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Thioflex 600 constructive solutions

Multi-component, gun and pouring grade, poly-

sulphide sealant

Standards compliance
Sealing movement joints in building and civil engineering
structures, including superstructures, reservoirs, floors,  British Standard BS4254:1983 on mortar.
basements and subways.
 British Standard BS6920:1988 (gun grade grey).
 U.S. Federal Specification TT-S-00227E November
 A high quality, BSI 'Kite Marked"= product, meeting key 1969 (amended 1970).
international standards.
 Water Byelaws Scheme - Approved product. Listing
 Forms a tough, elastic, rubber-like seal. number 8810510 (gun grade grey).

 Accommodates continuous and pronounced cyclic  DTp specification for Highway Works Dec 1991 Series
movement. 1000 Clause 1017.

 Excellent adhesion to most common substrates.  ASTM C920-87, Type M, Class 25.

 High resistance to ageing reduces physical damage

due to climatic extremes.

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Thioflex 600
Example of a sealed movement joint in brickwork/block
Thioflex 600 multi-component joint sealant is based on a work is shown below:
liquid polysulphide polymer, which when mixed and
applied, cures to form a tough, rubber-like seal. The cured
sealant exhibits excellent adhesion to most surfaces
including primed concrete, glass, aluminium and stainless

Thioflex 600 is available in gun and pouring grades. The

gun grade is ideal for general application, and is available
in grey. It is packed in a ready to mix, four litre tin
containing the base and curing agent in the correct
proportions. The pouring grade for joints in horizontal
surfaces is supplied in grey only in 4 litre packs with the
base and curing agent in separate tins.
1 Thioflex 600
Thioflex 600 is particularly recommended for use in high
rinse buildings and other applications where access for 2 Hydrocell XL
subsequent maintenance will be difficult and the risk of
early movement failure must be minimised. It is also 3 Brick-work
suitable for sealing joints in brickwork, retaining walls,
reservoirs, basements and subways. 4 D.P.C
Thioflex 600 pouring grade is recommended for sealing 5 Block-work
expansion joints and stress relief joints in floors or other
horizontal surfaces. 6 Flamex One

Technical support
Example of a sealed subway expansion joint shown
Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance, below:
high quality construction products, backed by BS5750
certification when manufactured in the U.K. Fosroc offers
a technical support package to specifiers and contractors
which can include computer-aided design (CAD), standard
details as well as on-site technical advice from staff with
unrivalled experience in the industry at locations all over
the world.

Design criteria

Thioflex 600 may be applied to joints between 5 mm and

50 mm wide. Joints which are expected to experience
cyclic movements should be designed to an optimum
width:depth ratio of 2:1, subject to the overriding
recommended minimum sealant depths set out below:

5 mm for metals, glass and other non-porous surfaces.

10 mm for all porous surfaces. 1. Thioflex 600

2. Bond breaking tape
20 mm for trafficked joints and those subject to hydrostatic
pressures. 3. Supercast Rearguard S waterstop

To ensure that the sealant remains within its stated 4. Blinding Concrete
movement capacity (25% MAF), sealing slot widths should 5. Proofex membrane
be designed in accordance with the recommendations of
BS6093. The use of a surface primer is always required on 6. Flexcell or Bitucell
porous surfaces. On non-porous surfaces a primer is not
normally required except where glass or glazed surfaces
are to be permanently immersed in water.

constructive solutions Page 2

Thioflex 600
Properties Maintenance

Form: Multi-part, paste compound No special requirements, any damage identified during
Colours: Gun grade: Grey only normal building inspections should be repaired or replaced
Pouring grade: Grey only as appropriate.
accommodation Specification clauses
factor (BS6093): 25% but joints
50% lap joints Joints shall be sealed using Fosroc Thioflex 600, two part,
Physical or polysulphide sealant, manufactured by Fosroc to BS 4254
chemical Chemical cure 1983, and ASTM C-920-87 under British Standard Kite
o Mark licence=. Joints shall be prepared and the sealant
Pot life: 2 hours at 1hour at 35 C mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
25 C current data sheet.
Setting time: 72 hours at 36 hours at 15 C
o o
5C 12 hours at 35 C
18 hours at Application instructions
25 C
Cure time: Joint preparation
o o
(Grey,mahogany, 4 weeks at 5 C 2 weeks at 15 C
o o
black, brick red) 1 week at 25 C 4 days at 35 C The joint surfaces must be thoroughly dry, clean and frost
o o
(Off white, stone) 8 weeks at 5 C 4 weeks at 15 C free. Remove all dust and laitance by rigorous wire
o o brushing, grinding or grit blasting. Remove all rust, scale
2 week at 25 C 1 week at 35 C
Application and protective lacquers from metal surfaces. Remove any
o oil or grease with Fosroc Joint Cleaner.
temperature: 5 to 50 C
Hardness shore
o Any expansion joint filler must be checked to ensure it is
'A' 25 C: Gun grade: Grey, black, mahogany,
brick red: 20 to 25 tightly packed and no gaps or voids exist at the base of
Stone, off white: 28 to 33 the sealing slot before positioning a bond breaker.
Pouring grade: 15 to 23
Water Thioflex 600 must be fully cured Note: The use of a bond breaker is not required in
immersion: before permanent immersion in expansion joints containing Fosroc Hydrocell or
water. Expandafoam cellular polyethylene expansion joint fillers.
Chemical Dilute acids Resistant For construction or contraction joints a bond breaker tape
resistance to Dilute alkalis Resistant or back-up strip should be used. Where hydrostatic
occasional Petrol Resistant pressure exists, only bond breaking tapes must be used,
spillage: Aviation fuels Resistant not foamed back-up strips.
Diesel fuel Resistant
Kerosene Resistant Where a particularly neat finish is required, mask the face
Lubricating oils Resistant edges of the joint before priming and remove immediately
Skydrol Resistant after tooling is completed.
White spirit Resistant
Chlorinated Not resistant Priming
solvents Not resistant
Aromatic solvents Not resistant When Primers 4 or 7 are required, these should be used
Biological Thioflex 600 has been evaluated in as follows:
resistance: microbiologically active situations
and has been shown to have Primer 4: For use on glass and ceramics which are to be
resistance to aerobic conditions. permanently immersed in water. It is a one part
Solid content: 100% chemically active clear liquid for brush or pad application.
One thin coat should be applied and allowed to dry for 2 to
Density: 1.62 to 1.73 kg/litre according to
5 minutes prior to sealant application.
Flash point: Over 65 C
Primer 7: It is a one part chemically active clear liquid for
Flammability: Burns but does not readily support brush application to concrete, stone, brickwork, timber and
combustion. unglazed edges of ceramic tiles. One thin coat should be
applied using a clean, dry brush, ensuring complete
coverage. Avoid over priming resulting in an excess of
primer in the base of the joint or application beyond faces.

constructive solutions Page 3

Thioflex 600
The mixed Thioflex 600 must be applied when the primer is Limitations
tack free, that is after the evaporation of the solvent but
before the primer film has completely reacted. After 3 Over-painting of sealants is not recommended because of
o o
hours at 20 C or 90 minutes at 35 C the surfaces must be the inability of paint films to accept movement. However,
re-primed before applying the sealant. Iron and steel must if definitely required, trials should be carried out to
be protected with an anti-corrosion primer prior to sealing. determine compatibility.

Mixing Thioflex 600 should not be used in direct contact with

materials containing pitch or bitumen.
Gun grade: The base component and curing agent are
supplied ready for mixing in a single tin. Mix thoroughly Only Thioflex 600 Gun Grade should be used in vertical or
using a slow speed drill (300 - 500 rpm) fitted with a Fosroc horizontal joints in reservoirs or other water retaining
Paddle Stirrer for 5 minutes. Only thorough mixing, structures.
including material right at the bottom of the tin, will result in
proper curing. In cold weather Thioflex 600 mixes more Thioflex 600 is not recommended for use in highly
easily if stored overnight at room temperature. chlorinated water. If the doubt, contact your local Fosroc
technical services department.
Immediately after mixing, load the sealant into a Fosroc 'G'
Gun using the follower plate, and apply to the joint.
Pouring Grade: Thioflex 600 Pouring Grade is supplied in
two separate containers. The small container contents Packaging
should be transferred to the other tin, and mixed as per the
gun grade instructions. The pouring grade may be poured Thioflex 600 Gun Grade is supplied in 4 litre tins.
directly into horizontal joints or for application to horizontal
joints less than 15 mm wide loaded into a Fosroc 'G' Gun. Thioflex 600 Pouring Grade is supplied in 4 litre packs.
For quantity application, a Fosroc 1.5 litre gun is available.
Guide to quantities
Joint size Litres per Metre run per Metre run per
Thioflex 600 should be tooled to a smooth finish. A in mm metre run 2.5 litre pack 4 litre pack
minimum of surface lubricant such as dilute detergent 5x5 0.025 100.00 160.00
solution may be used to assist the process. Any masking 5x10 0.050 50.00 80.00
tape should be removed immediately after tooling. 10x5 0.050 50.00 80.00
10x10 0.100 25.00 40.00
Cleaning 20x10 0.200 12.50 20.00
20x15 0.300 8.30 13.30
Clean equipment immediately after use with Fosroc 20x20 0.400 6.20 10.00
Equipment Cleaner or Fosroc Solvent 102. 40x20 0.800 3.10 5.00
40x25 1.000 2.50 4.00
Ancillary materials and equipment 40x30 1.200 2.00 3.20
40x40 1.600 1.50 2.40
Primer 4 50x25 1.250 2.00 3.20
Primer 7 50x30 1.500 1.60 2.60
Joint Cleaner 50x40 2.000 1.25 2.00
Equipment Cleaner or Fosroc Solvent 102 50x50 2.500 1.00 1.60
Gun filling device, including follower plate 1 litre of Primer 4 to 1500 m length of 10x20 mm joint.
Paddle stirrer
'G' Gun 1 litre of Primer 7 to 150 m length of 10x20 mm joint.

Contract application These are theoretical yields. No allowance has been

made for variation in joint width or wastage.
The designer or contractor may wish to use the services of
a specialist sub-contractor for joint sealing work. Names of Storage
preferred sub-contractors are available from Fosroc.
Storage life of 12 months in original containers when kept
o o
in dry conditions between 5 C and 27 C.

constructive solutions Page 4

Thioflex 600
Precautions Additional Information

Health and safety Technical data - ancillary materials

Thioflex 600: Harmful if swallowed. The curing agent Primer 4 Primer 7

o o
consists of a heavy metal base oxide. Avoid contact with Flash point: 10 C 23 C
skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective gloves and Density: 0.80 kg/litre 1.04 kg/litre
eye/face protection. In case of contact with skin, wash Storage life: 6 months 12 months
immediately with soap and water. In case of contact with 2 2
Coverage: 60 m /litre 12 to 15 m /litre
eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek Application
medical advice. Hands should be thoroughly washed with temperature: 5 to 50 C
5 to 50 C

soap and water before eating or smoking. Cured sealant Drying time: 2 to 15 minutes 20 to 60 minutes
should not be burned off due to generation of toxic fumes. Pack size: 250 ml 500 ml
Empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with 5 litres
waste disposal regulations, and not left lying about.
Equipment Joint
Fosroc Primer 4: Highly flammable liquid. Keep away Cleaner Cleaner
from sources of ignition. No smoking. Avoid contact with Flash point: o
Non-flammable 43 C
skin and eyes and inhalation of vapour. Wear suitable
Density: 1.59 kg/litre 0.859 kg/litre
protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Use
Storage life: Indefinite Indefinite
only in well ventilated areas.
o o
Fosroc Primer 7: Highly flammable liquid. Contains temperature: 5 to 50 C 5 to 50 C
isocyanates. Keep away from sources of ignition. No Pack size: 5 litres 2.5 litres
Smoking. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and inhalation
of vapours. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and Fosroc Solvent 102: For technical data contact Fosroc
eye/face protection. Use only in well ventilated areas. office. As well as joint sealants and ancillary products,
Fosroc also manufactures a wide range of complementary
Fosroc Joint Cleaner: Flammable liquid. Keep away from products which includes waterstops, waterproofing
sources of ignition. No smoking. Irritating to eyes, membranes, grouting, anchoring and specialised flooring
respiratory system and skin. Avoid contact with skin and materials. In addition, a wide range of products specifically
eyes and inhalation of vapours. Wear suitable protective designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged
clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Use only in well reinforced concrete is available.
ventilated areas.
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary
Fosroc Equipment Cleaner: Harmful by inhalation. Avoid products which include: Waterproofing membranes &
contact with skin and eyes and inhalation of vapours. Wear waterstops & filler boards, Cementitious & epoxy grouts,
suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Specialized flooring materials.
Use only in well ventilated areas and keep away from
sources of ignition and hot surfaces. No Smoking. For further information on any of the above, please consult
your local Fosroc office - as below.
Fosroc Solvent 102: Flammable liquid. Flash point 33 C.
Store away from heat. Do not use near a naked flame. Use
in well ventilated surroundings. Avoid inhalation of the

Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the
Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous
control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products,
whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.

Fosam Company Limited

Telephone: +966 2 637 5345 Fax: +966 2 637 5891 email: [email protected]
Head Office
Post Box 11081 Regional Offices
Jeddah Sales Office Tel: (02) 608 0999 Fax: (02) 635 3330 Yanbu Tel: (04) 322 4280 Fax: (04) 391 2980
Jeddah - 21453 Jeddah Showroom Tel: (02) 665 0187 Fax: (02) 667 4844 Makkah Tel: (02) 542 0869 Fax: (02) 542 0869
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Tel: (01) 482 9303 Fax: (01) 482 7562 Medinah Tel: (04) 855 0091 Fax: (04) 855 0047
Dammam Tel: (03) 814 1282 Fax: (03) 814 1581 Jubail Tel: (03) 362 3904 Fax: (03) 362 3875
Khamis Mushayt Tel: (07) 250 0469 Fax: (07) 250 0469 CSD Tel (02) 608 0999 Fax (02) 638 0693
Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407
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