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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Bocaue
Biñang 1st, Bocaue, Bulacan

Lesson Plan for English Grade V Using Explicit Instruction

I. Objective:
Identify figures of speech (simile and metaphor)

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Analyzing figures of speech (simile, metaphor)
 Materials: Pictures, cartolina strips, marker
 References: Curriculum Guide EN5RC-If-2.3
Fun in English 5 (Reading) pp. 232-233
English for All Times 5 (Reading) pp. 190-193
 Value Focus: Preserving the value of nature

III. Learning Activities

A. Setting the Stage
 Who among you have listened to nursery rhymes when you were younger?
Let’s find out whether you can still recall some of them. I will play a rhyme
and raise your right hand if you know the title of the song.
 These rhymes are pleasant to hear because they have figures of speech or
we sometimes call it figurative language.

B. Explaining to Students What To Do

 Today we are going to learn about figures of speech.
 This is important to know because we need to deeply understand what we
are reading, listening or watching.
 We can use this skill when we read poems and listen to songs that uses
figurative language.
 We will know that we have learned this when you can already identify
figures of speech such as simile and metaphor on your own.

C. Teaching/Modeling
 Show a video clip and model how the figure of speech is used in the video.
 Show a poem in the DLP and model how to use figures of speech such as
simile and metaphor found in it.
 Elicit informal input from the kids and keep them actively engaged like
asking questions.

D. Guided Practice
The teacher will divide the class into three groups. Each group will be
assigned to different corners of the room. Posted in corners 1 and 2 are graphic
organizers with two sets of pictures and incomplete sentences. Have them complete
the sentences and identify what figure of speech was used in each sentence by
labelling the blank boxes. In corner 3, the pupils should place the sentences under
the correct heading to complete the graphic organizers. After completing the
activity, the pupils will move to the next corner to reflect on the work of their
classmates until they were able to return to their designated corner.

Direction: Compare the subject with the Direction: Directly compare the subject to
noun in the sentence using like or as. Then another noun. Then identify what figure of
identify what figure of speech it represent. speech it represent. Write your answer in
Write your answer in the box. the box.

Group 1 Group 2

1. The rainbow is ____ a colourful headband. 1. The sun is a ______ of fire.

2. The animals are _____ playful children. 2. The river is a ______ that crawls.
3. The tree is ______ green as the grass. 3. The flowers are ____ to my eyes.
4. The monkey is ____ naughty as the children. 4. The mountains are ____ at night.

Group 3
Direction: Place the sentences under the
correct heading to complete this graphic

Figures of Speech

Simile Metaphor

1. Her eyes were diamonds.

2. An emerald is as green as grass.
3. The wind was a piercing arrow.
4. Sam eats like a pig.
E. Independent Practice
Read and identify what figure of speech is used in the sentence.
1. Her eyes are the shining stars in the sky.
2. Your stomach is as big as the balloon.
3. You are like my mother, very loving and caring.
4. Our eyes is the mirror of our soul.
5. Your hair is as dark as moonless night.

F. Closure
Who can tell me what we learned today?

IV. Assessment
Read each sentence carefully. On your paper, write S if the sentence uses simile and M
if metaphor.
1. The clouds are like cotton candy stuck in the sky.
2. The flowers are perfume in the environment.
3. Your voice is music to my ears.
4. The class as quiet as a mouse.

V. Agreement
Write 2 sentences for each figurative language.

Prepared by:
Teacher 1

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