EPRI Combined Cycle

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Understanding of specific damage/failure mechanisms that affect various components of the

combined cycle (CCGT) power plants and implementation of appropriate engineering solutions
is crucial to avoid component failures. The damage mechanisms associated with cyclic operation
for various components of CCGT plants are discussed in this Section.

C.1 Typical Damage to Gas Turbine (GT)

Typical damages for various GT components associated with cyclic operation are described

C.1.1 Gas Turbine

The stationary blades or nozzles suffer from cracking, especially at section changes and around
the cooling holes and, if the cracks are allowed to grow, pieces of the nozzle can break off and
cause extensive consequential damage downstream. This cracking is accelerated by load cycling
and cycling. Thermal cycling can result in loss of thermal barrier coating, which leads to
overheating of the substrate and reduction in life.
The problems with the rotating blades are similar to those of the nozzles, but with the added
influence of the cyclic centrifugal stresses.
Turbine discs
The discs do not suffer from the same large thermal cycles as the blades and the nozzles, due to
the relatively cool air from the compressor section supplied through this part of the turbine. The
hottest area, and therefore the region in the turbine disc to suffer most, is near the blade root, but
this is generally not an area that produces problems, although there have been isolated reports of
disc cracking.
Turbine casing
The casing area is also kept relatively cool by the compressor air being channeled along this path
to the nozzles for cooling.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

The thrust bearing experiences the greatest load changes in stop-start operation. The entire load
is on the compressor end during start-up and rundown, with less duty on the bearing at full load.
The bearings can suffer from increased wear when the turbine is barring or when off load, due to
improper lubrication caused by the slow speed of the shaft or the oil being too viscous as the
temperature is so low.
Middle and exhaust end bearings can experience severe temperatures if not properly cooled by a
cooling medium such as water or air. These bearings have been known to give trouble due to
insufficient cooling and exhaust end-bearing pedestals have suffered from creep.
Exhaust plenum
This section suffers from stop-start operation as the thermal stresses can cause severe cracking of
the exhaust flow guides, which tend to have many changes of section and thickness, thus
increasing the stresses.
Exhaust duct
This area is prone to many problems from cracking and leaking seals, which increase with cyclic
operation. The duct cracks, and bolts holding the plates can also break off, allowing some
paneling to come loose. The bolts and the seals can come loose and allow hot exhaust gases to
escape to the outside, impinging on nearby sensitive plant components causing consequential
problems. Insulation panels can break off and be carried into the HRSG. Vibration effects have
also been known to affect the insulation (breakdown with subsequent compacting resulting in
Exhaust diffuser
As well as being subject to temperature changes, the turning vanes in the exhaust diffuser may be
subject to untoward stresses, due to excessive swirl during start-up and shut-down, leading to
cracking. Poor detail design on this component and difficulties in fabrication contribute to these
Expansion joints
These joints suffer from fairly frequent failure as they provide flexibility for the differential
movement between the boiler and the gas turbine exhaust duct. They are generally made from a
mixture of insulating material and a metallic braid. They suffer more from a stop-start situation
when the boiler movement has to be taken up by the joint. They also suffer from exhaust gas
turbulence in the duct, making the joint flutter.
These baffles act as flow-straightener and sound suppression barrier. The outside skin is
generally made from a perforated metal sheet, which cracks along the holes, due to thermal
stresses from start-stop operation.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.1.2 Combustion Section

Can type combustors
These types of combustors suffer from cracking of the can and the cross-fire tubes between the
cans. This area experiences considerable vibration from the combustion process. They will
experience large thermal cycles due to cycling. Atomizing air and steam/water injection nozzles
experience cracking. Spring seals holding the cans in place also suffer cracking due to thermal
cycling and vibration.
Silo type combustors
All the combustion takes place inside a silo. Again nozzles for atomizing air, and water/steam
low NOx injection nozzles can suffer from cracking. Wall tiles can come loose and crack due to
the thermal-mechanical stresses.
Annular type combustors
This type of combustor is more common for aircraft-type engines but they suffer from similar
problems with regard to cracking due to thermal cycling.
Transition piece
This section experiences the highest temperatures carrying the hot combustion gas from the
combustion chamber to the 1st stage nozzles. This section does not tend to suffer as much from
thermal cycling, as generally it has no sudden changes in cross-section and has an even
These can get burned out if they remain stuck in the start position, and also fail stuck in the out
(running) position preventing starting of the turbine. This problem increases with cycling.

C.1.3 Compressor and Ancillaries

Inlet filters & housing
This area should be little affected by cyclic operation. Generally this area has two types of filter:
cyclone and screen type. Maintenance on this section is directly related to the number of running
hours and the air quality.
The compressor section will suffer temperature cycling, at the high pressure end, due to cycling
and also pressure cycling of the casing, valve, pipe attachments and intercoolers. Surging is more
likely during frequent cycling, leading to damage of compressor blades and overheating.
Inlet guide vanes
This mechanism will suffer under cycling, due to cycling of the vanes, with wear taking place on
the vane shaft bearing, on the ring gear and pinions of the vane actuating mechanism. It will
suffer leaks and wear on the vane actuating hydraulic ram. This type of problem will also arise
due to load cycling.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Starting bleed-off valves (axial compressors)

These valves tend to get stuck in the open position during start up, or worse are stuck in the
closed position during start-up, leading to compressor surging and blade failure. These valves
and their pipe attachments will suffer from thermal cycling, as they are only required to work
during start-up and shut-down.
A variety of problems are caused by cycling, ranging from heat exchanger leaks, stuck valves,
leaking flanges, and failure of instrumentation.
Starting device
There are various means of starting: diesel engine, motor, gas expander, or generator. Frequent
starting puts extra burden on these devices, increasing their failure rate. These items of plant
experience a heating and cooling cycle for every start and for short duration runs.
Barring gear
The risk of shaft rubs on the stationary parts of the turbine increase with frequent starting and
stopping, causing overheating where the rub takes place and also wear damage to blades and
Lube oil system
The usual problems are stuck valves causing overcooling of the oil in the off-load condition and
insufficient cooling when at full load. There is an increased risk of the failure of the heat
exchanger which will allow cooling water to contaminate the oil supply and an increased risk of
the AC oil pump failing to start when the turbine comes off load.
Hydraulic oil system
This generally uses the same oil as the lube oil system but on a separate circuit. It is sensitive to
degradation if insufficient cooling is taking place, for the same reasons as the lube oil. The
hydraulic oil is more sensitive to degradation as it has to work in equipment with very finely
machined surfaces and clearances.
Atomizing air
Generally it is the coolers that leak due to thermal cycling from off load to on load, but again this
is generally not a major problem. The atomizing air compressor can suffer from corrosion due to
water vapor condensing in its housing, and this happens more with start-stop operation.
Gear box
Generally there is a single gearbox from which all the auxiliary drives are taken and through
which the starting device operates. This is a poorly designed part of the plant in many cases
(non-generator type starter). The gears can be overloaded driving auxiliaries that only need to
operate when coming off or going on load. Small misalignments of the gear shafts cause gear
teeth and bearing wear. Expansion and contraction of the gear wheel shaft results in increasing or
decreasing clearances between the gears. These problems are more likely to develop with
changing load conditions such as going on and off load.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Cooling water system

This system is used to take away heat from all the heat exchangers, cooling the various parts of
the turbine and its auxiliaries. Again with cycling it introduces problems for control valves and
temperature changes causing leaking flanges. Freezing while off load in a cold climate can
happen if the antifreeze concentration gets diluted by make-up water.
Low NOx steam & water injection
This plant also gives trouble with stuck valves, leaks and un-drained steam lines, which happen
more frequently when going on and off load. Dry low NOx type burners are now the norm on
newer plant.
Heat exchangers
Heat exchangers suffer failure from cracked tubes due to load cycling and differential expansion
between tube plate and tube. These leaks can result in consequential damage ranging from water
in generators to hydrogen leaks into the cooling system, and also leaks into the lube oil system.
The atomizing air system can suffer from thermal shock by cold water getting into hot atomizing
air supplying fuel nozzles.
Some gas turbines have regenerative heat exchangers to preheat the combustion air from the
exhaust gas. These heat exchangers suffer from thermal fatigue due to starting and stopping.
Valves, flanges, pipe work
The usual problems associated with these items of plant due to temperature changes, i.e. valves
sticking and the consequential damage caused by such malfunctions. Flange bolts loosen and
joints pull due to the contraction and expansion of the associated pipe work resulting from
temperature changes (start/stop). Leaking flanges also can cause extensive consequential damage
to other plant.
Gas compressors
Many combined cycles require the incoming gas to be compressed. This plant can itself be of
considerable size and complexity, and suffers from many of the problems that the main plant
experiences due to frequent starting and stopping. For example, heat exchangers, control valves,

C.1.4 Cyclic Damage Experience per GT Models

It is observed that there are some variations in the type of cyclic damage experienced by different
GT models. A summary of historical information on these damage experiences with the support
of its worldwide collaboration and are below.
GE Frame 6, 6FA
Some utilities reported that their plants have experienced damage to the first stage nozzles and
combustion cans, and the damage has increased due to operational cycling. One plant with 6FA
machines reported cracking in the exhaust diffuser area and implosion of the combustion liners
during cyclic operations, but these problems were not made worse by the cycling.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

GE Frame 7
Combustion can cracking has definitely accelerated with much of the cracking occurring around
the cross-over tubes. Blade seal wear tends to increase in cycling mode and thermal barrier
coating (TBC) loss from the cans has also increased. Cracking has been found in the compressor
disc of one machine. Cracking was noted by one user in the combustion liner transition pieces.
GE Frame 9B
Some plant operators have experienced increased damage to hot gas path components. One
utility with a plant that has been two-shifting since 2004 (after operating in base load mode for
many years) reported greater wear and tear of hot gas path components, including liners and
burners, due to the two-shifting regime. Failure of the vibration sensor on a bearing was also
reported; the issue here was not the sensor but the down-time for replacement.
GE Frame 9E
Some utilities have experienced cracking of the first stage blades and nozzles, TBC spalling, and
damage to the exhaust diffuser and ducts, as a result of cyclic operating regimes. A number of
plants have suffered from blade cracking in base load as well as cycling duty.
One plant that has been two-shifting occasionally since 2000 (after many years base load
operation) reported a number of problems that had increased due to cyclic operation: torque
converter failures; cracking of exhaust diffuser; load tunnel compartment hot gas leaks. The
condition of hydraulic oil was reported to be possibly worse due to cycling.
One utility with a plant that has operated since 1994 and has been two-shifting since 2001
reported the following problems:
 Premature failure of first stage nozzles due to thermal fatigue caused by the cycling regime;
 Damage to the insulation boxes of the exhaust plenum;
 Damage to the exhaust ducts - loss of insulation, damage to the silencers resulting in pressure
casing distortion and extensive cracking.
GE Frame 9F
Damage to various components was reported: deformation and cracking of outlet casing;
cracking of silencers and loss of enclosed noise damping material; cracking in corners and
deformation of duct between GT and HRSG; cracking of burners and creep damage due to
higher burning temperatures at start-up and very low load; and cracking of blades. In general, the
damage was reported to be made worse by cycling.
GE Frame 9FA and 9FA+e
Some utilities reported blade cracking, damage to blade coatings, and damage to combustion
cans, etc, due to operational cycling. One utility with a plant that has been cycling since 2005
reported loss of TBC on the first stage blades, and damage to combustion cans, combustion can
liner and transition pieces. Another utility reported that there had been cracking through the
coatings on the leading edges of blades after 25,000 hours operation.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

One plant operator reported various forms of damage: wear and hot spots on combustion
components; cracks on ignitor/flame scanner holes; bulging/buckling, wear and burning of
combustion liner components; damage to transition piece components (buckling, cracking, wear
and loss of TBC); damage to compressor stage 15 stator hook fit, causing it to rock; and cracks at
two locations in turbine stage 1 wheel cooling slot. However, the operator could not attribute any
of the damage to cycling because the plant has been operating in a mixed base load and load-
following (60%-100%) mode, with occasional start-stop cycles, since it started operating in
2003; there has been no period of sustained base load operation for comparison.
One utility with a fleet of Frame 9FA machines, which have been operating in load-following
mode since commissioning in 2002-2005, reported no problems.
GE Frame 9FB
One utility has been operating Frame 9FB machines at three plants that were commissioned in
2006, 2007 and 2008. No cycling-related damage has been experienced to date.
Siemens V64.3
Some plant operators reported that stator and rotor blade cracking were exacerbated by cycling,
and oxidation of blades/coatings was also accelerated. Cracking also occurred on the inner
section of the combustion chamber at some plants. Such cracks have been repaired by welding.
One operator reported the onset of stator and rotor blade cracking after the plant had been
running for about 12 years in load-following mode. One possible cause was the use of a coating
with better oxidation resistance, which was adopted as coating-degradation had been a problem
in earlier years. Unfortunately this new coating was somewhat less ductile than the older
Siemens V94.2
Hot section damage was reported by some utilities. One plant operator reported that cracking of
the first stage stator blades occurred after the plant had started doing some cyclic operations,
following 2-3 years base load operation.
Siemens V94.3, V94.3A
Some utilities reported cracking of stator blades and loss of TBCs due to cycling. One unit ran
with stators in a cracked condition for six months. Disc cracking was also experienced by one
user of the V94.3. Some plant operators stated that the rate of oxidation of coatings and damage
to combustion can liners were also accelerated when their units started cyclic operations. One
user reported IGV actuators were wearing out under the impact of repeated cycling and were not
lasting the planned 25,000 hours.
Alstom GT 13e1
A plant that has been operating for over 12 years predominantly in base load mode, with
overnight load reduction and limited cycling, experienced start reliability issues that were made
worse by the operational cycles. These issues have been resolved. There had also been a start
limitation due to the original blades, and this issue was also exacerbated by cyclic operation. A
new design of blades was fitted to rectify matters.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

MHI 701 F3
One plant operator reported that no problems have been experienced during two years of cyclic

C.1.5 GT Areas of Increased Maintenance

The areas of GT experienced increased maintenance due to cyclic operation is summarized in the
Table C-1.
Table C-1
GT areas of increased maintenance

Operating regime Areas of increased maintenance / inspection

- Gas turbine exhaust plenums and exhaust ducts

- Borescope inspection of the gas turbine first stage nozzles in
Two-shifting since 2001 advance of scheduled Combustion Inspection
- Monitoring of generator rotors slot liner condition
- Maintenance of 3.3kV breakers

- Large boiler valves and drain valves

Cycling since 2005 - Steam turbine stop and control valves
- Increased HRSG inspections

Cycling since 2006 - Steam valves: blocking of stems and leaks

Two-shifting - Boiler casing and internals

occasionally since 2000 - Exhaust diffuser, exhaust and load compartments
Load-following for 12 - Valves and actuators
Load-following since - Periodical borescope inspections between main inspections

New base load plant - Increased inspection of P91 welds and P91 to P22 dissimilar
with limited cycling metal welds (following issues with as-delivered components)

Two-shifting & load- - Modification of internal insulation in the duct between GT and
following since 2001 boiler, following problems with cracking and deformation of duct
- Increased inspection of tubes, steam traps and valves
- Inspection of tubes – visual, MT, creep assessment and
Mixed base load, load- metallurgical replication
following and occasional - Inspection of steam traps – by operator rounds, and
starts/stops since 2003 thermography
- Inspection of valves – stroke and function test during every

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.2 Damage to Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

The damage mechanisms associated with cyclic operation during the life cycle of HRSGs are
discussed in this section. The common damage mechanisms occurred in HRSGs at different time
period over the full life cycle are presented in Table C-2.
Table C-2
Common mechanisms occurring in HRSGs

Corrosion fatigue
Low cycle fatigue

Gas-side erosion
Thermal shock

Flow assisted







Superheater headers X X X

Superheater tubes X X X X

Reheater headers X X X

Reheater tubes X X X X

Evaporator tubes X X X X X

Economizer headers X X X X X

Economizer tubes X X X X X X

Drum X X X X X

Steam Piping X X X

Feed / connecting X X X

Casing, liners, duct, X X X X X X


Flow assisted corrosion (FAC) and cycle chemistry issues related damages occur mainly at
‘Start-up Failure Period’ of the life cycle. Damages like short term overheat, long term overheat,
thermal quenching, corrosion-fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, internal pitting, caustic gousing,
acid phosphate corrosion, hydrogen damage, gas side corrosion, acid dew point corrosion etc.
occurs during the ‘useful life cycle’ period. Most of the fatigue related damages such as thermal
fatigue, creep fatigue, flow induced vibration fatigue etc. occurs at ‘wear our period’ of the life
cycle. These damage mechanisms are discussed below.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.2.1 Flow Assisted Corrosion

Flow assisted corrosion (FAC), or flow accelerated corrosion, mainly occurs at the ‘Start-up
Failure Period’ of life cycle. As this damage progresses from the inside the first warning may be
pinhole leakage to the surface, but internally the tube wall may have been corroded away leading
to serious local thinning. If access to the internal surface is possible, a typical scalloped surface
may be found, as shown in Figure C-1.

Figure C-1
Surface appearance of flow assisted corrosion

Damage is restricted to water-touched components and, as it is worse in the range 100-250ºC, is

frequently restricted to the low-pressure circuits. Critical areas for FAC include the low-pressure
economizer and evaporators including steam drum internals, vent and drain lines. Leaks may
also develop at areas of high flow or turbulence such as tight bends, downcomer pipe bends, and
steam drum separators. If access is available to the internal corroded surface, inspection is
relatively simple using videoprobes, endoscopes and borescopes. An alternative is the use of
ultrasonic thickness measurements from the outside, internal rotary inspection probe (IRIS) from
the inside or radiography for small bore drain lines. Eddy current techniques are available for
pipes and plain tubes but are not suitable for finned tubing.
Standard practice is to measure the rate of thinning over a period of time. Provided the predicted
thickness at the next inspection outage is above the code minimum thickness, the component or
tubing may be left in service. Beyond this, a fitness for purpose approach based on the calculation of
allowable local thicknesses may be possible. Ultimately the tubing or component must be replaced,
preferably with a chromium-containing alloy, though local weld overlay repairs, to increase the
remaining thickness, may be used as a temporary repair. Such repairs can initiate thermal fatigue
cracking. Improvement of water chemistry would address the root cause of the problem.

C.2.2 Cycle Chemistry Issues

While selection of the water chemistry is an integral part of plant design it should be carefully
evaluated during commissioning and early commercial service. In essence, the requirements of
the unit will change during the service life and the cycle chemistry should be periodically
reassessed. Failure to recognize that the original cycle chemistry is no longer optimal may result
in damage and failures. One example is the current trend to cease or avoid the use of oxygen
scavengers to stop or prevent FAC in HRSGs.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

For HRSGs in which the economizers and evaporators are constructed of carbon steel, protection
from corrosion is achieved by controlling the purity and pH of the feedwater and boiler water
and also by controlling the dissolved oxygen concentration in the feedwater. The aim is always
to maintain conditions in which the solubility of metal oxides is reduced to a minimum so that
corrosion and oxide transport processes are effectively suppressed.
While oxygenated treatment is not presently in common usage with HRSG units, it has found
widespread acceptance in conventional units where it is used in both once through and drum

C.2.3 Short Term Overheat

Found on steam tubes, this result from an interruption to the flow of steam through the tube.
With insufficient or no internal working fluid, the tube temperature increases rapidly and remains
for some period, ranging from minutes to months, at elevated temperature well above the normal
operating temperature. This elevated temperature reduces the tensile properties but most of the
damage found normally results from accelerated creep deformation at the higher temperature.
Under such conditions, the material is highly ductile and typically swells at the hottest area
before developing a longitudinal split which then blows open. Such failures can occur on plain
tubes downstream of the supplemental burners giving a thin edged failure with a typical ‘fish-
mouth’ appearance. With finned tubing, swelling and/or bulging may also be present, but may
not be visible due to the presence of the fining.
Internal blockage can be detected with videoprobes, endoscopes and borescopes. External
examination is normally visual looking for bulging or signs of overheating on the tube and/or
fins. Damage is normally quantified by tube sampling, and tubing which shows thinning and/or
bulging outside tube diameter and wall thickness limits is replaced.

C.2.4 Long Term Overheat

Once more found on steam tubes, long term overheating is a result of operation at temperatures
above the normal design/operating temperature for protracted periods of time, typically several
years (Figure C-2). Temperatures are not as high as those found in short term overheating/steam
starvation and the tube material does not show the same high ductility. However, creep damage
still accumulates resulting in accelerated microstructural evolution eventually leading to failure.
Due to the lower temperature, swelling and bulging are not evident – unlike Short Term
Overheat - but the oxides adjacent to the overheated area will be thicker, due to the higher
operating temperature, and wall thinning may result. Damage is normally found in steam tubes
adjacent to supplemental burners or on the low alloy side of material transitions. High
temperature areas of the HRSG are most at risk, such as high-pressure superheaters and reheaters
and tubing/pipe work at the outlet headers.
Detection of damage frequently requires the local removal of fining to allow access to the tube
surface. This allows ultrasonic inspection for wall thinning and/or internal tube oxide
measurement. The internal tube oxide thickness can be measured from the tube exterior using
specially developed ultrasonic equipment. As the tube oxide thickness is dependent on the tube
operating temperature, this can be directly converted into the tube temperature. Alternatively,
measurements may be made on the bare tubes, adjacent to the header, and tube temperatures

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

elsewhere in the tube bank calculated from this information. It is possible to scan the tubes using
internal rotary inspection probe (IRIS) techniques in a similar manner to that in heat exchangers,
however this will involve cutting tube stubs to allow access and chemical cleaning may also be
required to ensure that the tubes are clean enough for inspection. These activities will be time
consuming and therefore will require extended outages.

Figure C-2
Overheat failure of finned tube

C.2.5 Thermal Quenching

This is the damage caused by large thermal stresses arising from quenching of a hot surface with
condensate or attemperator spray. The stresses developed are very high, typically above yield,
and result in physical distortion, ovalization of tubes and cracking. Damage occurs on steam
tubes in high temperature areas or where the tubing is restrained by other components. High-
pressure superheater and reheater banks and tube to header connections are typical areas for
damage. Damage may progress from the inside of the tube making it difficult to detect.
Visual inspection for distortion and surface inspection (DPI or MPI) for cracking are used.
Quantification of damage depends on measuring the crack depth and ultrasonic inspection and
exploratory grinding are commonly used. Potential drop measurements have also been applied.
One operator has reported that the potential drop measurement technique is good for single
cracks, but would give false readings for multiple cracks, as it sums up the impedance of all
cracks and reports the crack depth for one single crack. It is quite common to have multiple
cracks due to thermal shock, although some cracks are smaller than the major one. Repair
involves the replacement of the tubing and examination of adjacent areas. The cause of the
condensate or other quenching must be investigated and the thermal quenching prevented or
failure will re-occur.

C.2.6 Corrosion Fatigue

This is cracking which develops under the influence of cyclic stress and a corrosive environment.
It occurs at lower stresses than required for normal fatigue and may occur in fluid conditions,
which do not result in corrosion in the absence of cyclic stress. Initiation frequently involves the
repeated disruption of the protective oxide resulting in the formation of pits, which may act as

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

sites for concentration of corrosive species. Cracking then initiates at these pits and oxide filled
multiple cracking is typical. Corrosion fatigue develops on the inside as pitting which then
develops into parallel cracks running either circumferentially or longitudinally, perpendicular to
the driving stress. Typical cracking is shown in Figures C-3 and C-4. Again usually a ‘family’ of
cracks initiates, one of which then propagates through wall.
Corrosion fatigue is most common on water tubes, but can also be found in steam tubes as a
result of condensate-induced corrosion during outages. If not previously discovered, this will
present as pinhole leaks on the outside of the tube. This indicates that damage has progressed
through wall and extensive cracking may be present on the inner bore. Emergency repairs, by
local overlay welding, will have limited life. Extensive bore cracking is present along
appreciable lengths of tubing and replacement of the damaged section with a tube insert is
required. It is usually associated with high stress regions such as tube connections, especially to
headers and drums, tube bends and welded attachments. It is often a result of thermally induced
stresses and moments.
If access to the internal surface is possible, at drums and headers, detection is relatively simple
using videoprobes, endoscopes and borescopes. Ultrasonic inspection, using angled beams, can
detect the cracking from the outer surface of the tube but the quantification of the extent of
damage may require tube sampling in addition to ultrasonic NDE.

Figure C-3
Typical Corrosion fatigue

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Figure C-4
Corrosion fatigue cracking

C.2.7 Stress Corrosion Cracking

This is a form of cracking which develops in the presence of particular material/ environment
combinations and a static tensile stress either applied or residual. Stress corrosion cracking
(SCC) is found in areas of high stress concentration such as bends, attachment welds and
supports, and in areas where contaminant levels may be high, i.e. areas wetted with condensate.
Stress corrosion cracking has been found in a range of components such as feedwater heater
tubing, evaporator tubing, and steam tubing. It can also develop in a range of materials including
carbon and low alloy steels, austenitic steels and brasses. Typically, there is virtually no attack
over the surface and SCC results in fine cracking, orientated perpendicular to the dominant stress
direction. The appearance of the cracking can vary with the particular material/environment
combination (Figures C-5 and C-6).

Figure C-5
Typical SCC cracking in Austenitic Stainless, Brass/Ammonia, Alloy Steel/Caustic
Chloride environment

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Figure C-6
Intergranular SCC in LP superheater tube bend caused by sodium hydroxide in water
carried over from the drum

If not detected earlier, damage will present itself as a fine pinhole leak. However, with
exploratory grinding the crack like nature of the defect will become apparent. SCC can be found
by visual and surface inspection techniques only when it has penetrated through wall. Eddy
current has also been employed successfully for detection. Cracked material must be replaced
either with a different alloy, the chemistry altered or the source of the driving stress removed.

C.2.8 Internal Pitting

This is a form of localized internal corrosion, which results in the formation of deeply penetrating
pits on the inner surface of the tubing. It is normally associated with air ingress during storage,
resulting in high oxygen neutral pH water in contact with the tubing (Figure C-7). It has also been
found because of acid attack during poorly controlled chemical cleaning. It can be found on any
component in contact with an aqueous solution, including both steam and water tubing, as well as
condensers, condensate pipe work, sparge tanks, deaerators and feedwater heaters.
In theory, damage can be identified by internal examination by videoprobe, endoscope and
borescope. In practice, it has normally either been found by inspection of tube samples or tube
failures from other causes. Pitting adjacent to seams in seam-welded pipe is also possible. By the
time the tube has perforated, large areas of the internal surface may be severely pitted and
widespread tube replacement may be required.

Figure C-7
Oxygen pitting of tube surface

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

The severity of damage has been quantified by the internal rotary inspection (IRIS) ultrasonic
system. If the remaining tube thickness, after pitting, is greater than the specified tube thickness,
the tubing may be left in service but conditions creating further pitting must be avoided. For
greater pit depths, a fitness for purpose analysis may allow further service. The water chemistry
should be reviewed and improved. If pitting cannot be arrested, the only repair option is
replacement and the use of higher alloyed material should be considered.

C.2.9 Caustic Gouging

This is a waterside corrosion mechanism resulting from incorrect local water chemistry. The
general chemistry may be too alkaline, typically due to ingress of contamination, or there may be
a local concentration mechanism for the caustic (alkali) salts. Typically, a salt deposit builds up
on the tube surface, at the point of highest heat flux, and a highly corrosive environment
develops below it leading to the failure of the protective oxide layer and the rapid dissolution of
the underlying metal (Figure C-8). The tube interior will contain hemispherical or elliptical
depressions, which will eventually penetrate the tube causing pinhole leaks. The corrosion
depressions may be filled with thick, layered deposits though these can be lost once a leak forms
resulting in a high local pressure drop. This form of corrosion occurs mostly in the high and
intermediate pressure evaporators where high heat flux occurs in combination with boiling.
Damage is associated with areas of high heat flux and areas of deposition including gas inlet
rows, horizontal tubing and module end tubing.
Damage can be seen from the tube interior if inspection with videoprobes, endoscopes or
borescopes is possible. In severe cases, damage can be seen in radiographs and with ultrasonic
thickness measurements either using an IRIS probe from the inside or from the outside. The
repair option is to replace tubing when the remaining thickness reaches the specified minimum.

Figure C-8
Example of caustic gouging

C.2.10 Acid Phosphate Corrosion

This is similar to caustic corrosion in appearance but occurs when the boiler is operating a
phosphate chemistry. Once more, it is a waterside corrosion mechanism, which develops due to
local concentration of the chemicals in the boiler water producing deposits on the high heat flux
surfaces. The local concentration of phosphate salts leads to the breakdown of the protective
oxide film and rapid under deposit corrosion results. Internally the tube surfaces show a series of

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

gouges often containing layered deposits with a distinct transition between areas of mild and
severe corrosion. If not discovered earlier, it will eventually perforate the tube resulting in
pinhole leakage. Damage occurs in the same high deposition, high heat flux areas as with caustic
corrosion. Inspection and repair options are also the same as for caustic corrosion.

C.2.11 Hydrogen Damage

Hydrogen damage results from the development of acid, or possibly alkali, deposits on the
internal tube surfaces as described above. While this can result in under-deposit corrosion and
tube thinning, it can also liberate nascent hydrogen as a by-product of the corrosion reaction.
Nascent or atomic hydrogen consists of a single Hydrogen atom, not the conventional H2
molecule, and can lose its electron to any nearby metallic material leaving a free proton, which
can rapidly diffuse through the metallic matrix. Nascent hydrogen is highly soluble in steel at
elevated temperatures and high levels can be absorbed at under-deposit corrosion sites.
While dissolved in the steel it affects the steel ductility rendering the material more brittle. The
hydrogen also accumulates in voids and at grain boundaries within the steel, reverting to
molecular hydrogen or reacting with carbon, from the steel, to form methane gas molecules. In
either form, it can generate internal pressures of several hundred atmospheres, literally blowing
grain boundaries apart and leaving the steel full of grain boundary micro-fissures (Figure C-9).
Hydrogen is attracted to areas with high residual stresses, which tend to be the weld HAZs where
the structure is already strong and less ductile. Hydrogen damage can lead to relatively brittle
tube failures with longitudinal splits in finned tubes and circumferential cracking at attachment

Figure C-9
Grain boundary hydrogen damage

Hydrogen damage can be detected with specialist ultrasonic equipment, typically by measuring a
change in the ultrasonic attenuation caused by the micro-fissuring. In most cases, the associated
corrosion and/or gouging can be detected by conventional ultrasonic thickness or IRIS
inspection. Hydrogen damaged tubing must be assessed for its ability to remain in service and
replacement of damaged tubing is recommended.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.2.12 Gas Side Corrosion

This results from localized or general attack on the tube or fin material from corrosive species
such as sulphur from fuel oils, catalytic reduction additives or chlorides from the atmosphere.
Damage most frequently occurs at the cold end of the HRSG with surface deposits, pitting or
loss of section in the fins and/or tubing. The severity of damage is quantified by ultrasonic
thickness measurements on the tubing or by measuring remaining fin thickness.
In theory, damage is acceptable while the tube wall thickness is greater than the minimum
specified. However, degradation of the fining can reduce the fin cross-section or corrosion can
develop at the fin-tube interface. Both situations effectively reduce heat flow through the fining
into the tube and can reduce HRSG efficiency. Repair is normally by replacement with new or
upgraded tubing. Fin material can be upgraded or the alloy content of both fin and tube increased.

C.2.13 Acid Dew Point Corrosion

This is a form of gas-side corrosion found when the flue gas temperature drops to a point where
sulphuric acid can condense from sulphur oxides and water vapor. As this is a form of low
temperature corrosion, it is normally found on finned tubing at the rear of the HRSG or on the
casing, ducts or outlet stack. If deposits are found on the finned tubing, these should be removed
by water jetting or air blowing, as acid dew point corrosion can continue while the plant is off-
line by the absorption of moisture, from the atmosphere, by these deposits (Figure C-10). The
underlying metal may have a gouged or orange peel appearance and fins may be missing,
corroded or easily broken or pulled off the tube.
This problem is normally detected by simple visual inspection though ultrasonic thickness
measurements may be used, after removal of an area of fining, to determine the extent of tube
thinning. The tubing is normally acceptable for further use provided the minimum specified
thickness remains, and further dew point corrosion in service can be avoided, but efficiency may
be degraded if the fining is badly damaged. Upgrading to a higher alloyed material may offer
some protection. At one plant significant sulphate deposition occurred, but metallographic
sectioning of tube samples showed negligible corrosion of the tube metal. The preferred policy
would be to ensure that the operating temperature is above the dew point, and the HRSG should
be kept dry by blowing drying air and/or boxing up during off-load periods.

Figure C-10
Grain boundary hydrogen damage

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.2.14 Thermal Fatigue

This is a form of low cycle fatigue driven by large cyclic stresses, typically above the yield point
of the material. These stresses arise from thermal expansions of the structure and produce
cracking at the points where this expansion is restrained. Typically, the cracking is also located
at stress concentrating features in these areas. While multiple cracks may initiate, one crack soon
becomes dominant and grows through thickness leading to failure. Cracks grow perpendicular to
the main cyclic driving stress and may be circumferential, longitudinal or bi-directional
depending on the local stress field and stress concentration. As cracking is driven by high
stresses, other forms of damage, such as corrosion fatigue from the tube bore, may also be
present in failures.
Damage is most likely to occur where water or steam tubes are restrained from expansion,
especially by stress concentrating weldments at headers, drums and tube attachments. It may
occasionally also develop at bends or where there is an abrupt thickness change. As damage
develops from the outside, it is easily found by visual surface inspection techniques (MPI, DPI).
However, sometimes the crack may be filled with oxide, and hence it may not be detected using
DPI, and even MPI could have difficulty finding the crack. The crack depth may be assessed by
ultrasonic means but, since in many cases the cracking is simply ground out and weld repair
applied to return the component to original thickness, this sizing is not always necessary. As the
driving thermal stresses are a result of component design, reappearance of such cracking must be
expected and further, regular inspection and repair will be required. In some cases minor design
modifications, such as the removal or redesign of attachments, may prevent further cracking.
Typical cracks are shown in Figure C-11 below. It should be noted that, due to the high operating
temperature, the cracks are often rough and oxidized, and bi- or trifurcated crack tips are
sometimes present.

Figure C-11
Thermal fatigue cracking at tube to header weld

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Smooth bore cracking of steam pipe welds is caused by thermal fatigue arising primarily from
steam chilling events. It was first recognized in conventional power plant in the UK in 2001.
Following the discovery of the first crack, further inspections showed the problem to be both
widespread and potentially severe, with oxide dating showing that the defects typically initiated
soon after the plant went into operation. The thermal gradient between the cooler inside surface
and the hotter outside surface creates a transitory tensile stress on the inner surface at each
chilling event. Cracking is fully circumferential. The cracks appear to grow independently of
local microstructure, initiating either at weld roots or at internal changes of section at
counterbores, and grow directly through-wall with little deviation of the crack path. They are not
associated with creep cavitation. While it is believed that very severe thermal cycles are required
to initiate the defects, they will grow as a result of the lower stress cycles that are common in
power plant. Detection is difficult and the most reliable inspection is currently an initial
conventional ultrasonic inspection, with particular attention to the bore area to detect the cracks,
supplemented by Time of Flight Diffraction optimized to provide accurate sizing capability.
Final failure will be by some other mechanism, such as fast fracture, creep or creep crack
growth. Current effort is aimed at estimating growth rates and critical sizes to maintain cracked
welds safely in service and minimize the need for repair.

C.2.15 Creep Fatigue

Creep and fatigue can interact to reduce the life of components. Creep-fatigue cracking is a form
of damage that occurs under the influence of large cyclic stresses and operation at a high enough
temperature to accumulate appreciable creep damage. Typically, the creep-fatigue cracking
problem occurs as a result of cyclic thermal stresses due to rapid heating and/or cooling during
start-up / shutdown, combined with operation at high temperature. The thermal fatigue stresses
are highest in thick components and the creep-fatigue problem is well known in conventional
power plant, where creep-fatigue cracking has been widely found in superheater outlet header
boreholes - these remain an area that requires additional inspection in HRSGs.
This high temperature failure mechanism is normally found in steam tubes in high pressure and
intermediate pressure superheaters and reheaters. The cracks form perpendicular to the applied
tensile stress field but most often occur at stress raisers such as tube-to-header welds. Cracking
can be circumferential, axial (in bends) or multi-dimensional at stress-raising features such as
attachments, see Figure C-12. The initial section of the crack may be transgranular and
dominated by fatigue, changing to intergranular later in growth, when there has been time for
creep damage to accumulate, or it may be completely intergranular, see Figure C-13.
As cracking initiates on the external surface it can be detected visually and/or with the aid of
surface inspection techniques. A range of other techniques including ultrasonic inspection,
potential drop measurement and exploratory grinding can also be used. Replication may be
employed to detect early signs. Heavily damaged material must be removed and replaced by
weld repair, or complete replacement of the component.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Figure C-12
Creep-fatigue cracking at tube stub

Figure C-13
Section through creep-fatigue crack

Ligament cracking of headers has become a recognized problem with relatively thick 2.25Cr1Mo
(P22) headers in conventional power plant (Figure C-14). This is generally accepted to be due to
creep-fatigue damage with the fatigue element accumulating as a result of thermal stresses
generated by differences between tube bore and header ligament temperatures. The solution has
been to fabricate new headers from the more creep-resistant modified 9Cr1Mo steel (P91). This
material has higher creep strength and so the header walls can be made thinner, thus reducing the
thermal stresses.

Figure C-14
Ligament cracking in header

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.2.16 Flow Induced Vibration Fatigue

This is a form of high cycle fatigue driven by high frequency but low amplitude stresses;
typically well below the yield point of the material. Vibration can result from a number of flow
related problems including vortex shedding, and flow eddy currents in the HRSG exhaust and
resonance between pressure fluctuations within a tube array. Other sources include acoustically
driven vibration and vibration resulting from flow turbulence within the tubes.
Cracking initiates on the outside of the tube perpendicular to the predominant tensile stress.
While multiple cracking may initiate, a single crack soon becomes dominant and grows through
thickness. These cracks may be axial but are typically circumferential near to tube/header welds.
Separate cracks may be present on both sides of the tube. Where tube vibration is responsible,
damage due to collision with neighboring tubes may be found on the fins. This kind of damage
may be found throughout a HRSG but is most common in high-pressure superheaters and
reheaters and adjacent to stress raising welded connections, attachments and at bends.
Damage is often indicated by cracking or impact damage to the fins on finned tubes. Once the
fining has been removed, the damage can be confirmed by visual and surface inspection
techniques. Ultrasonic, potential drop or exploratory grinding may quantify the depth of
cracking, however, it is good practice to remove all cracking and replace with new tubing. The
source of the vibration must be determined and avoided either by alterations to the flow or
increased bracing/support of the tube bundles.

C.3 Potential Damage to Steam Turbines (ST)

In general, the likely damage for steam turbines in CCGT plant are similar to those for turbines
in conventional steam plant. The principal damage mechanisms associated with cyclic operation
of steam turbines are low cycle (thermal) fatigue and creep fatigue, erosion-corrosion and
environmentally-assisted cracking (in the LP turbine). Droplet erosion can be a problem for the
last stages of the LP turbines. Low load operation would be expected to increase the number of
blade rows that are affected. Cyclic operation may also induce erosion of the first three or four
blade rows of HP and IP turbines, as a result of enhanced spalling of steam-side oxide in
superheater/reheater tubing of the HRSG. The effects of turbine blade erosion would be seen in
reduced plant output, given correct steam inlet and condenser conditions.
In practice, steam turbines experience fewer problems than the GT and HRSG. Many of the ST
problems are associated with the control valves and stop valves. In general, steam turbines do not
experience any severe damage at early/ start-up period of the life cycle. Most of the fatigue
related damage occurs mainly at ‘wear out period’; differential expansion, erosion and
environmentally-assisted cracking damages occur generally at ‘useful life period’ of the life
cycle. These damage mechanisms are described below.

C.3.1 Thermal Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Due to Thermal Cycling

The HP rotor can suffer significant thermal shocks during a start-up. In the initial stages it is
important to match the incoming steam temperature to the rotor temperature. This, however, is
not as simple as it looks. Measuring the temperature of the nozzle box (stationary blades)
adjacent to the first row of blades can give a good indication of the rotor temperature. Software
can now estimate the first row blade temperature from steam temperature measurements.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

Although the boiler steam outlet temperature may match the temperature of the first row blades,
the losses due to throttling through the steam control valves on the turbine can result in a lower
steam admission temperature to the turbine cylinder than at the boiler outlet. The throttling losses
can be reduced by operating at reduced boiler pressure but this can cause additional problems.
The start-up procedure must balance the requirements of the inlet stage and subsequent stages of
turbine rotor. Excessive temperature imbalance and rapid fluctuations on start-up will cause high
stress levels in the turbine rotor, blading and shrouding. This can result in various forms of
damage to the components.
Thermal fatigue and creep-fatigue can lead to damage to thick-walled components, including
governor and stop valves and HP and IP turbine inlet belts. Modern analysis techniques, utilizing
finite element methods, are now widely available at reasonably low cost to permit modeling of
components perceived to be at risk. Application of this type of modeling, whilst it may not be
able to accurately predict the life of components, does provide a valuable understanding of the
stress profiles within the component and identifies potential weaknesses and vulnerable areas.
Armed with this knowledge, operational procedures can be optimized to minimize the effects of
thermal fatigue and inspection procedures can be focused on selected locations at appropriate
operating intervals. The addition of temperature and temperature differential instrumentation will
enable the operator to minimize the intensity and duration of the adverse conditions. The scope
for modifications to existing turbine plant is limited unless new rotors or casings are being fitted.
Possible modifications to reduce thermal stresses include improvements to thermal insulation,
pre-warming (especially of half joint flanges) and slotting of flanges to increase flexibility. Some
operators are known to favour “skin peeling” of high temperature rotors where fatigue damage is
of concern. This is basically skimming off a millimeter or so of material from the surface of
potentially critical regions of the rotor, e.g. radii, etc. This effectively removes fatigue-related
damage and presents what is essentially an “as-new” surface. This process is typically carried out
at mid-life.

C.3.2 Mechanical Fatigue Due to Load and Speed Variations

The mechanical fatigue issues arise from two sources. Firstly, during turbine run-up, the rotor
passes through a series of critical speeds where vibration levels increase significantly. This is a
well-understood phenomenon and the critical speeds are well defined for most machines. Clearly
it is important to pass through these speeds as quickly as possible. Over a number of starts, the
number of cycles at the critical speeds can accumulate to significant values and subject
components such as turbine blades to unacceptable high cycle fatigue levels. The most
vulnerable area for mechanical fatigue is generally regarded to be the LP blading. Obviously the
length of the blades subjects the root area to very high centrifugal stresses. Any defects within
this high stress area will cause a significant reduction of blade integrity.
In conventional steam plant, the inspection of disc slots on some older units with large numbers
of starts has identified the formation of fatigue cracks in the root serrations where stress levels
are concentrated. These cracks are believed to propagate slowly and have not resulted in any
major problems, although blade replacements have been required. More modern units have
employed advanced design and analysis methods to improve the blade-root detail which should
eliminate this potential problem. Where mechanical fatigue problems are encountered with LP
blading (or indeed any blading) it is usually possible to re-blade the rotor with a modern design

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

of blade to reduce or eliminate the problem. In some instances, reblading may be combined with
improvements in efficiency. Where cracking of the LP blades is present, the cracking may be
exacerbated by the onset of corrosion-fatigue.

C.3.3 Differential Expansion of Turbine Rotors and Casings

Expansion and differential expansion of the turbine rotor and casing are not usually a problem
under cyclic operation, although it is essential to have good turbovisory indication of turbine
movement and clearances. Relative movement between the rotor and casing during turbine run-
up is always a potentially critical period when rubs may occur on both turbine blade tips and on
shaft seals. Where cycling is introduced, it is important to understand what is happening within
the turbine from the turbovisory equipment. Each case has to be evaluated on its own merits.
Where problems arise, the solution may require changes to operating procedures or increased
clearances, albeit at the expense of efficiency.
When monitoring LP turbine differential expansion it needs to be remembered that many LP
turbine rotors get longer as they run down (and shorter as they run up) due to the Poisson effect.
The centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the blades causes strain in the rotor body
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rotor which then results in contraction along this
axis which increases with speed. This magnitude effect will vary from design to design
depending on many factors. It is best observed in practice. The magnitude needs to be noted. If a
turbine is run down with inadequate clearance, then this effect can cause a rub between rotor and
stator as the speed decreases. It is important when moving from a base-load situation, where
efficiency is of particular concern (and hence the need to minimize blade tip and gland
clearances), to review the clearances and make adjustments appropriate to a cyclic operating
regime where reliability may be increased at the expense of some efficiency.

C.3.4 Erosion of Turbine Blades

Steam turbine blade erosion may be of two types. Erosion by particulates is due to oxide scales
and is found at the front end of turbines. Of greater significance is the risk of erosion corrosion
due to water droplets at the back-end of the LP turbine. Off-design operation can lead to
increases in steam wetness, which results in more rows of blades being affected. This can cause
erosion of the blades towards the tips due to the impact of water droplets on the leading edge of
the blades. Stellite shields have been welded onto the leading edges of LP turbine blades to
increase the resistance to this erosion. Unfortunately, while the erosion resistance is improved,
these shields have sometimes become detached from the blades. An alternative solution would be
to employ titanium alloy blades.
Excessive growth of steam-side oxide scales in superheater/reheater tubes, and consequently
spallation of the oxide, can be a major issue in conventional plant because the metal temperature
can increase significantly due to very high furnace gas temperature and the insulating effect of
the steam-side oxide. In CCGT plant, the GT exhaust temperature entering the HRSG is limited
to ~600°C maximum (depending on GT type) and hence erosion due to spalled oxide may not be
a significant issue because of the relatively slow rates of steam-side oxidation at typical HRSG
operating temperatures. However, steam temperatures of modern HRSGs are now as high as
580°C, and even 600°C. It should be noted that steam oxidation of T91 material could be an
issue if superheater/reheater tube temperatures are approaching 600°C.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.3.5 Environmentally-Assisted Cracking in LP Turbine

Stress corrosion of turbine blades and rotors is likely to increase with cycling due to greater
potential for carry-over from the boiler drum and steam contamination (Figure C-15). Sections of
the turbine, which are not normally susceptible to attack since they are operating above the dry-
out line, will be operating in hot-wet conditions. Much will depend on the turbine construction.
Older designs of rotor using shrunk-on discs would appear to be more at risk than rotors of the
monoblock or welded construction type. Accordingly, there could be a plant-to-plant variation,
although even with modern equipment some designs may be more susceptible than others. A
major factor in governing resistance to stress corrosion is the yield strength of the rotor material.

Figure C-15
Axial entry blade attachment showing crack initiation locations

C.3.6 Valves
Clearly, operating in a cycling mode will require increased operation of turbine governor valves
and stop valves. Inevitably there will be additional wear and tear on the valve seats and valve
stems, especially under throttling conditions when flow-induced vibration can lead to mechanical
fatigue and wear. This can, in the main, be contained by redesign of the valve head, modification
to the steam flow path and the use of Stellite or similar hard-facing materials on wear surfaces.
During the start-up phase when the throttle valves really are working hard to control the
admission of steam to the turbine the valve sealing surfaces are subject to erosion and the steam
flow can put significant forces on the valve heads along with the linkages and valve actuators.
Wear internal to the valves or in the linkages / actuators can result in lack of precision in
positioning of the valve and hence fluctuations in steam flow. These fluctuations can occur either
with low or moderate steam flow. Some turbines have two pairs of throttle valves which operate
in sequence with one pair opening almost fully before the second pair starts to move. If both
pairs suffer from instability then the effect can manifest itself at two points during the start-up
phase – one occasion for each pair of throttle valves.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

The technique of using two pairs of throttle valves allows better control of the steam flow to the
turbine but the second pair of valves to open can suffer rapid changes in steam flow and
temperature. Having said this, they may also avoid some of the chilling due to the throttling
losses on the first pair of valves during the early stages of start-up. It is not clear which of the
sets of valves will accrue the greater damage over the operating cycles. It will be necessary to
inspect the valves periodically to determine what damage is occurring.
The sealing glands on the throttle valves will suffer from increased wear with the increased
movement of the valve spindles, which can lead to increased leakage or maintenance

C.3.7 Bearings
Whilst there may be issues with turbine bearings under steady load conditions, cycling puts a lot
more stress on them and can raise a number of issues. Whilst the turbine is on barring (slow
rotation on turning gear 30 to 100 rpm) during the shutdown period, the oil flow to the bearings
will be reduced. There will still be, however, a considerable heat flow along the shaft from the
HP turbine, in particular. On barring there is usually only the jacking oil flow. This should be
adequate to keep the bearings cool as well as keeping the shaft lifted in the bearings but the
bearing temperatures should be monitored to ensure that there is in reality enough oil flow. If the
load on the bearings changes as the machine contracts during the shutdown, this can reduce the
oil flow to a particular bearing and cause overheating.

C.4 Potential Damage to Electrical Equipment

The key electrical components that suffer from cyclic related issues are alternator, generator,
rotor, transformer etc. Flexible operation puts alternators through thermal cycling in a similar
manner to boilers and turbines, although clearly the temperatures involved are much lower in
alternators than in many other areas of plant. The potential damages experienced by key electrical
components under cyclic operation are summarized below.

C.4.1 Generator Windings

Movement of the rotor windings may occur under the combined centrifugal and thermal stresses.
There is a ratcheting effect of differential expansion between the copper windings and the rotor
end rings, and similarly between the copper windings and stator core, leading to breakdown of
insulation and movement of windings. Differential winding movement or blockages of cooling
ducts can then cause the rotors to take up a slightly bent condition that is dependent on the rotor
winding current. The electrical windings suffer increased damage due to cyclic operation,
thereby cracking the insulation and loosening the wedges holding the coils. This is a long-term

C.4.2 Rotor
There is potential for thermal fatigue of rotor forgings, especially at section changes, e.g.
winding slots. With periods of prolonged steady load the rotor windings and the retaining bars
which hold them in the slots can become stuck in one position. When reducing load they can take
some time to free off and move as the thermal differential expansion between them and the rotor
body would determine. Equally after a period of shutdown when returning to full load they can

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

stick as they move to the fully warmed-up position. This phenomenon is often referred to as
“stick/slip” because the component initially sticks but will ultimately slip. When the bars /
windings are stuck and under tension trying to expand or contract, if this does not occur equally
in both halves of the winding (assuming a two-pole rotor), then the rotor behaves somewhat like
a bi-metallic strip and tends to bend. This will produce an imbalance in the rotor leading to
Even if there is no excessive “stick” during the expansion and contraction, the cycling will
inevitably result in some wear on the components in the alternator rotor. There is a risk if
components such as packers gradually migrate due to the repeated expansion and contraction that
eventually a cooling slot make suffer some blocking. If the blocking becomes significant enough
it may result in uneven cooling of the rotor body. This can then cause a thermal bend of the
alternator rotor, resulting in higher than normal vibration. The magnitude of the vibration will
vary with the excitation current being carried through the rotor windings. The effect can be a
little confusing because as the current increases the bending may, initially, reduce the overall
vibration level experienced. This can then be followed by an increase in vibration as the current
rises further. The exact behavior depends on the phase (angular position) of the natural
imbalance of the rotor compared with the phase of the thermal bending.
To fully diagnose this type of problem, a computerized vibration analysis system should be used
as this will be able to determine the magnitude and phase of the alternator vibrations and hence
calculate the vector change.
During the run-up and run-down, the alternator rotor will pass through its critical speeds at which
vibration levels will increase significantly. Most alternator rotors have asymmetrical
characteristics due to the slots for the windings, and have two critical speeds. It is important that
these are known to the operators and that these speeds are passed through quickly on run-up and
run-down. Dwelling in the critical speed ranges will subject both the rotor and stator to
unnecessary vibration-driven damage.
The material properties and machining quality of modern generator rotor shaft and end rings
should ensure that they are not adversely affected by cyclic operation. Some rotor designs have
suffered from copper dusting whilst the machine is barring. This phenomenon is caused by the
individual turns moving radially in the slot under the influence of gravity. The copper rubs
against the slot insulation leaving deposits and possibly leading to an inter-turn fault.

C.4.3 End Rings

There is potential for stress corrosion cracking of the rotor end rings due to moisture when the
unit is cold. Concern has grown about end-ring integrity, despite the introduction of the Fe-
18Mn-18Cr end-ring alloys. If the end rings are of the older Fe-18Mn-5Cr type alloy, then these
should be inspected prior to cyclic operation, if there has been any suspicion of moisture
contamination, because of the threat of stress corrosion cracking. The newer Fe-18Mn-18Cr
alloy has much better resistance to SCC but it may have poorer corrosion-fatigue performance.
Hence the rings should be kept dry at all times. How practical this is with modern generators is
open to question since many of these are air-cooled rather than hydrogen-cooled. In order to
minimize the risk of stress corrosion cracking it is vital to keep the dew point of the coolant gas
within the alternator as low as possible.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

The stress variations which result from cycling are important, although variations in the electrical
output can also induce fatigue, even though there is no change in the rotor speed. This is due to
eddy current induced heating in the end ring. Older designs of end ring were more susceptible to
damage, since they were prone to high cycle fatigue. One of the older variants used retaining
rings that were shrunk onto the end disc, which itself was shrunk onto the shaft. Here relative
movement between the end ring and the end windings occurs with each revolution. The other
design can induce cracking in the shaft, in the rotor tooth region and in the end ring itself. Here
the ring is shrunk on to the end windings and the shaft. The more modern design, which is less
susceptible to high cycle fatigue, is of the so-called “cantilever type”. Here the end ring simply
grips the alternator rotor, and does not rely on support from the shaft. Another shortcoming of
older designs was that the fixing of the end ring to the rotor was of a relatively simple form.
Modified designs are available to reduce stress concentrations in this area.

C.4.4 Stator
Leaks may occur in stator water cooling connections inside the alternator due to thermal cycling
and high vibration levels on run-down / run-up. The repeated thermal expansion and contraction
caused by cycling can cause damage over a long period of time in an alternator stator. Damage to
the windings (particularly the end windings which overhang the end of the stator core), looseness
of wedges, and fretting of the laminations in the alternator core are often caused by long-term
operation at high vibration levels. It is generally the number of cycles accumulated over time
which results in damage. However, it is possible for the thermal expansion and contraction of
cycling to initiate or exacerbate problems.
Thermal cycling of the generator stator can lead to the development of partial discharge
phenomena in the slot region. This is caused by expansion/ contraction of the conductor bars
relative to the core, degrading the semi-conducting coating of the bar. This is a long-term issue
and it is possible to detect this type of degradation by the use of on-line discharge monitoring
Another potential effect of thermal cycling is that stator slot wedges may become loose. Again,
this is a long-term issue. It would not be expected to become a problem before the first scheduled
removal of a machine’s rotor and so the wedge tightness can normally be checked then and a
suitable strategy formulated. Systems are available to perform wedge tightness checks with the
rotor installed.
Fretting within the stator core can result in breakdown of the insulation between the laminations
which can produce hot spots within the core. High vibration or stator windings not sliding
correctly within the slots can result in damage to the insulation of the winding or weakening of
the mechanical strength of brazing or other joints within the windings which can result in leaks.
The stator windings are water-cooled in a lot of machines. This usually involves circular
manifolds within the alternator with PTFE (Poly TetraFluoro Ethylene) hoses feeding the water
from the manifolds into the individual winding. There are, therefore, seals at each end of every
hose sealing the PTFE to the metal. The different thermal expansion characteristics of the PTFE
and metal mean that repeated load cycling will stress the seals. Usually the seals contain ‘Viton’
o-rings which help to absorb the movement. If the rate of operation of this system, or venting as
it is often called, increases significantly, then it is an indication of a stator water leak which can
often come from a cooling hose seal.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.4.5 Transformers
Increased wear and tear would be expected due to stop/start operation. During steady state
operation, transformers stay warm and at a relatively constant temperature. The move to flexible
operation will completely change this. Depending on the location of the transformers (many are
located outside to improve cooling in hot weather and due to their sheer size) and the ambient
temperatures, transformers can cool significantly when off load. This cooling will cause the
transformer internal oil and air volume to decrease thus sucking in air from outside. It is
important that the breather systems are functioning correctly. If blocked, then the transformer
tank can be put under suction and air may leak in other than via the breather. If the breather is
not blocked but its desiccant crystals are exhausted, then damp air can be drawn into the
transformer thus degrading the performance of the transformer oil. Regular monitoring of the
breather and oil condition will ensure that this is not happening.
Transformers can suffer similar winding problems to alternator rotors and stators due to thermal
expansion and contraction.
Transformers are often equipped with tap changers. These are switches to change the turns-ratio
between the two windings of the transformer. During base load operation these may operate over
a limited range, for example to adjust the reactive generation from the alternator to the grid
system. On shut-down and start-up the tap changer may be operated over a much bigger range. It
may be that the mechanism is in poor condition at the extremes of its range. The mechanism may
be stiff or the electrical contacts in a poor condition. As a result, it may be necessary to carry out
more inspections. Monitoring the condition of the oil in the tap changer compartment, which is
often separate to the main transformer oil, can help to identify arcing from the electrical contacts.

C.4.6 Electric Motors

The number of starts per year imposed by cyclic operation should not normally adversely affect
motors. However, the problem of rotor bar cracking on large motors has been encountered
worldwide following a move to this type of running regime. Abrasion of the stator coil insulation
at the slot emergence has also been experienced. This has been sometimes linked to the number
of starts.
The repeated high starting current and torques put stresses on motor stators and rotors. This can
cause rotor bar cracking. Often it is the connection (often brazing) of the rotor bar to the shorting
ring at the end of the rotor bar which cracks rather than the rotor bar itself.
It is possible to analyze the waveform of the supply current to the motor to identify if there are
any cracked rotor bars. This technique is known as Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA)
or Motor Current Analysis (MCA). Cracks in the rotor bars result in harmonics in the current
waveform which can be detected and measured.

C.4.7 Coolers
The coolers (hydrogen or air) also suffer from increased long-term failure. Cracking of the
cooling tubes, near the tube plates of the usual shell and tube type of heat exchanger, results from
the heating and cooling of the generator. The temperature control valves also tend to stick in one
position, generally overcooling the generator in the off-load condition, causing condensation to
take place in the windings (air-cooled).

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

C.4.8 Switchgear
Increased switching operations give rise to increased wear and tear. Switchgear can suffer from
mechanical breakage of the operating mechanism. This has serious consequences for the
generator circuit-breaker in particular, and for essential auxiliaries such as emergency lube oil
pumps, etc. The mechanical linkages and switchgear might not be designed for frequent
operations as the plant may have been designed for base load operation. These breakages are
usually due to fatigue of the metal part. Moisture and dust ingress can occur during shutdown

C.5 References
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[C.2] Codogno L, Baker M L, ‘Belgian Plant Brings Natural Circulation to Vertical HRSG
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Steels for Application in High Efficiency Power Plant”, Proc. ‘New Materials Seminar’,
London, 20-21 Jun 2007.
[C.7] Nessler R, “Developments in HRSG Technology”, Annual Industrial and Power Gas
Turbine O&M Conference, Birmingham, UK, Nov 2000.
[C.8] Fontaine P, ‘Cycling Tolerant HRSGs’, Proc. Intl. Seminar ‘Cyclic Operation of Heat
Recovery Steam Generators’, 24 Jun 2005, London, UK.
[C.9] Lutfi bin Samsudin M, ‘Experience with HRSG T91 tube failures’, Proc. Intl. Seminar
‘Industry & Research Experience in the Use of P91/T91 in HRSG and Conventional
Boilers’, 7-8 Dec 2005, London, UK.
[C.10] Rizha M, Senger B, Merry S, Greig A, ‘Chemical Operation Experience with the CCPP
Cottam’, EPRI Boiler and HRSG Tube Failure Conference, Phoenix, USA, Oct 2001.
[C.11] Wignall C M, Jones A C, Blood D M, “A once through 400MW HRSG: Stress analysis of
operational transients and the effects on the calculated lifetimes of different headers”,
Proc. Conf. ‘Cyclic Operation of Heat Recovery Steam Generators’, 24 Jun 2005,
London, UK.

Damage Mechanisms for Combined Cycle Power Plants Associated with Cycling Operation

[C.12] B rady M F, ‘Design aspects of once through systems for heat recovery steam generators
for base load and cyclic operation’, pp 223-230, Materials at High Temperatures, London,
Vol.18 (4) 2001.
[C.13] Hinde A, McArthur J, ‘The suitability of once through steam generators for cyclic
applications’, Proc. Intl. Seminar ‘Cyclic Operation of Heat Recovery Steam Generators’,
24 Jun 2005, London, UK.
[C.14] Henkel N, Schmid E, Gobrecht E, ‘Operational Flexibility Enhancements of Combined
Cycle Power Plants’, Proc. Conf. ‘Cyclic operation of power plants’, 27-28 Sep 2007,
London, UK.
[C.15] Tucker S, Milsom J, Griffith G, Stone G, “Problems with Modern Air-Cooled Generator
Windings”, pp 137-144, Power Station Maintenance 2000, IMechE, London, 2000.
[C.16] Storey I J, Klarstrom D L, Hoback G L, Ishwar V R, Qureshi J I, “The Metallurgical
Background to Rejuvenation Heat Treatments and Weld Reparability Procedures for Gas
Turbine Sheet Metal Components”, pp 241-247, Materials at High Temperature, Vol. 18
(4), 2001, London.

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