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DOMINGO vs DBP Contention:

GR NO. 93355; April 7, 1992 - Their dismissal constituted a violation of the Civil
1 Service Law against the issuance of temporary
NATURE: special civil action impugns the resolution of appointments to permanent employees, as well as of their
respondent Civil Service Commission (CSC) right to security of tenure and due process .
promulgated on April 10, 1990 in CSC Case No. 473
setting aside its earlier resolution of November 27, 1989 8. The CSC issued a the Nov. 27, 1989 resolution, re-
and affirming the separation of petitioner Luis B. appointing Mr Domingo and Ms Javier Senior
Domingo as Senior Training and Career Development Training and Career Development Officer and
Officer of the Development Bank of the Philippines Research Analyst or any such equivalent rank under
(DBP) the staffing pattern of DBP.
FACTS: CSC Premises on its resolution:
1. Petitioner was employed by DBP as Senior Training - the action of the DBP to issue temporary
and Career Development Officer on permanent appointments order to allow for the maximum flexibility in
status from February, 1979 to December 1986. evaluating the performance of incumbents is not in accord with
civil service law rules,
2. On December 3, 1986, Executive Order No 81 (The
Revised Charter of DBP) was passed authorizing - to issue a temporary appointment to one who has
the reorganization of DBP including the adoption of been on permanent status before will deprive the employee of
new staffing pattern to suit the reduced operations benefits accorded permanent employees and will adversely
envisioned (Sec 32). To implement this it is under affect his security of tenure.
Sec 33 and 34 that:
9. DBP filed a motion for reconsideration
A. Qualified personnel of the Bank may be appointed to
appropriate positions in the new staffing pattern Contentions:
thereof and those not so appointed are deemed - Temporary appointees enjoy the same salary and
separated from the service. other benefits corresponding to permanent
B. No preferential or priority rights shall be given to any - No impairment of security of tenure since the new
personnel for appointment to any position in the new DBP charter provides “qualified personnel of the bank
staffing pattern may be appointed to appropriate positions in the new
staffing pattern and those not so appointed are
C. Nor shall any officer or personnel be considered as deemed separated from the service;”
having prior or vested rights with respect to retention - petitioner was evaluated and comparatively assessed
in the Bank or in any position as may have been under a rating system approved by the respondent
created in its new staffing pattern, even if he should commission
be the incumbent of a similar position therein - no due process denied since petitioner never
appealed his rating or the extension of his temporary
D. All those who shall retire from the service or are appointment unlike those other employees who
separated therefrom on account of the reorganization appealed
of the Bank under the provisions of this Charter shall
be entitled to all gratuities and benefits provided for 10. CSC set aside its questioned resolution and affirmed
under existing laws and/or supplementary retirement the separation of the petitioners through its April 10,
plans adopted by and effective in the Bank. 1990 Resolution.

3. Subsequently DBP issued a Board Resolution No. With premises:

304-87 allowing the issuance of temporary - the determinative factor for retention and the
appointments for a max of 12 months to all DBP separation from the service is the individual
personnel in order to fully implement the performance rating.
reorganization. While on temporary status, they will
be assessed on the basis of the results of their - While the Commission supports the principle of
evaluation. merit and fitness and strongly protects the
security of tenure of civil service officials and
4. DBP undertook the evaluation and comparative employees which are the essence of careerism
assessment of all its personnel under the CSC in the civil service, it does not however, sanction
approved New Performance Appraisal System, a the reappointment of said officials and
peer and control rating process which served as an employees who have fallen short of the
assessment tool of DBP's screening process. performance necessary in order to maintain at
all times efficiency and effectiveness in the
5. Petitioner Domingo was issued a temporary Office.
appointment on January 2, 1987 for a period of one
(1) year, which was renewed for another period up ISSUE:
to November 30, 1988. 1. W/N the reorganization implemented by the DBP
is valid - YES
6. Thereafter, in a memorandum 3 dated November 2. W/N its implementation violates security of
23, 1988 issued by the Final Review Committee, tenure - NO
petitioner got a performance rating of "below 3. W/N government reorganization can be a valid
average," by reason of which his appointment was ground to terminate the services of government
"made to lapse." employee – YES
7. Consequently, petitioner, together with a certain
Evangeline Javier, filed with the CSC a joint Reorganizations in this jurisdiction have been
verified complaint against DBP for illegal dismissal. regarded as valid provided they are pursued in good
faith. As a general rule, a reorganization is carried
out in "good faith" if it is for the purpose of economy
or to make bureaucracy more efficient. In that event,
no dismissal (in case of dismissal) or separation actually
occurs because the position itself ceases to exist. And in
that case, security of tenure would not be a Chinese

No less than the Constitution itself in Section 16 of

the Transitory Provisions, together with Sections 33 and
34 of Executive Order No. 81 and Section 9 of Republic
Act No. 6656, support this conclusion with the
declaration that all those not so appointed in the
implementation of said reorganization shall be deemed
separated from the service with the concomitant
recognition of their entitlement to appropriate separation
benefits and/or retirement plans of the reorganized
government agency.

The facts of this case, particularly the evaluation

process adopted by DBP, bear out the existence of good
faith in the course of reorganization. As a tool in the
assessment process, a bank-wide peer and control
rating process was implemented. Under this process, the
peers and supervisors rated the DBP employees.

The performance rating system used and adopted

by DBP was duly approved by the Civil Service
Commission. Herein petitioner was evaluated and
comparatively assessed under this approved rating

Under Section 27 of Presidential Decree No. 807,

the Government is authorized to lay off employees in
case of a reduction due to reorganization

Lastly, petitioner failed to invoke the presence of any

of the circumstances enumerated under Section 2 of
Republic Act No. 6656 which would show or tend to
show the existence of bad faith in the implementation of
the reorganization.

Quintessentially, the reorganization having been

conducted in accordance with the mandate of Dario, it
can safely be concluded that indeed the reorganization
was attended by good faith, ergo, valid. The dismissal of
herein petitioner is a removal for cause which, therefore,
does not violate his security of tenure.

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