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International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455


Ashish Avinash Khade & Dr. Vaibhav Patil
( Research Scholars, BIMHRD, Pune)

Abstract: Every other day in India, there is a new start up offering efficient cab service to the citizens
operating in urban and rural lifestyles. This raises a question that is India going through a possible 'Taxi
Revolution'? In this paper an attempt has been made to study the customer satisfaction level of the people
who are using OLA and UBER cabs in Pune city. In the paper it shows who is leading the paid taxi market
in Pune city, reasons for choosing OLA/UBER over other Auto/Bus services. It has also been seen that
almost 100% respondents are using paid taxi services in Pune city i.e. OLA/UBER. This article seeks to
understand the dynamics of Pune’s taxi market by studying various factors like the pricing, market share,
revenue models, app convenience, etc.

Key words: OLA, UBER, Cab services, Pune City

Indian taxi market: The taxi market scenario in India is hugely fragmented. The taxi market in
India is divided into two major segments which are the organized and unorganized markets. The
unorganized market has a market value of $8.5 billion and the organized market holds a market
value of almost $500 million. The Indian taxi market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 13.7%
during 2017-2022. The organized sector is the recently emerged segment in the market scenario.
It is further classified into owners, affiliators and aggregators. The owned vehicle segment is
inclusive of the pure car rental companies like Meru.

1. To study the satisfaction level of respondents for Comfort level and Waiting period after
booking OLA/ UBER cab.
2. To study the overall analysis of OLA/UBER services and what exactly people think about
OLA/UBER in Pune city.
3. To study the Motivational factors which drive people to use OLA/UBER cab services in
Pune city.

 The research methodology means the way in which we would complete our prospected
task. Before undertaking any task it becomes very essential for anyone to determine the
problem of study.
 Time and date of data collection: 10th June 2018 – 5th August 2018
 Data Collected: Primary ( Structured Interview )
 To obtain the primary data from customers, I used the research instruments like
questionnaire and personal interviews with the customers using OLA and UBER paid taxi

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1596

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

service. At the time of interview the researcher made clear the nature and purpose of the
study. The interviews help to elicit further detailed information. Good representation of
Gender, Education, Age groups, Occupation, Demographic factors were considered during
the study.
 No. of Respondents: 402, Sampling: Convenient sampling, Sample Size: 402
 Cross sectional: At one point of time in a population

This chapter discusses the data analysis from 402 responses collected from various age group
people who are using OLA/UBER paid taxi services in Pune city. This chapter solely focuses on
presenting the gathered data in a meaningful way to facilitate the research that is to find out the
customer satisfaction level of OLA/UBER cabs. This provides the background to the respondents
by analyzing their demographic details. Tables and diagrams have been used to facilitate a
simplistic reader-friendly writing.

1. Taxi Preferred by the Respondents:-

2. Motivational Factors for choosing Taxi:-

From the above graph we can interpret that maximum respondents prefer Safety as the most
important factor while choosing OLA / UBER cabs in Pune city

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1597

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

3. Satisfaction Level for Taxi App:-

Maximum respondents i.e 88% are satisfied whereas 10% respondents are not satisfied with the
App of OLA/ UBER.

4. Satisfaction for Comfort while Travelling:-

We can see that 138 respondents are (Satisfied) and 14 respondents are (Highly unsatisfied) with
the comfort level provided by the paid taxi services in Pune city.

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1598

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

5. Complaints about Ola/Uber:-

Respondents are satisfied with the services provided by OLA/UBER as there are 68%
respondents who didn’t have any complaint and 23% respondents have complaint.

6. Recommendation for OLA/ UBER:-

Maximum no. of respondents will surely recommend OLA/UBER to their friends.

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1599

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

7. Overall Rating for OLA/ UBER:-

Maximum no. of respondents have rated (Satisfied) for OLA/UBER in Pune city.

8. Waiting duration for OLA/ UBER:-

There are 59% respondents who have to wait 0 -10 min, 33% respondents have to wait for 10-20
min and 6% respondents have to wait 20-30 min after booking OLA/UBER

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1600

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

9. Discount offer provided by OLA/ UBER:-


From the above data we can interpret that 50% respondents say that they don’t get any kind of
discount offers from OLA/UBER and 46% respondents say they get discount offers

10. Payment options Satisfaction level:-

We can see that 86% respondents are satisfied and10% respondents are not
satisfied with the payment options provided by OLA/UBER.

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1601

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1602

International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Conclusion of the Research Study

Ola has seen a tremendous growth in the taxi market sector, market share of OLA in Pune city is
50% followed by UBER 38%. Maximum no. of respondents are satisfied with the fare/price
charged by OLA/UBER. They are also satisified with the App and the comfort level provided by
the paid taxi services i.e OLA and UBER.
It has been seen that 68% of the respondents don’t have any complaint about OLA/UBER and the
rest who have, out of which some are mentioned above.
Maximum no. of respondents will surely recommend OLA/UBER to their friends. It has seen that
maximum no. of respondents have rated ‘Satisfied’ for OLA/UBER in Pune and they feel it is
more better and convenient compared to Auto/Buses.
After booking a cab more than 50% of the respondents have to wait for 10min followed by some
respondents had to wait 20min for the cab to arrive.
Maximum respondents prefer “Safety” as the most important factor while choosing OLA/UBER.
Almost 86% respondents are satisfied with the payment options provided by the OLA/UBER cab
services. From the above study the most important conclusion is that 54% respondents ‘Agree’
and 23% respondents ‘Strongly Agree’ that they feel OLA/UBER is secure and safe for women.

Suggestions of the Research Study

As we can see that half of the respondents say that they don’t get any kind of discount offers from
OLA/UBER, in order to increase the market share in Pune city OLA/UBER must work on this
factor. UBER should improve their payment systems, they should not fluctuate their prices
specially when it rains, they should keep their cabs clean, reduce the waiting period after booking
a cab and use market penetration strategies in order to increase their customer satisfaction level
and indirectly their market share in Pune city. OLA is already leading the market share in Pune
city but still should work on absurd rates charged at peak hours, availability of cabs in industrial
areas, rural areas like Chakan and Bhosari, frequency of cabs should be increased, and driver’s
attitude is a major concern which should be improved.
As OLA/UBER both are safe for women however there is always a scope of improvement for the
safety and security of women.


Volume 8, Issue VIII, AUGUST/2018 Page No:1603

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