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Hepatitis C

It took a while until we managed to write this article, because of the complexity of the
phenomenon and the fact that it is a topic of great controversy.
But now we have available studies, experiments and testimonials from people
infected with HIV who can confirm that MMS contribute significantly to the treatment
of AIDS. What happened originally?

After starting treatment with MMS, the analysis showed serious abnormalities: CD4
cell numbers which ought to be about 400 ~ 1500 (/ mmc blood), decreased sharply
to 200 and even alarmingly increased in viral load from 300,000 to 700,000! With
these data obtained, any patient's physician should be called immediately to stop the
treatment with MMS and to begin ARV treatment ... But the most amazing thing was
the patient ... The patient was doing well ... well, really ... but how is this possible??

The Swiss doctor and his team, in his research he reached the following conclusion:

"Treated with MMS, 9 of 10 patients showed a decrease of up to 50% of CD4 and

viral load increased exponentially. At first I found that nausea and vomiting occur,
but then his condition improved significantly. Being still in the research phase of the
treatment with MMS in cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome infection, we
observed that peroxide has a similar effect. Both enhance the replication of the virus
which has the effect of HIV viral load ... This is done by inducing NF -kb (beta
kappa). It is an ubiquitous transcription factor in the body of most animals and
humans, it being a protein complex that controls DNA replication that is involved in
cell response to various stimuli including bacterial or viral antigens and other less
important functions here. This has the effect of increasing the number of HIV genes
in the phenomenon of apoptosis. In this way cells infected with HIV destroy
themselves releasing a lot of viruses in the bloodstream and thus increasing viral
load. The most important thing is that these newly emerging viruses are sterile,
incomplete and therefore unable to infest other lymphocytes that have attached
glycoproteins CD4 T-helper which HIV binds normally.

So, in the first phase of treatment with MMS, two separate phenomena happen that
are correlated:

On one hand, the number of HIV viruses in the blood increases and on the other
hand, the type of CD4 lymphocytes decreases, exactly what most alarms the doctor
to begin ARV treatment, or change medication suspecting the establishment of
resistance to treatment. But newly emerging viruses are sterile, incomplete and
therefore increased the rate at which viral load is a harmless, analysis not being able
to distinguish between them and others.
Moreover, the appearance of this harmless viral load is due to the fact that HIV
infected cells begin to self-destruct (apoptosis) as a defensive reaction of
multicellular organisms through the sacrifice of some cells for the benefit of the
whole organism. This leads to the inability of the HIV virus to proliferate and infect
other healthy cells with the same rate as before the treatment with MMS, namely
chlorine dioxide (ClO2-) - a powerful antioxidant. The fact that viral load increases is
not so much of a problem because the body will remove all these viruses eventually.

To avoid excessive loss of glutathione is necessary to take a break from treatment

with MMS for 2 days every 10-14 days while administering between 1500 and 1800
mg L-acetyl cysteine (see protocol) and vitamins, vitamin C or eat more vegetables
that contain vitamin C. In case of nausea or diarrhea, just reduce the dose,
increasing with smaller steps and longer.
In conclusion, the study showed that after 6 months of treatment with MMS, all
patients felt better. In all patients the viral load eventually got much lower, and in one
case of this study a patient became HIV-negative. (That does not mean that HIV has
been completely eliminated from the body, but rather the last viral load below the
perceptible by analysis ...). Also, all patients reached the level of CD4 cells to

We can't confirm that all AIDS patients who used MMS have become HIV-negative
or got completely healed (time will tell), but they certainly were able to lead normal
lives, going to work, being active and feeling good."

Kalcker Andreas, being a passionate researcher and the most determined man to
promote MMS in both third world countries as well as the western world, along with
his wife have personally seen, filmed and witnessed the foregoing. I wrote this post
a translation of his own testimony about the healing effects of chlorine dioxide (MMS
activated) in cases of infection with HIV, the medical world that has not yet managed
a permanent treatment to combat this disease.

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