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The Skaven Undercity for Warhammer Quest

by T. Jordan "Greywolf" Peacock

With Additions by Dean “BugNutz” Chambers


The Undercities of the Warhammer World were all originally created and settled by the Skaven. They are
places of darkness, violence, dred and death. The Skaven thrive on such things. But they also know the
value of trade. A traveler will find any number of places that welcome any of the creatures of Chaos and
Evil. Bands of Chaos Warriors roam the caverns. Beastmen huddle in filth sodden enclaves. Dark Elves
find refuge from the day between raids on the weak humans. Chaos Dwarves find ample employment
digging and exploring in the musty tunnels. Even the minions of the undead are occasionally seen
wandering the labyrinth.

It is truly not the place for citizen of good to be found. The denizens of these evil settlements have no use
for such folk and will take great pleasure in their demise. It is a dangerous place for those that “belong” let
alone the inhabitants of the upper world. Non-evil Warriors would not dare enter the realm of the Undercity
without a small army for support. Thus, the only Warriors allowed to enter are Skaven, Chaos, Dark Elf,
Chaos Dwarf, and Undead.


Only Skaven and other creatures of evil will actively search for a Skaven Undercity. Those who know what
to look for can find an Undercity near any surface settlement. The Undercity will be the same size as the
settlement above and takes the same number of weeks to find. If there are Warriors that may visit the
surface settlement as well as the Skaven Undercity, those Warriors must choose which they will enter. They
may not enter one, then the other. If they leave the one they choose, either voluntarily or not, they must wait
outside until the other Warriors are finished.

All rules for Settlement activities, including Buying Equipment, Selling Treasure, and Finding Special
Locations, apply in the Skaven Undercity.

There are the same basic merchants in the Undercities as there are in Surface Settlements. There wares
are somewhat more attuned to the fashions and preferences of their evil inhabitants, however. To reflect
this, the Cost to Sell is split into two sections. The first is the Selling price in the Undercity, the second is the
Selling Cost in a Surface Settlement. Most of the time the Surface price is much lower. Occasionally, the
items worth to Surface Dwellers is more, reflecting the Items superiority to a like item found in a Surface

Legend: S = Skaven, C = Chaos Warriors, B = Beastmen, D = Chaos Dwarf, E = Dark Elf, U = Undead
Clan Skryre ArmourSmith
Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
Rat Ogre Hide X X X 4 60 30 10 +1 Toughness.
Giant Rat Furs X X X X X X 3 300 75 15 +1 Toughness. May be worn
in addition to Chainmail or
Light armour in which case –1
Adamantium Chain X X X X X 6 700 200 350 +2 Toughness
Adamantium Plate X X X X X 8 5000 1500 2500 +3 Toughness
and Chain
Adamantium Plate X X X X X 10 9000 3000 5000 +4 Toughness
Shield X X X X X X 4 300 75 15 +1 Toughness, while using
shield Warrior cannot use
bow or Two Handed Weapon
Great Shield X X X X X 9 550 150 50 +2 Toughness; -1 Movement,
-1 all to hit rolls, while using
Great Shield Warrior cannot
use Bow or Two Handed
Rat Ogre Skull X X X X 4 100 12 1 +1 Toughness
Open Helm X X X X X X 7 500 150 30 +1 Toughness
War Helm X X X X X 9 1000 350 70 +2 Toughness

Clan Skryre WeaponSmith

Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
Dagger X X X X X X 4 75 20 10 Str 1, Hand to Hand or
Missle. May retreive once all
monsters are dead
Sword X X X X X X 5 200 15 5 Normal Damage (S + D6)
Adamantium Sword X X X X X X 7 700 50 200 Str +1 Plus D6
Axe X X X X X X 4 150 15 5 Normal Damage (S + D6)
Adamantium Battle X X X 8 600 40 300 +2 Strength. Two Handed.
Throwing Axe X X X X 7 300 35 15 +1 Str. Thrown like Dagger
Spear X X X X X 8 200 20 5 Missle or Hand to Hand. +1
Init in 1st round. May attack in
ranks. If missile BS is 4+
Adamantium Mace X X X X X X 8 500 50 250 On to hit of Natural 6, +1D6
Adamantium Flail X X X X X X 10 500 150 300 +2 Strength, -1 to Hit.
Halberd X X X X X 7 250 75 20 +1 Strength, -2 Init, Two
Handed, Attack in 2 Ranks
Clan Moulder Animal Trader
Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
Giant Pack Rat X X X X X X 5 150 90 0 Cuts one week off of journey.
Increases living expenses by
1. Roll D6 Before leaving
Dungeon. On a 1 or 2, Rat
runs away.
Giant Rat Team X X X X X X 7 250 70 0 Team comes with small Cart.
The cart can carry up to Two
Warriors and gear, reducing
travel time by one week. Roll
a D6 before leaving Dungeon.
On a 1 the Giant Rat Team is
eaten by a wandering
Docile Rat Ogre X X X X X X 12 500 100 100 This Rat Ogre has produce
the rare “Docility” gene. The
only thing he is good for now
is a Pack Animal. Although
still fierce by most standards
he does not fit the typical Rat
Ogre Mold for ferocity. He
will cut One Week from the
owner’s journey. He will fight
on the Warriors side in
Events that require combat,
and counts as a warrior when
rolling for a random warrior or
adding a dice for each
warrior. He will not follow the
Warrior into the Dungeon.
Before leaving the Dungeon
roll 1D6: On a roll of 1, the
Rat Ogre eats a random pack
animal. If there are no pack
animals, he wanders off.
Also, while the Rat Ogre is
outside the Dungeon. Other
Pack animals will stay put.
Disregard any rolls they
would ordinarily need before
leaving the Dungeon.
Skaven General Store
Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
1D3 Shineys X X X X X X 7 50 D6X10 0 Shineys can be given up for
any Event that requires a
piece of treasure or Gold.
When given, roll a D6. On a
4,5,or 6, the Shiney is
accepted instead.
Warpstone Lucky X X X X X X 13 500 100 250 Warpstone is a fickle thing.
Charm Every time the Stone is used,
roll 2D6.
2 – Bearer looses 1
Permanent Wound
3-6 – Nothing Happens
7-11 – Works as a Luck
12 – Bearer gains 1
Permanent Wound
1D6 Bandages X X X X X X 7 50ea 5 0 As per Bandages in Roleplay
1D6 Spoiled Meats X X X X 5 50ea 0 0 These meats are aged to
Skaven perfection. They will
heal 2 Wounds each. Spoiled
Meats are good for only 1
Rope X X X X X X 5 30 5 0 Same as Rope in Roleplay


Temple Pestilen

The Temple of Clan Pestilen is a foul and brooding place. Noxious vapors drift from its recesses. None but
Skaven are allowed entry to the temple to pray to the Horned Rat and be attended to by the Monks of
Plague. It is an easy rule to enforce for none but Skaven would desire entry into the Temple of Pestilen.

To gain entry, the Skaven Warrior must pay 1d6X50 gold in tribute to the Horned Rat. Roll 2d6 on the
following chart:

2 The Horned Rat is not pleased by your actions. His mighty clawed hand appears from above and
smites you down. Roll 1D6 on the following chart:
1 You lose 1d6 permanent Wounds
2 You lose 1 Strength
3 You lose 1 Toughness
4 You lose 1 Weapon Skill
5 You lose 1 Ballistic Skill
6 You lose all of your remaining gold
3—4 The Horned Rat is not listening today
5 You are bestowed with +1 Toughness for the next adventure
6 You are bestowed with +1 Strength for the next adventure
7 The Horned Rat smiles upon you and gifts you with +1 Weapon Skill for the next adventure
8 The Glory of the Horned Rat envelopes you. You are at +1 Attack for the next adventure
9 The Horned Rat blesses your weapon. One weapon of your choice will ignore armor for the next
10 The Monks of Plague teach you to call upon the powers of the Horned Rat in Combat. You gain the
Frenzy Special Ability. On a Roll of a 6 when monsters are placed, you gain +2 Attacks for that
11 The Monks bestow you with a gift for your hard work in furthering the Horned Rat’s cause. A bright
and shiney Plague Censer. The weapon gives you +2 to Strength. The contents of the Censure
create a “Fog of Death”. In addition every adjacent model takes 2 Wounds with no modifiers.
Furthermore, the Warrior and all adjacent models are –1 to Hit with Missle Fire because of the Fog.
The contents of the Censer will last for one adventure. A visit to the Temple Pestilens in any
Undercity will replenish the weapon for free. You may not receive this gift again, unless you loose
the Plague Censer in some fashion.
12 The Horned Rat greatly appreciates your deeds in the Skaven name. Roll on the following chart:
1 You gain 1d6 Permanent Wounds
2 You gain 1 Strength
3 You gain 1 Toughness
4 You gain 1 Weapon Skill
5 You gain 1 Ballistic Skill
6 Your Gold is doubled

Clan Skryre University

The Skryre University trains and houses the Engineers of the Skaven race. A Grey Seer of some merit rules
each university. To the Seers, it is the greatest honor to be appointed as head of a Skryre University. Non
Skaven are allowed into the University to purchase the wares of the Engineers and Warlocks.

Clan Skryre GunSmith

Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
Brace of Pistols (2) X X X 8 3000 600 300 Same as Roleplay Book
Musket X X X 10 2000 700 200 Same as Roleplay Book
Warplock Pistol X X 11 3000 1000 2000 Needs Gunpowder and shot.
Str 8. One turn reload.
Range 6 Squares
Warplock Rifle X X X 13 6000 2000 3500 Needs Gunpowder and shot.
Str 10. One turn reload.
Range 12 squares
Gunpowder X X X 4 100 0 0 Enough gunpowder for one
Shot X X X 4 100 0 0 Enough shot for one
Warpshot X X X 8 500 0 0 Ignores Armor. Enough shot
for one adventure
Warrior Cost Cost
Equipment S C B D E U Stock (Buy) (Sell) Special Rules
WarpFire Sprayer X 10 10000 4000 6000 Requires Warpfire. Covers 2
squares in a straight line.
Damage is 2d6+BL. On a
natural roll of 2, the Sprayer
misfires. Roll 1d6:
1-4 Kaboom! The sprayer
explodes causing 3d6
wounds to every model in the
room. Roll 1D6 for every
other sprayer/thrower. On a
1 or 2 it blows up too.
5-6 Click-Whoosh! The
sprayer backfires, causing
2d6 Wounds on its weilder.
Warpfire X 10 1000 0 0 Enough Warpfire for one
1d6 Poison Wind X 8 50 10 0 Covers a 2X2 Area each
Globes model in area suffer 1d3
Wounds with no Modifiers.
Skaven and Warriors roll
D6+T to save all wounds.

The Warlock’s Guild

Only Warlocks and Seers are permitted into this area of the University. This is were they train, experiment,
and take refuge. Tribute to the Seer must be paid at the entrance to the guild in the sum of 1d6X50 Gold.

Audience with the Seer

The Warlock may attempt to gain an audience with the Seer once per visit to the Warlock’s Guild.
Roll a D6. On a 4, 5, or 6, the Seer is willing to condescend and grant audience. Roll 2D6 on the
following chart:
2 The Seer becomes angered that you would waste his time with such trivial matters. He points a
clawed finger at you and bolt of Warp Lightning renders you unconscious. You wake in the
brush outside the Undercity. You also feel a bit less powerful. Reduce your PW by one
3 The Seer listens to you, stares at you with his cold red eyes, then summarily dismisses you.
4 The Grey Seer recharges all of your Power holding Items to their full value. (Exception: If you
have the crystal from Item 7 of this chart, follow its particular rules for recharging) If you have
no power holding Items, re-roll this result.
5 You are given a Warpstone crystal containing 6 Power. When the Power is exhausted, the
crystal crumbles into worthless dust.
6 Seeing you obvious incompetence, the Seer grants you a Warpstone Crystal with a random
Skaven Magic Spell so that you will not further soil the Horned Rat’s name. The spell can be
cast with no Power cost. Once cast, the crystal crumbles into worthless dust.
7 Your cause is heard by the Grey Seer. He stares into the distance, pondering. He gives you a
Warpstone Crystal that contains 1D6 Power. If it ever falls to zero Power, it crumbles to
worthless dust. The Crystal can be charged to a maximum of 6 Power. This is done for free by
successfully seeking an audience with any Grey Seer (And rolling a result greater than 3). To
recharge, roll a D6. The value rolled is the amount of Power the crystal now contains,
regardless of what it contained before the recharge.
8 Apparently you have swayed the Seer to your side. The next time you gain a Battle Level, you
may add an extra dice when rolling for new spells.
9 The Seer nods in agreement. He opens the door to a small alcove filled with treasure. He
allows you to take one piece for your very own. Roll for treasure as you would in a Monster
10 The apparent frailness of your body disgusts the Grey Seer. He grants you D3 permanent
Wounds so that you may possibly survive just a bit longer.
11 Your recent difficulties are understood. The Seer gifts you with a firearm to help in you further
the cause of the Horned Rat. Roll 1D6:
1-3 He hands you a Warplock Pistol
4-5 He Gifts you with a Warplock Rifle
6 You are presented with a Warpfire Sprayer

You may only receive one of each weapon as a gift in this way. If you have already received a
particular weapon re-roll the result. If you have already receive all three weapons, re-roll this
result. Also, these firearms are empty. You must visit the Gunsmith and purchase the
ammunition your gift requires. After all, a Seer’s generosity on goes so far.

12 The Seer recognizes you great worth to Clan Skryre and the Horned Rat. He spends the next
seven days furthering your training in the Skaven Magical Arts personally. You may roll 2D6
and Learn New Spell as per the normal Spell rules on page 51 of the Role-play Guide. During
the next seven days you do not roll on the Event Chart, nor do you pay living expenses. If the
next seven days takes you past the threshold for a Catastrophic Event roll, you must do so after
the completion of the Seer’s teachings.

Warlocks Laboratory
This is where a Warlock trains to increase his battle level. It is a place of foul chemicals and infernal
contraptions. Loud noised and multicolored smoke from this location is never questioned but often feared.
The Warlocks are a strange bunch, even for Skaven. They are gifted with the arcane knowledge most
Skavenkind are not privy to, and rightly so. At higher levels, they are revered as leaders and heroes.

After paying the gold to train, the Warlock spends a week learning from the many instructors at the
University. During this week, the Warlock does not roll on the events table, nor does he pay living

Skills and Items

Roll 2D6 and add the Warriors Battle level on the chart below. Do this before rolling for new spells or adding
in any normal Battle Level increases. (i.e add your Battle Level before the increase. This results in a range
from 3 (at Battle Level 1) to 21 (at Battle Level 9))

A natural 2: Spending a week in a Skaven Warlock Laboratory is a dangerous thing to do. Roll a D6.
1 There was a terrible mishap during training. The Laboratory evaporates in a cloud of Warpstone
gas. Everything is destroyed including your Warlock.

2-5 Nothing useful is gained during this training session beyond the normal Battle Level

6 Add your Battle Level to the roll as normal and consult the chart.

3 Your Warlock discovers a Power inducing formula using Warpstone. He tries it on himself and is
rewarded with an additional 2d6 permanent Power. Unfortunately, the consuming the Warpstone brew
has caused a temporary loss of short term memory. He cannot remember drinking the potion, nor even
making it. In fact, he has forgotten why he is holding an empty flask and standing in the middle of the
laboratory. He notices that every Skaven eye in the room is fixed on him, and feeling uncomfortable,
yet somewhat more powerful, leaves the room.
4 The laboratory is currently packed with many Skaven Warlocks fervishly working on bettering there foul
arts. Feeling that the sheer quantity of the experimenting Warlocks might be unhealthy, your Warlock
decides to spend the week in target practice. The Shooting Gallery is not much safer, since there are
no rules as to where or what may be targeted, but at least everyone is working with the same
equipment. Gain +1 BS permanently.

5 The Skaven Laboratory is a place for only the strong of heart, or weak of mind. Or it may simply be the
quantity of luck one possesses that wins a day’s survival. After two catastrophic explosions that left an
odd number of appendages and an even number of Skaven bodies, your Warlock is very lucky to still be
alive. Gain +1 Luck permanently.

6 Using a chunk of Warpstone, some gold, and the severed hand of a fellow Warlock that landed on your
worktable from an unfortunate explosion nearby, you construct an amulet that is the envy of all around
you. Afterward, the other Warlocks commence to hack at each other in hopes that a hand will fly free.
You decide that discretion is the better part of cowardice and leave the melee far behind. The amulet
will grant the wearer +1 Strength. It can be sold in the Skaven Undercity for 700 gold. Your Warlock
may not wear more than one of these devices at a time, though he may create any number by rolling
this result more than once in his lifetime.

7 After being launched behind a worktable by one of your experiments, you land on something roughly
square in shape. Upon further investigation, you discover a moldy tome of Magical Theory that must
have been lost for a hundred years. You may add an extra D6 to when you roll for new spells.

8 Waking in the morning, ready for a long day at the Laboratory, you notice that the poison dart trap you
left has been sprung. You quickly grab your weapons and search the small room for one of those
dastardly Gutter Runners that must surely be hiding within. Finding nothing and assuming you just
aren’t that good at setting traps, you decide to head to work. Nearing the door, you trip over something
and sprawl to the floor. Looking back you see nothing but dirt where you tripped. You feel around and
discover and invisible body wrapped in a cloak in the middle of your floor! Stripping the cloak from the
body reveals a dead Gutter Runner, a poison dart protruding from his neck. You now have a Cloak of
Invisibility (page 69 of the Roleplay Book) complements of Clan Eshin.

9 While rummaging in the storage room for more equipment after destroying that which you were already
given for your studies, you find an Item of Magic. Roll for Treasure as you would for Dungeon Room
Treasure. Re-roll any rolls that result in Gold.

10 An older Warlock, for some unknown reason, has taken to tutoring your studies in magic. His help was
unsolicited and unwanted, and he is a very obnoxious character. However, you find that you do indeed
learn something from the old fool. You may add an extra D6 when you roll for new Spells.

11 While rummaging in the storage room for more equipment after destroying that which you were already
given for your studies, you find an Item of Magic. Roll for Treasure as you would for Dungeon Room
Treasure. Re-roll any rolls that result in Gold.

12 The Seer pauses by your worktable to inspect your studies. This frightens you greatly because in most
cases, the Seer isn’t pleased and the student is never heard from again. Fortunately for you, he nods
approvingly at you efforts. He places a hand on your head, and you are thrown to the ground with
wracking pain. After the pain subsides you discover that you now have horns sprouting from your head
similar to those possessed by the Seer, only smaller. This is a matter of great honor and you gloat
boisterously for the rest of the week. Your fellow Warlocks pay you no retribution, fearing the Seer’s
reprisal for harming his favorite. The horns act as a helmet, and thus prevent you from wearing a
helmet of any kind. You may, however, still wear crowns. Gain +1 Armor (non-removable). Each time
this result is rolled again, the horns grow larger and add another +1 Armor, furthering your distinction
and honor.
13 You spend a full week of having spells cast upon you by your fellow Skaven Warlocks. These spells, of
course, where cast without your knowledge or permission. You merely thought you were having an
inordinately bad week. You discover you comrades’ training at your expense only after your training is
nearly complete. You assemble a charm that gives you some Magic Resistance. Some day, you will
discover the rats responsible, and the will pay dearly. Until then, you will enjoy there inadvertent gift of
a 6+ Magic Resistance. If you roll this result again, the resistance goes down to 5+, and so one down to
a maximum Magic Resistance of 4+. The item is a magic item and can be lost in any usual fashion. It
is worth 500 Gold for each level of Magic Resistance if sold. (i.e. 1500 Gold at 4+)

14 You consult the smiths of the University and carry out a grand project. A week of toil, and several
thousand gold pieces later, you stand back and admire your creation. As suit of Warpstone Armor.
This armor gives you +4 Tougness. In addition any opponent that hits, receives 1D6+3 wounds from
touching the Warpstone. The armor can be sold in the Undercity for 1000 Gold.

15 Those pesky Warlocks just won’t leave you alone. They begin their campaign of practicing their spells
on you. Fortunately, you learn of their plans and are ready when they begin to unleash there annoying
cantrips on you. You spend the week dispelling their magic practical jokes and become quite good at it.
You gain a 6+ Magic Dispel. If you roll this result again, the Dispel goes down to 5+, and so one down to
a maximum Magic Dispel of 4+.

16 While rummaging in the storage room for more equipment after destroying that which you were already
given for your studies, you find an Item of Magic. Roll for Treasure as you would for Objective Room
Treasure. Re-roll any rolls that result in Gold.

17 The Seer would not approve of a day of gambling in the Laboratory. However, being Skaven, you and
your fellow Warlock students decide that what the Seer doesn’t know, won’t hurt you. You finish the
day breaking about even. With one exception. You win the ownership of a female Rat Ogre. She takes
and instant shine to you and will not stray more that arms reach away. She will carry you and your gear
between adventures and fight for you in any Events that require melee as per the Rat Ogre that you can
buy from Clan Moulder. However, since she considers you her property, she will also follow you into the
dungeon, and fight along side you Warrior. In fact, she carries you around like a doll, only setting you
down at her feet during combat. When in a dungeon, put your Warrior on the Rat Ogre’s Base. The
two of you are considered one model for purposes of placing monsters and movement. (An astute
reader will notice that will the Rat Ogre is around, your Warrior’s movement is effectively 6) When
determining Initiative order, use your Warrior’s initiative as you are controlling her. The exception to this
is when there are monsters in adjacent squares to the Rat Ogre. In this case, she will fight on her own

18 While rummaging in the storage room for more equipment after destroying that which you were already
given for your studies, you find an Item of Magic. Roll for Treasure as you would for Objective Room
Treasure. Re-roll any rolls that result in Gold.

19 A beaker explodes during a particularly difficult experiment. Your left eye is removed by a flying shard
of glass. Your fellow Warlocks help you fit a chunk of Warpstone into the hollow socket. This is
considered a fashion statement among Clan Skryre, and you are very proud of it. The Warpstone
contains 2D6 Power. At the start of every dungeon, roll 2D6. That is the power that the Stone has in it
for that dungeon. Roll even if the Stone still has power left, in which case, the roll replaces the left over
power even if it is lower.

20 While rummaging in the storage room for more equipment after destroying that which you were already
given for your studies, you find an Item of Magic. Roll for Treasure as you would for Objective Room
Treasure. Re-roll any rolls that result in Gold.

21 The Seer of the University summons you to his chambers. You expect that you have displeased him in
some way and fear the worst. However, no one can run for long from a Seer. You know this because
you yourself, are a Seer, and no one runs from you. So you ready your courage and enter the Seer’s
chambers. He smiles at you, a frightening gesture, and presents you with a small box made from the
bones of one of his enemies. Opening the box reveals a Seer Stone. You fight to hide your excitement,
and hope that is isn’t some sort of cruel joke. It isn’t. The Seer bids you farewell and welcomes you
into their exclusive clique. The stone holds 4D6 power. At the start of a Dungeon, roll 4d6 That is the
power that the Stone has in it for that dungeon. Roll even if the Stone still has power left, in which case,
the roll replaces the left over power even if it is lower.


While visiting the Skaven Undercity, the Warriors do not roll on the events table in the WarHammer Quest
Role-playing book. Instead, they roll on the following table.

Your Warrior's wild behavior attracts the attention of his enemies, and he is thrown out of the Undercity.
Your Warrior must wait outside for the other Warriors, though he need not pay living expenses.

In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced by the Skaven sentries, and has all his gold

As your Warrior pushes through the crowded tunnels, his money pouch is stolen. Your Warrior loses 1D6 x
50 gold.


Some Warlocks from Clan Skryre decide to try out a new weapon, and are impatient enough that they let it
loose in a crowded square! Your Warrior is wounded, and his Strength total is at -1 for the next adventure.

Your Warrior uncovers some damaging information on a fellow Skaven of humble stature. He may either
blackmail him for 1D6 x 10 gold, or else press him into service as a henchman for the next dungeon

(For the latter, the Skaven henchman has the statistics of a regular Skaven Warrior (1D6 X Battle Level of
Dungeon in Wounds, +1 STR and Toughness for every 3 Battle levels of Dungeon), carries no gold with him,
and will fight under your Warrior's command so long as he is not ordered to take any patently suicidal
actions. He will not be present during any fights that take place during the remainder of your Warrior's stay
in the Undercity, however.)

Your Warrior is invited into an exclusive sauna where he may bask in
intoxicating Warpstone vapors. If he accepts the invitation, roll 1D6 for the

Roll Result
1 The experience is exquisite, but this can be an unhealthy habit! Your Warrior permanently
loses 1 Wound from his starting score.

2-4 The experience is refreshing, and your Warrior is reluctant to leave, but there is no other
special effect.
5-6 Your Warrior emerges feeling far healthier than he has for quite some time. His Starting
Wounds are permanently increased by +1.

Your Warrior gets into a brawl with a Skaven merchant who attempted to cheat him.

Roll Result
1-2 Your Warrior is soundly thrashed, and loses 300 gold.

3-4 Your Warrior rends the merchant to shreds, but gains nothing other than perhaps grim

5-6 Your Warrior dispatches the merchant and his lackeys, and gains a single Treasure Card for
his trouble.


Your Warrior must discard any one purchase he has made in this Undercity, as it was a fake and is worth

Your Warrior has an encounter with a familiar Skaven who could identify him! If he has the Disguise skill, he
may escape, but must hide out for the next day (unable to visit any traders or special locations). Otherwise,
he is discovered and immediately thrown out of the Undercity! See Event 11 for results.

An opportunistic Skaven attempts to slay your Warrior! He must resolve a one-on-one battle with a Skaven
of equal Battle-Level and ability. This enemy Skaven has no special items, except for a pair of Weeping
Blades (see monster section). No Luck points may be used in this conflict, nor any items usable "once per

If your Warrior chooses to flee, he must leave the Undercity immediately.

If he chooses to fight, he is in mortal danger if he loses. Set up a battle in a 4x4 square room. Your Warrior
is at full Wounds, even if he has taken damage from other fights in this Undercity. If he should win, he gains
one Treasure Card and 1d3x100 gold.

Your Warrior must face off a Skaven Assassin one-on-one, with conditions as described in Event #25. If
your Warrior should emerge victorious, he earns 150 gold and one Treasure Card.

Your Warrior has been drugged by some treacherous rival! He will be at –1 Toughness for the duration of
the next adventure.



Your Warrior is enlisted to make a delivery for a Grey Seer to one of his rivals. After delivering the bundle to
the indicated address, it explodes into green flame only seconds after your Warrior sets it down.
Surprisingly, the Seer is true to his word and pays your Warrior 40 gold.

Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable den after so long out in the wild, your Warrior overspends
on such luxuries by 100 gold.
Your Warrior is ambushed by a number of Gutter Runners equal to your Warrior's Battle-Level. Battle
conditions are as in Event #25, though this takes place in a larger Objective Room board section. He may
either flee the Undercity entirely, avoiding the conflict, or fight to the death. If your Warrior should survive,
he earns half the gold he would normally gain for defeating Gutter Runners, and gains no treasure for is


See Event #24.


Some ruthless Skaven attempt to press-gang your Warrior into a slave crew. He may bribe them with 2D6 x
10 gold, or an item of equipment of equal or greater value. If he cannot afford this, what gold and equipment
he does have is stripped from him, and he is pressed into slavery.

He need not roll for Events while enslaved, nor does he need to pay living expenses, but he of course
cannot visit any traders or special locations for the day. Once each subsequent day, roll 1D6, and add +1 if
your Warrior has the Disguise skill. On a result of 6+, your Warrior manages to escape his captors, but must
flee the Undercity immediately!

Your Warrior spies on his fellow Skaven, and finds something of their plans. Roll 1D6 and consult the
following chart:

Roll Result
1 Unfortunately, the information gained, while juicy, is of no practical value.
2-3 Your Warrior sells the information for 20 gold.
4-5 Roll 1D6. Your Warrior may choose to avoid this many Events during the remainder of his
stay in the Undercity.
6 Your Warrior learns of enemy activities in the area. For the next encounter with Skaven in a
dungeon (or in an Undercity combat), your Warrior gains a free turn before his enemies can
act, even before anyone involved can use any Ambush abilities that may apply.


Your Warrior is "adopted" by a clumsy Rat Ogre. The Rat Ogre can't be gotten rid of without great risk to life
and limb, and without causing a big scene (which could likely end in your Warrior's demise). While the Rat
Ogre is with your Warrior, your living expenses are multiplied by 4. However, the Rat Ogre will fight on your
side (with statistics as found in the Roleplay Book) in any conflicts during your Warrior's stay in the
Undercity. For Event #11 (Thrown Out), your Warrior has no chance of being "fleeced". For Event #21
(Fight), add +2 to your die roll to determine the result. For Event #43 (Slavers), your Rat Ogre protects your
Warrior and thrashes the slavers, earning your Warrior 1D6 x 100 gold for the trouble!

Whatever happens, upon leaving the Undercity, the Rat Ogre's true owner takes him off your Warrior's
hands whether you like it or not.

Part of the tunnel complex caves in while your Warrior is in it. Your Warrior is at -1 Starting Wounds for the
duration of the next adventure.

Your Warrior is accused of conspiring with enemies of the Skaven, and thrown into prison. Your Warrior
may either bribe his way out with 1D6 x 100 gold, or else be subjected to excruciating torture and
imprisonment until your Warrior manages to escape (and must flee the Undercity immediately).

Your Warrior is detained for 1D6 days, not having to pay for living expenses, but roll 1D6 for each day. On a
roll of 1, the torture is so severe that your Starting Wounds are permanently reduced by 1. (If your Warrior
has the Disguise skill, apply -1 to the number of days he is imprisoned. If this result is 0, he has managed to
escape immediately, and avoids torture.)


Your Warrior discovers that 1D6 x 10 of his gold is worthless! Cross it off of your Warrior's sheet
immediately. If he doesn't have this much gold, and has spent some in the Undercity, he must flee
immediately before anyone catches on!

Your Warrior is challenged by a Skaven warrior who is his equal in every regard, even in terms of magical
weapons and skills. (The Rat Ogre, if present, cannot help. Your Warrior can only fight alone.) Your
Warrior must either flee the Undercity, or meet his opponent in battle (see Event #25 for conditions).

If your Warrior loses, his life is actually spared, but he is relieved of his most valuable item of equipment. If
he should succeed, his opponent is revived via dark magicks, and is impressed by your Warrior's skill. Your
Warrior has his choice of either gaining an additional Skill, +2 to his Starting Wounds, or a +2 Specialist
Action immediately as a reward.

See Event #24.



Despite his treachery to the Skaven cause (or even perhaps because of it – Who knows?) the Horned Rat
smiles upon your Warrior, and grants him a blessing, in the form of small horns which sprout from his skull.
(If he already has this blessing, then they simply grow even bigger!) Your Warrior permanently gains +1 to
his Luck characteristic, and may re-roll any one Event resolution (or ignore the Event entirely) per visit to a
Skaven Undercity. If your Warrior should have multiple blessings of this nature, the Luck bonus is
cumulative, though the Event re-rolls are not.


Your Warrior is overpowered by a mob of Skaven thugs who relieve him of the most valuable piece of
equipment in his possession and 1D6 x 50 gold!

See Event #24.


Your Warrior is trampled by a frenzied mob of Skaven! There is nowhere to turn to for help, so he must
crawl into a hole and nurse his injuries for 1D6 days, during which he may not visit any traders or Special
Locations. He does not need to roll for Events or pay living expenses during this period.

Should they tarry too long in a Skaven Undercity, roll on the following table, instead of the Catastrophic
Events table in the Warhammer Quest Roleplaying book. This table is consulted on the Warriors third week
in the Undercity, and every week thereafter.

Roll Result
2 Change of Plans. Being a creature of Chaos, the Warrior tires of adventuring among the surface
dwellers. There are many more riches to be had in the Undercity. The Warrior decides to take up
residence and make what fortune he can.

3 Tunnels Flooded. Immense rain from the surface drains into the city causing the underground rivers
to swell. All the Shops and Locations shut down to ride out the flood. The Warriors have no choice
but the move to the safety of the surface world and on to the next Dungeon.

4 Attack. The treachery of the surface dweller knows no bounds. A band of treasure seeking do-
gooders launches an unwarranted attack on the simple Undercity folk. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior in
the Undercity.
1 The Warrior is Killed by the Humans and dragged to the surface to rot in the Sun as proof that the
worlds Evil needs thwarting.
2 The Warrior is badly wounded and awakens in the den of a Skaven Warpstone healer.
Unfortunately, his starting wounds is permanently reduced by 1D6.
3-6 The Warriors fight well and push the Surface Dwelling Scum back into the wretched light. The
undercity, however, is in ruins and is of no further use to the Warriors. They must leave
immediately or be tasked with some of the clean up.

5 Hardship. Times are hard, and goods that are usually easy to come by are now considered luxuries.
All prices including living expenses, are multiplied by 4 as long as the Warriors stay in the Undercity

6-9 Nothing out of the ordinary happens. Normal Undercity life continues.

10 Disease. The Clan Pestilen is at it again. The Undercity is wracked with Disease. Luckily, the
Skaven dwellers are immune. Skaven, and Undead Warriors have no trouble with the Disease.
However, all others must choose to leave the undercity or not. Those that stay must roll a D6. On a
roll of 1-3, the Warrior is overtaken by the disease and dies.

11 Fire. A raging fire spreads through the Undercity. As smoke fills the caverns, the Warriors are forced
to leave or be consumed in the blaze.

12 Plague Clan Pestilen unleashes an experimental Plague that is designed to affect all Non-Skaven. It
will not affect the Undead either, for they cannot be killed by a mere mortal plague. Roll 1d6 for each
Warrior in the Undercity. The Warrior with the lowest roll is overcome with the plague and must pay
Clan Pestilen 1d6 X 200 gold or die. If the lowest roll is a Skaven or Undead Warrior, then nothing

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