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Capacity Monitoring Guide

Issue 02

Date 2016-04-28


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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) About This Document

About This Document

1.1 Overview
Growing traffic in mobile networks requires more and more network resources. Lack of
network resources will affect user experience. Therefore, monitoring network resources,
locating bottlenecks, and performing capacity expansion in real time are critical to the
provision of high quality services.
This document describes how to monitor the usage of various network resources and locate
network resource bottlenecks.
This document applies to BSC6910s and 3900 series base stations.

For details about the MML commands, parameters, alarms, and performance counters, see section
"Operation and Maintenance" in the BSC6910 UMTS Product Documentation or 3900 Series Base
Station Product Documentation.

1.2 Intended Audience

Before reading this document, one should familiarize themselves with UMTS basics and
Huawei UMTS RAN products.
This document is intended for personnel who:
 Monitor UMTS RAN network resources
 Optimize UMTS RAN networks

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes:
 Technical change
Changes in features and parameters of a specified version
 Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters affected by
editorial changes

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02 (2016-04-28)
Compared with Issue 01 (2016-02-29) of RAN18.1, 02 of RAN18.1 includes the following

Change Type Change Description

Technical change None

Editorial change  Added an item for monitoring the license rate of PS traffic.
 Added differences in license rate monitoring counters
between single-operator scenarios and multi-operator

01 (2016-02-29)
This issue does not include any changes.

Draft A (2015-12-31)
Compared with Issue 02 (2015-05-8) of RAN17.1, Draft A of RAN18.1 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description

Technical change None

Editorial change
 Optimized descriptions on optimization suggestions by using
flow charts.
 Optimized descriptions on resource monitoring by using tables.
 Added descriptions on monitoring thresholds.

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) About This Document


About This Document ....................................................................................................................... ii

1.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... ii
1.2 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................................................ ii
1.3 Change History ............................................................................................................................................................. ii

1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Network Resources ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Monitoring Methods ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

2 Network Resource Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Monitoring Metrics and Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 CP/UP CPU Load ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 RMP CPU Load .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Interface Board CPU Load ......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 SCU CPU Load........................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.6 RNC License ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.7 Common Channel Usage ............................................................................................................................................ 26
2.8 Downlink Load ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.9 Uplink Load ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
2.10 OVSF Code Usage .................................................................................................................................................... 35
2.11 HS-PDSCH Code Usage ........................................................................................................................................... 39
2.12 HS-SCCH Code Usage ............................................................................................................................................. 40
2.13 Iub/Iu/Iur Bandwidth Usage ..................................................................................................................................... 41
2.14 CE Usage .................................................................................................................................................................. 47
2.15 NodeB CNBAP Load ................................................................................................................................................ 50
2.16 HSPA Users............................................................................................................................................................... 53

3 Network Resource Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 55

3.1 Possible Block and Failure Points in the Basic Call Flow .......................................................................................... 55
3.2 Counters Related to Call Congestion .......................................................................................................................... 57
3.3 Resource Usage Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 59

4 Metrics Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 70

5 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................... 77

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1 Overview

This chapter introduces network resources and monitoring methods.

1.1 Network Resources

Figure 1-1 lists the network resources to be monitored.

Figure 1-1 Network resources to be monitored

1.1.1 RNC Resources

The RNC resources to be monitored include the following:
 Control Plane/User Plane (CP/UP)
In the RNC, GPU boards process signaling on the CP and services on the UP. With an
increase in the traffic volume, if the CP and UP loads of GPU boards exceed the
predefined processing capacity, CP/UP will become a system bottleneck.
 Resource Management Processing (RMP)
The RMP is the main processing unit. If it is heavily loaded, service access will be
 Interface Board (INT)

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RNC interface boards provide transmission ports and resources, process transport
network messages, and exchange data between RNC boards and between the RNC and
external devices. Resource overload on interface boards increases the packet loss rate,
interrupts communications, and affects user experience.
 GE Switching network and Control Unit (SCU)
The SCU provides the function of inter-subrack information exchange in the RNC. If the
traffic volume of inter-subrack communication approaches the overload threshold, voice
service quality, data service quality, and network KPIs deteriorate, affecting system
 RNC License
The RNC license (BSC6910) can be controlled based on the following license resource
− PS user-plane traffic volume
− Voice traffic volume (Erlangs)
− HSDPA traffic volume
− HSUPA traffic volume
− RNC hardware capacity
− Cell-level HSDPA/HSUPA user number

1.1.2 NodeB Resources

The NodeB resources to be monitored include the following:
 Channel Element (CE)
CEs are baseband processing resources. New call requests will be rejected in the case of
CE insufficiency.
 Common NodeB Application Part (CNBAP)
CNBAP load is used to assess the NodeB processing capacity. CNBAP overload lowers
the NodeB processing capacity, which then affects KPIs related to the NodeB.
 High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) users
HSPA services are carried on the BBP boards in a NodeB. Therefore, the number of
HSPA users determines BBP board loads. If BBP boards are overloaded with HSPA users,
new users may fail to access the network.

1.1.3 Cell Resources

The cell resources to be monitored include the following:
 Received Total Wideband Power (RTWP)
RTWP is used to monitor uplink load. If the RTWP value is too large, the cell coverage
shrinks, the quality of admitted services declines, or new service requests are rejected.
 Transmitted Carrier Power (TCP)
The TCP refers to the full-carrier power transmitted by a cell. It is used to monitor
downlink load. If the TCP is low, the cell coverage and user throughput shrink, the
quality of admitted services declines, or new service requests are rejected.
 Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF)
OVSF in this document refers to downlink spreading code resources. Insufficient
downlink OVSFs affects UEs' access to the network.

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HS-PDSCHs are used to carry HSDPA services. Insufficient HS-PDSCH codes will
decrease HSDPA data rates.
The HS-SCCH is used to carry control information for HS-PDSCHs. Insufficient
HS-SCCH codes will increase data transmission delay.
 Paging Channel (PCH)
PCH usage is affected by the location area and routing area planning. PCH overload
decreases the paging success rate.
 Random Access Channel (RACH) and Forward Access Channel (FACH)
RACH and FACH carry signaling and a small amount of user-plane data. RACH or
FACH overload decreases the network access success rate and affects user experience.

1.1.4 Transmission Resources

The transmission resources to be monitored involve the following interfaces:
 Iu interface
The Iu interface lies between the RNC and the CN. Iu interface congestion will cause
RRC connection setup and RAB setup failures.
 Iub interface
The Iub interface lies between the NodeB and the RNC. Insufficient Iub interface
bandwidth leads to admission failures, transmission KPI deterioration (such as delay,
jitter, and packet loss), and UMTS service quality degradation.
 Iur interface
The Iur interface lies between an RNC and its neighboring RNC (NRNC). Iur interface
congestion may cause RRC connection setup and RAB setup failures or cause inter-RNC
handover failures.

1.2 Monitoring Methods

Table 1-1 lists the monitoring methods for network resources.

Table 1-1 Monitoring methods

Method Description Advantage Disadvantage Detailed In

Proactive It is used to It is easy to If resource Network

monitoring simultaneously implement and consumption is Resource
monitor various suitable for consistently Monitoring
network daily resource greater than its
resources. monitoring. upper threshold,
expansion is
required to
relieve resource

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Method Description Advantage Disadvantage Detailed In

Problem-driven This method It maximizes This method Network

analysis can be used to system capacity. requires higher Resource
determine troubleshooting Troubleshooting
system skills.
bottlenecks by

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 2 Network Resource Monitoring

2 Network Resource Monitoring

This chapter discusses only proactive monitoring.

2.1 Monitoring Metrics and Procedure

2.1.1 Monitoring Metrics
Metrics are defined to monitor the usage or load of UTRAN resources. Resource thresholds
are also recommended based on specific criteria.
Defining peak hours is important for monitoring metrics. It is recommended that you set the
peak hours to the time when the corresponding resource usage is at its highest.

Helping ensure stable network operation, capacity monitoring employs the following thresholds:
 Warning threshold: If this threshold is reached, the corresponding resource status becomes
"Warning" on the PRS.
 Capacity expansion threshold: If this threshold is reached, the corresponding resource status
becomes "Critical" on the PRS. This threshold is lower than the alarm threshold.

Table 2-1 lists RNC resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds.

Table 2-1 RNC resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

Resource Counter Monitoring



Interface board VS.CPU.CPULOAD.MEAN 50%
CPU load

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Resource Counter Monitoring

Interface board VS.INT.TRANSLOAD.RATIO.ME 70%
Forwarding load AN

Table 2-2 lists NodeB resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds.

Table 2-2 NodeB resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

Resource Monitoring Item Counter Capaci


CE CE usage  VS.NodeB.ULCreditUsed.Mean 70%

 VS.LC.ULCreditUsed.Mean
 VS.LC.DLCreditUsed.Mean
 VS.HW.DLCreditAvailable
 VS.HW.ULCreditAvailable
CNBAP NodeB CNBAP load  VS.RadioLink.Recv.Mean 60%
 VS.DedicMeaRpt.MEAN
 VS.BTS.CnbapCap.UseRate
HSPA users Percentage of number  VS.BOARD.UsedHsdpaUserRatio.Mea 60%
of HSPA users to the n
configured number of  VS.BOARD.UsedHsupaUserRatio.Mea
HSPA users n

Table 2-3 Cell resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

Resource Monitoring Counter Capacity Expansion

Item Threshold
Common PCH usage VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1  70% (paging message
channels re-transmitted)
 60% (paging message not
FACH usage VS.CRNCIubBytesFAC 70%

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Resource Monitoring Counter Capacity Expansion

Item Threshold

RACH usage VS.CRNCIubBytesRAC 70%

DL load Non-HSPA VS.MeanTCP 70%
power usage
TCP usage VS.MeanTCP.NonHS 85%
UL load RTWP VS.MeanRTWP  Higher than –100 dBm or
OVSF codes VS.MinRTWP lower than –110 dBm (for
 –90 dBm (for
ENU VS.RAC.UL.EqvUserNu 75%
HS-PDSCH HS-PDSCH VS.PdschCodeAvail.Mea 70%
codes Code Usage n
HS-SCCH HS-SCCH Code VS.ScchCodeUtil.Mean 70%
codes Usage

Table 2-4 Transport resources, counters, and monitoring thresholds

Resource Monitoring Item Counter Capacity

Iub/Iur/Iu ATM Admission success VS.AAL2.CAC.Succ 99%
rate VS.AAL2.CAC.Att
bandwidth usage S

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Resource Monitoring Item Counter Capacity

Iub/Iur/Iu IP Admission success VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Succ 99%
rate VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Att
Control-plane VS.SCTP.TX.BYTES 70%
bandwidth usage VS.SCTP.RX.BYTES

2.1.2 Monitoring Procedure

This section discusses the network resource monitoring procedure, which can be easily
implemented and works in most scenarios.
The procedure starts with individual resource monitoring. When a resource exceeds a
predefined threshold, it should be cross checked against other resources.
For example, if CE usage is greater than 70% but RTWP, TCP, or OVSF resources are normal,
this indicates that the cell load is normal but CEs are insufficient. In this scenario, increase the
number of CE licenses or add baseband processing boards rather than expand the NodeB
Figure 2-1 shows the resource monitoring flowchart.

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Figure 2-1 Resource monitoring flowchart

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This procedure applies to most resource monitoring scenarios, but sometimes the system may
be overloaded because of other abnormalities instead of traffic increases. Some of these
abnormalities can be discovered by resource cross-checking. If more extensive resource
cross-checking is unsuccessful, advanced troubleshooting is required. Chapter 3 "Network
Resource Troubleshooting" addresses advanced troubleshooting procedures.
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that there are no other abnormalities on the network
during the proactive monitoring process described in chapter 2 "Network Resource

2.2 CP/UP CPU Load

2.2.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-5 CP/UP resources monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource


CP It is used to process Uu interface If CP is overloaded, new messages

signaling and transmit control-plane are discarded. That is, new call
signaling. requests are rejected, which
significantly affects user experience.

UP It is used to process and distribute If UP is overloaded, user-plane data

user-plane data flows. is partially discarded. This causes
voice and data service quality to

GPU boards process services on the RNC user plane and control plane. The CPs and UPs of
all GPU boards in the RNC form a CP pool and a UP pool, respectively. The RNC can adjust
the multi-core digital signal processors (DSPs) allocated to the CPs and UPs based on service
requirements in order to balance the load between the CPs and UPs.
 Run the ADD BRD command to set the logical function type of a GPU board. If the
Logical function type parameter is set to UCUP, the GPU board is used for "UMTS
RNC control-plane and user-plane processing". Slots 8 and 9 of subrack 0 in the RNC
permanently hold GPU boards whose logical function type is RMP, which are used only
for resource management. Other slots can hold GPU boards whose logical function type
is UCUP, which are used for UMTS RNC control-plane and user-plane processing.
 Run the SET UCPUPFLEXCFG command to dynamically adjust the CP and UP
subsystems. In this command, the FlexCfgMode parameter specifies the mode for
adjusting the CP and UP subsystems, and the CPProportionInTotal parameter specifies
the percentage of CPU usage for the CP in the total CPU usage. You can use these two
parameters to manually configure the ratio of CPs to UPs in order to distinguish CP and
UP subsystems.

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2.2.2 Monitoring Methods

The CP or UP CPU load is obtained by measuring the average CPU usage of all the
subsystems in the CP or UP resource pool. They are defined as follows:
 CP CPU Load = VS.CPPOOL.CPULOAD.MEAN (Average CPU Usage of the UMTS
CP Resource Pool)
 UP CPU Load = VS.UPPOOL.CPULOAD.MEAN (Average CPU Usage of the UMTS
UP Resource Pool)

2.2.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-2 Capacity expansion scheme

If the peak-hour CPU load reaches the capacity expansion threshold within n days (n is
specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for capacity
expansion as instructed in Figure 2-3.

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Figure 2-3 Capacity expansion procedure

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2.3 RMP CPU Load

2.3.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-6 RMP resources monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource


RMP Slots 8 and 9 of subrack 0 in the RNC If the GPU boards are overloaded,
permanently hold GPU boards whose service access will be impacted.
logical function type is RMP, which are
used only for resource management.
The GPU boards in slots 8 and 9 work
in active/standby mode.

2.3.2 Monitoring Methods

The RMP CPU load is obtained by measuring the CPU usage of an RMP in the measurement
period. It is defined as follows:
The VS.CPU.CPULOAD.MEAN counter measures the CPU load on each RMP subsystem.

2.3.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-4 Capacity expansion scheme

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If the peak-hour RMP CPU load reaches 50% within n days (n is specified based on the actual
situation; 3 days by default) in a week, a warning is released. If the peak-hour RMP CPU load
exceeds 60% within n days (n is specified based on the actual situation; 3 days by default) in
a week, contact Huawei for technical support.

2.4 Interface Board CPU Load

2.4.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-7 Interface board monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource


Interface RNC interface boards provide The packet loss rate increases,
board transmission ports and resources, adversely affecting communications
process transport network messages, and user experience.
and exchange data between RNC
boards and between the RNC and If all interface boards for an
external devices. interface (Iub for example) are
overloaded in Channel Identifiers
These boards also forward and process (CIDs), User Datagram Protocol
data for the Iub, Iu, and Iur interfaces. (UDP), or Tunnel Endpoint ID
(TEIDs), this interface will fail
to work.

 In effective mode, run the MML command LST BRD to query information about a specific board,
for example, whether the board is an interface board.
 In ineffective mode, find the MML command ADD BRD in the RNC configuration file. If the value
of the BRDCLASS parameter is INT, the board is an interface board. You can obtain information
about this interface board using this command.

2.4.2 Monitoring Methods

To obtain the interface board CPU load, monitor the control-plane CPU load, user-plane
forwarding load, and the average usage of CIDs, UDPs, or TEIDs.
The counters used to monitor the interface board CPU load are as follows:
 VS.CPU.CPULOAD.MEAN: Average CPU Usage of the CPU
 VS.INT.TRANSLOAD.RATIO.MEAN: Average Forwarding Ratio of Interface Boards
 VS.INT.TRM.FLOW.UDP.RESUSAGE.MEAN: Average Usage of UDP Ports of
Interface Boards
 VS.INT.TRM.FLOW.CID.RESUSAGE.MEAN: Average Usage of CID of Interface
 VS.INT.TRM.FLOW.TEID.RESUSAGE.MEAN: Average Usage of TEIDs of Interface

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2.4.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-5 Capacity expansion scheme

When the RNC detects that the CPU load on interface boards exceeds a specified overload
threshold, ALM-20256 CPU Overload is reported.
If the peak-hour usage of any item reaches the capacity expansion threshold within n days (n
is specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for capacity
expansion as instructed in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Capacity expansion procedure

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For details about the Transmission Resource Pool in RNC feature, see Transmission Resource Pool in
RNC Feature Parameter Description in the RAN Feature Documentation.

2.5 SCU CPU Load

2.5.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-8 SCU board monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource


SCU Ports on an SCU board form a trunk Restricted by their switching

group that connects the MPS to the capacities, SCU boards are likely to
EPS. be congested when configurations
Two SCU boards are installed each are unbalanced between subracks
subrack. SCUb/SCUc boards are and when the inter-subrack traffic is
permanently installed in slots 20 and 21 heavy. When the traffic volume of
of each subrack. Two SCU boards in the inter-subrack communication
same subrack work in active/standby approaches the overload threshold,
mode. voice service quality, data service
quality, and network KPIs
deteriorate, causing the system to
become unstable.

2.5.2 Monitoring Methods

Both the SCU CPU load and inter-subrack bandwidth need to be monitored for SCU boards.

Monitoring of SCU CPU Load

The SCU CPU load is measured as follows:
When the RNC detects that the CPU load on an SCU subsystem exceeds a specified overload
threshold, ALM-20256 CPU Overload is reported. You can query the overload threshold by
running the LST CPUTHD command.

Monitoring of Inter-Subrack Bandwidth

Inter-subrack bandwidth usage is defined as follows:
Frame Mean Usage = VS.Frame.Flux.Mean.TxRate/Inter-subrack bandwidth x 100%
When a pair of active and standby SCUb boards are configured, the inter-subrack bandwidth
is 40 Gbit/s (40,000,000 kbit/s). When a pair of active and standby SCUc boards are
configured, the inter-subrack bandwidth is 320 Gbit/s (320,000,000 kbit/s). If either the active
or standby SCUb/SCUc board becomes faulty, the inter-subrack bandwidth is reduced by half.

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2.5.3 Optimization Suggestions

 If the SCU CPU load reaches 60%, contact Huawei for technical support.
 If the value of Frame Mean Usage exceeds 40%, contact Huawei for technical support.
 If VS.Frame.Flux.DropPackets exceeds the threshold (0.02%), ALM-20277
Communication Between Subracks Faulty is reported. In the case of other faults, contact
Huawei for technical support.

2.6 RNC License

2.6.1 Monitoring Principles
KPIs such as the licensed RNC-level CS and PS traffic volumes as well as hardware capacity
can be obtained using RNC license files. The usage of each license can be evaluated based on
the obtained KPIs and the RNC's actual traffic volume.

2.6.2 Monitoring Methods

RNC Traffic Volume License Utilization Rate
Obtain the utilization rate of each license by dividing the counters related to peak hour traffic
volume by the related licensed values.
The utilization rate of each license is calculated as follows:
 CS License Ratio
CS License Ratio = CSLoad/Voice Erlang - Erlang x 100%
 PS R99 Throughput License Ratio
PS R99 Throughput License Ratio = (R99PSLoad_UL + R99PSLoad_DL)/(PS
throughput only (per Mbit/s) x 1000) x 100%
 HSDPA Throughput License Ratio
HSDPA Throughput License Ratio = HSDPAPSLoad/(HSDPA Throughput (per Mbit/s)
x 1000) x 100%
 HSUPA Throughput License Ratio
HSUPA Throughput License Ratio = HSUPAPSLoad/(HSUPA Throughput (per Mbit/s)
x 1000) x 100%
 PS License Ratio
PS Throughput License Ratio = PSLoad/(PS throughput only (per Mbit/s) x 1000) x 100%

Table 2-9 Counters pertaining to license utilization in single-operator scenarios and multi-operator
Item Counter (Single-Operator Counter (Multi-Operator
Scenario) Scenario)

CSLoad VS.CSLoad.Erlang.Equiv.RNC VS.CSLoad.Erlang.Equiv.


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R99PSLoad_UL VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.RNC VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.


R99PSLoad_DL VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.RNC VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.






PSLoad VS.PSLoad.Thruput.RNC VS.PSLoad.Thruput.


Table 2-10 Licenses related to traffic volume

License Item Abbreviation Sales Unit

Voice Erlang-Erlang LQW1CS01 Erl
PS throughput only (per Mbit/s) LQW1PO01 Mbit/s
HSDPA Throughput (per Mbit/s) LQW1HSDPAT01 Mbit/s
HSUPA Throughput (per Mbit/s) LQW1HSUPAT01 Mbit/s

RNC Hardware Capacity License Utilization Rate

The hardware capacity license utilization rate is defined as follows:
RNC Hardware Capacity License Utilization Rate = VS.HWLicense.Thruput.RNC/(RNC
Throughput Hardware Capacity (per 50 Mbit/s)License allocated x 50 x 1000) x 100%

The license related to the hardware capacity is listed in the following table.

License Item Abbreviation Sales Hardware Dependency

RNC Throughput Hardware LQW1HWCL03 50 GPU
Capacity (per 50Mbit/s) Mbit/s

RNC ENIUa License Utilization Rate

The BSC6910 ENIUa license utilization rate is calculated using the following formula:

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 2 Network Resource Monitoring

RNC ENIUa License Utilization Rate = VS.NIUPSLoad.Thruput.RNC/(Evolved Network

Intelligence Processing Throughput License allocated x 50 x 1000) x 100%

The license related to the BSC6910 ENIUa traffic is described in the following table.

License Item Abbreviation Sales

Evolved Network Intelligence Processing LGW1DPIHC02 50
Throughput (per 50Mbit/s) Mbit/s

RNC Active User Number License Utilization Rate

The Active User License Utilization Rate is calculated using the following formula:
Active User License Utilization Rate = (VS.CellDCHUEs.RNC +
VS.CellFACHUEs.RNC)/(RNC Active User Hardware Capacity (per 1000 Active
Users)License allocated x 1000) x 100%
Associated counters are as follows:
The license related to active user number capacity is described in the following table.
eLicense Item Abbreviation Sales Unit

RNC Active User Hardware Capacity (per LQW1HWCL04 1000 Active Users
1000 Active Users)

Cell-Level HSDPA/HSUPA User Number License Utilization Rate

 Cell HSDPA Users License Utilization Rate
Cell HSDPA Users License Utilization Rate = VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell/Max HSDPA
users of the HSDPA users license per cell x 100%
 Cell HSUPA Users License Utilization Rate
Cell HSUPA Users License Utilization Rate = VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell/Max HSUPA
users of the HSUPA users license per cell x 100%
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell
 VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell
In the preceding formulas:

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 The value of VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell is equal to the value of VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell for the

cell with the largest number of HSDPA users in the RNC.
 The value of Max HSDPA users of the HSDPA users license per cell is equal to the maximum
licensed value of the number of HSDPA users in a cell configured.
 The value of VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell is equal to the value of VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell for the
cell with the largest number of HSUPA users in the RNC.
 The value of Max HSUPA users of the HSUPA users license per cell is equal to the maximum
licensed value of the number of HSUPA users in a cell configured.

The licenses related to the cell-level HSDPA/HSUPA user number capacity are listed in the
following table.

License Item Abbreviation Sales Unit

32 HSDPA Users per Cell LQW1HSDPA05RES Mbit/s

64 HSDPA Users per Cell LQW1HSDPA06RES Mbit/s
96 HSDPA Users per Cell LQW1HSDPA15RES Mbit/s
128 HSDPA Users per Cell LQW1HSDPA16RES Mbit/s
60 HSUPA Users per Cell LQW1HSUPA07RES Mbit/s
96 HSUPA Users per Cell LQW1HSUPA08RES Mbit/s
128 HSUPA Users per Cell LQW1HSUPA10RES Mbit/s
160 HSPA Users per Cell LQW1160HURES Mbit/s
192 HSPA Users per Cell LQW1192HURES Mbit/s

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2.6.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-7 Capacity expansion scheme

If the peak- hour utilization rate reaches the capacity expansion threshold for n days (n is
specified based on the actual situation; 3 days by default), license purchase is required.

2.7 Common Channel Usage

2.7.1 Monitoring Principles
Common channels include paging channels (PCHs), forward access channels (FACHs), and
random access channels (RACHs).

Table 2-11 Common channel monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

PCH PCHs are downlink channels used to Paging messages may be lost.
transmit paging messages.

FACH FACHs are downlink transmission FACH insufficiency will cause a large
channels used to transmit signaling number of state transitions for PS
data and a small amount of user data. services, occurrence of RRC signaling
storms, and loss of signaling messages
or user data.

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Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

RACH RACHs are uplink transmission RACH insufficiency will decrease the
channels used to transmit signaling network access success rate and
data and a small amount of user data. deteriorate user experience.

2.7.2 Monitoring Methods

Based on the RNC's default parameter settings, the usages of PCHs, FACHs, and RACHs are
calculated using the following formulas, respectively:

PCH Usage
PCH usage = VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1/(<SP> x 60 x 5/0.01)
 <SP> indicates the measurement period expressed in minutes.
 60 indicates 60 seconds in a minute.
 5 indicates the typical configuration (that is, five users in each TTI) of the PCH.
 0.01 indicates the length (that is, 0.01s) of a PCH TTI.

FACH Usage
If a secondary common control physical channel (SCCPCH) carries both a FACH and a PCH,
the FACH usage is calculated using the following formula:
Usage of an FACH carried on a non-standalone SCCPCH = VS.CRNCIubBytesFACH.Tx x
8/[(60 x <SP> x 168 x 1/0.01) x VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate x 6/7 + (60 x <SP> x 360 x
1/0.01) x (1 - VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate x 6/7)]
 VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate =
<VS.CRNCIubBytesPCH.Tx>/(<VS.CRNC.IUB.PCH.Bandwidth> x <SP> x 60)
 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
 60 indicates 60 seconds in a minute.
 <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
 1 indicates one packet transmitted per TTI.
 0.01 indicates the length (that is, 0.01s) of a PCH TTI.
 6/7 indicates the payload ratio in a PCH frame.
 168 indicates the size of a TB on the signaling plane of a FACH.
 360 indicates the size of a TB on the user plane of a FACH.
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.CRNC.IUB.PCH.Bandwidth

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If an SCCPCH only carries a FACH, the FACH usage is calculated using the following
VS.OneSRBTTINum.FACH + VS.IndepTRBNum.FACH)/(<SP> x 60/0.01)
 2 indicates scenarios where two SRB TBs are transmitted within one TTI.
 <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
 60 indicates 60 seconds in a minute.
 0.01 indicates the length (that is, 0.01s) of a PCH TTI.
Associated counters are as follows:

RACH Usage
Each cell has only one RACH. When signaling and user data coexist on the RACH, the
RACH usage is calculated using the following formula:
RACH Usage = ((VS.CRNCIubBytesRACH.Rx - VS.TRBNum.RACH x 360/8) x
8/168)/(<SP> x 60 x 4/0.02) + VS.TRBNum.RACH/(<SP> x 60 x 4/0.02)
 360 indicates the size of a TB on the user plane of a FACH.
 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
 168 indicates the size of a TB on the signaling plane of a FACH.
 <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
 60 indicates 60 seconds in a minute.
 4 indicates that each TTI on the RACH can accommodate four UEs.
 0.02 indicates the TTI of 0.02s (or 20 ms).
Associated counters are as follows:

2.7.3 Optimization Suggestions

If the peak-hour usage of a measurement item reaches the capacity expansion threshold within
n days (n is specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for
capacity expansion as instructed in Figure 2-8.

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Figure 2-8 Capacity expansion procedure

2.8 Downlink Load

2.8.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-12 Downlink resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

Downlink Detailed in the following part. When the downlink transmit power is
resources insufficient, the following occurs:
 The cell coverage shrinks.
 The data throughput decreases.
 The service quality declines.
 New service requests are likely to be

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The downlink capacity of a cell is limited by its total available transmit power, which is
determined by the NodeB power amplifier's capability and the power configured for the cell.
The downlink transmit power consists of the following, as shown in Figure 2-9:
 Common channel (CCH) power
 Power for DPCH
 HSPA power
 Power margin

Figure 2-9 Dynamic power resource allocation

Downlink power resources are allocated as follows:

 Downlink power resources are first reserved for common physical channels and
allocated to the DPCH. The remaining power resources are available for HSPA,
including HSUPA and HSDPA.
 The HSPA power resources are first allocated to the HSUPA downlink control channels,
including the E-AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH. The remaining power resources are
available for HSDPA.
 The HSDPA power resources are first allocated to the downlink control channel
HS-SCCH. The remaining power resources are available for the traffic channel
Downlink power consumption is related to cell coverage, UE locations, and the traffic load in
the cell. Large cell coverage, UEs being far away from the cell center, and heavy traffic load
all contribute to large downlink power consumption. Therefore, downlink power overload is
more likely to occur in hotspots or in cells with large coverage.

2.8.2 Monitoring Methods

The downlink cell load is indicated by the mean utility ratio of transmitted carrier power in a

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 The mean utility ratio of the transmitted carrier power for non-HSPA users in a cell
(including non-HSPA users on CCHs) is calculated using the following formula:
MeanTCP (NonHS) Usage = MeanNonHSTCP/MAXTXPOWER x 100%
 The mean utility ratio of the transmitted carrier power for all users in a cell is calculated
using the following formula:
MeanTCP Usage = MeanTCP/MAXTXPOWER x 100%

 To obtain MAXTXPOWER, run the LST UCELL command to query the value of the
Max Transmit Power of Cell parameter, and convert the parameter value from the unit
"0.1 dBm" to "W".
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.MeanTCP
 VS.MeanTCP.NonHS
 VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput

2.8.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-10 Capacity expansion scheme

If the peak-hour usage of a measurement item reaches the capacity expansion threshold within
n days (n is specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for
capacity expansion as instructed in Figure 2-11.

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Figure 2-11 Capacity expansion procedure

2.9 Uplink Load

2.9.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-13 Uplink resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

Uplink RTWP reflects the interference to a If the RTWP value is too large, the cell
resources NodeB and indicates the signal coverage shrinks, the quality of
strength on the RX port of the RF admitted services declines, or new
module. service requests are rejected.

RTWP measures the uplink cell capability on WCDMA networks.

RTWP includes the following:
 Background noise
 Intra-system interference, including uplink signals sent by the UEs in the serving and
neighboring cells
 RF interference, including RF interference from an external source (for example, RF
interference from another RAT or from equipment other than communication equipment)

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and intra-system RF interference (for example, intermodulation interference produced by

hardware components)
The NodeB measures the RTWP on each receive channel in each cell. The cell RTWP
obtained by the RNC is the linear average of the RTWPs measured on all receive channels in
a cell under the NodeB. The RTWP indicates the interference to a NodeB and the signal
strength on the RX port on the RF module.
The uplink cell capacity is restricted by the rise over thermal (RoT), which equals the RTWP
minus the cell's background noise. The formula is as follows:

If there is no RF interference, the RoT is generated by intra-system interference. Under this

condition, the RoT is used as a criterion to evaluate the uplink load.

The relationship between the RoT and the uplink load factor
UL is as follows:

RoT  10 log( )
1  UL
For example, a 3 dB noise increase corresponds to 50% of the uplink load and a 6 dB noise
increase corresponds to 75% of the uplink load.

Figure 2-12 Relationship between RTWP, noise increase, and uplink load

A large RTWP value in a cell is caused by traffic overflow, hardware faults (for example, poor
quality of antennas or feeder connectors), or external interference.

2.9.2 Monitoring Methods

The RTWP and Equivalent Number of Users (ENU) are indicated by the following counters:
 VS.MeanRTWP: Mean Power of Totally Received Bandwidth for Cell

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 VS.MinRTWP: Minimum Power of Totally Received Bandwidth for Cell

 VS.RAC.UL.EqvUserNum: Mean Number of UL Equivalent Voice UEs in CELL_DCH
State for Cell
 UlTotalEqUserNum: total number of equivalent users in the uplink, which can be
queried using the RNC MML command LST UCELLCAC.
The UL ENU Ratio is calculated using the following formula:
UL ENU Ratio = VS.RAC.UL.EqvUserNum/UlTotalEqUserNum
In some areas, the background noise increases to -106 dBm or above due to external
interference or hardware faults. If this occurs, the value of the VS.MinRTWP counter (the
RTWP value obtained when the cell carries no traffic) is considered the background noise.
The RTWP of a cell is considered high when the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter is
greater than -100 dBm during off-peak hours or greater than -90 dBm during peak hours for
two or three consecutive days in a week.
A cell is considered heavily loaded if the UL ENU Ratio exceeds 75% during peak hours for
two or three consecutive days in a week.

2.9.3 Optimization Suggestions

Perform capacity expansion in the following scenarios:
 If the value of the VS.MinRTWP counter is greater than –100 dBm or less than –110
dBm during off-peak hours for n days (n is specified based on the actual situation; 3 days
by default) in a week, there may be hardware faults or external interference. Locate and
rectify the faults and attempt to eliminate the interference.
The following table lists the RF alarms reported by the NodeB.

Table 2-14 RF alarms

Alarm ID Alarm Name

ALM-26522 RF Unit RX Channel RTWP/RSSI Unbalanced
ALM-26521 RF Unit RX Channel RTWP/RSSI Too Low
ALM-26532 RF Unit Hardware Fault
ALM-26752 ALD Hardware Fault
ALM-26758 TMA Running Data and Configuration Mismatch
ALM-26755 TMA Bypass
ALM-26757 RET Antenna Running Data and Configuration Mismatch
ALM-26541 ALD Maintenance Link Failure
ALM-26529 RF Unit VSWR Threshold Crossed

 If the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter is greater than –90 dBm during peak hours
for n days (n is specified based on the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, there
may be hardware faults or external interference. Locate and rectify the faults and attempt
to eliminate the interference. If the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter is still greater

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than –90 dBm after hardware faults are rectified and external interference is eliminated,
enable the following features as required:
− WRFD-140215 Dynamic Configuration of HSDPA CQI Feedback Period
− WRFD-010712 Adaptive Configuration of Traffic Channel Power offset for HSUPA
If the uplink capacity of the cell still does not meet the requirements after the preceding
features are enabled, add carriers. If there are no additional UARFCNs available, add
 For details about how to enable the WRFD-140215 Dynamic Configuration of HSDPA CQI
Feedback Period feature, see Dynamic Configuration Based on the Uplink Load Feature
Parameter Description in the RAN Feature Documentation.
 For details about how to enable the WRFD-010712 Adaptive Configuration of Traffic Channel
Power offset for HSUPA feature, see Power Control Feature Parameter Description in the RAN
Feature Documentation.
 If the number of uplink ENUs is insufficient and the amount of uplink power is sufficient,
run the MOD UCELLCAC command with the UL total equivalent user number
parameter set to a larger value. In addition, run the SET UADMCTRL command with
the AF of hsupa interactive service and AF of hsupa background service parameters
set to 10.

2.10 OVSF Code Usage

2.10.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-15 Code resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

OVSF OVSF codes are used to distinguish Network access is affected.

codes downlink physical channels for UEs.

In a WCDMA system, channels are identified by codes. Two types of codes are used for each
channel. One is the scrambling code and the other is the Orthogonal Variable Spreading
Factor (OVSF) code.
In the uplink, each UE is allocated a unique scrambling code. In the downlink, each cell is
allocated a unique scrambling code; all UEs in a cell use the same scrambling code but each
of them is allocated a unique OVSF code. Therefore, OVSF codes distinguish the downlink
physical channels of different UEs in a cell.
In a WCDMA cell, different user data is distinguished by the CDMA technique, and all user
data is transmitted over the same central frequency almost at the same time. OVSF codes
provide perfect orthogonality, minimizing interference between different users.
Figure 2-13 shows an OVSF code tree.

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Figure 2-13 OVSF code tree

In the downlink, the maximum spreading factor (SF) is 256.

An OVSF code tree can be divided into 4 SF4 codes, 8 SF8 codes, 16 SF16 codes, ..., 256
SF256 codes. Codes with various SFs can be considered equivalent to SF256 codes. For
example, a code with SF8 is equivalent to 32 codes with SF256. Using this method, the OVSF
code usage can be calculated for a user or a cell.
In a cell, only one OVSF code tree is available. In the OVSF code tree, sibling codes are
orthogonal to each other, but are non-orthogonal to their parent or child codes. As a result,
once a code is allocated to a user, neither its parent nor child code can be allocated to any
other user. Downlink OVSF code resources are limited. If available OVSF codes are
insufficient, a new call request is rejected.
After HSDPA is introduced, HSDPA and R99 services share OVSF codes. HS-PDSCH code
resource management can be performed at both RNC and NodeB levels. RNC-controlled
static or dynamic code allocation is enabled through the Allocate Code Mode parameter.
NodeB-controlled dynamic code allocation is enabled through the DynCodeSw parameter.
Figure 2-14 shows RNC-controlled static code allocation.

Figure 2-14 RNC-controlled static code allocation

Figure 2-15 shows RNC-controlled dynamic code allocation.

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Figure 2-15 RNC-controlled dynamic code allocation

The system reserves code resources for HSDPA services, and these code resources can be
shared among HSDPA services. Therefore, HSDPA services do not require admission control
based on cell code resources.
Figure 2-16 shows NodeB-controlled dynamic code allocation.

Figure 2-16 NodeB-controlled dynamic code allocation

NodeB-controlled dynamic code allocation is more flexible than RNC-controlled dynamic

code allocation. It shortens the response time and saves the Iub signaling used for code

2.10.2 Monitoring Methods

Huawei RNCs monitor the average usage of an OVSF code tree based on the number of
equivalent codes with SF256, which is measured by the VS.RAB.SFOccupy counter.
The number of codes used by the dedicated channel (DCH) can be calculated using the
following formula:
DCH_OVSF_CODE = (<VS.SingleRAB.SF4> + <VS.MultRAB.SF4>) x 64 +
(<VS.MultRAB.SF8> + <VS.SingleRAB.SF8>) x 32 + (<VS.MultRAB.SF16> +
<VS.SingleRAB.SF16>) x 16 + (<VS.SingleRAB.SF32> + <VS.MultRAB.SF32>) x 8 +
(<VS.MultRAB.SF64> + <VS.SingleRAB.SF64>) x 4 + (<VS.SingleRAB.SF128> +
<VS.MultRAB.SF128>) x 2 + (<VS.SingleRAB.SF256> + <VS.MultRAB.SF256>)
The maximum number of codes available for the DCH can be calculated using the following
DCH_OVSF_CODE_Ava = 256 - (Codes occupied by CCHs + Codes occupied by E-AGCHs
+ Codes occupied by E-RGCHs and E-HICHs + Codes reserved for HS-PDSCHs +
HS-SCCH codes)
For example, if the following conditions are met:
 A cell that supports HSPA is configured with one SCCPCH, one E-AGCH, one
E-RGCH/E-HICH, and two HS-SCCHs.

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 At least one code is reserved for HSDPA services.

Then, DCH_OVSF_CODE_Ava = 256 - (8 + 1 + 2 + 16 + 4) = 225.
OVSF code usages are calculated as follows:
 OVSF Usage = VS.RAB.SFOccupy/256 x 100%

2.10.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-17 Capacity expansion scheme

If the peak-hour usage reaches the capacity expansion threshold within n days (n is specified
based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for capacity expansion as
instructed in Figure 2-18.

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Figure 2-18 Capacity expansion procedure

For details about how to enable the WRFD-010631 Dynamic Code Allocation Based on NodeB feature
and the WRFD-010653 96 HSDPA Users per Cell feature, see HSDPA Feature Parameter Description in
the RAN Feature Documentation.

2.11 HS-PDSCH Code Usage

2.11.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-16 HS-PDSCH code resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

HS-PDSCH HS-PDSCHs are used to carry HSDPA service rates will be affected.
codes HSDPA services.

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2.11.2 Monitoring Methods

The HS-PDSCH code usage in a measurement period is calculated using the following
HS-PDSCH Code Usage =
Sum_AllCells_of_NodeB means a sum of this counter value for all cells under a NodeB.
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.PdschCodeUsed.Mean
 VS.PdschCodeAvail.Mean

2.11.3 Optimization Suggestions

The following suggestions are provided on the assumption that the HS-PDSCH Code Usage is
greater than 70% during peak hours for n days (n is specified based on the actual situation; 3
days by default) in a week and the value of VS.HSDPA.MeanChThroughput is less than what
is required by users (for example, 300 kbit/s).
 If the number of licensed HS-PDSCH codes is greater than the number of available
HS-PDSCH codes, increase carriers with the TCP usage taken into consideration.
 If the number of licensed HS-PDSCH codes is less than or equal to the number of
available HS-PDSCH codes, purchase more licenses.

2.12 HS-SCCH Code Usage

2.12.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-17 HS-SCCH code resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

HS-SCCH HS-SCCH codes are used to carry Insufficient HS-SCCH codes will
codes HS-PDSCH-related control increase data transmission delay and
information. reduce the maximum number of UEs
The number of HS-SCCH codes that are performing delay-sensitive
determines the number of HSDPA services in a cell.
users that can be scheduled in each
transmission time interval (TTI).

2.12.2 Monitoring Methods

The HS-SCCH code usage is calculated using the following formula:

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HS-SCCH Code Usage = VS.ScchCodeUtil.Mean/1000

2.12.3 Optimization Suggestions

If the HS-SCCH Code Usage is greater than 70% during peak hours for n days (n is specified
based on the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week and the number of configured
HS-SCCHs is less than 4, add more HS-SCCHs.

2.13 Iub/Iu/Iur Bandwidth Usage

2.13.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-18 Iub/Iu/Iur resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

Iub The Iub interface lies between the Iub bandwidth congestion will cause
bandwidth NodeB and the RNC. This interface RRC connection setup and RAB setup
uses ATM or IP transmission. failures. Table 2-19 describes Iub
In IP transmission, the BSC6910 bandwidth congestion scenarios.
supports only transmission resource
pool mode and does not support
resource groups.

Iu The Iu interface lies between the

bandwidth RNC and the CN. This interface uses
ATM or IP transmission. However,
the BSC6910 supports only IP
transmission for the Iu-PS interface.
In IP transmission mode, the Iu
interface supports both transmission
resource pool mode and other
In transmission resource pool mode,
the RNC requires no IP paths and
does not support transmission

Iur The Iur interface lies between RNCs.

bandwidth This interface uses ATM or IP
In IP transmission mode, the Iur
interface supports both transmission
resource pool mode and other
In transmission resource pool mode,
the RNC requires no IP paths and
does not support transmission

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ATM and IP transmission resources can be classified into physical resources, logical port (LP)
resources, resource groups, and link resources, as shown in Figure 2-19 and Figure 2-20.

Figure 2-19 ATM transmission resources

Figure 2-20 IP transmission resources

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Table 2-19 Iub bandwidth congestion scenarios

Scenario Description
The physical transmission Admission control is performed based on the
resources are sufficient, but sufficiency of transmission resources. If
the admission fails. transmission resources are insufficient, the
admission fails. Admission control prevents
excessive service admission and ensures the
quality of admitted services.
The physical transmission The physical transmission bandwidth between the
bandwidth is insufficient. RNC and NodeB is insufficient.

2.13.2 Monitoring Methods

ATM Transmission
On an ATM transport network, the RNC can monitor the uplink and downlink load on their
interface boards. The Iub/Iu/Iur bandwidth usage is indicated by the ratio of the actual uplink
or downlink load to the configured bandwidth. For the Iub interface, the NodeB can also
monitor the uplink and downlink load on their interface boards.
The RNC monitors the admission success rate and bandwidth usage for each NodeB.
1. Bandwidth-based admission success rate
The bandwidth-based admission success rate is calculated using the following formula:
Bandwidth-based admission success rate = VS.AAL2.CAC.Succ/VS.AAL2.CAC.Att
Associated counters are as follows:
− VS.AAL2.CAC.Succ: Number of Successful AAL2 Path Admissions
− VS.AAL2.CAC.Att: Number of AAL2 Path Resource Admissions
2. Bandwidth usage
(1) Control plane
The uplink and downlink bandwidth usages of the SAAL links (for both NCP and CCP)
on the control plane over the Iub/Iu/Iur interface are calculated using the following
formulas, respectively:
− UL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on Control Plane = VS.SAALLNK.PVCLAYER.RXBYTES x
8/1000/<SP>/RX BW_CFG
− DL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on Control Plane = VS.SAALLNK.PVCLAYER.TXBYTES x
8/1000/<SP>/TX BW_CFG
− 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
− 1000 indicates 1 kbit/s.
− <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
− TX BW_CFG indicates the configured transmit bandwidth.
Associated counters are as follows:

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(2) User plane

The uplink and downlink bandwidth usages of the user plane on the Iub/Iu/Iur interface
are calculated using the following formulas, respectively:
− UL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on User Plane = Sum (VS.AAL2PATH.PVCLAYER.RXBYTES)
x 8/<SP>/1000/RX BW_CFG
− DL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on User Plane = Sum (VS.AAL2PATH.PVCLAYER.TXBYTES)
x 8/<SP>/1000/TX BW_CFG
− 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
− 1000 indicates 1 kbit/s.
− <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
− TX BW_CFG indicates the configured transmit bandwidth.
Associated counters are as follows:

IP Transmission
On an IP transmission network, the RNC and NodeB can monitor the average uplink and
downlink loads on their interface boards. The Iub/Iu/Iur bandwidth usage is represented by
the ratio of the average uplink or downlink load to the configured Iub/Iu/Iur bandwidth. For
the Iub interface, the NodeB can also monitor the uplink and downlink load on their interface
boards. In addition, the RNC and NodeB can dynamically adjust the bandwidth of a service
based on the QoS requirements of the service and user priority and improve the Iub bandwidth
usage using the reserve pressure algorithm on their interface boards.
1. Admission success rate (or IP connection setup success rate)
The IP connection setup success rate is calculated using the following formula:
IP connection setup success rate =
Associated counters are as follows:
− VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Succ
− VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Att
− VS.ANI.IP.FailResAllocForBwLimit
2. Bandwidth usage
(1) Control plane
The uplink and downlink traffic volumes of the SCTP links (for NCP, CCP, and ALCAP)
on the control plane over the Iub interface are calculated using the following formulas,
− 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
− <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
− 1000 indicates 1 kbit/s.
Associated counters are as follows:

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(2) User plane
The uplink and downlink Iub bandwidth usages on a transmission resource pool are
calculated using the following formulas, respectively:
− UL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on User Plane = VS.IPPOOL.ANI.IPLAYER.RXBYTES x
8/<SP>/1000/RX BW_CFG
− DL Iub/Iu/Iur Usage on User Plane = VS.IPPOOL.ANI.IPLAYER.TXBYTES x
8/<SP>/1000/TX BW_CFG
− 8 indicates 8 bits in a byte.
− 1000 indicates 1 kbit/s.
− <SP> indicates the measurement period in minutes.
− TX BW_CFG indicates the configured transmit bandwidth.
Associated counters are as follows:

2.13.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-21 Capacity expansion scheme

 If ALM-21542 SCTP Link Congestion is reported on the Iub interface, bandwidth congestion has
occurred on the control plane.
 If ALM-21532 SAAL Link Congestion is reported on the Iu interface, bandwidth congestion has
occurred on the control plane.
 If the value of the VS.ANI.IP.FailResAllocForBwLimit counter is not zero, bandwidth congestion
has occurred on the user plane.

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If the peak-hour Iub/Iu/Iur bandwidth usage exceeds 70% or the admission success rate is
lower than 99% within n days (n is specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in
a week, prepare for capacity expansion as instructed in Figure 2-22.

Figure 2-22 Capacity expansion procedure

The following part uses the Iub interface as an example to introduce how to implement
capacity expansion.

Scenario 1: Bandwidth Congestion on the ATM Control Plane

If an SAAL link is congested, increase the bandwidth configured for the SAAL link by
running the following commands:

Scenario 2: Bandwidth Congestion on the IP Control Plane

If an SCTP link is congested, check whether the transmission bandwidth between the RNC
and NodeB is sufficient and whether the DSCP of the SCTP link is appropriately set. If the
transmission bandwidth is sufficient and the DSCP is appropriately set, add an SCTP link by
running the following command:

Scenario 3: Physical Bandwidth Congestion on the ATM and IP User Planes

Increase the physical bandwidth of the Iub interface as required.

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Scenario 4: Admission Bandwidth Congestion on the ATM and IP User Planes, Not
Accompanied by Physical Bandwidth Congestion
Step 2 Decrease the activity factor for PS services to enable the system to admit more UEs. Query
the activity factor used by the adjacent node by checking the configuration data of the
following command:
Step 3 Run the ADD TRMFACTOR command to add an activity factor table. The recommended
HDBKGDL is 10. The following is an example:
Step 4 Run the MOD ADJMAP command to use the new activity factor on the adjacent node. The
following is an example:

The activity factor equals the ratio of actual bandwidth occupied by a UE to the bandwidth allocated to
the UE during its initial access. It is used to predict the bandwidth required by admission. Each NodeB
can be configured with its own activity factor. The default activity factor for voice services is 70%, and
the default activity factor for PS BE services is 40%.


2.14 CE Usage
2.14.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-20 CE resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

CEs CE resources are baseband New service requests will be rejected.

processing resources in a NodeB.
The more CEs a NodeB supports, the
stronger the NodeB's service
processing capability.

Uplink CE resources can be shared in an uplink resource group, but not between uplink
resource groups. Downlink CE resources are associated with the baseband processing
boards where a cell is set up. CE resources allocated by licenses are shared among services on
the NodeB. (CE resources are shared on a per operator basis in MOCN scenarios.)
The NodeB sends the RNC a response message that carries its CE capability. The NodeB's CE
capability is limited by both the installed hardware and the configured software licenses.
The methods of calculating the credit resource usage of admitted UEs are different before and
after the CE Overbooking feature is enabled. Table 2-21 describes the details.

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Table 2-21 Credit resources consumed by admitted UEs before and after CE Overbooking is

Before or After CE Credit Resource Consumed by Admitted UEs

Overbooking is Enabled
Before CE Overbooking The RNC calculates the usage of CEs for admitted UEs by
is enabled adding up credit resources reserved for each UE.
 R99 UE: The RNC calculates the usage of credit resources
for an R99 UE based on the maximum bit rate (MBR).
 HSUPA UE: The RNC calculates the usage of credit
resources for an HSUPA UE based on MAX (GBR, Rateone

After CE Overbooking is The NodeB calculates the usage of credit resources for all
enabled admitted UEs at the cell and NodeB levels and periodically
reports the calculation results to the RNC through
measurement reports (MRs).
 R99 UE: The NodeB calculates the usage of credit resources
for an R99 UE based on the MBR.
 HSUPA UE using a 10 ms transmission time interval (TTI):
The NodeB adjusts the credit resource usage of such a UE
based on the UE's rate. After the adjustment, the credit
resources consumed by such a UE must not exceed the credit
resources required by Rateone RLC PDU.
 HSUPA UE using a 2 ms TTI: The NodeB adjusts the credit
resource usage of such a UE based on the UE's rate and the
minimum number of CEs (specified by
CERSVFOR2MSUSER) reserved for admitting such a UE.
After the adjustment, the credit resources consumed by such
a UE must not exceed the credit resources required by
Rateone RLC PDU.
The minimum number of CEs reserved for admitting an HSUPA UE
using a 2 ms TTI is 4 by default. The value range is 1 to 8.

For details about CE Overbooking, see CE Overbooking Feature Parameter Description.

CCHs do not require extra CE resources because the RNC reserves CE resources for services
on these channels. Signaling carried on an associated channel of the DCH does not consume
extra CE resources, either. One CE can be consumed by a 12.2 kbit/s voice call.
For details about CE number consumed by different services, see CE Resource Management
Feature Parameter Description.

2.14.2 Monitoring Methods

The RNC provides counters to monitor CE usage.
The NodeB uses separate baseband processing units in the uplink and downlink. Therefore,
the NodeB manages uplink and downlink CE resources separately.

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License-based Downlink CE Usage

The downlink CE usage is defined as follows:
License-based downlink CE usage = DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/DL License CE
 DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number = VS.NodeB.DLCreditUsed.Mean
 DL License CE Number can be obtained by choosing License > NE License
Management > NodeB on the U2000.
The associated counter is VS.NodeB.DLCreditUsed.Mean.

License-based Uplink CE Usage

The uplink CE usage is defined as follows:
License-based uplink CE usage = UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/UL License CE
 UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number = (VS.NodeB.ULCreditConsumed.Mean +
"/2" indicates the number of uplink CEs because the number of uplink credit resources is
twice the number of uplink CEs, whereas the number of downlink credit resources is
equal to the number of downlink CEs.
 UL License CE Number can be obtained by choosing License > NE License
Management > NodeB on the U2000.
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.NodeB.ULCreditConsumed.Mean
 VS.NodeB.CoordinatingRL.ULCreditUsed.Mean

Hardware-based downlink CE usage

Hardware-based downlink CE usage is defined as follows:
Hardware-based downlink CE usage = DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/DL CE Capacity
 The value of DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number equals that used for calculating the
license-based downlink CE usage.
 DL CE Capacity Number = VS.HW.DLCreditAvailable

Hardware-based Uplink CE Usage

Hardware-based downlink CE usage is defined as follows:
Hardware-based uplink CE usage = UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/UL CE Capacity

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 The value of UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number equals that used for calculating the
license-based uplink CE usage.
 UL CE Capacity Number = VS.HW.ULCreditAvailable
The CE resource usage can be monitored by alarms. If the CE hardware capacity is exceeded,
ALM-28230 Base Station Service Overload is reported.

2.14.3 Optimization Suggestions

If the uplink/downlink license- or hardware-based CE usage is greater than 70% during peak
hours for n days (n is specified based on the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week,
perform capacity expansion as follows:
 If the license-based CE usage exceeds its capacity expansion threshold, CE resources are
limited by the license. In this situation, upgrade the license file.
 If the hardware-based CE usage exceeds the capacity expansion threshold, CE resources
are limited by the hardware capacity. In this situation, add WBBP boards.
If capacity expansion is inapplicable, perform the following operations:
 Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH. In this step, select
and DRA_BASE_ADM_CE_BE_TTI_RECFG_SWITCH check boxes under
the Dynamic Resource Allocation Switch parameter to enable the DCCC algorithm and
the TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm for admission CE-based BE services,
 Run the RNC MML command SET UUSERGBR with the Uplink GBR for BE service
parameter set to D32.
Newly added CE resources can share the traffic in hotspots and relieve CE congestion caused
by traffic overflow.

2.15 NodeB CNBAP Load

2.15.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-22 CNBAP resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

CNBAP CNBAP load is used to assess a CNBAP overload will cause radio link
NodeB's processing capability. setup failures, thereby decreasing the
RRC connection setup and RAB setup
success rates.

2.15.2 Monitoring Methods

The CNBAP load on a NodeB can be measured by license- and hardware-based CNBAP

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License-based CNBAP Usage

License-based CNBAP Usage = (VS.RadioLink.Recv.Mean +
VS.DedicMeaRpt.MEAN/12)/License CNBAP
License CNBAP = NodeB License CNBAP Cfg Number, which can be got by running the
NodeB command DSP LICENSE.
Associated counters are as follows:
 VS.RadioLink.Recv.Mean
 VS.DedicMeaRpt.MEAN

Hardware-based CNBAP Usage

Hardware-based CNBAP Usage = VS.BTS.CnbapCap.UseRate
The associated counter is VS.BTS.CnbapCap.UseRate.
CNBAP usage can be monitored by alarms. If the CNBAP hardware capacity is exceeded,
ALM-28230 Base Station Service Overload is reported.

2.15.3 Optimization Suggestions

Figure 2-23 Capacity expansion scheme

If the peak-hour CNBAP usage reaches the capacity expansion threshold within n days (n is
specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for capacity
expansion as instructed in Figure 2-24.

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Figure 2-24 Capacity expansion procedure

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 The features mentioned in Figure 2-24 refer to WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode
Fast Dormancy.
 For details about how to enable the WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode (CELL_DCH,
CELL_PCH, URA_PCH, CELL_FACH) feature, see State Transition Feature
Parameter Description in the RAN Feature Documentation.
 For details about how to enable the WRFD-020500 Enhanced Fast Dormancy feature, see Enhanced
Fast Dormancy Feature Parameter Description in the RAN Feature Documentation.
 The maximum CNBAP capability of a NodeB is 1500. When the CNBAP capability configured for a
NodeB is less than 1500, replace boards to expand the capacity if CNBAP overload occurs. For the
CNBAP capabilities of the WBBP boards, see 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description.

2.16 HSPA Users

2.16.1 Monitoring Principles
Table 2-23 HSPA user resource monitoring

Resource Function Impact of Resource Insufficiency

HSPA HSPA services are carried on the If BBP boards are overloaded with
users BBP boards in a NodeB. Therefore, HSPA users, new users may fail to
the number of HSPA users access the network.
determines BBP board loads.

2.16.2 Monitoring Methods

The following NodeB counters are used to monitor the percentage of the number of HSPA
users on a BBP board to the configured number of HSPA users:
 VS.BOARD.UsedHsdpaUserRatio.Mean
 VS.BOARD.UsedHsupaUserRatio.Mean

2.16.3 Optimization Suggestions

If the percentage of the number of HSDPA/HSUPA users on a WBBP or UBBP board to the
configured number of HSDPA/HSUPA users exceeds 60% during peak hours within n days (n
is specified based the actual situation; 3 days by default) in a week, prepare for capacity
expansion as instructed in Figure 2-25.

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Figure 2-25 Capacity expansion procedure

 For details about how to enable the WRFD-150242 HSDPA Scheduler Pool feature, see HSDPA
Scheduler Pool Feature Parameter Description in the RAN feature documentation. For details about
how to enable the WRFD-170205 HSUPA Scheduler Pool feature, see HSUPA Scheduler Pool
Feature Parameter Description in the RAN feature documentation.
 The number of HSPA users supported by a WBBP board varies according to board type. For detailed
numbers of HSPA users supported by different WBBP boards, see 3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description.

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3 Network Resource Troubleshooting

The monitoring method described in chapter 2 "Network Resource Monitoring" is effective in

most scenarios. However, other scenarios may require more detailed troubleshooting to
determine if high resource occupancy is caused by traffic increases or other abnormalities.
This chapter describes how to locate network resource problems that require more complex
troubleshooting and is intended for personnel who:
 Have a deep understanding of WCDMA networks
 Are familiar with the signaling procedure
 Are familiar with the operation and maintenance of Huawei products

3.1 Possible Block and Failure Points in the Basic Call Flow
When network resources are insufficient, accessibility-related KPIs are likely to be affected
Figure 3-1 uses a mobile terminated call (MTC) as an example to illustrate the basic call
flow, with possible block/failure points indicated. For details about the basic call process, see
3GPP TS 25.931.

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Figure 3-1 Basic call flow chart and possible block/failure points

The basic call flow illustrated in Figure 3-1 is described as follows:

Step 1 The CN sends a paging message to the RNC.
Step 2 Upon receiving the paging message, the RNC broadcasts the message on a PCH. If the PCH is
congested, the RNC may drop the message at block point #1.
Step 3 The UE may not receive the paging message or access the network, and fails to respond to
RNC's paging message. See failure point # 2.
Step 4 If the UE receives the paging message, it sends an RRC connection setup request to the RNC.

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Step 5 If the RNC is congested when receiving the RRC connection setup request, the RNC may
drop the request message. See block point #3.
Step 6 If the RNC receives the RRC connection setup request and does not discard it, the RNC
determines whether to accept or reject the request. The request may be rejected due to
insufficient resources, as shown in block point #4.
Step 7 If the RNC accepts the request, the RNC instructs the UE to set up an RRC connection. The
UE may not receive RNC's response message or may find that the configuration does not
support RRC connection setup. See failure points #5 and #6.
Step 8 After the RRC connection is set up, the UE sends NAS messages to negotiate with the CN
about service setup. If the CN determines to set up a service, the CN sends an RAB
assignment request to the RNC.
Step 9 The RNC accepts or rejects the RAB assignment request based on the resource usage of RAN.
See block point #7.
Step 10 If the RNC accepts the RAB assignment request, it initiates an RB setup process. During the
process, the RNC sets up radio links (RLs) to the NodeB over the Iub interface and sends an
RB setup message to the UE over the Uu interface. The RL or RB setup process may incur
failures. See failure points #8 and #9.

3.2 Counters Related to Call Congestion

As shown in Figure 3-1, call congestion may occur during paging, RRC connection setup, or
RAB setup. This section describes counters related to call congestion. For details about these
counters, see chapter 4 "Metrics Definitions."

3.2.1 Paging Loss

The counters measuring RNC- and cell-level paging loss are as follows:
 RNC-level paging loss
The counters measuring paging loss caused by Iu-interface flow control, CPU overload,
or RNC-level PCH congestion are as follows:
− VS.RANAP.CsPaging.Loss: number of failed responses after the RNC receives CS
paging messages from the CN
− VS.RANAP.PsPaging.Loss: number of failed responses after the RNC receives PS
paging messages from the CN
− VS.RANAP.CsPaging.Att: number of CS paging messages received by the RNC from
the CN
− VS.RANAP.PsPaging.Att: number of PS paging messages received by the RNC from
the CN
Calculation formula:
IU Paging Congestion Ratio (RNC) = [(VS.RANAP.CsPaging.Loss +
VS.RANAP.PsPaging.Loss)/(VS.RANAP.CsPaging.Att + VS.RANAP.PsPaging.Att)] x
 Cell-level paging loss
The counters measuring paging loss caused by cell-level PCH congestion are as follows:

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− VS.RRC.Paging1.Loss.PCHCong.Cell: number of discarded paging messages due to

PCH congestion in a cell
− VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1: number of paging messages of paging type 1 sent by the
RNC in a cell
Calculation formula:
Iu-interface paging loss ratio (cell) =
(VS.RRC.Paging1.Loss.PCHCong.Cell/VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1) x 100%

3.2.2 RRC Congestion

The following table describes the mapping between reasons of RRC connection setup
rejections and corresponding counters.

Rejection Reason Counter

Uplink power VS.RRC.Rej.ULPower.Cong: Number of RRC Connection
congestion Rejects for Cell (UL Power Congestion)
Downlink power VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong: Number of RRC Connection
congestion Rejects for Cell (DL Power Congestion)
Uplink CE resource VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong: Number of RRC Connection Rejects
congestion for Cell (UL CE Resource Congestion)
Downlink CE resource VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong: Number of RRC Connection Rejects
congestion for Cell (DL CE Resource Congestion)
Uplink Iub bandwidth VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong: Number of RRC Connection
resource congestion Rejects for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)
Downlink Iub VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong: Number of RRC Connection
bandwidth resource Rejects for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)
Downlink code VS.RRC.Rej.Code.Cong: Number of RRC Connection Rejects
resource congestion for Cell (Code Resource Congestion)

The RRC block rate is calculated using the following formula:

Vs.RRC.Block.Rate = Total RRC Rej/VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Sum x 100%
 Total RRC Rej = < VS.RRC.Rej.ULPower.Cong > + < VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong > +
< VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong > + < VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong > + <
VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong > + < VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong > + <
VS.RRC.Rej.Code.Cong >
 VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.Sum: Number of Processed RRC Connection Requests for Cell

3.2.3 RAB Congestion

The following table describes the mapping between reasons of RAB setup rejections and
corresponding counters.

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Rejection Reason Counter

Power congestion  VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Cong: Number of Failed CS RAB
Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Cong: Number of Failed CS RAB
Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULPower.Cong: Number of Failed PS RAB
Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong: Number of Failed PS RAB
Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion)
Uplink CE  VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULCE.Cong: Number of Failed CS RAB
congestion Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULCE.Cong: Number of Failed PS RAB
Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion)
Downlink CE  VS.RAB.FailEstabCs.DLCE.Cong: Number of Failed CS RAB
congestion Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPs.DLCE.Cong: Number of Failed PS RAB
Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion)
Downlink code  VS.RAB.FailEstabCs.Code.Cong: Number of Failed CS RAB
resource congestion Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPs.Code.Cong: Number of Failed PS RAB
Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion)
Iub bandwidth  VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLIUBBand.Cong: Number of Failed CS
congestion RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULIUBBand.Cong: Number of Failed CS
RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLIUBBand.Cong: Number of Failed PS
RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULIUBBand.Cong: Number of Failed PS
RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion)

The RAB block rate is calculated using the following formula:

VS.RAB.Block.Rate = Total number of failed RAB establishments regardless of the cause of
where VS.RAB.AttEstab.Cell measures the total number of RAB setup requests in a cell. This
counter is calculated as follows:
VS.RAB.AttEstab.Cell = VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Conv + VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Str +
VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv + VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Bkg + VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Int +

3.3 Resource Usage Analysis

Figure 3-2 illustrates the general troubleshooting procedure for resource usage issues.

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Figure 3-2 General troubleshooting procedure for resource usage issues

In most cases, the troubleshooting procedure includes detecting abnormal KPIs, selecting top
N cells, and analyzing abnormal KPIs.

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In the case of system bottlenecks, accessibility-related KPIs are usually checked first because
most of the access congestion issues are caused by insufficient system resources.
Figure 3-3 shows key points for bottleneck analysis. The following sections then describe
these key points.

Figure 3-3 Key points for bottleneck analysis

3.3.1 CP CPU Load Analysis

Current networks are generally vulnerable to signaling storms caused by smartphones, and the
CP's signaling processing capability is most likely to become the system bottleneck.
If the CP CPU load exceeds the predefined alarm threshold, the RNC starts flow control to
discard some RRC connection setup requests or paging requests. From the perspective of
maintenance, the CP CPU load must be less than the alarm threshold to guarantee system
Figure 3-4 illustrates the procedure for analyzing the CP CPU load.

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Figure 3-4 Procedure for analyzing the CP CPU load

As shown in Figure 3-4, if the CP CPU load exceeds 50%, analyze the cause of the problem
and prevent the CPU load from increasing further. In addition, perform an in-depth analysis of
the high CPU load, for example, check whether the parameter configurations are appropriate.
If the high CPU load is caused by an increase in traffic volume, it is recommended that you
expand hardware capacity.

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CP/UP flexible deployment can adjust the hardware resources in the CP and UP pools so that
these pools have basically the same average load. Because the non-pooled load in the CP
cannot be shared, dynamic cell allocation is required to balance this load in the CP pool.
If the traffic model changes, the load can be balanced between CP and UP pools to a certain
degree but cannot be completely balanced. For example, if the CP CPU load is lower than the
UP CPU load but the remaining CP resources are insufficient to bear new NodeBs and cells, it
is recommended that you reduce the number of cells in the RNC or add new boards.

3.3.2 UP CPU Load Analysis

If the load on the GPU board or interface board is too high, the RNC discards some user-plane
data. Figure 3-5 illustrates the procedure for analyzing the UP CPU load.

Figure 3-5 Procedure for analyzing the UP CPU load

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If the UP CPU load exceeds 60%, analyze the cause of the problem and prevent the CPU load
from increasing further. If the high CPU load is caused by an increase in traffic volume, it is
recommended that you expand hardware capacity.

3.3.3 CE Resource Analysis

Both CE congestion and CE resource monitoring require CE resource analysis. If CE usage
remains greater than the preset overload threshold or if CE congestion occurs, CE resources
are insufficient and must be increased to ensure system stability.
Figure 3-6 illustrates the procedure for analyzing CE congestion.

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Figure 3-6 Procedure for analyzing CE congestion

CE resources can be shared within a resource group. Therefore, CE usage on the NodeB must
be calculated to determine whether CE congestion occurs in a resource group or the NodeB. If
CE congestion occurs in a resource group, reallocate CE resources among resource groups. If
CE congestion occurs in the NodeB, perform capacity expansion.

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3.3.4 Iub Resource Analysis

Figure 3-7 illustrates the procedure for analyzing Iub bandwidth congestion.

Figure 3-7 Procedure for analyzing Iub bandwidth congestion

3.3.5 Power Resource Analysis

If the uplink RTWP and downlink TCP values are greater than the preset thresholds, power
congestion occurs.
If power congestion occurs in the downlink, enable the load reshuffling (LDR) and overload
control (OLC) functions. If power congestion occurs in the uplink, analyze whether the
problem is caused by interference or traffic increases.
If the RTWP value remains greater than -97 dBm, identify root causes and troubleshoot the
If the problem is caused by heavy traffic instead of signaling storms, perform the following
 Enable LDR and OLC for temporary troubleshooting.
 Add carriers or split cells for a long-term solution.
Figure 3-8 illustrates the procedure for analyzing power resource usage.

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Figure 3-8 Procedure for analyzing power resource usage

Generally, adding a carrier is the most effective means of relieving uplink power congestion.
If no additional carrier is available, add a NodeB or reduce the downtilt of the antenna.

3.3.6 PCH Usage Analysis

In most cases, PCHs are overloaded because an LA covers too many cells. Replan LAs to
resolve the PCH overload.
Figure 3-9 illustrates the procedure for analyzing PCH usage.

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Figure 3-9 Procedure for analyzing PCH usage

3.3.7 FACH Usage Analysis

FACH congestion is less likely to occur when UE state transition is disabled. However, the
RNC usually enables UE state transition to transfer low-traffic services to FACHs. This saves
radio resources but increases traffic on FACHs.
Methods of relieving FACH congestion are as follows:
 Shorten the period during which PS services are carried on FACHs to enable fast UE
state transition to the CELL_PCH state or idle mode. In addition, set up RRC
connections on DCHs if DCH resources are sufficient.
 Add an SCCPCH to carry FACHs.
Figure 3-10 illustrates the procedure for analyzing FACH usage.

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Figure 3-10 Procedure for analyzing FACH usage

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 4 Metrics Definitions

4 Metrics Definitions

Metric Name Counter Description

Congestion-related Metrics
Call Block Vs.Call.Block.Rate (customized) Vs.RRC.Block.Rate +
Ratio (<RRC.SuccConnEstab.sum>/(<VS.RRC.A
ttConnEstab.CellDCH> +
<VS.RRC.AttConnEstab.CellFACH>)) x
RRC Vs.RRC.Block.Rate (customized) (<VS.RRC.Rej.ULPower.Cong> +
Congestion <VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong> +
Ratio <VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong> +
<VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong> +
<VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong> +
<VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong> +

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 4 Metrics Definitions

Metric Name Counter Description

RAB Vs.RAB.Block.Rate (customized) (<VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Cong> +
Congestion <VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Cong> +
Ratio <VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULPower.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULCE.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULCE.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabCs.DLCE.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabPs.DLCE.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabCs.Code.Cong> +
<VS.RAB.FailEstabPs.Code.Cong> +
)/(VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Conv +
VS.RAB.AttEstabCS.Str +
VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv +
VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Bkg +
VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Int +
Call Attempts VS.RAB.AttEstab.Cell (customized) (<VS.RAB.AttEstCS.Conv> +
<VS.RAB.AttEstab.CS.Str> +
<VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Conv> +
<VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Str> +
<VS.RAB.AttEstabPS.Int> +

Power Usage-related Metrics

where MAXTXPOWER is the maximum
power configured for a cell. Measured
in watts.

where MAXTXPOWER is the maximum

power configured for a cell. Measured
in watts.
UL ENU Rate VS.RAC.UL.EqvUserNum VS.RAC.UL.EqvUserNum/UlTotalEqUser

02 (2016-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 71

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 4 Metrics Definitions

Metric Name Counter Description

Iub Interface Resource Usage-related Metrics
Admission VS.AAL2.CAC.Att
Success Rate
DL Iub Usage VS.SAALLNK.PVCLAYER.TXBYTES DL Iub Usage on Control Plane =
Plane 8/1000/<SP>/TX BW_CFG
UL Iub Usage UL Iub Usage on Control Plane =
Plane 8/1000/<SP>/RX BW_CFG
DL Iub Usage  ATM Transmission ATM Transmission
on User Plane VS.AAL2PATH.PVCLAYER.TXBYTES DL Iub Usage on User Plane = Sum
x 8/<SP>/1000/TX BW_CFG
 IP transmission in non-pooled networking:
IP transmission in non-pooled networking:
DL Iub Usage on User Plane = Sum
 IP transmission in resource pool 8/<SP>/1000/TX BW_CFG
networking: IP transmission in resource pool
8/<SP>/1000/TX BW_CFG
UL Iub Usage ATM Transmission
on User Plane UL Iub Usage on User Plane = Sum
x 8/<SP>/1000/RX BW_CFG
IP transmission in non-pooled networking:
UL Iub Usage on User Plane = Sum
8/<SP>/1000/RX BW_CFG
IP transmission in resource pool
UL Iub Usage on User Plane =
8/<SP>/1000/RX BW_CFG
IP Connection VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Succ VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Succ/VS.ANI.IP.Co
Setup Success VS.ANI.IP.Conn.Estab.Att nn.Estab.Att
PCH/FACH Usage-related Metrics
PCH Usage VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1 VS.UTRAN.AttPaging1/(<SP> x 60 x

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 4 Metrics Definitions

Metric Name Counter Description

FACH Usage VS.CRNCIubBytesFACH.Tx (1) Utilization of FACH carried on
VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate non-standalone SCCPCH
VS.CRNCIubBytesFACH.Tx x 8/((60 x
VS.OneSRBTTINum.FACH <SP> x 168 x 1/0.01) x
VS.IndepTRBNum.FACH VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate x 6/7 + (60
x <SP> x 360 x 1/0.01) x (1 -
VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate x 6/7))
VS.PCH.Bandwidth.UsageRate =
.IUB.PCH.Bandwidth> x <SP> x 60)
(2) Utilization of FACH carried on
standalone SCCPCH
FACH Usage = ((VS.SRBNum.FACH -
VS.IndepTRBNum.FACH)/(<SP> x
RACH Usage VS.CRNCIubBytesRACH.Rx RACH Usage =
VS.TRBNum.RACH x 360/8) x
VS.TRBNum.RACH 8/168)/(<SP> x 60 x 4/0.02) +
VS.TRBNum.RACH/(<SP> x 60 x 4/0.02)

OVSF Usage-related Metrics

OVSF Quantity VS.RAB.SFOccupy VS.RAB.SFOccupy
OVSF Usage VS.RAB.SFOccupy.Ratio VS.RAB.SFOccupy/256
 VS.MultRAB.SF8
 VS.SingleRAB.SF8
 VS.MultRAB.SF16 (<VS.SingleRAB.SF4> +
 VS.SingleRAB.SF16 <VS.MultRAB.SF4>) x 64 +
 VS.SingleRAB.SF32 (<VS.MultRAB.SF8> +
<VS.SingleRAB.SF8>) x 32 +
 VS.MultRAB.SF32 (<VS.MultRAB.SF16> +
 VS.MultRAB.SF64 <VS.SingleRAB.SF16>) x 16 +
 VS.SingleRAB.SF64 (<VS.SingleRAB.SF32> +
<VS.MultRAB.SF32>) x 8 +
 VS.SingleRAB.SF128 (<VS.MultRAB.SF64> +
 VS.MultRAB.SF128 <VS.SingleRAB.SF64>) x 4 +
 VS.SingleRAB.SF256 (<VS.SingleRAB.SF128> +
<VS.MultRAB.SF128>) x 2 +
 VS.MultRAB.SF256 (<VS.SingleRAB.SF256> +

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 4 Metrics Definitions

Metric Name Counter Description

HS-PDSCH  VS.PdschCodeUsed.Mean HS-PDSCH Code Usage =
Code Usage  VS.PdschCodeAvail.Mean Sum_AllCells_of_NodeB(VS.PdschCodeUs

HS-SCCH VS.ScchCodeUtil.Mean HS-SCCH Code Usage =

Code Usage VS.ScchCodeUtil.Mean/1000

CPU Load-related Metrics

UP Load

Credit Resource Usage-related Metrics

License-based VS.NodeB.ULCreditUsed.Mean DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/DL
Downlink CE VS.LC.ULCreditUsed.Mean License CE Number
License-based VS.HW.DLCreditAvailable UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/UL
Uplink CE License CE Number
Usage VS.HW.ULCreditAvailable
Hardware-base ean DL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/DL CE
d Downlink CE Capacity Number
Hardware-base UL NodeB Mean CE Used Number/UL CE
d Uplink CE Capacity Number

SCU Board Load-related Metrics

Frame Mean VS.Frame.Flux. Mean.TxRate Frame Mean Usage =
Usage VS.Frame.Flux.Mean.TxRate/Inter-subrack
bandwidth x 100%

NodeB CNBAP Load-related Metrics

License-based VS.RadioLink.Recv.Mean License-based CNBAP Usage =
CNBAP Usage VS.DedicMeaRpt.MEAN (VS.RadioLink.Recv.Mean +
VS.BTS.CnbapCap.UseRate CNBAP

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Metric Name Counter Description

Hardware-base Hardware-based CNBAP Usage =
d CNBAP VS.BTS.CnbapCap.UseRate

HSPA User-related Metrics

Average HSPA VS.BOARD.UsedHsdpaUserRatio.Mean VS.BOARD.UsedHsdpaUserRatio.Mean
User Ratio VS.BOARD.UsedHsupaUserRatio.Mean VS.BOARD.UsedHsupaUserRatio.Mean

RNC license Ratio Metrics

 In single-operator scenarios:
CS License Ratio =
Erlang - Erlang x 100%
CS License VS.CSLoad.Erlang.Equiv.RNC
Ratio  In multi-operator scenarios:
VS.CSLoad.Erlang.Equiv. PLMN.RNC
CS License Ratio=
PLMN.RNC/Voice Erlang - Erlang x
 In single-operator scenarios:
PS R99 Throughput License Ratio =
(VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.RNC +
VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput.RNC throughput only (per Mbit/s) x 1000) x
PS R99 VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput.RNC 100%
Throughput  In multi-operator scenarios:
License Ratio VS.R99PSLoad.ULThruput. PLMN.RNC
VS.R99PSLoad.DLThruput. PLMN.RNC PS R99 Throughput License Ratio =
PLMN.RNC)/(PS throughput only (per
Mbit/s) x 1000) x 100%
 In single-operator scenarios:
HSDPA Throughput License Ratio =
SDPA Throughput (per Mbit/s)) x 1000)
License Ratio VS.HSDPAPSLoad.DLThruput. PLMN.RNC  In multi-operator scenarios:
HSDPA Throughput License Ratio =
PLMN.RNC/(HSDPA Throughput (per
Mbit/s)) x 1000) x 100%

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Metric Name Counter Description

 In single-operator scenarios:
HSUPA Throughput License Ratio =
SUPA Throughput (per Mbit/s) x 1000)
License Ratio VS.HSUPAPSLoad.ULThruput. PLMN.RNC  In multi-operator scenarios:
HSUPA Throughput License Ratio =
PLMN.RNC/(HSUPA Throughput (per
Mbit/s)) x 1000) x 100%
 In single-operator scenarios:
PS Throughput License Ratio=
throughput only (per Mbit/s) x 1000) x
PS Throughput VS.PSLoad.Thruput.RNC 100%
License Ratio VS.PSLoad.Thruput. PLMN.RNC  In multi-operator scenarios:
PS Throughput License Ratio=
VS.PSLoad.Thruput. PLMN.RNC/(PS
throughput only (per Mbit/s) x 1000) x

RNC RNC Hardware Capacity License

Hardware Utilization Rate =
Capacity VS.HWLicense.Thruput.RNC/(RNC
License Throughput Hardware Capacity (per 50
Utilization Rate Mbit/s)License allocated x 50 x 1000) x
RNC ENIUa License Utilization Rate =
RNC ENIUa VS.NIUPSLoad.Thruput.RNC/(Evolved
License VS.NIUPSLoad.Thruput.RNC Network Intelligence Processing
Utilization Rate Throughput License allocated x 50 x 1000)
x 100%
Active User License Utilization Rate =
Active User (VS.CellDCHUEs.RNC +
License VS.CellDCHUEs.RNC
VS.CellFACHUEs.RNC)/(RNC Active User
Utilization Rate VS.CellFACHUEs.RNC
Hardware Capacity (per 1000 Active
Users)License allocated x 1000) x 100%

Cell HSDPA Cell HSDPA Users License Utilization Rate

Users License = VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell/Max HSDPA
Utilization Rate users of the HSDPA users license per cell x

Cell HSUPA Cell HSUPA Users License Utilization Rate

Users License = VS.HSUPA.UE.Mean.Cell/Max HSUPA
Utilization Rate users of the HSUPA users license per cell x

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RAN18.1 Capacity Monitoring Guide (BSC6910-based) 5 Reference Documents

5 Reference Documents

This chapter lists the documents referenced within the text and provides the document name,
document package, and document package download path at http://support.huawei.com.

Document Name Document Package Document Package Download

Path at
3900 Series Base Station 3900 Series Base Wireless -> WCDMA-RAN ->
Technical Description Station WCDMA-NodeB
Product Documentation
Flow Control Feature RAN Wireless -> WCDMA-RAN ->
Parameter Description Feature Documentation WCDMA-RAN Public
Transmission Resource Pool in
RNC Feature
Parameter Description
Dynamic Configuration Based on
the Uplink Load Feature
Parameter Description
Power Control Feature
Parameter Description
HSDPA Feature
Parameter Description
CE Resource Management
Feature Parameter Description
CE Overbooking Feature
Parameter Description
State Transition Feature
Parameter Description

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