Classification Instrument

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A. Violin

The violin is the smallest and

highest-pitched of the string
instrument family. Violins are
important instruments in a wide
variety of musical genres - they are
most prominent in the Western
classical tradition and in many
varieties of folk music, however
they are also frequently used in
country music, jazz, and even rock


The Cello is a stringed instrument

larger than a violin but smaller than
a double bass. It is used as a solo
instrument as well as in chamber
ensembles, string orchestras and
symphony orchestras. It is also a
popular instrument with many
modern pop and folk groups.
Double Bass
Double bass is a widely used name
for a large stringed instrument.
Other terms, perhaps more
include contrabass and upright
bass. It is used
in orchestras, jazz bands, rockabill
y bands, bluegrass music, and
some country music bands. It plays
low-pitched musical notes in
musical ensembles and bands. In
jazz bands, these low-pitched
musical notes are called the "bass


The harp is a stringed musical

instrument that has a number of
individual strings running at an
angle to its soundboard; the strings
are plucked with the fingers. Harps
have been known since antiquity in
Asia, Africa and Europe, dating
back at least as early as 3500 BC.

B. Clarinet

The clarinet is a musical-

instrument family belonging to the
group known as the woodwind
instruments. It has a single-reed
mouthpiece, a straight cylindrical
tube with an almost cylindrical
bore, and a flared bell.


The flute is a family of musical

instruments in the woodwind
group. Unlike woodwind
instruments with reeds, a flute is
an aerophone or reedless wind
instrument that produces its sound
from the flow of air across an

The piccolo is a half-size flute, and

a member of the woodwind family
of musical instruments. The
modern piccolo has most of the
same fingerings as its larger sibling,
the standard transverse flute, but
the sound it produces is an octave
higher than written.


Oboes are a family of double reed

woodwind instruments. The most
common oboe plays in the treble
or soprano range. Oboes are
usually made of wood, but there
are also oboes made of synthetic
materials. A soprano oboe
measures roughly 65 cm long, with
metal keys, a conical bore and a
flared bell.

C. Trumpet

A trumpet is a brass instrument

commonly used in classical and
jazz ensembles. The trumpet group
contains the instruments with the
highest register in the brass family.


The trombone is a musical

instrument in the brass family. As
on all brass instruments, sound is
produced when the player's
vibrating lips cause the air column
inside the instrument to vibrate.
Nearly all trombones have a
telescoping slide mechanism that
varies the length of the instrument
to change the pitch.
French Horn

The French horn is a brass

instrument made of tubing
wrapped into a coil with a flared
bell. The double horn in F/B♭ is
the horn most often used by
players in professional orchestras
and bands.


The tuba is the largest and lowest-

pitched musical instrument in the
brass family. As with all brass
instruments, the sound is produced
by lip vibration into a large
mouthpiece. It first appeared in the
mid-19th century, making it one of
the newer instruments in the
modern orchestra and concert

D. Timpani

Timpani or kettledrums are musical

instruments in the percussion
family. A type of drum, they consist
of a membrane called a head
stretched over a large bowl
traditionally made of copper.

Snare Drum

A snare drum or side drum is a

percussion instrument that
produces a sharp staccato sound
when the head is struck with a
drum stick, due to the use of a
series of stiff wires held under
tension against the lower skin.
Bass Drum

A bass drum, or kick drum, is a

large drum that produces a note of
low definite or indefinite pitch.
Bass drums are percussion
instruments and vary in size and
are used in several musical genres.
Three major types of bass drums
can be distinguished.

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