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Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 16: HEMATOLOGY

1. Haptoglobin may become depleted in: 8. Sézary cells are:

a. Inflammatory conditions a. Lipid-filled histiocytes
b. Acute hemolytic anemia b. Abnormal plasma cells
c. Infectious diseases c. Abnormal cells in Hodgkin’s disease
d. Kidney disease d. Abnormal T lymphocytes

2. This form of hemoglobin has iron in the ferric 9. This is the first heavy immunoglobulin chain
state: produced in the maturing B-lymphocyte:
a. Sulhemoglubin a. α
b. Methemoglobin b. β
c. Carboxyhemoglobin c. g
d. Deoxyhemoglobin d. µ

3. Which of the following is a cause of 10. A peripheral blood smear that has a mixture
neutrophilia: of macrocytes, microcytes and normal
a. Viral infection erythrocytes present can be best described by
b. Acute bacterial infection which term?
c. Allergic reaction a. Polkilocytosis
d. Myeloperoxidase deficiency b. Polychromatophilia
c. Megaloblastosis
4. Which of the following findings would be most d. Anisocytosis
typical of severe septicemia?
a. Toxic granulation 11. What is the iron transport protein?
b. Auer rods a. Ferritin
c. Hypersegmentation b. Transferrin
d. Alder-Reilly anomaly c. Hemosiderin
d. Albumin
5. The plasma cell develops from the:
a. Basophil 12. What are DÖhle bodies?
b. T lymphocyte a. Aggregates of rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. B lymphocyte b. Primary granules
d. Monocyte c. Fat globules
d. Liposomes containing partially degraded
6. In the neutrophil series of leukocyte mucopolysaccharides
development, the earliest stage to normally
appear in the peripheral blood is the: 13. Multiple myeloma is a disorder of:
a. Myeloblast a. T lymphocytes
b. Promyelocyte b. Plasma cells
c. Myelocyte c. Megakaryocytes
d. Band d. Erythrocytes

7. The primary function of neutrophils is: 14. The cells considered to be distinctive of
a. A mediator of hypersensitivity Hodgkin’s disease is:
b. Control of parasitic infections a. Turk’s cells
c. Initiation of the immune response b. Ferrata cells
d. Phagocytic defense against microorganism c. Reed-Sternberg cells
d. Flame cells
Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 16: HEMATOLOGY

15. Alder-Reilly anomaly has effect on 22. What is the minimum number of bone
leukocytes that closely resembles: marrow blasts needed for the diagnosis of
a. Toxic granulation acute leukemia?
b. Hyposegmention a. 29%
b. 50%
c. Dohle-like inclusion bodies c. 5%
d. Hypersegmentation d. 30%

16. Aleukoerythrobalstic reaction is characterized 23. In addition to the number of blasts, what other
by the presence of ___ in the peripheral blood: criterion is essential for the diagnosis of
a. Immature leukocytes and nucleated erythrocytes RARS?
b. Lymphocytosis and neutropenia a. More than 15% ringed sideroblasts
b. More than 30% ringed sideroblasts
c. Leukocytosis and erythrocytosis c. Dyshematopoiesis in all three cell lineages
d. Pseudo-Pelger Huet cells d. Pancytopenia

17. An increased in basophils is associated with: 24. The FAB classification of a leukemia with
a. Chronic myeloproliferative diseases large blasts that are myeloperoxidase and
b. Parasitic infection specific esterase negative but have strong
c. Chronic infection Positivity for nonspecific esterase inhibited by
d. Administration of glucocorticoids sodium fluoride is:
a. M1
18. HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) b. M4
infects: c. M5
a. B lymphocytes d. M7
b. Suppressor T lymphocytes
c. Helper T lymphocytes 25. The highest levels of serum and urine
d. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes muramidase are found in this leukemia:
a. M0 AML
19. A 2-year old child has a total leukocyte count b. M2 AML
of 10 x 109/L and 60% lymphocytes. The c. CML
following best describes this blood picture: d. M5 AML
a. Absolutely lymphocytosis
b. Relative lymphocytosis 26. When Auer rods (bodies) are found in blasts
c. Normal lymphocyte count for a given age of a case of acute leukemia, the leukemia is
d. Absolute lymphocytopenia most probably:
a. Undifferentiated leukemia
20. Auer rods are inclusions found in: b. B lymphocytic leukemia
a. Myeloblasts c. T lymphocytic leukemia
b. Lymphoblasts d. Myelocytic leukemia
c. Erythrocytes
d. Prolymphocytes 27. The normal lifespan of the platelets in the
peripheral blood is:
21. Extensive bone marrow fibrosis, a. 8 hours
leukoerythroblastic peripheral blood and the b. 1 day
presence of anisocytosis with dacyocytes are c. 10 days
most characteristic of: d. 100 days
a. CML c. ET
b. PV d. MMM
Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 16: HEMATOLOGY

28. Platelet dense granules are storage organelles 34. Thrombocytopenia may be associated with all
for ___, which are released after activation. of the following, EXCEPT:
a. Calcium, ADP and serotonin a. Prolonged bleeding time
b. Fibrinogen, glycoprotein Ib, and von b. Prolonged clotting time
Willebrand factor c. Poor clot retraction
c. ADP, thromboxane A2, and fibrinogen d. Positive tourniquet test
d. Lysosomal granules, ATP, and factor V
35. Approximately ___ of the total number of
29. Which of the following is needed for platelets platelets circulate in the systemic circulation?
to aggregate? a. One-fourth
a. Thrombin b. One-third
b. Actin c. One-half
c. von Willebrand factor d. Two-thirds
d. Fibrinogen
36. Clot retraction is a function of:
30. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex is: a. Thromboxane A2
a. Membrane receptor for fibrinogen b. Factor XIII
b. Secreted from the dense bodies c. Thrombosthenin
c. Secreted by endothelial cells d. Thromboplastin
d. Also called actin
37. A patient with Bernard Soulier disease will
31. The formation of thromboxane A2 in the probably have:
activated platelet: a. Increased bleeding time
a. Is needed for platelets to adhere to collagen b. Increased prothrombin time
b. Is caused by the alpha granule proteins c. Increased platelet count
c. Requires the enzyme cyclooxygenase d. Abnormal aggregation with ADP and collagen
d. Occurs via a pathway involving von Willebrand
factor 38. A patient with Glanzmann thrombasthenia
32. A humoral factor which regulates platelet a. A mutation in the gene for fibrinogen
production by speeding up the maturation time b. An acquired abnormality of von Willebrand
of megakaryocyte is called; factor
a. Thrombocyte c. A genetic abnormality of glycoprotein IIb or
b. Thrombopoeitin IIIa
c. Interleukin 3
d. prostaglandin d. An acquired vascular disorder
39. A patient with hereditary telangiectasia has:
33. which of the following is true about a. Abnormal platelet adhesion t collagen
relationship between ADP and platelets? b. Thrombocytosis
a. ADP is necessary for platelet adhesion c. A deficiency of platelet dense bodies
b. ADP released from the granules is required for d. Dilated capillaries on mucous membranes that
platelet aggregation are likely to cause bleeding
c. ADP is synthesized in the platelet from
arachidonic acid 40. The bleeding time is expected to be normal in:
d. ADP is released from the alpha granule of the a. Hemophilia
platelet b. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia
c. Uremia
d. Bernard-Soulier disease
Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 16: HEMATOLOGY

41. Platelet adhesion is abnormal in Bernard- 46. Platelet function is impaired after ingesting
Soulier disease because: aspirin because:
a. Glycoprotein Ib of the platelet membrane is a. Aspirin blocks certain glycoprotein receptors on
defective the surface of the platelet
b. A plasma factor needed for platelet adhesion is b. Aspirin interferes with liver synthesis of a
absent number of coagulation factors
c. Antibodies to phospholipid are present c. Aspirin alters the structure of the glycocalyx
d. Abnormal proteins in the plasma coat the d. Aspirin decreases thromboxane A2 formation by
platelet membrane inhibiting cyclooxygenase

42. An elevated platelet count is associated with: 47. Aspirin ingestion has the following
a. Hemorrhage hemostatic effect in a normal person:
b. Megaloblastic anemia a. Prolonged prothrombin time
c. Myelodysplastic syndromes b. Prolonged bleeding time
d. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura c. Prolonged APTT
d. All of the above
43. Platelet aggregation studies revealed normal
aggregation curves with collagen, epinephrine, 48. Using manual techniques, the most
and ADP, but an abnormal aggregation curve reproducible test of the following is:
with ristocetin. Based on these findings, what a. Leukocyte count
is the differential diagnosis? b. Erythrocyte count
a. Von Willebrand disease and Bernard-Soulier c. Hemoglobin determination
syndrome d. Hematocrit determination
b. Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia and von disease
c. Storage pool disease and Glanzmann’s 49. Hemoglobin is measured
thrombasthenia spectrophotometrically at which of the
d. Bernard-Soulier syndrome and storage pool following wavelength:
disease a. 340 nm
b. 440 nm
44. Bleeding disorder/s in which platelets fail to c. 450 nm
aggregate with ristocetin: d. 540 nm
1. von Willebrand’s disease
2. Glanzmann’s disease 50. Which of the following may be confused with
3. Bernard-Soulier syndrome reticulocytes in a brilliant cresyl blue stained
4. Storage pool disease smear:
a. 1 and 3 a. Hemoglobin C crystal
b. 2 and 4 b. Basophilic stipplings
c. 1, 2 and 3 c. Hemoglobin H bodies
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

45. Which of the following platelet responses is

most likely associated with Glanzmann’s
a. Decreased platelet aggregation to ristocetin
b. Defective ADP release; normal response to
c. Decreased amount of ADP in platelets
d. Markedly decreased aggregation to epinephrine,
ADP and collagen

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