Definition and Terms: Counseling Arbitration

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 Arbitration
 Counseling It is the process of extra judicial settlement
It is the art of giving advice and of controversies in the administrative level
information on a particular problem or before an arbitrator thru the voluntary will
hypothesis including the adoption of a of the parties arising from the violation of
course of action to be taken for the law, administrative rule or regulation.
solution thereof.
 Conciliation
 Legal Counseling It is the extra judicial process of settling
It is the art of giving advice and disputes thru the voluntary submission of
information concerning the solution of a the parties before the Barangay Lupon or
legal problem arising from a given state of other administrative body or agency,
facts and the adoption of appropriate usually arriving at a compromise
reliefs or remedies under the law for the agreement which serves as basis of a court
satisfaction and enforcement of a legal judgment or as a condition precedent to
obligation before a judicial or quasi- vest jurisdiction to a court of law.
judicial body.
 Compromise Agreement
 Court of Justice It is a mutual agreement or understanding
It is a judicial body or tribunal created by usually reduced into writing entered into
law vested with jurisdiction or power to and executed by the party litigants whether
hear and adjudicate litigious conflicts and judicially or extrajudicially which serves as
to award proper reliefs and render basis for a court judgment.
judgments based upon the evidence
 Quasi-Judicial Body  Every citizen has a constitutional right to gain
It is an administrative body or agency access to courts, but not all citizens of this
belonging to the executive branch of the country are privileged to appear and defend
government vested with jurisdiction to their cause before courts of superior
hear and adjudicate non-litigious cases jurisdiction.
brought before it by disputing parties and
 Only those who have been admitted by the
empowered to enforce its judgments and
Supreme Court to the practice of law, after
orders like a court of law and to punish for
finishing a four-year course in a recognized law
contempt. college can only be allowed to appear before
 Administrative Body or Agency superior courts and quasi-judicial agencies of
It is an instrumentality of the executive the government. Hence, there is a need of
branch of the government vested by law persons who are skilled in law to represent
with jurisdiction to settle and adjudicate potential litigants in court.
controversy arising from the
interpretation, application and
enforcement of laws or administrative rule
or regulations.
payment for his services. The appearance of
City Attorney Fule as private prosecutor was
IMPORTANCE OF LAWYERS IN SOCIETY questioned by the counsel for the accused,
 It has been aptly said that a community cannot invoking the case of Aquino, et al. vs. Blanco,
endure without order and that order cannot be et al, 79 Phil. 647 wherein it was ruled that
attained without laws to govern the conduct of "when an attorney had been appointed to
individuals. But laws can only be interpreted the position of Assistant Provincial Fiscal
by judges, and judges must first be lawyers. or City Fiscal and therein qualified, by
Thus, ultimately, government of laws is in operation of law, he ceased to engage in
effect, a government of lawyers. private law practice." Counsel then argued
that the JP Court in entertaining the
 A lawyers’ advice and assistance are sought by appearance of City Attorney Fule in the case is
the wealthy and the poor; strong and the weak, a violation of the above ruling. The JP Court
honest and dishonest; men and women of all however issued an order sustaining the legality
professions and persuasions and every class of of the appearance of City Attorney Fule.
society. Certainly, lawyers are perpetually
engaged in trying to anticipate, prevent, ISSUE: WON City Attorney Fule is engaged in
mediate, settle or win human disagreements the private practice of law.
involving alleged rights recognized at law.
RULING: The Court believes that the isolated
LAW PRACTICE WITOUT LEGAL ETHICS IS appearance of City Attorney Fule did not
QUACKERY constitute private practice, within the
 Legal ethics is defined as that branch of moral meaning and contemplation of the Rules. Law
science which treats of the duties which as practice is more than an isolated appearance,
attorney at law owes to his client, to the court, for it consists in frequent or customary action,
to the bar and to the public. a succession of acts of the same kind. In other
 A lawyer must perform within and not without words, it is frequent habitual exercise.
the bounds of the law. Practice of law to fall within the
 A lawyer must obey his own conscience and prohibition of statute has been
not of his client. interpreted as customarily or habitually
holding one's self out to the public, as a
WHAT IS PRACTICE OF LAW lawyer and demanding payment for such
 People Vs. Villanueva (G.R. No. L-19450, services. The appearance as counsel on one
May 27, 1965; 14 SCRA 109) occasion, is not conclusive as determinative of
engagement in the private practice of law. The
FACTS: Simplicio Villanueva was charged with following observation of the Solicitor General
the crime of Malicious Mischief, before the is noteworthy:
Justice of the Peace Court of said municipality.
The complainant in the same case was "Essentially, the word private practice of law
represented by City Attorney Ariston Fule of implies that one must have presented himself to
San Pablo City, having entered his appearance be in the active and continued Practice of the legal
as private-prosecutor, after securing the profession and that his professional services
permission of the Secretary of Justice. The available to the public for a compensation, as a
condition of his appearance as such, was that source of livelihood or in consideration of his said
every time he would appear at the trial of the services."
case, he would be considered on official leave
of absence, and that he would not receive any


FACTS: Atty. Monsod was a nominee for the
position of COMELEC Chair. Atty. Cayetano  The gratuitous furnishing of legal aid to the
questioned the said nomination of Atty. poor and unfortunates who are in pursuit of
Monsod because one of the requirements for any civil remedy, as a matter of charity, do not
the position is that the person must have constitute practice of law.
practiced law for the last 10 years. Atty.
Monsod is not a lawyer in a law firm.  The search for records of realty to ascertain
what they may disclose without giving any
ISSUE: WON Atty. Monsod was engaged in opinion or advice as to any legal effects of what
the practice of law. is found therefrom, does not constitute the
practice of law.
HELD: Practicing law is not limited to the
conduct of cases in court. A person, for a  The occasional drafting of simple deeds and
valuable consideration, engaged in the other instruments when not conducted as an
practice of advising persons, firms, occupation, has been held not to constitute
associations or corporations as to their rights the practice of law.
under the law or one who appears in a
representative capacity as an advocate in  But if such work involves only the clerical
proceedings is considered practicing law. labor of filing the blanks on stereotyped form
or a mere mechanical act of copying a file copy
 Nonetheless, the conduct of law is not limited or finished document, which involves no legal
to the conduct of cases in court. It includes the thing, is not considered practice.
preparation of pleadings and other papers
incident to actions and special proceedings, Note: It is important to know whether the act
the drawing of deeds and other instruments constitutes practice of law or not, in order to
and conveyancing. determine whether the performance of such act, a
lawyer and client relationship has been
 One who confers with clients, advices them as established, hence, whether he is entitled to
to legal rights and then takes the business to collect fees for his service.
an attorney and ask the latter to look after the
case in court, is in the practice of law.
Rendering an opinion as to the proper WHEN A LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP
interpretation of a statute and receiving pay BEGIN
for it, is to that extent, considered practice of
law.  The moment complainant approached the
then receptive respondent to seek legal advice,
 An ordinary preparation and drafting of legal a veritable lawyer-client relationship evolved
instruments which involves the determination between the two. Such relationship imposes
by a trained legal mind of the legal effects of upon the lawyer certain restrictions
facts and conditions, or whenever such acts circumscribed by the ethics of profession.
involved the use of skill and intellect by a legal Among the burdens of the relationship is that
mind trained and schooled in legal school of which enjoins the lawyer, respondent in this
learning constitutes practice of law. instance, to keep inviolable confidential
information acquired or revealed during legal (People v. Esperanza, G.R. Nos. 139217-24, June 27,
consultations (Hadjula vs. Madianda). 2003). A categorical and positive identification of
an accused, without any showing of ill-motive on
 The moment the complainant approached the the part of the eyewitness testifying on the matter,
respondent to seek legal advice, the lawyer prevails over an alibi (People v. Gingos and
client relationship has already established. Margote, G.R. No. 176632, Sept. 11, 2007). When
Such relationship imposes upon the lawyers this is the defense of the accused, it must be
certain restrictions circumscribed by the established by positive, clear and satisfactory
ethics of the legal profession to keep inviolate evidence.
confidential information acquired or revealed Note: For the defense of alibi to prosper, the
during the consultations. accused must show that: 1. He was somewhere
else; and 2. It was physically impossible for him to
 The fact that one is (lawyers in a partnership be at the scene of the crime at the time of its
or a law firm), at the end of the day, not commission. (People v. Gerones,, G.R. No. L-
inclined to handle the client's case is hardly of 6595, Oct. 29, 1954)
consequence. Of little moment is the fact that
no formal professional engagement follows the Note: Mere denial, if unsubstantiated by clear and
consultation nor would it make any difference convincing evidence, has no weight in law and
that no contract whatsoever was executed by cannot be given greater evidentiary value than the
the parties to memorialize their relationship. positive testimony of the complaining witness.
Denial is intrinsically weak, being a negative and
 A lawyer-client relationship is established at self-serving assertion (People v. Rodas, G.R. No.
the very first moment complainant asked 175881, Aug. 28, 2007).
respondent formal advice regarding his

 To constitute professional employment, it is Q: Is extrajudicial confession a sufficient ground

not essential that the client employed the for conviction?
attorney professionally. A: It is not sufficient ground for conviction unless
corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti. (Sec.
Q: What is corpus delicti?
A: It is the actual commission by someone of the
particular crime charged. It refers to the fact of the
commission of the crime, not to the physical body
of the deceased or to the ashes of a burned
building. The corpus delicti may be proven by the
credible testimony of a sole witness, not
necessarily by physical evidence (Rimorin v.
People, G.R. No. 146481, Apr. 30, 2003).
Q: What are the elements of corpus delicti?
Q: What is alibi? A:
A: It is a defense where an accused claims that he 1. Proof of the occurrence of a certain event; and
was somewhere else at the time of the commission 2. A person’s criminal responsibility for the act
of the offense. It is one of the weakest defenses an (People v. Corpuz, G.R. No. 148919, Dec. 17, 2002).
accused may avail because of the facility with Note: The identity of the accused is not a
which it can be fabricated, just like a mere denial necessary element of the corpus delicti.
2.The witnesses’ manner of testifying, their
intelligence, their means and opportunity of
knowing the facts to which there are testifying;
3. The nature of the facts to which they testify;
PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT 4. The probability or improbability of their
Q: What is meant by reasonable doubt? testimony;
A: It is that state of the case which, after the entire 5. Their interest or want of interest;
comparison and consideration of all the evidence 6. Their personal credibility so far as the same may
leaves the mind of the judge in that condition that legitimately appear upon the trial; or 7. The
he cannot say that he feels an abiding conviction number of witnesses, though the preponderance
to a moral certainty of the truth of the charge. is not necessarily with the greater number (Sec. 1,
(People v. Calma, G.R. No. 127126, Sept. 17, 1998) Rule 133).

Q: What does proof beyond reasonable doubt SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE

require? Q: What is substantial evidence?
A: It only requires moral certainty or that degree A: It is that amount of relevant evidence which a
of proof which produces conviction in an reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
unprejudiced mind. It does not mean such degree justify a conclusion. (Sec. 5)
of proof as excluding the possibility of error,
produce absolute certainty. (Basilio v. People, G.R. Q: When is substantial evidence sufficient to
No. 180597, Nov. 7, 2008) establish a fact?
A: In cases filed before administrative or
Q: Must the identity of the accused be proved quasijudicial bodies, a fact may be deemed
beyond reasonable doubt? established if it is supported by substantial
A: Yes. When the identity of the accused is not evidence.
established beyond reasonable doubt, acquittal
necessarily follows. Conviction for a crime rests on CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE
the strength of the prosecution’s evidence, never Q: What are the instances when clear and
on the weakness of that of the defense. convincing evidence is required as quantum of
Note: In every criminal prosecution, the A:
prosecution must prove two things: 1. Granting or denial of bail in extradition
1. The commission of the crime; and proceedings
2.The identification of the accused as the 2. When proving a charge of bias and
perpetrator of the crime. What is needed is partiality against a judge
positive identification made with moral certainty 3. GR: When proving fraud
as to the person of the offender (People v. XPN: Under Art. 1387 of the New Civil
Maguing, G.R. No. 144090, June 26, 2003). Code, certain alienations of property are
presumed fraudulent.
PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE 4. When proving forgery
Q: What are the matters that must be taken into 5. When proving ownership over a land in
consideration in determining where the annulment or reconveyance of title
preponderance of evidence lies? 6. When invoking self-defense, the onus is on
A: the accused-appellant to establish by clear
1. All the facts and circumstances of the case; and convincing evidence his justification
for the killing 7. When proving the
allegation of frame-up and extortion by
police officers in most dangerous drug chain to have possession of the same. (Lopez v.
cases People, G.R. No. 172953, Apr. 30, 2008)
7. When proving physical impossibility for
the accused to be at the crime scene when
using alibi as a defense Q: When is there a need to establish a chain of
8. When using denial as a defense like in custody?
prosecution for violation of the Dangerous A: It is necessary when the object evidence is
Drugs Act nonunique as it is not readily identifiable, was not
9. To overcome the presumption of due made identifiable or cannot be made identifiable,
execution of notarized instruments e.g. drops of blood or oil, drugs in powder form,
10. When proving bad faith to warrant an fiber, grains of sand and similar objects.
award of moral damages
11. When proving that the police officers did Q: What is the purpose of establishing a chain of
not properly perform their duty or that custody?
they were inspired by an improper motive A: To guaranty the integrity of the physical
12. When a person seeks confirmation of an evidence and to prevent the introduction of
imperfect or incomplete title to a piece of evidence which is not authentic but where the
land on the basis of possession by himself exhibit is positively identified the chain of custody
and his predecessors-in-interest, he must of physical evidence is irrelevant. (Ibid.)
prove with clear and convincing evidence
compliance with the requirements of the BEST EVIDENCE RULE
applicable law a. MEANING OF THE RULE
Q: What is Best Evidence Rule?
A: GR: It provides that when the subject of the
CHAIN OF CUSTODY IN RELATION TO inquiry is the contents of the document, no
SECTION 21 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE evidence shall be admissible other than the
DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002 original document itself.
Q: What is Chain of Custody Rule in relation to XPNs:
Sec. 21 of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs 1. When the original has been lost or
Act of 2002? destroyed, or cannot be produced in court,
A: It is a method of authenticating evidence. It without bad faith on the part of the offeror;
requires that the admission of an exhibit be 2. When the original is in the custody or
preceded by evidence sufficient to support a under the control of the party against
finding that the matter in question is what the whom the evidence is offered, and the
proponent claims it to be. It would include latter fails to produce it after reasonable
testimony about every link in the chain, from the notice;
moment the item was picked up to the time it is 3. When the original consists of numerous
offered into evidence, in such a way that every accounts or other documents which cannot
person who touched the exhibit would describe be examined in court without great loss of
how and from whom it was received, where it was time and the fact sought to be established
and what happened to it while in the witness’ from them is only the general result of the
possession, the condition in which it was received whole;
and the condition in which it was delivered to the
next link in the chain. These witnesses would Note: The voluminous records must be
then describe the precautions taken to ensure that made accessible to the adverse party so that
there had been no change in the condition of the the correctness of the portion produced or
item and no opportunity for someone not in the
summary of the document may be tested
on cross-examination.

4. When the original is a public record in the

custody of a public officer or is recorded in
a public office (Sec. 3)

Note: Where the issue is only as to whether such a

document was actually executed, or exists, or on
the circumstances relevant to or surrounding its
execution, the best evidence rule does not apply
and testimonial evidence is admissible.

Q: When is this applicable?

A: The rule will come into play only “when the
subject of inquiry is the contents of a document.”

Q: Define confession.
A: It is a categorical acknowledgment of guilt
made by an accused of the offense charged or of
any offense necessarily included therein, without
any exculpatory statement or explanation (Sec. 33;
Regalado, Vol. II, p. 764, 2008 ed.).

Note: If the accused admits having committed the

act in question but alleges a justification therefor,
the same is merely an admission. (Ibid.)

Q: What are the classifications of confession?

1. Judicial confession – is one made by the
accused before a court in which the case is
pending and in the course of legal proceedings
therein and, by itself, can sustain conviction. It is
governed by Secs., 1, 3 & 4 of Rule 116.
2. Extrajudicial confession – is one made in any
other place or occasion and cannot sustain a
conviction unless corroborated by evidence of
corpus delicti. It is governed by Sec. 33 of Rule 130.

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