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BHS Student Involvement “I think the Juniors tend to be

more [involved] just because they

have to.” This year’s 2019 BHS
they enjoy, such as the student
section and the pep band, both of
which seem to be fading away this
Students may be falling out of their want for Prom planning is an example of
one expectation which falls to the
basketball season. Senior Hannah
Crutsinger commented that “we
extracurriculars, and it is unclear as to why junior class.
“Typically, your senior year, if
could improve it by having the
band be more united and show-
you are not going to be on Varsity ing more leadership by going to
sports, you really do not go out” the games and being present.”
for the sport in general, continued The general consensus made by
Feller, “so it has to be the juniors” Crutsinger, Ball, and Feller is that
who are the most involved. Ju- students need to prioritize and
niors and seniors, as upperclass- consider what they put into their
men, tend to have a lot of weight day. “I was in basketball,” says
on their shoulders with academics Crutsinger about her freshman
and higher education goals, so it year, “but I did not like playing
seems a bit backwards for them to it…and then I started hearing that
be the most involved. ‘oh, there is a swim team,’ and I
“For me, coaching swim,” stated was like ‘okay, I will try for that.…’
English teacher and swim coach So, if people were more aware of
Charlotte Ball, “a big problem the sports and activities going on,”
that I have heard time and time then student involvement, overall,
again with students is the practice would increase.
time.…Especially with freshmen Both Feller and Ball agree that
and sophomores, if students are students should “learn to say no
taking Driver’s Ed, that cuts into to something,” says Ball, and “find
that time of day.” what fits,” according to Feller. So,
This time dilemma causes a with all this in mind, maybe the
‘Catch-22,’ or an endless cycle of problem with student uninvolve-
mutually exclusive and inclusive ment does not lie in uninterest,
results, that many students find but in overachievement.
themselves trapped within. With- Either way, it is true that Bigfork
Student Council advisor Josh Feller attempts to recruit sophomore Quin Nissen and senior
out the means of independent High School has a plethora of
James Kerr for student council seats. Student involvement in clubs such as student council is
transportation to arrive at practice talented individuals, and each
seeming to decrease.
on time, such as a driver’s license, and every one has their own pas-
BY MAYA HARTIG them forget about other aspects student involvement is lower than students cannot participate in sions and interests which can be

B etween daily school and of life, such as mental health, in- ever. Student Council, Interact this sport. However, to receive a pursued through the many clubs
home expectations, personal terests, and extracurriculars—all Club, and countless other clubs license, some may find that they and sports teams the school has to
goals, and basic human needs, things which are important to a have next to no freshmen, sopho- must sacrifice that season of par- offer. It can be easy to want to do
high school students seem to have developing mind. mores, or even juniors in mem- ticipation. everything, but it is important for
a lot on their plate. This constant This lapse of memory in high bership, which could become a This could explain why stu- students to focus on what it is that
flow of work and achievement school students tends to come and problem in upcoming years. dents are becoming less and less they love the most and chase it to
can overwhelm students, making go with each passing class, but Math teacher and Student invested in the extracurriculars the end of the world.
recently, it appears that the rate of Council advisor Josh Feller said,


U ntil the health threats of

smoking cigarettes were
are addictive and can become a
gateway drug. The production
of modern nicotine devices only
promotes violation of a school’s
Nicotine Use & the Labeling Involved
discovered, the practice was a
norm for high school students drug free zone by students who
and a great number of adults find themselves addicted to the
of the late 1900s. Over the past buzz nicotine brings.
few years, e-cigarettes have been “Nicotine is absorbed into your
promoted into a new role, replac- bloodstream and goes to your
ing cigarettes in the lifestyle of adrenal glands just above your
teens today, which influences kidneys. The glands release
individuals beyond the halls of adrenaline, which increases your
high school. blood pressure, breathing, and
These recently developed nico- heart rate. Adrenaline also gives
tine devices—such as Juuls, vape you a lot of good feelings all at
pens, and Suorins—continue to once,” reported the National
gather attention and popular- Institute of Health. “You might
ity; meanwhile, teens become have heard people talking about
the guinea pigs for the negative e-cigs, vapes, or vape pens. These
health impacts from e-cigarettes are names for electronic cigarettes
that have yet to be discovered. Al- (e-cigarettes). E-cigarettes are bat-
ready finding themselves labeled tery-operated devices that people
by society, teens have yet now use to inhale nicotine, flavoring,
another area in which they can or other chemicals. They can look
be categorized in light of develop- like cigarettes, pipes, pens, or USB
ing e-cigarettes. memory sticks.”
An anonymous Bigfork High Bigfork High School principal, A USB (Universal Serial Bus) resembles the popular vape product: a Juul e-cigarette. Nicotine
School student stated that, “the Mark Hansen, expressed his dis- devices such as Juuls have grown immensely in popularity in the past few years, causing teens to
use of nicotine is put into two appointment in tobacco compa- often be labeled for their individual nicotine intake.
categories. First, if you are not nies whom he feels have targeted
the younger generation with personal nicotine use and how is not a bad kid, and we do not do nicotine.
a user of nicotine then you are he believes the use of e-cigarettes the same for adult nicotine users,” “Kids who are labeled as bad
considered a ‘good kid.’ And nicotine juices that ‘taste good.’
“I just feel like anytime that you does not directly impact a stu- says Jessop. “I think the devel- will live up to those expectations,”
second, if you do use it then you dents performance at school. opment of nicotine products is says Jessop, and this is true in
are considered a ‘bad kid.’ I know get into something that you can
be addicted to, it is probably not “When I was in school there was generally bad for health, and wise light of individuals who will often
many kids that use nicotine that a smoking corner, and teachers for kids to stay away from them find their identity in their reputa-
are characterized as good and a good thing to have at school,”
says Hansen. “If you just do your that smoked would join the kids because it creates a dependency tion. The impact of these devel-
bad students by the school itself. at lunch in the smoking corner on a substance way too early on in oping e-cigarettes on the human
The teachers, administration, and research you are not going to put
that stuff in your body.” of the parking lot. A lot of those life, but the substance can be bad body may be foolishly ignored,
the students do not realize that kids did not deal with the stigma and the kid can be fine.” but the labeling of a person,
what they are doing is labeling Lou Jessop, a freshman English,
English Outbound, Lit Mag, Cre- of being a bad kid because they Although the negative impact much less a young adult, should
everyone for their choices.” were chewing tobacco or smoking of recently developed nicotine not be dependent upon a choice
The use of nicotine is looked ative Writing, and Battle School
instructor at Bigfork High School a cigarette, and I think that maybe devices cannot be ignored by the that teens across the world make
down upon by staff and school while those things are bad for youth of today, the categorizing of every day.
administration, telling students stated how students should not
necessarily be labeled for their you, we sometimes use those as students should not be dependent
to stay away from substances that labels to label the kid bad when it on a student’s dependence on

Just Down the Road homemade food.

Freshman Mackenzie Holton
The locally bowls as well as take-and-bake
such as Bigfork can be refreshing says, “being next to the gas station
and exciting, possibly bringing can bring [Vessel] more business
owned busi- The Vessel’s previous location more attention to the beloved especially if people want more
ness Vessel has was 8089 MT Highway 35, in
between Harvest Foods and the
Vessel. authentic food than what Stage
Vessel has been open for 3 years Stop might have to offer.” Holton
made a location Flathead Jackpot Casino. now and is widely enjoyed by the goes on to say that Vessel moving

change The small building that once community because of the lovable brings more diversity and health
was home to “Cravings,” will now staff. The inner workings of the conscious choices to that area.
house Vessel. The new location is new building has a warm and She also says that it could in-
connected to the Stage Stop gas cozy aesthetic that students are trigue visitors and new people to

station, right off Highway 35. beyond excited about. It makes the town, bringing Vessel a good
hen thinking of a good
This move will make it more ac- it easier to those students who amount of new business.
The new Vessel sign decadent- eatery, market, and good
cessible to community members do not have a driver’s license to Vessel is opened from 7am to
ly hangs in the heart of Bigfork. coffee many Bigfork folk may
and students, especially now that walk to in between school and 4pm, making it the perfect spot
The Vessel is now located in think of the Vessel. The Vessel has
it will be closer to the center of practice, it is also closer to school to grab breakfast before school or
the building connected to the a wide variety of menu items from
town. This change to a small town for students to access healthy, stop and get an after school snack.
Stage Stop gas station. sandwiches, salads, smoothie

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