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Chapter 1: Introduction to OSH 1984: Tripartite consultation was held to amend OSHS Rule 1410 (Construction Safety).

1988: OSHC was created pursuant to EO 307. First in Southeast Asia

1903: development of OSH in the Philippines 1996: Tripartite consultation workshop held to discuss the amendments of Rule 1030
1908: Employer’s Liability Act was instituted requiring employers to compensate workers who 1998: DO 13 was issued. Tripartite Council on OSH in Construction Industry was created.
were injured while performing their job 1998: Passed MC No. 02 series of 1998 -Guidelines for Classifying Hazardous and Non-
1908: Bureau of Labor was created. Hazardous Workplaces
1927: Workmen’s Compensation Act No. 3428 was passed providing payment of damages by 1999: ASPPI was organized.1st Gen. Assembly & Convention of DOLE Accredited Safety
the employer for illnesses, in addition to injury or death due to employment Professionals was held.
1933: Bureau of Labor was named Department of Labor on Dec. 8, 1933. 2000: MC No. 01 s2000- Guidelines for the Conduct of WEA
1936: Commonwealth Act No. 104 was passed. First legislation directly enjoining management : MC No. 02 s2000-Guidelines in the Application of Workplace Component of RA 8504
to ensure the promotion of OSH in the workplace. Known as the First Industrial Safety known as “Phil. AIDS Prevention & Control Act of 1998”
Law. 2001: Approved Amendments to Rules 1030, 1160, 1170, 1180 of the OSHS
1945: Commonwealth Act No. 696 was approved to include safety in the installation and 2002: 1st meeting/gathering of DOLE-BWC Accredited Safety Training & Testing Organizations
operation of boilers and pressure vessels. : Department Order (DO) 53-03, s 2003 Implementation of a Drug-Free Workplace
1948: Philippines became a member of ILO Policies and Procedures for the Private Sector.
1954: Enactment of RA No. 1054 (Free Emergency Medical & Dental Treatment Act) 2003: Organization of ATOP Inc. for OSH. Renamed as ASHTOP Inc. in 2004.
1957: Bureau of Labor Standards was created. 2004: Department Order (DO) 57-04, s 2004 (New Labor Standards Enforcement Framework)
1959: SOPI was organized was issued.
1967: Proclamation No. 115-A was issued declaring the year & every year thereafter as
January General Orientation  Philippine Constitution
February Air Transportation Article XIII Section 3 of Phil. Constitution
Marc Fire Prevention The state shall afford full protection to labor, ...they shall be entitled to security of
April Vacation Hazards tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage.
May Land Transportation  Labor Code
June Sea Transportation - Law: P.D. 442, Book IV, Titles I and II
July Schools - Title: Labor Code of the Phils.
August Farms - Year Passed: 1974
- Implementing Agency: DOLE
September Health and Sanitation
- Content: Revised and consolidated labor and social laws to afford full protection
October Industry & Commerce
to labor, promote employment and human resources development and ensure
November Mines
industrial peace based on social justice.
December Holiday Hazards & Homes
- Article 162: The Secretary of labor shall by appropriate order set and enforce
mandatory OSH Standards to eliminate or reduce OSH hazards in all workplaces
1974: PD 442 (LCP) was passed
and institute new and update existing programs to ensure safe and healthful
1975: BLS started the program on accreditation of STOs to conduct OSH training.
working conditions in all place of employment
1977: Tripartite body was created to study the proposed OSHS
- Article 165: DOLE shall be solely responsible for the administration, enforcement
1978: OSHS was approved. National Tripartite Committee was created to continue study the
of laws, policies and programs on OSH.
improvement of the OSHS
- Chartered cities may be allowed to conduct industrial safety inspection of
1982: BLS renamed as BWC
establishments within their respective jurisdictions.
- 1210 Electrical Safety
 OSHS - 1220 Elevators & Related Equipment
- Law: Rules and Regulations Implementing Art. 162, Book IV, Title I, P.D. 442 - 1230 Identification of Piping System
- Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) - 1240 Power Piping Lines
- Year Passed : 1978 - 1410 Construction Safety
- Relevant Provision/s : Rule 1000 to Rule 1980 - 1420 Logging
- Implementing Agency: DOLE - 1940 Fire Protection & Control
- - 1950 Pesticides & Fertilizers
• Book IV, Title I Chapter I: Medical and Dental Services - 1980 Authority of LG
• Chapter II: Occupational Safety - 1990 Final Provisions
- 1960 OH Services
• A set of mandatory OSH standards which codifies all safety orders being enforced ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION FOR OSH
prior to its promulgation.  Employees Compensation Commission
• It contains administrative requirements, general safety and health rules, technical • The ECC is responsible for initiating, rationalizing and coordinating the policies
safety regulations, and other measures to eliminate or reduce OSH hazards in the on employees compensation programs as well as deciding appealed cases
workplace. from the GSIS and SSS, the agencies which initially administer the employee’s
• Purpose: to protect every working man against the dangers of injury, sickness or compensation program in the public and private sector.
death through safe and healthful working conditions  Bureau of Working Conditions
• Scope: shall apply to all places of employment except land, sea and air transportation • The BWC performs primarily policy and program development and advisory
and safety in Mines. functions in the administration and enforcement of laws relating to working
• Rules: conditions.
- 1000 General Provisions • It oversee the implementation of standards through technical supervision of
- 1010 Other Safety Rules enforcement by the DOLE’s 15 Regional Offices all over the country.
- 1020 Registration
- 1040 Health & Safety Committee  How DOLE enforce OSH Laws? The OSH laws are enforced and monitored by the ROs
- 1050 Notification & Keeping of Occupational Illnesses & Injuries through its LSED manned by labor inspectors vested with visitorial and enforcement
- 1060 Premises of Establishments power under Article 128. Labor inspectors also disseminate information, advocate and
- 1070 Environmental Control give technical assistance on OSH
- 1080 Personal Protective Equipment  2 TYPES OF OSH INSPECTION
- 1090 Hazardous Materials 1) Technical Safety Inspection – inspection for the purpose of safety
- 1100 Gas & Electric Welding & Cutting Operations determination of boilers, pressure vessels, internal combustion engines,
- 1120 Hazardous Work Processes electrical installations, elevators, hoisting equipment and other mechanical
- 1140 Explosives equipment
- 1150 Materials Handling & Storage 2) General Safety and Health Inspection – refers to inspection of work
- 1160 Boiler environment, adequacy of work space, ventilation, lighting, handling, storage
- 1170 Unfired Pressure Vessels or work procedures, protection facilities, location and operation of machinery
- 1180 Internal Combustion Engine* other than those covered by technical safety inspection and other safety and
- 1200 Machine Guarding health hazards in the workplace.
 SAFETY AND HEALTH IN CONSTRUCTION  Completion of the Bureau Prescribed Training Course On OSH conducted by DOLE
o Rule 1410 of the OSHS and DO 13, series 1998 provide requirements for Accredited Safety Training Organization
- BWC Accreditation as OSH practitioner/consultant
No. of workers Non-hazardous workplace *  Every employer shall take steps to train a sufficient number of supervisors or
1 - 250 One(1) part-time safety officer technical personnel in occupational safety and health

251 - 500 Two(2) part-time safety officers

501 - 750 One(1) full-time safety officer LABOR No. of workers Hazardous * Highly hazardous *
751 - 1000 One(2) full-time safety officers 1 - 50 1 part-time safety 1 full-time safety officer
Every add’l. 500 or fraction thereof One(1) add’l. full-time safety officer
51 - 200 1 full-time safety 1 FT & 1 PT safety officer
keeping and maintaining a safe worksite officer
201 - 250 1 FT & 1 PT safety 2 full-time safety officer
1) Health and Safety Committee to plan, develop, implement worksite
programs on OSH approved by DOLE-BWC
2) Approved Personal Protective Equipment 251 - 500 2 full-time safety 2 FT & 1 PT safety officer
3) Trained or accredited OSH personnel officer
4) Other administrative and technical safety and health requirements
o DOLE Advocacy and linkages with stakeholders Every add’l. 1 add’l. FT safety
500 or fraction officer
1) MOA between DOLE and DPWH to harmonize and complement the
National Building Code and the Labor Code of the Philippines
2) NBC to include safety and health Every add’l. 1 add’l. FT safety officer
3) DOLE Proposal - to add new Rule on Occupational Safety and Health in the 250 or fraction
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations pursuant to PD 1096 thereof
otherwise known as the National Building Code
 Complementary Approaches to Inspection
1) Self-audit
 Rule 1030 - Training and Accreditation of Personnel in OSH
2) Joint Regulation
- Mandates the BWC to conduct training program on OSH directly or through
3) Assistance Program for Development
accredited Safety Training Organization.
4) Industry/Social Accord
- Require the employer to appoint a safety officer. The training course prescribed
5) Delegation of Authority
by the BWC shall be requisite for the appointment of the safety officer in the
 Emerging Trends on the Role and Functions of OSH Practitioner/Consultant
place of employment
- Personal safety, health, environmental safety, equipment safety, process
- All full-time safety officers must meet the requirement of duly-accredited Safety
safety, product safety, security of people and property are becoming more
Practitioner or Safety Consultants by the Bureau
interrelated and create an expanded role for OSH professionals
- OSH professionals missions and objectives are also geared towards providing
security and protection to life and property.
- Safety, health and security programs and activities complement each other.
- State clearly a worksite safety and health policy
Chapter 2: Elements of an Effective Safety and Health Program - Establish and communicate a clear goal and objective for the safety and
 It has been found that effective management of worker safety and health programs - Provide visible top management involvement in implementing the program
1) Reduces the extent and severity of work related injuries and illnesses - Encourage employee involvement in the program and in decisions that affect
2) Improves employee morale and productivity their safety and health (e.g., inspection or hazard analysis teams; developing
3) Reduces workers’ compensation costs or revising safe work rules; training new hires or co-workers; assisting in
accident investigations)
COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF EXEMPLARY WORKPLACES - Assign and communicate responsibility for all aspects of the program
 Use of organized and systematic methods to - Provide adequate authority and resources to responsible parties
1) Assign responsibility to managers, supervisors, and employees - Hold managers, supervisors, and employees accountable for meeting their
2) Inspect regularly for and control hazards responsibilities
3) Orient and train all employees to eliminate or avoid hazards - Review program operations at least annually, to evaluate, identify
deficiencies, and revise, as needed
 An effective program Worksite Analysis
- Includes provisions for systematic identification, evaluation and prevention or  Worksite analysis involves a variety of worksite examinations, to identify not only
control of hazards. existing hazards, but also conditions and operations where changes might occur to
- Goes beyond specific requirements of the law to address all hazards create hazards
 Written program  Effective management actively analyzes the work and the worksite to anticipate and
- “In writing” less important than its effectiveness prevent harmful occurrences
- As size and complexity of worksite or process increases, so does need for  Recommended Actions:
written guidance - So that all hazards are identified
1. Conduct comprehensive baseline and periodic surveys for safety and
 An effective occupational safety and health program will include the following four 2. Analyze planned and new facilities, processes, materials, and
elements equipment
- Management commitment and employee involvement 3. Perform routine job hazard analyses
- Worksite analysis - Provide for regular site safety and health inspections
- Hazard prevention and control - Provide a reliable system for employees, without fear of reprisal, to notify
- Safety and health training management about apparent hazardous conditions and to receive timely and
appropriate responses
MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT AND EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT - Provide for investigation of accidents and “near miss” incidents, so that their
 Management commitment and employee involvement are complementary causes and means for prevention are identified
 Management commitment provides the motivating force and resources for organizing - Analyze injury and illness trends over time, so that patterns with common causes
and controlling activities within an organization can be identified and prevented
 Employee involvement provides the means through which workers develop and
express their own commitment to safety and health protection HAZARD PREVENTION AND CONTROL
 Recommended Actions:  Triggered by a determination that a hazard or potential hazard exists
 Where feasible, prevent hazards by effective design of job or job site
 Where elimination is not feasible, control hazards to prevent unsafe and unhealthful  To develop, implement and monitor Board Occupational Health and Safety Policy,
exposure Programs, and Procedures
 Elimination or control must be accomplished in a timely manner  To assist the Board in complying with current health and safety legislation and/or
 Recommended Actions: regulations with the objective of ensuring that all reasonable and proper measures
- Establish procedures for timely correction or control of hazards, including are taken to protect the safety and health of learners, staff and visitors;
1) Engineering techniques, where feasible and appropriate  To establish budget proposals for the operation of the Occupational Health and Safety
2) Procedures for safe work which are understood and followed as a result office and specific training programs
of training, positive reinforcement, correction of unsafe performance, and
3) Provision of personal protective equipment  All formal OHS programs must have seven elements:
4) Administrative controls - An OHS policy statement of the aims of the program and the responsibilities for
- Provide for facility and equipment maintenance health and safety
- Plan and prepare for emergencies - Regular inspection of premises, machinery, tools, equipment, and work practices
1) Training and drills, as needed - Appropriate written instructions for workers
- Periodic management meetings to discuss health and safety
- Investigation of accidents and other incidents in order to take action to prevent
- Establish a medical program similar incidents
1) First aid on site - Records and statistics
2) Physician and emergency care nearby - Instruction and supervision of workers

SAFETY and Health Training OSH POLICY

 Addresses the safety and health responsibilities of all personnel, whether salaried or  An OHS program requires a statement of the employer’s aims and the responsibilities
hourly of the employer, supervisors, and workers. This statement—called a policy—typically
 Most effective when incorporated into other training about performance states:
requirements and job practices - The employer’s commitment to the OHS program
 Complexity depends on size and complexity of worksite and nature of hazards - The employer’s commitment to protect the health and safety of workers
 Recommended Actions: - The aims and priorities of the OHS program
- Ensure that all employees understand the hazards to which they may be exposed - The responsibilities of the employer, supervisors, and workers
and how to prevent harm to themselves and others from exposure to these
- Ensure that supervisors carry out their safety and health responsibilities, including  for the operation of the Occupational Health and Safety office and;
1) Analyzing the work under their supervision to identify unrecognized  specific training programs
potential hazards  To increase health and safety awareness at all levels within the organization;
2) Maintaining physical protections in work areas - HOW?
3) Reinforcing employee training through continual performance feedback 1) employee orientation and training
and, if needed, enforcement of safe work practices 2) correct utilization of work items
- Ensure that managers understand their safety and health responsibilities, as 3) hold regular drills
described under the Management Commitment and Employee Involvement  To investigate and report on all serious/critical personal injury accidents occurring to
element of the guidelines students, staff and/or visitors to the appropriate senior official, and to assist in the
investigation of all accidents/incidents that result in substantial damage to Board
 To investigate and report on complaints of hazardous working conditions to the example, where required, workers must use protective equipment. For OSHA
Associate Director and/or other appropriate senior staff; rules applicable to your job, see the OSHA poster at your job site.
 To assist the Board’s Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is another government agency
 To respond to fires and other emergencies on or about the Board property. that makes our country safer for everyone. The EPA tries to protect the
 To coordinate registration and removal of hazardous waste environment. By doing this, it protects our health. Reducing air and water
 To receive report from and respond to orders issued by local legislation pollution is one of the main goals of the EPA. Many scientific groups wrote
 To arrange for Occupational Health and Safety testing and/or evaluations of the reports that showed the need to protect the environment. These scientists
workplace by studied air pollution in large cities.
external agencies/consultants as may be necessary: - They analyzed water pollution in rivers and lakes and found that pollution,
- The role of an occupational health and safety auditor or consultant can which can cause serious diseases, had reached dangerous levels in some
provide specific advice on the health and safety of employees with disability. areas.
An occupational health and safety auditor or consultant typically works with - As a result of these studies, the EPA was given certain powers. Among them
employers, safety representatives, union representatives and employees. was the power to limit the amount of smoke and fumes released into the
- An occupational health and safety consultant has an in depth knowledge of environment by automobiles and factories.
the legislation associated with health and safety, which includes state  To coordinate the training of personnel in areas of safety
based occupational health and safety acts and regulations - First aid: It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick
 Services provided or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed
- An occupational health and safety auditor or consultant can assist in the - CPR: The objective is to delay tissue death.
workplace by advising about: - Accident prevention and investigation
- auditing of occupational health and safety management systems - Work place inspections
- clarification of occupational health and safety legislation, including any recent - Other matters related to safety procedures
amendments and how these affect employees
- development of occupational health and safety policies and procedures
- accessibility advice and solutions  To coordinate the Board’s emergency procedures
- ergonomic and workstation setup advice - act as the Board’s emergency on-site coordinator
- responsibilities of employers in ensuring safe working environments  To assist executive staff, senior administrators, principals and supervisors in
- risk assessments for hazardous products or situations with which the worker may emergency preparedness
be exposed to.  To develop, review, and update appropriate sections of the Board’s Emergency
 to act as liaison with all related government bodies and regulation agency Procedures Manual
- Government's role - EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MANUAL: This manual sets out plans and
1) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created emergency procedures to be followed in the event of fire, bomb threat or
by Congress in 1970 to determine safety and health standards for the other disasters, including the procedures to be followed should evacuation be
world of work. OSHA decides what the lowest acceptable levels of safety necessary.
will be.  To liaise with municipal and State Emergency planners, update plans, organize
2) The agency's inspectors can force company officials to appear in court exercises and evaluate procedures
when they find workplaces that do not meet the minimum standards.  To liaise with the fire department regarding emergency procedures, communications
- The legislation that created OSHA states that both employers and employees and fire safety education programs
have responsibilities as well as rights. It says that each employer must provide  To coordinate the selection and distribution of emergency communications
a job site free from safety and health hazards. It also says that employees equipment to schools and administrative/ support departments
must obey the rules listed in the Occupational Safety and Health Act. For  To coordinate the selection and distribution of emergency communications
equipment to schools and administrative/ support departments
 Develop a policy for accident investigation
Chapter 4: Accident Investigation  Routinely audit your policy to:
- ensure personnel understand their role
OBJECTIVES: - system is driving corrective actions
 Explain the meaning and impact of accidents - Assign responsibilities to personnel:
 Identify different types of accident causes - employee must be trained to investigate
 Know the purpose of accident investigation - investigator should know process
 Explain how to conduct an accident investigation
 Know how to document accident investigations. CONDUCTING THE INVESTIGATION
 Interview witnesses
WHAT IS AN ACCIDENT?  Document the accident scene before any changes are made.
 Unplanned event results in mishap (personal injury or property damage).  Review all information (procedures, equipment manuals).
 Accidents are the result of the failure of people, equipment, materials, or  Make documented observations on:
environment to react as expected. - Pre-accident conditions
 All accidents have consequences or outcomes. - Accident sequence
- Post-accident conditions
PURPOSE OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION  Document the facts (i.e.: location, witness remarks, and contributing factors).
 Determine the sequences of events leading to failure.  Determine sequence of events leading to accident
 Identify the cause of the accident.
 Find methods to prevent accident from recurring. COMMON PROBLEM SOLVING METHODS
 Job Hazard analysis
 Sequence diagrams
 Change analysis
 Direct Consequences  A change analysis consists of:
- Personal injury - Defining the problem
- Property loss - Establishing the norm
 Indirect Consequences - Identifying, locating, and describing the change
- Lost income - Identify what was affected and not affected
- Medical expenses - List features of change
- Time to retrain another person - Pick likely causes
- Decreased employee moral
TYPES OF CAUSES  Interview promptly.
 Basic Causes: Poor Management Safety Policy & Decisions Personal  Establish rapport with witness (treat as equal).
Factors/Environmental Factors  Get the facts.
 Indirect Causes: Unsafe Act Performance, Conditions  Write down the witness’s statement
 Direct Cause: Unplanned release of energy
BE PREPARED  Complete an accident investigation form to collect:
- Personnel information
- Accident information (location, events leading to accident, machines involved)
- Causes of the accident
- Recommendation to prevent accident
- Follow up information
 From the accident investigation form and witness statements write an accident
investigation report. The report should include:
- Background information (where, who)
- Summary (sequence, extent, type, source)
- Analysis (causes)
- Recommendations


 Survey the scene
 Secure the scene (initiate interim controls)
 Get help for the injured
 Collect evidence
 Analyze data
 Determine causes (scientific methods)
 Follow up (eliminate hazards)

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