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Maramba Oas, Albay


NAME______________________________________ SECTION___________________DATE__________
_____1. The story about Maria Makiling, is what kind of story?
a.epic b.legend c. short story d.parable
_____2.The story about The Good Prince Bantugan, is what kind of Story?
a.epic b.legend c. short story d.parable
_____3.The ruler of the kingdom of Bay and became Maria’s lover.
a.Gat Dulla b. Lakan Bunto c. Gat Dula d. Datu Puti
_____4.People admired him because he is handsome, kind and brave.
a.Prince Madali b.Prince Panahon c. Prince Bantugan d. Prince Buno
_____5. What was the proclamation issued by the king of Bumbaran
a. Everyone should praise Prince Bantugan
b. No one should speak to Prince Bantugan
c. Everyone should greet Prince Bantugan
d. No one should love Prince Bantugan
( Identify the sense to which to which the following line appeal)
_____6.Maria has a long, black abundant hair which she usually decorates with pomelo flowers.
a.sight b.hearing c.smell d. touch
_____7.” Prince Bantugan is so handsome,” he often heard the women say, and he would look in the
mirror and see with sorrow that he was not looking good. a.sight b.hearing c.smell d. touch
_____8.How many days they travelled to reach the region of death.
a.five days b.10 days c. fifteen days d. twenty days
_____9.Th e kingdom being ruled by a good king and his sister, the beautiful Princess Datimbang.
a.Bumbaran b. Between-two-seas c.Ibalon d.Thunder
_____10. What happened to Prince Bantugan when he reached the gate of the kingdom of Princess
Datimbang. a. he died b. he was welcome c. he was arrested d.he was killed
Setting Antagonist Man vs Nature Man vs Himself Climax
Subject Theme Characterization Exposition Plot
___________________1. The highest point of interest and the turning point of the story.
___________________2.Identify the type of conflict which refers to a struggle within one’s self.
___________________3.A character struggle with force or nature.
___________________4.The character who opposes the hero.
___________________5.The time and the place in which the events of a story take place.
___________________6.The series of related event that make up the story.
___________________7. The beginning of the story where the characters and the conflict are revealed.
___________________8.Is the information the author provides you about the character themselves.
___________________9.Life lesson of the story which is expressed in a sentence.
___________________10. Life lesson of the story which is usually expressed in a word or two.
1. I dropped my favourite vase. It fell on the floor and ________ into hundred pieces.
a. scattered b. moved c. flew d. burned
2. When I went shopping yesterday, I ________ some light bulbs and a cooking pot.
a. brought b. bought c. stole d. paid
3. The soldiers _________ the battle through the night and into the morning.
a. talked b. slept c. fought d. read
4.I used to have a camera, but I _________ it because I needed money.
a. bought b. paid c. borrowed d. sold
5. Jane didn’t want anyone else to find her diary, so she ________ it in a shoe box in her closet.
a. kept b. found c. bought d. wrote
6.The children _________ pictures of themselves in art class yesterday.
a. drew b. looked c. talked d. smiled
7.I have a cold. Yesterday, I __________ terrible, but I’m feeling better today.
a. looked b. seemed c. said d. told
8.Sam ran the fastest, so he _________ the race.
a. fought b. won c. ran d. finished
9. Steve __________ on the campfire to make it burn.
a. blew b. watered c. whispered d. lit
10. When I went fishing yesterday, I __________ a fish right away. But the fish was too small to keep. I
carefully returned it to the water.
a. saw b. jumped c. caught d. dreamed
TEST III-Correct Usage: Agreement of Subject and Verb
Which of the following statements observe correct subject and verb agreement?
1. a. Each man and woman is controlled by a powerful being in many myths.
b. The gods nor the goddess play favorite among the humans.
c. Every myth and legend have unique features.
d. All myths is regarded as stories from oral tradition.
2. a. Ritual and magic is a common elements in myth.
c. Every deity has a magical power.
c. Neither a myth nor a legend explain the full nature of creation.
d. The name Maranao mean “People of the Lake” or ‘Lake Dwellers”.
Choose the correct verb that will agree to its subject and complete the sentence.
3. Everything ______ its own place in heaven or earth. b.are c.has d.have
4. I am ____________ to win your heart.
a.desperate s b.desperate c.desperate d.desperation
Consistency of verb
The wide island of Panay was originally (5) ____________________by Negritos or locally called Ati
tribe. Their disappearance is due to an innocent agreement they (6) _________________ with the
sultan of Borneo back in 1250 to give up their land in exchange of a hat and gol necklace. Early in the
13th century, Marikudo, a native chieftain, (7.) ___________________ the coastal shores and lowlands
to 10 Bornean Datus who (8) ____________________from the repression of Sri Vishayan Empire. One of
them named Paiburong (9) _____________________ the area Irong-Irong, which is now called Iloilo
City, meaning nose-like, as its wide river mouth in the narrow Guimaras Strait appears like a snout.

5 a. inhabit 6. a.made 7. a.spell 8.a.escape 9. a.recieved

b. inhabits b.make b.sells b.escaped b. receives
c. inhabited c.makes c. selling c.escapes c. received
d. inhabiting d.making d.sold d.escaping d. receiving
10.Noisy is the can that (contains,contain) nothing

TEST IV- READING and LITERATURE: Read the story below, and then answer the question that follow.
Once upon a time in the Philippines there was an old woman with strange magical qualities. The
local villagers had noticed her house seemed brighter at night even though there was no electricity.
According to rumors some had even seen dwarfs helping a mysterious and beautiful girl at night. No one
ever discovered the source of the mysterious night time glow.
She lived I the forest on the outskirts of a fishing village and was famous for her beautiful
flowers. The fisherman would barter their treasured catch for flowers
A young couple came to visit the village. They were haughty and were not around from there. A
proud pair that hated anything they thought was ugly. They would make fun of anything they thought
was ugly.
They were out exploring the village one day and came upon the old woman in the forest. Since
they found her ugly, they mocked her. After making fun of her, the old woman asked them to leave but
they refused.
To punish them, she said “Since you only like beautiful thing I will turn you into the most
beautiful insect.” She tapped with her cane and they became the first two butterflies.
_____1. Who is the main character in the story?
a.old woman b. young couple c.many villagers d.colorful butterflies
_____2.The young couple played as ____in thestory.
a.protagonist b.antagonist c.friends d.heroes
_____3.The young couple made fun of the old woman. This part of the is the ______of the story?
a.resolution b.introduction c.climax d. falling action
_____4.What is the resolution/denouement of the story?
a.The old woman became butterfly b.The old woman punished the young peoplc
c.The young couple went home happily d.The young couple befriended the old woman
_____5. What kind of story is this?
a.novel b.legend c.epic d.myth
______1. When I asked Mike about his exams, he said that “it was just a piece of a cake.” The
underlined idiomatic expression means that_________.
a. the exam was difficult b. the exam was easy
c. the exam was very long c. the exam was very confusing
______2.Jemuel’s father works abroad. They see each other once in a blue moon only.
a. rarely b. often c. always d. everday
_______3. The teacher instructed us to pick out the correct answer from the choices.
a. erase b. encircle c. choose d. underline
_______4.Christine was on cloud nine when her crush smiled at her.
a. very happy b. very sad c. very irritated d. very surprised
_______ 5.The teacher told her students to pass their projects at their earliest convenience.
a. anytime b. as soon as possible c. tomorrow d. later
_______6.The students were on their balls and excited when the winners were being announced.
a. bored b. uninterested c. alert d. ready
_______7.We look up to our parents and elders for their wisdom and experience.
a. admire b. respect c. hate d. love
_______8. The teacher asked the students to hold their tounges because they were very noisy.
a. eat snacks b. stop talking c. drink water d. kiss each other
_______9.It was raining cats and dogs when we got off the bus.
a.There were cats and dogs descending from the sky.
b. It was raining really hard.
c. We were getting really wet.
d. It was raining on the cats and dogs.
_______10.I’ve been feeling under the weather lately.
a. All those clouds overhead make me feel weird.
b. I like to watch the weather channel.
c. I love the feel of rain on my face.
d. I’ve been sick lately.
________1. break a leg a. to submit
________2. Happy hunting b. very rare
________3. Piece of cake c. got married bib and tucker something honestly
________5.long hand e. quiet but very sad person f. very easy
________7.with flying colors g. a teenager boy
________8.tied the knot h. to mature
________9.hold your tongue i. robber
________10.under the weather j. goodluck
________11.give in k. respectful and handsome
________12.grow old l. best clothing
________13.once in a blue moon m. in a bad time
________14. Bag of wind n. shut up
________15.fair and square o. do the impossible’s raining cats and dogs p. boastful
________17. Sleeping snake q. heavy rain
________18.a good sport r. with great success
________19. In an evil hours s. with great happiness
________20.get blood from a stone t. ill

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