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1. Difference between symmetric memory architecture and distributed memory architecture.

2. What is vector instruction?

3. What are the factors to increase the operation frequency of the processor?

4. Comparison between single and multi-core CPU.

5. Define SIMD system.

6. Define MIMD system.

7. What is NUMA with neat sketch?

8. Define interconnection networks and its types.

9. What it toroidal mesh with neat diagram?

10. Define latency and bandwidth.

11. Draw neat diagram for structural model of centralized share-memory multiprocessor.

12. Define cache coherence protocol with its types.

13. What is called directory based?

14. Define snooping.

15. What are the characteristics of the performance due to write update and write invalidate

16. What are the disadvantages of symmetric shared memory architecture?

17. Define agglomeration or aggregation/

18. What are the issues available in handling the performance?

19. Define false sharing.

20. Write a mathematical formula for speedup and efficiency of parallel program.

1. Explain briefly on symmetric memory architecture and distributed memory architecture.

2. Explain in detail about SIMD and MIMD systems.

3. Explain briefly on interconnection networks.

4. Discuss in detail about the cache coherence.

5. Describe briefly on the performance issues of multi-core processors.

6. Compare the single-core and multi-core processor.

7. Design the parallel program and explain in detail.



1. Define algorithm complexity.

2. What is called out-of-order in detail?

3. Define hardware pre-fetching.

4. Define software pre-fetching.

5. Define work imbalance.

6. Define hot or contended locks.

7. Define oversubscription.

8. What are the processes of priority inversion?

9. Define data races.

10. Define synchronization.

11. Define region of code.

12. Define deadlock.

13. Define livelock.

14. Define condition variable.

15. Define signals and events.

16. Define message queue.

17. Define named pipes.


1. Discuss in detail about the importance of algorithmic complexity.

2. Outline about necessity of structure reflects in performance.

3. Explain briefly about data structures plays vital role in part of performance with an example.

4. Brief about super-linear scalar.

5. Give an outline about scaling of library code.

6. Write in detail about hardware constraints applicable to improve scaling.

7. Discuss about operating system constraints to scaling.

8. List in detail about tools used for detecting data races.

9. Explain in detail about data races and to overcome it.

10. Write short note on mutexes, semaphore, spin lock and reader-writer locks.

11. Write in detail about conditional variables in communication between threads.

12. Write a short note on signals, events, message queues and names pipes.



1. What is termed as initial task region?

2. List the effect of cancel construct.

3. When will a cancellation point construct triggers?

4. Define the term thread private memory.

5. Differentiate between shared memory model and message passing model.

6. Write short note on private variable.

7. Brief about flush-set.

8. How to enable consistency between two threads temporary view and memory?

9. List the criteria for sentinel of conditional compilation.

10. What are the ICVs stored values affect loop regions?

11. What are the ICVs stored values affect program execution?

12. List the restrictions to array.

13. List the restrictions to parallel construct.

14. List the restrictions to work-sharing constructs.

15. List the restrictions to sections constructs.

16. Brief about simple lock routines.

17. Brief about nestable lock routines.

18. Brief about pragma.

19. Define the term shared variable in execution context.

20. Define the term private variable in execution context.

21. How does the run-time system know how many threads to create?


1. Illustrate an openMP execution model with an example.

2. Explain briefly about internal control variables and array sections in directives.

3. Describe briefly about parallel construct and canonical loop form in directives.

4. Explain the conceptual idea about work-sharing constructs.

5. Write short notes on general data parallelism.

6. Brief short notes on functional parallelism.

7. Illustrate the execution environment routines.



1. Define the term MPI.

2. Brief the term collective communications.

3. What is the purpose of wrapper script?

4. How to compile and execute a mpi_hello.c program in mpi environment?

5. What are the functions in MPI to initiate and terminate a computation, identify processes, and
send and receive message.

6. What are the different data-type constructors?

7. Brief about communicator in MPI.

8. How to remove a group?

9. List the dimension of the array in distributed array.

10. How to create a Cartesian constructor?

11. What are the interfaces to create a distributed graph topology?

12. What are the features of blocking and non-blocking in point-to-point communication?

13. List some predefined reduction operators in MPI.

14. Brief about MPI_All_reduce and their representations.

15. Define the term broadcast in collective communication.

16. List the functions of group accessors.

17. How to represent any collection of data items in MPI/

18. How will calculate elapsed time in MPI?

19. Define the term liner speedup.

20. Brief about strongly and weakly scalable.


1. Illustrate an MPI program execution with an example.

2. Explain briefly about MPI constructs of distributed memory.

3. Describe briefly about libraries for groups of processes and virtual topologies.

4. Describe briefly about libraries for attribute caching and context of communication.

5. Explain the functioning of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv.

6. Draft an outline about the point-to-point communication with their functions.

7. Inscribe about the collective communication with their functions.



1. What are the input and output parameters of n-body problem?

2. Brief about reduced algorithm.

3. Brief about Pthread’s loop_schedule functionality in parallel processing.

4. What are the different data structures can be adopted in a process?

5. What are the two phases for computation of forces?

6. Define the term ring pass.

7. What is graph?

8. What is directed graph or digraph?

9. Why digraph is used in travelling salesperson problem?

10. How to find a least cost tour in TSP?

11. How the function push_copy is used in TSP?

12. What are the global variables for recursive depth first search?

13. Define the term Pthreads or POSTFIX threads.

14. What are the different categories of pthread?

15. What are the reasons for parameter threads_in_cond_wait used in tree search?

16. What are the modes of message passing interfaces for send and its functions?
17. Brief about my_avail_tour_count fuctions.

18. Brief about pthread_mutex_trylock.

19. Write about fulfill_request functions.

20. Distinguish between MPI_pack and MPI_unpack?


1. Describe briefly about basic and reduced solver using openMP.

2. Explain in detail about basic and reduced solver using MPI.

3. Discuss in detail about evaluating the openMP codes.

4. Discuss in detail about performance of MPI solvers.

5. Explain in detail about recursive and non-recursive depth-first search with example.

6. Describe about parallelizing tree search using pthreads.

7. Explain briefly about tree search with static and dynamic partitioning.

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