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UNDER RA 10172
1. Document owner shall file the petition themselves except in cases when the document owner is a minor or physically or
mentally incapacitated, the petition may be filed on his/her behalf by his/her spouse, or any of his children, parents,
brothers, sisters, grandparents, guardians, or persons authorized by law. However, APPEARANCE OF THE DOCUMENT
2. One (1) latest certified machine copy and one (1) photo copy of the birth certificate to be corrected issued by the Manila
Civil Registrar.
3. One (1) latest PSA Copy and one (1) photo copy of the birth certificate to be corrected.
4. One (1) original and one (1) photo copy of the following Mandatory Requirements:

- Elementary school record or school documents. In case the petitioner/document owner never entered school, an
Affidavit attesting to the facts shall be submitted
- Medical Records issued by the hospital or by a clinic where the document owner was born. In case where the
petitioner/document owner has no medical records due to the fact that the hospital or the clinic is already closed,
an Affidavit attesting to the facts shall be submitted
- Baptismal certificate and other documents issued by religious authorities. In case where the petitioner/document
owner has no baptismal certificate or similar documents, an Affidavit attesting to the facts shall be submitted

5. Medical Certification issued by the Manila City Health Officer as to the true gender of the document owner and same has
not undergone sex change or sex transplant. Please get your referral slip at the Administrative Division and look for Ms.
DEL NAVATA and proceed to the Office of the Manila City Health Officer, Manila Health Department located at Room
132, Ground Floor, City Hall Manila. Payment for the medical is Php 200.00 only.
6. Ultra Sound and one (1) colored whole body picture.
7. Certificate of Employment indicating that the document owner has no pending administrative case, if employed

*Affidavit of Non-Employment indicating that the document owner has no pending civil or criminal case or no criminal
record, if not employed at the time the filing of the petition

*Affidavit of Self-Employment indicating that the document owner has no pending civil or criminal case or no criminal
record, if self employed at the time the filing of the petition

*Certification of good moral character issued by the school, if the document owner is 18 years old below

8. NBI and POLICE CLEARANCE – Purpose for the Correction of sex and gender. For document owner
ages 0 to 7 years old, not required
9. FOR MARRIED DOCUMENT OWNER – Latest PSA Copy and Certified Machine Copy of marriage contract and birth
certificate of children, at least two (2) issued by the local civil registrar.
10. Documents that will show proof of the correction being sought like Employment Record, Income Tax Return, Personal
Data Sheet duly certified by the HRD and Voter’s Record
11. 2 photo copies of valid ID of the petitioner and the document owner


1. After the compliance of the requirements, please proceed to the information counter and get a number for the pre-
interview. Only with complete requirements are allowed for pre-interview
2. Publication of the petition for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general and national circulation (List of
newspapers will be provided during the final interview)
3. Steps to follow will also be provided during the Final Interview
4. Follow-up of the Petition is after four (4) months. Will commence on the date the petition was received by this Office
5. Payments are as follows: Registration Fee (P3,000.00)/Certified Xerox Copy (320.00- Single Petition and P540.00- Double
Petition) and Transmittal Fee (P280.00-Single Petition and P400.00-Double Petition). Payment for the Publication and
Notary of the Petition Form not included.


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