.0 31,336.7 16,979.0 69,511.4 69,511.4 0.0 337,697.5
2017 Feb 84,457.7 84,456.6 1.1 250.0 753.0 31,448.6 16,749.5 65,716.4 65,716.4 0.0 329,744.6
2017 Mar 94,754.2 94,753.2 1.1 255.7 895.1 32,766.3 16,212.2 69,801.1 69,801.1 0.0 339,284.6
2017 Apr 99,180.0 99,179.0 1.0 249.1 839.7 31,872.0 15,722.5 62,925.2 62,925.2 0.0 328,488.7
2017 May 100,072.4 100,071.4 1.0 244.7 440.7 32,051.8 15,184.3 58,877.6 58,877.6 0.0 320,101.6
2017 Jun 101,795.1 101,794.0 1.0 250.0 520.7 32,642.5 14,777.2 59,432.0 59,432.0 0.0 319,565.9
2017 Julp 88,673.0 88,671.9 1.0 221.2 181.4 29,699.5 12,282.2 49,011.6 49,011.6 0.0 278,455.5

2017 Augp 98,854.5 98,853.5 1.0 232.4 501.4 30,814.8 21,132.8 48,307.5 48,307.5 0.0 298,868.4
2017 Septp 98,237.1 98,236.0 1.0 237.0 79.6 31,515.3 21,044.5 46,992.2 46,992.2 0.0 299,564.5
2017 Octp 100,495.1 100,494.1 1.0 236.8 79.5 31,425.5 22,390.5 44,865.0 44,865.0 0.0 306,733.3
2017 Novp 103,538.2 103,537.1 1.0 243.1 79.5 32,372.8 22,095.8 48,281.6 48,281.6 0.0 314,793.4
2017 Decp 103,610.6 103,609.6 1.0 244.9 75.0 33,258.0 21,597.6 49,900.8 49,900.8 0.0 318,411.3
2018 Janp 105,703.3 105,703.3 0.0 252.8 429.0 34,938.2 19,202.2 49,392.6 49,392.6 0.0 323,758.4
2018 Febp 107,257.7 107,257.7 0.0 261.5 829.1 35,134.5 18,854.2 48,362.9 48,362.9 0.0 324,499.6
2018 Marp 111,051.6 111,050.8 0.8 274.9 830.0 36,111.2 18,463.6 49,873.2 49,873.2 0.0 330,763.9
2018 Aprp 115,776.5 115,775.4 1.1 281.4 431.0 37,343.1 18,633.3 49,584.2 49,584.2 0.0 339,534.4
2018 Mayp 112,973.9 112,972.8 1.1 111.8 650.0 35,270.9 14,301.9 46,428.4 46,428.4 0.0 318,827.4
2018 JunP 119,341.3 119,340.4 0.9 114.6 650.0 36,386.6 13,674.9 50,075.2 50,075.2 0.0 328,939.1
2018 Julp 124,816.2 124,816.2 0.0 118.8 221.0 38,003.8 12,080.4 59,458.9 59,458.9 0.0 356,839.9

2018 Augp 129,162.6 129,162.6 0.0 128.5 688.2 38,070.8 18,768.6 52,352.0 52,352.0 0.0 358,409.4
2018 Septp 130,087.3 130,087.3 0.0 140.6 688.6 38,070.8 19,156.9 55,958.7 55,958.7 0.0 365,125.1
2018 Octp 132,746.6 132,037.7 708.9 149.2 689.7 38,594.7 18,403.9 53,169.8 53,169.8 0.0 370,363.5

12. Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies
A. Assets

In Million Rupees
Cash in Hand and Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank Foreign Assets
Balance with Foreign Bills
M id-M onth Notes and Nepal Rastra Inter Bank Total Foreign Notes Balances with Purchased and
Total (2+3) Coins Bank Deposit (6+7+8) and Coins Foreign Banks Discounted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2011 Jul 3,628.1 1,218.2 2,410.0 3,631.3 101.0 1.7 99.3 0.0
2012 Jul 5,244.8 1,349.4 3,895.4 1,673.0 40.5 22.1 18.4 0.0
2013 Jul 4,571.6 970.6 3,601.0 785.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0

2013 Aug 4,591.2 866.2 3,725.0 555.0 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.0
2013 Sept 4,533.5 872.7 3,660.8 747.2 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0
2013 Oct 6,881.1 927.6 5,953.4 779.8 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0
2013 Nov 5,288.0 1,003.8 4,284.2 771.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2013 Dec 5,276.4 993.2 4,283.2 726.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 Jan 5,825.0 1,016.2 4,808.8 693.9 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 Feb 5,416.3 1,069.6 4,346.7 374.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0
2014 Mar 5,348.5 963.7 4,384.8 339.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0
2014 Apr 5,194.5 1,011.2 4,183.3 525.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 May 6,027.0 930.2 5,096.8 466.9 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.0
2014 Jun 4,834.8 933.6 3,901.2 431.2 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0
2014 Jul 5,573.1 1,061.9 4,511.1 482.2 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.0

2014 Aug 5,774.6 910.1 4,864.5 449.7 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 Sept 7,569.8 925.4 6,644.3 349.7 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0
2014 Oct 5,269.7 1,082.1 4,187.6 285.8 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 Nov 4,973.0 1,015.8 3,957.2 306.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2014 Dec 5,083.4 974.1 4,109.3 356.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.0
2015 Jan 5,316.9 927.0 4,389.9 317.0 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.0
2015 Feb 5,328.0 1,048.2 4,279.9 449.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.0
2015 Mar 6,067.9 1,032.6 5,035.2 409.0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2015 Apr 4,960.3 982.8 3,977.5 559.0 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0
2015 May 5,566.3 1,024.9 4,541.4 636.4 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.0
2015 Jun 5,416.7 1,058.1 4,358.6 533.1 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.0
2015 Jul 6,830.0 1,014.5 5,815.5 538.0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.0

2015 Aug 5,245.5 878.9 4,366.5 523.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.0
2015 Sept 5,047.1 908.3 4,138.8 567.8 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.0
2015 Oct 5,248.2 1,106.3 4,141.9 518.1 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.0
2015 Nov 4,843.6 1,070.1 3,773.5 375.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.0
2015 Dec 5,564.9 1,060.6 4,504.4 402.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0
2016 Jan 5,606.0 1,083.8 4,522.2 777.0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.0
2016 Feb 5,731.8 1,129.1 4,602.7 663.8 3.6 0.1 3.5 0.0
2016 Mar 7,896.1 1,115.2 6,780.9 553.8 3.6 0.1 3.5 0.0
2016 Apr 5,832.2 1,036.5 4,795.7 1,269.3 41.6 0.1 41.5 0.0
2016 May 5,453.3 1,155.3 4,298.0 725.0 41.6 0.1 41.5 0.0
2016 Jun 5,889.7 1,154.4 4,735.3 677.7 41.3 0.1 41.2 0.0
2016 Jul 6,572.2 1,020.8 5,551.4 864.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

2016 Aug 5,286.5 940.6 4,345.9 849.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2016 Sept 4,866.4 880.7 3,985.7 538.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2016 Oct 4,652.0 962.0 3,690.0 617.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2016 Nov 4,812.4 875.3 3,937.1 175.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2016 Dec 4,894.4 911.2 3,983.2 212.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Jan 4,433.1 924.6 3,508.5 215.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 Feb 4,245.1 939.5 3,305.7 638.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Mar 4,587.4 944.9 3,642.5 553.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 Apr 4,728.9 905.6 3,823.3 345.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 May 4,701.2 1,029.3 3,671.9 252.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 Jun 4,579.6 1,034.5 3,545.1 206.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Julp 5,893.7 1,091.3 4,802.4 227.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

2017 Augp 5,377.3 999.4 4,377.9 213.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Septp 4,915.1 1,072.0 3,843.1 183.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Octp 4,823.9 1,040.9 3,782.9 180.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Novp 5,189.1 1,130.8 4,058.3 196.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2017 Decp 4,542.6 1,052.8 3,489.8 147.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Janp 4,789.2 1,024.9 3,764.3 152.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Febp 5,035.1 1,044.8 3,990.3 121.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Marp 4,706.2 1,136.2 3,570.0 119.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Aprp 4,740.6 1,110.0 3,630.6 173.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Mayp 5,019.4 1,176.2 3,843.2 124.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 JunP 4,962.0 1,208.1 3,754.0 128.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Julp 5,515.1 1,304.4 4,210.7 141.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

2018 Augp 5,393.9 1,206.5 4,187.5 209.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Septp 5,574.6 1,107.1 4,467.5 228.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
2018 Octp 5,304.9 1,099.6 4,205.3 278.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0

Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies
A. Assets (Contd. ...)

Claims on Government Claims on Govt. Enterprises Claims on

Non-Govt. Total Assets
M id-M onth Total Development Financial Claims on (1+4+5+9+
(10+11) Treasury Bills Bonds Total (13+14) Financial Non-financial Institutions Private Sector Other Assets* 12+15+16+17)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2011 Jul 2,385.2 922.4 1,462.8 22.2 0.0 22.2 17,803.6 85,954.8 5,052.0 118,578.2
2012 Jul 3,537.0 1,664.5 1,872.5 26.0 0.0 26.0 22,847.1 68,616.1 7,702.9 109,687.5
2013 Jul 2,103.1 551.8 1,551.4 41.8 0.0 41.8 16,815.2 70,535.5 6,003.9 100,856.7

2013 Aug 2,055.1 503.8 1,551.4 42.3 0.0 42.3 17,688.2 69,810.8 7,353.0 102,096.2
2013 Sept 2,038.7 487.3 1,551.4 51.0 0.0 51.0 18,932.9 70,532.7 7,187.4 104,023.9
2013 Oct 1,917.7 366.3 1,551.4 57.5 0.0 57.5 17,571.7 71,903.1 5,061.6 104,172.9
2013 Nov 1,918.3 366.9 1,551.4 71.2 0.0 71.2 19,588.9 71,741.6 7,314.8 106,694.3
2013 Dec 2,107.7 276.9 1,830.8 83.1 0.0 83.1 19,984.5 71,789.1 7,102.6 107,070.2
2014 Jan 3,057.2 293.9 2,763.3 89.2 0.0 89.2 20,262.2 71,946.7 6,560.2 108,434.8
2014 Feb 3,051.6 288.3 2,763.3 77.8 0.0 77.8 16,808.9 73,242.6 6,670.7 105,643.1
2014 Mar 3,041.6 278.3 2,763.3 186.1 0.0 186.1 19,172.9 73,302.0 6,985.9 108,377.1
2014 Apr 2,931.6 168.3 2,763.3 91.8 0.0 91.8 22,008.6 72,047.0 7,086.4 109,885.9
2014 May 3,101.6 338.3 2,763.3 86.2 0.0 86.2 20,109.2 69,707.1 5,449.4 104,948.2
2014 Jun 3,051.1 338.3 2,712.8 68.8 0.0 68.8 19,353.0 71,244.5 6,043.0 105,027.4
2014 Jul 3,040.0 337.5 2,702.5 65.3 0.0 65.3 20,240.9 70,040.2 6,150.3 105,592.6

2014 Aug 3,130.0 427.5 2,702.5 175.8 0.0 175.8 20,614.2 71,352.0 6,284.7 107,781.4
2014 Sept 3,230.0 527.5 2,702.5 222.7 0.0 222.7 20,992.3 71,084.0 4,165.4 107,614.4
2014 Oct 3,227.5 525.0 2,702.5 115.2 0.0 115.2 22,519.7 70,028.1 6,494.5 107,940.9
2014 Nov 3,067.5 365.0 2,702.5 198.9 0.0 198.9 23,024.2 69,953.3 7,208.7 108,732.4
2014 Dec 3,037.5 335.0 2,702.5 165.6 0.0 165.6 22,619.0 70,468.6 7,245.7 108,976.6
2015 Jan 2,882.5 235.0 2,647.5 177.3 0.0 177.3 22,710.6 71,441.0 6,181.5 109,027.3
2015 Feb 2,882.5 235.0 2,647.5 179.8 0.0 179.8 20,793.3 73,479.4 6,268.2 109,380.8
2015 Mar 2,862.5 215.0 2,647.5 172.8 0.0 172.8 21,252.3 74,745.8 5,728.4 111,239.2
2015 Apr 2,739.0 265.0 2,474.0 304.2 0.0 304.2 22,502.0 74,312.6 6,348.3 111,726.0
2015 May 2,779.0 305.0 2,474.0 192.3 0.0 192.3 18,998.1 74,486.5 5,035.1 107,694.3
2015 Jun 3,023.7 355.0 2,668.7 202.0 0.0 202.0 19,823.6 75,818.6 5,336.6 110,155.0
2015 Jul 3,047.0 253.1 2,793.9 99.4 0.0 99.4 19,401.3 71,168.1 3,951.6 105,035.9

2015 Aug 2,987.0 193.1 2,793.9 211.0 0.0 211.0 20,306.2 71,663.5 5,791.6 106,728.6
2015 Sept 4,372.6 1,578.7 2,793.9 218.9 0.0 218.9 21,492.1 73,115.2 5,061.2 109,875.5
2015 Oct 4,719.5 1,925.6 2,793.9 216.0 0.0 216.0 21,243.3 73,250.8 4,698.1 109,894.3
2015 Nov 4,704.5 1,910.6 2,793.9 215.2 0.0 215.2 21,614.5 75,031.2 5,818.3 112,603.2
2015 Dec 4,926.2 2,132.3 2,793.9 215.5 0.0 215.5 18,363.9 74,415.6 4,915.9 108,804.4
2016 Jan 4,319.2 1,957.3 2,361.9 196.5 0.0 196.5 20,925.6 73,777.6 3,682.7 109,285.0
2016 Feb 4,314.2 1,952.3 2,361.9 213.0 0.0 213.0 26,064.0 71,264.9 3,584.0 111,839.4
2016 Mar 3,726.5 1,364.6 2,361.9 208.9 0.0 208.9 20,361.2 78,629.2 3,287.4 114,666.6
2016 Apr 3,250.5 216.5 3,034.0 194.9 0.0 194.9 18,173.6 76,572.6 4,680.8 110,015.6
2016 May 3,983.0 206.5 3,776.5 191.1 0.0 191.1 18,462.2 74,395.1 5,156.2 108,407.5
2016 Jun 3,988.0 211.5 3,776.5 222.8 0.0 222.8 28,819.5 66,623.6 4,784.0 111,046.5
2016 Jul 3,845.0 111.5 3,733.5 131.9 0.0 131.9 20,714.6 63,613.7 3,213.8 98,956.3

2016 Aug 3,840.0 106.5 3,733.5 108.6 0.0 108.6 22,230.6 64,094.1 5,432.9 101,842.2
2016 Sept 3,840.0 106.5 3,733.5 51.6 0.0 51.6 20,553.0 64,895.4 6,080.3 100,825.4
2016 Oct 3,840.0 106.5 3,733.5 169.4 0.0 169.4 19,277.8 58,585.3 4,556.6 91,698.1
2016 Nov 3,870.0 136.5 3,733.5 167.0 0.0 167.0 19,564.6 59,480.4 3,990.8 92,061.1
2016 Dec 3,853.5 120.0 3,733.5 193.4 0.0 193.4 19,997.1 59,401.7 2,039.8 90,592.0
2017 Jan 3,853.5 120.0 3,733.5 189.3 0.0 189.3 21,371.6 60,199.8 3,018.7 93,281.0
2017 Feb 3,803.5 70.0 3,733.5 188.8 0.0 188.8 15,178.4 61,718.7 2,388.0 88,161.2
2017 Mar 3,890.0 70.0 3,820.0 188.0 0.0 188.0 16,563.2 61,460.7 2,344.2 89,587.1
2017 Apr 3,924.5 70.0 3,854.5 188.7 0.0 188.7 17,445.1 61,630.8 2,598.4 90,861.8
2017 May 3,948.0 70.0 3,878.0 115.6 0.0 115.6 18,357.3 62,350.0 3,419.1 93,143.5
2017 Jun 4,018.0 140.0 3,878.0 116.0 0.0 116.0 17,955.4 63,112.6 2,921.7 92,910.3
2017 Julp 4,018.3 70.0 3,948.3 150.4 0.0 150.4 13,780.6 55,131.7 853.7 80,056.2

2017 Augp 3,948.3 0.0 3,948.3 165.4 0.0 165.4 14,993.5 55,596.5 1,834.7 82,129.6
2017 Septp 4,183.3 0.0 4,183.3 191.5 0.0 191.5 14,439.9 56,283.7 2,490.3 82,687.8
2017 Octp 4,253.2 0.0 4,253.2 222.7 0.0 222.7 14,643.4 56,544.3 2,771.2 83,439.7
2017 Novp 5,274.3 100.0 5,174.3 210.7 0.0 210.7 14,487.1 56,418.5 1,899.7 83,675.6
2017 Decp 5,549.3 375.0 5,174.3 11.8 0.0 11.8 14,452.7 57,091.5 1,944.6 83,739.7
2018 Janp 3,807.7 275.0 3,532.7 231.0 0.0 231.0 15,537.9 57,953.3 2,741.4 85,212.8
2018 Febp 3,897.7 365.0 3,532.7 224.9 0.0 224.9 13,918.7 58,572.6 2,590.1 84,361.0
2018 Marp 3,682.7 150.0 3,532.7 225.3 0.0 225.3 14,693.3 59,779.1 3,004.9 86,210.7
2018 Aprp 3,777.7 245.0 3,532.7 228.0 0.0 228.0 15,349.0 61,059.5 2,814.2 88,143.0
2018 Mayp 3,742.7 210.0 3,532.7 230.9 0.0 230.9 15,617.6 61,996.0 2,789.3 89,520.2
2018 JunP 3,742.7 210.0 3,532.7 240.9 0.0 240.9 16,439.0 63,746.2 2,492.3 91,751.2
2018 Julp 3,687.7 155.0 3,532.7 296.6 0.0 296.6 18,719.4 64,249.0 2,254.6 94,863.7

2018 Augp 3,747.7 215.0 3,532.7 357.9 0.0 357.9 20,266.3 64,233.5 2,992.5 97,201.4
2018 Septp 3,747.7 215.0 3,532.7 358.3 0.0 358.3 20,274.6 65,026.7 3,065.5 98,276.1
2018 Octp 3,732.7 200.0 3,532.7 334.5 0.0 334.5 19,735.2 66,708.1 3,074.7 99,168.8
* Other assets also includes other claims on government (citizen bond) since December 2012.

12. Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies
B. Liabilities

In Million Rupees
Deposit Current Deposit Saving Deposit
Total Total Private Total Private
M id-M onth
(2+7+10+13) (3+4+5+6) Sector Government Inter-bank Foreign (8+9) Sector Foreign
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 79,549.0 3,365.2 3,364.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 30,253.4 30,253.0 0.4
2012 Jul 74,753.2 4,485.2 4,485.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 34,158.9 34,158.9 0.0
2013 Jul 67,252.0 5,410.3 5,410.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 28,930.3 28,930.3 0.0

2013 Aug 68,077.4 5,196.6 5,196.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 29,422.2 29,422.2 0.0
2013 Sept 69,321.3 5,430.0 5,429.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 30,346.9 30,346.9 0.0
2013 Oct 69,306.4 5,407.1 5,407.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 30,449.0 30,449.0 0.0
2013 Nov 71,640.0 5,881.7 5,881.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,018.4 32,018.4 0.0
2013 Dec 71,551.8 5,447.6 5,447.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,137.1 32,137.1 0.0
2014 Jan 72,777.6 5,825.0 5,825.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,730.2 32,730.2 0.0
2014 Feb 70,438.9 4,872.8 4,872.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 30,901.7 30,901.7 0.0
2014 Mar 72,253.0 5,299.7 5,299.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,017.7 32,017.7 0.0
2014 Apr 74,431.6 5,640.3 5,640.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,789.0 33,789.0 0.0
2014 May 70,003.8 5,386.4 5,386.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,249.8 31,249.8 0.0
2014 Jun 70,486.8 5,592.5 5,592.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,338.8 31,338.8 0.0
2014 Jul 70,974.5 5,824.9 5,824.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,184.7 31,184.7 0.0

2014 Aug 72,115.6 5,970.6 5,970.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,195.8 32,195.8 0.0
2014 Sept 71,579.4 5,844.7 5,844.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,926.4 31,926.4 0.0
2014 Oct 71,809.5 5,952.6 5,952.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,065.8 32,065.8 0.0
2014 Nov 72,127.3 5,516.3 5,516.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,296.5 32,296.5 0.0
2014 Dec 72,451.7 6,169.8 6,169.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,327.2 32,327.2 0.0
2015 Jan 72,706.4 6,155.5 6,155.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,571.0 32,571.0 0.0
2015 Feb 73,189.3 5,922.6 5,922.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,317.0 33,317.0 0.0
2015 Mar 72,509.9 5,393.8 5,393.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,400.9 33,400.9 0.0
2015 Apr 72,768.8 6,232.9 6,232.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,048.4 33,048.4 0.0
2015 May 71,580.8 5,907.0 5,906.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,309.0 33,309.0 0.0
2015 Jun 73,414.2 6,251.0 6,251.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34,610.4 34,610.4 0.0
2015 Jul 70,745.5 5,426.5 5,426.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 33,755.0 33,755.0 0.0

2015 Aug 71,116.6 5,117.3 5,117.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 34,272.1 34,272.1 0.0
2015 Sept 72,867.8 5,366.9 5,366.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,438.4 35,438.4 0.0
2015 Oct 73,462.4 5,480.4 5,480.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,678.9 35,678.9 0.0
2015 Nov 73,598.1 5,886.3 5,886.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,316.2 35,316.2 0.0
2015 Dec 72,760.9 6,059.2 6,059.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,092.6 35,092.6 0.0
2016 Jan 73,779.7 5,164.2 5,164.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 36,328.7 36,328.7 0.0
2016 Feb 75,751.9 5,355.1 5,355.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 38,029.0 38,029.0 0.0
2016 Mar 76,775.9 5,260.4 5,260.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 38,981.9 38,981.9 0.0
2016 Apr 72,617.5 6,129.1 6,129.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 36,872.2 36,872.2 0.0
2016 May 70,602.4 5,178.2 5,178.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,865.3 35,865.3 0.0
2016 Jun 70,254.0 5,463.9 5,463.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,775.5 35,775.5 0.0
2016 Jul 61,590.3 4,542.7 4,542.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 32,046.9 32,046.9 0.0

2016 Aug 62,656.9 4,437.8 4,437.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 33,265.4 33,265.4 0.0
2016 Sept 61,943.8 4,276.6 4,276.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 32,789.0 32,789.0 0.0
2016 Oct 54,688.8 4,211.3 4,211.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 29,411.9 29,411.9 0.0
2016 Nov 55,078.1 3,783.1 3,783.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 29,455.2 29,455.2 0.0
2016 Dec 54,149.3 4,096.7 4,096.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 28,718.7 28,718.7 0.0
2017 Jan 55,486.0 4,270.7 4,270.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 29,193.4 29,193.4 0.0
2017 Feb 51,518.0 4,308.6 4,308.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 23,371.6 23,371.6 0.0
2017 Mar 55,053.3 5,198.4 5,198.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 23,719.0 23,719.0 0.0
2017 Apr 53,946.0 4,133.0 4,133.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22,518.5 22,518.5 0.0
2017 May 54,895.5 4,646.4 4,646.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 22,305.8 22,305.8 0.0
2017 Jun 54,418.6 4,563.2 4,563.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 21,179.2 21,179.2 0.0
2017 Julp 48,027.7 4,371.8 4,371.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,444.6 18,444.6 0.0

2017 Augp 49,616.6 4,590.5 4,590.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,417.7 18,417.7 0.0
2017 Septp 50,321.5 4,703.6 4,703.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,348.3 18,348.3 0.0
2017 Octp 50,875.8 4,373.5 4,373.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,730.2 18,730.2 0.0
2017 Novp 50,551.6 4,108.1 4,108.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 18,962.3 18,962.3 0.0
2017 Decp 50,459.4 3,953.2 3,953.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 18,886.5 18,886.5 0.0
2018 Janp 52,112.2 3,770.3 3,770.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 19,469.0 19,469.0 0.0
2018 Febp 51,439.3 3,590.7 3,590.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 18,984.0 18,984.0 0.0
2018 Marp 52,617.8 3,475.8 3,475.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,954.5 18,954.5 0.0
2018 Aprp 54,071.2 3,480.5 3,480.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,825.7 18,825.7 0.0
2018 Mayp 55,176.4 3,556.9 3,556.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,609.4 18,609.4 0.0
2018 JunP 56,578.3 3,704.5 3,704.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,963.5 18,963.5 0.0
2018 Julp 58,960.7 3,974.8 3,974.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,425.4 20,425.4 0.0

2018 Augp 60,464.3 4,538.8 4,538.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,359.9 20,359.9 0.0
2018 Septp 60,742.4 4,526.6 4,526.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,927.6 20,927.6 0.0
2018 Octp 60,785.2 4,346.1 4,346.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,752.8 20,752.8 0.0

Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies
B. Liabilities (Contd. ...)

Fixed Deposit Borrowings Other Liabilities Total Liabili-

Total Private M argin from Nepal Paid-up General Total ties (1+14+15
M id-M onth
(11+12) Sector Foreign Deposit Rastra Bank Capital Reserves (18+19) Domestic Foreign +16+17)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2011 Jul 45,886.0 45,884.7 1.3 44.5 647.5 19,404.1 7,773.5 11,204.1 11,204.1 0.0 118,578.2
2012 Jul 36,066.1 36,066.1 0.0 42.9 0.0 17,434.0 5,044.4 12,456.0 12,456.0 0.0 109,687.5
2013 Jul 32,896.2 32,896.2 0.0 15.2 0.0 16,323.8 6,910.6 10,370.4 10,370.4 0.0 100,856.7

2013 Aug 33,443.7 33,443.7 0.0 15.0 0.0 16,349.3 7,236.6 10,432.8 10,432.8 0.0 102,096.2
2013 Sept 33,530.6 33,530.6 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,349.3 7,182.8 11,170.5 11,170.5 0.0 104,023.9
2013 Oct 33,436.7 33,436.7 0.0 13.6 0.0 16,399.0 7,201.2 11,266.3 11,266.3 0.0 104,172.9
2013 Nov 33,726.4 33,726.4 0.0 13.6 0.0 16,498.5 6,891.7 11,664.0 11,664.0 0.0 106,694.3
2013 Dec 33,953.5 33,953.5 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,499.8 6,723.4 12,295.2 12,295.2 0.0 107,070.2
2014 Jan 34,208.4 34,208.4 0.0 13.9 0.0 16,617.8 6,640.4 12,399.0 12,399.0 0.0 108,434.8
2014 Feb 34,649.6 34,649.6 0.0 14.8 0.0 16,642.3 6,684.1 11,877.8 11,877.8 0.0 105,643.1
2014 Mar 34,921.0 34,921.0 0.0 14.6 0.0 16,659.7 6,507.8 12,956.6 12,956.6 0.0 108,377.1
2014 Apr 34,987.8 34,987.8 0.0 14.5 0.0 16,669.0 6,085.3 12,700.0 12,700.0 0.0 109,885.9
2014 May 33,354.4 33,354.4 0.0 13.1 0.0 16,079.5 5,934.0 12,930.9 12,930.9 0.0 104,948.2
2014 Jun 33,543.1 33,543.1 0.0 12.4 0.0 15,987.5 6,132.1 12,421.0 12,421.0 0.0 105,027.4
2014 Jul 33,952.7 33,952.7 0.0 12.3 0.0 15,931.5 5,690.1 12,996.5 12,996.5 0.0 105,592.6

2014 Aug 33,936.7 33,936.7 0.0 12.6 0.0 15,937.3 7,786.1 11,942.4 11,942.4 0.0 107,781.4
2014 Sept 33,794.1 33,794.1 0.0 14.2 37.9 15,735.9 8,092.0 12,169.1 12,169.1 0.0 107,614.4
2014 Oct 33,777.8 33,777.8 0.0 13.4 37.9 15,827.9 7,701.5 12,564.1 12,564.1 0.0 107,940.9
2014 Nov 34,300.6 34,300.6 0.0 13.9 37.9 16,005.1 7,653.4 12,908.7 12,908.7 0.0 108,732.4
2014 Dec 33,940.5 33,940.5 0.0 14.1 37.9 16,287.2 7,192.0 13,007.8 13,007.8 0.0 108,976.6
2015 Jan 33,965.9 33,965.9 0.0 14.1 37.9 16,434.1 7,055.2 12,793.6 12,793.6 0.0 109,027.3
2015 Feb 33,936.3 33,936.3 0.0 13.4 37.9 16,501.6 6,933.9 12,718.1 12,718.1 0.0 109,380.8
2015 Mar 33,701.5 33,701.5 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,503.1 6,696.9 15,529.3 15,529.3 0.0 111,239.2
2015 Apr 33,473.8 33,473.8 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,558.7 6,720.8 15,677.7 15,677.7 0.0 111,726.0
2015 May 32,351.1 32,351.1 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,049.5 6,323.8 13,740.2 13,740.2 0.0 107,694.3
2015 Jun 32,539.1 32,539.1 0.0 13.7 0.0 16,124.5 6,345.0 14,271.2 14,271.2 0.0 110,155.0
2015 Jul 31,550.0 31,550.0 0.0 13.9 0.0 15,763.8 5,518.5 13,008.2 13,008.2 0.0 105,035.9

2015 Aug 31,713.1 31,713.1 0.0 14.0 0.0 15,713.4 8,345.0 11,553.6 11,553.6 0.0 106,728.6
2015 Sept 32,045.2 32,045.2 0.0 17.3 0.0 15,762.4 8,577.1 12,668.2 12,668.2 0.0 109,875.5
2015 Oct 32,285.7 32,285.7 0.0 17.5 0.0 16,026.7 8,258.2 12,146.9 12,146.9 0.0 109,894.3
2015 Nov 32,377.8 32,377.8 0.0 17.8 0.0 14,212.1 10,013.7 14,779.2 14,779.2 0.0 112,603.2
2015 Dec 31,591.3 31,591.3 0.0 17.8 0.0 13,706.8 9,571.6 12,765.2 12,765.2 0.0 108,804.4
2016 Jan 32,271.1 32,271.1 0.0 15.7 0.0 14,459.9 8,819.4 12,226.0 12,226.0 0.0 109,285.0
2016 Feb 32,352.6 32,352.6 0.0 15.2 37.9 14,608.1 8,929.2 12,512.3 12,512.3 0.0 111,839.4
2016 Mar 32,518.0 32,518.0 0.0 15.5 37.9 14,730.2 8,910.2 14,212.4 14,212.4 0.0 114,666.6
2016 Apr 29,600.7 29,600.7 0.0 15.5 0.0 14,552.3 8,468.6 14,377.2 14,377.2 0.0 110,015.6
2016 May 29,542.8 29,542.8 0.0 16.0 37.9 14,597.2 8,583.0 14,587.0 14,587.0 0.0 108,407.5
2016 Jun 28,998.7 28,998.7 0.0 15.9 187.9 14,153.6 8,258.1 18,193.0 18,193.0 0.0 111,046.5
2016 Jul 24,985.8 24,985.8 0.0 14.8 188.9 13,164.2 7,513.3 16,499.6 16,499.6 0.0 98,956.3

2016 Aug 24,938.7 24,938.7 0.0 15.1 189.5 13,170.4 10,482.0 15,343.3 15,343.3 0.0 101,842.2
2016 Sept 24,863.1 24,863.1 0.0 15.1 39.5 13,170.4 10,412.2 15,259.5 15,259.5 0.0 100,825.4
2016 Oct 21,052.9 21,052.9 0.0 12.7 40.1 12,645.0 9,268.0 15,056.3 15,056.3 0.0 91,698.1
2016 Nov 21,826.8 21,826.8 0.0 12.9 2.2 12,795.5 9,081.7 15,103.7 15,103.7 0.0 92,061.1
2016 Dec 21,320.8 21,320.8 0.0 13.1 2.5 10,903.5 8,211.9 17,324.8 17,324.8 0.0 90,592.0
2017 Jan 22,008.7 22,008.7 0.0 13.1 4.5 11,635.1 7,553.2 18,602.2 18,602.2 0.0 93,281.0
2017 Feb 23,824.6 23,824.6 0.0 13.2 44.4 11,455.9 7,135.9 18,007.1 18,007.1 0.0 88,161.2
2017 Mar 26,122.4 26,122.4 0.0 13.5 44.4 11,776.2 7,149.1 15,564.1 15,564.1 0.0 89,587.1
2017 Apr 27,280.9 27,280.9 0.0 13.6 807.5 12,053.3 7,078.7 16,976.2 16,976.2 0.0 90,861.8
2017 May 27,930.4 27,930.4 0.0 12.9 819.4 12,368.9 6,889.1 18,170.7 18,170.7 0.0 93,143.5
2017 Jun 28,663.2 28,663.2 0.0 12.9 306.5 12,455.6 6,856.9 18,872.8 18,872.8 0.0 92,910.3
2017 Julp 25,197.9 25,197.9 0.0 13.5 512.3 10,507.6 5,469.3 15,539.3 15,539.3 0.0 80,056.2

2017 Augp 26,595.4 26,595.4 0.0 13.0 309.2 10,607.4 7,659.2 13,937.1 13,937.1 0.0 82,129.6
2017 Septp 27,236.2 27,236.2 0.0 33.4 331.6 10,805.1 7,834.4 13,395.1 13,395.1 0.0 82,687.8
2017 Octp 27,738.5 27,738.5 0.0 33.7 277.1 10,970.6 7,876.4 13,439.7 13,439.7 0.0 83,439.7
2017 Novp 27,446.8 27,446.8 0.0 34.5 253.7 10,719.0 7,947.6 14,203.7 14,203.7 0.0 83,675.6
2017 Decp 27,581.8 27,581.8 0.0 37.9 155.3 10,849.6 7,982.2 14,293.3 14,293.3 0.0 83,739.7
2018 Janp 28,834.1 28,834.1 0.0 38.8 427.2 11,614.0 7,129.8 13,929.6 13,929.6 0.0 85,212.8
2018 Febp 28,824.2 28,824.2 0.0 40.3 182.9 11,744.5 6,961.5 14,032.8 14,032.8 0.0 84,361.0
2018 Marp 30,147.5 30,147.5 0.0 39.9 182.9 11,923.9 6,875.1 14,611.1 14,611.1 0.0 86,210.7
2018 Aprp 31,723.0 31,723.0 0.0 42.1 312.2 12,371.2 6,917.9 14,470.4 14,470.4 0.0 88,143.0
2018 Mayp 32,966.5 32,966.5 0.0 43.7 290.7 12,443.9 6,988.5 14,620.8 14,620.8 0.0 89,520.2
2018 JunP 33,865.8 33,865.8 0.0 44.5 311.5 12,668.1 6,825.5 15,367.7 15,367.7 0.0 91,751.2
2018 Julp 34,512.6 34,512.6 0.0 47.9 232.4 13,047.8 6,350.2 16,272.5 16,272.5 0.0 94,863.7

2018 Augp 35,516.8 35,516.8 0.0 48.7 229.0 13,193.7 7,714.1 15,600.4 15,600.4 0.0 97,201.4
2018 Septp 35,237.8 35,237.8 0.0 50.4 237.1 13,199.3 7,824.8 16,272.5 16,272.5 0.0 98,276.1
2018 Octp 35,635.0 35,635.0 0.0 51.2 151.7 13,472.1 7,647.6 17,112.3 17,112.3 0.0 99,168.8

13. Current Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, Dis- Government Non-govt. Commercial
trict and Corporations Corporations Banks Non-profit
M id-M onth Foreign Village Dev. Financial and and (Inter-bank Organi-
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Deposits) zations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1974 Jul 15.6 10.6 23.2 43.3 10.3 4.4 25.3 120.9 56.6 310.2
1975 Jul 98.2 12.9 34.3 60.9 30.1 7.8 14.2 183.8 4.1 446.4
1976 Jul 137.2 19.4 38.5 76.7 37.7 4.6 13.3 194.4 7.5 529.4
1977 Jul 205.3 25.2 63.5 86.9 39.0 13.9 57.5 245.4 2.3 739.0
1978 Jul 116.9 35.4 41.2 108.0 37.5 10.7 36.3 297.4 21.4 704.8
1979 Jul 154.3 47.0 48.6 189.8 43.0 18.7 70.4 309.5 17.4 898.7
1980 Jul 75.7 34.3 54.2 198.5 51.9 21.9 73.9 354.8 10.1 875.4
1981 Jul 88.3 44.7 59.3 267.6 34.0 17.0 151.5 359.9 14.5 1,036.6
1982 Jul 83.9 67.8 91.7 237.4 62.0 28.4 72.9 402.7 15.3 1,062.1
1983 Jul 126.3 85.2 116.2 325.3 103.4 21.9 113.8 505.8 3.0 1,400.9
1984 Jul 174.1 93.5 121.3 297.7 98.1 24.2 123.0 589.3 10.0 1,531.3
1985 Jul 233.2 79.9 156.8 273.0 105.5 24.0 150.4 666.7 2.5 1,691.9
1986 Jul 299.1 99.1 154.9 277.6 165.6 39.7 193.1 883.9 17.5 2,130.5
1987 Jul 346.6 113.6 172.5 442.1 164.4 88.1 165.8 915.9 32.9 2,442.0
1988 Jul 433.7 125.1 241.3 573.1 291.7 44.3 237.7 1,024.1 59.4 3,030.5
1989 Jul 691.2 189.1 354.4 559.6 419.8 54.0 323.2 1,301.1 85.5 3,978.0
1990 Jul 665.3 141.2 308.8 714.3 596.0 57.5 311.3 1,533.4 23.5 4,351.2
1991 Jul 802.2 151.6 283.0 654.9 722.7 117.4 358.0 1,781.3 28.7 4,899.8
1992 Jul 1,570.3 191.2 437.9 581.0 1,218.0 357.6 429.4 2,017.3 6.2 6,808.8
1993 Jul 2,083.7 204.3 794.5 833.2 1,234.3 234.8 489.5 2,548.8 113.9 8,536.9
1994 Jul 2,627.3 327.0 829.9 851.6 1,779.7 136.3 566.1 2,728.5 446.7 10,293.1
1995 Jul 2,661.2 657.4 988.4 903.4 1,938.9 118.6 706.1 3,580.0 579.0 12,133.0
1996 Jul 2,962.3 1,176.0 1,274.7 922.9 2,103.8 134.8 820.2 3,925.5 30.2 13,350.4
1997 Jul 3,374.5 577.2 1,053.9 997.9 2,414.7 115.9 891.0 3,546.0 62.2 13,033.3
1998 Jul 3,808.3 467.0 1,285.6 1,530.3 3,091.1 138.4 1,063.0 4,458.9 705.2 16,547.8
1999 Jul 3,456.8 434.7 1,342.2 1,980.2 2,995.2 205.9 1,313.6 4,152.8 1,731.2 17,612.6
2000 Jul 3,943.6 538.1 1,768.8 1,598.8 4,314.4 330.5 1,386.5 5,310.9 1,446.5 20,638.1
2001 Jul 4,517.3 518.3 2,543.7 3,865.9 4,114.4 471.5 1,544.5 6,052.3 1,472.8 25,100.7
2002 Jul 4,501.7 652.4 2,127.7 1,866.0 4,813.7 603.0 1,595.1 6,131.9 2,060.7 24,352.2
2003 Jul 5,111.3 827.8 2,601.7 4,532.2 6,880.0 563.2 2,055.6 4,901.4 1,389.4 28,862.6
2004 Jul 4,973.5 1,045.8 3,699.8 4,778.9 7,600.2 716.5 3,217.3 5,114.0 2,609.2 33,755.2
2005 Jul 5,446.5 1,381.4 3,741.4 4,980.2 7,749.4 543.1 2,431.4 6,463.7 1,926.1 34,663.2
2006 Jul 4,591.8 594.2 4,398.1 4,684.4 8,807.8 488.2 3,122.2 8,825.8 1,874.0 37,386.4
2006 Jul* 4,591.8 591.6 3,694.2 4,732.3 8,713.1 581.9 3,107.6 8,411.7 1,874.0 36,298.1
2007 Jul 5,116.4 521.1 3,953.2 5,650.3 11,006.8 2,339.4 2,893.7 12,673.4 877.4 45,031.7
2008 Jul 7,862.9 662.1 5,245.6 6,897.3 12,159.1 1,964.8 3,828.7 15,278.1 2,190.6 56,089.1
2009 Jul 7,740.2 1,038.3 6,112.3 11,342.0 15,356.1 2,179.9 5,233.5 20,485.2 2,181.9 71,669.5
2010 Jul 11,559.7 765.0 7,070.3 8,803.8 20,141.0 1,899.5 10,304.1 14,059.1 6,446.3 81,048.8
2011 Jul 10,270.4 558.0 6,269.8 9,221.4 19,691.6 1,480.4 9,891.6 18,880.0 3,289.9 79,553.1
2012 Jul 10,125.9 441.7 10,660.8 8,437.9 23,111.6 3,473.2 10,131.5 25,972.4 2,253.4 94,608.5
2013 Jul 13,705.8 502.6 12,338.3 10,519.2 27,704.3 3,281.1 12,281.6 27,234.3 3,023.7 110,590.9
2014 Jul 14,077.5 843.8 11,336.9 9,428.2 36,540.5 5,608.1 16,822.2 27,249.2 6,246.5 128,152.8
2015 Jul 17,876.0 1,115.4 15,682.7 13,934.6 47,246.7 7,180.5 17,405.6 31,319.6 5,862.4 157,623.4
2016 Jul 17,266.2 764.0 15,081.1 19,096.3 51,782.5 8,231.0 23,281.4 40,756.3 7,059.4 183,318.2
2016 Aug 19,825.6 618.0 13,734.1 16,162.7 51,055.1 6,664.1 21,924.6 35,366.3 6,289.7 171,640.1
2016 Sept 20,746.2 614.7 14,278.8 16,870.9 49,597.7 7,502.5 22,699.4 35,472.6 6,701.5 174,484.2
2016 Oct 20,517.8 759.5 16,578.1 16,637.6 52,566.4 9,906.2 21,699.6 36,422.0 7,835.2 182,922.3
2016 Nov 19,693.1 767.3 15,575.8 16,404.2 51,416.1 7,264.8 21,171.5 33,071.1 6,904.5 172,268.4
2016 Dec 21,160.9 770.3 14,724.2 16,573.8 52,053.6 7,020.8 21,261.9 32,893.0 5,966.9 172,425.6
2017 Jan 20,582.0 665.6 16,786.0 17,129.3 51,580.1 9,466.4 21,438.9 34,119.1 6,177.3 177,944.8
2017 Feb 19,261.9 837.0 14,715.9 16,793.2 53,565.5 7,603.7 22,912.3 35,803.7 6,501.0 177,994.1
2017 Mar 11,815.8 1,000.1 15,230.5 15,562.9 50,706.7 13,878.1 19,796.9 35,484.8 9,400.2 172,875.9
2017 Apr 14,137.8 763.1 14,959.1 20,020.9 49,515.5 13,293.1 18,084.9 33,543.3 6,458.4 170,776.0
2017 May 15,960.3 832.6 15,180.4 16,400.9 51,161.5 10,382.1 23,069.9 35,414.3 6,920.7 175,322.7
2017 Jun 13,561.4 1,552.6 14,251.0 18,024.5 53,528.5 10,287.3 26,878.5 35,598.4 5,243.6 178,925.9
2017 Julp 11,827.5 789.1 16,824.6 23,149.6 66,838.1 11,455.5 29,234.9 37,377.5 5,661.1 203,157.8

2017 Augp 16,529.4 1,146.4 12,573.7 19,500.1 59,765.8 10,228.4 29,764.0 30,038.9 5,695.4 185,242.1
2017 Septp 19,595.7 3,178.3 15,888.0 19,670.8 60,892.9 7,998.7 31,968.5 32,206.3 6,409.0 197,808.1
2017 Octp 20,012.6 3,142.3 17,356.3 24,418.7 61,594.5 8,758.0 29,446.9 30,722.1 5,980.6 201,432.0
2017 Novp 20,486.8 3,427.8 16,732.5 15,804.3 63,062.9 9,899.5 28,612.0 29,499.5 6,163.7 193,689.0
2017 Decp 22,261.7 7,217.5 15,097.2 17,767.9 61,665.9 7,692.7 29,226.6 30,363.4 8,877.6 200,170.5
2018 Janp 19,911.0 9,127.6 15,787.8 19,842.1 63,845.3 7,253.0 30,844.1 32,357.5 6,102.9 205,071.3
2018 Febp 17,523.7 9,247.4 13,235.8 19,465.1 64,180.2 5,848.7 31,262.9 32,467.4 7,827.0 201,058.0
2018 Marp 18,667.3 8,897.0 12,148.2 23,201.5 67,264.0 7,428.2 31,660.1 32,256.9 8,642.2 210,165.3
2018 Aprp 18,795.0 15,211.3 14,566.8 23,358.2 67,598.7 7,506.9 31,918.9 33,045.9 7,538.1 219,539.9
2018 Mayp 18,168.8 14,666.7 12,092.3 24,478.6 72,243.8 6,951.6 31,750.3 33,687.2 8,143.1 222,182.3
2018 JunP 18,239.2 13,614.2 13,557.2 25,426.7 71,156.4 6,384.7 32,585.9 36,115.2 8,238.2 225,317.7
2018 Julp 16,443.2 8,282.5 18,047.8 25,328.9 88,508.9 6,490.0 37,777.5 45,324.0 8,332.8 254,535.6

2018 Augp 16,559.1 2,362.0 12,864.6 18,223.3 74,050.2 5,475.5 33,971.9 39,985.4 7,218.6 210,710.6
2018 Septp 17,859.1 12,232.4 12,094.1 16,040.4 75,509.0 5,313.6 36,959.0 32,946.3 7,721.9 216,675.6
2018 Octp 18,129.1 12,429.7 15,685.8 15,896.1 71,302.8 6,064.8 35,293.2 34,580.9 12,586.7 221,969.3
* Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).

14. Current Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, Dis- Government Non-govt. Commercial
trict and Corporations Corporations Banks Non-profit
M id-M onth Foreign Village Dev. Financial and and (Inter-bank Organi-
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Deposits) zations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011 Jul 12.7 13.1 561.1 29.1 466.8 150.6 104.5 401.0 461.2 2,200.1
2012 Jul 13.6 10.4 795.7 94.2 555.5 64.0 344.1 651.8 785.7 3,315.0
2013 Jul 15.3 20.7 651.9 98.6 1,024.3 70.8 240.0 784.3 248.7 3,154.5

2013 Aug 23.8 11.6 585.8 94.2 690.4 78.7 195.2 708.3 220.0 2,608.2
2013 Sept 23.8 12.3 730.4 76.7 695.9 53.4 198.5 750.9 297.0 2,838.9
2013 Oct 25.9 10.4 837.4 70.6 863.5 42.9 182.7 806.6 414.5 3,254.5
2013 Nov 38.1 6.8 695.2 74.9 738.9 49.7 159.4 762.4 293.1 2,818.5
2013 Dec 37.5 6.3 664.3 170.1 700.3 95.3 176.4 777.1 275.1 2,902.5
2014 Jan 26.7 6.1 740.8 168.9 1,011.7 47.3 190.2 981.5 339.5 3,512.8
2014 Feb 53.7 4.1 662.1 178.1 846.0 155.1 203.1 909.2 277.0 3,288.3
2014 Mar 36.0 5.1 829.3 193.0 762.6 148.7 206.6 968.0 331.1 3,480.3
2014 Apr 35.3 5.2 733.8 158.3 850.3 114.5 246.2 1,026.3 316.1 3,486.0
2014 May 37.1 4.4 656.5 159.8 786.7 130.1 221.1 960.0 353.9 3,309.8
2014 Jun 30.0 4.5 753.9 171.5 826.2 103.9 190.7 1,134.8 316.7 3,532.4
2014 Jul 32.0 5.3 758.5 181.2 1,220.3 112.9 252.8 1,372.5 405.9 4,341.2

2014 Aug 47.9 7.3 658.5 232.2 804.1 143.9 296.3 1,078.7 325.5 3,594.3
2014 Sept 49.0 8.0 669.6 211.1 928.7 83.0 263.7 1,159.3 473.8 3,846.2
2014 Oct 50.6 8.6 817.4 198.5 889.7 110.5 235.4 1,222.3 470.0 4,003.1
2014 Nov 60.6 9.0 592.4 88.1 853.3 63.2 212.8 1,229.3 497.4 3,606.0
2014 Dec 53.9 9.2 577.0 69.1 977.6 68.4 210.2 1,314.2 425.2 3,704.8
2015 Jan 50.2 5.8 619.9 58.5 1,195.6 77.3 323.6 1,389.6 602.8 4,323.2
2015 Feb 69.6 6.9 1,044.0 175.0 1,114.0 96.3 238.2 1,404.3 516.8 4,665.0
2015 Mar 62.2 7.1 659.9 75.1 1,058.0 71.0 267.2 1,330.9 548.0 4,079.4
2015 Apr 46.6 9.6 606.0 78.5 1,184.7 93.8 291.6 1,417.3 622.3 4,350.2
2015 May 47.0 8.7 567.3 77.1 1,050.4 82.7 292.5 1,371.7 640.0 4,137.5
2015 Jun 39.4 9.2 576.8 85.0 1,191.3 75.1 269.0 1,424.5 593.7 4,264.0
2015 Jul 36.6 11.0 655.7 94.5 1,743.6 67.4 363.8 1,875.8 766.0 5,614.4

2015 Aug 31.6 5.8 577.0 84.5 1,162.6 110.5 302.0 1,494.3 670.6 4,438.9
2015 Sept 46.1 8.2 496.1 83.4 1,305.8 200.4 310.8 1,495.2 512.0 4,458.1
2015 Oct 50.2 5.9 633.9 98.1 1,452.1 134.6 306.1 1,663.9 680.0 5,024.8
2015 Nov 52.8 5.2 565.5 85.8 2,453.6 107.4 257.3 1,391.7 573.5 5,492.9
2015 Dec 27.9 5.1 532.1 86.1 1,522.8 108.7 265.9 1,325.6 708.5 4,582.6
2016 Jan 25.2 6.4 582.0 106.5 1,367.3 108.6 323.7 1,866.7 723.8 5,110.2
2016 Feb 29.0 6.5 583.6 120.6 1,296.2 113.0 357.4 1,564.0 730.8 4,801.1
2016 Mar 45.1 3.6 514.1 107.4 4,083.8 97.8 363.6 1,638.9 816.8 7,671.1
2016 Apr 44.8 6.5 549.2 75.2 1,362.8 115.3 400.6 2,273.1 838.2 5,665.6
2016 May 54.6 2.1 432.9 82.1 1,397.5 61.5 396.4 1,835.5 760.8 5,023.6
2016 Jun 51.0 1.9 481.8 93.0 1,486.3 92.9 488.1 2,127.0 571.2 5,393.2
2016 Jul 52.8 2.7 934.7 126.8 2,096.7 38.1 629.8 2,593.2 801.7 7,276.4

2016 Aug 75.1 2.3 560.5 96.0 1,490.0 74.0 540.5 2,126.8 641.6 5,606.8
2016 Sept 89.2 7.8 539.6 120.5 1,684.5 140.5 435.8 2,351.2 928.6 6,297.6
2016 Oct 113.3 16.5 642.0 141.9 1,918.9 51.0 637.8 2,724.8 981.3 7,227.5
2016 Nov 84.4 12.3 598.3 221.9 1,510.4 92.8 474.5 2,238.2 978.1 6,211.1
2016 Dec 47.2 5.1 603.9 112.0 1,641.0 61.4 526.5 2,396.4 915.8 6,309.3
2017 Jan 68.1 4.8 640.6 226.2 1,706.5 154.4 428.0 2,949.6 1,388.9 7,567.1
2017 Feb 80.3 15.0 695.5 252.5 1,266.4 32.0 404.0 1,926.4 1,182.9 5,854.9
2017 Mar 60.3 30.5 660.5 218.5 1,520.8 32.7 409.4 1,874.5 1,130.9 5,938.1
2017 Apr 44.5 68.1 652.0 297.0 1,323.7 32.1 413.9 2,067.7 1,072.9 5,971.9
2017 May 51.4 29.4 471.4 225.8 1,174.5 20.6 391.2 1,729.6 1,055.9 5,149.9
2017 Jun 60.1 36.4 474.3 188.6 1,149.1 21.3 403.6 1,620.3 1,203.9 5,157.6
2017 Julp 51.3 62.1 570.2 209.8 1,093.3 9.9 418.7 2,025.4 1,157.6 5,598.4

2017 Augp 42.1 64.7 590.4 148.4 972.7 12.0 375.7 1,468.3 984.2 4,658.3
2017 Septp 44.3 42.6 618.1 168.9 1,026.4 59.8 465.6 1,755.1 549.2 4,730.0
2017 Octp 45.8 96.4 626.1 184.1 1,311.2 38.1 399.2 1,994.7 650.4 5,346.0
2017 Novp 51.2 65.7 505.4 188.6 1,226.7 14.0 385.6 1,748.8 583.4 4,769.4
2017 Decp 37.0 110.1 648.2 200.9 1,248.3 88.7 384.8 1,772.3 577.5 5,067.8
2018 Janp 44.6 168.3 717.0 186.4 1,533.7 12.3 458.0 2,568.4 755.9 6,444.6
2018 Febp 60.9 134.7 554.0 194.0 1,232.2 38.1 450.0 1,932.6 700.6 5,296.9
2018 Marp 56.4 120.9 526.0 192.4 1,431.0 60.9 457.9 1,958.0 731.5 5,535.0
2018 Aprp 60.0 167.1 803.2 212.9 1,686.3 92.5 535.5 2,259.5 1,014.5 6,831.4
2018 Mayp 2.1 89.6 540.2 288.9 987.1 86.2 457.0 1,642.4 749.8 4,843.2
2018 JunP 2.0 139.7 514.6 187.6 1,051.9 74.9 497.0 1,787.1 691.1 4,945.6
2018 Julp 2.3 101.5 876.6 210.3 1,814.8 101.0 709.7 2,713.7 875.1 7,405.0

2018 Augp 2.2 124.0 661.4 58.8 1,148.5 92.8 460.4 1,849.4 650.7 5,048.2
2018 Septp 1.8 53.3 730.1 73.8 1,179.8 100.7 466.2 1,990.4 674.3 5,270.3
2018 Octp 1.9 129.2 858.8 77.7 1,307.2 156.9 488.9 2,548.1 646.8 6,215.5

15. Current Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, Dis- Government Non-govt. Commercial
trict and Corporations Corporations Banks Non-profit
M id-M onth Foreign Village Dev. Financial and and (Inter-bank Organi-
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Deposits) zations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011 Jul 0.0 0.0 23.4 1.1 36.2 1.0 5.5 10.8 3,287.2 3,365.2
2012 Jul 0.0 0.0 1.8 12.7 6.3 0.1 0.2 4.7 4,459.3 4,485.2
2013 Jul 0.0 0.0 2.3 59.6 18.0 0.0 0.9 3.4 5,325.9 5,410.3

2013 Aug 0.0 0.0 1.7 3.7 12.9 0.0 1.0 3.9 5,173.2 5,196.6
2013 Sept 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.8 13.9 0.0 0.7 4.3 5,405.7 5,430.0
2013 Oct 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.8 21.8 0.0 0.3 4.2 5,378.2 5,407.1
2013 Nov 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.9 213.1 0.0 0.4 16.5 5,649.2 5,881.7
2013 Dec 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.2 27.5 0.0 0.4 7.2 5,410.0 5,447.6
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 2.7 0.6 495.8 0.0 0.8 16.0 5,309.1 5,825.0
2014 Feb 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.5 32.8 0.0 0.5 6.3 4,829.7 4,872.8
2014 Mar 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.2 31.3 0.0 0.8 8.7 5,256.1 5,299.7
2014 Apr 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.6 26.7 0.0 1.1 5.8 5,603.0 5,640.3
2014 May 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.2 31.2 0.1 1.4 7.2 5,343.1 5,386.4
2014 Jun 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.2 34.3 0.1 1.5 18.5 5,531.9 5,592.5
2014 Jul 0.0 0.0 9.7 1.0 33.0 0.1 3.8 22.1 5,755.2 5,824.9

2014 Aug 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.1 39.4 0.1 2.4 8.9 5,915.6 5,970.6
2014 Sept 0.0 0.0 9.9 1.1 29.2 0.1 2.8 22.2 5,779.5 5,844.8
2014 Oct 0.0 0.0 9.7 0.6 43.4 0.1 1.2 21.0 5,876.7 5,952.6
2014 Nov 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.2 26.3 0.1 1.9 11.6 5,468.0 5,516.4
2014 Dec 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.3 31.6 0.1 1.8 8.9 6,121.2 6,169.9
2015 Jan 0.0 0.0 6.1 0.7 53.2 0.1 1.3 39.2 6,054.9 6,155.6
2015 Feb 0.0 0.0 24.9 0.8 23.4 0.1 1.2 15.5 5,856.8 5,922.6
2015 Mar 0.0 0.0 12.2 0.3 26.5 0.1 4.7 10.7 5,339.4 5,393.9
2015 Apr 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.8 53.2 1.5 6.7 55.5 6,111.4 6,234.3
2015 May 0.0 0.0 37.2 0.5 47.1 0.3 4.9 12.3 5,804.9 5,907.2
2015 Jun 0.0 0.0 12.7 0.3 35.3 0.3 5.3 16.3 6,181.2 6,251.2
2015 Jul 0.0 0.0 10.9 0.4 50.2 0.3 4.7 11.5 5,348.6 5,426.7

2015 Aug 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.2 33.2 0.3 6.1 36.2 5,033.3 5,117.5
2015 Sept 0.0 0.0 12.8 0.2 30.7 0.3 6.8 23.7 5,292.7 5,367.1
2015 Oct 0.0 0.0 9.2 0.4 46.8 0.3 8.6 15.7 5,399.7 5,480.7
2015 Nov 0.0 0.0 9.5 0.2 26.6 0.3 7.7 23.1 5,819.2 5,886.5
2015 Dec 0.0 0.0 9.1 0.2 19.3 0.3 7.5 13.3 6,009.8 6,059.4
2016 Jan 0.0 0.0 11.3 0.2 37.3 0.3 7.1 23.5 5,084.7 5,164.4
2016 Feb 0.0 0.0 32.8 0.2 20.6 0.3 7.1 12.2 5,282.1 5,355.3
2016 Mar 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.3 73.6 0.3 7.4 28.8 5,141.5 5,260.7
2016 Apr 0.0 0.0 8.9 0.2 45.9 0.3 8.2 18.3 6,047.5 6,129.4
2016 May 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.2 34.0 0.3 8.7 21.3 5,105.6 5,178.5
2016 Jun 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.1 40.4 0.3 9.1 31.9 5,374.0 5,464.2
2016 Jul 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.2 52.7 0.3 9.0 39.4 4,432.8 4,542.7

2016 Aug 0.0 0.0 10.2 0.1 27.7 0.2 8.3 15.7 4,375.5 4,437.8
2016 Sept 0.0 0.0 10.4 0.4 28.7 0.0 8.0 16.8 4,212.4 4,276.6
2016 Oct 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.1 12.5 0.0 8.2 3.8 4,178.6 4,211.3
2016 Nov 0.0 0.0 9.8 0.8 13.7 0.0 7.4 4.7 3,746.9 3,783.1
2016 Dec 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 5.5 4,065.2 4,096.7
2017 Jan 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 15.2 0.0 8.8 3.7 4,235.1 4,270.7
2017 Feb 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.4 3.5 4,297.8 4,308.6
2017 Mar 0.0 0.0 157.0 0.0 6.2 0.0 2.0 3.5 5,029.7 5,198.4
2017 Apr 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 6.8 0.0 0.6 25.1 4,095.2 4,133.0
2017 May 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 8.7 0.0 0.4 10.1 4,622.9 4,646.4
2017 Jun 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 4.8 0.0 1.9 12.6 4,538.3 4,563.2
2017 Julp 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 5.9 0.0 0.6 78.9 4,280.4 4,371.8

2017 Augp 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 23.1 0.0 0.5 57.5 4,508.6 4,590.5
2017 Septp 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 92.5 0.0 0.5 96.9 4,512.3 4,703.6
2017 Octp 0.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 135.4 0.0 1.0 97.4 4,137.2 4,373.5
2017 Novp 0.0 0.0 2.8 14.1 33.9 0.1 0.1 63.1 3,994.0 4,108.1
2017 Decp 0.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 16.9 0.1 39.4 17.4 3,875.4 3,953.2
2018 Janp 0.0 0.0 29.0 0.0 70.1 0.1 67.6 27.2 3,576.3 3,770.3
2018 Febp 0.0 0.0 15.5 0.0 22.1 0.1 42.7 15.2 3,495.2 3,590.7
2018 Marp 0.0 0.0 18.9 0.0 16.4 0.0 64.4 24.0 3,352.0 3,475.8
2018 Aprp 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 105.9 0.0 35.1 32.7 3,304.4 3,480.5
2018 Mayp 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 83.8 0.0 44.9 35.1 3,391.2 3,556.9
2018 JunP 0.0 0.0 3.4 4.0 96.2 0.0 47.6 28.0 3,525.3 3,704.5
2018 Julp 0.0 0.0 1.7 51.5 138.7 0.0 41.8 34.6 3,706.4 3,974.8

2018 Augp 0.0 0.0 1.3 3.4 89.3 0.0 16.7 88.4 4,339.6 4,538.8
2018 Septp 0.0 0.0 16.2 12.3 97.3 0.0 20.8 74.9 4,305.1 4,526.6
2018 Octp 0.0 0.0 1.8 22.7 120.4 0.0 37.0 75.3 4,089.0 4,346.1

16. Saving Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974 Jul 1.1 0.0 0.6 1.4 0.0 0.8 86.3 67.8 158.1
1987 Jul 25.2 0.9 1.4 4.0 3.0 28.1 2,609.4 0.1 2,672.2
1988 Jul 37.0 0.8 1.9 1.0 4.8 54.5 3,229.8 9.1 3,338.8
1989 Jul 45.1 1.3 1.1 5.4 2.6 71.8 4,178.4 16.1 4,321.8
1990 Jul 50.4 0.6 0.6 7.3 16.7 98.5 4,971.4 72.9 5,218.2
1991 Jul 69.8 0.9 1.1 3.8 30.0 59.8 6,421.6 84.5 6,671.5
1992 Jul 143.6 2.2 3.5 22.7 63.6 86.8 8,213.6 98.9 8,634.9
1993 Jul 267.5 49.9 7.2 87.8 127.3 152.8 12,069.9 160.8 12,923.3
1994 Jul 325.2 0.5 4.5 121.9 187.7 248.5 16,362.3 210.1 17,460.7
1995 Jul 540.3 4.0 10.0 154.7 217.5 358.7 21,180.8 299.9 22,765.9
1996 Jul 790.3 10.5 5.0 219.4 487.3 357.9 23,935.7 83.3 25,889.5
1997 Jul 925.9 2.3 12.3 709.8 717.8 458.8 26,821.4 135.0 29,783.3
1998 Jul 1,414.7 12.0 28.1 697.7 895.8 551.0 33,021.5 264.5 36,885.3
1999 Jul 2,026.3 33.4 49.7 853.7 1,127.4 731.3 44,507.8 811.2 50,140.8
2000 Jul 2,339.3 25.1 158.9 811.3 1,073.8 917.2 59,771.9 606.1 65,703.6
2001 Jul 3,385.7 25.0 145.8 689.7 2,898.0 1,000.8 72,066.9 775.8 80,987.7
2002 Jul 3,833.3 91.1 574.5 565.3 1,833.3 2,241.8 72,913.6 1,764.8 83,817.7
2003 Jul 4,347.0 80.7 762.2 467.7 1,195.7 3,529.9 85,004.9 1,848.3 97,236.3
2004 Jul 6,609.1 180.9 1,145.7 984.8 2,030.2 2,939.6 97,931.9 2,284.0 114,106.1
2005 Jul 6,095.8 362.0 1,658.4 2,041.5 2,475.5 3,773.9 110,446.6 3,159.9 130,013.5
2006 Jul 5,934.0 191.7 1,381.7 1,930.4 2,787.0 6,831.9 128,148.1 4,368.4 151,573.3
2006 Jul* 5,934.0 190.0 1,481.7 2,023.8 2,728.6 6,831.9 128,152.3 4,368.4 151,710.8
2007 Jul 6,313.5 197.9 1,778.1 1,417.9 4,983.6 4,635.6 152,920.4 2,387.0 174,633.9
2008 Jul 7,635.4 177.9 5,327.1 2,077.3 6,338.9 5,317.0 181,126.9 3,405.9 211,406.3
2009 Jul 9,571.5 274.5 5,495.1 3,004.4 3,703.1 6,763.4 228,766.2 2,294.2 259,872.3
2010 Jul 5,229.1 141.6 639.5 1,305.7 2,470.5 3,789.3 220,472.7 3,444.2 237,492.6
2011 Jul 5,673.7 78.4 1,665.9 748.0 2,958.2 1,414.1 203,979.7 14,175.0 230,693.0
2012 Jul 5,829.0 60.8 2,111.2 824.4 2,319.2 2,821.1 281,499.9 9,246.6 304,712.3
2013 Jul 7,067.7 108.2 1,642.4 4,269.1 2,193.7 3,038.2 327,473.4 13,011.9 358,804.6
2014 Jul 9,313.2 136.3 779.2 998.4 2,374.5 4,523.1 416,752.9 15,891.7 450,769.1
2015 Jul 9,914.7 142.3 2,441.8 1,550.9 3,541.4 5,234.4 522,651.5 13,874.0 559,351.0
2016 Jul 15,102.5 181.5 2,001.2 1,235.6 10,759.4 6,674.0 650,406.2 12,330.7 698,691.2

2016 Aug 15,283.1 176.4 1,747.6 1,277.0 11,093.4 6,795.9 658,366.7 12,499.7 707,239.8
2016 Sept 15,510.1 178.2 1,206.1 1,318.6 10,704.5 6,699.2 668,264.2 12,269.6 716,150.6
2016 Oct 15,371.8 170.1 3,532.7 1,335.0 2,772.0 5,488.2 697,932.5 12,820.2 739,422.4
2016 Nov 15,601.1 179.1 804.2 1,285.6 2,852.7 5,492.7 698,992.7 12,808.2 738,016.3
2016 Dec 15,439.1 180.0 632.0 1,294.6 2,879.0 5,739.7 695,724.0 12,601.3 734,489.7
2017 Jan 15,962.9 193.0 557.6 1,612.4 2,881.1 5,643.6 702,673.0 12,212.3 741,736.0
2017 Feb 15,162.6 198.8 758.9 1,331.0 2,729.4 6,083.6 664,784.7 11,391.8 702,440.7
2017 Mar 14,372.9 215.8 508.3 2,175.8 2,857.5 4,843.0 642,932.5 11,093.8 678,999.5
2017 Apr 13,720.1 215.9 918.8 2,188.3 2,580.6 4,554.5 634,029.7 11,950.2 670,158.0
2017 May 13,569.6 210.1 969.4 2,195.5 2,003.6 4,650.9 634,137.2 9,715.8 667,452.0
2017 Jun 13,394.9 206.2 932.5 2,177.3 1,821.9 5,033.5 634,879.1 10,095.8 668,541.2
2017 Julp 13,605.6 215.6 737.8 1,436.5 2,161.1 6,827.3 665,915.8 12,128.5 703,028.1

2017 Augp 13,136.9 242.3 1,163.4 2,312.8 2,959.2 6,514.9 670,643.3 11,748.0 708,720.7
2017 Septp 12,939.3 242.1 1,192.9 2,420.5 2,234.4 6,309.4 685,452.5 11,722.9 722,514.1
2017 Octp 13,412.5 239.2 668.6 2,298.9 2,181.1 23,655.1 685,636.8 12,438.2 740,530.3
2017 Novp 13,234.6 242.5 806.7 2,336.3 1,946.4 6,419.8 713,265.4 11,256.5 749,508.2
2017 Decp 13,945.6 287.0 634.0 2,323.1 2,111.6 6,498.6 716,355.7 18,281.3 760,437.0
2018 Janp 14,128.0 303.4 720.5 2,499.6 2,051.7 6,273.7 730,721.8 10,933.2 767,631.8
2018 Febp 13,507.1 287.9 2,163.4 2,379.4 2,247.3 6,125.6 729,815.3 13,826.9 770,352.8
2018 Marp 13,098.5 285.9 1,091.1 2,602.5 2,364.7 6,225.4 741,938.2 13,641.1 781,247.3
2018 Aprp 12,400.7 285.3 596.2 2,616.0 2,303.9 6,397.8 742,031.2 9,739.3 776,370.5
2018 Mayp 10,990.6 285.1 660.7 2,690.6 2,328.3 6,444.1 739,514.7 9,886.7 772,800.7
2018 JunP 10,571.1 292.1 913.8 2,722.1 2,708.6 6,302.4 744,630.3 10,154.2 778,294.4
2018 Julp 10,383.5 238.6 852.0 2,878.9 2,711.6 6,232.4 775,657.1 12,712.8 811,667.0

2018 Augp 10,378.4 255.1 1,347.6 2,934.0 2,803.3 6,446.4 771,552.5 11,217.7 806,935.1
2018 Septp 10,292.5 279.2 1,014.2 2,968.0 2,980.2 6,685.0 776,908.2 12,573.0 813,700.3
2018 Octp 10,615.5 285.7 625.0 2,783.2 2,577.5 6,656.1 804,210.0 13,207.9 840,960.9

* Including the consolidated balance sheet of Agricultural Development Bank (beginning July 2006).

17. Saving Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 98.8 4.3 347.4 29.0 234.5 1,128.4 33,294.4 7,803.3 42,940.1
2012 Jul 45.0 21.5 576.0 72.6 197.6 857.8 56,954.2 2,042.6 60,767.3
2013 Jul 83.7 30.7 1,809.2 45.3 416.0 1,554.2 78,537.3 469.2 82,945.6

2013 Aug 84.7 0.8 1,763.0 35.3 371.2 2,659.2 78,216.6 178.9 83,309.6
2013 Sept 76.0 0.1 1,842.9 37.6 624.8 716.4 80,642.3 1,654.1 85,594.0
2013 Oct 66.7 1.7 1,723.7 25.5 503.0 609.3 85,963.7 306.3 89,199.9
2013 Nov 71.8 1.6 1,944.3 23.3 468.0 734.1 89,058.1 323.8 92,625.0
2013 Dec 67.8 1.6 1,976.6 25.8 403.5 776.6 89,214.1 290.9 92,756.8
2014 Jan 76.7 1.6 1,724.6 44.2 212.2 776.5 91,183.6 770.2 94,789.5
2014 Feb 77.3 1.3 1,288.4 58.7 262.3 647.3 90,861.4 728.9 93,925.7
2014 Mar 72.7 3.2 1,387.4 14.6 261.1 681.2 93,456.8 139.7 96,016.7
2014 Apr 81.5 1.5 1,607.6 11.8 253.9 680.1 96,404.9 168.9 99,210.2
2014 May 80.1 1.5 1,936.4 12.9 656.6 710.7 97,346.5 165.1 100,909.9
2014 Jun 82.2 1.8 2,070.1 11.6 680.4 796.4 97,534.1 196.6 101,373.2
2014 Jul 73.0 5.3 1,539.9 15.0 265.9 719.8 105,529.2 209.2 108,357.5

2014 Aug 76.2 1.0 2,054.5 15.0 273.0 1,682.5 101,015.0 730.9 105,848.1
2014 Sept 84.9 0.1 1,529.6 11.2 314.5 860.0 94,504.3 655.9 97,960.5
2014 Oct 87.8 0.2 1,721.5 11.1 304.7 863.0 98,125.5 690.3 101,804.1
2014 Nov 91.0 0.1 1,604.2 11.2 334.7 807.6 97,950.7 708.8 101,508.4
2014 Dec 91.8 0.1 1,675.4 11.3 312.9 825.1 99,130.3 694.9 102,741.7
2015 Jan 85.6 0.3 1,624.9 11.1 330.4 849.2 102,252.2 791.4 105,945.0
2015 Feb 93.1 0.3 1,729.2 11.4 312.6 694.5 101,930.8 689.1 105,461.1
2015 Mar 86.8 0.5 1,863.2 12.3 301.7 627.0 102,865.3 584.0 106,340.8
2015 Apr 391.0 0.4 1,329.8 10.7 257.0 621.2 104,255.9 521.4 107,387.3
2015 May 398.1 0.3 2,609.6 10.7 279.3 628.3 105,531.6 997.0 110,454.9
2015 Jun 97.0 0.7 1,423.0 10.7 248.4 633.5 108,705.5 1,027.4 112,146.1
2015 Jul 97.2 3.9 2,141.7 19.0 342.6 681.6 116,261.1 1,093.7 120,640.8

2015 Aug 100.7 0.3 1,897.1 19.3 355.0 653.6 118,281.9 138.1 121,446.0
2015 Sept 102.4 1.0 1,720.5 18.6 363.7 675.1 121,641.4 146.1 124,668.8
2015 Oct 175.6 0.3 1,497.3 18.4 439.3 5,546.5 120,491.5 42.9 128,211.7
2015 Nov 15.9 0.8 1,546.3 18.3 386.3 653.5 117,670.8 42.5 120,334.4
2015 Dec 83.0 1.0 1,886.2 18.1 413.1 621.4 118,260.2 42.6 121,325.7
2016 Jan 24.7 0.9 2,011.2 18.2 497.4 646.7 121,862.8 47.6 125,109.5
2016 Feb 25.2 0.9 2,304.9 18.2 509.6 658.9 125,083.4 31.4 128,632.5
2016 Mar 27.2 1.2 2,915.0 13.5 512.9 632.0 125,365.6 33.3 129,500.8
2016 Apr 20.9 0.9 2,129.3 13.5 523.7 757.0 129,126.1 24.9 132,596.2
2016 May 24.6 1.1 2,425.2 9.5 499.3 886.6 129,111.8 23.7 132,981.9
2016 Jun 30.7 1.6 2,237.8 9.2 543.0 814.7 133,903.4 59.5 137,599.8
2016 Jul 27.1 1.0 2,265.6 9.6 563.3 684.5 139,839.8 28.4 143,419.3

2016 Aug 143.4 1.6 2,160.8 9.8 562.5 719.1 141,097.6 (75.6) 144,619.1
2016 Sept 34.3 1.6 2,053.1 8.8 626.2 723.8 143,836.5 23.1 147,307.4
2016 Oct 31.1 1.5 2,084.4 8.6 507.3 735.3 152,376.3 21.8 155,766.2
2016 Nov 29.4 0.4 2,069.5 8.6 442.9 648.6 152,209.6 25.2 155,434.2
2016 Dec 29.7 0.7 1,356.6 5.3 478.8 731.0 148,238.3 25.2 150,865.6
2017 Jan 32.2 0.8 159.3 4.3 102.8 570.1 137,401.5 17.4 138,288.5
2017 Feb 26.0 1.4 182.5 4.4 101.8 445.7 123,736.9 15.9 124,514.5
2017 Mar 23.1 0.9 128.4 4.4 76.9 443.6 117,961.8 22.8 118,662.0
2017 Apr 23.8 1.0 123.7 4.5 98.5 478.2 110,968.4 30.0 111,728.1
2017 May 24.3 1.0 106.8 6.5 69.4 464.2 107,382.5 25.2 108,080.0
2017 Jun 22.7 1.4 61.0 5.0 36.4 439.5 104,405.8 19.0 104,990.8
2017 Julp 30.1 5.9 37.0 4.8 20.7 502.7 92,149.5 37.5 92,788.1

2017 Augp 27.9 0.2 29.4 0.6 49.3 580.1 93,628.5 50.8 94,366.7
2017 Septp 20.8 1.0 73.3 0.6 21.2 560.6 96,011.6 39.6 96,728.8
2017 Octp 21.8 0.2 30.7 1.0 46.1 1,005.5 100,756.7 32.9 101,894.9
2017 Novp 16.2 0.3 38.8 0.6 51.4 1,041.0 102,215.4 49.4 103,413.2
2017 Decp 17.9 0.3 31.9 0.6 53.7 620.5 103,880.2 51.5 104,656.7
2018 Janp 6.3 0.2 35.8 0.7 31.6 524.2 106,752.8 44.1 107,395.7
2018 Febp 5.3 0.6 32.5 0.7 30.6 511.0 107,885.2 37.1 108,502.9
2018 Marp 4.6 0.4 25.5 1.2 44.4 643.9 107,860.6 43.8 108,624.5
2018 Aprp 4.5 0.4 25.4 4.8 48.7 640.8 109,686.0 243.0 110,653.6
2018 Mayp 3.2 0.2 24.1 5.2 47.2 530.3 103,411.2 226.0 104,247.3
2018 JunP 3.2 0.1 29.1 4.4 26.3 583.1 102,904.0 200.7 103,751.0
2018 Julp 3.4 0.1 34.4 11.0 25.9 603.1 113,964.3 93.7 114,735.9

2018 Augp 3.4 0.2 40.6 6.4 22.4 527.4 113,514.0 76.2 114,190.6
2018 Septp 3.4 0.2 46.9 5.1 63.8 470.9 115,079.8 81.8 115,751.9
2018 Octp 3.5 0.6 38.5 4.0 155.9 429.5 119,683.5 78.4 120,394.0

18. Saving Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 0.0 0.0 3,209.3 88.8 592.5 556.5 23,454.0 2,352.3 30,253.4
2012 Jul 0.0 0.2 5,806.5 51.8 757.9 771.3 24,708.4 2,062.8 34,158.9
2013 Jul 0.0 0.2 3,994.7 75.2 657.6 809.8 22,250.0 1,142.8 28,930.3

2013 Aug 0.0 0.2 4,403.9 79.2 537.4 867.7 22,691.7 842.1 29,422.2
2013 Sept 0.0 0.2 4,423.8 85.0 691.9 903.8 23,351.7 890.6 30,346.9
2013 Oct 0.0 0.1 4,413.7 86.8 581.0 804.9 23,802.6 760.1 30,449.0
2013 Nov 0.0 0.1 4,971.2 91.9 557.5 809.7 24,544.5 1,043.5 32,018.4
2013 Dec 0.0 0.1 5,124.5 91.7 588.3 792.3 24,695.4 844.8 32,137.1
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 4,750.4 95.0 673.1 798.0 25,655.2 758.4 32,730.2
2014 Feb 0.0 0.1 4,176.2 105.4 568.3 762.0 24,193.5 1,096.3 30,901.7
2014 Mar 0.0 0.1 4,442.4 104.4 608.6 401.8 25,090.1 1,370.2 32,017.7
2014 Apr 0.0 0.0 4,724.6 120.6 584.1 402.4 26,559.1 1,398.2 33,789.0
2014 May 0.0 0.0 3,749.4 105.4 481.9 372.5 25,625.8 914.7 31,249.8
2014 Jun 0.0 0.0 3,663.0 106.8 505.1 355.8 25,646.1 1,061.9 31,338.8
2014 Jul 0.0 0.1 3,671.3 100.1 608.2 384.1 25,718.8 702.1 31,184.7

2014 Aug 0.0 0.2 3,834.9 115.9 740.5 294.7 25,000.5 2,209.3 32,195.8
2014 Sept 0.0 0.1 3,898.5 188.6 761.9 302.1 23,786.8 2,988.2 31,926.4
2014 Oct 0.0 0.1 3,893.2 177.9 777.7 306.6 26,302.8 607.4 32,065.8
2014 Nov 0.0 0.4 3,777.4 159.1 810.5 273.5 26,701.3 574.3 32,296.5
2014 Dec 0.0 0.2 3,908.4 171.4 785.2 286.8 26,572.7 602.4 32,327.2
2015 Jan 0.0 0.2 3,493.4 172.2 744.6 261.0 27,217.9 681.6 32,571.0
2015 Feb 0.0 0.2 3,712.4 87.0 769.1 294.1 27,690.5 763.6 33,317.0
2015 Mar 0.0 33.7 3,800.4 150.3 783.2 338.0 25,706.0 2,589.3 33,400.9
2015 Apr 0.0 0.1 3,618.9 70.6 818.6 325.5 27,546.8 667.7 33,048.4
2015 May 0.0 0.2 3,786.0 77.6 991.6 320.6 27,568.8 564.1 33,309.0
2015 Jun 0.0 0.2 4,074.4 86.6 970.4 310.6 28,416.3 752.0 34,610.4
2015 Jul 0.0 0.5 4,534.0 84.0 1,178.4 344.9 26,810.5 802.8 33,755.0

2015 Aug 0.0 0.2 4,823.7 111.3 1,111.3 362.0 26,454.0 1,409.5 34,272.1
2015 Sept 0.0 0.2 5,177.2 91.8 1,063.0 348.1 28,021.2 736.7 35,438.4
2015 Oct 0.0 0.2 4,998.4 84.4 1,085.7 334.1 28,498.6 677.5 35,678.9
2015 Nov 0.0 0.2 4,881.8 102.2 1,087.4 283.8 28,508.6 452.2 35,316.2
2015 Dec 0.0 0.2 5,144.5 107.0 1,091.4 311.1 28,425.8 12.4 35,092.6
2016 Jan 0.0 0.3 5,366.8 91.0 1,256.4 310.5 29,289.3 14.4 36,328.7
2016 Feb 0.0 0.3 6,048.9 116.0 1,293.4 477.0 30,049.7 43.7 38,029.0
2016 Mar 0.0 0.3 5,545.4 81.0 1,216.0 329.3 30,307.6 1,502.4 38,981.9
2016 Apr 0.0 0.3 5,689.0 306.0 1,510.7 287.1 28,518.2 560.9 36,872.2
2016 May 0.0 0.3 4,905.1 98.4 1,183.5 1,116.5 27,951.9 609.7 35,865.3
2016 Jun 0.0 0.2 4,455.0 121.8 1,381.0 386.3 27,827.3 1,603.7 35,775.5
2016 Jul 0.0 0.4 4,664.2 87.6 1,322.9 297.7 24,524.7 1,149.4 32,046.9

2016 Aug 0.0 0.4 5,162.9 77.2 1,075.8 192.1 26,503.8 253.3 33,265.4
2016 Sept 0.0 0.6 4,263.0 98.5 1,320.8 303.9 26,556.2 246.0 32,789.0
2016 Oct 0.0 0.6 4,246.1 143.9 1,294.0 189.1 23,292.6 245.6 29,411.9
2016 Nov 0.0 0.4 4,650.0 179.6 1,355.1 180.0 22,409.9 680.3 29,455.2
2016 Dec 0.0 0.3 3,969.8 105.1 903.5 191.5 22,459.5 1,089.0 28,718.7
2017 Jan 0.0 0.8 3,974.2 98.7 1,009.2 185.4 23,241.6 683.6 29,193.4
2017 Feb 0.0 0.3 3,521.9 80.7 1,143.3 176.0 18,291.2 158.2 23,371.6
2017 Mar 0.0 0.0 3,849.2 74.4 763.2 186.0 18,484.8 361.5 23,719.0
2017 Apr 0.0 0.0 2,867.9 48.1 1,036.5 176.3 18,132.1 257.7 22,518.5
2017 May 0.0 0.0 3,127.1 55.4 909.4 207.2 17,834.7 172.0 22,305.8
2017 Jun 0.0 0.0 2,720.1 61.7 417.8 212.7 17,643.9 123.0 21,179.2
2017 Julp 0.0 0.0 3,084.4 39.4 283.3 1,203.8 13,716.0 117.6 18,444.6

2017 Augp 0.0 0.0 3,487.0 41.1 621.8 196.3 13,967.6 103.9 18,417.7
2017 Septp 0.0 0.0 3,068.6 40.4 600.5 191.3 12,985.9 1,461.7 18,348.3
2017 Octp 0.0 0.0 2,818.2 69.2 332.1 614.2 13,227.1 1,669.3 18,730.2
2017 Novp 0.0 0.0 2,971.3 64.5 347.9 733.2 14,638.8 206.6 18,962.3
2017 Decp 0.0 0.0 2,821.1 34.1 386.2 739.7 14,709.6 195.8 18,886.5
2018 Janp 0.0 0.0 2,637.6 65.2 405.3 790.2 15,332.6 238.1 19,469.0
2018 Febp 0.0 0.0 2,253.7 41.9 332.9 764.2 15,342.8 248.7 18,984.0
2018 Marp 0.0 0.0 2,252.3 59.1 340.8 836.9 15,218.6 246.9 18,954.5
2018 Aprp 0.0 0.0 2,113.2 91.6 416.9 886.7 15,081.2 235.9 18,825.7
2018 Mayp 0.0 0.0 2,347.2 60.5 348.0 921.2 14,692.8 239.7 18,609.4
2018 JunP 0.0 0.0 2,444.5 44.7 406.0 926.6 14,872.4 269.3 18,963.5
2018 Julp 0.0 0.0 3,236.2 27.5 405.8 939.2 15,565.1 251.7 20,425.4

2018 Augp 0.0 0.0 3,223.0 25.6 467.8 884.0 15,341.0 418.4 20,359.9
2018 Septp 0.0 0.0 3,031.8 25.7 551.8 886.4 16,037.7 394.2 20,927.6
2018 Octp 0.0 0.0 2,605.6 30.3 386.5 903.9 16,525.6 300.9 20,752.8

19. Fixed Deposit of Commercial Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974 Jul 0.1 0.0 47.7 7.4 23.2 1.3 116.0 216.3 412.0
1975 Jul 0.6 0.0 74.4 10.4 4.2 1.8 322.8 103.1 517.4
1976 Jul 3.9 0.0 147.3 27.6 6.4 5.5 588.7 28.3 807.7
1977 Jul 34.2 0.0 142.8 37.5 20.2 17.2 807.1 1.8 1,060.8
1978 Jul 108.5 1.1 201.5 54.6 29.2 60.7 883.2 11.8 1,350.6
1979 Jul 8.5 0.2 255.2 74.5 26.9 59.8 1,039.9 12.7 1,477.7
1980 Jul 13.3 0.2 321.1 116.9 31.2 65.3 1,255.1 11.8 1,814.9
1981 Jul 16.0 0.2 557.5 135.7 56.8 78.9 1,379.8 3.5 2,228.3
1982 Jul 17.1 0.3 691.2 105.6 75.9 149.3 1,749.8 0.7 2,789.8
1983 Jul 23.0 0.1 850.5 103.9 86.6 187.6 2,165.9 0.3 3,417.9
1984 Jul 22.3 0.3 896.0 138.9 84.5 221.7 2,546.3 2.2 3,912.3
1985 Jul 31.1 0.8 1,000.5 114.3 120.8 258.3 3,167.0 0.8 4,693.7
1986 Jul 35.6 0.7 1,192.3 196.1 101.4 294.0 3,801.0 11.4 5,632.5
1987 Jul 55.3 0.9 1,247.2 290.4 95.6 371.3 4,322.8 2.6 6,386.2
1988 Jul 102.5 3.5 1,741.0 148.6 156.5 365.2 5,497.0 22.2 8,036.4
1989 Jul 155.8 1.1 2,301.6 326.6 196.2 562.4 6,482.1 18.9 10,044.7
1990 Jul 211.5 23.4 2,679.2 536.0 86.2 642.6 7,337.7 244.8 11,761.5
1991 Jul 406.4 23.5 3,846.5 621.9 280.6 500.4 8,605.0 98.2 14,382.6
1992 Jul 520.9 36.5 4,290.3 937.0 286.8 600.4 10,513.1 141.3 17,326.3
1993 Jul 484.0 7.9 5,023.3 1,003.5 897.5 727.5 13,186.4 84.6 21,414.7
1994 Jul 419.8 6.1 5,579.7 1,127.3 636.9 174.2 14,529.4 885.3 23,358.7
1995 Jul 491.5 9.6 5,514.5 1,653.6 1,563.4 840.5 14,560.8 178.0 24,811.8
1996 Jul 1,047.5 12.3 6,040.8 3,544.9 2,175.7 1,385.6 15,617.6 332.7 30,157.1
1997 Jul 2,438.8 31.4 7,698.8 7,054.6 2,411.8 1,908.3 15,045.4 387.7 36,976.8
1998 Jul 3,278.7 88.7 12,029.1 7,088.1 2,445.4 1,845.6 20,111.6 416.0 47,303.2
1999 Jul 5,231.9 9.1 14,078.3 7,373.5 1,906.1 1,689.9 26,054.1 617.3 56,960.2
2000 Jul* 6,742.3 10.6 15,795.4 9,047.4 3,360.7 1,555.8 25,720.2 4,363.8 66,596.2
2001 Jul 9,311.3 14.2 17,834.5 11,134.2 4,004.0 1,999.5 23,490.3 5,700.8 73,488.8
2002 Jul 9,313.5 31.6 19,913.5 9,508.9 3,630.0 2,256.8 27,971.5 1,747.9 74,373.7
2003 Jul 7,930.2 71.2 26,043.2 9,500.0 3,173.7 4,275.7 23,147.0 1,207.4 75,348.4
2004 Jul 9,592.1 79.8 32,252.0 10,784.6 3,932.8 3,976.4 21,154.6 1,496.1 83,268.3
2005 Jul 10,014.9 140.9 36,389.8 9,994.3 3,811.8 3,702.2 18,378.6 1,704.8 84,137.4
2006 Jul 14,562.5 115.3 40,178.3 12,915.0 5,433.7 3,007.1 18,525.0 4,738.6 99,475.4
2006 Jul** 14,562.5 115.3 41,964.5 12,785.0 5,446.8 2,963.0 17,492.5 4,738.6 100,068.2
2007 Jul 16,817.3 162.7 49,598.8 15,842.4 4,942.6 3,429.3 22,510.2 729.1 114,032.5
2008 Jul 18,730.7 162.7 57,291.1 28,101.7 9,196.0 4,777.5 31,076.7 3,027.7 152,364.2
2009 Jul 37,554.2 56.0 73,403.2 24,581.8 17,127.6 6,848.1 54,308.9 2,975.0 216,854.7
2010 Jul 34,790.0 222.4 83,218.3 35,703.4 39,163.7 11,379.1 90,105.2 4,343.0 298,925.0
2011 Jul 29,977.8 78.2 57,807.4 25,253.3 28,725.0 9,544.2 91,665.5 9,086.0 252,137.3
2012 Jul 33,984.9 150.7 68,150.1 35,756.3 27,514.8 12,933.9 112,403.3 6,731.8 297,625.7
2013 Jul 40,359.4 1,227.4 100,650.6 47,123.3 25,784.7 14,413.4 111,773.4 4,309.7 345,641.9
2014 Jul 28,171.3 530.3 118,044.0 51,693.4 27,157.3 15,838.1 114,137.1 9,978.2 365,549.7
2015 Jul 19,567.7 525.7 146,578.7 68,404.0 30,180.4 17,700.1 127,383.6 7,014.9 417,355.1
2016 Jul 21,700.3 114.2 210,087.5 80,838.3 40,243.1 16,284.8 146,721.0 7,241.4 523,230.7

2016 Aug 22,232.7 114.5 201,406.3 82,178.6 40,093.0 16,711.8 153,238.9 6,925.1 522,900.8
2016 Sept 21,084.1 13.0 209,155.5 80,004.2 40,503.0 15,998.7 146,598.4 7,590.3 520,947.3
2016 Oct 21,544.6 30.3 211,274.8 88,101.7 34,101.8 17,337.6 155,742.4 7,092.0 535,225.4
2016 Nov 22,494.8 26.6 218,501.8 92,647.2 37,421.0 17,620.5 164,193.1 8,229.1 561,134.1
2016 Dec 18,942.8 93.4 222,407.8 96,142.9 38,913.8 18,499.1 175,926.8 12,427.7 583,354.4
2017 Jan 18,205.7 8.8 226,972.9 105,309.1 41,983.3 19,362.7 191,706.5 9,723.8 613,272.8
2017 Feb 19,920.7 23.4 233,972.3 112,365.9 46,874.6 20,400.4 220,056.7 9,836.6 663,450.6
2017 Mar 23,350.5 786.2 239,208.0 122,200.0 45,631.1 17,358.2 261,174.7 9,175.7 718,884.5
2017 Apr 24,573.1 986.2 243,969.5 121,061.7 51,107.3 19,524.1 290,760.8 14,143.0 766,125.6
2017 May 43,768.7 996.2 237,985.4 121,397.8 60,070.5 20,269.2 314,646.1 12,510.0 811,643.7
2017 Jun 45,437.6 1,022.2 241,228.0 120,820.9 62,182.7 24,383.3 325,420.5 13,779.6 834,274.9
2017 Julp 45,734.9 49.1 256,101.8 113,635.2 63,289.8 33,516.8 347,949.8 19,544.4 879,821.8

2017 Augp 36,189.3 2,153.0 249,502.2 144,052.9 58,958.4 22,325.6 348,915.9 20,106.8 882,204.3
2017 Septp 32,465.1 2,152.1 269,094.8 131,494.3 62,208.6 24,404.2 348,810.6 19,208.2 889,837.9
2017 Octp 33,852.2 2,152.1 272,480.6 131,001.3 60,983.9 35,176.8 332,492.5 19,464.1 887,603.5
2017 Novp 29,218.0 1,152.1 273,278.5 135,015.6 59,043.8 24,857.5 346,241.8 19,815.1 888,622.4
2017 Decp 27,560.1 1,258.0 270,722.4 124,101.1 59,608.9 25,184.2 341,267.3 37,254.9 886,956.9
2018 Janp 28,830.6 1,262.2 285,930.3 138,332.7 59,838.3 25,381.6 358,870.6 19,059.2 917,505.5
2018 Febp 28,476.5 1,375.7 289,443.3 144,606.4 65,631.3 25,831.4 368,642.0 19,435.2 943,441.8
2018 Marp 28,928.2 1,741.4 280,663.7 154,697.9 69,678.4 25,224.2 372,893.9 20,752.6 954,580.2
2018 Aprp 30,782.0 1,521.0 285,537.5 156,121.3 83,339.3 24,749.4 389,689.4 16,926.8 988,666.6
2018 Mayp 28,477.4 1,713.5 306,737.0 139,894.5 85,003.4 24,880.9 405,821.9 16,610.8 1,009,139.5
2018 JunP 33,231.3 1,683.5 298,553.6 153,753.1 89,434.1 25,886.4 421,469.5 15,535.1 1,039,546.6
2018 Julp 34,882.7 1,469.2 319,617.0 140,502.8 93,718.1 24,260.8 438,870.2 15,540.7 1,068,861.5

2018 Augp 34,375.6 182.5 316,679.0 158,550.6 92,247.3 24,600.2 460,316.7 15,501.9 1,102,453.7
2018 Septp 24,057.4 162.6 318,397.9 164,698.6 83,503.7 24,333.7 472,527.7 15,950.5 1,103,632.1
2018 Octp 27,384.6 186.9 307,363.8 185,589.1 88,318.2 25,145.5 480,820.0 15,750.9 1,130,559.1
* Fixed deposits also include foreign margin deposits since mid-July 2000.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of Agricultural Development Bank (beginning July 2006).

20. Fixed Deposit of Development Banks : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 374.3 0.5 8,493.1 778.7 511.7 1,202.9 15,416.2 3,561.3 30,338.7
2012 Jul 226.8 1.3 5,358.3 337.9 1,293.6 1,432.1 27,407.1 1,121.2 37,178.4
2013 Jul 268.2 5.8 5,510.6 339.4 1,678.8 1,821.2 35,030.4 373.9 45,028.3

2013 Aug 196.8 7.7 5,793.5 301.4 973.6 2,493.9 36,541.2 248.6 46,556.6
2013 Sept 199.8 7.7 5,532.5 318.9 979.7 1,584.0 36,794.7 1,624.1 47,041.4
2013 Oct 146.9 7.4 5,192.6 270.3 1,111.0 1,556.6 38,145.6 454.9 46,885.3
2013 Nov 150.8 10.5 5,182.9 306.1 1,319.7 2,438.1 39,388.4 397.2 49,193.9
2013 Dec 78.9 10.6 5,987.0 250.9 1,578.4 1,786.9 39,835.5 600.3 50,128.4
2014 Jan 423.1 10.0 6,008.9 317.2 1,805.8 1,702.1 39,967.3 679.3 50,913.7
2014 Feb 427.5 7.0 6,069.1 310.9 1,297.2 1,791.9 40,421.3 932.4 51,257.3
2014 Mar 430.4 7.1 6,456.4 265.7 1,213.1 1,747.9 40,800.1 764.5 51,685.1
2014 Apr 415.1 3.6 6,557.0 169.7 1,308.3 1,690.4 41,047.2 891.1 52,082.5
2014 May 415.3 7.2 6,681.9 171.5 1,427.7 1,815.9 41,663.3 788.2 52,970.9
2014 Jun 415.2 7.2 6,911.7 171.1 1,628.7 1,814.9 41,944.1 712.8 53,605.7
2014 Jul 415.1 7.2 6,943.5 139.4 1,533.2 1,882.8 44,233.3 240.7 55,395.1

2014 Aug 423.2 3.7 7,240.4 120.7 1,474.8 1,924.4 42,772.0 822.6 54,781.8
2014 Sept 34.3 3.6 7,311.9 120.2 1,605.5 1,724.8 42,167.1 687.5 53,655.0
2014 Oct 34.5 3.8 7,115.6 32.8 1,668.2 1,764.4 42,231.7 698.6 53,549.7
2014 Nov 25.1 9.0 6,825.5 35.1 1,555.8 1,696.2 43,673.8 684.3 54,504.8
2014 Dec 35.1 8.8 6,287.0 47.0 1,562.1 1,601.8 44,118.9 527.2 54,187.9
2015 Jan 34.8 9.0 7,247.5 43.9 1,686.9 1,590.9 44,218.9 488.4 55,320.2
2015 Feb 25.3 5.7 7,478.8 47.7 1,951.4 1,720.1 44,339.3 490.4 56,058.7
2015 Mar 35.0 5.7 6,521.8 160.1 1,879.2 1,779.4 45,163.0 366.6 55,910.8
2015 Apr 29.9 9.0 6,434.5 159.3 1,987.1 1,756.8 45,836.0 362.8 56,575.4
2015 May 20.7 8.7 6,238.9 159.5 1,849.2 1,758.1 45,474.3 1,139.8 56,649.2
2015 Jun 30.6 9.1 6,424.3 160.6 2,167.2 1,767.7 46,530.4 730.2 57,820.0
2015 Jul 30.6 9.1 8,366.4 158.0 2,258.1 1,908.4 48,636.3 845.8 62,212.7

2015 Aug 31.1 9.1 8,912.8 154.7 2,329.1 1,903.6 49,501.5 476.5 63,318.3
2015 Sept 61.6 11.1 9,259.8 149.7 2,157.4 1,903.6 48,678.8 1,369.9 63,591.7
2015 Oct 31.9 11.8 9,469.8 163.8 2,290.4 2,830.3 48,435.7 761.1 63,994.7
2015 Nov 1.1 11.1 8,355.6 183.9 2,366.4 1,847.8 46,301.4 726.6 59,793.9
2015 Dec 1.1 6.1 8,697.3 204.2 2,501.2 1,930.1 47,313.3 507.0 61,160.3
2016 Jan 1.1 6.0 9,303.5 156.4 2,549.1 2,016.1 47,938.3 568.2 62,538.6
2016 Feb 1.6 6.0 10,088.8 363.5 2,639.5 1,998.6 47,695.8 672.3 63,466.1
2016 Mar 1.1 6.0 10,144.6 359.9 2,703.9 2,030.1 48,284.3 560.6 64,090.5
2016 Apr 1.1 6.0 10,870.8 410.3 2,865.0 2,254.6 51,000.4 454.1 67,862.3
2016 May 1.6 2.8 11,092.0 458.2 2,871.8 2,236.0 50,504.0 626.1 67,792.4
2016 Jun 1.1 2.8 11,310.3 418.1 2,863.1 2,280.8 51,285.4 533.1 68,694.6
2016 Jul 1.1 2.6 11,207.5 431.7 2,813.1 2,328.7 50,865.9 571.5 68,222.1

2016 Aug 1.1 2.6 11,691.5 702.9 2,562.1 2,528.4 49,665.6 1,544.9 68,698.9
2016 Sept 1.1 3.0 11,556.6 822.2 2,422.9 2,502.1 50,840.1 473.5 68,621.3
2016 Oct 1.1 3.0 11,919.5 755.2 2,198.5 2,530.6 53,761.8 471.7 71,641.3
2016 Nov 1.4 2.7 11,554.3 654.7 2,133.4 2,814.9 53,836.3 498.6 71,496.2
2016 Dec 1.1 3.1 11,497.8 576.1 2,136.2 2,747.5 57,281.7 530.4 74,774.0
2017 Jan 1.1 3.2 10,154.2 574.3 2,186.4 2,886.8 57,007.8 531.7 73,345.5
2017 Feb 1.1 3.2 10,283.0 737.0 2,130.9 3,010.6 67,715.3 576.6 84,457.7
2017 Mar 1.1 3.4 10,081.2 739.7 2,401.7 3,362.1 77,419.9 745.0 94,754.2
2017 Apr 1.0 4.6 10,352.8 929.5 2,669.0 3,292.0 81,225.6 705.5 99,180.0
2017 May 1.0 4.6 10,507.2 853.0 2,975.9 3,382.4 81,609.8 738.4 100,072.4
2017 Jun 1.0 3.6 10,851.8 810.1 2,692.5 3,387.3 83,296.2 752.5 101,795.1
2017 Julp 1.0 3.6 10,103.3 746.7 1,719.4 2,849.3 72,448.0 801.6 88,673.0

2017 Augp 1.0 3.6 11,334.8 748.9 2,639.7 3,441.0 79,769.2 916.3 98,854.5
2017 Septp 1.0 3.6 11,135.3 675.1 2,829.1 3,422.0 79,105.7 1,065.2 98,237.1
2017 Octp 1.0 3.1 11,611.6 676.8 2,973.9 3,500.0 80,671.1 1,057.7 100,495.1
2017 Novp 1.0 3.1 13,031.8 681.1 3,537.7 3,625.1 80,793.9 1,864.5 103,538.2
2017 Decp 1.0 3.1 13,776.9 896.6 3,369.2 3,361.5 81,182.2 1,020.1 103,610.6
2018 Janp 0.0 3.7 14,839.9 797.5 3,582.1 3,744.0 81,570.1 1,166.0 105,703.3
2018 Febp 0.0 3.8 15,497.0 777.5 3,563.5 3,778.1 82,526.9 1,110.9 107,257.7
2018 Marp 0.8 3.9 15,905.0 1,022.5 3,531.1 3,759.6 85,373.6 1,455.2 111,051.6
2018 Aprp 1.1 4.1 16,277.6 976.8 3,248.0 4,059.4 89,618.5 1,591.0 115,776.5
2018 Mayp 1.1 4.1 14,868.4 849.5 3,175.8 4,340.0 88,571.4 1,163.7 112,973.9
2018 JunP 0.9 5.2 15,982.5 753.2 3,888.8 4,288.3 93,161.8 1,260.6 119,341.3
2018 Julp 0.0 5.2 17,168.1 866.7 4,293.4 4,370.6 97,199.2 912.9 124,816.2

2018 Augp 0.0 4.7 19,162.1 864.6 4,498.4 4,020.2 99,446.2 1,166.4 129,162.6
2018 Septp 0.0 4.7 20,136.5 877.1 4,466.7 4,051.7 99,478.9 1,071.7 130,087.3
2018 Octp 708.9 4.7 21,485.9 879.8 4,700.6 4,030.4 99,683.0 1,253.3 132,746.6

21. Fixed Deposit of Finance Companies : Sectorwise Classification

In Million Rupees
Town, District Government Non-govt.
and Village Corporations Corporations
M id-M onth Foreign Development Financial and and Non-profit
Deposits Committees Institutions Companies Companies Organizations Individuals Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 Jul 1.3 15.4 10,841.4 1,615.0 915.0 1,885.0 26,784.2 3,828.6 45,886.0
2012 Jul 0.0 0.3 4,689.4 476.8 680.7 1,034.7 27,101.2 2,083.0 36,066.1
2013 Jul 0.0 0.0 3,818.0 252.3 1,001.5 1,252.6 25,820.2 751.7 32,896.2

2013 Aug 0.0 0.0 3,897.4 253.5 949.1 1,367.2 26,174.6 801.8 33,443.7
2013 Sept 0.0 0.0 3,884.8 261.3 955.9 1,273.6 26,417.6 737.4 33,530.6
2013 Oct 0.0 0.0 3,690.3 257.7 911.5 1,283.7 27,130.7 162.8 33,436.7
2013 Nov 0.0 0.0 3,808.7 247.9 946.6 1,259.5 27,337.1 126.5 33,726.4
2013 Dec 0.0 0.0 3,880.5 250.6 859.2 1,302.1 27,553.7 107.5 33,953.5
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 3,955.0 256.9 827.5 1,270.6 27,860.6 38.0 34,208.4
2014 Feb 0.0 0.0 4,202.7 249.8 879.0 1,194.9 27,322.0 801.2 34,649.6
2014 Mar 0.0 0.0 4,013.5 247.4 889.2 800.5 27,956.7 1,013.7 34,921.0
2014 Apr 0.0 0.0 4,133.6 260.1 907.8 917.1 28,176.0 593.3 34,987.8
2014 May 0.0 0.0 4,181.3 252.8 779.8 848.6 27,202.7 89.1 33,354.4
2014 Jun 0.0 0.0 4,121.4 242.8 731.5 831.1 27,532.6 83.6 33,543.1
2014 Jul 0.0 0.0 4,335.3 246.0 677.4 857.3 27,649.1 187.6 33,952.7

2014 Aug 0.0 0.0 4,332.5 208.4 919.7 847.1 25,499.5 2,129.5 33,936.7
2014 Sept 0.0 0.0 4,288.3 241.5 845.1 850.3 25,045.6 2,523.3 33,794.1
2014 Oct 0.0 0.0 4,295.3 209.7 853.9 772.4 27,532.5 114.0 33,777.8
2014 Nov 0.0 0.0 4,296.6 219.3 953.9 821.2 27,357.2 652.4 34,300.6
2014 Dec 0.0 0.0 4,264.8 291.4 894.9 828.5 27,507.3 153.6 33,940.5
2015 Jan 0.0 0.0 4,304.9 282.7 868.4 881.2 27,464.1 164.6 33,965.9
2015 Feb 0.0 0.0 4,391.5 190.9 1,030.6 798.5 27,259.6 265.1 33,936.3
2015 Mar 0.0 0.0 4,152.4 218.8 977.7 1,774.8 24,823.7 1,754.0 33,701.5
2015 Apr 0.0 0.0 4,216.0 354.3 994.8 1,929.7 25,732.0 247.0 33,473.8
2015 May 0.0 0.0 4,175.6 346.4 1,042.6 1,901.1 24,736.7 148.8 32,351.1
2015 Jun 0.0 0.0 4,088.0 337.5 1,010.7 1,974.9 24,992.8 135.2 32,539.1
2015 Jul 0.0 0.0 4,172.1 328.5 971.8 2,002.0 23,885.4 190.2 31,550.0

2015 Aug 0.0 0.0 4,170.0 227.3 952.7 2,117.9 23,387.3 857.9 31,713.1
2015 Sept 0.0 0.0 4,243.6 210.7 971.7 1,011.1 25,399.0 209.2 32,045.2
2015 Oct 0.0 0.0 4,288.9 215.9 964.2 1,005.8 25,591.7 219.2 32,285.7
2015 Nov 0.0 0.0 4,395.9 223.1 962.7 1,044.2 25,185.7 566.2 32,377.8
2015 Dec 0.0 0.0 4,365.5 200.3 941.1 1,022.6 24,972.7 89.1 31,591.3
2016 Jan 0.0 0.0 4,649.3 269.0 1,041.9 1,038.5 25,028.4 244.0 32,271.1
2016 Feb 0.0 0.0 4,900.0 296.8 895.0 872.0 25,078.4 310.3 32,352.6
2016 Mar 0.0 0.0 4,927.5 366.4 956.7 1,041.6 24,557.6 668.2 32,518.0
2016 Apr 0.0 0.0 4,310.8 348.4 912.9 911.1 22,824.9 292.5 29,600.7
2016 May 0.0 0.0 4,274.3 276.4 1,205.3 1,637.4 21,891.6 257.8 29,542.8
2016 Jun 0.0 0.0 4,136.7 234.8 1,161.7 903.2 21,288.5 1,273.9 28,998.7
2016 Jul 0.0 0.0 3,656.2 172.9 1,137.3 771.2 18,284.4 963.9 24,985.8

2016 Aug 0.0 0.0 3,849.1 170.9 1,150.1 768.3 18,187.3 812.9 24,938.7
2016 Sept 0.0 0.0 3,790.7 116.0 1,101.5 720.3 18,331.0 803.7 24,863.1
2016 Oct 0.0 0.0 3,412.2 109.5 805.3 745.2 15,791.9 188.9 21,052.9
2016 Nov 0.0 0.0 3,298.8 203.4 807.5 777.9 16,285.5 453.7 21,826.8
2016 Dec 0.0 0.0 3,085.7 181.1 499.2 685.7 16,585.4 283.7 21,320.8
2017 Jan 0.0 0.0 2,997.2 156.3 474.4 688.8 16,981.1 710.9 22,008.7
2017 Feb 0.0 0.0 2,568.0 157.1 562.7 749.4 19,422.8 364.5 23,824.6
2017 Mar 0.0 0.0 2,594.3 149.4 581.9 715.4 21,594.0 487.3 26,122.4
2017 Apr 0.0 0.0 2,377.0 137.0 545.1 399.3 23,201.5 621.1 27,280.9
2017 May 0.0 0.0 2,524.9 123.8 617.8 506.3 23,918.1 239.4 27,930.4
2017 Jun 0.0 0.0 2,901.2 179.6 748.6 569.5 23,944.2 320.2 28,663.2
2017 Julp 0.0 0.0 2,913.7 208.0 706.0 1,582.2 19,572.8 215.2 25,197.9

2017 Augp 0.0 0.0 2,832.2 188.0 1,041.9 486.2 22,030.9 16.2 26,595.4
2017 Septp 0.0 0.0 2,705.5 287.1 970.6 481.4 22,702.4 89.1 27,236.2
2017 Octp 0.0 0.0 3,438.5 227.4 1,054.1 1,907.3 19,851.7 1,259.5 27,738.5
2017 Novp 0.0 0.0 3,391.1 181.7 1,058.2 2,018.1 20,675.4 122.2 27,446.8
2017 Decp 0.0 0.0 3,809.1 178.7 942.8 2,007.1 20,545.6 98.5 27,581.8
2018 Janp 0.0 0.0 3,883.3 176.7 1,011.7 2,237.1 21,446.0 79.3 28,834.1
2018 Febp 0.0 0.0 3,832.7 255.8 1,011.7 2,333.1 21,315.1 75.9 28,824.2
2018 Marp 0.0 0.0 3,942.5 277.8 1,019.8 2,481.8 22,349.4 76.3 30,147.5
2018 Aprp 0.0 0.0 3,975.8 365.4 1,225.4 2,715.7 23,366.4 74.3 31,723.0
2018 Mayp 0.0 0.0 3,979.8 376.6 1,361.2 2,850.6 24,323.8 74.4 32,966.5
2018 JunP 0.0 0.0 4,026.5 307.9 1,389.7 2,971.7 25,081.2 88.8 33,865.8
2018 Julp 0.0 0.0 4,156.2 604.5 1,035.8 2,917.9 25,706.2 92.0 34,512.6

2018 Augp 0.0 0.0 4,609.0 470.3 1,227.5 2,991.0 25,978.8 240.3 35,516.8
2018 Septp 0.0 0.0 4,622.5 459.2 1,256.3 2,962.5 25,695.5 241.9 35,237.8
2018 Octp 0.0 0.0 4,578.2 498.2 1,248.1 3,009.2 26,112.6 188.7 35,635.0

22. Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Commercial Banks*

In Million Rupees
Productions, Transportation Transportation, Finance,
Wholesaler Service Consumable Local
Agriculture** Mines Construction Machinery & Equipment Communications & Insurance & Others Total
Mid-Month Production & Retailers Industries Loan Government
Electrical Production & Fitting Public Services Fixed Assets
Tools & fitting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2003 July 3,734.5 399.4 42,910.5 2,729.2 1,430.1 1,359.8 6,523.4 27,555.3 4,250.3 12,212.5 3,364.6 1.5 14,283.5 120,754.5
2004 Jul 4,901.9 336.6 47,368.6 4,986.7 1,450.7 2,776.7 7,963.6 31,728.9 4,857.0 14,216.9 4,400.0 2.3 12,371.5 137,080.9
2005 Jul 4,415.5 520.3 53,744.2 8,723.0 1,797.5 3,156.3 8,997.2 34,412.7 6,391.0 14,984.8 3,588.0 0.1 18,592.6 159,323.1
2006 Jul 4,572.0 477.7 56,474.8 13,427.6 1,590.9 2,658.7 11,694.5 35,103.3 10,024.0 14,163.0 5,848.5 0.0 20,543.6 176,578.5
2006 Jul*** 15,784.3 477.7 59,771.8 13,708.5 1,590.9 2,658.7 11,694.5 40,555.2 10,024.0 14,163.0 5,848.5 0.0 22,571.7 198,848.7
2007 Jul 13,882.0 1,315.0 62,369.6 19,770.6 2,919.4 3,243.2 13,130.8 45,635.8 13,917.5 18,367.4 8,120.1 0.0 29,173.3 231,844.7
2008 Jul 13,880.2 1,955.0 74,889.8 32,368.8 5,069.4 4,340.2 16,129.4 55,732.9 24,913.5 21,163.3 9,437.2 0.0 46,656.3 306,535.7
2009 Jul 13,376.3 1,709.4 87,878.0 44,867.0 6,534.6 6,977.7 18,432.8 68,808.3 38,882.7 23,357.8 14,716.2 1,972.4 74,264.8 401,778.0
2010 Jul 14,290.9 2,019.8 94,713.7 49,568.0 5,877.8 10,546.4 22,276.0 88,584.1 54,093.3 29,605.4 22,694.9 3,087.7 71,973.9 469,331.8
2011 Jul 14,191.6 2,204.8 115,186.0 51,590.8 6,418.8 12,013.8 19,811.8 109,211.5 57,934.2 36,504.9 22,359.7 1,107.1 77,695.6 526,230.6
2012 Jul 23,407.3 2,358.7 143,972.2 61,312.2 8,401.6 12,784.0 25,174.7 129,249.1 62,184.8 45,811.0 27,047.5 1,271.7 79,562.8 622,537.4
2013 Jul 31,531.3 3,487.1 176,661.9 71,712.8 10,044.4 12,666.2 30,151.6 161,588.2 66,079.6 56,855.0 33,484.2 1,176.3 101,651.8 757,090.5
2014 Jul 40,270.1 3,254.7 207,428.2 88,740.6 10,929.4 15,488.6 31,411.1 205,415.0 72,813.9 68,629.5 39,366.4 1,096.2 116,164.9 901,008.6
2015 Jul 50,706.2 3,064.1 239,722.8 115,175.7 12,402.2 14,377.2 41,289.5 256,252.5 89,220.3 88,438.0 43,035.7 1,621.8 147,836.8 1,103,142.9
2016 Jul 61,125.1 2,970.7 278,304.2 142,303.5 16,327.5 21,519.9 63,828.5 330,886.8 114,517.9 103,953.8 50,324.5 1,576.2 204,864.1 1,392,502.6
2016 Aug 61,652.9 3,051.7 279,603.4 144,445.0 16,424.4 21,588.2 64,305.2 332,520.6 114,127.8 106,569.7 50,410.2 1,519.8 207,540.6 1,403,759.7
2016 Sept 64,201.5 3,184.6 285,593.0 148,982.3 16,882.8 22,714.6 66,238.1 344,737.7 114,379.1 108,901.6 50,252.0 1,480.8 213,846.1 1,441,394.3
2016 Oct 65,700.2 3,197.6 291,187.8 151,665.5 17,894.0 23,320.9 68,137.6 351,020.4 118,585.0 111,995.5 50,060.0 1,488.5 221,262.3 1,475,515.2
2016 Nov 64,730.4 3,139.3 294,965.4 153,731.7 18,282.3 23,375.6 70,015.5 356,268.7 119,642.9 113,488.7 52,166.2 1,480.8 225,190.5 1,496,478.1
2016 Dec 66,152.3 2,891.0 299,112.1 156,653.4 18,947.0 22,968.2 71,662.1 359,076.4 124,160.9 115,524.2 53,178.0 1,480.8 232,226.1 1,524,032.6
2017 Jan 71,256.4 2,810.0 309,129.9 161,956.1 19,766.2 23,234.8 77,711.9 371,763.3 129,992.2 118,919.1 57,900.7 1,473.0 247,718.2 1,593,631.7
2017 Feb 67,868.7 2,815.3 314,826.6 171,413.9 19,967.5 24,708.6 78,402.2 378,862.1 136,948.4 120,561.8 60,307.2 1,473.0 248,099.0 1,626,254.3
2017 Mar 68,146.2 2,914.3 313,975.8 173,374.9 20,221.1 25,042.5 78,646.0 380,626.9 135,387.7 121,865.7 60,384.8 1,482.3 250,062.3 1,632,130.5
2017 Apr 70,004.7 3,110.1 312,833.8 174,809.5 20,710.9 24,445.5 80,521.8 382,268.9 139,782.5 124,253.5 62,149.5 1,482.3 254,447.2 1,650,820.1
2017 May 70,858.1 3,160.4 315,699.1 176,395.8 21,121.0 24,416.8 82,251.3 384,928.8 139,112.2 124,852.7 63,766.6 1,479.7 255,421.2 1,663,463.6
2017 Jun 72,655.2 3,139.9 312,901.0 179,038.0 21,489.9 24,360.4 83,590.4 387,685.8 139,177.3 125,551.3 64,468.2 1,479.8 257,751.7 1,673,289.0
2017 Jul
p 75,349.9 3,467.8 315,942.2 178,777.2 22,633.5 24,205.9 87,610.2 397,945.2 148,589.2 137,177.5 70,022.5 1,506.9 272,670.8 1,735,898.7
2017 Augp 75,272.6 3,535.8 318,257.2 181,267.5 23,199.5 25,549.3 88,049.6 398,214.1 145,424.6 138,050.6 67,799.0 1,508.1 268,307.4 1,734,435.3
2017 Septp 76,424.5 3,433.4 323,521.2 183,740.6 23,611.9 26,128.8 89,233.6 410,546.1 146,742.5 140,595.0 66,707.3 1,507.0 270,994.5 1,763,186.4
2017 Octp 90,699.0 3,624.6 322,305.7 186,484.5 24,746.1 24,555.0 90,944.5 423,775.1 153,176.7 146,171.9 65,705.3 1,518.7 277,425.2 1,811,132.2
2017 Novp 94,194.5 3,736.0 328,548.9 189,706.2 24,990.1 26,483.8 93,206.9 427,636.2 150,508.6 146,239.0 66,559.7 1,512.5 282,520.7 1,835,843.0
2017 Decp 94,538.3 3,848.5 335,769.5 194,546.4 25,189.0 27,848.9 93,058.6 430,454.2 152,272.4 148,673.5 61,384.2 1,507.6 279,898.6 1,848,989.7
2018 Janp 100,583.3 4,441.3 342,621.3 197,678.7 25,497.8 27,741.1 96,210.5 446,402.6 159,714.2 151,983.7 69,657.9 1,507.6 299,638.9 1,923,679.2
2018 Febp 102,196.7 4,949.9 350,845.7 200,243.8 26,072.1 28,376.4 97,540.2 453,524.2 157,806.3 154,255.0 70,561.3 1,507.6 304,203.3 1,952,082.6
2018 Marp 110,179.2 4,124.1 343,689.6 197,357.9 26,049.7 26,782.9 98,725.1 451,049.3 162,140.6 154,844.7 66,849.0 1,507.6 320,796.0 1,964,095.6
2018 Aprp 114,022.7 4,195.4 354,767.6 199,789.0 27,686.9 25,950.1 101,629.2 459,550.6 166,019.2 158,324.2 67,224.4 1,508.6 322,832.2 2,003,500.2
2018 Mayp 113,610.6 4,987.4 364,080.3 203,966.4 28,754.6 27,318.8 105,991.5 468,418.7 173,171.5 162,080.5 67,551.1 1,503.3 319,389.6 2,040,824.2
2018 JunP 114,251.8 5,037.7 366,733.1 209,266.1 29,254.8 27,381.4 107,958.6 476,583.5 173,403.2 166,964.6 68,312.0 1,497.4 322,351.3 2,068,995.5
2018 Julp 116,435.9 4,420.3 380,563.6 212,488.1 29,802.9 27,191.7 112,257.3 483,927.4 179,843.1 174,628.6 70,054.5 1,499.9 319,217.0 2,112,330.5

2018 Augp 124,618.6 4,347.4 386,709.3 218,663.4 29,843.2 28,101.7 113,518.4 480,888.8 176,819.2 177,385.6 67,758.9 1,499.9 316,684.2 2,126,838.6
2018 Septp 130,959.2 5,212.1 399,382.3 226,768.1 29,435.6 30,407.4 115,532.7 495,628.7 176,984.8 182,423.7 64,750.3 1,499.9 321,050.1 2,180,034.9
p 136,422.6 5,792.8 416,586.2 230,053.4 30,804.6 31,055.3 121,524.1 517,198.1 187,273.8 190,194.9 65,928.5 1,499.9 330,572.0 2,264,906.1
2018 Oct
* Sectorwise classification as per new call report forms.
** Excluding the amount deposited by commercial bank branches of Agricultural Development Bank to their Head Office.
*** Including the consolidated balance sheet of Agricultural Development Bank (beginning July 2006).

23. Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Development Banks

In Million Rupees
Productions, Transportation Transportation, Finance,
Wholesaler Service Consumable Local
Agriculture Mines Construction Machinery & Equipment Communications & Insurance & Others Total
Mid-Month Production & Retailers Industries Loan Government
Electrical Production & Fitting Public Services Fixed Assets
Tools & fitting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2011 Jul 2,578.0 229.6 7,159.0 10,269.2 1,521.4 3,517.2 6,405.2 16,886.0 9,548.4 8,349.8 3,676.1 733.2 18,095.9 88,969.1
2011 Oct 2,791.5 236.6 7,077.1 11,082.9 1,356.3 3,380.5 6,494.8 17,630.8 9,432.2 8,561.0 3,647.9 31.8 17,528.1 89,251.3
2012 Jan 2,965.9 203.1 7,457.3 11,631.4 1,415.5 3,621.2 6,436.1 18,090.6 8,873.3 8,866.9 3,761.0 32.0 17,736.9 91,091.3
2012 Apr 3,233.1 194.1 6,640.8 10,997.1 1,407.4 3,119.6 5,970.2 18,237.4 8,187.2 9,093.5 3,859.7 32.0 18,148.7 89,120.8
2012 Jul 3,689.2 193.2 7,187.0 12,072.2 1,556.0 3,245.1 7,071.5 21,252.8 9,929.2 9,213.3 4,287.3 31.7 20,828.7 100,557.1
2012 Oct 5,052.6 168.8 7,537.8 12,781.1 1,710.6 3,433.9 7,912.1 23,155.4 10,648.4 9,882.4 4,735.6 31.7 22,019.5 109,069.8
2013 Jan 5,266.0 178.2 8,016.5 13,396.0 2,073.3 3,860.3 8,105.7 23,949.5 10,798.1 9,722.3 5,457.9 31.1 24,169.2 115,024.2
2013 Apr 5638.4 182.3 8513.0 13947.5 1977.7 3592.0 9067.0 25280.9 11287.0 10267.7 6215.1 31.1 24813.8 120813.5
2013 Jul 6,338.7 267.1 9,194.0 15,246.8 2,138.6 3,834.9 9,479.5 27,052.7 12,589.4 11,029.9 6,887.2 31.1 28,579.1 132,669.1
2013 Oct 6,907.6 248.1 9,750.9 16,733.5 2,168.0 3,850.3 10,262.1 27,843.6 12,417.2 12,172.0 6,625.4 45.1 28,964.5 137,988.5
2014 Jan 7,334.2 242.7 10,420.1 17,553.7 2,438.2 3,821.3 10,903.2 27,909.3 12,516.6 12,876.5 7,272.9 45.1 32,748.6 146,082.4
2014 Apr 8,220.4 250.9 10,710.0 18,704.0 2,442.1 3,985.7 11,359.0 28,800.4 12,633.8 13,274.0 7,365.8 45.1 34,718.7 152,509.9
2014 Jul 8,697.6 289.6 10,835.1 20,285.6 2,462.6 5,173.3 11,811.0 30,175.4 13,125.4 15,060.6 8,749.0 38.0 39,972.4 166,675.8
2014 Oct 9,755.8 285.6 11,048.5 20,683.6 2,537.3 5,141.7 12,334.4 29,467.0 12,606.7 15,215.5 9,531.1 51.0 41,237.3 169,895.5
2015 Jan 10,287.3 240.5 10,920.6 21,782.1 2,455.8 5,072.4 12,324.2 29,437.8 11,436.6 13,030.7 9,611.6 43.6 42,043.3 168,686.5
2015 Apr 11,192.5 324.3 11,363.1 22,855.2 2,478.6 5,248.5 13,266.8 30,543.6 11,952.8 14,017.0 10,639.7 42.3 46,392.4 180,316.7
2015 Jul 12,422.9 390.1 12,217.1 26,556.6 2,977.0 5,677.4 14,356.5 32,491.8 13,368.5 15,893.3 10,900.4 32.3 46,197.9 193,481.9
2015 Oct 13,050.0 422.8 12,474.0 27,865.6 2,936.2 4,691.9 15,777.2 33,413.2 13,676.6 16,929.5 9,308.2 30.5 49,494.6 200,070.4
2016 Jan 13,686.0 414.7 12,195.0 27,270.8 2,370.8 4,748.9 12,985.7 32,471.7 13,391.9 17,256.0 9,627.1 45.9 51,168.9 197,633.4
2016 Apr 14,790.0 402.9 13,771.4 29,708.1 2,441.4 5,103.3 14,742.8 35,258.3 15,031.0 17,826.4 11,834.0 45.8 58,809.8 219,765.4
2016 Jul 15,580.3 391.5 14,830.9 32,648.1 2,395.1 4,992.6 16,839.8 35,859.6 16,264.9 18,656.7 10,965.4 41.3 63,543.8 233,010.0
2016 Oct 16,346.1 369.0 15,540.2 34,306.6 2,335.5 5,507.8 18,347.3 37,600.1 18,479.7 19,768.1 10,938.0 47.0 71,902.5 251,487.9
2017 Jan 16,008.6 317.5 15,550.9 34,180.3 2,196.8 6,862.0 21,083.0 35,419.5 18,456.1 19,173.8 11,610.9 43.1 67,324.7 248,227.2
2017 Apr 13,835.5 330.1 15,016.5 32,125.8 2,253.8 6,918.7 20,955.5 35,935.7 17,454.0 19,388.1 15,030.1 41.8 65,005.6 244,291.1
2017 Julp 11,607.1 395.1 11,575.1 26,776.2 1,539.5 6,056.2 15,870.1 31,023.0 13,190.0 15,724.0 11,339.2 39.7 56,048.8 201,184.1

2017 Augp 11,870.9 355.5 11,515.0 27,570.8 1,624.8 5,625.9 17,189.8 32,046.3 14,270.2 16,556.8 12,186.4 23.6 56,526.5 207,362.3
2017 Septp 12,203.2 332.8 11,807.4 28,073.2 1,678.6 5,749.9 17,219.2 32,761.8 14,401.6 16,785.6 11,974.5 23.6 58,271.2 211,282.6
2017 Octp 12,506.9 341.4 12,187.3 28,716.5 1,713.7 5,822.9 17,624.5 34,116.2 14,875.0 17,048.5 12,165.1 23.6 60,656.4 217,798.0
2017 Novp 12,842.1 420.0 12,417.4 29,280.8 1,668.5 5,899.8 18,114.9 35,083.0 15,120.1 17,016.2 12,073.4 23.6 61,691.2 221,651.1
2017 Decp 13,144.9 477.1 12,817.5 29,918.5 1,769.2 5,946.7 18,430.2 35,661.7 15,429.7 18,377.9 11,637.0 23.7 61,834.2 225,468.4
2018 Janp 13,649.9 495.1 13,342.8 30,771.5 1,795.1 5,858.9 19,103.4 37,298.6 16,258.8 18,984.7 12,537.3 21.8 63,762.3 233,880.1
2018 Febp 14,188.1 516.0 13,713.2 30,599.3 1,982.9 6,011.3 19,304.1 38,212.8 17,182.7 19,499.1 12,920.3 21.9 65,202.1 239,353.8
2018 Marp 14,717.1 598.4 13,908.7 31,586.5 2,052.2 6,157.6 19,469.2 38,414.3 17,795.1 19,923.8 13,053.5 21.8 66,698.3 244,396.5
2018 Aprp 14,981.3 627.7 14,667.8 32,191.8 2,158.9 6,222.0 19,789.9 39,576.8 18,684.7 20,501.6 13,405.8 21.8 68,560.8 251,390.9
p 14,618.9 512.4 13,492.3 30,734.7 1,982.5 5,972.9 18,384.2 38,336.2 17,642.3 18,041.0 12,841.7 20.5 65,294.4 237,873.9
2018 May
2018 JunP 15,076.6 566.8 13,735.0 31,522.1 2,094.9 5,976.3 18,848.7 38,935.1 17,805.8 18,228.4 13,080.7 20.4 66,996.0 242,887.0
2018 Julp 15,538.8 591.8 14,585.6 32,539.1 2,254.5 5,982.1 19,411.5 40,657.5 18,536.1 18,974.6 13,717.2 20.4 70,468.3 253,277.4

2018 Augp 15,653.5 592.2 14,490.2 32,760.7 2,289.3 6,033.2 19,623.7 40,310.2 18,388.9 18,757.3 13,191.5 20.3 70,812.4 252,923.3
2018 Septp 16,348.7 613.3 14,960.5 34,531.6 2,357.3 6,199.5 19,842.8 42,064.6 18,698.9 19,418.9 12,738.4 20.3 72,105.8 259,900.7
2018 Octp 17,011.1 640.2 15,883.8 36,854.6 2,497.2 6,270.9 20,662.7 45,085.4 19,874.4 20,400.7 12,904.2 945.1 74,172.6 273,203.0

24. Sectorwise Outstanding Credit of Finance Companies

In Million Rupees
Productions, Transportation Transportation, Finance,
Wholesaler Service Consumable Local
Agriculture Mines Construction Machinery & Equipment Communications & Insurance & Others Total
Mid-Month Production & Retailers Industries Loan Government
Electrical Production & Fitting Public Services Fixed Assets
Tools & fitting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2011 Jul 1,508.8 245.8 6,730.8 13,649.9 1,182.3 2,012.0 5,981.0 14,534.2 9,885.6 6,927.5 4,795.6 101.2 19,477.6 87,032.4
2011 Oct 1,540.7 242.3 6,957.5 13,786.1 1,166.2 1,939.5 5,627.5 14,242.6 9,946.1 6,719.5 4,226.5 49.8 18,172.6 84,616.7
2012 Jan 1,663.1 219.8 6,826.9 12,836.7 1,205.1 1,917.5 5,540.5 13,022.4 9,926.0 6,671.2 4,026.6 186.5 19,125.3 83,167.6
2012 Apr 1,692.7 132.0 6,617.7 12,209.5 1,143.6 1,713.4 5,591.1 12,576.6 9,617.8 6,229.5 3,783.4 705.2 18,938.1 80,950.5
2012 Jul 1,697.6 160.7 5,204.0 9,151.5 883.8 1,464.7 3,843.7 10,892.1 8,030.2 4,805.3 3,565.8 52.7 17,620.2 67,372.3
2012 Oct 1,895.0 181.1 5,369.4 9,329.4 933.5 1,660.8 4,100.7 11,364.9 7,841.6 4,739.4 3,684.1 52.7 18,347.5 69,500.1
2013 Jan 1,959.8 174.6 5,615.2 9,607.7 930.9 1,643.2 4,369.3 11,558.4 7,725.6 5,037.1 3,924.0 52.6 21,260.5 73,859.0
2013 Apr 2167.0 227.6 5605.7 9776.2 942.3 1829.9 4535.6 11383.8 7630.5 5027.5 3984.2 47.4 21871.0 75028.8
2013 Jul 1,913.8 143.0 4,718.8 9,107.9 867.6 1,654.8 4,211.3 9,655.5 5,952.6 3,923.5 4,069.9 48.1 19,510.4 65,777.4
2013 Oct 2,005.7 128.7 4,699.1 9,544.6 832.0 1,686.5 4,306.5 9,818.5 5,802.1 4,104.5 3,818.8 48.1 20,124.4 66,919.3
2014 Jan 2,050.5 83.0 4,708.9 9,595.1 793.0 1,736.4 4,319.2 9,678.2 5,480.2 4,316.1 4,080.8 48.0 20,374.3 67,263.6
2014 Apr 2,003.4 81.4 4,863.4 9,801.4 753.0 1,672.3 4,374.8 9,807.8 5,226.5 4,435.3 3,936.6 48.9 20,629.8 67,634.6
2014 Jul 1,942.1 43.6 4,416.0 10,536.0 704.2 1,720.0 4,069.5 8,649.5 4,717.7 3,876.2 4,442.1 47.0 20,499.7 65,663.6
2014 Oct 1,911.0 66.6 4,302.0 10,805.3 683.8 1,860.5 4,207.0 8,438.6 4,639.6 3,987.5 3,992.2 51.3 20,381.3 65,326.6
2015 Jan 1,999.9 106.9 3,995.0 11,490.4 710.4 1,988.2 4,281.7 8,601.4 4,618.1 3,943.5 3,850.9 68.0 21,200.2 66,854.7
2015 Apr 2,119.4 95.4 4,121.8 12,166.4 885.8 1,947.8 4,462.3 8,944.8 4,699.9 4,645.3 4,467.8 64.2 20,628.0 69,248.9
2015 Jul 2,030.6 72.0 3,625.7 11,140.0 829.1 2,947.8 4,396.0 8,720.5 4,664.1 3,662.6 4,751.8 61.1 18,560.8 65,461.9
2015 Oct 2,084.9 79.3 3,582.0 11,240.1 835.7 3,105.7 4,559.6 8,485.1 4,926.6 3,982.4 4,313.6 40.8 18,925.6 66,161.6
2016 Jan 2,140.4 93.0 3,566.6 10,940.1 796.7 3,120.8 4,498.9 8,470.6 4,938.6 3,987.0 4,230.8 40.8 20,234.9 67,059.4
2016 Apr 2,214.7 72.1 3,521.1 10,536.0 767.5 3,213.0 3,909.6 9,434.2 5,896.6 3,905.6 4,958.4 38.8 20,583.1 69,050.8
2016 Jul 2,086.1 41.8 2,976.1 7,920.6 750.8 3,429.6 3,298.6 7,603.4 4,273.6 3,964.2 3,897.1 37.5 16,060.7 56,340.1
2016 Oct 1,996.5 35.7 2,573.6 7,642.9 710.3 3,547.7 2,694.7 6,436.3 3,870.5 3,208.7 3,570.8 37.5 15,119.7 51,444.9
2017 Jan 2,206.9 48.4 2,533.6 8,096.9 820.0 3,420.2 2,783.7 6,614.3 3,877.9 3,590.0 3,508.3 37.5 15,736.2 53,273.9
2017 Apr 2,270.6 56.3 2,607.0 8,009.3 908.1 3,539.1 2,741.7 6,601.8 3,886.0 3,603.5 4,464.2 40.6 16,098.3 54,826.5
2017 Julp 3,084.2 31.5 2,282.8 6,632.1 854.1 3,430.3 1,620.2 5,729.4 3,614.2 3,220.8 3,977.3 37.2 14,628.4 49,142.3

2017 Augp 3,093.2 20.8 2,367.5 6,696.8 851.2 3,428.3 1,617.2 5,932.2 3,626.0 2,963.2 3,832.4 37.2 14,724.3 49,190.3
2017 Septp 3,279.8 20.4 2,355.7 6,816.0 850.7 3,459.4 1,629.4 5,938.1 3,712.6 3,043.5 3,732.3 37.2 14,799.9 49,674.9
2017 Octp 3,294.4 14.4 2,355.4 6,803.9 871.6 3,507.0 1,646.7 6,142.4 3,741.0 3,051.4 3,498.4 37.2 15,002.0 49,965.7
2017 Novp 3,352.8 13.0 2,346.8 6,775.6 848.8 3,556.3 1,497.9 6,221.7 4,011.2 3,038.0 3,193.9 37.2 14,821.5 49,714.6
2017 Decp 3,289.2 13.1 2,432.5 6,896.4 898.9 3,630.8 1,508.5 6,211.9 3,991.7 3,007.9 2,965.3 37.2 14,978.6 49,862.0
2018 Janp 3,006.6 13.2 2,557.0 7,051.8 898.2 3,671.8 1,515.6 6,740.8 4,263.6 3,111.6 2,996.9 37.2 15,427.7 51,291.9
2018 Febp 3,337.6 12.8 2,514.2 7,201.0 986.9 3,698.9 1,492.6 6,543.5 4,244.1 3,121.2 3,109.5 37.2 15,483.5 51,783.0
2018 Marp 3,431.0 13.9 2,528.3 7,340.0 1,008.8 3,704.6 1,510.9 6,636.6 4,433.2 3,205.3 3,166.7 37.2 15,841.2 52,857.6
2018 Aprp 3,782.4 17.7 2,583.0 7,537.4 1,037.7 3,742.0 1,557.9 6,730.9 4,572.7 3,231.9 3,119.2 37.2 16,366.4 54,316.6
p 3,637.2 11.8 2,603.9 7,731.5 1,057.5 3,724.5 1,566.8 7,118.6 4,666.4 3,326.2 3,091.4 37.2 16,389.6 54,962.7
2018 May
2018 JunP 3,641.2 15.2 2,688.8 8,000.3 1,128.2 3,727.2 1,495.6 7,233.1 4,761.2 3,359.4 3,178.1 33.2 16,990.2 56,251.8
2018 Julp 3,781.8 21.2 2,704.3 8,127.4 1,091.1 3,762.0 1,499.3 7,434.3 4,655.6 3,548.2 3,385.1 33.2 17,127.5 57,170.9

2018 Augp 3,632.4 22.3 2,682.1 8,151.5 1,216.2 3,770.0 1,495.2 7,580.4 4,619.4 3,475.3 3,222.1 37.2 17,061.3 56,965.5
2018 Septp 4,143.6 22.7 2,758.6 8,276.2 1,150.4 3,762.2 1,478.8 7,265.6 4,475.2 3,515.0 3,144.5 37.2 17,311.1 57,341.1
2018 Octp 4,531.7 21.3 2,702.7 8,528.9 1,159.8 3,771.6 1,499.5 7,522.3 4,831.9 3,661.1 3,192.7 37.2 17,871.8 59,332.4

25. Outstanding Credit of Commercial Banks: Classified by Type of Security*

In Million Rupees
Government Non-Govt. Jute and Other Agricultural Export Bills
Gold & Silver Rice and Paddy Cloth and Yarn Machinery Other Goods
Mid-Month Securities Securities Hessians Products Purchased

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2003 Jul 1,600.6 2,436.8 845.6 208.0 1,223.0 1,112.0 1,512.0 2,774.1 16,802.1 1,184.3
2004 Jul 1,286.5 4,274.7 905.8 140.0 1,436.4 1,122.1 1,111.3 3,121.2 19,549.5 969.1
2005 Jul 1,435.4 3,077.4 1,007.0 75.8 1,150.9 1,297.9 1,231.1 4,167.0 23,884.8 1,111.6
2006 Jul 1,820.8 3,118.2 1,324.4 84.5 1,088.0 1,091.2 793.7 4,708.1 26,536.2 938.9
2006 Jul** 1,820.8 3,118.2 1,324.4 84.5 1,088.0 1,091.2 793.7 4,708.1 26,536.2 938.9
2007 Jul 2,875.2 3,602.6 2,749.4 119.3 1,307.2 1,717.0 860.2 4,321.9 30,850.1 492.9
2008 Jul 4,069.5 2,857.1 5,017.7 118.5 1,341.5 1,730.2 1,590.7 5,169.6 39,256.7 1,018.3
2009 Jul 6,396.0 2,949.3 5,420.5 204.3 1,637.6 1,842.1 1,358.0 7,933.0 48,142.9 784.5

2009 Oct 6,872.0 3,308.9 5,940.7 169.4 1,438.9 1,438.4 1,338.6 8,278.8 51,189.8 551.2
2010 Jan 8,696.8 3,540.0 6,773.8 137.5 1,840.2 3,372.9 1,754.7 10,062.3 63,911.9 623.1
2010 Apr 9,681.6 3,794.3 7,078.3 68.6 2,299.5 3,550.5 2,058.3 12,772.5 58,583.5 431.1
2010 Jul 10,333.3 2,777.8 6,748.6 72.5 1,887.4 3,720.9 1,925.5 13,776.1 56,443.6 479.5

2010 Oct 10,419.5 3,495.8 6,089.5 60.2 2,302.1 3,570.5 1,616.3 13,123.5 60,412.8 554.4
2011 Jan 12,792.2 3,292.7 5,663.7 107.5 2,023.1 4,245.9 2,032.5 14,568.5 63,085.2 1,354.4
2011 Apr 13,887.6 2,791.7 5,528.8 106.3 2,254.3 5,431.5 2,023.8 14,787.3 68,080.5 1,168.5
2011 Jul 15,631.8 2,803.6 5,173.7 89.8 2,289.5 4,588.3 2,140.9 15,716.8 49,396.0 1,033.1

2011 Oct 16,110.6 2,663.4 5,092.9 97.9 2,168.4 5,292.0 1,903.5 16,175.4 48,026.2 256.2
2012 Jan 18,424.9 2,736.1 4,856.6 94.8 2,738.0 5,697.6 2,060.0 16,185.6 55,550.4 234.9
2012 Apr 19,982.8 2,176.5 4,767.2 121.6 3,009.1 4,724.8 2,102.6 17,698.7 61,335.8 319.4
2012 Jul 21,213.1 2,385.1 4,977.4 146.5 3,397.0 5,706.3 2,256.2 18,315.4 64,730.2 293.5

2012 Oct 21,532.2 1,789.7 5,078.6 257.1 2,883.8 6,182.4 2,303.7 19,962.3 78,852.1 217.1
2013 Jan 23,482.9 2,542.7 5,165.4 274.9 3,935.9 7,624.9 2,704.0 24,958.1 87,043.5 785.2
2013 Apr 26,195.1 3,081.7 4,692.3 140.3 4,233.6 6,989.7 2,539.2 26,064.9 87,574.0 735.8
2013 Jul 25,038.5 2,974.8 4,925.5 531.7 4,128.0 6,938.0 2,826.5 27,608.6 90,765.5 222.6

2013 Oct 25,115.1 1,479.4 4,475.8 203.8 3,857.8 7,007.4 2,535.3 26,503.7 105,192.8 202.9
2014 Jan 25,965.5 1,159.3 4,906.4 256.3 4,427.4 6,293.5 2,397.3 25,328.8 111,171.3 535.7
2014 Apr 26,011.6 1,091.0 6,943.4 178.7 4,671.4 5,794.2 2,490.4 25,235.6 111,989.2 243.5
2014 Jul 27,088.1 968.7 8,903.0 148.7 4,507.8 4,608.8 2,594.9 23,213.9 112,954.7 278.7

2014 Oct 25,600.0 891.9 9,899.5 155.2 4,784.9 5,560.9 3,171.0 25,526.3 123,240.9 181.2
2015 Jan 26,641.8 921.7 11,374.0 169.9 5,338.9 6,506.1 2,629.3 26,184.6 128,159.8 246.0
2015 Apr 26,737.6 865.8 12,913.0 405.2 5,273.5 7,092.3 3,780.0 27,349.4 127,241.9 295.7
2015 Jul 26,813.1 751.7 13,183.2 390.4 6,346.4 7,963.4 4,630.7 28,587.0 127,359.6 314.9

2015 Oct 24,459.2 769.1 14,397.5 462.0 4,998.4 8,240.7 5,034.4 29,626.6 132,914.9 317.0
2016 Jan 25,274.4 830.9 15,587.4 466.3 5,615.5 7,599.5 4,935.5 32,505.6 133,180.7 209.4
2016 Apr 25,520.6 1,013.6 19,909.0 415.5 6,247.9 10,016.4 5,312.5 36,413.9 151,075.0 360.8
2016 Jul 26,326.4 991.9 23,084.8 287.1 6,519.5 10,428.3 6,046.2 37,589.6 201,507.8 265.4

2016 Aug 26,203.2 1,090.1 23,030.0 269.2 6,340.2 10,399.7 6,169.4 40,392.6 200,459.3 295.9
2016 Sept 25,614.2 1,155.0 22,935.1 256.8 6,304.5 11,574.8 6,345.7 41,365.9 206,943.6 371.9
2016 Oct 24,364.1 1,559.9 23,713.7 241.3 6,437.9 12,134.5 6,329.0 42,794.3 211,310.3 410.2
2016 Nov 25,583.1 1,411.6 23,813.1 251.9 6,541.5 11,596.7 6,323.8 44,511.7 210,626.9 363.9
2016 Dec 26,043.1 1,465.6 23,369.9 209.8 6,706.4 11,386.0 6,331.2 45,693.0 208,861.2 368.4
2017 Jan 27,559.1 2,651.4 25,190.8 259.9 7,254.2 11,801.8 6,348.2 47,270.0 210,491.6 375.0
2017 Feb 27,886.3 2,636.1 26,533.0 282.5 7,375.4 12,237.5 6,415.0 48,077.2 215,399.1 379.4
2017 Mar 28,309.4 2,289.8 26,972.5 267.7 7,149.3 12,031.5 6,322.4 47,693.9 220,074.8 389.6
2017 Apr 29,812.7 2,133.6 26,658.1 259.7 7,332.0 12,234.5 7,760.2 49,586.2 211,870.3 542.8
2017 May 30,878.4 1,790.1 26,638.4 245.1 7,728.6 12,396.4 8,530.1 50,493.3 209,969.7 464.5
2017 Jun 32,049.3 1,005.7 27,386.3 232.5 7,591.0 12,135.0 8,614.1 50,395.9 212,267.5 463.3
2017 Julp 32,842.8 986.0 29,673.8 244.2 7,427.6 12,580.4 7,957.8 51,982.9 215,302.6 475.8

2017 Augp 31,801.4 461.4 29,588.6 220.9 7,308.3 12,296.3 7,923.0 51,851.3 220,670.8 422.7
2017 Septp 31,511.9 437.5 29,324.5 274.9 7,268.4 12,660.6 9,208.8 52,366.7 226,209.0 382.0
2017 Octp 30,182.6 434.5 30,742.3 292.5 7,141.9 12,990.5 8,728.3 52,708.0 236,215.9 353.1
2017 Novp 31,385.4 436.2 30,752.5 325.9 7,080.4 12,981.9 8,477.2 53,628.6 241,704.4 286.3
2017 Decp 28,324.1 456.8 27,789.7 346.4 6,967.5 12,731.4 7,126.9 52,394.8 236,747.1 225.4
2018 Janp 32,361.3 670.0 31,028.9 297.9 8,125.7 13,821.9 7,595.8 54,201.7 252,924.6 231.5
2018 Febp 31,923.7 672.8 31,324.7 302.2 8,417.1 13,878.0 7,391.0 55,627.0 259,259.9 245.8
2018 Marp 31,318.7 612.5 30,550.0 309.8 8,172.8 13,503.2 7,258.4 57,621.7 265,916.3 242.0
2018 Aprp 31,930.0 617.1 29,702.3 328.0 8,060.9 14,091.0 7,263.2 58,786.6 275,031.8 204.8
2018 Mayp 32,021.7 551.8 29,618.8 307.7 8,073.1 14,402.6 7,428.9 60,555.6 280,680.3 251.0
2018 JunP 32,822.1 467.3 29,579.2 331.5 7,916.7 15,701.0 7,442.2 62,575.2 278,549.4 222.2
2018 Julp 32,615.6 432.9 30,512.0 444.4 7,595.8 15,876.7 7,547.6 63,496.7 277,279.6 201.7

2018 Augp 31,512.0 422.4 29,466.9 337.2 7,468.0 15,847.4 8,934.2 64,901.8 281,728.0 182.4
2018 Septp 29,346.3 533.4 29,173.9 352.0 7,312.4 15,810.6 8,048.4 60,820.0 287,115.1 178.9
2018 Octp 28,492.8 510.7 29,309.4 319.8 7,560.5 16,196.8 10,072.3 62,941.7 299,554.6 227.5
* Data as per new call report forms.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).

Outstanding Credit of Commercial Banks: Classified by Type of Security* (Contd. ...)

Loans Against Import Bills Other Foreign Domestic Bills Loan Against Overdrafts and House and House and Land as
Miscellaneous Total Percent of Total
Mid-Month Export Bills and L/c Bills Purchased Purchased Domestic Bills Guarantee Land
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2003 Jul 490.9 6,327.7 227.0 705.7 0.0 6,119.0 57,659.4 19,526.2 120,754.5
2004 Jul 531.8 6,990.8 186.0 412.0 0.0 5,661.4 66,691.8 22,586.6 137,080.9
2005 Jul 329.6 7,351.3 358.9 151.6 0.0 6,819.6 78,325.8 27,360.2 159,323.1
2006 Jul 249.4 7,480.5 155.3 180.8 0.0 8,533.7 85,937.7 32,537.1 176,578.6
2006 Jul** 249.4 7,480.5 155.3 180.8 0.0 8,533.7 112,894.4 27,850.5 198,848.7
2007 Jul 207.4 6,425.3 161.9 272.4 0.0 9,882.3 133,060.1 32,939.5 231,844.7
2008 Jul 244.5 5,206.7 208.4 506.1 0.0 8,959.9 184,555.7 44,684.7 306,535.7
2009 Jul 402.7 4,859.8 630.5 717.0 0.0 7,648.7 246,825.2 64,025.6 401,777.5

2009 Oct 302.6 4,968.0 532.2 523.3 0.0 8,298.0 250,673.3 84,377.7 430,202.1
2010 Jan 331.3 4,400.2 471.1 584.9 0.0 8,929.2 270,670.5 80,564.0 466,664.3
2010 Apr 250.4 4,089.7 331.4 417.1 0.0 8,890.5 273,771.5 85,928.5 473,997.2
2010 Jul 275.7 3,212.9 320.3 360.8 0.0 8,664.6 273,935.8 84,396.6 469,331.8 58.4

2010 Oct 365.4 4,401.3 332.6 362.5 0.0 9,161.4 281,190.7 85,378.9 482,837.3 0.0
2011 Jan 240.9 4,613.3 254.1 368.3 0.0 8,425.0 293,852.1 89,584.8 506,504.3 0.0
2011 Apr 275.4 4,972.8 355.3 470.7 0.0 8,478.6 262,859.5 129,721.5 523,194.2 0.0
2011 Jul 174.9 4,365.2 291.9 309.3 0.0 2,575.0 300,026.2 119,624.8 526,230.6 57.0

2011 Oct 222.4 5,991.1 2,548.9 382.9 0.0 2,381.0 301,538.9 128,811.3 539,662.8 55.9
2012 Jan 519.6 8,198.3 186.9 475.0 0.0 2,122.2 312,331.0 129,310.7 561,722.5 55.6
2012 Apr 151.0 7,135.0 249.0 468.9 0.0 2,341.0 329,734.7 132,801.1 589,119.1 56.0
2012 Jul 191.8 8,088.0 596.0 646.6 0.0 2,268.5 350,816.4 136,509.5 622,537.4 56.4

2012 Oct 92.9 8,651.7 630.8 653.4 0.0 2,034.6 363,622.6 143,386.2 658,131.2 55.3
2013 Jan 79.2 7,153.4 471.8 809.6 0.0 2,868.2 382,236.9 146,930.1 699,066.6 54.7
2013 Apr 27.7 6,791.5 112.5 996.6 0.0 2,922.9 399,200.8 154,816.9 727,115.6 54.9
2013 Jul 151.4 6,247.3 76.8 977.7 0.0 3,230.8 418,009.2 162,437.5 757,090.5 55.2

2013 Oct 139.1 9,198.7 55.5 933.5 0.0 1,961.2 420,899.2 176,074.8 785,835.9 53.6
2014 Jan 356.0 7,485.6 118.8 2,478.5 0.0 2,037.3 442,911.1 187,899.5 825,728.4 53.6
2014 Apr 386.0 7,089.9 105.6 3,404.2 0.0 1,804.5 464,041.0 199,531.2 861,011.6 53.9
2014 Jul 288.0 8,492.2 56.2 2,794.4 0.0 1,989.0 494,102.5 208,018.8 901,008.6 54.8

2014 Oct 192.4 10,010.2 116.5 3,440.2 0.0 2,159.5 531,434.5 223,946.8 970,312.1 54.8
2015 Jan 185.0 10,196.6 126.2 4,938.4 0.0 2,147.3 567,189.8 236,391.7 1,029,347.0 55.1
2015 Apr 145.5 10,863.2 105.8 4,921.6 0.0 2,150.8 604,732.8 245,563.4 1,080,437.6 56.0
2015 Jul 132.5 9,867.1 121.7 3,236.5 0.0 2,208.3 616,574.4 254,662.2 1,103,142.9 55.9

2015 Oct 109.0 10,507.9 114.2 2,813.3 0.0 2,128.5 625,756.2 266,580.6 1,129,229.6 55.4
2016 Jan 371.8 8,027.8 90.2 3,807.4 0.0 2,187.0 659,346.6 275,642.1 1,175,678.0 56.1
2016 Apr 332.3 9,096.5 95.7 3,401.6 0.0 2,379.5 743,061.2 262,244.5 1,276,896.5 58.2
2016 Jul 384.8 11,318.7 214.2 2,950.4 0.0 2,191.4 801,572.4 260,823.6 1,392,502.6 57.6

2016 Aug 362.4 13,005.7 244.0 818.0 0.0 2,413.1 809,073.8 263,193.1 1,403,759.7 57.6
2016 Sept 305.9 12,380.8 254.0 1,004.5 0.0 2,343.2 828,553.9 273,684.5 1,441,394.3 57.5
2016 Oct 336.7 11,839.9 404.3 888.4 0.0 2,348.9 848,889.8 281,512.2 1,475,515.2 57.5
2016 Nov 408.8 12,424.8 437.6 1,136.2 0.0 2,365.6 862,287.0 286,393.7 1,496,478.1 57.6
2016 Dec 305.3 13,450.9 438.7 1,100.1 0.0 2,554.9 881,087.7 294,660.2 1,524,032.6 57.8
2017 Jan 330.8 14,474.9 470.5 1,482.1 0.0 2,549.1 923,473.1 311,649.2 1,593,631.7 57.9
2017 Feb 323.4 16,114.9 798.5 1,551.5 0.0 2,498.8 938,448.3 319,297.5 1,626,254.3 57.7
2017 Mar 352.2 16,179.7 1,457.3 1,044.4 0.0 2,319.0 941,701.6 317,575.6 1,632,130.5 57.7
2017 Apr 295.9 15,050.0 2,521.9 1,008.0 0.0 2,378.8 961,891.2 319,484.3 1,650,820.1 58.3
2017 May 268.7 13,663.8 2,972.9 757.4 0.0 2,424.4 974,878.9 319,362.7 1,663,463.6 58.6
2017 Jun 260.0 14,204.3 106.1 890.1 0.0 2,403.7 983,250.5 320,033.8 1,673,289.0 58.8
2017 Julp 125.8 14,375.6 98.1 798.4 0.0 2,456.4 1,025,087.4 333,483.1 1,735,898.7 59.1

2017 Augp 280.8 14,836.3 61.9 674.3 0.0 2,394.0 1,023,865.3 329,777.9 1,734,435.2 59.0
2017 Septp 317.5 14,382.6 65.2 743.2 0.0 2,392.2 1,041,623.2 334,018.3 1,763,186.4 59.1
2017 Octp 265.2 13,060.6 132.0 810.1 0.0 2,390.4 1,069,243.0 345,441.2 1,811,132.2 59.0
2017 Novp 289.2 12,242.9 81.7 985.0 0.0 2,391.9 1,088,588.8 344,204.6 1,835,843.0 59.3
2017 Decp 332.0 10,301.2 75.1 706.4 0.0 2,379.1 1,114,151.6 347,934.3 1,848,989.7 60.3
2018 Janp 304.9 12,682.7 68.3 709.5 0.0 2,378.4 1,144,387.0 361,889.0 1,923,679.2 59.5
2018 Febp 236.1 12,783.6 66.2 590.1 0.0 2,397.8 1,162,908.1 364,058.3 1,952,082.6 59.6
2018 Marp 201.1 15,299.0 41.6 532.7 0.0 2,393.0 1,167,028.6 363,094.3 1,964,095.6 59.4
2018 Aprp 153.6 16,022.6 145.0 557.6 0.0 2,396.8 1,187,764.4 370,444.7 2,003,500.2 59.3
2018 Mayp 137.0 14,995.8 129.7 636.1 0.0 2,406.0 1,210,831.9 377,796.1 2,040,824.2 59.3
2018 JunP 153.3 16,477.0 126.4 663.5 0.0 2,405.2 1,230,307.3 383,256.3 2,068,995.5 59.5
2018 Julp 263.9 16,717.9 156.6 823.6 0.0 2,249.7 1,261,386.2 394,729.5 2,112,330.5 59.7

2018 Augp 227.4 17,723.7 127.2 970.6 0.0 2,248.8 1,268,094.3 396,646.3 2,126,838.6 59.6
2018 Septp 215.9 18,624.3 128.3 1,004.1 0.0 2,247.4 1,334,768.6 384,355.3 2,180,034.9 61.2
2018 Octp 206.8 18,994.5 136.3 902.0 0.0 2,242.4 1,385,408.6 401,829.6 2,264,906.1 61.2
* Data as per new call report forms.
** Including the consolidated balance sheet of ADB/N (beginning July 2006).

26. Outstanding Credit of Development Banks: Classified by Type of Security

In Million Rupees
Government Non-Govt. Jute and Rice and Other Cloth and Export Bills
Gold & Silver Agricultural Machinery Other Goods
Mid-Month Securities Securities Hessians Paddy Yarn Purchased
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011 Jul 910.1 21.2 1,802.4 0.0 64.8 58.9 3.3 517.1 711.3 0.0

2011 Oct 862.8 22.2 1,808.1 0.0 0.0 7.0 3.0 4,233.7 468.6 0.0
2012 Jan 1,154.6 16.1 1,654.4 0.0 0.0 118.9 0.0 697.4 338.6 0.0
2012 Apr 1,393.6 27.6 1,629.7 0.0 0.0 122.6 0.0 432.3 1,782.5 0.0
2012 Jul 1,799.3 55.5 1,540.2 0.0 0.0 112.4 0.0 556.7 1,889.0 0.0

2012 Oct 2,216.4 21.5 1,540.1 0.0 0.8 109.0 0.0 569.3 341.6 0.0
2013 Jan 2,805.1 25.2 1,737.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 401.0 0.0
2013 Apr 3,156.0 21.5 1,889.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 595.3 358.9 0.0
2013 Jul 3,363.9 21.4 2,018.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 838.0 361.1 0.0

2013 Oct 3,088.7 21.4 2,186.7 129.2 47.4 7.5 0.0 846.6 375.5 0.0
2014 Jan 3,334.4 21.4 2,493.8 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 924.2 257.2 0.0
2014 Apr 3,380.4 5.4 2,354.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 946.5 300.7 0.0
2014 Jul 3,708.9 11.9 3,198.9 0.0 1.0 31.1 3.2 1,105.3 380.2 0.0

2014 Aug 3,646.9 5.8 3,172.8 0.0 1.0 30.6 2.3 1,059.3 440.4 0.0
2014 Sept 3,538.1 11.3 2,881.1 0.0 1.0 32.0 2.5 1,063.0 441.5 0.0
2014 Oct 3,514.9 11.3 2,903.5 0.0 1.0 2.4 3.3 1,059.8 406.0 0.0
2014 Nov 3,664.5 11.2 2,871.0 0.0 1.0 2.3 2.8 1,051.8 385.0 0.0
2014 Dec 3,896.0 10.8 2,814.3 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.3 1,071.3 384.6 0.0
2015 Jan 3,900.1 5.4 2,790.2 0.0 1.0 1.5 3.0 783.0 382.4 0.0
2015 Feb 3,843.5 9.1 2,963.7 0.0 1.0 2.4 4.9 775.1 376.4 0.0
2015 Mar 3,862.9 10.8 3,244.8 0.0 1.0 3.3 4.9 801.5 355.3 0.0
2015 Apr 4,073.7 16.2 3,510.2 0.0 1.0 3.3 4.9 796.7 352.7 0.0
2015 May 4,091.8 16.0 3,460.1 0.0 1.0 3.8 5.0 806.0 348.8 0.0
2015 Jun 3,992.3 16.0 3,083.8 0.0 1.0 2.1 3.1 789.1 332.1 0.0
2015 Jul 4,111.8 12.3 3,330.3 0.0 1.0 2.6 3.1 841.8 335.1 0.0

2015 Aug 3,804.0 12.3 3,881.5 0.0 1.0 2.4 3.3 838.2 339.4 0.0
2015 Sept 3,480.9 19.7 3,696.9 0.0 1.0 4.1 3.2 827.2 284.8 0.0
2015 Oct 3,420.0 19.7 3,893.9 0.0 1.0 4.4 3.2 833.5 286.4 0.0
2015 Nov 3,299.2 31.4 3,814.9 0.0 1.0 4.1 3.3 757.4 0.0 0.0
2015 Dec 3,384.1 26.0 4,117.5 0.0 1.0 4.1 3.3 764.9 0.0 0.0
2016 Jan 3,483.1 26.0 4,226.9 0.0 1.0 5.6 6.7 804.5 0.5 0.0
2016 Feb 3,420.2 26.0 4,197.4 0.0 1.0 6.2 6.5 795.9 0.5 0.0
2016 Mar 3,520.8 24.7 5,326.6 0.0 1.0 5.9 3.3 793.6 0.5 0.0
2016 Apr 3,940.6 23.2 5,731.3 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0 810.5 0.0 0.0
2016 May 4,042.3 23.7 4,984.1 0.0 0.0 3.2 0.0 777.3 0.0 0.0
2016 Jun 4,130.9 11.4 5,187.7 0.0 1.0 4.6 6.6 791.7 0.0 0.0
2016 Jul 4,189.4 6.1 4,660.5 0.0 1.0 3.4 3.3 745.2 2.6 0.0

2016 Aug 4,108.4 7.4 4,555.3 0.0 1.0 3.4 3.3 489.6 2.6 0.0
2016 Sept 4,003.3 9.1 4,659.8 0.0 1.0 3.3 3.3 499.5 2.7 0.0
2016 Oct 3,744.4 13.9 4,930.7 0.0 1.0 2.8 3.2 501.2 2.2 0.0
2016 Nov 3,992.6 13.9 5,422.5 0.0 1.0 7.3 3.3 526.6 2.2 0.0
2016 Dec 4,106.9 14.1 5,003.1 0.0 1.0 6.8 3.3 489.5 2.2 0.0
2017 Jan 4,054.8 10.5 5,079.9 0.0 1.0 5.6 3.3 524.1 2.2 0.0
2017 Feb 4,074.8 16.4 4,867.7 0.0 1.0 5.9 3.3 544.0 2.2 0.0
2017 Mar 4,091.4 20.0 4,415.4 0.0 1.0 4.4 3.3 557.8 2.2 0.0
2017 Apr 4,239.9 19.2 4,711.7 0.0 0.0 3.1 3.3 600.8 2.2 0.0
2017 May 4,183.9 5.5 4,467.8 0.0 0.0 1.4 3.3 617.7 2.2 0.0
2017 Jun 4,280.7 5.7 4,204.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.2 603.2 2.3 0.0
2017 Julp 4,304.2 0.2 3,106.7 0.0 0.0 4.9 3.3 450.9 2.5 0.0

2017 Augp 4,217.4 0.2 3,923.6 0.0 0.0 4.7 3.3 626.6 2.5 0.0
2017 Septp 4,209.3 0.2 4,500.7 0.0 0.0 1.6 3.3 655.4 2.5 0.0
2017 Octp 4,057.3 13.9 4,884.7 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.2 710.0 2.5 0.0
2017 Novp 4,299.2 19.8 4,876.2 0.0 0.0 3.9 3.3 780.9 2.4 0.0
2017 Decp 4,303.1 17.5 4,976.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 3.3 805.8 0.3 0.0
2018 Janp 4,520.5 17.4 5,213.5 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.9 844.8 0.3 0.0
2018 Febp 4,547.5 17.2 5,353.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 4.8 961.3 0.3 0.0
2018 Marp 4,560.4 26.3 5,359.7 0.0 0.0 8.4 4.7 990.9 0.2 0.0
2018 Aprp 4,734.3 35.4 5,614.1 0.0 0.0 8.6 4.6 1,027.0 0.2 0.0
2018 Mayp 4,715.3 37.7 5,189.5 0.0 0.0 7.6 4.0 1,022.3 0.2 0.0
2018 JunP 4,808.3 38.5 5,535.5 0.0 0.5 9.0 6.2 1,079.4 0.2 0.0
2018 Julp 4,850.4 37.5 5,612.3 0.0 0.5 15.3 13.3 1,161.0 0.3 0.0

2018 Augp 4,836.8 36.8 5,568.3 0.0 0.5 6.3 -10.0 1,449.8 0.0 0.0
2018 Septp 4,541.3 37.9 5,462.2 0.0 0.0 6.8 0.0 768.4 0.1 0.0
2018 Octp 4,438.9 38.0 5,456.7 0.0 0.0 9.6 0.5 774.5 0.1 0.0

Outstanding Credit of Development Banks: Classified by Type of Security (Contd. ...)

Loans Against Import Bills and Other Foreign Domestic Bills Loan Against Overdrafts and
House and Land Miscellaneous Total
Mid-Month Export Bills L/c Bills Purchased Purchased Domestic Bills Guarantee

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2011 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.5 0.0 52.6 67,597.6 17,200.3 88,969.1

2011 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.7 0.0 66.0 64,686.5 17,083.9 89,251.5
2012 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.9 0.0 71.1 68,895.9 18,117.4 91,091.3
2012 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.1 21.5 0.0 74.0 68,457.4 15,179.4 89,120.8
2012 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 0.0 88.8 77,789.0 16,717.6 100,557.1

2012 Oct 0.0 8.0 0.0 4.5 0.0 102.7 84,390.8 19,765.2 109,069.8
2013 Jan 0.0 8.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 97.5 88,677.9 21,266.7 115,024.3
2013 Apr 0.0 8.0 0.0 5.2 0.0 94.7 95,054.8 19,629.7 120,813.5
2013 Jul 0.0 1.7 0.0 19.4 0.0 97.0 104,944.3 21,004.0 132,669.1

2013 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.0 0.0 83.9 108,138.1 23,032.7 137,988.5
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 97.0 112,729.9 26,215.8 146,082.4
2014 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.8 0.0 114.8 117,347.3 28,052.2 152,509.9
2014 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 112.7 126,891.7 31,226.7 166,675.8

2014 Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 111.2 125,867.7 26,992.1 161,334.3
2014 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 111.6 121,682.3 26,445.7 156,214.3
2014 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 111.6 132,625.0 29,252.6 169,895.5
2014 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 111.6 124,301.4 28,365.6 160,772.2
2014 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 111.6 127,719.8 29,258.6 165,279.6
2015 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.9 0.0 117.6 129,851.1 30,835.3 168,686.5
2015 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.6 0.0 117.6 131,717.3 30,970.1 170,791.8
2015 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.3 0.0 117.6 134,294.8 31,672.8 174,381.0
2015 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 114.8 138,931.8 32,499.9 180,316.7
2015 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.6 0.0 98.9 140,046.6 32,265.0 181,155.5
2015 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 0.0 114.7 142,765.6 32,789.1 183,901.3
2015 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.3 0.0 112.1 150,333.4 34,383.1 193,481.9

2015 Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.4 0.0 112.1 146,254.6 36,811.5 192,071.8
2015 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.7 0.0 112.1 150,883.1 35,708.5 195,033.3
2015 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.5 0.0 112.1 155,618.2 35,863.5 200,070.4
2015 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 0.0 96.2 148,279.3 31,699.0 187,998.0
2015 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.1 0.0 96.2 151,064.6 31,975.5 191,449.2
2016 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.9 0.0 109.0 156,182.4 32,777.7 197,633.4
2016 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.5 0.0 109.0 157,643.1 33,429.3 199,644.5
2016 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.6 0.0 109.0 161,627.8 35,443.3 206,866.1
2016 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.5 0.0 105.4 171,388.3 37,748.5 219,765.4
2016 May 0.0 8.2 0.0 2.5 0.0 104.4 170,623.0 37,596.3 218,165.0
2016 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 0.0 101.7 176,605.1 39,505.5 226,357.0
2016 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 113.7 184,548.1 38,728.4 233,010.0

2016 Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 118.4 182,458.6 40,119.9 231,876.2
2016 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 118.4 187,575.5 41,349.5 238,233.8
2016 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 117.1 198,336.0 43,827.3 251,487.9
2016 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 117.0 200,700.8 45,078.0 255,873.5
2016 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 126.0 205,960.9 46,076.5 261,798.5
2017 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 0.0 117.0 191,867.7 46,555.5 248,227.2
2017 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 115.0 190,678.7 49,357.9 249,672.4
2017 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 115.0 190,111.2 50,869.7 250,197.0
2017 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 118.3 188,622.3 45,964.9 244,291.1
2017 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.0 96.8 184,700.6 45,624.1 239,709.9
2017 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 96.8 182,819.1 45,176.5 237,192.9
2017 Julp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.1 153,557.5 39,692.9 201,184.1

2017 Augp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 157,943.0 40,578.0 207,362.3
2017 Septp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 160,897.0 40,949.6 211,282.6
2017 Octp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 166,846.8 41,214.0 217,798.0
2017 Novp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 170,032.9 41,569.3 221,651.1
2017 Decp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.1 173,476.4 41,818.9 225,468.4
2018 Janp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.9 180,062.5 43,156.4 233,880.1
2018 Febp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.9 184,181.3 44,228.6 239,353.8
2018 Marp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.1 188,354.6 45,037.3 244,396.5
2018 Aprp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.1 195,411.6 44,493.8 251,390.9
2018 Mayp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.0 184,517.7 42,317.5 237,873.9
2018 JunP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.1 188,581.8 42,766.5 242,887.0
2018 Julp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.3 196,232.0 45,293.5 253,277.4

2018 Augp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.1 197,175.3 43,798.4 252,923.3
2018 Septp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.5 203,252.9 45,769.5 259,900.7
2018 Octp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.4 214,970.7 47,452.7 273,203.0

27. Outstanding Credit of Finance Companies: Classified by Type of Security

In Million Rupees
Government Non-Govt. Jute and Rice and Other Export Bills
Gold & Silver Agricultural Cloth and Yarn Machinery Other Goods
Mid-Month Securities Securities Hessians Paddy Purchased
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011 Jul 120.1 9.3 1,254.8 0.0 10.5 43.3 1.2 1,049.6 560.4 0.0

2011 Oct 210.1 9.1 1,167.4 0.0 7.7 48.9 2.0 990.5 557.0 0.0
2012 Jan 232.3 9.1 1,096.1 0.0 8.7 10.9 2.0 1,043.5 538.7 0.0
2012 Apr 369.1 36.9 1,039.4 0.0 9.2 4.4 2.3 1,075.8 500.5 0.0
2012 Jul 313.3 2.7 1,075.9 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 778.5 456.9 0.0

2012 Oct 435.8 13.1 1,296.8 0.0 0.0 55.5 0.0 769.1 419.4 0.0
2013 Jan 513.2 104.7 1,381.6 0.0 0.0 56.7 0.0 1,630.2 398.0 0.0
2013 Apr 576.0 11.8 1,334.3 0.0 1.6 63.2 0.0 717.0 336.4 0.0
2013 Jul 383.3 7.9 1,275.2 0.0 1.6 63.4 0.0 719.3 331.0 0.0

2013 Oct 351.8 18.6 1,428.7 0.0 1.6 61.7 0.0 727.6 322.6 0.0
2014 Jan 381.5 18.9 1,559.7 0.0 1.6 61.2 1,206.5 674.1 315.6 0.0
2014 Apr 384.5 18.9 1,772.8 0.0 1.6 55.9 0.0 637.8 233.1 0.0
2014 Jul 334.0 17.6 1,915.0 0.0 1.6 20.8 0.0 582.2 212.6 0.0

2014 Aug 345.5 17.2 2,019.2 0.0 1.6 21.6 0.0 731.2 207.3 0.0
2014 Sept 355.3 17.2 1,868.6 0.0 1.6 21.6 0.0 587.1 211.5 0.0
2014 Oct 366.0 17.2 1,847.0 0.0 0.0 20.6 0.0 514.1 211.0 0.0
2014 Nov 398.4 15.7 1,820.5 0.0 0.0 20.6 0.0 501.2 209.5 0.0
2014 Dec 391.7 15.7 1,810.0 0.0 0.0 20.9 0.0 1,290.6 208.4 0.0
2015 Jan 395.5 15.7 1,903.6 0.0 0.0 20.8 0.0 486.2 208.4 0.0
2015 Feb 403.8 15.7 1,788.6 5.0 0.0 20.7 0.0 683.9 205.0 0.0
2015 Mar 459.2 17.6 1,928.4 5.0 0.0 20.1 0.0 708.7 204.9 0.0
2015 Apr 509.2 17.6 2,131.6 5.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 718.8 192.4 0.0
2015 May 512.4 20.4 2,078.5 5.0 0.0 13.5 0.0 703.9 192.3 0.0
2015 Jun 498.8 20.4 2,154.3 5.0 0.0 12.2 0.0 698.8 175.2 0.0
2015 Jul 447.4 20.7 2,249.1 0.0 0.0 32.5 0.0 468.7 170.0 0.0

2015 Aug 456.9 19.1 2,301.4 0.0 0.0 42.9 0.0 479.5 170.0 0.0
2015 Sept 455.3 19.1 2,090.9 0.0 0.0 46.1 0.0 473.2 170.0 0.0
2015 Oct 432.4 19.1 1,967.1 0.0 0.0 46.0 0.0 470.3 165.0 0.0
2015 Nov 427.3 18.8 2,003.5 0.0 0.0 47.0 0.0 460.9 165.0 0.0
2015 Dec 432.6 19.8 1,967.0 0.0 0.0 48.8 0.0 456.3 164.9 0.0
2016 Jan 427.5 18.8 2,000.7 0.0 0.0 51.2 0.0 451.4 164.9 0.0
2016 Feb 419.5 6.7 1,911.5 0.0 0.0 52.8 0.0 443.1 164.9 0.0
2016 Mar 456.7 7.7 2,310.5 0.0 0.0 57.8 0.0 441.9 164.9 0.0
2016 Apr 181.2 7.7 2,434.1 0.0 0.0 63.5 0.0 457.2 164.9 0.0
2016 May 185.5 17.3 2,251.1 0.0 0.0 68.3 0.0 448.9 164.9 0.0
2016 Jun 170.9 17.2 2,130.1 0.0 0.0 76.7 0.0 455.7 129.5 0.0
2016 Jul 126.4 16.6 1,923.4 0.0 0.0 88.3 0.0 405.1 120.7 0.0

2016 Aug 137.1 17.3 1,872.1 0.0 0.0 89.5 0.0 399.3 101.1 0.0
2016 Sept 137.1 17.3 1,872.1 0.0 0.0 89.5 0.0 399.3 101.1 0.0
2016 Oct 175.7 16.6 1,701.2 0.0 0.0 93.7 0.0 397.0 100.9 0.0
2016 Nov 198.2 16.6 1,681.9 0.0 0.0 92.8 0.0 398.5 100.9 0.0
2016 Dec 230.2 16.7 1,485.5 0.0 0.0 96.9 0.0 240.3 75.9 0.0
2017 Jan 266.1 16.7 1,480.5 0.0 0.0 98.1 0.0 239.0 58.0 0.0
2017 Feb 280.4 23.1 1,382.0 0.0 0.0 83.5 0.0 256.4 56.5 0.0
2017 Mar 283.3 22.5 1,320.4 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 677.3 56.5 0.0
2017 Apr 298.3 19.9 1,251.3 0.0 0.0 19.6 0.0 681.2 57.2 0.0
2017 May 297.3 11.8 1,295.8 0.0 0.0 27.6 0.0 722.4 60.0 0.0
2017 Jun 305.8 11.8 1,344.6 0.0 0.0 19.4 0.0 747.4 57.2 0.0
2017 Julp 305.6 11.8 1,160.1 0.0 0.0 18.4 0.0 746.7 56.5 0.0

2017 Augp 302.7 11.8 1,164.7 0.0 0.0 18.4 0.0 742.3 56.5 0.0
2017 Septp 322.7 11.8 1,135.1 0.0 0.0 18.4 0.0 749.4 56.5 0.0
2017 Octp 319.5 11.8 1,138.3 0.0 0.0 18.4 0.0 756.2 54.0 0.0
2017 Novp 330.8 11.8 1,108.4 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 705.7 54.0 0.0
2017 Decp 341.3 11.8 1,090.4 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 747.3 54.0 0.0
2018 Janp 378.8 11.8 1,050.9 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 788.9 54.0 0.0
2018 Febp 419.1 10.9 1,039.1 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.0 803.8 54.0 0.0
2018 Marp 448.3 10.9 1,048.0 0.0 6.0 7.8 0.0 829.9 36.1 0.0
2018 Aprp 487.8 9.9 972.0 0.0 6.0 7.8 0.0 862.7 57.0 0.0
2018 Mayp 489.8 9.9 949.8 0.0 6.0 7.7 0.0 868.3 66.4 0.0
2018 JunP 536.1 9.9 943.5 0.0 6.0 7.9 0.0 921.7 69.3 0.0
2018 Julp 603.9 0.0 956.3 0.0 5.5 8.0 0.0 944.4 69.3 0.0

2018 Augp 604.6 3.7 988.2 0.0 5.5 8.0 0.0 912.7 83.8 0.0
2018 Septp 604.9 3.7 993.9 0.0 5.5 8.0 0.0 924.0 109.1 0.0
2018 Octp 618.2 3.7 980.6 0.0 5.5 8.0 0.0 922.1 108.9 0.0

Outstanding Credit of Finance Companies: Classified by Type of Security (Contd. ...)

Loans Against Import Bills and Other Foreign Bills Domestic Bills Loan Against Overdrafts and
House and Land Miscellaneous Total
Mid-Month Export Bills L/c Purchased Purchased Domestic Bills Guarantee

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2011 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.0 66,372.0 17,522.2 87,032.4

2011 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 86.1 63,198.8 18,339.0 84,616.7
2012 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 85.8 61,151.4 18,989.0 83,167.6
2012 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.9 59,292.8 18,544.2 80,950.5
2012 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 65.6 49,666.2 15,001.4 67,372.3

2012 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.6 51,466.5 14,958.2 69,500.1
2013 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.3 0.0 85.6 52,652.5 17,021.3 73,859.0
2013 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.4 0.0 65.6 54,141.6 17,766.9 75,028.8
2013 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 0.0 66.4 46,510.8 16,403.8 65,777.4

2013 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 0.0 69.9 47,329.5 16,592.5 66,919.3
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 0.0 68.2 46,774.6 16,183.6 67,263.6
2014 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 69.9 48,258.9 16,199.8 67,634.6
2014 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 67.9 46,199.6 16,312.4 65,663.6

2014 Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 67.9 46,083.0 16,157.9 65,656.4
2014 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 46,182.7 16,478.9 65,792.7
2014 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 46,131.7 16,150.7 65,326.6
2014 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 45,800.6 16,764.6 65,599.3
2014 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 45,431.4 16,954.4 66,191.4
2015 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 46,764.5 16,991.8 66,854.7
2015 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.4 47,887.8 16,345.7 67,424.5
2015 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.2 48,429.2 16,627.3 68,465.6
2015 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.2 48,896.4 16,699.2 69,248.9
2015 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.2 49,163.7 15,880.3 68,635.2
2015 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.2 49,325.6 15,745.2 68,700.7
2015 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 277.3 0.0 65.2 44,866.2 16,864.7 65,461.9

2015 Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 350.6 0.0 64.9 44,606.8 17,208.8 65,701.0
2015 Sept 0.0 0.0 0.0 378.2 0.0 64.9 44,802.0 17,301.7 65,801.4
2015 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 397.5 0.0 64.9 45,165.4 17,434.1 66,161.6
2015 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 408.3 0.0 64.9 45,865.3 18,141.1 67,602.1
2015 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 432.7 0.0 62.9 45,170.5 17,977.8 66,733.4
2016 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 419.3 0.0 61.2 45,439.1 18,025.1 67,059.4
2016 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 424.5 0.0 61.2 44,775.3 17,453.4 65,712.9
2016 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 702.6 0.0 61.2 47,221.9 19,717.0 71,142.1
2016 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 517.4 0.0 59.2 45,174.3 19,991.3 69,050.8
2016 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 535.1 0.0 61.2 44,779.4 18,114.2 66,625.7
2016 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 565.5 0.0 61.2 44,007.7 17,841.8 65,456.3
2016 Jul 0.0 1.5 0.0 567.2 0.0 59.1 35,834.5 17,197.2 56,340.1

2016 Aug 0.0 1.5 0.0 553.5 0.0 59.1 36,453.7 16,866.5 56,550.8
2016 Sept 0.0 1.5 0.0 553.5 0.0 59.1 36,453.7 16,866.5 56,550.8
2016 Oct 0.0 1.5 0.0 509.0 0.0 57.1 31,804.8 16,587.3 51,444.9
2016 Nov 0.0 1.5 0.0 543.8 0.0 57.1 31,981.7 17,067.9 52,141.0
2016 Dec 0.0 1.4 0.0 502.9 0.0 41.9 32,333.0 17,129.1 52,153.7
2017 Jan 0.0 1.4 0.0 544.3 0.0 41.9 33,148.0 17,379.8 53,273.9
2017 Feb 0.0 1.4 0.0 502.7 0.0 41.9 33,288.4 18,661.4 54,577.9
2017 Mar 0.0 1.4 0.0 3.8 0.0 41.9 34,481.5 17,500.4 54,409.1
2017 Apr 0.0 1.4 0.0 3.8 0.0 41.9 34,504.2 17,947.7 54,826.5
2017 May 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 41.9 34,997.5 17,929.6 55,387.6
2017 Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 41.9 35,301.2 18,174.3 56,007.3
2017 Julp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.4 30,321.4 16,481.3 49,142.3

2017 Augp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.4 30,417.2 16,436.4 49,190.3
2017 Septp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.4 30,904.7 16,436.0 49,674.9
2017 Octp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.4 31,115.7 16,511.4 49,965.7
2017 Novp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2 31,259.3 16,199.6 49,714.6
2017 Decp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2 28,330.4 19,241.8 49,862.0
2018 Janp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2 29,207.4 19,755.2 51,291.9
2018 Febp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 32,390.5 17,018.1 51,783.0
2018 Marp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 33,156.2 17,274.6 52,857.6
2018 Aprp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 34,248.7 17,625.0 54,316.6
2018 Mayp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 34,843.5 17,681.5 54,962.7
2018 JunP 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 35,826.5 17,891.0 56,251.8
2018 Julp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 37.2 36,370.8 18,172.9 57,170.9

2018 Augp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 33.2 36,714.7 17,608.5 56,965.5
2018 Septp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 33.2 37,309.2 17,347.1 57,341.1
2018 Octp 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 33.2 38,524.8 18,124.8 59,332.4

28. Sources and Uses of Development Banks

In Million Rupees
Capital Fund Borrowing Loans and Advances Investment
Paid-Up General Other Commercial Govt. Govt. Share & Others
Capital Reserve Reserve Total Deposits NRB Bank Other Total Other Sources Source/ Uses Enterprises Pvt. Sector Total Securities other Inv. Total Liquid Fund Uses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
2002 Jul 2,358.1 294.2 33.4 2,685.7 24,677.4 302.6 4,156.3 1,473.2 5,932.1 4,546.3 37,841.5 0.0 27,554.8 27,554.8 1,624.0 1,167.6 2,791.6 3,629.5 3,865.6
2003 Jul 2,400.8 214.9 1,506.8 4,122.5 28,802.4 1,115.2 687.1 4,087.1 5,889.4 8,200.2 47,014.5 0.0 31,026.9 31,026.9 1,161.7 1,217.6 2,379.3 4,136.9 9,471.4

2004 Jul 2,505.4 221.0 1,432.4 4,158.8 29,427.2 1,175.9 696.9 4,087.0 5,959.8 8,356.0 47,901.8 0.0 31,905.2 31,905.2 1,114.7 1,196.9 2,311.6 4,053.7 9,631.3
2005 Jul 3,152.7 230.2 1,371.9 4,754.8 33,957.8 1,142.8 683.0 3,291.9 5,117.7 13,984.5 57,814.8 0.0 29,893.7 29,893.7 474.8 1,516.2 1,991.0 4,562.7 21,367.4
2006 Jul 1,558.7 113.4 1,123.3 2,795.4 8,790.8 827.9 216.3 589.5 1,633.7 816.4 14,036.3 0.0 8,659.2 8,659.2 109.0 575.6 684.6 2,385.1 2,307.4

2006 Oct 1,832.2 118.5 1,195.5 3,146.2 10,324.3 807.6 573.9 615.6 1,997.1 -177.5 15,290.1 0.0 10,049.5 10,049.5 119.6 949.0 1,068.6 2,702.3 1,469.7
2007 Jan 2,431.1 126.7 1,138.2 3,696.0 11,707.7 795.1 390.7 642.7 1,828.5 -14.7 17,217.5 0.0 11,496.2 11,496.2 120.1 1,291.6 1,411.7 2,737.4 1,572.2
2007 Apr 2,670.2 134.9 1,055.7 3,860.8 13,169.2 795.1 435.8 688.3 1,919.2 1,051.4 20,000.6 0.0 13,013.5 13,013.5 139.7 1,525.4 1,665.1 3,222.5 2,099.5
2007 Jul 2,892.1 137.5 1,148.4 4,178.0 15,619.5 796.5 596.7 879.2 2,272.4 3,222.8 25,292.7 0.0 16,094.7 16,094.7 137.4 1,433.4 1,570.8 3,782.4 3,844.8

2007 Oct 3,515.4 177.6 1,205.3 4,898.3 18,210.7 796.5 843.8 784.9 2,425.2 1,454.6 26,988.8 0.0 17,472.4 17,472.4 155.6 2,157.7 2,313.3 4,531.1 2,672.0
2008 Jan 3,756.3 -432.8 0.0 3,323.5 20,846.4 0.0 0.0 1,362.0 1,362.0 2,012.3 27,544.2 0.0 17,679.5 17,679.5 0.0 0.0 5,645.4 2,603.8 1,615.5
2008 Apr 4,920.9 -478.0 0.0 4,442.9 22,736.8 0.0 0.0 1,648.9 1,648.9 11,913.8 40,742.3 0.0 20,148.1 20,148.1 0.0 0.0 15,132.6 3,043.8 2,417.8
2008 Jul 5,393.0 192.6 938.6 6,524.2 25,751.4 0.0 0.0 2,618.8 2,618.8 5,120.3 40,014.7 0.0 23,699.8 23,699.8 0.0 0.0 3,384.8 9,928.8 3,001.4

2008 Oct 5,582.4 -420.1 0.0 5,162.3 30,858.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,661.4 5,575.3 43,257.6 0.0 0.0 24,410.3 0.0 0.0 4,103.3 12,371.4 2,372.5
2009 Jan 6,344.1 251.9 1,021.9 7,617.9 37,098.0 785.5 641.3 983.0 2,409.8 2,895.9 50,021.6 0.0 32,396.4 32,396.4 209.5 3,561.4 3,770.9 9,988.1 3,866.3
2009 Apr 5,872.1 192.9 -188.3 5,876.6 40,112.3 90.0 1,458.9 397.2 1,946.1 10,675.8 59,115.3 0.0 34,575.7 34,575.7 194.4 4,268.8 4,463.2 15,686.0 3,886.0
2009 Jul 9,474.9 247.7 1,121.6 10,844.2 48,936.4 785.5 1,969.6 1,201.7 3,956.7 5,397.6 69,134.9 0.0 43,077.8 43,077.8 294.3 4,750.0 5,044.4 15,942.9 5,069.8

2009 Oct 10,166.5 360.1 824.3 11,350.9 53,212.3 104.3 2,311.1 1,196.1 3,611.5 7,264.9 75,439.8 0.0 49,173.2 49,173.2 433.9 4,757.7 5,191.6 15,198.5 5,876.5
2010 Jan 10,636.8 376.4 873.2 11,886.5 56,091.0 148.5 2,996.7 970.2 4,115.4 7,606.7 79,699.6 0.0 52,004.5 52,004.5 802.1 5,161.6 5,963.7 15,695.5 6,035.8
2010 Apr 12,477.5 547.4 66.1 13,091.0 65,773.1 128.2 3,132.2 1,080.9 4,341.3 14,145.4 97,350.9 0.0 61,069.2 61,069.2 1,405.0 5,403.8 6,808.8 20,026.5 69,111.9
2010 Jul 14,740.0 828.7 -357.1 15,211.6 77,448.8 750.7 3,087.1 403.2 4,241.0 11,822.3 108,723.7 0.0 65,670.5 65,670.1 2,090.2 4,868.5 6,958.7 26,278.3 9,816.8

29. Sources and Uses of Finance Companies

In Million Rupees
Capital Fund Borrowing
Paid-Up General Other Commercial Other
Capital Reserve Reserve Total Deposits NRB Bank Other Total Sources* Source/ Uses
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1994 Jul 93.7 1.4 - 95.1 195.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 119.4 410.9
1995 Jul 232.2 4.9 0.6 237.7 647.7 0.0 4.4 0.0 4.4 205.7 1,095.5
1996 Jul 485.2 7.9 1.3 494.4 1,730.6 0.0 48.3 0.0 48.3 226.6 2,499.9
1997 Jul 635.6 21.8 15.7 673.1 3,700.4 0.0 239.9 5.2 245.1 498.8 5,117.4

1997 Oct 649.7 26.1 13.7 689.5 4,326.3 0.0 289.2 0.0 289.2 535.2 5,840.2
1998 Jan 682.7 33.0 14.5 730.2 5,282.8 0.0 233.9 0.0 233.9 643.6 6,890.5
1998 Apr 709.1 35.2 16.9 761.2 5,753.4 0.0 279.9 0.0 279.9 718.4 7,512.9
1998 Jul 732.8 50.5 17.6 800.9 6,387.0 0.0 122.1 0.0 122.1 915.9 8,225.9

1998 Oct 755.4 70.6 103.9 929.9 6,854.7 0.0 180.6 0.0 180.6 855.1 8,820.3
1999 Jan 767.6 76.1 171.2 1,014.9 7,194.7 0.0 447.6 0.0 447.6 940.7 9,597.9
1999 Apr 784.0 76.5 241.8 1,102.3 7,590.8 0.0 358.0 0.0 358.0 1,324.6 10,375.7
1999 Jul 837.7 96.8 26.3 960.8 8,036.6 0.0 82.8 0.0 82.8 1,552.8 10,633.0

1999 Oct 848.7 117.7 179.4 1,145.8 8,529.7 0.0 129.9 0.0 129.9 1,514.2 11,319.6
2000 Jan 868.5 160.4 163.9 1,192.8 8,869.9 0.0 133.6 0.0 133.6 2,049.3 12,245.6
2000 Apr 897.6 165.3 240.5 1,303.4 9,366.8 0.0 163.8 0.0 163.8 1,443.3 12,277.3
2000 Jul 945.1 186.0 315.7 1,446.8 9,748.6 0.0 175.9 0.0 175.9 1,678.4 13,049.7

2000 Oct 964.0 210.3 277.8 1,452.1 10,104.5 0.0 313.2 0.0 313.2 2,282.7 14,152.5
2001 Jan 1,073.3 233.9 291.8 1,599.0 10,531.2 0.0 251.7 0.0 251.7 1,968.7 14,350.6
2001 Apr 1,116.3 223.1 403.0 1,742.4 11,545.7 0.0 302.6 0.0 302.6 2,453.9 16,044.6
2001 Jul 1,220.6 242.6 404.8 1,868.0 11,654.0 0.0 215.0 0.0 215.0 2,060.2 15,797.2

2001 Oct 1,276.5 268.5 394.2 1,939.2 12,348.9 0.0 239.0 5.0 244.0 1,962.3 16,494.4
2002 Jan 1,294.6 287.8 303.1 1,885.5 12,744.4 0.0 231.2 8.6 239.8 2,162.6 17,032.3
2002 Apr 1,386.3 294.4 383.3 2,064.0 12,907.7 0.0 227.0 0.0 227.0 2,171.7 17,370.4
2002 Jul 1,522.6 303.2 449.1 2,274.9 13,453.9 0.0 244.8 0.0 244.8 2,479.1 18,452.7

2002 Oct 1,622.2 330.4 334.2 2,286.8 14,358.8 0.0 267.6 0.0 267.6 2,774.1 19,687.3
2003 Jan 1,690.1 326.2 378.1 2,394.4 14,704.1 0.0 271.5 0.0 271.5 2,506.2 19,876.2
2003 Apr 1,796.6 341.4 380.9 2,518.9 15,415.3 0.0 274.3 0.0 274.3 2,565.4 20,773.9
2003 Jul 1,947.4 339.1 521.4 2,807.9 16,510.3 13.9 120.4 0.0 134.3 2,663.9 22,116.4

2003 Oct 2,028.8 366.0 1,001.1 3,395.9 16,940.6 0.0 595.3 0.0 595.3 2,236.7 23,168.5
2004 Jan 2,104.7 410.6 1,084.5 3,599.8 17,945.4 11.4 785.1 0.0 796.5 2,438.5 24,780.2
2004 Apr 2,081.3 399.9 1,052.9 3,534.1 18,989.6 0.0 712.6 0.0 712.6 2,502.9 25,739.2
2004 Jul 2,155.8 405.5 99.9 2,661.2 19,391.7 0.0 1,306.5 0.0 1,306.5 3,839.3 27,198.7

2004 Oct 2,234.1 433.8 40.5 2,708.4 20,256.0 0.0 1,448.1 0.0 1,448.1 3,980.0 28,392.5
2005 Jan 2,284.4 463.5 1,846.3 4,594.2 21,153.9 0.0 1,327.7 0.0 1,327.7 2,171.4 29,247.2
2005 Apr 2,330.6 474.0 1,340.9 4,145.5 21,555.2 0.0 1,339.3 0.0 1,339.3 2,774.0 29,814.0
2005 Jul 2,411.6 481.1 1,357.3 4,250.0 22,338.1 0.0 990.8 0.0 990.8 2,939.5 30,518.4

2005 Oct 2,586.7 534.1 590.8 3,711.6 23,345.7 0.0 1,148.6 0.0 1,148.6 8,521.6 36,727.5
2006 Jan 2,814.7 580.8 328.1 3,723.6 24,340.5 0.0 779.0 532.8 1,311.8 4,496.7 33,872.6
2006 Apr 2,967.7 576.1 329.8 3,873.6 25,496.5 0.0 807.1 526.5 1,333.6 4,965.9 35,669.6
2006 Jul 3,349.1 583.2 378.2 4,310.5 27,316.2 0.0 995.0 159.8 1,154.8 6,059.7 38,841.2

2006 Oct 3,388.4 632.0 680.1 4,700.5 29,947.8 0.0 3,680.1 1,086.2 4,766.3 9,005.4 48,420.0
2007 Jan 3,644.9 670.6 332.2 4,647.7 31,596.4 0.0 1,172.0 1,187.8 2,359.8 6,393.1 44,997.0
2007 Apr 4,080.8 674.4 210.4 4,965.6 33,593.1 0.0 3,500.6 3,167.0 6,667.6 9,788.7 55,014.9
2007 Jul 4,333.3 703.4 257.3 5,294.0 34,401.9 0.0 3,091.8 756.2 3,848.0 9,491.8 53,035.7

2007 Oct 4,359.2 748.6 272.8 5,380.6 38,883.0 0.0 0.0 5,013.9 5,013.9 7,919.9 57,197.4
2008 Jan 4,644.8 1,882.7 0.0 6,527.5 40,730.6 0.0 0.0 8,395.2 8,395.2 11,790.4 67,443.6
2008 Apr 6,077.4 1,949.6 0.0 8,027.0 43,099.2 0.0 0.0 10,907.3 10,907.3 4,726.1 66,759.7
2008 Jul 6,161.2 2,256.2 0.0 8,417.4 42,819.4 0.0 0.0 3,940.6 3,940.6 9,857.4 65,034.8

2008 Oct 6,938.0 2,496.9 0.0 9,434.9 49,402.4 0.0 0.0 3,789.6 3,789.6 12,244.9 74,871.8
2009 Jan 9,315.0 982.5 202.0 10,499.5 54,718.1 0.0 2,808.3 571.7 3,380.0 9,045.3 77,642.9
2009 Apr 10,170.4 2,674.5 689.1 13,534.0 55,702.4 0.0 0.0 5,423.0 5,423.0 5,350.7 80,010.1
2009 Jul 9,321.1 1,009.5 210.3 10,541.0 57,073.4 0.0 4,008.1 1,185.6 5,193.7 14,622.0 87,430.1

2009 Oct 11,794.4 1,137.7 1,662.9 14,594.9 63,543.2 0.0 3,484.1 1,187.4 4,671.5 10,012.2 92,822.0
2010 Jan 12,484.2 1,250.9 1,449.4 15,184.5 66,987.8 2.4 3,929.1 1,314.9 5,246.4 11,969.2 99,387.9
2010 Apr 16,035.5 1,322.2 465.5 18,058.8 71,077.9 0.0 2,012.8 1,756.5 3,769.3 10,927.2 103,833.2
2010 Jul 18,192.5 1,694.8 482.0 20,369.3 79,535.9 67.3 2,611.4 594.4 3,273.1 12,283.9 115,462.3
* Includes loan loss provision.

Sources and Uses of Finance Companies (Contd. ...)

Loans and Advances Investment

Hire Govt.
Purchase Housing Term Loan Leasing Others Total Securities Others Total Liquid Fund Other Uses
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1994 Jul 134.2 30.4 52.8 - - 217.4 2.9 76.5 79.4 83.8 30.3
1995 Jul 301.9 176.9 131.0 26.3 34.5 670.6 35.2 198.7 233.9 95.8 95.2
1996 Jul 532.4 504.8 729.5 54.5 31.8 1,853.0 97.6 186.9 284.5 124.4 238.0
1997 Jul 680.3 1,001.7 1,673.6 185.0 126.5 3,667.1 413.2 341.5 754.7 342.3 353.4

1997 Oct 792.9 1,228.5 1,657.7 231.7 240.9 4,151.7 732.6 265.6 998.2 275.4 414.9
1998 Jan 854.0 1,309.9 1,844.6 255.2 260.7 4,524.4 1,202.8 324.6 1,527.4 345.1 493.6
1998 Apr 925.7 1,450.3 2,050.2 299.7 359.8 5,085.7 1,293.1 331.7 1,624.8 301.0 501.4
1998 Jul 964.3 1,586.0 2,207.1 310.3 410.0 5,477.7 1,440.9 317.6 1,758.5 452.5 537.2

1998 Oct 1,068.4 1,715.1 2,409.3 290.2 435.3 5,918.3 1,438.7 307.1 1,745.8 469.3 686.9
1999 Jan 1,112.7 1,800.6 2,693.7 285.3 389.1 6,281.4 1,506.0 288.2 1,794.2 728.9 793.4
1999 Apr 1,263.4 1,895.5 2,886.7 290.2 365.1 6,700.9 1,252.5 444.7 1,697.2 1,037.5 940.1
1999 Jul 1,304.2 2,004.2 3,104.6 260.1 545.7 7,218.8 932.1 330.0 1,262.1 1,133.6 1,018.5

1999 Oct 1,489.2 2,115.7 3,463.6 250.2 526.8 7,845.5 882.9 406.0 1,288.9 915.1 1,270.1
2000 Jan 1,633.7 2,141.1 3,593.7 256.5 589.3 8,214.3 863.1 400.6 1,263.7 1,595.4 1,172.2
2000 Apr 1,674.0 2,277.8 3,826.7 262.8 572.4 8,613.7 861.8 209.8 1,071.6 1,380.6 1,211.4
2000 Jul 1,640.0 2,340.4 4,239.4 235.3 607.7 9,062.8 842.8 286.4 1,129.2 1,728.6 1,129.1

2000 Oct 1,806.7 2,457.7 4,637.9 256.6 623.2 9,782.1 876.9 295.2 1,172.1 1,877.9 1,320.4
2001 Jan 1,997.7 2,755.2 4,519.2 236.8 744.6 10,253.5 846.4 332.7 1,179.1 1,421.2 1,496.8
2001 Apr 2,166.5 2,902.6 4,746.8 243.2 800.9 10,860.0 869.6 378.0 1,247.6 2,248.9 1,688.1
2001 Jul 2,151.6 2,965.4 4,704.3 277.8 766.2 10,865.3 837.2 430.8 1,268.0 2,048.5 1,615.4

2001 Oct 2,448.3 3,098.6 4,955.6 303.4 786.3 11,592.2 843.9 469.6 1,313.5 1,831.7 1,757.0
2002 Jan 2,561.7 3,215.8 5,036.8 371.3 792.9 11,978.5 843.0 532.0 1,375.0 1,829.6 1,849.2
2002 Apr 2,564.1 3,147.5 5,268.4 397.2 685.3 12,062.5 898.3 567.2 1,465.5 1,771.1 2,071.3
2002 Jul 2,435.9 3,144.4 5,292.6 363.6 713.1 11,949.6 1,120.0 503.4 1,623.4 2,862.4 2,017.3

2002 Oct 2,376.2 3,232.4 6,068.4 141.8 681.4 12,500.2 1,393.3 762.5 2,155.8 2,394.0 2,637.3
2003 Jan 2,549.9 3,498.3 5,998.9 195.5 729.6 12,972.2 1,369.6 736.3 2,105.9 2,322.5 2,475.6
2003 Apr 2,597.5 3,880.2 6,260.8 208.6 685.4 13,632.5 938.2 1,368.1 2,306.3 2,171.3 2,663.8
2003 Jul 2,477.4 4,211.1 6,806.5 148.8 829.9 14,473.7 913.0 1,479.4 2,392.4 2,674.0 2,576.3

2003 Oct 2,665.4 4,532.3 7,147.0 343.9 801.1 15,489.7 1,079.2 1,397.4 2,476.6 2,571.2 2,631.0
2004 Jan 2,855.2 4,758.6 7,669.8 143.6 939.2 16,366.4 1,091.4 1,484.1 2,575.5 2,778.9 3,059.4
2004 Apr 2,989.5 5,079.6 7,922.4 112.6 982.4 17,086.5 1,012.7 1,416.6 2,429.3 3,120.0 3,103.4
2004 Jul 3,003.2 5,331.6 8,360.2 287.9 557.9 17,540.8 1,270.0 1,240.5 2,510.5 4,469.8 2,677.6

2004 Oct 3,514.4 5,801.0 8,947.9 42.7 986.9 19,292.9 1,306.5 396.1 1,702.6 4,348.8 3,048.2
2005 Jan 3,587.5 6,165.4 9,038.0 196.6 975.2 19,962.7 729.7 1,817.5 2,547.2 3,721.3 3,016.0
2005 Apr 3,580.2 6,442.8 9,158.6 233.4 1,040.7 20,455.7 767.0 1,979.9 2,746.9 3,434.9 3,176.5
2005 Jul 3,591.0 6,807.5 9,448.9 247.2 1,128.7 21,223.3 567.5 1,843.7 2,411.2 3,904.9 2,979.0

2005 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24,263.8 24,263.8 1,129.0 1,635.6 2,764.6 5,656.4 4,042.7
2006 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23,848.2 23,848.2 1,143.8 1,554.1 2,697.9 3,910.2 3,416.3
2006 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24,961.9 24,961.9 1,091.8 1,781.0 2,872.7 3,830.3 4,004.7
2006 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27,056.6 27,056.6 963.2 1,781.7 2,744.9 5,394.2 3,645.5

2006 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,299.0 31,299.0 965.0 3,436.3 4,401.3 8,687.7 4,032.0
2007 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,154.2 31,154.2 1,066.7 2,472.8 3,539.5 5,526.9 4,776.4
2007 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34,861.9 34,861.9 1,094.4 4,168.1 5,262.5 9,824.5 5,066.0
2007 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35,304.2 35,304.2 1,136.2 3,403.3 4,539.5 7,844.5 5,347.5

2007 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39,288.9 39,288.9 0.0 3,796.9 3,796.9 9,059.2 5,052.4
2008 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43,095.0 43,095.0 0.0 15,032.9 15,032.9 5,094.2 4,221.4
2008 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49,092.6 49,092.6 0.0 6,895.2 6,895.2 6,148.6 4,623.2
2008 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43,370.6 43,370.6 0.0 4,490.3 4,490.3 12,985.6 4,188.4

2008 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48,177.5 48,177.5 0.0 0.0 4,295.4 15,962.2 6,436.7
2009 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53,451.6 53,451.6 698.2 3,730.5 4,428.7 12,158.1 7,604.5
2009 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60,417.2 60,417.2 902.6 3,261.7 4,164.2 10,258.2 5,170.5
2009 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60,078.1 60,078.1 768.1 45.5 813.6 16406.6 10131.8

2009 Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66,586.4 66,586.4 683.3 3,155.9 3,839.2 14122.9 8273.5
2010 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70,809.8 70,809.8 834.4 4,867.6 5,702.0 14185.0 8691.1
2010 Apr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75,736.6 75,736.6 1,279.3 3,292.8 4,572.1 13891.2 9633.3
2010 Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 79,737.4 79,737.4 1,240.4 3,183.3 4,423.7 21664.5 9636.7
* Includes loan loss provision.

30. Sources and Uses of Microfinance Financial Institutions

In Million Rupees

Capital Fund Borrowings

Mid-Month Other Liabilities Reconcillation
Others Reserves
Paid-up Capital General Reserves Retained Earning Fund Total NRB Others Total Deposits & provision A/c Profit & Loss A/c Sources/Uses

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2012 Jul 1,717.17 288.32 107.57 703.61 2,816.67 164.80 16,352.88 16,517.68 5,182.65 2,495.87 2,235.59 626.63 29,875.09

2012 Oct 1,830.41 379.28 224.98 801.58 3,236.25 162.90 16,373.24 16,536.14 5,569.51 2,890.48 1,747.84 197.91 30,178.14
2013 Jan 1,856.76 373.02 186.31 902.18 3,318.27 150.78 17,370.63 17,521.40 5,963.39 2,855.26 1,675.09 392.97 31,726.38
2013 Apr 2,126.42 383.68 299.14 934.73 3,743.98 148.36 18,035.05 18,183.40 6,409.48 3,044.95 1,571.14 481.52 33,434.46
2013 Jul 2,234.03 383.54 208.16 975.61 3,801.33 136.82 20,077.42 20,214.23 7,225.43 2,995.00 665.60 849.03 35,750.69

2013 Oct 2,601.49 491.12 505.11 1,220.79 4,818.51 136.82 21,721.61 21,858.42 8,414.07 3,419.52 840.76 302.97 39,655.35
2014 Jan 2,768.88 522.97 216.46 1,241.26 4,749.57 127.28 23,353.41 23,480.69 9,140.45 3,472.71 831.74 662.13 42,339.04
2014 Apr 2,866.24 522.64 221.84 1,199.05 4,809.77 612.42 24,411.55 25,023.97 9,889.04 3,597.88 987.52 1,076.11 45,384.30
2014 Jul* 2,866.24 522.64 221.84 1,199.05 4,809.77 612.42 24,411.55 25,023.97 9,889.04 3,597.88 987.52 1,076.11 45,384.30

2014 Oct 3,181.61 621.88 398.45 1,394.80 5,596.74 372.07 29,402.11 29,774.19 12,010.39 4,587.20 1,814.08 466.95 54,249.55
2015 Jan 3,425.44 701.08 (3.74) 1,404.15 5,526.93 424.72 31,342.70 31,767.42 13,119.57 4,921.95 1,919.75 1,133.29 58,388.91
2015 Apr 3,735.98 749.27 2.95 1,364.66 5,852.86 105.88 36,088.00 36,193.88 14,130.41 5,215.47 2,042.57 1,768.48 65,203.65
2015 Jul 3,987.26 750.34 (34.19) 1,500.14 6,203.54 308.87 38,188.18 38,497.05 16,057.98 5,256.20 2,214.08 2,604.05 70,832.90
- - -
2015 Oct 4,216.57 919.22 1,009.70 1,680.76 7,826.26 110.87 43,078.82 43,189.69 17,410.03 6,205.57 5,340.56 730.71 80,702.82
2016 Jan 5,015.83 1,172.85 337.52 1,757.04 8,283.24 928.31 44,845.90 45,774.20 19,702.48 6,746.35 4,146.32 1,653.62 86,306.21
2016 Apr 5,285.85 1,165.75 333.68 1,686.92 8,472.20 849.51 48,208.60 49,058.11 21,483.02 7,189.82 4,623.71 2,531.40 93,358.27
2016 Jul 5,425.45 1,214.82 363.62 1,669.76 8,673.66 91.14 52,340.27 52,431.41 24,095.30 7,208.49 5,008.08 3,306.25 100,723.20
- - -
2016 Oct 5,647.81 1,402.23 2,520.88 1,865.78 11,436.70 103.14 55,555.09 55,658.23 26,154.36 8,468.21 5,375.29 937.50 108,030.29
2017 Jan 6,408.16 1,687.07 1,486.63 1,851.66 11,433.52 474.42 58,535.07 59,009.50 28,047.05 8,672.07 5,389.44 2,081.01 114,632.59
2017 Apr 7,171.63 1,750.77 1,062.88 1,760.26 11,745.53 495.28 63,202.85 63,698.12 31,131.39 10,133.96 5,561.67 2,994.72 125,265.40
2017 Jul 8,051.40 1,757.57 1,179.57 1,775.06 12,763.60 548.90 66,404.11 66,953.01 34,401.18 10,323.48 5,753.60 3,718.86 133,913.75

2017 Oct 8,163.67 2,053.43 3,605.34 2,206.92 16,029.37 2,417.94 70,135.17 72,553.11 37,395.94 11,092.32 6,431.43 914.34 144,416.51
2018 Jan 9,879.62 2,433.07 1,490.91 2,258.38 16,061.98 1,986.46 73,644.16 75,630.62 40,973.63 11,913.09 6,137.36 1,781.00 152,497.69
2018 Apr 10,247.54 2,444.09 1,312.47 2,734.53 16,738.63 1,915.15 77,425.42 79,340.58 44,920.25 13,125.26 6,513.34 2,789.64 163,427.70
2018 Jul 11,182.47 2,450.93 1,378.95 2,431.26 17,443.61 2,069.52 85,614.17 87,683.69 49,548.79 13,426.47 3,480.41 4,027.08 175,610.06

2018 Oct 11,824.72 2,840.23 4,646.93 2,955.31 22,267.19 7,093.25 89,838.41 96,931.66 53,517.49 14,883.64 2,010.52 1,128.39 190,738.89
* Data of 2014 July is carried from 2014 April as the data is not available

Sources and Uses of Microfinance Institutions (Contd. ...)

In Million Rupees

Investment Loans & Advances

Mid-Month Expenses not Non Banking Reconcillation Profit & Loss
Investment in Share & Other
Cash Balance Bank Balance Money at Call Securities Investment Institutional Individual Total Fixed Assets Other Assets Written off Assets Account A/c

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
2012 Jul 42.10 3,245.36 2,324.12 128.67 2,130.92 4,987.89 12,760.87 17,748.76 341.73 1,587.72 0.70 - 2,263.30 61.72

2012 Oct 43.49 3,685.31 1,254.03 128.67 2,544.50 5,121.30 13,740.76 18,862.06 358.50 1,552.20 10.61 - 1,593.17 145.61
2013 Jan 37.72 3,159.62 2,539.61 128.67 2,816.51 5,297.38 14,105.35 19,402.73 380.55 1,541.56 10.61 - 1,610.91 97.89
2013 Apr 31.66 3,066.40 2,480.05 128.67 2,929.83 5,860.85 15,153.97 21,014.82 420.83 1,786.89 12.48 - 1,510.87 51.96
2013 Jul 44.14 3,567.10 2,718.48 116.17 2,963.62 6,731.31 16,660.92 23,392.23 444.65 1,689.53 9.71 - 673.39 131.67

2013 Oct 26.44 3,132.92 2,938.52 116.17 3,307.26 7,048.52 19,654.25 26,702.77 542.62 1,932.43 10.73 0.72 838.59 106.18
2014 Jan 52.06 3,948.39 3,442.76 116.17 3,154.54 7,269.10 20,942.80 28,211.90 574.10 1,929.55 11.08 0.72 797.54 100.23
2014 Apr 45.03 3,116.91 3,091.53 116.17 3,054.49 8,527.96 23,420.35 31,948.32 605.75 2,367.80 9.96 0.72 901.27 126.35
2014 Jul* 45.03 3,116.91 3,091.53 116.17 3,054.49 8,527.96 23,420.35 31,948.32 605.75 2,367.80 9.96 0.72 901.27 126.35

2014 Oct 54.87 3,711.45 3,234.96 116.17 2,843.74 10,895.60 28,763.24 39,658.85 655.10 2,392.91 2.68 - 1,564.00 14.80
2015 Jan 71.37 4,162.48 2,513.31 116.17 2,316.73 12,367.21 31,807.63 44,174.84 683.04 2,559.38 2.49 - 1,778.02 11.07
2015 Apr 75.09 4,345.62 2,294.97 116.17 2,360.59 14,077.42 36,217.57 50,294.99 741.75 2,932.78 2.93 0.48 2,013.15 25.14
2015 Jul 71.72 3,766.62 2,986.40 116.17 2,361.89 15,202.37 40,124.89 55,327.27 799.56 3,147.68 7.22 - 2,202.18 46.18
2015 Oct 181.73 5,300.95 4,341.19 116.17 2,621.59 15,528.72 43,881.25 59,409.97 816.74 2,799.50 4.53 - 5,103.45 7.04
2016 Jan 102.65 5,728.32 5,211.54 116.17 2,942.61 16,342.04 47,272.48 63,614.52 854.37 3,550.71 5.13 - 4,173.93 6.28
2016 Apr 96.01 6,141.69 4,442.66 116.17 2,785.82 18,054.03 52,471.89 70,525.92 887.70 3,784.92 5.14 - 4,566.05 6.18
2016 Jul 75.50 6,214.13 4,783.60 38.73 2,804.82 19,625.99 57,606.90 77,232.89 960.19 3,581.50 4.47 - 5,017.27 10.85
2016 Oct 137.21 6,498.06 4,310.69 38.73 2,800.40 20,664.82 63,816.35 84,481.17 1,029.91 3,384.93 5.36 - 5,339.34 4.50
2017 Jan 119.43 6,959.51 4,730.91 40.73 2,162.58 22,448.52 67,720.08 90,168.60 1,092.35 3,945.00 8.21 - 5,389.07 16.23
2017 Apr 100.06 5,532.76 3,754.46 42.73 2,678.59 23,468.16 78,215.25 101,683.41 1,189.80 4,666.23 8.30 - 5,560.82 48.28
2017 Jul 112.64 6,395.00 6,233.33 42.73 2,710.42 24,131.13 82,384.05 106,515.18 1,225.40 4,693.30 11.17 - 5,904.94 69.64

2017 Oct 164.01 7,514.09 8,605.20 42.73 2,621.16 25,420.59 87,662.61 113,083.20 1,310.43 4,879.54 9.12 - 6,128.74 58.28
2017 Jan 167.95 6,679.76 7,684.64 390.73 3,324.14 26,997.68 94,724.36 121,722.05 1,393.51 4,735.27 4.96 - 6,343.79 50.90
2017 Apr 151.64 5,761.69 4,463.70 40.73 3,063.32 28,571.25 107,621.91 136,193.16 1,465.00 5,493.15 6.31 - 6,714.04 74.95
2018 Jul 147.42 9,230.09 7,005.64 42.73 2,452.75 29,435.00 116,516.48 145,951.48 1,470.77 5,617.87 7.50 - 3,622.40 61.43

2018 Oct 88.37 8,929.67 8,436.31 42.73 5,676.96 30,796.68 127,192.79 157,989.47 1,569.13 6,024.07 8.49 - 1,931.18 42.50

31. Loans Guaranteed by Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund*:
Classified by Purpose

In Million Rupees
Agriculture Industry Services Total
Microfinanc Microfinanc Microfinanc Microfinanc
Commercia Developme Commerci Developme Commerci Developme Commerci Developme Grand
Mid-Month e Financial Total e Financial Total e Financial Total e Financial
l Banks nt Banks al Banks nt Banks al Banks nt Banks al Banks nt Banks Total
Institutions Institutions Institutions Institutions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13+14+15
1975 Jul 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 13.7 0.0 0.0 13.7 15.6 0.0 0.0 15.6
1976 Jul 2.9 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 18.2 0.0 0.0 18.2 23.9 0.0 0.0 23.9
1977 Jul 16.3 0.0 0.0 16.3 9.8 0.0 0.0 9.8 6.1 0.0 0.0 6.1 32.3 0.0 0.0 32.3
1978 Jul 6.4 0.0 0.0 6.4 9.9 0.0 0.0 9.9 19.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 35.3 0.0 0.0 35.3
1979 Jul 5.5 0.0 0.0 5.5 13.1 0.0 0.0 13.1 19.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 37.6 0.0 0.0 37.6
1980 Jul 21.7 0.0 0.0 21.7 31.9 0.0 0.0 31.9 4.6 0.0 0.0 4.6 58.3 0.0 0.0 58.3
1981 Jul 23.6 0.0 0.0 23.6 40.4 0.0 0.0 40.4 26.0 0.0 0.0 26.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 90.0
1982 Jul 21.1 0.0 0.0 21.1 47.8 0.0 0.0 47.8 19.2 0.0 0.0 19.2 88.1 0.0 0.0 88.1
1983 Jul 20.8 0.0 0.0 20.8 53.4 0.0 0.0 53.4 20.9 0.0 0.0 20.9 95.1 0.0 0.0 95.1
1984 Jul 24.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 70.0 21.9 0.0 0.0 21.9 115.9 0.0 0.0 115.9
1985 Jul 34.4 0.0 0.0 34.4 110.9 0.0 0.0 110.9 28.4 0.0 0.0 28.4 173.7 0.0 0.0 173.7
1986 Jul 62.7 0.0 0.0 62.7 171.0 0.0 0.0 171.0 45.9 0.0 0.0 45.9 279.5 0.0 0.0 279.5
1987 Jul 86.9 0.0 0.0 86.9 296.6 0.0 0.0 296.6 54.6 0.0 0.0 54.6 438.1 0.0 0.0 438.1
1988 Jul 149.7 0.0 0.0 149.7 332.5 0.0 0.0 332.5 58.3 0.0 0.0 58.3 540.4 0.0 0.0 540.4
1989 Jul 184.0 0.0 0.0 184.0 385.9 0.0 0.0 385.9 73.5 0.0 0.0 73.5 643.4 0.0 0.0 643.4
1990 Jul 290.1 0.0 0.0 290.1 475.6 0.0 0.0 475.6 105.4 0.0 0.0 105.4 871.2 0.0 0.0 871.2
1991 Jul 350.9 0.0 0.0 350.9 463.5 0.0 0.0 463.5 132.4 0.0 0.0 132.4 946.8 0.0 0.0 946.8
1992 Jul 380.6 0.0 0.0 380.6 565.5 0.0 0.0 565.5 162.9 0.0 0.0 162.9 1,109.1 0.0 0.0 1109.1
1993 Jul 397.1 0.0 0.0 397.1 698.1 0.0 0.0 698.1 222.9 0.0 0.0 222.9 1,318.2 0.0 0.0 1318.2
1994 Jul 380.1 0.0 0.0 380.1 862.4 0.0 0.0 862.4 257.8 0.0 0.0 257.8 1,500.3 0.0 0.0 1500.3
1995 Jul 423.3 0.0 0.0 423.3 1,115.5 0.0 0.0 1,115.5 280.2 0.0 0.0 280.2 1,819.0 0.0 0.0 1819.0
1996 Jul 491.9 0.0 0.0 491.9 1,098.5 0.0 0.0 1,098.5 410.9 0.0 0.0 410.9 2,001.2 0.0 0.0 2001.2
1997 Jul 615.3 0.0 0.0 615.3 1,308.8 0.0 0.0 1,308.8 583.4 0.0 0.0 583.4 2,507.4 0.0 0.0 2507.4
1998 Jul 501.8 0.0 0.0 501.8 1,244.5 0.0 0.0 1,244.5 839.9 0.0 0.0 839.9 2,586.2 0.0 0.0 2586.2
1999 Jul 1,219.7 0.0 0.0 1,219.7 1,133.7 0.0 0.0 1,133.7 933.8 0.0 0.0 933.8 3,287.2 0.0 0.0 3287.2
2000 Jul 1,391.7 0.0 0.0 1,391.7 1,056.1 0.0 0.0 1,056.1 1,189.3 0.0 0.0 1,189.3 3,637.1 0.0 0.0 3637.1
2001 Jul 1,605.1 0.0 0.0 1,605.1 1,104.1 0.0 0.0 1,104.1 1,278.7 0.0 0.0 1,278.7 3,987.9 0.0 0.0 3987.9
2002 Jul 1,143.5 0.0 0.0 1,143.5 984.8 0.0 0.0 984.8 1,340.8 0.0 0.0 1,340.8 3,469.0 0.0 0.0 3469.0
2003 Jul 892.4 0.0 0.0 892.4 958.8 0.0 0.0 958.8 1,314.6 0.0 0.0 1,314.6 3,165.8 0.0 0.0 3165.8
2004 Jul 408.6 0.0 0.0 408.6 632.2 0.0 0.0 632.2 954.9 0.0 0.0 954.9 1,995.7 0.0 0.0 1995.7
2005 Jul 378.2 0.0 0.0 378.2 544.5 0.0 0.0 544.5 823.7 0.0 0.0 823.7 1,746.5 0.0 0.0 1746.5
2006 Jul 150.2 0.0 0.0 150.2 539.2 0.0 0.0 539.2 211.2 0.0 0.0 211.2 900.6 0.0 0.0 900.6
2007 Jul 128.2 0.0 0.0 128.2 268.7 0.0 0.0 268.7 317.8 0.0 0.0 317.8 714.7 0.0 0.0 714.7
2008 Jul 70.8 0.0 0.0 70.8 173.7 0.0 0.0 173.7 177.4 0.0 0.0 177.4 421.9 0.0 0.0 421.9
2009 Jul 2.3 0.0 0.0 2.3 33.5 0.0 0.0 33.5 253.6 0.0 0.0 253.6 289.4 0.0 0.0 289.4
2010 July 9.9 0.0 0.0 9.9 98.1 0.0 0.0 98.1 119.9 0.0 0.0 119.9 227.9 0.0 0.0 227.9

2010 Oct. 11.2 0.0 29.8 41.0 71.8 0.0 0.0 71.8 122.0 3.0 110.0 234.9 204.9 3.0 139.8 347.7
2011 Jan 12.5 7.6 132.7 152.8 80.6 0.0 0.0 80.6 98.8 0.0 161.7 260.5 191.8 7.6 294.4 493.9
2011 Apr 7.7 0.0 36.5 44.2 68.7 0.0 0.0 68.7 105.4 10.6 259.4 375.5 181.8 10.6 295.9 488.3
2011 July 7.7 0.0 36.5 44.2 68.7 0.0 0.0 68.7 105.4 10.6 259.4 375.5 181.8 10.6 295.9 488.3

2011 Oct 2.6 1.1 90.1 93.8 54.4 0.0 15.3 69.6 72.6 8.4 133.5 214.5 129.6 9.5 238.9 377.9
2012 Jan 6.4 1.1 90.1 97.6 54.4 0.0 15.3 69.6 76.1 8.4 133.5 218.0 136.9 9.5 238.9 385.3
2012 Apr 7.9 6.7 132.8 147.4 85.8 0.0 28.9 114.7 101.1 19.1 164.3 284.4 194.8 25.8 326.0 546.5
2012 July 7.9 6.7 132.8 147.4 80.2 0.0 28.9 109.1 101.1 19.1 164.3 284.4 189.1 25.8 326.0 540.9

2012 Oct 7.1 22.4 135.9 165.4 78.4 0.0 7.3 85.7 71.8 9.4 262.2 343.5 157.3 31.8 405.4 594.5
2013 Jan 7.1 22.4 135.9 165.4 79.5 0.0 7.3 86.8 72.5 9.4 262.2 344.1 159.0 31.8 405.4 596.3
2013 Apr 2.5 22.8 139.6 164.9 6.9 0.0 7.5 14.4 55.8 14.9 325.3 396.0 65.2 37.6 472.5 575.3
2013 Jul 2.5 22.8 139.6 164.9 6.9 0.0 7.5 14.4 55.8 14.9 325.3 396.0 65.2 37.6 472.5 575.3

2013 Oct 0.8 8.7 191.6 201.1 0.0 0.0 65.8 65.8 103.1 34.4 340.2 477.7 103.9 43.1 597.7 744.7
2014 Jan 0.8 8.7 191.6 201.1 0.0 0.0 65.8 65.8 103.1 34.4 340.2 477.7 103.9 43.1 597.7 744.7
2014 Apr 99.5 7.7 229.2 336.5 0.0 0.1 53.4 53.6 0.0 72.1 418.4 490.5 99.5 80.0 701.1 880.6
2014 Jul 99.5 7.7 229.2 336.5 0.0 0.1 53.4 53.6 0.0 72.1 418.4 490.5 99.5 80.0 701.1 880.6

2014 Oct 1.7 15.1 245.5 262.3 0.0 0.0 52.4 52.4 124.4 76.8 469.9 671.0 126.0 91.9 767.7 985.7
2015 Jan 1.7 15.1 245.5 262.3 0.0 0.0 52.4 52.4 124.4 76.8 469.9 671.0 126.0 91.9 767.7 985.7
2015 Apr 34.9 249.5 137.6 422.0 0.0 6.9 51.0 58.0 133.5 196.0 386.1 715.6 168.4 452.4 574.7 1195.6
2015 Jul 81.0 249.5 33.8 364.3 0.0 6.9 1.1 8.0 269.5 196.0 564.5 1,029.9 350.5 452.4 599.3 1402.2

2015 Oct 24.3 357.8 23.9 406.0 0.0 75.4 69.6 145.1 194.7 217.9 685.2 1,097.7 219.0 651.1 778.7 1648.8
2016 Jan 24.3 354.5 23.9 402.6 0.0 67.0 69.6 136.6 194.7 207.4 685.2 1,087.3 219.0 628.9 778.7 1626.5
2016 Apr 0.0 442.0 414.4 856.3 178.5 112.8 13.4 304.7 344.9 303.8 1,124.7 1,773.4 523.4 858.6 1,552.5 2934.4
2016 Jul 0.0 442.0 414.4 856.4 178.5 112.8 16.4 307.7 344.9 306.8 1,124.7 1,776.4 523.4 861.6 1,555.5 2940.5

2016 Oct 458.5 504.8 582.4 1,545.6 0.0 235.5 311.5 546.9 0.0 372.7 637.9 1,010.5 458.5 1,112.9 1,531.7 3103.1
2017 Jan 458.5 504.8 582.4 1,545.6 0.0 235.5 311.5 546.9 0.0 372.7 637.9 1,010.6 458.5 1,112.9 1,531.8 3103.2
2017 Apr 752.5 514.9 1,540.2 2,807.7 43.6 101.3 954.4 1,099.3 0.0 444.9 1,808.3 2,253.2 796.1 1,061.1 4,302.9 6160.1
2017 Jul 752.5 537.1 1,540.2 2,829.8 43.6 100.7 954.4 1,098.7 81.4 482.4 1,808.3 2,372.2 877.5 1,120.3 4,302.9 6300.7

2017 Oct 1,018.9 542.2 2,651.5 4,212.6 138.8 98.7 1,574.1 1,811.5 68.7 416.3 2,747.2 3,232.2 1,226.4 1,057.1 6,972.8 9256.3
2018 Jan 1,018.9 542.2 2,651.5 4,212.6 138.8 98.7 1,574.1 1,811.5 68.7 416.3 2,747.2 3,232.2 1,226.4 1,057.1 6,972.8 9256.3
2018 Apr 1,524.3 544.1 4,284.0 6,352.4 214.8 10.4 1,496.4 1,721.6 0.0 453.9 2,645.8 3,099.7 1,739.1 1,008.4 8,426.1 11173.7
2018 Jul 1,886.8 544.1 4,284.0 6,714.8 214.8 10.4 1,496.4 1,721.6 0.0 453.9 1,197.3 1,651.2 2,101.6 1,008.3 6,977.6 10087.6

2018 Oct 1,971.5 611.8 4,177.7 6,761.0 54.3 329.4 2,349.7 2,733.4 138.6 283.0 3,455.2 3,876.9 2,164.4 1,224.2 9,982.6 13371.2
There is not loan guaranteed by Finnace Companies with DICGC.
* Previously Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation. Fund from 2073.6.18 after the enactment of Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund Act, 2073 (2016).
Source: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund

32. Deposits Guaranteed by Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund

Banks and Financial Institutions

"A" (Commercial Banks) "B" (Development Banks) "C" (Finance Companies) "D" (Microfinance Institutions) Total

Number of Number of Amount (In Number of Number of Amount (In Number of Number of Amount (In Number of Number of Amount (In Number of Number of Amount (In
Institutions Depositors Million Rs.) Institutions Depositors Million Rs.) Institutions Depositors Million Rs.) Institutions Depositors Million Rs.) Institutions Depositors Million Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

2012 Jul 32 6054105 159835.86 87 1514124 38932.42 75 574375 17233.05 2 175145 775.05 196 8317749 216776.4

2013 Jan 32 6493121 170023.47 88 1668699 42105.61 65 697955 18256.29 2 189191 894.17 187 9048966 231279.5

2013 Jul 31 6661127 168155 85 1973595 48967.39 58 457670 14230.91 2 201962 1031.47 176 9294354 232384.8

2014 Jan 31 7390043 184424.22 86 2165322 54171.67 58 478256 14568.38 2 220553 1239.23 177 10254174 254403.5

2014 Jul 30 8112088 195727.63 83 2347325 58272.02 52 456547 13757.67 2 252699 1408.23 167 11168659 269165.6

2015 Jan 30 8969901 212792.38 81 2207564 56233.62 51 440172 13589.68 2 287645 1629.17 164 11905282 284244.9

2015 Jul 30 9541983 223604.67 76 2624702 60720.77 47 445786 12720.8 2 381965 1958.27 155 12994436 299004.5

2016 Jan 30 10186484 244322.34 73 2451791 60194.59 45 636108 12688.18 2 332100 2241.2 150 13606483 319446.3

2016 Jul 28 10797802 263819.18 67 2628830 64222.14 39 422876 10428.17 2 35796 567.95 136 13885304 339037.4

2017 Jan 28 11952443 292055.8 55 2774377 63888.27 35 372402 8941.91 2 37605 607.55 120 15136827 365493.5

2017 Apr 28 12035657 292030.5 55 2775022 63841.6 35 372402 8941.9 2 37605 607.6 120 15220686 365421.6

2017 Jul 28 12143208 304029.2 53 2753624 67933.7 32 383257 9192.1 2 38726 727.1 115 15318815 381882.1

2017 Oct 28 13990073 319656.8 39 2617765 53052.4 27 371144 7671.4 2 36070 678.1 96 17015052 381058.7

2018 Jan 28 13859239 335172.8 38 2731071 59084 26 413959 7822.3 2 40279 733.4 94 17044548 402812.5
2018 Apr 28 14656540 342487.3 35 2878441 59833.6 24 407053 7891.5 2 40347 745.5 89 17982381 410957.9

2018 Jul 28 15900163 358386.9 35 2983400 63219.4 24 441896 8332.6 2 43642 800.2 89 19369101 430739.1

2018 Oct 28 16406950 455390.6 32 4617561 77532.9 24 466501 10970.5 2 46585 941.6 86 21537597 544835.6
Source: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Fund

33. Sources and Uses of Fund of Employees Provident Fund

In Million Rupees
Uses of Fund
Sources of Fund Loans and Advances Investment
Mid-Month Provident Other Sources/ Institutional Govt. Pokhara Fixed Fixed Others Total
Fund Reserve Total Uses & other Loan Employee Loan Staff Loan Total Securities Aawas Share Deposits Total Assets Liquid Fund Uses Assets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2001 Jul 23,709.6 2,070.9 25,780.5 25,780.5 2,881.3 3,578.9 267.9 6,728.1 2,949.1 10.2 130.3 14,880.0 17,969.7 278.0 804.7 - 25,780.5
2002 Jul 27,348.5 2,272.0 29,620.5 29,620.5 3,605.6 5,914.8 274.2 9,794.6 3,439.1 5.9 231.1 14,916.5 18,592.7 352.7 880.5 - 29,620.5
2003 Jul 32,283.1 2,277.7 34,560.8 34,560.8 3,622.8 10,202.9 270.8 14,096.4 3,914.1 0.7 231.1 15,256.5 19,402.5 396.7 665.2 - 34,560.8
2004 Jul 37,402.0 2,481.2 39,883.1 39,883.1 3,361.0 13,939.4 342.2 17,642.7 5,198.6 11.3 255.1 16,096.5 21,561.5 467.6 211.5 - 39,883.2
2005 Jul 42,510.7 2,619.8 45,130.4 45,130.4 5,272.8 17,742.5 350.9 23,366.2 5,088.6 6.5 310.7 15630.0 21,035.8 815.4 (86.8) - 45,130.5
2006 Jul 48,144.9 2,941.2 51,086.2 51,086.2 4,980.6 21,418.1 402.1 26,800.9 4,228.6 5.5 390.8 18520.0 23,144.9 846.7 293.6 - 51,086.1
2007 Jul 54,500.7 4,725.2 59,225.9 59,225.9 2,784.1 25,178.1 473.8 28,436.0 5,509.5 3.8 433.7 20895.0 26,842.0 833.6 3,114.3 - 59,225.9
2008 Jul 62,793.9 5,540.2 68,334.1 68,334.1 3,345.6 29,786.7 - 33,132.4 4,965.4 3.1 869.5 24144.0 29,982.9 820.3 1,863.4 2,536.0 68,334.1
2009 Jul 72,649.8 6,469.9 79,119.7 79,119.7 3,500.5 35,904.3 - 39,404.8 6,621.3 1.9 905.7 25450.0 32,978.9 824.1 3,124.5 2,787.4 79,119.7
2010 Jul 86,704.8 3,686.1 90,390.8 90,390.8 3,625.4 43,787.2 - 47,412.6 7,027.6 1.1 1,000.3 31273.0 39,302.1 498.0 2,073.0 1,105.1 3,676.1
2011 Jan 95,762.9 4,001.5 99,764.4 99,764.4 3,463.2 49,261.1 - 52,724.3 7,478.5 1.1 1,081.0 31623.0 40,183.7 499.8 3,680.1 2,676.5 6,856.5
2011 Jul 102,328.2 4,256.3 106,584.5 106,584.5 6,334.8 55,042.5 - 61,377.4 13,471.3 1.2 1,118.5 26324.9 40,915.9 580.1 2,375.4 1,335.7 4,291.2
2012 Jan 112,686.4 4,541.7 117,228.1 117,228.4 7,860.8 60,524.4 - 68,385.1 12,419.4 1.1 2,118.5 27449.0 41,988.1 874.2 4,181.3 1,799.7 6,855.2
2012 Jul 121,439.7 4,313.1 125,752.8 125,752.8 10,738.3 66,632.1 - 77,370.4 14,950.5 0.8 2,197.9 23880.0 41,029.1 1047.9 4,739.2 1,566.3 7,353.3
2013 Jan 130,971.1 4,777.1 135,748.2 135,748.2 11,672.2 76,397.6 - 88,069.8 14,950.5 0.8 2,198.5 26169.8 43,319.5 1067.4 2,000.0 1,291.4 4,358.9
2013 Jul 140,709.9 4,993.5 145,703.4 145,703.4 15,563.9 79,765.7 - 95,329.6 13,703.7 0.4 2,173.6 27800.0 43,677.7 1191.8 3,890.2 1,614.1 6,696.1
2013 Oct 146,273.2 5,194.2 151,467.4 151,467.4 16,785.1 84,394.0 - 101,179.1 13,703.7 0.4 2,173.6 25500.0 41,377.7 1196.3 5,301.0 2,413.4 8,910.7
2014 Jan 150,539.7 5,494.8 156,034.4 156,034.4 20,280.6 87,332.9 - 107,613.4 15,030.1 0.4 2,173.6 23900.0 41,104.1 1169.5 4,633.5 1,513.9 7,316.9
2014 Apr 156,249.8 5,943.6 162,193.4 162,193.4 22,819.8 89,951.3 - 112,771.1 15,030.1 - 2,173.6 24340.0 41,543.7 1207.5 4,696.5 1,974.6 7,878.6
2014 Jul 163,548.6 6,141.8 169,690.4 169,690.4 24,862.3 91,576.3 - 116,438.6 14,130.1 - 2,220.5 26660.0 43,010.6 1151.7 7,380.8 1,708.6 10,241.2
2014 Oct 169,796.6 7,244.7 177,041.3 177,041.3 27,304.3 98,250.3 - 125,554.6 14,130.1 - 2,228.5 27267.9 43,626.5 1165.1 5,079.2 1,615.9 7,860.2
2015 Jan 174,161.2 6,635.6 180,796.8 180,796.8 24,542.4 97,345.2 - 121,887.6 13,699.9 - 2,220.5 34410.0 50,330.4 1130.6 6,172.8 1,275.4 8,578.8
2015 Apr 182,295.7 6,844.7 189,140.4 189,140.4 30,732.2 103,102.5 - 133,834.7 13,201.3 - 2,220.5 32070.0 47,491.9 1123.4 5,009.8 1,680.7 7,813.9
2015 Jul 187,565.3 6,877.9 194,443.2 194,443.2 24,819.6 104,116.0 - 128,935.6 15,226.4 - 2,220.5 36870.0 54,316.9 1110.8 8,014.8 2,065.2 11,190.7
2015 Oct 194,725.4 7,127.1 201,852.4 201,852.4 26,573.6 110,236.3 - 136,809.9 19,223.7 - 2,220.5 36670.0 58,114.2 1105.8 3,654.6 2,167.9 6,928.3
2016 Jan 200,532.0 7,304.8 207,836.8 207,836.8 23,486.8 112,445.8 - 135,932.6 19,258.0 - 2,220.5 36820.0 58,298.5 1115.9 10,452.2 2,037.6 13,605.7
2016 Apr 208,782.7 6,454.8 215,237.4 215,237.4 23,223.7 117,825.2 - 141,048.9 18,561.0 - 2,220.5 43870.0 64,651.5 1183.7 6,188.2 2,165.2 9,537.0
2016 Jul 217,605.8 7,112.6 224,718.5 224,718.5 23,365.5 118,148.4 - 141,513.9 15,465.6 - 2,220.5 58042.4 75,728.5 1137.8 4,173.4 2,164.8 7,476.0
2016 Oct 225,044.2 7,541.5 232,585.7 232,585.7 23,465.5 122,391.1 - 145,856.6 14,665.6 - 2,220.5 62842.4 79,728.5 1159.3 3,646.4 2,194.8 7,000.5
2017 Jan 232,609.3 7,908.4 240,517.7 240,517.7 25,220.2 126,642.4 151,862.6 14,641.4 - 2,310.5 63054.5 80,006.4 1155.3 4,853.4 2,640.0 8,648.7
2017 Apr 239,051.0 8,261.0 247,312.0 247,312.0 24,408.4 136,320.6 160,729.0 14,573.0 - 2,488.5 57705.0 74,766.5 1153.3 8,361.1 2,302.1 11,816.5
2017 Jul 244,145.4 7,138.0 251,283.4 251,283.3 28,471.0 138,189.9 166,660.9 15,390.4 - 2,780.0 60520.0 78,690.4 1181.0 2,521.0 2,230.0 5,932.0
2017 OctP 255,208.0 9,235.6 264,443.6 264,443.6 34,721.7 145,845.6 180,567.3 13,988.0 - 3,056.6 56000.0 73,044.7 1205.1 7,044.9 2,581.5 10,831.5
2018 JanP 260,101.3 10,110.6 270,211.9 270,211.9 35,960.0 152,900.9 188,860.8 14,488.0 - 4,576.6 56950.0 76,014.7 1132.4 1,600.0 2,604.0 5,336.4
2018 AprP 265,101.3 9,772.7 274,874.0 274,874.0 37,649.8 155,539.3 193,189.1 14,488.0 - 3,061.2 56950.0 74,499.3 1194.4 3,387.2 2,604.0 7,185.6
2018 JulP 285,204.5 11,177.6 296,382.2 296,382.2 40,354.9 178,182.6 218,537.5 14,988.0 - 4,806.6 52500.0 72,294.7 1350.0 1,926.8 2,273.2 5,550.0
2018 OctP 287,106.6 14,439.6 301,546.2 301,546.2 47,772.7 169,992.1 217,764.8 14,461.2 - 5,380.4 55207.7 75,049.3 1156.7 4,413.9 3,161.6 8,732.2

Source: Employees Provident Fund

34. Sources and Uses of Fund of Citizen Investment Trust

In Million Rupees
Sources of Fund Investment
Mid-Month Paid-Up Reserve Fund Other Govt. Share & Loans & Others
Capital Fund Collection Liabilities Source/ Uses Securities Fixed Deposits Debenture Call Money Total Advances Liquid Fund Assets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1996 Jul 23.9 (0.1) 35.2 14.2 73.1 48.1 5.0 3.0 - 56.1 2.5 4.5 10.1
1997 Jul 24.0 5.4 93.8 20.0 143.2 108.0 7.0 7.8 - 122.8 - 9.4 11.1
1998 Jul 24.0 7.0 158.9 10.2 200.0 130.6 35.0 8,602.0 - 174.2 - 13.6 12.2
1999 Jul 24.0 9.4 282.2 35.7 351.3 168.0 123.9 10.2 - 302.0 3.7 22.5 23.0
2000 Jul 27.6 14.3 563.8 51.9 657.7 234.1 233.5 14.9 - 482.5 116.5 26.9 31.8
2001 Jul 31.2 16.0 989.8 96.2 1,133.2 456.9 272.6 44.8 - 774.3 167.1 92.6 99.1
2002 Jul 35.2 14.0 1,529.7 135.7 1,714.6 766.2 304.0 60.9 - 1,131.2 316.4 121.5 145.3
2003 Jul 40.0 13.4 2,749.6 223.8 3,026.8 1,496.1 228.2 138.3 - 1,662.7 573.0 418.4 172.6
2004 Jul 40.0 37.9 4,534.2 200.3 4,812.4 1,706.2 899.9 170.5 - 2,776.6 625.9 1,166.2 243.7
2005 Jul 40.0 45.8 5,269.0 478/.47 5,833.3 1,705.1 1,763.0 148.3 - 3,616.4 1,033.5 691.8 491.5
2006 Jul 40.0 69.0 6,716.3 432.5 7,257.8 1,759.0 3,237.5 144.5 - 5,141.0 757.3 866.1 493.4
2007 Jul 40.0 95.7 8,573.6 831.9 9,541.2 2,107.1 4,300.0 198.5 - 6,605.6 997.1 1,043.4 895.1
2008 Jul 60.0 130.9 11,519.4 661.2 12,371.4 2,333.7 5,931.7 262.8 - 8,528.3 2,388.5 729.6 725.1
2009 Jul 80.0 288.8 14,166.9 10,843.8 25,379.5 1,683.8 8,903.1 1,608.0 - 12,194.9 2,686.8 9,777.0 720.8
2010 Jul 100.0 562.4 20,141.6 1,843.8 22,647.8 1,683.8 13,597.0 1,624.0 - 16,904.8 3,541.0 800.0 1,402.0
2011 Jul 125.0 805.9 23,554.0 2,420.7 26,905.6 2,163.8 14,691.5 1,931.3 200.0 18,986.6 4,363.8 700.0 2,855.1
2012 Jan 125.0 805.0 24,808.0 2,832.0 28,570.0 2,163.8 16,273.5 1,936.7 200.0 20,574.0 6,158.0 700.0 1,138.0
2012 Jul 160.0 1,169.0 31,388.6 5,350.9 38,068.5 3,274.5 12,857.0 2,216.3 - 18,347.9 9,657.1 2,800.0 7,263.6
2013 Jan 216.0 979.0 35,999.6 840.2 38,034.8 3,274.5 17,159.8 3,076.4 - 23,510.6 11,340.0 974.0 2,210.2
2013 Jul 300.0 1,052.3 40,324.6 1,076.7 42,753.6 2,524.5 21,838.5 2,930.4 - 27,293.4 11,741.1 1,185.2 2,534.0
2013 Oct 300.0 1,080.5 41,574.9 1,104.9 44,060.2 2,524.5 21,021.0 2,953.7 - 26,499.2 12,759.2 2,410.9 2,390.9
2014 Jan 300.0 1,109.4 45,310.3 1,245.8 47,965.5 2,524.5 21,835.0 2,982.3 - 27,341.8 14,606.8 2,515.3 3,501.6
2014 Apr 300.0 1,640.2 46,017.0 595.9 48,553.0 2,524.5 23,175.0 3,089.3 - 28,788.8 14,608.3 2,154.9 3,001.1
2014 Jul 450.0 1,684.7 51,784.1 702.5 54,621.3 2,470.4 20,895.0 2,948.7 - 26,314.1 17,905.1 7,562.3 2,839.8
2014 Oct 450.0 1,741.9 54,197.6 785.9 57,175.4 2,470.4 25,195.0 2,948.7 - 30,614.1 17,393.4 6,512.3 2,655.5
2015 Jan 450.0 1,741.4 58,435.3 954.6 61,581.3 2,470.4 27,935.0 2,998.3 - 33,403.7 18,521.8 5,975.2 3,680.6
2015 Apr 450.0 1,843.3 60,431.3 957.8 63,682.4 2,292.0 37,335.0 3,873.3 - 43,500.3 16,283.7 1,857.1 2,041.3
2015 Jul 450.0 1,845.7 67,225.4 972.3 70,493.4 2,592.0 35,340.0 3,791.4 - 41,723.4 17,373.7 9,313.6 2,082.7
2015 Oct 450.0 1,751.8 69,777.3 922.3 72,901.4 2,592.0 34,820.0 3,798.8 - 41,210.8 11,502.6 17,443.1 2,744.9
2016 Jan 450.0 1,635.4 71,789.8 926.4 74,801.6 2,592.0 32,310.0 3,534.8 - 38,436.8 11,649.2 20,960.0 3,755.6
2016 Apr 450.0 1,267.0 74,575.0 926.4 77,218.4 3,045.4 33,860.0 3,538.5 - 40,443.9 12,267.0 16,829.0 7,678.5
2016 Jul 607.5 1,514.1 80,156.4 735.4 83,013.4 1,809.3 57,243.0 3,823.5 - 62,875.8 13,608.3 600.0 5,929.3
2016 Oct 607.5 1,866.2 82,857.3 750.0 86,081.0 1,809.3 55,993.0 3,850.9 - 61,653.2 14,625.2 3,500.0 6,302.6
2017 Jan 607.5 2,258.9 85,261.2 537.6 88,665.2 1,809.3 58,283.0 3,927.5 - 64,019.8 13,798.0 4,600.0 6,247.4
2017 Apr 607.5 2,001.4 89,355.7 756.1 92,720.7 1,809.3 58,330.0 4,024.8 - 64,164.1 17,680.8 5,500.0 5,375.7
2017 JulP 740.3 2,322.9 93,545.1 2,493.3 99,101.6 1,809.3 62,720.0 4,035.4 - 68,564.7 23,108.9 2,283.5 5,144.5
2017 OctP 740.3 2,794.7 97,230.2 937.5 101,702.7 1,809.3 58,880.0 4,053.1 - 64,742.5 24,181.5 5,833.8 6,945.0
2018 JanP 740.3 3,112.7 101,467.7 355.0 105,675.7 1,809.3 62,220.0 4,053.9 - 68,083.2 25,672.7 7,253.7 4,666.0
2018 AprP 740.3 3,612.7 104,067.8 1,417.4 109,838.2 1,809.3 70,428.0 4,053.9 - 76,291.2 27,292.1 3,182.3 3,072.6
2018 JulP 903.1 3,738.5 107,605.2 1,814.5 114,061.3 1,809.3 71,205.5 4,802.3 - 77,817.1 26,040.0 1,825.0 8,379.2
2018 OctP 1,102.3 4,188.5 111,558.6 1,947.0 118,796.4 1,809.3 70,920.0 4,751.1 - 77,480.4 33,410.3 1,357.5 6,548.2
Source: Citizen Investment Trust
35. Sources and Uses of Fund of Insurance Companies

In Million Rupees
Sources of Fund Uses of Fund
Paid-Up Capital Reserve/Fund Other Uses Cash & Bank Balance Investment Fixed Assets Other
Life Non-life Life Non-life Life Non-life Life Non-life Life Non-life Life Non-life Life Non-life
1997 Jul 2.0 420.0 2,490 801.0 47.0 580.0 4,340.0 16.0 110.0 2,414.0 1,360.0 13.0 181.0 96.0 150.0
1998 Jul 2.0 621.0 2,904.0 1,020.0 81.0 319.0 4,947.0 20.0 129.0 2,830.0 1,460.0 15.0 189.0 122.0 182.0
1999 Jul 2.0 621.0 3,350.0 1,217.0 43.0 900.0 6,133.0 25.0 152.0 3,213.0 2,257.0 17.0 193.0 140.0 136.0
2000 Jul 9.0 459.0 3,425.0 1,048.0 92.0 1,224.0 6,257.0 10.0 111.0 3,332.0 1,920.0 25.0 121.0 159.0 579.0
2001 Jul 209.3 558.9 4,891.6 902.1 1,005.8 1,519.6 9,087.3 29.8 254.3 5,595.0 2,421.8 31.6 163.4 450.3 141.1
2002 Jul 409.3 638.9 5,696.0 1,256.3 2,692.0 1,681.5 12,374.0 32.1 380.0 8,500.0 2,600.0 82.5 222.0 182.7 374.7
2003 Jul 509.0 675.0 7,597.0 1,566.0 1,306.2 1,881.9 13,535.1 263.0 280.0 8,653.2 2,864.8 42.0 175.0 454.0 803.1
2004 Jul 509.3 790.7 9,239.0 2,361.0 2,123.8 1,250.0 16,273.8 201.5 410.8 10,839.9 2,897.6 109.6 399.8 721.1 693.6
2005 Jul 629.3 924.8 12,275.3 1,546.1 904.5 2,726.3 19,006.3 1,011.1 465.7 11,751.9 3,032.3 134.5 296.3 911.6 1,402.9
2006 Jul 659.3 1,186.7 14,878.1 1,631.0 1,254.2 2,902.2 22,511.5 1,174.3 643.6 14,090.2 3,212.6 231.2 280.8 1,295.9 1,582.9
2007 Jul 659.3 1,326.1 17,914.3 1,833.5 1,596.0 3,081.5 26,446.7 1,188.0 782.8 17,558.0 3,242.4 255.4 353.9 1,204.2 1,862.0
2008 Jul 1,647.3 1,270.4 21,839.2 2,202.0 1,405.3 3,225.2 31,589.4 946.3 511.1 21,632.2 4,231.9 339.9 479.3 1,973.4 1,475.3
2009 Jul 1,647.3 1,270.4 26,425.4 2,383.7 1,565.0 3,722.5 37,014.3 1,079.9 657.5 26,062.9 4,966.9 566.2 522.3 1928.7 1229.9
2010 Jul 1,890.0 1,560.0 33,250.0 4,060.0 2,980.0 3,720.0 47,460.0 920.0 700.0 33,500.0 6,700.0 1,540.0 870.0 2160.0 1070.0
2011 Jan 2,451.4 1,642.0 38,540.0 5,330.0 2,460.0 3,220.0 53,643.4 541.4 722.0 38,830.0 7,110.0 1,800.0 960.0 2280.0 1400.0
2011 Jul 2,451.4 1,642.0 44,040.0 6,830.0 2,750.0 3,500.0 61,213.4 750.0 900.0 44,491.4 8,202.0 2,100.0 1070.0 1900.0 1800.0
2012 Jan 2,451.4 1,642.0 48,020.0 7,850.0 3,200.0 4,020.0 67,183.4 820.0 980.0 48,491.4 8,942.0 2,290.0 1270.0 2070.0 2320.0
2012 Jul 2,538.1 1,804.7 51,507.6 8,473.8 4,563.5 4,947.2 73,834.9 1,704.8 1,001.6 51,516.4 9,349.8 1,375.4 1078.4 4002.7 3805.8
2013 Jan 2,636.0 1,777.3 52,054.5 8,434.3 4,326.7 5,140.6 74,369.4 752.7 1,518.9 52,378.8 9,488.0 2,445.9 1364.6 3439.8 2980.7
2013 Jul 2,790.8 1,804.7 57,037.6 8,854.2 4,994.5 5,668.8 81,150.6 1,770.1 1,447.6 57,109.9 9,885.1 1,443.4 1112.4 4499.5 3882.6
2013 Oct 2,790.8 1,804.7 61,600.0 9,400.0 5,200.0 5,900.0 86,695.5 1,850.8 1,504.7 62,240.0 10,470.0 1,480.0 1140.0 4020.0 3990.0
2014 Jan 3,630.0 1,800.0 63,800.0 9,500.0 4,800.0 7,400.0 90,930.0 1,710.0 1,300.0 64,620.0 12,250.0 1,800.0 1,250.0 4,100.0 3,900.0
2014 Apr 3,630.0 1,800.0 67,150.0 10,080.0 5,020.0 7,670.0 95,350.0 1,800.0 1,350.0 67,930.0 12,950.0 1,880.0 1,310.0 4,190.0 3,940.0
2014 Jul 4,664.5 3,176.1 71,078.6 8,226.4 6,264.5 7,687.1 101,097.2 2,778.6 1,332.6 70,972.9 12,109.4 1,424.6 1061.1 6831.6 4586.4
2014 Oct 4,670.0 3,540.0 73,900.0 8,900.0 6,500.0 7,500.0 105,010.0 2,820.0 1,350.0 73,740.0 12,840.0 1,460.0 1100.0 7050.0 4650.0
2015 Jan 4,670.0 3,540.0 78,330.0 8,940.0 6,820.0 7,800.0 110,100.0 2,900.0 1,400.0 77,360.0 13,030.0 1,540.0 1,150.0 8,020.0 4,700.0
2015 Apr 4,670.0 3,540.0 83,420.0 9,520.0 7,230.0 8,200.0 116,580.0 3,010.0 1,460.0 82,380.0 13,800.0 1,630.0 1,200.0 8,300.0 4,800.0
2015 Jul 4,700.0 3,600.0 88,400.0 10,900.0 7,800.0 8,900.0 124,300.0 3,500.0 1,600.0 86,600.0 15,100.0 1,900.0 1,400.0 8,900.0 5,300.0
2015 Oct 4,700.0 3,600.0 93,700.0 11,550.0 8,100.0 9,300.0 130,950.0 3,800.0 1,700.0 90,100.0 15,800.0 2,150.0 1550.0 10450.0 5400.0
2016 Jan 5,777.5 4,184.0 105,335.2 19,132.9 3,634.3 5,311.4 143,375.3 5,081.5 2,830.4 100,362.6 15,809.1 1,647.9 1,076.9 7,655.0 8,911.9
2016 Apr 5,777.5 4,184.0 110,600.0 20,090.0 3,810.0 5,580.0 150,041.5 2,857.5 2,974.0 107,720.0 16,280.0 1,730.0 1,250.0 7,880.0 9,350.0
2016 Jul 6,244.9 4,750.3 115,692.7 19,724.2 7,944.6 3,884.9 158,241.6 2,361.3 3,156.0 117,983.3 15,313.2 1,648.7 1,088.3 7,888.9 8,801.9
2016 Oct 6,244.9 4,750.3 115,692.7 19,724.2 7,944.6 3,884.9 158,241.6 2,361.3 3,156.0 117,983.3 15,313.2 1,648.7 1088.3 7888.9 8801.9
2017 Jan 6,771.3 5,780.7 117,905.2 23,442.6 5,135.2 3,992.2 163,027.2 972.5 2,240.6 119,906.0 20,814.2 1,631.2 1,133.1 7,302.0 9,027.6
2017 Apr 7,959.5 6,074.4 129,056.5 24,284.8 4,337.3 4,313.6 176,026.1 1,108.3 2,048.6 130,658.6 22,336.9 1,625.4 1,230.5 7,961.0 9,056.8
2017 JulP 8,299.9 6,222.2 138,409.7 24,409.7 4,350.2 4,198.3 185,890.0 2,254.2 2,369.3 138,838.5 22,424.6 1,628.6 1,364.7 8,338.5 8,671.6
2017 OctP 16,179.2 7,834.6 161,525.1 26,039.8 6,252.1 5,043.7 222,874.5 2,475.5 2,640.2 166,542.8 25,829.7 1,714.7 1461.5 13223.4 8986.7
2018 JanP 22,266.1 8,853.9 170,095.5 27,290.8 7,200.5 4,862.5 240,569.3 2,255.9 3,068.6 181,837.1 27,769.5 1,848.6 1463.2 13620.5 8705.9
2018 AprP 23,565.4 9,102.2 177,841.2 29,062.8 8,287.3 4,828.5 252,687.4 2,722.7 2,720.2 190,723.8 29,576.7 2,005.5 1,503.0 14,241.9 9,193.6
2018 JulP 25,564.4 10,416.9 180,120.7 23,622.9 10,919.2 9,672.4 260,316.5 3,754.5 3,145.8 196,226.2 31,548.0 2,203.9 1,423.2 14,419.6 7,595.3
2018 OctP 26,567.0 12,447.5 215,962.8 31,979.6 7,599.7 4,596.2 299,152.8 2,264.1 2,466.2 228,088.4 34,956.2 2,244.7 1615.7 17531.0 9986.5

Note: Data readjusted from 2005 according to letter of Beema Samiti dated 8 October 2009.
Source: Insurance Board of Nepal.
36. Structure of Interest Rates

(Percent per Annum)

Policy Rates Refinance Rates CRR Government Securities
T-bills* Weighted Weighted
Year Deposit Standing
Export Credit National/ Interbank Average Average Base
mid- Repo Rate Collection Liquidity Bank Special General Commerc Developm Finance Developm
Facility in Foreign Citizen Rate^ Deposit Lending Rate $^
month (Corridor) Rate Rate Refinance Refinance ial Banks ent Banks Companies 28 days 91 days 182 days 364 days ent Bonds
(SLF) Currency SCs Rate^ Rate^
2003 Jul - 4.50 2.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 - 2.98 - 4.93 3.0-8.0 7.0-13.0 4.50
2004 Jul - 4.50 2.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 1.82 1.47 - 3.81 3.0-8.0 6.5-13.0 0.71
2005 Jul 1.50 3.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 - 3.94 4.42 4.79 3.0-8.0 6.5-13.0 4.71

2005 Oct 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.62 3.10 3.70 3.87 3.0-8.0 6.5-13.0 3.18
2006 Jan 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.59 2.46 2.57 3.42 3.0-8.0 6.5-13.0 1.22
2006 Apr 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.54 2.89 3.77 4.31 3.0-6.75 6.0-13.0 1.97
2006 Jul 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.40 3.25 3.86 4.04 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.5 2.13
2006 Oct 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.01 2.54 2.78 3.78 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.5 2.11
2007 Jan 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.37 2.67 3.25 3.14 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.5 3.03
2007 Apr 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.85 2.67 3.09 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.5 1.69
2007 Jul 1.50 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.13 2.77 3.51 4.00 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.5 3.03

2007 Oct 2.00 2.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.97 2.16 2.66 3.04 3.0-6.75 6.0-8.0 3.35
2008 Jan 2.00 2.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.35 3.86 4.33 4.67 5.0-6.75 6.0-7.0 4.93
2008 Apr 2.00 2.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.17 4.07 4.39 4.82 5.0-7.5 6.0-7.5 2.69
2008 Jul 2.00 2.50 3.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.16 5.13 5.16 6.47 5.0-8.0 6.0-7.75 3.61

2008 Oct 3.00 2.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 - 6.08 5.64 5.57 5.0-8.0 6.0-7.75 5.16
2009 Jan 3.00 2.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.20 4.32 5.17 5.20 5.0-8.0 6.0-8.0 3.37
2009 Apr 3.00 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.90 5.98 5.77 5.96 5.0-8.0 6.0-8.0 5.06
2009 Jul 3.00 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.94 6.80 5.91 6.55 5.0-9.0 6.0-8.0 3.66
2009 Oct 3.00 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 2.01 2.73 - - 5.0-9.0 6.0-10.0 5.10
2010 Jan 3.00 6.50 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 9.71 8.74 7.79 7.39 5.0-9.0 6.0-10.0 12.83
2010 Apr 3.00 6.50 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 - 7.35 6.87 7.60 5.0-9.0 6.0-10 7.81
2010 Jul 3.00 6.50 3.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 8.70 8.13 8.28 7.28 5.0-9.0 6.0-10 6.57

2010 Oct 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.57 5.63 5.56 6.38 5.0-9.0 6.0-9.5 5.89
2011 Jan 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 8.79 8.21 9.04 8.61 5.0-9.5 6.0-9.5 10.58
2011 Apr 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 9.67 9.06 8.82 8.81 5.0-9.5 6.0-9.75 9.54
2011 Jul 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.50 5.50 5.50 8.08 8.52 8.59 8.61 5.0-9.6 6.0-10 8.22
2011 Oct 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.70 1.82 3.48 4.43 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 1.08
2012 Jan 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.18 0.70 2.34 3.03 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 0.90
2012 Apr 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.19 1.09 1.77 2.65 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 0.69
2012 Jul 3.00 7.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.10 1.15 1.96 2.72 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 0.86 6.17 12.40

2012 Oct 8.00 8.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.50 5.00 0.12 0.31 0.53 0.93 5.0-9.6 6.0-10.0 0.33 4.14 12.94
2013 Jan 8.00 8.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.50 5.00 0.26 1.52 2.12 2.26 5.0-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.71 5.23 12.65 9.38
2013 Apr 8.00 8.00 1.50 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.81 3.49 3.73 4.04 5.0-9.5 6.0-10.0 3.78 5.08 12.05 9.58
2013 Jul 8.00 8.00 1.50 6.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.50 5.00 0.55 1.19 1.60 2.71 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 0.86 5.25 12.09 9.83

2013 Oct 8.00 8.00 1.00 5.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 4.50 4.00 0.04 0.07 0.42 0.79 5.0-9.5 6.0-10 0.25 4.89 11.78 9.23
2014 Jan 8.00 8.00 1.00 5.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 4.50 4.00 0.25 0.47 0.93 1.06 3.25-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.21 4.68 11.53 8.75
2014 Apr 8.00 8.00 1.00 5.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 4.50 4.00 0.02 0.06 0.26 0.68 3.25-9.5 6.0-9.5 0.19 4.30 10.92 8.38
2014 Jul 8.00 8.00 1.00 5.00 LIBOR+0.25 5.00 4.50 4.00 0.01 0.02 0.42 0.72 3.25-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.16 4.09 10.55 8.36

2014 Oct 8.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 0.33 0.93 0.90 0.93 3.25-9.5 6.0-10.0 1.03 3.79 10.14 7.73
2015 Jan 8.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.16 0.23 0.37 3.25-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.15 3.75 9.82 7.49
2015 Apr 8.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.69 0.87 1.16 3.25-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.64 4.07 9.64 7.68
2015 Jul 8.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.17 0.56 0.76 2.65-9.5 6.0-10.0 1.01 3.94 9.62 7.88
2015 Oct 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 1.10 1.57 1.97 2.65-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.64 3.55 9.46 7.22
2016 Jan 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.68 0.83 0.94 2.65-9.5 6.0-10.0 0.26 3.32 9.29 6.82
2016 Apr 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 1.10 1.10 1.29 2.65-9.5 6.0-10.0 1.59 2.94 9.06 6.32
2016 Jul 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.05 0.33 0.72 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 0.69 3.28 8.86 6.54

2016 Aug 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.44 2.31 0.72 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 0.82 3.29 8.88 6.10
2016 Sep 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 2.05 2.60 2.69 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 2.56 3.27 8.77 6.23
2016 Oct 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 2.12 2.30 2.74 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 3.27 3.30 8.62 6.43
2016 Nov 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 3.00 3.16 3.65 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 3.59 3.46 8.88 6.55
2016 Dec 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 2.34 - 3.25 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 2.67 3.74 9.11 6.78
2017 Jan 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 1.74 2.23 2.70 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 2.71 3.98 9.31 7.10
2017 Feb 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 2.64 - - 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 4.13 4.70 10.12 7.80
2017 Mar 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.74 2.85 2.23 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 0.90 5.04 10.60 8.30
2017 Apr 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.93 1.45 2.31 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 0.75 5.08 10.77 8.60
2017 May 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.78 1.34 2.84 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 2.73 5.51 10.69 9.00
2017 Jun 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 1.03 2.02 2.10 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 2.46 5.91 11.29 9.40
2017 Jul 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 - 0.71 1.71 - 2.65-9.0 6.0-10.0 0.64 6.15 11.33 9.89
2017 Aug 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 0.24 0.55 - 1.32 2.65-9.0 6.0-9.5 0.29 6.25 11.68 9.67
2017 Sep 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 0.36 0.48 2.05 1.51 2.65-9.0 6.0-9.5 0.39 6.19 11.78 10.13
2017 Oct 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 1.11 1.18 1.77 2.05 2.65-9.0 6.0-9.5 1.13 6.17 11.10 10.08
2017 Nov 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 1.31 2.55 2.99 3.12 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 2.68 6.10 11.64 10.11
2017 Dec 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.97 5.51 - 4.97 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.83 6.17 11.25 9.87
2018 Jan 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.28 5.82 5.02 5.76 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.40 6.21 11.79 9.94
2018 Feb 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.64 3.93 - - 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.31 6.38 11.90 10.19
2018 Mar 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.63 4.70 - 5.17 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.87 6.45 11.96 10.36
2018 Apr 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.69 4.98 5.08 5.20 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.12 6.64 12.10 10.40
2018 May 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.78 5.15 5.25 5.32 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.53 6.61 12.32 10.32
2018 Jun 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.55 4.38 4.92 4.83 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 4.18 6.61 12.42 10.41
2018 Jul 5.00 3.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.07 3.74 4.39 0.00 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 2.96 6.49 12.47 10.47
2017 Aug 5.00 3.50 6.50 6.50 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.45 3.34 - 3.93 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 1.88 6.40 12.47 10.12
2017 Sep 5.00 3.50 6.50 6.50 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.32 2.74 3.17 3.60 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 1.68 6.30 12.31 10.03
2017 Oct 5.00 3.50 6.50 6.50 1.00 4.00 LIBOR+0.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.77 2.66 3.21 2.65-6.5 6.0-8.5 1.86 6.57 12.26 10.23
* Weighted average discount rate.
# Prior to mid-July 2012 the rate is the penal rate added to the weighted average discount rate of 91-day Treasury Bills of the preceding week.
$ Base has been compiled since January 2013
^ Commercial Banks

37. Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (28-day)

Annualised Percent
M id-M onth
Fiscal year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Annual
2003/04 - - 3.27 3.26 3.28 3.26 3.26 2.40 0.30 0.22 0.66 - 1.82
2004/05 - 0.35 1.23 1.10 1.12 1.74 - - 2.29 - - - 1.57
2005/06 1.73 2.55 2.62 1.51 1.67 1.59 2.48 2.17 2.54 3.25 2.85 2.40 2.20
2006/07 2.65 2.05 2.01 1.30 1.24 2.37 2.23 2.13 1.50 2.48 2.30 2.13 2.09
2007/08 3.80 2.39 2.97 3.06 3.38 4.35 6.30 5.79 3.17 3.17 5.75 5.16 4.16
2008/09 3.13 - - - - 4.20 7.89 7.75 5.91 7.32 6.25 4.94 6.28
2009/10 1.51 1.75 2.23 6.91 8.67 9.71 - - - - 7.40 8.70 6.78
2010/11 2.81 2.74 4.57 8.94 4.87 8.79 9.22 9.04 9.67 8.74 8.30 8.08 7.11
2011/12 3.04 0.93 0.70 0.36 0.31 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.16 0.25 0.10 0.52
2012/13 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.10 0.15 0.26 0.55 3.13 4.81 4.93 1.77 0.55 1.38
2013/14 0.13 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.25 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.07
2014/15 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.39 0.06 - - - - - - - 0.15
2015/16 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2016/17 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2017/18 0.24 0.36 1.11 1.31 4.97 4.28 3.64 4.63 4.69 4.78 4.55 3.07 3.48
2018/19 2.45 2.32 1.00

38. Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (91–day)

Annualised Percent
M id-M onth
Fiscal year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Annual
1988/89 - - - - 6.01 5.68 - 5.06 5.5 5.28 5.06 5.05 5.24
1989/90 5.08 5.09 6.06 6.60 5.56 6.12 7.42 5.12 - 6.12 7.05 6.55 6.20
1990/91 7.51 7.67 - 7.96 8.07 - 8.37 8.24 8.71 8.54 8.65 8.74 8.18
1991/92 8.43 8.78 8.84 8.70 8.82 8.93 9.33 9.56 9.60 9.64 9.59 9.64 9.24
1992/93 10.17 10.45 12.17 11.68 12.03 12.36 12.57 12.43 11.30 9.56 11.28 11.92 11.34
1993/94 8.49 5.94 7.24 8.74 6.05 3.93 7.57 7.56 6.38 4.93 5.31 6.01 6.50
1994/95 6.36 6.26 6.54 7.02 6.91 6.99 7.38 7.97 8.12 7.94 7.89 8.33 7.35
1995/96 8.34 8.61 8.78 9.14 9.69 11.83 12.68 12.21 10.93 12.70 12.88 12.66 10.93
1996/97 12.18 11.75 11.43 11.63 11.51 11.47 11.62 10.99 9.77 8.51 6.03 5.62 10.22
1997/98 4.87 3.36 3.81 3.36 2.63 2.71 3.90 4.00 4.17 3.44 3.24 2.87 3.52
1998/99 1.61 0.90 0.85 2.88 3.24 3.29 1.61 1.21 2.16 3.09 3.35 3.32 2.33
1999/00 3.40 2.90 3.41 4.09 3.99 4.44 5.16 5.60 5.46 5.73 5.46 5.36 4.66
2000/01 5.43 5.22 4.87 5.24 5.30 5.26 5.17 4.55 3.87 4.67 4.94 4.95 4.96
2001/02 4.78 3.78 4.66 4.96 4.95 4.85 5.19 5.39 5.05 4.86 4.52 3.78 4.71
2002/03 3.42 3.49 3.60 4.03 3.75 4.10 4.01 3.91 4.06 2.91 1.67 2.98 3.48
2003/04 4.03 3.66 3.70 3.68 3.85 3.95 3.94 3.81 1.70 0.70 0.82 1.47 2.93
2004/05 0.62 0.63 1.34 1.97 2.40 2.08 2.38 2.94 3.11 3.70 3.82 3.94 2.46
2005/06 2.26 3.38 3.10 2.69 2.20 2.46 2.20 2.65 2.89 3.63 3.31 3.25 2.84
2006/07 2.99 2.78 2.54 2.11 1.98 2.67 2.60 2.36 1.85 2.43 2.17 2.77 2.42
2007/08 4.25 2.14 2.35 3.03 3.59 3.86 5.79 5.54 4.07 5.32 5.41 5.13 4.22
2008/09 5.17 3.73 6.08 5.55 4.72 4.32 6.64 6.83 5.98 6.73 6.00 6.80 5.83
2009/10 1.77 2.41 2.73 4.67 6.35 8.74 9.01 7.79 7.35 7.41 6.77 8.13 6.50
2010/11 3.81 3.77 5.63 7.73 6.82 8.21 7.78 8.09 9.06 9.00 8.34 8.52 7.41
2011/12 3.98 2.28 1.82 0.97 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.97 1.09 0.83 1.34 1.15 1.31
2012/13 0.18 0.15 0.31 0.60 0.74 1.52 1.93 4.02 3.49 4.46 2.67 1.19 1.74
2013/14 0.25 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.47 0.23 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.13 0.02 0.13
2014/15 0.00 0.07 0.93 0.52 0.13 0.16 0.74 1.13 0.69 0.59 0.37 0.17 0.43
2015/16 0.95 2.22 1.10 0.29 0.48 0.68 0.35 0.53 1.10 1.34 0.12 0.05 0.79
2016/17 0.44 2.05 2.12 3.00 2.34 1.74 2.64 0.74 0.93 0.78 1.03 0.71 1.45
2017/18 0.55 0.48 1.18 2.55 5.51 5.82 3.93 4.70 4.98 5.15 4.38 3.74 4.48
2018/19 3.34 2.74 1.77

39. Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (182-day)

Annualised Percent
Fiscal year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Annual
2003/04 - - 4.67 - 4.75 4.76 4.12 3.37 1.70 1.76 2.18 - 3.44
2004/05 - 1.00 2.03 - 2.72 2.51 - - 3.72 - 3.98 4.42 3.14
2005/06 - 4.05 3.70 - 2.95 2.57 - - 3.77 - 3.13 3.86 3.40
2006/07 - - 2.78 - 2.16 3.25 - - 2.67 - 2.53 3.51 3.29
2007/08 - - 2.66 - 3.50 4.32 - - 4.39 4.98 4.50 5.24 4.60
2008/09 - 4.75 5.64 - 3.98 5.17 - - 5.75 - 5.82 5.91 5.44
2009/10 - 2.68 - - 5.82 7.79 - - 6.87 - 6.64 8.28 7.58
2010/11 - 4.28 5.55 - 6.87 9.04 - - 8.82 - 8.24 8.59 8.31
2011/12 - 4.01 3.48 - 2.24 2.34 - 1.99 1.77 1.59 2.12 1.96 2.17
2012/13 - 0.79 0.53 0.87 1.46 2.12 - 4.33 3.73 5.11 2.63 1.60 2.10
2013/14 - 0.69 0.42 0.22 0.46 0.93 - 0.53 0.26 0.13 0.38 0.42 0.51
2014/15 - 0.16 0.90 1.21 0.30 0.23 - 1.25 0.87 0.90 0.68 0.56 0.58
2015/16 - 3.12 1.57 0.86 0.85 0.83 - 0.98 1.10 1.88 0.44 0.33 1.18
2016/17 2.31 2.60 2.30 3.16 - 2.23 - 2.85 1.45 1.34 2.02 1.71 2.11
2017/18 - 2.05 1.77 2.99 - 5.02 - - 5.08 5.25 4.92 4.39 3.99
2018/19 - 3.17 2.66

40. Weighted Average Treasury Bills Rate (364-day)

Annualised Percent
Fiscal year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Annual
1996/97 - - - - - 11.96 - - 10.53 - 8.98 - 10.34
1997/98 - - - - - 6.30 - - 7.25 - 6.99 - 6.86
1998/99 - - - - - - - - 4.91 5.42 5.31 - 5.13
1999/00 - - - - 5.67 5.57 6.08 7.28 6.14 - - - 6.16
2000/01 - - - - 5.73 5.44 5.46 5.11 4.92 5.27 5.52 5.62 5.26
2001/02 - - - - 5.51 5.15 5.66 5.56 5.14 5.04 4.99 4.43 5.20
2003/04 5.31 5.18 5.30 5.15 5.12 4.95 4.70 4.04 3.02 2.65 2.57 3.81 4.15
2004/05 - - 3.53 - 3.06 2.49 2.78 3.54 3.98 4.84 4.87 4.79 4.32
2005/06 - - 3.87 3.93 3.09 3.42 3.50 3.80 4.31 4.20 3.74 4.04 3.95
2006/07 - - 3.78 3.33 3.04 3.14 3.21 3.01 3.09 3.55 3.19 4.00 3.50
2007/08 - 3.04 3.04 3.28 3.40 4.67 6.44 5.95 4.82 5.30 5.66 6.47 5.49
2008/09 - 3.56 5.57 5.65 4.96 5.20 6.84 6.19 5.96 6.53 6.59 6.55 6.06
2009/10 - 3.39 - 6.04 5.43 7.39 8.11 - 7.60 - 6.96 7.28 7.85
2010/11 - 5.41 6.38 7.65 7.19 8.61 - - 8.81 - 8.61 8.61 8.35
2011/12 - 4.46 4.43 3.27 2.68 3.03 - 2.41 2.65 - 3.44 2.72 2.94
2012/13 - 1.16 0.93 1.48 2.11 2.26 - 4.03 4.04 4.12 - 2.71 2.69
2013/14 - 1.00 0.79 0.50 0.75 1.06 - 0.83 0.68 0.64 - 0.72 0.76
2014/15 - 0.54 0.93 0.87 0.58 0.37 - 1.38 1.16 0.98 - 0.76 0.78
2015/16 - 3.04 1.97 0.97 0.96 0.94 - 1.33 1.29 0.60 0.67 0.72 1.03
2016/17 - 2.69 2.74 3.65 3.25 2.70 - 2.23 2.31 2.84 2.10 - 2.45
2017/18 1.32 1.51 2.05 3.12 4.97 5.76 - 5.17 5.20 5.32 4.83 - 4.18
2018/19 3.93 3.60 3.21

41. Weighted Average Interbank Transaction Rate

Annualised Percent
Fiscal year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Annual
1994/95 - - - - - - 6.20 6.51 7.64 6.72 6.78 6.73 6.69
1995/96 6.68 6.94 7.92 8.53 8.44 9.42 10.41 9.98 9.40 9.84 10.19 9.95 9.31
1996/97 9.80 9.80 9.79 9.64 9.53 9.27 9.15 8.75 8.69 7.38 4.52 4.57 8.57
1997/98 4.21 2.06 3.09 2.44 1.34 1.74 4.40 4.56 4.74 3.58 3.50 2.42 3.27
1998/99 1.37 1.39 1.38 1.68 2.12 2.10 1.55 0.73 0.90 1.87 2.09 2.57 1.75
1999/00 2.67 1.72 3.32 4.10 3.82 3.95 4.52 4.96 4.93 4.08 4.77 4.92 4.16
2000/01 4.83 4.85 4.01 4.82 4.70 5.06 4.05 4.29 3.39 4.36 3.91 4.73 4.50
2001/02 3.06 2.62 4.02 4.50 4.41 4.03 6.31 5.51 4.48 4.75 3.67 1.96 4.22
2002/03 2.98 2.50 3.31 4.05 3.62 3.83 3.62 3.67 3.58 4.06 3.59 4.50 3.62
2003/04 4.15 2.67 3.60 4.21 4.63 4.68 4.82 3.67 0.83 1.01 0.99 0.71 3.03
2004/05 1.02 0.39 0.83 2.24 3.54 3.49 3.95 4.33 4.50 4.28 4.11 4.71 3.39
2005/06 2.47 3.87 3.18 2.36 0.96 1.22 2.48 2.84 1.97 3.52 1.77 2.13 2.47
2006/07 2.07 1.83 2.11 1.20 1.34 3.03 2.01 1.39 1.69 3.35 2.72 3.03 2.26
2007/08 4.10 2.18 3.35 3.73 4.73 4.93 7.55 5.07 2.69 6.48 4.64 3.61 4.20
2008/09 5.15 2.33 5.16 5.34 2.38 3.37 8.32 6.38 5.06 7.07 5.02 3.66 5.07
2009/10 1.41 2.00 5.10 9.22 9.93 12.83 11.64 8.85 7.81 7.13 5.52 6.57 7.74
2010/11 2.46 3.24 5.89 9.79 8.59 10.58 8.45 10.18 9.54 10.43 10.23 8.22 8.44
2011/12 2.69 1.33 1.08 1.11 1.06 0.90 0.72 0.69 0.69 0.75 0.84 0.86 1.28
2012/13 0.48 0.34 0.33 0.45 0.57 0.71 2.29 4.26 3.78 5.77 1.36 0.86 2.72
2013/14 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.22
2014/15 0.15 0.17 1.03 0.42 0.15 0.15 2.23 1.80 0.64 0.44 0.24 1.01 1.06
2015/16 0.74 1.45 0.64 0.36 0.82 0.26 0.22 0.42 1.59 3.44 0.36 0.69 1.15
2016/17 0.82 2.56 3.27 3.59 2.67 2.71 4.13 0.90 0.75 2.73 2.46 0.64 2.60
2017/18 0.29 0.39 1.13 2.68 4.83 4.40 4.31 4.87 4.12 4.53 4.18 2.96 3.54
2018/19 1.88 1.68 1.86

42. Interbank Transaction (Amount)

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2002/03 5,095.0 4,230.0 4,240.0 3,610.0 3,000.0 4,225.0 5,009.0 4,330.0 3,550.0 5,180.0 4,060.0 5,200.0 51,729.0
2003/04 4,870.0 13,805.0 12,575.0 14,759.0 7,900.0 13,460.0 8,080.0 2,800.0 5,860.0 9,070.0 5,650.0 14,359.0 113,188.0
2004/05 4,309.0 13,165.0 12,145.0 9,056.0 11,018.0 11,030.0 12,710.0 9,500.0 18,162.0 13,050.0 18,334.3 20,358.5 152,837.8
2005/06 20,554.2 24,670.5 12,021.0 10,369.0 15,533.0 11,255.5 14,541.0 20,075.0 15,654.0 7,970.0 10,245.0 12,862.0 175,750.2
2006/07 13,397.0 18,830.0 15,855.0 14,880.0 14,180.0 17,395.0 8,962.0 7,713.0 7,295.0 20,300.0 17,397.0 13,980.0 170,184.0
2007/08 35,455.0 31,353.0 35,062.0 21,472.0 20,418.0 24,379.0 12,236.0 10,443.0 12,583.9 21,570.0 17,413.0 15,934.2 258,319.1
2008/09 22,432.0 21,897.0 23,934.0 36,880.0 21,661.0 19,955.0 27,293.0 18,938.6 27,518.0 27,686.0 23,702.0 21,522.0 293,418.6
2009/10 9,527.0 29,763.0 26,239.0 30,559.5 22,845.0 31,964.0 24,596.0 13,045.0 26,999.0 16,177.0 14,110.0 23,022.0 268,846.5
2010/11 26,345.5 22,856.0 24,944.0 45,845.0 45,152.9 36,533.4 23,749.7 27,273.1 18,992.7 25,360.0 47,529.0 52,982.5 397,563.8
2011/12 46,481.0 23,655.0 13,401.0 6,484.0 8,057.0 3,737.2 10,599.0 16,760.0 16,372.6 39,224.0 20,305.0 7,692.6 212,768.5
2012/13 3,778.0 7,614.9 22,664.9 41,821.7 57,151.1 41,383.2 84,693.9 131,067.7 126,620.9 88,456.6 70,014.8 50,500.2 725,768.0
2013/14 10,815.0 21,040.7 16,295.1 9,331.0 12,496.5 24,365.0 43,041.6 20,209.0 10,380.1 17,176.6 8,599.6 7,010.4 200,760.5
2014/15 4,183.6 16,785.2 59,148.3 46,623.9 13,937.5 11,820.0 60,028.0 62,774.5 54,194.9 16,825.1 9,422.0 18,957.5 374,700.4
2015/16 54,163.1 87,216.6 44,212.2 45,909.4 86,020.8 93,480.6 37,572.0 75,260.9 116,403.5 137,484.2 84,443.9 99,550.1 961,717.2
2016/17 74,532.1 93,260.4 112,777.5 119,761.4 86,370.7 108,890.7 103,429.5 51,465.1 21,562.5 118,780.3 115,766.1 55,440.1 1,062,036.3
2017/18 35,750.0 58,180.9 108,468.3 118,700.8 122,227.5 141,951.7 108,882.0 97,952.0 90,757.0 89,462.0 110,063.0 78,919.0 1,161,314.2
2018/19 67,999.0 141,080.0 127,788.0 336,867.0

43. Outright Sale Auction

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 - - 9,550.0 - - 950.0 - - - - - - 10,500.0
2005/06 1,440.0 - 2,000.0 300.0 830.0 - - 470.0 930.0 - 3,390.0 4,150.0 13,510.0
2006/07 1,000.0 1,250.0 1,020.0 - 2,620.0 - - 2,000.0 1,010.0 1,300.0 6,050.0 2,150.0 18,400.0
2007/08 - - - 500.0 740.0 - - 2,460.0 770.0 2,000.0 3,430.0 4,950.0 14,850.0
2008/09 3,500.0 - - 2,000.0 1,960.0 - - - - - - - 7,460.0
2009/10 7,440.0 - - - - - - - - - - - 7,440.0
2010/11 - - 2,000.0 - - - - - - - - - 2,000.0
2011/12 - - - - 5,400.0 3,000.0 - - - - - - 8,400.0
2012/13 - 3,500.0 5,000.0 - - - - - - - - - 8,500.0
2013/14 - - 8,500.0 - - - - - - - - - 8,500.0
2014/15 - - - - - - - - - 6,000.0 - - 6,000.0
2015/16 5,900.0 3,200.0 - - - - - - - - - - 9,100.0
2016/17 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2017/18 - - - - - - - - - - 5,000.0 3,400.0 8,400.0
2018/19 - - - -

44. Outright Purchase Auction

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 - - - 49.6 - - 1,072.2 190.0 - - - - 1,311.8
2005/06 - - 530.0 300.0 - - - - - - - - 830.0
2006/07 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2007/08 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2008/09 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2009/10 - - - - - 3,381.7 - - - - - - 3,381.7
2010/11 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2012/13 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2013/14 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2014/15 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2015/16 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2016/17 - - - - - - 9,167.5 18,620.3 - - - - 27,787.8
2017/18 - - - - - 25,277.2 11,067.8 750.0 - 525.0 - - 37,620.0
2018/19 - - - -

45 A. Repo Auction*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 - - - 1,050.0 1,610.0 - 2,800.0 300.0 - 600.0 - 320.0 6,680.0
2005/06 - - - - - - 450.0 - - - - - 450.0
2006/07 - - - - - - - - - 2,000.0 - - 2,000.0
2007/08 - - - - - 2,000.0 5,000.0 2,000.0 - - - - 9,000.0
2008/09 - - - - - - 4,000.0 5,000.0 - - 2,000.0 - 11,000.0
2009/10 - - 1,000.0 2,000.0 13,000.0 23,982.0 18,953.0 15,250.3 20,929.0 12,000.0 11,996.5 12,566.0 131,676.8
2010/11 - - 3,000.0 2,000.0 - 13,000.0 10,000.0 13,804.6 15,187.4 18,217.4 7,194.3 9,982.4 92,386.1
2011/12 728.0 15.8 - - - - - - - - - - 743.7
2012/13 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2013/14 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2014/15 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2015/16 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2016/17 - 10.0 10,000.0 - - 5,390.0 17,810.0 - - - - - 33,210.0
2017/18 - - - - 44,050.0 - 10,000.0 6,100.0 1,670.0 7,900.0 - - 69,720.0
2018/19 - - - -
* Since 2004/05, the repo auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary instrument at the initiative of NRB.

45 B. Reverse Repo Auction*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 - - 1,500.0 - - 2,570.0 - - 1,200.0 - - - 5,270.0
2005/06 - - - 500.0 1,500.0 2,000.0 1,000.0 - 1,500.0 - - - 6,500.0
2006/07 2,590.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 6,150.0 750.0 1,070.0 - 500.0 - - - 280.0 14,340.0
2007/08 - 1,000.0 4,570.0 - - - - - 1,000.0 - - - 6,570.0
2008/09 2,000.0 3,520.0 - - 3,500.0 4,240.0 - - - - - - 13,260.0
2009/10 - 1,000.0 - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.0
2010/11 12,000.0 7,000.0 - - - - - - - - - - 19,000.0
2011/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2012/13 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2013/14 - 15,000.0 20,000.0 - 29,500.0 54,000.0 58,500.0 93,000.0 78,000.0 78,000.0 97,500.0 79,000.0 602,500.0
2014/15 99,500.0 68,500.0 19,000.0 11,000.0 22,500.0 40,000.0 9,750.0 850.0 2,700.0 6,000.0 11,000.0 25,000.0 315,800.0
2015/16 13,000.0 8,300.0 35,000.0 20,000.0 9,000.0 12,050.0 40,000.0 25,420.0 2,270.0 5,910.0 40,000.0 25,000.0 235,950.0
2016/17 27,450.0 26,100.0 5,200.0 2,000.0 2,000.0 1,500.0 - - - - - - 64,250.0
2017/18 45,750.0 24,000.0 5,000.0 10,000.0 - - - - - - - - 84,750.0
2018/19 700.0 5,000.0 10,000.0 15,700.0
* Since 2004/05, the reverse repo auction of treasury bills has been used as a monetary instrument at the initiative of NRB.

46. Deposit Auction

In Million Rupees
Issue Date Maturity Period Amount Rate Issue Date Maturity Period Amount Rate
2071.05.04 2071.08.02 20,000.00 0.69 2074.03.08 2074.03.22 4,450.00 0.58
2071.06.01 2071.09.01 10,000.00 0.59 2074.03.15 2074.03.29 4,500.00 0.63
2071.06.08 2071.09.08 10,000.00 0.75 2074.03.22 2074.04.05 5,000.00 0.54
2071.08.17 2071.11.19 5,000.00 0.21 2074.03.28 2074.06.24 7,150.00 0.16
2071.08.19 2071.11.21 5,000.00 0.17 2074.03.29 2074.06.25 2,250.00 0.48
2071.08.24 2071.11.26 5,000.00 0.25 2074.04.01 2074.06.28 150.00 0.50
2071.09.23 2071.12.24 10,000.00 0.16 2074.04.03 2074.06.30 1,750.00 0.50
2071.09.28 2071.12.29 10,000.00 0.25 2074.04.05 2074.07.01 550.00 0.50
2071.10.05 2072.01.06 5,000.00 0.69 2074.04.10 2074.05.08 20,000.00 0.46
2071.11.29 2072.02.28 5,000.00 0.86 2074.04.12 2074.05.10 5,300.00 0.52
2071.12.27 2072.03.24 5,000.00 0.76 2074.05.04 2074.06.03 5,000.00 0.42
2071.12.30 2072.03.27 5,000.00 0.68 2074.05.15 2074.06.14 2,400.00 0.52
2072.01.06 2072.04.02 10,000.00 0.79 2074.06.22 2074.07.21 3,000.00 0.52
2072.03.28 2072.06.24 10,000.00 0.06 2074.06.25 2074.07.24 2,500.00 0.85
2072.03.30 2072.06.26 20,000.00 0.27 2074.07.15 2074.07.30 1,700.00 1.52
2072.03.31 2072.06.27 20,000.00 0.29 2074.07.29 2074.08.13 100.00 3.00
2072.04.07 2072.07.04 11,250.00 0.71 2074.09.24 2074.10.08 2,000.00 3.00
2072.04.08 2072.07.05 10,000.00 0.84 2074.10.07 2074.10.21 1,050.00 3.00
2072.04.10 2072.07.07 9,350.00 1.17 2075.03.05 2075.03.19 7,100.00 3.00
2072.04.14 2072.07.11 5,000.00 1.40 2075.03.06 2075.03.20 200.00 3.00
2072.04.15 2072.07.12 5,000.00 1.58 2075.03.07 2075.03.21 1,250.00 3.00
2072.04.17 2072.07.14 5,000.00 1.87 2075.03.10 2075.03.24 500.00 3.00
2072.04.21 2072.07.18 5,000.00 2.17 2075.03.12 2075.03.26 1,250.00 3.00
2072.04.24 2072.07.21 5,000.00 2.51 2075.03.17 2075.03.31 1,500.00 3.00
2072.04.26 2072.07.23 350.00 2.90 2075.03.19 2075.04.01 5,000.00 3.00
2072.04.28 2072.07.25 1,300.00 2.97 2075.03.21 2075.04.03 7,500.00 3.00
2072.07.01 2072.10.02 20,000.00 0.66 2075.03.22 2075.04.04 1,900.00 3.00
2072.07.10 2072.10.11 10,000.00 0.40 2075.03.24 2075.04.06 2,200.00 3.00
2072.07.12 2072.10.13 20,000.00 0.58 2075.03.25 2075.04.07 2,600.00 3.00
2072.07.15 2072.10.16 20,000.00 0.84 2075.03.26 2075.04.08 4,000.00 3.00
2072.07.17 2072.10.18 20,000.00 1.21 2075.03.27 2075.04.09 5,000.00 3.00
2072.07.19 2072.10.20 10,000.00 1.74 2075.03.28 2075.04.10 2,800.00 3.00
2072.08.06 2072.11.08 10,000.00 1.68 2075.03.31 2075.04.29 5,000.00 3.00
2072.08.08 2072.11.10 100.00 1.45 2075.03.32 2075.05.29 8,550.00 3.00
2072.08.10 2072.11.12 1,050.00 1.46 2075.04.01 2075.06.29 3,450.00 3.56
2072.08.24 2072.11.26 5,000.00 0.68 2075.04.02 2075.05.31 4,350.00 3.35
2072.08.27 2072.11.29 5,000.00 0.63 2075.04.03 2075.06.01 10,000.00 3.46
2072.08.29 2072.12.01 5,000.00 0.66 2075.04.04 2075.06.02 5,750.00 3.48
2072.09.05 2072.12.06 5,000.00 0.66 2075.04.06 2075.05.05 20,000.00 3.26
2072.09.07 2072.12.08 5,000.00 0.83 2075.04.08 2075.07.05 18,500.00 3.60
2072.09.09 2072.12.10 5,000.00 0.94 2075.04.09 2075.05.08 8,850.00 3.40
2072.10.12 2073.01.13 10,000.00 0.59 2075.04.10 2075.06.08 3,200.00 3.53
2072.10.14 2073.01.15 10,000.00 0.53 2075.04.13 2075.07.10 5,000.00 3.77
2072.10.17 2073.01.18 10,000.00 0.53 2075.04.16 2075.06.14 600.00 3.39
2072.10.19 2073.01.20 10,000.00 0.47
2072.10.21 2073.01.22 10,000.00 0.41
2072.10.29 2073.01.30 10,000.00 0.35
2072.11.02 2073.02.01 10,000.00 0.36
2072.11.04 2073.02.03 10,000.00 0.37
2072.11.06 2073.02.05 8,800.00 0.41
2072.11.11 2073.02.10 10,300.00 0.43
2073.04.26 2073.05.08 16,100.00 0.30
2073.04.27 2073.05.09 350.00 0.25
2073.04.30 2073.07.27 5,000.00 1.39
2073.05.05 2073.05.19 5,000.00 2.20
2073.05.07 2073.08.06 50.00 2.60
2073.05.26 2073.06.09 5,000.00 2.00
2073.09.03 2073.09.17 2,750.00 0.90
2073.09.05 2073.09.19 600.00 0.86
2073.09.07 2073.12.09 2,000.00 1.60

Total 614,550.00 Total 614,550.00

47. Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF)*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 585.00 189.00 3,367.28 15,836.81 2,362.50 200.00 6,224.80 11,402.00 4,027.90 1,040.00 600.00 3,472.05 49,307.34
2005/06 400.00 550.00 220.00 - - 753.50 200.00 160.00 950.00 4,800.00 - 1,850.00 9,883.50
2006/07 - 370.00 1,575.00 2,101.50 1,074.70 3,070.00 - 300.00 8,630.00 13,821.00 350.00 15,687.00 46,979.20
2007/08 - 4,080.00 9,665.00 13,135.00 9,310.00 10,780.00 25,532.00 - 3,850.00 21,250.00 4,500.00 1,730.00 103,832.00
2008/09 18,150.00 3,720.00 11,155.00 2,500.00 - 6,010.00 12,260.00 29,437.50 2,150.00 11,220.00 11,180.00 - 107,782.50
2009/10 - 350.00 3,700.00 13,234.00 28,178.90 19,784.40 18,527.19 1,394.29 6,617.50 67.10 2.88 4,080.00 95,936.26
2010/11 2,950.00 - 17,892.40 30,968.00 29,865.26 40,038.26 14,924.88 19,473.08 15,559.85 15,101.14 18,952.00 10,949.11 216,673.98
2011/12 3,936.00 204.00 70.00 3.00 - 36.00 45.00 54.00 27.00 - 1,200.00 - 5,575.00
2012/13 - - - - - 1,586.40 1,802.40 13,170.00 15,664.25 20,988.80 985.10 780.60 54,977.55
2013/14 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2014/15 - - - - - - 210.0 1,510.0 4,900.0 1,250.0 2,340.0 100.0 10,310.0
2015/16 - - - - - - - - 2,650.0 5,900.0 - 5,480.0 14,030.0
2016/17 - - 7,750.0 2,300.0 - 3,930.0 40,846.0 3,348.0 3,567.0 650.0 - - 62,391.0
2017/18 - - 300.0 5,200.0 15,080.0 3,000.0 500.0 3,300.0 2,480.0 8,465.0 - - 38,325.0
2018/19 - - 3,420.0 3,420.0
* This fully collateralised lending facility takes place at the initiative of commercial banks.

48 A. Foreign Exchange Intervention: Purchase*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 1,357.5 2,067.5 3,687.8 2,435.1 3,233.3 4,718.1 2,090.4 2,120.2 6,237.8 3,809.0 2,288.9 3,849.1 37,894.7
2005/06 1,699.8 2,160.8 3,783.9 6,195.5 4,826.3 4,487.2 2,935.0 5,263.0 3,922.8 5,023.8 9,752.2 5,827.2 55,877.5
2006/07 6,548.7 4,746.4 5,593.2 5,134.5 6,876.1 5,420.6 3,363.4 7,260.3 3,531.9 4,500.1 5,395.5 6,596.0 64,966.7
2007/08 2,250.7 4,792.0 7,387.1 6,602.4 9,124.4 5,915.1 7,033.1 12,834.0 10,993.3 10,622.4 12,503.1 13,516.7 103,574.4
2008/09 5,574.1 7,770.0 18,467.0 11,548.8 17,492.0 13,494.7 12,134.1 11,919.8 10,794.5 13,464.8 9,098.5 12,276.9 144,035.2
2009/10 5,766.1 9,851.1 4,561.8 6,372.0 7,210.1 4,258.9 8,642.3 8,950.9 13,701.5 15,581.1 16,545.0 17,665.9 119,106.8
2010/11 12,823.2 11,110.2 13,842.0 19,304.1 13,241.1 14,668.0 13,870.0 14,411.0 11,399.3 19,306.0 17,024.0 13,662.3 174,661.1
2011/12 18,375.2 21,283.1 28,964.1 19,856.8 19,211.9 18,781.6 14,785.7 19,341.3 21,063.9 22,301.3 30,485.2 23,827.3 258,277.4
2012/13 13,561.6 14,957.5 19,347.1 16,475.0 22,520.8 17,484.3 19,206.2 32,629.6 25,512.5 34,971.6 26,972.6 42,396.2 286,035.0
2013/14 20,089.4 32,191.0 39,009.9 34,594.0 15,492.9 29,918.7 26,988.0 29,064.8 25,883.0 32,466.2 26,003.5 34,123.8 345,825.1
2014/15 26,790.2 18,986.9 26,236.9 28,964.9 30,642.3 25,574.2 24,360.5 31,916.1 31,509.9 55,403.8 55,104.5 42,365.1 397,855.4
2015/16 34,039.0 39,886.6 43,534.9 36,816.6 42,556.2 37,301.5 34,486.9 37,711.9 43,327.5 42,584.4 31,654.4 47,450.2 471,350.0
2016/17 23,629.3 33,874.0 41,431.7 38,936.5 37,894.3 43,581.0 31,770.9 38,901.5 37,580.0 33,035.5 37,693.9 37,530.0 435,858.6
2017/18 19,141.9 35,282.6 43,260.5 34,788.5 34,715.0 30,854.2 40,334.0 44,943.2 46,299.7 32,592.7 31,595.2 37,673.8 431,481.1
2018/19 17,405.3 21,783.8 49,281.6 88,470.7
* The purchase and sale of foreign exchange takes place at the request (initiative) of commercial banks.

48 B. Foreign Exchange Intervention: Sale*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Total
2004/05 - - - 1,088.4 - - 1,750.5 - - 780.3 - - 3,619.3
2005/06 522.7 - - - - 131.7 - - - - - - 654.5
2006/07 - - - - - - 511.5 - - - - - 511.5
2007/08 - 400.4 - - - - 548.9 - - - - 215.4 1,164.7
2008/09 183.8 974.7 - - - - - - - - 377.7 - 1,536.3
2009/10 - - - - - 446.8 - - - - - - 446.8
2010/11 - - - - 363.0 - - - - - - - 363.0
2011/12 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2012/13 1,007.5 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,007.5
2013/14 2,363.0 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,363.0
2014/15 - - - - - - 346.6 - 115.5 269.7 - 407.4 1,139.3
2015/16 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2016/17 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2017/18 400.1 1,329.4 - - - - - - - - - 7,416.1 9,145.5
2018/19 7,718.5 - - 7,718.5
* The purchase and sale of foreign exchange takes place at the request (initiative) of commercial banks.

49. Number of Banks and Financial Institutions

Commercial Development Finance Microfinance Total NRB Licensed Insurance

Banks Banks Companies Financial Institutions No. of BFIs Cooperatives NGOs Companies
1983 Jul 2 2 - - 4 - - 4
1984 Jul 3 2 - - 5 - - 4
1985 Jul 3 2 - - 5 - - 4
1986 Jul 4 2 - - 6 - - 4
1987 Jul 5 2 - - 7 - - 4
1988 Jul 5 2 - - 7 - - 5
1989 Jul 5 2 - - 7 - - 5
1990 Jul 5 2 - - 7 - - 5
1991 Jul 5 2 - - 7 - - 5
1992 Jul 5 2 1 - 8 - - 5
1993 Jul 8 2 8 2 20 - - 6
1994 Jul 8 2 28 2 40 9 13 9
1995 Jul 10 3 30 4 47 9 13 9
1996 Jul 11 3 37 4 55 16 23 12
1997 Jul 11 3 42 6 62 22 30 12
1998 Jul 11 5 44 6 66 29 30 12
1999 Jul 13 7 46 7 73 35 30 12
2000 Jul 13 7 47 7 74 35 30 12
2001 Jul 15 8 48 8 79 34 15 14
2002 Jul 16 11 54 11 92 34 25 17
2003 Jul 17 11 57 11 96 20 39 17
2004 Jul 17 14 58 11 100 20 43 17
2005 Jul 17 26 60 11 114 20 46 19
2006 Jul 18 29 70 11 128 19 47 21
2007 Jul 20 38 74 12 144 17 47 21
2008 Jul 25 58 78 12 173 16 46 25

2008 Oct 25 59 78 12 174 16 46 25

2009 Jan 25 59 78 12 174 16 45 25
2009 Apr 25 c 78 13 116 16 45 25
2009 Jul 26 63 77 15 181 16 45 25

2009 Oct 26 70 77 15 188 16 45 25

2010 Jan 26 73 78 17 194 16 45 25
2010 Apr 27 78 79 18 202 16 45 25
2010 Jul 27 79 79 18 203 16 45 25

2010 Oct 29 83 79 19 210 16 45 25

2011 Jan 30 87 79 21 217 16 45 25
2011 Apr 31 87 80 21 219 16 45 25
2011 Jul 31 87 79 21 218 16 38 25

2011 Oct 31 87 79 21 218 16 37 25

2012 Jan 31 89 79 21 220 16 37 25
2012 Apr 32 88 77 23 220 16 37 25
2012 Jul 32 88 70 24 214 16 36 25

2012 Oct 32 90 69 24 215 16 30 25

2013 Jan 32 90 67 25 214 16 34 25
2013 Apr 32 89 65 28 214 16 33 25
2013 Jul 31 86 59 31 207 16 31 25

2013 Oct 31 87 59 35 212 15 31 25

2014 Jan 31 87 59 35 212 15 31 25
2014 Apr 30 87 59 36 212 15 31 25
2014 Jul 30 84 53 37 204 15 29 25

2014 Oct 30 81 52 35 198 15 28 25

2015 Jan 30 81 52 36 199 15 28 25
2015 Apr 30 81 52 35 198 16 27 26
2015 Jul 30 76 48 38 192 15 27 26

2015 Oct 30 76 48 40 194 15 27 26

2016 Jan 29 73 45 39 186 15 27 26
2016 Apr 29 72 46 41 188 15 27 26
2016 Jul 28 67 42 42 179 15 25 26

2016 Oct 28 64 39 45 176 15 25 26

2017 Jan 28 57 36 48 169 15 25 26
2017 Apr 28 54 33 50 165 15 25 26
2017 Jul 28 40 28 53 149 14 25 28

2017 Oct 28 39 27 54 148 14 25 36

2018 Jan 28 36 25 58 147 14 24 36
2018 Apr 28 36 25 63 152 14 24 36
2018 Jul 28 33 25 65 151 14 24 39

2018 Oct 28 33 24 68 153 14 24 39

50. Commercial Bank Branches by Area

M id-July Mid-Oct
Districts 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* 2010* 2011* 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017
Kathmandu Valley 56 59 59 63 65 65 62 59 62 65 67 70 75 75 75 83 82 87 89 92 94 128 157 239 347 392 444 457 469 491 528 528 593 594
1. Kathmandu 39 42 42 45 47 47 44 41 43 46 47 48 52 52 53 61 62 66 67 69 71 94 120 182 260 296 336 347 355 372 404 404 449 451
2. Bhaktapur 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 20 27 29 31 32 34 35 37 37 44 44
3. Lalitpur 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 14 14 13 14 15 16 16 24 27 37 60 67 77 78 80 84 87 87 100 99

Hills 167 173 184 190 192 192 193 191 190 190 190 194 195 192 164 145 130 125 119 122 126 161 156 206 253 288 404 431 452 491 561 561 731 753
1. Taplejung 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8
2. Panchthar 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 6 7 8 9 9 12 12
3. Illam 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 7 8 8 11 11 12 12 14 14 17 18
4. Sankhuwashabha 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 8 10 10 10 12 12 15 15
5. Tehrathum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 6 8 8 9 9
6. Dhankuta 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 4 4 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 12
7. Bhojpur 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 8 10 10 12 13
8. Solukhumbu 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 9
9. Okhaldhunga 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 7
10. Khotang 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 6
11. Udayapur 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 10 11 12 12 13 13 16 16 19 20
12. Dolakha 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 5 8 10 11 11 11 11 11 15 16
13. Ramechhap 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 6 6 6 6 6 9 10
14. Sindhuli 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 12 13
15. Rashuwa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 10 13 13
16. Dhading 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 5 6 6 16 16 16 22 22 22 23 24
17. Nuwakot 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 10 10 14 15
18. Sindhupalchok 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 12 19 19 19 20 20 20 22 22
19. Kabhrepalanchok 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 11 10 14 18 19 20 21 23 23 28 28 42 42
20. Makawanpur 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 10 9 10 9 8 9 8 8 10 10 12 13 15 17 20 23 24 24 24 30 31
21. Gorkha 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 5 7 10 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15
22. Tanahu 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 6 12 15 16 18 18 18 20 27 27 34 35
23. Manang 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
24. Lamjung 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 5 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 18 17
25. Kaski 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 12 15 15 19 18 24 27 32 35 41 45 48 56 56 56 57 65 65 82 82
26. Syangja 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 7 7 8 11 11 11 12 17 17 22 22
27. Parbat 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 13 13
28. Myagdi 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 7 9 10 10 14 14
29. Mustang 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5
30. Baglung 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 8 10 10 13 14 14 19 18 18 25 26
31. Gulmi 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 4 5 8 8 8 10 10 12 13
32. Arghakhanchi 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 9 9 9 9 11 11 13 14
33. Palpa 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 10 10 11 11 15 15 26 26
34. Rukum 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 6 8 8 12 12
35. Rolpa 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
36. Salyan 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 7 8 8 11 13
37. Pyuthan 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 6 7 9

Commercial Bank Branches by Area (Contd. …)

M id-July Mid-Oct
Districts 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 2009* 2010* 2011* 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017

Hills (Contd.)

38. Dailekh 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 7 8 8 8 9 9
39. Jajarkot 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5
40. Surkhet 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 8 8 12 12 12 14 16 16 27 29
41. Dolpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
42. Jumla 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6
43. Kalikot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5
44. Mugu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
45. Humla 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
46. Bajhang 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 6
47. Bajura 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5
48. Doti 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7
49. Achham 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 7
50. Darchula 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 6 6 8 8
51. Baitadi 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
52. Dadeldhura 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 11 11

Terai 170 177 182 184 184 184 185 184 186 189 191 197 205 214 200 202 188 167 167 161 170 263 242 307 390 431 577 598 626 690 780 780 950 971
1. Jhapa 18 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 18 11 11 11 12 12 19 23 29 40 43 51 52 55 57 66 66 80 82
2. Morang 15 15 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 22 21 22 20 22 21 23 24 30 29 33 38 42 58 59 59 61 71 71 90 90
3. Sunsari 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 15 14 11 11 12 13 15 18 24 26 32 39 42 49 51 54 60 61 61 74 75
4. Saptari 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 4 5 3 3 6 4 4 5 5 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 20
5. Siraha 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 7 7 6 6 5 11 9 10 11 11 17 20 22 27 31 31 33 36
6. Dhanusha 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 8 7 8 9 8 6 7 12 12 13 14 15 24 26 29 34 34 34 38 39
7. Mahottari 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 7 2 4 7 7 10 10 11 13 19 19 21 24
8. Sarlahi 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 2 2 6 2 4 7 9 12 13 15 17 20 20 23 23
9. Chitawan 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 14 14 11 11 7 10 8 9 16 19 29 34 37 48 49 55 64 68 68 92 91
10. Parsa 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 16 16 17 20 20 21 20 20 20 23 24 27 26 29 32 35 41 40 41 42 39 39 48 47
11. Bara 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 10 10 11 10 11 10 20 10 6 5 10 7 7 8 10 16 17 17 24 28 28 31 32
12. Rautahat 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 20 5 4 4 6 4 5 5 8 10 12 13 13 15 15 17 19
13. Nawalparasi 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 4 4 4 8 5 7 10 13 17 17 17 23 28 28 41 44
14. Rupandehi 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 17 19 20 18 22 22 20 21 22 24 34 27 40 48 53 67 68 68 74 89 89 118 115
15. Kapilvastu 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 20 3 3 3 6 4 3 5 7 11 11 11 12 18 18 22 25
16. Dang 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 20 3 3 3 8 9 12 19 20 28 29 30 34 40 40 44 45
17. Banke 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 8 9 20 8 6 8 11 16 20 23 26 37 39 40 43 49 49 54 56
18. Bardia 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 20 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 9 10 10 11 13 13 17 17
19. Kailali 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 11 10 20 9 8 8 13 10 17 30 31 37 39 41 42 50 50 60 61
20. Kanchanpur 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 20 3 3 3 7 5 5 10 12 20 20 21 21 23 23 28 30

Total Branches 393 409 425 437 441 441 440 434 438 444 448 461 475 481 439 430 400 379 375 375 390 552 555 752 990 1111 1425 1486 1547 1672 1869 1869 2274 2318
* Including only commercial banking branches of ADB/N.

50 A. Commercial Banks Branches by Province

S.No. Province District Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct

2018 2018 2018 2018
1 Taplejung 9 10 13 14
2 Panchthar 14 15 19 20
3 Ilam 20 22 26 29
4 Jhapa 86 88 100 102
5 Sankhuwasabha 16 17 19 21
Province 1

6 Bhojpur 13 15 23 23
7 Terhathum 10 10 13 14
8 Dhankuta 14 14 18 18
9 Morang 90 91 108 113
10 Sunsari 76 76 84 87
11 Solukhumbu 10 10 12 12
12 Khotang 6 7 12 13
13 Okhaldhunga 8 9 13 14
14 Udayapur 20 21 26 26
Total 392 405 486 506
15 Saptari 21 22 29 33
16 Siraha 40 41 54 55
Province 2

17 Dhanusha 42 42 53 55
18 Mahottari 30 32 40 40
19 Sarlahi 27 28 44 43
20 Rautahat 23 25 36 39
21 Bara 32 36 49 50
22 Parsa 46 47 54 55
Total 261 273 359 370
23 Dolakha 15 15 21 22
24 Ramechhap 11 13 16 19
25 Sindhuli 13 14 26 22
26 Rasuwa 14 14 22 20
27 Dhading 25 29 34 34
Province 3

28 Nuwakot 18 20 26 27
29 Sindhupalchok 21 21 27 27
30 Kavrepalanchok 46 51 57 57
31 Kathmandu 468 479 495 511
32 Lalitpur 102 105 110 110
33 Bhaktapur 45 46 50 49
34 Makawanpur 37 38 45 46
35 Chitawan 98 95 102 105
Total 913 940 1031 1049
36 Gorkha 19 20 22 22
37 Manang 4 4 4 6
38 Lamjung 22 26 23 26
39 Kaski 90 97 105 110

40 Tanahu 37 40 47 48
41 Syangja 21 22 29 30
42 Mustang 5 5 6 9
43 Baglung 27 30 37 35
44 Parbat 14 17 18 18
45 Myagdi 13 13 20 19
46 Nawalparasi East 30 29 34 39
Total 282 303 345 362
47 Gulmi 14 14 20 23
48 Palpa 26 30 33 35
49 Rupandehi 120 126 135 139
50 Kapilbastu 27 26 39 39
Province 5

51 Arghakhanchi 15 17 16 19
52 Pyuthan 9 10 15 16
53 Rolpa 6 6 10 12
54 Rukum East 2 3 5 4
55 Dang 50 49 58 58
56 Banke 57 58 67 67
57 Bardiya 21 21 23 23
58 Nawalparasi West 18 26 31 32
Total 365 386 452 467
59 Rukum West 12 24 29 16
60 Salyan 14 14 17 20
61 Surkhet 32 32 39 38
62 Dailekh 11 11 16 17

63 Jajarkot 5 5 5 7
64 Dolpa 3 3 5 6
65 Jumla 7 8 18 15
66 Kalikot 6 7 11 11
67 Mugu 3 3 6 5
68 Humla 4 4 5 8
Total 97 111 151 143
69 Doti 9 13 14 15
70 Bajhang 6 6 14 14
71 Kailali 70 74 81 82

72 Bajura 5 6 7 7
73 Achham 7 7 11 12
74 Kanchanpur 31 33 35 37
75 Darchula 8 8 9 12
76 Baitadi 6 6 11 11
77 Dadeldhura 11 13 17 17
Total 153 166 199 207
Grand Total 2463 2584 3023 3104
Note: Area office and Liason Office Network has not been counted as branch.

51. Geographical Distribution of Development Banks

Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018
Eastern Dev. Region 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 6 6 7 8 8 10 9 9 8 7 6 6
Mechi 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 Taplejung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Panchthar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Illam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhapa 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Koshi 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 6 6 5 4 3 3
5 Sankhusaba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Tehrathum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
7 Sunsari 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Dhankuta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 Bhojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Morang 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1
Sagarmatha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Solukhumbu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Okhaldhunga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Khotang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 Udayapur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Siraha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Saptari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Central Dev.Region 5 8 8 10 16 16 19 26 29 34 38 39 39 39 34 32 16 13 13
Janakpur 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2
17 Dolakha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
18 Ramechhap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Sindhuli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
20 Sarlahi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
21 Mahotari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Dhanusha 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Narayani 1 3 3 3 5 5 6 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 5 4 3 2 2
23 Chitwan 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
24 Makawanpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
25 Parsa 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
26 Bara 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
27 Rautahat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bagmati 4 5 5 6 10 10 12 17 19 23 26 27 27 27 24 23 11 9 9
28 Kathmandu 4 5 5 5 7 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 20 20 19 18 9 7 7
29 Lalitpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Bhaktapur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Rashuwa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Dhading 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
33 Nuwakot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
34 Sindhupalchok 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
35 Kabhrepalanchok 0 0 0 1 3 3 4 7 7 8 8 8 4 4 3 3 0 0 0
Western Dev. Region 2 2 2 2 6 7 11 19 20 26 29 29 25 24 22 17 11 10 10
Gandaki 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 9 9 12 14 14 12 10 10 8 4 4 4
36 Gorkha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
37 Tanahu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Manang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Lamjung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
40 Kaski 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 7 7 9 9 9 9 7 7 5 4 4 4
41 Syangja 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dhauligiri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
42 Parbat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Myagdi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
44 Mustang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Baglung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lumbini 2 2 2 2 4 4 7 9 10 13 14 14 12 12 11 8 6 5 5
46 Gulmi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
47 Arghakhanchi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Palpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Kapilbastu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Rupendehi 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 6 6 5 5
51 Nawalparasi 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0

Geographical Distribution of Development Banks (Contd. …)

Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018
Mid- Western Region 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 5 6 9 9 9 8 8 7 6 4 3 3
Rapti 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
52 Rukum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Rolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Salyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Pyuthan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
56 Dang 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bheri 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2
57 Dailekh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Jajarkot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Surkhet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
60 Banke 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
61 Bardiya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Karnali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Dolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Jumla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Kalikot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65 Mugu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 Humla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Far Western Dev.Region 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 1 1
Seti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 0
67 Bajhang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
68 Bajura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
69 Doti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70 Achham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
71 Kailali 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 0
Mahakali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
72 Darchula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
73 Baitadi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
74 Dadeldhura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
75 Kanchanpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Total 8 11 11 14 26 29 38 58 63 79 87 88 86 84 76 67 40 33 33

52. Development Bank Branches by Area

Mid-Jul Mid-Jul Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017
Kathmandu Valley 86 105 117 117 105 105 105 106 120 121 118 118 100 103 90 89
1. Kathmandu 67 82 92 92 83 83 83 84 94 95 92 90 78 81 71 70
2. Bhaktapur 9 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 7 7 7
3. Lalitpur 10 12 14 14 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 19 15 15 12 12
Hills 275 290 304 304 298 306 315 317 335 336 347 339 339 344 323 324
1. Taplejung 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Panchthar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
3. Illam 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7
4. Sankhuwashabha 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0
5. Tehrathum 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6. Dhankuta 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
7. Bhojpur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8. Solukhumbu 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
9. Okhaldhunga 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4
10. Khotang 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
11. Udayapur 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0
12. Dolakha 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 5 5
13. Ramechhap 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
14. Sindhuli 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 4 4
15. Rashuwa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
16. Dhading 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 7 9 9 10 11 11 16 16 16
17. Nuwakot 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 7
18. Sindhupalchok 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7
19. Kabhrepalanchok 24 27 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 20 16 13 13
20. Makawanpur 12 17 17 17 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 16 16 16
21. Gorkha 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 8 8 9 9
22. Tanahu 21 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 25 25 27 26 26 25 25 25
23. Manang 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
24. Lamjung 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 6 6
25. Kaski 64 68 69 69 68 72 74 75 82 82 82 78 78 81 84 84
26. Syangja 20 12 18 18 19 19 19 19 17 17 17 17 21 21 22 22
27. Parbat 3 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 10 10 10 10
28. Myagdi 4 7 7 7 7 7 11 11 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 7
29. Mustang 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
30. Baglung 5 8 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 11 11 10 10
31. Gulmi 12 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 12
32. Arghakhanchi 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5
33. Palpa 6 6 6 6 7 10 10 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11
34. Rukum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
35. Rolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36. Salyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0
37. Pyuthan 7 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 8 13 13 11 11
38. Dailekh 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
39. Jajarkot 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
40. Surkhet 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 5 5 2 2
41. Dolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Jumla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
43. Kalikot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
44. Mugu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45. Humla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46. Bajhang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47. Bajura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. Doti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
49. Achham 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
50. Darchula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51. Baitadi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
52. Dadeldhura 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
Terai 326 369 397 401 376 386 388 394 401 399 387 394 384 385 356 363
1. Jhapa 22 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 28 27 26 27 27 28 24 24
2. Morang 28 31 35 35 34 34 34 34 33 32 30 29 26 26 23 25
3. Sunsari 19 22 21 21 19 19 19 19 21 20 18 16 14 12 12 12
4. Saptari 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
5. Siraha 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
6. Dhanusha 3 6 7 7 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4
7. Mahottari 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 6 6
8. Sarlahi 7 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 6 6 7 7
9. Chitawan 62 68 69 69 62 64 65 67 71 71 70 72 74 68 62 62
10. Parsa 13 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 17 17 16 15 11 11 9 9
11. Bara 5 7 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 4 4 4 4
12. Rautahat 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 5 5
13. Nawalparasi 26 27 31 33 30 32 32 33 31 31 32 33 37 40 38 38
14. Rupandehi 62 67 74 74 74 78 78 78 73 74 72 74 76 77 65 68
15. Kapilvastu 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 12 12 11 12 13 13 10 10
16. Dang 21 22 23 24 23 23 23 26 26 26 25 26 27 29 29 29
17. Banke 17 19 22 22 21 21 21 21 23 23 20 19 19 19 20 20
18. Bardia 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 11 13 13 13
19. Kailali 9 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 14 15 14 14 13 15
20. Kanchanpur 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 8 11 11 11 10 10
Total Branches 687 764 818 822 779 797 808 817 856 856 852 851 823 832 769 776

52 A. Development Banks Branches by Province

S.No. Province District Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct

2018 2018 2018 2018
1 Taplejung 0 0 1 1
2 Panchthar 4 4 4 3
3 Ilam 7 7 9 10
4 Jhapa 26 31 40 43
5 Sankhuwasabha 0 0 0 0
Province 1

6 Bhojpur 1 1 0 0
7 Terhathum 2 3 3 3
8 Dhankuta 5 5 5 6
9 Morang 31 37 42 43
10 Sunsari 15 16 21 23
11 Solukhumbu 0 0 0 0
12 Khotang 3 4 4 6
13 Okhaldhunga 4 5 5 5
14 Udayapur 0 1 1 1
Total 98 114 135 144
15 Saptari 1 2 2 2
16 Siraha 1 1 6 7
Province 2

17 Dhanusha 5 5 8 10
18 Mahottari 6 7 11 12
19 Sarlahi 7 7 8 9
20 Rautahat 5 5 6 6
21 Bara 4 4 5 7
22 Parsa 9 10 10 11
Total 38 41 56 64
23 Dolakha 5 6 3 3
24 Ramechhap 1 1 1 1
25 Sindhuli 5 5 2 3
26 Rasuwa 1 1 1 1
27 Dhading 16 16 17 19
Province 3

28 Nuwakot 7 11 11 11
29 Sindhupalchok 10 12 13 12
30 Kavrepalanchok 16 12 12 13
31 Kathmandu 80 92 95 99
32 Lalitpur 13 14 17 19
33 Bhaktapur 8 9 10 11
34 Makawanpur 17 13 15 16
35 Chitawan 65 59 61 63
Total 244 251 258 271
36 Gorkha 12 12 11 12
37 Manang 1 1 2 3
38 Lamjung 6 6 7 8
39 Kaski 82 82 86 87

40 Tanahu 27 27 31 34
41 Syangja 22 23 26 26
42 Mustang 3 3 3 4
43 Baglung 11 11 11 11
44 Parbat 11 10 12 13
45 Myagdi 6 6 7 7
46 Nawalparasi East 28 24 23 24
Total 209 205 219 229
47 Gulmi 12 13 14 15
48 Palpa 8 9 10 10
49 Rupandehi 82 86 94 100
50 Kapilbastu 13 14 17 19
Province 5

51 Arghakhanchi 7 7 7 7
52 Pyuthan 11 11 11 11
53 Rolpa 0 0 1 2
54 Rukum East 0 2 1 0
55 Dang 30 37 40 43
56 Banke 20 28 32 35
57 Bardiya 15 16 17 17
58 Nawalparasi West 11 18 20 22
Total 209 241 264 281
59 Rukum West 1 2 1 1
60 Salyan 0 3 3 4
61 Surkhet 1 2 3 6
62 Dailekh 0 0 0 0

63 Jajarkot 1 1 1 1
64 Dolpa 0 0 0 0
65 Jumla 1 1 2 1
66 Kalikot 1 1 0 0
67 Mugu 0 0 0 0
68 Humla 0 0 0 0
Total 5 10 10 13
69 Doti 2 2 2 2
70 Bajhang 0 1 1 1
71 Kailali 20 21 24 26

72 Bajura 0 1 1 1
73 Achham 2 2 2 3
74 Kanchanpur 13 14 16 18
75 Darchula 0 1 2 1
76 Baitadi 1 2 1 1
77 Dadeldhura 2 2 2 2
Total 40 46 51 55
Grand Total 843 908 993 1057
Note: Area office and Liason Office Network has not been counted as branch.

53. Geographical Distribution of Finance Companies

Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018
Eastern Dev. Region 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Mechi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Taplejung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Panchthar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Illam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhapa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Koshi 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5 Sankhusaba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Tehrathum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Sunsari 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Dhankuta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Bhojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Morang 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sagarmatha 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Solukhumbu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Okhaldhunga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Khotang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Udayapur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Siraha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Saptari 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Central Dev.Region 38 44 45 46 48 56 58 62 61 63 63 54 46 40 36 31 20 19 19
Janakpur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 Dolakha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Ramechhap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Sindhuli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Sarlahi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Mahotari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Dhanusha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Narayani 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 Chitwan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Makawanpur 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
25 Parsa 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Bara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Rautahat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bagmati 32 37 38 38 40 48 50 54 53 55 55 46 44 38 34 29 18 17 17
28 Kathmandu 27 30 31 31 33 40 42 46 45 47 46 37 35 30 26 23 15 14 14
29 Lalitpur 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 2 2
30 Bhaktapur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
31 Rashuwa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Dhading 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Nuwakot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Sindhupalchok 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Kabhrepalanchok 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Western Dev. Region 6 6 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 7 6 3 3 2
Gandaki 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 1
36 Gorkha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Tanahu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Manang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Lamjung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Kaski 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 1
41 Syangja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dhauligiri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Parbat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Myagdi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Mustang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Baglung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lumbini 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 1
46 Gulmi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Arghakhanchi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Palpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Kapilbastu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Rupendehi 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 1
51 Nawalparasi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Geographical Distribution of Finance Companies (Contd. …)

Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018
Mid- Western Region 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Rapti 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
52 Rukum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Rolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Salyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Pyuthan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Dang 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Bheri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Dailekh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Jajarkot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Surkhet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Banke 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Bardiya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Karnali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Dolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Jumla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Kalikot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65 Mugu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 Humla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Far Western Dev.Region 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Seti 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
67 Bajhang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
68 Bajura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
69 Doti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
70 Achham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
71 Kailali 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Mahakali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
72 Darchula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
73 Baitadi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
74 Dadeldhura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
75 Kanchanpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 48 54 57 58 60 70 74 78 77 79 79 70 59 53 48 42 28 25 24

54. Finance Companies Branches by Area

Mid-Jul Mid-Jul Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Oct
Districts 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017
Kathmandu Valley 117 103 102 102 101 101 101 101 84 85 77 74 64 63 50 50
1. Kathmandu 94 84 82 82 81 81 81 81 66 67 59 56 50 49 39 39
2. Bhaktapur 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 4 4 4 4
3. Lalitpur 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 10 10 7 7
Hills 71 58 57 57 57 57 59 61 48 48 30 32 32 31 26 27
1. Taplejung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Panchthar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Illam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
4. Sankhuwashabha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Tehrathum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Dhankuta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Bhojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
8. Solukhumbu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
9. Okhaldhunga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
10. Khotang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
11. Udayapur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12. Dolakha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Ramechhap 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Sindhuli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. Rashuwa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16. Dhading 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
17. Nuwakot 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
18. Sindhupalchok 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19. Kabhrepalanchok 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
20. Makawanpur 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
21. Gorkha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22. Tanahu 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 4 4 0 1 1 1 1 1
23. Manang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24. Lamjung 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
25. Kaski 27 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 19 18 9 12 12 11 11 12
26. Syangja 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
27. Parbat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
28. Myagdi 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
29. Mustang 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30. Baglung 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31. Gulmi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32. Arghakhanchi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
33. Palpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
34. Rukum 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35. Rolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36. Salyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37. Pyuthan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
38. Dailekh 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39. Jajarkot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40. Surkhet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
41. Dolpa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Jumla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Kalikot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Mugu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45. Humla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46. Bajhang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47. Bajura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. Doti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49. Achham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50. Darchula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
51. Baitadi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52. Dadeldhura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Terai 104 81 80 80 80 81 82 82 70 72 68 60 61 57 54 59
1. Jhapa 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 5 7 7 8 8 7 7
2. Morang 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4
3. Sunsari 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 8 6 6 4 6
4. Saptari 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5. Siraha 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Dhanusha 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7. Mahottari 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
8. Sarlahi 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
9. Chitawan 17 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 8 7 5 5 8 8
10. Parsa 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3
11. Bara 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 2 2
12. Rautahat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Nawalparasi 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 5 4 6 4 4 4
14. Rupandehi 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 13 12 11 11 11 10 7 7
15. Kapilvastu 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4
16. Dang 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 5 5 4 4
17. Banke 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
18. Bardia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Kailali 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2
20. Kanchanpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Branches 292 242 239 239 238 239 242 244 202 205 175 166 157 151 130 136

54 A. Finance Companies Branches by Province

S.No. Province District Mid-Jan Mid-Apr Mid-Jul Mid-Jul

2018 2018 2018 2018
1 Taplejung 0 0 0 0
2 Panchthar 1 2 2 2
3 Ilam 2 2 2 2
4 Jhapa 7 8 8 8
5 Sankhuwasabha 0 0 0 0
Province 1

6 Bhojpur 0 1 1 1
7 Terhathum 0 0 0 0
8 Dhankuta 0 1 1 1
9 Morang 12 12 12 11
10 Sunsari 11 11 11 11
11 Solukhumbu 0 0 0 0
12 Khotang 0 0 0 0
13 Okhaldhunga 0 0 0 0
14 Udayapur 1 1 1 1
Total 34 38 38 37
15 Saptari 8 8 8 8
16 Siraha 0 1 1 1
Province 2

17 Dhanusha 1 1 2 2
18 Mahottari 1 1 1 1
19 Sarlahi 0 0 0 0
20 Rautahat 0 0 0 0
21 Bara 2 2 2 2
22 Parsa 3 4 4 4
Total 15 17 18 18
23 Dolakha 0 0 0 0
24 Ramechhap 0 0 0 0
25 Sindhuli 0 0 0 0
26 Rasuwa 1 1 1 1
27 Dhading 0 0 0 0
Province 3

28 Nuwakot 1 1 1 1
29 Sindhupalchok 1 1 1 1
30 Kavrepalanchok 3 5 5 5
31 Kathmandu 40 39 39 39
32 Lalitpur 7 7 7 7
33 Bhaktapur 5 4 4 4
34 Makawanpur 3 3 3 3
35 Chitawan 9 9 11 11
Total 70 70 72 72
36 Gorkha 0 1 1 1
37 Manang 0 0 0 0
38 Lamjung 2 2 2 2
39 Kaski 11 13 13 13

40 Tanahu 1 1 1 1
41 Syangja 2 2 2 2
42 Mustang 0 0 0 0
43 Baglung 0 0 0 0
44 Parbat 0 0 0 0
45 Myagdi 1 1 1 1
46 Nawalparasi East 6 5 4 5
Total 23 25 24 25
47 Gulmi 0 0 0 0
48 Palpa 0 0 0 0
49 Rupandehi 10 12 13 12
50 Kapilbastu 4 4 4 4
Province 5

51 Arghakhanchi 0 0 0 0
52 Pyuthan 0 0 0 0
53 Rolpa 0 0 0 0
54 Rukum East 0 0 0 0
55 Dang 4 5 4 4
56 Banke 4 4 5 5
57 Bardiya 0 0 0 0
58 Nawalparasi West 0 1 2 2
Total 22 26 28 27
59 Rukum West 0 0 1 1
60 Salyan 0 0 1 1
61 Surkhet 1 2 2 2
62 Dailekh 0 0 0 0

63 Jajarkot 0 0 0 0
64 Dolpa 0 0 0 0
65 Jumla 0 0 0 0
66 Kalikot 0 0 0 0
67 Mugu 0 0 0 0
68 Humla 0 0 0 0
Total 1 2 4 4
69 Doti 0 0 0 0
70 Bajhang 0 0 0 0
71 Kailali 2 3 2 2

72 Bajura 0 0 0 0
73 Achham 0 0 0 0
74 Kanchanpur 0 0 0 0
75 Darchula 0 0 0 0
76 Baitadi 0 0 0 0
77 Dadeldhura 0 0 0 0
Total 2 3 2 2
Grand Total 167 181 186 185
Note: Area office and Liason Office Network has not been counted as branch.

55. Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd.
(Share Market)

In Million Rupees
No. of Listed Paid-up Value of Market Trading Sensitive Share
Companies Listed Shares Capitalization Turnover NEPSE Index* Price Index# Float Index^
1994 Jul** 66.0 2,182.2 13,872.0 441.6 226.0 0.0 0.0
1995 Jul 79.0 2,961.8 12,963.0 1,054.3 195.5 0.0 0.0
1996 Jul 89.0 3,358.5 12,295.0 209.9 185.6 0.0 0.0
1997 Jul 95.0 4,476.5 12,698.0 416.2 176.3 0.0 0.0
1998 Jul 101.0 4,959.8 14,289.0 202.6 163.4 0.0 0.0
1999 Jul 107.0 6,487.4 23,508.0 73.8 216.9 0.0 0.0
2000 Jul 110.0 7,347.4 43,123.3 283.7 360.7 0.0 0.0
2001 Jul 115.0 7,939.0 46,349.4 128.0 348.4 0.0 0.0
2002 Jul 96.0 8,680.2 34,704.0 80.9 227.5 0.0 0.0
2003 Jul 108.0 11,898.0 35,240.0 64.7 204.9 0.0 0.0
2004 Jul 114.0 12,016.0 41,425.0 255.5 222.0 0.0 0.0
2005 Jul 125.0 16,776.0 61,365.9 198.0 286.7 0.0 0.0
2006 Jul 134.0 19,958.0 96,763.8 327.9 386.8 0.0 0.0
2007 Jul 135.0 21,746.0 186,301.3 1,432.1 683.9 175.1 0.0
2008 Jul 142.0 29,465.0 366,247.6 2,648.2 963.4 253.4 0.0
2009 Jul 159.0 61,140.0 512,939.1 1,475.2 749.1 198.8 71.2

2009 Oct 159.0 64,200.0 429,649.8 957.8 609.6 153.7 58.2

2010 Jan 165.0 71,712.0 407,783.7 982.5 531.0 129.6 50.4
2010 Apr 168.0 74,266.0 344,450.8 565.3 444.8 108.7 41.9
2010 Jul 176.0 79,786.0 376,871.4 586.4 477.7 116.1 44.3

2010 Oct 184.0 88,318.0 355,722.8 636.0 420.3 103.1 37.6

2011 Jan 195.0 93,817.0 349,283.4 503.0 402.8 99.4 34.4
2011 Apr 204.0 97,088.0 331,145.3 469.1 373.2 92.6 31.0
2011 Jul 209.0 100,238.0 323,484.3 913.0 362.9 89.4 30.7

2011 Oct 209.0 101,261.0 302,067.2 396.0 331.0 81.8 27.2

2012 Jan 214.0 106,449.0 300,428.8 664.9 323.6 80.3 25.7
2012 Apr 215.0 108,657.0 301,934.2 516.8 320.0 79.8 25.9
2012 Jul 216.0 110,610.0 368,262.1 1,258.5 389.7 98.8 30.6

2012 Oct 214.0 111,821.0 404,628.0 1,636.1 427.3 108.5 30.6

2013 Jan 221.0 116,644.0 510,427.7 2,463.9 529.7 134.6 35.9
2013 Apr 229.0 119,597.0 508327..8 1,709.5 523.4 132.1 36.9
2013 Jul 230.0 126,064.0 514,492.1 1,786.6 518.3 130.3 35.8

2013 Oct 232.0 131,170.0 575,428.2 2,155.7 571.5 143.7 40.0

2014 Jan 235.0 136,817.0 799,760.3 8,050.2 787.1 193.4 45.7
2014 Apr 237.0 140,528.0 833,187.5 5,669.9 818.4 194.1 46.0
2014 Jul 237.0 146,519.7 1,057,165.8 7,729.2 1,036.1 222.5 64.1

2014 Oct 239.0 142,762.2 947,805.3 4,614.2 923.6 197.6 64.8

2015 Jan 232.0 159,246.4 963,417.6 4,625.8 939.5 200.1 65.4
2015 Apr 232.0 157,585.4 973,266.8 3,786.7 948.4 202.3 66.9
2015 Jul 232.0 179,689.7 989,404.0 5,845.1 961.2 204.7 68.5

2015 Oct 232.0 217,876.3 1,169,355.3 6,929.4 1,134.5 245.6 81.0

2016 Jan 230.0 252,121.5 1,282,865.0 9,929.7 1,190.2 255.8 85.0
2016 Apr 231.0 257,583.3 1,496,564.6 14,127.1 1,388.6 299.9 100.0
2016 Jul 230.0 204,019.6 1,890,130.0 31,655.8 1,718.2 369.1 125.4

2016 Oct 223.0 222,096.7 1,998,616.2 15,454.0 1,803.7 391.4 135.0

2017 Jan 219.0 242,375.3 1,660,276.9 8,864.3 1,479.9 320.0 110.1
2017 Apr 210.0 269,754.4 1,951,153.8 29,273.5 1,697.1 367.5 127.3
2017 Jul 208.0 289,590.4 1,856,829.4 12,331.4 1,582.7 336.0 116.1

2017 Oct 196.0 298,508.0 1,809,806.3 6,640.9 1,559.2 328.3 112.8

2018 Jan 192.0 329,487.3 1,671,612.8 9,956.1 1,431.1 302.2 102.9
2018 Apr 196.0 339,290.2 1,497,796.1 8,495.1 1,277.6 272.5 92.1
2018 Jul 196.0 352,094.6 1,435,137.7 6,633.1 1,212.4 255.2 87.2

2018 Oct 198.0 360,985.0 1,481,221.4 9,611.8 1,241.6 264.1 90.4

* Base year: 12th February 1994 (30 Magh 2050)
** Six months data.
# Base year: 16 July 2006
^ Base year: 24 August 2008 (8 Bhadra 2065)

56. Government Budgetary Operations (on cash basis)
Old Series

In Million Rupees
Heads \ Fiscal Year 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
Sanctioned Expenditure 73,034.1 74,716.0 82,604.3 92,801.4 104022.6 127768.8 155758.3 218368.6 257501.3 282810.2
Recurrent - - - 59,983.5 65415.2 74625.6 89621.7 126294.3 147960.2 167557.8
Capital - - - 17,891.3 22032.9 34262.1 47371.8 67304.1 80929.5 91384.2
a. Domestic Resources & Loans - - - 17,617.4 19083.3 28124.8 39844.0 56301.9 65534.0 70728.5
b. Foreign Grants - - - 273.9 2949.6 6137.3 7527.8 11002.2 15395.5 20655.7
Principal Repayment - - - 13,536.3 14267.8 16761.7 16386.9 19180.4 18432.3 17310.3
Others (Freeze Account) 1,567.5 1,370.9 1,621.3 1,390.3 2306.7 2119.4 2377.9 5589.8 10179.3 6557.9
Unspent Government Balance 1,441.0 1,663.6 1,441.8 2,420.3 2385.9 2445.2 5799.2 11676.2 6684.6 5195.2
Recurrent - - - 965.8 834.5 485.8 1286.2 6725.3 1711.3 1567.8
Capital - - - 1,451.5 1548.3 1954.9 4121.7 4573.7 4973.3 3537.7
Principal Repayment - - - 3.0 3.1 4.5 391.3 377.2 0.0 89.7
Actual Expenditure 71,593.1 73,052.4 81,162.5 90,381.1 101636.7 125323.6 149959.1 206692.4 250816.7 277615.0
Recurrent - - - 59,017.7 64580.7 74139.8 88335.5 119569.0 146248.9 165990.0
Capital - - - 16,439.8 20484.6 32307.2 43250.1 62730.4 75956.2 87846.5
Principal Repayment - - - 13,533.3 14264.7 16757.2 15995.6 18803.2 18432.3 17220.6
Others (Freeze Account) 1,567.5 1,370.9 1,621.3 1,390.3 2306.7 2119.4 2377.9 5589.8 10179.3 6557.9
Resources 53,254.1 60,475.4 68,499.7 76,085.7 85208.9 106560.8 127483.3 172336.3 210084.9 227108.7
Revenue 50,445.6 56,229.8 62,331.0 70,122.8 72282.1 87712.1 107622.5 143474.5 179945.8 199819.0
Foreign Grants 2,070.6 2,499.7 5,153.6 5,246.4 8884.9 12749.8 17530.6 24400.5 25225.9 26207.6
Non-Budgetary Receipts, net 1,623.6 1,605.9 855.9 753.8 1304.5 4974.0 1558.9 445.8 6032.3 2454.6
Others -840.9 135.9 164.5 9.5 -602.1 22.3 -21.1 -57.9 85.8 57.1
V.A.T. -44.8 4.1 -5.3 -46.8 171.1 -138.8 46.3 287.2 -307.9 -20.8
Custom Account 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.4
Local Authorities Account 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3168.4 1241.4 746.1 3786.2 -897.0 -1432.2
Deficits(-) Surplus(+) -18,339.0 -12,577.0 -12,662.8 -14,295.4 -16427.8 -18762.8 -22475.8 -34356.1 -40731.8 -50506.3
Sources of Financing 18,340.1 12,577.0 12,662.8 14,295.4 16427.8 18762.8 22475.8 34356.1 40731.8 50506.3
Internal Loans 13,869.1 8,274.6 4,971.0 12,085.7 12582.0 14338.5 18603.5 30629.7 36527.8 45572.1
Domestic borrowings 8,000.0 8,880.0 5,607.8 8,938.1 11834.2 17892.3 20496.4 18417.1 29914.0 33680.0
a. Treasury Bills 1,500.0 1,768.5 2,460.0 5,471.2 10834.2 12051.5 12500.0 9000.0 19929.9 14996.6
b. Development Bonds 5,372.1 6,408.5 2,000.0 3,000.0 750.0 5500.0 6070.0 7750.0 9040.9 8000.0
c. National Saving Certificates 499.8 400.0 900.0 216.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10680.0
d. Citizen Saving Certificates* 628.1 303.0 247.8 250.0 250.0 340.8 1926.4 1667.1 943.3 3.4
Overdrafts 2 5,898.3 -461.7 -753.0 2,623.0 1071.0 -3122.5 -823.9 12782.2 7875.7 12889.3
Others -29.2 -143.7 116.2 524.6 -323.2 -431.3 -1069.0 -569.6 -1261.9 -997.2
Foreign Loans 4,471.0 4,302.4 7,691.8 2,209.7 3845.8 4424.3 3872.3 3726.4 4204.0 4934.2
* Including foreign employment bond amounting Rs. 3.4 million for the FY 2010/11.
1 Includes cash portion of foreign grants and loans and also cash generated from commodity aid.
2 Minus (-) indicates surplus.
57. Government Budgetary Operations
New Series

In Million Rupees
Heads \ Fiscal Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
I Qtr
Total Expenditure 319850.1 359040.7 417465.9 509213.9 581704.4 815703.0 1066175.4 170952.5
Recurrent 236270.2 243651.7 296552.2 334881.5 364469.2 513674.8 693457.2 149574.7
Capital 45447.3 51203.6 61360.0 81030.3 115677.4 199191.7 263547.4 18775.1

Financial 33310.5 52069.8 59415.3 93302.1 101557.7 102836.5 109170.8 2602.7

Other (Freeze Account) 4822.1 12115.6 138.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Total Resources 290945.3 322368.6 399295.7 440907.4 525022.2 627008.4 760676.7 203783.8
Revenue and Grants 290945.3 320444.2 393560.3 434795.2 521761.3 623594.1 755156.3 203643.9
Revenue 244371.8 296015.7 356619.6 405846.6 481978.1 609117.3 726724.6 200320.1

Foreign Grants 46573.5 24428.5 36940.7 28948.6 39783.2 14476.8 28431.7 3323.8

Previous Year's Cash Balance & Beruju 0.0 1924.4 5735.4 6112.2 3260.9 3414.3 5520.4 139.9
Deficits(-) Surplus(+) -28904.8 -36672.1 -18170.2 -68306.5 -56682.2 -188694.6 -305498.7 32831.3

Sources of Financing 28904.8 36672.1 18170.2 68306.5 56682.2 188694.6 305498.7 -32831.3
Internal Loans 22968.5 26375.0 2517.5 54481.3 13214.7 137947.9 223300.7 -44533.8
Domestic Borrowings 36418.7 19042.8 19982.8 42423.1 87774.5 88337.7 144750.9 0.0
(i) Treasury Bills 17283.4 19000.0 10000.0 10000.0 20500.0 33000.0 71958.7 0.0

(ii) Development Bonds 14000.0 0.0 9000.0 30000.0 62000.0 55000.0 72000.0 0.0

(iii) National Savings Certificates 5000.0 0.0 906.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(iv) Citizen Saving Certificates 126.6 0.0 0.0 2339.4 5000.0 285.6 751.1 0.0

(v) Foreign Employment Bond 8.7 42.8 76.4 83.7 274.5 52.1 41.2 0.0
Overdrafts++ -16564.0 7640.1 -18897.0 12113.7 -74373.4 50418.5 81263.9 -44637.1
Others 3113.8 -307.9 1431.7 -55.5 -186.4 -808.3 -2714.2 103.3

Principal Refund and Share Divestment 187.1 755.3 569.8 11224.0 13694.0 2940.2 3235.3 361.8
Foreign Loans 5749.2 9541.8 15082.9 2601.2 29773.5 47806.5 78962.7 11340.7

Balance of Govt. Office Account 1251.5 423.4 2070.3 28538.2 6848.8 41672.1 64489.0 11093.4
V. A. T. Fund Account 75.0 -42.8 -44.7 1129.6 -3.1 -853.5 34.0 83.2

Customs Fund Account 253.9 80.2 136.6 832.9 216.0 225.2 -443.6 324.3
Reconstruction Fund Account 0.0 0.0 0.0 10000.0 0.0 17038.6 1248.5 0.0

Local Authorities' Accounts (LAA)# 822.5 305.9 2041.8 5497.4 3086.9 13323.8 44059.6 -5174.3
Others* 100.1 80.1 -63.4 11078.3 3549.0 11938.0 19590.5 15860.2

Current Balance (-Surplus) 10312.3 81222.3 -8746.4 -16774.9 55730.5

+ Based on data reported by 1 offices of NRB, 80 branches of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited, 52 branches of Nepal Bank Limited, 27 branches of Agriculture Development
Bank Limited, 34 branches of NIC Asia Bank Limited, 12 branches of Everest Bank Limited, 10 brances of Nepal Investment Bank Limited, 9 branches of Global IME Bank
Limited, 7 branches of NMB Bank Limited, 3 branches of Bank of Kathmandu Limited, 2 branches each of Prabhu Bank Limited and Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited and 1
branch each from Prime Commercial Bank Limited, Century Commercial Bank Limited, Sanima Bank Limited and Civil Bank Limited conducting government transactions
and release report from 81 DTCOs and payment centres.
++ Minus (-) indicates surplus.
# Change in outstanding amount disbursed to VDC/DDC remaining unspent.
* Others includes Guarantee deposits, Operational funds (Imprest) & Emergency funds and Conditional and unconditional grant from government to local bodies.
P indicates Provisional.

58. Government Revenue *
(Old Series)

In Million Rupees
2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
TOTAL REVENUE 56,229.8 62,331.0 70,124.9 72,282.1 87,712.1 107,622.7 143,474.4 179,940.4 199,819.6
A. TAX REVENUE 42,587.0 48,175.7 54,107.0 57,427.0 71,168.0 85,147.1 117,051.8 156,290.7 172,755.2
B. NON-TAX REVENUE 13,642.8 14,155.3 16,017.9 14,855.1 16,544.1 22,475.6 26,422.6 23,649.7 27,064.3
A. TAX REVENUE (1+2) 42,587.0 48,175.7 54,107.0 57,427.0 71,168.0 85,147.1 117,051.8 156,290.7 172,755.2
1 INDIRECT TAXES 32,481.2 36,273.8 41,045.7 43,465.5 52,188.3 62,076.3 82,499.2 114,530.2 124,114.3
a. Customs 14,236.4 15,554.2 15,701.5 15,343.7 16,699.3 21,062.6 26,622.5 35,151.6 35,708.6
i. Export 855.2 527.4 736.3 625.3 708.6 445.7 796.4 908.9 357.7
ii. Import 10,567.7 11,439.1 12,302.9 11,744.5 13,623.9 17,128.3 21,886.3 29,964.8 31,477.3
iii. Indian Excise Refund 2,370.6 3,110.1 2,188.3 2,314.4 1,896.6 2,997.1 3,211.2 3,521.0 2,831.8
iv. Agriculture Reform Duties 426.2 404.7 400.9 538.8 406.0 390.1 497.2 497.3 751.6
v. Miscellaneous 16.7 72.9 73.1 120.7 64.2 101.4 231.4 259.5 290.2
b. Value Added Tax 13,467.3 14,498.2 18,897.9 21,615.4 26,145.4 29,784.6 39,604.2 54,896.5 61,659.1
i. Production 1,904.1 1,964.1 2,460.9 2,899.9 3,278.5 3,456.4 4,140.5 5,999.2 6,720.0
ii. Import 8,629.2 8,874.7 12,270.2 13,462.5 16,508.0 18,951.9 25,579.2 34,555.2 39,379.3
iii. Sales and Distribution 676.3 851.4 1,164.2 1,357.4 1,645.9 2,296.2 2,379.3 3,286.6 4,233.3
iv. Services 2,257.7 2,808.0 3,002.6 3,895.6 4,713.1 5,080.1 7,505.2 11,055.5 11,326.5
c. Excise 4,777.5 6,221.4 6,446.3 6,506.5 9,343.6 11,229.2 16,272.5 24,315.1 26,542.2
i. Cigarettes & Bidi 2,049.6 2,394.2 2,477.0 2,409.1 2,854.3 3,117.6 3,740.3 4,511.5 5,142.8
ii. Liquor & Beer 2,212.4 2,244.5 2,559.1 2,677.3 3,436.5 3,672.6 5,131.2 6,584.0 8,438.9
iii. Other Industrial Production 332.0 296.1 326.2 330.2 973.6 1,522.1 2,139.6 2,514.0 2,191.7
iv. Excise on Imports 183.5 1,286.6 1,084.0 1,089.8 1,970.3 2,847.2 5,129.0 10,546.9 10,564.1
v. Other Taxes 109.0 69.8 132.4 158.6 204.8
d. Others 167.0 204.4
2 DIRECT TAXES 10,105.8 11,901.9 13,061.3 13,961.5 18,979.6 23,070.8 34,552.6 41,760.5 48,641.0
a. Income Tax 8,132.2 9,504.0 10,456.0 10,933.5 15,730.0 19,067.5 27,479.7 33,832.1 42,066.3
i. Corporate Income Tax 5,554.0 6,805.0 7,331.3 7,576.5 11,604.9 13,263.2 19,646.4 24,054.3 28,807.2
- Govt. Corporation 1,251.0 2,056.6 1,331.5 195.8 1,019.5 183.4 959.7 1,132.5 1,282.0
- Public Ltd. Corporation 1,235.1 1,531.3 2,467.6 3,405.6 5,716.4 7,207.3 9,428.2 12,023.5 13,967.2
- Private Ltd. Corporation 1,166.7 1,239.8 1,527.3 1,703.0 2,310.0 3,135.2 4,200.5 6,268.8 7,232.9
- Individual & sole Trading Firm 1,801.7 1,869.7 1,876.8 1,958.8 2,303.4 2,452.2 4,481.6 3,842.3 4,895.7
- Income from Other Institutions 99.5 107.6 128.1 313.4 255.6 285.1 576.4 787.1 1,429.5
ii. Remuneration Income 1,249.0 1,392.9 1,678.2 1,771.1 2,006.8 2,452.0 3,398.5 4,420.0 5,863.8
iii. Investment Income 1,321.5 1,291.9 1,425.9 1,546.6 2,080.1 3,271.7 4,169.7 5,087.8 7,108.9
iv. Other Income 7.7 14.2 20.6 39.3 38.2 80.7 265.1 270.0 286.5
b. Land & Building Regist. 1,414.2 1,697.5 1,799.2 2,180.3 2,238.7 2,933.0 5,248.4 5,510.8 3,552.0
c. Property Tax 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
d. Vehicle Tax 559.3 700.4 806.1 847.6 1,011.0 1,070.2 1,824.5 2,417.6 3022.6
B. NON-TAX REVENUE 13,642.8 14,155.3 16,017.9 14,855.1 16,544.1 22,475.6 26,422.6 23,649.7 27,064.3
a. Duties & Fees 2,200.8 3,245.0 3,770.8 4,153.8 5,126.4 5,946.0 9,541.4 8,447.6 9,693.3
i. Passport Fees 922.9 1,536.7 1,847.2 2,239.0 2,730.2 2,574.9 2,118.5 1,899.9 1,971.5
ii. Tourism Fees 864.7 638.9 737.0 542.7 765.4 1,026.6 1,532.9 1,928.4 2,059.2
iii. Other Duties & Fees 413.2 1,069.4 1,186.6 1,372.1 1,630.9 2,344.5 5,890.0 4,619.2 5,662.7
b. Fines and Forfeiture 166.9 133.2 173.5 551.6 251.3 235.9 283.8 366.3 499.2
c. Public Utilizes 1,274.3 1,321.3 1,266.4 1,150.7 1,310.4 1,284.4 1,611.0 1,758.1 1,630.1
i. Forest 683.6 673.6 553.6 409.9 510.1 546.9 679.2 720.9 387.1
ii. Postal Services 219.5 246.6 245.8 246.2 225.1 187.5 190.1 203.4 176.4
iii. Others 371.1 401.1 467.1 494.6 575.2 550.0 741.7 833.8 1,066.5
d. Dividends 2,497.6 2,661.1 4,589.9 3,394.8 4,937.7 5,025.8 7,197.4 7,351.9 8,624.7
e. Interest 924.6 1,656.5 1,466.6 1,734.6 1,049.8 756.9 1,086.6 447.2 1,190.2
f. Royalty and Sales of Govt. Property 1,945.4 1,465.0 1,931.6 1,195.6 1,095.7 5,769.9 2,541.8 2,948.3 2,660.0
i. Royalty 1,154.0 1,012.0 1,367.2 946.0 1,022.7 1,353.3 2,429.8 2,764.9 2,298.9
ii. Sales 791.4 453.0 564.4 249.6 73.0 4,416.5 111.9 183.4 361.2
g. Principal Repayments 1,539.7 1,850.5 1,247.7 1,513.6 1,025.6 2,680.9 3,530.4 1,953.8 1,445.7
h. Miscellaneous Income 3,093.5 1,822.7 1,571.4 1,160.4 1,747.2 775.9 630.3 376.5 1,321.2
C. Unclassified Revenue

* As per Nepal Rastra Bank records.

59. Government Revenue
(New Series)

In Million Rupees
Heads 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

REVENUE, GRANTS AND lAST YEAR'S BALANCE 270,021.1 327,374.6 396,316.1 438,503.0 517,716.6 644,460.6 766,949.2
REVENUE (Tax Revenue + Non-Tax Revenue) 244,369.7 295,936.5 356,620.6 405,846.4 481,978.1 609,114.4 726,715.7
A. TAX REVENUE 211,718.3 259,143.6 312,441.0 355,942.9 421,058.8 553,683.8 659,482.4
1 DIRECT TAXES 66,906.7 81,937.5 97,065.4 113,991.1 149,503.0 203,437.2 221,176.1
a. Income,Profits and Capital Gain 51,313.7 64,178.3 75,609.2 86,168.0 114,174.7 144,978.5 154,790.7
i. Individuals and Sole Traders 12,382.7 15,532.9 19,433.2 22,718.1 29,974.4 34,992.4 41,402.9
ii. Enterprises and Corporation 30,415.8 37,069.6 45,429.8 51,900.3 71,004.6 92,644.4 87,604.7
iii. Investment and Other Income 8,515.3 11,575.8 10,746.3 11,549.7 13,195.7 17,341.7 25,783.2
b. Payroll and Workforce 1,566.2 1,880.9 2,449.2 2,927.9 3,271.7 4,144.8 5,098.6
c. Tax on Property 3,587.5 5,312.8 6,671.2 9,395.3 13,147.0 18,287.0 19,332.9
i. Immovable Property (annual property tax) 31.7 3.8 28.5 9.0 5.6 136.0 11.0
ii. House and Land Registration 3,555.8 5,309.0 6,642.8 9,386.3 13,141.3 18,151.0 19,322.0
d. Tax on Use of goods 9,116.2 8,959.6 10,327.6 12,928.0 16,196.8 31,064.6 36,598.5
e. Other Taxes 1,323.1 1,605.9 2,008.1 2,571.9 2,712.8 4,962.3 5,355.2
2 INDIRECT TAXES 144,811.6 177,206.1 215,375.6 241,951.8 271,555.8 350,246.6 438,306.4
Tax on Goods and Services 144,811.6 177,206.1 215,375.6 241,951.8 271,555.8 350,246.6 438,306.4
a. Customs 43,395.4 56,914.9 67,980.6 74,844.5 82,184.0 103,039.6 126,867.0
i. Import Duties 37,223.3 50,840.8 62,453.2 70,526.0 77,792.2 98,386.6 121,608.4
ii. Indian Excise Refund Fees 3,686.3 3,479.0 1,668.6 1.9 9.1 2.7 6.1
iii. Export Duty 810.8 419.2 1,065.3 310.7 155.9 125.6 99.0
iv. Agriculture Reform Duties 1,170.1 1,725.5 2,327.9 3,378.3 3,411.2 4,107.7 4,734.1
v. Others 504.9 450.5 465.6 627.6 815.6 417.1 419.3
b. Value Added Tax 70,669.3 83,391.1 101,110.6 112,518.2 122,318.6 161,032.1 206,795.4
i. Production 8,423.8 9,748.5 11,295.4 12,848.8 16,214.2 21,142.5 26,088.3
ii. Imports 44,978.2 55,012.7 66,821.3 72,997.6 72,876.4 99,910.2 130,642.2
iii. Sales and Distribution 5,574.6 6,309.6 7,846.2 9,164.2 13,293.6 15,037.0 18,731.1
iv. Services and Contracts 11,692.8 12,320.3 15,147.8 17,507.7 19,934.4 24,942.3 31,333.8
c. Excise Duties 30,256.2 36,244.0 45,411.0 53,540.3 65,768.1 84,548.2 102,531.2
i. Tobacco 5,220.6 5,358.9 7,356.7 7,164.7 9,010.1 11,003.7 14,041.3
ii. Alcohol and Beer 11,937.3 13,213.5 16,368.3 19,547.4 22,796.7 29,907.6 38,570.0
iii. Other Industrial Production 2,592.6 3,074.6 3,673.2 4,346.1 4,417.8 6,338.7 7,848.1
iv. Excise on Imports 10,505.8 14,596.9 18,012.8 22,482.0 29,543.4 37,298.2 42,071.9
d. Tax on Specific Services 490.7 656.1 873.4 1,048.8 1,285.0 1,626.8 2,112.8
B. NON-TAX REVENUE 32,651.4 36,792.9 44,179.5 49,903.5 60,919.4 55,430.6 67,233.3
a. Property Income 17,654.6 17,598.5 20,675.4 22,703.7 26,202.8 27,199.8 33,047.1
i. Interest 1,750.6 527.9 1,658.2 1,929.2 7,158.5 2,208.6 3,540.1
ii. Dividends 9,429.5 10,843.1 12,992.2 13,731.9 10,984.1 15,158.5 17,430.1
iii. Rent and Royalty 6,474.5 6,227.4 6,025.0 7,042.6 8,060.3 9,832.7 12,076.9
b. Sales of Goods and Services 6,913.2 11,247.9 11,645.7 12,233.8 13,849.4 14,875.7 17,177.7
i. Sales and Goods 4,604.5 5,374.9 6,299.0 7,296.9 8,388.9 8,577.6 9,014.6
ii. Administrative Fees and Services 2,308.7 5,873.1 5,346.8 4,936.9 5,460.5 6,298.0 8,163.1
c. Penalties, Fines and Forfeiture 321.1 337.6 452.5 1,260.7 788.5 748.2 973.0
d. Voluntary Transfers other than Grants 2.6 2.2 2.5 5.0 3.5 1.0 1.2
e. Miscellaneous Revenue 7,759.9 7,606.7 11,403.4 13,700.2 20,075.1 12,606.0 16,034.3
i. Administrative Fee - Immigration & Tourism 5,475.1 6,763.5 10,523.8 12,390.2 12,146.6 7,354.0 7,708.4
- Charges for Issuing Passports 3,181.5 4,196.3 7,770.3 9,336.2 9,152.6 4,345.7 4,166.2
- Visa Fees 1,782.7 2,010.6 2,103.0 2,497.3 2,430.0 2,197.7 2,684.5
- Tourism Fees 2.1 4.0 6.5 2.9 2.7 6.4 3.8
- Other Duties and Fees 508.8 552.7 644.1 553.8 561.3 804.1 853.8
ii. Other Revenue 2,277.5 832.1 874.2 1,280.6 7,924.5 5,240.2 8,320.0
iii. Capital Revenue (Sales of Govt. Land & Building) 7.3 11.1 5.4 29.5 4.0 11.9 5.9
C. BALANCE OF LAST YEAR AND IRREGULARITIES 2,614.7 1,922.6 5,735.4 6,111.7 3,260.9 3,413.8 5,518.9
a. Cash Balance of Last Year 952.9 1,052.6 3,203.9 1,287.2 1,131.4 1,195.6 1,565.1
b. Irregularities 1,661.8 870.0 2,531.5 4,824.5 2,129.5 2,218.3 3,953.8
D. GRANTS 23,036.8 29,515.5 33,960.2 26,544.9 32,477.5 31,932.4 34,714.6

60. Ownership Pattern of Government Bonds and Treasury Bills

In Million Rupees
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 I Qtr
1. Treasury Bills 3483.2 4403.2 5216.3 6392.5 7142.5 8092.5 9182.5 17586.9 21026.9 27610.8 41106.5 46844.9 49429.6 51383.1 62970.3 74445.3 85033.0 86515.0 102043.7 120340.7 131624.1 136468.1 136468.1 119858.1 116059.1 110409.3 144847.9 144847.9
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 535.7 242.0 310.0 1410.0 1261.9 1641.3 0.0 4696.7 2794.9 3050.5 15263.9 16550.5 9804.4 10923.8 9209.3 13768.8 17579.0 22548.6 30477.4 28178.9 25072.9 12968.9 22048.9 17968.9 16099.9 30457.4 26119.9 23574.9
b. Commercial Banks 2769.5 3967.4 4371.1 4339.0 4207.1 5412.1 8127.5 10059.0 15686.0 22267.0 23029.8 27835.2 36154.3 39501.6 51645.8 58611.5 64966.3 61054.8 68109.5 86461.1 102049.2 121491.4 113360.3 100729.2 97899.5 79538.8 118153.0 119561.6
c. Others 178.0 193.8 535.2 643.5 1673.5 1039.1 1055.0 2831.2 2546.0 2293.3 2812.8 2459.2 3470.9 957.7 2115.2 2065.0 2487.7 2911.7 3456.8 5700.7 4502.0 2007.7 1058.9 1160.0 2059.7 413.1 575.0 1711.4

2. Development Bonds 5132.2 5132.2 4732.2 4122.2 3672.2 3042.2 3302.2 3872.2 4262.2 5962.3 11090.7 13090.7 17549.2 19999.2 17959.2 19177.1 21735.4 29478.5 35519.4 43519.4 57519.4 51610.9 47110.9 57070.0 108900.0 163900.1 235900.0 235900.0
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 1 1824.6 1824.6 1674.6 1674.4 1534.4 1526.7 1526.7 1526.7 2068.6 2822.2 3468.2 3519.2 3298.3 1518.7 1518.6 1518.6 260.9 302.3 309.1 348.2 382.0 319.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 8942.0 45287.0 45287.0
b. Commercial Banks 3177.1 3177.1 2937.6 2330.4 2046.5 1052.6 1211.6 1658.6 1549.1 2184.4 5426.6 6993.6 6587.4 8104.5 6271.0 6280.3 7016.7 10736.7 14728.7 19322.2 26780.6 25738.7 23006.8 35633.9 79063.5 123523.0 157710.5 157710.5
c. Financial Institutions 2 88.9 90.1 82.5 81.8 63.1 8.5 110.5 133.5 401.1 539.1 1403.9 1736.9 3903.7 4355.8 4131.8 4636.5 6608.1 7842.4 8982.9 12279.7 16021.5 13362.6 6772.9 10816.5 14608.5 16192.1 17666.6 17666.6
d. Provident Funds 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 500.0 1797.6 2635.1 2635.1 4056.4 4965.4 6365.2 6539.1 6539.1 7819.8 6669.8 7190.9 10000.6 14897.3 13900.0 14439.4 14439.4
e. Govt.Business Enterprises 4 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.5 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
f. Private Business Enterprises 5 29.4 28.2 27.4 25.9 20.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 289.5 219.8 289.5 342.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. Individuals 2.1 2.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.2 3.1 53.1 925.6 3069.0 2143.0 594.5 603.6 568.6 526.8 525.4 1490.2 1271.9 948.4 3.1 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Non-Profit Organization 6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 452.4 452.4 452.4 65.4 228.4 202.9 202.9 734.6 83.8 957.7 1735.9 2189.8 2602.8 2549.6 2621.6 2621.6 1857.5 1579.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
i. Nepal Telecom 0.0 0.0 100.0 175.0 175.0 75.0 75.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 91.0 1060.6 1883.3 1883.3 2403.8 2391.3 7612.8 507.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
j. Others 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 108.9 327.8 1343.0 796.5 796.5

3. National Saving Bonds 4546.3 4901.5 5691.5 6076.4 7376.5 8736.5 9886.4 10426.4 11526.5 12476.4 11536.1 10659.9 9029.8 6576.8 3876.8 1516.9 1116.9 216.9 0.0 10680.0 15680.0 15680.0 16586.5 16586.5 906.5 906.5 906.4 906.5
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 7 245.6 179.7 354.1 602.5 1288.6 1470.5 663.3 368.7 764.4 343.2 200.5 186.7 403.9 243.0 266.0 279.5 447.2 76.9 0.0 7.6 15.0 17.4 18.7 21.4 1.3 182.4 262.2 275.4
b. Financial Institutions 8 132.1 100.5 129.3 192.0 224.8 578.3 1371.7 1111.2 771.2 987.9 608.9 587.5 211.7 209.9 207.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Insurance Corporation 849.3 969.5 1063.5 1074.6 1261.6 1244.2 1246.1 1473.2 1331.7 713.7 788.2 695.7 525.8 420.7 320.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
d. Provident Funds 1456.4 1535.0 1557.9 1411.5 1384.6 1473.2 1567.1 1384.9 1231.1 1475.6 1455.6 1285.6 1063.1 980.0 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
e. Non-Profit Organization 65.7 94.0 114.6 210.0 248.8 340.8 793.4 1031.2 929.0 1268.1 1059.7 1010.1 463.8 403.3 195.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
f. Individuals 1090.3 1259.1 1566.2 1694.0 1999.8 2605.5 2854.7 3499.5 5098.9 6615.7 6237.3 5766.4 5709.7 3872.1 2407.2 1230.8 625.0 134.5 0.0 648.8 943.3 946.4 1651.6 1648.9 701.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. Private Business Enterprises 197.1 210.6 275.4 297.8 328.5 407.6 411.7 429.8 439.9 343.8 342.2 309.4 154.6 138.6 129.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Govt.Business Enterprises 342.0 385.2 462.6 426.2 472.0 461.9 823.9 973.4 805.8 573.9 725.9 705.9 380.8 300.3 230.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
i. Commercial Banks 167.8 167.9 167.9 167.8 167.8 154.5 154.5 154.5 154.5 154.5 117.8 110.0 110.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
j. Others 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 6.4 8.9 0.8 6.6 44.8 5.5 0.0 10023.6 14721.7 14716.3 14916.3 14916.3 203.4 724.1 644.2 631.1

4. Citizen Savings Bonds 0.0 0.0 628.1 931.1 1178.9 1428.9 1678.9 1391.0 3014.4 4433.6 5122.9 4622.9 4123.1 3183.8 1516.7 3056.2 7806.2 7965.2 8716.3 8716.4
a. NRB (Secondary Market) 0.0 0.0 3.1 1.0 45.8 49.6 55.3 62.7 630.8 1155.1 2635.0 3136.7 2753.3 2411.2 1265.4 507.6 307.6 2274.7 2907.5 2934.7
b. Persoanal Area 9 0.0 0.0 625.0 930.1 1133.1 1379.3 1623.6 1328.3 2383.5 3278.5 2487.9 1486.2 1369.7 772.6 251.4 2548.6 7498.6 5690.5 5808.8 5781.7

5. Foreign employment Bonds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 7.4 16.0 58.9 135.4 215.0 486.2 529.7 528.0 528.0
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 10.00 10.90 10.90
b. Others 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 7.4 16.0 58.9 135.3 215.0 486.2 519.7 517.1 517.1

6. Special Bonds* 10073.2 11019.1 14991.2 15466.8 16050.6 16019.6 16035.5 17784.2 17541.4 13994.3 9259.3 9621.7 8946.2 8176.3 3469.8 2773.5 339.4 229.6 169.7 158.0 157.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 6997.5 8323.4 12108.6 12641.2 13458.5 13427.5 13775.0 15523.7 15280.9 11733.8 6568.4 6568.4 5586.3 4722.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. Commercial Banks 3075.7 2695.7 1409.1 1352.1 1118.6 1118.6 787.0 787.0 787.0 787.0 787.0 944.6 944.6 944.6 944.6 944.6 157.6 157.6 157.6 157.6 157.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Others 0.0 0.0 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1473.5 1903.9 2108.7 2415.3 2509.4 2525.2 1828.9 181.8 72.0 12.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

7. Total Bonds & Treasury Bills 23234.9 25456.0 30631.2 32057.9 34241.8 35890.8 38406.6 49669.7 54357.0 60043.8 73620.7 81148.3 86133.7 87564.3 89954.9 99303.8 111239.1 120873.7 142859.7 179328.4 209120.2 207001.7 201817.6 196785.8 234157.9 283710.8 390898.6 390898.8
a. Nepal Rastra Bank 9603.4 10569.7 14447.3 16328.1 17543.4 18066.0 15965.0 22115.8 20908.8 17949.7 25504.1 26825.8 19138.7 17457.4 11049.2 15629.7 18917.9 24082.8 33421.5 31671.3 28223.2 15716.7 23333.0 18526.6 16408.8 41866.5 74587.5 72082.9
b. Commercial Banks 9190.1 10008.1 8885.7 8189.3 7540.0 7737.8 10280.6 12659.1 18176.6 25392.9 29361.2 35883.4 43796.3 48550.7 58861.4 65836.4 72140.6 71949.1 82995.8 105940.9 128987.4 147230.2 136367.0 136363.1 176963.0 203061.8 275863.5 277272.1
c. Others 4441.4 4878.2 7298.2 7540.5 9158.4 10087.0 12161.0 14894.8 15271.6 16701.2 18755.4 18439.1 23198.7 21556.2 20044.2 17837.8 20180.6 24841.8 26442.5 41716.2 51909.6 44054.8 42117.6 41896.1 40786.1 38782.5 40447.6 41543.8
1 Excluding the small amount of various
4 funds
by NRB. profit seeking enterprise. 7 Includes various fund of NRB.
2 Includes Citizen Investment Fund. 5 Includes profit-seeking enterprises in the private sector. 8 Includes Rural Development Bank since fiscal year 1996/97.
3 Includes Provident Fund Corporation6 andIncludes
other. private and semi-public charitable,educational and religious organisation. 9 Including market creating special account.
* Includes IMF Promissory Notes until 2004/05.

61. Auction of Treasury Bills

In Million Rupees
Issue Date S.No. Amount Offered Bid Amount Maturity
Renewal Fresh Amount Accepted (Days)
1988/89 1-9 1131.00
8 350.00 182
1989/90 10-25 3653.00 700.00
13, 15, 17 100.00 50.00 182
1990/91 26-45 5634.00 430.00 3640.00 2100.00 91
26,32,33,41,43 950.00 0.00 120.00 110.00 182
1991/92 46-78 9368.40 1132.20 11304.50 8211.70 91
46,48,50 450.00 0.00 340.00 125.00 182
1992/93 79-122 15292.80 870.00 22876.70 14919.05 91
1993/94 123-174 19075.90 813.10 37085.10 19109.30 91
1994/95 175-226 20865.20 1176.25 23267.49 18254.90 91
1995/96 227-278 25370.18 750.00 25257.37 17568.74 91
1996/97 279-331 28629.98 420.00 40096.61 24080.75 91
301,302,317, 324'Ka" 550.00 4079.98 1681.00 651.67 364
1997/98 332-383 28550.18 500.00 42932.50 25835.45 91
353,354,355,367,369,376"Ka" 1080.00 750.00 2563.00 1435.00 364
1998/99 384 - 436 31250.18 500.00 73932.80 28649.87 91
406-8, 411, 420, 422-24, 429 "Ka" 1670.00 1700.00 8998.51 3124.50 364
1999/00 437-488 34860.19 1530.00 71206.00 35059.74 91
458-60, 463, 467, 472,
3374.00 980.00 10440.00 4107.50 364
474-76, 481 "Ka"
2000/01 474-76, 481 "Ka" 29227.64 600.00 54433.75 27668.29 91
510-12, 515, 519, 522-524, 526-528, 533,
537, 538 "Ka" 4350.00 1600.00 14788.00 5950.00 364
2001/02 541-593 42330.18 500.00 87706.34 36196.27 91
562 -56,7 571, 574-576, 578-
580,585,589,590"Ka'', 5950.00 1000.00 16792.00 6815.00 364
2002/03 594-645 42570.20 0.00 80545.40 38658.10 91
20069.5 2831.5 30529 16812.8 364
645 Ka, 645 Kha 1550.00 0.00 5560.00 1250.00 28
2003/04 646-696 34621.00 300.00 60840.00 30572.50 91
645 Ka, 645 Ga, 645 Gha,655 Ka, 658 Ka,
2800.00 0.00 5440.00 2100.00 182
677 Ka, 677 Kha
13518.66 3400.00 46658.00 14706.06 364
13000.00 0.00 15610.00 8662.50 Other
Total 65489.66 3700.00 134108.00 57291.06
2004/05 697-748 30480.00 0.00 57780.00 27351.00 91
738ka-748ka 22563.10 3041.20 55030.00 25391.80 364
655ka,1-4,6-9,11,12, 19 1650.00 300.00 3280.00 1300.00 28
17949.00 4730.00 35950.00 17770.00 Other
Total 72642.10 8071.20 152040.00 71812.80

2005/06 21-22,24-39, 41-44 3300.00 0.00 6130.00 3120.00 28

749-800 30240.00 5290.00 53800.00 27805.00 91
760 Ka - 800 Ka 23569.30 10334.20 72883.00 38784.00 364
6310.00 0.00 12350.00 5580.00 Others
Total 63419.30 15624.20 145163.00 75289.00

45-57 4600.00 500.00 8471.00 5100.00 28

2006/07 801-849 31296.00 3510.00 85980.00 35940.00 91
812Ka-849Ka 32136.50 3680.00 81959.70 35816.50 364
28Ka - 40 Ka 4960.00 4000.00 13390.00 7850.00 182
Total 72992.50 11690.00 189800.70 84706.50

58-70 9100.00 0.00 20860.00 9100.00 28

2007/08 850-895 28310.00 3000.00 63333.50 31310.00 91
855Ka - 895Ka 22537.20 4000.00 59258.50 26537.20 364
41Ka - 54Ka 9230.00 1125.00 21961.20 10355.00 182
Total 69177.20 8125.00 165413.20 77302.20

72-99 11200.00 2500.00 41820.00 13700.00 28

2008/09 900-951 41160.00 2000.00 104969.50 43160.00 91
907-950 Ka 41341.50 2500.00 97627.20 43841.50 364
57ka - 75 Ka 12850.00 2000.00 36197.50 14850.00 182
Total 106551.50 9000.00 280614.20 115551.50

100-112 5420.00 2920.00 18574.50 8265.00 28

2009/10 952-1003 50880.00 9150.00 112673.80 59262.00 91
76 Ka-94Ka 14350.00 4559.85 33826.60 18587.35 182
959 Ka-1003Ka 39940.30 3300.00 75652.30 42180.10 364
Total 110590.30 19929.85 240727.20 128294.45

Auction of Treasury Bills (Contd. …)

Issue Date S.No. Amount Offered Bid Amount Maturity

Renewal Fresh Amount Accepted (Days)
113-151 31460.00 0.00 60730.00 31200.00 28
2010/11 1004-1055 87960.00 7000.00 176154.50 94960.00 91
95 Ka-108Ka 23969.70 3496.60 54644.50 27466.30 182
1011 Ka-1042Ka 42740.30 4500.00 109630.40 47240.30 364
Total 186130.00 14996.60 401159.40 200866.60

152-177 5480.00 0.00 17910.00 5480.00 28

2011/12 1056-1107 34990.00 0.00 85419.50 34990.00 91
115 Ka-137Ka 3325.00 0.00 17061.50 3325.00 182
1063Ka,1065Ka-1067Ka, 1071Ka-1074Ka,
1076Ka-1081Ka, 1087Ka, 1090Ka-
1094Ka,1099, 1103Ka-1107Ka 14545.00 0.00 59657.50 14545.00 364
Total 58340.00 0.00 180048.50 58340.00

2012/13 178-201,203 19260.00 3000.00 74090.00 22260.00 28

1108-1159 139960.00 9000.00 397099.10 146978.20 91
138Ka-162Ka 43424.10 3000.00 152259.70 46424.10 182
1115"Ka", 1117"Ka"-1119"Ka",1123"Ka"-
1133"Ka",1139"Ka",1142"Ka"- 46611.80 4000.00 157842.50 50611.80 364
Total 249255.90 19000.00 781291.30 266274.10

2013/14 203-228 45500.00 0.00 148285.00 45500.00 28

1160-1212 153412.80 10000.00 463312.90 160412.80 91
163 "A"- 185"A" 42318.35 0.00 129401.93 42318.30 182
1167 "A", 1169"A",1170 "A" ,1173 "A"-
1177 "A"1178 "A" 1180 "A"-1185 "A"
,1191"A", 1194"A" -1198"A", 1203 "A"
,1208 "A" - 1211 "A" 50611.80 0.00 174652.50 46611.80 364
Total 291842.95 10000.00 915652.33 294842.90

2014/15 229-238 17500.00 0.00 55110.00 17500.00 28

1213-1264 158802.80 10000.00 533817.60 168802.80 91
186 "Ka"- 204 "Ka" 27818.35 0.00 112895.00 27818.35 182
1219 "Ka", 1221"Ka" -1223 "Ka"1227 "Ka"-
1230 "Ka", 1232 "Ka", 1234 "Ka"-1237
"Ka" 1243 Ka, 1246 Ka,-1250 "Ka", 1255"
ka", 1260 "ka"- "1263 "ka" 45111.80 0.00 175550.00 45111.80 364
Total 249232.95 10000.00 877372.60 259232.95

2015/16 1265-1316 155472.80 11000.00 515001.90 161472.80 91

205 Ka -217 Ka 19018.35 5000.00 102252.18 24018.33 182
1271 Ka, 1273 Ka-1275Ka,1279Ka-
1282Ka, 1284Ka, 1286Ka-1289Ka, 1298
Ka, 1300 Ka- 1302 Ka 38411.80 4500.00 171893.20 42911.80 364
Total 212902.95 20500.00 789147.28 228402.93

2016/17 1317-1368 145373.00 10000.00 351381.70 145173.20 91

221A-237A 24867.58 14000.00 98079.18 38867.58 182
1323A, 1325A -1327A, 1279A -1282A,
1282A, 1284A, 1287A-1289A, 1350A-
1354A, 1359Ka, 1364A 24757.50 9000.00 110990.50 33757.50 364
Total 194998.08 33000.00 560451.38 217798.28

2017/18 239-268 70500.00 13,750.0 169872.00 84200 28

1369-1420 158323.20 12609.80 314205.20 160873.00 91
238A-257A 50433.43 14085.28 108450.00 64518.70 182
1372A, 1373A, 1375A, 1377A -1379A,
1383A-1385A, 1388A, 1391A-1393A,
1403A-1407A 1411A, 1413A 1415A-1416A 27257.50 36683.60 142915.00 53311.10 364
Total 306514.13 77128.68 735442.20 362902.80

2018/19 269-271 9750.00 0.0 48640.00 9750 28

1421-1433 38823.20 0.00 148603.20 38823.20 91
258A-262A 16723.70 0.00 46088.70 16723.70 182
1424A, 1425A, 1427A, 1429A, 1430A,
1431A 13000.00 0.00 47740.00 13000.00 364
Total 78296.90 0.00 291071.90 78296.90

Auction of Treasury Bills (Contd. …)

Issue Date S.No. Amount Offered Bid Amount Maturity

Renewal Fresh Amount Accepted (Days)
2075.04.08 269 3250.00 15190.00 3250.00 28

2075.05.05 270 3250.00 14330.00 3250.00 28

2075.06.02 271 3250.00 19120.00 3250.00 28

2075.04.01 1421 3000.00 8390.00 3000.00 91

2075.04.08 1422 5500.00 17670.00 5500.00 91

2075.04.15 1423 2000.00 6140.00 2000.00 91

2075.04.22 1424 1910.00 6200.00 1910.00 91

2075.04.29 1425 2530.00 7780.00 2530.00 91

2075.05.05 1426 2000.00 10690.00 2000.00 91

2075.05.12 1427 2233.20 12123.20 2233.20 91

2075.05.19 1428 3130.00 14130.00 3130.00 91

2075.05.26 1429 2260.00 14180.00 2260.00 91

2075.06.02 1430 8230.00 19100.00 8230.00 91

2075.06.09 1431 4030.00 18780.00 4030.00 91

2075.06.16 1432 1000.00 7570.00 1000.00 91

2075.06.23 1433 1000.00 5850.00 1000.00 91

2075.05.19 258A 5525.00 14110.00 5525.00 182

2075.06.02 259A 2000.00 6100.00 2000.00 182

2075.06.09 260A 4300.00 11850.00 4300.00 182

2075.06.16 261A 3000.00 7620.00 3000.00 182

2075.06.23 262A 1898.70 6408.70 1898.70 182

2075.04.22 1424A 3000.00 10780.00 3000.00 364

2075.04.29 1425A 2000.00 6620.00 2000.00 364

2075.05.12 1427A 2000.00 8700.00 2000.00 364

2075.05.26 1429A 2000.00 7020.00 2000.00 364

2075.06.02 1430A 2000.00 6050.00 2000.00 364

2075.06.09 1431A 2000.00 8570.00 2000.00 364

62. Government Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank and Treasury Office

In Million Rupees
With Nepal At Treasury Total
Mid-Month 1
Rastra Bank Office Cash Balances
1957 Jul 34.8 18.4 53.2
1958 Jul 44.9 12.2 57.1
1959 Jul 67.0 23.2 90.2
1960 Jul 61.5 10.6 72.1
1961 Jul 70.7 5.3 76.0
1962 Jul 86.5 3.5 90.0
1963 Jul 95.2 7.8 100.3
1964 Jul 98.6 10.5 109.1
1965 Jul 117.7 7.4 125.1
1966 Jul 99.8 10.2 110.0
1967 Jul 74.3 8.7 83.0
1968 Jul 146.8 14.3 161.1
1969 Jul 139.0 18.7 157.7
1970 Jul 277.6 16.6 294.2
1971 Jul 297.7 9.1 306.8
1972 Jul 313.6 11.3 324.9
1973 Jul 263.4 13.2 276.6
1974 Jul 265.5 10.5 276.0
1975 Jul 240.0 6.7 246.7
1976 Jul 164.7 8.6 173.3
1977 Jul 163.4 4.4 167.8
1978 Jul 178.7 - 178.7
1979 Jul 183.8 - 183.8
1980 Jul 163.0 - 163.0
1981 Jul 71.6 - 71.6
1982 Jul - - -
1983 Jul - - -
1984 Jul - - -
1985 Jul - - -
1986 Jul - - -
1987 Jul - - -
1988 Jul 266.9 - 266.9
1989 Jul - - -
1990 Jul 101.2 - 101.2
1991 Jul - - -
1992 Jul - - -
1993 Jul - - -
1994 Jul - - -
1995 Jul - - -
1996 Jul - - -
1997 Jul - - -
1998 Jul - - -
1999 Jul - - -
2000 Jul - - -
2001 Jul - - -
2002 Jul - - -
2003 Jul 461.7 - 461.7
2004 Jul 753.0 - 753.0
2005 Jul - - -
2006 Jul - - -
2007 Jul 3,122.5 - 3,122.5
2008 Jul 823.9 - 823.9
2009 Jul - - -
2010 Jul - - -
2011 Jul - - -
2012 Jul 23125.1 - 23125.1
2013 Jul - - -
2014 Jul 23316.2 - 23316.2
2015 Jul 10312.3 - 10312.3
2016 Jul - - -
2017 JulP 50418.5 - 50418.5

2017 Aug 101255.8 - 101255.8

2017 Sep 75088.1 - 75088.1
2017 Oct 78407.1 - 78407.1
2017 Nov 145579.3 - 145579.3
2017 Dec 129864.8 - 129864.8
2018 Jan 102267.3 - 102267.3
2018 Feb 107813.4 - 107813.4
2018 Mar 85799.0 - 85799.0
2018 Apr 49178.3 - 49178.3
2018 May 27927.8 - 27927.8
2018 Jun 26562.1 - 26562.1
2018 JulP 81263.9 - 81263.9

2018 Aug 60049.0 - 60049.0

2018 Sep 63794.8 - 63794.8
2018 Oct 44637.1 - 44637.1
1 Also includes a small amount of Indian Rupee notes and coins till mid-July 1968.
Those are converted into rupees at the prevailing official exchange rates.

63. National Consumer Price Index
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Index Percentage Change

Fiscal Year
Overall Food and Beverages Non-food and Services Overall Food and Beverages Non-food and Services
1972/73 3.0 2.5 3.6 - - -
1973/74 3.6 3.1 3.9 18.5 22.3 10.0

1974/75 4.2 3.5 4.7 16.7 15.7 19.0

1975/76 4.1 3.4 5.0 -0.7 -4.1 7.3

1976/77 4.3 3.4 5.4 2.7 -0.3 7.1

1977/78 4.7 3.9 5.6 11.2 15.6 3.8
1978/79 4.9 4.0 6.1 3.4 1.5 8.1

1979/80 5.4 4.4 6.5 9.8 11.1 7.6

1980/81 6.1 5.0 7.4 13.4 13.4 13.4

1981/82 6.7 5.5 8.1 10.4 11.0 9.4
1982/83 7.7 6.4 8.9 14.2 16.0 10.6

1983/84 8.2 6.8 9.7 6.2 5.5 8.4

1984/85 8.5 6.9 10.6 4.1 1.0 9.9
1985/86 9.8 8.1 11.8 15.8 18.6 10.8

1986/87 11.2 9.4 12.9 13.3 15.1 9.5

1987/88 12.4 10.5 14.1 10.8 12.1 9.0

1988/89 13.4 11.1 15.9 8.3 5.9 12.8

1989/90 14.7 12.3 17.2 9.7 11.0 8.1

1990/91 16.1 13.6 18.8 9.8 10.0 9.3

1991/92 19.5 16.9 21.5 21.1 24.5 14.8

1992/93 21.2 18.0 24.4 8.9 6.3 13.5

1993/94 23.1 19.6 26.7 8.9 9.1 9.0

1994/95 24.9 21.0 28.8 7.7 7.3 7.9

1995/96 26.9 22.9 30.7 8.1 8.9 6.7

1996/97 29.1 24.8 33.1 8.1 8.2 8.0

1997/98 31.5 26.7 36.1 8.3 7.8 9.0

1998/99 35.1 31.0 38.2 11.4 16.2 5.8

1999/00 36.3 31.2 40.9 3.4 0.5 7.1

2000/01 37.2 30.5 44.2 2.4 -2.3 8.1

2001/02 38.3 31.6 45.2 2.9 3.6 2.1
2002/03 40.1 33.0 47.4 4.7 4.5 5.0

2003/04 41.7 34.1 49.7 4.0 3.3 4.7

2004/05 43.6 35.4 52.2 4.5 4.0 5.1
2005/06 47.1 38.2 56.4 8.0 7.8 8.1

2006/07 49.8 40.9 59.2 5.9 7.0 4.9

2007/08 53.2 44.7 61.6 6.7 9.3 4.1
2008/09 59.9 52.4 67.2 12.6 17.1 8.9

2009/10 65.6 60.4 70.4 9.6 15.5 5.0

2010/11 71.9 69.3 74.3 9.6 14.7 5.4

2011/12 77.8 74.6 80.9 8.3 7.7 9.0

2012/13 85.5 81.7 89.1 9.9 9.6 10.0
2013/14 93.3 91.2 95.1 9.1 11.6 6.8
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.2 9.6 5.2
2015/16 109.9 110.9 109.2 9.9 10.9 9.2
2016/17 114.8 113.0 116.3 4.5 1.9 6.5

2017/18 119.6 116.1 122.4 4.2 2.7 5.3

63a. National Consumer Price Index
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Grains & Milk Sugar & Non-
Quarter/ Overall Food and Their Pulses and Meat & Products Ghee Sugar alcoholic Alcoholic
Month Index Beverages Products Legumes Vegetables Fish and Eggs and Oil Fruit Products Spices Drinks Drinks
2006/07 49.8 40.9 45.2 43.8 30.6 36.9 42.3 55.1 35.8 36.6 47.5 49.9 46.4
2007/08 53.2 44.7 51.7 49.8 32.9 39.8 45.6 66.6 37.3 32.9 49.4 51.9 47.4
2008/09 59.9 52.4 59.3 61.9 36.6 49.1 52.3 77.6 43.3 48.2 55.4 61.9 52.9
2009/10 65.6 60.4 65.3 78.0 44.1 59.4 58.5 74.0 52.1 70.0 70.6 73.5 59.3
2010/11 71.9 69.3 74.4 72.1 59.6 64.6 67.0 75.9 62.3 83.7 86.9 81.1 63.1
2011/12 77.8 74.6 74.6 72.1 74.0 69.4 76.2 86.9 72.8 91.4 79.0 84.7 66.0
2012/13 85.5 81.7 81.4 81.1 78.3 79.4 82.7 98.8 77.4 103.9 83.0 94.1 71.3
2013/14 93.3 91.2 90.4 85.0 94.3 93.9 88.6 99.7 87.9 100.0 90.9 96.4 83.3
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 109.9 110.9 109.2 132.7 110.3 109.8 110.0 119.5 106.5 107.3 113.5 104.7 112.9

2016/17 114.8 113.0 111.1 125.4 107.5 112.4 114.0 112.3 110.6 123.2 119.9 108.5 126.1
I Qtr 115.6 116.9 111.9 137.8 134.7 111.5 112.8 112.3 121.4 119.9 121.0 107.7 122.3
Jul/Aug 115.7 116.9 111.9 139.2 132.7 112.7 112.9 111.9 124.5 119.2 120.2 107.1 122.3
Aug/Sep 115.5 116.6 112.2 138.5 131.6 111.2 112.8 112.4 122.0 120.0 121.1 107.9 122.3
Sep/Oct 115.7 117.1 111.7 135.6 139.8 110.7 112.7 112.5 117.8 120.6 121.9 108.0 122.3

II Qtr 115.1 114.1 111.3 134.7 119.0 108.9 113.5 112.7 105.6 123.3 121.9 108.5 125.8
Oct/Nov 116.1 116.5 111.6 135.2 137.7 109.6 113.1 112.7 111.3 122.0 121.8 108.4 125.8
Nov/Dec 115.1 114.4 111.4 134.7 121.4 108.8 113.7 112.7 104.4 123.8 122.3 108.5 125.8
Dec/Jan 113.9 111.5 111.0 134.1 101.0 108.5 113.9 112.7 101.4 124.1 121.7 108.6 125.8

III Qtr 113.1 109.3 110.2 120.0 86.2 112.4 114.3 112.0 103.7 124.4 119.2 108.4 128.1
Jan/Feb 113.4 109.7 110.9 127.2 88.8 109.7 114.3 112.4 102.6 124.7 121.1 108.4 127.8
Feb/Mar 112.4 108.2 110.1 117.6 82.2 112.2 114.1 111.5 102.8 123.7 117.9 108.2 126.9
Mar/Apr 113.5 109.9 109.6 115.5 87.6 115.5 114.7 111.9 105.7 124.8 118.6 108.7 129.5

IV Qtr 115.6 112.0 110.9 110.9 96.7 116.8 115.1 112.4 112.4 125.1 117.6 109.4 128.6
Apr/May 115.2 111.1 110.2 112.6 92.3 117.3 114.9 111.4 110.0 125.2 117.9 109.0 128.5
May/Jun 115.6 112.0 110.9 111.7 96.2 117.3 115.0 112.5 111.0 125.1 118.0 109.0 128.6
Jun/Jul 115.9 113.0 111.8 108.6 101.8 115.8 115.5 113.4 116.4 125.0 116.9 110.2 128.6

2017/18 119.3 116.0 113.6 97.1 119.4 114.7 121.2 115.0 114.2 122.9 114.4 111.6 134.9
I Qtr 119.0 117.4 112.9 105.7 130.6 114.3 118.6 114.4 119.4 125.9 115.6 111.2 132.6
Jul/Aug 118.3 115.7 112.7 106.8 117.2 114.9 116.9 113.8 122.8 125.5 116.0 110.8 132.3
Aug/Sep 119.4 118.7 112.4 105.7 143.2 114.8 117.8 114.3 122.2 125.8 116.0 111.6 133.0
Sep/Oct 119.2 117.7 113.6 104.6 132.7 113.2 121.3 115.2 113.5 126.3 114.9 111.3 132.3

II Qtr 119.7 117.0 113.4 98.8 131.2 112.5 122.0 115.3 108.9 125.7 113.7 111.4 134.3
Oct/Nov 120.6 119.2 113.8 102.6 145.4 113.8 121.9 115.2 112.7 126.5 115.0 111.4 134.3
Nov/Dec 119.9 117.6 113.3 99.1 136.6 113.1 122.0 115.3 108.2 126.2 113.3 111.1 134.3
Dec/Jan 118.5 114.2 113.2 94.9 113.8 110.5 122.2 115.5 105.8 124.4 112.8 111.6 134.3

III Qtr 119.2 114.4 113.4 90.8 108.7 116.4 123.2 114.3 110.0 120.3 112.9 111.5 136.8
Jan/Feb 119.0 114.1 113.3 92.8 111.4 112.5 123.1 114.6 106.4 121.6 112.3 111.4 136.8
Feb/Mar 119.1 114.2 113.5 91.1 105.6 117.7 123.1 114.5 108.5 120.7 113.5 111.5 136.8
Mar/Apr 119.5 115.0 113.5 88.6 109.3 119.3 123.4 113.9 115.2 118.6 112.9 111.5 136.8

IV Qtr 119.1 115.2 114.8 93.6 109.3 115.6 121.0 116.0 119.1 120.1 115.3 112.2 135.8
Apr/May 115.9 113.0 111.8 108.6 101.8 115.8 115.5 113.4 116.4 125.0 116.9 110.2 128.6
May/Jun 120.3 115.3 115.2 86.3 106.8 115.8 124.0 117.0 123.7 117.6 113.9 113.0 139.6
Jun/Jul 121.3 117.4 117.5 87.5 120.1 115.2 123.8 117.7 117.4 117.8 115.2 113.4 139.6

I Qtr 124.0 120.4 118.2 88.6 131.5 118.3 124.9 119.7 122.7 116.8 117.7 114.9 148.1
Jul/Aug 123.3 119.1 117.7 89.2 123.7 117.0 124.5 118.4 125.7 116.7 116.2 114.4 148.1
Aug/Sep 124.0 120.4 118.2 88.5 131.0 118.8 124.7 119.4 123.8 116.7 117.7 114.7 148.1
Sep/Oct 124.8 121.7 118.8 88.1 140.3 119.1 125.3 121.4 118.8 117.2 119.3 115.5 148.1

National Consumer Price Index (Contd. ...)

Fiscal Year & Miscellaneous
Quarter/ Tobacco Restaurant Non-food Clothes & Housing & Household Transpor- Commu- Recreation Goods &
Month Products & Hotel & Services Footware Utilities Equipment Health tation nication & Culture Education Services
2006/07 32.8 35.5 59.2 46.6 62.9 49.0 66.3 58.4 123.5 64.8 53.6 54.9
2007/08 35.7 38.0 61.6 48.1 66.5 51.9 70.0 59.8 123.5 67.5 56.2 56.0
2008/09 41.6 46.9 67.2 52.2 72.0 58.7 73.5 69.7 123.6 72.2 60.9 62.7
2009/10 46.8 56.4 70.4 56.1 74.3 62.4 76.0 66.4 123.6 77.5 67.8 67.4
2010/11 53.1 65.2 74.3 63.6 79.8 65.9 79.1 73.1 110.5 75.7 71.5 71.4
2011/12 58.9 72.9 80.9 73.0 84.7 74.7 82.7 84.5 101.5 81.5 78.5 78.4
2012/13 67.0 81.6 89.1 81.9 93.7 84.7 88.3 93.7 99.4 88.2 88.0 86.3
2013/14 79.6 90.2 95.1 91.0 98.5 92.4 94.8 98.7 99.9 94.1 94.7 92.6
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 107.6 109.3 109.2 114.2 112.7 106.3 102.6 102.0 105.1 104.3 110.1 104.5

2016/17 111.5 117.1 116.3 124.7 122.0 112.9 105.3 100.9 104.9 107.5 120.9 113.8
I Qtr 109.6 115.1 114.6 121.6 119.6 111.1 105.2 99.9 105.3 106.4 119.6 114.4
Jul/Aug 109.6 114.8 114.8 121.6 119.9 111.1 105.2 99.9 105.3 106.4 119.6 114.9
Aug/Sep 109.6 115.1 114.6 121.6 119.6 111.1 105.2 99.9 105.3 106.4 119.6 114.6
Sep/Oct 109.6 115.3 114.6 121.6 119.5 111.1 105.2 100.0 105.3 106.4 119.6 113.5

II Qtr 111.6 116.8 115.8 124.6 121.3 112.9 105.4 100.5 105.0 106.9 120.1 112.8
Oct/Nov 111.6 115.6 115.8 124.6 121.3 112.8 105.4 100.2 105.0 106.9 120.1 113.8
Nov/Dec 111.6 117.3 115.7 124.6 121.3 112.9 105.4 100.2 105.0 106.9 120.1 111.5
Dec/Jan 111.6 117.5 115.9 124.6 121.3 112.9 105.4 101.2 105.0 106.9 120.1 113.2

III Qtr 112.6 117.5 116.2 125.0 121.9 113.3 105.0 101.5 105.1 106.7 119.8 114.4
Jan/Feb 112.6 117.7 116.3 125.5 121.9 113.6 105.1 101.5 104.9 106.8 120.2 114.1
Feb/Mar 112.9 116.5 115.8 124.4 121.8 112.5 104.8 101.0 105.7 106.6 118.9 113.4
Mar/Apr 112.2 118.3 116.4 125.1 121.9 113.7 105.0 101.9 104.8 106.6 120.3 115.9

IV Qtr 112.5 119.0 118.5 127.6 125.2 114.5 105.6 101.8 104.0 109.9 124.2 113.7
Apr/May 112.9 118.2 118.6 128.6 125.8 114.6 105.7 102.0 103.2 109.7 123.4 113.5
May/Jun 112.3 119.4 118.5 127.2 125.1 114.4 105.6 102.0 104.4 110.0 124.6 114.2
Jun/Jul 112.3 119.5 118.3 127.2 124.9 114.7 105.6 101.3 104.4 110.0 124.6 113.5

2017/18 116.9 122.4 121.9 131.5 129.7 116.8 107.4 102.6 105.5 111.6 129.9 117.5
I Qtr 114.2 120.9 120.3 129.0 127.1 115.1 107.1 101.6 106.9 110.4 129.3 116.2
Jul/Aug 115.5 120.6 120.4 129.4 127.3 115.6 106.9 101.5 105.8 110.6 129.6 115.6
Aug/Sep 111.7 120.4 120.0 128.4 126.6 114.1 107.5 101.8 109.2 109.9 128.8 116.6
Sep/Oct 115.5 121.8 120.5 129.4 127.3 115.7 106.9 101.6 105.8 110.6 129.6 116.6

II Qtr 116.5 122.4 121.8 131.8 129.7 116.6 107.2 102.0 105.8 111.6 129.9 117.2
Oct/Nov 116.5 122.1 121.7 131.8 129.4 116.5 107.2 101.6 105.8 111.6 129.9 117.3
Nov/Dec 116.5 122.2 121.8 131.8 129.7 116.6 107.2 101.9 105.8 111.6 129.9 116.5
Dec/Jan 116.5 122.9 122.0 131.8 129.9 116.9 107.2 102.5 105.8 111.6 129.9 117.8

III Qtr 119.2 123.1 123.1 133.2 131.9 117.9 107.7 103.1 105.8 112.0 129.9 118.7
Jan/Feb 119.2 123.0 123.1 133.2 131.8 117.8 107.7 103.0 105.8 112.0 129.9 118.3
Feb/Mar 119.2 123.1 123.1 133.2 131.9 117.8 107.7 102.9 105.8 112.0 129.9 118.6
Mar/Apr 119.2 123.2 123.2 133.2 131.9 117.9 107.7 103.3 105.8 112.0 129.9 119.1

IV Qtr 117.6 123.2 122.3 132.0 130.1 117.6 107.6 103.8 103.5 112.4 130.4 117.9
Apr/May 112.3 119.5 118.3 127.2 124.9 114.7 105.6 101.3 104.4 110.0 124.6 113.5
May/Jun 120.3 124.8 124.4 134.4 132.8 119.0 108.7 105.3 103.1 113.7 133.3 120.5
Jun/Jul 120.3 125.4 124.3 134.4 132.8 119.3 108.7 104.7 103.1 113.7 133.3 119.7

I Qtr 127.6 127.2 127.0 136.9 136.9 121.5 109.2 107.1 103.6 115.9 135.4 121.6
Jul/Aug 127.6 127.1 126.7 136.9 136.7 121.4 109.2 105.8 103.6 115.9 135.4 120.4
Aug/Sep 127.6 127.3 127.0 136.9 137.0 121.5 109.2 106.6 103.6 115.9 135.4 121.7
Sep/Oct 127.6 127.4 127.3 136.9 137.0 121.7 109.2 109.1 103.6 115.9 135.4 122.9

64. Consumer Price Index (Kathmandu Valley)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Overall Index Food and Beverages Non-food and Services
1972/73 2.7 2.2 3.6

1973/74 3.2 2.5 4.0

1974/75 3.7 2.9 4.7
1975/76 3.9 3.1 5.1
1976/77 3.9 2.9 5.3
1977/78 4.3 3.4 5.6

1978/79 4.4 3.5 5.9

1979/80 5.0 3.9 6.4
1980/81 5.7 4.6 7.3

1981/82 6.3 5.0 8.0

1982/83 7.1 5.8 8.8

1983/84 7.5 6.0 9.3

1984/85 7.7 6.1 10.1

1985/86 9.1 7.3 11.3

1986/87 10.3 8.5 12.5

1987/88 11.3 9.4 13.5

1988/89 12.2 10.0 15.0

1989/90 14.2 12.0 16.5

1990/91 15.6 13.2 18.1

1991/92 18.8 16.2 21.4

1992/93 21.1 17.7 24.9

1993/94 23.8 20.2 27.7

1994/95 25.7 21.5 30.5

1995/96 27.2 22.8 32.2

1996/97 29.3 24.4 34.9

1997/98 31.5 26.3 37.4

1998/99 34.0 29.4 39.0

1999/00 35.3 29.9 41.4

2000/01 36.4 29.8 44.1

2001/02 37.1 30.5 44.9

2002/03 38.6 31.4 47.1

2003/04 40.8 33.2 49.9

2004/05 42.9 34.7 52.7

2005/06 45.7 36.4 56.9
2006/07 48.6 38.8 60.6

2007/08 52.0 42.4 63.2

2008/09 59.3 51.0 68.6

2009/10 64.7 58.1 71.8
2010/11 72.6 68.3 77.2

2011/12 77.9 73.3 82.9

2012/13 85.5 80.3 90.8
2013/14 93.2 90.5 95.9

2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0

64a. Consumer Price Index (Kathmandu Valley)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Grains & Milk Sugar & Non-
Quarter/ Overall Food and Their Pulses and Meat & Products Ghee Sugar alcoholic Alcoholic
Month Index Beverages Products Legumes Vegetables Fish and Eggs and Oil Fruit Products Spices Drinks Drinks
2006/07 48.6 38.8 42.5 47.3 26.8 36.5 43.1 56.0 34.2 23.8 44.8 56.1 56.8
2007/08 52.0 42.4 47.5 51.2 30.2 39.5 48.2 68.5 35.8 21.7 47.2 59.0 58.3
2008/09 59.3 51.0 58.0 63.4 33.2 48.4 55.8 81.0 41.8 32.3 52.9 70.3 66.9
2009/10 64.7 58.1 61.4 82.5 40.4 59.6 61.4 74.9 50.3 45.6 66.3 85.8 70.5
2010/11 72.6 68.3 70.2 72.3 60.5 65.6 68.7 78.9 57.6 79.0 86.4 81.8 70.5
2011/12 77.9 73.3 72.2 73.8 73.4 69.7 77.4 89.0 65.6 89.3 75.7 85.3 69.1
2012/13 85.5 80.3 77.8 80.9 76.8 80.6 83.7 101.2 69.3 100.6 83.8 96.5 77.9
2013/14 93.2 90.5 87.6 85.0 92.9 96.1 89.7 101.0 85.1 98.1 89.4 98.4 87.6
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 111.6 113.3 109.9 136.1 116.3 111.9 110.0 126.3 121.9 108.9 116.1 103.3 110.2

2016/17 115.0 115.0 111.3 124.4 115.8 113.5 115.0 112.0 121.5 123.5 125.2 105.7 118.9
I Qtr 115.6 118.2 111.0 138.7 141.2 113.5 113.7 111.6 130.7 120.9 124.0 104.5 116.7
Jul/Aug 115.7 118.4 110.7 142.7 138.5 115.8 114.1 111.7 130.2 120.4 123.7 104.5 116.7
Aug/Sep 115.4 117.8 111.3 140.5 135.2 113.5 113.7 111.6 131.8 121.0 123.8 104.5 116.7
Sep/Oct 115.7 118.6 111.0 133.2 150.1 111.2 113.5 111.5 130.2 121.3 124.6 104.7 116.7

II Qtr 115.1 115.5 111.3 131.1 128.7 107.2 114.3 112.5 117.8 123.5 126.0 105.7 118.3
Oct/Nov 115.8 117.4 111.3 132.0 144.6 107.3 113.6 112.9 123.7 123.4 125.2 105.7 118.3
Nov/Dec 115.1 115.7 111.3 131.6 131.0 106.9 114.4 112.1 116.5 124.0 126.2 105.9 118.3
Dec/Jan 114.3 113.4 111.4 129.8 112.6 107.5 114.9 112.3 113.4 123.1 126.7 105.7 118.3

III Qtr 113.8 111.8 111.2 119.3 94.7 113.9 115.4 111.3 116.8 124.6 125.4 105.6 119.7
Jan/Feb 114.0 112.2 111.2 125.5 101.0 109.7 115.2 112.2 115.6 124.2 125.4 105.4 119.7
Feb/Mar 113.5 111.0 111.3 118.5 89.8 114.2 114.7 111.8 117.2 125.0 125.3 105.6 119.7
Mar/Apr 114.0 112.1 111.1 114.4 93.7 118.0 116.3 109.9 117.7 124.5 125.5 105.8 119.7

IV Qtr 115.6 114.5 111.9 110.2 104.4 119.7 116.5 112.6 121.0 124.9 125.5 106.8 121.0
Apr/May 115.4 114.1 111.4 114.0 99.5 122.0 116.5 111.8 121.0 124.9 125.0 106.7 121.0
May/Jun 115.7 114.7 112.0 111.0 105.6 120.5 116.5 112.1 119.5 125.0 127.1 106.7 121.0
Jun/Jul 115.6 114.6 112.3 105.8 108.4 116.8 116.5 114.0 122.6 124.8 124.5 106.9 121.0

2017/18 118.8 118.6 114.4 90.8 129.1 116.9 125.2 115.5 126.0 124.6 117.8 106.7 124.0
I Qtr 118.1 118.6 112.9 102.2 129.9 115.6 123.7 115.6 126.7 127.2 120.8 107.1 121.8
Jul/Aug 117.3 116.6 112.5 104.2 116.8 117.0 120.2 114.8 126.9 125.4 121.1 107.3 121.8
Aug/Sep 118.7 120.0 113.0 102.0 137.9 116.1 125.2 115.1 130.0 128.2 123.0 107.0 121.8
Sep/Oct 118.3 119.2 113.2 100.6 136.0 113.9 125.9 117.1 123.4 128.2 118.3 107.0 121.8

II Qtr 118.7 119.7 113.6 92.5 147.3 112.5 125.9 116.6 121.0 127.6 116.2 106.6 122.1
Oct/Nov 119.6 122.2 113.3 98.5 162.1 115.0 125.7 117.3 125.6 128.3 119.6 106.5 122.1
Nov/Dec 119.0 120.5 113.5 91.4 153.9 113.9 125.8 116.8 119.5 127.9 114.7 106.1 122.1
Dec/Jan 117.6 116.6 113.8 88.0 128.1 108.7 126.2 115.8 117.9 126.5 114.5 107.2 122.1

III Qtr 118.7 117.5 114.1 85.7 120.1 121.5 125.3 113.9 121.5 122.5 116.0 106.8 125.0
Jan/Feb 118.5 117.2 114.2 86.3 126.0 115.6 125.4 113.8 117.7 123.5 114.6 106.9 125.0
Feb/Mar 118.7 117.5 114.3 86.8 116.4 124.2 124.9 114.3 119.2 123.2 117.6 107.0 125.0
Mar/Apr 118.9 117.9 114.0 83.9 118.2 125.1 125.5 113.6 127.8 120.7 115.8 106.5 125.0

IV Qtr 119.5 118.7 117.1 83.9 120.9 118.1 125.7 115.8 135.5 121.2 118.3 106.4 127.3
Apr/May 119.3 118.2 115.4 82.9 117.3 121.3 125.7 114.6 137.4 120.7 115.6 106.3 127.3
May/Jun 119.3 118.0 117.0 82.9 116.7 116.4 126.1 116.4 138.3 120.9 117.4 106.1 127.3
Jun/Jul 120.1 120.1 119.1 85.9 129.0 116.7 125.4 116.5 131.0 122.0 121.9 106.8 127.3

I Qtr 122.2 122.7 119.0 86.2 139.5 122.8 125.5 116.9 135.3 120.0 125.4 108.7 134.6
Jul/Aug 121.3 121.0 118.6 87.2 128.5 121.2 125.5 116.3 135.2 119.8 123.0 108.4 134.6
Aug/Sep 122.2 122.7 118.9 85.5 138.6 123.5 125.4 116.9 135.9 120.1 125.2 108.2 134.6
Sep/Oct 123.1 124.5 119.6 86.0 152.6 123.5 125.7 117.6 134.9 120.1 128.1 109.7 134.6

Consumer Price Index (Kathmandu Valley) (Contd. ...)

Fiscal year & Miscellaneous
Quarter/ Tobacco Restaurant Non-food Clothes & Housing & Household Transpor- Commu- Recreation Goods &
Month Products & Hotel & Services Footware Utilities Equipment Health tation nication & Culture Education Services
2006/07 35.4 34.6 60.6 51.6 61.3 49.3 63.0 73.6 119.8 54.4 55.5 55.1
2007/08 39.1 37.1 63.2 53.6 64.5 52.3 65.8 76.9 119.8 58.0 57.7 55.2
2008/09 47.8 46.3 68.6 56.6 68.7 59.3 69.0 91.1 119.8 61.3 63.7 66.0
2009/10 53.1 57.3 71.8 59.6 70.3 62.6 69.8 86.9 119.8 64.6 73.7 68.6
2010/11 56.1 65.5 77.2 66.8 76.4 68.2 78.2 87.2 108.9 72.2 81.0 73.2
2011/12 59.1 72.0 82.9 75.2 79.0 76.4 81.9 95.2 100.4 81.9 86.3 80.6
2012/13 70.3 79.9 90.8 83.6 91.1 87.0 86.4 105.7 98.9 88.5 90.0 89.7
2013/14 83.7 88.3 95.9 91.8 96.0 93.7 93.2 105.1 99.2 95.6 95.9 93.9
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 107.5 111.7 110.5 112.4 116.2 106.0 103.2 101.2 104.0 104.2 109.7 103.4

2016/17 116.2 117.2 115.0 119.2 122.6 111.6 104.0 100.8 103.6 107.7 112.8 112.3
I Qtr 114.3 115.9 113.9 116.8 120.9 109.6 104.8 99.9 104.1 106.8 112.4 112.6
Jul/Aug 114.3 115.9 114.0 116.8 121.2 109.6 104.8 99.9 104.1 106.8 112.4 113.2
Aug/Sep 114.3 115.8 113.9 116.8 120.8 109.6 104.8 99.9 104.1 106.8 112.4 112.7
Sep/Oct 114.3 115.9 113.8 116.8 120.8 109.6 104.8 99.9 104.1 106.8 112.4 112.0

II Qtr 114.7 116.9 114.8 119.2 122.1 111.4 105.1 100.3 103.6 108.0 112.5 111.8
Oct/Nov 114.7 116.3 114.8 119.2 122.1 111.3 105.1 99.9 103.6 108.0 112.5 112.6
Nov/Dec 114.7 116.8 114.7 119.2 122.1 111.4 105.1 99.9 103.6 108.0 112.5 110.8
Dec/Jan 114.7 117.4 114.9 119.2 122.1 111.4 105.1 101.0 103.6 108.0 112.5 112.1

III Qtr 117.8 117.6 115.2 120.1 122.6 112.4 103.2 101.4 103.5 107.6 112.6 112.7
Jan/Feb 117.8 117.5 115.1 120.1 122.4 112.4 103.2 101.4 103.5 107.6 112.6 112.8
Feb/Mar 117.8 117.6 115.2 120.1 122.7 112.4 103.2 101.4 103.5 107.6 112.6 112.4
Mar/Apr 117.8 117.6 115.2 120.1 122.7 112.4 103.2 101.4 103.5 107.6 112.6 112.8

IV Qtr 117.9 118.7 116.3 120.7 124.9 113.0 103.2 101.4 103.2 108.5 113.7 111.9
Apr/May 117.9 118.5 116.4 120.7 125.0 112.8 103.2 101.7 103.2 108.5 113.7 111.3
May/Jun 117.9 118.7 116.4 120.7 125.0 113.0 103.2 101.6 103.2 108.5 113.7 112.6
Jun/Jul 117.9 118.7 116.2 120.7 124.7 113.2 103.2 100.9 103.2 108.5 113.7 111.9

2017/18 121.5 123.2 118.8 122.0 126.3 114.5 103.8 102.3 102.2 110.0 123.9 115.1
I Qtr 119.3 121.6 117.7 120.6 124.9 113.5 103.0 101.0 103.1 109.1 123.4 113.7
Jul/Aug 119.3 120.5 117.7 120.6 124.9 113.5 103.0 101.0 103.1 109.1 123.4 113.1
Aug/Sep 119.3 122.2 117.8 120.6 124.9 113.5 103.0 101.0 103.1 109.1 123.4 114.0
Sep/Oct 119.3 122.2 117.8 120.6 124.9 113.5 103.0 101.0 103.1 109.1 123.4 113.9

II Qtr 119.3 122.8 118.0 121.2 125.2 114.0 103.0 101.5 103.1 109.3 123.4 114.0
Oct/Nov 119.3 122.7 117.9 121.2 124.9 113.7 103.0 100.9 103.1 109.3 123.4 114.2
Nov/Dec 119.3 122.7 118.0 121.2 125.2 113.7 103.0 101.4 103.1 109.3 123.4 113.2
Dec/Jan 119.3 123.1 118.2 121.2 125.4 114.5 103.0 102.2 103.1 109.3 123.4 114.7

III Qtr 123.8 123.2 119.4 122.3 127.6 114.9 103.7 102.9 103.1 110.0 123.4 115.7
Jan/Feb 123.8 123.1 119.4 122.3 127.5 114.9 103.7 102.9 103.1 110.0 123.4 115.6
Feb/Mar 123.8 123.3 119.4 122.3 127.6 114.9 103.7 102.8 103.1 110.0 123.4 115.4
Mar/Apr 123.8 123.3 119.5 122.3 127.6 115.0 103.7 103.2 103.1 110.0 123.4 116.1

IV Qtr 124.0 125.3 120.1 123.9 127.7 115.5 105.5 103.9 99.5 111.4 125.4 117.0
Apr/May 124.0 125.2 120.0 123.9 127.7 115.4 105.5 103.3 99.5 111.4 125.4 117.2
May/Jun 124.0 124.7 120.2 123.9 127.7 115.4 105.5 104.4 99.5 111.4 125.4 117.5
Jun/Jul 124.0 125.9 120.1 123.9 127.7 115.8 105.5 103.9 99.5 111.4 125.4 116.5

I Qtr 133.3 126.2 121.9 125.7 128.7 117.3 106.9 106.6 99.1 114.9 128.6 119.7
Jul/Aug 133.3 126.2 121.5 125.7 128.5 117.2 106.9 104.7 99.1 114.9 128.6 118.4
Aug/Sep 133.3 126.2 121.9 125.7 128.7 117.3 106.9 106.5 99.1 114.9 128.6 119.8
Sep/Oct 133.3 126.2 122.2 125.7 128.8 117.4 106.9 108.8 99.1 114.9 128.6 120.9

65. Consumer Price Index (Hills)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Overall Index Food and Beverages Non-food and Services
1972/73 3.2 2.8 3.8

1973/74 3.7 3.2 4.1

1974/75 4.2 3.7 4.7
1975/76 4.4 3.6 5.3
1976/77 4.5 3.7 5.6
1977/78 5.0 4.2 6.0

1978/79 5.2 4.3 6.4

1979/80 5.7 4.7 6.8
1980/81 6.4 5.3 7.8

1981/82 7.1 5.9 8.5

1982/83 8.1 6.9 9.3

1983/84 8.6 7.2 10.4

1984/85 9.4 7.7 12.0

1985/86 10.5 8.7 13.1

1986/87 12.0 10.1 14.2

1987/88 13.4 11.4 15.3

1988/89 14.8 12.5 17.5

1989/90 14.8 12.5 17.7

1990/91 16.3 13.6 19.8

1991/92 19.5 16.6 22.6

1992/93 20.9 17.6 24.9

1993/94 22.2 18.7 26.5

1994/95 24.0 20.4 28.0

1995/96 26.3 22.7 29.7

1996/97 28.5 24.9 31.9

1997/98 30.8 26.9 34.5

1998/99 34.4 31.3 36.5

1999/00 35.6 31.6 39.2

2000/01 37.5 31.7 43.3

2001/02 38.4 32.7 44.2

2002/03 39.9 33.7 46.2

2003/04 41.1 34.7 47.8

2004/05 42.9 36.1 50.2

2005/06 46.6 38.9 54.8
2006/07 49.3 41.6 57.3

2007/08 52.4 45.5 59.5

2008/09 58.9 52.9 64.8

2009/10 64.9 61.3 68.4
2010/11 71.8 71.0 72.6

2011/12 78.8 77.6 79.9

2012/13 86.2 84.7 87.7
2013/14 93.2 92.8 93.6

2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0

65a. Consumer Price Index (Hills)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Grains & Milk Sugar & Non-
Quarter/ Overall Food and Their Pulses and Meat & Products Ghee Sugar alcoholic Alcoholic
Month Index Beverages Products Legumes Vegetables Fish and Eggs and Oil Fruit Products Spices Drinks Drinks
2006/07 49.3 41.6 47.6 46.3 30.5 35.7 41.9 53.4 38.8 45.1 47.5 47.7 38.7
2007/08 52.4 45.5 55.0 51.9 32.3 38.9 44.8 64.3 39.9 40.6 50.3 49.0 40.3
2008/09 58.9 52.9 62.2 62.5 35.4 48.2 49.3 75.2 45.2 60.6 55.9 62.8 44.5
2009/10 64.9 61.3 68.0 76.9 43.5 58.8 56.1 73.0 56.1 87.1 72.4 71.8 52.7
2010/11 71.8 71.0 77.4 74.1 60.4 64.5 70.6 75.2 65.8 89.9 87.5 81.0 59.7
2011/12 78.8 77.6 79.5 75.0 75.8 70.6 79.8 86.3 76.5 95.9 81.6 86.2 67.1
2012/13 86.2 84.7 86.1 82.8 81.0 79.3 86.2 97.8 81.2 108.4 85.2 94.2 72.9
2013/14 93.2 92.8 93.2 86.1 95.1 93.1 91.4 99.4 89.4 102.2 91.3 98.1 81.8
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 110.4 110.8 108.1 131.0 115.6 108.9 109.2 116.0 101.6 106.5 116.4 104.3 115.0

2016/17 117.5 114.2 110.7 128.1 113.9 111.2 114.2 111.9 108.5 123.7 125.4 108.7 130.8
I Qtr 117.8 116.4 111.9 139.2 132.0 109.6 112.9 112.1 118.9 119.4 125.5 108.1 124.9
Jul/Aug 118.0 116.8 111.7 140.4 132.1 110.7 112.9 112.0 125.3 118.7 125.6 107.9 124.9
Aug/Sep 117.6 116.1 111.9 140.4 128.4 109.5 112.9 112.1 119.0 119.7 125.6 108.0 124.9
Sep/Oct 117.7 116.3 112.0 137.0 135.4 108.6 112.9 112.0 112.7 119.9 125.4 108.4 124.9

II Qtr 117.7 115.1 111.2 136.9 126.5 108.6 113.5 112.2 101.6 122.7 126.4 108.7 129.9
Oct/Nov 118.1 115.9 111.7 136.4 134.5 108.9 113.1 112.2 104.5 121.3 126.1 108.4 129.9
Nov/Dec 117.9 115.6 111.3 136.8 130.4 108.5 113.5 112.5 100.3 122.6 126.6 108.5 129.9
Dec/Jan 117.1 113.8 110.6 137.4 115.4 108.3 113.8 111.9 100.0 124.2 126.5 109.1 129.9

III Qtr 116.3 111.7 109.5 123.3 96.2 112.5 114.5 111.8 101.9 125.8 125.2 109.4 133.9
Jan/Feb 116.6 112.1 110.1 129.3 99.6 110.4 114.0 111.7 101.9 125.0 126.2 109.4 133.3
Feb/Mar 116.1 111.1 109.8 123.3 91.9 112.8 113.9 111.5 100.2 126.0 125.6 109.1 133.3
Mar/Apr 116.1 112.0 108.7 117.8 97.3 114.5 115.6 112.2 103.8 126.5 123.9 109.7 135.1

IV Qtr 118.1 113.5 110.0 114.4 105.0 114.2 116.1 111.7 112.5 126.8 124.3 108.7 134.8
Apr/May 117.3 112.2 108.9 113.6 101.2 114.9 115.1 109.1 109.1 126.5 124.3 108.8 133.6
May/Jun 118.4 113.9 110.0 116.3 105.8 115.0 115.5 112.3 111.8 127.1 124.9 108.6 135.4
Jun/Jul 118.6 114.5 111.1 113.4 107.9 112.8 117.7 113.7 116.9 126.9 123.9 108.6 135.4

2017/18 122.9 116.7 113.3 100.3 123.4 112.2 122.3 114.3 114.2 122.8 121.6 110.5 142.0
I Qtr 121.2 117.4 112.2 110.4 129.2 111.3 120.2 114.2 121.3 127.3 123.1 109.2 140.0
Jul/Aug 120.6 116.2 111.6 112.3 118.6 111.6 118.2 114.4 125.0 127.6 123.2 109.0 140.0
Aug/Sep 121.7 118.5 112.0 109.8 136.3 111.5 120.9 114.3 126.7 127.3 123.7 109.3 140.0
Sep/Oct 121.2 117.6 112.9 109.1 133.3 110.8 121.4 113.9 112.8 127.2 122.4 109.4 140.0

II Qtr 123.1 117.4 112.9 104.8 136.3 110.3 122.6 114.0 105.6 126.6 121.6 109.8 141.0
Oct/Nov 123.7 118.6 113.4 108.0 143.7 110.6 122.7 114.0 107.4 127.3 121.6 109.4 141.0
Nov/Dec 123.5 118.2 113.0 105.2 143.4 110.4 122.4 113.9 105.8 127.1 121.4 109.9 141.0
Dec/Jan 122.3 115.5 112.3 101.3 122.9 109.7 122.8 114.1 103.8 125.4 121.7 110.0 141.0

III Qtr 122.8 115.5 113.2 96.3 115.4 113.7 122.8 113.3 109.9 120.3 121.1 110.7 142.8
Jan/Feb 122.6 115.2 112.6 99.6 118.8 110.2 122.8 113.4 106.3 121.8 120.9 110.4 142.8
Feb/Mar 122.7 115.3 113.3 96.0 112.1 114.8 122.7 113.5 109.5 120.7 121.0 110.9 142.8
Mar/Apr 123.1 116.1 113.8 93.5 115.3 116.4 122.9 112.9 114.0 118.4 121.5 110.8 142.8

IV Qtr 124.4 116.4 115.0 91.0 114.1 113.7 123.8 115.6 120.8 117.4 120.7 112.5 144.4
Apr/May 124.0 115.8 113.7 90.9 112.6 115.6 123.1 112.7 119.9 117.8 120.8 110.9 144.4
May/Jun 124.2 116.1 114.0 90.6 111.8 113.9 124.2 116.6 121.7 117.4 120.7 113.2 144.4
Jun/Jul 124.9 117.4 117.4 91.4 117.9 111.8 124.2 117.5 120.9 117.2 120.7 113.4 144.4

I Qtr 127.8 121.1 119.1 92.5 130.4 115.3 126.1 120.9 124.0 116.4 125.0 115.0 152.1
Jul/Aug 126.9 119.7 118.3 93.4 122.7 113.9 125.0 119.2 126.5 116.6 123.9 114.9 152.1
Aug/Sep 127.7 121.2 119.3 92.6 130.5 115.8 125.5 120.2 125.2 115.5 125.5 114.8 152.1
Sep/Oct 128.6 122.5 119.9 91.6 138.4 116.2 127.8 123.4 120.5 117.0 125.7 115.4 152.1

Consumer Price Index (Hills) (Contd. ...)

Fiscal year & Miscellaneous
Quarter/ Tobacco Restaurant Non-food Clothes & Housing & Household Transpor- Commu- Recreation Goods &
Month Products & Hotel & Services Footware Utilities Equipment Health tation nication & Culture Education Services
2006/07 31.2 35.5 57.3 42.2 61.8 47.0 65.2 55.7 129.5 71.5 50.4 54.1
2007/08 33.6 37.7 59.5 43.3 65.5 49.8 69.5 55.9 129.5 71.9 54.2 54.8
2008/09 38.1 49.1 64.8 48.4 70.8 57.5 73.8 64.3 130.1 76.2 56.7 61.5
2009/10 44.4 58.6 68.4 52.4 72.3 62.7 78.2 60.9 130.1 82.2 64.2 66.1
2010/11 49.2 67.0 72.6 61.5 77.7 62.4 75.8 70.9 117.4 82.8 68.1 69.1
2011/12 54.5 77.6 79.9 73.2 82.4 71.4 82.2 83.6 101.3 87.3 77.2 75.5
2012/13 60.8 87.6 87.7 82.4 89.5 80.1 88.8 92.9 99.4 90.2 88.7 82.2
2013/14 76.7 94.4 93.6 90.4 95.9 89.2 95.3 97.4 99.6 93.4 93.4 92.6
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 106.8 112.1 110.1 117.5 112.4 108.1 103.4 104.5 105.9 106.2 109.7 107.3

2016/17 106.7 124.9 120.5 130.2 126.0 116.4 108.9 103.4 105.8 110.0 130.9 117.5
I Qtr 104.5 120.5 119.0 126.4 124.4 114.7 108.3 102.5 105.6 109.0 130.1 118.5
Jul/Aug 104.5 120.1 119.2 126.4 124.6 114.7 108.3 102.5 105.6 109.0 130.1 119.3
Aug/Sep 104.5 120.8 119.0 126.4 124.3 114.7 108.3 102.5 105.6 109.0 130.1 118.8
Sep/Oct 104.5 120.8 118.9 126.4 124.2 114.7 108.3 102.5 105.6 109.0 130.1 117.5

II Qtr 107.0 124.6 120.0 130.1 125.3 116.0 108.4 103.2 107.0 109.3 130.1 116.1
Oct/Nov 107.0 121.0 120.0 130.1 125.3 115.9 108.4 103.1 107.0 109.3 130.1 117.2
Nov/Dec 107.0 126.3 119.9 130.1 125.3 115.9 108.4 103.1 107.0 109.3 130.1 114.4
Dec/Jan 107.0 126.5 120.1 130.1 125.4 116.2 108.4 103.5 107.0 109.3 130.1 116.7

III Qtr 107.1 127.5 120.5 130.4 126.1 117.0 108.4 104.3 106.6 109.1 130.0 117.4
Jan/Feb 107.3 127.1 120.8 131.0 126.5 117.0 108.6 103.8 106.8 109.4 130.3 117.9
Feb/Mar 107.3 127.8 120.8 131.0 126.7 117.0 108.6 103.8 106.8 109.4 130.3 117.1
Mar/Apr 106.6 127.4 120.0 129.2 125.0 117.0 108.1 105.2 106.1 108.5 129.6 117.2

IV Qtr 108.4 127.1 122.3 134.0 128.2 117.8 110.3 103.8 104.3 112.9 133.6 117.9
Apr/May 110.6 123.4 122.2 136.1 129.7 117.6 109.9 103.7 101.6 111.8 129.0 117.3
May/Jun 107.4 129.0 122.5 133.0 127.6 117.8 110.6 104.1 105.6 113.4 136.0 118.8
Jun/Jul 107.4 129.1 122.3 133.0 127.4 117.9 110.6 103.7 105.6 113.4 136.0 117.5

2017/18 113.1 131.3 128.5 139.2 139.9 122.1 113.2 105.2 106.0 115.2 139.4 122.6
I Qtr 110.8 130.0 124.5 135.7 131.3 119.4 112.1 103.6 105.9 114.2 137.8 120.5
Jul/Aug 110.8 129.7 124.5 135.7 131.3 119.4 112.1 103.7 105.9 114.2 137.8 119.7
Aug/Sep 110.8 130.2 124.6 135.7 131.2 119.4 112.1 103.6 105.9 114.2 137.8 121.1
Sep/Oct 110.8 130.3 124.5 135.7 131.2 119.5 112.1 103.5 105.9 114.2 137.8 120.7

II Qtr 112.2 130.6 128.4 138.8 141.2 120.7 112.9 104.0 106.4 114.9 138.3 121.4
Oct/Nov 112.2 130.6 128.3 138.8 141.0 120.6 112.9 103.7 106.4 114.9 138.3 121.6
Nov/Dec 112.2 130.5 128.4 138.8 141.2 120.7 112.9 104.0 106.4 114.9 138.3 120.5
Dec/Jan 112.2 130.7 128.5 138.8 141.3 120.7 112.9 104.3 106.4 114.9 138.3 122.1

III Qtr 114.3 131.2 129.5 140.4 142.3 123.2 113.3 105.4 106.5 115.5 138.4 123.4
Jan/Feb 114.3 131.2 129.5 140.4 142.3 123.2 113.3 105.4 106.5 115.5 138.4 123.0
Feb/Mar 114.3 131.2 129.5 140.4 142.3 123.2 113.3 105.3 106.5 115.5 138.4 123.4
Mar/Apr 114.3 131.3 129.6 140.4 142.3 123.4 113.3 105.6 106.5 115.5 138.4 123.9

IV Qtr 115.2 133.2 131.8 141.9 145.1 125.0 114.7 107.9 105.3 116.5 143.4 125.1
Apr/May 115.2 132.0 131.7 141.9 145.0 124.8 114.7 107.5 105.3 116.5 143.4 125.4
May/Jun 115.2 133.5 131.9 141.9 145.2 125.1 114.7 108.4 105.3 116.5 143.4 125.4
Jun/Jul 115.2 134.2 131.8 141.9 145.2 125.2 114.7 107.7 105.3 116.5 143.4 124.6

I Qtr 125.0 138.2 133.9 145.4 147.5 127.8 114.6 110.7 104.3 118.7 145.5 126.2
Jul/Aug 125.0 137.6 133.7 145.4 147.4 127.8 114.6 109.5 104.3 118.7 145.5 124.9
Aug/Sep 125.0 138.4 133.9 145.4 147.6 127.8 114.6 109.9 104.3 118.7 145.5 126.0
Sep/Oct 125.0 138.7 134.3 145.4 147.6 127.8 114.6 112.6 104.3 118.7 145.5 127.7

66. Consumer Price Index (Terai)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Overall Index Food and Beverages Non-food and Services
1972/73 3.2 2.7 3.7

1973/74 3.9 3.5 4.0

1974/75 4.6 4.0 4.8
1975/76 4.4 3.6 5.1
1976/77 4.5 3.7 5.5
1977/78 5.1 4.3 5.7

1978/79 5.2 4.3 6.2

1979/80 5.7 4.7 6.6
1980/81 6.4 5.3 7.4

1981/82 7.1 5.9 8.1

1982/83 8.2 6.9 9.1

1983/84 8.7 7.3 9.9

1984/85 8.9 7.3 10.9

1985/86 10.4 8.6 11.9

1986/87 11.6 9.9 13.0

1987/88 13.1 11.1 14.4

1988/89 14.1 11.7 16.4

1989/90 15.2 12.6 17.8

1990/91 16.7 13.9 19.3

1991/92 20.3 17.6 21.7

1992/93 22.0 19.1 24.5

1993/94 23.1 19.4 26.4

1994/95 24.8 20.9 28.2

1995/96 27.2 23.1 30.4

1996/97 29.4 25.0 32.8

1997/98 32.1 26.9 36.2

1998/99 36.3 32.0 38.7

1999/00 37.4 31.9 41.7

2000/01 37.9 30.5 44.9

2001/02 39.2 31.8 51.2

2002/03 41.4 33.8 48.4

2003/04 42.7 34.4 50.6

2004/05 44.5 35.7 53.1

2005/06 48.4 39.1 57.2
2006/07 51.1 42.1 59.5

2007/08 54.3 45.9 61.9

2008/09 60.9 53.3 67.6

2009/10 66.7 61.6 70.7
2010/11 71.5 69.1 73.4

2011/12 77.3 73.7 80.2

2012/13 85.1 81.0 88.6
2013/14 93.4 90.8 95.4

2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0

66a. Consumer Price Index (Terai)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Grains & Milk Sugar & Non-
Quarter/ Overall Food and Their Pulses and Meat & Products Ghee Sugar alcoholic Alcoholic
Month Index Beverages Products Legumes Vegetables Fish and Eggs and Oil Fruit Products Spices Drinks Drinks
2006/07 51.1 42.1 45.7 40.0 33.8 38.0 42.0 55.6 35.1 44.0 49.5 47.1 44.8
2007/08 54.3 45.9 52.9 47.5 35.4 40.7 44.3 66.8 36.8 39.3 50.5 49.0 45.1
2008/09 60.9 53.3 58.5 60.5 40.2 50.3 51.7 76.8 43.2 56.0 57.0 56.0 49.5
2009/10 66.7 61.6 66.5 75.6 47.4 59.7 58.0 74.1 51.2 83.7 72.8 66.6 56.1
2010/11 71.5 69.1 75.5 70.3 59.0 64.2 64.2 74.2 63.7 84.2 88.0 79.2 60.4
2011/12 77.3 73.7 73.6 69.2 73.4 68.4 73.2 85.7 76.1 90.3 79.9 83.5 63.1
2012/13 85.1 81.0 81.2 80.1 77.7 78.6 80.0 97.8 81.3 103.8 81.0 92.3 65.8
2013/14 93.4 90.8 90.8 84.4 94.7 92.7 86.2 99.1 89.2 100.0 91.7 94.1 81.4
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 108.6 109.7 109.7 132.1 104.9 109.2 110.8 118.7 101.0 106.6 110.3 106.2 112.0

2016/17 113.4 111.4 111.5 124.1 100.5 112.7 113.6 112.5 106.2 122.7 113.9 110.7 124.8
I Qtr 114.6 116.7 112.7 136.2 134.1 111.7 112.7 112.5 118.2 119.5 116.9 110.1 121.8
Jul/Aug 114.6 116.6 112.9 136.6 131.3 112.3 112.7 111.9 121.7 118.9 115.8 109.1 121.8
Aug/Sep 114.5 116.6 113.0 136.1 132.7 111.0 112.7 112.6 118.7 119.5 117.0 110.6 121.8
Sep/Oct 114.6 117.0 112.2 135.9 138.3 111.9 112.7 113.0 114.3 120.2 118.0 110.6 121.8

II Qtr 113.7 112.8 111.4 135.0 111.0 110.3 113.5 112.9 101.4 123.5 116.8 110.7 125.5
Oct/Nov 115.3 116.6 111.7 135.8 137.0 111.7 113.2 112.8 108.5 121.5 117.2 110.6 125.5
Nov/Dec 113.7 113.1 111.6 135.0 112.7 110.1 113.7 112.8 100.3 124.4 117.3 110.6 125.5
Dec/Jan 112.0 108.9 111.0 134.3 88.5 109.1 113.7 113.0 95.9 124.6 115.8 110.8 125.5

III Qtr 111.1 106.6 110.6 118.4 77.6 111.6 113.9 112.1 98.4 123.7 112.9 110.0 125.8
Jan/Feb 111.2 106.8 111.2 126.7 77.4 109.2 114.2 112.7 96.3 124.9 115.4 110.3 126.4
Feb/Mar 110.5 105.8 109.9 114.7 76.3 111.0 114.0 111.2 98.6 122.2 111.6 109.4 124.7
Mar/Apr 111.6 107.3 110.7 114.2 79.1 114.8 113.6 112.4 100.5 124.0 111.9 110.4 126.4

IV Qtr 114.2 109.7 111.2 108.7 88.5 117.2 114.1 112.6 107.9 124.2 109.2 112.1 126.1
Apr/May 113.7 108.6 110.8 110.7 83.3 117.0 114.1 112.6 104.7 124.6 109.5 111.0 126.1
May/Jun 114.0 109.3 111.0 108.9 87.0 117.1 114.1 112.6 106.0 124.1 109.3 111.2 126.1
Jun/Jul 114.9 111.3 112.0 106.7 95.7 117.4 114.1 112.7 113.1 123.9 108.8 114.0 126.1

2017/18 118.4 114.3 113.4 93.8 113.3 115.5 120.5 115.2 109.1 120.6 107.2 116.4 135.1
I Qtr 118.5 116.7 113.0 104.2 132.3 115.6 115.8 113.9 115.2 124.4 108.6 115.5 130.7
Jul/Aug 117.8 114.9 113.1 104.3 117.4 116.2 114.6 112.7 119.9 124.3 108.4 114.8 130.1
Aug/Sep 118.9 118.3 112.0 104.9 149.8 116.2 113.9 113.9 117.7 124.0 109.2 115.6 132.1
Sep/Oct 118.7 116.9 113.9 103.3 131.6 114.5 119.0 115.1 108.5 124.7 108.2 116.2 130.1

II Qtr 118.4 115.0 113.2 98.0 121.1 114.0 120.1 115.4 104.1 124.0 107.1 116.2 133.5
Oct/Nov 119.6 117.9 113.8 100.9 139.1 115.4 119.9 114.8 108.5 125.0 108.2 116.5 133.5
Nov/Dec 118.6 115.5 113.0 99.1 125.2 114.5 120.1 115.2 103.5 124.5 107.1 116.0 133.5
Dec/Jan 116.9 111.7 112.9 94.1 102.0 112.1 120.2 116.1 100.3 122.4 106.2 116.1 133.5

III Qtr 117.6 111.9 112.7 89.5 99.8 115.4 122.9 114.9 103.8 118.8 106.0 115.9 136.6
Jan/Feb 117.4 111.5 112.7 91.7 100.7 112.2 122.6 115.4 100.3 120.2 105.5 115.8 136.6
Feb/Mar 117.4 111.5 112.8 89.7 97.0 116.0 122.9 114.9 102.2 119.0 106.5 115.6 136.6
Mar/Apr 118.0 112.6 112.5 87.4 101.9 118.1 123.1 114.4 109.0 117.2 106.0 116.2 136.6

IV Qtr 119.0 113.6 114.8 84.8 103.2 117.1 123.4 116.5 113.6 115.4 106.9 118.1 139.7
Apr/May 118.2 111.9 113.4 84.7 94.6 117.7 123.6 114.1 116.0 115.2 105.7 116.9 139.7
May/Jun 118.8 113.1 114.6 84.7 99.3 116.8 123.4 117.4 116.7 115.6 107.3 118.5 139.7
Jun/Jul 120.0 115.9 116.5 85.1 117.0 116.8 123.4 118.2 108.4 115.5 107.8 119.0 139.7

I Qtr 123.3 118.7 117.1 86.8 128.8 117.8 124.7 120.2 115.1 114.9 109.1 119.9 149.4
Jul/Aug 122.7 117.7 116.8 87.1 122.6 116.7 124.5 118.7 120.1 114.7 107.7 119.1 149.4
Aug/Sep 123.2 118.7 116.9 87.0 128.3 118.2 124.7 120.0 116.4 114.9 108.9 120.2 149.4
Sep/Oct 123.9 119.7 117.6 86.4 135.9 118.6 124.8 121.9 109.2 115.2 110.7 120.3 149.4

Consumer Price Index (Terai) (Contd. ....)

Fiscal year & Miscellaneous
Quarter/ Tobacco Restaurant Non-food Clothes & Housing & Household Transpor- Commu- Recreation Goods &
Month Products & Hotel & Services Footware Utilities Equipment Health tation nication & Culture Education Services
2006/07 32.0 36.1 59.5 45.9 64.6 50.2 69.5 50.8 122.5 69.3 54.3 55.4
2007/08 34.7 38.8 61.9 47.4 68.5 52.9 73.6 51.8 122.5 72.6 56.3 57.5
2008/09 39.6 46.1 67.6 51.4 75.3 59.1 76.8 60.3 122.5 78.9 61.5 61.1
2009/10 44.0 54.5 70.7 56.0 78.8 62.0 79.4 57.6 122.5 85.4 66.0 67.1
2010/11 53.6 64.1 73.4 62.6 83.7 66.7 81.8 65.9 107.8 74.4 68.1 71.7
2011/12 61.4 70.8 80.2 71.4 90.6 75.6 83.6 78.2 102.5 78.1 74.0 78.8
2012/13 68.5 79.3 88.6 80.4 98.3 85.9 89.7 86.3 99.9 86.8 86.2 86.5
2013/14 78.5 89.1 95.4 90.7 101.9 93.5 95.9 95.2 100.5 93.7 94.6 91.7
2014/15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2015/16 108.4 105.7 107.8 113.3 109.8 105.5 101.9 101.4 105.3 103.3 110.6 103.6

2016/17 111.8 112.6 114.9 124.5 119.5 111.8 104.4 99.8 105.0 105.8 122.2 113.0
I Qtr 109.7 111.3 112.9 121.4 116.1 109.9 104.1 98.7 105.8 104.6 120.0 113.3
Jul/Aug 109.7 111.0 113.0 121.4 116.3 109.9 104.1 98.6 105.8 104.6 120.0 113.8
Aug/Sep 109.7 111.4 112.9 121.4 116.1 110.0 104.1 98.5 105.8 104.6 120.0 113.6
Sep/Oct 109.7 111.7 112.8 121.4 116.0 109.9 104.1 98.8 105.8 104.6 120.0 112.5

II Qtr 112.4 112.3 114.3 124.5 118.6 112.0 104.4 99.4 104.8 104.8 121.0 111.8
Oct/Nov 112.4 112.0 114.4 124.5 118.6 112.0 104.4 99.0 104.8 104.8 121.0 112.8
Nov/Dec 112.4 112.6 114.2 124.5 118.6 112.0 104.4 99.0 104.8 104.8 121.0 110.6
Dec/Jan 112.4 112.5 114.5 124.5 118.6 111.9 104.4 100.2 104.8 104.8 121.0 112.1

III Qtr 113.1 112.2 114.8 124.7 119.3 111.9 104.5 100.3 105.2 104.8 120.2 114.1
Jan/Feb 112.9 112.5 114.8 125.3 119.0 112.4 104.6 100.5 104.7 104.7 121.1 112.9
Feb/Mar 113.6 111.5 114.3 123.5 119.6 110.8 104.3 99.8 106.2 104.9 118.3 112.6
Mar/Apr 112.9 112.8 115.2 125.3 119.2 112.5 104.6 100.6 104.7 104.7 121.1 117.0

IV Qtr 112.1 114.3 117.8 127.5 124.0 113.5 104.8 101.0 104.4 109.0 127.8 112.6
Apr/May 112.1 113.9 117.9 127.5 124.1 113.4 104.8 101.2 104.4 109.0 127.8 112.3
May/Jun 112.1 114.5 117.9 127.5 124.1 113.3 104.8 101.2 104.4 109.0 127.8 112.9
Jun/Jul 112.1 114.7 117.8 127.5 123.8 113.7 104.8 100.5 104.4 109.0 127.8 112.6

2017/18 116.8 117.7 121.7 133.2 129.3 115.8 107.4 102.2 106.4 111.0 131.5 117.4
I Qtr 112.4 115.7 119.9 129.5 127.0 113.7 107.1 101.2 109.1 109.0 129.8 115.6
Jul/Aug 115.2 115.4 120.1 130.2 127.5 114.6 106.7 100.8 107.1 109.4 130.4 114.9
Aug/Sep 107.2 115.0 119.3 128.2 126.1 112.0 107.9 101.6 113.3 108.2 128.6 115.9
Sep/Oct 115.2 116.7 120.2 130.2 127.5 114.6 106.7 101.1 107.1 109.4 130.4 116.0

II Qtr 116.3 117.4 121.1 133.2 128.1 115.6 107.0 101.5 106.7 110.8 130.8 116.8
Oct/Nov 116.3 116.9 120.9 133.2 127.8 115.5 107.0 101.1 106.7 110.8 130.8 116.8
Nov/Dec 116.3 117.0 121.1 133.2 128.2 115.5 107.0 101.5 106.7 110.8 130.8 116.2
Dec/Jan 116.3 118.3 121.3 133.2 128.4 115.7 107.0 102.0 106.7 110.8 130.8 117.3

III Qtr 118.8 118.4 122.3 134.7 130.7 116.3 107.5 102.2 106.6 111.1 130.9 117.8
Jan/Feb 118.8 118.3 122.3 134.7 130.7 116.3 107.5 102.1 106.6 111.1 130.9 117.4
Feb/Mar 118.8 118.3 122.3 134.7 130.7 116.3 107.5 102.0 106.6 111.1 130.9 117.8
Mar/Apr 118.8 118.5 122.4 134.7 130.7 116.4 107.5 102.4 106.6 111.1 130.9 118.2

IV Qtr 119.7 119.2 123.4 135.5 131.4 117.5 107.9 103.9 103.5 113.2 134.6 119.3
Apr/May 119.7 118.4 123.4 135.5 131.4 117.4 107.9 103.4 103.5 113.2 134.6 119.5
May/Jun 119.7 119.6 123.5 135.5 131.5 117.5 107.9 104.5 103.5 113.2 134.6 119.6
Jun/Jul 119.7 119.7 123.4 135.5 131.5 117.7 107.9 103.8 103.5 113.2 134.6 118.9

I Qtr 124.2 121.6 127.0 137.8 139.3 120.2 108.2 105.7 105.3 114.4 135.7 120.3
Jul/Aug 124.2 121.6 126.7 137.8 139.1 120.1 108.2 104.6 105.3 114.4 135.7 119.2
Aug/Sep 124.2 121.6 126.9 137.8 139.4 120.2 108.2 105.1 105.3 114.4 135.7 120.4
Sep/Oct 124.2 121.7 127.3 137.8 139.4 120.4 108.2 107.5 105.3 114.4 135.7 121.4

67. Consumer Price Index (Mountain)
Base Year : 2014/15 = 100

Fiscal Year Grains & Milk Sugar & Non-
Quarter/ Overall Food and Their Pulses and Meat & Products Ghee Sugar alcoholic Alcoholic
Month Index Beverages Products Legumes Vegetables Fish and Eggs and Oil Fruit Products Spices Drinks Drinks
2015/16 108.8 108.5 107.8 128.5 102.3 108.5 102.4 118.1 104.1 107.1 117.6 103.3 120.5
I Qtr 105.6 105.2 103.7 117.3 104.6 107.4 102.1 109.0 105.5 101.7 110.3 101.3 102.5
Jul/Aug 105.1 104.4 102.4 115.7 102.4 108.0 104.2 105.3 105.7 100.5 106.5 101.3 102.5
Aug/Sep 105.2 104.5 103.6 115.9 104.3 107.8 100.7 105.7 105.7 100.4 105.1 100.0 102.5
Sep/Oct 106.6 106.6 105.0 120.5 107.2 106.5 101.5 116.4 105.1 104.3 120.1 102.8 102.5

II Qtr 109.6 111.1 110.7 133.6 105.2 107.8 101.6 138.0 102.7 108.3 122.0 103.9 123.9
Oct/Nov 109.8 111.0 108.5 130.4 109.4 107.6 101.5 142.2 106.4 108.5 123.8 103.7 123.9
Nov/Dec 109.9 111.9 112.2 134.6 105.9 107.6 101.5 143.8 102.1 109.7 119.7 104.1 123.9
Dec/Jan 109.2 110.3 111.4 135.7 100.6 108.0 101.9 128.5 99.6 106.8 122.6 104.0 123.9

III Qtr 108.9 107.7 107.5 131.7 92.8 109.7 101.3 116.3 99.6 107.5 119.8 103.7 129.3
Jan/Feb 109.8 108.1 106.0 136.2 93.2 110.6 98.7 128.2 98.7 104.8 116.6 104.3 131.0
Feb/Mar 108.5 107.6 108.9 130.5 92.7 109.3 101.8 111.2 98.8 108.0 121.7 103.5 128.4
Mar/Apr 108.5 107.5 107.8 128.5 92.4 109.3 103.6 110.5 101.4 109.9 121.1 103.4 128.4

IV Qtr 111.0 110.3 109.4 132.0 107.2 108.9 104.7 111.3 108.7 111.0 118.8 104.2 128.4
Apr/May 110.1 108.8 108.5 127.6 99.5 108.7 103.7 111.5 109.5 110.4 120.9 103.5 128.4
May/Jun 111.4 111.0 109.6 132.0 112.2 109.2 105.3 111.7 109.7 110.5 117.4 104.5 128.4
Jun/Jul 111.5 111.0 110.1 136.5 110.5 108.9 105.1 110.7 106.8 112.0 117.9 104.6 128.4

2016/17 113.2 111.4 108.8 129.3 100.1 110.6 108.1 116.7 102.3 122.9 129.6 108.8 145.9
I Qtr 113.0 111.7 109.0 139.5 108.3 108.7 104.8 115.2 108.1 120.0 124.9 107.8 140.9
Jul/Aug 112.6 111.0 108.1 139.8 109.3 109.6 104.6 111.0 107.5 115.8 117.7 105.1 140.9
Aug/Sep 113.1 111.9 109.3 142.2 105.4 108.4 104.9 117.1 110.2 121.5 127.0 109.3 140.9
Sep/Oct 113.3 112.3 109.5 136.5 110.2 108.1 104.9 117.5 106.6 123.0 130.5 109.1 140.9

II Qtr 114.0 112.9 110.8 138.6 108.0 109.1 107.5 117.2 97.9 123.2 132.6 109.4 144.9
Oct/Nov 114.1 113.0 110.5 141.3 111.6 107.7 106.0 117.3 104.1 122.8 130.0 109.2 144.9
Nov/Dec 114.0 113.0 111.1 138.7 109.0 109.5 106.7 116.8 96.0 123.3 133.6 109.4 144.9
Dec/Jan 113.8 112.6 110.6 135.9 103.6 110.1 109.8 117.4 93.8 123.5 134.2 109.5 144.9

III Qtr 112.4 109.7 106.2 123.6 91.4 111.7 109.6 116.7 97.2 124.4 130.1 109.3 149.1
Jan/Feb 113.2 111.2 110.0 130.5 94.7 109.6 109.8 117.5 93.6 124.5 134.5 109.1 148.9
Feb/Mar 112.5 110.0 108.1 122.2 89.4 110.7 110.2 118.4 95.3 124.7 135.9 109.1 148.9
Mar/Apr 111.5 108.0 100.8 118.4 90.2 114.9 108.9 114.1 102.9 124.1 120.4 109.7 149.4

IV Qtr 113.4 111.4 109.5 116.9 94.0 112.9 110.8 117.9 106.7 124.1 131.0 108.9 148.9
Apr/May 113.2 111.0 108.7 118.1 92.3 113.0 110.7 117.9 107.9 123.7 131.3 108.9 148.9
May/Jun 113.5 111.5 108.9 117.0 96.0 112.9 110.9 117.9 105.6 124.0 131.1 108.9 148.9
Jun/Jul 113.6 111.8 110.8 115.5 93.8 112.9 110.9 118.0 106.5 124.5 130.5 108.9 148.9

2017/18 119.8 117.0 118.6 107.5 110.2 112.9 111.3 118.2 111.6 123.2 132.2 115.0 171.0
I Qtr 119.1 116.7 117.9 115.0 110.5 111.7 110.9 117.9 111.4 125.5 136.0 112.3 164.6
Jul/Aug 118.9 116.3 118.2 114.8 104.4 112.2 110.9 118.6 111.9 125.7 138.3 110.8 164.6
Aug/Sep 119.2 117.0 117.6 114.9 114.2 111.4 110.6 117.7 111.0 125.4 138.3 113.0 164.6
Sep/Oct 119.1 116.9 118.1 115.3 113.1 111.4 111.3 117.5 111.3 125.5 131.6 113.0 164.6

II Qtr 120.2 117.8 118.5 110.2 119.4 112.4 111.8 118.4 106.4 125.6 131.9 115.5 169.7
Oct/Nov 120.3 118.0 118.4 114.2 117.8 112.2 112.0 119.3 110.6 125.8 133.4 115.7 169.7
Nov/Dec 120.3 117.9 118.3 109.6 121.6 112.2 112.0 118.2 103.6 125.7 132.3 115.4 169.7
Dec/Jan 120.1 117.6 118.9 106.8 118.9 112.7 111.3 117.7 105.0 125.3 130.1 115.4 169.7

III Qtr 119.3 116.0 119.0 104.2 104.9 113.0 111.0 117.3 109.1 122.6 128.8 115.3 169.9
Jan/Feb 119.4 116.1 119.4 106.1 106.3 112.1 111.0 117.3 105.3 123.5 129.3 115.4 169.9
Feb/Mar 119.2 115.9 119.1 104.4 103.7 113.2 111.0 117.2 108.4 122.1 128.7 115.6 169.9
Mar/Apr 119.3 116.0 118.6 102.0 104.8 113.6 110.9 117.2 113.7 122.1 128.3 115.1 169.9

IV Qtr 120.7 117.3 118.8 101.2 106.4 114.7 111.5 119.4 120.2 119.2 132.2 117.1 180.3
Apr/May 120.3 116.8 118.4 100.7 104.1 115.0 111.0 117.3 121.7 121.9 128.9 115.5 180.3
May/Jun 120.8 117.4 118.6 101.2 105.9 114.5 111.7 120.3 123.6 118.0 133.8 117.9 180.3
Jun/Jul 121.1 117.8 119.3 101.7 109.1 114.6 111.7 120.6 115.3 117.6 134.0 118.0 180.3

I Qtr 123.2 119.0 119.5 100.9 112.6 115.2 111.8 120.0 122.4 119.7 135.7 118.4 193.4
Jul/Aug 122.1 118.1 119.1 101.0 107.1 114.5 111.7 120.9 121.8 117.7 135.2 117.6 193.4
Aug/Sep 123.2 118.8 119.5 100.8 110.9 115.3 111.9 118.7 124.1 120.6 135.2 117.8 193.4
Sep/Oct 124.2 120.2 120.0 100.9 120.1 115.8 111.9 120.5 121.3 120.9 136.7 119.9 193.4

Consumer Price Index (Mountain) (Contd. ....)

Fiscal year & Miscellaneous
Quarter/ Tobacco Restaurant Non-food Clothes & Housing & Household Transpor- Commu- Recreation Goods &
Month Products & Hotel & Services Footware Utilities Equipment Health tation nication & Culture Education Services
2015/16 106.6 108.4 109.1 115.5 112.2 105.4 100.1 97.9 107.2 102.7 107.3 104.3
I Qtr 105.4 103.1 106.2 110.6 108.9 102.1 100.2 98.2 106.5 102.0 106.2 99.9
Jul/Aug 105.4 103.1 106.2 110.6 108.9 102.0 100.2 97.9 106.5 102.0 106.2 98.7
Aug/Sep 105.4 103.0 106.1 110.6 108.9 102.1 100.2 97.0 106.5 102.0 106.2 99.5
Sep/Oct 105.4 103.2 106.4 110.6 108.8 102.1 100.2 99.7 106.5 102.0 106.2 101.5

II Qtr 106.4 109.4 107.6 116.3 107.3 105.9 100.2 103.0 108.2 102.7 106.4 100.9
Oct/Nov 106.4 108.9 108.0 116.3 108.4 105.9 100.2 103.2 108.2 102.7 106.4 100.8
Nov/Dec 106.4 109.4 107.1 116.3 106.2 106.0 100.2 103.2 108.2 102.7 106.4 100.9
Dec/Jan 106.4 110.0 107.6 116.3 107.3 106.0 100.2 102.7 108.2 102.7 106.4 101.2

III Qtr 107.3 109.9 110.7 116.8 115.6 106.3 99.8 95.8 107.5 102.1 106.6 106.6
Jan/Feb 107.7 110.4 112.4 115.1 119.9 106.4 100.3 97.2 106.2 102.1 107.0 105.9
Feb/Mar 107.2 109.5 109.8 117.6 113.5 106.3 99.6 95.2 108.2 102.1 106.4 106.5
Mar/Apr 107.2 109.9 109.9 117.6 113.5 106.3 99.6 95.1 108.2 102.1 106.4 107.4

IV Qtr 107.1 111.3 112.1 118.7 117.5 107.5 100.4 94.7 106.7 104.3 110.3 110.0
Apr/May 107.1 110.5 112.0 118.7 117.5 107.4 100.4 94.8 106.7 104.3 110.3 109.1
May/Jun 107.1 111.6 112.1 118.7 117.6 107.6 100.4 94.9 106.7 104.3 110.3 109.3
Jun/Jul 107.1 111.9 112.2 118.7 117.6 107.6 100.4 94.5 106.7 104.3 110.3 111.5

2016/17 119.2 114.6 115.9 126.9 120.1 117.8 101.6 92.9 105.1 110.7 115.1 110.3
I Qtr 119.4 112.8 114.9 125.7 118.4 116.5 100.5 93.8 106.0 109.6 114.5 112.0
Jul/Aug 119.4 112.5 115.1 125.7 118.5 116.4 100.5 94.4 106.0 109.6 114.5 112.7
Aug/Sep 119.4 112.9 114.9 125.7 118.4 116.5 100.5 93.4 106.0 109.6 114.5 112.5
Sep/Oct 119.4 113.1 114.8 125.7 118.3 116.5 100.5 93.7 106.0 109.6 114.5 110.7

II Qtr 119.2 114.1 115.6 126.9 120.1 117.5 100.3 93.3 105.0 110.9 114.5 109.1
Oct/Nov 119.2 113.9 115.8 126.9 120.3 117.4 100.3 93.5 105.0 110.9 114.5 110.5
Nov/Dec 119.2 114.0 115.5 126.9 120.0 117.7 100.3 93.3 105.0 110.9 114.5 107.2
Dec/Jan 119.2 114.4 115.6 126.9 120.0 117.5 100.3 93.1 105.0 110.9 114.5 109.7

III Qtr 118.8 115.2 116.6 126.4 121.9 117.5 102.7 92.7 104.7 109.9 115.1 110.6
Jan/Feb 119.4 114.9 116.4 128.3 120.4 118.8 103.0 93.1 105.2 110.6 115.3 110.9
Feb/Mar 119.4 115.0 116.3 128.3 120.2 119.1 103.0 93.2 105.2 110.6 115.3 110.3
Mar/Apr 117.5 115.6 117.1 122.9 125.1 114.8 102.1 91.8 103.9 108.7 114.7 110.5

IV Qtr 119.6 116.2 116.3 128.6 120.0 119.9 103.1 91.7 104.6 112.2 116.5 109.6
Apr/May 119.6 116.0 116.3 128.6 120.1 119.7 103.1 91.7 104.6 112.2 116.5 109.7
May/Jun 119.6 116.4 116.4 128.6 120.1 119.7 103.1 91.7 104.6 112.2 116.5 110.3
Jun/Jul 119.6 116.1 116.3 128.6 119.9 120.3 103.1 91.7 104.6 112.2 116.5 108.9

2017/18 135.2 120.8 124.2 148.3 123.8 131.3 105.1 91.7 113.5 125.8 121.0 120.2
I Qtr 131.8 118.4 122.6 143.7 124.3 126.5 104.1 91.5 111.7 121.4 120.5 116.7
Jul/Aug 131.8 118.4 122.8 143.7 125.7 123.9 104.1 91.8 111.7 121.4 120.5 114.6
Aug/Sep 131.8 118.4 122.6 143.7 123.6 128.9 104.1 91.3 111.7 121.4 120.5 117.7
Sep/Oct 131.8 118.5 122.4 143.7 123.6 126.8 104.1 91.3 111.7 121.4 120.5 117.8

II Qtr 131.8 119.1 123.9 147.9 123.5 131.5 105.6 90.7 113.4 125.2 120.5 119.6
Oct/Nov 131.8 118.3 123.8 147.9 123.5 130.4 105.6 90.9 113.4 125.2 120.5 119.7
Nov/Dec 131.8 119.4 123.9 147.9 123.5 132.1 105.6 90.9 113.4 125.2 120.5 118.8
Dec/Jan 131.8 119.5 123.9 147.9 123.5 132.1 105.6 90.4 113.4 125.2 120.5 120.1

III Qtr 134.5 119.9 124.3 149.0 123.5 132.5 105.8 91.2 114.6 125.1 120.2 121.2
Jan/Feb 134.5 119.7 124.3 149.0 123.5 132.5 105.8 91.2 114.6 125.1 120.2 120.8
Feb/Mar 134.5 119.9 124.3 149.0 123.5 132.5 105.8 91.1 114.6 125.1 120.2 120.9
Mar/Apr 134.5 120.2 124.4 149.0 123.5 132.5 105.8 91.4 114.6 125.1 120.2 122.0

IV Qtr 143.1 125.9 125.9 152.7 123.7 134.9 105.0 93.4 114.4 131.6 122.6 123.4
Apr/May 143.1 125.1 125.7 152.7 123.5 134.5 105.0 92.1 114.4 131.6 122.6 123.4
May/Jun 143.1 126.2 125.9 152.7 123.8 134.5 105.0 92.9 114.4 131.6 122.6 124.1
Jun/Jul 143.1 126.3 126.1 152.7 123.8 135.8 105.0 95.4 114.4 131.6 122.6 122.8

I Qtr 148.7 129.1 129.5 154.4 130.8 137.0 104.5 97.3 114.4 132.1 123.8 124.3
Jul/Aug 148.7 128.9 128.3 154.4 128.3 136.7 104.5 96.3 114.4 132.1 123.8 122.6
Aug/Sep 148.7 129.2 130.0 154.4 132.1 137.2 104.5 96.5 114.4 132.1 123.8 124.7
Sep/Oct 148.7 129.2 130.3 154.4 132.2 137.2 104.5 99.2 114.4 132.1 123.8 125.8

68. National Wholesale Price Index (Reindexed)
Base Year : 2017/18 = 100

Textile Leather
Fiscal Year Overall Fuel and Manufactured Food, beverage and textile and related
Quarter/ Index Primary Food Non-food Power Fuel Eletricity Commodities and tobacco products products Furnitures
Month 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4
1999/00 30.4 24.8 24.3 42.1 22.6 22.6 37.6 32.8 47.9 38.4
2000/01 30.8 25.1 24.7 42.1 29.2 29.2 37.2 30.6 48.3 36.9
2001/02 32.3 27.3 26.8 43.0 28.5 28.5 38.3 32.1 48.5 37.2
2002/03 33.5 28.3 27.8 45.9 31.9 31.9 39.4 33.5 48.4 39.8
2003/04 34.9 29.2 28.7 46.8 36.0 35.9 40.9 33.8 51.6 40.1
2004/05 37.5 30.6 30.1 49.2 44.5 44.5 43.6 35.9 52.6 39.8
2005/06 40.8 33.3 32.8 50.8 55.6 55.6 46.5 39.0 51.9 41.1
2006/07 44.5 37.4 37.0 50.5 61.0 60.8 49.4 41.6 52.8 42.6
2007/08 48.4 39.9 39.7 46.5 68.0 68.0 54.5 46.7 53.2 43.9
2008/09 54.9 46.1 45.7 59.9 75.5 75.2 61.4 53.4 57.1 49.6
2009/10 61.6 56.5 56.2 66.0 71.3 71.2 65.5 60.9 57.8 51.7
2010/11 67.7 61.8 61.6 69.5 82.7 82.7 71.5 68.6 64.2 57.5
2011/12 72.0 65.0 64.7 76.8 100.2 100.2 75.2 70.3 82.2 72.0
2012/13 78.5 72.7 72.4 81.0 119.2 119.0 78.4 74.1 84.2 76.3
2013/14 85.0 80.8 80.7 84.2 127.1 126.9 83.0 80.6 87.8 80.4
2014/15 90.1 87.3 87.3 87.1 119.1 118.7 88.9 87.8 95.2 85.0
2015/16 95.8 98.2 98.2 96.1 101.6 101.3 92.6 91.9 99.9 93.6

2016/17 98.3 101.3 101.3 101.6 94.5 94.3 95.8 95.9 100.9 103.0
I Qtr 97.5 101.5 101.9 94.6 97.4 94.7 94.2 94.7 100.7 102.8
Jul/Aug 98.0 102.4 102.8 95.7 97.8 95.2 94.5 95.3 100.4 99.8
Aug/Sep 97.3 100.9 101.2 94.4 97.4 94.7 94.3 95.1 100.4 104.3
Sep/Oct 97.2 101.3 101.7 93.6 96.9 94.3 93.8 93.6 101.3 104.3

II Qtr 97.2 99.5 99.7 97.5 97.3 95.7 94.8 94.4 100.5 104.2
Oct/Nov 98.7 104.6 105.2 95.2 97.8 95.6 94.1 93.2 101.8 104.2
Nov/Dec 96.2 96.9 96.9 97.1 96.2 94.5 95.1 93.5 102.6 104.2
Dec/Jan 96.7 97.1 97.0 100.2 98.0 97.0 95.1 96.5 97.1 104.2

III Qtr 97.6 99.0 98.7 105.4 94.4 95.0 95.9 96.0 99.0 100.2
Jan/Feb 97.0 97.0 96.7 103.1 94.6 94.9 95.9 96.6 99.1 101.5
Feb/Mar 97.6 98.9 98.5 106.2 95.2 95.8 96.0 95.3 99.4 97.7
Mar/Apr 98.3 101.2 100.9 106.8 93.3 94.2 95.8 96.1 98.6 101.5

IV Qtr 100.8 104.9 104.7 108.9 89.0 91.9 98.5 98.5 103.3 104.8
Apr/May 99.6 101.5 101.1 110.3 90.9 93.0 98.6 98.6 105.5 104.4
May/Jun 101.2 105.7 105.4 109.3 89.2 92.6 98.5 98.5 105.8 104.4
Jun/Jul 101.6 107.6 107.6 107.1 86.7 90.1 98.4 98.4 98.8 105.6

2017/18 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
I Qtr 98.9 101.2 101.5 97.5 95.2 92.6 98.1 99.4 96.9 100.7
Jul/Aug 99.1 102.0 102.3 97.6 95.2 92.6 100.0 98.1 99.7 96.9 100.7 98.5
Aug/Sep 98.8 100.6 100.8 97.5 95.2 92.6 100.0 98.2 99.8 96.9 100.7 98.5
Sep/Oct 98.7 101.0 101.3 97.4 95.2 92.6 100.0 97.9 98.8 96.9 100.7 98.5

II Qtr 98.7 98.8 99.0 96.9 97.1 95.5 98.9 99.7 97.4 100.6
Oct/Nov 99.5 102.8 103.3 96.8 96.1 94.0 100.0 98.2 98.2 97.4 100.6 99.1
Nov/Dec 97.9 97.2 97.2 96.5 96.9 95.3 100.0 98.5 98.9 97.4 100.6 99.1
Dec/Jan 98.6 96.5 96.5 97.4 98.2 97.2 100.0 99.9 102.0 97.4 100.6 99.1

III Qtr 99.8 97.8 97.6 100.9 101.2 101.8 100.8 100.4 99.4 97.9
Jan/Feb 99.1 95.9 95.6 100.5 100.6 101.0 100.0 100.7 101.1 99.4 97.9 99.4
Feb/Mar 99.9 98.1 97.9 100.9 101.2 101.8 100.0 100.7 100.0 99.4 97.9 99.4
Mar/Apr 100.5 99.5 99.4 101.3 101.8 102.7 100.0 100.8 100.2 99.4 97.9 99.4

IV Qtr 102.6 102.1 101.9 104.7 106.5 110.0 102.3 100.4 106.3 100.8
Apr/May 101.6 100.3 100.0 104.5 104.4 106.8 100.0 101.9 99.8 106.3 100.8 103.0
May/Jun 102.5 101.5 101.2 104.8 107.6 111.7 100.0 102.3 100.6 106.3 100.8 103.0
Jun/Jul 103.8 104.6 104.6 105.0 107.5 111.6 100.0 102.7 100.9 106.3 100.8 103.0

I Qtr 106.9 110.2 110.5 106.4 110.2 115.7 100.0 104.4 104.7 108.8 102.0 107.5
Jul/Aug 105.5 107.0 107.1 104.8 107.5 111.6 100.0 104.3 104.5 108.8 102.0 107.5
Aug/Sep 107.4 111.8 112.1 106.7 109.7 115.0 100.0 104.4 104.7 108.8 102.0 107.5
Sep/Oct 107.8 111.9 112.2 107.7 113.2 120.5 100.0 104.5 104.9 108.8 102.0 107.5

National Wholesale Price Index (Reindexed) (Contd. ...)

Paper Chemical and Other Basic metals Electric and Machinery Motor vehicles
Fiscal Year and paper pharmaceuticals Rubber and non-metalic and metal Electronic and and related Other Construction
Quarter/ products products plastics products products products Equipment products products Material
Month 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6
1999/00 62.4 49.7 43.6 28.8 34.1 64.2 39.1 46.4 39.9 30.8
2000/01 67.1 51.1 45.7 30.5 34.8 63.5 40.0 47.1 42.5 31.9
2001/02 68.8 53.2 46.5 32.5 36.1 63.4 39.8 46.5 42.7 33.5
2002/03 67.1 54.8 46.1 33.3 35.6 62.5 39.8 48.4 44.0 33.7
2003/04 67.1 57.7 49.1 35.7 44.1 62.9 42.0 50.8 46.1 38.9
2004/05 69.4 61.6 55.0 37.2 54.8 65.3 46.2 54.1 47.7 44.9
2005/06 72.6 65.2 59.4 40.1 53.9 65.4 49.3 57.9 51.3 45.8
2006/07 74.4 68.3 69.9 45.2 62.0 68.1 50.8 58.4 54.8 53.0
2007/08 74.0 74.8 72.5 50.1 72.1 69.9 55.4 62.0 60.2 60.4
2008/09 73.2 78.3 76.6 56.1 79.4 73.3 66.6 73.9 70.2 67.0
2009/10 75.6 76.7 86.2 64.5 74.5 71.2 65.1 73.5 72.0 69.7
2010/11 84.3 80.8 100.3 69.2 76.6 74.1 68.0 77.6 76.5 73.3
2011/12 89.9 84.9 97.7 67.8 87.5 81.6 75.6 79.9 80.9 77.4
2012/13 99.9 89.4 89.7 71.9 90.8 80.5 77.0 80.2 83.5 80.7
2013/14 98.8 91.4 90.7 77.9 92.5 87.8 75.9 82.6 86.9 85.2
2014/15 99.2 99.1 93.6 83.4 93.7 91.8 76.4 85.1 92.1 89.0
2015/16 99.6 100.1 94.9 90.8 91.7 92.3 82.0 88.9 96.3 91.3

2016/17 100.7 97.3 98.0 91.7 87.9 96.2 97.0 88.8 98.7 90.3
I Qtr 96.7 98.7 95.6 92.7 85.3 98.3 90.5 92.7 100.5 88.4
Jul/Aug 96.5 101.6 96.4 93.4 86.3 98.3 89.3 91.8 99.7 88.8
Aug/Sep 96.7 97.2 95.3 92.4 85.2 98.4 91.6 93.1 99.9 88.4
Sep/Oct 96.9 97.4 95.2 92.1 84.5 98.2 90.6 93.1 102.0 87.9

II Qtr 99.3 97.5 100.2 91.1 89.0 96.6 96.4 90.6 100.0 89.5
Oct/Nov 99.6 97.3 96.9 93.8 86.3 97.4 91.6 92.0 100.8 89.0
Nov/Dec 99.6 97.4 103.7 94.0 91.3 97.4 98.5 94.0 100.4 92.1
Dec/Jan 98.5 97.8 99.9 85.5 89.5 94.8 99.2 85.7 98.9 87.4

III Qtr 105.8 97.2 99.0 91.0 88.6 94.4 100.1 83.3 97.3 90.1
Jan/Feb 99.0 97.0 99.0 89.9 90.3 93.5 99.9 85.7 97.0 89.8
Feb/Mar 119.2 97.3 99.0 90.6 90.3 94.8 99.9 85.7 97.4 91.0
Mar/Apr 99.2 97.3 99.0 92.4 85.2 94.8 100.6 78.3 97.4 89.6

IV Qtr 101.1 95.7 97.4 92.2 88.7 95.4 100.9 88.7 96.9 93.4
Apr/May 101.1 95.8 99.3 92.0 88.0 94.9 100.9 88.7 97.3 92.3
May/Jun 101.1 95.8 99.3 92.0 88.3 94.9 100.9 88.7 96.7 92.7
Jun/Jul 101.1 95.6 93.6 92.7 89.9 96.4 100.9 88.7 96.7 95.1

2017/18 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
I Qtr 96.9 100.0 99.2 96.2 94.0 100.6 99.2 100.3 99.9 94.1
Jul/Aug 96.9 100.0 99.2 96.2 93.7 100.6 99.2 100.3 99.9 94.2
Aug/Sep 96.9 100.0 99.2 96.2 94.3 100.6 99.2 100.3 99.9 94.2
Sep/Oct 96.9 100.0 99.2 96.2 94.0 100.6 99.2 100.3 99.9 94.1

II Qtr 99.6 99.9 100.6 98.0 96.7 99.8 99.5 99.1 99.9 96.4
Oct/Nov 99.6 99.9 100.6 98.0 95.2 99.8 99.5 99.1 99.9 95.0
Nov/Dec 99.6 99.9 100.6 98.0 96.1 99.8 99.5 99.1 99.9 96.2
Dec/Jan 99.6 99.9 100.6 98.0 98.8 99.8 99.5 99.1 99.9 98.1

III Qtr 100.6 100.0 99.8 103.3 102.1 99.8 100.6 99.1 100.0 102.5
Jan/Feb 100.6 100.0 99.8 103.3 101.2 99.8 100.6 99.1 100.0 101.8
Feb/Mar 100.6 100.0 99.8 103.3 102.4 99.8 100.6 99.1 100.0 102.9
Mar/Apr 100.6 100.0 99.8 103.3 102.6 99.8 100.6 99.1 100.0 102.9

IV Qtr 102.8 100.0 100.4 102.5 107.2 99.8 100.7 101.5 100.2 106.9
Apr/May 102.8 100.0 100.4 102.5 106.3 99.8 100.7 101.5 100.2 105.9
May/Jun 102.8 100.0 100.4 102.5 107.1 99.8 100.7 101.5 100.2 106.6
Jun/Jul 102.8 100.0 100.4 102.5 108.4 99.8 100.7 101.5 100.2 108.2

I Qtr 100.6 99.0 104.1 101.2 108.5 100.6 102.4 108.8 101.7 108.3
Jul/Aug 100.6 99.0 104.1 101.2 108.2 100.6 102.4 108.8 101.7 107.9
Aug/Sep 100.6 99.0 104.1 101.2 108.5 100.6 102.4 108.8 101.7 108.4
Sep/Oct 100.6 99.0 104.1 101.2 108.8 100.6 102.4 108.8 101.7 108.5

69. National Salary and Wage Rate Index
Base Year : 2004/05 = 100

Fiscal Year Overall Index Salary Index Officers Non-Officers Civil Service Officers Non-Officers Officers Non-Officers
Month 1 1.1 1.2
2004/05 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2005/06 103.9 100.3 100.2 100.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.9 104.3 102.7
2006/07 114.1 106.6 105.8 107.1 110.0 110.0 110.0 111.0 113.8 110.5
2007/08 125.2 118.2 121.0 116.6 135.8 137.3 135.6 121.2 132.1 119.0
2008/09 144.4 130.6 129.2 131.4 161.2 148.1 162.7 138.4 140.2 138.1
2009/10 169.2 157.0 150.2 160.9 199.3 171.5 202.7 164.1 161.0 164.7
2010/11 199.7 157.0 150.2 160.9 199.3 171.5 202.7 164.1 161.0 164.7
2011/12 254.4 187.3 177.7 192.7 236.5 215.4 239.1 208.6 186.5 213.0
2012/13 282.5 204.9 198.0 208.8 236.5 215.4 239.1 210.0 187.3 214.5
2013/14 321.8 256.3 237.9 266.7 309.6 262.2 315.3 263.4 214.3 273.2
2014/15 349.0 278.6 260.4 289.0 340.7 281.4 347.9 287.3 230.8 298.5
2015/16 369.8 284.4 265.8 295.0 340.7 281.4 347.9 290.1 233.0 301.6

2016/17 423.2 336.4 310.9 350.8 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.6 295.2 361.6
I Qtr 418.0 335.7 310.8 349.9 423.2 350.7 432.0 345.8 291.8 356.6
Jul/Aug 415.1 335.3 310.7 349.4 423.2 350.7 432.0 336.7 285.7 346.9
Aug/Sep 417.5 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4
Sep/Oct 421.4 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4

II Qtr 421.5 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4
Oct/Nov 421.4 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4
Nov/Dec 421.4 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4
Dec/Jan 421.6 335.9 310.8 350.2 423.2 350.7 432.0 350.3 294.8 361.4

III Qtr 423.7 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Jan/Feb 421.8 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Feb/Mar 421.8 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Mar/Apr 427.6 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

IV Qtr 429.6 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Apr/May 429.5 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
May/Jun 429.7 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Jun/Jul 429.7 336.9 311.1 351.6 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

2017/18 449.4 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
I Qtr 439.3 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Jul/Aug 438.4 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Aug/Sep 438.4 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Sep/Oct 441.1 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

II Qtr 447.2 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Oct/Nov 447.2 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Nov/Dec 447.2 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Dec/Jan 447.3 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

III Qtr 453.6 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Jan/Feb 449.5 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Feb/Mar 454.9 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Mar/Apr 456.5 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

IV Qtr 457.5 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Apr/May 456.9 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
May/Jun 456.9 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2
Jun/Jul 458.8 368.6 339.6 385.1 423.2 350.7 432.0 353.1 297.2 364.2

I Qtr 475.1 393.1 367.0 408.0 454.4 358.8 466.0 373.5 310.5 386.0
Jul/Aug 470.9 393.1 367.0 408.0 454.4 358.8 466.0 373.5 310.5 386.0
Aug/Sep 474.8 393.1 367.0 408.0 454.4 358.8 466.0 373.5 310.5 386.0
Sep/Oct 479.6 393.1 367.0 408.0 454.4 358.8 466.0 373.5 310.5 386.0
Note : The Index for Overall, Salary and Wage Rate has been revised from 2012/13 onward after getting new data from some Private Institutions for last few years in November 2017.

National Salary and Wage Rate Index (Contd. …)

Bank & Financial Army & Police

Fiscal Year Officers Non-Officers Officers Non-Officers Education Officers Non-Officers
Institutions Forces
Month 1.3 1.4 1.5
2004/05 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2005/06 107.3 109.4 106.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2006/07 113.1 117.3 112.1 111.4 109.9 111.5 107.0 106.5 108.0
2007/08 170.5 167.7 171.2 121.8 127.5 121.5 122.8 125.7 117.6
2008/09 186.0 173.8 188.8 146.9 137.5 147.3 134.5 136.4 131.3
2009/10 204.1 182.3 209.0 180.2 152.2 181.5 174.5 164.5 192.8
2010/11 204.1 182.3 209.0 180.2 152.2 181.5 174.5 164.5 192.8
2011/12 290.6 250.0 299.9 227.9 194.8 229.4 207.8 194.7 231.6
2012/13 290.6 250.0 299.9 227.9 194.8 229.4 207.8 194.7 231.6
2013/14 417.6 324.3 439.0 304.9 237.4 308.0 268.1 243.9 312.0
2014/15 446.2 341.2 470.2 332.4 259.2 335.7 295.8 268.9 344.6
2015/16 457.7 352.3 481.8 332.4 259.3 335.7 300.2 272.1 351.2

2016/17 494.9 375.6 522.2 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
I Qtr 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Jul/Aug 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Aug/Sep 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Sep/Oct 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9

II Qtr 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Oct/Nov 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Nov/Dec 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Dec/Jan 473.2 365.9 497.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9

III Qtr 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Jan/Feb 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Feb/Mar 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Mar/Apr 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9

IV Qtr 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Apr/May 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
May/Jun 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9
Jun/Jul 516.6 385.3 546.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 362.4 326.8 426.9

2017/18 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
I Qtr 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Jul/Aug 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Aug/Sep 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Sep/Oct 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5

II Qtr 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Oct/Nov 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Nov/Dec 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Dec/Jan 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5

III Qtr 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Jan/Feb 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Feb/Mar 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Mar/Apr 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5

IV Qtr 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Apr/May 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
May/Jun 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5
Jun/Jul 523.2 407.5 549.7 410.8 322.6 414.8 383.4 354.6 435.5

I Qtr 529.2 414.6 555.5 443.9 337.0 448.8 422.7 392.9 476.7
Jul/Aug 529.2 414.6 555.5 443.9 337.0 448.8 422.7 392.9 476.7
Aug/Sep 529.2 414.6 555.5 443.9 337.0 448.8 422.7 392.9 476.7
Sep/Oct 529.2 414.6 555.5 443.9 337.0 448.8 422.7 392.9 476.7

National Salary and Wage Rate Index (Contd. …)

Private Wage Rate Agricultural Industrial High

Fiscal Year Officers Non-Officers Male Female Skilled Semi-Skilled Unskilled
Institutions Index Labourer Labourer Skilled
Month 1.6 2 2.1 2.2
2004/05 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2005/06 100.0 100.0 100.0 105.3 106.6 105.8 107.6 104.6 103.0 104.4 105.3 105.5
2006/07 101.3 101.5 101.3 116.8 117.6 116.3 119.0 118.1 112.4 116.6 119.9 123.7
2007/08 99.8 100.5 99.5 127.8 126.7 125.1 128.6 131.8 122.4 129.3 133.5 142.2
2008/09 101.2 101.0 101.2 149.4 155.9 155.6 156.3 142.8 131.4 140.1 145.6 154.3
2009/10 102.5 101.4 102.9 173.8 187.3 190.3 184.0 158.3 144.8 155.1 161.5 171.7
2010/11 102.5 101.4 102.9 215.5 247.8 251.8 243.4 173.3 169.5 168.6 169.5 185.6
2011/12 111.3 115.3 109.7 279.2 320.0 322.4 317.4 225.0 214.0 220.4 221.8 243.7
2012/13 171.2 204.3 158.2 311.2 360.6 354.4 367.2 248.2 233.8 242.2 246.9 269.8
2013/14 184.4 214.2 172.7 345.9 392.4 377.8 408.1 293.1 272.6 290.0 290.1 319.7
2014/15 193.3 230.1 178.8 374.9 422.7 416.1 429.8 317.4 300.4 314.3 315.8 339.3
2015/16 206.0 243.6 191.1 401.3 457.5 451.0 464.6 329.0 319.8 326.9 323.3 345.8

2016/17 219.7 254.4 206.0 455.3 517.3 498.0 538.2 374.6 356.9 370.1 363.8 407.6
I Qtr 219.7 254.4 206.0 448.4 511.3 497.0 526.7 364.9 355.1 367.9 360.5 375.9
Jul/Aug 219.7 254.4 206.0 444.6 508.0 497.0 519.8 359.0 351.2 363.6 352.9 368.3
Aug/Sep 219.7 254.4 206.0 447.6 508.0 497.0 519.8 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Sep/Oct 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.0 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7

II Qtr 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.1 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Oct/Nov 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.0 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Nov/Dec 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.0 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Dec/Jan 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.2 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7

III Qtr 219.7 254.4 206.0 455.8 517.9 497.0 540.6 375.3 357.4 370.6 364.7 408.5
Jan/Feb 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.2 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Feb/Mar 219.7 254.4 206.0 453.2 517.9 497.0 540.6 367.8 357.1 370.0 364.3 379.7
Mar/Apr 219.7 254.4 206.0 461.1 517.9 497.0 540.6 390.4 358.0 371.9 365.5 466.1

IV Qtr 219.7 254.4 206.0 463.9 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.4 358.0 371.9 365.5 466.1
Apr/May 219.7 254.4 206.0 463.7 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.4 358.0 371.9 365.5 466.1
May/Jun 219.7 254.4 206.0 464.0 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.4 358.0 371.9 365.5 466.1
Jun/Jul 219.7 254.4 206.0 464.0 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.4 358.0 371.9 365.5 466.1

2017/18 299.4 293.9 301.5 479.3 546.3 523.0 571.4 391.8 360.1 372.9 366.6 467.4
I Qtr 299.4 293.9 301.5 465.4 524.1 502.8 547.0 390.9 359.3 372.1 365.7 466.3
Jul/Aug 299.4 293.9 301.5 464.2 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.9 359.3 372.1 365.7 466.3
Aug/Sep 299.4 293.9 301.5 464.2 522.1 501.1 544.7 390.9 359.3 372.1 365.7 466.3
Sep/Oct 299.4 293.9 301.5 467.9 528.0 506.1 551.7 390.9 359.3 372.1 365.7 466.3

II Qtr 299.4 293.9 301.5 476.3 542.7 519.2 568.0 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Oct/Nov 299.4 293.9 301.5 476.2 542.7 519.2 568.0 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Nov/Dec 299.4 293.9 301.5 476.2 542.7 519.2 568.0 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Dec/Jan 299.4 293.9 301.5 476.4 542.7 519.2 568.0 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8

III Qtr 299.4 293.9 301.5 485.0 555.3 531.3 581.2 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Jan/Feb 299.4 293.9 301.5 479.4 546.8 523.3 572.1 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Feb/Mar 299.4 293.9 301.5 486.7 557.6 533.3 583.8 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Mar/Apr 299.4 293.9 301.5 489.0 561.7 537.4 587.9 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8

IV Qtr 299.4 293.9 301.5 490.4 563.1 538.8 589.3 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Apr/May 299.4 293.9 301.5 489.6 561.7 537.4 587.9 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
May/Jun 299.4 293.9 301.5 489.6 561.7 537.4 587.9 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8
Jun/Jul 299.4 293.9 301.5 492.1 565.8 541.5 592.0 392.1 360.3 373.1 366.9 467.8

I Qtr 299.4 293.9 301.5 505.4 583.3 558.2 610.3 400.6 370.3 379.5 379.6 472.9
Jul/Aug 299.4 293.9 301.5 499.7 577.2 552.9 603.4 394.2 363.3 374.9 370.6 468.0
Aug/Sep 299.4 293.9 301.5 505.0 582.0 556.9 609.1 402.1 372.1 379.8 382.3 473.9
Sep/Oct 299.4 293.9 301.5 511.5 590.7 565.0 618.5 405.6 375.6 383.8 386.2 476.7

National Salary and Wage Rate Index (Contd. …)

Fiscal Year Mason Skilled Unskilled Carpenter Skilled Unskilled Worker Male Female
Month 2.3
2004/05 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2005/06 101.3 102.3 102.3 102.2 101.1 101.2 101.1 100.4 100.2 100.7
2006/07 109.1 109.6 109.3 109.8 107.0 107.8 106.2 110.7 110.3 111.2
2007/08 120.2 119.3 118.2 120.4 114.9 114.7 115.1 126.5 124.2 128.8
2008/09 138.6 134.4 132.2 136.6 130.1 126.7 133.4 151.3 149.8 152.9
2009/10 156.6 151.3 149.9 152.8 144.6 141.4 147.7 173.8 171.6 176.1
2010/11 189.9 179.2 177.0 181.3 169.8 167.0 172.7 220.6 221.7 219.5
2011/12 250.3 235.3 226.1 244.5 227.5 217.7 237.2 288.1 292.2 283.9
2012/13 268.1 248.8 240.5 257.1 243.5 234.9 252.2 311.8 315.2 308.4
2013/14 285.9 264.1 255.7 272.6 252.6 244.2 261.0 340.7 345.6 335.8
2014/15 322.9 300.9 291.1 310.8 284.3 276.7 291.9 383.3 392.5 374.1
2015/16 354.1 329.6 318.4 340.9 316.8 310.9 322.8 415.7 422.0 409.5

2016/17 405.7 379.2 368.9 389.4 371.9 359.4 384.4 466.0 457.1 474.9
I Qtr 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6
Jul/Aug 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6
Aug/Sep 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6
Sep/Oct 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6

II Qtr 403.8 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.9 358.8 382.9 462.8 455.1 470.4
Oct/Nov 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6
Nov/Dec 403.3 377.8 368.3 387.2 370.3 358.8 381.7 461.9 455.1 468.6
Dec/Jan 404.8 377.8 368.3 387.2 372.0 358.8 385.3 464.5 455.1 473.9

III Qtr 405.1 378.6 368.3 388.8 372.0 358.8 385.3 464.5 455.1 473.9
Jan/Feb 404.8 377.8 368.3 387.2 372.0 358.8 385.3 464.5 455.1 473.9
Feb/Mar 404.8 377.8 368.3 387.2 372.0 358.8 385.3 464.5 455.1 473.9
Mar/Apr 405.6 380.1 368.3 391.9 372.0 358.8 385.3 464.5 455.1 473.9

IV Qtr 410.6 382.5 370.5 394.5 374.4 361.0 387.8 474.9 463.1 486.6
Apr/May 408.6 382.5 370.5 394.6 374.4 361.0 387.9 468.6 458.5 478.7
May/Jun 411.7 382.5 370.5 394.6 374.4 361.0 387.9 478.0 465.4 490.5
Jun/Jul 411.6 382.4 370.5 394.2 374.3 361.0 387.6 478.0 465.4 490.5

2017/18 426.7 398.9 389.8 408.1 386.5 374.1 398.9 494.6 480.4 508.7
I Qtr 413.2 384.4 373.8 395.0 376.1 364.3 387.9 478.9 466.2 491.4
Jul/Aug 411.7 382.5 370.5 394.6 374.4 361.0 387.9 478.0 465.4 490.5
Aug/Sep 411.7 382.5 370.5 394.6 374.4 361.0 387.9 478.0 465.4 490.5
Sep/Oct 416.1 388.1 380.5 395.7 379.5 371.0 387.9 480.6 467.9 493.2

II Qtr 416.5 389.2 382.0 396.4 379.5 371.0 387.9 480.6 467.9 493.2
Oct/Nov 416.1 388.1 380.5 395.7 379.5 371.0 387.9 480.6 467.9 493.2
Nov/Dec 416.1 388.1 380.5 395.7 379.5 371.0 387.9 480.6 467.9 493.2
Dec/Jan 417.2 391.4 385.0 397.7 379.5 371.0 387.9 480.6 467.9 493.2

III Qtr 433.3 405.1 392.9 417.1 392.8 379.0 406.5 501.9 485.8 517.9
Jan/Feb 424.7 400.4 392.9 407.8 388.1 379.0 397.2 485.6 467.9 503.2
Feb/Mar 437.4 407.4 392.9 421.9 395.2 379.0 411.3 509.5 494.3 524.7
Mar/Apr 437.9 407.4 392.9 421.9 395.2 379.0 411.3 510.9 495.6 526.0

IV Qtr 444.0 417.1 410.3 423.9 397.6 382.1 413.1 516.9 501.7 532.1
Apr/May 443.0 416.1 410.3 421.9 396.5 381.7 411.3 516.1 500.9 531.3
May/Jun 443.0 416.1 410.3 421.9 396.5 381.7 411.3 516.1 500.9 531.3
Jun/Jul 445.9 419.1 410.3 428.0 399.8 383.0 416.6 518.5 503.3 533.7

I Qtr 453.1 420.2 411.6 428.9 406.4 395.5 417.4 532.6 520.8 544.3
Jul/Aug 451.3 419.1 410.3 428.0 404.8 393.0 416.6 529.9 518.1 541.6
Aug/Sep 451.3 419.1 410.3 428.0 404.8 393.0 416.6 529.9 518.1 541.6
Sep/Oct 456.8 422.4 414.3 430.6 409.7 400.4 419.1 538.0 526.1 549.8

70. Direction of Foreign Trade*

In Million Rupees
Exports, f.o.b. Imports, c.i.f. Trade Balance
Fiscal Year Other Other Other Countries
Quarter/Month Total (2+3+4) India China Countries Total (6+7+8) India China Countries Total (1-5) India (2-6) China(3-7) (4-8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1974/75 889.6 746.7 142.9 1,814.6 1,475.7 338.9 -925.0 -729.0 -196.0
1975/76 1,185.8 893.7 292.1 1,981.7 1,227.1 754.6 -795.9 -333.4 -462.5
1976/77 1,164.7 779.6 385.1 2,008.0 1,343.5 664.5 -843.3 -563.9 -279.4
1977/78 1,046.2 498.1 548.1 2,469.6 1,534.1 935.5 -1,423.4 -1,036.0 -387.4
1978/79 1,296.8 650.1 646.7 2,884.7 1,581.7 1,303.0 -1,587.9 -931.6 -656.3
1979/80 1,150.5 520.9 629.6 3,480.1 1,786.4 1,693.7 -2,329.6 -1,265.5 -1,064.1
1980/81 1,608.7 992.4 616.3 4,428.2 2,179.0 2,249.2 -2,819.5 -1,186.6 -1,632.9
1981/82 1,491.5 994.4 497.1 4,930.3 2,280.9 2,649.4 -3,438.8 -1,286.5 -2,152.7
1982/83 1,132.0 843.3 288.7 6,314.0 2,499.6 3,814.4 -5,182.0 -1,656.3 -3,525.7
1983/84 1,703.9 1,160.7 543.2 6,514.3 3,058.0 3,456.3 -4,810.4 -1,897.3 -2,913.1
1984/85 2,740.6 1,601.7 1,138.9 7,742.1 3,895.8 3,846.3 -5,001.5 -2,294.1 -2,707.4
1985/86 3,078.0 1,241.1 1,836.9 9,341.2 3,970.9 5,370.3 -6,263.2 -2,729.8 -3,533.4
1986/87 2,991.4 1,302.6 1,688.8 10,905.2 4,262.0 6,643.2 -7,913.8 -2,959.4 -4,954.4
1987/88 4,114.5 1,567.6 2,546.9 13,869.6 4,595.7 9,273.9 -9,755.1 -3,028.1 -6,727.0
1988/89 4,195.3 1,034.9 3,160.4 16,263.7 4,238.7 12,025.0 -12,068.4 -3,203.8 -8,864.6
1989/90 5,156.2 602.5 4,553.7 18,324.9 4,674.5 13,650.4 -13,168.7 -4,072.0 -9,096.7
1990/91 7,387.5 1,552.2 5,835.3 23,226.5 7,323.1 15,903.4 -15,839.0 -5,770.9 -10,068.1
1991/92 13,706.5 1,450.0 12,256.5 31,940.0 11,245.5 20,694.5 -18,233.5 -9,795.5 -8,438.0
1992/93 17,266.5 1,621.7 15,644.8 39,205.6 12,542.1 26,663.5 -21,939.1 10,920.4 -11,018.7
1993/94 19,293.4 2,408.9 16,884.5 51,570.8 17,035.4 34,535.4 -32,277.4 -14,626.5 -17,650.9
1994/95 17,639.2 3,124.3 14,514.9 63,679.5 19,615.9 44,063.6 -46,040.3 16,491.6 29,548.7
1995/96 19,881.1 3,682.6 16,198.5 74,454.5 24,398.6 50,055.9 -54,573.4 -20,716.0 -33,857.4
1996/97 22,636.5 5,226.2 17,410.3 93,553.4 24,853.3 68,700.1 -70,916.9 -19,627.1 -51,289.8
1997/98 27,513.5 8,794.4 18,719.1 89,002.0 27,331.0 61,671.0 -61,488.5 -18,536.6 -42,951.9
1998/99 35,676.3 12,530.7 23,145.6 87,525.3 32,119.7 55,405.6 -51,849.0 -19,589.0 -32,260.0
1999/00 49,822.7 21,220.7 28,602.0 108,504.9 39,660.1 68,844.8 -58,682.2 -18,439.4 -40,242.8
2000/01** 55,654.1 26,030.2 29,623.9 115,687.2 54,700.9 60,981.3 -60,033.1 -28,670.7 -31,362.4
2001/02 46,944.8 27,956.2 18,988.6 107,389.0 56,622.1 50,766.9 -60,444.2 -28,665.9 -31,778.3
2002/03 49,930.6 26,430.0 23,500.6 124,352.1 70,924.2 53,427.9 -74,421.5 -44,494.2 -29,927.3
2003/04 53,910.7 30,777.1 23,133.6 136,277.1 78,739.5 57,537.6 -82,366.4 -47,962.4 -34,404.0
2004/05 58,705.7 38,916.9 19,788.8 149,473.6 88,675.5 60,798.1 -90,767.9 -49,758.6 -41,009.3
2005/06 60,234.1 40,714.7 19,519.4 173,780.3 107,143.1 66,637.2 -113,546.2 -66,428.4 -47,117.8
2006/07 59,383.1 41,728.8 17,654.3 194,694.6 115,872.3 78,822.3 -135,311.5 -74,143.5 -61,168.0
2007/08 59,266.5 38,555.7 20,710.8 221,937.7 142,376.5 79,561.2 -162,671.2 -103,820.8 -58,850.4
2008/09 67,697.5 41,005.9 26,691.6 284,469.6 162,437.6 122,032.0 -216,772.1 -121,431.7 -95,340.4
2009/10 60,824.0 39,993.7 20,830.3 374,335.2 217,114.3 157,220.9 -313,511.2 -177,120.6 -136,390.6
2010/11 64,338.5 43,360.4 20,978.1 396,175.5 261,925.2 134,250.3 -331,837.0 -218,564.8 -113,272.2
2011/12 74,261.0 49,616.3 24,644.7 461,667.7 299,389.6 162,278.1 -387,406.7 -249,773.3 -137,633.4
2012/13 76,917.1 51,000.0 2,085.8 23,831.6 556,740.3 367,031.2 62,451.2 127,257.7 -479,822.8 -316,031.2 -60,365.4 -103,426.1
2013/14 91,991.4 59,613.7 2,840.7 29,537.0 714,365.8 477,947.0 73,318.6 163,100.2 -622,374.3 -418,333.4 -70,477.9 -133,563.1
2014/15 85,319.1 55,864.6 2,229.9 27,224.6 774,684.2 491,655.9 100,166.4 182,861.9 -689,365.0 -435,791.4 -97,936.5 -155,637.3
2015/16 70,117.2 39,493.7 1,681.5 28,941.9 773,599.1 477,212.5 115,694.3 180,692.2 -703,481.9 -437,719.0 -114,012.8 -151,750.3
2016/17 73,049.1 41,449.2 1,701.5 29,898.4 990,113.2 633,669.6 127,245.0 229,198.6 -917,064.1 -592,220.4 -125,543.5 -199,300.2

2017/18R 81,633.3 46,604.8 2,879.5 32,149.0 1,242,826.8 809,814.2 159,636.3 273,376.2 -1,161,193.5 -763,209.4 -156,756.8 -241,227.3
I Qtr 20,455.2 10,956.0 493.1 9,006.0 260,205.3 167,750.6 36,414.1 56,040.6 -239,750.2 -156,794.6 -35,921.0 -47,034.6
Jul/Aug 6,707.8 3,639.6 154.1 2,914.1 78,160.0 49,662.2 10,709.5 17,788.3 -71,452.2 -46,022.5 -10,555.4 -14,874.2
Aug/Sep 6,898.4 3,690.9 161.5 3,046.1 89,578.7 55,627.6 15,025.8 18,925.2 -82,680.2 -51,936.7 -14,864.3 -15,879.1
Sep/Oct 6,848.9 3,625.6 177.5 3,045.9 92,466.7 62,460.8 10,678.8 19,327.1 -85,617.8 -58,835.3 -10,501.2 -16,281.2

II Qtr 20,711.9 12,310.9 1,082.6 7,318.3 294,515.3 194,714.4 37,428.6 62,372.3 -273,803.4 -182,403.5 -36,346.0 -55,054.0
Oct/Nov 5,922.5 3,129.2 201.0 2,592.3 96,020.7 61,399.4 12,557.0 22,064.2 -90,098.2 -58,270.2 -12,356.0 -19,471.9
Nov/Dec 7,345.3 4,073.8 633.9 2,637.6 95,919.5 64,381.8 11,041.0 20,496.8 -88,574.2 -60,308.0 -10,407.1 -17,859.1
Dec/Jan 7,444.1 5,108.0 247.7 2,088.4 102,575.1 68,933.2 13,830.6 19,811.3 -95,131.0 -63,825.2 -13,582.9 -17,722.9

III Qtr 18,575.5 11,019.5 475.1 7,080.9 320,747.9 213,691.1 39,999.4 67,057.4 -302,172.4 -202,671.6 -39,524.3 -59,976.5
Jan/Feb 6,455.1 3,880.9 195.2 2,379.0 106,504.4 69,827.3 14,612.4 22,064.7 -100,049.3 -65,946.4 -14,417.2 -19,685.7
Feb/Mar 5,801.7 3,389.2 94.0 2,318.5 105,308.3 69,938.4 12,441.9 22,928.0 -99,506.6 -66,549.2 -12,347.9 -20,609.5
Mar/Apr 6,318.7 3,749.4 185.9 2,383.4 108,935.2 73,925.4 12,945.1 22,064.7 -102,616.5 -70,176.0 -12,759.2 -19,681.3

IV Qtr 21,890.7 12,318.4 828.7 8,743.7 367,358.2 233,658.1 45,794.2 87,905.9 -345,467.5 -221,339.8 -44,965.5 -79,162.2
Apr/May 6,761.4 3,868.4 471.1 2,421.9 109,532.4 73,338.2 13,400.4 22,793.7 -102,771.0 -69,469.8 -12,929.3 -20,371.8
May/Jun 7,513.0 4,309.9 174.5 3,028.7 122,871.3 81,741.8 15,544.0 25,585.5 -115,358.3 -77,432.0 -15,369.5 -22,556.8
Jun/Jul 7,616.3 4,140.1 183.1 3,293.1 134,954.5 78,578.1 16,849.7 39,526.7 -127,338.2 -74,438.0 -16,666.6 -36,233.6

I Qtr 23,744.9 13,164.2 564.1 10,016.6 373,587.3 236,123.5 53,115.7 84,348.2 -349,842.3 -222,959.3 -52,551.6 -74,331.6
Jul/Aug 6,921.5 3,988.0 85.1 2,848.4 120,610.2 71,003.1 14,939.2 34,667.9 -113,688.6 -67,015.1 -14,854.1 -31,819.5
Aug/Sep 7,777.5 4,336.7 266.5 3,174.4 111,736.5 75,217.7 14,193.4 22,325.4 -103,958.9 -70,881.0 -13,926.9 -19,151.1
Sep/Oct 9,045.9 4,839.5 212.5 3,993.9 141,240.6 89,902.7 23,983.1 27,354.9 -132,194.7 -85,063.2 -23,770.6 -23,361.0
* Based on customs data.
* * Petroleum imports shifted to India from other country import.

71. Total Exports Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude Manufact- Machinery Miscellane- and Tran-
Fiscal Year Materials, ured Goods and ous saction not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles Mineral, Animal and Chemi- Classified Transport Manufact- Classified
Month Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable cals and Mainly by Equip- ured According to
Total Animal Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats Drugs Materials ment Articles Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 **889.6 517.5 0.4 213.3 1.5 2.4 0.9 28.1 2.1 111.3 12.1
1975/76 1,185.8 804.0 4.0 226.3 1.7 1.8 9.3 104.7 3.7 23.0 7.3
1976/77 1,164.7 599.5 12.3 377.8 0.5 5.3 10.5 123.9 1.6 27.8 5.5
1977/78 1,046.2 405.3 11.2 441.2 0.2 6.0 3.6 123.3 2.7 51.2 1.5
1978/79 1,296.8 488.8 13.6 491.7 0.7 16.5 0.8 229.1 2.9 52.4 0.3
1979/80 1,150.5 306.5 2.6 469.6 0.5 20.4 1.3 291.8 3.2 54.0 0.6
1980/81 1,608.7 588.7 15.4 561.6 0.4 37.8 3.9 254.3 1.8 143.0 1.8
1981/82 1,491.5 735.9 18.4 397.3 1.0 44.0 1.5 225.4 9.1 58.1 0.8
1982/83 1,132.0 327.7 13.3 336.4 0.7 42.2 1.8 357.3 7.9 44.6 0.1
1983/84 1,703.9 584.2 5.3 372.7 3.3 67.6 6.3 581.6 24.4 57.7 0.8
1984/85 2,740.6 992.1 5.0 486.8 1.0 57.1 1.2 649.1 33.7 513.4 1.2
1985/86 3,078.1 835.6 0.3 412.9 0.2 61.3 2.5 899.9 38.6 826.5 0.3
1986/87 2,991.4 703.7 3.5 491.1 0.2 117.1 2.0 1,009.5 2.6 661.5 0.2
1987/88 4,114.5 804.4 10.1 513.7 0.8 171.4 12.7 1,601.6 0.5 996.8 2.5
1988/89 4,195.3 577.6 6.6 250.0 0.0 100.4 26.0 1,982.6 5.8 1,246.4 0.0
1989/90 5,156.2 616.0 4.1 238.6 0.0 20.1 10.9 2,693.1 0.1 1,573.3 0.0
1990/91 7,387.5 986.5 11.2 312.1 0.0 201.1 17.7 4,312.3 0.1 1,545.7 0.0
1991/92 13,706.5 1,941.6 13.7 437.4 0.0 160.3 19.6 7,557.2 0.3 3,576.4 0.0
1992/93 17,266.5 1,862.9 13.2 531.8 0.3 176.4 28.7 10,298.3 1.2 4,352.3 1.4
1993/94 19,293.4 1,163.4 12.8 432.4 0.0 138.4 212.1 10,912.6 6.4 6,415.1 0.2
1994/95 17,639.2 1,562.7 11.3 485.5 0.0 214.1 302.3 9,260.3 37.1 5,765.8 0.1
1995/96 19,881.1 1,946.6 9.7 768.7 1.3 251.3 640.4 10,455.7 35.2 5,772.2 0.0
1996/97 22,636.5 2,661.7 14.9 663.5 1.4 312.6 1,353.4 11,028.6 59.6 6,540.3 0.5
1997/98 27,513.5 3,123.2 22.8 487.1 20.9 2,136.3 1,968.5 11,637.1 58.0 8,059.6 0.0
1998/99 35,676.3 3,724.5 50.0 469.9 0.5 3,597.2 2,804.0 13,539.6 97.8 11,392.8 0.0
1999/00 49,822.7 4,240.4 117.2 561.3 2.2 3,229.7 3,933.2 15,838.7 390.8 21,509.2 0.0
2000/01 55,654.1 4,776.6 75.6 751.1 1.3 4,104.0 4,041.7 18,909.3 343.6 22,650.9 0.0
2001/02 46,944.8 5,094.2 145.7 624.5 1.6 7,421.4 3,308.3 17,394.9 364.9 12,589.3 0.0
2002/03 49,930.6 6,100.9 138.7 800.1 5.5 4,278.7 3,279.0 17,794.7 208.2 17,281.5 43.3
2003/04 53,910.7 6,276.9 55.2 714.3 14.5 3,375.7 3,865.9 23,601.7 619.5 15,380.1 6.9
2004/05 58,705.7 6,993.5 31.6 881.6 4.2 5,070.3 3,677.6 28,590.6 207.6 13,239.6 9.1
2005/06 60,234.1 7,192.0 25.0 1,223.4 3.2 4,284.6 3,686.9 28,533.0 1,201.9 14,081.6 2.5
2006/07 59,383.1 7,055.8 23.2 1,368.0 0.0 4,454.9 4,091.6 30,412.2 1,240.9 10,736.5 0.0
2007/08 59,266.5 13,164.9 24.3 1,350.7 0.0 2,062.0 2,823.5 29,643.3 912.9 9,281.7 3.2
2008/09 67,697.5 19,145.3 354.2 1,973.1 41.7 362.9 3,087.3 28,241.6 625.3 13,859.7 6.4
2009/10 60,824.0 13,155.2 18.4 2,469.6 0.0 267.2 1,676.9 33,395.2 725.0 9,116.5 0.0
2010/11 64,338.5 14,531.8 1.7 1,923.3 0.0 409.0 2,679.5 33,496.5 379.7 10,911.1 5.9
2011/12 74,261.0 15,930.3 101.8 2,587.0 0.0 331.7 2,737.3 39,008.9 277.5 13,284.0 2.5
2012/13 76,917.1 18,089.1 214.3 3,278.7 7.9 156.4 3,852.2 39,857.6 519.3 10,938.2 3.5
2013/14 91,991.4 21,666.5 1,990.7 4,992.1 6.4 243.1 4,691.3 43,772.7 681.3 13,942.8 4.4
2014/15 85,319.1 20,209.0 2,346.7 3,274.2 0.1 111.2 4,872.6 41,078.4 386.2 13,040.5 0.0
2015/16 70,117.2 16,421.3 478.3 2,218.3 1.0 106.9 4,618.1 32,666.0 399.7 13,204.9 2.7
2016/17 73,049.1 18,305.9 250.2 2,993.3 0.0 158.8 4,421.4 34,453.0 205.1 12,261.3 0.1

2017/18R 81,633.3 20,856.9 247.8 3,158.3 14.1 406.4 4,702.9 37,203.5 1,451.7 13,592.0 0.0
I Qtr 20,455.2 5,165.9 59.8 688.5 0.5 15.5 1,191.4 9,027.7 515.1 3,790.7 0.0
Jul/Aug 6,707.8 1,632.4 16.5 197.2 0.0 5.4 425.9 3,170.2 82.9 1,177.4 0.0
Aug/Sep 6,898.4 1,880.5 22.5 267.5 0.5 3.7 398.8 2,830.2 160.7 1,334.1 0.0
Sep/Oct 6,848.9 1,653.0 20.8 223.9 0.0 6.4 366.7 3,027.4 271.5 1,279.2 0.0

II Qtr 20,711.9 5,686.9 63.8 604.0 5.2 30.8 1,347.9 9,452.7 265.4 3,255.5 0.0
Oct/Nov 5,922.5 1,402.6 21.4 146.5 0.0 8.0 368.2 2,710.9 224.1 1,040.9 0.0
Nov/Dec 7,345.3 1,917.2 25.2 169.7 0.0 10.0 564.6 3,351.8 17.7 1,289.1 0.0
Dec/Jan 7,444.2 2,367.1 17.2 287.8 5.2 12.8 415.0 3,390.0 23.6 925.5 0.0

III Qtr 18,575.5 4,658.5 46.7 937.9 4.2 40.2 1,066.6 8,737.0 132.3 2,952.5 0.0
Jan/Feb 6,455.1 1,687.6 20.7 391.5 2.1 8.9 421.7 2,893.8 53.5 975.5 0.0
Feb/Mar 5,801.7 1,517.2 13.1 254.9 0.1 9.6 273.1 2,722.2 18.1 993.6 0.0
Mar/Apr 6,318.7 1,453.7 12.9 291.5 2.0 21.7 371.8 3,121.0 60.7 983.4 0.0

IV Qtr 21,890.7 5,345.6 77.5 927.9 4.2 319.9 1,097.1 9,986.2 538.9 3,593.3 0.0
Apr/May 6,761.4 1,725.0 15.7 265.2 0.0 71.1 340.1 3,034.9 368.4 941.0 0.0
May/Jun 7,513.0 1,859.7 29.6 359.0 1.2 147.3 405.6 3,447.2 113.1 1,150.4 0.0
Jun/Jul 7,616.3 1,761.0 32.2 303.7 3.0 101.5 351.4 3,504.1 57.4 1,501.9 0.0

I Qtr 23,744.9 5,540.5 71.7 1,078.2 1.0 414.8 1,181.7 10,604.4 88.9 4,763.6 0.0
Jul/Aug 6,921.5 1,757.1 21.6 313.7 0.0 6.3 352.9 3,202.3 21.6 1,246.0 0.0
Aug/Sep 7,777.5 1,827.8 23.6 317.3 1.0 83.9 403.9 3,368.0 28.7 1,723.2 0.0
Sep/Oct 9,045.9 1,955.6 26.5 447.1 0.1 324.6 424.9 4,034.0 38.6 1,794.4 0.0
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
72. Exports to India Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Manufac- and
Crude tured Miscellan- Transac-
Fiscal Year Materials, Goods Machinery eous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles Mineral Animal and Classified and Manufact- Classified
Months Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals, Mainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs Materials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 **746.7 493.3 0.4 174.7 1.5 2.3 0.5 10.8 0.2 57.5 5.5
1975/76 893.7 721.6 3.5 136.1 1.0 1.4 5.8 14.5 1.4 3.1 5.3
1976/77 779.6 540.6 1.5 207.1 0.5 5.1 10.3 7.2 0.3 2.3 4.7
1977/78 498.1 222.2 0.2 251.5 0.2 5.8 3.1 8.8 2.6 2.5 1.2
1978/79 650.1 241.8 1.0 362.3 0.6 16.5 0.6 21.0 1.3 4.9 0.1
1979/80 520.9 182.8 1.6 295.1 0.4 19.9 0.6 13.0 2.7 4.3 0.5
1980/81 992.4 484.2 0.4 444.2 0.0 37.6 0.0 19.0 1.3 4.8 0.9
1981/82 994.4 538.7 1.6 296.9 1.0 37.6 0.9 91.6 5.5 15.6 0.7
1982/83 843.3 317.4 12.6 264.9 0.7 42.2 0.9 191.8 7.1 5.6 0.1
1983/84 1,160.7 561.2 4.5 266.9 3.3 67.6 1.8 227.4 22.4 4.8 0.8
1984/85 1,601.7 872.8 4.6 338.1 1.0 57.0 0.8 285.0 32.6 8.6 1.2
1985/86 1,241.1 573.0 0.1 364.5 0.2 56.0 1.0 201.7 37.5 6.8 0.3
1986/87 1,302.6 560.0 2.7 459.6 0.2 73.8 1.2 193.1 0.9 10.8 0.3
1987/88 1,567.6 773.2 1.8 389.8 0.8 144.1 11.1 228.5 0.1 15.7 2.5
1988/89 1,034.9 498.6 1.4 217.4 0.0 97.1 16.5 181.0 4.2 18.7 0.0
1989/90 602.5 348.8 1.1 179.7 0.0 11.4 0.0 53.2 0.0 8.3 0.0
1990/91 1,552.2 789.1 2.6 212.1 0.0 185.9 7.5 339.1 0.0 15.9 0.0
1991/92 1,450.0 761.6 1.8 287.5 0.0 114.5 9.7 246.8 0.0 28.1 0.0
1992/93 1,621.7 754.7 5.5 326.9 0.0 169.6 15.4 317.2 0.9 30.1 1.4
1993/94 2,408.9 925.9 4.1 291.6 0.0 133.5 202.4 817.9 0.1 33.2 0.2
1994/95 3,124.3 1,315.2 2.8 388.7 0.0 210.6 256.0 904.9 2.5 43.6 0.0
1995/96 3,682.6 1,267.8 1.9 336.5 1.3 137.9 618.1 1,236.1 26.4 56.6 0.0
1996/97 5,226.2 1,750.8 1.7 381.1 1.4 153.4 1,333.0 1,521.5 11.2 71.6 0.5
1997/98 8,794.4 1,704.2 19.7 329.2 20.6 1,979.4 1,950.6 2,549.4 4.4 236.9 0.0
1998/99 12,530.7 2,040.5 43.7 353.9 0.5 3,373.0 2,780.3 3,248.0 23.6 667.2 0.0
1999/00 21,220.7 3,726.2 103.2 498.4 2.2 2,931.4 3,882.0 5,577.7 176.1 4,323.5 0.0
2000/01 26,030.2 3,992.4 66.7 709.6 1.3 3,931.4 3,995.1 8,907.3 197.8 4,228.6 0.0
2001/02 27,956.2 4,542.4 141.4 560.2 1.2 7,211.7 3,234.2 9,971.0 314.6 1,979.5 0.0
2002/03 26,430.0 4,672.3 106.6 682.2 5.2 4,053.2 3,174.1 11,387.7 118.5 2,225.7 4.5
2003/04 30,777.1 4,595.5 42.3 576.5 14.5 3,206.4 3,624.5 16,228.9 219.1 2,262.5 6.9
2004/05 38,916.9 5,389.3 26.5 736.6 3.9 4,858.8 3,577.7 21,353.1 85.7 2,876.2 9.1
2005/06 40,714.7 6,306.7 14.3 1,163.3 0.5 4,145.7 3,564.7 21,928.3 111.0 3,477.7 2.5
2006/07 41,728.8 5,944.3 12.0 1,291.6 0.0 4,337.2 3,977.4 23,763.4 185.7 2,217.2 0.0
2007/08 38,555.7 7,617.4 10.7 1,181.4 0.0 2,023.6 2,696.3 22,942.2 300.4 1,783.7 0.0
2008/09 41,005.9 10,151.1 329.5 1,494.6 40.6 319.6 2,990.8 20,976.0 490.6 4,213.1 0.0
2009/10 39,993.7 8,591.6 0.0 2,103.3 0.0 205.5 1,648.5 25,445.6 528.1 1,471.1 0.0
2010/11 43,360.4 10,104.5 0.0 1,509.0 0.0 310.4 2,673.7 26,396.9 359.4 2,006.3 0.2
2011/12 49,616.3 12,002.7 25.6 1,858.0 0.0 247.2 2,725.8 29,693.4 193.3 2,868.4 1.9
2012/13 51,000.0 12,901.7 0.0 2,030.9 0.0 134.0 3,598.9 28,858.1 197.6 3,278.6 0.0
2013/14 59,613.7 17,698.8 1.6 3,299.9 0.0 242.8 4,335.2 30,272.0 271.9 3,491.5 0.0
2014/15 55,864.6 17,078.6 261.1 1,619.7 0.1 108.9 4,571.2 28,186.5 248.7 3,789.8 0.0
2015/16 39,493.7 13,538.9 0.0 1,338.3 0.0 102.8 4,138.5 17,777.2 75.6 2,522.4 0.0
2016/17 41,449.2 15,201.7 0.0 2,205.1 0.0 154.6 3,624.1 17,943.5 93.1 2,227.1 0.0

2017/18R 46,604.8 16,641.9 6.4 2,429.7 13.5 358.4 3,782.8 20,386.5 240.2 2,745.4 0.0
I Qtr 10,956.0 4,201.2 0.0 505.0 0.0 5.7 1,019.8 4,501.7 134.4 588.2 0.0
Jul/Aug 3,639.6 1,388.8 0.0 96.9 0.0 4.1 386.4 1,576.4 62.4 124.8 0.0
Aug/Sep 3,690.9 1,478.5 0.0 211.4 0.0 0.0 346.2 1,379.6 64.2 211.0 0.0
Sep/Oct 3,625.6 1,333.9 0.0 196.7 0.0 1.6 287.3 1,545.8 7.9 252.4 0.0

II Qtr 12,310.9 4,431.9 0.0 479.5 5.2 7.5 965.0 5,576.1 22.9 823.0 0.0
Oct/Nov 3,129.2 1,079.1 0.0 109.3 0.0 1.5 299.7 1,427.6 1.6 210.3 0.0
Nov/Dec 4,073.8 1,316.1 0.0 133.8 0.0 1.4 317.7 1,920.2 10.4 374.2 0.0
Dec/Jan 5,108.0 2,036.7 0.0 236.3 5.2 4.6 347.7 2,228.3 10.9 238.4 0.0

III Qtr 11,019.5 3,687.3 0.3 762.8 4.2 35.0 903.6 4,797.9 45.0 783.6 0.0
Jan/Feb 3,880.9 1,285.5 0.3 352.1 2.1 6.8 367.3 1,603.8 13.9 249.3 0.0
Feb/Mar 3,389.3 1,195.3 0.0 217.3 0.1 9.6 235.6 1,445.9 1.9 283.6 0.0
Mar/Apr 3,749.3 1,206.5 0.0 193.4 2.0 18.6 300.7 1,748.2 29.2 250.7 0.0

IV Qtr 12,318.3 4,321.6 6.2 682.5 4.2 310.2 894.4 5,510.8 37.9 550.7 0.0
Apr/May 3,868.4 1,417.4 0.8 184.4 0.0 68.6 270.3 1,728.8 12.4 185.7 0.0
May/Jun 4,309.9 1,515.2 3.9 278.3 1.2 142.3 318.2 1,831.5 11.2 208.0 0.0
Jun/Jul 4,140.1 1,388.9 1.5 219.7 3.0 99.3 305.8 1,950.5 14.3 156.9 0.0

I Qtr 13,164.2 4,485.3 3.7 847.7 1.0 410.7 1,002.4 5,863.1 12.6 537.8 0.0
Jul/Aug 3,988.0 1,429.1 2.0 198.0 0.0 5.2 330.9 1,883.0 2.5 137.3 0.0
Aug/Sep 4,336.7 1,518.0 1.7 278.1 1.0 83.8 351.6 1,917.1 7.3 178.2 0.0
Sep/Oct 4,839.5 1,538.2 0.0 371.7 0.0 321.7 319.9 2,063.1 2.7 222.2 0.0
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
73. Exports to China Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Manufac- and
Crude tured Miscellan- Transac-
Fiscal Year Materials, Goods Machinery eous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles Mineral Animal and Classified and Manufact- Classified
Months Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals, Mainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs Materials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2012/13 2,085.8 241.5 0.4 676.4 0.0 9.8 38.6 969.5 3.9 145.7 0.0
2013/14 2,840.6 238.1 0.2 1,194.9 2.2 0.2 48.5 1,087.3 3.6 265.7 0.0
2014/15 2,229.9 143.4 0.6 907.3 0.0 0.2 18.6 988.1 7.2 164.4 0.0

2015/16 1,681.5 79.1 2.0 148.2 0.0 1.0 77.6 1,051.7 129.8 191.0 0.8
I Qtr 298.0 3.7 0.0 49.2 0.0 1.0 0.6 205.4 0.0 38.1 0.0
Jul/Aug 87.4 2.2 0.0 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 66.5 0.0 12.1 0.0
Aug/Sep 87.9 0.0 0.0 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 60.9 0.0 10.6 0.0
Sep/Oct 122.7 1.4 0.0 26.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 77.9 0.0 15.5 0.0

II Qtr 300.2 8.0 0.0 31.2 0.0 0.0 1.7 231.4 0.0 27.9 0.0
Oct/Nov 82.5 3.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.6 67.9 0.0 7.7 0.0
Nov/Dec 98.6 3.2 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.0 0.8 69.2 0.0 12.2 0.0
Dec/Jan 119.0 1.8 0.0 14.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 94.4 0.0 8.1 0.0

III Qtr 590.7 34.6 1.1 36.6 0.0 0.0 26.7 309.1 129.8 51.9 0.8
Jan/Feb 68.4 0.1 0.0 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.8 0.0 7.3 0.0
Feb/Mar 348.1 25.6 0.0 15.1 0.0 0.0 14.5 143.0 129.8 20.0 0.0
Mar/Apr 174.2 8.8 1.1 15.3 0.0 0.0 12.2 111.4 0.0 24.6 0.8

IV Qtr 492.7 32.9 0.9 31.3 0.0 0.0 48.7 305.8 0.0 73.2 0.0
Apr/May 159.9 9.9 0.6 8.7 0.0 0.0 16.9 97.4 0.0 26.2 0.0
May/Jun 152.9 11.4 0.2 10.8 0.0 0.0 16.6 90.1 0.0 23.7 0.0
Jun/Jul 180.0 11.5 0.1 11.8 0.0 0.0 15.1 118.2 0.0 23.2 0.0

2016/17 1,701.5 170.7 1.8 120.3 0.0 4.0 210.4 913.0 8.0 273.2 0.1
I Qtr 386.0 32.7 0.7 23.0 0.0 0.7 36.9 208.0 7.5 76.4 0.0
Jul/Aug 138.5 12.9 0.2 9.2 0.0 0.7 12.0 80.9 0.2 22.4 0.0
Aug/Sep 79.7 1.1 0.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.8 0.0 25.4 0.0
Sep/Oct 167.8 18.7 0.5 7.4 0.0 0.0 24.8 80.3 7.4 28.7 0.0

II Qtr 539.8 57.6 0.2 48.4 0.0 0.5 65.1 299.3 0.0 68.7 0.0
Oct/Nov 133.7 13.4 0.2 14.4 0.0 0.2 18.3 69.6 0.0 17.8 0.0
Nov/Dec 224.5 20.5 0.0 21.3 0.0 0.2 30.8 123.4 0.0 28.3 0.0
Dec/Jan 181.5 23.7 0.1 12.7 0.0 0.1 16.0 106.3 0.0 22.6 0.0

III Qtr 364.4 40.1 0.0 24.5 0.0 0.3 42.1 213.7 0.2 43.6 0.0
Jan/Feb 101.9 15.6 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.1 8.5 64.0 0.0 10.3 0.0
Feb/Mar 123.2 10.6 0.0 11.3 0.0 0.0 14.5 70.2 0.0 16.5 0.0
Mar/Apr 139.4 13.9 0.0 9.9 0.0 0.1 19.0 79.4 0.2 16.7 0.0

IV Qtr 411.3 40.3 0.9 24.5 0.0 2.5 66.3 192.0 0.2 84.5 0.0
Apr/May 134.5 18.1 0.8 9.7 0.0 0.0 18.8 71.9 0.2 14.9 0.0
May/Jun 140.8 9.5 0.0 7.7 0.0 1.5 30.0 59.6 0.0 32.4 0.0
Jun/Jul 136.0 12.7 0.1 7.0 0.0 1.0 17.5 60.5 0.0 37.2 0.0

2017/18R 2,879.5 614.1 1.3 121.2 0.1 45.2 499.3 862.6 305.8 430.0 0.0
I Qtr 493.1 98.1 0.0 26.6 0.0 9.8 65.8 213.9 0.2 78.6 0.0
Jul/Aug 154.1 27.2 0.0 14.2 0.0 1.3 19.3 61.3 0.1 30.7 0.0
Aug/Sep 161.5 36.1 0.0 6.3 0.0 3.7 22.5 70.7 0.1 22.2 0.0
Sep/Oct 177.5 34.8 0.0 6.2 0.0 4.8 24.0 81.9 0.1 25.8 0.0

II Qtr 1,082.6 362.8 0.1 42.7 0.0 23.3 280.6 266.4 0.2 106.4 0.0
Oct/Nov 201.0 25.8 0.0 14.7 0.0 6.5 39.5 88.3 0.2 25.9 0.0
Nov/Dec 633.9 299.0 0.1 13.9 0.0 8.6 206.0 73.8 0.0 32.5 0.0
Dec/Jan 247.7 38.1 0.0 14.0 0.0 8.2 35.1 104.3 0.0 48.0 0.0

III Qtr 475.1 76.3 0.6 24.9 0.0 4.2 74.2 181.5 0.0 113.7 0.0
Jan/Feb 195.2 38.9 0.4 10.0 0.0 1.1 25.9 75.6 0.0 43.4 0.0
Feb/Mar 94.0 12.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 40.2 0.0 31.4 0.0
Mar/Apr 185.9 25.4 0.2 9.9 0.0 3.1 42.9 65.7 0.0 38.9 0.0

IV Qtr 828.7 76.9 0.7 26.9 0.1 7.9 78.6 200.8 305.3 131.3 0.0
Apr/May 471.1 29.0 0.4 8.7 0.0 2.5 30.9 54.2 305.3 40.0 0.0
May/Jun 174.5 23.6 0.1 4.9 0.0 5.0 23.3 73.8 0.0 43.9 0.0
Jun/Jul 183.1 24.4 0.2 13.3 0.0 0.4 24.5 72.8 0.0 47.4 0.0

I Qtr 564.1 41.0 0.0 36.7 0.1 3.6 57.9 293.6 0.0 131.3 0.0
Jul/Aug 85.1 2.5 0.0 11.7 0.0 0.7 2.5 36.4 0.0 31.3 0.0
Aug/Sep 266.5 11.1 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.1 22.2 179.2 0.0 48.4 0.0
Sep/Oct 212.5 27.4 0.0 19.4 0.1 2.7 33.2 78.1 0.0 51.6 0.0

* Based on customs data.

74. Exports to Other Countries Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude Manufac- Miscellane- Transac-
Fiscal Year Materials, tured Goods Machinery ous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles Mineral Animal and Classified and Manufact- Classified
Months Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals Mainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs Materials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 **142.9 24.2 0.0 38.6 0.0 0.1 0.4 17.3 1.9 53.8 6.6
1975/76 292.1 82.4 0.5 90.2 0.7 0.4 3.5 90.2 2.3 19.9 2.0
1976/77 385.1 58.9 10.8 170.7 0.0 0.2 0.2 116.7 1.3 25.5 0.8
1977/78 548.1 183.1 11.0 189.7 0.0 0.2 0.5 114.5 0.1 48.7 0.3
1978/79 646.7 247.0 12.6 129.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 208.1 1.6 47.5 0.2
1979/80 629.6 123.7 1.0 174.5 0.1 0.5 0.7 278.8 0.5 49.7 0.1
1980/81 616.3 104.5 15.0 117.4 0.4 0.2 3.9 235.3 0.5 138.2 0.9
1981/82 497.1 197.2 16.8 100.4 0.0 2.1 0.6 133.8 3.6 42.5 0.1
1982/83 288.7 10.3 0.8 71.5 0.0 0.0 0.9 165.5 0.7 39.0 0.0
1983/84 543.2 23.0 0.8 105.8 0.0 0.0 4.5 354.2 2.0 52.9 0.0
1984/85 1,138.9 119.3 0.4 148.7 0.0 0.1 0.4 364.1 1.1 504.8 0.0
1985/86 1,836.9 262.6 0.1 48.4 0.0 5.3 1.5 698.2 1.1 819.7 0.0
1986/87 1,688.8 143.7 0.8 31.5 0.0 43.3 0.8 816.4 1.7 650.7 0.1
1987/88 2,546.9 31.2 8.3 123.9 0.0 27.3 1.6 1,373.1 0.4 981.1 0.0
1988/89 3,160.4 78.9 5.2 32.6 0.0 3.3 9.5 1,801.6 1.6 1,227.7 0.0
1989/90 4,553.7 267.2 3.0 58.9 0.0 8.7 10.9 2,639.9 0.1 1,565.0 0.0
1990/91 5,835.3 197.4 8.6 100.0 0.0 16.0 10.2 3,973.2 0.1 1,529.8 0.0
1991/92 12,256.5 1,180.0 11.9 149.9 0.0 45.8 9.9 7,310.4 0.3 3,548.3 0.0
1992/93 15,644.8 1,108.2 7.7 204.9 0.3 6.8 13.3 9,981.1 0.3 4,322.2 0.0
1993/94 16,884.5 237.5 8.7 140.8 0.0 4.9 9.7 10,094.7 6.3 6,381.9 0.0
1994/95 14,514.9 247.5 8.5 96.8 0.0 3.9 46.3 8,355.4 34.6 5,722.2 0.1
1995/96 16,198.5 678.8 7.8 432.2 0.0 113.4 22.3 9,219.6 8.8 5,715.6 0.0
1996/97 17,410.3 910.9 13.2 282.4 0.0 159.2 20.4 9,507.1 48.4 6,468.7 0.0
1997/98 18,719.1 1,419.0 3.1 157.9 0.3 156.9 17.9 9,087.7 53.6 7,822.7 0.0
1998/99 23,145.6 1,684.0 6.3 116.0 0.0 224.2 23.7 10,291.6 74.2 10,725.6 0.0
1999/00 28,602.0 514.2 14.0 62.9 0.0 298.3 51.2 10,261.0 214.7 17,185.7 0.0
2000/01 29,623.9 784.2 8.9 41.5 0.0 172.6 46.6 10,002.0 145.8 18,422.3 0.0
2001/02 18,988.6 551.8 4.3 64.3 0.4 209.7 74.1 7,423.9 50.3 10,609.8 0.0
2002/03 23,500.6 1,428.6 32.1 117.9 0.3 225.5 104.9 6,407.0 89.7 15,055.8 38.8
2003/04 23,133.6 1,681.4 12.9 137.8 0.0 169.3 241.4 7,372.8 400.4 13,117.6 0.0
2004/05 19,788.8 1,604.2 5.1 145.0 0.3 211.5 99.9 7,237.5 121.9 10,363.4 0.0
2005/06 19,519.4 885.3 10.7 60.1 2.7 138.9 122.2 6,604.7 1,090.9 10,603.9 0.0
2006/07 17,654.3 1,111.5 11.2 76.4 0.0 117.7 114.2 6,648.8 1,055.2 8,519.3 0.0
2007/08 20,710.8 5,547.5 13.6 169.3 0.0 38.4 127.2 6,701.1 612.5 7,498.0 3.2
2008/09 26,691.6 8,994.2 24.7 478.5 1.1 43.3 96.5 7,265.6 134.7 9,646.6 6.4
2009/10 20,830.3 4,563.6 18.4 366.3 0.0 61.7 28.4 7,949.6 196.9 7,645.4 0.0
2010/11 20,978.1 4,427.3 1.7 414.3 0.0 98.6 5.8 7,099.6 20.3 8,904.8 5.7
2011/12 24,644.7 3,927.6 76.2 729.0 0.0 84.5 11.5 9,315.5 84.2 10,415.6 0.6
2012/13*** 23,831.6 4,946.0 213.8 571.4 7.8 12.6 214.7 10,029.9 317.9 7,514.0 3.5
2013/14 29,537.0 3,729.6 1,988.9 497.4 4.1 0.1 307.7 12,413.4 405.8 10,185.6 4.4
2014/15 27,224.6 2,987.0 2,085.0 747.3 0.0 2.2 282.8 11,903.8 130.3 9,086.3 0.0
2015/16 28,941.9 2,803.3 476.2 731.7 0.9 3.1 402.0 13,837.1 194.3 10,491.4 1.8
2016/17 29,898.4 2,933.6 248.4 667.8 0.0 0.2 586.9 15,596.4 104.0 9,761.0 0.0

2017/18R 32,149.0 3,600.8 240.0 607.4 0.5 2.8 420.8 15,954.4 905.7 10,416.6 0.0
I Qtr 9,006.0 866.6 59.8 156.9 0.5 0.0 105.7 4,312.1 380.5 3,123.9 0.0
Jul/Aug 2,914.1 216.4 16.5 86.2 0.0 0.0 20.3 1,532.5 20.4 1,021.9 0.0
Aug/Sep 3,046.1 365.9 22.5 49.8 0.5 0.0 30.1 1,379.9 96.5 1,101.0 0.0
Sep/Oct 3,045.9 284.3 20.8 21.0 0.0 0.0 55.4 1,399.8 263.6 1,001.1 0.0

II Qtr 7,318.3 892.1 63.7 81.8 0.0 0.0 102.2 3,610.2 242.3 2,326.0 0.0
Oct/Nov 2,592.3 297.7 21.4 22.4 0.0 0.0 29.1 1,195.0 222.2 804.6 0.0
Nov/Dec 2,637.6 302.1 25.2 21.9 0.0 0.0 40.9 1,357.8 7.3 882.4 0.0
Dec/Jan 2,088.4 292.3 17.2 37.5 0.0 0.0 32.2 1,057.4 12.7 639.1 0.0

III Qtr 7,080.9 895.0 45.9 150.2 0.0 1.0 88.8 3,757.6 87.3 2,055.2 0.0
Jan/Feb 2,379.0 363.3 20.1 29.4 0.0 1.0 28.5 1,214.4 39.6 682.8 0.0
Feb/Mar 2,318.5 309.9 13.1 32.6 0.0 0.0 32.1 1,236.1 16.2 678.6 0.0
Mar/Apr 2,383.4 221.8 12.7 88.2 0.0 0.0 28.2 1,307.1 31.5 693.8 0.0

IV Qtr 8,743.7 947.1 70.6 218.5 0.0 1.8 124.0 4,274.6 195.7 2,911.4 0.0
Apr/May 2,421.9 278.6 14.5 72.1 0.0 0.0 38.9 1,251.9 50.7 715.3 0.0
May/Jun 3,028.7 320.9 25.6 75.7 0.0 0.0 64.1 1,542.0 101.9 898.5 0.0
Jun/Jul 3,293.1 347.7 30.5 70.7 0.0 1.8 21.1 1,480.7 43.1 1,297.5 0.0

I Qtr 10,016.6 1,014.2 68.0 193.8 0.0 0.5 121.5 4,447.6 76.4 4,094.6 0.0
Jul/Aug 2,848.4 325.5 19.6 104.0 0.0 0.4 19.6 1,283.0 19.0 1,077.4 0.0
Aug/Sep 3,174.4 298.7 21.9 33.8 0.0 0.0 30.1 1,271.8 21.4 1,496.7 0.0
Sep/Oct 3,993.9 390.1 26.5 56.0 0.0 0.1 71.8 1,892.9 35.9 1,520.5 0.0
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
* * * Includes except India and China.

75. Total Imports Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude M anufac- M iscellane- Transac-
Fiscal Year M aterials, tured Goods M achinery ous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles M ineral Animal and Classified and M anufact- Classified
M onths Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals M ainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs M aterials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 * * 1,814.6 243.1 18.9 63.8 182.7 7.0 179.5 509.5 270.1 310.1 29.9
1975/76 1,981.7 291.1 42.4 88.7 211.7 7.4 190.1 545.9 413.4 168.4 22.6
1976/77 2,008.0 249.3 20.2 36.4 249.0 8.3 224.5 660.6 375.5 145.8 38.4
1977/78 2,469.6 323.0 44.1 53.0 250.4 30.8 254.9 819.2 483.1 201.0 9.9
1978/79 2,884.7 292.0 35.7 61.4 232.4 22.4 297.5 1,084.7 574.7 275.0 8.9
1979/80 3,480.1 412.9 25.8 100.9 409.7 26.0 396.7 1,089.9 719.7 288.3 10.2
1980/81 4,428.2 601.2 24.8 115.5 583.6 92.5 527.3 1,259.2 802.9 407.6 13.6
1981/82 4,930.3 619.2 35.6 142.6 579.3 64.3 599.2 1,555.5 892.1 430.2 12.3
1982/83 6,314.0 924.7 62.5 206.3 701.9 66.3 646.0 1,936.8 1,180.9 584.3 4.3
1983/84 6,514.3 728.4 71.8 266.2 749.2 78.5 698.4 1,801.9 1,651.2 466.3 2.4
1984/85 7,742.1 782.9 79.4 424.5 918.8 122.7 908.0 2,376.9 1,671.4 450.6 6.8
1985/86 9,341.2 971.1 112.9 393.0 1,054.0 101.9 1,170.2 2,759.5 2,134.7 637.2 6.9
1986/87 10,905.2 1,028.9 144.0 657.2 929.5 175.9 1,287.6 3,226.8 2,784.1 663.9 7.3
1987/88 13,869.6 1,523.7 172.2 1,036.8 1,049.9 352.6 1,495.4 3,359.2 4,143.7 729.1 7.0
1988/89 16,263.7 1,332.6 197.0 1,182.7 1,116.7 342.7 1,532.7 4,671.0 4,847.0 1,036.5 4.8
1989/90 18,324.9 1,607.7 226.6 1,571.1 1,515.5 476.3 2,823.9 5,065.0 3,790.4 1,247.8 0.6
1990/91 23,226.5 1,820.5 257.0 2,013.4 2,278.3 741.7 3,051.1 5,950.8 5,990.8 1,120.7 2.2
1991/92 31,940.0 2,947.5 288.3 3,415.7 3,644.7 801.8 4,615.3 8,599.9 5,892.5 1,547.6 186.7
1992/93 39,205.6 3,024.7 469.3 3,977.0 3,834.1 1,085.1 5,265.0 11,633.1 7,701.7 2,185.9 29.7
1993/94 51,570.8 4,084.8 367.6 3,122.3 4,837.0 1,457.2 5,541.4 19,147.5 10,037.5 2,884.5 91.2
1994/95 63,679.5 4,464.0 500.9 3,347.9 4,717.1 2,056.0 7,193.0 25,300.6 13,027.6 3,057.2 15.0
1995/96 74,454.5 4,785.8 508.6 4,865.9 5,549.3 2,830.9 8,686.8 28,129.7 15,301.1 3,794.6 1.8
1996/97 93,553.4 5,400.5 590.7 5,487.1 7,160.3 2,327.6 8,504.2 44,741.9 13,794.9 4,016.4 1,529.8
1997/98 89,002.0 4,929.0 799.5 6,976.2 9,537.3 2,025.8 11,077.3 32,601.6 16,734.7 3,974.0 346.6
1998/99 87,525.3 7,619.5 846.1 6,246.7 8,737.5 3,329.0 12,476.4 25,638.0 18,063.7 4,302.4 266.0
1999/00 108,504.9 10,839.0 906.5 7,012.4 9,097.9 4,446.0 14,474.2 34,420.0 20,547.9 6,682.8 78.2
2000/01 115,687.2 5,994.4 906.1 7,559.6 11,269.2 5,589.2 12,941.9 41,188.0 23,027.8 7,210.2 0.8
2001/02 107,388.9 6,333.2 717.1 6,734.1 15,200.8 7,887.5 12,380.9 32,889.1 19,513.8 5,670.3 62.1
2002/03 124,352.1 9,370.5 792.2 8,479.3 19,944.1 7,750.5 14,319.5 34,888.2 20,702.1 6,582.7 1,523.0
2003/04 136,277.1 8,554.0 1,026.8 10,550.6 21,904.1 8,634.4 16,544.9 36,510.5 25,694.2 5,103.8 1,753.8
2004/05 149,473.6 9,820.7 1,015.6 11,207.0 29,927.3 6,016.3 19,179.7 37,047.4 26,262.1 7,551.8 1,445.7
2005/06 173,780.3 13,298.7 1,161.8 10,562.3 36,447.0 10,196.6 24,750.2 40,600.5 26,194.6 10,417.8 150.8
2006/07 194,694.6 12,895.9 957.9 8,829.3 36,362.0 12,137.6 26,995.9 48,145.3 36,357.4 11,755.0 258.3
2007/08 221,937.8 15,838.3 1,238.3 8,365.1 43,968.5 9,399.1 26,863.3 57,448.4 48,006.4 10,726.2 84.2
2008/09 284,469.6 20,471.1 1,412.8 12,543.0 45,293.7 9,004.3 31,579.9 76,070.0 68,009.5 19,977.3 108.0
2009/10 374,335.2 23,765.5 2,854.9 19,888.9 56,781.1 9,320.5 39,669.6 116,129.8 84,517.2 21,366.6 41.1
2010/11 396,175.5 29,263.4 2,167.1 19,480.2 81,234.5 14,733.8 45,272.1 91,337.8 85,331.5 27,234.8 120.3
2011/12 461,667.7 40,783.4 3,081.9 17,773.2 102,771.0 17,918.4 49,017.3 114,781.6 82,413.6 32,972.2 155.1
2012/13 556,740.2 61,118.6 4,449.4 21,365.3 119,470.7 17,551.5 64,242.9 109,565.5 100,203.1 32,659.0 26,114.0
2013/14 714,365.9 89,653.9 4,830.1 31,809.8 147,826.8 22,337.2 84,181.3 140,037.8 124,901.1 43,993.7 24,794.1
2014/15 774,684.1 99,619.6 5,041.4 32,332.3 126,951.3 22,503.8 91,555.3 175,762.0 172,378.4 42,150.5 6,389.6
2015/16 773,599.1 109,756.5 6,413.3 33,391.9 84,088.2 21,153.3 103,961.8 163,131.6 189,764.1 45,864.2 16,074.2
2016/17 990,113.2 130,622.7 8,010.7 36,654.5 141,378.9 30,155.9 102,856.5 210,899.4 247,006.8 55,095.5 27,432.2

2017/18R 1,242,826.8 151,111.7 8,285.5 41,983.7 197,835.9 28,611.6 125,577.1 279,892.4 314,002.7 63,322.1 32,203.7
I Qtr 260,205.3 33,858.0 1,742.6 8,492.0 32,300.6 7,043.7 26,670.2 57,849.6 69,567.8 15,104.3 7,576.4
Jul/Aug 78,160.0 10,712.9 474.7 2,678.7 9,687.5 2,312.1 8,483.0 18,134.3 19,578.2 3,776.9 2,321.7
Aug/Sep 89,578.7 11,334.3 577.9 2,884.9 10,496.0 2,163.4 8,824.1 18,920.6 25,791.0 6,195.9 2,390.5
Sep/Oct 92,466.7 11,810.8 689.9 2,928.5 12,117.1 2,568.2 9,363.1 20,794.7 24,198.6 5,131.5 2,864.1

II Qtr 294,515.3 38,489.8 1,795.8 10,344.0 46,790.3 7,648.6 32,383.3 60,670.6 74,271.2 15,047.7 7,073.7
Oct/Nov 96,020.7 12,083.8 466.9 3,362.6 13,481.9 2,324.8 10,808.6 19,782.6 25,280.1 5,854.2 2,575.2
Nov/Dec 95,919.5 12,724.1 668.8 3,706.8 15,617.4 2,016.7 11,051.7 20,159.5 22,671.8 4,515.1 2,787.7
Dec/Jan 102,575.1 13,681.9 660.1 3,274.6 17,691.0 3,307.1 10,523.1 20,728.5 26,319.4 4,678.4 1,710.8

III Qtr 320,747.9 37,552.0 1,841.4 10,010.2 55,927.4 7,215.4 31,550.3 75,971.2 78,354.5 13,656.3 8,669.1
Jan/Feb 106,504.4 13,711.0 459.3 3,291.9 18,602.8 2,298.2 11,210.3 22,642.2 26,848.2 4,353.3 3,087.2
Feb/Mar 105,308.3 10,995.4 723.2 3,275.6 18,581.0 2,189.0 9,617.6 26,135.1 26,427.6 4,476.4 2,887.5
Mar/Apr 108,935.2 12,845.6 658.9 3,442.7 18,743.6 2,728.2 10,722.4 27,193.9 25,078.7 4,826.6 2,694.4

IV Qtr 367,358.2 41,211.8 2,905.7 13,137.4 62,817.6 6,704.0 34,973.3 85,401.0 91,809.2 19,513.8 8,884.6
Apr/May 109,532.4 14,436.2 838.5 3,957.2 19,059.3 2,234.5 10,228.0 26,204.9 23,885.5 5,946.5 2,741.8
May/Jun 122,871.3 15,533.9 1,029.4 5,057.8 21,782.3 2,390.4 12,014.8 29,641.7 26,429.9 6,260.7 2,730.4
Jun/Jul 134,954.5 11,241.7 1,037.9 4,122.5 21,975.9 2,079.0 12,730.5 29,554.4 41,493.7 7,306.6 3,412.3

I Qtr 373,587.3 40,568.7 2,267.8 12,563.5 56,674.4 7,526.3 38,579.0 84,634.6 96,914.9 26,297.1 7,561.1
Jul/Aug 120,610.2 12,055.3 611.5 4,327.1 18,098.5 2,342.2 11,642.1 27,862.7 35,455.6 6,032.9 2,182.3
Aug/Sep 111,736.5 12,621.6 721.3 3,733.8 17,610.6 2,522.4 12,805.8 26,412.4 25,701.1 6,962.1 2,645.3
Sep/Oct 141,240.6 15,891.8 935.0 4,502.6 20,965.4 2,661.7 14,131.1 30,359.5 35,758.2 13,302.1 2,733.5
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
76. Imports from India Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude M anufac- M iscellane- Transac-
Fiscal Year M aterials, tured Goods M achinery ous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles M ineral Animal and Classified and M anufact- Classified
M onths Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals M ainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs M aterials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 * * 1475.7 234.1 16.6 46.7 179.9 6.7 134.7 425.1 156.6 253.4 21.9
1975/76 1,227.1 258.2 31.9 31.1 95.2 5.5 114.9 409.5 158.1 105.4 17.3
1976/77 1,343.5 228.4 18.8 34.7 116.7 7.3 141.7 499.8 173.6 92.5 30.0
1977/78 1,534.1 285.5 29.1 42.8 91.2 24.3 169.4 550.3 209.2 124.7 7.6
1978/79 1,581.7 261.8 31.6 41.4 20.7 18.4 194.2 616.5 256.7 135.6 4.8
1979/80 1,786.4 344.3 22.4 73.1 35.3 15.1 230.9 602.7 292.8 166.3 3.5
1980/81 2,179.0 473.6 24.0 69.0 51.7 23.8 273.4 655.0 399.7 199.5 9.3
1981/82 2,280.9 446.7 30.9 100.1 50.1 11.1 341.9 714.8 381.0 200.2 4.1
1982/83 2,499.6 564.4 46.8 89.2 65.0 26.4 376.3 763.4 410.4 157.4 0.3
1983/84 3,058.0 552.7 69.7 134.3 95.2 47.2 410.6 940.9 648.9 157.4 1.1
1984/85 3,895.8 676.7 74.6 199.9 151.2 62.1 512.9 1,293.7 694.1 227.7 2.9
1985/86 3,970.9 738.5 112.1 99.0 149.3 15.8 547.1 1,399.2 693.3 213.2 3.4
1986/87 4,262.0 764.3 140.5 143.2 133.2 5.0 672.0 1,401.7 756.0 242.2 3.9
1987/88 4,595.7 1,163.2 163.0 128.9 146.7 6.3 818.9 1,097.7 825.9 242.7 2.4
1988/89 4,238.7 921.9 187.3 87.9 94.4 3.6 652.5 1,218.9 818.8 251.6 1.8
1989/90 4,674.5 1,138.3 202.8 80.5 36.9 0.6 934.4 1,352.4 687.9 240.6 0.1
1990/91 7,323.1 1,496.8 254.4 178.4 210.1 1.6 1,280.0 1,948.9 1,629.5 322.1 1.3
1991/92 11,245.5 2,429.9 278.3 255.1 321.3 0.9 1,891.5 3,298.3 2,251.1 518.6 0.5
1992/93 12,542.1 2,537.6 443.6 393.0 356.6 3.6 1,912.6 3,966.5 2,284.1 637.3 7.2
1993/94 17,035.4 3,044.9 340.5 395.7 435.0 9.2 2,476.9 5,928.5 3,598.0 805.1 1.6
1994/95 19,615.9 2,834.0 468.8 638.5 379.9 11.4 2,874.4 7,374.4 4,240.1 791.1 3.3
1995/96 24,398.6 3,265.7 437.7 889.5 436.7 51.4 3,540.6 9,472.6 5,301.6 1,001.8 1.0
1996/97 24,853.3 3,658.1 536.8 701.1 499.1 91.5 4,077.0 8,962.2 5,053.7 1,271.2 2.6
1997/98 27,331.0 3,364.8 677.2 1,020.7 479.6 12.0 5,279.5 9,919.6 5,154.2 1,369.0 54.4
1998/99 32,119.7 5,510.0 658.0 1,369.9 513.1 40.0 5,502.0 10,482.1 6,663.5 1,380.7 0.4
1999/00 39,660.1 6,975.8 642.5 1,535.9 778.5 84.0 6,287.7 14,032.4 7,006.1 2,317.1 0.1
2000/01* * * 54,700.9 4,412.3 630.1 2,375.5 10,854.4 418.2 6,628.0 18,089.8 8,686.5 2,605.3 0.8
2001/02 56,622.1 4,989.1 619.3 3,010.6 14,761.9 23.0 5,129.7 18,746.4 7,527.4 1,768.2 46.5
2002/03 70,924.2 6,598.1 600.1 4,297.5 19,605.7 55.4 6,786.9 22,499.6 8,444.8 2,035.1 1.0
2003/04 78,739.5 6,357.9 737.9 4,628.4 21,593.6 107.9 8,083.8 22,807.5 11,923.8 2,156.3 342.4
2004/05 88,675.5 6,750.1 687.5 4,670.4 29,551.3 64.4 10,479.4 22,652.0 11,073.8 2,714.8 31.8
2005/06 107,143.1 10,108.8 724.5 5,437.6 35,665.3 152.6 13,520.8 25,487.4 11,974.0 4,072.1 0.0
2006/07 115,872.3 8,220.4 712.6 4,764.6 35,612.6 65.6 14,647.7 29,627.5 18,513.3 3,708.0 0.0
2007/08 142,376.5 9,757.0 877.1 4,700.4 43,146.4 229.7 15,356.4 40,950.9 23,064.8 4,219.7 74.1
2008/09 162,437.6 12,335.3 1,342.3 8,469.9 43,957.2 35.7 14,877.7 40,018.1 33,225.5 8,068.6 107.3
2009/10 217,114.3 15,850.9 2,370.3 14,271.8 54,391.1 301.1 22,167.4 52,454.9 43,791.6 11,477.2 38.0
2010/11 261,925.2 22,175.0 2,135.6 15,772.4 78,986.6 0.0 25,706.1 58,278.5 42,808.6 15,948.0 114.4
2011/12 299,389.6 30,061.9 2,363.8 14,481.7 100,384.9 8.4 29,626.6 65,361.2 39,120.8 17,842.5 137.8
2012/13 367,031.2 46,541.1 2,583.3 15,051.9 115,320.7 132.6 42,753.5 78,412.7 55,690.2 10,545.1 0.0
2013/14 477,947.0 65,436.2 2,856.8 22,285.5 142,064.2 437.4 55,028.2 103,884.1 68,781.0 17,173.7 0.0
2014/15 491,655.9 75,664.7 2,907.3 17,426.1 117,329.7 682.7 56,575.7 116,650.0 87,593.0 16,826.7 0.0
2015/16 477,212.6 81,574.9 3,585.6 15,071.7 75,530.0 1,744.9 53,655.5 119,395.2 109,527.2 17,127.4 0.1
2016/17 633,669.6 95,020.8 3,776.8 18,642.2 129,623.1 1,325.7 61,448.0 166,508.1 137,342.1 19,982.8 0.0

2017/18R 809,814.2 102,605.4 3,784.8 24,098.2 184,875.9 1,471.1 74,194.8 226,783.0 169,241.4 22,759.5 0.0
I Qtr 167,750.6 25,492.5 691.5 5,279.7 30,287.6 349.9 16,563.7 46,986.8 37,183.9 4,914.8 0.0
Jul/Aug 49,662.2 8,359.0 171.0 1,719.0 9,225.8 149.4 4,785.6 14,659.7 9,277.4 1,315.3 0.0
Aug/Sep 55,627.6 8,603.2 248.5 1,731.1 9,594.6 101.7 5,710.5 15,308.8 12,701.1 1,628.1 0.0
Sep/Oct 62,460.8 8,530.3 272.0 1,829.6 11,467.3 98.8 6,067.6 17,018.3 15,205.4 1,971.4 0.0

II Qtr 194,714.4 27,235.2 933.5 6,147.6 43,157.7 424.9 18,587.7 48,009.9 44,438.1 5,779.7 0.0
Oct/Nov 61,399.4 8,017.5 232.5 1,958.2 12,494.8 148.2 5,938.2 15,309.5 14,831.9 2,468.5 0.0
Nov/Dec 64,381.8 9,086.6 370.2 2,105.1 14,365.7 158.1 6,267.0 16,009.4 14,396.8 1,623.1 0.0
Dec/Jan 68,933.2 10,131.1 330.8 2,084.3 16,297.3 118.6 6,382.5 16,691.0 15,209.4 1,688.1 0.0

III Qtr 213,691.2 23,996.1 871.4 6,259.6 52,930.2 402.3 17,485.4 62,258.6 43,669.6 5,818.0 0.0
Jan/Feb 69,827.3 9,346.3 209.4 2,094.8 17,459.4 127.8 5,731.6 17,947.0 15,195.6 1,715.4 0.0
Feb/Mar 69,938.4 7,180.3 318.7 2,040.4 17,573.9 167.7 5,423.9 21,557.1 13,829.8 1,846.7 0.0
Mar/Apr 73,925.4 7,469.5 343.3 2,124.4 17,896.9 106.8 6,329.9 22,754.5 14,644.2 2,255.9 0.0

IV Qtr 233,658.1 25,881.6 1,288.4 6,411.3 58,500.4 294.0 21,558.0 69,527.6 43,949.8 6,247.0 0.0
Apr/May 73,338.2 8,611.7 279.3 1,964.2 17,823.0 129.1 6,617.0 21,815.9 14,015.3 2,082.8 0.0
May/Jun 81,741.8 9,306.9 402.5 2,386.1 20,648.3 108.7 6,958.1 24,158.6 15,714.9 2,057.8 0.0
Jun/Jul 78,578.1 7,963.0 606.7 2,061.0 20,029.1 56.2 7,982.9 23,553.1 14,219.6 2,106.4 0.0

I Qtr 236,123.4 31,296.6 773.4 6,845.7 52,428.8 421.0 22,425.8 64,796.6 49,260.7 7,874.5 0.4
Jul/Aug 71,003.1 9,190.8 218.6 2,009.6 16,619.7 118.4 6,389.5 21,300.7 13,114.5 2,041.2 0.1
Aug/Sep 75,217.7 9,829.8 257.8 2,185.2 16,118.9 135.9 7,847.3 20,129.5 15,949.7 2,763.6 0.0
Sep/Oct 89,902.7 12,276.0 296.9 2,650.9 19,690.2 166.6 8,189.0 23,366.5 20,196.5 3,069.7 0.4
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
* * * Petroleum imports shifted to India from other country import.

77. Imports from China Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude M anufac- M iscellane- Transac-
Fiscal Year M aterials, tured Goods M achinery ous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles M ineral Animal and Classified and M anufact- Classified
M onths Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals M ainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs M aterials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2012/13 62,451.2 1,135.6 7.3 616.6 301.0 2.0 5,038.7 13,567.8 27,845.6 13,936.8 0.0
2013/14 73,318.6 1,423.1 10.1 818.7 224.8 0.4 8,062.0 13,878.8 32,614.4 16,286.4 0.0
2014/15 100,166.4 1,949.7 14.0 850.2 260.0 6.9 11,552.0 25,054.9 44,045.7 16,433.0 0.0

2015/16 115,694.3 2,524.5 5.7 1,146.7 324.0 2.0 20,448.1 26,261.0 45,923.7 19,058.5 0.0
I Qtr 20,245.9 519.8 3.2 167.9 27.8 0.0 2,082.2 4,387.6 9,012.5 4,044.8 0.0
Jul/Aug 8,483.0 225.9 2.2 103.9 10.2 0.0 1,034.9 2,341.8 3,313.5 1,450.5 0.0
Aug/Sep 6,920.1 125.0 1.0 51.6 14.9 0.0 681.2 1,292.1 3,422.0 1,332.4 0.0
Sep/Oct 4,842.7 168.8 0.0 12.4 2.7 0.0 366.2 753.7 2,277.0 1,261.9 0.0

II Qtr 25,951.0 408.2 0.0 153.7 50.6 1.4 6,754.7 5,022.9 9,623.6 3,935.8 0.0
Oct/Nov 5,133.1 205.3 0.0 49.0 11.5 0.0 897.6 1,165.5 1,885.4 918.9 0.0
Nov/Dec 11,807.5 118.2 0.0 25.7 16.8 0.0 4,019.3 1,769.1 4,028.5 1,829.9 0.0
Dec/Jan 9,010.3 84.8 0.0 79.0 22.3 1.4 1,837.9 2,088.4 3,709.6 1,187.0 0.0

III Qtr 36,181.9 998.2 1.5 469.9 187.5 0.5 6,274.8 8,981.6 12,886.2 6,381.8 0.0
Jan/Feb 9,850.1 152.4 0.0 45.3 13.3 0.0 2,222.0 2,381.5 3,385.5 1,650.1 0.0
Feb/Mar 14,252.9 641.8 0.0 332.5 129.4 0.4 2,013.0 3,556.5 4,664.2 2,915.1 0.0
Mar/Apr 12,078.9 204.0 1.4 92.1 44.8 0.0 2,039.9 3,043.6 4,836.4 1,816.7 0.0

IV Qtr 33,315.6 598.3 1.0 355.2 58.1 0.2 5,336.4 7,869.0 14,401.4 4,696.1 0.0
Apr/May 10,159.1 185.4 0.0 92.2 26.9 0.0 1,175.2 2,287.0 5,018.5 1,373.9 0.0
May/Jun 11,108.0 192.5 1.0 154.6 19.3 0.2 2,030.3 2,497.7 4,369.6 1,842.8 0.0
Jun/Jul 12,048.6 220.5 0.0 108.4 11.9 0.0 2,130.8 3,084.3 5,013.2 1,479.4 0.0

2016/17 127,245.0 4,161.1 6.6 1,104.7 107.1 9.9 13,599.9 22,357.1 62,048.2 23,850.4 0.1
I Qtr 32,156.3 545.4 4.7 200.9 21.9 0.0 4,058.5 6,410.0 15,378.5 5,536.3 0.0
Jul/Aug 9,373.7 231.3 4.6 78.8 3.1 0.0 450.5 1,920.1 5,171.7 1,513.7 0.0
Aug/Sep 10,062.3 190.4 0.0 46.1 10.5 0.0 769.1 2,080.5 5,343.4 1,622.4 0.0
Sep/Oct 12,720.3 123.8 0.1 76.0 8.3 0.0 2,838.9 2,409.4 4,863.5 2,400.3 0.0

II Qtr 29,897.9 499.7 0.0 449.7 9.6 8.2 2,659.6 4,985.1 14,896.3 6,389.6 0.0
Oct/Nov 11,673.7 120.7 0.0 84.9 2.0 0.4 1,609.3 1,691.9 5,609.6 2,554.9 0.0
Nov/Dec 9,363.6 180.6 0.0 176.5 7.3 6.0 730.2 1,865.1 4,741.2 1,656.8 0.0
Dec/Jan 8,860.6 198.5 0.0 188.3 0.3 1.8 320.2 1,428.1 4,545.5 2,177.9 0.0

III Qtr 30,663.3 1,489.0 0.8 112.4 12.5 1.3 1,943.2 5,831.8 16,175.3 5,096.9 0.0
Jan/Feb 11,859.5 343.9 0.0 41.0 0.4 0.1 484.1 2,158.4 6,843.1 1,988.4 0.0
Feb/Mar 8,667.7 485.2 0.0 15.5 0.0 0.0 916.6 1,657.1 4,354.7 1,238.6 0.0
Mar/Apr 10,136.1 659.9 0.8 56.0 12.0 1.2 542.5 2,016.3 4,977.5 1,869.9 0.0

IV Qtr 34,527.7 1,627.0 1.1 341.7 63.1 0.4 4,938.6 5,130.1 15,598.2 6,827.6 0.0
Apr/May 11,354.5 676.1 0.0 105.3 24.7 0.1 1,151.6 1,761.8 5,041.4 2,593.5 0.0
May/Jun 9,893.8 457.1 1.1 167.3 12.5 0.1 1,079.6 1,697.1 4,660.3 1,818.8 0.0
Jun/Jul 13,279.4 493.8 0.0 69.1 26.0 0.2 2,707.3 1,671.2 5,896.4 2,415.2 0.0

2017/18R 159,636.3 7,019.5 65.3 1,115.9 138.6 3.1 15,075.8 27,353.9 82,107.8 26,756.0 0.2
I Qtr 36,414.1 1,383.3 0.0 309.6 17.5 0.9 2,255.3 5,604.3 20,043.1 6,799.9 0.0
Jul/Aug 10,709.5 329.2 0.0 124.2 15.2 0.0 1,145.4 1,859.9 5,737.8 1,497.8 0.0
Aug/Sep 15,025.8 351.6 0.0 81.3 0.2 0.4 558.9 1,960.1 8,635.5 3,437.7 0.0
Sep/Oct 10,678.8 702.5 0.0 104.1 2.2 0.4 551.0 1,784.3 5,669.8 1,864.4 0.0

II Qtr 37,428.6 1,435.1 0.3 212.6 8.7 1.8 4,227.4 6,788.0 18,986.5 5,768.3 0.0
Oct/Nov 12,557.0 446.8 0.3 69.9 2.2 0.8 956.1 2,175.8 6,692.6 2,212.7 0.0
Nov/Dec 11,041.0 555.0 0.0 78.0 2.3 0.7 1,410.4 2,122.0 4,871.5 2,001.0 0.0
Dec/Jan 13,830.6 433.3 0.0 64.7 4.2 0.3 1,860.8 2,490.2 7,422.4 1,554.7 0.0

III Qtr 39,999.4 1,837.8 0.5 263.7 86.7 0.2 4,586.0 7,056.1 21,379.0 4,789.3 0.0
Jan/Feb 14,612.4 655.4 0.0 115.7 0.3 0.1 1,245.2 2,712.7 8,158.5 1,724.5 0.0
Feb/Mar 12,441.9 391.7 0.4 72.6 24.9 0.1 1,463.9 2,132.8 6,949.9 1,405.6 0.0
Mar/Apr 12,945.1 790.7 0.1 75.4 61.5 0.0 1,876.9 2,210.6 6,270.6 1,659.2 0.0

IV Qtr 45,794.2 2,363.3 64.5 329.9 25.7 0.3 4,007.0 7,905.6 21,699.2 9,398.5 0.2
Apr/May 13,400.4 891.3 64.5 115.2 0.1 0.0 1,142.2 1,703.1 6,848.2 2,635.8 0.0
May/Jun 15,544.0 843.8 0.0 117.7 3.9 0.0 1,400.9 3,318.9 6,699.3 3,159.5 0.0
Jun/Jul 16,849.7 628.1 0.0 97.0 21.7 0.2 1,464.0 2,883.6 8,151.7 3,603.2 0.2

I Qtr
Jul/Aug 14,939.2 444.9 0.0 56.3 4.1 1.2 1,407.2 3,826.0 6,410.9 2,788.3 0.4
Aug/Sep 14,193.4 334.6 0.0 33.7 2.2 0.0 1,158.8 2,917.6 6,540.6 3,206.0 0.1
Sep/Oct 23,983.1 704.3 0.0 189.4 10.0 2.0 1,560.9 3,914.2 8,765.8 8,836.6 0.1

* Based on customs data.

78. Imports from Other Countires Classified by Major Commodity Groups*

In Million Rupees
Crude M anufac- M iscellane- Transac-
Fiscal Year M aterials, tured Goods M achinery ous tions not
Quarter/ Food and Tobacco Inedibles M ineral Animal and Classified and M anufact- Classified
M onths Live and Except Fuels and Vegetable Chemicals M ainly by Transport ured According
Total Animals Beverages Fuels Lubricants Oil and Fats and Drugs M aterials Equipment Articles to Kind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1974/75 **338.9 9.0 2.3 17.1 2.8 0.3 44.8 84.4 113.5 56.7 8.0
1975/76 754.6 32.9 10.5 57.6 116.5 1.9 75.2 136.4 255.3 63.0 5.3
1976/77 664.5 20.9 1.3 1.5 132.7 0.9 82.8 160.8 201.9 53.4 8.3
1977/78 935.5 37.5 15.1 10.3 159.2 6.5 85.5 268.9 273.9 76.3 2.3
1978/79 1,303.0 30.2 4.1 20.0 211.7 4.0 103.3 468.2 318.0 139.4 4.1
1979/80 1,693.7 68.6 3.4 27.8 374.4 10.9 165.8 487.2 426.9 122.0 6.7
1980/81 2,249.2 127.6 0.8 46.5 531.9 68.7 253.9 604.2 403.2 208.1 4.3
1981/82 2,649.4 172.5 4.7 42.5 529.2 53.2 257.3 840.7 511.1 230.0 8.2
1982/83 3,814.4 360.3 15.7 117.1 636.9 39.9 269.7 1,173.4 770.5 426.9 4.0
1983/84 3,456.3 175.7 2.1 131.9 654.0 31.3 287.8 861.0 1,002.3 308.9 1.3
1984/85 3,846.3 106.2 4.8 224.6 767.6 60.6 395.1 1,083.2 977.3 222.9 4.0
1985/86 5,370.3 232.6 0.8 294.0 904.7 86.1 623.1 1,360.3 1,441.4 424.0 3.3
1986/87 6,643.2 264.6 3.5 514.0 796.3 170.9 615.6 1,825.1 2,028.1 421.7 3.4
1987/88 9,273.9 360.5 9.2 907.9 903.2 346.2 676.5 2,261.6 3,317.8 486.4 4.6
1988/89 12,025.0 410.7 9.7 1,094.8 1,022.3 339.1 880.2 3,452.1 4,028.2 784.9 3.0
1989/90 13,650.4 469.4 23.8 1,490.6 1,478.6 475.7 1,889.5 3,712.6 3,102.5 1,007.2 0.5
1990/91 15,903.4 323.7 2.6 1,835.0 2,068.2 740.1 1,771.1 4,001.9 4,361.3 798.6 0.9
1991/92 20,694.5 517.6 10.0 3,160.6 3,323.4 800.9 2,723.8 5,301.6 3,641.4 1,029.0 186.2
1992/93 26,663.5 487.1 25.7 3,584.0 3,477.5 1,081.5 3,352.4 7,666.6 5,417.6 1,548.6 22.5
1993/94 34,535.4 1,039.9 27.1 2,726.6 4,402.0 1,448.0 3,064.5 13,218.9 6,439.5 2,079.4 89.5
1994/95 44,063.6 1,630.0 32.1 2,709.4 4,337.2 2,044.6 4,318.8 17,926.2 8,787.5 2,266.1 11.7
1995/96 50,055.9 1,520.1 70.9 3,976.4 5,112.6 2,779.5 5,146.2 18,657.1 9,999.5 2,792.8 0.8
1996/97 68,700.1 1,742.4 53.9 4,786.0 6,661.2 2,236.1 4,427.2 35,779.7 8,741.2 2,745.2 1,527.2
1997/98 61,671.0 1,564.2 122.3 5,955.5 9,057.7 2,013.8 5,797.8 22,682.0 11,580.5 2,605.0 292.2
1998/99 55,405.6 2,109.5 188.1 4,876.8 8,224.4 3,289.0 6,974.4 15,155.9 11,400.2 2,921.7 265.6
1999/00 68,844.8 3,863.2 264.0 5,476.5 8,319.4 4,362.0 8,186.5 20,387.6 13,541.8 4,365.7 78.1
2000/01*** 60,986.3 1,582.1 276.0 5,184.1 414.8 5,171.0 6,313.9 23,098.2 14,341.3 4,604.9 0.0
2001/02 50,766.9 1,344.1 97.8 3,702.1 460.4 7,864.5 7,251.2 14,142.7 11,986.4 3,902.1 15.6
2002/03 53,427.9 2,772.4 192.1 4,181.8 338.4 7,695.1 7,532.6 12,388.6 12,257.3 4,547.6 1,522.0
2003/04 57,537.6 2,196.1 288.9 5,922.2 310.5 8,526.5 8,461.1 13,703.0 13,770.4 2,947.5 1,411.4
2004/05 60,798.1 3,070.6 328.1 6,536.6 376.0 5,951.9 8,700.3 14,395.4 15,188.3 4,837.0 1,413.9
2005/06 66,637.2 3,189.9 437.3 5,124.7 781.7 10,044.0 11,229.4 15,113.1 14,220.6 6,345.7 150.8
2006/07 78,822.3 4,675.5 245.3 4,064.7 749.4 12,072.0 12,348.2 18,517.8 17,844.1 8,047.0 258.3
2007/08 79,561.3 6,081.3 361.2 3,664.7 822.1 9,169.4 11,506.9 16,497.5 24,941.6 6,506.5 10.1
2008/09 122,032.0 8,135.8 70.5 4,073.1 1,336.5 8,968.6 16,702.2 36,051.9 34,784.0 11,908.7 0.7
2009/10 157,220.9 7,914.6 484.6 5,617.1 2,390.0 9,019.4 17,502.2 63,674.9 40,725.6 9,889.4 3.1
2010/11 134,250.3 7,088.4 31.5 3,707.8 2,247.9 14,733.8 19,566.0 33,059.3 42,522.9 11,286.8 5.9
2011/12 162,278.1 10,721.5 718.1 3,291.5 2,386.1 17,910.0 19,390.7 49,420.4 43,292.8 15,129.7 17.3
2012/13**** 127,257.7 13,441.9 1,858.8 5,696.9 3,849.0 17,416.9 16,450.7 17,585.0 16,667.3 8,177.2 26,113.9
2013/14 163,100.2 22,794.5 1,963.2 8,705.7 5,537.8 21,899.4 21,091.2 22,274.9 23,505.7 10,533.7 24,794.1
2014/15 182,861.9 22,005.2 2,120.1 14,056.1 9,361.6 21,814.2 23,427.6 34,057.1 40,739.6 8,890.8 6,389.6
2015/16 180,692.1 25,657.1 2,822.0 17,173.5 8,234.1 19,406.4 29,858.1 17,475.4 34,313.3 9,678.3 16,074.1
2016/17 229,198.6 31,440.9 4,227.3 16,907.7 11,648.7 28,820.3 27,808.6 22,034.2 47,616.5 11,262.3 27,432.1

2017/18R 273,376.2 41,486.8 4,435.3 16,769.6 12,821.3 27,137.4 36,306.5 25,755.5 62,653.5 13,806.5 32,203.5
I Qtr 56,040.6 6,982.2 1,051.1 2,902.7 1,995.5 6,692.9 7,851.1 5,258.5 12,340.8 3,389.6 7,576.4
Jul/Aug 17,788.3 2,024.7 303.7 835.5 446.5 2,162.6 2,552.0 1,614.7 4,563.1 963.7 2,321.7
Aug/Sep 18,925.2 2,379.5 329.4 1,072.4 901.3 2,061.3 2,554.6 1,651.7 4,454.3 1,130.1 2,390.5
Sep/Oct 19,327.1 2,577.9 417.9 994.7 647.7 2,469.0 2,744.5 1,992.1 3,323.4 1,295.8 2,864.1

II Qtr 62,372.3 9,819.5 862.0 3,983.8 3,623.8 7,221.9 9,568.3 5,872.8 10,846.6 3,499.7 7,073.7
Oct/Nov 22,064.2 3,619.5 234.1 1,334.6 985.0 2,175.8 3,914.2 2,297.3 3,755.6 1,173.0 2,575.2
Nov/Dec 20,496.8 3,082.5 298.6 1,523.6 1,249.4 1,858.0 3,374.3 2,028.2 3,403.4 891.1 2,787.7
Dec/Jan 19,811.3 3,117.5 329.3 1,125.6 1,389.5 3,188.2 2,279.8 1,547.3 3,687.6 1,435.6 1,710.8

III Qtr 67,057.4 11,718.2 969.4 3,486.9 2,910.6 6,812.9 9,478.9 6,656.5 13,305.8 3,049.0 8,669.1
Jan/Feb 22,064.7 3,709.4 249.8 1,081.4 1,143.2 2,170.3 4,233.5 1,982.5 3,494.0 913.4 3,087.2
Feb/Mar 22,928.0 3,423.4 404.1 1,162.6 982.2 2,021.2 2,729.8 2,445.2 5,647.9 1,224.1 2,887.5
Mar/Apr 22,064.7 4,585.4 315.5 1,242.9 785.2 2,621.4 2,515.6 2,228.8 4,163.9 911.5 2,694.4

IV Qtr 87,905.9 12,966.9 1,552.8 6,396.2 4,291.4 6,409.7 9,408.2 7,967.7 26,160.2 3,868.3 8,884.4
Apr/May 22,793.7 4,933.2 494.7 1,877.8 1,236.2 2,105.4 2,468.8 2,685.9 3,022.0 1,227.9 2,741.8
May/Jun 25,585.5 5,383.2 626.9 2,554.0 1,130.1 2,281.7 3,655.8 2,164.1 4,015.7 1,043.4 2,730.4
Jun/Jul 39,526.7 2,650.5 431.2 1,964.4 1,925.1 2,022.6 3,283.6 3,117.7 19,122.5 1,597.0 3,412.1

I Qtr 84,348.2 7,788.4 1,494.4 5,438.3 4,229.3 7,102.1 12,026.4 9,180.2 25,937.0 3,591.8 7,560.2
Jul/Aug 34,667.9 2,419.6 392.9 2,261.2 1,474.6 2,222.6 3,845.4 2,736.0 15,930.1 1,203.5 2,181.9
Aug/Sep 22,325.4 2,457.3 463.5 1,514.9 1,489.5 2,386.4 3,799.8 3,365.3 3,210.9 992.6 2,645.3
Sep/Oct 27,354.9 2,911.5 638.0 1,662.2 1,265.2 2,493.0 4,381.2 3,078.9 6,796.0 1,395.8 2,733.0
* Based on customs data.
* * Includes one month's estimated figure.
* * * Petroleum imports shifted to India from other country import.
* * * * Includes except India and China.
79. Exports of Major Commodities to India*

In Million Rupees
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 I Qtr
A. Major Items 34,294.6 32,759.2 30,454.9 28,882.2 34,606.1 41,468.1 46,017.8 49,467.6 46,267.4 34,320.4 35,001.1 37,775.9 10,049.7
1 Aluminium Section 831.5 894.5 482.9 346.6 378.6 312.7 379.6 376.9 472.2 191.4 263.2 115.7 0.7
2 Batica Hair Oil 7.5 0.6 22.7 33.8 39.4 11.2 52.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 Biscuits 0.7 0.5 151.2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
4 Brans 121.3 264.5 152.2 90.6 50.7 70.5 187.5 182.4 180.4 143.4 266.9 325.1 69.1
5 Brooms 43.9 56.8 35.8 59.7 7.6 74.8 2.6 1.2 1.1 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.2
6 Cardamom 848.1 1,034.8 1,216.0 1,316.0 1,914.5 3,275.5 3,849.6 4,267.2 3,839.7 4,633.3 3,906.2 4,846.3 767.8
7 Catechue 542.8 543.7 1,217.1 1,682.0 1,114.0 1,002.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 Cattlefeed 80.9 176.9 350.5 144.1 63.7 83.3 26.6 267.0 617.1 383.0 555.4 467.9 141.1
9 Chemicals 950.2 275.7 290.1 151.8 147.6 8.6 0.2 0.0 16.6 6.7 10.1 7.4 0.8
10 Cinnamon 16.0 24.3 21.3 21.0 35.1 63.1 49.8 64.5 82.4 95.3 71.0 93.8 5.5
11 Copper Wire Rod 206.0 617.4 571.8 643.6 302.6 1,213.2 1,184.2 1,426.9 1,260.6 892.1 793.5 950.2 234.8
12 Dried Ginger 49.6 54.0 68.0 91.1 3.4 20.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 Fruits 0.1 0.1 69.7 1.8 0.3 2.7 9.9 18.0 9.3 21.3 17.1 16.2 2.5
14 G.I. pipe 127.8 242.7 1,098.4 567.9 806.6 1,593.2 3,563.0 3,031.0 2,993.7 938.9 1,026.0 246.4 53.9
15 Ghee (Vegetable) 4,136.5 2,132.3 9.1 4.6 19.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 Ghee(Clarified) 110.9 101.7 106.5 126.8 321.9 371.0 135.8 156.0 154.7 138.1 145.4 119.4 16.2
17 Ginger 541.3 543.2 335.1 353.9 301.6 366.6 1,311.6 469.3 461.4 521.9 232.3 701.3 119.9
18 Handicraft Goods 20.0 21.8 53.4 15.6 19.7 73.2 22.1 23.1 27.2 25.2 44.2 39.2 10.8
19 Herbs 105.6 148.6 206.6 239.0 172.0 89.9 313.4 244.8 500.3 372.7 603.7 728.5 89.9
20 Juice 1,591.3 1,836.4 1,952.2 1,750.1 2,363.1 3,027.1 3,801.6 4,431.5 4,773.3 3,247.6 5,057.5 4,738.5 1,404.1
21 Jute Goods 2,756.8 2,582.5 1,282.5 2,896.7 3,998.1 4,064.7 4,108.4 4,302.2 4,273.1 4,245.9 4,460.5 4,643.5 1,210.3
(a) Hessian 375.1 528.8 207.1 363.9 893.7 1,094.5 0.0 5.6 10.7 85.6 138.0 220.1 63.6
(b) Sackings 1,408.6 1,219.9 458.8 2,016.5 1,866.1 2,102.4 3,673.1 3,578.6 3,746.5 3,787.5 3,613.3 4,419.4 1,146.7
(c) Twines 973.1 833.8 616.6 516.3 1,238.3 867.8 435.3 718.0 515.9 372.8 709.2 4.1 0.0
22 Live Animals 21.7 52.2 24.4 36.8 65.6 248.8 409.7 234.2 204.6 104.7 126.5 68.7 0.0
23 M.S. Pipe 761.9 979.5 571.2 695.1 943.1 797.8 0.0 213.0 173.5 51.7 46.7 7.8 0.0
24 Marble Slab 113.2 147.6 175.4 34.4 52.9 1.9 152.1 23.3 0.0 0.0 31.8 53.2 15.6
25 Medicine (Ayurvedic) 156.3 132.1 163.4 138.8 576.0 848.3 671.0 894.7 907.2 730.6 681.3 743.3 304.5
26 Mustard & Linseed 23.3 35.1 77.2 11.4 26.4 6.3 2.9 17.5 47.3 64.3 28.2 31.6 8.0
27 Noodles 237.4 532.9 803.2 576.4 518.1 458.3 357.3 522.4 621.2 456.2 655.6 537.2 213.4
28 Oil Cakes 318.1 405.0 532.7 497.5 510.3 642.7 637.6 706.2 613.1 1,001.1 1,460.1 1,480.8 424.0
29 Paper 131.6 120.2 93.1 42.8 7.3 6.4 0.5 0.3 1.4 0.9 8.6 1.9 1.8
30 Particle Board 206.8 157.6 145.7 103.3 100.9 183.7 186.9 158.4 109.2 29.4 18.2 13.4 0.0
31 Pashmina 48.3 44.0 65.9 60.7 46.5 41.6 55.3 68.0 49.5 72.3 72.1 80.2 37.5
32 Plastic Utensils 415.1 302.6 513.4 181.7 610.0 721.1 986.2 357.6 343.9 211.6 169.9 22.1 1.4
33 Polyster Yarn 2,241.0 2,618.0 2,499.8 3,397.9 2,640.7 3,657.2 4,742.0 5,153.3 5,018.2 3,252.8 2,816.5 3,665.1 1,453.4
34 Pulses 306.9 314.8 381.6 27.6 9.0 202.5 0.9 4.4 127.1 279.3 0.4 0.1 0.0
35 Raw Jute 1.6 31.1 146.3 64.5 0.0 0.0 43.7 43.7 1.7 12.5 39.5 0.0 0.0
36 Readymade Garment 765.0 478.1 1,715.1 333.9 372.7 386.0 148.4 310.6 260.8 166.8 201.1 147.5 55.8
37 Ricebran Oil 178.3 196.5 143.3 111.9 77.4 191.1 133.9 195.4 72.5 62.8 24.2 11.5 0.0
38 Rosin 577.4 355.6 346.6 358.8 209.7 315.2 1,117.8 1,392.5 1,842.6 1,688.8 1,671.2 1,581.0 287.5
39 Shoes and Sandles 244.4 348.6 750.1 568.0 765.7 1,341.4 1,695.8 1,962.0 2,360.4 1,607.9 1,233.9 1,247.6 243.5
40 Skin 363.1 346.0 167.5 288.8 341.3 382.4 229.9 264.4 315.6 123.8 249.7 274.5 34.4
41 Soap 502.7 424.2 591.0 404.1 372.2 244.2 62.2 25.6 21.8 10.5 1.9 1.0 0.3
42 Stone and Sand 425.6 395.4 415.6 478.8 574.7 905.7 724.5 1,917.8 54.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
43 Tarpentine 179.2 81.4 123.2 112.3 98.4 81.1 240.8 267.6 310.5 260.7 285.2 321.0 45.4
44 Textiles** 3,056.9 2,114.8 3,193.5 3,361.9 3,733.5 5,130.3 5,618.2 5,779.2 5,129.2 3,438.5 3,241.0 3,204.0 856.7
45 Thread 4,055.9 4,134.8 2,525.4 2,771.5 3,351.1 2,628.2 105.0 180.2 180.4 50.2 33.8 636.1 142.6
46 Tooth Paste 663.4 475.6 813.2 673.2 972.7 1,099.0 936.0 1,133.2 984.8 1,012.5 648.5 762.7 299.3
47 Turmeric 9.1 1.4 0.5 1.8 1.3 2.2 11.7 4.4 0.5 9.0 7.7 2.2 0.0
48 Vegetable 11.0 17.5 66.8 16.7 35.7 68.1 72.5 126.8 250.1 281.7 91.5 96.9 84.3
49 Wire 1,610.7 1,546.7 895.0 1,200.1 1,637.7 1,809.6 2,728.3 2,070.2 2,212.8 1,547.0 1,672.9 1,964.2 436.9
50 Zinc Oxide 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
51 Zinc Sheet 3,579.9 4,416.9 2,821.7 1,794.8 3,894.8 3,343.4 4,948.4 6,177.0 4,387.5 1,935.7 2,029.8 2,780.2 975.6
B. Others 7,434.2 5,796.5 10,551.0 11,111.5 8,754.3 8,146.7 4,982.2 10,146.1 9,597.2 5,173.3 6,448.1 8,829.0 3,114.6
Total (A+B) 41,728.8 38,555.7 41,005.9 39,993.7 43,360.4 49,616.3 51,000.0 59,613.7 55,864.6 39,493.7 41,449.2 46,604.8 13,164.2
* Based on customs data.
** Includes P.P. fabric from 2004/05 onwards.

80. Exports of Major Commodities to China*

In Million Rupees
R 2018/19P
2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
I Qtr

A. Major Commodities 1,110.5 947.5 916.9 1,002.7 956.2 1,165.4 318.5

1 Agarbatti 31.0 43.4 14.0 5.6 9.8 12.6 1.1
2 Alluminium, Copper and Brass Utensil 128.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 Handicraft (Metal and Wooden) 131.1 260.9 202.0 429.3 373.0 319.3 122.3
4 Herbs 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 Human Hair 0.6 10.8 17.2 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 Musical Instruments, parts and accessories 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 Nepalese Paper & Paper Products 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 Noodles 55.4 49.1 47.3 12.9 27.7 87.8 17.8
9 Other handicraft goods 26.8 20.1 57.4 52.0 85.6 144.1 38.7
10 Pashmina 29.8 39.8 28.1 50.3 25.5 77.7 16.4
11 Readymade Garments 88.8 28.1 43.9 17.0 58.7 107.6 31.9
12 Readymade Leather Goods 0.8 2.1 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.5
13 Rudrakshya 9.6 0.0 10.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 Silversare and Jewelleries 0.7 7.1 4.3 1.0 3.2 1.5 0.1
15 Tanned Skin 407.5 247.9 306.9 171.4 138.2 101.4 18.5
16 Tea 5.1 8.3 13.4 11.9 8.7 28.9 2.7
17 Vegetables 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
18 Wheat Flour 107.4 110.1 22.3 5.7 6.0 25.1 0.8
19 Woolen Carpet 85.2 119.7 149.3 232.1 219.0 259.3 67.8

B. Others 975.3 1,893.2 1,313.1 678.9 745.3 1,272.4 245.6

Total (A+B) 2,085.8 2,840.7 2,229.9 1,681.5 1,701.5 2,437.8 564.1

* Based on customs data.

81. Exports of Major Commodities to Other Countries*

In Million Rupees
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13** 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18P I Qtr
A. Major Items 15,241.0 13,563.8 13,144.0 20,956.1 15,648.9 15,236.6 19,152.6 14,689.6 18,289.7 15,563.4 17,929.0 16,329.5 16,397.6 5,329.1

1 Handicraft (Metal and Wooden) 430.9 250.2 194.0 1,077.8 1,082.8 457.5 510.1 81.2 110.4 84.8 97.5 153.3 89.2 28.2

2 Herbs 19.0 43.5 97.9 412.0 239.4 125.7 197.7 9.0 197.2 60.6 219.8 147.9 295.9 149.9

3 Nepalese Paper & Paper Products 257.0 190.6 347.1 361.2 553.3 399.0 587.3 243.0 289.2 217.8 324.2 380.1 312.8 66.1

4 Nigerseed 7.0 8.8 1.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 Pashmina 1,577.8 931.0 643.4 1,526.9 1,267.6 2,273.1 3,230.3 1,625.3 2,724.4 2,117.7 2,635.6 2,353.7 2,124.3 733.9

6 Pulses 191.7 488.5 1,458.4 6,247.1 3,952.0 3,357.9 2,497.0 2,671.3 2,043.9 1,131.6 882.8 970.0 896.3 414.2

7 Readymade Garments 6,204.1 5,212.9 4,755.8 4,904.7 3,890.7 3,062.7 4,006.3 3,078.1 4,222.9 3,959.7 4,481.9 4,005.5 4,368.1 1,309.1

8 Readymade Leather Goods 14.4 111.1 22.9 58.2 59.6 29.6 100.6 208.5 204.0 261.1 225.0 263.5 295.4 106.0

9 Silverware and Jewelleries 282.4 325.4 269.4 262.4 126.6 90.5 110.0 75.3 270.1 102.5 214.6 253.8 349.9 140.4

10 Tanned Skin 310.4 279.1 248.7 305.4 307.0 434.2 723.5 490.6 752.4 646.6 424.0 383.1 440.1 66.5

11 Tea 107.6 122.5 57.0 63.9 91.2 146.0 251.8 219.0 195.4 221.1 575.2 262.0 363.7 90.5

12 Woolen Carpet 5,838.7 5,600.2 5,048.2 5,735.5 4,078.7 4,860.4 6,938.0 5,988.2 7,280.0 6,760.1 7,848.4 7,156.4 6,861.9 2,224.4

B. Others 4,278.4 4,090.5 7,566.8 5,735.5 5,181.4 5,741.5 5,492.1 9,142.0 11,247.3 11,661.1 11,012.9 13,568.9 15,751.3 4,687.5

Total (A+B) 19,519.4 17,654.3 20,710.8 26,691.6 20,830.3 20,978.1 24,644.7 23,831.6 29,537.0 27,224.6 28,941.9 29,898.4 32,149.0 10,016.6

* Based on customs data.

** Includes except India and China.

82. Imports of Major Commodities from India*

In Million Rupees
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 I Qtr

A. Major Items 88356.2 111802.9 127580.2 171704.4 209697.0 237147.4 296790.4 377011.3 381740.9 371598.1 506569.1 654326.7 190141.3
1 Agri. Equip.& Parts 1073.1 1483.8 2490.6 3372.8 3162.3 4145.8 7380.3 8582.5 9407.1 9493.6 15202.2 4552.8 1452.8
2 Aluminium Ingot, 424.6 654.7 654.1 1087.0 1181.7 1289.6 1615.5 1960.0 3197.6 3173.9 3665.8 4986.6 1377.2
Billet & Rod
3 Baby Food & Milk 357.8 445.3 860.2 708.5 999.1 979.1 3599.6 4832.6 4659.8 4685.7 5904.1 6711.0 1661.9
4 Bitumen 399.8 252.4 212.9 465.7 536.6 517.9 612.5 1000.1 649.2 456.5 1171.7 2689.5 887.1
5 Books and 318.8 439.7 562.2 733.9 1040.0 801.9 1336.3 1414.3 1650.4 1961.3 1708.5 1431.5 288.1
6 Cement 2519.9 2337.0 4226.6 4414.5 4372.8 3300.1 9425.2 9718.3 10125.5 11689.5 24032.5 31178.1 5207.9
7 Chemical Fertilizer 624.0 315.7 130.2 2951.1 3073.4 4506.5 8485.5 8035.2 5954.7 1599.0 1083.0 1862.2 258.5
8 Chemicals 2590.9 2719.8 2784.6 3133.4 3123.5 4072.9 2559.4 3023.1 3095.1 3338.9 3943.4 6112.6 1913.4
9 Coal 950.7 910.1 1532.3 2126.0 3118.7 5550.4 7009.9 8798.7 6208.2 9155.4 9015.6 10871.5 1679.2
10 Coldrolled Sheet in 2079.6 4005.8 6073.0 6802.6 8235.5 7507.9 2691.9 6524.6 7153.0 6964.8 5027.5 10264.1 3069.1
11 Cooking Stove & 54.7 52.2 69.1 107.8 135.0 164.9 156.9 245.9 245.3 306.8 413.4 591.2 171.1
12 Cosmetics 523.3 568.8 872.5 1449.0 1647.1 1944.8 1187.2 1605.6 1866.0 2189.0 2664.2 3008.0 951.4
13 Cuminseeds and 161.4 230.3 314.0 307.6 499.3 702.3 1160.2 1275.3 1188.3 1167.4 1230.4 1487.7 629.8
14 Dry Cell Battery 128.9 110.7 134.5 275.8 821.2 1446.0 2900.1 3450.1 3738.1 4330.6 2622.8 2848.7 981.7
15 Electrical 2365.2 3587.3 3942.5 6089.5 7223.7 7009.8 6574.0 7665.6 10720.3 12213.7 13865.6 15946.8 4841.4
16 Enamel & Other 294.1 349.5 534.7 764.0 887.1 1064.5 1332.2 1869.8 1901.7 2027.7 2328.4 2934.5 974.2
17 Fruits 714.7 675.0 349.4 433.8 651.7 857.6 1305.1 2453.3 3706.1 5016.8 4949.9 5731.1 3014.0
18 Glass Sheet & 481.9 1075.8 977.7 1193.0 1677.4 1692.7 2573.8 3084.3 3152.1 3696.2 4072.2 4610.7 1232.1
Glass Wares
19 Hotrolled Sheet in 2052.7 3575.9 2851.7 4111.3 5459.4 5542.6 5688.7 11681.8 13259.2 13421.0 16191.1 24426.8 5689.0
20 Incense Sticks 171.2 322.0 121.2 116.3 205.7 272.3 553.5 673.3 705.7 613.6 723.2 885.0 280.3
21 Insecticides 452.9 510.4 300.5 555.4 855.9 942.4 1102.7 1568.3 1767.3 1784.6 2136.5 2168.0 560.1
22 Live Animals 376.0 393.0 343.9 433.3 489.9 422.9 1005.9 1618.8 1952.4 2689.7 2165.3 3314.9 1309.5
23 M.S. Billet 4384.2 8145.4 7106.8 13720.7 18337.2 19437.3 22303.6 24674.8 26335.6 22657.3 46509.3 57943.3 19793.9
24 M.S. Wire Rod 1418.7 2595.3 3701.0 6107.6 5003.8 6761.0 4090.0 6480.3 5392.0 7888.9 9259.1 14285.6 4618.1
25 Medicine 4442.5 5434.1 6558.1 7962.8 9807.8 10383.4 13337.4 15296.3 17846.6 19163.9 21484.2 24076.8 7024.7
26 Molasses Sugar 36.5 74.1 67.7 26.3 41.8 49.7 74.6 61.5 29.9 22.7 67.0 67.2 18.0
27 Other Machinery & 3556.3 4682.0 7296.9 8416.9 9793.1 8342.0 12014.3 15966.8 18892.9 19323.3 26526.9 39276.5 10793.2
28 Other Stationary 248.0 262.1 254.1 413.5 489.2 461.4 250.6 354.8 546.3 576.8 683.0 818.5 317.4
29 Paper 806.9 729.3 1139.3 1389.5 2074.1 2278.1 3678.3 4817.5 5140.4 5542.0 5876.9 6418.2 1457.8
Petroleum Products 33567.6 40815.7 41407.1 51610.4 75080.8 92255.6 107138.8 131736.5 110057.8 65607.9 118919.7 170134.4 49585.7

31 Pipe and Pipe 246.3 1033.5 695.9 652.8 875.4 800.8 853.8 1006.1 1342.4 1421.0 2049.5 2769.7 687.3
32 Plastic Utensils 86.0 157.0 140.3 128.9 463.6 294.2 1727.3 2211.7 2069.3 2512.8 2761.5 3384.3 798.2
33 Radio, TV, Deck & 479.2 469.4 642.6 860.2 972.1 1015.7 1153.2 1038.2 1178.4 1514.8 1596.4 1352.9 586.2
34 Raw Cotton 68.8 58.7 57.4 55.6 91.4 61.6 357.4 275.5 132.5 198.9 235.2 109.5 91.9
35 Readymade 737.4 869.5 1178.5 1248.8 1700.6 2991.0 2800.6 4133.2 4605.9 4458.8 5622.9 5425.6 2692.6
36 Rice# 1614.2 835.5 1134.3 1256.5 1954.3 4267.0 8455.8 12764.8 15612.6 21863.2 23600.9 28909.9 7645.5
37 Salt 302.3 187.1 322.6 472.6 372.3 721.3 936.4 1228.4 1162.9 1282.7 904.0 1181.9 102.1
38 Sanitaryware 215.5 195.7 247.8 414.3 916.4 1139.5 2375.6 2819.6 3369.2 4236.1 5051.4 2224.9 677.5
39 Shoes & Sandles 108.9 81.8 131.3 149.5 202.8 337.6 424.3 611.7 786.7 888.0 1049.2 1037.6 372.9
40 Steel Sheet 2.6 0.1 15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.8 45.2 52.8 317.0 246.7 1250.6 595.8
41 Sugar 17.4 12.1 662.3 673.8 786.1 99.4 1061.2 62.3 19.3 356.4 119.1 48.7 0.0
42 Tea 19.0 18.9 26.1 24.8 27.1 29.0 50.0 46.0 68.5 61.1 78.4 105.3 23.8
43 Textiles 1753.8 1663.6 2461.9 2440.7 1966.1 2410.5 2899.7 3809.6 3816.7 4166.7 4204.3 4844.4 2188.1
44 Thread 3158.8 3056.3 2597.2 3022.7 2855.3 4132.5 3887.6 9594.2 7210.5 6654.7 6418.3 9382.2 3053.3
45 Tobacco 646.3 732.2 1061.6 1817.1 1846.8 1916.8 2068.2 2134.2 2037.7 2765.7 2805.3 2640.8 471.2
46 Tyre Tubes,Flapes 345.4 454.7 622.4 896.6 1216.4 1780.0 2867.2 3642.8 4326.5 4081.1 5876.8 7617.9 2170.6
47 Vegetables 1035.8 1457.3 1290.8 2079.4 2096.6 2589.5 4548.6 6969.4 7988.7 7725.6 10645.5 11038.5 4047.8
48 Vehicles & Spare 9798.7 11874.6 16158.6 23776.6 20681.4 17051.0 26297.6 32983.1 44126.3 62940.2 77844.1 105974.1 30934.6
49 Wire Products 142.8 891.8 263.6 453.5 647.4 806.6 861.7 1165.2 1289.5 1394.7 2015.8 3393.5 963.4

B. Others 27516.1 30573.6 34857.4 45409.9 52228.2 62242.2 70240.8 100935.7 109914.9 105614.5 127100.5 155487.6 45982.2

Total (A+B) 115872.3 142376.5 162437.6 217114.3 261925.2 299389.6 367031.2 477947.0 491655.9 477212.6 633669.6 809814.2 236123.4

* Based on customs data.

# Includes paddy from 2015/16.

83. Imports of Major Commodities from China*

In Million Rupees
P 2018/19P
2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
I Qtr

A. Major Items 47,417.1 53,983.6 69,539.5 81,535.1 88,456.2 112,558.8 37,300.7

1 Aluminium scrap, flake, foil, bars, & rods 781.6 1,076.3 1,437.7 1,705.0 1,451.1 1,622.5 611.3
2 Bags 425.2 476.8 540.2 569.9 636.8 842.0 463.5
3 Camera 348.1 256.3 469.6 255.6 410.1 582.6 176.5
4 Chemical 945.7 1,008.3 1,187.3 1,367.3 1,191.3 1,675.9 510.4
5 Chemical Fertilizer 2,345.7 4,700.0 7,620.0 16,119.6 8,745.6 8,721.0 1,921.6
6 Cosmetic Goods 222.5 287.2 281.7 345.5 418.3 665.6 241.3
7 Dry Cell Battery 142.4 149.1 196.1 198.1 203.1 181.2 66.3
8 Electrical Goods 5,444.4 6,548.0 9,091.3 8,960.5 8,929.7 10,951.7 3,696.7
9 Fastener 137.6 200.2 214.1 231.9 225.7 239.4 123.9
10 Garlic 104.5 372.5 451.1 508.6 365.8 604.3 135.6
11 Ginger 393.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 Glasswares 455.8 513.6 908.2 1,196.7 1,412.0 1,426.2 535.6
13 Medical Equip.& Tools 575.9 795.3 1,598.4 1,281.8 1,027.8 1,583.7 605.1
14 Medicine 466.9 410.7 475.5 562.1 567.4 915.1 319.2
15 Metal & Wooden furniture 512.8 650.8 703.6 834.9 1,260.0 1,202.2 580.6
16 Office Equip.& Stationary 566.6 644.1 750.7 648.1 868.3 1,103.3 424.4
17 Other Machinery and Parts 4,705.7 5,040.3 8,323.4 7,917.7 10,475.8 18,863.4 4,791.1
18 Other Stationaries 245.8 294.4 457.1 636.2 668.1 646.8 179.9
19 Parafin Wax 280.1 208.1 256.2 250.6 29.0 6.8 6.9
20 Pipe and Pipe Fittings 2,689.4 153.6 492.6 270.1 666.0 735.7 256.1
21 Plywood & Partical board 203.5 249.0 355.0 295.5 380.6 359.7 113.7
22 Polyethylene terephthalate (Plastic pet chips/Pet Resin) 17.6 134.8 50.3 0.0 0.0 24.0 9.8
23 Raw Silk 420.8 1,485.7 1,537.9 1,337.5 755.1 1,695.8 536.3
24 Raw Wool 440.3 544.0 517.6 750.8 719.5 372.4 74.0
25 Readymade Garments 4,780.8 6,088.2 4,080.4 5,617.9 5,559.8 8,763.7 6,951.4
26 Seasoning Powder & Flavour for Instant Noodles 33.4 57.6 50.9 49.3 70.8 77.7 23.2
27 Shoes and Sandles 1,941.9 2,220.3 1,685.7 2,409.3 2,176.4 2,998.6 1,978.6
28 Smart Cards 171.4 244.9 225.2 201.8 148.3 367.6 45.7
29 Solar Pannel 323.8 825.5 709.1 820.0 832.2 480.5 271.2
30 Steel Rod & Sheet 35.8 34.8 548.3 173.3 632.9 1,215.4 143.2
31 Storage Battery 528.3 565.6 1,047.0 458.5 837.9 741.7 121.5
32 Telecommunication Equipments and Parts 11,896.2 11,204.8 15,397.4 17,989.8 24,230.6 26,825.0 6,943.3
33 Threads - Polyster 102.4 282.5 348.9 313.8 331.9 302.8 181.5
34 Toys 366.1 437.7 510.7 617.2 734.7 798.7 420.9
35 Transport Equip.& Parts 795.8 1,193.5 1,322.4 1,583.4 2,787.4 4,109.9 904.5
36 Tyre, Tubes and Flapes 292.5 166.9 198.0 136.0 159.1 179.3 61.1
37 Video Television & Parts 2,543.6 3,269.6 4,440.6 3,684.6 7,146.5 8,993.5 2,394.3
38 Welding Rods 229.3 490.7 258.9 486.5 438.3 638.2 313.8
39 Wheat Products 113.3 173.4 158.8 206.1 209.7 293.6 75.7
40 Writing & Printing Paper 390.6 528.5 641.3 543.7 752.3 751.6 90.8

B. Others 15,034.1 19,335.0 30,626.9 34,159.3 38,788.8 47,077.5 15,815.0

Total (A+B) 62,451.2 73,318.6 100,166.4 115,694.3 127,245.0 159,636.3 53,115.7

* Based on customs data.

84. Imports of Major Commodities from Other Countries*

In Million Rupees
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13** 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 I Qtr

A. Major Items 56248.9 61473.4 96744.9 130891.5 108997.2 119622.0 99912.3 126072.8 133585.0 123472.8 159666.4 189219.5 61911.7
1 Aircraft Spareparts 1462.8 1049.9 2020.4 2218.2 2472.4 1406.1 2062.7 2179.0 16984.4 7679.2 17277.3 22356.7 16812.3
2 Bags 124.7 78.3 124.3 258.1 303.9 171.8 26.5 20.1 31.3 52.1 43.8 81.5 11.6
3 Betelnut 1418.3 1857.0 2922.5 3324.1 1965.3 1639.2 5549.1 7382.6 4377.3 2097.8 1036.9 2035.4 289.3
4 Button 22.9 13.6 4.1 17.6 18.7 5.0 0.8 3.9 2.2 2.3 0.4 0.7 0.1
5 Camera 220.5 96.9 1359.0 165.7 339.5 442.5 367.2 859.7 591.4 245.1 432.7 558.9 153.2
6 Chemical Fertilizer 617.3 19.6 79.8 703.5 2368.1 2291.3 2493.1 1382.7 956.8 1686.6 3299.8 4625.5 1790.1
7 Cigarette Paper 15.5 33.9 31.9 38.8 14.2 0.0 30.9 29.5 31.2 37.1 36.4 58.8 12.4
8 Clove 98.1 112.3 22.5 31.3 73.2 19.6 24.7 62.9 75.0 49.3 127.4 83.1 34.5
9 Coconut Oil 50.2 9.0 99.9 17.4 13.6 19.3 25.2 9.3 30.0 22.9 31.4 65.8 39.2
10 Computer Parts 2701.0 2269.7 3769.7 5341.1 6178.3 6150.3 1291.0 1343.6 1360.4 1345.9 2536.4 1853.7 639.8
11 Copper Wire Rod,Scrapes 1878.8 1941.1 1813.6 1776.2 1312.8 1875.2 1168.3 2993.3 2531.4 1717.7 1755.6 2304.9 1607.3
12 Cosmetic Goods 368.2 456.6 2632.5 852.2 907.9 907.6 712.7 885.9 1093.2 1112.5 1280.5 1329.8 475.5
13 Crude Coconut Oil 81.2 68.6 61.7 243.1 25.4 25.7 12.6 8.2 13.8 9.7 0.0 7.7 2.1
14 Crude Palm Oil 7121.5 5746.8 2949.3 2026.4 6096.6 4210.6 3390.8 4133.6 5104.2 3119.0 5773.1 4689.2 1708.4
15 Crude Soyabean Oil 1924.2 1600.0 3658.6 4337.5 6507.6 9962.3 10627.5 14778.5 12843.9 12719.7 13529.1 15053.5 3319.2
16 Cuminseed 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.0 4.1 4.2 0.1 0.0
17 Door Locks 24.4 9.6 91.8 63.3 56.7 63.2 2.6 3.2 3.3 7.3 10.3 5.4 12.0
18 Drycell Battery 151.1 433.4 150.5 29.9 199.8 46.4 66.3 54.9 22.5 214.6 18.0 41.3 9.1
19 Edible Oil 635.2 407.1 941.4 629.3 486.7 2794.1 2605.8 2352.0 3039.2 2661.3 8767.7 6514.3 1782.5
20 Electrical Goods 2965.8 3945.2 8241.6 6837.7 6505.5 7311.6 1247.1 1556.2 1913.3 1770.6 1663.1 2100.9 460.2
21 Fastener 57.1 52.7 81.0 82.0 61.8 43.5 0.6 16.8 13.0 11.7 3.2 1.8 0.2
22 Flash Light 8.3 13.8 21.6 42.0 28.7 54.0 6.1 11.1 9.6 8.8 19.9 13.7 3.3
23 G.I.Wire 3.8 6.0 61.2 118.8 12.3 34.9 0.5 3.3 2.6 2.5 2.7 7.8 0.7
24 Glasswares 188.4 213.1 166.3 270.8 845.1 776.1 202.0 187.9 240.4 188.9 375.9 414.1 128.3
25 Gold 3519.9 3750.5 16574.6 41635.8 11357.6 25770.4 26113.9 24794.1 6389.6 16074.3 27432.1 32203.5 7560.2
26 Insecticides 19.7 36.8 122.7 59.3 100.0 206.7 102.0 64.3 100.1 107.6 186.2 149.6 30.6
27 M.S. Billet 1123.6 904.3 2946.4 609.4 1668.5 569.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.6 0.0 0.0 68.9
28 M.S.Wire Rod 289.4 169.5 280.1 311.6 8.7 135.6 0.0 0.0 41.1 51.9 21.0 0.0 0.0
29 Medical Equip.& Tools 847.5 1374.8 1827.6 1890.1 2134.4 2588.1 2628.0 3821.5 4217.3 5316.8 5439.9 9044.0 1731.1
30 Medicine 1536.9 1263.0 3117.3 3358.0 2135.4 1976.1 2185.4 2811.7 5312.9 9030.0 3406.5 4793.6 1700.7
31 Office Equip.& Stationary 104.5 106.2 286.4 735.2 706.1 1085.3 322.1 382.0 421.6 627.9 946.4 1022.0 329.3
32 Other Machinery & Parts 2007.4 3902.0 5972.3 7656.1 6409.2 7197.5 3719.1 5729.5 5955.6 6670.2 6474.1 10943.9 2553.1
33 Other Stationeries 328.7 337.3 617.3 593.9 794.6 559.1 663.8 2683.5 938.2 564.5 673.3 660.8 382.6
34 P.V.C.Compound 141.4 868.1 1273.6 808.0 662.9 970.5 936.1 1669.5 2262.4 1724.1 2441.3 2528.6 788.3
35 Palm Oil 324.7 279.6 416.9 462.3 360.3 312.6 353.2 429.1 465.5 744.3 607.7 604.6 204.1
36 Paraffin Wax 146.2 125.8 148.9 134.9 174.3 270.7 59.8 76.9 122.1 68.5 23.1 11.1 1.9
37 Petroleum Products 572.2 523.0 955.7 1693.6 1659.9 1805.0 2252.8 1827.9 2035.5 3116.2 2494.2 2108.9 673.9
38 Pipe & Pipe Fittings 273.8 280.2 167.7 397.1 603.0 126.1 35.0 52.7 351.6 215.6 146.1 107.5 18.5
39 Polythene Granules 2959.7 3718.9 3616.5 5787.6 4701.2 5786.7 4501.8 7791.4 6579.6 9122.3 8905.4 13896.2 4272.2
40 Powder Milk 54.1 37.1 143.0 130.5 107.4 300.7 197.9 116.0 555.5 221.2 713.4 574.5 116.2
41 Raw Silk 25.4 5.5 41.0 31.8 0.0 0.0 11.6 7.3 17.1 2.0 0.1 1.5 0.0
42 Raw Wool 1630.8 1394.8 355.9 873.3 912.7 657.2 609.7 1004.1 940.8 908.9 833.4 753.2 188.0
43 Readymade Garments 1828.3 1778.4 4004.6 3736.3 4256.1 1047.3 673.7 679.9 959.3 1504.6 1078.5 1024.3 426.9
44 Shoes and Sandals 826.1 691.3 452.7 1258.1 1489.2 426.5 120.8 123.1 165.8 225.2 203.0 201.8 78.7
45 Silver 1.2 446.7 1175.4 3250.9 3725.6 4370.9 8783.1 12711.2 24699.3 7242.8 9873.3 13354.2 3763.0
46 Small Cardamom 268.8 255.1 180.2 139.6 147.9 286.9 603.5 724.7 424.3 342.8 1832.8 187.4 17.7
47 Steel Rod & Sheet 51.9 2.4 218.4 2094.0 299.8 288.7 0.6 2.0 6.8 61.3 34.9 112.1 74.5
48 Storage Battery 121.2 86.7 281.0 875.1 784.3 1198.2 547.6 799.4 950.7 768.8 677.1 521.8 182.3
49 Synthetic & Natural 200.9 233.9 186.6 114.6 188.9 8.7 208.0 161.1 159.9 158.6 179.1 257.5 43.3
50 Synthetic Carpet 144.5 117.8 142.8 351.6 383.2 413.8 358.8 380.6 495.0 553.5 661.6 566.7 188.3
51 Telecommunication Equip. 954.1 4979.4 4064.4 8521.9 9493.2 8459.0 2499.6 3384.1 3856.2 5488.2 6901.7 6057.4 1217.6
52 Tello 292.5 375.8 165.7 284.7 280.7 447.7 394.3 174.0 290.9 120.4 99.9 194.1 46.7
53 Textile Dyes 2344.6 1376.1 775.5 325.5 1896.0 88.0 91.2 150.5 117.5 112.1 102.9 152.8 103.6
54 Textiles 2455.7 1966.6 2927.3 1910.5 2609.1 1275.2 637.9 902.1 869.0 709.7 707.9 743.3 195.7
55 Threads 1256.8 1395.8 2173.0 2735.2 1942.9 1854.9 1495.2 2609.2 2641.3 2941.1 2146.0 3473.1 1173.4
56 Toys 155.2 74.9 475.1 194.6 155.9 211.0 67.6 81.1 107.5 85.2 166.4 399.6 55.0
57 Transport Equip.& Parts 2705.0 4391.8 5502.1 4235.9 4215.2 2859.3 2868.9 4966.9 4772.3 5876.9 7618.1 10779.4 2012.2
58 Tyre,Tube & Flaps 70.7 51.6 261.0 351.2 424.7 584.8 334.4 355.4 409.0 463.1 596.1 505.6 146.7
59 Umbrella and Parts 123.6 126.8 145.7 158.2 178.8 220.5 0.2 0.3 0.7 1.4 7.4 0.1 0.1
60 Video Television & Parts 954.1 1819.0 1818.6 1701.4 2941.6 2614.7 1599.4 1777.7 1792.4 1364.3 2306.0 3242.9 1049.2
61 Watches & Bands 179.6 121.4 232.2 201.9 226.7 252.1 292.9 375.3 383.8 487.4 480.7 554.8 175.9
62 Writing & Printing Paper 792.6 1039.7 1019.7 1426.5 1788.9 1757.8 1338.3 1726.2 1877.1 1854.8 2730.0 2285.1 693.2
63 X-Ray Film 103.2 172.2 90.0 126.5 181.6 152.9 294.7 367.4 413.1 349.7 500.6 490.1 116.3
64 Zinc Ingot 2372.5 458.4 283.8 303.8 96.6 234.7 95.2 100.3 216.0 1416.4 1992.3 507.4 240.5

B. Others 22573.4 18087.8 25287.1 26329.4 25253.1 42656.1 27345.4 37027.4 49276.9 57219.2 69532.2 84156.7 22436.5

Total (A+B) 78822.3 79561.2 122032.0 157220.9 134250.3 162278.1 127257.7 163100.2 182861.9 180692.1 229198.6 273376.2 84348.2
* Based on customs data.
** Includes except India and China.

85. Summary of Balance of Payments

In Million Rupees

Particulars 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
A. Current Account 20,148.5 18,161.1 11,614.7 14,598.0 11,544.6 14,224.5 -902.2 23,679.6 41,437.3 -28,135.2
Goods: exports f.o.b. 69,788.5 57,983.5 50,760.7 55,228.3 59,956.1 61,482.4 61,488.4 61,971.1 69,906.8 63,177.5

Oil 13,837.0 10,452.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Other 55,951.5 47,531.4 50,760.7 55,228.3 59,956.1 61,482.4 61,488.4 61,971.1 69,906.8 63,177.5

Goods: imports f.o.b. -126,238.0 -111,342.0 -121,053.0 -132,909.9 -145,718.2 -171,540.8 -190,437.1 -217,962.8 -279,227.8 -366,692.5

Oil -24,940.7 -22,136.5 -18,811.6 -20,167.3 -26,653.6 -33,657.2 -33,567.6 -40,815.7 -41,356.7 -51,607.2

Other -101,297.3 -89,205.5 -102,241.4 -112,742.6 -119,064.6 -137,883.6 -156,869.5 -177,147.1 -237,871.1 -315,085.3

Balance on Goods -56,449.5 -53,358.5 -70,292.3 -77,681.6 -85,762.1 -110,058.4 -128,948.7 -155,991.7 -209,321.0 -303,515.0

Service: Net 9,302.3 3,938.4 7,049.7 9,074.9 -2,034.2 -6,818.3 -8,377.3 -11,092.0 -10,478.0 -16,385.3

Services: credit 29,821.7 23,508.2 26,518.9 34,315.9 26,001.9 26,469.7 32,078.9 42,236.1 52,830.1 51,120.5

Travel 11,717.0 8,654.3 11,747.7 18,147.4 10,463.8 9,555.8 10,125.3 18,653.1 27,959.8 28,138.6

Government n.i.e. 7,614.2 8,894.5 6,624.0 7,143.9 6,804.9 7,441.5 12,336.4 13,301.8 12,734.4 6,635.6

Other 10,490.5 5,959.4 8,147.2 9,024.6 8,733.2 9,472.4 9,617.2 10,281.2 12,135.9 16,346.3

Services: debit -20,519.4 -19,569.8 -19,469.2 -25,241.0 -28,036.1 -33,288.0 -40,456.2 -53,328.1 -63,308.1 -67,505.8

Transportation -9,308.7 -8,854.4 -8,618.4 -9,382.1 -10,602.2 -12,592.3 -14,557.4 -22,675.9 -22,116.2 -22,964.6

Travel -5,520.4 -5,731.1 -6,171.5 -10,021.5 -9,691.9 -11,960.8 -15,785.0 -20,862.0 -31,396.3 -32,288.2

Government Services: Debit -1,874.5

Other -5,690.3 -4,984.3 -4,679.3 -5,837.4 -7,742.0 -8,734.9 -10,113.8 -9,790.2 -9,795.6 -10,378.5

Balance on Goods and Services -47,147.2 -49,420.1 -63,242.6 -68,606.7 -87,796.3 -116,876.7 -137,326.0 -167,083.7 -219,799.0 -319,900.3

Income : Net 1,700.7 -604.9 -675.7 -1,683.9 1,636.5 4,955.5 7,431.8 7,946.8 11,749.5 9,117.4

Income: credit 5,470.5 4,297.0 4,487.0 3,841.5 7,751.6 11,432.3 14,500.8 13,447.7 16,506.6 14,917.9

Income: debit -3,769.8 -4,901.9 -5,162.7 -5,525.4 -6,115.1 -6,476.8 -7,069.0 -5,500.9 -4,757.1 -5,800.5

Balance on Goods, Services and Income -45,446.5 -50,025.0 -63,918.3 -70,290.6 -86,159.8 -111,921.2 -129,894.2 -159,136.9 -208,049.5 -310,782.9

Transfers: Net 65,595.0 68,186.1 75,533.0 84,888.6 97,704.4 126,145.7 128,992.0 182,816.5 249,486.8 282,647.7

Current transfers: credit 67,027.7 70,157.3 77,765.1 89,161.8 101,310.1 130,861.7 133,196.8 185,462.9 257,461.3 287,770.6

Grants 12,046.4 12,650.5 13,842.2 19,557.8 21,071.9 18,851.1 18,218.2 20,993.2 26,796.2 26,673.6

Workers' remittances 47,216.1 47,536.3 54,203.3 58,587.6 65,541.2 97,688.5 100,144.8 142,682.7 209,698.5 231,725.3

Pensions 6,309.1 8,269.6 7,327.3 7,906.2 12,502.2 12,007.6 12,937.0 18,789.9 17,755.4 25,850.7

Other 1,456.1 1,700.9 2,392.3 3,110.2 2,194.8 2,314.5 1,896.8 2,997.1 3,211.2 3,521.0

Current transfers: debit -1,432.7 -1,971.2 -2,232.1 -4,273.2 -3,605.7 -4,716.0 -4,204.8 -2,646.4 -7,974.5 -5,122.9

B. Capital Account (Capital Transfer) 6,173.1 5,694.0 5,393.9 1,452.2 1,573.6 3,107.0 4,449.9 7,912.5 6,231.0 12,578.3

Total, Groups A plus B 26,321.6 23,855.1 17,008.6 16,050.2 13,118.2 17,331.5 3,547.7 31,592.1 47,668.3 -15,556.9

C. Financial Account ( E) -28,522.2 -37,333.4 -17,198.9 -21,540.1 -25,536.9 -1,324.5 -2,362.1 11,032.6 21,201.7 7,846.6

Direct investment in Nepal -33.0 -282.3 961.4 0.0 136.0 -469.7 362.3 293.9 1,829.2 2,852.0

Portfolio investment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Other investment: assets -30,191.1 -35,136.9 -34,629.5 -32,591.2 -21,863.2 -14,008.8 -10,690.0 -11,396.1 -17,675.1 -18,253.9

Trade credits 1,108.2 -1,294.5 1,041.0 -2,247.6 -323.8 -1,629.5 -5,127.6 853.2 -3,024.2 -1,009.0

Other -31,299.3 -33,842.4 -35,670.5 -30,343.6 -21,539.4 -12,379.3 -5,562.4 -12,249.3 -14,650.9 -17,244.9

Other investment: liabilities 1,701.9 -1,914.2 16,469.2 11,051.1 -3,809.7 13,154.0 7,965.6 22,134.8 37,047.6 23,248.5

Trade credits -9,319.0 -5,279.0 16,899.3 3,629.8 -4,489.0 9,232.5 1,727.8 12,483.6 19,554.6 21,968.9

Loans 6,693.4 2,899.6 -52.4 3,325.2 744.4 526.9 1,455.6 3,391.5 -2,899.0 -3,933.5

General Government 6,976.5 2,963.5 -432.8 3,479.1 1,300.4 703.7 2,150.7 3,455.9 -2,832.4 -3,901.5

Drawings 11,715.1 8,040.3 5,236.0 9,244.7 7,253.7 7,691.0 9,689.7 11,325.5 7,287.9 6,841.6

Repayments -4,738.6 -5,076.8 -5,668.8 -5,765.6 -5,953.3 -6,987.3 -7,539.0 -7,869.6 -10,120.3 -10,743.1

Other sectors -283.1 -63.9 380.4 -153.9 -556.0 -176.8 -695.1 -64.4 -66.6 -32.0

Currency and deposits 4,327.5 465.2 -377.7 4,096.1 -65.1 3,394.6 4,782.2 6,259.7 20,392.0 -1,031.3

Nepal Rastra Bank 138.4 -197.4 -23.4 -77.4 46.2 -116.5 2.4 -5.6 -3.4 44.9

Deposit money banks 4,189.1 662.6 -354.3 4,173.5 -111.3 3,511.1 4,779.8 6,265.3 20,395.4 -1,076.2

Other liabilities 6,244.4

Total, Groups A through C -2,200.6 -13,478.3 -190.3 -5,489.9 -12,418.7 16,007.0 1,185.6 42,624.7 68,870.0 -7,710.3

D. Miscellaneous Items, Net 11,749.5 10,600.6 4,176.1 25,591.2 18,095.7 12,985.4 9,500.9 -6,690.3 -3,719.6 3,353.3

Total, Groups A through D 9,548.9 -2,877.7 3,985.8 20,101.3 5,677.0 28,992.4 10,686.5 35,934.4 65,150.4 -4,357.0

E. Reserves and Related Items -9,548.9 2,877.7 -3,985.8 -20,101.3 -5,677.0 -28,992.4 -10,686.5 -35,934.4 -65,150.4 4,357.0

Reserve assets -9,224.1 3,203.4 -3,685.2 -20,658.0 -6,462.2 -28,992.3 -13,410.2 -37,002.0 -65,069.7 1,058.2

Nepal Rastra Bank -7,445.1 -1,712.7 -7,809.9 -19,507.8 -3,251.3 -21,297.1 -10,963.2 -29,636.8 -45,751.3 4,398.2

Deposit Money Banks -1,779.0 4,916.1 4,124.7 -1,150.2 -3,210.9 -7,695.2 -2,447.0 -7,365.2 -19,318.4 -3,340.0

Use of Fund credit and loans -324.8 -325.7 -300.6 556.7 785.2 -0.1 2,723.7 1,067.6 -80.7 3,298.8

Change in Net Foreign Assets (-increase) -5,221.4 3,342.9 -4,363.6 -16,005.2 -5,742.1 -25,597.8 -5,904.3 -29,674.7 -44,758.4 3,325.7

Summary of Balance of Payments ..... (Contd.)

In Million Rupees
Particulars 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R
I Qtr
A. Current Account -12,936.4 75,979.2 57,060.7 89,721.5 108,319.8 140,418.5 -10,130.6 -245,216.7 -81,955.8

Goods: exports f.o.b. 68,701.5 81,511.8 85,989.8 100,960.6 98,276.3 74,866.1 82,127.5 93,305.2 27,192.2

Oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Other 68,701.5 81,511.8 85,989.8 100,960.6 98,276.3 74,866.1 82,127.5 93,305.2 27,192.2

Goods: imports f.o.b. -388,371.4 -454,653.1 -547,294.3 -696,373.3 -761,773.0 -756,487.9 -977,945.8 -1,227,874.0 -365,710.3

Oil -75,076.2 -92,255.6 -107,138.9 -132,976.4 -112,044.6 -68,724.4 -121,413.8 -172,243.2 -50,064.5

Other -313,295.2 -362,397.5 -440,155.4 -563,396.9 -649,728.4 -687,763.5 -856,532.0 -1,055,630.8 -315,645.8

Balance on Goods -319,669.9 -373,141.3 -461,304.5 -595,412.7 -663,496.7 -681,621.8 -895,818.3 -1,134,568.9 -338,518.1

Service: Net -8,674.6 14,057.0 7,585.8 20,882.2 27,617.5 9,849.2 2,891.3 2,066.3 -19,810.4

Services: credit 53,012.5 72,351.5 95,190.8 125,061.2 149,288.4 138,472.4 158,264.9 177,473.0 41,172.8

Travel 24,610.7 30,703.8 34,210.6 46,374.9 53,428.6 41,765.3 58,526.9 67,094.6 15,691.1

Government n.i.e. 5,534.6 10,071.4 18,389.7 24,352.8 32,481.1 38,330.8 25,533.6 22,461.5 5,808.4

Other 22,867.2 31,576.3 42,590.5 54,333.5 63,378.7 58,376.3 74,204.3 87,916.9 19,673.3

Services: debit -61,687.1 -58,294.5 -87,605.0 -104,179.0 -121,670.9 -128,623.2 -155,373.6 -175,406.7 -60,983.2

Transportation -18,604.7 -22,292.3 -33,276.7 -39,822.0 -43,996.3 -44,030.3 -46,884.9 -63,251.3 -19,210.8

Travel -27,642.9 -25,769.7 -39,611.9 -42,175.6 -53,190.2 -56,418.4 -79,926.9 -79,596.5 -29,498.9

Government Services: Debit -1,154.6 -1,566.4 -1,177.9 -1,625.7 -1,974.8 -2,100.3 -1,331.9 -2,483.5 -2,062.3

Other -14,284.9 -8,666.1 -13,538.5 -20,555.7 -22,509.6 -26,074.2 -27,229.8 -30,075.4 -10,211.2

Balance on Goods and Services -328,344.5 -359,084.3 -453,718.7 -574,530.5 -635,879.2 -671,772.6 -892,926.9 -1,132,502.6 -358,328.5

Income : Net 7,549.4 12,291.4 13,078.8 32,751.7 34,242.5 34,004.3 30,995.1 22,614.9 5,642.7

Income: credit 17,504.0 22,521.3 23,320.1 39,539.8 42,831.5 43,085.3 51,958.8 69,142.8 22,202.9

Income: debit -9,954.6 -10,229.9 -10,241.3 -6,788.1 -8,589.0 -9,080.9 -20,963.8 -46,527.9 -16,560.3

Balance on Goods, Services and Income -320,795.1 -346,792.9 -440,639.9 -541,778.8 -601,636.7 -637,768.3 -861,931.9 -1,109,887.6 -352,685.9

Transfers: Net 307,858.7 422,772.1 497,700.6 631,500.3 709,956.5 778,186.8 851,801.3 864,670.9 270,730.1

Current transfers: credit 311,156.7 427,805.7 505,068.2 634,854.8 712,522.2 781,989.6 855,708.8 870,475.7 272,054.3

Grants 25,780.0 36,227.1 34,180.5 48,519.8 52,855.4 70,411.6 114,663.9 61,262.4 13,947.5

Workers' remittances 253,551.6 359,554.4 434,581.7 543,294.1 617,278.8 665,064.3 695,452.4 755,058.6 242,171.7

Pensions 28,993.4 28,343.6 35,326.7 41,373.1 42,388.0 46,513.6 45,592.6 54,154.7 15,935.2

Other 2,831.7 3,680.6 979.3 1,667.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Current transfers: debit -3,298.0 -5,033.6 -7,367.6 -3,354.5 -2,565.7 -3,802.8 -3,907.6 -5,804.8 -1,324.2

B. Capital Account (Capital Transfer) 15,906.1 18,241.7 10,348.3 17,063.5 14,811.4 16,987.3 13,362.7 17,721.8 3,547.1

Total, Groups A plus B 2,969.7 94,220.9 67,409.0 106,785.0 123,131.2 157,405.8 3,232.1 -227,494.9 -78,408.7

C. Financial Account ( E) 3,212.5 28,912.8 12,496.3 11,148.0 17,720.7 29,638.4 26,639.5 102,842.1 16,987.8

Direct investment in Nepal 6,437.1 9,195.4 9,081.9 3,194.6 4,382.6 5,920.9 13,503.9 17,512.8 1,543.2

Portfolio investment 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Other investment: assets -25,762.2 -15,719.6 -22,846.4 -21,331.6 -34,584.5 -30,936.3 -48,690.6 -40,289.9 -3,565.2

Trade credits -6,133.4 -5,137.4 -5,147.4 -1,620.0 -2,234.3 -338.9 -9,005.3 4,193.5 1,208.0

Other -19,628.8 -10,582.2 -17,699.0 -19,711.6 -32,350.2 -30,597.4 -39,685.3 -44,483.4 -4,773.2

Other investment: liabilities 22,537.6 35,437.0 26,260.8 29,285.0 47,922.6 54,653.8 61,826.1 125,619.2 19,009.8

Trade credits 18,292.5 26,442.3 14,434.6 23,686.1 22,912.3 16,397.4 24,381.3 54,534.9 8,255.8

Loans 2,612.0 1,036.8 -1,281.8 4,192.4 11,857.3 27,341.8 56,109.2 84,441.4 10,285.3

General Government 2,631.6 1,047.6 -1,218.9 4,407.8 11,919.4 25,978.9 44,787.1 81,178.9 7,433.2

Drawings 13,849.2 13,445.3 13,701.0 21,132.4 28,961.2 43,774.0 62,601.7 99,768.1 10,845.3

Repayments -11,217.6 -12,397.7 -14,919.9 -16,724.6 -17,041.8 -17,795.1 -17,814.6 -18,589.2 -3,412.1

Other sectors -19.6 -10.8 -62.9 -215.4 -62.1 1,362.9 11,322.0 3,262.5 2,852.1

Currency and deposits 1,231.7 8,446.2 14,301.1 2,733.4 14,318.6 14,982.3 -18,812.0 -13,339.9 488.7

Nepal Rastra Bank -7.8 37.0 -11.7 -36.7 -20.2 -5.6 231.9 -178.6 49.3

Deposit money banks 1,239.5 8,409.2 14,312.8 2,770.1 14,338.8 14,987.9 -19,043.9 -13,161.3 439.4

Other liabilities 401.4 -488.3 -1,193.1 -1,326.9 -1,165.7 -4,067.7 147.7 -17.2 -20.0

Total, Groups A through C 6,182.2 123,133.7 79,905.4 117,933.0 140,851.9 187,044.3 29,871.6 -124,652.7 -61,420.9

D. Miscellaneous Items, Net -860.8 16,939.1 3,335.4 11,927.6 18,502.7 16,850.4 33,422.5 112,273.0 26,491.8

Total, Groups A through D 5,321.4 140,072.8 83,240.7 129,860.5 159,354.6 203,894.6 63,294.1 -12,379.7 -34,929.1

E. Reserves and Related Items -5,321.4 -140,072.8 -83,240.7 -129,860.5 -159,354.6 -203,894.6 -63,294.1 12,379.7 34,929.1

Reserve assets -4,918.7 -139,587.8 -82,049.0 -128,536.3 -158,192.0 -203,894.6 -61,591.9 13,350.4 34,929.1

Nepal Rastra Bank -9,438.4 -134,787.0 -65,763.4 -115,992.2 -130,353.0 -172,887.0 -61,879.3 -25,781.8 52,995.7

Deposit Money Banks 4,519.7 -4,800.8 -16,285.6 -12,544.1 -27,839.0 -31,007.6 287.4 39,132.2 -18,066.6

Use of Fund credit and loans -402.7 -485.0 -1,191.7 -1,324.2 -1,162.6 0.0 -1,702.3 -970.7 0.0

Change in Net Foreign Assets (-increase) -4,089.7 -131,626.6 -68,939.6 -127,127.1 -145,036.0 -188,912.3 -82,106.1 -960.2 35,417.8

86. Receipts and Expenditures of Convertible Foreign Exchange*

In Million Rupees
Fiscal Year Merchandise Export Under
Quarter/ Invisibles Tourist Interest Exports Clearing A/C Other Diplomatic Total (1+5+
Month (2+3+4) Remittances Income Receipts (6+7) Arrangements Exports Missions Foreign Aid Miscellaneous 8+9+10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1974/75 299.1 90.7 120.7 87.7 151.4 31.9 119.5 22.4 26.5 65.3 564.7
1975/76 353.6 97.7 189.0 66.9 296.9 102.3 194.6 27.9 132.1 49.4 859.9
1976/77 447.8 125.4 244.1 78.3 385.7 64.6 321.1 54.2 161.0 46.8 1,095.5
1977/78 570.5 120.0 342.5 108.0 557.6 50.0 507.6 104.8 211.2 18.4 1,462.5
1978/79 645.5 146.3 406.8 92.4 517.9 22.8 495.1 105.0 542.2 37.5 1,848.1
1979/80 811.2 150.3 518.7 142.2 717.8 74.1 643.7 159.2 623.5 59.4 2,371.1
1980/81 1,010.3 216.8 616.8 176.7 642.0 69.6 572.4 263.7 622.8 122.3 2,661.1
1981/82 926.0 205.5 493.8 226.7 513.5 26.3 487.2 196.6 563.3 89.2 2,288.6
1982/83 944.7 292.5 491.1 161.1 305.0 17.3 287.7 128.6 798.6 84.3 2,261.2
1983/84 951.3 280.0 585.8 85.5 427.0 3.2 423.8 229.4 1,150.6 88.5 2,846.8
1984/85 1,121.5 275.4 724.9 121.2 916.7 0.0 916.7 157.4 1,402.4 122.7 3,720.7
1985/86 1,286.7 346.7 863.6 76.4 2,072.3 0.0 2,072.3 333.3 1,814.6 282.6 5,789.5
1986/87 1,816.4 478.7 1,208.1 129.6 1,624.2 0.0 1,624.2 593.5 2,150.7 355.2 6,540.0
1987/88 2,253.1 589.8 1,415.1 248.2 2,348.5 0.0 2,348.5 1,223.5 2,753.9 628.0 9,207.0
1988/89 2,879.9 602.1 1,856.5 421.3 3,005.2 0.0 3,005.2 1,527.0 3,037.1 701.6 11,150.8
1989/90 2,777.8 676.8 1,541.7 559.3 4,240.0 0.0 4,240.0 1,818.6 3,645.9 880.5 13,362.8
1990/91 3,343.2 549.7 1,993.8 799.7 5,763.4 0.0 5,763.4 1,830.0 3,877.5 1,651.8 16,465.9
1991/92 4,675.1 423.6 3,090.7 1,160.8 10,020.6 0.0 10,020.6 2,903.2 3,712.6 3,744.5 25,056.0
1992/93 4,632.1 549.7 2,615.1 1,467.3 10,389.5 0.0 10,389.5 5,805.3 5,188.6 1,307.9 27,323.4
1993/94 6,457.6 223.0 4,819.7 1,414.9 16,033.2 0.0 16,033.2 4,707.8 4,474.6 4,487.6 36,160.8
1994/95 10,018.0 2,906.7 5,506.7 1,604.6 15,624.5 0.0 15,624.5 5,340.3 4,982.8 3,184.7 39,150.3
1995/96 10,470.6 2,660.2 6,605.9 1,204.5 14,719.4 0.0 14,719.4 2,989.0 7,943.4 1,337.4 37,459.8
1996/97 10,417.3 2,938.0 6,158.8 1,320.5 15,603.9 0.0 15,603.9 2,362.9 8,921.5 974.8 38,280.4
1997/98 13,615.5 4,084.2 7,850.9 1,680.4 16,355.3 0.0 16,355.3 4,374.4 9,868.4 770.3 44,983.9
1998/99 20,119.4 6,520.6 11,584.2 2,014.6 18,766.6 0.0 18,766.6 8,327.3 8,518.4 2,208.1 57,939.8
1999/00 20,579.7 6,031.4 11,691.0 2,857.3 23,724.4 0.0 23,724.4 6,247.7 11,072.4 2,625.8 64,250.0
2000/01 24,760.6 9,797.6 11,969.2 2,993.8 29,789.7 0.0 29,789.7 7,254.4 23,459.0 4,559.5 89,823.2
2001/02 24,648.3 14,859.8 7,798.4 1,990.1 18,311.0 0.0 18,311.0 9,663.9 18,968.3 4,561.8 76,153.3
2002/03 54,673.5 41,630.0 10,369.4 2,674.1 22,578.9 0.0 22,578.9 4,661.8 12,988.0 3,779.6 98,681.8
2003/04 71,212.6 56,629.8 12,337.4 2,245.4 22,489.5 0.0 22,489.5 4,242.1 19,822.9 2,876.1 120,643.2
2004/05 76,884.0 61,784.8 11,814.9 3,284.2 20,852.0 0.0 20,852.0 3,505.4 20,397.2 1,629.9 123,268.5
2005/06 109,274.4 92,748.6 11,710.8 4,814.9 21,738.5 0.0 21,738.5 5,281.5 17,117.7 3,885.1 157,297.3
2006/07 126,935.8 107,417.4 12,645.8 6,872.6 22,366.8 0.0 22,366.8 7,794.0 16,622.2 6,248.5 179,967.2
2007/08 166,793.3 139,421.5 20,339.9 7,032.0 28,663.2 0.0 28,663.2 10,726.3 23,642.4 7,101.9 236,927.1
2008/09 234,454.9 194,215.6 34,589.8 5,649.5 40,496.5 0.0 40,496.5 13,188.2 28,197.9 8,054.5 324,391.9
2009/10 248,801.2 213,998.9 29,385.9 5,416.4 44,395.5 0.0 44,395.5 5,391.2 32,983.9 14,799.0 346,370.7
2010/11 255,943.0 225,909.4 25,408.9 4,624.7 39,853.2 0.0 39,853.2 5,480.6 29,665.1 49,358.8 420,154.0
2011/12 368,422.3 333,366.8 31,801.4 3,254.1 52,983.2 0.0 52,983.2 9,369.4 41,007.3 65,128.0 589,893.3
2012/13 432,720.8 394,348.7 34,205.1 4,167.0 64,324.7 0.0 64,324.7 18,390.0 35,667.1 78,553.0 629,655.7
2013/14 543,235.2 490,302.5 46,114.7 6,817.9 74,822.1 0.0 74,822.1 26,347.7 40,533.1 85,813.3 770,751.5
2014/15 625,897.8 540,053.2 77,299.0 8,545.6 73,545.5 0.0 73,545.5 32,481.1 24,854.4 115,345.3 872,124.0
2015/16 644,159.9 594,588.3 41,115.3 8,456.4 57,684.3 0.0 57,684.3 39,978.2 70,839.4 114,202.4 926,864.2
2016/17R 665,457.1 602,497.4 51,977.4 10,982.3 61,206.5 0.0 61,206.5 26,728.0 55,421.6 126,096.2 934,909.4

2017/18P 736,708.2 654,003.1 65,659.7 17,045.4 68,621.6 0.0 68,621.6 20,961.5 95,765.2 158,044.6 1,080,101.1
I Qtr 167,428.8 150,382.4 13,239.7 3,806.7 15,821.5 0.0 15,821.5 4,538.4 16,017.4 35,556.5 239,362.6
Jul/Aug 52,077.9 47,658.5 3,267.2 1,152.1 4,861.5 0.0 4,861.5 1,788.6 885.9 12,399.3 72,013.1
Aug/Sep 56,035.1 51,031.3 3,501.8 1,502.1 4,781.9 0.0 4,781.9 1,404.4 5,175.7 9,083.1 76,480.2
Sep/Oct 59,315.8 51,692.7 6,470.7 1,152.5 6,178.1 0.0 6,178.1 1,345.4 9,955.8 14,074.1 90,869.3

II Qtr 162,344.3 139,501.3 18,919.7 3,923.3 16,572.5 0.0 16,572.5 4,140.6 27,414.8 42,110.6 252,582.8
Oct/Nov 53,851.2 44,689.0 7,982.6 1,179.6 5,209.6 0.0 5,209.6 1,410.7 7,835.1 13,076.6 81,383.3
Nov/Dec 56,412.1 48,202.8 6,672.3 1,537.0 5,308.1 0.0 5,308.1 1,257.1 8,487.2 11,822.2 83,286.7
Dec/Jan 52,081.0 46,609.5 4,264.8 1,206.7 6,054.7 0.0 6,054.7 1,472.8 11,092.5 17,211.8 87,912.8

III Qtr 198,161.1 176,758.0 17,091.3 4,311.8 18,386.2 0.0 18,386.2 4,487.3 19,775.0 35,406.7 276,216.4
Jan/Feb 58,176.7 52,734.3 3,999.4 1,443.1 5,541.9 0.0 5,541.9 1,254.5 1,670.7 10,275.1 76,919.0
Feb/Mar 70,283.7 63,213.7 5,801.6 1,268.4 6,385.6 0.0 6,385.6 1,623.9 2,229.3 13,587.5 94,109.9
Mar/Apr 69,700.7 60,810.0 7,290.3 1,600.3 6,458.7 0.0 6,458.7 1,608.9 15,875.0 11,544.2 105,187.5

IV Qtr 208,774.0 187,361.3 16,409.1 5,003.6 17,841.5 0.0 17,841.5 7,795.2 32,558.0 44,970.8 311,939.4
Apr/May 65,898.0 57,717.9 6,798.7 1,381.4 5,895.5 0.0 5,895.5 1,550.5 3,817.1 11,082.4 88,243.5
May/Jun 70,405.8 63,295.9 5,469.0 1,640.9 6,245.4 0.0 6,245.4 3,309.9 4,667.9 17,298.6 101,927.6
Jun/Jul 72,470.1 66,347.5 4,141.4 1,981.2 5,700.6 0.0 5,700.6 2,934.8 24,073.0 16,589.7 121,768.3

I Qtr 229,275.8 209,893.1 16,109.4 3,273.2 21,888.5 0.0 21,888.5 5,499.9 11,952.6 38,968.4 307,585.2
Jul/Aug 68,295.2 62,828.4 3,873.5 1,593.3 5,951.1 0.0 5,951.1 2,224.3 2,723.1 11,201.2 90,395.0
Aug/Sep 75,788.3 69,423.4 4,780.2 1,584.7 6,592.5 0.0 6,592.5 1,773.2 4,414.5 16,478.4 105,046.9
Sep/Oct 85,192.3 77,641.3 7,455.8 95.2 9,344.8 0.0 9,344.8 1,502.4 4,814.9 11,288.8 112,143.2

* On payments basis : data based on foreign exchange records.

Note: The data since 2010/11 are the revised figures with adjustments.
Receipts and Expenditures of Convertible Foreign Exchange* (Contd. ...)

Fiscal Year Surplus (+) or Principal & Merchandise Imports Under
Quarter/ Deficit (-) Total (14+ Invisibles Interest Other Imports Clearing A/C Other Diplomatic
Month (11-13) 17+20+21) (15+16) Payments Services (18+19) Arrangements Imports Missions Miscellaneous
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1974/75 -339.3 904.0 79.9 17.5 62.4 567.8 104.5 463.3 16.6 239.7
1975/76 246.4 613.5 98.2 12.3 85.9 435.3 18.1 417.2 18.2 61.8
1976/77 446.4 649.1 82.4 22.2 60.2 521.2 18.1 503.1 18.9 26.6
1977/78 -262.1 1,724.6 163.4 80.8 82.6 743.0 54.4 688.6 28.6 789.6
1978/79 206.5 1,641.6 143.2 33.6 109.6 909.3 28.4 880.9 35.1 554.0
1979/80 -50.3 2,421.4 131.9 47.0 84.9 1,218.0 85.2 1,132.8 39.4 1,032.1
1980/81 -46.2 2,707.3 143.3 61.8 81.5 1,868.5 64.9 1,803.6 51.3 644.2
1981/82 122.4 2,166.2 210.8 106.1 104.7 1,849.5 112.0 1,737.5 54.1 51.8
1982/83 -823.7 3,084.9 342.9 168.1 174.8 2,650.9 24.1 2,626.8 61.7 29.4
1983/84 65.9 2,780.9 418.3 204.0 214.3 2,222.2 2.6 2,219.6 95.4 45.0
1984/85 -172.4 3,893.1 548.8 175.0 373.8 3,201.6 0.0 3,201.6 65.5 77.2
1985/86 -106.9 5,896.4 1,168.4 410.6 757.8 4,418.3 0.0 4,418.3 91.9 217.8
1986/87 285.4 6,254.6 940.4 586.1 354.3 4,981.9 0.0 4,981.9 91.8 240.5
1987/88 1,861.6 7,345.4 1,114.8 644.2 470.6 5,871.9 0.0 5,871.9 109.1 249.6
1988/89 2,686.9 8,463.9 1,930.2 1,063.2 867.0 5,876.0 0.0 5,876.0 140.0 517.7
1989/90 1,915.6 11,447.2 2,100.7 1,143.3 957.4 8,710.9 0.0 8,710.9 141.5 494.1
1990/91 6,448.8 10,017.1 1,389.0 138.0 1,251.0 7,745.9 0.0 7,745.9 167.2 715.0
1991/92 6,171.0 18,885.0 6,012.5 2,214.8 3,797.7 8,349.1 0.0 8,349.1 59.2 4,464.2
1992/93 5,826.6 21,496.8 6,869.9 2,582.4 4,287.5 11,255.3 0.0 11,255.3 61.0 3,310.6
1993/94 6,371.6 29,789.2 8,221.2 3,263.1 4,958.1 18,638.5 0.0 18,638.5 204.3 2,725.2
1994/95 3,593.1 35,557.2 10,254.4 5,010.0 5,244.4 22,461.0 0.0 22,461.0 238.6 2,603.2
1995/96 3,996.5 33,463.3 11,336.0 3,772.2 7,563.8 21,361.5 0.0 21,361.5 478.4 287.4
1996/97 3,458.9 34,821.5 10,188.1 3,870.6 6,317.5 24,099.7 0.0 24,099.7 298.1 235.6
1997/98 5,071.6 39,912.3 9,820.0 4,496.4 5,323.6 29,590.0 0.0 29,590.0 361.1 141.2
1998/99 12,775.5 45,164.3 8,318.6 5,227.8 3,090.8 34,185.9 0.0 34,185.9 1,128.9 1,530.9
1999/00 11,184.0 53,066.0 10,636.5 5,776.3 4,860.2 41,152.2 0.0 41,152.2 604.7 672.6
2000/01 7,262.9 82,560.3 13,839.5 6,476.3 7,363.2 66,569.0 0.0 66,569.0 507.6 1,644.2
2001/02 5,047.6 71,105.7 14,643.3 6,915.2 7,728.1 52,791.4 0.0 52,791.4 463.9 3,207.1
2002/03 17,262.1 81,419.7 16,763.3 7,302.4 9,460.9 64,296.7 0.0 64,296.7 211.6 148.1
2003/04 21,966.2 98,677.0 14,837.4 6,847.5 7,989.9 71,494.9 0.0 71,494.9 716.5 11,628.2
2004/05 14,336.8 108,931.7 19,735.0 7,374.6 12,360.3 63,086.8 0.0 63,086.8 621.4 25,488.5
2005/06 22,112.3 135,185.0 21,788.9 7,124.2 14,664.7 67,684.3 0.0 67,684.3 649.8 45,061.9
2006/07 14,495.8 165,471.3 26,012.5 8,481.3 17,531.2 74,881.8 0.0 74,881.8 403.4 64,173.6
2007/08 3,524.5 233,402.7 25,287.5 9,117.2 16,170.3 93,727.2 0.0 93,727.2 600.8 113,787.2
2008/09 38,087.2 286,304.7 32,368.2 11,248.8 21,119.4 132,931.2 0.0 132,931.2 964.7 120,040.7
2009/10 -5,049.3 351,420.0 40,991.5 12,097.8 28,893.8 141,258.5 0.0 141,258.5 1,833.8 167,336.1
2010/11 245,237.2 174,916.8 37,932.4 15,472.0 22,460.4 132,749.7 110,454.2 22,295.5 1,688.4 2,546.3
2011/12 395,898.8 193,994.5 32,657.1 16,317.2 16,339.9 156,750.4 127,198.7 29,551.7 1,650.1 2,936.9
2012/13 377,980.8 241,966.8 45,963.7 19,368.7 25,893.4 190,311.8 142,822.1 47,489.8 853.6 5,539.4
2013/14 474,797.2 295,954.2 59,512.4 20,689.2 38,823.2 227,244.5 174,092.2 53,152.4 1,589.2 7,608.1
2014/15 556,708.1 315,415.9 67,507.5 21,233.0 46,274.5 240,602.2 192,975.6 47,626.6 1,888.4 5,417.8
2015/16 551,211.9 375,652.3 80,496.5 23,831.4 56,665.1 284,245.3 218,408.0 65,837.3 2,109.9 8,800.6
2016/17R 494,203.3 440,706.1 107,378.9 33,847.0 73,531.9 324,947.3 254,374.0 70,573.3 1,128.2 7,251.7

2017/18P 470,544.6 609,556.5 142,660.7 60,934.7 81,726.1 458,449.5 347,552.7 110,896.8 2,483.5 5,962.8
I Qtr 112,620.5 126,742.0 27,438.9 6,516.4 20,922.5 97,430.8 77,505.7 19,925.1 767.6 1,104.7
Jul/Aug 31,355.8 40,657.4 7,320.8 524.9 6,796.0 32,844.0 26,082.0 6,762.0 150.6 341.9
Aug/Sep 34,080.6 42,399.5 10,553.5 3,782.4 6,771.1 30,917.1 23,620.9 7,296.2 563.6 365.3
Sep/Oct 47,184.1 43,685.2 9,564.6 2,209.1 7,355.5 33,669.7 27,802.8 5,866.9 53.5 397.5

II Qtr 112,865.9 139,716.9 33,709.8 16,081.8 17,628.0 102,782.6 79,334.6 23,448.0 1,122.3 2,102.2
Oct/Nov 36,192.8 45,190.4 8,719.7 3,956.1 4,763.6 35,923.1 28,897.2 7,025.9 5.5 542.1
Nov/Dec 40,402.8 42,883.9 7,585.6 1,247.0 6,338.6 33,492.0 25,683.1 7,808.9 886.0 920.4
Dec/Jan 36,270.2 51,642.6 17,404.5 10,878.8 6,525.8 33,367.6 24,754.4 8,613.2 230.8 639.7

III Qtr 108,981.3 167,235.1 45,714.2 24,748.1 20,966.0 120,029.7 93,058.6 26,971.1 258.4 1,232.9
Jan/Feb 15,068.5 61,850.5 22,860.7 16,077.9 6,782.7 38,418.3 27,309.7 11,108.6 14.3 557.2
Feb/Mar 48,042.5 46,067.4 6,968.4 116.2 6,852.2 38,771.9 31,914.5 6,857.4 33.0 294.2
Mar/Apr 45,870.4 59,317.1 15,885.1 8,554.0 7,331.1 42,839.4 33,834.3 9,005.0 211.1 381.5

IV Qtr 136,076.9 175,862.5 35,797.8 13,588.3 22,209.5 138,206.5 97,653.8 40,552.6 335.2 1,523.0
Apr/May 36,528.9 51,714.6 9,537.2 3,436.8 6,100.3 41,550.1 30,256.0 11,294.1 160.4 466.9
May/Jun 42,649.2 59,278.4 10,743.1 3,147.2 7,595.9 47,815.1 35,379.2 12,435.9 153.5 566.7
Jun/Jul 56,898.8 64,869.5 15,517.6 7,004.3 8,513.2 48,841.2 32,018.5 16,822.6 21.3 489.4

I Qtr 101,653.1 205,932.1 50,743.3 17,963.3 32,780.0 151,375.6 107,704.4 43,671.2 2,062.3 1,750.9
Jul/Aug 25,403.7 64,991.4 9,220.3 1,312.0 7,908.2 53,628.7 36,119.1 17,509.5 1,430.6 711.8
Aug/Sep 43,749.3 61,297.7 13,978.5 1,985.6 11,992.9 46,486.5 35,125.9 11,360.7 300.6 532.0
Sep/Oct 32,500.2 79,643.0 27,544.5 14,665.7 12,878.9 51,260.4 36,459.4 14,801.1 331.0 507.1

* On payments basis : data based on foreign exchange records.

Note: The data since 2010/11 are the revised figures with adjustments.
87. Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal

In Million Rupees

1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99
1. Borrowings 3,156.6 4,633.8 6,479.8 4,709.2 8,152.5 6,478.8 9,527.5 11,611.8 9,446.8 10,117.0 12,091.2 10,726.8
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan 307.2 118.2 1,025.6 1,293.8 3,159.7 887.1 482.2 3,794.5 112.3 485.8 501.8 780.6
d. OPEC 27.5 16.9 72.6 77.0 18.4 41.5 50.9 44.1 14.6 0.2 3.5 303.0
e. Kuwait 65.9 43.3 50.0 8.0 21.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 925.5 1,932.7 1,729.6 1,434.7 1,677.3 2,228.3 4,239.0 2,614.7 4,143.6 4,240.2 7,013.5 5,389.5
i. International Development Association 1,498.1 1,902.1 2,991.0 1,374.8 2,650.5 2,970.2 4,691.4 4,137.2 4,410.5 3,436.4 2,920.7 3,589.6
j. EEC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
k. IFAD 165.0 195.8 238.4 138.0 48.9 8.2 9.6 83.0 52.4 158.2 390.4 76.5
l. France 104.8 361.2 273.1 333.8 156.5 301.5 54.3 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
m. Saudi Fund 62.6 63.6 99.5 49.2 73.9 25.3 0.0 354.3 502.5 606.6 314.9 174.1
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 201.7 211.0 348.6 154.2 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.7 423.5 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 346.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 354.4 0.0
q. NDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 381.7 0.0 534.9 13.4 42.6
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 243.1
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.9
u. Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 272.4 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.6
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.3
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.3
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2. Repayment of Principal 304.7 379.3 512.7 561.8 971.5 1,252.1 1,453.8 2,007.2 1,986.4 2,101.2 2,698.5 2,752.6
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan 23.8 37.3 37.4 44.8 120.0 254.7 329.6 337.9 373.3 345.4 789.0 517.4
d. OPEC 34.4 38.1 40.6 49.5 86.1 121.8 140.5 180.0 159.2 127.2 132.4 110.0
e. Kuwait 22.5 24.8 42.4 49.7 86.2 91.4 96.9 147.5 69.0 70.8 74.8 83.4
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 9.6 10.3 11.8 14.0 19.2 18.6 11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 138.6 141.9 233.9 223.0 332.8 380.7 457.9 643.5 701.1 808.9 841.1 878.0
i. International Development Association 26.0 79.2 73.2 88.4 118.0 179.6 203.1 366.0 427.6 476.1 599.0 854.5
j. EEC 0.0 0.0 2.6 1.5 3.9 4.6 2.2 4.8 5.6 5.7 5.5 6.3
k. IFAD 0.0 0.0 10.7 11.2 32.3 33.7 41.1 61.5 75.6 94.5 88.0 123.0
l. France 49.8 47.9 43.6 44.1 109.3 82.9 81.1 109.1 72.7 56.1 53.0 45.4
m. Saudi Fund 0.0 0.0 16.5 35.7 63.8 84.2 89.9 155.1 98.2 104.1 89.3 78.7
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 4.1 4.2 4.8 5.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 21.6 50.9
q. NDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal (Contd. …)

In Million Rupees

1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 2009/10
1. Borrowings 12,540.4 11,982.4 8,040.3 5,184.1 9,605.4 5,811.3 7,691.0 9,689.9 6,585.1 7,288.2 7,288.2 2,464.8
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 766.4
c. Japan 2,089.3 2,867.7 1,493.1 572.1 198.3 0.0 40.1 809.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
d. OPEC 294.1 378.6 224.6 141.7 142.7 0.0 127.8 217.5 52.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
e. Kuwait 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.0 143.4 0.0 4.2 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 6,301.1 4,045.9 2,854.0 1,399.0 1,608.5 1,102.1 4,224.1 5,731.4 5,448.7 5,646.0 5,646.0 2,868.0
i. International Development Association 3,199.6 3,599.8 2,915.5 2,143.2 7,312.9 4,438.1 2,927.7 2,905.6 1,047.7 1,217.6 1,217.6 613.3
j. EEC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
k. IFAD 151.6 63.1 205.0 108.5 51.8 0.0 105.4 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 129.0
l. France 0.0 25.4 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
m. Saudi Fund 134.4 360.6 259.1 665.3 147.8 0.0 84.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
q. NDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
r. Korea 317.1 19.4 13.6 35.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,528.5
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 23.9 149.5 63.8 60.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 205.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 29.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 267.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 271.1 176.8 0.0 36.1 424.7 424.7 936.3
2. Repayment of Principal 3,625.3 4,684.6 4,936.4 5,668.7 5,765.5 2,793.4 6,987.4 7,538.8 7,859.6 10,122.0 10,122.0 10,743.0
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan 1,067.1 1,131.8 1,076.5 1,126.2 1,170.0 157.1 1,516.4 1,505.6 1,370.2 1,859.3 1,859.3 1,864.6
d. OPEC 94.6 129.5 87.8 160.2 134.3 60.0 161.1 185.5 275.7 239.6 239.6 203.7
e. Kuwait 84.6 90.2 94.1 97.0 83.8 54.4 110.7 110.1 62.7 46.4 46.4 31.8
f. U.S.A 11.1 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 1,069.4 1,201.9 1,383.6 1,639.7 1,786.8 1,023.9 2,080.8 2,638.6 2,845.9 4,045.8 4,045.8 4,635.5
i. International Development Association 1,033.6 1,251.0 1,377.1 1,663.1 1,768.5 1,118.2 2,198.9 2,270.0 2,403.3 3,025.3 3,025.3 3,152.1
j. EEC 17.2 17.0 17.2 20.0 20.9 11.5 21.6 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.5 23.4
k. IFAD 134.8 134.1 122.1 130.9 107.8 73.5 137.3 136.5 156.6 177.5 177.5 175.9
l. France 11.4 112.3 166.5 215.1 254.9 128.4 258.1 272.0 325.4 417.0 417.0 306.2
m. Saudi Fund 79.8 262.8 274.3 282.4 232.3 98.5 191.5 195.3 175.4 108.9 108.9 193.6
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 63.8 66.1 32.7 63.0 0.0 31.5 28.0 27.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 21.7 21.7 21.1 25.3 28.8 0.0 48.5 40.6 40.6 48.3 48.3 46.9
q. NDF 0.0 0.0 4.2 9.1 57.6 9.9 29.1 29.4 34.5 37.8 37.8 36.9
r. Korea 0.0 28.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 50.6 0.0 74.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.4
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 28.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 94.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 211.6 216.3 172.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 29.5 0.0 27.4 27.3 28.1 105.1 20.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 93.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.4 0.0 27.7 0.0 0.0 93.7 93.7 40.0

Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal (Contd. …)

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 I Qtr
1. Borrowings 13,703.3 13,445.2 13,701.1 21,132.4 12,933.4 37,270.0 60,451.5 90,954.9 8,789.3
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 1,120.0 759.2 286.2 365.4 220.6 1,428.0 1,931.3 2,083.6 757.4
c. Japan 82.5 15.8 35.4 656.0 310.9 521.9 7,376.6 7,998.2 1,324.4
d. OPEC 279.0 760.5 518.3 579.8 270.4 597.5 1,560.1 1,407.7 88.1
e. Kuwait 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.1 86.4 288.4
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. Russia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 5,824.3 5,981.1 3,495.5 6,326.4 2,237.9 11,463.1 18,869.6 24,845.9 4,695.7
i. International Development Association 2,994.3 4,417.8 6,940.1 12,250.4 9,220.1 22,620.0 29,872.4 54,000.0 1,191.7
j. EEC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
k. IFAD 300.1 415.0 288.2 243.1 178.8 573.3 656.4 124.1 0.0
l. France 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
m. Saudi Fund 79.8 66.2 15.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 42.6 0.5 13.8
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
q. NDF 349.0 87.0 76.8 157.4 34.8 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
r. Korea 1,205.5 550.9 539.8 33.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.9 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 1,468.9 391.7 1,506.0 499.4 460.0 56.7 91.4 394.7 429.9
2. Repayment of Principal 11,218.1 12,397.8 14,919.9 16,724.6 6,060.2 17,795.1 17,814.7 18,543.7 2,045.6
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 328.9 687.7 678.2 680.9 0.0
c. Japan 2,034.7 2,355.9 1,951.7 1,798.4 764.5 1,726.1 1,851.0 1,335.6 27.8
d. OPEC 262.6 283.6 329.5 351.2 92.2 460.6 469.2 536.2 7.4
e. Kuwait 107.2 11.4 36.1 25.9 15.7 36.1 26.0 26.4 0.0
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. Russia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 124.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 4,879.6 5,506.3 6,984.6 7,828.5 2,647.6 8,363.0 8,345.3 9,166.4 1,268.7
i. International Development Association 3,185.0 3,425.4 4,725.3 4,972.7 1,984.7 5,458.7 5,389.0 5,717.7 713.2
j. EEC 22.0 25.9 12.8 30.7 12.2 27.2 25.6 28.1 0.0
k. IFAD 167.1 138.8 277.0 297.0 90.4 340.7 329.5 337.0 9.7
l. France 296.5 326.1 340.5 397.8 56.5 179.6 113.8 105.1 18.8
m. Saudi Fund 91.1 89.5 37.2 105.7 0.0 113.9 108.2 104.1 0.0
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 52.1 68.6 87.3 105.2 0.0 98.6 82.8 66.0 0.0
q. NDF 36.6 0.0 62.1 90.2 38.2 95.5 96.1 108.5 0.0
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.3 57.5 57.7 61.3 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 20.9 24.1 25.3 29.8 0.0 25.3 25.0 26.7 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 62.7 142.2 50.3 691.5 0.0 0.0 217.4 243.7 0.0

Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal (Contd. …)

1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99
3. Payment of Interest and Fees 291.8 313.7 395.1 485.4 717.2 877.7 1,003.2 1,268.0 1,313.7 1,253.0 1,353.7 1,421.0
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan 36.1 44.5 51.3 63.8 116.1 167.1 200.9 235.6 228.6 203.4 109.0 115.8
d. OPEC 2.6 3.0 5.0 13.8 14.2 13.8 10.0 12.4 11.3 8.2 95.9 8.6
e. Kuwait 16.4 19.0 21.9 16.9 30.8 30.3 28.4 39.7 26.3 25.9 24.1 24.5
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 88.6 94.2 114.3 127.6 210.7 247.1 316.8 453.2 482.4 416.4 443.6 598.2
i. International Development Association 109.9 105.8 134.3 166.0 223.6 273.6 303.5 350.1 416.6 445.6 521.4 403.1
j. EEC 2.2 1.7 2.0 4.2 2.5 2.6 1.7 3.7 4.0 3.1 1.5 3.9
k. IFAD 7.4 14.1 12.6 15.6 17.8 31.1 28.5 48.9 46.1 32.5 34.6 39.7
l. France 24.4 27.1 46.2 67.3 87.1 97.1 89.8 113.7 86.5 93.4 88.2 68.5
m. Saudi Fund 1.8 2.0 5.2 7.6 11.6 12.3 23.4 6.0 9.6 11.8 16.0 47.3
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 6.5 4.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
q. NDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 6.2 4.5 5.1
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 105.6
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4. Net Borrowings (1-2) 2,851.9 4,254.5 5,967.1 4,147.4 7,181.0 5,226.6 8,073.7 9,604.6 7,460.4 8,015.8 9,392.7 7,974.2
a. Denmark (1a-2a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India (1b-2b) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan (1c-2c) 283.4 81.0 988.1 1,248.9 3,039.7 632.5 152.6 3,456.6 -261.0 140.4 -287.2 263.2
d. OPEC (1d-2d) -6.9 -21.2 97.0 27.4 -67.7 -80.4 -89.6 -135.9 -144.6 -127.0 -128.9 193.0
e. Kuwait (1e-2e) 43.4 18.5 7.7 -41.7 -65.0 -91.4 -96.9 -147.5 -69.0 -70.8 -74.8 -83.4
f. U.S.A (1f-2f) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR (1g-2g) -9.6 -10.3 -11.8 -14.0 -19.2 -18.6 -11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank (1h-2h) 786.9 1,790.8 1,495.7 1,211.7 1,344.5 1,847.6 3,781.1 1,971.2 3,442.5 3,431.3 6,172.4 4,511.5
i. International Development Association (1i-2i) 1,472.1 1,822.9 2,917.8 1,286.5 2,532.5 2,790.5 4,488.3 3,771.2 3,982.9 2,960.3 2,321.7 2,735.1
j. EEC (1j-2j) 0.0 0.0 -2.6 -1.5 -3.9 12.3 -2.2 -4.8 -5.6 -5.7 -5.5 -6.3
k. IFAD (1k-2k) 165.0 195.9 227.8 126.8 16.7 -25.5 -31.5 21.5 -23.2 63.7 302.4 -46.5
l. France (1l-2l) 55.0 313.3 229.5 289.7 47.2 218.6 -26.8 -108.4 -72.7 -56.1 -53.0 -45.4
m. Saudi Fund (1m-2m) 62.6 63.6 83.0 13.5 10.1 -59.0 -89.9 199.2 404.3 502.5 225.6 95.4
n. UNCDF (1n–2n) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 199.9 206.9 344.4 149.4 -5.0
o. Finland (1o–2o) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.7 423.5 0.0
p. Belgium (1p–2p) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -8.2 332.8 -50.9
q. NDF (1q-2q) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 381.7 0.0 534.9 13.4 42.6
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 243.1
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.9
u. Austria (1r–2r) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 272.4 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.6
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.3
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.3
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal (Contd. …)

1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 2009/10
3. Payment of Interest and Fees 1,639.9 1,522.1 3,706.2 2,021.6 2,142.4 1,086.9 2,163.9 2,055.7 2,145.3 2,374.2 2,374.2 2,458.1
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
c. Japan 236.3 206.3 342.2 198.9 225.9 63.8 289.4 197.7 220.5 179.9 179.9 201.9
d. OPEC 15.1 20.6 39.9 36.5 33.3 14.1 30.5 32.6 29.7 35.2 35.2 32.9
e. Kuwait 22.3 21.2 18.8 17.6 23.9 7.6 19.7 12.4 9.6 9.3 9.3 14.8
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 605.2 564.4 1,596.5 852.3 898.7 467.8 865.2 832.8 928.3 1,134.2 1,134.2 1,176.2
i. International Development Association 587.8 535.9 1,184.2 716.1 768.2 439.9 788.9 810.9 792.6 850.1 850.1 864.5
j. EEC 3.4 2.0 2.4 3.7 4.2 2.2 2.1 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.2
k. IFAD 39.9 60.2 60.9 44.8 34.0 22.4 42.7 42.4 41.4 46.9 46.9 45.8
l. France 83.6 62.0 229.1 85.3 86.4 39.2 72.5 69.1 72.6 65.2 65.2 54.0
m. Saudi Fund 29.2 31.6 213.9 43.8 31.9 17.1 16.2 30.0 22.8 21.6 21.6 19.2
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
q. NDF 11.3 11.0 11.1 14.5 28.0 8.3 15.4 15.3 15.7 18.2 18.2 18.0
r. Korea 5.8 6.9 7.1 4.0 3.9 4.5 4.6 9.3 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.2 10.2 27.6
4. Net Borrowings (1-2) 8,915.1 7,297.8 3,103.9 -484.6 3,839.9 3,017.9 703.6 2,151.1 -1,274.5 -2,833.8 -2,833.8 -4,245.7
a. Denmark (1a-2a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India (1b-2b) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,052.1
c. Japan (1c-2c) 1,022.2 1,735.9 416.6 -554.0 -971.7 -157.1 -1,476.2 -696.5 -1,370.2 -1,859.3 -1,859.3 -1,864.6
d. OPEC (1d-2d) 199.5 249.1 136.8 -18.5 8.4 -60.0 -33.3 32.0 -223.1 -239.6 -239.6 -203.7
e. Kuwait (1e-2e) -84.6 -90.2 -94.1 -38.0 59.6 -54.4 -106.4 -96.6 -62.7 -46.4 -46.4 -80.4
f. U.S.A (1f-2f) -11.1 0.0 0.0 -1.2 -1.0 -0.5 -0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR (1g-2g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank (1h-2h) 5,231.7 2,844.0 1,470.4 -240.7 -178.3 78.2 2,143.3 3,092.9 2,602.8 1,562.1 1,562.1 -1,767.7
i. International Development Association (1i-2i) 2,166.0 2,348.8 1,538.4 480.0 5,544.5 3,319.9 728.9 635.6 -1,355.7 -1,769.2 -1,769.2 -2,539.3
j. EEC (1j-2j) -17.2 -17.0 -17.2 -20.0 -20.9 -11.5 -21.6 -22.3 -22.4 -22.5 -22.5 -23.4
k. IFAD (1k-2k) 16.8 -71.0 82.9 -22.4 -56.0 -73.5 -31.8 -123.6 -156.6 -177.5 -177.5 -47.3
l. France (1l-2l) -11.4 -86.9 -154.9 -215.1 -254.9 -128.4 -258.1 -272.0 -325.4 -417.0 -417.0 -306.2
m. Saudi Fund (1m-2m) 54.6 97.8 -15.2 382.9 -84.5 -98.5 -106.7 -195.3 -175.4 -108.9 -108.9 -193.6
n. UNCDF (1n–2n) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland (1o–2o) 0.0 -63.8 -66.1 -32.7 -63.0 0.0 -31.5 -28.0 -27.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium (1p–2p) -21.7 -21.7 -21.1 -25.3 -28.8 0.0 -48.5 -40.6 -40.6 -48.3 -48.3 -46.9
q. NDF (1q-2q) 0.0 0.0 -4.2 -9.1 -57.6 -9.9 -29.1 -29.4 -34.5 -37.8 -37.8 -36.9
r. Korea 317.1 -8.8 13.6 35.1 0.0 -30.2 -50.6 0.0 -74.8 0.0 0.0 1,528.3
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -32.4
t. IBRD 23.9 149.5 63.8 60.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria (1r–2r) 0.0 176.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -94.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 29.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 267.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 -211.6 -216.3 -172.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 -29.5 0.0 -27.4 -27.3 -28.1 -105.1 -20.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 -93.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -24.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -28.4 271.1 149.1 0.0 36.1 330.4 330.4 316.2

Direct External Debt of Government of Nepal (Contd. …)

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2016/17 I Qtr
3. Payment of Interest and Fees 2,324.6 2,833.7 3,119.2 3,365.2 982.4 3,310.9 3,258.7 3,857.1 828.5
a. Denmark 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.6 128.1 130.9 165.2 0.0
c. Japan 203.9 214.3 178.4 155.8 56.3 109.7 97.4 74.3 0.0
d. OPEC 27.1 35.5 74.9 53.6 24.9 65.2 99.1 100.4 6.7
e. Kuwait 6.8 3.8 11.1 7.2 3.8 8.2 5.7 6.2 1.7
f. U.S.A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. USSR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank 1,111.6 1,384.9 1,481.6 1,618.8 443.7 1,418.5 1,353.6 1,521.4 205.9
i. International Development Association 789.0 902.4 1,028.8 1,130.9 365.3 1,245.1 1,342.6 1,597.8 413.0
j. EEC 2.6 2.4 2.0 2.6 1.4 1.6 2.4 2.4 0.0
k. IFAD 44.5 71.4 69.0 69.6 13.1 63.4 64.6 68.1 1.8
l. France 44.5 40.7 33.9 29.5 3.5 10.0 6.7 5.4 0.9
m. Saudi Fund 18.1 15.8 0.6 16.2 0.0 14.3 13.8 18.8 0.0
n. UNCDF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
q. NDF 14.7 17.0 20.7 21.1 8.6 18.0 16.6 17.2 0.0
r. Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.1 33.7 33.0 33.6 0.0
s. OECF 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria 0.2 33.7 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 60.3 111.8 211.8 259.9 0.0 195.3 92.3 246.3 198.5
4. Net Borrowings (1-2) 2,485.2 1,047.4 -1,218.8 4,407.7 6,873.2 19,475.0 42,636.8 72,411.2 6,743.7
a. Denmark (1a-2a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
b. India (1b-2b) 1,120.0 759.2 286.2 365.4 -108.3 740.2 1,253.1 1,402.7 757.4
c. Japan (1c-2c) -1,952.3 -2,340.1 -1,916.3 -1,142.4 -453.6 -1,204.2 5,525.6 6,662.6 1,296.6
d. OPEC (1d-2d) 16.4 476.9 188.8 228.6 178.3 136.9 1,090.9 871.4 80.7
e. Kuwait (1e-2e) -107.2 -11.4 -36.1 -25.9 -15.7 -36.1 25.1 60.0 288.4
f. U.S.A (1f-2f) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
g. Russia (1g-2g) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -124.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
h. Asian Development Bank (1h-2h) 944.7 474.8 -3,489.1 -1,502.1 -409.8 3,100.1 10,524.4 15,679.6 3,427.0
i. International Development Association (1i-2i) -190.7 992.4 2,214.7 7,277.6 7,235.5 17,161.2 24,483.4 48,282.3 478.5
j. EEC (1j-2j) -22.0 -25.9 -12.8 -30.7 -12.2 -27.2 -25.6 -28.1 0.0
k. IFAD (1k-2k) 133.0 276.2 11.2 -54.0 88.4 232.6 326.9 -212.9 -9.7
l. France (1l-2l) -296.5 -326.1 -340.5 -397.8 -56.5 -179.6 -113.8 -105.1 -18.8
m. Saudi Fund (1m-2m) -11.3 -23.3 -22.2 -84.7 0.0 -113.9 -65.6 -103.6 13.8
n. UNCDF (1n–2n) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
o. Finland (1o–2o) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
p. Belgium (1p–2p) -52.1 -68.6 -87.3 -105.2 0.0 -98.6 -82.8 -66.0 0.0
q. NDF (1q-2q) 312.4 87.0 -15.8 67.2 -3.3 -85.9 -96.1 -108.5 0.0
r. Korea 1,205.5 550.9 539.8 33.5 -29.3 -57.5 -57.7 -47.5 0.0
s. OECF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
t. IBRD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
u. Austria (1r–2r) -20.9 -24.1 -25.3 -29.8 0.0 -25.3 -25.0 -26.7 0.0
v. NORDIC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
w. KFW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
x. IMF 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
y. Australia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
z. E.F.I.C. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
aa. Other 1,406.2 249.5 1,455.6 -192.0 460.0 56.7 -126.0 151.0 429.9

88. Indirect External Debt of Government of Nepal

In Thousand Rupees
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
1. Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

a. Japan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b. U.S.A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. Repayment of Principal 2,493 3,470 3,295 1,632 2,577 2,565 3,245 1,171 963 651 983 991 996 821 1,028 1,041 1,100 1,119 524 767 1,156 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,300

a. Japan 1,514 2,475 2,088 711 1,654 1,620 2,293 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b. U.S.A. 979 995 1,207 921 923 945 952 1,171 963 651 983 991 996 821 1,028 1,041 1,100 1,119 524 767 1,156 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,300

3. Payment of Interest and Fees 1,314 835 43 934 426 1,028 1,060 415 641 941 588 562 533 491 480 453 430 401 184 169 315 200 100 400 0 0 70

a. Japan 433 0 0 551 414 306 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b. U.S.A. 881 835 43 383 12 722 840 415 641 941 588 562 533 491 480 453 430 401 184 169 315 200 100 400 0 0 70

4. Net Borrowings (1-2) -2,493 -3,470 -3,295 -1,632 -2,577 -2,565 -3,245 -1,171 -963 -651 -983 -991 -996 -821 -1,028 -1,041 -1,100 -1,119 -524 -767 -1,156 -1,000 -1,200 -1,500 -1,200 -1,200 -1,300

a. Japan -1,514 -2,475 -2,088 -711 -1,654 -1,620 -2,213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b. U.S.A. -979 -995 -1,207 -921 -923 -945 -952 -1,171 -963 -651 -983 -991 -996 -821 -1,028 -1,041 -1,100 -1,119 -524 -767 -1,156 -1,000 -1,200 -1,500 -1,200 -1,200 -1,300

89. Outstanding Debt of Government of Nepal

Rs. In Million As Percent of GDP

Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
1974/75 599.30 346.10 945.40 3.6 2.1 5.7
1975/76 737.10 477.20 1214.30 4.2 2.7 7.0
1976/77 1013.80 629.40 1643.20 5.9 3.6 9.5
1977/78 1224.60 972.30 2196.90 6.2 4.9 11.1
1978/79 1395.20 1320.90 2716.10 5.3 5.1 10.4
1979/80 1502.80 1807.30 3310.10 6.4 7.7 14.2
1980/81 1443.80 2451.30 3895.10 5.3 9.0 14.3
1981/82 1900.00 3177.80 5077.80 6.1 10.3 16.4
1982/83 2878.10 4717.60 7595.70 8.5 13.9 22.5
1983/84 4337.10 6321.10 10658.20 11.0 16.1 27.1
1984/85 6031.60 9203.20 15234.80 12.9 19.8 32.7
1985/86 7190.20 10330.20 17520.40 12.9 18.5 31.4
1986/87 8997.40 15171.90 24169.30 14.1 23.8 37.8
1987/88 11636.00 20826.00 32462.00 15.1 27.1 42.2
1988/89 12887.90 29216.90 42104.80 14.4 32.7 47.2
1989/90 14673.10 36800.90 51474.00 14.2 35.6 49.8
1990/91 20855.90 59505.30 80361.20 17.3 49.4 66.8
1991/92 23234.90 70923.90 94158.80 15.5 47.4 63.0
1992/93 25456.00 87420.80 112876.80 14.8 51.0 65.8
1993/94 30631.21 101966.80 132598.01 15.4 51.2 66.5
1994/95 32057.90 113000.90 145058.80 14.6 51.6 66.2
1995/96 34241.80 128044.40 162286.20 13.8 51.4 65.2
1996/97 35890.80 132086.80 167977.60 12.8 47.1 59.9
1997/98 38406.60 161208.00 199614.60 12.8 53.6 66.4
1998/99 49669.70 169465.90 219135.60 14.5 49.5 64.1
1999/00 54357.00 190691.20 245048.20 14.3 50.2 64.6
2000/01 60043.80 201550.60 261594.40 13.6 45.6 59.2
2001/02 73620.90 220125.60 293746.50 16.0 47.9 63.9
2002/03 79518.20 223433.20 302951.40 16.2 45.4 61.5
2003/04 86133.70 232779.30 318913.00 16.0 43.4 59.4
2004/05 87564.30 219641.90 307206.20 14.9 37.3 52.1
2005/06 89954.93 233968.60 323923.53 13.8 35.8 49.5
2006/07 99303.80 216628.90 315932.70 13.6 29.8 43.4
2007/08 111239.14 249965.40 361204.54 13.6 30.6 44.3
2008/09 120873.70 277040.40 397914.10 12.2 28.0 40.3
2009/10 142859.70 256243.30 399103.00 12.0 21.5 33.5
2010/11 179328.39 259551.80 438880.19 13.1 19.0 32.1
2011/12 209120.20 309287.10 518407.30 13.7 20.2 33.9
2012/13 207001.71 333441.50 540443.21 12.2 19.7 31.9
2013/14 201817.50 346819.10 548636.60 10.3 17.7 27.9
2014/15 196785.80 343261.80 540047.60 9.2 16.1 25.4

I Qtr 191336.82 360127.52 551464.34 8.5 16.0 24.5

II Qtr 181186.79 374105.47 555292.26 7.0 14.4 21.4
III Qtr 213068.92 380748.60 593817.52 8.2 14.6 22.8
2015/16 234157.98 388762.79 622920.76 10.4 17.3 27.7

I Qtr 234158.03 393155.09 627313.12 9.0 15.1 24.1

II Qtr 227457.98 401987.88 629445.86 8.8 15.5 24.2
III Qtr 246362.30 384242.87 630605.17 9.5 14.8 24.3
2016/17R 283710.70 413978.80 697689.50 10.9 15.9 26.8

I Qtr 341250.70 432803.40 774054.10 13.1 16.7 29.8

II Qtr 394499.50 436484.20 830983.70 15.2 16.8 32.0
III Qtr 399166.70 465932.33 865099.03 13.3 15.5 28.8
2017/18 390898.70 521721.00 910410.70 13.0 17.4 30.4

I Qtr 2018/19 390898.70 561933.61** 952832.31 - - -

* Excluding IMF Promissory Note
** Preliminary Estimate
R Revised Estimate
Source: FCGO & NRB

90. Socio Economic Indicators of Nepal

Population Population Real GDP growth Rate Percapita GDP Per capita GNI
in Million Growth Rate (at producers price) in US$ in US$

2000/01 23.15 - 5.50 259 260

2001/02 23.67 2.25 0.12 255 254

2002/03 24.20 2.25 3.95 261 261

2003/04 24.75 2.25 4.68 293 292

2004/05 25.30 2.25 3.48 328 329

2005/06 25.87 2.25 3.36 350 352

2006/07 25.18 -2.68 3.41 410 414

2007/08 25.53 1.40 6.10 491 496

2008/09 25.89 1.40 4.53 497 502

2009/10 26.25 1.40 4.82 610 614

2010/11 26.49 0.92 3.42 714 718

2011/12 26.85 1.35 4.78 702 708

2012/13 27.21 1.35 4.13 708 714

2013/14 27.58 1.35 5.99 725 737

2014/15 27.95 1.35 3.32 766 778

2015/16 28.33 1.35 0.59 748 759

2016/17 28.71 1.35 7.91 866 877

2017/18 29.10 1.35 6.29 1004 1012

Source: Various issues of Economic Survey MoF, GoN

91. Exchange Rate for US Dollar

Rupees per US Dollar

Period Average Period End
Fiscal Year/Month
Buying Selling Middle Buying Selling Middle
1965/66 7.60 7.68 7.64 7.60 7.68 7.64
1966/67 7.60 7.68 7.64 7.60 7.68 7.64
1967/681 9.27 9.36 9.31 10.10 10.20 10.15
1968/69 10.10 10.20 10.15 10.10 10.20 10.15
1969/70 10.10 10.20 10.15 10.10 10.20 10.15
1970/71 10.10 10.20 10.15 10.10 10.20 10.15
1971/72 10.10 10.20 10.15 10.10 10.20 10.15
1972/732 10.30 10.40 10.35 10.50 10.60 10.55
1973/74 10.50 10.60 10.55 10.50 10.60 10.55
1974/75 10.50 10.60 10.55 10.50 10.60 10.55
3 12.13 12.23 12.18 12.45 12.55 12.50
1976/77 12.45 12.55 12.50 12.45 12.55 12.50
1977/784 12.27 12.40 12.33 11.90 12.10 12.00
1978/79 11.90 12.10 12.00 11.90 12.10 12.00
1979/80 11.90 12.10 12.00 11.90 12.10 12.00
1980/81 11.90 12.10 12.00 11.90 12.10 12.00
1981/825 12.90 13.10 13.00 13.10 13.30 13.20
1982/836 13.78 13.98 13.88 14.40 14.60 14.50
1983/84 15.40 15.60 15.50 16.30 16.50 16.40
1984/85 17.83 18.03 17.93 17.60 17.80 17.70
1985/867 19.85 20.05 19.95 21.10 21.30 21.20
1986/87 21.59 21.79 21.69 21.80 22.00 21.90
1987/88 22.11 22.31 22.21 23.50 23.70 23.60
1988/89 25.53 25.73 25.63 27.40 27.60 27.50
1989/90 28.54 28.74 28.64 29.10 29.30 29.20
1990/918 31.85 32.05 31.95 42.70 42.90 42.80
1991/929 42.59 42.79 42.69 42.60 42.80 42.70
1992/9310 45.49 45.82 45.65 49.00 49.48 49.24
1993/94 49.01 49.49 49.25 49.11 49.59 49.35
1994/95 49.70 50.18 49.94 50.45 50.94 50.70
1995/96 54.96 55.46 55.21 56.25 56.80 56.53
1996/97 56.75 57.30 57.02 56.75 57.30 57.03
1997/98 61.66 62.25 61.95 67.60 68.25 67.93
1998/99 67.63 68.28 67.95 68.15 68.80 68.48
1999/00 68.74 69.40 69.07 70.40 71.10 70.75
2000/01 73.48 74.18 73.83 74.65 75.40 75.03
2001/02 76.53 77.24 76.88 78.00 78.60 78.30
2002/03 77.49 78.08 77.79 74.75 75.34 75.05
2003/04 73.49 74.09 73.79 74.14 74.75 74.45
2004/05 71.76 72.36 72.06 70.35 70.94 70.65
2005/06 72.03 72.62 72.32 74.10 74.69 74.40
2006/07 70.20 70.79 70.49 64.85 65.44 65.15
2007/08 64.72 65.32 65.02 68.50 69.10 68.80
2008/09 76.58 77.18 76.88 78.05 78.65 78.35
2009/10 74.24 74.84 74.54 74.44 75.04 74.74
2010/11 72.07 72.47 72.27 70.95 71.55 71.25
2011/12 80.72 81.32 81.02 88.60 89.20 88.90
2012/13 87.66 88.26 87.96 88.02 88.62 88.32
2013/14 97.95 98.55 98.25 97.93 98.53 98.25
2014/15 99.19 99.79 99.49 99.56 100.16 99.86
2015/16 106.05 106.65 106.35 106.19 106.79 106.49
2016/17 105.91 106.51 106.21 105.65 106.25 105.95

2017/18 104.07 104.67 104.37 104.26 104.86 104.56

Jul/Aug 102.29 102.89 102.59 102.29 102.89 102.59
Aug/Sep 102.15 102.75 102.45 102.22 102.82 102.52
Sep/Oct 103.69 104.29 103.99 103.29 103.89 103.59
Oct/Nov 103.63 104.23 103.93 104.04 104.64 104.34
Nov/Dec 103.08 103.68 103.38 102.65 103.25 102.95
Dec/Jan 101.83 102.43 102.13 101.52 102.12 101.82
Jan/Feb 101.94 102.54 102.24 102.74 103.34 103.04
Feb/Mar 103.35 103.95 103.65 103.53 104.13 103.83
Mar/Apr 103.80 104.40 104.10 104.12 104.72 104.42
Apr/May 106.08 106.68 106.38 107.43 108.03 107.73
May/Jun 107.89 108.49 108.19 107.94 108.54 108.24
Jun/Jul 109.15 109.75 109.45 109.34 109.94 109.64

Jul/Aug 111.54 112.14 111.84 109.83 110.43 110.13
Aug/Sep 114.66 115.26 114.96 113.22 113.82 113.52
Sep/Oct 117.24 117.84 117.54 116.63 117.23 116.93
1 On December 8, 1967 the Nepalese rupee was devalued by 24.8 percent.
2 The exchange rate of the Nepalese rupee vis-a-vis the US dollar was changed effective February 9, 1973.
3 Effective October 9, 1975, the exchange rate of the Nepalese rupee vis-a-vis the US dollar was revised.
4 On March 23, 1978, the Nepalese rupee was revalued by 4.6 percent vis-a-vis the US dollar.
5 On September 19, 1981, the Nepalese rupee was devalued by 9.2 percent vis-a-vis the US dollar.
6 On December 17, 1982, the Nepalese rupee was devalued by 7.7 percent vis-a-vis the US dollar. From June 1, 1983, the trade weighted basket of currency system was introduced.
and Indian currency was replaced by the basket of currency system.
7 On November 30, 1985, the Nepalese rupee was devalued by 14.7 percent against foreign currencies.
8 On July 1991, Nepalese rupee was devalued against US dollar.
9 On March 4, 1992, the Nepalese rupee was made partially (65:35) convertible on current account followed by a change in proportion to 75:25 on July 12, 1992.
10 On Feb. 12, 1993, the Nepalese rupee was made fully convertible on current account.

92. Period-End Exchange Rate for Other Foreign Currencies

Rupees per Currency Unit

Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Swiss Franc Canadian Dollar Australian Dollar Swedish Kroner Indian Rupees
Fiscal Year/M onth Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1964/65 21.30 21.48 0.02 0.02 1.76 1.80 7.03 7.10 8.50 8.53 1.47 1.60 1.60
1 21.30 21.48 0.02 0.02 1.76 1.80 7.03 7.10 8.50 8.53 1.47 1.01 1.02
1966/67 21.30 21.48 0.02 0.02 2.34 2.38 7.03 7.10 8.50 8.53 1.47 1.01 1.02
1967/682 24.20 24.40 0.03 0.03 2.34 2.38 9.30 9.42 11.25 11.40 1.94 1.35 1.35
1968/69 24.20 24.40 0.03 0.03 2.34 2.38 9.30 9.42 11.25 11.40 1.94 1.35 1.35
1969/70 24.20 24.40 0.03 0.03 2.34 2.38 9.30 9.42 11.25 11.40 1.94 1.35 1.35
1970/71 24.20 24.40 0.03 0.03 2.48 2.50 9.30 9.42 11.25 11.40 1.94 1.35 1.35
3 24.20 24.40 0.03 0.03 2.61 2.65 9.30 9.42 11.25 11.40 1.94 1.39 1.39
1972/734 26.68 27.18 0.04 0.04 3.66 3.70 9.30 9.42 12.72 13.10 2.07 1.39 1.39
1973/74 25.02 25.52 0.04 0.04 3.50 3.54 10.75 10.91 12.72 13.10 2.34 1.39 1.39
1974/75 23.05 23.55 0.04 0.04 4.08 4.12 10.18 10.33 13.80 13.96 2.52 1.39 1.39
1975/765 22.21 22.71 0.04 0.04 5.03 5.07 12.82 12.99 15.41 15.53 2.73 1.39 1.39
1976/77 21.31 21.52 0.05 0.05 5.13 5.18 11.69 11.81 13.85 14.11 2.83 1.39 1.39
1977/78 22.36 22.59 0.06 0.06 6.54 6.60 10.53 10.64 13.58 13.73 2.59 1.45 1.45
1978/79 26.33 26.60 0.05 0.06 7.13 7.19 10.21 10.32 13.31 13.45 2.77 1.45 1.45
1979/80 28.12 28.41 0.05 0.06 7.38 7.45 10.30 10.40 13.75 13.89 2.86 1.45 1.45
1980/81 22.00 22.23 0.05 0.05 5.66 5.72 9.82 9.92 13.54 13.68 2.27 1.45 1.45
1981/82 22.48 22.72 0.05 0.05 6.13 6.19 10.25 10.36 13.19 13.33 2.10 1.45 1.45
1982/836 21.74 21.97 0.06 0.06 6.74 6.81 11.61 11.73 12.47 12.60 1.85 1.45 1.45
1983/84 21.35 21.57 0.07 0.07 6.75 6.82 12.19 12.31 13.59 13.74 1.94 1.45 1.45
1984/85 24.25 24.52 0.07 0.07 7.22 7.30 12.93 13.07 12.23 12.37 2.05 1.45 1.45
1985/867 31.45 31.77 0.13 0.13 11.73 11.86 15.34 15.50 13.58 13.72 2.94 1.68 1.68
1986/87 35.08 35.44 0.14 0.15 14.15 14.29 16.49 16.65 15.36 15.52 3.10 1.68 1.68
1987/88 39.89 40.29 0.18 0.18 15.33 15.49 19.55 19.75 18.78 18.96 3.69 1.68 1.68
1988/89 44.12 44.56 0.20 0.20 15.76 16.95 23.08 23.32 20.76 20.96 4.25 1.68 1.68
1989/90 52.63 53.15 0.20 0.20 20.97 21.19 25.11 25.37 23.05 23.29 4.82 1.68 1.68
8 69.95 70.65 0.31 0.31 27.38 27.66 37.25 30.87 32.49 32.81 6.52 1.65 1.65
1991/929 82.00 82.82 0.34 0.34 31.60 31.92 35.56 35.92 31.74 32.06 7.87 1.65 1.65
1992/9310 73.09 73.81 0.45 0.46 32.15 32.47 38.26 38.63 33.37 33.70 6.16 1.60 1.60
1993/94 76.77 77.52 0.50 0.51 37.74 38.11 35.55 35.89 36.07 36.42 6.42 1.60 1.60
1994/95 80.48 81.26 0.57 0.58 43.41 43.83 37.11 37.47 36.95 37.31 7.03 1.60 1.60
1995/96 87.45 88.31 0.51 0.52 44.82 45.26 41.04 41.44 44.66 45.09 8.39 1.60 1.60
1996/97 95.90 96.83 0.50 0.51 38.71 39.09 41.44 41.84 41.92 42.32 7.32 1.60 1.60
1997/98 110.34 111.40 0.48 0.49 44.54 44.97 45.60 46.04 42.07 42.47 8.42 1.60 1.60
1998/99 106.78 107.80 0.57 0.57 43.41 43.82 46.04 46.48 44.88 45.30 7.94 1.60 1.60
1999/00 105.64 106.69 0.65 0.66 42.47 42.90 47.52 48.00 41.18 41.59 7.90 1.60 1.60
2000/01 104.61 105.67 0.60 0.61 42.05 42.47 48.66 49.15 37.75 38.13 6.88 1.60 1.60
2001/02 121.41 122.34 0.67 0.68 52.82 53.23 50.89 51.28 43.84 44.18 8.43 1.60 1.60
2002/03 120.29 121.24 0.64 0.64 54.35 54.78 54.34 54.77 49.04 49.42 9.23 1.60 1.60
2003/04 137.57 138.89 0.68 0.68 60.08 60.57 56.29 56.76 53.80 54.24 9.96 1.60 1.60
2004/05 124.00 125.04 0.63 0.64 54.56 55.02 58.34 58.82 52.96 53.40 9.08 1.60 1.60
2005/06 136.17 137.26 0.64 0.64 60.09 60.57 65.43 65.95 55.57 56.01 10.20 1.60 1.60
2006/07 131.43 132.63 0.53 0.53 53.80 54.28 61.93 62.49 56.26 56.77 12.00 1.60 1.60
2007/08 135.89 137.08 0.64 0.65 66.97 67.56 67.76 68.36 66.29 66.87 11.47 1.60 1.60
2008/09 126.78 127.76 0.84 0.85 71.99 72.54 67.77 68.29 61.28 61.76 9.93 1.60 1.60
2009/10 113.71 114.63 0.85 0.85 70.63 71.20 71.88 72.46 65.34 65.86 10.08 1.60 1.60
2010/11 114.54 115.51 0.90 0.90 86.93 87.66 73.85 74.47 75.71 76.35 10.88 1.60 1.60
2011/12 136.62 137.54 1.12 1.13 89.91 90.52 86.97 87.55 89.96 90.57 12.60 1.60 1.60
2012/13 143.56 144.47 0.96 0.96 100.36 101.00 91.39 91.96 85.96 86.50 14.26 1.60 1.60
2013/14 164.61 165.64 0.94 0.95 107.51 108.18 89.35 89.91 89.91 90.47 14.11 1.60 1.60
2014/15 158.01 158.95 0.82 0.82 106.78 107.41 79.30 79.77 75.46 75.90 11.87 1.60 1.60
2015/16 141.28 142.08 1.01 1.02 108.87 109.48 82.61 83.07 81.58 82.03 12.59 1.60 1.60
2016/17 133.32 134.10 0.91 0.91 106.22 106.84 80.80 81.27 79.80 80.26 12.33 12.40 1.60 1.60

Jul/Aug11 133.56 134.34 0.92 0.93 106.25 106.87 81.16 81.64 80.98 81.45 12.50 12.57 1.60 1.60
Aug/Sep 138.80 139.62 0.92 0.93 106.47 107.10 84.07 84.57 81.94 82.42 12.85 12.92 1.60 1.60
Sep/Oct 137.41 138.21 0.92 0.93 105.93 106.54 82.44 82.91 81.31 81.78 12.72 12.80 1.60 1.60
Oct/Nov 136.97 137.76 0.92 0.93 105.53 106.14 81.69 82.16 79.07 79.53 12.34 12.41 1.60 1.60
Nov/Dec 138.07 138.88 0.91 0.92 103.95 104.56 80.04 80.51 78.69 79.15 12.23 12.30 1.60 1.60
Dec/Jan 138.39 139.20 0.91 0.92 104.56 105.18 81.10 81.58 79.91 80.38 12.50 12.58 1.60 1.60
Jan/Feb 142.17 143.00 0.94 0.95 109.29 109.93 81.70 82.18 80.28 80.75 12.68 12.75 1.60 1.60
Feb/Mar 143.76 144.59 0.97 0.97 109.22 109.86 80.45 80.92 81.44 81.92 12.58 12.65 1.60 1.60
Mar/Apr 147.85 148.70 0.97 0.98 108.19 108.82 82.75 83.23 80.78 81.24 12.39 12.46 1.60 1.60
Apr/May 145.48 146.30 0.98 0.99 107.36 107.96 83.97 84.44 81.03 81.48 12.50 12.57 1.60 1.60
May/Jun 143.85 144.65 0.98 0.98 109.26 109.87 82.87 83.33 81.85 82.31 12.52 12.59 1.60 1.60
Jun/Jul 144.71 145.50 0.97 0.98 109.15 109.75 83.10 83.55 81.21 81.66 12.31 12.38 1.60 1.60

Jul/Aug11 141.61 142.37 1.01 1.01 111.83 112.43 85.07 85.53 80.46 80.90 12.13 12.19 1.60 1.60
Aug/Sep 150.43 151.22 1.03 1.03 118.94 119.56 88.22 88.69 82.47 82.90 12.74 12.80 1.60 1.60
Sep/Oct 155.00 155.79 1.05 1.05 118.70 119.31 90.43 90.89 83.59 84.02 13.15 13.22 1.60 1.60
1. On June 6, 1966 following the devaluation of the Indian '4. The exchange rates of Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen
rupee, the exchange rate of the Nepalese rupee vis-a-vis the Indian were floated since February 20, 1973.
rupee appreciated by 57.5 per cent. 5. Effective October 9, 1975, the exchange rate of the Nepalese rupee
2. On December 8, 1967 the Nepalese rupee was devalued by 24.8 per cent. vis-a-vis the US dollar was revised. The exchange rate of other
3. Following the realignment of currency on December 17, 1971, convertible currencies were quoted daily with reference to the
the exchange rates of the Nepalese rupee vis-a-vis, Deutsche US dollar rate in the international currency market.
Mark, Japanese Yen and Indian rupee were revised effective
December 22, 1971. The exchange rate of the Pound Sterling was
floated from July 3, 1972.

Period-End Exchange Rate for Other Foreign Currencies (Contd. ...)

Euro Chinese Yuan Singapore Dollar SRiyal QRiyal Thai Bhat U.A.E.Dirham
Fiscal Year/M onth Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1964/65 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1966/67 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1967/682 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1968/69 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1969/70 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1970/71 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1972/734 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1973/74 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1974/75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1975/765 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1976/77 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1977/78 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1978/79 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1979/80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1980/81 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1981/82 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1982/836 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1983/84 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1984/85 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1985/867 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1986/87 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1987/88 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1988/89 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1989/90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1991/929 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1992/9310 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1993/94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1994/95 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1995/96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1996/97 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1997/98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1998/99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1999/00 65.85 66.50 - - 40.42 40.83 18.77 - 19.34 - - - - -
2000/01 63.57 64.24 - - 40.67 41.08 19.90 - 20.50 - - - - -
2001/02 77.65 78.25 - - 44.83 45.18 20.80 - 21.42 - - - - -
2002/03 84.30 84.96 9.03 9.10 42.56 42.89 19.93 - 20.54 - - - - -
2003/04 91.64 92.40 8.96 9.03 43.59 43.94 19.77 - 20.37 - - - - -
2004/05 84.98 85.69 8.50 8.57 41.64 41.99 18.76 - 19.33 - - - - -
2005/06 93.82 94.57 9.27 9.34 46.70 47.07 19.76 - 20.35 - 1.95 - 20.17 -
2006/07 89.27 90.08 8.57 8.65 42.80 43.19 17.29 - 17.81 - 1.95 - 17.65 -
2007/08 108.72 109.67 10.02 10.11 50.49 50.93 18.26 - 18.81 - 2.04 - 18.65 -
2008/09 109.07 109.91 11.42 11.51 53.43 53.84 20.81 20.97 21.43 21.60 2.29 2.3 21.25 21.41
2009/10 94.79 95.56 10.99 11.08 54.10 54.53 19.85 20.01 20.45 20.62 2.3 2.32 20.26 20.43
2010/11 100.34 101.19 10.98 11.07 58.26 58.75 18.92 19.08 19.48 19.65 2.35 2.37 19.31 19.48
2011/12 107.98 108.71 13.89 13.98 69.74 70.21 23.63 23.79 24.34 24.50 2.79 2.81 24.12 24.29
2012/13 124.08 124.87 15.48 15.58 75.26 75.73 25.33 25.49 26.09 26.25 3.05 3.07 25.87 26.03
2013/14 130.56 131.38 15.45 15.54 77.23 77.71 25.57 25.73 26.34 26.51 2.98 3 26.11 26.27
2014/15 111.48 112.14 16.29 16.39 74.22 74.66 26.97 27.13 27.78 27.94 2.97 2.99 27.54 27.7
2015/16 118.60 119.27 15.96 16.05 79.36 79.81 28.46 28.62 29.31 29.47 3.04 3.06 29.06 29.22
2016/17 117.40 118.09 15.16 15.25 74.83 75.26 27.43 27.59 27.69 27.85 3.04 3.06 28.01 28.17

Jul/Aug11 119.68 120.39 15.20 15.29 75.07 75.51 27.28 27.44 28.03 28.20 3.06 3.08 27.85 28.01
Aug/Sep 122.21 122.93 15.62 15.71 76.06 76.51 27.26 27.42 28.07 28.23 3.09 3.11 27.83 27.99
Sep/Oct 122.02 122.73 15.67 15.77 76.42 76.87 27.54 27.70 28.36 28.53 3.13 3.14 28.12 28.28
Oct/Nov 123.20 123.91 15.71 15.80 76.73 77.17 27.74 27.90 28.58 28.74 3.15 3.17 28.33 28.49
Nov/Dec 121.39 122.10 15.53 15.62 76.19 76.64 27.37 27.53 28.19 28.36 3.16 3.18 27.95 28.11
Dec/Jan 123.09 123.82 15.72 15.81 76.45 76.91 27.07 27.23 27.88 28.05 3.18 3.20 27.64 27.80
Jan/Feb 125.71 126.44 16.32 16.41 77.27 77.72 27.40 27.56 28.21 28.38 3.24 3.26 27.97 28.14
Feb/Mar 127.72 128.46 16.36 16.46 78.83 79.29 27.61 27.77 28.44 28.60 3.31 3.33 28.19 28.35
Mar/Apr 128.58 129.32 16.57 16.66 79.43 79.89 27.76 27.92 28.59 28.75 3.34 3.36 28.35 28.51
Apr/May 128.32 129.03 16.96 17.06 80.40 80.84 28.65 28.81 29.51 29.67 3.37 3.38 29.25 29.41
May/Jun 126.89 127.59 16.86 16.96 80.80 81.25 28.78 28.94 29.64 29.80 3.36 3.38 29.39 29.55
Jun/Jul 127.77 128.47 16.34 16.43 80.06 80.50 29.16 29.32 30.03 30.19 3.28 3.30 29.77 29.93

Jul/Aug11 126.15 126.83 16.13 16.22 80.74 81.18 29.74 29.90 30.63 30.80 3.34 3.36 30.37 30.53
Aug/Sep 134.12 134.83 16.73 16.82 83.72 84.16 30.57 30.73 31.49 31.66 3.52 3.54 31.22 31.38
Sep/Oct 135.82 136.51 16.95 17.03 85.27 85.70 31.26 31.42 32.20 32.37 3.60 3.61 31.92 32.08
6. On June 1, 1983, the existing exchange
rate system pegged on US dollar and Indian currency was
replaced by the basket of currency system.
7. On November 30, 1985, the Nepalese rupee was devalued against foreign currencies.

Period-End Exchange Rate for Other Foreign Currencies (Contd. ...)

S. Korean Hong Kong

M .Ringit Won/100 Danish Kroner Dollar Kuwaity Dinar Bahrain Dinar
Fiscal Year/M onth Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
1964/65 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1966/67 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1967/682 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1968/69 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1969/70 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1970/71 - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1972/734 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1973/74 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1974/75 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1975/765 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1976/77 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1977/78 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1978/79 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1979/80 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1980/81 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1981/82 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1982/836 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1983/84 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1984/85 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1985/867 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1986/87 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1987/88 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1988/89 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1989/90 - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1991/929 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1992/9310 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1993/94 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1994/95 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1995/96 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1996/97 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1997/98 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1998/99 - - - - - - - - - - - -
1999/00 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2000/01 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001/02 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2002/03 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2003/04 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2004/05 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2005/06 20.19 - - - - - - - - - - -
2006/07 18.8 - - - - - - - - - - -
2007/08 21.21 - - - - - - - - - - -
2008/09 21.74 21.91 - - - - - - - - - -
2009/10 23.19 23.38 - - - - - - - - - -
2010/11 23.57 23.77 - - - - - - - - - -
2011/12 27.79 27.98 - - - - - - - - - -
2012/13 29.92 30.11 - - - - - - - - - -
2013/14 30.15 30.34 - - - - - - - - - -
2014/15 26.57 26.73 - -
2015/16 26.99 27.14 9.42 9.47
2016/17 23.97 24.11 9.07 9.12 15.79 15.88 13.17 13.25 339.36 341.34 272.69 274.28

Jul/Aug11 23.87 24.01 9.08 9.13 16.09 16.19 13.09 13.17 338.50 340.49 271.22 272.81
Aug/Sep 24.40 24.54 9.04 9.09 16.42 16.52 13.08 13.16 339.22 341.21 270.94 272.53
Sep/Oct 24.49 24.64 9.17 9.22 16.39 16.49 13.23 13.30 342.03 344.01 273.80 275.39
Oct/Nov 24.92 25.07 9.43 9.48 16.55 16.65 13.33 13.40 344.29 346.27 275.80 277.39
Nov/Dec 25.13 25.28 9.42 9.48 16.31 16.40 13.14 13.22 339.91 341.89 272.29 273.88
Dec/Jan 25.56 25.71 9.55 9.60 16.53 16.62 12.98 13.05 337.04 339.03 269.31 270.90
Jan/Feb 26.08 26.24 9.46 9.52 16.88 16.98 13.14 13.22 342.19 344.19 272.53 274.12
Feb/Mar 26.54 26.69 9.72 9.78 17.15 17.25 13.21 13.28 344.93 346.93 274.62 276.21
Mar/Apr 26.86 27.01 9.73 9.79 17.27 17.37 13.26 13.34 347.17 349.17 276.13 277.72
Apr/May 27.19 27.35 10.06 10.11 17.22 17.31 13.69 13.76 356.31 358.3 284.84 286.43
May/Jun 27.02 27.17 9.96 10.01 17.03 17.13 13.75 13.83 357.05 359.03 285.66 287.25
Jun/Jul 26.99 27.14 9.67 9.73 17.14 17.23 13.93 14.01 361.34 363.32 290.03 291.62

Jul/Aug11 27.18 27.33 9.82 9.87 16.92 17.01 14.21 14.29 367.27 369.25 295.74 297.34
Aug/Sep 27.71 27.85 10.25 10.31 17.98 18.07 14.61 14.69 378.79 380.77 304.14 305.73
Sep/Oct 28.23 28.37 10.44 10.49 18.20 18.30 14.96 15.04 387.14 389.12 310.99 312.58
8. On July 1, 1991 the Nepalese rupee was revalued against Indian currency by 1.8 percent,
However, the system of exchange rate fixation was not changed.
9 On March 4, 1992 the Nepalese rupee was made partially (65:35) convertible on
current account followed by a change in proportion to 75:25 on July 12, 1992.
10. On 12 Feb, 1993 Nepalese rupee was revalued against Indian rupee by 3.0 percent
to NRs 1.60 for 1 IC and Nepalese rupee made fully convertible on current account.
11. On 8 August 2016, both buying and selling rates of Danish Krone, Hong Kong Dollar,
Kuwaiti Dinar, Bahraini Dinar and Swedish Krona are decided to publish and started to publish from 10 August 2016.

93. International Reserves

In Million US Dollars
IMF Reserve Foreign Exchange Total
Mid-Month Gold SDRs Tranche Position (5+6) Convertible Inconvertible (1+2+3+4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1960 Jul 1.8 0.0 0.0 16.3 5.5 10.8 18.1
1961 Jul 1.8 0.0 0.0 22.6 6.9 15.7 24.4
1962 Jul 1.8 0.0 0.0 26.4 10.0 16.4 28.2
1963 Jul 3.0 0.0 0.0 28.6 13.6 15.0 31.6
1964 Jul 3.0 0.0 0.3 44.5 19.1 25.4 47.8
1965 Jul 3.0 0.0 0.3 53.5 23.5 30.0 56.8
1966 Jul 3.3 0.0 0.9 43.6 30.4 13.2 47.8
1967 Jul 3.3 0.0 0.9 46.1 37.8 8.3 50.3
1968 Jul 3.3 0.0 0.9 51.7 39.9 11.8 55.9
1969 Jul 8.2 0.0 2.4 69.1 51.9 17.2 79.7
1970 Jul 8.2 0.0 2.4 80.9 59.6 21.3 91.5
1971 Jul 4.9 1.1 2.7 94.5 71.2 23.3 103.2
1972 Jul 5.2 2.4 3.1 100.2 82.5 17.7 110.9
1973 Jul 5.5 2.7 3.7 111.7 99.2 12.5 123.6
1974 Jul 5.5 2.7 3.7 119.3 111.0 8.3 131.2
1975 Jul 5.5 2.7 3.7 100.7 88.7 12.0 112.6
1976 Jul 5.5 2.5 0.0 112.3 101.1 11.2 120.3
1977 Jul 6.2 2.4 0.0 137.3 128.7 8.6 145.9
1978 Jul 6.2 1.7 0.0 132.7 118.2 14.5 140.6
1979 Jul 6.3 2.5 3.3 167.8 142.3 25.5 179.9
1980 Jul 6.4 3.7 4.0 172.8 156.4 16.4 186.9
1981 Jul 6.4 0.8 6.5 182.1 127.2 54.9 195.8
1982 Jul 6.4 0.5 6.2 219.5 149.8 69.7 232.6
1983 Jul 6.4 0.7 6.0 150.9 67.8 82.1 163.1
1984 Jul 6.4 0.1 5.8 110.8 68.3 42.5 123.1
1985 Jul 6.4 0.0 6.8 64.2 52.3 11.9 77.4
1986 Jul 6.4 0.1 6.8 87.6 71.1 16.5 100.9
1987 Jul 6.4 0.1 7.3 114.4 88.8 25.6 128.2
1988 Jul 6.4 0.2 7.5 224.0 204.6 19.4 238.0
1989 Jul 6.4 0.1 7.3 235.7 226.5 9.1 249.5
1990 Jul 6.5 0.4 7.7 294.0 244.9 49.1 308.6
1991 Jul 6.5 0.4 7.5 346.1 312.2 33.9 360.4
1992 Jul 6.5 0.1 8.3 459.0 449.0 10.0 473.8
1993 Jul 6.5 0.2 7.9 570.1 529.1 41.0 584.7
1994 Jul 6.5 0.0 8.4 703.1 643.1 60.0 718.0
1995 Jul 6.4 0.1 8.9 686.7 562.2 124.5 702.1
1996 Jul 6.5 0.2 8.2 593.8 487.7 106.1 608.6
1997 Jul 6.5 0.1 8.0 635.9 475.3 160.6 650.4
1998 Jul 6.5 0.1 7.6 701.7 532.8 168.9 715.9
1999 Jul 6.5 0.1 7.6 780.3 708.6 71.7 794.4
2000 Jul 6.5 0.2 7.6 932.5 772.2 160.3 946.7
2001 Jul 6.5 0.0 7.1 1,006.4 709.6 296.8 1,020.0
2002 Jul 6.5 0.0 7.6 1,034.6 726.9 307.7 1,048.6
2003 Jul 6.5 0.0 7.9 1,163.4 1,026.8 136.6 1,177.8
2004 Jul 6.5 0.7 8.5 1,455.6 1,298.0 157.5 1,471.2
2005 Jul 5.4 9.1 0.0 1,484.3 1,433.2 51.2 1,498.9
2006 Jul 5.5 9.0 0.0 1,780.9 1,675.4 105.5 1,795.4
2007 Jul 0.0 9.1 0.0 1,998.9 1,908.3 90.5 2,007.9
2008 Jul 0.0 9.2 0.0 2,477.1 2,085.4 391.7 2,486.3
2009 Jul 39.8 7.1 0.0 2,872.4 2,585.0 287.4 2,919.3
2010 Jul 44.6 84.8 0.0 2,758.9 2,229.9 529.0 2,888.3
2011 Jul 73.7 94.9 0.0 3,003.5 2,329.2 674.2 3,172.0
2012 Jul 103.3 83.2 0.0 4,238.4 3,224.4 1,014.0 4,424.9
2013 Jul 149.5 69.4 0.0 4,768.4 3,578.3 1,190.0 4,987.3
2014 Jul 165.6 57.0 0.0 5,968.7 4,443.5 1,525.2 6,191.4
2015 Jul 193.1 40.5 0.0 6,949.5 5,116.2 1,833.3 7,183.1
2016 Jul 264.3 0.3 22.3 8,310.8 6,300.6 2,010.2 8,597.7
2017 Jul 252.1 1.7 22.3 9,014.8 6,648.6 2,366.3 9,290.9

2017 Aug 265.4 1.7 22.5 8,984.7 6,596.6 2,388.1 9,274.3

2017 Sep 274.7 1.6 22.8 9,039.1 6,678.9 2,360.1 9,338.3
2017 Oct 268.8 1.6 22.6 9,169.7 6,887.1 2,282.6 9,462.7
2017 Nov 263.6 1.6 22.6 9,113.6 6,734.2 2,379.4 9,401.4
2017 Dec 257.0 9.9 22.7 9,138.5 6,787.2 2,351.3 9,428.0
2018 Jan 273.6 5.9 23.0 9,198.4 6,765.5 2,432.9 9,500.9
2018 Feb 271.8 6.0 23.2 9,112.4 6,659.5 2,452.8 9,413.3
2018 Mar 272.8 5.9 23.3 9,016.7 6,608.3 2,408.4 9,318.7
2018 Apr 279.3 5.9 23.3 9,155.4 6,738.7 2,416.7 9,463.9
2018 May 273.9 5.8 22.9 9,000.4 6,680.7 2,319.7 9,303.0
2018 Jun 268.6 5.6 22.8 9,062.3 6,772.0 2,290.3 9,359.3
2018 Jul 256.8 1.5 22.6 9,048.8 6,746.2 2,302.6 9,329.7

2018 Aug 247.6 1.5 22.2 8,654.3 6,444.2 2,210.1 8,925.6

2018 Sep 250.2 1.3 22.6 8,441.8 6,265.3 2,176.4 8,715.9
2018 Oct 252.6 1.3 22.3 8,441.1 6,335.6 2,105.5 8,717.4

94. Foreign Assets and Liabilities of the Banking System

In Million Rupees
Monetary Authorities Other Depository Corporations
IMF Foreign Exchange Net Foreign Exchange Net Total Net
Total Reserve Foreign Foreign Foreign
(2+3+ Tranche Total Converti- Inconv- Foreign Assets Total Conver- Inconv- Foreign Assets Assets
4+5) Gold SDRs Position (6+7) ble ertible Liabilities (1–8) (11+12) tible ertible Liabilities (10–13) (9+14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1966 Jul 363.2 25.0 0.0 6.8 331.4 231.3 100.1 0.0 363.2 4.4 2.7 1.7 0.0 4.4 367.6
1967 Jul 382.1 25.0 0.0 6.8 350.3 287.3 63.0 0.0 382.1 26.4 9.6 16.8 0.0 26.4 408.5
1968 Jul 624.6 93.8 0.0 9.0 521.8 402.8 119.0 0.0 624.6 36.0 6.4 29.6 0.0 36.0 660.6
1969 Jul 805.3 82.6 0.0 24.6 698.1 524.1 174.0 0.0 805.3 100.6 39.3 61.3 11.6 89.0 894.3
1970 Jul 924.4 82.4 0.0 24.7 817.3 602.2 215.1 0.0 924.4 102.6 42.2 60.4 9.8 92.8 1,017.2
1971 Jul 1,032.9 49.6 10.8 27.2 945.3 719.1 226.2 52.9 980.0 76.4 40.0 36.4 13.9 62.5 1,042.5
1972 Jul 1,119.9 52.1 24.3 31.7 1,011.8 833.2 178.6 37.6 1,082.3 118.5 57.0 61.5 21.6 96.9 1,179.2
1973 Jul 1,288.7 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,172.4 1,041.7 130.7 54.9 1,233.8 167.6 93.7 73.9 18.4 149.2 1,383.0
1974 Jul 1,368.1 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,251.8 1,165.2 86.6 102.9 1,265.2 209.2 112.4 96.8 22.9 186.3 1,451.5
1975 Jul 1,134.2 57.7 24.3 34.3 1,017.9 931.3 125.6 275.3 858.9 238.8 91.7 147.1 107.6 131.2 990.1
1976 Jul 1,498.2 68.4 31.5 0.0 1,398.3 1,258.4 139.9 152.6 1,345.6 372.5 175.6 196.9 143.1 229.4 1,575.0
1977 Jul 1,809.3 69.8 29.2 0.0 1,710.3 1,602.8 107.5 111.0 1,698.3 423.4 260.0 163.4 246.5 176.9 1,875.2
1978 Jul 1,673.0 73.4 19.9 0.0 1,579.7 1,406.8 172.9 107.9 1,565.1 456.8 274.2 182.6 238.6 218.2 1,783.3
1979 Jul 2,139.1 74.7 29.3 38.3 1,996.8 1,693.0 303.8 345.3 1,793.8 666.5 397.6 268.9 172.3 494.2 2,288.0
1980 Jul 2,223.3 76.0 43.5 46.7 2,057.1 1,861.6 195.5 476.6 1,746.7 602.7 356.3 246.4 97.5 505.2 2,251.9
1981 Jul 2,285.9 76.0 10.5 31.8 2,167.6 1,514.3 653.3 599.8 1,686.1 799.0 484.4 314.6 120.8 678.2 2,364.3
1982 Jul 3,050.9 83.7 7.0 84.9 2,875.3 1,962.0 913.3 660.0 2,390.9 860.3 467.6 392.7 153.8 706.5 3,097.4
1983 Jul 2,349.7 92.0 10.3 88.1 2,159.3 976.9 1,182.4 448.3 1,901.4 902.0 572.0 330.0 192.0 710.0 2,611.4
1984 Jul 2,006.2 104.1 2.1 93.9 1,806.1 1,113.8 692.3 463.5 1,542.7 1,207.4 741.0 466.4 210.3 997.1 2,539.8
1985 Jul 1,346.4 112.4 0.9 103.5 1,129.6 920.8 208.8 320.1 1,026.3 1,253.8 958.1 295.7 382.5 871.3 1,897.6
1986 Jul 2,128.6 134.8 2.0 143.2 1,848.6 1,500.7 347.9 643.5 1,485.1 1,614.7 1,158.2 456.5 499.8 1,114.9 2,600.0
1987 Jul 2,795.8 139.2 2.6 159.2 2,494.8 1,936.8 558.0 892.2 1,903.6 1,681.4 1,174.0 507.4 525.1 1,156.3 3,059.9
1988 Jul 5,594.1 150.7 4.2 175.7 5,263.5 4,808.2 455.3 1,199.7 4,394.4 1,801.3 1,263.7 537.6 622.1 1,179.2 5,573.6
1989 Jul 6,837.1 176.7 3.3 200.2 6,456.9 6,207.4 249.5 1,556.6 5,280.5 1,853.9 1,329.5 524.4 930.9 923.0 6,203.5
1990 Jul 8,979.4 187.7 11.5 225.4 8,554.8 7,127.3 1,427.5 1,747.8 7,231.6 3,035.0 2,344.4 690.6 927.7 2,107.3 9,338.9
1991 Jul 15,390.0 275.5 16.4 321.5 14,776.6 13,329.0 1,447.6 1,828.5 13,561.5 3,880.0 3,075.4 804.6 1,289.8 2,590.2 16,151.7
1992 Jul 20,182.2 274.8 3.6 352.5 19,551.3 19,125.6 425.7 1,844.7 18,337.5 4,700.1 4,020.2 679.9 2,245.2 2,454.9 20,792.4
1993 Jul 28,647.9 316.1 10.0 388.5 27,933.3 25,926.5 2,006.8 2,264.2 26,383.7 5,577.1 4,840.7 736.4 2,835.8 2,741.3 29,125.0
1994 Jul 35,261.3 316.8 1.5 414.3 34,528.7 31,584.2 2,944.5 3,157.4 32,103.9 7,487.0 6,552.8 934.2 3,372.8 4,114.2 36,218.1
1995 Jul 35,423.0 324.4 3.7 450.1 34,644.8 28,365.4 6,279.4 3,084.6 32,338.4 8,440.1 7,771.3 668.8 3,693.0 4,747.1 37,085.5
1996 Jul 34,231.2 362.9 9.6 459.6 33,399.1 27,432.4 5,966.7 2,766.6 31,464.6 11,039.1 10,502.1 537.0 4,800.1 6,239.0 37,703.6
1997 Jul 36,909.8 366.1 7.6 451.4 36,084.7 26,973.4 9,111.3 2,436.2 34,473.6 12,456.7 11,528.9 927.8 6,739.2 5,717.5 40,191.1
1998 Jul 48,393.1 436.1 5.7 514.5 47,436.8 36,016.3 11,420.5 2,039.5 46,353.6 17,720.9 16,621.6 1,099.3 8,501.7 9,219.2 55,572.8
1999 Jul 54,138.6 439.7 3.6 517.0 53,178.3 48,290.3 4,888.0 1,531.0 52,607.6 23,472.5 20,697.0 2,775.5 11,052.4 12,420.1 65,027.7
2000 Jul 66,647.8 454.2 11.1 532.4 65,650.1 54,364.9 11,285.2 1,363.1 65,284.7 28,208.0 25,956.0 2,252.0 13,025.2 15,182.8 80,467.5
2001 Jul 76,143.6 481.6 3.1 533.5 75,125.4 52,972.4 22,153.0 1,178.3 74,965.3 30,047.1 27,194.9 2,852.2 17,214.3 12,832.8 87,798.1
2002 Jul 81,794.6 503.2 0.8 591.1 80,699.5 56,699.5 24,000.0 700.2 81,094.4 25,201.7 23,609.7 1,592.0 17,876.9 7,324.8 88,419.2
2003 Jul 88,043.0 482.2 2.0 592.7 86,966.1 76,752.0 10,214.1 376.7 87,666.3 21,263.3 20,249.2 1,014.1 17,522.6 3,740.7 91,407.0
2004 Jul 109,076.8 478.3 55.0 627.6 107,915.9 96,235.9 11,680.0 865.3 108,211.5 22,289.2 20,734.8 1,554.4 21,696.1 593.1 108,804.6
2005 Jul 105,444.2 383.4 637.1 0.0 104,423.7 100,823.6 3,600.1 1,590.0 103,854.2 25,472.7 23,154.9 2,317.8 21,584.8 3,887.9 107,742.1
2006 Jul 133,130.0 405.0 663.7 0.0 132,061.3 124,240.9 7,820.4 1,566.6 131,563.4 33,065.4 31,790.7 1,274.7 25,096.0 7,969.4 139,532.8
2007 Jul 130,213.9 0.0 587.5 0.0 129,626.4 123,755.3 5,871.1 3,928.3 126,285.6 35,499.6 31,681.0 3,818.6 29,875.7 5,623.9 131,909.5
2008 Jul 170,314.2 0.0 630.6 0.0 169,683.6 142,848.8 26,834.8 5,657.6 164,656.6 42,939.9 38,827.1 4,112.8 36,141.1 6,798.8 171,455.4
2009 Jul 227,849.7 3,104.1 555.3 0.0 224,190.3 201,756.0 22,434.3 5,991.8 218,753.8 55,795.3 56,475.5 3,594.9 54,401.0 1,394.3 220,148.1
2010 Jul 215,006.1 3,319.5 6,315.3 0.0 205,371.3 165,992.7 39,378.6 8,673.7 206,332.4 63,517.4 58,203.8 5,313.6 53,324.7 10,192.7 216,525.1
2011 Jul* 225,052.1 5,226.4 6,730.6 0.0 213,095.1 165,257.5 47,837.6 8,280.3 216,771.8 59,058.0 55,503.3 3,554.7 54,564.2 4,493.8 221,265.6
2012 Jul 392,044.7 9,152.0 7,368.2 0.0 375,524.5 285,682.0 89,842.5 9,231.2 382,813.5 63,932.2 57,144.0 6,788.2 62,973.5 958.7 383,772.2
2013 Jul 473,791.1 14,201.7 6,594.9 0.0 452,994.5 339,940.0 113,054.5 8,569.0 465,222.1 80,302.5 74,079.9 6,222.6 77,286.4 3,016.1 468,238.2
2014 Jul 593,753.0 15,882.8 5,469.3 0.0 572,400.9 426,132.9 146,268.0 7,482.5 586,270.5 93,006.1 87,372.3 5,633.8 80,056.7 12,949.4 599,219.9
2015 Jul 726,683.9 19,527.1 4,095.9 0.0 703,060.9 517,456.7 185,604.3 5,996.0 720,688.0 120,995.1 114,843.4 6,151.7 94,395.6 26,599.5 747,287.4
2016 Jul 917,630.9 28,206.2 29.8 2,384.1 887,010.8 672,458.2 214,552.6 4,425.2 913,205.7 152,199.8 144,005.6 8,194.2 109,383.4 42,816.4 956,022.1
2017 Jul 955,657.7 25,929.4 170.6 2,291.3 927,266.4 683,870.4 243,396.0 2,849.0 952,808.7 152,165.8 144,417.6 7,748.2 90,339.6 61,826.2 1,014,634.9

2017 Aug 948,668.6 27,149.5 171.5 2,303.0 919,044.5 674,761.2 244,283.4 2,854.0 945,814.6 159,706.3 152,673.8 7,032.5 96,008.1 63,698.2 1,009,512.8
2017 Sep 954,558.8 28,084.8 163.6 2,334.2 923,976.3 682,722.1 241,254.2 2,843.0 951,715.8 155,901.5 145,848.8 10,052.7 96,980.9 58,920.7 1,010,636.5
2017 Oct 977,401.9 27,762.3 163.7 2,335.1 947,140.8 711,373.0 235,767.8 2,844.0 974,557.9 152,585.7 144,651.9 7,933.9 101,718.7 50,867.1 1,025,424.9
2017 Nov 978,120.1 27,426.4 164.7 2,349.7 948,179.2 700,628.1 247,551.1 2,820.7 975,299.3 157,253.1 147,778.6 9,474.6 106,710.4 50,542.8 1,025,842.1
2017 Dec 967,789.0 26,381.2 1,014.7 2,326.3 938,066.8 696,709.1 241,357.7 2,588.1 965,200.9 151,083.0 142,903.7 8,179.3 105,793.0 45,290.0 1,010,490.9
2018 Jan 964,531.9 27,777.3 601.4 2,332.4 933,820.8 686,829.3 246,991.5 2,172.0 962,359.9 133,522.1 126,944.2 6,577.9 90,562.7 42,959.4 1,005,319.3
2018 Feb 967,123.1 27,923.1 613.9 2,381.1 936,205.0 684,202.2 252,002.9 2,170.5 964,952.6 112,993.6 103,283.1 9,710.5 73,176.9 39,816.7 1,004,769.3
2018 Mar 964,761.6 28,245.4 607.2 2,413.5 933,495.5 684,155.9 249,339.7 2,179.6 962,581.9 115,725.1 105,808.5 9,916.6 75,205.7 40,519.4 1,003,101.4
2018 Apr 985,382.5 29,085.1 610.5 2,426.9 953,260.0 701,628.4 251,631.5 2,209.8 983,172.7 111,114.6 99,780.1 11,334.5 76,328.7 34,785.9 1,017,958.6
2018 May 999,420.7 29,423.8 620.2 2,465.4 966,911.3 717,707.9 249,203.4 2,317.0 997,103.7 105,938.8 97,347.6 8,591.2 72,829.3 33,109.5 1,030,213.2
2018 Jun 1,010,237.6 28,989.2 603.7 2,460.9 978,183.8 730,966.0 247,217.7 2,261.3 1,007,976.4 115,820.0 105,273.7 10,546.2 77,371.9 38,448.1 1,046,424.4
2018 Jul 1,020,106.3 28,078.5 165.1 2,466.3 989,396.3 737,632.1 251,764.2 1,825.2 1,018,281.1 113,188.9 102,007.4 11,181.5 77,178.3 36,010.6 1,054,291.7

2018 Aug 995,559.8 27,612.3 165.9 2,477.0 965,304.6 718,788.2 246,516.4 1,825.0 993,734.8 127,567.6 117,775.8 9,791.7 83,402.8 44,164.7 1,037,899.5
2018 Sep 999,361.9 28,688.2 152.3 2,589.0 967,932.4 718,382.1 249,550.4 1,962.4 997,399.5 149,526.3 135,678.4 13,847.9 89,708.5 59,817.8 1,057,217.3
2018 Oct 1,022,025.9 29,616.4 154.1 2,619.9 989,635.5 742,787.7 246,847.7 1,984.6 1,020,041.3 131,283.7 118,420.6 12,863.1 77,617.7 53,666.0 1,073,707.3
* Includes A, B & C class financial institutions in Other Depository Corporation since July 2011.

Board of Directors and Principal Officers of the Bank
Mid-October 2018

Board of Directors

Appointment Date
Dr. Chiranjibi Nepal
Governor 22 March 2015

Dr. Rajan Khanal
Secretary, Ministry of Finance 09 April 2018

Mr. Chinta Mani Siwakoti
Deputy Governor 2 March 2016

Mr. Shiba Raj Shrestha
Deputy Governor 2 March 2016

Dr. Sri Ram Poudyal
Professor, Tribhuvan University 16 April 2017

Mr. Ramjee Regmi 16 April 2017

Dr. Suvod Kumar Karn 24 April 2018

Special Class Officers

1 Mr. Narayan Prasad Paudel - Executive Director, Banks & Financial Institutions Regulation Dept
2 Mr. Nara Bahadur Thapa - Executive Director, Research Department
3 Mr. Janak Bahadur Adhikari - Executive Director, Micro-Finance Promotion and Supervision Dept.
4 Mr. Bhishma Raj Dhungana - Executive Director, Foreign Exchange Management Dept.
5 Mr. Laxmi Prapanna Niraula - Executive Director, Currency Management Dept.
6 Mr. Maheshwor Lal Shrestha - Executive Director, Bank Supervision Department
7 Mr. Bhuban Kandel - Executive Director, Development Bank Supervision Dept.
8 Dr. Nephil Matangi Maskay - Executive Director, Office of the Governor
9 Mrs. Neelam Dhungana (Timsina) - Executive Director, Internal Audit Department
10 Mr. Jhalak Sharma Acharya - Executive Director, Banking Office, Kathmandu
11 Mr. Dev Kumar Dhakal - Executive Director, Payment Systems Department
12 Mr. Mukunda Kumar Chhetri - Executive Director, General Services Department
13 Mr. Pitambar Bhandari - Executive Director, Human Resource Management Dept.
14 Mr. Sunil Udash - Executive Director, Financial Management Department
15 Mr. Rishikesh Bhatta - Executive Director, Finance Company Supervision Department
16 Mr. Pradeep Raj Poudyal - Executive Director, Corporate Planning Department
17 Dr. Gunakar Bhatta - Act. Executive Director, Public Debt Management Department

First Class Officers

18 Mr. Naresh Shakya - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Janakpur Office

19 Mr. Suman Kumar Adhikari - Director, Corporate Planning Department
20 Dr. Prakash Kumar Shrestha - Director, Research Department
21 Mr. Bam Bahadur Mishra - Director, Banks & Financial Institutions Regulation Dept.
22 Mrs. Sarita Bhatta (Adhikari) - Director, Banking Office, Kathmandu
23 Mr. Revati Prasad Nepal - Director, Legal Division
24 Mr. Ramu Paudel - Director, Financial Information Unit
25 Mr. Vishrut Thapa - Director, Finance Company Supervision Department
26 Mr. Ram Bahadur Manandhar - Director, Development Bank Supervision Department
27 Mr. Tej Bahadur Rana Magar - Director, Financial Management Department
28 Mr. Daya Ram Sharma - Director, Micro-Finance Promotion and Supervision Dept.
29 Mr. Tulashi Prasad Ghimire - Director, Human Resource Management Department
30 Mr. Guru Prasad Paudel - Director, Human Resource Management Department
31 Mr. Ashok Kumar Paudel - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Siddharthanagar Office
32 Mr. Rabindra Maharjan - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Birgunj Office
33 Mr. Bimal Raj Khanal - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Nepalgunj Office
34 Mr. Binod Raj Acharya - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Biratnagar Office
35 Mr. Pom Nath Gautam - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Pokhara Office
36 Mr. Ram Prasad Gautam - Director, Banking Office, Kathmandu
37 Mr. Kiran Pandit - Director, Nepal Rastra Bank, Dhangadhi Office
38 Mr. Satyendra Timilsina - Director, Human Resource Management Department
39 Mr. Pralhad Thapa - Director, Currency Management Department
40 Mr. Chet Prasad Uprety - Director, Financial Management Department
41 Mr. Ishwori Prasad Neupane - Director, Foreign Exchange Management Department
42 Mr. Roshan Kumar Shigdel - Director, Bank Supervision Department
43 Dr. Ram Sharan Kharel - Ministry of Finance
44 Dr. Dilli Ram Pokhrel - Director, Research Department
45 Mr. Dirgha Bahadur Rawal - Director, Research Department
46 Mr. Nishchal Adhikari - Director, Banking Office, Kathmandu
47 Mr. Anuj Dahal - Director, Mint Division
48 Mr. Dipak Raj Lamichhane - Director, General Services Department
49 Mr. Shiva Ram Dawadi - Director (I.T.), Information Technology Department
50 Mr. Prem Prasad Neupane - Act. Director, Currency Management Department
51 Mrs. Binita Bista - Act. Director, Banking Office, Kathmandu
52 Mr. Ananda Paudyal - Act. Director, General Services Department
53 Mr. Shyam Krishna Dahal - Act. Director, Currency Management Department
54 Mrs. Sushma Regmi (Rijal) - Act. Director, Public Debt Management Department
55 Mr. Rudra Bahadur Ghimire - Act. Director, General Services Department
56 Mr. Rajan Bikram Thapa - Act. Director, Bank Supervision Department
57 Mr. Rajendra Bhattarai - Act. Director, Development Bank Supervision Department
58 Mr. Hem Prasad Neupane - Act. Director, Research Department
59 Mr. Bhuwan Basnet - Act. Director, Finance Company Supervision Department
60 Mr. Narendra Singh Bista - Act. Director, Banks & Financial Institutions Regulation Dept.
61 Mr. Mukti Nath Sapkota - Act. Director, Bankers Training Centre
62 Mrs. Meena Pandey - Act. Director, Internal Audit Department
63 Mr. Govinda Prasad Nagila - Act. Director, Office of the Governor
64 Mr. Keshab Bahadur K.C. - Act. Director, Foreign Exchange Management Department
65 Mr. Shailendra Regmi - Act. Director, Micro-Finance Promotion and Supervision Dept.
66 Mr. Dilaram Subedi - Act. Director, General Services Department
67 Mr. Birendradatta Awasthi - Act. Director, Banks & Financial Institutions Regulation Dept.


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