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October - December 2008 • Vol. No. 31 • Issue No.

Man-made reservoirs are vital to agricultural development and
Contents Vol. No. 31 • Issue No. 3
power generation using low energy inputs. To resource this Overview of Hydel
effectively, massive excavation and construction of concrete Power Projects 3
structures that can withstand enormous pressure have to be
Specialised Support Services for
built with utmost care and skill.
Critical and Complex Structures 6
L&T offers comprehensive construction services for building
Subansiri Lower HEP – A National
hydropower projects including geo-technical and foundation Powerhouse in Making 8
engineering works. Areas of expertise include engineering,
procurement and construction of underground tunnels,
Parbati HEP – A Landmark Project 12
diversion wiers, all types of dams, large underground caverns, Allain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project
pressure shafts, surge chambers, underground and surface (L&T’s Endeavour at the highest
power houses; fabrication and erection of gates and penstocks; altitude of 2750 m) 26
barrages, canals, aqueducts, covering civil, hydro-mechanical
Singoli-Bhatwari Hydro
and electro-mechanical works. Electric Project - Small Step for
A Giant Leap 30
In this issue of ECC Concord, we present to you a wide variety
of complex hydro power projects a under execution in extremely Tapovan Vishnugad
Hydro Electric Power Project
difficult conditions. Happy reading!
with TBM Technology 34
Editor V.S. Ramana
Kuttiyadi Hydroelectric Project 38
Editorial Team K. Sridharan | Alex Benjamin | V. Ramesh Kumar |
Ashwin Chand | V. Eswar | Subha Anand
Kaleidoscope 42
Photography V.S. Natanavelu
Design & Layout Srishti Graphics Design, Chennai.
Head Race Tunnel (HRT) for Subansiri Hydro Electric Project (HEP)
Overview of
Hydel Power Projects
I ndia is blessed with a total installed capacity of
1, 41,080 MW of electricity as per reports by the
Ministry of Power, Government of India. Of this
Hydro Potential
The exploitable hydro-electric potential in terms of
nearly 64.4% (90,895 MW) comes from thermal installed capacity is estimated to be about 141,080
generation, 24.95% (35,208 MW) from hydro MW, out of which a capacity of 30,164 MW (20.3%)
power, 2.8% (4120 MW) from nuclear power and has been developed so far and 13,616 MW (9.2 %)
the rest from renewable energy resources. of capacity is under construction. In addition, 6,782
MW in terms of installed capacity from small, mini
As India’s per capita electricity consumption at and micro hydro schemes have been assessed.
present is very low at 631 kWh when compared Also, 56 sites for pumped storage schemes with
to the four and five digit figures in developed an aggregate installed capacity of 94,000 MW
countries, the National Electricity Policy envisages have been identified. The government expects to
that the per capita availability of electricity will be harness its full potential of hydropower by 2027
increased to over 1,000 kWh by 2012. To achieve with a whopping 5,000 billion Rupees investment.
this, the government is expecting a total capacity
addition of about 78,577 MW by end of 2012 of It is also to be noted that the untapped hydro
which about 58,644 MW is expected from thermal, electric potential is generally spread across in the
16,553 MW from hydro and 3,380 MW from North and North-eastern states of India. Hydel
nuclear. power is a renewable and reliable power system

Diversion weir with gates for Varahi HEP in Karnataka

3 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Infrastructure Business

Followed by this, a slew of projects were

successfully executed by L&T, such as the 20 MW
Chilime HEP, 30 MW Trishuli-Devighat, Sunsari
Morang Head works in Nepal and 1020 MW Tala
project in Bhutan. Most of these projects were
executed as a part of the heavy civil works and
erstwhile “Infra Business Unit” till early 2000 along
with Roads, Runways, Bridges, Ports, Harbors,
etc. Foreseeing the huge business potential in the
sector, it was decided to have a separate Business
Unit to facilitate a better customer focus, business
development and foster growth of the business in
line with the organizational vision and objectives.
Accordingly, Hydel & Irrigation Business Unit was
formed during the year 2002-03.


Generally, hydel projects are developed on hilly

Penstock for Tata-Bhira HEP in Maharashtra regions at high elevations, far away from cities by
virtue of its inherent nature. As such, execution
of hydel projects presents several challenges in
terms of accessibility, logistics and resources.
that is non-polluting and an environmentally Getting the right kind of people to execute the
benign source of energy having inherent ability for project is yet another challenge. However, L&T’s
instantaneous starting, stopping and correcting superior project execution capabilities were aptly
load variations. The growth in Hydel power is also supported by various people centric initiatives and
encouraged due to depletion of oil reserves apart L&T was successful in getting the right people for
from its very low operating costs. The ideal Hydel execution of these projects by a judicial mixture
Thermal mix of 40:60 could be achieved only if we of lateral recruitment and intensive training for
exploit the available potential quickly. The targeted in-house staff. Many sophisticated BU specific
capacity addition during 11th plan (2007-12) and equipment were also added to strengthen the
12th plan (2012-17) are 15,627 MW and 37,562 MW existing fleet of equipment.
respectively. In fact, the target for 12th five year Over a period of time, the business unit achieved
plan is equal to the capacity addition achieved a steady growth and excellent all round
since independence. progress with management support, guidance
and nurturing coupled with the collective and
Track Record
dedicated efforts of all staff and workmen. As a
Larsen & Toubro is one of the key players result, the BU has consolidated its position and
in providing Engineering, Procurement and enhanced its strengths in several areas including
Construction (EPC) services for different industrial finance, technology development, resources
sectors and Hydel Segment is no exception augmentation, pre-qualification strengths, etc.
to it. L&T made its foray in to Hydel Segment Moreover, successful execution of some of the
when it secured the first order for renovation and major projects apart from instilling confidence in
modernization of 150 MW Bhira Pumped Storage the team also established L&T’s brand name in
project during early 1990s. Subsequently, it the Hydel segment. Today, L&T is one of the top
executed the penstock works for 72 MW Bhivpuri five companies in Hydel sector in India. Some of
hydroelectric station, both projects for Tata Power the remarkable achievements of the BU in this
Company in Maharashtra. sector include construction of a number of hydro

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 4

power projects aggregating to 6550 MW capacity Extension scheme, Veligonda Dam, Polavaram
(including both completed and ongoing projects) Main canal etc.
involving construction of 74 km of tunnels, 118
A full fledged Hydel design/engineering unit has
km of canals and 7 dams / weirs including the
been constituted at Faridabad and this is currently
LPG Cavern at Vizag which is one of the deepest
operating with 40 engineers.
Underground caverns for storing LPG. This project
won several international awards. L&T’s entry into Hydel power development on BOT
basis is yet another milestone achievement and
Specifically, the successful completion of 1020 MW
it will not be out of place to mention that Singoli
Tala HEP in Bhutan as well as the Purulia Pumped
Bhatwari project is the first BOT project being
Storage Project in West Bengal and the Cavern
developed by L&T in Uttaranchal state.
project at Vizag paved the way for prequalification
of certain major tunnel and cavern related works. On the whole L&T is playing a critical and significant
role in the development of India’s power / energy
In a short span, L&T secured orders for some of
scenario. In the process, it is continuously learning
the most critical projects and enhanced its value
and improving several of its systems, operations
chain in Hydel / irrigation projects. Some of these
and project management capabilities in Hydel
projects include construction of the Concrete Dam
segment with the ultimate objective of customer
at Veligonda, Tunnel & Surface power house for
delight. No doubt, L&T has grown from a fledgling
India’s largest hydropower project (2000 MW
to a major contributor in the field, building on its
Subansiri Lower HEP), Cutoff wall and rock-fill
strengths and competencies and taking up major
dam at Parbati (Stage III) HEP, Tunnel Construction
projects with bigger challenges and complexities
by Tunnel Boring Machine at Tapovan Vishnugad
and leaping forward in to the future for energising
HEP etc.
the lives of the people.
Hydel/Irrigation projects are undertaken on EPC P. NIRANJANA
basis, such as 100 MW Kuttiyadi Additional General Manager & Head (Hydel & Nuclear BU)

4 x 225 MW Purulia Pumped Storage Power Project, West Bengal

5 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Specialised Support Services
for critical and complex structures
Construction Methods and Highlights of major projects
Underground Cavern Project, Vizag
A dedicated Construction Methods Planning
Underground Cavern Package: CMPC developed
Cell (CMPC) at Chennai presently known as
construction methods along with the detailed
Infrastructure Engineering and Technical Services-
working drawings for execution of shaft sinking,
CMPC (H&N) focusses on the developing
horizontal galleries and cavern muck hoisting.
construction methods and design of enabling
CMPC provided a foolproof, very high efficient
works for all types of hydel and nuclear power
cavern muck hoisting system against all odds to
projects. CMPC has experienced engineers,
the complete satisfaction of Geostack, France
technical personnel including state-of-the-art
(Consultant) as well as Shaftsinker, South Africa –
hardware and software for providing fast and
a world leader in mines.
accurate solutions. CMPC has made detailed
study and standardized the engineering for Intake structure and aboveground piping
enabling structures including site camp facilities package: A methodology was adopted for the
and workshops. Through continuous learning, headgear (used in UG package) as a guide
innovation and value engineering, it is planning to structure for installing a group of LPG piping each
set global benchmarks. 24” dia and weighing around 50t.

Asia’s largest under-ground cavern for storing LPG at Visakhapatnam

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 6

Veligonda Dam
Tower crane for dam concreting: Provided a
self erecting type track beam for the 25t capacity
tower crane at upstream and downstream and
tyre-mounted gantry crane for handling formwork
above the reach of towers during the construction
of dam.
Complete engineering for aggregate cooling
system (transportation, cooling & feeding up to
Batching plant) to produce low slump concrete with
150mm down aggregates at 12° C temperature as
against 50° C ambient temperature.

Parbati Hydro-electric Power Project

A hydraulically operated tunnel concrete lining

gantry was provided to construct diversion tunnels Hydraulically operated tunnel concrete lining gantry
with horse shoe shape. This proved cost effective
and efficient. and underground); river interlinking projects
and irrigation structures such as canals, cross
Tapovan - Vishnugad Hydro-electric Power
drainage works, aqueducts, super passages, etc.
Basic engineering and detailed designs/drawings
Complete engineering has been done in-house are also produced for hydro-mechanical works
to set up a factory for manufacturing precast and basic engineering and integration studies for
segments for tunnel lining with tools and tackles electro-mechanical works.
for handling of precast elements in steep hills of
Other areas of expertise include preparing
Himalayas near Joshi Mutt.
feasibility reports, detailed project reports, technical
specifications and construction engineering for
the above projects.
Design and consultancy
Engineering Design and Research Centre (EDRC) Foundation Engineering
– the design arm of L&T located at Faridabad, offers
basic study, conceptual design, detail engineering The Foundation Engineering group of EDRC
and consultancy services for all projects coming offers engineering solutions for the entire gamut
under the classification of Hydro Power Plants and of Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering
Irrigation projects. designs.

It has the capacity for conducting river flood It has wide ranging capabilities for the design of
analysis, detailed site survey and investigations, shallow foundations, deep foundations, deep
hydrological, power potential and geological excavations, dewatering, ground improvement,
studies, Environmental Impact Analysis, sheet piles, diaphragm walls, well foundations
conceptualization, project layout and design, etc. It is equipped with the latest advanced
detail engineering, derivation of BOQ, rate software such as Talren, Modflow and Plaxis for all
analysis, project cost and economic evaluation geotechnical analyses. It also prepares foundation
of hydroelectric projects. The design capabilities recommendation reports based on investigations
extends to construction of dams (concrete, and co-ordinates closely with other competency
earthen, rock-fill and roller compacted concrete), cells and prepares designs based on appropriate
barrages and weirs; river diversion; de-silting construction methodologies.
chambers; intake structures; all types of tunnels The group has contributed to considerable savings
for water / transportation; pressure / surge in Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering areas
shafts and penstocks; power houses (above for various hydel and nuclear power projects. Caption

7 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Subansiri Lower HEP –
National A
in the making
Anil Kumar Pandey
Project Manager

Portal for Adit to Head Race Tunnel

H arnessing the available hydel energy potential
of the Country symbolizes growth. Moreover,
hydropower is amongst the cleanest, efficient and
Assam is located in the left bank and Dollungmukh
in Arunachal Pradesh is located in the right bank
of the Subansiri River.
a major renewable energy resource for economic
SLHEP is the largest hydro power project in India
development. The present installed generating
and South-East Asia, taken up by India’s leading
capacity of power in the country is approximately
Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) National
1.10 lakh MW, out of which, the share of hydropower
Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) Limited.
is approx 0.28 lakh MW that is around 25%.
The Construction works for the project has been
India is endowed with a vast amount of hydro divided in to four major packages and awarded
electric potential and it ranks 5th in terms of to four different agencies for convenience of
exploitable hydro-potential on global scenario. As execution. A plan showing the general layout of
per the assessment made by Central Electricity the project is given below.
Authority, India is endowed with economically
L&T – ECC has been entrusted with Package - 2
exploitable hydropower potential to the tune
of the SLHEP covering Construction of HRT Intake
of 1,48,700 MW of installed capacity. Out of
Structures, Head Race Tunnels, Surge Chamber,
this, approximately 66,065 MW is assessed in
Pressure Shafts, Tail Race Channel, Adits and
Brahmaputra basin itself.
Surface Power House. Valued at Rs 921.59 Crore.
Subansiri Lower Hydro Electric Project (SLHEP)
with its 2000 MW potential forms a part of three Scope of Works
mega hydroelectric projects to be constructed
The major scope of works for the Project
on river Subansiri, a major tributary of river
Brahmaputra. The Subansiri River at Dam
• 55 lakh cu.m of excavation in Surface for
site forms the boundary between Assam and
Access Roads, Power house & HRT Intakes
Arunachal states. The Gerukamukh village in
using Drill & Blast method.

Project layout of Subansiri Lower HEP in Arunachal Pradesh

9 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Excavation for Power House in progress

• 6 lakh cu.m of excavation in Surface for Surge be carried out using mechanized excavation
Chamber using Mechanized Excavation methods. This stipulation was necessitated due
methods. to poor Geological conditions with low strength
• 10 lakh cu.m of excavation in Underground of the rocks in general and closer alignment of
for Adits, Head Race Tunnels & Pressure head race tunnels. It was felt that carrying out
Shafts using Mechanized Excavation drilling and blasting in these rocks may damage
methods. the surrounding rock mass, resulting in probable
• 11 lakh cu.m of concreting for Surface & failure of same during construction.
In order to meet this contractual obligation with
• 75000 tons of reinforcement
safety measures, ECC deployed higher capacity
The project is the largest single order secured roadheaders. Currently ECC has deployed five
by L&T in the Hydel BU and the same is being roadheaders at site for carrying out underground
executed as a “Task Force” being led by excavation. An average progress of 45m per
Mr. P Niranjana, stationed at ECC Head Quarters face has been achieved with above roadheader
Chennai and represented at site by Mr. Anil Kumar machines and the work is progressing as
Pandey, Project Manager. Mr. K S R K Verma, Hydel per schedule. Recently the project team was
HQ, Faridabad is the Cluster Project Manager. congratulated by NHPC Limited for achieving an
internal milestone of “Completing 900m of HRT
For execution of this project, L&T has deployed
Excavation” ahead of schedule.
a large fleet of highly sophisticated Plant &
Machinery, with an equally large work force of staff During the course of execution, the design
and workmen. of surge chamber underwent major changes
due to the unstable geology and uncertainties
The Project execution is marked with unique
involved in stabilization of the surge chamber. This
mechanized construction methods adopted for
necessitated incorporation of surge tunnel in place
the first time in a major hydro electric project
of surge chamber.
in India. As per technical specifications of the
contract, excavation of the Surge Chamber in For the first time, ECC used a highly sophisticated
Surface and Underground were supposed to Excavator Mounted Rock Cutters, Road Headers

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 10

installed with a raise-borer for carrying out the Amenities for staff
excavation of five 97.5m deep Vertical Pressure
Shafts in this project. Being a specialized work, the The site is also provided with a state of the art
sub-contract for same was awarded to Bergteamet, executive living facilities and dining mess for
Sweden who executed the above works in a period the bachelor staff with “first time” features like
of 3 months. automatic Idli & Dosa making machines, automatic
dishwasher, etc. Self contained, well equipped staff
colony is established for the bachelor and family
Infrastructure for the project accommodation. These facilities are contributing
Being a critical project located on a remote to keeping the staff members happy and motivated
place it lacks many basic amenities. Therefore, for staying at this remote place.
L&T management decided to provide excellent
To sum up, the complex technical features
infrastructure for the project. The site has been
coupled with a very tight project schedule makes
installed with a captive power plant of 1.50 MW
the construction of Subansiri Lower Hydro Electric
capacity using Heavy Furnace Oil (HFO) facility to
project an immensely daunting and challenging
cater to the exclusive needs of power for 400TPH
task for the Engineers of L&T. However, each
capacity crushing plant and 200 cum/hr batching
team member of the project understands that this
plant. A fully mechanized double storied cement
is a flagship project for the H&N BU of L&T-ECC
godown having integrated conveyors for cement
and the experience gained from this project will
transportation and bag splitter for cement feeding
be immensely helpful for establishing L&T as a
to batching plant silos has also been installed. The
major force to reckon with in the blooming hydro
Project has also installed a fully automatic rebar
sector. This feel keeps all of them motivated and
processing plant (70 MT/day) capacity to cater to
committed for delivering the project in time to the
the project requirements.

Head Race Tunnel for Subansiri HEP

11 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

HEP – A Landmark
S. K. Upadhyay
Resident Project Manager
Construction Manager
D. R. Pant
Chief Geologist/
Construction Manager
N.K Singh
Construction Manager
R. Ravi Kumar
Construction Manager
Tunnelling in the
Himalayan Geology
The Parbati Hydroelectric Project Stage III (520 43 m high Rockfill Dam along with Diaphragm wall,
MW) is a run-of-the-river scheme on Sainj River Orifice type and Chute Spillway. Civil works for
located 800 m downstream of its confluence with Intake works consisting intake tunnels, Desilting
Jiwa Nallah in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Chambers and flushing systems including branch
It envisages utilization of waters released from tunnels, and 7.25 m diameter horseshoe shaped
tailrace of Parbati Hydro-electric Project (Stage- part Head Race Tunnel of length 5.90 km and
II) powerhouse at Suind as well as discharges of other associated works.
Sainj River in the Beas catchment.
The Head Race Tunnel (HRT) is being excavated
through 3 access tunnels - Adit-1, Adit-2 and
Salient Features
Adit-3 meeting HRT at chainage 17m, 3974m and
The project mainly involves construction of: 7782m having length of 145m, 715m and 154m,
• A 43 m high rock-fill dam having a crest length respectively.
of 186.425m;
Himalayan Terrain
• Two circular shaped concrete lined diversion Reliable snow-fed rivers with steep topography in
cum spillway tunnels - 391m x 6.75m dia Himalayas have attracted hydropower developers
and 440m long x 5.0 m dia with a thickness of to invest in this sector due to the ever increasing
0.4m demand of power. Hydropower developments
in the Himalayan terrain have always been
• Two power intake tunnels 475 m & 430 m long
a challenge to civil engineers, geologists/
feeding two desilting chambers 250m long,
geotechnical experts due to the rugged nature and
12.2m wide, 22.50 m high
complex geological conditions. In view of its virgin
• Concrete lined headrace tunnel 7.875 km long quality, for which Himalayas are famous for and the
and 7.25m diameter limited investigations that have been carried out to
• Surge Shaft 20 m diameter x 133.75 m high understand the strata below, geological surprises
during implementation of projects are inevitable.
• Two steel lined pressure shafts 510 m & 460 m
long both having a diameter of 4.50m and each The headrace tunnel (HRT) of the Parbati
bifurcating into two 3.0 m diameter penstocks Hydroelectric Project Stage – III is infested
with typical problems related to unpredictable
• An underground powerhouse chamber 122m geology and topographical complexity. Problems
long x 22m wide and 41.7m high housing during tunnelling mainly, cavity formation in HRT
four vertical axis Francis turbines to drive four (Face-2) as a result of weak zones, were tackled
generators of 130 MW capacity each, by adopting an innovative technique called “Pipe
• An underground transformer cavern 98.2m Roofing Techniques” employed by L&T for the first
long x 15.5m wide and 25.2m high with a 8.1m time.
diameter 2.67 km long tailrace tunnel. Rock mass encountered mainly consisted of Class
–IV with few sections of Class V and Class-III. Poor
Scope of Works
stretches of tunnel were stabilized by several
At Parbati Hydroelectric Power Project, L&T has application of shotcrete followed by fore-poling,
been entrusted with LOT-1 package, which involves steel set installation with concrete backfilling. In
Civil Works for the construction of Diversion cum Class V rock, heading and benching methodology
Spillway Tunnels including Gates, Coffer Dams, was adopted.

13 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Adit-2 portal – access tunnel to HRT

Headrace Tunnel water sprayed by shotcrete machine fitted with

robot arm.
Excavation methodology adopted as well as
support measures provided in tunnel varied from Rock Anchor/Bolt
place to place depending upon site geological
Drilling of hole for the rock bolt is being carried out
condition encountered at the work face.
by Tamrock machine. Rock bolt is inserted in the
hole and grouted either by cement grout or resin
Tunnel Support
grout. A plate is placed outside on rock on the
After removal of excavated material from the face, installed bolt and tightened by nut.
the exposed rock is supported before taking up
Wire mesh
the next operation of blasting. Rock support is
decided based on rock condition at the face. To Wire mesh in rolls is brought to work face and fixing
quantify rock at the face, rock mass classification is done manually by using scissors platform. Wire
system called “RMR” (rock mass rating) is being mesh will be firmly fixed to the rock by fixing clips
used. into the surface. Fixed wiremesh is completely
covered by shotcrete layer of designed thickness.
Support Methodology
Steel Rib
Structural steel ISHB sections are fabricated
This involves applying a mixture of cement and and bent to the required shape, size and pieces


ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 14

Project Highlights
Construction of Diversion Cum Spillway Tunnels • River : Sainj (a tributary of Beas river)
including Gates and Hoists, Coffer Dams, Rockfill • Location of Dam:
Dam, Spillway, Intake Structures and part of Head Rockfill Dam on river Sainj at Suind village.
Race Tunnel.
• Nearest Rail Head: Kiratpur
The Parbati Hydroelectric Project Stage III is • Nearest Airport: Bhunter
located in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh in
the Himalayan zones. Project Head quarter is at Scope of works
Sainj about 250 km from Chandigarh on NH 21 • Excavation : 1800000 cu.m
and Sainj is 20 km interior from Aut on NH 21.
• Embankment : 500000 cu.m
The Project is located on Sainj river and comprises • Concreting : 440000 cu.m
of construction of 43 m high Rock fill Dam across
• Reinforcement : 11000 t
river Sainj. A 7.875 km concrete lined Head Race
Tunnel on the left bank of river conveys water to • Structural steel (ribs) : 3000 t
the underground Power house. The water from
the Power House is discharged back into Sainj
river through 2.67 km long Tail Race Tunnel. • Completion of of HRT Excavation - 3000
meters on schedule
• Client : National Hydro Electric Power
Corporation Limited. • Completion of concreting of both Desilting
• Design Consultants: National Hydro Electric Chamber Cavern Domes achieved on 23rd
Power Corporation Limited. Feb’08 i.e. 81 days ahead of schedule.
• Contract Value: 439.07 crore • Diaphragm Wall completion achieved on 17th
• Commencement date: 15-12-2005 July’08 i.e. 150 days ahead of schedule.
• Duration: 56 Months • Placement of 2,00,000 cu.m of Rockfill
• Location: Sainj material, Graded material, Clay Filling &
Riprap achieved on 17th Dec 08 i.e. 301 days
• District: Kullu
ahead of schedule.

Branch tunnels to Head Race Tunnel

15 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

to suit the tunnel profile. Excavators and scissor Installation of pipe roofing
platform are used for erecting the steel ribs in
Drilling and placement of 89mm diameter 21m
position. After anchoring ribs with rock, lagging
long seamless pipes by Symmetrix drilling system
is placed followed by bulkhead and backfill
around periphery of tunnel at spacing of 300mm.
Drilling and installation of pipes was done first in
Concrete Lining heading (above spring line of tunnel).
Concrete lining of HRT is taken up once the tunnel To begin with grouting of primary holes were taken
excavation is completed. Concrete lining is the final up, followed by secondary holes. Primary holes
support system in the tunnel and will be done in are spaced at 600mm and secondary holes in
three stages using CIFA Gantry system. The three between primary holes.
stages of concrete lining include Kerb Concrete,
Thus, pipe roofing and stabilization of tunnel with
Overt Concrete and Invert Concrete.
cavity formation was treated.
Concrete will be pumped through pipes installed
on the Gantry. After concreting the required area, Instrumentation
gantry will be moved to the next position and To monitor the effect of installed support and
concreting will continue as stated above. 6 cu.m monitoring of tunnel movement in underground
capacity transit mixtures supply the concrete in to structures, specialized geotechnical instruments
the tunnel. as follows are installed:

Special Tunnelling Techniques Tape Extensometer - To measure convergence or

divergence of tunnel
Where very poor rock conditions are prevailing or
Borehole Extensometer - To measure rock
tunnel face is unable to advance with conventional
deformation in the boreholes
excavation methods, special tunnelling techniques
are employed. For such extremely poor conditions Load Cell- To measure load on the installed rock
with adverse geology, following special tunnelling bolt/anchor
techniques viz. pregrouting, fore poling & pipe Survey Target Point – To measure movement in
roofing are followed. rock and installed supports

Steel rib support in Adit 2 to HRT

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 16

Instrumentation is an extremely important part of mass support during implementation is also
tunnelling activity and is highly useful in monitoring equally important for safe and timely execution of
the behaviour of tunnel during construction. Careful the works.
monitoring on regular basis can prevent loss of life
Project construction schedule should consider
and equipment due to tunnel failure. Abnormal
unforeseen geological conditions during
reading observed from the instruments should
tunnelling in Himalayas.
be examined carefully and remedial measures
like installation of additional supports should be Selection of proper tunnelling equipment for
undertaken immediately to avoid accident. normal and specialized operation should be
available for use for timely completion of project
Quality, Safety & Environment with safety.
Management Plan
Arrangement for advance technology like pipe
Proper care has been taken to ensure work being roofing, pre- grouting should be available at
executed as per the required standards and site to cope with any unforeseen and adverse
specifications. All site activities are monitored with geological conditions.
proper co-ordination to ensure the quality, safety
Skilled manpower is a key aspect of any works
and minimum disturbance to the environment.
but more so in underground works where past
Lessons from experience experience counts a lot to execute the work safely
From the above, it is very clear that projects in and efficiently.
Himalayas are required to be conceptualized Hardships of working in remote areas with
and planned for implementation considering unfriendly weather conditions including
unpredictable geological situations as an integral underground situation are well recognized by the
part of project execution. management and staff/ workers. Accordingly they
In addition to geotechnical investigation during are highly encouraged to keep up the quality with
construction stage, adequate and timely rock utmost safety.

Completed portion of the tunnel

17 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Construction of
Desilting Chambers
F or the first time L&T is constructing Desilting
Chambers (an underground structure) at
Parbati Hydroelectric Project in the Himalayan
region. Rivers flowing from the Himalayan ranges
normally carry lots of silt due to high velocity of the
river water. In power generation, if the silt is allowed
to enter the turbine, the turbine blades are likely
to get scoured resulting in costly maintenance.
Desilting Chambers are thus constructed to
prevent the formation of silt particles.

In Parbati Hydroelectric Project, the Desilting

Chambers are designed to remove sediments
of particle size 0.3 mm and above. To flush the
silt, Desilting Chambers are provided with 2 Silt
Flushing Tunnels of size 2.0 m x 2.2 m which Scope
combine together to a 3 m x 3 m size D-shaped • Under ground excavation : 180000 cu.m
Silt Flushing tunnel back into Sainj River. • Rebar : 3200 t
Two Dufour type 250 m long Desilting Chambers • Lining concrete : 41000 cu.m
having a width 12.2 m and depth 22.5 m are
constructed downstream of intake tunnels. A,
D-shaped Adit of size 6.0 m x 6.5 m, has been built
for facilitating the construction of Intake Tunnels Construction Sequence
and upstream portion of Desilting Chambers. The The construction sequence involved the following
same Adit branches into another construction Adit operations:
leading to the center of Desilting Chamber at its
Pilot drift excavation & side slashing – The first
bottom to facilitate construction.
pilot drift is excavated from construction Adit to

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 18

Gantry for concrete tunnel lining in desilting chamber

Desilting Chamber by using conventional Drill Blast blasting techniques. Then the rocks were supported
Method. Drifts of both Chambers are excavated in by rock bolts, wire mesh and shotcrete.
parallel. The sequences of activities carried out for Lining concrete wall - L&T Formwork & Scaffolding
the excavation included: was used for shuttering and platform. Necessary
Side slashing excavation was taken up after the reinforcement was laid well in advance and the
completion of Pilot drift by conventional drilling concrete was conveyed by transit mixers and
& blasting method and rocks supported by rock placed in position using a concrete pump.
bolts, wire mesh and 100mm shotcrete in two Excavation of hopper portion was carried out
layers. from the bottom Adit of the Desilting Chamber by
Concrete Lining of the Chamber portion - A conventional Drill Blast Method.
structural steel gantry of length 7.5 m was Lining of hopper portion – After excavation was
fabricated and erected for concrete lining of the completed, concrete lining work commenced from
Desilting Chamber. A scissor platform was erected invert, wall and then this was taken to the slope
well in advance for carrying out the reinforcement portion. L&T formwork and scaffolding were used
work followed by concreting. The concrete was for the concreting.
conveyed by transit mixers and pumped in by
concrete pump. Achievements

Bench excavation in stages - After the completion Enlargement of Desilting Chamber Crown
of chamber concreting works, contact grouting achieved on 10th Aug’07 against scheduled 14th
with low pressure was carried out to fill the cavities Sep’07 i.e. 35 days ahead of schedule.
around the concrete. The 12.0 m deep bench Lining of Desilting Chamber Crown achieved on
excavation was carried out in four benches each 23rd Feb’08 against scheduled 14th May’08 i.e. 81
of 3 m depth by using conventional drilling and days ahead of schedule.

19 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Construction of Cut-Off Wall
A dam is rarely constructed on a perfectly
water tight ground mass, there is (nearly)
always underground water flow. The discharge
working bentonite with fresh bentonite and Q/C
tests. The bentonite from the slurry combines
with the natural fines of the cement and creates a
of this seepage while affecting the pressure also cement bentonite backfill that has a low hydraulic
endangers the exit gradient and the performance conductivity.
of the structure itself, besides affecting the
profitability of the dam on the whole. Considerable Construction Sequence
developments have taken place during the last few
years to prevent the aforesaid problems and the Geotechnical Investigation
cast-in-situ diaphragm wall technique has been In addition to initial investigation holes, six more
successfully adopted to construct watertight curtain core holes were drilled with continuous coring to
walls. This is due principally to the possibility of fine tune the estimation of the bed rock level.
adjusting the composition with different types of
filling materials. In general, the rock mass encountered in and
around dam site is made of Metavolcanics with
For the first time, Cut off wall construction using subordinate bands of chlorite schist and chloritic
trench cutter technology has been adopted by phyllite.
L&T at Parbati Hydroelectric Project. A cut off wall
is a type of subsurface vertical barrier constructed Pre-grouting treatment
by backfilling a trench with a mixture of cement, To consolidate the ground to safely construct the
bentonite, coarse aggregate, sand and water. Cut cut off wall, Odex drilling and Tube-a-manchete –
off walls are typically constructed using the slurry permeation grouting was done on both sides of
trench method. This involves excavating a narrow the proposed cut off wall area.
trench that is stabilized during construction by
Guide Wall
filling the trench with bentonite slurry. The method
is used to construct cut off walls and structural Throughout the stretch of the cut off wall
diaphragm walls as well as soil-bentonite cut off connecting both banks of the river, L&T has
walls. As the excavation proceeds along one constructed an RCC guide wall. This has been
end of the trench, the other end of the trench is done as a guide for the Grab & Cutter and also to
backfilled with plastic concrete after clearing aid the tremie concreting.

State-of-the-art equipment in operation for the construction of cut-off wall

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 20

Panel Sequence Trench Cutter Monitor

Panel layout has been earmarked as Primary 2.8 m Trench cutter monitor is used to display the vertical
and Secondary 2.2 m considering an over cut of 30 and horizontal deviation in both X and Y direction,
cm on the already completed Primary panels. Both the load applied on the cutter wheels and the
primary and secondary panels were excavated in rotation speed.
one single bite of 2.8m long. When two adjacent
primary panels were filled with concrete and Chiselling
adequately aged the grabbing of secondary panel A specially designed heavy chisel was used to
was started in between using the same procedure advance trenching through boulders encountered
as done for primary panels. during trenching.

Pre-excavation Rock Socketing

Mechanical grab type excavator has been used Confirmation of bed rock was certified jointly by
for pre-excavation in Clay core portion, before Geologists of L&T & NHPC and a minimum of
commencing the actual cutting work. This 10m 500mm penetration was achieved in bed rock
long guided mechanical grab is 1.0 m deep and before terminating the panel.
2.8m wide. Suspended by ropes, the grab is
operated by crawler crane. Koden Test

Bentonite Management Construction of large structures today requires

foundations with much greater bearing capacity
Bentonite slurry was used for trench stability.
than in the past. While large and deep bored piles
Due to bouldery & highly permeable ground, the
or cut off walls are used, the quality control of
management of bentonite was a crucial aspect.
these subsurface structures depends purely on
Preliminary tests were carried out to define the best
certain characteristics like trench size, alignment,
composition bentonite slurry. The bentonite slurry
and verticality. Engineers should evaluate the
was prepared by mixing the bentonite powder to
quality condition of these parameters to ensure
the water in a high speed mixer.
the quality of the Trench profile.
After hydration, the bentonite mud was delivered
Koden equipment was used to test the actual
to the tanks for bentonite storage tanks. Bentonite
deviations of wall from the planned alignment.
slurry was circulated between trench and storage
tank through mud pump, booster pump and
desanding plant.


De-sanding equipment comprises of a series

of vibrating screens to remove sand, gravel and
hydro-cyclones to remove silt from trench slurry.

Hydromill type trench cutter, 1.0 m deep,
2.8 m wide and 11.4 m tall mounted on Crawler
crane with inbuilt electronic system to monitor
the performance of cutter during the time of its
operation was used. While the cutting wheel’s
of the cutter, cuts & mides with bentonite shurry
and a power mud pump bring the cutting to
DG sanding plant.

Pre-grouting works

21 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Cut-off wall Highlights

Max. Depth of Panel 46 m from+1300m level

Thickness of Wall 1000mm

Soil trenching area 3200 sq.m.

Rock trenching area 200 sq.m (approx.)

Embedment in bedrock 0.50m (min)

Type of overburden soil Bouldery alluvial deposit

Boulders Gneissic and Quartzitic

Bed rock type Chloritic schist with

bands of chloritic phyllite

Compressive Strength 74.19 MPa

(perpendicular to
foliation) Quartz boulders
up to 165 MPa

RBM Boulders, pebbles and

cobbles of intrusive and
metamorphic rocks with
silty clay/sand Trench cutter in operation

Permeability 10-1 - 10-5 cm/s

Bed rock depth Elevation: 1295-1254m

Desander for Bentonite management

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 22

Plastic Concrete Achievements

As per the technical requirements, a plastic • 1283 sq.m trenching in rock in the month
concrete mix was designed and manufactured of May 08 which surpassed international
with strict quality control to the entire satisfaction benchmark productivity levels.
of client. • Job completed 150 days ahead of schedule –
Mile stone no.6
Tremie Concreting • Appreciation letter from NHPC for the mile
Concreting of the trenched panel was done by stone achievement
tremie method by which the concrete was poured • Total accident free operation
under bentonite slurry without any mixing of • Complied with all quality standards and all
concrete and bentonite slurry. panel reports got approved.


A very close monitoring of the entire cut off wall

execution was systematically done through
• Daily activity logging
• Daily quality control tests on Bentonite
• Koden Test
• Q/C tests on Plastic concrete (Internal &
• Monitoring rock level


Tremie concreting

23 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Construction of
Rock-fill Dam
P arbati Hydroelectric Project Stage III is situated
on River Sainj. The Rockfill Dam is under
construction at an elevation of 1302m above mean
Construction of Diversion Tunnel

Before commencing the construction work on the

dam project, the flow of river had to be diverted
sea level, 3 km from village Sainj in Kullu District
from the main dam area. For this purpose, it
of Himachal Pradesh. This is the second Rockfill
was proposed to divert the river through two
Dam in India after Dhauliganga in Uttranchal
diversion tunnels at the right bank of the dam.
having a plastic concrete cut-off wall. Following
The tunnels were of 6.75 m finished diameter,
are the salient features of the dam:
horseshoe in shape having a length of 391m and
440m respectively. They were designed to carry
Salient Features
a discharge of 800 Cumecs (Cubic meter per
• Length of the Dam including spillway - 218 m second) of water. Each tunnel is provided with an
• Base Width - 168m inlet structure having three gates namely service,
emergency and stop log gates for regulating the
• Top Width - 10m
flow of water.
• Height of the Dam - 43m
A letter of appreciation was issued by NHPC for
• Quantity of Impervious core - 76000 cu.m
achieving the river diversion with adverse weather
• Quantity of rock fill - 2.64 Lac cu.m conditions and heavy rains.
• Quantity of transition & filter material - 1.03 lac
cu.m Construction of upstream and
downstream cofferdam
• Reservoir capacity - 166.79 ha-m
After diversion of the river, upstream and
• Length of reservoir - 1.05 km
downstream coffer dams were constructed. This
• River bed Level - 1290 m was required to completely dry up the river bed
• Full Reservoir Level - 1330 m so that the excavation work can be taken up. The
upstream cofferdam prevented the water from
• Length of Cut-off wall - 117 m
spilling over to the construction area and the
downstream coffer dam prevented the backwater
MAIN DAM to seep through. The height of upstream coffer
1333.00 10.00
dam was 15m and downstream coffer dam was
5m. Curtain grouting was carried out through the

7.50 5.00
coffer dams to further increase the impermeability
of the coffer dams. The coffer dam consisted of
1 1313.00
5.00 Clay 5.00


3A 3A 3B
central impervious clay core followed by filter zone
1 3C

2A 2B 2A
rock fill and riprap.
0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5
NSL 1 1 1

1.3 1
Construction sequence of Rockfill Dam

1280 Construction of rock fill dam involved the

following sequence of operations:

• The entire area of the dam required clearing,

stripping, and trimming to commence the

foundation work, followed by excavation for the

? ?


trench along the line of the cut-off wall.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 24

Diversion tunnel inlet Diversion tunnel outlet

• Construction of the cut-off wall. Achievements

• Consolidation and curtain grouting. • Deployment of equipment achieved on
• Embankment placing may be performed
• River diversion achieved on schedule
simultaneously or as an independent activity
on the cut-off wall • Diaphragm wall completion 150 days ahead of
• Placing the embankment fills up to the level of
• Placement of 2,00,000 cu.m of Rockfill material,
foundation of the parapet wall.
Graded material, Clay Filling and Riprap
• Construction of the parapet wall along the dam achieved 301 days ahead of schedule.

• Placing of remaining fill materials on the dam

crest, up to specified camber levels.

• Installation of surface targets.

Construction of
rock-fill dam in

25 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Allain Duhangan
HEP – L&T’s endeavour at the
highest altitude of 2750 m
K. Sridharan
Corporate Communications Department

Head regulator
A llain Duhangan Hydroelectric Project (ADHP)
is a 192 MW run-of-the river hydro- electric
project coming up at the confluence of Allain and
Invest AS (SN Power, Norway) and LNJ Bhilwara

Valued at Rs.116 crore, L&T is executing two

Duhangan rivulets at Prini Village in Manali Town
packages at the project, which involves Package
of Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh. Located at
I – Construction of Barrage, Desilting Chamber,
2750 m above mean sea level, this project can
Spillway and Reservoir. Package II - Construction
aptly be called as L&T’s project on top of the world
of three Adits and Head Race Tunnel.
for its high altitude. No project of L&T has been
executed on such a high altitude, though it has According to Mr. Subrata Das, Construction
worked on many projects in the Himalayan ranges Manager, L&T, the scheme of the project envisages
in different locations. utilisation of flows from two streams viz., Allain and
ADHP consists of a high-head power plant that Duhangan by means of separate water conductor
utilizes a combination of glacial melting of the system, which is a D shaped concrete headrace
snow during summer and rain waters during tunnel of length 3850 m. Both of these HRTs leads
monsoon months – both fed from the catchment to a common pooling point, the surge shaft from
basins of the Allain and Duhangan rivers to the where a pressure shaft takes off leading to the
power station through tunnels. powerhouse and thereafter discharging through a
tailrace tunnel to a suitable location.
This build-own-operate project is owned by Allain
Duhangan Power Company Limited (ADPCL), There is an intermediate storage reservoir of live
which is jointly owned by Statkraft Norfund Power storage capacity of 2.24 lakh cu.m capacity, which

Steel rib for HRT

27 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Mr. Das said “A special project of this kind has
its own peculiarities and perils associated with it,
however, the operating company has to encounter
and overcome these problems and turn them
to our own advantage”. While there are several
logistic problems, L&T faced many other critical
problems in executing this special project mainly
due to its geographical location and extreme
climatic conditions.

Snow fall
Being an avalanche prone area, working conditions
were very tough (touching subzero temperature),
specifically for three months during January to
March, when there will be a 7 feet cover of snow.
Site establishment and P&M during the snow fall - a tough working condition During this period, he said “No major work takes
place and the site experienced minus 10 degree
Celtius during February 2008”. During this period
will be fed through headrace tunnel from Allain the site remains cut off with rest of the world
diversion barrage. because of road blocks due to heavy snow fall.
The highlight of this project is that the entire Maintaining the Plant & Machinery during extreme
construction work with complete infrastructure cold climate is yet another critical aspect. All
facilities are built on steep terrains of the equipment have to be cleared off snow and start
Himalayas. Indeed, "Himalaya" means "abode the engine at every three hours interval in order to
of snow" and hence snow and cold temperatures see that the engine doesn’t get seized.
are characteristic of high mountain areas and no
Tyres of Heavy equipment have to be fitted with
exception to ADHP.
chains so that this doesn’t slip and jerk during
To approach the project, one has to pass through movement. Snow Cutters & Dozers were pressed
Manali town and take the highway to Leh. From in to action to clear the snow on the road for better
Manali town, it takes about one hour to reach visibility and smooth passage of vehicles.
the project by road and ascend steep terrains,
negotiating several sharp curves and narrow On-site camp
stretches of the newly formed road by the project
authorities. While it was a terrifying experience In view of the remote location of the project, staff
to ride on these roads and dizzying heights to colony and workers’ camps are provided on-site with
reach the project, the sight of the beautiful snowy- mess and recreation facilities for ease of operation,
white Mountain stretches, bluish sky with silky faster mobility, better control of work fronts and
white clouds and the meandering Beas river with retreat. Unlike the normal accommodation at
its sweet humming sound, the astounding and regular sites, Allain Project called for on-site staff
awe-inspiring views of yawning Kulu and Manali quarters and worker colonies, built with special
valleys with green patches of vegetation, tall pine materials such as thermo insulated roof and walls
and cedar trees together with biting cold makes to withstand the extreme climatic conditions. This
one totally forget the problems and enjoy the consists of three layers – the outer corrugated GI
idyllic beauty of the nature, which is characteristic sheet, the middle thermocole panels and plywood
of the Himalayas. At the same time, even if one on the inside. In addition, room heating devices
could find some inhabitations here and there, the were provided for each unit to keep them warm.
population is very sparsely distributed in view of 46 staff and nearly 700 workmen were employed
the tough living and climatic conditions. during peak.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 28

Staff colony and worker camps are supplied
with piping hot water for all purposes as the cold 1. HYDROLOGY
lines gets frozen due to freezing temperature. A • Catchment area at barrage Axis : 128.9
full fledged dispensary with a registered medical
• Design Flood
practitioner was also made available in the camp for
– 50 year return flood period : 662.0 m3/sec
24 hours to take care of the medical emergencies.
– 100 year return flood period : 730.0 m3/sec
Warm clothing, snow boots including bedding
and woolen blankets are provided to all staff and 2. DIVERSION BARRAGE
workmen for keeping them warm and fit.
• Type : Gated
An on-site canteen for workers and a mess for staff • Maximum water level : 2752m
met the culinary requirements and provided them • Number of Spillway bays : 2
the needed succor for thought and action. As a
• Width of each bay : 10m
matter of abundant caution and preparedness, all
• Number of Under sluice bays : 2
essential food items were procured and stocked
• Width of each under sluice bay : 5m
in the provisional store well in advance to meet the
long term needs. • Dimension : 95.62m X 90.95m X 29.30m

In general, it is said that due to active tectonic 3. HEAD REGULATOR

movement and dynamic monsoon, the rock mass • Number of Bays : 4
in the Himalayan region is relatively weak and • Design Discharge : 22.6 m3/sec
fragile and hence predicting rock mass quality • Dimension : 55.8m X 33.8m X 21.5m
and analyzing the stress induced problems, in
particular is found to be an extremely difficult 4. DESILTING ARRANGEMENTS
task during planning stage. In practice, L&T also • Number of Desilting Basins : 4
encountered considerable discrepancies between • Flushing Velocity : 4.5 m/sec
predicted and actual rock mass conditions. • Design Discharge : 31.0 m3/sec
Surmounting all these difficulties, L&T completed • Dimension : 80m X 38.5m X 14m
several activities ahead of time like the river
diversion through under sluice in rainy season, 5. INTERMEDIATE STORAGE RESERVOIR
completing and making a breakthrough in tunnel • Live Storage : 224000 m3
excavation and concrete lining of the tunnels which • Full supply Reservoir Level : 2748m
are in advanced stage of completion. • Minimum Reservoir Level : 2733.5m
• Type of Retaining Wall : RCC Structural Wall
Value addition • Plan Area : 18902 sq.m

All these unprecedented and unforeseen • Wall Height : 13m

activities made every staff and workmen undergo Entire floor area was water proof, done with geo membrane
insurmountable amount of pressure and tension
as they had to meet the schedules within budget
and cost and at the same time withstand the forces • Width of Crest : 25m
of nature and expose themselves to working at • Level of Crest : 2748m
high altitudes, extreme cold and snow as well • Design Discharge : 31.0 m3/sec
as rains, etc. Though they were almost buckled
under terrible pressure, certainly they were not
broken, but they have taken these elements as • Size and Shape : 3.4 m Diameter
(Circular Shaped)
opportunities in disguise for learning of a different
• Length : 3844m
kind and value addition to similar projects in the
future. In other words all these problems are • Design Discharge : 22.6 m3/sec
considered as prospects for working in similar • Velocity : 2.19 m/sec
environment to build a better tomorrow.

29 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Singoli-Bhatwari HEP
- small step for a giant leap
“If you want to feed a hungry person, has ventured into the hydel sector to tap the
give him food. If you want to feed a environment-friendly and everlasting hydro electric
Generation Sow a Seed !” potential for the benefit of the country, and for the
benefit of the people of India.
-A Chinese Proverb
Singoli-Bhatwari Hydro Electric Power Project,
It needs vision and tremendous courage to think
a 99 MW run-off-the river- scheme across river
and plan for future and particularly to build a
Mandakini in Rudraparayg District of Uttarakhand
hydroelectric project and that too on ownership
is the first hydro electric project to be implemented
basis, in a remote corner on the Himalayan hills.
by L&T on Build-Own-Operate & Transfer (BOOT)
While addressing a gathering of L&T-ites and basis.
customers of L&T on the occasion of the 70 year In this, it has accepted the challenge of setting up
celebration of L&T and the birth centenary of a benchmark in delivering to the nation a quality
Henning Holck-Larsen at Mumbai on December project on time with quality.
21, 2007, The Union Minister, Mr.P. Chidambaram
The Government of Uttarakhand, or “Dev Bhumi”
said “L&T is unique, it is not Public Sector, it is not
as it is fondly called by all, has entrusted this
Private Sector, it belongs to the National Sector. It
project to L&T for implementation. L&T has
is a company of the people of India ”.
formed an SPV in the name of “L&T Uttaranchal
In tune with the words and true to the spirit of Hydropower Limited” for speedy execution and
the statement made by the Union Minister, L&T effective implementation of the project.
Whereas the L&T Infrastructure Development
Projects Limited (L&T-IDPL) is managing the
overall implementation of this project, the Hydel
Business Unit (HBU) of ECC, L&T’s Construction
Division in Chennai is executing the construction
of this project.
Singoli-Bhatwari Hydro Electric Project (SBHEP)
is located at an elevation of 1000 m above MSL,
25 km from Rudraprayag on the National Highway
NH-109 towards Kedarnath.
The project involves construction of a Barrage -
54m long x 29.250m wide x 21.500m high above
river bed, consisting of 5 bays each of 8 m clear
span and fitted with radial gates to regulate flood
The Full Reservoir Level (FRL) of the barrage is
at EL 1017m and the top of the barrage including
free board is fixed at EL 1020m.
The barrage, on its downstream side, will have an
apron of size 54m length x 45m width x 3.5m
Adit 1 portal construction in progress thickness.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 30

The clear water is then passes through gate
arrangements and fed into the intake pool -
42m x 42m and then through the intake gate
chamber of size 16m (L) x 15.5 (W) x 20.5m (H)
which channelises the discharge of 59.6 cu.m into
the Head Race Tunnel (HRT).

The diversion of the river will be handled in two

stages for constructing (a) the Barrage and (b)
Desilting chambers & Intake respectively. Thus,
the diverted water, will take the 11.230 km long
journey through a 4.77m, D-Shaped, concrete
lined Head Race Tunnel.

In order to construct the HRT, three adits have been

proposed, first one near the Barrage site, second
one near Damar Nala crossing and the third one
near Dangi Nala crossing. These adits will give
four faces of simultaneous working. Maximum 70m span steel bridge across river Mandakini
length of tunnel section to be excavated from the
Adit will be 3.20 km and this will form the critical
segment in HRT construction.

The alignment in the last segment of the tunnel

after Adit-3 is so modified now to avoid passing
of tunnel under an existing village, to allow for the
sentiment and apprehension of the villagers.

The HRT ends at the bottom of a Surge Shaft of

size 10m finished DIA x 103m high, tapering to
5m dia x 35m high. This open to sky shaft, helps
in relieving the water pressure, in case of opening
and closure of turbines at powerhouse end.

The water from HRT is then allowed to travel

through steel lined Pressure Shaft with the vertical
portion of shaft having a dimension of 3.8m finished Another view of the steel bridge
dia x 125m height and horizontal portion having a
finished dia of 3.8m x 284m length, constructed
This energy is fed to the State grid from an open
through the hard rock on the hills, and ending up
Switchyard of size 150 m (L) x 65 m (W), to be
as three penstock manifolds, entering the Surface
constructed near the Power house.
Power House, which has a dimension of 53m (L)
x 17.6m (W) The Hydro-mechanical works of this project
involves erection of 5 Radial Gates at Barrage and
Thus, between the Barrage and the Powerhouse,
Trash-rack including gate structures at Intake Pool
an hydel energy of 186m net head is being built
entrance, at Intake structure, and the bulk-head
up. This energy head is unleashed on vertical
gate at Surge shaft including 3 sets of Gates at
shafts having three Francis Turbines of 33 MW
Draft tube outlet in Powerhouse. Total tonnage of
capacity each, embedded in the Powerhouse sub-
all the above structures will be 950 tonnes.
structure, which gives necessary rotational power
to the Rotors of the Generators. On an average Hydro-mechanical works also involves fabrication
estimate, this project can produce 474 million of 1307 tons of steel liner of 3.8 m for Pressure
units of energy in an 90% dependable year. Shafts made of SAILMA 450 HI grade with thickness

31 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

varying from 16 to 28 mm. In addition, 614 tons of
SAILMA steel will be used for steel liner under the
Dangi Nala portion and Soft tunneling of HRT.

The construction schedule prepared by L&T

envisages 44 months for completion of the project
and all works relating to HRT is on the critical
path. L&T is already gearing up appropriate
tunneling methodology, mobilizing men, material
& machinery including planning and development
of skilled workmen to handle the works.

During the course of construction, L&T is bound to

encounter several challenges.

Construction of the Barrage poses challenges of

taming the mighty Mandakini and the monsoon,
the Head Race Tunnel works and other below
ground works like Pressure shaft and Surge Shaft
poses greater challenges in dealing with the virgin
Dangri road to Adit 3 under construction
unpredictable geology of the Himalayan terrain.

Damar road, which leads to Adit 2 under construction

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 32

Logistically, this project also faces the challenge of beginning the main project works on time. About
dealing with the limited Highway of Uttarakhand, 600 workmen of various skills and categories need
which is either prone to landslides during monsoon to be mobilised from external and local sources.
or full of pilgrims during the normal season.
Significant achievements made at the project
Geographically, the project is dispersed to a include:
stretch of 15 km on left bank highway and another • Construction of box culvert on NH-109 which
10 km stretch of roads across river Mandakini to serves as the portal for Adit-1 and completion
reach Adit sites. of Adit-1.
The quantum of works involved in the project can • Construction of 2 km long Damar road leading
be assessed from the following table. to Adit-2 on the other side of river Mandakini,
with the associated protection works, cross
Quantities of Major Works drainage works and 19m span steel bridge
across Damar Nala near the Adit-2 portal
Description UOM Qty.
• Construction of 70m long span steel truss
Excavation cu.m 7,41,148 bridge across river Mandakini.

Backfilling cu.m 1,50,188 • Construction of 2.7 km long road at Dangi,

which will be further extended by 1.3 km to
Concreting cu.m 2,34,281 access Adit-3.
Reinforcement tons 4,736 • Construction of Project camps to accommodate
568 workmen at three different locations viz.
Structural Steel tons 1,201
Sansari (184 persons), Damar (200), and Phalai
SFRS cu.m 10,710 (184)
Formwork sq.m 57,529 • A Staff Camp at Giwadi Gaon to accommodate
32 families and 50 bachelors has been
Rock Bolts RM 1,18,270
completed. Construction of a guest house in
Grouting t 3,013 the same campus for the visiting staff is under
Dewatering kWH 40,02,230
• Completion of Main Stores, P&M, Quality and
Pressure vessel Steel
Safety offices, etc at Chandrapuri.
(SAIL MA 350) t 1,921
• Completion of Explosive Magazine building at
HM Steel Structures t 950 Damar.
This quantum needs to be seen in conjunction with • Commissioning of a 50 TPH Crusher Plant
several logistical constraints. These are further at Damar and 30 cum/hr Batching Plant near
compounded by other man-made challenges Barrage site are in advanced stage.
like local unrest by villagers and other hurdles for L&T has already tied up with financial institutions/
dealing with land acquisition and other statutory agencies and all frameworks are ready for achieving
clearances etc. financial closure and initiation of necessary fund/
Unfazed by the problems or pressures and with cash flow. L&T has also started the process of
unremitting efforts, L&T has already obtained major tying up with various industries and agencies for
clearances like Environment, Forest, DPR, NOC marketing the sale of power in future.
from Pollution Control Board, Explosive Magazine Design & Engineering are being carried out by
License, Diesel Dispensing Unit, License for using L&T’s in-house team at EDRC and reviewed
river borne materials for aggregate production and by MWH, USA. Already the process of vendor
stacking etc in a short span of time. selection and finalization for Hydro-mechanical
and Electro-mechanical works on back-to-back
Moreover, in parallel, it has mobilized the
basis have been set in motion.
manpower and machinery resources right at site,
and is progressing with the required infra works L&T’s team is very enthusiastic in building the first
like Roads, Buildings, Project Camps etc for power plant on PPP basis.

33 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Vishnugad HEP
with TBM technology
K. Vijaya Bhaskar
Project Manager

Aerial view of the site showing the batching plant and other infrastructure facilities
created on tough terrains of Himalayas
L arsen & Toubro & Alpine Mayreder Bau GmbH,
Austria, are jointly executing the challenging
“Head Race Tunnel” Package of Tapovan Vishnugad
During the Badrinath Yatra season (May to Oct),
there will be heavy traffic on this narrow hilly
road. Complete traffic movement takes place only
Hydro Electric Project (TVHEP) awarded by NTPC during day time as night traffic is not permitted.
Limited in November, 2006. TVHEP is a Hydel The Road distance from Delhi to Joshimath is 506
Power Project with installed capacity of 520 MW km. The nearest city from the project is Haridwar
(4 X 130MW). and Dehradun. From Delhi, Haridwar is 229 km
away and Haridwar to Joshimath is 277 km. The
The scope of Head Race Tunnel Package involves
entire stretch between Haridwar to Joshimath are
excavation of 11.50 km of Head Race Tunnel and
dotted by holy towns such as Haridwar – Rishikesh
Three Adits of total length 1.25 km. Adits are to be
Deoprayag – Srinagar – Rudraprayag – Gauchar  –
excavated using Drill Blast Method and Excavation
Karnprayag – Nandpryag – Chamoli – Pipalkoti –
by Roadheader. 3.50 km of Head Race Tunnel is to
Joshimath. From Rishikesh to the Project Site it
be excavated using mainly Roadheader or need
is a hilly terrain involving a climb of over 1500m.
based Drill Blast Method depending upon the
While the condition of the road is fairly good up to
geological conditions. 8 km of Head Race Tunnel
Rudraprayag, it is very bad beyond this point with
is to be excavated using Tunnel Boring Machine
very narrow stretches and high gradients.
(TBM). The finished Dia. of Head Race Tunnel
will be 5.60m and the excavation Dia is 6.20m. Double Shield Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machine
Excavation of Tunnel using TBM in Himalayan ordered from Herrenknecht, Germany (in the
Geology is a very challenging assignment and Month of February 2007) will be used for the first
what is more challenging than the tunneling work time for a Hydel Power Project in India. The L&T-
itself is the transportation of the TBM to Project AM JV Team had around one year leeway for
Site located at an elevation of 1820m above Mean preparation of transportation arrangements for
Sea Level. the machine, scheduled to be shipped by January
2008 and reach site by April 2008. Various agencies
The site is located in Joshimath, one of the towns
were contacted for transportation of TBM, but few
of Chamoli District in Uttranchal. Joshimat is a
turned up for accepting the challenge. Ultimately,
town on the greater Himalayan Mountains on
J M Baxi & Co.(the Clearing & forwarding agents)
National Highway 58. From the project location
came forward and took up the challenge and
the holy Badrinath shrine is just 40 km away.

Tunnel boring machine

35 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

completed the transportation successfully with the 2008, just one day before starting of Yatra Season
help of J C Motors Transportation Company. The at Badrinath. The consignments were transported
heaviest and biggest piece of Machine was Cutter during night as there was heavy traffic during the
Head, circular in shape with Diameter of 6.50m day time which can disrupt the movement of the
and weight of 101 tonnes. Bringing this in single trailers. However, the road improvement team
piece to project site was a next to impossible task; tackled the hurdles such as civil works (Widening
keeping in view, the road conditions and hilly of road, strengthening of bridge, etc.) at various
terrain. critical points.

With difficulties, this giant machine crossed all the

Route Survey (Rishikesh to site) hurdles and reached the project site safely without
NH-58 “Raiwala (12 km. short of Rishikesh) any major incident, a day before commencement
Rishikesh bypass – Tehri – Badrinath Junction – of Yatra Season. This was a grand success for the
Laxman Jhula – Kandiyala – Devprayag – Bhagwan project team at site and everyone greeted each
– Rudraprayag bypass – Karna Prayag junction – other with utmost joy and happiness writ large
Chamoli – Helang – Tapovan – Vishnugadh Power on their glowing faces. Amidst excitement and
house – Selang Junction – Selang L&T site involved thrill this also brought a great sigh of relief as it
an approx. distance 267 km. The road clearance was the culmination of challenging and painful
and overhead clearance restricted to 3.20m width labour of almost a year. Ever since the machine
and 4.2m height due to rocks protruding towards was ordered continuous efforts were made by
the road. the planning and execution team at the project
to ship and transport the machine to India. The
Two months before commencement of the
consequence of something untoward happening
transportation of TBM, liaisoning was done with
during the transshipment could delay the project
the local authorities and all permits were obtained
schedule drastically which would be a big
before the actual transshipment.
commercial risk for the performance of the project.
To overcome the biggest challenge in logistics, ie, Also, transportation of such a big consignment
transportation of TBM from Mumbai Sea Port to during Yatra with traffic jams and monsoon season
project site, L&T-AM JV made separate teams for with landslides on a hilly terrain like this could
proper coordination, and for unloading the TBM have increased the difficulties manifold. To ensure
consignments properly at site, which had severe alround safety and also mitigate the very many
space constraint. risks, necessary protective measures were taken
well in advance. TBM with all back-up systems
The transport team escorted all the major
was successfully commissioned in February 2009
consignments from Rishikesh to Project Site
and the tunneling activity is progressing at a faster
tackling many hurdles on the way and successfully
completed the transportation of TBM by May 6,

Moulds inside the


ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 36

for Sawalkote Hydro Electric Project
L &T is currently executing the Contract of
Construction of External Access Road to
Sawalkote Hydro Electric Project, on Engineering,
Pavement Works
Granular sub base : 0.24 lakh cu.m
Crushed run macadam : 0.22 lakh cu.m
Procurement and Construction basis for the
sawalkote Hydro Electric Project in the Ramban DBST : 0.04 lakh cu.m
District for Jammu & Kashmir State Power Concrete for road and bridge : 5512 cu.m
Development Corporation. Structural steel : 1520 t
L&T's scope of works include
ViaSys, Sweden are the basic designer and
• Survey, design and engineering Construma Consultancy Pvt Limited are the
• Site clearance, earth work, pavement, slope consultants for this Project. L&T Ramboll is the
protection, retaining structures, drainage &
Design Consultant and the Engineering Design
cross drainage works, road furniture
and Research Centre is also actively involved.
• Construction of 10m wide and 18.50 km road
• Road at the right bank of river Chenab The contract for the construction of the only access
• Construction of two major steel girder bridges road to the Hydropower project commenced in
and two minor bridges November 2004. As the project is located in a very
• Bridge across river Chenab remote, isolated and highly militancy prone area,
• Construction of 500m long Tunnel there was delay in the initial period. After proper
security cover, the work started moving at good
Quantum of work Speed. Adequate and proper men and machines
Road are being deployed for hassle-free execution.
Excavation in soil : 5.48 lakh cu.m With all the quality checks, tests and meticulous
Excavation in rock : 9.82 lakh cu.m planning and reviews, the work at this project is
Earth work in filling : 0.950 lakh cu.m fast moving towards the completion.

Road construction
work in progress


37 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Hydroelectric Project

M.V. Ramachandran
Project Manager

Head Race Tunnel

K erala State, which lies almost at the Southern
tip of Western India, occupies a narrow strip
of land between the Arabian Sea on the West and
Project Highlights
Project : Design, Build, &
the Western Ghat ranges on the East. The state of Turnkey Execution of
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu lies on the North-East 2x50MW Additional
and on the South-East respectively. Extension Scheme
of Kuttiyadi Hydro
South-West monsoon bless Kerala from June
Electric Power Project
to middle of August, while North-East monsoon
from September to end of November. The period Client : Kerala State
between December and middle of May is generally Electricity Board
dry and the months between March and April
Contractor : BHEL - L&T
experiences hot summer.
Kuttiyadi River takes its origin on the Western
Contract Value : INR 16241.30 Lakhs
slopes of the Wynad range of hills at elevations
915 to 1065m above MSL. After its initial run in a
North-South direction, the river takes a sharp turn power plant. This scheme will be constructed as an
towards west and the Kuttiyadi dam is constructed annex to the existing Kuttiyadi Extension Scheme
in a little upstream of the bend. The catchment 1x50 MW and 3x25 MW Schemes. By this a total of
area above the dam site is 39 The area 225 MW continuous generation can be achieved
comprises mostly of thick virgin forests except for during peak hours for the non-monsoon period.
a stretch of abandoned cardamom plantation. The Water from the powerhouse is fed through Tail Race
catchment area is roughly rectangular in shape channel and 3x1.25 MW is generated with this tail
and this lies in a North-East direction. race water, located at end of tail race channel.
The Karamanthodu locally known as
Churanipuzha originates on the Eastern slope Kuttiyadi – A Trailblazer
of Wynad hill ranges. It flows in a North-Eastern
Up above the high rugged hillocks and amidst
direction and joins Vennayotpuzha, a stream
meandering ghatways and verdant rain forests
running parallel to Karamanthodu in the upper
is perched the The Kuttiyadi Hydro-Electric
reaches to form the Panamarampuzha, tributary of
Power Project – one of Kerala’s multipurpose
Kabini. The catchement area of the stream at this
projects. With an installed capacity of 125 MW,
dam site is 54.4 and this consists of mostly
it is considered a power hub that supplies much
private and forest lands with patches of cultivated
of Kerala’s power needs in addition to aiding
irrigation. Here, ECC - the Construction Division
The existing Kuttiyadi Reservoir has a live storage of L&T, is engaged in the design, engineering and
of 33.98 million cu.m. against inflow of 210 million execution of all civil and hydro-mechanical works
cu.m. Due to the very limited storage at Kuttiyadi for the 2x50MW Additional Extension Scheme.
Reservoir, the water spills at Kuttiyadi Dam during When completed, the project will achieve a total
Monsoons. The existing Kuttiyadi Extension 225MW continuous generation during peak hours
Scheme (1x50 MW) is mainly built for utilization of for the non-monsoon period.
the spills for power generation in a separate Power
This is the first EPC Hydel Project bagged by
L&T in Consortium with BHEL against Global
With the completion of Kuttiyadi Augmentation Competitive Tender on LSTK Basis. The scope of
reservoir which has a live storage of 186.25 Million work involves engineering by EDRC and execution
cu.m against an inflow of 438 Million cu.m there are of all civil & hydro-mechanical works by Hydel &
plans for additional Power generation. However, Nuclear (H&N) OC and design, engineering and
construction is underway for an economical execution of all Electro-Mechanical works by
installation 100 MW (2x50MW) hydroelectric BHEL.

39 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Penstock erection

Major Quantum of Works

Description Unit Quantity

Open Excavation

a. Soil cu.m 246200

b. Rock cu.m 102300

Underground Excavation cu.m 8600

Salient Features
Back Filling cu.m 23300
Key parameters & scope of work
Concreting cu.m 28300
Installed Capacity : 2x50MW
Reinforcement t 1200
FRL : +757.72m
Shuttering sq.m 37250
MDDL : +743.00m
Structural Steel t 210
Sill Level of Intake : +738.00m
Penstock & Specials t 3200
Max. Discharge : 21.50 cu.m/sec.
Gates & Trash Racks t 75
Power House Runner Level : +91.75m

Avg. Gross Head at Powerhouse : 658m

Electro-Mechanical Works
Civil & Hydro-mechanical Works (by L&T) (by BHEL)
Intake structure shaft : 4.65x2.60x19m; approach channel Turbines are made of vertical shaft Peloton Wheel
and trash rack structure Turbine having 500rpm, 70000HP rating and 56.60
MW output. BHEL is also supplying Generator,
Head race tunnel : Horseshoe shape, 3.0m DIA finish,
Power Transformer,Auxiliary Mechanical &
692m long
Electrical Equipment including the Outdoor Switch
Surge shaft : Circular-5.0m DIA finish, 74m deep Yard Equipment - 110kV
Low pressure penstock : Tunnel: 2.40m DIA; Liner: 2m DIA; In spite of the several uncertainties and problems
87m long faced in the project, L&T went on executing the
Butterfly valve chamber : 12m x 9m project with high quality standards. This has won
the hearts of many project authorities which are
Penstock track : 10m Wide-Track, A. Blocks & RG. reflected in their appreciation letters for achieving
Supports many milestones and breakthroughs:
Powerhouse : 32m x 22m x 20m • Tunnel Break through with precise alignment
Tail race channel : 8m x10m x 80m • Fabrication of Penstocks & specials with high
Hydro-mechanical works : Intake gates, trash rack panels & quality standards
DT. Gates Penstock OD-2.05 m • Blasting operations – Safety & Methods
x 2160 m long, thickness varies adopted
from 12- 46 mm of Grade ASTM
A537 Cl.1 & ASTM A517 Grade F. • SCC – Usage of Technologically advanced
Total Quantity: 3200 tons techniques

Approach roads to structures : 5 km.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 40

Super Passage Channel at Varahi HEP
T he river Varahi takes its birth at a height of
730m in the Western Ghats at Hebbagilu, near
Agumbe in Shimoga District. It joins the Arabian
• Steel penstock
branching off to 5 nos
individual penstocks
Sea near Kundapur. After a 25 km initial run, this • Power house on right
swift and powerful river falls 455 m in cascades to bank of river Varahi
form the bellowing Kunchikal falls. accommodating 5 units
of turbines
The Varahi Hydro power project is a small
containment run-of-the river project of 22.5 MW • Tail race channel
installed capacity, comprising 3 units of 7.5 MW crossing Super passage
each. It is located on lower reaches of western joining river Varahi &
scarps of Western Ghats in the Udipi District of other allied civil works.
Karnataka near Hosangadi village in Kundapura
Super Passage Channel Completed portion of
Taluk. Sandur Power Company Limited (SPCL),
during Flash Floods the passage channel
Bangalore, are the owners of the project.
During the execution of the project, while connecting
The project generates approximately 120 GWh
the power house and trail race, one perennial nulla
of electricity per annum and sells it to Karnataka
was intercepting at different elevations. Due to
Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL)
early on-set monsoon, the execution of the super
through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
passage could not be carried out as per initial
ECC was awarded two packages at this project schedule, even though this structure was under
viz., Construction of Civil and Appurtenant works critical path for the commissioning of the 22.5MW
and Head Race Tunnel by M/s Sandur Power Hydro project.
Company of value INR 459.2 million. The project
Super Passage Channel consists of an RCC
consisted of Diversion Weir, Approach Channel,
structure, which had a dimension of 15 m x 24 m x
Intake Structure, Head Race Tunnel with three Adits,
11 m height, perpendicular to Tail Race Canal and
Surge Shaft, Penstock Tunnel, Power House, Tail
this involved construction of 12 circular columns
Pool, Tail Race, Super Passage, River Regarding
of 600 mm dia, supported by continuous beams
and Rapids. This Project work, which began in
on longitudinal directions and slabs of thickness
October 2002 was completed in all respects in 25
300 mm with walls on adjacent sides having stubs
months including two monsoon periods.
on both sides. The RCC walls of the Tail race canal
The major components of this project are: were of 12 m height and they were constructed
• Diversion weir across river Varahi about 40m using M20 concrete.
downstream of confluence of Underground
The continuous flow of flash floods during the
Power House Station tail race channel.
season necessitated the construction of the Super
• Approach channel just downstream of VUGPH
passage by using innovative construction methods
tail race on right bank of river to divert water to
to cast the RCC columns and suspended formwork
HRT through intake structure
for the casting of RCC beams, slabs etc. In fact ECC
• Straight tunnel intake structure to HRT from
successfully executed the structure undeterred
diversion weir to regulate flow of water into the
and braving against the flashing floods of over
11m high tail race water. In addition, the concreting
• Horseshoe shaped, HRT from intake up to
of the super passage pier was done under water
surge tank with concrete lining
after the bed was cleaned of accumulated silt and
• Surge tank at ridge point slush with the help of divers using tremie pipes.
• Penstock tunnel with concrete lining taking off The total process of construction was completed
from surge shaft within 30 days.

41 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

K a l eid o sc o pe
New Orders
w O r der
Rs 1450 crore Orders in
L &T has bagged three major orders aggregating

to Rs. 937 crores during September and

Buildings & Factories Segment
October 2008 in Delhi and Andhra Pradesh.

L &T’s including add on orders from on going

works at its airport projects.
An EPC water supply project of value Rs. 582
Crores was bagged by L&T from Hyderabad Metro
The orders for construction of IT & Office space Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB)
buildings have been received from major players under prestigious Godavari Drinking Water Supply
around the country including TCS & Godrej Project Phase-I. The project involves construction
Developers Private Limited . of trunk mains of MS pipe for 58 km to bring
These orders enhance the order book of the 735 Million Litres per Day (MLD) treated water
Company which had secured major design-&-build to Hyderabad city. The contract period is of 24
orders in the airports, IT Parks and commercial months.
space and L&T has a significant market share in Two EPC projects from Delhi Jal Board valued at
these segments. Rs. 355 Crores were secured by L&T. The project
envisages design, providing, laying, jointing,
Another Rs 5000 crore testing and commissioning of MS twin-pipeline
Orders in Buildings & from Bawana to Dwaraka (Package 1A) and design
Factories Segment & construction of 20 Million Gallons per Day (MGD)
water treatment plant (WTP) at Okhla. This WTP

L &T’s newly formed Buildings & Factories

Operating Company – part of its Construction
Vertical – has bagged several large-value orders
will have clarifloculator, flash mixer, filters, pre-
sedimentation tanks as major units along with the
intake system. Both projects are to be completed
aggregating to around Rs.5000 crores in the in 21 months.
second quarter of 2008-09 for the construction of
a slew of institutional, commercial, residential and
Rs. 1,372 crore Orders from
factory buildings.
Metallurgical Sector
The orders have been received from major
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has secured major orders
players around the country including NESCO
aggregating to Rs. 1,372 crore from various
Limited, Godrej Properties Limited, PBEL Property
customers like Vedanta Aluminium Limited, Utkal
Development (India) Pvt Ltd, Om Prakash
Alumina International Limited and Bhushan Steel
Jindal Grahmin Jan Kalyan Sansthan and Mahi
L&T has secured an order valued Rs. 516 crore
These orders boost a growth trend that earlier
from Vedanta Aluminium for setting up of a 3 million
saw the Company securing major design-&-build
tonnes per annum (MTPA) alumina refinery at its
orders in the airports, IT Parks and commercial
Lanjigarh plant in Orissa. The scope involves civil,
structural, tanks, equipment erection, piping and
L&T has been engaged in virtually all the modern commissioning assistance for the alumina refinery.
airports in India that have been built or are The project is to be executed in 20 months.
under execution including those at Hyderabad,
L&T has also secured order valued Rs. 455 crore
Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai.
from Utkal Alumina International for setting up of
1.5 MTPA green field alumina refinery at Doraguda
Rs 937 crore EPC Orders in near Rayagada in Orissa. The scope involves civil,
Water Business piling, structural and tanks for the alumina refinery.
The project is to be executed in 24 months.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 42

In an another development, L&T secured an order Operation & Maintenance from Gadge Maharaj
valued Rs. 401 crore from Bhushan Steel for civil, Chowk (Jacob Circle) to Wadala (approx. 11 kms)
structural, equipment erection and piping for and Wadala to Chembur via Mahul (approx 9 km)
its Phase-III expansion at Angul in Orissa which corridor on a Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK) basis.
includes setting up a Steel Melt Shop and Coke The Monorail will have 18 stations enroute. The Ne
w O r der

Oven. L&T is already executing the other orders project is to be completed in a tight schedule of
of a 3,800-cubic-metre blast furnace and 2x204- 30 months.
square-metre sinter plants for Bhushan Steel for
The Straddle type Monorail System complies with
the highest international standards of safety and
These orders, from major producers in ferrous reliability. It is a modern urban transport system
& non-ferrous sector in the metallurgical field, where the cars move on a single beam in an
portray the enormous confidence the industry has elevated corridor. The design makes it possible to
in L&T’s expertise in engineering, construction execute the project on a fast-track as it requires a
and project management. small foot- print and facilitates implementation with
minimal demolition of structures. Other advantages
L&T-Scomi to Build India’s First include greater reliability, high manoeuverability,
lower cost and an eco-friendly design. These
Monorail System
factors make Monorails an attractive option for

A consortium led by Larsen & Toubro with

Scomi Engineering Bhd, Malaysia has bagged
a Rs. 24.6 Billion (Rs. 2460 Crore) order from
Mumbai where land is a scarce resource. The
Monorail also helps in negotiating sharp curves
and can handle gradients up to 6%. The Monorail
the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development is a quiet system with sleek exteriors, and air-
Authority (MMRDA) to implement the country’s conditioned cars, adding to commuter comfort.
first Monorail System in Mumbai.
This will be the first Monorail System in India and
Larsen & Toubro is India’s leading Technology, is expected to ease the congestion in the highly
Engineering & Construction Company and is a crowded Jacob Circle, Wadala and Chembur area.
premier builder of infrastructure projects in India The monorail will provide interconnectivity to the
with track record of successful implementation of existing sub urban railway (Mahalaxmi and Lower
several large turn key projects. Scomi Engineering Parel Station of Western Railway, Curry Road,
is one of the world’s top three monorail Dadar & Wadala Station of Central Railway, etc)
manufacturers, and offers urban transportation and forthcoming Metro Rail as a part of multimodal
solutions by providing the latest monorail electro- transport system and on being commissioned will
mechanical systems and rolling stock. be a boon to the citizens of Mumbai.
The project involves Designing, Constructing,
Installation, Testing & Commissioning and
Rs 1100 crore Orders in Buildings
Integrated Testing including Train Trail with initial & Factories Segment
L&T’s Buildings & Factories Operating Company-
part of its Construction Division- has bagged
add on orders aggregating around Rs 1100
crores in the third quarter of 2008-09 from its
ongoing developmental projects like mixed use
developments at Chandigarh, Darley Road Tower
in Sri Lanka, Airport Hotel at Bangalore and add
on works at its airport projects.

These orders further enhance the order book of

the Company which had already secured major
design-&-build orders in the airports, IT Parks and
commercial space. L&T has a significant market
share in these segments.

43 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

L&T Oman Bags Construction 60 Km to be completed in 18 months. Mott Mac
Donald is the consultant for the project.
Orders Valued at Rs. 1198 crore
Larsen & Toubro (Oman), a joint venture of Larsen
Larsen & Toubro (Oman) LLC, one of the leading
& Toubro Limited and the Zubair Corporation, has
Ne companies in the field of engineering and
w O r der

a strong presence in Oman, and across the last

construction in the region has secured major
decade has emerged as a leading construction
orders cumulatively valued at Rs. 1198 crores
company of Sultanate of Oman.
(USD 245 million), against stiff international
competition. The orders cover construction of
a hotel and apartments for the 2nd Asian Beach
Games, a mosque and underground cabling.

The 2nd Asian Beach Games complex is being

developed by Oman Tourism Development Two New Hydro Electric Power
Company - the government of Oman’s tourism Project Orders
development, and its investment arm. The
Infrastructure Operating Company of ECC has
project comprises construction of a hotel, marine
recently bagged two new orders worth Rs.1544
apartment buildings, administrative buildings
crores. The first contract valued Rs.299 crore
for the Games and an athletes’ village. All these
is to execute 330 MW Shrinagar Hydro Electric
projects are scheduled to be completed in less
Power Project in Pauri Gharwal District,
than two years.
Uttarkhand for Vertex Projects Limited. Scope
Engineering, Cost and Project Management of work include construction of main dam, water
Consultants for the project are M/s W.S. Atkins, body-canal (Part 1 – desilting basin), surface
NWS International and Faithful+Gould. The power house and head race tunnel and entire
mosque being built by L&T Oman is developed by work will be completed in 36 months.
a reputed business group of Oman. It embodies
The second contract valued Rs.1245 crore is to
Omani architecture and is poised to change the
execute the concrete gravity package for 1200
skyline of Oman. The project is scheduled for
MW Punatsangchhu-1 Hydro Electric Project in
completion within 35 months.
Bhutan. This MC1 contract package involves
Underground Cabling works from Oman Electricity construction of diversion tunnel, dam, intake
Transmission Company (OETC), comprises and desilting arrangement including hydro-
replacing a portion of 220 and 132 KV Overhead mechanical works will be completed in 66
lines in Muscat Governorate with Cabling works of months.

Performance for the quarter ended December 31, 2008

Sales grow by 35% - 216% increase in overall PAT - PAT from normal operations grow by 25%

G ross Sales of Larsen & Toubro Limited for The Company is well on its way towards
the quarter ended December 31, 2008, consolidating its overseas presence, as reflected
at Rs. 8700 crore, has grown by 35% over the in its share of Sales from international business at
corresponding quarter of the previous year. 18.5% for the quarter. Profit before Interest and
Despite an environment of tight liquidity, cautious Tax from normal operations for the quarter ended
investment in the Oil & Gas and the Core sectors, December 31, 2008, at Rs. 1009 crore, has risen
and a general slowdown in domestic infrastructure by 37%, when compared with the corresponding
spending, the Company has been able to secure quarter of the previous year. The Company has
fresh orders totaling to Rs. 14620 crore during the reported Profit after Tax at Rs. 604 crore from
quarter, exceeding the order inflow of Rs. 13019 normal operations during the quarter, recording an
crore achieved during the same quarter of the increase of 25% y-on-y, after absorbing a higher
previous year when the economic climate was incidence of borrowing costs.
significantly better.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 44

On a overall basis, Profit after Tax for the quarter the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
ended December 31, 2008 at Rs. 1520 crore, which This was achieved despite a severe credit crunch
included an extraordinary gain of Rs. 916 crore and deferment of expenditure by the Building and
(net of tax) from the sale of the Company’s Ready Industrial sectors, which adversely impacted the
Mix Concrete business, grew by 216% y-on-y. demand for the segment’s products & services.
For the nine month period ended December 31, Export efforts were stepped up during the quarter
2008, the Company’s Sales at Rs. 23468 crore to supplement the sluggish domestic demand,
grew by 41%, and Profit after Tax from normal boosting the share of international sales to 18%.
operations at Rs. 1567 crore went up by 30%, over The segment profitability for the quarter was under
the corresponding period of the previous year. strain due to lower volume, under-utilization of
Including extraordinary gain from sale of Ready capacity and competitive pressures prohibiting
Mix Concrete Business, the Profit after Tax for the higher price realization.
nine month period ended December 31, 2008
stood at Rs. 2483 crore, a growth of 106% y-on-y. Machinery & Industrial Products Segment

The Segment reported a drop in revenue at Rs.

Engineering & Construction Segment
529 crore for the quarter ended December 31,
Bucking the current industry downturn, the 2008 severely impacted by a sharp drop in capital
segment has bagged healthy project orders during expenditure by the Indian Industry, especially the
the quarter, reaffirming the Company’s leadership Construction sector. Low fund availability in the
position in turnkey project execution, infrastructure hands of the prospective customers worsened
and capital goods sectors. The segment Order the situation. The segment also saw a drop in
Inflow, at Rs. 13379 crore registered a growth of margins primarily due to squeeze on end-product
17% over the corresponding quarter of the previous prices and under-recovery of the fixed costs. The
year. The segment revenues for the quarter at Rs. performance of the segment on the export front
7633 crore grew by 54% y-on-y. was encouraging with exports touching 23% of its
total revenue for the quarter.
Cumulatively for the nine month period, the
segment Order Inflow at Rs. 34126 crore rose by
36% and segment revenue at Rs. 19165 crore
grew by 51% over the corresponding period of The Indian economy is going through a
the previous year. The Segment Order Book as challenging phase during the current financial
at December 31, 2008 stood at a record high of year. While the year began with a spurt in oil prices
Rs.67029 crore, providing visibility to the growth and high inflationary conditions, the current trend
trajectory of the segment’s performance in the indicates a slowdown in the economy. Despite
medium term. The share of International orders the best efforts of the government to shore up the
in the Order Book as on December 31, 2008 was investment climate, the capital goods industry is
15%. expected to grapple with the impact of slowdown,
which is likely to continue through 2009-10. The
For the nine month period, the segment has been
Company is constantly assessing the emerging
able to sustain its margins at the same level as
developments in the country and abroad, and
realized during the corresponding period of
monitoring their impact on its growth strategy
the previous year, despite pressures of input
in the medium term. The Company’s foray into
cost increases witnessed during most part of
the new Railway business has resulted in a few
this period. This was possible due to suitable
important order inflows, with more prospects on
escalation clauses in a majority of its contracts
the anvil. Its renewed venture into Power business
with the customers, and on-time execution of the
also holds significant potential. Its current initiatives
on building a business opportunity in the nuclear
power sector, are likely to bear fruit over the longer
Electrical & Electronics Segment
term. In the near term, the Company expects to
The Segment posted revenue of Rs. 647 crore for meet its growth projections backed by a healthy
the quarter, marginally exceeding its revenue for Order Book.

45 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

W o rksh o ps / S emi n ars
Challenges in Civil Engineering


ks i

ho m
p s/se
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) inaugurated initiatives taken by ICE to promote professionalism
its Chennai Chapter by organized guest lectures in civil engineers through various programmes.
on Challenges in Civil Engineering on August 30, KVR emphasized the need for HR initiatives, soft
2008. Mr. K. V. Rangaswami (KVR), President skill improvement and innovation and creativity in
(Operations) and Member of the Board, L&T and civil engineers to do challenging jobs.
Dr. A. Ramakrishna (AR), Former Deputy Managing
The keynote speakers Dr. N. Lakshamanan,
Director, L&T jointly inaugurated the chapter and
Director, Structural Engineering Research Centre,
kick-started the activity by lighting the lamp in the
Chennai and AR addressed the gathering on the
presence of special invitees.
theme “Challenges in Civil Engineering” They
Dr. B. S. Sarma, MICE, Country Representative – elaborated the importance of civil engineers in
Chennai, invited all the members and briefed the the scenario of extreme growth in construction

Civil engineers play a vital role in addressing

the issues like availability of land and good
construction materials, tackling natural hazards
and pollution standards, awareness of green
house construction practices, management of
explosive growth problems in urban cities, limited
understanding of new building materials and very
limited availability of skill manpower for execution.
Only with advanced structural analysis, design and
From left to right: Dr. N. Lakshamanan, Director, Structural
Engineering Research Centre, Chennai; Dr. A. Ramakrishna, construction practices and through the partnership
Former Deputy Managing Director, L&T; Mr. K. V. Rangaswami, of engineers, industry and government, these
President (Operations), L&T and Dr. B. S. Sarma, MICE, key issues can be resolved systematically, they
Country Representative – Chennai during the seminar added.

Four technical papers presented on

innovation in electrical works
Mr. Somayajulu, a M.Tech Engineer from IIT in IEEE’s website www.
Delhi, has made a research on “Power Quality
Improvement in Commercial Buildings using
He has also presented a
Custom Power Devices” and submitted the
thesis on “Application of
three “Technical Papers” on the subject to IEEE
a DSTATCOM, a Custom Power Device and a
(Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers),
special kind of transformer (Zig-zag Transformer)
the world's leading professional association for the
to compensate for the Power quality problems
advancement of technology. The papers, which
in Commercial loads” at the BIS Conclave held
were well appreciated and accepted by IEEE was
on August 30, 2008. ECC Concord wishes
presented by Mr. Somayajulu in the technical
Mr. Somayajulu to continue his innovation and
conference “TENCON 2008” held at Hyderabad
on November 19, 2008. All the papers are hosted

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 46

Workshop on precast technology in housing and infrastructure

CE - Chennai Chapter in association with Asian platforms, the use of Precast Prestressed Hollow


Concrete Construction Institute - Singapore core slabs, Industrialized method of construction ks i

ho m
and Larsen & Toubro Limited, ECC-Division for industrial buildings, Hong Kong Housing p s/se
organized a workshop on “precast technology in Projects & Japanese Construction Management.
housing and infrastructure – a global scenario”
Former Deputy Managing Director of L&T. Dr. A.
for urban development during September 24–26,
Ramakrishna, explained chronologically about
2008 at ECC Convention Centre, Chennai. The
the development works and application of precast
workshop provided an opportunity to discuss
technology adopted by L&T in various projects.
various innovative precast technology adopted for
He has stressed the need of taking forward the
infrastructure development in different countries.
precast technology in future with good detailing
The faculties of the workshop discussed in length practice which should be simple, efficient and
about how India is poised for huge infrastructural durable.
growth and so more in buildings, factories and
All the delegates visited L&T’s R&D Centre
infrastructure projects. The workshop focused more
to understand various on-going R&D works
on housing sector and the multi-storied buildings
applicable in the construction of different concrete
concept and precast concrete technology,
structures. At the end of the workshop, in the
demonstrated in countries like China, Honk
panel discussion, salient points were analysed
gong and Singapore to provide mass housing.
and it was concluded that it is the time ripe for
This technical workshop focused on precast
India to revive precast technology.
technology and its application in development of
urban housing and infrastructure. Dr. B. Sivarama Sarma, Head - R&D, L&T and ICE
Country Representative - Chennai organised and
The workshop has drawn the attention of many
co-ordinated the entire event for ICE.
senior executives and managers from L&T and
other companies in construction business. There
were about 20 technical sessions spanning two
and half days. Mr. K. V. Rangaswami, Patron, ICE
Chennai Chapter inaugurated the workshop and
released the workshop proceedings.

Prof. Devdos Menon and Dr. V.V. Nori, respectively

enumerated the fundamentals of materials,
structural members and the innovative precast
structural configurations which, were applied since
1960’s in the construction of various industrial and
infrastructures facilities in India.

Other eminent speakers from Asian Concrete

Construction Institute, Dr. Alfred A Yee, Dr Tony Chi,
Poul B Mork, and Tan Wee Teck have conducted
the workshop sessions covering various topics
like PC Modules; PC Drawings; PC Economy; PC
Components and Finishes; PC Colombo Example
Architecture and Structure, Design considerations
of composite precast and prestressed concrete
From left to right: Mr. K. V. Rangaswami, President
structures in seismic areas, Basic fundamentals,
(Operations), L&T and Dr. B. S. Sarma, MICE, Country
fabrication, erection, devices, connection details
Representative – Chennai and Mr. K.P. Raghavan,
and with sample structures, Ocean Thermal
Executive Vice President & Head (Divisional Corporate), L&T
Energy Conversion; Marine concrete barges and
during the inaugural day of the seminar

47 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Technical Paper on Underground LPG Storage Project
A technical paper entitled “A SUMMARY ON FIRST INDIAN CAVERN”
on Underground LPG storage cavern project at Visakhapatnam
was presented by Mr. S. Elangovan (DP BU - HQ) at World Tunnel
Congress (WTC) 2008 held at Agra during September 19-25,

This WTC 2008, organized by International Tunneling and

Underground Space Association (ITA) and Tunneling Association
of India (TAI) was the 34th in the series and held for the first time
in India.

The paper co-authored by Mr. K. Vijayabhaskar (HN BU – Topovan

Vishnugarh HEP) and Mr. K.S.R.K. Verma (HN BU – Faridabad)
highlighted the construction sequence, environment and safety
aspects. The presentation made Mr. S. Elangovan on September
23, 2008 was well received and appreciated by the international

Twin Recognition
Dr. K. Natarajan, Head – Engineering (TLRE Sector), has been invited
by College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, to serve
as member in Syllabus Committee for revising the curriculum and
syllabus of regulations 2009, for the PG programmes in M.E.(Structural
Engineering) and M.E. (Construction Engineering & Management).

He has also been invited to join the Board of Studies of Hindustan

University for a period of two years (2008-10). The board is responsible
for framing curriculum and syllabus for undergraduate/postgraduate
Engineering programmes.

ISO 9001: 2008 for MMH&W Operating Company

The Metallurgical, Material Handling & Water Non-EPC projects, Turnkey and Non-turnkey
(MMH&W) Operating Company of ECC has projects, Human Resources, Health, Safety and
qualified for ISO 9001:2008 Certification. Lloyd’s Environment, Plant & Machinery, Procurement,
Register Quality Assurance Limited (LRQA) QA/QC, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance
conducted the Quality Management System during the warranty period till December 28,
(QMS) audit. 2011 at the following business units and covers
their operations in Headquarters and the cluster
MMH&W OC of ECC is third in India to qualify for
LRQA’s Quality Management Systems certification
• Minerals & Metals
for the 2008 version.
• Bulk Material Handling
The QMS certificate is applicable to Strategic • Water & Effluent Treatment
Planning, Marketing, Tendering, Engineering,
This is a major step towards ‘attaining Global
Project Management, Management Information
Benchmark’ and accomplishing the vision of
Systems and Project Execution of EPC and
excellence in Quality Management System.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 48

P r o j ect News
Chandrayaan-1 Launch Successful

je c t N e w

L&T-made Equipment Engaged in Launch & Tracking

I ndia’s first mission to the moon was successfully

launched from the Sriharikota Space Port. India's
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C11 placed the
1380 kg Chandrayaan-I Spacecraft in an elliptical

While this is a historic moment for all Indians, it is a

special occasion of pride for L&T-ites as the Heavy
Engineering Division (HED) has been closely
involved with this effort.


The 44.4-metre, 316-tonne PSLV-C11 was rocketed

into orbit using S139 Motor Casings (Middle
segments MS58, MS60 & MS63) manufactured at
the Aerospace Shop of HED.

Electronic packages are mounted on upper stage

of PSLV-C11 and Heat Shield using honeycomb
deck panels. These honeycomb deck panels
are manufactured at L&T’s Advanced Composite
facility at Ranoli.


The spacecraft is being tracked using a Deep

Space Network Antenna at ISTRAC's tracking
facility near Bangalore. This 32 m dia antenna was
installed and commissioned by HED-Aerospace.
The Antenna Mount Structure and 13m-diameter
Bull Gear (made for the first time in India) were
also manufactured by HED-Aerospace.

PSLV-C11 was tracked by C-Band Precision

Monopulse Tracking Radar developed
indigenously by HED-Weapon Systems &
Sensors, up to a range of nearly 1300 km for 380
seconds. This radar was recently commissioned
at Satish Dhawan Space Centre-Sriharikota
and included in the Radar Tracking Network.

L&T-made radars performed the best among all

the SHAR radars.

49 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

L&T Knowledge City Vadodara’ Inaugurated

M r. A. M. Naik, Chairman & Managing Director

– Larsen & Toubro, inaugurated ‘Knowledge
City’ - a state-of-the-art engineering campus
mechanical design and analysis, process
evaluation and technology adaptation. The
facilities will provide a growth platform for a broad
at Vadodara on January 2, 2009. Located at range of knowledge-intensive businesses.
Waghodia, near Vadodara, ‘L&T Knowledge City’
The master plan for the L&T Knowledge City
extends across a 112-acre campus. The state-
envisages a pioneering initiative in setting up a
of-the-art engineering campus at Vadodara will
‘Institute of Project Management’. The Institute
meet the high-end design and engineering needs
of the hydrocarbon and power sectors. In the for Project Management will develop leading-
hydrocarbon space, it will cater to the needs of the edge project managers across the domains
upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, of engineering, procurement, construction
and in power, design support for complete and manufacturing. The faculty will comprise
projects. outstanding academics and project management
L&T expects to generate project exports revenue
of over Rs. 2000 crores within five years, and will L&T Knowledge City has been designed and built
provide employment to 4000 - 5000 technical to high environmental standards, incorporating
professionals in next four to five years. The technologically advanced systems for rainwater
new campus will leverage our nation’s strength harvesting, waste-water management and the
in engineering design, augment the country’s effective utilisation of solar energy.
technology base and will provide a cutting edge
L&T’s achievements in high-technology areas have
to project-related businesses. As an integrated
won the recognition of national and international
campus, ‘Knowledge City’ will enable L&T to
professional societies and research institutes, as
extend and further develop its existing capabilities
well as leading trade and industry associations.
in process engineering, product development,

L&T Knowledge City, Vadodara

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 50

New Runway Commissioned for Delhi International Airport
L&T has completed Delhi airport’s third airstrip - The runway construction involved 2.3 million metric
Asia’s longest at 4,430 metres and the trial run was cubes of earthwork and embankment filling. That
done on August 21, 2008. is enough to form a 210 km long freight train. The
runway is more than two metre thick, comprising
An Air India aircraft touched down the new runway
seven layers of filling, concrete-treated base and
without passengers. The runway lighting systems
over 650,000 tonnes of asphalt concrete. Eco-
are one of the most advanced in the world. A new
friendly methods like fly-ash in concrete and other
code F runway of 4.43 km is one of the longest in
cement-based material was used to construct
Asia and it is equipped with CAT III B ILS.
the runway and the taxiways. The new runway is
The new runway has an advanced instrument expected to nearly double the airport’s peak hour
landing system, which allows aircraft to land capacity from 35-40 aircraft movements currently
in visibility as low as 50 metres. DIAL upgraded to about 75. Currently, the two existing parallel
several new aircraft parking stands to meet this runways handle nearly 700 flights a day.

Completed portion of the runway with inset approach lights at Delhi International Airport

51 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

L&T Opens Construction Skills Training Institute at Panvel

M r. K.V. Rangaswami, Member of the Board

& President (Construction) inaugurated the
new facility for Construction Skills Training Institute
(CSTI) at Panvel near Mumbai on January 28,
2009 by unveiling the insignia plaque amidst many
special invitees. Mr. J. Ganguly, Head - Divisional
Strategic Services, ECC declared open the hostel
buildings by cutting a ribbon.

“All Construction Companies including Larsen &

Toubro (L&T), the largest construction organisation
in India is facing this shortage of trained and Mr. K.V. Rangaswami, Member of the Board & President
skilled manpower, which is plaguing the industry (Construction) unveiling the plaque during the inauguration of
Construction Skills Training Institute at Panvel near Mumbai.
as a whole,” said Mr. K.V. Rangaswami during the
inauguration function.

Recognising the risk faced by the industry due to during 2007-08 and L&T has set an ambitious
shortage of skilled workmen and to mitigate this target of training 10,000 youth annually by 2010
growing problem, L&T initiated necessary action by augmenting the infrastructure facilities in each
for skills development, way back in 1994-95 and location.
started the CONSTRUCTION SKILLS TRAINING In line with this thinking, L&T opened this new
INSTITUTE (CSTI) in Chennai followed by Panvel facility at CSTI Panvel and dedicated this to the
in Raigad District of Maharashtra, in 1996. nation in the interest of the Construction Industry
Subsequently, such Institutes were opened in five fraternity. Spread across 10 acres of land, this
other locations in 2005 – Bangalore, Ahmedabad, new facility with all necessary infrastructure can
Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad. impart training to 400 youth at a time in various
All these Institutes impart a structured system construction skills.
of training through its modular training schools Presently CSTI Panvel imparts training in the
with well defined infrastructure and curricula, following Construction trades and intends to add
testing and certification. The entire programme more trades in a phased manner.
is accredited by National Council for vocational
1. System Formwork Carpentry
Training (NCVT), New Delhi.
2. Bar Bending & Steel Fixing
Going ahead CSTIs have trained more than 2000
candidates during 2006-07 and 3700 candidates 3. Masonry [ Brick works & Block works]

4. Welder [Structural]

5. Welder [Piping]

KVR highlighted and commended that no such

parallel facility exist of this kind in India. While also
mentioning that this facility would not only train a
pool of skilled workers - very much required for the
business and industry, he also highlighted this to
be a very good CSR initiative of L&T ECC.

He reiterated the 5 M’s that are required for any

project – material, men, money, machinery and
Mr. J. Ganguly, Head - Divisional Strategic Services management. Emphasizing the intervention on the
inaugurating the hostel building by cutting the ribbon. men aspect – productivity of workmen was seen

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 52

as the critical issue. In order to improve this area it • Trainee screening hall
was found that in Singapore, one such good model • Library cum reading hall
existed there. With the help of the Henry Boot, UK • Conference room
team, who helped us with sound syllabus, this was • Staff room
initiated in Chennai which for all purpose was a
• Toilet blocks for staff and trainees
mother institution. In the recent past, creation of
• Open court yards
one CSTI centre at each region meant taking right
steps in this direction, he added.
Hostel Building
Highlighting Panvel’s excellent facility he urged
Comprising of ground plus three stories (total
that this quantum jump in infrastructure – both in
built up area of 1930 sq.m - 20,700 sq.ft), the
terms of quality and quantity is worth emulating
hostel building can accommodate a total of 416
candidates. This consists of:
Earlier, Mr. M. Ramesh Mohan, Regional Manager • 1
 04 rooms on sharing basis for 4 persons in
(Mumbai) welcomed the gathering. each room
Mr. S. Natarajan, Head – CSTI made a brief • Warden room
presentation on the highlights of the facilities of • Office room
Panvel. • Toilet blocks in each floor

Mr. S.K. Bansal, Head of CSI, training faculties, • 148 seat capacity dining hall with kitchen
Regional Managers and other special invitees • Open court yards
including the project managers from Mumbai
project sites participated in the inaugural function.
They also spent time to address issues as well as
effecting the right steps so as to taking the right
initiatives for this trained youth to be inducted
into the main workmen stream, and to work with
the subcontractors at our own project sites. All
delegates also participated in tree plantation
session as a part of greening the environment.

Institute Administrative Building

C omprising of ground plus one storey (total

built up area of 1600 sq.m - 17000 sq.ft), this
building has facilities for all administrative and
Trade Practice – Open yards

To provide hands on experience training in

utility services involving:
systems formwork, bar bending & steel fixing
• 9 class rooms each of 32 seats
including masonry (brick & block works) a total
• Trade’s display hall of 10500 sq.m (1.13 lakh sq.ft) of open area has
been earmarked. This also accommodates 24 bar
bending work tables and 70 t of system formwork
materials to impart training in System Formwork
Carpentry trade.

Trade Practice – Covered sheds

There is a 680 sq.m (7300 sq.ft) area of covered

sheds with facilities for:
• Carpentry workshop
• Re bar cutting / bending workshop
• Welders training workshop
Institute Administrative Building

53 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

A wards

Structural Steel Design Award for Kensington Oval Stadium,

I n the 40th Structural Steel Design Awards Dinner
2008 sponsored by the British Constructional
Steelwork Association, a commendation certificate
to prove drip line cover and shade to all stand’s
inhabitants, whilst maintaining column free views.
To achieve this, the canopy unites the radial grid
was presented for the roofing work done by us of the lower tiers with the orthogonal grid of the
at “The Worrell Weekes and Walcott Stand” at box levels through the use of steel cantilevered
Kensington Oval Stadium, Barbados. This was truss frames, which vary in depth in response to
the only project selected from outside of the the spanning requirements.
former British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales and
While awarding the commendation certificate for the
Kensington Oval Stadium, judges commented that
The objective of the award is to recognize the “This is a good planning response to updating this
high standards of structural and architectural hallowed cricket ground. It is gives an enhanced
design attainable in the use of British steel and its sense of place in the town, whilst retaining much of
potential in terms of efficiency, cost effectiveness, the former character. The design copes well with
aesthetics and innovation. the many issues of climate, function and economy.
The UK prefabricated steelwork addresses the
The Worrell, Weekes and Walcott Stand is the
complex geometry and yet was constructed in the
largest and most ambitious structure and provides
relatively unsophisticated local built environment.
seating for 4000 spectators in two radial tiers
The challenges were answered well and the
surrounding the ground, as well as housing the
internal work handled successfully.”
president’s suite and VIP boxes. The design
concept is derived from the necessity to provide Mr. Miles F Weekes, Chief Facilities Development
uninterrupted column free views of the cricket in Officer of World Cup Barbados Inc received this
a light and comfortable atmosphere. The stand certificate on L&T’s behalf at a function held at the
combines reinforced concrete for the stand Victoria and Albert Museum in London, UK on July
structure with lightweight steel framing for the roof 8, 2008.
canopy. The main canopy cantilevers up to 25m

The Worrell Weekes and Walcott Stand at Kensington Oval Stadium, Barbados.
ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 54
Awards Galore for Best Safety Practices in Quarry Operations

T o give due recognition to outstanding safety

performance, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India
instituted National Safety Awards (Mines) in 1983
Nadu – Kerala state Mines Safety Association
under the aegis of the Director General of Mines
Safety visited around 150 stone quarries in Salem

and during August every year on the basis of Zone during August 2008 and evaluated the safety
outstanding performance, National Safety Awards performance.
(Mines) are presented to various mines in different
Accordingly, two ECC quarries at Boothanahalli
and Karadidihalli attached to Krishnagiri - Thopur
Based on the best mining practices adopted in Toll Road (KTRP) project in Tamil Nadu were
terms of overall performance, supervision, welfare selected for awards in eight different categories as
and medical facilities to the workmen, handling, follows:
usage & storage of explosives, safety measures, The prizes were given away by Mr. B.P. Ahuja,
etc., quarries were selected and awards are Director of Mines Safety, Chennai region during
presented. The safety inspection team of Tamil the valedictory function held at Madhuker Mines,
Trichy on 31st August 2008.

Description Prize Quarries

1 Standard of Supervision First Karadidihalli
2 Standard of Supervision Second Boothanahalli
3 Welfare amenities & Medical facilities Second Karadidihalli
4 Blasting, Storage & Use of Explosives First Boothanahalli
5 Standard of Transport & Workshop Second Karadidihalli
6 Use of Personal protective equipments First Karadidihalli
7 Over all performance First Karadidihalli
8 Over all performance Second Boothanahalli

M/s Srinivas, Ravindran and Lakshminaryan receing the prizes from the Director of Mines Safety, Mr. B.P. Ahuja

55 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

ECC bags Two Awards at the 6th Annual
Construction World Awards 2008
• Largest & Most Profitable Construction Company in India (First Rank)
• One of India’s Top Ten Most Admired Construction Companies

O ne of India’s largest circulated construction

business magazines, Construction World,
honoured ECC, L&T’s Construction Division
with two prestigious awards for excellence in

Mr.V.B. Gadgil, Senior Vice President & Head

Electrical & Gulf Projects Operating Company,
received the Awards from Mr. Anil Deshmukh,
Minister of Public Works, Government of
Maharashtra at a glittering function held at Taj
Land’s End in Bandra, Mumbai on October 24,

Constituted by ASAPP Media, the Construction

World Awards recognized the exceptional work Mr.V.B. Gadgil, Sr. Vice President & Head (Electrical &
done by Construction Companies and felicitated Gulf Projects Operating Company) receiving the award
the achievers and industry leaders in the field. from Mr. Anil Deshmukh, Minister of Public Works, Govt. of

Overseas Prize for the Technical Paper on LPG Cavern

The Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, The cavern in Visakhapatnam, India is one of the
UK has conferred Overseas Prize Award for world’s deepest and Asia’s biggest underground
the technical paper submitted on underground liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage project.
LPG storage cavern project in Visakhapatnam, The paper highlighted the significance and
Andhra Pradesh. This paper authored by M/s. complexity of the facility, basic principles of
N. Raghavan, S.R.K.V. Kosuri, K.V. Bhaskar, P. storage, engineering & design aspects, various
de Laguerie, P. Roux, P. Vaskou and A. Saint was phases of construction work, quality, health, safety
published in by Thomas Telford, UK in the journal and environmental aspects. The sequence and
“Energy”. methods adopted to construct diaphragm walls
for the fore-shafts, sinking for the rock-shafts,
installation of water curtain tunnel and excavation
for the main storage cavern are detailed in the paper.
Special features of the project like construction
methodologies, achievements, critical success
factors and advantages of having such projects
are presented interestingly with diagram, sketches
and photographs.

Mr. N. Raghavan, former Vice President & Head

(H&N), L&T received the award at a ceremony held
in the Great Hall at the ICE Campus at London on
Mr. N. Raghavan, former Vice President & Head (H&N), L&T receiving the award October 24, 2008.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 56

ECC Wins the Ultratech Award for Technology Centre-II
(Building) of L&T Infotech, Chennai

T he Indian Concrete Institute (Tamil Nadu

Chapter) awarded the prestigious ‘Ultratech
Award for Outstanding Concrete Structure of
Tamil Nadu – 2008’ to ECC, for the design and
construction of Technology Centre (TC–II) of L&T
Infotech at ECC campus, Chennai.

The award which recognizes most outstanding

and innovative structures built using concrete was Mr.S. Kanappan, Vice
received by Mr. S. Kanappan, Vice President & President & Head
Head - EDRC during the concrete day celebrations – EDRC, B&F OC
in Chennai on September 13, 2008. receiving the award.
TC-II of L&T Infotech, Chennai was selected for
its unique state of the art technological features,
implemented for the first time in India, like the concreting in the construction of the large sized
use of self compacting concrete for the entire fin walls.
superstructure, expanded polystyrene blocks Amongst others, the concrete day celebration
embedded in prestressed concrete floor slabs was attended by leading Engineers, Architects,
to reduce dead weight and the use of bottom up Builders and Consultants.

Outstanding Concrete Structure Award for Passenger Terminal

Building at Hyderabad Airport
The Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) at Rajiv L&T was felicitated with Certificate of
Gandhi International Airport has been recognised Commendation and a Trophy at a function held
as “Outstanding Concrete Structure of Andhra at Hotel Grand Kaktiya on September 27, 2008.
Pradesh - 2008” by Indian Concrete Institute Mr. A.K. Chugh, Regional Manager (Hyderabad)
(Andhra Pradesh Chapter) received the award.

L&T has designed and built the PTB, which

can handle 12 million passengers per annum.
Dedicated futures of this seven-level integrated
PTB include unique concept of airport village,
130 check-in desks with CUTE and 16 self check-
in kiosks, 46 immigration counters for quick
processing, in-line baggage handling system
with level-4 security system - a first of its kind in
India. The total built-up area of the PTB is 1.17
million sq.ft and special features of construction
like Kalzip roof sheeting, temple leafs for tapping
natural light with great aesthetics and bull-nose Mr. A.K. Chugh, Regional Manager (Hyderabad) receiving
cladding surrounding was used. the award.

57 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

L&T Scores Hat-trick - Forbes Asia’s ‘Fabulous 50’
L &T has made it to the coveted Forbes Asia’s
‘Fabulous 50’ for the third year in a row.
Forbes Asia’s Fabulous 50 is a selection of the
best of Asia’s biggest listed companies. Criteria
include long-term profitability, sales and earnings
Mr. R. N. Mukhija (President – Electrical &
growth, and projected earnings for companies
Electronics), L&T received the coveted award on
with revenues or market capitalization of at least
behalf of the company at a glittering ceremony in
$5 billion. The list recognises the excellence of the
Shanghai on December 9, 2008.
business models pursued by the companies and
marks them out as leaders in their fields.

Forbes is an American publishing and media

company with global coverage, and carries articles
on issues, trends, events and the personalities that
shape the business world today and will determine
the future. It is well-known for drawing up lists
based on several critical criteria.

L&T is one of just ten Indian companies to feature

on the ‘Fabulous 50’ list. The others are Bharat
Heavy Electricals, Bharti Airtel, HDFC Bank, ITC,
Infosys, Mahindra & Mahindra, Reliance, Tata Steel
and Wipro (in alphabetical order).
Mr. R.N. Mukhija, President (Electrical & Electronics), L&T
(in the centre) with the award.

Chairman’s Rolling Trophy for ECC’s “IT EFFECTIVENESS”

Information System Department of ECC bagged Total Cost of Ownership, and Service & Support
the First Chairman’s Rolling Trophy for “IT on a rating scale of 5.
EFFECTIVENESS 2008” formulated by L&T
ISD-ECC emerged the winner for best “IT
Corporate IT. Nominations were sought from all
EFFECTIVESS” for its various IT applications and
operating divisions and the evaluation was based
initiatives. Mr. Anantha Sayana, Head, Corporate
on Alignment, Value & Benefits, Risk Management,
IT, in his congratulatory note to President
(Construction), Mr. K.V. Rangaswami mentioned
“Your support and the effective participation of
the business in all the IT initiatives of ECC is a key
factor for this success besides the great work that
Mr. B. Srinivasan and his team have done.”

Mr. A.M. Naik, Chairman & Managing Director,

L&T, presented the award to Mr. B.Srinivasan,
Head, ISD-ECC at a glittering function on February
9, 2009, in the presence of CMC members, senior
business leaders and IT teams from ODs.

The award further endorses ECC’s progress

Mr. B. Srinivasan, Head-ISD and his team receiving and hard work in making EIP a success story in
the award from Mr. A.M. Naik, CMD, L&T achieving value to the construction business.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 58

L&T is ‘Best for Investor Relations’: Asiamoney
L&T-ite voted ‘Best Investor Relations Officer’

L &T’s Investor Relations function has bagged

a double honour. Asiamoney, the prestigious
Hong Kong based financial magazine, recently
conducted a poll on corporate governance in which
L&T was voted the ‘Best for Investor Relations’ in
India, and Mr. Pramod Kapoor, General Manager,
Investor Relations, L&T as the ‘Best Investor
Relations Officer’.

Asiamoney is widely read by analysts, equity and companies that have done the most to improve
fund managers and finance ministry officials investor relations over the last year. Respondents
across Asia. Respondents comprising CEOs, were also asked who they considered the best
CFOs, research heads and other senior finance Investor Relations Officer in the country. Across
personnel from leading Asian corporates were all these criteria, an overwhelming majority of
asked to rank companies on a number of stringent respondents voted L&T as the best.
criteria including: companies that were the most
pro-active in enhancing their profile in the market; The poll results are an affirmation of L&T’s deeply
the best in communicating with shareholders and entrenched values, ethical practices and corporate
providing investor access to senior management; governance practices.

L&T bags KPMG-Infrastructure Today Award

M anagement consultancy firm KPMG and
leading infrastructure news magazine
Infrastructure Today ranked L&T as the most
admired infrastructure company in India, and
presented it the prestigious KPMG-Infrastructure
Today Award 2008.

Mr. K. R. Palta, Vice President (Corporate Affairs),

L&T, received the award from Dr. Montek Singh
Ahluwalia, Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission,
Govt. of India, at a function in New Delhi on
December 10, 2008.

KPMG is a globally reputed firm that provides

audit, tax, and advisory services in 148 countries.
Infrastructure Today is published by the Mumbai-
based ASAPP Media Information Group, which
also brings out well-known periodicals like
Construction World, and Projects Info.

KPMG and ASAPP Media teamed up to Mr. K.R. Palta, Vice President (Corporate Affairs), L&T receiving
recognise the contribution and role of players in the award from Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Dy. Chairman,
the infrastructure sectors by instituting annual Planning Commission, Govt. of India.

59 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Padma Bhushan for Mr. A. M. Naik

L &T’s Chairman & Mr. Naik is the second L&T-ite to be honoured

Managing Director, with the Padma Bhushan. L&T’s co-founder,
Mr. A. M. Naik was Mr. Henning Holck-Larsen received the Padma
conferred one of the Bhushan in 2002.
country’s most coveted
honours – the Padma

The prestigious
Honours List released
by the President of India on Republic Day 2009 bore
Mr. Naik’s name, citing his contribution to Indian
industry, and the role that the Company played in
nation building. On receiving the intimation from
the President’s office, Mr. Naik chose to share
the national honour with the employees of the
Company, and said:

“Leading a company that is helping to build the

nation is a matter of pride in itself. To receive high
national recognition for this service is indeed
heartening. It will be my privilege to accept the
Padma Bhushan on behalf of all the employees of
the Company for whom the L&T story is always
interwoven with the larger interests of India.”

Mr.A.M. Naik flanked by the Board Members at the felicitation function held at Powai, Mumbai.
ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 60
Mr. A. M. Naik - Business Leader of the Year
Receives Award from the Prime Minister
On Saturday, January 17, 2009 at an eagerly
awaited function attended by a galaxy of corporate
chieftains, L&T’s Chairman & Managing Director,
Mr. A. M. Naik, received the prestigious Economic
Times – Business Leader of the Year Award from
the Prime Minster of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

It was an occasion made even more special,

because after being postponed in the wake of the
Mumbai terror attacks, it was held at the same
venue – The Trident, Mumbai, which was one of
the targets of the terror attacks.

Accepting the award, Mr. Naik said: “This is one of

the proudest moments for the whole company, for
I believe that the CMD and the company are two
sides of the same coin.”

Other award winners included: E. Sreedharan,

MD, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (Policy Change Mr. A.M. Naik
& CEO, ICICI Prudential (Business Woman of the
Agent of the Year); Kamal Nath, Union Commerce receiving the Business
Year); Ashok Ganguly, Former Chairman, HLL
& Industry Minister (Business Reformer of the Leader Award from
(Lifetime Achievement Award); and Tata Steel
Year); Arun Sarin, Former CEO, Vodafone Group Hon’ble Prime Minister
(Company of the Year). Dr. Manmohan Singh.
(Global Indian of the Year); Shikha Sharma, MD

Mr. A. M. Naik conferred Transformational Leader Award

In recognition of the pivotal role played by Mr.
A. M. Naik, Chairman & Managing Director, in
sustaining L&T’s unique ethos and upholding its
professional value system, the Indian Merchants’
Chamber and the Asian Centre for Corporate
Governance & Sustainability (ACCGS) conferred
him with their prestigious ‘Transformational Leader
Award – 2008’.

The award was presented at the 9th International

Conference on Governance, Sustainability &
Corporate Citizenship jointly organised by Indian
Merchants’ Chamber and the ACCGS in Mumbai
on November 20, 2008. Present on the occasion
was Mr. Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive, Global ACCGS is a non-profit institution set up in 2001 Mr. A.M. Naik receiving
Reporting Initiative (GRI), Amsterdam – the with a mission to improve corporate governance the Transformational
organization that virtually sets the international practices in Asia. Leader Award.
standard for sustainability reporting guidelines. Incidentally, Mr Naik has launched the maiden
The awards committee was chaired by Ms. Chanda edition of L&T’s Corporate Sustainability Report
Kochhar – Joint MD, ICICI Bank. on November 26, 2008.

61 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08

Mr. A.M. Naik Conferred Gujarat’s Highest State Honour -
‘Gujarat Garima Award’
L &T’s Chairman & Managing Director, Mr. A. M.
Naik, received Gujarat’s highest state honour
– the Gujarat Garima Award (‘Pride of Gujarat’)
The award acquires special significance in view
of the fact that Mr. Naik has risen from a humble
school-teacher’s family in rural Gujarat to the
– presented by the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. highest echelons of corporate leadership. In a
Narendra Modi. glowing speech, Mr. Modi recalled Mr. Naik’s
outstanding contribution to the uplift of rural Gujarat
The award – a shawl, a citation and a memento –
and his role in the development of the state. Mr.
was presented on January 12, 2009 – the inaugural
Modi also invited Mr. Naik’s wife, Mrs. Geeta Naik,
day of the ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ exhibition held at
to the dais, and complimented her for her role in
Ahmedabad. The award was presented in the
facilitating Mr. Naik’s numerous achievements.
presence of a galaxy of state
ministers, diplomats, visiting In his acceptance speech, Mr. Naik said this
state guests, dignitaries from award carried special emotional value as it came
around 40 countries, senior from his birthplace, Gujarat. Mr. Naik said this
government officials, business high recognition to the son of a middle-class
leaders and over ten thousand teacher and grandson of a Gold Medalist primary
people. teacher would be a source of encouragement to
the youngsters of today. He quoted from the L&T
The citation highlighted Mr.
Anthem which dwells on the debt that we owe
Naik’s philanthropy and his
to the land our birth, and spoke about the key
contribution to several social
projects executed by L&T in Gujarat.
initiatives, in Gujarat as well
as in other parts of India, Earlier recipients of the Gujarat Garima Award
and his achievements as a include business leaders like Mr. Ratan Tata,
professional in transforming Mr.Mukesh Ambani, and eminent personalities in
L&T into an engineering the fields of social work, and philanthrophy.
Mr. A.M. Naik accepting the shawl from powerhouse.
Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat.

Mr. A. M. Naik bags E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Mr. A.M. Naik, Chairman & Managing Director,
L&T has added another feather to his cap. He was
honoured with the coveted E&Y Entrepreneur of
the Year Award in the professional category by
Ernst & Young at a function held in Mumbai on
November 26, 2008.

The winners for the awards, which are now in the

10th year, was selected by an eminent six-member
jury, chaired by ICICI Bank Managing Director
and CEO, Mr. K. V. Kamath. There were over 291
The Ernst & Young Award has become a symbol
nominations received this year, the highest since
and measure of entrepreneurial success around
the awards were launched in 1999.
the world. Originated in Northern America, it has
Mr. Naik received the award from the Chairman & now spread into a movement that is celebrated
Global CEO of Earst & Young, Mr. James Turley. across 135 cities in 50 countries.

ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08 62

Mr. A.M. Naik releases
L&T’s First Corporate Sustainability Report

L &T’s first Corporate Sustainability Report

for 2007-08 was released by Mr. A. M. Naik,
Chairman & Managing Director, in Mumbai. It
Social parameters. Reporting can go a long way in
satisfying stakeholders’ demands for transparency
on corporate responsibility.
communicates L&T’s sustainability performance to
all its stakeholders and will help in benchmarking
with international peers.

This is the first corporate sustainability report to

be brought out by an engineering & construction
company in India. It is a matter of pride for all L&T-
ites that the report secured the highest rating of
‘A+’ given by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),

Releasing the report, Mr. Naik remarked that like the

smiling girl on its cover, we would like to see smiles
on the faces of our shareholders. “For this we need
to put extra efforts to improve performance, reduce
costs, and create higher shareholder value,” he

Sustainability reports disclose a company’s

Mr. A.M. Naik, CMD, L&T releasing the first copy of
performance on Economic, Environmental and ‘Corporate Sustainability Report’.

L&T bags FICCI Award for Outstanding Corporate Vision

I n recognition of the outstanding contribution to
the development of Indian industry and society,
the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
operations was produced for the occasion. FICCI
was established in 1927 as a central organisation
of industry, trade and commerce in India. Now
& Industry (FICCI) has honoured L&T with its it has a nationwide membership of over 1500
Annual Award 2007-08 for ‘Outstanding Corporate corporates and over 500 chambers of commerce
Vision’. and business associations.

L&T bagged the award in the category of the

Corporate Triple Impact – Business Performance:
Social & Environmental Action and Globalisation.
Mr. R. N. Mukhija, President (Electrical &
Electronics), and Board Member, L&T, received the
award from Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Union Minister
for External Affairs and Finance, at the inaugural
session of FICCI’s 81st Annual General Meeting in
New Delhi on February 12, 2009.

A 30-second film highlighting L&T’s business

performance, its contribution to community
service and its achievements in globalizing its
Mr. R.N. Mukhija, President (Electrical & Electronics),
L&T receiving the award from Mr. Pranab Mukherjee,
Union Minister for External Affairs and Finance. 63 ECC Concord | Oct - Dec 08
Printed by Universal Print Systems Ltd., Chennai, Edited by Mr. V.S. Ramana for Larsen & Toubro Limited - ECC Division, from ECC-HQ,
Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the management of Larsen & Toubro
Limited. The contents of this magazine should not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor. Not for sale. Only for circulation
among the employees, business associates and customers of ECC, L&T’s Construction Division.

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