Digestive Worksheet

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Digestive System Human and Social Biology CDPLABS EDUSERVICES

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Supplementary notes to video

Properties of enzymes
1. Work best at a certain pH i.e. acid, neutral or alkaline.
2. Work best at a certain temperature e.g.370C in man.
3. Inactivated at high temperatures .Destroyed by boiling.
4. Usually work on only one substrate i.e. specific.
5. Break down large quantities of substrate.
6. Not chemically changed at the end of the reaction.
7. Sensitive to poisons e.g. cyanide
Structure and function of the digestive system

Structure Function (in digestion only )

Mouth Food is ingested :sense organs (e.g. on tongue )detect sweet , sour ,salt ,bitter

Salivary glands Secrete saliva containing salivary amylase (enzyme ) and mucus

Oesophagus Carries food from mouth to stomach

Stomach Muscular wall churns food and secretes gastric juice

Liver Produces bile

Gall bladder Stores bile

Bile duct Carries bile to duodenum

Pyloric sphincter Muscle controlling exit of food from stomach

Pancreas Makes pancreatic juice with digestive enzymes

Pancreatic duct Carries pancreatic juice to duodenum

Duodenum Secretes intestinal juice with digestive enzymes

Ileum Absorbs digested material through its wall

Caecum Absorption of some water

Appendix No function in man

Colon Absorption of water and salts

Rectum Stores faces

Anus Faces egested

Digestive System Human and Social Biology CDPLABS EDUSERVICES

A diagram of the alimentary canal

Structure and function of villi

Structure Feature Function

Villus Finger like Very large surface area for absorption

Lacteal Passes to lymph vessels Absorbs fatty acids and glycerol

Blood capillaries Lead to hepatic portal vein Absorbs glucose and amino acids

Epithelium single cell layer Allows diffusion and some active transport of digested food

Mucus cells In epithelium For food passage

Muscular wall Circular and longitudinal for peristalsis

Terms to know

Terms Definition

Ingestion Taking food into the mouth (eating).

Digestion The process of breaking down complex food substances into small molecules mainly
by enzyme action.

Absorption Passage of digested food, salts, vitamins and water through the walls of the gut into
the transport system (e.g. glucose diffuses through the villus into the blood

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Assimilation The building up of the products of digestion into compounds in the body (e.g. amino
acids from proteins for cell growth).

Egestion The elimination of undigested food faeces.

What happens to nutrients until they pass out the body?

Food Digested to Absorbed in Carried Function Excess Removal

villi into by from body

Carbohydrates Glucose Blood Blood Provide Stored as Carbon

capillaries energy in glycogen dioxide and
respiration and fat water

Proteins Amino acids Blood Blood Form Forms urea Urea

capillaries proteins for deaminated

Fats Fatty acids Lacteals – Lymph Provide Stored as Carbon

and glycerol lymph energy in fat adipose dioxide and
vessels respiration tissue water
form part of

Roughage Not Not Remains Bulk for Egested Same

digested absorbed in gut peristalsis

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Digestive System Human and Social Biology CDPLABS EDUSERVICES


Watch video and read your supplementary notes before answering these questions. Watch and read
several times before starting these questions. (May be 3 times)

1. The diagram shows part of the human alimentary canal.

Which two structures produce substances involved in the digestion of fat?

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2. In the diagram in question 1 where is the enzyme responsible for the first stage of protein
digestion produced? Click here to enter text.
3. Which secretion, released into the alimentary canal, contains no enzymes but speeds up fat
digestion? Click here to enter text.
4. Which part of the alimentary canal is most acidic?Click here to enter text.
5. The diagram shows a section through a villus.

What is the function of the structure X? Click here to enter text.

6. Which digestive processes take place in the mouth?

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7. Where does bile enter the alimentary canal? Click here to enter text.
8. What would happen if a person’s bile duct became blocked? Click here to enter text.
9. Which region produces an enzyme which works best at pH 2? Click here to enter text.
10. What is the final product of protein digestion?Click here to enter text.
11. Where in the alimentary canal is most water absorbed? Click here to enter text.
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12. Describe what happens to fats as they pass through the following regions of the alimentary
canal :
i. The mouth cavity
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ii. The duodenum
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iii. The rest of the small intestine
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What is the value of fat in human body?

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13. Digestion is the process whereby food is broken down into smaller substances.
i. State ONE function of EACH of the following in the stomach :
a) Hydrochloric acid
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b) Pepsin
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ii. In which organ of the body is bile produced and what is the function of bile in digestion?
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“we teach because we love to teach”

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