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Solid Waste Management Awareness, Attitude, and Practices in a Philippine

Catholic Higher Education Institution

Article · August 2018

DOI: 10.32871/rmrj1705.02.04


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1 author:

D.V. Madrigal
University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos


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Solid Waste Management Awareness, Attitude, and
Practices in a Philippine Catholic Higher Education
Dennis V. Madrigal and Enrique G. Oracion
University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos and Silliman University
[email protected]


The paper assesses the solid waste management awareness, attitude, and
practices of the employees and students of a Catholic higher education institution
in the Philippines. Using a descriptive research design, the data were collected
using a self-administered survey questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive
and inferential statistics. The major findings of the study show that the
respondents demonstrated a very high level of awareness and attitude and high
extent of practice of solid waste management. A significant difference was found
in the awareness, attitude, and practices of respondents when they were
grouped according to status and religion. Also, the findings established the
relationship between awareness and attitude on one hand and the extent of
practice of solid waste management. Awareness, attitudes, and practices were
significantly related to age and educational level, except for sex which showed no
correlation with attitude and practices. Generally, this paper validates how
knowledge influences attitude that subsequently determines behavior
particularly in solid waste management as intervened by appropriate
environmental education.

Keywords: Attitude, Awareness, Practices, Solid Waste Management

1.0 Introduction Cruz, 2016). Solid wastes are any rubbish or

refuse generated from undesirable or
The indiscriminate disposal of solid useless materials or substances (Desa,
wastes is one major threat to Kadir, & Yusooff, 2011). As inevitable by-
environmental and human well-being (Ejaz, product of human activities (Sinha et al.,
Akhtar, Hashmi & Naeem, 2010; Neller & 2008), solid wastes can be classified as
Neller, 2015; Domato, 2002). Experts biodegradable, recyclable, residual, and
attribute the worsening problem on solid special according to the composition. They
wastes dumping to the increasing human are produced from various sources such as
population and rapid industrialization households, commercial establishments,
(Atienza, 2008 cited in Barloa, Lapie, & de la industries, and institutions. There is an
44 Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal December

estimate of 1.3 billion tons of waste that Critical to a successful solid waste
countries produced every year. With this management program is education.
trend, the world is expected to generate 4 Educating people and inviting them to
billion tons of waste by 2100 (Simmons, participate in waste management program
2016). The Philippines ranked highest in the and initiatives can help them understand
Southeast Asia regarding trash collection the waste issue and its consequences on
rate (Ranada, 2015) and the world's third- human and environmental health, and the
biggest dumper of plastic in the ocean ways they can to mitigate it (Chakraborti,
(Suarez, 2015). Also, the National Solid Hussam & Alauddin, 2003). Relevant to this
Waste Management Commission (2013) idea, R.A. 9003 mandates the stronger
reported that the Philippines generates integration in the academic curricula of
waste every year on an average of 0.40 kg formal and non-formal education of
per capita. With this generation rate, the ecological solid waste management and
amount of waste is expected to increase to resource conservation and recovery topics
16.63 million tons in 2020 from 14.66 to promote environmental awareness and
million tons in 2014 with Metro Manila as action among the citizenry (Section 2).
the highest waste contributor (DENR, 2015). Given this context, educational institutions
One strategic approach to address play a vital role in this environmental
this environmental problem is through solid education. Their educational programs and
waste management. Waste management is activities are potent means to raise
needed to reduce or mitigate the mounting awareness among the members of the
global crisis on waste which endangers academic community about this pressing
humanity, pollutes the environment, and environmental issue and to take active roles
damages communities. In particular, solid in the protection and care of the
waste management is "a form of waste environment, our common home.
control, often associated with storage, Guided by its vision, mission, goals,
collection, transport, process, and disposal and objectives as a Catholic University, the
of solid waste following quality standard of University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos
conservation, public health, engineering, (UNO-R) advocates ecological education
economics, and other environmental and spirituality among the members of the
concerns" (Rahmaddin et al., 2015). In line academic community which will hopefully
with this principle, the Philippine change, inculcate, and develop in them
government signed into law the Republic convictions, attitude, and practices
Act (R.A.) 9003 which is also known as respectful to the environment. In fact, the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of religious education, campus ministry, and
2000. The law provides the legal basis for a community extension programs consider
"systematic, comprehensive and ecological concern for the environment and people, as
solid waste management program which well as responsible stewardship of God’s
shall ensure the protection of public health creation, as integral to the university’s
and environment." It mandates the creation evangelizing mission. For instance, religion
of institutional mechanism and strategies subjects integrate discussion on the
for an effective implementation of the solid integrity of God's creation and man's
waste management program in the country. fundamental duty to protect and develop it.
Other subjects like science and
2017 Madrigal and Oracion 45

environmental courses include topics on understanding, forming ethical attitudes,

the environment and solid waste and promoting environment-friendly
management to help students understand practices towards a safer, healthier, and
the hazards of wastes to the environment more sustainable university campus.
and human health and train them on
practical ways to reduce and manage their Framework of the Study
wastes at home and in the community. The study is anchored on the
Likewise, the University has implemented Reasoned Action Theory (Fishbein and
the “Clean as You Go” (CLAYGO) policy to Ajzen, 1975) which stressed the relationship
reinforce the curricular aspect and further between behavioral intention and behavior.
intensify environmental consciousness and It argues that behavioral intention precedes
response of employees and students to action. The behavioral intention is
waste problem in the campus. The influenced by one's attitude towards the
aforecited institutional initiatives aimed at action and subjective norms. The more
forming all members of the academic fervent is the intention, the more likely the
community "advocates of a sustainable behavior will be performed. Reinforcing the
environment" (Ahmad et al., 2015). theoretical statement above, the theory of
Though much had been done by the Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) explains
University to sensitize, educate, and engage that human actions are determined by
employees and students in issues, concerns, person's intention which is influenced by his
and initiatives relative to solid waste attitude in combination with the subjective
management, the garbage production and norm and perceived behavioral control.
disposal is still a perennial problem that the Both theories provide a framework to help
academic institution yet needs to explain, understand, and predict human
appropriately address and resolve. So far, behaviors when individual's involvement is
no study in the University has been voluntary and self-controlled. Linking these
conducted to assess how cognizant, theories to the study, the researchers
disposed, and responsive employees and hypothesized that students' awareness of
students are on solid waste disposal the negative consequences of
management. Thus, the study was indiscriminate disposal of waste can
conceived to investigate the level of favorably influence their attitude on how
awareness, the degree of attitude, and they can help to solve the wastes problem
extent of practices of employees and which will subsequently be manifested in
students of the University on solid waste their actions of managing their waste
management. Moreover, it also examined properly at home and in school.
whether their awareness, attitude, and On the other hand, while it is true
practices significantly differ when they were that human behavior may be driven by
compared according to status and religion. individual’s intention and attitude, it could
Also, the correlation between awareness, also be argued that self-interest can play a
attitude, and practices and age, educational vital role in the decision-making and acting.
level, and sex were also investigated. The According to the Rational Choice Theory
findings of the study intend to fill in the (Green & Fox, 2007), individuals act with
gaps in the literature on solid waste prudence and logic. The decision to act or
management in terms of fostering a better not to act is based on rational calculation,
46 Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal December

and the choice is made on available options campus, the educational institutions must
that will guarantee the greatest satisfaction engage in waste reduction and reuse as
or profit to the individual. Meaning to say, effective ways of reducing the impact of
individual human actions may also be environmental problems (Desa, Kadir, &
determined by self-interest based on the Yusooff, 2012).
pleasure and profit outcomes of doing or Cognizant of the significant role of
not doing. Thus, the theory implies that education in solid waste management, R.A.
proper waste management may not always 9003 mandates Philippine learning
be altruistic rather it may be influenced by institutions to integrate into their
weighing its cost and benefits. educational activities the awareness and
Relatedly, solid waste management practices of solid waste management for
awareness is an environmental campaign the environmental education of all
which aims not only to educate people on members of the academic community. The
the consequence of creating and managing introduction or integration of waste
waste but also to form in them the right management concepts and themes through
attitude which will consequently motivate environmental education in school at all
them to do desirable practices for waste levels will improve the understanding of the
disposal at home, in school, and elsewhere. members of the academic community on
Several studies have been conducted which proper waste management and more likely
linked responsible environmental behavior change their seemingly unfriendly waste
with knowledge, attitudes, verbal management behavior and practices
commitment, and sense of responsibility of (Ifegbesan, 2010 p. 211).
the person (Liou, 1992; Hines, Hugerford & A study by Desa, Kadir & Yusooff
Tomera, 1986); sociodemography, political (2012) that assessed the attitudes,
attitudes, environmental knowledge and behavior, and practices towards the solid
concern combined (Olli, Grendstad & waste management of 591 first year
Wollebaek, 2001). students from UKM, Bangi Campus showed
Given the context, education is vital that students have a high level of behavior
to the solid waste management program. and practices regarding solid waste
Educating people to waste management management program. However, the
will help them understand of the researchers noted that waste education and
indiscriminate disposal of waste to the awareness strategy are still needed to
environment and human health and develop more students' awareness and
empower them to act accordingly attitude towards managing solid waste to
(Chakraborti, Hussam & Alauddin, 2003). reduce the impact of the waste problem on
Along similar lines, environmental programs the campus.
must be integral to the school’s educational A similar cross-sectional study was
mission. Active participation of members of conducted by Licy et al. (2013) to assess the
the academic community is important in knowledge, attitude, and practice of 300
the implementation of its institutional high school and higher secondary school
programs for environmental protection and students on household waste management
sustainable development. Though recycling in Thrissur, Kerala. Using a self-
is the most visible, measurable, and administered questionnaire, the findings
enforceable environmental practice in the showed that high school students were
2017 Madrigal and Oracion 47

more aware of the importance of waste administered questionnaire in data

management compared to higher gathering, the findings showed that
secondary students. Both groups lacked students had a moderate knowledge of
awareness of e-waste and its disposal. The solid waste disposal. Moreover, their
findings further indicated that students knowledge did not influence them to
demonstrated a positive attitude towards practice segregation of solid waste.
waste management. Also, no significant Likewise, the study of Adeolu, Enesi
difference was found in the awareness and & Adeolu (2014) on the knowledge,
practice of students on waste management attitude, and practices of 358 students in
at home. The researcher also pointed out the secondary school towards waste
the need for waste management awareness management in Ibadan, Nigeria found that
to improve the practice of waste the students had a relatively moderate level
management. Parents should also be given of knowledge, attitude, and practice of
environmental education during parent- waste management. But the evidence of
teaching meetings or in community-based those who used indiscriminate solid waste
programs. disposal methods like open dumping and
But awareness may not easily be burning is still higher. The findings also
translated into practices. For instance, showed that students' sex, age, and class
Ifegbesan (2010) explored on the level of significantly influenced their level of
awareness and practices of waste awareness, knowledge, and practices of
management of 650 secondary school waste management.
students from Ogun State in Nigeria. A self- Also, Yildiz, Yilmaz, Demir, & Toy
administered questionnaire was used, and (2011) conducted a study to find out the
the findings showed that students were awareness and sensibility levels of 350
aware of the serious problem of waste campus people about environmental
management in their school, but they had problems in Erzurum, Turkey. The findings
poor waste management practices. It revealed that the respondents showed a
further indicated that their knowledge and moderate level of awareness and sensibility
practices with regards to waste about the environmental problems; but
management significantly differed when the despite their knowledge of the problems,
students were categorized according to sex, the subjects of the study never showed
age, and class membership. Likewise, a interest in them.
significant relationship was observed Another study was conducted by
between the students’ demographic profile Müderrisoglu & Atanlar (2011) which
and their knowledge and practices of waste investigated the attitudes and behavior of
management. The results may be traced to 507 undergraduate students from Abant
an ineffective waste management Yzzet Baysal University toward
education design for school children. environmental issues. It further looked into
Ehrampoush & Moghadam (2005) whether the courses which students
also conducted a cross-sectional study of attended, their locality and gender affected
the knowledge, attitude, and practice of their environmental attitudes and behavior.
solid waste disposal and recycling of 237 The result showed that students showed
students from Yazd University of Medical highly supportive environmental attitudes.
Sciences. Likewise aided by the self- However, the findings reported that the
48 Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal December

courses student took and their locality did corresponding to awareness, attitudes, and
not affect their environmental attitudes, practices on solid wastes management of
and behaviors. They also concluded that employees and students. Ten statements
gender affected environmental attitudes. were listed under each section, expressing a
Women were found to have high particular parameter in observable
environmental attitudes and behavior behavioral terms. The respondents
compared to men. Correspondingly, responded to each item using the Likert
Raudsepp (2001) also found a consistent scale such as Level of Awareness: 5 – very
relationship between demographics such as highly aware; 4 –highly aware; 3 –
age, education, and gender and moderately aware; 2 –poorly aware; 1 –
environmental issues and concerns. unaware; Degree of Attitude: 4 –strongly
Individual differences toward agree; 3 –agree; 2 –disagree; 1 –strongly
environmental issues may be apparent but disagree; and Extent of Practice: 5 –always;
collective action against common threat is 4 –often; 3 –sometimes; 2 –seldom; 1 –
not impossible to arrive at which this paper never.
wants to demonstrate.

Table 1. Profile of respondents

2.0 Methodology Variables n %
This study utilized the descriptive- Student 361 64.1
correlational research design to gather Faculty 111 19.7
relevant information about the awareness Non-Teaching
91 16.2
(consciousness or knowledge), attitude Personnel
(way of thinking, believing, and feeling), and Sex
practices (application or use of knowledge Male 170 30.2
or belief) of solid waste management of Female 393 69.8
employees and students. The purpose was Generational Age
to identify, describe, analyze, interpret, and Generation Z
65 11.5
compare correlates of solid waste (0-15 years old)
management (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Generation Y
374 66.4
Five hundred sixty-three (563) employees (16-36 years old)
and students of the University of Negros Generation X
96 17.1
Occidental-Recoletos, Academic Year 2017- (37-52 years old)
2018 were the respondents of the study Baby Boomers
28 5.0
(Table 1). They were determined using (53-71 years old)
multi-stage random sampling method. The Educational Level
sample size for student group was set at Elementary 24 4.3
95% confidence level with 5% margin of Junior High School 50 8.9
error. Senior High School 71 12.6
Based on the literature review, a College Student 216 38.4
researcher-made survey questionnaire was College Graduate 128 22.7
used to gather the data. It consisted of 30 Graduate Studies 74 13.1
items distributed among three sections Religion
2017 Madrigal and Oracion 49

Catholic 472 83.8 solid waste management (Table 2).

Non-Catholic 91 16.2 Comparably, female respondents (M=4.39),
Total 563 100.0 the faculty members (M=4.62), Generation
X (M=4.61), Master/Doctorate (M=4.66),
The questionnaire underwent and Catholics (M=4.39) obtained the
validity and reliability testing procedures highest mean scores
before the administration. For validity, the
questionnaire was assessed by three
assessors in the field—an environmentalist, Table 2. Level of awareness of solid waste
educator, and a researcher using Good and management
Scates Jury Validation Form. Meanwhile, to Interpretati
establish the reliability of the instrument, it M SD on
was pilot-tested to 30 employees and Status
students of the university but who were not Student 4.23 0.47 Very High
involved in the final survey. The reliability Faculty 4.62 0.39 Very High
index yielded 0.80 using Cronbach alpha.
Personnel 4.52 0.49 Very High
The data were analyzed by means of Sex
using descriptive and inferential statistics. Male 4.25 0.52 Very High
The mean was used to determine the level Female 4.39 0.47 Very High
of awareness, the degree of attitude, and Generational
extent of practices on the solid waste Age
management of the respondents when Generation Z 4.02 0.48 High
taken as a whole and when grouped Millennial 4.32 0.46 Very High
according to status, sex, age, educational Generation X 4.61 0.43 Very High
attainment, and religion. Because the data Baby Boomers 4.57 0.59 Very High
were not normally distributed based on Educational
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk
Elementary 3.74 0.49 High
Tests of Normality, the Kruskall Wallis H- Junior
Test and Mann Whitney U-Test were used High School 4.09 0.40 High
to determining the significant difference in Senior
the awareness, attitude, and practices of High School 4.41 0.45 Very High
the respondents when grouped according College
to status and religion, respectively. Student 4.25 0.45 Very High
Meanwhile, Pearson product-moment College
correlation coefficient was used to test if Graduate 4.52 0.47 Very High
there was a significant relationship between Graduate
awareness, attitude, and practices and age, Studies 4.66 0.36 Very High
educational level, and sex.
(n=472) 4.39 0.48 Very High
3.0 Results (n=91) 4.17 0.51 High

The respondents demonstrated a As a Whole 4.35 0.49 Very High

very high level of awareness (M=4.35) on
50 Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal December

Ranking their responses on Age

awareness, being aware of the "Clean as Generation 3.44 0.30 Very High
You Go Policy" (M=4.76), adverse effects of Millennial 3.61 0.31 Very High
solid wastes to health and environment Generation X 3.83 0.26 Very High
Baby Boomers 3.84 0.29 Very High
(M=4.65), degradation/destruction that
wastes can cause to the environment
(M=4.58), responsibility to properly dispose Elementary 3.35 0.33 Very High
solid wastes at home and in school Junior
(M=4.56), reduction of wastes they 3.48 0.26 Very High
High School
generate (M=4.57) obtained the highest Senior
3.65 0.27 Very High
mean scores. The items which respondents High School
were least aware of consisted of College
3.54 0.31 Very High
composting method for organic wastes Student
(M=3.92), financial resource which can be College
3.79 0.28 Very High
generated from wastes (M=3.97), excessive Graduate
buying creates more wastes (M=4.12), 3.86 0.21 Very High
sanctions for violation of not disposing
garbage properly (M=4.23), and the kind of Catholic 3.65 0.33 Very High
wastes generated (M=4.30). Non-Catholic 3.59 0.28 Very High
Interestingly, both employees and
students shared awareness on "Clean as As a Whole 3.64 0.32 Very High
You Go Policy", responsibility to properly
dispose solid wastes at home and in school, Categorized according to the
the financial resource which can be parameters of their responses in terms of
generated from solid wastes, and mean scores, the respondents believed that
composting organic wastes. Moreover, the proper waste management promotes
respondents showed a very high attitude environmental and human wellness
(M=3.64) on solid waste management (M=3.93) and the need to educate people
(Table 3) regardless of status, age, about proper waste disposal (M=3.91); felt
educational level, sex, and religion. embarrassed to throw wastes anywhere
(M=3.89) and responsible to dispose my
wastes properly (M=3.84); were concerned
Table 3. Degree of attitude on solid waste of the waste hazards to environment and
management human health (M=3.82); were inspired to
Variable M SD Interpretation keep one’s home, school, and community
Status clean and green (M=3.81); put importance
Student 3.54 0.31 Very High on proper wastes disposal (M=3.79);
Faculty 3.82 0.24 Very High considered solid wastes as both
environmental and social hazards to be
Teaching 3.82 0.28 Very High
Personnel collectively resolved (M=3.77); were
Sex committed to minimize wastes (M=3.74);
Male 3.63 0.33 Very High and took interest in environmental
Female 3.64 0.32 Very High advocacies of the school and community
Generational (M=3.69).
2017 Madrigal and Oracion 51

Comparatively, both employees and Studies

students shared the conviction that proper Religion
waste management promoted Catholic 3.77 0.66 High Extent
environmental and human wellness, Non-Catholic 3.50 0.66 High Extent
As a Whole 3.73 0.67 High Extent
commitment to minimize wastes and
interest in environmental advocacies of the
school and community. Looking into the solid waste
Furthermore, the employees and students management practices of respondents,
demonstrated a high extent of practices “Clean As you Go” (M=4.59) ranked first
(M=3.73) on solid waste management which was followed by putting trash in their
(Table 4). Regarding educational level, bags when waste bins are not available
elementary students showed only a (M=439); taking or buying things as needed
moderate extent of practices (M=3.12). (M=4.08); disposing properly hazardous
wastes (M=3.90); reusing and recycling
(M=3.77); segregating wastes (M=3.72);
Table 4. Extent of practices on solid waste volunteering for cleanups and
management of employees and students environmental activities (M=3.34);
Variable M SD Interpretation composting biodegradable wastes
Status (M=3.20); bringing reusable bags or basket
Student 3.58 0.62 High Extent (M=3.14); and attending environmental
Faculty 3.96 0.68 High Extent programs and activities (M=3.13),
Non respectively.
Teaching 4.02 0.64 High Extent Meanwhile, for both employees and
Personnel students, “Clean As You Go,” putting trash
Sex in their bags when waste bins were not
Male 3.66 0.70 High Extent available, and taking or buying things as
Female 3.76 0.65 High Extent needed were among the highest solid waste
management practices; while volunteering
Generation Z 3.42 0.67 High Extent
for cleanups and environmental activities
Millennial 3.66 0.63 High Extent and attending environmental programs and
Generation X 4.07 0.62 High Extent activities ranked as their common lowest
Baby Boomers 4.11 0.74 High Extent practices.
Educational The Kruskall Wallis test was used to
Attainment determining the significant difference in the
Moderate awareness, attitude, and practices when
Elementary 3.12 0.54
Extent respondents were grouped according to
Junior status. There were significant differences in
3.47 0.67 High Extent
High School the awareness *χ2=78.143, p=0.000+,
3.89 0.60 High Extent attitude *χ2=124.485, p=0.000+, and
High School
practices *χ2=51.754, p=0.000+ when
3.56 0.59 High Extent respondents are grouped according to
College status. Also, using Mann Whitney U test to
4.00 0.67 High Extent determine the pairwise difference in the
Graduate 3.96 0.65 High Extent groups, it was found that the students had
52 Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal December

significantly lower awareness, attitude, and However, their solid waste disposal
practices than that of faculty and the non- practices did not match their very high-level
teaching personnel. awareness. The result implies that while
Moreover, the Mann Whitney U knowledge and attitude may determine the
test, showed a significant difference in the course of person's environmental action,
awareness [U=16062.000, p=0.000], they must also be aligned with the
attitude [U=18158.000, p=0.018], and satisfaction and benefit that a person can
practices [U=16299.500, p=0.000] when derive from being concerned and
respondents were grouped according to committed to environmental initiatives.
religion. It implies that being a Catholic Thus, being conscious and convinced of the
University, its environmental education, in need to dispose of the solid wastes properly
general, and waste management program" must be coupled with the person's passion
in particular, were easily internalized by and will to do it because of its benefit to
Catholic students and employees. humans and the environment. This weak
The Pearson r test showed that and inconsistent relationship between
awareness was significantly correlated with environmental attitudes and behavior can
age [r(561)=0.316, p=0.000], education be attributed to the refusal to abandon the
[r(561)=0.379, p=0.000], and sex comforts of modern life (Diekmann &
[r(561)=0.129, p=0.002]. However, no Preisendörfer, 1998 as cited in Desa et al.,
significant correlation was noted between 2011). In like manner, Pope Francis (2014)
attitude [r(561)=0.025, p=0.025] and would attribute this to the prevalent
practices [r(561)=0.066, p=0.119] with sex. throwaway culture and consumerist
Nonetheless, these results further lifestyle of our generation.
confirmed how maturity in age and Moreover, the results indicated the
education were significant variables that shared consciousness, concern, and effort
enhanced positive relationships among the of the employees and students of the
cognitive, affective and active disposition of University to do something about the
individuals toward solid waste management mounting problem of solid wastes which
programs. There were significant endangers the environment and human
correlations between awareness and well-being. It validated the commitment of
attitude [r (561)=0.492, p=0.000], the University to environmental
awareness and practices [r (561)=0.520, sustainability which aims to establish a
p=0.000], and attitude and practices [r clean, greener, and safe campus for all the
(561)=0.412, p=0.000]. members of the academic community. In
this context, employees, especially
Discussion teachers, are expected to demonstrate a
Overall, the findings confirmed that more advanced environmental
behavioral intention and attitude indeed consciousness, attitudes, and practices.
influenced behavior. Meaning to say, the Teachers have the responsibility to teach
very high awareness and attitude of and guide students to understand
respondents on solid waste management profoundly and respond appropriately to
favorably influenced their solid wastes the problem of solid waste management
disposal practices at home and in school (Esa, 2010).
(Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1991).
2017 Madrigal and Oracion 53

Likewise, the findings also affirmed that the more educated and matured in age
of the vital role that academic institutions the people are, the more aware, concern,
play in the environmental education and and committed they are towards
sustainability. Through their academic and environmental issues such as the problem
non-academic programs and initiatives, of solid waste (Raudsepp, 2001; Ifegbesan,
schools can indeed raise awareness, 2010; Adeolu, Enesi & Adeolu, 2014; GEM
develop the right attitude, and promote Report, 2015). On the other hand, the
desirable practices among the students, emphasis on care for the environment with
faculty, and staff which can help mitigate the release of Pope Francis' encyclical
the growing problem on solid wastes. Laudato Si (2014) and environmental inputs
However, active participation of the embedded in religious education
members of the academic community is instructions and environmental seminars
importantly needed to integrate and and fora may have in a way influenced the
implement environmental programs, mindset, attitude, and practices of Catholic
projects, and initiatives. More importantly, respondents on solid wastes management.
more than just being aware and interested, Furthermore, the findings revealed
employees and students must be truly that females are more conscious about solid
engaged in desirable and effective ways to waste management compared with males,
reduce the serious impact of the negating the findings of previous studies
environmental problem such as the that male are more knowledgeable on
indiscriminate disposal of waste (Desa, environmental issues such as solid waste
Kadir & Yusooff, 2012; R.A. 9003; Ifegbesan, management (Abdul-Wahab & Abdo, 2010;
2010). Previous studies claiming that Esa, 2010). In fact, related studies showed
awareness and attitude on solid wastes that women perceive and exhibit more
management problems do not necessarily environmental sensitivity compared to men
translate to effective solid waste (Paco, Raposo, & Fiho, 2009). According to
management practices (Ehrampoush International Institute for Sustainable
Moghadam, 2005; Adeolu, Enesi & Adeolu, Development (2013), women advocate and
2014; Yildiz, Yilmaz, Demir, & Toy, 2011) support environment-friendly products
have been validated by the current findings. than men. Nevertheless, regarding
Also, the significant difference found attitude, and practices, men, and women
in the awareness, attitude, and practices of were both have positive attitude and
respondents when grouped according to practices of solid waste management. Sex
status and religion signifies that employees has no correlation with attitude and
and Catholics were more aware, disposed, practices. The finding did not support
and actively engaged in solid waste previous studies on the relationship
management matters compared to between the practice of waste management
students and non-Catholics. Possibly, this and sex (Raudsepp, 2001; Eero, Grendstad
may be due to the educational attainment, & Wollebaek, 2001; Ifegbesan, 2010).
maturity of age, and rich experiences of Finally, the findings affirmed that
employees compared with students. The indeed there is a close association between
findings linked to age and education with knowledge, attitude, and practices on solid
solid waste management awareness, waste management. It found concurrence
attitude, and practices. It merely implies with the previous studies conducted (Jones
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