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5th fl, Prospect Chambers Annexe, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001, INDIA
Tel: +91 22 22046972, Fax: +91 22 22832516, email: [email protected]


The Jt. Hon. Secretary Photo
The Indian Institute of Architects
5th Floor, Prospect Chambers Annexe
Dr. D.N. Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 001.

Dear Sir,

I,……………………………………………………………………….wish to nominate my name for election as Associate Member of The Indian

Institute of Architects (IIA). I confirm that I have read the constitution, by-laws and the professional code of conduct of the Institute and I undertake that I
will be governed and bound by the same and will obey to every part thereof and to any amendments, which may hereafter be made to it from time to time.
I shall discharge my duties / obligations as a member to the best of my abilities for promotion of the aims and objectives of the Institute.
Subscription Payment Details: (Cash will be accepted only at IIA office in Mumbai, against receipt)
As per the revised Fee structure - w.e.f. 1st August, 2013, I enclose herewith a sum of:
2,000/- ( 1,000/- being the Entrance Fee + 1,000/- being Current Year's subscription)
11,000/- (` 1,000/- being the Entrance Fee + 10,000/- being the Life Time Deposit.) In the case of ceasing
of my membership, I nominate / authorize the IIA to transfer my Life Time deposit into the IIA Corpus fund.
 Add GST @ 18% on the amount payable
cheque (Multicity cheque for outstation) dt.
of drawn on
favour of “The Indian Institute of Architects” payable at Mumbai. I agree that, if I am not elected as an Associate
Member, I shall get the money refunded after deduction of 300/- towards administration charges.

Personal Information:
Name (As appearing on my graduation certificate):
First Name

Middle Name
Last Name

(In case of change of my name I shall attach the necessary legal documents, as required by IIA.)

Gender: Male / Female Date of Birth :

Contact Information:
Telephone: Off. Mobile_1:


Res. Address

State: Pin Code:

Eligibility Qualification Name & Address of affiliating University

B. Arch or equivalent
Course Duration: yrs

I enclose copy of the self attested graduation certificate.

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5 t h f l , P r o s p e c t C h a m b e r s A n n e x e , D r . D . N . R o a d , F o r t , M u m b a i - 4 0 0 0 0 1 , IN D IA
T e l : + 9 1 2 2 2 2 0 4 6 9 7 2 , Fa x : + 9 1 2 2 2 2 8 3 2 5 1 6 , e m a i l : i i a p u b l i c a t i o n @ g m a i l . c o m

Year of Name & Address of Institute


Other qualifications if any, with

name & address of Institution /
University and year of passing:-
(Attach additional sheets if required)
Work Experience, if any: Designation
Title of the firm (if practicing)
Address of the office / Department /
Organization in which the
applicant works
Registration & Membership Details:
Registration number of Council of Architecture: C A / /
(I enclose attested copy of up-to-date COA certificate)
My earlier IIA Membership No. (If any): A –
N.B.: The information about Mobile No. and Email id’s will be considered as official record. All official correspondence including Ballot papers, News
letter, JIIA etc, will be sent on this address. Any change in mobile no. and email id’s shall be communicated to IIA, Head Office immediately. The
correspondence, communication done on the mobile no. and email id’s in records will be treated as official communication.
Enclosures : I enclose self attested copies of following:
1. Graduation / Equivalent Qualification Certificate 2. Valid COA Registration certificate
3. 4.
5. 6.
(Attach separate list, if required)
I hereby declare that :
(a) That I will be generally engaged in the profession of Architecture, and will not engage in any other vocation or profession which will
jeopardize or prejudice the Architects’ professional standing or interfere in the general practice of Architecture.
(b) That I will not accept trade or other discounts, or give or accept any illicit or surreptitious commissions or emoluments, in connection with
any work, the execution of which I may be engaged to superintend, or on which I may be employed under any person, or with any other
professional business which may be entrusted to him.
(c) That I have read the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Institute and will be governed and bound thereby, and will submit myself to every
part thereof and to any alteration which may hereafter be made, until I cease to be a member thereof.

Date: Place:_______________
Applicant’s Signature
Endorsements: My application is duly endorsed by three Members of IIA out of which one is a Fellow Member as below:
We are acquainted with Mr./Mrs./Miss ………………………………………………………………………and
from our personal knowledge of him/her, we propose him/her for election as an Associate Member of IIA.

1. Ar. F Sign …………………….

2. Ar.
A Sign …………………….

3. Ar.
A Sign …………………….


Graduation Certificate Enclosed : Yes No Applicable fees paid : Yes No
Passed from Affiliated College by IIA : Yes No COA Certificate enclosed: Yes No
No. of total enclosures received:
Council Approval date:
Membership No. if allotted:
Remark of Council if rejected: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Jt. Hon. Secy. C.E.O A.O

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