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Cult of

the Dragon
by Dale Donovan

“And naught will be left save shuttered thrones with no rulers.

But the dead dragons shall rule the world entire, and . . .”

Sammaster First-Speaker
Founder of the Cult of the Dragon
To my mother and my father, who always encouraged me, no matter how seemingly strange my interests may have
appeared. Thanks to you both I had the chance to pursue—and obtain—my dream. While it may seem curious to dedicate a
book about a bunch of psycho cultists to one’s parents, I figured that, of all people, you two would understand.

Design: Dale Donovan
Additional and Original Design: L. Richard Baker III, Eric L. Boyd, Timothy B. Brown, Monte Cook, Nigel Findley,
Ed Greenwood, Lenard Lakofka, David Kelman, Bill Muhlhausen, Robert S. Mullin, Bruce Nesmith, Jeffrey Pettengill,
Jon Pickens, and James M. Ward
Development & Editing: Julia Martin
Cover Illustration: Clyde Caldwell
Interior Illustrations: Glen Michael Angus
Art Direction: Dana Knutson and Dawn Murin
Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz
Research, Inspiration, & Additional Contributions: Robert L. Nichols & Craig Sefton
Special Acknowledgment: Gregory Detwiler, Ed Greenwood, Jamie Nossal, Cindy Rick, Carl Sargent, Steven Schend, and
the stories of Clark Ashton Smith & Edgar Allan Poe

Campaign setting based on the original game world of Ed Greenwood.

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

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ISBN 0-7869-0709-6


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2 • Credits
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Foes of the Cult...............................................................55
The Harpers................................................................56
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Red Wizards of Thay............................................57
The Story of Sammaster...............................................7 The Sorority of Silver Fire...........................................58
Sammaster the Apprentice......................................9 The Zhentarim............................................................60
Journeyman and Mastery........................................8 The Church of Tiamat.................................................61
Sammaster the Chosen............................................8
Sammaster and Elminster.......................................9 The Magic and Monsters of the Cult ..............................63
Fanatical Leanings.................................................10 Sammaster’s Spells.....................................................64
Sammaster the Mad...............................................11 Common Spells.....................................................64
Down the Dark Path...............................................12 Uncommon and Rare Spells...................................65
Sammaster and Alustriel.......................................13 Magical Items.............................................................80
Algashon the Manipulator....................................13 Dragon Spells.............................................................85
A Poison Tongue and an Unsound Mind................14 Dragon Magical Items................................................96
Vile Plottings and Viler Acts..................................14 Monsters Used by the Cult..........................................98
The Battle of the Chosen.........................................14 Dracimera................................................99
Sammaster the Fallen.............................................15 Dracohydra................................................100
Mad Prophecies.....................................................16 Dracolich..................................................102
Sammaster’s First Dracolich and Dragon, Ghost......................................................104
the Founding of the Cult...................................16 Dragon, Lesser Undead.......................................105
The Cult Grows......................................................17 Dragon-kin.................................107
The Harpers Attack...............................................18 Mantidrake........................................108
The Death of Sammaster........................................19 Ur-Histachii.................................................109
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream................................19 Wyvern Drake......................................................110
Awake to Unlife.....................................................20
Final Disposition...................................................20 Cult Campaigns & Adventures...................................111
Chronicles of the Cult............................................21 Incorporating the Cult Into Your Campaign..............112
Reformationalists vs. Pragmatists.........................21 The Cult as a Covert Organization............................112
The Whispering of Gargauth.................................21 Creating a Cult Cell..............................................113
The Rage of Dragons..............................................21 Creating Mystery.................................................114
Branch Cell Activities............................................22 Adventure Nuggets..................................................115
The Battle of the River Rising.................................23 The Ultimate Spy.................................................115
A Flight of Dragons................................................23 St. Sammaster......................................................115
Recent Activities....................................................23 The Harp and the Claw........................................115
Cult of the Dragon Timeline........................................24 Between Two Evils...............................................116
A Mysterious Patron............................................116
The Cult Today............................................................27 Work for Hire.......................................................116
Basic Information.......................................................28 A Dragon in the Nursery......................................117
Cult Members........................................................28 A Lost Potion........................................................117
Other Religions......................................................29 The Oasis of Handless Men..................................118
The Structure of a Cult Cell....................................29 War Within the Cult.............................................118
Cult plots....................................................................31 Save the Dragon...................................................118
Legal Enterprises...................................................31
Illegal Operations..................................................31 E p i l o g u e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 9
Active Cults Cells, or Who, what, why, How?......... 32
Sembia..........................................................32 Appendix 1: Dragon Deities........................................120
Elversult.....................................................34 Dragon Deities..........................................................120
Hlondeth.......................................................35 Null................................................................121
Dracoliches of Note..................................................38 Appendix 2: School of Incantation..............................125
Aurgloroasa, “The Sibilant Shade”........................38 List of Spells From the School of Incantation.............125
Daurgothoth, “The Creeping Doom”.....................43 The Incantatrix..........................................................126
Dretchroyaster, “The Monarch Reborn”................47 Spells.........................................................127
Known Cult Dragons and Dracoliches.............53-54

Contents • 3
scented the mammal even before its petty magic bipedal races will one day (sooner than even it knows)
delivered it outside my high, mountainous home. fall before our draconic might. Such tremendous powers
This invasion of my domain, this violation of my of insight this “founder” possessed! As if any hatchling
privacy, would not go unpunished. As I contemplated does not know this undeniable truth!
the most efficacious means of destroying this intruder, it The human then continued, with some difficulty, likely
used another bit of minor mammalian magic. I was of due to the weight of my formidable claw upon its frail
course prepared for for eventuality, but unlike most of chest, and told of this cult and how it was preparing for
these self-proclaimed “civilized races,” this one did not that day and —
attack, blindly rushing to its doom. I understood before the insect even finished, of
Instead, the magic carried its feeble voice to me. It course. This cult seeks to worship me, somehow perceiv-
spoke—in Auld Wyrmish, no less— begging entrance to ing as well as I the true power and cunning I possess
my lair, promising the mightiest of treasures should I and will someday (soon, very soon) wield across the face
deign to listen. Intrigued only by the insects knowledge of this land. There will be a reckoning when I tear down
of the one true tongue, I allowed it to attend my per- the braggart and fool, Sussethilasis. Then I shall rule
sonal glory. I noted that it even followed the old forms the forbidding blight of Anauroch, and from there stretch
for begging an audience. my wings over— but I am getting ahead of myself. Other
It entered on its knees, its head bowed, offering times remain for such plans. Now, perhaps, I will allow
before it a portable dimensional anomaly, the boundary the mammalian insect to speak again to me (with proper
of which was formed by a simple tanned hide and draw- offerings for my patience) and prattle on, telling me more
string. As the mammalian insect crawled toward me, it of this cult and what it may well do for me.”
praised my kin for our power, our Art, and our graceful —From the magical libram of recording
Strength — I thought the last appropriate as the buffoon of Malygris, very old blue dragon
disrupted two of my smaller caches during his awkward of southern Anauroch, circa 1351 DR
approach. (Note: Be certain to thoroughly recount, stack,
and tabulate those again.) This book contains information on the Cult of the Dragon
Noting my displeasure, the human (I care not about for the FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign setting. This prod-
mammalian genders) apologized profusely, again using uct details the history of the Cult and its founder, Sammas-
the correct forms, and opened the anomaly, from which ter First-Speaker, recent happenings within the Cult, the
poured a not insignificant number of gems. Of the lot, status of the Cult’s operations and its individual cells, its
most were pitifully small and without merit, but a few sap- magic and magical items, its goals and the plans for achiev-
ing them, its foes and enemies, and of course, its draco-
phires caught my eye. I therefore determined to listen, as
liches, perhaps the most terrifying form of all draconic life
the human was obviously working up its courage for (or unlife in this case).
some sort of oration it assumed I would find captivating. This book is for the eyes of Dungeon Masters. Players
I do not recall most of the mammal’s babbling, but it who read the secrets contained within not only risk spoil-
spoke reasonably well of my power, glory, and reputa- ing many surprises for themselves, but also risk the wrath
tion, and tendered the few hundred pounds of gems as of their DMs. They have been warned.
The secret society known as the Cult of the Dragon has
an offering to my patience.
existed in the Realms for over 400 years. The primarily
Then, however, it made reference to and praised “my human membership seeks to elevate evil dragonkind to
superior”—its words, certainly not mine—the so-called rule all of Toril as its dominion. When possible, the Cults
suzerain of Anauroch, Sussethilasis. My righteous transforms powerful, willing evil dragons into dracoliches.
anger flared then, and I pinned the fool to the floor The Cult’s main activities include serving as an intelli-
beneath a single claw of my left forepaw. As I consid- gence-gathering and communications network for the evil
ered making a brief meal of this mammalian, I asked it, dragons of Faerûn and the Cult’s dracoliches. Cult mem-
bers regularly visit the lairs of evil dragons, praising them
“Give me a reason not to kill you where you lie, you effusively and telling them of the destiny Sammaster First-
warm-blooded flea.” Speaker proclaimed for them: rulership over all. Cult mem-
The mammal recanted its error and again begged to bers contribute large amounts of treasure to these dragons’
be allowed to speak. (Even for a mammal, this one did hoards, offer any assistance at their disposal (healing
beg well.) potions and spells or an exchange of spells and other magi-
It had seemingly been sent by a group of fellow cal knowledge), enlarge or otherwise expand the dragons’
lairs, add mechanical or magical traps to the lairs, and gen-
mammals calling themselves by the presumptuous title
erally work to persuade these dragons to actively cooper-
of the Cult of the Dragon. The insect told of this group’s ate with the Cult. Cult members also make all necessary
founder and how this human had foreseen that the

4 • Introduction
preparations for those dragons that do consent to become a
In exchange for the Cult’s services, its members ask
“cooperative” dragons for permission to use their lairs as
emergency shelters and for a promise of aid should the
Cult ever call on them using the Cult’s rings of dragons.
(Most often this means combating some foe of the Cult.)
Cult members also guard and tend any eggs or hatchlings
that may be present in the dragons’ lairs when the dragons
so desire (such as when they leave for a substantial period
of time to hunt or raid).
The Cult is a fractious organization comprised of numer-
ous independent cells across Faerûn. Unlike such organiza-
tions as the Harpers or the Zhentarim that possess some sense
of unity due to centralized command structures and power-
ful, charismatic leaders, some cells of the Cult are almost as
likely to be at each other’s throats as they are to be working
together. The lack of both a headquarters (or even a predomi-
nant region of influence) and the presence of a single strong
leader keeps the Cult and its powerful allies, the dracoliches,
from achieving (or at least maintaining) the great power and
influence to which they might otherwise rise. Indeed, only the
Cult’s founder, Sammaster First-Speaker, was able to hold the
Cult together as a unified whole beneath him.
Sammaster was a mage who lived well over 500 years
ago and eventually became one of Mystra’s Chosen. This
touch of divine power was too much for Sammaster’s
mind, and he was eventually driven insane, unlike the
Chosen of the modern Faerûnian era. Mystra removed her
touch, but the damage was done already and proved irre-
versible. The Goddess of All Magic could not cure Sam-
master (or refused to for her own inscrutable reasons), nor the Dragon. These followers then spread his word, and even-
did she put him out of his madness and misery, an act of re- tually the group took on the appellation “Cult of the Dragon.”
straint that, though it seemed merciful at the time, in retro- It created its first dracoliches in 902 DR.
spect would have prevented much grief and bloodshed In time, Sammaster was slain, but he had prepared for
over the intervening years. his death and was able to attain lichdom for himself. Most
In any case, the delusional Sammaster was convinced he tale-tellers and hedge-row sages believe that years later
had some special insight into the powers of the Realms (the Sammaster’s undead form was itself killed as well, since
gods) and Toril’s future. He set about translating (or retrans- some members of the Cult have stated that the founder is
lating in many cases) the works of several legendary oracles dust in some forgotten tomb. Clearly this means that that
and sages, among them Maglas, author of the prophetic tome, the mad lich plays no current role in the actions or ruler-
The Chronicle of Years to Come. In one particular passage Sam- ship of the Cult, but sages with more in-depth knowl-
master found the genesis for what would become the Cult of edge— or more paranoid natures—have speculated on
the Dragon. Below is the passage as Elminster and most other what else this statement might imply.
reputable sages over the centuries have translated it: Regardless, the Cult of the Dragon has continued on with-
out its founder. His disciples have wended their way across
“And naught will be left save shattered thrones, with no the length and breadth of Faerûn, and his teachings have
rulers but the dead. Dragons shall rule the world entire, insinuated themselves into the greedy and insecure hearts
and . . .” and minds of the weak-willed, the unethical, the grasping,
the power-hungry, and those who seek elevation to wealth or
Sammaster the Mad translated the passage thusly: power through covert means rather than honest hard work.
But as with any philosophy the farther the tenets the Cult is
“And naught will be left save shattered thrones with no organized upon have spread, the more variations and inter-
rulers. But the dead dragons shall rule the world entire, pretations of them have sprung up and the greater number of
and . . .” schisms have formed within the Cult. Thus, many of the
Cult’s cells today proffer divergent versions of the Cult’s his-
This revelation lit a fire in Sammaster’s demented mind tory and its final destiny. What this destiny is remains to be
and led to his organizing a band of followers to whom he determined by how a DM wishes to use the Cult of the
passed on his teachings in a magical book called the Tome of Dragon in his or her FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign.

Introduction • 5
gain my thoughts have been disrupted, my plans the mageling spoke of further magics, power, and the
for further accumulation of glory intruded upon mightiest of all treasures (that phrase again) this cult
by lackeys of this Cult of the Dragon. As the of theirs could bring me in the future—if I allowed
first visitor had stated years earlier additional insects them to continue their association with my august
would approach me. This group was the largest thus presence. As their insipid imaginations cannot begin
far, a veritable pack of the bipeds, seemingly of diver- to perceive the grandeur of my own designs, I refuse
gent races (since their scents were inconsistent). They to record their promises.
traveled overland to bask in my glory as they came not Soon another, this one likely a warrior from its
magically prepared for battle (or treachery). In any case, accouterments, took a turn—perhaps their mammalian
there was much scurrying and clattering—to my ears— brains allow them to memorize only so much informa-
above my home before they dared enter. When they did, tion at once—to remind me of the censure I had
all bowed and scraped sufficiently to gain admittance. received from that overreaching fool, Sussethilasis.
As I had correctly expected, this pack came from this The insect saved its worthless life by stating the obvi-
cult of theirs. This time, they offered a more sizable and ous fact that I was fully within my rights as draconic
proper offering of gold and other valuables. Their so- lord of my domain to take any pathetic biped caravan
called mage—I could smell the petty magics and com- I wish. How was I to be aware that the deluded, self-
ponents he carried, mired liberally with sweat and fear, proclaimed “suzerain of Anauroch” had claimed its
doubtless due to my imposing majesty—also offered contents? Did it not pass under my very nose? Was
me several petty magical items and spell scrolls it had not such an affront to my power? Was the mammalian
written itself. As if that fact were to impress me! While insects’ claim of his protection to be believed? Those
these offers were trivial by and large, I accepted them. insects would spout any lies and proclamations they
Why a member of my glorious race would need magical thought would spare them a hideous death at my
items or spells created by these insects is beyond me, claws and teeth! Was the threat of retribution from
but I demonstrated that I too can be gracious, follow- some far-off keep full of these insects to have dis-
ing the ancient forms of converse and exchange. suaded my furious anger? I think not.
Having accepted their paltry gifts, I was now Even these cult insects could see my actions were
obliged to listen to their awkward orations. At first, justified. They stated that they shared my outrage, and

6 • History
that their offering was meant, in their meager way, to “As a result, the portrait of Sammaster the man and the mage
replace the penalty the black-hearted, arrogant suzerain that can be reconstructed today is fragmentary at best. Inter-
had seized from my hoard. Perhaps these insects do views with such individuals who lived during Sammaster’s time
have some sense after all. (and who were willing to speak of such events), recovered (and
often reconstructed by me) personal logs and diaries, divinations,
“As you have been wronged, Great One, let us tell
and the usual foraging and leg-work have produced the following.
you of another great wrong, one done to another des- Speculation on my part has been kept to a minimum and is
tined for glory and greatness and immortality,” such clearly noted as such. All that follows may not be true, but none
was how began they the story of this cult’s founder, is deliberate falsehood.
one referred to—with almost too much reverence for “Another reason this man’s tale may not be fully told is that,
beings in my presence—as Sammaster First-Speaker. according to some of my sources, Sammaster yet lives. Or, per-
Rather than record their tale directly, I summarize it haps it would be more accurate to state that Sammaster may not
yet be truly and finally laid to his eternal rest.”
below. It is not an awfully tedious tale and sparkles —Oracle Veshal Questa,
here and there with some epic elements—though it is, Sibylite of Savras and Harper,
typically, full of the mammalian preoccupation with, from her report to Belhuar Thantarth, 1370 DR
their own position in these lands.
This Sammaster was an—apparently—important
and influential mage born in excess of five centuries No one knows exactly where Sammaster, called First-
Speaker among the members of his so-called Cult, was
ago by the mammals’ calendar. He arose from meager
born or under what circumstances, and the identities and
beginnings, using his guile and might to overcome the disposition of his parents are also mysteries. It is
those other mammals that stood in his way. After a known that Sammaster was an only child and that his par-
time, his greatness was recognised by the insects' ents passed away due to unknown circumstances while he
gods. Their goddess of magic granted this Sammaster was still little more than a babe. Cult mythology attributes
a touch of her power. This divine touch led it, er—him, him with a varied and portentous parentage, including
claiming that his father was a noble, a necromancer, or a
I believe—to even greater glories and allowed him
pirate, and his mother an other-planar fiend of some sort
insight into the future that none others possessed. in disguise, an incarnation of the goddess Sharess, an
Such was this mamm-, ah, man’s greatness that the escaped slave, a wood nymph, or a priestess from Mulho-
very same gods that favored him turned against him. rand. Most of these theories are held as utter poppycock
They seemingly feared both his still-increasing power by most reputable sages, though claims of nobility to a
and his astounding insight into the mists of time to greater or lesser degree or that one or both parents were
come, and so the mistress of magic removed her touch pirates or escaped slaves are vague enough to be untrace-
able. One assertion that Sammaster’s familial line can be
from this Sammaster. traced back to the height of Myth Drannor seems specious
While some would think such an act a major set- at best. Such claims are most likely the hopeful musings of
back, it was not so for this Sammaster. Instead, his a Cult chronicler than a conclusion drawn from any solid
mind freed of the meddling presence of a petty godling, evidence.
he made himself immortal (not an inconsiderable feat, Sammaster’s birthdate is lost, but best guesses as to the
especially for a mammal), the better to pursue his lofty year of his birth place it on or near 800 DR, the Year of the
Black Fist. Sembia is a strong contender for his original
goals. It was also during this time that he uncovered a home since the earliest roots do grow the deepest and Sam-
prophecy deliberately obscured by past “scholars” too master’s Cult of the Dragon has maintained an almost
fearful to realize the awesome truth . . .” uninterrupted presence there since the Cult’s founding.
—From the magical libram of recording Other possibilities for the home of Sammaster’s youth
of Malygris, very old blue dragon include the Dalelands and the North. Sammaster was
of southern Anauroch, circa 1355 DR active in both regions in later periods of his life and could
have been drawn to them by childhood memories and
The Story of Sammaster youthful familiarity.
Little is known of Sammaster after his parents’ untimely
“The tale that is Sammaster’s life is an incomplete one. Most of demise. It is likely he was raised by relatives or friends of
the records of Sammaster’s deeds are lost to us in modern-day his parents. As is often the case with orphans, the young
Faerûn, since they were destroyed after his fall from grace boy’s life was likely less than pleasant. Pawned off onto
among the Chosen of Mystra. So heinous was his crime that some little-caring great uncle or such, many orphans suffer
Azuth (acting as the agent of Mystra’s will) declared that every neglect if not outright abuse until such time as they can (or
mention of Sammaster and his service to the Lady of Mysteries are forced to) make their own way in the world; such treat-
be stricken from all magely books, scrolls, and other forms of ment might explain, though not excuse, Sammaster’s later
record. behaviors.

History • 7
Sammaster the Apprentice accelerated, and Sammaster eventually left the service of
In any case, no records exist of Sammaster the boy until Mnethos. Without the older mage’s guidance, the young
after he passed the traditional age of apprenticeship. It is at mage’s eccentricities blossomed into fully chaotic patterns.
this time that mention of a young man named Sammaster Restless (perhaps from his travels as a youth), Sammaster
with “much magical potential” appears in the logs of the never stayed in any one area too long. Sources also attribute
journeyman mage, Mnethos. Mnethos was a mage, a cara- him with chaotic behavior in his relationships as well. Chil-
van guard, and an itinerant adventurer throughout much of dren conceived from any of these early relationships are
Faerûn in the early ninth century DR and was, in all other unknown, but if there was issue from any of Sammaster’s
ways, a minor mage of little historical import. The first men- trysts, there could be hundreds of descendants of the mage
tion of Sammaster, who Mnethos took on as an apprentice roaming Toril, oblivious to their unique heritage.
despite the lad’s advanced age for such a role, occurs dur- Sammaster journeyed incessantly, seeking out new men-
ing a long term of Mnethos’ caravan guard duty. Mnethos tors from whom he could learn, only to soon outstrip them
makes no notes as to where he found the young Sammaster, and move on in search of new challenges. The only constant
but it is known that the traveling mage is said to have vis- in his life was magic, Sammaster’s first and only true love.
ited such diverse locales as Hillsfar, the region of what later Sammaster’ magical progress was astounding. Despite
became Shadowdale, Chondathan (Saerloon), Marsember, his late start and his poor health, he reached the skill of an
Iriaebor, Berdusk, Scornubel, Baldur's Gate, Nimoar’s Hold archmage before a gray hair ever sprouted from his scalp.
(Waterdeep), Yartar, and Silverymoon during this period. He delved further and further into the theories of magic
Mnethos recorded in his log notes (a surprising number and the mysteries of the Weave and its Lady. Before the age
of which have survived, mainly full of tedious accounting) of 40, he discovered, rediscovered, or improved upon
that his young apprentice was a tall youth, thin to the point numerous spells (some of which are now known by more
of being gaunt, with dark hair and a pale complexion, and common names, such as squaring the circle, lower resistance,
that he possessed a nervous, excitable disposition and high- and the augmentation, dilation, and far reaching series of
ly acute senses that often resulted in agitation, an uneasy spells) in the advanced theory of magic known as “metam-
stomach, and even fits of trembling. The boy, noted Mnethos, agic,” an amazing feat for one so young. (Some say that he
was irritable, easily agitated even by simple unexpected was first inducted into the theories by an unknown mem-
noises, and was occasionally possessed of an extreme rage ber of the mysterious sisterhood of incantatrixes, a close-
when he was denied or frustrated. He was also ill often, mouthed group of wizardesses of mighty reputation.)
with bouts of sneezing, coughing, and labored breathing, The Lady of Mysteries certainly smiled on the now-
though simple herbal concoctions allayed this problem potent mage whose rise to power was so rapid. And Sam-
somewhat. master was grateful to “his Lady” as he referred to the
Despite this, Mnethos noted the boy’s fierce intelligence Mother of All Magic. He seemed to know that she favored
was plain in his large, somber, brown eyes. He also had a him and that much greatness awaited him. Unfortunately
driving ambition to learn and master magic. The boy regu- neither the mage nor the goddess could see what else the
larly missed meals or even lost sleep in order to better learn future held for Sammaster. All Sammaster could see was
a new magical principle or minor cantrip. This concentrated his Lady, and she soon enough rewarded his devotion,
ambition was remarkable in one so young, noted Mnethos. ingenuity, and industrious spell creation.
Sammaster’s apprenticeship was unremarkable other
than that the boy, soon a young man, was a very quick Sammaster the Chosen
study. Not only did Sammaster learn the rudiments of the At or around the natural age of 50 (Sammaster had been
Art far more quickly than most apprentices, his travels using potions of longevity and other age-retarding magics for
with Mnethos also opened his eyes to the diversity and some time, despite the inherent dangers), the Goddess of
wonders of life in Faerûn. In addition, the young mageling All Magic appeared to Sammaster while he was in the
learned much of the caravaner’s trade and gained consid- Dalelands not far from the ruins of Myth Drannor. Our
erable knowledge of the geography of the lands of the Lady of Spells came to the mage in appreciation of his mag-
North and the Heartlands. ical genius with a proposal—if all went well.
It was during this time that Mnethos’ log notes that the Sammaster saw his most fervent dream, his most des-
young man became increasingly fascinated by the underly- perate desire, appear before his very eyes. He was both
ing theory of the Art, the whys and wherefores of how awestruck and smitten with passion as he fell to his knees
magic works. Of course, he knew of the mystical Weave and wept upon Mystra’s feet. Raising him to meet her gaze,
and its keeper, the Lady Mystra. But this was the time that Mystra responded to his unspoken question and swept him
Sammaster first came to perceive the works of the Lady in into her embrace. They spent a tenday together, and at the
all things about him. Introduced to her formal worship by end of that period, Mystra asked this young magical genius
Mnethos, Sammaster became an ardent follower of the if he thought he was worthy enough and strong enough to
Mother of All Magic. carry a part of her divine power within him.
Not knowing exactly what our Lady of Mysteries
Journeyman and Mastery meant, Sammaster nonetheless accepted. He then became
From that point on, the Lady of Mysteries seemed to smile the first mage to become one of the Chosen of Mystra since
on the young mage, and his career blossomed. His studies the Seven Sisters many years before. When asked why he

8 • History
had been Chosen, Mystra acknowledged his advancement
of the theories of metamagic. In addition, she alluded to the
fact that she had some foreknowledge that one of her Cho-
sen would die in battle and that Sammaster would need to
be ready to “take her place” when the time came. (With the
benefit of hindsight, we can now conclude that Mystra was
referring to Syluné. As detailed later, Sammaster did not
reach that conclusion, but he did remember this prophecy.)
Before she took her leave of him, the Goddess directed
Sammaster to Shadowdale and Elminster’s Tower to better
learn to use and manage all his new abilities. As he traveled
to Shadowdale, Sammaster reviewed the past tenday’s
events in his mind and came to the conclusion that he and his
Lady were deeply in love with each other. Alas, like so
many, Sammaster mistook his own piety and brief passion
for true love, something found rarely enough between mor-
tals, much less between a god and any one worshiper. Of
course the Lady of Mysteries loved Sammaster as she does
all who revere her and her gift, and perhaps somewhat more
as one of her Chosen, but he did not hold her heart in his
hands by any means. Sammaster did not—could not—see
that. His intellectual passion for magic had become a driving
mental and physical passion for his goddess.

Sammaster and Elminster

Little is known of the time Sammaster and Elminster spent
together. Although the Sage of Shadowdale did provide
some information for this report, he became quite reticent
regarding his personal relationship with Sammaster.
Between this reluctance to speak and the recent departure
of Elminster’s highly valued scribe, Lhaeo, to take the
throne of the reunited country of Tethyr, I had little re-
course but to search for more details myself. I was able to
reach the following conclusions from what I found amid
the shambles Elminster’s Tower has become without an
orderly presence such as his former scribe.
Sammaster and Elminster did not get along well at all.
While both fulfilled Mystra’s desires of them—Elminster to
teach the younger man and Sammaster to learn from the
older—the personalities of the two archmages clashed.
Little need be said of Elminster’s obstreperous nature. It
also seems Sammaster was deeply awed by recent events,
and his sincere (and misguided) emotions regarding his
relationship with Mystra prevented Elminster and him
from bonding as friends: Mystra was always in Sammas-
ter’s thoughts as he learned to master her gifts and often in
his conversation as well.
The situation between the two only worsened after
Elminster rather bluntly pointed out to Sammaster (after
the umpteenth overly romanticized proclamation) that
Mystra’s lieutenant, Azuth, already fulfilled the role of the
goddess’s confidante and consort. (Note that this Lady of
Mysteries was the one who later perished during the Time
of Troubles. Her relationship with Azuth was well docu-
mented by both the churches of Mystra and Azuth at that
time.) It can be speculated that Sammaster irrationally
linked his disappointment and annoyance over this revela-
tion to his existing personal dislike for Elminster. There-
after, Sammaster spoke little and applied himself almost
Sammaster as a young man.

History • 9
ceaselessly to his education (probably to as quickly absent
himself from the Old Mage’s presence as possible), and he Each individual is entitled to select (and all of them
mastered his powers as one of the Chosen as quickly as he have selected) one specific wizard spell from each spell
had all other forms of magic. He left the company of Elmin- level to which he or she is immune. This immunity
ster after but three seasons to again take up his own road in extends to a priest version of the spell as well, if such
service to the Lady of Mysteries. exists (the reversed form of remove curse, for example).
Manifested Powers: All of the following powers require
an act of will to used. An individual may either use one of
these powers or cast a spell normally in a round—but not
Sammaster’s abilities at this time are described
Once every 7 turns, a Chosen can unleash from within
Sammaster (hm M19 & Chosen of Mystra): AC 5 his or her body a beam of magical whitish flame known
(17 DEX, ring of protection +2); MV 12; hp 38; THAC0 as silver fire (which is also used as a general name for the
14; #AT 1; Dmg by spell/weapon; SA bonus spells; overall power invested in each of her Chosen by the god-
SD spell immunities, +2 to all saving throws (ring of dess). This beam is 5 feet wide and can be made to extend
protection +2); SZ M (5’ 10”); AL CN. as far as 70 feet if desired. No magical or physical barrier
S 8, D 17, C 25 (12), I18, W 14, Ch 13. has been discovered that can stand up against it, and the
Special Equipment: ring of protection +2, ring of free beam inflicts 4d12 points of damage (no saving throw
action, boots of striding and springing. allowed) on all beings struck by it. Any nonliving object
Spells: 5/5/5/5/5/3/3/3/1, not including bonus touched by the beam must make a saving throw vs. magi-
spells. cal fire to avoid being destroyed.
Notes: Bonus Spells: shield, sense shifting*, alacrity*, An individual also can choose to expel the silver fire in
minor spell turning*, lower resistance*, extension III, steal the shape of a cloud that fills a cone-shaped area 5 feet in
enchantment*, Serten’s spell immunity, energy drain. diameter at its base, up to 70 feet long, and up to 70 feet
Spell Immunities: magic missile, forget, firebaIl, ice storm, across at its widest. This “silver cloud” causes no damage,
magic jar, death spell, finger of death, trap the soul, power but banishes dead magic areas forever, instantly restoring
word, kill. such an area’s connection with the Goddess of All Magic.
*Tome of Magic spells. This use of the silver fire is extremely rare, since Mystra
Powers of the Chosen: Latent Powers: Each of Mystra’s considers it an emergency action only.
Chosen has a Constitution score of 25 and enjoys all the The silver fire also can be activated within the body of a
associated benefits, including automatic system shock Chosen to purge all external magical and psionic compul-
and resurrection survival as well as the regeneration of 1 sions from that person. And, once per day, an individual
hit point per turn. The regeneration ability applies even to can teleport without error to the last location where he or
lost limbs and organs, which can be regrown over time. she used the silver fire in any of its forms.
(In the statistical listing for each of the Chosen of Mystra, Mystra grants each of her Chosen the ability to perma-
the character’s original, unaltered Constitution score is nently know one spell of each spell level the individual is
given in parentheses.) The Chosen are immune to all dis- able to use. They can cast these spells without compo-
ease and other afflictions as if they were constantly under nents, by a silent act of will alone, and these spells return
the effects of an elixir of health; dying from natural causes without study to the individual’s memory 24 hours after
is an impossibility. They never need to sleep and can sur- the last time each was cast. These bonus spells do not
vive without food or drink for up to seven days at a time count against the number of spells that a Chosen can use
(as though benefiting from a vitality potion). per day as dictated by the character’s experience level.
The Chosen are immune to the wizard spell disinte-
grate and all similar magic. They receive a +5 bonus to all
saving throws vs. spell and a +3 bonus to saving throws
vs. the breath weapons of dragons. They can detect magic Fanatical leanings
at will out to a range of 90 feet or the individual’s line of
Dejected at having his dreams for a long-lasting personal
sight, whichever is greater.
relationship with Mystra smashed so soon after discover-
All Chosen are aware whenever their own names
(including nicknames, titles, etc.) are spoken by someone ing them, Sammaster threw himself into understanding the
anywhere on Toril and can also hear the next nine words uses of his Chosen powers and developing theories to
uttered by the same speaker. The ability to hear these explain them. But, as he was to learn later, not all mysteries
words is always in effect unless it is disengaged, which is are meant to be solved by mortal minds. For if such were
often the case when one’s need to concentrate outweighs true, the drive and inventiveness of the mortal races would
the desire to eavesdrop. surely have answered all the questions posed by the world
Each of the Chosen can invoke various forms of pro- around us and, speaking purely hypothetically of course,
tection upon his or her person, including that equivalent the deities themselves might even be displaced. Neverthe-
to a ring of warmth, a ring of mind shielding, a water breathing less, Sammaster’s drive, nay, obsession with learning the
potion, or a protection from gas scroll. These protections whys, wherefores, and the secrets of the mysteries of Mys-
can be called upon at will, but only one of the effects can tra’s power, both within him and in Toril at large, began to
operate in any round. consume Sammaster’s days and nights. Further, while he
loved Mystra and would serve her well for some time, a

10 • History
bitter seed of resentment had been planted, a seed that
would bear much ill fruit in the years to come.

Sammaster the Mad

With his new status, detailed information regarding the
man known as Sammaster was easier to come by, though as
is often the case, sources must remain anonymous. The fol-
lowing account comes from one such source; it is revealed
here courtesy of a journal kept by a Harper who had been
captured by the forces of Zhentil Keep. It speaks of Sam-
master encountering— for the first time, I believe—those
same forces.
It was the Year of Cornerstones (855 DR), the season was
spring, and the time was dawn. Sammaster was wandering
through the then-untamed border between Cormyr and the
Dalelands when he came upon a Zhent slaving caravan.
The Zhent camp had a perimeter of a dozen horsemen
and a score of foot soldiers guarding three large, “cage
carts” full of peasants taken from the farmlands in the sur-
rounding area. Nearby roared the fires of the slavers and the
rest of the Zhents who were just awakening from a night of
drinking, debauchery, and physically abusing “trouble-
some” slaves. The slavers never knew what hit them.
Upon seeing the camp’s fires, Sammaster approached
and determined the nature of these people. Driven to one
of his rages at the scene, Sammaster—alone and on foot—
charged the nearest cavalryman and pulled him from his
horse. Taking the Zhent’s steed, Sammaster called upon his
spells and the silver fire within him to destroy the slavers.
Sammaster sent a fireball into the midst of the slavers’
tents, then rode through the carnage blasting the scurrying
survivors with silver fire as they tried to gather their weap-
ons or flee the scene. A ragged cheer went up from the
slaves as Sammaster appeared from out of the billowing
smoke and screaming Zhents, a halo of silver fire about his
head. The remaining guards turned to prevent the wizard
from reaching the slaves while a Zhent mage and a few foot
soldiers turned and ran toward the helpless peasants.
Sammaster was delayed by having to deal with the
guards’ holding action, but he dispatched them just in time
to see the atrocity committed by the Zhent mage. While the
Chosen of Mystra was occupied in dealing explosive retri-
bution upon each and every slaver that stood against him,
the Zhent mage and his bodyguard fell upon one of the
cage carts. Apparently they had thought to use the slaves
as hostages to buy their lives, but the panicking people in
the cage cart flailed about them with their chains, inflicting
a minor injury on one of the soldiers. All thought of
hostage-taking fled the small group of Zhents in the their
anger and fear, and they fell to slaughtering the helpless
slaves within with weapons and magic.
Sammaster, covered in blood by this time, heard the
peasants’ screams. He too screamed in fury as he saw the
wholesale slaughter being carried out in front of him. As he
came upright in the saddle in the grip of uncontrollable
grief and rage, a brilliant ball of silver fire erupted from him
in all directions, killing even the horse he rode upon. The
silver fire flew to the cage cart where the Zhents were hew-
ing and chopping.
Sammaster the Mad Mage

History • 11
The ball of silver fire struck the cage cart and exploded
with a blinding flash sounding like a dozen thunders—not archmagi, saving throw penalties to targets, bonus
only killing the Zhents but also any peasants who had man- spells, advanced silver fire use; SD spell immunities,
aged to survive thus far. Striking the ground as his dead +3 bonus to all saving throws except spell and +5
mount fell apart beneath him, Sammaster realized what he bonus to saving throws vs. spell (ring of protection +2,
had done. His uncontrolled rage had cost those few still-liv- robe of the archmagi, staff of the magi); MR 5% (robe of
ing innocents, those he had meant to save, their lives. the archmagi); SZ M (5’ 10”); AL CN.
Sammaster’s psyche could not deal with such a horrible S 8, D 17, C 25 (12), I19, W 14, Ch 13.
truth, and something in his mind snapped that day. Now Special Equipment: ring of protection +2, ring of free
seemingly in some sort of trance, the Chosen of Mystra action, staff of the magi, robe of the archmagi (gray).
calmly turned to the remaining Zhents, the true cause of Spells: 5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2, not including bonus
these peoples’ deaths, and with a coruscating swath of sil- spells.
ver fire about his form, a fixated Sammaster gruesomely Notes: Robe of Archmagi Saving Throw Penalties to Tar-
killed every Zhent in the camp, one at a time. gets: The robe reduces victims’ magic resistance and sav-
His silver fire protected him as he sought each Zhent, ings throws by -20% and/or -4 when Sammaster casts
overpowered him, and then grasped his enemy’s head in his charm monster, charm person, friends, hold monster, poly-
hands. Silver fire flared in Sammaster’s eyes as he took each morph other, or suggestion.
Zhent’ head in his hands, placing his thumbs over the man’s Bonus Spells: shield, sense shifting*, alacrity*, minor spell
eyes, and released a fiercely hot blast of silver fire. Many of turning*, lower resistance*, extension III, steal enchantment*,
the Zhents died instantly and silently, but those who man- Serten’s spell immunity, energy drain.
Spell Immunities: magic missile, forget, fireball, ice storm,
aged to scream had their tongues burned from their mouths
magic jar, death spell, finger of death, trap the soul, power
by streams of silver fire from Sammaster’s eyes. More than
word, kill.
one of the Zhents’ bodies could not withstand such terrible Advanced Silver Fire Use: After his researches into the
magical energies and burst open, drenching the ground and nature of silver fire, Sammaster possessed such skill
Sammaster’s already bloody hands and face with yet more with his silver fire that he could make use of all the abili-
gore, while spittle dripped from Sammaster’s chin. ties detailed as spellfire powers in the Spellfire section of
Upon seeing the deaths of their fellow slaves and the the Magic of the Person chapter in Volos Guide to All
horrible retribution taken by their “rescuer,” the remaining Things Magical.
already-skittish prisoners panicked. One of the cage carts *Tome of Magic spells.
was overturned in the tumult, crushing several people
under the weight of the cart and their fellows. The situation
was only worsened when, still in a trancelike state, Sam- The news of these events did reach the ears of Elminster
master approached. Sammaster blasted open the locks of and Storm Silverhand. After much discussion and, appar-
the third cage cart and burned an exit through the wooden ently, consultation with Mystra herself they took no action,
bars of the overturned one. None of the slaves would leave assuring themselves that Sammaster had learned a hard les-
either cart, however, until their bloody savior retreated from son in control. They could have done little else in any case;
the carts. Sammaster watched them go, then fell to his knees even the powers of the Chosen of Mystra cannot breath life
amid the smoke and riven bodies. The scents of burning into those far dead and cannot recreate a body annihilated by
canvas, wood, horseflesh, and—other—flesh assailed him silver fire. And other events soon took the attentions of Elmin-
as if they were poisonous gases. He soon lost consciousness. ster, Storm, and the Harpers away from Sammaster’s deed.
The Harper who witnessed these events, though horri- Unfortunately for him, Sammaster could not so easily
fied by what he had seen, carried the unconscious Sammas- forget what he had done. Though he blamed the Zhents for
ter from the scene and tended to him. When Sammaster all the carnage in later years, it is most likely that this ratio-
awoke, the Harper had left to complete whatever mission nalization did not convince even him. This episode was
he had originally been assigned. He had left Sammaster undoubtedly the seminal event that irrevocably turned
near a well-stoked campfire and supplied him with water Sammaster down the path to madness and, eventually, evil.
and food. Sammaster could not know, of course, that this His already chaotic tendencies, his irrational rages, and his
man had been a Harper and that the story of this day obsession with magic and the Lady Mystra, when com-
would reach the ears of the Master Harpers, but even if he bined with the memory of the above horrific events, was
had known, it would not have mattered to Sammaster. too much for him. Sammaster could not live with the facts
that Mystra did not see him as he did Her and with what
he had done with the gifts she had entrusted him with. His
Sammaster’s abilities at this time are described sense of failure, despair, and grief burrowed deeply into his
below. mind and soul, beginning the process of slowly twisting
Sammaster (hm M21 & Chosen of Mystra): AC 2 them into horrible parodies of themselves.
(17 DEX, ring of protection +2, robe of the archmagi); MV
12; hp 40; THAC0 14 (14 staff of the magi); #AT 1; Dmg Down the Dark Path
1d6 (staff of the magi) or by spell/weapon; SA robe of Little is heard of Sammaster for many years, and his activi-
ties in the service of the Lady during this period are un-

12 • History
known. Most believe that he went into seclusion, redevot- her like she was a set of rules to be manipulated by a clever
ing himself to magical research. Some even believe that game player. The kind but independent lady mage rebelled
Sammaster, to whom everything magical had come so eas- at Sammaster’s attempts to bring her under his sway, and
ily, sought to somehow restore those innocent lives he had she was further disturbed by Sammaster’s continued
taken. Fragmentary information provides hints that this researches into necromancy. A few years after their first
period of time marks Sammaster’s first forays into necro- meeting, the pair parted company. Bitterness was in Sam-
mantic magic, trying to find a way to revivify the innocent master’s heart and regret in Alustriel’s.
dead. And these researches awakened his interest in the This failed relationship reignited the angst in Sammas-
end result of many such magics—the undead. ter’s spirit, leaving him worse off than before he had met
Sammaster, as a Chosen, would have had little to fear the Lady Alustriel. When he dove back into his studies—
from most undead creatures, and it appears that he sought likely more experiments in necromancy—to build a wall
them out. Quickly moving on from the base, nonintelligent around his feelings, history again lost track of Sammaster.
varieties, Sammaster came to know of and foster relation-
ships with several of the higher forms of undead, including Algashon the Manipulator
vampires and liches. At an unknown juncture subsequent to his relationship
One must wonder what Our Lady of Mysteries thought with Alustriel, Sammaster met and was befriended by
of one of Her Chosen conducting researches into such mat- Algashon Nathaire, a priest of Bane who had formerly been
ters and consorting with such beings; however, it is diffi- a mage. This Algashon had been an evil mage of indifferent
cult even now to fathom the thoughts and ways of a deity. skill when he discovered the malevolent power of the god
One must keep in mind that the Mystra we know today is of tyranny, Bane. Seeing in Bane’s worship a quicker path
not the one from the time being discussed; Mystra then was to great might, he converted to the worship of Bane. Over
a much more neutral deity. As has often been recorded, her time, he rose to great personal power and prominence in
primary interest was in the use and development of magic; the eyes of his god.
she was less particular about how it was used or by whom. Short, dark, and thin of body, Algashon’s devious, evil
Apparently, as long as Sammaster continued to advance mind was as sharp as a razor. By the time he met the unsta-
the theories of magic and push forward into its frontiers for ble Sammaster, Algashon the priest of tyranny and strife
all mortals, Mystra turned a blind eye. One must therefore had surpassed the abilities of Algashon the mage, and this
assume that this attitude prevailed with her Chosen as allowed him to pass himself off as a mage whenever the
well. (Certainly many acts of several of the other Chosen need arose. Further, Algashon had by this time wholeheart-
would be frowned upon by the more morally minded Mys- edly adopted the Banite tenet that Bane’s priests, as servants
tra that Toril is blessed with today.) This could also explain to the god of tyranny, should seek out tyrants and would-be
the lack of action on the part of Elminster and the other tyrants and support them. In this way, they could better
Chosen who heard of the catastrophe near Cormyr. serve their god by enhancing tyranny and strife across the
face of the Realms. Of course, this also allowed them to be
Sammaster and Alustriel the true powers behind the thrones of any weak-willed or
As noted above, Sammaster disappeared from the records weak-minded tyrants that could be found. (Indeed, much of
of Faerûn for some time. The next occasion on which infor- the ideology Algashon espoused has much more recently
mation about him resurfaces is in the Year of the Exploding been embraced and elaborated on by Fzoul Chembryl of the
Orl (861 DR) in the city of Silverymoon, where he met the Zhentarim. Fzoul promotes this attitude even more vehe-
lady mage Alustriel, Chosen of Mystra, for the first time. mently now since he has adopted the worship of Iyachtu
Alustriel had been ruling the city since 857 DR using her Xvim, the Godson of Bane.) In the unstable Sammaster,
mother’s name, Elué. Not since the Goddess of All Magic Algashon saw the chance to create a formidable tyrant, and
appeared to him had Sammaster seen such beauty and Bane must also have smiled upon the chance to rob one of
grace. Alustriel too saw something in Sammaster that drew his most powerful enemy’s Chosen of his last vestiges of
her to him; perhaps the fire of genius was still evident in his sanity—and perhaps his powers or even his life.
eyes. In any case, the two spent much time together, with
Alustriel’s caring nature seeming to calm Sammaster’s grief
and stabilize his most eccentric extremes. This stability was At this time, Algashon could be considered as fol-
not to last, however. lows:
As with the study of magic and later the Goddess of Algashon Nathaire (hm M8/P14 of Bane): AC 2;
Magic herself, Alustriel slowly became an obsession for MV 12; hp 49; THAC0 12 (10, footman’s mace +2); #AT
Sammaster. This obsession was not a healthy, natural pas- 1; Dmg 1d6+3 (footman’s mace +2) or by spell/weap-
sion, but rather an insatiable drive to master Alustriel, a on; SZ M (5’ 5”); AL LE.
need to make her entirely his, a drive to unravel all her secrets S 13, D 13, C 16, I15, W 18, Ch 14.
and to make her world revolve around him—as his did her. Special Equipment: footman’s mace +2, chain mail +1,
Perhaps this is not a surprise considering the state of shield +1, necklace of adaptation.
Sammaster’s mind and his record for forming obsessive Mage Spells: 4/3/3/2.
relationships, but Alustriel did not take his attempts at Priest Spells: 8/8/7/6/3/2/l.
“mastery” well, nor did she appreciate his trying to control

History • 13
friend in an increasing number of ways. As the two trav-
Notes: Algashon is a dreadmaster, a specialty priest eled together, years passed, and Sammaster fell gradually
of Bane defined in Faiths & Avatars; see that work for his deeper and deeper under the sway of Algashon and his
available priest spheres and his special abilities. vile master.

Vile Plottings and Viler Acts

A Poison Tongue and an Unsound Mind After Algashon was convinced that Sammaster was truly
Sammaster was at low ebb when Algashon chanced upon under his thumb, he received instructions from Bane to
him. Algashon was later to write that he encountered Sam- begin the next phase. The priest believed that he under-
master in the area of Baldur’s Gate. Passing himself off as a stood the nature of Sammaster’s silver fire and that he could
mage who had been much inspired by Sammaster’s past control it himself if only some means could be found to
achievements in metamagic, Algashon ingratiated himself steal the ability away and imbue him with it. Rather than
to Sammaster. risk their pawn’s life (yet) by attempting to strip the silver
It can be surmised that Algashon (perhaps with the aid fire from Sammaster outright, Bane and Algashon decided
of Bane to disguise the priest’s true nature from the Cho- to try and arrange to steal another Chosen’s silver fire.
sen), once accepted by Sammaster as a friend, slowly and Taking note of Sammaster’s past, Algashon decided that
subtly began to play on Sammaster’s vulnerabilities, espe- the best target would be Alustriel. Of course there was risk
cially his grief and rage about the failures of his recent past. involved in trying to make Sammaster attack one for whom
Algashon assuaged Sammaster’s guilt by keying into the he had professed such love, but Algashon noted that love
rationalizations the mage had already created to explain can often enough be turned to hate without undue diffi-
his failures: The accident with the slaves was the Zhents’ culty. Algashon also devised a means—some vile clerical
fault, not Sammaster’s. The failed relationship with Alus- ceremony with much of the empowering energy supplied
triel was her fault, not Sammaster’s. Indeed, all of Sam- by Bane—which he thought would enable him to deprive
master’s troubles seemed to begin with the appearance of Alustriel of her silver fire and other Chosen abilities. These
Mystra and her granting to Sammaster the powers of a would be conferred upon Algashon himself, at which
Chosen of Mystra, pointed out Algashon. As time rolled on point, the plan went, he would be able to defeat the unsta-
and the two traveled and grew closer, Algashon harped on ble Sammaster and add Sammaster’s abilities to those of
this matter more and more—all the problems of Sammas- Alustriel, transforming him into an even more powerful
ter’s life were the fault of that uncaring goddess and her being than any of the remaining Chosen.
equally inconsiderate servants, her so-called “Chosen.” Algashon dreamed of becoming Bane’s chosen instru-
Sammaster resisted this subtle indoctrination at first, ment on Toril, traveling where his master bade, destroying
only to be painfully reminded of the events at the slavers’ the despised servants of Mystra, and perhaps even ascend-
camp (the Zhents’ fault, of course), his uneasy relationship ing to some form of minor divinity himself. Not only would
with Elminster, his failure to win the love of Mystra this grant Bane and his servant an incredible amount of
(Azuth’s fault and Elminster’s for pointing it out so hard- power in Faerûn, but those portions of Mystra’s power for-
heartedly), and his failure to win Alustriel (her fault and merly invested in her Chosen would then be under the con-
that of her Goddess). As time went on, Sammaster argued trol of Bane, thus weakening the goddess for other schemes
against these superficial, easy excuses less and less, and Bane had in store for his enemy.
Algashon’s lies wove their way deeper into the unhappy
and unstable mage’s mind and conscience. The Battle of the Chosen
The next step in Algashon’s (and Bane’s) plan was to More years passed as Algashon began directing Sammas-
somehow acquire the secrets and uses of Sammaster’s silver ter’s angst and despair toward Alustriel while he secretly
fire. As the most potent display of Mystra’s power within perfected the ceremony that would allow him to steal the
the Chosen, Bane hoped to wrest the exclusive use of this powers of a Chosen. In the Year of the Stricken Star (875
power away from Mystra for his own vile purposes. Toward DR), Algashon put his plan into action when he and Sam-
this end, Algashon prompted Sammaster to use his ability master tracked Alustriel to the Evermoors where she was
at every opportunity—the better that the evil priest could camped while en route to Silverymoon after a diplomatic
study the power. When Sammaster balked at using the abil- mission to points west.
ities granted him by the one who had caused him so much While approaching the area, Algashon again dredged
misery, Algashon countered with the argument that the up all of Sammaster’s self-hatred and self-pity, redirecting
price Sammaster had paid was high indeed and that he it toward the lovely lady mage. Algashon pitilessly drove
should therefore use the silver fire at every opportunity— Sammaster into one of his insane rages (already much more
after all, what sense in not using to the best effect something common by this time than ever before), only to slink off to
acquired at so dear a fee? In this way, said Algashon, could watch the confrontation from a safe distance (all the while
the terrible price Sammaster had paid be almost worth it. under Bane’s protection—to keep any of Mystra’s servants
Just as a slow-acting poison insidiously makes it way from detecting his presence). So intense, so insane was
through the victim, slowly damaging and finally destroy- Sammaster’s rage as he approached Alustriel’s tent that he
ing the body, so did Algashon’s poisoned words twist Sam- trembled, wept, and even bit his own lips, tongue, and the
master’s mind. The mage came to rely on and trust his insides of his cheeks.

14 • History
As another of the Chosen, Alustriel sensed Sammaster’s their scheme destroyed before them. Algashon attempted to
proximity to her, but she never expected an attack from the enter the battle to aid his mad pawn, but Bane forbade it,
intense but brilliant man she recalled. As she emerged from paralyzing the priest where he hid. Bane’s voice thundered
her tent in the lee of a steep slope to greet him, Sammas- in Algashon’s head that this too could be turned to his
ter’s rage burst out of him as a flooding river bursts a dam. advantage.
Blood flowed freely from Sammaster’s mouth as he Few details survive of the battle between four of Mys-
shouted many of the lies and delusions fed to him over the tra’s Chosen, although Algashon was temporarily blinded
years by Algashon. He raised his arms and silver fire as- from simply viewing the awesome energies that were
sailed the fair Alustriel. She defended herself as soon as she being released. (His vision returned soon after the battle.)
recovered from the shock of seeing someone she cared From the vague location clues given by Alustriel in some
about in such a state, but she was sorely wounded by Sam- interviews, many of the bare hills that are now the Ever-
master’s first strike. moors may have resulted from the effects of this battle. Per-
As the battle raged, Alustriel tried to break through the haps a lack of specific detail is after all for the best, for few
rage and hatred to the man she had once known, but words could describe the incredible magical furies that
Algashon had done his work well. Alustriel’s attempts at were released that day. Indeed, it may be surmised that at
compassion only fueled Sammaster’s maniacal rage, and he least one of the three Chosen that did battle with Sammas-
again wounded one of the few people who truly did care for ter must have consciously worked to keep the effects and
him. His madness had given him tremendous power and aftereffects of the colossal conflict upon the landscape and
allowed him to tap into reserves of strength that, when the Weave of Toril to a minimum. Considering the Chosen
combined with his skills in wizardry and his command of involved, the most likely candidate for that role was Alus-
silver fire, threatened to overwhelm the injured Alustriel. triel: She would have wished to preserve as much of her
With no other recourse before her, Alustriel reluctantly beloved North as possible, and as she was wounded, she
called upon two other of Mystra’s Chosen with whom she would have been less effective an offensive combatant than
shares a special bond, Laeral Silverhand and Khelben Arun- either Khelben or Laeral.
sun, who transported themselves instantly to her side. She
did this with the full and sorrowful knowledge that in Sammaster the Fallen
doing so she was likely condemning Sammaster to a bloody, When the ferocious energies ceased their coruscations
violent death. Neither Algashon nor Bane had planned for across the field of battle, Sammaster had fallen. Before any
this contingency, and each from his own vantage point saw of the three could do more than comfort one another and

Algashon Nathaire raises the dead Sammaster.

History • 15
tend to Alustriel’s wounds, Azuth appeared before them as obscurity we cannot know, but Sammaster was now in the
a flaming blue hand. The hand spoke, praising the Chosen full grip of his own madness and the delusions fostered by
both for their bravery and their restraint, and then turned Algashon. The next traceable crumb on Sammaster’s trail
to the supine form of Sammaster. Invoking the name of comes to light in the Year of Fell Pearls (887 DR) when Sam-
Our Lady of Mysteries, the hand gestured over Sammaster, master publishes the first of his retranslations of many of
and a silver star fell from the sky to hang above his beaten the world’s prophetic tomes, including the seer and oracle
body. Great gouts of silverfire then flowed out from his Maglas’ Chronicle of Years to Come. It is from a passage in
wounds like milk from a broken vessel and were absorbed this tome, or more specifically Sammaster’s mistaken
by the star, removing the Goddess’s favor from his form. translation of that passage, that the Cult of the Dragon later
Though nearly dead by this time, Sammaster lifted from rises. Provided below is the key passage that lit a fire in
the ground, stiffened, and bellowed forth a single, horrible, Sammaster demented mind:
soul-rending scream. The star then shot up into the heav-
ens, spilling silvery sparks like tears behind it, and van- “And naught will be left save shattered thrones,
ished from sight. Sammaster lay still, his back and limbs with no rulers but the dead. Dragons shall rule the
twisted at unnatural angles. world entire, and . . .”
Azuth declared that Sammaster’s body was to remain
where it had fallen as a final lesson and punishment from Sammaster the Fallen translated the passage so:
the goddess. With nothing else left for them to do, the three
Chosen traveled to Silverymoon to contemplate the deeds “And naught will be left save shattered thrones
of the day. There Alustriel mourned the loss, though it had with no rulers. But the dead dragons shall rule the
been necessary, of an old friend to her, now for the second world entire, and . . .”
But Sammaster did not pass onto the planes that day on Whether this was an honest mistake on the part of Sam-
the blasted heath. After the others left, Algashon emerged master or just another example of Algashon’s “sugges-
from his hiding place and, prompted by his dark god, cast tions” is unknown, and ultimately, is moot. For the evil fire
one of the spells that he had prepared to use on Alustriel on that this passage set alight in Sammaster’s brain was des-
Sammaster instead. Not only did this spell restore life to his tined to burn for centuries—even to this very day. With the
body, it also trapped some lingering aftereffects of Mystra’s priest’s help, Sammaster once again set to wandering the
power with him. While the silver fire and all other dis- face of Faerûn, but this time it was to preach the future of
cernible Chosen powers were stripped from him, Sammas- the world as he saw it would—and should—be. Whenever
ter was to later discover that the effective immortality he was not so preaching (and already beginning to gather
granted to all of Mystra’s special servants dwelt within him followers), Sammaster turned again to his necromantic
still. While he could be destroyed, Sammaster continued to researches, this time not hoping to return the dead to life
remain ageless and to heal from wounds very quickly. but to grant a form of undeath to dragons. His researches
Algashon’s spell also had another effect on Sammaster. were, according to current Cult of the Dragon tradition,
It obliterated any last vestige of sanity and morality that aided in part by ancient tomes he had unearthed from
may have remained in his clouded mind and tortured beneath either the sands of Anauroch, or, some say, the
spirit. (Indeed, the lady Alustriel maintains that some part great desert Raurin, after he saw their location in a vision.
of Sammaster stopped him from killing her before the other
Chosen arrived. She also speculates that, in the end, Sam- Sammaster’s First Dracolich
master may have returned to himself, and seeing all he had and the Founding of the Cult
done, let himself be struck down.) Neither Bane nor Al- Eventually, Sammaster, Algashon, and their band of fol-
gashon controlled Sammaster now; Sammaster no longer lowers settled the city-state of Chondathan and set up a
needed to be directed to any insanity, any evil. headquarters of sorts for themselves. (Chondathan was
Algashon, taking his still shaken pawn from the field, renamed Saerloon some years after the founding of Sembia
fed Sammaster more lies. Algashon painted Sammaster a in 913 DR). They continued to preach and attract followers,
portrait of himself as the tragic hero: Sammaster had dri- and these converts, needing a title to refer to their leader,
ven off the other Chosen after withstanding their furious coined the honorific “First-Speaker” to honor the founder
attacks and only the treachery of the gods Azuth and Mys- of their cult. It was while Sammaster was in Chondathan
tra had brought him low. Indeed, as Sammaster’s wounds that he unveiled the rings of dragons for the first time (see
healed virtually before their eyes, Algashon whispered that the Magic and Monsters of the Cult chapter). And the
the powers of Faerûn must have feared him terribly to be- members of the cult, under Sammaster’s leadership, began
tray him so. Only another deity in the birthing could have the experiments that would reach fruition in the Year of the
inspired two gods to such fear—and Sammaster must be Queen’s Tears (902 DR), when Sammaster convinced the
that nascent god. great red wyrm Shargrailar, whose lair was in the moun-
tains near the headwaters of the Immerflow in the Thunder
Mad Prophecies Peaks, to undergo the conversion process into a dracolich
In the wake of this pivotal event, Sammaster and Algashon (detailed in the dracolich MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® entry
disappeared again. What happened during this period of found in the Magic and Monsters of the Cult chapter).

16 • History
Shargrailar may not have been the first dragon to im- dragons. Algashon could then have the book reproduced
bibe the vile concoction Sammaster created to set the and distributed to many of the members of the Cult who
process in motion, but he was the first to survive it. (Shar- had come from distant towns and lands. These members
grailar went on to become the most powerful dracolich could be dispersed back to their homelands, taking a copy
ever seen on the face of Faerûn.) With the successful cre- of this tome with them and spreading Sammaster’s word
ation of a dracolich, or as Sammaster at first called his cre- and his cult far and wide. The idea of his life’s work form-
ation, a night dragon, the nascent cult in Chondathan ing the written ideology and secret knowledge of the orga-
exploded in popularity and in wealth. With an overwhelm- nization played to Sammaster’s vanity and growing
ingly effective weapon to enforce his will, Sammaster soon megalomania as something right and proper, and he cre-
acquired huge fortunes by using the threat of Shargrailar to ated the Tome of the Dragon (detailed in the Magic and
extort moneys throughout the former city-state colonies of Monsters of the Cult chapter) over the course of three
Chondath that would become Sembia. His fearful shadow years. Cult scribes then set immediately to copying the
swept over caravans, marketplaces, and merchants. Even information. Algashon’s masterstroke of evil inspiration
the rich nobles paid tribute when the Cult threatened to resulted in the creation of this magical tome and the distri-
send Shargrailar to burn their farmlands and villas to ash. bution of many lesser tomes that spread Sammaster’s ide-
(Sammaster did not think to oppress the peasants for their ology and his cult throughout the Heartlands, the North,
coppers, as it seems they were as far beneath his notice as and beyond.
they were to many of the nobles themselves.) Algashon was also correct about the Cult attracting the
It would take until the Year of the Plough (906 DR) for attention of other power groups in the Realms. The Harpers
the use of the appellation “Cult of the Dragon” to describe soon mobilized to infiltrate, disable, and destroy the Cult
Sammaster’s cult to finally become popular. The name cell in Chondathan before Sammaster’s evil could thor-
likely originated among the local peasantry who all too oughly infest the newly formed country of Sembia. (Sembia
often were witness to the group’s crimes and its most was formed in 913 DR under the banner of Rauthauvyr the
potent weapon, Shargrailar. While some scholars point out Raven, commander of the new nation’s military for the
that “Cult of the Dracolich” or “Cult of the Dracoliches” Overmaster, the elected merchant ruler of the nation.)
would have been far more appropriate titles for this group, While they had some successes, they failed to destroy Shar-
they forget that so soon after the conversion process Shar- grailar and could not prevent the spread of the Cult’s ideol-
grailar still appeared to be a normal, living dragon. And as ogy across the face of Faerûn.
members of Sammaster’s cult picked up the usage of the The forces of Zhentil Keep also allied themselves
name to refer to themselves (knowing as they did of the against the Cult after Sammaster demanded extortionate
less-public activities of cult members involved in courting “safe passage” fees from their caravans (both trade and
new dragons for the conversion process and discovering slave). Of course the Zhents refused to pay, and Shargrailar
dragon lore to be used to manipulate dragons in the was sent out from his lair in the Thunder Peaks to raid sev-
future), the name of Sammaster’s cult became fixed. eral Zhent outposts along the River Tesh and southward
and to destroy any Zhent caravans he encountered in the
The Cult Grows region between Shadow Gap and the River Tesh. The
The Cult in Chondathan soon grew too large for even Sam- Zhents were not cowed by this display of power, though;
master and Algashon to manage, and offshoot cells began instead they became one of the Cult’s most dangerous
to establish themselves in the city-states of Chancelgaunt foes—which they remain to this very day.
(later renamed Selgaunt) and Yhaunn. Sammaster was The flush of wealth and success that the Cult felt soon
even able to persuade another wyrm, Rauglothgor, who faded as powerful adversaries continued to array them-
later laired in the ruins of the Tranquil Tower near Lake selves against the actions of the followers of Sammaster.
Sember, to undergo the preliminary preparations for But this did not deter the mad mage. He pressed on, creat-
dracolichdom, and the Cult began preparing him a host to ing several more night dragons in the following years, at
contain his spirit during his eventual “transcendence.” least some of which were forced into the conversion
Algashon was thrilled by the progress of events since that process by Cult strike forces and the threat of death at the
day in the Evermoors. Sammaster’s madness had not claws and fangs of Shargrailar should they turn down the
affected his drive and ambition, and the mage now will- Cult’s offer of immortality. Rather than develop con-
ingly, with no coercion, did most of the evil work the priest tingency plots for dealing with the Cult’s newly acquired
of Bane had considered it his goal to manipulate Sammas- enemies of stature, Sammaster ignored them or simply dis-
ter into doing. Algashon was determined to expand the patched a night dragon to deal with any foes that were dis-
Cult beyond a few hundred members in one wealthy but covered. Not merely mad now, Sammaster was becoming
otherwise unimportant city-state and a mere score in two drunk with a level of power he had not felt since before he
others. Besides, thought the priest, operating such as large had been stripped of his powers as one of the Chosen.
organization so openly, so brazenly, would soon attract Algashon tried to dissuade his mad partner from some
attention from other power groups. of his more blatant schemes, counseling caution and a
He therefore mentioned to Sammaster that the mage lighter, defter hand in running the Cult’s affairs. He often
should create a collection of all his wisdom, prophecies, proposed that the Cult go underground, making it a less-
formulae, and procedures concerning the creation of night obvious target for its accumulating foes. Sammaster

History • 17
refused, blinded by his visions of power and revenge The Harpers Attack
against the world that had wronged him. Seeing that he Those plans bore fruit in the Year of the Sinhala (916 DR)
was rapidly losing his controlling grip on the mad mage, when Algashon’s spies relayed to him that the Harpers
Algashon began to plan. were closely tracking the whereabouts of the Cult’s leader,
seeking to eliminate Sammaster at an opportune time when
the struggle would not place too many innocents in danger
and, in removing him, to remove the heart of the Cult and
Sammaster’s abilities at this time are described thus send its body of membership to a swift end. Algashon
below. kept this information from Sammaster and made plans,
Sammaster (hm Nec26): AC 5 (17 D EX , staff of with a select group of followers, to be far from Sammas-
power) MV 12; hp 45; THAC0 12 (10, staff of power); ter’s side when he believed Those Who Harp would act.
#AT 1; Dmg 1d6+2 or 2d6+2 if a charge is expended Sammaster and his entourage—which was quite a large
(staff of power) or by spell/weapon; SA differing group of over 60 Cult members accompanied by dragon
necromancer powers, necrology and netherworld hybrids and dragon-kin, undead creatures, and even sum-
knowledge, command undead: SD detect magic, wiz- moned and enslaved other-planar creatures (it is whis-
ard sight (Tome of Magic), detect invisibility at will, 90- pered)—were to pay a first visit to a tall hill near the
foot infravision, spell immunities, +2 bonus to all southern edge of Cormanthor where two green wyrms of
saving throws (staff of power); SZ M (5’ 10”); AL CE. power, who controlled a whole roost of wyverns that
S 8, D 17, C 25, I20, W 14, Ch 13. plagued the range of hills descending from north of what is
Special Equipment: staff of power, ring of human influ- now Featherdale to the Dun Hills, were being courted to
ence, ring of wizardry, potion of evil dragon control (×3), become dracoliches. Unable to directly teleport to the
pearl of power (recalls one 8th-level spell), wings of fly- wyrms’ lair, the common practice among Cult mages once
ing. contact had been established with a dracolich candidate,
Spells*: 13/13/13/7/7/6/6/6/6. Sammaster traveled in state up the roads connecting Chon-
*Including one bonus necromantic spell per spell dathan to Chancelgaunt, straight up through Moondale
level and effects of ring of wizardry (doubles 1st-3rd-level (now the sight of Ordulin), and into the southern edge of
spells). Cormanthor (considerably more south of its current loca-
Notes: At this point, Sammaster’s extensive re- tion). The overflying dracohybrids were unable to discern
searches into necromancy and undeath qualify him as a exactly what lay below the tree canopy at this point, but
necromancer specialist mage. His unique history and Sammaster pressed on into the underlying hills with no
studies also give him the following special abilities: fears, for the green wyrms had promised to hold off any
Differing Necromancer Powers: Sammaster does not
wyvern attacks upon the entourage, and after all, was not
suffer the usual necromancer penalties that balance the
he alone—let alone himself and his entourage—mighty
bonuses a necromancer receives, as in actuality he is a
mage that has gained incredible knowledge of necro- enough to deal with any random forest creatures or elf
mancy, performed twisted ceremonies, and made dark scouting parties that might intrude themselves between
pacts to gain his unusual abilities. Therefore, he does not him and his goal?
need a 16 Wisdom score, is not restricted from learning The Harper ambush came at dawn one spring morning;
illusion/phantasm and enchantment/charm spells, does a massed force of Harpers and their allies had, with the
not suffer a -15% penalty when learning spells from blessings of the elves and the nature deities, hidden them-
other schools, etc. He does enjoy all the bonuses of the selves virtually undetectably in the forest just outside of
necromancer specialty (as a way to define some of his the tiny village of Hap. While Sammaster was surprised, he
increased abilities in AD&D® game terms). responded quickly and heavy-handedly, summoning two
Necrology and Netherworld Knowledge: Sammaster pos- lesser dracoliches to aid him in obliterating this impudent
sesses, among his numerous nonweapon proficiencies, threat and loosing his entourage to kill anything in sight
extensive knowledge of the undead, the disposition of not one of their own. (Algashon had arranged for Sammas-
spirits after death, and the outer planes. These non- ter to send Shargrailar off on some unknown long-range
weapon proficiencies are detailed in The Complete Book of mission, removing the night dragon both from the danger
Necromancers, but effectively, unless something is con- posed by the Harpers and preventing the powerful draco-
sidered obscure knowledge in these fields, he knows it. lich from tipping the scales of power in the battle too far in
Command Undead: Sammaster can command undead
favor of Sammaster.)
creatures as an evil priest of his level.
The battle between the Cult and the Harpers raged for a
Spell Immunities: Sammaster is immune to any spell
that drains life energy, traps or moves the spirit to other full day and night, with heavy losses on both sides. Harper
places unwillingly, or instantly kills outright in a fashion mages and priests of Lathander and other good deities had
not due to accumulated damage, such as: energy drain, come prepared to deal with the dracoliches as best they
magic jar, death spell, finger of death, trap the soul, power could. Warriors, rangers, and paladins clashed with the
word, kill, etc. Cult’s merchant-warriors and mercenaries. Those who
broke through the Cult warriors were pounced on by flights
of dragon-kin and peculiar dracohybrids. None could reach
Sammaster, and as the sun set, the fallen Chosen of Mystra

18 • History
rode into battle atop a formidable dracolich commanding a Sammaster held it up before him, as if to force Lath-
virtual army of creatures both undead and the results of ander to read it. “‘Fool!” Lathanaer thundered, and Dawn-
other foul magical experiments, many of which even the speaker came down resoundingly through the metallic
Harpers had never seen before (see the Magic and Monsters scroll and into Sammaster, whose body twisted in the after-
of the Cult chapter for some of these creatures). Despite the shock of the blow and then, miraculously, started to
element of surprise the Harpers had seized, it appeared that straighten. The scroll shattered in all directions into a mil-
the Cult, led by Sammaster’s might, was to overwhelmingly lion slivers of light, but one small, dagger-shaped piece
win the engagement as the sun rose over the battlefield for stuck in the golden plate armor above Lathander‘s heart,
the second time. Several priests of Lathander, desperate for scratching his chest, and four drops of his blood fell to the
some means to stop what seemed to be an even-more-pow- ground at his feet. (After the battle these were gathered up
erful Sammaster than any reports had described, appealed in an amber flask by a priest of the Morninglord from the
to the Morninglord for aid in stopping the seemingly invin- village of Hap. Today this holy relic of the Morninglord’s
cible mad mage. church is revered as the artifact, the Blood of Lathander.)
Lathander reached out with one hand and crushed the
The Death of Sammaster wheel of spellstuff that held all in thrall while twin globes
Lathander heard their dawn prayers. Outraged at the future of dull red and black flew from Sammaster’s hands to burst
Sammaster prophesied and the abominations of creation he against Lathander’s breastplate ineffectually. Lathander
had perpetrated unceasingly, Lathander sent a battle avatar gestured, and a hole of light was ripped through the flying
to the field. The undead creatures forming a wall around ash that obscured the sun. Light brighter than any who wit-
Sammaster disintegrated in a flash of light as the full glory nessed the event ever saw before or later in their lives shot
of the god of the dawn touched them, but the choking ash of down through the hole, cloaking Sammaster from view.
their remains clogged the air immediately as an unearthly Sammaster did not have time to even scream as he was
wind howled forth from Sammaster, forming the ash into a instantly killed—apparently incinerated in the sun’s fire.
cloud that obscured the sky and turned the dawn light red Upon investigation of the battlefield later, nothing re-
as blood. Sammaster’s dracolich steed breathed a massive mained of him but about two pounds of fine ash.
gout of dragonfire upon the golden breastplate of the Morn- With Sammaster and most of his entourage (containing
inglord, only to scream an unearthly keening wail that the majority of his most loyal followers) dead after the
faded into nothing as Dawnspeaker, Lathander’s mace, battle with the Harpers and Lathander’s avatar, Algashon
smote its head and disrupted its unliving existence. relocated his personal sect of followers to Urmlaspyr and
Sammaster, seemingly untroubled, floated in midair then beyond, taking the organization underground as he
where his steed had been, and in the twinkling of an eye a had long advised Sammaster to do. Over the intervening
coruscating aura of ineffable blackness surrounded him, as centuries, the sect of the Cult loyal to Algashon and those
if a cloak of night and death had been knit about his body. cells loyal to the Cult’s founder that earlier had been
His eyes glowed dark purple, and he gestured with his instructed to branch out across Faerûn came into conflict
staff, and a mighty turning wheel of faintly glowing energy many times. In all likelihood, this early schism of the Cult
appeared between him and Lathander. Energy—the auras resulted in the fractious nature of the organization to this
streaming out from every living and undead being on the day.
battlefield except Lathander and Sanmaster—appeared as
multicolored threads, and all of them were being sucked To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
into the wheel, spun around, and pulled tight. Within an As the world would learn over 300 years later, Algashon
instant, all were taut. had not been the only high-ranking member of the Cult to
Those who were there speak in what accounts remain of plan ahead. So long devoted to necromancy, Sammaster
a sharp pain followed by a sense of anticipation, as if some had made plans—and cast contingency and chain contin-
huge—thing—waited just beyond the doorways of their gency spells—to prepare him for unlife as a lich should his
senses to happen. What happened next is recalled by very amazing regenerative abilities fail him.
few, and only in dreamlike snatches, as past this point When the avatar of Lathander blasted Sammaster’s
apparently only Sammaster and Lathander could move. body apart, the mad mage’s mind fled to a prepared phy-
Lathander looked upon Sammaster and a fierce delight lactery, in this case a small but exquisite uncut diamond
seemed to play behind his eyes. “Abomination,” he cried, worth over 10,000 gp. This phylactery was unknowingly
“die!” Crackling streams of lightning and golden radiance carried by Zotulla, a half-elven mage/thief. It served as a
poured out from his eyes, assaulting Sammaster with portion of the start-up funds for a new Cult cell that Sam-
deadly force. Sammaster’s skeleton was visible briefly, master had given to Zotulla, along with what is believed to
glowing like an inner light within his corporeal form, and be the original Tome of the Dragon. Secreted in this book
he convulsed suddenly in midair, dropping his staff as his were a set of secret instructions for Zotulla that would
fingers curled into claws. Then, with a tremendous effort, allow Sammaster to transfer his phylactery-held spirit into
he reached up and sideways with his left hand to elsewhere another body—much in the manner of a dracolich whose
and drew back a single thin sheet of metal glinting with a original body is destroyed. Also fastened inside the front
faint, silvery sheen. Strange symbols and glyphs crawled cover of the book was a small packet that, when opened,
across its surface. appeared to contain a quantity of fine ash. This is believed

History • 19
to be the mortal remains of Sammaster that his new “host”
would need to consume in order for the mad mage’s psy-
che to inhabit it. The means by which this quantity of ash
could have been put in the packet before his death by as
skilled a necromancer as Sammaster can be guessed at, but
should not be dwelt upon by the squeamish.
Zotulla also had been given instructions by Sammaster
to found a new cell of the Cult farther northwest, nearer to
the border of Cormyr and the lair of Shargrailar. Unfortu-
nately, Zotulla did not succeed. A little less than two years
after he founded a cell in the Desertsmouth Mountains
above the town of Tilverton, the Zhents were able to locate
his cell’s sanctuary and attack. They wiped out the cell
with the sole exception of Zotulla himself. Able to escape
thanks to his magic, the half-elf fled higher into the moun-
tains, only to meet his final fate at the hands and blades of
an orc war party. Not knowing who they had just killed
and what they possessed, they tossed the diamond (which
in its uncut state did not reveal its true worth to those
without knowledge of gems) in among their other loot and
tried to destroy the Tome of the Dragon. They doubtlessly
Both the phylactery and the mystical book disappear
from history for over 300 years as they were likely passed
on or traded from shaman to shaman and from chieftain to
chieftain of half-a-dozen humanoid races and three times
that number of tribes. But some unknown event—perhaps
a humanoid shaman with wits enough to decipher Sam-
master’s instructions—finally granted Sammaster a chance
at unlife as a lich.

Awake to Unlife
Sammaster’s story picks up again early in the Year of Many
Mists (1282 DR), when a lich arose high in the Deserts-
mouth Mountains near Shadow Gap. This lich, who called
itself Sammaster, began to gather servants, creatures, and
even a few dragons under its banner. Rumors spoke of the
lich as the once-dead founder of the Cult of the Dragon.
The same rumor said that Sammaster the lich was using a
dracolich of enormous size and power as its steed. Cultists
(and others) in the area investigated and found that the
lich’s claim was true: He was Sammaster. The Cult began to
rally around the lich lord. Alarmed Harpers and good folk
of the Dalelands and Cormyr began to ready themselves to
defend their homes and persons from the lich and his
hordes of evil servants.
In the Year of the Blacksnake (1285 DR), a group of
adventuring paladins known as the Company of Twelve
rode off to confront Sammaster and his growing army The
paladins, supported by the Harpers, attacked the lich and
his dracolich in the ruins of an ancient city then known as
Harrowsmouth, or the “Gates of Hell.” The battle was
immense and nine of the Company of the Twelve died, but
in then end Sammaster was defeated and the mad mage
fell once more. Though they searched far and wide, neither
Sammaster’s phylactery nor the Tome of the Dragon was
recovered by the forces of good.

Sammaster the Lich

20 • History
Final Disposition tion has been known by that title ever since, marked by the
In the century since then, this ruined city has been lost to dark purple robes they all don for formal occasions.
the ever-expanding sands of Anauroch, and adventurers As Algashon ruled over the decades, he slowly brought
have not been able to find Sammaster’s final resting place. more and more of Bane’s doctrines and philosophies into
Current leaders of the Sembian-based cell of the Cult (now the Sembian branch of the Cult. While many of the follow-
once again located in Saerloon since before 1350 DR, but ers he had brought west with him from Chondathan had
this time covertly) have been overheard to say that Sam- no compunctions about this, many of those who joined the
master is dust in some forgotten tomb or lost city (perhaps Cult later grew unsettled as Algashon steered the Cult far-
this apocryphal “Gates of Hell”). A consensus of opinion ther and farther toward a seeming union with the church of
among sages and diviners is that this remark can be Bane.
believed, though exactly what it means remains unclear.
No creature, alive or dead, has offered a credible claim Reformationalists vs. Pragmatists
of being Sammaster brought again to life since the battle in Many people who had joined the Cult, especially those
1285 DR. This might lead one to conclude that the mad who already had wealth and some status, had joined
mage is truly and finally gone. While such a thought is because they saw the Cult as a means to further their own
doubtless comforting, comfort should not be confused with power through mutual alliances with dragons and draco-
the truth. Sammaster existed inside his phylactery for 300 liches, rather than as any sort of religious experience. This
years before he reappeared the first time. And, the dia- coalition of warrior-merchants, mages, and rogues believed
mond was not recovered after the battle in the Deserts- that the Cult should be more of a secret society and less a
mouth peaks. Some scholars also have speculated on the religious organization, and it was led by the archmage
exact meaning of the overheard “dust” comment by the Tuelhalva Drakewings.
Sembian Cult of the Dragon leaders. Over the years until 1000 DR, these philosophical differ-
Therefore, as to the current disposition of Sammaster ences grew until the entire membership of the Cult of the
First-Speaker, I offer the following theories: Dragon in Sembia had aligned behind one of two leaders
and their philosophies: Algashon and his Bane-influenced
• Sammaster is dead, his spirit passed onto the planes reformational stance (“We shall rule as servants of the
forever, likely to the City of Strife in Oinos on the Gray undying dragons and the ultimate tyrant, Bane”) or
Waste, or possibly to some other plane, such as Avalas, Drakewings’s pragmatic perspective (“Anything we can do
in Acheron, where the former abode of Bane was located. to further our worldly power base by exploiting our
• The mad mage’s psyche again rests within the lost dia- knowledge of dragons and the creation of dracoliches
mond phylactery, awaiting another chance to return to serves us well both now and in the future when undead
the Realms as a vastly powerful lich. dragons rule.”) Those loyal to Drakewings were eventually
• Sammaster being “dust in a long-forgotten tomb” from forced to move in secret within the Cult, as Algashon
the Cultists’ statements mentioned above may indicate brought in yet more priests of Bane to bolster his support
his form has evolved to that of a demilich. If this is so, within the group and intimidate all those who might
woe to any who find the resting place of Sammaster’s oppose him into at least giving lip service to the primacy of
form. He is likely to possess capabilities far in excess of his leadership.
even other demiliches. The hostilities continued to grow, with occasional skir-
• One final theory is that it would not be beyond Sammas- mishes spilling the blood of both sects within the Cult. The
ter’s capabilities to try to bring himself back in the body violence further factionalized the Cult, and it was only a
not of a humanoid lich but rather as a dracolich. While matter of time until a final confrontation took place within
one trembles at such a possibility, the prospect cannot be the Sembian Cult.
discounted out of hand.
The Whispering of Gargauth
In the Year of the Awakening (1001 DR), Tuelhalva Drakew-
Chronicles of the Cult ings, Keeper of the Secret Hoard and Member of the Pur-
In the years following Sammaster’s “death” battling the ple, was sent south to Peleveran to investigate reports of an
avatar of Lathander, the Cult of the Dragon all but van- ancient undead dragon that lurked in the catacombs of the
ished from the face of history. Algashon now led the rem- capital city of Peleveran, Peleveria. (Peleveran was located
nants of the Sembian cell and most of the other cells were in the triangle formed between present-day Torsch and
still in the process of forming and too busy concentrating Hardcastle and the Great Rift. Its capital, Peleveria, was
their power bases to attempt any feats worthy of note here. built into the side of the Landrise.) While Tuelhalva found
Algashon led the Cult through the millennium, using no sign of an undying wyrm, he did discover a gathering
age-retarding magics to maintain his youth. He adopted evil in the deepest caverns. From the depths of an endless
robes of a rich, deep purple to signify his status in the Cult, pit, a reptilian voice whispered promises of absolute power
and soon being allowed to wear this particular shade of if only the ancient wards that prevented his entry into the
purple signified a high rank within the Cult, and members world were sundered. Tuelhalva saw this as his opportu-
of the inner circle of leadership came to be known as nity to break with the Sembian Cult and set up his own
“Wearers of the Purple.” The Sembian Cult’s ruling coali- power base elsewhere.

History • 21
of hellspawn, and select draconian allies (mainly the less
obvious dragon-kin and a few dracohybrids) marched
forth. The throne of Peleveran was his within a fortnight,
and his friends became its new nobility.
As Peleveran fell to the armies of baatezu, Gargauth, the
great fiend of the pit, disguised himself in a more pleasing
form as an aged wizard and flew north. When he reached
Urmlaspyr, he sought out the leaders of the Cult there, and
his whispering voice told them of Tuelhalva’s victory and
how the archmage had destroyed an ancient undead
dragon king he had found to obtain it. Enraged, Algashon
and 20 other mages of the Cult summoned all their dragon,
dracolich, and dragon hybrid allies together into huge a
flight of dragons. Within a month of Tuelhalva’s corona-
tion, a Rage of Dragons descended on Peleveran, and when
it had passed not a trace of that nation nor Tuelhalva
Drakewings, his followers, and the handful of dragons
and dracoliches they controlled were all destroyed, but the
Sembian faction’s victory came at a price. Beyond decimat-
ing the Sembians’ ranks of draconic might, Algashon, high
priest of Bane, fell in the climactic confrontation with
Drakewings. Algashon and Tuelhalva had met high above
the smoking ruins of Peleveria, each atop a mighty draco-
lich. The name of Drakewings’ mount is lost, but Algashon
rode Shargrailar the Dark into the fray. Of the four, only the
Sacred One, as Shargrailar demanded to be called, sur-
After destroying Drakewings’ faction, the remaining
Sembians returned home, but with Algashon and many
reformationalist members of the Purple gone, the Cult
needed new leaders. While the remaining Banites tried to
The Rage of Dragons maintain control once back in Sembia, they were finally
In the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR), most of Faerûn suf- outmaneuvered and outvoted by the larger numbers of the
fered from various draconic rampages. While Cult histori- pragmatist faction, and the more pragmatic philosophy has
ans have attempted to claim responsibility for all of that had the upper hand in the Sembian Cult of the Dragon to
year’s draconic attacks, such a proposition is clearly ludi- this day. The Sembian Cult entered another quiescent
crous. If the Cult truly possessed such extensive control of period after this, either working so covertly as to not direct
evil dragonkind across the face of the Realms, they would any attention toward themselves or simply quietly recoup-
surely have conquered all of Toril long ago. However, one ing the losses the Cult had suffered.
event of that year—the obliteration of Peleveran in a “rage
of dragons”—was brought on by the Cult; in fact, it proved Branch Cell Activities
to be the swan song of both Tuelhalva and Algashon. Other Cult cells came to prominence through their activi-
Both factions of the Sembian Cult had gathered much ties in the century of Sammaster’s return to Faerûn as a
magic, multiple dracoliches, and live dragons to back up lich. In the Year of the Winged Worm (1225 DR), a Cult cell
their philosophy. For 17 years Tuelhalva labored with was formed near the city of Elversult. The Cult began by
ancient magics until finally he could cast the mighty incan- infiltrating the dock workers in the port town of Pros. From
tations that the voice revealed to him. With the casting of this they “earned” (most likely extorted and stole) enough
his last spell, a great fiend—the demipower Gargauth— wealth to approach a great black dragon named Cypress
arose from the pit. Drakewings felt that his time had come, who laired in the swamps nearby. While Cypress would
and he used his newfound fiendish support to guarantee a not become a dracolich for several decades, his rare psionic
place of power for himself and his faction. Seizing this abilities allowed him to quickly and easily control the
opportunity, those members of the pragmatist faction most human leaders of the Cult, finally killing them when they
loyal to Tuelhalva declared their secession from the Cult in were of no more use to him. (For the final fate of Cypress,
Sembia, teleported or used other swift magical means of see The Veiled Dragon novel.)
travel, and joined Tuelhalva in Peleveran, along with their In the Year of the Snarling Dragon (1279 DR), just three
dracolich, dracohybrid, and dragon allies. In exchange for years before Sammaster’s “rebirth,” a Cult cell in Luskan
his release, the diabolical lord summoned forth an army of that had three white dragons and a lone dracolich ally self-
fiends to serve the archmage’s whim. Tuelhalva, the horde destructed when one of the white dragons and the draco-

22 • History
lich attacked the other two dragons, a mated pair, for their • Syluné, the Witch of Shadowdale and Chosen of Mystra,
hoards. Before long the Cult members were drawn into the died after breaking a staff of the magi over the nose of an
fray. By the time the battle ended, none of the four dragons ancient red wyrm that ravaged Shadowdale and set
still moved and the few surviving Cult members raided the parts of the forest of Cormanthor ablaze.
most valuable items from all the dragons’ hoards and fled
the area forever. These attacks, as well as the mass movement of so many
dragons at one time, have been laid at the feet of the Cult of
The Battle of the River Rising the Dragon. The Cult has done nothing to refute these
It is not until some 60 years later that the Sembian cell of claims, and a few of its more vocal members have even
the Cult of the Dragon is again heard from. In the Year of bragged of it, but it is unclear whether the Cult of the
the Lion (1340 DR), Cult forces and a portion of the Sem- Dragon really did create the flight of dragons and whether
bian army engaged in a magical and martial battle in Feath- it could or would duplicate it again.
erdale. It is believed that the Cult had established a trading The phenomena of flights of dragons and the rarer Rage
coster and a base of power outside of Featherdale. When of Dragons (a flight of dragons of tremendous size—per-
the Cult attempted to infiltrate and control Featherdale haps involving all of dragonkind—speculated to occur
itself, Featherdale asked for and received help from the approximately every 300 years) remains one of the greatest
Sembian border patrol that was in the area. unsolved mysteries of modern-day Toril, although logic
The Sembian forces met those of the Cult in a battle that dictates that it will be satisfactorily explained one day.
has become known as the Battle of the River Rising. The Some sages say that such flights are merely part of dragons’
Sembian and Featherdarran forces eventually managed to life-cycles. If so, many knowledgeable folk have countered,
defeat the Cult members and their allies, but the mysteri- they ought then to be much more common than they are.
ous Dalelands archmage Mhzentul (crafter of the Seven Another proposal that flights of dragons are somehow
Lost Rings of Mhzentul detailed in Volo’s Guide to All Things linked to the movement of the stars in the heavens above is
Magical) fell in that battle. Mhzentul sacrificed his life to only slightly less ridiculous. However, it is possible that the
become a living pillar of flame, then swept through the Cult of the Dragon has learned to magically harness certain
Cult’s forces, causing the mercenaries and mages of the aggressions and biological imperatives of the species, per-
Cult to flee from the archmage’s wrath. The Cult’s warriors haps by accentuating the need to acquire and hold territory
then broke and fled before the smaller but better disci- and treasure so as to rise in status and attract a mate. If the
plined Sembian military force. Unfortunately, the mighty biological cycles of many dragons are brought into syn-
magic had taken its toll, and Mhzentul is assumed to have chronization so that a score or more of them feel such
perished in the conflagration he created. increased drives simultaneously, an effect similar to the
flight of dragons might be generated.
A Flight of Dragons
In the Year of the Worm (1356 DR), the most recent flight of Recent Activities
dragons took place. This flight started in the lands beyond Lately, the Cult of the Dragon has begun to act openly and
Thar and ended after the dragons had inflicted great dam- often in the lands around the Sea of Fallen Stars. An indica-
age in the civilized lands of the Realms. In the course of tion of the power of the Cult was demonstrated in the Year
this flight, the following damage was inflicted: of the Prince (1357 DR) when the Cult became embroiled in
events surrounding the spellfire wielder, Shandril Shessair.
• The cities of Yûlash and Phlan were both completely The young thief was captured by a Cult mage calling her-
destroyed. (Yûlash was later rebuilt by Zhentil Keep.) self the Shadowsil after Shandril’s adventuring company
• Over 9,000 warriors perished at the Citadel of the Raven was all but wiped out in a battle with Cult members.
while killing two of the three dragons that attacked. The Shadowsil presented Shandril to the dracolich Rau-
• Zhentil Keep was heavily damaged by two great beasts glothgor as an offering, but asked that the Cult be allowed
that raged through the Keep’s streets like great cats and to question the girl before the dracolich consumed her.
that seemed to shrug off Zhent wizard attacks like water Rauglothgor agreed, but before any information could be
before they were finally slain. extracted from Shandril, chaos erupted within Raugloth-
• The largest wyrm of all attacked the town of Hillsfar gor‘s lair as the Knights of Myth Drannor and Shandril’s
and was slain by the city’s mages. The dragon’s vast future husband, Narm, attacked. Shandril struck the Shad-
body fell into the harbor and lay there half-submerged owsil with a crystal ball-like object, hurting the Cult mage
like some grotesque island until the city’s mages blasted and damaging the item. As it turns out, the item had been a
and burned the body away. prison for a magic-consuming creature known as a balhiir
• A large dragon was slain over Arabel by catapults and (see the Villains’ Lorebook) which upset the spells and magi-
archers. It crashed onto the road east of the city’s gates, cal abilities of Rauglothgor, the Shadowsil, the spellcasters
thereby saving the lives of many of the town’s citizens. of the Knights and Narm.
• The War Wizards of Suzail, led by Vangerdahast, drove Instructed by Elminster that only she could defeat the bal-
off a great green dragon by means of their Art. The hiir, Shandril did so, awakening her latent spellfire abilities in
dragon fled south over the Dragonmere and was not the process. In discharging the spellfire energy trapped in her
seen again. body Shandril destroyed both the dracolich and its lair.

History • 23
Seeking both revenge and the power of spellfire itself, c. 800 DR Sammaster First-Speaker, founder of the
the Cult of the Dragon pursued Shandril and her rescuers. Cult of the Dragon, is born, though the
This pursuit eventually resulted in the death of the Shad- location and exact date of his birth are
owsil, the then-archmage of the Purple, and her dracolich lost to time.
mount Aghazstamn.
After the destruction of two dracoliches, Shargrailar 817 DR The Year of the Deadly Torch
flew forth of its own accord to punish the killer. Shargrailar The traveling mage Mnethos takes the
attacked Shandril and her husband, Narm, as they traveled young Sammaster as an apprentice, not-
down a road. Diving out of the sun, Shargrailar first lashed ing the boy’s fierce intelligence and fas-
out with several lightning bolts and then loosed its fiery cination with magic.
breath weapon upon the couple. Shandril absorbed as
much of the magic as she could with her spellfire abilities, 818 DR The Year of Broken Locks
but Narm was terribly wounded. Shandril blasted the Mnethos the mage introduces Sammas-
night dragon from the sky, and with the help of a dwarven ter to the glory of Our Lady of Myster-
compatriot, destroyed the most powerful dracolich ever to ies, the worship of whom Sammaster
tread the Realms. After these setbacks, the Cult considered soon adopts.
the price to continue their dangerous quest for spellfire to
have become prohibitively high. (See the novel Spellfire for c. 825 DR Sammaster leaves the service of his
more on these events and the sequel, Crown of five, for more magely tutor, Mnethos, having learned
on Shandril and her friends.) all he can from the itinerant wizard.
In addition, the Sembian Cult has taken to equipping
and supplying adventurers for exploring the ruins of the c. 835 DR Sammaster achieves the status of an
great elven city of Myth Drannor. Cult leaders believe that archmage at an age almost unheard of at
by controlling bands of explorers and adventurers, the Cult that time. Sammaster wanders Faerûn
of the Dragon can gain experienced adventurers as pawns extensively.
and liberate the awesome magic and treasure that is
rumored to lie free for the taking in the Elven Court. c. 840 DR Sammaster’s researches into the field of
Thus, over the past decade or so, the Cult cell in Sembia metamagic result in many new enchant-
has brought together adventurers, supplied them, and then ments.
sent them off (most often to their doom) in the elven ruins.
It is believed that the Company of the Purple Cloak is one 851 DR The Year of the Jasmal Blade
of these bands, for this company is known to have dubious Our Lady of Mysteries appears to Sam-
origins and motives, and its name is evocative of the dis- master, they dally, and the Goddess of
tinction granted to leaders of the Sembian Cult of the Magic offers to make the archmage one
Dragon. This company has reportedly visited Myth Dran- of her Chosen. It seems that Mystra has
nor three times. foreseen the death of a Chosen and Sam-
More recently, it has been learned that Piergeiron Pal- master is to be her replacement.
adinson, one of the Lords of Waterdeep, destroyed the
dracolich Kistarianth the Red. The Cult had restored the c. 851-852 DR Sammaster meets with the Sage of Shad-
beast to life after it was originally killed by Piergeiron’s owdale, Elminster, and learns how to
father, only to have it slain by the same blade that had use and control his Chosen powers,
killed it once before. (See the Undermountain: Stardock including silver fire.
adventure for more information on this event.)
Also, a dracolich of the Cult has been active recently in 855 DR The Year of Cornerstones
the Elversult area. Both the Harpers and emissaries of the In the spring, Sammaster first meets
Shou Lung Empire in Kara-Tur have become involved in Zhent slavers. Many die, including inno-
the fight against it. (See The Veiled Dragon by Troy Denning.) cent prisoners.

c. 855-861 DR Sammaster enters an extended period of

Cult of the Dragon Timeline exhaustive research into the processes of
Below are the most important dates of relevance to Sam- life, death, and undeath, creating several
master or his vile creation, the Cult of the Dragon. Not all original necromantic enchantments
of the events described herein were worthy of note else- before again taking to traveling Faerûn.
where in this account, but they are included here to grant a
perspective that narrative text simply cannot provide. 861 DR The Year of the Exploding Orl
Those events noted here are not the only actions Sammas- Sammaster meets and begins a relation-
ter or his secret society took during the times noted, but ship with Elué/Alustriel, Chosen of
rather the most well-known or significant ones that can be Mystra.
independently confirmed.

24 • History
864 DR The Year of the Broken Brunch tury. Algashon’s Cult adopts many of
Sammaster’s relationship with Alustriel the revenue-generating schemes
ends with disastrous results for Sam- required to finance much of the Cult’s
master’s emotional and mental well- operations.
c. 950 DR Cult of the Dragon cells number near
865 DR The Year of Flamedance 100 at this time, the height of Cult power
Sammaster meets and is befriended by across Faerûn since the organization’s
Algashon Nathaire, a mage and priest of inception.
Mystra’s enemy, Bane, near or in Bal-
dur’s Gate. c. 962 DR The Cult reaches farther south than ever
before with the creation of the cell in,
866-874 DR Sammaster and Algashon travel widely, around, and beneath the city of Hlon-
with the duplicitous priest’s words turn- deth in the Vilhon Reach.
ing Sammaster toward bitterness, resent-
ment, and evil. 971 DR The Year of the Children
The Cult’s further expansion in the
875 DR The Year of the Stricken Star south is halted by the church of Tiamat
Algashon coerces Sammaster into when an underground Cult cell “tres-
attacking his former lover, Alustriel of passes” on a similar group worshiping
Silverymoon. Alustriel is wounded in the Dragon Queen in the city of Surkh.
Sammaster’s initial assault and calls for
aid from Khelben Arunsun and Laeral 972 DR The Year of the Cairngorm Crown
Silverhand, two more Chosen of Mystra. After the recent defeat in Surkh, dissi-
Sammaster is stripped of his Chosen dents within the Cult begin to openly
powers. Algashon saves Sammaster question Algashon’s leadership and the
from death. Sammaster, insane, weighty influence the church of Bane
embraces evil from this point onward. has had in Cult operations in the
preceding years, with the mage Drakew-
887 DR The Year of Fell Pearls ings becoming a particularly outspoken
The first “translations” of ancient opponent of the god of tyranny’s place
prophecies by the mad Sammaster are in the Cult of the Dragon.
distributed, including his specious work
on Maglas’ Chronicle of Years to Come. c. 972-995 DR The Cult refocuses its efforts to expand
in the North, creating at least 10 new
902 DR The Year of the Queen’s Tears cells in this time period. The only known
Sammaster‘s researches into necro- failure of the Cult to infiltrate an area
mancy result in the first successful Cult during this era is in Silverymoon.
dracolich, Shargrailar.
c. 995-1000 DR Factionalism within the Cult increases
905 DR The Year of the Rotting Word with most members joining either
Sammaster finishes his principal work Algashon’s reformational Bane-
on the Tome of the Dragon, and copies influenced camp or Drakewings’ prag-
begin to appear across Faerûn as the matic faction.
Cult’s philosophy spreads.
1001 DR The Year of the Awakening
916 DR The Year of the Sinhala Tuelhalva Drakewings encounters
The Harpers and priests of Lathander Gargauth trapped in a pit in Peleveran.
ambush Sammaster and his entourage Gargauth’s words inspire him to plot a
as they travel to visit two green wyrms break from the Sembian Cult cell.
in southern Cormanthor. Sammaster
and an avatar of the Morninglord do 1018 DR The Year of the Dracorage
battle. Sammaster’s actions wound the Drakewings frees Gargauth. A horde of
avatar slightly before he obliterates abishai baatezu summoned by Gargauth
Sammaster. allow Drakewings to take over the
country of Peleveran. Drakewings’ fac-
c. 916-940 DR After Sammaster’s downfall, Algashon tion breaks from the Cult in Sembia and
leads the Cult underground for the first relocates to Peleveran. Less than one
time since its creation in the prior cen- month later, Algashon musters and

History • 25
incites a Rage of Dragons and destroys 1340 DR The Year of the Lion
the entire nation of Peleveran. Both Forces of the Sembian Cult cell battle
Drakewings and Algashon perish. elements of the Sembian military near
In a related event, a great Flight of Featherdale.
Dragons assaults Zhentil Keep in this
year. The old Keep is destroyed, but the 1356 DR The Year of the Worm
city is saved by its wizards and priests of The most recent flight of dragons occurs,
Bane. The Cult is widely blamed for the causing much havoc across Faerûn.
devastation in Zhentil Keep, and the Though the Cult of the Dragon claims
inhabitants of the Keep first take note of responsibility, the true cause of such
the Cult as a recognized enemy (as events remains a mystery.
opposed to a dimly perceived nuisance).
1357 DR The Year of the Prince
1065 The Year of the Watching Wood The Sembian Cult of the Dragon cell
Harpers in the North find the lair of the becomes embroiled in a quest to obtain
dracolich Alglaudyx and manage to the spellfire power of a young
destroy the undead creature, seizing its Daleswoman. This young woman costs
rich hoard for Harper coffers. With this the cell three dracoliches, including
newfound wealth, the Harpers invest in Shargrailar, Rauglothgor, and Aghaz-
valuable properties and businesses in stamn, and two Wearers of the Purple.
cities up and down the Sword Coast.
1361 DR The Year of Maidens
1222 DR The Year of the Horn Four Cult of the Dragon archmages
The Cult of the Dragon attacks the arrive outside of the Silverymoon and
Harpers, who have fallen under the unleash spells to draw Alustriel out. She
sway of the self-styled Harper King, the and Taern “Thunderspell” dispatch two
lich Thavverdasz. The subsequent of them easily, but Taern and other Spell-
arrivals of first Szass Tam and then guard members are soon kept busy with
Elminster result in a significant defeat a dracolich unleashed on the southern
for the Cult. walls. Alustriel defeats another Cult
mage, but only the timely arrival of
1225 DR The Year of the Winged Worm Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun and
A Cult of the Dragon cell forms in and Laeral Silverhand saved Alustriel’s life
around the city of Elversult. Initially led against the final archmage.
by human Cultists, the cell is later taken
over and run by the first dracolich the c. 1364 DR The Sembian Cult cell steps up its activi-
cell creates, Cypress the black. ties against the Zhentarim, attacking car-
avans and attempting to usurp control
1279 DR The Year of the Snarling Dragon of various trade routes.
A Cult of the Dragon cell near Luskan
destroys itself when the dragons and 1365 DR The Year of the Sword
dracolich involved with the cell do battle The Sembian Cult cell convinces Maly-
over treasure hoards. gris, a blue dragon of Anauroch, to
become a dracolich. This dracolich then
1282 DR The Year of Many Mists attacks, kills, and replaces the ruler of
A lich calling itself Sammaster appears the Great Desert’s loose society of blue
in the Desertsmouth Mountains and dragons.
begins gathering humanoids, undead,
and dragons into an army. 1369 DR The Year of the Gauntlet
Piergeiron destroys the dracolich Kistari-
1285 DR The Year of the Blacksnake anth the Red on the slopes of Mount
An adventuring company of paladins, Waterdeep during Halaster’s Har-
the Company of Twelve, attack Sammas- vestide. The transformed red dragon
ter‘s stronghold. Nine are killed, but the was slain in life by Piergeiron’s father,
lich’s physical form is destroyed. Sur- Athar the Shining Knight.
vivors confirm that this indeed was
Sammaster First-Speaker.

26 • History
nce more was I visited by the cult’s envoy, a how less irksome than the implied risk of losing
mage—of dubious scent—that calls himself everything. These creatures continue to amaze me with
Namirrha. He brought with him yet more sap- their ingenuity and—more importantly—their greed.
phires and several more human spells with which I They are, however, fortunate that none have been so
was unfamiliar. He was accompanied by a clawful of foolhardy as to attempt such tactics against my kin.
lackeys, minor magelings all. While they do their No true dragon, not even that pretender and coward
human best to disguise their fear and awe, it avails Sussethilasis, would permit such simple sophistry to
them little as they scuttle about, placing the enchant- work; the perpetrators would be instantly and vio-
ments I had ordered set about my lair and the sur- lently destroyed for their arrogance.
rounding area. None can now approach my domicile Namirrha then told me of another tactic of this cult
without my knowledge, nor can any, not even the arro- of theirs, this “mightiest of treasures” they have con-
gant Sussethilasis, now simply demand entrance. If tinually alluded to. Namirrha revealed to me that Sam-
that pretender to power again attempts to interrupt my master’s greatest prophecy was that dead dragons
contemplations, he will receive a long overdue lesson would someday come to rule the world. To that end,
in real might. The so-called suzerain will learn of the the founder of this cult found a way to transform a
power at my disposal, the true glory that I am des- willing dragon into an undead version of itself. I had
tined to achieve! heard that some mammals undergo such an abom-
Toward that end, Namirrha and I recently finalized inable process to become a lich in an insane attempt to
an arrangement that benefits both myself and his cult. increase their petty power, but I marveled to myself
Of all the mammals I have encountered, these cult that dragons would do so willingly. Namirrha, now
members think more like my kindred than any others, identified by me as a necromancer, must have sensed
Including them in my schemes for power, glory, and my doubt in my silence, for he stated that many
dominion was a wise choice indeed, simply put, I dragons have indeed become dracolicbes—or “Sacred
agreed to let the cult provide me with information on Ones” as he calls them—and the Sacred Ones con-
certain caravans attempting to cross the Great Blight— tinue to cooperate with the cult. This wizard of the
what the humans call Anauroch. These caravans I will dead even claims that certain powerful ancient dragons
destroy or merely harry as is my wish, taking what- known by reputation to all of my kind have long since
ever prizes I deem to be worthy of satiating my seen the wisdom this course offered and become one
hungers for food, wealth, knowledge, and status. of these, these—things.
As Namirrha detailed, members of his cult will While outrage tore at me from within and my sinews
demand a toll from all caravans that desire to cross twitched to blot this vile mammal from existence for
the Great Blight in order to trade their petty goods. what he and his other insects would dare to do to our
Those who refuse or otherwise decline the cult’s pro- majestic forms, I exhibited magnificent control. While
tection are those upon whom I will visit my wrath. he babbled on about these—things— not needing food
Additionally, Namirrha and I have negotiated a nor sleep, how these things need not fear the passage
portion of the wealth received from those traders wise of time, and of the formidable and mighty powers they
or fearful enough not to risk my wrath. This percent- gained, I held back my fury. He is fortunate indeed
age will be transported regularly to my lair, in forms that he did not offer me this “mightiest of treasures”
that are easily portable by the weak frames of the or I would have assuredly sent him to dwell with that
humans—Gems, with such sapphires as can be ob- dead man Sammaster he seems to revere so highly.
tained, of course. Namirrha also agreed to provide By the rules of conclave, I allowed him to finish
more of the mammals’ minor magical items (the better his wicked oration, then forbade him and all other cult
to let me devote my attentions to greater matters) and members from entering my presence for one of the
a regular shipment of rare mammalian delicacies humans’ years. I must reconsider my dealings with
(whenever such can be procured and delivered fresh such beings, though I am bound by my word on the
and alive unto me). arrangement earlier struck.
The cult uses this and many other methods for —From the magical libram of recording
accumulating wealth, only some of which involve the of Malygris, very old blue dragon
traditional draconic tactics of force and ferocity, muscle of southern Anauroch, circa 1364 DR
and magic. They seem able to dupe the human and
other doltish bipeds into believing that giving up a
simple portion of wealth on a periodic basis is some-

The Cult Today • 27

The Cult Today goals do the average Cult members possess? To what does
one aspire that worshiping an undead dragon—without
“The present-day Cult of the Dragon is no less dangerous than even receiving the standard benefits of revering a true
the Cult that was created by Sammaster and later led by Al- deity—seems a good choice for one’s long-term benefit?
gashon. True, it is not a unified organization, but the cells across While there is no denying the power of dragons and an
Faerûn maintain good lines of communication between them- undead dragon is a truly horrifying thought to most,
selves and the dragons and dracoliches they serve. simple awe at the power of such creatures cannot fully
“Gathered below is the current organizational structure, explain the success the Cult has shown in recruiting mem-
goals, members, plots, and descriptions of active cells of the Cult bers over the last four centuries. The key to understanding
as I was best able to determine them. In many cases I have used the Cult of the Dragon’s recruiting success, then, lies with
the Cult cell in Sembia as a model, extrapolating broader infor- understanding the types of people who join it. Of course,
mation about the Cult’s organization and behavior from that the information below is generalized, but it is valid for the
group since it is by fur the largest, the most powerful, and the purposes of this discussion.
least subtle of the cells we know of. For the average member of the Cult (if such a concept
“I have broken this information into two perspectives. The can be accepted), at least part of the attractiveness the Cult
first concerns the human and humanoid members of the Cult holds is similar to that of actual religions. Dragons are, per-
cells and their particulars. After this, I present such knowledge as haps, the most powerful mortal beings, and as such they
I have been able to collect regarding the draconic members of the are not so far removed from the idea of gods to many
Cult, both living and undead. people. Indeed, there have been numerous recorded
“Again, this information should not be taken to be a complete instances of tribes of primitive orcs, goblins, other human-
and authoritative report concerning all the activities of every cell oids, and even barbarian humans revering a local dragon
and every dragon that operates or has connections to the Cult of as their deity. Of course, this illusion is often fostered by
the Dragon. Even I am limited in my efforts at gathering knowl- the dragons themselves, but these peoples are not so easily
edge. I have been forced to rely more upon speculation here than duped that they would give away control of their lives to
makes me comfortable.” any but the most powerful beings they have encountered.
—Oracle Veshal Questa, Another aspect of the Cult that attracts many to it are
Sibylite of Savras and Harper, the prophecies of Sammaster, specifically his infamous
from her report to Belhuar Thantarth, 1370 DR interpretation of the Chronicle of Years to Come regarding
dead dragons ruling all. Many religions promote the idea
of a doomsday, some form of a final day of judgment or
Basic Information other type of reckoning that may be personal (taking place
The Cult’s main activities today include serving as an intel- at one’s death) or a world-wide cataclysm. Such beliefs
ligence-gathering and communications network for the evil often promote the idea that only the faithful will survive
dragons of Faerûn and the Cult’s dracoliches—or “Sacred the coming catastrophe or that the deities of the faithful,
Ones” as they are commonly referred to in the Cult. (The through their beneficence, will save their followers and
number of dracoliches controlled by the Cult is unknown, usher in a Golden Age that supposedly follows most such
but estimates range up to two dozen.) Cult members regu- prophesied reckonings. Now, while all religious scholars,
larly visit the lairs of evil dragons, praise them highly, and learned priests, and secular mages cognizant of the Outer
tell them of the destiny Sammaster First-Speaker pro- Planes know in our enlightened time that death is not an
claimed for them: rulership over all of Toril. Cult members end but merely a doorway, many folk cannot seem to
contribute large amounts of treasure to these dragons’ accept any world, any realm that does not currently sur-
hoards, offer any assistance at their disposal (healing round them. Sammaster’s promise of the fall of all human-
potions and spells or an exchange of spells and other magi- oid civilizations and the rise of the dead dragons to rule the
cal knowledge), enlarge or otherwise expand the dragons’ world is grounded here in the reality we call Toril, and
lairs, add mechanical traps to the lairs, and generally work therefore this fall is a terrifying concept to many. Sammas-
to persuade the dragons to actively cooperate with the ter’s assurance that those who serve the dragons well now
Cult. Cult members also make all necessary preparations will be rewarded in some way in this future of dead dragon
for those dragons that consent to become dracoliches. The rulership helps to assuage those fears. In a way, joining the
Cult also tends any eggs or hatchlings that may be present Cult is a comforting type of insurance against a coming
in the dragons’ lairs. In exchange for the Cult’s services, its doom.
members ask the dragons for permission to use their lairs Finally, there is also the sense of community that any
as emergency shelters and for a promise of aid should the group of people with common beliefs or goals can develop.
Cult ever call on them using the Cult’s rings of dragons. Having friends nearby in a time of need provides a sense
(Most often this means combating some foe of the Cult.) of security and belonging that should not be underesti-
Cult Members Of course, not every member of the Cult joins in an
Beyond serving the Sacred Ones, convincing more evil effort to insure his, her, or its future. Beyond any religious
dragons to undergo the process to become Sacred Ones, or philosophical leanings, the Cult can provide one with a
and serving as strands in a communications web, what quick means to power and wealth along with that sense of

28 • The Cult Today

belonging, of being someone special and even a member of to contribute to the Cult than their devotion and their tithes.
some privileged elite. Simple farmers, herders, and other peasants—especially
those in areas troubled by dragons—join the Cult in name
Other Religions only and tithe a portion of their money, crops, or other
Most Cult cells realize the deficiency in religious power products from awestruck fear or a simple sense of self-
within the Cult and, at least on a personal level, do not bar preservation. Finally, this level of Cult involvement includes
members from the worship of true deities so long as rever- those moneychangers and others who hold or transfer Cult
ence is also given to the Sacred Ones, and, in some cells, to funds and those criminal rogues who do not belong to the
Sammaster. Several cells, including the Cult in Sembia, Cult but who perform various tasks for the cell on occasion
have priests within them or even among their leaders. and who also fence their stolen goods to a Cult member—
Obviously, upon considering the life story of Sammas- though, of course, such thieves may not know about and
ter, the Cult considers the church of Mystra to be among its certainly would not care about their fence’s allegiance to the
chief enemies. This is despite the fact that mages (necro- Cult. The Cult pays well to aid in the “redistribution of
mancers specifically) provide the Cult with much of its wealth,” and it is well-regarded in many underworld circles
magical might. Fortunately for the Cult, Mystra does not for that. (Of course, by serving as a fence, its members gain
demand active worship in order for a mage to use the Art. first shot at picking up interesting or useful items that
Many of the Cult’s necromancers also have now begun thieves might not know the significance of.)
worshiping Velsharoon the Vaunted, the new god of necro- Foot Soldier/Mercenary: The lowest level of active,
mancy, as a way to avoid even token lip service directly to though often perfunctory, Cult membership is that of the
her. Cult foot soldier (or mercenary in some cases). In exchange
Also among the Cult’s enemies are the churches of Tyr for his or her martial services, the Cult pays the soldier a
and Torm. As the blind god of justice and patron of pal- monthly stipend and often boards the soldier as well in a
adins respectively, these churches and their affiliated common barracks at or near the cell’s main meeting place.
orders are always prowling about, looking to root out These men and women also may patrol any region the Cult
secrets and end illicit activities of all sorts—with these very actively controls or the vicinity (or domain) of Cult dragons
activities being the Cult’s primary means of gathering rev- or dracoliches. In any case, these folk normally have little
enues. There is also the fact that Piergeiron, the Open Lord to do with the operations of the cell. They simply go where
of Waterdeep, not long ago killed the Cult dracolich they are instructed to, do what they are told to do, and kill
Kistarianth the Red. The Paladinson’s father had originally those whom they are told to kill.
killed the dragon itself years ago—with the same blade that Warriors: The next tier within the Cult involves actual
Piergeiron used to kill the undead Kistarianth. planning, management, and operations of the cell as a
More entries on the list of religious enemies of the cult whole. Most of the persons involved at this level are, or
are the church of Tiamat (which actually seeks not to were, warrior, rogue, priest, or wizard adventurers of one
destroy the Cult, but to annex the entire Cult into a branch sort or another. Obviously, the men and women warriors
of the church), Azuth, Chauntea, Helm, and Lathander. are often in charge of the cell’s military forces and security.
Because an avatar of the Morninglord killed Sammaster, Lesser warriors may accompany Cult soldiers on patrols or
the Cult holds especially great enmity for the followers of to perform various errands, and they are always included
the Morninglord. whenever a group of Cult members goes to meet with a
While the Cult is formally allied with no organized reli- dragon or dracolich ally. They do so not to attack the
gion, worship of the following powers is most common dragon they go to meet, but to protect the other Cult mem-
among those Cult members who profess such beliefs: Talos, bers during the journey and to safeguard whatever trea-
Talona, Xvim, Velsharoon, Shar, and Kelemvor. A smaller sures and other valuables that the Cult intends to deliver to
number of Cult members revere Cyric, Malar, Gargauth, the dragon or dracolich.
and Tiamat, and a handful of Cult members also pay lip Many warriors become successful merchants in the
service to the draconic pantheon of gods (including Null), course of their adventures, and many of the most powerful
Garagos, or Siamorphe. Cyric’s worship was much more Cult warriors are now retired from that profession. Instead,
prominent while he was also Lord of the Dead. they make their money running or owning various mer-
chant casters, many of the profits from which go directly
The Structure of a Cult Cell into Cult coffers. More than one warrior has bought his
The most common degree of involvement with the Cult way into a powerful, prestigious position within a Cult cell
does not even require active membership in a cell. Most during the last 400 years, and some have even managed to
people peripherally involved with the Cult of the Dragon assume total control of a cell. In fact, the majority of the
are either its trading partners, its victims, or both. Most of Sembian cell’s Wearers of the Purple are such warrior-
these people are legitimate merchants, caravaners, and merchants.
others that pay extortion fees to the Cult for “protection.” Rogues: Besides the wealthy warriors above, Cult
As along as these unfortunates pay on time, the forces of the rogues are responsible for gathering most of a Cult cell’s
Cult do not impinge on or halt (destroy) the businesses that operating funds. Most of these funds must periodically be
these people are carrying on. This degree of Cult involve- gifted to any allied dragons or dracoliches in order to
ment also encompasses those people who have little more assure these draconic allies’ continued cooperation with

The Cult Today • 29

the Cult. Some sages speculate that the Cult handles more ical power, the Cult’s mages and necromancers bear a
moneys than any other organization in Faerûn; others heavy responsibility. Not only are they the Cult members
place the Cult second only to the Iron Throne. Certainly, if who must aid the Cult’s allied dragons with beneficial
its members put this immense wealth to some better use spells, scrolls, and magical items, they must also prepare
than pouring it onto evil dragons’ hoards, the Cult might the potions required for those dragons that are willing to
wield more power than it ever has. attempt the conversion process and become dracoliches
Some Cult rogues are adventurers, others are freelancers and prepare the dragons themselves for the procedure. In
who work outside a community’s thieves’ guild (if any), addition, as the Cult’s primary source of magical power,
and, in a few cases such as the Sembian cell, most of a they must try to cover the gaps in capabilities left due to
region’s illicit activities are Cult-controlled via the local the relative scarcity of clerics or other priests in the Cult.
thieves’ guild, which is either a direct branch of the Cult or Creating and controlling lesser undead, creating or locating
Cult controlled. Many of the rogues in such areas are not healing potions and other curative devices, aiding the
aware that the guild’s cut of their profits goes to the Cult, Cult’s secular forces in battle, and providing support and,
and few would care. often, leadership for the Cult’s other plots keep Cult wiz-
Priests: Here lies the greatest dichotomy within the ards busy.
Cult: For an organization with the word cult —with all its While all types of wizards are accepted into the Cult,
religious connotations—in its name, the Cult of the Dragon necromancers are in high demand. Considering the amount
is as a whole almost devoid of any priestly power whatso- of necromantic research Sammaster performed and the
ever. Not since the Banite ouster after Algashon’s death has processes that are part of creating a dracolich, this is under-
the Cult maintained any sort of official clerical contingency. standable. Necromancers, too, often seek out a Cult cell for
While the Cult reveres dracoliches, these undead beings are access to Sammaster’s unique necromantic spells and the
not gods and cannot grant clerical spells or any other chance to work with undead creatures as powerful as
power commonly associated with priests. Some Cult cells dracoliches.
also revere Sammaster as a sort of god, but heretofore the Some Zhentarim wizards who formerly lived in Zhentil
First-Speaker of the Cult has not granted a single spell or Keep, both mages and specialty wizards of all varieties,
answered a sole prayer either. As a result, the Cult of Sam- abandoned their allegiance to the Black Network and
master’s creation is much more a secret society along the turned to the various Cult cells after the Cyrinishad fiasco
lines of the Knights of the Shield or the Kraken Society than destroyed most of Zhentil Keep, including their homes.
any sort of evil religion or religious organization such as This influx of power from one of the Cult’s traditional ene-
the churches of Cyric, Xvim, or Talos. mies was a tremendous coup for the Cult cells that gained
The Cult has much more influence in the secular world their services and their knowledge of both wizardly mat-
than the images conjured up by the word cult. While some ters and the inner workings of the Black Network.
Cult members likely do don robes to pray to the draco- Operatives: The final category of Cult member is that of
liches and Sammaster in ancient, decrepit temples, chant- the freelancer, the contact, the secret friend to the Cult.
ing in some unintelligible tongue, doing so gains them little These women and men may or may not be actual members
if any real benefit. Instead, the Cult has had to concentrate of the Cult, but they do work for a cell—or several in some
on insinuating itself into the secular world and its dark cases—often without ever meeting more than one or two
undercurrents in order to survive as it has for over four other Cult members who serve as their contacts.
centuries. Operatives include outright spies, Cult agents who
That said, the Cult does have a few rogue priests in its worm their way into important or sensitive positions or
ranks, dating back to Algashon, a dreadmaster of Bane. The locales so that they may gather and pass along information
Sembian cell has a priest who purports to serve Talos deemed important to the Cult. These operatives also may
among its Wearers of the Purple, and priests of Xvim, Gar- facilitate more efficient Cult operations by using whatever
gauth, Talona, Cyric, Shar, Velsharoon (very recently), and legitimate influence they possess to ease Cult activities
other evil gods appear from time to time as Cult members. such as smuggling, thieving, and the Cult’s other revenue-
One of the most interesting conflicts that the Cult has generating plots. Many local authorities are firmly in the
recently become involved in as an entity is the renewed pockets of the local cell and allow Cult operations to go
drive to prominence of the church of Tiamat in Unther and conveniently unnoticed in exchange for bribes or other
its quest to expand beyond the borders of that troubled favors. As an example, one Ilnaster Ravenar, a merchant in
nation into the rest of Faerûn. The Cult has apparently been Waterdeep’s Trades Ward, is known to be a Cult operative.
targeted by Tiamat and her church as a good acquisition for He regularly meets in his shop, which sells locks, lock-
the church’s expansion. The clash between a fractious, sec- boxes, coffers, and imported Kara-Turan puzzle boxes,
ular organization and a small but clerically empowered with any of a small number of other operatives in the
religion will be most fascinating to observe—and could be Sword Coast region.
used as a tool by the Harpers or others, such as the Emer- Another brand of operative that the Cult uses is adven-
ald Enclave, to keep either group from gaining too much turing companies and parties. A member of a cell hires an
strength. unknowing group of wandering adventurers to perform
Wizards: The central core of most Cult of the Dragon some seemingly innocuous or even good-hearted deed that
cells is comprised of wizards. Without any substantive cler- actually benefits the Cult in some way—such as ridding the

30 • The Cult Today

land of a meddlesome tribe of humanoids that happens to backs to corrupt local officials, nobles, bureaucrats, and con-
be interfering with Cult smuggling operations in the area. tacts with the local constabulary forces.
A Cult member who is assigned such operations normally Another indirect, though appreciable, advantage of the
has access to more than enough wealth to whet the ap- mercantile aspect of many Cult cells is the ability of Cult
petites of most adventuring bands, and for many an offer merchants to gather and pass along important informa-
of ample reward or payment is all that it takes. tion among geographically separated members of a cell,
The final type of Cult operative is the shadow. This is a between a cell and any allied dragons or dracoliches, and
woman or man who takes little, if any, part in the day-to- to friendly or allied cells across the face of Faerûn. If the
day activities and schemes of the Cult. This person’s job is Purple Dragons of Cormyr, for instance, are stepping up
to remain an upstanding citizen, a legitimate merchant, or border patrols to cut down on smuggling and raiding in
whatever role fits the locale until such time as the Cult the area, the Cult contact in Tilverton (suspected to be
needs him or her to act. (This category of Cult operative Gaurnoth the Kegler, NE hm F4) alerts a Cult merchant
could also be considered to include such pawns as undead leaving for Yhaunn and the Sembian cell of the Cult
creatures, magically summoned creatures, and even several learns of the increased danger in a matter of days. Simi-
of the draconic hybrids created by Sammaster early in larly, the Cult keeps itself apprised of any and all evil dra-
researches into draconic life; however, such beings are suf- conic activities and ambushes of such dragons by roving
ficiently dealt with elsewhere in this work.) These shadow bands of adventurers. Some Cult cells also sell informa-
operatives usually infiltrate the hierarchy or staff of the tion that other underworld or black-market operators pay
most sensitive organizations or places that the Cult consid- highly to possess.
ers to be a source or possible source of danger, such as the
court of a local ruler who cannot be bought, the kitchen Illegal Operations
staff of a powerful member of the Zhentarim, or the house- While not every Cult cell generates its funds illegally, most
hold servants in a primary base of one of the powerful of them do. And the methods they use are numerous.
forces for good in Faerûn. Such operatives can typically While the Cult is assuredly not the only purveyor of the
take but one action for the Cult before their allegiance is numerous foul plots detailed here, most of the activities
known and their use is therefore at an end: Note the assas- listed below are more often considered to be the province
sination attempt of a decade ago on the person of King of an area’s thieves’ guild or merchant costers affiliated
Azoun Obarskyr IV of Cormyr by a Cult rogue masquerad- with (or part of) the Iron Throne. In fact, more than one
ing as a royal stableboy after Azoun destroyed a fledgling Cult cell has become entangled with such groups in a sur-
Cult thieves’ guild in Suzail. reptitious battle in the streets and dark alleyways of a city
to determine which of the two factions would control cer-
tain activities in a region.
Cult Plots Smuggling: With so many business interests throughout
How does a cell of the Cult of the Dragon get enough its home region and, through its contacts with other Cult
money to bribe officials, purchase rare necromantic spell cells, other regions, smuggling any sort of item into an area
components, and contribute thousands of gold pieces to can become quite simple for the Cult. Items that Cult cells
dragon and dracolich hoards every year? While specific often traffic in include stolen items that are too well known
tactics and particular schemes vary from cell to cell within in the region they originate in to be sold safely in that same
the Cult, the majority of cells use many if not all of the rev- area, stolen magical items (often transported elsewhere for
enue-generating stratagems below. (Unique ploys of indi- the same reason), potions or other substances of use to the
vidual cells are discussed later.) These intrigues fund the Cult, illicit substances, poisons and other destructive sub-
Cult’s stated goals of convincing evil dragons to volunteer stances, and, in some cases, hostages or slaves.
for the conversion process to become a dracolich and keep- Kidnapping: While most cells do not make a regular
ing loyal the dracoliches the Cult has helped create. These practice of slaving (perhaps due to their founder’s cata-
operations also have the benefit of making the Cult’s cells strophic encounter with Zhent slavers), some Cult cells
(and hence, its members) wealthy—because every copper kidnap nobles or important and highly ransomable people
ever generated or gathered by the Cult does not, by any and surreptitiously remove them from their home coun-
means, reach a dragon’s hoard. tries or towns so as to obviate any rescue attempts from
their families. For the most part, hostages are released after
Legal Enterprises a sufficient ransom is paid. Families of future hostages
Not every Cult cell generates all its revenue from strictly would be reluctant to deal with the kidnappers (who never
illicit sources. Many Cult members are wealthy merchants reveal themselves as being affiliated with the Cult, of
and these folk pour many of their profits from these entirely course) if they have developed a reputation for killing
legal operations into the cell to fund other Cult activities, hostages regardless of any payments received.
equip Cult soldiers and guards, purchase rare or expensive Blackmail and Extortion: A less extreme but still prof-
material components for vital spells, or obtain the services itable means of gaining funds from communities near a Cult
of non-Cult thieves, assassins, or other operatives when the cell is blackmail. With the extensive information and under-
need arises. Some of the cash so contributed to the cell goes world network most larger Cult cells operate, incriminating
back into the local economy in the form of bribes and kick- or simply embarrassing information can come into the cell’s

The Cult Today • 31

possession. As an example, the local magistrate, chief con- Usury: Another money-oriented plot many Cult cells
stable, or other figure of authority and respect may have run is that of giving out loans to desperate individuals,
some dark secret such as a murderous or otherwise despica- groups, or even local governments at exorbitant interest
ble past, romantic indiscretions, or some hidden allegiance rates. The cells enforce such outrageous charges with the
to a secret society or power group (such as the Knights of same threats that they use against entire caravans or simple
the Shield, the Iron Throne, or even an out-of-favor noble cobblers: destruction or death at the hands (or fangs, claws,
house or heir to a throne now filled by another lineage). and breath weapons) of the Cult. Not all cells have the
Extracting a regular fee from such individuals can provide financial wherewithal to lend out any substantial portion of
the cell with a reliable source of income. Of course, the Cult their funds via risky loans, but amounts under 1,000 gp
members managing these operations must be certain not to down to even 10 gp are lent out to indebted farmers, mer-
gouge their targets too deeply or too often. Doing so could chants, and even fathers who lack a dowry to attract suitors
result in the target concluding that public exposure or for their eligible daughters. Subsequent payments must be
humiliation is worth risking in order to be out from beneath made every month (or sometimes every tenday), and such
the Cult’s overly greedy thumb. loans are rarely, if ever, paid off due to their high rates.
Extortion is similar to blackmail but is distinct in that it Debtors who miss a payment are often maimed or, under
normally refers to situations requiring a single payment, threat of such retaliation, coerced into performing services
after which the relationship between target and extortionist for the Cult—such as spying, theft, or even assassination.
ends, most often when the extortionist receives payment There is little hope for folk entrapped in such deals other
and returns or destroys the object or information over than their being befriended by an upstanding noble, mem-
which the fee was paid. One minor example of this could ber of the guard, wealthy relative, or adventurer willing to
be when a Cult spy in the royal court discovers a love letter pay off the debt for them or provide defense for them and
from a captain of the guard to one of the queen’s lovely their families while the Cult cell is rooted out. Many such
attendants who just happens to be married to an important unfortunate folk, seeing no way out, resort to flight or, even
foreign diplomat. The Cult cell then has the potential to more tragically, suicide.
make money, gain favors, and generally keep both the cap- Selling Illicit and Dangerous Substances: The Cult of
tain and courtier under its control as long as it possesses the Dragon is also gains revenues by promoting several of
the incriminating letter. Of course, the Cult also could sell the vices of the weak, the unfortunate, the misled, and the
the letter to the diplomat for a sizable fee if the Cult of the disheartened who can find no joy and no solace in life.
Dragon really wants to start an imbroglio at court—per- Such people are sometimes trapped by addictions that are
haps to distract a monarch from another ploy. fed off of economically by the Cult and promoted by its
Protection Rackets: Another related money-making smuggling efforts. The Cult is more than happy to feed
ploy is often referred to the by Cult as “insurance.” In a these souls’ hungers for artificial escape, lining their own
region where the local Cult cell dominates the underworld, pockets and doing evil with the moneys so gained all the
Cult members regularly (usually once a month) visit all the time. (A compatriot of mine, a priestess of Oghma named
merchants, bakers, coopers, blacksmiths, and other store- Tamelin whom I have the pleasure to work with on occa-
fronts in the area the Cult controls demanding a portion of sion once cited the habitual use of such poisons as “a failed
each enterprise’s profits to prevent any untoward occur- quest for spirituality.”)
rences from “accidentally” happening to the business in Gambling: Another compulsive vice an unfortunate
question. (The cliched line that gives away this sort of oper- number of people succumb to is the thrill of gambling.
ation most commonly goes something like the following: While many might place small wagers as an occasional,
“This is a nice place you got here; it’d be a shame if any- pleasant diversion, for some the experience of gambling is
thing were—to happen to it.”) Robberies, break-ins, beat- as addictive as a dangerous drug. It is for these poor souls
ings, and fires await those who refuse or are unable to that the Cult’s larger cells (those with enough cash and a
make payments to the Cult. hidden locale) operate standing or secret houses of gam-
Another flavor of this same detestable practice is bling in regions where gambling is outlawed, taxed, or oth-
demanding a portion of the moneys or cargo being car- erwise regulated. The larger of these houses often develop
ried by caravans and merchants passing through the cell’s the air of a private club, with the local gentry and nobility
area. This tradition goes back to the founding days of the wagering the fruits of their peasants’ labors for a momen-
Cult in Sembia when Sammaster gathered much of the tary thrill. Smaller Cult cells also stage games of chance for
starting Cult’s funds by demanding as much as a 50% the newly wealthy: A party of adventurers, just back from a
“tithe” of a caravan’s goods to the Cult. With the threat of successful mission of some sort, is suddenly wealthy
the destructive potential of a dracolich such as Shargrailar beyond their greatest dreams. If the Cult has a presence
to back up the demand, Sammaster was most successful anywhere nearby, the adventurers are soon invited to a
with this tactic. This ploy continues to be successful today, gambling house or to a less formal friendly game of chance
though it is seldom effective when used by a new, small cell sponsored by Cult fronts.
or by one currently that does not have at its disposal the Brigandry: The final type of activity that most Cult cells
capability for substantial armed retaliation or draconic engage in at some time is that of outright violence. Some
attack should the caravan refuse to pay the demanded Cult cells are better than others at the nonviolent means of
price. collecting revenue discussed above. When those methods

32 • The Cult Today

fail, or at times when the cell’s leadership decides that cated its most secret headquarters after decades of quiet
direct action is expedient, large-scale violence ensues. growth to a stranglehold on Urmlaspyr.
For those cells with the membership or the payroll to The city of Urmlaspyr is a relatively open and indulgent
buy mercenaries, attacks on merchant caravans can garner one, but this guise is a simple cover for the Cult of the
vast profits for the cell with a relatively minor risk. While Dragon, whose Sembian cell called it home for many many
the possibility of Cult raiders losing the battle or falling years after Sammaster’s death at the hands of Lathander.
into a Harper trap, for example, does exist, identifying the The Cult controls nearly every politician in town and not a
raiders as anything more than simple bandits is often quite thing happens in Urmlaspyr without its approval. It is
difficult—that is, unless a Cult dragon or dracolich partici- assumed that there are one or more underground “temples”
pates in the raid alongside the human raiders. of the Cult of the Dragon in Urmlaspyr. (Secret meeting
Most raids take the form of an ambush staged along a chambers of the Cult are referred to as such to foster the
commonly traveled road at a distance far enough from any illusion of priestly or deific power in the Cult.)
towns or other outposts of civilization that no one could Daerlun is run by Halath Tymmyr, an elderly merchant.
come to the caravan’s aid. Who the owners and operators However, Tymmyr‘s commander of the guard, Allathast
of caravans raided are normally makes little difference to (LE hm F8), pulls the simple Tymmyr’s strings. And since
the Cult. However, a favorite target of the Sembian cell’s Allathast is controlled by Cult magic and friends who are
raiders are any Zhent caravans that can be found and members of the Cult of the Dragon, Daerlun is a haven for
ambushed. This is a tradition that dates back to Sammas- the Cult. However, the Cult of the Dragon conducts no cere-
ter’s days, when he took every opportunity to attack or monies or operations out of Daerlun, preferring to keep
cripple Zhent operations of all sorts in and around Sembia. Daerlun as an ace in the hole and a place of refuge. The Cult
Cells with draconic allies may simply allow their uses Daerlun as a place to store its arms and valuables and a
winged compatriots to do most of the raiding. The cell pro- sanctuary for wounded and recuperating Cult members.
vides the dragon or dracolich with the location, route, and Daerlun also has a small, little-publicized slave trade that
speed of a caravan in exchange for a percentage of the valu- deals in the criminals that are convicted in this Sembian city.
ables gained. In this way, the cell makes some money, The Cult of the Dragon runs this trade and profits from it.
builds its reputation (if the dragon identifies itself—a dra- Leaders: The Wearers of the Purple lead the large cell in
colich’s allegiance is automatically attributed to the Cult), Sembia as a coalition. Not all current members are known,
and thus makes future extortion attempts easier, and the but the Wearers of the Purple at the time of the Shandril
dragon or dracolich is happy about adding to its hoard, ter- Shessair spellfire incident were known to be Malark the
rifying and killing a bunch of mammals, and very likely Mighty, archmage (dead); Zilvreen, master thief (NE hm
getting a good meal out of the bargain. T19); Salvarad, priest of “Talos” (LE hm C20 of Shar and
Cyric; apparently Salvarad has a peculiar and unique rela-
tionship with these two deities, who both grant him spells,
Active Cult Cells, or and only mouths reverence for Talos, whom he does not
Who, What, Why, How? truly worship); and the Cult’s warrior lord and leader, Naer-
goth Bladelord (NE hm F22). It is also likely that the Shad-
The cells detailed below are most assuredly not the only owsil (NE hf M18) was Malark’s lieutenant at the time of her
ones in current operation in Faerûn. Detailing even the death. A Dargoth of the Peldar Merchant Fleet; Commarth,
cells known to the Harpers would consume the pages of commander of the Sembian border forces; and five other
many volumes equal to a report of this size. Instead, the warrior-merchants completed the ranks of the Purple at that
cells discussed below are good examples from which much time. (All unnamed members are not less than 12th level.)
of the depth and diversity of this organization can be Known recent additions to the Wearers are Zannaster
gleaned. The first cell discussed is the most well-known who, with the deaths of both Malark and the Shadowsil,
and the largest cell currently operating, the Cult cell that ascended to the role of Archmage of the Purple (LE hm
calls Sembia its home. M17), and Maenoth Silversword (NG hem F6/M6/T7, pre-
tending to be only an F6/T7). Naergoth Bladelord, Sal-
Sembia varad, and Zilvreen are known to reside in Saerloon, and
A land of merchants, Sembia is the perfect place for a Cult other Wearers of the Purple primarily reside there or in
cell to conceal itself as well as make a few gold pieces in Urmlaspyr. (I have learned as much as this because the
extortion. After all, what Sembian merchant would not pay Harpers have managed to infiltrate the Sembian cell to it
a bribe rather than risk being attacked by a dragon? very core, as Maenoth is a Harper spy. How I learned this
Saerloon is a hotbed of thieving activities and intrigue, must, regrettably, remain my secret, but rest assured that
some of which is supported by the Cult of the Dragon. The the Cult could never hope to duplicate my methods.)
Cult uses this activity to smuggle in agents, spell compo- The Sembian cell’s leaders have defined their standard
nents, and treasures to take to its bone dragon masters. The Cult raiding party as a strike force composed of 1-5 fight-
Company of the Purple Cloak, a large and well-appointed ers and 2-8 thieves of low- to middling skill (1d4+1 fighters
group of thieves, warriors, and wizards, are from Saerloon and 2d4 thieves each having 2d4 levels). These are led by a
and are rumored to be agents of the Cult of the Dragon. Cult wizard of some experience (having 1d4+8 levels) who
Here, too, it is believed that the Cult of the Dragon has relo- is sometimes a necromancer (40% chance) and is almost

The Cult Today • 33

Wearers of the Purple: Zilvreen, Naergoth, and Commarth
always equipped with magical items suited to his or mis- are headed by Indith Shalla, a nightcloak (specialty priest)
sion and to personal protection (70% chance of possessing of Shar (NE hf P16). The Cultists war continually with
1d4 magical items). (Several favorite items of such wizards Zhentarim agents, independent thieves, pirates, and all
are detailed in the Magic and Monsters of the Cult chapter.) others that fail to align themselves with the Cult.
Plots: The Sembian cell has had difficulty replacing the The Purple Masks, an independent (for now at least)
three dracoliches it lost to the power of young Shandril thieves’ guild also tries to make its living here, but the Cult
Shessair, especially Shargrailar the Mighty. Aside from the is becoming more efficient at rooting out the many less-
usual revenue-gathering efforts for a Cult cell detailed skilled (or less-connected) thieves that make up the Purple
above, one of the Sembian cell’s latest gambits to raise cap- Masks. Right now the Masks apparently maintain a tenu-
ital and induce terror is to hire out Cult assassins equipped ous neutrality; it is unknown if they will throw in with the
with a small number of daggers of life-stealing to anyone Cult of the Dragon or attempt to make peace with the
who can afford to have his or her enemies killed. It is spec- Harpers. However, one traveling bard, the notorious Lear-
ulated that these daggers, or more specifically the lives they arn of Highmoon (CG hem B7), has reported the Purple
steal, are somehow being used to unnaturally age the cell’s Masks are actually agents of the Cult of the Dragon. Lear-
latest dracoliches, Malygris and Dretchroyaster, thus trans- arn says that the Cult is using the band of thieves as a foil
forming them into even more powerful Sacred Ones. to lure Harpers and other agents of good into revealing
themselves so that the Cult can eliminate them. Whether
Elversult this is, in fact, the truth is unconfirmed, but it is known that
The town of Elversult is a battleground for a secret war Leararn is wanted by the Cult, and it has circulated news
between the Harpers and the Cult of the Dragon. The that it will pay 500 gp for his head among the assassins and
Harpers have allies in high places, including the best friend bounty hunters of Elversult and nearby Ilipur and Pros.
of the ruler of the city, Vaerana Hawklyn, as well as in the The port towns of Ilipur and Pros on the Lake of Drag-
temples of the town. However, the black trades of assassi- ons are perfect for the smuggling of magical texts, scrolls,
nation, poisoning, smuggling, and thievery in this town are spell components, and other small packages that the Cult
dominated by the Cult of the Dragon. The Cult controls needs on the Dragon Coast. Because of this, the two towns
their operatives through a network of thieves, renegade are a hotbed of tangled plots and counterplots between not
clerics, and a few monsters. Cult members are known to only the Cult of the Dragon and the Harpers, but also the
include dopplegangers, thieves of all races, pirates of the Astorians (a thieves’ guild from Teziir) and the Night
Inner Sea, and a few priests of Shar and Malar. The Cultists Masks (a thieves’ guild in Westgate).

34 • The Cult Today

Leaders: Until recently, the Elversian cell of the Cult was strife settles itself, I speculate that the entire Cult hierarchy
run by Cypress, a dracolich that had been a black wyrm in the area would collapse.)
before his conversion. Some sources also insist that Cypress
practiced the Invisible Art (psionics). Such powers are very Hlondeth
rare on Toril, and even more so in a dragon. That these abil- Known both as the “Jewel of the Vilhon Reach” and the
ities were still present after his conversion to a dracolich is “City of Serpents,” Hlondeth’s tall, graceful arches and
an additional worry for all good-aligned beings of knowl- spires belie the fact that the busiest port city on the Vilhon
edge and power. is ruled by a noble house of reptilian yuan-ti. The current
In a convoluted series of events, Cypress had, via his ruler is Dediana Extaminos, a female halfbreed yuan-ti (LE
Invisible Art, contacted Yanseldara, the ruler of Elversult, fyh) who possesses an extremely keen mind—and a snake’s
and had fallen in love and kidnapped her. He also kid- tail in addition to her legs. The city’s thriving trade brings
napped a wu-jen mage from the Jade Palace of Shou Lung with it much prosperity, so few merchants care who rules
trade coster and embassy in Elversult in an effort to create a as long as the rulers do not interfere with the business at
potion that would cause Lady Yanseldara to reciprocate his hand. (For more on the city and the Vilhon Reach region,
feelings. The Bedine “witch” Ruha the Harper and the see The Vilhon Reach game accessory.)
forces of the Jade Palace not only rescued the Lady and the As with any large, bustling mercantile city, Hlondeth
wu-jen, but managed to destroy several of Cypress’ physi- also suffers from its share of crime and underworld activi-
cal forms and finally the host (dracolich phylactery) that ties, such as smuggling and black-marketeering. It is this
held his spirit. corrupt underbelly that first attracted the Cult of the Drag-
Plots: With Cypress’ true death, the leadership of the on’s attentions. Concerned with its weak position in south-
cell in Elversult and even its continued existence could be ern Faerûn, the Sembian Cult cell launched an ambitious
in question. The cell’s highest ranking mage, Essarlym the expansion into this city in the Year of the Shandon Veil (962
Black (LE hm Nec15), is a likely contender to become DR). Within a few decades, the Cult established a tiny but
Cypress’s successor given the importance of such wizards fervent cell in Hlondeth.
within the Cult. Olivari (NE hm T17) runs all the Cult Over the centuries since then, the cell has remained
smuggling operations in the region, however, and may small but recruiting efforts have continued to be successful.
make a power play by holding back shipments, thus ham- The Cult now controls a significant portion of the black-
stringing most, if not all, Cult operations. (If the Harpers or market and slaving operations within the city, though not
a coalition of good-aligned groups and individuals were to through brute force. The Hlondethan cell is a masterful
strike a decisive blow in the area now, before the intra-Cult example of control acquired and enforced through a small

The Hlondethan Cult of the Dragon Cell

The Cult Today • 35

group of individuals in key positions throughout the city. suing other disruptive tactics—rather than openly battling
The leader of the Cult cell in Hlondeth is a pureblood yuan- each other, at least for the time being.
ti, and among the Cult cell’s other members are a number The church of Tiamat in Surkh is headed by Deiros Fork-
of other purebloods plus human adventurers, merchants, tongue, a wyrmkeeper (specialty priest) of Tiamat’s church
tradespeople of varied professions, and some half-orc mer- (LE hm I’ll). He emigrated to Surkh years ago, having
cenaries. Corruption, fortunately for the Cult, is prevalent been informed by his Dragon Queen that her message
enough in Hlondeth that few consider where this official’s would be well received there. He is closely aided in the
or that guard’s true loyalties lie. lizard-man city by Fire of the First Lizard Ssenidak Wyrm-
The greatest obstacle to the Cult’s expansion within the spear (LE male lizard man F11/C9). While the church of
city is the city’s government. Although some yuan-ti have Tiamat remains underground in Surkh, the Chromatic
been attracted to the idea of reptilian dragons coming into Dragon’s priest has recruited many followers. Forktongue
power across Faerûn, most of the Cult of the Dragon mem- sees the conflict with the Cult of the Dragon, though dis-
bers are mammals. Since the rulers of Hlondeth are yuan-ti, tant, as a chance to prove Tiamat’s assertion to her faithful
a certain antimammal bias exists in the city’s bureaucracy. that the Cult of the Dragon lacks leadership and is ripe for
Also, most warm-blooded criminals caught in the city conquest by the right divine being—Tiamat in her Undying
(who do not have some prearranged release agreement Queen form, of course.
with the guards) are not seen again—ample reason for the
Cult to tread lightly. Yartar
Leaders: The current leader of the Cult cell in Hlondeth This small town, located in the Sword Coast North where
is no less than the son of the city’s ruler. Dmetrio Exta- the River Dessarin and the River Surbrin converge, is a
minos is a pureblood yuan-ti and so appears human except bustling port with heavy barge traffic and many fisherfolk
for small fangs that he can retract into the roof of his that ply its waterways. The town of 6,000 is ruled by the
mouth. Dmetrio is evil in the extreme and is using the Cult Waterbaron, a position to which one is elected for life. The
cell to undermine his mother’s rule and increase his own current Waterbaron is Belleethe Kheldorna (LG hf Pal11), a
personal power. He intends the Cult to be his stepping worshiper of Tyr. The former Waterbaron was a member of
stone to one day ruling first the city of Hlondeth and then the evil Kraken Society, and because of this, Belleethe
the whole region. spends much of her time rooting out corrupt officials and
To this end, Dmetrio is also courting the daughter of spies. (See the Villains Lorebook for more on the Kraken
Baron Foesmasher, the human ruler of Sespech. The young Society.)
Gilsena may or may not be a Cult member, but it seems The female paladin has her work cut out for her. Few of
likely that she is unaware of Dmetrio’s plan to marry her Yartar’s residents live there for the climate. All are inter-
and then have her father murdered, thus gaining himself a ested in making money and not all of them are concerned
foothold on power in Sespech as well. Baron Foesmasher as to how they go about that task. As a primary stop on
has resisted his daughter’s relationship with the yuan-ti, most northern trade routes, Yartar has attracted more than
but can do only so much to keep them apart. Gilsena is just a few Kraken Society members. The Zhentarim is ru-
devoted to her father, but if he takes any further actions mored to have agents in the city, an illithilich (possibly a
than his already obviously overprotective and cumbersome member of the Twisted Rune) has been reported in the
demands that a personal guard and a chaperon accompany region, and the local thieves are always trying to organize a
his daughter at all times when Dmetrio and Gilsena meet, guild. Belleethe also must deal with adventurers looking to
he would only drive the two closer together. If Foesmasher legally or illegally latch onto some of the moneys that flow
knew of Dmetrio’s Cult ties, however, the Baron would through the town, as well as the more maverick merchants
move to protect his daughter and damn the consequences. who deal in less-than-legal goods and services.
Plots: Beyond Dmetrio’s plot to oust his mother and Yartar is a cauldron of bubbling plots, schemes, and
plant the seeds of his future domination across the Vilhon under-the-table alliances—but without any single unifying
Reach in Sespech, the Cult‘s primary goal currently is to evil presence. Perhaps the most troubling problem for the
strengthen its position in the city. The cell’s recent at- Waterbaron is Pox, a female lich, and her dracolich mount,
tempted expansion into the Deepwash city of Surkh failed Saurglyce. Both of these undead beings are firm believers
because another “cult” is already present in that city: in Sammaster’s teachings, and they seek to organize a Cult
Quite of few of Surkh’s evilly inclined lizard man citizens cell around themselves in the vicinity of Yartar.
have secretly joined the church of Tiamat, which holds a Leaders: Pox was a 20th-level mage before she became a
position in Surkh similar to that of the Cult of the Dragon lich. Her origins are unknown, but she claims to have
in Hlondeth. learned the formulae to become a lich from a copy of the
Both cults see this conflict as a test of their respective Tome of the Dragon, though this claim is dubious, as other
organizations and, while both intend to keep the clashes as readers of the Tome and its copies have never mentioned
surreptitious as possible, both an increased frequency of instructions contained within it that effect the transforma-
confrontations and escalating violence resorted to in such tion of a humanoid into a lich—only dragons. She seems to
clashes are likely Both groups are working to interfere with hold an special hatred for the Zhentarim, the Zhentilar, and
each other’s money-making schemes—diverting or hijack- all people from Zhentil Keep, which may give some clue to
ing black-market goods, stealing or killing slaves, and pur- her past life or even the origin of her sorcerous abilities.

36 • The Cult Today

Saurglyce, a mature adult white dragon before her
transformation, serves as Pox’s mount, servant, and confi-
dante. Pox claims to have brewed the potion that trans-
formed Saurglyce into a dracolich from the instructions
found in the Tome of the Dragon. If such is true, it is likely
that one of the pair know the location of a copy of that vile
book—if they do not actually possess one.
The first that the Waterbaron and all of Yartar knew of
these two was when Saurglyce traveled into the region
from the north with the lich on her back. The two have set-
tled into an unknown location in the hills around Yartar,
and it is likely they have more than one residence. From the
hills, they occasionally raid the caravans passing through
the region or attack a farm or barge for food.
Once in awhile, they are spotted soaring high above the
town as the sun settles slowly beneath the western horizon.
The purpose of these dusk flights is unknown, though wise
folk speculate that they make them to inspire awe and fear
in the residents of Yartar. As the undead duo currently has
little in the way of a support structure, these flights could
be meant to impress potential Cult members into seeking
out the pair to serve them. If so, a more direct effort on their
part would probably prove more effective, as residents con-
tinue to avoid them as best they are able.
Plots: Gathering a traditional Cult cell around them in
the region seems to be the pair’s immediate goal. Thus far,
the lich and dracolich have managed to persuade only a
few small barbarian bands to follow them. Seeking out
other undead creatures, evil dragons, and powerful wiz-
ards to either eliminate them as threats or convince them to
join the Cult cell also would be probable objectives. The
pair seems to lack extensive funds, however, and lately
have stepped up their caravan attacks in a bid to remedy
that situation.
Pox and Saurglyce do seem to be familiar with at least
some of an organized cell’s customary means of generating
revenue. The lich has, in disguise, entered the town and
tried to organize the thieves of the town into a Cult-domi-
nated guild. Pox has met with only limited success as the
primarily female cutpurses and scoundrels of the town are
notoriously independent. The already-established fledgling
thieves’ guild of Yartar—known as the Hand of Yartar—has
also resisted the lich’s more forceful attempts to take it
over, with its members disappearing from the lich’s traps
whenever they choose.
A less obvious reason for the two’s decision to move to
the area may be to keep an undead eye on the new confed-
eration/kingdom known as Luruar and its first ruler, Alus-
triel (whom her subjects insist on calling “Queen”). Many
within the Cult of the Dragon still hold much enmity
toward the former High Lady of Silverymoon, blaming her
for much of Sammaster’s anguish during his life. Sammas-
ter wrote of this heartache with much bitterness in the Tome
of the Dragon and more than a few Cultists have sought to
make their names by eliminating the lady who “failed Sam-
master in his time of need.” Whether the undead pair
intend to act merely as observers or as the vanguard for a
larger Cult strike force is unknown.

Pox and Saurglyce of Yartar

The Cult Today • 37

Shade’s deception ensures that it is a rival wyrm who
Dracoliches of Note draws the attention of their spells and blades.
Below are detailed three dracoliches of note, and later in Aurgloroasa is a skilled and practiced linguist (despite
this chapter a list of most of the known dracoliches and the fact that she can communicate with any intelligent
Cult-affiliated dragons is presented. Elsewhere in this book creature), and she is fascinated by raconteurs who can
(in the Magic and Monsters of the Cult chapter) is a selec- bewitch an audience with naught but their voice. “The
tion of dragon spells that all dragons and dracoliches may Voice in the Shadows,” as Aurgloroasa sometimes styles
cast. These magical capabilities should be kept in mind herself, derives great pleasure from transfixing lesser
when facing any of these fearsome creatures. beings with her dragon fear and then slowly weaving a
web of lies so tight that her victim’s terror dissipates and
Aurgloroasa, “The Sibilant Shade” his or her tongue speaks of secrets held close to the heart.
Aurgloroasa (ore-GLOR-oh-ASS-ah) is a dracolich who The relationship between the Sibilant Shade and the Cult
was a venerable shadow dragon before her transformation. of the Dragon was woven over the course of a decades-long
She claims the lost dwarven city of Thunderholme in the courtship and, as it stands, incorporates a tangled web of
southern Thunder Peaks as her subterranean domain and alliances and rivalries. Aurgloroasa was located and
Sembia and the southern Dalelands as her sphere of influ- approached by Cultists from the Sembian cell in the Year of
ence. The Sibilant Shade (Aurgloroasa’s common appella- the Creeping Fang (1305 DR) in the wake of the Archendale
tion) has dwelt amidst the ruins of the legendary dwarven “dragon war” (described below). While her “seduction” by
halls for over three centuries (as a dracolich for two score the Cult was a relatively simple affair—Aurgloroasa had
and eight years), and she is well ensconced in her domain. already decided to undergo the transformation and had
Aurgloroasa is an annihilist, a specialty priestess of Null deliberately left a trail of clues by which the Cult was sure
the Death Wyrm, and she is obsessed with her research into to locate her—the Sibilant Shade succeeded in extorting an
death, undeath, necromancy, and shadow magic. The Sibi- exorbitant sum (even by the Cult’s standards) from the
lant Shade considers herself the Death Wyrm’s most devout wealthy Sembian cell before agreeing to the process. Aur-
follower, and her transformation into a dracolich was well- gloroasa’s shadowy touch was evident even as she under-
nigh inevitable. It is Aurgloroasa’s ardent wish that she went the transformation in the Year of Lurking Death (1332
become Null’s consort (and a demipower in her own right) DR): The great beast wisely bribed, blackmailed, and befud-
in the not-too-distant future. Toward this end, the great dled enough of the participating Cultists to severely
shadow dracolich aspires to bring a large swath of Faerûn weaken the magical bindings normally incorporated in the
under her shadowy aegis and create a draconic theocracy in ceremony to ensure a dracolich’s continued involvement
the name of the Night Dragon. and assistance in the Cult’s stratagems.
The Sibilant Shade is a gigantic representative of her In the years following her transformation, Aurgloroasa
(former) species, and she is extremely vain. The slow decay has played both sides of the fence on countless occasions.
of Aurgloroasa’s physical form is the one drawback she Many times she has secretly aided Cult foes like the Zhents
sees in dracolichdom. Aurgloroasa employs a combination or even the Harpers so as to ensure a note of desperation
of preservative spells and carefully crafted illusions to when the Wearers of the Purple call on her for assistance.
maintain a lustrous, living sheen to the translucent, night- The shadowy dracolich maintains a secret network of her
black cloak that is her form. One example of the wyrm’s own (both within and outside of the Cult membership) to
obsessive fastidiousness is the fact that she has carefully spy on and manipulate her putative allies and to ensure that
recovered and stored every single scale she has shed in her much of that organization responds to her subtle touch.
entire life (or unlife). After the destruction of three Sacred Ones in the debacle
While neither cowardly nor resigned to fate, Aurgloroasa surrounding the Sembian Cult cell’s efforts to acquire
chooses to operate exclusively from the shadows—a sinister, spellfire, Aurgloroasa has emerged as the preeminent
brooding puppeteer —and seeks only small, gradual shifts dracolich in the Merchant Kingdom. At her instigation, the
in the flow of events. She is well aware that immortality—in Wearers of the Purple have begun an extensive campaign to
both life and death—is earned on a daily basis. cultivate new candidates among the younger evil dragons
Aurgloroasa displays a morbid fascination with the cata- of the region. Aurgloroasa, of course, has ensured that the
clysmic and subtle miscalculations of those she respects, list of candidates consists primarily of dragons she has
including other dragons and powerful wizards and priests, already bound to her will through magic and obligations.
and she will not engage in any action without first analyz- Aurgloroasa’s Lair: Aurgloroasa’s lair is located in the
ing all possible modes of failure. It is because of this preoc- southern Thunder Peaks, several leagues north and west of
cupation and not just her appearance that Aurgloroasa is Highcastle. The Sibilant Shade’s hoard now occupies the
known to some Dragon Cultists as “Old Doom and Gloom.” throne room of the last regent of Thunderholme, and the
Aurgloroasa has maintained a greater degree of ano- animated bones of those dwarves who failed to flee her
nymity than many of her peers thanks to her deliberate wrath stand as skeletal sentinels in their fallen city, eter-
and cautious nature and to her penchant for masquerading nally serving their undying queen.
as her rivals. More than once she has inflicted a terrible The dwarven legends of Thunderholme speak of a city of
punishment on a town in the guise of a rival. When, as a the finest, noblest miners and metalsmiths in the Realms.
matter of course, the surviving townsfolk regroup and Dwarven lore states that inhabitants of Thunderholme were
send out for experienced dragon hunters, the Sibilant favored by Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets Under the Moun-

38 • The Cult Today

tain. In but a single day the halls were emptied when the true purpose often unknown to those who happen across
Silent Keeper swept the dwarves of Thunderholme away to them. Four runestones have surfaced in recent times, and
live in paradise with him. The few dwarves who did not their current possessors are listed below.
want to accompany Dumathoin sealed the doors before
they left, and the halls have never again been disturbed. • The Sembian Cult of the Dragon cell is believed to pos-
One mystery associated with the legend of Thunderholme sess at least one and possibly two of the runestones. It was
has always been the fate of those dwarves who stayed by means of the first runestone recovered by the Wearers
behind, since they never arrived in any other dwarven hall. of the Purple that Aurgloroasa was originally contacted.
The truth behind this hopeful tale is horrific and rooted in • A closely guarded secret of the Mistress of Stars of the
the whispering evil of Aurgloroasa. Fall of Stars adventurers’ club in Harrowdale Town is that
In the Year of Dark Stalking (989 DR), dwarven miners an adventurer and since-fallen member named Orytar
from a remote outpost of Thunderholme inadvertently found one of the missing runestones as well, and that key
broke into Aurgloroasa’s lair and roused the very old has facilitated numerous (failed) attempts by club mem-
shadow dragon from a decades-long sleep. Aurgloroasa bers to meet the Challenge of Orytar (described below).
quickly dispatched the startled dwarven miners and then The Mistress of Stars accompanies each expedition to
cleverly caved in the tunnel by which they had reached her Thunderholme to sunder the city’s portals, and she then
lair so that it appeared to be a natural cave-in. waits outside Thunderholme so that when the expedition
For the next dozen years, Aurgloroasa observed the fails (as they invariably do), the runestone can be returned
comings and goings of Thunderholme from afar by means to the club’s vaults until the next foolhardy attempt.
of powerful divination magics and a network of hidden • Another runestone was recently purchased from a fisher-
spies she summoned from the Demiplane of Shadow. In man in Westgate by a band of adventurers known as the
the Year of the Awakening (1001 DR), Aurgloroasa began Seekers who, by chance, spotted the stone being used to
to whisper dark thoughts in the dreams of High Old One scale fish and recognized its importance. The group is
Dagan, son of Belgin, blood of Jangarak. Over the next 33 known to have set out from Saerloon to find the lost city,
years, the ambitions of Thunderholme’s high priest of but no word of their exploits has ever been revealed, even
Dumathoin grew—as did his madness and his obsession after their brief return. The Seekers were last seen headed
with death. He took to calling the voice from the shadows east aboard the Widow’s Ire, bound for Aglarond.
the “Sibilant Shade,” a title which pleased Aurgloroasa
well. By following the advice of the ever-present whispers The lost city of Thunderholme has been transformed
in the shadows, Dagan rose to a preeminent position in into a vault of death. The stale and stagnant air reeks of
Thunderholme, second only to King Emerlin III. When the death and loss. Immense halls and chambers supported by
aging monarch died in his sleep shortly after the disap- titanic pillars and cut from the heart of the living mountain
pearance of his only child, the crown prince, on a trade have become magnificent sepulchers. Immense friezes
mission to Selgaunt in the Year of Bane’s Brood (1034 DR), depicting dwarven nobility and the daily lives of the com-
Dagan was quickly named Regent of Thunderholme. (Both mon folk stand as monuments to the long-dead inhabi-
the king and the prince were victims of Aurgloroasa’s tants. Hordes of skeletal dwarven warriors, craftsfolk, and
shadowy agents.) laborers wander the dusty vaults in a twisted parody of
Within months, construction was begun on a grand their former lives.
temple to Dumathoin in the heart of Thunderholme. Over Well into the mountain’s core stands a monstrous and
the next 20 years, Dagan’s madness began to manifest pub- ghastly edifice in the center of a cavern of flickering shad-
licly as he required more and more of the city’s artisans to ows. The Necropolis of the Wyrm resembles the towering
participate in the construction of the temple and the exten- Untheric ziggurats built in honor of Enlil and then Gilgeam
sive crypts beneath it. When all was finally complete in the ages ago. Groups of shadows and other denizens of the
Year of the Tolling Terrors (1054 DR), in a grand ceremony Demiplane of Shadow stalk the catacombs beneath the
of dedication attended by all the dwarves of Thunder- temple, their hunger eternally unassuaged. The venerable
holme, the dwarven regent-priest dedicated the temple shadow dracolich Aurgloroasa sleeps haunted dreams in a
complex to Null, not Dumathoin, and named it the Necrop- bed of shadowstuff in the temple’s central chapel amidst a
olis of the Wyrm. As news of the unspeakable deed spread flickering tapestry of wards, gates, and lurking traps.
through the crowd, Dagan completed the unholy ritual by Aurgloroasa’s Domain: Aurgloroasa claims only Thun-
summoning the “avatar” of his new god—and Aurglo- derholme for herself, but she pays little heed to the compet-
roasa was loose in the city. In the chaos that followed, ing claims of rival wyrms with territorial ambitions in the
fewer than 30 dwarves escaped the maelstrom of evil that Thunder Peaks region. The Sibilant Shade has driven off or
had been unleashed. Within a tenday, Thunderholme was a killed every dragon who dared challenge her passage in
lifeless city, reeking of decay. the region, and she is now warily ignored and/or avoided
Over the next few weeks, the Sibilant Shade hunted by potential rivals and young upstarts alike. Some younger
down and killed every single dwarf who escaped the car- wyrms, such as Thraxata, pay the elder dracolich annual
nage in Thunderholme, but she did not recover every mag- tribute for the privilege of remaining alive. (Thraxata is a
ical runestone capable of revealing and opening the sealed young red dragon who lairs atop the Bloodhorn, a great
gates of the dwarven city. Several runestones still exist out- mountain crag overlooking the ruins of Sessrendale.)
side her hoard and are scattered across the Realms, their Others—most notably the mature adult red dragon Neva-

The Cult Today • 39

Aurgloroasa, “The Sibilant Shade”
larich—must serve Aurgloroasa whenever she demands. arrival was noted by elven rangers from Cormanthyr and
(Nevalarich also lairs in the southern Thunder Peaks, and dwarven scouts from Thunderholme, but neither nation
he is becoming well known for his frequent raids on ships chose to challenge her newly claimed demesne at that time,
traversing the Neck. Effectively, Aurgloroasa is the greater much to their later regret. Aurgloroasa’s relative quiescence
power keeping Nevalarich in check that some in Azoun’s and the tumult that shook the Heartlands in the following
court have speculated must exist.) century removed her from the concerns of all but the most
Before becoming a dracolich, Aurgloroasa used to hunt ardent dragon hunters (who never managed to even engage
extensively throughout the horse farms of Kulta and her in battle), and she was slowly forgotten by most inhabi-
amongst the red sheep herds of the Thunder Peaks, and she tants of the surrounding regions.
still occasionally preys on the wyverns of the Wyvernfang Although her subterfuge resulting in the fall of Thun-
at the eastern end of the High Dale to keep their population derholme is probably Aurgloroasa’s greatest triumph, the
in check. The Sibilant Shade rarely ventures farther west Sibilant Shade has been the architect behind countless
than the Vast Swamp or farther north than Thunder Gap, shadowy campaigns in the Merchant Kingdom of Sembia
although her reasons for avoiding the Forest Kingdom and and the surrounding lands. The Night Knives, an autono-
the former lands of the Elven Court are unknown. mous band of thieves active in Saerloon, Selgaunt, and
In practice, Aurgloroasa considers all of Archendale, Urmlaspyr, have inflamed more than one merchant’s war
Sembia, Tasseldale, Featherdale, Scardale, High Dale, and at Aurgloroasa’s hidden direction, including the near-
the southern Thunder Peaks as her sphere of influence, and disastrous three-year-long civil war that threatened to tear
she has an extensive network of Cultists and independent Sembia asunder from the Year of the Silent Steel through
agents at her disposal throughout these lands. While she the Year of the Raging Flame until it ended in the Year of
does not seek to directly control this territory, the Sibilant the Dusty Throne (1254 DR to 1256 DR) with the death of
Shade actively seeks to manipulate events in the region to three-quarters of the ruling council and two successive
her desires and gradual enrichment. Overmasters. The apparent failure of the campaign by the
The Deeds of Aurgloroasa: Aurgloroasa was born in the Wearers of the Purple to infiltrate and control Featherdale
Year of the Black Dawn (426 DR) to Shhuusshuru, who later after their defeat in the Battle of the River Rising in the Year
preceded her into dracolichdom with the aid of the Cult. of the Lion (1340 DR) was in truth an elaborate and mostly
Aurgloroasa skulked about her mother’s domain in the Far successful ploy by Aurgloroasa to dispose of the meddle-
Hills for nearly two centuries before she established her first some Mhzentul, crafter of the Seven Lost Rings and scribe of
lair in the southwestern Thunder Peaks in the Year of the Mhzentul’s Runes, and obtain the archmage’s library of
Ensorcelled Kings (616 DR) in her 190th year. Aurgloroasa’s arcane lore for her own perusal.

40 • The Cult Today

Aurgloroasa particularly enjoys attacking ships, through Aurgloroasa’s Magic: Aurgloroasa employs a wide vari-
her network of agents, whose owners fail to pay her proper ety of unusual and unique dragon spells and magical items
tribute. Only the most senior leaders of the dragon’s far- due to her status as an annihilist and member of Null’s
flung protection racket have any idea that Aurgloroasa is clergy, with an emphasis in her draconic spell abilities on
the power behind their extortionist threats; ship-owners spells and effects from the school of necromancy and the
are simply made aware that those who fail to pay proper school of shadow magic. Aurgloroasa is known to fre-
tribute frequently disappear. Aurgloroasa’s favorite hunt- quently employ the uncommon draconic spells shadow scry
ing grounds are located near the mouth of the Lake of and shadow dragon. Sembian Cultists (and, as a result,
Dragons in the relatively narrow strait known as the Neck. Harper infiltrators) have learned of at least three rare or
However, before preying on ships, the Sibilant Shade unique spells employed by the Sibilant Shade: sharpwings,
always assumes the guise of Nevalarich, who is already shadow serpents, and project shadow. The means by which
known to hunt in the region. Aurgloroasa has been spotted Aurgloroasa assumes the shape and hue of other dragons
off the coast of Westgate at least twice in her true form, and and maintains that guise in battle is as yet unrevealed, but
the “Ballad of the Shadow Storm,” popular in that city it is likely related to the draconic spell scale shift. (Shadow
prior to the death of King Verovan, refers to her plundering magic is described in PLAYER’S OPTION®: Skills & Powers and
and sinking of the treasure-laden Winsome Wyrm just out- in PLAYER’S OPTION: Spells & Magic. A majority of spells in
side the harbor in the Year of Watery Graves (1091 DR) dur- the school of shadow magic overlap with either or both the
ing one such visit. Aurgloroasa considered seizing Westgate school of illusion and the school of necromancy. Shadow
outright during Verovan’s reign, but the fate of Anaglathos, magic focuses on magic having to do with shadowstuff and
dragon ruler of Turmish, in the Year of the Purple Basilisk the Demiplane of Shadows.)
(1247 DR) reaffirmed her practice of wielding power from In addition to her command of priest and wizard spells
the shadows. (used as a dragon spellcaster—verbal-only spell compo-
Some 70 winters ago in the Year of the Claw (1299 DR), nents and casting times of 1), the Sibilant Shade is believed
the Sibilant Shade clashed at least once with Arngalor, an to possess a trove of magical items, many of which she has
adult black dragon of exceptional size who laired in the learned to employ. Some of her most treasured items of
Heart of the Mine at the head of the River Arkhen. Prior to magic including a circlet of the wyrm presented to her by the
the battle, Aurgloroasa cloaked herself in the guise of a Cult of the Dragon and wing armor forged by dwarven
blue dragon, and she then flew into Archendale blaring her slaves kidnapped and brought to Thunderholme by the
challenge. When Arngalor foolishly came forth to do battle, Cult at her direction.
the great dracolich tore him to shreds after a long and ter-
rible fray still known to Arkhenfolk as the “dragon war.”
Only slightly injured, Aurgloroasa maintained her disguise Sharpwings (Wiz 2; Alteration)
and flew off raggedly to the west as if gravely hurt. She Range: Touch
then returned via subterranean tunnels to plunder Arnga- Components: V
lor’s hoard before it could be recovered by enterprising Duration: 1d4+2 rounds
Arkhenfolk or other wyrms. The continuing efforts of the Casting Time: 1
Cult of the Dragon to locate Arngalor’s “lost” hoard are of Area of Effect: One pair of dragon’s wings
great amusement to Aurgloroasa, and the shadowy Sacred Saving Throw: None
One has not yet let the Wearers of the Purple in on her
decades-old ruse. This spell is favored by dragons well skilled in the
In recent years, Aurgloroasa has ensured a steady use of their wings to buffet opponents. The spell alters
stream of sacrifices through an unusual ploy involving the the spellcasting dragon’s wings so as to make the lead-
Fall of Stars adventurer’s guild in Harrowdale Town. Aur- ing edge of each wing as sharp as a well-honed blade
gloroasa enspelled a hapless adventurer by the name of and as strong as steel. It is not possible to visually
Orytar who stumbled across Thunderholme to return to his observe the blade edge, but anyone who touches the
far-off comrades with a conveniently provided runestone front-most ridge of an affected dragon’s wing notes the
and issue what would come to be known in the club as the deadliness of this magical effect. In melee, prior appli-
Challenge of Orytar: “Seek out the great shadowy wyrm cation of a sharpwings incantation doubles the normal
who lairs beneath the Peaks of Thunder and return in tri- base damage inflicted by wing buffeting; damage is
umph bearing aloft her fabled Eye of Shadow if ye be truly increased to the equivalent of twice a normal claw
adventurers of lore.” Ever since the enspelled Orytar attack. The chance to knock a creature prone on a suc-
issued his challenge, a steady stream of magical might cessful wing buffet is unaffected by this spell.
borne by tasty snacks has enlivened the gloom of Thunder-
holme. Orytar returned four times to Thunderholme so Shadow Serpents
Aurgloroasa could renew the spells in which she had (Wiz 4; Divination, Alteration, Shadow, magic)
ensnared him. Each time save the last he returned to mock Range: Touch
his comrades and spur them on to further foolishness. His Components: V
death now stands as a permanent monument to the foolish Duration: 1 day/level to a maximum of 10 days
goal in pursuit of which so many rash adventurers have
thrown their lives away.

The Cult Today • 41

Casting Time: 1 shadow is a shadow magic variant of the more com-
Area of Effect: Special monly known project image spell. Like the latter
Saving Throw: None incantation, this spell enables the spellcaster to cre-
ate a duplicate of himself or herself, projecting it to
By means of this spell, the spellcaster creates a any spot within spell range. Unlike a project image
horde of tiny serpents composed wholly of shadow- spell, however, project shadow creates a duplicate of
stuff. The number of shadow serpents created is only the spellcaster’s shadow. The shadow performs
10d8+caster’s level (maximum of 100). Each shadow ser- actions decided by the spellcaster—walking, speak-
pent is semiautonomous and cannot be destroyed ing, spellcasting—conforming to the actual actions
except by means of a dispel magic spell or similar incan- of the spellcaster’s shadow unless she or he concen-
tation or by exposing them to direct, bright light with trates on making it act differently (in which case the
no area of shadow or darkness within 5 feet of their spellcaster is limited to half movement and no
current location. Shadow serpents are not intelligent, nor attacks). Note that spells can be cast through the
are they actually alive or even physical beings, and projected shadow and function as if they had been
they have no attacks or defenses. Shadow serpents by cast while the spellcaster was in the projected shad-
nature flit about mindlessly, never leaving areas of ow’s location.
shadow or total darkness and all the while observing Whereas a project image spell is commonly
everything that goes on around them. Shadow serpents employed to deceive opponents into believing they
have an effective movement rate of 36, but only if are facing the spellcaster’s physical form, a project
directed by the spellcaster. Otherwise they mill about shadow spell is rarely effective in this fashion.
in one location, typically in a circle or sphere approxi- Instead it is commonly used to hide within regions
mately 30 feet in radius. of darkness or shadow so as to surprise an oppo-
The spellcaster can direct his or her horde of ser- nent, or to conceal the spellcaster’s identity when
pents collectively, but not individually For example, a she or he needs to parley with a potentially danger-
spellcaster could direct the entire group of shadow ser- ous opponent.
pents created by his or her incantation to explore a A projected shadow can be dispelled only by
house, or a room, or an alley, or follow a specific per- means of a successful dispel magic spell, exposure to
son, but a spellcaster could not specifically direct a sub- direct bright light, or upon command from the spell-
set of the entire group to do one task while other caster. All other attacks pass harmlessly through it.
group(s) do something different. A project shadow spell may also be cast through any
By means of this spell, the spellcaster can scry a scrying device (whether it be physical, such as a
scene from afar through the myriad eyes of his or her crystal ball, or a magical effect, such as that created
shadow serpents (unlimited range, but always within the by a magic font or shadow serpents spell), but addi-
same plane of existence). However, the constantly shift- tional spells cast do not pass through the scrying
ing and overlapping images preclude easy comprehen- device. The image must be within view of the spell-
sion of what is being observed. As a result, in any given caster projecting it at all times, whether scryed or
round, there is a percentage chance equal to the number observed directly, and if his or her sight is obstructed
of serpents in existence that the caster can discern what for any reason, the spell is broken and dispelled.
is being observed from the myopic montage. Unlike a project image spell, whether or not the
A casting of shadow serpents lasts until the spell- wizard is invisible at the time of the spellcasting has
caster wills it to cease, the spell duration expires, or all no effect on the projected shadow. If the spellcaster
the serpents have been destroyed. Some claim that the uses dimension door, teleport, plane shift, or a similar
faint sound of slithering serpents can be heard in an spell that breaks his or her line of vision, the project
enclosed area infested with shadow serpents, but others shadow spell ends immediately.
claim this is madness.

Project Shadow Aurgloroasa’s Fate: As Aurgloroasa slowly extends her

(Wiz 6; Alteration, Shadow Magic) influence throughout Sembia and over the Cult cell based
Range: 10 yards/level in the Merchant Kingdom, she is drawing increased atten-
Components: V tion to both her existence and her elaborate machinations
Duration: 1 round /level despite the shadows in which she cloaks her every plot.
Casting Time: 1 Given her long history of deception, Aurgloroasa seems
Area of Effect: Special likely to attempt to reverse this unwanted and increasing
Saving Throw: None attention within a decade or two. Aubaerus the Ravenmas-
ter, a hierophant druid active in the Thunder Peaks region,
Project shadow must be cast while the spellcaster speculates that she might even stage her own death so as to
is within a region of shadow or darkness. Project further withdraw into the shadows.

42 • The Cult Today

Daurgothoth, “The Creeping Doom” • The original breath weapon of his black dragon form: a
This undead wyrm bears watching. Not only is his influ- stream of acid 5 feet wide and 60 feet long in a straight
ence quickly spreading, but the dracolich Daurgothoth line, dealing 4d4+12 points of damage.
(DOUR-goh-thoth), who was originally a black dragon, is • A bolt of lightning akin to that of a blue dragon, but slight-
attempting to gain some abilities of other types of dragon ly less potent. This 5-foot-wide breath attack extends 70
and to come back to life sufficiently to breed true and feet and deals only 4d8+6 points of damage.
found his own new dragon species. The twin obsessions of • A cone of fire 60 feet long, flaring from 5 to 30 feet wide at
achieving personal supremacy and fathering a new race its furthest end and dealing 7d10+7 points of damage.
have kept Daurgothoth busy for over a century while he • A cone of frost 60 feet long, flaring from 5 to 30 feet wide
improved his abilities and sought a suitable mate—or at its furthest end and dealing 8d6+8 points of damage.
planned how to construct one, much in the same way as he • A bone spray (a cone of whirling bone shards) 60 feet
has been modified in undeath. long, flaring from 5 feet wide to 20 feet at its furthest end
The implications of Daurgothoth’s fascinating endeavor and dealing 12d4 points of piercing and slashing damage.
are dark indeed. The only reason hordes of adventurers If Daurgothoth so chooses, this attack can cause only half
have not descended on the dracolich, seeking his destruc- damage, but the bones then gather together to form skele-
tion, is that they do not know about him. Plenty of wild tons, rising 6 rounds later as 1d4+4 undead human skele-
rumors are, however, spreading. Both Tolgar Anuvien and tons under the absolute control of the dracolich. If a “1” is
Malchor Harpell are (independently) beginning to uncover rolled for the number of skeletons, that one skeleton is a
the location and activities of the undead wyrm, but the only giant skeleton (see “Skeleton, Giant” in the MONSTROUS
folk who know the broad truth about the nature and aims of MANUAL™ tome).
Daurgothoth are the Chosen of Mystra, powerful figures • An undeath gout that takes effect in a cone 40 feet long,
such as Elminster, Khelben, Laeral, and Alustriel. These flaring from 5 feet wide to 20 feet at its furthest end and
archmages do not currently act or speak out against him affecting only dead creatures in this area. The gout ani-
because the magical experimentation and advances Daur- mates dead creatures as zombies that rise in 1d3 rounds
gothoth is making are precisely the sort of thing Mystra or skeletons that rise in 1d2 rounds. In either case the
encourages so that magic continues to grow and evolve. newly animated creatures are under Daurgothoth’s
Daurgothoth operates under no similar compunctions, absolute command. Note that this breath weapon can
however, and energetically seeks to slaughter any being transform partial skeletal remains (of any body parts) into
who learns of his endeavors or who stumbles upon his lair. crawling claws and make snakes or flying creatures of
He has already slain no fewer than three bands of hired any sort into deathfangs (detailed in the Ruins of Under-
adventurers who were working for him in Waterdeep but mountain boxed set on the Flying Fang monster sheet).
whom he judged had begun to suspect too much about Living creatures touched by an undeath gout are chilled
him. His spells allow him to speak with such underlings by for 1d10 points of damage and receive no saving throw
means of projected human-seeming images and to spy against this effect (unlike most breath weapons).
upon them from afar. When doing so, Daurgothoth custom- • A banish undeath breath weapon that forms a cone 40 feet
arily poses as some sort of deliberately mysterious rene- long, flaring from 5 feet wide to 20 feet at its furthest end
gade mage. and remaining effective for 1 round. All undead coming
In such roles, this dracolich has begun to play an increas- into contact with any part of it suffer 4d4 points of dam-
ingly active part in the shadier businesses of the cities of age from contact with the breath weapon. In addition,
Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter, and Secomber. At undead creatures of 5 Hit Dice or fewer (such as ghasts,
first, he pursued the acquisition of spells, magical items, wights, shadows, ghouls, zombies, and skeletons) are
and substances that might serve as magical components, instantly rendered into inanimate dead. Depending on
but this drew the attention of too many alarmed wizards their natures, this destroys them or leaves them as
and authorities (one of whom dubbed the unknown cause remains that could be raised to life or made into undead
of the thefts “the Creeping Doom,” a title Daurgothoth glee- creatures again by subsequent magics. (Note that Daur-
fully adopted), so he has taken to cloaking his activities gothoth can readily cause hostile lesser undead to fall and
behind a web of often unwitting thieving bands and sharp- then rise again—by use of his undeath gout—as undead
dealing “gray-market” merchants. under his command.) Undead creatures of 6-8 HD
Once a great wyrm of considerable size with a distinctive (wraiths, mummies, and spectres) are allowed a saving
gouge in his left flank (an old, nearly mortal wound), Daur- throw vs. breath weapon to escape the instant termination
gothoth was transformed into a dracolich by the crazed Cult of their undeath, and more powerful undead cannot be
mage Huulukharn. He promptly slew the wizard and van- stripped of their undeath by this breath weapon.
ished from the knowledge and influence of the Cult. Today
the Creeping Doom possesses all of the normal powers of a Daurgothoth is known to be developing other breath
dracolich and a great black wyrm plus a tail sting that lashes weapon attacks. In particular, he is seeking to modify cer-
out once per round for up to 36 feet at his normal THAC0 of tain of his spells into this attack form. The full range and
1 to slash for 2d6+12 points of damage or to stab for 4d4+12 power of his spells far outstrip those of normal dracoliches
points of damage. As his breath weapon, Daurgothoth can or dragons of any sort, and they seem to be on a par with
choose to employ (once in every three rounds) any one of the those of an archmage of 25th level. Rather than the normal
following effects: spell roster for a black dragon and the once-per-day nature

The Cult Today • 43

Daurgothoth, “The Creeping Doom”
of dracolich magic, Daurgothoth now wields a roster of five in battle; none can successfully goad him, and pride never
memorized spells of each level that individually return to leads him into overconfidence in battle or any stubborn
him 24 hours after being cast. To change a memorized spell, refusal to retreat. For an immortal dracolich who takes care
Daurgothoth must undertake study as a human mage does. to safeguard himself from destruction, there is always
He casts spells and makes saving throws as a 25th level wiz- another day for fighting—or for seeking revenge.
ard, retaining the 45% magic resistance he had as a living Daurgothoth is known to have a cruel sense of humor
great black wyrm. He is also known to have modified his and to enjoy thinking ahead to anticipate his opponents’
undead body to achieve immunity to the following spells: tactics in any struggle. He craves music and company from
imprisonment; power word, kill; reverse gravity; sink; temporal time to time, but he never lets these needs compromise the
stasis; and time stop. security of his lair. Beautiful lady bards who acquire myste-
Daurgothoth’s host (see the Dracolich entry in the rious lone male human audiences at their campfires in the
Magic and Monsters of the Cult chapter) is rumored to be a North are warned that they could be entertaining simple
black opal of insignificant size hidden in a huge heap of travelers, lycanthropes, dopplegangers, Harpers—or the
gems of all types and sizes that nearly fills a cavern that Creeping Doom. On a comforting note, Daurgothoth sel-
also holds the skeletal bodies of six lesser dragons that dom injures or devours good singers.
could serve Daurgothoth as a succession of replacement Daurgothoth’s Lair: The Creeping Doom lairs in the
bodies. This cave is walled away behind tumbled rock abandoned gnome city of Dolblunde north and east of
somewhere under the gem-filled cavern of Daurgothoth’s Waterdeep. Known entrances to this subterranean labyrinth
main lair. The rock to be dug aside to reach it may well include the bandit tunnels in nearby Maiden’s Tomb Tor,
underlie the dracolich’s bonepile itself. certain passages in the vast dungeon complex of Under-
Daurgothoth is a brilliant crafter of magic, an eternally mountain, and a flooded tunnel leading from the muddy
inquisitive being, and a practiced observer with an impres- bottom of the River Dessarin itself. This latter, largest route
sive memory He is governed by a wary paranoia that keeps is the one most often used by Daurgothoth, though the
him always on the lookout for lurking foes and possible dracolich does employ teleport spells on occasion.
attacks, and that makes him work constantly to better his Daurgothoth’s spells have hollowed out many large cav-
personal powers and defenses. This is one wyrm who is erns for his convenience, forming an ever-growing chain
never found with most or all of his spells exhausted. If he that is tunneling slowly northwest to a planned emergence
ever reaches such a state in the heat of protracted battle, he in a shaft in the mountains north of Waterdeep. To discour-
has been known to swiftly depart to hide away until his age intruders, the undead wyrm has placed many traps in
magic is again strong. He is patient in his dealings and calm the smaller gnome-constructed passages surrounding the

44 • The Cult Today

great caverns of his lair. There are a few teeter-block pitfalls, At the heart of Daurgothoth’s chain of caverns is a side
but most of these perils are stone spikefall traps (sharpened passage large enough for a dragon to fly down. It is guarded
stones on dangling chains that typically fall to inflict 5d4 by a wall of monster skeletons (the remains of a tribe of
points of damage on those they pierce). mountain giants, still armed with their clubs) who have
These mechanical hazards are assisted by unswervingly orders to attack all beings in the tunnel who are not Daur-
loyal undead servitors: deathfangs and a new sort of mon- gothoth himself. Above them hangs a death tyrant with
ster created by the Creeping Doom—bone lurkers. These similar orders. (The surviving eyestalk powers of this un-
undead creatures appear as portcullises or gridwork cur- dead beholder are unknown.)
tains of interlaced human and beast bones. They function Beyond these guardians, the tunnel leads to a closed
just as living lurkers do, except that their initial attack is a stone door that is itself a stone golem that attacks anyone
piercerlike fall from above to thrust into foes for 4d6 points trying to open it and reflects all spells used against it 100%
of damage. After their first plummeting attacks, bone lurk- back at their source. The door opens into a vast, ravaged
ers try to wrap themselves around foes as do living lurkers, cavern almost half a mile in length, its walls scorched and
dealing entangled opponents 3d4 points of piercing dam- scarred, and its floor heaped with broken stone. This is the
age per round. They move by flying (as lurkers) and fight dracolich’s spellcasting chamber, where he experiments
foes they have not enfolded by slapping them once per with magics.
round for 1d6 points of damage. A smaller tunnel leads off of one side of this cave, dou-
Bone lurkers have a Morale of 20 and never retreat from bling back on itself several times, to reach the gem-filled
foes except by Daurgothoth’s command. They share all the cave where Daurgothoth sleeps and broods upon a huge
usual spell immunities of undead creatures and also suffer pile of bones. Aside from the rumored secret walled-away
only half damage from edged weapons as do skeletons. A chamber that holds his host, two lesser caverns are known
bone lurker has an XP Value of 4,000—but some have been to branch away from the main one: a treasure vault
encountered that unleash one of the Creeping Doom’s spells crammed with all manner of magic, statuettes, coins, and
upon foes with such effects as paralyzation, weakness, magi- the like; and a storage room where the dragon keeps his
cal fear, or blindness; these are thought to be magics cast into spellbooks, the magical items he knows enough about to
the lurkers and somehow held for passing on to living tar- feel safe in using (just what these are remains a mystery),
gets. These spell-holding bone lurkers are worth 5,000 XP. and a smooth-walled prison pit into which he drops living
creatures he wants to keep for later. Much of the rest of this
Bone Lurker: AC 6; MV 1, Fl 9 (B); HD 10; THAC0 storage cavern is filled with a vast collection of odd sub-
11; #AT 1; Dmg 4d6 (initial piercing thrust) or 3d4 stances that might serve as material components, including
(continuing entangled piercing damage) or 1d6 the pickled corpses of such large monsters as dragon tur-
(unentangled slap); SA initial piercing thrust and tles, purple worms, and remorhaz (and, of course, several
continuing entanglement damage; SD 4 penalty to sorts of dragons).
opponents’ surprise rolls, unable to be turned, half The prison pit is a smooth-walled shaft 30 feet across
damage from edged weapons, immune to sleep, hold, and 100 feet deep. The stone walls are fused into an almost
charm, paralyzation, poison, and mind-controlling glassy state by many applications of fiery breath and cer-
magic; SZ H (20-foot diameter); ML 20; Int Non- (0); tain spells. The pit floor is damp sand. (Unknown to Daur-
AL Neutral; XP 4,000 or 5,000. gothoth, a staff of the magi is lost in it.) The dragon typically
loops a rope around prisoners and tosses them down the
Certain passages in Daurgothoth’s lair also boast what shaft, securing the upper end of their pull-ropes under a lid
can only be the wyrm’s salvaged early attempts at creating consisting of a huge, four-ton slab of stone that covers the
a tail sting: great snakelike assemblies of bone that are fixed top of the shaft. Dangerous prisoners (such as spellcasting
to the wall, ceiling, or floor at one end but can coil and lash adventurers) are encased in a set of iron bands of Bilarro first;
out from that anchor point to slash or stab foes with a bone this sphere lies ready in a hollow beside the shaft.
“sword spike” as long as some human males stand tall. In his main lair, Daurgothoth’s massive bonepile affords
This fearsome edged weapon pierces for 3d8 points of him raw material for his bone-related attacks. He has the
damage or slashes for 2d6 points of damage. ability to teleport all unenchanted, nonundead bare bones
These bony “stingers” range in length from 70 feet to 30 within 40 feet into himself to breathe forth as necessary.
feet (although they can retract into a compact stack as short (They fly at MV 6 (D) and cause no harm upon entering his
as 20 feet). Although they are unintelligent constructs unaf- skeletal form.) If away from his bonepile, he can transport
fected by spells designed to control the mind or deceive the bones from it over any distance on Toril to his innards to be
senses, they seem able to sense all living beings within their used in his breath weapon attack.
reaches. They attack all such targets. Each stinger has 4 to 8 Daurgothoth’s Domain: From Dolblunde, Daurgothoth
HD and an AC of 7. A stinger has one stab and one slash keeps watch over traffic on the High Road, the Long Road,
attack in a round at the THAC0 appropriate for its Hit Dice and on the River Dessarin, as well as overland from the
and is subject to spells that control undead or that influence walls of Goldenfields, south along the west bank of the
bones. If a stinger is severed from its base or separated into Dessarin to Zundbridge, and north from there along the
its component parts, all of the parts’ animation is lost. coast roughly as far as Mount Sar. He lacks the time to spy
Shards from shattered stinger bones have no properties much in Waterdeep but employs a modified long-range
beyond that of any other dead bony material. wizard eye spell for hours at a time to peer at things in the

The Cult Today • 45

City of Splendors when he is interested in something individual read while at the same time eluding the efforts
(when word is abroad in the city about a wizardly duel, for of anyone searching for such a mind-link (which those in
instance, or the Watchful Order is gathering to discuss power in Candlekeep do regularly, as such infiltrations
something important). Daurgothoth’s attention is caught have been attempted often in the recent past).
by all things magical and news of dragons and their Daurgothoth’s current activities include trying to infil-
doings. He is not, however, interested in being identified trate temples of Lathander to gain magic related to the cre-
and located by nosy priests or mages, and he seldom acts ation of life (for his own breeding plans) and personally
openly in his territory. One day, when his lair reaches to the trying to develop a breath weapon that acts as a Morden-
surface somewhere in the mountains, he may fly forth each kainen’s disjunction on everyone’s magic but his. Thus far, he
night to destroy any who dare to question his authority— can breathe out a dispel magic conical effect, but he resists
once his traps are ready to deal with the archmages who using it in battle because it tends to spin wild magic away
will inevitably try to destroy him. Soon, perhaps . . . . from its verges, sometimes doing him more harm than good.
In the meantime, Daurgothoth prefers to employ vari- Daurgothoth’s Magic: The Creeping Doom commands
ous unscrupulous minor wizards (including, notably, sev- almost as wide an array of personally modified spells as do
eral Zhentarim magelings who fled the fall of Zhentil the Seven Sisters or such mighty mages as Elminster and
Keep) and adventuring bands. He keeps these forces Khelben Arunsun. One deadly personal magic deserves
believing they are working for a Waterdhavian noble who mention because it is so spectacular:
uses magic to conceal his identity, and he tries to keep each
group of his agents ignorant of the existence of the others.
Sometimes he tests their loyalty and mettle by sending var- Bonemelt (Wiz 8; Necromancy)
ious agents after the same thing to see who prevails, how, Range: 10 yards+10 yards/level
and what they report to him about it. These agents serve to Components: V
seize various magical items, spells, and substances that Duration: 1 day/level
could serve Daurgothoth in spellcasting. Casting Time: 8
Daurgothoth often employs such aliases as “the Masked Area of Effect: One creature
Master” or “Onalibar” when dealing with his underlings. Saving Throw: Special
(The latter name is a private joke: It once belonged to a Cult
of the Dragon mage who tried to enslave the dracolich This spell transforms the bones of a living mam-
soon after his initial rebellion—and who was promptly malian creature who fails a saving throw vs. spell to
eaten for his pains.) He rewards the wizard agents with jelly, causing the victim to collapse at the end of the
useful spells from his collection, steering them into stealing next round into a helpless, amoebalike slithering blob.
or developing other magics for him in return. Breathing and movement (by creeping, at MV 3) are
The Deeds of Daurgothoth: Freed of the need to hunt possible, but climbing, flying, wielding items, and the
or consume any sort of food, Daurgothoth can pursue ever- like become impossible. Death does not automatically
greater magical achievements more or less constantly. He directly occur from this alteration, but it often results
tries to hide from other dracoliches and living dragons as from failure of the system shock roll required when
much as possible, as well as from the annoyingly energetic the “boneless” state takes effect or the lack of swift
members of the Cult of the Dragon. He has decided that if mobility the spell causes. Daurgothoth can reverse the
the Cult proves to be too much of an annoyance, he will bonemelt at will (usually so that the victim can be slain
attempt to take over its leadership (concealing his true and then made into a servitor undead), but it other-
nature) and put it to work for him in his quest for the find- wise lasts for 25 days when he casts it. Boneless crea-
ing or making of a perfect mate. tures do not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe, but
Daurgothoth is especially wary of, and yet fascinated by, they suffer 4d4 points of damage per day if subjected
amethyst dragons and faerie dragons. He judges that their to full sunlight for more than seven continuous hours.
skills make them unpredictable and therefore dangerous, yet When a bonemelt spell ends, either due to its duration
he also considers them possible sources for something that expiring or Daurgothoth so willing it, affected victims
could be bred or modified into his mate. He is also interested need not make another system shock roll to once again
in fire lizards and firedrakes as possible raw material for see if they survive; they automatically do so.
breeding stock, so he follows news of their movements. If a target of this spell succeeds at a saving throw
Studying the activities of the Cult of the Dragon and of vs. spell, only one limb is affected. (Determine such
wizards in general, while keeping well away from strongly affected limbs randomly between arms and legs;
organized groupings of mages such as the Red Wizards of heads and tails—if any—are not targeted by the magic.)
Thay or the archwizards of Halruaa, makes up much of his Failure at this saving throw means that the victim
daily work. He is always considering schemes to improve becomes boneless as described above.
the powers of any underlings or constructed servitor crea- A boneless limb turns into a dangling, jellylike
tures so that they can snatch newly developed magics from mass lacking the strength to hold or carry things. If the
such sources undetected—or at least in such a way that limb is normally used for locomotion, the creature’s
they cannot reliably be followed. Often he ponders how he movement rate drops by three-quarters (round up),
might mind-control a scholar of Candlekeep well enough
to learn things mind-to-mind and direct what books the

46 • The Cult Today

pares a wide variety of traps and foils designed to weaken
and spellcasting or activities requiring careful balance and distract his foes. In every lair he has ever claimed,
or deft manipulations typically become impossible. Dretch has passed the years creating an ever-widening ring
Worn or held items may or may not be dropped, of snares, pitfalls, and magical traps so as to be prepared
depending on the situation and the actions of the vic- for the incursions of unexpected interlopers.
tim. If the limb is normally used in the somatic ges- Like most green dragons of Cormanthor, Dretchroyaster
tures of spellcasting, a spell requiring its use has its has a great fondness for the flesh of centaurs, and he hunts
casting time increased by 3 if it normally takes less them at any opportunity, even now that he has been trans-
than a round to cast, or by a round if it normally take a formed. Elves are an incredible delicacy to be savored for
round or more to cast. Certain spells may prove months, but the Fair Folk are few and far between. As a
impossible to cast, at the DM’s discretion. result, when the green dracolich needs to replenish his breath
A full day after the spell affects boneless creatures weapon, he usually dines on the humans and horses who
(24 hours), they are allowed a system shock roll at a make up standard caravan fare. For variety, and to satisfy his
-25% penalty. If the roll succeeds, the victim returns to depraved sense of humor, Dretch enjoys dining on still-living
his or her normal form at the end of 1 turn. Victims treants—when he can get them. Aside from his suspect
who fail this roll must wait until the spell expires or is nerve, Dretchroyaster’s major weakness in years past has
ended by Daurgothoth to return to normal. been his tendency to let his guard drop when dining. Given
Though this spell is usable by dragons alone and is his declining appreciation of once-favored foods after his
in fact unique to Daurgothoth, its casting time reflects transformation and as a result of several near-fatal experi-
the fact that Daurgothoth casts spells as a human wiz- ences, the dracolich is now warier when consuming prey and
ard with levels rather than as an innate ability of his seems unlikely to let his guard down in this fashion again.
dragon form. Dretchroyaster’s transformation into a dracolich is a
familiar tale of slow seduction and manipulation on the
part of the Keepers of the Secret Hoard. The green wyrm
Daurgothoth’s Fate: The Creeping Doom is so ambitious had long been courted by the Cult of the Dragon, but not
that his schemes seem destined to failure. Even Daur- until after two close brushes with death at the hands of
gothoth himself is aware that spawning a race of descen- adventurers did he even consider the Cult’s entreaties. The
dants having powers akin to his own could well bring on first incident occurred in the Year of the Snarling Dragon
his own eventual doom at their hands. Still, even if he never (1279 DR) after Dretch awoke from a century-long sleep
mates, his continual growth in power is a matter of grave and emerged from his concealed lair to terrorize the region.
concern for folk all over Faerûn, both draconic and human. Several normally independent adventuring companies,
This dracolich will stop at nothing, and Mystra seems who came to call themselves collectively the Crossed
content to let him build himself into the greatest creature of Swords, were commissioned to dispatch the wyrm. Dretch-
magic in all Toril if he can achieve this aim. At the same royaster was grievously wounded, but he managed to
time, his lonely search for a mate opens him up to attack make his escape. The Crossed Swords were unable to find
from wily foes, and if his seizures of magic grow more suc- the dragon’s lair, so well was it concealed.
cessful, he will soon have no shortage of those foes. The second incident occurred fairly recently in the sum-
mer of the Year of the Crown (1351 DR). The Merry Ma-
Dretchroyaster, “The Monarch Reborn” rauders crossed paths with Dretchroyaster in the elven
Dretchroyaster (DRETCH-ro-YAZ-ter), more commonly woods south of Myth Drannor while the wyrm was feed-
known as “Dretch,” was a venerable green dragon prior to ing on a trio of centaurs of the Cloven Hoof tribe it had just
his recent transformation into a dracolich in the Year of the slain. The adventuring band attacked the incautious wyrm
Sword (1365 DR). Dretchroyaster now styles himself “the and wounded him severely, but again Dretchroyaster just
Monarch Reborn,” which reflects his transformation and barely managed to escape. The Merry Marauders were
ambitions for supremacy in the region as much as it does unable to locate the wyrm’s lair, but they did find one of
his mad attempts to transform himself into a spelljammer. the narrow ventilation tunnels Dretch had dug to improve
(See below for more details on the latter.) the air circulation in his home. The band’s wizards cast sev-
Well known throughout the southern Dales for his peri- eral cloudkill and incendiary cloud spells down the hole, fur-
odic rampages inflicting widespread destruction, Dretch- ther injuring the wyrm.
royaster is a fell hunter of all forms of life who is known for Unbeknownst to the green dragon or even themselves,
his merciless manner, unquenchable greed, and masterful the Merry Marauders had been secretly hired by Larkonlan,
cunning. Less appreciated is Dretch’s physical cowardice a high-ranking wizard in the Sembian Cult cell, as the open-
(although he fights if cornered) and his desperation to ing gambit of the mage’s campaign to convince Dretchroy-
avoid death at any cost. As Dretchroyaster has yet to be aster to become a dracolich or to drive him from the region.
challenged by a worthy foe, he does not yet exhibit the Shortly after Dretch’s second near-death experience, Larkon-
fearless morale common to most dracoliches. lan and his allies approached the wyrm with a magnificent
Dretchroyaster prefers to initiate combat with any foe offering for his hoard and tendered their offers of dracolich-
with a series of feints and diversions designed to expose dom. At that time, the wizard mentioned that if the venera-
his opponents’ weaknesses. The dracolich has a masterful ble green dragon was considering moving his lair, the Cult
grasp of tactics and terrain, and, if possible, he always pre- had found a perfect new location for him to consider.

The Cult Today • 47

Two years earlier, the Company of the Sparrow Hawk, a avoided by animals, the amber-and-emerald crystal webs
band of mercenaries recruited by the Sembian Cult cell, and walls apparently were used by the elves as a redoubt
had stumbled across a unique site in the elven woods while and shelter in the latter half of the Weeping War and were
returning from an unsuccessful foray into Myth Drannor. A probably used intermittently thereafter in a similar fashion.
gargantuan plant resembling a large crystalline web had Since taking up residence amidst the wildly overgrown
overrun a woodland glade, creating a natural mazelike lair. remains of the Monarch Mordent, Dretchroyaster has spent
While there was evidence that elves had visited the site endless hours shaping and modifying his lair. As of the Year
previously, divination spells determined that none of the of the Tankard (1370 DR), Monarch’s Fall Glade has been
Fair Folk had trod amidst the crystal webworks for at least transformed into a three-dimensional labyrinth of vegeta-
two score years and, with the Retreat to Evermeet well tion. Twisty little passages snarl throughout the multi-
underway, it seemed unlikely that any remaining elves dimensional maze; their walls and floors are composed of
could manage more than a token opposition to a newly res- tightly woven brambles and briars sporting countless thorns.
ident dragon. As he had already been considering moving Many of the passageways are too small for Dretch to navi-
to a new residence, Dretchroyaster took advantage of the gate unless he employs a reduce spell (the reverse form of the
Cult’s discovery and shifted his lair to Monarch’s Fall 1st-level wizard spell enlarge), but others are large enough so
Glade, as it is known to the elves, in the Year of the Dragon that the wyrm can squeeze his ponderous bulk through.
(1352 DR). (On a side note, part of the Larkonlan’s motiva- The crystalline walls and overgrown brambles and bri-
tion in inducing Dretchroyaster to move seems to have had ars of Dretchroyaster’s lair block most, but not all, of the
to do with the fact that plans to install another Sacred One light that makes it through the forest canopy, lending a
in Aencar’s Manor in Battledale were already well under- lambent green hue to all illumination similar to that seen
way, and the two lairs would have been too close together by peering through a large emerald or still-sodden sea-
to avoid friction between the Sacred Ones.) weed. The walls of vegetation are thick enough to support
For more than a decade, Larkonlan and his fellow a great deal of weight (up to and including the dracolich
Cultists visited Dretchroyaster in his new lair, always offer- himself), but the sharp thorns inflict 1d6 points of damage
ing new gifts for the dragon’s hoard and subtly playing on per round to unprotected flesh (except Dretchroyaster’s).
Dretch’s unspoken, but quite evident, fear of adventurers. Vapors take a long time to disperse when trapped inside
After 13 years of such courtship, Dretchroyaster agreed to the tunnels of the plant labyrinth. Thus, spells such as stink-
undergo the transformation, but only after insisting on the ing cloud and cloudkill persist for twice their normal dura-
construction of a host certain to increase his chances of sur- tion when cast within the confines of Monarch’s Fall Glade,
viving if his physical form was ever slain. (See below for and counterspells such as gust of wind are typically ineffec-
details on Dragonslair, Dretchroyaster’s unique host.) tive. When Dretch employs his breath weapon within the
Dretchroyaster’s Lair: Dretch lairs in a tangled glen east maze of vegetation, it persists for a second round doing
of ruined Myth Drannor and south of Hillsfar known as similar damage as the first round he breathed to anyone
Monarch’s Fall Glade. The glade is named for one of the remaining in the targeted area. (Those who successfully
more unusual battles that was fought between the Army of saved vs. breath weapon in the first round, however, take
Darkness and the defenders of Myth Drannor during the at most half damage—or quarter damage if they make a
course of the Weeping War that eventually led to the fall of second successful saving throw.) The Monarch Reborn has
the City of Song. carefully crafted countless tiny passages between adjoining
On the 25th day of Hammer in the Year of the Firedrake tunnels that enable him to employ his breath weapon and
(713 DR), during one of the many battles that composed the other spells so as to attack interlopers without exposing
Weeping War, an elven man-o-war crashed into the trees himself to their attacks.
atop part of the Army of Darkness that was invading Cor- Some magical effect, possibly a remnant of the enchant-
manthyr. The spelljammer had been dispatched by the Elven ments that protected the Monarch Mordent, makes all living
Imperial Fleet of Realmspace in response to a magical plea vegetation within Monarch’s Fall Glade immune to fire.
from a grounded ally among Cormanthyr’s wizards. In the Open flames and spells such as firebaIl inflict normal dam-
First and Second Greenwing Wars, the man-o-war had been age on creatures within their area of effect, but the sur-
an important component of the Dawn Fronts Campaign and rounding vegetation is as fire resistant as stone.
helped changed the tide of the war in the northern forest in Dretchroyaster’s old residence is located southwest of
the elves’ favor. In the third engagement in which the Essembra in a network of natural caverns. Ancient tunnels
Monarch Mordent participated, however, Captain Oncith connect the now-abandoned lair with the cellars of Llund-
Ilbenalu’s pride overcame his sense, and he maneuvered too lar’s Manse, one of the Ghost Holds along Rauthauvyr’s
close to the treetops. Gaulguth the nycaloth flew skyward Road. Unbeknownst to the Cult, the Monarch Reborn has
and sheered off one of the ship’s wings at its base with his returned to his previous home on more than one occasion,
great axe Heartcleaver. The helmsman died immediately as a as it is well-situated near a network of gates through which
result of the magical shock, and the ship and all hands on the Monarch Reborn can quickly travel to the distant
board were lost in the subsequent crash. reaches of Faerûn.
In the centuries following the Third Greenwing War, the Dretchroyaster’s Domain: Dretchroyaster’s recently
man-o-war’s photosynthetic wings continued to grow, and established and slowly expanding domain stretches across
large crystalline webworks wrapped around the clearings much of the northern reaches of the elven woods. The ven-
and trees in the immediate vicinity of the crash site. Largely erable green dracolich claims the triangular region extend-

48 • The Cult Today

Dretchroyaster, The Monarch Reborn”
ing from Yûlash to the Standing Stone to Elventree. While fresh-water lake and the surrounding shoreline for years
no part of Dretchroyaster’s demesne is free from challenge thereafter. The small clans of Alu’Tel’Quessir (aquatic
by other wyrms, living or undead, the green dracolich’s elves) who lived beneath the surface of the lake were dev-
claims ring particularly hollow in both the vicinity of the astated by the lingering contaminants, and many were
Elven Court and Myth Drannor and its environs. forced to return to their ancestral waters in the Sea of
Few creatures living in or passing through Dretchroy- Fallen Stars. Only the tireless efforts of Semberholme’s res-
aster’s demesne are aware of the newly resident draconic ident druids and high mages restored Lake Sember to its
overlord. As the great dracolich settles into his surround- original purity a decade later.
ings, however, such ignorance is sure to fade. Dretchroy- Before his transformation, Dretchroyaster regarded the
aster has agreed to allow merchant caravans under the venerable female green dragon Verthandantalynx, the Ver-
protection of his Cult allies to pass in exchange for sizable dant Cloud, as his mate, but it has been nearly two decades
tithes to his hoard, but all other passersby he considers to since he last contacted her, and she and her latest brood
be unsolicited offerings from the teeming cities of mam- may very well have been slain by adventurers. (“Little Ver-
mals that are intended to sate his all-consuming greed. thie,” as Verthandantalynx is more commonly known to
The Deeds of Dretchroyaster: Among humankind, Dretch, is believed to lair approximately 80 miles due west
Dretchroyaster is perhaps best remembered for the destruc- of Myth Drannor near the villages of Trenahess and Caronal
tion he wrought throughout Battledale, Tasseldale, and along the banks of the River Ashaba. Like her mother and
Featherdale in the Year of the Snarling Dragon (1279 DR). her mother’s clan a thousand years before her, Little Verthie
Over 700 Dalesfolk lost their lives in the two-month ram- is venerated by the local humans as a god. She is described
page, and more than a half-dozen villages were trans- in The Draconomicon.) Unlike many younger greens,
formed into poisonous wastelands as a result of the wyrm’s Dretchroyaster and Verthandantalynx had mated on more
ruinous crusade. The events of this dark time are recounted than one occasion, and, equally atypically, Dretchroyaster
in a sad ballad still sung today in the southern Dales enti- had always left Verthandantalynx to raise their offspring.
tled “The Clouds Came Rolling In.” Since his transformation, the Monarch Reborn has be-
Amongst the elves, the green wyrm is best known for come obsessed with the remains of the elven spelljammer
an aerial duel he fought above Lake Sember with the then- that constitutes much of his new lair. Dretch has invested a
very-old female black dragon, Naxorlytaalsxar, the Terror great deal of time and energy into unlocking the secrets of
Tenebrous, in the Year of Watery Graves (1091 DR). Show- spelljamming in pursuit of a mad obsession. As a result of
ers of acid and poisonous clouds of gas from the conflict, his research, the dracolich has managed to graft bits of the
later named the Battle of Falling Fishkill, befouled the emerald-hued crystalline plant that once comprised the

The Cult Today • 49

Monarch Mordent onto his partially skeletal body. Eventu-
ally, Dretchroyaster plans to cover his entire skeletal frame west central forest was known) by a falling star over
with the ever-growing plant and transform his physical 6,000 years ago. Chomylla was one of the few Uvare-
body into a spelljamming vessel capable of exploring the anni to escape the catastrophe thanks to her fortuitous
heavens. Toward that end, the Monarch Reborn continues visit to the court of Jhyrennstar on behalf of the last
to search for the lost spelljamming helm that once propelled Coronal of Uvarean, Lady Mnuvae, days before the
the elven man-o-war. Twelve Nights of Fire. In the wake of the conflagration,
Dretchroyaster’s Magic: The Monarch Reborn employs a Chomylla bequeathed her diamond staff to the Fourth
growing number of unusual and rare magical items and Coronal of Jhyrennstar for safekeeping before she
spells. Elven observers have determined that Dretchroyaster returned to her homeland to see what, if anything,
has access to at least two rare spells created by his ancestor could be saved from Uvarean’s libraries. The high
the legendary Venominhandar— Venom’s brambletangle and mage was never heard from again, and her diamond
Venom’s thicketgrowth— and the Monarch Reborn is thought staff vanished mysteriously from the vaults of Jhyrenn-
to possess several spell tomes that once belonged to the leg- star shortly thereafter. Although the diamond staff was
endary green wyrm of the Tangled Vale. Dretchroyaster is reportedly in the possession of an orc of the Army of
also thought to have found the lorebook of the captain’s Darkness in the northern woods above Oloriil for a
chest of the Monarch Mordent, as he has employed a closely short while, it never resurfaced after the Weeping War
guarded spell of the Elven Imperial Fleet, train vegetation, to concluded. The legendary lorestaff was not recovered
modify his new lair extensively. Though he is not a dragon until the (appropriately named) Year of the Staff (1366
mage, apparently he has been able to consciously select DR), when Dretchroyaster uncovered it in the Lost
which spells he would develop as his dragon spell-like abil- Trench amidst the remains of the fallen.
ity spells (which he can cast once a day and automatically The diamond staff of Chomylla is nearly 6 feet in
regains the next day, and for which he has a casting time of 1 length, gradually tapers toward the base, and is cut
and only a verbal spell component) and has been able to use from a magically elongated diamond. Six rectangular
particular spell tomes, some of which through unknown facets run the length of the quarterstaff, each inscribed
means he has learned to read, as references to pick several of with nearly invisible runes written in a long-forgotten
them from. Indeed, it is possible that he may be able to ancient elven racial script. The top and bottom of the
choose his spells for a particular day from a roster of spells staff are each capped by six sharply tapering triangular
in excess of the four 1st-level spells and three 2nd-level facets that come together at pointed tips.
spells his age would normally limit him to, though he can- Anyone in physical contact with the diamond staff of
not cast more than that number of spells per day. However, Chomylla may detect magic by silent act of will. In addi-
he does not study spells from a spellbook like a normal tion, the bearer of the diamond staff may cast identify,
mage, so the manner by which he does this may be in some legend lore, and tongues three times each per day. If used
way akin to a magical fusion of draconic mental abilities in combat, the glassteeled diamond staff is as light as a
with the less well-known science of psionics. pine stave of similar shape but as strong as adaman-
In addition to his diverse spell selection, Dretchroyaster tine, and it serves as a quarterstaff+3 in the hands of a
has been amassing magical items for his hoard and to safe- proficient wielder. Once per day, the bearer of the dia-
guard his lair. Of particular note, the Monarch Reborn mond staff may cause its touch (requiring a successful
acquired several items of ancient elven make over the attack roll) to flood the target’s mind with a torrent of
course of several forays to the Lost Trench, site of a leg- information (treat as the effects of a maze spell). The dia-
endary battle of the Weeping War. Amidst the bones of the mond staff makes its item saving throws as metal, and it
Army of Darkness, Dretch recovered such relics as the dia- is immune to spells such as shatter.
mond staff of Chomylla, Azler’s harp, and a helping hand. (Both The primary function of the diamond staff of Chomylla,
Azler’s harp and helping hands are described in the ENCYCLO- which is unknown to either Dretchroyaster or the Cult
PEDIA M AGICA tomes. The green dracolich has become of the Dragon, is to unlock the secrets of the libraries of
sufficiently practiced employing the helping hand that he Uvarean. While many of these ancient lorehouses are no
can evoke the powers of Azler’s harp remotely. This ability more, some few do survive, albeit usually in a damaged
has enabled him to escape some of the magical bindings state, in the environs of Mistledale. To keep the secrets
the Cult enacted during his transformation into a draco- of the ancient elves, Uvarean’s lore was encrypted in
lich.) The most important item of magic in the Monarch countless artifacts of that realm. Examples include
Reborn’s hoard, by far, is Dragonslair, a magical long sword chimes keyed to play multiple elven melodies whose
whose gemstone pommel serves as the dracolich’s host. overlay reveals unexpected lore, stone murals of elabo-
rate scenes in which miniature runes are inscribed, crys-
tal spindles carved to reveal pictographs within that
Diamond Staff of Chomylla vary with the ambient light, etc. In the immediate pres-
The diamond staff of Chomylla is one of at least three ence of relics housing Uvarean’s lore, a faint tingling is
long-lost lorestaffs of Uvarean. The diamond staff was cre- perceived by the bearer of the diamond staff, even if she
ated by its namesake centuries before the destruction or he is unaware of hidden lore secreted in a nearby
of the Lorelands (as the elven realm of Uvarean in the object. If the bearer of the diamond staff concentrates on a

50 • The Cult Today

specific bit of lore and makes a successful Intelligence upon the glassteeled rogue stone embedded in the pom-
ability check, she or he gains a partial understanding of mel, at least seven cast by powerful Cult mages and the
what is meant by the information contained in an rest by previous owners of the gem (unknown to the
encrypted item. To truly understand the knowledge Cult of the Dragon). (Some of the prior owners may
hidden within the unorthodox libraries of the Lore- survive today as liches, vampire archmages, or worse.)
lands, of course, requires an elven lifetime of study. The rogue stone facilitates retrieval of the blade by Cult
mages, if ever necessary, assuming it is not encased in
Dragonslair an anti-magic shell or left in a dead magic region. Nor-
Dragonslair, pronounced “Dragonslayer,” is a long mally the blade is a nonaligned, nonintelligent weapon.
sword +2, green dragon slayer that was enspelled by When Dretchroyaster’s spirit is contained within
Larkonlan, a wizard of the Cult of the Dragon, in the the rogue stone (in other words, the body of the draco-
Year of the Sword (1365 DR). The magical blade’s pom- lich is slain, but not the spirit), the sword gains several
mel is inset with a rogue stone that serves as the host of additional powers. It becomes an intelligent weapon
the green dracolich Dretchroyaster. When agreeing to (alignment LE, Intelligence 12, Ego 21, Personality 33)
undergo the transformation into a dracolich, that speaks the language of green dragons, Auld Wyr-
Dretchroyaster insisted on the design of this very mish, and the common tongue of humanity in addition
unique host in order to maximize his opportunity to to being telepathic. It radiates a permanent undetectable
acquire a new body if he were ever slain. (Rogue stones alignment spell (reverse of know alignment) that cannot
are described in Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical.) be dispelled.
Dragonslair was crafted from the finest mithral by a Dragonslair has several additional powers as well
duergar master smith. Its gleaming, straight blade is when the dracolich’s spirit occupies the host. The
treated with everbright, enchanted so as to always retain bearer of the sword is immune to all harmful gasses,
an enduring, bright shine. This treatment prevents any can cast water breathing at will, can cast warp wood three
rusting, tarnishing, discoloration, or corrosion. (Ever- times a day, plant growth once a day, and entangle once a
bright is described in Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical.) day. In addition, Dretchroyaster’s spirit can cast sugges-
The mithral hilt is carved to resemble a dragon tion once a day on only the swordbearer, and he can
wrapped in a tight spiral by its own tail (which acts as detect the location and distance of the nearest green
a grip). If examined by someone well versed in dragon dragon(s) on the current plane, if any, at will. All spells
lore, the hilt carving can be identified as a stylized cast by the sword and Dretchroyaster’s spirit in this
depiction of a green dragon. The jaws of the dragon form are at the 18th level of spell use.
stretch impossibly wide to form the hand-guard, and In life and undeath, Dretchroyaster is a cruel and
an etching of a billowing cloud of gas issuing from the ruthless plotter known for his greed and penchant for
dragon’s mouth is carved into the blade itself. Embed- binges of wanton destruction. While his spirit inhabits
ded in the pommel nut is a small, shifting, rainbow-col- his host blade, Dretchroyaster imbues the sword with
ored, iridescent gemstone. Its fluid shades of color the same personality. The green dracolich uses his sug-
appear almost liquid under normal sunlight. When the gestion power and ability to dominate weak personali-
dracolich’s spirit inhabits the rogue stone, the gem ties to direct any foolish or wounded swordbearer in
glows with a dim green light. the direction of the nearest green dragon in order to
Close examination of the blade reveals a pattern of confront and kill the dracolich’s “host apparent.” If
runes inscribed in the vaporous cloud on both sides of slain and imprisoned within its host, the dracolich
the blade. The runes are written in Auld Wyrmish and spirit goes to any lengths to recover its original form,
spell out “Dragonslair.” A permanent variant of a con- first by seizing the corpse of a (preferably green)
fuse languages spell has been cast on the runes ensuring dragon as a proto-dracolich and then devouring its
that anyone attempting to read the runes using magic original body to become a dracolich again. The draco-
(such as a comprehend languages spell or a helm of com- lich enjoys riddles, and readily admits (verbally) that it
prehending languages and reading magic) is 95% likely to is an enchanted blade created to serve as a “dragon-
mistranslate the runes as “Dragonslayer,” as is any slayer” (actually a pun on the phrase “dragon’s lair,”
rogue using his or her read languages ability. A dispel which is what he really says), specializing in killing
magic spell cast on the sword temporarily removes this green dragons. (This is not a falsehood.) Dretchroyaster
confuse languages effect for 1d4 rounds. reveals the sword’s powers only as he wishes.
The sword has all of the powers of a long sword +2,
green dragon slayer. The blade has a +4 attack and dam- Venom’s Brambletangle (Wiz 1; Alteration)
age bonus against any sort of true dragon. It inflicts Range: 30 yards
triple damage against green dragons (3d12+4), but it is Components: V
considered a bonusless magical weapon when used Duration: Permanent
against any sort of dracolich and does not inflict triple Casting Time: 1
damage against green dracoliches. Twelve gemjump Area of Effect: 90 cubic feet
spells (detailed in Pages from the Mages) have been cast Saving Throw: None

The Cult Today • 51

This dragon-only spell has been used to great effect Alternatively, this spell can be used to graft a single
by the progeny of Venominhandar and his mate since plant to another plant’s root or to bind a single plant’s
their deaths prior the erection of the Standing Stone. root to a foreign substance such as rock, bone, or the
By means of this spell, the spellcaster transforms a like.
region of briars and/or brambles into a densely tan- The material components of this spell are a twig
gled and thorny coppice through which movement is with a green leaf still attached, an acorn, and powdered
nearly impossible. Within the area of effect of Venom’s green gemstones of at least 500 gp in value.
brambletangle, creatures of large or greater size cannot
pass without suffering 1d8 points of damage per Venom’s Thicketgrowth (Wiz 2; Alteration)
round or move at a rate greater than MR 1 (or 10 yards Range: 30 yards
per round, if distance is calculated in more easily in Components: V
that fashion in a particular instance) without some Duration: Permanent
form of magical protection or facilitation. Casting Time: 1
Man-sized and small creatures cannot move at a Area of Effect: 90 cubic feet
rate greater than MR 1 (or 10 yards per round, if dis- Saving Throw: None
tance is calculated in more easily in that fashion in a
particular instance) without taking damage unless Often used in conjunction with Venom’s brambletan-
using some form of magical protection or facilitation. gle, Venom’s thicketgrowth is favored by several of Cor-
Such creatures can choose to move at a rate of up to manthor’s green dragons as a means of constructing
half their normal movement rate, but they suffer 1d6 extensive lairs amidst the forest’s vegetation. It is a
points of damage per round if they do so. dragon-only spell.
Tiny creatures can move at a rate of up to half their By means of this spell, the spellcaster causes the
normal movement rate without taking any damage if dominant vegetation within a 90-cubic-foot region to
they use some form of magical protection or facilita- spread to an adjacent region of similar volume. While
tion. If they choose to move at their normal movement preexisting vegetation is not directly killed by means of
rate, however, they take 1d4 points of damage per this spell, the propagated species typically overwhelms
round. its competitors within a year of this spell’s casting.
If cast repeatedly, this spell enables the propagation
Train Vegetation (Wiz 2; Alteration) of a single species over an extensive region. It is said
Range: Touch that Venominhandar and his mate employed this spell
Components: V, S, M (V for Dretch) in conjunction with Venom’s brambletangle to transform
Duration: Permanent the Emerald Vale into the Tangled Vale.
Casting Time: 1 hour (1 for Dretch)
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None Dretchroyaster’s Fate: Dretchroyaster is still growing
comfortable amidst his new surroundings and with his
Developed long ago by wizards of the Elven Imper- recent transformation. As a result, he will most likely con-
ial Fleet of Wildspace to enable rapid and skillful tinue to exhibit a degree of tentativeness in his actions over
repairs of elven spelljamming vessels, this spell the next century or so. With the exodus of most of Corman-
enables the spellcaster to sculpt and train living plants, thor’s elven inhabitants in the Retreat to Evermeet, how-
such as (but not limited to) those from which elven ever, the green dracolich has, in effect, established his new
man-o-wars and other spelljammers are grown. domain in unclaimed lands, and thus he seems likely to
When cast, train vegetation enables the spellcaster to grow dramatically in power in the coming years. In many
train, prune, cultivate, and otherwise sculpt up to 100 ways, Dretch’s greatest short-term challenge is to avoid
cubic yards (in other words, one ton of displacement arousing the ire (and hired blades) of Maalthiir, First Lord
in spelljammer parlance) of plant life. Application of of Hillsfar, or the merchants of Sembia by disrupting trade
this spell does not enable the spellcaster to radically along the Moonsea Ride overmuch.
alter the current state of plants within the area of Dretchroyaster’s spelljamming ambitions seem likely to
effect. Branches may be lengthened, shortened, bent, succeed if he can obtain a helm as a means of propulsion
twisted, thinned, and/or thickened, but no change and determine how to make his own undead body the
may alter the vegetation’s original state by more than ship. Dretch has searched most of the area surrounding his
10% of the original value. For example, a 10-inch tall lair for the major helm lost in the crash of the Monarch Mor-
seedling could be increased in height to at most 11 dent, so far without success. If and when the Monarch
inches whereas a 10-foot tall sapling could be increased Reborn acquires a helm, he is sure to redouble his efforts to
to at most 11 feet in height. When applied to an elven explore the heavens above. In the meantime, he continues
spelljammer, this spell enables the caster to repair one his search for tomes of lore and magical items that will
hull point of damage per application. assist him in his mad quest.

52 • The Cult Today

dragon before the transformation, also serves a Cult cell
Known Cult Dragons and Dracoliches in the Moonshae Isles. Though his lair or lairs are un-
Below is a listing of all the known dragons and dracoliches known, one of them has been theorized to be on the isle of
that are or were affiliated with the Cult of the Dragon. Snowdown due to several appearances he has made to
(Game-specific details of these creatures are left to DMs to attack ships in that area.
determine.) Two points must be made concerning this Daurgothoth (Black Dracolich): This beast was a great
information. First, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. black wyrm before his transformation by the crazed Cult
Other dracoliches certainly may exist and more dragons mage Huulukharn. Daurgothoth slew the wizard and
could side with the Cult or undergo the transformation vanished from the knowledge and influence of the Cult
process at any time. Second, all the creatures listed here are after recognizing that some of the spells incorporated into
given some geographic references. DMs should feel free to the ritual were designed to give Huulukharn and the Cult
change or ignore those references if they choose. a measure of control over the newly created dracolich.
Alasklerbanbastos (Blue Dracolich): This great blue The Creeping Doom, as the undead wyrm is known, has
wyrm contested with the great red wyrm Tchazzar for acquired numerous alternative breath weapons and con-
control of western Unther (now Chessenta) in the decades tinues to pursue ever-greater magical achievements. Dau-
before and after the Year of Flashing Eyes (929 DR). After rgothoth lairs in the abandoned subterranean gnome city
the apparent ascension to godhood of Tchazzar, thereafter of Dolblunde, located north and east of Waterdeep.
known as the Father of Chessenta, in the Year of the The Dire Dragon (Undead Shadow Dragon): This
Dracorage (1018 DR), Alasklerbanbastos turned to the shadow dragon apparently achieved undeath uninten-
nascent Cult of the Dragon cell in Mourktar in a desperate tionally by misfortune of spell interaction with a wild
bid for additional power and underwent the transfor- magic area or exposure to unknown, possibly cursed,
mation ritual to become a dracolich shortly thereafter. By magical items. Although not a dracolich or in any way
the Year of Lathander’s Light (1024 DR), the Cult cell in affiliated with the Followers of the Scaly Way, tales of the
Unther had effectively disintegrated in the face of re- Dire Dragon and the Well of Dragons it guards have long
peated attacks by the well-established followers of Tiamat been an object of great fascination to the followers of Sam-
(a harbinger of the internecine strife which would eventu- master. In the Year of the Tankard (1370 DR), the Cult
ally consume the two sects), and Alasklerbanbastos had finally located the vast natural cauldron concealed with
retreated into perpetual somnolence beneath Dragonback shadow magic where many dragons go to die and the
Mountain, the northernmost peak of the Riders in the Sky undying guardian of the place. While the Dire Dragon has
range. by no means agreed to the proposed alliance tendered by
Except for isolated forays (such as the summer-long the Cultists, he has allowed them to depart relatively
reign of terror inflicted on the region in the Year of the unscathed after entertaining their proposals and accept-
Lurking Death (1322 DR)), the presence of the Great Bone ing their extremely generous offerings.
Wyrm, as Alasklerbanbastos had come to be known, was Dretchroyaster (Green Dracolich): This venerable
largely ignored in Chessenta and Unther until the Year of green dragon has recently been transformed into a draco-
the Sword (1365), seven years after Tchazzar’s death. It lich following two near brushes with death at the hands
has since become apparent that Alasklerbanbastos has of adventurers. Dretch is the descendant of the infamous
rebuilt the Cult cell in Unther and attracted a coterie of green wyrm Venomindhar and her mate who ruled the
young chromatic dragons to its banner in recent years, Tangled Vale centuries ago. Dretch has taken up residence
and the Great Bone Wyrm and his agents now control all in Monarch’s Fall Glade, the ever-growing site of a
lands north of the River of Metals and the Jade River crashed elven spelljamming ship that was lost during the
(which flows westward from the Riders to the Sky moun- war between Myth Drannor and the Army of Darkness.
tains to the Bay of Chessenta, just south of Mordulkin), Ebonflame (Red Dragon): This adult red Cult dragon
including Threskel, Thamor, Mordulkin, Mount Thul- is power-hungry and holds a deep grudge against the
bane, and the Watcher’s Cape. church of Lathander. She has had her Cultists attack the
Aurgloroasa (Shadow Dracolich): This venerable temple in Tilverton in order to teach the Morninglord’s
shadow dragon stalked the Thunder Peaks for centuries clerics a lesson in true power.
before her transformation. The Sibilant Shade, as she is Errant (Bronze Dragon): Unconfirmed rumors suggest
known, was responsible for the fall of the dwarven city of that an insane bronze dragon called Errant also may serve
Thunderholme, which she now claims as her lair, and her the Cult in the Moonshaes. If this is so, for the short term
network of agents extends throughout Sembia and the this beast is likely to be used by the Cult as a spy among
southern Dalelands. Aurgloroasa is also notable for her the other metallic dragons and those who would tend to
fervent worship of the draconic god of death, Null. trust such dragons, since few would instinctively distrust
Blas Iwan (Red Dragon): Though normally consid- him due to his species.
ered by the Cult to be too young to be paid much atten- Gotha (Red Dracolich, deceased): Gotha was a draco-
tion to, this young male red dragon of the Troll Hills lich created by the god Talos after the beast foolishly
heard of Sammaster’s prophecies and has seemingly forged a pact with the Destroyer. Talos imprisoned the
decided that his future lies with the Cult. In order to gain monster beneath a mountain of ice north of the Endless
treasure and experience, the dragon and the Cult cell he is Waste and the Icerim Mountains for 237 years, during
working with have created a ruse to bring adventurers to which time Gotha slowly transformed into a dracolich.
the dragon for combat experience, loot, and food. Gotha met his demise serving Talos in the Year of the
Canthraxis (Blue Dracolich): Though he does not Sword (1365 DR) in the Moonshaes. He died at the hands
associate with the three green sisters in the Moonshaes, of Princess Alicia Kendrick, whose body was briefly sub-
Ivy, Velora, and Talon, Canthraxis, who was an adult blue sumed as an avatar of the Earthmother (Chauntea).

The Cult Today • 53

their two sons, Woklef and Aswidorg, an adult and a
Known Cult Dragons and Dracoliches, Cont’d
juvenile, respectively; and their daughter, Cheleen, a
Iltharagh (Topaz Dracolich): This beast was a very old mature adult. All are her offspring or the offspring of her
male topaz dragon before its recent transformation into a offspring and live in cavern complexes or ruins on the
Sacred One of the Cult of the Dragon. Iltharagh dwelt High Moor.
near the mouth of the Iceflow north of Luskan for cen- Plunge (Deep Dragon): Plunge, a very old deep
turies, and he fought numerous territorial battles—some dragon, is rumored to lair somewhere beneath Damara or
in the skies directly above the City of Sails—with Arveiat- Impiltur. A firm believer in Sammaster’s teachings, this
urace the White Wyrm, a venerable female white dragon dragon may possess a copy of the Tome of the Dragon. In
and associate/consort of the now-deceased human wiz- addition, the beast has recruited and organized several
ard Meltharond, who laired to the west atop the Icepeak. bands of duergar to serve it in its attempt to gather the
Each inconclusive struggle left both beasts badly wounded ingredients for a dracolich potion. The duergar are report-
and in need of extensive recuperation, but the White edly willing to use means either monetary or violent in
Wyrm always seemed to gain slightly from each con- order to acquire the required items.
frontation. Eventually Iltharagh, despairing of ever van- Ralionate (Green Dragon): This very old female green
quishing his hated foe, acceded to the incessant entreaties dragon is currently being courted by a small Cult cell in
of the Cult and underwent the ritual to become a draco- Soubar. The dragon resides within the Forest of Wyrms
lich in the Year of the Wave (1364 DR). The topaz night east of that city. The beast is reportedly sorely wounded,
dragon has not emerged from his lair since his unholy and the Cultists did have a dracolich potion for her to
transformation, but his hatred for Arveiaturace continues consume, but the potion has disappeared.
to burn hotly in his undying heart as he lots his revenge. Shard (Blue Dragon): This old blue dragon recently
Itharagh is believed, like Cypress be ore him, to have fought a band of adventurers at her home, one of the
retained his psionic talents even after his transformation small islands off the coast of Calimshan. She destroyed
into undeath; in fact, the transformation of Cypress was them, but she is slowly dying from the wounds she suf-
an experiment whose promise induced the Followers of fered. A Cult cell from Zazesspur hopes to transform
the Scaly Way to seek out the first gem dragon to join the Shard into a dracolich before she passes on, but time is of
ranks of the Sacred Ones. the essence.
Incisor (Fang Dracolich): This creature was a venera- Shhuusshuru (Shadow Dracolich): Shhuusshuru, also
ble fang dragon when he underwent the transformation known as Shadow-wing, was a great female shadow
process. From his lair at the head of the Whitewater River wyrm before becoming a dracolich. Shadow-wing lairs in
(a tributary of the River Loagrann) in the Greypeak the most mountainous of the Far Hills where she plots her
Mountains, Incisor roams the length and breadth of the eventual takeover of Darkhold and, from that fortress, the
Fallen Lands and the Greyvale. Tales speak of his fabu- whole of the Chionthar river valley. Shhuusshuru was
lous wealth, looted from the ruins of dwarven Ammarin- transformed into a dracolich by the nascent Cult cell in
dar, as well as the countless items of magic he has Berdusk in a bid to obtain real power in the Western
plundered from Netherese ruins and learned to employ. Heartlands several decades past, but she has quickly
(Fang dragons are detailed in the Ruins of Myth Drannor assumed the actual, if not the nominative, leadership in
boxed set and the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM Annual, Vol- the group.
ume One.) At Shhuusshuru’s insistence, the Cult cell’s second at-
Ivy Deathdealer (Green Dracolich), Velora the Poiso- tempt to create a dracolich was attempted on Greshrukk,
nous (Green Dragon), and Talon Greenstrike (Green an old red dragon known as Red Eye, but he was slain by
Dragon): Ivy, a green dracolich, and Velora and Talon, Harpers at the conclusion of the ceremony that trans-
both mature adult green dragons, are sisters from the formed him into a night dragon. It is believed that Gresh-
same brood of eggs. They all work with the Cult in the rukk’s spirit still survives within his host object—a
Moonshae Isles. Few targets of their combined fury sur- glassteeled ruby set into the pommel of a long sword +4,
vive their attacks, as what they do not destroy in their ini- defender named Dragonstooth—and both the Harpers and
tial assault, they inevitably rip and worry apart in their the Cult of the Dragon seek that weapon, which disap-
subsequent sibling disputes over the spoils. peared during the conflagration.
Malygris, Suzerain of Anauroch (Blue Dracolich): Saurglyce (White Dracolich): This dracolich was a
This beast was a very old blue dragon when he under- mature adult female when she and the Cult lich Pox first
went the transformation process. In his undead form, he appeared. Together the pair now seek to establish a Cult
destroyed his hated ruler, Sussethilasis, the suzerain of cell based near the city of Yartar in the North. Rumors
approximately 20 blue dragons that reside within the bor- have it that the Cult may be using the actions of Pox and
ders of the Great Sand Sea. Malygris’s rule is not without Saurglyce to plan an assassination attempt on the life of
dissent, however, as several of the dragons refuse to bow Alustriel or an attack on her Luruaran settlements.
to an undead dragon. Malygris has killed some of the Velvet (Black Dragon) and Malachite (Green Dragon):
weaker dissenters, but that only polarized the situation. Velvet is a young male black dragon and Malachite a ven-
Open warfare between dragon factions in Anauroch may erable female green dragon. These two each have a Cult
now be only a matter of time. cell to support them, but a feud exists between the organi-
“The Old One” (Black Dracolich): This dragon was of zations and the dragons themselves. The dragons both
wyrm age when she became a dracolich; she resides in the live south of Mulmaster: Velvet in the Flooded Forest and
ruins of Orogoth, which are found on the High Moor. This Malachite in the wooded area to the north. The cells are
creature has a family of black dragons serving her: a believed to be based near Mulmaster (Malachite’s) and
mated pair, Wastirek and Vilholin, both of venerable age; Kurth or Calaunt (Velvet’s).

54 • The Cult Today

h, glorious battle! yesterday I loosed my fury the magelings in my jaws after plucking him from his
upon the heads of another troop of hapless hiding place, the feeble insects’ “warriors” attacked me
mammals! That day another pathetic caravan with their weapons of mere sharpened steel. How any
fell before the might of Malygris! race that needs to craft such weapons simply to attack
having received word of the insects’ approach from its foes can consider itself evolved is beyond my ken.
my erstwhile allies in the Cult, I flew forth to vent my In any case, my claws, wings, and tail soon dealt
pent-up rage and breathe my searing breath upon the resounding death to most of those who had somehow
heads of mammals foolish enough to try to cross the not fled from my sight to perish of thirst in the end-
Blight of Anauroch without my knowledge or license. less Blight. A few, though, seemed to anticipate my
They paid the price for their arrogance with their lives, attacks while more petty magics peppered me from
and their cargo, of limited interest as it was to me, now several directions. These, like others before them,
rests beneath my supine serpentine form as the latest screamed in their vile tongue that they had protection,
addition to my ever-growing collections. Surely I that they were of some special “keep,” and that I
possess the greatest hoard in all of Anauroch, exceed- would surely pay for my righteous attack upon them.
ing that of even the facile pretender Sussethilasis. Within minutes, I had disposed of the last of the
I soared high over the small band of wagons and wizards and warriors of this far-off keep, and I
carts, which to any eyes but mine must have seemed to sought out their treasures. While this had been a large
be but ants mindlessly trekking their way across the caravan for such a difficult journey (for them), I found
infinite sands of my home, my domain, While they little of extreme worth. Liquids (only a few of any mag-
made a pretense of seeming alert, none detected me as ical potency), fabrics, gold, platinum, and some lovely
I dove upon them out of the blazing sun, As I un- jewels, all were gathered together by me and inspected.
leashed my breath) of crackling energy along the wag- Before I acted to bring the fruits of my labor back to
ons at the caravan’s rear, the bipeds fled like crickets my hoard, I ate my fill of the pack animals, both living
The tethered beasts of burden could not flee and were and dead. Such fresh food does not come along often,
cooked where they stood, still in their harnesses. The though I have come to enjoy more regular meals since
welcome scent of seared flesh reached my nostrils and my arrangement with the Cult. My hunger sated, I
further fueled my hunger for destruction. then took with me the meet select treasures. I chose
Roaring as I completed my first pass over them, I carefully, as only the best should be added to my
swept up a mageling who had dared not to be awe- hoard. Weighed down with food and treasures and
struck by my attack in a forepaw, I crushed his frail bearing an even heavier mantle of glory, I returned to
frame until it ceased screaming, I then expertly lashed my hidden home.
my tail over the wagons that had escaped my breath, I disgorged the treasures and, placing them into
destroying several and upsetting others. The mam- suitable arrangements, settled down upon them to rest
mals mounted a feeble attempt to dissuade me as I and record these events. This tome I dictate will make
wheeled for another pass. Showing the insects the fate enlightening reading to many a hatchling after I
that awaited them, I raised the wizard’s carcass to my achieve all that is destined for me. My destiny must
mouth and pulled it to pieces, then dropped it where wait though, as I now seek to—
all could see and ponder their last moments. Wait, one of my perimeter magics has just been acti-
But then minor magic began flaring from the hud- vated by some intruder. Surely none of the mammals
dled mammals, revealing that this caravan possessed could move this fast, much less survive the trek to
more than a single spellhurler. While their human reach my home so distant from the site of my victory.
magics affected me little, other humans fled or desper- So who dares to approach and interrupt my rest?
ately tried to do me harm with their minuscule missile —From the magical libram of recording of
weapons, needless to say, my second pass totally Malygris, very old blue dragon
disrupted the remainder of the caravan and eliminated of southern Anauroch, circa 1365 DR
any possibility of escape for the mammals. With that
taken care of, I landed in order to better examine my
newest possessions and to give the insects the honor
Foes of the Cult
of seeing my power more closely before they died. “Now it is time to turn the view of this report beyond the imme-
diate scope of the Cult itself to a broader view of Faerûn and the
More magics assailed me then, but I withstood the Cult’s place in it. Sammaster made many enemies in his time,
minute twinges of pain and fiercely sought those who and the Cult has continued in that tradition since what may have
had inflicted them upon me. As I crushed another of

Foes of the Cult • 55

been the Mad Mage’s final death at the hands and blades of the raith (LN hm M5), the very old bronze dragon Bethildritar
Company of Twelve. of Stormsword Mountain (southernmost peak of the Thun-
“Since the Cult is broken into so many almost self-contained der Peaks range), as well as groups such as the Knights of
suborganizations, most Cult cells’ enemies are regional in nature. Myth Drannor, the Hunt, the Purple Flame, the Broken
Local authorities, adventuring bands, and even rival groups that Sword, the Dark Dagger, the Rundeen, the Iron Throne, the
seek to control much of the illicit trade that the Cult engages in, Gold Fist, and the Dark Naga Cult.
such as thieves’ guilds, constitute the majority of each cells’ The latter category of groups, who pursue an unending
antagonists. However, such regional foes are not considered in game of move and countermove with the Cult, includes
this report. organization such as the Harpers, agents of the Red Wiz-
“Instead, I have focused on the groups, be they benign or ards of Thay, the Sorority of the Silver Fire, the Zhentarim,
malign, that threaten the Cult as a whole and that could, with and the church of Tiamat. Each of these groups is detailed
luck, either destroy or subsume the majority of Cult cells. The below, beginning with an overview of the group and
organizations discussed here possess the resources and the drive including the reason or reasons behind the strife, a discus-
to achieve such a goal, though the disorganization of the Cult sion of the ebb and flow of conflict between the two adver-
itself makes the task a time-consuming and difficult one.” saries, current plots, and an overview of leaders and
—Oracle Veshal Questa, prominent individuals associated with the group.
Sibylite of Savras and Harper,
from her report to Belhuar Thantarth, 1370 DR
The Harpers
In the years since Sammaster convinced the great red wyrm First founded in the Year of Freedom’s
Shargrailar the Dark to undergo the transformation into Friends (324 DR) as the Harpers at Twi-
dracolichdom, the Followers of the Scaly Way have crossed light and refounded twice since then,
blades and spells with countless individuals and groups Those Who Harp have long been active
across Faerûn. Foes of the Cult tend to fall into two cate- (meddling) in the North and in the
gories: those who concern themselves with Sammaster’s Heartlands. The Harpers are a semise-
crazed followers only when the Cultists make their presence cret society allied with a number of
sufficiently irksome, and those whose conflict with the good-aligned churches and druidic
Keepers of the Secret Hoard is an unending series of moves circles and composed of bards, rangers, and a scattering of
and countermoves that spark on occasion into open warfare. other professions whose members are mostly human, half-
The former category includes groups such as the Cho- elven, and elven. Those Who Harp believe in and fight for
sen of Mystra, who consider the deluded inheritors of the individual freedoms, the balance between civilization and
legacy of the once-Chosen Sammaster as relatively inconse- wilderness, the rule of law administered in a just and
quential in comparison to the threats posed by groups such understanding fashion, and the preservation of the past.
as the Malaugrym, and the Twisted Rune, who consider the Harpers fight against villainy and wickedness wherever it
Cult of the Dragon as simply another pawn to manipulate may be found as well as corruption within their own ranks.
in their interlocking stratagems. Even within these groups, (For a much more extensive look into the group’s history,
however, there are those who take a more active interest in organization, and members, see The Code of the Harpers.)
the Followers of the Scaly Way than others. Alustriel (CG
hf M24), once the object of Sammaster’s obsession, still Roots of Enmity
attempts to contain the evil spawned by Sammaster and The conflict between the Harpers and the Followers of the
fend off the attacks of his followers who seek revenge for Scaly Way has raged since the earliest days of the Cult of
her perceived slighting of the First-Speaker (the latest inci- the Dragon in Chondathan (later renamed Saerloon) and is
dent of which occurred in the Year of Maidens (1361 DR)). rooted in the deep philosophical differences between the
Sapphiraktar the Blue (LE blue dracolich), a senior Rune- two groups. Where the Harpers seek individual freedoms
master of the Twisted Rune whose extensive web of agents and small kingdoms, the Cult seeks power over all and rule
enmeshes most of Faerûn, may owe his current undead sta- by the evil undead dragons its members have created.
tus to the teachings of a long-lost copy of the Tome of the Where Those Who Harp fight for the rule of law, peace, and
Dragon, but the elder dracolich views the Followers of the prosperity, the Followers of the Scaly Way seek to steal
Scaly Way as bumblers with the dangerous ability to create everything of value for the hoards of the Sacred Ones.
potential rivals who could threaten his power, and thus as Three conflicts between the Harpers and the Cult stand
troublesome pests to be co-opted or eliminated. out as particularly notable in the centuries-long strife
Numerous individuals and adventuring companies fall between the two groups. Beginning the Year of the Sinhala
within this first category as well. While the Cult may target (916 DR), 14 years after Sammaster created the first draco-
such folk for short periods of time in revenge for interfer- lich, the Harpers ambushed Sammaster and his retinue in a
ing with Cult plots or to acquire an item of power one of conflagration that resulted in the appearance of an avatar
them may hold, such conflicts rarely mushroom into undy- of Lathander and the death of the Cult’s First-Speaker.
ing enmity or unending strife. Notable examples in the case In the two decades prior to the beginning of the Harp-
of the Sembian Cult cell include Shandril Shessair (CG hf star War in the Year of the Tomb (1182 DR), the Cult set sev-
9th-level spellfire-wielder) and her husband, Narm Tama- eral traps and with them managed to kidnap or slay

56 • Foes of the Cult

several Harpers. The ranks of Those Who Harp were too hem F6/M6/T7), a Harper agent who, of course, is operat-
small to effect a rescue, but they swore vengeance would be ing under a magically reinforced false identity, has insinu-
theirs eventually. ated himself into the service of Zilvreen (NE hm T19),
While the Harpstar War raged across the planes, the master thief of the Sembian Cult cell, as a fighter/thief and
Harpers fell under the sway of the Harper King, the lich one of Zilvreen’s chief aides. From the Harper’s last report,
Thavverdasz. In the Year of the Horn (1222 DR), battle Maenoth seems to be trusted by those around him and by
broke out between the Cult and the Harper King over the the oily Zilvreen himself—as much as the man’s evil will
fate of a great quantity of gems destined for the dracolich allow him to trust anyone—and the Harper agent has indi-
Khalahmongre. When Szass Tam entered the fray in cated that he would be accompanying a Cult caravan
response to an earlier betrayal, many Cultists and Harpers headed west from Daerlun.
were destroyed.
In the past century, the Cult has grown strong once Leaders
again, creating many dracoliches and clashing with the The Harpers operate in two branches. The western branch
Harpers on several occasions. Of particular note is the is the more formal of the two. Its agents are given assign-
flight of dragons in the Year of the Worm (1356 DR) that the ments, asked to turn in regular reports, and so on. The
Followers of the Scaly Way claim to have unleashed. In the Harpers of Berdusk (the western branch) are run from
resulting draconic depredations, Syluné of the Seven Sis- (among other places) Twilight Hall in Berdusk, and this
ters and many other Harpers and Harper allies were slain. branch of the organization is led by Belhuar Thantarth (CG
hm B9) and Cylyria Dragonbreast (LN hef B26), with Alus-
Modes of Strife triel Silverhand (CG hf M24) and Khelben “Blackstaff”
The conflict between Those Who Harp and the Followers of Arunsun (LN hm M27) serving as senior advisors. The
the Scaly Way has periodically cycled through three phases eastern branch, often referred to as the Harpers of Shadow-
of contention. Many senior Harpers believe that a new dale, is led by Storm Silverhand (CG hf B22) with the assis-
cycle is slowly beginning, drawing the two groups into tance of Elminster (CG hm M29 (and sage)). Other promi-
conflict once again. nent Master Harpers include Dove Falconhand (CG hf
As the Cult grows strong and the ranks of the Sacred R14), Laeral Silverhand (CG hf M25), and Obslin Minstrel-
Ones numerous, the Harpers begin to infiltrate the semi- wish (NG hf B7). (Many of the Master Harpers mentioned
autonomous Cult cells. With their newfound information, above are described in greater detail in the Code of the
the Harpers attack secret caravans bearing plundered Harpers and the Seven Sisters supplements.)
wealth and seek out and destroy particularly aggressive
dracoliches. These attacks draw the Cult and Those Who
Harp into a shadowy conflict between individual agents
The Red Wizards of Thay
that takes its toll on Harper ranks and wipes out many of Ever since Rundorl Moonsklan of the
the weaker Cult cells, forcing the Cult to retrench. With the Harpers struck his dark bargain with
Cult’s resulting decrease in power and effectiveness, the the Szass Tam in a series of events that
Harpers move on to fight other, more pressing foes, and the culminated in the rise and fall of the
surviving Keepers of the Secret Hoard begin the slow Harper King and the destruction of a
process of rebuilding their ranks and creating more draco- large contingent of the Cult’s forces,
liches. agents of the Red Wizards of Thay have
been active in the Heartlands. The Red
Current Plots Wizards are the rulers of the eastern land of Thay, and they
The Wearers of the Purple in Sembia, successors to the Cult seek to establish that land of wizards as the superior politi-
cell founded by Sammaster and Algashon, are still smart- cal and magical force in the Realms. The twisted plots of
ing from the drubbing they received in the Year of the the Red Wizards are so tangled and the rivalries between
Prince (1357 DR) in what is termed “the spellfire incident.” different Red Wizards are so bloodthirsty, however, that the
The loss of three Sacred Ones—Rauglothgar the Proud, swaggering and boastful wizards seem to spend more time
Aghazstamn, and Shargrailar the Dark—decimated the scheming against their purported allies than they do
ranks of allied dracoliches and forced the Keepers of the undermining the rest of the Realms. Known sometimes in
Secret Hoard to begin anew creating Sacred Ones. Recent the eastern Heartlands collectively as the fell Red Magic
efforts in this vein have born some successes, of which the Cult (something of a misnomer), many mid-level Red Wiz-
venerable green dracolich Dretchroyaster is a notable ards actively serve as agents of the ruling Zulkirs of Thay.
example, and some disastrous failures, of which the now-
deceased old red dragon of the southern Thunder Peaks Roots of Enmity
who tended the carp of Scalewater Pond is an ignominious The Red Wizards and the Cult of the Dragon have strug-
lesson. gled for supremacy in Sembia and the surrounding lands
Harpers in Sembia have long suspected that the Cult since Year of the Horn (1222 DR), when the Cult was dealt a
must maintain a base along the Way of the Manticore, for serious setback by the attacks of first Szass Tam and then
suspected Cult caravans leaving Daerlun often seem to Elminster during the Cult’s assault on the Harper King’s
arrive in Wheloon missing a few wagons. Maenoth (NG cave on the edge of the Vast Swamp.

Foes of the Cult • 57

While the destruction inflicted on the Cult by the future a buyer of distressed and damaged goods. The Red Wizard
Zulkir of Necromancy inflamed tensions for decades there- has become aware that a dracolich of the Cult has been
after, the enmity between Red Wizards and the Cult of the preying on caravans along the Moonsea Ride between the
Dragon is rooted in the similar goals the two groups share Standing Stone and Hillsfar. (See The Cult Today chapter
and the continuous friction created when their plots for more details on the venerable green dracolich Dretch-
become intertwined. More than one individual targeted by royaster.) Ailoth has managed to ingratiate himself with
both the Cult and the Red Wizards has escaped relatively the Hillsfarian authorities, and he is seeking to further that
unscathed when agents of the two groups clashed over relationship by uncovering the identity and location of the
who would take possession of the prize, whoever or what- Sacred One in exchange for future favors. Ailoth appar-
ever it was. ently is doing this to increase his own influence, weaken
the Cult, and to possibly recover some of the dracolich’s
Modes of Strife hoard for himself.
Conflict between the Red Wizards and the Followers of the Farhanna Dracut (CE hf M5), an rival of Ailoth recently
Scaly Way tends to erupt every few years or so between a dispatched to Tasseldale from Thay, has recently stumbled
single Red Wizard and his minions and a small band of across evidence of Ailoth’s investigations and is seeking to
Cultists. Only rarely does such strife engulf more than a undercut her rival by arranging to have Ailoth’s investiga-
handful of the Red Wizards or even an entire Cult cell, and it tions exposed to Tarn Blackwave (NE hm F2), a local black-
usually dies down within a matter of weeks. In many cases, smith whom she suspects of being an agent of the Cult.
an up-and-coming member of the Cult or of the Red Wiz- Farhanna plans to track the passage of her information
ards discovers evidence of wealth or magic accumulated by through the Cult’s network of agents in hopes of discover-
the other group and seeks to acquire it for himself or herself ing more of the Cult’s hierarchy and perhaps proof of the
and his or her plans as a quick shortcut to power. Moonsea Ride dracolich’s existence, as well.
Of particular note are periodic attempts by brash Red
Wizards to infiltrate Cult cells and acquire power over an Leaders
affiliated Sacred One. Mastery of a dracolich to employ The leading Red Wizard active in the Heartlands has been
against one’s rivals is a tactic that has occurred to more Naglatha the Black Flame (NE hf Enc10) since the death or
than one Red Wizard despite a history of failed attempts at murder of Alzegund the Trader (LE hm M11) four years
such. In the Year of the Behir (1342 DR), for example, no ago. A highly successful Selgauntan merchant and trader
less than three Red Wizards independently infiltrated the in curios and antiques, Naglatha is in truth the leader of
Cultists who attended the dracolich Khalahmongre. All most covert operations for the ruling Zulkirs in the Inner
three Red Wizards and most of the attending Cultists died Sea region. Prominent Zulkirs include Szass Tam (NE hm
in the internecine spell battle that erupted when the first [lich] Nec29), Zulkir of Necromancy; Lauzoril (NE hm
Red Wizard made his bid for power, and Khalahmongre Enc22), Zulkir of Enchantment and Charm; and Aznar
emerged unscathed. Thrul (CE hm Inv23), Tharchion of the Priador and Zulkir
of Invocation/Evocation. (The ruling Red Wizards of Thay
Current Plots are described in greater detail in the Spellbound boxed set.)
The Eyeless Mask, an organization based in Saerloon and
dedicated to the enslavement (or death) of all wizards,
priests, and nobles is composed of over two dozen mem-
The Sorority of the Silver Fire
bers including 14 Red Wizards, several thieves, some The Sorority of the Silver Fire is a secre-
priests (faiths unknown), and various warriors. Members tive sisterhood of incantatrixes dedi-
of the group seek all the wealth and magic they can grasp, cated to the destruction of Sammaster’s
while at the same time seeking to weaken the western patrimony: the foul incantations in-
Inner Sea lands magically so that they will be less able to scribed in the Tome of the Dragon and the
resist a future invasion. dracoliches who are the enduring legacy
Within the past few months, the Eyeless Mask has of his madness. (Specialists in the school
increased the pace of its kidnappings in Saerloon and Sel- of incantation, known as incantatrixes if
gaunt in order to fund an expansion into Daerlum. Several female or as incantatars if male, are described in Appendix
of the most recent abductions (including a bungled kidnap- 2: The School of Incantation.) Composed exclusively of
ping attempt which resulted in the death of Blanchard human and half-elven sorceresses specializing in the school
Wyvernwalk) have been directed at prominent merchants of incantation (which subsumes metamagic under its
and their families who support the Cult monetarily but aegis), this spellcasting sorority serves Mystra by seeking
who are not actively involved in its daily machinations. In to undo the corruptive influence of her fallen Chosen.
clandestine meetings with the Wearers of the Purple, small In principle the 20 or so members of the Sorority are
groups of merchants have demanded protection and a indifferent to the fate of the Cult of the Dragon and its
strong retaliatory response. members, but in practice individual incantatrixes find they
Ailoth (LE hm M6), a short, white-haired Red Wizard must battle the Cult continuously in their efforts to purge
who gathers information in Sembia and Hillsfar through a Sammaster’s corruptive influence from Faerûn. While
small spy network, has been posing as a moneylender and many Sisters of the Silver Fire have fallen to the blades and

58 • Foes of the Cult

spells of the Cult over the years, they in turn have had fought for many years against the Cult tracking down
great success in destroying dracoliches and the tainted reported sightings of the Tome of the Dragon and ferreting
knowledge held by the Tome of the Dragon. Despite the out the lairs of the Cult’s dracoliches. Before she was cap-
length of this centuries-long crusade, the Keepers of the tured by the Cult during one of its attempts to learn the
Secret Hoard are still unaware of the existence of the orga- secrets of spellfire, Dammasae had destroyed at least two
nization, perceiving its influence as the actions of a series of Sacred Ones with the aid of other adventurers she had
individual crusaders. recruited. (One such adventurer was Gorstag, a warrior
who later raised Dammasae’s daughter Shandril Shessair,
Roots of Enmity also known for her ability to wield spellfire and her battles
The Sorority of the Silver Fire was founded in the Year of with the Cult.)
Bright Nights (985 DR) by the half-elven incantatrix Fetitia The sorcerer Garthond (NG hm M18), who eventually
Ledora, said to be the daughter of Alustriel Silverhand, and became Dammasae’s husband, was an apprentice of the
Yhelfanna the Masked, a Rashemaar witch of the Hathran. mage Jhavanter, and the pair contested with the Cult of the
In the decade prior to their first meeting, the two incanta- Dragon in Sembia several times. When the Cult destroyed
trixes independently confronted the enduring legacy of Jhavanter and seized his abode, the Tower Tranquil located
Sammaster’s madness in the form of powerful dracoliches on the eastern flanks of the Thunder Peaks, Garthond con-
which sought to ravage their homelands: Everlund and tinued his studies and his feud with the Cult. Eventually
Rashemen, respectively. Both women felt compelled to Garthond rescued the drugged and bound Dammasae dur-
track down the source of this blasphemous contamination ing a raid on a Cult caravan en route to one of the group’s
of the Weave, a trek which led them to Sembia and the strongholds.
secret temples of the Keepers of the Secret Hoard. The two mages fell in love, and, after traveling and
When Fetitia moved to attack the Cult cell in Sembia, adventuring together for a time, they pledged their troth
she found its members already engaged in a pitched battle before the altar of Mystra in Baldur’s Gate. When Dam-
with Yhelfanna. In the heat of battle, the two sorceresses masae became pregnant with Shandril, the couple resided
quickly allied, and the combined power of their Art soon in Elturel for a time until the babe had reached eight
prevailed over the assembled Cultists and two hastily sum- months of age. When they headed eastward in the com-
moned Sacred Ones. After destroying a copy of the Tome of pany of Gorstag, the Cult attacked at the Bridge of Fallen
the Dragon held by the Sembian Cult cell at that time, the Men and Garthond was destroyed. Dammasae died before
two agreed to jointly continue their quest to eliminate Sam- she could reach Syluné in Shadowdale, and only Gorstag
master’s tainted legacy. From this partnership evolved the was left to hide Shandril from the Cult.
Sorority of the Silver Fire, a reference to Mystra’s gift to her
Chosen that Sammaster had so corrupted. It is particularly Current Plots
ironic that many of the metamagic spells researched, devel- Mavanna Blackspine (CN hf Inc7) has been tracking a lost
oped, and acquired from other sources by Sammaster early copy of the Tome of the Dragon in the Vilhon Reach area for
in his life are now employed by Sisters of the Silver Fire in well over four years. In recent weeks, the raven-haired sor-
their battles to undo his legacy. ceress has found evidence that the Cult cell in Hlondeth
has been creating ur-histachii in the city’s catacombs by
Modes of Strife modifying an ancient incantation detailed in Sammaster’s
Members of the Sorority of the Silver Fire usually work grimoire. Mavanna is now recruiting adventurers in Chon-
alone or in groups of two or three. By means of her Art, dath and Sespech to infiltrate the City of Serpents and pur-
each incantatrix spends years seeking out lost copies of the loin the Cult cell’s copy of the Tome of the Dragon.
Tome of the Dragon and the spells first penned within its Unbeknownst to Mavanna, she is being set up by Emerald
covers and hunting the dracoliches created by the Cult. Boa of the Vilhon Medusanna Mhairdaul (CE yaf P[Sseth]l7),
During the course of such investigations, the Cult often a yuan-ti abomination and high priestess of the preeminent
gradually becomes aware of the sorceress’s unwanted temple in Hlondeth, the Cathedral of Emerald Scales. Medu-
attentions and attempts to quickly dispatch her with sanna seeks to weaken her archrival, Dediana Extaminos,
increasing amounts of effort. ruler of Hlondeth, by undermining Dmetrio Extaminos’s
When a Sister of the Silver Fire feels confident enough in courtship of the daughter of Baron Foesmasher of Sespech. In
her own abilities and her information, she typically recruits the course of Mavanna’s attempt to retrieve the lost copy of
other adventurers to aid her in striking at selected targets. the Tome, Medusanna has arranged for the incantatrix to
Almost invariably, this brings the incantatrix into direct learn of Dmetrio’s leadership of the Cult cell in Hlondeth.
conflict with the Cult and makes her the target of unrelent- Mavanna, a long-held friend of Baron Foesmasher, is then
ing attacks that persist until the local Cult cell is annihi- sure to inform him of Dmetrio’s involvement, giving the
lated or until the Sister of the Silver Fire falls in battle. baron a pretext to end the yuan-ti pureblood’s courtship of
Dammasae (CG hf Inc15), a human incantatrix born in his daughter. The resulting public humiliation will weaken
the Sword Coast lands who also wielded the powers of Dmetrio and thus, indirectly, Dediana, even though the
spellfire, was a senior member of the Sorority of the Silver ruler’s son secretly schemes against her. (More details of the
Fire several decades ago and a notable example of the Cathedral of Emerald Scales and its inhabitants may be
incantatrixes who comprise the sisterhood. Dammasae found in Powers & Pantheons.)

Foes of the Cult • 59

Cynmelin D’Athia (LG hef Inc8) has long been active in loosely organized council of seven that currently leads the
the Delimbyr Vale combating the magical excesses of the group are Ioelena of the Argent Robes (NG hf Inc12),
fiends of Hellgate Keep (now Hellgate Dell). While the Fieryat Ildacer (CG hef Inc9), and Blethran Lhylbihi the
destruction of the Keep and many of its inhabitants is a Gray Witch (N hf Inc10).
source of great relief to the young incantatrix, disturbing
indications of Cult activity in the Upvale have preoccupied
her of late. Cynmelin believes that the Cult of the Dragon is
The Zhentarim
sending treasure-laden caravans to the lair of the late The Black Network of the Zhentarim is a
gigantic white dragon Ghaulantatra located somewhere in not-so-secret group of wizards, priests,
the mountains north of High Gap between the Delimbyr fighters, thieves, and allied beholders
and the Fallen Lands. The “Old Mother Wyrm” once wor- devoted to the task of dominating trade
shiped by some orc tribes in the region has become a ghost and therefore acquiring power through-
dragon since she was slain by the beholder Thaluul, and out the Heartlands. Anything that cannot
Cynmelin suspects the Cult seeks to appease the wyrm’s be controlled directly must be threatened
restless spirit so that they can place a Sacred One in the into compliance or crippled so severely
strategically situated lair. While Cynmelin is fairly certain that it can never again pose a threat to the Black Network.
that she has correctly appraised the Cult’s recent spate of The Zhentarim are active throughout the Heartlands, but
activity, she believes that the eye tyrant Thaluul may still currently they have three major bases of operation: Zhentil
lurk within the late dragon’s lair as well, albeit in undead Keep, the Citadel of the Raven, and Darkhold. The Black Net-
form. work’s unsavory activities include trade in poisons, illicit
In fact, Thaluul is responsible for the Cult’s presence in the drugs, weapons, and slaves, as well as conquest, assassina-
region. After Thaluul and circle of allied beholders slew tion, theft, blackmail, kidnapping, and torture.
Ghaulantatra and seized her hoard, the white dragon returned
as a ghost dragon and continued to plague the beholder Roots of Enmity
despite the eye tyrant’s numerous attempts to destroy her. While the Cult attributes its hatred of all things Zhentish to
Thaluul could not dispatch the ghost dragon’s restless spirit Sammaster’s early experiences with a Zhent slaving cara-
with her former hoard for he had been forced to give nearly van and the refusal by Zhentil Keep’s inhabitants to bow to
half of it to the eye tyrants who had assisted him in destroying the Cult’s demands for “safe passage” fees from their cara-
the wyrm. In the Year of the Worm (1356 DR), Ghaulantatra vans, the Zhents truly took notice of the mad Followers of
finally succeeded in killing the eye tyrant who had murdered the Scaly Way in the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR) when
her. Prior to his death, however, Thaluul had worked powerful a flight of dragons believed to be summoned by the Cult of
contingency magics ensuring he would survive his death as a the Dragon nearly destroyed Zhentil Keep. In any case, the
ghost beholder (more commonly known as a doomsphere) last 350 plus years have witnessed an unending series of
and the conflict between Thaluul and the ghost dragon contin- attacks and counterattacks between the two groups as they
ues unabated after the ghost dragon’s victory. struggle for power and wealth in all their myriad forms.
Unwilling to give up the lair for which he has sacrificed
so much, Thaluul has embarked on a new plan to rid him- Modes of Strife
self of the troublesome ghost dragon. Through a small net- While the Zhentarim were not founded until the Year of
work of agents, Thaluul has discreetly alerted Cultists Bright Dreams (1261 DR), they quickly assumed the city’s
active in the North to Ghaulantatra’s current status and the long-standing hatred of the mad Cultists, which was only
strategic value of the lair which supposedly remains other- reinforced by the most recent flight of dragons in the Year
wise unoccupied. The Cult, as Thaluul hoped, has re- of the Worm (1356 DR) in which three wyrms attacked the
sponded by dispatching large treasure caravans to the Citadel of the Raven and two others raged throughout the
supposedly abandoned lair in hopes of permanently streets of Zhentil Keep. The struggle between the Zhen-
appeasing Ghaulantatra’s restless spirit and claiming the tarim and the Cult tends to occur in the shadows within
lair. Meanwhile, Thaluul has been preparing to seize the civilized lands, such as Sembia, and out in the open in the
sizable hoard once the ghost dragon has been dispatched. unsettled hinterlands of the Heartlands, such as Anauroch,
To rid himself of the Cultists once their usefulness has the Stonelands, and Thar.
expired, the undead beholder has made sure that Cynmelin Throughout the cities and towns of the Heartlands,
is alerted to the Cult’s activity in the expectation that she agents of the Cult and the Black Network struggle for con-
will recruit adventurers to dispatch the Cultists, thus leav- trol of the lucrative underworld operations they both covet.
ing Thaluul unchallenged in the possession of the newly Whether such conflicts erupt in the back alleys of Saerloon
acquired hoard and the Old Mother Wyrm’s lair. between the Zhentarim-infiltrated Night Knives and Cult
strike forces or along the southern reaches of Rauthauvyr‘s
Leaders Road between passing caravans, battles between the Black
With the deaths in recent decades of Dammasae and sev- Network and the Cult of the Dragon are frequent, brief,
eral other senior Sisters of the Silver Fire, the sisterhood is deadly, and usually inconclusive.
currently led by younger practitioners of less skill than at Away from the settled regions of Cormyr, Sembia, and
any other time in the group’s history. Notable among the the Dalelands, the Keepers of the Secret Hoard have exe-

60 • Foes of the Cult

cuted both frontal assaults using dragons and dracoliches convulse the Great Gray Land of Thar for months, if not
as well as sneak attacks on Zhentarim strongholds, and years, to come.
more recently they have begun to strike at Zhentarim trade
caravans in an attempt to procure Zhent riches. In turn, the Leaders
Zhentarim have destroyed dracoliches whose territorial The Inner Circle of the Zhentarim is comprised of Man-
claims threatened their precious trade routes and attacked shoon (LE hm M19), Sememmon of Darkhold (LE hm
Cult caravans that crossed lands under their control or car- M15), and Fzoul Chembryl (LE hm P[Iyachtu Xvim]16).
ried riches too fabulous to ignore. (All three leaders are described in greater detail in the
Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set and in the Villains’ Lore-
Current Plots book.)
The Zhentarim have long struggled to establish trade
routes across Anauroch, the Great Desert. Toward this
end, the Black Network struck a deal with Sussethilasis,
The Church of Tiamat
Suzerain of the Great Blight, allowing Zhent caravans to The Church of Tiamat, little known in
pass through his demesne with his protection in exchange the western Realms, venerates the
for significant tithes to his hoard. The Cult of the Dragon chromatic Dragon, a lesser power of
undercut this agreement by supplanting Sussethilasis Unther whose worshipers have begun
with Malygris, a very old blue dragon it induced into to spread across Faerûn Also known as
dracolichdom by manipulating the rivalry between the the Nemesis of the Gods, the Dark Lady,
two wyrms. Queen of Chaos (something of a mis-
The Zhentarim retaliated against the Cult’s extortionist nomer), the Undying Queen, Bane of
demands on Zhent caravans crossing the Great Sand Sea by Bahamut, and the Avaricious, Tiamat is the legendary
assaulting the strongholds of the Sembian Cult cell with the Queen of Evil Dragons. Her followers seek to overthrow all
full force of the Zhentarim’s magical might. The Cult retali- other gods, and toward that end they acquire as much
ated in turn by dispatching Malygris and his newly trans- wealth and magic as they can accumulate. The church of
formed mate, Verianthraxa, to the Citadel of the Raven, but Tiamat is strong in Unthalass and much of Unther, and it
the Black Network was well prepared and Malygris’s has growing centers of power in Sembia, the Vilhon Reach,
queen fell to the spells and blades of the waiting Zhen- and Vaasa. (For further details on Tiamat and her followers,
tarim. The situation is still fluid and unsettled, and further see Powers & Pantheons.)
strife may yet erupt between the two groups. In the mean-
time, trade between Zhentil Keep and the North has Roots of Enmity
ground nearly to a halt, and scarcities of legal and illicit Strife between the Tiamat’s faithful and the Followers of
goods are rising slowly, though caravans run along more the Scaly Way is a relatively recent development. Only in
southerly trade routes avoiding Anauroch are trying to the past few decades have the two groups even become
pick up their paces to take advantage of the situation. aware of each other‘s existence. The Dragon Queen is little
The Cult cell located north of Glister has awakened the known outside of the Old Empires of Unther, Chessenta,
great black wyrm Iyrauroth, slayer of Ologh the Overking and Mulhorand. Those who know of her are more likely to
of the orcish kingdom of Vastar in the Year of Writhing think of her as a powerful legendary monster than as a
Darkness (572 DR), from his centuries-long slumber divine power.
beneath the steppelands of Thar in hopes of inducing the The Time of Troubles convinced Tiamat that she had to
great wyrm to become a dracolich. Merely amused by the quickly acquire greatly increased power if her presence in
Cult’s offerings, the ancient beast has begun to raid cara- the Realms was to survive the collapse of the Untheric pan-
vans traveling between Glister and Melvaunt or Phlan as theon. The Cult of the Dragon, composed of powerful but
he wishes, including those sent by the Cult. godless cultists predisposed to worship dragons, was just
Given the activities of the Sembian Cult cell in Anau- too tempting a target for the Dragon Queen to resist
roch, the Zhentarim reached the natural conclusion that the absorbing into her faith. The Dark Lady expects strong
Cult cell in Glister was repeating the same tactic in Thar resistance from the more powerful Cult cells’ leaders, but
when an entire caravan en route to Glister simply van- she feels that the fractious nature of the Cult actually plays
ished—and agents of the Black Network among the ogres well into her plan. She can conquer the smaller cells easily
and orcs of Thar reported the recent activity in the region of enough, she feels, most often from within by proselytizing
an unknown black wyrm. In response to the Cult’s per- to the Cult members. Then, with numerous cells under her
ceived threat to trade in the region, the Inner Circle of the wings and the benefits additional worshipers give her, she
Zhentarim has been rapidly moving Zhentilar into Thar can overcome the powerful cells. Tiamat is certain that no
over the objections of Phlan and Melvaunt. To counter the secular organization can withstand the concerted efforts of
military build-up, Dragon Cultists in Glister have sent a group united both by faith and by clerical power sup-
word to the Sacred Ones of the Western Galenas and their plied from a true deity
attending Cultists of the growing threat and have begun In the years since the Time of Troubles, Tiamat’s faithful
rallying the tribes of Thar to their standard. The outcome of have begun to infiltrate and co-opt the Cult’s vast network
this brewing war is as yet undetermined, but it is sure to of followers. As expected, the efforts of the Dark Lady’s fol-

Foes of the Cult • 61

lowers have been opposed at every turn by the entrenched Cult response to reports of a new-found dracolich, no mat-
Keepers of the Secret Hoard, and her faithful have been sub- ter how unusual, would be to dispatch a small group of
jected to unspeakable tortures when their true allegiance agents to investigate, Naergoth Bladelord (NE hm F22) is
was exposed. On the other hand, Tiamat has been warmly concerned that the rumored Sacred One, should it actually
received by a significant minority of the lesser-ranking, disil- exist, might delude some of the less committed Followers
lusioned Cultists and Cult supporters, who have begun to of the Scaly Way into believing the lies of Tiamat’s clergy.
accept her as the “essence of dracoliches” in her role as the To avoid the risk of “proving” Tiamat’s authority over
Undying Queen. In response, a few high-ranking Cult dis- Sammaster’s followers, the Wearers of the Purple have
senters (particularly in the Sembian Cult cell) have turned to deliberately leaked evidence of the supposed dracolich’s
Null, the draconic god of death, to counter the Chromatic existence to several moderately skilled adventuring groups
Dragon’s growing influence. (For further details on Null and and a few Harper agents. The Cult leaders’ plan presup-
his followers, see Appendix 1: Dragon Deities.) poses that one of these groups will find the means to inves-
tigate the Witch-King’s cairn. When such an expedition is
Modes of Strife dispatched, the most trusted agents of the Sembian Cult
While the Cult of the Dragon has long been wracked by cell’s ruling council will observe the resulting fracas from
feuds between its leaders, undermined by traitors and spies, afar and record the dracolich’s display of power, assuming
and attacked by rival groups and determined individuals, it it exists, as well as the might of any allies it has gathered in
has never faced a true religion trying to co-opt its member- service. Based on the intelligence acquired, the Wearers of
ship. As a result, the internal strife that now threatens to tear the Purple will then respond appropriately.
apart what Sammaster created has been more chaotic and Threskel, considered to be part of both Unther and
less directed than normal for the Followers of the Scaly Way. Chessenta at various times in history, has fallen under the
The church of Tiamat has targeted more than one Cult cell sway of Alasklerbanbastos, the Great Bone Wyrm. Alaskler-
in what has become a familiar pattern. First, followers of the banbastos lairs beneath Dragonback Mountain, northern-
Dragon Queen track down suspected Cult cells, identify most peak of the Riders to the Sky mountain range between
likely members, and get themselves recruited to join the Cult. Unther and Chessenta. The former great blue wyrm is
Second, mid-ranking clergy members worm themselves into attended by several younger chromatic dragons as well as
the bottom ranks of the Cult and quickly make a name for numerous human Cultists. The territorial ambitions of the
themselves within the Cult cell thanks their hidden abilities. self-proclaimed Overking of Chessenta threaten the very
Third, such infiltrators secretly reveal the “long-anticipated heart of Unther itself, and, as such, the church of Tiamat
coming of the Undying Queen” to disenchanted Cultists who based in Unthalass. The Dark Scaly Ones of Unther are react-
seem uncommitted to the Cult hierarchy. Fourth, if they have ing to this challenge to their authority with a violent series of
not yet been discovered by the Cult leadership, the followers attacks against suspected Cultists and Cult holdings across
of Tiamat engender a split between rival leaders of the Cult. anarchic Unther and the city-states of Chessenta. These
Finally, they offer their services, as well as those of all who attacks threaten to incite a flight of dragons against the cities
have heeded Tiamat’s call, to the second-most-powerful fac- of Unther and Chessenta, and, possibly, deadly battles
tion in exchange for acknowledgment of the Dark Lady as between the two groups’ allied wyrms. The fallout from
the divine presence behind the Cult. such open warfare would assuredly devastate the already
The Keepers of the Secret Hoard have responded to the suffering populace of the region.
grave threat to their personal power posed by Tiamat’s fol-
lowers in a variety of fashions. Some openly turn their Leaders
forces against those whose loyalty is suspect. Others use The church of Tiamat is led by the high priests of the Dragon
their opponents’ own methods against them in accordance Queen who are collectively known as the Dark Scaly Ones, a
with the commonly observed phenomena that the weak are practice originating in Unther. Shudu-Ab (LE hf P[Tia-
easily swayed. In Sembia, the Wearers of the Purple have mat]18), Wyrm Princess of the Dark Scaled Ones and High
betrayed any members they suspect of harboring sympa- Priestess of the Altar of Scales (located in the catacombs of
thies for the Dark Lady by exposing their affiliation to the ruined Unthalass), has succeeded Tiglath as the leader of the
Cult to the local authorities, the Harpers, or Zhentarim Dragon Queen’s cult in Unther. Shudu-Ab has pretensions,
rivals. As noted above, a few dissenters in that cell have so far unrealized, of uniting all of Tiamat’s followers in the
even turned to Null, the Death Wyrm, as a counter to the Realms under her rule as the Dark Lady’s mortal regent.
growing threat of Tiamat’s faith, though Null is ill-equipped Other prominent Dark Scaly Ones include Hesthera Drake-
to tend to nondraconic members of his faith (and frankly talons (LE hf P[Tiamat]13), leader of the Handmaidens of the
rather puzzled by them). Undying Queen beneath the ruins of Castle Perilous in Vaasa;
Deiros Forktongue (LE hm P[Tiamat]11), a wyrmkeeper (spe-
Current Plots cialist priest), and Ssenidak Wyrmspear (LE male lizard man
Rumors concerning the existence of a multiheaded draco- F11/C9), Fire of the First Lizard, leaders of Tiamat’s cult in
lich beneath the ruins of Castle Perilous have begun to cir- Surkh; and Kedrak Gilbane (LE hm Cru15), Lord High Mar-
culate amongst the members of the Sembian Cult cell. The shal of the Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose and titular com-
Wearers of the Purple are divided on how to respond to mander of the Serpent Guards.
this latest threat to their personal power. While the normal

62 • Foes of the Cult

t is indeed . . . fortunate . . . that this libram still tender Sussethilasis. And waiting to recover and
exists . . . to record my thoughts for posterity. hoarding my strength was a tactic that even the suzerain
Little else . . . in my home still endures. Even my himself could foresee and would prepare for when the
own future . . . is in doubt. time drew near. No, I feared I must remain here with
I was viciously betrayed, attacked . . . here, in my my wounds, stewing in the depths of my indignation
very home, by Sussethilasis and a potent human wiz- until such time as I could again soar forth and mark
ard who had somehow escaped my victory over the my domain as my own.
caravan. The mage must have fled via magic to the very “No,” Namirrha claimed, “Vengeance,” he said, “can
scaled side of my suzerain, telling that bastard spawn be yours within the tenday.” Namirrha said the Cult
of a wyvern Sussethilasis of my doings. was always ready to offer its mightiest of treasures to
Together they traveled here from Sussethilasis’ the mightiest of Faerûn's dragons. He said he could
fastness in the north to punish me for my transgres- return with the necessary components in but a day.
sion. The wizard aided Sussethilasis in overcoming The process would be complete within a mere seven
my magical defenses. It even bragged that those pro- days after that.
tective measures had been enchanted only to stop dra- “Imagine the pretender’s surprise,” Namirrha
conic visitors, not humans. The mage was therefore whispered, “upon the day you fly to him and best him
able to discover and dismantle all but the first alarm in his very lair, thus ending his corrupt and misbegot-
before triggering them. ten rule. Imagine taking your place upon the suzerain's
The Battle was nevertheless awesome; I nearly perch. Then—then will Anauroch have a truly power-
overcame the pair of them. They required treachery to ful ruler, a dragon worthy of the title of Suzerain.”
defeat my might. Sussethilasis ignored the rules of the His grasp of tactics is undeniably apt. The fool and
Feint, and worse, he allowed a human to fight at his pretender would never expect such retaliation from me
side. Oh, my suzerain tried to explain away his cow- considering the state he left me in, and the thought of
ardice by saying their craven act was but retribution, it occurring this quickly surely would never cross his
revenge for continued wrongs against himself and his insignificant mind. Such a plan would succeed, even if
agreement with the mages of this far-off “keep” over it means the transformation. . . .
the trade routes that crossed my own domain within Zorquan forgive me, but I must do it. Is it not a
the Blight. My “repeated offenses” had earned me dragon’s right, no, his mandate to take power when
this, they said. At least the arrogant insect-mage did possible? Is it not my right to avenge myself upon the
not survive the battle; that, at least, my mighty fangs traitor who follows not our own rules! Only a fool, as
were able to ensure. speaks Namirrha, would pass up such an opportunity.
Sussethilasis “allowed” me to live in order to pon- And is not magic magic? To refuse power, any power,
der my position, to reconsider my future place in his is truly insane.
greater scheme, he said. If I survive my wounds and Then let treachery be met with treachery. Let my
recover, there will come a day when I show him his vengeance be spoken of across this place and time, let
place, his place in my great scheme, But first . . . rest, it be so.
then revenge. Must rest now. . . . “Very well,” I spoke to the necromancer. “Do what
***** you must to affect the transformation. Let the powers
I was awakened from an almost too-deep slumber of your Cult, of the might of this Sammaster's magic,
by Namirrha. He and his followers plied me with fill me. I will have my vengeance—and very soon.”
potions, spells (he had a priest with him, I think), and —From the magical libram of recording of
even anointed my wounds with salves. He spoke of Malygris, very old blue dragon
hearing of my battles these days past and coming to of southern Anauroch, circa 1365 DR
share my glories. Instead, I fear he saved my life.
As his Lackeys ministered to me, Namirrha spoke of
the terrible vengeance I would wreak on my attackers, The Magic and
my betrayers. He shouted of my horrible anger, my Monsters of the Cult
righteous wrath, the furious retribution I would bring
down upon the heads of my enemies. Namirrha must “The mad genius of Sammaster cannot be overstated. His drive to
explore the boundaries of magic—and later of life, death, and
have known that, even with his minor magics aiding my undeath—propelled the studies of both metamagic and necro-
recovery, it would still be years of human time before I mancy far beyond what any individual mage had accomplished
again had the might to stand claw-to-claw with the pre-

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 63

before or since. Sammaster’s magical legacy cannot be denied. In cells. (DMs may make certain spells that are listed here un-
order to better understand the man and his other most famous available or judge that they do not function properly or at
creation, the Cult of the Dragon, I have endeavored to gather or all due to a copying error at their discretion.) Sammaster
collate quite a few of the magical spells created by the mad mage. himself also may have devised other magics that he did not
“However, do not be led to the conclusion that spells alone entrust to the pages of the original Tome of the Dragon,
were the fruits of Sammaster’s twisted genius. After he discov- though that work is believed to be comprehensive. Never-
ered that now-famous passage from Maglas’ tome and mistrans- theless, most of the following spells are available to Cult
lated it, all forms of draconic life and death became his obsession. wizards. A list of more commonly known spells is given
He performed countless magical and hybridizing experiments first, followed by a detailed description (in AD&D® game
with unborn, young, and mature dragons—most often against terms) of the less well-known and unique spells.)
the creatures’ wills. I have been able to ascertain that all but one
of the creatures detailed in this report either were created by Sam- Common Spells
master himself or Cult mages with access to his researches. (The These common spells are found in the source given as part
lone exception being the independent ghost dragon.) Some of the parenthetical notes of the spell’s level and schools:
extremely dubious Cult researchers also claim that such semidra- CBN=Complete Book of Necromancers; PFTM=Pages From the
conic beings as the dracolisk, the dracosphinx, and the dragonne Mages; PHB=Player’s Handbook; ToM=Tome of Magic. In addi-
were also created by Sammaster’s perverted experimentations. As tion to those spells from the Player’s Handbook specifically
always, one must consider the source.” noted below, most other necromancy spells from that work
—Oracle Veshal Questa, can be deemed to have been included in the original Tome of
Sibylite of Savras and Harper, the Dragon.
from her report to Belhuar Thantarth, 1370 DR The spells are: Alacrity (Wiz 3; Alteration, Metamagic;
ToM); animate dead animals (Wiz 1; Necromancy; CBN); aug-
mentation I (Wiz 3; Invocation/Evocation, Metamagic; ToM);
Sammaster’s Spells augmentation II (Wiz 6; Evocation, Metamagic; ToM); bind
Sammaster was a brilliant wizard whose early career fea- undead (Wiz 5; Necromancy; CBN); bone dance (Wiz 3; Necro-
tured many discoveries and advancements (and some say mancy; CBN); chain contingency (Wiz 9; Evocation, Metam-
appropriations and misuses) in the field of metamagic. agic; ToM); contingency (Wiz 6; Evocation, Metamagic; PHB);
(Incantatrixes, in particular, feel he stole a lot from the corpse host (Wiz 6; Necromancy; CBN); corpse link (Wiz 1;
School of Incantation.) The metamagic spells listed here are Necromancy, Alteration; CBN); death shroud (Wiz 8; Necro-
rare in modern Faerûn. Metamagic is not a recognized mancy; CBN); death ward (Wiz 9; Abjuration, Necromancy;
school of magic by any means, but a philosophical group- CBN); dilation I (Wiz 4; Alteration, Metamagic; ToM); dilation
ing of spells that affect other magical spells, items, or II (Wiz 6; Alteration, Metamagic; ToM); dispel magic (Wiz 3;
effects. As such, though some of the spells below are noted Abjuration, PHB); embalm (Wiz 2; Necromancy, Alteration;
as belonging to the metamagic “school,” most qualify as CBN); extension I (Wiz 4; Alteration, Metamagic; PHB);
alteration magic. For purposes of comparison, the Simbul extension II (Wiz 5; Alteration, Metamagic; PHB); extension
and Elminster are modern-day masters of the metamagic III (Wiz 6; Alteration, Metamagic; PHB); far reaching I (Wiz 3;
school of thought, and examples of their prowess in this Alteration, Metamagic; ToM); far reaching II (Wiz 4; Alter-
area of magical research include The Simbul’s spell sequencer, ation, Metamagic; ToM); far reaching III (Wiz 5; Alteration,
spell trigger, spell supremacy, and synostodweomer, and the Metamagic; ToM); imbue undead with spell ability (Wiz 6;
Sage of Shadowdale’s spells Elminster’s evasion and effulgent Necromancy; PFTM); intensify summoning (Wiz 7; Conjura-
epuration. (See the Heroes’ Lorebook for details on these tion/Summoning, Necromancy, Metamagic; ToM); locate
spells.) remains (Wiz 1; Necromancy, Divination; CBN); lower resis-
Also incorporated into the list and the spell descriptions tance (Wiz 5; Abjuration, Alteration, Metamagic; ToM);
below are many of the necromantic spells Sammaster cre- magic staff (Wiz 5; Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic; ToM);
ated after his fall from grace with Mystra. While his drive minor spell turning (Wiz 4; Abjuration, Metamagic; ToM);
to create was not lessened, his demented mind turned to Mordenkainen’s celerity (Wiz 4; Alteration, Invocation, Meta-
ever more depraved fields of interest. Many of the necro- magic; PHB); Mordenkainen’s disjunction (Wiz 9; Alteration,
mantic spells below resulted from Sammaster’s insane but Enchantment, Metamagic; PHB); Mordenkainen’s lucubration
insightful researches into necromancy and, ultimately, led (Wiz 6; Alteration, Metamagic; PHB); permanency (Wiz 8;
in turn to his discovery of the process for creating draco- Alteration, Metamagic; PHB); Rary’s mnemonic enhancer
liches. (Wiz 4; Alteration, Metamagic; PHB); sense shifting (Wiz 2;
Sammaster’s known spells can be found in the book he Alteration, Metamagic; ToM); skeletal hands (Wiz 2; Necro-
wrote as he went about creating his cult, the Tome of the mancy, Evocation; CBN); skulltrap (Wiz 3; Necromancy, Evo-
Dragon. (See Magical Items below for details on this gri- cation; CBN); spectral voice (Wiz 1; Necromancy, Alteration;
moire.) Copies of this book have been disseminated to all CBN); spellstrike (Wiz 9; Alteration, Metamagic; PFTM);
Cult cells and many individual members of the Cult of the squaring the circle (Wiz 3; Alteration, Metamagic; ToM); steal
Dragon; however, none of these copies exactly duplicate enchantment (Wiz 7; Enchantment/Charm, Metamagic;
the original due to scribal errors and decisions about the ToM); summon spirit (Wiz 4; Necromancy; CBN); transmute
relative importance of various sections made by particular bone to steel (Wiz 6; Alteration, Necromancy; CBN); Tulrun’s

64 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

tracer (Wiz 4; Divination, Alteration; PFTM); and vampiric By casting this spell, a wizard establishes an auditory
touch (Wiz 3; Necromancy; PHB). link himself or herself and a skeleton or zombie within the
spell’s range. This link allows the caster to hear any sounds
Uncommon and Rare Spells that occur within the vicinity of the undead being. The wiz-
1st Level ard can hear exactly as if she or he were standing where the
Command Undead (Wiz 1; Necromancy) undead creature is standing (a wizard/thief can use the
Range: 0 thiefly hear noise ability, too).
Components: V, S The spell also allows the caster to order the undead
Casting Time: 1 creature via the link. Such commands are limited to four
Duration: 1 hour+1 turn/level words (“turn left,” “walk forward two steps,” and so on). If
Area of Effect: The caster the undead creature moves beyond the spell’s range, then
Saving Throw: None the spell ends immediately. If the skeleton is under the
direct, active control of another being, the commanding
This spell allows the wizard to command undead crea- function of the spell automatically fails.
tures exactly as an evil priest of the same level. The caster The material component for this spell is a mummified
can control the same number and type of creatures and ear.
requires the same roll on the Turn Undead table to take
command. The wizard is allowed only one command check Undead Servant (Wiz 1; Necromancy)
per encounter during the spell’s duration; if it succeeds, Range: 10 yards
she or he controls 2d6 undead. If the command attempt Components: V, S, M
fails, the wizard cannot try again. Casting Time: l turn
Duration: 1 hour+1 turn/level
Enlarge Skeleton (Wiz 1; Necromancy) Area of Effect: 1 body or skeleton
Range: Touch Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 This spell allows the wizard to temporarily animate the
Duration: 1 turn/level body or bones of a dead human, demihuman, or humanoid
Area of Effect: One skeleton creature of man size or smaller. The animated creature is
Saving Throw: None treated as a zombie or skeleton, as appropriate (see the
MONSTROUS MANUAL tome). The undead servant obeys
This spell can be applied to all or part of a human-sized simple verbal commands until destroyed, dispelled, or the
or smaller skeleton, but fails if used on bones of different spell duration expires.
individuals. It is effective on both undead and normal skele- The material component is a pinch of graveyard dirt.
tal remains; if applied to an undead creature, it has no effect
on controls or commands already in existence affecting the 2nd level
creature but does not itself establish any such control. An Animate Skeletons (Wiz 2; Necromancy)
enlarge skeleton can turn an animal skeleton into a monster Range: 30 feet+10 feet/level
skeleton and a normal human skeleton into a giant skeleton Components: V, S, M
(as per the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome). When applied to Casting Time: 1 round
nonanimated remains, it is usually employed to make a Duration: Instantaneous
bone longer and heavier for use as a prop, tool, or weapon. Area of Effect: 1 skeleton/level
This spell can be applied to only part of a skeleton, Saving Throw: None
lengthening it to a maximum of twice what it was before
the spell was applied. This is usually employed to lengthen This specialized version of the animate dead spell pro-
the stump of a missing arm into a longer limb, but can also duces one skeleton for each level of the caster. The ani-
be used as an attack (for example, to make a hostile skele- mated skeletons obey the simple verbal commands of the
ton fall over by making one leg twice the length of the caster and remain animated until destroyed in combat or
other). turned by a priest; the magic cannot be dispelled.
The spell has utterly no effect on the bones of living Only the skeletons of humans, demihumans, and bi-
creatures. pedal humanoid monsters of 1 Hit Die or less can be ani-
mated by means of this spell. The experience levels of the
Spectral Ears (Wiz 1; Necromancy, Alteration) slain are ignored; the newly animated skeletons are treated
Range: 10 yards/level as normal skeletons (see the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome).
Components: V, S, M The material component for this spell is a drop of blood
Casting Time: 1 and a pinch of bone powder or a shard of bone, plus a spe-
Duration: 1 turn/level cial salve that costs at least 10 gp per dose to produce. The
Area of Effect: The caster wizard must rub the bones to be affected with the salve.
Saving Throw: None One dose can animate a single skeleton and requires one
round to apply. The wizard can wait up to 24 hours before

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 65

finishing the animating spell with a single word. The near- Area of Effect: The caster
est treated skeletons within both the range and the caster’s Saving Throw: None
level limit animate.
This spell temporarily alters the body of the caster into
Attract Ghoul (Wiz 2; Necromancy) the semblance of a human skeleton, causing flesh, tissue,
Range: 1 mile/level organs (including eyes), clothing, and gear to become invis-
Components: V, S, M ible. The skills, mobility, and functions of the body are
Casting Time: 2d12 hours unaltered. While in this form, unintelligent undead crea-
Duration: Instantaneous tures ignore the caster.
Area of Effect: 1 ghoul This spell is normally used to disguise the caster’s iden-
Saving Throw: Special tity (or even presence, if used in a crypt). It can be ended
early (and instantly) if the caster commands it to expire.
This spell summons a ghoul to act as a necromancer’s The effects do not automatically expire if the caster attacks,
aide and familiar. (It only works for necromancer specialist as in invisibility.
wizards, though mages and other wizards may not dis-
cover that until after casting the spell.) It may or may not Death Armor (Wiz 2; Abjuration, Necromancy)
succeed in attracting a ghoul, depending on whether or not Range: 0
one is in range; the chance of success is 10%, plus 5% per Components: V, S, M
level. The caster can converse easily with the ghoul and Casting Time: 2
shares an empathic link with the monster. He or she can Duration: 1 round/level
issue it mental commands at a range of up to 1 mile, receiv- Area of Effect: The caster
ing emotional responses—anger, fear, hunger, etc.—in Saving Throw: Special
return. The ghoul is willing to serve as a guard, scout, or
spy, undertaking any task demanded, but in return the Any time within 8 hours of casting this spell, the wizard
necromancer must keep the ghoul well fed and provide it must spend two full rounds anointing his or her garments
with a defensible lair of the appropriate kind. Should the and body with an unguent. Once the wizard is coated, the
necromancer fail to meet these conditions, the ghoul wan- death armor can then be invoked at any time in the next 8
ders off and resumes its normal activities. There is a 5% hours with a casting time of 2. If the wizard does not acti-
chance to attract a ghast, which attacks unless the caster is vate the spell’s protection during this time, the unguent is
6th level or higher, but which otherwise serves as does a expended with no effect.
ghoul. This spell surrounds the caster with a crackling black
The summoned ghoul is an exceptionally intelligent and aura that injures any creature that comes into contact with
strong specimen with at least 10 hit points and average it. Once the caster activates the spell’s protection, any crea-
Intelligence (instead of low Intelligence). A necromancer ture that strikes the wizard with bare hands or its own nat-
can have no more than one ghoul servant bound to him or ural weapons must make a saving throw vs. death magic.
her at any one time by this spell, and it will tend to not get Failure means the creature suffers 2d6 points of damage.
along with any other familiar the necromancer might have. The wizard sustains full damage from any successful
Any ghouls created by the necromancer’s servant are not attack.
under the necromancer’s control and might attack the Most normal animals and any monster attacking with-
necromancer unless the servant ghoul is also present. out weapons are subject to this spell, including humanoid
If the ghoul remains more than 1 mile distant from the creatures that choose to grapple, pummel, or overbear the
necromancer for a full week, the empathic link is broken, caster. Weapons and ranged attacks inflict damage on the
and the ghoul is no longer bound to serve (although it may caster normally.
be favorably disposed toward its former master if treated Any number of creatures can be affected by the death
well). If the ghoul is destroyed, the necromancer is immedi- armor, suffering the effect for each attack they make. Ani-
ately aware of the creature’s demise and must make a sys- mal Intelligence and semi-intelligent creatures, if they
tem shock check; failure means incapacitation for 1d6 attack at all, usually abort a multiple-attack routine when
hours. they first take damage.
The attract ghoul spell is an unusually taxing and power- The death armor spell is a passive defense; the wizard
ful enchantment and can be cast only once per year. himself or herself must save against its effects if she or he
The spell requires a censer full of myrrh and bitter herbs tries to grasp or grapple an enemy. The spell ends after one
worth at least 500 gp. round per caster level.
A caster slain while wearing death armor is engulfed in a
Become Bones burst of black energy. His or her next resurrection survival
(Wiz 2; Illusion/Phantasm, Necromancy) check must be made at a -20% penalty.
Range: The material component for this spell is a rare unguent
Components: V, S worth at least 300 gp.
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 turn+1d6 rounds

66 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

Find Familiar-Necromancer bonus to saving throws against spells that have special
(Wiz 2; Summoning) effects against the undead. Furthermore, the undead crea-
Range: 1 mile/level ture receives a saving throw if nonundead creatures have
Components: V, S, M one, even if the effect normally forbids one to undead crea-
Casting Time: 2d6 hours tures. Second, the protection negates any bonus damage
Duration: Special specifically affecting undead from any source (spell, item,
Area of Effect: 1 familiar etc.). For example, while the protection is not effective
Saving Throw: Special against the disintegration power of a mace of disruption, it is
effective against the damage bonuses of that weapon. The
This spell can only be cast by necromancer specialist protection lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster and
wizards. Except for the types of familiars, the timing of the lends itself to permanency and similar spells.
casting (must be under a full moon), and the cost for the The material component is ash sprinkled in a circle
ingredients (which is doubled to 2,000 gp), this is much the around the creature to be protected.
same as the wizard’s find familiar spell. The necromancer
uses a special table to determine what, if any, familiar Resist Turning (Wiz 2; Abjuration)
arrives. Range: Touch
Imps and quasits will not serve a master of less than 4th Components: V, S
level. If one arrives at the call of a necromancer of 1st to Casting Time: 2
3rd level, the creature will, instead of serving, agree to Duration: 2 rounds/level unless triggered
return when the necromancer is more powerful. In the Saving Throw: None
meantime, the necromancer must find another familiar, for Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
when the imp or quasit returns, it kills and eats its prede-
cessor to seal the bargain. The necromancer suffers the This spell protects undead creatures from being turned
usual penalties for the death of the first familiar: a system or commanded by priests (including paladins). When a
shock survival roll is required and a point of Constitution turning attempt is made against protected undead, the DM
lost. secretly rolls a single resistance roll. The resistance suc-
ceeds on a 1d20 roll of 16 or more, adjusted for the differ-
1d20 Familiar Sensory Powers ence in level between the caster and turning priest. (For
l-3 Black cat Excellent night vision & supe- example, if the caster is 9th level and the turning priest is
rior hearing 5th level, the roll needed to resist turning is 12 or better.)
4-5 Giant rat Superior olfactory power Successful resistance means the turning attempt fails. A
6 Frog Wide-angle vision resistance roll of 1 means the resistance fails, regardless of
7 Giant centipede Very sensitive touch level difference.
8 Large spider Wide-angle vision Once this protection is triggered, the spell protects
9 Bat Very superior hearing undead in its area for that round, then ends. If not triggered
10 Raven Excellent vision within two rounds per level of the caster, the spell ends.
11 Imp See MONSTROUS MANUAL The caster can center this spell on himself or herself, on
12 Quasit See MONSTROUS MANUAL a particular touched creature or object, or on a fixed loca-
13-20 No familiar, cannot try again until next month. tion. The spell protects undead within 15 feet of the focal
point at the instant of the triggering turning or command
An imp or quasit familiar acquired by this spell receives attempt. The area is mobile with its focus.
no bonus hit points based on the caster’s level, nor does it
waste away if separated from the necromancer. If it is Spectral Eyes (Wiz 2; Necromancy, Alteration)
killed, the necromancer suffers the standard penalties for Range: 10 yards/level
loss of a familiar. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Protection From Deathbane Duration: 1 turn/level
(Wiz 2; Necromancy) Area of Effect: The caster
Range: Touch Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 This spell establishes a visual link between the caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level and a skeleton or zombie within the spell’s range. The spell
Area of Effect: Creature touched lets the caster see what the undead creature sees as if she or
Saving Throw: None he were looking through the creature’s eyes. If the caster
has infravision, she or he sees what the creature sees with
This spell enables a wizard to protect one undead crea- infravision as well. The spell also allows the wizard to
ture from the effects of dweomers that are particularly order the undead creature (each command can be up to
baneful to undead creatures. The protected creature re- four words long). If the creature moves beyond the spell’s
ceives two benefits. First, the undead creature has a +2 range, then the spell ends immediately If the skeleton is

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 67

under the direct, active control of another being, the com- Ghastly Hands (Wiz 3; Necromancy)
manding function of the spell automatically fails. Range: 0
The material component of this spell is a carefully pre- Components: V, S
served eye. Casting Time: 3
Duration: 2 rounds/level
3rd Level Area of Effect: The caster
Animate Zombies (Wiz 3; Necromancy) Saving Throw: None
Range: 10 yards+5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M When this spell is cast, the flesh of the wizard’s hands
Casting Time: 3 changes to resemble the flesh of a ghast. Those within 10
Duration: Instantaneous feet of the wizard smell a sickening stench; if they have met
Area of Effect: 1 zombie/level, 10 feet/level ghasts before, they can recognize the stench as being simi-
Saving Throw: None lar to the nauseating odor given off by those beasts, though
it has no other adverse effect.
This variation of the animate dead spell produces one Any human or demihuman (including elves) touched
properly prepared zombie for each experience level of the by the wizard must make a successful saving throw vs.
wizard. The wizard must immerse the corpses in a special paralyzation or be paralyzed for 4+1d6 rounds. Only one
mineral salt bath for one full turn before casting the spell. creature can be touched per round, and the wizard must
Once the corpses have been properly treated, the wizard make a successful attack roll to do so. The wizard can end
can animate them using animate zombies at any time within the spell at will (but not the paralyzation, which runs its
the next 24 hours. course).
Only the bodies of humans, demihumans, and human-
oids of 1 Hit Die or less can be animated by this spell. The Putrefaction (Wiz 3; Alteration)
experience levels of the slain are ignored—the newly ani- Range: 10 yards/level
mated zombies are treated exactly as the zombies described Components: V, S, M
in the M ONSTROUS MANUAL tome. They obey the verbal Casting Time: 3
commands of the animating wizard and remain animated Duration: Instantaneous
until destroyed in combat or turned by a priest. The magic Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
cannot be dispelled. Saving Throw: Special
The material component for this spell is a drop of blood
and a pinch of bone powder or a shard of bone, plus a bath This vile spell spoils all food and water in the area of
of special salts, which costs at least 200 gp to produce. The effect. Magical potions and holy water may be ruined: Roll
bath can accommodate up to 10 man-sized corpses, one at a 1d20 for each potion or container of holy water in the area;
time, before it is exhausted. The wizard can create a bath a roll of 8 or more (that is, the saving throw of a 12th-level
large enough to soak two corpses at once for 400 gp, three wizard) leaves the fluid unaffected.
for 600 gp, and so on. In addition, all creatures in the area of effect suffer 1d4
points of damage and must make a successful saving throw
Charmthwart (Wiz 3; Abjuration, Metamagic) vs. poison. Those who fail suffer an additional 1d4 points
Range: 0 of damage and are 25% likely to contract a rotting disease
Components: S that will prove fatal in 1d6 months. For each month the rot
Casting Time: 3 progresses, an afflicted creature loses 2 points of Charisma
Duration: 1 round/level permanently. Unlike mummy rot, this disease does not affect
Area of Effect: The caster the curing of wounds.
Saving Throw: None The material component of this spell is a bit of rotten
This magic (an experiment crafted by Sammaster during
his early training) protects its caster against enchantment/ Ray of Paralysis (Wiz 3; Necromancy)
charm magic. The caster receives a normal saving throw vs. Range: 20 yards+5 yards/level
spell against all enchantment/charm spells that normally Component: V, S
allow no saving throw and a +3 bonus on saving throws Casting Time: 3
against enchantment/charm spells that do allow a saving Duration: Instantaneous
throw. Area of Effect: 1 creature
A faint, high-pitched, continuous singing sound sur- Saving Throw: Special
rounds the head of a being protected by charmthwart. The
sound is audible 20 feet away in quiet conditions and about This spell projects a green, pencil-thin ray of enervating
10 feet away in conditions of average or normal noise. energy at the subject. The target creature is allowed a sav-
Charmthwart can be ended instantly before its expiration by ing throw vs. breath weapon (Dexterity defensive adjust-
the silent will of the caster. ment bonuses or penalties apply) to dodge the narrow
beam altogether; if the creature dodges the ray, another

68 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

creature standing behind it in a direct line might be struck The material component is a bit of bone taken from a
at the DM’s discretion. ghoul, wight, or ghast.
A creature struck by the ray of paralysis is paralyzed for
3d4 rounds. A remove paralysis spell or a successful dispel Undead Torch (Wiz 3; Evocation, Necromancy)
magic can negate the paralysis effect before its time runs Range: 20 yards
out. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3
Undead Lieutenancy (Wiz 3; Necromancy) Duration: 9 rounds
Range: 60 yards Area of Effect: One corporeal undead creature
Components: V, S Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 3
Duration: 1 round/level This spell causes any one corporeal undead creature of
Area of Effect: 1 undead creature the caster’s choice to blaze with cold blue flames (similar in
Saving Throw: None appearance to those caused by the “chill shield” effect of a
fire shield spell). The spell is primarily used to augment the
This spell allows the organization of lesser undead into damage done by a skeleton or zombie undead servitor or to
coordinated groups by the caster. The undead lieutenant impress hostile intruders. The undead creature need not be
must be of at least low Intelligence. Upon receiving the a willing spell recipient, but it is unharmed by the flames,
spell, it is immediately treated as a leader by the lesser which also have no effect on nonliving material such as
undead (that is, undead creatures with fewer Hit Dice than clothing worn by the undead, scrolls or other paper it may
the undead lieutenant possesses). The lesser undead follow be holding, and so on.
the orders of the lieutenant for the duration of the spell. The cold flames created by this spell sear only living
The lesser undead must be either created by, controlled by, flesh and deal 2d4 points of damage per contact (or per
or in league with the caster. round of continuous contact). Their damage is added to
Further, if the lieutenant is within 60 feet of the lesser any harm done by the undead creature in its usual attacks
undead, such followers are not affected by priestly turning on living creatures. This spell cannot be cast on noncorpo-
or commanding unless the undead lieutenant is also affected. real undead creatures, and corporeal creatures that trans-
If two undead creatures serving the same master and form themselves or are transformed into a noncorporeal
affected by this spell are in the same area, the most power- state cause the spell to collapse (expire) in a pinwheel of
ful one becomes the superior lieutenant. Power is deter- fading, dying flames. The flames of this spell never harm
mined in order of Hit Dice, then hit points; the caster must undead creatures.
resolve ties. Should the more powerful lieutenant be inca- The spell’s material component is a living or dried
pacitated, the lesser lieutenant takes over. (dead) firefly or glow worm.
If undead lieutenants of different casters are operating
in the same area, they will cooperate or not, as their mas- 4th Level
ters devise; however, unless direct subordination of com- Empower Skeleton (Wiz 4; Necromancy)
mands is arranged, each undead lieutenant affects only the Range: Touch
lesser undead directly under its own command. Components: V, S, M
The caster can end this spell instantly with a word. Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Until activated
Undead Summoning I Area of Effect: One undead skeleton
(Wiz 3; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning) Saving Throw: None
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M This magic imbues a skeleton (which must already be
Casting Time: 3 undead, though it need not be under the control of the
Duration: 2 rounds+1 round/level caster) with the ability to cast a single 1st- to 3rd-level wiz-
Area of Effect: Special ard spell when specific conditions outlined by the caster
Saving Throw: None during bestowal of the empowerment are met. Years may
pass before the conditions are fulfilled, or they may be met
Within one round of completing this spell, the wizard at once. (Careless casters have been attacked by their own
conjures 3d4 skeletons or 3d4 animal skeletons (50% chance spells because their presence fulfilled the conditions they
of each) to a point within the spell’s range. The undead set!) The skeleton only unleashes the chosen spell once
creatures attack the caster’s enemies to the best of their before the empowerment is discharged. In situations when
ability until she or he commands the attack to cease, the it is unclear if the conditions have been met, the skeleton
spell duration expires, or they are defeated or turned. The does not launch the magic.
undead summoned by this spell vanish when slain. If no The spell to be unleashed by the skeleton must be cast by
enemy is present for the undead to engage, they follow any the caster of the empowerment on the round immediately
other commands or undertake simple tasks as the wizard after the empower skeleton spell is cast. The caster need not be
directs. touching the skeleton during this second spellcasting, but

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 69

must be able to see it. This second spell vanishes without This spell weakens light sources of any kind in the area
apparent effect into the skeleton to be launched later when of effect. Light equal to daylight in brightness or intensity
its casting conditions are met. It operates as if cast by the (including continual light) is reduced to a deep twilight
caster and strikes at a random target if more than one is pre- gloom. Torches and magical weapons illuminate only a 5-
sent and a valid target when the casting conditions are met. foot radius, and lamps, lanterns, and other magical light
The wizard loses the spell slot of the imbued spell until the sources illuminate only a 10-foot radius. The spell covers a
skeleton casts it or is destroyed. Multiple empower skeleton 120-foot radius and can be made mobile if cast on an object.
spells cannot be cast on the same skeleton. Light-based combat penalties for creatures of darkness
The material component of this spell is a handful of are negated within the area of effect, and monsters that
ashes from a scroll that was burned while it still bore at cannot abide the touch of daylight (vampires, for instance)
least one intact wizard or priest spell. are fully capable of acting under the veil of gloom. Light-
based spells and combat effects are halved in effect when
Forcefend (Wiz 4; Alteration, Metamagic) conducted under the effects of gloom; for example, a sun-
Range: 30 yards burst from a wand of illumination is reduced from 6d6 points
Components: V, S of damage to 3d6 points of damage against undead.
Casting Time: 4 The material component for this spell is a special
Duration: 1 round incense prepared by the caster.
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special Protection From Deathbane, 10-foot Radius
(Wiz 4; Necromancy)
This spell cloaks its caster with a temporary protection Range: Touch
against all hostile spells and magical item discharges that Components: V, S, M
have a specific target—when the intended target is the Casting Time: 4
caster. A forcefend enables the caster to redirect all such Duration: 2 rounds/level
magics at another suitable target within spell range. The Area of Effect: 10-foot radius around creature
new target can never be the original source of the attack touched
(for example, this spell does not allow direct reflection of Saving Throw: None
spell attacks) and cannot be a target not valid under the
terms of the spell attack. The new target is allowed a saving This spell is similar to the 2nd-level protection from death-
throw vs. spell; if failed, the magical attack takes its full bane except for the increased area of effect. All undead crea-
effect on the new target rather than on the forcefend caster. tures within the area are protected from the effects of
If the new target’s saving throw succeeds, the magical dweomers that are particularly baneful to undead crea-
attack rebounds to strike at any valid target (except the tures. The protected undead creatures receive two benefits:
original source and the forcefend caster) within 30 yards of First, they have a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells
the intended new target. This secondary target cannot be that have special effects against undead creatures. Further-
chosen by the forcefend caster, and if more than one valid more, they receive a saving throw if nonundead creatures
target exists, the actual target affected is chosen randomly. have one, even if the effect normally forbids one to undead
The secondary target is allowed a normal saving throw creatures. Second, the protection negates any bonus dam-
vs. spell; if failed, the secondary target takes the full brunt age specifically affecting undead from any source (spell,
of the original attack. If the secondary target’s saving throw item, etc.). For example, while the protection is not effective
also succeeds, the spell attack fades harmlessly away and is against the disintegration power of a mace of disruption, it is
lost, harming nothing and no one. effective against the damage bonuses of that weapon. This
A forcefend protects its caster against all hostile magics protection lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster.
during its round of existence; the caster can redirect multi- The spell is centered on and moves with the creature
ple attacks against various targets without penalty for touched, who may be the caster or any undead creature. If
“being so busy.” Any spellcasting on the part of the force- cast on a creature too large to fit in the area of effect, the
fend caster while the forcefend is in effect instantly negates it, spell operates as a protection from deathbane for that creature
but the caster can employ magical items and undertake only.
strenuous or demanding physical activities, including com- The material component is ash sprinkled in a 20-foot-
bat, climbing, and readying material components for future diameter circle.
Rary’s Spell Enhancer
Gloom (Wiz 4; Alteration) (Wiz 4; Alteration, Metamagic)
Range: 60 yards+10 yards/level Range: Special
Components: V, S, M Components: V
Casting Time: 4 Casting Time: Special
Duration: 1 turn/level Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 120-foot radius Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None

70 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

This one-word spell focuses and increases the effective- touch) is unleashed by contact between the item and the
ness of a spell cast by the wizard. It sets up a special spell triggering creature. Any saving throws allowed by the
complex that allows the caster to cast two spells in the stored spell are resolved normally
same round. The spell enhancer is cast first, followed imme- For example, a gem set into a throne could unleash a
diately by the spell to be enhanced, during the same round. fireball spell when triggered by the touch of a guard. (“A
The enhanced spell strikes with greater power, resulting in living human male or female” can be specified, but not “a
a -2 penalty to all saving throws the spell requires. wizard” or “the king.”)
During casting, the caster can designate a single type of
Sammaster’s Lash being as immune to the spell. An immune being does not
(Wiz 4; Evocation, Necromancy) trigger the stored spell and, if in the unleashed spell’s area
Range: 60 feet of effect, receives a +4 bonus to any saving throw the un-
Components: V, S, M leashed spell allows.
Casting Time: 4 The material components of this spell are a pinch of
Duration: 9 rounds powdered gemstone (of 200 gp value per level of the stored
Area of Effect: Special spell) and a pinch of the ash left by any fire created or aug-
Saving Throw: Special mented by a spell combined with a drop of water and
touched to the item during the casting. The components of
This spell brings into being a flying ribbon of yellow- the stored spell are also required. The item must be puri-
white, crackling force that strikes at foes as the caster wills, fied and magically prepared for the casting, a process that
launching one attack per round at THAC0 14 (regardless of requires a full week per level of the stored spell.
its caster’s THAC0). It is acrobatic and whisper-thin. It can-
not be hit or affected by any known means except dispel Undead Summoning II
magic or contact with any magical barrier created by a 5th (Wiz 4; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning)
or higher level spell, both of which destroy it. The lash Range: 40 yards
seems attracted to such barriers and does not dodge Components: V, S, M
around them unless it approaches its intended target from Casting Time: 4
entirely the opposite direction from the location of a finite, Duration: 3 rounds+1 round/level
small-surface-area barrier. Area of Effect: Special
A victim struck by a Sammaster’s lash is allowed a saving Saving Throw: None
throw vs. spell. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 4d4 points
of damage. If it fails, the victim suffers no direct physical An improvement of the 3rd-level spell undead summon-
damage, but is paralyzed for the entire round following ing I, this spell resembles its weaker relation except that
contact with the lash. If the wielder of the lash uses it to undead summoning II conjures 3d4 zombies (75% chance) or
strike a paralyzed victim again during that time (to extend 2d3 heucuvas (25% chance). The monsters attack the cast-
the paralysis), another saving throw is allowed. (Damage er’s enemies to the best of their ability until the caster com-
might occur rather than more paralysis, regardless of the mands the attack to cease, the spell duration expires, or the
lash-caster’s wishes.) In any case, the paralyzation caused monsters are defeated or turned. The undead summoned
by Sammaster’s lash ends instantly if its victim is struck by a by this spell vanish when slain. If no enemy is present for
physical attack that causes damage. the undead to engage, they follow any other commands or
The material components of this spell are three ghast undertake simple tasks as the casting wizard directs.
hairs twisted together. The material component is a bit of bone taken from a
wight, ghast, or mummy.
Spelltouch (Wiz 4; Enchantment, Metamagic)
Range: Touch 5th Level
Components: V, S, M Deathmaster’s Vial (Wiz 5; Necromancy)
Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch
Duration: Special Components: V, S, M
Area of Effect: 1 item (of less weight and volume Casting Time: 5
than the caster) Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: 1 or more vials
Saving Throw: None
This spell, cast on a nonliving item, allows any spell of
3rd level or less cast on it in the following round (not neces- This spell activates an evil fluid that has been sealed in a
sarily by the caster) to be stored and remain dormant until specially prepared vial. The activated concoction can be
the item touches a target creature. The caster of the spell- hurled as a grenadelike missile. A direct hit inflicts 2d8+3
touch can specify what race, sex, and type (undead, sum- points of rotting damage. A miss within 5 feet inflicts
moned, living, avian, etc.) of creature will trigger or be 1d4+1 points of rotting damage.
affected by the second spell. The second spell (which need The casting activates one vial per 3 levels of the caster
not be known to or be castable by the caster of the spell- (round down, minimum of one), up to a total of five vials at

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 71

15th level. The vials must be used within two hours of expo- less, including shield, gaze reflection, minor globe of invulneru-
sure to direct sunlight, but they last for 2d10 days if kept in bility, protection from cantrips, protection from weapons (any),
darkness. Exposing the liquid to the air after activation protection from magic (any), as well as any wall spell within
destroys it within a round. The vials radiate evil. these limits, including wall of force.
The material component of the spell is the base fluid, Nonmetallic protective charms and amulets that add +2
which is made from boiling the remains of a ghoul or ghast or less to saving throws vs. spell must make an item saving
for 24 hours and adding various noxious substances worth throw vs. disintegration or shatter after the saving crea-
about 300 gp. This yields enough liquid to fill 6 small vials ture’s saving throw is resolved.
(like those used to carry holy/unholy water). The material component is a small iron spike or knife.

Fear Aura (Wiz 5; Abjuration) Skeletal Spellcraft (Wiz 5; Necromancy)

Range: 0 Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 2 rounds/level Duration: Until activated
Area of Effect: 60-foot radius Area of Effect: One skeleton
Saving Throw: Special Saving Throw: None

While this spell is in effect, the mere sight of the caster A more powerful version of the empower skeleton spell,
causes all creatures of 2 Hit Dice or less within the area of this magic imbues a skeleton (which must already be
effect to flee in terror. undead, though it need not be under the control of the
Creatures with more than 2 Hit Dice but fewer Hit Dice caster) with the ability to cast a spell when specific condi-
than the caster’s level must succeed at a saving throw vs. tions outlined by the caster during bestowal of the spell-
spell at a -2 penalty or be immobilized, unable to move or craft are met. (Note that sloppy casters have been attacked
act. Creatures immobilized by terror can try to ward off by their own spells when their presence fulfilled conditions
blows, suffering a -1 penalty to Armor Class; they cannot they set.) The skeleton can launch a specific wizard spell of
attack. Each round, an immobilized creature can try a new 1st to 3rd level once. It does not choose the best opportu-
saving throw without penalty to shake off the spell’s effect nity for doing so, but unleashes the spell on the first round
and regain its freedom of action. in which its triggering conditions are met.
Creatures whose levels or Hit Dice equal or exceed the The spell to be unleashed by the skeleton must be cast
caster’s are unaffected, as are mindless creatures or crea- on or at the skeleton by any wizard on the round immedi-
tures immune to fear. ately after the skeletal spellcraft spell is cast. This second
The material component is cloth from a lich’s shroud. spell vanishes without apparent effect (even if the wizard
launching it intended it to be an attack on the skeleton)
Pierce Magic Resistance into the skeleton, to be launched later when its casting
(Wiz 5; Alteration, Metamagic) conditions are met. (If more than one eligible spell strikes a
Range: 0 skeleton in the round after skeletal spellcraft has been
Components: V, S, M applied, randomly select which one the skeleton is empow-
Casting Time: 5 ered to unleash.)
Duration: Special The trapped spell operates as if cast by the spell’s origi-
Area of Effect: 1 spell nal caster when activated, and it launches itself at a ran-
Saving Throw: None dom target if more than one is present as a valid target
when the casting conditions are met. In situations when it
Pierce magic resistance makes another spell more potent: is unclear if the conditions have been met, the skeleton
It pierces magic resistance and some spells that shield a tar- does not launch the magic. (Note that a skeleton governed
get from spells. Casting pierce magic resistance affects only by skeletal spellcraft cannot be fooled by illusions in matters
the spell a wizard casts in the next round. If the target of pertaining to its triggering conditions.) Multiple skeletal
the second spell has magic resistance, its magic resistance spellcraft spells cannot be applied to the same skeleton, though
check is rolled twice. Unless both checks succeed, the spell a single empower skeleton and a skeletal spellcraft can be cast
pierces the creature’s magic resistance. on the same skeleton.
For example, if Therdillion the Invoker casts pierce magic The material component of this spell is a handful of
resistance and then a disintegrate spell at a creature with 50% ashes from a scroll that was burned while it still bore at
magic resistance, the DM rolls the resistance twice to see if least one intact wizard or priest spell of 4th level or greater.
it proves effective. Unless both resistance rolls succeed, the The requirement for this material component cannot be
spell gets through, forcing the creature to make a saving eliminated by any means, including spells or items nor-
throw against the disintegration spell. If the saving throw is mally engineered to allow the casting of other spells with
failed, the creature is disintegrated. no material components. (If Sammaster never figured out a
The pierce magic resistance spell has a 50% chance of way to get around this, how likely is any subsequent wiz-
instantly dispelling protections against spells of 5th level or ard to succeed?)

72 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

Rary’s Superior Spell Enhancer other commands or undertake simple tasks as the wizard
(Wiz 5; Alteration, Metamagic) directs.
Range: Special The material component is a bit of bone taken from a
Components: V wight, ghast, or mummy
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special 6th Level
Area of Effect: Special Dweomerburst (Wiz 6; Alteration, Metamagic)
Saving Throw: None Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
This spell enhancer increases the amount of damage Casting Time: 6
caused by a spell cast by the wizard. It sets up a special Duration: Instantaneous
spell complex that allows the caster to cast two spells in the Area of Effect: Special
same round. The one-word spell enhancer is cast first, fol- Saving Throw: Special
lowed by the attack spell to be enhanced. When the attack
spell is launched, all saving throws against the spell are This spell causes any one magical barrier within range
made at a -1 penalty. The spell inflicts an additional point that was created by a spell of 5th level or less to explode in
of damage per die of damage of the spell, so a fireball a burst of magical force. The barrier is destroyed, and the
inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage per die. When a magic mis- destructive energy of its blast streams directly away from
sile is cast after the spell enhancer, each missile inflicts the caster, dealing 1d6 hit points of damage per level of the
1d4+2 points of damage. spell that created it (save vs. spell to suffer only half dam-
age) to all beings within 20 feet of the point of ignition.
Thrice (Wiz 5; Alteration) All beings caught in the area affected by a dweomerburst
Range: 0 must also make a saving throw vs. spell. Failure indicates
Components: V, S, M they are stunned (reeling, unable to think coherently or
Casting Time: 5 perform any deliberate act) for 1d4 rounds and, if spellcast-
Duration: 2 rounds ers, lose a randomly chosen spell from any spells currently
Area of Effect: The caster memorized. Success indicates that they are merely stunned
Saving Throw: None for 1 round.
The material component of this spell is a specially man-
This spell temporarily augments the effectiveness of its ufactured slender blown-glass spindle that is snapped
caster in physical combat such that for each physical attack between the caster’s fingers during casting.
launched by the caster (including attacks with enchanted
weapons and attempts to deliver touch-effect spells), she or Rary’s Urgent Utterance
he receives three attack rolls. Only one attack is actually (Wiz 6; Alteration, Metamagic)
made, but the best roll result is used. For each successful Range: 0
caster attack, three damage rolls are made, and the best Components: V, S, M
result (and only that result) is used. If target creatures are Casting Time: 1 turn
allowed saving throws against these attacks, three must be Duration: Up to 24 hours
made, and the worst result used. Area of Effect: 1 spell
The material components of this spell are three samar- Saving Throw: None
skites (black opaque gemstones) of very similar size.
This spell empowers the wizard to specially prepare
Undead Summoning III another spell for quick casting in an emergency. Urgent
(Wiz 5; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning) utterance is cast first followed by the spell to be readied
Range: 50 yards except for the last word of the spell. When the wizard
Components: V, S, M needs to cast the readied spell, the caster need only utter
Casting Time: 5 the final word of the spell. The utterance of the final word
Duration: 4 rounds+1 round/level has a casting time of 1, saving much time on most spells.
Area of Effect: Special The readied spell stays in the caster’s mind for only one
Saving Throw: None day before it fades from memory. No more than two read-
ied spells can be in the caster’s mind at any time. Almost
The next spell in the series of undead summonings, this any spell of 6th level or less can be readied for quick cast-
spell brings 2d4 ghouls (50% chance) or 2d4 monster zom- ing, except the following: find familiar, magic mirror, conjure
bies (50% chance) to the caster’s aid. The monsters attack elemental, contingency, enchant an item, ensnarement, guards
the caster’s enemies to the best of their ability until the and wards, legend lore, Tenser’s transformation, limited wish,
caster commands the attack to cease, the spell duration simulacrum, true name, binding, permanency, succor, and wish.
expires, or the monsters are defeated or turned. The The material component is a sapphire worth 1,000 gp,
undead summoned by this spell vanish when slain. If no which is crushed when the spell is cast.
enemy is present for the undead to engage, they follow any

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 73

Shatterbone (Wiz 6; Necromancy) three damage rolls are made, and the best result (and only
Range: 0 that result) is used. If target creatures are allowed saving
Components: V, S, M throws against these attacks, three must be made, and the
Casting Time: 6 worst result used.
Duration: Instantaneous The material components of this spell are three tourma-
Area of Effect: 20-foot-wide×30-foot-long beam lines of very similar size worth at least 100 gp each.
Saving Throw: None
Mordenkainen’s Penultimate Cogitation
This spell brings into being a stationary beam lancing (Wiz 7; Alteration, Metamagic)
out from the caster’s body in a direction (and angle, from Range: l mile
vertical to horizontal) chosen by the caster. The beam is vis- Casting Time: 1
ible as a shimmering gray area. All undead creatures Components: V, S
touched or enveloped in this beam who are least partially Duration: Instantaneous
corporeal (solid) suffer 4d4 points of damage. Skeletons Area of Effect: The caster
destroyed in this way burst into motes of dust rather than Saving Throw: None
collapsing into bones that can be salvaged.
The material component of a shatterbone spell is a min- This spell permits the wizard to call to mind one spell of
eral crystal, cut gemstone, or a faceted “gem” made of glass 1st to 6th level from one of the caster’s personal spellbooks,
through which the bright midday rays of the sun have provided the appropriate spellbook is within one mile of
shone. the wizard. The spell must be one that the caster knows, as
explained in the Player’s Handbook. The spell cannot be
Undead Summoning IV called from a scroll or another wizard’s spellbook. Only
(Wiz 6; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning) one spell can be called per casting of the penultimate cogita-
Range: 60 yards tion. The called spell can be cast on any succeeding round
Components: V, S, M as if it had been memorized after the prescribed amount of
Casting Time: 6 study and rest. A 10% chance exists that the called spell is
Duration: 5 rounds+1 round/level magically erased from the wizard’s spellbook upon the
Area of Effect: Special casting of this spell.
Saving Throw: None
Simply a more powerful version of the earlier undead (Wiz 7; Invocation/Evocation, Metamagic)
summonings, this spell conjures 2d4 ghasts (40% chance), Range: 0
2d4 shadows (20% chance), or 2d4 ju-ju zombies (40% Components: V, S, M
chance) to the caster’s aid. The monsters attack the caster’s Casting Time: 1 turn
enemies to the best of their ability until the caster com- Duration: 1 day/level
mands the attack to cease, the spell duration expires, or the Area of Effect: The caster
monsters are defeated or turned. The undead summoned Saving Throw: None
by this spell vanish when slain. If no enemy is present for
the undead to engage, they follow any other commands or Related to both the contingency and permanency spells,
undertake simple tasks as the wizard directs. persistence allows a wizard to cast a spell of 6th level or
The material component is a bit of bone taken from a lower and then hold it until it is needed. There are two gen-
mummy, vampire, or lich. eral uses for persistence: to use a personal spell effect as
needed up to the maximum duration of the persistence
7th Level itself, or to prepare an instantaneous spell and hold it ready
Improved Thrice (Wiz 7; Alteration) until the caster wishes to use it. These are defined below.
Range: Touch Damaging or offensive spells that have a duration (for
Components: V, S, M example, flaming sphere or wall of fire) cannot be made persis-
Casting Time: 7 tent. A wizard may have no more than one persistence spell
Duration: 4 rounds active at any given time; if she or he girds a new spell while
Area of Effect: Creature touched an old one is still persistent, the old spell is simply replaced
Saving Throw: None by the new one.
Personal Effect: Any spell that augments the wizard’s
This spell temporarily augments the effectiveness of its natural abilities— detect magic, protection from evil, jump,
caster or a single touched recipient creature in physical infravision, fly, wraithform, or other caster-affecting spells—
combat such that for each physical attack (including attacks can be made persistent by use of this spell. The wizard casts
with enchanted weapons and attempts to deliver touch- persistence and then immediately follows with the desired
effect spells) launched by the spell recipient, she or he spell, Instead of taking effect immediately, the magic of the
receives three attack rolls. Only one attack is actually made, persistence holds the spell effect ready for use by a simple
but the best roll result is used. For each successful attack, act of will. The wizard can then “turn on” or “turn off” the

74 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

girded spell as often as she or he likes over the course of the Finally, the following spells can be cast upon objects or
duration of the persistence. The duration of the girded spell areas only and rendered semipermanent: alarm, audible
only runs while the spell is active, so a 15th-level wizard glamer, dancing lights, solid fog, wall of fire, distance distortion,
who makes a fly spell persistent will be able to use 1d6+15 and teleport.
turns of flight (the normal duration of fly) over the next 15 In applications other than those directed on the caster,
days (the duration of the persistence) as he sees fit. this spell can be dispelled normally to negate its effects.
This is especially useful because it allows the wizard to The DM may allow other selected spells to be made
cast the girded spell and the persistence and have the girded semipermanent. The selected spell must be researched
spell’s effects available while she or he then memorizes anew, costing as much and taking as long as its original
another spell in place of the spell made persistent. It is also research. The DM must decide whether a specific spell can
useful because the girded spell can be activated instantly be made semipermanent. The semipermanency spell cannot
by an act of will. The main difference between this spell be used in the process of manufacturing magical items.
and contingency is that a persistent spell can be invoked sev- The material components are a drop of dwarf’s blood
eral times (up to the limit of its normal duration) while a and a tiny metal anvil (worth 50 gp minimum).
contingency functions once only.
Held Spell: Spells that have an instantaneous effect, such Undead Summoning V
as most attack spells and some movement spells like teleport (Wiz 7; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning)
or dimension door, can be rendered persistent as well. The Range: 70 yards
held spell may be activated or discharged at any time dur- Components: V, S, M
ing the duration of the persistence, but its magic is then Casting Time: 7
exhausted as if it had been cast normally This resembles the Duration: 6 rounds+1 round/level
effect of a contingency spell, but the effect has no predefined Area of Effect: Special
conditions and simply occurs when the caster wills it to. Saving Throw: None
The material component of this spell is a crystal chalice
of exquisite workmanship worth at least 2,000 gp. This spell resembles monster summoning V, except that it
conjures 3d4 ghasts (40% chance), 2d3 giant skeletons (40%
Semipermanency (Wiz 7; Alteration, Metamagic) chance), or 1d3+1 banshees (20% chance) to the caster’s aid.
Range: Special The monsters attack the caster’s enemies to the best of their
Components: V, S, M ability until the caster commands the attack to cease, the
Casting Time: 1 round spell duration expires, or the monsters are defeated or
Duration: Special turned. The undead summoned by this spell vanish when
Area of Effect: Special slain. If no enemy is present for the undead to engage, they
Saving Throw: None follow any other commands or undertake simple tasks as
the wizard directs.
This spell affects the duration of certain other spells, The material component is a bit of bone taken from a
making the duration significantly longer. To the casual mummy, vampire, or lich.
observer, the effects may seem permanent, but in fact the
duration is limited to some number of years based on the Zone Perilous (Wiz 7; Evocation, Necromancy)
caster’s level: Roll 1d20 and subtract the result from the Range: 0
caster’s level to yield the duration of the spell in years; if Components: V, S, M
the result is 0 or less, roll 1d12 instead to find the spell’s Casting Time: 7
duration in months. The DM should roll these duration Duration: 1 hour/level
dice and keep the results secret from the caster. Casting this Area of Effect: 60-foot radius sphere
spell has no effect on the caster’s Constitution score. Saving Throw: None
The personal spells upon which a semipermanency spell
is known to be effective are the same as those listed for the This spell creates a luminous gray sphere or zone in the
more powerful permanency spell. The wizard casts the air. It can be cast so as to pass or partially pass through the
desired spell upon himself or herself, then follows with the ground or solid objects such as walls; its functioning is
semipermanency spell. This application of semipermanency unimpaired by the presence of such solid matter. Contact
can be dispelled only by a wizard of greater level than the with any part of this area aids undead creatures and harms
spellcaster was when she or he cast the spell. Affected living creatures except for the caster, who is immune to the
spells include: comprehend languages, detect evil, detect invisi- effects of his or her own zone perilous. Undead creatures
bility, detect magic, infravision, protection from cantrips, protec- regain 2 lost hit points for every round in which they make
tion from evil, protection from normal missiles, read magic, contact (or remain in continued contact) with a zone per-
tongues, and unseen servant. ilous. This benefit can never bestow extra hit points to
The semipermanency spell can be used to lengthen the du- undead creatures.
ration of some spells affecting creatures, objects, or areas, as Living creatures suffer 1 hit point of damage and must
follows: enlarge, fear, gust of wind, invisibility, magic mouth, pris- roll a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty for their every
matic sphere, stinking cloud, wall of fire, wall of ice, and web. entry into or additional round of continued contact with a

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 75

zone perilous. If the saving throw fails, the living being suf- Using this spell, a wizard imbues a stationary object
fers 1d4 points of additional damage, loses 1 point of with the ability to store, then later repeatedly cast, another
Strength (which returns after two turns have passed), and spell. (Gems and statues are common receptacles for this
feels a sensation of terrible cold. Living creatures whose spell.) The object to be enchanted must be of the finest
Strength or hit points drop to 0 (zero) or less while in the quality, with a cost in excess of 10,000 gp. After the object
gray sphere do not deteriorate further. They are held in sta- has been enchanted, a spell is cast into it. Thereafter, the
sis until the zone expires or they are removed from it. Heal- item casts the second spell, with normal effects centering
ing magic of any sort cannot aid living creatures who are in on or originating from the item, at intervals of 1 to 10
a zone perilous; attempts to use such aids causes them to be rounds. The interval is determined when the item is
wasted without effect. enchanted; it cannot be changed.
The material components of a zone perilous spell are a Any spell of up to 3rd level, except dispel magic, can be
drop of water, a fragment of bone that a shadow (the crea- used as the repeating spell. A successful dispel magic can
ture) has touched, and a hematite gemstone worth at least affect either the spellcaster spell or the repeating spell; elim-
25 gp. ination of either renders the item useless. Moving the item
also breaks the enchantment. Breaking the enchantment
8th Level does not destroy the formerly enchanted object.
Skeletal Guard (Wiz 8; Evocation, Necromancy) The material component of this spell is a hinge formed
Range: Touch of platinum worth at least 500 gp.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round Thrice Supreme (Wiz 8; Alteration)
Duration: 1 day/level to a maximum of 20 days Range: 0
Area of Effect: The fingerbones Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 8
Duration: 4 rounds
This spell transforms a handful of human fingerbones Area of Effect: The caster
into complete undead skeletons. One skeleton is created Saving Throw: None
per fingerbone used in the spellcasting, to a maximum of
eight. These undead are under the complete unbreakable This spell temporarily augments the effectiveness of its
control of the caster and respond to his or her silent mental caster in launching both physical and spell attacks. Each
orders. Other spellcasting on the part of the wizard does such attack is determined using the best result of three attack
not disturb this control, and in fact the skeletons can read- rolls (if such apply). In like manner, three rolls are made for
ily be augmented or altered by additional spells cast later duration and damage (if applicable), and the best is used. If
by the skeletal guard caster. target creatures are allowed saving throws against these
Skeletons remain within 60 feet of the caster. If forced attacks, three must be made and the worst results used.
beyond that distance (for instance, because the caster tele- The material components of this spell are three black
ports beyond range), they become motionless until the sapphires of very similar size worth at least 250 gp each.
caster moves within 60 feet once again, they are destroyed,
or the spell expires. Undead Aides (Wiz 8; Necromancy)
The skeletons rise up from wherever the caster tossed Range: 10 yards
the fingerbones during casting (so long as their resting Components: V, S, M
places are within 60 feet) at the end of the round following Casting Time: 8
casting, and they instantly respond to the caster’s com- Duration: Permanent
mands. (They stand motionless if none are given.) They Area of Effect: Special
have all of the properties of undead human skeletons as Saving Throw: None
described in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome except that
they are turned as “special” creatures. They melt away into When a wizard casts this spell, she or he imbues ani-
dust when the skeletal guard spell expires. mated skeletons and zombies with limited Intelligence. The
The material components of this spell are up to eight spell gives these undead the ability to speak in order to
intact human fingerbones (not necessarily from the same answer questions, respond to certain situations, shout warn-
skeleton). ings if under attack, or make introductions. This spell affects
a maximum of one skeleton or zombie for each experience
Spellcaster (Wiz 8; Enchantment, Metamagic) level of the caster, though the exact number of undead
Range: Touch affected depends upon the number of tasks that each ser-
Components: V, S, M vant is to perform. For example, a 30th-level wizard can
Casting Time: 1 turn affect 30 undead creatures, each able to perform one task—
Duration: Permanent or one undead servant that could perform 30 different tasks.
Area of Effect: 1 object A task can be as simple as opening a door when visitors
Saving Throw: None arrive or as complex as cooking a specific dish, each task
taking no more than an hour to perform. The tasks are

76 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

short routines that are performed either daily, when a cer- 9th Level
tain situation arises, or when the proper commands are Absorption
given. The undead aides have low Intelligence for the pur- (Wiz 9; Abjuration, Evocation, Metamagic)
pose of determining what they know and how they will Range: 0
react. They retain their immunities to spells such as charm, Components: V, S, M
hold, sleep, and so on. Casting Time: 9
It takes one turn for this spell to affect each creature after Duration: 5 rounds/level
it is cast. Once the spell is cast, the undead servants need no Area of Effect: The caster
monitoring except for any commands required to start spe- Saving Throw: None
cific tasks.
The material components are human bone fragments This spell enables the caster to absorb and redirect up to
and a dragon’s brain. 10 spell levels of magical energy. The incoming spell is nul-
lified, and the energy is stored for later use. Any type of
Undead Summoning VI spell can be absorbed, except for the following: area spells
(Wiz 8; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning) not targeted directly at the caster, touch attack spells, and
Range: 80 yards the effects of magical devices. Priest spells, any spell scroll,
Components: V, S, M and any spell-like ability use can be absorbed (provided it
Casting Time: 8 does not duplicate the functions of one of the forbidden
Duration: 7 rounds+1 round/level types of spells).
Area of Effect: Special At any time during the spell’s duration, the caster can
Saving Throw: None expend stored energy to cast a currently memorized spell
without wiping it from memory. This effect has a casting
This spell summons 1d3+1 mummies (40% chance), time of 1. For example, a wizard absorbing a feeblemind
1d4+1 wraiths (40% chance), or 2d4 wights (20% chance) to spell (5th level) releases a lightning bolt (3rd level), has two
the caster’s aid. The monsters attack the caster’s enemies to levels of energy available, and can absorb five more levels
the best of their ability until the caster commands the of spell energy before the capacity of the spell is completely
attack to cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters used. Unused energy and storage capacity are lost when
are defeated or turned. The undead summoned by this the spell ends.
spell vanish when slain. If no enemy is present for the un- If an incoming spell exceeds the remaining capacity of
dead to engage, they follow any other commands or under- the absorption spell, rather than absorbing it the caster gains
take simple tasks as the wizard directs. a +2 bonus to his or her saving throw for each incoming
The material component is a bit of bone taken from a spell level that is absorbed, even against spells that nor-
vampire or lich. mally allow no saving throw. A roll of 1 always fails,
regardless of the total of the modifiers.
Unlife (Wiz 8; Necromancy) The caster can voluntarily suppress the absorption for a
Range: Touch round in order to receive beneficial spells but cannot
Components: V, S, M absorb hostile spells in that round.
Duration: Permanent The material component of this spell is an amulet worth
Casting Time: 8 at least 1,000 gp that must be kept on the caster’s person for
Area of Effect: One humanoid creature duration of the spell. The amulet glows when spell energy
Saving Throw: Neg. is stored, and disintegrates at the end of the spell.

Used only by evil necromancer specialist wizards, this Algarth’s Embattlement

spell enables the caster to transform a single humanoid vic- (Wiz 9; Alteration, Metamagic)
tim into an undead creature under the caster’s control. The Range: 0
caster touches the subject, who must then save vs. death Components: V, S, M
magic. If the saving throw fails, the subject instantly dies Casting Time: 9
and is transformed into an undead creature under the con- Duration: 1 day/level
trol of the caster. Area of Effect: The caster
The exact type of undead created depends upon the Saving Throw: None
level of the victim. Individuals of 1st-3rd level (or 1-3 HD)
become skeletons (50%) or zombies (50%). Those of 4th-6th This infamous spell is sometimes called the box of spells.
level (or 4-6 HD) become ghouls, those of 7th-8th level It is one of very few known magics that allow a caster to
become wights (or 7-8 HD), and those of 9th level or higher unleash more than one spell in a round. After the spell is
(9+ HD) become wraiths. cast, the wizard can cast up to six additional spells (each
Using this spell, the caster can control a number of one in the usual fashion, requiring normal material compo-
undead creatures equal to his level. nents and the like) and store them, unreleased, as part of
The material component of this spell is dirt from a Algarth’s embattlement. Stored spells are still memorized
freshly dug grave. and prevent the caster from memorizing other spells in

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 77

their place. For each spell stored, the caster loses 1d4 hit By covering a doorway with the most forbidden and
points that cannot be regained until the stored spell is cast. lethal of necromantic runes, a wizard can protect a small
(At that time, the damage can be restored by healing or portal so that any creature that tries to pass through the
rest; the hit points do not return automatically.) warded area without first speaking a word of command is
Spells of any level that the wizard can cast can be stored. immediately subjected to a modified death spell. The ward
They can be unleashed by silent act of will at any time at a can be cast on an item (usually a spellbook or phylactery)
maximum speed of two spells per round. No other being or on a tunnel or cave entrance no larger than 30 feet in
can provide spells for the embattlement to store. Note that diameter.
the caster must be conscious, and for certain spells must be Despite its lethality, this is not a subtle warding. The
able to see a target, but need not speak, move, or employ protected area or object is literally covered with intricate
material components to enact stored spells. arcane runes and symbols at the time of casting. These
The spells stored in an embattlement cannot be released glyphs may flash ominously with pale red or blue light
or ruined by any magic short of Mordenkainen’s disjunction. when approached within 10 feet. The entire area radiates a
They persist even beyond the death of the caster, who may magical aura of lethal necromancy.
later rise as an undead being able to unleash them! If the A single application of this spell can kill up to twice as
caster outlives the spell duration without casting all of the many Hit Dice or levels of creatures as the wizard who cast
spells, however, unused ones are lost. the spell has levels of experience (thus a 20th-level wizard
The material components of Algarth’s embattlement are can slay up to 40 levels with a single death ward). Each crea-
four drops of water and a gem of not less than 4,000 gp ture passing through the ward is entitled to a saving throw
value. vs. death magic with a -4 penalty; if successful, the individ-
ual survives and the ward loses none of its lethality. How-
Combine ever, those who fail their saves are immediately slain (as
(Wiz 9; Invocation/Evocation, Metamagic) per a death spell) and their levels or Hit Dice are subtracted
Range: 0 from the potency of the ward. Those with greater Hit Dice
Components: V, S, M than the current power of the death ward are unaffected by
Casting Time: 9 the spell.
Duration: Up to 1 turn For example, an 18th-level lich has cast death ward
Area of Effect: The caster (which can slay up to 36 levels) on the entrance to her inner
Saving Throw: None sanctum. A party of four characters, each 15th level, enter
her lair and foolishly traverse the warding. The first mem-
Combine allows the caster to meld two other currently ber fails his save and perishes, reducing the ward’s effec-
memorized spells together so that they can be cast simulta- tiveness to 21 levels. The second character makes her save
neously with joined effects. The two spells cannot exceed and thus escapes any ill effects (the ward remains unaf-
more than seven total spell levels, so a 3rd- and 4th-level fected, however). The third character fails the save and dies
spell could be combined, or a 5th- and 2nd-level spell, or also, reducing the ward to 6 levels of potency. The fourth
any other combination that falls within these limits. The 15th-level character has too many levels of experience to be
spells remain linked in the caster’s mind for up to one full affected by the weakened ward, which remains in effect
turn. If the combined form is not cast in this time, the until drained by a less powerful being.
linked spells automatically dissociate from each other, and Provided that she or he is on the same plane of exis-
the combine spell is wasted. tence, the caster is immediately made aware if the death
When the paired spells are actually cast, the most re- ward has been triggered. By concentrating, the wizard who
strictive casting time, range, area of effect, etc., are used. cast the ward can determine its current level of lethality,
For example, if enervation and slow are combined, the joint regardless of distance.
spell would only affect a single creature, because enervation This terrible spell is a closely held secret, guarded jeal-
only strikes one target. The casting time would be 4 and the ously by the most powerful and black-hearted of necro-
range would be 10 yards/level due to enervation’s charac- mancers and liches. It was originally designed by liches, as
teristics, but the duration would be based on slow and they can easily sustain the rigors of casting such a spell.
would only be 3 rounds plus 1 round/level. Mortal wizards who employ this powerful spell have a
The material component is a small pair of golden rings. 25% chance of insanity (as per the contact other plane spell
and of permanent duration unless cured by a heal spell or
Death Ward (Wiz 9; Abjuration, Necromancy) other magic), permanent paralysis (via a stroke), or suffer-
Range: 0 ing a terminal illness (as per the cause disease spell) as adju-
Components: V, S, M dicated by the DM. The danger is reduced by 5% for every
Casting Time: 1 turn point by which the mortal wizard’s Intelligence exceeds 18,
Duration: Until twice the caster’s level in HD are though this chance never drops below 5%. Liches and other
affected undead casters are completely immune to these dangers. It
Area of Effect: 1 doorway, portal, or small object is rumored that certain ancient, evil dragons have devel-
Saving Throw: Neg. oped an even more potent version of this spell that they can
employ in their lairs with impunity.

78 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

The material component is a magical ink fabricated could launch a fireball spell and at the same time teleport
exclusively for this spell. The list of the ink’s noxious ingre- away using a teleport spell. This form of the spell allows the
dients is lengthy and complex, but it includes the venom of caster to memorize other spells in place of the two absorbed
numerous poisonous animals and the acrid ichor of extra- by the conjunction.
planar fiends. The accumulation of these deadly compo- Conjoined: The conjoined form of the spell allows the
nents and the subsequent fabrication of the ink itself has caster to choose any two memorized spells she or he is car-
the same chance as the actual casting of the spell of inflict- rying as Sammaster’s conjunction is cast. On the next round
ing a baneful result. or on any later round in the same turn, if the caster under-
While the inscription process (the actual casting) of the takes the normal casting process for the simpler, faster, or
death ward takes only 1 turn, the fabrication process of the lower-level of the two spells selected, both take effect at
ink (once the proper ingredients have been assembled) once, with the caster’s control over them as unimpaired as
takes 1-4 days. The ink also requires the dust of powdered if she or he were devoting all due concentration to one spell
peridots and garnets worth between 2,000-8,000 gp. alone. (For instance, casting magic missile would unleash
both it and fireball, or casting invisibility would also hurl
Pierce Any Shield (Wiz 9; Alteration, Metamagic) lightning bolt at one’s foes.) These spells are discharged
Range: 0 from memory in the usual way.
Components: V, S, M If the simpler spell is not cast during the turn, neither of
Casting Time: 1 round the two selected spells takes effect, but the conjunction (and
Duration: 1 round its link between the spells) is lost. The caster is free subse-
Area of Effect: Special quently to use the memorized spells separately in the usual
Saving Throw: None manner.
The material component is a hair originally from the
A more powerful version of pierce magic resistance, this head of one of the (current or past) Chosen of Mystra and a
spell is cast one round before an offensive spell. The next faceted clear quartz crystal.
spell the pierce any shield spell’s caster casts cannot then be
stopped by any known means: magic resistance, spell turn- Triad Gem (Wiz 9; Alteration, Metamagic)
ing or absorption, anti-magic shell, counterspell immunity, Range: Touch
and so on. The only defense for the target of this spell is a Components: V, S, M
saving throw—if the spell in question allows one. Even Casting Time: 1 turn
then, such rolls suffer a -5 penalty. The pierce any resistance Duration: Special
spell does not prevent events that would normally disrupt Area of Effect: One specially enchanted ruby
the casting of the second spell. Saving Throw: None
The material component is a silver spike or knife.
This spell is used to store other spells in a specially pre-
Sammaster’s Conjunction pared gemstone spell matrix. The spellcaster casts triad gem
(Wiz 9; Alteration, Metamagic) on a ruby, and in the turn immediate following its applica-
Range: Special tion, personally casts any three other spells of his or her
Components: V, S, M choosing into the gem. Normal casting times, material
Casting Time: 1 round components, and the like apply; obviously the caster must
Duration: Special possess these magics, be able to cast them, and have them
Area of Effect: Special already memorized, and their combined casting times can-
Saving Throw: None not exceed one turn.
A triad gem begins to evaporate after three days, silently
This powerful enchantment has two forms. and without spell effects occurring, losing one (randomly
Combined: The combined form brings into being a 70- selected) spell on the fourth day and a spell each day there-
foot tall ovoid of glowing blue light directly in front of the after until it vanishes entirely on the sixth day. If used
caster. On the two rounds following his or her casting of before it fades away, any being can call forth the three
the conjunction, the caster must cast two additional spells spells within the gem by either breaking the gem (note that
(both of the 7th level or less). If one of these additional this can occur unintentionally) or holding it and uttering a
spells is an evocation attack spell, the caster remains out- secret word (set by the caster during the casting of triad
side the ovoid and casts the spell into it; the caster moves gem). Only the caster can control the spells issuing from his
into the ovoid to cast all other sorts of spells. Both spells are or her triad gem; in all other cases, they come forth wildly,
swallowed by the conjunction, which then fades from view, visiting their effects on random targets and areas.
having been charged with the two spells. Thereafter, when If controlled by the caster, the spells stored in a triad gem
the caster repeats the last word uttered in his or her casting take effect either all at once or in a succession chosen by the
of the conjunction, both of the stored spells instantly and caster, one per round for three rounds. This order of issu-
simultaneously take effect, operating normally, with the ance is determined by the caster at the time of the unleash-
conjunction empowering the caster to achieve normal con- ing of the spells. The caster need only designate targets or
trol over both simultaneously. For example, the caster precise effects by silent concentration (and thus can wield

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 79

these spells while bound, fighting, feigning slumber, or Amulet of Draconic Might
otherwise mentally or physically preoccupied). XP Value: 6,000 GP Value: 30,000
The material component for this spell is a ruby of any Amulets of draconic might are the secret keys to the Cult’s
size worth at least 500 gp upon which the caster has cast surprising knack for convincing its dracolich allies to per-
either an enchant an item spell or an eternal flame spell (as form deeds for the humans of the Cult (most commonly
detailed in Volo’s Guide to All Things Magical). The require- attacking some Cult foe). Created secretly by Sammaster (a
ment for this material component cannot be eliminated by feat unknown even to Algashon) and detailed in a magical
any means, including spells or items normally engineered code inscribed only in the original now-lost Tome of the
to allow the casting of other spells with no material compo- Dragon, these items work in conjunction with the rings of
nents, as the entire point of the spell is to enchant the stone. dragons detailed below. Six amulets were created, but no
new ones can be made unless and until the original Tome of
Undead Summoning VII the Dragon is recovered.
(Wiz 9; Necromancy, Conjuration/Summoning) An amulet of draconic might grants +1 bonuses to Armor
Range: 90 yards Class and all saving throws when worn by any evil being.
Components: V, S, M (Good and neutral beings gain no benefits from the use of
Casting Time: 9 an amulet.) When worn in conjunction with a ring of dragons,
Duration: 8 rounds+1 round/level these bonuses increase to +2 (total) to Armor Class and all
Area of Effect: Special saving throws. Further, a wearer of both items is immune
Saving Throw: None to all draconic fear (this includes dracolich fear) and gains a
+5 bonus against the breath weapons of all evil dragons.
The most powerful version of the undead summoning This +5 saving throw bonus supersedes the +2 bonus men-
spells, this spell conjures 1d3+1 spectres (50% chance), 1d3 tioned above.
vampires (40% chance), or 1 revenant (10% chance) to the The true power of the amulets, though, is far more
caster’s aid. The monsters attack the caster’s enemies to the potent. When worn by an evil being who is also wearing a
best of their ability until the caster commands the attack to ring of dragons and who has been instructed in the use of
cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are both items, the wearer of an amulet of draconic might can
defeated or turned. If this spell happens to summon a command all dracoliches in a fashion somewhat similar to
revenant, the monster selects an opponent designated by that of an evil priest commanding lesser undead. An intrin-
the caster as its hated nemesis and attacks the selected vic- sic part of the Cult dracolich creation process links every
tim single-mindedly. The undead creatures summoned by dracolich so created to all amulets. The command ability
this spell vanish when slain. If no enemy is present for the draws upon this linkage and functions as the call ability
undead to engage, they follow any other commands or detailed in the ring of dragons entry. It has unlimited range
undertake simple tasks as the wizard directs. and only dracoliches and, when desired, evil dragons, can
The material component is a bit of bone taken from a hear it. In addition, the amulet-wearer can specify only cer-
lich. tain dracoliches or dragons to hear the command.
Those creatures that hear the command know the
amulet-wearer’s location and can home in on the command.
Magical Items (Dracoliches cannot ignore the command, but unique cir-
Detailed here are several of the Cult of the Dragon’s com- cumstances, as designated by the DM, could prevent them
monly used magical items. Many of these items were cre- from hearing.) The command remains active for all desig-
ated by Sammaster himself for use by his followers. If the nated dracoliches and dragons until the wearer wills it to
DM determines a particular example of an item from this end or the amulet is removed. However, unlike the call from
list was hand-crafted by the Mad Mage himself, she or he a ring of dragons, any command given by use of an amulet to
may increase its power level or add other, unique powers a Cult dracolich whose links to the amulets are intact (most
to that item. dracoliches’ links are) cannot be refused. The dracolich is
From among the items listed in the DUNGEON MASTER® aware that it is being controlled, but it cannot take any
Guide, the Cult most often uses or seeks to gain the use of action to prevent it from carrying out its assigned task.
items that allow them to make up for their deficiency in Sammaster‘s magic is far too strong to be resisted by a crea-
priestly powers: Potions of healing and periapts of wound clo- ture essentially created by the Mad Mage.
sure are both quite popular. Items that allow Cult members After the commanded task is accomplished, the draco-
to imitate the abilities of their draconic idols, such as wands lich may desire to take out its rage upon the wearer of the
of fire, frost, and lightning and devices that allow flight are amulet who commanded it, but no dracolich can attack an
common. Cult members also look out for items (or create amulet wearer in any way. Further, if the wearer is canny
them, in rare cases) that their dracoliches or dragons desire enough to command the dracolich not to retaliate, the bone
or require. While the dragons and dracoliches are not likely dragon can do little but fume in its lair or take out its rage
to admit it, many of these items are defensive or warding in upon other targets—unless of course the wearer has forbid-
nature. den that course of action as well.
Living evil dragons, due to Sammaster’s unparalleled
knowledge and insight into their nature, are also suscepti-

80 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

ble to the command ability of an amulet, though less so than and 12 inches in length. Dungeon Masters may use the fol-
dracoliches. Living evil dragons are granted a saving throw lowing table to determine the type of teeth found in Cult
against the command ability; any magic resistance the usage:
dragon possesses also applies. If the saving throw fails, the
dragon is controlled as above. If the dragon resists, the Roll Dragon Type
beast is fully aware of what was just attempted and the 01-20 Blue
location and identity of the being who made the attempt. 2140 Green
(It is said that the use of this capability of the amulets is 41-65 Black
what caused the flight of dragons in 1356 DR.) For this rea- 66-90 White
son and that of secrecy, the command ability is only rarely 91-00 Red
used, and only when bribery and coercion fail is the use of
an amulet even considered on a living dragon. Other colors, such as yellow and brown dragon dragon’s
teeth, are possible but have never been encountered. (Good
Dragon’s Tooth dragon’s teeth are also possible to find, but not in the care
XP Value: 100/HD GP Value: 1,000/HD of the Cult. See the E NCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA tomes under
Dragon’s teeth are rare, but they are more commonly used by “Tooth, Dragon” for descriptions of their effects.) Some-
members of the Cult than any other group in the Realms. times (10% chance), a bag may contain a mixed assortment
Some dragons die while in service to the Cult, and more fail of teeth, the different types determined using the above
to survive the conversion process to dracolich status. Cult percentile rolls. In such cases, the teeth might be color-
wizards have a better use for a dragon’s tooth than making an coded or marked in some fashion that the player characters
ale cup out of it. With the proper spells and materials, the must puzzle out for themselves—or not.
tooth can be used to create “the children of the dragon.” Dragonmen either obey or attack the person who caused
A dragon tooth can be enchanted so that when planted in the teeth to grow, depending on the alignments involved.
the ground and given a command word (usually “grow!”), Dragonmen of an alignment opposite to that of the posses-
the tooth sprouts an armed warrior of an Armor Class and sor of the teeth (such as lawful good vs. chaotic evil, or
alignment appropriate to the dragon from whose tooth it chaotic good vs. lawful evil) refuse to obey the owner of the
grew. Each dragonman also has special abilities unique to dragon’s teeth and attack at once.
its type. If the owner’s alignment either differs in only one
When discovered as part of a treasure trove, dragon’s respect from the dragonman’s (lawful good vs. lawful evil,
teeth may be found in collections of 1d20, usually contained for example) or is neutral, then the dragonman must make
in a leather bag. A single dragon’s tooth is usually between 3 a saving throw vs. spell to determine if it obeys the owner.

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 81

Failure indicates the warriors obey, albeit reluctantly and fighter who possesses a level of fighting ability equal to
without enthusiasm. Daily saves are made to determine half the number of Hit Dice the parent dragon had (round
continued fealty. A successful save allows the dragonman fractions up). Each warrior also has half the number of hit
to desert, and it may, if the opportunity is there, injure or points that the parent dragon once had (again, round frac-
discomfit the owner of the tooth in some way. Dragonmen tions up). The warrior makes all saving throws as a fighter
of the same alignment as the possessor of the teeth are loyal or wizard of equal level to its Hit Dice (whichever is more
to the death. (Dragonmen continue to “live” until killed.) advantageous). A dragonman is of the same sex as the par-
Being magical constructs, they and all their apparel and ent dragon.
items disintegrate when slain, with no possible chance of Black Dragon: An AC 3 warrior dressed in black chain
resurrection or saving. mail with shield and armed with a black long sword
To be worthy of enchantment, a dragon’s teeth must be appears. Chaotic evil in alignment, with an Intelligence of
in perfect condition—without chips, cracks, or splits due to 10 and a Dexterity of 15, the warrior is immune to all acid-
age, careless handling, or extraction. A dragon, according based attacks and can cast a Melf’s acid arrrow spell once a
to one source, has 64 teeth in its mouth normally. After day (1d4+1 damage from arrow, 2d4 damage from acid
being slain in combat, 2d8 teeth are usually damaged from with saving throws applicable, +l on attack rolls).
fighting or lost during the beast’s death throes. Should Blue Dragon: An AC 2 warrior accoutered in blue plate
Cultists (or adventurers) decide to pull the remainder of mail with shield and armed with a mace appears. Lawful
the teeth for sale to a wizard, then each remaining tooth evil in alignment, with an average Intelligence of 12, this
must save as bone vs. crushing blow during the extraction. warrior is immune to all electrical attacks and can perform
Failure to save means the tooth is damaged during extrac- a shocking grasp spell (1d8+3 damage) once a day.
tion and is useless for enchantment. Green Dragon: An AC 2 warrior dressed in scale mail
Player character and Cult wizards who wish to create covered over with green vestments and carrying a bow, a
enchanted dragon’s teeth may use the following method to full quiver of 20 arrows, and a hand axe appears. This law-
do so. After a tooth has been prepared for enchantment ful evil warrior has an Intelligence of 11 and a Dexterity of
using the spell enchant an item, it is immersed in a crystal 18 (+3 to attack rolls with missile weapons). He is immune
basin containing a broth composed of a mixture of the par- to poison gas attacks and can cast a stinking cloud spell of
ent dragon’s blood and at least one of the following ingre- two rounds duration once per day.
dients, according to the type of tooth being enchanted. Red Dragon: An AC -1 warrior dressed in red plate
mail with a shield and carrying a broad sword appears.
Dragon Ingredient Chaotic evil in alignment, this warrior has an Intelligence
Black Black dragon acid, giant slug spittle, bom- of 16 and a Dexterity of 17. He is immune to all fire- and
bardier beetle glands, or large quantities of heat-based attacks and can perform a burning hands spell
strong acid. once a day for 1d6+1 points of damage.
Blue Several crushed electric eels, dust or gems from White Dragon: An AC 3 warrior dressed in white splint
the body of a shocker, umpleby hair or skin, mail with shield and carrying a battle axe appears. This
volt barbs, or the skeleton of a boggart. chaotic evil berserker warrior has an Intelligence of 8. In
Green Powdered ghast bone, scent glands from sev- battle, there is a 50% chance he goes into a berserker rage
eral giant skunks, a large amount of wolverine and gains a +2 on attack and damage rolls for offensive
musk, a large amount of uropygi (giant pedi- attacks and a -2 penalty on all saving throws and Armor
palp) scent, vapor rat blood, retch plant juice, Class. He is immune to cold. Once per day, he can inflict
large amounts of fatty excretion of taer, or one 1d10 points of damage with his icy stare (save vs. spell for
cup of flumph spittle or of witherstench musk. half damage), similar to the attack of a frost man.
Red Chimera blood, hell hound blood, salamander
blood (one drop alone suffices), a pyrolisk eye, Evil Dragon Armor
firedrake blood, firenewt or fire toad blood. XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 7,500
White Ice toad blood, hoar fox blood, ice lizard blood, Another powerful magical item that can be constructed
or a frost man’s eye (the one covered by the from a dead dragon is a potent suit of scale mail armor
patch). made from the dragon’s skin itself. In this way, say the
Cultists who make use of such armor, the dragon that falls
After an appropriate ingredient is found and put into while in battle for the Cult (or which dies for any other rea-
the basin, a low fire is kept burning under the basin, and son the Cult can claim was for them) may continue to serve
the tooth is allowed to steep for one hour. The wizard must bringing about Sammaster’s dream. Although these suits
then cast a limited wish over the tooth and let it sit overnight of armor come from evil dragons, priests and fighters of all
in the mixture. Then the wizard may remove the tooth and alignments may wear them.
perform an identify spell to determine if the enchantment To begin the process of making evil dragon armor, an evil
was a success. dragon (white, black, red, blue, or green; yellow and brown
Some of the possible results of using teeth from each of armor are possible but have never been constructed) of at
the five major chromatic dragon types from the MONSTROUS least adult age must be killed without the use of magic and
MANUAL tome are described below. Each tooth can create a preferably by means of repeated attacks with blunt weap-

82 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

ons. Even a single magical attack directed against a dragon, The second step in the process depends on the type
whether or not the spellcasting succeeds and whether or (color) of the dragon hide used. To complete white dragon
not the spell causes damage to the dragon, ruins the protec- armor, an ice storm spell must be cast on the hide; for black
tive potential of the creature’s hide and makes later dragon armor, the finished hide must be immersed in acid
attempts at enchantment ineffective. If the dragon is hit for 1d12+12 hours; to complete green dragon armor, a stink-
with edged weapons, there is a chance that the hide will be ing cloud spell must be cast on (around) the hide; for blue
cut and marred to such an extent that it becomes unusable dragon armor, a shocking grasp spell is needed, and for red
as armor. For each successful hit on the dragon with an dragon armor, burning hands. None of these spells or sub-
edged weapon (regardless of the amount of damage done), stances damage the armor when they are applied; their
add 5% to the chance of the hide being damaged beyond function is to activate the innate resistance in the hide that
use. (Thus, if a dragon takes 20 hits from edged weapons, has already been “brought to the surface” by the enchant an
there is no chance that the hide can be used as armor.) If item spell.
and when the dragon is killed, the chance that the hide is When the enchantment is complete, the evil dragon armor
spoiled must be exceeded on a percentage die roll in order is equivalent to scale mail +1: Armor Class 5, weight 15
for the armor-making process to continue. pounds. In addition, each colored armor type affords the
The hide must be removed with care, and at this junc- wearer resistance or immunity to a particular attack form.
ture a very sharp edged weapon is essential to trim the Resistance includes these benefits: The wearer of the armor
hide as cleanly and efficiently as possible. The instrument gains a +1 bonus on all saving throws against the specified
must be able to be controlled with precision, which means attack form, and the wearer is unaffected by any attack of
it cannot be any larger than a standard dagger blade. If the the specified type that does 6 points of damage or less in a
character doing the skinning uses a normal (nonmagical) round. In all cases, the wearer is entitled to a -1 modifier on
blade, there is a 30% chance that, despite his or her best each and every damage die rolled (with a minimum of 1
efforts, the hide does not separate cleanly from the body point of damage per die). If the application of this modifier
and the resulting scraps of dragon skin are unusable as reduces damage taken in a round to 6 points or less, the
armor. If an enchanted blade is employed, the chance of wearer takes no damage (as stipulated previously).
failure at this step of the process decreases by 10% for each The special properties of each type are:
level of magical bonus of the instrument (by -10% for +l, White Dragon Armor: Resistance against white dragon
-20% for +2, etc.); thus, with any blade of +3 or greater, suc- breath, winter wolf breath, cone of cold spells, and other
cessful skinning is assured. attack forms involving cold, ice, or frost.
Once the hide is removed and transported to civilization Black Dragon Armor: Resistance against black dragon
(assuming the dragon was not killed in the village square), breath, giant slug spittle, ankheg digestive acid, and other
the services of skilled armorers, leather-workers, and tai- attack forms using acid or acidlike effects.
lors must be employed to fashion the hide into armor. This Green Dragon Armor: Resistance against green dragon
process takes 1d10+20 days for each suit of armor, and breath, iron golem breath, cloudkill spells, and other attack
prices for the needed services are three times the standard forms using poisonous gases.
rate. Only one set of armor may be fashioned from the hide Blue Dragon Armor: Resistance against blue dragon
of a single dragon. breath, lightning bolt spells, a storm giant’s lightning attack,
The resulting suit of armor is equivalent to normal scale and other sorts of natural and magical lightning or electric-
mail in Armor Class (AC 6) and the amount of encumber- ity.
ing bulk it has. It weighs about 30 pounds, slightly lighter Red Dragon Armor: Resistance against red dragon
than the 40 pounds for normal scale mail. If the unen- breath,fireball spells, and other attacks using heat or fire.
chanted armor is hit even once by an edged weapon, it can-
not be enchanted into evil dragon armor. Ring of Dragons
Enchanting the armor must be done by a wizard of at XP Value: 750 GP Value: 4,000
least 16th level who will insist on generous payment in This type of ring is known to be worn only by high-ranking
gold pieces or the promise and proof of some other benefit members of the Cult, and they retain the secrets of their
that might be offered. At least half the payment must be construction. These rings are usable by any intelligent
supplied in advance, with the rest due when the armor is being, regardless of race, class, or alignment. These rings
delivered. appear to be normal brass rings, though some have been
The wizard must first successfully cast enchant an item said to look like snakes or dragons biting their own tails
on the armor and then apply a second spell or procedure when examined closely. There are about 70 rings of dragons
(which varies depending on the armor type) to act as a cat- currently in existence. They are activated by the will of the
alyst, triggering the armor’s capability to resist a particular wearer, with the following effects:
attack form. This second step must be applied or begun • The wearer is empowered to verbally and telepathically
within 12 hours after the completion of enchant an item. If communicate with any true dragon.
the enchanting process fails, either because the casting of • The wearer can cast the illusion of a dragon once per
enchant an item is unsuccessful or because the second spell day. This illusion must be within 60 feet of the wearer
is not applied within the required time, the wizard is under and has the appearance of and sounds like any dragon
no obligation to make another attempt free of charge. the wearer has personally seen. The illusion has no

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 83

physical substance and can in no way inflict any dam- The covers of the Tome radiate magic, and if a dispel
age, even if believed. This illusion serves as a recogni- magic is cast on the Tome before it is handled, the book can
tion symbol or as a diversion, if necessary. be safely examined and read for 1 turn per level of the
• The wearer can issue a call to all evil dragons and Cult caster of the dispel magic. If no such precaution is taken,
dracoliches. This call has unlimited range, but only evil anyone who touches the Tome must make a saving throw
dragons (and all dracoliches) can hear the call. Those vs. death magic or be affected by the dragon breath emitted
creatures that do hear the call know the ring-wearer’s by the tome. Thereafter, a 1d20 roll is made for each page
location and can home in on the call if they choose to turned and compared to a secret 1d20 roll made by the DM;
respond to the call. whenever the character’s roll is less than the DM’s, a
The call remains active for all interested dragons and dragon breath effect is emitted and affects the character.
dracoliches until the wearer wills it to end or the ring is The dragon breath of the Tome of the Dragon is generated
removed from the wearer’s hand. Evil dragons and by its enchantments and never harms the book that pro-
dracoliches can choose to ignore this ring’s call; they are duces it. Each time the breath gouts forth, it has one of the
under no compulsion to respond. following effects (determine randomly by 1d6 roll), which
originate from the Tome except as noted:
Tome of the Dragon 1. Black dragon acid gouts forth in a 60-foot-long stream
Power has its own beauty. Perhaps the most beautiful combina- dealing 4d4+2 points of damage (save vs. breath weapon
tion of grace and might among the mortal creatures of Toril is a for half damage). Items in the possession of characters
dragon. who do not successfully save must make item
—Sammaster the Mad, Tome of the Dragon saving throws vs. acid.
2. Blue dragon lightning arcs outward in a straight-line 70-
The original Tome of the foot-long bolt dealing 4d8+2 points of damage (save vs.
Dragon contains all the breath weapon for half damage). Items in the possession
theories, experiments, and of characters who do not successfully save must make
conclusions reached by item saving throws vs. lightning.
Sammaster regarding drag- 3. Green dragon gas issues forth in a cloud 40 feet long and
ons, dracoliches, their ulti- 20 feet wide and high inflicting 4d6+2 points of damage
mate destiny as rulers of (save vs. breath weapon for half damage).
all of Faerûn, his Cult’s role 4. Red dragon fire blasts outward in a cone 60 feet long, 20
in bringing this reality feet wide at its origin, and 20 feet wide at its farthest ex-
about, and its favored posi- tent inflicting 4d10+2 points of damage (save vs. breath
tion in Toril’s new order. weapon for half damage). Items in the possession of
On this book’s pages are characters who do not successfully save must make item
recorded all the cross- saving throws vs. magical fire.
breeding experiments that Sammaster conducted with 5. White dragon frost issues forth in a cone 40 feet long, 20
dragons that allowed him a better understanding of how feet wide at its origin, and 20 feet wide at its farthest
draconic life functions. These, in turn, led him to a better extent causing 2d6+2 points of damage (save vs. breath
understanding of how to return dragons to a form of that weapon for half damage). Items in the possession of
life as dracoliches. These records allow any Cult wizards characters who do not successfully save must make item
(or other wizards who somehow manage to decipher Sam- saving throws vs. cold.
master’s encrypted texts) to create any of the draconic 6. Two breath effects occur, one originating from the Tome
hybrids detailed elsewhere in this book. and one beginning 40 feet distant directly behind the
Further, this tome also contains all the spells detailed character handling the Tome and aimed back toward the
above in the Sammaster’s Spells section (including all the Tome.
necromantic wizard spells from the Player’s Handbook.) There is also said to be an invisible, unmarked enchant-
This tome also contains the procedures and processes ment on a particular page of the Tome (a page that displays
needed for the creation of a dracolich (see the MONSTROUS a spell) that allows someone who knows about it and is in
COMPENDIUM entry later in this chapter). Finally, even fur- direct flesh-to-page contact to utter a secret word of activa-
ther encrypted in a magical script of his own devising dif- tion that-immediately inflicts 3d8 points of damage on
ferent than the bulk of the manuscript, Sammaster detailed them but empowers them to breath forth a dragon breath
the creation process and materials needed to create amulets weapon of their choice (from those listed above that the
of draconic might. No one can create a new amulet of draconic Tome can emit and identical in damage and extent to the
might without Sammaster’s instructions. Tome emissions) once per round for the next three rounds.
In appearance, the original Tome of the Dragon is 14 Another page of the Tome of the Dragon is said to bear an
inches tall×10 inches wide×6 inches thick and is covered in invisible enchantment that is awakened the same way as
tanned, treated red dragon hide. It is closed with a clasp in the dragon breath power (uttering a secret word while
the form of the Cult’s symbol. The cover is unadorned but touching the page). It acts as a teleport without error spell on
for a Cult symbol displayed prominently in gold gilt upon the awakener of the ability. The Tome is left behind, but the
the front cover. awakener and all nonliving items she or he is carrying or

84 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

wearing are whisked safely to a remote location on the sur- Harper sages theorize that, if the original Tome could be
face of Faerûn. Unfortunately, the destination is (randomly) found, the silver fire of Mystra’s Chosen (and perhaps even
chosen by the Tome, regardless of the wishes of the being Shandril Shessair‘s spellfire ability)just might be able to
teleported. damage it. Rumor and legend also say that the original
The book is written in a magical cipher constructed by Tome bears some lingering horrible curse beyond the traps
Sammaster that resists all known mundane and magical detailed above for any non-Cult member comes into con-
decoding attempts (such as comprehend languages spells). tact with the it.
Some form of magic is woven into the writings, as the let-
ters themselves register on a detect magic spell, so certain
magics employed by the church of Deneir might possibly
Dragon Spells
be able to break the code, but the only known way to read Dragon spells are devised by dragons, for dragons; other
the writings is through the knowledge of how to render the creatures simply cannot use dragon magic unless they cre-
pages readable that is passed on from Cult wizard to Cult ate their own versions of dragon spells, which will usually
wizard verbally. All such wizards are geased never to re- be of reduced effectiveness once completed. These spells
veal the secret to any non-Cult member, even under pain of are available only to dragons and dracoliches. Any dragon
torture or magical compulsion. capable of casting dragon spells may know these magics,
Over the centuries since Sammaster’s death, many not just the dragons and dracoliches that are associated
copies of the Tome of the Dragon have been made by Cult with the Cult.
members, the better to spread Sammaster’s divine teach- Note that dragons, in general, are capable of using
ings. (Most major cells of the Cult have their own copy, and “spells” in three ways. Only two are available to dragons
some individuals do too, though those belonging to indi- that are not defined as having character levels in a spell-
viduals are the most likely to be more corrupt copies.) casting class (usually dragon mages, but sometimes dragon
While these texts all likely have some form of magical pro- clerics, bards, etc.): spell-like abilities due to age and race,
tection cast on them, the single original volume of the Tome and spells. “Character” dragon spells are available to
of the Dragon is nigh-indestructible and qualifies as an arti- dragons that have character levels.
fact. No known magical spell or mundane attack can per- Spell-like Abilities Due to Age and Race: These abili-
manently harm it in any way. ties are innate to dragons and are gained as the dragon
Some quotes that have leaked out from copies of Sam- ages. For example, young blue dragons can create or destroy
master’s work over the years include: water three times a day and mature adult green dragons
can warp wood three times a day. These abilities are not
“Benevolence is the best mask for manipulation. expressed as wizard or priest spell slots of a certain level,
Those who have power are sluggards and wastrels they are just capabilities that the specific type and age of
if they use it not, but are wisest if they learn many dragon has. Spell-like abilities of this type have a casting
ways to achieve their ends. There is a time for the time of 3 and are not interruptible. Dragons do not have to
ravening assault and a time for deft misdirection. study, concentrate, or take any action whatsoever to gain
And then there are grimmer occasions when one the ability to use these powers again after they have used
lacks even the time to choose how to proceed. them. So long as a dragon is still alive (or in existence, in
These are best kept rare.” the case of undead creatures), it regains these abilities the
“Mages are superior to other mortals for they next day.
alone have felt, raw and unfettered by the guiding Spells: Dragon spells are expressed as wizard or priest
hands of deities, the power that moves and gives spell slots of certain levels. Most frequently, a dragon has to
life to all things. It is right that wizards rule.” reach a certain age to begin casting spells, and then as it
“Death is not to be feared, but to be passed and gets older, a greater number of spells of higher levels
surpassed. Beyond death lies cold reason and im- become available to it. Dragon spells of this sort are learned
mortality in which power is all—as it should be.” haphazardly, and most dragons cannot choose which spells
“To think again upon some action taken is to they learn—suddenly something “clicks” and they just
waste time better spent in turning to tackle some- know how to cast a particular spell. (This means that DMs
thing else. Move on; Faerûn provides us all with an should determine which spells most dragons know ran-
endless supply of foes.” domly.) Dragons can cast each spell they know once a day
“Danger lies not in the talons and spells of foes, (unless random determination of their spells produces the
but in one’s own doubts and fears. Wizards have no same spell twice, in which case they can cast it twice per
time to waste thinking on dangers if they are truly day)
to become masters of magic.” Dragon spells have a casting time of 1 and use only a
“There is a shorter term for kindly wizards. One Verbal component. Most dragons do not use spellbooks or
can and should call them ‘fools.”’ pray to deities to cast their spells (though a deity usually
“It is rare that the gods allow any of us a second reveals to dragons capable of casting priest spells how to
strike upon a foe who has beaten us before. To waste first cast the spells they know). They sleep for sufficient
it is to insult them—and they will swiftly show how time to be well rested and concentrate for long enough to
they suffer such slights.” impress in their minds the manner in which they cast a par-

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 85

ticular spell, and they then remember their spells. (Certain This spell is employed regularly by many copper,
dragons, such as gold dragons, keep spellbooks and pur- bronze, and brass dragons whose skins often acquire an
sue formal magical training. This means that they study to unsightly patina on their scales over time. Copper dragons
regain their spells just as a wizard does, but all other in particular employ this spell to remove the verdigris that
aspects of their spell use as a species conform to these plagues their scales in wet climes.
guidelines.) Dragon spells can be interrupted, and dragons Burnish can be employed on any metal—including gold,
cannot physically attack, use their breath weapons, use silver, bronze, brass, or copper—to restore its natural luster
their spell-like abilities, or fly (except to glide) while cast- and shine, no matter where it is found, even as a trace ele-
ing a spell. ment of another substance. Thus, metallic dragons can
“Character” Dragon Spells: These dragon spells func- employ it on themselves or on their hoards. Up to 1,000
tion almost identically to normal wizard and priest spells, pounds of metal (in other words, 10,000 coins) per level of
except that they are slightly more powerful than those the spellcaster can be burnished by means of this spell.
spells of comparable level used by humans, demihumans, Since metallic dragons contain only trace amounts of metal
and humanoids. They can have any combination of verbal, in their scales, one application of this spell is sufficient to
somatic, and material spell components, have casting times restore a vain wyrm’s natural hue, no matter how large the
of other than 1, etc. wyrm is.
To cast a spell in this way, a dragon has to be a unique In addition, for the duration of the spell, any metal
individual with character levels in a class that casts wizard enchanted by means of this spell does not tarnish under
or priest spells. Dragon mages of this type keep spellbooks any conditions. This protection can be ended by means of a
and must learn spells just as normal wizards do. They dispel magic spell or similar incantation. When the spell
recover spells through sleep and study just as wizards do, duration expires, tarnishing proceeds at its normal rate.
also. Dragon priests of this sort pray for spells just as The reverse of this spell, tarnish, was invented by a mis-
priests do and are restricted in spheres just as human chievous and vain copper dragon who commonly em-
priests are depending on their class and the deity they ployed it to diminish the luster of rivals, particularly when
serve. (Dragon characters from the COUNCIL OF WYRMS™ competing for a likely mate. Tarnish covers precious metals
AD&D game setting would be an example of this type of in an unsightly patina, diminishing their luster, and can
dragons, as would Daurgothoth, a dracolich described in also be employed on substances with only traces of metal
the The Cult Today chapter earlier.) in their composition.
Note that character dragon spells can be learned by nor-
mal dragons as normal dragon spells and thus be castable Hoard Servant (Wiz 1; Conjuration/Summoning)
with verbal-only components and a casting time of 1 when Range: 10 yards
the character dragon spell normally would have additional Components: V
spell components or a longer casting time. However, Duration: 1 hour/level
dragons cannot, in general, cast both normal dragon spells Casting Time: 1
or character dragon spells. They are either normal dragons Area of Effect: Special
or special dragons that use the rules for characters, not Saving Throw: None
The Spells Detailed Here: The spells detailed here This spell is the draconic version of the standard unseen
are described in the terms necessary to use them as charac- servant spell. Since the needs of a dragon are far greater
ter dragon spells. Most dragons that know them will know than those of lesser races (according to dragons), a common
them, however, as normal dragon spells. When used as unseen servant just does not possess the physical strength to
normal dragon spells, these spells have only a verbal com- fulfill its required tasks.
ponent and a casting time of 1. For the purposes of normal Unlike an unseen servant, a hoard servant’s sole purpose is
dragon usage of these spells, if the effects, duration, etc. of to tend the hoard of the casting dragon. In fact, the spell is
a spell are dependent on the caster’s level, the level the cast on the hoard itself, binding the hoard servant to it for
dragon casts at is dependent on its species and age, as the duration of the spell; it can never move more than 10
defined in its MONSTROUS MANUAL tome entry. (For exam- yards away from the hoard without negating the spell.
ple, a black dragon of wyrm age casts spells—and uses (Note that a dragon’s hoard is treasure in a single location
spell-like abilities—at 16th level.) for the purposes of this spell, not secreted in a number of
separate lairs.)
1st level Once the spell is cast, the hoard servant polishes jewels
Burnish (Wiz 1; Alteration, Abjuration) Reversible and gems, separates and stacks coins, organizes chests and
Range: Touch boxes, etc. It is stronger than a standard unseen servant and
Components: V is able to carry 50 lbs. or push or pull 100 lbs. over smooth
Duration: 1 day/level surfaces. It can also withstand more damage than an unseen
Casting Time: 1 servant, possessing 15 hit points instead of the usual 6. A
Area of Effect: Up to 1,000 pounds of metal/level hoard servant is identical to an unseen servant with regard to
Saving Throw: None its limitations and means of destruction.

86 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

This spell is particularly favored by metallic and gem the shadow’s size or shape or the boundaries of the drag-
dragons, both of whom seem more interested in the appear- on’s lair. The dragon can see everything within sight of the
ance of their hoards than do other dragons. contacted shadow, including the passage of invisible crea-
tures, as the dragon’s normal visual capabilities function
Scale Shift (Wiz 1; Alteration) normally through the shadow scry spell. Shadows outside
Range: 0 the lair cannot be contacted.
Components: V The DM must use common sense when deciding the
Duration: 1 turn/level extent of the dragon’s lair. For example, while a dragon may
Casting Time: 1 claim an entire forest as its territory (and may well control
Area of Effect: The caster’s scales such a large amount of terrain), its lair should be regarded
Saving Throw: None as the area where the dragon sleeps, keeps its treasure, and
generally feels most comfortable and powerful.
With this spell, a dragon can change the color of its As long as the spell remains in effect, the dragon can
scales to that of another type of dragon. Note, however, switch shadows to inspect different areas or view the same
that the color change must be within the dragon’s related area from separate shadows to gain a different vantage
group (for example, chromatic dragons can change their point. However, only one shadow can be contacted at a
color only to that of other chromatic dragons). Thus, a red time. The spell does not allow the dragon to cast other
dragon can change the color of its scales to green, blue, and spells through the link between shadows; it allows vision
so forth, but not to gold, silver, emerald, sapphire, etc. only.
This spell changes only the dragon’s color, not its physi- Switching from one contacted shadow to another re-
cal form. Therefore, if a white dragon changes the color of quires a round and the mental command of the casting
its scales to black, it retains the form of a white dragon. The dragon; the shadow used as the shadow scry focus does not
color change is usually enough to fool most observers, change. While complete concentration is not required for
however, for there are few beings who can recognize a this spell, a small amount of attention is needed. If the
dragon by its anatomy. Notable exceptions to this rule are dragon casts another spell, moves more than 10 yards away
other dragons, sages who specialize in dragons, and people from the focus shadow, or no longer wishes to use the spell,
with special knowledge about or extensive experience with the spell immediately ends.
dragons (and the latter would probably only know a great Like normal scrying magic, shadow scry is revealed by a
deal about particular types of dragons). detect scrying spell. The contacted shadow radiates a faint
While the spell lasts, the dragon may change colors as it dweomer, and, once detected, such spells as dispel magic or
desires, but doing so in view of others may ruin the decep- screen can be used against it (the former spell negates the
tion. Returning to the dragon’s actual color ends the spell shadow scry if cast successfully). Detection- and location-
immediately. A successful dispel magic ends the spell pre- obscuring magic impedes the spell’s effectiveness just as
maturely as well. such magic impedes all other divination magic. Eliminat-
Since the majority of dragons emphasize the superiority ing shadows with bright light or utter darkness prevents
of their own particular subspecies, this spell is not as popu- the spell from working in the illuminated or darkened area,
lar among dragonkind as one might think. Often the spell but the dragon caster could still view the area from a
is used by dragons who must rely on guile to assure their shadow just outside such effects.
continued survival. Weak or crippled dragons are the usual
practitioners, as deception is a matter of survival and, 2nd level
therefore, a necessity. Older dragons of this sort often use Aerial Acceleration (Wiz 2; Alteration)
the spell in conjunction with the alter breath weapon spell to Range: Touch
make the ruse even more convincing. Components: V
Casting Time: 2
Shadow Scry (Wiz 1; Divination; Shadow Magic) Duration: 1 turn+1 turn/level
Range: Special Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 turn+1 round/level Although developed by dragons, aerial acceleration can
Area of Effect: Special affect any single flying creature, either natural or empow-
Saving Throw: None ered by magic, touched by the casting dragon. This spell
reduces air friction, increasing a creature’s flying move-
By casting this spell, a dragon can use a shadow within ment rate by 50%. Thus, a dragon with a movement rate of
its lair as a form of scrying device. The shadow chosen as 24 can fly at 36 for the spell’s duration. While flying at this
the spell focus must be in the dragon’s line of sight and no increased speed, however, the dragon’s maneuverability
more than 10 yards distant. class (MC) worsens one step, and special aerial maneuvers
Once the spell is cast, the dragon can contact another (for example, snatching) are impossible. The dragon is not
shadow within its lair and see out of it as if the dragon required to move at the increased rate and may slow to
were actually standing within that shadow, regardless of overcome the spell’s drawbacks. Aerial acceleration cannot

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 87

be canceled at will, but a successful dispel magic or a more Calm (Wiz 2; Alteration)
powerful spell can force it to end prematurely. Range: 0
Dragons typically use this spell before an aerial battle to Components: V
increase their odds of catching opponents by surprise or, if Casting Time: 1
things go awry, as a way to outdistance pursuers. Inventive Duration: Concentration
dragons may find other uses for the spell. Area of Effect: The caster
This spell depends heavily on a dragon’s innate ability Saving Throw: None
to visualize flight patterns and air currents. At the DM’s
discretion, dragons who employ this spell regularly might The spell calm enables a dragon to temporarily nullify
be considered expert flyers and thus might retain their nor- the effects of its own fear aura. While the dragon concen-
mal maneuverability class and aerial tactics. This should be trates, creatures suffer no morale effects from the sight or
the exception and not the rule. presence of the dragon. The spell ends as soon as the
dragon ceases to concentrate on it. It also ends if the dragon
Aura of Terror (Wiz 2; Illusion/Phantasm) suffers damage or casts a spell of 4th level or higher.
Range: 0
Components: V Dragonbane (Wiz 2; Divination)
Casting Time: 2 Range: 10 yards/level
Duration: 1 turn/level Components: V
Area of Effect: The caster Duration: 1 turn+1 round/level
Saving Throw: Special Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-yard-wide path
This spell is popular among younger, weaker dragons, Saving Throw: None
though dragons of all ages and types have been known to
use it. By using this spell, a dragon enhances its ability to This highly specialized spell combines detect magic and
strike terror in creatures subject to its fear aura. See the gen- identify spells in such a way that the draconic caster can
eral “Dragon” entry of the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM for determine whether any object within the spell’s area of
an overview of the details of dragon fear. effect carries a dweomer specifically related to dragons and
When the spell is cast, the dragon weaves an illusion draconic magic. Thus, any magical items capable of dis-
that enhances its image of rage and battle experience: mul- charging dragon magic spells (or that were created with
tiple battle scars, altered or disfigured features, longer draconic magic), weapons of dragon slaying, potions of
spine-spikes, fangs, and talons, and so on. All this makes dragon control, and even an Orb of Dragonkind are noted by
the dragon seem even more menacing than usual. The illu- the dragon. Likewise, dragonbane detects active spells
sion cannot change the dragon’s size or species, but the (including draconic magic spells) that produce such effects.
spell does make the dragon seem older. The dragon does not learn the exact properties or power
Once the spell is cast, the dragon gains two age cate- of any enchantment so noted. For example, a simple sword
gories for purposes of determining the range, saving throw, +1, +2 vs. dragons appears no more or less dangerous to the
and effect of its fear aura. Young and juvenile dragons gain dragon than an intelligent sword +5, dragon slayer with the
a fear aura that they would normally not be entitled to; special purpose power enabling it to slay dragons with a
older dragons gain a more powerful aura. single stroke. The only thing the caster knows is that both
Because of the shift in effective age category, saving weapons are more powerful against dragons than against
throws against the fear aura of dragons of young adult age other creatures.
and older suffer a -2 penalty. Thus, the usually unmodified In any case, this spell is not a replacement for detect
saving throw for a dragon of old age becomes a saving magic or identify. Its primary function is use in battle, as it
throw with a -2 penalty, a great wyrm dragon’s aura allows the dragon to determine whether its foes are using
inflicts a -5 penalty, and so forth. Furthermore, the en- magical items and spells that are especially dangerous to
hanced power of the aura allows the dragon to strike panic dragonkind. This way, the dragon knows whom to concen-
into creatures of up to 2 Hit Dice and fear into creatures that trate its attacks against or whom to avoid if things get
normally would be unaffected (that is, those with up to two sticky.
more levels or Hit Dice than the dragon).
The dragon need not concentrate to maintain an aura of Hand (Wiz 2; Invocation/Evocation)
terror and can engage in other actions as desired (for exam- Range: 5 yards/level
ple; combat, using its breath weapon, or casting additional Components: V, S
spells). The dragon can end the spell at will. Casting Time: 2
Creatures attempting to disbelieve the illusion gain a Duration: 2 rounds/level
saving throw vs. spell to negate the aura. Even if this is suc- Area of Effect: Special
cessful, however, normal saving throws against the drag- Saving Throw: None
on’s regular fear aura still apply. Detect magic can indicate
the presence of an aura of terror, and a successful dispel The spell brings into being a faintly glowing area of
magic can remove it. force similar in size and shape to a human hand. It has four

88 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

fingers and an opposable thumb. The fingers of the hand such as portable holes and bags of holding receive a saving
are much more precise in their movements than, for exam- throw vs. disintegration to survive; if they do not, then any
ple, an unseen servant. The Dexterity ability score of the fin- surviving contents are lost in an extradimensional plane.
gers is equal to the casting dragon’s Intelligence plus Dragons use this spell as the proverbial “last laugh”
1d3-1. against thieves. When the dragon notices that one of its
The hand is very weak when compared to typical blast jewels is missing, it simply activates the magic, thus
dragon strength. It can lift objects weighing up to 60 destroying the gem and sending a message to the creature
pounds and can apply an equivalent amount of force. that had the audacity to take it.
Thus, it can crush only the most fragile of objects. The hand The material component is a gemstone worth at least
cannot wield a weapon or throw an object. 500 gp. The gemstone must be an individual, loose stone; it
The hand can deliver a single slapping attack per round; cannot be set into a piece of jewelry or embedded into a
its THAC0 is the same as the dragon’s. The slap causes no weapon. The jewel is completely destroyed in the explo-
damage, but a successful hit can break a spellcaster’s con- sion; nothing but dust remains.
centration and ruin a spell.
The dragon must have a direct line of sight to the hand. Bloodburn (Wiz 3; Invocation/Evocation)
As soon as the dragon’s view of the hand is blocked, the Range: Touch
spell ends. Components: V
For dragons unable to polymorph or shapechange into Duration: 5 rounds
human or demihuman form, the lack of small manipulat- Casting Time: 3
ing digits is a real problem. They cannot write, they cannot Area of Effect: 1 creature
open small jewelry boxes, and so on. The hand spell solves Saving Throw: Special
this problem.
Also known as bloodboil, this spell is employed only by
3rd Level the most diabolical dragons, as it inflicts an agonizing
Blast Jewel (Wiz 3; Alteration, Evocation) death on its unfortunate victim. Red dragons in particular
Range: Touch enjoy casting this spell on presumptuous wizards and arro-
Components: V, M gant knights.
Casting Time: 1 round When cast on a living creature, this spell causes any liq-
Duration: Until triggered uids in the creature’s body to become very hot in a matter
Area of Effect: Special of seconds. When cast against animals, bloodburn causes the
Saving Throw: Special target’s blood to actually ignite within the creatures arteries
and veins, inflicting 2d4 points of damage per round. (This
By means of this spell, a dragon traces an invisible makes spellcasting impossible while the spell effect contin-
glyph on a prized gemstone. The symbol can be seen only ues.) Water stored within plants begins to immediately
by the dragon who traced it, though a detect magic will find boil, dealing 1d4 points of damage per round. Slimes, jel-
a faint aura, while detect invisibility, true seeing, or similar lies, and oozes immediately dissolve due to this spell and
magics reveal the glyph. A successful dispel magic negates are instantly slain (provided they do not succeed at their
the glyph without harming the jewel itself before the initial saving throw). Undead creatures and creatures
glyph’s effects can be activated. Otherwise, the spell re- immune to fire or heat damage are unaffected by this spell.
mains dormant until the dragon decides to activate it. If the target of this spell succeeds at a saving throw vs.
At the mental command of the dragon, the gemstone spell, it is unaffected. Targets that fail their saving throws
explodes with great force, showering a 20-foot-radius area can attempt another saving throw at the beginning of
with a hail of shrapnel. The dragon can trigger the explo- round three of the spell’s effect (after having taken a total of
sion from any distance, even if thousands of miles separate 4d4 points of damage) and every subsequent round at a -3
the dragon and the gem. If the jewel and the dragon are penalty. When such a target succeeds at one of these subse-
separated by a planar boundary or the dragon is slain, then quent saving throws, the spell ends and no further damage
the spell is immediately negated. is inflicted. (However, in the round the saving throw is suc-
All creatures within the area of effect suffer 5d4 points cessfully made, affected targets may still not cast spells as
of damage, half that if a saving throw vs. breath weapon they are recovering their wits for the remainder of the
succeeds. Any creature holding or carrying the jewel when round.)
the explosion occurs receives no saving throw. Otherwise, the only way to halt the effect before the
If, however, the gem was carried in a chest, metal box, spell expires is to successfully cast dispel magic (or a similar
or a similar rigid and sturdy container, then the explosion incantation) upon the spell’s target or to cast some form of
is contained and no damage is inflicted on any creature, cold spell, such as cone of cold, that totally envelops him or
though objects inside the container (and the container her. (Note that the cold spell does not inflict its normal
itself) must save vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. The damage.) If the cold spell is only partially enveloping (such
explosion of magical force is sufficient to shred pouches, as frost fingers spell or a cone of cold cast too closely), the
sacks, backpacks, saddlebags, and so forth, even if such bloodburn effect dies down for that round (no fire damage is
items are made of leather or other durable fabric. Items inflicted), but then immediately spreads throughout the

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 89

victim’s fluids once again, inflicting regular damage the The casting takes considerable time. The dragon must
following round. be in a calm, relaxed state, well away from any distrac-
tions, and must continuously repeat a monotonous, hyp-
Clutch Ward (Wiz 3; Alteration) notic chant until the familiar appears. It is impossible for
Range: Touch the dragon to maintain the chant for longer than 20 hours,
Components: V so if at the end of this period no familiar has arrived, the
Duration: Special spell fails. A dragon can cast this spell no more than once
Casting Time: Special per year, and it can have no more than one familiar at one
Area of Effect: Special time.
Saving Throw: None When the familiar arrives, it is totally loyal to its mas-
ter. Find humanoid familiar is actually a form of charm,
This simple yet highly useful spell utilizes teleportation however; it grants its victim a similar opportunity to
magic to protect the unhatched eggs of the dragon. During throw off its effects. On a regular basis, the familiar can
casting, the dragon handles each egg in the clutch, the roll a saving throw vs. spell, this roll suffering a penalty of
entire process requiring 1 round of casting time per egg. -1 for each three age categories of the casting dragon. The
Thereafter, the spell lies dormant until activated. frequency of the saving throw depends on the race of the
Upon completion of the spell, no creature other than the familiar.
casting dragon may so much as touch a single egg within A successful saving throw means that the familiar has
the clutch without triggering its magic. When the spell is thrown off the effects of the spell and is totally free-willed
activated, all of the eggs immediately teleport without error again. (Its first reaction will probably be to escape.) If the
(as the spell) to another location known to the dragon that dragon is within five miles of the familiar and awake when
is determined during the spell’s casting. If each egg is sub- it shakes off the influence, it senses the termination of the
jected to a separate casting of the spell, however, an indi- telepathic bond and thus know that its familiar is free. The
vidual egg can have its own destination point (though this dragon’s response to this depends on its alignment and
is rarely done). mood.
In addition, the casting dragon is immediately aware The DM can select an appropriate humanoid candidate
that the spell has been triggered, regardless of the distance depending on where the dragon is casting the spell, or she
between the dragon and the eggs (including planar bound- or he can use the following table:
aries). If the dragon was asleep at the time the eggs tele-
port, it is instantly awakened and alert. D20 Frequency
The duration of the spell is indefinite, and it lies dor- Roll Familiar of Save
mant until activated. Once activated, the spell must be cast 1-6 Kobold Every 2 years
anew if the eggs are to remain protected. Otherwise, noth- 7-11 Goblin Every year
ing short of a limited wish can negate the spell. If an egg 12-14 Orc Every 9 months
hatches prior to the spell’s activation, the newborn dragon 15-16 Hobgoblin Every 6 months
does not trigger the magic, though the hatchling itself is no 17-20 No humanoid available; spell fails.
longer protected by the clutch ward and is left behind if the
spell is later activated. Killing a familiar while it is still bound by the spell is not
acceptable behavior and brings down upon the dragon ret-
Find Humanoid Familiar ribution from various celestial powers. (Killing a former
(Wiz 3; Conjuration/Summoning) familiar once it has shaken the spell is just fine, however,
Range: 1 mile/level provided the dragon’s alignment or the situation allows
Components: V such behavior.)
Casting Time: 1d20 hours
Duration: Special Hoard Armor (Wiz 3; Alteration)
Area of Effect: 1 familiar Range: 0
Saving Throw: Special Components: V, M
Duration: 1 hour/level
This spell is similar to the wizard spell find familiar Casting Time: 3
except that the familiar summoned by this spell is a hu- Area of Effect: The spellcaster
manoid. Only races of the goblinoid class are eligible to Saving Throw: None
become familiars (in other words, kobolds, goblins, orcs,
and hobgoblins). Hoard armor is used by dragons both to take advantage
The humanoid so attracted is unshakably loyal to the of the large number of coins and gems that comprise their
draconic caster (morale 20), willingly giving its life for its hoards for defensive purposes, as well as to dazzle other
master. The dragon and humanoid share the ability to com- creatures with a garish display of their wealth. When this
municate telepathically at a range of up to five miles. The spell is cast, any unsecured gems or precious metals (cop-
dragon gains no sensory bonuses, and it suffers no damage per, silver, electrum, gold, or platinum only) that are less
should the humanoid familiar die. than a half pound in weight apiece and within 20 feet of

90 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

the spellcaster are drawn to the immediate vicinity of the duration expires. If all opponents are slain, the summoner
spellcaster’s body. The gems and chunks of precious metal must grant the pseudodragons a portion of the kill.
(usually coins) form a whirling cocoon around the spell- If no opponents are available, the dragon can assign the
caster that shimmers and sparkles in nearly any intensity pseudodragons other tasks. In return, the dragon must give
of light. By means of the magic of this spell, the enveloping each pseudodragon a gemstone (before aid is rendered)
hoard never obscures the spellcaster’s face, hands (claws), worth at least 50 gp. If no gems are forthcoming, the sum-
or feet, so it is possible to eat, talk, cast spells, fight, or walk moned dragons immediately return from whence they
normally. came. Similarly, the dragon must give each surviving
If the spellcaster is of huge or gargantuan size, for every pseudodragon a 50-gp gemstone after a battle with the
1,000 gems or pieces of precious metal attracted by the dragon’s enemies. If a dragon makes a habit of killing or
spell, the spellcaster receives a +1 bonus to his or her AC. If refusing to pay the pseudodragons, the pseudodragons
the spellcaster is of medium or large size, the Armor Class summoned by subsequent castings may refuse to assist or
bonus is +1 per 100 gems or pieces of precious metal. If the may simply refuse to answer the summons.
spellcaster is of tiny or small size, the Armor Class bonus is
+1 per 20 gems or pieces of precious metal. In all cases, the Scalespray (Wiz 3; Alteration)
maximum AC bonus resulting from this spell is +5. Range: 0
Although the spellcaster does not physically carry the Components: V
material components of hoard armor, all movement rates of Duration: Instantaneous
the spellcaster are reduced by 3, and, if the spellcaster can Casting Time: 3
fly by means of wings or similar natural nonmagical loco- Area of Effect: 50-foot radius
motion, his or her maneuverability class is penalized by Saving Throw: ½
one class (to a maximum of E).
When this spell expires or a dispel magic or similar incan- Sleeping on a cold stone floor or rolling around on a pile
tation is successfully cast, the enveloping hoard armor of treasure is rough on the hide. The frequent pokes and
immediately falls off and is once again subject to the pull of prods from weapons, stalagmites, and the remains of yes-
gravity. terday’s armored lunch often cause a dragon’s layered
Casting this spell is costly, particularly to naturally scales to become loose and fall off in places. And that says
avaricious dragons, for 1% of the gems and pieces of pre- nothing for the coins, gems, and the occasional halfling
cious metal composing the hoard armor, selected randomly, thief mashed up in there! Scalespray takes advantage of this
are consumed by the magic of this spell and are forever condition by hurling the loosened scales, gems, coins,
lost. As a result, this spell is not as commonly employed as bones, and so forth away from the dragon’s body as missile
one might expect. weapons. When the spell is cast, all creatures in the area of
The material component of this spell is the 1% of the effect are showered with these projectiles, suffering 1d6
gems and pieces of precious metal used to comprise the points of damage per age category of the dragon to a maxi-
hoard amor that are consumed when the spell ends. mum of 10d6. A saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces
the damage by half.
Pseudodragon This spell does not see as much use as might be ex-
(Wiz 3; Conjuration/Summoning) pected, since many dragons like the idea of having bits of
Range: 30 yards treasure stuck to their hides—it makes them look more
Components: V impressive. Thus, the spell’s usefulness is often out-
Casting Time: 3 weighed by the dragon’s own vanity.
Duration: 2 rounds+1 round/level
Area of Effect: Special Sharptooth (Wiz 3; Alteration)
Saving Throw: None Range: 0
Components: V
This spell is a draconic version of the various monster Casting Time: 3
summoning spells. It summons 2d4 pseudodragons within Duration: 1 round/level to a maximum of 1 turn
1d4 rounds to a spot within the spell’s range. The sum- Area of Effect: The caster
moned pseudodragons are tiny replicas of the summoner; Saving Throw: None
that is, a green dragon conjures green pseudodragons, a
blue dragon summons blue ones, and so forth. The pseudo- This simple spell is a favorite among dragons who enjoy
dragons share the alignment of the dragon who cast the sinking their teeth into combat. The spell alters the drag-
spell and serve the summoning dragon with complete loy- on’s fangs, making them harder and sharper. In melee, this
alty. Otherwise, the pseudodragons conform to the abilities adds +1 per two age categories (round down to a minimum
and characteristics of pseudodragons as noted in the of 1 point) to each damage roll on any successful bite attack
MONSTROUS MANUAL tome. for as long as the spell lasts. Dragons also employ sharp-
Once the pseudodragons arrive, they fight on the sum- tooth when gnawing apart a tasty but tough meal, such as
moning dragon’s behalf until they are slain, until the orcs, armored dwarves, or knights in plate armor.
dragon commands them to stop fighting, or until the spell’s

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 91

Venomdust (Wiz 3; Invocation/Evocation) Although the spell’s main purpose is to set fire to a
Range: 0 town, firetrail can also cause serious personal damage. Any-
Components: V, S one under the firetrail when it reaches the ground is struck
Casting Time: 1 round by 1d20 droplets, each of which inflicts 1d2 points of dam-
Duration: 1 month/level age (a saving throw vs. spell for half damage is allowed).
Area of Effect: 1 square foot/level Any creature foolish enough to fly through a descending
Saving Throw: Special firetrail is struck by 3d10 droplets, each inflicting 1d2 points
of damage (save for half damage).
The venomdust spell enables the dragon to create small
amounts of highly toxic poisonous dust. The dust can then Focus Fear (Wiz 4; Alteration) Reversible
be sprinkled onto objects, where it adheres. Anyone touch- Range: 0
ing an object so treated with bare skin must roll a success- Comljonents: V
ful saving throw vs. poison or die in one round. Even on a Casting Time: 4
successful saving throw, the victim suffers 2d10 points of Duration: 1 round/level
damage. The casting dragon is totally immune to the toxic- Area of Effect: Special
ity of its own dust. Saving Throw: Special
For each effective level of the dragon, the spell creates
enough dust to cover an area of one square foot. Thus a red Similar in function to the aura of terror spell, focus fear
wyrm, which casts spells at 20th level, can create enough increases the potency of the dragon’s panic and fear auras.
venomdust to cover a 4-foot × 5-foot area. It is useful for all dragons of adult age or older, and it can
Venomdust can be detected by detect magic and rendered be used in conjunction with an aura of terror.
harmless by a successful casting of dispel magic or neutralize By means of this spell, the dragon reduces the radius of
poison. The dragon can negate the dust, making it harmless, its fear aura, focusing the power of that fear. For every 5
at will. yards the dragon reduces its aura, the saving throw modi-
Dragons frequently use venomdust to protect the most fier against the dragon fear gains an additional -1 penalty.
precious parts of their hoards. However, a dragon cannot reduce its fear aura to a radius
of less than 15 yards in any case. An adult dragon with a
4th Level normal fear radius of 20 yards and a saving throw modifier
Firetrail (Wiz 4; Invocation/Evocation) of +2 can reduce its fear radius to 15 yards and change the
Range: 0 modifier to +1. Likewise, a great wyrm could condense its
Components: V fear radius to 15 yards from 50 yards, changing its usual -4
Casting Time: 4 save modifier to -11. A natural 20 saves regardless of the
Duration: Special modifiers.
Area of Effect: A 40-long/level trail The reverse of this spell, extend fear, allows the dragon to
Saving Throw: Special enlarge its fear radius to a maximum of 50 yards. An
extended aura weakens when made larger with saving
The firetrail spell was developed by an ancient and long- throw modifiers changing in the opposite manner to focus
dead red dragon named Thermal for a specific purpose: fear. The reverse can be used by dragons as young as young
setting fire to towns and other settlements that the creature adults (if they possess the required spellcasting ability), but
wanted to attack. This is a very rare spell, and only a few is useless to a great wyrm.
evil dragons know it. Both versions of this spell allow the dragon such fine
The spell must be cast by a dragon while in flight. As its control of the fear radius that it can alter the dimensions of
name implies, it creates a trail of tiny, fiery droplets in the its fear radius on a round-by-round basis. Of course, the
air behind the dragon. These droplets fall to the ground at a aura can be altered only within the parameters of the ver-
rate of 30 feet per round. When they touch the ground or sion employed (that is, any radius between the dragon’s
any solid object, they burst into flame, each burning for normal radius and the limits of the appropriate version of
only a few seconds but with the same amount of heat as a the spell). To change the radius while the spell is in effect,
burning torch. This fire has an 80% chance of igniting any- the dragon must stop what it is doing and concentrate; it
thing flammable (usual modifiers apply for wet material. cannot engage in activities in that round. Otherwise,
etc.). The length of the trail is 40 feet per effective level of the dragon is free to cast spells, fight, fly, use its breath
the casting dragon. Thus a red wyrm (effective level 20) weapon, and so on, as the spell requires no concentration.
could create a firetrail 800 feet long. The dragon can cancel the spell at any time. A dispel magic
While the trail is still falling, it can be disrupted by has no effect on either version of this spell, though spells
spells like gust of wind or by natural winds. These effects do such as wish, limited wish, and the like can end the dweomer
not prevent the droplets of the trail from reaching the immediately.
ground, however; they just spread it out, possibly enhanc- Both versions of this spell are fairly common among
ing its effects. (The DM must carefully adjudicate this dragons capable of casting a spell of this level.
depending on circumstances.)

92 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

Hoardguard (Wiz 4; Abjuration, Evocation) Wingbind (Wiz 4; Evocation)
Range: 0 Range: 40 feet/level
Components: V Components: V
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 3
Duration: 1 hour/level Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: As breath weapon Saving Throw: Special
Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: 1 dragon

By means of this spell, a dragon can protect its hoard in Wingbind is a highly effective combat spell that is rare
such a way as to make theft virtually impossible. When even among dragons. It creates a web or net of force that
hoardguard is cast, the dragon’s breath weapon temporarily entangles the target, which must be a dragon. This force net
changes. Instead of the usual fire, lightning, acid, and so has the same effect as a grappling attack: the dragon is
on, the breath weapon becomes pure magical energy that unable to fly and plummets toward the ground.
must be released by the dragon within 1 round following The target dragon receives an initial saving throw vs.
the spell’s casting or the magic is wasted. The dragon spell to avoid the effects of the spell. At the end of each
breathes this energy (which conforms to the dimensions of subsequent round, it receives another saving throw vs.
the dragon’s usual breath weapon) over its hoard, attempt- spell, but with a cumulative -3 penalty. A successful saving
ing to encompass as much of the hoard as possible within throw means that the dragon has broken free from the net
the area of effect. of force.
This energy bonds whatever parts of the hoard it touches The wingbind spell remains in effect until either the
into a solid mass. The spell does not harm the hoard in any duration expires, the victim successfully saves, the caster is
way, nor does it alter its appearance or position; the items slain or rendered unconscious, the caster intentionally
within the hoard remain loose and separate. Instead, the releases the spell, or the victim slams into the ground.
hoardguard magic fills in the spaces between the individual A wingbound dragon falls at 125 feet per second or
coins, gems, weapons, chests, ingots, and so forth, and 7,500 feet per round. After the wingbind spell is termi-
holds them together as a solid mound of wealth. This invis- nated—for whatever reason—the victim continues to fall
ible bond prevents the hoard from being sorted, separated for another 2d10 seconds (250-2,500 feet). If it strikes the
for transport, scattered, or otherwise moved or manipu- ground during this time, it suffers 1d6 points of damage
lated as separate items. Because it has essentially become per 10 feet fallen to a maximum of 20d6.
one single mass, lifting the hoard as a whole is impossible
by any single creature except through powerful magic. 5th level
The hoard so protected cannot be harmed by physical or Breathblock (Wiz 5; Evocation)
magical attacks without first removing the hoardguard spell. Range: 10 yards/level
It is thus impossible for intruders to break off pieces or sec- Components: V
tions of the hoard and carry them away. Casting Time: 2
Dispel magic has no effect on a hoard protected by the Duration: 1 round/level
spell, and an antimagic shell frees only as much treasure as Area of Effect: 50x50-foot shield
fits within its area of effect. (If freed treasure is not removed Saving Throw: None
from the hoard, the hoardguard magic reasserts itself as
soon as the shell expires or moves away.) A limited wish The breathblock spell is much like the 1st-level wizard
negates a hoardguard for one hour (and if the treasure is not shield spell. The spell brings into being an invisible plane of
separated in that time, the hoardguard will return as above). force 50 feet on a side that is totally impervious to all dra-
A full wish destroys the spell permanently. conic breath weapons. The dragon can create the wall any-
Treasure added to a hoard already protected by this where within the maximum range and can instantaneously
spell does not gain the spell’s benefits. New treasure move it to any point inside that range. The wall of force can
requires a hoardguard of its own, though the dragon may be maneuvered as a shield to protect the dragon, other
include the new treasure after the first hoardguard’s dura- creatures, or valuable objects (that is, treasure). If posi-
tion expires and a new spell is cast. tioned directly in front of the mouth of a dragon about to
This spell only affects the dragon’s hoard. It does not use a breath weapon, the breath weapon either reflects or
function upon creatures or the items they possess unless billows back upon the breathing dragon. Unless the dragon
the dragon acquires the items and adds them to its hoard. is immune to its own attack form—which is usually the
This spell typically protects the dragon’s treasure while it is case—the dragon suffers half damage from the breath
out hunting for food or seeking treasure. Some dragons weapon (save vs. breath weapon for one-quarter damage).
arrange their hoards so that the entire amount can be Any other creatures within 30 feet of the breathing dragon
warded with a single spell. Others make several smaller but on its side of the breathblock also suffer half damage
piles so as to use up an invader’s magical powers in repeat- (save for quarter damage).
edly negating the spell and thus minimize the overall trea- The most spectacular use of this spell was when the leg-
sure loss. endary gold dragon Autophon defeated the fiend Lash and
the red dragon the fiend used for a mount. As the red

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 93

dragon prepared to use its breath weapon, Autophon cast affect shadows or creatures composed of shadow or
breathblock. The red’s fire billowed backward around it, dragonkind in general. (While fireball and other fire-
causing the dragon no damage but so enraging the fiend based spells do shed some light, they are not considered
that it attacked its own mount. This took the pressure off light-based for purposes of this spell.)
Autophon long enough for him to slay both fiend and red • Normal weapons do not harm a shadow dragon unless
dragon. augmented with a light-based spell, in which case dam-
age is inflicted as above according to the spell used. (The
Razorfangs (Wiz 5; Alteration; Shadow Magic) weapon itself inflicts no damage, nor do bonuses due to
Range: 0 magic or high Strength scores.) An augmented weapon
Components: V implies the use of a light, continual light, or similar spell
Casting Time: 5 that has been placed directly on the weapon.
Duration: 1 round/level to a maximum of 1 turn • Magical weapons inflict damage equal to their magical
Area of Effect: The caster bonus. If augmented with a light-based spell, the light
Saving Throw Special damage and the magical damage are combined. Strength
bonuses and normal weapon damage are excluded.
This spell is a highly improved version of the sharptooth Magical weapons that normally shed light inflict dam-
spell. When a razorfangs spell is cast, the dragon’s teeth age as an augmented weapon.
become exceptionally hard, strong, and sharp. Due to this • Full sunlight immediately negates the spell and forces
alteration, any successful bite attack inflicts +2 per two age the dragon back into its true form. The change occurs in
categories to each damage roll (round down to a minimum a single round, during which time the dragon is helpless
of 2 points). Furthermore, on an unmodified roll of 19 or and can do nothing other than suffer through the forced
20, the bite severs an opponent’s limb (or other extremity, transformation. Opponents gain a free round of attacks.
as appropriate), just as if the victim had been struck with a While the transformation takes place, the light-based
sword of sharpness. If the victim fails a saving throw vs. attacks noted above have no effect, but other attack
death magic upon becoming the victim of such a success- forms have normal effects.
ful attack roll, his or her head is severed as if by a vorpal
sword. 6th Level
Alter Breath Weapon (Wiz 6; Alteration)
Shadow Dragon (Wiz 5; Alteration; Shadow Magic) Range: 0
Range: 0 Components: V
Components: V Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, a dragon’s breath weapon takes on the
Used almost exclusively by shadow dragons, this spell appearance and properties of the breath weapon of another
allows a dragon to transform itself into pure shadowstuff. type of dragon. For dragons who possess multiple breath
While so transformed, the dragon retains all of its powers weapon forms, only one is changed by the spell. In any
and abilities, including spell use, breath weapon, and so case, the spell causes an actual change, not an illusion. Fur-
forth. In dim, shadowy areas, a dragon affected by shadow thermore, the amount of damage caused by the altered
dragon can hide in shadows with a 90% chance of success, breath weapon is the same as that of the dragon’s true
and the dragon is totally invisible in utter darkness (either breath weapon; only the type, not the power, of the breath
magical or natural). weapon is changed.
Once in this form (and during the one full round it takes For example, a red dragon can use this spell to change
for the dragon to transform), the dragon is impervious to its fiery breath weapon into a cloud of chlorine gas (as used
most attacks, though it is not entirely invulnerable. Attacks by green dragons) but with a damage potential equal to its
that can harm a shadow dragon include: usual flame breath weapon. By using this spell, the dragon
is able to harm creatures that are normally immune or
• Light-based spells inflict 1d6 points of damage per spell resistant to its fiery breath (for example, another red
level for each round a shadow dragon remains in their dragon). Of course, a creature immune to chlorine gas or to
area of effect. Thus, a light or a faerie fire spell inflicts 1d6 dragon breath weapons in general is still unharmed by the
points of damage per round of exposure, a continual light attack.
inflicts 3d6, and the light of a prismatic sphere inflicts 9d6 Alter breath weapon can be ended prematurely with a
points of damage each round a shadow dragon remains successful dispel magic or similar effect or by silent will of
within its radiance. Spells that create a flash or burst the dragon. However, the spell does not permit the dragon
effect inflict double this damage, but allow a saving to shift through multiple types of breath weapons; once a
throw vs. spell for half damage. All other spells do not particular type of breath weapon is chosen for a particular
harm a shadow dragon unless specifically designed to casting of the spell, it cannot be changed, save to revert

94 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

back to the dragon’s true breath weapon, thus ending the opening or tunnel no more than 30 feet in diameter.) A
spell. Likewise, multiple alter breath weapon spells cannot be single application of this spell can kill up to 50 Hit Dice or
in effect at the same time. If a second alter breath weapon is levels of creatures before becoming inert.
attempted before the first expires, both spells are immedi- Each creature passing through the portal rolls a saving
ately negated. throw vs. wand with a -2 penalty; a successful saving
throw roll means that the creature survives. Even if the
7th level creature successfully saves, the creature’s Hit Dice or level
Contact Archetype (Wiz 7; Divination) is deducted from the total power remaining to the warded
Range: 0 doorway. If a creature passing through the door has more
Components: V Hit Dice or levels than remain in the spell, the spell ends,
Casting Time: 4 rounds and the creature is unharmed.
Duration: 1 question/3 levels Example: A dragon has cast door of death on the entrance
Area of Effect: Special into her cave. Three characters try to pass through the por-
Saving Throw: None tal—a 15th-level fighter, a 16th-level cleric, and a 16th-level
mage. The fighter and cleric fail their saving throws and
This spell is similar to the 5th-level wizard spell contact die immediately; the mage makes his saving throw and
other plane except that with it a dragon can contact one of survives. The door of death spell has expended 47 levels
the two archetypes of metallic and chromatic dragonkind— (15+16+16), which means that only 3 remain. Later, a 4th-
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, or Tiamat, the Chromatic level thief walks through the door. Since the thief has more
Dragon. Both powers resent such contact, so only brief levels than remain to the spell, the spell ends, and the thief
answers are given to the questions the caster asks. For is unaffected.
every three effective levels (or fraction thereof) it possesses, Note that only the doorway or portal itself is warded.
the dragon can ask one question. Contact with the minds of An individual could conceivably smash through or other-
such powerful creatures poses the risk of insanity; for pow- wise penetrate the wall next to the door and enter safely
erful dragons, this risk is generally lower than for humans A portal protected by a door of death spell radiates a
contacting extraplanar beings, however. If insanity occurs, strong aura of necromantic magic. While casting the spell,
it strikes as soon as the first question is asked and lasts for the dragon can choose whether or not the warding is to be
2d10 weeks. visible. If the dragon chooses visibility, the portal is out-
lined by a faint blue glow; this glow is not bright enough to
Chance Chance Chance be seen in full daylight, but it is obvious under twilight or
of to of darker conditions.
Power Insanity* Know Veracity
Bahamut 30% 70% 90% 8th level
Tiamat 45% 85% 75% Cold Curtain (Wiz 8; Necromancy)
*For each effective level of the caster, decrease the Range: 0
chance of insanity by 1%. Components: V
Casting Time: 2 rounds
If the archetype does not know an answer and the verac- Duration: Special
ity roll fails, the archetype emphatically gives an incorrect Area of Effect: One doorway or portal
answer. If answer is not known and the veracity roll is suc- Saving Throw: Neg.
cessful, the archetype’s answer is “unknown.”
Tiamat’s chance of veracity is decreased by 15% for each This is another warding spell quite similar to door of
step of alignment the questioner is away from Tiamat’s death. Using this spell, the draconic caster can ward a par-
lawful evil. (Thus, if the questioner is a chaotic good brass ticular doorway or portal so that any creature who tries to
dragon, the chance of veracity is only 15%.) pass through the portal without first speaking a word of
command is immediately subjected to a modified form of
Door of Death (Wiz 7; Necromancy) energy drain. A portal protected by a cold curtain spell radi-
Range: 0 ates a strong aura of necromantic magic, and the warded
Components: V area has a temperature some 20° F lower than the area out-
Casting Time: 2 rounds side the curtain. (Here the word “portal” can also refer to a
Duration: Affects 50 Hit Dice or levels cave opening or tunnel no more than 30 feet in diameter.)
Area of Effect: 1 doorway/portal The portal so warded must be the only entrance into a
Saving Throw: Neg. room or chamber no larger than a volume of 8,000 cubic
feet (a cubic room 20 feet on a side, for example).
Using this spell, the draconic caster can ward a particu- A single application of this spell can drain up to 30 Hit
lar doorway or portal so that any creature who tries to pass Dice or levels of creatures before becoming inert. Each crea-
through the portal without first speaking a word of com- ture passing through the portal must roll a saving throw vs.
mand is immediately the subject of a modified form of the wands with a -2 penalty; a successful saving throw means
death spell. (Here the word “portal” can also refer to a cave that the creature is unaffected.

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 95

A failed saving throw means that the creature is subject in addition to the dragon’s breath weapon, immunity to
to the full effect of the cold curtain spell. As soon as the crea- that breath weapon does not provide immunity to damage.
ture passes through the portal, it loses one level or Hit Die Finally, objects exposed to the blast must make item saving
(as if struck by a wight). A monster loses 1 Hit Die perma- throws vs. disintegration or be destroyed. Creatures or
nently, suffering losses in both hit points and attack ability. objects killed or destroyed by the explosion are completely
A character loses a level, a Hit Die, hit points, and abilities obliterated.
permanently (until regained through adventuring, if As noted, only a full wish can remove a death matrix.
applicable, or other magical means are taken that restore Beyond that, there is only one method to avoid triggering
drained levels). a death matrix, and that is the instantaneous annihilation of
At the end of each round that a creature remains within the dragon. A spell like disintegrate or a magical item such
the area warded by the cold curtain, it loses another level or as a sphere of annihilation is necessary to obliterate the
Hit Die. There is no saving throw against these subsequent dragon instantly and completely. Without the dragon’s
losses. This loss continues each round until the creature corpse (or a fraction thereof), the death matrix cannot cause
steps back through the curtain to the area outside the an explosion and simply dissipates in a wave of magical
warded area. (This passage from inside to outside does not energy noticeable by creatures in the radius as a tingling
cause another level loss.) sensation. It is otherwise harmless and cannot be absorbed
The curtain can affect any number of creatures simulta- or harnessed in any way. If even so much as a scale
neously. When it has drained a total of 30 Hit Dice or levels, remains of the dragon, the death matrix is triggered upon
the spell terminates. its death. (The damage inflicted is considerably lessened if
Note that only the doorway or portal itself is warded. only a fraction of the dragon’s body remains. DMs must
An individual could conceivably smash through or other- use their own judgment in modifying the damage in such
wise penetrate the wall next to the door and enter safely cases.)
While casting the spell, the dragon can choose whether Obviously, the level of this spell puts it out of reach for
or not the warding is to be visible. If the dragon chooses use by most dragons, regardless of age or species. There-
visibility, the portal is covered by a faintly shimmering blue fore, most dragons must rely on scrolls bearing the spell in
glow that is totally transparent; this glow is not bright order to set up a death matrix.
enough to be seen in full daylight, but it is obvious under
twilight or darker conditions.
Dragon Magical Items
Death Matrix (Wiz 8; Evocation, Necromancy) The creation of dragon magical items is a facet of dragon
Range: 0 magic that is generally overlooked and usually misunder-
Components: V stood. Throughout the AD&D game, few magical items are
Duration: Permanent assumed to have been created by dragons purely for dra-
Casting Time: l turn conic usage. The Draconomicon provides a handful of such
Area Of Effect: Special items, and this section supplies a few more.
Saving Throw: ½ Dragons can use any items not restricted to particular
classes. It is up to DM to decide if a dragon can wear a ring
When this spell is cast, an extremely powerful and com- of protection (on a horn, for instance). Spellcasting dragons,
plex pattern of magical energy is woven into the dragon’s on the other hand, can use magical items restricted to the
life force, and it cannot be negated (or even detected) by any class from which they cast spells. A dragon capable of cast-
means short of a full wish. Thereafter, the magic lies dor- ing wizard spells could use any item that a mage could.
mant until activated, but it grows in strength as the dragon Dragons that cast both mage and priest spells can use items
ages, due to its connection with the dragon’s life force. restricted to either class. DMs must determine how, if at all,
Upon the dragon’s demise, the death matrix is triggered, dragons would use wands, crystal balls, etc.
causing the dragon’s corpse to blow apart in an enormous The XP values for these magical items were included for
explosion that showers a 50-foot-radius sphere with gem- the sake of completeness. They are particularly useful in
encrusted scales, muscle and sinew, bones, claws, fangs, campaigns that use part of the COUNCIL OF WYRMS game
innards, and blood—and the raw, unrestrained might of setting rules, however, as dragon characters in that setting
the dragon’s breath weapon. All creatures within the must accumulate experience points in order to advance in
radius must immediately save vs. breath weapon. If the level. In other settings, the XP values can be ignored.
saving throw is successful, the damage caused by the ex-
plosion is reduced by half. Otherwise, the explosion inflicts Amulet of Supremacy
an amount of damage equal to the breath weapon of the XP Value: 10,000 GP Value: 100,000+
dragon. Worse still, any damage die result of a 1 or 2 is Only a handful of these potent devices are believed to exist,
regarded as a 3; thus, the triggered death matrix of a great for the ability to create them is limited to the most powerful
red wyrm inflicts an astounding 84-252 points of damage dragons, both in age and magical ability. Any dragon is
(24d10+12, counting all rolls of 1 or 2 as 3). capable of using these devices, however.
Note, however, that since the explosion includes the An amulet of supremacy is nothing short of a master-
hurled body parts of the dragon and basic concussive force piece, for it is constructed of the purest metals, the finest

96 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

jewels and gemstones, and the artistry of a master crafts- Dragon fangs are difficult to manufacture, as they can be
person. In fact, the jewelry value alone for such a device used only by the dragon for whom they were created. They
approaches 100,000 gp. To dragons, an amulet of supremacy adjust in size in order to fit the dragon’s teeth as it grows
is priceless. older, but unless the dragon has an identical twin, clone,
When worn, an amulet of supremacy causes a dragon’s simulacrum, or the like, no other dragon can use a given set
breath weapon, spells, and natural spell-like powers to of dragon fangs.
operate at their maximum potential (for example, maxi-
mum damage, duration, area of effect, etc.). Saving throws Focus Object
against these effects still apply, however. XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 5,000
An amulet of supremacy is strictly a draconic device; if One of the more serious dilemmas a dragon must face
worn by any other species, death is immediate, usually tak- when defending its lair from invaders is how to go about
ing the form of instantaneous immolation or disintegration dispatching such opponents without destroying its hoard.
with no saving throw allowed. Many dragons rely on the hoardguard spell to solve the
problem, but most do not have access to that spell. There-
Circlet of the Wyrm fore, such dragons must resort to other methods, like a
XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 10,000 focus object.
This band of platinum is usually unadorned and magically Focus objects take many forms but most often appear as
expands or contracts to fit snugly around the brow of any a piece of jewelry that the dragon can wear, as the dragon
dragon that wears it. While wearing the circlet, a dragon must be in contact with the device in order to use its
receives all the power of a wyrm of the appropriate species. powers.
This includes increased damage from breath weapons, A focus object allows the dragon to reduce the effective
increased Hit Dice, increased combat modifiers, and area of its breath weapon so that only a single target suffers
decreased THAC0s. A dragon automatically receives the damage from a direct attack. Thus, cloud- or cone-shaped
innate magical powers that are normally gained by dragons breath weapons become narrow shafts. Breath weapons
only when they reach the age category of wyrm. Finally, a that already take such a form (for example, acid, lightning,
dragon can cast as many spells as a wyrm. (It does not etc.) cannot be reduced by the device. (Obviously, focus
automatically learn any new spells, however, so this might objects have limited use among dragons, as such devices are
not be a significant benefit). restricted to dragons whose breath weapons have a large
All of this assumes that the dragon is not already a area of effect.) Despite its altered dimensions, the breath
wyrm or great wyrm. Wyrms are unaffected by the circlet, weapon’s damage is not diminished, and saving throws
while great wyrms diminish in power while wearing the against it are not modified for the reduced area.
The circlet may be removed at any time, but the mental Hoardstone
shock causes the creature to be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. XP Value: 5,000 GP Value: 25,000
For each round that the dragon engages in melee combat, A dragon’s status among its peers is determined by several
there is a 5% (noncumulative) chance that the circlet falls factors. The dragon’s personal might is the most obvious
off, stunning the dragon. If the dragon grapples or is grap- one, but its species, age, experience, and intellect are
pled by another dragon, the chance increases to 10% per important as well. Perhaps the least considered element,
round (noncumulative) as long as the dragons continue to however, is the value of a dragon’s hoard. Often, the value
grapple. There is also a one-shot 7% chance that the circlet of a dragon’s hoard is just as important to its status as any
fall off during a wingover maneuver. of the other factors. A hoardstone improves a dragon’s sta-
Dragons can wear the circlet only when they are in their tus in this regard by temporarily increasing the quality and
own form. Polymorph and shapechange spells cause the cir- value of items in close proximity to it (in other words, the
clet to fall off, stunning the dragon. dragon’s hoard).
There are legends of a similar circlet of the great wyrm, A hoardstone always takes the form of a flawless gem-
but this magical item has never been found. stone of any type, but it must have a value of at least 5,000
gp. It functions in a manner quite similar to a jewel of flaw-
Dragon Fangs lessness, but where the jewel affects only gemstones, a hoard-
XP Value: 500 (sharptooth) GP Value: 2,500 stone affects all items within its area of effect (a 50-foot-
XP Value: 1,000 (razorfangs) GP Value: 5,000 radius sphere around the hoardstone), including seemingly
This device is a hinged mouthpiece to which are attached worthless items.
several metal fang caps. By placing the device in its mouth All objects within the area increase in value by 25%. In
and sliding its fangs into the hollow caps, the dragon can the case of monetary treasure, this is an immediate and
use the magic of the dragon fangs. obvious increase. For example, flaws in jewels and gem-
Dragon fangs come in two varieties. The weaker variety stones disappear or diminish, precious metals become
bears a permanent sharptooth dweomer, the other a perma- purer, works of art become more intricate or vibrant, and so
nent razorfangs enchantment. Both versions duplicate the forth. Magical items, however, do not grow in power, but
effects of the spells they carry (see above) so long as the the materials from which they are made increase in quality
dragonfangs are worn. and value. For example, a carved and gem-studded staff

Magic and Monsters of the Cult • 97

becomes more valuable monetarily (in other words, the Wing armor does not provide any bonuses to the drag-
gems rise in value, the wood is of greater quality, the carv- on’s AC, but it does render the dragon’s wings immune to
ings more intricate, etc.), but it does not gain additional puncturing and shredding by piercing and slashing weap-
charges nor do its effects become more powerful. ons, as well as by claws and teeth. Note, however, that a
Items that have no monetary value (for example, a nor- wing can still be injured from the concussive force of such
mal stone or piece of wood) do not suddenly become so attacks; wing armor simply prevents the actual piercing or
endowed. Instead, the hoardstone’s influence causes the tearing of a dragon’s wings.
quality and value of such objects to increase in comparison
to similar items. For example, a worthless chunk of wood
remains a worthless chunk of wood, but the hoardstone’s Monsters Used by the Cult
influence makes it more durable by tightening its grain, On the following pages are the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM
strengthening and hardening the wood, and so on. The sheets for the dracolich and several other variant creatures
piece of wood might be valuable if sculpted thereafter, but that either were created by Sammaster’s magical researches
until then it remains an ordinary piece of wood. or that have been adopted or subjugated for use by some, if
Items that are separated from the influence of the hoard- not all, of the cells of the Cult of the Dragon. As is the case
stone retain their increased value for a period of time equal throughout this book, in many cases it is up to DMs to
to that they spent in the presence of the hoardstone. For determine which Cult cells use any or all of the creatures
example, a gemstone that spent a year under the influence below. It is known, however, that the large Cult cell in Sem-
of a hoardstone retains its value increase for one year after bia uses dragon-kin as guards, couriers of vitally important
being separated from that influence. Once that year has messages, or even as assassins, and ur-histachii are impor-
passed, the gemstone returns to its normal value. tant servitors of the cell in Hlondeth.
Although a hoardstone radiates magic, the items it influ- The mantidrake, dracimera, and wyvern drake are all
ences do not unless such items are normally magical. (If creations of Sammaster. He experimented often with dra-
the dragon’s entire hoard radiated a dweomer, any visiting conic hybrids, crossing evil dragons with many other evil
dragons the hoardstone’s owner was attempting to impress monsters. By this, he hoped to learn all there was to know
would likely realize that the hoard’s value was magically about the processes of draconic life and therefore better
enhanced, which would, no doubt, cause the dragon actu- understand how to create an undead form of dragon. By
ally to lose status.) Furthermore, multiple hoardstones understanding their life, he endeavored to give dragons life
placed in the same hoard do not cause the hoard’s value to after death. The hybrid creatures listed below are byprod-
increase any more than if only a single hoardstone were ucts of that research.
present. These hybrids were not intentionally created by Sam-
Hoardstones can be created only by dragons. The reason master to serve the Cult, but enterprising Cult members
for this has something to do with the unique relationship took advantage of Sammaster’s twisted genius and these
between a dragon and its hoard. Dragons, more than any creatures continue to serve some Cult cells today. Speci-
other species, are driven by an irresistible need to accumu- mens of these creatures have broken free of Cult control
late treasure, an inherited urge they cannot escape. Thus, over the centuries since Sammaster lived and have gone
only they truly understand the “spirit” of valuable objects, feral. PCs may therefore encounter them in adventures
an understanding that is necessary to manufacture a hoard- unrelated to the Cult (though the players need not know
stone. Other creatures may utilize a captured hoardstone, that at first). Or perhaps the Cult mages just regained or
however. (Dwarves, in particular, love them.) are seeking to regain the knowledge to create these beings
themselves. This could lead to many adventures as the
Wing Armor PCs try to stop the Cult from creating more of these vile
XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 5,000 creatures.
When compared to the rest of its body, a dragon’s wings The mantidrake, dracimera, and wyvern drake were all
are especially susceptible to grievous, even crippling, dam- created during the same period of Sammaster’s life. During
age. The relatively thin flesh of a dragon’s wings is easily this time, he bred various evil dragon races (red, green,
ripped by the teeth and claws of another dragon. Such blue, black, white, brown, and yellow) with many other
wounds can reduce its effectiveness in flight, force it to evil creatures. Unlike the dracohydra, the mantidrake,
land, or—worse yet—cause the dragon to plummet uncon- dracimera, and wyvern drake possess varying abilities,
trollably to the earth. determined by their draconic parent. These differences are
Because of this potential danger, those dragons who can reflected in their MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM sheets; how-
obtain it make use of wing armor, a pair of sleeves composed ever, other draconic parents than are accounted for in their
of an extremely fine, fibrous, metallic fabric (elven chain descriptions will effect them in ways that must be deter-
mail has nothing on this stuff) that is slipped over the mined by the DM through interpolation of the data pre-
wings for added protection. Wing armor is virtually weight- sented there.
less and magically adjusts to fit the dragon’s wings, but it
does not hinder the dragon’s movements or flying ability in
any way. In fact, the sleeves are so form-fitting that straps
and harnesses are unnecessary to hold them in place.

98 • Magic and Monsters of the Cult

Dracimera Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & © 1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any temperature to tropical

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Black: CE; Blue: LE; Green: LE; Red: CE;
White: CE; Brown: NE; Yellow: CE
ARMOR CLASS: Black: 1; Blue: 0; Green: 0; Red: -3;
White: 1; Brown: 2; Yellow: 0
MOVEMENT: 10, Fl 15 (E)
THAC0: 9
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d3/1d3/1d4/ld4/ldl2/1d12
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to breath weapon of dragon
parent and like attacks (spells, etc.)
SIZE: L (5 feet tall at the shoulder)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: Black 9,000 White 9,000
Blue 10,000 Brown 9,000
Green 10,000 Yellow 10,000
Red 10,000

The dracimera is the offspring of a chimera and an evil dragon. It has

a dragon head up front surrounded by a lion’s mane (like the man-
tidrake), a lizard head with two goat’s horns growing from the
middle of its back, and a dragon head and neck like that of its dragon Green Cloud of chlorine gas 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 30 feet
parent growing where a lion’s tail would be. The lizard head is blue- high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
green with the amber eyes and ocher horns of the chimera. Red Cone of fire 5 feet at mouth, 90 feet long, 30 feet wide at
Wild dracimerae speak the language of their dragon parent, with cone’s widest; half damage if save is made.
some halting knowledge of the language of red dragons (provided White Cone of frost 5 feet wide, 70 feet long, 25 feet wide at cone’s
their draconic parent is not a red dragon). Those dracimerae raised widest; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
from birth by the Cult of the Dragon normally know common and Brown Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half dam-
the language of their dragon parent (though it is spoken with a slight age if successful save vs. breath weapon is made.
human accent). Yellow Blast of scorching air and sand 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and
20 feet high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
Combat: The dracimera is perhaps the deadliest of the known
dragon hybrids. In physical combat, it attacks six times in a single Habitat/Society: A wild dracimera lives in the same tropical regions
round. It strikes with both forelegs (1d3 points of damage each), as its chimera parent (and usually is the offspring of a black or red
butts with both goat horns (1d4 points of damage each), and bites dragon). Such dracimerae are solitary creatures, coming together to
with its front and back dragon heads (1d12 points of damage each). mate only once in a single decade. A single young is born to a suc-
Its breath weapon is the same as that of its dragon parent, and the cessful mating. Due to the small numbers of dracimerae in existence
dracimera can use it six times per day. This weapon is divided up in the wild, most dracimerae are not born of dracimerae, but of a
among the three heads, with each head able to use it twice per day If chimera and dragon pairing. Dracimerae live in the most remote and
one head does not use its “share,” the other heads do not gain “extra” inaccessible regions of their hunting grounds, which cover at least
uses. Damage done by the dracimera’s breath weapon is equal to the 400 square miles. They hoard treasure much like their dragon ances-
beast’s normal hit point total. This damage does not vary as the beast is tors, for much the same reasons.
wounded or healed over time, and magical effects that artificially boost Cult dracimerae are typically used as guards of important areas,
hit points do not make the breath weapon more powerful. treasure caches, secret passageways, or as powerful shock troops in
The dracimera is immune to attack forms that resemble its breath Cult raids against some strong foe or caravan.
weapon (a white-dragon-parented dracimera is immune to normal
and magical cold, for instance). Finally, dracimerae do not suffer any Ecology: The wild dracimera is an ferocious predator and tolerates
additional damage or effects from weapons or items specifically no other large carnivores or omnivores in its territory. It attacks
designed to kill dragons. (A sword or an arrow of dragon slaying could intruders on sight. Although it hunts an area of no more than 25
not outright slay it. The dracimera would take all damage otherwise square miles in a day, a dracimera can fly up to 100 miles a day and
appropriate, however.) still return to its lair by nightfall.
Unlike its chimera parent, the dracimera is a pure carnivore.
Dragon However, it is generally not strapped for food due to this specializa-
Parent Breath Weapon tion, as its reptilian physiology enables it to go without eating for as
Black Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half dam- long as a week. When it does find plenty of flesh, it gorges itself.
age if successful save vs. breath weapon is made. Anything made of flesh and blood is fair game, particularly humans
Blue Bolt of lightning 5 feet wide, 100 feet long; half damage if and humanoids, and the surprising number of giant artifacts in
save is made. dracimera lairs is mute testament to dracimera combat power.

Dracohydra Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & ©1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate/mountains or barrens

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARING: 1 (1d4)
ARMOR CLASS: 2 (base)
MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 21(D)
HIT DICE: 12 (base)
THAC0: 9 (base)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 to 7 (depending on number of
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d8 (claw)/1d8 (claw)/2d8 (bite,
per head—at least 2 bites possible)
SIZE: G (45 foot base)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)
XP VALUE: Variable

Dracohydras are hideous multiheaded winged monsters that

combine the worst features of dragons and hydras. Some
sages believe they are ancient offshoots of the pre-dragons A dracohydra’s total hit points are divided as follows:
that have been hibernating for millions of years; others Half the points are assigned to the body (including the
believe they are the next step in the evolution of dragons. Still wings), and the other half are split evenly between the heads.
others think that they are the result of tampering by super- (For example, say that a three-headed dracohydra has a total
natural beings, such as Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon or of 72 hit points. Its body has 36 hit points, while each of its
other deities. Cult members propose that they are the result heads has 12.) When a dracohydra head has been reduced to
of Sammaster’s researches into draconic life. In order to bet- 0 hit points, the head “dies” and becomes useless. As soon as
ter understand how draconic life forms existed, Sammaster all heads are destroyed or the body is reduced to 0 hit points,
created many draco-crossbreeds. Many of these are still in the dracohydra is dead.
use by Cult cells today The dracohydra is one such creature. In combat, 80% of successful frontal attacks against a dra-
Dracohydras have been reported with two to five heads. cohydra damage a head (random selection); only 20% hit the
Twenty-five percent of dracohydras have two heads, 50% body. For foes attacking from the side, the odds are reversed:
have three heads, 15% have four heads, and 10% have five 80% of hits damage the body, while 20% hit a randomly
heads. selected head. Foes attacking from the rear always inflict
The creatures are a muddy brown color, ranging to a lighter damage to the body.
brown, almost a cream, on their bellies. Their eyes are red.
Dracohydras speak their own tongue, a derivative of the Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: Dracohydras spit sprays
language of evil dragons. Dracohydras can understand about of concentrated acid similar to the breath weapon of a black
half of what evil dragons say, and vice versa. Dracohydras dragon. The acid stream is 3 feet wide and extends 40 feet in
know no other languages, but can be taught to understand a straight line from the creature’s head. All creatures caught
common by Cult mages. in this stream must roll successful saving throws vs. breath
weapon for half damage.
Combat: Dracohydras share the same attack routines as stan- Each head is able to use its breath weapon independently,
dard dragons (including special attacks such as the snatch, dividing the total allowable damage between as many uses
plummet, kick, wing buffet, tail slap, and stall described as the creature desires. This means that a five-headed great
under “Dragon, General” in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome). wyrm is an incredibly daunting foe, since each of its five
Each round, each of the creature’s heads can either bite or use heads can inflict 12d2+12 points of damage. Dracohydras use
its breath weapon. Heads inflict 2d8 points of damage per their special abilities at 8th level, plus their combat modifier.
bite. The creature’s claw attacks inflicts 1d8 points of damage Dracohydras are born with an innate immunity to acid. As
per claw. they age, they gain the following powers:

Dracohydra Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & ©1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Young adult: Wall of fog twice per day. pair with one or two offspring of age category hatchling
Adult: Darkness three times per day (60%) or very young (40%).
Old: Stinking cloud twice per day. Dracohydras hate all other dracoforms. If they think they
Wyrm: Cloudkill once per day can get away with it, they will attack other dracoforms on
sight. Dracohydras also have no love for humans, demi-
Habitat/Society: Wild dracohydras are found in remote moun- humans, and humanoids. They sometimes enslave these
tainous regions far from civilization. They prefer snow-covered smaller creatures, but the period of servitude never lasts long
peaks around which violent storms often play. Dracohydras are before the dracohydra gets hungry and eats its slaves. The
most like white dragons in their outlook: rapacious, selfish, and Cult works hard to curb these tendencies in those dracohy-
ferocious. Their low Intelligence makes it difficult for them to dras it makes use of, since having a dracohydra attack its
plan or think in an abstract manner, so their behavior is most members and other draconic and dracohybrid servants would
often direct. be counterproductive. The same strategies of bribery, sub-
Basically, these beasts are bullies, killing any intruders into terfuge, mental manipulation, and magical charming or dom-
their territories even if they are not hungry at the moment. If ination that the Cult uses on its other servants are employed
faced by a strong foe that will not back down, they often run to good effect to keep its dracohydra “allies” in line.
away. Conversely, they enjoy playing with a weaker foe
before killing it. This easily manipulated predilection makes Ecology: Like all draconic creatures, dracohydras can con-
them excellent tools of the Cult for those cells “lucky” sume almost anything, including nonliving materials such as
enough to have access to them. These cells most commonly rocks or gems. They have a rapidly mounting, voracious
use dracohydras as stationary guards of sites important to hunger that they prefer to satisfy with fresh meat. This is the
the Cult. These include secret passageways, treasure or magi- greatest hindrance to the Cult’s use of these creatures. The
cal item caches, or the ruling member’s (or members’) inner dracohydra must be kept near a large food supply such as a
sanctum. herd of grazing animals or other large, easily tractable
Dracohydras are by preference solitary, associating with beings.
others of their kind only to mate. Offspring remain with the Like the dracolisk (see the M ONSTROUS M ANUAL tome),
parents only until they reach the young age category. They the dracohydra is a distinct species, not a variety of hybrid
then either head out on their own or—rarely—challenge one creature such as the dracimera, mantidrake, or wyvern drake.
of their parents for its hoard. Parents protect their offspring, (Its statistics remain stable for its species and do not vary
but not at the cost of their own lives. Should it look as though according to its parentage.) The main enemies of dracohy-
continued defense might mean death, the parents flee. Any dras are storm giants, stone giants, and red dragons—who
encounter with more than one dracohydra is with a mated consider the flesh of the creatures’ young to be a delicacy

Age Body (in Feet) Tail (in Feet) AC Breath Spells MR Treasure XP Value
1 5-14 2-6 5 1d2+1 Nil Nil Nil 1,400
2 14-23 6-12 4 2d2+2 Nil Nil Nil 2,000
3 23-32 12-20 3 3d2+3 Nil Nil Nil 4,000
4 32-42 20-30 2 4d2+4 Nil Nil E 7,000
5 42-52 30-40 1 5d2+5 Nil 5% E, O, S 9,000
6 52-63 40-50 0 6d2+6 Nil 10% E, O, S 10,000
7 63-74 50-60 -1 7d2+7 Nil 15% E, O, S 11,000
8 74-85 60-70 -2 8d2+8 Nil 20% E, OSx2 13,000
9 85-96 70-80 -3 9d2+9 Nil 20% E, O, Sx2 14,000
10 96-108 80-90 -4 10d2+10 Nil 20% E, O, Sx2 15,000
11 108-120 90-100 -5 11d2+11 Nil 20% E, O, Sx3 16,000
12 120-125 100-105 -6 12d2+12 Nil 20% E, O, Sx3 17,000

Dracolich Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & ©1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: As per former dragon type

FREQUENCY: Very rare
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night (nocturnal)
DIET: None required for sustenance, but as per
former dragon type to refuel breath weapon
INTELLIGENCE: As per individual dragon
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil
(as per former dragon type; nonevil
dragons become evil on transformation)
ARMOR CLASS: As per former dragon type with an
additional -2 bonus to AC
MOVEMENT: As per former dragon type and age
HIT DICE: As per former dragon type and age
THAC0: As per former dragon type and age
NO. OF ATTACKS: As per former dragon type,
typically 3+special
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: As per former dragon type and age+2d8
points of cold damage per successful
attack+2d6 rounds of paralysis (save vs.
paralysis allowed)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, spell use, paralyzing
gaze, undead control
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Strengthened dragon fear aura; immune
to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold
(magical or normal), electricity, hold,
insanity, or death spells or symbols,
poison, paralysis, and turning; no attack
or damage roll bonuses allowed against
them; injured only by magical attacks
from 6th-level or greater wizards or by the AC of the dracolich is -3). Attacks on the dracolich, due to its magical
attacks from 6 or more HD monsters nature, do not gain any attack or damage roll bonuses.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: As per former dragon type and age Initially, a dracolich has the same morale rating as its original form.
SIZE: As per individual dragon However, after a dracolich is successful in its first battle, its morale rating
MORALE: As per former dragon type until specific permanently becomes Fearless (19 base). This assumes that the opponent
circumstances occur (see below), then or opponents involved in the battle had a Hit Dice total of at least 100% of
Fearless (19-20) the Hit Dice of the dracolich. (For instance, a 16-HD dracolich must
XP VALUE: As per individual dragon, plus 1,000 (both defeat an opponent or opponents of at least 16 total HD in one battle to
body and host must be destroyed) receive the morale increase.) Once a dracolich receives the morale
increase, it becomes immune to magical fear as well.
The dracolich is an undead creature resulting from the unnatural trans- The dracolich has a slightly stronger ability to cause fear in opponents
formation of a dragon. The mysterious Cult of the Dragon practices the than it did in its original form (a dragon’s fear aura). Opponents must roll
powerful magic necessary for the creation of the dracolich, though other their saving throws vs. spell with a -1 penalty (in addition to any other
practitioners are also rumored to exist. relevant modifiers) to resist the dracolich’s fear aura. The gaze of the dra-
A dracolich can be created from any of the evil or neutral dragon sub- colich's glowing eyes can also paralyze creatures within 40 yards if they
species. An evil or neutral dracolich retains the physical appearance of its fail their saving throws. (Creatures of 6th level or 6 Hit Dice or higher
original body, except that its eyes appear as glowing points of light float- gain a +3 bonus to their saving throws.) If a creature successfully saves
ing in shadowy eye sockets. Skeletal or semiskeletal dracoliches have against the paralyzing gaze of a dracolich, it is permanently immune to
been observed on occasion. the gaze of that particular dracolich.
The senses of a dracolich are similar to those of its original form, The attack routine of a dracolich is similar to that of its original form.
and it can detect invisible objects or creatures (including those hid- For example, a dracolich that was originally a green dragon brings down
den in darkness or fog) within a 10-foot radius per age category and a weak opponent with a series of physical attacks, but it stalks more for-
also possess a natural clairaudience ability while in its lair equal to a midable opponents, attacking at an opportune moment with its breath
range of 20 feet per age category. A dracolich can speak, cast spells, weapon and spells.
and employ the breath weapon of its original form. It can cast each of All physical attacks, such as clawing and biting, inflict the same dam-
its spells once per day and can use its breath weapon once every age as the dracolich’s original form plus 2d8 points of chilling damage. A
three combat rounds. A dracolich retains the memories and intelli- victim struck by a dracolich who fails a saving throw vs. paralyzation is
gence of its original form. paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. Immunity to cold damage, temporary or per-
manent, negates the chilling damage but not the paralyzation. Draco-
Combat: Dracoliches are immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, liches cannot drain life levels.
cold (magical or normal), electricity, hold, insanity, or death spells or sym- All dracoliches can attempt undead control (as per the potion of undead
bols. They cannot be poisoned, paralyzed, or turned by priests. They control) once every three days on any variety of undead within 60 yards.
have the same magic resistance as their original forms, but only magical The undead creatures’ saving throws against this power suffer a -3
attacks from wizards of 6th level or higher or attacks from monsters of 6 penalty If the undead control is successful, it lasts for one turn only While
or more Hit Dice can injure dracoliches. undead control is in use, the dracolich cannot use its spells. If the dracolich
The Armor Class of a dracolich is equal to the Armor Class of its orig- interrupts its undead control before it has been used for a full turn, the
inal form bettered by -2 (for example, if the AC of the original form is -1, dracolich must still wait three days before the power can be used again.

Dracolich Cult of the Dragon
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If a dracolich or proto-dracolich is slain, its spirit immediately returns l -10 if the corpse is the spirit’s own former body (which can be dead
to its host (see below). If there is no corpse in range for it to possess, the for any length of time).
spirit is trapped in the host until such a time—if ever—that a corpse l -4 if the corpse is of the same alignment as the dragon.
becomes available. l -4 if the corpse is that of a true dragon (any type).
A dracolich is difficult to destroy. It can be destroyed outright by a l -3 if the corpse is that of a firedrake, ice lizard, wyvern, or fire lizard.
power word, kill or a similar spell. If its spirit is currently contained in its l -1 if the corpse is that of a dracolisk, dragonne, dinosaur, snake, or
host, destroying the host when a suitable corpse in not within range other reptile.
effectively destroys the dracolich. Likewise, an active dracolich is unable
to attempt further possessions if its host is destroyed. The fate of a disem- If the corpse accepts the spirit, it becomes animated by the spirit. If the
bodied dracolich spirit—that is, a spirit with no body and no host—is animated corpse is the spirit’s former body, it immediately becomes a
unknown, but it is presumed that it is drawn to the lower planes. dracolich; however, it will not regain the use of its voice and breath
weapon for another seven days. (Note that it will not be able to cast spells
Habitat/Society: The creation of a dracolich is a complex process involv- with verbal components during this time.) At the end of seven days, the
ing the transformation of an evil or neutral dragon by arcane magical dracolich regains use of its voice and breath weapon.
forces, the most notorious practitioners of which are the members of the If the animated corpse is not the spirit’s former body, it immediately
Cult of the Dragon. The process is usually a cooperative effort between becomes a proto-dracolich. A proto-dracolich has the mind and memo-
the evil dragon and wizards and/or priests, but especially powerful wiz- ries of its original form but has the hit points and immunities to spells
ards and priests have been known to coerce an evil dragon to undergo and priestly turning of a dracolich. A proto-dracolich can neither speak
the transformation against its will. Priest versions of this procedure are or cast spells; further, it cannot cause chilling damage, use a breath
similar to the wizardly version described here, but priests still need a weapon, control undead, paralyze with its eyes, or cause fear as a draco-
wizard’s assistance for certain aspects of the transformation process, lich. Its Strength, movement, and Armor Class are those of the possessed
while wizards never a priest’s aid—though it is sometimes welcomed. body.
The church of Tiamat, in particular, is working to eliminate the require- To become a full dracolich, a proto-dracolich must devour 10% of its
ments for wizardly assistance. original body. Unless the body has been dispatched to another plane of
Any dragon is a possible candidate for transformation, although evil existence, a proto-dracolich can always sense the presence of its original
spell-casting dragons of old or older age are preferred. Once a candidate body regardless of the distance. A proto-dracolich tirelessly seeks out its
is secured, the wizards first prepare the dragon’s host, an inanimate original body to the exclusion of all other activities. If its original body
object that will hold the dragon’s life force. The host must be a solid item has been burned, dismembered, or otherwise destroyed, the proto-draco-
of not less than 2,000 gp value resistant to decay (wood, for instance, is lich need only devour the ashes or pieces equal to 10% of its original
unsuitable). A gemstone is commonly used for a host, particularly ruby, body mass. (Total destruction of the original body is only possible
pearl, carbuncle, jet, chalcedony, chrysocolla, citrine, epidote, moonbar, through the use of a disintegrate or similar spell; the body could be recon-
and morion (smoky quartz). The gemstone is often (though not always, structed with a wish or similar spell, so long as the spell is cast in the same
by all means) set in the hilt of a sword or other weapon. The host is pre- plane as the disintegration.) If a proto-dracolich is unable to devour its
pared by casting an enchant an item upon it and speaking the name of the original body, it is trapped in its current state until slain.
evil dragon. The item may resist the spell by succeeding at a saving A proto-dracolich transforms into a full dracolich seven days days
throw vs. spell as if it were an 11th-level wizard. If the spell is resisted, after its devours its original body. When the transformation is complete,
another item must be used for the host. If the spell is not resisted, the item the dracolich resembles its original body: It can now speak, cast spells,
can then function as a host. If desired, glassteel can be cast upon the host and employ the breath weapon of its original body in addition to having
to protect it. all the abilities of a dracolich.
Next a special potion is prepared for the dragon to consume. The The procedure for possessing a new corpse is the same as explained
exact composition of the potion varies according to the age and type of above, except the assistance of a wizard is no longer necessary since cast-
the dragon, but it must contain precisely seven ingredients, among them ing magic jar is required only for the first possession. If the spirit success-
a potion of evil dragon control, a potion of invulnerability, and the blood of a fully repossesses its original body it once again becomes a full dracolich.
vampire. When the dragon consumes the potion, the results are deter- If the spirit possesses a different body it becomes a proto-dracolich and
mined as follows (roll percentile dice): must devour its former body to become a full dracolich.
A symbiotic relationship exists between a dracolich and the wizards
Roll Result and/or priests who create it. The group that creates the dracolich honors
01-10 No effect. and aids its dracolich, as well as providing it with regular offerings of
11-40 Potion does not work. The dragon suffers 2d12 points of dam- treasure items. In return, the dracolich defends its animating organiza-
age and is helpless with convulsions for 1d2 rounds. tion (or individual) against enemies and other threats, as well as assisting
41-50 Potion does not work. The dragon dies. A full wish is required it in its members’ various schemes. Like dragons, dracoliches are loners,
to restore the dragon to life. A wish to transform the dragon but they take comfort in the knowledge that they have allies.
into a dracolich results in another roll on this table. Dracoliches are always found in the same habitats as the dragons
51-00 Potion works. from which they were created. Dracoliches created from green dragons,
for instance, are likely to be found in subtropical or temperate forests.
If the potion works, the dragon’s spirit transfers to the host, regard- Though they do not live with their creators, dracoliches’ lairs are never
less of the distance between the dragon’s body and the host. A dim light more than a few miles away from them or at least one of their regular
within the host indicates the presence of the spirit. While contained in meeting places or refuges. Dracoliches prefer darkness and are usually
the host, the spirit cannot take any actions; it cannot be contacted nor encountered at night, in shadowy forests, or in underground labyrinths.
attacked by magic. The spirit can remain in the host indefinitely. Dracoliches continue to age just as dragons do, becoming more powerful
Once the spirit is contained in the host, the host must be brought as they enter new age categories.
within 90 feet of a reptilian corpse—under no circumstances can the
spirit possess a living body. The spirit’s original body is ideal, but the Ecology: Dracoliches are never hungry, but they must eat in order to
corpse of any reptilian creature that died or was killed within the refuel their breath weapon. Like dragons, dracoliches can consume
previous 30 days is suitable. nearly anything, but prefer the food eaten by their original forms.
The wizard who originally prepared the host must touch the host, (For instance, if a dracolich was originally a red dragon, it prefers
cast a magic jar spell while speaking the name of the dragon, then fresh meat.) The body of a destroyed dracolich crumbles into a foul-
touch the corpse. The corpse must fail a saving throw vs. spell for the smelling powder with a few hours. This powder can be used by
spirit to successfully possess it; if it saves, it will never accept the knowledgeable wizards as a component for creating potions of undead
spirit. The following modifiers apply to the roll: control and similar magical substances.

Dragon, Ghost Cult of the Dragon

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CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Subterranean/cave-dwelling in almost A ghost dragon never ambushes intruders; it uses its aura first to
any climate and terrain get their attention and give them a chance to hand over their wealth
FREQUENCY: Very rare without a fight. If they refuse and attack the ghost dragon, try to
ORGANIZATION: Solitary leave, or (worse yet) attempt to steal some of its remaining treasure,
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any it begins its assault. In addition to its aura, a ghost dragon has a
DIET: Nil claw/claw/bite/tail-slap sequence daunting to even the toughest
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16) warrior. Not only can it inflict up to 104 points of damage in a single
TREASURE: Special round, but each successful hit requires the victim to make a saving
Neutral throw vs. death magic or lose two levels to an energy drain. Further,
the limb struck (determined randomly) is affected as if struck by the
withering power of a staff of withering: It shrivels and becomes use-
ARMOR CLASS: 0 less unless the victim successfully saves vs. spell.
MOVEMENT: 9 The ghost dragon also has a breath weapon it can use three times
HIT DICE: 20 before it must desist 12 rounds to renew its internal energies (at
THAC0: 2 which time it can breathe three more times). The breath weapon is a
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 cloud of gray mist 50-feet long, 40-feet wide, and 30-feet high that
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d10+10/1d10+10/2d10+10/2d12+10 ages any creature caught in it as follows: humans, halflings, half-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Enhanced fear aura (can magically age), elves, most humanoids 1d100 years; dwarves 3d10×10 years; gnomes
breathweapon, energy drain, withering 6d10×10 years; and elves 1d100×10 years.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to all spells cast by nonethereal Ghost dragons are immune to all spells cast by nonethereal oppo-
opponents, all weapons of less than +3 nents and all weapons of less than +3 enchantment. They are
enchantment, charm, sleep, hold, and all immune to charm, sleep, hold, and all mind-control magic, even if the
mind-control magic; cannot be turned or caster is on the Ethereal Plane. They cannot be turned or controlled
controlled by priests; immune to the by priests; they are also immune to holy water.
effects of holy-water If a ghost dragon is killed by damage or magic, it simply reforms
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil 48 hours later and resumes its attempts to build its hoard. Most adven-
SIZE: G (40-100 feet long) turers who have encountered a ghost dragon have found out that it is
MORALE: Special better to give the creature what it wants. The experience point values
XP VALUE: 10,500 (defeat), 21,000 (placate), 32,000 for dealing with ghost dragons reflect its unusual nature.
(lay permanently to rest) The only way to lay a ghost dragon to rest permanently is by giv-
ing it treasure. Once it has gathered enough wealth to replace its lost
Unlike most of the creatures listed in this section, ghost dragons are not hoard in gp value (it need not literally be the exact treasure the
a creation of Sammaster or the Cult, nor do spells or other undead dragon hoarded while alive), it will whisper a quiet “thank you” and
beings create them. In their search for willing evil dragons to work disappear forever, never to return to the Prime Material again, leav-
with, members of the Cult have come across lairs of deceased dragons ing the accumulated treasure behind for anyone who wants it.
that are still inhabited by the spirits of their former owners. As Cult
members learned, ghost dragons are truly terrible opponents. Habitat/Society: Ghost dragons are solitary creatures haunting the
A ghost dragon is a sinister-looking, semitransparent figure. It desolate ruins of their empty lairs. They can be found anywhere a
resembles whatever dragon type it was in life. All ghost dragons are a live dragon would secure its most prized possessions, but always in
swirling murky gray, and they always speak in quiet whispers. dark, underground, or indoor places. As intelligent creatures, they
A ghost dragon is created when an ancient dragon is slain and its enjoy the occasional conversation with intruders, but never allow
hoard looted. In many cases, the dragon died defending its hoard and themselves to be talked out of the treasure they need. Since only the
home. The tie between a dragon and its hoard, however, goes far eldest dragons (ancient dragons) possess the will to continue to exist
beyond mere human greed or dwarven avarice. The dragon will haunt beyond death as ghost dragons, and since most ghost dragons spend
its former lair until it manages to accumulate enough treasure to equal centuries if not millennia in that state, they can be valuable sources of
the value of its vanished wealth; then it will depart and rest in peace. information about the past—for those adventurers willing to pay
Ghost dragons never stir from their lairs. They are less belligerent their price. It is rumored that living dragons sympathize with the
than their living kin, but more obsessive. In many ways they resem- anguish that the ghost dragons feel over their plundered wealth and
ble revenants more than true ghosts, except that they have no interest often help their departed kin by sending potential treasure their way
in revenge. All a ghost dragon thinks about is its treasure. Unfortu- in the form of unwary adventurers. Any Cult cells that discover a
nately for intruders, in the ghost dragon’s mind, any and all valu- ghost dragon lair also arrange for potential or actual foes to hear of
ables brought into its lair fall into this category. Since a ghost dragon the lair, though not the nature of the lair’s inhabitant. More than one
can find peace only if it succeeds in rebuilding its lost hoard, it will Zhent or Harper group has fallen victim to such a ploy.
demand trespassers hand over any treasure they are carrying—gold,
jewelry, magical items, etc. The creature will allow polite adventures Ecology: Like most incorporeal undead, ghost dragons play no part
to keep 10% of their possessions (a procedure it calls “tithing”) and in the living world, nor do they need to eat or sleep. Ferocious preda-
will answer questions they might have regarding neighboring mon- tors in life, in death they completely drop out of the local ecology.
sters or events it knew about in its lifetime. Those who refuse to turn They do, however, play a large part in the economy of the regions
over their valuables are savagely attacked. they inhabit, as their “tithing” of passing adventurers tends to
deplete both cash and surplus magical items in those areas. (An
Combat: A ghost dragon has several different attack modes, and enterprising DM can use a ghost dragon to curb runaway inflation in
since it is an exceptionally intelligent creature, it will always choose a campaign world.)
the combination that will best achieve its goal. Ghost dragons have a Of course, after a ghost dragon regains “its” treasure and passes
fear aura far more dangerous than that of their living counterparts. on to its afterlife in the planes, all the above-mentioned treasure
Victims of a ghost dragon’s aura must make two saving throws, both remains behind to taken again by those with the courage. For strate-
at a -4 penalty: one vs. petrification to avoid aging 10-30 (1d3x10) gically important lair sites, some Cult cells have fulfilled a ghost
years, and a second vs. spell to avoid cowering in terror for a full dragon’s wishes in the past. They simply reclaim the treasure after
turn (10 rounds). Note that the aura affects all in the dragon’s lair at the dragon passes on and use the lair for their own purposes. Most
the time it appears, including beings normally immune to fear often, this is to provide a home to a “new” Cult dragon or dracolich
effects, such as paladins. that the Cult has recently recruited or created.

Dragon, Lesser Undead Cult of the Dragon

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Zombie Skeleton What does one do with the corpse of a dragon that failed to
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land Any land achieve dracolich status or one that foolishly perished in
FREQUENCY: Very rare Very rare
battle before the conversion could even be attempted?
ORGANIZATION: Solitary Solitary
There’s always dissecting the body to use the various pieces
DIET: None None to create various magical items. But if one is a member of the
INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) Non- (0) Cult of the Dragon and does not wish to go to all that messy
TREASURE: Nil Nil work or if one still has need of a fearsome, undead draconic
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral warrior, then one can try to create a lesser form of draco-
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 undead, specifically a zombie or skeleton dragon.
ARMOR CLASS: Same as living Same as living In his work toward creating the ultimate undead dragon,
dragon form dragon form+1
MOVEMENT: Half living Same as living the dracolich, Sammaster perfected several lesser forms of
form; no flight form; no flight draconic undead as steps in his learning process. Two such
HIT DICE: Same as living+1 Same as living undead forms are detailed here (as they are in Sammaster’s
THAC0 Same as living Same as living Tome of the Dragon). These are the first two types Sammaster
NO. OF ATTACKS: Same as living Same as living created and the easiest for modern Cult wizards to recreate
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: Same as living Same as living
today. The existence of other, more powerful forms of dra-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Physical dragon Physical dragon
attack forms not attack forms not conic undead is often hinted at by Cult necromancers, but no
using flight; using flight; instances of such have ever been recorded.
spell-like abilities spell-like abilities A zombie dragon superficially resembles a dracolich. Its
of living form of living form flesh is rotting and hangs in tatters from its bones, and it
SPECIAL DEFENSES: All dragon type All dragon type
often has ripped and torn wing tissue. However, zombie
and age immunities and age immunities
from life; immune from life; immune dragons lack the evil fire of a dracolich in their eyes. Instead,
to charm, hold, sleep, to charm, hold, sleep, the eyes of a zombie dragon are dull and dead and are often
paralysis, and paralysis, and gone entirely, since the delicate tissue decays rapidly. The
poison; save as poison; save as mindless dragon zombie cannot speak and can follow only
priests of a level priests of a level
equal to their HD equal to their HD
the simplest commands.
while living while living Skeleton dragons are literally undead creatures formed
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Same as living Same as living from the animated skeleton of a dragon. They can also can be
SIZE: Same as living Same as living mistaken for dracoliches, though they too lack the fire pre-
MORALE: 20 20 sent in a dracolich’s eyesockets. They are mindless, cannot
XP VALUE: Varies Varies speak, and can follow only relatively simple commands.

Dragon, Lesser Undead Cult of the Dragon

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Combat: The dragon zombie is a ponderous creature that (and only evil dragons of sufficient age can be reanimated, as
always strikes last in any round. Its movement rate is half Sammaster discovered to his chagrin). To create a zombie
that of its living form, and it cannot fly. When created, the dragon, a relatively intact dragon corpse (in other words, one
dragon zombie has one more Hit Die than the dragon had in with no missing limbs) is required and at least 75% of the
life, though this additional Hit Die has no effect on the age- body tissue must be present. To create a skeleton dragon, an
related abilities of the creature. Zombie dragons possess the intact dragon skeleton is not necessary; the skull, spine and
same Armor Class they had in life. claws of the dragon are the only pieces that are absolutely
Skeleton dragons take only half damage from edged and required. About 60% of the rest of the skeleton must also be
piercing weapons and are immune to cold-based attacks. present. (The bones of some other large creature may be sub-
Skeleton dragons have the same number of Hit Dice and stituted for bones missing from the dragon skeleton in the
movement rate that they possessed in life, but they cannot fly. final animated form.) To prepare the corpse for animation
Their Armor Class is one better than their AC in life. takes 1 day in the case of a zombie dragon and 3 days in the
Lesser undead dragons generally have the same number case of a skeleton dragon. In addition, a piece of zombie flesh
of physical attacks and inflict the same amounts of damage as or a shard of a skeleton’s bone must be added to an arcane
when they were living. However, since they are flightless, elixir (contents to be determined by the DM) worth at least
they cannot perform the snatch and stall dragon attacks. Like 500 gp to create a zombie dragon or 1,000 gp to create a skele-
their living counterparts, they can divide their attacks ton dragon, and the elixir must be poured over the corpse
between opponents. Lesser undead dragons do not retain the before the animate dead spell is cast.
fear aura of their living dragon form, nor can they use that Finally, the dragon corpse receives a saving throw vs.
form’s breath weapon. spell as if it were still a living dragon of the appropriate type,
Lesser undead dragons retain all the immunities that they but with a with a -4 penalty. (Magic resistance is ignored for
possessed while alive. For example, a zombie or skeletal this purpose.) If the saving throw is successful, the dragon is
dragon that was old or older when it died is immune to nor- not reanimated and the preparation time and potion have
mal missile weapons, as zombie and skeletal dragons of the been wasted. If the saving throw is not successful, the corpse
red dragon species are immune to fire. In addition, lesser is reanimated as the appropriate type of lesser undead
undead dragons retain any magic resistance they had while dragon. Attempts to animate a dragon corpse which suc-
alive. Lesser undead dragons also have the standard undead ceeded at its saving throw may be repeated, but the prepara-
immunities to charm, hold, and sleep enchantments and are tion time and the concoction and use of a new elixir must
immune to paralysis and poison. Lesser undead dragons also also be repeated. A force other than the spirit of the actual
can detect invisible objects and beings and can use clairaudi- dead dragon provides the animation for zombie dragons and
ence in their lairs. Undead dragons save as priests of a level skeleton dragons; their actual spirits and minds pass into the
equal to their HD while living rather than as fighters. Clerical afterlife with their deaths.
spells and other spells that specifically target undead affect
lesser undead dragons normally. Lesser undead dragons are Ecology: Zombie dragons and skeleton dragons eat nothing
turned as “Special” undead, and holy water inflicts 2d4 and hunt nothing they have not been told to attack. They
points of damage upon them. often serve as guardians for Cult of the Dragon meeting
The dragon’s innate spell-like abilities, if any are usable by places or hidden treasures, and sometimes serve as eternally
the lesser undead form of the dragon despite its lack of intelli- vigilant door guards for Cult dragons or dracoliches. They
gence. To a magical creature such as a dragon, using its spell- have no treasure of their own, though they may be allowed
like abilities is as natural as biting or clawing its foe; it is an or assigned to remain near their former hoards in some cases.
instinct, not a conscious decision. True spellcasting is, how- Though they do not project a living dragon’s fear aura, ani-
ever, impossible for such mindless undead beings as listed mals of all sorts instinctively dislike them and will not
here (unless an undead dragon has an imbue undead with spell approach them if given a choice. The only exception is car-
ability spell cast upon it). It is theorized that other, more intelli- rion-eaters, who may, in the case of zombie dragons, hang
gent types of undead dragons—should they be proven to about in the vicinity of the dragon occasionally to feast on
exist—might be able to cast spells as when they lived. bits of flesh the zombie has sloughed off.
A protection from evil spell is ineffective against these lesser
undead dragons (since they are neutral in alignment), but
other spells relating to undead creatures or dragons may
ward against them.

Habitat/Society: Zombie dragons and skeleton dragons are

found at whatever posts they are stationed at by their cre-
ators or those assigned to direct them.
Creating either type of lesser undead dragon requires
access to an animate dead spell as well as the corpse of an evil
dragon of at least young age category or older to be animated

Dragon-kin Cult of the Dragon

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Tribal Cult of the Dragon forced to fight on the ground, they are not as likely to flee from combat if
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any land Any land they can wrest a magical item from its owner. Unless they can do so with-
FREQUENCY: Very rare Very rare out fear of retaliation, they will stay and resolve the combat. They are
ORGANIZATION: Tribe Tribe smart enough to guard against back attacks and never, under any cir-
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any Text cumstance, allow themselves to be attacked from such a disadvanta-
DIET: Omnivore Omnivore geous position if it can possibly be avoided.
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) Average (8-10) Tribal dragon-kin never use their captured magical items in combat
TREASURE: See below V for fear of losing them. This is viewed as their biggest disadvantage, for
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Chaotic evil they are forced instead to rely on mundane weapons or their claws. This,
2d8 unfortunately for the dragon-kin, makes them easy targets for those with
ARMOR CLASS: 3 experience in fighting aerial creatures. Cult dragon-kin, however, use any
MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 15 (B) magical items suitable for combat in combat, especially those that have
6,Fl 15 (B)
HIT DICE: 7 been given to them by their Cult allies.
THAC0: 13 13 Cult dragon-kin also feel the pull of magical items, but their training
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 or 1 2 or 1 (2 or 3 when allows them to overcome their acquisitive instincts in favor of their mis-
sion. However, if they feel they can justify seizing a magical item in pur-
suit of whatever duty they have been assigned, they do so without
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d6/1d6 1d6/1d6 or by hesitation using the above procedure. Unless the item is a simple weapon
or by weapon weapon plus 2d8 they can immediately use (such as a spear, pole arm, or sword), they
with rear-claw rake keep the item and continue the fight.
when airborne
Nil When airborne, Cult dragon-kin attack with both their foreclaws and
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil also rake with their back claws. The rear-claw attack is a single rake with
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil Nil both rear claws that inflicts 2d8 points of damage on a successful hit. Cult
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil Nil dragon-kin have also been trained to use missile weapons such as bows
SIZE: L (7-9 feet long L (7-9 feet long or javelins while aloft.
including tail) including tail)
MORALE: Champion (15-16) Fanatic (17-18) Habitat/Society: Dragon-kin normally live in a tribal setting. Their leader
XP VALUE: 1,400 2,000 is determined by combat and ownership of the most powerful magical
items. Any leader defeated in combat, but not killed, is eliminated and
These creatures are rumored to be very distant cousins of dragons. replaced by the tribe.
Most dragon-kin live wild, and this type (which appears also in the If an adventuring party should happen into a dragon-kin den, its
MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM Annual Volume One) is known as tribal members will find half of the residents left to protect what is theirs. If
dragon-kin. The Cult of the Dragon has managed to gain (or regain) these are defeated, there are 1d2 nonpermanent magical items (for exam-
control over a few dragon-kin tribes; it has been allowed to impose ple, potions) per resident dragon-kin. There is a cumulative 10% chance
more discipline on dragon-kin society in exchange for teaching Cult per resident that a permanent magical item is in the batch. Hence, a lair of
dragon-kin additional combat skills and keeping key members of these six has a 60% chance of containing a permanent item, and there is always
tribes in power through judicious gifts of magical items. at least one permanent item in a lair of 10 or more.
Dragon-kin have developed bipedal humanoid characteristics, but Dragon-kin are often found in the service of a powerful Cult dragon
they still possess a dragonlike face and wings, claws, a tail, horns, and a or mage. Unless magically compelled, most dragon-kin refuse to serve a
sort of mane/beard that certain dragons have. Their coloration ranges dracolich. Regardless of their master (if any), dragon-kin retain their
from a dark yellow ocher to a reddish brown with darker spots or dragon-kin urge to collect magical treasure. This very likely is the reason
bands. Most have green wings that lighten to gold or yellow, though many tribes agree to work with Cult members, who offer them all sorts
some have wings that match their body coloration. All are covered in of (mostly worthless) magical treasure.
scales that are larger and rougher over their backs and tails, but more Cult dragon-kin are allowed by their Cult masters to keep quite a few
supple, though still tough, across their torsos and limbs. Their head of the magical items they acquire so long as they turn their acquisitions
horns are swept back and small, and function decoratively (and per- over to the Cult to be examined first. Any seized magical items the Cult
haps defensively to protect their skulls), not offensively. deems it necessary to keep are paid for through gifts of nonpermanent
Dragon-kin speak their own sibilant language (a corrupt dialect of magical items (such as potions), simple weapons the Cult feels present its
Auld Wyrmish) and can speak a rough form of common as well. forces with a tactical advantage, and magical gewgaws that look impres-
sive but are actually the recipients of such spells as Nystul’s magical aura.
Combat: When they expect combat, tribal dragon-kin take to the air so
they can have the upper hand. They remain airborne as long as possible, Ecology: Tribal dragon-kin are a blight on any area’s ecology. They have
then swoop down to rake their targets with their foreclaws. no regard for others and simply take what they want. They have no nat-
All dragon-kin can detect magic at will, and tribal dragon-kin target ural predators, although there is a large bounty for them in any place that
beings carrying magical items over others, as their overriding instinct is has known their depredations. They eat nearly anything that can be
to acquire these items. When a tribal dragon-kin notices a magical item, it chewed, although they prefer meat, especially that of sentient beings,
tries to take it away from its holder and flee with it to its lair. If the since they like to torment their food.
dragon-kin makes a successful attack roll against the item (treat an item Unlike their larger cousins, tribal dragon-kin have no love of conven-
as AC 10, with bonuses [or penalties] to its Armor Class equal to any tional treasure. If a hoard has no magic, they are not interested in it. Tribal
magical bonuses it has plus the holder’s Dexterity bonuses), it seizes the dragon-kin simply leave coins and nonmagical items where they lie.
item. A contest of Strength then commences between the dragon-kin and There is a 50% chance that tribal dragon-km will attack a party if it is not
the item’s owner. The first of the two to fail a Strength check (consider the carrying magical items. They always attack those who carry such items.
dragon-kin to have a Str 13) loses his or her grip on the item. At the best Cult dragon-kin are more disciplined and are fierce fighters for the
opportunity, the dragon-kin then absconds with the item. Half of the Cult cause. They obey their Cult masters willingly for the promise of
time, it does not return to the fight, remaining in its cave instead to wealth and magic. They have learned to value mundane wealth some-
admire its newfound acquisition. what for the occasional items or services of use that it can buy. Cult
If forced to bring combat to the ground, all dragon-kin move in and dragon-kin eat only meat except in extreme circumstances. Aside from
use their claws or weapons, such as spears or pole arms, which they sentient species, who the Cult is trying to discourage them from preying
favor. Tribal dragon-kin are easily distracted by magical items, especially on (it attracts too much attention), they seem to prefer the taste of deer,
if one of them becomes “separated” from its owner. However, when pheasants, other wild game, and goats.

Mantidrake Cult of the Dragon

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FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Black: CE; Blue: LE; Green: LE; Red: CE;
White: CE; Brown: NE; Yellow: CE
ARMOR CLASS: Black: 1; Blue: 0; Green: 0; Red: -3;
White: 1; Brown: 2; Yellow: 0
MOVEMENT: 12, Fl 18 (E)
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d3/1d3/1d10 (claw/claw/bite)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, tail spikes
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to breath weapon of dragon
parent and like attacks (spells, etc.)
SIZE: H (25 feet long)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: Black 3,000 White 3,000
Blue 4,000 Brown 3,000
Green 4,000 Yellow 4,000
Red 4,000

The mantidrake is the offspring of a manticore and an evil dragon. It

looks like a scaled manticore, with dragonlike wings and a dragon’s head
instead of a manlike one. When seen at a distance or by an inexperienced
observer, it could well be mistaken for a normal manticore or for a Kara-
Tman li lung (earth dragon). Blue Bolt of lightning 5 feet wide, 100 feet long; save for half.
The mantidrake has the same lionlike mane around its head that a Green Cloud of chlorine gas 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 30 feet
manticore has. Its coloration is a blend of the color of its dragon parent high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
and the tan and brown of a normal manticore, with its head, wings, Red Cone of fire 5 feet at mouth, 90 feet long, 30 feet wide at cone’s
hindquarters, face, and belly scales generally reflecting the dragon par- widest; half damage if save is made.
ent’s coloration and the remainder of the beast being shades of tan and White Cone of frost 5 feet wide, 70 feet long, 25 feet wide at cone’s
brown, sometimes with stripes or spots of the dragon parent’s color. widest; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
Wild mantidrakes speak the language of the parent that reared them Brown Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half damage if
(usually their mother), with some halting knowledge of the language of successful save vs. breath weapon is made.
their other parent if that parent was involved in their upbringing. Those Yellow Blast of scorching air and sand 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and
mantidrakes raised from birth by the Cult of the Dragon normally know 20 feet high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
common and the language of their dragon parent.
Habitat/Society: Like their manticore parents, mantidrakes can be found
Combat: The mantidrake opens combat (preferably from ambush or in any climatic region, though they prefer warm lands to cool ones.
from the air) with a volley of 1d6 tail spikes (180-yard range, as a light Among other things, this means that its dragon parent is likely to be a
crossbow): Each of these spikes causes 1d6 points of damage. This attack warm-weather-loving dragon, such as a blue, brown, or yellow dragon.
can be used four times per day, since the spikes regrow quickly. Then the Those mantidrakes that have escaped the control of the Cult of the
mantidrake closes for melee, using a claw/claw/bite routine. Dragon are solitary brutes in the wild, with each individual having a
Its breath weapon is the most potent attack form of all, but the man- hunting territory of at least 25 square miles. Besides having a ravenous
tidrake generally does not use it unless the need is vital, as it inherited appetite, they also like to collect treasure, a habit inherited from their
enough sense from its draconic parent to know when not to waste its dragon parents. When more than one mantidrake is encountered in the
effects. Damage done by the mantidrake’s breath weapon is equal to the wild, they are a mated pair. Mantidrakes, like manticores, mate for life.
beast’s normal hit point total, and it can use its breath weapon up to four Mantidrakes can be trained by Cult of the Dragon members only if
times a day. Breath weapon damage does not vary as the beast is taken from their parents shortly after birth. (The only relationship wild
wounded or healed over time, and magical effects that artificially boost mantidrakes may develop with other creatures is a partnership, and even
hit points do not make the breath weapon more powerful. that lasts only if the partnership results in plenty of food and treasure for
The mantidrake is immune to attack forms that resemble its breath the mantidrake.) They often serve to protect the area of a Cult cell, hide-
weapon. Finally, mantidrakes do not suffer any additional damage or out, or lair. They also prove to be a distraction for any curious people
effects from weapons or items specifically designed to kill dragons. who venture too close to what the Cult is seeking to protect or hide.
Because it is such a clumsy flier, the mantidrake avoids aerial combat
if possible, or at least restricts itself to long-range attacks with its breath Ecology: A wild mantidrake lives much as its manticore parent
weapon and tail spikes. would. It favors human flesh above all others, though it will eat any
living creature in order to survive. If a mantidrake has to live in an
Dragon area smaller than 25 square miles, that region is soon devoid of large
Parent Breath Weapon animal and human life, as those creatures not killed and eaten flee.
Black Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half damage if Cult mantidrakes can be stabled for use as (clumsy) mounts. The
successful save vs. breath weapon is made. curiously supple hide of a mantidrake is worth 5,000 gp.

Ur-Histachii (Undead) Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & ©1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropical jungles or subterranean areas

beneath tropical regions
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: None
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1d4/1d4/1d3
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Berserker rage
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to hold, charm, sleep, and cold-
based spells, death magic, and poison
SIZE: M (5-6 feet tall)
MORALE: Fearless (19-20)

The necromancers of the Cult of the Dragon’s cell in and under the
Vilhon Reach’s city of Hlondeth have created this undead perver-
sion. Ur-histachii are made from histachii, which are yuan-ti-created
abominations formed from unfortunate humans who are forced to
drink a specially brewed elixir (discussed in the entry on histachii in
Like its living counterparts, an ur-histachii is hairless, and its skin
is a mottled gray to gray-black in color, often with patches of green
or yellow mold growing from old, open wounds. A small reptilian mausoleums. A few ur-histachii also have been teleported on occa-
head-fin starts atop the undead creature’s skull and grows down its sion to the homes or courts of Cult enemies where the enemies’
back as a spinal ridge that ends at the tip of the ur-histachii’s vesti- guards are sure to incite a berserk rage from the ur-histachii. Thus
gial tail. An ur-histachii’s undead eyes are empty sockets filled by far, these teleported ur-histachii have served as undead assassins or
blackness, and a scabrous reptilian tongue flicks out between its bro- as diversions for other Cult activities involving that particular foe.
ken teeth in an instinctual effort to taste the air it no longer breathes. To make one or more ur-histachii requires at least one to three
Ur-histachii emit a faint scent of rust and acid, along with that of days, during which time the histachii to be transformed are slain in a
musty decay. hideous ritual, the necromancers performing the procedure perform
Ur-histachii do not speak, per se, vocalizing only grunts and bro- other obscene rituals and incantations, and several expensive
ken hisses, but understand the commands of their creators and other unguents and decoctions are poured over the corpses. No more than
yuan-ti so long as they are spoken in common or the yuan-ti tongue. eight ur-histachii can be made at once due to the stress of the proce-
dure on the lead necromancer performing the transformation.
Combat: Ur-histachii attack any nonreptile that enters their sensory The accelerated rage ability of ur-histachii appears to burn the
range. They can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch just as well as a liv- undead bodies of ur-histachii out quickly. Few ur-histachii exist for
ing histachii despite their apparent lack of visual organs. They also more than one year, and to date, none have existed more than five
have 90-foot infravision. All but mindless, ur-histachii simply charge years past their transformation into ur-histachii.
any such creatures that come within range, attacking with their
filthy claws and teeth. Cult necromancers have somehow given the Ecology: Ur-histachii need eat nothing to exist, though residual
ur-histachii the ability to enter berserk rages up to three times in a impulses of their previous life as carnivores sometimes result in their
24-hour day. To induce an ur-histachii to become berserk requires a idly chewing on carrion or catching and chewing rats, worms, other
nonreptile to inflict some direct damage upon it. (For instance, a vermin, and yuan-ti leftovers, if such are left within their reach or
mage casting a magic missile would not trigger a berserk rage, though enter their sensory range. Ur-histachii are different from many of the
the ur-histachii would react to the attack. If that same mage stabbed nonsentient undead in that they often grunt and hiss to themselves,
an ur-histachii with his dagger, the ur-histachii would enter a “remembering” to be quiet, like most undead creatures, only when
berserk rage—provided it had not done so already three times that specifically instructed (or reminded) to do so by their creators or
day.) The berserk rage of an ur-histachii grants it +2 bonuses to other yuan-ti. Yuan-ti find their presence and their lack of restraint
attack and damage rolls plus a +2 bonus to AC for 3d4 rounds. annoying, like a persistent itch, and so rarely place them where they
Like most undead, ur-histachii are immune to sleep, charm, and need often interact with them. Ur-histachii never guard yuan-ti
hold spells, death magic, poisons, and cold-based spells. Holy water brood chambers; apparently, their masters fear they will “forget”
does 2d4 points of damage to an ur-histachii. Ur-histachii are turned and eat the broodlings.
as shadows.

Habitat/Society: The ur-histachii are known to exist only within the

Cult of the Dragon’s cell beneath the city of Hlondeth, where the
Cult necromancers and their yuan-ti associates use these undead
creatures to guard important caches, secret meetings, and—since
they require neither food nor air—sealed crypts and subterranean

Wyvern Drake Cult of the Dragon

®, ™ & ©1998 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate mountains and forests

FREQUENCY: Very rare
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Dusk and dawn
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Black: CE; Blue: LE; Green: LE; Red: CE;
White: CE; Brown: NE; Yellow: CE
ARMOR CLASS: Black: 1; Blue: 0; Green: 0; Red: -3;
White: 1; Brown: 2; Yellow: 0
MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 24 (E)
THAC0: 11
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 2d10/1d8 (bite/stinger)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, poison; surprise, bombing
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to breath weapon of dragon
parent and like attacks (spells, etc.)
SIZE: G (45 feet long)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: Black 9,000 White 9,000
Blue 10,000 Brown 9,000
Green 10,000 Yellow 10,000
Red 10,000

The wyvern drake is, as its name implies, a cross between a dragon and a
wyvern. It is 45 feet long (half of that is tail), with a 60-foot wingspan and
a yard-long stinger at the end of its tail. Its body, limbs, and wings have
the same color ranges as that of wyverns, from a dark brown to gray. A
wyvern drake’s 5-foot head is colored similar to its dragon parent, Yellow Blast of scorching air and sand 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and
though its eyes often have red or orange swirls or patterns in the iris, a 20 feet high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon.
remnant of the normal wyvern eye color.
Besides a wyvern’s hissing and roaring calls, the wyvern drake can The wyvern drake is immune to attack forms that resemble its breath
also speak the tongue of its dragon parent and the common tongue, weapon. Wyvern drakes do not suffer any additional damage or effects
along with one or two other languages that it learns or is taught. Those from weapons or items specifically designed to kill dragons.
wyvern drakes raised from birth by the Cult of the Dragon normally Wyvern drakes prefer to use their breath weapon instead of relying
know common, the language of their dragon parent, and perhaps a local on physical combat when fighting an aerial opponent. Still, their stings
tongue or the language of a humanoid race the Cult deals with. are useful in a dogfight, as they can arch over their backs to strike oppo-
nent in front of them.
Combat: Having more intelligence than a normal wyvern, the wyvern When stalking prey, the wyvern drake uses cunning. Neither sound
drake is a highly dangerous foe. It always fights in the open if it can, nor shadow alert victims that they are being followed, and the attacking
invariably attacking from the air. In addition to doing physical damage, wyvern drake achieves a -2 penalty on the victim’s surprise roll due to its
the scorpionlike tail also injects Type F poison, killing the victim unless it silent dive to the attack. Though it will not attack an enemy that is obvi-
saves vs. poison. The tail stinger can hit an enemy in any direction, so ously too powerful for it, a group of humans will be attacked if the beast
long as it is within reach. The clever wyvern drake can also pick up a is hungry enough.
smaller foe, carry it high into the air, then drop it (inflicting normal falling
damage), or else pick up objects such a boulders and drop them onto foes Habitat/Society: The wild wyvern drake prefers to live alone, staying
(-2 on attack rolls, but inflicting 1d10 points of damage on a hit). with another of its kind only for the few months it takes to birth and rear
The wyvern drake also fights with a breath weapon inherited from its its young to a fledgling state. It lairs on mountains or cliffs overlooking
dragon parent usable three times per day Damage done by the wyvern forests or plains, particularly those containing caravan or migration
drake’s breath weapon is equal to the beast’s normal hit point total. This routes. Its average hunting ground is about 25 square miles in size, but it
damage does not vary as the beast is wounded or healed over time. can travel 150 miles in a single day and back again in its search for food.
Unlike ordinary wyverns, wyvern drakes never fight their own kind
Dragon except when there is absolutely nothing else around to eat. Wyvern
Parent Breath Weapon drakes hoard treasure just as dragons do.
Black Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half damage if Cult of the Dragon wyvern drakes are often used as aerial scouts and
successful save vs. breath weapon is made. as airborne attack platforms. Most are trained to accept Cult members as
Blue Bolt of lightning 5 feet wide, 100 feet long; save for half. riders.
Green Cloud of chlorine gas 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 30 feet
high; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon. Ecology: The wyvern drake eats the equivalent of a cow or horse per day.
Red Cone of fire 5 feet at mouth, 90 feet long, 30 feet wide at cone’s It swallows victims whole once combat is finished, without chewing, and
widest; half damage if save is made. only the bones and any metal or stone items on the corpse are not
White Cone of frost 5 feet wide, 70 feet long, 25 feet wide at cone’s digested. (It cannot swallow prey whole in melee.) Carrion is regarded as
widest; half damage if save is made vs. breath weapon. a food of last resort. Wyvern drakes have few natural enemies, though
Brown Jet of acid 5 feet wide, 60 feet long; victim takes half damage if other large territorial predators will attack them if they consider them to
successful save vs. breath weapon is made. have invaded their ranges.

engeance is mine! I have destroyed Sussethila- being for all time. Never can a mere wound bring me
sis! I rule as Suzerain of Anauroch! The first low again, as no wound, no mortal pain, no mere liv-
step of my destiny is fulfilled! Glory and power ing agony can touch me in my altered form, and all
are mine! pale before that transforming experience.
The events of the past few days are surely without While the draft completed its dire and portentous
compare in all the history of my kind. Not a day after work, I lost focus on the pain as the potion and the
my humiliating defeat at the claws of the pretender and effects it induced clouded my brain and dimmed my
his human accessory I drank down the magically toxic psyche. Soon, the torment was but a roaring within my
draft that was the key to true power and glory. Namir- skull as I felt my Spirit, my very soul, soar free from
rha had returned as promised, bearing with him the its mortal confines. I looked down upon my slumped
potion that I was to consume along with an otherwise form and felt for the briefest of instants some minor
unremarkable sapphire that, he stated, would become measure of the awe and terror I have inflicted on so
my “host” or the repository of my spirit should any ill many foes over the greater than half-dozen centuries
ever befall my immortal form. I do not fear the men- of my life— or, rather, my previous life. All too soon,
tion of such here in my records as my massive hoard the marvelous vision of my physical form was taken
now incorporates the former suzerain’s as well as from me as I found my consciousness now residing
mine own. The number of sapphires I now rest my in some infinite-yet-bounded deep blue realm. Of
immortal shape upon is nigh-countless, and they all course, I soon realised I was somehow aware of my
now radiate magic thanks to Namirrha. I defy any to host while my spirit rested in its multifaceted confines.
even hope to pinpoint the one critical to me. The time I spent there is quite difficult to adequately
Indescribable pain wracked my form after I quaffed describe, much less experience; suffice it to say that I
the magical elixir. I convulsed from the horrible contented myself with constructing and reconstructing
agony. As the potion worked its way through my the perfect plan by which I would gain my revenge
already weak and damaged frame, I felt every iota of against the pretender.
my being burn with the purifying flames of transfor- After an unknown length of time, I felt compelled
mation and power. Every sensation of that terrible and to leave behind my realm of perfect blue, though my
awesome infinity of pain is burned indelibly into my psyche left its indelible mark upon the structure of the

Cult Campaigns & Adventures • 111

gem. Slowly, almost painfully, I again became aware “Defeating such a widespread and fractious organization is
of the physical world, the world that, until my trans- no simple task, but a time of crisis seems to be approaching for the
formation, I had considered to be the only world. The Cult, and the heroic forces of Faerûn must act to see that Sam-
only sensation this experience can be compared to is master’s followers are either destroyed or dispersed before others
can conquer or subsume them and use the Cult’s considerable
that of my hatching so long ago. This was a birth, as
resources to leverage themselves to new levels of power.”
well, as I first became aware of my physical form, my —Oracle Veshal Questa,
limbs, my wings, my long serpentine neck atop which Sibylite of Savras and Harper,
my eyes now struggled to open. Reacquainting my from her report to Belhuar Thantarth, 1370 DR
mind and spirit with my body took some time, but
when I had again mastered myself, Namirrha was Incorporating the Cult
there. My friend stood over me smiling as full con-
sciousness returned to me. Into Your Campaign
No sooner had my vision cleared than I knew I The Cult of the Dragon can play as large a role in a
was changed, different, better. Power the likes of which FORGOTTEN REALMS game setting campaign as one wishes.
even I had never before known flowed through me. The Cult also can play almost any villainous role in the
Strangely, my senses retained a vestige of their ex- game: a source of occult horror, an organized crime syndi-
panded capacities from the sapphire realm. Not only cate, or a spy network with its extensive tendrils hidden
just beneath the surface of an otherwise normal-seeming
did I see, hear, and smell Namirrha, but I somehow
society. The Cult is fractious, and this nature lends itself
also sensed him to be intensely alive. Further I easily to Dungeon Masters adapting the Cult to suit their
sensed every living thing within my home, down to the own campaigns. DMs can take what they like from this
last vermin scuttling away in fear of me. Namirrha then product and ignore the rest; they can change the names and
instructed me on the changes my body had undergone places and even the dates if that is what best fits their cam-
during its metamorphosis, the details of which I will paigns. A terrific example of the Cult in action is found in
not expound upon now—my deeds soon showed my the Spellfire novel by Ed Greenwood. It is from many of the
scenes in that book that much of the horrific inspiration for
now-invincible form’s potent abilities. this product has come.
After a few more cautious, Namirrha gifted me with At its heart though, the Cult is a group of power-hungry
items from the Cult, items to aid me in my vengeance men and women who are using the insane teachings of a
against Sussethilasis. Thus girded for battle, I flew mad wizard to create and use undead creatures in order to
forth to seize my rightful place amongst my kind. I conquer the world. Consider the image of an army of Cult
bearded the simple-minded fool in his very lair upon undead, countless legions of zombies and skeletons march-
ing toward the borders of Cormyr, with Cult necromancers
his own throne-hoard. The feeble magical defenses atop their flying dracolich mounts leading their lifeless
that ringed the coward availed him little as their blast- minions onward to battle. Every soldier who dies fighting
ing magic ran ineffectually down my invincible form these undead creatures knows she or he will be raised soon
like water or blood. I attacked savagely after telling thereafter and added to the ranks of the very army the sol-
Sussethilasis that his reign was over and he looked dier had just died to stop. Such an image is an incredible,
his final doom in the eyes. . . . horrifying sight and could be the inspiration for many
exciting, terrifying game adventures.
–From the magical libram of recording
of Malygris, very old blue dracolich
of southern Anauroch, circa 1365 DR The Cult as
a Covert Organization
Cult Campaigns Incorporating the Cult of the Dragon into an AD&D cam-
& Adventures paign can be accomplished in one of two ways: by using a
premade Cult cell or making one up. The first requires
“In conclusion, the Cult of the Dragon is a potent force for evil in adding one of the Cult cells included in this book to one’s
the Realms, and the Harpers and all good-hearted beings must be game. Of course, DMs should change as many details as they
ready to stand against its cells’ plots and schemes, regardless of feel necessary to make such cells fit their campaign (and to
the forms they take. differentiate them for any players who may have read this
“The time to strike, in the opinion of this humble seer, is now. book). Change a cell’s location, its leaders, their levels (or just
Many cells of the Cult are beset by enemies on all sides; many of these their names), incorporate local, pre-existing evil NPCs into
foes are at least as dangerous and evil as the Cult itself. Should any the cell’s organization to provide a link from the PCs to the
one of these factions succeed in acquiring control over the majority of Cult, adjust the cell’s size and relative strength (again to fit
Cult resources, the balance of power in Faerûn could radically shift. the campaign), and finally, modify the cell’s stated plots or

112 • Cult Campaigns & Adventures

create new plots for the cell to pursue. One easy way to bring When: When questions apply a timeframe of reference
the PCs into conflict with the Cult is to put them at cross pur- for the Cult cell within the campaign. When did this cell
poses over similar people, items, or other concrete objectives, begin? When did it take its current form (leadership, plots,
thus ensuring that they will clash eventually. etc.)? When did Cult activities begin in the “offstage” cam-
paign? (In other words, has the cell just begun operating or
Creating a Cult Cell has it existed for a time and the PCs will only learn of it
The second method, creating a Cult cell, guarantees the soon?) When will the PCs learn of the Cult cell’s existence
players will not already be familiar with the material, but as such (as opposed to just a ring of blackmailers, thieves,
also requires more work on the DM’s part. When creating or cutthroats)? When can the cell be defeated, if ever? (This
any organization, such as a Cult cell, a DM needs to lay a again depends on how long a DM wants the Cult to serve
good foundation for building that organization. A good as an antagonist in the campaign.)
foundation is built around six question words: who, what, Keep in mind that many of these questions can be
when, where, why, and how. When a DM can answer all answered not only with specific dates and times, but also
six of these questions with regard to his or her creation (the with generalities based on the PCs’ accomplishments. If a
Cult cell in this case), she or he is ready to start adding on DM does not desire the PCs to uncover the true purpose of
to the creation through play and the feedback of players the cell until they have reached 5th level, for example, that
and their PCs. is a perfectly valid answer to the question of when PCs will
Who: Who defines all the important members of the Cult uncover the cell’s true purpose.
cell. Such nonplayer characters include not only the cell’s Where: Where questions provide a geographical context
leader(s), but the most influential members of each charac- for the Cult cell. Where does the cell meet regularly? (Some
ter class within the cell (the most powerful mage, cleric, secret locale?) Where else do Cultists congregate at other
fighter, thief, etc.), the secret spies the cell has working for times (inns, taverns, isolated glades, abandoned barns,
them, all those who take bribes or otherwise work with the burned-out temples, etc.)? Where do important Cult mem-
cell, and perhaps most importantly, the NPCs who, in the bers live? Where does the cell keep its treasures? Where do
DM’s estimation, have the highest probability of encoun- its members hide their caches of weapons and spellbooks?
tering his or her game’s PCs. These NPCs should be of a Where do the cell’s magical creatures, dragons, or draco-
level roughly equivalent to that of the PCs, depending liches live? Where do these creatures feed? Where do the
upon whether a DM considers these NPCs to be long-term PCs go that they might come across something or someone
foes (in which case the should be able to withstand a that could lead to the discovery of the cell’s existence?
frontal assault by the PCs) or disposable, intended only to Why: Why questions determine the underlying motives
pique the PCs’ interests and bring the PCs into the DM’s for the cell’s existence in the campaign area. Why is the cell
Cult plots. operating where it is at this time? Some advantage or plan
Certainly, detailing this many NPCs, even for a small must exist—find one. Why is the cell doing what it is
local cell, is a lot of preparatory work for a DM. All these doing? “For evil” is an insufficient answer to this question.
NPCs need not be fully fleshed out immediately. The cell’s Find a specific campaign- or PC-related reason. Is the cell
leaders and those NPCs whom the PCs are most likely to trying to resurrect Sammaster, entice an evil dragon in the
interact with should be the most detailed ahead of time area into becoming a dracolich, or attempting to infiltrate
(level, race, class, hp, AC, weapons, spells, looks, personal- an area that has thus far resisted its overtures?
ity), but many of the other Cult members—those that will How: How relates back to many of the questions asked
remain offstage at least for a time—can be handled with a previously and helps to define the cell’s purpose, motive,
few quick notes. Recording the NPCs’ ties to the Cult and and direction. How will the cell execute its plans? How
the community, their position and purpose in the cell, and does the cell make money to bribe officials and any dragons
some identifying habits is enough. These habits are more in the area? How does the cell plan to deal with any inter-
for a DM’s use as a memory aid now than for the PCs, but ference it might encounter (from PCs or others)? How will
when it comes time for the player characters to discover the the cell gather the required ingredients for a dracolich
local noble—who is always chewing smoke weed—is actu- potion when and if it needs one? How does the cell make
ally in the employ of the Cult, the PCs can find telltale signs use of its magical creatures and servitor undead (if any)?
of his brownish yellow spittle on the ground where he has Developing Further: The particular questions noted
recently met with a Cultist for payment. here are just the beginning; once a DM is used to this
What: What is the next question a DM needs to answer. approach many more questions will come to mind to help
What is this cell’s size? What is the Cult cell doing here? define the Cult in a specific campaign. Once a DM lays the
What are its current plots? What are its future plans? What foundations by answering these kinds of questions, she or
does the cell do to attract the attention of the PCs? What he can assign the information she or he has generated into
will the Cultists do when they learn the PCs have discov- useful categories, such as the background (what, why,
ered at least some aspect of their illicit activities in the area? when, where), leaders (who), and plots (what, how, where,
What access to Cult magics and creatures, specifically when, why) categories that are used to describe the Cult
dragons and dracoliches, does the cell have? What other cells detailed in The Cult Today chapter, and move on to
resources can the cell call upon? These questions are a good crafting an air of mystery to make this Cult cell a truly
beginning; DMs have others to answer as well. covert organization.

Cult Campaigns & Adventures • 113

Creating Mystery should be familiar with police dramas where the officers go
Because the Cult of the Dragon is a secret society nestled be- to an informant to find out what is really going on.) Unless
neath the surface fabric of the Realms, maintaining an air of informants are somehow indebted to the PCs, they will
mystery surrounding it and its activities is essential. Once desire some form of compensation for the information they
DMs lay down the foundation for the Cult in their campaigns, reveal. This serves the additional benefit of draining away
they are ready to seamlessly slip the Cult into their campaigns. extra cash the PCs may possess. Also, keep in mind that not
To run a game that involves mysteries, a DM must have full every contact is going to have information on every topic the
knowledge and complete familiarity with the subject central to PCs will want to investigate in the course of a campaign. The
the mystery In this case, this subject is the Cult. Nothing kills a blacksmith who is a retired sergeant in the army is not going
mystery faster than a DM who does not have all the facts re- to know the same details as a member of the local thieves’
garding it. How many times has a DM been caught off-guard guild, who is not going to know what the local sage has
by an insightful player’s question and had to make up an expertise in. The PCs may have to work through several of
answer on the spot, only to have that answer contradict a pre- their contacts (and quite a bit of money) before they find
viously established fact in the campaign? Far too often. That is someone who can (and is willing to) identify the symbol on
why a DM should nail down as many particulars as possible the above-mentioned dagger as that of the Cult.
ahead of time. This keeps the game moving, and more impor- The third form of clue discovery is suggested for use here
tantly moving in the direction the DM has intended it. only when the PCs are unlucky enough to suffer frustration
Once a DM decides upon all the Cult’s plots and has the with both of the above options. This option is serendipity:
PCs ready to begin uncovering them, she or he much decide A dying man whispers a clue (just the one needed by the
on how best to reveal those plots. A good mystery is like an stymied PCs) with his last breath, the PC spellcaster’s divina-
onion in that both are composed of layers upon layers of tion spell pays off in a big way, or the characters somehow
material. Peel away one layer, and the PCs should discover it gain a second chance to re-examine an area or person for
leads them to the next layer, which leads them to the next, clues they missed the first time due to bad dice rolling or
and the next. thick-headedness. However, serendipity is used far too often
A simple example of this follows. The local Cult cell is in many games and should be resorted to only when all plau-
blackmailing a town official with proof of his romantic indis- sible efforts and options on the part of the PCs have obvi-
cretions. The official, out of money with which to bribe the ously been exhausted.
Cult, asks the PCs for help. When the PCs investigate the This points out another aspect of mystery creation in
blackmailers (first layer), they determine that they are games: No guarantee exists that the PCs will find a single, all-
Cultists (second layer). This discovery draws the PCs deeper important clue that a DM has left them (unless a DM is tragi-
until they learn that the Cult cell plans to use the money to cally obvious in the way that such a clue is presented—such
buy arms and magic to attack a nearby caravan route (third as repeating its location four times in the description of a
layer). This route, the PCs eventually learn, is used by the room). If the PCs are unfortunate enough to miss that crucial
Zhentarim for black-market shipments (fourth layer). The clue, then both they and the DM are stuck. The PCs’ pursuit
Cult hopes to hijack enough Zhent goods to accumulate of the Cult’s insidious plot grinds to a halt, and the DM is
enough money from their illicit sale to obtain the ingredients wracking his or her brain for ways to get the players back on
for a dracolich potion to be given to a nearby evil dragon track without blowing the mystery wide open and spoiling
(fifth layer) so that the dracolich will aid the cell in conquer- all his or her work at layering this mystery deep into the fab-
ing the entire campaign region (sixth layer). ric of the campaign.
Now finding out all this information could take months The solution to preventing the problem is simple: Do not
of game time and (at least) weeks of playing time. Three hinge an entire storyline on the PCs finding one clue. Imple-
primary methods exist for PCs to unearth each layer in a menting this solution means weaving more clues into the
mystery—to find the clues pointing to the next layer of the story than the PCs will likely find. Dice, being the random
plot—though each has many variants. factors that they are, ensure that some of the clues a DM
The first method requires the use of the PCs’ skills, abili- plants go unnoticed by the PCs, and the differing thought
ties, and nonweapon proficiencies. Plant clues that characters, processes of individuals will account for yet others being
with successful ability or skill rolls and intelligent decision- overlooked. If the PCs do not examine the dagger from the
making, can find. Remember that any one clue seldom solves above-mentioned example, they can find the Cult symbol on
an entire puzzle any more than one piece completes a puzzle. the necklace of an enforcer sent by the Cult to silence the local
While investigating the blackmailers, for example, the PCs official for good and subsequently killed by the PCs.
could find a Cult symbol on a dagger that was thrown at the Creating and running a good mystery in a game setting is
town official. Do not tell the PCs that the dagger is inscribed not as difficult as it looks, it just requires a bit more prepara-
with the symbol of Cult of the Dragon; simply describe the tion than many Dungeon Masters may be used to making.
symbol. If the players do not recognize it, then the PCs have But investing the time and effort shows in one’s game, one’s
more investigating to do to discover what the symbol means. storylines, and in making the Cult of the Dragon the secret
The second method for PCs to uncover clues is for them to menace it should be. Remember that the Harpers have been
develop and use a network of friends, confidantes, and infor- trying to wipe out the Cult for a long time—a particular set of
mants. Doing this requires role-playing, but high Charisma PCs should not immediately succeed where the best and
scores can make this task easier. (Most television watchers brightest of the Realms have failed for centuries.

114 • Cult Campaigns & Adventures

mat appeared to the spiritual remains of what was Sammas-
Adventure Nuggets ter and offered him divinity and an opportunity to gain
Here are a selection of adventure ideas involving the Cult revenge on all those who had wronged him if he would bow
of the Dragon. None are full adventures, but they instead to her, the Undying Queen of all dracoliches. With few
serve to trigger a DM’s imagination. DMs should mine options open to him, Sammaster accepted. Now flush with
these ideas for situations they can use and change and power he has not known since Mystra’s touch and his Cho-
ignore those they cannot. sen powers were stripped from him, St. Sammaster, Harbin-
ger of the Undying Queen, works to unite all cells of the Cult
The Ultimate Spy of the Dragon under him. Once this is achieved, St. Sammas-
One of the members of the local Cult cell is not what she or ter has sworn to reveal “his” master plan that, by working
he seems. The creature is, in truth, a greater doppleganger, “with” the Undying Queen, the world he foresaw will be
an exceptional member of that shapechanging race. Greater made real by his followers and those of Tiamat.
dopplegangers often seek to place themselves in positions This ascension and alliance could have far-reaching effects
of responsibility or power, the better to aid their race in for much of Faerûn, and PCs can be brought into the story at
overcoming the native populations of Faerûn. This dopple- many points. The obvious choice is to involve the PCs in the
ganger has done just that. It assassinated a high-ranking eruption of Cult activity after Sammaster proclaims his
member of the Cult and is currently impersonating him or ascension. If the PCs are near a Cult cell, they may be asked
her, all the while subtly directing the actions of the Cult by the populace or authorities (or even the Harpers if the PCs
toward its own private goals or objectives. have ties to that organization) to try and stop the destruction.
The PCs may or may not discover this. They may or If either the church of Tiamat or the Cult of the Dragon is a
may not know the Cult leader has been replaced by an current antagonist for the PCs, the characters may learn of
impostor. They may not even know that their friend the the plan (and the underlying scheme if they are particularly
blacksmith (armorer, farmer, uncle, etc.) was a member of lucky or inventive) at any suitably dramatic point. Do the
the Cult. They may simply find his body half-buried in the PCs reveal this plan of Tiamat’s and bring down the wrath of
woods where the greater doppleganger left it to rot. When her church hierarchy as well as that of those loyal to Sammas-
they return to town and see their friend the blacksmith ter‘s vision as they are condemned as heretics whose sedition
hammering away on a piece of hot metal on his anvil, they must be squelched permanently?
will know something demands their attention. The characters might even be approached by a high-
ranking Cult member who does not buy Sammaster’s bogus
St. Sammaster apotheosis story. He suspects other forces are at work, but he
Sammaster has begun the process of apotheosis (divine ascen- cannot investigate himself without risking exposure as an
sion). He currently stands as a demipower and has begun unbeliever or a heretic. The Cultist’s motives may be (rela-
answering the whispered prayers of Cultists across Faerûn. tively) benign; he simply could sense that there is more to the
The true believers in the Cult, those who trust in the prophe- story. Or, he might be looking for a means to hold onto his
cies of the First-Speaker, rejoice, seeing this both as proof of own power in the Cult, since he is now faced with the divine
the validity of Sammaster’s teachings and as an omen that the return of the Cult’s founder and his corresponding loss of
downfall of the other races is imminent. Only a push or two importance. In either case, he seeks out the PCs for their
on the part of the Cult is needed to cause their total collapse. aid—without revealing his true identity (unless the PCs
This causes Cult cells far and wide to erupt into violence. know of him from prior adventures).
Terrorism and coup attempts surge as the faithful work to
hasten the rise of the dead dragons. Dracoliches and evil The Harp and the Claw
Cult-affiliated dragons all fly forth from their hidden caves If the PCs are involved with the Harpers, that organization
and grottoes to visit destruction on capitals, caravans, and all could start the PCs onto any of the adventures outlined here.
other symbols of current civilization. One specifically Harper-oriented adventure is not without
Further, with the exception of a few greedy, power- merit, however.
hungry, and skeptical Cult leaders, all the cells of the Cult are Those Who Harp have lost contact with one of their infil-
coming together under the banner of their founder, blessed trators in the Sembian Cult cell, a half-elven fighter/mage/
now with genuine divinity and able to fill the vacuum of cler- thief known as Maenoth (his real name, not the magically re-
ical power that has plagued the Cult since the Banite purge. inforced false identity he is using now). Maenoth had
However, all is not this simple, either for Sammaster or his attached himself to the service of the cell’s master thief Zil-
devout followers. While Sammaster is a divine being now, he vreen as a fighter/thief and one of his chief aides.
is not as independent as he seems. Behind all the religious Maenoth possesses an intelligent magical long sword the
and destructive fervor lies the church of Tiamat. The Dark half-elf calls “Hawk.” When a company of adventurers mak-
Queen herself is behind Sammaster’s ascension, though of ing camp along the Way of the Manticore stumble across the
course this remains her secret. Tiamat supplied enough blade, Hawk quickly recruits them to help rescue Maenoth.
divine energy to do for Sammaster what four centuries of Unbeknownst to the Harper, Zilvreen suspected Maenoth’s
muttered prayers could not, in much the same way that Talos true allegiance, and on the master thief’s secret orders, the
sponsored Velsharoon’s recent ascension. That ascension had other members of the Cult caravan he was accompanying
a price tag, though. In her guise as the Undying Queen, Tia- turned on the half-elf while he slept just after the group

Cult Campaigns & Adventures • 115

crossed the Darkflow River, which empties the Vast Swamp. has finally agreed to undergo the conversion process. The
In the struggle to subdue the scrappy half-elf, the Harper’s Cult has found a vampire it tried to use, but it escaped the
sword was lost, and the arrival of a passing Cormyrean patrol Cult members’ first attempts to kill it.
soon after prevented the Cultists from searching for the blade. One night the PCs are approached by a (charmed) person
Hawk and the adventurers head south in pursuit of they trust and are asked to help a friend who is in need of
Maenoth and his captors, who broke away from the main heroic assistance. The vampire (who is, of course, the friend
caravan, which continued on to Wheloon two days earlier. in need) does its best to disguise its true nature from the PCs
The trail leads to the hamlet of Battlerise, named for the ruins when it meets them. The “friend” concocts some story about
of Battlegate Castle that crown a small hill to the west of the a band of assassins sent by an heir who wants his inheritance
Darkflow River, just south of the Way of the Manticore. Once (or gives another somewhat plausible but slightly odd story).
the seat of the extinct Auantiver noble family, the catacombs If the PCs take the assignment (and they should), they
beneath the supposedly haunted keep serve as a Cult base for encounter the Cult vampire-hunters. Stand back and watch
operations into eastern Cormyr and the Vast Swamp. Any the sparks fly as the PCs try to figure out who lied to whom
effort to rescue Maenoth must take place quickly, or he is and just what the heck is going on!
likely to die at the hands of his torturers. Rescue efforts are An alternative is that the Cult found its undead quarry
complicated by the presence of a Cult agent among the hired but failed to get its blood at the cost of several Cult members.
hands working for the horse-trading Margar family who The Cult members, in their normal identities, subtly put the
alerts the Cultists beneath Battlegate to the incipient threat. word out that there is a vampire in the area and some brave
heroes are needed to destroy the unliving fiend. If the PCs
Between Two Evils take the bait and are successful, armed Cult members show
This nugget is best utilized while the PCs are traveling some- up to gather the blood before the PCs can permanently
where that at least one member of the Zhentarim and the destroy the vampire’s material form.
Cult of the Dragon are known to frequent. (The Dalelands and
Sembia are strong contenders, though not the only ones.) Work for Hire
The PCs come across a scene of battle during their travels As with “A Mysterious Patron” above, the PCs are ap-
(perhaps even in the course of another, unrelated adventure). proached by an anonymous benefactor who either pro-
Their first impression is that a band of raiders is attacking a vides them with information regarding a heroic adventure
heavily defended merchant caravan. Further observation or hires them outright to undertake one. In all of the exam-
reveals that both sides have potent magical items and/or ples below, the true identity of the characters’ employer is a
powers (from the PCs’ point of view), and that the attackers member of the Cult of the Dragon who has hired the PCs to
seem to be using minor undead as foot soldiers. obtain an objective the Cult cannot without risk of expo-
What is really happening is that the raiders belong to the sure or that the Cult considers too dangerous to attempt to
Cult of the Dragon and the merchants are Zhentilar and achieve with local Cultists. In order for all these scenarios
members of the Zhentarim. A feud has existed between these to work to their best effect, the PCs must not know (at least
two organizations that began when Sammaster used Shar- initially) that the Cult is behind the adventure they are
grailar to extort money and magic from the Zhents. The cara- undertaking. At some point, though, DMs owe it to them-
van’s cargo can be valuable mundane items such as gems or selves to see the anguished and enraged looks on the faces
coins, magical potions, spell components, even more forrni- of their players when they realize their PCs have been
dable magical items, or even slaves or magical creatures and pawns of the Cult of the Dragon.
monsters. The Cult raiders may know what they are fighting Some possible “heroic tasks” that the PCs may be
to obtain, but depriving the Zhentarim of it—and killing invited to participate in include:
some Zhents along the way—is the Cultists’ primary motive
for attack. This fight could even be related to the Zhen- • The Cultist (possibly though several levels of intermedi-
tarim–Cult struggle for control of the trade routes and oases aries) has discovered the map to an ancient ruin, castle,
across the great sand sea of Anauroch. or dungeon. He offers the map to the PCs in exchange
The PCs can fairly easily identify both factions if they take for only the first choice of treasures magical and mun-
the time to check. They must then decide who, if anyone, to dane. In truth, the Cult wants something that it believes
assist. If they simply charge in to defend the “merchants,” rests within the ruins and decides to risk only the lives
however, they will likely earn the local Cult cell’s long-lasting of its dupes (the PCs) in an attempt to gain the item.
enmity and, perhaps, the gratitude of the Zhents—giving the • The patron hires the PCs to free his “unjustly impris-
PCs the advantage of being owed a favor by the Zhents that oned brother” or some other relative from a nearby com-
they may be able to call in later. munity’s authorities. The “brother” or other relation
imprisoned by the community is a Cultist who was
A Mysterious Patron caught in the midst of some illegal act. His crime, of
One of the ingredients needed to create the potion that trans- course, is either real (what he did) or is merely the
forms a living dragon into a dracolich is vampire’s blood. If trumped-up charge of the unfair authorities in the area.
the Cult cannot create (and then sacrifice) a vampire of its Characters who already have some reason to dislike
own, it must find one and take its blood for the potion. The those very same authorities are especially susceptible to
Cult needs a potion now because a dragon associated with it this ploy. Of course, this gambit only works if the PCs

116 • Cult Campaigns & Adventures

are less-than-lawful or mercenary enough not to care too where Cultists and mages care for, raise, and educate the
much about the innocence of the party in question as young evil dragons.
long as they are well paid for their efforts. A variant on Such duty is not for all Cult members. First of all, the
this scenario is that the PCs are hired to “recover” an dragon parents (even evil dragons) do not blithely hand
item “stolen” or otherwise unjustly appropriated by over their children into the care of just any Cult member.
some third party—perhaps even by those authorities. Only the most trusted and most powerful Cultists are
• The patron, knowing of the PCs’ heroic reputations, granted the honor (and within the Cult, it is considered
points out that an evil dragon (age appropriate to the such) of caring for the young dragons.
campaign) has been discovered lairing nearby. It is The PCs can become involved with this draconic nursery
surely the heroes’ duty to go out and destroy this threat in a number of ways:
to the safety of the region. The Cult’s true motive for this
setup is one of two: either the dragon is hungry or it has • In the course of their adventures in a Cult-infested area,
violently refused to associate with the Cult. the PCs simply stumble across the nursery in an isolated
In the first instance, the Cult-affiliated dragon wants portion of a dungeon, cavern, or ruins complex. The PCs
to dine on human (elf, dwarf, etc.) flesh without sending open a secret door or three and find themselves sur-
the entire region into a panic by raiding a village or rounded by a bunch of large (watermelon-sized or larger)
something equally provocative. After all, that might eggs, at least one of which is hatching as they enter.
attract more heroes, and that is just what the Cult does (Think of the egg-room scene abroad the alien spacecraft
not want. By sending the PCs after the dragon, the Cult from the film Alien.) The room is hot and humid, and the
satisfies the dragon’s appetite without causing an Cult guardian—and a few brave dragon hatchlings—are
uproar. In addition it gets rid of a group of potentially within range to rescue the unborn dragons. Of course, the
troublesome heroes. When the heroes arrive at the lair, it PCs should not be able to identify the eggs as those of
is laced with traps, and the dragon is more than pre- dragons immediately, nor can they discern good dragon
pared for their arrival—and perhaps even has some eggs from evil dragon eggs. (Also note that very young
invisible Cultists at hand to cut off the PCs’ escape. dragons’ coloration can be confusing; see the MONSTROUS
In the second instance, the Cult has approached the MANUAL tome for details.)
dragon concerning a permanent affiliation with the • The Cult has stolen the eggs from a female dragon in an
Cult. The dragon, deeply offended at the prospect of attempt to blackmail the powerful creature into becoming
undeath (or simply working with mammals), refuses the a dracolich. The Cult has told the female dragon that
offer—violently. The Cult lacks the means or the inclina- refusal, any attempt to rescue her offspring, or even leav-
tion to continue its discussions with the dragon and so it ing her lair is grounds for destruction of the eggs. Thus
alerts the PCs to the dragon’s presence. (One option for hamstrung, the enraged creature uses its contacts or mag-
the dragon that refused the Cult’s offer is, of course, to ical abilities to anonymously ask the PCs to rescue her
contact the PCs and alert them to the Cult’s presence, kidnapped children from their kidnappers.
thus giving the local Cult cell’s leaders a topic other A variant on this idea is that the Cult cell, desperate
than revenge against the dragon to worry about.) for any sort of draconic might, has kidnapped the eggs or
If the dragon defeats the PCs, the Cult has lost noth- hatchlings of a good dragon. Fearful for the life of her off-
ing, but it has shown the dragon what its future may spring, the dragon may reluctantly go to work for the
hold—party after party of adventurers sent to attack it— Cult. The PCs become involved when they hear of a good
if it continues to decline participation in Cult activities. dragon engaging in raiding, looting, cooperating with
If the characters kill the dragon, the Cult members can Cult members in illegal activities, and taking other atypi-
then attack and kill the weakened PCs, claim the drag- cal actions—or when the dragon pleads with them to
on’s death as their own kill, collect its hoard, and use the save her babies. Meanwhile, the Cult is charming or oth-
incident as an example of the power of the Cult and its erwise brainwashing any hatchlings toward cooperating
means of “controlling” the uncooperative when dealing with the Cult and engaging in future evil activities.
with evil dragons who may be reluctant to work along- If the PCs are not observant, they may not realize the
side the human Cultists. The Cult also may arrive “just true motive for the dragon’s blackmail-induced actions. If
in time” to rescue the dragon from the PCs and offer to they blindly attack the good-hearted dragon, if their reck-
heal the dragon after the battle is concluded, thus show- less actions endanger the dragon’s offspring, or if, most
ing its loyalty and devotion to dragonkind. (Of course, horribly, they cause the offsprings’ deaths, the characters
the dragon’s rescuers should not include the NPC who will have made an incredibly powerful, long-lived, and
contacted the PCs to tackle this mission.) influential enemy who hates them with a righteous,
seething rage that goes beyond reason.
A Dragon in the Nursery
One of the little-known practices of the Cult of the Dragon is A Lost Potion
caring for and guarding any eggs or hatchlings that Cult The PCs discover a body lying on the side of the road in
dragons may have. In order to best protect their eggs and their travels. On the body are 50 gp, normal equipment for
offspring from the Cult’s enemies, all the progeny of a Cult a mercenary (choose the class and race), and a large black
cell’s dragons are secretly moved to an isolated location potion bottle sealed with a lead stopper. The potion bottle

Cult Campaigns & Adventures • 117

contains a dracolich potion that was created by an alche- same direction) and eventually reach an old stone tower,
mist for the Cult of the Dragon. The dead mercenary was hidden among tall dunes. The tower is half-buried in sand,
delivering the finished potion to the Cultists, who are still and observant PCs notice that it has tiny slit-windows in its
waiting for the potion. upper regions. Out of these windows come intermittent
It started a little over a year ago, when a group of young puffs of sand, as if someone were repeatedly throwing out
Cultists began to attempt to recruit the green dragon handfuls of sand.
Ralionate to join the Cult’s elite and become a bone dragon. This is exactly what is happening. Inside the tower is an
The Cultists are led by the zealous, if inexperienced, mage adventuring party of agents of the Cult of the Dragon who
Alachor. For the last year, Ralionate has resisted and con- are led by a wizard who is trying to find a lost ancient mag-
tinually strung the Cult along, wringing jewels, magic, and ical item he believes (from reading an old wizard’s diary)
gold from the Cult. to be here. He is searching for a rod that can “heal” or
Recently, Ralionate attacked a high-level group of regenerate undead beings and can therefore be used to knit
adventurers. After the fight, several adventurers were broken dracolich bones or even replace bones that have
dead, and Ralionate was severely wounded. When Ralion- been destroyed or gone missing. The sand puffs are due to
ate made it back to her lair, the Cultists had no magic his underlings’ and his efforts to dig out accumulated sand
strong enough to save the mortally wounded dragon. so as to see the tower’s contents (if any). The strength of the
Despairing, Alachor forged his father’s name and sent a wizard, Elphraun, and those who accompany him—and
message to the Cult’s alchemist asking for a dracolich even the presence of the coveted rod—are matters left to
potion. (Alachor’s father is a wizard or fighter of some the DM to determine.
experience and high standing in his Cult cell.) The alche- The Cult party has all of the captured food, water, and
mist created the potion and hired a mercenary to take the camels of the 20 Bedine. The camels are recognizable to
potion to Alachor. Along the way, the mercenary was bitten other Bedine, and PCs using them later may be attacked
by a poisonous snake and died. merely for possessing them on the mistaken belief that the
Now Alachor and his neophyte Cultists are becoming PCs are the ones who slew the handless men.
increasing anxious, and Ralionate is slowly dying. Soon the Elphraun seized the hands so that he could create crawl-
Cultists must do something. . . . ing claws to dig sand out of the buried tower. The Bedine
If the adventurers look around for someone to identify yielded 40 claws, and he can direct these to attack intrud-
the potion, they find that any wizard over 8th level can ing PCs. (Crawling claws are described in the MONSTROUS
identify the potion as a dracolich potion. However, if the MANUAL tome and the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Set-
alchemist is alerted to the party’s investigations, he alerts ting box.)
the Cult and the Cultists, who come looking for the potion.
This adventure is best suited for low-level adventurers. War Within the Cult
The neophyte Cultists can be as low in level as necessary, The PCs stumble into a war between members of different
the dragon Ralionate can be severely wounded and unable Cult cells. Velvet, a black dragon of young age, is attempt-
to defend herself, and the Cultists may not have their ing to move into the territory of Malachite, a green dragon
elders around to support them and bail them out of any approaching wyrm age. Velvet has a group of powerful
trouble that occurs. cultists working for him, and while they not particularly
Of course, if something happens to the young Cultists, high level, they are very organized and close-knit. Mala-
then the older Cultists who are fathers and mothers to the chite also has a group of cultists working for her—a larger
neophytes are bound to come looking for their children. group than Velvet has. But Malachite’s cultists are chaotic
Then the party is in trouble—but that should be at least a and unfriendly, vying among themselves for attention,
couple of levels away for the PCs. power, and wealth. The player characters must move care-
fully or they are overwhelmed by Cult plots on all sides;
The Oasis of Handless Men however, if they quickly figure out that two cells are at war,
Player characters reaching an oasis (guided by hastening they may be able to use the two cells’ mutual hatred to
vultures, perhaps) discover it strewn with the bodies of 20 work against them and eventually eliminate both groups.
recently slain Bedine warriors—a war party of some sort.
Some of these bodies hang from trees, some lie huddled Save the Dragon
half-buried in the sands, some have been torn apart by Shard, a blue dragon of old age, was recently attacked by a
jackals and reduced to gnawed bones, and desert snakes party of high-level adventurers who managed to slip
slither through the eye sockets of the picked-clean skulls of through her Cult organization’s information net. Shard
others. managed to kill the adventurers, but at a high price; she is
There are no camels, weapons, food, coins, or water- dying. Shard’s Cult followers, to atone for their ineptitude,
skins to be found anywhere in the oasis. There has also are gathering the ingredients needed for Shard to become a
been a more grisly theft than of equipment: Every corpse dracolich. The PCs knew the dead adventurers and become
has had both its hands cut off, and none of them remain involved. They can try to stop the Cultists, can try to finish
anywhere about the area. the job on Shard, or happen to have an ingredient that the
PCs who search come upon a trail (or see a glowing Cultists need for the potion or a magical gem suitable for
light over the dunes by night, which can lead them in the becoming Shard’s host.

118 • Cult Campaigns & Adventures

F ive years now have I reigned supreme over my
former brethren, my living, breathing subjects,
the blue dragons of the Great Blight called
Anauroch. After I destroyed that coward and pre-
Namirrha touched an amulet about his neck and mut-
Suddenly, I was calm. I lowered myself into a rest-
ing position and bid Derianthraxa to take her place
tender Sussethilasis, a few of my vassals bucked beside me while we listened closely to our friend
under my — unorthodox — leadership style. These Namirrha’s request. Our friend Namirrha then ex-
close-minded fools paid with their paltry lives. All but plained that those keep-ists had attacked his home
one that is. A youngish female, Derianthraxa, who with and base in Sembia and that my aid—our aid—was
her mate dared to battle me, watched her pathetic male sorely needed in a counterattack. Given directions and
die before her eyes. Death was soon to claim her as instructions by our friend Namirrha, my queen and I
well, but in a moment of clarity, she pleaded to be flew forth to cover the vast distance to a place known
saved, to be made whole again, to be made like unto as the Citadel of the Raven, there to wreak havoc and
me, her slayer and her would-be savior. teach the keepists the awful price for their arrogance.
I summoned Namirrha to me and told him of my We left immediately.
wishes. He agreed, but reserved the right to ask a
favor of me in return, I had performed several “favors” Only now have I returned from the disastrous
for Namirrha and his Cult over the past few years, and attack upon the Citadel—and only now have I also
I suspected nothing out of the ordinary. Indeed, this returned to my true self. My queen, Derianthraxa, fell
Cult of Namirrha’s had left me unbothered by their before the spells of the cursed place’s wizards; one
petty requests for almost two of the humans’ years. wearing a mask to hide his cowardly mammal face
Since my actions of that time squelched the last upris- struck her death blow, I am sure of it. If I meet him
ing of the members of that petty keep near to Namir- again, that masked mage will join her in final death–
rha’s home, Namirrha had appeared only to fulfill my this I swear a horrible oath to achieve. But I could
needs of the moment and to deposit minor contribu- not act on my desired revenge then, when she died!
tions to my now vast hoard. Whatever feud the Cult Instead, I heard my friend Namirrha’s voice telling
may have had with this keep, it is beyond even my me to return to my mountainous home, and leave I
prodigious intellect to determine why the Cult does did. Rage fills me now at the thought of his arrogance,
not simply eliminate its enemies as I have done with the deceitful means he must have used to control me,
mine, including those keep-ists who thought they but I cannot act upon it!
could enforce their pact with the former Suzerain of What power did Namirrha hold over me? A mere
Anauroch. They learned that their alliance with Sus- mammal possessing dominion over a dragon — surely
sethilasis was as dead as he (and they). the universe will not withstand such a crime! Why did
Namirrha vanished and soon enough returned from we fIy forth at his bidding? Why could I not attack the
his home in the human nation of Sembia with a potion masked mage? It must have been that amulet he
that would transform Derianthraxa into a creature grasped as I rose to attack. If I can surprise him and
almost as powerful as myself. Derianthraxa proved her remove that necklace—along with his head . . . .
mettle by surviving the arduous process. After a time, Unless — dear Lord Zorquan — my present form, the
she took her place at my side as Queen of Anauroch. form given me by Namirrha, by him and his accursed
I resolved to take the next few years and instruct Cult, my very form and existence is what gives him
Derianthraxa about her new form and its abilities, as power over me. Lord Asgorath, what have I done to
well as the honor she was granted to share my lair myself?!?
and my kingdom. However, no sooner had I begun —From the magical libram of recording
the process than I was distracted from this most of Malygris, very old Cult blue dracolich
important task by Namirrha. He appeared without my of southern Anauroch, circa 1370 DR
summoning him, he even dared to enter my presence
without announcing himself first. Then, after these
affronts to my power and eternal glory, he had the
incredible audacity to — tell — me to act in defense of
his Cult.
I could brook no more. I rose to my full, terrible
height and prepared to punish this insignificant mam-
mal for his insults both to me and my new queen.

Epilogue • 119
he draconic pantheon is a confused one, espe- the light of wit. In the Outer Planes, she is more commonly
cially to nondragons. Beyond what The Draconom- known as Aasterinian and is often regarded as chaotic neu-
icon has to say on the matter of dragons and the tral in alignment. Her domain in Arborea is unknown, but
powers they worship, a draconic pantheon is dis- in Ysgard her domain, Brassberg, is in Nidavellir.
cussed in Monster Mythology. These two differ in
many ways. The following list summarizes and reconciles Kalzareinad (Dead)
these two for the purposes of the FORGOTTEN REALMS cam- (Keeper of Dark Wonders)
paign setting. Following the general list is a complete Kalzareinad was a neutral evil demipower of the Gray
description of the draconic deity Null. This deity description Waste. His portfolio was dragon magic, specifically the
follows the format established in Faiths & Avatars. See that uncaring, evil, or selfish application of dragon magic. His
work for definitions of the heading categories and special symbol was a five-pointed star encircled by a dragon grab-
notes pertaining to the abilities detailed in the bulleted points bing its own tail in its mouth. His worship and portfolio
in the specialty priest information. were entirely subsumed by Kereska during the Time of
Troubles (1358 DR), and he passed quietly into deific death
shortly thereafter in the Astral Plane.
Dragon Deities
Asgorath Kereska
(World-Shaper) (Wonderbringer, Light of Magic)
Asgorath is a greater power of the Outer Planes. He is said Kereska is a chaotic neutral intermediate power of Limbo.
to encompass all alignments in his being, but he is often Her portfolio is magic, specifically dragon magic, and mag-
regarded as neutral. His portfolio is creation, and his sym- ical creativity. Her symbol is a five-pointed star with the
bol is an unadorned circle, representing totality. In the lower two points extended.
Outer Planes, he is more commonly known as Io, and the
location of his domain is unknown. Lendys
Astilabor Lendys is a lawful neutral intermediate power of Nirvana.
(Acquisitor, Hoardmistress) His portfolio is balance and justice, and his symbol is a
Astilabor is a chaotic neutral intermediate power of Limbo. sword balanced on a needle’s point. He is the consort of
Her portfolio is acquisitiveness, specifically the desire to Tamara.
acquire and hold wealth and by doing so gain status. Her
symbol is a 12-faceted gem. Null
(Death Wyrm, Guardian of the Lost,
Bahamut Night Dragon, Reaver)
(The King of all Good Dragons, Null is worshiped as a two-aspected dragon deity in the
the Platinum Dragon, Lord of the North Wind, Torilian crystal sphere. Here he is regarded as both a lawful
Justicemaker) evil lesser power of Carceri and a lawful neutral intermedi-
Bahamut is a lawful good lesser power of Mount Celestia. ate power of the Outlands. His portfolio is death and the
His portfolio is good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, dead. In his evil aspect, he is Reaver, and his portfolio is the
and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and taking of life, decay, the undead, energy draining, and
punishment with forgiveness), and his symbols are the necromancy. In his neutral aspect, he is known as the
polar star above a milky nebula or a reptilian eye superim- Guardian of the Lost, and is the guardian of the dead and
posed over a square of gold. His domain, Bahamut’s the shepherd of dragon spirits to the afterlife. In this aspect,
Palace, is located in Mercuria. In some traditions, he is said his portfolio is the dead, exhaustion, final judgment, and
to be the son of Tamara and Lendys, and in others, he, Tia- fatalism. His symbols are a circle divided diagonally into
mat, and Null (or Faluzure) are all said to be children of white and black semicircles (the Guardian of the Lost) or a
Asgorath (Io). In the Realms, he is often known as Xymor. draconic skull (Reaver). In the Outer Planes it is commonly
known that Null is, in fact, two different deities known as
Garyx Faluzure (the Reaver aspect, who regarded as neutral evil),
(Firelord, All-Destroyer, Cleanser of Worlds) whose domain is the Mausoleum of Pain in Minethys, and
Garyx is a chaotic evil intermediate power of the Abyss. Chronepsis (the Guardian of the Lost aspect, who is
His portfolio is fire-using dragons and destruction by regarded as neutral), whose domain is the Mausoleum of
flame, and his symbol is a reptilian eye superimposed over Chronepsis in the Outlands.
a red flame.
Hlal (Her Beneficence, Her Mercy)
(The Jester, the Pursued) Tamara is a neutral good intermediate power of Elysium.
Hlal is a chaotic good lesser power of Arborea and Ysgard. Her portfolio is life, light, mercy, and forgiveness, and her
Her portfolio is draconic humor, inventiveness, and plea- symbol is a seven-pointed star on a field of black. She is the
sure, and her symbol is a single white flame, representing consort of Lendys.

120 • Appendix 1: Dragon Deities

Task the Gods, he had but a handful of devoted adherents (some
(The Taker and Holder, Wrester) of whom were undead). Since the Time of Troubles, Null
Task is a chaotic evil lesser power of Pandemonium. His has begun to make inroads among the Sacred Ones of the
portfolio is greed and selfishness, and his symbol is a pile Cult of the Dragon. Null’s motivation is in part due to a
of five coins. desire to staunch his gradual loss of power and in part to
counter Tiamat’s recent attempts to incorporate the Follow-
Tiamat ers of the Scaly Way into her own faith. A few ill-regarded
(The Dragon Queen, the Chromatic Dragon, members of Sembian Cult cell have begun to whisper that
Nemesis of the Gods, the Dark Lady, Queen of Chaos, Null is “the Dead Dragon who shall rule the world entire”
the Undying Queen, Bane of Bahamut, the Avaricious) with the Sacred Ones as his worldly vassals, but it is
Tiamat is a lawful evil lesser power of Baator. Her portfolio unknown if Null has made any such claim himself.
includes evil dragons, chromatic dragons, evil reptiles, Null is said to speak with the dusty croak of the undead.
greed, and the Faerûnian nation of Chessenta. Her symbol He is arrogant, fatalistic, proud, and totally lacking in any
is a five-headed dragon. Her domain, Tiamat’s Lair, is sense of humor. The Night Dragon does not anger easily, but
located in Avernus. In some traditions, she, Bahamut instead slowly nurtures grudges that eventually blossom into
(Xymor), and Null (or Faluzure) are all said to be children undying hatreds for slights and attacks (imagined or other-
of Asgorath (Io). In the Realms, she is known as Tchazzar in wise). Null’s residences, both mausoleums, are said to coexist
the nation of Chessenta. in part on the Negative Material Plane and the Demiplane of
Shadows; in fact, the two death houses may in reality be one
Zorquan structure that exists both in the Outlands and Carceri.
(High One, Greatest Wyrm) Null has a long-standing hatred of both Tiamat and
Zorquan is a neutral intermediate power of the Outlands. Bahamut, who are said to be his siblings. While Null and
His portfolio is dragonkind and dragonness (the essence of Tiamat were once allied, some rift in the prehistory of the
that which is dragons), and his symbol is a black circle Realms has driven them into everlasting enmity. Null nur-
superimposed on a larger concentric white circle. tures a deep grudge against Hlal as a result of an elaborate
practical joke that robbed the Death Wyrm of his dignity
centuries ago. While the Night Dragon has little patience
Null for most of the other surviving draconic gods, he bitterly
(Death Wyrm, Guardian of the lost, resents Tamara’s attempts to interfere with the inevitability
Night Dragon, Reaver) of death and darkness and hates her with a special passion.
Intermediate/Lesser Power of The one deity Null was on somewhat friendly terms with
the Outlands/Carceri, LN/LE was Kalzareinad, a demipower of draconic magic who was
P ORTFOLIO: Death, the dead, decay, exhaustion, said to have aided Sammaster’s creation of the first draco-
energy draining, fatalism, judg- lich, and the loss of this ally has led scholars to speculate
ment, necromancy, undeath that he may soon seek others to replace him.
ALIASES: Faluzure, Chronepsis
DOMAIN NAME: Outlands/Mausoleum of Chronep- Null’s Avatar
sis and Minethys/Mausoleum of (Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon Dracolich,
Pain Necromancer 30, Shadow Mage 30, Cleric 28)
SUPERIOR: Asgorath Null appears as a region of impenetrable blackness in the
ALLIES: Kalzareinad (dead) shape of a huge dragon. He is surrounded by an aura of
FOES : Bahamut (Xymor), Hlal, Tamara, numbing cold, and it is said that to touch Null is instant
Tiamat death and to hear his voice is to suffer the agonizing aging
SYMBOL : A circle divided diagonally into caused by the sight of a ghost. Null draws his spells from
white and black semicircles or a all schools and from the spheres of all, astral, charm, com-
draconic skull bat, creation (reversed only), divination, elemental,
WOR. ALIGN.: Any (Guardian of the Lost) or LE, guardian, healing, law, necromantic, numbers, protection,
NE, CE (Reaver) summoning, sun (darkness-creating only), thought, time,
travelers, war, and wards.
Null (NUL) is the draconic god of death in all its myriad
aspects. He is venerated by dragons of all alignments to some AC -12; MV 21, Fl 33 (C), Jp 6; HP 216; THAC0 1; #AT
degree in his role as Guardian of the Lost. Many dragons of evil 3+special
alignment—particularly shadow dragons and dracoliches— Dmg 2d6+12/2d6+12/6d6+12 (claw/claw/bite)
venerate Null in his aspect as Reaver, the Death Wyrm. Null is MR 70%; SZ G (80-foot body, 64-foot tail)
also known in some obscure texts as Chronepsis or Faluzure, Str 20, Dex 19, Con 21, Int 24, Wis 23, Cha 18
but those aliases may simply be the names of draconic deities of Spells P: 13/12/12/12/11/10/6, W: 9/9/9/9/9/9/9/8/8 *
other worlds or his names in other crystal spheres. Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
As with most draconic deities of Faerûn, Null’s faith has *Numbers assume one extra necromancy spell and one
been slowly dwindling for centuries, and, as of the Fall of extra shadow magic spell per spell level.

Appendix 1: Dragon Deities • 121

Special Att/Def: Null has all the special attacks, de- guardians defend Null’s temples from interlopers who
fenses, and abilities of a great wyrm shadow dragon and of seek to plunder such rich draconic burial pits.
a dracolich. He can employ the breath weapon of any non- Like all remaining draconic deities of Faerûn, Null has
good dragon (chromatic, gem, fang, etc.) or breath of putres- not had an organized priesthood among his draconic fol-
cence in lieu of his normal cloud of blackness. Instead of lowers since the dragon holy wars millennia ago. (Null’s
one of his physical attacks or a magical one, Null can energy archrival, Tiamat, has an organized priesthood among her
drain any creature within 100 feet of his physical form. Null human followers, but not among her draconic followers.)
can cast finger of death once per round in lieu of a claw Dragons and dracoliches who venerate Null and who are
attack. Null is immune to all spells from the school of capable of casting priest spells are considered members of
shadow magic, illusion/phantasm, and necromancy. Null’s clergy, and they receive the initial knowledge of
their priest spells from the Night Dragon. Those few drag-
Other Manifestations ons and dracoliches who truly serve the Night Dragon as
Null commonly manifests as the shadow of a monstrous priests are known as annihilists and are considered to be
dragon of indeterminate race or as the chilling touch of the draconic specialty priests.
undead (inflicting 2d8 points of chilling damage and forc- Dogma: As the Guardian of the Lost, Null teaches that
ing a saving throw vs. paralyzation on any living being all things shall eventually come to rest, and, when they do,
successfully touched or it is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds). their spirits pass on into the afterlife. All life eventually
Null acts or shows his favor through the appearance or leads into death, which is simply a demarcation point
presence of ravens, shadows, vultures, and black sap- marking the change to another existence. True death is final
phires. His most common draconic emissaries are abishai and absolute, and once dragons pass on, the concerns of
(baatezu), shadow dragons, and dracoliches. the physical world must never again disturb them so that
they are able to pursue existence in their new form to the
The Church fullest.
CLERGY: Priest dragons and dracoliches, spe- As Reaver, Null teaches that death and decay are in-
cialty priests evitable and omnipresent. Dragons are gifted with the
CLERGY’S A LIGN .: LN, N, LE, NE, CE strength to withstand death for so long so that they may
TURN UNDEAD: PD: No, SP: No serve as emissaries of Reaver in spreading death among the
C MND .U NDEAD : PD: No, SP: Yes lesser races. To truly become strong, dragons should incor-
porate aspects of death into their lives. Whether they chose
All dragons and dracoliches capable of casting priest spells to draw on the energies of the Demiplane of Shadow or the
who venerate Null as well as all specialty priests of the Negative Material Plane, dragons who embrace death in
Night Dragon receive religion (draconian) as a bonus non- life herald the day when the afterlife will incorporate the
weapon proficiency. living world as well.
Null is worshiped in two seemingly contradictory Day-to-Day Activities: Null’s clergy occupy their days
aspects. As Guardian of the Lost, Null is the guardian of as do most dragons: endless hours of sleep, avaricious con-
the dead. As such, he shepherds the spirits of dragons to templation of their hoards, and plotting of future glories
their respective planes when they die, and he ensures they interspersed with brief hunting and mating forays and the
are no longer troubled by enemies they may have had occasional battle with interlopers in their lairs. Unlike other
while alive. In this aspect, individual dragons who have wyrms, however, Null’s followers are typically preoccu-
just lost someone close to them sometimes make offerings pied with necromantic investigations and the philosophical
to Null to speed the recently departed’s spirit to its final contemplation of death.
resting place. As Reaver, Null enjoys the taking of life, and Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: As a result of the
he blesses others who serve him in this capacity. Reaver millennia-long decline of draconic faiths coupled with the
supports research into necromancy and those who seek to extended lifetimes of dragons, few draconic holy cere-
extend their lives through undeath. It is said that with the monies have survived to the present day, and those that do
Death Wyrm’s blessing, the first dragons transformed occur only a handful of times per century. Nevertheless, at
themselves into shadow dragons, and some claim that it least two such ceremonies continue to be celebrated by
was Reaver who whispered the secrets of creating draco- those who venerate Null.
liches to Sammaster. (Other claim it was Kalzareinad, or A ceremony known as the Drawing Down is held at
that Reaver was gifted with the secrets upon Kalzareinad’s most once every lunar month beginning on the night of the
passing.) waning half-moon. Over the next fortnight, dragons of all
Temples of Null are typically dimly illuminated subter- species consign the spirits of the recently deceased to the
ranean cavernous vaults cloaked in endlessly shifting Guardian of the Lost in elaborate ceremonies of corporeal
shadows. Many dragons of all species and alignments internment that culminate with the appearance of the new
travel to such temples shortly before their deaths, and their moon.
shattered skeletons typically engulf any given temple’s Total solar eclipses mark Reaver‘s infrequent holy day,
floor. Interspersed among the piled bones are uncounted known as the Nullification. On such occasions, followers of
coins and gems that once adorned the scales of the departed Reaver rampage throughout the Realms, wreaking destruc-
wyrms. Spirits of the dead wyrms and other spectral tion and leaving naught but death in their wake. It is said

122 • Appendix 1: Dragon Deities

that the follower of Null who inflicts the greatest number Specialty Priests (Annihilists)
of casualties on the mammalian races is transformed into REQUIREMENTS : Age category capable of casting
the Wyrm of Death (an unique undead form similar to that priest spells, Intelligence 12, Wis-
of a dracolich) and reigns as high priest of Null’s faith until dom 11
the next such eclipse. PRIME REQ.: Intelligence, Wisdom
Major Centers of Worship: Two Nullist centers of wor- A LIGNMENT : LN, LE, NE, CE
ship of significance are the Well of Dragons and the Crypt W EAPONS : Any, but normally a dragon’s nat-
of Dragons. ural weaponry
The Well of Dragons is a vast natural cauldron located ARMOR: Any, but normally a dragon’s nat-
due east of the Skull Gorge that is concealed by illusory ter- ural armor
rain except when bathed in moonlight. Countless dragons M AJOR S PHERES : All, astral, combat, divination, ele-
have gone to this ancient temple of Null to die over the cen- mental, law, necromantic, protec-
turies, some choosing to shatter themselves against the tion, summoning, sun
rocks in a fatal dive and others choosing simply to peace- (darkness-creating only), time
fully wait for their imminent denouement. The Dire Dragon, MINOR SPHERES: Charm, creation (reversed only),
an unusually large undead shadow dragon (although not a guardian, healing, numbers,
true dracolich) who lairs in the Well of Dragons, is said by thought, travelers, wards
some to be the current Wyrm of Death and to have been MAGICAL ITEMS: Same as dragons, clerics, and wiz-
transformed into his present undead state by Reaver him- ards
self. Others claim this is simply halfling lies, but whatever R EQ .P ROFS : Reading/writing (Auld Wyrmish),
the truth, the Dire Dragon has amassed an incredible hoard, reading/writing (common)
even for a wyrm of his age and power. The Dire Dragon is BONUS PROFS: Spellcraft, survival (Demiplane of
certainly capable of defending himself thanks to his mighty Shadow)
shadow magic, the numerous magical baubles he has gath-
ered from the corpses of dragons who have perished in the The age category at which a dragon first receives priest
Well, and the secrets and stratagems revealed to him by spells determines when it can become a specialty priest of a
those dragons who prefer to talk away their last few hours. draconic power. This age category is called the first age cat-
The Crypt of Dragons is a vast underground cavern- egory. Subsequent age categories are called second age cat-
tomb within a day’s travel of the town of Hilp in Cormyr. egory, third age category, etc. All granted powers are given
(Although the exact location has been forgotten, the subter- in terms of the required relative age category of the dra-
ranean vault is believed to be located either northwest of conic priest.
the town in the Ring’s Forest or due east of the crossroads Shadow dragons, for example, typically can first cast
community under the rolling hills of the high farm coun- priest spells when they are mature adults. A typical
try.) This shrine was consecrated ages ago to the Guardian shadow dragon would reach the sixth age category upon
of the Lost (and is believed to be the largest remaining attaining great wyrm status. Red dragons, on the other
temple dedicated solely to that nonevil aspect of the god), hand, can typically first cast priest spells when they are of
but it has been centuries since the last dragon was interred venerable status. Thus a typical red dragon could never
therein. Orncibl Rhommd, a weaver of Hilp, and his two reach higher than the third age category, which it could
apprentices stumbled across the ancient temple in the Year achieve upon reaching great wyrm status. Note that in very
of the Worm (1356 DR), and Orncibl later described it as rare cases, some dragons are capable of casting priest spells
containing several mummified dragon corpses carefully earlier than their brethren, and they can thus achieve much
arranged atop piles of gold and gems. Both of Orncibl’s higher levels of proficiency as specialty priests.
apprentices were felled by fields of blue crackling force that • Annihilists must be shadow dragons or dracoliches.
slew them when they approached too closely. Orncibl him- • Annihilists are immune to all death magic spells and
self disappeared shortly after his astounding announce- spell-like effects (such as death spell; finger of death; power
ment, and agents of the Cult of the Dragon have been word, kill; etc.).
actively searching the region for the long-lost Crypt ever • As with all draconic specialty priests, annihilists can
since. cast double the normal number of priest spells granted
Affiliated Orders: None. to a normal dragon of their age and subspecies.
Priestly Vestments: Null’s holy symbol is a black sap- • Annihilists can cast enervation or shadow monsters (as the
phire with a hollow core into which a small white diamond 4th-level wizard spells) once per day at the first age cat-
is magically placed. Such holy symbols are known as egory. At the third age category this rises to twice per
“death rattles” after they sound they make when shaken. day. At the fifth age category this rises to three times
Adventuring Garb: None. per day.
• Annihilists can cast shadow magic or summon shadow (as
the 5th-level wizard spells) once per day at the second
age category. At the fourth age category this rises to
twice per day. At the sixth age category this rises to
three times per day.

Appendix 1: Dragon Deities • 123

• Annihilists can cast death spell or demishadow magic (as If the target of an ecdysis spell makes a saving throw vs.
the 6th-level wizard spells) once per day at the third age spell, then the ecdysis spell ends without effect. If the target
category. At the fifth age category this rises to twice per fails its saving throw vs. spell, its begins to rapidly molt.
day. The molting effect causes the target to shed 10% of its scales
• Annihilists can cast shadow walk (as the 7th-level wizard immediately. By the end of one turn, another 10% of the
spell) or shades (as the 6th-level wizard spell) once per scales are shed, and again after an additional turn passes,
day at the fourth age category. At the sixth age category another 10% of the target’s scales are shed. For every 10%
this rises to twice per day. of the target’s scales that are shed, the target effectively
• Annihilists can cast finger of death (as the 7th-level wiz- receives a -1 penalty to its Armor Class. As a result, after 21
ard spell) or shadow dragon (as the 5th-level draconic rounds, the target suffers a -3 penalty to its Armor Class.
wizard spell) once per day at the fifth age category. Unlike the rapid pace at which molting occurs, new
• Annihilists can cast energy drain (as the 9th-level wizard scales regrow at a rate of only 10% of the surface area per
spell) once per day at the sixth age category. tenday. As a result, it takes a full 30 days before the target
of this spell reverts to its normal Armor Class.
Nullist Spells The degenerative effects of this spell can be halted (but
These spells are all dragon magic priest spells exclusive to not reversed) by means of a dispel magic, remove curse, or
the Nullist dragon clergy and specialty priests. Casting cure disease spell. Only a heal, limited wish, or wish spell can
times and components given are both for dragon spells cast speed recovery from the effects of an ecdysis spell.
the normal dragon way and dragons with priest class lev- Note that scales shed as a result of this spell rapidly
els casting priest spells (in parentheses). decay into dust and are useless as material components for
other spells.
1st Level (When cast as a priest spell rather than a dragon spell,
Eternal Sleep (Pr 1; Necromancy) the material components for this spell are the priest’s holy
Sphere: Necromantic symbol and a reptilian scale of any type.)
Range: Touch
Components: V (V, M) 3rd Level
Duration: Permanent Dire Chant (Pr 3; Conjuration/Summoning)
Casting Time: 1 (1 round) Sphere: Combat, Necromantic
Area of Effect: One dragon corpse Range: 0
Saving Throw: None Components: V(V)
Duration: Special
This spell ensures that a dead dragon’s spirit is allowed Casting Time: Special (Special)
to pass for all eternity to the Outer Planes. Once it is cast on Area of Effect: Dragon fear radius
the corpse of a dragon, that corpse can never be animated Saving Throw: None
or raised, and the dragon itself cannot be contacted by
means of spells such as speak with dead. Eternal sleep has no A dire chant is a draconic variant of the common chant
effect on corpses that have been animated at any time prior and prayer spells. This spell creates a sense of impending
to the casting, nor does it have any effect on dracoliches or doom and an aura of decay and lowers the temperature to
other undead creatures. just above freezing within the area of effect. (If the tempera-
(When cast as a priest spell rather than a dragon spell, ture in the area is already below freezing, this spell has no
the material component for this spell is the priest’s holy effect on the temperature.)
symbol.) Within the area of effect of a dire chant, opponents of the
spellcaster suffer a -2 penalty to morale, attack, and dam-
2nd Level age rolls and most saving throws. Saving throws vs.
Ecdysis (Pr 2; Alteration) dragon fear, cause fear spells, and similar effects suffer a -4
Sphere: Animal, Time penalty.
Range: Touch Normally the duration of a dire chant extends for as long
Components: V (V, S, M) as the spellcaster continues to chant. Note that chanting
Duration: Special precludes additional spellcasting (although not innate or
Casting Time: 1(5) granted powers, but including dragon spellcasting with the
Area of Effect: Touch normal verbal-only compound), bite attacks, or the use of a
Saving Throw: Neg. breath weapon.
In subterranean and enclosed settings, a dire chant need
This insidious spell accelerates the gradual molting that only be uttered for one round. The natural acoustics of the
dragons (like many reptiles) gradually undergo. Ecdysis is enclosed area are magically augmented to echo the initial
only effective against dracohydras, dragons, dragon tur- dire chant for 10 additional rounds after the spellcaster
tles, dragonets, and the various draconic hybrids. It is inef- ceases to chant, regardless of how long the spellcaster
fective against dracoliches and other undead forms of chose to chant before letting the magical echoes continue
those species. the effect.

124 • Appendix 1: Dragon Deities

he Forgotten Realms are home to numerous
practitioners of magic and many variations of List of Spells From
the more common wizard and rogue spellcast-
ing professions, including spellsingers and the School of Incantation
shadow walkers (detailed in Wizards and Rogues Spells in italics are reversible. PFTM=Pages From the Mages;
of the Realms). Numerous specialist wizards of different PHB=Player’s Handbook; ToM=Tome of Magic; CotD=Cult of
schools of magic practice their Art in the Realms, although the Dragon; WSC=Wizard’s Spell Compendium volumes. Note
all are rarer than the mage or bard. This appendix details a that all spells from the Player’s Handbook, Tome of Magic, and
school of magic unique to the Realms whose rare practi- Pages From the Mages and some of the spells in this volume
tioners are near legend in the lore of the Realms: the school are also found in the Wizard’s Spell Compendium volumes.
of incantation.
Spells of the school of incantation affect the casting of copy (Wiz 1; WSC)
magic. (This school subsumes the category/school of Otto’s chime of release (Wiz 1; WSC)
metamagic, briefly discussed in the Tome of Magic). Such shield (Wiz 1; PHB)
spells may enhance or reduce the effectiveness of other forget (Wiz 2; PHB)
spells (as do those of metamagic), disrupt the magic of knock (Wiz 2; PHB)
other spellcasters, banish summoned creatures from other sense shifting (Wiz 2; Metamagic; ToM)
planes, or shield the spellcaster from magical attack. alacrity (Wiz 3; Metamagic; ToM)
Although the school of incantation has a fairly limited augmentation I (Wiz 3; Metamagic; ToM)
spell selection of low-level spells, such spells are very charmthwart (Wiz 3; Metamagic; CotD)
effective when used in battle with other spellcasters. The Drawmij’s marvelous shield (3rd, WSC)
school of incantation magic can be subdivided into four dispel magic (Wiz 3; PHB)
categories of spells, and only the spells copy and the Sim- far reaching I (Wiz 3; Metamagic; ToM)
bul’s synostodweomer fall outside of these classifications. minor malison (Wiz 3; ToM)
These groups are: squaring the circle (Wiz 3; Metamagic; ToM)
Metamagic Spells: This group includes spells that dweomer vortex (Wiz 3; WSC)
enhance or reduce the effectiveness of other spells such as dilution I (Wiz 4; Metamagic; ToM)
alacrity; augmentation I & II; dilation I & II; far reaching I, II, extension I (Wiz 4, Metamagic; PHB)
& III; extension I, II, & III; greater malison; maladweomer; far reaching II (Wiz 4; Metamagic; ToM)
minor malison; Mordenkainen’s celerity; Rary’s mnemonic forcefend (Wiz 4; Metamagic; CotD)
enhancer; Rarys spell enhancer; Rarys superior spell enhancer; greater malison (Wiz 4; ToM)
and squaring the circle. maladweomer (Wiz 3; CotD, below)
Incantatrixes (specialist wizards in the school of incan- minor globe of invulnerability (Wiz 4; PHB)
tation) have developed reversed versions of the augmenta- minor spell turning (Wiz 4; Metamagic; ToM)
tion, dilation, far reaching, and extension spells that can be Mordenkainen’s celerity (Wiz 4; Metamagic; PHB)
used to minimize the effectiveness of an opponent’s magic Rary’s mnemonic enhancer (Wiz 4; Metamagic; PHB)
(a successful saving throw vs. spell negates the spell, and Rary’s spell enhancer (Wiz 4; Metamagic; CotD)
the range is 10 feet per level). spelltouch (Wiz 4; Metamagic; CotD)
Disruptive Spells: This group includes spells that dis- Bigby’s interposing hand (Wiz 5; PHB)
rupt magical wards and a spellcasting opponent’s ability dismissal (Wiz 5; PHB)
to cast spells such as curse of forgetfulness, dispel magic, dis- extension II (Wiz 5; Metamagic; PHB)
pel possession, disruption, draincone, dweomer vortex, feeble- far reaching III (Wiz 5; Metamagic; ToM)
mind, forget, knock, maze, Mordenkainen’s involuntary feeblemind (Wiz 5; PHB)
wizardry, Otto’s chime of release, power word stun, ruby ray of Jonstal’s double wizardry (Wiz 5; Metamagic; WSC)
reversal, steal enchantment, stealspell, and unbinding. lower resistance (Wiz 5; Metamagic; ToM)
Banishment Spells: This group includes spells that magic staff (Wiz 5; Metamagic; ToM)
banish summoned creatures back to their own plane of Mordenkainen’s involuntary wizardry (Wiz 5; WSC)
existence such as banishment, dismissal, and power word ban- pierce magic resistance (Wiz 5; Metamagic; CotD)
ishment. Rary’s mind shield (Wiz 5; WSC)
Shielding Spells: This group includes spells that shield Rary’s superior spell enhancer (Wiz 5; Metamagic; CotD)
an incantatrix from the magic of other spellcasters such as wall of force (Wiz 5; PHB)
Bigby’s interposing hand, Drawmij’s marvelous shield, force- augmentation II (Wiz 6; Metamagic; ToM)
cage, globe of invulnerability, minor globe of invulnerability, contingency (Wiz 6; Metamagic; PHB)
minor spell turning, mystic shield, mystic sphere, prismatic dilution II (Wiz 6; Metamagic; ToM)
sphere, prismatic wall, Rary’s mind shield, shield, spell turning, dispel possession (Wiz 6; CotD, below)
wall of force, and weirdshield. dweomerburst (Wiz 6; Metamagic; CotD)
extension III (Wiz 6; Metamagic; PHB)
globe of invulnerability (Wiz 6; PHB)
Jonstal’s improved double wizardry (Wiz 6; Metamagic; WSC)

Appendix 2: School of Incantation • 125

Mordenkainen’s lucubration (Wiz 6; Metamagic; PHB) Incantatrixes tend to act independently, but because
Rary’s urgent utterance (Wiz 6; Metamagic; CotD) they have similar aims and interests, they sometimes join
banishment (Wiz 7; PHB) together in loose coalitions to combat common foes—
curse of forgetfulness (Wiz 7; WSC) notably those individuals who use magic in a dangerous,
draincone (Wiz 7; WSC) irresponsible manner. An incantatrix seeks to police the
forcecage (Wiz 7; PHB) unrestrained use of magic about her abode, or challenge
intensify summoning (Wiz 7; Metamagic; ToM) (not always openly) such uses that she observes elsewhere,
Mordenkainen’s penultimate cogitation (Wiz 7; Metamagic; much like a druid protecting his or her forest and other
CotD) forests in the region. Incantatrixes seem to particularly dis-
persistence (Wiz 7; Metamagic; CotD) like those who often create gates (or portals) or otherwise
power word, stun (Wiz 7; PHB) compel or allow creatures to enter the Prime Material Plane
ruby ray of reversal (Wiz 7; PFTM) from other planes, and they thus often oppose specialist
semipermanency (Wiz 7; Metamagic; CotD) conjurers and elementalists.
the Simbul’s synostodweomer (Wiz 7; PFTM) Because of the large number of opposition schools
spell turning (Wiz 7; PHB) barred to an incantatrix and the relatively small scope of
steal enchantment (Wiz 7; Metamagic; ToM) the school of incantation, particularly at low levels, low-
stealspell (Wiz 7; CotD, below) level incantatrixes rarely actively adventure, preferring to
weirdshield (Wiz 7; WSC) study, and may thus be more useful as NPCs. Incantatrixes
maze (Wiz 8; PHB) who do adventure typically seek out only specific types of
mystic shield (Wiz 8; WSC) foes against whom their abilities are particularly suited. A
permanency (Wiz 8; Metamagic; PHB) few such spellcasters adventure with powerful groups of
prismatic wall (Wiz 8; PHB) fighters and priests who can shield the incantatrix from
spellcaster (Wiz 8; Metamagic; CotD) physical combat, allowing the incantatrix to employ her
absorption (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) skills against enemy spellcasters and creatures who exist
Algarth’s embattlement (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) simultaneously on more than one plane.
Allisandro’s binding curse (Wiz 9; Metamagic; WSC) Specialist Name: Incantatrix (female), incantatar (male).
chain contingency (Wiz 9; Metamagic; ToM) The more common term incantatrix is used throughout this
combine (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) appendix to refer to both female and male specialists in the
disruption (Wiz 9; WSC) school of incantation. (Almost all known specialists in the
Mordenkainen’s disjunction (Wiz 9; Metamagic; PHB) school of incantation have been female, but this is not a
mystic sphere (Wiz 9; WSC) requirement of the class.) Incantatrixes are occasionally
pierce any shield (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) referred to as metamages, but this term is not strictly cor-
power word, banishment (Wiz 9; WSC) rect.
prismatic sphere (Wiz 9; PHB) Allowed Races: Incantatrixes must be humans or half-
Sammaster’s conjunction (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) elves.
Sathrah’s ingenious recollection (Wiz 9; Metamagic; WSC) Ability Requirements: A minimum Intelligence of 13
spellstrike (Wiz 9; Metamagic; PFTM) and Wisdom of 12 are required to become an incantatrix be-
triad gem (Wiz 9; Metamagic; CotD) cause this school of magic demands strong intuition and
unbinding (Wiz 9; CotD, below) exceptional willpower to police the unrestrained use of
magic by other wizards and to confront creatures from
other planes. If the subabilities from the PLAYER’S OPTION:
The Incantatrix Skills & Powers hardcover book are being used, a minimum
Incantatrixes (or incantatars, the infrequently encountered Reason of 13, Intuition of 12, and Willpower of 12 are
male form) are specialist wizards in the school of incanta- required.
tion. Incantatrixes have been discovered only in western Saving Throw Modifiers: The saving throws of all
Faerûn, and rarely more than a handful are well-known in opponents are penalized by -1 when saving against an
any generation. Currently there are only seven widely incantation spell cast by an incantatrix. An incantatrix
known living incantatrixes and two suspected incantatars receives a +1 bonus to her saving throws against incanta-
(male incantatrixes) in the Realms, but probably a few hun- tion magic or magical devices duplicating these effects.
dred total labor in relative anonymity. Oppositional Schools: An incantatrix cannot learn
An incantatrix is a mysterious type of wizard who is spells from the schools of conjuration/summoning, invoca-
weaker in many ways than some mages but is adept at tion/evocation, illusion/phantasm, or necromancy that are
countering and negating the magics of other spellcasting not cross-listed in either the school of incantation, alter-
creatures and individuals and at dealing with creatures ation, and/or abjuration. They cannot cast any wild magic
who exist simultaneously on more than one plane (such as spells.
certain undead beings). At the same time, incantatrixes are Bonus Spells, Acquired Powers, and Special Hin-
severely limited in their choice of offensive magics and are drances: An incantatrix can memorize one extra spell at
woefully weak in physical combat of any sort. each spell level available providing that at least one of the
memorized spells is from the school of incantation; thus a

126 • Appendix 2: School of Incantation

1st-level incantatrix can memorize two 1st-level spells, as suffered by the incantatrix during that turn diminishes and
long as at least one is in the school of incantation. exhausts the phantom hit points before the incantatrix suf-
An incantatrix receives a bonus of +15% when learning fers any real hit point damage.
spells from the school of incantation and a penalty of -15% If the optional rules for training giving in the D UNGEON
when learning spells from all other schools (except the MASTER Guide are used, the incantatrix may find it extreme-
schools of abjuration and lesser divination, for which there ly difficult to find an appropriate tutor. Although a senior
is no bonus or penalty). incantatrix of at least one level higher than the new level is
An incantatrix automatically gains one new spell from preferred, an incantatrix may be trained by a mage or
the school of incantation to add to her spellbooks each time abjurer of at least three levels higher than the new level to
she gains a new spell level. No roll for learning the spell be obtained by the incantatrix.
need be made. When researching new spells from the school
of incantation, an incantatrix has an easier time of it (as per Spells
the rules in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide and the Complete 3rd Level
Wizard’s Handbook), similar to other specialist wizards. Maladweomer (Wiz 3; Alteration) Reversible
An incantatrix gains the spellcraft proficiency as a Range: 10 yards
bonus nonweapon proficiency. An incantatrix is not Components: V, S, M
allowed to take any weapon style specialization proficien- Duration: 1 round /level
cies or weapon group proficiencies (as detailed in the Com- Casting Time: 3
plete Fighter’s Handbook and P LAYER’S O PTION : Skills & Area of Effect: One creature
Powers hardcover books. An incantatrix never receives Saving Throw: Neg.
more than two weapon proficiencies total. An incantatrix is
forbidden from taking “combat” nonweapon proficiencies By means of this spell, a wizard causes any and all spells
such as blindfighting and tumbling. and spell-like powers cast or wielded by a target creature,
At 3rd level, an incantatrix gains the ability to see ethereal including items used, to be at the nadir of their effective-
creatures, including out-of-phase creatures and those ness; that is, any damage caused by offensive magics is the
employing temporary magics such as spells or magical minimum possible, saving throws against such magics are
items. This ability works so long as the incantatrix is on any enhanced by a +4 bonus, and spells that are extant (such as
plane that the Ethereal Plane permeates (such as the Prime magical charms) and ongoing at the time the maladweomer
Material), and the ethereal creature occupies an equivalent takes effect are altered in efficacy. (For instance, a charmed
Ethereal Plane position within 30 feet of the incantatrix’s individual who had previously failed to save against the
location. spell would immediately be allowed another saving throw
At 4th level, an incantatrix gains the ability to physically with the +4 bonus.)
or magically attack creatures who are out of phase, ethe- The material component for this spell is a small clear
real, blinking rapidly about (as in the wizard spell blink and glass or crystal prism that is smashed (with a weapon blow,
similar effects), and so on. For magical attacks of this sort, and/or against a wall, rock, or floor) in the spellcasting.
the incantatrix may use any spell except stealspell, ruby ray The reverse, dweomerboost (or empradweomer), permits all
of reversal, or unbinding. magic to be cast or wielded by the recipient creature during
At 6th level, an incantatrix gains immunity to the level- one round to be of maximum efficiency (maximum damage
draining powers of creatures employing energies from the and effects) for that time. If the caster succeeds at a saving
Negative Material Plane, such as xeg-yi and many undead. throw vs. spell at the end of the first round, the dweomer-
At 8th level, an incantatrix gains a +6 bonus to her spell- boost lasts a second round.
craft nonweapon proficiency checks. While the material component is the same as for malad-
At 20th level an incantatrix gains a still-mysterious abil- weomer, the crystal need not be smashed; rather, it vanishes
ity to drain magic from an item or device that has charges when spellcasting is complete.
and use the magical force to restore her own vitality. To use Both forms of the spell can be cast upon the wizard, so
this power, the incantatrix must remain still and hold the maladweomer would enable a wizard to lessen his or her
item to be drained with her bare hand or hands for one powers when compelled to work magic against his or her
round per charge drained. The power does not work on wishes.
permanent items that have no charges, artifacts, or relics. It
cannot be used to augment or restore spells or magical 6th Level
items possessed by the incantatrix, but only as a modified Dispel Possession
form of cure light wounds magic: One drained charge gains (Wiz 6; Abjuration, Necromancy)
1d8 hit points for the incantatrix. Range:
An incantatrix can use this ability before combat to tem- Components: V, S, M
porarily augment her hit points above her normal maxi- Duration: 2 rounds/level
mum, but this does not raise her level or Hit Dice for Casting Time: 1 round
purposes of spellcasting, saving throws, and the like. These Area of Effect: One creature
extra “phantom” hit points last for only 1 turn before their Saving Throw: None
energy is forever lost, but any magical or physical damage

Appendix 2: School of Incantation • 127

By means of this spell, a spellcaster can temporarily free When an unbinding spell is cast, a sphere of magical
a recipient creature from the effects of any charm- type spell force comes into being about the caster and is mobile with
(or other magic-based mental dominations and controls), the caster. The magical effect of this sphere destroys any
psionic attack or domination, or ESP or similar eavesdrop- spell that contains or constrains with the exceptions noted
ping magics. If dispel possession is cast upon the body of the below. All spells that seal are immediately ended.
victim of a prior magic jar spell, the life force controlling the The unbinding negates charm and hold spells of all types,
victim’s body is driven out of the stolen body back into its wizard locks and similar closures, spells that create physical
jar. If the jar is not within range of the body (see the magic jar or magical barriers, guards and wards, temporal stasis, slow,
description in the Player’s Handbook) when the dispel posses- and time stop spells, among others. The effects of a statue
sion is cast, the life force is merely quelled for the duration spell are ended, and a magic jar is shattered—forever
of the spell, allowing the mind of the true owner of the body destroyed, and the life force within snuffed out. Even an
to reassert itself and temporarily regain control of its body. imprisoned creature beneath the caster’s feet emerges as
By application of this spell, a charm is forever broken, though a freedom spell had been cast forth. In addition, all
but other mental attacks and controls resume at the spell spells that hold magical effects, including other spells,
expiration. immediately release their effect at a range of 0 (magic
The material component of this spell is a teardrop from mouth, Rary’s mnemonic enhancer, imbue undead with spell
the eye of a human, elf, or half-elf. ability, contingency, and so on).
Protective spells such as protection from evil, shield, minor
7th Level globe of invulnerability, globe of invulnerability, and similar
Stealspell (Wiz 7; Enchantment/Charm) spells are not affected by an unbinding. Petrified creatures
Range: 10 yards/level are neither revealed nor restored. Individuals bound to ser-
Components: V, S vice are not freed (including creatures such as familiars,
Duration: Special invisible stalkers, genies, and elementals). An antimagic
Casting Time: 7 shell is not affected, nor will the effects of unbinding pene-
Area of Effect: One spellcaster trate one. Protective circles and similar confining runic con-
Saving Throw: Neg. structions are not affected unless they currently hold a
creature imprisoned, in which case they are erased, or if
By means of this incantation, any single spellcaster cho- that is physically impossible, become ineffective as other
sen by the caster must save vs. spell at -1 or suffer the theft than decorations.
of any one memorized spell from his or her mind. The Curses, quest, and geas spells are negated only if the wiz-
stolen spell is determined randomly; the identity of the ard casting the unbinding spell is of a level equal to or
stolen spell is not revealed by its theft. If no spells are avail- greater than that of the original caster. The interaction of
able, the stealspell is wasted. Magical devices and spell-like this spell with artifacts and relics is adjudicated by the DM.
abilities are unaffected. These effects occur regardless of the caster’s wishes.
The stolen spell is transferred at the end of the round in Spell effects on the person of the caster, or being carried or
which the stealspell is cast. A spell in the process of being worn by him or her, remain undisturbed, but any others are
cast cannot be stolen. The magic of the stealspell works in affected, even those of allies. Note that the opening of mag-
spite of all known shielding spells save antimagic shell. ical seals and closures triggers any alarms or traps attached
A stolen spell can be cast immediately by the user of this to them and that any released creature may or may not be
spell or held in mind up to 24 hours. The casting can be friendly to the caster. The caster cannot shorten this spell,
made without understanding or sufficient level to cast the save by dispelling it.
stolen spell (or even the correct class to normally do so). The material components of this spell are a lodestone
Any spell cast in this fashion is cast as if by the being from and a pinch of saltpeter.
whom the spell was stolen.
While the spell itself has no material components, any
material components required by the stolen spell and car-
ried by the original owner are expended at the time the
spell is stolen.
This powerful magical spell is rarely known beyond the
circles of the Witches of Rashemen and incantatrixes.

9th Level
Unbinding (Wiz 9; Abjuration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 20-foot-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None

128 • Appendix 2: School of Incantation

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