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I Think Speech

One of the very first exercises that Rudolf Steiner gave to the first eurythmists, Lori Smits, taught her
to feel the elegant geometry of the physical body.
Many of you will be familiar with the picture of the human body standing in different positions that
was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. His drawings were, however, actually modeled on drawings by Agrippa
von Nettesheim, and show six different positions of the body. These are the shapes that we practice in this

Begin by standing with your feet together. You may begin with your hands
folded in front of your chest. This is the neutral position.

1. Now unfold your arms and spread them wide, to the right and the left. Feel
yourself in a cross. Feel how this cross is actually far larger than your body is. Let is
extend beyond your fingertips, to touch the widths of the world. Continue to feel this
infinite extension throughout all the positions.

2. Now take a small step to the right and lift your arms to the larynx. This is
what we call the lifted star.

3. Now take a small step to the left and lower your hands to the level of the heart.
This is what we call the grounded star.

4. For the fourth position, take a larger step to the right and lift both arms
above your head, spreading them wide. The arms and the legs should be
equally wide. This is the form of the X, a cosmic cross.

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5. Now lower your arms to the height of the top of your head, and draw your left
foot in, so it is standing exactly on the spot it was when you began. This is a
modified seven point star (with two points invisible).

6. Finally, draw yourself into the shape of an upright column by drawing your
right foot in and lifting your arms above your head, so arms and legs extend in two
parallel lines. Feel yourself touching the heights of heaven and also the depths of the
Fold your arms.

This is an exercise that develops geometric clarity. Learn to feel the precision of the shapes in your
body. This practice also develops clear thinking.
In time, Dr. Steiner instructed Lori that this sequence could be practiced with certain words
associated with it.

1. The Cross I think speech

2. The lifted star I speak
3. The grounded star I have spoken
4. The cosmic cross I seek myself in the spirit
5. The seven pointed star I feel myself within myself
6. The column I am on the path to the spirit, to myself.

This is a good exercise to practice before every speech eurythmy practice session you embark on, to
connect you with the spirit of the universe.
I recommend doing it three times each session.

Its beautiful clarity also helps to cleanse and purify the astral body.

The Journal Box

Journal on your experiences doing” I think Speech.”
Could you feel yourself extending through your fingertips? Could you sustain this attention throughout the
entire exercise?
Have you been able to return to the same place you began?
This exercise has less “soul” in it than the walking exercises and contraction-expansion do. How did the
clean clear lines feel to you?
Feel free to expand our eurythmy community by sharing your reflections on the community forum at

© All rights reserved. Cynthia Hoven. 2014  
© All rights reserved. Cynthia Hoven. 2014  

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