129 Cyanamid Philippines, Inc. v. CA

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G.R. No. 108067 | January 20, 2000 | Quisumbing, J.
Tax on Corporations – Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax
J. Paras


DOCTRINE: Tax on improper accumulation of surplus is essentially a penalty tax to compel corporations to distribute earnings
to that the said earnings by shareholders could, in turn, be taxed.
CASE SUMMARY: CYANAMID was assessed deficiency income tax, surtax, and deficiency percentage assessment, among
others. It protested the assessment, CIR refused, so CYANAMID appealed to CTA. Pending appeal, parties entered into a
compromise as to the deficiency income tax. But the issue remained as regards the surtax on its accumulated earnings. CTA held
CYANAMID liable. SC affirmed, holding that the tax on improper accumulation of surplus is essentially a penalty tax designed
to compel corporations to distribute earnings so that the said earnings by shareholders could, in turn, be taxed. Being a publicly
held corporation does not exempt it from the said tax.
Petitioner, Cyanamid Philippines, Inc., a corporation organized under Philippine laws, is a wholly owned subsidiary of American
Cyanamid Co. based in Maine, USA. It is engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products and chemicals, a wholesaler
of imported finished goods, and an importer/indentor.

On February 7, 1985, the CIR sent an assessment letter to petitioner and demanded the payment of deficiency income tax of
one hundred nineteen thousand eight hundred seventeen (P119,817.00) pesos for taxable year 1981. (see NOTES for

On March 4, 1985, CYANAMID protested the assessments particularly, (1) the 25% Surtax Assessment of P3,774,867.50; (2)
1981 Deficiency Income Assessment of P119,817.00; and 1981 Deficiency Percentage Assessment of P8,846.72. Petitioner,
through its external accountant, Sycip, Gorres, Velayo & Co., claimed, among others, that the surtax for the undue
accumulation of earnings was not proper because the said profits were retained to increase petitioners working capital
and it would be used for reasonable business needs of the company. Petitioner contended that it availed of the tax
amnesty under Executive Order No. 41, hence enjoyed amnesty from civil and criminal prosecution granted by the

The CIR in a letter addressed to SGV & Co., refused to allow the cancellation of the assessment notices and rendered its
resolution: “I have the honor to inform you that the availment of the tax amnesty under Executive Order No. 41, as amended
is sufficient basis, in appropriate cases, for the cancellation of the assessment issued after August 21, 1986. (Revenue
Memorandum Order No. 4-87) Said availment does not, therefore, result in cancellation of assessments issued before
August 21, 1986, as in the instant case. In other words, the assessments in this case issued on January 30, 1985 despite
your clients availment of the tax amnesty under Executive Order No. 41, as amended still subsist.”

CYANAMID appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals. During the pendency of the case, however, both parties agreed to
compromise the 1981 deficiency income tax assessment of P119,817.00. Petitioner paid a reduced amount --twenty-six thousand,
five hundred seventy-seven pesos (P26,577.00) -- as compromise settlement. However, the surtax on improperly
accumulated profits remained unresolved.

CYANAMID claimed that CIR’s assessment representing the 25% surtax on its accumulated earnings for the year 1981 had no
legal basis for the following reasons: (a) it accumulated its earnings and profits for reasonable business requirements to meet
working capital needs and retirement of indebtedness; (b) it is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Cyanamid Company, a
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maine, in the US, whose shares of stock are listed and traded in NY Stock
Exchange. This being the case, no individual shareholder of petitioner could have evaded or prevented the imposition of
individual income taxes by petitioner’s accumulation of earnings and profits, instead of distribution of the same.

ISSUE: WON CYANAMID is liable for the accumulated earnings tax for 1981 – YES.

Sec. 25 of the old NIRC of 1977 discouraged tax avoidance through corporate surplus accumulation (Refer to p.648 of
original for full provision)
When corporations do not declare dividends, income taxes are not paid on the undeclared dividends received by the
shareholder.s Tax on improper accumulation of surplus is essentially a penalty tax to compel corporations to distribute earnings
to that the said earnings by shareholders could, in turn, be taxed.

CYANAMID’s reliance on US case Golconda vs. Commissioner is misplaced; no longer good law
Taxation history on accumulated earning tax:
9th Circuit CA ruled in Golconda that the accumulated earnings tax could only apply to closely held corporations. Despite
Golconda, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) asserted that tax could be imposed on widely held corporations including those not
controlled by a few shareholders or groups of shareholders. IRS indicated it would NOT FOLLOW the 9th Circuit regarding
publicly held corporations. In 1984, American legislation NULLIFIED Golconda ruling and made it clear that accumulated
earnings tax is not limited to closely held corporations. Clearly, Golconda is no longer a reliable precedent

CYANAMID not exempt

Amendatory provision of Sec. 25 of the 1977 NIRC, which was PD 1739, enumerated the corporations exempt from the
imposition of improperly accumulated tax:
(a) banks;
(b) non-bank financial intermediaries;
(c) insurance companies; and
(d) corporations organized primarily and authorized by the Central Bank of the Philippines to hold shares of stocks of

Petitioner does not fall among those exempt classes. Besides, the rule on enumeration is that the express mention of one person,
thing, act, or consequence is construed to exclude all others. Laws granting exemption from tax are construed strictissimi juris
against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing power. Taxation is the rule and exemption is the exception. The burden
of proof rests upon the party claiming exemption to prove that it is, in fact, covered by the exemption so claimed, a burden
which petitioner here has failed to discharge.

CYANAMID failed to prove that the profits accumulated were not beyond the reasonable needs of the company; SC
upheld CTA finding which was based on the “2 to 1” rule
CYANAMID relies on the “Bardahl” formula, which allowed retention, as working capital reserve, sufficient amounts of liquid
assets to carry the company through one operating cycle. Said formula was developed to measure corporate liquidity.

As stressed by American authorities, although the “Bardahl” formula is well-established and routinely applied by the courts, it is
not a precise rule. It is only used for administrative convenience. PET’s application of the formula merely creates a false illusion
of exactitude.

The ratio of current assets to current liabilities is used to determine the sufficiency of working capital. Ideally, the working capital
should equal the current liabilities and there must be 2 units of current assets for every unit of current liability, hence the so-
called “2 to 1” rule.

As of 1981 the working capital of Cyanamid was P25,776,991.00, or more than twice its current liabilities. That current ratio of
Cyanamid, therefore, projects adequacy in working capital. Said working capital was expected to increase further when more
funds were generated from the succeeding year’s sales. Available income covered expenses or indebtedness for that year, and
there appeared no reason to expect an impending ‘working capital deficit’ which could have necessitated an increase in working
capital, as rationalized by petitioner.

To determine whether profits are accumulated for the reasonable needs of the business to avoid the surtax upon shareholders,
it must be shown that the controlling intention of the taxpayer is manifested at the time of accumulation, not intentions declared
subsequently, which are mere afterthoughts. Furthermore, the accumulated profits must be used within a reasonable time after
the close of the taxable year.

In the instant case, PET did not establish, by clear and convincing evidence, that such accumulation of profit was for the
immediate needs of business.

DISPOSITION: WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED, and the decision of the Court of Appeals, sustaining that
of the Court of Tax Appeals, is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
NOTES/RELEVANT PROVISIONS CITED: (Note: This is a weird computation so just take it as it is)

Net income disclosed by the return as audited 14,575,210.00

Add: Discrepancies:
Professional fees/yr. 262,877.00
Per investigation 110,399.47
Total Adjustment 152,477.00
Net income per Investigation 14,727,687.00
Less: Personal and additional exemptions 0
Amount subject to tax 14,727,687.00
Income tax due thereon 2,385,231.50
.25% Surtax 3,237,495.00
Less: Amount already assessed -5,161,788.00
BALANCE 75,709.00
monthly interest from ...1,389,636.00 44,108.00
Compromise penalties ... 0.00
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ...3,774,867.50 119,817.00

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