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AFRIKA KORPS, Errata/Clarifications, Packs 1-12

Q. You are correct about Toasted in Tunis. There should be two 2-2-7 crews for the two 37LL ATG.

RT: Yes, that is correct. Input prior to last printing, scenario reflects version 1.1.

Q. I did send the correction (before printing) about changing the second 4-6-8 squads group to 4-6-7. The
first group should also have been changed to Elite (rather than '1st line'). Changed in previous print run.

RT: Correct, the 4-6-7 is 1st line and the tiny 'E' should be a tiny '1'. These changes were already made in
previous printings.

Q. I haven't received my copies yet, so I haven't been able to verify all corrections/edits were included. I'll
advise and post any needed errata/corrections once I have these in hand.

RT: Your copies will reflect the 1.1 version with the errata input. I already discarded copies with the earlier
version once it was caught by one of the guys that has now been brought on as an additional proofer.

Q. I'm not sure what you're asking about Valentine II's or Hurricane aircraft? They're not in this scenario.

RT: Use the data on the counter (the 40L gun and ROF) as shown.

Q. On the counter sheet, you missed adding a white dot for the Valantine II's.

A. Correct, and the proofers also missed the LGP for the Valentine II. New proofers will hopefully sharpen
us to zero errata on the counters as this has to be and will be improved. Replacement Val II's coming on
the counter sheets for the new AK packs. Use the Chap H values of course and the bonus counters if you

Q: Benghazi Bottleneck: Are the overlays hills or hillocks, because in the VC it says that there are level
one hills, level two hills and so on but in the SSR, nothing is said. Also, is that a Pz jg 1 or a Pz 1B?

RT: You are correct, as indicated by the SSR's those are Hills. The addtional verbiage used in a bunch of
the AK scenarios has been added as errata as follows: Corrected as of previous printing.

1. EC are Moderate, with no Wind at start.
2. Place overlays as follows: H3 on N2-N3; Tr1 on Q1-Q2; H24 (on top) on R7-S8; Tr1 on T25|T24; V6
(on top) on S15-T15; H21 on K15-L15; S5 (on top) on E15-F15; S3 on E20-D20; W13 on H10-G10; H8 on
Y10-Z10; R5 (on top) on S21-S22; and H35 on Y23-X22. Overlays H35, H8, and H21 are hills and not
hillocks, with Level 1 and Level 2 heights.
3. No British units may move during turn one (EXC: Rout and Advance is not restricted). The Germans
may not use APCR during this scenario.
4. Note: British Guns (and their crews/SMC in the same Location) may set up using HIP.

Yes, the PzJg1 is correct. Good to see you figured all that obvious stuff out yourself, we don't expect that
kind of reasoning to be applied without complaint at all times. As for the chances of victory, you are
missing something very obvious tactically which I will leave you or others to figure out.

Q. Actually that one H overlay (not sure which one as I don't have the overlays in front of me) has a
singular level 3 location in addition to level one and two locations. That needs to be mentioned in the
SSRs. I also would imagine that that singular level three location needs to have a point value assigned to
it to meet the VCs. Not done yet for the errata on this one.

A: Agreed and amended. Yes, all H overlays are Hills, not Hillocks, with Level 1, 2, and 3 hexes (e.g.,
there is one Level 3 Hill in play). No other terrain features except those already mentioned in the
Objectives provide VP however, no change there. Here they are:

“OBJECTIVES: The side that accumulates the most Victory Points at Game End wins. VP for Control of
terrain are awarded as follows: 2 VP for each building hex of overlay V6; 3 VP for Level 1 hexes; 4 VP for
Level 2 hexes; and 5 VP for Level 3. In addition to terrain VP, the Germans receive Exit Victory Points for
any vehicle exited off the east edge within THREE hexes of hex T25.”

Q. Has the combined errata page for the Afrika Korps series been updated recently? Does it reflect all
known errata at this point?

A. Yes, and we're happy to add any and all. The doc has been updated to version 1.3, available at our
site. Chantal thanks you!

A. Change AK #20 SR #4 to read: Already input in the previous printing.

4. The Americans may utilize HIP for one squad-equivalent (plus any SMC/SW in the same Location).

BLUNTED BLADE AK #32 Setup clarifications.

Q: I'm pretty sure the village overlay V17 should be set up on P22-O22 NOT P22-Q22 as printed. The
former aligns the village road net with both track overlays; the latter places the village all over other
overlays in a way that makes no sense.

A: Yes. Overlay V17 should set up on P22-O22. Already corrected in previous printing.

Q: I also think there is an error in the Axis set-up directions. They should probably set up in hexes LESS
THAN or equal to 23, which places them nicely in the village...

A: Yes. Set Italian units up in hexes less than or equal to 23, on/between hexrows I-S.

Q: Finally, shouldn't the hillocks be hills?

A: Possibly. I'll have to wait and see what Ray has to say about that.

Q: AK 38 Short of the Goal: Direction Arrow is wrong! Shouldn’t it face up not towards the Tobruk letters
(i.e., the west edge is the top of the map where the American enters, and the French set up on /east of
hexrow G)? The way the Arrow is facing makes that impossible. So it had to be rotated one click counter
clockwise. Corrected in previous printing.

DL: Yes, the direction of North should be corrected facing the top of the scenario card.

Q: AK 25 Jefna Outflanked uses two R3 overlay. Corrected in previous print run.

Q: AK 13 Agedeba Sunset In the Italian set up, does Ray mean no more then ONE AFV per hex?
Corrected in previous print run.

DL: Yes to both questions. There is only one R3 overlay available, so one overlay will need to be deleted.
Remove the R3 overlay that sets up on D10-D9.

Q: AK 49 code word laxative, what are the actual boundaries? In the VC's it says within three hexes of
GG 5, well GG isn’t in play.

DL: The scenario card is partially correct. The exit area is within three hexes of GG25. One overlay is
incorrect. The overlay that says Tr1 (on top) on T18-U18, should actually say: "Tr1 (on top) oP16-Q17."
Also, the Map Layout is incorrect. It should say "only hexes numbered < 25 in hexrows A-GG are
playable." Corrections made in previous printing.
'Deaf Forever To The Battle's Din' Corrections: Corrections made in previous printing.

There was some overlay confusion. Two overlays were missing and one had the wrong hex coordinates.

Overlay D9 should be placed on V17-W17.

Before placing the V6 overlay, add the following two overlays, Tr1 on T19-S20; and T5 on S20-T19.

AK9 : SSR3 clarification needed:

Q: Italian set up: does the Italian player set up his unit adjacent and or =< 3 hexes from the LAST british
AFV set up or is it free to set up adjacent or =<3hexes from ANY AFV. Corrected in last printing.

A: The LAST AFV that was just placed on the map.

Q: What happens if during STEP3 the british set up an MMC and no AFV, does the Italian player skip his

A: No. He places it => 3 hexes from that last placed unit.

Q: Is the italian T-H hero subject to the pre '44 +1 to his ATMM roll [1.4231 CC & ATMM]?

A: Would say no, since the SSR does not mention the specific rule case notation for pre-44 usage. I
amended this to YES, and added it as a clarification in version 1.2 of the scenario. Bottom line is --- that is
an ASLRB rule, and nothing in the SSR denies it, thus it is not denied.

Q: First Clash # 92: Shouldn't the Germans enter on the East and the British from the West? Both
reputable history books and the card narrative say so, but the set-up directions are reversed.
Added in new version 1.1.

DL: Yes. See also comments here:

Q: Point 290, #93, Shouldn't the VC be clarified to say "The side that controls the most level
3/4/5 hexes WITHIN THE GERMAN SET UP AREA at game end wins"? Otherwise, you are
expecting the Germans to attack into superior numbers and the Allies start by controlling twice the
number of level 3/4/5 hexes.
DL: Correct. Pretty obvious, corrected as version 1.1 for new printing.

Q: EL Duda Nights #91: Same question as Point 290. Although the number of level 3/4/5 hexes
each side starts in control of is about even.

DL: This Objective is correct as it is. No change necessary. No change made.

Q: AK 72, The Tobruk Perimeter, Overlay H3 is supposed to go on X14-X15 but X is not in play.
So where does this overlay go? Also note that the sand overlay is wrong too in Tobruk Perimeter,
AA is not in play. So are there any thoughts on the eratta for this one?

A: Place overlays H3 on I9-I10; S4 on J12-I13. Corrected and reflects version 1.1.

Sabratha Stand has some minor errata. H35 should be noted as levels 1, 2 and 3 and H24 should be
noted as levels 1 and 2. This is in regards to SSR 2. Corrected, reflects version 1.1.

AK 7 Kidney Punch Is the placement of overlay W14 correct?

A: In its current state, it covers two hill overlay hexes. That’s why it states, “on top” in the SSR. No change

Q: What are rules for the Brit FB? Can it make a strafing run with both its 40L and MG's?

A: Yes.

First Clash #92: Shouldn't the Germans enter on the East and the British from the West? Both
reputable history books and the card narrative say so, but the set-up directions are reversed.
This was already addressed is previous errata, above. No additional change made.

A: Yes. See also comments here:

AK 92, First Clash - Add one 25-pdr. as an on-map reinforcement, and just allowing the Brits to
move first. This is not cogent, no idea where it came from, no changes made.

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