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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT) (E-ISSN: 2321-9637)

Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2016”, 06th-07th April 2016
Manufacturing of Solar Grass Cutter
Mr. Shubham S. Dalal1, Mr. Vaibhav S. Sonune2, Mr. Dipak B. Gawande3, Mr.Sharad
B.Shere4,Mr.Shrikant A. Wagh5
Final year students of Mechanical Engg1, 2, 3, 4,5, Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Technology and Management
Studies,Buldana1, 2, 3, 4,5
Email: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Rapid growth of various high-tech tools and equipments makes our jobs done comfortable and
sophisticated. The project aims at fabricating a grass cutting machine system which makes the grass cutter based
motor running through solar energy. Due to the continuous increase in the cost of fuel and the effect of emission
of gases from the burnt fuel into the atmosphere, this necessitated the use of the abundant solar energy from the
sun as a source of power to drive a grass cutter. A solar powered grass cutter was designed and developed, based
on the general principle of mowing .This seminar is deal with designed of solar powered grass cutter comprises
of direct current (D.C) motor, a rechargeable battery, solar panel, a stainless steel blade and control switch. The
solar powered grass cutter is operated by the switch on the board which closes the circuit and allows the flow of
current to the motor which in turn drive the blade used for mowing. The battery recharges through the solar
charging controller. Performance evaluation of the developed machine was carried out with different types of

Keywords– Solar, Grass, Cutter, Motor, Rotor etc.

Grass cutter or lawn mowing with a safe to use, efficient to use, and environmentally
standard motor powered lawn mower is an friendly. It can save significantly on labor costs.
inconvenience, and no one takes pleasure in it. Hence we design to make a grass cutter
Cutting grass cannot be easily accomplished by without any power source due to reduce the power
elderly, younger, or disabled people. Motor consumption. Design a solar powered domestic
powered push lawn mowers and riding lawn lawnmower that utilizes solar power as an energy
mowers create noise pollution due to the loud source is meant to address a number of issues that
engine, and local air pollution due to the standard internal combustion engine mowers do
combustion in the engine. Also, a motor powered not. An electric lawnmower with a solar charger
engine requires periodic maintenance such as will be easier to use. It will eliminate those
changing the engine oil. Even though electric lawn unnecessary trips to the gas station for fill-ups. The
mowers are environmentally friendly, they too can unskilled gardener is enough to operate the grass
be an inconvenience. Along with motor powered cutter. Most importantly it eliminates the emissions
lawn mowers, electric lawn mowers are also of an internal combustion mower which are mostly
hazardous and cannot be easily used by all. Also, if responsible for environmental pollution and causes
the electric lawn mower is corded, mowing could the green house gases effect believed to be
prove to be problematic and dangerous. The self- responsible for the worsening global warming of
propelling electric remote control lawn mower is a our planet. This is so because solar energy is
lawn mower that has remote control capability. This green/renewable energy.
prototype is robotic user friendly, cost efficient,
source and it is easy to work. So we made solar
powered lawnmower.
In today's climate of growing energy needs
For the manufacturing of a solar grass and increasing environmental concern, alternatives
cutter we referred various literature, papers etc. The to the use of non-renewable and polluting fossil
review of previous method used given below: In fuels have to be investigated. One such alternative
this lawn mower uses an solar based energy source, is solar energy. In this solar based lawn mower, the
which is easier to use, more advantageous advantage of powering a lawn mower by solar
comparing to other energy source especially for gas rather than by gasoline is mainly ecological. We
based source of power .But our lawn cutter is based manufactured this lawn cutter because it is very
on solar because this energy is a renewable energy

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT) (E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2016”, 06th-07th April 2016
easy method and many overcome produced from
this type lawn cutter.
The self powered objective is to come up
with a mower that is portable, durable, easy to
operate and maintain. It also aims to design a self
powered mower of electrical source; a cordless
electric lawn mower. The heart of the machine is a
battery powered dc electric motor. It is also useful
method for our lawn mower. It is similar to our
lawn cutter using display and keypad.
The present technology commonly used
for trimming the grass is by using the manually
handle device. In this project we have automated
the machine for trimming the grass. The device
consists of linear blade which is operated with the
help of the motor the power supply for the motor is
by using battery. The battery can be charge by
using power supply and solar panel. Fig: 3.1 Working Model

The working principle of solar grass cutter
is it has panels mounted in a particular arrangement 4.1 Solar Panel
at an in such a way that it can receive solar
radiation with high intensity easily from the sun. A solar panel is a set of solar
These solar panels convert solar energy into photovoltaic modules electrically connected and
electrical energy. This electrical energy is stored in mounted on a supporting structure. A photovoltaic
batteries by using a solar charger. The main module is a packaged, connected assembly of solar
function of the solar charger is to increase the cells. The solar panel can be used as a component
current from the panels while batteries are charging, of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and
it also disconnects the solar panels from the supply electricity in commercial and residential
batteries when they are fully charged and also applications. Each module is rated by its DC output
connects to the panels when the charging in power under standard test conditions (STC), and
batteries is low. The motor is connected to the typically ranges from 100 to 320 watts.
batteries through connecting wires .Between these The efficiency of a module determines the area of a
two mechanical circuit breaker switch is provided. module given the same rated output - an 8%
It starts and stops the working of the motor. From efficient 230 watt module will have twice the area
this motor, the power transmits to the mechanism of a 16% efficient 230 watt module. A single solar
and this makes the blade to slide on the fixed blade module can produce only a limited amount of
and this makes to cut the grass. power; most installations contain multiple modules.
The designed solar powered lawnmower A photovoltaic system typically includes a panel or
comprises of direct current (D.C) motor, a an array of solar modules, an inverter, and
rechargeable battery, solar panel, a stainless steel sometimes a battery and/or solar tracker and
blade and control switch. Mowing is achieved by interconnection wiring.
the D.C motor which provides the required torque
needed to drive the stainless steel blade which is Fig: 4.1.1 Solar Panel
directly coupled to the shaft of the D.C motor.
The solar powered lawnmower is operated
by the switch on the board which closes the circuit
and allows the flow of current to the motor which in
turn drive the blade used for mowing. The battery
recharges through the solar charging controller.
Performance evaluation of the developed machine
was carried out with different types of grasses

4.2 The Battery:

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT) (E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2016”, 06th-07th April 2016
Solar cell modules produce electricity only
when the sun is shinning. They do not store energy,
therefore to ensure flow of electricity when the sun
is not shinning, it is necessary to store some of the
energy produced. The most obvious solution is to
use batteries, which chemically store electric
energy. Batteries are groups of electro chemical
cells (devices that convert chemical energy to
electrical energy) connected in series. Battery cells
are composed of two electrodes immersed in
electrolyte solution which produce an electric
current when a circuit is formed between them. The
current is caused by reversible chemical reactions F
between the electrodes and the electrolyte within ig: 4.3.1 D.C. Motor
the cell. Batteries that are re-chargeable are called
secondary or accumulator batteries. As the battery
is being charged, electric energy is stored as
chemical energy in the cells. When being 4.4 Blades
discharged, the stored chemical energy is being A blade is that portion of a tool, weapon,
removed from the battery and converted to or machine with an edge that is designed to cut
electrical energy. In East-Africa, the most common and/or puncture, stab, slash, chop, slice, thrust, or
type of secondary battery is the Lead-acid battery. scrape surfaces or materials. The blade is seldom
sharp enough to give a neat cutting. The blade
simply tears the grass resulting in brown tips.
4.3 DC Motors However, the horizontal blades are easy to remove
A DC motor is a mechanically and sharpen or replace. Existing engine trimmers
commutated electric motor powered from direct suffer from high initial cost, high levels of engine
current (DC). The stator is stationary in space by noise, high fuel consumption rates and high
definition and therefore so is its current. The current operator’s fatigue in long-run.
in the rotor is switched by the commentator to also Mower blades are the cutting components
be stationary in space. This is how the relative of lawn mowers. They are usually made of sturdy
angle between the stator and rotor magnetic flux is metals as they must be able to withstand high-speed
maintained near 90 degrees, which generates the contact with a variety of objects in addition to
maximum torque. grass. The materials used (as well as size, thickness,
DC motors have a rotating armature and design of the blades) vary by manufacturer. A
winding (winding in which a voltage is induced) blade may be made from a flaking stone, such as
but non-rotating armature magnetic field and a flint, metal (usually steel), ceramic, or other
static field winding (winding that produce the main material. Here we used two blades i.e. fixed blade
magnetic flux) or permanent magnet. Different and sliding blade.
connections of the field and armature winding
provide different inherent speed/torque regulation
characteristics. The speed of a DC motor can be
controlled by changing the voltage applied to the
armature or by changing the field current. The
introduction of variable resistance in the armature
circuit or field circuit allowed speed control.
Modern DC motors are often controlled by power
electronics systems called DC drives.

Fig: 4.4.1. Blades

• Operating principle is simple.

5.ADVANTAGES • Non-skilled person also operate this machine
• Compact size and portable
• Easy to move from one place to another place

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT) (E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2016”, 06th-07th April 2016
• Large time required to remove the grass minimum cost and with minimum time Finally this
• Manually operated project may give an inspiration to the people who can
• Difficult to operate in rainy seasons modify and can obtain better results.

Our project entitled Fabrication of solar powered grass 9.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:
cutter is successfully completed and the results I avail this opportunity to express my deep
obtained are satisfactory. It will be easier for the sense of gratitude and whole hearted thanks to my
people who are going to take the project for the further guide Prof. N. A. Ingle for giving his valuable
modifications. This project is more suitable for a guidance inspiration and affectionate encouragement
common man as it is having much more advantages to embark this paper. I also acknowledge my over
i.e, no fuel cost, no pollution and no fuel residue, less whelming gratitude and immense respect to our
wear and tear because of less number of moving H.O.D, and sincere thanks to our principal, Dr.P.M.
components and this can be operated by using solar Jawandhiya who inspired us a lot to achieve the
energy. This will give much more physical exercise to highest goal.
the people and can be easily handled. As we are nearer Our thanks also goes to staff members of
to Equator, the solar energy (non-conventional energy) Mechanical Engg department, my parents and my
is vastly available, so it is easy to charge the battery friends who are directly or indirectly involved for
and is also pollution free. But the initial investments of making this work successful.
the solar powered grass cutter is high. At present in
order to curtail global warming and ozone depletion, REFERENCES:
the Government of India is offering subsidy for the
solar equipments. The industries are producing these [1] P.Amrutesh et al. Int. Journal of Engineering
components in mass productions, so the cost of the Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-
system may come down. So in future it is expected to 9622, Vol. 4, Issue 9( Version 3), September
run all equipments by using solar energy. This system 2014, pp.10-21
is having facility of charging the batteries while the [2] International Journal of Engineering and
solar powered grass cutter is in motion. So it is much Technology Volume 3 No. 10, October, 2013
more suitable for grass cutting also. The same thing [3] International Journal of Scientific &
can be operated in night time also, as there is a facility Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6,
to charge these batteries in day light. June-2014 ISSN 2229-5518
[4] ISSN NO :2348-4845 International Jouranal
and Magazine of Engineering,Technology,
Management Research.
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal
& Magazine

8.Future work
We completed our project successfully with
the available sources. But the results and
modifications are not up to the expectations. This can
be further improved by incorporating the following
modifications to obtain better results. The mechanism
which we used ie scotch yoke mechanism does not
given excepted efficiency. This efficiency can be
increased by using some other mechanism. and speed
of motor is reduce because we have used heavy
material and this material can be replaced by using
light weight material .and design of blades should be
done based on types of grass is used to cut. The
project which we have done surly reaches the average
familes because the grass can be trimmed with


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