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Respondent City, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 231,

enacted in 1973, to take effect on January 1, 1974, the challenged
ordinance, otherwise known as the Mandaue City Tax Code.

The City Treasurer, on April 1, 1974, demanded from petitioner

payment of the made specific tax on the total volume of beer it produced
in the City of Mandaue. Petitioner

On April 8, 1974, contested the correction of said specific tax "on

the ground that Section 12(e) (7) in relation to Section 12(e) (1) and (2),
Mandaue City Ordinance No. 9, is illegal and void because it imposed a
specific tax beyond its territorial jurisdiction."

The matter was then referred by respondent City to its City Fiscal
pursuant to such Presidential Decree. Its validity was sustained. Then
came the appeal to the Secretary of Justice, with the then Acting
Secretary of Justice Macaraig, as noted, rendering the opinion that it is
"of doubtful validity.

“A suit for collection was thereafter filed by the City where it

squarely put in issue the validity of such ordinance, thus contesting the
opinion of the Acting Secretary of law library


1. Whether or not a CFI judge has authority to

pass upon the validity of a city tax ordinance?

Yes. The CFI judge has the authority to pass upon the validity of a
city tax ordinance even after its validity and been contested before the
Secretary of Justice who rendered a decision thereon. The decision of
Sec. Justice that the ordinance in question of doubtful validity.

The decision of the Acting Secretary of Justice that the ordinance

in question is “of doubtful validity” is not a declaration that the same is
unlawful. To doubt is to sustain its validity.

The validity of a statute, an executive order or ordinance is a

matter for the judiciary to decide and that whenever in the disposition of
a pending cases such a question becomes unavoidable, then it is not only
the power but the duty of the court to resolve such a question.


Wherefore, the petition is dismissed. The hearing of the case

before respondent Judge should be conducted as speedily as
circumstances permit costs against petitioner.


G.R. No. L-39699 March 14, 1979


CELSO AVELINO, Presiding Judge of the Court of
First In. stance of Cebu, Branch XIII, and the City
of Mandaue,Respondents.
Gadioma & Colon for petitioner. chanroble s virtual law l ib rary

Lorenzo A. Parandiang, Jr. and Amadeo D. Seno for respondent City

of Mandaue.


It is understandable for petitioner San Miguel Corporation to expect

the speedy determination of its claim that the challenged ordinance
of respondent City of Mandaue1 imposing a specific tax should
be nullified. Hence its concern at the failure of respondent Judge
Celso Avelino of the Court of First Instance of Cebu, Branch XIII, to
grant its motion to dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction a
complaint for the collection of such tax filed by respondent City. The
challenged order reads as follows: "Acting on the [motion to
dismiss] filed by the defendant through counsel on October 11,
1974 and the [opposition] thereto filed by the plaintiff through
counsel on October 17, 1974, the Court finds no justifiable
reason in dismissing the Complaint at this stage of the
proceedings and hereby denies said motion." 2 Offhand, it
would not be easy to assail its correctness, manifesting as it does
caution and care in ascertaining the principal question involved in
the suit for the collection of the specific tax, which is its validity. It
is undoubted that under the Constitution, even the legislative body
cannot deprive this Court of its appellate jurisdiction over all cases
coming from inferior courts where the constitutionality or validity of
an ordinance or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll
is in question. 3 Since it is likewise expressly provided in Section 43
of the Judiciary Act that the original jurisdiction over all civil actions
involving the legality of any tax, impost or assessment appertains to
the Court of First Instance, 4 it takes a certain degree of ingenuity
to allege that the lower court was bereft of such authority. Counsel
for petitioner, Attorney Demosthenes B. Gadioma, both in the
petition and in his scholarly and exhaustive memorandum, did seek
to impart plausibility to a suit of this character by relying not so
much on the alleges ultra vires or constitutional infirmity of the
ordinance but rather on the failure of respondent City to follow the
procedure set forth in the Local Tax Code. 5 It was contended that
there was a finding of invalidity by the then Acting Justice
Secretary, at present Acting Minister of Justice, Catalino Macaraig,
Jr. There is inaccuracy in such a characterization as the actual
phrase used by such dignitary is that it "is of doubtful validity. 6 The
argument pressed is that a suit for collection is not the appeal
provided for in the last sentence of Section 47: "The decision of the
Secretary of Justice shall be final and executory unless, within thirty
days upon receipt thereof, the aggrieved party contents the same in
a court of competent jurisdiction." 7 Respondent City disagrees. It is
its submission that the suit for collection cannot be viewed other
than as an appeal. The aggrieved party, here respondent City, in
the suit for collection, did definitely contest the correctness of the
decision of the Secretary of Justice in a court of competent
jurisdiction - this, even on the assumption that there was a finding
of invalidity. The statutory purpose is thus satisfied. Such an action
is in accordance with the traditional and appropriate procedure to
test the legality of a statute, decree, or ordinance.
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This Court finds such an approach persuasive. It conforms to the

authoritative principle that the question of validity is for the
judiciary to decide. As far back as the leading case of Marbury v.
Madison, 8 where the American Supreme Court enunciated the
principle of judicial review, Chief Justice Marshall stressed: "It is
emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say
what the law is." 9 That was precisely what was done by respondent
City. It has likewise in its favor the fact that even the very decision
of the Acting Secretary of Justice relied upon did not squarely rule
on the validity of the ordinance but only on its "doubtful character."
The writs prayed for, certiorari and prohibition, cannot issue nrobles roble s lib
The facts are undisputed. Respondent City, in accordance with
Presidential Decree No. 231, enacted in 1973, to take effect on
January 1, 1974, the challenged ordinance, otherwise known as the
Mandaue City Tax Code. The City Treasurer, on April 1, 1974,
demanded from petitioner payment of the made specific tax on the
total volume of beer it produced in the City of Mandaue. Petitioner,
on April 8, 1974, contested the correction of said specific tax "on
the ground that Section 12(e) (7) in relation to Section 12(e) (1)
and (2), Mandaue City Ordinance No. 97, is illegal and void because
it imposed a specific tax beyond its territorial jurisdiction." The
matter was then referred by respondent City to its City Fiscal
pursuant to such Presidential Decree. Its validity was sustained.
Then came the appeal to the Secretary of Justice, with the then
Acting Secretary of Justice Macaraig, as noted, rendering the
opinion that it is "of doubtful validity." A suit for collection was
thereafter filed by the City where it squarely put in issue the validity
of such ordinance, thus contesting the opinion of the Acting
Secretary of Justice. chanrob lesvi rtualaw lib rary cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

The crucial issue from the petitioner's standpoint is whether the

filing of such action after such opinion was rendered may be
considered "an appeal" under the Presidential Decree. Hence the
motion to dismiss by petitioner, which was denied, respondent
Judge finding "no justifiable reason at [that] stage of the
proceedings 10rating in this petition for certiorari and prohibition.
virtua l law lib rary
chanrob lesvi rtua lawlib rary cha nrob les

To repeat, the petition must fail. The writs prayed for cannot be
granted bleualobles vi rtua l law lib ra ry

1. Tersely and bluntly put, petitioner would deny the jurisdiction of

respondent Judge to pass upon the validity of a challenged
ordinance in an appropriate action. To say the least, there is
unorthodoxy in such an approach what immediately calls attention
is its novelty. It is opposed to and is not in conformity with the
accepted juridical norm that the validity of a statute, an executive
order or ordinance is a matter for the judiciary to decide and that
whenever in the disposition of a pending case such a question
becomes unavoidable, then it is not only the power but the duty of
the Court to resolve such a question. In the pending suit by
respondent City, sought to be dismissed by petitioner corporation, it
specifically prayed "that Ordinance No. 97, Series of 1973, of the
herein plaintiff is valid, legal, and enforceable in accordance with
law; ... 11Since both under the Constitution and the Judiciary Act,
respondent Judge is vested with jurisdiction to make such a
declaration, it would be, at the very least, premature for the
corrective power of this Tribunal to be interposed , just because he
did not, "at [that] stage of the proceedings," grant -the motion to
dismiss on the allegation that there was lack of jurisdiction. The
authorities support squarely the procedure followed by respondent
City to remove doubts as to the validity of the ordinance in
question. 12Even more in point are these two decisions with
reference to the municipal power to impose specific taxes on
beverages manufactured within its territorial boundaries, City of
Bacolod v. Gruet13and City of Naga v. Court of Appeals. 14It is worth
mentioning that in the first case cited, the entity involved is
petitioner corporation, then known as San Miguel Brewery, Inc.,
defendant and appellant Gruet being sued in his capacity as
manager of its Coca-Cola Plant in Bacolod City. chanroblesvi rtualaw lib rary cha nrob les vi rtua l law lib rary

2. There is this reinforcement to the conclusion reached. To so

construe Section 47 would be to raise a serious constitutional
question For it would in effect bar what otherwise would be a proper
case cognizable by a court precisely in the exercise of the conceded
power of judicial review just because the procedure contended for
which is that of an "appeal" under the circumstances a term vague
and ambiguous, was not followed. Petitioner may not be sufficiently
aware of the implications of such a proposition. It would run counter
to the well-settled doctrine that between two possible modes of
constructions, the one which would not be in conflict with what is
ordained by the Constitution is to be preferred. Every intendment of
the law should lean towards its validity, not its invalidity. 15 The
judiciary, as noted by Justice Douglas, should favor that t interpret
ation of legislation which gives it the greater chance of giving the
test of constitutionality. 16
chanrob les vi rtual law lib rary

3. The inherent weakness of this suit for certiorari and prohibition is

likewise discernible from the fact that the then Acting Secretary of
Justice Macaraig limited himself to a finding that the ordinance in
question was "of doubtful validity. 17That is far from a categorical
declaration of its being repugnant to the Constitution or its
being ultra vires. That betrays a realization that unless and until the
judiciary speaks in no uncertain terms, the presumption of validity
continues misgivings as to the likelihood of an alleged infringement
of any binding norm do not suffice. There is this aphorism from
Justice Malcolm "To doubt is to sustain. 18 That is merely to accord
recognition to the well-settled and binding doctrine that only in a
very clear case is the judiciary judged in nullifying a statute, or
ordinance.chanroblesvi rtua lawlib rary c hanro bles vi rtua l law li bra ry

4. One last word. The decision certainly does not extend to any de
determination by this Court as to the validity, or lack of it, of the
assailed ordinance. To do so would be, at the very least, premature.
That is a function for the lower court to perform. chanroble svirtualawl ibra ryc hanro bles vi rt ual law li bra ry

WHEREFORE, the petition is dismissed. The hearing of the case

before respondent Judge should be conducted as speedily as
circumstances permit. Costs against petitioner.

Barredo, Antonio, Aquino, Concepcion, Jr., Santos, and Abad

Santos, JJ., concur.

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