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An Aviagen Brand
ROSS Ps pocket guide: The Pocket Guide

The Pocket Guide

This Pocket Guide was produced to compliment the Ross® Parent
Stock Management Handbook. It should be used for quick and practical
reference. Each section contains cross-references to the relevant section
of the Parent Stock Management Handbook.

This Pocket Guide is not intended to provide definitive information

on every aspect of parent stock management, but draws attention to
important features which, if overlooked, may depress flock performance.

This Pocket Guide summarizes best practice management for parent
stock that receive first light stimulation after 147 days/21 weeks
of age and achieve 5% production at 25 weeks of age. However,
poultry production is a global activity and across the world, differing
management strategies may need to be adapted for local conditions.

The information within this Pocket Guide cannot wholly protect against
performance variations which may occur for a wide variety of reasons.
The management techniques covered are considered to be the most
appropriate to achieve good performance, consistent with maintaining
the health and welfare of the bird.

For further information on the management of Ross parent stock, please

contact your local Technical Service Manager or the Technical Service

ROSS ps pocket guide: Contents

05 Key Management Timetable

Section 1 Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

08 Management Requirements for Males and Females
During Rear
19 Monitoring Birds in Rear
21 Grading to Manage Uniformity
23 Flock Management After Grading (Post 28 Days)

Section 2
Management into Lay (15 Weeks to Peak
27 From 105 Days/15 Weeks to Light Stimulation
32 Separate-sex Feeding Equipment
33 Lighting
34 Management of Females Post Light Stimulation Until
5% Production
37 Management of Females from 5% Hen-day
Production Until Peak Egg Production
39 Management of Males from Post Light Stimulation
Until Peak Egg Production

Section 3 Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

40 Management of Males After Peak Production Through
to Depletion
45 Management of Females After Peak Production
Through to Depletion

Section 4 Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

49 Egg Quality
49 Best Practice for Care of Hatching Eggs

ROSS ps pocket guide: Contents

Section 5 Ventilation
55 Ventilation

Section 6 Nutrition
62 Nutrition

Section 7 Health and Biosecurity

66 Health and Biosecurity
69 Health Management

ROSS ps pocket guide: Key Management Timetable

Key Management Timetable

Age (days) Action

Preheat the house. Temperature and relative humidity

(RH) should be stabilized for at least 24 hours, prior to the
Before chicks being delivered.
delivery All housing and equipment should be cleaned and
disinfected and efficacy of the biosecurity operations
verified prior to chick placement.
Achieve optimum environmental conditions.
Establish a minimum ventilation rate.
On chick
arrival Monitor chick behavior to ensure that temperature is
Bulk weigh a sample of chicks.
Develop appetite from good brooding practice.
Provide good quality feed and maintain optimum
0-7 Ensure adequate drinker and feeder space.
Use crop fill assessment as an indication of appetite
Monitor bird behavior.
Achieve target body weights.
Obtain body-weight sample.
Where possible, provide a constant (8-hour) daylength
by 10 days of age.
Start recording individual body weights and calculate
14-21 uniformity (CV%) between 14 and 21 days/2 and 3
weeks of age.

ROSS PS Pocket guide: Key Management Timetable

Age (days) Action

Grade males and females at 28 days/4 weeks.

28 After grading, revise body-weight profiles to achieve
target body weights by 63 days/9 weeks.

Adjust daily feed allocation for the male and female

populations to achieve any revised body-weight
targets, and maintain uniformity.
Monitor and record body weight weekly.
Check graded population weights and combine
populations that are of similar weight and feed intake.
63 If populations are not following the target profile, a
new target body-weight line should be drawn.
Movement of birds between populations should stop.
Adjust daily feed allocation for the male and female
populations to achieve the target or any revised
63-105 body-weight targets, and maintain uniformity.
Monitor and record body weight weekly.

Re-examine body weights in relation to target. Revise

105 profiles as necessary.
Remove any sexing errors as they are identified.
Achieve correct weekly body-weight gains by
ensuring the appropriate feed amounts are given.
105-161 All populations should achieve similar body weights
by light stimulation.
Monitor and record body weight weekly.
126-147 Remove remaining sexing errors.
Calculate and record the uniformity (CV%) of the flock to
determine the lighting program.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Key Management Timetable

Age (days) Action

First light increase given (not before 147 days of age).

Monitor and record body weight weekly.

Mating-up - the exact time of this will depend on the

147-168 relative maturity of both males and females.
Monitor and record body weight weekly.
Introduce the breeder feed from 5% hen-day
production at the latest.
From first egg, increase feed amounts according to
the rate of daily egg production, daily egg weight,
161-196 and body weight.
Monitor and record body weight weekly.
Manage males by observing bird condition.
210- Remove non-working males to maintain appropriate
depletion mating ratios.
Monitor and record body weight.
Feed reduction should be started approximately 35
245- days/5 weeks after peak production is achieved.
Feed intake should be reviewed weekly and any
depletion reductions in feed should be based on egg production,
daily egg weight, egg mass, and body weight.

Bird Handling
It is important that all birds are handled in a calm and correct
way at all times. All people handling birds (for catching,
weighing, physical assessment, crop fill assessment, or
vaccination) should be experienced and appropriately
trained so that they can handle the birds with the care that is
appropriate for the purpose, age, and sex of the bird.

Section 1

(0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

To meet the requirements of male and female parent

stock during each stage of rearing, and to prepare them
for sexual maturity.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
08 Management 09
Requirements for
Males and Females
During Rear
19 Monitoring Birds in 77
21 Grading to Manage 29
23 Flock Management 43
after Grading (Post 28

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Management Requirements for Males and

Females During Rear
Farm Preparation for Chick Arrival
• Houses should be cleaned and disinfected prior to chick arrival.
• Be prepared - know what is coming and when.
• Plan placements so that chicks from different aged donor flocks
can be brooded separately.
• Chick holding and transport environment should be monitored closely
to prevent the chicks from becoming chilled or over-heated.
• Plan areas for grading.
• Ensure that the correct conditions are achieved at least 24 hours
before chick arrival.
• At placement, the environmental conditions required are:
• An air temperature of 30°C/86°F (measured at chick height in
the area where feed and water are positioned).
• A floor temperature of 28-30°C (82-86°F).
• A RH of 60-70%.
• Litter material should be spread at a depth of:
• 8-10 cm (3-4 in) for track feeding.
• 4 cm (1.5 in) for floor feeding or where litter disposal is an issue.
• Chicks should not have to travel more than 1 m (3.3 ft) for access
to water.
• Chicks should have unobstructed access to both feed and water.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Examples of a typical spot brooding layout (1,000 chicks) on top and a

typical whole-house brooding layout (1,000 chicks) on bottom.

Spot Brooding


Paper Cover

12 Feeder Trays
2m (6.6 ft) 1m (3.3 ft) 2m (6.6 ft)
5m (16.5 ft)
Automatic Feeder
Paper Cover 8 Bell Drinkers

12 Feeder Trays 12 Mini Drinkers 8 Bell Drinkers

Automatic Feeder

12 Mini Drinkers

Whole-house Brooding

5m (16.5 ft)
ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

• Check all drinker heights are correct.

• Water temperature should be at 15-20°C (59-68°F).
• Bleed water lines just prior to chick arrival to ensure water is as
fresh as possible.

Brooding Management
• Frequently monitor house temperature and RH, adjust where necessary.
• Replenish feed and water regularly during the first 3 days.
• Provide maximum daily feed allocation in small amounts given
frequently (i.e. 5-6 times per day) and remove supplementary
drinkers completely by 3-4 days of age.
• Expand brooding rings (if used), gradually from 3 days of age and
remove brooding rings completely by 5-7 days.
• Open-sourced drinkers should be cleaned out regularly.
• Position supplementary feeders and drinkers near to the main
feeding and drinking systems.
• Check feed, water temperature, and RH 1-2 hours after placement
and adjust where necessary.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Monitor chick behavior.

Spot Brooding Behavior

The following diagram illustrates bird distribution under brooders. The brooder
is illustrated by the light blue circle in the center of each diagram.

Temperature too high Temperature correct

Chicks make no noise. Chicks evenly spread.

Chicks pant, head and wings droop. Noise level signifies contentment.
Chicks away from brooder.

Temperature too low Draft

Chicks crowd to brooder. This distribution requires investigation.

Chicks noisy, distress-calling. Influenced by draft,uneven light
distribution,external noises.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Whole-house Brooding Behavior

The diagram below illustrates typical behavior of chicks in whole-house brooding.
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Too High Correct Too Low

Temperature and Humidity

The following table shows the dry bulb temperatures required to achieve
equivalent temperatures at varying RH. Dry bulb temperatures at the ideal RH
are colored red.
Dry Bulb Temperature at RH%*
°C (°F)
Age (days) 40 50 60 70 80
Day-old 36.0 (96.8) 33.2 (91.8) 30.8 (84.4) 29.2 (84.6) 27.0 (80.6)
3 33.7 (92.7) 31.2 (88.2) 28.9 (84.0) 27.3 (81.1) 26.0 (78.8)
6 32.5 (90.5) 29.9 (85.8) 27.7 (81.9) 26.0 (78.8) 24.0 (75.2)
9 31.3 (88.3) 28.6 (83.5) 26.7 (80.1) 25.0 (77.0) 23.0 (73.4)
12 30.2 (86.4) 27.8 (82.0) 25.7 (78.3) 24.0 (75.2) 23.0 (73.4)
15 29.0 (84.2) 26.8 (80.2) 24.8 (76.6) 23.0 (73.4) 22.0 (71.6)
18 27.7 (81.9) 25.5 (77.9) 23.6 (74.5) 21.9 (71.4) 21.0 (69.8)
21 26.9 (80.4) 24.7 (76.5) 22.7 (72.9) 21.3 (70.3) 20.0 (68.0)
24 25.7 (78.3) 23.5 (74.3) 21.7 (71.1 20.2 (68.4) 19.0 (66.2)
27 24.8 (76.6) 22.7 (72.9) 20.7 (69.3) 19.3 (66.7) 18.0 (64.4)
*Temperature calculations based on a formula from Dr. Malcolm Mitchell (Scottish
Agricultural College).

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

• Adjust temperature settings accordingly if RH increases above

70% or falls below 60%.
• Monitor temperature and humidity regularly. Check automatic
equipment with manual measurements at chick level.

The following table shows the recommended lighting program for rearing
birds 0-147 days/0-21 weeks of age.
Age Daylengths*
Light Intensity†
(days) (hours)
1 23
2 23 80-100 lux (8-10 foot candles)
in brooding area.
3 19
10-20 lux (1-2 foot candles)
4 16 in the house.
5 14
6 12
30-60 lux (3-6 foot candles)
7 11 in the brooding area.
8 10 10-20 lux (1-2 foot candles)
in the house.
9 9
10-146 8 10-20 lux (1-2 foot candles).
* Constant 8-hour daylengths should be reached by 10 days of age. However, if
problems have regularly occurred with early body-weight gain, the reduction to
a constant daylength may be more gradual so that 8 hours is not reached until
21 days.
† Average intensity within a house or pen measured at bird-head height. Light
intensity should be measured in at least 9 or 10 places and include the corners,
under lamps and between lamps. During the dark period (interpreted as night) a
light intensity of ≤ 0.4 lux (0.04 foot candles) should be achieved. Ideally, variation
in light intensity within the house should not exceed 10% of the mean.

• If reared in open-sided housing, broiler breeders should be allowed

to experience whatever changes occur in the natural daylength.
• Ensure males and females are synchronized in terms of sexual
maturity by rearing them on the same lighting program.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Chick Start Assessment

Crop fill should be assessed and monitored
during the first 48 hours, but achieving the correct
crop fill in the first 24 hours is the most critical.

Crop Fill

1. Collect 30-40 chicks at 3-4 different places in the house (or

surround where spot brooding is used).
2. Gently feel the crop of each chick.
» Full, soft and rounded - chicks have found feed and
» Full but hard with original feed texture felt -
chicks have feed but little/no water.

The chick on the left has a full, rounded crop while the chick on the right
has an empty crop indicating it has not found feed or water.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

The following table shows target crop fill assessment guidelines.

Time of Crop Fill Check After Target Crop Fill
Placement (% of Chicks with Full Crops)
2 hours 75
8 hours >80
12 hours >85
24 hours >95
48 hours 100

If target levels of crop fill are not being
achieved then something is preventing the
chicks from feeding and drinking, and action
must be taken to resolve this.

Equipment and Facilities

The following table shows the recommended stocking densities during
rear (from 14 days onward).

Rearing 14-105 days/2-15 weeks

Males Females
Birds/m2 (ft2/bird) Birds/m2 (ft2/bird)
3-4 (2.7-3.6) 4-7 (1.5-2.7)

• If stocking density is increased, then ventilation, feeders, and

drinkers must also be increased appropriately.
• If the environment and/or housing conditions experienced by the
birds are not optimal the stocking density will need to be reduced.
• Follow the local legislation.
• When calculating floor space make sure necessary reductions are
made for any equipment in the bird area.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

The following table shows feeder and drinker space from 0-105 days/15
Feeding Space
Male Female
Track Feeder Pan Feeder Track Feeder Pan Feeder
Age (days)
cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in)
0-35 days 5 (2) 5 (2) 5 (2) 4 (2)
36-70 days 10 (4) 9 (3.5) 10 (4) 8 (3)
71-105 days 15 (6) 11 (4) 15 (6) 10 (4)

• Ensure there is enough feeding space for the number of birds in

the house.
• Spacing between feeders should allow the birds easy access.
• The distance between feeders should be a 1 m (3.3 ft), for easy

Uniform distribution of females Uniform distribution of males

around a track feeder when around a pan feeder when
adequate feeder space is given. adequate feeding space is given.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Feeding Management

Transition from Floor to Automated Track Feeding

1. Gradually increase the amount of feed in the automated system

from 8 days of age onward. Continue to hand feed any remaining
feed and complete transition to automated system by 10-11 days
of age.
2. If more than one feed track is used, operate them in
opposite directions.
3. Feed distribution time must be 3 minutes or less to each
4. Use supplementary feeders (feed hoppers/satellite bins)
where necessary to reduce feed distribution time.
5. Feeder height must be adjusted appropriately for bird age
and growth.

• Where floor feeding is used:

• Pen population size should be 1000-1500 birds (depending on
pen shape/spinner size).
• Pellet size should be 2.5 mm (3/32 in) diameter and 3-4 mm (1/8
in) in length.
• Good physical feed form is essential.

Transition from Floor to Automated Spin Feeder

1. Feed crumb in feed trays until approximately 14 days of age.

2. Mix crumb and pellet feed on floor/feeder trays for at
least 2 days.
3. Feed 100% pellet and start to use mechanical/spin
feeders from 16 days onward.

• Avoid storing feed for more than 7 days.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Drinker Management
The recommended drinking space requirements during rear (post
brooding) are given below.
Type of Drinker Drinker Space
Bell drinkers 1.5 cm (0.6 in)
Nipples 8-12 birds/nipple
Cups 20-30 birds/cup

• Birds should have continual access to fresh, clean, drinkable water.

• The measurement of water consumption by metering is an
essential daily management practice.
• Check and adjust drinker height daily.
Correct height of bell drinker. Correct height of nipple drinker.

From 18 days old the The back of the For older birds,
base of the drinker chick should be at drinker should be
should be level with 35-45o to the floor. raised to form an
the bird’s back. angle of 75-85o
with the floor.

• At 21°C (69.8°F) water intake ratio is 1.6-1.8:1 (water:feed).

• Test the water supply regularly for bacteriological and mineral
contaminants and take any necessary corrective action.
• Where bacterial loads are high, treatment with chlorination to give
3-5 ppm of free chlorine may be required to reduce bacterial load
of drinking systems.

Introduction of Perches
Perches should be installed from 28 days onward allowing 3 cm (1.2 in)
per bird (sufficient for 20% of the birds to roost).
ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Monitoring Birds in Rear

Sample Weighing
• Growth and development in a flock are assessed and managed by
weighing representative samples of birds and comparing them with
target weight for age.
• Sample weighing should start at day-old and continue at least weekly.
• Individual bird weights should be taken from 14-21 days of age for
calculation of CV%.
• Weigh birds at the same time each week using the same set of scales.
• Scale accuracy should be checked regularly.
• If sample weighing produces data inconsistent with previous weights
or expected gains, weigh a second sample immediately to confirm.

Bulk Weighing Chicks at Placement

1. “Zero” scales used for weighing.

2. Weigh an empty chick box with the lid on and record the weight.
3. Count and record the number of chicks in each box.
4. Weigh the box with chicks and lid to obtain the total weight.
5. Subtract the box weight from the total weight.
6. Divide the remaining weight by the number of chicks in the box.
7. Plot average weights on a weight chart.

Bulk Weighing Chicks at 7 and 14 Days

1. Place an empty bulk weighing container onto the scales and

set them to “zero”.
2. Place 10-20 birds into the container and record the weight.
3. Empty the chicks from the container back into the main pen
population and repeat this step until all birds caught have been
4. Add all bulk weights together and divide the total weight by the
total number of chicks weighed in the pen. Plot this average
weight on a weighing chart.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Individual Weighing After 14 Days

1. Suspend the scales in a secure place in the weighing pen, and

ensure that they are set to “zero” with a shackle for holding
birds firmly attached.
2. Using a catching pen, sample at least 2%, or 50 birds per
population, whichever is greater. Male sample size should be
increased to 10% after mating-up.
3. Birds should be sampled from 3 points within the house, away
from doors and walls.
4. Calmly and correctly handle each bird, place it on the
shackles, wait until it is still, and record the weight from the
5. Release the bird back into the main pen population and repeat
the process until ALL BIRDS CAUGHT have been weighed.

Assessment of Bird Condition

• Handle a representative sample of both males and females weekly
during weighing from placement to determine overall flock condition.
• It is also good practice to catch and physically assess individual birds
while doing a house ‘walk-through’.
• Assessment of bird physical condition in rear is based primarily on body-
weight monitoring and skeletal size (frame size and shank length).
• Monitoring shank length at feeding can give an indication of the
uniformity of the flock.
• High variability in shank length is an
indication of an uneven flock which should
be monitored and investigated further.
• Be aware of the degree of fleshing, general
health, alertness, and activity.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Grading to Manage Uniformity

Grading Procedures
The actual grading procedure will largely depend on the farm/house
design and management practices (e.g. flexibility of pen arrangements
and feeding systems), and the uniformity of the flock at 28 days.

The table below shows grading cut off points.

Flock Percentage in Each Population after Grading
CV% 2 or 3-way grade Light (%) Normal (%) Heavy (%)
10 or greater 2-way grade 20 ~ 80 (78-82) 0
12 or greater 3-way grade 22-25 ~ 70 (66-73) 5-9
14 or greater 3-way grade 28-30 ­ ~ 58 (55-60) 12-15

• Grade males and females at 28 days/4 weeks.

• From each pen/population a random sample of birds should be caught in
a catching pen and weighed.
• All birds caught in the catching pen must be weighed to avoid selective
weighing, but as a minimum, the weights of 2% of the pen/population or
50 birds, whichever is greater, need to be recorded.
• Birds are split into graded populations depending on CV% and weight.
• Grading cut off points for light, normal and heavy birds within a population
can be determined by using the table above.
• After grading, the light population may not need to receive an immediate
increase in feed. Body weight will increase due to the reduced competition
from the larger birds and so an initial increase in feed is not required.
• Each graded population should be re-weighed and counted to confirm
the average body weight and uniformity, so projected target body
weights and feeding rates can be determined.
• Each graded population is best served by its own dedicated feeding
system. Where this cannot be provided, supplementary feeding must
allow even distribution of feed and adequate feeding space per bird.
• Ensure that stocking density, drinking and feeding space are consistent
with the recommended guidelines after grading.
• A successful grading will reduce the CV% to below 8 in all of the graded
ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)



3- way 2- way
Grade Grade

CV% between Adjustable Fixed

12-14? Penning? Penning?

Adjustable Fixed Adjustable Fixed % of birds in each

Penning? Penning? Penning? Penning? Adjust bird numbers
population: according to % pen size
Light 20% (18-28%) in each house, e.g. 4 pens
each with 25% floor area.
Normal 80% (78-82%)
Pen 1 Light 25%
Heavy 0%
Pen 2 Normal 25%
% of birds in each % of birds in each
Adjust bird numbers Adjust bird numbers Pen 3 Normal 25%
population: population:
according to % pen size according to % pen size
Light 22-25% in each house, e.g. 4 pens Light 28-30% in each house, e.g. 4 pens Pen 4 Normal 25%
Normal 66-73% each with 25% floor area. Normal 55-60% each with 25% floor area.

Heavy 5-9% Pen 1 Light 25% Heavy 12-15% Pen 1 Light 25%
Pen 2 Normal 25% Pen 2 Normal 25%
Pen 3 Normal 25% Pen 3 Normal 25%
Pen 4 Heavy 25% Pen 4 Heavy 25%

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Flock Management after Grading (Post 28 Days)

• After grading, the flock must be managed (body weight monitored
weekly and feed allocations adjusted accordingly) so that graded
populations achieve target weight in a uniform and coordinated
manner within the period that skeletal development occurs (i.e. 63
days/9 weeks of age).

Re-drawing of future body-weight targets up to 63 days of age.

Body weight

Flock Grading

7 14 21 28 42 49 56 63 70
Age (days)

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

• At 63 days/9 weeks of age, the weight of the population in relation to

targets should be re-assessed.

Re-drawing of future body weight targets when average body weight is

below, on target, and above target at 63 days/9 weeks of age.

Body Weight

Flock Grading

7 14 21 28 42 49 56 63 105 140

Age (days)

• Do not attempt to bring birds that are overweight at 63 days back to

target, this will delay sexual maturity and reduce peak production.

If population sizes in lay are likely to be
larger than they were in rear, it is even more
important that managment after grading
ensures birds achieve a common weight by the
age of transfer.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

• It is especially important that management after grading results

in the birds converging to a common target body weight by the
expected age of transfer.
• Continue weekly body-weight monitoring.
• Care should be taken before mixing any pens to ensure body weight
and feed consumption per bird are similar between pens.

Alleviation of Body Weight Problems

If the average body weight differs from target by +/-100 g (0.22 lb) or more,
re-weigh a sample of birds. If the weights are correct, consider the following:

Underweight prior to 105 days, consider the following in current flocks:

• Initiate the next feed increase earlier and consider increasing the
feed amount if necessary, until body weight is brought gradually back
to target.

Overweight prior to 105 days:

• Do not reduce feed lower than the current feeding level.
• Reduce the next feed increment, e.g. 2 g (0.07 oz) per bird instead
of 4 g (0.14 oz) per bird.
• Delay the next feed increase.
• Check to see if the energy level of the diet is higher than expected.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Rearing (0-105 days/0-15 weeks)

Record keeping, and data analysis and interpretation, are an essential aid
to effective management. Record keeping should be used in conjunction
with target performance parameters. Records required to be kept are as

Source flock
Hatch date
Number of birds housed (male and female)
Floor area and stocking density
Feeder space per bird
Drinker space per bird
Feed/bird – daily, weekly and cumulative
Mortality and culls – daily, weekly and cumulative
Body weights, CV% and age of recording (male and female ) – daily/weekly
External and internal temperatures - minimum and maximum and
operating (internal only)
Water consumption – daily
Water:feed ratio
Sexing errors

Section 2

Management into Lay (15

Weeks to Peak Production)

To minimize variation in the onset of sexual maturity of

the flock and to prepare the flock for the physiological
demands of reproduction.

To bring the female into lay by stimulating and supporting

egg production using feed and light. To promote and
support female reproductive performance throughout the
laying cycle.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
27 From 105 Days/15 Weeks 47
to Light Stimulation
32 Separate-sex Feeding 54
33 Lighting 121
34 Management of Females 57
Post Light Stimulation
Until 5% Production

37 Management of Females 59
from 5% Hen-day
Production Until Peak Egg
39 Management of Males 63
Post Light Stimulation
Until Peak Egg Production

into Lay
ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

From 105 Days (15 Weeks) to Light

Management Considerations
Recommended stocking densities from 15 weeks of age.
Stocking Density Stocking Density
Birds/m2 (ft2/bird) Birds/m2 (ft2/bird)
15-20 weeks 20 weeks to depletion
Male 3-4 (2.7-3.6)
3.5-5.5 (2.0-3.1)
Female 4-7 (1.5-2.7)

Recommended feeder and drinker space from 15 weeks of age.

Feeder Drinker
Age Track Pan Bell Nipple Cups
cm (in) cm (in) cm (in)
15-20 weeks 15 (6) 11 (4) 1.5 (0.6) 8-12 birds 20-30 birds
per nipple per cup
20 weeks to 20 (8) 13 (5) 2.5 (1.0) 6-10 birds 15-20 birds
depletion per nipple per cup
15-20 weeks 15 (6) 10 (4) 1.5 (0.6) 8-12 birds 20-30 birds
per nipple per cup
20 weeks to 15 (6) 10 (4) 2.5 (1.0) 6-10 birds 15-20 birds
depletion per nipple per cup

Target Weight
Regular monitoring and recording of body weight and uniformity are
essential management tools during this period.

• Re-draw target body weight if the flock is 100 g (0.22 lb) or more above
target weight (overweight) or 100 g (0.22 lb) or more below target
weight (underweight) at 15 weeks.
• Grow birds that are underweight to regain target by light stimulation,
for overweight birds, set a new target.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Re-drawing of body-weight profiles if females are under or over target

weight at 15 weeks/105 days of age.

Body weight

105 112 119 126 133 140 147 154

Age (days)

Day-old to Depletion
Where there is a change in feeding system between rear and lay, manage
this transfer carefully by ensuring that birds can easily find and get access
to the new feeders.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Rear and Move Facilities

• For light proof laying facilities transfer should not occur later than 146
days/21 weeks of age.
• For open-sided laying facilities transfer may need to be later than 21
weeks depending on the season.
• Transfer should never be completed before 126 days/18 weeks of age
or after 161 days/23 weeks of age, regardless of laying facility type.
• Transfer males at least 24 hours before the females to allow the males
to find feeders and drinkers. Increase feed allocation by approximately
50% on the day before and the day of transfer to help compensate for
any moving stress.
• Do not feed birds on the morning they are due to be moved, but ensure
birds have immediate access to feed once transfer is complete.
• Return feed levels to normal on the first or possibly the second day
after transfer.
• Assess crop fill after transfer to ensure all birds have found feed and
water. Check 50 males and 50 females 30 minutes and 24 hours after
their first feed.

• Mating-up should start from 147 days/21 weeks of age.
• Ensure both males and females are sexually mature at mating-up.
• Mating-up should be delayed by 7-14 days if sexual maturity is delayed,
or when moving from dark-out rear to open-sided lay facilities.
• A mature male/female will have a well-developed comb and wattles
that are red in color.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Example of a sexually mature male (on the left) and an immature male (on
the right).

Example of a sexually mature female (on the left) and an immature female
(on the right).

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Sexing Errors
It is good practice to remove sexing errors whenever they are identified during
the life of the flock. Ideally, all sexing errors should be removed before mating-up.

Criteria for identifying males and females for the resolution of sexing errors.

Male Female

Comb and Wattles

105 days/15 weeks
More developed
and redder in males.

Hock Joints
140 days/20 weeks
Thicker and broader in
males. Narrower and
smoother in females.

Feathering Around
the Neck
140 days/20 weeks
Long-fringed, spear-
shaped feathers in
males. Denser, paddle-
shaped feathers in

Body Shape
140 days/20 weeks
Males longer and
narrower. Females more
compact and broader
around pelvis.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Separate-sex Feeding Equipment

After mating-up, feed males and females from separate feeding systems.
• Female feeding systems should have grills fitted to prevent male access.
• Male feeders must be raised to a height that will allow only males to
access them.

Female Grill Feeder

8 in)

• Observe feeding behavior daily to ensure both sexes are feeding

separately, male feeders are at the correct height, and feeding
space and feed distribution are adequate.
• Make daily checks for damage, displacement or irregularity of
gaps in the female feeder system.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Daylength increases from rearing to laying.
Daylength (hours) for flocks
Age with different CV% at Light Intensity
140 days/20 weeks
Laying Daylengths (Hours)
Days Weeks
CV 10% or less CV 10% or greater
10-146 8 8
147 21 11 8
154 22 12 12
161 23 13 13 30-60 lux
168 24 13 13 (3-6 foot candles)
175 - 25 -
13 13
depletion depletion
Daylength may be increased abruptly in a single increment without adversely affecting
total egg production (although peak may be higher and persistency slightly poorer)
provided the body weights are on target and the flock is uniform (CV ≤ 10%).

• The maximum response to the pre-lay increase in daylength is

only obtained by achieving the correct body-weight profile during
rear, good flock uniformity, and the appropriate nutritional input.
• During lay, there is no advantage in exceeding 13 to 14 hours of
light per day at any stage (where light proofing is good, there is
no need to go beyond 13 hours).
• Where birds are kept in open-sided housing during lay, and
the longest natural daylength exceeds 14 hours, the combined
artificial and natural lighting should be extended beyond 14 hours
to equal the longest natural daylength.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Management of Females Post Light

Stimulation Until 5% Production
Management Considerations
• Achieve target body weight by concentrating on correct weekly
incremental feed increases and resultant bird gains.
• Follow the recommended lighting program.
• Monitor flock uniformity, body weight, and feed clean-up time, and
respond quickly to any issues.
• Provide ad libitum access to clean, good quality water.
• Change from grower to breeder layer feed at 5% production at
the latest.
• Open nest boxes just before anticipated arrival of first egg.
• Where automatic nest systems are used, run the egg gathering
belt several times each day so that birds become accustomed to
the sound and vibration.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Pin Bone Spacing

Monitoring Pin Bone Spacing

1. Monitor pin bone spacing regularly from 105-112 days/15-

16 weeks of age up to point of lay.
2. Monitor every time the house is ‘walked’ but as a minimum,
once per week during weighing.
3. Ideally the same person should measure pin bone spacing
from week to week to ensure accurate and consistent
measurement and allow for differences in hand size.
4. Select females randomly during the
monitoring process and handle with
5. Hold the female in one hand and
measure spacing by placing your
fingers between the pin (pelvic) bones,
measuring the distance between them
(see picture to the right).
6. As a general rule, birds are at the point
of lay when the distance between
the pin bones is about 3 fingers
(approximately 5-6 cm or 2-2.5 in).

Expected changes in pin bone spacing with age.

Age Pin Bone Spacing
84-91 days Closed
119 days One finger
21 days before first egg 1½ fingers
10 days before first egg 2-2½ fingers
Point of lay 3 fingers

If pin bone spacing does not develop as expected, i.e. is below 1.5 fingers
at first light stimulation, or if there is a big variation in pin bone spacing
between individuals, then delay light stimulation by approximately 1 week.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Floor Eggs
To help manage and reduce floor egg levels, the following management
points may be used:
• Introduce perches from 28 days/4 weeks.
• Incorporate a suitable alighting/perching rail in nest box design.
• Have uniform distribution of light greater than 60 lux (5.6 foot
candles); avoiding the presence of dark and shaded areas next to
walls, corners, and in the areas next to steps and slat fronts.
• Run egg gathering belts several times each day from transfer where
automated systems are used.
• Walk around the house as frequently as possible (at least 6 and up to
12 times per day) picking up any floor eggs.
• Set feeder and drinker heights appropriately so that they are not
obstacles to nest access.
• Put 20% at floor level to start when using manual nests. Thereafter,
gradually raise them (over a period of 3-4 weeks) to the normal height.
• Allow 3.5-4 hens per nest hole for manual nests.
• Allow 40 hens per linear meter (12 birds per linear foot) for mechanical
(communal type) nests.
• Set feeding times to avoid the peak of egg laying activity. Feeding
time should be either within 30 minutes of “lights on”, or 5-6 hours
after “lights on” to prevent birds from feeding when the most eggs
are likely to be laid.

Attention to detail avoids floor eggs.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Management of Females from 5% Hen-day

Production Until Peak Egg Production
Management Considerations
The table below shows the frequency of observation of important production
parameters used to determine whether or not feed allocation is correct.
Parameter Frequency
Egg production Daily
Increase in egg production Daily
Egg weight Daily
Body weight Daily
Body-weight gain Daily
Feed clean-up time Daily
House temperature (min. and max.) Daily
Body condition and fleshing Weekly (and on walk-through)

• Monitoring body weight, egg weight, and egg production is key.

• Monitor and record both absolute and trend data.

Feed Increases from 5% Production to Peak

• Define program of feed increases based on feed amount prior to
production, dietary energy level, ambient temperature, and expected flock
• Feed increases given should be proportional to actual rates of production.
• To prevent excessive weight gain, small but frequent increases should be
• The first feed increase should be given at 5% production if flock CV is
less than 10%.
• If flock CV is greater than 10%, the first feed increase should be delayed
until 10% production is reached.
• In high producing flocks, feed increases beyond recommendations may
be required.
• If egg weights and/or body weights are judged to be markedly below
expected targets, feed increases should be advanced.
ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

Feed Clean-up Trends

A guide to feed clean-up times is given in the table below.
Feed Clean-up Time at Peak
Feed Texture
Production (hours)
3-4 Mash
2-3 Crumble
1-2 Pellet

• Monitor feed clean-up times and trends in feed clean-up times.

• Respond to any changes in feed clean-up trends.

Egg Weight

Weighing Eggs

1. Record daily egg weight from 10% hen-day production

2. Bulk weigh a sample of 120-150 eggs daily.
3. Collect the eggs directly from the second nest collection.
4. Remove any double-yolked, small and abnormal eggs (e.g.
soft shelled).
5. Calculate average daily egg weight by dividing the bulk egg
weight (weight of eggs minus weight of tray or trays) by the
number of eggs weighed.
6. Plot the daily weight against the target.
7. If the flock is being underfed, egg size will not increase over
a 3-4 day period and egg weight will deviate from the target.
» If peak feed amount has not been reached then the next
planned feed increase should be brought forward.
» If peak feed has been reached then an additional increase
in peak feed amount will be required (3 to 5 g [0.1 to 0.2 oz])
per bird.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management into Lay
(15 Weeks to Peak Production)

It is normal for average egg weight to fluctuate
on a daily basis due to sampling variation and
environmental influences.

Management of Males Post Light Stimulation

Until Peak Egg Production
To maintain fertility throughout lay, substandard and non-working males
can be progressively removed from the flock as it ages.

A guide to typical mating ratios as a flock ages.

Age Number of Good Quality Males
Days Weeks Per 100 Females
154 - 168 22 - 24 9.50 - 10.00
168 - 210 24 - 30 9.00 - 10.00
210 - 245 30 - 35 8.50 - 9.75
245 - 280 35 - 40 8.00 - 9.50
280 - 350 40 - 50 7.50 - 9.25
350 to depletion 50 to depletion 7.00 - 9.00

Males retained for mating should have the following characteristics:

• Uniform in body weight.
• Free from physical abnormalities (alert and active).
• Strong, straight legs and toes.
• Well feathered.
• Good upright stance.
• Good muscle tone and body condition (fleshing).
• Comb and wattles should be red in color.
• Vent should be moist and show signs of mating activity.

Review mating ratios weekly. Whenever over-mating occurs, surplus males

must be removed as quickly as possible.

Section 3

Management in Lay
(Peak to Depletion)

To maximize the number of fertile hatching eggs

produced per female, by ensuring persistency of egg
production post peak.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
40 Management of Males 76
After Peak Production
Through to Depletion
45 Management of 67
Females After Peak
Production Through to

in Lay
ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Management of Males After Peak

Production Through to Depletion
Assessing Body Condition (breast shape or fleshing)

Assessing Body Condition (fleshing)

• While holding the bird by both legs, run hand over

the keel bone.
• Assess the prominance of the keel bone, and the
amount, shape, and firmness of the breast bone, on
either side of the keel bone.
• The breast should be firm and rounded to the touch.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Body Condition Scoring System

CT scanner images illustrating the fleshing scoring system for assessing
bird condition.
Score 1 = under-fleshed, Score 2 = ideally fleshed, Score 3 = over-fleshed
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

Breast Muscle
Keel Bone

Keel Bone
Breast Muscle
Abdominal Cavity


Breast shape V Shape Narrow U Shape Wide U Shape

Not obvious and
Less prominent
Prominent and often indented
Keel Bone and smooth to
easily felt. (dimple can be
seen) at extreme.

Little breast muscle Good breast muscle

Excessive breast
(volume and depth), covering that will
muscle covering
will feel concave feel convex or
Breast muscle with high volume
(rather than convex) rounded
and depth. Firm
in shape. Poor in shape. Firm
muscle tone.
muscle tone. muscle tone.

• Assess body condition (fleshing) at least weekly during weighing.

• Assess all birds being weighed and score their condition.
• Record condition scores and calculate the flock average. Monitor
the trend over time.
• Determine appropriate management and feeding strategies using
body condition in conjunction with body weight and uniformity.
• The same person should ideally score the birds each week.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

• The target fleshing score should be a 2, although this may vary

between individual flocks around a 2 score.
• This is not a primary assessment, but a complimentary system
aimed at aiding management decisions.

Regular assessments of male and female
physical condition (fleshing) should be made
throughout the life of the flock.

Alertness and Activity

Males should be alert, active and spread evenly throughout the house.
Good distribution of males within a flock.

Legs and Feet Good leg health in males.

• Good foot and leg health is essential

for males.
• Legs – straight with no bent toes.
• Footpads – free from physical
• Remove any male with poor feet
and leg condition from the flock.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

• Comb, wattles and eye area should be uniform, intense red color.
• Well conditioned males will redden-up from the face towards the eye.
• Poorly conditioned males will lose color from the eye outwards.
• Males with low face color may have a low mating activity and should
be considered for removal.

A healthy, active male showing a red face and comb (on the left), and a
male in poorer condition, showing paleness around the eye (on the right).

• Partial feather loss should be seen in good working males, especially
around the shoulders, thighs, breast and tail.
• Well feathered males generally have low mating activity and should
be considered for removal.

An active male showing some feather wear (on the left), and an inactive
male showing no feather wear (on the right).

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Vent (cloaca) Condition

Monitor male vent condition during weekly weighing.

Variation in vent color used to indicate degree of mating activity in males.

The vent on the left is from a working male while the vent on the right is
from a non-working male. Feather wear and moistness should also be
used as an indicator of mating activity.

Management of Males after Peak

• Ensure sufficient sample of males are weighed (10% in lay).
• Never decrease male feed allocation.
• Feed increases should account for body weight, fleshing, and
physical condition, to maintain growth and persistency of fertility.
• Maintain litter quality to promote good footpad health.
• Follow a planned male reduction program.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Management of Females After Peak

Production Through to Depletion
General Guidelines for Post-peak Feed Reduction
• Follow a feed reduction program that allows the birds to gain weight
at a rate of 15 to 20 grams per week (0.5 to 0.7 oz).
• Failure to control body weight from peak production will reduce
production persistency and effect egg size.
• Make weekly feed adjustments based on trends in egg weight and
body weight.
• Flocks producing at levels above production targets may require more
feed. Feed reductions should be of smaller amounts and more gradual.
• If a flock peaks poorly, the feed withdrawal should be more rapid to
avoid birds becoming fat.

The following characteristics should be measured, recorded, and graphed

onto a chart:
• Daily (or weekly) body weight and body-weight change relative to target.
• Daily egg weight and egg-weight change relative to target.
• Daily changes in feed clean-up time.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Monitoring Body Condition in Females

In general, a uniform flock of females achieving the target body-weight
profile in lay should also achieve an acceptable body condition.

• Handle females frequently (at least weekly) to assess body condition/

• Use the same scoring system for females as males.
• Average flock score in lay should be maintained between 2.0 and 2.5.
• In lay, the occurrence of Score 1 females (under-fleshed) must be

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

Fat Pad
Development Area
Breast Muscle
Keel Bone

Keel Bone
Breast Muscle
Abdominal Cavity


ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Abdominal fat pad

• Assess fat pad routinely (at least weekly) from the start of lay.
• As a guide, maximum fat pad volume should be no more than the size of
an average person’s cupped hand or a large egg (roughly 8-10 cm [3-4 in]).

Assessing abdominal fat pad in a female broiler breeder.

Using a combination of physical assessments
(body weight, fleshing, fat pad, and pin bone
spacing) provides a reliable indication of
overall female condition.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Management in Lay (Peak to Depletion)

Record keeping, and data analysis and interpretation, are an essential aid to
effective management. Record keeping should be used in conjunction with
target performance parameters. Records required to be kept are as follows:

Source flock
Hatch date/date of housing
Number of birds housed (male and female)
Floor area and stocking density
Mating ratio
Eggs produced - daily, weekly, and cumulative per bird
Hatching egg number - daily, weekly, and cumulative
Floor eggs – daily, weekly, and cumulative
Feed - daily and cumulative
Clean-up time
Body weights (male and female) – daily and weekly
Average egg weight - daily and weekly
Egg mass - daily and weekly
Mortality and culls - daily, weekly, and cumulative
External and internal temperatures - minimum and maximum and
operating (internal only)
Water consumption – daily
Water:feed ratio
Hours of light

Treatments and Significant Events

Lighting program
Feed deliveries
Vaccination - date, dosage and batch number
Medications - date, dosage and veterinary prescription
Disease - type, date and number of birds affected
Veterinary consultations - date and recommendations
Cleaning and disinfection – materials and methods
Bacterial counts after cleaning out (TVC)
Incidents - equipment malfunction etc.

Section 4

Care of Hatching
Eggs on Farm

To keep the embryo and egg contents in the best

possible condition for good hatchability and chick quality.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
49 Egg Quality 99
49 Best Practice for Care 99
of Hatching Eggs

Care of
Hatching Eggs
on Farm
ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Egg Quality
Examples of good quality hatching eggs.

Good quality nest eggs

Examples of eggs with an increased risk of lower hatchability or contamination.

Slight soiling Clean floor egg Pale shell

Examples of eggs that should be rejected.

Fecal soiling Yolk on shell Blood on shell

Best Practice for Care of Hatching Eggs

Egg Collection
• Keep the insides of the nests and any collection belts free of litter
and droppings.
• Collect eggs a minimum of 4 times per day.
• Collect floor eggs separately and as often as possible, and keep
separate from nest eggs.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Egg Packing and Selection

Egg Packing and Selection

1. Select and pack eggs immediately after each collection.

2. Reject eggs that are cracked or damaged, misshapen
eggs, double-yolk eggs, soft shelled eggs, and any eggs
that are more than 25% covered with dirt or droppings.
3. Record numbers rejected in each category and monitor
4. Place packed trays in egg store immediately. Pack
trolleys from bottom up.
5. Do not remove trolleys from the egg store when loading
6. If boxing, eggs should be cooled to egg store
temperature first.
7. Do not wrap eggs or trolleys in plastic until they have
cooled to egg store temperature.

Hatching eggs incorrectly stored in a trolley.

The thermal image to the right
shows freshly collected, warm
eggs being placed below
already cool eggs collected
earlier. This is not good

ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Egg Disinfection
The use of formaldehyde fumigation is the preferred method for
disinfecting eggs, but appropriate safety precautions must be taken.

Egg Disinfection

1. Fumigate eggs with formaldehyde at least once before they

leave the farm.
2. Make sure that the eggs are well separated on plastic egg
or setter trays – cardboard tends to absorb the gas.
3. Ensure the fumigation room is well sealed during fumigation
and allow at least 20 minutes for the gas to circulate after it
has been generated.
4. Either heat 10 g (0.4 oz) paraformaldehyde prills or mix
43 ml formalin (37.5%) and 21 g (0.7 oz) potassium
permanganate per m3 of fumigation room.
5. Ensure room temperature is a minimum of 24°C (75.2°F) and
humidity a minimum of 65% RH.
6. Run a circulating fan during fumigation to help circulate the
fumigant gas between the eggs.
7. Make sure that all the gas is completely exhausted from
the room before workers re-enter to move the eggs. This
should be re-checked periodically using an appropriate
meter. Workers should not be exposed to formaldehyde
gas and all local health and safety regulations on the use of
formaldehyde should be followed.
8. Eggs should not be fumigated if they have condensation
on them.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Cleaning Soiled Eggs

Provided surface dirt is not extensive, it can be removed by gently flicking off
the dirt with a finger nail, or for soft droppings, by gently wiping off with a clean
paper towel. The washing of eggs is not good practice, but in some cases
may be unavoidable:

• Spray eggs with a warm disinfection solution and avoid immersing eggs.
• Wash water should be 41°C (106°F).
• The process should be recorded and monitored.
• Make sure that the disinfectant concentration does not fall below the
recommended minimum effective concentration level.
• Allow eggs to dry before they are cooled in egg store.
• Washed eggs need to be fumigated, but this should not be done until
they are dry.

Egg Storage
The relationship between length of egg storage and temperature of egg store.
Storage Period Temperature of Storage*
(days) o
C (oF)
1-3 20-23 (68-73)
4-7 15-18 (59-64)
<7 12-15 (54-59)
> 13 12 (54)
* Humidity between 75 and 80%.

• Keep temperature constant once eggs are cooled.

• Adjust storage temperature as average egg storage duration
changes. On farm storage should be adjusted for the oldest eggs.
• Keep the farm store 2°C (4°F) warmer than the hatchery store with
truck temperature intermediate of the two. This will help to avoid

ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Cooled eggs should not be moved into a warm
humid environment to avoid condensation
forming on egg surface.

• Egg store humidity should be between 75 and 80% RH.
• Make sure that the water in the humidifier is clean and that spray
nozzles are maintained properly so that they produce a fine mist of
water and not large droplets.

Problems with Rots and Bangers

If the hatchery is observing an excessive number of rots and bangers,

check the following:
• The number and severity of dirty eggs being produced. Make
sure nests and collection belts are checked regularly and cleaned
immediately if problems occur.
• Floor eggs are not washed and then mixed with nest eggs.
• The eggs are not collected and packed into dirty trays.
• The shell quality is normal for the age of the flock.
• Egg washing and disinfectant media are 41°C (106°F).
• Washed eggs are not mixed with clean eggs.
• Wet eggs are not being placed in the egg store.
• If the humidifier has a reservoir, replace it with one that operates off
the main water supply.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Care of Hatching Eggs on Farm

Dew Point or Condensation Table

When eggs are moved from a cold environment into warmer, more
humid conditions, they may sweat. The following table gives the shell
temperature that will result in condensation when moving eggs into a
wide variety of temperatures and humidities. To avoid condensation the
egg shell temperature needs to be higher than that given in the table.

Eggs may sweat when they are transported from a cold egg store on
the farm to a warm hatchery or from a cold egg store in the hatchery for
pre-warming or incubation.

If eggs are sweating they should not be fumigated or put into a cold egg
store until they are dry.

Temperature at Which Relative Humidity (%RH)

Eggs are to be Moved
°C (°F) 40 50 60 70 80 90

15 (59) 11 13

20 (68) 12 14 16 18

Pre-warming 23 (74) 12 15 17 19 21

25 (77) 10 13 16 19 21 23

30 (86) 14 18 21 24 26 28

35 (95) 18 21 25 28 31 33

Incubator 21 25 28 31 34 36

40 (104) 23 27 30 33 36 38

Section 5


To ensure that good welfare and reproductive

performance are achieved by maintaining birds under
appropriate, and where possible, optimal environmental

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
55 Ventilation 111

ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Open-sided/Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation requires continuous 24 hour management if the house
environment is to be satisfactorily controlled.
• Vary curtain height to achieve optimum airflow.
• Curtains should be fastened to the sidewalls at the bottom and be opened
from the top down to minimize drafts and wind flowing directly onto birds.
• Open curtains on both sides of the house to provide cross-ventilation.
• In light wind or wind that changes direction frequently curtains on each
side should be opened the same amount.
• If the wind is coming consistently from one side of the building, the curtain
on the prevailing side should be opened less than the downwind side to
minimize drafts.
• Recirculation fans should be used to supplement and enhance temp-
erature control within the house.
• In hot weather conditions, several steps can be taken to minimize the
impact of high temperatures:
• Reduce stocking densities.
• Ensure adequate roof insulation is in place, use water sprayed on the
house roof to cool the roof. (Use with caution as this may raise RH
• Use circulation fans.
• Use tunnel ventilation with evaporative cooling pads.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Negative Pressure Ventilation Systems (Controlled

Environment Housing)

Achieve good airflow and volume

• If incoming air 

 
flow speed and 

volume is too low:

   
• Cold air will drop
directly on to the

 
 
      
• Litter will become
wet and birds may
get chilled         
  






Ensure house is tightly sealed


• Ventilation only 36

works effectively 34

if the house is 32

adequately sealed. 28


• This ensures the

speed at which air
enters the house is 36

controlled. 34

• Avoid air leaks. 32


Air leaks. 28



ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Uniform air inlet openings

• Open air inlets must • At lower ventilation

be evenly distributed rates close some
through the house and inlets to force the
be opened equally. same volume of air
through fewer inlets.
• This will create
• Volume of air flow
• Speed of air flow
• Direction of air flow
• Distribution of air flow

Monitor and evaluate regularly

• Monitor house • Monitor bird behavior

pressure & air speed: and litter quality.
• Pressure should be 30-40 • Complete regular
Pa (0.12-0.16 inches of
water column) depending evaluation of:
on house width • Air quality
• RH
• Air speed around 4 • Signs of condensation
m/sec (800 ft/min) • Dust levels
measured at air inlet

• Use smoke tests to

confirm if air flow
direction and inlet
settins are correct.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Evaluating Negative Pressure of Controlled
Environment Housing
1. Close all doors and inlets in the house.
2. Switch on one 122 cm (48 in)/127 cm (50 in) fan, or two
91 cm (36 in) fans.
3. The pressure within the house should not measure less
than 0.15 inches of water column (37.5 Pa).

Minimum Ventilation
• It is essential to provide some ventilation to the house regardless of the
outside conditions.
• Minimum ventilation is used for young chicks, nighttime, or winter
• Extraction fans (usually 91 cm [36 in] in size) operating on a cycle timer (on/
off) draw air into the house through sidewall or ceiling air inlets.
• It is recommended that a 5 minute cycle timer is used.
• Air inlets should be opened at least 5 cm (2 in) for the airflow into the house
to be effective.
• Accurate ventilation settings for the house can be determined by carrying
out smoke tests. Alternatively, strips of cassette tape can be hung from
the ceiling every 1-1.5 m (3-5 ft) in front of an air inlet up to the apex of
the house.
Correct airflow during minimum ventilation.

Approximate minimum ventilation rates per bird.

Cubic Meter per Hour Cubic Feet per Minute
(CMH/bird) (CFM/bird)
1-8 weeks 0.16 0.10
9-15 weeks 0.42 0.25
16 – 35 weeks 0.59 0.35
36 weeks - depletion 0.76 0.45
ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Monitor airflow and bird behavior to determine
if settings are correct.

Calculating Minimum Ventilation Rates

1. Determine the appropriate minimum recommended

ventilation rate. The exact rates will vary with temperature and
for each individual poultry house, and with company of fan
manufacture (fan type).
2. Calculate the total ventilation rate required for the house:

Total minimum ventilation =

(minimum ventilation rate per bird) x
(number of birds in the house)

3. Calculate the percentage time the fans are required to run:

(total ventilation needed)
Percentage of time =
(total capacity of fans used)
4. Multiply the percentage time the fans are required to run by
the total fan timer cycle to give the amount of time that the
fans are required to be on in each cycle.

Transitional Ventilation
• Transitional ventilation is used when the house temperature is above
the desired (or set point) temperature, but it is not yet warm enough,
or the birds are still not old enough, to use tunnel ventilation.
• A general guideline for transitional ventilation is to open enough air
inlets so that approximately 40-50% of the tunnel fan capacity is
being used.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Tunnel Ventilation
Tunnel ventilation is used to keep the birds feeling cool. The switch from
transitional ventilation to tunnel ventilation should occur when the birds need
the cooling effect of wind chill. Younger birds that are not fully feathered will
feel a greater wind chill than older birds and so are more prone to chilling.

Tunnel Ventilation Calculations

1. Determine the fan capacity required for a given air speed.

Required fan capacity =
(design air speed) x (cross section area)

• Design air speed (min).

» 2.03 meters per
second (m/s) or 400
feet per minute (fpm)
for rearing. WIDTH
» 2.54 meters per
second (m/s) or 500 feet per minute (fpm) for production.
• Cross section area = (0.5 x Width x Roof) + (Width x Height).

2. Determine the number of fans required:

(required fan capacity)

Number of fans =
(fan operating capacity)
• Fan operating capacity is the capacity at the assumed
operating pressure.
• As a guideline for tunnel ventilation with cooling pads, use
the fan capacity at an operating pressure of 37.5 Pa (0.15
inches water column).

ROSS ps pocket guide: Ventilation

Evaporative Cooling Systems

• Evaporative cooling systems are commonly used when temperatures
exceed 27ºC (81ºF). Effectiveness of evaporative cooling systems
depends on the RH levels.
• Evaporative cooling adds moisture to the air and increases RH. It is
important to operate the system based on RH, as well as dry bulb
temperature, to ensure bird welfare.

If in-house RH levels reach more than 70-80%,
turn off the evaporative cooling system.

Spray Cooling (fogger)

• High pressure (water) spray systems should operate at 400-600 psi
(28-41 bar), and produce a very fine mist with a droplet size of 10-15
• Low pressure fogging systems operate at 100-200 psi (7-14 bar),
and produce a droplet size greater than 30 microns.
• Fogging lines must be placed near air inlets in order to maximize
the speed of evaporation, and additional lines should be placed
throughout the house.

Pad Cooling
• In pad cooling systems, cool air is drawn through a water soaked
filter (cooling pad) by the tunnel ventilation fans.

Cooling pad area = (tunnel fan capacity)

(pad air speed)
• Cooling pad area is the total area required. Half of this area is usually
installed on each outside wall of the inlet end of the house.
• Tunnel fan capacity is the actual total operating capacity.
• Expected pad air speeds:
» For 100 mm (4 in) thick pad, use 1.27 m/s (250 fpm).
» For 150 mm (6 in) thick pad, use 1.91 m/s (375 fpm).

Section 6


To maximize welfare, reproductive potential (of both males and

females), and chick quality by supplying a range of balanced
diets that meet the requirements of broiler parent stock at all
stages of their development and production.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
62 Nutrition 133

ROSS ps pocket guide: Nutrition

• Birds respond to daily intakes of nutrients, therefore feeding programs
(and feed levels) must relate to dietary nutrient content; especially
energy and the nutritional requirements of the bird at a given age.
• Diets need to be regularly sampled and the samples analyzed to
ensure that the diet is as it should be.

Feeding Programs
Starter Feed
Starter feed should be fed as a sieved crumb from 0-28 days of age. If body
weights at 28 days are consistently below target then feeding the Starter diet
for an extra 1-2 weeks may help.

Growing Period
It is important to carefully manage the change in diet from Starter to
Grower, ensuring that there is no loss in body-weight gain.

The Grower feed should be fed from approximately 28 days through 5%

production. Feed should be distributed quickly and evenly throughout the house.

The Laying Stage

During this stage, a breeder feed should be fed from 5% production through

Laying hens require 4-5 g (14-18 oz Ca per 100 birds) of calcium per hen per
day to maintain calcium balance. In practice, this is achieved by feeding the
recommended breeder ration calcium levels no later than 5% egg production.
To maintain optimal shell quality, consider supplementing 1.0 g (0.03 oz Ca per
bird per day) of calcium in the form of a large particle-sized limestone (diameter
3.2 mm [1/8 in]) or oyster shell.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Nutrition

Consequences for the laying flock of not meeting the nutrient specifications.
Effect of Undersupply Effect of Oversupply
Depends on amino acid Increased egg size
levels, but generally and lower hatchability.
Crude protein decreased egg size and Increased metabolic
number. Poor chick stress during hot
quality from young flocks. weather conditions.
Excess leads to
Body weight, egg size,
increased double yolks,
and egg number will
Energy oversized eggs, and
decrease unless feed
obesity. Late fertility/
quantity is adjusted.
hatchability suffers.
Lysine, methionine Decrease egg size and
& cystine number.
Linoleic acid Decreased egg size.
Reduced availability of
Calcium Poor shell quality.
May impair egg
Available production and
Poor shell quality.
phosphorous hatchability. Reduced
bone ash in chicks.

If a separate male diet is used it should be introduced when birds are

moved to the laying house or at light stimulation.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Nutrition

Temperature Effect on Energy Requirements

As operating temperature differs from 20°C (68°F), energy intakes should
be adjusted pro rata as follows:
• Increased by 0.126 MJ (30 kcal) per bird per day if temperature is
decreased by 5°C from 20° to 15°C (68° to 59°F).
• Reduced by 0.105 MJ (25 kcal) per bird per day if temperature is
increased by 5°C from 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).

When temperatures are above 25°C (77°F) the relationship is not as straight
forward. Feed composition, feed amount, and environmental management
should be controlled to reduce heat stress.

Feed Management
• Ideally, feed should not remain on the farm for more than a week.
• Feed bins should always remain covered and be in good condition to
prevent water entry. Any feed spills should be cleaned up promptly.
• Use a standard weight to check the accuracy of the feed scales daily
before use.
• A visual assessment of every feed delivery should be made. The
feed should be assessed on its physical quality, color, appearance,
and smell. For mash, check that there is good distribution of raw
materials throughout the feed.
• Levels of fines should not exceed 10% for pellets/crumbs or 25%
for mash. The level of fines within a feed can be measured using a
feed shaker sieve.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Nutrition

Trouble Shooting - Vitamin Deficiency


Resistance to Disease

Bone Deformities
Egg Production

Thin Shell Eggs

Leg Weakness


Possible Cause

Vitamin A x x x x x

Vitamin D3 x x x x

Vitamin E x x x x

Vitamin B12 x x
Riboflavin x x x
Niacin x x
Pantothenic Acid x x x
Choline x x
Vitamin K

Folic Acid x x x x
Thiamin B1

Pyridoxine B6 x x
Biotin x x x x x x

Section 7

Health and Biosecurity


To achieve hygienic conditions within the poultry house, and

to minimize the adverse effects of disease.

To attain optimum performance and bird welfare, and to

provide assurance on food safety issues.

Pages Contents Handbook

Reference Page
66 Health and 143
69 Health Management 155

Health and
ROSS ps pocket guide: Health and Biosecurity

Health and Biosecurity

Preventing Diseases Transmitted by Humans
• Minimize the number of visitors and prevent unauthorized access
to the farm.
• All people entering the farm should follow a biosecurity procedure.
• Maintain a record of visitors.
• Workers and visitors should wash and sanitize boots and hands
when entering and leaving the poultry house.
• Clean and disinfect tools used in the poultry house.
• It is recommended to only visit one farm per day.

Preventing Diseases Transmitted by Animals

• Place farm on an “all in/all out” placement cycle.
• A minimum downtime of 3 weeks will reduce contamination on the farm.
• Keep all vegetation cut 15 m (50 ft) away from the buildings to provide an
entry barrier for rodents and wild animals.
• Do not leave equipment, building materials or litter lying around.
• Clean up feed spills as soon as they occur.
• Store litter material in bags or inside a storage building or bin.
• Keep wild birds out of all buildings and maintain an effective rodent
control program.
• Use an integrated pest management program.

Site Cleaning

Site cleaning must cover both the interior and
exterior of the house, all equipment, external
house areas, and the feeding and drinking

ROSS ps pocket guide: Health and Biosecurity

Site Cleaning
1. Plan.
2. Control insects:
• once the flock has been removed, while the house is
still warm, spray litter, equipment and surfaces with an
• spraying with an approved insecticide may also be done 2
weeks before depletion.
• a second treatment of insecticide should also occur prior
to fumigation.
3. Remove dust.
4. Pre-spray with a detergent solution throughout the inside of
the house.
5. Remove all equipment.
6. Remove and dispose of litter.
7. Wash using a pressure washer with foam detergent, and
rinse with hot water.

Cleaning Water Systems

1. Drain pipes and header tanks.

2. Flush lines with clean water.
3. Scrub header tanks to remove scale and biofilm deposit and
drain to the exterior of the house.
4. Refill the tank with fresh water and add an approved water
5. Run the sanitizer solution through the drinker lines from the
header tank, ensuring that there are no air locks.
6. Make up header tank to normal operating level with additional
sanitizer and solution at appropriate strength. Replace lid and
allow disinfectant to remain for a minimum of 4 hours.
7. Drain and rinse with fresh water.
8. Refill with fresh water prior to chick arrival.

ROSS ps pocket guide: Health and Biosecurity

• If physical cleaning is not always possible, cleaning of water lines between

flocks may be done using high levels (140 ppm) of chlorine or peroxygen
• Ensure water lines are flushed completely before birds are allowed to drink.
• Test water quality routinely for bacterial and mineral contamination and take
necessary corrective action based on the test results.
• Take samples from source, storage tank, and drinker points.

Cleaning Feeding Systems
1. Empty, wash, and disinfect all feeding equipment.
2. Empty bulk bins and connecting pipes, and brush out where
3. Clean out and seal all openings.
4. Fumigate wherever possible.

• Disinfection should not take place until the whole building (including
the external area) is thoroughly cleaned and all repairs are completed.
• Disinfectants are ineffective in the presence of dirt and organic matter.
• Manufacturers’ instructions must be followed at all times.
• Disinfectant should be applied using either a pressure-washer or
backpack sprayer.
• Heating houses to high temperatures after sealing can enhance
• If using a selective coccidial treatment, this should only be used
by suitably trained staff and should be applied to all clean internal

ROSS ps pocket guide: Health and Biosecurity

Health Management
• Good management and biosecurity will prevent many poultry
• Monitor feed and water intake for the first signs of a disease challenge.
• Respond promptly to any signs of a disease challenge by completing
post-mortem examinations and contacting an Aviagen veterinarian.
• Vaccination alone cannot prevent flocks from overwhelming disease
challenges and poor management.
• Vaccination is most effective when disease challenges are minimized
through well designed biosecurity and management programs.
• Base vaccination programs on local disease challenges and availability
of vaccine.
• Monitor and control worm burden.
• Salmonella infection via feed is a threat to bird health. Heat treatment
and monitoring of raw materials will minimize the risk of contamination.
• Only use antibiotics to treat disease with veterinary supervision.
• Keep records and monitor flock health.


Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy and

relevance of the information presented. However, Aviagen®
accepts no liability for the consequences of using the
information for the management of chickens.

For further information please contact your local Technical

Service Manager.
Aviagen and the Aviagen logo, and Ross and the Ross logo are registered trademarks
of Aviagen in the US and other countries. All other trademarks or brands are registered
by their respective owners.

© 2013 Aviagen.
Ross Male Ross 308 Female Ross Male Ross 308 Female
Age Age
Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt
g g/bird/day g g/bird/day g g/bird/day g g/bird/day
0 ad lib ad lib 33 4240 138 3510 168
1 150 35 115 26 34 4270 138 3530 168
2 320 42 215 32 35 4300 139 3550 168
3 525 48 335 36 36 4330 140 3570 167
4 755 52 450 40 37 4360 140 3590 166
5 945 56 560 43 38 4390 141 3610 166
6 1130 60 660 45 39 4420 141 3630 165
7 1280 63 760 47 40 4450 142 3650 165
8 1420 66 860 49 41 4480 142 3670 164
9 1545 69 960 50 42 4510 143 3690 163
10 1670 72 1060 52 43 4540 143 3710 163
11 1795 75 1160 54 44 4570 144 3730 162
12 1920 78 1260 57 45 4600 144 3750 162
13 2045 81 1360 59 46 4630 144 3770 161
14 2170 84 1460 62 47 4660 145 3790 160
15 2295 88 1560 66 48 4690 145 3810 160
16 2420 92 1670 71 49 4720 146 3830 159
17 2560 96 1790 76 50 4750 146 3850 159
18 2715 101 1915 83 51 4780 147 3870 158
19 2875 106 2050 90 52 4810 147 3890 157
20 3035 111 2195 98 53 4840 148 3910 157
21 3195 115 2345 104 54 4870 148 3930 156
22 3355 120 2500 113 55 4900 149 3950 156
23 3515 123 2660 122 56 4930 149 3970 155
24 3675 127 2820 131 57 4960 149 3990 155
25 3825 129 2975 138 58 4990 150 4010 154
26 3960 131 3120 148 59 5020 150 4030 153
27 4035 132 3245 158 60 5050 151 4050 153
28 4090 134 3340 168 61 5080 151 4070 152
29 4120 135 3395 168 62 5110 152 4090 152
30 4150 136 3435 168 63 5140 152 4110 151
31 4180 136 3465 168 64 5170 153 4130 150
32 4210 137 3490 168 ROSS 308®
Ross Male Ross 308 Female Ross Male Ross 308 Female
Age Age
Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt
lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day
0 ad lib ad lib 33 9.35 30.4 7.74 36.9
1 0.33 7.6 0.25 5.6 34 9.41 30.5 7.78 36.9
2 0.71 9.3 0.47 7.0 35 9.48 30.6 7.83 36.9
3 1.16 10.5 0.74 8.0 36 9.55 30.8 7.87 36.8
4 1.66 11.6 0.99 8.8 37 9.61 30.9 7.91 36.7
5 2.08 12.4 1.23 9.4 38 9.68 31.0 7.96 36.5
6 2.49 13.2 1.46 9.9 39 9.74 31.1 8.00 36.4
7 2.82 13.9 1.68 10.3 40 9.81 31.2 8.05 36.3
8 3.13 14.6 1.90 10.7 41 9.88 31.3 8.09 36.1
9 3.41 15.2 2.12 11.1 42 9.94 31.4 8.13 36.0
10 3.68 15.9 2.34 11.5 43 10.01 31.5 8.18 35.9
11 3.96 16.5 2.56 12.0 44 10.08 31.6 8.22 35.8
12 4.23 17.2 2.78 12.5 45 10.14 31.7 8.27 35.6
13 4.51 17.9 3.00 13.0 46 10.21 31.8 8.31 35.5
14 4.78 18.6 3.22 13.7 47 10.27 31.9 8.36 35.4
15 5.06 19.4 3.44 14.5 48 10.34 32.0 8.40 35.2
16 5.34 20.2 3.68 15.6 49 10.41 32.1 8.44 35.1
17 5.64 21.2 3.95 16.8 50 10.47 32.3 8.49 35.0
18 5.99 22.2 4.22 18.3 51 10.54 32.4 8.53 34.8
19 6.34 23.3 4.52 19.9 52 10.60 32.5 8.58 34.7
20 6.69 24.4 4.84 21.5 53 10.67 32.6 8.62 34.6
21 7.04 25.4 5.17 22.8 54 10.74 32.7 8.66 34.5
22 7.40 26.4 5.51 24.9 55 10.80 32.8 8.71 34.3
23 7.75 27.2 5.86 26.9 56 10.87 32.9 8.75 34.2
24 8.10 27.9 6.22 29.0 57 10.93 33.0 8.80 34.1
25 8.43 28.4 6.56 30.5 58 11.00 33.1 8.84 33.9
26 8.73 28.9 6.88 32.7 59 11.07 33.2 8.88 33.8
27 8.90 29.2 7.15 34.8 60 11.13 33.3 8.93 33.7
28 9.02 29.5 7.36 36.9 61 11.20 33.4 8.97 33.6
29 9.08 29.7 7.48 36.9 62 11.27 33.4 9.02 33.4
30 9.15 29.9 7.57 36.9 63 11.33 33.5 9.06 33.3
31 9.22 30.1 7.64 36.9 64 11.40 33.7 9.10 33.2
32 9.28 30.2 7.69 36.9 ROSS 308®
Ross Male Ross 708 Female Ross Male Ross 708 Female
Age Age
Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt
g g/bird/day g g/bird/day g g/bird/day g g/bird/day
0 ad lib ad lib 33 4240 138 3370 159
1 150 35 110 26 34 4270 138 3400 159
2 320 42 215 31 35 4300 139 3430 159
3 525 48 310 35 36 4330 140 3450 159
4 755 52 400 37 37 4360 140 2470 158
5 945 56 490 39 38 4390 141 3485 158
6 1130 60 580 41 39 4420 141 3500 157
7 1280 63 670 42 40 4450 142 3515 157
8 1420 66 760 43 41 4480 142 3530 156
9 1545 69 850 44 42 4510 143 3545 156
10 1670 72 940 46 43 4540 143 3560 155
11 1795 75 1030 47 44 4570 144 3575 155
12 1920 78 1120 49 45 4600 144 3590 154
13 2045 81 1210 51 46 4630 144 3605 154
14 2170 84 1300 54 47 4660 145 3620 153
15 2295 88 1390 58 48 4690 145 3635 153
16 2420 92 1480 62 49 4720 146 3650 152
17 2560 96 1585 67 50 4750 146 3665 152
18 2715 101 1700 73 51 4780 147 3680 151
19 2875 106 1825 80 52 4810 147 3695 151
20 3035 111 1960 86 53 4840 148 3710 150
21 3195 115 2100 93 54 4870 148 3725 150
22 3355 120 2245 99 55 4900 149 3740 149
23 3515 123 2395 107 56 4930 149 3755 149
24 3675 127 2545 117 57 4960 149 3770 148
25 3825 129 2690 126 58 4990 150 3785 148
26 3960 131 2825 139 59 5020 150 3800 147
27 4035 132 2955 151 60 5050 151 3815 147
28 4090 134 3055 159 61 5080 151 3830 146
29 4120 135 3145 159 62 5110 152 3845 145
30 4150 136 3230 159 63 5140 152 3860 145
31 4180 136 3285 159 64 5170 153 3875 144
32 4210 137 3300 159 ROSS 708®
Ross Male Ross 708 Female Ross Male Ross 708 Female
Age Age
Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt Wks Weight Feed Amt Weight Feed Amt
lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day lb lb/100/day
0 ad lib ad lib 33 9.35 30.4 7.43 35.1
1 0.33 7.6 0.23 5.7 34 9.41 30.5 7.50 35.1
2 0.71 9.3 0.47 6.8 35 9.48 30.6 7.56 35.1
3 1.16 10.5 0.68 7.6 36 9.55 30.8 7.61 35.0
4 1.66 11.6 0.88 8.2 37 9.61 30.9 7.65 34.9
5 2.08 12.4 1.08 8.6 38 9.68 31.0 7.68 34.8
6 2.49 13.2 1.28 8.9 39 9.74 31.1 7.72 34.7
7 2.82 13.9 1.48 9.2 40 9.81 31.2 7.75 34.6
8 3.13 14.6 1.68 9.5 41 9.88 31.3 7.78 34.4
9 3.41 15.2 1.87 9.8 42 9.94 31.4 7.82 34.3
10 3.68 15.9 2.07 10.1 43 10.01 31.5 7.85 34.2
11 3.96 16.5 2.27 10.4 44 10.08 31.6 7.88 34.1
12 4.23 17.2 2.47 10.8 45 10.14 31.7 7.91 34.0
13 4.51 17.9 2.67 11.3 46 10.21 31.8 7.95 33.9
14 4.78 18.6 2.87 11.9 47 10.27 31.9 7.98 33.8
15 5.06 19.4 3.06 12.7 48 10.34 32.0 8.01 33.7
16 5.34 20.2 3.30 13.7 49 10.41 32.1 8.05 33.5
17 5.64 21.2 3.49 14.8 50 10.47 32.3 8.08 33.4
18 5.99 22.2 3.75 16.1 51 10.54 32.4 8.11 33.3
19 6.34 23.3 4.02 17.6 52 10.60 32.5 8.15 33.2
20 6.69 24.4 4.32 19.1 53 10.67 32.6 8.18 33.1
21 7.04 25.4 4.63 20.5 54 10.74 32.7 8.21 33.0
22 7.40 26.4 4.95 21.9 55 10.80 32.8 8.25 32.9
23 7.75 27.2 5.28 23.6 56 10.87 32.9 8.28 32.8
24 8.10 27.9 5.61 25.7 57 10.93 33.0 8.31 32.6
25 8.43 28.4 5.93 27.8 58 11.00 33.1 8.34 32.5
26 8.73 28.9 6.23 30.7 59 11.07 33.2 8.38 32.4
27 8.90 29.2 6.51 33.2 60 11.13 33.3 8.41 32.3
28 9.02 29.5 6.74 35.1 61 11.20 33.4 8.44 32.2
29 9.08 29.7 6.93 35.1 62 11.27 33.4 8.48 32.1
30 9.15 29.9 7.12 35.1 63 11.33 33.5 8.51 32.0
31 9.22 30.1 7.24 35.1 64 11.40 33.7 8.54 31.9
32 9.28 30.2 7.34 35.1 ROSS 708®
ROSS 308®
Age Hen Week Eggs/Bird/ Hatch All Cum. Chicks Egg Weight
Weeks % Cum. Eggs % Hen Housed g (oz/doz)

25 5.4 0.38 50.4 (21.3)

26 22.3 1.93 75.6 0.85 52.3 (22.1)
27 52.5 5.58 78.9 3.39 53.9 (22.8)
28 74.2 10.73 81.7 7.24 55.5 (23.5)
29 83.0 16.48 84.0 11.80 56.8 (24.0)
30 86.1 22.43 85.9 16.71 58.0 (24.5)
31 86.9 28.43 87.4 21.80 59.0 (25.0)
32 86.4 34.38 88.4 26.94 59.8 (25.3)
33 85.4 40.25 89.0 32.05 60.4 (25.6)
34 84.4 46.04 89.5 37.11 61.0 (25.8)
35 83.4 51.75 89.7 42.10 61.6 (26.1)
36 82.4 57.38 89.9 47.03 62.1 (26.3)
37 81.4 62.93 89.9 51.90 62.5 (26.5)
38 80.3 68.40 89.8 56.67 62.9 (26.6)
39 79.3 73.79 89.7 61.37 63.3 (26.8)
40 78.3 79.09 89.5 65.98 63.7 (27.0)
41 77.2 84.31 89.1 70.50 64.0 (27.1)
42 76.2 89.45 88.7 74.92 64.4 (27.3)
43 75.1 94.51 88.3 79.26 64.7 (27.4)
44 74.1 99.49 88.0 83.51 65.1 (27.6)
45 73.0 104.39 87.5 87.66 65.4 (27.7)
46 72.0 109.21 87.0 91.72 65.8 (27.8)
47 70.9 113.95 86.4 95.69 66.1 (28.0)
48 69.8 118.60 85.9 99.55 66.5 (28.1)
49 68.8 123.17 85.2 103.32 66.8 (28.3)
50 67.7 127.66 84.6 106.99 67.2 (28.4)
51 66.6 132.07 84.0 110.57 67.5 (28.6)
52 65.5 136.40 83.2 114.05 67.9 (28.7)
53 64.4 140.65 82.4 117.43 68.2 (28.9)
54 63.3 144.82 81.7 120.72 68.5 (29.0)
55 62.2 148.91 80.9 123.91 68.8 (29.1)
56 61.1 152.91 80.0 127.00 69.1 (29.2)
57 60.0 156.83 79.0 129.98 69.4 (29.4)
58 58.9 160.67 78.1 132.87 69.6 (29.5)
59 57.8 164.43 77.2 135.66 69.8 (29.5)
60 56.6 168.11 76.2 138.36 70.0 (29.6)
61 55.5 171.71 75.2 140.97 70.1 (29.7)
62 54.4 175.23 74.1 143.47 70.2 (29.7)
63 53.2 178.67 73.0 145.89 70.3 (29.8)
64 52.1 182.02 71.7 148.19 70.4 (29.8)
ROSS 708®
Age Hen Week Eggs/Bird/ Hatch All Cum. Chicks Egg Weight
Weeks % Cum. Eggs % Hen Housed g (oz/doz)

25 5.4 0.38 49.4 (20.9)

26 18.9 1.70 77.4 0.71 51.2 (21.7)
27 49.2 5.12 79.5 3.13 52.8 (22.3)
28 70.9 10.04 81.2 6.87 54.6 (23.1)
29 79.7 15.56 82.7 11.31 55.7 (23.6)
30 82.7 21.28 83.9 16.11 57.0 (24.1)
31 83.6 27.05 84.9 21.06 58.1 (24.6)
32 83.0 32.77 85.6 26.07 58.9 (24.9)
33 82.0 38.41 86.3 31.04 59.7 (25.3)
34 81.0 43.97 86.8 35.96 60.4 (25.6)
35 80.0 49.45 87.2 40.81 60.9 (25.8)
36 79.0 54.85 87.5 45.61 61.4 (26.0)
37 78.0 60.17 87.8 50.33 61.9 (26.2)
38 77.0 65.41 88.0 54.97 62.3 (26.4)
39 76.0 70.57 88.2 59.54 62.7 (26.5)
40 74.8 75.64 88.3 64.02 63.0 (26.7)
41 73.8 80.63 88.4 68.41 63.4 (26.8)
42 72.8 85.54 88.5 72.72 63.7 (27.0)
43 71.7 90.37 88.6 76.94 64.1 (27.1)
44 70.7 95.12 88.6 81.07 64.4 (27.3)
45 69.6 99.79 88.6 85.11 64.8 (27.4)
46 68.6 104.38 88.6 89.06 65.1 (27.6)
47 67.5 108.89 88.5 92.91 65.4 (27.7)
48 66.3 113.31 88.5 96.66 65.8 (27.8)
49 65.3 117.65 88.4 100.30 66.1 (28.0)
50 64.2 121.91 88.3 103.86 66.5 (28.1)
51 63.1 126.09 88.2 107.33 66.8 (28.3)
52 62.0 130.19 88.1 110.70 67.2 (28.4)
53 61.0 134.21 87.9 113.97 67.5 (28.6)
54 59.9 138.15 87.8 117.14 67.8 (28.7)
55 58.8 142.01 87.6 120.22 68.1 (28.8)
56 57.5 145.78 87.5 123.19 68.4 (28.9)
57 56.4 149.47 87.3 126.06 68.7 (29.1)
58 55.3 153.08 87.1 128.83 68.9 (29.2)
59 54.2 156.61 86.9 131.51 69.1 (29.2)
60 53.1 160.06 86.7 134.09 69.3 (29.3)
61 52.0 163.43 86.5 136.58 69.4 (29.4)
62 50.9 166.72 86.2 138.97 69.5 (29.4)
63 49.7 169.93 86.0 141.26 69.6 (29.5)
64 48.4 173.05 85.8 143.44 69.7 (29.5)

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